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22c375 No.21598228 [Last50 Posts]

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22c375 No.21598231

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22c375 No.21598233


#26454 >>21597426

>>21597437, >>21597516, >>21597708 Ryan Wesley Routh's ActBlue donations - all to democrats

>>21597452 How did the shooter know when Trump would be on the course? Inside info fed to him?

>>21597459, >>21597489, >>21597879, >>21597933 Ryan Routh is owner of CampBox

>>21597769 CampBox website is now down

>>21597793, >>21597848, >>21597856, >>21597909, >>21597980 Greensboro, NC also documentation of a Ryan Routh eoofing company

>>21597470, >>21597514 Golf course logistics

>>21597476, >>21597511, >>21597525, >>21597529, >>21597536, >>21597540, >>21597541, >>21597761, >>21597762, >>21597765, >>21597979, >>21598162 Moar of Ryan's Social Media posts

>>21597690, >>21597527, >>21597820, >>21597486, >>21597687, >>21597936 Was Ryan a CIA mercenary recruiter?

>>21597986 Palm Beach shooter Ryan Routh works with the "National Volunteer Center sending soldiers to Ukraine and Taiwan"

>>21597481 Erik Prince calls on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to immediately assume control of the investigation

>>21597506, >>21597852 Ryan Routh's LinkedIn

>>21597532 Trump Assassination Attempt: Here's what the sheriff's office said during press conference

>>21597550, >>21597571, >>21597610 Adam Schiff

>>21597564, >>21597918 Wife: Lora Routh

>>21597602 Chuckles makes a statement

>>21597633 FBI names Ryan Wesley Routh as 'apparent Trump assassination attempt' suspect

>>21597663 Ryan Routh was apparently already low-key media famous

>>21597647 In a 2022 interview with Newsweek Romania, Routh was candid about his pro-Ukraine views

>>21597567 Ryan Routh, with gun, barricades self inside business

>>21598128 Ryan was profiled in the New York Times in March 2023 for his efforts to recruit fighters to help Ukraine

>>21598218 Ryan Wesley Routh was featured in a YouTube prankster video where he attempted to recruit "revolutionaries" on the Harvard campus

>>21597636 Margo Martin: Fight Night from Trump Force One! 🇺🇸

>>21597665, >>21597675 Fight, fight, fight Qpost also aligns with red carpet news from today

>>21597685, >>21597702 How Kamala Harris Knocked Donald Trump Off Course: Did TIME Magazine send a go-code?

>>21597718, >>21598129 Facebook / X deletes assassin's account (archive everything)

>>21597967, >>21597985 Shooter's FB page archived

>>21597743 Radical Leftists are once again calling for violence following another attempted assassination of Donald Trump

>>21597758, >>21597845 Look at the phone number

>>21597772, >>21598183, >>21598211 Scavino: 🙏🇺🇸🦅 | FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!!!

>>21597855 We still have work to do

>>21597890 Hakeem Jeffries: Extreme MAGA Republicans are the party of a national abortion ban and Trump’s Project 2025 - we must stop them

>>21597927 Demands mount for Trump to get same protection as Biden after yet another assassination plot

>>21597960 DeSantis knew about the raid on Mar-A-Lago and didn't stop it?

>>21597981 Daniel Routh Obituary

>>21597993 Ryan's e-mail adresses

>>21598067 When asked about the threat level against Trump, Secret Service representative said: "We live in dangerous times"

>>21598097 Further details: Hannity has spoken with Trump 3 times since the incident

>>21598188 Suspect described as being emotionless when caught

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21597876 The border crisis wasn't bad enough, so they made a free Uber service for illegals

>>21598040 MSM right on cue

>>21597995 6.5 magnitude earthquake hits off coast of British Columbia

>>21597463, >>21597469, >>21597574, >>21597609, >>21598065, >>21598167 Memes

>>21598227 #26454

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22c375 No.21598237

#26453 >>21596620

>>21597139, >>21597161, >>21597199, >>21597176, >>21597182, >>21597212, >>21597213, >>21597222, >>21597226, >>21597237, >>21597243, >>21597300, >>21597333, >>21597341, >>21597370, >>21597390, >>21597397 Ryan Wesley Routh

>>21597191, >>21597181, >>21597252, >>21597273, >>21597281, >>21597292, >>21597306, >>21597313, >>21597316, >>21597322, >>21597342, >>21597344, >>21597245 Assassin's social media posts

>>21596628 Live: Assassination attempt press conference

>>21597254 Some statements made by Palm Beach County Sheriff

>>21596860 West Palm Beach Police reveal Trump assassin’s sniper’s nest outside Trump’s golf club

>>21597075, >>21597086 Distance appears to be moar like 200 to 250 feet

>>21596635, >>21596791, >>21597187 Trump golf course layout logistics

>>21596850, >>21596893, >>21596899 Alleged pic of suspect

>>21597095 (Sept. 11) Was this the Go Order?

>>21596997, >>21597012 Erik Prince calling on DeSantis for State of Florida to takeover the investigation into 2nd Trump assassination attempt

>>21596849, >>21597009, >>21597224 Details

>>21597143 Secret Service Statement Regarding September 15, 2024, Security Incident at Trump International Golf Club

>>21597148 According to the Secret Service, the golf course wasn’t secured because Trump isn’t a sitting President

>>21597007 JD Vance: I'm glad President Trump is safe - I spoke to him before the news was public and he was, amazingly, in good spirits

>>21596912, >>21597014 Misc.

>>21596718 They tried to assassinate Trump after both debate losses

>>21597147 Rachel Vindman: No ears were harmed - carry on with your Sunday afternoon

>>21596776 Refresher: Chuck Schumer threatened DJT

>>21597087 (July) Democrat congressman Dan Goldman: President Trump “cannot see public office again . . . and he has to be eliminated”

>>21597169 Krappenstein doing what he does

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21596948 All 6 pages of the ABC whistleblower affidavit re: Trump vs Kamala presidental debate

>>21597011 Elon: SPQR

>>21597054 Venezuela Arrests Navy SEAL Among Several Foreigners Behind Alleged Maduro Assassination Plot

>>21597106 Planefag: GlobalX 3139 Service from Miami to Havana

>>21597314 Palm Beach County sheriff lavishes retiring execs with $400K bonuses

>>21597365 PF: AP01, Mexican president on board?

>>21597389 PF: N858SJ

>>21596670, >>21596775, >>21596800, >>21596838, >>21596913, >>21596956, >>21597400 Memes

>>21597406 #26453

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22c375 No.21598241

#26452 >>21595847

>>21595891, >>21595896, >>21595899, >>21595928, >>21596217, >>21596217, >>21596088, >>21596094 BREAKING NEWS Shots fired at Trump National Golf Club with former president on site

>>21595947, >>21596097, >>21596268, >>21596284 Trump taken to safety after Secret Service opens fire on man with possible gun at his Palm Beach golf club

>>21595986, >>21596008, >>21596019, >>21596076, >>21595996, >>21596065 Trump shooting: WATCH THE NARRATIVE SHIFT!

>>21596054 Secret Service agents opened fire on potential gunman

>>21596000, >>21596591 Palm Beach Sheriff’s Department to make official statement at 3:15pm EST.

>>21596073 Miller: "The Secret Service identified the direction" of the shots "and returned fire at that gunman, who fled. Witnesses were able to provide a description of an individual and a vehicle. We are told that a vehicle that is close to that description has been stopped" by police.

>>21596006 Biden and Rockefeller on the presidential plane. And you asked who's running it all.

>>21596122 Matt Gaetz: “Dear Lord - Please continue to protect President Trump.”

>>21596134 BREAKING: Donald Trump *was* the intended target of the shots fired at Trump International Golf Club according to CNN

>>21596145 @EzraACohen: The Biden-Harris administration led USSS allowed another gunman to get within close proximity to President Trump.

>>21596153, >>21596253 @charliekirk11 - The NY Post has walked back its original report that said President Trump was not the target. The article has been updated to this: “Initial reports suggested two people were firing at each other.

>>21596160 More details of SS pursuit of suspect

>>21596215, >>21596464, >>21596465 @GenFlynn: What the hell is going on with @realDonaldTrump‘s security?

>>21596259 Trump International West Palm - overhead view

>>21596272 Mike Davis on shooter

>>21596278 Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office press conference LIVE

>>21596298, >>21596390 BREAKING: Donald Trump was tackled by Secret Service agents when he was on the 5th hole after "pops" rang out.

>>21596285 Image of the shooter's car released by the Martin Countys Sheriff's office.

>>21596319 Kamala has been briefed. 🦗 Crickets from the potato

>>21596197 "The Shot Heard Round the World" Q proof nom

>>21596332, >>21596335 Trump: "I really wanted to finish that hole" detailed description of the 2nd (known) assassination attempt of Donald Trump by a close friend, Sean Hannity.

>>21596344 This event was not on any public schedule, so how did the shooter know where to be?

>>21596353 Martin County Sheriff: We know his name [shooter], and the FBI clearly knows his name. I am not in a position to release that.

>>21596361 FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

>>21596385 @libsoftiktok: New statement from Trump following ass*ss*nation attempt: Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER!

>>21596395 Police speak after men arrested in shooting

>>21596406, >>21596580 Hannity - Donald Trump was tackled by Secret Service on the fifth hole of his golf course when the shots were being fired at him which led to Secret Service returning fire.

>>21596454 Suspect ALMOST GOT AWAY

>>21596488 Hole 5 where Trump was shot at…very close to the edge, easy to take a shot at him…that's a jail on top left..

>>21596494 Fitton: Biden-Harris Secret Service again allowed an obviously armed individual to get within shooting distance of the @realDonaldTrump

>>21596516 Trump International Golf Course to Mar-A-Lago approx 12 minute drive

>>21596524 "Right now I feel like MAGA in general, they are threats to us domestically" - Rep Jasmine Crockett (D) this morning A few hours later someone tried to kiII Trump.

>>21596526 Scavino: PRAY.

>>21596546 The FBI is investigating now it is considered an assassination attempt of President Trump (gee, what a relief.…)

>>21596618 At least one serious injury crash has happened in the backup from this arrest, with 2 medical evacuation helicopters, N213SH and N253AM, responding to MM 110 on I-95 NB.

>>21596600 Trump "Suspect had NO Emotion!" Almost like an MKUltra patient!

>>21596586 @RealCandaceO - I quite literally did my last episode on the fact that Trump is in danger because they want him dead

>>21596475 the BEE: Taylor Swift's Jet Seen Fleeing Site Of Trump Shooting

- - - - - - - -

>>21596183, >>21596554, >>21596583 Benny Johnson: Whistleblower affadavit released on unfair advantage given to Harris

>>21596234 🚨 ABC Whistleblower: Kamala received questions before debate, was promised that she would never be fact checked, was given a favorable podium and camera angle, and much more. Audio recordings exist.

>>21596208 Harris lied about abortion. Tim Walz legalized infanticide in Minnesota as recently as 2023.

>>21596243 Dana Bash Auditions for Spot on the Harris-Walz Team As She Berates JD Vance

>>21596485 Linsey Davis admits that fact checking was planned on for TRUMP

>>21595868 The Hill: With fact-checks like these, how does truth stand a chance? (on Trump debate)

>>21595957 Top Harris-Walz surrogate Maura Healy gets nuked over Kamala's LIE that no active duty U.S. troops are stationed in combat zones

>>21596150 Swift endorsement turns more voters from Harris than it attracts: poll

- - - - - - - -

>>21596055 US has declared war on free speech – Russia

>>21596210 U.S. Pushes to Censor Russian Media Worldwide While Funding Own Propaganda Campaigns

>>21596270 Australia threatens to fine social media giants up to 5% of their global revenue for failing to censor so-called misinformation

>>21596120 Are New-World-Order Elites Plotting to Use AI to ‘Deprogram’ So-Called Conspiracy Theorists?

- - - - - - - -

>>21596545 World War III Watch: Russia Threatens to Wipe Kiev Off the Map If Biden and NATO Send Ukraine Long Range Missiles

>>21596166 Trudeau just argued for long range missile strikes deep into Russia while his foreign minister granted an exemption for Russian diamond imports to prevent "unnecessary hardship" to the Canadian (((diamond industry))).

- - - - - - - -

>>21596045, >>21596072, >>21596355 Houthis Hit Israeli Gezer Power Plant With Hypersonic Missile

>>21595981, >>21596301, >>21596422 30+ Million illegal aliens later….Huge Supreme Court docs leak exposes chief justice meddling in Trump's January 6 and election cases - read his memos

>>21595871 DIG CALL: any truth to the idea that Dr. Zhengli Shi from Wuhan Inst deliberately spread covid to the fish market?

>>21595886, >>21595900 KEIR STARMER CALLED WANKER AT HORSE TRACK, UK Labour MP barred from Pub

>>21595892 New state law gives Letitia James power over NY’s closest election contests

>>21595963 AAF Advocates for Cutting Back the Power of Unelected Bureaucrats

>>21596021 Venezuela Arrests Navy SEAL Among Several Foreigners Behind Alleged Maduro Assassination Plot

>>21596039 Opposition is attacking on many fronts

>>21596040 MEME ARCHIVE update

>>21596051 PANIC: Harvard Professor Sends His 'What If Jan 6 Succeeded' Comic-Book To All Pennsylvania High Schools

>>21596143 @StephenMiller to Liz Warren: The population of Haiti is double the population of Massachusetts. Any objection to relocating all of Haiti to your home state?

>>21596175 @BarackObama - There are only 50 days left until Election Day. And there's too much at stake to sit this one out.

>>21596246 FBI Puts Up Billboards in Haitian Creole Encouraging People to Report 'Hate Crimes' in Springfield

>>21596273, >>21596561 Clockfag on today

>>21596352 Ukrainian chief rabbi's adopted son killed in war, honored at Kyiv funeral

>>21596451 @DouglasEmhoff: Donald Trump set us back 50 years—to before Roe. v. Wade protected women and their right to make decisions about their body and their health

>>21596543 Singer John Legend from his Beverly Hills mansion tells Springfield to embrace Haitian migrants

>>21596573 Bombshell UFO hearings to take place in Congress as new footage emerges of 'huge' craft near US nuclear weapons base

>>21596548, >>21596574 Illegal Reform & Responsibility Act of 1996

>>21595874, >>21595878, >>21595862, >>21596110 Memorable memes

>>21596988 #26452 updated notes posted in #26453

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22c375 No.21598244

#26451 >>21595068

>>21595684, >>21595701, >>21595687, >>21595702, >>21595726, >>21595731, >>21595734, >>21595766, >>21595781, >>21595789, >>21595801, >>21595805 “President Trump is safe following gunshots in his vicinity. No further details at this time.” - Steven Cheung, Trump Campaign Communications Director

>>21595693, >>21595708, >>21595720 TRUMP JUST ESCAPED ANOTHER ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT. (Take these with a grain of salt….)

>>21595777 Digits - Suspect arrested.

>>21595104, >>21595108, >>21595111, >>21595125, >>21595150, >>21595149 ABC whistleblower document

>>21595118 Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown breaks silence on Kamala Harris: He was 60, she was in her 20s.

>>21595123, >>21595210, >>21595703, >>21595798 Planefaggin

>>21595124, >>21595146, >>21595396 MTG's Sauceless claims about ABC whistleblower dieing in car crash. Aaaand it's false.

>>21595158 Iran launches research satellite “Chamran-1” into Space

>>21595161, >>21595359 Polaris crew is home safe & sound!

>>21595174 Taylor Swift Endorsing Kamala Harris Backfires as Poll Shows More Voters ‘Much More Likely’ to Vote Trump Over Harris

>>21595179 Catherine Engelbrecht Offers Updates On Millions Of Illegal Voter Registrations Identified

>>21595211 SpaceX Polaris Dawn astronaut plays 'Star Wars' song in music video beamed from space

>>21595250 Jack Posobiec New Book Exposing THIRTEEN Independent Security Failures on Trump assassination attempt. Book named "BulletProof"

>>21595273 Astronauts 3D-print first metal part while on ISS

>>21595314, >>21595331 NOW THIS IS HOW YOU TALK TO THE FAKE NEWS!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

>>21595196, >>21595329, >>21595259 LONG BEACH, Calif. Three people arrested Saturday after Trump supporters clashed with Democratic counter-protesters during small rally outside of California Democratic Convention.

>>21595338 Scott Presler Reveals Successes Of Registering Hundreds Of Thousands Of Voters In PA

>>21595375 Ivermectin is not a moral issue. It's political!

>>21595432 This is too funny not to share!🤣🤣🤣

>>21595480 Bombshell UFO hearings to take place in Congress as new footage emerges of 'huge' craft near US nuclear weapons base

>>21595482 @laralogan - The ‘conspiracy theory’ is no longer a conspiracy and no longer a theory.

>>21595532, >>21595545 Must See: Registered Democrat Who Paid Thousands to Legally Bring His Wife to US Is Now Living Paycheck to Paycheck – Endorses Trump in Powerful Testimony


>>21595547 Former Pa. psychologist with prior sex assault convictions found guilty of raping child

>>21595549 Media Bury Kamala Harris’s Disastrous First Solo Interview

>>21595559 Democrat Running for Top House Seat in NY Claims 'We Never' Had Open Borders

>>21595560, >>21595585 NY Times says election results may take days, warns against ‘false impression’ of winner

>>21595566 ABC Moderator Linsey Davis Admits: ‘Fact-checking’ Was Only Planned for Trump

>>21595575 RFK Jr says he is being investigated over story that he decapitated beached whale

>>21595578 I regret to inform you the Feds are doing it again.

>>21595593 Did ABC lose $27m in advertising revenue post debate?

>>21595554, >>21595594, >>21595631 Sabin Howard: "United We Are Unstoppable, But Fractured We Will Fall". Navy Seals and Marines came in to pose for him.

>>21595596 The NSA is Warning You to Restart your Phone Every Week: Here's Why

>>21595611 Banks Urged to Defund Farming Industry to Limit Meat & Dairy Consumption

>>21595629 ‘Stop This Reckless Escalation’: RFK Jr. Tells Biden Not To Authorize Long-Range Missile Attacks on Russian Territory

>>21595650 So all you have to do is claim to be "bi" and everyone qualifies for the Priority Lane?

>>21595651 QUESTION: What is your *specific* plan to make groceries and gas cheaper? WALZ: We're "getting at this heart of climate change."

>>21595657 Extinctionists want a holocaust for all of humanity

>>21595663 Another huge Win!! University of North Carolina slashed millions in funding from their DEI programs.

>>21595692 Huge Supreme Court docs leak exposes chief justice meddling in Trump's January 6 and election cases - read his memos

>>21595725 👀 Megyn Kelly Says More Jeffrey Epstein Details Will Be Coming Out in the Next 12 Months: ‘This is Not BS, You’ll See’

>>21595827 #26451

Previously Collected

>>21594064 #26449, >>21595047 #26450

>>21591133 #26446, >>21591993 #26447, >>21593055 #26448

>>21588334 #26443, >>21589489 #26444, >>21590328 #26445

>>21586032 #26440, >>21586897 #26441, >>21587752 #26442

>>21583237 #26437, >>21584208 #26438, >>21585165 #26439

>>21580548 #26434, >>21581639 #26435, >>21582538 #26436

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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22c375 No.21598249

File: 1f34c7c24d66956⋯.png (3.15 MB,1884x1445,1884:1445,ClipboardImage.png)



can continue or defer

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e75530 No.21598259

File: b94e09477d9e333⋯.png (303.27 KB,491x491,1:1,b94e09477d9e333536f190e1b2….png)

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d24d42 No.21598260

File: b5ff8cc2877a29f⋯.png (762.76 KB,652x490,326:245,ClipboardImage.png)

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7837ea No.21598263

File: 9b6d7c9c15e6aed⋯.gif (12.91 MB,460x816,115:204,9b6d7c9c15e6aed44d78a98ece….gif)

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d24d42 No.21598269

File: f96552e75c60359⋯.png (253.52 KB,955x2048,955:2048,ClipboardImage.png)

Guess the feds have gotten involved now

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7b5619 No.21598276

File: 550c574ef1065c0⋯.jpg (274.7 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_2024_09_15_19_5….jpg)

Camp Box Honolulu…

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cbe550 No.21598277

File: d588eb7b41bceb5⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB,1278x720,71:40,ssstwitter_com_17264446682….mp4)

Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Routh was featured in a YouTube prankster video where he attempted to recruit "revolutionaries" on the Harvard campus.

He was recruiting for individuals who would be eager to dismantle the nation.


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7837ea No.21598280

File: c6ae0b33cf9c93f⋯.gif (1.37 MB,207x207,1:1,kek8.gif)

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75b0d2 No.21598281

File: 13ecadbf8865cd9⋯.png (707.54 KB,544x680,4:5,routh.png)

File: 2d2a4b5fef02501⋯.jpg (4.86 KB,195x259,195:259,nash.jpg)

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d24d42 No.21598282

File: 5cbd79ec73e83f2⋯.png (169.35 KB,723x316,723:316,ClipboardImage.png)

Shooters second follow on twitter is EX-CIA with 3k followers.

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1e14ee No.21598283

File: e12fb598ee76865⋯.jpg (84.83 KB,800x600,4:3,e12fb598ee7686562d2de4edb2….jpg)

File: 1434a6b37b57750⋯.png (2.67 MB,1698x1109,1698:1109,6c77f89f2fbb24050923336dcd….png)

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5a6e7e No.21598284

File: 19ad71b0b85ff8f⋯.mp4 (940.8 KB,384x240,8:5,djt_fight.mp4)


TYB! Fight! Fight! Fight!

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d24d42 No.21598286

File: 376df46ac985807⋯.png (72.25 KB,710x289,710:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2e937338da72ee⋯.png (489.3 KB,576x433,576:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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f21603 No.21598287

File: b69f8ac12d17687⋯.png (526.8 KB,696x1160,3:5,ClipboardImage.png)

e s t

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b35332 No.21598288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f5c029 No.21598289

File: 16b2a26df9f045f⋯.png (7.54 KB,255x188,255:188,Putin_Impressed_Thumbs_Up.png)

File: c1f615766398d72⋯.png (622.36 KB,606x777,202:259,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21598258 pb

>provide soldiers

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b992b9 No.21598290

File: 8665a7b103be2a2⋯.jpg (341.43 KB,1536x2040,64:85,1000001068.jpg)


Thank you

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d24d42 No.21598291

File: 011b3873560cc80⋯.png (1.62 MB,1170x1959,390:653,ClipboardImage.png)

Shooter had ties to Ukraine government. The same government that asked Alexander Vindman to be Defense Minister THREE TIMES.

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d8af9b No.21598292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I would rather puff puff pass…

And don't bogart man

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5a6e7e No.21598293

File: 1673213df3bec89⋯.png (601.01 KB,637x638,637:638,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6c1bd No.21598294

File: fafb8b61175694d⋯.png (184.58 KB,600x555,40:37,heem.PNG)

File: a5f3e8a0390859d⋯.png (194.92 KB,957x836,87:76,eeen.PNG)




On May 4, 2024, would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh posted this on his Facebook page, which appears to be from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

I asked ChatGPT to translate it, and, uh…



11:09 AM · Sep 15, 2024




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cbe550 No.21598295

File: f917b11cb092fa6⋯.mp4 (4.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17264434041….mp4)

NBC's Lester Holt: "Today's apparent assassination attemptcomes amidincreasingly fierce rhetoric on the campaign trail. Mr. Trump, his running mate JD Vance continue to make baseless claims about Haitian immigrants" in Springfield, Ohio, resulting in bomb threats."

