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File: f9f09c6d6ce8d86⋯.png (153.13 KB,1281x510,427:170,2024_09_23_20_33_12.png)

032276 No.21647663 [Last50 Posts]

Board Admin Central

Board open for questions, discussions & updates.

Previous META is now archived.

If it's necessary to close this thread, BO will always be reachable by email.

The next year is critical for the patriot movement. Focus is on keeping QR open for business and shill activity down so we can effectively get out well-sauced info, anon digs & dank memes.

Thanks to all anons who dig, meme, pray, bake, take notes and BV.


META thread archive now in Dough Resources:


Admin Email:


Off-topic posts may be deleted at BO/BV discretion.

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Post last edited at

032276 No.21647673

File: ef0628edbd3f890⋯.png (28.07 KB,300x100,3:1,2024_06_13_20_56_47.png)

Welcome to new Meta Thread

Here we are, less than two months away from the Nov 5, 2024 Presidential election.

TY to everyone for all ya'll have done and are doing to get the word out with truthful info, dank memes and steadying prayers.

God bless this country, this site, this board, this bread.


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f3c335 No.21668792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Maggie Smith


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f3c335 No.21668801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Maggie Smith



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d38405 No.21670734


You have [24].

Stop censoring QR.

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3d3d64 No.21670883


You've tried the same before

Got nowhere then, get nowhere now

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241d90 No.21673425


Board exists to dig meme pray

Shitposting is ok

Complaint spamming is not

Neither is baking with notes consistently of Q posts randomly linked to military posts

At the very least, do no harm

Don't reply, will not convo

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b3d980 No.21674642

File: 4fac72ea10ec523⋯.png (203.94 KB,1222x839,1222:839,_10.png)

File: b1e781b0eddaaec⋯.png (152.39 KB,865x654,865:654,7s_Q_09_27_24_1106.png)


Why are you deleting Q material? Traitor.

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b3d980 No.21674646

File: 114a0f12a0f0e3d⋯.png (183.91 KB,810x904,405:452,standby.png)


Why are you deleting Q material? Traitor.

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b3d980 No.21674661

File: 9c60ade616599ef⋯.png (1.59 MB,3189x3268,3189:3268,scaring_them.png)


Why did you delete all this user & Q material? Traitor.


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3d3d64 No.21674663


Why do you think your "operator" larp is going to get anywhere?

Tell me again how you were going to make a nice shiny new board?

This is your fourth day of plying your shit

Feeling pressure?

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30a87b No.21675361




probably coz you're mixing Q posts with spam


carry on

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44f398 No.21676399


Isn't that an American product they sell

on the counters of grocery stores,

thought so.

Yeah the whole "you created all, you are

all." Hm… Don't even eat that garbage,

and it's still around

As a way of learning, I'd love to learn how that works.

Oh water should be free for all, it's a humanright, and electricity isn't really "produced", so that utility also should be free of charge. Every American and citizen of the world also is entitled to back pay; probably in a criminal case the utility company would be forced to pay severance as well.

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4efa4d No.21676881

Ok, so I've got a question and I'd like some honest feedback on it.

I have been following along with Q right around 2 months before the 2020 election took place. I have placed a lot of trust in what I've seen posted and proofs that I've also witnessed over the last 4 years. Well, here we are, about a month before what we all believe is going to be a massive change to our world in general.

I watched Trump's rally again and again where he was shot in the ear and some things just continued to cause me to scratch me head. So, I searched for some videos on the topic over on Bitchute (https://www.bitchute.com/video/srBPRGM3YkrQ) and to my surprise there are a few that break down Trumps assassination attempt as being setup.

Now, I know that two things can be true at the same time, and I immediately think about posts that state POTUS is 100% insulated. So, if that were to be true, then there is no way that bullet came within a few millimeters of his skull.

I also realize there are posts referring to enjoying the show and how things are done in Hollywood. I would understand that considering we are "at war" with China in the cyber realm that POTUS has war time powers and I guess he can do what is necessary to get the results needed.

It's just a little shocking to me at this moment finding that the assassination attempt is more than likely staged. Does anyone have any posts that may point back to this that just weren't understood yet for this situation?

