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File: 4124dc1219c6799⋯.png (394.56 KB,879x474,293:158,2022_03_29_21_15_12_maga_l….png)

47538e No.21600707 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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47538e No.21600714

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#26457 >>21599952

>>21600050 DJT: I would like to thank everyone for your concern and well wishes - It was certainly an interesting day!

>>21600415 Sept. 15 summary of events

>>21599976 On April 1, 2023, The New Indian reported that Ryan Wesley Routh was recruiting Afghan mercenaries to fight in Ukraine

>>21599982 The Secret Service is ‘compromised’: GOP lawmaker (why are scouting drones still not being used?)

>>21600048 The two primary investigators for the 2nd Trump Assassination Attempt are on the record as Trump haters

>>21600058, >>21600292 Gunman was setup to attack Trump on the cart path

>>21600061 'Fight, fight, fight' Qdelta is on Tuesday

>>21600073 You called him a threat to democracy and a day 1 dictator - you own this

>>21600092, >>21600125 Shooter tied to military-industrial complex

>>21600129 Ryan Routh's Rifle

>>21600134 THIS IS WHO DIED TODAY!!!

>>21600156, >>21600217 Scavino: We’ve got this @TeamTrump!!!!! GAME ON, IT’S TIME TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!

>>21600234 Rudy G: How did the attempted assassin anticipate Trump being at the 4th and 5th holes at 1:30PM?

>>21600239 David Frum of The Atlantic endorses the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21600260 Stonks: $11.1 million in $DJT puts purchased on Friday, Sept 13

>>21600268 Trump is a modern day George Washington

>>21600301 If Kamala was actually ahead in the polls, they wouldn’t be trying to kill Trump

>>21600336 Alex Soros doing what he does

>>21600400 Ryan Routh wrote a book where in it he tells Iran to assassinate Trump

>>21600525, >>21600534 Scavino: IN GOD WE TRUST

>>21600586 Did Trump know that there would be an attempt to assassinate him at the 6th green?

>>21600694, >>21600708 Shooter had two backpacks with ceramic tiles??

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21600161 Melania: Our freedom and rights must be respected

>>21600118 Keith Boykin race-baiting hard on CNN

>>21600302 Taylor Swift lost 17 million followers by endorsing Kamala

>>21600324 (Sept 13) Former President Barack Obama surprises Team USA at Solheim Cup

>>21600414 U.S. Department of Energy: Aurora is the world’s fastest supercomputer for deep learning and artificial intelligence

>>21600463 Robert F. Kennedy Jr: “Something happened during the debate this week that was an EXTRAORDINARY milestone for the Democratic Party.”

>>21600613 Repost from earlier: World War III Watch: Russia Threatens to Wipe Kiev Off the Map If Biden and NATO Send Ukraine Long Range Missiles to Fire Deep

>>21600624 Trump Blasts Harris For “Facilitating The Largest Wave Of Child Sex Trafficking In History”

>>21600659 NFL official COLLAPSES on sideline at Ravens vs Raiders game

>>21600690, >>21600706 JUST IN - EU bureaucrat Thierry Breton, who threatened X, resigns.

>>21599983, >>21600017, >>21600031, >>21600144, >>21600225, >>21600244, >>21600361, >>21600396, >>21600515, >>21600524, >>21600541, >>21600704 Memes

>>21600711 #26457

#26456 >>21599082

>>21599854 DJT: I would like to thank everyone for your concern and well wishes - It was certainly an interesting day!

>>21599133, >>21599228, >>21599383 Who leaked Trump's schedule? The two that were supposed to golf with him today "but couldn't make it"?

>>21599147, >>21599183, >>21599276 Trump FL shooter appeared in a AZOV Battalion propaganda video in May 2022

>>21599152 Regional Medical Director at Adfinitas Health in Wilkes-Barre, PA on today's events: "Deal with it"

>>21599146, >>21599166 Possible Arnold Schwarzenegger comms: Freeze and Ivy, reunited - watch out, Batman

>>21599168 "Trump is safe after mostly peaceful popping sounds 250 yards from his vicinity" -MSM

>>21599191 In 2002, Trump assassin was arrested for possessing a weapon of mass destruction, yet his punishment was probation

>>21599198 Trump Camp: NY Times Incites Violence Against Vance

>>21599203 Last month, Dan Bongino correctly predicted there would be another attempt on President Trump's life

>>21599222 New Background On Trump Shooter Confirms He Was Coordinating With Foreign Soldiers In Support Of Ukraine

>>21599271 Hours Before Trump Assassination Attempt Democrat Calls MAGA A Domestic Threat

>>21599272 Trump shooter Ryan Routh was in YouTuber JiDion’s video recruiting for Ukraine

>>21599278, >>21599286, >>21599327 If not for a private citizen who took a pic of the vehicle and tag, he would have been lost

>>21599322 MTG: They want video of Pres Trump being assassinated so bad that the would be assassin had a Go Pro to film it

>>21599331 Court records show more than 100 criminal counts have been filed against Ryan Routh in North Carolina

>>21599385, >>21599457 Call to dig: Florida DA Dave Aronberg

>>21599386, >>21599466 Both Trump shooters are involved with Media Mockingbird MegaCorp

>>21599436 Anon opines on Trump's assassination attempt

>>21599475 Summary of today's events so far

>>21599527, >>21599713 Gaslighting continues

>>21599531 Scavino to Kamala: You’re so full of shit, you’re not glad he is safe—It is your rhetoric that has caused this, AGAIN!!!!!

>>21599601 DNC targeted Trump golf clubs three days before an assassination attempt took place at his West Palm Beach golf club

>>21599606 Statement from Potato

>>21599631 His Greensboro address is tricky because, judging by the address of the Circle K at 1550, Lee St is called Gate City Blvd

>>21599702 Shooter moments after he was arrested

>>21599846 From Carolina Roofer To Ukraine Activist: Would-Be Trump Assassin Ryan Routh Gave Many Interviews With MSM

>>21599912 All of Routh's x.com posts in two videos

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21599289 ABC moderator Linsey Davis admits: 'fact-checking' was only planned for Trump

>>21599291 Judge Rules Illinois Public Transit Firearms Carry Ban Unconstitutional

>>21599317 Trending on Twitter/X

>>21599338 The Progressive Suicide Cult Is Rolling Out The Welcome Mat For The Third World

>>21599676 @NavalInstitute: #OTD in 1945, a hurricane and subsequent fires wreaked havoc on the hangars at Richmond Naval Air Station in Florida

>>21599703 Monday: DC Court of Appeals will hear arguments in lawsuits challenging the federal TikTok ban

>>21599721, >>21599738, >>21599789 NYC educrats took own kids to Magic Kingdom on trips meant for homeless students

>>21599899 Houthis Hit Israel With "New Hypersonic Ballistic Missile" - 20 Air Defense Missiles Missed and the US Navy Couldn't Hit it Either

>>21599242, >>21599325, >>21599479, >>21599510 Memes

>>21599934 #26456

#26455 >>21598249

>>21598277 Ryan was featured in a YouTube prankster video where he attempted to recruit "revolutionaries" on the Harvard campus

>>21598282, >>21598298, >>21598967 Assassin was following his Ex-CIA handler, Soo Kim (who only has 3k followers)?

>>21598295 NBC endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598296 Apr 2023: US mercenary (Ryan Routh) plans to recruit Pakistani-based Afghan refugees as fighters for Ukraine

>>21598304, >>21598950 This is the FBI official who spoke at the assassination attempt press conference

>>21598306 @DonaldJTrumpJr: Sounds like this psychopath spends a lot of time watching leftwing propaganda

>>21598313, >>21598448 Social media companies like Meta/Facebook are working quickly to delete the pages of Trump assassin Ryan Routh

>>21598357 Alexander S. Vindman endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598423 Hakeem Jeffries endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598529 DeSantis: The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21598554 CNN pretty much broke this story today about the 2nd assassination attempt

>>21598571 CBS endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598576 Ryan Routh was the registered agent for a few businesses, "United Roofing", "United Network", "United Finance and Leasing"

>>21598582, >>21598597, >>21598615, >>21598639, >>21598662 LIKE A BOSS!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

>>21598587 In 2023, the [New York Times] profiled the Trump [shooter] and his efforts to recruit foreign fighters for Ukraine

>>21598625, >>21598690, >>21598810 Thomas Matthew Crooks was tied to BlackRock, and now Ryan Routh is tied to ClA

>>21598604 Is Trump’s Would be Assassin Ryan Routh an Associate of MSNBC Terrorism Analyst Malcolm Nance?

>>21598618, >>21598629 (2020) Kamala Harris jokes about killing President Trump and Mike Pence

>>21598619 The assassin tried making a mercenary group for Taiwan

>>21598632 Statement from Trump

>>21598635 Not sure if Ryan Routh is related to John B. Routh, but his name comes up in this declassified document from the ClA

>>21598644 Shooter, who spent months fighting in Ukraine, has zero links to anyone in US military or intelligence circles?

>>21598668 Statement from POTATO Resident Crooked Joe on Trump's Second Assassination Attempt

>>21598691 How does an "average" home contractor from NC get to Ukraine, and get high level involvement to "recruit" soldiers?

>>21598714 C. Owens: Everything about this shooter’s background reeks of a criminal-turned-Federal asset in prison

>>21598744 James Woods: The Secret Service employs 3,200 special agents, 1,300 Uniformed Division officers, and 2000 others …

>>21598745 Donald, you have protected my kind - I hereby name you honorary feline and grant you 9 lives

>>21598750 Lindsey Graham on FoxNews said he was supposed to be playing golf with Trump today "but he couldn't make it"

>>21598799 Archive: Here are all 509 posts and replies from Ryan Routh's socials

>>21598834 The go signal on 9/11 TIME magazine

>>21598843, >>21598909 The Trump shooter was caught in 2002 with a weapon of mass destruction, and only got probation?

>>21598908 Another Ryan Routh Interview

>>21598921 Mike Johnson: Kelly and I just spent a few hours with President Trump and are thanking God for protecting him today

>>21598949 Q4686: SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]

>>21599019 Attempted Trump assassin Ryan Routh appeared in a propaganda video for the AZOV BATTALLION in May 2022

>>21599023 Loomer: I have been receiving death threats all week - the media is trying to get President Trump and his supporters killed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21598386 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

>>21598517 Chinese Regime Releases Jailed US Citizen After Nearly 20 Years

>>21598562 @usairforce: More than 200 Airmen & Guardians rode in the Air Force Heritage Memorial to Memorial bicycle ride

>>21598563 @NavalInstitute: USNI Archives Photo of the Week

>>21598741 Hezbollah Hits Israel's Unit 8200 in Glilot Base Killing Dozens

>>21598856 Joe Biden says “we are better off today than 4 years ago”

>>21598936 Vibe shift

>>21599026 Family of Blackfeet chief, face of NFL's Redskins for 48 years, wants his image back in NFL

>>21599048 Sissybitch doing what he does

>>21598364, >>21598366, >>21598377, >>21598689, >>21598859 Memes

>>21599060 #26455

Previously Collected

>>21596988 #26452, >>21597406 #26453, >>21598227 #26454

>>21594064 #26449, >>21595047 #26450, >>21595827 #26451

>>21591133 #26446, >>21591993 #26447, >>21593055 #26448

>>21588334 #26443, >>21589489 #26444, >>21590328 #26445

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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Post last edited at

47538e No.21600718

File: bbd9874769fff89⋯.png (193.37 KB,662x555,662:555,ghost_bake_5.png)

File: 2e6ed9a3815ab74⋯.png (382.88 KB,775x434,25:14,be_not_afraid_prayer.png)



baker retiring for the night





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7c3ad1 No.21600719

File: fb2e943f2ca6992⋯.png (630.94 KB,710x858,355:429,a115fdb556f0086643738721b8….png)

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47538e No.21600720

File: 51a3776842c4206⋯.png (249.52 KB,490x371,70:53,ghost_brownies_march_of_th….png)



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49589e No.21600721

File: 41babb42cd4cfcc⋯.mp4 (36.81 KB,220x208,55:52,Haitians_eat_cats_and_demo….mp4)

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a0ae8e No.21600725

File: cf6093622046c32⋯.gif (52.67 KB,220x220,1:1,cf6093622046c32469de74eb84….gif)


thank you baker

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a5be38 No.21600730

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9fa2a8 No.21600731


TY Baker

Sleep Well

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f4210d No.21600732

File: 9d633a4ab14ed9b⋯.png (1.2 MB,1080x810,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>Pray for America!

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f5ce8c No.21600740

File: 9732b580ca7b965⋯.jpg (62 KB,846x758,423:379,king1.JPG)

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141948 No.21600746

File: 2dc54f64e7bac2b⋯.jpg (19.77 KB,360x360,1:1,2dc54f64e7bac2b86563e23652….jpg)


Thank you so much Baker!

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47538e No.21600747

File: 3f9bd1321113ce2⋯.png (65.96 KB,241x250,241:250,pepe_hat_tip.png)


always a pleasure.

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f5ce8c No.21600749

File: b3a574898812172⋯.png (431.17 KB,737x868,737:868,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2a7bc No.21600752

File: bb7c5abc5584020⋯.png (168.46 KB,868x572,217:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 373a6ce6e1966fb⋯.png (1.34 MB,1192x945,1192:945,ClipboardImage.png)



Replying to @karmapatriot and @X22Report

He had several posts where he provided a phone number and email address when reaching out to elected individuals seeking support.

I connected both the phone number and email address to this site:



Fight for Ukraine

aid.in.ukraine@gmail.com | +1-808-464-8342



Sep 16, 2024, 2:57 AM


aid.in.ukraine@gmail.com | +1-808-464-8342



Military recruitment



Ukrainian army wishes and hopes to pay every person helping in the fight for freedom and human rights, but the country is struggling and funds and support dwindling, so our expectations must be realistic, and what we each must give will be far beyond normal sacrifice, but it is what we all must do.


Each one of us is responsible for the outcome of this war, as our every single action must stand for humanity and show kindness, caring, selflessness, altruism, empathy, generosity, and all of the moral goodness that this battle is about.

Volunteering in Ukraine is the most honorable and noble sacrifice, and every human on the planet should be here for freedom and human rights and we need thousands, but this civilian war is complex and the military units and charities are constantly changing and it requires diligence and patience to find a place to be useful.

As this war is about our entire world working together and moving forward as a collective unit to always show kindness and caring for our fellowman, the most amazing way to show selflessness and generosity and the character of moral fabric of ourselves is to go directly to Ukraine and stand with them for freedom, humanity, and basic human rights. Do not call your home country embassy to seek approval to join the fight, simply get on a plane and come to Ukraine and join us, as there are countless military and aid groups that need help.

This is a civilian war that cannot be lost and we need thousands if not millions of civilians from all 190 countries here to stand for kindness, caring, generosity, hope, dreams, and a safe future for our children. Everyone, please stop what you are doing and come join this fight. Fighters, do not waste time with the embassy in your country, just come with gear and food and money – expect nothing. Everyone must slowly be vetted and you must prove loyalty.


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f5ce8c No.21600753

File: 0d5100870b6e785⋯.png (637.4 KB,775x825,31:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e569c No.21600756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


TY baker

Have some Ghost Bewbs.


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f5ce8c No.21600757

File: 6c47a95244d5809⋯.png (722.92 KB,720x480,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5ce8c No.21600759

File: 8746d20b20bd8e9⋯.png (765.53 KB,797x803,797:803,ClipboardImage.png)

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95ffbc No.21600760



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7c3ad1 No.21600761

File: 4082b7e2cc35b22⋯.png (94.41 KB,400x224,25:14,4082b7e2cc35b2228cc47db7ff….png)

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f5ce8c No.21600762

File: 361233a47e96ad0⋯.png (628.66 KB,750x1005,50:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2a7bc No.21600764

File: 3a5da1fb79614dd⋯.png (128.98 KB,1185x924,395:308,ClipboardImage.png)



We need thousands of fighters and humanitarian aid workers and supplies to win this war and no one should ever let paperwork or red tape hinder their desire to fight for freedom, humanity and basic human rights. It is the most honorable and dignified sacrifice anyone can make to support their fellowman. Please encourage every age and gender from around the world to come and join the fight. WE NEED EVERYONE.


You do not need a visa, simply get all military gear and money and fly to Krakow.

Take an intercity train or bus to Przemyśl.

Take a local train or bus to Medyka.

Make your way to the border with Ukraine.


Tell the border guard you want to join the International Legion and they will take you to the office and meet with Nazar and the leaders.

If you do not have military experience you must sell yourself that you are capable.

They will run your passport and go through your phone to make sure you are not Russian.

If accepted, you go directly to a nearby base and train.

More information


There is a tent located alongside the sidewalk to the border for the Foreign Legion.

It is very casual – you can sell yourself there to be shipped to their base in western Ukraine.

More information

If all of the above fails

Cross the border to Ukraine.

Take a bus from the border town (Shehyni) to Lviv.

Get a train to Kyiv.

Get in touch with me. We can call and visit countless units in need of help. We have unlimited places to fight and help, so please do not hesitate.

Insights from fighters

“Best to avoid any connecting flights in Europe or your bag will be delayed a week to 10 days, so fly directly to Poland.”

— A., Boston

“Do not expect anything to be given to you. You will need to come with everything that you may need or buy it here. Anything you are lucky to be given is a bonus and whatever food you can bring is smart as well.”


“While you would expect a red carpet for foreigners, it often seems opposite as everyone seems to want everything from us, and we get little respect”

— A., Albania

Two Brazilians were killed in a house that had been bombed. The female medic was in the basement and could not get out and the fellow Brazilian who went in to save her did not make it out despite his heroic efforts. Sad.

— C., Brazil

Two men decided, against strong advice not to leave the trench, to go out for a smoke and were killed by a tank they could not see. Particularly in combination with thermal and night vision, smoking kills.

— Canada

“I was injured in a car accident and many people have been seriously hurt or killed just in transit from bad driving, so be careful who you ride with.”

— Australia

“While everyone must have a contract for a weapon, most every contract can be canceled mutually at most any time. However, if you fail to follow orders or leave without finalizing your paperwork, you will not be able to fight with another unit, so finish up all duties prior to switching.”

— M., USA

“Be extremely careful about missions that colonel XXX and YYY might send you on with the Territorial Defense as they might be extremely dangerous and have limited Intel. Be extremely well prepared and have an extraction plan in mind.”


“Bring mosquito netting and gallons of bug spray, because the mosquitoes are Russian and they are killers.”

— Taiwan

“Ukraine has very limited resources, so military training and intel are extremely limited. Highly educated fighters must find a way to allow their Ukrainian counterparts take the leading role, while kindly and gently encouraging change and more progressive thinking, with teaching opportunities at every moment, so that we can keep them – and us – alive. We cannot abandon them simply for lack of insight. We must help them as brothers.”

— England

“While one might expect tremendous gratitude from Ukrainians for foreigners coming to risk their lives for them, well, do not expect any praise or appreciation, The most important part of this war is influencing the mindset and culture of our global partners towards selflessness and kindness and caring. That is our biggest battle.


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b2a7bc No.21600765


Ryan routh


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Please World – Help Ukraine

July 25, 2022

Dear Media, You already know the power you wield to influence change. Obviously I and the entire world are ashamed that we allowed a minor conflict drag on for 8 years and not defending Crimea. Yet still amidst a full blown assault the entire world has left this conflict in the hands of the civilian … Continue readingPlease World – Help Ukraine

General Plan – International Volunteer Center

July 25, 2022

The main component is to merely have a wall of signage that states all of objectives and all of the expectations of the world and all of the jobs that can be done. We will have a clear call to action to utilize everyone who wishes to help. We will help to get any and all … Continue readingGeneral Plan – International Volunteer Center

Goals of Fight For Ukraine

July 25, 2022

The single goal for us all as a civilized world is that losing this war is not an option and eliminating a criminal and inhuman power from existence to make the world a better place. With the realization that governments are not willing to stand up for humanity, the responsibility falls on average citizens like … Continue readingGoals of Fight For Ukraine

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ad1514 No.21600766

File: eb55397662306ed⋯.png (578.01 KB,623x500,623:500,ClipboardImage.png)

I'm thinking it was a warning, not predictive programming, signed Z.

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9fa2a8 No.21600767

File: 3036af81ddc7ef2⋯.png (1.34 MB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

Fuckin' Worthless Bitch!

AWFUL: Democrat Senator Tammy Duckworth Attacks Trump in Statement on Assassination Attempt

by Kristinn Taylor Sep. 15, 2024 5:40 pm718 Comments

Democrat Senator Tammy Duckworth of Illinois attacked President Trump in a statement posted to X Twitter Sunday afternoon on the assassination attempt on President Trump in West Palm Beach, Florida.


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9a3120 No.21600768


Make him confess his FBI handlers.

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5dfb1c No.21600771

shit was not cool

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9fa2a8 No.21600772

File: 89d1b95f0360d3b⋯.png (36.73 KB,563x394,563:394,ClipboardImage.png)


After last Tuesday night’s debate between Trump and Kamala Harris, Duckworth posted, “Tonight showed us exactly who these two candidates are. @KamalaHarris has the experience and character to lead our country forward. Donald Trump has nothing but extreme, incoherent rhetoric and a backwards view of our nation. The choice is clear.”


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625650 No.21600773


For the Feels.

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d8766f No.21600774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I bet this is how the shooter envisioned how things would go if he got caught…

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5dfb1c No.21600775


I missed yesterday, what's the tldr

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e09773 No.21600776

Is Hannidy hi-fiveing his bff Gavin N nuked from 128ducks?


Saved offline.

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7ce61b No.21600777

File: 79d471aaab9e2da⋯.mp4 (317.17 KB,640x256,5:2,79d471aaab9e2dae649435c290….mp4)

>>21600069 pb

> BREAKING: Popular YouTuber JiDion just released a video showing that Ryan Routh was in his video trying to recruit people to fight for a revolution to "take this whole system down."

‘Dasting choice of words.

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d8766f No.21600778


Fire up the jet boys…we going to GITMO for some good old fashioned water boarding…

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e09773 No.21600779

This should be the link… @Jim @Admin @WTF


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3d7fbf No.21600780

File: 8c3808ec6e7b9cf⋯.png (1.25 MB,2108x1581,4:3,7j6b5463v54.png)

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ad1514 No.21600781

File: 6318aca4f3901fa⋯.png (549.7 KB,ClipboardImage.png)


>>21600161 Melania: Our freedom and rights must be respected

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7e569c No.21600782

File: b13e0184e816d9e⋯.png (579.21 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_thegatewaypun….png)

File: c7beaad89ac1f89⋯.png (380.14 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_x_com_17264752823….png)

Wife of Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Conspirator Alexander Vindman Gets Obliterated After Issuing Disgusting Tweet Mocking Second Trump Assassination Attempt

Despite Trump’s second close call with death, the Trump-hating left is gloating over what happened. One particular social media post from one such demon has generated particular righteous outrage.

Rachel Vindman, the wife of notorious Trump-Ukraine impeachment conspirator Alexander Vindman, took to X immediately following the news and made light of the latest attempt on Trump’s life.

“No ears were harmed,” Vindman mocked. “Carry on with your Sunday afternoon.”



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73bf2f No.21600783

File: af11bdf6c48ed55⋯.png (275.28 KB,592x530,296:265,g5423f542d542543.png)

File: 952902786110064⋯.png (449.63 KB,592x530,296:265,yn5wbv4tv3543.PNG)

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ad1514 No.21600784


>>>21600624 Trump Blasts Harris For “Facilitating The Largest Wave Of Child Sex Trafficking In History”

We had to bring them here because even if Obrador let us conduct operation in Mexico, the UN would get involved…is my hot take.

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046b12 No.21600785

File: 58fe710a74fabb1⋯.png (3.64 MB,1758x1180,879:590,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dfb1c No.21600786

File: 6943173474147a1⋯.png (227.76 KB,333x374,333:374,ClipboardImage.png)

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663101 No.21600787

File: 8b268163f580cf5⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB,576x1024,9:16,8b268163f580cf5cc6d0d83047….mp4)

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06d86f No.21600788

File: 367aa1984a19323⋯.png (905.56 KB,1200x628,300:157,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8c62c12c6d3506⋯.gif (523.93 KB,290x200,29:20,batman_thinking.gif)

All they have left is their clone solders?

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9fa2a8 No.21600789

File: bea789bd957763e⋯.png (399.4 KB,511x444,511:444,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dfb1c No.21600790

File: 67304222bf7d5d7⋯.mp4 (10.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,turninthepage.mp4)

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663101 No.21600791



(got it, my fault, TY Jim. Nice ship)

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7ce61b No.21600792

‪July 13=7-13 13-7=6. Sept 15= 9-15 15-9=6. Election Day Nov 5= 11-5=6. Summary 666 it is a fight of good vs. evil. ‬

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d9bfd7 No.21600793

Since the attempt on PDJT

How many protests do the left have lined up for the banning of guns ?

How many in house and senate are calling for banning of guns ?

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796490 No.21600794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d8766f No.21600795

File: 66e167294b14973⋯.jpeg (106.65 KB,1566x881,1566:881,GettyImages_2170770934_rb….jpeg)

File: 2f8132e1e20e6d9⋯.jpg (51.36 KB,560x381,560:381,Ryan_Wesley_Rout1.jpg)

File: e4939503f97330d⋯.jpeg (7.03 KB,168x300,14:25,images_1_.jpeg)

Dear FBI,

I put together a lineup for ya, you're welcome

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68bd3f No.21600796

File: 9fa65fb3234b218⋯.jpg (10.82 KB,249x255,83:85,KamalaHand.jpg)

Trump had it coming.

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7c3ad1 No.21600797


Rough measurement using N-S road on side for gauge. Three lanes is a bit over 25 feet, so shot would have been 450'ish feet.

Not easy with an SKS or AK, but piece of cake for trained sniper with good weapon.

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d8766f No.21600798


Finally! Thank you.

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5fd2b6 No.21600799

File: 4b4ee9a2359e7a9⋯.png (2.22 MB,1862x1062,931:531,2024_09_16_04_49_41.png)



Couple of idiots

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be7d4f No.21600800

File: f24bfbf474ced08⋯.png (90.75 KB,471x248,471:248,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b1511 No.21600801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tesla Ai

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ad1514 No.21600802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


IHTS - Idiopathic Head Tremor Syndrome

A condition that affects DOGS.

aka TDS

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8b1511 No.21600803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tesla Ai

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9fa2a8 No.21600804


Why do Liberal Women act like Kindergarten teachers?

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5dfb1c No.21600805

File: 410be87aff9a87e⋯.mp4 (15.4 MB,854x474,427:237,Is_this_woman_credible.mp4)

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d8766f No.21600806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cf5e77 No.21600807

File: d538a7d5aef4a5d⋯.png (227.58 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240916_045505.png)

File: 09fd674874ef696⋯.png (57.19 KB,766x804,383:402,952_8_.png)

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0b8994 No.21600808

File: 055be2ca4817107⋯.png (261.83 KB,583x674,583:674,rs.PNG)


Robby Starbuck


Attempted Trump assassin Ryan Routh ran a Ukrainian foreign fighter recruitment website where it offered $1200 a month to fighters from all over the world. On the site he advocated for nuking Russia and stealing bombs and weapons from other countries to give to Ukraine.