See how they lie? They say one thing is "amid" another, to inject into the reader's mind a false narrative "on their own", with plausible deniability that they didn't directly assert a causal connection.


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d6c1bd No.21598296

File: 4e1a4b06bda4cf8⋯.png (790.25 KB,874x637,874:637,merc.PNG)


US mercenary plans to recruit Pakistani-based Afghan refugees as fighters for Ukraine

An American mercenary is reportedly attempting to export vulnerable Afghan refugees who have fled the Taliban and are currently residing in Pakistan, using counterfeit Pakistani passports. It raises questions about Pakistan’s claimed neutrality in the conflict – is the country complicit in this plan?”

Avatar photo TNI Team

| Updated: 01 April, 2023 12:22 pm IST

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7b5619 No.21598297

File: 57083d86072b774⋯.png (3.27 MB,2048x1539,2048:1539,ClipboardImage.png)

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411c8a No.21598298

File: d462bdd5680ed07⋯.png (593.4 KB,1903x752,1903:752,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3ec392d66e2e58⋯.png (71.46 KB,1020x866,510:433,ClipboardImage.png)




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9c0cbd No.21598299

File: b54222bd4d61fe9⋯.png (868.79 KB,2048x1536,4:3,9F2E94F3_4137_48E9_B9E4_1C….png)






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f5c029 No.21598300



they were involved since 2015

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f21603 No.21598301


for our safety

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d24d42 No.21598302

File: 1220528601e77c9⋯.png (1.38 MB,957x1280,957:1280,ClipboardImage.png)


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c2488f No.21598303

File: 7724f46f29867b6⋯.jpeg (103.57 KB,800x533,800:533,IMG_3824.jpeg)


Almost at the beginning.

So exciting..

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9d8bdb No.21598304

File: fcecd88fe1d3cb6⋯.jpg (164.46 KB,600x367,600:367,Xnip2024_09_15_19_59_24.jpg)

File: 4e93804ab007eec⋯.jpeg (95.32 KB,1140x1140,1:1,FBISACJeffreyVeltri.jpeg)

File: 9b3a81095666615⋯.jpeg (161.82 KB,1440x960,3:2,GettyImages_2171581562_e1….jpeg)



posted late last bread.

seems relevant

The FBI official who just spoke at the press conference regarding the latest Trump assassination attempt today isthe head of FBI Miami Field Office, Jeffrey Veltri. A whistleblower reportedly told Congress that he is anti-


and was ordered to scrub anti-Trump social media posts last year before he could get promoted. https://washingtontimes.com/news/2023/nov/20/whistleblower-fbi-official-ordered-to-scrub-anti-t/


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f5c029 No.21598305


hard drugs are fucking his teeth and his body

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d6c1bd No.21598306

File: 458b2c522f27342⋯.png (164.35 KB,598x635,598:635,jr.PNG)


Donald Trump Jr.


Sounds like this psychopath spends a lot of time watching leftwing propaganda.


11:53 AM · Sep 15, 2024




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1931f0 No.21598307

File: 1c6e91b98871c66⋯.jpg (11.72 KB,134x255,134:255,eb37297be86dd798f4cea63c2b….jpg)

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10cb01 No.21598308

File: 989246c46ae25a2⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,1440x1987,1440:1987,Picsart_24_09_15_19_06_56_….jpg)


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388d86 No.21598309

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d24d42 No.21598310

File: a64ad1c490d3ad8⋯.png (198.54 KB,452x500,113:125,ClipboardImage.png)


>they were involved since 2015


>for our safety

Say the line!

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d24d42 No.21598311


>Sounds like this psychopath spends a lot of time watching leftwing propaganda.


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d6c1bd No.21598312

File: 7104f76222ca4ab⋯.png (570.46 KB,532x531,532:531,s.PNG)

NY Post should be ashamed of themselves for this shitty reporting…

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b4a325 No.21598313

File: f07ae80e81351e6⋯.mp4 (10.18 MB,592x1280,37:80,ssstwitter_com_17264428743….mp4)

File: fddb15520a0ad65⋯.png (137.76 KB,532x903,76:129,Screenshot_2024_09_15_1959….png)

>>21598218 lb

Shadow of Ezra


Social media companies like Meta/Facebook are working quickly to delete the pages of Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Routh.

Thanks to


, who managed to archive his entire Facebook page, we have a record of it.

The page contained posts about recruiting mercenaries for Ukraine and fighting for Taiwan against China.

It also included posts about being in Maui after the wildfires and mentions of FEMA.


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6d5dd1 No.21598314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That time is ghey…. Give this one a try

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d6c1bd No.21598315

File: 39dae54145249aa⋯.png (36.36 KB,443x356,443:356,xx.PNG)


Trump debates Biden, Loses Debate, Assassination Attempt

Obama comes out with summer reading list, books consist of Headshot and Martyr

Trump debates Kamala, Loses Debate

ABC interfered in the elections

Kamala puts out post on X to ban assault weapons

Time magazine shows Trump in golf cart in a sand pit, headline “In Trouble”

Assassin, has AK 47, backpack, go pro. He donated to democrat party

Shooter knew when Trump would be at the gold course, How did he know the schedule?

It’s all a Coincidence

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f5c029 No.21598316


there's a chasm between haitian cat memes and assassination


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c89cc4 No.21598317

File: 53843be66c1633f⋯.gif (4.67 MB,450x201,150:67,POTUS_55.gif)

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d24d42 No.21598318

File: 12b79551e549c87⋯.png (641.68 KB,556x495,556:495,ClipboardImage.png)

Remember that angry feminist from 2016? This is her today.

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388d86 No.21598319

He is from Hawaii……. Like Obama is

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774224 No.21598320

File: 3e8244f417276e4⋯.png (98.23 KB,403x624,31:48,Q2190top.png)

File: daa0688980215a5⋯.png (66.26 KB,379x532,379:532,Q2190bottom.png)

Tonight is two days off a 6 year delta

Emmy Awards are on tonight.

And lookee at Q 2190 then.

The Red Carpet replaces the golf course's green carpet.

Message is the same:


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9466bc No.21598321

File: db57c32a3967f34⋯.jpg (157.59 KB,720x1042,360:521,Screenshot_20240908_193902….jpg)



1week ago

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9c0cbd No.21598322



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f5c029 No.21598323


is that real?

They can't meme

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b5ca89 No.21598324

Reminds me of J6…Ray Ray Epps



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d24d42 No.21598325

File: 58c090af461297d⋯.png (291.65 KB,620x465,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



>The FBI official who just spoke at the press conference regarding the latest Trump assassination attempt today is the [head of FBI Miami Field Office, Jeffrey Veltri.]


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b259de No.21598326

File: d76ae8a9137b97c⋯.png (559.32 KB,873x675,97:75,retard.png)


>this psychopath spends a lot of time watching leftwing

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8b4c93 No.21598327

[Think Mirror]

[Future Proves Past]

If we can understand our brain as the microcosm of the macrocosm, then we can understand the concept of us as a representation of the cosmic brain.

We are going into Age 7. Just like in Alice in Wonderland, and just like in our brains. It takes 7 'ages' years for the left hemisphere to fully develop, before it takes over.

This is, I think, what we are seeing play out in front of us. The left brain ideology has almost completely taken over. Just like in the Matrix, the 'system' has implemented the illusion of choice so that we wouldn't recognize the prison we were being put in.

That's why Trump references the persecuted right, that's why Trump keeps talking about being gagged. That's what the Q drops keep referencing It's all representational of what has taken place inside us, between the left and right hemispheres, and what is now taking place (mirrored) externally in our time. Our brain processes were being reprogrammed via the subconscious mind and we are acting out the 'play'. Though, if Trump is right, which he usually is… you're gonna like how this ends.

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9466bc No.21598328



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c2488f No.21598329

Presidential assassins and attempted assassins, by law, MUST have 3 names. These THREE names must be used for any reporting and/or discussion about them.

That. Is. All.

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d06c0f No.21598330

File: d92358818afd5ba⋯.png (23.1 KB,588x480,49:40,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a20aefbfac98590⋯.png (42.28 KB,586x396,293:198,ClipboardImage.png)

Foreign and Domestic

Trump says Domestic is Worse

Attacked from Within

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d8afa5 No.21598331

File: 25480a61da010b0⋯.mp4 (169.24 KB,320x498,160:249,d088f3fbeaa07904.mp4)

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d24d42 No.21598332

File: ff5c55e26c680df⋯.png (1.38 MB,1080x1070,108:107,ClipboardImage.png)

Nicky Jam is paying a heavy price for his Trump support. Mexican rock band Maná has pulled a song he recorded with them and canceled an upcoming concert series. This is costing him millions, pedes. It would be awful if a million pedes rushed to iTunes and bought a song of his to make up for it.

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d6c1bd No.21598333

File: 7a664734b4b3fe6⋯.png (303.4 KB,438x550,219:275,call.PNG)


I called the Palm Beach shooter Ryan Routh's phone number a few times - the guy who just tried to assassinate Trump today. He has his phone number plastered all over his X account so I thought, why not?

Got a voicemail message you can listen to. He said he works with the "National Volunteer Center sending soldiers to Ukraine and Taiwan."

Also got a few rings and then someone ended the call.

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388d86 No.21598334

If he is just a guy with a screw loose, how did he run a successful business , and where did he get all his money ?

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d24d42 No.21598335

File: 155db18e02853fa⋯.png (870.33 KB,969x770,969:770,ClipboardImage.png)

Radical leftists are once again calling for violence following another attempted assassination of Donald Trump. This user, Mikal Ramirez, wants someone to go after JD Vance's wife and kids. This is EVIL.

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b010f4 No.21598336

File: 70b10edf5556293⋯.gif (2.77 MB,480x360,4:3,giphy_2594819565.gif)

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9b75f8 No.21598337



one moar coming?

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bef2ea No.21598338

>>21597128 /LB

DEFEAT the corporate PRESS liars!

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532315 No.21598339

File: a38f63dd0548f46⋯.png (631.99 KB,529x476,529:476,ClipboardImage.png)

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cbe550 No.21598340


We now have a 1:1 direct connection between the military industrial complex and an assassination attempt on Trump's life.

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9466bc No.21598341

File: 3eeedd412e52675⋯.jpg (196.19 KB,500x757,500:757,download_jpeg_141.jpg)

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3b37d3 No.21598342

File: 940a43c5f250b51⋯.jpg (109.6 KB,1022x1024,511:512,1577806093793.jpg)

File: 646c6ffe32e2903⋯.png (115.13 KB,299x303,299:303,WhatChoo.png)

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d24d42 No.21598343

File: 96318f1265c03ce⋯.png (1.49 MB,1290x860,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

“There is no evidence the suspect was targeting Mr. Trump. Our current theory, after learning he has a Haitian girlfriend, is that he was hunting geese for their Sunday dinner.” - Wray probably

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6d5dd1 No.21598344

File: 92ec9f77e4d6895⋯.png (550.74 KB,604x812,151:203,neverSurrender.png)

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282f4b No.21598345

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ryan Routh's facebook was captured before deletion by https://x.com/realjakejacks

See here -


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d6c1bd No.21598346

File: 1e9e4b4ad2224a2⋯.png (15.29 KB,614x188,307:94,a.PNG)


Ezra A. Cohen


Very fortunate that the assassin who appears to have received training in Eastern Europe did not utilize other common tactics in this theater such as armed UAS.

1:09 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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388d86 No.21598347

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d24d42 No.21598348

File: 7e2879f81cf6e34⋯.png (516.69 KB,459x433,459:433,ClipboardImage.png)

Every TDS sufferer is insane. You can literally tell just by looking at them.

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1931f0 No.21598349

File: 53114cef387df83⋯.jpg (43.82 KB,720x596,180:149,53114cef387df833c0dba30c64….jpg)


same boat, what a ride

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f5c029 No.21598350


Black Ops

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34a3a8 No.21598351

File: eb08ab060fe2a95⋯.png (444.12 KB,652x382,326:191,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b37d3 No.21598352

File: df9a0ad7c69ce4d⋯.jpg (16.42 KB,454x196,227:98,Jan11Qanon.JPG)

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9d8bdb No.21598353

File: b4c62dabccc92a5⋯.jpg (187.67 KB,590x532,295:266,Xnip2024_09_15_20_13_40.jpg)


yep, that's the narrative they are going with…Trump caused both shooters to shoot him.

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bef2ea No.21598354


For example….Stupid Ass dipshit…

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f5c029 No.21598355


shame the fucking secret service can't use the odd Infrared drone too huh?

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d06c0f No.21598356


7:03 pm Pacific perhaps

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d24d42 No.21598357

File: b057c06420f1a26⋯.png (78.06 KB,675x617,675:617,ClipboardImage.png)

GUILTY REEE! Nobody tried to shoot you in the head, ya fucking cunt.

Alexander S. Vindman 🇺🇸


My family has been the target of politically motivated harassment, intimidation, and retaliation. It ended my and @YVindman ‘s military careers. Trump should be disqualified from office just based on his harassment and incitement of violence.'

Donald J. Trump


Fake News @CNN & MSDNC keep talking about “Lt. Col.” Vindman as though I should think only how wonderful he was. Actually, I don’t know him, never spoke to him, or met him (I don’t believe!) but, he was very insubordinate, reported contents of my “perfect” calls incorrectly, &…

6:41 AM • Feb 8, 2020

3:37 PM • Sep 15, 2024


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b010f4 No.21598358

File: c85d270e5ca6fff⋯.png (75.56 KB,252x180,7:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a249697825794a2⋯.jpg (51.44 KB,600x500,6:5,4u9jsd_1340634795.jpg)

File: fa138ab1eb1ab9e⋯.png (241.13 KB,375x327,125:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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c2488f No.21598359


That one is taken.

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80058e No.21598360

File: 4a8bad544863927⋯.jpg (43.92 KB,570x361,30:19,Subterfuge.jpg)


>Shooter knew when Trump would be at the gold course, How did he know the schedule?

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7b5619 No.21598361

When three assassination attempts fail within 60 days the only logical conclusion is nuclear war with Russia…get your KI people its all but happened already…

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622744 No.21598362

File: 81a9ed0ed8e2508⋯.jpg (35.17 KB,255x191,255:191,81a9ed0ed8e25083f1d869892f….jpg)

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d6c1bd No.21598363

File: d18b8c0eb921f28⋯.png (980.64 KB,790x641,790:641,n.PNG)

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b259de No.21598364

File: c051c35ce703cc1⋯.png (740.01 KB,710x833,710:833,ClipboardImage.png)

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d24d42 No.21598365

File: c6000c1dac0460d⋯.png (2.87 MB,1182x1210,591:605,ClipboardImage.png)




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179c8f No.21598366

File: 73a4f5bcc5ec7f6⋯.png (1.39 MB,929x856,929:856,ClipboardImage.png)


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bef2ea No.21598367


Stupid Ass Dumb Fuck then! kek

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cbe550 No.21598368


Ukraine clowns projecting their own evil onto Trump

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d24d42 No.21598369

File: 9b8f3825c24d0d1⋯.png (614.8 KB,640x335,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

Vance: Trump Is 'In Good Spirits' After 2nd Assassination Attempt in 2 Months

GOP vice-presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance said former President Donald Trump is in "good spirits" after Sunday's assassination attempt.


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f5c029 No.21598370


FAFO Vindman 1 & 2

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27a2d5 No.21598372


if only OP had delivered by anhero in Ukraine.

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d24d42 No.21598373

File: 398216a95cda54b⋯.png (162.29 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



Breaking: I have agreed to put the Gateway Pundit in touch with the attorney for the whistleblower at ABC.

In return for Gateway Pundit keeping the whistleblower identity secret, It is my belief that an interview will be made whereas the Gateway Pundit promises to push ABC for answers on the September 10th Debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.

10:55 AM · Sep 15, 2024


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d6c1bd No.21598374

File: 139214367da33d6⋯.png (616.34 KB,495x822,165:274,ch.PNG)

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949f25 No.21598375

File: b6a5822698ef3d5⋯.png (322.98 KB,753x502,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cbddbcf8ee17577⋯.png (66.6 KB,255x233,255:233,ClipboardImage.png)

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179c8f No.21598376


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b259de No.21598377

File: d687017d76269c9⋯.png (381.73 KB,710x681,710:681,ClipboardImage.png)

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1931f0 No.21598378

File: d3e00fa95d85ed2⋯.jpg (781.23 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,bc6fe3034cdf02e75be235722f….jpg)

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a60bdd No.21598379

File: 7afa54ed30bfbca⋯.png (626.41 KB,551x898,551:898,ClipboardImage.png)

some may need to hear this and see this.

God's got this!

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d8e895 No.21598380

File: e1621fee872d564⋯.gif (920.59 KB,512x640,4:5,e1621fee872d5647abb57a69bc….gif)

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80058e No.21598381

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9466bc No.21598382

File: caff105ce964eb5⋯.jpg (99.03 KB,655x647,655:647,Screenshot_20240714_021047….jpg)

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4ec53c No.21598383

File: d4e306839b00f3a⋯.png (1.03 MB,858x517,78:47,ClipboardImage.png)


>FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!!! 🙏🇺🇸🦅


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10cb01 No.21598384

File: 415e085bc0011cf⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,1440x1987,1440:1987,Picsart_24_09_15_19_17_46_….jpg)

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f5c029 No.21598385


D5 bitches

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d6c1bd No.21598386

File: e496016f679d123⋯.png (218.97 KB,406x878,203:439,ep.PNG)


Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week - Episode 39

#10 - Whistleblower reveals how Big Tech is ALREADY rigging the 2024 election. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/big-tech-researcher-exposes-how-the-clinton-machine-ruined-his-life/)

#9 - Putin puts the West on notice: long-range arms for Ukraine will mean ‘NATO at War with Russia.’ (https://vigilantnews.com/post/putin-puts-west-on-notice-long-range-arms-for-ukraine-will-mean-nato-at-war-with-russia/)

#8 -Kaitlan Collins dies inside as JD Vance turns ambush into glorious moment. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/kaitlan-collins-dies-inside-as-jd-vance-turns-ambush-into-glorious-moment/)

While you’re here, don’t forget to click here to subscribe to this page (http://t.me/vigilantfox) for more weekly news roundups each Sunday.

#7 - Kash Patel delivers a chilling Kamala Harris election prediction. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/kash-patel-believes-kamala-harris-will-be-installed-as-president-before-election/)

#6 - CNN’s Jake Tapper unexpectedly drops a devastating critique on Kamala Harris. (https://modernity.news/2024/09/12/cnns-tapper-slams-kamala-for-dodging-questions-during-debate/?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cnns-tapper-slams-kamala-for-dodging-questions-during-debate)

#5 - Bill Maher's TDS backfires as Laura Loomer threatens lawsuits over slanderous comments. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/bill-mahers-tds-backfires/)

#4 - Joe Biden sends obscure messages as he’s spotted with a Trump hat TWICE. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/wtf-biden-puts-on-a-trump-hat-during-9-11-event-in-pennsylvania/)

#3 - Leaked U.S. Army documents uncover disturbing details about the violent Venezuelan prison gangs spreading chaos in America. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/leaked-u-s-army-documents-thousands-of-violent-venezuelan-prison-gang-members-run-amok-across-america/)

#2 - The World Economic Forum FINALLY tells the truth about COVID. (https://leohohmann.substack.com/p/world-economic-forum-finally-tells)

#1 - Whistleblowers reveal the woman who botched Trump’s security in Pennsylvania FAILED key Secret Service training exams. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/whistleblower-report-drops-bombshell-revelation-on-the-secret-service/)

BONUS INTERVIEW: Political insider breaks down the first presidential debate and what it means for the election moving forward.

Watch our exclusive interview with Larry Sharpe.

- - - - - -

BONUS #1 - Ohio Duck Rescue Expert Shocked by Number of Bird Disappearances in Springfield, Believes Rumors Are “True” (https://vigilantnews.com/post/ohio-duck-rescue-expert-shocked-by-number-of-bird-disappearances-in-springfield-believes-rumors-are-true/)

BONUS #2 - Kamala Harris Gives Trainwreck Answers to Simple Questions in First Solo Interview (https://vigilantnews.com/post/watch-kamala-harris-gives-trainwreck-answers-to-simple-questions-in-first-solo-interview/)

BONUS #3 - Secret Service Tackles Trump on Golf Course After Gunfire Erupts (https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1835404860105343191)

BONUS #4 - Dr. Peter McCullough Shares Good News About Ivermectin (https://vigilantnews.com/post/dr-peter-mccullough-shares-good-news-about-ivermectin/)

BONUS #5 - How to Get Ivermectin, Z-Pak, and More (https://vigilantnews.com/post/how-to-get-ivermectin-z-pak-and-more/)

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f5c029 No.21598387


Schindler's List version?

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10cb01 No.21598388

File: b2ff248760a2884⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,1440x1987,1440:1987,Picsart_24_09_15_19_20_10_….jpg)

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40ffba No.21598389

File: 61d8aaadc27ac8e⋯.png (1.63 MB,973x850,973:850,IMG_2546.png)

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b259de No.21598390

File: 43829e8570ac451⋯.png (332.04 KB,672x720,14:15,ClipboardImage.png)

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bef2ea No.21598391


>God's got this

Never a doubt in my mind…just a little angst HE TOOK SO FUCKING LONG!!!!

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f21603 No.21598392




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411c8a No.21598393

wonder if met soo kim through newsweek

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f5c029 No.21598394

File: e6c89fa2c4605a0⋯.jpg (64.08 KB,909x572,909:572,Hillary_Cinton_Added_You_T….jpg)

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27a2d5 No.21598395

Arguing with a "friend" on "covid". People are still drinking this coolaid after all this time.

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cbe550 No.21598397

File: c0f1ced9501a5d3⋯.png (543.86 KB,680x565,136:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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c68d7e No.21598399


Two retards

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b35332 No.21598400

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f5c029 No.21598401

File: dda7e31ba95c4fe⋯.png (418.49 KB,802x896,401:448,CNN_Fake_News_George_Orwel….png)

File: e3abd360b90561b⋯.jpeg (141 KB,616x680,77:85,Covid_Swing_Banned_Tyrann….jpeg)


the science is settled, you see.

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cbe550 No.21598402

File: 16c97fa0ce17bb7⋯.png (507.43 KB,680x666,340:333,ClipboardImage.png)

Democrat Party started the KKK

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357aa0 No.21598403




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b259de No.21598404

File: a01d42a20331d6d⋯.png (523.51 KB,688x742,344:371,ClipboardImage.png)

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27a2d5 No.21598405


told me to go get vaxxed so I can get a transplant. Covid could kill me.

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a60bdd No.21598406


well, we were told often enough, that Timing IS everything.

simple. not easy.

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9d8bdb No.21598407


> where did he get all his money ?

there was no audit on the ukraine money

odds are he got some

even better odds, he was running an op for the C_A to get names of potential agents. this may be why he was so insistent for resumes to be sent in and no calls.

