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File: 936f0ea829e6067⋯.jpg (221.03 KB,600x335,120:67,000hhh.jpg)

56058b No.21601538 [Last50 Posts]

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56058b No.21601540

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26458 >>21600718


>>21600752, >>21600808 Connecting the sh**ter to to fightforukraine, seeking support of elected officials

>>21600767, >>21600772 Duckworth on Assassination Attempt and Debate

>>21600782 Wife of Impeachment Conspirator Alexander Vindman Gets Obliterated After Mocking Second Trump Assassination

>>21600809 Congress was on vacation during both assasination attempts

>>21600813 @MarcoPolo501c3: 2 yrs ago, daughter of the would-be assassination arrested for assault on a gov't official

>>21600818 2002 in North Carolina, Routh charged w/possessing a "weapon of mass destruction" - automatic machine gun

>>21600825 me/EnochsNewsBlast/: mapped positions of DJT, USSS and Routh

>>21600846 routh's son: says his dad hates Trump like 'all reasonable people'

>>21600848, >>21600857 Tito Jackson dies, aged 70

>>21600886, >>21600901 May 2022 - routh appeared in Azov battalion propoganda vid

>>21600887, >>21600891, >>21600896 Moar routh Ukraine connections

>>21600904 Breaking: Ryan Routh was an Eagle Scout

>>21600927, >>21600946, >>21600954, >>21600958, >>21600961, >>21600965, >>21600967, >>21600994, >>21600996, >>21601190 Into the Soo - diggz on possible C_A routh connections

Ghost grab

>>21600972 Pentagon orders study of potential nuclear strike in Eastern Europe

>>21600999 musk presidential poll with 5.8mm votes - Trump 73% | Harris 27%

>>21601328 Eating The Cats vid for the keks!

>>21601339, >>21601360 Swamp Talk

>>21601341 Opposition to right to hunt and fish Amendment 2 comes from lab-grown meat backer

>>21601362 Nebraska mayor rejects Chadron State University's 'Tim Walz Day,' says city 'needs to stay out of politics'

>>21601374 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21601417, >>21601423 PROF. GIORDANO: American education's decline under Governor Tim Walz

>>21601439, >>21601401 Routh and Blackrock

>>21601443 The deadly and harmful ingredients of the monkeypox (mpox) vaccine


>>21601470 Moar Routh/Malcolm Nance

>>21601489 Hey Rachel Vindman @natsechobbyist, why are you using different addresses with the FEC for your recurring contributions to ActBlue…

>>21601530 #26458

#26457 >>21599952

>>21600050 DJT: I would like to thank everyone for your concern and well wishes - It was certainly an interesting day!

>>21600415 Sept. 15 summary of events

>>21599976 On April 1, 2023, The New Indian reported that Ryan Wesley Routh was recruiting Afghan mercenaries to fight in Ukraine

>>21599982 The Secret Service is ‘compromised’: GOP lawmaker (why are scouting drones still not being used?)

>>21600048 The two primary investigators for the 2nd Trump Assassination Attempt are on the record as Trump haters

>>21600058, >>21600292 Gunman was setup to attack Trump on the cart path

>>21600061 'Fight, fight, fight' Qdelta is on Tuesday

>>21600073 You called him a threat to democracy and a day 1 dictator - you own this

>>21600092, >>21600125 Shooter tied to military-industrial complex

>>21600129 Ryan Routh's Rifle

>>21600134 THIS IS WHO DIED TODAY!!!

>>21600156, >>21600217 Scavino: We’ve got this @TeamTrump!!!!! GAME ON, IT’S TIME TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!

>>21600234 Rudy G: How did the attempted assassin anticipate Trump being at the 4th and 5th holes at 1:30PM?

>>21600239 David Frum of The Atlantic endorses the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21600260 Stonks: $11.1 million in $DJT puts purchased on Friday, Sept 13

>>21600268 Trump is a modern day George Washington

>>21600301 If Kamala was actually ahead in the polls, they wouldn’t be trying to kill Trump

>>21600336 Alex Soros doing what he does

>>21600400 Ryan Routh wrote a book where in it he tells Iran to assassinate Trump

>>21600525, >>21600534 Scavino: IN GOD WE TRUST

>>21600586 Did Trump know that there would be an attempt to assassinate him at the 6th green?

>>21600694, >>21600708 Shooter had two backpacks with ceramic tiles??

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21600161 Melania: Our freedom and rights must be respected

>>21600118 Keith Boykin race-baiting hard on CNN

>>21600302 Taylor Swift lost 17 million followers by endorsing Kamala

>>21600324 (Sept 13) Former President Barack Obama surprises Team USA at Solheim Cup

>>21600414 U.S. Department of Energy: Aurora is the world’s fastest supercomputer for deep learning and artificial intelligence

>>21600463 Robert F. Kennedy Jr: “Something happened during the debate this week that was an EXTRAORDINARY milestone for the Democratic Party.”

>>21600613 Repost from earlier: World War III Watch: Russia Threatens to Wipe Kiev Off the Map If Biden and NATO Send Ukraine Long Range Missiles to Fire Deep

>>21600624 Trump Blasts Harris For “Facilitating The Largest Wave Of Child Sex Trafficking In History”

>>21600659 NFL official COLLAPSES on sideline at Ravens vs Raiders game

>>21600690, >>21600706 JUST IN - EU bureaucrat Thierry Breton, who threatened X, resigns.

>>21599983, >>21600017, >>21600031, >>21600144, >>21600225, >>21600244, >>21600361, >>21600396, >>21600515, >>21600524, >>21600541, >>21600704 Memes

>>21600711 #26457

#26456 >>21599082

>>21599854 DJT: I would like to thank everyone for your concern and well wishes - It was certainly an interesting day!

>>21599133, >>21599228, >>21599383 Who leaked Trump's schedule? The two that were supposed to golf with him today "but couldn't make it"?

>>21599147, >>21599183, >>21599276 Trump FL shooter appeared in a AZOV Battalion propaganda video in May 2022

>>21599152 Regional Medical Director at Adfinitas Health in Wilkes-Barre, PA on today's events: "Deal with it"

>>21599146, >>21599166 Possible Arnold Schwarzenegger comms: Freeze and Ivy, reunited - watch out, Batman

>>21599168 "Trump is safe after mostly peaceful popping sounds 250 yards from his vicinity" -MSM

>>21599191 In 2002, Trump assassin was arrested for possessing a weapon of mass destruction, yet his punishment was probation

>>21599198 Trump Camp: NY Times Incites Violence Against Vance

>>21599203 Last month, Dan Bongino correctly predicted there would be another attempt on President Trump's life

>>21599222 New Background On Trump Shooter Confirms He Was Coordinating With Foreign Soldiers In Support Of Ukraine

>>21599271 Hours Before Trump Assassination Attempt Democrat Calls MAGA A Domestic Threat

>>21599272 Trump shooter Ryan Routh was in YouTuber JiDion’s video recruiting for Ukraine

>>21599278, >>21599286, >>21599327 If not for a private citizen who took a pic of the vehicle and tag, he would have been lost

>>21599322 MTG: They want video of Pres Trump being assassinated so bad that the would be assassin had a Go Pro to film it

>>21599331 Court records show more than 100 criminal counts have been filed against Ryan Routh in North Carolina

>>21599385, >>21599457 Call to dig: Florida DA Dave Aronberg

>>21599386, >>21599466 Both Trump shooters are involved with Media Mockingbird MegaCorp

>>21599436 Anon opines on Trump's assassination attempt

>>21599475 Summary of today's events so far

>>21599527, >>21599713 Gaslighting continues

>>21599531 Scavino to Kamala: You’re so full of shit, you’re not glad he is safe—It is your rhetoric that has caused this, AGAIN!!!!!

>>21599601 DNC targeted Trump golf clubs three days before an assassination attempt took place at his West Palm Beach golf club

>>21599606 Statement from Potato

>>21599631 His Greensboro address is tricky because, judging by the address of the Circle K at 1550, Lee St is called Gate City Blvd

>>21599702 Shooter moments after he was arrested

>>21599846 From Carolina Roofer To Ukraine Activist: Would-Be Trump Assassin Ryan Routh Gave Many Interviews With MSM

>>21599912 All of Routh's x.com posts in two videos

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21599289 ABC moderator Linsey Davis admits: 'fact-checking' was only planned for Trump

>>21599291 Judge Rules Illinois Public Transit Firearms Carry Ban Unconstitutional

>>21599317 Trending on Twitter/X

>>21599338 The Progressive Suicide Cult Is Rolling Out The Welcome Mat For The Third World

>>21599676 @NavalInstitute: #OTD in 1945, a hurricane and subsequent fires wreaked havoc on the hangars at Richmond Naval Air Station in Florida

>>21599703 Monday: DC Court of Appeals will hear arguments in lawsuits challenging the federal TikTok ban

>>21599721, >>21599738, >>21599789 NYC educrats took own kids to Magic Kingdom on trips meant for homeless students

>>21599899 Houthis Hit Israel With "New Hypersonic Ballistic Missile" - 20 Air Defense Missiles Missed and the US Navy Couldn't Hit it Either

>>21599242, >>21599325, >>21599479, >>21599510 Memes

>>21599934 #26456

#26455 >>21598249

>>21598277 Ryan was featured in a YouTube prankster video where he attempted to recruit "revolutionaries" on the Harvard campus

>>21598282, >>21598298, >>21598967 Assassin was following his Ex-CIA handler, Soo Kim (who only has 3k followers)?

>>21598295 NBC endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598296 Apr 2023: US mercenary (Ryan Routh) plans to recruit Pakistani-based Afghan refugees as fighters for Ukraine

>>21598304, >>21598950 This is the FBI official who spoke at the assassination attempt press conference

>>21598306 @DonaldJTrumpJr: Sounds like this psychopath spends a lot of time watching leftwing propaganda

>>21598313, >>21598448 Social media companies like Meta/Facebook are working quickly to delete the pages of Trump assassin Ryan Routh

>>21598357 Alexander S. Vindman endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598423 Hakeem Jeffries endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598529 DeSantis: The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21598554 CNN pretty much broke this story today about the 2nd assassination attempt

>>21598571 CBS endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598576 Ryan Routh was the registered agent for a few businesses, "United Roofing", "United Network", "United Finance and Leasing"

>>21598582, >>21598597, >>21598615, >>21598639, >>21598662 LIKE A BOSS!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

>>21598587 In 2023, the [New York Times] profiled the Trump [shooter] and his efforts to recruit foreign fighters for Ukraine

>>21598625, >>21598690, >>21598810 Thomas Matthew Crooks was tied to BlackRock, and now Ryan Routh is tied to ClA

>>21598604 Is Trump’s Would be Assassin Ryan Routh an Associate of MSNBC Terrorism Analyst Malcolm Nance?

>>21598618, >>21598629 (2020) Kamala Harris jokes about killing President Trump and Mike Pence

>>21598619 The assassin tried making a mercenary group for Taiwan

>>21598632 Statement from Trump

>>21598635 Not sure if Ryan Routh is related to John B. Routh, but his name comes up in this declassified document from the ClA

>>21598644 Shooter, who spent months fighting in Ukraine, has zero links to anyone in US military or intelligence circles?

>>21598668 Statement from POTATO Resident Crooked Joe on Trump's Second Assassination Attempt

>>21598691 How does an "average" home contractor from NC get to Ukraine, and get high level involvement to "recruit" soldiers?

>>21598714 C. Owens: Everything about this shooter’s background reeks of a criminal-turned-Federal asset in prison

>>21598744 James Woods: The Secret Service employs 3,200 special agents, 1,300 Uniformed Division officers, and 2000 others …

>>21598745 Donald, you have protected my kind - I hereby name you honorary feline and grant you 9 lives

>>21598750 Lindsey Graham on FoxNews said he was supposed to be playing golf with Trump today "but he couldn't make it"

>>21598799 Archive: Here are all 509 posts and replies from Ryan Routh's socials

>>21598834 The go signal on 9/11 TIME magazine

>>21598843, >>21598909 The Trump shooter was caught in 2002 with a weapon of mass destruction, and only got probation?

>>21598908 Another Ryan Routh Interview

>>21598921 Mike Johnson: Kelly and I just spent a few hours with President Trump and are thanking God for protecting him today

>>21598949 Q4686: SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]

>>21599019 Attempted Trump assassin Ryan Routh appeared in a propaganda video for the AZOV BATTALLION in May 2022

>>21599023 Loomer: I have been receiving death threats all week - the media is trying to get President Trump and his supporters killed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21598386 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

>>21598517 Chinese Regime Releases Jailed US Citizen After Nearly 20 Years

>>21598562 @usairforce: More than 200 Airmen & Guardians rode in the Air Force Heritage Memorial to Memorial bicycle ride

>>21598563 @NavalInstitute: USNI Archives Photo of the Week

>>21598741 Hezbollah Hits Israel's Unit 8200 in Glilot Base Killing Dozens

>>21598856 Joe Biden says “we are better off today than 4 years ago”

>>21598936 Vibe shift

>>21599026 Family of Blackfeet chief, face of NFL's Redskins for 48 years, wants his image back in NFL

>>21599048 Sissybitch doing what he does

>>21598364, >>21598366, >>21598377, >>21598689, >>21598859 Memes

>>21599060 #26455

Previously Collected

>>21599060 #26455

>>21596988 #26452, >>21597406 #26453, >>21598227 #26454

>>21594064 #26449, >>21595047 #26450, >>21595827 #26451

>>21591133 #26446, >>21591993 #26447, >>21593055 #26448

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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56058b No.21601547

File: 31f0fce69f8932c⋯.png (1.24 MB,884x723,884:723,assass30.png)

File: 73a4f5bcc5ec7f6⋯.png (1.39 MB,929x856,929:856,assass29.png)

File: 26b41db3f4ca921⋯.png (634.89 KB,1246x917,178:131,assass27.png)

File: 4214c4e89fbbc36⋯.jpg (446.6 KB,604x910,302:455,assass26.jpg)

File: b72422cd9f3b34c⋯.png (40.51 KB,675x317,675:317,ClipboardImage.png)



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cd2998 No.21601555

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VVere Gonna B Legends

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7d041b No.21601556

File: be6fb9a37e26cd0⋯.png (516.3 KB,519x519,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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81c815 No.21601560

File: 2fa2ed910abf0f6⋯.jpg (199.26 KB,810x810,1:1,the_people_have_chosen_not….jpg)

File: 854f165f4a88554⋯.jpg (167.52 KB,1356x640,339:160,you_stole_his_presidency_a….jpg)

File: 35e68d6e4dd06cf⋯.jpg (128.74 KB,529x678,529:678,DON_T_BOTHER_RUNNING.jpg)

File: 793467cb1d01752⋯.jpg (211.49 KB,840x786,140:131,FORWARDS_MARCH.jpg)

File: 53cb698ca2a8c53⋯.jpg (18.42 KB,255x252,85:84,taking_down_deep_state.jpg)

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573b2c No.21601564

Something tells me that Routh's ties to a/multiple foreign gov't(s), the quick scrubbing of his social media, gives him a VERY close approximation to being a spoopy ass "company man". If indeed he were connected, not only to foreign gov'ts, but agents within OUR OWN, that this would certainly warrant MIL intervention.

I believe we are getting close to the 1st arrest indicating direction.

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4aa553 No.21601571

File: dfdadd7f63b7f84⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB,360x360,1:1,The_Kiffness_Eating_the_Ca….mp4)

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c5a304 No.21601574

File: 624d555568105b6⋯.png (1.59 MB,1080x1078,540:539,ClipboardImage.png)

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b30d5b No.21601575

File: fb9479064fd4367⋯.jpeg (388.41 KB,1153x817,1153:817,IMG_3333.jpeg)

16 Sep, 2024 06:57

Ukraine planning ‘inhumane’ false flag attack – Russian intelligence

A children’s facility could be targeted, the SVR has claimed

Kiev is preparing a false flag operation, in which a children’s hospital or kindergarten could be hit by a supposed Russian missile strike, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) has claimed.

The “inhumane provocation” is being masterminded by the leaders of Ukrainian intelligence and the military at the advice of “US handlers,” the statement said on Monday. The goal is to cause a large number of casualties and publicize the event through the international media, the agency added.

Kiev hopes that its plot will help justify long-range strikes using Western weapons deep inside Russia, the SVR believes. The US would then use the incident to ramp up pressure on Iran and North Korea for supposedly providing ballistic missiles to Russia, the agency said.

On July 8, Kiev accused Moscow of deliberately targeting the Okhmatdet children’s hospital in central Kiev during a large-scale missile barrage. Interior Minister Igor Klimenko reported that two adults were killed in the incident, and 32 people including children were injured.

Moscow denied the Ukrainian allegations, reiterating that it never targets civilian facilities. The Russian military suggested that Ukrainian air defense operators were to blame.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said at the time that Kiev was using the tragedy to hype up the participation of Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky at the NATO summit in the US. He pointed to a pattern of high-profile incidents, similar to the Okhmatdet bombing, occurring before Zelensky’s meetings with senior foreign officials.

“The Zelensky clique disregards the lives of the Ukrainian children that it puts in harm’s way,"the SVR said. It cited a number of “bloody provocations” over the course of the conflict, adding that after those, “few people in the world believe that Moscow is ‘insidious” and Kiev is ‘innocent’.”

Zelensky is set to travel to the US to meet President Joe Biden, and the two presidential nominees for the November election– Vice President Kamala Harrisand former President Donald Trump. He intends to share with them his so-called “victory plan,” a four-point roadmap which he believes will allow Ukraine to end the conflict with Russia on its own terms. Continued US military support and permission to conduct strikes deep inside Russia with Western weapons is understood to be crucial for his plan. (He's not going to like what Trump says. I hope Trump is too busy to meet with him.)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that Moscow will consider any such attacks to be direct aggression by NATO members, and would react accordingly. Moscow considers the Ukraine conflict to be a US-led proxy war against Russia.


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eaf8d6 No.21601577

File: 3e9ae3ab59b9c6d⋯.jpg (200.13 KB,1280x720,16:9,VindmanAnimalHouse.jpg)

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c09011 No.21601578

File: ba00698d774e164⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB,824x550,412:275,20240916_1_new.mp4)

Mr. Routh better start talking ,these military guys will make you speak

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a027ae No.21601579

File: adabf93da144b33⋯.jpeg (53.16 KB,960x768,5:4,IMG_2654.jpeg)

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739085 No.21601580

File: b345f2af59c7b10⋯.png (1.71 MB,998x1142,499:571,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 936f0ea829e6067⋯.png (221.03 KB,600x335,120:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1f55df47cf8a207⋯.png (606.94 KB,826x1000,413:500,ClipboardImage.png)



Gotta love it when one of your memes gets morphed into a banner.

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81c815 No.21601581

File: d237bd72a84e1cc⋯.jpg (55.28 KB,634x256,317:128,SURGICAL_STRIKES.jpg)

File: 149d6e7f5404893⋯.jpg (252.65 KB,1002x834,167:139,CONSEQUENCES_FOR_NAZIS.jpg)

File: 21e646eaad8e9e2⋯.jpg (152.17 KB,764x723,764:723,FAMOUS_LAST_WORDS.jpg)

File: f256073ab187a70⋯.jpg (171.64 KB,1366x768,683:384,BUT_HE_THREATENED_WITH_NUK….jpg)

File: 355d325404e3d93⋯.jpg (59.27 KB,480x352,15:11,NO_WEAPONS_HELP.jpg)

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56058b No.21601582


tyvm for that

couldnt resist


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b4d09a No.21601583

File: 9be588d1bb7ce6e⋯.jpg (22.69 KB,201x251,201:251,1000000891.jpg)


Thank you

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ace826 No.21601584

File: 4a9d83fa3b3de0d⋯.png (52.09 KB,536x466,268:233,JewishTraitor.png)

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f3623c No.21601585

File: e9193918e46823a⋯.mp4 (688.37 KB,1280x720,16:9,AzovMay2022.mp4)

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193116 No.21601586

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6888a0 No.21601587

File: 8479091605b78fd⋯.jpeg (108.4 KB,1132x636,283:159,IMG_3335.jpeg)

16 Sep, 2024 10:27

Ukrainian court to consider Zelensky’s legitimacy – MP (Finally)

An opposition lawmaker earlier filed a lawsuit claiming the former comedian, whose presidential term expired in May, is usurping power

A court in Ukraine is to consider a lawsuit by opposition lawmaker Aleksandr Dubinski on Monday, which claims thatVladimir Zelensky has been illegally holding power since his term expired on May 20.? Dubinski has been in custody since last November, facing a litany of charges, including high treason. (Zelensky puts everyone in jail and charges them with high treason if they oppose him)

Zelensky indefinitely postponed a presidential election due to be held in Ukraine on March 31, citing martial law imposed due to the conflict with Russia.

Dubinski originally filed his lawsuit in late June, arguing that Zelensky’s actions violated the Ukrainian constitution, and urged parliament to call a presidential election.

At a hearing a month later, the court postponed the case until September 16, according to the MP.

In a post on his Telegram channel in July, the lawmaker wrote: “I have to state – there is only one citizen and member of parliament in Ukraine that has taken steps to preserve the constitutional order… it is non-attached MP Dubinski.”

Earlier that month, the prosecutor general’s office launched afourth criminal probe into the politician over his failure to file tax returns while in custody.=

Last November, the Security Service of Ukraine charged Dubinski with high treason over his alleged “information-subversive activities in the interest of Russia.”

The lawmaker has dismissed the accusations, along with two other charges against him, as politically motivated.

Earlier this month, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said that “de jure President Zelensky now is not the legitimate president” of Ukraine. His comment echoed those made earlier by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Speaking at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in early June, the Russian head of state suggested that presidential powers should have been transferred to the Ukrainian parliament following the expiry of Zelensky’s five-year term in office.

By remaining at the helm, theUkrainian leader appears to be in breach of “Article 109 of Ukraine’s Criminal Code, which says that this should be treated as seizure of power,” the Russian president argued at the time.

Putin went on to claim thatUkraine’s Western backers were keeping Zelensky in power with a view to blaming himfor upcoming “unpopular decisions,” such as lowering the “mobilization age to 18.” (I don't doubt this at all, that's why the DOS is always, that is "Ukraine's decision. Bidan will blame Zelensky also)

“I think the US administration will force the leadership of Ukraine to make these decisions… and then will get rid of Zelensky,” the Russian president predicted.


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b4d09a No.21601588

Langley Deepfucks bring boxes in today?

Use trash bags cunts.


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ace826 No.21601589

File: 4a5f5016e993e2d⋯.png (827.14 KB,1068x838,534:419,ImpeachmentJews.png)

File: 6824665d0330978⋯.png (69.21 KB,582x429,194:143,StewPetersKushner.png)


Who thinks for one second that if Trump gets re-elected the Jews won't be targeting him the entire time?

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77cdcc No.21601590

File: 2854ee81ea6d75c⋯.webp (112.13 KB,680x610,68:61,media_GXi6_WaW0AAD00j.webp)

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56058b No.21601591

File: b3a95f0bc2c5737⋯.png (419.53 KB,600x336,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a1fc3 No.21601592

File: 4474d792dee31b9⋯.png (21.44 KB,1225x139,1225:139,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 545096d09f011de⋯.png (35.23 KB,786x434,393:217,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1335831fc627ed1⋯.png (93.02 KB,1200x804,100:67,ClipboardImage.png)

I was just thinking about this what political leader has survived the most. I think Trump will still win once people realize it was not a helicopter etc.


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6bd544 No.21601593

File: f07ae80e81351e6⋯.mp4 (10.18 MB,592x1280,37:80,Ryan_routh_fb_page.mp4)

File: fe4578de0bbcbb4⋯.png (1.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



Bong taking intensifies.



>>21601524 lb

after the raid on mara lago and the bugging of trump tower, the bugging incidents would have been a high security risk.

of course the other end of the line on the calls to organise and invite people to the golf game is a strong possibility.

The narratives from the officals are too narrow minded and they want to point to a lone gunman scenario .

This guy Ryan Wesley Routh stinks of farm grown clown asset. He thinks he is some kind of borne identity charactor, but even that is far fetched.

The location, the gear, the gopro film equipment and the fact that his guy was left jammed in those plates shows a intent that had djt got to that 5th hole and the shooting begun, trump would have been dead.

The reports state there were 4 shots fired and they all come from the s.s

nothing from him, he rang, got in his vehicle and drove for 40 miles and 30 minutes before getting surrounded and arrested.

seems a bit far fetched.

the place is surrounded, if the was escaping on his own, his vehicle would have been riddled with bullets, his tires shot to pieces even if his vehicle was bullet proof glass and armoured, but no, it was a nissan.

anon thinks, there was moar than one person involved.

same as the butler shooter crooks.

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b4d09a No.21601594

A short, diapered existence, laced with fear and doubt is all that is left for the DeepFuck.

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ace826 No.21601595

File: 8acf570e5f09c9f⋯.jpg (61.83 KB,620x402,310:201,AlexKabbalah.jpg)


Get ready, cause shit's going to really start to suck before it gets better. Basically, the Jews hand has been shown. There's no turning back now.

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eaf8d6 No.21601596


Wow, brining up the MUHJOO scam already!


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8d72da No.21601597

File: c7da17241534a2d⋯.png (1016.5 KB,881x705,881:705,ClipboardImage.png)


tyb MAGA MAHA Monday

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e71a22 No.21601598

File: 9f806a478be0c16⋯.jpg (38.48 KB,1080x1032,45:43,20240916_081116.jpg)

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81c815 No.21601599

File: 7e143ca321797ad⋯.jpg (212.49 KB,1134x930,189:155,being_a_dictator_isnt_chea….jpg)

File: 15c673046f43642⋯.jpg (121.16 KB,634x600,317:300,EXPORT_BANNED_WEAPONS.jpg)

File: e7669c7f5f07be5⋯.jpg (173.35 KB,1130x791,10:7,WHEN_NEVER.jpg)

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21ba3e No.21601600

How did the almost shooter know that Trump was going golfing at the last minute…

I don't believe Trump has a mole in his team…but I do believe they have listening devices or have devices that they can listen to his mic on his phone at any given time…today's technology can do this!!!

Since it was a last minute decision, they had to work fast(no planning)…take one of their assets drop him off or throw something together real quick and when you do that…you fuck things up and oh look…things got fucked up and got caught…

Just thinking out loud using common sense critical thinking…

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739085 No.21601601

File: eba326fd89c757d⋯.gif (1.36 MB,480x270,16:9,Trump_Clapping.gif)

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dd3336 No.21601602

File: 389bbaf994f74bd⋯.png (52.05 KB,763x721,109:103,ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone have an account to Benjamin Fulford so we can find out where a nuke supposedly went off in the US last week?


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ace826 No.21601603


We either cleanse the Jewish infiltration out of our societies, or the world will just become a shittier and shittier place to live. We are on the edge of complete control by the Jews.

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a35f54 No.21601604


MEME WARRIOR UI 1.3 #240904


Boot Camp https://archive.ph/B96YG

Basic Procedures https://archive.ph/GGsfy

Resources https://archive.is/2iZX1

Tools https://archive.is/wip/evm3M UPDATED

OPS https://archive.is/mFlvd UPDATED

Pins https://archive.is/wip/LE6KU UPDATED


Memes https://archive.ph/CpEEH

Hash Board https://archive.ph/GD8LI

Game Theory https://archive.ph/bsaiD

Twitter Social https://archive.ph/XuQAg

Meme Cannon https://archive.ph/fvyYf

Op Overlord https://archive.ph/ZcgLh

Psyop Link Dump https://archive.ph/lfkTb

Videos *TOR http://trutube54vqa3baer2kc7aggfc5qstxkgcmzm4qxxzfaxdsihu3znzid.onion/


Focus https://archive.ph/4LPPi

4am https://archive.ph/kHgBH

Trends https://archive.ph/FO6SY

Socials https://archive.ph/v9u5L

Live https://archive.ph/Wft2a

Scheduled https://archive.ph/gNZbG


X https://archive.ph/A6b5P

Truth https://archive.ph/3yMsU

Military https://archive.ph/M89S4

FBI https://archive.ph/Qe1Uc

Civilian https://archive.ph/xAbz6

DONATIONS (IMO) https://archive.ph/rmv1F

LETTERS https://archive.ph/kDxcC

DONALD TRUMP https://archive.ph/is8Gw


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77cdcc No.21601605

File: 2efcaf573710238⋯.jpg (72.84 KB,500x603,500:603,93lw7t.jpg)

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e1d857 No.21601606

File: de5d10904cbe12d⋯.png (39.89 KB,548x440,137:110,ClipboardImage.png)

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079a35 No.21601607

File: 0cf7bd3e8a66aa9⋯.jpg (56.69 KB,673x371,673:371,xcvxfrbyfg.jpg)

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a35f54 No.21601608


OP: Focus24

>UPDATED: 24/08/16

"They" are attacking on many fronts and cause many distractions, but President Trump always repeats in his rally's:

Border, Inflation, Taxes, Democrats, Environment, Persecution, Abortion, J6, The Vote, Second Amend and The Wars.

Pick your [ CAMPAIGN TALKING POINT ] and run with it. Post all about it, get others involved, ask for assist, random it around.

Dont stop until Donald J. Trump is the 47th President!!! And then meme about that!!!

Dig.Meme.Pray ALL [3] - Know your Meme Warrior Dashboard. https://archive.ph/0eN8H [S.T.F.U.]


*Starter memes and info provided below

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


PDJT 08/15/2024 08:48:17 Kamala Harris wants NOTHING TO DO WITH CROOKED JOE BIDEN.


X: https://x.com/search?q=joe%20biden&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/Lpdt2HvN

>#Biden #BidenCrimeFamily #BidenUkraine #BidenAfghanWithdraw #Bidenomics #HunterBiden




X: https://x.com/search?q=kamaka%20harris&src=typed_query

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/WY3Qs8Z

>#kamala #BorderCzar #Sacramento #Sanfrancisco #Fracking #GreenNewDeal #CrimeRate #SanctuaryCities


PDJT 06/05/2024 16:09:11 Crooked Joe Biden has totally surrendered our Southern Border.