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3d3d64 No.21676914


Honestly I haven't seen very much video due to time constraints. I'd suggest looking at that new bread made just to deal with the assassination attempt and see if there's something in there that might help you out

Best of Luck anon

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4c4d10 No.21678550


Oh, mine was erased too.

My Japanese was erased, what's the reason for this?

I posted this on a Japanese organization's page, I was just asking a question.

Still, what's the problem?

I just want to know why.

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4c4d10 No.21678571


I think that because this is an ANONYMOUS environment, we can talk about potential problems and their behavior without harming the other person as much as possible.

If we can't do that, and can't clarify the problem, isn't there a possibility of a new problem arising next?

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4c4d10 No.21678625


This is a Japanese perspective, but I would like to welcome more Japanese here in QR.

I would like to welcome more Japanese here in QR, and I would like to see more people come to 8kun.

I think it is the fastest speed of awakening.

That is why, among the problems I see today, I believe that Japan's anon divisive wars have turned away many of the movement's participants.

One of them is to avoid looking at issues and dissenting opinions, and some even attack those who advocate dissenting opinions en masse.

And if they occur outside of 8kun, they will identify individuals and distribute their mugshots to measure their attacks.

Opinions on issues are erased.

Now cannot even discuss how to improve the problem.

I believe that this space is an environment where we can talk about improving the problem as much as possible without harming the individual's existence.

And isn't it meaningful to discuss better ways to address this movement?

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c5cb44 No.21678869





This is not posted to discredit BO.

I also believe that there is a necessary deletion to look at the air and public morals in QR.

I think I understand them.

That is why I would like to ask for an explanation as to why they were erased.

I also thought that this explanation would be an opportunity to hear BO's criteria and thoughts.

I also believe that the comfort of the Japanese threads is due to the presence of BO & BV & Anon & Bakers.

I am truly looking for the best choice.

Sorry for the multiple posts and the long post.

No offense.


ID change

Did you notice anything different?

deleted post No.





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6ff9d2 No.21679176


"I object to censorship on QR."

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c5cb44 No.21679267

>>21678869 edit

I think I understand.

>>21679176 not me

>"I object to censorship on QR."


It is easy to simply say that censorship is wrong.

This is a free space, right?

Then isn't it important to clearly communicate which free choices create inconvenience?

My question to the current BO is why was my post deleted?

&What is the problem?

I post here because I think it is important to clarify these things.

Wouldn't clarifying things help us find the best remedies?

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5e66c5 No.21679579


BO will not reply, as he stated.

The only option now is for anons here to "vote" to stop the censorship. Right here in this thread, each one a reply to his post.

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3d3d64 No.21679756


You expect that to work?

Not gonna fly

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3338ce No.21679931

File: 2c1b0252041693b⋯.png (435.78 KB,589x1262,589:1262,2c1b0252041693b21eaad8929e….png)

File: d63048d2638e905⋯.png (225.48 KB,475x899,475:899,d63048d2638e90513f03ab11f4….png)


make it so

hit it


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c5cb44 No.21680018


> BO will not reply, as he stated.

Didn't you say that to someone else?

Not a little, though I have not been told that way,,,


It's okay.

No problem.

I think it makes sense to speak up.

I do not force those who cannot speak to speak.

But that does not mean that do not say what feel is wrong.

Or, it does not mean that do not ask questions that have doubts about.

The other issue that will come up is that the deletion of my post combined with one of someone else's will create a story.

Or they may be identified with someone who behaved radically somewhere else.

That's why I'm making this statement here.

In some cases, characters are coordinated without their knowledge and without permission.

It's like Smith in MATRIX.

Smith Coordination tactic?

Well, you might say this.

It's your fault for speaking up,

So they coordinate.

Now which is worse?

Or which is the problem?

If you have a problem with a post or a statement, why don't you just point out that there is a problem?

Another Perspective

Some of them even call them ignorant without giving them access to a lot of information.

Well, this strategy may be possible, but I don't think this is the best way.

Isn't that why communication in an anonymous environment is so important?

I think it also protects the anonymous system individual.

'Restoring Power to the People'

The first step in restoring power to the people is for them to have access to a wealth of information and the opportunity to speak freely.

And is this the best situation now?

I wonder if we can make it even better.

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30a87b No.21680022


tx anon, replied to you here:



>object to censorship

need to be more specific, please.


BO replies to normal inquiries. Will not reply to those he has replied to MANY times once concluding that it does no good.