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739c01 No.21598409

File: c4cb94fc4d84b9f⋯.png (539.8 KB,625x759,625:759,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9f4af81f8eacd6⋯.jpg (1.52 MB,1500x1072,375:268,d9f4af81f8eacd6a4e9b11a980….jpg)

File: 752cdfe59511766⋯.jpg (297.3 KB,806x825,806:825,1298417606f98.jpg)

File: 838b98cbb6bb219⋯.jpeg (293.07 KB,875x793,875:793,8981b22b10dd2a40e7670d53a….jpeg)

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14b25e No.21598410

>>21597583 pb

Dan, you would think that at least two agents should always be 500 yards encompassing PDJT, circling around to the best that they can proactively. These people never, ever, stop moving towards their targets. This guy did not act alone for personal reasons, there has to be more to it unless he was paid. Gotta look at his finances asap.

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6d5dd1 No.21598411

File: 6659f699a6f5359⋯.png (2.39 MB,1080x3668,270:917,Screenshot_20240915_172248….png)



Topics for discussion

Our current mayor has proven to be a failure and no-one is stepping up; I simply want to pose all of the issues and open them up for countywide comment. I am totally baffled by candidates with only one single item as their POV as it makes me question why they are even running. Those running for public office should have substantial hopes and dreams for the betterment of their community and society as a whole and to run as far and as fast as their energy and time will allow. I certainly have countless ideas and problems that I see that need attention and I am certainly weary of those that wish to only complain and stand in the way of progress as I would rather celebrate those that are willing to put forth great effort to improve lives and move our civilization forward towards the best life that we can have. We cannot let negative people make life more complex than it needs to be; we must push forward with logical leadership that supports the ones that wish to accomplish great things. Within is just a short list of items that I would try to enact if given the opportunity in public office here in Honolulu.

These are just some of the issues and problems that come to mind in one sitting and I am sure that there are thousands of other issues that will come to light and need to be addressed as dialogue opens and continues. This short list is merely offered to give you some insight into how I think and what is important to me and what would guide my decision-making on a daily basis. I think it is of utmost importance for you to understand what a leader will do in every case long before each question arises; there should be no surprises.

Certainly if the majority of people are at odds with my thoughts and ideas then hopefully others will step forward and offer better solutions and ideas towards moving our community forward. I hope that at bare minimum a conversation can be started and if others are more suited to execute some of these ideas, I will gladly return to my chair on the beach and let others do all the work. But I am hoping that I am wrong in thinking that most here are opposed to change and progress and that a greater majority will step forward and celebrate ideas that move our society forward and partner with us towards getting some of these hopes and dreams accomplished. I would think that most of us simply want the best life that we possibly can have and I hope that in whatever capacity or role we find ourselves in that we will do our absolute best to help makes our neighbors lives better any way we can. I am hoping that we can create an open chat room so that we can have an open and constant discussion of how to better perfect these rough ideas and how they might be accomplished. If we all can work together, that would be amazing. Thank you for your time and interest.

Topics: 68

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1ff048 No.21598412


Let em drink. Some are lost forever.

they've made up their mind already.

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9d8bdb No.21598413


does this mean there will be 2 more attempts???

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949f25 No.21598414

After all these years.

Trump Made Cat Memes Great Again

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bef2ea No.21598415


>simple. not easy.


God has always been a showman…HE makes a spectable so that WE cannot miss it…I get that.

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756495 No.21598416


In American Gov class I did a project on how the media influences americans way of thinking by using wording like that, tools like framing and priming. Prof was happy, focused on the Trump trials and all his cases. its common if you look up how they use priming and framing ++++++ more tools to induce people to believe a certain thing.

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b259de No.21598417

File: c6f8a869f0265e4⋯.png (260.12 KB,522x433,522:433,weirdos2.png)


all your narrative are belong to us

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d8afa5 No.21598418

File: 2c096b31c58f0a1⋯.jpg (12.48 KB,500x825,20:33,Night_shift5.jpg)

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cbe550 No.21598419

File: dead4fc8ee2d3f9⋯.png (421.23 KB,680x615,136:123,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6c1bd No.21598420

File: 9b8781f0be62730⋯.png (238.79 KB,278x293,278:293,div.PNG)

File: 906fbfd5eac4d53⋯.png (251.34 KB,390x282,65:47,ill.PNG)

Cruella de Vil

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4231c5 No.21598421

>>21596006 lb

>>21596044 lb

> 2014, Air Force Two

Thank you. Zooming in, appears to be the original Biden, not current one(s).

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6575ef No.21598422

File: 332d2c45c4ab58e⋯.png (459.04 KB,585x715,9:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70fb31cf3c7bf1e⋯.mp4 (11.9 MB,320x336,20:21,whothefuckisthis.mp4)



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532315 No.21598423

File: b0ce0c72899d412⋯.png (21.53 KB,558x176,279:88,ClipboardImage.png)

Democrat House Leader Hakeem Jeffries Responds to Second Trump Assassination Attempt By Declaring MAGA Must Be Stopped


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1ff048 No.21598425

File: 9552cc727678571⋯.jpg (71.06 KB,800x800,1:1,9552cc7276785715dfb89bf469….jpg)


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756495 No.21598426

File: f6ed12f82a7bee0⋯.png (113.76 KB,634x778,317:389,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25a82494ba08126⋯.png (244.98 KB,1112x836,278:209,ClipboardImage.png)


>>21598416 meh



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27a2d5 No.21598427


yeah. hard to live sick, but easier than what those shots will do. In the meantime anon views all medical professionals as retarded until they prove otherwise. Anon trusts not one of them. They were so fucking mean to me during covid. Anon can't stomach going back to the death panel asking for an organ again. Plus it would probably be a vaxxed one anyway.

Waiting for RFK Jr to delivar on this. Hope it comes soon after the election.

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d869ed No.21598429

File: 6314b249eb6067b⋯.png (1.21 MB,1024x1024,1:1,DJT_ARMOR_OF_GOD.png)


Armor of GOD activated


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f5c029 No.21598431

File: 6e7f5d508f3c144⋯.jpg (80.92 KB,495x519,165:173,Dr_Evil_Cat_These_People_A….jpg)


Zero cred

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9466bc No.21598432

File: c8f79e0ea7d9a40⋯.jpg (197.07 KB,720x1303,720:1303,Screenshot_20240915_202406….jpg)

Loomer was dragged for posting about Indian food but when a Democrat jokes about President Trump getting shot, nobody bats an eye!

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d6c1bd No.21598433

File: ab9223ac619b900⋯.png (266.84 KB,441x529,441:529,ooz.PNG)


This guy's portrait looks like the image above doesn't it?

It's from this FB page link: https://www.facebook.com/ryan.routh.5

Lived in Hawaii and from Greensboro NC

He used to own a roofing company, window company, and has filed so many miscellaneous LLCs - a little crazy IMO


repost on X (https://twitter.com/Nevstv/status/1835439473573695801)

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b259de No.21598435

File: d3e68cbdfaefdfc⋯.png (449.33 KB,710x1091,710:1091,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d5dd1 No.21598436

File: 6f395b820e95dc7⋯.png (2.05 MB,1080x4314,180:719,Screenshot_20240915_172625….png)

It looks like it him, posted today….?


Global Issues

Post Sun Jul 07, 2024 2:14 pm

The USA is the world leader and we must behave as that world leader, we are obligated to foster human rights and democracy around the world. Our leaders and president must be unselfish and focus on world stabilization. Our leaders must spend the majority of time supporting new democracies and months face to face with communist and adversaries to build friendships and bonds with those that oppose us. Our presidents must befriend leaders of Iran, North Korea, China, Russia and any rogue countries such as Myanmar to create partnerships to slowly influence their policies towards making their citizens lives better. We cannot sit by as countries collapse such as Sudan, CAR, Haiti, Palestine and countless others; we must have our presidents on the ground and remove our military bases from stable democracies and place them where conflict might arise. We cannot allow the simple failure of a fledgling government cause millions of children to starve and die and we cannot sit back and watch.

I have been to Ukraine twice for 8 months total and Communist Russia and Putin must be eliminated and dissolved at all cost including boots on the ground. Taiwan should already have countless US bases and must be defended and Chinese communism and Xi Jinping eliminated for slavery and the murder of youth daily to harvest organs is gross human rights violations, as well as global virus’s and combative behaviour. US leaders should embrace the leadership of Iran (+jcpoa) and North Korea and spend months becoming allies and friends as they are malleable governments and humans that we must bond with and end sanctions. Israel must be divided equally between the Jews and the Palestinians as no one should steal another’s land and democracy must be put in place and nurtured for long-term stability. We are each equally responsible for what happens on the global stage as we are here in our backyards; we cannot be complacent or idle towards handing our children the world we wish them to have.

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7f2858 No.21598437


Trump doesn't tweet.

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b4694c No.21598438

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: 2da1a2716f43edc⋯.png (1.76 MB,754x813,754:813,capture_744_12122023_18285….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)



Go to bed aei.

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f92d56 No.21598439

feckless emotional moanings

instead of clear condemnation

no confidence dei word salads

yet first to bloody war killing babies

decimating communities with criminals

no one is safe while these people hold power

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6575ef No.21598440

File: fee92efa5dc4348⋯.png (53.97 KB,195x130,3:2,Screenshot_2024_09_15_1747….png)


Shooting ex-presidents is normal.

Nothing to see here!

Go back to what you're doing!

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1ff048 No.21598441

File: 50f6e0327a308d0⋯.jpg (76.22 KB,1200x1200,1:1,50f6e0327a308d032723c8a17a….jpg)

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756495 No.21598443

File: 7bb4b31faa02e13⋯.png (121.51 KB,603x700,603:700,ClipboardImage.png)


Parsimony versus precision: framing, agenda setting, and priming

The three models we focus on in this issue—framing, agenda setting, and priming—

have received significant scholarly attention since they were introduced.

Agenda setting refers to the idea that there is a strong correlation between the

emphasis that mass media place on certain issues (e.g., based on relative placement or amount of coverage) and the importance attributed to these issues by

mass audiences (McCombs & Shaw, 1972). As defined in the political communication literature, Priming refers to ‘‘changes in the standards that people use to

make political evaluations’’ (Iyengar & Kinder, 1987, p. 63). Priming occurs when

news content suggests to news audiences that they ought to use specific issues as

benchmarks for evaluating the performance of leaders and governments. It is

often understood as an extension of agenda setting. There are two reasons for

this: (a) Both effects are based on memory-based models of information processing. These models assume that people form attitudes based on the considerations

that are most salient (i.e., most accessible) when they make decisions (Hastie &

Park, 1986). In other words, judgments and attitude formation are directly correlated with ‘‘the ease in which instances or associations could be brought to

mind’’ (Tversky & Kahneman, 1973, p. 208); (b) based on the common theoretical foundation, some researchers have argued that priming is a temporal extension of agenda setting (Iyengar & Kinder, 1987). By making some issues more

salient in people’s mind (agenda setting), mass media can also shape the considerations that people take into account when making judgments about political

candidates or issues (priming).

Framing differs significantly from these accessibility-based models. It is based on

the assumption that how an issue is characterized in news reports can have an

influence on how it is understood by audiences. ==Framing is often traced back to

roots in both psychology and sociology (Pan & Kosicki, 1993). The psychological

origins of framing lie in experimental work by Kahneman and Tversky (1979, 1984),

for which Kahneman received the 2002 Nobel Prize in economics (Kahneman, 2003).

They examined how different presentations of essentially identical decision-making

scenarios influence people’s choices and their evaluation of the various options==

presented to them. The sociological foundations of framing were laid by Goffman

(1974) and others who assumed that individuals cannot understand the world fully

and constantly struggle to interpret their life experiences and to make sense of the

world around them. In order to efficiently process new information, Goffman

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949f25 No.21598444


They eat cats & dogs too dontcha know.

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b6796c No.21598445

File: 7e62a62f10763f4⋯.jpg (126.75 KB,817x783,817:783,20eb7006f6d48586.jpg)

File: 966d28d3c33b2e3⋯.jpg (139.64 KB,750x1334,375:667,inaugeration_military_0192….jpg)

File: ca8c1c731d1a3bd⋯.jpg (86.93 KB,762x839,762:839,bc9956650333d72f.jpg)

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d6c1bd No.21598448

File: 59c096012dd9051⋯.png (164.72 KB,607x519,607:519,fb.PNG)




Since Ryan Routh's FB page was taken down, I still had it up, so here's a video of what was there - not much. I'm assuming they took it down because people started leaving comments on old posts.

11:29 AM · Sep 15, 2024




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5a6e7e No.21598449

File: aedd965a9d2517b⋯.png (265.33 KB,700x415,140:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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87941c No.21598450

File: 644badf91922f9b⋯.jpeg (152.93 KB,828x1019,828:1019,644badf91922f9b15055cfa81….jpeg)

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b6796c No.21598451

File: 3e6f6a9b77ec347⋯.jpg (41.79 KB,500x473,500:473,kek_kjhgf.jpg)

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46902c No.21598452

File: 6b503241cb049f8⋯.jpeg (405.04 KB,775x775,1:1,IMG_0395.jpeg)


ty bakeroo

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10cb01 No.21598454


fuckin idiot

he's a communist

and doesn't know it

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8aed8a No.21598455


yep, "friends" coming down with all sorts of medical issues.

Still - zero realization that the shots were dangerous.

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756495 No.21598456

File: 112e4a39887056d⋯.jpg (21.16 KB,255x243,85:81,112e4a39887056d4d04add8cfd….jpg)


he he ha ha, dumb ass bot, go shill P = payseur faggot.

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27a2d5 No.21598457

File: 4d06d37bc769c45⋯.png (103.64 KB,504x365,504:365,a83eab555806a48e1bef31ebb8….png)


TY Fren

Anon's best friends are here on the Kun.

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9466bc No.21598458

File: 975f1a67be56841⋯.jpeg (13.55 KB,298x168,149:84,download_87.jpeg)

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bef2ea No.21598461



WORSE he's an opportunist, and likely rapist!

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27a2d5 No.21598462


yep. CNN will have to run the truth on this one for it to sink in to those types.

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6d5dd1 No.21598463


Was not posted today, I am faggot

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9b75f8 No.21598465


my vaxxed Frens & family getting cancer.


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b6796c No.21598466

File: 0a27f93ea325d40⋯.png (123.3 KB,389x283,389:283,fbi_bribe.png)

File: 0e61bff7eeb2776⋯.png (357.44 KB,750x626,375:313,the_fbi_raid_trumps_house_….png)

File: 8f266f5f3d3a347⋯.jpeg (299.9 KB,1088x1275,64:75,the_fbi_group_called_patr….jpeg)

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b6796c No.21598470

>>21598282 Shooters second follow on twitter is EX-CIA with 3k followers


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d6c1bd No.21598471

File: 00905ba78f45ff7⋯.png (306.07 KB,438x475,438:475,p.PNG)


Please join us tonight at 7:30pm EST 🙏🙏🙏



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b6796c No.21598472

File: 2029d12900a03d8⋯.png (403.79 KB,708x904,177:226,ClipboardImage.png)

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a6c76c No.21598474

File: 12af658742615a8⋯.png (203.8 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1716c16b70d093b⋯.png (516.87 KB,767x589,767:589,ClipboardImage.png)


Where have we seen this before?

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27a2d5 No.21598475


muh "friend" told me they got vaxxed 5x and got covid, thank god they got the vaxx, it could have been worse.

Anon's reply: Anon has never had covid, anon lives normally. "Covid" has a 99% recovery rate, even if one is "high risk"

Didn't have the heart to drop Kary Mullins info (again)

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c39203 No.21598476

File: 57afc8e32c06ff8⋯.png (133 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks Baker

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af6483 No.21598478

File: 733d9186ec9ba06⋯.png (1.57 MB,1290x860,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5c029 No.21598480

File: 56805cf52a4e2a6⋯.png (139.17 KB,650x783,650:783,Dim_Shill_Yearbook_Asian_F….png)

Assassination attempt #2 seems like quite an ordinary day, oddly.

Same fag shills in here too, niggers that they are.

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d6c1bd No.21598482

File: 8c16bfe73c9fed9⋯.png (116.6 KB,838x890,419:445,oct.PNG)


Beware the October Surprise

Substack, by Sasha Stone

Posted By: Moritz55, 9/15/2024 5:32:45 PM

Since I move between worlds and see how stories are covered differently by each side, I was shocked — or maybe not — to catch a few minutes of ABC News after the debate. They were selling extreme fear, extreme hysteria. The conclusion? A) Trump said the bad thing, B) his supporters obey his every command and now an army of armed Proud Boys Nazi Brown Shirts are going to Springfield to terrorize the Haitians. We hear “bomb threats” and “shooting threats” yet we never hear the follow-up. We never hear if there was any investigation. The reason? They don’t care if it’s true or not. It’s useful to

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70e6b4 No.21598483

File: ba72505a19faaa2⋯.webm (3.37 MB,1024x576,16:9,golfing_1_.webm)




of the 9/15/24 incident.

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6575ef No.21598484

File: 0ff9d71f2926333⋯.png (105.57 KB,303x244,303:244,ClipboardImage.png)



This isn't creepy at all.

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27a2d5 No.21598485


give it to me baby

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622744 No.21598486

File: ec0b00cc8490a8c⋯.jpg (133.49 KB,1054x1200,527:600,ytfid.jpg)

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e9163f No.21598488

Just had to say something about this one.

>>21596095 (pb)

> Only Russia can stifle free speech, ami right or what?

I'm thinking "they" are hoping you'll think that. But lately, it seems that the opposite is true. They're better protectors of free speech than many in the so-called free world right now. Y'all had probably better rethink what is free and what isn't.

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7b5619 No.21598489

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739c01 No.21598490

File: 5e1e819a1fc2c1c⋯.png (1.92 MB,1125x804,375:268,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21598409 me

*updated meme

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d6c1bd No.21598492

File: 582f45ab2ffb192⋯.png (179.51 KB,792x586,396:293,g.PNG)

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af6483 No.21598493

File: 7969f30a13ab4f6⋯.png (743.55 KB,675x987,225:329,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21e0f74c44437ca⋯.mp4 (397.32 KB,1080x1080,1:1,POOF_AND_IT_S_ALL_GONE_Mar….mp4)

POOF AND IT'S ALL GONE. "Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook just interfered in the 2024 election by wiping Ryan Routh's account. Users can no longer access the page to see all his anti-Trump and pro-Kamala-Biden post" Who ordered it?


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187887 No.21598494

File: 9151e0bb8050037⋯.jpeg (683.71 KB,1921x1537,1921:1537,1A3DC9EC_3519_4EDA_A5BF_0….jpeg)

File: 4239cac7e2b58e8⋯.jpeg (728.8 KB,1921x1537,1921:1537,640AAF8B_8BE5_4950_AC51_1….jpeg)

File: fd31712f023100a⋯.jpeg (616.29 KB,1921x1441,1921:1441,65E593CC_986B_4464_A8B5_7….jpeg)

File: 4aec988fe2da37a⋯.jpeg (414.32 KB,1141x1596,163:228,IMG_9515.jpeg)

File: 929dca4d692f8e9⋯.jpeg (125.52 KB,801x641,801:641,D3560F08_EAB8_47B0_B1D7_8….jpeg)

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949f25 No.21598495

spicy times

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27a2d5 No.21598496




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09a7f9 No.21598497

File: e2340a10dbbf5af⋯.png (1.95 MB,1550x440,155:44,Screenshot_14877_.png)

File: ac8844933b2b9e4⋯.png (1.36 MB,705x672,235:224,Screenshot_14869_.png)



Know your baker.

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bef2ea No.21598498


>vaxxed 5x

Ima in Canada..though pushed through fake media, never enforced vaccinations. NOT SHOT and living' just fine you fucking murderers!

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282f4b No.21598499

File: 3d5d1a503af9d68⋯.png (876.23 KB,1257x1625,1257:1625,Screenshot_20240915_203516.png)


related pic

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d6c1bd No.21598501

File: 8c21d02e4e5ddcc⋯.png (81.95 KB,594x300,99:50,smith.PNG)




These people are REALLY sick.


11:08 AM · Sep 15, 2024




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b6796c No.21598502

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af6483 No.21598503

File: 767c51c13d3d6d8⋯.png (2.44 MB,1536x1536,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>spicy times

Seems overpriced to me..

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c9e594 No.21598504

File: 469ad4a18dec12c⋯.gif (2.29 MB,380x380,1:1,wheel_perfect_timing.gif)

deniable plausibility

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35455e No.21598506

File: 7ad30d4b2993be4⋯.jpg (623.68 KB,1016x682,508:341,_habanero_pepper.jpg)

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b259de No.21598507

File: f9cbf3f7aded7c6⋯.png (539.53 KB,551x853,551:853,ClipboardImage.png)

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27a2d5 No.21598508


Well Done Anon!

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f5c029 No.21598509

File: 84d9450bf8e7995⋯.jpg (76.73 KB,494x486,247:243,Hiding_Under_Floorboards_I….jpg)

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187887 No.21598511

File: cd27fd776e80a8b⋯.mp4 (697.89 KB,mematicMeme.mp4)

File: a732e646b85accd⋯.png (3.26 MB,1920x1536,5:4,1AFFDB2B_561E_4D95_AF35_22….png)

File: 90f21ec92d05981⋯.mp4 (3.81 MB,mematicMeme.mp4)

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4d0239 No.21598512


>It's called a rough shadow anon.

>Rough Shadow: Continuing to follow or conduct surveillance on a subject despite the subject being aware of the investigator’s presence.

ThankQ to the anon that said this. They have no reason to suspect me of any crimes, I am not the one sabotaging others, I find that to be a childish cowardly thing to do and have never done anything but help my neighbors. $2000 for a fence for their pool, shoving them out of heavy snow, cleaning their leaves at the end of the year, these people have been paid by the DS to harass us, although I believe two were already being paid early on just by regular DS protocols, which is why I know that chemical and radiation sabotages have been going on for decades. Same thing happened in two other places that I lived, all starting just before 911. Ex, does anyone still have their pools opened in this weather, because I still here those bladder pops at night when I walk my dog. These people are more evil than anyone can possibly imagine.

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af6483 No.21598513

File: 843c54ebb3322ec⋯.png (681.19 KB,675x615,45:41,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1418c507141de09⋯.png (2.11 MB,905x1082,905:1082,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d49ac34d6d9dc7⋯.png (2.35 MB,945x1129,945:1129,ClipboardImage.png)

End Wokeness


The media incited this. Deliberately.

5:24 PM • Sep 15, 2024


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9b75f8 No.21598514


Oprah Operative?

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d6c1bd No.21598516

File: 7e2e3a8102f17f6⋯.png (724.4 KB,712x591,712:591,s.PNG)

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af6483 No.21598517

File: 6f4428e63807109⋯.png (816.92 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

10% FOR THE BIG GUY PAYOFF: Chinese Regime Releases Jailed US Citizen After Nearly 20 Years

David Lin was a pastor on a missionary trip to China in 2006 when he was arrested and sentenced to life in prison while helping a group of house Christians.


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f5c029 No.21598518

File: e5f80c4c52f27ba⋯.png (669.49 KB,618x643,618:643,See_This_Shit.png)


yes this is how it works

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739c01 No.21598519

File: 76fac0956881dfb⋯.jpg (95.38 KB,1024x770,512:385,76fac0956881dfb86f9b9e4712….jpg)

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187887 No.21598522

File: b894de749d0bc1c⋯.jpeg (1.33 MB,1280x1649,1280:1649,IMG_9471.jpeg)

File: fd5a44a37e1be37⋯.jpeg (960.74 KB,1318x1434,659:717,IMG_9484.jpeg)

File: 9142d8c5c7713e7⋯.jpeg (134.08 KB,800x600,4:3,6B64870A_8D07_4CDE_B6BC_5….jpeg)

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622744 No.21598523

File: e04da4c3bc4ee3c⋯.jpg (74.26 KB,1024x776,128:97,df.jpg)

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c39203 No.21598524


Gewish Nose and mouth.