X: https://twitter.com/search?q=southern%20border&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/4kWS16zj

>#Immigration #Crime #HumanTrafficking #Fentynol #Cartels


PDJT: 06/13/2024 18:17:09 Laurel is working hard to Secure our Border, Fight Inflation,


X: https://twitter.com/search?q=inflation&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/Pyx5BVL

>#Inflation #Bidenomics #Bidenflation #Economy #Mortgages #Taxes #BidenInflation


PDJT 04/26/2024 20:23:15 if Republicans knew the true story about him. Junior’ is totally Anti-Gun, an Extreme Environmentalist


X: https://twitter.com/search?q=environment&src=typed_query&f=live


>#Electric #Windmills #China #AutoIndustry #MilitaryEquipment


PDJT 06/09/2024 21:17:40 Smith’s politicized persecution of the innocent McDonnell was reversed by a unanimous verdict of the U.S. Supreme Court.


X: https://x.com/search?q=Trump%20Persecution&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/kd0PjQgw

>#CorruptJudges #NewYork #DistrictAttorney #Soros #TrumpIndictments #ElectionInterference


PDJT 05/05/2024 14:40:38 Experts wanted the always difficult and contentious subject of Abortion to go back to the States,


X: https://x.com/search?q=abortion&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/npwCRd7

>#PlannedParentHood #ProLife #SaveTheChildren

7. J6



X: https://x.com/search?q=j6&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/FXqjxZDW

THREAD: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/19957122.html

>#Insurrection #Protest #PoliticalPrisoners


PDJT 06/13/2024 18:18:21 Defend our always under siege Second Amendment


X: https://x.com/search?q=%22second%20amendment%22&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/9d08pF8

>#2A #SecondAmendment #Defend2A

9. WAR

A. #RUSSIA #UKRAINE https://twitter.com/search?q=russia&src=typed_query&f=live

>PDJT https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/112589318815377275

B. #CHINA #TAIWAN https://twitter.com/search?q=china&src=typed_query&f=live

>PDJT https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/111710717427961924

C. #ISRAEL #PALESTINE https://twitter.com/search?q=israel&src=typed_query&f=live

>PDJT https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/112418901448719155

#War #WorldWar #NATO #UN #WHO #CIA #FBI

*MEME THREAD: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/21001682.html | https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/19266726.html | https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/21001682.html

*VIDEO ARCHIVE: http://trutube54vqa3baer2kc7aggfc5qstxkgcmzm4qxxzfaxdsihu3znzid.onion/

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ace826 No.21601609


Only one group of (((people))) have infiltrators here 24/7 to steer the agenda.

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fea262 No.21601610


They should go back home where they're needed.

Haaretz Exclusive | Israel Is Recruiting African Asylum Seekers for Life-threatening Gaza War Operations, Promising Permanent Legal Status

Israeli security officials are offering the incentive of permanent residency status to asylum seekers who agree to participate in sometimes life-threatening military operations in Gaza. Sources say that internal criticism of this exploitation has been silenced: 'This is a very problematic matter'


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a35f54 No.21601611



Abortion https://postimg.cc/gallery/npwCRd7 https://archive.is/fCoYS

Antifa https://postimg.cc/gallery/kqphJtL https://archive.ph/pv2AA

Biden https://postimg.cc/gallery/q7sgTLK https://archive.ph/ZSIbe

BLM https://postimg.cc/gallery/f9tr96R https://archive.ph/fank5

Covid https://postimg.cc/gallery/9TfW2FW https://archive.ph/bEInd

DisneyGate https://postimg.cc/gallery/8LWCYTS https://archive.ph/L1nXR

Epstein https://postimg.cc/gallery/MfYzHbp https://archive.ph/9zolP

Media https://postimg.cc/gallery/b1S2HS4 https://archive.ph/lloxO

Pizzagate https://postimg.cc/gallery/4s5G7Tg https://archive.ph/IToVM

Royals https://postimg.cc/gallery/y98mPQm https://archive.ph/v4JI6









































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ace826 No.21601612

File: aeaf7324fd6ea74⋯.jpg (57.42 KB,699x500,699:500,JewishPlan.jpg)

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b4d09a No.21601613

Comms are known, the spider web is weakening, fear and doubt purse through the veins of the Deepfucks, any move might be their last.

Imagine the look on their faces when they find out what (Y)out have done, decades of hell in isolation await.


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a35f54 No.21601614



#DoNothingDemocrats #whereshunterbiden #WheresHunter #ChuckSchumer #Ukraine #joebiden #MittRomney #lindseygraham #obama #Romainia #seemslegit #EndlessWars #MoveOut #bringthemhome #TrumpTrain #NewFrens #NeverEnding #NeverCeasing #FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT #Breaking #BeBest #QAnon #flippening #KAG #MAG #MAGA #ReleaseTheText #ReleaseTheTranscript #Whitewater #Cattle Futures #Bimbo Eruptions/Intimidations #TravelGate #FileGate #Vince Foster #ClintonFoundation #PayForPlay #Benghazi #Blackberries #ServerGate #EmailsHackedandSold #SidBlumenthal #HumaAbedin #TrumpLovesCops #CopsLoveTrump #TrumpLovesPolice #PoliceLoveTrump #CherylMills #ProtecttheVote #COPSFORTRUMP #PROTECTTHEVOTE #ProtectTrump #ProtectAmerica #worktogether #pedovore #superpredator #unity #christianity #GOTRUMP #requirevoterid #Alwaysforward #neverstop #neversurrender #youaredivine

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a35f54 No.21601615




Anons Work #Together, Rinos will be exposed, the border will be secured, Black Democrats will leave the party and Meme Cannon will help get the word out 24/7

>except border increasing is threatening and solutions are elusive


trump border vs biden

>always inviting and rarely insulting to Normies


Welcome to 8kun normies

>RINOs still lurk unknown to the masses; if they could be exposed


Expose All rinos for Impeach and recall

>meme: register to vote as R


push for black woman to register as R

>cant run cartier atm, Shadowbanned still, but other meme cannon newsbot account is kicking ass.


push for anons too load up and run meme cannon

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b39b3b No.21601616

File: 7f8dba096a567af⋯.jpg (706.15 KB,740x1250,74:125,1666480298700999.jpg)

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77cdcc No.21601617

File: d4de172dafbc7d1⋯.webp (45.6 KB,658x680,329:340,media_GXmenfJWQAA3AIV.webp)

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a35f54 No.21601618



twtr will take and not give

twtr has counter moves also

since they own the platform, own the rights, own the content, on the connections

part of GOOD strategy imo is by bassing twtr SEC

if you say 'PlaneFag' on twtr what will a shill do?

If your meme has Pepe, what do they say?

There is no free speech on twtr, only the illusion of free speech.

It is 1 of many tools to share Truth.

If you go after accts, what will they say/report?

Once down, signal stop, News stop, Notables stop until back up.

Important to be up when News breaks or when WE need word out.

Free Country, play it how you want, choice it yours.

Thank you.

When on tw_t:

- make retweet lounge on backup account

- always use a meme

- hit reply on those HUGE accounts and use your best meme

- only retweet GREAT STUFF

- dont waste your time on fights/drama, hit BLOCK instead

- always like twats you like.

- stick to a daily routine

- (re)tweet #TrumpTrain #NewFrens etc: posts with new frens to follow (and follow them)

- make follow-these-patriots tw_ts

- lookop other patriots "follow these patriots" twts, follow & RT them (#TrumpTrain or #NewFrens)

==> Maximize effective twatting by:

- not RT-ing stupid stuff

- pin new great tweet to profile every day

- #Instablock the deranged

- donot enter into twat war and bore your followers

- GREAT MEMES every day

- SAUCE your twats and be interdasting

- inform pepes when their account has been set to private (and send a screenshot explaining how to fix it)

- inform pepes when their account has been targeted by the ONLY FOR YOU "virus" and tell them how to fix it

- Be careful who you follow (RT)

- Do not post illegal content and keep your account UP.

-reply to commentors with low replies and high following

-reply to commentors with lots of replies

-reply to your reply (cuz fawkem)

-share with frens who share

-reply to swing districts twitter accnts

-need richfag to run redpill fb/twitter ads

-Post and reply to spanish population in spanish (habla espanol)

-reply with potus tweeted facts (caps and twat links)

-Leaving it (memes) as a reply on PDJT

-use what current memes we have and start posting to the spanihs in community. speak in spanish when posting to them.

It's up to YOU to maximize your twat coverage and help PDJT.

Pay attention, Be thoughtful, Be strategic, Gain reach, Gain influence

It's not 'drive-by' spray & pray that works, you will just get banned or shadow-banned.

Think about what you are trying to accomplish

-change a mind?

-encourage a thought/question?

-invite discussion?

-provide information others wouldn't know?

-rally the base?

-plant a seed?

It's fun to smack liberals on their nose but does that really help? If someone insults you, does it spur you to think about their point of view and consider it honestly? No of course not.

-Choose your memes carefully, (rally base? plant a seed? inform?)

-Choose your targets as well,

-RT others, join their circle,

-Plant seeds politely


In this information war, we need those hearts & minds. We need them to come to our side willingly.

'Hash is a crazy game. If you get a word trending, what will twtr do? Game is fixed. Sit down to a fixed game? Only if it's important enough to. We play w insight from Q+ Q, so we are not easily beaten. How can twtr make pepes feel by monitoring/changing results of pepes hash effort? Fly by Faith, sometimes can see better.'

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eaf8d6 No.21601619

File: 2bc3564b3c27fb2⋯.jpg (230.61 KB,1200x809,1200:809,Vindman_Flounder.jpg)

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a35f54 No.21601620

=DAY 2

Twat advice for coming days

1) PollFlipping is fun. Find a dem poll, flip it and share with frens. Always Retweet using #PollFlip, so other pepes can find it, help flipping it,

and you can find your own twat later to make a nice screenshot to share! Flipping is fun. KEK.

2) Make or join a retweet lounge and share best tweets with group of 50 frens. Look for "retweet" as twat handle to find a group or start your own.

3) Always pin a new great twat to your profile. New one every day.

4) Make interdasting twats. Fights, drama and discussion are boring AF. Won't get you moar followers.

5) Replies to large accounts (PDJT, eye the spy etc) is a good way to get new frens.

6) Find #NewFrens by following repliers to large accounts (eye the spy, PDJT etc).

7) Retwat group twats with lists of patriots (look for #TrumpTrain, #NewFrens twats) follow everyone.

8) Don't fight on twat. Hit #InstaBlock on everyone that fights or causes drama. Never feed shills.

9) Use simple hashtags: #Breaking, #MAGA, WWG1WGA etc. These always have 2K-5K twats/hour.

10) When twatting about things in the news: USE SIMPLE HASHTAGS. Yesterday: #Turkey was a total winner. #Syria as well.

Keep it simple. #Biden is great. Don't fall for all the variations. Better twat about #Biden and #Corruption than #BidenCorruption.

Simple gets you FAR!

11) Always add a meme. Memes are magic. Memes win wars. ALWAYS USE A MEME!

12) Don't RT stupid twats. Less is MOAR. Keep it interdasting for your followers.

13) Don't RT video's that you haven't watched yourself.

14) Don't twat stuff that is Racist or has swastika's on it. People unfollow you or get #Permabanned for RT-ing it by accident.

- eyes on pertinent nchan threads for meme drop offs and eyes here too.

- tweet with .@them to hit all there followers too

- make retweet lounge on backup account

- always use a meme

- hit reply on those HUGE accounts and use your best meme

- only retweet GREAT STUFF

- dont waste your time on fights/drama, hit BLOCK instead

- always like twats you like.

- stick to a daily routine

- (re)tweet #TrumpTrain #NewFrens etc: posts with new frens to follow (and follow them)

Use .@them to reply to all their followings

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a35f54 No.21601621


Download Twitter Vid: https://www.downloadtwittervideo.com/

Twitter Ghost Check: https://shadowban.yuzurisa.com/

Twitter Analytics: https://analytics.twitter.com/

Twitter Manager: https://tweetdeck.com

Twitter Trends: https://twitter.com/i/trends

Hash Check: https://www.hashtags.org/

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f3623c No.21601622

File: 0b7066742b09df1⋯.png (875.23 KB,605x839,605:839,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf6649 No.21601623

File: 2557b543111cfee⋯.jpg (154.05 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearchFight.jpg)

File: 806ecaeaaf7d3a2⋯.jpg (137.19 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearchIGWT.jpg)

File: fd128e065aefcb6⋯.jpg (166.51 KB,339x335,339:335,MAGA24.jpg)

File: 80c923683b8d1a1⋯.jpg (113.3 KB,355x335,71:67,MAGA_NeverSurrender.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

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ee65e1 No.21601624

File: 51bf9277660d032⋯.png (1.42 MB,1828x878,914:439,5c353bd4139e5fb9dad8bcb814….png)

File: 5a5efedac80461f⋯.png (449.77 KB,1064x720,133:90,e02a509ebffeb3b62219a36aaf….png)

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77cdcc No.21601625

Let's see if hannity or Lindsay want to field this on.

 Pinned Tweet

Catturd ™



How does someone who's from North Carolina and lives in Hawaii know where to be in Florida, at the exact location, at the exact golf course, where Trump made a last minute decision to play golf?

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56058b No.21601626


nik'd the in god we trust one



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2b9e47 No.21601627

File: f8e5e6178659131⋯.jpeg (113.08 KB,1169x650,1169:650,IMG_3336.jpeg)

16 Sep, 2024 06:51

Trump’s promises to end Ukraine conflict ‘not real’ – Zelensky (the Arrogant Idiot Says)

The Ukrainian leader has downplayed the US Republican candidate’s pledge to secure a peace deal as a typical campaign promise

Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky has dismissed US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s promise to immediately end the conflict with Russia, calling it typical election rhetoric that is unlikely to materialize.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that if he returns to the White House, he would secure a peace deal between Moscow and Kiev “within 24 hours.”

“Just get it done. All right. Negotiate a deal,”he said during last week's presidential debate with his Democratic rival, Vice President Kamala Harris. (Zelensky is pissed because Trump won't reveal his plan, and he can't be involved as a former President. Zelensky just wants to trap Trump)

Harris retorted that Trump was planning to “just give up” on Ukraine, and went on to list her own efforts to secure military support for Kiev.

In an interview with CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” on Sunday, Zelensky played down Trump’s words.

“My position is that election period and election messages are election messages. Sometimes they are not very real,” he said,adding that while Trump’s remarks “can make us, all our people nervous,” a conversation with the former president two months ago left a very different impression.

“I had a phone call with Donald Trump, and he said that he’s very supportive and we had a good conversation,” he told the host.

In April 2022, Kiev and Moscow were close to finalizing a peace agreement in Istanbul, but the talks were broken off due to an intervention by Ukraine’s Western backers.

Since then, Kiev has repeatedly stated that any talks should be based on Zelensky’s ten-point peace plan, which states that Russia must relinquish territories held by Ukraine prior to 2014. Moscow has rejected the idea as detached from reality.

Last week, Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance suggested that Trump’s potential peace proposal would probably involve creating a demilitarized zone around the current line of contact and guaranteeing Ukraine’s neutrality,ideas that align with Russia’s main objectives.

US National Security AdviserJake Sullivan, however, cast doubt on achieving a quick resolutionto the conflict, saying that “anyone, who steps forward and says they could solve the Ukraine war in one day from the outside” needs to be questioned as to “whose side are they going to be solving it on.” (DS is afraid because Trump will expose their scam, money laundering, and their planning an extended war with Russia.)

Moscow has ruled out negotiations while Ukrainian forces remain in Russia's Kursk Region, citing war crimes committed during the incursion in early August.

Previously, Russian President Vladimir Putin said he would order an immediate ceasefire if Ukraine were to abandon its NATO ambitions and territorial claims.


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4aa553 No.21601628

File: 813ba5676f69290⋯.png (826.66 KB,960x797,960:797,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

September 16, 2024

Mercury's Vivaldi Crater from BepiColombo

Why does this large crater on Mercury have two rings and a smooth floor? No one is sure. The unusual feature called Vivaldi Crater spans 215 kilometers and was imaged again in great detail by ESA's and JAXA's robotic BepiColombo spacecraft on a flyby earlier this month. A large circular feature on a rocky planet or moon is usually caused by either an impact by a small asteroid or a comet fragment, or a volcanic eruption. In the case of Vivaldi, it is possible that both occurred – a heavy strike that caused a smooth internal lava flow. Double-ringed craters are rare, and the cause of the inner rings remains a topic of research. The speed-slowing gravity-assisted flyby of Mercury by BepiColombo was in preparation for the spacecraft entering orbit around the Solar System's innermost planet in 2026.


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f3623c No.21601629

File: 4fe32aac8a10f1e⋯.mp4 (4.92 MB,640x360,16:9,callforviolence.mp4)

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e71a22 No.21601630


it has no opposable thumbs…

the oar is a lie.

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b4d09a No.21601631

Unable to foster support,the "influencer" Deepfuck's mouth fills with bitter bile. Decades of training all worthless, unable to find purchase in the minds of Americans, only losing it exponentially. The Deepfuck realizes the horrific reality, set up to fail, sent into the thresher of battle without support. All alone in his cubicle the DeepFuck piece of shit:s life is truly over. Carter and freedom GONE


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81c815 No.21601632

File: 0f0035eb3b894eb⋯.jpg (107.49 KB,1360x500,68:25,PEACE_IS_THE_PLAN.jpg)

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739085 No.21601633

File: c279f014a8ea100⋯.png (334.41 KB,488x488,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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97f350 No.21601635

File: fc9102562c4dc52⋯.png (179.12 KB,765x430,153:86,ClipboardImage.png)

The city has outsourced many core functions to a little-known group of 14 human services contractors, each with a portfolio exceeding $1 billion.


they say it like it's a good thing.

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6a0086 No.21601636

File: 9e35fa6e300dc49⋯.png (1.76 MB,750x1334,375:667,705B9018_AF59_4AB4_93E6_9E….png)

File: 60dbaa07185c6d8⋯.png (2.86 MB,750x1334,375:667,678BA1FE_8503_4BC2_8F5C_13….png)

File: 7badd100f79b667⋯.png (230.56 KB,690x1926,115:321,5F89BABF_694F_4D08_8A13_28….png)

File: 6c46b41b8df924f⋯.png (46.73 KB,690x768,115:128,529AA899_F44F_4DF4_8893_47….png)

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a441e3 No.21601637

>>21600904 pb


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b4d09a No.21601638

Intel brass reduced to diaper wearing shitbags, useless and powerless DumbCunts, evil toilets with nothing but great and pain ahead.


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b33209 No.21601639

File: d137d9327e238fa⋯.png (444.47 KB,646x726,323:363,ok_then.png)


Dark to Light

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adbd46 No.21601640

90% of the LB notables are screen caps from twitter.

Why don’t anons just abandon this place and lurk/contribute there instead?

Would be more efficient and effective tbqh.

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e71a22 No.21601641

has no value other than that given by other's approbation.



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e71a22 No.21601642


gfys elon.

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b4d09a No.21601643

Moans and screams echo throughout Langley, the muffled report of service issues finalizing the quick and painless end for the DeepFuck.

Do it

Do it now.

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f3623c No.21601644

File: f24dc4608866a73⋯.png (897.73 KB,957x1200,319:400,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 897b222a7150c84⋯.png (1.04 MB,974x1200,487:600,ClipboardImage.png)


Ryan Routh was an Eagle Scout. He later chased a man who raped his neighbor and got an award for it. He has been featured in more news stories than average from 1991-2024.

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e71a22 No.21601645


believes nasa.

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21ba3e No.21601646

I'm betting dollars to donuts that they will "Oswald" him before he can spill the beans to the media….just like JFK…if that happens…you will instantly know who is involved…

If nothing happens…GITMO will find out who is behind it…

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d839aa No.21601647

all that really should be coming from the msm full court press on the next presser for immediate accountability

all there is is politictweaking

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f3623c No.21601648



FROM STAFF REPORTS Dec 16, 2002 Updated Jan 24, 2015

An armed man was arrested Monday morning after barricading himself in a business during a three-hour standoff, police said.

Ryan Routh, 36, was arrested without incident at 1 a.m. Monday at United Roofing, 1735 W. Lee St., Greensboro police said.Routh was pulled over about 10 p.m. Sunday during a traffic stop, police said. But he put his hand on a firearm and drove to United Roofing, where he remained barricaded inside, police said.

Routh was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and possession of a weapon of mass destruction, referring to a fully automatic machine gun. He was also charged with resisting, delaying and obstructing a law enforcement officer and driving while license revoked.

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5b6001 No.21601649


It was also unusual how many times Hannity mentioned Steve Witkoff by name, on a relatively brief appearance on FOX as the news was breaking.

If close associates of Trump were warned in recent days that they were also targets, why would Hannity go to so much trouble to name this very close, very long time friend of Trump, so many times?

He even named the local diner - by name - where he and Mr. Witkoff shared a meal earlier in the day.

Very unusual particular details disclosed by Hannity in such a high threat environment.

* At the recent Republican National Convention, Witkoff was introduced by his surviving son and gave a moving, first person account of many touching moments in his many decades-long friendship with Trump, as a fellow builder in NY, and as a fellow father who lost a son to opioid overdose* and how touchingly Trump responded to his loss then, and since, along with many other anecdotes. Witkoff's speech reportedly "humanized" Trump.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RzVIj1I0EVs (Witkoff's RNC speech)

* He didn't say then but his son overdosed was while he was at an expensive "sober living" facility in California - One80Center (described as a "luxury drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility"). https://meyerslaw.com/news/personal-injury-law/parents-of-deceased-22-year-old-file-wrongful-death-lawsuit-against-one80center/


Last Aug. 9, the same defendants were sued by Steven and Lauren Witkoff, the parents of deceased client Andrew Witkoff. He died of an OxyContin overdose on Aug. 14, 2011, at age 22 while alone in his room at the Sunset Plaza Drive home.

Steven Witkoff is a wealthy Manhattan real estate mogul whose holdings include the Woolworth Building.

The complaint alleges Andrew Witkoff also was not properly supervised by the One80Center staff, allowing him to skip urine tests, buy illicit drugs online and exchange texts on his iPhone with drug dealers.

"Andrew obtained and used cocaine, together with alcohol, while on an off-site trip when he was supposed to be under the direct supervision of his sober companion," according to the Witkoff complaint.

The One80Center charged clients up to $550,000 per month for its services, according to the Galletta complaint.


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f3623c No.21601650

File: 7535a0e5c5dbd90⋯.png (359.53 KB,935x452,935:452,ClipboardImage.png)


The only good Trump is a dead Trump. Oh how I wish!

My name is Ian Netupsky and I am a registered 2024 United States Independent Presidential Candidate

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c9655b No.21601651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gallows pole

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adbd46 No.21601652



i’m trying to help

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f84fed No.21601653


Why don't you just bankroll Jim? He's a veteran that runs this place on spit and baling twine for very little thanks or glory.

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b4d09a No.21601654

Cover stories being written haphazardly, trembling hands beating the keys in a futile effort to stem the tide

No, nothing sticks, the end is here


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fea262 No.21601655


Possibility? Not scary ; it's called reality.

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c0eff2 No.21601656


Throwing no shade on you anon.

Current era vernacular = Epsteined

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5813cf No.21601657


I thought about that.

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6bd544 No.21601658

File: c8d80a13cb1623f⋯.png (67.43 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 873b02bb427286f⋯.png (650.89 KB,619x499,619:499,ClipboardImage.png)


it is fine.

they just need to be put into a bun instead of a wall of text notables.

makes things looks confusing,

maybe that is the purpose or it is just that the note takers have not learned the ways of oldfag bakers.

insightful anons opines are much moar valuable than those looking to get clicks and reposts on social media.

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f3623c No.21601659

File: 6244caf7c36b74d⋯.png (367.27 KB,750x404,375:202,ClipboardImage.png)


In 2023 interview, alleged Trump plotter decried Ukrainian obstacles for foreign soldiers

When Ryan Routh spoke to Semafor on March 7, 2023, he was frustrated with the Ukrainian government for which he’d traveled around the world to support.

The Ukrainians, he complained, were being too rigid about admitting foreign soldiers of dubious qualifications, including a group of Afghan commandos who were facing skepticism and bureaucratic roadblocks in Kyiv.

“Ukraine is very often hard to work with. Many foreign soldiers leave after a week in Ukraine or must move from unit to unit to find a place they are respected and appreciated,” he told Semafor. He’d been “yelled at” every time he suggested they tap Afghan commandos. “They’re afraid that anybody and everybody is a Russian spy,” he said with frustration.

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f3623c No.21601660

File: b4110f68fed3cd4⋯.png (586.4 KB,634x741,634:741,ClipboardImage.png)


got his whole page

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f3623c No.21601661


Hannity hand shake

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f3623c No.21601662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>they will "Oswald" him before he can spill the beans

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77cdcc No.21601663

File: bf0015e5568f1c7⋯.webp (33.84 KB,680x670,68:67,media_GXmepAEXkAAhVTL.webp)

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f3623c No.21601664

File: cd895b9eac55747⋯.png (691.47 KB,634x748,317:374,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc32376450effc6⋯.png (335.4 KB,634x424,317:212,ClipboardImage.png)


Scott came to the authority's attention in January 2020 when she walked into a Manhattan police station covered in blood, and told officers: 'I think I may have killed someone last night.'

By then police had already found the body of the elegant antiques dealer in his Upper East Side apartment on 83rd Street near Park Avenue.

Savinsky who met Scott on a dating site, was found with his throat cut and deep gashes to his head in the blood-spattered apartment.

Scott had been seen walking out of the apartment building, wearing Savinski's black jacket and counting money with noticeable hand injuries.

Scott then allegedly used Savinski's credit cards to pay for a hotel room in New Jersey, where the killer woke up the next day, covered in blood and apparently with little memory of what had happened the night before.

Scott is seen at a 2017 fashion show fundraiser supporting the Children's Abuse Network

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77cdcc No.21601665

File: e1b0fe5dc3824cc⋯.jpg (131.01 KB,720x812,180:203,Screenshot_20240916_102705….jpg)

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4aa553 No.21601666

File: 92d60695f43b0ea⋯.png (1.36 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

How a Trump-Musk government efficiency commission might affect NASA

09/15/24 10:00 AM ET

Former President Trump’s suggestion that a government efficiency commission be formed to examine the workings of every part of the federal government is a brilliant one.

The idea that SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk be in charge of the commission would seem to be a no-brainer.

Such a commission would be the perfect vehicle for looking at NASA, an agency with a storied history beset with a slew of problems.

One of the major problems NASA faces is its difficulty with bringing projects on schedule and on budget.

Examples over the past few decades include the International Space Station and the James Webb Space Telescope.

Some projects, such as the Mars Sample Return and the VIPER lunar rover have gone so far off the rails that they face cancellation or at least a lengthy process of rescoping.

The tale of the Space Launch System, key to the Artemis return to the moon, remains depressing.

NASA is not unique in its inability to complete projects on time and under budget, The large number of weapons systems the Defense Department has funded that cost more and took longer to develop than originally planned goes back many decades.

The F-35 is an example.

Civilian infrastructure projects have not been immune to government waste, such as the $7.5 billion the Biden administration has spent to build just seven electric car charging stations.

An article in Quartz, citing a study in the Oxford Review of Economic Policy, noted that projects at NASA have suffered an average cost overrun of 90 percent. By comparison, projects undertaken by SpaceX have had an average cost overrun of 1.1 percent.

One reason for SpaceX’s relative success is that NASA concentrates on “one-off projects focused on ‘quantum leaps’ — the Space Shuttle or the Space Launch System,” whereas Musk’s company climbs up “the launch value chain, from the small Falcon 1 rocket, to the expendable Falcon 9, to the reusable Falcon 9, to the Falcon Heavy.”

NASA reinvents projects every time, while SpaceX evolves its hardware, improving on what came before.

The fact that SpaceX doesn’t have layers of bureaucracy or direct congressional mandates as NASA does is helpful, as well.

Public policy experts have known that something was wrong with NASA for decades. The White House, dating back to the second Bush administration, responded by commercializing parts of the space agency’s functions.

Thus, several commercial initiatives, including Commercial Orbital Transport Systems (COTS), Commercial Crew, Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS), Human Landing System and several private space stations to replace the International Space Station were undertaken.

Commercialization, with the exception of the problems encountered by the Boeing Starliner, has been successful, suggesting that two solutions exist for what troubles NASA.

One solution would be to commercialize as many functions of NASA as possible, including planetary science and Earth science. In effect, the space agency would do little to nothing in-house. It would hand out contracts on a fixed-price basis to control costs.

The other solution would be to figure out ways that NASA could borrow from the corporate cultures of its commercial partners.

The space agency would streamline the decision-making process and would collapse layers of bureaucracy.

The proposed commission’s task concerning NASA would be to reimagine how the space agency functions and to develop a plan to implement it.

Finally, the role of Elon Musk in the government efficiency commission raises questions.

On the one hand, the idea of appointing Musk would seem to be a brilliant one. Musk, the richest man on the planet, has a proven record of doing the impossible, doing it relatively cheaply, and making a lot of money doing it.

If he can teach the federal government, including NASA, the secrets of his success, the United States will benefit immeasurably,

On the other hand, Musk’s involvement in the commission raises conflict of interest questions.

SpaceX, especially, makes a lot of money on government contracts and its activities are heavily regulated by the government.

Even if the commission’s proposals are found to be sound, some will raise questions if Musk and his companies stand to benefit.

Reforming the federal government, including NASA, would be worth the argument.

If Musk can save taxpayers trillions of dollars, perhaps erasing the deficit and beginning to reduce the national debt, his personal benefit would be a small price to pay.


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a1538a No.21601669

File: 879f47b93c4e8de⋯.png (2.13 MB,1200x1200,1:1,879f47b93c4e8de9ec2d82810a….png)

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c282c0 No.21601670


I was thinking about her.

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f3623c No.21601671

File: 3944fbf371ade8f⋯.png (654.07 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

They wear their mental health on the outside

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0d7168 No.21601673

When we consider all the riots, gangs, JFK, Reagan, JFK Jr, Rep. Scalise, Seth Rich, and PDJT, we have to come to the conclusion that we are not dealing with political opponents but organized criminals in politics willing to murder in order to remain in power.