He seems to have been totally radicalized by the media and the left in recent years. His writings are filled with lunatic MSNBC style takes on the Ukraine war. His social media shows he was also a big fan of many Democrat politicians. Here’s the recruitment website: https://fightforukraine.com.ua





4:16 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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0b8994 No.21600809

File: 19ca2edbe9683c3⋯.png (16.38 KB,590x202,295:101,bo.PNG)


Wendy Patterson


Congress took Friday and tomorrow off. Make sure you write that down …

Congress was on vacation again during both assasination attempts.

11:27 AM · Sep 15, 2024




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cf5e77 No.21600810

File: b2f010a550ad1ac⋯.jpeg (218.17 KB,2048x1000,256:125,GXjQc5xXkAAaOvU.jpeg)

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cf5e77 No.21600812

File: b2f010a550ad1ac⋯.jpeg (218.17 KB,2048x1000,256:125,GXjQc5xXkAAaOvU.jpeg)

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0b8994 No.21600813

File: 0fb4a932d69884e⋯.png (677.44 KB,599x825,599:825,j2.PNG)


Marco Polo


Daughter of the would be assassination: Sara Ellen Routh.

Just 2 years ago.








Replying to @GenuineSuccess4 and @RealAlexJones

Meet Sara Routh

Arrested for assault on a government official





4:15 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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0b8994 No.21600814

File: f55c65f000a1d1b⋯.png (21.2 KB,591x233,591:233,home.PNG)


Tanya Tay Posobiec ☦️


The fact that his home is now a target changes everything. I can only imagine how shaken Melania must be by all of this


Jack Poso 🇺🇸




8 hours and no posts from President Trump yet

3:56 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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5dfb1c No.21600815


All we know on Trump 'attempted assassination' shooting suspect Ryan Wesley Routh

Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, reportedly hid in the bushes at Donald Trump's golf course at West Palm Beach golf club in Florida - where an AK-47 rifle was found poking through a fence line

The 58-year-old, who lives in a small town on the island of Oahu, Hawaii

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d8766f No.21600816


I could write a better call to action than this moran. It doesn't even sound real. It sounds like it was written by a 5th grader.

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0b8994 No.21600817

File: cf23bf6c5167384⋯.png (111.95 KB,443x383,443:383,rudy.PNG)


RUDY, as usual, is asking the right questions…..👀

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5dfb1c No.21600818


>lives in a small town on the island of Oahu, Hawaii

Routh has a lengthy criminal history with the North Carolina Department of Adult Correction. Most of these are made up of a range of traffic offences that saw him have his driving licence revoked in 2002. That same year, he was charged on one felony count of possessing a “weapon of mass destruction” — an automatic machine gun — and was placed on probation.

In December 2002, Greensboro News and Record in North Carolina spoke of Routh being pulled over for a traffic stop, during which he “put his hand on a firearm”, fled the scene, and then proceeded to barricade himself for three hours inside the building of a roofing business where he worked at the time.

Routh also faced felony charges for possessing stolen goods back in 2010.

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ed3280 No.21600819

GM frens

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cf5e77 No.21600820

File: 1a527283370e8a2⋯.png (660.67 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240916_050426.png)

File: ca7a9c8663638c0⋯.jpeg (588.95 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GXjr5jJWMAAkFxT.jpeg)

File: f70670d58f47c71⋯.png (727.92 KB,766x1750,383:875,375_1_.png)

File: 78664fe4b85e7fe⋯.png (434.97 KB,1491x818,1491:818,dcdbdaf32f754de77c75e377e4….png)

File: 1803300617ce799⋯.jpeg (126.18 KB,1085x773,1085:773,8dba5fdc390ea5633f543838d….jpeg)

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945d0e No.21600821

File: ad61fd5d4eb0645⋯.jpeg (1.93 MB,2186x1573,2186:1573,IMG_9546.jpeg)

BREAKING NEWSDisgraced Huw Edwards arrives at court wearing his wedding ring as he prepares to be sentenced for making indecent images of children as young as seven.


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5dfb1c No.21600822

File: d27542dec77d2c4⋯.png (487.62 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a68343735a8cc32⋯.png (271.19 KB,634x498,317:249,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dfb1c No.21600823


Greensboro neighbor describes man accused of attempting Trump assassination, says ‘a lot of people were afraid of him’

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945d0e No.21600824

File: 929dca4d692f8e9⋯.jpeg (125.52 KB,801x641,801:641,D3560F08_EAB8_47B0_B1D7_8….jpeg)

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0b8994 No.21600825

File: 6274bb473adf747⋯.png (900.52 KB,795x681,265:227,ClipboardImage.png)


Here I mapped the location of Trump, the USSS that engaged Ryan Routh, and Ryan Routh.

This is their positions on the golf course as the event unfolded.

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b2a7bc No.21600827


good work marco polo!


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b01226 No.21600828

File: 15ca4cbcc5752b6⋯.png (70.27 KB,204x154,102:77,ClipboardImage.png)

There was a second shooter driving the beverage cart.

This is a picture from the second shooter's social media.

It is all coming out soon.

Bookmark this.

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bec837 No.21600829

File: ecf5ce73aaea786⋯.png (98.38 KB,248x267,248:267,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64e8e790ff8ebdf⋯.png (594.75 KB,1117x701,1117:701,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bd7f55580fe247⋯.png (85.45 KB,202x225,202:225,ClipboardImage.png)


these hair styles and coloring identify the area of the brain that is sick. They wear their mental health on the outside.

Frontal lobe is affected in cases of anxiety/depression, Bipolar, schizophrenia ect..

Left hemisphere is affected in cases of OCD, ADHD, schizophrenia. The left side of the brain is responsible for rational, logical, and abstract cognition and conscious knowledge. The hair dye shows it is malfunctioning.

Cerebellum ( top of brain) problems cause deficits in emotional processing and is linked to a wide range of clinical behaviors including social withdrawal, blunted emotional expression, and impulsivity. Mostly associated with mood disorders such as Borderline personality, Narcissistic personality, anti-social personality.

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5dfb1c No.21600830

File: 2683131d0222613⋯.png (300.52 KB,422x585,422:585,ClipboardImage.png)


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0b8994 No.21600831

File: 0c8ffff77d31b71⋯.png (283.81 KB,417x779,417:779,hash.PNG)


Did Trump know that there would be an attempt to assassinate him at the 6th green?

On 9/13/24 Trump inexplicitly posts what we know commonly as the hashtag symbol by itself on Truth Social.

At the time many believed it also was the symbol for checkmate in the game of chess.

Also, in the game of chess the moving of the king to G6 is usually fatal.

During the 2nd assassination attempt on Trump the potential shooter was discovered just outside of the 6th green (G6), with Trump (king) moving towards it.

Did Trump post the hashtag symbol as a checkmate to covertly acknowledge the coming attempt at his life, and as a sign to know it was coming??

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68bd3f No.21600832

File: 8be978b32938768⋯.mp4 (5.05 MB,390x360,13:12,xqUJ0pSp49_NZrfs.mp4)

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b2a7bc No.21600833


dems are pro death

5th grader's dont sit around thinking about killing strangers

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0b8994 No.21600834

File: 20295cb41f2a1cb⋯.png (217.11 KB,440x428,110:107,both.PNG)


What are the odds that both Trump assassins were in commercials?

Thomas Crooks was in this “BlackRock” commercial while in high school.

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945d0e No.21600835



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5dfb1c No.21600836

File: 9fb9e65dc1f9f16⋯.png (1020.73 KB,900x610,90:61,ClipboardImage.png)


>6th green (G6)

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945d0e No.21600837

File: 4aec988fe2da37a⋯.jpeg (414.32 KB,1141x1596,163:228,IMG_9515.jpeg)

File: 9151e0bb8050037⋯.jpeg (683.71 KB,1921x1537,1921:1537,1A3DC9EC_3519_4EDA_A5BF_0….jpeg)

File: 4239cac7e2b58e8⋯.jpeg (728.8 KB,1921x1537,1921:1537,640AAF8B_8BE5_4950_AC51_1….jpeg)

File: fd31712f023100a⋯.jpeg (616.29 KB,1921x1441,1921:1441,65E593CC_986B_4464_A8B5_7….jpeg)

File: e33cd755edcd645⋯.png (815.69 KB,598x800,299:400,525D8DD4_BBB0_4277_918C_98….png)

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5dfb1c No.21600838

File: 542ec74151397d4⋯.png (771.02 KB,634x1145,634:1145,ClipboardImage.png)

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b263f2 No.21600839


Competency crisis is Real, and scary

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945d0e No.21600840

File: 69499aed8c52e5d⋯.png (393.48 KB,491x529,491:529,D31C5DA0_6E3E_491B_8AAD_7F….png)

File: 3ea019bd1bf95dd⋯.jpeg (113.13 KB,800x556,200:139,0BD74C47_7EDC_4202_B56F_3….jpeg)

File: cbd8fdb97426c74⋯.jpeg (186.66 KB,961x641,961:641,IMG_9421.jpeg)

File: 8a9ab5a954fda3c⋯.png (846.75 KB,800x518,400:259,A63E3A8A_A2B1_4081_A8BD_8A….png)

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5fd2b6 No.21600841

File: efe25b2169838ab⋯.png (1.52 MB,1028x978,514:489,49_days_to_winning.png)


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24771f No.21600842

gotta love taking tramadol to mitigate sonic weapon migraines🙂

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945d0e No.21600843

File: c0b9637291f59a9⋯.jpeg (90.87 KB,500x531,500:531,B1C02DB6_92B0_420B_99AF_8….jpeg)

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cf5e77 No.21600844

File: ebaa493ba12998d⋯.png (127.75 KB,766x980,383:490,49_6_.png)

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bec837 No.21600845

>>21600829 ( me ) I forgot right side

right brain dysfunction, affects mania, depression, psychosis, hallucinations, personality changes, anxiety, dissociative states, and altered sexual behavior.

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5dfb1c No.21600846

File: 1a706f945170e82⋯.png (1.43 MB,839x839,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Son of alleged would-be assassin Ryan Wesley Routh says his dad hates Trump like 'all reasonable people' but he's never owned a gun and wouldn't do anything batshit crazy

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5dfb1c No.21600848

File: 4c43d3e4eadc307⋯.png (778.27 KB,720x900,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Tito Jackson has died at the age of 70.

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c8a99b No.21600849

File: 151f8c1ed959cf1⋯.jpg (121.46 KB,950x499,950:499,20240916_025408.jpg)

File: 401737e23d6cebd⋯.jpg (115.24 KB,1030x1144,515:572,20240916_025423.jpg)

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7ce61b No.21600850

File: f039119b0807496⋯.jpeg (775.67 KB,1280x738,640:369,IMG_6499.jpeg)

File: 98bb0621d71c3bc⋯.jpeg (165.76 KB,2048x945,2048:945,IMG_6497.jpeg)

File: ffb53b83b8f43f7⋯.jpeg (137.41 KB,1290x1011,430:337,IMG_6496.jpeg)

File: da3816871784bea⋯.jpeg (24.47 KB,1246x279,1246:279,IMG_6498.jpeg)


Bidan gave the GO order or heads up?

Biden in video wearing baseball hat with 627 on it

Biden try’s on red Trump hat in ‘show of unity’

Assassin uses AK 47

AK47 has a model 627


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7ce61b No.21600851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c8a99b No.21600852

File: d1f086f5abf5cfb⋯.jpg (120.61 KB,1030x1144,515:572,20240916_025430.jpg)


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99b3d0 No.21600853

File: 1baa6b4854eb3f3⋯.jpg (235.27 KB,719x1007,719:1007,Screenshot_20240916_041511….jpg)

File: 0df68eca783cfb2⋯.png (792.86 KB,956x1220,239:305,1726368840051.png)


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be7d4f No.21600854


Drunk, redneck alien.

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f4a659 No.21600855

File: 8f0a5e63d902c67⋯.png (106.46 KB,184x255,184:255,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 554333dcf423e40⋯.png (143.46 KB,300x224,75:56,ClipboardImage.png)

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68bd3f No.21600856

File: 34855ff753516a4⋯.png (180.98 KB,430x444,215:222,ClipboardImage.png)

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974bb4 No.21600857

File: fb373cc59896920⋯.png (1.15 MB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_2285.png)

Jackson 5 star Tito Jackson dies aged 70

Tito and his brothers visited a memorial to Michael in the days before his death and thanked fans for "keeping his spirit alive".


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be7d4f No.21600858

File: 79ee59359d099d7⋯.png (255.04 KB,600x500,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)


>he's never owned a gun and wouldn't do anything batshit crazy

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5dfb1c No.21600859


“And you know one day I’d wake up and I’d say, ‘OK, no, I’m done,’” with her marriage, Clinton continued. “Another day I’d wake up and I’d say, ‘I’ve got to keep trying to see this through and figure out what is it I want and what is it I feel right about, and how do you rebuild trust, and how do you rebuild the relationship — and is it worth it? Is it something I want to invest in?’ And when I went through all of those questions, the answers were ‘yes,’ ‘yes’ and ‘yes.’”

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24771f No.21600860

FBI on the assassination attempt on Trump be like “we caught our own guys again, our bad! This probably won’t happen again!”

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5dfb1c No.21600861


>his dad hates Trump like 'all reasonable people'

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be7d4f No.21600862


There will be no moar tissues!

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40d65e No.21600863


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99b3d0 No.21600864

File: 53fbd8462efc090⋯.jpg (62.22 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)


Chekt & No…

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945d0e No.21600865

File: d163044305d876b⋯.jpeg (235.79 KB,1130x1055,226:211,IMG_9547.jpeg)

File: 2863a6426630b4b⋯.jpeg (304.58 KB,1130x1087,1130:1087,IMG_9550.jpeg)

File: 710f586355a65b4⋯.jpeg (275.44 KB,1130x1119,1130:1119,IMG_9551.jpeg)

File: eecbbe84a2b106e⋯.jpeg (194.92 KB,1130x848,565:424,IMG_9554.jpeg)

File: c9b4ed886437139⋯.jpeg (271.62 KB,1130x1695,2:3,IMG_9553.jpeg)

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5dfb1c No.21600866

File: 2050ffb184dbf54⋯.mp4 (4.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,34felonyconvictions.mp4)


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9f1312 No.21600867

The new face of the democratic party

Dick Cheney and John Bolton

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7c3ad1 No.21600869

File: 26ea5126d676af4⋯.png (Spoiler Image,114.89 KB,367x407,367:407,26ea5126d676af406a98dbe891….png)


>There will be no moar tissues!

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ebdbe9 No.21600870

File: 1d8bede4666f157⋯.jpg (138.98 KB,1000x750,4:3,Every_Presidential_Assassi….jpg)

File: 20354d1279ec69a⋯.jpg (89.13 KB,768x512,3:2,2nd_Assassination_CIA_Fail.jpg)

Both Assassination Attempts Reek of MK Ultra and MK Naomi…

Just Sayin'…

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945d0e No.21600871

File: 7b0d43f50eccbf4⋯.jpeg (251.56 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_9555.jpeg)

File: df5f1f9e38baf72⋯.jpeg (270.76 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_9549.jpeg)

File: b2ce675bd25650e⋯.jpeg (169.41 KB,830x1151,830:1151,IMG_9558.jpeg)

File: ff0f9becb4a5b0c⋯.jpeg (232.16 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_9556.jpeg)

File: e9556ceb5bdd04d⋯.jpeg (72.36 KB,512x677,512:677,IMG_9548.jpeg)

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68bd3f No.21600872

File: 5df4740828b47fd⋯.png (187.83 KB,422x406,211:203,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed3280 No.21600874

File: bc2971da61fb587⋯.jpg (300.32 KB,1024x1024,1:1,076fc003_7eac_44d1_b355_d2….jpg)


But every day is winning at Q Research

Anons winning

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ebdbe9 No.21600875

File: 871167d96d7879a⋯.png (1.03 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1726400094722.png)

File: dc88a5c7b2b7a0a⋯.png (1.88 MB,1080x1080,1:1,1726367942884.png)

File: 2788c9796eeb91c⋯.png (776.12 KB,1154x1010,577:505,1726367778364.png)

File: f5eae90d92b6e5b⋯.png (1.01 MB,1452x803,132:73,1726367590158.png)

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ed3280 No.21600876

File: 7dbd590e2123775⋯.jpg (239.64 KB,1024x1024,1:1,b94834bc_c29e_4411_abfe_a8….jpg)


Good morning Mr Mound

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5dfb1c No.21600877

File: 33e4e45ac13af75⋯.png (690.41 KB,650x433,650:433,127_Illuminated_Windows.png)

they must have been upset about the cats

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945d0e No.21600878

File: 2548ced15acb237⋯.jpeg (902.69 KB,1601x2000,1601:2000,6B3235F3_84E1_4071_8F53_0….jpeg)

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ed3280 No.21600879

File: dbbe6b2db2ba843⋯.jpg (255.74 KB,1024x1024,1:1,71bfb7e6_2227_43fb_b022_1c….jpg)


She's pretty….Heavy

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ebdbe9 No.21600881

File: 6757db240e5b839⋯.png (1.26 MB,1085x1075,217:215,1726479370257.png)

File: 70a42de218fcade⋯.png (78.33 KB,1024x319,1024:319,McKek_9_16_2024.png)

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9f1312 No.21600883


Thank you Rudy!

Hang in there Rudy. We need you and every Patriot.

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75fe41 No.21600884

POTUS said something about AK-47 in a rally. I don´t remember witch one. Maybe in Las Vegas. I will listen to this speech again. Maybe his line there was a hint for this madness?


At the beginning he said the polls/debate

90, 92, 87. Read the crumbs in this order and think, that he said that in Las Vegas. Maybe more to this.

(and one poll, he said 92 - 6. A hint to 4-6% are lost forever?)

either way, we are close!


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0fdd29 No.21600886

File: eca6f768d092787⋯.png (247.22 KB,645x499,645:499,ClipboardImage.png)



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5dfb1c No.21600887


Ryan Wesley Routh is seen in video footage from Ukraine

posted video of himself in Ukraine in 2022 as he worked to recruit foreign fighters.

Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, claimed to have helped rally soldiers for the International Legion, Ukraine's military unit for foreign volunteer fighters, but was keen to get involved in the fighting and accepted he might not return home.

'I am willing to fly to Krakow and go to the border of Ukraine to volunteer and fight and die,' he wrote on X weeks after the Russian invasion.

Realizing he was not eligible on the frontline due to his age, Routh instead tried to recruit Afghan soldiers fleeing the Taliban to fight in Ukraine, he said in a 2023 interview with The New York Times.


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ebdbe9 No.21600888

File: 5296b593c54401b⋯.png (635.56 KB,1305x894,435:298,1726479640572.png)

Houti Rebels

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c8a99b No.21600889

File: 1707ad43280e1cd⋯.jpg (202.28 KB,1600x1066,800:533,20240916_025505.jpg)


The campaign group StopAntisemitism awarded her the title after her arrest at an anti-Israel rally.

The group accused Thunberg of turning her activism into a platform for "Jew-hatred," following her participation in protests calling for universities to cut ties with Israel.

Thunberg, who posted a "Stand with Gaza" sign, later removed a photo of a toy octopus after accusations of using antisemitic imagery, stating she was unaware of its historical context.

Source: New York Post

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9f1312 No.21600890

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5dfb1c No.21600891



Stolen Valor: The U.S. Volunteers in Ukraine Who Lie, Waste and Bicker

People who would not be allowed anywhere near the battlefield in a U.S.-led war are active on the Ukrainian front, with ready access to American weapons.

With Legion growth stalling, Ryan Routh, a former construction worker from Greensboro, N.C., is seeking recruits from among Afghan soldiers who fled the Taliban. Mr. Routh, who spent several months in Ukraine last year, said he planned to move them, in some cases illegally, from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine. He said dozens had expressed interest.

“We can probably purchase some passports through Pakistan, since it’s such a corrupt country,” he said in an interview from Washington.

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ebdbe9 No.21600892

File: 20354d1279ec69a⋯.jpg (89.13 KB,768x512,3:2,2nd_Assassination_CIA_Fail.jpg)

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75fe41 No.21600893


Got the line. Right at the beginning. Listen in from minute 7. "AK-47" "our soldiers can´t get these guns" at 7:39

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b1107d No.21600894

has anyone seen the image the witness took?

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7c3ad1 No.21600895


>POTUS said something about AK-47 in a rally.

Anon members he was talking about some super-upgraded version of the AK, and called it "supreme".

It stuck out to anon, because had never heard of a new version AK.

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0b8994 No.21600896

File: 68aa13bd873e054⋯.png (419.03 KB,415x763,415:763,cb.PNG)


🗣 TRUMP'S FAILED ASSASSIN (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/41511) COULD'VE BEEN HIRED BY UKRAINE, hints former Russian Prez Medvedev - while New York Times publication blames ex-prez' golfing for security failure (see article), claiming "Trump’s love of golf long posed protective challenge for Secret Service".

Assassination suspect Ryan Routh is a registered Democrat, although regretted voting for Trump in 2016 - now known for unhinged tweets offering to die for Ukraine (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/41513?single) and calling for Russia to be nuked, was interviewed in 2022 in Kiev campaigning to recruit world's civilians to fight Russia (1st video), participated in pro-Ukraine Nazis propaganda (2nd video).

This is what Western mainstream media's propaganda does to mentally unstable people, but Washington wants world to believe RT is the boogeyman (https://t.me/IntelRepublic/41450) to hide from.

Boost us here (http://t.me/IntelRepublic?boost) @IntelRepublic

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894f77 No.21600897


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5dfb1c No.21600898




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5dfb1c No.21600901

File: e9193918e46823a⋯.mp4 (688.37 KB,1280x720,16:9,AzovMay2022.mp4)

AZOV Battalion May 2022

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0b8994 No.21600902

File: 6daa54dcd6ddf5c⋯.png (91.35 KB,444x612,37:51,res.PNG)


BREAKING: France's EU commissioner Thierry Breton, who threatened Elon Musk's X, resigns.


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61633a No.21600903

TFW you are about to dine on Israel’s back hole. >>21600786

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0b8994 No.21600904

File: 5f02783b831f018⋯.png (262.15 KB,593x510,593:510,tn.PNG)


Truth Ninja


Breaking: Ryan Routh was an Eagle Scout. He later chased a man who raped his neighbor and got an award for it. He has been featured in more news stories than average from 1991-2024. Very odd situation.



6:14 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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75fe41 No.21600905

File: 4512182f51195ac⋯.png (1.06 MB,1627x1274,1627:1274,CIA.png)

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034db9 No.21600906



#26458 >>21600718

>>21600752, >>21600808 Connecting the sh**ter to to fightforukraine, seeking support of elected officials

>>21600767, >>21600772 Duckworth on Assassination Attempt and Debate

>>21600782 Wife of Impeachment Conspirator Alexander Vindman Gets Obliterated After Mocking Second Trump Assassination

>>21600809 Congress was on vacation during both assasination attempts

>>21600813 @MarcoPolo501c3: 2 yrs ago, daughter of the would-be assassination arrested for assault on a gov't official

>>21600818 2002 in North Carolina, Routh charged w/possessing a "weapon of mass destruction" - automatic machine gun

>>21600825 me/EnochsNewsBlast/: mapped positions of DJT, USSS and Routh

>>21600846 routh's son: says his dad hates Trump like 'all reasonable people'

>>21600848, >>21600857 Tito Jackson dies, aged 70

>>21600886, >>21600901 May 2022 - routh appeared in Azov battalion propoganda vid

>>21600887, >>21600891, >>21600896 Moar routh Ukraine connections

>>21600904 Breaking: Ryan Routh was an Eagle Scout

Collector OUT

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5dfb1c No.21600907


>due to differences of opinion with Commission President Ursula von der Leyen

"A few days ago, in the very final stretch of negotiations on the composition of the future College, you asked France to withdraw my name – for personal reasons that in no instance you have discussed directly with me – and offered, as a political trade-off, an allegedly more influential portfolio for France in the future College," wrote Breton. "In light of these latest developments – further testimony to questionable governance – I have to conclude that I can no longer exercise my duties in the College," he concluded.

The relationship between von der Leyen and Breton has been notably tense since Breton led a rebellion within the Brussels executive in the spring. He challenged the president's leadership style as uncooperative. The French commissioner publicly questioned von der Leyen's ethics after the appointment of an emissary in charge of small and medium-sized companies in late January. This position is highly paid within the Commission.

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0b8994 No.21600908

File: 0b6c2b165867ff1⋯.png (434.92 KB,601x605,601:605,humm.PNG)


Elon Musk




Amit Shah (Parody)




Replying to @libsoftiktok

2.5 minutes of Democrats explicitly calling for using political vioIence.

They own this.

8:42 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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7c3ad1 No.21600909


>C_A officers steal information as scientists, support staff, engineers, economists, linguists, mathematicians, secretaries, accountants, inventors, cartographers, architects, psychologists, police officers, editors, graphic designers, auto mechanics, historians, museum curators & more!

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0b8994 No.21600911

File: fee3f6cae90e042⋯.png (241.04 KB,431x779,431:779,wrap.PNG)


This is what Pfizer wanted kept under wraps for 75 years: the 'safe and effective vaccine' with 9 pages of side effects.



Join,while it’s not too late:


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75fe41 No.21600912

File: ff4444eb1a66164⋯.png (12.33 KB,375x228,125:76,FlushFire.png)

File: b23010dfff85c30⋯.png (62.14 KB,538x438,269:219,Pretend_Team.png)


Yes! And one of his lines "they are taking over our country from within".

Found the line


Flush a fire, again?

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5dfb1c No.21600913

File: 66ac420330f4081⋯.png (1.8 MB,1200x900,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

No ears were harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon.

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9fa2a8 No.21600914

File: b2c53d4f9339122⋯.png (313.62 KB,511x576,511:576,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 748828c048a197f⋯.png (1.28 MB,1125x1826,1125:1826,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dfb1c No.21600915

File: d4b209fe7b5ac7d⋯.png (91.57 KB,881x236,881:236,ClipboardImage.png)

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894f77 No.21600916

Ears are a ringing, anons!

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7c3ad1 No.21600917


Needs moar cowbell.

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945d0e No.21600918

File: b1a98d35c187773⋯.jpeg (510.79 KB,918x680,27:20,IMG_9584.jpeg)

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5dfb1c No.21600919

File: 83332c5c2b4821b⋯.png (164.84 KB,250x350,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)

being a chow thief is the unforgivable sin

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2c1ec9 No.21600920


slept like shit. up all night.

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5dfb1c No.21600922



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2c1ec9 No.21600923

File: f14ee6507de9ed5⋯.png (1.33 MB,750x1334,375:667,E81B9BA9_464F_4B01_8FF5_75….png)

File: d78dc60dda6c070⋯.png (71.59 KB,690x806,345:403,BCC63F38_00B3_4519_BFF4_D9….png)

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5dfb1c No.21600924


That time Bill and Hillary Clinton went to a voodoo ceremony in Haiti

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75fe41 No.21600925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good man here. Watched his journey from the beginning. People are pissed!