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949f25 No.21598527


Elon can fix that

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9d8bdb No.21598529

File: bc50c39705f706f⋯.jpg (108.56 KB,596x261,596:261,Xnip2024_09_15_20_38_22.jpg)

The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination at Trump International Golf Club.

The people deserve the truth about the would be assassin and how he was able to get within 500 yards of the former president and current GOP nominee.


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27a2d5 No.21598531


with a tripcode

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af6483 No.21598532

File: 876beb4bb05aa8f⋯.png (375.56 KB,1250x1288,625:644,ClipboardImage.png)

FEC Records show suspected Trump sh**ter Ryan Routh made 19 political donations - all to Democrats.

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739c01 No.21598534

File: 31d26c64d5ecd04⋯.png (1.01 MB,806x805,806:805,31d26c64d5ecd0418550eee1cd….png)


It's a Redpill-Run Sortie

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2a816c No.21598535

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Posted 35 minutes ago Sept. 15, 2024


Il Trumpo



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6575ef No.21598537

File: 5ecd055dd0e813b⋯.png (136.47 KB,497x345,497:345,HRCyng.png)


The guy will probably "commit suicide" while in custody.

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187887 No.21598538

File: e14fecc27f235d2⋯.mp4 (527.14 KB,480x708,40:59,_MxESM66vjjW0h4A.mp4)

File: 9382b0c0f9d69b2⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB,Rishi_Sunak_Wanker.mp4)

File: 19e0e4e6da2e558⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB,Family_Guy_Cutting_The_Que….mp4)

PRIME MINISTER “You’re a Wanker”

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af6483 No.21598540


>The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination at Trump International Golf Club.


>The people deserve the truth about the would be assassin and how he was able to get within 500 yards of the former president and current GOP nominee.



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40ffba No.21598543

File: a5f96bdf36022bc⋯.jpeg (16.92 KB,255x191,255:191,IMG_1817.jpeg)

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f92d56 No.21598545


Official statement

complete disregard for the loss of an American Hero - full defect catastrophic failure

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87941c No.21598546

File: f415f5fe501dfdf⋯.jpg (115.37 KB,1401x1188,467:396,1720978246769264.jpg)


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d6c1bd No.21598547

File: 35a6aaff47eebeb⋯.png (265.55 KB,434x532,31:38,au.PNG)


BREAKING: Blackwater CEO & Ex-Navy SEAL Erik Prince is calling on Governor Ron DeSantis and other local authorities to TAKEOVER the investigation into the 2nd attempt on Trump's life from the FBI before they scrub everything

"I would not even turn that guy over to the Feds until he has been thoroughly investigated, interrogated by the state and local authorities."

~ Behizy on X (https://x.com/behizytweets/status/1835425387259502613?s=46)

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bef2ea No.21598548


>These people are more evil than anyone can possibly imagine

WTAF Anon! Why you? Why would they target YOU? I suppose I should ask why would they target any of us, but fuck! Seriously, let them go live their Satanic bullshit lives and leave US alone!

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8190ef No.21598549

Peace on Earth.

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b6796c No.21598550


it appears so

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af6483 No.21598551

File: ae588b2272e132f⋯.png (1.85 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)




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1931f0 No.21598552


that is the goal

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532315 No.21598553

Is marketfag here?

Who was making big bets?

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34a3a8 No.21598554

File: 600320a14310523⋯.png (56.61 KB,813x327,271:109,ClipboardImage.png)


Hang on, do you guys remember when the first Trump assassination attempt happened at a rally CNN was covering for the first time? Well CNN pretty much broke this story today about the 2nd assassination attempt. Just wanted to point that out.

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1931f0 No.21598555

File: 1f9e06e77590bbb⋯.jpeg (16.68 KB,255x255,1:1,489e2df96fda921d3396a7fc1….jpeg)

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2095c2 No.21598556

File: 277377c7f2bc103⋯.png (91.98 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6c1bd No.21598557

File: e30f5ea5a9b6763⋯.png (1.03 MB,792x634,396:317,sg.PNG)


“Who’s responsible for the second assassination attempt on President @realDonaldTrump?” - @SebGorka

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40394e No.21598558

File: 233bfb175d5ce9f⋯.jpeg (551.23 KB,828x1056,69:88,IMG_2725.jpeg)

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1ff048 No.21598559

File: bc9d729f9f31f42⋯.jpg (246.07 KB,1289x1200,1289:1200,bc9d729f9f31f42ee5b3f522a9….jpg)


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b259de No.21598560

File: a7b5af9037f8259⋯.png (535.41 KB,683x937,683:937,ClipboardImage.png)

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1e14ee No.21598561

File: 51bf9277660d032⋯.png (1.42 MB,1828x878,914:439,5c353bd4139e5fb9dad8bcb814….png)

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d869ed No.21598562

File: e7f019d16d2b038⋯.png (568.47 KB,651x640,651:640,ClipboardImage.png)


More than 200 Airmen & Guardians rode in the Air Force Heritage Memorial to Memorial bicycle ride, starting at the Wright Brothers Memorial in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, & concluding at the Air Force Memorial in Arlington, Virginia.




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b010f4 No.21598563

File: cd7920dbc4584a3⋯.png (209.4 KB,547x597,547:597,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ecdb248e3d2d4ec⋯.png (65.92 KB,370x261,370:261,ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Naval Institute

@NavalInstitute 1h

USNI Archives Photo of the Week

81 years ago, Allied leaders were in the midst of the SecondQuebecConference.

L-R: Mackenzie King; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Winston Churchill; Alexander Cambridge

Credit: Official U.S. Army Photograph, Signal Corps

Email us at research@usni.org!

Sep 15, 2024 · 11:00 PM UTC


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c39203 No.21598565

File: 2fa1a6c35f35d8d⋯.png (11.08 KB,474x202,237:101,ClipboardImage.png)


What's in a name?

that Looong nose, Wiiiide mouth

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bb9026 No.21598566

File: ef39361a3a7677c⋯.png (4.77 MB,2000x1270,200:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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187887 No.21598567


“Accidentally brutally cuts his head off whilst shaving”

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f21603 No.21598568


porka got booted after bannon

hes someones foreign asset

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b5ca89 No.21598569

Be aware and careful about random Airtags following you, WATCHFUL EYES PLS

Be careful about Airtags following you

Yesterday, Google Play Services notified me an Apple Airtag had followed me to the store and back to a condo and that the owner could track where I was going. So I did some research and found since Android 6, Google has installed a tracking system that allows you to sense if anything has connected to your phone via Bluetooth / GPS.

It was a very strange day after I found this out, and I spent a while examining my car looking in all the nooks and crannies outside the car for the airtag.

Be careful folks!

Also if you find one, disable it by twisting each side counter clockwise and remove the battery and report it to police using the serial number. You can use an Apple Airtag sensing app on your phone to locate the nearest Airtags and it will tell you how close you are with a percentage indicator that gets to 100 when you are right near it.

"Rough Shadow: Continuing to follow or conduct surveillance on a subject despite the subject being aware of the investigator’s presence."

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d6c1bd No.21598570

File: b1808d3ea1c2a57⋯.png (411.08 KB,599x559,599:559,sc.PNG)


Steve Cortes


🚨Wow. Just hours after the second assassination attempt on President Trump and CBS is using their @60Minutes

show to attack him as a “threat to democracy” over January 6th.

No matter how you hate the corporate media, it’s not enough.

12:45 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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af6483 No.21598571

File: eb1d804dc10de83⋯.png (476.2 KB,675x630,15:14,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19e5b1dc1f26a07⋯.mp4 (13.62 MB,1920x1080,16:9,WOW_After_President_Trump_….mp4)


WOW: After President Trump escaped death for a second time, ‘60 Minutes’ decides to run a tired episode telling Americans he’s a threat to democracy

5:36 PM • Sep 15, 2024


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2a816c No.21598572

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I probably took a bullet to the head, because of What they say about me. THEY'RE THE THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!!!

il Donaldo Trumpo


1 hour ago, sending out signals



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f5c029 No.21598573


Neighbourhood power shutdowns, CCTV turned off, Sedated guards. Fake bodies on gurneys.

Stand by for the Sequel.

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b6796c No.21598574



>GUILTY REEE! Nobody tried to shoot you in the head, ya fucking cunt.

Vindman has a cunt, its female.

Qresearch is down


an error occured. please try again in a few moments.

occurred, seems misspelling is an issue.

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187887 No.21598575

It’s been a while since the breads went this fast

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d6c1bd No.21598576

File: adaba363fc25635⋯.png (60.36 KB,438x550,219:275,js.PNG)


Ryan Routh was the registered agent for a few businesses, "United Roofing", "United Network", "United Finance and Leasing"

In his fake ass virtue signaling post, Alex Soros says we must "stand united" against political violence.

"United" code? We know Soros has make veiled, coded assassination threats toward Trump in his tweets before. (bullet holes & $47 in cash)

What if these "United" businesses of Routh's were being used to launder some of that Ukrainian aid money?

If so, probably how Routh was able to afford to pay the recruits he was trying to gather through his "Fight For Ukraine" website.

I wonder if Routh was connected to some of these bigger Deep State players somehow

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f5c029 No.21598577


which vassal PM was that?

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20b673 No.21598579

File: 0dcaea71af5c0c3⋯.jpg (158.67 KB,771x966,257:322,large_10_.jpg)

No stop on what is coming

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9d8bdb No.21598580

File: 48abdae52e7250f⋯.jpg (75.67 KB,605x222,605:222,Xnip2024_09_15_20_45_08.jpg)

And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala 🤔


thought experiment…is an attempt gonna be made on Walz???

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2a816c No.21598582

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIKE A BOSS!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥


2 hours ago. Sept. 15, 2024


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187887 No.21598583

File: 93934068fe6cbca⋯.jpeg (98.43 KB,800x534,400:267,ABCFBE0D_AB65_4D16_9C9A_B….jpeg)

File: 612ed24d1253c7c⋯.jpeg (127.96 KB,800x534,400:267,4451A0A1_ADE5_4793_ADB0_7….jpeg)

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f5c029 No.21598585


There will need to be quite a few final solutions before we get to that.

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1ff048 No.21598586

File: f32fd03706f5211⋯.png (158.89 KB,391x382,391:382,f32fd03706f5211428d8dd8bea….png)

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af6483 No.21598587

File: 46fc8deb3f1072b⋯.png (226.26 KB,675x647,675:647,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef37af4aa409ae5⋯.png (272.79 KB,750x497,750:497,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd2c61e21eff3bf⋯.png (327.45 KB,1170x811,1170:811,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd2c61e21eff3bf⋯.png (327.45 KB,1170x811,1170:811,ClipboardImage.png)

Scott Greer 6’2” IQ 187


In 2023, the [New York Times] profiled the Trump [shooter] and his efforts to recruit foreign fighters for Ukraine.

4:11 PM • Sep 15, 2024


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bef2ea No.21598588


Well…hot damn, anon…wtaf!

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f710c8 No.21598590

File: 25c6d0a2c426e10⋯.png (1.15 MB,906x950,453:475,3000.png)

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b259de No.21598591

File: bd43d4ecb3fe742⋯.png (530.98 KB,568x959,568:959,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6c1bd No.21598592

File: 97079342ee26773⋯.png (20.84 KB,437x182,437:182,st.PNG)


Hang on, do you guys remember when the first Trump assassination attempt happened at a rally CNN was covering for the first time? Well CNN pretty much broke this story today about the 2nd assassination attempt. Just wanted to point that out.

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af6483 No.21598594

File: 3d21a49297ddd25⋯.png (577.1 KB,672x900,56:75,ClipboardImage.png)

Ryan Routh "We are getting close the Pentagon has agreed to help…. wait a little longer." The Pentagon, The CIA's NYT, ABC, traitorous NeverTrumpers like Kinzinger and Vidman. Dude was connected to the deep state up to his psycho eyeballs.

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f5c029 No.21598595

File: b18e89e93989c54⋯.jpg (88.39 KB,1340x920,67:46,Apu_Police_Car_Jump.jpg)


Believe in yourself.

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a72c89 No.21598596

File: 585d9ef2bc3bf77⋯.png (35.9 KB,658x351,658:351,ClipboardImage.png)

Ron DeSantis


The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination at Trump International Golf Club.

The people deserve the truth about the would be assassin and how he was able to get within 500 yards of the former president and current GOP nominee.


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2a816c No.21598597

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


il Donaldo Trumpo

3 hours ago, Sept. 15, 2024



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22c375 No.21598599

notables @ 285

#26455 >>21598249

>>21598277 Ryan was featured in a YouTube prankster video where he attempted to recruit "revolutionaries" on the Harvard campus

>>21598282, >>21598298 Ex-CIA Soo Kim was follower of shooter

>>21598295 NBC endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598296 (Apr 2023) US mercenary (Ryan Routh) plans to recruit Pakistani-based Afghan refugees as fighters for Ukraine

>>21598304 This is the FBI official who spoke at the assassination attempt press conference

>>21598306 @DonaldJTrumpJr: Sounds like this psychopath spends a lot of time watching leftwing propaganda

>>21598313, >>21598448 Social media companies like Meta/Facebook are working quickly to delete the pages of Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Routh

>>21598357 Alexander S. Vindman endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598423 Hakeem Jeffries endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598529 DeSantis: The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21598554 CNN pretty much broke this story today about the 2nd assassination attempt

>>21598571 CBS endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598576 Ryan Routh was the registered agent for a few businesses, "United Roofing", "United Network", "United Finance and Leasing"

>>21598582 LIKE A BOSS!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21598386 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

>>21598517 Chinese Regime Releases Jailed US Citizen After Nearly 20 Years

>>21598562 @usairforce: More than 200 Airmen & Guardians rode in the Air Force Heritage Memorial to Memorial bicycle ride

>>21598563 @NavalInstitute: USNI Archives Photo of the Week

>>21598364, >>21598366, >>21598377 Memes


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45e0bb No.21598600

File: 883fa367fe83348⋯.jpeg (424.76 KB,1479x1880,1479:1880,typorama.jpeg)

File: 6fa8d22f47acbe7⋯.jpeg (466.02 KB,1125x725,45:29,IMG_3052.jpeg)

File: 153c0dda0d9bb63⋯.jpeg (877.79 KB,1069x1406,1069:1406,IMG_3051.jpeg)

If you are a joyful warrior, ready to leave the chaos and drama behind….join us today!

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f5c029 No.21598601

File: e2f11366ee8d1e6⋯.png (9.91 KB,735x88,735:88,Not_This_Shit_Again_Cap.png)

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d869ed No.21598602

File: 4b17d00258eae56⋯.png (13.42 KB,458x216,229:108,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69575a6a45a2f06⋯.png (280.95 KB,473x1230,473:1230,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88072891656395a⋯.png (11.11 KB,459x159,153:53,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2df9b1cce4212d⋯.png (284.88 KB,458x471,458:471,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7af0a2bbb13ccbf⋯.png (11.28 KB,457x142,457:142,ClipboardImage.png)



5 drops

TL;DR comms about comms (activate go order)

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7f2858 No.21598603

File: 0c5d010a036d613⋯.png (368.07 KB,725x704,725:704,ClipboardImage.png)


You thought wrong, obviously.

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af6483 No.21598604

File: 9d1f95125bafe5a⋯.png (846.62 KB,768x544,24:17,ClipboardImage.png)


JUST-IN: Is Trump’s Would be Assassin Ryan Routh an Associate of MSNBC Terrorism Analyst Malcolm Nance With Ukrainian Ties Mentioned in NY Times Article

A New York Times report was discovered on Sunday mentioning Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, who was caught targeting Trump, armed with a scoped AK-47 rifle in West Palm Beach before shots were fired by the Secret Service.


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8190ef No.21598605


>let them go live their Satanic bullshit lives and leave US alone!

[They] don't leave us alone.

[They] never stop targeting, torturing, kidnapping, murdering.

[They] won't stop hurting the innocent until [they] are all dead and in hell where monsters belong.

Do not underestimate the enemy.

[They] have waged war against all life and we will have to protect ourselves if we want to survive.

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9b75f8 No.21598606

File: 903289523592348⋯.png (43.46 KB,754x454,377:227,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e332636b264d32⋯.png (46.38 KB,789x470,789:470,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4eb8b4a78ef4a2a⋯.png (57.54 KB,836x561,76:51,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab7d98a04c48ae3⋯.png (105.91 KB,767x842,767:842,ClipboardImage.png)

Todays Delta's


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a650e5 No.21598607

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dd2b77 No.21598608

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af7020 No.21598609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bad news guys. I think the Mayflowers sold us out.

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bef2ea No.21598610



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bb9026 No.21598611

File: 7d97f056d5721ef⋯.png (294.09 KB,399x273,19:13,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5c029 No.21598612


Ask Roger Stone how they do it

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a60bdd No.21598613


well, to you point, burning bush, Moses splitting the red sea and all those kind of miracles-I can see why you would think that.

but I know another side of Him. the subtle, little M&M's he drops. [M&M's= Mini Miracles] sometimes on a daily basis. but then again, I look for them. other people, not so much.

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1931f0 No.21598614

car pet bombs

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2a816c No.21598615

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


il Donaldo Trumpo


4 hours ago, Sept. 15, 2024. 4:49 pm


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b35332 No.21598616

Anagrams for trump second assasian

Ryan Wesley Routh

Two that stand out like a question, then a declaration.


Ryan Wesley Routh

Nearly Ouster Why

Unseal They Worry


dismissal or expulsion from a position.

"a showdown that may lead to his ouster as leader of the party

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8776e6 No.21598617


>involved now


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d6c1bd No.21598618

File: 7a574ef30963170⋯.png (366.83 KB,598x527,598:527,kh.PNG)


Trump War Room


WATCH: Kamala Harris jokes about killing President Trump and Mike Pence.

Kamala Harris jokes about killing President Trump and Mike Pence.

8:13 AM · Aug 13, 2020

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af6483 No.21598619

File: 8e44ffea8f7fd78⋯.png (890.93 KB,768x511,768:511,ClipboardImage.png)

The assassin tried making a mercenary group for Taiwan

Taiwan Foreign Legion


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411c8a No.21598620


> Ex-CIA Soo Kim was follower of shooter

other way around

she was the 2nd one the shooter followed on x

unclear who she follows since her account is locked

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8190ef No.21598621

Switch the machines off.

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b35332 No.21598622




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cc4120 No.21598623


Well, when God is on your side…

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f5c029 No.21598624

File: 42e9f41c14acecc⋯.jpg (419.75 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Kamala_Harris_Black_White_….jpg)


everyday she is moar pretty. Amazing.

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9d8bdb No.21598625

File: 3da6b0e15f31ea6⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1157x997,1157:997,Xnip2024_09_15_16_34_09.jpg)


Holy Crap!!!


he was an asset

this guy didn't follow protocol and got caught.

he pointed his rifle thru the fence..probably using the scope.

he was seen

if he had used binocs, he would have still been hidden.

this was a screwed up op. the dumbass then stayed on major roads and didn't dump the car.

Langley is scrambling now.

FBI is scrambling now.

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bef2ea No.21598626


>Ryan Routh


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d6c1bd No.21598627

File: 793d1e253023300⋯.png (37.66 KB,591x561,197:187,ron.PNG)


Laura Loomer





says the state of Florida will be conducting its own investigation into the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump today at his West Palm Beach, Florida golf club.

“The people deserve the truth”.

Thank you, @RonDeSantis



Ron DeSantis




The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination at Trump International Golf Club.

The people deserve the truth about the would be assassin and how he was able to get within 500 yards of the former president and current GOP

Show more

1:38 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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af6483 No.21598629

File: a817566c971eae9⋯.mp4 (1.43 MB,1280x720,16:9,WATCH_Kamala_Harris_jokes_….mp4)


>WATCH: Kamala Harris jokes about killing President Trump and Mike Pence.


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22c375 No.21598630

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411c8a No.21598631

File: 9a32ad6093c36d9⋯.png (802.73 KB,1446x849,482:283,ClipboardImage.png)


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b6796c No.21598632

File: 464805d3ebf6bdf⋯.png (323.14 KB,753x1200,251:400,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47812cffe4357a2⋯.png (584.38 KB,1070x1705,214:341,ClipboardImage.png)

Eric Trump


Serious change is needed…

4:27 PM · Sep 15, 2024



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af6483 No.21598633


>ELON: And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala 🤔


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6575ef No.21598634

File: c16e626473f6823⋯.png (299.99 KB,452x463,452:463,Screenshot_2024_09_04_2203….png)

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fab81e No.21598635

Not sure if Ryan Routh is related to John B. Routh, but his name comes up in this declassified document from the CIA.

SEC is Scientific Estimates Committee.

"The Directorate of Science and Technology Historical Series, Office of Scientific Intelligence 1949-68, Volume Two, Annexes IV, V, VI, and VII"

"The primary business of the first Meeting of the SEC in September 1952 was to elect John B Routh of CIA (OSI) as the chairman."

"Chairman of the Scientific Intelligence Committee AUG 1952 - JUN 1954 Mr. John B Routh, CIA/OSI


There is also a book about the department titled, "The Wizards of Langley: Inside the CIA's Directorate of Science and Technology"


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d6c1bd No.21598636

File: 96164d40cb8378b⋯.png (333.27 KB,1460x613,1460:613,rd.PNG)

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af6483 No.21598637

File: cee9f5be64dcbd8⋯.png (338.55 KB,712x741,712:741,ClipboardImage.png)

Vindeman's were probably connected.

Very good questions.

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b259de No.21598638

File: b1793d3b4e2f618⋯.png (724.43 KB,763x839,763:839,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a816c No.21598639

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED!!!😂😂😂KEk what a sense of humor

il Donaldo Trumpo


4 hours ago, Sept. 15, 2024. 4:49 pm


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9b75f8 No.21598640


Thank you Q+

You are a true HERO.

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1931f0 No.21598641


big witch vibes

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187887 No.21598642

File: 926322a696ffd6c⋯.jpeg (120.28 KB,800x534,400:267,3DB1F586_4D8A_40A2_98B1_2….jpeg)

File: aab83daf34989a1⋯.jpeg (101.87 KB,800x534,400:267,A4E836F9_98FE_4862_B227_A….jpeg)

File: 810389cac118672⋯.jpeg (94.97 KB,800x450,16:9,8C383047_C0B1_4073_B56D_5….jpeg)

File: 2657f3792f816bc⋯.jpeg (76.52 KB,800x450,16:9,1FF5E80D_F9F2_4D89_A94A_0….jpeg)

File: c86e16af9f7df99⋯.jpeg (75.34 KB,800x572,200:143,3C76CA92_1733_4C21_8761_D….jpeg)

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cdfaef No.21598643

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d6c1bd No.21598644

File: 93cfde309033a55⋯.png (267.2 KB,588x541,588:541,odds.PNG)


Charlie Kirk


What are the odds that this shooter, who spent months fighting in Ukraine, has zero links to anyone in US military or intelligence circles?

Find them.




11:56 AM · Sep 15, 2024




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f5c029 No.21598645


Multipolar is why Blinken and his Zio Neocon buddies are all so upset.

Less plunder for the Corporations they actually represent. The people? C'mon man! We're chumps to them.