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b4d09a No.21601674

The underground horrors of Ukraine to be known, insurance files being disseminated massively, terabytes of depraved atrocity out there like a downpour of rotting meat

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bd0318 No.21601677


Indeed they do

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d0988a No.21601678

Any idea why Trump was being blamed by the Ukranian apologist? Who is currently the commander in chief? I am more confused than the shooter.

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77cdcc No.21601679

File: 04268b8531179b8⋯.jpeg (59.01 KB,498x498,1:1,88.jpeg)

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2a3b2e No.21601680


Have anons considered the shooter is a Trump plant? It would answer many questions and soften the hearts of many trump haters.

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dd3336 No.21601681

History shows that great leaders often have a family member who betrays them.

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f3623c No.21601682


That time Bill and Hillary Clinton went to a voodoo ceremony in Haiti

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b4d09a No.21601683


A fetid cabal of depraved treasonous vermin to be sorted and culled like diseased cattle.

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6521f4 No.21601684

File: 65cc9a74d3566fa⋯.jpg (89.84 KB,1124x718,562:359,65cc9a74d3566fa5a68c52453c….jpg)

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f3623c No.21601685

File: 66ac420330f4081⋯.png (1.8 MB,1200x900,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

No ears were harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon.

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6004eb No.21601686

File: 827fdb7833521c7⋯.jpeg (121.73 KB,1136x656,71:41,IMG_3341.jpeg)

15 Sep, 2024 07:

Ukraine’s British missiles rely on US data – Times

Storm Shadow missiles will not hit their targets if London unilaterally allows Kiev to strike deep into Russia, sources have said

Ukraine will not be able to effectively use British-supplied Storm Shadow missiles for long-range attacks on Russia without targeting data provided by the US, The Times has reported.

In an article on Saturday, the paper cited five former UK defense secretaries and ex-prime minister Boris Johnson, who argued that London should unilaterally allow Kiev to use its munitions to target internationally recognized Russia territory instead of waiting for approval from Washington. “There is no conceivable case for delay,” Johnson insisted.

Ukraine has been pushing for such permission for months, while Russia has warned that it would amount to direct participation of the West in the conflict between Moscow and Kiev.

The Times noted that “Britain could fire Storm Shadows without US approval or assistance, butthey might be intercepted by Russian air defenses or be diverted off-course.”

A UK defense source told the outlet that Storm Shadows, which were jointly developed by UK and France,“probably would not survive in the contested, electronically jammed environment that the Russians have.”

“Russian electronic warfare has rendered GPS useless. They jam it. So it has to use another type of data set instead, which is American-owned,” the source stressed. According to The Times, such data is classified, but it is likely linked to American ground-mapping capabilities.

During talks between US President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer in Washington on Friday, theWhite House signaled that it would be going into a “holding pattern” on the issue of strikes deep inside Russia until Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky comes to New York later this month and presents his “victory plan.”

The development “surprised” the UK officials, who suggested that the Biden administration was moving towards authorizing the attacks based on “hints” from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the White House insiders told the paper.

Russian President Vladmir Putin reiterated on Thursday that Ukraine lacks the capability to use Western long-range systems on its own, as targeting for suchsystems requires intelligence from NATO satellites and firing solutions that can “only be entered by NATO military personnel.”

The authorization of such attacks “will mean that NATO countries – the US and European countries – are fighting against Russia,” Putin said. Russia will “make the appropriate decisions based on the threats facing us,” he added.

In May, when London first spoke of allowing Ukrainian strikes with Storm Shadow missiles deep inside Russia,Moscow warned that it could target “any British military facilities and equipment on the territory of Ukraine and beyond” in response.


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f3623c No.21601687

File: a23affba3ed1600⋯.png (437.27 KB,691x692,691:692,ClipboardImage.png)


Ryan Wesley Routh is seen in video footage from Ukraine

posted video of himself in Ukraine in 2022 as he worked to recruit foreign fighters.

Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, claimed to have helped rally soldiers for the International Legion, Ukraine's military unit for foreign volunteer fighters, but was keen to get involved in the fighting and accepted he might not return home.

'I am willing to fly to Krakow and go to the border of Ukraine to volunteer and fight and die,' he wrote on X weeks after the Russian invasion.

Realizing he was not eligible on the frontline due to his age, Routh instead tried to recruit Afghan soldiers fleeing the Taliban to fight in Ukraine, he said in a 2023 interview with The New York Times.


Stolen Valor: The U.S. Volunteers in Ukraine Who Lie, Waste and Bicker

People who would not be allowed anywhere near the battlefield in a U.S.-led war are active on the Ukrainian front, with ready access to American weapons.

With Legion growth stalling, Ryan Routh, a former construction worker from Greensboro, N.C., is seeking recruits from among Afghan soldiers who fled the Taliban. Mr. Routh, who spent several months in Ukraine last year, said he planned to move them, in some cases illegally, from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine. He said dozens had expressed interest.

“We can probably purchase some passports through Pakistan, since it’s such a corrupt country,” he said in an interview from Washington.

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1a1fc3 No.21601688


I have and then tossed it in the trash as a stupid theory.

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dd3336 No.21601690

File: 1944061df842c31⋯.png (124.75 KB,260x290,26:29,ClipboardImage.png)


Looks a little like Putin

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f3623c No.21601691


Greensboro neighbor describes man accused of attempting Trump assassination, says ‘a lot of people were afraid of him’


Son of alleged would-be assassin Ryan Wesley Routh says his dad hates Trump like 'all reasonable people' but he's never owned a gun and wouldn't do anything batshit crazy


The 58-year-old, who lives in a small town on the island of Oahu, Hawaii

Routh has a lengthy criminal history with the North Carolina Department of Adult Correction. Most of these are made up of a range of traffic offences that saw him have his driving licence revoked in 2002. That same year, he was charged on one felony count of possessing a “weapon of mass destruction” — an automatic machine gun — and was placed on probation.

In December 2002, Greensboro News and Record in North Carolina spoke of Routh being pulled over for a traffic stop, during which he “put his hand on a firearm”, fled the scene, and then proceeded to barricade himself for three hours inside the building of a roofing business where he worked at the time.

Routh also faced felony charges for possessing stolen goods back in 2010.

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a35f54 No.21601692

File: a4bd5ea59be1b67⋯.png (477.51 KB,960x539,960:539,ClipboardImage.png)


Hello again anons, hope all is well.

been working on the crossposting notables to the world via #AnonNews chat room. Along with me cross posting and a watkins report rss feed, I now have setup an archive of kun notables. Archive link to post hourly into the chat room

Anon tries to update when i can.

Thank you Bakers and Anons!

(You) are the News.

Please take a moment to review and share this archive with the world


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b4d09a No.21601693

Democrat pigs and pols to be exposed and arrested. Each syphilitic traitor facing decades of hell, surrounded by the angry citizenry theY befouled. A hopeless and gray being of institutional solitude and bowel churning fear

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6bd544 No.21601694

File: 53d46f1db73338a⋯.png (812.65 KB,514x640,257:320,ClipboardImage.png)

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78a03d No.21601695

File: c2fd4a7a1e562da⋯.png (944.96 KB,750x819,250:273,qpp3mkmbpew31.png)

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dd3336 No.21601697


(With regards to Trumps last minute golfing schedule change).

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a35f54 No.21601698


also edit out mass links as they dont work in the archive

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6004eb No.21601703

File: 194dfa2c29c8baf⋯.mp4 (4.39 MB,634x360,317:180,ssstwitter_com_17264404554….mp4)



Second Trump assassin, Ryan Wesley Routh, was connected to Rep Adam Kinzinger through his support of Ukraine. Here he’s being interviewed by Newsweek about his effort to recruit mercenaries to fight in Ukraine.

Sept. 15, 2024


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d5a0c1 No.21601706

File: 508ee2145e940f3⋯.png (173.2 KB,868x273,124:39,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d4bf49a22f5139⋯.png (11.14 KB,431x163,431:163,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e8e9b90351a454⋯.png (311.28 KB,494x368,247:184,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3623c No.21601710


full 10 minutes


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b4d09a No.21601712

Clown financial fronts watch in horror as trillion$ evaporate, money talks bullshit walks. No more good money after bad.

Complete loss of control, each clown tastes the tinfoil, the harsh reality.

It's ALL gone.

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74ed60 No.21601714


History repeats itself.

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fea262 No.21601717

File: 41b97423ba98aef⋯.webp (49.6 KB,764x1023,764:1023,ryan_routh_arrest.webp)

File: c5b74597a392cb3⋯.jpg (9.81 KB,174x232,3:4,images.jpg)

Same guy? Some how got younger looking.

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4c2f80 No.21601720

File: 375ac3d9f457614⋯.png (522.61 KB,639x468,71:52,ClipboardImage.png)

20205 The World after 50 years of systemic discriminated against White Americans and Kamala admitting stealing trillions from us and giving it to the Pope, Lynn Rothschild and other globohomo commie billionaires.

In their own culturally appropriated words


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f3623c No.21601727

File: 82845b3606d655e⋯.png (1.97 MB,1240x750,124:75,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd1102 No.21601730

File: a67b655aaeb4884⋯.jpg (17.04 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2226628142.jpg)

File: 69d27b0fe3b6a2c⋯.jpg (738.86 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240818_213606….jpg)

File: 80d2c65c8e3b564⋯.jpg (88.54 KB,550x723,550:723,latest_3845236378.jpg)

File: d1473b5667afe01⋯.jpg (545.36 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_090933….jpg)

File: 83a4b4a42868f8d⋯.webp (119.04 KB,1272x714,212:119,e87d9d6b_9e8b_4952_8f71_7….webp)

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4c2f80 No.21601741


He went there to die for Ukraine. If the IDF doesn't want him, send him to Kursk.

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97f350 No.21601745

File: 409733880a55a02⋯.png (271.13 KB,576x640,9:10,Screen_Shot_2024_09_16_at_….png)

World leaders call for increased UN powers, implementation of Agenda 2030

Key themes that were repeated by global leaders throughout the call were the desire to strengthen the U.N., the desire to reform the international financial architecture, and the desire to achieve the pro-abortion Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.


"SDGs are slipping out of reach.. AI is developed in an ethical & legal vacuum.. International financial architecture is outdated/ineffective.. 21st Century challenges require 21st Century problem-solving institutions": Antonio Guterres UN Summit of the Future Global Call


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b4d09a No.21601747



Top pic was prolly taken in 2017, the idiot DeepFucks have been infiltrated, the wheat separated from the chaf, almost a decade of digging their own muddy and fetid graves. Entire ops a ruse, a encasing themselves in a fecal film of self immolation, the treasonous DeepFuck is naked and alone.


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178cd2 No.21601748

10:00 AM EDT

Advancing Value-Based Care: A Bipartisan Dialogue on Health Equity and Innovation

Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg Center and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services



Former Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Svcs. Admins. Discuss Health Equity

Former Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) administrators from the Clinton, George W. Bush and Obama administrations sit down for a conversation on health equity hosted by the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg Center.


11:00 AM EDT

Press Conference: The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) and UN Women on the Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals: The Gender Snapshot 2024 - This report presents the latest trends and challenges on the achievement of gender equality across all the Sustainable Development Goals.

United Nations


11:00 AM EDT

Deputy Secretary Kurt M. Campbell meets with Chilean Ambassador to the United States Juan Gabriel Valdes

Department of State


12:00 PM EDT

Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly.

United Nations


12:00 PM EDT

The Charlie Kirk Show

Real America's Voice


12:00 PM EDT

C. Peter McColough Series on International Economics With Lael Brainard

Council on Foreign Relations



White House National Economic Adviser Discusses Global Economy

National Economic Council Chair Lael Brainard discusses the global economy during a discussion with the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City.


12:00 PM EDT

Marine Barracks Washington - Navy and Marine Corps Medal Presentation Ceremony to Cpl Spencer Collart

Cpl Spencer Collart is being posthumously awarded the Navy and Marine Corps medal for his actions following an Osprey crash in August of 2023.


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77cdcc No.21601754

File: 60c06e759c51657⋯.jpg (501.68 KB,2880x2880,1:1,20240915_080058.jpg)

Ask your neighbors what a MAGA hat can do for you

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dd3336 No.21601756

File: ba5fad9cccb29fb⋯.png (283.93 KB,713x748,713:748,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3623c No.21601760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Complete loss of control

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fea262 No.21601763


>Trump’s promises to end Ukraine conflict ‘not real’ – Zelensky (the Arrogant Idiot Says)

Cut off all cash and military aid, weapons transfers and UA/NATO support and involvement. In 24 hours this lost cause WWIII threat would be over.

Same goes for Israel.

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b4d09a No.21601764

Churning out useless endeavours, shoveling shit against the tide. DeepFucks are out matched, getting ripped and torn at every torn. Intellectually defiled, torn to tatters, skin and muscle tremble, the meat rotting, soul fucked lunatics scrambling in their final moments,

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ace826 No.21601766


I'd be willing to bet he has a 10 speed and a spandex suit and one of them funny helmets, rides on narrow country roads because he is special.

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1a1fc3 No.21601767

oh VD is sperging out like a scared little faggot.

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193116 No.21601768

File: 857e099154ce3fb⋯.png (465.16 KB,1600x729,1600:729,ClipboardImage.png)

Gitmo express on route doing their thing…

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4c75ae No.21601769

File: 46580aa58d0181e⋯.jpeg (250.53 KB,1199x845,1199:845,IMG_3344.jpeg)

16 Sep, 2024 10:29

Latest assassination attempt on Donald Trump: What we know so far

A pro-Kiev activist allegedly brought a Kalashnikov assault rifle to the former US president’s golf course.1/2

Former US President Donald Trump, who is seeking a second term in the White House, appears to have been the target of an attempted assassination for a second time in three months.

The suspect is reportedly a Ukraine-obsessed man who was involved in recruiting foreign fighters for Kiev.

The incident

What the US Secret Service described as a possible attempt on the life of the Republican presidential candidate took place shortly before 2pm on Sunday at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. Agency personnel fired several gunshots at an armed man who they spotted near the property line, it said.

The suspect fled but was caught later in the day in neighboring Martin County. The sheriff’s office confirmed that it had arrested a suspect who was driving north on I-95. Deputies were acting on information shared by their counterparts from West Palm Beach County.

The FBI has taken charge of the investigation.

Sniper nest

Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw has shared images of the location where the suspect was hiding, in bushes on the perimeter of the golf club. Items recovered reportedly include an AK-47-style assault rifle with a scope, two backpacks with ceramic tiles, which were hanging on the fence, and a GoPro camera, he said.

The sheriff said a Secret Service agent had spotted the barrel of a rifle sticking out of the bushes and engaged the gunman, forcing him to flee. The man and his vehicle were spotted by an eyewitness, who confirmed the suspect’s identity after he was arrested, Bradshaw added.

Pro-Kiev suspect

Multiple media outlets identified the would-be shooter as Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, originally from North Carolina and residing in Hawaii. Photos of a man wearing a pink T-shirt and sitting inside a police cruiser are circulating online.

Routh has previously spoken to US media about his pro-Kiev stance and his role in recruiting foreign fighters who he thought the Ukrainian government could use.

In June 2022, he told Newsweek that he considered the Ukraine conflict to be “definitely black and white,” and “about good versus evil.”

He had initially intended to join the ranks of the Ukrainian military but apparently failed to do so. He reportedly went on to other projects, including an attempt to recruit and send Afghan commandos who had fled the Taliban to the front line in Ukraine.

”We can probably purchase some passports through Pakistan, since it’s such a corrupt country,” he told the New York Times in March 2023.

In an interview with Semafor the same month, Routh expressed his frustration with Kiev, which was suspicious about his proposal.He was identified by the outlet as the head of the International Volunteer Center (IVC) in Ukraine, a pro-Kiev non-profit.


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77cdcc No.21601771

File: 7ac62ccf951125b⋯.jpg (105.82 KB,720x742,360:371,Screenshot_20240914_141450….jpg)

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317c1f No.21601773

File: e45593c80632dc7⋯.png (478.74 KB,1065x1019,1065:1019,ClipboardImage.png)


Q and Q+


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6bd544 No.21601774

File: cd3f1e1f677fcab⋯.png (439.32 KB,500x626,250:313,ClipboardImage.png)

meanwhile in the u.k!!!

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4d3f4a No.21601776

File: 21a51987ddde5f5⋯.gif (863.63 KB,355x200,71:40,hat_changing.gif)




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4c75ae No.21601780

File: 621dec3e5880dd6⋯.mp4 (281.88 KB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17264520883….mp4)



Dr. Simon Goddek


BREAKING: Ryan Routh was featured in an AZOV propaganda video in 2022. For those unaware, AZOV is a violent, far-right Ukrainian militia with neo-Nazi origins, notorious for its anti-Russian extremism—and supported by the CIA. Yet the media stays silent.

Sept. 15, 2024


In May 2022, his face briefly appeared in a video, which appealed to the international communityto pressure Russia on behalf of the Azov Battalion, the infamous Ukrainian unit with ties to white nationalist groups around the world. Hundreds of its fighters were captured in the city of Mariupol that month, after they surrendered a heavily fortified former steel mill, which they used as a base. Supporters wanted them released as soon as possible….


Public figures across the political aisle have condemned the latest apparent attempt to kill Trump.

”As I have said many times, there is no place for political violence or for any violence ever in our country,” President Joe Biden said in a statement.

Vice President Kamala Harris, who is running against Trump in the November election, said she was “deeply disturbed” by the incident, and thankful that her opponent was safe.

Trump has expressed his gratitude to the Secret Service, Sheriff Bradshaw and his office for the “incredible job done.” He remarked that “it was certainly an interesting day!”

Brush with death in July

In mid-July, a sniper fired at Trump during a campaign rally near Butler, Pennsylvania. One shot grazed Trump's ear, while further shots killed one of the ex-president’s supporters and wounded several others. The shooter was killed by return fire from a Secret Service agent.

The incident subjected the Secret Service to intense criticism over perceived lapses in security provided to Trump. Then Director Kimberly Cheatle stepped down from her position following bipartisan pressure. Ronald L. Rowe Jr. succeeded her as acting head of the agency.


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b4d09a No.21601781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


STFU, stupid fuckin bitch.

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f3623c No.21601782

File: a511912c76c97f3⋯.mp4 (8.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,superkim.mp4)


Trump Jr. is 'caught kissing' glamorous Palm Beach socialite Bettina Anderson during brunch date without fiancée Kimberly Guilfoyle

Witnesses told DailyMail.com Don Jr. and Bettina 'were definitely on a date'

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fea262 No.21601783


>He has been featured in more news stories than average from 1991-2024.

Backstory created for useful idiot contract agent.

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8d72da No.21601785

File: dffa23f72080319⋯.mp4 (1.98 MB,480x270,16:9,mRRfREDCnhkflUaO.mp4)

Amit Shah (Parody)


2.5 minutes of Democrats explicitly calling for using political vioIence.

They own this.


>Elon retweeted this: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1835584965242695906

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4aa553 No.21601786

File: 7eaa407ececa0f9⋯.png (363.73 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34eb76e277439bc⋯.png (1.17 MB,970x546,485:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f88d3239b58763⋯.png (800.92 KB,940x562,470:281,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 958dbf230f94493⋯.png (305.11 KB,536x617,536:617,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e40e16ebca1cb51⋯.png (90.51 KB,544x807,544:807,ClipboardImage.png)

Aurora alert: Powerful geomagnetic storm could spark northern lights across US and Europe tonight

September 16, 2024

A combination of powerful solar events has prompted the National Oceanic and Atmospheric (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) to issue a geomagnetic storm warning for today (Sept. 16).

This is great news for those wishing to see the northern lights the predicted geomagnetic storm could spark auroras deep into mid-latitudes (around 50°) and as far south as California, Missouri and Oregon.

This culprit? In this case, there are actually two.

The first is a large plume of plasma and magnetic field known as a coronal mass ejection (CME) that was released from the sun during a colossal X-class solar flare — the most powerful class of solar flare — on Sept. 14.

The X4.5 solar flare peaked at 11:29 a.m. EDT (1529 GMT) and was the fifth largest solar flare of the current solar cycle.

The CME released during the X-flare is currently barreling toward Earth and is predicted to arrive today (Sept. 16). CMEs carry electrically charged atoms known as ions.

When they collide with Earth's magnetosphere, they can trigger geomagnetic storms. During these storms, the ions interact with gases in Earth's atmosphere, emitting energy as light.

It is this light that we view as the northern lights, or the aurora borealis, in the Northern Hemisphere, and the southern lights, or the aurora australis, in the Southern Hemisphere.

The second culprit is a coronal hole on the Earth-facing side of the sun. Coronal holes appear as dark regions in the sun's corona (outer atmosphere).

They have an open, unipolar magnetic field line structure which essentially allows the solar wind to escape more readily into space.

This stream of relatively fast solar wind and the influence of the incoming CME have resulted in the G3 geomagnetic storm watch being issued.

NOAA classifies geomagnetic storms using a G-scale that measures their intensity, ranging from G1 for minor storms to G5 for the most extreme ones.

Powerful G3 conditions are predicted for today (Sept. 16) which means we could be in for quite the aurora show as previous "minor" G1 conditions on July 29/30 still managed to spark dazzling northern lights across the U.S. and Canada.

Current forecasts predict G3 geomagnetic storm conditions will arrive on Sept. 16, though the exact timings are uncertain.

Similar to Earth's weather, space weather is unpredictable and challenging to forecast. While geomagnetic storm warnings of this level are uncommon, they can still sometimes fizzle to nothing.

"NOAA & NASA predictions indicate arrival anytime from 0600 UTC to 1800 UTC September 16.

Likely the storm will arrive on the late side, possibly deflected further east by a fast solar wind stream," space weather physicist Tamitha Skov wrote in a post on X.

If you use X, I recommend checking out space weather forecaster Sara Housseal's account for regular "CME arrival" updates and general space weather information.

"CME Update: We've reached the point where we could expect the CME to [arrive] at any time, based on model outputs, but there is still no sign that an arrival is imminent," Houseeal wrote in a post on X this morning (Sept. 16).

"Now the fun begins of will it arrive later than expected or not at all? Stay tuned!" Housseal continued.

If you want to keep a watchful eye on the space weather conditions and know when (and where) to look out for auroras, I recommend downloading a space weather app that will let you know the predicted conditions based on your location.

I use an app called "My Aurora Forecast & Alerts" available on iOS and Android. But any similar app should do the job. I then couple this with the Space Weather Live app available on iOS and Android.

This app is great as it gives you more of an insight into whether the space weather conditions are looking promising for aurora activity.


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4a9b07 No.21601795

File: 94d8296a8988144⋯.png (1.32 MB,1127x1361,1127:1361,ClipboardImage.png)

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ace826 No.21601797

File: 7ea445c165e31c5⋯.png (332.01 KB,312x468,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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beb518 No.21601799


Uh that is real panic.jpg

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77cdcc No.21601800

File: d1ab0a904fd4243⋯.jpeg (10.52 KB,259x194,259:194,download88.jpeg)

Both attempts were in feast days of the Virgin

The July 13th was the 3rd apparition of Fatima. The first apparition is May 13th. The pope John Paul 2 survived the attempted assassination on that in 1981.

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aa0cb2 No.21601801

File: f4bb375da8fd63b⋯.png (121.73 KB,587x393,587:393,ClipboardImage.png)

RIP Tito



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852b5b No.21601802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

China rams Philippine ship while 60 Minutes on board; South China Sea tensions could draw U.S. in

544,729 views Sep 15, 2024 #news #china #philippines

The U.S. could be drawn into a conflict between China and the Philippines that's been roiling the South China Sea.


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4d3f4a No.21601804

Gage Klipper


"It’s seemingly easier to threaten the life of the Republican nominee than it is to interview the Democratic one."

That says about all you need to know. My latest




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2fc49c No.21601805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f3623c No.21601808


>Backstory created for useful idiot contract agent.

Does their tiny house business have any customers?

As far as I can tell they built one (demo unit) and that's it.

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317c1f No.21601809


The game is over when the public knows.

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b4d09a No.21601815

Being a duplicitous slut is not a belief system, it's just being a stupid and horrible piece of shit whore junky. The coven's are to be exposed and eliminated, Book Club Meetings cunts?

Don't go home, get a cheap room, bag of shit and call it a day. Satans concubines are moribund, Lucifer's cocksuckers for cash to be eternally besmirched and forgotten.

A week old tuna salad sandwich left in the sun.


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4dcd22 No.21601818

File: b9f5bc13249dea3⋯.png (Spoiler Image,596.57 KB,1440x2560,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a0086 No.21601819

File: 38415f1d07eacc2⋯.png (1.46 MB,750x1334,375:667,CF3C3567_16EC_4CBD_B092_6F….png)

File: 00db13a3fdd1004⋯.png (165.22 KB,690x1422,115:237,EE3442AA_7FB2_474D_8774_CE….png)

File: 2befbcd68bb10c0⋯.png (33.38 KB,690x454,345:227,C0C1392C_E887_4580_9A08_1F….png)

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6521f4 No.21601820

File: 79100ced7348486⋯.jpg (380.71 KB,1428x1080,119:90,79100ced734848639bb7c1dde7….jpg)

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77cdcc No.21601821

Interesting how the shill is triggered by the virgin.

The war has only to sides

the snek and the Virgin

One produces bullshit


One produced Christ

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f3623c No.21601822

File: 88aaefcbfe3ea9d⋯.png (396.93 KB,760x1136,95:142,ClipboardImage.png)


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6c0300 No.21601824

File: 9ff24b2af5fadf0⋯.png (223.93 KB,473x313,473:313,9ff24b2af5fadf0fced5296057….png)

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f3623c No.21601828


"Welcome to our channel dedicated to supporting Ukraine! We're here to provide you with the latest news, updates, and first hand witnesses to Ukraine's resilience. Join us to learn about volunteer efforts, charitable giving opportunities, and ways to make a positive impact. Together, let's stand in solidarity and support Ukraine in their journey towards peace and prosperity."

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7a4cef No.21601831


there is a certain irony in a perp with an assassins rifle trying to use it to take out the candidate running against the other candidate that, if she were installed, would immediately start confiscating guns as one of her first orders.

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09003a No.21601833

File: bf16f51e368441c⋯.jpeg (498.14 KB,1290x723,430:241,IMG_3712.jpeg)

File: af12af18c64c5e4⋯.jpeg (587.82 KB,1290x720,43:24,IMG_3711.jpeg)

File: b581fedbfd3d406⋯.jpeg (605.52 KB,1290x720,43:24,IMG_3710.jpeg)

Anons, I believe I have yesterday’s shooting figured out. Sleuthing instincts based on what we know.

Deduction: It is NOT a coincidence the shooting happened on the same day an affidavit about ABC and Kamala Harris colluding to rig the debate was going to release.

Kamala Harris is definetely involved. Pushing the affidavit out of the news cycle being the motive for the hit is highly probable.

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dd3336 No.21601834

File: f526cd020fbb836⋯.png (1.58 MB,1356x826,678:413,ClipboardImage.png)

US Army flying illegal aliens to work in the fields?

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c5a304 No.21601835

File: db0dd25f400874c⋯.png (358.38 KB,1351x1424,1351:1424,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 381a1768e08d8ae⋯.png (652.83 KB,1918x964,959:482,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c0b6c59beaa86f⋯.png (1.24 MB,1024x592,64:37,ClipboardImage.png)


>Gitmo express on route doing their thing…

Global X was there on Saturday. Round trip from Andrews.



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6a0086 No.21601837

File: f1935c1710a4e05⋯.png (1.14 MB,750x1334,375:667,717BFA14_37FF_421C_841F_98….png)

File: e6c423078ec020d⋯.png (44.96 KB,690x542,345:271,680C4C75_87A2_4BF6_9AB4_89….png)

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8d72da No.21601838

File: 4127ebd9dbc936b⋯.gif (64.95 KB,112x112,1:1,pepe_rain_feelsrain.gif)


it seems like every time we have this in the US, my area has rainstorms and I miss them -and will again tonight

- probably notable because the town of Aurora is in the news cycle and now actual auroras

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a1538a No.21601839

File: 9737f36acbe063f⋯.png (324.21 KB,747x860,747:860,x_com_WarNuse_status_18354….png)

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b4d09a No.21601843


A limpid pool of predictable and moldy trifling, vapid and vacuous musings falling to the floor like poisoned gnats.

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6c0300 No.21601845

File: 9ff24b2af5fadf0⋯.png (223.93 KB,473x313,473:313,9ff24b2af5fadf0fced5296057….png)

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77cdcc No.21601848


Justice Roberts tucked in his bad news on a bad news day too.

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74ed60 No.21601850

File: 2d43884cde3e3d4⋯.png (184.98 KB,882x1508,441:754,122.png)

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2fc49c No.21601851

File: 041ceb601511325⋯.jpg (198.11 KB,1080x1527,360:509,Names_13.jpg)

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cd1102 No.21601854

File: 2683131d0222613⋯.png (300.52 KB,422x585,422:585,2683131d02226138a8932dda00….png)

File: 8dea5ed9023b945⋯.jpg (575.52 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240916_022336….jpg)

File: 8b6c54743eb5bc0⋯.png (253.69 KB,400x400,1:1,hawley_mo_sen_1265439929.png)

File: 4a81619e3ffccdd⋯.jpg (178.09 KB,666x1000,333:500,PRN_037628_Eric_Trump_2432….jpg)

File: b06c66a2b704d63⋯.jpg (341.2 KB,950x1199,950:1199,950px_Oliver_Wendell_Holme….jpg)

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7a4cef No.21601855


ah, but he's a cabal prince so laws don't apply to him, some might argue.

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f3623c No.21601858

File: 0d41f92c5f416d8⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB,270x480,9:16,moretothestory.mp4)

shooting happened on the same day an affidavit about ABC and Kamala Harris colluding to rig the debate was going to release

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bd35aa No.21601861

File: 45044e0f3a4f148⋯.gif (282.05 KB,190x190,1:1,savanachops.gif)

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09003a No.21601862

File: bf16f51e368441c⋯.jpeg (498.14 KB,1290x723,430:241,IMG_3712.jpeg)

File: af12af18c64c5e4⋯.jpeg (587.82 KB,1290x720,43:24,IMG_3711.jpeg)

File: b581fedbfd3d406⋯.jpeg (605.52 KB,1290x720,43:24,IMG_3710.jpeg)


This affidavit to be precise.