THIS IS SCARY! Pray For Our Country and VOTE! Trump Shooter REVEALED!

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9fa2a8 No.21600926


Did they sacrifice chickens or children?

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0fdd29 No.21600927

File: bdd6eb44c3880dc⋯.png (270.43 KB,607x894,607:894,ClipboardImage.png)


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1154a6 No.21600928

File: 3f45527be536ecb⋯.jpeg (849.86 KB,1170x1375,234:275,IMG_5473.jpeg)

File: aed356853b07aef⋯.jpeg (579.34 KB,1170x1121,1170:1121,IMG_5474.jpeg)

File: d422fde0ecb7fdc⋯.jpeg (404.43 KB,1170x1022,585:511,IMG_5475.jpeg)

File: 0ead5709f4f6a7e⋯.jpeg (680.95 KB,1170x1098,65:61,IMG_5472.jpeg)

how did the shooter know Trump would be golfing…Laura “jewess” Loomer was there. Who follows Laura Loomer? Vivek Ramaswamy who knew about the first assassination plot back in January this year..oh and none other than Mike Flynn

These pretenders are getting on my nerves. They silence our voices and track our devices so we can’t have social media accounts and try to get Trump killed.

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2c1ec9 No.21600929

File: 16b260177690b7d⋯.png (1000.29 KB,750x1334,375:667,8DDB6BF9_05EF_4DF3_B3C3_E4….png)

File: 89c9bd4ffa3f58b⋯.png (125.53 KB,690x1698,115:283,1346A971_147F_4B0B_8882_E6….png)

File: 202f5ae1a0b9385⋯.png (94.44 KB,690x1302,115:217,5AE0D6B0_273A_4587_ACFE_05….png)

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945d0e No.21600930

File: 8a6edd0561970a4⋯.jpeg (717.06 KB,2000x1429,2000:1429,B46AF69B_2020_4C8D_A7D2_9….jpeg)

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0fdd29 No.21600931

File: a97d4eb32cdfc94⋯.jpg (120.55 KB,600x400,3:2,the_look_when_64c7b1614c.jpg)

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9fa2a8 No.21600932


Jew Bois

Dual citizenship with Ukraine?

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5dfb1c No.21600933

File: 3adad6cd6516b2d⋯.jpeg (257.77 KB,1208x2058,604:1029,Netflix.jpeg)


>He has been featured in more news stories than average

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5dfb1c No.21600935


>Dual citizenship with Ukraine?

probably, think they work for mossad?

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2c1ec9 No.21600937

File: 894aa676e36e4d0⋯.png (314.87 KB,750x1334,375:667,378D6532_1D23_4DC9_AE62_CF….png)

File: 207805856d325d5⋯.png (93.46 KB,690x1208,345:604,787BF6D0_E158_4999_A15C_8A….png)

File: 36b4397b2c55454⋯.png (34.78 KB,690x454,345:227,5E8FB258_7E43_4005_A816_51….png)

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5dfb1c No.21600938

File: 4fe32aac8a10f1e⋯.mp4 (4.92 MB,640x360,16:9,callforviolence.mp4)


2.5 minutes of Democrats explicitly calling for using political vioIence.

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b2a7bc No.21600940

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2c1ec9 No.21600941


you fucking kikes are stuck in here with me.

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9c923b No.21600942

File: 2ec38bd960c50d2⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,1170x1805,234:361,IMG_5476.jpeg)



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680abd No.21600943

Did Gary and his friends, sons of bitches, ask their mothers to repent?

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182af8 No.21600945


Is that why their federal careers went down the tubes?

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0fdd29 No.21600946

File: 39ccdd387884781⋯.png (706.43 KB,940x1028,235:257,ClipboardImage.png)


Soo Kim

LMI is 3 miles from Langley HQ

Logistics Management Institute

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5dfb1c No.21600947

File: a51f22db313ee47⋯.png (127.57 KB,255x255,1:1,1stDiggers.png)



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b1107d No.21600948

File: 3d7ddb6372ee166⋯.png (143.6 KB,399x625,399:625,Bildschirm_foto_2024_09_16….png)

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9481e6 No.21600949


Don’t forget this one baker


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d8766f No.21600951



Study harder…

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30dc05 No.21600953

: What we know about the Trump attack and the suspect | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/wXp7O5

Title: Jackson 5 singer Tito Jackson dead at 70 | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/YlFlDp

Title: HS2 blew billions - here's how and why | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/Kxt623

Title: 'I got a £44,000 student loan - now I owe £54,000’ | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/WPd5q6

Title: Reunions, politics and dogs: Eight Emmys highlights | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/wR5eda

Title: TikTok to begin appeal against being sold or banned in US | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/J7FFk4

Title: Man City's hearing for 115 charges begins | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/MrnVXh

Title: UN Gaza aid chief: World is failing innocent civilians | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/G2JiNb

Title: Police reviewing 'brutal' arrest caught on CCTV | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/Oakzn3

Title: Winter fuel payment: 'I'm £500 a month worse off' | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/TK8mqK

Title: Ros Atkins on suspect Ryan Routh's previous criticisms of Trump on social media | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/w9Mr9j

Title: Political violence becomes America's new norm - but is still shocking | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/fkG6kJ

Title: How events unfolded in 60 seconds | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/Dsj1VV

Title: Couple accused of murdering teen to steal baby acquitted | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/eTgpl5

Title: ‘I was given 50 lashes’: Women on how their social media posts risk punishment in Iran | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/wGsSv6

Title: In pictures: TV stars on Emmy Awards red carpet | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/xymRIi

Title: Astronauts reveal what life is like on ISS – and how they deal with 'space smell' | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/9SI3Z7

Title: Kidnapped and trafficked twice - a sex worker's life in Sierra Leone | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/00xecl

Title: Who pays for the clothing of world leaders and their spouses? | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/qgnkmq

Title: Starmer and Italian PM to discuss migrant crossings | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/lcRWT1

Title: 'Catastrophe' as deadly floods hit Central and Eastern Europe | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/LgDiGW

Title: Woman charged with murder of 31-year-old woman | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/TsRbC9

Title: Magistrates could give longer sentences under new proposals | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/hx9Ltn

Title: Man appears in court accused of triple murder | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/DZTaHo

Title: Starmer defends Sue Gray after reports of No 10 rifts | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/YPMtJR

Title: Glasgow 'on verge' of deal to host 2026 Commonwealth Games | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/7ElLT8

Title: Another attempted assassination on Donald Trump? | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/941Xns

Title: Missile diplomacy, dealing with Trump and donor’s gifts to the PM’s wife! | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/PWGhMQ

Title: Cowboys, Ravens & 49ers lose on NFL Sunday of shocks | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/sRzAKf

Title: Who has made Troy's Premier League team of the week? | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/oXzaQH

Title: Arsenal won 'like a Mourinho team' - Walcott on the north London derby | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/DxtDHv

Title: Anderson a target for USA's Major League Cricket | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/XoNlfj

Title: Pettersen has 'no regrets' after Solheim Cup loss | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/FISq6x

Title: Murray 'magic' and a 97-yard touchdown - NFL best plays | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/t1NVmo

Title: 'There should be outrage' over violence against women | Source: BBC | Link: https://is.gd/9A8dGl

Title: NASA Johnson Honors Hispanic Heritage: Meet Manuel Retana | Source: NASA | Link: https://is.gd/EqwDbU

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0fdd29 No.21600954

File: 9ddbf978303a045⋯.mp4 (12.21 MB,320x568,40:71,ryan.mp4)

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2c1ec9 No.21600955

File: 3e5624334277caa⋯.png (1.95 MB,750x1334,375:667,B899659D_D083_4383_8566_EA….png)

File: dbf4165ffccae11⋯.png (48.08 KB,690x586,345:293,D0C69E15_61EA_45F1_B0A3_2B….png)

File: 9be50f5c42a1160⋯.png (343.27 KB,690x3464,345:1732,E76538C2_49A0_48F4_80F7_68….png)

File: c8dbe66433897f8⋯.png (961.62 KB,2147x1146,2147:1146,8D5B54BA_9D74_436F_A738_7E….png)

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680abd No.21600956


Tell your whore mom to repent

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5dfb1c No.21600958

File: a23affba3ed1600⋯.png (437.27 KB,691x692,691:692,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8766f No.21600959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Brown noise is what you need…

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9fa2a8 No.21600960


Or I could just turn on my fan.

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0fdd29 No.21600961

File: a72c8f89c781ece⋯.png (604.97 KB,1229x916,1229:916,ClipboardImage.png)



I have a family member that used to work at LMI

They are heavily into mil contracting

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2c1ec9 No.21600962

File: 95c943f076354b5⋯.png (555.55 KB,750x1334,375:667,8D560E21_11A7_4F58_900B_00….png)

File: 254be9599d98bca⋯.png (1.55 MB,750x1334,375:667,3ADEDB45_C5B3_43F8_84DF_C3….png)

File: 7e0a33087e3dfd3⋯.png (714.25 KB,690x1560,23:52,204A3BE6_9ED8_4ADE_B251_E9….png)

File: 79b9f24bd3eafc2⋯.png (262 KB,690x670,69:67,23EC9BBA_ED72_41D4_A677_02….png)

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89279d No.21600963

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB,783x485,783:485,wnb.png)

>>21600718 tygyb

>>21600906ty collector

morn'n baker will tend fer a bit b4 wurk

hold on to your butts this week - booms incoming

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0fdd29 No.21600965

File: b7dfbc6b046e3a4⋯.png (635.9 KB,1034x1099,1034:1099,ClipboardImage.png)



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49edb4 No.21600966


that guy is a blackrock actor. Connected directly to Joshua Fink, Larry finks grandson

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0fdd29 No.21600967

File: 21f0e92f4014988⋯.png (797.33 KB,1216x1186,608:593,ClipboardImage.png)




talks like a bitch

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989f25 No.21600969


not his responsibility. Super awkward

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30962b No.21600970

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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bec837 No.21600971

File: c771fc9eaab71d9⋯.png (259.5 KB,572x502,286:251,ClipboardImage.png)


your contributions to this thread are next level

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b1107d No.21600972

File: 923b04cb36e8a62⋯.png (154.79 KB,1298x1176,649:588,Bildschirm_foto_2024_09_16….png)

File: 7d275154de8ef4b⋯.png (176.73 KB,1234x1130,617:565,Bildschirm_foto_2024_09_16….png)

File: 8ece4b08875ea50⋯.png (355.55 KB,1304x1138,652:569,Bildschirm_foto_2024_09_16….png)

File: 72cd7576ce14d95⋯.png (226.01 KB,1320x732,110:61,Bildschirm_foto_2024_09_16….png)

how is it that this wasnt posted here on the kun…

12 Sep, 2024

Pentagon orders study of potential nuclear strike in Eastern Europe

"The US Defense Department has ordered a study to simulate the impact of a nuclear conflict on global agriculture. According to a solicitation notice posted on a government procurement platform, the study will focus on regions “beyond Eastern Europe and Western Russia,” which in the simulation is the epicenter of the hypothetical nuclear weapons deployment.

The project will be spearheaded by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)…. It is unclear from the notice how the Pentagon intends to use the study."


original sauce and pics:

Services for modeling the effects of nuclear weapons on agricultural systems


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b03c31 No.21600973

File: 70ed0cb3a0daa83⋯.png (80.17 KB,648x442,324:221,7d710fcc717586f134c4d51113….png)

>>21600011 lb


a full house for the loser

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2c1ec9 No.21600974

File: e0aa08d97912559⋯.png (2.1 MB,750x1334,375:667,9FC6C965_6AB8_46A5_BCED_CA….png)

File: f2d70177fe80aca⋯.png (101.89 KB,690x1478,345:739,18EEAF40_0431_4452_B729_B3….png)

File: d3e5f2d91d3495c⋯.png (512.54 KB,690x952,345:476,F4F65E62_DC08_46A8_A0A3_50….png)

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d8766f No.21600976


Im not the one who put the cerebellum at the top of the brain and if it keeps on raining the levee will break…

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9fa2a8 No.21600977


I like this guy's vids. He is direct and to the point and keeps it short.

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2c1ec9 No.21600978

File: b90d2323c3458a6⋯.png (111.02 KB,690x1026,115:171,A9BFA57C_7EB5_42E6_8401_C2….png)

File: 64d1179e1c0fb37⋯.png (45.41 KB,690x498,115:83,6EC948C4_4CE5_47CC_A452_20….png)


mornin’. should be a fucked up busy week ahead.

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989f25 No.21600979


follow the $.

Where did the 1200 per month come from?

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bec837 No.21600980


top of brain hair color asshole

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b2a7bc No.21600981

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034db9 No.21600982

File: efdc48c5f2aebfe⋯.jpg (52.99 KB,885x463,885:463,Ghost_Kitchen.jpg)



#26458 >>21600718

>>21600752, >>21600808 Connecting the sh**ter to to fightforukraine, seeking support of elected officials

>>21600767, >>21600772 Duckworth on Assassination Attempt and Debate

>>21600782 Wife of Impeachment Conspirator Alexander Vindman Gets Obliterated After Mocking Second Trump Assassination

>>21600809 Congress was on vacation during both assasination attempts

>>21600813 @MarcoPolo501c3: 2 yrs ago, daughter of the would-be assassination arrested for assault on a gov't official

>>21600818 2002 in North Carolina, Routh charged w/possessing a "weapon of mass destruction" - automatic machine gun

>>21600825 me/EnochsNewsBlast/: mapped positions of DJT, USSS and Routh

>>21600846 routh's son: says his dad hates Trump like 'all reasonable people'

>>21600848, >>21600857 Tito Jackson dies, aged 70

>>21600886, >>21600901 May 2022 - routh appeared in Azov battalion propoganda vid

>>21600887, >>21600891, >>21600896 Moar routh Ukraine connections

>>21600927, >>21600946, >>21600954, >>21600958, >>21600961, >>21600965, >>21600967 Into the Soo - diggz on possible C_A routh connections

>>21600972 Pentagon orders study of potential nuclear strike in Eastern Europe

Bred Remains Ghosted

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b1107d No.21600984

Revealed: Huw Edwards' sordid chats with paedophile who sent him child sex abuse videos after newsreader paid him £1,500 to buy 'expensive trainers' and fund university

Huw Edwards sent hundreds of pounds to a convicted paedophile after he sent him pornographic images and replied 'yes xxx' after being asked if he wanted photos of a child aged between 14 and 16, a court heard today.

The disgraced BBC News anchor is being sentenced to three charges of 'making' indecent photographs of children after he was sent 41 images by paedophile Alex Williams in vile WhatsApp messages. …


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8b7f0a No.21600985

File: 19c3a81c705c574⋯.png (41.28 KB,734x239,734:239,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)

File: 839f8837b6432ce⋯.png (460.35 KB,502x665,502:665,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)

A top lawyer for Google in the search giant’s landmark trial with the US government is also a key adviser to the Kamala Harris campaign — and tech antitrust watchdogs are calling the cozy relationship “outrageous,” The Post has learned.

In a doubleheader that turned heads across the Beltway, Google attorney Karen Dunn last Tuesday delivered an opening defense in Virginia federal court against the Biden-Harris Justice Department’s lawsuit targeting its digital ad business – and then reportedly raced out of the courtroom to assist Harris that same afternoon with final preparations to take on Trump in Philadelphia.

“You couldn’t have scripted this any better if you were writing a TV movie,” said Jeff Hauser, executive director at the Revolving Door Project.

With Harris receiving rave reviews over her debate performance against Trump, Dunn’s influence in Democratic circles is hitting its peak. That could bode well for Google, which was already determined to have an illegal monopoly over online search in a separate federal trial.

“One imagines her stature in Harris world has only gone up after the debate – which could be concerning if she’s ever negotiating a potential settlement with the Justice Department under Harris,” Hauser said.

Dunn is the top litigator at white-shoe law firm Paul Weiss, whose chairman Brad Karp is heading up a “Lawyers Committee for Kamala Harris” to raise cash for her White House bid. She is tasked with defending Google against a DOJ case that is seen as an existential threat to its business model.

The Dunn dynamic has drawn the attention of anti-monopoly experts who fear that she and tech-friendly advisers in Harris’s inner circle will push behind the scenes for a “slap-on-the-wrist settlement” rather than a breakup of Google’s dominant monopolies, as The Post has reported.

While Dunn is a highly regarded lawyer with a long history of defending Big Tech clients like Apple and Uber in major cases, some experts nevertheless saw Google’s selection of her to deliver its opening statement as a clear power play meant to flex her ties to the White House.

“It has to be demoralizing for the team of attorneys at the DOJ working around the clock to get the adtech case against Google ready for trial on the ‘rocket docket’ timetable to see the administration sitting down with the opposition’s lawyer for advice,” said Brendan Benedict, an antitrust litigator at Benedict Law Group who has faced off against the tech giant in court.

The cozy ties could “very well mean that Dunn is on the shortlist to replace [antitrust chief Jonathan Kanter] at the DOJ when Harris takes office,” Benedict added. Dunn was reportedly considered for the gig at the start of President Biden’s term in office.


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30962b No.21600986


>mornin’. should be a fucked up busy week ahead.

panic often brings very bad decisions.

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89279d No.21600987

File: 90f16101518f8f7⋯.jpg (363.29 KB,1008x675,112:75,90f16101518f8f715561303b26….jpg)

File: 82ab22da501478c⋯.png (1.04 MB,1280x640,2:1,muhcollector.png)



sorry collector

screwed up my tag to your earlier bun post

pre-covfefe an all that

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5dfb1c No.21600989


over the target panic

thanks for confirming the dude is legit

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7b42cf No.21600990

File: 6eb0204b5490644⋯.png (154.5 KB,469x334,469:334,ralphitsH.png)




>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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30962b No.21600991


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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0fdd29 No.21600992


mornin sam

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8b7f0a No.21600993

File: ac803b82dd203ba⋯.png (712.92 KB,856x837,856:837,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)


Late last week, there was word that an ABC News whistleblower was set to expose both the network and the Kamala Harris presidential campaign for allegedly rigging the network's Sept. 10th debate in the Democrat nominee's favor and against former President Donald Trump. The information that they said would be revealed was that Harris was given advance notice on what questions would be asked, and that Trump would be fact-checked live.

Now, the whistleblower has released a sworn, notarized statement, which is dated Sept. 9, 2024–the day before the debate. They say the Kamala Harris campaign allegedly "restricted the scope" of the ABC News debate questions, that the campaign allegedly demanded that only Donald Trump would be fact-checked during the debate.

The whistleblower wrote:

I have worked for ABC news [sic] for over 10 years in various technical and administrative positions.

Since the acquisition ABC news [sic] in 1996, I have observed significant transformations there in the nature of news reporting at the organization. These changes suggest a shift from unbiased reporting to a model influenced by external factors.

They also clarified the purpose of releasing the statement and information, stating in the document that they "do not endorse Donald Trump in his capacity as candidate for President of the United States," but are sharing it "to address concerns regarding perceived biases within news reporting within my employer's debate that will be hosted on September 10, 2024."

They said that the Harris campaign "imposed restrictions on the scope of questioning." They allegedly included "no questions regarding the perceived health of President Joe Biden," "no inquiries related to her tenure as Attorney General in San Francisco," and "no questions concerning her brother-in-law, Tony West, who faces allegations of embezzling billions of dollars in taxpayer funds and who now may be involved in her administration if elected."

The whistleblower added that they sent several copies to themselves, and a copy has been sent to Speaker Mike Johnson. They also claim to have secret recordings buttressing the claim on the fact-checking stipulation, and "what questions were not to be asked under any circumstances," or the Harris campaign would not appear at the debate.


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5dfb1c No.21600994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


nice logo, epsteiny

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8b7f0a No.21600995

File: 71a2abea819c6ed⋯.png (22.43 KB,960x111,320:37,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)


The latest information about ABC News is that moderator Linsey Davis admits the fact checking was aimed at Donald Trump. This is totally nuts. It’s not acceptable for news agencies protected by the Constitution to do anything like this. The whistleblower is a hero and we should stand by him.

As reported earlier, moderator Linsey Davis admits fact-checking was only for Trump:

In a post-debate interview, Davis acknowledged that the fact-checking of Trump was impacted by earlier CNN debate, which ended badly for President Joe Biden, leading to his withdrawal from the 2024 White House race.

Speaking to the Los Angeles Times over breakfast at the Ritz Carlton in Philadelphia, Davis said she only intended to address worries that Trump’s remarks may “hang” there unchecked by Harris or the moderators just like his June debate against Biden.

“People were concerned that statements were allowed to just hang and not [be] disputed by the candidate Biden, at the time, or the moderators,” she stated.

Yeah, no, you don’t put your finger on the scale because you don’t want the same thing to happen to Harris. She has to stand on her own or shouldn’t be president.

Black Insurrectionist:

Breaking: I have agreed to put the Gateway Pundit in touch with the attorney for the whistleblower at ABC.

In return for Gateway Pundit keeping the whistleblower identity secret, It is my belief that an interview will be made whereas the Gateway Pundit promises to push ABC for answers on the September 10th Debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.


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0fdd29 No.21600996

File: 2af61cba1c5ef86⋯.png (35.96 KB,665x274,665:274,ClipboardImage.png)






Assessing the Prospects for Great Power Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific


Little in Common: Prospects for U.S.-China and U.S.-Russia Security Cooperation


Vanishing Trade Space: Assessing the Prospects for Great Power Cooperation in an Era of Competition — A Project Overview


China's Strategy and Activities in the Arctic: Implications for North American and Transatlantic Security


North Korean Sanctions Evasion


Options for Strengthening All-Source Intelligence: Substantive Change Is Within Reach


Streamlining Emergency Management: Issues, Impacts, and Options for Improvement


The U.S.-Japan Alliance and Rapid Change on the Korean Peninsula: Proceedings from a Pair of Conferences


Regional Responses to U.S.-China Competition in the Indo-Pacific: Study Overview and Conclusions


U.S. Versus Chinese Powers of Persuasion: Does the United States or China Have More Influence in the Indo-Pacific Region?


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2c1ec9 No.21600997


canuckistan am radio parrots glossed over the second shooting. fluff filler is streaming services commercials. like they got no talking points at 04:00

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b03c31 No.21600998


But in the end, Poppy et al, managed to get to him

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b2a7bc No.21600999

File: f65d2dd4dfd517b⋯.png (795.31 KB,786x814,393:407,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbfd4e13039e71c⋯.png (248.18 KB,869x850,869:850,ClipboardImage.png)


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ce70b4 No.21601000


They wear their mental health on the outside

I can agree whole heartedly with that one statement. Tattoos and pierceings are a tell also

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bec837 No.21601003

the left is susceptible to violence because emotions dominate their decision making. The right is more likely to be fact driven decision makers.

This is why MSM uses emotional manipulation on viewers.

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0fdd29 No.21601004


makes u wonder when u see soldiers all tatted up

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8b7f0a No.21601005

File: 4f97df3f82fab9c⋯.png (30.61 KB,1554x154,111:11,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)

By Terrance Kible

Published: September 15, 2024 1:26pm

Eighty-three percent of registered voters strongly or somewhat support former President Donald Trump's proposal to end taxes on social security benefits, a Wall Street Journal poll found.

The proposal would help seniors struggling on a fixed income amid inflation, The Wall Street Journal reported. The Tax Policy Center said the policy would provide an average benefit of $3,400 per senior.

Sixty-four percent of participants "strongly favored" ending social security benefit taxes. Another 19% "somewhat" favored the policy. Only 10% of participants opposed the proposal.

The proposal to end social security benefit taxes had strong bipartisan support. Seventy-six percent of Democrats and 89% of Republicans supported the proposal.

The WSJ poll sampled 750 registered voters from Aug. 24 to 28 with a margin of error of ± 3.6%.


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b2a7bc No.21601006


Elon Musk poll on X

5.8 million votes

73% Trump

27% Harris

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b1107d No.21601007


it's a plant

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8b7f0a No.21601008

File: b013a8efd056025⋯.png (357.88 KB,640x620,32:31,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)

Sunday, during CNN’s coverage of a second attempted assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, former FBI counterterrorism agent Tim Clemente told host Erin Burnett that finger-pointing at Trump, including claims his “verbiage” about a “bloodbath” for the auto industry if his Democrat opponent wins misconstrued to bolster claims of violence if he didn’t win, was a likely motivation for the accused assassin.

“It’s unprecedented in a civilized society, and I think we’re becoming more and more uncivilized, sadly, with the political diatribes that are going on and the political new indictments of either candidate,” he said. “And sadly, the finger pointing at Trump has led to — you know — you know, the line about the blood — bloodbath, talking about the auto industry being used as if he’s going to create a bloody coup if he loses.”

“That — that kind of — that kind of verbiage is something you use in a third world country when you’re talking about a dictator, and that sadly has led to, I think, these attempts on Trump’s life and I don’t think it’s going to end. I think we just have to realize, look, we’re political opponents,” Clemente continued. “You and I might not agree on 50% of what we care about politically. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t mean we can’t be friends, neighbors, relatives, and have a regular dialogue every day. We have to get back to that talk about our differences, but not in a way that makes us feel like you’re the enemy and I’m all good.”


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e873d3 No.21601009

File: 0b6edeaba287a1e⋯.png (1.77 MB,1678x904,839:452,faggot.PNG)

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c8a99b No.21601011

File: 40225725d89dea3⋯.jpg (129.99 KB,950x1178,25:31,20240915_172205.jpg)

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5dfb1c No.21601012

File: d810519a865fde5⋯.png (236.25 KB,400x400,1:1,propagandamachine.png)


what a sad faggot

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7ba352 No.21601013



Fuck no!! Let that ignorant chinky sow walk on her fuckin stubs!

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3b772d No.21601014

Go Trump!

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4ae366 No.21601016


they, meaning anyone, put their crazy on the outside to tell the world what's on the inside.

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8b7f0a No.21601017

File: 1d9f78377920b06⋯.png (48.04 KB,632x285,632:285,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)

File: 9b152fc7c6ecec9⋯.png (346.7 KB,665x418,35:22,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)

File: b10bdd7e25251c4⋯.png (334.59 KB,654x416,327:208,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 839739d0cb41a1f⋯.png (13.17 KB,164x54,82:27,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)

She's one of the Hollywood's finest acting talents, yet Meryl Streep still found herself compared to the most unflattering of items on Sunday evening.

The Oscar-winning star, 75, was in attendance as the 76th annual Primetime Emmy Awards got underway at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles when her on-screen proficiency was played for laughs.

Presenting the award for outstanding supporting actress in a comedy series, for which Streep was nominated courtesy of her starring role in Only Murders In The Building, Rob McElhenney and wife Kaitlin Olson compared her to a jockstrap.

'Ladies and gentlemen, we are here to honor the comedic performances that hold everything in place. They show crucial support when it's really needed,' McElhenney told guests while announcing the nominees.

Chiming in, Olson quipped: 'Much like a jockstrap… what you were describing sounds very much like a jockstrap.'