I'm rootin for Putin. I've done the math and it adds up.

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cbe550 No.21598647

File: 832deeb47046438⋯.png (268.43 KB,680x548,170:137,ClipboardImage.png)


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b259de No.21598648

File: a44cb2a3e0dbdf4⋯.png (404.31 KB,710x889,710:889,ClipboardImage.png)

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d81b56 No.21598649

File: 6add82d518e645f⋯.jpg (935.2 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240915_174135….jpg)

File: 116ea729503bdaa⋯.jpg (126.23 KB,727x485,727:485,jewel_better_727x485_17762….jpg)

File: 6d63f759d43a725⋯.jpg (41.62 KB,1024x576,16:9,oan2_1024x576.jpg)

File: f9b15398492509a⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240915_174448….jpg)

File: 5f68292dee89d8a⋯.jpg (95.58 KB,807x1024,807:1024,ike_turner_s_807x1024.jpg)

You wouldn't believe it….

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187887 No.21598650

File: cd27fd776e80a8b⋯.mp4 (697.89 KB,mematicMeme.mp4)

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af6483 No.21598651

File: c9cf3a301d35444⋯.png (1.01 MB,778x950,389:475,ClipboardImage.png)


>Ima in Canada..though pushed through fake media, never enforced vaccinations. NOT SHOT and living' just fine you fucking murderers!

Meanwhile, up there going on..

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6575ef No.21598652

File: 0e27c817fa9ff5f⋯.png (218.45 KB,420x355,84:71,Screenshot_2024_09_09_2054….png)


He should've never said that…but…he did.

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af7020 No.21598653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b75e68 No.21598654


who is the homo on the right?

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187887 No.21598655

File: f905149ffc2ce1e⋯.jpeg (197.59 KB,1366x683,2:1,CFFB7B4C_8E6C_4129_92BF_1….jpeg)

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d6c1bd No.21598656


This is the way. States need to intervene and not let their power be eroded

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1931f0 No.21598657

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af6483 No.21598659

File: c7c121f40e15842⋯.png (463.88 KB,1080x1701,40:63,ClipboardImage.png)


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739c01 No.21598660

File: 932b4cf9255d79c⋯.mp4 (538.37 KB,510x528,85:88,congo.mp4)


stole it

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a650e5 No.21598661

File: 8eab262afea7619⋯.png (2.75 MB,903x1390,903:1390,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a816c No.21598662

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


il Donaldo Trumpo

0:13 Sept. 15, 2024 5 hours ago 3:54 pm


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b6796c No.21598663


Is he dead?

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f5c029 No.21598664

File: a702da29094d8fa⋯.jpg (407.61 KB,1255x706,1255:706,Thomas_Imagined_The_Smell.jpg)

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b75e68 No.21598665


adam schiff?

eric swallowswell?

nancshy pelosi?

adam kinziger?

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f43898 No.21598666


This is why it is time to declass because there are many that think they are being patriotic and will to fight for a cause yet that rhetoric comes from the MSM narrative alone.

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9d8bdb No.21598667



Ron better have people in place at the jail. this guy is a deep state asset who got caught.

he doesn't have long

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af6483 No.21598668

File: ed5ef8a1bd70462⋯.png (383.2 KB,808x706,404:353,ClipboardImage.png)

Statement from POTATO Resident Crooked Joe on Trump's Second Assassination Attempt

"I have been briefed by my team regarding what federal law enforcement is investigating as a possible assassination attempt of former President Trump today.

A suspect is in custody, and I commend the work of the Secret Service and their law enforcement partners for their vigilance and efforts to keep the former President and those around him safe.

I am relieved that the former President is unharmed.

There is an active investigation into this incident as law enforcement gathers more details about what happened.

As I have said many times, there is no place for political violence or any violence ever in our country, and I have directed my team to continue to ensure that Secret Service has every resource, capability, and protective measure necessary to ensure the former President’s continued safety."


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a650e5 No.21598669


burnt hair and mango chutney?

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d869ed No.21598670

File: 5149df83f78f78b⋯.png (645.77 KB,1024x1024,1:1,KH_H.png)


Cackles in EVIL

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ba1723 No.21598671

The deletion of social media post attempt is regarded. Why wouldn’t they do it prior to attempt?

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cbe550 No.21598673

File: b9a8640048fbb45⋯.png (209.6 KB,301x360,301:360,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 259de269df2536b⋯.png (240.56 KB,301x360,301:360,ClipboardImage.png)

The cult's media propaganda mouthpieces are responsible for the radicalization of unstable people who become brainwashed into believing they're "saving the world from fascist overthrow" by killing Trump.

The legacy media is an enemy of the people.

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9f1862 No.21598674


Today is :14

Mirror of :44

Post 2190 at :44

Like Clockwork

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5a6e7e No.21598675


It's bigger than the Hildebeast.

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8776e6 No.21598677


"I have been briefed"

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f5c029 No.21598678

File: bf9311c27e67e62⋯.png (13.57 KB,336x89,336:89,ClipboardImage.png)

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b010f4 No.21598679

File: 03384f8aa90f6fd⋯.png (31.7 KB,621x285,207:95,ClipboardImage.png)

Chuck Schumer

@SenSchumer 3h

I was just briefed by the Acting Director of the Secret Service. I applaud the Secret Service for their quick response to ensure former President Trump’s safety.

There is no place in this country for political violence of any kind. The perpetrator must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Sep 15, 2024 · 9:56 PM UTC



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af6483 No.21598680

File: d29ebba1e335b49⋯.png (1.23 MB,735x900,49:60,ClipboardImage.png)


>What are the odds that this shooter, who spent months fighting in Ukraine, has zero links to anyone in US military or intelligence circles?


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bef2ea No.21598681


NO ONE lunatic is, or should be able to decide what WE, the PEOPLE need and want. We VOTE, and are therefore a part of a republic for which we stand! THE VOTE is decided based on the PEOPLES majority VOTE. … Or so they say

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b259de No.21598682

File: 6f5b7353acad24c⋯.png (382.98 KB,710x706,355:353,ClipboardImage.png)

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532315 No.21598683



Anon's beat you to it famefag trannie

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739c01 No.21598684

File: 5b01306cb60b77b⋯.mp4 (686.56 KB,510x528,85:88,kekz.mp4)


take two keks

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6575ef No.21598685

File: 96225858cd1aee2⋯.png (791.18 KB,920x1009,920:1009,Screenshot_2024_09_04_1141….png)


evil sixes chkt.

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b75e68 No.21598686


steve, why did you jump ship to desantis?

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326060 No.21598687

File: 499706bd7207c37⋯.png (427.18 KB,582x558,97:93,ReenForceWarriors.png)

File: 309ca52d0230403⋯.png (51.01 KB,387x312,129:104,Screenshot_2024_01_28_at_2….png)

File: 41085a92a2c342d⋯.png (590.82 KB,796x758,398:379,Reinforcements.png)

File: 65c0316550a75f3⋯.jpg (22.24 KB,255x199,255:199,db7a3573666db53d216afb6a97….jpg)

When Heaven's Army Has Your Back,

Nothing can fucking stop, what is coming.

Thank you to all of our ancestry, fighting from a better vantage point, and sees all.

God already won.

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b5ca89 No.21598688

File: 207641001f5bd1b⋯.png (256.25 KB,822x1202,411:601,ClipboardImage.png)


This is exactly what happened to me yesterday.


Just be aware because the deep state is highly desperate. They can track you by IP addresses, your name on county assessor sites, tax forms, DMV records or simply finding your name online and all your online anonymous aliases. Be very careful! It's a new kind of tech world these days. Look at what we can do. We can track down all this info they want to suppress faster than they can suppress it. But we also have to always be aware of their capabilities.

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cbe550 No.21598689

File: 693e3d1ff4a16e7⋯.png (750.8 KB,595x680,7:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6c1bd No.21598690

File: 208964338278b00⋯.png (261.04 KB,592x861,592:861,oom.PNG)


Laura Loomer


Don’t forget what I was first to expose when Donald Trump was almost assassinated in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was tied to BlackRock and appeared in a @BlackRock

ad in 2022.

Now we see Ryan Routh, who tried to assassinate President Trump today at his West Palm Beach, FL golf club, was profiled by the New York Times @nytimes

in 2023 and worked with the US foreign Legion in Ukraine, which has ties to the CIA.

The DEEP STATE runs Deep!


Laura Loomer






Ryan Routh served in the US foreign legion in Ukraine, which is reportedly tied to the CIA! @CIA

Not only did @Newsweek interview Ryan Routh the attempted Trump x.com/lauraloomer/st…

Show more




Rate proposed Community Notes

1:47 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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af6483 No.21598691

File: 4a25d43b9218603⋯.png (32.2 KB,675x245,135:49,ClipboardImage.png)

Bo Snerdley


How does an "average" home contractor from NC - get to Ukraine and get high level involvement to "recruit" soldiers? Do the resources come from a bathroom or kitchen remodel? Just asking.

5:49 PM • Sep 15, 2024


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390a1f No.21598692

File: dd88687f9b4679d⋯.jpg (111.95 KB,795x499,795:499,Freedom.jpg)


TY, baker.

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af4e89 No.21598693

File: 5b5a7cb4ea34dbd⋯.png (348.1 KB,680x565,136:113,ClipboardImage.png)


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f710c8 No.21598694

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f5c029 No.21598695


CHKT years ago could have saved a lot of lives.

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e9410d No.21598697


whoa this just unlocked a memory… what is image that from?

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d81b56 No.21598698

File: 6add82d518e645f⋯.jpg (935.2 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240915_174135….jpg)

File: 8b75b48ec43374c⋯.jpg (70.61 KB,960x720,4:3,Kayleigh_McEnany_1_1625987….jpg)

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b6796c No.21598699

File: 0dbcfd8ef5c6b17⋯.mp4 (12.76 MB,480x480,1:1,Aaron_Russo_not_a_democrac….mp4)

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cbe550 No.21598700

File: 588faba002f0cd0⋯.png (655.92 KB,680x606,340:303,ClipboardImage.png)

run roh


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555090 No.21598701

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bunny… Ball Ball!


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6575ef No.21598702

File: 0c427e8ed8f6bdb⋯.jpg (59.39 KB,695x595,139:119,HillaryEatingArm.jpg)


I concur.

She's a lieutenant.

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af6483 No.21598703

File: a4b7dfc0f2481bd⋯.png (243.04 KB,675x719,675:719,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c34c762182f8b17⋯.png (1.07 MB,1153x1153,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 267ea3ab2a75605⋯.png (354.56 KB,1200x1035,80:69,ClipboardImage.png)

On May 4, 2024, would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh posted this on his Facebook page, which appears to be from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. I asked ChatGPT to translate it, and, uh…



On May 4, 2024, would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh posted this on his Facebook page, which appears to be from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

I asked ChatGPT to translate it, and, uh…

3:09 PM • Sep 15, 2024


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64a5a5 No.21598704

File: a4af7741af8733a⋯.png (138.36 KB,406x594,203:297,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 443034a20e15fca⋯.png (91.59 KB,296x503,296:503,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9eea485996ab43⋯.png (267.93 KB,750x497,750:497,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a97b9983b3177fc⋯.png (333.78 KB,1170x811,1170:811,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ac8485c1e22a84⋯.png (184.37 KB,454x428,227:214,ClipboardImage.png)

Laura Loomer


Don’t forget what I was first to expose when Donald Trump was almost assassinated in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was tied to BlackRock and appeared in a

@BlackRock ad in 2022.

Now we see Ryan Routh, who tried to assassinate President Trump today at his West Palm Beach, FL golf club, was profiled by the New York Times @nytimes in 2023 and worked with the US foreign Legion in Ukraine, which has ties to the CIA.

The DEEP STATE runs Deep!



Laura Loomer




Ryan Routh served in the US foreign legion in Ukraine, which is reportedly tied to the CIA! @CIA

Not only did @Newsweek interview Ryan Routh the attempted Trump assassin 2 years ago about his choice to fight in UKRAIE in 2022, but in 2023, the New York Times @nytimes also profiled the shooter and his efforts to recruit foreign fighters for Ukraine illegally in Pakistan and Iran by purchasing FAKE PASSPORTS for Afghan soldiers in Pakistan.

So the US government knew this guy was doing illegal mercenary work and they never stopped him. Even worse, the anti-Trump Leftist media wrote glowing profiles about him and gave him a platform.

Ryan Routh’s cell phone number traces back to “Fight for Ukraine”, which has been accused of being a terrorist organization, focused on recruiting mercenaries to fight in Ukraine for the sake of killing Russian soldiers.





Laura Loomer



Here’s the full @Newsweek interview with attempted Trump ASSASSIN Ryan Routh @RyanRouth who tried to kill President Trump at his West Palm Beach, Florida international golf club today.

I have downloaded and archived the video because I’m sure the FAKE NEWS Trump haters over at Newsweek will try to delete this and cover up the fact that they knew about this radicalized mercenary two years ago!

🚨🚨🚨 cc: @realDonaldTrump @EricTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @JDVance


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f710c8 No.21598705

File: e05197dfab80c72⋯.png (1.07 MB,1080x809,1080:809,69213721.png)

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f92d56 No.21598706

baby killers say an unborn baby is not a life until mother decides it is human

assassins say protection is not deserved to a life not deemed valuable enough politically

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af6483 No.21598707


>Laura Loomer




>Don’t forget what I was first to expose when Donald Trump was almost assassinated in Butler, Pennsylvania.


>Shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was tied to BlackRock and appeared in a @BlackRock


> ad in 2022.


>Now we see Ryan Routh, who tried to assassinate President Trump today at his West Palm Beach, FL golf club, was profiled by the New York Times @nytimes


> in 2023 and worked with the US foreign Legion in Ukraine, which has ties to the CIA.


>The DEEP STATE runs Deep!


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e223fc No.21598708

File: cec6b4f28659aaf⋯.png (1.21 MB,900x675,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Watch the water in The Land of Lakes

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532315 No.21598709

File: 55b233ca8e5d3e1⋯.png (514.54 KB,560x609,80:87,ClipboardImage.png)

We know little so far, but w alleged Trump shooter's personal and public participation in military activity in Ukraine, it is hard to imagine this White House's agencies can claim zero contact—"clean hands." Something of an Oswald vibe, here. Congress should get answers.


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80058e No.21598710


we've got them on the hoof


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0d7f4a No.21598711

File: fb082f269ffca8b⋯.jpeg (583.52 KB,1125x1405,225:281,IMG_4085.jpeg)


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b6796c No.21598712

>>21598690 Laura Loomer: Ryan Routh, who tried to assassinate President Trump today at his West Palm Beach, FL golf club, was profiled by the New York Times @nytimes in 2023 and worked with the US foreign Legion in Ukraine, which has ties to the CIA


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af6483 No.21598713

File: cb1d690f844f3a2⋯.png (881.7 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

The assassin must've been on their radar big time! "US mercenary plans to recruit Pakistani-based Afghan refugees as fighters for Ukraine"

US mercenary plans to recruit Pakistani-based Afghan refugees as fighters for Ukraine

An American mercenary is reportedly attempting to export vulnerable Afghan refugees who have fled the Taliban and are currently residing in Pakistan, using counterfeit Pakistani passports. It raises questions about Pakistan's claimed neutrality in the conf…


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d6c1bd No.21598714

File: 844ea6f6611c79f⋯.png (18.95 KB,596x250,298:125,co.PNG)


Candace Owens


Everything about this shooter’s background reeks of a criminal-turned-Federal asset in prison.

Convicted for weapons of mass destruction and then years later trying to recruit Americans to the war in Ukraine?


12:59 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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b6796c No.21598715



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af6483 No.21598716




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b6796c No.21598717



notable fro the keks

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b35332 No.21598718


<Ryan Wesley Routh


>Unseal They Worry

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b010f4 No.21598719

File: 7003e60a01dcba9⋯.png (365.67 KB,737x471,737:471,media_GT_Zgv_WIAAwPZ5.png)



Five Eyes wet work.

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bef2ea No.21598720


damn, son…this should be on repeat in our streets 247

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b75e68 No.21598721


rhymes with shizzreal

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af6483 No.21598722

File: 2d8e4d734c77059⋯.png (257.09 KB,675x963,75:107,ClipboardImage.png)


Breaking: Trumps would be assassin is a confirmed CIA deep state asset. They will try again!

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b6796c No.21598723

>>21598704 Ryan Routh served in the US foreign legion in Ukraine, which is reportedly tied to the CIA


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9d8bdb No.21598724


they will use this to launch an op against Walz or Biden to blame MAGA. With Joe growing a fondness for red hats, they may even be successful.

FF incoming…

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e223fc No.21598725

File: 62a2ae1c416d5d2⋯.png (538.72 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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af6483 No.21598726

File: 5ea2ef865870a46⋯.png (1.13 MB,814x860,407:430,ClipboardImage.png)


>Five Eyes wet work.

Quick change the news cycle

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7b5619 No.21598727


Deader than Epstein and McAfee put together. Camp Box orders aren't going to save him now…

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d6c1bd No.21598728

File: 3caf682fbb76fb8⋯.png (388.49 KB,601x837,601:837,ap.PNG)








BREAKING: 𝕏 just followed Mark Zuckerberg's example and suspended Ryan Routh's account. Users can no longer see his Pro-Kamala-Biden and Anti-Trump posts

Is the FBI ordering platforms to wipe everything? Because it makes no sense to hide the truth about him from the public

Show more


Apple Lamps


I have an excel file with every single post and reply. If any known reporters or investigators need the file, let me know.


1:08 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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326060 No.21598729


you smell like fear, and to that sir, I am allergic…

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b75e68 No.21598730


8kun has a policy of not notabl-ing LL, fren

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27a2d5 No.21598731


So they hired him and he was following orders today.

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8776e6 No.21598732


faux outrage/feigned indignation. he probably jokes with his friends about killing Trump

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d81b56 No.21598733

File: 9c1bef915718ac6⋯.jpg (480.25 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240915_174855….jpg)

File: a669e4256a008f5⋯.jpg (405.17 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240915_175020….jpg)

File: cba54280ffa7dbe⋯.png (835.29 KB,1000x1000,1:1,bd6493c627e1546ae30cad50c5….png)

File: 1c791fdf41bbc39⋯.jpg (371.31 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240915_174957….jpg)

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af6483 No.21598734

File: bdc7ac27ef1eeec⋯.png (1.89 MB,932x932,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Protect Trump at all costs

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1ff048 No.21598735

File: 85048acab746ba1⋯.png (170.95 KB,293x485,293:485,85048acab746ba182ff608251d….png)

Who's gonna volunteer to watch the Emmys tonight for comms en schitt?

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80058e No.21598736


the precipice is deep

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bf14ac No.21598737

File: 13b73b00ad0f9c9⋯.jpg (6.15 KB,318x159,2:1,eagle.jpg)


Stayed awake till about 1-ish today due to the noise from last night, # #. Had to stay awake to see wife to Church and couldn't get rest until she got home, so we always have 24 coverage. This is why I asked the board last night and many times before too: What is in a name? My prayer was YHVH Elohim protect this house and our President, it is all in your hands. ThankQ, Lord.

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d6c1bd No.21598738

File: 9afbd1c2599dad9⋯.png (877.89 KB,1077x816,359:272,red.PNG)

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af6483 No.21598739

File: ebf861b489663a4⋯.png (418.06 KB,459x428,459:428,ClipboardImage.png)


>C _ A

>So they hired him and he was following orders today.


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74f025 No.21598740

File: 04d1de77e9508eb⋯.jpeg (304.46 KB,1125x1047,375:349,IMG_4086.jpeg)



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c39203 No.21598741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hezbollah Hits Israel's Unit 8200 in Glilot Base Killing Dozens

European security sources have reported to Al Mayadeen that the recent strikes by the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon - Hezbollah targeting the HQs of Unit 8200 in the Glilot base and the airbase of Ein Shemer have been substantially successful.

*Anon Note: Unit 8200 is Israeli Electronic Intelligence and Cyber Warfare.

According to the sources, the attack, dubbed Operation Arbaeen, has resulted in significant casualties within the Israeli intelligence unit, with fatalities reaching 22 and 74 members reported injured.

The operation was the main target of response to the assassination of martyred Commander Fouad Shokor, as confirmed by Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on August 25.

Dubbing the response Operation Arbaeen in his speech, Sayyed Nasrallah reflected on the details of the operation and debunked Israeli claims that preceded and followed it.

Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted that the Glilot base is located 110 km from the Blue Line between Lebanon and occupied Palestine, and 1,500 meters from Tel Aviv's periphery, placing it just outside Tel Aviv. He added that the operation's second target was the Ein Shemer airbase, situated 75 km from Lebanon and 40 km from Tel Aviv.

He confirmed that "a significant number of drones hit their intended targets,but the enemy is keeping all relevant details concealed, but the days and nights will reveal the truth of what happened there."

Sayyed Nasrallah explained that the operation entailed two phases. The initial phase was focused on targeting sites and barracks in northern occupied Palestine with the hundreds of intended rockets to exhaust and deplete the Iron Dome and interceptor missiles, paving the way for phase two, which saw the swarms of drones heading toward their intended targets.

Sauce #1: https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/exclusive–hezbollah-strike-against-glilot-base-highly-succe?__cf_chl_tk=RfuHZQxZ6uOlgQFxqcj.sHdUjPbMfWqAalzd.Nbmakw-1726446276-

^^^Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-OuVl7WDqU

Dozens of Spies Killed as Hezbollah Decimates Unit 8200

Hezbollah’s retaliatory attack against two Israeli military and intelligence sites in late August resulted in dozens of casualties, European security sources told Al Mayadeen on 12 September.

Operation Fortieth Day, as it was dubbed by the Lebanese resistance, targeted Glilot base – the headquarters of Israel’s Unit 8200 – and the Ein Shemer airbase.

The operation was “substantially successful … with fatalities reaching 22 and 74 members injured,” Al Mayadeen cited the European sources as saying.

The report coincided with news of the resignation of Brigadier General Yossi Sariel, the commander of Unit 8200.

Sauce #2: https://www.theinteldrop.org/2024/09/13/dozens-of-spies-terrorist-leaders-killed-as-hezbollah-decimates-unit-8200-how-israel-controls-america/

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1f1789 No.21598742


Not me, somebody else gonna have to take one for the team

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c2488f No.21598743


Kitchen, usually.

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af6483 No.21598744

File: b72422cd9f3b34c⋯.png (40.51 KB,675x317,675:317,ClipboardImage.png)


We have two candidates campaigning for the presidency of the United States. The Secret Service employs 3,200 special agents, 1,300 Uniformed Division officers, and 2000 others.

And yet two armed assassins have been within a few hundred yards of one of those candidates.'

5:42 PM • Sep 15, 2024


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d6c1bd No.21598745

File: c80b80f7b17fdb0⋯.png (1.74 MB,1111x841,1111:841,9.PNG)


Kyle C. Caffrey


“Donald, you have protected my kind. I hereby name you honorary feline and grant you 9 lives.”


1:44 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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756495 No.21598746

File: 4e9992aef045ea7⋯.jpg (10.86 KB,229x220,229:220,thinkingpepe.jpg)

The shooter seems like a loose canon, i wonder if they will whack him when he is in custody? He might blab about his handlers.

