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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, # JPG.jpg)

b934ce No.2440096

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

"/Qresearch/ does not condone violence or the incitement of violent acts against any groups and/or individuals."




Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095, >>>/qproofs/49 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215, >>>/qproofs/130

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/3vw9N96E-aQ

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 08.03.18

>>>/patriotsfight/117 ————————– We have the server[S].

>>2436694 ————————————– Right on schedule

>>2435826 ————————————– T_D mods removing QAnon comments

>>2435401 rt >>2434941 ——————- Think WRAY (yesterday) Think [RR] (today)

>>2434815 rt >>2434705 ——————- What a wonderful day

>>2434705 ————————————– Do you believe in coincidences?

>>>/patriotsfight/116 ————————– List of sealed indictments ( Cap: >>2433964 )

>>>/patriotsfight/115 ————————– List of reporters who colluded with the HRC Campaign ( Cap: >>2433773 )

>>>/patriotsfight/114 ————————– BIGGEST COVER UP IN US HISTORY [ATTEMPTED] ( Caps: >>2433500 , >>2433557 )

>>2430708 ————————————– Full attack mode. Washington Post leading?

>>2426184 rt >>2425988 ——————- Incorrect decoding. Not the person. Think connection

>>2425988 rt >>2425560 ——————- Comms dark. Message sent. 5:5?

>>2425781 ————————————– How do you safeguard the integrity of our elections

Thursday 08.02.18

>>>/patriotsfight/113 ————————–------- Something BIG is about to drop

>>2422155 rt >>2422143 ------------------- Now We Know Why Q Didn't Post Before the Rally

>>2422097 -------------------------------------- Threat received. USSS acted appropriately.

>>>/patriotsfight/112 ————————– Think New Arrivals. Proofs are important. Thank You Autists/Anons.

>>2413825 rt >>2413389 ------------------- VIP Access.

>>>/patriotsfight/111 ————————– SHEEP NO MORE.

>>2407847 -------------------------------------- Welcome to the Mainstream.

>>2406483 rt >>2405745 ------------------- [[RR]] Approved FISA. FISA = Start

>>2405745 ————————————– FISA FISA FISA

Wednesday 08.01.18

>>2397365 rt >>2397147 —————— Fishing is fun!

>>2395861 ------------------------------------- What happens when you are a THREAT to the MSM/OLD GUARD?

>>2395254 rt >>2395142 ------------------ Did you notice the FOX NEWS coverage of ‘Qanon’ last night?

>>2395142 ------------------------------------- MSM Coordination? Pre-planning has its advantages.

>>2394125 ------------------------------------- Mainstream = when you are the news.

>>2393006 rt >>2392766 ------------------ Who is the one person who can answer about QANON? POTUS. [Less Than 10].

>>2391916 rt >>2391787 & >>2391804 Numbers of Patriots Worldwide & Message to Steyer

>>2391757 rt >>2391684 ------------------ You are now mainstream. Handle w/ care.

>>2391684 ------------------------------------- Do you think they got the [4am] memo?

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

FIND ALL Q POSTS AT: qanon.pub , qmap.pub/ , qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ , qanon.news/posts.html

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

b934ce No.2440104


are not endorsements


>>2393582 Thank you for your interest in Q and QResearch >>2410101 Please watch this video

>>2327065 How to filter gore spam >>2334211 (new: Add into [Options] -> Theme)


>>2440068 POTUS latest tweets

>>2440057 FBI paid dossier author Christopher Steele, heavily redacted documents show

>>2439832 , >>2439895 Reed Smith Haiti connection

>>2439809 , >>2439829, >>2439844 George Soros' mansion. Dig

>>2439803 Why is the mid year exam FBI report referenced by Q referred to the department of Treasury?

>>2439751 Reed Smith BoD

>>2439719 Storage device is a Cisco NSS-344

>>2439616 John Tighe reports on the new NXIVM board named in Necker Island 2010

>>2439615 Pics of Servers in latest Hillary FBI drop

>>2439558 Headsup to newfags on Tiresias the Tard, one of our resident psychos

>>2439506 One of the founders of Reed Smith was a Federal Judge

>>2439482 111 days says Iran is next

>>2439415 HRC RELEASE: GET IN THERE. Previous findings in notes below

>>2437947 (pb) Lashback at Acosta

>>2439461 (pb) Anon reports that while qanon.pub says EST it is in fact showing EDT. Can Qanon.pub anon take a look?

>>2440092 #3076


>>2439121 Reference to the existence of backup files for the destroyed blackberries

>>2438823 , >>2439071 Reminder that qanon.pub is in EST (one hour behind EDT)

>>2438900 Page 99 The successor server reference

>>2438785 Google in China and Project Dragonfly

>>2438763 Full list of who NOT to vote for

>>2438730 QQuotes on 'the server'

>>2438720 , >>2438732 , >>2438891 , >>2438898 , >>2438993 Past QPosts ---- Recap for Newfrens

>>2438384 (all lb) >>2438388, >>2438401, >>2438408, >>2438418, >>2438442 Screenshots of HRC server docs .pdf

>>2439331 #3075


>>2438486 Kushners Sell 666 Fifth Avenue Office Tower To Brookfield

>>2438356 POTUS tweets on Space Force

>>2438241 Breaking news on the dossier

>>2438011 Q posts a cap from qmap.pub

>>2437787 (pb) Judicial Watch: Letter ordering HRC's files destroyed

>>2437994 server[S] ideas

>>2437965 Michael Steinbach dig

>>2437950 Donald Trump on Hillary Clinton's 33,000 yoga and wedding emails

>>2437944 Tampering of evidence by the "Filter Team"

>>2437935 Clockfag Update

>>2438552 #3074

#3073 (new baker)

>>2437620 New Comey tweets

>>2437477 Huma was interviewed by the FBI on Jan 6 2017

>>2437208 Planefag reports

>>2437198 MSM buying bots to bolster ratings

>>2437126 , >>2437350 Notable server photos

>>2437819 #3073


>>2436971, >>2436985 Q has all the servers

>>2436639, >>2436644 Steele Timeline

>>2437835 #3072


>>2436167 Reporters '2-mode social network'

>>2435826 The_Donald Mods trying to shut Q down (failing)

>>2435773 Link to Steele/FBI correspondence release from 2 hours ago.

>>2435764 HRC's lawyers negotiate evidence with Obama's DOJ

>>2435662 RR in a no win situation

>>2435659 Feb 2016 Steele Admonishment

>>2438465 #3071

Previously Collected Notables

>>2439881 #3070,

>>2433273 #3067, >>2433961 #3068, >>2438504 #3069

>>2430144 #3064, >>2432454 #3065, >>2432470 #3066

>>2428633 #3061, >>2429370 #3062, >>2429395 #3063

>>2427032 #3060, >>2427058 #3059, >>2427852 #3061

Best Of Bread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

b934ce No.2440106

War Room


#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1667382 --- META

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

>>2021597 -- Clockwork Qrange #2 ("Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers.")

>>2089271 -- New chat bread to try to take burden off QResearch off-topic discussion >>2089312

>>2178691 -- NEW Executive Summaries on Each Q Subject Thread - Project

>>2294272 -- No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

>>2371258 -- PixelKnot Research

>>2399939 –- Clockwork Qrange #3 ("Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers.")

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071

Q Graphics all in GMT #31-#34 >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073 , >>2437633 , >>2437666

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————-————————————- >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————————-— >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————- >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —————— >>>/comms/966

b934ce No.2440110

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Q Clearance Archive:



MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ZrZmyCrZ!7tQFH5oiZ01e76HAKzk0LOyODUi5A3urBY0qskjdlxg

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/385344100/Q-s-Posts-CBTS-9-8-0?secret_password=63DaSySfUkJt7v3G6txW

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4cvmmxr5b4n222s/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%209.8.0.pdf'''*

Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup:''' docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: https://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: https://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* NOPE button >>2374212

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can abe used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

* Resignation Posts Search Tool: https://www.resignation.info/scripts/8chan/search.php

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* PAVUK Keyword searchable archive of ALL the qresearch general breads & graphics: >>2418076

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

26, >>2163922, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon ——————— https://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

==Q NEEDS YOU! NEW BAKERS REQUIRED!== Read this -→ >>2438883

b934ce No.2440118

File: 07f9ca8d5e3566c⋯.jpg (473.47 KB, 775x436, 775:436, #WeHaveItAll.jpg)

#3077 Dough


8decd2 No.2440137

Thank you to the volunteers of this board. Your efforts permit the smooth dissemination of important information.

b934ce No.2440143

New Baker Requested

e26e5b No.2440181

File: ac394eaa350c151⋯.jpg (68.94 KB, 960x741, 320:247, 1533342749099.jpg)

Lol its over

e26e5b No.2440185



842cae No.2440192

Does anyone have the source for the news report that claimed Q and "Blacks for Trump" are fringe groups.

Need to let my community know that they are "fringe" if they don't stay chained to the D party.

a7a1d8 No.2440206

Well if endless media attacks weren't enough, combined with shills out the eyeballs. now we have Sean Spicer stating Q isn't legit adding even more fuel to the fire of both shills and the media going to be fun around here soon as they gloat endlessly

55717a No.2440215

File: 4e3774273d0cddb⋯.png (338 KB, 702x378, 13:7, ClipboardImage.png)

thanks baker

7d9f80 No.2440227

File: 7a35ec8d7c59cf7⋯.png (66.12 KB, 309x273, 103:91, IMG_0152.PNG)

55717a No.2440228

File: e0032c7c0db0338⋯.png (12.44 MB, 5217x3256, 141:88, AskTheQsidebyside.png)



fa3726 No.2440229


except you forget…. only Potus can answer that question

721b20 No.2440231

File: 8c7cad8771b969c⋯.png (319.69 KB, 367x452, 367:452, ty-baker-jenna-q5.png)

be09a5 No.2440232

File: 4aee682696645b5⋯.png (13.12 KB, 492x166, 246:83, nofoolshere.png)

25f3b1 No.2440233

Eleven found killed in Mexico border town ahead of president-elect's visit

Eleven bodies were discovered on Friday in a Mexican town close to the U.S. border, days before president-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is due to visit for a series of forums seeking to stem the violence in the country.

The bodies of eight men and three women were found in a home in Ciudad Juarez, the government of the northern state of Chihuahua said in a statement. It said the people were victims of homicide.


77c012 No.2440234

File: ce8b01ec9fea9b8⋯.png (41.37 KB, 1343x478, 1343:478, FBIpaidSteele.png)

FBI releases documents showing payments to Trump dossier author Steele


8ec781 No.2440235

JUDGE who ordered the restart of the DACA program today was also a FISA Judge

John Deacon Bates (born October 11, 1946), is a Senior United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. He was appointed by President George W. Bush in

December 2001, and has adjudicated several cases directly affecting the office of the President.

In February 2006, he was appointed by Chief Justice John Roberts to serve as a judge of the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA Court).[4][5]

▪ In November 2013, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence declassified and released a circa-July 2010 (date classified) FISC ruling by Judge Bates authorizing the National Security Agency to restart mass collection of internet metadata, including those of U.S. persons.[10] In this ruling, Judge Bates noted that the NSA had been violating provisions of various laws, but nevertheless decided to allow the government to continue many aspects of the mass surveillance program. Critics of encroaching U.S. security state policies, in a nod to the Bates numbering method used in the legal field, appropriated the "Bates stamp" moniker as a neologism to refer to often uncritical FISC scrutiny of U.S. government conduct when considering Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications.[11]


The restart won’t be immediate. U.S. District Judge John Bates said Friday that the order would be delayed until Aug. 23 to allow the government to appeal, but he denied a Justice Department motion to reconsider his earlier decision, saying there were still deficiencies in the administration's rationale for rescinding DACA.

55717a No.2440236




you're either shills or fucking retards

choose one

002bb8 No.2440238

File: 47dc1c920aa6568⋯.jpg (62.55 KB, 675x601, 675:601, 1532279074199.jpg)

we're all gonna make it, lads

61109e No.2440239

File: 5cdb488c3e9cb9e⋯.png (1.26 MB, 900x1998, 50:111, Screenshot_2018-08-03 Air ….png)

https:// www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/meteor-thule-air-base-air-force-asteroid-earth-hans-kristensen-nuclear-missile-russia-fireball-a8476896.html

7f9649 No.2440240

File: 307f25130d68a15⋯.png (3.27 KB, 264x89, 264:89, big stock drop.PNG)

dab79d No.2440241

File: 13822e5a9ea3925⋯.png (3.11 MB, 1500x1149, 500:383, forgottenman_Qmovement.png)

>>2439743 <<prev.

>Can an Anon who's not tech challenged put these two side by side please. make it one meme. would be powerful.

hope you're still around, here's a version

c61582 No.2440242

File: 3ca48e981f104f8⋯.png (210.42 KB, 416x302, 208:151, ClipboardImage.png)





7d9f80 No.2440243

File: f9ab6df68f57844⋯.jpg (2.81 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_0316.JPG)

german military mercedes g460 imported through the DOD

no title

found on ebay

a1a284 No.2440244



is that real?

1f6247 No.2440245

File: 510ac7d4b3b1432⋯.jpg (136.79 KB, 600x600, 1:1, fitefrog.jpg)

842cae No.2440246



5342ea No.2440247


Late in bread

about Q in MSM

my take

4b8977 No.2440248

August 2018 - Jews are shitting themselves all over the MSM and internet

4d05b0 No.2440249

File: 0226cda12fe1c77⋯.png (139.92 KB, 1080x489, 360:163, Screenshot_20180803-175134….png)


Tbh how the fuck would Sean Spicer know

Eric Trump seems to think the opposite.

25f3b1 No.2440250

Manafort's tax preparer details efforts to falsify loan amounts

A tax preparer who worked for Paul Manafort said Friday she changed the amounts of loans to his consulting firm in an effort to lessen the amount he owed in taxes and told a bank that a loan to the company had been forgiven despite not believing that occurred.

Cindy Laporta of Kositzka, Wicks and Company described to the court how she reported $900,000 as a loan to Davis Manafort Partners International when it was really income. She also told the jury she informed a bank from which Manafort was seeking a loan that another $1.5 million loan on his consulting firm's books had been forgiven, despite having misgivings.

Laporta began working on Manafort’s account after his previous tax preparer, Philip Ayliff, retired in mid-2014.


63453e No.2440251

File: 4af038db934e973⋯.jpg (373.77 KB, 753x861, 251:287, Chan Archive Service.jpg)

File: c1e4bd10b372850⋯.jpg (208.87 KB, 1200x1196, 300:299, I am the storm POTUS.jpg)

Spreadsheet updated to post >>>/patriotsfight/117


Nested Screenshots (in EST) updated

AUGUST 18: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2rc5iqf5m/

Other months available back to Feb.

If you want links for the other months, just ask!

Full-sized images Q posts/responds to updated:


It looks like the Storm has arrived

^^^ can be used for PixelKnot

986995 No.2440252

File: f959218d09aa538⋯.png (313.34 KB, 524x322, 262:161, ROSIE.PNG)

File: e3f4f1922bfddcb⋯.png (393.25 KB, 550x508, 275:254, ROSIE PROTESTS TRUMP AGAIN.PNG)

Broadway performers plan protest outside the White House

Rosie O'Donnell and cast members from some of Broadway's biggest musicals plan to serenade President Donald Trump on Monday — but from outside the White House in protest.

The group will sing "The People's Song" from "Les Miserables," Burt Bacharach's "What the World Needs Now Is Love," ''A Brand New Day" from "The Wiz" and "Climb Ev'ry Mountain" from "The Sound of Music" from Lafayette Park.

The performers will be current and former Broadway cast members from "Wicked," Beautiful," Hamilton," Phantom of the Opera," The King and I," Les Miserables," Cinderella," Xanadu," The Producers," ''Head Over Heels" and more.

The trip is organized by Seth Rudetsky and James Wesley, the host and producer of Sirius XM's "On Broadway." It will be livestreamed on the MoveOn Facebook page.


21c6bb No.2440253

File: 64d6d62fc2cda56⋯.jpg (12.06 KB, 255x157, 255:157, pepe1.jpg)

55717a No.2440254



**try not to post your (you)s from Q

now anyone can post that and claim its their (you)**

5e25f5 No.2440255

File: b1ce48264635ce0⋯.png (639.67 KB, 650x923, 50:71, B7649A38-8221-452D-9076-E1….png)

565f1b No.2440256

File: f7117b4243cae31⋯.png (401 KB, 990x746, 495:373, New_York_State_Q_Schumer_I….png)

>>2440060 (lb)

1f6247 No.2440257

File: eb56591d4da7531⋯.jpg (326.15 KB, 1000x749, 1000:749, vampfrog.jpg)


yes we are….

a16ef7 No.2440258

We need to bring Mooch back.

This is a fight, sorry anons, we are not civilians anymore.

a7a1d8 No.2440259


I know I'm just pointing out how they're going to gloat and push it endlessly now that they have that as 'proof' it's a larp

5e88d9 No.2440260

File: 560c645032efa50⋯.jpg (13.73 KB, 480x318, 80:53, ozzy on guns.jpg)


cea371 No.2440261

We have the server[s] and the boob[s]

5342ea No.2440262

File: aa5aa06d9c34194⋯.png (101.16 KB, 1280x944, 80:59, 30degreeangle.png)

Thank you baker

66a1de No.2440263


Chill. Wait for the reveal. Denial is the first step toward admitting something most times. It beats ignoring.