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c8a99b No.21601018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b2a7bc No.21601019

File: ffd783af556c10d⋯.png (192.73 KB,828x438,138:73,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e8d1c74f08de34⋯.png (1.27 MB,722x851,722:851,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94368f1e6df864b⋯.png (325.38 KB,1031x620,1031:620,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 852d2de909c00d8⋯.png (459.92 KB,874x632,437:316,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0016b3228aa4b7c⋯.png (854.47 KB,590x1083,590:1083,ClipboardImage.png)

Karli Bonne’ 


How did the shooter know where to be

Sep 16, 2024, 6:26 AM


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5dfb1c No.21601020

File: d794127b4cbc49d⋯.png (547.42 KB,683x1024,683:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

John Oliver drops f-bomb at Emmys 2024 as speech dedicated to his dead dog gets cut short

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b1107d No.21601021

Severeflooding in Europe

Death toll rises as torrential rain and flooding force evacuations in Central Europe


Floods claim more lives as torrential rain pounds central Europe


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5fd2b6 No.21601022

File: d137d9327e238fa⋯.png (444.47 KB,646x726,323:363,ok_then.png)


> Poll

> Trump 73%

> Hamala 27%

When it's harder for them to cheat…

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2c1ec9 No.21601023

File: f1935c1710a4e05⋯.png (1.14 MB,750x1334,375:667,EB0D5AAD_D4BB_4226_971B_EC….png)

File: e6c423078ec020d⋯.png (44.96 KB,690x542,345:271,C043A1E2_AC3A_47D1_B83C_04….png)

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0fdd29 No.21601026


go suck Kier's dick back in england

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5dfb1c No.21601028


Are you calling Meryl Streep a jockstrap?

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5dfb1c No.21601030


whatever you say


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b2a7bc No.21601032

File: 1a12d60cab39353⋯.jpg (161.55 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1a12d60cab39353e9a3536134c….jpg)


kek Musk fishing for bots?

And [their] bots would have been on over drive… I dont know a single person voting for Kamala

Everyone is voting for Trump.

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2c1ec9 No.21601033

File: f92698eb2354d72⋯.png (653.44 KB,750x1334,375:667,AF14401D_5E16_45D0_96AA_38….png)

File: 2a29bd9d8540d87⋯.png (65.14 KB,690x988,345:494,6F636D1F_99F1_4540_A7D3_5C….png)

File: 270b04c86d446ce⋯.jpeg (51.36 KB,679x355,679:355,ECCF7A78_19B1_4492_AE31_9….jpeg)

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7770c7 No.21601034

File: 98530b11fb4c256⋯.png (960.79 KB,800x800,1:1,0a3b989d_cf34_4130_afb0_7a….png)

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5dfb1c No.21601035


>if bolstered by the bishop

what's pope up to?

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3b772d No.21601038

"Hello, Q Research."

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0fdd29 No.21601039


dont forget to check regex

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8874a4 No.21601040


She's in the club

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c8a99b No.21601041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Time after Time

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7c3ad1 No.21601042

File: c7264d409ed5a1f⋯.jpg (28.74 KB,515x429,515:429,c7264d409ed5a1fa606280b50c….jpg)

File: 280a5d3784f8d7e⋯.jpg (63.54 KB,711x424,711:424,280a5d3784f8d7e9062d4bbb3f….jpg)

File: 8b630bb2aa313e8⋯.png (873.3 KB,731x725,731:725,8b630bb2aa313e85ea3f118121….png)


>They wear their mental health on the outside.

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06577e No.21601045


It’s either a movie or real life. Can’t have both.

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7b42cf No.21601046

File: cf3179c131668cd⋯.png (155.25 KB,396x323,396:323,ralph3cHap.png)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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5dfb1c No.21601048


see even the shills are paying attention

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7c3ad1 No.21601050


If you'd just stay up drinking all night, you wouldn't need coffee this early in the morning.

And you could sleep through your shift like a DEI hire.

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b2a7bc No.21601051


Tell me about don jr

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5dfb1c No.21601052


American MQ-9 Reaper UAV shot down by the Houthis.

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5dfb1c No.21601054

File: 8bd09ea0d74e0e0⋯.png (387.11 KB,437x440,437:440,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b7f0a No.21601055

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: bae73c86dacf5dc⋯.png (15.2 KB,284x39,284:39,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)

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e873d3 No.21601056

File: b758f9a57b0eef1⋯.png (2.15 MB,1251x821,1251:821,goodnight.PNG)



Now that you say that, he would make a good assassin.

Who would suspect him?

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4594d4 No.21601057

File: 9d84620a94ebc0e⋯.png (73.48 KB,296x286,148:143,9d84620a94ebc0e9969096d250….png)


Sure kid

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5dfb1c No.21601059


LGBT - recognized as extremists in the territory of the Russian Federation

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b2a7bc No.21601060


I only asked a question.

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2c1ec9 No.21601061

File: e47ceb75f99f714⋯.png (82.43 KB,690x938,345:469,179DA04A_3A44_41D2_B577_B9….png)


good morning Ralph.

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1923c2 No.21601062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Today we choose to identify and annul the mechanisms that have been put in place to bind us, to hinder us from happiness and freedom.

These are the mechanisms ofFear.

ToBreakfree from the mechanisms of fear one must start with their notion of fear. As you awaken, what are your first set of thoughts? Will you let fear lead your day?

Allow yourself to be led byLOVE & CREATIVITY.

As you travel this path you will findSafety

As you travel this path you will findTruth

As you travel this path you will findTRUST

-identify anything in your life that is causing fear, then eliminate it.

-you must enter this battle with an open mind, you have had fear based programming blasted at you since you were young.

-the sum of all fear is death and annihilation.

-would your creator want this for you?

-Remove your Cross from the Stone and you will find it.

-Good Mourning? orBeautiful Day!!

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034db9 No.21601064

File: adacc904ced77fc⋯.png (1.13 MB,2944x6954,1472:3477,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07ad4b155d93827⋯.png (493.41 KB,2944x1438,1472:719,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f05759ef2a23175⋯.png (389.43 KB,2944x1438,1472:719,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68344059649b635⋯.png (251.43 KB,2944x1438,1472:719,ClipboardImage.png)


>Dunn is the top litigator at white-shoe law firm Paul Weiss,

What happened in 2016? (kekitty) Seems that their government contracts fell off a cliff.

Since then, perhaps Paul Weiss Rifkind, etc thought it best not to bid. If they had won contracts the data would have been collected.

In the DoS reading room are several documents showing Paul Weiss etc. attorneys representing Chinese clients.



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b2a7bc No.21601065

File: ba80c00dda4ab77⋯.png (820.67 KB,724x884,181:221,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dfb1c No.21601066

An explosion occurred in the center of the German city of Cologne this morning during a major police operation, the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger newspaper reports.

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a5f743 No.21601067

File: 6add82d518e645f⋯.jpg (935.2 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240915_174135….jpg)

File: 170b6a14ccd03ce⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240915_173843….jpg)

File: 8b75b48ec43374c⋯.jpg (70.61 KB,960x720,4:3,Kayleigh_McEnany_1_1625987….jpg)

File: 6d63f759d43a725⋯.jpg (41.62 KB,1024x576,16:9,oan2_1024x576.jpg)

File: 5f68292dee89d8a⋯.jpg (95.58 KB,807x1024,807:1024,ike_turner_s_807x1024.jpg)


So, Jewel moved from the U.S. / Russia border [AK] to the US / MEX border [SanDiego]

Jewel's family is from Suisse but now live in AK…

Jewelry signed her first record deal with Ike Turner in San Diego. Tina died in Suisse.

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b2a7bc No.21601068

File: 4fb90cdcb4792ab⋯.png (1.51 MB,570x1123,570:1123,ClipboardImage.png)

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632536 No.21601069

File: db1ecf76c21b7fc⋯.png (7.87 KB,467x121,467:121,ClipboardImage.png)


Ryan Routh

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092658 No.21601070

Tell Gary son of the whore to be ready for real fight soon

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5dfb1c No.21601071


The explosion took place in the entrance way of the Vanity nightclub in the Hohenzollernring area, known as a main entertainment district of Cologne, at around 5.50 a.m. local time, a police spokesman told NBC News.

The police said that at least one person might have been slightly injured in the incident.

Several glass windows apparently burst in the explosion “and could have likely harmed more people, if the explosion had occurred at a later time,” the spokesman said.

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680abd No.21601072


I'll broke the legs of that albino

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b2a7bc No.21601074

File: b6af7f94a2c46af⋯.png (121.68 KB,852x478,426:239,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74a4e727ce77477⋯.png (315.55 KB,1079x957,1079:957,ClipboardImage.png)

Mark Levin



Sep 16, 2024, 7:04 AM



Sep 6 • 2 tweets • 1 min read • Read on X

I am a Democrat.

I support most progressive policies.

I will be voting for President Trump.

Please watch and share my speech below to understand why.


I’m sure many disagree, or are even disappointed with my choice, which is fine! Respectful political disagreement is vital for our democracy. I would ask that we nonetheless recognize we are all on the same time: fighting for the future of American Jewry


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5dfb1c No.21601075

File: e64cf09305de684⋯.png (14.71 KB,564x112,141:28,ClipboardImage.png)


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a5f743 No.21601076

File: 7754c339667dc7d⋯.jpg (1.45 MB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240915_173544….jpg)

File: f9b15398492509a⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240915_174448….jpg)

File: 116ea729503bdaa⋯.jpg (126.23 KB,727x485,727:485,jewel_better_727x485_17762….jpg)

File: 6d63f759d43a725⋯.jpg (41.62 KB,1024x576,16:9,oan2_1024x576.jpg)

File: f51799c076197e1⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,4384x3112,548:389,487170085_4092777902.jpg)


Tomi L. is also San Diego

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8b7f0a No.21601077

File: 4c607ebfd09a32a⋯.png (357.65 KB,291x580,291:580,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)

File: b58c350e7265cfc⋯.png (584.26 KB,494x643,494:643,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)

File: 4f45ba917746919⋯.png (99.27 KB,291x153,97:51,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 839739d0cb41a1f⋯.png (13.17 KB,164x54,82:27,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)

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7c3ad1 No.21601078

File: a44cb2a3e0dbdf4⋯.png (404.31 KB,710x889,710:889,a44cb2a3e0dbdf418c824d45fd….png)

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436e18 No.21601079


unless people do not realize they are players in a movie. Maybe looking glass is the movie maybe anons saw the sneak preview also. But everyone is "acting' as they were predicted they would. again indicating a role but at the same time technically real time action via muh free will.

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5dfb1c No.21601080

File: 2eea3e21147dcbe⋯.png (265.82 KB,464x354,232:177,ClipboardImage.png)

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632536 No.21601081


Multiple meanings necessary.

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5fd2b6 No.21601083

File: 1e689a118e25430⋯.png (75.46 KB,226x216,113:108,laughs.png)


Pictured Kamala for a piccolo player myself.

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632536 No.21601084

Pennsylvania assassin has all the hall marks of an inside job. Ryan Routh has been caught alive. Big trouble in little chyna.

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5dfb1c No.21601086

File: c8d5038d5289f34⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB,640x352,20:11,27flights.mp4)

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e873d3 No.21601087


Not only shills, but you namefags get the filter too.

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5dfb1c No.21601088


>Ryan Routh has been caught alive.

Death penalty for assassins?

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71f6c1 No.21601089

File: b5ff8cc2877a29f⋯.png (762.76 KB,652x490,326:245,b5ff8cc2877a29f4a5ffd1f94e….png)

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8b7f0a No.21601090

File: caef3d5756b9469⋯.png (402.25 KB,775x725,31:29,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)


NEW YORK, Aug 12 (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign to win the White House is getting a huge boost from Paul Weiss, a white shoe law firm with deep links to the Democratic Party.

A favorite of Big Tech and Wall Street, Paul Weiss employees have donated more to Democratic candidates this election cycle than any other law firm. A partner from the firm has also helped Harris prepare for debates, while Chairman Brad Karp is rallying other lawyers around the vice president.


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436e18 No.21601091


what do you think black people are.

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5dfb1c No.21601092

File: dd823e52e7abdf0⋯.png (359.39 KB,564x423,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>batshit crazy

At the very end of the movie Contagion, a flash-back to “day zero” reveals the origin of the deadly disease that becomes a catastrophic global pandemic: An infected bat inadvertently shared its food with a pig, which is slaughtered and served at a casino in Macau, whose head chef shakes hands with Gwyneth Paltrow. For a long time, in the early days of its inception and spread, it seemed that the novel coronavirus had emerged under similar circumstances.

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0fdd29 No.21601093

File: 539ef6304824914⋯.png (28.52 KB,765x298,765:298,ClipboardImage.png)


>Paul Weiss

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c4a0e0 No.21601094


and he’s gonna be like “yeah Laura Loomer told me where to go and at what time

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89279d No.21601095

notables bun @300

tending till wurk starts

czech em

#26458 >>21600718


>>21600752, >>21600808 Connecting the sh**ter to to fightforukraine, seeking support of elected officials

>>21600767, >>21600772 Duckworth on Assassination Attempt and Debate

>>21600782 Wife of Impeachment Conspirator Alexander Vindman Gets Obliterated After Mocking Second Trump Assassination

>>21600809 Congress was on vacation during both assasination attempts

>>21600813 @MarcoPolo501c3: 2 yrs ago, daughter of the would-be assassination arrested for assault on a gov't official

>>21600818 2002 in North Carolina, Routh charged w/possessing a "weapon of mass destruction" - automatic machine gun

>>21600825 me/EnochsNewsBlast/: mapped positions of DJT, USSS and Routh

>>21600846 routh's son: says his dad hates Trump like 'all reasonable people'

>>21600848, >>21600857 Tito Jackson dies, aged 70

>>21600886, >>21600901 May 2022 - routh appeared in Azov battalion propoganda vid

>>21600887, >>21600891, >>21600896 Moar routh Ukraine connections

>>21600904 Breaking: Ryan Routh was an Eagle Scout

>>21600927, >>21600946, >>21600954, >>21600958, >>21600961, >>21600965, >>21600967, >>21600994, >>21600996 Into the Soo - diggz on possible C_A routh connections

Ghost grab

>>21600972 Pentagon orders study of potential nuclear strike in Eastern Europe

>>21600999 musk presidential poll with 5.8mm votes - Trump 73% | Harris 27%

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5dfb1c No.21601096

A bullet fee is a financial charge levied on the family of executed prisoners. Bullet fees have been levied in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Kingdom of Yugoslavia, as well as in the People's Republic of China, and Nazi Germany on the families of executed prisoners.

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a5f743 No.21601097

Crooks and R Routh


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5dfb1c No.21601098

File: 011305ffd153c1d⋯.jpg (130.53 KB,1024x768,4:3,chefpepe.jpg)



In the final scene of Contagion, we get a flashback that solves the mystery of how the virus originated. Earlier in the film, Dr. Hextall notes that the MEV-1 virus contains strains of both bat and pig DNA, and in the flashback, we see a colony of bats disturbed from a tree that's being bulldozed by a truck from the very company that Beth Emhoff worked for. While in flight, one of the bats drops a piece of banana, which came in contact with the virus, in a nearby pig farm. A pig eats the piece of banana, and is later sold and butchered. We later see the pig being prepared in the kitchen of a fancy casino in Macau. After handling the infected animal, the chef is summoned away from his work. He heads out of the kitchen without washing up and poses for a photo, complete with a handshake, with Beth. This, we learn, was day one.

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809da1 No.21601099

File: b962f40cf1f8515⋯.jpeg (468.19 KB,1342x1351,1342:1351,IMG_3722.jpeg)

File: 515353bd93538d2⋯.jpeg (112.52 KB,1367x900,1367:900,IMG_3723.jpeg)

Trust the military? We are laughing stock of the world.


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e873d3 No.21601100





I believe this to be accurate and it shows how bad they have been cheating.

The soros election machines are still being used and trusted.

It blows my mind how people walk in , see the Soros election machine and cast ballots thinking they are doing something good.

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25c796 No.21601101

Protect Donald Trump!

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9ba69d No.21601102


Reality TV. Looks real, but prescripted to seem that way.

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0fdd29 No.21601103

File: bcca390c56d2d96⋯.png (21.42 KB,713x179,713:179,ClipboardImage.png)


wrong jew still a jew

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7b42cf No.21601104

File: baf6a87f2182009⋯.png (167.18 KB,393x325,393:325,ralph3dsa.png)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

doh…replied to muhself. clearly haven't had enough covfefe yet.

or the right kind


>>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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4232ba No.21601105

File: df55967de946a47⋯.png (297.13 KB,483x679,69:97,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09ce43074dffe01⋯.png (156.57 KB,476x680,7:10,ClipboardImage.png)

Remember that EU tinpot dictator wannabe Thierry Brwton who threatened Elon Musk last month?

He just resigned. Good riddance!


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75922f No.21601106


There's no doubt in my mind that Taylor Swift is in the club.

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5dfb1c No.21601107

File: 570ea4a9ec61dd2⋯.png (838.02 KB,1000x562,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)

We see Dr. Hextall placing a sample of her vaccine in cold storage along with the vaccines for SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by a strain of coronavirus) and H1N1 (a subtype of the influenza A virus also known as "swine flu"). She looks back at her work with a content smile and the knowledge that her work helped save the lives of millions.

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5fd2b6 No.21601108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Protect Donald Trump!

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2c1ec9 No.21601109

File: 20758c7b1f34ec8⋯.jpeg (38.93 KB,600x450,4:3,46764DB2_D13F_495C_B02D_7….jpeg)

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034db9 No.21601110

File: 79dba089a9bed5d⋯.jpeg (16.22 KB,255x255,1:1,Best_Pepe.jpeg)

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11a64f No.21601111

File: a7f299208130984⋯.png (337.32 KB,580x1070,58:107,4730.png)

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a5f743 No.21601112

File: 2683131d0222613⋯.png (300.52 KB,422x585,422:585,2683131d02226138a8932dda00….png)

File: 654825351533834⋯.jpg (529.11 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240916_022410….jpg)

File: 6e0374047a21830⋯.jpg (115.52 KB,1280x720,16:9,lara_trump_this_debate_was….jpg)

No one sees this?



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e873d3 No.21601113

File: 07636bfa3d0051e⋯.webm (3.79 MB,960x544,30:17,rafah.webm)

Which plot of land is now going to be Nat and Yahoo's beach villa?

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436e18 No.21601114


full of semen.

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5fd2b6 No.21601115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b35616 No.21601116

File: 68e50d67cb27ac7⋯.jpeg (250.34 KB,1131x655,1131:655,IMG_5483.jpeg)

File: 1c8e67e9af74a66⋯.jpeg (217.56 KB,1121x653,1121:653,IMG_5484.jpeg)


Trump posted at 1136. Q post 1136 simply states “Syria”

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b35616 No.21601117

File: 2626283c980e799⋯.jpeg (749.31 KB,1170x1530,13:17,IMG_5482.jpeg)

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5dfb1c No.21601118

Lady Gaga, Mark Cuban, Bernie Sanders, Fauci And More Join Bill Gates Netflix Special: 'I Have Always Loved Learning'

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7e3f0f No.21601119


WTF is that even for toy?

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4232ba No.21601120

File: 9feefc60a56986a⋯.png (735.99 KB,1044x1200,87:100,ClipboardImage.png)

Trans activist Alex Scott fled the state to escape allegations of molesting a five-year-old & then dismembered a stranger with a chainsaw (the victim's head is still missing).

Alex Scott was to be charged with two counts of lewd molestation before the attempted escape.

The cult knowingly indulges in mental illnesses as virtues and funded a false "protected class" narrative to give free reign to mentwlly deranged psychopathic killers.


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d16a1e No.21601121

File: 1b73b7aed4c3c9f⋯.mp4 (11.55 MB,1280x720,16:9,Kk_XsGsEIrhWMBDz.mp4)

Shadow of Ezra


Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Routh actually appeared in a commercial for Azov, a volunteer battalion in Ukraine originally formed in 2014 to combat Russian-backed separatists in the Donbas region.

What are the chances that both assassins ended up featured in commercials?

Thomas Matthew Crooks the first assassin appeared in a BlackRock commercial.


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89d709 No.21601122


Don't forget about the republican train being attacked by a trash truck.

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5dfb1c No.21601123

File: 791d3104b0984c9⋯.png (563.48 KB,776x576,97:72,ClipboardImage.png)

EcoHealth Alliance is a New York–based nonprofit that specializes in research on pandemic risk from emerging "disease hotspots" in the developing world. In 2014, it received a five-year, $3.7 million NIAID grant to collect virus samples from human beings and bats in China and then sequence and experiment on these viruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

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30dc05 No.21601124

Here are some general tips I have if you’re a smaller account and would like to grow. They may not apply to everyone:

• Subscribe to X Premium: Accounts with blue checkmarks are automatically pushed to the top of the reply section. If you don’t have that blue check, people are much less likely to see your comments, especially larger accounts that get a lot of comments under their posts.

• Reply to bigger accounts: One of the best strategies to reach that 5M impression threshold to become eligible for ad revenue is to sort of become a reply guy. If you’re one of the first to reply under a big account, it’s much more likely that your reply will be seen by a lot of people. I can’t begin to tell you how many people have turned on notifications for my account (and others' accounts) and are the first ones to comment under posts. This has resulted in nearly all of them becoming eligible for ad revenue and boosted their overall follower counts.

• Niche: While this doesn’t apply to everyone, focusing on a niche with your content means people know what to expect when they go to your account.

• Keep it civil: Nobody likes a complainer or someone who frequently insults/attacks people. People won’t want to engage with you. It might help you get some clicks here and there, but it’s not a good long-term strategy. It’s a turn-off.

• Be consistent: One of the biggest mistakes I see smaller accounts make is that they give up too early. I started with 300 followers. I have posted Tesla/EV news for 4.5 years straight, 7 days per week. I still do, but I post on average 75% less than I did a couple of years ago, yet my impressions haven’t dropped. The Tesla community is 50x bigger now than when I started, so it's much easier to grow now. If people know your account produces a certain type of content, they’ll add you to lists on X, search your name more often, etc. Don't give up.

• Keep things simple: If most people can’t understand what you’re saying, they won’t engage with you.

• Algorithm: Sometimes the algo can be your best friend, and sometimes it can feel like it’s working against you. Don’t overthink it. Just stay focused on what you do best and keep posting content people find interesting.

• Spaces: Frequently talking on X Spaces can actually bring you a lot of new followers if you have interesting things to say, and larger accounts will start to recognize you more and be more inclined to engage with you.

• Don’t engage with haters: I used to do this a lot in the early days. What can I say? I was new to the game lol. But it never ended with any sort of resolution, was a huge waste of time, and the people that came to my account for news had no interest in any beef I might have had with another account. Now, I ignore 99.9% of it.

• Visuals: Most people on social media have short attention spans. Grabbing their attention with high-quality visuals can help a lot.

• No Chat GPT/Grok replies: The number of people that use Chat GPT/Grok to come up with replies is insane. You can immediately tell AI wrote it, so don’t do it. Be unique and come up with your own words. Using Chat GPT/Grok for punctuation and grammar fixes is fine.

• Anonymous accounts: If people know your real name and face, your account is likely to do better, and people will trust you more.

• Be yourself: If you try to be something you’re not, people will sniff that out.

• Formatting: I see a lot of people format their posts in a way that makes everything look like a mess. Use bullet points, paragraph breaks, etc. You ideally want a clean look.

I'm sure I'll think of other tips later that aren't listed above, but I hope this helps a little. Some of these tips are obvious, but are worth reiterating.


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2c1b18 No.21601125

File: 70b300c482d9bd7⋯.png (325.49 KB,667x374,667:374,ClipboardImage.png)

schumer called it tho tbh

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8f3f2a No.21601126

File: 9d84620a94ebc0e⋯.png (73.48 KB,296x286,148:143,9d84620a94ebc0e9969096d250….png)


lurk moar

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2c1ec9 No.21601127

File: a324596c2702df6⋯.png (89.89 KB,690x938,345:469,F1E11FD8_E8BD_45EB_BBA1_AD….png)


let’s fucking’ go

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d16a1e No.21601128

File: 9ddbf978303a045⋯.mp4 (12.21 MB,320x568,40:71,RUAp74XbphjSyq51_4.mp4)

Ian Carroll




Is this evidence the Trump assassin was a CIA asset?

It’s still early, don’t jump to any conclusions.

I’m just out here doing the FBIs job for them because we all know Chris Ray busy prepping the cover up as we speak.



for the archives


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a5f743 No.21601130

File: 1f4f57b71cbe460⋯.jpg (22.92 KB,474x223,474:223,th_3474892588.jpg)

File: 52154f481c30176⋯.jpeg (19.58 KB,195x255,13:17,2626283c980e799f3aab06423….jpeg)



https://www.newsweek.com › michelle-obamas-proud-remarks-83559

Michelle Obama's 'Proud' Remarks - Newsweek

An unguarded comment from Michelle Obama speaks volumes about race and assimilation in modern America. U.S. … Michelle Obama's 'Proud' Remarks. Published Mar 12, 2008 at 8:00 PM EDT Updated Mar …

https://abcnews.go.com › Politics › story?id=4314760&page=1

Michelle Obama's comments under fire - ABC News

February 19, 2008, 11:38 PM. – Michelle Obama, wife of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, is taking heat for saying Monday at a Milwaukee rally that "for the first time in my adult …

https://www.indystar.com › story › news › 2018 › 01 › 10 › here-7-ways-michelle-obama-made-us-stop-and-notice › 1020390001

Michelle Obama quotes and moments we can't forget - IndyStar

Pride in her husband and country. "For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country, because



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af587c No.21601131


[They're] getting sloppy or we're getting better at digging

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2c1b18 No.21601132

File: 0661c2f69be5fbe⋯.png (115.61 KB,229x255,229:255,trump_shooting_7_13_24_77_….png)

File: 764b481bba1a14a⋯.png (35.21 KB,934x696,467:348,ARCHIVE_OF_BLACKROCK_VIDEO….png)

File: 2020f58a8981f1d⋯.png (35.88 KB,874x772,437:386,ARCHIVE_OF_BLACKROCK_VIDEO….png)

File: 1309369376766be⋯.png (181.03 KB,513x400,513:400,trump_shooting_7_13_24_36_….png)

File: 86eb7ec120a928c⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,640x360,16:9,Who_we_impact_Financial_fr….mp4)


>What are the chances that both assassins ended up featured in commercials

for reference here is the 1st one

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5dfb1c No.21601133

File: 7a8233fc3119283⋯.png (782.25 KB,792x1008,11:14,ClipboardImage.png)


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61174b No.21601134

File: 2626283c980e799⋯.jpeg (749.31 KB,1170x1530,13:17,IMG_5482.jpeg)

File: 68e50d67cb27ac7⋯.jpeg (250.34 KB,1131x655,1131:655,IMG_5483.jpeg)

File: 1c8e67e9af74a66⋯.jpeg (217.56 KB,1121x653,1121:653,IMG_5484.jpeg)

File: 67fc4dfff37059f⋯.jpeg (636.3 KB,1128x1613,1128:1613,IMG_5485.jpeg)

File: b4637826c9867cb⋯.jpeg (332.13 KB,1139x876,1139:876,IMG_5486.jpeg)


Trump is telling us to pay attention to Syria, Iran, Israel. He posted at 11:36 on truth social, the decides never lie

Iran, Syria, McCain, Israel striking to hide evidence

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b625af No.21601135

File: 92aaa0305c85785⋯.mp4 (7.99 MB,1280x720,16:9,Constantine_Vs_Gabriel.mp4)

File: 5a6eca16bdba464⋯.png (1.75 MB,1323x882,3:2,1726439815809.png)

File: 188fb32611dfedc⋯.png (1.6 MB,942x1237,942:1237,1726439962023.png)



Nighty Night Baker!