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6a0086 No.21601863

File: a07ed0758f16568⋯.png (3.35 MB,750x1334,375:667,17DFE966_71B6_4B93_BD3C_AC….png)

File: 9e4a9ad5d586075⋯.png (243.94 KB,750x1334,375:667,C98C41F7_D822_43E5_8FE7_BF….png)

File: 96736e8bff6d669⋯.png (162.86 KB,690x1510,69:151,16F7A239_4DEA_4480_9D31_7E….png)

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77cdcc No.21601865

"There a mole in Trump's camp."

Entire herd of rinos

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f3623c No.21601866



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b4d09a No.21601867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Will it be tonight?

Wanna wait?

It will happen?

They are not going to knock.

Nothing can stop it Deepfucks, nothing can stop what is coming.

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56058b No.21601868


need source lnks for these

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1ce9e2 No.21601870

File: 48c129f7c7e40b6⋯.png (3.75 KB,115x90,23:18,ClipboardImage.png)

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77cdcc No.21601874

3 demons


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e7a13a No.21601875

What if I don't believe that I'm the Messiah? What if i feel it's all been invented? How can I get others to believe I'm here to help when I've no clue how?

Now, let's talk about crazy. Why are you doing this to me? Do you feel I need more pain in my life?

So, if you don't mind, it's been seven years of pure stress. It's time for this old dog to learn a few new tricks. Now, if I had a partner that believed at me, this would go a lot smoother.

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f3623c No.21601877

File: 770f214663c5a0b⋯.png (310.39 KB,450x561,150:187,blaz.png)

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f84fed No.21601881

File: 196886f3baea936⋯.png (449.31 KB,508x471,508:471,196886f3baea936c932e16085f….png)

"…keeping me, as the 45th President of the United States…"

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cd1102 No.21601883

File: 51c8954204e2d73⋯.jpg (815.11 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_153725….jpg)

File: dce236bca27de84⋯.jpg (264.21 KB,750x868,375:434,michelangelo_facts_7_35330….jpg)

File: c6401df427e40b6⋯.jpg (23.05 KB,474x651,158:217,th_3337178520.jpg)

File: 169029689c88d60⋯.jpg (504.44 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_160147….jpg)

File: fb7435140efc83a⋯.png (68.23 KB,1000x800,5:4,660eef4d393f8e59_379776717….png)





Was Michaelangelo, African?

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6a0086 No.21601884

File: c28649308a25101⋯.jpeg (179.87 KB,1080x929,1080:929,4E4337FA_37DF_48CF_87EA_9….jpeg)

File: ff6c81505f19a85⋯.png (560.71 KB,690x1114,345:557,6F17B825_B082_40E4_8A51_54….png)

File: 9880871c734ba0a⋯.jpeg (77.69 KB,616x924,2:3,A250702F_8274_4449_99D5_4….jpeg)

File: 9b67222287b7601⋯.png (86.58 KB,690x806,345:403,49333181_3802_4B7D_A847_57….png)

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5f862d No.21601885

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09003a No.21601886


https://x.com/DocNetyoutube/status/1835358499548602666 Expect an article from gatewaypundit about this soon.

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5f862d No.21601890

Assassination attempts so hot right now

African leader survives assassination attempt

The man who tried to kill President Azali Assoumani has died in custody, according to officials in the Comoros


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f3623c No.21601891


>Both attempts were in feast days of the Virgin


Optional Marian memorials in the General Roman Calendar are:

May 13: Our Lady of Fatima

July 16: Our Lady of Mount Carmel

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e7a13a No.21601892


My name is ashley and you called for a babyshitter. Let me shit on your baby.

Isn't that AOC after someone shorted out her vibrator by hooking it to 480 three phase?

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8d72da No.21601894

File: 3ff3b9c1e4b5960⋯.png (536.34 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3623c No.21601895

File: 52d657cf9d00016⋯.gif (4.43 MB,480x270,16:9,tickle.gif)




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e7a13a No.21601896


Candidates are almost dying to get shot.

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06d134 No.21601898

Wanna be Trump assassin' Ryan Routh's son, Oran, said in a statement to CNN (per msn.com):

“Ryan is my father, and I don’t have any comment beyond a character profile of him as a loving and caring father, and honest, hardworking man. I don’t know what’s happened in Florida, and I hope things have just been blown out of proportion, because from the little I’ve heard, it doesn’t sound like the man I know to do anything crazy, much less violent. He’s a good father, and a great man, and I hope you can portray him in an honest light,”


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c5a304 No.21601899

File: feb023d84a29c87⋯.png (215.99 KB,339x468,113:156,ClipboardImage.png)


>China rams Philippine ship while 60 Minutes on board

Oopsy. Guess that makes it official.

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f3623c No.21601902


panic more

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4cb535 No.21601903


A Higher Loyalty.

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4c2f80 No.21601908

File: da57ffc38f2e441⋯.png (649.43 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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09003a No.21601909


The Trump family knows about the affidavit.

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db6fe9 No.21601910

File: edb305f1bf3b43d⋯.png (346.94 KB,596x640,149:160,ClipboardImage.png)

Enemy of the People fake news "Time" falsely claimed the shooter's political ideology is "unclear", gets BTFO by Community Notes who just referenced truths sourced from his social media accounts.


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81c815 No.21601911

File: bb8f49ec1448c33⋯.jpg (216.58 KB,846x567,94:63,fuck_Dem_s.jpg)

File: 3795b4c830df6fc⋯.jpg (42.87 KB,547x247,547:247,PURGED.jpg)

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8d72da No.21601912

File: 87bc1c4db64f70c⋯.png (572.01 KB,659x534,659:534,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a4cef No.21601913


no, a guy who hires afghan mercenaries to send them to fight in Ukraine is a peace loving holy man . . .

end satire

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cd1102 No.21601914

File: 3e9c816083ccbfb⋯.png (48.6 KB,1200x675,16:9,ATYEGIV4HVDBRKAJPIHTBFSE5Y.png)

File: ccb0beb7f3d17da⋯.jpg (200.72 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,02_trump_trial_Engoron_bgj….jpg)

File: f9fa815e587aac3⋯.jpg (608.15 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240916_022440….jpg)

File: 2683131d0222613⋯.png (300.52 KB,422x585,422:585,2683131d02226138a8932dda00….png)

File: 374c65657be1d7f⋯.jpg (1.56 MB,1500x1379,1500:1379,eric_trump_520f0631_c0a8_4….jpg)


Common ancestor w/ cross

So, + is single cross hybridization

++ double cross mutation

+++ triple cross




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e7a13a No.21601915


The world won't buy this bullshit. 60min just happened to be onboard?

Can we say theater? Minds are coming online at the speed of light now.

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6a0086 No.21601916

File: 5c29c663f4e61a1⋯.png (2.15 MB,750x1334,375:667,F0F8AEDE_EC46_4DC6_B0B6_1F….png)

File: f8c8e8e7dd0d1e7⋯.png (85.79 KB,690x938,345:469,695B1F9F_759E_490C_BD4C_5D….png)

File: c89c956132b9550⋯.jpeg (106.09 KB,831x900,277:300,4DFD0841_42D8_4FF0_AB00_8….jpeg)

File: a92781f5bc7f73e⋯.png (33.1 KB,690x454,345:227,7FDA858F_7F8F_4ED4_80A7_E9….png)

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7d041b No.21601917

File: 6709ee7d219d450⋯.png (824.76 KB,1030x712,515:356,ClipboardImage.png)


I see you've played thumby oary before.

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4aa553 No.21601920

File: 4f77b30faad2e8a⋯.png (607.03 KB,986x555,986:555,ClipboardImage.png)

Deep space transmission reaches Earth 8 billion years later

September 15th 2024 at 2:34 AM

A deep space transmission reached Earth eight billion years later.

According to Earth.com,astronomers recently discovered a mysterious and powerful burst of radio waves that reached the Earth after traveling through space for eight billion years.

Fast radio burst (FRB) 20220610A is believed to be the most distant and energetic radio signals ever observed, according to the outlet, which described FRBs as very powerful flashes of radio waves that last for only milliseconds.

According to Earth.com, the exact origins of FRBs both intrigue and perplex scientists, as we're still unsure what, or who, is sending those bursts of energy.

The outlet added that the nature of the signals challenges our current understanding of the universe due to their origins from far beyond the Milky Way galaxy, which indicates events and processes that researchers are only just beginning to understand.

FRBs were first discovered back in 2007. Since then, they have been a source of fascination to the scientific community across the world, per the outlet.

Dr. Stuart Ryder, an astronomer at Macquarie University in Australia, is working alongside a team of scientists to unravel the mysteries behind FRBs, telling Earth.com that the team used the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) to detect the bursts and locate their origins.

According to Earth.com, researchers said FRB 20220610A emitted energy that was equivalent to what the sun produces in 30 years, and believe it may have been linked to magnetars, which are highly energetic remnants that are left behind after a star explodes.

Professor Ryan Shannon said that FRBs could help scientists "weigh" the universe, as the amount of matter that we can detect isn't the amount cosmologists theorize should exist.

"More than half of the normal matter that should exist today is missing,” Professor Shannon told the outlet.

According to Earth.com, FRBs possess the unique ability to "sense" ionized material in nearly vacant space, which could allow scientists to measure any matter located between galaxies.

When speaking to the outlet, Professor Shannon said that "missing" matter could exist outside our visual spectrum, in spaces where it's too hot and diffuse to observe with conventional methods.

The outlet reported that FRBs are believed to be common cosmic events, with Professor Shannon hoping that future radio telescopes, which are currently under construction, will be able to detect thousands more.


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413ff6 No.21601921


Send some of the rain to Kentucky, we need it!

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4cb535 No.21601923


All dual-citizens should be barred from holding ANY public office or being employed by ANY government agency.

Good luck getting the CONgress to act.

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47b9a3 No.21601924

Attention all cars. Attention all cars. Be on the lookout for the next shooter (incoming missile) in Un__nd_l_. Possible PAK/IN or IS, w/Pro-Hamas/Anti-Israel rants. Mud beard.

Silver. Wolf.

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87927b No.21601926

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4c75ae No.21601927

File: 1824fcb99d2a122⋯.jpeg (166.32 KB,1184x753,1184:753,IMG_3345.jpeg)

15 Sep, 2024 09:27

Ukraine hails call for EU to end refugee payments

(Kek no one wants to fight their stupid war, they don't want to get dead)

Restricting benefits would force Ukrainian men to return home and sign up to fight Russian forces, Poland’s foreign minister has said

Kiev’s Foreign Minister Andrey Sibiga has welcomed Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski’s call on European governments to halt the provision of welfare benefits to Ukrainian men of military age who are living in the EU.

Following a meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart in Kiev, Sikorski said the suspension of social payments for the male refugees would also benefit state finances in EU countries.

“Stop paying those social security payments for people who are eligible for the Ukrainian draft. There should be no financial incentives for avoiding the draft in Ukraine,” Sikorski said at a conference of international leaders in Kiev.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Andrey Sibiga welcomed Sikorski’s call.

“It’s time really to raise the question of the European Union developing programs to return Ukrainians home,”Sibiga said, adding that appropriate conditions should be created for this. “I support the idea of Minister Sikorski,”Sibiga said. Being abroad should in no way give some Ukrainian men of military age an advantage over others, fighting at the battlefield, Sibiga stressed. “This duty applies to everyone, regardless of where they are,” he concluded.

Over four million Ukrainians who have fled their country since the escalation of its conflict with Russiain 2022 had temporary protection status in EU countries as of July this year. Adult men make up slightly more than a fifth of the total, according to data provided by the bloc’s statistics bureau Eurostat.

Kiev introduced a new law this year to boost the rate at which it forcibly drafts citizens for military service in order to compensate for battlefield losses as Russia advances in Donbass.

Under the new law, Ukraine lowered the call-up age for combat duty to 25 from 27. Kiev has also ordered Ukrainian men living abroad to update their conscription details online, calling on them to return and fight.

Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky claimed in February that his country had suffered around 31,000 fatalities.

Earlier this week, the secretary of the Russian Security Council, Sergey Shoigu, accused Kiev of rejecting multiple opportunities to end the hostilities, citing the high death toll among Ukrainian soldiers.

“There was a first wave of mobilization, second wave of mobilization… They have reduced the age limit for mobilization. This was not necessary,” Shoigu said.“Every day they lose 28 square kilometers on average,” the official added. “But the most important thing is that they lose up to 2,000 people every day.”

Ukraine has suffered more than 12,795 troop casualties since the beginning of the Kursk incursion in early August, according to the latest estimates provided by the Russian military.

(Why does every leader in Ukraine look angry and arrogant?)


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7d041b No.21601929

File: 47f8e0a392f2d3c⋯.png (538.62 KB,500x562,250:281,tardjail2.png)

It was fucking AEI. Of course it was.

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7a4cef No.21601930



if they are in our military and we are allied to them and their military does conscription we ought to have them go over there and enlist.

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cd1102 No.21601936

File: 96725a549c76fb4⋯.png (52.86 KB,150x298,75:149,Coat_of_Arms_of_the_Holy_R….png)

File: 380c9b7e0848229⋯.png (74.85 KB,270x199,270:199,Quaternion_Eagle_svg.png)

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1a1fc3 No.21601937

File: b2a77c5703500dd⋯.png (651.43 KB,956x445,956:445,ClipboardImage.png)


yeah they never buy when other countries fuck up american ships.

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6a0086 No.21601938

File: c89c956132b9550⋯.jpeg (106.09 KB,831x900,277:300,F7C36BE9_E6E5_4546_BB3E_E….jpeg)

File: 8fdc39ce4659520⋯.png (3.19 MB,750x1334,375:667,C8829343_A623_427A_93BB_0B….png)

File: c5dc8c4ece62a78⋯.png (52.49 KB,690x630,23:21,4528DA1E_9F54_4BC9_8B39_33….png)

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7d041b No.21601941

File: 4501115db06705d⋯.gif (969.01 KB,500x332,125:83,7390366.gif)

Huh. That other one must have been VaticanClown. Have that tard pretty much locked down thanks to some of the moar uniquely identifiable phrases he uses that were put into comment filters.

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f3623c No.21601942

File: 4cd02a203a41100⋯.png (1.02 MB,1510x879,1510:879,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab6a28 No.21601944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


TY Baker 🌞 Have a blessed Monday Anons

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4b6964 No.21601945

File: 9b72a530963b0a7⋯.jpeg (743.8 KB,1800x1371,600:457,9b72a530963b0a7c32e9a5213….jpeg)

File: 87518ffe634a8cd⋯.png (1.51 MB,1080x1080,1:1,87518ffe634a8cd7a745f2f2f3….png)

File: e4de2f9466180ec⋯.png (699.81 KB,680x501,680:501,e4de2f9466180ec31db659c299….png)

File: 11727c7febf7f78⋯.mp4 (5.05 MB,664x504,83:63,_Trmpceval.mp4)

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0698d1 No.21601947

File: 7602070afc7097f⋯.png (3.31 MB,1920x1280,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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9956f6 No.21601949


What??? What is this?

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4b6964 No.21601950

File: 07525f4fb743997⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,854x364,61:26,You_thrown_out_of_window_F….mp4)


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06d134 No.21601951


>"I don’t have any comment beyond a character profile of him…"

Yeah. These are the first words that a non-alphabet-involved human would say … "a character profile" … rather than just describing his father as he knows him….

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4ec22e No.21601952


Trump is 2-0. Reads as winning bigly that way.

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f3623c No.21601954

File: 0e25800ab1cb8ba⋯.mp4 (1017.94 KB,1280x720,16:9,kamalafghanistan.mp4)


Taiwan, Afghanistan, North Korea

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4c75ae No.21601955

File: ebf6d2c94fe4f25⋯.jpeg (137.35 KB,1149x653,1149:653,IMG_3346.jpeg)

16 Sep, 2024 12:02

Putin orders increase in size of Russian military

The president has signed a decree to set the strength of the country’s armed forces at nearly 2.4 million people

President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree that officially increases the number of personnel in Russia’s armed forces to almost 2.4 million people,including 1.5 million servicemen.

The latest increase comes after a similar decree in December 2023, when the president boosted the number of employees in the Russian military to just over 2.2 million, including 1.3 million troops.

In his order on Monday, Putin also instructed the Russian government to allocate the necessary funds for the Defense Ministry to carry out the increase, which formally takes the number of personnel in the armed forces to 2,389,130.

The last time the president expanded the number of Russian troops, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov explained that the movewas the result of the “proxy war” being waged against Moscow by the West. “The security of our country must be, of course, ensured,” Peskov stated at the time.

“This is connected with the war that the countries of the collective West are waging. A proxy war, which includes elements of indirect participation in military actions and elements of economic warfare, financial warfare, legal warfare, going beyond the legal framework, and so on.”

Russia’s Defense Ministry also stated at the time that theexpansion of the army would be done through citizens who voluntarily wish to serve under contract.

It also explained that the decision to increase personnel numbers was due to the threat posed by NATO’s continued expansion. Members of the US-led bloc have significantly expanded their military presence along the Russian border, deploying additional air defense systems and strike weapons.

“An additional increase in the combat strength and numbers of the armed forces is an adequate response to the aggressive activities of the NATO bloc,” the ministry wrote.


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66435a No.21601956

File: 626eb6d209d032a⋯.png (874.88 KB,1080x1021,1080:1021,ClipboardImage.png)

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87927b No.21601959

File: 9f2a5450d7eaf3b⋯.png (148.07 KB,320x180,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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c233a8 No.21601961

File: c78b5e64e918af3⋯.png (1.34 MB,560x1554,40:111,pepe_fishing_for_cracked_c….png)

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87927b No.21601962

File: 1857023ddc2df87⋯.png (75.11 KB,720x404,180:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c2f80 No.21601964

File: 4b66608dafd2b0c⋯.png (620.01 KB,720x695,144:139,ClipboardImage.png)


Back when science was based on repeatable evidence Arthur C Clark pointed out that the Solar wind blocks everything that might be radio communications.

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5d163b No.21601967

Jokes aside, is there any evidence of cats or dogs being eaten? I have dem friends and family giving me a lot of shit about this and the only videos I can find are people giving stories or recordings of a cat being snatched. Nothing definitive.

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e696f9 No.21601969

File: 06d305275c7e76a⋯.png (1.6 MB,1064x1531,1064:1531,thesepeoplearesick.png)

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87927b No.21601970

File: afc7d63e9d3b378⋯.png (55.78 KB,720x404,180:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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87927b No.21601973

File: 08f837a714f128f⋯.png (53.88 KB,720x404,180:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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4cb535 No.21601974


The Postal Worker party.

Guess who handles the mail-in ballots.

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1a1fc3 No.21601975


they eat the evidence retard. now fuck off back to face book.

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4c2f80 No.21601978

File: 615c01ab3b19151⋯.png (922.56 KB,724x540,181:135,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d163b No.21601979


Fuck off shill.

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74cf4c No.21601981


Go eat your pussy

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5f862d No.21601982


you are

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e696f9 No.21601983


You lazy nigger.


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0988b4 No.21601984

File: 387b250a4a40ac1⋯.png (65.35 KB,511x427,73:61,Q108.png)

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5d163b No.21601985



That's not a Haitian

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f3623c No.21601986

File: b8b6719d55ed5ee⋯.mp4 (4.56 MB,720x1280,9:16,physicalplace.mp4)


>Taiwan, Afghanistan, North Korea

0bama's Gmail drafts

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4c2f80 No.21601987


What about the missing American woman and children?

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4aa553 No.21601988

File: 90e652800c8843b⋯.png (1.72 MB,1200x1038,200:173,ClipboardImage.png)

Anduril targets space domain with AI and autonomous systems

September 16, 2024

Anduril Industries, a defense technology firm known for its use of artificial intelligence in weapons systems, is now setting its sights on the space domain.

Fresh off the introduction of next-generation drones and autonomous cruise missiles for the U.S. Air Force, the company announced plans to design, build, and launch its own fully integrated space systems by the end of 2025.

“We are expanding our advanced, AI-powered hardware and software capabilities into the final frontier: space,” Gokul Subramanian, Anduril’s senior vice president of space engineering, said Sept. 13 in a news release.

The company intends to develop spacecraft for applications like space domain awareness, on-orbit sensor data processing, and satellite defense.

Plans to test payloads

The space mission planned for 2025, according to Subramanian, will act as a testbed for Anduril and third-party payloads, with further details to be revealed in the coming months.

Anduril’s expansion into space builds on the company’s broader strategy of developing autonomous systems that require minimal human intervention.

The company developed a “Collaborative Combat Aircraft,” an autonomous system designed to operate alongside U.S. Air Force piloted aircraft.

And it recently announced plans to mass-produce air-breathing, autonomous cruise missiles using commercially available components.

Central to Anduril’s technology is its Lattice software, which integrates various sensors and systems for real-time decision-making.

Subramanian said Lattice will be used “to autonomously monitor and manage space-based assets, improving situational awareness and reducing operator workload.”

Computer vision tech

The software’s computer vision technology, which processes and interprets visual data from cameras and other imaging systems, allows for real-time object identification and classification, the company said.

This technology, crucial for autonomous decision-making in drone operations, could be applied to satellites in orbit so operators on the ground can respond to threats faster.

Anduril’s expansion into space builds upon its previous work with the Space Surveillance Network (SSN), operated by the U.S. Space Force.

The company has won contracts to leverage its Lattice platform to manage data from this global network of sensors, which is designed to detect and identify objects in orbit.

The company said the integration of Lattice with the SSN has transformed the legacy communication system into a modern mesh network, providing a more comprehensive operational picture of the space environment.


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87927b No.21601989

File: ce53216c61eaa2f⋯.png (37.91 KB,720x404,180:101,ClipboardImage.png)



>Putin orders increase in size

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1a1fc3 No.21601990


get your feelings hurt. Good. Take your triggered ass and kys.

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7d041b No.21601991

File: ae1cb3ba00e7c87⋯.png (1.43 MB,1446x683,1446:683,d00m.png)

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ace826 No.21601992


Trump’s would-be-assassin previously voted for him, believes Jews have no right to Holy Land


Meet, the narrative.

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87927b No.21601993

File: 9cda5a350bc5e84⋯.png (56.11 KB,720x404,180:101,ClipboardImage.png)

dwayne$CULO haz duun taht chit too

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5d163b No.21601994





This is the only way some here can say "I dont have proof" so instead I'll get angry for a question.

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4c2f80 No.21601995


Cloud: Somebody else's computer that the C_A spies on, 24/7

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5f862d No.21601996





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1a1fc3 No.21601999

File: c945363b9da8464⋯.png (22.7 KB,464x273,464:273,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a0086 No.21602001

File: 11a1e62210439d8⋯.png (1.38 MB,750x1334,375:667,5B09A8B4_AF5A_494F_AFF6_20….png)

File: e4f1154f853e91e⋯.png (903.75 KB,690x2040,23:68,C3EB7AA3_60DB_4C2F_88F7_3B….png)

File: 477d62f13f1383f⋯.jpeg (129.14 KB,904x705,904:705,96C83ECF_E2A7_4E51_8E4D_1….jpeg)

File: c4fe0b5714ddf3d⋯.jpeg (184.88 KB,1200x855,80:57,040C6B59_2A29_45B6_ABE3_8….jpeg)

File: 4f6e1e8b29abab6⋯.jpeg (381.5 KB,2048x1367,2048:1367,A2C6F7F0_63C2_49B7_8F78_2….jpeg)



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e7a13a No.21602002


The Dude abides. Where's my sweater?

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d640b1 No.21602003

File: 7dd7fee1ce1eb1f⋯.jpeg (251.49 KB,1775x846,1775:846,IMG_2016.jpeg)

She said “Sorry, not sorry.”


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56058b No.21602004


#26459 >>21601547

>>21601835 PF updates

>>21601604, >>21601608, >>21601611, >>21601614, >>21601615, >>21601618, >>21601620, >>21601621 MEME WARRIOR UI 1.3 #240904

>>21601627 Trump’s promises to end Ukraine conflict ‘not real’ – Zelensky (the Arrogant Idiot Says)

>>21601628, >>21601786, >>21601988 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Mercury's Vivaldi Crater from BepiColombo/Space

>>21601635 NYC: The city has outsourced many core functions to a little-known group of 14 human services contractors, each with a portfolio exceeding $1 billion.

>>21601666 How a Trump-Musk government efficiency commission might affect NASA

>>21601686 Ukraine’s British missiles rely on US data

>>21601691, >>21601703, >>21601710 Greensboro neighbor describes man accused of attempting Trump assassination, says ‘a lot of people were afraid of him’/Routh

>>21601692 crossposting notables to the world via #AnonNews chat room

>>21601717 same guy???

>>21601720 20205 The World after 50 years of systemic discriminated against White Americans

>>21601745 World leaders call for increased UN powers, implementation of Agenda 2030

>>21601748 Swampenins

>>21601769, >>21601780 Latest assassination attempt on Donald Trump: What we know so far

>>21601801 Tito Jackson dead @70

>>21601802 China rams Philippine ship while 60 Minutes on board; South China Sea tensions could draw U.S. in

>>21601804 "It’s seemingly easier to threaten the life of the Republican nominee than it is to interview the Democratic one."

>>21601890 The man who tried to kill President Azali Assoumani has died in custody, according to officials in the Comoros

>>21601898 Wanna be Trump assassin' Ryan Routh's son, Oran, said in a statement to CNN

>>21601927 Ukraine hails call for EU to end refugee payments to Ukrainian men of military age who are living in the EU

>>21601955 Putin orders increase in size of Russian military

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4aa553 No.21602005

File: 0997a947d09f354⋯.png (151.03 KB,337x336,337:336,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a1fc3 No.21602006


I gave you an answer and now you are crying about it I was right you should end your fucking life.

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93af90 No.21602007

File: f8c1e1a1c2c7e2a⋯.png (2.09 MB,1274x1932,91:138,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

File: 13c9426f665b460⋯.png (860.43 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

International Volunteer Center of Ukraine

Backing that Truck up


1 like


We’ve been contacted by journalists regarding an alleged connection between IVC and Mr. Ryan Routh, who has been accused of attempting to attack presidential candidate Donald Trump. We want to clarify that IVC has no connection to Mr. Routh. He was not involved in founding our organization, and we have had no dealings or communication with him.

This confusion stems from two media reports:

1. Semafor (March 10, 2023) mentioned Mr. Routh as the head of an International Volunteer Center, an organization that had not been founded at that time.

2. Newsweek (September 15, 2024) incorrectly linked our organization to Mr. Routh, using details from our Facebook page without verifying the information.

IVC has been officially registered in Ukraine since October 2023. Prior to the recent reports, we had no knowledge of Mr. Routh or any other organization by this name. We believe Mr. Routh has not established an organization with the name "International Volunteer Center" in Ukraine.

We have been committed to supporting foreign volunteers in Ukraine for almost a year and regret that our name has been misused. We appreciate the journalists who reached out for clarification and remain dedicated to our mission in Ukraine.



PB below





>"That's ryan routh a us citizen who set up the International Volunteer Center" in Ukraine to help connect foreigners to Ukrainian military units"

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f3623c No.21602008

File: 31566b2e00d3cef⋯.png (51.58 KB,164x218,82:109,captain.png)


>China rams Philippine ship while 60 Minutes on board

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e696f9 No.21602009


And you're not an Anon.

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f3d0a5 No.21602011


Improvise Adapt Overcome

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151c01 No.21602012

File: 0c4e3e1dc8762ab⋯.jpeg (127.8 KB,1150x645,230:129,IMG_3347.jpeg)

14 Sep, 2024 22:38

US media merged with intelligence services long ago – RT editor-in-chief

Washington only protects its own “freedom of speech,” Margarita Simonyan has said

The “freedom of speech” the US trumpets applies only to those who support official narratives and obey instructions from its intelligence services, RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan has said, following the latest crackdown by Washington on Russian media.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced new sanctions against the news outlet on Friday, accusing it of engaging in “covert influence activities” and “functioning as a de facto arm of Russian intelligence.”

Earlier in September, Washington imposed sanctions on Simonyan and three other senior RT employees over alleged attempts to influence the 2024 US presidential election.

Simonyan asserted that the latest attack on Russian media is a clear effort toclamp down on the information space ahead of the November vote.

“They need to silence everyone. This is the story of freedom and democracy in the so-called free West.It seems to me that only clinically insane people or those who are obviously biased can believe in it,”she stated. In practice, the US idea of a free press doesn’t extend to others, she added.

It's very easy to promote freedom of speech and practice it when it's only your speech that counts and no one else's.

Simonyan argued that Washington's claims about RT collaborating with Russian intelligence are a “classic case of projection.”

“The idea that you can't achieve results without being part of the intelligence service has exposed them for what they are,” she said.

She noted that the way US mainstream media publishes various intelligence “leaks” and insider information from unnamed security officials points to their close ties with American intelligence services.

“If you look at who runs these foundations and often the media, they're either families of intelligence employees, former intelligence officers, or future ones,” she added.

They receive orders from intelligence services: write this, write that. They have long since merged with each other.


The IC should stop using the word "Intelligence" in their names.

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cd1102 No.21602013

File: 15246f832860c6a⋯.jpg (154.83 KB,900x750,6:5,estee_lauder_5_4281393567.jpg)

File: 11db0def0bbed7a⋯.jpg (49.45 KB,900x750,6:5,estee_lauder_3.jpg)

File: f63c7ac201d1aea⋯.jpg (44.04 KB,897x563,897:563,Mike_Waltz_e1592329127347_….jpg)

File: 44b5b849b71ebcb⋯.jpg (15.38 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1192300680.jpg)



Currently no one is the Head of this dynasty because of the Lex Langobardorum, so every descendant of the various branches has equal rights in being the Head of the House of Obertenghi as the others

The Lauder. The Laudest?

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5d163b No.21602014


Real anons don't tell other anons to kill themsevles. You're a divisionfag.