First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. (We are here) Then they fight you. (We are heading into this territory) Then you win. Tada!

721b20 No.2440264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Storming the beaches of the COMPED Reddit moderators

af6e00 No.2440265

>>2439853 (shill in lb)

Go fap to your grandma's hanging meat racks, you FagTwat fuktard who eats fuking shit cupcakes for breakfast in your parents basement in your yellow wife beater & boxers full of holes, all while you wish your cock was big enough to fit in your own asshole!

dab79d No.2440266

>>2440230 <<prev.

<epic last post for a thread

15d250 No.2440267

File: 46675927f314046⋯.png (24.22 KB, 636x292, 159:73, McCarthy re FBI Dossier 8-….PNG)

File: cd4c12a83fb0fc6⋯.png (320.37 KB, 666x682, 333:341, WE 1 re FBI Dossier 8-3-18.PNG)

File: acf930fd9a57a0b⋯.png (150.32 KB, 631x591, 631:591, WE 2 re FBI Dossier 8-3-18.PNG)

File: 5efab158d8174b0⋯.png (48.06 KB, 649x553, 649:553, BSexton re FBI Dossier 8-3….PNG)

FBI releases heavily redacted documents on Trump dossier author


So, does POTUS declassify everything during Hannity's or Ingraham's show?

9c7980 No.2440268

File: cd63dfb2a76b53f⋯.png (371 KB, 2378x668, 1189:334, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)

File: d56b0a1084e9699⋯.jpg (112.12 KB, 800x593, 800:593, laughingpepe.jpg)

Delightful Friday Night Pending

7d9f80 No.2440269

File: a0dd74e970d26b6⋯.jpg (2.22 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_0445.JPG)

look a burning pyramid

2e8811 No.2440270


i don't understand the supposed problem with this logic:

IF Q is legit, let POTUS expose the truth (they have everything any way)

IF Q is not legit, and we're being lied to, I (as a patriot) want to know about it.

55717a No.2440271


you still don't know a damn thing about physics

4b8977 No.2440273

File: 1ed2773842e48df⋯.jpg (9.92 KB, 176x255, 176:255, bb14d7eb777630ef85ed147d78….jpg)


here comes the boom fren

a7a1d8 No.2440274


apparently you lack reading comprehension and are yourself a fucking retard

9d317c No.2440275

File: 2b2629b612ec029⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1400x850, 28:17, MR.png)

File: 8b3dda8707c805a⋯.png (1.36 MB, 850x1100, 17:22, Baker! NO!.png)

565f1b No.2440276

File: 9dd750b38be9e38⋯.png (301.95 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 3_men_in_a_room_schumer.png)

7d9f80 No.2440277

File: d6144a210f32767⋯.jpg (89.35 KB, 382x500, 191:250, IMG_0121.JPG)

2c1cbf No.2440278


Why are you here then?

6d46d9 No.2440279

File: d0479028ffe1dfd⋯.png (48.94 KB, 693x772, 693:772, ss.png)

Sean Spicer says Q is not legit in his AMA?

cea371 No.2440280

File: 928b38c53cdcd21⋯.jpeg (905.38 KB, 1125x1478, 1125:1478, 7401920A-5B28-45BA-9141-3….jpeg)

Boobs for victory

0a4132 No.2440281


Baker notable

7f9649 No.2440282

File: aeb5ad5aa6911f6⋯.png (273.49 KB, 798x662, 399:331, C_A hacking cars.PNG)

File: 7081c010aa2f736⋯.png (424.07 KB, 1068x1083, 356:361, Cars.PNG)

61d719 No.2440283

>>2440221 (last bread)

Illegals, DACA fuckers

and Anchor babies

have to go back

they beat out kids out of everything

through affirmative action.

They receive more school funding, scholarships, and have a 90% higher chance

to be accepted in to a College, ( Colleges get brownie points on accepting them )

not to mention once out in the work force they are hired based off their status and race.

I have no bleeding heart but for my county and my own children and American people.


459160 No.2440284


Much kvetching. Top kek.

Holohoax-→JFK-→USS Liberty-→9/11

Darkness to light.

Saving Israel for last.

55717a No.2440285


>now we have Sean Spicer stating Q isn't legit

pick one: shill or retard

0693bf No.2440286


Spicer is on the outside..

ee9deb No.2440287


nigger off back to (((rebbit)))

98bc6f No.2440288

File: 2a26d958f884e9a⋯.png (1.36 MB, 936x792, 13:11, WWG1WGA.png)

95a0cb No.2440289


ThankQ SSanon… Your service is not going un-noticed.

be09a5 No.2440290


ex-WH staffer Sean Spicer got shown the door for a reason.

579b3a No.2440291

Q has been debunked. By Trump's former press secretary.

It's over.

11deaf No.2440292


I read a report that the release is heavily redacted, so that not much can be learned about how much and when.

5e88d9 No.2440293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


it's called search engine

5342ea No.2440294


You have to use MSM against MSM

if they published it is valid and thus proven.

That is the only way to show Qanon not a conspiracy.

5e25f5 No.2440295


Congrats, you’ve made the list.

Pick up the phone

7d9f80 No.2440296

File: 25a6c2d360af8ca⋯.jpg (2.84 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_0622.JPG)

boy that was a full day of shitting on americans

cea371 No.2440297

bc0d83 No.2440298


Jail him. His order is invalid.

8ec781 No.2440299


STFU go away

b46f9a No.2440300

the only person that will verify Q is POTUS

11deaf No.2440301


I guess the shills will all be leaving now.

004345 No.2440302


Anon, this daca decision today means nothing. It'll be appealed to the Federal Appeals Court, and then, if need be, to the Supreme Court. By which time, Kavanaugh will be a sitting justice. And it'll get killed officially and finally.

579b3a No.2440303


Denial won't change reality.

Q is debunked.

63453e No.2440304


oops, came out wonky

Full-sized images that Q posts located in the permanent off-site gallery can be used for PixelKnot, not the Storm



I am just so grateful to be able to help in a small way & serve!


b795ff No.2440305



excellent description about the beginning of internet and who owns and builds these websites and who is believed to be behind Q websites. Not good.

4b8977 No.2440306


>Holohoax-→JFK-→USS Liberty-→9/11

>Holohoax-→JFK-→USS Liberty-→9/11

>Holohoax-→JFK-→USS Liberty-→9/11

>Holohoax-→JFK-→USS Liberty-→9/11

>Holohoax-→JFK-→USS Liberty-→9/11





98bc6f No.2440307

File: 3c0aba369e3ca43⋯.png (1.36 MB, 936x792, 13:11, WWG1WGA.png)



w/o red line


55717a No.2440308


nope, they got to push this as the newest tactic

like this: >>2440303


5342ea No.2440309


then the cos of 60 degrees?

002bb8 No.2440310

File: 949f31b096d0ad3⋯.jpg (44.81 KB, 500x387, 500:387, answer the call.jpg)

a1655a No.2440311

File: 83d06660a9010a3⋯.jpg (58.53 KB, 558x725, 558:725, doj rr 8 2 18.JPG)

Defending Liberty

Pursuing Justice


no words at the moment…

5e88d9 No.2440312


Hey that's mine faggot

1f6247 No.2440313

File: e120d88e8f8366b⋯.png (363.12 KB, 635x576, 635:576, atakfrog.png)


Crumb #1746


cedad3 No.2440314

File: 712d5d6b450a126⋯.png (286.86 KB, 406x695, 406:695, ClipboardImage.png)

dab79d No.2440315


hey, snopes, whuddup. it's a liddle more complicated than that.

but at least you're somewhat funny

7d9f80 No.2440316

File: efe0294700028f6⋯.jpg (2.68 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_0472.JPG)

8ec781 No.2440317


Thank you!

7dd831 No.2440318

Got a feeling Disclosure is going to play into this.


55717a No.2440319

4b8977 No.2440320

Need an EO for holodomor denial

5e25f5 No.2440321


Is your refrigerator running

66a1de No.2440322


Hey hey ho ho Whats up SA? We thank you for your work today!

95a0cb No.2440323


The movement has moved past Q for the most part. They still add clues that are useful to diet-woke anons. The movement was always about waking up the Patriots to the real news.

312375 No.2440324


I prefer the S-Class convertible with the AMG dual turbo's.

5342ea No.2440325


valid you ain't bad

cedad3 No.2440326

File: 43702561e3ffefc⋯.png (416.02 KB, 400x636, 100:159, ClipboardImage.png)

579b3a No.2440327

"Is Q legit?"


It's over.

13a95e No.2440328


He left before Q started in any case. Plus I doubt he would spike the ball before POTUS.

f472bf No.2440329

File: f9371630e138a89⋯.png (6.44 KB, 1857x170, 1857:170, ClipboardImage.png)


66a1de No.2440330


Santa? Is that (you)?

e337d9 No.2440331

File: c4b47b220c6e7fc⋯.jpg (373.17 KB, 1301x793, 1301:793, StoryOfSpygateDossierLiesS….jpg)

b1d91b No.2440332

File: 50dac955cfb1c5c⋯.jpeg (279.67 KB, 526x650, 263:325, B8713DB3-4B91-4FA0-8923-C….jpeg)

File: b28a6c3d5191eca⋯.jpeg (508.05 KB, 1392x1600, 87:100, 1424396A-9DEC-437A-A8CF-2….jpeg)

KEK!!!!! >>2440214 lb pic related

da1cfe No.2440333

File: 8255c587c5e5faf⋯.jpg (95.93 KB, 751x500, 751:500, BananasQ.jpg)

File: 995bd5efd8d19b3⋯.png (148.13 KB, 1076x515, 1076:515, MainstreamQ3.png)

File: f0bedc85c942c31⋯.png (122.35 KB, 1079x864, 1079:864, MainstreamQ1.png)

File: dd6c2be7c30448c⋯.png (649.11 KB, 1077x784, 1077:784, MainstreamQ2.png)


Here ya go.







324ef0 No.2440334

8ec781 No.2440336


Are you bored? Go play on Reddit

cea371 No.2440337

File: 88544b472b885fc⋯.jpeg (244.96 KB, 447x451, 447:451, 80966963-0B82-4BDF-9CFB-8….jpeg)

Armor of Trump

25f3b1 No.2440338



cedad3 No.2440340

File: 551985c66c80db9⋯.png (361.01 KB, 407x644, 407:644, ClipboardImage.png)

7d9f80 No.2440341

File: e7ebb8a28cc26aa⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.25 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_0167.JPG)

1fd9e0 No.2440342


Thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

15d250 No.2440343

File: 2fe86cac9e9a315⋯.png (359.74 KB, 657x668, 657:668, Fitton re WE re FBI Dossie….PNG)

2c1cbf No.2440344

File: b318b4b8c6c4f87⋯.jpg (18.67 KB, 400x400, 1:1, moron....jpg)

7d9f80 No.2440345


<<long black weiner

a16ef7 No.2440346

For those iof you who are newer, i don't blame you.

For those of you who have been here since the beginning, it never ceases to amaze me the self-doubt that some of y'all have. i know the gas lighting is strong. But you forget so easily.

When i was a kid, i used to think how the fuck did Peter, Thomas and all the other disciples deny and constantly doubt Jesus after seeing plenty of miracles first hand. Now i understand.

>>in b4 christian hate for the comparison

f60346 No.2440347

File: 9bded84b28a6be4⋯.jpg (111.43 KB, 1424x542, 712:271, 9bded84b28a6be4183c7e199f5….jpg)

e1bb65 No.2440348


whaddup Randy?

d03c50 No.2440349

File: cffe498172234ba⋯.jpg (71.98 KB, 450x645, 30:43, quaid trust the plan.jpg)

61109e No.2440350

File: 8444d08514e485b⋯.png (2.2 KB, 420x80, 21:4, Screenshot_2018-08-03 Q.png)

0a4132 No.2440351

Thank god Sean Spicer finally said that the last 11 months of my life have been for nothing.

Otherwise, I may have continued to dig on all this crazy satanic shit.

cff5a3 No.2440352

File: 3bc6955ce8b5349⋯.png (387.86 KB, 596x1898, 298:949, ets.png)


55717a No.2440353

File: d13afdfc80f8a8c⋯.png (51.93 KB, 1024x359, 1024:359, shill.png)



cedad3 No.2440354

File: 569c2f6f1791176⋯.png (392.31 KB, 408x647, 408:647, ClipboardImage.png)

2e8811 No.2440355


or, force it.

convince them to print that it is CRIMINALLY DANGEROUS and demand exposure.

11deaf No.2440356


"Oh, and hey Molly, make it about the bakers. Maybe we can discourage them a little here while we're at it."

"Sure thing, boss."

13a95e No.2440357


Shitter's full and Q is real.

All I need to know.

b0f67e No.2440358

>>2440135 (lb)


If he didn't deny it & said Q was real…Would the_donald mods delete his comment?


8030a8 No.2440359

File: 8693c30d002044b⋯.png (141.28 KB, 278x386, 139:193, Screenshot_400.png)


What a wonderful lady!

"We support Freedom of the Press, and we also support the Freedom of Speech…we think those two go hand-in-hand."

Someone make a meme!

a7a1d8 No.2440360


please go back to school and learn to read with comprehension as apparently you are in fact a fucking retard. or become an hero that's another good option for low IQ mongoloids like yourself

459160 No.2440361


Quaid memes show great promise.

55717a No.2440362


go back newfag

cbd821 No.2440363

It is not known if Q is a singular or plural entity.

dab79d No.2440364

File: a24389764987c55⋯.png (303.23 KB, 888x757, 888:757, 2017-11-22 DTTT Q Code.png)

File: dfa6f65df640998⋯.png (2.36 MB, 1111x6516, 1111:6516, 2017-11-22 Q_DTTT_Pick up ….png)


Congrats, you got the reference

90d1bb No.2440366

File: 4c328c541fa97ec⋯.jpeg (116.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, B523650A-FA68-48F1-A84A-A….jpeg)

File: 3817825cbf74675⋯.jpeg (117.99 KB, 820x519, 820:519, B7F78964-E8D9-4099-BE8E-3….jpeg)

File: 37af3dab1464310⋯.jpeg (103.65 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 7D135D26-F893-4814-865F-D….jpeg)

File: dd1cc21551473c4⋯.jpeg (110.92 KB, 820x519, 820:519, BAF7A36F-AAF6-4CEF-8721-C….jpeg)

File: ff53a427f5c3563⋯.jpeg (135.79 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 4787F932-A0B0-46D7-A371-7….jpeg)

Trust clam

ac0672 No.2440367


>plan to serenade President Donald Trump on Monday — but from outside the White House in protest.

Go right ahead, morans. POTUS is on vacay in Joisey all next week.

ff43c4 No.2440368

File: a40e5427e6abb86⋯.png (431.94 KB, 750x500, 3:2, goyimknow0033.png)


When the average man and woman learn of their crimes against children, there will be no place safe for them.

d03c50 No.2440369

File: 329f6067bba03e3⋯.jpg (124.68 KB, 600x800, 3:4, quaid laughing.jpg)

a16ef7 No.2440370


kek, (Spicing Intensifies)

4514db No.2440371


Yes. Doesn't mean he's correct though.

c4a40f No.2440372

File: bac5bf13850d372⋯.png (11.7 KB, 264x89, 264:89, bigdropanon.png)


or edit it like this.. then keep original clean

( • )( • )

55717a No.2440373


going with shill

cedad3 No.2440374

File: c922b853a6dda9a⋯.png (463.33 KB, 403x632, 403:632, ClipboardImage.png)

e1bb65 No.2440375


your asshole is faggot


95a0cb No.2440376


It is known, read the crumbs fag.

be09a5 No.2440377

File: f270672c20fd142⋯.png (7.46 KB, 211x211, 1:1, heheh.png)


Oh. So are you declaring that you "won" something? Okay. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

MAGA is not done yet. Not by a long shot. Patriots will continue doing that.

80b9c6 No.2440378


and still Q will keep on posting…. what the fuck are you doing here piss of then

1f6247 No.2440379

File: a3e2810a3e3cba0⋯.png (265.23 KB, 622x500, 311:250, pupoop.png)

fbbe4d No.2440380


This FAKENEWS story is definitely NOT


In the story, it contradicts its headline by quoting the Air Force:

We're not providing any comment on that, except that it didn't impact operations at Thule.

Ask yourself, if the Air Force states this is a nothing burger, then where on earth did the media find the beef? Because I can't even smell the sizzle and the damned buns are all stale and at least a week old!!!

f947ae No.2440381

File: 637fedbb3d8fd75⋯.png (2.79 MB, 1548x1252, 387:313, patriots.png)



here's another one for PatriotAnon

b0f67e No.2440382


Isn't that just another start to the weekend for them?

cea371 No.2440383

My phone didn’t ring but maybe it will one day I would be thrilled, but Q could just visit me at work any time honestly

7d9f80 No.2440384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3550f6 No.2440385


Say hi to DTTT for me… oh wait I forgot.


4514db No.2440386


They always did that

944d71 No.2440387

File: 626803b2de785fa⋯.png (578.28 KB, 1312x868, 328:217, HRC Reed Smith Connection.png)

HRC Reed Smith Connection. . . .