For Them Nessun Dorma (No Sleep)



TX: EL96xq

RX: KM72rx


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5dfb1c No.21601136

File: 561d734957c81c0⋯.png (334.08 KB,634x459,634:459,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc32376450effc6⋯.png (335.4 KB,634x424,317:212,ClipboardImage.png)


Scott came to the authority's attention in January 2020 when she walked into a Manhattan police station covered in blood, and told officers: 'I think I may have killed someone last night.'

By then police had already found the body of the elegant antiques dealer in his Upper East Side apartment on 83rd Street near Park Avenue.

Savinsky who met Scott on a dating site, was found with his throat cut and deep gashes to his head in the blood-spattered apartment.

Scott had been seen walking out of the apartment building, wearing Savinski's black jacket and counting money with noticeable hand injuries.

Scott then allegedly used Savinski's credit cards to pay for a hotel room in New Jersey, where the killer woke up the next day, covered in blood and apparently with little memory of what had happened the night before.

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44808e No.21601137

anything wrong with this analysis?

The alleged assassin was a recruiter for mercenaries for Ukraine. He seems to have been some kind of CIA persona. He donated to Democrat causes. Seemed a bit of a zealot. He was supposedly all upset about the 'Democracy' in Ukraine, but seemingly ignoring that Ukraine is a dictatorship.

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5dfb1c No.21601138

File: cd895b9eac55747⋯.png (691.47 KB,634x748,317:374,ClipboardImage.png)

Scott is seen at a 2017 fashion show fundraiser supporting the Children's Abuse Network

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44808e No.21601139


were there not two trains?

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8d2322 No.21601140

File: 17989f989ef6ecb⋯.png (608.41 KB,879x578,879:578,ClipboardImage.png)

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89d709 No.21601141


Only 1 involved.

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2c1b18 No.21601142

File: fe7734be266fed9⋯.png (548.55 KB,591x831,197:277,trump_2nd_shooter_ryan_rou….png)

File: 4cfb2e6e37f8075⋯.jpeg (173.5 KB,1179x1232,1179:1232,trump_2nd_shooter_ryan_ro….jpeg)

File: 768369702291be3⋯.png (680.55 KB,760x507,760:507,TRUMP_SHOOTING_9_15_24_Pho….png)

File: a0e07f5a41642b7⋯.png (181.47 KB,591x831,197:277,Trump_shooter_Ryan_Routh_w….png)

File: ea94254f1e1caee⋯.png (2.27 MB,959x961,959:961,FAGGOT_THAT_SHOT_TRUMP_9_1….png)


>[They're] getting sloppy

>>21597967pb Shooter's FB page archived: https://x.com/realjakejacks/status/1835449839058092363

this one's a big clown fuckup. the clown shoes are flopping everywhere

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436e18 No.21601143


must really suck then to have those assholes beat you up everyday.

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89d709 No.21601144


"It was a very high-speed collision," U.S. Rep. Jeff Denham, R-Calif., who was on board. "There was no braking that was felt. We hit an immediate impact and went from 70 to zero very quickly."

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1923c2 No.21601145

File: 3559d38e5a489d4⋯.jpeg (90.61 KB,1024x684,256:171,3559d38e5a489d4be57ea5567….jpeg)

thing only to fear, is fear itself!!

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5dfb1c No.21601146

File: e6dc46a5a440d60⋯.png (619.4 KB,634x591,634:591,ClipboardImage.png)


Routh was so dedicated to Ukraine he cut grass at Independence Square in Kyiv using scissors

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44808e No.21601147


why don't you just say

. . . . is a health care profiteer which siphons health care dollars into the coffers of internatinoalist cabal

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71f6c1 No.21601148

File: 70818df65edf1f5⋯.gif (1.84 MB,331x200,331:200,sup_buddy.gif)

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062d9c No.21601149

My assumption is, these rogue shooters, have a comprehensive list of illegal activities, anyway, and don't mind being used as a pawn shooter, for better prison conditions, or told they will get the worst. While the master minds go unnoticed.

They never look like people who can easily devise making a salad, let alone getting close to and exacting locations…

All guilty mind you, guess we need to follow the money trail, I know the ones in charge of the wh hats, know it all, time to expose it all.

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5dfb1c No.21601150

File: b4110f68fed3cd4⋯.png (586.4 KB,634x741,634:741,ClipboardImage.png)



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d27fa9 No.21601151


Do we have info on the mother of his children?

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d16a1e No.21601152

File: a3a16fa2f14b155⋯.mp4 (5.23 MB,640x360,16:9,Pg3RfkftB1MgLM3P.mp4)


Elon Musk


Making life multiplanetary would dramatically derisk civilizational extinction

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c3e16d No.21601153


That’s racist. Black people don’t know how to use a Twitter.

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2c1b18 No.21601154

File: 78b72a40831c18d⋯.png (913.2 KB,1086x886,543:443,ClipboardImage.png)


>Routh was so dedicated to Ukraine he cut grass at Independence Square in Kyiv using scissors

yeah this is all presentational crap straight out of a gay clown book. For the masses we say he's a classic MSM-brainwashed crazy.

For us I say he's a stupid clown.

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44808e No.21601155


that Ukraine is a dictatorship seems to have escaped this person.

That killing a candidate is an actual attack on a democratic process also escaped this person.

it's like the worst predictions of Orwell in his novel 1984 have borne fruit in Democrats and their supporters.

they seem inverted.

how can we, as anon, show them that they've been subverted and inverted?

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d16a1e No.21601156



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89279d No.21601157


just send the commies to mars

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e873d3 No.21601158

He was arrested on I-95 an hour later.

How do we know 100% this is the guy and that he was there alone?

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2c1b18 No.21601159

File: 9fbac631471c159⋯.png (289.31 KB,500x500,1:1,leftist_hate_tds_against_t….png)



"send" them to "mars"

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436e18 No.21601160


some digs last night I think they are separated she is a paralegal who had a 10k lawsuit against her from a local bank for collections.

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0fdd29 No.21601161


did the CIA finally get caught?

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7e569c No.21601163

File: f7386e2916c370d⋯.png (1.43 MB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_rt_com_172648….png)

Ukraine planning ‘inhumane’ false flag attack – Russian intelligence

A children’s facility could be targeted, the SVR has claimed.

Kiev is preparing a false flag operation, in which a children’s hospital or kindergarten could be hit by a supposed Russian missile strike, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) has claimed.

The “inhumane provocation” is being masterminded by the leaders of Ukrainian intelligence and the military at the advice of “US handlers,” the statement said on Monday. The goal is to cause a large number of casualties and publicize the event through the international media, the agency added.

Kiev hopes that its plot will help justify long-range strikes using Western weapons deep inside Russia, the SVR believes. The US would then use the incident to ramp up pressure on Iran and North Korea for supposedly providing ballistic missiles to Russia, the agency said.

On July 8, Kiev accused Moscow of deliberately targeting the Okhmatdet children’s hospital in central Kiev during a large-scale missile barrage. Interior Minister Igor Klimenko reported that two adults were killed in the incident, and 32 people including children were injured.


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5dfb1c No.21601164


>straight out of a gay clown book



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8874a4 No.21601165


Wow, a house full of crazy.

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c2a9b6 No.21601166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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71f6c1 No.21601167


How exactly is he getting a weapons of mass destruction charge (never even heard of a charge of that nature) from a sheet of stolen goods charges?

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2c1b18 No.21601168

File: 205bf794dcbeb32⋯.jpg (2.45 MB,2136x1602,4:3,911_dew_melted_rocks_3.jpg)

File: daf1e61c925cf60⋯.jpg (208.83 KB,1200x778,600:389,911_dew_melted_rocks_2.jpg)

File: 240cf7598d5a6de⋯.jpg (194.39 KB,650x975,2:3,911_dew_melted_rocks.jpg)

File: 1dd191c1350160c⋯.png (6.83 MB,1800x1349,1800:1349,DEW_energy_weapon_911_hole….png)

File: f0b04641c85a743⋯.png (1.88 MB,796x990,398:495,DEW_energy_weapon_911_hole….png)


>do we know 100%

nothing's ever 100%.

Except death, taxes, and they used DEW on 9/11.

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ebdbe9 No.21601169

File: 748bc26318b3ea5⋯.jpg (129.37 KB,768x1024,3:4,Nigger_Gonn_Nigg.jpg)

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062d9c No.21601170


faulty lying on the spot, while writing a tale of lies, most likely…

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2c1b18 No.21601171


>How exactly is he getting a weapons of mass destruction charge (never even heard of a charge of that nature) from a sheet of stolen goods charges?

They changes the definition after our time anon. Now everything's WMD & everyone's a terrorist. It was probably the patriot act?

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bdc61d No.21601172

File: 19f775fd7a09874⋯.png (265.82 KB,1500x1000,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c1b18 No.21601173

>>21601167 >>21601171

someone said it was a fully automatic he didn't have a tax stamp for

so instead of burning down his building like waco (same charge) he got probation because he's GLOWNIGGER 100% FED 100%

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062d9c No.21601174

File: d2f482b39549e98⋯.png (2.37 MB,933x925,933:925,d2f482b39549e98b524e0a27f4….png)

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bdc61d No.21601175


mofos can't meme

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5dfb1c No.21601176

File: 6244caf7c36b74d⋯.png (367.27 KB,750x404,375:202,ClipboardImage.png)


In 2023 interview, alleged Trump plotter decried Ukrainian obstacles for foreign soldiers

When Ryan Routh spoke to Semafor on March 7, 2023, he was frustrated with the Ukrainian government for which he’d traveled around the world to support.

The Ukrainians, he complained, were being too rigid about admitting foreign soldiers of dubious qualifications, including a group of Afghan commandos who were facing skepticism and bureaucratic roadblocks in Kyiv.

“Ukraine is very often hard to work with. Many foreign soldiers leave after a week in Ukraine or must move from unit to unit to find a place they are respected and appreciated,” he told Semafor. He’d been “yelled at” every time he suggested they tap Afghan commandos. “They’re afraid that anybody and everybody is a Russian spy,” he said with frustration.

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2c1b18 No.21601177




Mega clownshow

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062d9c No.21601178


More like rent a fed, but you're right there.

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12a726 No.21601180


money and the prospect of fame can cloud judgement

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4232ba No.21601181

File: ce568e6b9ab6372⋯.png (608.77 KB,500x639,500:639,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dfb1c No.21601182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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44808e No.21601183


maybe he has control of some of that weaponry that was abandoned by the marxist deep state generals in Afghanistan.

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2c1ec9 No.21601184

File: f648d863fd74d35⋯.jpeg (520.66 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,C9FC9F72_968E_42FA_A0E9_7….jpeg)

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062d9c No.21601185


Remember, they work on blackmail, find the worst thing for that person they can do, and barter, this or that, to get them to do their own dirty work.

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2c1b18 No.21601186

File: 3c9f0cd55f665f8⋯.png (590.53 KB,939x500,939:500,bttf_5th_nov_remember_2.png)

File: bb4112c0c031947⋯.jpg (31.18 KB,400x420,20:21,bttf_5th_nov_remember.jpg)

File: 3ea2ddfe0a5019d⋯.jpeg (81.01 KB,862x575,862:575,trump_listening_to_god.jpeg)

File: 24b4d0ce5aebf8a⋯.png (66.17 KB,592x791,592:791,nov_5th_fireworks_guy_fawk….png)

File: 1e315cd93cfed5e⋯.jpeg (55.95 KB,800x453,800:453,Trump_DNA_USA_killed_coro….jpeg)


>nothing's ever 100%.

>Except death, taxes, and they used DEW on 9/11.

i should meme this

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2c1ec9 No.21601187

File: 06e0ffc41ca717b⋯.png (1.54 MB,750x1334,375:667,A1A80A4D_9000_4D6A_AD08_B2….png)

File: 0f6c3a8b57de0f5⋯.png (32.29 KB,690x454,345:227,59BDC143_42C1_48D2_8539_18….png)

File: dd372250615989d⋯.jpeg (459.23 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,90E06D21_27EB_4A9E_B666_6….jpeg)

File: e480a912244002d⋯.jpeg (455.15 KB,2047x1365,2047:1365,AEE7669B_38FE_4F68_8DC2_F….jpeg)

fuckers, could you make the watch any moar blurry.

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e873d3 No.21601188


I think AI was still top secret in 2001

Did you like the AI video of the planes hitting the towers?

I believe they declassified the AI programs to counter or put doubt in the pictures that they thought would be released through Q.

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ebdbe9 No.21601189

File: 2c2101c5a956917⋯.jpg (121.99 KB,1024x684,256:171,CIA_Faggot_Assassination.jpg)

File: 1d8bede4666f157⋯.jpg (138.98 KB,1000x750,4:3,Every_Presidential_Assassi….jpg)

File: 57099dc7aaac207⋯.jpg (84.16 KB,540x931,540:931,Tim_AWAL_.jpg)

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4232ba No.21601190

File: 3f231f0cadf50a6⋯.png (806.72 KB,900x653,900:653,ClipboardImage.png)

Shooter had Biden/Harris sticker on truck.


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2c1ec9 No.21601192

File: aafe28492d015d5⋯.png (226.5 KB,750x1334,375:667,1E0D1B2F_CC28_4718_A84B_38….png)

File: 161472038b75b4a⋯.png (93.77 KB,690x938,345:469,9878B546_15AE_432A_8588_D1….png)

File: 6168342b6779f5b⋯.png (180.57 KB,690x1824,115:304,1B133175_C7FA_474A_86F9_3F….png)

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2c1b18 No.21601193

File: 8cb9401a66702b5⋯.png (382.89 KB,463x477,463:477,walz.png)

File: c2c6523ff9007a6⋯.png (37.82 KB,247x162,247:162,77777777_trump_will_win_20….png)

File: e6e0aaac333080b⋯.png (1.78 MB,1068x787,1068:787,77777777_trump_will_win_20….png)

File: 3c0cfcef8f2622c⋯.jpg (176.45 KB,879x1117,879:1117,bulletproof_headrest_in_ca….jpg)

File: 919244e3fdc23c9⋯.png (249.96 KB,500x500,1:1,trump_not_going_to_be_nice.png)

Have a good & great morning frens.

Communists are losing bigly.

I must go sit at the wagey desk now.

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062d9c No.21601194

File: 7e32bddba82cb8f⋯.png (59.31 KB,526x508,263:254,ClipboardImage.png)

God already Won


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2c1ec9 No.21601195

File: 02b0686a3f9d961⋯.png (1.46 MB,750x1334,375:667,46566E7F_BFF6_45D7_B655_D2….png)

File: 9b049dda442bb93⋯.png (25.66 KB,690x410,69:41,03052721_4F3B_41FC_81A9_A2….png)

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be8434 No.21601196

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


These public facing AI music tools are making me wonder if all the beats and songs were truly works of talent or propped up by ai

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2c1b18 No.21601197

File: 5ae3114eda89b33⋯.png (207.52 KB,520x300,26:15,data_center_power_usage_pr….png)

File: 9408c322c7ad52c⋯.png (1.28 MB,1200x850,24:17,data_center_power_usage_pr….png)

File: 029179215b9964f⋯.mp4 (486.58 KB,640x636,160:159,pepe_point_power.mp4)


>I think AI was still top secret in 2001

Yeah you can track when AI really started by power usage. It doesn't take power plants to run normal servers & databases. Just this "training the model". It was used for arab spring 100%, ukraine maiden 100%, and also 2008 obama madness. It generates scripts. Just from looking at when our culture went insane, my guess is it was fully operational in 2007.

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924d33 No.21601198

File: b85c4bc5a7fe947⋯.png (3.24 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

So the C_A wanna make it look like Azov got their hooks into this blue-haired faggot and gave him a mission to kill DJT.

Has that stink of Oswald being a simp for Russia too doesn't it.

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26e194 No.21601199

File: 31dab76232751bd⋯.png (3.22 MB,2300x1250,46:25,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_7….png)

Morning anons…

Just want to say great work to anons who grabbed the FB pages and X accounts details before it all was scrubbed. 7 years ago we likely would not have been quick enough and now we have their playbook, at least on this mockingbird assassination attempts.

Mike Adams is stating from sources that the leak is in Homeland security which is leaking locations to the FBI. The FBI is running the shooters and also running the investigations into their own shit (Las Vegas style…).

We need to bust up their op and they made a bad mistake in leaving the shooter alive.



"Dasting connections here.

Drop 2212 mentions [RR] and attempts to stall Declas.

Was this assassination attempt an attempt to stop eventual Declas by removing Trump?

I don't believe the shooter's initials being [RR] are a coincidence."

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8874a4 No.21601200

File: 50adf9239691e75⋯.jpg (104.38 KB,960x878,480:439,50adf9239691e754a883f2f40b….jpg)

It doesn't matter if [they're] wearing a covid mask, wearing rainbow hair… or not, claiming to be 'trans', 'fighting for freedom' for another country, protesting 'climate change' trying to kill POTUS..[They] think [they're] above us all, [they] have thoughts of grandure of themselves. They think of themselves as virtuous These people are dangerous and they're everywhere. I wish a memefag could make several different memes like this one, just change out the picrel to match the situation of the moment.

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2c1ec9 No.21601201

File: a1ddc6f38d3e413⋯.png (1.91 MB,750x1334,375:667,58C33299_DB10_4CA6_96BD_8F….png)

File: 947f9b964328861⋯.png (106.43 KB,690x1334,15:29,3CB66FEE_CA6D_4800_A8DE_39….png)

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bdc61d No.21601202


by the time it filters to the public…………….

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e873d3 No.21601203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This video is crazy. Dude claims he is born into their bloodline and what he experienced as a Nephilim child.

Nathan Reynolds, shares his harrowing journey from being born into a secretive family with a dark legacy to his experiences as an elite operative. In this gripping interview, Nathan reveals the chilling realities of his upbringing, which involved encounters with otherworldly monsters and participation in covert military operations. He talks about the hidden realms and secret societies that shaped his life, recounting stories of feral people, dogmen, biblical creatures, and deep underground military bases. Nathan's story is one of survival and redemption, shedding light on the shadowy corners of his past and the extraordinary challenges he faced.

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5dfb1c No.21601204

File: a316e1147c46338⋯.mp4 (7.93 MB,640x368,40:23,While_he_needed_a_little_Q….mp4)

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30962b No.21601206


>doh…replied to muhself. clearly haven't had enough covfefe yet.

>or the right kind

I know what you mean, I talk to myself but that is ok because I don't listen.

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89279d No.21601207

File: dc359bd7dc5100c⋯.jpg (67.65 KB,594x460,297:230,3f7735bab0f73037cdadb494dd….jpg)


morn'n yo

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062d9c No.21601208



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3596a7 No.21601209


walz wife is a living caricature

kristin whatshername from SNL could put her in her character lineup

wife also has those crazy eyes - sanpaku

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062d9c No.21601210


It's very easy to control crazy, by manipulating their paranoias…

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436e18 No.21601211

File: 97626e0a060779b⋯.png (143.66 KB,297x272,297:272,ClipboardImage.png)

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4232ba No.21601212


>So the C_A wanna make it look like Azov got their hooks

No, that is what his own social media accounts contained.

C_A would have an incentive to "deboonk" his connection to clown hq Ukraine.

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3596a7 No.21601214


>God already Won


amen with bowed head and bended knee

God Bless trump and all of us

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3e91ae No.21601215

File: 6a205cc1df88b17⋯.png (429.12 KB,544x805,544:805,6a205cc1df88b178b08c1c0e3b….png)

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3596a7 No.21601216


yes! ty!

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062d9c No.21601217


when the cia has control over accts, the media, etc, they can write whatever they want, to 'attempt' to cover their own asses, it's getting old, and noticeable, finally…

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4232ba No.21601218


RR is Rod Rosenstein

INB4 double meanings exist

INB4 disinformation is necessary

INB4 trying to portray deep state directed 187 as white hat op

INB4 moar low IQ deflection shilling

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bdc61d No.21601220

File: 696fc99945d4117⋯.jpg (114.13 KB,540x960,9:16,6cd884095199010a4a90a784c4….jpg)


sheitz blowed up yesterday big time

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ebdbe9 No.21601221

File: c25a8a88f9f0e6b⋯.jpg (75.06 KB,750x500,3:2,Farva_Kamala.jpg)

File: abc8f834155ead6⋯.jpg (88.42 KB,952x600,119:75,Aint_Seent_No_Harris_Signs.jpg)

File: aefb728c975b594⋯.jpg (89.08 KB,952x600,119:75,Aint_Seent_No_Kamala_Harri….jpg)




You know, I've recently traveled over 5000 miles across this great land of ours…

NOT ONE Biden or Harris Sticker Seent…

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4232ba No.21601222


They covered their own asses by not hiding their own involvement?

What a stupid theory.

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2c1ec9 No.21601223

File: 964499ca16743bf⋯.png (1.48 MB,750x1334,375:667,7FEE027C_9C82_489F_B42D_71….png)

File: 75573e57e444786⋯.jpeg (238.17 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,46DDE1B3_35A2_4845_A53F_3….jpeg)

File: 61ad6986ea1184a⋯.jpeg (620.66 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,AFB59341_378F_4C5D_94F6_E….jpeg)

File: 3d5e9d18084d8f4⋯.png (318.26 KB,690x2380,69:238,D0FC9D7F_26A6_404E_8AD5_DF….png)

File: ccb93a8c65eb8f4⋯.jpeg (346.79 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,A0567E7D_C945_4C95_8A01_5….jpeg)

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ebdbe9 No.21601224

File: 866693c11894b4c⋯.jpg (48.21 KB,476x300,119:75,20240916_071236.jpg)

File: 082c29e62c2b7a5⋯.jpg (142.9 KB,750x500,3:2,20240916_070719.jpg)

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924d33 No.21601226


>No, that is what his own social media accounts contained.

>C_A would have an incentive to "deboonk" his connection to clown hq Ukraine.

Disagree. If this patsy is an asset, he doesn't have 'his own social media accounts', anon.

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e01345 No.21601227

File: 19bd6893b65ab14⋯.jpg (309.62 KB,1043x667,1043:667,20240810_175725.jpg)

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062d9c No.21601228


nothing is ever hidden, that's the point…

understand, they have bookie minds, and write everything down, somewhere, to log it.

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89279d No.21601229

File: 0f9b7bca3d3dbfd⋯.jpg (123.27 KB,489x470,489:470,0f9b7bca3d3dbfd4d2397ddffb….jpg)


gonna be a jackd up week yo

ff time to try n git the gunzo's

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7b42cf No.21601230

File: 86a76009056a828⋯.png (1.13 MB,725x2872,725:2872,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)

File: c73f09bdd30daad⋯.jpg (30.32 KB,640x299,640:299,1000035258_640x299.jpg)

File: 5d8be48b9af9c4a⋯.jpg (40.39 KB,640x299,640:299,1000035259_640x299.jpg)

File: ea605a0629b8e20⋯.jpg (32.67 KB,640x299,640:299,1000035256_640x299.jpg)




"That's ryan routh a us citizen who set up the International Volunteer Center" in Ukraine to help connect foreigners to Ukrainian military units"

> https://maidan.org.ua/en/2024/06/volunteers-welcome-to-lviv/

Volunteers: Welcome to Lviv!

11-06-2024 16:29 Майдан Інформ

Language switcher

English EN

by Patrick Brion

Many international volunteers still want to come to Ukraine to help. Their first stop when they arrive in country, is often the beautiful city in Western Ukraine, Lviv.

For many it is their first visit to Ukraine and may have some problems finding the way to help or to settle in Ukraine.

Therefore, the organization to go to isthe International Volunteer Center, situated the Yaroslava Stets`ka Street 11 in Lviv centreThe IVC, a service provider for those volunteers,was founded on 12 October 2023 by Ukrainian, French and American volunteers and is internationally staffed,currently with ten people working there.

The IVC is a also an Ukrainian registered NGO, which resulted out of a joint cooperation with UkraineSOS (Ukraine), Mother for Ukraine (USA) and Ukraine is Europe (FR).

What does the IVC do, or how they help the arriving volunteers.

Assistence regarding the Ukrainian administration, insurance, legal help, shipping within Ukraine, visa, residence card, etc.

Provide a hub, where arriving volunteers can rest, do laundry, and prepare for a mission

Networking is key with Ukrainian and international NGOs

Assist in daily issues, which the volunteers are confronted with

Direct volunteers to other NGOs

Plan and execute missions on an individual base

Provide transport within Lviv

Temporary storage of equipment or products

Provide volunteers with local contacts in Ukraine, the so-called “fixers”

Empower volunteers to contribute to various social, cultural and environmental projects in Ukraine

They also provide lodging with different hotels, hostels and restaurants, where volunteers receive a discount.

Medical training, crucial when a volunteer is in Ukraine, is often organized by the IVC staff and medical specialists.

As with many NGOs, the IVC is also privately funded.

While visiting the IVC, I met Alex, from the Ukrainian NGO UkraineSOS, who was one of the founders. Alex comes originally from Kharkiv and has been instrumental in numerous volunteer projects and humanitarian aid.

As already stated, the staff at IVC is international, people like Shannon, an American retail manager in real estate, is working on developing further projects for the IVC. He works closely with Nel, also originating from the USA, as an English teacher, who is helping with improving the social media and website for the IVC.

So, a lot of committed staff and volunteers. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them, if you plan on coming to Ukraine as a volunteer.

More information on the IVC can be found here:



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b76b8e No.21601231


Yeah, well we thought jr was jfkj jr ..we had the wrong jr all along. more than one meaning to some posts.

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3596a7 No.21601232


i've seen two harris stickers

maybe one was a biden sticker, i don't remember

never seen a biden or harris flag

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30dc05 No.21601233

File: 61338d2ca3a2c09⋯.png (91.75 KB,886x270,443:135,ClipboardImage.png)


Not sure whats going on but the links are corrupted now

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5dfb1c No.21601234

File: b7b091d6385b254⋯.png (107.52 KB,256x309,256:309,ClipboardImage.png)



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96b0f1 No.21601235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 22

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71f6c1 No.21601237

File: 791e647f99694ec⋯.webm (1.03 MB,427x240,427:240,relaxed10.webm)

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4232ba No.21601238


Take your meds.

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f772ee No.21601239


We is a very shilly thing to say.