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6a0086 No.21602015

File: 11a1e62210439d8⋯.png (1.38 MB,750x1334,375:667,BA92AB7B_7520_441F_B6C0_0C….png)

File: 6ccb502278cea84⋯.png (916.08 KB,690x3024,115:504,7D5C3845_CA2C_40FE_9575_70….png)

File: 4f6e1e8b29abab6⋯.jpeg (381.5 KB,2048x1367,2048:1367,E3EE230D_3F84_4710_A8E7_8….jpeg)

File: 37307ec5386891e⋯.png (432.25 KB,690x2372,345:1186,62036BE8_16DC_4FA0_AE04_F9….png)

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e696f9 No.21602016

File: e417d088d11a0cf⋯.jpeg (7.5 KB,167x255,167:255,getitright.jpeg)

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f7cee5 No.21602017

File: c7beaad89ac1f89⋯.png (380.14 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_x_com_17264752823….png)


>She said “Sorry, not sorry.”

Oh dear what a shame that someone saved her tweet.

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74cf4c No.21602018

Why did Elon allow the shooters X account to be scrubbed?

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5d163b No.21602019


Ok? You're just proving my point.

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195e75 No.21602020

File: 0b5b86bd83d3ee0⋯.jpeg (253.6 KB,1056x481,1056:481,IMG_5490.jpeg)

File: 366aa1db96afb16⋯.jpeg (932.49 KB,1170x2165,234:433,IMG_5431.jpeg)

File: 3d832b9a5d6cd24⋯.jpeg (831.34 KB,1170x1712,585:856,IMG_5433.jpeg)

File: 69b5ab7b154f934⋯.jpeg (999.44 KB,1170x1628,585:814,IMG_5426.jpeg)

namefags built this place. Cry about more clown

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46fc85 No.21602021


Sky-net, no shit.

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e696f9 No.21602023


He's always been part of the club.

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e696f9 No.21602025


No, shill, you're proving ours.

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5d163b No.21602027


Why did the guy that's for transhumanism and dresses like satan allow something nefarious?

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1a1fc3 No.21602028


well your just a bitch. This is why you got told and I hope you and your worthless family end up in a trash bin.

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5d163b No.21602031


That's cool. I'll still pray or you.

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f7cee5 No.21602032


Was it scrubbed or was it seized as evidence?

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1a1fc3 No.21602035


and I will still pray that your family ends up in a dumpster.

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f3623c No.21602037

File: 9ddbf978303a045⋯.mp4 (12.21 MB,320x568,40:71,ryan.mp4)


>We appreciate the journalists who reached out for clarification and remain dedicated to our mission in Ukraine.


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adbd46 No.21602038

can someone please send me the QR archive link? Not the one for Q drops, I obv have that one. I need the searchable QR archive. Thank you.

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4c2f80 No.21602041

File: 36127bf0700e72a⋯.png (267.7 KB,545x333,545:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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e696f9 No.21602044


It's in the top of every bread.


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4b6964 No.21602045

File: 954f52bbfd70d7e⋯.mp4 (340.24 KB,640x360,16:9,theKek.mp4)

File: 521d0d4e763e4c3⋯.png (968.47 KB,800x471,800:471,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a0086 No.21602047

it’s almost like they are threatened by this board. so much time and resources for a crappy image board

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b104c8 No.21602051

File: a95db819d39db6e⋯.png (86.6 KB,1335x792,445:264,QMAP_archives.png)

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cd1102 No.21602053

File: 6a1b6826a7411cd⋯.jpg (500.03 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240913_005305….jpg)

File: cacd8c05da18e56⋯.jpg (621.92 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_200420….jpg)

File: b2534e137077799⋯.jpg (667.6 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_195706….jpg)

File: d18adff9714483e⋯.jpg (129.47 KB,1800x1200,3:2,Tom_Cruise_as_Steve_265476….jpg)

File: 77abd84a6768929⋯.jpg (486.68 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_200648….jpg)

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c0eff2 No.21602054


Her "deletion" irrelevant.

She already got her [Coded DS/Clown Comm] broadcast.

It's like self erasing text messages.

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4b6964 No.21602055

File: 44ecb2b1f0ca457⋯.mp4 (997.49 KB,640x360,16:9,Laugh_of_Hans_Landa_V.mp4)

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ad6af2 No.21602057


Namefags are autofiltered

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a7a5b1 No.21602060

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Lester Holt Blames Trump "Rhetoric" for Assassination Attempt

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4aa553 No.21602062

File: 0e297bdd0896d21⋯.png (1.16 MB,777x971,777:971,ClipboardImage.png)

Breathtaking Night Views From Space: Korea’s Stark Economic Divide

September 15, 2024

An astronaut aboard the International Space Station took this photo of the Korean Peninsula showing the distribution of nighttime light.

North Korea (extending beyond the top of this image) lies on the upper part of the peninsula and is almost devoid of nighttime lights.

In contrast, South Korea lies on the lower part of the peninsula and exhibits night lights from many cities of different sizes.

The seas on either side of the peninsula appear very dark in nighttime images, although cloudy areas reflect some light.

The largest and brightest cluster of urban lights is South Korea’s capital city, Seoul (population 9.67 million), located on the coast of the Yellow Sea.

Only two small clusters of lights are easily visible in North Korea: the capital Pyongyang (population 3.16 million) and Yangdŏk in the country’s center.

Just north of Seoul, a thin line of lights crosses the peninsula from the Yellow Sea to the Sea of Japan, marking the demilitarized zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea.

The DMZ border, established in 1953 by the United Nations, is about 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) wide and 250 kilometers (155 miles) long.

Differences in the brightness and expanse of city lights illustrates the distinction between the population sizes—South Korea with about 52 million people and North Korea with about 26 million—and between the extent of urban development in the two countries.

Images of nighttime lights have also been used for studying economies and gross domestic product (GDP).

Because of its dynamic industrial growth since the 1960s, South Korea has been termed one of Asia’s four “economic tigers” along with Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.


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a7a5b1 No.21602067

File: 681c225dac919f7⋯.png (254.75 KB,398x714,199:357,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)



9:51 PM · Sep 15, 2024





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4c2f80 No.21602068

File: 0362c86594584d3⋯.png (864.11 KB,749x739,749:739,ClipboardImage.png)

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413ff6 No.21602069

File: 748fa8a8e9f107f⋯.png (620.28 KB,720x753,240:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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27ebb5 No.21602070

File: 91bd5ef1644d158⋯.png (10.8 KB,195x259,195:259,ClipboardImage.png)


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f7cee5 No.21602071


She did not like all the negatives comments it generated.

It destroys their notion of their own idea of their popularity.

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27ebb5 No.21602072


> yung goy volcano exploited to halp fullfill dianteics church volcano gasms

twat fayk

twas all anus decades ago

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cd1102 No.21602073

File: 15246f832860c6a⋯.jpg (154.83 KB,900x750,6:5,estee_lauder_5_4281393567.jpg)

File: 92df55db7dcd0c3⋯.jpg (387.42 KB,2000x1270,200:127,penny_marshall_GettyImages….jpg)

File: 2840c7ca75a51fe⋯.jpg (22.39 KB,474x315,158:105,th_2696426416.jpg)

File: 11f73b55f920a97⋯.jpg (601.78 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240822_231550….jpg)

File: bd2dca37f5f7173⋯.jpg (70.62 KB,634x728,317:364,article_0_1443B0B8000005DC….jpg)

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a7a5b1 No.21602074

File: 8b6bc36d8492001⋯.png (283.57 KB,535x784,535:784,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)


🚨🇺🇸 Absolutely No Bloody Way

The latest Trump would be assassin - Ryan Routh ALSO appeared in a Blackrock Commerical just like Thomas Crooks.

That means BOTH featured in Global Wealth management firm’s Commercial.


They love their symbolism.

2:34 AM · Sep 16, 2024





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6a0086 No.21602075

File: 6b7112d2797ae61⋯.png (313.65 KB,750x1334,375:667,4ED63184_202E_4845_81F4_52….png)

File: 36b4397b2c55454⋯.png (34.78 KB,690x454,345:227,93173D4D_A906_423C_A622_04….png)

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4b6964 No.21602076

File: 6e2598e13bd6284⋯.jpg (912.22 KB,1180x927,1180:927,fbi_knows_everything_about….jpg)

File: c6fafccf3ed2386⋯.png (1.36 MB,1185x1134,395:378,fbitwitter.png)



the FAKEBI knows a lot about pedophile secrets symbols


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4c2f80 No.21602077

File: 6d5c31d7159fd26⋯.png (1.88 MB,1232x1193,1232:1193,ClipboardImage.png)

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c0eff2 No.21602079



They are brazen narcissists.

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f3623c No.21602080

File: e9193918e46823a⋯.mp4 (688.37 KB,1280x720,16:9,AzovMay2022.mp4)

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4c2f80 No.21602081

File: f8a7d3692346377⋯.png (162.76 KB,463x404,463:404,ClipboardImage.png)

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4b6964 No.21602083

File: e574b4960c3b814⋯.png (893.79 KB,800x963,800:963,e574b4960c3b814d2fa1623ed5….png)

File: 5e1a7d6899caa75⋯.mp4 (3.2 MB,640x480,4:3,012672228512.mp4)

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93af90 No.21602084

File: 627a2387949489e⋯.png (353.5 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_16….png)

File: 3f917bf1ec13174⋯.png (175.23 KB,871x520,67:40,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

File: b8606511628bf77⋯.png (806.48 KB,780x977,780:977,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

File: 03026b876350f0a⋯.png (360.14 KB,625x391,625:391,Screenshot_from_2024_09_16….png)


>IVC has been officially registered in Ukraine since October 2023. P



>>21601470 Moar Routh/Malcolm Nance

Remus Cernea, a Romanian activist and war correspondent,interviewed Routh in June 2022,and told Newsweek thatRouth was then working as a recruiter for The International Legion for the Defense of Ukrainea unit of the Ukrainian Army composed of foreign volunteers.

Cernea told Newsweek that Routh had become more disappointed with the direction of the conflict when they last met in August 2023, and upset by what he saw as insufficient aid being sent to Ukraine.

Remarking on his potential motives, Cernea said: "Maybe he thought that Trump is not a friend of Ukraine. Maybe if Trump wins, [he thought] the aid for Ukraine would stop."


By the time he made his primetime announcement, Nance had already been volunteering with the Ukrainian army for a month. On 27 February, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky declared the formation of the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine — a unit specifically for foreigners who wanted to fight the Russian invasion — and invited people to “join the defence of security in Europe and the world.” Nance did just that, the next day.

“They said just go to a Ukrainian embassy and you’ll get instructions. And that’s what I did,” he tells The Independent.

Before the war, Nance had been travelling the country working in his role as an analyst for MSNBC, studying the various ways Russia might launch its invasion. He made friends with many of the Ukrainian soldiers he met along the way. When the war came, he felt obliged to do something.

> https://www.yahoo.com/news/legion-russia-invasion-ukraine-drew-125551975.html

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f3623c No.21602086


>They are brazen narcissists.

Allegedly, the condemned were locked inside the device (with their head aligned within the bull's head), and a fire was set beneath it, heating the metal to the extent that the person within slowly roasted to death. The bull was equipped with an internal acoustic apparatus that converted the screams of the dying into what sounded like the bellows of a bull. The bull's design was such that steam from the cooking flesh of the condemned exited the bull's nostrils; this effect—along with the bull's "bellows"—created the illusion that the bull came to life during every execution. Pindar, who lived less than a century later, expressly associates this instrument of torture with the name of the tyrant Phalaris.

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f7cee5 No.21602088


Installed like a bidet.

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4f1fa5 No.21602090

File: 913d899d25ebae6⋯.png (61.95 KB,700x698,350:349,a9ypM80_700bwp.png)

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4b6964 No.21602091


Kek so was Kama Kama Kama Kama Chameleon

She comes and goes…

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cd1102 No.21602092

File: f63c7ac201d1aea⋯.jpg (44.04 KB,897x563,897:563,Mike_Waltz_e1592329127347_….jpg)

File: 15246f832860c6a⋯.jpg (154.83 KB,900x750,6:5,estee_lauder_5_4281393567.jpg)

File: 64ed6cc395dc87d⋯.jpg (512.27 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240916_084404….jpg)




The most Lauder

= the Laudest

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4aa553 No.21602094

File: cf362e656dbbe48⋯.png (588.02 KB,879x554,879:554,ClipboardImage.png)

ESA tests Neuraspace traffic management services

September 16, 2024

The European Space Agency plans to test space traffic management services offered by Portuguese startup Neuraspace.

Under a contract announced Sept. 16, ESA’s Space Debris Office will integrate Neuraspace services with its existing tools to assess conjunctions at the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Germany.

The Neuraspace contract shows ESA’s “strong commitment” to supporting the commercial space sector, “enhancing space sustainability, and innovating future orbital safety,” Klaus Merz, senior collision avoidance analyst for ESA’s Space Safety Program Office, said in a statement.

ESA’s Space Safety Program is focused “on the perils in space that threaten critical components of our modern society,” Merz added.

“If not managed properly, resident space objects ultimately threaten the economically vital Earth orbits to become unusable.”

By relying on commercial services from Neuraspace and others, ESA seeks “to reduce risks and contribute to protecting our space assets,” Merz said.

Enhanced Services

For Neuraspace, collaboration with ESOC will provide an opportunity to “refine and enhance our existing solution for both institutional and commercial needs,” Neuraspace CEO Chiara Manfletti said in a statement. “It will also allow us to benefit from ESA’s expertise and operational insights as a long-time and important space actor.”

The value of the ESA contract was not disclosed.

On Sept. 10, Neuraspace announced work with the Portuguese Air Force focused on space situational awareness, surveillance and tracking.

Neuraspace unveiled its first optical telescope at an airbase in Beja, Portugal. Funding for the telescope was provided by the European Commission as part of Portugal’s Recovery and Resilience Plan.

In March, Neuraspace released a free version of its space traffic management platform to encourage collaboration among spacecraft operators.


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a7a5b1 No.21602095

File: 3f6cae4b67f03b4⋯.png (319.82 KB,979x697,979:697,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

File: 40497b1b04461aa⋯.png (825.82 KB,826x680,413:340,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)


(Bloomberg) – BlackRock Inc. is rehiring Mike Pyle, a former senior aide to Kamala Harris and one-time executive at the firm, strengthening the close ties between the world’s largest money manager and Washington.

Pyle, who has been informally counseling Harris’s presidential campaign on economics, will advise investors on geopolitical and economic risks as a deputy head of a roughly $3.2-trillion group within the $10.6-trillion firm, BlackRock said in a memo to employees on Monday. Pyle, 46, left President Joe Biden’s administration in February, recently serving as deputy national security adviser on international economics and a negotiator at summits of the Group of Seven and Group of 20.


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0abafc No.21602096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sep 16, 2020 1:16:59 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 338ebd No. 10668955

Add it all up.

1. Virus

2. Riots [organized _ANTIFA]

3. Fires

The 'Why':


Make no mistake, they will not concede on Election Night.

Make no mistake, they will contest this legally in battleground states.

Make no mistake, they will project doubt in the election results

Make no mistake, they will organize massive riots and attempt Anarchy-99 design

Playbook known.


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f3623c No.21602098



Phalaris was renowned for his excessive cruelty. Among his alleged atrocities is cannibalism: he was said to have eaten suckling babies.

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a041cd No.21602099

File: dcf08ff078af6dd⋯.jpeg (136.81 KB,1142x650,571:325,IMG_3350.jpeg)

14 Sep, 2024 12:31

Russia had reason to use nukes, but showed restraint – Medvedev

The deputy chair of the Security Council has warned that Moscow’s patience has limits, as the West mulls allowing Ukrainian long-range missile strikes

Throughout the Ukraine conflict, Russia has had ample reason to use nuclear weapons, but has so far exercised restraint, the deputy chair of Russia’s Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, has said. He warned, however, that Moscow’s patience is not limitless, suggesting that Russia could respond harshly if Western nations allow Kiev to use the missiles they have provided to strike targets deep inside Russian territory.

Kiev has been demanding that these limitations be lifted since at least May. Several media outlets have recently alleged that Washington and London will soon do so, or secretly have already.

In a post on his Telegram channel on Saturday, Medvedev wrote that Western leaders havelulled themselves into a false sense of security, thinking that Moscow is bluffingwhen it warns of dire consequences for allowing long-range missile strikes. The official, who was also the Russian president from 2008 to 2012, said Russia is fully aware that conducting a nuclear strike would be a momentous decision.

“It is precisely because of this that a decision to use nuclear weapons… has not been made so far,”Medvedev stressed. He added that the “formal prerequisites for this, which are understandable to the entire global community and that are stipulated by our nuclear containment doctrine, are in place.” He cited the Ukrainian offensive in Kursk Region as one example.

“Russia is showing patience,” he said, while warning that “there is always a limit to patience.”

Medvedev went on to suggest that Russia could also respond to Western escalationwith some sort of new weaponry – not necessarily nuclear, but still devastating. (Trump has mentioned this numerous times)

Speaking on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin argued that the Ukrainian military is not capable of operating Western long-range systems on its own, but needs intelligence from NATO satellites and Western military personnel. For this reason,if the West allows Kiev to hit targets deep inside Russia, “this will mean that NATO countries, the US, European countries are fighting against Russia,” Putin said.


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a7a5b1 No.21602100

File: d7035a9bc158ff8⋯.png (249.95 KB,598x732,299:366,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)


🚨🚨 NEW - Following the latest assassination attempt on ⁦⁦@realDonaldTrump

⁩, I’m releasing a comprehensive Whistleblower Report on the multiple failures of Secret Service & DHS - including new allegations & numerous unanswered questions due to USSS stonewalling

9:34 AM · Sep 16, 2024





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c0eff2 No.21602101

(The Dan Bongino Show)

Is There A Mole Inside The Secret Service? Another Trump Assassination Attempt (Ep. 2329)-09/16/2024


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4c2f80 No.21602103

File: 0f676372e091986⋯.png (316.98 KB,424x409,424:409,ClipboardImage.png)

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df2912 No.21602104

Switch the machines off.

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0abafc No.21602105


Sep 16, 2018 1:11:05 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 5db43b No. 3045943

Sep 16, 2018 1:10:16 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 75e1e2 No. 3045932


911 digits Q interesting!




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cd1102 No.21602106

File: eb9157e31acff36⋯.jpg (44.97 KB,620x434,10:7,AG_Spanos_502881672.jpg)

File: 709def30b17f790⋯.jpg (171.36 KB,500x538,250:269,3jeyja0apf141_3317058080.jpg)

File: 64ed6cc395dc87d⋯.jpg (512.27 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240916_084404….jpg)

File: 15246f832860c6a⋯.jpg (154.83 KB,900x750,6:5,estee_lauder_5_4281393567.jpg)

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e696f9 No.21602107

File: cbebdeafeaf3e93⋯.png (177.4 KB,544x344,68:43,shestoleit.png)


Yes, and what's that say about Trump in 2016?

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47b9a3 No.21602109


So he's Jewish. Every. Fkn.Time.

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c233a8 No.21602110

File: 64c9c010786d5e8⋯.png (455.63 KB,636x636,1:1,Yo_Biden_Rememeber_me_I_m_….png)

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0abafc No.21602111


Sep 16, 2018 12:24:13 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 242


No evidence of 'Collusion' PRIOR TO MUELLER appointment?




Why would [3] D Congressman attend a private dinner w/ Iranian President Hassan Rouhani [#1 state sponsor of terrorism] in 2013?

>>Rep Keith Ellison (Minnesota)

>>Rep Andre Carson (Indiana)

>>Rep Gregory Meeks (New York)

>>Louis Farrakhan


"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

Define 'Traitor'.

1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust.

2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

Synonym = Renegade

What was the USSS codename for HUSSEIN?



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a7a5b1 No.21602112

File: 187dc942673dabe⋯.png (623.1 KB,647x597,647:597,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

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0abafc No.21602114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sep 16, 2018 12:01:43 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 240





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6a0086 No.21602115

File: 185acd6ebf0b657⋯.png (676.26 KB,750x1334,375:667,7F19AB9C_C49F_4112_A435_EF….png)

File: 4b4934d1b45faf7⋯.png (68.77 KB,690x762,115:127,D0E99710_647B_4F82_BF0F_C2….png)

File: b7444a4a0895ca7⋯.jpeg (126.49 KB,2048x1148,512:287,9D417483_D316_4562_A440_4….jpeg)

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d01ffa No.21602116

File: 7de0e0b01c94101⋯.png (1.17 MB,1024x1024,1:1,lET_THE_GASLIGHTING_BEGIN.png)

All purpose meme for the lockstep left

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cd1102 No.21602118

File: 709def30b17f790⋯.jpg (171.36 KB,500x538,250:269,3jeyja0apf141_3317058080.jpg)

File: f63c7ac201d1aea⋯.jpg (44.04 KB,897x563,897:563,Mike_Waltz_e1592329127347_….jpg)

File: 15246f832860c6a⋯.jpg (154.83 KB,900x750,6:5,estee_lauder_5_4281393567.jpg)

File: 64ed6cc395dc87d⋯.jpg (512.27 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240916_084404….jpg)

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d76034 No.21602119

Delete all you want, archives are being sent to

TLD registrar

>>21595325 PB

What do all the SHILLS have in common?




Jew hate!

Why does Jim W allow these people to bake?

Abusive Registration Policy



.TOP Registry may cancel the registration or suspend registration of a domain name:

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Further to these conditions, .TOP Registry operates the following policy regarding suspected "phishing" domain names:

If we have a reasonable suspicion that a domain name registered at .TOP Registry is being used in for phishing, sale of counterfeit goods, hosting of illegal content, or otherwise being used for any illegal activity, we will place the domain name on "Server Hold" and optionally under a Registry Lock. This may occur as a result of an abuse report, or because the domain name appeared on a list of abusive domain names.

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>>21595442 PB

This clown wants people to donate to a neo nazi enabler.



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5f862d No.21602120



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0abafc No.21602121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sep 16, 2018 12:19:00 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 241



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d76034 No.21602123

File: e9a61b09f44f6c8⋯.png (270.84 KB,1444x930,722:465,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c2f80 No.21602124

File: a464c5d01628b3d⋯.png (121.52 KB,400x187,400:187,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd1102 No.21602126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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178cd2 No.21602127

File: 027b702e3fcc493⋯.gif (980.14 KB,460x640,23:32,brows_doggo.gif)

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6b2e55 No.21602128


>Why does Jim W allow these people to bake?


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ace826 No.21602130


These people are directly linked to Soros Anti Corruption Organization in the Ukraine.

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5f862d No.21602131


actually this post of him was also funny

you can use a translator for Russian

although his last sentence was in English "Holy shit! It's impossible, but it happened…"


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178cd2 No.21602133

File: 4528bffd0b9b443⋯.jpg (410.29 KB,1822x1200,911:600,shot_heard_round_the_world.jpg)

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4c2f80 No.21602136

File: 810a6f9f8e7ca05⋯.png (211.18 KB,664x282,332:141,ClipboardImage.png)

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df2912 No.21602137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How much worse does it have to get?


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d76034 No.21602138





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ace826 No.21602139

File: 0c051eb881bb86a⋯.png (334.3 KB,453x477,151:159,ClipboardImage.png)


It’s time for us all to unite around Kamala Harris and beat Donald Trump. She is the best and most qualified candidate we have. Long live the American Dream! 🇺🇸 🗽 #Harris2024 @kamalaharris

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b30d5b No.21602140

File: 6668875500573f3⋯.jpeg (98.73 KB,901x649,901:649,IMG_3351.jpeg)

14 Sep, 2024 08:38

US can’t hide from nuclear war – Moscow

Such a conflict won’t have winners or losers, Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov has said

Washington will be unable to hide from a nuclear conflict if it starts across the ocean, Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov has said. Fears of a potential escalation between Russia and NATO over Ukraine have been intensifying in recent days, as Western powers reportedly mull the possibility of allowing Kiev to conduct missile strikes deep in Russian territory.

Speaking with Rossiya 24 channel on Friday, Ambassador Antonov said that he is surprised atthe “illusion” that “if there is a conflict, it will not spread to the territory of the United States of America.”

“I am constantly trying to convey to them one thesis that the Americans will not be able to sit it out behind the waters of this ocean. This war will affect everyone, so we constantly say – do not play with this rhetoric,” Antonov stated.

He also mentioned that while Western countries accuse Russia of “sabre-rattling,” the US wants to investigate the consequences a nuclear strike would have for Eastern Europe. Antonov was apparently referring to a study ordered by the US Defense Department to simulate the impact of a nuclear conflict on global agriculture. According to a solicitation notice posted on a government procurement platform, the study will focus on regions “beyond Eastern Europe and Western Russia,” which in the simulation is the epicenter of the hypothetical nuclear attack.

On Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that removing restrictions on Ukraine’s use of Western weapons would directly involve the US and its allies in the conflict with Russia and would be met with an appropriate response. Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, later reiterated that granting Kiev permission to use Western-supplied long-range weapons would constitute direct involvement in the conflict by NATO.

(It can't be fast enough to get Trump back as the President, Joe and Kamala, along with EU is ramping up the idea of Nuclear war. Many EU countries are afraid of this rhetoric of Nuclear War. This statement is the ultimate "Fuck Around and Find Out")


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178cd2 No.21602142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:00 PM EDT

Field Hearing, Silicon Valley, California: Fielding Technology and Innovation: Industry Views on Department of Defense Acquisition

House Armed Services Committee



Mr. Mark Valentine

President of Global Government Business



Mr. Brandon Tseng

Co-Founder, President, and Chief Growth Officer

Shield AI


Mr. Shyam Sankar

Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President



Mr. Peter Ludwig

Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer

Applied Intuition


Mr. Richard Jenkins

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Saildrone, Inc.





12:00 PM EDT

House Armed Services Committee Field Hearing on Defense Department Acquisition

The House Armed Services Committee holds a field hearing in Santa Clara, California, on Defense Department acquisition and innovation efforts.


12:30 PM EDT

Deputy Secretary Kurt M. Campbell meets with Spanish State Secretary for Foreign and Global Affairs Diego Martínez Belío

Department of State


12:30 PM EDT

Israeli Opposition Leader Remarks Outside State Department

Israeli Opposition Leader Yair Lapid gives remarks to reporters outside the State Department. He is scheduled to meet with Secretary of State Blinken, National Security Adviser Sullivan, and others during his visit to Washington, D.C.


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ace826 No.21602143



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4b6964 No.21602144

File: 247cc387bf1a3f6⋯.jpg (328.14 KB,757x790,757:790,D6Im7k1U0AIHLxd.jpg)

File: 455174f6690cfb3⋯.mp4 (313.61 KB,470x262,235:131,Hilary_exposing_what_they_….mp4)

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2f4af2 No.21602146


at :05 - is that the guy who tried to assassinate Trump? Looks like him. Where and when did this take place?

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f56d5d No.21602148

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b30d5b No.21602149

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750cb9 No.21602150


Read the full Report here



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d839aa No.21602151

conspiracy theories from the podium – remember when Mar A Lago was raided by the government - guns drawn #cackletimes

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863cff No.21602152



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a1538a No.21602154

File: 04b4e0a0c838657⋯.png (445.14 KB,757x790,757:790,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31f6119da1d60f0⋯.mp4 (368.49 KB,492x270,82:45,1.mp4)

Just yesterday, @jrpsaki had @JasmineForUS on to pronounce that Trump and his supporters are the precise "enemies: foreign or domestic" that the Constitution requires everyone to do what they must to crush it:



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e12813 No.21602155

File: 14f9cfff81b8d0b⋯.jpeg (26.74 KB,244x206,122:103,IMG_0068.jpeg)


Yeah….. another psycho nihlist

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81ce2f No.21602156


I remember this namefag

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51c3b1 No.21602157

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever,

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4b6964 No.21602158

File: 8a0618ddbce5a92⋯.jpg (242.62 KB,594x807,198:269,0118f077230b2957f23504bcf7….jpg)


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ace826 No.21602162

File: f8b7c50e2625e23⋯.png (707.23 KB,549x513,61:57,ClipboardImage.png)


Today on international #HolocaustRememberanceDay we honor the memory of the more than six million Jews and countless other victims of the holocaust. I am personally brought back to visiting the Babyn Yar memorial in Ukraine earlier this year-where tens of thousands of Jews and Roma were heinously massacred. A devastating reminder of where antisemitism and other forms of racism can easily lead us. Tikkun Olam

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a7a5b1 No.21602163

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: e1aace4d8e00932⋯.png (11.98 KB,212x38,106:19,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

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db6fe9 No.21602165

File: b3dcc648f0c34c2⋯.png (943.57 KB,680x674,340:337,ClipboardImage.png)

Enemy of the People clown "media" right now

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f3623c No.21602166

File: ac32c0d2bbac53d⋯.png (1.61 MB,966x966,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



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df2912 No.21602168

Switch the machines off.

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c9655b No.21602169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stray cats

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4c2f80 No.21602171

File: 86687ba0b116261⋯.png (75.33 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53ee00739c64d2d⋯.png (66.74 KB,310x140,31:14,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea3928 No.21602172

File: 4a6bc7c33a31e35⋯.jpeg (85.41 KB,902x1182,451:591,GXmfZ4cXsAAph3O.jpeg)

File: 6b38b8f451db1ee⋯.jpeg (197.7 KB,934x1207,934:1207,GXmfaKuWIAA9g8g.jpeg)

File: fe0d04b8e1ca0b2⋯.jpeg (189.68 KB,930x1203,310:401,GXmfaijWoAAAqL8.jpeg)

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df2912 No.21602173

File: 59d9eafffdd361f⋯.jpeg (65.14 KB,709x538,709:538,59d9eafffdd361fdefb48d657….jpeg)

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eaf8d6 No.21602176

File: 76c6c6147387a19⋯.jpg (152.93 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Simpsons_Smell.jpg)

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c4dbe0 No.21602177

File: 653710f0a1b122b⋯.png (854.11 KB,864x602,432:301,Scbbb.png)

File: 464f329c652eb2c⋯.png (588.27 KB,1080x671,1080:671,Screggu.png)



Face it black politicians and other black people in government leadership positions only have a 3% success rate.

