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File: 4124dc1219c6799⋯.png (394.56 KB,879x474,293:158,2022_03_29_21_15_12_maga_l….png)

47538e No.21600707 [View All]

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701 posts and 534 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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fec527 No.21601515



>you are owned by CIA

The Jews control the CIA

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1262ea No.21601516

File: 0583aa8b9d37e50⋯.jpg (41.86 KB,720x243,80:27,20240916_073632.jpg)

File: f1451926209c7ae⋯.mp4 (8.67 MB,640x372,160:93,Nick_Sortor_20240915_2_new….mp4)

File: 8b268163f580cf5⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB,576x1024,9:16,TestDummy_20240913_5_new.mp4)

What did hannity know? he said didn't want to golf and be killed , so he knew Trump's golf schedule, also the day before he gave this weird ass look and handshake with Gavin Newscum(second vid)

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1fa488 No.21601517


> 14 years

13 years

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1e2020 No.21601518


He's a whore!

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5a31dd No.21601519

All alphabet comms are comped, infiltration by white hats. The satanic elite's hold on American Government to be exposed and ground into a fine slurry.

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062d9c No.21601520


Some are forced into the light, to be exposed.

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a5f743 No.21601521

File: 04df955ab2875fb⋯.jpg (113.02 KB,1566x881,1566:881,GettyImages_1149043792_hzn….jpg)

File: db4c5c295d4906b⋯.jpg (18.59 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2306163206.jpg)

File: 03db70469892a2c⋯.jpg (99.69 KB,1600x900,16:9,0015901b_1600_181723727.jpg)

File: c83500afaae99ec⋯.jpg (377.42 KB,2999x1687,2999:1687,0ee418ed_8229_48bb_ba41_a6….jpg)

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11a12f No.21601522


The 9-11 "Shorts" were well documented. $DJT "shorts" have not at all been documented, anywhere.

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a00142 No.21601523

File: fa49f778b75b58a⋯.jpeg (587.1 KB,1125x1516,1125:1516,IMG_4097.jpeg)

Wow! Vid at link.


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436e18 No.21601524



you can start there, but thinking it was an individual person is basic thinking. They could have had Hannities phone bugged or anyone else in that circle. The problem is that they can do this with out bugging a line, all they have to do is eye of sauron that shit. So the game was set up for a little while ok fine but that does not mean it is still happening does it? Not necessarily. So a plan was hatched they found an opening and were just waiting for that moment to strike. If Trump was playing a full game of 18 holes, that is a few hours of time so the 5th hole is early in the game itself. So no matter what the shooter had to know Trump was moving, he was going to the course and to use the predesignated site to do the attack. He knew what to bring for that situation as well as ghetto as it was but effective. He also had an escape route and if the plate was not traceable then he would not have gotten busted. But I think this is more than enough questions for normies to start talking about it

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fec527 No.21601525

File: 42e98d8ea219b48⋯.jpg (44.98 KB,402x383,402:383,NiceCatch.JPG)


Video of Hannity and Newsome slapping some skin. WTF?


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bdc61d No.21601526

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e7c542 No.21601527


I heard Hannity say that in real time!

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5dfb1c No.21601528



FROM STAFF REPORTS Dec 16, 2002 Updated Jan 24, 2015

An armed man was arrested Monday morning after barricading himself in a business during a three-hour standoff, police said.

Ryan Routh, 36, was arrested without incident at 1 a.m. Monday at United Roofing, 1735 W. Lee St., Greensboro police said.Routh was pulled over about 10 p.m. Sunday during a traffic stop, police said. But he put his hand on a firearm and drove to United Roofing, where he remained barricaded inside, police said.

Routh was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and possession of a weapon of mass destruction, referring to a fully automatic machine gun. He was also charged with resisting, delaying and obstructing a law enforcement officer and driving while license revoked.