Senator Hillary Clinton Attends Yale Law School Classmate's Art Opening at Reed Smith Washington Office


e15795 No.2440388


Salut Randy. Comment ça va?

e1bb65 No.2440389


Well fuckin say something post a video, dont just mock us with your mug shots

You hear? Randy Quaid EB!!!

7b81a8 No.2440390

File: 87fe1c0eff19f20⋯.jpg (60.19 KB, 540x380, 27:19, RosieOProtest.jpg)

4aa8b2 No.2440391

>>2439733 lb

Interesting stuff anon.

Here's a little timeline of habbenings around this time if anons are interested:

10/1/2017 Las Vegas Shooting

10/4/2017 Assange last seen in public

10/5/2017 Harvey Weinstein harrasment reported in New York Times

10/5/2017 Trump: "The calm before the storm"

10/18/2017 NXIVM branding reported in New York Times

10/28/2017 Q starts posting on chans

10/29/2017 Jared Kushner travels to Saudi Arabia

11/3/2017 Trump begins Asia trip

11/4/2017 Saudia Arabia Crown Prince starts crackdown

11/8/2017 Trump dines in Forbidden City

0a8679 No.2440392


Ethan, please don't

c7e679 No.2440393

File: 71fc3ea6c1e16c2⋯.jpg (19.14 KB, 653x450, 653:450, wikileaks hillary understa….jpg)

File: b96d49dcd6dc8ed⋯.png (82.34 KB, 785x515, 157:103, podesta trusting david bro….png)

File: d9a81125e310e1b⋯.jpg (163.04 KB, 1561x906, 1561:906, 2016.10.08 - Wiki - Brock ….jpg)

f472bf No.2440394


where do you work lol

986995 No.2440395

File: 9026dfe94aa4a9a⋯.png (275.75 KB, 483x507, 161:169, QAnon.PNG)

The left are going to be in a bit of a shock when they start waking. Remember, they will be going through the 5 stages of grief from their old life to being woke. We went through them and so will they.

1. Denial & Isolation

2. Anger

3. Bargaining

4. Depression

5. Acceptance

This is when they realize Q is real and everything Q has been saying is real.

0a4132 No.2440396


Not fake news, you even stated that THEY stated that "it didnt impact operations" kek

055a33 No.2440397

File: 0adffd26d76ef54⋯.jpg (73.35 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 0adffd26d76ef549faf5cbc387….jpg)

cedad3 No.2440398

File: 9257d961ed95bbe⋯.png (285.02 KB, 398x633, 398:633, ClipboardImage.png)

1f6247 No.2440399

File: 28509d9ee1f7781⋯.jpg (19.48 KB, 599x362, 599:362, 1-tool.jpg)

7dd831 No.2440400

File: 6f662bbfa04c6f9⋯.jpg (58.9 KB, 700x676, 175:169, DjsvyaWU8AAmQu1.jpg large.jpg)

72c733 No.2440401

File: 8607e7f8e6ed4fd⋯.png (52.52 KB, 406x356, 203:178, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)

01830a No.2440402


Backup Baker Reporting for Duty

Ready to go for a while.

Confirming Handoff?

Pending BO BV Confirmation if available

51bbe5 No.2440403


Thank you baker for the (you) >>2439415

bb825d No.2440404

File: 7fc7fa73749d8f0⋯.jpg (3.92 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, 1527567984.jpg)

Guise, one of our very brave pilots. WWG1WGA

a7a1d8 No.2440405


true but it's going to intensify even more. though not sure why they think a former white house spokesman would be privy anyway, but shills gonna shill

cea371 No.2440406


For the good guys

25f3b1 No.2440407

As national media worry about tone of Trump rallies, three GOP lawmakers receive death threats

Police arrested two men in connection to death threats made against three Republicans members of Congress.

Law enforcement officers arrested Carlos Bayon of Grand Island, N.Y., Wednesday after they connected him to threatening voicemails made to Republican Reps. Steve Scalise of Louisiana and Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington.


8ec781 No.2440408


Stop posting that fake crap

0a4132 No.2440409


Anon, please stop self doxxing and posting weird sweaty pictures of your face lol

e337d9 No.2440410

File: 6b64b424535ec79⋯.jpg (374.65 KB, 1301x793, 1301:793, StoryOfSpygateDossierLiesS….jpg)


Wow, found & fixed an embarrassing typo.

I guess nobody read this when I posted it yesterday. My bad, fixed now.

182a13 No.2440411


What? Someone actually thinks Sean Spicer is relevant and knows what is going on? He wasn't ousted because he's brilliant. He's outta the loop and too busy playing with his tiny wangdangdoodle.

8030a8 No.2440412


Thanks, Anon!

5342ea No.2440414


no forcing a lady will get a knee in the nuts or a criminal complaint.

A lady will reach out to you when she is ready by a signal - flipping her hair or an article What is Qanon with open question not label. A lady that labels you will predetermine any input you give.

cedad3 No.2440415


how bout you stupid bitch…

ee9deb No.2440416



d03c50 No.2440417

File: e9173d12fa87d16⋯.gif (23.64 KB, 310x760, 31:76, happening.gif)


Only faggots have to "Debunk" (deny without research) things, so they can feel superiority arrogant.


They are still at 1 (defcon)

f472bf No.2440418


sweet. o7 thank you for your service.

51bbe5 No.2440419

File: 7e8c3c9f21286c0⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 3744x3000, 156:125, ass.jpg)


Forgot image. ;)

002bb8 No.2440420

File: ec01d97260eca3d⋯.jpg (498.71 KB, 1205x388, 1205:388, 2018-08-11 First Contact w….jpg)

posting for future reference


7d9f80 No.2440421



it is german for mindfucking

579b3a No.2440422

You fell for a larp.

It's over now.

You'll fight and #resist, but you know the truth.

It's a larp.

dab79d No.2440423



that's just some twatter, proves nothing

e9e0b8 No.2440424


its time to stop posting. and do some research, find out who your talking about and why were here in this dark corner of the web. no shilling or spoon feeding here, bucko

15d250 No.2440425


Not a valid proof

Space Force is a fan account

55717a No.2440426

File: eb5b0055f9fd4ec⋯.jpg (49.63 KB, 649x636, 649:636, pepeREEE.jpg)


you newfags piss me off

or you're a shill, then I laugh at you

fe6276 No.2440427

WOW! Dude >>2440280

You're in it deep now - >>2440295

Q and team let it slide the first 5 or 6 hundred times the pic was posted but I'll bet he's just really pissed now!


312375 No.2440428


It may not have been the best move asking the fellows at the gay bar if you could push in their stools.

fbbe4d No.2440429

File: 295584878dd2c0d⋯.jpg (109.1 KB, 800x1241, 800:1241, Up_On_Two_Legs_Standing_Pr….jpg)


Oh Yeah?

Well read the image file name above.

a1a284 No.2440430


you can like a catch-phrase without knowing all of the implications someone else might draw from that phrase

8030a8 No.2440431


Fake and gay?

9d317c No.2440432


Santa from Wilkes Barre rally?

2b76de No.2440433

dudes/dudettes was at work phone fag lurking.

Hory Shet

"What a wonderful day!"

It's easier to red pill when this is out in the open.

People seem more drawn to check it out.

Even a liberally confused friend (never thought I'd see the day) is waking up.


7dd831 No.2440434


Check POTUS recent tweet re: NASA


95a0cb No.2440435

File: 48f8ddee62deaa5⋯.jpg (83.68 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, cryingPepe.jpg)


Fucking Patriot of the highest order.

21ecb0 No.2440436

This feels like its R.A6 move…. or im 1 conflict behind current place in match…

Means bishop move to seal is close at hand!!!!

ee9deb No.2440437


this shit again? Stop.

d4dd89 No.2440438

Interesting way to stop the SC…the courts!


cedad3 No.2440440


dang you too…read notables before you show how stupid you are

ff43c4 No.2440441

Low energy trolling?

At least make an effort.


b934ce No.2440442


Handoff Confirmed

Thank you Baker and enjoy ; )

Some notes for you.

BV/BO please be advised


>>2440267 Washington Examiner Reports: FBI releases heavily redacted documents on Trump dossier author

>>2440235 Judge who ordered the restart of the DACA program today was also a FISA Judge

>>2440234 ABC Reports: FBI releases documents showing payments to Trump dossier author Steele

>>2440212 (lb) Las Vegas Sheriff Announces End To Mandalay Bay Massacre Investigation

4514db No.2440443


No it isn't. It's not over till Trump says so.

7d9f80 No.2440444



has a prepaid wheelchair

4b8977 No.2440445


If it's a LARP and it has all of the media scrambling, acting retarded, then it's a win anyway.

Are you scared or just stupid?

e337d9 No.2440446

File: 647b7746ba60d9f⋯.jpg (198.27 KB, 1000x720, 25:18, PopcornDine.jpg)

c427a9 No.2440447

File: 853abf46467331f⋯.jpg (16.8 KB, 600x400, 3:2, spice.jpg)

f947ae No.2440448

File: 16f95b71dfaa4bf⋯.png (130.84 KB, 920x649, 920:649, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)


can't remember if this got logged..

Quite the list of people!

8030a8 No.2440449

File: 4fedf8b24f4f875⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1736x912, 217:114, Screenshot_589.png)

98bc6f No.2440450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

jam for bread

8ec781 No.2440451


It’s bedtime, stop playing with the keyboard and be a good shill

004345 No.2440452


While this is wending it's way through the courts, pay attention to what's happening in the administrative agency realm. You'll see that the program is being chipped away at, reduced, little by little, by DHS and Immigration.


84efdc No.2440453


Wouldn't be surprised if the mods edited the comment.. that seems to be a common theme of plebbit.

ec5b58 No.2440454

Just went to that pavuk site to try and search the archives for "Treasury" (Department)

The site immediately gobbled up all memory resources. Had to kill it via Task Manager.

Starting to get a hint of why the FBI would pull the Treasury Department into "Mid Year Exam".


"FBI special agents work closely with partner law enforcement and regulatory agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Internal Revenue Service, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, among others, targeting sophisticated, multi-layered fraud cases that harm the economy."

But why, if Strzok etc were trying to COVER UP corruption and fraud, would they involve Treasury?

I'm coming up empty-handed here. Anybody?

cbd821 No.2440455

Shills havea sense of impeding doom…PANIC!!!

4514db No.2440456


haha fat chance. The info we can document is terrifying to them.

944d71 No.2440457

File: 918629e7ec83074⋯.png (348.53 KB, 1281x800, 1281:800, Reed Smith Human Trafficki….png)


Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

We remain committed to work toward the elimination of any possibility of slavery in our supply chain. Reed Smith’s supply chain is similar to the supply chain of other professional service businesses and is relatively simple.

Although we regard the provision of legal advice as a business with a low risk of having involvement with human trafficking and slavery, we are not complacent. We are aware of the scale of the problem and the efforts of the authorities in many countries who struggle to deal effectively with these serious crimes. We continue to monitor and work to improve the systems in place to ensure that our business and supply chain is free from modern slavery.


eeb960 No.2440458


>>2440402 No previous bakes. Welcome to the kitchen. Will monitor.

95a0cb No.2440459

File: 3f177db655055bc⋯.png (157.28 KB, 734x590, 367:295, apu-dog-hug-3 v2.png)

721b20 No.2440460

File: d115ed0a58fb6c4⋯.png (925.21 KB, 955x633, 955:633, patriots-fight-26.png)

b0f67e No.2440461


God I hope so.

66a1de No.2440462

5342ea No.2440463


I do not claim to be a physicist, but I do feel geometry explains physics. i have lots of misses yes but hits too.

8030a8 No.2440464

464f0d No.2440466

File: 0708842a5aea923⋯.jpg (36.89 KB, 360x368, 45:46, donaldtrump02rejpg.jpg)

Here's whats' FUN anons.

Watching the INFLUX of clown activity, only let's U.S.

Know that Their soldiers have arrived LATE to an already


ThanQ 4 Playing.



be09a5 No.2440467

986995 No.2440468


Stop posting this site as real. It's a fan twitter

f7fa2e No.2440469

File: 0bfb75a29fb84d8⋯.jpg (51.99 KB, 482x299, 482:299, RQ-40k.jpg)

064a3f No.2440470


We're still at Stage 1 with most people. Many waking up everyday. The unredacting of the 20 pages of FISA will help our cause greatly!

e1bb65 No.2440471



I am good being Anon, thanks anyhow. How the fuck are you? You safe now?

8ffaf7 No.2440472

WOW internet down .

There is fuckery afoot

a68f97 No.2440473


bake us proud, anon

b46f9a No.2440474

File: 448bcd5c6fcf79f⋯.gif (646.62 KB, 245x245, 1:1, panic.gif)

8bc463 No.2440475

File: 667fd6ce7289e0c⋯.png (238.72 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 667fd6ce7289e0c11947ddbee7….png)

File: 23c2fe421f003c4⋯.jpg (168.79 KB, 750x969, 250:323, Djph5FZU8AA_mox.jpg)

Just Do It.

8ec781 No.2440476


Hahaha, make a contribution, keyboard warrior

387340 No.2440477


so i missed it what proves its a larp today

ca6646 No.2440478


would be a good time to test all the sirens in the area kek

8030a8 No.2440479


I'm doin my best! You are one post ahead of me!

721b20 No.2440480

File: 026311ed8fb1104⋯.jpg (187.29 KB, 1536x1152, 4:3, 026311ed8fb11044e6cd1bd7b9….jpg)

da1cfe No.2440481

File: 9fe2c0caf097d3c⋯.jpg (169.24 KB, 888x500, 222:125, Migration9.jpg)

File: 7320e204e277ec3⋯.jpg (88.11 KB, 750x500, 3:2, KKKparty.jpg)

File: dd09828559ca823⋯.jpg (25.17 KB, 468x268, 117:67, NeoJews.jpg)

File: 3ce5b82711d5467⋯.jpg (3.67 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, Mediass.jpg)

File: 02bd3ee6343b4db⋯.jpg (102.6 KB, 750x500, 3:2, JewWish.jpg)


Yeah people are dumb.

Also Jesus didn't do physical magic.

He "miraculously"…


4514db No.2440482


It's a verified account anon. Still doesn't prove anything.

01830a No.2440483


Thanks BO, don't know why I keep showing no previous bakes… Last I remember I had 3 or 4 on your list and it used to work…

9d317c No.2440484


And raise POTUS approval rating to 70%.

cedad3 No.2440485

File: d6b076cacf2dfa9⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 1747x1247, 1747:1247, WhichOne.jpg)

fbbe4d No.2440486


And you know this how?

Oh, I see, you made contact with them and they told you. So you admit that you are a LIAR!!!

If you already made contact then August 11, by definition, cannot be first contact!


05fdc6 No.2440487

File: 3ced5ae571f4fcb⋯.jpg (81.02 KB, 450x364, 225:182, rosie-odonnell.jpg)

0a4132 No.2440488


Sean Spicer said "No"

Q is larp

We all crazy

11 Months down the drain


Thank god Sean fucking Spicer cleared that up.

And with such fucking description, too.

58f055 No.2440489

Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.


25f3b1 No.2440490

Trump’s controversial voting commission found no evidence of fraud, ex-member says

President Trump’s decommissioned panel on election integrity found no evidence of widespread voter fraud, a former panel member wrote in a letter Friday.

"I have reviewed the Commission documents made available to me and they do not contain evidence of widespread voter fraud," Maine's Democratic secretary of state, Matthew Dunlap, wrote to Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach.

Pence and Kobach, both Republicans, led the commission before it was shut down amid numerous legal challenges.


be09a5 No.2440491

File: 6d572fe60be5047⋯.gif (462.32 KB, 360x240, 3:2, 6d572fe60be5047fe8a9fe3c75….gif)

b0f67e No.2440492



d03c50 No.2440494

File: a5621a653513922⋯.jpg (136.71 KB, 1024x477, 1024:477, 3001.jpg)

File: 0b1210081dd01cc⋯.jpg (202.74 KB, 1024x614, 512:307, bill and hill Walk away.jpg)

File: c111effad021744⋯.jpg (281.12 KB, 1920x816, 40:17, calif ice 2050.jpg)


Pure Gold

Soon CNN will be calling Randy Quaid for his comments on Q anon

3585ef No.2440495

File: bc2e7c5b4a15248⋯.jpg (73.31 KB, 1877x462, 1877:462, haiti.JPG)

File: 2b9019eaef93fde⋯.jpg (81.53 KB, 944x393, 944:393, evacuate.JPG)



f7486c No.2440496

SORRY anons

was one of the anons sticking up for kate

quite sure I WAS WRONG

rare case of my autism failing me - need sleep


5342ea No.2440497

00196c No.2440498

File: 8926817e41b71dc⋯.png (267.15 KB, 1050x2780, 105:278, screenshot-old.reddit.com-….png)



01830a No.2440499

File: b2a2b214cfe601d⋯.jpg (8.95 KB, 255x174, 85:58, HandoffConfirmed.jpg)


Godspeed Baker

Thanks for your service in the kitchen!!

48d86d No.2440500

File: 6870ed40b825bb7⋯.jpg (63.52 KB, 640x369, 640:369, hillary-greed-and-power-e1….jpg)

File: 685427c7d8892bd⋯.jpg (25.16 KB, 233x395, 233:395, obama kickbacks.jpg)

File: ae03ad77f5452e0⋯.png (3.72 MB, 1510x2328, 755:1164, 6n5m1h3hzdjy.png)

File: c5ccf65718f9e63⋯.png (158.05 KB, 1000x963, 1000:963, 0405_-_lKTgLlD.png)

>>2439446 last bread

>>Why is the mid year exam FBI report referenced by Q referred to the department of Treasury?