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6b2e55 No.21602178


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4aa553 No.21602179

File: c4c1dd90deb2a3f⋯.png (772.94 KB,1200x674,600:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b96eb674957eb9b⋯.png (473.54 KB,546x1018,273:509,ClipboardImage.png)

NGSO revenue to overtake geostationary market by 2028

September 15, 2024

Constellations in non-geostationary orbit (NGSO) are set to overtake geostationary satellites in revenue by 2028, according to Novaspace research published Sept. 15.

The geostationary Earth orbit market represented around 85% of the $12 billion in total satellite capacity revenue in 2023, despite a recent slowdown in GEO orders from operators waiting to see how the rise of Starlink and other NGSO constellations shake out.

However, Novaspace expects NGSO capacity revenues to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27% to around $18 billion by 2033, representing more than two-thirds of the market as Amazon’s Project Kuiper and other large constellations join the fray.

Total satellite capacity revenue from all orbits is projected to more than double over the decade to about $25 billion, Novaspace manager Dimitri Buchs said, driven mostly by the aviation, enterprise, land mobility and government connectivity markets.

Flood of supply

In just the past three years, the supply of global satellite capacity soared eightfold to around 27 terabits per second (Tbps) in 2023, thanks mostly to SpaceX’s Starlink, which accounts for more than 80% of this.

Novaspace estimates Starlink — currently the world’s largest constellation with more than 6,000 satellites in orbit — accounted for 70% of high-throughput satellite traffic last year.

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk recently said Starlink will “probably deliver over 90% of all space-based internet traffic next year.”

NGSO satellites can provide high-speed broadband at lower latency than spacecraft operating farther away in GEO, which is important for video calls, gaming, and using the latest virtual tools and applications hosted in the cloud.

Satellites in lower Earth orbits can also cover the poles to keep airlines connected during international flights, unlike their geostationary peers fixed above the equator.

Still, GEO spacecraft are better at delivering larger amounts of capacity to high-traffic areas.

Novaspace said high-throughput GEO satellites are continuing to gain significant traction in aviation, military, enterprise and other premium market segments where stringent Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are popular.

Falling prices, rising demand

According to Novaspace, global satellite capacity is expected to reach 240 Tbps by 2028.

The flood of NGSO satellites entering the market, in particular, is also set to continue lowering the average revenue per user (ARPU) for capacity.

Satellite capacity ARPU fell 40% year-on-year in 2023 to around $150 a month per megabit per second of data, Buchs told SpaceNews, and is on course to fall below $100 for most segments by 2033.

Plummeting prices are expected to help unlock new markets for satellite connectivity in areas difficult to connect by terrestrial means, including near urban centers and over oceans.

The shifting competitive landscape has also led to a surge in multi-orbit services, partnerships and acquisitions as legacy GEO operators adapt to the rapidly evolving market.

Still, Novaspace projects multi-orbit service revenues to reach $5 billion by 2033, compared with $117 billion in total service revenues.

Buchs, who is also the editor for Novaspace’s latest annual Satellite Connectivity and Video Market report, expects capacity demand from all orbits to grow from 6.5 Tbps in 2023 to 73 Tbps in 2033.

However, multiple uncertainties cloud these projections, including how much Amazon could leverage its significant financial firepower to break into the market with significantly lower prices.

Production, launch, regulatory and other factors often responsible for delaying constellation deployments could also dramatically affect the outlook.


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df2912 No.21602180


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f3623c No.21602181


>Before the war, Nance had been travelling the country working in his role as an analyst for MSNBC

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a7a5b1 No.21602182




larry fink and blackrock are tryin' to off Trump

cia must be recruiting unstable mk ultra types out of blackrock commercials, and/or, blackrock is contacting the cia to set up the next shooting attempt

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ace826 No.21602183

File: 4064607dc88acf6⋯.png (454.11 KB,508x545,508:545,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0326cbb1e021ad⋯.png (417.15 KB,459x578,27:34,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f467d9b04efa3b4⋯.png (437.92 KB,483x521,483:521,ClipboardImage.png)



McCain Institute Sedona Forum- thanks to Cindy McCain, @jsmccainiv and the Institute for the warm hospitality and stimulating conversation in such a beautiful place. #sedonaforum2024

@secblinken @drdenismukwege @repjasoncrow


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4c2f80 No.21602185

File: 5a441a65f2d0de7⋯.png (397.49 KB,591x330,197:110,ClipboardImage.png)

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2fc49c No.21602186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6010a4 No.21602187


Filtered another one

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f3623c No.21602188

File: 62a0592da21f357⋯.png (40.54 KB,90x196,45:98,ClipboardImage.png)

what does this mean

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8d72da No.21602189

File: 671a33ab48e9610⋯.mp4 (3.71 MB,320x568,40:71,_s_IRj66PzlhP9kp.mp4)

Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives


🔥🚨BREAKING: Billboard charting rapper Kodak Black reacted to the 2nd assassination attempt on Donald Trump.Kodak told the crowd he is a Trump supporter and the stadium erupted with cheers and praise. Kodak who is Haitian also expressed his concern and doubt of Haitians eating cats in Springfield Ohio.


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e12813 No.21602190


Tell NATO to back off or be exposed to Russia completely. Have Zelensky brought into custody for war crimes.

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b4d09a No.21602191

Depraved and Darkened Demons Digging their own Graves.

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4c2f80 No.21602193

File: 8fb1cea294937e9⋯.png (171.32 KB,271x266,271:266,ClipboardImage.png)

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4b6964 No.21602195

File: 87eb75da9a9131a⋯.png (1.23 MB,723x993,241:331,87eb75da9a9131a7b9d461b714….png)

File: 963dddb07fb71d4⋯.png (435.67 KB,640x783,640:783,963dddb07fb71d47a5ad51652e….png)

File: 80db335a2a838b1⋯.png (559.22 KB,727x536,727:536,80db335a2a838b12f43a55ab69….png)

File: 89fdc67d2cf9485⋯.png (2.71 MB,1411x934,1411:934,01.png)

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178cd2 No.21602196

File: 9107aa02b2e166a⋯.mp4 (7.62 MB,480x270,16:9,2024_09_16_President_Biden….mp4)

9:21 am

President Biden Remarks on Second Trump Assassination Attempt


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0988b4 No.21602197

File: ad1c324acf8d91e⋯.png (41.11 KB,407x802,407:802,Q436.png)






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97f350 No.21602198

File: 451c13c758ce5f2⋯.png (203.15 KB,1059x816,353:272,Screen_Shot_2024_09_16_at_….png)


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a7a5b1 No.21602199

File: 5a373d5e2ef9c81⋯.png (870.17 KB,1147x918,1147:918,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

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4b6964 No.21602200

File: 9caf8e406c0ff01⋯.jpg (51.66 KB,659x659,1:1,1541210433216.jpg)

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b104c8 No.21602201


I would volunteer to audit any Gov. org for FREE.

I have the credentials.

Call me Elon. I am sure you have my number.

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974cf5 No.21602203


Keep it coming

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cd1102 No.21602204

File: 64ed6cc395dc87d⋯.jpg (512.27 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240916_084404….jpg)

File: e2537655b64023b⋯.jpg (464.89 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240827_074552….jpg)

File: e56699d89d79851⋯.jpg (328.21 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240827_072648….jpg)

File: f9ba55e48d0bcf1⋯.jpg (420.66 KB,1920x1005,128:67,American_Advisors_Group_co….jpg)

File: 35fbb533d2f9626⋯.jpg (573.27 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240826_153626….jpg)

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d640b1 No.21602205

File: 0321acd1f7b47d5⋯.jpeg (331.02 KB,1784x991,1784:991,IMG_2017.jpeg)

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f3623c No.21602206

File: 384fb1f9f083f8e⋯.png (228.94 KB,850x999,850:999,ClipboardImage.png)


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adbd46 No.21602207

File: 6780d06499443e4⋯.jpeg (989.37 KB,1179x1372,1179:1372,IMG_0018.jpeg)



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4aa553 No.21602208

File: 164ea9d0abea92a⋯.png (349.27 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Earth about to pull tiny space rock into its orbit as temporary ‘mini moon’, scientists say

September 16, 2024

A small asteroid will be pulled into orbit around the Earth as a “mini-moon” later this month before the space rock departs into other parts of the solar system.

The 10m-wide asteroid, dubbed 2024 PT5, will become a mini-moon from 29 September until 25 November, astronomers said in a new study published in the journal Research Notes of the AAS.

Earth tends to pull asteroids into partial or full orbits around it regularly before they are flung back out into space.

For instance, one such space rock 2022 NX1 was a short-lived “mini-moon” in 1981 and again in 2022.

The asteroid 2024 PT5 as the name suggests was only discovered last month by scientists who are part of the Asteroid Terrestrial-Impact Last Alert System.

This space rock was likely a fragment of the Moon, researchers speculate.

By following its current size, speed and path, scientists could estimate the asteroid’s path for the next few months.

It is expected to follow a horseshoe-type orbit to become a “mini-moon” of Earth on 29 September only to return to a path orbiting the Sun about 57 days later on 25 November, according to the study.

After orbiting around the Earth for a few days, it will leave the planet’s neighbourhood “shortly afterwards”, until its next return in 2055, scientists say.

The current path of the asteroid also enabled researchers to trace its origins.

They suspect it comes from the Arjuna asteroid belt, a sparse population of small near-Earth space objects orbiting the Sun.

This is a secondary asteroid belt in the Solar System surrounding the path followed by the Earth-Moon system.

In some previous cases, asteroids anticipated to become Earth’s mini-moons have turned out to be misidentified space debris or human-made spacecrafts.

However, in the case of 2024 PT5, researchers say it is “unlikely” to be an artificial object as its short-term orbit path closely resembles that of 2022 NX1 – a confirmed natural object.

“We show that the recently discovered small body 2024 PT5 follows a horseshoe path and it will become a mini-moon in 2024, from September 29 until November 25,” scientists wrote.


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750cb9 No.21602209


Noice catch.

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db6fe9 No.21602210

File: 3b4cf0ba3d13a33⋯.png (906.13 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Child abuse alert

Found on a classroom door in Boston.


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b104c8 No.21602211


Thank you Swordie.

May God bless you as well.

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a35f54 No.21602213




shared admin link by accident

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31164d No.21602215

File: bf57fdb13dc8d68⋯.png (1.48 MB,880x2048,55:128,ClipboardImage.png)

Andrew Surabian


Here is a picture of Ryan Wesley Routh posing with Biden-Kamala appointee and outspoken Trump hater


. Pretty bizarre.


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178cd2 No.21602216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:30 PM EDT

C. Peter McColough Series on International Economics With Lael Brainard

Council on Foreign Relations




White House National Economic Adviser Discusses Global Economy

National Economic Council Chair Lael Brainard discusses the global economy during a discussion with the Council on Foreign Relations in New York City.


time change

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f3623c No.21602217


>mini-moon from 29 September until 25 November

throw a starlink gopro on there

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4b6964 No.21602218

File: 872efcd1b4d7e8e⋯.png (1.36 MB,692x837,692:837,872efcd1b4d7e8ecb36ac2bebf….png)

File: 6587414bf76ca81⋯.png (199.89 KB,491x272,491:272,6587414bf76ca81311b0f1db0b….png)

File: 5418c92193bd637⋯.gif (338.88 KB,320x180,16:9,5418c92193bd63795cdbf0fca7….gif)

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8d72da No.21602219

File: 4f922f196628747⋯.png (172.55 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f4af2 No.21602220


Bilderberg Participant Lists

1992 Bilderberg Meeting Participant List

February 14, 2010

The following participant list is unofficial and may contain inaccuracies. If you have access to more accurate information regarding any of the Bilderberg Meetings, including official copies of participant lists, please contact us or submit them via our secure online submission form.


Evian-les-Bains, France

21-24 May 1992



Lord Carrington

Chairman of the Board, Christie’s International plc; Former Secretary General, NATO


Victor Halberstadt

Professor of Public Economics, Leiden University


Theodore L. Eliot Jr.

Dean Emeritus, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy; Former U.S. Ambassador


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8d72da No.21602222

File: e45e2799daae8e5⋯.png (287.24 KB,573x680,573:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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317c1f No.21602223

File: 9a640201d7bda74⋯.png (1.01 MB,1187x1079,1187:1079,ClipboardImage.png)


Trump's would-be 'assassin' is seen in wild new arrest picture GRINNING

- as he appears shackled in front of a federal judge before being caught in sickening courtroom act

Ryan Wesley Routh, the gunman accused of trying to kill Donald Trump on Sunday, has made his first federal court appearance with his hands and feet in shackles.


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8d72da No.21602224

File: 1239bec8807becb⋯.png (470.21 KB,679x462,97:66,ClipboardImage.png)

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d640b1 No.21602225

File: 80af145520c4369⋯.jpeg (147.5 KB,1290x1271,1290:1271,IMG_2018.jpeg)

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a7a5b1 No.21602227

File: e90466b1ef585a1⋯.png (1.6 MB,1200x675,16:9,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

File: 1cc6521e2ceab4c⋯.png (1.13 MB,734x918,367:459,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

File: dbacaaa1bb519a5⋯.png (582.41 KB,656x663,656:663,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

File: a487a68ece984b4⋯.png (484.3 KB,447x557,447:557,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)


pelosi is the power behind the coup that shit canned biden and installed knee pads and now they are trying to murder Trump

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154e92 No.21602228

File: 405291555ba1f3c⋯.png (1.13 MB,1080x1521,120:169,Screebcx.png)

File: 62e6ab11e670c09⋯.png (799.98 KB,1080x728,135:91,Screenshot_20240912_024806….png)






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750cb9 No.21602229

File: 1673213df3bec89⋯.png (601.01 KB,637x638,637:638,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d72da No.21602230

File: 955c2de8deb1346⋯.png (626.28 KB,680x674,340:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6f9e19df356623⋯.png (425.97 KB,680x505,136:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3623c No.21602231

File: 259882249828569⋯.png (31.07 KB,128x152,16:19,ClipboardImage.png)


his face looks busted

darker skin from under his left eye going across his left cheek

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750cb9 No.21602233


Waiting for a mugshot…

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4b6964 No.21602234

File: 827c2e38ea4d84b⋯.png (433.59 KB,500x702,250:351,98d857bc5f371d5ca94828272c….png)

File: 26323184b13d855⋯.jpg (247.63 KB,800x1000,4:5,26323184b13d8552ad61cd81a9….jpg)

File: 5e1e819a1fc2c1c⋯.png (1.92 MB,1125x804,375:268,5e1e819a1fc2c1c4e53adb235f….png)

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317c1f No.21602235

File: 384b37ac2c10639⋯.png (899.17 KB,634x673,634:673,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ae4ca6d6d89929⋯.png (401.64 KB,634x392,317:196,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 224bcbd8c89d161⋯.png (959.03 KB,634x1081,634:1081,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ca25cf81c0d9bc⋯.png (474.84 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c3d24df3cfc8cd⋯.png (751.12 KB,634x515,634:515,ClipboardImage.png)


1) Ryan Wesley Routh, the gunman accused of trying to kill Donald Trump on Sunday, appeared in federal court appearance with his hands and feet in shackles on Monday. Pictured: Police released on Monday an image of Routh's arrest after he was able to flee 50 miles from Trump International Golf Club

2) Routh was smiling and laughing as he arrived at the court house on Monday

3)_Routh was charged with two counts – possession of a firearm while a convicted felon; and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number – and is set for arraignment in two weeks

4) West Palm Beach Sheriff Sheriff Ric Bradshaw holds up an image of Routh's backpack, bag, GoPro and AK-47 style rile left outside Trump International Golf Club on Sunday when he fled the scene when Secret Service opened fire

5) The gunman was positioned two holes ahead of where Trump was golfing on Sunday when Secret Service shots were fired in his direction. The hole is the area of the course closest to the road and present the most 'vulnerabilities,' according to those familiar

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d839aa No.21602237


beyond incompetence

how is any authority still granted here?

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d839aa No.21602240


did someone fuck with the close up shot in the cop car - cause come on…, sup with the eye

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f3623c No.21602241

File: 7fcb3bdb06eddd9⋯.png (340.69 KB,634x794,317:397,ClipboardImage.png)

A February 2010 booking mugshot of Routh provided by Guilford County Sheriff's Office in North Carolina

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4c2f80 No.21602242

File: 57c5b0ecee9cd5c⋯.png (546.41 KB,599x444,599:444,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7a5b1 No.21602243

File: d1356aaa39ba931⋯.png (321.94 KB,367x550,367:550,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

File: 0603f969b24f92a⋯.png (808.24 KB,942x623,942:623,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 94040a78b6f7596⋯.png (11.06 KB,113x57,113:57,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

File: 736c264f3ba78c5⋯.png (12.75 KB,133x56,19:8,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

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f3623c No.21602245

Part of Routh's rap sheet in North Carolina includes 2002 'weapon law violations' and 'terrorist threats,' according to public records. As well as a three-hour standoff with law enforcement in North Carolina.

When Routh was 36-years-old in 2002, he was convicted for possessing a weapon of mass destruction.

He was arrested after a standoff with police where he barricaded himself inside a local roofing business in Greensboro after speeding away from a traffic stop with a firearm.

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ea3928 No.21602246

File: e88b9303eb4b9a9⋯.png (517.8 KB,828x826,414:413,e88b9303eb4b9a93792308152f….png)


I will happily sit on President Trump's golf course with a howitzer and a lawn chair if they need me.

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4aa553 No.21602248

File: b8d98faa2d582c6⋯.png (158.77 KB,864x486,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Drone disrupts air traffic in northern China

Update : 12.09.2024

A drone disrupted air traffic operations in northern China, affecting more than two dozen flights and over 3,000 passengers on Wednesday, state-run media reported on Thursday.

Around 29 flights were delayed and canceled on Wednesday night due to safety concerns caused by the drone at North China’s Tianjin Municipality, according to the Global Times.

However, the daily didn't provide further details about the drone.

All flights departing from and arriving at the Tianjin Binhai International Airport stopped taking off or landing at evening and some flights diverted to Beijing, according to the report.

The flight operations at the airport resumed Thursday morning.


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4b6964 No.21602249

File: 5a7a821ab50c847⋯.jpg (59.86 KB,480x449,480:449,5a7a821ab50c84700d7e0698b8….jpg)

File: c14f64a874a4978⋯.png (373.01 KB,568x689,568:689,c14f64a874a4978494a69b8ff5….png)

File: 1af1a82657770c7⋯.png (1.68 MB,826x774,413:387,55e2e8449d23099667cd1155be….png)

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f3623c No.21602251

File: 870500929dc1eb9⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB,364x640,91:160,UkrainianMineralTrillions.mp4)


>Jake Sullivan, however, cast doubt on achieving a quick resolution

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4a9b07 No.21602252


He died his hair or

'Why do these time travelers from the past keep trying to kill me?'

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b6443d No.21602253

File: 5e56e1387584feb⋯.png (1.43 MB,1080x1578,180:263,Screennju.png)


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f3623c No.21602254



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8d72da No.21602255

File: 4eb8108f3ceb310⋯.png (401.05 KB,680x469,680:469,ClipboardImage.png)

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db6fe9 No.21602257

Wifeanon: "Anon, when are you going to paint the garage?"

Anon (remembering Walz): "Anon grew up in a middle class family"

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d839aa No.21602258


nothing but a uncanny feeling he's the dude walking in front of that NK building tin Q drop

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4a9b07 No.21602260


both those faggots need to kick off

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4aacb8 No.21602261

File: 0d01931168ded63⋯.png (151.64 KB,320x320,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d72da No.21602262

File: a2df590073ea47a⋯.png (441.36 KB,589x900,589:900,ClipboardImage.png)



Don’t believe liberal half truths. Trump TERMINATED TPS for Haiti and three other countries. Then, a single judge in California entered a preliminary injunction on specious grounds, preventing Trump from acting. That was reversed in late 2020, but it was too late to stop Biden/Harris from abusing the TPS statute in their ongoing attempt to create a foreign-style one party state.



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db6fe9 No.21602263

File: e09dad7d3fc931e⋯.png (240.38 KB,680x417,680:417,ClipboardImage.png)

Vindman deleted the tweet.


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f3623c No.21602265

File: a511912c76c97f3⋯.mp4 (8.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,superkim.mp4)


>February 2010 booking mugshot of Routh provided by Guilford County Sheriff's Office

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4b6964 No.21602266

File: e3af3d89404ca87⋯.jpg (705.12 KB,1786x1719,1786:1719,1614702135849.jpg)

File: 44df28bf069fdce⋯.png (836.37 KB,973x859,973:859,0506466eca223c66fb6f23dab8….png)

File: 45d97dc358bce92⋯.jpg (557.29 KB,900x900,1:1,161161357489.jpg)

File: c568139b874aa5c⋯.png (865.85 KB,619x664,619:664,00010243.png)

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97f350 No.21602267

File: 2dcb423356c1cd8⋯.png (467.97 KB,891x812,891:812,harris_walz_butcher_t.png)



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df2912 No.21602268

File: 3c45bd6513d0c93⋯.png (3.09 MB,1414x1414,1:1,d5133dba_72d1_4ab5_a100_bb….png)

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4c2f80 No.21602269

File: 426937bf20e8007⋯.png (660.92 KB,720x716,180:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d72da No.21602271

File: 18ee2387ec9e584⋯.png (198.14 KB,505x646,505:646,ClipboardImage.png)



Did Trump know that there would be an attempt to assassinate him at the 6th green?

On 9/13/24 Trump inexplicitly posts what we know commonly as the hashtag symbol by itself on Truth Social.

At the time many believed it also was the symbol for checkmate in the game of chess.

Also, in the game of chess the moving of the king to G6 is usually fatal.

During the 2nd assassination attempt on Trump the potential shooter was discovered just outside of the 6th green (G6), with Trump (king) moving towards it.

Did Trump post the hashtag symbol as a checkmate to covertly acknowledge the coming attempt at his life, and as a sign to know it was coming??


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4c2f80 No.21602272


The Harris campaign has touted that more than 200 Republican war criminals and traitors have endorsed the vice president, including Dick Cheney.

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b104c8 No.21602273

File: 9183210d391c786⋯.png (250.12 KB,713x690,31:30,ClipboardImage.png)



Q posted this pic. in 2020

Sometimes the past can find the future.

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99e710 No.21602274


Got sauce for this vid?

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97f350 No.21602275

File: db0e6caf3a6005b⋯.png (268.28 KB,466x351,466:351,ss_clown_trump.png)

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97f350 No.21602277


scripted, scripted, everything is scripted.

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a7a5b1 No.21602278

File: 1ec697c4a1fabac⋯.png (1.98 MB,1377x918,3:2,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

File: 2e877cd1ef2e651⋯.png (412.64 KB,484x668,121:167,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

File: e82a6bcafc80f42⋯.png (1.12 MB,763x918,763:918,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

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df2912 No.21602279

Liberate Life.

Switch the machines off.

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f3623c No.21602280


>Pretty bizarre.

Destination unknown as we pull in for some gas

A freshly pasted poster reveals a smile from the past

Elephants and acrobats, lions, snakes, monkey

Pele speaks "righteous," Sister Sina says, "funky"

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a1538a No.21602282

File: 808f053844eb8aa⋯.png (537.39 KB,832x1371,832:1371,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf00f5a1461f83c⋯.png (16.29 KB,260x181,260:181,2.png)

File: 956d2e4579e1970⋯.png (125.36 KB,750x634,375:317,3.png)

File: f472947e892b6c9⋯.jpg (51.01 KB,1169x721,167:103,4.jpg)

File: b33d4955f870ac8⋯.jpg (351.83 KB,1760x1178,880:589,5.jpg)

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8d72da No.21602283

File: f9ee5a2444c61f8⋯.png (86.12 KB,683x420,683:420,ClipboardImage.png)


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b4131e No.21602284

File: cfd1b2080e3cd5e⋯.jpg (54.16 KB,925x1024,925:1024,1723155909781302.jpg)

really don't see why anybody is censoring the words shooter or assassination on a free speech board where the alphabet agencies are already watching you.

when i see sh**ter I will now automatically fill in shitter if i have to reply to it.

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47b9a3 No.21602285

File: 83d61a0237c983d⋯.png (35.13 KB,179x119,179:119,Screenshot_at_2024_09_16_1….png)

File: 0cffbd59f73b2d2⋯.png (952.68 KB,1012x604,253:151,1479949190347.png)

Permanent Closure Of "St Vitus Bar" Linked To Corrupt FDNY/NYPD Arrests?

"Two ex-FDNY chiefs arrested by feds for taking nearly $200K in bribes to speed up inspections"




"…operating illegally for 13 years.", "the bar’s 70-year-old certificate of occupancy only allowed for the space to be used as a storefront and to store machinery (warehouse with a basement).",

NYC hands out building citations & rejects permits like mad. How does a warehouse operate as a world renown BAR & MUSIC VENUE with out a permit for 13 years??

This place took off when Hillary Clinton put her footprint in Williamsburg & Downtown Brooklyn. It reminds me of the basement music venue of Comet Ping Pong & "Majestic Ape"/"Heavy Breathing"

"Council memberJustin Brannan– who plays in the bandMost Precious Blood– told Gothamist the shutdown had “an element of weaponization of the 311 system, which is a real problem.”

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f3623c No.21602288



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4aa553 No.21602289

File: 7ebfe24b5f02480⋯.png (59.47 KB,486x560,243:280,ClipboardImage.png)

Kimball police: it's a weather balloon, not a UFO

Sunday, September 15th 2024, 9:15 PM CDT

Kimball County authorities received multiple reports of a strange object in the sky this weekend.

The Kimball Police Department says a weather balloon was spotted in the region Sunday and was not a UFO.

According to an article from the Texas A&M University College of Arts and Sciences, weather balloons, also known as radiosondes, are designed to measure atmospheric conditions, including wind, temperature, humidity, and pressure.

These balloons, typically made of latex, expand as they ascend through the atmosphere, gathering valuable data that helps meteorologists make more accurate forecasts.

The Kimball County Sheriff's office said the U.S. Air Force was aware of the balloon, reportedly from a company based in Arizona.


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f7cee5 No.21602290

File: 5a66d201f4a9d52⋯.png (585.04 KB,820x829,820:829,pepe_golfer.png)


>I will happily sit on President Trump's golf course with a howitzer and a lawn chair if they need me.

I'll load the howitzer for you.

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ea3928 No.21602291

File: 54a7c339285cdeb⋯.png (53.35 KB,636x515,636:515,54a7c339285cdeb62776ae598f….png)

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f3623c No.21602293




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4cb535 No.21602295



The Gay Edgar Hoovers

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56058b No.21602296



past @515

#26459 >>21601547

>>21601835 PF updates

>>21601604, >>21601608, >>21601611, >>21601614, >>21601615, >>21601618, >>21601620, >>21601621, >>21602213 MEME WARRIOR UI 1.3 #240904

>>21601627 Trump’s promises to end Ukraine conflict ‘not real’ – Zelensky (the Arrogant Idiot Says)

>>21601628, >>21601786, >>21601988, >>21602062, >>21602094, >>21602179, >>21602208 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Mercury's Vivaldi Crater from BepiColombo/Space/Science

>>21601635 NYC: The city has outsourced many core functions to a little-known group of 14 human services contractors, each with a portfolio exceeding $1 billion.

>>21601666 How a Trump-Musk government efficiency commission might affect NASA

>>21601686 Ukraine’s British missiles rely on US data

>>21601691, >>21601703, >>21601710, >>21602215 Greensboro neighbor describes man accused of attempting Trump assassination, says ‘a lot of people were afraid of him’/Routh

>>21601692 crossposting notables to the world via #AnonNews chat room

>>21601717, >>21602223 same guy???/Routh

>>21601720 20205 The World after 50 years of systemic discriminated against White Americans

>>21601745 World leaders call for increased UN powers, implementation of Agenda 2030

>>21601748, >>21602142, >>21602196, >>21602216 Swampenins

>>21601769, >>21601780, >>21602235 Latest assassination attempt on Donald Trump: What we know so far

>>21601801 Tito Jackson dead @70

>>21601802 China rams Philippine ship while 60 Minutes on board; South China Sea tensions could draw U.S. in

>>21601804 "It’s seemingly easier to threaten the life of the Republican nominee than it is to interview the Democratic one."

>>21601890 The man who tried to kill President Azali Assoumani has died in custody, according to officials in the Comoros

>>21601898 Wanna be Trump assassin' Ryan Routh's son, Oran, said in a statement to CNN

>>21601927 Ukraine hails call for EU to end refugee payments to Ukrainian men of military age who are living in the EU

>>21601955 Putin orders increase in size of Russian military

>>21602007, >>21602084 International Volunteer Center of Ukraine/Routh/Nance

>>21602012 US media merged with intelligence services long ago keks in C_A

>>21602083 vote Trump vid kekky

>>21602100, >>21602150, >>21602172 I’m releasing a comprehensive Whistleblower Report on the multiple failures of Secret Service & DHS - including new allegations & numerous unanswered questions due to USSS stonewalling

>>21602154, >>21602166 Bishes confused/Psaki/Crockett

>>21602189 Kodak told the crowd he is a Trump supporter and the stadium erupted with cheers and praise.