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bdc61d No.21601240

File: 2f37910e7211669⋯.jpg (37.64 KB,300x200,3:2,2f37910e7211669ed2e82dfa2c….jpg)


did you see where machine now a WMD


till it sunk in they serious about the guns and taking down military

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bdc61d No.21601241


machine gun

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4232ba No.21601242

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062d9c No.21601243


put a sweater on, it's shilly…

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2cd8ee No.21601244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Louis Armstrong - Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen

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96b0f1 No.21601245



For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 22

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30dc05 No.21601246


>We is a very shilly thing to say.


first day here, 1 post wonder?

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acc5db No.21601247

File: 5c3c9323ecdf978⋯.jpg (145.43 KB,720x1123,720:1123,5c3c9323ecdf978f7a429c120c….jpg)

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30dc05 No.21601248





he sd we mf get the fuck out

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5dfb1c No.21601249

File: 50d7f3d109150b4⋯.mp4 (10.24 MB,640x360,16:9,videoplayback.mp4)

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3596a7 No.21601250


i hate being yelled at

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4232ba No.21601251


Reeks of trying to persuade by appealing to a manufactured "consensus" as a substitute for logic and evidence.


>we is hive mind

You dont speak for the hive mind ya dork.

>lurk koar newfag

Definitely a shill, kmao

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11a12f No.21601252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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89279d No.21601253


syntax err


i'll fix in the doh

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44808e No.21601254


the shill pretends it belongs

there is no 'we' or 'hive mind'

that's an operational concept that shills put in the bread to pretend that everyone here agrees, which they do not.

shill fail

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e6e4e6 No.21601255

File: b19cce486f9da27⋯.jpg (6.34 KB,250x250,1:1,b19cce486f9da27e5f49894d90….jpg)

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7b42cf No.21601256

File: 3e8ad86cca67736⋯.png (617.69 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_16….png)

File: 879a803fea0da21⋯.png (1.21 MB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_16….png)

File: 8aecd5502f2360e⋯.png (548.24 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_16….png)


>the International Volunteer Center, situated the Yaroslava Stets`ka Street 11 in Lviv centre

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2c1ec9 No.21601257

File: 89309b28878a6b5⋯.png (341.6 KB,750x1334,375:667,B2474C67_0521_4F6A_8FDC_84….png)

File: be97484761a0fe8⋯.png (54.45 KB,690x630,23:21,CD1B09D7_08FF_4B3F_AE41_3E….png)

File: 3806ae1f2a2d815⋯.png (75.82 KB,690x988,345:494,34A3AC9A_48E0_40EC_85B2_94….png)

File: be7665133fd650d⋯.jpeg (46.05 KB,925x571,925:571,FBC770A6_C9B5_498C_A803_7….jpeg)

File: bfe74d65f98bff1⋯.png (103.26 KB,690x1026,115:171,53E1E18D_A13B_4EF1_8B7B_E3….png)

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26e194 No.21601258


>RR is Rod Rosenstein

You seem pretty sure about that anon. I would agree that RR is Rod is most drops however it is an interesting coinky that the shooter is also RR and some drops would equally apply to this situation.

>INB4 moar low IQ deflection shilling

might be low IQ but not as low IQ as your analysis…

Anons need to consider many possibilities. Pretty clear this is an INSIDE job with someone leaking 45's locations to whomever is running the shooters.

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71f6c1 No.21601259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3596a7 No.21601260

File: f987f3f1769fc63⋯.png (96.74 KB,204x192,17:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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4232ba No.21601261

File: bffb2166b163879⋯.png (434.13 KB,900x642,150:107,ClipboardImage.png)

This is Biden's former infosec.

By her "logic", if she called the cops to remove invaders from her home, she and the cops are rEaLLy engaging in ethnic cleansing.

What a maroon!


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062d9c No.21601262

File: 16e2477364930f6⋯.png (210.49 KB,512x512,1:1,0b7996d1ae6680ac.png)


shills trying hard, they always fail…

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30dc05 No.21601263


fuck i dont nigger. gfy back to redit

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89d709 No.21601264

File: a9489c52077524d⋯.png (502.73 KB,952x600,119:75,ClipboardImage.png)

This is soo true!

Where's all that money from donations going?

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30dc05 No.21601265



You 2 Shills should meet up and blow one another. maker sure you film it

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26e194 No.21601267

File: 6cb9be3a3d4378f⋯.png (764.82 KB,780x2048,195:512,ryanrouthrapsheet.png)

This is floating around…likely fake and gay but perhaps not…weapons of mass destruction is interesting…

How do you get out of a WMD charge?

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71f6c1 No.21601268

File: 791fdbc7255830e⋯.mp4 (875.3 KB,570x240,19:8,silence8.mp4)


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2c1ec9 No.21601269

File: 2e4aa758c8e03e4⋯.png (327.17 KB,750x1334,375:667,A933FBDA_ACA7_4CDB_87BD_3D….png)

File: d974252fac3fbf1⋯.png (64.01 KB,690x630,23:21,6B40B603_FA44_4D8F_A120_53….png)

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30dc05 No.21601270



fuck out of my face with your bs too

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11a12f No.21601271

File: 84316b5f1d9d8ea⋯.png (69.4 KB,880x440,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

St. Louis Fed


Inflation changes money’s value over time, so we often refer to a specific year when we quote the dollar amount, like so: “$30,000 in 1954 dollars.” With FRED, you can choose that reference year yourself. Get directions from this FRED Blog post



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96b0f1 No.21601272

File: 3fc631e8f5dc3d7⋯.mp4 (142.58 KB,640x352,20:11,not_my_thing.mp4)


Trump is asked by hannity what it will take to get Trump to quit.

Last winter

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30dc05 No.21601273



check footer links of dough too, it often gets malformed when this happens

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2c1ec9 No.21601274

File: 1ae8be44da4f17f⋯.png (1.46 MB,750x1334,375:667,166AF11B_012D_40BC_A1D5_D5….png)

File: 2740dc6c82ca8db⋯.png (48.95 KB,690x542,345:271,CB27873D_B449_4B54_B1CE_2F….png)

File: 74a9e5cd22a9063⋯.png (166.85 KB,690x1120,69:112,F0D4FE25_BFA4_4931_A7DD_F0….png)

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062d9c No.21601275

This goes for here and social media, when you suppress shills, paid shills, they don't get paid unless they are engaged,,,,

filter and block, they get fired, and it's fun.

Ego causes us to fight back, more so than practicality. I'm guilty sometimes, but then I block and more on, again.

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44808e No.21601276


the earmark of the statanic shills is that they bring the conversation into sexual insults.

this persona is clearly a discord troll or one so influence by the satanic discord that it thinks it's OK to say stuff like this. It's not.

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5dfb1c No.21601277

File: 6b485a5e1383497⋯.jpg (47.69 KB,634x355,634:355,cloth.jpg)


>How do you get out of a WMD charge?

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4232ba No.21601278

File: d135f10843581b3⋯.png (111.85 KB,508x508,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c1ec9 No.21601279

File: b5c180efc24bde1⋯.png (972.9 KB,750x1334,375:667,6C713A32_BEC7_4D0E_B333_E6….png)

File: cfcbfa19a0ec222⋯.jpeg (324.83 KB,1000x667,1000:667,792DD261_A367_45AC_B7CB_6….jpeg)

File: da82a281b453e75⋯.jpeg (437.4 KB,1000x667,1000:667,89DD5DFC_0302_4EB6_AD86_9….jpeg)

File: 427df20d19056dd⋯.jpeg (306.65 KB,1000x667,1000:667,AF809D88_2E8A_48DD_A2D1_1….jpeg)

File: 638b81649f331b5⋯.jpeg (256.81 KB,1000x667,1000:667,32E8E913_F64E_4E22_8434_C….jpeg)

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11a12f No.21601280

File: 21a51987ddde5f5⋯.gif (863.63 KB,355x200,71:40,hat_changing.gif)




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062d9c No.21601281

File: 66baddf6fbade3f⋯.png (76.79 KB,992x645,992:645,ClipboardImage.png)

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436e18 No.21601282

Assume there was a leak, assuming that Trump decided to golf that day or even that afternoon, day of. How many ways could that leak have happened it could just be a simple wire the FBI installed at the time of their raid. How long would it take a professional shooter to set up their target and location. They would have had to have it pre planned for a while now correct. So is this just going to destroy the lone gun man narrative. Seems that Crooks has been swept under the rug but this guy was so flagrant in his display of glow nigger behavior it becomes hard to ignore. With the potential release of Iran backing with Blumenthal how will this help add or change the narrative. Because now there should be ZERO support for Ukraine. Government shut down over the assassination attempt on horizon?

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30dc05 No.21601284


so much text

This aint reddit nigger, go back and never return

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5dfb1c No.21601286

Harris-Walz campaign mocks Donald Trump with Taylor Swift lyrics: 'The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived'

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062d9c No.21601287


I like the way you think,,,

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5445e5 No.21601288

Are you kidding me?! So there's a fight over the word 'we' now? I know to use third person but when I use 'anon' I can get backlash for using said third person. Now to the ones who are upset, I bet you piss your pants when my posts stay a 1 post or sometimes moves to 2 or 3 when I have my VPN on..I take vpn off and it moves correctly on number count. Talk to the admin not me. proto baby proto gives me trouble. And stop being a KAREN

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5dfb1c No.21601289

Metallica: Turn the Page

Bob Seger: Turn the Page

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44808e No.21601290


there is no hive mind.

that's a shill concept designed to make anon look like a group think.

people do not have telepathy over the internet.

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7b42cf No.21601291

File: b3d91512a547145⋯.png (1.14 MB,1302x4154,21:67,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)

File: b9d01c6d2fa38b7⋯.png (880.09 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_16….png)

File: 9808b7cdcc914f3⋯.png (704.2 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_16….png)

File: c3681bc7d005787⋯.png (796.16 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_16….png)

File: 8631ae63a152b1f⋯.png (207.07 KB,1302x574,93:41,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)


>The IVC is a also an Ukrainian registered NGO, which resulted out of a joint cooperation with UkraineSOS (Ukraine), Mother for Ukraine (USA) and Ukraine is Europe (FR).


Mothers for Ukraine out of North Carolina

Mother for Ukraine

Our Mission is one of direct action. We are delivering Humanitarian Aid to the people of Ukraine and bringing refugees to safe locations. We are also developing relationships to help achieve this goal.Supporting children is primary to our mission: Orphanages, Centers for Children, Activities for Children.




Ian Netupsky

President / CEO

Ian is both the Founder and our ‘Boots on the Ground’ as he spends most of his time in Ukraine and Poland.


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dcd440 No.21601292

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)

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11a12f No.21601293

Squeaky hit the showers. Too quiet.

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bdc61d No.21601294


bite yo tongue

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96b0f1 No.21601295


the overstock ceo

Said the cia compartmentalize you and give you the impression you are the kingpin in the operation.

This guy definitely exhibits that likelihood.

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12a726 No.21601296

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7b42cf No.21601297

File: 8be9011cd642735⋯.png (60.53 KB,779x327,779:327,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)


>Mothers for Ukraine out of North Carolina

Mother for Ukraine | Charlotte NC

Facebook · Mother for Ukraine

180+ followers

Welcome toMother for Ukraine, a Charlotte, NC based 501(c)(3)non-profit created to provide a conduit for U. S. based taxpayers to be able to make tax- …

Rating: 5 · ‎1 vote

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89279d No.21601298

notables bun @500

post count accurate ^^^

out in 30min - baker in the bullpen?

czech em

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bdc61d No.21601299

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89279d No.21601300



#26458 >>21600718


>>21600752, >>21600808 Connecting the sh**ter to to fightforukraine, seeking support of elected officials

>>21600767, >>21600772 Duckworth on Assassination Attempt and Debate

>>21600782 Wife of Impeachment Conspirator Alexander Vindman Gets Obliterated After Mocking Second Trump Assassination

>>21600809 Congress was on vacation during both assasination attempts

>>21600813 @MarcoPolo501c3: 2 yrs ago, daughter of the would-be assassination arrested for assault on a gov't official

>>21600818 2002 in North Carolina, Routh charged w/possessing a "weapon of mass destruction" - automatic machine gun

>>21600825 me/EnochsNewsBlast/: mapped positions of DJT, USSS and Routh

>>21600846 routh's son: says his dad hates Trump like 'all reasonable people'

>>21600848, >>21600857 Tito Jackson dies, aged 70

>>21600886, >>21600901 May 2022 - routh appeared in Azov battalion propoganda vid

>>21600887, >>21600891, >>21600896 Moar routh Ukraine connections

>>21600904 Breaking: Ryan Routh was an Eagle Scout

>>21600927, >>21600946, >>21600954, >>21600958, >>21600961, >>21600965, >>21600967, >>21600994, >>21600996, >>21601190 Into the Soo - diggz on possible C_A routh connections

Ghost grab

>>21600972 Pentagon orders study of potential nuclear strike in Eastern Europe

>>21600999 musk presidential poll with 5.8mm votes - Trump 73% | Harris 27%

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5dfb1c No.21601301

File: d8e7b1cb5b33e55⋯.png (390.08 KB,475x665,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7106aedd64b1ea2⋯.png (25.32 KB,275x385,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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894f77 No.21601302

Crooks shot at Trump FROM A ROOF

Routh is a ROOFER?

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4232ba No.21601303

File: 79ae60613e5de05⋯.png (261.37 KB,645x451,645:451,ClipboardImage.png)

Legacy media has blood on their hands. Their hateful inflammatory rhetoric is responsible for political violence.


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5dfb1c No.21601304


>created to provide a conduit for U. S. based taxpayers

Supporting children is primary to our mission

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2c1ec9 No.21601305

File: b83083fe97655da⋯.png (1.64 MB,750x1334,375:667,969AA2D5_C844_4C99_B553_CA….png)

File: aab52ed7242bddb⋯.png (61.65 KB,690x856,345:428,C6AE3CEA_AD3A_4AE0_B5B8_62….png)

File: eef95cf59c0ebc5⋯.png (29.24 KB,690x366,115:61,CAC18FEA_DE2D_4DAF_A3FF_1A….png)

File: d78dc60dda6c070⋯.png (71.59 KB,690x806,345:403,13E4FDBE_8DC5_46E9_96F0_99….png)

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5dfb1c No.21601306



audio didn't rip

can someone grab this before it disappears

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71f6c1 No.21601307

File: 4501115db06705d⋯.gif (969.01 KB,500x332,125:83,7390366.gif)


I can't claim to be right about everything all the time, just most of the time.

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ce680c No.21601308


I like the part where the biggest cheerleaders for the Ukraine war are safe on another continent; an ocean away from the bloodshed.

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436e18 No.21601309


they do that with the military. According to many of the UFO types they had their little pods of scientists all working on different parts of an idea never knowing what the full machine or device would do. It is also used to keep people in the know small so ratting and being an informant gives little to know information. This is also where you get the idea of terrorist cells from also. This guy does exhibit that and the Lee Harvey Oswald connections with Cuba seems dead on, LHO was trying to recruit people to go fight in Cuba, and of course you have baby George Bush SR in the MIx of it all a part of early CIA operations.

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436e18 No.21601310


autism is high this morning. Let it rip.

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ce680c No.21601311


Jack Lewis?

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443774 No.21601312

If an organization is a 501(c)(3) organization or maintains a 501(c)(3) organization, are their records (including membership records) required to be public? If not, should the records be public?

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30dc05 No.21601313

File: 3d3312fd95bd9e2⋯.jpg (444.58 KB,774x438,129:73,3d3312fd95bd9e26262b29d4b8….jpg)


>there is no hive mind.


and never returned

reddit nigger filtered

any other reddit niggers need a filter let US know, WE are here to oblige



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4232ba No.21601314

File: b546e4850c94195⋯.png (408.53 KB,900x820,45:41,ClipboardImage.png)

C_A controls the foreign legion.


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07cbcb No.21601315

By all the evidence,

DJT golf course assassination attempt was a (Patriot/Trump Team) Trap.

A = Tactical Feint

Remember "WhistleBlower"/[DS MOLE] traps during Qpost times.

Trump - Unscheduled Golf Outing, Undisclosed Location & Time

[DS MOLE] - Inside Trump "Circle" of access > Trump is HERE @ THIS TIME

Back in the day we would ambush coyotes with rabbit in distress calls and pop'em when they came running to the Bait.

"How do you catch a wild animal"

DJT is willing to be the bait.

Trump, "We caught [them] all."

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30dc05 No.21601316





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7b42cf No.21601317

File: 07ee490e1fa0edf⋯.png (211.15 KB,1262x556,631:278,Screenshot_from_2024_09_16….png)





He's from a Non Gov Org

He's here to help

February 15, 2023 1:54 PM



The code has been copied to your clipboard.

width px height px


Ian Netupsky is an American volunteer in Ukraine. He went there as soon as the war started and left only once since then – for a short time to set up a non-profit back in the U.S. He has been helping refugees, transporting supplies, food, medicine, etc. to the Eastern-Ukrainian territories under siege. His main reasons for volunteering are his kids – he wants to make sure they can continue living in a world with freedom and democracy. Ian is accompanied by his dog, Bear, who makes people around him smile and feel better. The film follows Ian on his missions to Kyiv and Kharkiv. Here to Help makes its streaming debut on VOA+ on 02/16/23.


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bdc61d No.21601318


mofo is not Fla shooter

mofo was NC intel op livin in Hawaii

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59a9aa No.21601319

File: 18f2e72d7c75130⋯.jpeg (318.29 KB,1284x693,428:231,IMG_3331.jpeg)

What Came First: The Chicken or the Immigrant?

Dave Swinford September 16, 2024

In small towns across Alabama, Haitian immigrants are showing up in buses and exposing problems that come with hosting an influx of people who don't speak the language and who may or may not have employment. What isn't clear is how much of it is due to the 'push' of immigrants from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)and how much of it is due to the 'pull' of immigrants by the chicken processing companies. Most recently, these immigrant issues have been seen in the small Alabama cities of Sylacauga and Albertville and larger cities such as Athens.

In Sylacauga, residents complained to the city council about the 50 or more Haitians being dropped off secretly by buses. The local city council leaders claim to have no information on why the immigrants were bused in nor who is sponsoring them.They refused to discuss the situation with residents at a recent council meeting. According to Homeland Security rules, these people must have a supporter in the US, have undergone security vetting, and meet other eligibility criteria.

Residents claim that employment options are already extremely limited…

Immigrants in small-town Alabama are not a new thing. The small town of Albertville, AL, had almost an undetectably small number of Hispanic immigrants according to the 1990 census (77 out of 14,500),and now the 2020 census shows them to be almost 34% of the population (7,545 out of 22 386).Why and how would these people end up in a small Alabama town so far away from the border?It all comes down to one thing, chicken processing plants. Immigrants flocked to the small city in the mid-1990s to work at thelocal chicken processing plants owned by Wayne Foods, Pilgrims Pride, and Tyson Foods. That's old news, now it seems that there is a new flow of Haitian immigrants into the city as well.

Chickens are big business in Alabama. The Encyclopedia of Alabama states that: "…As of 2018, Alabama ranked second in the nation in terms of broiler production, processing approximately 21 million birds per week, or about 1.1 billion birds annually…" Chicken is king not just in Albertville and Marshall County. These chicken hatcheries and processing plants are scattered throughout the Northern Alabama area, in Russellville, Cullman, and the small town of Jasper in Walker County.

The question then iswhether these plants are importing this labor legally and appropriately. These major companies use staffing agencies for vetting applicants to determine if they are allowed to work.Many times, the staffing firms are the direct employers of the workers instead of the large company, which lets the processing company be somewhat unaccountable.

There have been concerns over potentialhuman trafficking at these plants, and there are at least two different situations where underage immigrantchildren have been found workingin dangerous areas inside of these processing plants.

The reason for the current influx of Haitian immigrants still remains unclear as to whether they have been 'pulled' in by the chicken processors like the Hispanic immigrants before them or whetherthey are being 'pushed' into Alabama by the Biden DHS…. Of course, the other question is whether this is being done tochange the demographics and the votingcharacteristics of the area. Recently, an illegal immigrant from the Russellville, AL area pleaded guilty to assuming the identity of a US citizen in 2011 and to have voted in both the 2016 and 2020 elections… and that prompted claims from ALSenator Tuberville that shipping in Haitian immigrants is a Democrat ploy.

Ben Robbins, the state representative from the Sylacauga AL area, also believes thatmuch of this is fraud from the Federal government. He recently stated, "…what is happening is there isjust greed. These NGOs are getting money through grants and other ways … to 'help' Haitians. And all they are doing is giving them a sheet of paper that says, 'Hey, go apply at these four places.' They're ending up basically in the arms of people who have no concern for them and are, in essence,trafficking them from point A to point B and squeezing money out of the immigrant at every turn, every corner.

What's the answer? What came first the chicken or the immigrant? In the end it is most likely a little bit of push from the DHS and a little bit of pull from businesses and organizations that seek to profit from the immigrant's situation. Both sides seem to be profiting off of it at the expense of the local citizens.As you eat your chicken wings while watching football don't forget they were probably packaged by an immigrant in Alabama.


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12a726 No.21601320


would not be surprised if the next attempt is by someone with the surname Tyler

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436e18 No.21601321


why is he not the shooter?

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57b0af No.21601322

File: 849c92b6950498a⋯.png (80.42 KB,700x1431,700:1431,aO8rqA6_700bwp.png)

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2c1ec9 No.21601323

File: a07ed0758f16568⋯.png (3.35 MB,750x1334,375:667,B179F1EE_DE6C_42FF_813E_85….png)

File: e5ee89a0e700839⋯.png (248.03 KB,750x1334,375:667,9CF07682_6574_4B9B_81A0_7D….png)

File: 8ac1ba1f1805ba9⋯.png (35.94 KB,690x454,345:227,9962F3C4_E7B8_4B38_B42E_CA….png)

File: 9e4a9ad5d586075⋯.png (243.94 KB,750x1334,375:667,18222545_1E22_44AF_9070_18….png)

File: 96736e8bff6d669⋯.png (162.86 KB,690x1510,69:151,33FD7486_5359_42DA_BFC6_3F….png)

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f01cfc No.21601324

Dasting thing I just found.

Jan 6, July 13, September 15

I searched for 6/13/15 and this is the first thing that showed up

Ephesians 6:13-15

New International Version

13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

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742d3d No.21601325

File: c2fd4a7a1e562da⋯.png (944.96 KB,750x819,250:273,qpp3mkmbpew31.png)

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0f7015 No.21601326


Tyson Foods is the biggest employer of illegal immigrants, boycott Tyson, Wayne Foods and Pilgrims Pride

We all need to find a local American company that sells farm raised chickens. The whole vibe of these Haitians processing the food we eat is scary.

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5dfb1c No.21601327

American diplomat Victoria Nuland said that she could understand Russian culture better after she had worked with Russian fishermen for six months. The reason for the story was a video posted by Aleksei Navalny, in which Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodkov said to businessman Oleg Deripaska that he considered Victoria Nuland a friend, even though she had an aversion to Russia for living with Russian seamen on a fishing boat for six years in her 20s. According to Nuland, a joint US-Soviet enterprise allowed American sailors to fish in the 20-mile zone and deliver the catch to Soviet sailors, who were not allowed to fish in that part of the sea,” the diplomat said.

The American diplomat noted that she had showed interest in the Russian culture during her studies. when she studied the Russian language, but there were no relations between the USSR and the USA in 1983. Having become an assistant to a congressman, Nuland took responsibility to work with Soviet sailors.

According to Nuland, a joint US-Soviet enterprise allowed American sailors to fish in the 20-mile zone and deliver the catch to Soviet sailors, who were not allowed to fish in that part of the sea," the diplomat said.

There were American observers on every Soviet fishing vessel to prevent the catching of rare fish species, Victoria Nuland said in an interview for DW with journalist Zhanna Nemtsova. "We were all young people looking for adventures," she said.

The diplomat said that she was responsible for radio communication between the fish processing vessel and the Americans to ensure the delivery of fish to the deck.

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436e18 No.21601328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this eating the cat song trend is so destructive towards them, bad as the original Fuck Joe Biden songs.

just stumbled on this one nice hook with it, worth a morning kek

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d0e49b No.21601329

File: 495fd278d9dd097⋯.jpeg (236.46 KB,1536x2048,3:4,IMG_6455.jpeg)

These “assassination attempts” are scenes from a movie. How do I know they’re directed/choreographed? The MSM and other enemies of mankind won’t talk about them.

The weather is beautiful this morning. Sunny.

God bless. The fall is my favorite season of change. Snicker .

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8aee93 No.21601330

I hate Taylor Swift.

What was he thinking? We know not to take it at

face value…so..maybe

Swift banking ?

Lots of google info re verification process of transfers of money…one step is using letters which has to have a word beginning with each letter.

Like A can be apple…T can be Thomas.. or any word YOU choose..

I’m not good at this stuff but I really really think

he’s messaging something other than hating Taylor Swift ..I’ll try to find the letter thing and post later.

I didn’t copy specific section..

Does anybody think T. A. Y. L. O R.

could be a message relating to Swift banking?

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89279d No.21601331

File: 6e027962213fc1f⋯.jpg (18.71 KB,255x183,85:61,6e027962213fc1f2e4499e3b93….jpg)



morn'n baker requesting handoff

talk to me goose

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f6ba94 No.21601332

File: e5787e470bd6949⋯.png (3.62 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_3387.png)

File: f2d5651e8b366a2⋯.jpeg (24.68 KB,200x265,40:53,IMG_3269.jpeg)

Always about the grift! Flynn the woke mind virus a**hole has invaded the conservative movement and the churches!


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9e0f4e No.21601333

File: 03e521ea237e02a⋯.jpeg (132.87 KB,1197x800,1197:800,IMG_3332.jpeg)

Democrat AZ Secretary of State who once told voter to 'go F-yourself' encourages ASU students to vote for 'reproductive rights'

Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes urged students at Arizona State University (ASU) in Tempe to register to vote so that they could protect 'reproductive rights.'

In 2017, Fontes, then the Maricopa County Recorder, gained attention when he told a voter who complained about a mail-in ballot to 'go F-yourself' on Facebook

Patrick McDonald '26 | Michigan Correspondent

September 13, 2024, 2:36 pm ET

Democrat Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes urged students at Arizona State University (ASU) in Tempe to register to vote so that they could protect “reproductive rights.”

In 2017, Fontes, then the Maricopa County Recorder, gained publicity when he told a voter who complained about a mail-in ballot to “go F-yourself” on Facebook.

Fontes presented his latest case before an “Intro to Justice Studies” class at ASU on Aug. 29, which included more than 100 students, according to ASU News.

“You would set the agenda as it pertains to the environment,” Fontes stated during his presentation. “You would set the agenda as it pertains to reproductive rights. You would set the agenda as it pertained to ethics rules in our courts.”

Fontes additionally urged students to take part in early voting, and critiqued a group that he called “grifters and liars” who, in his words, accused others of engaging in a “vast conspiracy to steal some political office.”

“There is one way that they know they can beat us, and that is by getting us to beat ourselves,” he said. “That’s what they want. That’s their goal.”