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e223fc No.21598747

File: 6bb31dd9389ee69⋯.png (323.61 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6796c No.21598748

File: 0c0e1c1cd3eaf56⋯.png (40.15 KB,437x388,437:388,ClipboardImage.png)


Elon Musk / @elonmusk 09/15/2024 20:41:05

Twitter: 1835478980830572884

DogeDesigner / @cb_doge 09/15/2024 16:33:16

ID:Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1835416615304991107

Why they want to kill Donald Trump?

And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala 🤔

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187887 No.21598749

File: 8bea67a124affe5⋯.gif (1.73 MB,498x270,83:45,IMG_9530.gif)

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8aed8a No.21598750

Lindsey Graham on FoxNews (Trey Gowdy show) on the phone right now - says he was supposed to be playing golf with Trump today 'but he couldn't make it"

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b6796c No.21598751



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d6c1bd No.21598752

File: d2f482b39549e98⋯.png (2.37 MB,933x925,933:925,gh.PNG)

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f92d56 No.21598753


feels alot like this woke chap was a tweaker off the old chip ice block chanting for change agent just shows up

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127d11 No.21598754

So, this 'company asset' leaves a trail all over the web, anons capture most of it. Definitely a glowie with severe case of MSM-induced TDS. Has the company gotten sloppy in these DEI days, as well?

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a64f5e No.21598755

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dd2b77 No.21598756



That fucking slimmy weasel

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af6483 No.21598757

File: 8a4a392a7102deb⋯.png (950.74 KB,630x680,63:68,ClipboardImage.png)




Democracy is not compatible with the DNC

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d78afa No.21598758


You can almost feel the immediate shift of people posting prior to that tweet about wishing the shooter succeeded to after the tweet posting outrage at what they assume Elon suggested.

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8776e6 No.21598759

File: 69fa1544fedc2ae⋯.png (1.06 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


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e223fc No.21598760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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af6483 No.21598761


>Lindsey Graham on FoxNews (Trey Gowdy show) on the phone right now - says he was supposed to be playing golf with Trump today 'but he couldn't make it"



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739c01 No.21598762

File: e635ff79b1ecf13⋯.jpg (123.06 KB,850x400,17:8,_tertullian.jpg)

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8aed8a No.21598763


Ukraine connection?

seems suss

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6575ef No.21598764

File: 5bf437cd359fc15⋯.png (718.51 KB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)


It's from one of the Friday the 13th movies. IDK which one though. His hockey mask splits in two for some reason and falls off. I don't think I've seen this particular movie, so I don't know if they really show his face or if it was perhaps a dream sequence?

I never saved the GIF, I only copied his face for last weeks Friday the 13th NIGHT SHIFT meme.

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f5c029 No.21598765


Expect a massive distraction very soon.

They're exposed.

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9b75f8 No.21598766


the "leaker"

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40ffba No.21598767

File: 018637c86d490e4⋯.png (77.19 KB,842x674,421:337,IMG_2734.png)

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9d8bdb No.21598768


Hannity said the same thing.

he said his golf game is such that he would "get killed"

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af6483 No.21598769

File: 6b086ec0fd22728⋯.png (1.34 MB,900x566,450:283,ClipboardImage.png)




Why the sudden career change?

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532315 No.21598770


Pakistan is a Mossad Cia Gov

That's why Imran Khan was jailed

Secret Pakistan Cable Documents U.S. Pressure to Remove Imran Khan

“All will be forgiven,” said a U.S. diplomat, if the no-confidence vote against Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan succeeds.


The US Toppling of Imran Khan


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bef2ea No.21598771


and THEY don't even care that we KNOW…WE ARE ON TO THEIR EVIL!

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e223fc No.21598772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fb392c No.21598773

File: 44acae2f0c543e8⋯.jpeg (182.63 KB,1125x540,25:12,C51273CB_6BE6_4476_BCA8_D….jpeg)

File: 333b1c02db6950e⋯.png (1.35 MB,1241x828,1241:828,84B965AD_4CD5_4373_9DB5_F1….png)

File: a025c66f562a64d⋯.jpeg (282.1 KB,951x957,317:319,6E8EC010_6161_4CAC_96D6_5….jpeg)

File: 2754bfe70080e1a⋯.jpeg (30.41 KB,206x310,103:155,AC758D89_6D48_421F_8E24_A….jpeg)

File: caae2a0b6988f79⋯.jpeg (175.1 KB,1383x774,461:258,D1B91D0A_C5C0_4B13_AC13_6….jpeg)

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2a816c No.21598774


You know whats amazing after anons finding connections less than an hour or two later, everyone is finding connections than Crooks. Hope the guy survives in FBi custody, they are planning a get away or something else.

Too late BIF, too many people know

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d6c1bd No.21598775

File: 63a37ffa21d5488⋯.png (76.16 KB,602x580,301:290,hp.PNG)




Still going to pull the full pages, but this guy got a screen recording of his Facebook page as well. Great work!


Jake Jackson




Replying to @alx

I got his whole page

1:55 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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64a5a5 No.21598776

File: cda85afb9a848af⋯.png (2.51 MB,1178x2048,589:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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af6483 No.21598777

File: aebb6919e1b1c0a⋯.png (41.52 KB,870x315,58:21,ClipboardImage.png)

You know when your side is saying “third times a charm” you might want to have a “come to Jesus” moment

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cbe550 No.21598778

File: f7e29d6ea92f4be⋯.png (1.33 MB,1290x1478,645:739,ClipboardImage.png)

Even CNN can't withhold calling out this serial lying account.


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b259de No.21598779

File: bb09d7ee27c7e5b⋯.png (251.48 KB,510x490,51:49,ClipboardImage.png)

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27a2d5 No.21598780


sounds rather titanic-esque?

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9d8bdb No.21598781


yup. I predict it will be a FF attempt on harris, walz, or bidan

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a09f7f No.21598782



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a81152 No.21598783

FOX: "Man arrested after apparent attempted assassination of Trump"

CNN: "Trump safe following gunshots in his vicinity"

Early headlines

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f92d56 No.21598784


passionate over the work

death protectors

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562c27 No.21598785

File: 534c61751eaf81a⋯.jpeg (256.11 KB,1125x840,75:56,IMG_4087.jpeg)

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22eb11 No.21598786


So be it.

NFG God wrote my timeline.

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1ff048 No.21598787


Welp, that makes 2 now..ms Lindsey and Hannity

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b6796c No.21598788

File: 1d7556efe98e21c⋯.png (71.86 KB,1238x302,619:151,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅 / @DanScavino 09/15/2024 19:51:23

ID: Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1835466474234020230


Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 / @DanScavino 09/15/2024 19:52:54

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 113144258537237169


Military precsion timing

5123-5254 =

-131 seconds

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f5c029 No.21598789



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45a4ce No.21598790

File: e675b40e2b4b5ac⋯.png (1.95 MB,1064x1880,133:235,ClipboardImage.png)

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27a2d5 No.21598791

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9d8bdb No.21598792


i want to kek at this but…

maybe too soon???

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af6483 No.21598793

File: a817566c971eae9⋯.mp4 (1.43 MB,1280x720,16:9,Kamala_Harris_openly_joked….mp4)

Kamala Harris openly joked about assassinating President Trump in 2018 as an audience of lobotomized clapping seals cheered. And you’re wondering how we ended up here?

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1ff048 No.21598794

File: bf3a6ce9ea3a533⋯.jpeg (25.27 KB,203x249,203:249,bf3a6ce9ea3a533d2652f8a2b….jpeg)

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739c01 No.21598795

File: ad0c8e3c8dde6e9⋯.jpg (67.05 KB,889x501,889:501,0c10.jpg)

File: 36d14cd349327ad⋯.png (380.19 KB,392x574,28:41,65f9f8e04f111eeaf1fc058d5b….png)

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609380 No.21598796

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b259de No.21598797

File: 306b6272046b114⋯.png (603.23 KB,568x637,568:637,0513cd5ddf9e3fcd.png)

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2a816c No.21598798


That's pathetic, its not political violence, someone tried to kill him. Did Chuck know it was political?

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d6c1bd No.21598799

File: ff8a4864017842b⋯.png (458.47 KB,600x852,50:71,kb.PNG)




Kyle Becker


Investigators, if you want an archive of suspected Trump attacker @RyanRouth

, this appears to be a complete copy.


Apple Lamps




🚨 Here are all 509 posts and replies from Ryan Routh. If you use any information from the file, please give credit to lamps_apple!



2:10 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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f5c029 No.21598800


Trump should be no where near that filth Graham. Ever. Golf together? Not cool with this anon.

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48e1a4 No.21598801


It is best to fight with an army.

Remember your oath.

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bef2ea No.21598802


Definition of LUNATIC right there!

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b6796c No.21598803

File: eea9c4477b6dac8⋯.png (358.41 KB,671x379,671:379,that_made_me_kek.png)

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e223fc No.21598804

File: 76b82312cc2357f⋯.png (123.19 KB,176x287,176:287,ClipboardImage.png)


Alex Jones is a rat.




Prove it.

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e523d7 No.21598805

File: 259977e3c8992cc⋯.jpg (108.92 KB,1024x791,1024:791,259977e3c8992cc2bee2939620….jpg)


trips for Jesus

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5a6e7e No.21598806



One man, who gave up everything, risking his life (himself/family), to fight for & defend, We, the PEOPLE.

Bait expends ammunition.

EVIL has no place here.


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411c8a No.21598807

File: d28241b272a5622⋯.png (326.8 KB,478x545,478:545,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bfc508dd1d023d⋯.png (148.49 KB,308x377,308:377,ClipboardImage.png)

if even this glownigger is talking you know it's a sloppy job

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a22f2d No.21598808


Kamala Harris aka AK 47

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073657 No.21598809

He reminds me of the weird dude with the loop of hair in the front.

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d6c1bd No.21598810

File: cca932989193881⋯.png (415.61 KB,590x691,590:691,aj.PNG)


Alex Jones


Breaking: Trumps attempted assassin in Florida is a US fighter who served in the Ukrainian foreign Legion. The CIA runs and controls the US foreign Legion in Ukraine. Translation: a trained CIA killer just tried to kill Trump in Florida. This is all about preparing the ground for total war with Russia.


Alex Jones




SUNDAY EMERGENCY BROADCAST: Secret Service Confirms Second Assassination Attempt On President Trump In Florida – Alex Jones Is LIVE On Air RIGHT NOW Breaking Down The Deep State’s Next Moves And How To Stop Them https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1/i/broadcasts/1ynJODrOYNAxR

12:44 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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390a1f No.21598811

File: de2caf42c63ff77⋯.png (331.86 KB,739x433,739:433,Everythingismovie.png)

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543828 No.21598812

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Juanita Broaddrick




🔥🔥🔥 Routh’s entire FB page.








Replying to @catturd2

Not before we got a video of his entire Facebook.

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2a816c No.21598813


So did he here what Erik Prince said, good of he does it

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af6483 No.21598814

File: ebeccf18408fe99⋯.png (487.89 KB,541x648,541:648,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95cbd75a40a84c4⋯.png (92.55 KB,536x499,536:499,ClipboardImage.png)





>Military precsion timing



Aug 28 2018


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 469a08 No.2769865 📁

Aug 28 2018 15:27:56 (EST)

Anonymous ID: b80eec No.2769783 📁

Aug 28 2018 15:23:20 (EST)





We, the PEOPLE.

-The People (Q)

Aug 28 2018


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f2dcba No.2770117 📁

Aug 28 2018 15:43:19 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 822c66 No.2770076 📁

Aug 28 2018 15:41:01 (EST)


…and Iron Eagle??????



Double meanings exist.


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f5c029 No.21598815

File: ddfdd239d065369⋯.jpg (52.56 KB,300x201,100:67,Mr_Leahy_Checkem_Randers.jpg)

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95aa4b No.21598816

File: 9f2caff4a7ad4b2⋯.jpeg (903.71 KB,1125x1399,1125:1399,IMG_4088.jpeg)



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b6796c No.21598817

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80058e No.21598818

File: 24ddb1db68cb02e⋯.jpg (70.61 KB,728x649,728:649,330ae85b7aa70fab84ece94583.jpg)

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af6483 No.21598819


>Investigators, if you want an archive of suspected Trump attacker @RyanRouth This appears to be a complete copy.


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390a1f No.21598822


huh. effective.

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739c01 No.21598823

File: 53baa1afd82ebd2⋯.mp4 (3.98 MB,1006x1024,503:512,1583286893906.mp4)

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f5c029 No.21598824

File: 610d9989908fb33⋯.png (74.82 KB,1112x107,1112:107,ClipboardImage.png)


Most people will vote with their feelz.

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63367f No.21598825

File: cf612b70ae3b451⋯.jpeg (167.2 KB,909x452,909:452,IMG_4080.jpeg)

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f92d56 No.21598827


ukraine witchmonger – with a shooter links like that attempting kill on golf links…, come shit bugs, how many did the shooter sex work that hole no name

is what they mean by "we need to learn from our mistakes and fix them."

no remorse, no accountability, no criminality, no loss of pay past present future, no degradation by complicit press of traitorous acts

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622744 No.21598828

File: c429e16a2d3bb53⋯.png (638.03 KB,660x837,220:279,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54e72d2e5df014d⋯.jpg (391.17 KB,933x1011,311:337,1.jpg)

STOP IT!!!🤣🤣🤣


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9b75f8 No.21598829

I think this was part of the movie.

That guy looks familiar.

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b259de No.21598830

File: 13f8033a0f3c394⋯.jpg (97.08 KB,700x653,700:653,trump75.jpg)

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af6483 No.21598831

File: 1833fa6cc7383e7⋯.png (976.18 KB,561x682,51:62,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump's statement after 2nd attempt: "Nothing will slow me down. I WILL NEVER SURRENDER!"

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d869ed No.21598832

File: 9b761ecd2cf9f62⋯.png (509.22 KB,650x590,65:59,ClipboardImage.png)



More than 200 Airmen & Guardians rode in the Air Force Heritage Memorial to Memorial bicycle ride, starting at the Wright Brothers Memorial in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, & concluding at the Air Force Memorial in Arlington.


Eerily similar

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bef2ea No.21598833


Are these peeps like fucking 12 or something?!

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9d8bdb No.21598834

File: 4214c4e89fbbc36⋯.jpg (446.6 KB,604x910,302:455,Xnip2024_09_15_21_17_33.jpg)



shooter was waiting for the "go" signal

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48e1a4 No.21598835

File: 9d1c3cacc9ede1a⋯.jpg (39.7 KB,300x444,25:37,shroud.jpg)


To the memory of this, is given …..

Remember you oath.

YHVH Elohim El Tzevaoth

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b6796c No.21598837


Donald J. Trump







Sep 15, 2024, 10:44 AM


KEKKEKEKEKEKEkekekekek ah kekeke

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af6483 No.21598838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This motherfucking TREASON SCUM really had 1000 afghan soldiers ready to serve.

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2a816c No.21598839


We have some stupid fucks here, don't we

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622744 No.21598840

File: faee9c973619fcb⋯.mp4 (5.95 MB,480x1036,120:259,Not_before_we_got_a_video_….mp4)

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739c01 No.21598842

File: 7cdacc0c2582c4e⋯.png (1.82 MB,985x1024,985:1024,7cdacc0c2582c4ef0b296ad2be….png)

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d6c1bd No.21598843

File: 75513387e0efa76⋯.png (175.74 KB,587x845,587:845,84.PNG)




OK. Am I reading this right?

The Trump shooter was caught in 2002 with a



Somebody make it make sense.


Rate proposed Community Notes

1:36 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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b6796c No.21598844



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af6483 No.21598846






>shooter was waiting for the "go" signa


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9b2291 No.21598847

File: a11b494fb0c5c8c⋯.jpg (8.42 MB,3348x5148,93:143,QBandOfAnonsBorder.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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949f25 No.21598848


Pakistan is also a long time back channel ally of the [CCP]

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d78afa No.21598850

And just like that the media stopped talking about Kamala's 'win' at the debate…

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f5c029 No.21598851


that slope is fucking him up

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af6483 No.21598852

File: 9708eab7afb94e6⋯.png (561.78 KB,854x1174,427:587,ClipboardImage.png)


>The Trump shooter was caught in 2002 with a






>Somebody make it make sense.


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390a1f No.21598853

File: c33447d6c1ea83a⋯.jpg (56.3 KB,662x377,662:377,Fuckthedeepstate.jpg)

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bef2ea No.21598854


President Trumps MOST powerful offence is, he doesn't fuck around, nor does he drink alcohol. These fucks got NOTHING on that!

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d6c1bd No.21598856

File: 513467684db1244⋯.png (365.86 KB,819x638,819:638,bill.PNG)


Watch: Joe Biden Says “We Are Better

Off Today” As Americans Fall Behind

on Their Bills

Gateway Pundit, by Christina Laila

Posted By: Imright, 9/15/2024 3:54:34 PM

Joe Biden on Saturday night delivered remarks at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s 2024 Phoenix Awards Dinner in Washington, DC. Biden received a lifetime achievement award. During his remarks, Joe Biden said “we are better off today” than when Trump was in office. “We are better off today than we were four years ago,” Biden said. WATCH: (X Video) Biden also railed against Republicans for wanting election integrity and for their efforts to remove sexually explicit content from elementary schools. WATCH: (X Video)

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187887 No.21598857

File: e53c3cfe981ea56⋯.jpg (89.08 KB,442x500,221:250,IMG_6471.jpg)

File: f851d755765d535⋯.jpeg (122.82 KB,600x801,200:267,Katie_Hobbs_Hunter_Biden_….JPEG)

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c39203 No.21598858

File: 01c5bbe85d8ceac⋯.png (21.19 KB,474x271,474:271,ClipboardImage.png)

Commander of IDF’s Unit 8200 Intelligence Unit Resigns

Times of Israel

The commander of the IDF’s Unit 8200, Brig. Gen. Yossi Sariel, notified his superiors and subordinates on Thursday that he intends to resign from his position, close to a year after Israel’s intelligence establishment failed to prevent Hamas’s October 7 onslaught.

The IDF said Sariel is due to be replaced “in the coming period.” Unit 8200 is the IDF’s main signals intelligence unit, and is among the units pointed to as playing a role in the failure to prevent October 7. Sariel entered the position in February 2021 following a long military career in intelligence.

Sariel said Thursday that he was resigning over his role in the failures leading up to the massacre, although the move comes a full 11 months following the assault, in which thousands of Hamas terrorists breached Israel’s borders and killed around 1,200 people, taking 251 captive to Gaza.

A Channel 12 report in July said that Sariel at the time was resisting any efforts to resign, saying that such a move would be tantamount to “cowardice.”

In a letter written to those under his command on Thursday, Sariel wrote that “on October 7 at 6:29 a.m. I did not fulfill my mission as I expected of myself, as my commanders and subordinates expected of me, and as the citizens of the nation I love so much expected of me.”

The Commander of the 8200 intelligence unit is generally not publicly known,but Sariel’s identity was leaked in a Guardian report in April, which revealed his name after he published a book under an alias with a digital trail that led back to him.

Sauce #1: https://www.timesofisrael.com/i-did-not-fulfill-my-mission-commander-of-idfs-8200-intelligence-unit-resigns/

Sauce #2: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-09-12/ty-article/.premium/commander-of-elite-israeli-army-intelligence-unit-resigns-due-to-failure-of-oct-7/00000191-e664-d1c1-adbf-f7f6b5220000

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b6796c No.21598859

File: 426bd9555f10882⋯.png (1.3 MB,1057x972,1057:972,ClipboardImage.png)

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d869ed No.21598860

File: b76f8c53a48343c⋯.png (1.08 MB,1300x640,65:32,ClipboardImage.png)



BOTH 19:59


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e523d7 No.21598861

File: 4da61ce41be3754⋯.jpg (59.78 KB,640x480,4:3,4da61ce41be3754b5b0b86f025….jpg)

File: 264415528dd2cc8⋯.png (165.78 KB,500x369,500:369,AFJ123a0c4308cfe96b942f25e….png)

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390a1f No.21598862

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ac6693 No.21598863


pretttyyyy sure 1 single powerball isn't going to be enough in today's economy…..

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b35332 No.21598864


Not in the headline

but in every article about attempted Trump assassination…



Secret Service agents spotted and fired on a gunman in


near the property line of the golf course, a few hundred yards from where Trump was playing, law enforcement officials said.

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9466bc No.21598865

Trump War Room


13 Aug 2020

WATCH: Kamala Harris jokes about killing President Trump and Mike Pence.


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0d7f4a No.21598867

File: 1247916986ed689⋯.jpeg (278.17 KB,1125x970,225:194,IMG_4090.jpeg)

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b992b9 No.21598868

File: 00f0e899d614616⋯.jpg (869.61 KB,1204x1600,301:400,2024_09_15_21_17_03_061.jpg)

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d6c1bd No.21598869

File: d6b5003ef4a60d7⋯.png (22.97 KB,435x273,145:91,hand.PNG)


Ryan Routh used an AK-47 in an attempt to assassinate the potential 47th president of the U.S.

Wonder how he got it. He had a felony on his record.

The AK-47 is not that effective beyond 300m anyway, and they say the shooter was between 3-500m.

Why would his handlers hand him that rifle?

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b75e68 No.21598870

inb4 we start seeing tranny posts and rainbow flags associated with routh…

i mean, he is MK'd, so that's par for the course

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af6483 No.21598871

File: 6876fa88e6e6b71⋯.png (5.41 MB,1170x2010,39:67,ClipboardImage.png)

Possibly where the shooter approximately was located

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739c01 No.21598872



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8ebbd8 No.21598873

File: 97fe29d68c93094⋯.png (305.09 KB,1000x778,500:389,ClipboardImage.png)

Anons do you realize how nice of a guy the boss is.

He's literally thinking how can he make this easier for the anons.

How can I let them know it's going to be OK

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af6483 No.21598874

File: 26b41db3f4ca921⋯.png (634.89 KB,1246x917,178:131,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b76dcfdd38d7fe⋯.png (2.13 MB,1263x1639,1263:1639,ClipboardImage.png)

He's the Teflon Don. When are they going to learn?

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57717d No.21598875


If they ever find out that you are against them, the cabal, they take it that you are against their family and their business, and their crime organization, and their crimes against humanity. If they consider you a future threat, they will put you on their sabotage list and more people have died this way than any other way. Just look at dancing nurses protected by cops blaring their sirens to see, Covid was local chemical targeting not a virus. La Familia not yours.

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e523d7 No.21598876


where does it say WMD on there?

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3d5f57 No.21598877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.















By drop #95 you knew…

By drop #133 you knew…

By drops #154, 306, 307 & 308 you knew…

By drops #997, 998 & 999 you knew…

By drop #1413 you knew…

By drop #1941 you knew…

By drops #1763 & 1879 you knew…

By drops #1950 & 1951 you knew…

By drop #3565 you knew…

By drop #4799 you knew…

DEFINE: Knowingly

Top 10 List"Decodes and Drops"

1: The "Eye of Providence" decode. Q drop #133.

2: The "Satan does not exist" drop. Q drop #133.

3: The "Alien" drops. Q drop #376, 2222, 2225 and 4966.

4: The "OWL/Y Head" decode. Q drop #192, 135, 136, 137 and 138.

5: The "Purge" drops. Godfather III Sig. Q drop #87 , 88, 95 and 3565.

6: The "Our Father, Who financed 9-11?" decode. Q drop #154, 306, 307 and 308.

7: The "Saviors" drop list from the "Nothing" drops. Q drop #111, 114 and 2442.