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17a537 No.21601529


the guy seems like a trainwreck overstuffed with MSM brainwashing propaganda

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bdc61d No.21601530


#26458 >>21600718


>>21600752, >>21600808 Connecting the sh**ter to to fightforukraine, seeking support of elected officials

>>21600767, >>21600772 Duckworth on Assassination Attempt and Debate

>>21600782 Wife of Impeachment Conspirator Alexander Vindman Gets Obliterated After Mocking Second Trump Assassination

>>21600809 Congress was on vacation during both assasination attempts

>>21600813 @MarcoPolo501c3: 2 yrs ago, daughter of the would-be assassination arrested for assault on a gov't official

>>21600818 2002 in North Carolina, Routh charged w/possessing a "weapon of mass destruction" - automatic machine gun

>>21600825 me/EnochsNewsBlast/: mapped positions of DJT, USSS and Routh

>>21600846 routh's son: says his dad hates Trump like 'all reasonable people'

>>21600848, >>21600857 Tito Jackson dies, aged 70

>>21600886, >>21600901 May 2022 - routh appeared in Azov battalion propoganda vid

>>21600887, >>21600891, >>21600896 Moar routh Ukraine connections

>>21600904 Breaking: Ryan Routh was an Eagle Scout

>>21600927, >>21600946, >>21600954, >>21600958, >>21600961, >>21600965, >>21600967, >>21600994, >>21600996, >>21601190 Into the Soo - diggz on possible C_A routh connections

Ghost grab

>>21600972 Pentagon orders study of potential nuclear strike in Eastern Europe

>>21600999 musk presidential poll with 5.8mm votes - Trump 73% | Harris 27%

>>21601328 Eating The Cats vid for the keks!

>>21601339, >>21601360 Swamp Talk

>>21601341 Opposition to right to hunt and fish Amendment 2 comes from lab-grown meat backer

>>21601362 Nebraska mayor rejects Chadron State University's 'Tim Walz Day,' says city 'needs to stay out of politics'

>>21601374 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21601417, >>21601423 PROF. GIORDANO: American education's decline under Governor Tim Walz

>>21601439, >>21601401 Routh and Blackrock

>>21601443 The deadly and harmful ingredients of the monkeypox (mpox) vaccine


>>21601470 Moar Routh/Malcolm Nance

>>21601489 Hey Rachel Vindman @natsechobbyist, why are you using different addresses with the FEC for your recurring contributions to ActBlue…


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440c7d No.21601531

File: bee53e8e7f924d8⋯.png (842.76 KB,1070x931,1070:931,ClipboardImage.png)


>didn't want to golf and be killed

good luck

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380aa0 No.21601532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cletus …baby


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50efbe No.21601533

File: c2893efd89920c5⋯.jpg (78.05 KB,451x405,451:405,c2893efd89920c54a98a724249….jpg)

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5a31dd No.21601535

How many Deepfucks went to work today not knowing they ma

Y never see their families again.

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5dfb1c No.21601536



Federal officials search Greensboro home linked to suspect in Trump assassination attempt


Fresh off fierce debate win, Harris rally at Greensboro Coliseum attracts thousands

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6470fc No.21601537

scripted, scripted, everything is scripted.


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17a537 No.21601539


be funny if the top brass at cnn have snapped out of it, and brought back Stelter just so they can fire him morebetter this time.

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71f6c1 No.21601541

File: 3c3d6de3f4bd68d⋯.jpg (201.42 KB,969x965,969:965,cringe.jpg)


What does your Oswald straw man have to do with Swift?

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59a9aa No.21601542


I don't trust Hannity, even though Trump thinks he's a friend, he's a two faced liar

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84f28e No.21601543

good analysis of this guy and connections

Trump's second attempted assassin, Ryan Routh, has some interesting connections, and background.