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30a87b No.21680048


Thank you for writing.

if you were posting in Japanese on the General thread, your post might have been mistaken for one of Vatican Shill's. He often changes languages, then spams anywhere from one to 20 posts.


the poster i'm responding to is a longtime shill from my perspective, well known to us. would not say "will not convo" to most anons.


If you want to welcome Japanese to QR, no problem. Please make sure welcome is both in Japanese and English - and keep it short so it's obvious that it's not VS spam.

HOWEVER - because of the split re Japanese perspective (why there are two separate threads), if you are directing posters to your thread, this may look like you are using General to win the advantage, whether or not that is the intention.

Do not know the best way to resolve this conflict, hope both factions can somehow reconcile. Wouldn't it be better to discuss differences on one or both of the Japanese threads?

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30a87b No.21680113


>Didn't you say that to someone else?

Have often said to Doge on this thread and even banned him temporarily several times. Also said to DOAR shills after they asked the kinds of questions that are unending. Have CLOSED this thread sometimes when those kind of questions were the main kind posted. May happen again, who knows?

META is supposed to be a place to talk about board matters, especially about baking, notes, and digs. Some anons like to voice objections to our taking out spam and muh joos or similar and personal attacks on anons, including admins. Or using deleted-all-posts-in-this-thread for those who mix the former with more substantive posts. One tactic is to post spam (etc) and also Q posts (or something else of value), then to show up here complaining that Q is being deleted or that Q's tripcode is blocked.

That's all BS and they know it. No apologies for these policies.

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c5cb44 No.21680180


>Didn't you say that to someone else?

Sorry, this is my misrepresentation to be exact,

I wanted to say that I was not told that the BO would not respond to me.


Thank you for taking the time to reply.


I'll think about it once.

I'm basically too busy with my own research to come up with words to dialogue,

If any words/questions (even harsh words) etc. come up at all, I will speak.

This time I had the very opportunity to do so, but…,

Where I thought there might be an opportunity for dialogue, I did self-accountability because the post was erased.

Dialogue is about this movement.

Therefore, some of my questions are scathing.

No more problems.

Thank you for taking the time to see us.

And, Ty, always.


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5e66c5 No.21680414


I literally posted them, scroll up. I have hundreds. I expect a logical explanation.

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5e66c5 No.21680427

File: d798ded8e8d55f1⋯.png (642.37 KB,1245x1181,1245:1181,less_than_10.png)


Here's another example of censored post. I can post hundreds… do you need that many?

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c5cb44 No.21680658


Wow what a coincidence!

Just the thing to pique my interest!

Now the question.

Is this an assertion that you are one of those 10?

Why didn't you post it using the tripcode?

Wouldn't that be a more reliable way of confirming Q?

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c5cb44 No.21680669


I know you have posted this a few times, have you not?

Then why don't you post another new and further proof before you post the same thing?

I would rather see that!

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c5cb44 No.21680695


That means more like 10 seconds +/-, which is closer to the number of posts!

Let's say once 10 seconds +/- is determined by the TRIP code,

What do you do after that?

Logical question that comes at this moment > So what?

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c5cb44 No.21680711




Oops, my bad, I got a little too inquisitive!

The subject was about censorship, wasn't it?


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3d3d64 No.21680864


Nowhere there does the Less than 10 mean you

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30a87b No.21681137


Admins very seldom delete regular posts by mistake and never on purpose

Unless the poster also has OTHER stuff that's not OK - like insults about Jim W, for instance. NO PERSONAL ATTACKS - can result in all posts deleted per thread.

Thought there might be a way to pin it down and wrote a reply to that effect but then realized it wouldn't prove anything

Suspect you may be same poster as above

most anons never have a problem with their posts being deleted, unless they are really spam (etc) or it looks a LOT like a shill post (same memes etc)

If this happened a lot, we'd be deluged with complaints, which - despite efforts to encourage anons to complain about "censorship," we are not.

You can accept this or not. Have pursued other such claims and so far NOT ONE TIME found bad deletes.

The guy who complains about censorship is ONE GUY who's been doing it since Spring. If you are not that guy, suggest you look carefully at what you're posting and check board rules to see if there is a problem (see Globals or Dough Resources thread).