>>21602262 Trump TERMINATED TPS for Haiti and three other countries. Then, a single judge in California entered a preliminary injunction on specious grounds, preventing Trump from acting, foreign-style one party state

>>21602271, >>21602282 game of chess the moving of the king to G6 is usually fatal, shooter was discovered just outside of the 6th green (G6)

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e75a5b No.21602297

File: 2ec38bd960c50d2⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,1170x1805,234:361,IMG_5476.jpeg)

File: aed356853b07aef⋯.jpeg (579.34 KB,1170x1121,1170:1121,IMG_5474.jpeg)

File: d422fde0ecb7fdc⋯.jpeg (404.43 KB,1170x1022,585:511,IMG_5475.jpeg)

File: 3f45527be536ecb⋯.jpeg (849.86 KB,1170x1375,234:275,IMG_5473.jpeg)

to the person who told me I am powerless here, look at all the namefags here now… fbi agents will be mad about that lmao

laura “jewess” Loomer gave up trumps location and then did a photoshoot to sell her bit on twitter

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99e710 No.21602299


Thanks anon

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7b51b5 No.21602300

File: 036e31182da5ac4⋯.png (31.58 KB,478x336,239:168,ClipboardImage.png)

potus is a g

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4b6964 No.21602302



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4c2f80 No.21602303

File: 856ada98e1400a3⋯.png (123.03 KB,281x280,281:280,ClipboardImage.png)

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079a35 No.21602304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Pipeline explosion in Houston, Texas suburb

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ace826 No.21602305

File: 89de20ab07b3e7e⋯.png (483.01 KB,496x620,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f862d No.21602307

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Kodak Black


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99e710 No.21602308


notable nominated

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f3623c No.21602309


>king to G6

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e75a5b No.21602310

File: 5488059f0813e9d⋯.jpeg (569.56 KB,1170x1102,585:551,IMG_5477.jpeg)

File: e85cdacb24f476a⋯.jpeg (219.9 KB,1200x1200,1:1,IMG_8797.jpeg)

File: d900440f8afba61⋯.png (1.5 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_8857.png)

File: b32f603eb95c146⋯.jpeg (389.55 KB,1170x1348,585:674,IMG_8789.jpeg)


How about I got sauce this guy is a blackrock actor?

Friends with Joshua fink, Larry finks grandson, ceo of blackrock.

and this guy on tik tok named BeautyMrked confessed to being the grandson of Larry fink

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4cb535 No.21602311

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d839aa No.21602312


anons working on the music, lyrics, watching the song still being written

spine tingling chilling


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a35f54 No.21602313


hi baker. 2 mistakes. Please correct

>>21602213 MEME WARRIOR UI 1.3 #240904

>>21601692 crossposting notables to the world via #AnonNews chat room


>>21601604 MEME WARRIOR UI 1.3 #240904

>>21601692, >>21602213 crossposting notables to the world via #AnonNews chat room

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e75a5b No.21602316


im getting real fucking tired of posting this solid ass intel and it getting skipped for notables. Blackrock people involved in spreading propaganda’s and the actors linked straight to them

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a1538a No.21602317

File: 494f6d921fd14aa⋯.png (207.12 KB,733x579,733:579,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 356e625a33913a9⋯.mp4 (272.83 KB,480x270,16:9,STILL_HERE.mp4)

STILL HERE!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥


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a35f54 No.21602318


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ea3928 No.21602322

File: e81b572ea7f5d84⋯.png (2.01 MB,1658x1524,829:762,e81b572ea7f5d848a7a79aca93….png)

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5ce89d No.21602324

File: 2dc8a3126684c53⋯.png (966.13 KB,1080x1055,216:211,Screenshot_20240916_112942….png)


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27b287 No.21602325


namefags never notable.

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750cb9 No.21602327

File: b775a980eb994dd⋯.png (251.23 KB,375x398,375:398,ClipboardImage.png)

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0aebf8 No.21602328

File: 96a9ec6915bba2b⋯.png (1.27 MB,750x1334,375:667,9559E293_7012_4784_B844_F0….png)

File: 71a330c17be419d⋯.png (228.97 KB,690x2338,345:1169,98C8CBE2_96EE_4B9B_B78D_32….png)

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4c2f80 No.21602330


Tell Swain of the gated libtard communities that it's a shitskin street race hustle run from inside her despotic government and she taste like chicken

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1b5b9c No.21602331


shut up

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a7a5b1 No.21602332

File: 4a5aa560086d010⋯.png (650.26 KB,634x793,634:793,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

File: a16795618eb1e89⋯.png (688.29 KB,634x633,634:633,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

File: 0e6b8aa9dcf337a⋯.png (552.49 KB,720x540,4:3,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_1….png)

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db6fe9 No.21602333

Hey Rep. Weinstein, why did you delete this tweet? Did you realize it was an incitement to political violence against JD Vance, you POS?


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178cd2 No.21602335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live: BREAKING! Trump assassins go 0-2! Erik Prince breaks it down | Will Cain Show

Fox News


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db6fe9 No.21602336

File: 2d726583779c676⋯.png (102.64 KB,680x466,340:233,ClipboardImage.png)

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7b51b5 No.21602337

File: 2e80de2c286651c⋯.png (280.31 KB,478x364,239:182,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d557763518574fd⋯.png (589.08 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

democrats are an existential threat to our republic

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ea3928 No.21602338


Donald J. Trump


The Rhetoric, Lies, as exemplified by the false statements made by Comrade Kamala Harris during the rigged and highly partisan ABC Debate, and all of the ridiculous lawsuits specifically designed to inflict damage on Joe’s, then Kamala’s, Political Opponent, ME, has taken politics in our Country to a whole new level of Hatred, Abuse, and Distrust. Because of this Communist Left Rhetoric, the bullets are flying, and it will only get worse! Allowing millions of people, from places unknown, to INVADE and take over our Country, is an unpardonable sin. OUR BORDERS MUST BE CLOSED, AND THE TERRORISTS, CRIMINALS, AND MENTALLY INSANE, IMMEDIATELY REMOVED FROM AMERICAN CITIES AND TOWNS, DEPORTED BACK TO THEIR COUNTIES OF ORIGIN. WE WANT PEOPLE TO COME INTO OUR COUNTRY, BUT THEY MUST LOVE OUR NATION, AND COME IN LEGALLY AND THROUGH A SYSTEM OF MERIT. THE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT US AS FOOLS, THEY ARE STEALING OUR JOBS AND OUR WEALTH. WE CANNOT LET THEM LAUGH ANY LONGER. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!





Sep 16, 2024, 12:14 PM


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56058b No.21602340




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0aebf8 No.21602341

File: e1633c75d76b44d⋯.png (785.55 KB,750x1334,375:667,E15D9357_8FB9_40C6_9772_8F….png)

File: de25978d7c796b1⋯.png (101.03 KB,690x1390,69:139,0E608AD0_5893_4E0B_A585_CC….png)

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f3623c No.21602342


two days ahead?

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eee814 No.21602343

File: 9ad484a70d0c3e8⋯.jpg (7.37 KB,265x184,265:184,OIP_51_.jpg)


Bro, Its all fake lol

You have to watch and eat popcorn our job is done nigga,

After shit really breaks you get to assure people there will be no war

Again news is fake and gay it was a datson b210 backfiring on the freeway

Fuck it news cycle

Anything but voter fraud see

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f4d4d2 No.21602345

File: 44672cc5a48007d⋯.png (79.65 KB,742x604,371:302,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 669ae07ed5e5e6e⋯.png (40.1 KB,553x570,553:570,ClipboardImage.png)

Time stamp

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f96a1a No.21602346

File: e4aad4ef0c36153⋯.png (126.5 KB,313x540,313:540,Vcxgj.png)



Go back to Haiti you piece of shit.

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a1538a No.21602347

File: 46c2798e4db47cd⋯.png (137.19 KB,744x616,93:77,ClipboardImage.png)



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47b9a3 No.21602348


1- Chiefs homes raided by the FBI and city investigators back in February.

2- St Vitus raided & closed on February 17th

3- The FDNY’s Brooklyn headquarters was also searched at the same time.

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2fc49c No.21602349

File: 2d0d3c0541cf69d⋯.jpg (1.34 MB,1080x1634,540:817,Cia_journalist_2.jpg)

File: b1d0c1f6b0206ea⋯.jpg (553.44 KB,1079x982,1079:982,_journalist_1.jpg)

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4cb535 No.21602350


The thick plotens…

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1b5b9c No.21602351



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a35f54 No.21602352


>Download Twitter Vid: https://www.downloadtwittervideo.com/

>Twitter Ghost Check: https://shadowban.yuzurisa.com/

>Twitter Analytics: https://analytics.twitter.com/

>Twitter Manager: https://tweetdeck.com

>Twitter Trends: https://twitter.com/i/trends

>Hash Check: https://www.hashtags.org/

needs some upate too

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f7cee5 No.21602353


Three evolutions of the meme.

The rough one.

The quick and dirty low-res version.

And the final clean version.


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802875 No.21602354


There's room at the top they are telling you still…

But first you must learn how to smile as you kill.

If you want to be like the folks on the hill…

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e75a5b No.21602355


yeah I fail to see how not exposing clown mockingbirds operations isn’t notable, fuck off clown shill

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a7a5b1 No.21602356

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)

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74cf4c No.21602357

JD if you read this then you need to know they do not fear you enough or they would never take a shot at PDJT

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e75a5b No.21602358


why would I not expose clown mockingbird agents? Are you dumb or are you retarded?

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ea3928 No.21602359

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f3623c No.21602360




Records show suspect in attempted Trump assassination spent nearly 12 hours near golf course before being confronted

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47b9a3 No.21602362


"Fifth Column(ists)" since the 1950's

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484705 No.21602363

File: 085a6ce9fea147a⋯.png (916.09 KB,1060x596,265:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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0aebf8 No.21602364

File: b8753ebe7d6b595⋯.png (439.22 KB,750x1334,375:667,02598875_6337_4D4A_95DA_E5….png)

File: 2e8c850b0c72d9f⋯.png (500.66 KB,690x1068,115:178,71145726_597D_444C_A9DB_6F….png)



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1b5b9c No.21602365

File: 3e30c30a04b491f⋯.png (269.79 KB,810x361,810:361,1641484194309.png)

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4b6964 No.21602366

File: 4cf6fbdf4a76a57⋯.png (680.03 KB,635x613,635:613,df0056fd03415b7510e873b07f….png)

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f3623c No.21602367

possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number

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f4d4d2 No.21602368



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d5a0c1 No.21602369

File: f76e63609c99687⋯.png (441.94 KB,784x726,392:363,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a23bb502d5e5612⋯.png (525.79 KB,674x669,674:669,ClipboardImage.png)

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0aebf8 No.21602370

File: a0a206f48a4f2be⋯.png (208.7 KB,750x1334,375:667,E68CDA5F_82A5_452B_8D81_07….png)

File: da26cb9eeaeafea⋯.png (35.91 KB,690x498,115:83,5B894127_6ADC_4371_AF35_77….png)

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6bd544 No.21602371

File: 41a3c15e758401e⋯.png (374.83 KB,992x500,248:125,ClipboardImage.png)

Ryan Wesley Routh is vaxxed.

he will have a suddenly episode.

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7b51b5 No.21602372

File: 327e786c6328bad⋯.png (293.48 KB,478x516,239:258,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 028c35549df4903⋯.png (10.65 KB,478x78,239:39,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2539a3c757574d⋯.png (92.34 KB,478x321,478:321,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 616dbf3125efbc0⋯.png (222.27 KB,414x898,207:449,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d252c70db4c4a2f⋯.png (191.39 KB,898x898,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

so apparently the voted for trump in 2016 part isn't true

at least only a rumor contrary to known facts at this stage

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4aacb8 No.21602373




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9bf758 No.21602374

Anon considers that it was "too easy" to find and arrest the shooter. How convenient that someone knew to take a picture of his car. He got 40 minutes away?Just like they delayed scrubbing his social media, but gave his name so fast. Anons found what [they] wanted anons to find. This guy was told to get arrested. Is why he didn't run when they came to get him.

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484705 No.21602376

File: 691552662a708bd⋯.png (476.56 KB,667x947,667:947,ClipboardImage.png)

Geoff Pilkington


My friend Jamie Rejent interviewed Ryan Wesley Routh (the man that attempted to assassinate Trump) at a train station on the border of Poland & Ukraine back in April of 2022. Ryan was on his way into Ukraine to “Occupy” Kyiv with his flags and his tent.

🎥 Insta: Jamie.Rejent

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d2bf62 No.21602377

File: ba05fb2eaf45950⋯.jpg (498.5 KB,2560x2560,1:1,WWG1WGA_Q_Bell.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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e75a5b No.21602378


yeah I noticed that too. Julie green bitch ass probably on that list too

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9d1052 No.21602379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>Before the war, Nance had been travelling the country working in his role as an analyst for MSNBC

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6c0300 No.21602380


filter this retard

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2fc49c No.21602381


Camp Richie

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7d041b No.21602383

File: 73e2cfd72529e2d⋯.png (734.21 KB,745x694,745:694,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3623c No.21602384



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1b5b9c No.21602385

File: 75192012656c222⋯.webp (32.56 KB,1152x864,4:3,21.webp)

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6c0300 No.21602386

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0aebf8 No.21602387

File: 10905b5ac676ae2⋯.png (300.21 KB,750x1334,375:667,85D89956_A1E8_4424_90E4_ED….png)

File: f0938ca50f61904⋯.png (399.49 KB,690x3138,115:523,9657E708_C09E_4843_899C_04….png)

File: 652e295cc784ddb⋯.png (63 KB,603x429,201:143,1CFD597B_5432_415D_82F7_5D….png)

File: 652e295cc784ddb⋯.png (63 KB,603x429,201:143,44EC6BEA_749C_40AB_BD62_BB….png)

File: 38f9ece20a7510b⋯.png (50.54 KB,640x274,320:137,FDE711F7_85F2_410D_93CB_C4….png)

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74cf4c No.21602388

If the shooter admits to the FBI to a larger planed assassination operation.

Will that information ever go public?

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f3623c No.21602389

File: 7513cbcbd731774⋯.mp4 (3.48 MB,320x568,40:71,nance.mp4)

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8d72da No.21602390

File: 64ef4d198a842cc⋯.png (590.24 KB,680x661,680:661,ClipboardImage.png)

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4aa553 No.21602391

File: 7823dd045dfa832⋯.png (1.83 MB,2048x1105,2048:1105,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31fc12dcd5639c0⋯.png (2.14 MB,1280x1862,640:931,ClipboardImage.png)

File: df2a1f9c57869de⋯.png (1.73 MB,2048x771,2048:771,ClipboardImage.png)

“Collision” with an alien star changes the face of the Solar System forever

September 16, 2024

Billions of years ago, the Solar System may have come close to another passing star.

In theories, this would explain the anomalous orbits of some objects on the outer edges of our system, as well as strange moons of neighboring planets.

According to new research published in Nature Astronomy and The Astrophysical Journal Letters, this star could have come as close as 110 astronomical units (a.u.) to the Sun, much closer than the Voyager 1 probe, which is now 164 a.u. away from Earth.

Although the nearest known star, Proxima Centauri, is more than four light-years away, billions of years ago such a strong proximity was quite “dramatic.”

The event could have perturbed the orbits of objects in the outer part of the Solar System, beyond Neptune.

Astrophysicist Susanne Pfalzner notes that many trans-Neptunian objects, with eccentric orbits tilted relative to the general plane of the planets, could have been formed precisely due to the impact of a nearby star.

To test this hypothesis, scientists performed more than 3,000 computer simulations. The results have confirmed the possibility of an intruder star influence, which not only explains the strange orbits of some objects such as the dwarf planet Sedna, but also the orbits of retrograde moons such as Saturn’s moon Phoebe.

Study co-author Amith Govind believed that this star was about 20 percent lighter than the Sun and could have approached us at a distance four times greater than the distance to Neptune.

This meeting could also have led to the entry of some trans-Neptunian objects deep into the Solar System, which were then captured by the gravity of the giant planets.

“This would explain why the outer planets of our solar system have two different types of moons,” notes Simon Portegies Zwart, co-author of the study.

The discovery could mark a stunning episode in the history of our Solar System that has previously been unremarked.



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178cd2 No.21602392

File: 68520b5de1be968⋯.png (518.84 KB,625x680,125:136,state_of_left.png)

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8d72da No.21602393

File: 6799cd5eac9d6f3⋯.png (460.68 KB,680x584,85:73,ClipboardImage.png)

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d91a86 No.21602395

File: d937ddbf3561f31⋯.png (747.05 KB,1334x750,667:375,72A9AA64_094C_4E70_AFDA_AB….png)

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0aebf8 No.21602396

File: a07ed0758f16568⋯.png (3.35 MB,750x1334,375:667,06D443C0_E8E9_4EC8_A95A_C2….png)

File: e5ee89a0e700839⋯.png (248.03 KB,750x1334,375:667,217AFD39_1FE2_4792_BFF2_1C….png)

File: 9e4a9ad5d586075⋯.png (243.94 KB,750x1334,375:667,86EFDC14_CD6D_40D0_9668_4A….png)

File: 8ac1ba1f1805ba9⋯.png (35.94 KB,690x454,345:227,F2423C29_2DB7_48EF_921F_6E….png)

File: 96736e8bff6d669⋯.png (162.86 KB,690x1510,69:151,D8B81F09_E4DC_4B2A_B3F8_CA….png)

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8d72da No.21602397

File: 050819bad8762d3⋯.png (495.55 KB,680x486,340:243,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b5b9c No.21602398

File: c438e37602c6430⋯.jpg (75.26 KB,799x1200,799:1200,1278202.jpg)

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8d72da No.21602399

File: a0df690acacb0e6⋯.png (377.21 KB,680x679,680:679,ClipboardImage.png)

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9f697c No.21602400

Pipline fire in LaPort Texas

LA PORTE, Texas (AP) - Firefighters were battling a pipeline fire in suburban Houston that sparked grass fires and burned power poles on Monday, forcing people in the surrounding neighborhood to evacuate.

The fire began at 9:55 a.m. in La Porte, located about 25 miles (40 kilometers) southwest of Houston.

Video footage from KTRK showed a park near the fire had been damaged and firefighters pouring water on homes near the blaze.

Officials have ordered residents in the Brookglen neighborhood area near the fire to evacuate, Lee Woodward, a La Porte city spokesperson said in an email.

"Please avoid the area and follow law enforcement direction. Further details will be released as available," Woodward said.

The cause of the fire was not immediately known.

Vid at link




live vid


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00bdd9 No.21602401


89 reg letters

78 all caps


Mirror: 8798

Theres some drops that coincide

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d5a0c1 No.21602402

File: 6f7224cfcedba8f⋯.png (186.96 KB,1296x640,81:40,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4129b0a1606dea4⋯.png (231.88 KB,393x521,393:521,ClipboardImage.png)


Connections to shooter followers and Loop Capital.

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f3623c No.21602403

File: b8b65173ad68843⋯.png (401.56 KB,373x481,373:481,ClipboardImage.png)

It's nice that he's alive isn't it.

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7d041b No.21602404

File: 59a6ba6ed840df1⋯.png (214.83 KB,502x383,502:383,memewarfare.png)

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178cd2 No.21602405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Speaker Johnson meets with Trump after 2nd assassination attempt

Fox News

3 hours ago #FoxNews


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f4d4d2 No.21602406


Zelenski hit man

If Trump wins, his money dries up.

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1b5b9c No.21602407


being interviewed by The Courts

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74cf4c No.21602408

24 hours since arrest and no word on what the shooter is saying?

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f7cee5 No.21602409


>If the shooter admits to the FBI to a larger planed assassination operation.

If the shooter admits that the FBI is part of a larger planed assassination operation.


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178cd2 No.21602410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump assassination suspect helped recruit Ukraine fighters: report

Fox News #FoxNews

1 hour ago


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fd1068 No.21602411


Thanks, Swordy. Back at ya.

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f3623c No.21602412

File: 9cb3d95be1a4242⋯.mp4 (3.74 MB,1280x720,16:9,privilege.mp4)


heroin eyes

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750cb9 No.21602413

File: 4efa262d2e7ecb8⋯.png (212.2 KB,910x910,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


VN. Stolt.

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8d72da No.21602414

File: 87e3c19dfa0dac8⋯.png (470.4 KB,737x608,737:608,ClipboardImage.png)


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794d58 No.21602415

Bongino has made some good points today.

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7b51b5 No.21602416


>when glowniggers have been broken so bad they resort to homeless shelters for speedy expendable assets

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1b5b9c No.21602417


honest q

where is the suspect being held?

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d640b1 No.21602419

File: 4c30395085e4973⋯.jpeg (162.26 KB,742x604,371:302,IMG_2019.jpeg)

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4a9b07 No.21602420

File: feb8042176920d5⋯.png (1.48 MB,1080x1310,108:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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178cd2 No.21602421

File: 372803ae45f6233⋯.png (356.44 KB,705x963,235:321,azov.png)

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d5a0c1 No.21602422

File: fa568b693479119⋯.png (251.04 KB,444x570,74:95,ClipboardImage.png)


The video was on AJ.

Not really listening though Poso on now.

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178cd2 No.21602423

File: da04c9ef91f65fe⋯.png (2.13 MB,2048x1488,128:93,Ukraine_NATO.png)

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8d72da No.21602424

File: ab8398210ef5d99⋯.png (70.68 KB,744x367,744:367,ClipboardImage.png)


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7b51b5 No.21602425



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f3623c No.21602426

File: a316e1147c46338⋯.mp4 (7.93 MB,640x368,40:23,While_he_needed_a_little_Q….mp4)

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f3623c No.21602430

File: a80bef4891e2fbb⋯.jpeg (194.63 KB,2048x1260,512:315,slopeyrooftrump.jpeg)

File: c5786c4c2050a3e⋯.jpeg (106.32 KB,866x578,433:289,hosedown.jpeg)


prolly waiting for someone to put a cork in him

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178cd2 No.21602431

File: b1bc60d9de6b9ed⋯.png (724.47 KB,828x1016,207:254,ukraine_kids_energy.png)

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0408f4 No.21602432

File: 4e0a767af8b5f0f⋯.jpeg (63.42 KB,640x524,160:131,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_….jpeg)

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4a9b07 No.21602435

File: ae99f9a78f3371d⋯.png (550.44 KB,715x803,65:73,ClipboardImage.png)

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0408f4 No.21602436


It’s past time for u to kysf

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2a32d3 No.21602437


“… a guy who hires afghan mercenaries to send them to fight in Ukraine is a peace loving holy man . . .”

Typical blue collar peacenik just trying to earn an honest buck and raise his boy right. Totally non-political, a good dad, and a REALLY good guy.

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178cd2 No.21602438

File: 5a24c394849dd46⋯.gif (1.64 MB,330x172,165:86,kek.gif)

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be8b70 No.21602440

File: c0611f5bb49822e⋯.png (610.33 KB,856x460,214:115,9eh376.png)

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eaf8d6 No.21602442

File: d410d625848a356⋯.jpg (417.74 KB,1905x1080,127:72,KH_Hooker.jpg)

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1a19fc No.21602443


Nothing is ever erased.

They want you DIVIDED!

They call us names.

They make threats.

They censor.

They lie.

They project.

They cheat.

They steal.

They harm.

They are sick.

They are evil.

At some point the streets (for them) will not be safe.


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4aa553 No.21602444

File: f833e9c2f3791af⋯.png (1.17 MB,990x518,495:259,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5b6a3d2d28700f⋯.png (1.47 MB,990x652,495:326,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59995e8e2fdd254⋯.png (1.44 MB,990x652,495:326,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 445f14203f03474⋯.png (747.81 KB,2065x1377,2065:1377,ClipboardImage.png)



'I Want to Believe': Are UFOs in the South Sound Fact or Fiction?

September 16, 2024

Why do we look up at the stars? Maybe we just love to watch them twinkle. Or perhaps we are looking for the meaning of life or the answer to some unknowable question.

Or possibly, we just find it hard to believe that in the vastness of space, we’re alone in the universe.

There are those in the South Sound and beyond who believe and allege that we are not alone. They may even assert to have seen an unexplained aerial phenomenon — or UFO, in more colloquial terms.

The Washington-based and -founded National UFO Reporting Center, or NUFORC as it is known by UFO enthusiasts, exists to “receive, record, and to the greatest degree possible, corroborate and document reports from individuals who have been witness to unusual, possibly UFO-related events.”

Since the center began posting its reports online around 1995, it has accumulated more than 170,000 accounts of contact with UFOs.

Washington state ranks third for the most reports (7,284) behind California (16,399), and Florida (8,382).

In fact, between the beginning of 2024 and press time, the online database already has seen close to 50 sightings.

Many of these seem to have been spotted in Yakima and Spokane; however, there are several sightings over the South Sound.

A March 20 observation in Centralia revealed a low-flying black cylinder with an orange light and a yellow center.

On May 11, a reflective craft of undetermined shape was seen hovering stationary over Tacoma at a very high altitude for several minutes before disappearing.

In Tumwater on May 22, a report alleges at least half a dozen yellow and white “dots traversing east to west” in loose formation across the night sky. On June 1, a disc shape moving slowly across the sky with multiple blue and white lights was spotted in Tacoma.

Accounts even come in from pilots who spot anomalous activity in flight. A pilot of a January flight from Denver to Pasco reported curious activity over Yakima.

The anonymous pilot said they and their first officer spotted two lights moving in a usual pattern.

“After watching for 10-15 minutes, I asked air-traffic control if there were some fighter aircraft practicing dog fights at our 11 o’clock high,” the pilot wrote in their account.

“ATC said there was nothing in that direction. We were at 34,000 feet, so the object(s) must have been 40,000 to 50,000 feet or higher.

The movements seemed too abrupt and aggressive to be tanker practice. The controller said he had no such activity in that direction.”

Thanks to the advent of the internet and smartphones, accounts of these types certainly have become more prevalent, but it isn’t a new phenomenon.

In fact, documented sightings of these curiosities date back to at least the late 1940s and have roots right here in the Pacific Northwest.

Cue a mental wavy flashback transition and old-timey mid-century music.

The year 1947 was known as the “Summer of Saucers,” or the “Flying-Disc Craze.”

From late June through early August, reports of flying saucer sightings flooded in from across the country and were reported wide by the Associated Press.

One of the earliest of these purported encounters happened on June 21 on the Puget Sound.

It is known as the “Maury Island Incident,” named for the small South Sound landmass off the larger Vashon Island where the event took place.

Local lawyer and screenwriter Steve Edmiston has spent countless hours researching what transpired that day on the Puget Sound, combing through unclassified government documents and other accounts after he learned of the event from a well-meaning stranger in a coffee shop.

The findings of his research became a 30-minute, award-winning eponymous film about the event, written by Edmiston, directed by Scott Schaefer, and produced by John White.

“A man named Harold Dahl lives in Tacoma, and he takes this boat — the North Queen, it’s like a 50-foot working trawler — and he brings his son, Charles, and he brings the family dog, Sparky.

They pick up two unidentified dockworkers in Tacoma and they head north about three miles until they’re just off Maury Island,” Edmiston said, adding that Dahl was scavenging for errant logs that had fallen off ships heading to local sawmills.


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56058b No.21602445

Last Call for Notahols

#26459 >>21601547

>>21601835 PF updates

>>21601604, >>21601608, >>21601611, >>21601614, >>21601615, >>21601618, >>21601620, >>21601621 MEME WARRIOR UI 1.3 #240904

>>21601627 Trump’s promises to end Ukraine conflict ‘not real’ – Zelensky (the Arrogant Idiot Says)

>>21601628, >>21601786, >>21601988, >>21602062, >>21602094, >>21602179, >>21602208, >>21602391 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Mercury's Vivaldi Crater from BepiColombo/Space/Science

>>21601635 NYC: The city has outsourced many core functions to a little-known group of 14 human services contractors, each with a portfolio exceeding $1 billion.

>>21601666 How a Trump-Musk government efficiency commission might affect NASA

>>21601686 Ukraine’s British missiles rely on US data

>>21601691, >>21601703, >>21601710, >>21602215 Greensboro neighbor describes man accused of attempting Trump assassination, says ‘a lot of people were afraid of him’/Routh

>>21601692, >>21602213 crossposting notables to the world via #AnonNews chat room crossposting notables to the world via #AnonNews chat room

>>21601717, >>21602223 same guy???/Routh

>>21601720 20205 The World after 50 years of systemic discriminated against White Americans

>>21601745 World leaders call for increased UN powers, implementation of Agenda 2030

>>21601748, >>21602142, >>21602196, >>21602216 Swampenins

>>21601769, >>21601780, >>21602235 Latest assassination attempt on Donald Trump: What we know so far

>>21601801 Tito Jackson dead @70

>>21601802 China rams Philippine ship while 60 Minutes on board; South China Sea tensions could draw U.S. in

>>21601804 "It’s seemingly easier to threaten the life of the Republican nominee than it is to interview the Democratic one."

>>21601890 The man who tried to kill President Azali Assoumani has died in custody, according to officials in the Comoros

>>21601898 Wanna be Trump assassin' Ryan Routh's son, Oran, said in a statement to CNN

>>21601927 Ukraine hails call for EU to end refugee payments to Ukrainian men of military age who are living in the EU

>>21601955 Putin orders increase in size of Russian military

>>21602007, >>21602084 International Volunteer Center of Ukraine/Routh/Nance

>>21602012 US media merged with intelligence services long ago keks in C_A

>>21602083 vote Trump vid kekky

>>21602100, >>21602150, >>21602172 I’m releasing a comprehensive Whistleblower Report on the multiple failures of Secret Service & DHS - including new allegations & numerous unanswered questions due to USSS stonewalling

>>21602154, >>21602166 Bishes confused/Psaki/Crockett

>>21602189 Kodak told the crowd he is a Trump supporter and the stadium erupted with cheers and praise.

>>21602262 Trump TERMINATED TPS for Haiti and three other countries. Then, a single judge in California entered a preliminary injunction on specious grounds, preventing Trump from acting, foreign-style one party state

>>21602271, >>21602282 game of chess the moving of the king to G6 is usually fatal, shooter was discovered just outside of the 6th green (G6)

>>21602335 Trump assassins go 0-2! Erik Prince breaks it down | Will Cain Show

>>21602338, >>21602347 @realDonaldTrump The Rhetoric, Lies, as exemplified by the false statements made by Comrade Kamala Harris during the rigged and highly partisan ABC Debate…

>>21602405 ICYMI: Speaker Johnson meets with Trump after 2nd assassination attempt

>>21602400 Pipline fire in LaPort Texas

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4aa553 No.21602446


It was there that Dahl allegedly encountered six donut-like discs approximately 100 feet wide hovering above his boat. One of the discs was lower than the others and it appeared to be failing, according to Dahl’s accounts.

There is then an explosion and hot debris and “slag” — as it is later referred to in government documents — rained down on the boat, injuring Dahl’s son and killing the dog.

“They take that really big boat — that 50-foot working trawler — and run it aground on Maury Island, get off the boat, and hide in what was then kind of gravel mines and cliffs there so that they’re not getting hit by what's happening above them,” Edmiston said.