Fontes also stated that students at ASU who do not vote should feel “shame” and that he would not apologize for fighting “as hard as I can” to make sure all the students in the lecture hall signed up to vote.

“I know if you’re sitting in this class, the likelihood is that you do vote. But if you don’t, shame on you, because you’re letting somebody else use that influence,” Fontes said during his lecture. “I’m not going to apologize for fighting as hard as I can to make sure that every single person who’s eligible to vote actually has access to the ballot.”

ASU News previously reported that about two-thirds of ASU students voted in the last presidential election. “In 2020, 65% of ASU students between 18 and 21 voted, similar to a 66% voting rate for those 45 to 49,” said Alberto Olivas, executive director of the Pastor Center for Politics and Public Service.

Campus Reform has previously reported that ASU’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication has a requirement that some students take a class in a “Diversity and Civility” course, which could have students study “microaggressions,” “preferred pronouns,” and “cisgender privilege.”

Campus Reform has also reported that ASU has a requirement that undergraduates take a class on “sustainability,” which could include classes on “[History] of Black Women in America” or “Race, Gender, and Media.”

Campus Reform has contacted Arizona State University and Adrian Fontes for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.


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bdc61d No.21601334

File: 8b7968379c2cd90⋯.png (367.16 KB,401x535,401:535,8b7968379c2cd90423e5f955fe….png)


firm it fam

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e06619 No.21601335


is anyone at this point not realizing this family is all a bunch of clowns in america?

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89279d No.21601336

File: 69c2a9a5cd6654d⋯.jpg (88.1 KB,954x894,159:149,69c2a9a5cd6654d34abb467c2e….jpg)


we firmisticated

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e873d3 No.21601337


>I hate Taylor Swift

Gematria = 211

donald joseph trump = 211

crimes against children = 211

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71f6c1 No.21601338

File: 88dbe69e9671bbe⋯.png (594 KB,1326x878,663:439,never_give_up.png)

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887375 No.21601339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9:00 AM EDT

A New Cold War?: Congressional Rhetoric and Regional Reactions to the U.S.-China Rivalry

The Center for Strategic and International Studies




Academics and Policy Advocates Discuss the U.S.-China Rivalry

The Center for Strategic and International Studies holds a symposium on congressional rhetoric and its impact on U.S.-China relations. The Stanford Next Asia Policy Lab co-hosts this event.


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ca8200 No.21601340





tailored; tailoring; tailors

transitive verb

:to make or adapt something for a particular purpose, a particular person, etc. tailor something to/for somebody/something Special programs of study are tailored to the needs of specific groups.

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9e0f4e No.21601341

Opposition to right to hunt and fish Amendment 2 comes from lab-grown meat backer


By Brendon Leslie

Published Sep. 13, 2024, 10:15 a.m. ET | Updated Sep. 13, 2024

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Activist ChuckO’Neal is urging voters to vote against Amendment 2, which would set a right to hunt and fish under the state constitution.

O’Neal says that voters should look into who is supporting – and who would benefit from – Amendment 2, which polling has found is at over 70% public support.

But O’Neal’s opposition comes as no surprise when you dig into his background: for 20 years, he was the registered agent for a business called Hydroponic Meats Incorporated – also known as lab-grown meat.

How convenient – the guy who opposes hunting makes money off of lab-grown meat.

Watch the full report.


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96b0f1 No.21601342

File: d73b898f9b85c5d⋯.jpeg (63.42 KB,500x532,125:133,_88.jpeg)

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1e2020 No.21601343


Athens is not a larger city. It's a town. A little town with no chicken plants..car plants, Amazon, Target& Walmart distribution centers yes. But Haitians are here. We have no bus depot either but Huntsville International is in next door county so maybe they arrived by plane in the night. We have no empty buildings to store them..no empty schools, I guess they'll live under the bridges down by the creeks or go to Albertville. Pffft!

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887375 No.21601344

9:00 AM EDT

Field Hearing, Atlanta, Georgia: How Georgia’s Abortion Ban Harms Women: Health Care in Jeopardy

Senate Judiciary Committee



Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Field Hearing on Georgia Abortion Ban

The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law holds a field hearing in Atlanta on the health and human rights impacts of Georgia’s six-week abortion ban.


September 16, 2024

9:00 AM EDT

The President departs the White House en route to Wilmington, Delaware

South Lawn


9:15 AM EDT

Keynote Address: Implementing Change to Prevail in Great Power Competition - Frank Kendall, Secretary of the Air Forc

2024 Air, Space & Cyber Conference - Air & Space Forces Association



Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall provides keynote remarks

Department of Defense


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bdc61d No.21601345

File: 8d20e25b0d339d9⋯.gif (4.52 MB,600x600,1:1,8d20e25b0d339d9e262d7d2a4c….gif)


well sheitz, if we iz we iz


habs smooooovs

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Post last edited at

c09005 No.21601346

File: 12af658742615a8⋯.png (203.8 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1616a30965c0fb⋯.png (805.93 KB,767x589,767:589,ClipboardImage.png)


said the same last night >>21598474 (PB)

Where have we seen this before?

Oswald was "supposedly" with the Cuban communists

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30dc05 No.21601347

anons you do know bad shit happens in 3's right













anyone else got some ideas?

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5dfb1c No.21601348

File: 5a65877b905a5b5⋯.mp4 (631.89 KB,640x320,2:1,heknows.mp4)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Monday denounced the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump after it emerged the suspect previously traveled to Ukraine to support the war against Russia.

“I am glad to hear that @realDonaldTrump is safe and unharmed,” the president tweeted early Monday

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be8434 No.21601349

File: 644069b4c38e40e⋯.png (27.12 KB,255x142,255:142,1724547030.png)


Shame it's not full of mil Intel and protection

Wish election was next week

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8f3f2a No.21601350

File: bf3a6ce9ea3a533⋯.jpeg (25.27 KB,203x249,203:249,bf3a6ce9ea3a533d2652f8a2b….jpeg)

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8087cb No.21601351

If the media always portrays us, the right wing, republicans, etc as extremists; Why are people who identify themselves with the left or have leftist ideals the ones shooting at former presidents? Being way more 'extremist' than us?

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12a726 No.21601352


lay some bait

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d9f1cc No.21601353


so you're saying or not saying that it's readily available or not through mail order from Texas

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e873d3 No.21601354




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e06619 No.21601355


>would not be surprised if the next attempt is by someone with the surname Tyler


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11a12f No.21601356

File: 96114ffdf75d2c1⋯.mp4 (146.48 KB,510x270,17:9,ssstwitter_com_17264914385….mp4)

♥️🇺🇸 𝓒𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓪 🇮🇹♥️


“It’s unquestionable at this point that that man …has to be eliminated” -


calling for the assassination of


No matter what they say to deny it, they’re using a calling card to all their radicalized soldiers to take the shot at Trump.

They know he’s coming for them when he wins.


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5dfb1c No.21601357

"It’s good that the suspect in the assassination attempt was apprehended quickly, " Zelenskyy said on X. "This is our principle: the rule of law is paramount and political violence has no place anywhere in the world. We sincerely hope that everyone remains safe."

"I wonder what would happen if it turned out that the failed new Trump shooter Routh, who recruited mercenaries for the Ukrainian army, was himself hired by the neo-nazi regime in Kiev for this assassination attempt?" Medvedev wrote on X.

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57d9f5 No.21601359

File: 40243f111863480⋯.jpeg (77.89 KB,692x270,346:135,IMG_4091.jpeg)

File: 1eb04e89fa63aa1⋯.jpeg (209.04 KB,1125x527,1125:527,IMG_4094.jpeg)

File: 2bcce03f05ca8a6⋯.jpeg (288.1 KB,1125x665,225:133,IMG_4093.jpeg)

File: 72a50926938504f⋯.jpeg (159.68 KB,1125x520,225:104,IMG_4092.jpeg)

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887375 No.21601360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

September 16, 2024

9:30 AM EDT

Case#: 24-1113 TikTok Inc. v. Merrick Garland

United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia





10:00 AM EDT

U.S. Court of Appeals for DC Circuit Hears Oral Argument on TikTok Ban Law

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit hears oral argument in TikTok Inc. v. Merrick Garland, a lawsuit brought on by Chinese company ByteDance over a law that compels it to sell its ownership of TikTok in the U.S.


September 16, 2024

9:45 AM EDT

Security Council Media Stakeout (Middle East; Other matters)

United Nations


September 16, 2024

9:50 AM EDT

Pentagon Force Protection Agency (PFPA) Special Agent Swearing-in Ceremony

Department of Defense


September 16, 2024

9:50 AM EDT

Keynote Address: One Air Force - Gen. David W. Allvin, Chief of Staff of the Air Force

2024 Air, Space & Cyber Conference - Air & Space Forces Association



Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David W. Allvin provides keynote remarks and other senior Air Force leaders speak throughout the day at the Air & Space Forces Association's in-person and virtual 2024 Air, Space & Cyber Conference, National Harbor, Maryland. Register at afa.org.

Department of Defense


September 16, 2024

9:50 AM EDT

The President arrives to Wilmington, Delaware

New Castle National Guard Base


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ce680c No.21601361


If it follows the playbook, the shooter never gets his day in court.

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9e0f4e No.21601362

Nebraska mayor rejects Chadron State University's 'Tim Walz Day,' says city 'needs to stay out of politics'

The president of Chadron State College recently announced its intent to create 'Tim Walz Day' to recognize the school's alumnus.

Mere hours after learning about the move, however, the mayor of Chadron shut down the initiative.

Campus Reform Correspondent

September 13, 2024, 4:20 pm ET

The president of Chadron State College (CSC) recently announced its intent to create “Tim Walz Day” as part of an effort to improve the school’s name recognition based on Walz’s status as an alumnus of the Nebraska school. Mere hours after learning about the move, however, the mayor of Chadron reportedly shut down the initiative.

In comments made to The Chronicle of Higher Education, Chadron Mayor George Klein stated that his opposition to the occasion stemmed from his beliefs that the town’s major institutions should avoid conveying political biases.

“The city of Chadron needs to stay out of politics,” Klein said. “Chadron is a conservative town.”

After Walz was selected as Kamala Harris’ running mate in August, Chadron State President George Patterson stated his selection emphasized the importance of small colleges such as CSC in American society.

“Gov. Walz is an inspiring individual who demonstrates to all former, current, and future Chadron State College graduates that you can make a difference in the world,” Patterson said. “Even if you start at a small college in the corner of northwest Nebraska.”

Charles Welch, president of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, voiced similar sentiments, expressing a positive outlook on the move and stressing his view that Walz’s influence reflected positively on the value of small schools.

“Our institutions are producing individuals that could have the opportunity to be among the most powerful people in the world,” Welch said, according to The Chronicle of Higher Education. “And I think that that really speaks volumes for what can be.”

Campus Reform has reported previously ona number of policies Walz supported as governor of Minnesota, including a law that gives illegal immigrants access to free college tuition across Minnesota’s two largest public university systems, provided that the immigrant’s family makes less than $80,000 per year.

Regarding Walz’s politics, Patterson expressed confidence in voters’ ability to pick America’s best path for the future.

“Everybody’s really just waiting on pins and needles about where this will lead to come November,” Patterson told The Chronicle of Higher Education. “You just have to be patient and let the American people decide what happens at that point in time.”

Campus Reform has reached out to CSC and George Patterson for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.


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30dc05 No.21601363


>lay some bait

not bad. top 10


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d0e49b No.21601364



And who wouldn’t hate taylor. It’s a great way to ruin a perfectly good golf game.

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062d9c No.21601365

File: 2044be7ab81aa5e⋯.png (110.01 KB,228x342,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dfb1c No.21601366

File: 3f20a58f225b416⋯.jpg (125.68 KB,456x337,456:337,wtfthough.jpg)


>Tim Walz Day

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96b0f1 No.21601367

glad to hear he is glad

Also glad to hear kabala is also glad.


Glad is so important

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57b0af No.21601368

File: 5675c1668bb7143⋯.webm (637.72 KB,460x818,230:409,aQz3pMq_460svvp9.webm)

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30dc05 No.21601369



lol dont think anyonje is going to run a ghillie suit in broad daylight in an attendance of 100k people, but who knows. DOGS CALL IN THE DOGS!!!!!!!!!!

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ce680c No.21601370


They think Taylor Swift is Taylor Swift.

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84f28e No.21601371

Second Shooter, Ryan Routh, ALSO appeared in a Blackrock Commerical

The latest Trump would be assassin - Ryan Routh ALSO appeared in a Blackrock Commerical just like Thomas Crooks.

That means BOTH featured in Global Wealth management firm’s Commercial.


They love their symbolism.


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436e18 No.21601372


so next then a nightclub owner will shoot him during a prisoner transfer .

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062d9c No.21601373

NC is still a 'good ole boys' kind of state, and use intimidation to get what they want.

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e25d82 No.21601374

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/16/2024



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05d249 No.21601375

Is Trump trying to win the election or lose it? Is Trump trying to bring in more voters or shake them off? You decide.

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12a726 No.21601376


>"I wonder what would happen if it turned out that the failed new Trump shooter Routh, who recruited mercenaries for the Ukrainian army, was himself hired by the neo-nazi regime in Kiev for this assassination attempt?" Medvedev wrote on X.

If this turned out to be true the war would finally end.

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f01cfc No.21601377

The armor of God - Was in a number of posts

Jan 6, July 13, September 15

Taking those dates as a date and search:

Ephesians 6:13-15 = The Armor of God.

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5dfb1c No.21601378

File: 8b31f8047b0b647⋯.mp4 (2.58 MB,640x360,16:9,againhow.mp4)


was that sad Azov thing a Blackrock Commerical?

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07cbcb No.21601379


And the [Clowns/Spooks] use "crazy" patsy dudes as a distraction to make any serious analysis of the situation by normies or anons seem like = Ridiculous "Conspiracy Theories".

PsyOp 101

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5dfb1c No.21601380

File: 852c8b89e7de3ff⋯.jpg (82.48 KB,424x766,212:383,Hayat_Tahrir_al_Sham.jpg)

️The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, is in constant contact with the leader of the terrorist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, banned in Russia) Abu Mohammad Julani on the issue of recruiting militants in the Syrian province of Idlib to participate in military operations against Russia on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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2c1ec9 No.21601381

File: 4dc17111da2db71⋯.png (383.74 KB,750x1334,375:667,10669AF3_487F_4653_B637_DD….png)

File: 6587729877592ce⋯.png (54.37 KB,690x806,345:403,E9D1F940_34D9_4B7A_9DEF_81….png)

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ce680c No.21601382


He can't live to talk.

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a20676 No.21601383








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5dfb1c No.21601384


>Trump is HERE @ THIS TIME

Looming means about to happen soon and causing worry, or about to loom over someone or something.

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380aa0 No.21601385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Elevator music

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89279d No.21601386


morn'n g

have a guud wk

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96b0f1 No.21601387


It has over 50k likes which is very high foor a truth post.

He clearly knows it's a provoking message. But whatever the message is, Trump felt it necessary.

Prolly related to damage she is doing.

When madonna got sick , swift took the role of top satanic concert tours

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ce680c No.21601388


"Taylor" would never pass a DNA test.

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5dfb1c No.21601389


feels like many things will be uncovered in the ashes of Ukraine

I bet you covid was made there then shipped by train to wuhan

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d9f1cc No.21601390


dangerously close to motives

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d0e49b No.21601391



Well done

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96b0f1 No.21601392

File: 2d2ef7529e7962c⋯.jpg (62.98 KB,500x536,125:134,aswj.jpg)

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419de7 No.21601393


goodness. it's ugly.

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a20676 No.21601394



No he would not.

All the women and girl fans would be shocked!

Shocked I tell you.

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5dfb1c No.21601395

File: 7535a0e5c5dbd90⋯.png (359.53 KB,935x452,935:452,ClipboardImage.png)


The only good Trump is a dead Trump. Oh how I wish!

My name is Ian Netupsky and I am a registered 2024 United States Independent Presidential Candidate

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642405 No.21601396

File: 5a1a5ab2f976e8b⋯.png (910.3 KB,1090x966,545:483,ClipboardImage.png)


Black Rock

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dc38ee No.21601397

File: 65bae253283b287⋯.png (529.52 KB,900x665,180:133,panic.png)

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89279d No.21601398

File: 3bd950026caac58⋯.png (360.62 KB,607x341,607:341,alsdka5464665.png)

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5dfb1c No.21601399

File: 4256d7138c2d338⋯.jpg (31.73 KB,408x632,51:79,shut_it_down.jpg)


Ukraine's Center for Countering Disinformation said Sunday's incident was already a "topic for Russian propaganda" and suggested Moscow would spread conspiracy theories attempting to show a "Ukrainian trace" to the apparent assassination attempt.

"Of course, all of this is a lie," Andriy Kovalenko, who leads the center, said.

The Azov brigade's press service denied any connections with Routh, saying it had never communicated with him.

The International Legion, where many of the foreign fighters serve, also said it had no links with Routh and that he had never been part of it.

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623ed9 No.21601400


What is Swifts biological name?

Is TS a stage name?

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71f6c1 No.21601401

File: bdc2488390ab7fa⋯.jpg (38 KB,522x538,261:269,cornflakes_pepe.jpg)


Get you a link for some sauce and that looks like it could be veryNOTABLE.

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380aa0 No.21601402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nobody came to be mellow ..did ya ?

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ad5be5 No.21601403


What are you saying?

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5fd2b6 No.21601404

File: dff43fe60265621⋯.png (84.73 KB,282x244,141:122,pepe_thinking.png)

How incompetent are the heads of the secret service?

Heads should roll?

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abc17f No.21601405



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95813b No.21601407


It was not necessary.

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667186 No.21601408


There had to be a spotter very close by monitoring Trumps movements. The assassin was probable parked a few blocks away waiting for the word to get into posiion. Another possibility is a drone flying overhead to relay the message. Another possibility is a mole in Trumps golfing caravan. One click on a smrtphone to send the message and the assassin moves in.

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dc38ee No.21601409




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419de7 No.21601410


Stay away from the black rock, eh.

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ce680c No.21601411


The shooter was offering Rubes $1.200 a month to join Ukraine. Just 12 people would be $12,000 a month. Where would he be getting that kind of money?

He wasn't. Someone else with a large pool of money was the source of the funds.

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0289f6 No.21601412


Just be ready for Comrade Kamala or Madam President.

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bc76ba No.21601413

File: d8a4be8a02364d0⋯.jpg (110.3 KB,584x599,584:599,camp_box.jpg)

Ryan Routh has a business called Camp Box with his son Adam Routh building tiny movable houses in HI.


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e7c542 No.21601415


Haitians and chickens are a realVOO DOOthing in Haiti.

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04c345 No.21601416

File: 1584b4391d8c448⋯.png (20.81 KB,647x889,647:889,f0f39c2b2cf3a34fb333e34d7e….png)


Does he know Oprah?

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321ad4 No.21601417

PROF. GIORDANO: American education's decline under Governor Tim Walz

For the first time in 40 years, Minnesota now ranks below the national average in student proficiency. August 28, 2024 1/2

As Governor Walz and Minnesota education officials are focused on inculcating students with far-left socialist/Marxist propaganda, the core mission of education has been neglectedwhich has led to a decline in student performance. For thefirst time in 40 years, Minnesota now ranks below the national average in student proficiency.

Under Governor Walz’s leadership, since he first assumed office in 2019, Minnesota went from being ranked among the top ten in education to 19th place.

Student proficiency levels have consistently dropped, more than half ofMinnesota students fail to meet math and reading standards, and 19 school districts could not produce a single student proficient in math. Only 15% of Minnesota’s 8th-grade students were proficient in U.S. History, and 23% in Civics. These numbers are abysmal.

Unfortunately, many of our leaders refuse to acknowledge how our education system has been hijacked by radical ideologues. However, Minnesota serves as a stark example of what happens when dangerous ideologies are substituted for genuine education.Governor Walz’s support for a radical K-12 ethnic studies curriculum is not just a state issue.

It should serve as a warning to the entire nation that the focus is no longer to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Instead, =it shapes the student body into activists==, and it leaves students ill-equipped to defend our country or the core American principles that have defined America for the last 248 years, including self-government, liberty, and freedom.

Since 2021, Walz’s Department of Education has been collaborating with the Education for Liberation Network (EdLib) to redesign its curricula and pushback on what EdLib deems “the status quo of colonial education.” This new curriculum, infused with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) dogma, updates standards to encourage students to view America through the lens of systemic oppression and perpetual victimhood based on categories like “identity” and “resistance.”

EdLib believes that education should be placed in the context “the struggle for social justice and connect it to action that leads to social change.” In their Abolitionist Toolkitfor Educators, topics include revolution, resistance, dismantling U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), defunding the police, reparations, “adultism,” and “woke wonderings”.

Rather than indoctrinate students with anti-American beliefs, Minnesota’s students, as well as all American students, would be better served by a curriculum that instills a deep understanding of the principles that have made our nation strong. Students should be taught the totality of our history, including all the complexities of our young nation. They should be taught to formulate arguments based on truths and not feelings, and they should be taught to think critically.

Civic education requires students to be Constitutionally literate as this knowledge helps them understand their rights and responsibilities as citizens, the structure of the government, and the principles that guide our nation. The founding fathers, who were ordinary men that became statesmen, crafted the Constitution to ensure a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, which is something every student should appreciate and understand…


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5dfb1c No.21601418

File: fb6335b101230c0⋯.png (399.06 KB,940x940,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Ian Netupsky


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380aa0 No.21601420


Ain't that the same group

Queen Isabella booted out of Spain

Say around 1492

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865756 No.21601421

File: 6e69c0981342d77⋯.jpg (26.01 KB,723x445,723:445,1612828353625.jpg)



They do like revealing the truth as quietly as possible. Too bad anon has eyes everywhere.

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c09005 No.21601422


Taylor Alison Swift (born December 13, 1989) is an American singer-songwriter. Known for her autobiographical songwriting, artistic reinventions, and cultural impact, Swift is a leading figure in popular music and the subject of widespread public interest.

Early life

Taylor Alison Swift was born on December 13, 1989, in West Reading, Pennsylvania, United States.[1] She is named after singer-songwriter James Taylor.[2] Her father, Scott Kingsley Swift, was a stockbroker for Merrill Lynch, and her mother, Andrea Gardner Swift (née Finlay), worked as a mutual fund marketing executive briefly.[3] Swift's younger brother, Austin, is an actor.[4] Their maternal grandmother, Marjorie Finlay (née Moehlenkamp), was an opera singer,[5] whose singing in church became one of Swift's earliest memories of music that shaped her career.[3] The siblings are of Scottish, English, and German descent, with distant Italian and Irish ancestry.[6][7][8]


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321ad4 No.21601423



Advocates of the DEI agenda often claim that our history is being whitewashed in schools. However, I challenge anyone to poll students today, and you will find that they were taught about slavery, the Trail of Tears, segregation, Japanese internment camps, and other American atrocities. ==What you won’t find, however, is a deep understanding of the Constitution.=

In fact, many students were never even required to read it. Consider how government impacts every aspect of our lives,yet only 9 states require a full year of civics instruction in high school, 30 states only require a half year of civics in high school, and11 states have no official civics requirement.

As a political science professor, I’ve been a vocal critic of a failed education system that has deviated from its foundational mission – educating students to become informed, productive, and engaged citizens.

For too long radical activism has replaced actual learning, which has had a negative impact on our students and detrimental consequences for our nation. Under the guise of progressive reform, traditional education has been dismantled in favor of a far-left agenda that prioritizes indoctrination over facts, truth, critical thinking, merit, and academic rigor.

If we knowingly continue down this path, we risk losing the very principles that have sustained our Republic and enabled our society to thrive.

How can we expect our nation to survive when the majority of Americans are ignorant of the principles and history that define it?

Minnesota’s approach to education should serve as a warning, not a blueprint, for our country. In order to produce informed, productive and engaged citizens, we must reject the ideological agenda that has been thrusted on the student body and return to core academic principles and a comprehensive understanding of our nation’s history and Constitution.


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bdc61d No.21601424

File: 4ec7cd3d0e98c57⋯.png (14.95 KB,255x253,255:253,ClipboardImage.png)


is his roof blue?

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440c7d No.21601425

Anon's instincts about Loomer were correct. After all. The photoshop of Trump and her standing belly to belly? The one Drudge ran as a headline for about two days straight. (something Drudge never does) Loomer shopped it herself. And posted it to her X in August of 2023.

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321ad4 No.21601426


Yeah thats why we should be eating anything handled by them

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84f28e No.21601427


I dont know what to believe anymoar

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436e18 No.21601428


no but his house walls are.

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667186 No.21601429


Exactley. Both are carbon copies. How to set up a patsy 101. One died 2 days after capture. The other is still alive. For now.

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30dc05 No.21601431

File: 1f3cd94bb4f8e7a⋯.png (159.3 KB,1256x860,314:215,1f3cd94bb4f8e7a6589429318d….png)

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5dfb1c No.21601432

File: 12e8283a180a6ff⋯.gif (1.19 MB,400x225,16:9,notouchmycash.gif)


>Where would he be getting that kind of money?

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485eff No.21601434


Don't eat anything from Smithfield fren. That's Chy-NA

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ce680c No.21601435


Shit educators make shit presidents.

Woodrow Wilson

Barack Hussein Obama

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062d9c No.21601436


Most of their history is made up crap, no one is found in a mall, and becomes a 'star'.

They are all in the families, 13.

If this wasn't the case, we'd hear more from those these supposed 'stars' neighbors and school mates, and we never do. Take all the info provided with a grain of salt, and by the by, anyone can add to or edit, wiki.

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61174b No.21601437


thanks anon

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321ad4 No.21601438


How many other shooters are in Blackrock commercials? Can we check them out

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84f28e No.21601439

File: 5159d663e2b8128⋯.png (81.27 KB,255x226,255:226,ClipboardImage.png)



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642405 No.21601440



Roger that


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7f0d2f No.21601441

File: 2e1bbe502a7b1b3⋯.jpg (106.9 KB,680x536,85:67,70s.jpg)


at @t-ting replies

VD flirting with anons

I hate your fondue

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52260e No.21601443

File: 753b9a93663b19f⋯.png (497.69 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

The deadly and harmful ingredients of the monkeypox (mpox) vaccine

By Rhoda Wilson on September 16, 2024

The monkeypox (mpox) ACAM2000 vaccine uses the antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin B, alongside other components like the live vaccinia virus, HEPES, human albumin, mannitol and diluent nasties.

There are adverse reactions linked to these vaccine components as Dr. Geoff Pain points out while raising several concerns about the safety and potential adverse effects of Emergent BioSolutions’ smallpox vaccine that has been repurposed for mpox.

Why are antibiotics contained in ACAM2000? Dr. Pain speculates that these components are included to address potential bacterial contamination and endotoxin release.



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924d33 No.21601444

Routh seems a lot like Roth.

Is he a little jewish fella?

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667186 No.21601445


Coordination. What are the odds TIME would showcase Trump stuck in a sandtrap with the theme "In Trouble". Who owns TIME magazine?