8: The "Nothing is going to stop what is coming" drops. Q drop #111, 114, 2442, 4845, 4874, 4944 and 4950.

9: The "Nazi > C_A > Vatican" Crazy Coincidences Collection. Q drop #851, 936, 938, 944, 1941, 1954 and 4654.

10: The "Free Thought = The Great Awakening" drops. Q drop #1926, 2171, 3038, 3613, 3721, 3858, 3905, 3906, 4491, 4535, 4553, 4602 and the "Precipice" at 4408.

Top 10 Listof shit you should know yet Clowns have been here the whole time making sure that you never learn much of anything

1: General Flynn and [associates] most certainly appear to be behind Jan 06. Dig until it hurts. Steve Bannon, Ivan Raiklin, Alex Jones, Proud Boys, Caroline Wren, Gen Piatt, Gen Milley, Gen Flynn Brother Gen Flynn +++

2: General Flynn and Ivan Raiklin Investigated ITALYGATE and found nothing. Go look for yourself. Italygate and Flynn' and Raiklin's involvement in the [INVESTIGATION] is easy to source.

3: Catholic Charities > The Vatican… is the #1 NGO facilitating Illegal Immigration in the U.S. as well as Europe. Again, this is very easy to source and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt.

4: [GS] and "Soros" = George Soros and "GS controls the dem party". "Soros works for P". "Guardian_P = Guardian of the Pope". The Vatican controls the Democrats. Again, simply search the drops for these keywords. Easy to find.

5: Alex Jones and [associates]… Jerome Corsi and Jack Posobiec were all outted by Q early on yet as time went on FAKETRIOTS became friends with Alex Jones and Associates and yet few anons noticed.

6: Alex Jones wrote a book "THE GREAT AWAKENING" Foreword by Stephen K. Bannon.

7: Alex Jones with Ivan Raiklin "If they assassinate Trump… it would be the best for Patriots… on a sick level…'''

8: Alex Jones with General Flynn "I could be the worst nightmare to a guy like trump…"

9: Archbishop Vagina and Taylor Marshall. "The Bible says that anyone who condones the gay lifestyle is worthy of Death" right after Trump's Mar a Lago Gay Republican gala.

10: Drop #4799 occurred when NIGHT SHIFT was fighting a BV and Baker named OSS. OSS is a neo nazi and baked here for 3 years. Jim and Ron loved OSS. Shortly after drop #4799 [they] all ran to their MNR bunker.

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b35332 No.21598878

File: 2d4bfa51a08330a⋯.jpeg (15.43 KB,191x255,191:255,f851d755765d535e3d6ee0042….jpeg)

Dasting to consider


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212f48 No.21598879

File: b710fd21ca85e63⋯.jpeg (119.22 KB,727x512,727:512,IMG_1162.jpeg)

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411c8a No.21598880

File: 8fa9edbaa644779⋯.png (24.27 KB,444x330,74:55,ClipboardImage.png)

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af6483 No.21598881

File: a817566c971eae9⋯.mp4 (1.43 MB,1280x720,16:9,WATCH_Kamala_Harris_jokes_….mp4)

File: 8fac71f3c08ea0d⋯.png (515.67 KB,748x642,374:321,ClipboardImage.png)


>WATCH: Kamala Harris jokes about killing President Trump and Mike Pence.


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b992b9 No.21598882


Stupid fuckin cheap ass commie DeepFuck.dumbcunts broken remote controlled retard clown fucknut tile guy

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3d5f57 No.21598883

File: 08048d68f16f400⋯.png (816.23 KB,1582x906,791:453,1apray2.png)



The not so BIG list…

1: So smart yet simply could not determine the origins of the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" or the Fact that anyone could write such a treatise of fiction and attribute it's origins to their enemy.

2: Felt the need to include a copy of the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" with every sale of "Behold a Pale Horse" because "The Protocols" was simply "so important".

3: Attributed the Masters of the World as the "Illuminati" yet seems completely unaware that Adam Weishaupt, the only non ROMAN CATHOLIC JESUIT at a ROMAN CATHOLIC JESUIT insitution, founded the "Illuminati".

4: Fat, Alcoholic who died while confronting local authorities on his front lawn in a sad display of martyrdom.

Navy Intel > probably a "useful idiot" yet may have been an Agent of mis and dis info knowingly.

Divide and Conquer > Alex Jones and followers on one side / Bill Cooper and followers on the other.

Both sides believe that their dis mis info Guru is a Patriot and have "good reason" to suspect the other as deep state > False Paradigm.



“Henry Ford funded printing of 500,000 copies that were distributed throughout the United States in the 1920s. Distillations of it were assigned by some German teachers, as if factual,

to be read by German schoolchildren after the Nazis came to power in 1933,[3] despite having been exposed as fraudulent by the British newspaper The Times in 1921 and the German Frankfurter Zeitung in 1924.

It remains widely available in numerous languages, in print and on the Internet, and continues to be presented by neofascist, fundamentalist and antisemitic groups as a genuine document.

The political scientist Stephen Bronner described it as "probably the most influential work of antisemitism ever written… what the Communist Manifesto is for Marxism, the fictitious Protocols is for antisemitism".[2]”

Who is Maurice Joly and what is he Famous for?


"Posthumous fame

The "Dialogue" and its author became famous later, inadvertently and for an enigmatic reason. In the beginning of 20th century Joly's book was used as a basis for The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,[18]

an infamous Russian-made antisemitic literary forgery. There is an abundance of evidence that The Protocols were lavishly plagiarized from Joly's book.[19][20][21][22]"

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7f2858 No.21598884


>Not sure if Ryan Routh is related to John B. Routh, but his name comes up in this declassified document from the CIA.

>There is also a book about the department titled, "The Wizards of Langley: Inside the CIA's Directorate of Science and Technology"

baker notable?

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d6c1bd No.21598885

File: e0f3808f59a4dab⋯.png (36.43 KB,592x361,592:361,gen.PNG)




Ron DeSantis




The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination at Trump International Golf Club.

The people deserve the truth about the would be assassin and how he was able to get within 500 yards of the former president and current GOP

Show more

General Mike Flynn


Thank you @GovRonDeSantis

along with Erik Prince’s great advice demand immediate access to the interrogation of the would be assassin.

2:23 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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b6796c No.21598886

File: 9714da2f5146f6d⋯.png (509.6 KB,794x842,397:421,you_fucking_missed_4a971db….png)

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8ebbd8 No.21598887

File: aeda5b73807e2a6⋯.jpg (147.74 KB,1290x940,129:94,Trump_illegal_immigration_….jpg)

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3d5f57 No.21598888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Где ты?




11 марта 2019 г., 00:31:23 по восточному времени Выпадение № 3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b № 5618056

11 марта 2019 г., 00:27:15 по восточному поясному времени

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b № 5617930

11 марта 2019 г., 12:19:05 по восточному поясному времени

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b № 5617724



Парады или ограничения?




Соедините точки?

@Snowden опубликовал кодовые слова (NSA_key(s)).

@Сноуден едет вРОССИЮ.

Shadow Brokers публикуют актуальный код (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG вРОССИИ.

Можете ли вы понять, почему @Сноуден отправился вРОССИЮ?

Можете ли вы установить связь с тем, кто предоставил исходный кодSHADOW BROKERS?



Прячутся ли «Призраки» в «Тенях»?




Кем было агентство DIR в 2012-2016 годах?



Как мы узнали (до)?


20 марта 2019 г., 14:24:35 по восточному времени 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 № 5792112

Оба родителя ХУСЕЙНА выучили'РУССКИЙ'?

Является ли'РУССКИЙ'общим языком для изучения?

Подумайте тогда.

Подумайте сейчас.

[Подумайте о Нелли Ор]


Холодная война.



16 августа 2018 г., 12:38:24 по восточному времени1908

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 489187 № 2628352

Задавайте себе простые вопросы.

Если бы ES пытался поехать в UIO из Гонконга.

Зачем ему маршрут через Россию?

Сколько прямых рейсов (в день) из Гонконга в UIO?

Что, если первоначальной целью была Россия?

Спросите себя, НЕ хотели бы вы оказаться в предпочитаемом вами пункте назначения ДО того, как станете публично?

Логическое мышление.


27 апреля 2018 г., 23:57:57 по восточному времени 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 № 1218390

27 апреля 2018 г., 23:53:46 по восточному времени

Анонимный ID: 6a7ca4 № 1218316

27 апреля 2018 г., 23:52:40 по восточному времени

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 № 1218299

Мир на Корейском полуострове — не большая новость?

Стоит ли нам добавить сюда #MOAB?

Расписания сдвигаются.

[На следующей неделе].



Вопрос: Нормы смотрят только CNN. Они даже не знают, что НИЧЕГО из этого происходит.

Мы слишком самодовольны.


Надеюсь, нет.

Может и посидеть в ЦРУ.

«Россия приостанавливает полеты наших военных самолетов в СИРИИ».

В США разбился военный самолет.


Аутистам нужен Red Bull?


27 января 2018 г., 13:09:33 ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 № 70


Часы тикают.

Как Россия?

[Мистер. Подрядчик]

Свобода печати.

Джон Перри Барлоу.


SecureDrop [Информаторы]?

SecureDrop>КЛОУНЫ В Америке.



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b259de No.21598890

File: 6587414bf76ca81⋯.png (199.89 KB,491x272,491:272,crying.png)

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755b38 No.21598891


The mental slave grip is only still slightly effective on the vulnerable/selfish baby killers.

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71d471 No.21598892

File: 7d985020889b4b0⋯.mp4 (14.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,Reuters_Trump_pledges_to_d….mp4)

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af6483 No.21598893

"How many more lives does my father have left?"


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7837ea No.21598894

File: 5418c92193bd637⋯.gif (338.88 KB,320x180,16:9,wompwomp3.gif)

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622744 No.21598895

File: 84f0a538b3a33ba⋯.png (925.39 KB,1024x768,4:3,84f0a538b3a33ba795bcd538bc….png)

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bb9026 No.21598896

File: 10e656eda1ecfbe⋯.png (252.58 KB,400x311,400:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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c68d7e No.21598897


Anyone else is arrested.

This country is niggerville.

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b75e68 No.21598898

File: d9879547e5e7fa4⋯.png (206.03 KB,662x282,331:141,chaka_kamla.png)

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b259de No.21598899

File: b3d19d4d5488869⋯.png (527.94 KB,544x1177,544:1177,ClipboardImage.png)

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bef2ea No.21598900


>Covid was local chemical targeting not a virus. La Familia not yo

I've been AGAINST them from the beginning…proove to me and the world COVID was was installed, so we can sue the fuck out of these people!

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e223fc No.21598901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's not proof. That's new, pink ammonium nitrate based SPAM. And boy does it suck.

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b992b9 No.21598902


Daisy cutter Langley 0800

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c2488f No.21598903

File: ef0f34b8577bc60⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB,1360x2040,2:3,IMG_1394.jpeg)


When will things start getting weird/interesting?


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739c01 No.21598904

File: 8739eb4182b6212⋯.mp4 (7.35 MB,1280x720,16:9,Non_Lemon_Blows_Gasket_Ove….mp4)

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6575ef No.21598905


did anyone call that number?

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a4ca68 No.21598906

File: 69c77674a638029⋯.png (892.18 KB,1085x664,1085:664,ClipboardImage.png)

If it was clear before

FN-MB-MSM is the Enemy of the People

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b259de No.21598907

File: f72c7790524f3b6⋯.jpg (67.86 KB,846x538,423:269,f72c7790524f3b6335ed4d4587….jpg)

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af6483 No.21598908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Another Ryan Rough Interview

Ukraine is turning down hundreds of Afghan soldiers who want to join its war effort

Hundreds, if not thousands, of U.S.-trained Afghan fighters are seeking to join Ukraine’s foreign legion but the fighters have so far been turned away even as Russia increasingly relies on irregular forces such as foreign fighters, including ones from Afgh…

Hundreds, if not thousands, of U.S.-trained Afghan fighters are seeking to join Ukraine’s foreign legion, according to a key Ukrainian recruiter, applications submitted by Afghans, and an interview with two of those fighters.

But for reasons that cast a light both on Ukraine’s military strategy and its global relationships, the fighters have so far been turned away even as Russia increasingly relies on irregular forces such as foreign soldiers, including ones from Afghanistan.

Casualties are also mounting as both sides prepare spring offensives. Amid intense battles in the eastern part of Ukraine in Bakhmut, the founder of the Russian paramilitary organization, the Wagner Group, claimed on Wednesday to have seized part of the city.

One former elite Afghan reconnaissance unit member, Sgt. Maj. Kadim,told Semafor through an interpreter that there are at least hundreds of Afghans like him who want to fight in Ukraine and called Russia’s invasion a “war against democracy and humanity and a full-scale genocide.” (He asked to use a pseudonym for safety, but Semafor has reviewed his military records and confirmed his identity with the U.S. Defense Department).

“Most of the Ukrainian authorities do not want these soldiers,” said Ryan Routh, head of the International Volunteer Center in Ukraine, a private organization which helps foreigners seeking to assist the war effort connect with military units and aid groups. “I have had partners meeting with [Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense] every week and still have not been able to get them to agree to issue one single visa.”

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the creation of Ukraine’s International Legion just three days after Russia launched its full-scale invasion. Within the first month, 20,000 people from over 50 countries volunteered to fight in Ukraine, according to the country’s Foreign Ministry.

Since then, interest appears to have dampened abroad.

So far, 300 Afghan nationals have submitted applications to United Legion, a privately run website that works on behalf of Ukraine’s government to vet foreigners who want to enlist. Of those, it has verified that 150 were members of the Ktah Khas, Afghanistan’s U.S.-trained national counter-terrorism unit.

The site’s founder, who goes by Zulia, estimates there may be “thousands” of eager Afghan veterans waiting in the wings; many applicants mention that they have hundreds of fighters ready to join behind them, according to intake forms reviewed by Semafor.

Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense didn’t respond to Semafor’s questions about why these foreign volunteers aren’t being allowed to join the legion. But a source close to the government told Semafor that its top concern is being infiltrated by spies, given Russia’s presence in Afghanistan and the mercenary Wagner Group’s ongoing recruitment efforts there.

There are other practical difficulties and strategic downsides to relying on foreign soldiers, even if they are highly-experienced and trained on the U.S. weapons that are now being sent to Ukraine.

For starters: Getting Afghan soldiers to the front lines poses a logistical challenge. Since the Taliban took over the country, leaving has become much harder for those who worked with the United States. Even for fighters now residing in Pakistan, travel is still difficult and expensive.

Things like language barriers, the different style of warfare Afghans are used to, and concerns about the public image of the army might also play a role in Ukraine’s decision, Elizabeth Grasmeder, Research Fellow at West Point’s Modern War Institute, told Semafor.

According to Zulia, another problem may be that a handful of Afghans did make it into the International Legion over the past year. She said the Office of the President told her their performance was mixed. Some allegedly treated Ukraine as a stopping point on the way to Europe, spoke poor English, or didn’t follow orders from commanders.


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8aed8a No.21598909

File: 079d8d998a187d2⋯.png (179.78 KB,474x473,474:473,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cd543e3fa4786f⋯.png (917.92 KB,780x2048,195:512,ClipboardImage.png)


Oh, i saw it on X/Twitter, it's down at the bottom of that report

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8ebbd8 No.21598910

File: 0bc20864211da13⋯.png (1.85 MB,1396x1016,349:254,ClipboardImage.png)


who did he see in DC?

He met people when there.

Who will admit to it?

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739c01 No.21598911

File: 35c5ac3a30e425e⋯.png (8.22 MB,1360x2040,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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af6483 No.21598912


>Another Ryan Rough Interview


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57717d No.21598913



N = Nein

Hitler said:

Nein, Nein, Nein = No, No, No in German

The cancel culture

666 inverted is 999

No, No, No:

Elections end when we stop counting

A man is women in sports if they feel that way

A teacher chooses gender not a parent

Trust our experts narrative is science

The list goes on an on, anon

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543828 No.21598914


At this point martyr is about all she’s good for. Sympathy voters for Killary on deck?

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c2488f No.21598915


Matt Crooks?

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bb9026 No.21598916

File: 3ca9bd304fd200a⋯.png (215.06 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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af6483 No.21598917

File: 7f6a0239856416c⋯.png (925.39 KB,812x535,812:535,ClipboardImage.png)


>Who will admit to it?

How long will he last?

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d6c1bd No.21598918

File: 72dc16a1b37c2d1⋯.png (130.59 KB,442x555,442:555,zee.PNG)


The woman who tweeted this following yet another assassination attempt on President Trump is followed by none other than Australia’s eSafety Commissioner, Julie Inman Grant, who wants to control information on the entire internet, issued hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines to Elon Musk & X, & has recently partnered up with disgraced former Biden ‘Ministry of Truth’ appointee, Nina Jankowicz to “tackle misinformation online.”

Is Jules an admirer of this person, or is she following her to “keep an eye” on her?

Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | X (https://twitter.com/zeee_media?lang=en) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/ZeeeMedia)

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b6796c No.21598919

File: 0db0c85c88f1efe⋯.png (48.33 KB,420x445,84:89,ClipboardImage.png)


three days early

Donald Trump Jr. / @DonaldJTrumpJr 09/12/2021 09:27:09

ID: Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1437045115462328321

Lucas Tomlinson / @LucasFoxNews09/12/202108:10:34

ID:Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1437025845835702287

So Navy fires offensive coordinator after losing to Air Force and starting season0-2, meanwhile nobody has been fired over losing Afghanistan


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af6483 No.21598920


>The woman who tweeted this following yet another assassination attempt on President Trump is followed by none other than Australia’s eSafety Commissioner, Julie Inman Grant, who wants to control information on the entire internet, issued hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines to Elon Musk & X, & has recently partnered up with disgraced former Biden ‘Ministry of Truth’ appointee, Nina Jankowicz to “tackle misinformation online.”


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9d8bdb No.21598921

File: bdf9e4a48751bdd⋯.jpg (342.48 KB,597x590,597:590,Xnip2024_09_15_21_29_11.jpg)

Kelly and I are departing Mar-a-Lago, where we just spent a few hours with President Trump and are thanking God for protecting him today—once again. No leader in American history has endured more attacks and remained so strong and resilient. He is unstoppable.


WTH…the speaker was at mar-a-lago today???

WTF is going on???

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410d8f No.21598922


sucks to be you, smart dust shill.

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62b925 No.21598923

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b75e68 No.21598924


they worship MM because he was one of the first test cases of MK'ing a group of average people to k*ll on command

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b992b9 No.21598925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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0c575c No.21598926

File: 207335ecd6c6e71⋯.png (283.71 KB,652x471,652:471,Alex_Jones_Burns_a_Trump_r….png)


Alex Jones BURNS a red Trump MAGA hat, what a dick!


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57717d No.21598927


>proove to me and the world COVID was was installed, so we can sue the fuck out of these people!

Covid cannot be replicated in a petri dish, so it is not a virus. If not a virus, and people had real symptoms then it could only come from local sabotages.

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c89cc4 No.21598928

File: 22218e6c971bb03⋯.png (1.31 MB,1882x777,1882:777,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a816c No.21598929


Guys none of this is good when the media, politicians and enemies are mad Trump didn't die today and they are blaming everything on him.At least they wished him well last time.

This is direct turn about, they are not hiding they blame him and are disappointed he didn't die.

It's freaking time for the real CiC to come outNo wonder there won't be elections in November and for quite a while after at.

This is not good anons, they are not hiding it anymore. We all need to be aware.

I hope to God there are Real Patriots around

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22c375 No.21598930

notables @ 630

#26455 >>21598249

>>21598277 Ryan was featured in a YouTube prankster video where he attempted to recruit "revolutionaries" on the Harvard campus

>>21598282, >>21598298 Assassin was a follower of Ex-CIA Soo Kim (who has less than 3k followers) on the Socials

>>21598295 NBC endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598296 Apr 2023: US mercenary (Ryan Routh) plans to recruit Pakistani-based Afghan refugees as fighters for Ukraine

>>21598304 This is the FBI official who spoke at the assassination attempt press conference

>>21598306 @DonaldJTrumpJr: Sounds like this psychopath spends a lot of time watching leftwing propaganda

>>21598313, >>21598448 Social media companies like Meta/Facebook are working quickly to delete the pages of Trump assassin Ryan Routh

>>21598357 Alexander S. Vindman endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598423 Hakeem Jeffries endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598529 DeSantis: The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21598554 CNN pretty much broke this story today about the 2nd assassination attempt

>>21598571 CBS endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598576 Ryan Routh was the registered agent for a few businesses, "United Roofing", "United Network", "United Finance and Leasing"

>>21598582, >>21598597, >>21598615, >>21598639, >>21598662 LIKE A BOSS!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

>>21598587 In 2023, the [New York Times] profiled the Trump [shooter] and his efforts to recruit foreign fighters for Ukraine

>>21598625, >>21598690, >>21598810 Thomas Matthew Crooks was tied to BlackRock, and now Ryan Routh is tied to ClA

>>21598604 Is Trump’s Would be Assassin Ryan Routh an Associate of MSNBC Terrorism Analyst Malcolm Nance?

>>21598618, >>21598629 (2020) Kamala Harris jokes about killing President Trump and Mike Pence

>>21598619 The assassin tried making a mercenary group for Taiwan

>>21598632 Statement from Trump

>>21598635 Not sure if Ryan Routh is related to John B. Routh, but his name comes up in this declassified document from the CIA

>>21598644 Shooter, who spent months fighting in Ukraine, has zero links to anyone in US military or intelligence circles?

>>21598668 Statement from POTATO Resident Crooked Joe on Trump's Second Assassination Attempt

>>21598691 How does an "average" home contractor from NC get to Ukraine, and get high level involvement to "recruit" soldiers?

>>21598714 C. Owens: Everything about this shooter’s background reeks of a criminal-turned-Federal asset in prison

>>21598744 James Woods: The Secret Service employs 3,200 special agents, 1,300 Uniformed Division officers, and 2000 others …

>>21598750 Lindsey Graham on FoxNews said he was supposed to be playing golf with Trump today "but he couldn't make it"

>>21598799 Archive: Here are all 509 posts and replies from Ryan Routh's socials

>>21598834 The go signal on 9/11 TIME magazine

>>21598843, >>21598909 The Trump shooter was caught in 2002 with a weapon of mass destruction and only got probation?

>>21598908 Another Ryan Rough Interview

>>21598921 Mike Johnson: Kelly and I just spent a few hours with President Trump and are thanking God for protecting him today

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21598386 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

>>21598517 Chinese Regime Releases Jailed US Citizen After Nearly 20 Years

>>21598562 @usairforce: More than 200 Airmen & Guardians rode in the Air Force Heritage Memorial to Memorial bicycle ride

>>21598563 @NavalInstitute: USNI Archives Photo of the Week

>>21598741 Hezbollah Hits Israel's Unit 8200 in Glilot Base Killing Dozens

>>21598745 Donald, you have protected my kind - I hereby name you honorary feline and grant you 9 lives

>>21598856 Joe Biden says “we are better off today than 4 years ago”

>>21598364, >>21598366, >>21598377, >>21598689, >>21598859 Memes


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af6483 No.21598931

File: 7051060077241ad⋯.png (2.24 MB,1600x846,800:423,ClipboardImage.png)

[They're] starting to recycle the skin suits

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62a440 No.21598932

File: 6e73dd5ef9a0d05⋯.png (647.59 KB,710x863,710:863,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d8bdb No.21598933


>The AK-47 is not that effective beyond 300m anyway, and they say the shooter was between 3-500m.

if he hadn't been seen, POTUS would have been much much closer

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7f2858 No.21598934

File: 6959735be129626⋯.png (99.85 KB,420x302,210:151,ClipboardImage.png)


> I was first to expose

MOS want's her accolades.