(((The biggest tax evasion/RICO case in history. FBI/DOJ too tainted/infiltrated. US Treasury enforcement and revenue collection about to go "Ka-ching!")))

66a1de No.2440501


That, my friend is a very good question. One which my brain cannot compute.

bfb9b5 No.2440502


SHHHAAAAARRRRON!!!! did i say it roit?

e1bb65 No.2440503

File: 12967ee1beb1db0⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 3395x2646, 485:378, 17-051.jpg)


third one from the bottom

5697ed No.2440504


they think an obvious larp as sean spicer said q wasn't legit is valid proof, KEK!!!! Even if it was him, why would some fucktard failure of a spokesperson be in the loop with that info

002bb8 No.2440505

File: c4c9437d147819d⋯.png (82.22 KB, 255x207, 85:69, fug root beer.png)

e784b6 No.2440506

So are Sean Spicer and Space Force shills the soup of the day?

I almost feel bad for the little shills. I used to enjoy the challenge of sniffing them out but it has become child's play at this point.

2efb24 No.2440507

File: a2cd750bd92dd4c⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, thumb-1920-398379.png)

Just emptying the shitter


helping drain the swamp.

fb3d17 No.2440508


is that still you jim

>>2439419 (lb)

>>2439876 (lb)

you at least make me laugh

2e8811 No.2440509

File: f93090d10cf8156⋯.jpg (345.92 KB, 1758x1061, 1758:1061, Q-1644-points.jpg)


fair enough.

what if i tell the lady that this was taken as a signal?

5e25f5 No.2440510

File: 71000bb05ea3325⋯.png (78.51 KB, 268x180, 67:45, 9C875BDA-58D2-4BB1-8F2A-03….png)


Becuth Willith thaid tho

8ec781 No.2440511


Friday night cheap entertainment:)

be09a5 No.2440512


You're on a VPN I bet.

dab79d No.2440513

File: 3a6d182fce94d6b⋯.png (974.2 KB, 777x769, 777:769, ThebAkeTeam.png)

>>2440473 >>2440143 >>2440402 >>2440458

you make/bake us proud. thanks, bakers/bo


(can't believe they're sending in "larp" shills… phew. good luck with that)

a1a284 No.2440514


>Spicer Says Q is Fake


whether we like it or not

182a13 No.2440515


Well, I'll say this. Randy, if that is you posting the pics, welcome. Give us some H-wood insider dirt. If not, meh. No big deal. I've seen many worse shitpost shill slides.

a1cecd No.2440516

Been a lot of anti-Q shilling on Reddit/T-D for months.

However, shits going into overdrive in past 72hrs.


Do they really think this will work?

Clown tactics are truly disappointing.

002bb8 No.2440517


you're a shill this bread.

i get to be a shill next thread.

3339b1 No.2440518

File: 2b890b5a4dd7594⋯.jpg (15.17 KB, 474x315, 158:105, marco.jpg)

File: 26d6df8e2ae726c⋯.jpg (107.47 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, fox-news-logo.jpg)

Marco Rubio just went Fox China is a Bigger threat then Russia.

Say it isn't so Rubio, you jumping of the Russian Hoax

cea371 No.2440519

They have never sent their best because they don’t have them. They are horribly inept actually, it’s disappointing a little because they are this evil global cabal inspires spooky awe but represent like the Cleveland Browns in reality.

5e88d9 No.2440520


Santa is from the North Pole, that looks like Randy Quaalude

2b76de No.2440521


he wouldn't know, just like SHS

a1a284 No.2440522


Spicer Says Q is Fake


8bc463 No.2440523


agree w/ this pat, i do….. but text looks added on to navy sheet.

15d250 No.2440524


Hail to the the Psychic as that was just posted

01830a No.2440525


I do it almost every night Anon & many times during the day as well. We are good :)

721b20 No.2440526

File: ed8e43943154300⋯.png (291.83 KB, 500x493, 500:493, Pepe-plan-together-love-it.png)

a16ef7 No.2440527

TWE sent me here, and said you guys didn't believe my AMA, because Mods censored and changed my answers?

I will be fair and say of course I can not know 100%, but I will say 99% that it is a LARP(?). My old job was at the White House and I never heard it mentioned once. Hopefully you all can come around and use your talents to help support the MAGA agenda instead of whatever hacker you all think is saving the country. Mean no disrespect but just wanted to clarify! Thanks!


002bb8 No.2440528


>i admit i have no idea what a screencap is

3550f6 No.2440529


Go fuck yourself AFLB you are fucking traitor.

ec5b58 No.2440530


Liddle Marco is a liddle late to the China Party, I'd say.

986995 No.2440531


Spicer is not one of the 10 that knows

b934ce No.2440533


Thanks BO. When you were first back I didn't want to jump in and ask you about this, but if you've time, is there any news about the archiving situ? None of July's breads are archived and the resource sites (qanon.pub, s-sheet etc), are showing 404 links from Q posts etc. BV said you'd all be looking into it asap.

I member you saying you thought they were archived at the end of each month, but that didn't happen at the end of July. Any news?

e1bb65 No.2440534

File: e065081d109d875⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 5120x2160, 64:27, 5120x2160.jpg)


no no no its my turn dammit

5342ea No.2440535


It was pushed now you have to push the boulder up hill.

c61582 No.2440536

File: 9a6d2abb912b5e8⋯.png (345.95 KB, 370x542, 185:271, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbd893bee14143c⋯.png (229.56 KB, 369x547, 369:547, ClipboardImage.png)





cedad3 No.2440537

File: 64ab658bdac12f2⋯.png (236.43 KB, 434x253, 434:253, ClipboardImage.png)

Just to be clear, which one?

4b8977 No.2440538


post tits or GTFO

you fucking larp

02daea No.2440539

File: b2a6c33d6b6be57⋯.jpg (1.99 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, image.jpg)

They see us winning, they hating

13a95e No.2440540


Spicer was like fuckin' Rainman at the mic every day. Soooo fuckin' cringe…

d04906 No.2440541

File: f0846e6cb71c4f7⋯.jpg (208.52 KB, 956x586, 478:293, soros 13.jpg)

File: ded473e5dfbf685⋯.jpg (137.09 KB, 800x525, 32:21, clinton 1.jpg)

File: 5097ec8ebed7acc⋯.png (800.46 KB, 799x522, 799:522, clinton 2.png)

holy shit lads

on soros and Clinton's properties

bc9459 No.2440542


Bosses won't give em a lunch break, full attack mode. They HAVE to take advantage of this MSM wave

8b435f No.2440543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

055a33 No.2440544

File: b8d93f6ff133aaf⋯.jpg (96.93 KB, 600x714, 100:119, gay.jpg)

cea371 No.2440545


Interesting Mark Warner is also backtracking from the senate intelligence committee, they must know the show is over for them.

84efdc No.2440546


Even moreso, he's not one of the 3 non-military that would know.

986995 No.2440547


Not that brother…the other brother

80b9c6 No.2440548


who the fuck is spicer now….hasbeen

63c26c No.2440549

File: 946667bced298d9⋯.jpeg (14.88 KB, 255x235, 51:47, colbert.jpeg)

File: 44427c88ff8674d⋯.jpg (6.29 KB, 259x194, 259:194, download (1).jpg)


d03c50 No.2440550

File: 69b6ec809c39313⋯.jpg (114.67 KB, 853x480, 853:480, ews sealed.jpg)

b1d91b No.2440551

File: f7dc2c3aac1f06d⋯.png (279.49 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, BF97FBCE-76FF-4193-B1FE-AC….png)

File: 0f5183581f713f2⋯.png (247.63 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, E7340F40-BD83-4023-B292-70….png)

Some places are already getting really Smokey

b934ce No.2440552

File: 837dbffd3ab8717⋯.jpg (38.19 KB, 752x438, 376:219, ScreenCap_010.jpg)

00196c No.2440553






bfb9b5 No.2440554


Strzok wife works where? SEC

e337d9 No.2440555

File: fc2a73966c8c4fc⋯.png (147.93 KB, 1764x1746, 98:97, Hunter Dog.png)

2b76de No.2440556

cedad3 No.2440557


i choose shit post shill slide

5ba5ae No.2440558

File: ad59f3ebae0cbc5⋯.jpg (395.23 KB, 927x1200, 309:400, ad59f3ebae0cbc57d1f5629dee….jpg)

File: 154dc26d747d837⋯.jpg (47.44 KB, 480x566, 240:283, 2f96l2~2.jpg)

Maybe this perv is on the list.

4514db No.2440559


You glow

c0e0ae No.2440560


noose mates

ff43c4 No.2440561

File: 63d9f0a41f333d3⋯.png (134.04 KB, 490x390, 49:39, kikesymbols.png)

One peaceful solution to the horrific jew problem that we suffer in the USA, is to BOYCOTT all jew products, services, etc.

Without money, they are nothing.

Never hire a jew or do business with them.

They will be forced to leave, or stay in their own communities.

Start by avoiding kosher products.

Tell producers that you refuse to pay the jew kosher tax.

48d86d No.2440562

File: 8ba91a3e1fb020b⋯.jpeg (55.7 KB, 533x518, 533:518, DjimIzNU8AAnZA8.jpeg)

File: 79efe88417a1aec⋯.jpg (940.53 KB, 1500x1264, 375:316, 79efe88417a1aeca72d6c0ab62….jpg)

File: 5dbc44cc09b9e10⋯.jpg (24.97 KB, 340x408, 5:6, 2evlto.jpg)



(((Reverse Psychology)))

bc9459 No.2440563


>WOW internet down .


01830a No.2440564



Not on a VPN, using my same phone as wireless hot spot…

99796e No.2440565


Catholics in Action

f472bf No.2440566


nearly everything else is contaminated…..

c765ed No.2440567

File: b836c94fe26edcb⋯.jpg (40.52 KB, 512x512, 1:1, CqqvXMoXYAAhvJP.jpg)

That awkward moment when Thomas Wictor has to acknowledge Q was real all along

6d190f No.2440568






90d1bb No.2440569

File: f5118601c42aff4⋯.jpeg (96.76 KB, 555x500, 111:100, EDE44964-DCEB-42FD-9383-3….jpeg)

9cdedd No.2440570

File: 67c2823f26e5355⋯.png (4.86 MB, 2290x1322, 1145:661, ClipboardImage.png)

Democrats warned not to use devices made by Chinese manufacturers: Report

Caitlin Yilek

August 03, 2018 06:59 PM


The Democratic National Committee has warned candidates not to use devices made by Chinese manufactures ZTE and Huawei under any circumstances, according to a report.

The DNC issued the directive after it learned a Democratic organization was considering buying ZTE phones for its staff, CNN reported Friday.

"It's very important that party and campaign workers not use ZTE or Huawei devices, even if the price is low or free," Bob Lord, the DNC's chief security officer, wrote in the warning obtained by CNN.

“Please make sure that you are not using or purchasing ZTE or Huawei devices anywhere within your staff - for personal or work-related use."

Top intelligence and natural security officials told the Senate Intelligence Committee in February that the Chinese devices could be a security threat to Americans who buy them. ZTE is one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies.

"It provides the capacity to maliciously modify or steal information," FBI Director Christoper Wray said. "And it provides the capacity to conduct undetected espionage." ZTE and Huawei have denied they pose a security risk.

In June, the U.S. government reached an agreement with ZTE to lift an export ban on the company, which has been imposed since April, that prohibited any American businesses from selling products to the company for seven years. ZTE paid a $1.4 billion fine and put $400 million of that amount into escrow as collateral against potential future violations.

be09a5 No.2440571

File: 74e0649cdb41d6f⋯.png (7.19 MB, 5648x5400, 706:675, Q Marker Map 2018-01-10.png)

File: ae365a12354bf96⋯.png (5.44 MB, 7144x6800, 893:850, The Evidence 2018-01-12.png)

yeah. q is fake.

Mhmm. yep. Sho thing..

5697ed No.2440572


Hey Sean, Mike Pompeo here, you were never in the need to know of classified info that we don't give to idiots, think back to why the administration let you go. and while you're at it, kys.

bc9459 No.2440573


Wait…WOW is an ISP…pardon my slow moment

464f0d No.2440574





Never Heard of him.

7d9f80 No.2440575

File: cf3fcfe4ba50ea8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 33.11 KB, 600x396, 50:33, IMG_0999.JPG)

13a95e No.2440576


Strong Sci-fi connection I guess.

a1a284 No.2440577


This is True. But Notables are Notables. And Spicer saying that is Notable. Whether we believe it or not.

cedad3 No.2440578

File: 71f37d10634f80b⋯.jpg (88.52 KB, 809x803, 809:803, look2.JPG)

f60346 No.2440579



Someday she will figure out what her dad already learned:

No matter how hard you try to appease the left, they will ill hate and attack you.

bc9459 No.2440580

File: 7a4a695e02c71f2⋯.jpg (374.62 KB, 900x900, 1:1, panic mode.jpg)

721b20 No.2440581

File: 195acccc8639b74⋯.png (521.58 KB, 654x479, 654:479, clam-trust.png)

7d9f80 No.2440582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b6d2e0 No.2440584


butt buddies

e784b6 No.2440585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

star trails are telling

be09a5 No.2440586

File: cbd82bc011d5640⋯.png (107.56 KB, 1195x511, 1195:511, Probability 2018-01-12.png)

oh hey look at this old postng

4b8977 No.2440588


that awkward moment you thought anyone here cares what that fucking retard has to say.

eeb960 No.2440589


It should update in a few days.

I think it updated on the 10th last month.

2a8abc No.2440590


Fuck the Pedos trying to ruin food while raping kids. They should use terms like soyburger. Shit I don't care to eat.

That's one of those deep dish Chicago pizzas. Good as hell. Giodorni's or something.

a72373 No.2440591

Holy shit. This vault is nuts.

Sundance found a smoking gun re Huma’s Laptop.

PS did not send it over to be looked at until Nov 9, the day AFTER the election


ff43c4 No.2440592


Kosher products are not good.

It only means that some rabbi prayed over it.

It is a scam.

0a4132 No.2440593


some nice propoganda you've got there clambaker

f4889b No.2440594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Maybe 1st public?

1st can't be, many were made.

53e603 No.2440595


They’re not sending their best.

55717a No.2440597

File: 35b4752d17b76a8⋯.png (3.26 MB, 3323x2082, 3323:2082, davidsidebyside.png)

File: 29e99a44e4f68b4⋯.png (4.83 MB, 4721x2909, 4721:2909, WaPosidebyside.png)

reminder that MOS/C_A and sharebloo shill here

ee9deb No.2440598


nobody cares what is opinion of Q is.

b46f9a No.2440599

File: 4cf39f102c11bb7⋯.gif (3.91 MB, 270x263, 270:263, 4cf39f102c11bb74fce08773c9….gif)

7d9f80 No.2440600

File: cfff0907d5c1fb7⋯.jpg (85.37 KB, 634x553, 634:553, IMG_0994.JPG)

8bc463 No.2440601


shopped, bad fakery

e337d9 No.2440602

>>2440353 New shills came today because they have no choice, heh. Lucifer's Army saw that Q is mainstream and taking off. They knew a flood of newfags were coming here. So they felt they had to stand up and "defend" their insane bullshit in front of newbies who are seeing the real dope here for the first time. So….they DID send their best!!! This is all they've got, lads!!! We have kicked their asses silly. They are all drunk in the gutter right now. Ahhhhh, sweet victory is ours.

5e25f5 No.2440603


All of the Mossad fags who LARP as MAGA supporters will probably commit suicide in the end

088f4c No.2440604


Who cares what a former press guy said

fbbe4d No.2440605


Your post is classic pilpul.

Fact is the media contacted the Air Force,

They said there is no impact

And the media went ahead and published a made-up story anyway

Is there so little real news that they have to make up stories?

Maybe they could have contacted the experts at NASA

and reported the real event, which at least was a bit newsworthy

And would have put things in perspective

ec5b58 No.2440608


Oh man, what did Dennis Quaid do to his face?

He is SO bad with the ladies. Won't be surprised if he pops up on CDAN.

98bc6f No.2440609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


psyFag wins again!

c765ed No.2440610


A lot of people do dumbass

223082 No.2440611


You don’t the timing is funny that after Q BTFO of reddit and T_D mods for censoring Sean does a AMA on Reddit?


d4c32e No.2440612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's a video of the couple holding the Q cut out sign being interviewed by some Vice/HBO affiliate. It's not bad. If you've already seen it, I'll just go kms.

c765ed No.2440614


Corsi first hopefully

4b8977 No.2440615


>It is a scam.