“And then the discs leave, all of them, even the one that appeared to be failing.”

The next day, Dahl is reportedly visited by a man dressed all in black and driving a black 1947 Buick.

The mysterious man takes Dahl to a diner where he supposedly tries to quiet Dahl through intimidation. This is the first instance, to Edmiston’s knowledge, of a man in black.

The man in black and the following events involving a local FBI agent, a downed U.S. Air Force B-25 and the deaths of both pilots, and the influence of famed FBI director J. Edgar Hoover himself are pieced together and dramatized in Edmiston’s “The Maury Island Incident” film.

“On June 24, just a couple days later, the famous Ken Arnold sighting around Mount Rainier happens,” Edmiston said.

“Ten days later, Roswell, New Mexico — you probably heard about that one — that happens. And really, there are just thousands of reports over the summer.”

In fact, it was Arnold’s Mount Rainier sighting that first coined the term “flying saucer,” according to history.com.

“The civilian pilot Kenneth Arnold reported seeing nine objects, glowing bright blue-white, flying in a ‘V’ formation over Washington’s Mount Rainier.

He estimated the objects’ flight speed at 1,700 mph and compared their motion to ‘a saucer if you skip it across water,’” the account reads, noting that Arnold seemed a credible witness as an experienced pilot and respected businessman.

Though a prospector on nearby Mount Adams asserted Arnold’s story, U.S. Air Force investigators concluded that both men witnessed a phenomenon known as mountain-top mirages.

In the case of Dahl’s sighting, the Tacoma resident later admitted his story was a hoax, however, the FBI records Edmiston located that had been unclassified after 50 years purportedly showed that Dahl insisted in private that he only recanted his story because he no longer wanted to be mocked.

“The evidence in those sealed records was that the hoax was fabricated, that Harold Dahl never backed down when he was interviewed by the FBI,” Edmiston said.

“(He) always said he saw what he saw, but that he was going to inject and fabricate that it was a hoax. … His quote is actually, ‘I’d rather be known as the biggest liar that ever lived, than to be ridiculed.’”

In the years since, Dahl’s and Arnold’s experiences have been referenced in innumerable pop-culture references across myriad media.

And, in 2017, in time for the 70th anniversary of the Summer of Saucers, the Washington State Senate passed and adopted Resolution 8648.

“On the 70th anniversary of the seminal UFO sightings events, the Washington state sightings should be recognized for both their prominence and primacy in the modern era of UFO popular culture,” the resolution reads, adding specific recognition of the events that transpired in Washington state that summer.

For believers, the local lore is celebrated each summer during the Burien UFO festival, where a screening of Edmiston and company’s “The Maury Island Incident” is shown.

The film also can be rented or purchased on Vimeo. Edmiston also created an event to commemorate June 22 as the birthday of the men in black.

The annual event is held in Des Moines.


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f3623c No.21602448

File: 552af357420e963⋯.mp4 (10 MB,640x360,16:9,PaulPelosi.mp4)

panic at the eight kun

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c0eff2 No.21602450

File: 378292d3ca7a93e⋯.png (140.85 KB,609x568,609:568,Screen_Shot_2024_09_16_at_….png)

Donald J. Trump


CEASE & DESIST: I, together with many Attorneys and Legal Scholars, am watching the Sanctity of the 2024 Presidential Election very closely because I know, better than most, the rampant Cheating and Skullduggery that has taken place by the Democrats in the 2020 Presidential Election. It was a Disgrace to our Nation! Therefore, the 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny and, WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again. We cannot let our Country further devolve into a Third World Nation, AND WE WON’T! Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.

17.5k ReTruths 46.6k Likes

Sep 07, 2024, 6:01 PM


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b30d5b No.21602452


That's it?

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7b51b5 No.21602455

sorry sack of shit is still spamming


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c9655b No.21602456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Industrial disease at 432

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f3623c No.21602457


Posobiec has it all

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1a19fc No.21602461


She's probable been passed around like the proverbial hat at a charity.

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83a52f No.21602462

File: e621979d2da827b⋯.gif (2.62 MB,399x498,133:166,01j.gif)

sing and cry widdle birdies!!!

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317c1f No.21602463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What exactly is the Harvest Moon?



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83a52f No.21602464

File: 78ad85250f72e56⋯.png (938.03 KB,1716x1440,143:120,jackpotsoarkek.png)

Just one of many examples so any true anon's that might venture here know where they are…


5 Delta's of the 26 delta's for September 16

26 post(s) found containing "Sep 16".







Not Notable

Now, here is Flynn praising Maj. General Jack Singlaub.

Have you dug on Jack Singlaub?

You are a real anon, right?

Who is Jack Singlaub?

What did he do?


Much Clown many Jesus?


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56058b No.21602465


this post @663


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47b9a3 No.21602466


he was activated, MIL tracked, now he's going to testify (sing)

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068f97 No.21602467


Who did Gwen Sefani sacrifice to get on the island, Bradly Noel.

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7d041b No.21602468



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83a52f No.21602469

File: fc2810c3f9bd361⋯.jpeg (43.08 KB,474x315,158:105,fc2810c3f9bd36182ec4ed9e0….jpeg)



"did i say that?"


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4c2f80 No.21602470

File: 87809da2d5f40cb⋯.png (559.25 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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83a52f No.21602471

File: c7ffd76b8f113ad⋯.png (3.14 MB,1724x1912,431:478,flynnlynlila.png)


imagine the raging fire though!


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f3623c No.21602472


'Perplexing': Sheriff discusses suspect's reaction when he was arrested

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1a19fc No.21602473

File: 3bcf3b9f27aa8e4⋯.jpg (39.96 KB,602x320,301:160,main_qimg_233a5cb74db1a6c3….jpg)

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0408f4 No.21602474


Oh shit.. what going on? “political violence” is their new term. Shrimpy alex soros said it yesterday saying he was glad Trump was ok lol

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178cd2 No.21602475

File: e0cd41e0a4c0ac5⋯.gif (271.4 KB,212x216,53:54,huh.gif)

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47b9a3 No.21602476


More like "Routh"="Route"

"Route" COMMS

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317c1f No.21602477

File: 6e4563047c80237⋯.png (518.96 KB,677x1043,677:1043,ClipboardImage.png)


Full ‘Harvest’ Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse Will Awe Viewers Tuesday

There will be a “harvest” moon on Tuesday, which will appear full to delight viewers from Monday until early Thursday.

The event, which is also being called a supermoon, will appear around 10:35 p.m. Eastern on Tuesday and on the night of the full moon there will also be a partial lunar eclipse, USA Today reported Thursday. …


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be8b70 No.21602479

File: b06cf162cd3ca41⋯.png (460.85 KB,756x500,189:125,96yh42.png)

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f3623c No.21602480


look at the bags under her eyes

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0408f4 No.21602481


What angle are they working with this political violence shit. Ohhhh… they’re prepping the normies n then cause violence n blame maga I bet

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fd1068 No.21602483




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178cd2 No.21602484

File: a9c13906b3103fa⋯.png (362.41 KB,304x379,304:379,fake_news_to_assassination.png)

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7b51b5 No.21602486

dude could probably pull of a bank heist worth millions and only get a week community service

>not saying he was an asset

>but he's an asset


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832ba4 No.21602487

>>21600846 PB routh's son: says his dad hates Trump like 'all reasonable people'

The POS son also needs to be under watch.

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526005 No.21602488

File: 8201fe0c0348210⋯.mp4 (3 MB,634x360,317:180,8201fe0c03482109380ba5a95a….mp4)



the terrible pain!!!

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0408f4 No.21602489


Microdick was debunked, faggot

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178cd2 No.21602490

File: 0d41f92c5f416d8⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB,270x480,9:16,Flotus_Uncover_Truth_Assas….mp4)

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526005 No.21602491

File: ce6e6024a9ff01e⋯.jpg (51.3 KB,716x399,716:399,AJ6.jpg)

File: 8201fe0c0348210⋯.mp4 (3 MB,634x360,317:180,8201fe0c03482109380ba5a95a….mp4)

File: 657a1ed8346a929⋯.png (703.27 KB,962x599,962:599,jones187c.png)


How NEW?!


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0408f4 No.21602492


Sounds like your entire life

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1a19fc No.21602493


>3)_Routh was charged with two counts – possession of a firearm while a convicted felon; and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number – and is set for arraignment in two weeks

That's it? Better be more coming.

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526005 No.21602494

File: 657a1ed8346a929⋯.png (703.27 KB,962x599,962:599,jones187c.png)

File: 8201fe0c0348210⋯.mp4 (3 MB,634x360,317:180,8201fe0c03482109380ba5a95a….mp4)



is so good after that!

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317c1f No.21602495

File: 389bfbc057b6f4f⋯.png (12.74 KB,515x201,515:201,ClipboardImage.png)

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f64c50 No.21602496

File: 7d6b768e2e50f93⋯.png (1.44 MB,750x1334,375:667,8122D907_4474_43B3_B57E_F2….png)

File: 8446739e2dd3ab6⋯.png (1.21 MB,690x2746,345:1373,B4758B09_E2C8_41C9_96EF_72….png)

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526005 No.21602498

File: 8201fe0c0348210⋯.mp4 (3 MB,634x360,317:180,8201fe0c03482109380ba5a95a….mp4)


omfg yeazzzz Queen!

me me me me

the data though huh Queen?

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0408f4 No.21602499


Gorgeous. Where’soh shit!anon?

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be8b70 No.21602500

File: 3844a82805c0fdd⋯.png (583.6 KB,952x500,238:125,93br87.png)

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750cb9 No.21602501


Hoochie mama.

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4c2f80 No.21602502

File: a5d7d4bcb73ad03⋯.png (699.02 KB,749x484,749:484,ClipboardImage.png)


If Trump wins Zelensky has outlived his usefulness. Buhbye, zigger.

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852b5b No.21602503

File: a7f6da371269497⋯.png (126.15 KB,196x255,196:255,ClipboardImage.png)

Like other old fags, I remember when the silent war was Hot.

Back then we lost a SS agent in Scotland…Trump traveled with full on military support…multiple helicopters

and large contingent (remember that first trip to Davos or the trip to Great Britain where he left the Queen waiting

outside for him to show)? We had ICBMs (2) fired, Ivanka and Jared emergency helicopter landing with engine failure,

Las Vegas Mandalay Bay shooting,… And we knew the SS was compromised.

The anti-Trump rhetoric back then was worse…he was a Russian pawn of Putin…

Now I understand that if there is a motivated / skilled individual, operating alone and willing to sacrifice his life

that he/she maybe able to get close…

But when I look at the attempt in Butler…there were too many failures to be credible and with Vicent Fusca there…I find

it hard to believe it wasn't theater.

With this latest attempt, it could be some kook acting alone…but it's looking more like there will be info coming out linking

this to the Deep State…waking more people.

What makes a good actor?

Pawns unaware they are actors…

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f3623c No.21602504

File: 273d01088abe6f3⋯.png (133.18 KB,250x350,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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526005 No.21602505

File: 3c521014d98a81a⋯.gif (106.79 KB,339x349,339:349,trig1.gif)


stop triggering NIGHT SHIFT!!!

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0408f4 No.21602506


We did it joe, cackle cackle, we did it.

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f64c50 No.21602507

File: bbb2dbb53fed536⋯.png (539.86 KB,750x1334,375:667,3A47372B_EADA_4F9D_BCE6_2C….png)

File: b34fbe10e5c1063⋯.png (59.05 KB,690x900,23:30,C96BEBC2_5FE6_4E24_8DFC_5C….png)

File: 57e1687592dd1f5⋯.jpeg (52.92 KB,680x339,680:339,0C236CFD_98FB_41A7_A4D7_B….jpeg)

File: 3a60d16bfbd0052⋯.png (256 KB,690x1140,23:38,B70657E8_D8B0_42CA_B8B6_C8….png)

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526005 No.21602508

File: 2d0e3d1fca82c35⋯.png (509.41 KB,1291x2272,1291:2272,000crymoar2.png)

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be8b70 No.21602509

File: 2262ffc42cee517⋯.png (582.12 KB,952x500,238:125,93br87.png)

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526005 No.21602510

File: d9535c9c2b18290⋯.png (167.13 KB,788x928,197:232,000crymoar1.png)


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8b9144 No.21602511

File: 2d0e3d1fca82c35⋯.png (509.41 KB,1291x2272,1291:2272,000crymoar2.png)

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d5a0c1 No.21602512


> set for arraignment in two weeks

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6bd544 No.21602513

File: 461211b1038224d⋯.png (500.41 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)



those who put him up to it, influenced it and paid for the hitjob.

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0408f4 No.21602514


Trump not winning. They steal it, we get nuked to stop the count, go into martial law n Trump returns as CiC

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8b9144 No.21602515

File: 53fc5cb0408703f⋯.png (2.07 MB,1692x3649,1692:3649,0000cry1.png)


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4cb535 No.21602516


Kinda looks like that nutty actor who bumped his head.

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56058b No.21602517


#26459 >>21601547

>>21601835 PF updates

>>21601604, >>21601608, >>21601611, >>21601614, >>21601615, >>21601618, >>21601620, >>21601621 MEME WARRIOR UI 1.3 #240904

>>21601627 Trump’s promises to end Ukraine conflict ‘not real’ – Zelensky (the Arrogant Idiot Says)

>>21601628, >>21601786, >>21601988, >>21602062, >>21602094, >>21602179, >>21602208, >>21602391 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Mercury's Vivaldi Crater from BepiColombo/Space/Science

>>21601635 NYC: The city has outsourced many core functions to a little-known group of 14 human services contractors, each with a portfolio exceeding $1 billion.

>>21601666 How a Trump-Musk government efficiency commission might affect NASA

>>21601686 Ukraine’s British missiles rely on US data

>>21601691, >>21601703, >>21601710, >>21602215 Greensboro neighbor describes man accused of attempting Trump assassination, says ‘a lot of people were afraid of him’/Routh

>>21601692, >>21602213 crossposting notables to the world via #AnonNews chat room crossposting notables to the world via #AnonNews chat room

>>21601717, >>21602223 same guy???/Routh

>>21601720 20205 The World after 50 years of systemic discriminated against White Americans

>>21601745 World leaders call for increased UN powers, implementation of Agenda 2030

>>21601748, >>21602142, >>21602196, >>21602216 Swampenins

>>21601769, >>21601780, >>21602235 Latest assassination attempt on Donald Trump: What we know so far

>>21601801 Tito Jackson dead @70

>>21601802 China rams Philippine ship while 60 Minutes on board; South China Sea tensions could draw U.S. in

>>21601804 "It’s seemingly easier to threaten the life of the Republican nominee than it is to interview the Democratic one."

>>21601890 The man who tried to kill President Azali Assoumani has died in custody, according to officials in the Comoros

>>21601898 Wanna be Trump assassin' Ryan Routh's son, Oran, said in a statement to CNN

>>21601927 Ukraine hails call for EU to end refugee payments to Ukrainian men of military age who are living in the EU

>>21601955 Putin orders increase in size of Russian military

>>21602007, >>21602084 International Volunteer Center of Ukraine/Routh/Nance

>>21602012 US media merged with intelligence services long ago keks in C_A

>>21602083 vote Trump vid kekky

>>21602100, >>21602150, >>21602172 I’m releasing a comprehensive Whistleblower Report on the multiple failures of Secret Service & DHS - including new allegations & numerous unanswered questions due to USSS stonewalling

>>21602154, >>21602166 Bishes confused/Psaki/Crockett

>>21602189 Kodak told the crowd he is a Trump supporter and the stadium erupted with cheers and praise.

>>21602262 Trump TERMINATED TPS for Haiti and three other countries. Then, a single judge in California entered a preliminary injunction on specious grounds, preventing Trump from acting, foreign-style one party state

>>21602271, >>21602282 game of chess the moving of the king to G6 is usually fatal, shooter was discovered just outside of the 6th green (G6)

>>21602335 Trump assassins go 0-2! Erik Prince breaks it down | Will Cain Show

>>21602338, >>21602347 @realDonaldTrump The Rhetoric, Lies, as exemplified by the false statements made by Comrade Kamala Harris during the rigged and highly partisan ABC Debate…

>>21602405 ICYMI: Speaker Johnson meets with Trump after 2nd assassination attempt

>>21602400 Pipline fire in LaPort Texas

>>21602424 ECW: C_A

>>21602444, >>21602446 'I Want to Believe': Are UFOs in the South Sound Fact or Fiction?

>>21602477, >>21602463 What exactly is the Harvest Moon?


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cf9863 No.21602518

File: 6ebbad42d970fd9⋯.png (560.14 KB,575x454,575:454,000qqq.png)

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1a19fc No.21602519


"Records show". What records. Fuck off MSM.

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f3623c No.21602521


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cf9863 No.21602522

File: b51de648b08e849⋯.jpg (15.08 KB,254x255,254:255,103786a.jpg)



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e7a13a No.21602524


Don't worry about Zelensky, his people will take care of him once they learn how the West bought Ukraine to use as their science laboratory. Russia has it all. The Ukrainian people want to be united with Russia, but the media never publicizes that fact. For far too long Russia has been the scapegoat of the USA. It's time for humanity to learn how big the lie is.

Nato is a dickless dog without teeth. God wins.

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484705 No.21602525

File: bfee6af9daed145⋯.png (321.33 KB,681x661,681:661,ClipboardImage.png)

Marjorie Taylor Greene Press Release (Parody)




BREAKING 🚨 The Bodycam footage of would-be Trump ass*ssin getting arrested just now released



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1a19fc No.21602526


Does the CIA provide Acting Classes?

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4cb535 No.21602527

File: 1701f39ab4ff2ca⋯.png (416.45 KB,474x322,237:161,Tuco_and_Blondie.png)


Who is worse, the spammer, or the spammer who spams about the spammer who spams?

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4c2f80 No.21602530

File: 9c42879a31311f4⋯.png (355.79 KB,500x491,500:491,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f7c38 No.21602531

File: 1acc4e7fe2d18ed⋯.jpg (351.92 KB,1353x506,123:46,1john4_1.jpg)

Be vigilantly skeptical of all those in or seeking positions of leadership.

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56058b No.21602532

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f3623c No.21602533

File: 91086f92c90a129⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB,884x494,34:19,Bodycam_Trump_assassin_get….mp4)

The Bodycam footage of would-be Trump assassin getting arrested.

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f64c50 No.21602535

File: de7ab3fcd54cd34⋯.jpeg (23.72 KB,259x194,259:194,0FD161AB_EF23_40CC_BC3D_6….jpeg)

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4c2f80 No.21602537

File: 402d6d037cf7418⋯.png (722.04 KB,608x608,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b33209 No.21602538

File: 3504af5101c04ad⋯.png (76 KB,323x284,323:284,2024_09_16_13_15_06.png)

File: 5017a54ca8e250f⋯.png (540.86 KB,952x500,238:125,2024_09_16_13_14_09.png)

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5f862d No.21602539


my grandma always used to tell me to beware of guys in pink shirts

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750cb9 No.21602542

File: b78d11c9351bd80⋯.png (1.02 MB,900x599,900:599,ClipboardImage.png)

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4aacb8 No.21602543

File: 8a93668410e9bca⋯.png (864.58 KB,1000x500,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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750cb9 No.21602544

File: b775a980eb994dd⋯.png (251.23 KB,375x398,375:398,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a19fc No.21602548

Dmitry Medvedev


I wonder what would happen

if it turned out that the failed new Trump shooter Routh, who recruited mercenaries for the Ukrainian army, was himself hired by the neo-nazi regime in Kiev for this assassination attempt?


I would say Ukraine is being run by US and European bad actors so connect the dots.

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fba9b6 No.21602551

File: 886dc5d715a0b3c⋯.jpg (284.26 KB,1280x720,16:9,911_Bill_Cooper.jpg)

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f3623c No.21602553

File: d1bef1842832749⋯.png (394.98 KB,437x580,437:580,ukrainenazi.png)


>I wonder what would happen if it turned out that the failed new Trump shooter Routh, who recruited mercenaries for the Ukrainian army, was himself hired by the neo-nazi regime in Kiev for this assassination attempt?

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fba9b6 No.21602554

File: f3d3d1fc7c2b9e4⋯.jpeg (109.53 KB,570x703,30:37,Family_red_pills.jpeg)

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fba9b6 No.21602555

File: 3fd14dacf3d57f5⋯.png (7.13 KB,255x172,255:172,_Anonymous_Just_now_7ee177….png)

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fba9b6 No.21602562

File: 71a564560ac0b74⋯.jpg (1.82 MB,1920x970,192:97,_Anonymous_12_days_ago_1ed….jpg)

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fba9b6 No.21602563

File: 08d6464fc96c920⋯.jpg (108.25 KB,601x601,1:1,Comfy.jpg)

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fba9b6 No.21602564

File: 0fa8790521b04d0⋯.jpg (30.08 KB,197x255,197:255,_Anonymous_7_minutes_ago_f….jpg)

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fba9b6 No.21602569

File: c413cc9b465d5c6⋯.png (1.32 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_pepeCrumbs_Let_FREEDOM_R….png)

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1a19fc No.21602573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How'd that work out for you Jack. 😁

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fba9b6 No.21602575

File: f7f33379032f5f2⋯.png (1.08 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_pepeCrumbs_PleasePray.png)

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be8b70 No.21602576

File: fbb183408a7283d⋯.mp4 (10.8 MB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_6953.MP4)



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4c2f80 No.21602577

File: 605c64be6a3502b⋯.png (1.58 MB,842x960,421:480,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e09b7f0f10fe0f⋯.png (370.94 KB,540x282,90:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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a1538a No.21602578

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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fba9b6 No.21602580

File: daff27b8a372a76⋯.png (862.34 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_pepeCrumbs_R_Don_t_come_….png)

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a1538a No.21602581

File: 8d46a8d91be3b2d⋯.jpeg (184.25 KB,828x885,276:295,8d46a8d91be3b2dfbc1948c7e….jpeg)

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c341f8 No.21602864


no Satan

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de4c2c No.21603018

Zelensky needs Trump in office

As he'll get Husseined or Quadaffid riki tiki

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855728 No.21603026

File: 0322b3da0b7ca5b⋯.png (653.94 KB,1046x356,523:178,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77704e89e976290⋯.png (264.18 KB,450x253,450:253,ClipboardImage.png)

Headlines from NBC

Trump 'assassination attempt' live updates: Suspect charged after second apparent plotThe suspect was taken into custody yesterday and identified as Ryan Wesley Routh, 58. Updated Sept. 16, 2024, 2:13 PM EDT

What we know so far

• The FBI is investigating an apparent second "attempted assassination" of former President Donald Trump at his golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida, yesterday.

• The suspect was taken into custody and identified as Ryan Wesley Routh, 58. He hid in bushes and pointed an AR-style rifle with a scope at Trump, who was about 400 yards away, officials said.

• Routh was charged today with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number.

• Court records show more than 100 criminal counts have been filed against Routh in North Carolina. He has previously spoken about his efforts to recruit people to fight in support of Ukraine against Russia.

4 Homeland Security Investigations agents were at golf course yesterday

Julia Ainsley

Homeland Security Investigations has 1,500 agents detailed to help Secret Service with security, and most are currently preparing for the United Nations General Assembly next week, according to two law enforcement officials.

Four HSI agents were at the golf coursein Florida yesterday, and officials say that is fewer than the number present in Butler, Pennsylvania, when Trump was grazed by a bullet in an assassination attempt during a rally in July.

In total, 270 HSI agents are detailed to presidential campaigns. Officials say that the asks from HSI on Secret Service have increased in recent years, which comes at the expense of their investigations into fentanyl, child exploitation, human trafficking and other cases.

Martin County Sheriff's Office releases body camera footage of suspect's arrestMarlene Lenthang

The Martin County Sheriff’s Office shared video Monday of the moment deputies arrested suspect Ryan Wesley Routh on Sunday afternoon.

The short clip showed multiple officers wearing bulletproof vests as one officer ordered the suspect to step backward with his arms raised. Routh complied, seen lifting his shirt over the back of his head and wearing sunglasses. When he was close to the officers, he was detained without incident.

Sheriff says quick-thinking witness helped lead to suspect's arrest

Marlene Lenthang

Martin County Sheriff William D. Snyder said that thanks to the help of a quick-thinking witness who snapped a photo of suspect Ryan Routh and his vehicle’s tag, law enforcement was able to quickly locate and detain him without incident yesterday.

When Routh was detained, “his facial affect was very bland. He was not emoting any emotions at all. He made no statements,” Snyder told reporters Monday.

Phone data indicated suspect had been by golf course for hours before rifle was spottedMarlene Lenthang

A criminal complaint against Routh reveals more details about yesterday's apparent assassination attempt.

In addition to a witness account, Routh was confirmed to be the suspect using phone records that located him in “the vicinity of the area along the tree line” of the Trump International Golf Club from 1:59 a.m. until 1:31 p.m. on Sunday, the complaint said.

At 1:31 p.m., a Secret Service agent assigned to Trump’s security detail was walking the perimeter of Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach when the agent saw what appeared to be a rifle poking out of a tree line.

The agent fired their service weapon in the direction of the rifle and a witness saw a man, later identified as Routh, fleeing the area of the tree line, entering a Nissan sport utility vehicle and leaving at a high rate of speed.

In the area of the tree line where Routh fled, agents found a digital camera, two bags, a loaded SKS-style 7.62x39 caliber rifle with a scope, and a black plastic bag containing food. The serial number on the rifle “was obliterated and unreadable to the naked eye,” the complaint said.

Courtroom sketches show suspect in court

Matthew Nighswander

Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, appears in court today in West Palm Beach, Fla.


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de4c2c No.21603034


He ratted out the network

Mostly before the pinch started

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855728 No.21603113


I never thought about that, it's true Zelensky does need him, because the IC and Admin are showing disdain for him, they will never let him sail off into the sunset, he knows too much.

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f3623c No.21603504

File: edd21f632ec0c90⋯.png (642.77 KB,680x680,1:1,ohdang.png)

715! you just want spam in here or what

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6af163 No.21603541

File: 1584b4391d8c448⋯.png (20.81 KB,647x889,647:889,3BF23ABE_4C6B_4D3E_B0FB_CD….png)

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6af163 No.21603544


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6af163 No.21603550

File: cee8a8e5cd7f511⋯.png (483.98 KB,822x960,137:160,4AD5AF37_75EB_416C_9EDE_E2….png)


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6af163 No.21603558

File: fb64b56c3bcb70c⋯.gif (664.1 KB,375x336,125:112,6BE44D50_1532_4F40_81A2_9A….gif)


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6af163 No.21603559


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6af163 No.21603561


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6af163 No.21603566


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6af163 No.21603569


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6af163 No.21603572


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6af163 No.21603574


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6af163 No.21603575


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a1538a No.21603579

File: 3ec00ca5f712399⋯.png (448.8 KB,674x407,674:407,3ec00ca5f712399fe338544c17….png)

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a1538a No.21603584

File: e4d5a840acb5407⋯.jpg (105.84 KB,900x601,900:601,e4d5a840acb54077e5f49ab3a0….jpg)

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6af163 No.21603587

File: 556a24b670bbfe6⋯.jpeg (426.09 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,5D29F65F_371A_46A1_B578_9….jpeg)

File: 1b0ef444cf6d1d6⋯.jpeg (834.36 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,69E03DCE_5849_4F74_943B_8….jpeg)


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6af163 No.21603589


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6af163 No.21603590


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a1538a No.21603591

File: 9f99cbee4f70f0b⋯.jpg (129.09 KB,620x400,31:20,9f99cbee4f70f0bed68309ed0c….jpg)

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f3623c No.21603594

File: ac6219750ce5897⋯.png (1.27 MB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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a1538a No.21603598

File: 6a24aad333eb5ed⋯.jpg (110.9 KB,1249x723,1249:723,6a24aad333eb5ed2bc243d81bc….jpg)

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6af163 No.21603601

File: 7ada10d1991a4c8⋯.jpeg (267.85 KB,2047x1655,2047:1655,B9B13CE9_E07A_44FE_968E_7….jpeg)

thank you phil

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f3623c No.21603602

File: 140d74dce4ae134⋯.mp4 (977.38 KB,320x320,1:1,bidentranai.mp4)

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6af163 No.21603607

File: 61af00f70dbb8f1⋯.png (874.33 KB,683x1024,683:1024,0D385676_1742_4619_AC9D_90….png)

File: 2770d1704011532⋯.png (325.91 KB,755x550,151:110,EBBFB800_4EAC_403D_AA6A_03….png)

File: 27b85d54976e505⋯.jpeg (37.94 KB,249x255,83:85,11E22EFF_D145_40D3_A0FE_D….jpeg)

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6af163 No.21603614


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ab74fc No.21603616

File: f67c0137c0cad09⋯.mp4 (12.05 MB,576x1024,9:16,jordanmaxwell_education.mp4)

These wannabe assassins smell like Weathermen. Ix-nay on the norganic iay iots ray.

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6af163 No.21603617


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6af163 No.21603626

File: 691f05e946f6fc8⋯.jpeg (37.94 KB,463x215,463:215,B7C25B20_AE38_4DE0_A05F_3….jpeg)

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6af163 No.21603628


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a1538a No.21603629

File: f788ec31488e995⋯.jpg (12.69 KB,236x295,4:5,f788ec31488e9957fbe7d84cc7….jpg)

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6af163 No.21603632


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a1538a No.21603636

File: 9c3db69d0901375⋯.png (468.18 KB,750x689,750:689,9c3db69d09013757917ab6f72d….png)

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6af163 No.21603637

File: 1bcdc94a96812c3⋯.jpeg (28.35 KB,255x145,51:29,12ECD43E_CE93_43D8_AD70_5….jpeg)

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6af163 No.21603640

File: 7a809d737cd63b0⋯.jpeg (172.62 KB,981x1400,981:1400,746B3EBE_254C_4209_ACC9_6….jpeg)

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a1538a No.21603641

File: fb589782c8c5d46⋯.png (865.15 KB,949x632,949:632,fb589782c8c5d469a2b640966e….png)

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6af163 No.21603649

baker is homosexual. phil

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6af163 No.21603654

end of bread

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