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30a87b No.21681305


was on regular server

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d694eb No.21682353


Why are you targeting individual anons?

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d694eb No.21682356





>the poster i'm responding to is a longtime shill from my perspective, well known to us. would not say "will not convo" to most anons.


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241d90 No.21682466



Your post presumes individuals are targeted. They are not. Posts that violate board policy are targeted, along with posts from those who mix ordinary posts with shill posts, using the ordinary ones as a cover. Frequent flyers are obviously recognized over time.

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c5cb44 No.21682492


Oh, let me ask you something,

I'm trying to tell you in as roundabout a way as possible what I think is strange,

The reason for this is that I think it would be very damaging to directly tell someone, for example, who is active in a face to face manner, that something is not right.

That's why I try to tell them in a roundabout way.

Sometimes I think it is meaningless to tell others what is right or wrong in the first place.

but I do think that disagreeing and pointing out problems can prevent new problems from arising and lead to improvements.

I've been angry and hurt more than a few times when I've been abused here on QR, but that's also why I feel the importance of the opinions here.

Wasn't this place where you choose what you want to see and what you don't want to see in the first place?

I don't think it's a good idea to expose individuals so openly, but I do think that pointing out problems and opinions in an articulate way can help to clarify problems and prevent further problems from arising.

I know that my post may have been a bit harsh in some cases, but if it is correct, I think you can stand up for it, and if it is out of context, you can just ignore it.

I posted this post because I would like to get BO's thoughts and opinions on the subject.

No offense.

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c5cb44 No.21682494


Excuse me for the sidebar.

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c5cb44 No.21682497



I think Line of Fire is something that inevitably happens in this free speech space.

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241d90 No.21682573


Not 100% sure I know what you're asking, but BV who watches the international threads informed me of a request to have certain posts removed from QAFJ thread, i think they were removed but don't know the details. (I thought they were on General when reply above.) If this is the situation, then it would appear that those who run that thread were not receptive to whatever was posted.

In any case, my general reply to the question about how to resolve a difference of opinion is this: nobody can force someone else to change their mind once it is firmly set. You can try but it is difficult. You think your ideas are correct; they think theirs are correct.

To reconcile requires finding something about which both sides can agree and using that as a starting point for discussion. This is assuming the both are motivated to reconcile.

Good luck and Godspeed,


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c5cb44 No.21682604


Thank you for taking the time to visit with.

God bless you too.


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241d90 No.21682679

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ef9b11 No.21689294


You are avoiding every question, and providing no logic as to why the censorship of INDIVIDUALS here. As stated, I have hundreds of examples, so should I post them all, or are you going to answer basic questions now?

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ef9b11 No.21689299


Just as a side note. You say "Frequent flyers are obviously recognized over time." This is true, but as core anons, we have been here over a longer period of time than you, and it is you and your team players who are recognized by us, not the other way around.

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ef9b11 No.21689321


Why hasn't the Q Map/Graphic on this board been updated to include Q's last posts? It's been years. Why haven't you as the Board Owner of QR, who we all would imagine to be the greatest advocate here for Q, updated the Graphic for almost 4 years?

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4de211 No.21690706


Excuse me for the sidebar.

If it were you, could you update that?

If so, why didn't you do it?

I am a man of action before words, so I don't know what you are thinking, so could you please explain it to me?

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4de211 No.21690726

>>21690706 edit

A man of action rather than excuses.

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4de211 No.21690931


To further clarify, why don't you do it first?

Wouldn't that be more constructive as well as on the record?

Don't you think if you could present that wonderful technology to the BO for comparison and review, it would facilitate time rather than you lamenting here?

If you don't have the skills to do that then you'll just have to take a different approach, won't you?

In that case you would have to show that your logic is valid.

Of course, what arises here is a difference in perception and perspective on validity.

And what can be done if even at this point it is difficult to understand each other?

Send spam with the exact same story?

Update the logic?


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5cae5a No.21691762


No one can update it because the entire thread is locked with "placeholders" filling it. Do you understand? The threads are locked, and no one can update them Except Board Owner.

And it's been almost FOUR YEARS. Unacceptable.

We can all update them on our own, but the Only one who can actually update the Thread on this Board is Board Owner.

It's sad and highly illogical.