This. We all have to pay those rabbis to bless it, increasing cost of food. TOTAL SCAM. Same with halal.

bc9459 No.2440616


delaying the inevitable KEK

4514db No.2440617


I know I don't. He's not read in. He left before Q even started posting.

e1bb65 No.2440618


Professional flame Thrower, self admitted. He does know a thing or two, but since he is not IN on Q he feels threatened and dismisses it. He may be intentionally deflecting attn off Q to help the mvmt, IMO. He is too smart to be that dumb

2e8811 No.2440619


which brings me back to my initial statement:

if Q is fake, then Q is illegal.

if Q is dangerous, then we (ok, I) should *want* exposure.

if Q is lying, then i want to know why.

fwiw, i believe but cannot prove that Q is legit.

i have found information that i never would have without Q hints, and have conversed with multiple reporters/journalists who were unaware of facts i brought to them…scoops, if you will.

but i can't prove that Q is legit and good.

cedad3 No.2440620

File: 87655cd60864049⋯.jpg (50.72 KB, 698x708, 349:354, romperroom.JPG)

Spicer lasted about, what? maybe 6 months, Panty Waste

Big Leaker anyway

194ce4 No.2440621

File: 8245283c0e8d4ad⋯.png (513.74 KB, 980x530, 98:53, grpinhis.png)


Just when you think you've seen the most beautiful thing .. then this. Thank You, Anon.

a1a284 No.2440622



im not leafbread

but if Q wants to prove himself


And do so before infiltrating MAGA movement, thank you very much

387340 No.2440623


ya i dont have a problem with it being in notables but i dont know why a ex speaker that was brought in by the ex RNC head which was the main push for all the cabinet that has been replaced would know

a2a2df No.2440624


Sean Spicer was long gone before Q appeared. Now he is a darling of the left and the Enemedia. I wouldn't give anything he says on this subject any creedence.

fe6276 No.2440625


Could be wrong but I' thinkin' that will end very badly for the MSM/Celeb Propagandists.

2b76de No.2440626

POTUS should run out and put a pie in her face like the cartoons.


13a95e No.2440628

File: 6691f8b0eadd066⋯.png (185.94 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

History will forever thank this man.

be09a5 No.2440629

File: 39e94801f81ae09⋯.png (98.74 KB, 1193x567, 1193:567, FISA Timeline 2018-01-12.png)


721b20 No.2440630

File: b5f657baa3c1b6b⋯.png (126.84 KB, 416x398, 208:199, punisher-memefag-badge.png)


I'm a memefag, digfag, and prayfag

Not a baker

7d9f80 No.2440631

File: 326b049976e4b63⋯.jpg (349.65 KB, 628x864, 157:216, IMG_0635.JPG)

89dfb1 No.2440632


Hi ya leafy

51d179 No.2440633

File: 3adf5d8c067d125⋯.png (101.26 KB, 1260x526, 630:263, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)

trust the plan

01830a No.2440634


Thanks Anon ;)

5342ea No.2440635

File: 1f0e7a646de5b5a⋯.png (115.19 KB, 1280x953, 1280:953, 3d45hypot.png)

E=mc^2 is a plane. I mapped it 45 degree angle c^2. That is space non warped. Then he added gravity and had to warp space, and add time to do it. it worked mathematically. Velocity increased mass and warp in space time and reduced length. Lorentz. Chicken or egg. Velocity or is the velocity defined by the warp in space? It is not defined.

da1cfe No.2440636

File: 2b1f81d4a678a45⋯.jpg (70.91 KB, 640x405, 128:81, JewGunChart.jpg)

File: 60e977eec3e4825⋯.jpg (103.76 KB, 741x500, 741:500, JewsMap.jpg)

File: f3cb4d4e4ac1757⋯.png (1.66 MB, 2424x3064, 303:383, JewishArt.png)

File: f2a3187a2175736⋯.jpg (99.51 KB, 540x500, 27:25, JewComplicated.jpg)

File: 6b61584e90cc29f⋯.jpg (43.05 KB, 420x287, 60:41, JewElephantImproved.jpg)


Secondarily important. Awareness matters more.

4b8977 No.2440637


Nobody here does you fucking retarded newfag.

Are you going to keep looking stupid by pushing your idiotic e-celeb bullshit? Prepare your anus. Holy shit you're dumb.

84efdc No.2440638

File: 1a18e64344cff28⋯.jpg (66.92 KB, 413x395, 413:395, 1517287933932.jpg)

8bc463 No.2440639

File: 136f086bec5dc53⋯.jpg (193.35 KB, 664x664, 1:1, PhotoFunia-1522172998.jpg)


TY Baker!

f472bf No.2440640


It all is. I'm just waiting for the day when people in my area wake the fuck up and start demanding organic locally grown food.

c61582 No.2440641

File: 9a5ea613db2f755⋯.jpg (33.36 KB, 384x377, 384:377, NailedItttt.JPG)

7d9f80 No.2440642

File: 15045775d383f1e⋯.jpg (40.55 KB, 488x206, 244:103, IMG_0978.JPG)

48d86d No.2440643

File: a6d97307fce3ce6⋯.jpg (130.4 KB, 1154x500, 577:250, 2f3ug7.jpg)


Spicer saying Q is fake will probably make the MSM salivate at the chance to talk wbout it or tie it to to Trump.

Spicer and Q/anon's might get some mileage out of this.

47a554 No.2440645

File: 9e8437415550712⋯.png (174.23 KB, 452x456, 113:114, dbdf7ce9cf156c25d43f97668f….png)

b1d91b No.2440646

File: c5fcb43ca826a51⋯.jpeg (311.49 KB, 640x557, 640:557, 957931DD-7EBB-4E4A-9A1D-F….jpeg)

1f6247 No.2440647

File: 3700607f9ff055f⋯.jpg (402.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, woods shill.jpg)

8030a8 No.2440648


Very memorable evening that screen cap was!

5697ed No.2440649

and why choose a faggot like spicer to do a suspiciously timed "AMA" why not pick a more credible former white house employee to larp as? god the stupidity of these fucks is so hilarious! please keep going, no please i insist…

15d250 No.2440650


1. MSM

2. Clowns

3. Demoncrats

4. MAGA Paytriots [not to be confused with real MAGA]

be09a5 No.2440651

File: 74fdea9aac1e3dd⋯.png (133.95 KB, 896x1044, 224:261, 24504404a2775aa6b1adb86ad0….png)

Reminder from June. It's August now.

14a177 No.2440652


be even funnier if potus fired him now

63453e No.2440653

File: e0abd415a5b8c9f⋯.jpg (16.71 KB, 474x316, 3:2, !.jpg)

In case anyone had trouble with the Judicial Watch document on HRC that Q posted, these are the correct links + archive





98bc6f No.2440654



3339b1 No.2440655


I keep tabs, we need his vote in senate.I take it as good news. I guess

bb825d No.2440656


He made a video when he left LA jumping out of a

b6d2e0 No.2440657


You said the same in the last bread and you won't listen to reason, so I have a question for you…

Why are you still HERE?

a1a284 No.2440658


The guy was planted there and he's a bad actor in my opinion. Also, according to Q theory, he would not know anyway.

However, it should still be in Notables.

If for any other reason, now we know 1 person from Trump admin who has publicly spoken about Q

3550f6 No.2440659

File: 58a171a1fbaf62a⋯.jpeg (12.46 KB, 255x159, 85:53, 7da09a5c5e11cf1fdbf6cc2ab….jpeg)

5e25f5 No.2440660

File: 0934a825976c5ce⋯.jpeg (103.13 KB, 1054x640, 527:320, 5E54227F-2F4C-4D4A-AAD0-D….jpeg)

387340 No.2440661


correction should say ex press secatary not speaker

51bbe5 No.2440662

File: a33eaded5326965⋯.jpg (73.6 KB, 584x960, 73:120, wut.jpg)

Wow, the media is going all the fuck out right now…incredible. I know Q has said they will increase their attacks, but I wasn't expecting it to be this extreme this fast. This is their final move, they have nothing left besides their brainwashed left.

5ba5ae No.2440663

File: ca2a7471ae6ee07⋯.png (82.92 KB, 480x619, 480:619, Screenshot_2018-08-03-08-2….png)

File: cde8a4f506e1da6⋯.jpg (49.57 KB, 469x468, 469:468, 2f6nqb~2.jpg)

501956 No.2440664

North Texas anon here, not trying to slide the bread, but we have a pretty good brush fire going about 15 miles from our ranch. Has already burned 500 acres and is 0 percent contained. If the wind shifts, I will be loading and moving my cow anons, will be an all night job. Prayers requested. Thank y'all.

fa3726 No.2440665


this is not reddit dipstick…go find a fucking chat room

cbd821 No.2440666

Spicer became enamored with celebrity status…SHS is much more focused and lethal.

7d9f80 No.2440667


all these fake satanists

freaking out ofver a symbol

in conflict with their petty idolatry

90d1bb No.2440668

c0e0ae No.2440669

File: 6295c41347857e1⋯.png (57.41 KB, 619x513, 619:513, Screenshot 2018-08-03 at 8….png)


Faggot doesn't even try to hide who

he works for

4b8977 No.2440670


I really thought the shills would put up a better fight tbh. Seems like they've exhausted everything and they're failing miserably.

721b20 No.2440671

File: a0f018a615ebabe⋯.png (213.05 KB, 587x418, 587:418, clam-trust-q2.png)

dd1a2f No.2440672


sold a 2000 s430 sedan that I'd had for 15 years. Killed me.

fbbe4d No.2440673


It might be helpful to plan

A series of Socratic Questions

That will help lead a person

Through the five stages

Or even

A little drama that Lieutenant Colombo might stage

To get a person to reveal

What their conscience already knows

Because nobody will com to you to be red pilled

Unless, their immortal soul

Has not already encountered the truth

In the dream

God sends them to you

After they have woken from the dream

So that you can give substance

To what their soul has already learned

You just need to lead them through the maze

By your questioning

a0096f No.2440674


We ARE NOT looking for Q to validate THE PLAN or ANYTHING ELSE till it's TIME.

Now, please go back —→>

be09a5 No.2440675

File: afb0aa9a47a7cc4⋯.png (27.19 KB, 862x316, 431:158, 9c438dc21820c6312532d86726….png)

Why does MSM constantly mention ciachan again?

00196c No.2440676

File: 220db916025c5c0⋯.png (108.28 KB, 509x189, 509:189, ClipboardImage.png)


>>2440604 ←LOL you idiot




You morons! Q is fake so your (((e-celebs))) can make money off of you!!

01830a No.2440677

File: 3f6e60aeb6ce615⋯.jpg (45.64 KB, 630x964, 315:482, Y'all.jpg)


Will say a prayer for you Anon. East Texas Fag here.

e15795 No.2440678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

53e603 No.2440679

Quaid is here faggot. Nobody cares what you have to say. Go jerk off somewhere else.


b075d3 No.2440681

File: 7eb9abaf7383eb9⋯.gif (311.21 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1532130925680.gif)


Thanks house anon

cedad3 No.2440682

File: 4aa4b385fd79869⋯.jpg (309.79 KB, 1344x1489, 1344:1489, jeep.jpg)

e9e0b8 No.2440683

File: 2b947bcbcf2e2f5⋯.jpg (52.56 KB, 598x714, 299:357, 3685724.jpg)

dab79d No.2440684

…and just like that, normies who laughed every chance they got at "bumbling, uncredible" Spicer will find his word quite convincing, demonstrating yet another episode of cognitive dissonance

7d9f80 No.2440685

File: b484537c639e61a⋯.jpg (93.83 KB, 450x450, 1:1, IMG_0586.JPG)


if they figure out how much chit got queered for that stupid judas fehgel lazurus project

be09a5 No.2440686


No quarter.

They will give us none.

47a554 No.2440687

File: 3444825d18495a5⋯.png (1.03 MB, 735x784, 15:16, ClipboardImage.png)


61d719 No.2440688

File: 46ecb55b5bfb98b⋯.png (618.41 KB, 628x658, 314:329, ClipboardImage.png)


512513 No.2440689

File: 57274b37b921e92⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, liars.jpg)


You mean his ego.


bc9459 No.2440690



If Sean Spicer was worth a damn, he'd still be Press Sec.

90b59c No.2440691

File: 69fc37108d3de2e⋯.jpg (84.83 KB, 620x465, 4:3, 2f9b05.jpg)

fb45f0 No.2440692

File: 29cc240584b4f31⋯.png (281.67 KB, 1242x1614, 207:269, IMG_4110.PNG)

File: cf7f1c546f85ed4⋯.png (464.6 KB, 1242x1614, 207:269, IMG_4114.PNG)

File: 4cde31a2173f445⋯.png (273.96 KB, 1242x1408, 621:704, IMG_4117.PNG)

File: 5970294d5d70e86⋯.png (334.68 KB, 1242x1495, 54:65, IMG_4119.PNG)

File: 09db225cff023a7⋯.png (338.9 KB, 1242x1772, 621:886, IMG_4122.PNG)

ee9deb No.2440693


>IF Q is not legit, and we're being lied to, I (as a patriot) want to know about it.

That's your problem to figure out. You expect someone else to do it for you?

055a33 No.2440695

File: 9756848358afcd8⋯.gif (5.9 MB, 408x208, 51:26, e9a3e307e6bb539f22381c5e0b….gif)


its fun

ff43c4 No.2440696

File: fb42e0d721dafd7⋯.png (551.81 KB, 702x395, 702:395, boycottworks.png)

Just say "No" to jews.

2e9804 No.2440697

File: 5655796db20a26d⋯.png (2.54 MB, 1152x1199, 1152:1199, ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump

Verified account


2m2 minutes ago


Great photo from Ocean City, Maryland. Thank you. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

3585ef No.2440698


K-Mart Sucks…. Whapner at 7…

e1bb65 No.2440699


Wehn Spicer says it on something besides Reddit we will reconsider

8ec781 No.2440700


Don’t worry, they will be on lunch break in 30 minutes, so the shilling will slow down

5342ea No.2440701


The Q team has info that general do not and has pointed to open info all have that confirms that info. But it is like a sniper in occupied territory - they do not exist.

That is why I am confused on why push it.

15d250 No.2440703

File: 3fb95249afb870d⋯.png (1.04 MB, 640x782, 320:391, POTUS 8-3-18 6 06 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 2e1ccaa0c2ab9a9⋯.png (1.57 MB, 754x780, 29:30, POTUS 8-3-18 6 06 pm PDT p….PNG)

New POTUS Tweet

be689d No.2440704

File: 26e97f0d33d6fbe⋯.png (392.62 KB, 897x620, 897:620, Wanted Baker.png)

a1a284 No.2440705



He's been here before.

Famefagging as anon to get us to go sign up for his constant twat filth

If you see someone link to his accounts, ATTACK.

He was warned many times before

b934ce No.2440706

File: f5499b6718fc6ea⋯.jpg (40.89 KB, 492x313, 492:313, ScreenCap_011.jpg)


TY BO, but weird, it didn't update on July 10. The generals haven't been archived since June 26, when the catalog went cray. Pic related.

Tthose breads which have fallen off the board before being archived there (all of July's generals), are they salvagable? Does CM have a backup of them in order to add them?


b0f67e No.2440707


Well, the parts that I read from Strzok, he was asking the to Treasury Department to look at documents that he sent over on a DVD for them to Classify.

So some of the emails had Treasury Dept info in them that was substantial enough to get referred for Classification


4b8977 No.2440709

File: 413eb145ca1fd09⋯.png (232.98 KB, 893x870, 893:870, 1400905377622.png)


>He is too smart to be that dumb

00196c No.2440710




what a waste of money

13a95e No.2440711


Never forget, government always gets the scraps out of college.

7fcceb No.2440712

File: 2e46979d4952fed⋯.png (269.86 KB, 581x609, 83:87, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)

File: 05440a9d872475a⋯.png (380.59 KB, 523x527, 523:527, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)

c765ed No.2440713

What is Q referring to when he says Christopher Wray yesterday?

51bbe5 No.2440714


I appreciate some of the work done by Thomas, but I do not agree with his love for (((them))). How can he take that position when he is also awake to so much corruption. Controlled opposition?

7d9f80 No.2440715



it had a ford big block and automatic

it was a beast of yard ornament

3550f6 No.2440716

File: 72f95ad6ff78534⋯.jpg (66.66 KB, 760x898, 380:449, 765b6cfa45ed6ee1bba83fe708….jpg)

002bb8 No.2440717


what in the hell

velociraptor cat?

b934ce No.2440718

File: e15a21b0052d210⋯.jpg (33.21 KB, 756x352, 189:88, ScreenCap_016.jpg)


That pic not related. This pic related.

f7fa2e No.2440719

File: f04a39a0194746b⋯.jpg (63.57 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ASinNYC.jpg)

>>2439453 pb

For that matter,

What happened to Kate Spade?

What happened to Anthony Bourdain?

What happened to Annabelle Neilson?

What happened to Inés Zorreguieta?

f947ae No.2440720

File: 63abecb0894a369⋯.png (492.72 KB, 837x530, 837:530, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)


I just slapped two things together for an Anon who requested it, he had a great idea…

9b7993 No.2440721

workfag checking in….how bad are the shills today

13a95e No.2440722


The press briefing on cyber.

3585ef No.2440724


Stupid is - as Stupid does….

088f4c No.2440725

File: c3094e1aae89430⋯.jpeg (144.1 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 9604B980-8CE2-464E-AA95-9….jpeg)


12f041 No.2440726

What happens on post #119 of /patriotsfight/?


ac0672 No.2440727


The voter fraud issue has been a head-scratcher. First, the heavily attacked commission POTUS set up had a bunch of Dims on it, too. So, when POTUS disbanded it and sent the issue over to DHS I just assumed that it was in order to get the Dims out of the picture. But, the last I remember the Nielsen lady running DHS basically said there's nothing going on re: it. It's a big issue (heavily related to illegal immigration concerns) so I'm sure POTUS has a plan for it. What that plan is I have no clue.

ff43c4 No.2440728

File: 1b442d96281d1d2⋯.png (542.28 KB, 702x395, 702:395, Stopllistening.png)

Boycott the liars.