Marc Benioff, the founder of Salesforce, owns Time magazine through his company Time USA, LLC. Benioff and his wife Lynne bought Time from Meredith Corporation for $190 million on October 31, 2018

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bd97fd No.21601446


only the ADL and IDF announce they are filtering anons

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84f28e No.21601447

EXCLUSIVE: A Secret Service counter sniper sent an email Monday night to the entire Uniformed Division (not agents) saying he will not stop speaking out until "5 high-level supervisors (1 down) are either fired or removed from their current positions." The counter sniper also said the agency "SHOULD expect another assassination attempt" before November and complained that he is no longer proud to be a USSS counter sniper after leadership failed the officers at the Trump rally in Butler on 7/13.

"This agency NEEDS to change," the sniper wrote in the email. "If not now, WHEN? "The NEXT assassination in 30 days?"

"Sadly we have fallen short for YEARS," the counter sniper lamented. "We just look good doing it. I have conveyed these thoughts to not only supervisors (to include the current Captain of CS, but those responsible for training us (SOTS/CS). Only to be brushed off as those with less experience somehow knew more than me."

"The team I was once proud to be a part of, is something I have to somehow hide as I move into my next career," the counter sniper continued. "Who wants to hire a USSS CS guy who failed? That's the public perception I'm not faced with. The USSS CS team is a stain I will never be able to cleanse."

He concluded with these two lines: "The motto of the USSS…CYA. And every supervisor is doing it right now."

The agency quickly deleted the email, a knowledgeable source told Real Clear Politics.


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c09005 No.21601449


totally agreed

he was probably born as a Mike or Dave

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db3c2d No.21601450

File: 07b8b4d24bee4d4⋯.png (234.79 KB,1079x1096,1079:1096,ClipboardImage.png)

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30dc05 No.21601451


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440c7d No.21601452


so namefagging is now acceptable? normal? nominateable?

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661ea9 No.21601453

File: 274cfb35b4e0e43⋯.jpg (359.83 KB,1782x1002,297:167,274cfb35b4e0e438d339d45e47….jpg)

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71f6c1 No.21601454

KEK. Canadian news just ran a story about "Swifties" making the longest friendship bracelet in the world, and it was a lady with gray hair making it. Smell the desperation.

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abc17f No.21601455

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642405 No.21601456

File: b3f05b6a42a241b⋯.png (1.41 MB,1088x876,272:219,ClipboardImage.png)


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ce680c No.21601457


"Taylor Swift" can't sing or dance.

"Taylor can't come to the phone."


"Because she's dead!"

Actual lyrics from a song.

Right in your face.

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5dfb1c No.21601458

File: a223342cdb0f612⋯.png (1.56 MB,1100x1289,1100:1289,ClipboardImage.png)

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bdc61d No.21601459

Last Call Mo's

#26458 >>21600718


>>21600752, >>21600808 Connecting the sh**ter to to fightforukraine, seeking support of elected officials

>>21600767, >>21600772 Duckworth on Assassination Attempt and Debate

>>21600782 Wife of Impeachment Conspirator Alexander Vindman Gets Obliterated After Mocking Second Trump Assassination

>>21600809 Congress was on vacation during both assasination attempts

>>21600813 @MarcoPolo501c3: 2 yrs ago, daughter of the would-be assassination arrested for assault on a gov't official

>>21600818 2002 in North Carolina, Routh charged w/possessing a "weapon of mass destruction" - automatic machine gun

>>21600825 me/EnochsNewsBlast/: mapped positions of DJT, USSS and Routh

>>21600846 routh's son: says his dad hates Trump like 'all reasonable people'

>>21600848, >>21600857 Tito Jackson dies, aged 70

>>21600886, >>21600901 May 2022 - routh appeared in Azov battalion propoganda vid

>>21600887, >>21600891, >>21600896 Moar routh Ukraine connections

>>21600904 Breaking: Ryan Routh was an Eagle Scout

>>21600927, >>21600946, >>21600954, >>21600958, >>21600961, >>21600965, >>21600967, >>21600994, >>21600996, >>21601190 Into the Soo - diggz on possible C_A routh connections

Ghost grab

>>21600972 Pentagon orders study of potential nuclear strike in Eastern Europe

>>21600999 musk presidential poll with 5.8mm votes - Trump 73% | Harris 27%

>>21601328 Eating The Cats vid for the keks!

>>21601339, >>21601360 Swamp Talk

>>21601341 Opposition to right to hunt and fish Amendment 2 comes from lab-grown meat backer

>>21601362 Nebraska mayor rejects Chadron State University's 'Tim Walz Day,' says city 'needs to stay out of politics'

>>21601374 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21601417, >>21601423 PROF. GIORDANO: American education's decline under Governor Tim Walz

>>21601439, >>21601401 Routh and Blackrock

>>21601443 The deadly and harmful ingredients of the monkeypox (mpox) vaccine

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5dfb1c No.21601460

File: c10296029d5eef5⋯.png (73.16 KB,637x871,49:67,ClipboardImage.png)



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71f6c1 No.21601461


Might not mean she's physically dead. Could always have been something figuratively about herself.

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436e18 No.21601462

File: aab507a60e65f59⋯.jpg (160.01 KB,556x557,556:557,br.jpg)

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8f3f2a No.21601464


They think of themselves a virtuous

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667186 No.21601466

File: b3d0cdc75199e39⋯.webp (39.82 KB,1080x717,360:239,457207896_jpg.webp)


>Marc Benioff

Obviously not a Trump voter.

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642405 No.21601467

The shooter had inside information on Trumps schedule and where he would be.

There is a commie rat inside Trump’s security detail.

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84f28e No.21601468

File: ef0d3cf5295fa08⋯.png (171.58 KB,351x408,117:136,ClipboardImage.png)



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acc5db No.21601469

File: c2893efd89920c5⋯.jpg (78.05 KB,451x405,451:405,c2893efd89920c54a98a724249….jpg)

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c2cd4f No.21601470

File: 5a8e9679dd85dc3⋯.png (191.05 KB,511x684,511:684,ryanrouthInterview.png)

File: 9511755f73b576a⋯.png (29.15 KB,598x267,598:267,Screenshot_2024_09_16_at_0….png)

File: 7513cbcbd731774⋯.mp4 (3.48 MB,320x568,40:71,HxOPQo_rLRF7p3OS.mp4)

JustMalcolm Glownigger Nancepretending he doesn't know Ryan Routh and pretending to help with the citizen investigation.

Malcolm Nance


That is Przemysl train station. He’s on his way to Medyka border crossing.

8:56 AM · Sep 16, 2024





Geoff Pilkington


My friend Jamie Rejent interviewed Ryan Wesley Routh (the man that attempted to assassinate Trump) at a train station on the border of Poland & Ukraine back in April of 2022. Ryan was on his way into Ukraine to “Occupy” Kyiv with his flags and his tent.

🎥 Insta: Jamie.Rejent

2:34 AM · Sep 16, 2024






>>21598604 Is Trump’s Would be Assassin Ryan Routh an Associate of MSNBC Terrorism Analyst Malcolm Nance?

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062d9c No.21601471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not ready to believe anything right now, until real truths are unleashed, but he is a good dancer, and said to possibly be her, now.


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8558cc No.21601472


I love that CNN is showing they can be objective. This came about because Trump praised CNN's very well done debate. They lost a lot of viewers by Trump calling them fake news. When he complimented the moderators, some of their reporters are actually doing news. Anderson and others refuse to get in line. I think there will be a shake up there because the board of directors wants them to get back to real news. Their opinion people are stupid and biased though.

They made one big mistake though, bringing back Stelter

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af0e9b No.21601473

File: 1b37ec4ae131005⋯.png (625.23 KB,539x1569,539:1569,1b37ec4ae13100509929af426d….png)

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bc76ba No.21601474

So Ryan and Adam Routh have a company building tiny movable houses to allow buyers to skirt the need for permitting in HI. All responsibility for pissing off your neighbors with your little trashy house on wheels is the buyers. It figures that Ryan was a Bernie Sanders supporter.


"The Hawaiian Islands face unique challenges; with land cost at a premium, cost of shipping supplies, and a complex and overloaded permitting process, any space becomes extremely expensive. The Camp Box vision is to try and help our neighbors and friends with an affordable option to provide that needed comfortable space. Everyone should be able to have their own private spot on the island and know they are worthy, worthwhile and belong as a part of the community. Using standard economical, fast and efficient construction techniques and materials we can produce solutions to our own problems right here on the island. We do not need impractical imported solutions.

Camp Box offers an extremely efficient design that is a mobile and towable unit, so that owners will always have the flexibility relocate or tow their unit wherever needed. As a mobile unit it is not permanent and with 16 ft units are less than 120 square feet, they stay under building code requirements to avoid the lengthy building permit process, if someone wishes to make it a permanent accessory structure."

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667186 No.21601475


>The shooter had inside information on Trumps schedule and where he would be.

The shooter had up to the second information on Trumps movement.

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f772ee No.21601476


It wouldn't surprise me if Jr was Fredo.

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440c7d No.21601477

File: 96fd475129d8957⋯.png (468.82 KB,602x750,301:375,ClipboardImage.png)



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55d77e No.21601478

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ce680c No.21601479


That's what they want YOU to think.

I think Suddenly Chubby Taylor was the replacement. Just like Suddenly Bald Britney was the replacement.

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e3e009 No.21601480


Are you a ex swiftie?

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5dfb1c No.21601481


>Ryan Routh an Associate of Malcolm Nance

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11a12f No.21601482


Show a screen grab of the change in Open Interest.What strike? What expiry date? Otherwise it's just clickbait.

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b75820 No.21601483


>There was a second shooter

The initial reports had a second shooter shot and kill by USSS. Where'd he go?

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4b699e No.21601484

File: e5adf6e94aa206e⋯.jpg (117.22 KB,500x668,125:167,CALMER_THAN_CABAL.jpg)

File: 35e68d6e4dd06cf⋯.jpg (128.74 KB,529x678,529:678,DON_T_BOTHER_RUNNING.jpg)

File: 09f4f8994913972⋯.jpg (110.47 KB,974x667,974:667,marked_4_later_.jpg)

File: 793467cb1d01752⋯.jpg (211.49 KB,840x786,140:131,FORWARDS_MARCH.jpg)

File: 2fa2ed910abf0f6⋯.jpg (199.26 KB,810x810,1:1,the_people_have_chosen_not….jpg)

If Trump had have gone down… so would have America.

That's a civil war that I wouldn't like to see.


The peaceful transfer of power… not

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410ffe No.21601485

File: e05b919fc63bc56⋯.jpg (66.62 KB,976x549,16:9,_130956245_decomp_oprah_dw….jpg)


Meebe they're friends

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71f6c1 No.21601486


>That's what they want YOU to think.

Sauce? You're trying to tell me what to think by trying to tell me that you're familiar with what they think. See the conundrum?

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ce680c No.21601487



I just pay attention to details others miss.

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11a12f No.21601489

File: 860009223a984ae⋯.png (5.96 MB,4096x4096,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Bad Hombre




Hey Rachel Vindman


, why are you using different addresses with the FEC for your recurring contributions to ActBlue, your husband's money laundering PAC "VoteVets", and your donations to the Harris campaign? Are you circumventing contribution limits and concealing the source of those funds? Not good! Time to start combing through your "situation."


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c2cd4f No.21601490



self nom

malcolm nance responding to x video interview of RR

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8cd6d6 No.21601492

What did the bullets from the USSS agent hit?

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667186 No.21601493


>"It is unclear from the notice how the Pentagon intends to use the study."

I say what could be more clear.

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5dfb1c No.21601494

File: c715398de1181ef⋯.jpeg (102.45 KB,949x534,949:534,JohnOfGodOprah.jpeg)


have they built more than one?

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e2df75 No.21601495

File: 6073d187f4612ea⋯.png (1.12 MB,800x1024,25:32,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dce5dbdfc1cf4c4⋯.mp4 (8.36 MB,640x372,160:93,hannity_report_on_djt_shoo….mp4)


this is what anon has been thinking.

djt time away from campaigning is his own.

when he decides to spend time relaxing he will use his golf course.

That game was set up some time ago,

hannity had a invite.

The trap was set at the 5th hole.

Security can only monitor around djt.

Those who knew the game was taking place.

Start there.

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71f6c1 No.21601496

Ah, I see AEI is retarding it up on his Parakeet persona. Easy filter for a simple twit.

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e6e4e6 No.21601497


There's no self nom-ing here

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ce680c No.21601498


Oswald didn't kill Kennedy. He was in Dallas investigating a possible plot to assassinate Kennedy. Oh, the irony.

In that same video where "Taylor" says Taylor is dead, she also says she hates Taylor.

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a5f743 No.21601499

File: 04df955ab2875fb⋯.jpg (113.02 KB,1566x881,1566:881,GettyImages_1149043792_hzn….jpg)

File: 6a1b6826a7411cd⋯.jpg (500.03 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240913_005305….jpg)

File: f63c7ac201d1aea⋯.jpg (44.04 KB,897x563,897:563,Mike_Waltz_e1592329127347_….jpg)

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8558cc No.21601500


How many terrorists has Zelensky and Ukraine IC trained and sent WW. Everyone knows Zelensky and the EU don't want Trump back. Their whole money laundering scheme with Bidan will be exposed and stopped under Trump. It wouldn't surprise me if the have more shooters lined up.

Whats scary though is there any patriots in our government that will protect President Trump. A whole lot of Trump haters through every agency.

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5dfb1c No.21601501

File: d47dddbc242b316⋯.png (198.73 KB,700x317,700:317,ClipboardImage.png)


>What did the bullets from the USSS agent hit?

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9ba69d No.21601502


Both Anon, Shake off the fringes, bring in the mainstream Americans.

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bec837 No.21601503


the youtube channel that had the video of Crooks had a statement of something like "stay tuned" I don't remember exactly what it said but I remember thinking another assassin will be on this channel. The gameshow channel did the same thing. A bunch of Trump haters that came out in 2016-2017 were past game show contestants like E jean Carrol was

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fec527 No.21601504


A tech billionaire is quietly buying up land in Hawaii. No one knows why


Maybe to build tiny houses?

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667186 No.21601505

File: f91a4c2adfda131⋯.jpg (51.9 KB,500x500,1:1,artworks_000296509803_pmyt….jpg)


No coincidences.

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55c53f No.21601506

File: 5c43e939a658fba⋯.jpeg (852.83 KB,1125x1742,1125:1742,IMG_4095.jpeg)

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06d86f No.21601507

File: a3664290de68d33⋯.png (24.25 KB,1001x196,143:28,ClipboardImage.png)

Just want to say.

Called it…

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fec527 No.21601508

File: a6c86aa57d4fce5⋯.png (191.66 KB,385x320,77:64,BattleGrounds.png)

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440c7d No.21601509


Anon thinks you meant to reply to the post that this anon was replying to. But since they both were on the subject of stock puts. Anon is unsure whether you replied to wrong post or not. Can you clarify your statement anon? Are you talking about 9-11-2001, or 9-15-2024?

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8558cc No.21601510


Nobody cares what you say zelensky, you are owned by CIA, you should have left the country two years ago. You've lost all need by CIA

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f453e8 No.21601511

File: 2e08307d12c2eb0⋯.jpeg (957.19 KB,1125x1705,225:341,IMG_4096.jpeg)

Thank you, Joseph!

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fec527 No.21601512


No coincidences post was instantly removed either. How close is this admin to the Roths?

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1fa488 No.21601513

>>21599301 pb



> Dec 16, 2002 Updated Jan 24, 2015

Dec 16,2002UpdatedJan 24,2015

Who "updates" an article 14 years later?

An article that was published before all of the facts are verified gets "updated" within a day or two. NOT 14 YEARS.

Articles are not Wikipedia - ''which gets edited (i.e., changes asserted "facts" to fix the emerging narrative) every time something is about to, or has just, hit the news.

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5c3f28 No.21601514

File: d08ba890d5c9861⋯.png (393.94 KB,509x566,509:566,d08ba890d5c9861be9d3507d01….png)


You have 90 posts!

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fec527 No.21601515



>you are owned by CIA

The Jews control the CIA

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1262ea No.21601516

File: 0583aa8b9d37e50⋯.jpg (41.86 KB,720x243,80:27,20240916_073632.jpg)

File: f1451926209c7ae⋯.mp4 (8.67 MB,640x372,160:93,Nick_Sortor_20240915_2_new….mp4)

File: 8b268163f580cf5⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB,576x1024,9:16,TestDummy_20240913_5_new.mp4)

What did hannity know? he said didn't want to golf and be killed , so he knew Trump's golf schedule, also the day before he gave this weird ass look and handshake with Gavin Newscum(second vid)

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1fa488 No.21601517


> 14 years

13 years

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1e2020 No.21601518


He's a whore!

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5a31dd No.21601519

All alphabet comms are comped, infiltration by white hats. The satanic elite's hold on American Government to be exposed and ground into a fine slurry.

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062d9c No.21601520


Some are forced into the light, to be exposed.

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a5f743 No.21601521

File: 04df955ab2875fb⋯.jpg (113.02 KB,1566x881,1566:881,GettyImages_1149043792_hzn….jpg)

File: db4c5c295d4906b⋯.jpg (18.59 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2306163206.jpg)

File: 03db70469892a2c⋯.jpg (99.69 KB,1600x900,16:9,0015901b_1600_181723727.jpg)

File: c83500afaae99ec⋯.jpg (377.42 KB,2999x1687,2999:1687,0ee418ed_8229_48bb_ba41_a6….jpg)

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11a12f No.21601522


The 9-11 "Shorts" were well documented. $DJT "shorts" have not at all been documented, anywhere.

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a00142 No.21601523

File: fa49f778b75b58a⋯.jpeg (587.1 KB,1125x1516,1125:1516,IMG_4097.jpeg)

Wow! Vid at link.


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436e18 No.21601524



you can start there, but thinking it was an individual person is basic thinking. They could have had Hannities phone bugged or anyone else in that circle. The problem is that they can do this with out bugging a line, all they have to do is eye of sauron that shit. So the game was set up for a little while ok fine but that does not mean it is still happening does it? Not necessarily. So a plan was hatched they found an opening and were just waiting for that moment to strike. If Trump was playing a full game of 18 holes, that is a few hours of time so the 5th hole is early in the game itself. So no matter what the shooter had to know Trump was moving, he was going to the course and to use the predesignated site to do the attack. He knew what to bring for that situation as well as ghetto as it was but effective. He also had an escape route and if the plate was not traceable then he would not have gotten busted. But I think this is more than enough questions for normies to start talking about it

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fec527 No.21601525

File: 42e98d8ea219b48⋯.jpg (44.98 KB,402x383,402:383,NiceCatch.JPG)


Video of Hannity and Newsome slapping some skin. WTF?


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bdc61d No.21601526

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e7c542 No.21601527


I heard Hannity say that in real time!

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5dfb1c No.21601528



FROM STAFF REPORTS Dec 16, 2002 Updated Jan 24, 2015

An armed man was arrested Monday morning after barricading himself in a business during a three-hour standoff, police said.

Ryan Routh, 36, was arrested without incident at 1 a.m. Monday at United Roofing, 1735 W. Lee St., Greensboro police said.Routh was pulled over about 10 p.m. Sunday during a traffic stop, police said. But he put his hand on a firearm and drove to United Roofing, where he remained barricaded inside, police said.

Routh was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and possession of a weapon of mass destruction, referring to a fully automatic machine gun. He was also charged with resisting, delaying and obstructing a law enforcement officer and driving while license revoked.

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17a537 No.21601529


the guy seems like a trainwreck overstuffed with MSM brainwashing propaganda

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bdc61d No.21601530


#26458 >>21600718


>>21600752, >>21600808 Connecting the sh**ter to to fightforukraine, seeking support of elected officials

>>21600767, >>21600772 Duckworth on Assassination Attempt and Debate

>>21600782 Wife of Impeachment Conspirator Alexander Vindman Gets Obliterated After Mocking Second Trump Assassination

>>21600809 Congress was on vacation during both assasination attempts

>>21600813 @MarcoPolo501c3: 2 yrs ago, daughter of the would-be assassination arrested for assault on a gov't official

>>21600818 2002 in North Carolina, Routh charged w/possessing a "weapon of mass destruction" - automatic machine gun

>>21600825 me/EnochsNewsBlast/: mapped positions of DJT, USSS and Routh

>>21600846 routh's son: says his dad hates Trump like 'all reasonable people'

>>21600848, >>21600857 Tito Jackson dies, aged 70

>>21600886, >>21600901 May 2022 - routh appeared in Azov battalion propoganda vid

>>21600887, >>21600891, >>21600896 Moar routh Ukraine connections

>>21600904 Breaking: Ryan Routh was an Eagle Scout

>>21600927, >>21600946, >>21600954, >>21600958, >>21600961, >>21600965, >>21600967, >>21600994, >>21600996, >>21601190 Into the Soo - diggz on possible C_A routh connections

Ghost grab

>>21600972 Pentagon orders study of potential nuclear strike in Eastern Europe

>>21600999 musk presidential poll with 5.8mm votes - Trump 73% | Harris 27%

>>21601328 Eating The Cats vid for the keks!

>>21601339, >>21601360 Swamp Talk

>>21601341 Opposition to right to hunt and fish Amendment 2 comes from lab-grown meat backer

>>21601362 Nebraska mayor rejects Chadron State University's 'Tim Walz Day,' says city 'needs to stay out of politics'

>>21601374 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21601417, >>21601423 PROF. GIORDANO: American education's decline under Governor Tim Walz

>>21601439, >>21601401 Routh and Blackrock

>>21601443 The deadly and harmful ingredients of the monkeypox (mpox) vaccine


>>21601470 Moar Routh/Malcolm Nance

>>21601489 Hey Rachel Vindman @natsechobbyist, why are you using different addresses with the FEC for your recurring contributions to ActBlue…


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440c7d No.21601531

File: bee53e8e7f924d8⋯.png (842.76 KB,1070x931,1070:931,ClipboardImage.png)


>didn't want to golf and be killed

good luck

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380aa0 No.21601532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cletus …baby


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50efbe No.21601533

File: c2893efd89920c5⋯.jpg (78.05 KB,451x405,451:405,c2893efd89920c54a98a724249….jpg)

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5a31dd No.21601535

How many Deepfucks went to work today not knowing they ma

Y never see their families again.

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5dfb1c No.21601536



Federal officials search Greensboro home linked to suspect in Trump assassination attempt


Fresh off fierce debate win, Harris rally at Greensboro Coliseum attracts thousands

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6470fc No.21601537

scripted, scripted, everything is scripted.


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17a537 No.21601539


be funny if the top brass at cnn have snapped out of it, and brought back Stelter just so they can fire him morebetter this time.

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71f6c1 No.21601541

File: 3c3d6de3f4bd68d⋯.jpg (201.42 KB,969x965,969:965,cringe.jpg)


What does your Oswald straw man have to do with Swift?

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59a9aa No.21601542


I don't trust Hannity, even though Trump thinks he's a friend, he's a two faced liar

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84f28e No.21601543

good analysis of this guy and connections

Trump's second attempted assassin, Ryan Routh, has some interesting connections, and background.


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50efbe No.21601544


Ms Lindsey is another one

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a5f743 No.21601545

File: 888e0e90ea1406b⋯.jpg (820.65 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_114832….jpg)

File: cfd56548dbcabc9⋯.jpg (585.24 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_085215….jpg)

File: 94166a8cb91fcad⋯.jpg (106.33 KB,1079x1346,1079:1346,e5bb8762e3251dae023c1c0e19….jpg)

File: 3783a33b73e1011⋯.jpg (283.66 KB,1145x1600,229:320,Brazilian_model_Gisele_Bun….jpg)

File: 758009ff275e5e5⋯.png (504.54 KB,817x662,817:662,Sean_Hannity_1.png)

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062d9c No.21601546

File: 42c5a6516620661⋯.png (33.69 KB,945x382,945:382,ClipboardImage.png)


tried to find the pic, oh well, clean up crew is fast.

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5dfb1c No.21601548


>if I can simply go to the center of Kiev, set up my tent, occupy Ukraine

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bdc61d No.21601549

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6470fc No.21601550


[steve_ martin_ghey_scoutmaster_snl_skit.png]

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5dfb1c No.21601551


>What did hannity know?

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5a31dd No.21601553

Pick a spot on the carpeted cubicle wall and stare at it motherfuckers,the rest of your treasonous

alphabet DeepFuck life belongs to us.

The anons.

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59a9aa No.21601554

File: 375ca75974a4fe3⋯.jpeg (136.95 KB,1284x959,1284:959,IMG_3334.jpeg)


Her post got 13 million views

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062d9c No.21601557


If you can call bot farms, views…

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5dfb1c No.21601558

File: 8b5ebb53f7ddd0b⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB,1008x720,7:5,Willie_Brown.mp4)

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968a02 No.21601559

File: fe1f7ce18e6107c⋯.jpg (29.74 KB,931x524,931:524,694940094001_6039135162001….jpg)

File: f85ab3051edf605⋯.jpg (27.47 KB,474x355,474:355,th_2857021982.jpg)

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5dfb1c No.21601561

File: f8024e9eee602a3⋯.mp4 (6.02 MB,1080x1920,9:16,currentoccupant.mp4)

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062d9c No.21601562


there ya go, thanks..

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c09005 No.21601563


late to say it butnotable

please repost NB

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5dfb1c No.21601565

File: f5ef6f930e91c48⋯.mp4 (15.72 MB,240x180,4:3,PEDO_EMPIRE.mp4)

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5dfb1c No.21601566

File: 6139a59e4cd0833⋯.mp4 (5.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,whorunsukraine.mp4)

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5dfb1c No.21601567

File: 2b4e061e3444f63⋯.mp4 (11.45 MB,576x1024,9:16,weirdweird.mp4)

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50efbe No.21601568


He spoke about his CYA pin he wears yesterday and held up his jacket to show it. I thought that was way odd. I forgot all the flair he used to wear!

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11a12f No.21601569

File: 00c7bf8a66442ad⋯.png (663.09 KB,1874x1282,937:641,ClipboardImage.png)

File: afaadd88fb5cded⋯.png (656.49 KB,1190x1184,595:592,ClipboardImage.png)

LinkedInis currently owned byMSFT, but was started byReid Hoffman.

Heritage Foundation @Heritage

LinkedIn removed our post because apparently it’s “misinformation” to say non-citizens shouldn’t be able to register to vote.

The post didn’t even say that non-citizens are registered to vote (though some are), it simply said they shouldn’t be able to register to vote.


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07cbcb No.21601570


"No ears harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon.

[Code Comms] → Carry on with your Sunday afternoon.TRY AGAIN

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6470fc No.21601572


> (99)

that's 95 posts too many


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5dfb1c No.21601573

File: 0f6e3714ea4dbe6⋯.mp4 (946.16 KB,640x360,16:9,wtc7.mp4)

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fec527 No.21601576

File: 7fa41e825973d62⋯.jpg (30.46 KB,463x354,463:354,EastwoodPissOff.JPG)


What part of this is the end do you not get?

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