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50efbe No.21601544


Ms Lindsey is another one

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a5f743 No.21601545

File: 888e0e90ea1406b⋯.jpg (820.65 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_114832….jpg)

File: cfd56548dbcabc9⋯.jpg (585.24 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_085215….jpg)

File: 94166a8cb91fcad⋯.jpg (106.33 KB,1079x1346,1079:1346,e5bb8762e3251dae023c1c0e19….jpg)

File: 3783a33b73e1011⋯.jpg (283.66 KB,1145x1600,229:320,Brazilian_model_Gisele_Bun….jpg)

File: 758009ff275e5e5⋯.png (504.54 KB,817x662,817:662,Sean_Hannity_1.png)

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062d9c No.21601546

File: 42c5a6516620661⋯.png (33.69 KB,945x382,945:382,ClipboardImage.png)


tried to find the pic, oh well, clean up crew is fast.

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5dfb1c No.21601548


>if I can simply go to the center of Kiev, set up my tent, occupy Ukraine

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bdc61d No.21601549

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6470fc No.21601550


[steve_ martin_ghey_scoutmaster_snl_skit.png]

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5dfb1c No.21601551


>What did hannity know?

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5a31dd No.21601553

Pick a spot on the carpeted cubicle wall and stare at it motherfuckers,the rest of your treasonous

alphabet DeepFuck life belongs to us.

The anons.

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59a9aa No.21601554

File: 375ca75974a4fe3⋯.jpeg (136.95 KB,1284x959,1284:959,IMG_3334.jpeg)


Her post got 13 million views

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062d9c No.21601557


If you can call bot farms, views…

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5dfb1c No.21601558

File: 8b5ebb53f7ddd0b⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB,1008x720,7:5,Willie_Brown.mp4)

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968a02 No.21601559

File: fe1f7ce18e6107c⋯.jpg (29.74 KB,931x524,931:524,694940094001_6039135162001….jpg)

File: f85ab3051edf605⋯.jpg (27.47 KB,474x355,474:355,th_2857021982.jpg)

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5dfb1c No.21601561

File: f8024e9eee602a3⋯.mp4 (6.02 MB,1080x1920,9:16,currentoccupant.mp4)

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062d9c No.21601562


there ya go, thanks..

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c09005 No.21601563


late to say it butnotable

please repost NB

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5dfb1c No.21601565

File: f5ef6f930e91c48⋯.mp4 (15.72 MB,240x180,4:3,PEDO_EMPIRE.mp4)

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5dfb1c No.21601566

File: 6139a59e4cd0833⋯.mp4 (5.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,whorunsukraine.mp4)

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5dfb1c No.21601567

File: 2b4e061e3444f63⋯.mp4 (11.45 MB,576x1024,9:16,weirdweird.mp4)

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50efbe No.21601568


He spoke about his CYA pin he wears yesterday and held up his jacket to show it. I thought that was way odd. I forgot all the flair he used to wear!

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11a12f No.21601569

File: 00c7bf8a66442ad⋯.png (663.09 KB,1874x1282,937:641,ClipboardImage.png)

File: afaadd88fb5cded⋯.png (656.49 KB,1190x1184,595:592,ClipboardImage.png)

LinkedInis currently owned byMSFT, but was started byReid Hoffman.

Heritage Foundation @Heritage

LinkedIn removed our post because apparently it’s “misinformation” to say non-citizens shouldn’t be able to register to vote.

The post didn’t even say that non-citizens are registered to vote (though some are), it simply said they shouldn’t be able to register to vote.


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07cbcb No.21601570


"No ears harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon.

[Code Comms] → Carry on with your Sunday afternoon.TRY AGAIN

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6470fc No.21601572


> (99)

that's 95 posts too many


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5dfb1c No.21601573

File: 0f6e3714ea4dbe6⋯.mp4 (946.16 KB,640x360,16:9,wtc7.mp4)

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fec527 No.21601576

File: 7fa41e825973d62⋯.jpg (30.46 KB,463x354,463:354,EastwoodPissOff.JPG)


What part of this is the end do you not get?

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