8ec781 No.2440729


Friday night cheap entertainment

d4dd89 No.2440730

File: 5729ad3283c0c2e⋯.jpg (56.52 KB, 377x397, 377:397, FB_IMG_1470522980725.jpg)

fa0303 No.2440731


Fuck off. I don’t blame wictor for his beliefs. Dude is stubborn and set in his ways. But he’s useful. I don’t agree with him most of the time but I respect his opinion

Grow up

bc9459 No.2440732

File: 7b6254617d47fd4⋯.png (75.38 KB, 1024x551, 1024:551, ClipboardImage.png)


>Flynn is safe


721b20 No.2440733

File: 5f9bf81a94936be⋯.png (330.85 KB, 733x564, 733:564, just-like-that-panic-commi….png)

e15795 No.2440734



858f59 No.2440735


If Q wasn't legit POTUS & his team would have shut him down long ago….plus, why would he point at Q supporters?

The only thing I don't understand is why would SS take Q signs away from supporters at the last rally…how does that correlate to a thwarted attack? I didn't see Q Anons anywhere on tv like the last rally.

Just throwing that out there bc it seemed weird but I'm sure Q & SS have their reasons…5D (D5) chess. Kek!

f472bf No.2440736



he had his golden tower in nyc

he will be happy when his flag flies from sea to shining sea kek

bdf785 No.2440737

Shills are shilling more obvious…kind of funny


501956 No.2440738

>>2440677Over here we don't speak southern, we speak Texan, different dialect.

be09a5 No.2440739

File: 2d2205f79a0fdc7⋯.jpg (239.82 KB, 1600x1059, 1600:1059, bce521b4d9d1b95cf65468b433….jpg)


Oh. Discord. Typical. Fake and gay ;)

(hint: chain of custody has never been broken because… NSA won't allow that ;))

c765ed No.2440740


Thanks anon, Ill google it now

67e21e No.2440741

Twice as bad as yesterday

Welcome back!


cedad3 No.2440742

File: 357573318fb5189⋯.png (67.84 KB, 147x187, 147:187, ClipboardImage.png)

Hannity says '20 redacted pages very explosive'. Says we will Find out in a week when released

14a177 No.2440743


fake Q post

5e88d9 No.2440744

Shills are getting a lot of (you)s this bread

ddcef2 No.2440745


Pedos! Vampires! Demons!

Shit everywhere!!!

5ba5ae No.2440746

File: a8e56922f7450b5⋯.png (35.63 KB, 480x315, 32:21, Screenshot_2018-07-28-10-2….png)

File: 77ee391ab2656ae⋯.jpg (27.82 KB, 480x252, 40:21, 2f4bmj~2.jpg)

01830a No.2440747

Notables so Far

>>2440498 Q Confirmed Fake by Sean Spicer, Former Press Secretary

>>2440267 Washington Examiner Reports: FBI releases heavily redacted documents on Trump dossier author

>>2440235 Judge who ordered the restart of the DACA program today was also a FISA Judge

>>2440234 ABC Reports: FBI releases documents showing payments to Trump dossier author Steele

>>2440212 (lb) Las Vegas Sheriff Announces End To Mandalay Bay Massacre Investigation

Please let me know if something has been missed or if my choices are fake/Gay.

f472bf No.2440748



hell of a lot cheaper than nfl football game tickets and we don't have to watch them disrespect our flag

d03c50 No.2440749


Thankfully they aren't FE

66a1de No.2440750


Nice! Wonder who is in town….

ffb4b9 No.2440751

File: 840933b385014ba⋯.jpg (79.05 KB, 571x703, 571:703, !C YA.jpg)

c2b61f No.2440752

File: 909083da6757a9d⋯.png (480.89 KB, 678x381, 226:127, ClipboardImage.png)

is it just me or is Kelly Anne the hottest old lady ever? i think its because she always sounds drunk.

e337d9 No.2440753

File: eeee68d923c0257⋯.jpg (76.7 KB, 594x327, 198:109, CNNAprilFoolsRyan.jpg)

bfb9b5 No.2440754

File: 619e09534cf2b12⋯.jpg (46.79 KB, 288x290, 144:145, mein-negger.jpg)


that makes you Mein.

535a4c No.2440755

File: d54f695fa7a569d⋯.gif (214.97 KB, 200x189, 200:189, 3D34783B-B741-426E-ABCB-89….gif)


Just proved yourself a Nazi…

ca6646 No.2440756



east texas fag here too. prayers for safety. getting help putting it out?

565f1b No.2440757

File: 95577159c7d1576⋯.png (1.36 MB, 2048x1024, 2:1, 113_symbolism_their_downfa….png)

"11.3 verifies as first marker"

4 times in last 24 hours, POTUS tweets big - Q deletes Patriots Fight post #113 - something big is about to drop - ties back to posts 10-31 & 11-1 containing 11.3 and 11.4 and 1-13

63453e No.2440758


> there any news about the archiving situ? None of July's breads are archived and the resource sites (qanon.pub, s-sheet etc), are showing 404 links from Q posts etc.

To be clear, there is a big note in RED TEXT on the spreadsheet explaining the situation, and that it will be corrected, per the explanation in the Global Notables, in August whenever the archives update. (I was alarmed too when I discovered the situation)

9b7993 No.2440759

>>2440727 He is setting them up…stupid dems scream russians well i guess we better make sure those voting puters are not comped…check mate

50aff8 No.2440760


/our Jewess/ ???

fa0303 No.2440761


Bad dude

b1d91b No.2440762

If they think it’s a LARP and think we do, then why come in here to yell at us….. is that you #CryForJim @Acosta >>2440181

bc9459 No.2440763


TDS, and now QDS

182a13 No.2440764


You outed yourself that you are posting the RQ pics. Shill bosses have hit the bottom of the barrel when it comes to recruits. I never realized this level of stupidity existed in the world however, you just proved it.

CtrlF cedad3 = idiot.

Doorknob, red scarf; your future?

00196c No.2440765

File: a739ca1ac7603c9⋯.png (211 KB, 1258x774, 629:387, ClipboardImage.png)

115cd5 No.2440766


Hang yourself. That post is fake, retard. No space between "Q" and tripcode.

4b8977 No.2440767


Imagine thinking shilling actually works here.

These people are so fucking stupid.

Entertainment is right.

7d9f80 No.2440768

File: 143077390233160⋯.png (184.97 KB, 500x736, 125:184, juan-manuel-23-de-enero-a-….png)

File: e7415ee85594f67⋯.png (91.23 KB, 500x718, 250:359, just-remember-that-all-the….png)

File: fb5d052b89bf8ac⋯.jpg (30.91 KB, 285x415, 57:83, Karl Marx Poster.jpg)








steals children

eats babies'

steals cocaine and crack from the foreigners

pays no taxes

does not cast a refelection in a mirror

allergic to lasers

9b7993 No.2440769

>>2440761 Thought as much…Kek

dab79d No.2440770


their only hope is fooling newfags (and filling space)

bfb9b5 No.2440771


it's you.

judge is the one.

da1cfe No.2440772


I was the first to post it today (I think) as a warning. I think you should not talk to them.

Notice they are smiling with someone who is trying to destroy them and has the power to edit them in any way they choose too.

Also, they are not one of us. They go to reddit with all the other wild speculationist normie tier famefags.

66a1de No.2440773


Aaaaahhhh we have the White Marlin tournament! Fishing is fun! Hope they catch a big one!!

681026 No.2440774


You should stop talking and lurk more

04ae58 No.2440775

Were some of the SAPs unconstitutionally used against US citizens based on their race, gender, or political affiliation in order to serve the financial and political ambitions of the corrupt elite?

8ec781 No.2440776


True, very true

a1a284 No.2440777

File: d0a36d4f6b089ce⋯.jpg (237.63 KB, 1118x1092, 43:42, corsi.jpg)


He may be good or not good. Not my point. My point is famefagging here to lure followers on other platforms has SPECIFICALLY been forbidden by Q. Anyone famefagging should be attacked.

Or were you not here for the whole Corsi episode?

b0f67e No.2440778


Just RE-TWEETED by JW ya newfag cunt.

JW re-tweets a lot of their stuff that's important. In case anyone missed it.

But if you weren't such a flaming homosexual, you wouldn't be this stupid

89dfb1 No.2440780

File: e642b3bab4b07b9⋯.jpeg (1011.26 KB, 1242x1689, 414:563, 43EC628C-5698-4809-A191-0….jpeg)


Only thing in jeopardy was his undershorts.

Pretty sure he shat them..

01830a No.2440781


Laura is only 24, she may not be wise to the world so much yet. I hope so, i really like her, tbh

ddcef2 No.2440782

File: 2053b3388742ef9⋯.png (374.53 KB, 1338x669, 2:1, ao.png)

Future proves past…

4b8977 No.2440783


>wahhhh stop trashing my favorite fame-fagging e-celeb.

Either learn to think for yourself and stop following retards, or KYS.

088f4c No.2440784

File: 1df4c4261dfdc1f⋯.jpeg (468.65 KB, 590x672, 295:336, 68DB4F42-AB34-44F2-9032-5….jpeg)

Anyone seen it yet….not showing in my area..kek

5342ea No.2440785

Opps last was 3D not 2D - why was Einstein just 2D not 3 and then push it to 4 with no explanation.?

it is all fucking geometry

c765ed No.2440786


Its confirmed they WILL get released?

b917a0 No.2440787


Kosher products always have a better flavor and quality. Also, Israel is our greatest ally in the ME, stop being so antisemitic

4b8977 No.2440788


fucking groace

9a9813 No.2440789

Less than 10…..

Never mind, shills gonna shill


b5187a No.2440790

File: 8e5cd5848f231c4⋯.jpg (206.8 KB, 895x1111, 895:1111, doj-watkins.jpg)


dab79d No.2440791



but since he loves the attention, best way to attack Wictor is just ignore him

fb45f0 No.2440792


its too bad you are always here. Enjoy the time

you have left.

be09a5 No.2440793

File: a88ccf4cb4c11c0⋯.png (27.45 KB, 437x606, 437:606, d5285f58b1d7ce3c136420fc1a….png)

7d4529 No.2440794

File: 8807b8a6f024a80⋯.png (282.84 KB, 500x281, 500:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ecae7e7c3c7f156⋯.png (65.92 KB, 911x502, 911:502, ClipboardImage.png)

A Chinese Spy Worked In Senator Dianne Feinstein's Office For Twenty Years

We can only imagine the twenty-four hour media blitz that would be unleashed if this had happened with the Trump campaign, or on anyone's staff even remotely associated with President Trump past or present. But when the story first broke in the middle of this week of a mole working on behalf of the Russian Chinese government on a powerful Democrat Senate Intelligence Committee member's staff, it passed in the mainstream media with a yawn, and though slowly gaining visibility still hasn't been covered by some of the large cable networks or newspapers.

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) was "mortified" upon learning that a Chinese spy had worked in her office for nearly 20 years. According to new details initially unveiled in a Politico report on Russian and Chinese spies in Silicon Valley, a staffer who was fired five years ago had managed to stay on her team for nearly two decades likely out of motivation to collect information related to her long tenure on the Senate Intelligence Committee, for which she maintains top-secret security clearance. Sen. Feinstein reportedly made the staffer retire upon being alerted by the FBI. He worked as her personal driver and clerk for her Bay Area office, as CBS San Francisco relates:

On Wednesday, the San Francisco Chronicle uncovered additional details in a column written by reporters Phil Matier and Andy Ross. The column revealed that the Chinese spy was Feinstein’s driver who also served as a gofer in her Bay Area office and was a liaison to the Asian-American community. He even attended Chinese consulate functions for the senator. Feinstein — who was Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee at the time — was reportedly mortified when the FBI told her she’d be infiltrated. Investigators reportedly concluded the driver hadn’t leaked anything of substance and Feinstein forced him to retire.

Perhaps the most stunning part of the story is that he remained in her office for nearly two decades, reportedly having contact with China's Ministry of State Security for an unknown number of years during that lengthy period. Though it's unclear when his contact with the Chinese state began, follow-up reports by local San Francisco sources claim he may have been an unwitting asset.

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-08-03/chinese-spy-worked-sen-feinsteins-office-twenty-years

50aff8 No.2440795


Feels fucking amazing to be thought of as garbage by this cantankerous old fart.

466775 No.2440796

funny how Spicer is suddenly an authority: no Appeals to Authority accepted here...

On NPR radio earlier today Jeff Brady interviewed somebody who stated "a Trump supporter needs to debunk Q from their place of trust," this is what it will take to cast doubt on Q;

annnd Spicer appears to hawk his book... on reddit....annnd he says Q is fake

See my earlier NPR summary post >>2435902

10745d No.2440797

File: 0fefe2f77ff46c8⋯.jpg (96.42 KB, 400x521, 400:521, funkychicken.jpg)


LMFAO I love this place.

Fuqing tease!

Hardy har har.

ddcef2 No.2440798

File: 459a5fb2685a5d1⋯.png (29.27 KB, 505x272, 505:272, 30614.png)

(A) before (Q)?

14a177 No.2440799


all i can say that if Q is a larp he sure asked alot of questions that I personally need answered and if potus isnt in on it then things will heat up a lot from here

501956 No.2440800


There are 20 or so fire depts and state and federal forestry services working on on. humidity is low and winds are at 15 or so.

6d190f No.2440801

File: cf3d04bfe533c76⋯.jpg (68.54 KB, 750x180, 25:6, POTUSNUMBS.jpg)

7d9f80 No.2440803


if the cia lazarus project succededs

you will get brainwashed into knowing nasim (shit goblin) as some sort of demiurge

whilst a border wall monopolizes the cocaine distribution before the zombie virus

cedad3 No.2440804


will this make it to the supreme court?

c33456 No.2440805


Spicer is a fuckin tool. Not that I'm a die hard Q supporter, but if it was Mattis or Flynn maybe, but Spicer no.

537d32 No.2440806

Beautiful. thank you. just what I had in mind. now share this shitheads! far and wide.

ddcef2 No.2440807

File: ed19865f9401b3b⋯.jpg (171.88 KB, 642x978, 107:163, x3.jpg)

Why are (you) here?

bc9459 No.2440808


I respected the shills in Dec & Jan more, these recent ones are shit at their jobs. Maybe they should read crumbs to catch up

04ae58 No.2440809


Wictor would be saying the exact same things to an audience of 10. That's why most of us respect the hell out of him. He's paid his dues.

668720 No.2440810

File: 43e545f8172ee3b⋯.jpeg (275.75 KB, 640x540, 32:27, B1FFCE5C-061A-4E57-BF98-6….jpeg)

Sea to shining sea

89dfb1 No.2440811


Poor Rat

a7a1d8 No.2440812


send him one of those special pamphlets printed for ex obama admin officials either 'how to waterboard yourself, to death' or 'applied door knob hangings volume 2' should do it

ab702f No.2440813

File: 011675a8dd9766b⋯.jpg (183.54 KB, 1109x1335, 1109:1335, S__6602754.jpg)

File: dedc8cc39303c87⋯.jpg (152.89 KB, 1109x1479, 1109:1479, S__6602757.jpg)

File: 265d135b1cc66cf⋯.jpg (338.81 KB, 1109x1479, 1109:1479, S__6602756.jpg)

Speaking of Haiti…. here are two Instagrams from Zombie Boy. It just seems odd, and it seemed that Lady Gaga writing a tribute to him was BS considering she possibly watched him Die? Why do I say this, well first is that not only is this dude suspiciously dead, he is suspiciously dead during the week of the Blood Moon Festival. They say it was a SUICIDE. There is no note that I'm aware of and if you continue to read you will see that he was in pretty good spirits for a Zombie Boy, (Sic)

Here he writes on his Instagram with the last one he wrote June 7, and now here is this ODE to Danballa tht's like it came straight out of The Ring. Some EVIL SHIT Going on here!

Do we know who Danballa is? Let me help…

Damballa also spelled Damballah

(Haitian Creole: Danbala)

is one of the most important of all the loa. Damballa is the Sky Father and the primordial creator of all life. He rules the mind, intellect, and cosmic equilibrium. White rum is sacred to him. Damballa, as the serpent spirit and The Great Master, created the cosmos by using his 7,000 coils to form the stars and the planets in the heavens and to shape the hills and valleys on earth. By shedding the serpent skin, Damballa created all the waters on the earth.[1] Damballa is syncretized with either Saint Patrick, Christ the Redeemer, Our Lady of Mercy, or Moses.[2]

Damballa's wife is Ayida-Weddo, and Erzulie Freda is his concubine.

Did you catch it?

Danballa, is Creole, Haitti. This is Haittian Voodoo

Who else do we kno that is in to Voodoo? Oh yeah, HRC… Lady Gaga and the Spirit Cooker… Go figure that one out!