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5cae5a No.21691797


Here's the thing. We as Q researchers want a) the information Q said to keep updated, to stay updated (such as the resignation list, which hasn't been updated in over a year), and b) no censorship.

There is simply no excuse for the QR Board Owner to not add Q's last posts to the Graphic Thread… for YEARS. Let that sink in. And then the Board Team censors those who question the irrational behavior.

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5cae5a No.21691811


Go to the threads and look at them and then come back here. They are locked, remember? Take some time and look at the pinned threads here, consider the problems, then come back.

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5cae5a No.21691823


Additionally, there is only Silence on this very basic issue from the one person here who should be the most vocal in support of what Q instructed us to do and maintain in order to be able to progress.

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5cae5a No.21691918

File: a21fdfb06523e8b⋯.png (530.06 KB,1023x767,1023:767,Locked.png)


Here, look at the picture, see the Locked Thread for the Map and Proofs. Facts matter. Find the facts first, then decide.

This map was abandoned by people who abandoned Q, clearly. And those people are censoring the ones of us who inquire. If the Board Owner cannot be bothered to do the basics Q required - keep the resignation list updated, keep the graphic updated - then the Board Owner should immediately release the Board to someone who will. Neglect by design is the most logical explanation, and it's unacceptable here.

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306065 No.21692331

>>21690931 ID change.



I guess only a limited number of people can edit where it's locked.

Did you do that graphic update yourself?

If it's locked, why don't you make a thread to do it, and if the thread was deleted, why don't you do it in your own catalog?

That would clarify the obvious issue, wouldn't it?

This map was abandoned by people who abandoned Q, clearly.

^Facts matter?

If there is an action you think is necessary for Q, then do it.

If you can do it, so be it.

Of course, I am also against censorship.

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306065 No.21692397


>This map was abandoned by people who abandoned Q, clearly.

^Facts matter?

This means you think so, doesn't it?

The fact that it is your opinion?

Why don't you do it before you say it?

It's a job you found, and if you do it, don't you think you will have contributed to it?

If you do something that you think is justified and you are interrupted, don't you say something then?

That seems more logical to me.

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306065 No.21692621



Now the question.

Why do you need to lament here when there are things you could be doing right now?

I am thinking about maximizing and besting this movement as soon as possible.

In this context, I see an opportunity to promote the movement by expressing my opinion on statements such as yours.

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b8e22f No.21692862


You're obviously not on board with Q's instructions to keep the graphic updated. End of story there.

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100982 No.21692930


I'm not in the business of making graphics.

Are you done talking?

If you think it's great, do it.

Graphics to me is interpreted in a different way.

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100982 No.21692938

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100982 No.21692986


I think I would clarify things if I really thought it was important.

Why end the discussion in the middle?

Doesn't that mean it's that important to you?


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100982 No.21693013


What is the need for transparency and disclosure of confidential information?

I'm sure clarification is included here.

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fb23f9 No.21693626


How’s it going, Board Owner?

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2335c9 No.21693679


I'm not the BO here.

Comfortable or worse, it still isn't perfect.

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2335c9 No.21693691

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15e3be No.21694019



Update the graphic, unlock the thread. Simple.

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ab350d No.21694169


You've come full circle.

I said if that doesn't work, you'll make it.

I'd say it's more about what happens from there.

Which is simpler?

Because wouldn't that make the issue more obvious?

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3d3d64 No.21694197


>Board Owner should immediately release the Board

Not going to happen

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ab350d No.21694226

>>21694169 edit

I said if that doesn't work, you'll make it.

I said it's better to do it yourself before asking someone else to do it.

If you think the deed is constructive.

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ab350d No.21694397

>>21694226 add.

It seems to be a bit repetitive.

Don't you think things would go faster if you worked to solve what you think is the problem first?

This time your claim is to update the GRAPHIC.

In this case, if you bring the updated GRAPHIC, there is no need to ask for this.

Rather, I can pinpoint what you want.

And if they deny it here, then the problem becomes clear and improvements can be found.

If there is a problem on the side of the denial, that will be revealed as well.

It may also further clarify what is right and what is wrong.

I think that dialogue to solve critical problems leads to new possibilities.

But obviously some things never reach the level of dialogue.

^This may involve individual perspectives and ideologies.

But I suspect that when you accomplish something, if it is justified or constructive, it creates an opportunity for someone else to derive further truth.

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