So this guy dies during Blood Moon Ritual week, (while the whole Q world has their eyes open for suspicious deaths) of Suicide after having noted ties to Lady Gaga and Haitian voodoo and writing his own ODE to Damballa and no one thinks this is suspicious, odd don't ya think?

zombieboyofficial—THE WELL—

o Damballa

lo we howl upon stars hung above

we soul cast down the well of stone

as fire laid betwixt two fates

of most drear less dire straights

each breath cuts ice as flesh is weighed

in front of deaths old narrow gates

where bold and brazen last rites crate

lo heed our wish of madness

deep from os

our prayers we kissed

so stern and cold

on metal shells

release by moonlight glow — Zombie Boy

Here's a Bonus Pic to help keep your spirits up, this is one creepy dead MFKR!

f947ae No.2440814

File: 81674ff470d13a6⋯.png (143 KB, 392x292, 98:73, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)



749c82 No.2440815


Ha Haaa!!

63453e No.2440816


>For those of you who have been here since the beginning, it never ceases to amaze me the self-doubt that some of y'all have.

anon, I don't know how to tell you this but all the concernfags, impatientfags and losingfaithfags are not anons who have been here since the beginning… it's just a tactic, an old and boring one at that

ff43c4 No.2440817

File: ed798b1e4e2dcfd⋯.png (552.62 KB, 702x395, 702:395, ghettojewsback.png)


No they don'r.

They drive up the price and jews get money for doing nothing.

Back to the ghetto with you.

b934ce No.2440818


Good to know anon, about the SS. I too was alarmed, and wrote those posts which were in the global. Haven't heard any news though since then, and they're still not archived now, Aug 3.

Before BO went on vacay I asked him and he thought they were archived at the end of each month. I was awaiting the end of the month. Now they're still not archived, nor were they on the 10th of last month. Praying that those breads are salvageable.

a1a284 No.2440819


>We ARE NOT looking for Q to validate THE PLAN or ANYTHING ELSE

Then you should get your fucking head checked if you believe someone without VALIDATION first. Especially if you're going to try to influence the MAGA MOVEMENT.

Keep your lack of fact-based reasons for belief to yourself and keep your signs OUT of Trump rallies.

466775 No.2440820

funny how Spicer is suddenly an authority: no Appeals to Authority accepted here...

On NPR radio earlier today Jeff Brady interviewed somebody who stated "a Trump supporter needs to debunk Q from their place of trust," this is what it will take to cast doubt on Q;

annnd Spicer appears to hawk his book... on reddit....annnd he says Q is fake

See my earlier NPR summary post >>2435902

side question: what does "flood detected" mean when a post is discarded?

104438 No.2440821

File: 979df8d437df440⋯.png (79.29 KB, 1231x762, 1231:762, comedy.png)


5e25f5 No.2440822

File: 9f16614eaa1bb40⋯.jpeg (51.4 KB, 502x410, 251:205, FAA4FE65-B901-44F0-BB6E-4….jpeg)

5e88d9 No.2440823

File: bb6750ada99c75b⋯.png (11.8 KB, 880x94, 440:47, Screenshot_2018-08-04 Q Re….png)


ok, my first share

cedad3 No.2440824

File: dc5e7b3101fbc32⋯.jpg (194.27 KB, 1905x1583, 1905:1583, qsentme1.jpg)

8030a8 No.2440825

File: 5aee75c5a743613⋯.png (27.44 KB, 621x343, 621:343, Screenshot_591.png)

c0e0ae No.2440826


In a week we FIND OUT?????

Fuck Hannity…ticktock boy doesn't know


13a95e No.2440827


Never lose context of why and when Q uses PF per this initial post reference on that board:

File (hide): bf4881a8abebf10⋯.jpg (6.43 KB, 275x183, 275:183, Justice.jpg) (h) (u)


▶Q !2jsTvXXmXs 05/04/18 (Fri) 16:46:23 No.62[Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

[Future Comms]

Pre_stage ele_y

Pre_stage sec_y

Pre_stage dir_y

Pre_stage cap_y



5342ea No.2440828


Schwartzchild took it to 3D and it worked mathematically!!!!

So I it works - why not just put it out there in geometry. Tensors LOL calculus - Geomery!!!!!!!!

c6c7d3 No.2440829

Confused here, anons.

Am I right in thinking the new Hillary JW drops from 2015 speaking of the "support server" are saying they retrieved it some time before December 2015 and Clinton cronies got the other two items destroyed through their people to remove any evidence that might have been left on the unexamined devices?

bc9459 No.2440830

File: fc40ccfa3e39a72⋯.jpg (35.77 KB, 625x626, 625:626, Bait - he's going all out.jpg)

File: 65a8a40c79816cd⋯.png (192.28 KB, 504x399, 24:19, ClipboardImage.png)


[MSM] right now

e9a84e No.2440831


I don't think a blowjob is going to work this time.

da1cfe No.2440832


Nope. She is a liar and has been caught lying before. She is a jewish stool pigeon. Basically trying to over take and get out in front of anything right wing to take credit and steer away from jews.

d03c50 No.2440833

File: d641f04df2b2925⋯.jpg (7.87 KB, 343x147, 7:3, rushmore Trump.jpg)


In a week. I've heard that one before


Next to trump on RUshmore

be09a5 No.2440834

File: 678370fab947e12⋯.png (10.44 MB, 7696x4898, 3848:2449, 678370fab947e12c7284e2cb02….png)


That's because we were dealing with AI back then. The paid shills aren't as good, frankly.

104438 No.2440835

File: 8c232c2013fc68c⋯.png (24.15 KB, 1139x591, 1139:591, 90days.png)

Chart for the past 90 days

e9e0b8 No.2440836


I wouldnt mind going to her opening, if you know what I mean

3585ef No.2440837


umm… your cat… ? that is bizarre

565f1b No.2440838

File: 5c99540110db1b9⋯.png (1.83 MB, 2250x1762, 1125:881, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)


https:// www.jtrue.com/blog/queen-lady-gaga

b6d2e0 No.2440839

File: 4c0e73744e7b854⋯.png (852.45 KB, 565x585, 113:117, ClipboardImage.png)


Wow!!! That looks beautiful!!!

721b20 No.2440840

File: 5102df2148d2cb4⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1200x755, 240:151, fishing-fun-qx.png)

b0f67e No.2440841


What was with your upside down flag pin a while back when you still had a job?

Who were you signalling to?

I use to like you.

But look what you'e become. This anon Im replying to does a better job at being a Press Sec than you were.

You know youre reading here

dab79d No.2440842


>side question: what does "flood detected" mean when a post is discarded?

are you going to try posting a third time?


it means it's already there.

cbd821 No.2440843

DECLAS within in a week…nervous shills?

464f0d No.2440844


Mr. Quaid

I presume.


5e88d9 No.2440845


I really wish Q didn't link to that retard

a1a284 No.2440846

File: 2cb1d73c42c8760⋯.png (22.84 KB, 423x154, 423:154, ClipboardImage.png)


10745d No.2440847

File: 09603df2a38f7dc⋯.jpg (35.22 KB, 519x353, 519:353, lookieherelookiethere.JPG)


On page 17 (FUCKING KEK)

I'm sure it's not important at all but ironic as hell. Pic related.

1f6247 No.2440848

File: e924521e5c63054⋯.jpg (54.88 KB, 640x266, 320:133, bastard.jpg)


GLORIOUS, Sir Bastard!

be09a5 No.2440849

File: 97739ec24764a90⋯.png (20 KB, 625x626, 625:626, 00c0cf42a1d9c926b0cfd2a5eb….png)



14a177 No.2440850


mike can you confirm or denie that you are serialbrain2?

4b8977 No.2440851

Wictor not selling enough books lately?

His faggot posse is completely deranged right now.

01830a No.2440852


Usually means you are posting in two threads at the same time.

61109e No.2440853

File: 6dbb75a4e1dbc11⋯.png (409.88 KB, 640x592, 40:37, Screenshot_2018-08-03 Chin….png)

https:// www.breitbart.com/national-security/2018/08/02/china-forces-all-religious-buildings-to-fly-communist-flag/

c765ed No.2440854

Has it been confirmed the 20 redacted pages of FISA warrant will be released in a week?

c6dd29 No.2440855

File: c6bb74ffac5c534⋯.png (111.29 KB, 269x214, 269:214, pelosi1.png)



No Fed funding money goes to states who assist and harbor illegals (sanctuary cities). So what does Commiefornia do? FIRES. Now they get emergency $$$. These people are SICK!!!!! Homes, families, devastation. It was worth it to some extremely evil fucks. Like this one…..

bc9459 No.2440856


>but i can't prove that Q is legit and good.

re_read crumbs. pick a site:

qanon.pub , qmap.pub/ , qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ , qanon.news/posts.html

84d6fa No.2440857

File: c679c96897ca76d⋯.jpeg (30.83 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 95B0404D-9A74-4314-AA09-5….jpeg)

da1cfe No.2440858


I wouldn't give Hannity anything ahead of time.

Need to know basis. He would fuck the plan up.

b0f67e No.2440859


He was already on CDAN a long time ago. Shady shit. His Twins almost died

ff43c4 No.2440860

File: 468f8c6abf14b00⋯.png (540.14 KB, 702x395, 702:395, boycottkikes.png)

Simple solution. Does not require government intervention or laws.

Solves the jew problem peacefully and quickly.

2e8811 No.2440861

File: 68ee643fb1081a7⋯.jpg (302.25 KB, 895x1111, 895:1111, liukin-for-alidata.jpg)

cedad3 No.2440862

File: 0d93559291d889c⋯.jpg (985.88 KB, 2501x1763, 61:43, literal.jpg)

1c0fa3 No.2440863


No shit. The "Q is a Larp" shill tactic isn't going to work.

What is our goal? To get our government back in the hands of the good guys. President Trump has done an amazing job so far and is proving himself to be the good guy we thought he was.

The info we get is based on verifiable things. These things are either ignored by the MSM or spun in a way to minimize their importance. We are connecting dots and have learned their MO when it comes to FF, crimes, how they get and keep power and all their other shady dealings.

We don't offer a membership here. We aren't getting paid. We aren't going to be personally thanked by name and we aren't going to be famous for doing this. I don't care if Q is someone in the Trump camp, MI, or Bigfoot's mutated dick that has sprouted hands and learned to type.

I am doing this to help President Trump and the other brave patriots who are risking their lives every day. I am doing it so I can help spread the things we find here so my kids don't have to live in a world where disgusting pedos and SJW freaks have become the norm. I believe Q is 100% legit and has proven it many times. You don't? Cool man, I don't care. Can it with the larp shit because the majority of us will be here following him, doing our part no matter what.

TL;DR No one cares if Q is a Larp. It doesn't change our mission.

9b7993 No.2440864

was lurking this morning and some newfag was posting all the Q drops one by one….from the beginning…Glowworm dick

537d32 No.2440865


Beautiful. thank you Anon. share it far and wide.

f472bf No.2440866


I missed the significance?

5e88d9 No.2440867

File: 7911032547c97f1⋯.png (66.14 KB, 1256x737, 1256:737, Screenshot_2018-08-03 Goog….png)


Show the subregions

ca4cd5 No.2440868

File: 9c7a850ab297769⋯.jpeg (101.48 KB, 963x1080, 107:120, DC41C18D-A0B2-4C56-B182-5….jpeg)

File: 2b71c262754e4e8⋯.jpeg (206.35 KB, 1200x895, 240:179, 3BD41EA6-CC94-4569-83F1-E….jpeg)

File: fc3a5bfe077f061⋯.jpeg (269.76 KB, 1200x942, 200:157, 2DC79DD8-C141-4001-9590-7….jpeg)

File: 8410a4add614d5d⋯.jpeg (654.99 KB, 1882x1080, 941:540, 6BC5B6D8-94DD-447A-A1B0-0….jpeg)


Q is super fake. Nothing to see here.

ab702f No.2440869





15d250 No.2440871


I am laughing so hard

Your cabal masters don't pay you well enough for proper reading lessons?

>Just RE-TWEETED by JW ya newfag cunt.

Heavily redacted new documents released tonight


104438 No.2440872

File: 4f9820632c021e2⋯.png (37.37 KB, 1136x562, 568:281, 3compar.png)

3585ef No.2440873


ahhh good stuff Anon.. ty

38ee5f No.2440874

not discount GREY HATS for research @theWarEconomy has backup sauce on his thread Autists need to consider.

That site provides the proof. Look for their SPYFALL thread in July.

ea51ff No.2440875

File: c0aadfd6990b4b7⋯.png (220.18 KB, 511x674, 511:674, GoodSpaceGuy.png)

From Washington state, running for US Senator, meet:


This dude is for real.


cbd821 No.2440876


Hannity thinks so….connected.

51bbe5 No.2440877


Don't make fun of him, he doesn't know he is special.

14a177 No.2440878


and worse the fires are in republican districts go figure

bc9459 No.2440880

File: d773eb67d4471a6⋯.png (52.46 KB, 400x399, 400:399, bait for Idiots.png)

File: 9537b14c80db94e⋯.jpg (69.86 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, bait bigger bait.jpg)

c0e0ae No.2440881


I remember when I opened my second Twatter account (on #4 now), Wictorfag blocked me the first day

9b7993 No.2440882

>>2440875 dude looks creepy as fuck

bc0d83 No.2440883

Saw on TMZ that Hanks, Springsteen on the good ship pedopop w Geffen again.

be09a5 No.2440884



02daea No.2440885

Kinda miss Muh Dick shill tbh

3550f6 No.2440886

File: fba49e7e8e90e51⋯.jpg (47.21 KB, 474x502, 237:251, download (5).jpg)

51bbe5 No.2440887


Fishing is Fun?

fa0303 No.2440888

he’s stubborn as a Mule but I respect him. Sometimes I wish so bad his opinion was right. I wish not everything was a conspiracy. Life would be so much simpler. I like that about him. I wish so bad I thought the way he does some times. We literally have the weight of the world on our shoulders knowing what we know


9b7993 No.2440889

>>2440885 noooooooooooo

b917a0 No.2440890

Now tht we've confirmed that fBianon was legit, has anyone crossreferenced his ama with Q posts? Or can someone post full graphic

cedad3 No.2440891


that fuking pic NEVER gets old

be09a5 No.2440892

File: 3aef91adee77a3d⋯.png (40.75 KB, 564x590, 282:295, 3aef91adee77a3dd19e9bae056….png)


>you're gonna need bigger bait

bc9459 No.2440893


Apparently not

Maybe if they take Q's advice & trust themselves KEK

b0f67e No.2440894


I wonder if he's hot without the beard. It's always hard to tell. Some guy shave off their wild beard and they transform into a hot piece of meat, other times, nooooooo. noooo. grow it back

f947ae No.2440895

File: b1632f4d0f0a48e⋯.png (287.6 KB, 723x443, 723:443, Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at ….png)

a1655a No.2440896

File: ad3d4428109bbe3⋯.jpg (92.87 KB, 868x598, 434:299, cia black white propaganda.JPG)

File: a98508053c91a94⋯.jpg (62.49 KB, 818x529, 818:529, cia black white propaganda….JPG)

Digging on Operation Mockingbird…this shows beginnings of the psychological warfare machinations promoted by the C_A.


Black and White Propaganda

Notice the Black Operations on the pic : resembling FF

Notice the utilization of the PRESS in the definitions of each type of propaganda.


89dfb1 No.2440897

File: 68b61da265e0879⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, A4B6BD6E-DE59-4963-ABB7-9….jpeg)

File: a6b0579d75d9980⋯.jpeg (3.19 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 701796A8-1B0B-47E0-AC0B-5….jpeg)

File: 0c4e776ba674190⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 556E8599-5086-42DE-B83D-8….jpeg)

File: 9bb52bd1f2512e0⋯.jpeg (932.23 KB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 33B367A9-041E-431A-8782-0….jpeg)

bdf785 No.2440898


the ones who divide are not with us.




Also, be happy, we are winning right now!

51bbe5 No.2440899



812262 No.2440900



7d9f80 No.2440901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

47a554 No.2440902

File: a6e560e2d2d25d0⋯.png (613.51 KB, 614x960, 307:480, JessieLiu-ISeeYou.png)



6dceb6 No.2440904


It was a simpler time anon.

4a7809 No.2440905


watch the water

e337d9 No.2440906

File: 400aaa572ca2f02⋯.jpg (147.84 KB, 1040x584, 130:73, AliWattkinsDropBox.jpg)

File: 9bf33dd79f4734e⋯.jpg (28.42 KB, 399x399, 1:1, AliWatkinsWillFuck.jpg)

File: 23b8d2a9bd7b335⋯.png (634.83 KB, 673x511, 673:511, AliwatkinsDeepThroat4.png)

File: 22fad0212321cdf⋯.jpg (63.51 KB, 800x430, 80:43, AliwatkinsDeepThroat3.jpg)

File: 1c19c650ba3077e⋯.png (169.25 KB, 474x332, 237:166, AliWatkins1.png)

d03c50 No.2440907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5342ea No.2440908

it is funny


Numbers or graphs

Most just see one or the other

I can graph it - others can calculate it others just see pattern in the numbers.


Mathfags unite

02bc75 No.2440909

https://www.bydewey.com/drkporphyria.html legend of vampires founded in truth

bdebe8 No.2440910


North Texas Anon as well. Prayers your way.

f7f519 No.2440911


You need a tractor to cut a fire line.

Prayers for you and your anon. Hope the fire can get contained soon.

8cdd3b No.2440912

File: 6f0e8b3e25525b2⋯.png (41.21 KB, 897x235, 897:235, Selection_372.png)



'''You are now mainstream.

Handle w/ care.

The Great Awakening.



53e603 No.2440913

File: b8ac8c7b623d680⋯.jpeg (306.24 KB, 1869x403, 1869:403, 2EE0E93C-A10D-41B1-870A-1….jpeg)


This is going viral.

02daea No.2440914


Who confirmed that my nigga?

537d32 No.2440915


NOTABLE BAKER. this is exactly what I had in mind. wonderful. Ty Anon! Share it. Twat it.

9b7993 No.2440916

>>2440898 Be quiet newfag

c0e0ae No.2440917


You might think the pedos would be playing it cool right now

5e88d9 No.2440918

File: 859d06fd9001ef9⋯.jpg (102.02 KB, 1067x600, 1067:600, ali watkinsgot sources.jpg)

dab79d No.2440919



argh, he's among the very worst… that awful, so-bad-it's-not-even-a-meme nonmeme is burned in precious brain cells

c33456 No.2440920


That's about right. Hannity's heart may be in the right place, but he has to learn some strategy

466775 No.2440921


nope- maybe the fourth post for the day; rejected plus "flood detected," erased the post and then shot me out of the bread over to the list view-

98bc6f No.2440922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b0f67e No.2440923

File: daa2aec22aead15⋯.jpg (175.29 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, e95142fc267660ec8a393ddf10….jpg)

059dbf No.2440925



but spicer left the white house in July 2017, 4 months before Q started. How would he know what is going on NOW in the White house? are you saying he gets leaks? that is the only way he would be able to know.

less than 10 know.

And of course, we had proof that reddit was heavily comped, earlier today. Reddit is owned by the clowns, lock stock and barrel. I wonder if that is WHY Trump let Spicer go?

So no, its not over. Spicer isn't Trump. Spicer is an EX-Employee who has no inroads into the WH unless he's getting LEAKS.

Only when TRUMP tells me there is no Q, then there is no Q.

a0096f No.2440926


Really, please GO BACK.

There are PLENTY of PROOFS for you to take back to newfags too.

80b9c6 No.2440927


is corsi still live….. i thought he had dropped dead as instructed….

b917a0 No.2440928


Saw it on CNN earlier

3339b1 No.2440929

File: 5bdcaffc4a203da⋯.jpg (7.59 KB, 186x262, 93:131, hitler.jpg)

File: a106921e628f0c7⋯.png (49.15 KB, 242x189, 242:189, mika.png)

File: e439769ebc20902⋯.jpg (9.33 KB, 186x259, 186:259, himlr.jpg)

File: 22a345b3a225504⋯.jpg (7.06 KB, 298x196, 149:98, RR.jpg)

Think Mirror,

9b7993 No.2440930

>>2440919 No muh jews and FE are boring glow worms

50aff8 No.2440931


I was just reminiscing about Muh Dick shill; man, those were the days.

15d250 No.2440932

File: 0689d1de6c561ba⋯.png (38.78 KB, 660x384, 55:32, MMeadows re WE FBI Dossier….PNG)



This new tweet is just for you

5dbd4c No.2440933

Days of Darkness, no "Q" comms, yet when;they will be here. We have lived with being indoctrinated into perceptions, yet the indoctrination has so disengaged with the People, that the perception has been determined by deception. We The People, in order to form a more perfect Union, will from here forward, constantly research in order to elect people to Represent US in The Republic that shines the light of Truth, and of Freedom.

2e1550 No.2440934



What's he going to say YES then trump the admins plan for the release???

Or say nothing and make the Admin look guilty if anything is done in the name of Q????

Use your brains!


d03c50 No.2440935

File: ca2e0fc779ff9f8⋯.jpg (28.86 KB, 399x399, 1:1, ali watkins deep.jpg)

File: fe74d14025a272b⋯.jpg (29.11 KB, 399x399, 1:1, ali watkins spread.jpg)

47a554 No.2440937

File: 86ac7db29635077⋯.png (600.29 KB, 940x576, 235:144, Pompeo'd.png)

be689d No.2440938


Hannity a very important part of the plan, why does Trump always drop news right before it leads into Hannity's show? Why does Hannity always get the interviews/scoop? Clearly its because he is going to fuck up the plan. Try Harder. Like it or not, Hannity was chosen to redpill the Conservative MSM normies.

bc9459 No.2440939


Prayers in the air for you & yours anon

6d190f No.2440940


LOL'ng Pompeo

7d4529 No.2440941

File: 43f10894d2ec5b4⋯.png (97.58 KB, 770x496, 385:248, ClipboardImage.png)

As national media worry about tone of Trump rallies, three GOP lawmakers receive death threats

You can be forgiven for thinking the biggest story this week is President Trump's ongoing war with the national press. After all, the press covered it that way themselves, didn't they?

CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc. dedicated outsized coverage this week to reporting that journalists feel unsafe and threatened at Trump rallies. A good deal of coverage has also gone to reporting that members of the press feel marginalized and disrespected at the daily White House press briefing. But as national media worried this week that Trump's rhetoric might lead to something worse, a much bigger story went mostly unnoticed.

Police arrested two men in connection to death threats made against three Republicans members of Congress. Law enforcement officers arrested Carlos Bayon of Grand Island, N.Y., Wednesday after they connected him to threatening voicemails made to Republican Reps. Steve Scalise of Louisiana and Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington. “[W]e are required to treat every single threat as if it’s real,” said Gary Loeffert, special agent in charge of the FBI in Buffalo. “Constitutional protections do not extend to threatening phone calls." He added that his agents found evidence in Bayon's home suggesting the 63-year-old defendant's phone calls were not idle threats.

Scalise's office reported receiving a threatening voicemail on June 30. Bayon, 63, allegedly threatened retaliation for the White House’s immigration policies. Here’s a transcript of the voicemail via the criminal complaint filed July 31: Hey listen, this message is for you and the people that sent you there. You are taking ours, we are taking yours. Anytime, anywhere. We know where they are. We are not going to feed them sandwiches, we are going to feed them lead. Make no mistake; you will pay. Ojo por ojo, diente por diente (This is Spanish for “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”). That is our law, and we are the majority. Have a good day.” Scalise is still recovering from an assassination attempt. McMorris Rodgers' staff reported receiving the exact same voicemail on June 30.

The second man apprehended by law enforcement is Dereal Finklin of New Jersey. Police arrested him over the weekend in connection to a “credible threat” made against Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.Y., according to the Asbury Park Press. The details are thin, but we know Finklin, 43, “is a registered Democrat.” We also know that he “was charged with making terroristic threats against the congressman on Saturday.” Meanwhile, the lion’s share of news coverage since July 27 has gone to discussing the White House’s ongoing fights with media, according to data compiled by TVEyes:(see image)

It shouldn’t be surprising that Trump vs. the media has been the lead story all week (and it has been). It's obvious that there’s nothing the national press loves more than talking about the national press. But that doesn’t mean we have to like it, or that we should trust their news judgment on how important it is, especially when there are so many more important stories and trends to cover.

https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/as-national-media-worry-about-tone-of-trump-rallies-three-gop-lawmakers-receive-death-threats

ff43c4 No.2440942

File: ca03d2cb3271815⋯.png (536.45 KB, 702x395, 702:395, jewfree.png)

Where you have jews, you have problems.

The more jews, the more problems.

If you don't associate with jews, they can't fuck with you.

Jew-Free is the way to go.

01830a No.2440943

Notable Bun


>>2440498 Q Confirmed Fake by Sean Spicer, Former Press Secretary

>>2440267 Washington Examiner Reports: FBI releases heavily redacted documents on Trump dossier author

>>2440235 Judge who ordered the restart of the DACA program today was also a FISA Judge

>>2440234 ABC Reports: FBI releases documents showing payments to Trump dossier author Steele

>>2440212 (lb) Las Vegas Sheriff Announces End To Mandalay Bay Massacre Investigation

830297 No.2440944


this, and trump already fired this deep state stooge along with his master rinsed penis

064a3f No.2440945

File: 3bf9a5f7864bdc8⋯.gif (10.23 MB, 600x420, 10:7, 71671b8870.gif)

cedad3 No.2440947

File: c862701b6faac9d⋯.jpg (151.09 KB, 1804x829, 1804:829, topkek.jpg)

File: 83a13cfd64f9fcc⋯.jpg (691.61 KB, 1608x1295, 1608:1295, JFK KEK.jpg)

d03c50 No.2440948


damn shop a mustache on her and she's a spitting image

2f23fa No.2440950

File: 2729e87e37b1cb3⋯.png (8.62 KB, 401x367, 401:367, 2729e87e37b1cb3ddaaaa84704….png)

c33456 No.2440951


He could just say "I have no knowledge of …" like all the fuckin politicians do repeatedly.

858f59 No.2440952



Is Randy Quaid the SANTA at last nights Rally??

387340 No.2440953


i watched it today it was very good at putting national socialist in their proper place on the left i have been trying to get this out for ever hitler was not right wing. so i think it will be good to get people to wake u to that fact like the one before was good at getting peope to awaken bout the bullshit big switch that never happened

55717a No.2440954





7d9f80 No.2440955


is hitler a woamna now ??

6d190f No.2440956

File: 51497c6c8e4cf33⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1347x640, 1347:640, FFS.png)

bc9459 No.2440957


>'''You are now mainstream.

>Handle w/ care.


We are SOON TO BE Mainstream MEDIA's replacement

02daea No.2440958





These shills are so low energy anymore, it’s too easy to squash them!

5697ed No.2440959

thinking our mission is based on direction from 1 person "a leader" is futile shills, Q could literally admit he's some kid in his mom's basement and was larping the whole time (which would be a laughable scenario based on the info he's dropped) and our mission wouldn't skip a beat because its not about "who" its about "what" it got people asking questions that had a 100th monkey effect (look it up) and now its too late for you faggots, its over, done, the movement is too big to think discrediting 1 person would cause us all to pack up and go home

1f6247 No.2440961


If you don't stay in the middle of his channel, you are gonna get blocked. He will not abide those that disagree with his posts.

7d9f80 No.2440962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fa0303 No.2440963

File: 1aaa417c4a3c572⋯.jpeg (679.31 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 6893E903-2836-464E-A1DD-4….jpeg)

bc0d83 No.2440964


Yep. Leaker probably pedo.

cdda3c No.2440966


What a difference a week makes…

9b7993 No.2440969

>>2440958 yeah like 5th string shills

55717a No.2440970


c61582 No.2440972

File: 7b3227f37915f87⋯.jpg (50.74 KB, 696x375, 232:125, JFK1.JPG)

File: c01fbb115a3dfc9⋯.jpg (84.25 KB, 958x632, 479:316, Capturejfk11.JPG)

01830a No.2440973


a0096f No.2440974


Here, moar for you & your pals

"As verbs the difference between validate and prove is that validate is to render valid while prove is to demonstrate that something is true or viable; to give proof for or prove can be (proove). "

c2b61f No.2440975



c3419b No.2440976


Everyone is going to be in a shock.

Us a little less so, but even many anons here don't seem to be putting the pieces together. Perhaps my mosaic is a little off, but the real challenge for the right is going to be on the faith front as much of our known history of faiths is challenged or outright destroyed.

Then there is the choice that comes with that.

An old friend of mine - back from my teens - was (and probably still is) Wiccan. I don't blame her for a number of her views as she grew up in a rough environment and has plenty of reason to be embittered. Even so - her and I shared a connection that was special, and I am fairly certain that she has zero ill-intent toward people … With the caveat that she could be extremely passionate toward issues she saw as threatening to the future. Tribalism can work on all of us.

She told me of a dream she had once, and this was long ago - where the local Christians hunted her down and killed her. I was in it. When asked in what way - she said "well, if I'd done what you said, I would have lived." As a much younger person, I could only see my own feelings on the issue, and assumed that I must have been trying to help her evade capture in some way, and she was stubborn.

I know a little better, now.

Not that it changes my disposition.

Those guilty of crimes need to be brought to trial for those crimes - but I would be rather shocked if she were associated with any to such a degree as to be wittingly complicit/guilty. At least of what I consider truly evil. Perhaps a foolish protest here or there that broke some municipal laws, but a true evil crime… That's just not her, even when she is fully enraged over something.

As such, my choice would always be to try and repair the rift. If she is being deluded by snakes - then all the more reason the sword needs to be carefully wielded.

My point is that one of the greatest challenges is yet to come, and that is setting aside the old disputes and offenses. At the end of the day - all I ever really wanted was to be able to pursue my engineering interests and meet up with some of my friends from that old Eve of Memories and raising a family. I started fighting the left because they were made into obstacles toward that goal (or to appear as threats to it). They became the left for similar reasons.

The fight against the true enemy isn't over, so it isn't time to relax too much. But as I look back on things and at many of my earliest friends… I find myself becoming a sort of Kyoko Sakura toward the end. Which… She was my favorite out of the series. Best character arc out of them all, and the one who preserved her humanity in the end.

Sis Puella Magi… Actually… The show has some interesting parallels to the existential subjects being brought up by Q et al… People as food, how the blood lines view themselves, etc…

2e1550 No.2440977


No because that suggests involvement, that's all this MSM needs to run wild

53e603 No.2440978


It looks to me that with all these shenanigans the POTUS is gaslighting the MSM.

ac0672 No.2440979


Yep, it something along those lines for sure. Too late to get Voter ID passed before mid-terms, but that's really just a front-end problem. The back-end spoopy shit with counting (whether elec or paper) is where the rubber meets the road.

47c4c6 No.2440981

File: 72a96262c25c97a⋯.jpeg (1016.63 KB, 1226x1943, 1226:1943, 26552AAC-FF05-48C4-B8CF-1….jpeg)

File: 54d979964d1b6e6⋯.jpeg (992.38 KB, 1242x2146, 621:1073, 2D73471B-E9B1-401B-AA03-B….jpeg)



fa0303 No.2440982


Agreed. NOT a notable.

c33456 No.2440984


It was Stephen Paddock

2f23fa No.2440986

File: 263f83ff69109dd⋯.png (185.97 KB, 1024x560, 64:35, Screen-Shot-2016-10-26-at-….png)

bc9459 No.2440988


>Only when TRUMP tells me there is no Q, then there is no Q.

And even if he DID, I'm still gonna need sauce from POTUS on that KEK

80b9c6 No.2440989


what so now you are smarter than trump, Q and the rest of the team…..they dump info to him for a reason…. get over it

be09a5 No.2440990

File: d8a09ab44e22403⋯.jpg (5.43 MB, 1777x12589, 1777:12589, 52395df2bfab970bff3363e69f….jpg)

Another oldie for the newfags

7d9f80 No.2440992

do not come here for validation with your bisexuality or you crack addiction

059dbf No.2440993


right. it should still make notables.

He's an ex-employee outsider, and Q pointed to proof reddit is comped earlier today.

But just the fact he was on REDDIT and was ASKED that question and replied 'as if he knew' when he can't possibly know, (since less than 10 KNOW) is notable AF.

a1a284 No.2440994

File: d5fb7fc1e7a0a48⋯.png (2.37 MB, 2365x1713, 2365:1713, pepearmy3.png)


>Really, please GO BACK.

>There are PLENTY of PROOFS for you to take back to newfags too.

Anon, I believe the proofs. I think we all do GREAT work here. But I need REAL proof that Q is legit before I'm OK with him infiltrating MAGA rallies and being associated with Trump.

Protect POTUS first, brother.

501956 No.2440995

It has jumped fire breaks 100ft wide already. Have a Tractor, but as dry as we are I don't know how effective that by itself would be. The good part of being dry is we don't have a lot of grass to feed it.

4b8977 No.2440996

File: b91758f4d72c986⋯.jpg (29.58 KB, 650x289, 650:289, b91758f4d72c986bfd35deb962….jpg)



Do you even DR3 or are you fresh off the plebbit boat?

fb45f0 No.2440997

File: f07b7f298b814fb⋯.gif (3.73 MB, 480x360, 4:3, IMB_4XBaUv.GIF)

14a177 No.2440998



canadian anon praying for you and your lot

3efe0c No.2440999


100% this. Less than 10 know. "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out" Spicer ain't one of 'em.

f7f519 No.2441000

be689d No.2441001


Sorry, if I was behind on breads I'd want to hear it on this board first before hearing it on the street from a lib. Notables are not endorsements, remember.

9c7980 No.2441002

File: 3c6885586f05cd1⋯.jpg (11.8 KB, 280x180, 14:9, huma.jpg)

dab79d No.2441004



what's with these redtexts catherding smurfs?

you may disagree but it's published

5342ea No.2441005

I cannot find all the points on a reinmann manifold no. But if you explain the manifold I can define it graphically - and then take the next step to why is this curve there and look for why.

e1bb65 No.2441006

Well it was a fun ride and I enjoyed the KEK but since Q is a faggot I am gonna go watch Ancient Aliens on the HISTORY channel. Podesta Rocks Faggots!

9b7993 No.2441007

>>2440976 Man you sliding like a empty parking lot full of rice burners…to reddit with you be gone

c0e0ae No.2441008

File: adf771c9501319a⋯.png (223.52 KB, 391x390, 391:390, Screenshot 2018-07-30 at 8….png)


The Q team might want to listen in on that little party

01830a No.2441009

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

cedad3 No.2441010

File: 19ec6bf25ceded0⋯.jpg (637.36 KB, 763x1114, 763:1114, JFK jr.jpg)

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