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b259de No.21598935

File: c4583259f7c3d83⋯.png (229.43 KB,630x448,45:32,ClipboardImage.png)

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af6483 No.21598936

File: 5e7ee6ede7e08b1⋯.png (551.03 KB,1178x1263,1178:1263,ClipboardImage.png)

Walking around NYC with MAGA hat or anything pro-Trump used to be legitimately dangerous 4 years ago (got a brick thrown at me once)Now you get an insane amount of compliments. The best are the older ladies who whisper to you like it’s their dirty secret and confess they’re voting Trump. Vibe shift.


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d6c1bd No.21598937

File: a0e07f5a41642b7⋯.png (181.47 KB,591x831,197:277,sp.PNG)


Stew Peters


Trump shooter Ryan Routh was arrested in 2002 for Possession of a Weapon of Mass Destruction and was only sentenced to…probation.

This guy was a FED






OK. Am I reading this right?

The Trump shooter was caught in 2002 with a



Somebody make it make sense.

Show more


Rate proposed Community Notes

1:43 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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f3eb7e No.21598938


They've been freaking out for 9 years anon, it's no different than it was when he announced in 2015.

He's a threat to their dictatorships and they want him gone.

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70e6b4 No.21598940

File: 87d7ce706e01aa7⋯.gif (254.61 KB,220x124,55:31,1657586839797.gif)


If you followed him you'd know he's on an attentionwhore campaign to convince Trump to stop fucking around playing golf while people are shooting at him, trying to genocide us.

But most Qtards suffer acute cognitive dissonance when it comes to Alex, or anyone who doesn't fully support Q.

Kind of like Taylor Swift fans….

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8ebbd8 No.21598941

File: a315c8e50ffebdf⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB,1280x720,16:9,pence_clone_doppel_see_1m4….mp4)

File: 7b2fced2d56d29d⋯.mp4 (242.22 KB,480x360,4:3,CNN_1988_Dan_Quayle_Robert….mp4)

File: 4f9f70b39f75b83⋯.jpg (70.96 KB,715x494,55:38,Who_Framed_Roger_Rabbit_al….jpg)


There's a rabbit hole here

Ryan Routh

RR name (*1)

Robert Redford

People have pointed out similarity in look from a distance

Quayle was said to look like Redford

Pence said he came from Quayle (vidrel)

*1: RR is also roger rabbit

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2a88d3 No.21598942


<▶ Anonymous Just now 2630e9 No.21598939


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bb9026 No.21598943

File: 08791fdd2656ea3⋯.png (850.56 KB,720x562,360:281,ClipboardImage.png)

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80058e No.21598944


The MSM will probably did up a pic of him as young boy

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80058e No.21598945

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578d62 No.21598947

friendly reminder


Come on you guys, a lot of the information being posted and nominated is already in the notables. We’ve obviously been all over this for the past 6 or 7 hours, so try to keep your contributions fresh and let’s keep the ball moving.

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cbe550 No.21598948

File: 962d685a17b63c9⋯.png (352.46 KB,680x633,680:633,ClipboardImage.png)

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5745aa No.21598949

File: 2b0a1765dc804c3⋯.png (132.42 KB,551x547,551:547,Q4686.png)

Anons have tasking from Q. Has a list been started?

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a4f814 No.10630891 📁

Sep 13 2020 11:32:54 (EST) 4686





SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]

Did Kevin set his alarm?



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af6483 No.21598950

File: 34c95449e258709⋯.png (291.87 KB,791x342,791:342,ClipboardImage.png)


Tom Fitton


The FBI official who just spoke at the press conference regarding the latest Trump assassination attempt today is the head of FBI Miami Field Office, Jeffrey Veltri. A whistleblower reportedly told Congress that he is anti-@RealDonaldTrump and was ordered to scrub anti-Trump social media posts last year before he could get promoted. https://washingtontimes.com/news/2023/nov/20/whistleblower-fbi-official-ordered-to-scrub-anti-t/

3:46 PM · Sep 15, 2024


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739c01 No.21598951

File: 6f74c9d6ac71cf9⋯.png (332.44 KB,385x340,77:68,181a23aca6a1d0a0f2b3377105….png)


from jpeg to png

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369c4c No.21598952


Agreed, it is time to declass because MSM still controls the narrative and place like YouTube is filled with anti-Trump narratives. That is a lot of minds still being controlled. A little evidence will go a long way in changing those minds as we have seen.

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7837ea No.21598953

File: e46be0a557a870c⋯.webm (633.38 KB,569x240,569:240,_.webm)

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b010f4 No.21598955

File: 7b120e834c26540⋯.png (366.07 KB,587x592,587:592,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf6b677702a6711⋯.png (403.88 KB,478x426,239:213,ClipboardImage.png)

Disclosure Party

@disclosureorg 4h

Last year, Canadian MP Larry Maguire wrote a letter to the Canadian Defense Minister which indicates that Canadian military intelligence (CFINTCOM) is participating in a classified Five Eyes (FVEY) program devoted to "the recovery and exploitation" of UFOs.


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7f2858 No.21598956


Hannity said he was invited too, but didn't want to get shot.

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2a816c No.21598957

File: a698dc87044a1eb⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB,3021x3586,3021:3586,IMG_3301.jpeg)

File: 24c571638fc12cd⋯.jpeg (835.77 KB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_3302.jpeg)

File: a959cefdbf4675f⋯.jpeg (817.56 KB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_3303.jpeg)

File: 7ad7baf42d46b54⋯.jpeg (816.28 KB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_3304.jpeg)

Weird sky and moon tonight

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dd2b77 No.21598958


Didn't Alex mossad Jones claim that he talked to Q?

He is a fucking liar, that's why we don't like him.

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af6483 No.21598959


>SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]



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369c4c No.21598961


Like a women dying to give birth.

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e523d7 No.21598962


ty anon

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b992b9 No.21598963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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af6483 No.21598964


>Trump shooter Ryan Routh was arrested in 2002 for Possession of a Weapon of Mass Destruction and was only sentenced to…probation.


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7f2858 No.21598966


>Hannity said the same thing.

>he said his golf game is such that he would "get killed"


He was doing a lot of stuttering too.

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d6c1bd No.21598967

File: af769ba2b28500f⋯.png (55.48 KB,588x262,294:131,low.PNG)


₭₳₲ ĐⱤØ₲Ø🇺🇸


Ryan Routh was following his ClA handler


2:36 PM · Sep 15, 2024

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cbe550 No.21598968

File: a28d73fc123af20⋯.png (199.79 KB,577x526,577:526,ClipboardImage.png)



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8ebbd8 No.21598969


>Alex mossad Jones claim that he talked to Q?

that would be a great clip to have on hand

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739c01 No.21598970

File: 2884273a885066d⋯.gif (982.01 KB,220x147,220:147,1602543795393.gif)

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2a816c No.21598971


He said he "didn't want to get killed". Very weird statement

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af6483 No.21598973

File: 18e264e5b85585f⋯.png (1.62 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

TRUMP 2024

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b6796c No.21598974

File: f9763054913d8d1⋯.mp4 (7.96 MB,1280x874,640:437,elon_musk_go_fuck_yourself….mp4)


I will process, nominate and read as I please.

Go take your own advice, shut the fuck up and go and read the notables.

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bb9026 No.21598975


they luuk lik tehy could climb up RFK anus an lay eggs

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a4ca68 No.21598977

RFK will get to the bottom of these Assassination Attempts

& The Democrats Normalization of it

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b6796c No.21598978

>>21598949 Q 4686 SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]

Notable reminder

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b259de No.21598979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ryan Wesley Routh. SPEAKS. Palm Beach Florida. Donald Trump SHOOTER.

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b259de No.21598980

File: c16d6ed6935fae7⋯.png (147.27 KB,400x300,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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dd2b77 No.21598981


Did he hire the shooter?

How did he know there would be a shooting?

Is this for real?

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d6c1bd No.21598982

File: 2720b6a9c9e677e⋯.png (90.85 KB,600x833,600:833,js.PNG)


Jordan Sather


Ryan Routh was the registered agent for a few businesses, "United Roofing", "United Network", "United Finance and Leasing"

In his fake ass virtue signaling post, Alex Soros says we must "stand united" against political violence.

"United" code? We know Soros has make veiled, coded assassination threats toward Trump in his tweets before. (bullet holes & $47 in cash)

What if these "United" businesses of Routh's were being used to launder some of that Ukrainian aid money?

If so, probably how Routh was able to afford to pay the recruits he was trying to gather through his "Fight For Ukraine" website.

I wonder if Routh was connected to some of these bigger Deep State players somehow



1:37 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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410d8f No.21598984


your whole schtick is to pretend that you are some great whistleblower who is being tortured and gangstalked for speaking out (althout you have never sauced anything) and therefore you are a demoralization shill trying to imply harm towards those who speak up. not very believeable, smart dust shill.

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e523d7 No.21598985


"The Real White House"

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a67f10 No.21598986


32 years ago today …Soros Breaks the Bank

September 15, 1992

1992 George Soros' Quantum Fund begins selling large amounts of pound sterling, helping force the pound out of the ERM the next day and earning him the label "the man who broke the Bank of England”


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03d232 No.21598987


This anon gets it. Either you fight for one of the cabal companies, or become fodder for their health care, insurance, and legal systems as an expendable. Remember Bush's funeral when the priest giving the eulogy said and looked directly at Trump, "It is about the family". Thiers not yours, as if that was excusable. Pay attention

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7113c3 No.21598988

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB,640x360,16:9,anons_united_vid.mp4)



and a massive thank you to anons here and everywhere else.

once it is brought to 8kun,

they are done,

Global reach.



>>21597967 lb



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785bcf No.21598989

File: 5c16b0780123d5c⋯.jpeg (172.65 KB,1284x955,1284:955,IMG_3306.jpeg)

File: 55fb61a8f60f7bc⋯.jpeg (157.25 KB,1284x892,321:223,IMG_3305.jpeg)

File: 845fdb06ffadc8a⋯.jpeg (484.93 KB,3020x2329,3020:2329,IMG_3304.jpeg)


Weird angry faces in the sky and what's that writing up there?

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b992b9 No.21598990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8ebbd8 No.21598991


>The AK-47 is not that effective beyond 300m anyway

highly effective. Not precise though.

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7837ea No.21598992

File: 4fcde19f99d813d⋯.gif (1.54 MB,480x293,480:293,laughing_ot7.gif)

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7f2858 No.21598993


They're Putins tools for yrs now.

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09eea9 No.21598994

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a4ca68 No.21598996

1,000 pieces

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b010f4 No.21598999

File: 6b333d65b6652dc⋯.png (47.6 KB,639x360,71:40,ClipboardImage.png)

Edward Snowden

@Snowden 1h

I'm not saying this guy was some pro on somebody's payroll, obviously—in my opinion, the guy just looks deranged. But that doesn't mean the government didn't have a hand in encouraging his past militancy, as we once did with Bin Laden.We had a word for it at the CIA: blowback.

Sep 15, 2024 · 11:59 PM UTC


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b6796c No.21599000



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03d232 No.21599002


Stupid, we are all whistleblowers here, except the demoralizing shills like you that attack us.

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b6796c No.21599003

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785bcf No.21599004


It's weird because he talked to Trump right after Butler also. What is Johnson's role in government

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ac6693 No.21599006

File: fca65b4d0511573⋯.png (359.33 KB,458x286,229:143,fca65b4d051157398047aab86a….png)

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6575ef No.21599007

File: 024df77013f77b5⋯.png (129.81 KB,316x571,316:571,ClipboardImage.png)


She's kinda hot.

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51b4b4 No.21599009

File: b1e1eea3f99b1f3⋯.mp4 (13.21 MB,480x270,16:9,2024_09_15_News_Conference….mp4)

7:37 pm

News Conference on Apparent Assassination Attempt on Former President Trump in Florida

Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw and others brief reporters on an apparent assassination attempt on former President Trump while he was at his golf course in West Palm Beach in Florida. The suspect, Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, is now in custody.


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b6796c No.21599010

File: 7ae5fd77ecf0bc1⋯.jpg (85.18 KB,900x600,3:2,mike_johnson_67c0f7a92c02a….jpg)

File: c0172f3331dbe5e⋯.png (179.17 KB,568x568,1:1,mike_Johnson_fooled_ya_.png)

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d6c1bd No.21599011

File: aa101a8c689327d⋯.png (1.14 MB,726x643,726:643,it.PNG)

Lindsey Graham on FoxNews (Trey Gowdy show) on the phone right now - says he was supposed to be playing golf with Trump today 'but he couldn't make it"

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8776e6 No.21599012


where does it say "weapons of mass destruction"?

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b6796c No.21599014

File: 31f0fce69f8932c⋯.png (1.24 MB,884x723,884:723,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.21599015


Look at Fox News' cartoon posted this morning.

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410d8f No.21599016


obvious which one you are

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a650e5 No.21599018

File: f867245e7c90cf3⋯.jpg (43.65 KB,577x433,577:433,6epbzx.jpg)

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b6796c No.21599019

File: 802ae4b75c93358⋯.png (463.75 KB,844x701,844:701,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 802ae4b75c93358⋯.png (463.75 KB,844x701,844:701,ClipboardImage.png)

Jack Poso 


EXCLUSIVE: Attempted Trump assassin Ryan Routh appeared in a propaganda video for the AZOV BATTALLION in May 2022


Sep 15, 2024, 9:41 PM


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7837ea No.21599021

File: a4d13b58fa7799a⋯.jpeg (547.53 KB,962x860,481:430,not_funny.jpeg)

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e523d7 No.21599022

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d6c1bd No.21599023

File: 63b086e58a90663⋯.png (22.42 KB,583x251,583:251,sup.PNG)


Laura Loomer


After a week of hateful and obsessive media attacks against me and President Trump all week which was clearly coordinated from the White House down, I have been receiving death threats all week, and today, a mercenary tried to assassinate President Trump.

The media is trying to get President Trump and his supporters killed.

2:45 PM · Sep 15, 2024




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f710c8 No.21599024

File: 20c71be044b01e2⋯.jpg (356.39 KB,1000x1214,500:607,36355107.jpg)

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cbe550 No.21599026

File: e76a62abbda9be2⋯.png (379.76 KB,535x680,107:136,ClipboardImage.png)

Racists even getting called out by the man who they claim they needed to be deleted from their uniforms to stop racism.


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95f3a1 No.21599027

File: 06d5ff7fd84bfd6⋯.jpg (221.14 KB,720x1203,240:401,20240915_192209.jpg)

File: bb27d41412735cd⋯.jpg (141 KB,862x1280,431:640,20240915_191622.jpg)



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8ebbd8 No.21599028

File: fa69b9678109d37⋯.png (451.54 KB,500x500,1:1,trump_lightning_point_says….png)


>Anons do you realize how nice of a guy the boss is.


>He's literally thinking how can he make this easier for the anons.


>How can I let them know it's going to be OK

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03d232 No.21599030




Knowingly. These two, Hannity and Graham, will change coarse wherever the wind blows. It is time for Trump to declass and I said that hundreds of time, you are playing with fire, and dealing with wild animals.

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739c01 No.21599031

File: befd1dc64f370e4⋯.gif (612.2 KB,500x500,1:1,Tink.gif)

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0634d6 No.21599032


looks sweaty wet like like fucking wet

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80058e No.21599033

File: 8daaf836bcc15d8⋯.png (105.4 KB,360x268,90:67,peter_falk_columbo_2.png)

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3267b8 No.21599034


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785bcf No.21599036


Lemon you are bigot with no sense of Humor. Your idiot reports on Trump are distorted, but you will never admit you are bigots

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b992b9 No.21599037

File: 654c734a6160752⋯.png (141.7 KB,547x362,547:362,Screenshot_20240915_214506….png)



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8ebbd8 No.21599038

File: 04fd8ea6275c414⋯.jpg (90.57 KB,1100x1280,55:64,anti_communist.jpg)


see they call things hate that are not hate

it was never hate to associate with chief

quite the opopsite

it is massive respect

communists twist everything

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af6483 No.21599039


>EXCLUSIVE: Attempted Trump assassin Ryan Routh appeared in a propaganda video for the AZOV BATTALLION in May 2022


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71d471 No.21599040

File: ef3062c777c862c⋯.png (28.63 KB,433x252,433:252,ClipboardImage.png)

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03d232 No.21599041


Name one of your accomplishments. Just one.

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af4e89 No.21599042

File: 0fb65b2d081de40⋯.png (375.55 KB,500x589,500:589,ClipboardImage.png)


General Mike Flynn


This is total bullsh!t and it’s sort of like saying; “In other words, how can we kill him with all the people around protecting him, so we have to limit that level of support.” God I pray I’m wrong but it doesn’t feel that way right now.




According to the Secret Service, the golf course wasn’t secured because Trump isn’t a sitting President.

Here’s former President Obama’s golf course in Martha’s Vineyard. Secret Service inspects every vehicle they even drives near the course.

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70e6b4 No.21599043

File: 86dd983caa1deb2⋯.png (13.48 KB,440x96,55:12,ClipboardImage.png)


Who is "we"? Hive mind?

Ya he said he spoke to Q.

Q is the counter intelligence branch of the US Military.

If you can find him claiming he spoke to Qanon privately… let us know…

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c68d7e No.21599044

Nothing will happen about this.

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b010f4 No.21599045



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5a6e7e No.21599046

File: c7928b2c6fc0433⋯.png (176.01 KB,400x311,400:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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8776e6 No.21599047


Who? The Demoncrats are masters of this.

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cbe550 No.21599048

File: da9bbc96189ad87⋯.png (293.48 KB,567x680,567:680,ClipboardImage.png)


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785bcf No.21599049


Wait why is Trumps top of his head missing in that video

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68403a No.21599050

File: f7307c3f07f0238⋯.png (280.77 KB,620x470,62:47,Happening_OBIwan.png)

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7837ea No.21599052

File: a60802c755df343⋯.gif (589.35 KB,200x200,1:1,thumbsup.gif)


That's interesting.

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68403a No.21599053

File: 976f56eb82456c8⋯.jpg (135.09 KB,888x499,888:499,Happening_CBTS_order.jpg)

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beb25b No.21599054


>Trump assassin

Can't this asshole watch what the hell he posts?

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68403a No.21599055

File: 5b82ebdeb62699e⋯.jpg (89.63 KB,600x700,6:7,shut_your_mouth_get_your_c….jpg)

File: 13d05856c189bc7⋯.jpg (81.8 KB,1024x576,16:9,Happening_10.jpg)

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e523d7 No.21599057


heard it myself

Lindsay decided not to board the ship before launch

titanic move

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b6796c No.21599058

File: ecf1ff0bac45a1e⋯.png (853.16 KB,582x855,194:285,ClipboardImage.png)



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68403a No.21599059

File: 08ff8b6ef139ee2⋯.jpg (28.55 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe_red_pill.jpg)

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22c375 No.21599060

notables FINAL

#26455 >>21598249

>>21598277 Ryan was featured in a YouTube prankster video where he attempted to recruit "revolutionaries" on the Harvard campus

>>21598282, >>21598298, >>21598967 Assassin was following his Ex-CIA handler, Soo Kim (who only has 3k followers)?

>>21598295 NBC endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598296 Apr 2023: US mercenary (Ryan Routh) plans to recruit Pakistani-based Afghan refugees as fighters for Ukraine

>>21598304, >>21598950 This is the FBI official who spoke at the assassination attempt press conference

>>21598306 @DonaldJTrumpJr: Sounds like this psychopath spends a lot of time watching leftwing propaganda

>>21598313, >>21598448 Social media companies like Meta/Facebook are working quickly to delete the pages of Trump assassin Ryan Routh

>>21598357 Alexander S. Vindman endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598423 Hakeem Jeffries endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598529 DeSantis: The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21598554 CNN pretty much broke this story today about the 2nd assassination attempt

>>21598571 CBS endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598576 Ryan Routh was the registered agent for a few businesses, "United Roofing", "United Network", "United Finance and Leasing"

>>21598582, >>21598597, >>21598615, >>21598639, >>21598662 LIKE A BOSS!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

>>21598587 In 2023, the [New York Times] profiled the Trump [shooter] and his efforts to recruit foreign fighters for Ukraine

>>21598625, >>21598690, >>21598810 Thomas Matthew Crooks was tied to BlackRock, and now Ryan Routh is tied to ClA

>>21598604 Is Trump’s Would be Assassin Ryan Routh an Associate of MSNBC Terrorism Analyst Malcolm Nance?

>>21598618, >>21598629 (2020) Kamala Harris jokes about killing President Trump and Mike Pence

>>21598619 The assassin tried making a mercenary group for Taiwan

>>21598632 Statement from Trump

>>21598635 Not sure if Ryan Routh is related to John B. Routh, but his name comes up in this declassified document from the ClA

>>21598644 Shooter, who spent months fighting in Ukraine, has zero links to anyone in US military or intelligence circles?

>>21598668 Statement from POTATO Resident Crooked Joe on Trump's Second Assassination Attempt

>>21598691 How does an "average" home contractor from NC get to Ukraine, and get high level involvement to "recruit" soldiers?

>>21598714 C. Owens: Everything about this shooter’s background reeks of a criminal-turned-Federal asset in prison

>>21598744 James Woods: The Secret Service employs 3,200 special agents, 1,300 Uniformed Division officers, and 2000 others …

>>21598745 Donald, you have protected my kind - I hereby name you honorary feline and grant you 9 lives

>>21598750 Lindsey Graham on FoxNews said he was supposed to be playing golf with Trump today "but he couldn't make it"

>>21598799 Archive: Here are all 509 posts and replies from Ryan Routh's socials

>>21598834 The go signal on 9/11 TIME magazine

>>21598843, >>21598909 The Trump shooter was caught in 2002 with a weapon of mass destruction, and only got probation?

>>21598908 Another Ryan Routh Interview

>>21598921 Mike Johnson: Kelly and I just spent a few hours with President Trump and are thanking God for protecting him today

>>21598949 Q4686: SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]

>>21599019 Attempted Trump assassin Ryan Routh appeared in a propaganda video for the AZOV BATTALLION in May 2022

>>21599023 Loomer: I have been receiving death threats all week - the media is trying to get President Trump and his supporters killed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21598386 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

>>21598517 Chinese Regime Releases Jailed US Citizen After Nearly 20 Years

>>21598562 @usairforce: More than 200 Airmen & Guardians rode in the Air Force Heritage Memorial to Memorial bicycle ride

>>21598563 @NavalInstitute: USNI Archives Photo of the Week

>>21598741 Hezbollah Hits Israel's Unit 8200 in Glilot Base Killing Dozens

>>21598856 Joe Biden says “we are better off today than 4 years ago”

>>21598936 Vibe shift

>>21599026 Family of Blackfeet chief, face of NFL's Redskins for 48 years, wants his image back in NFL

>>21599048 Sissybitch doing what he does

>>21598364, >>21598366, >>21598377, >>21598689, >>21598859 Memes


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9d8bdb No.21599061

File: 1bb54d3bbf12719⋯.jpg (191.56 KB,585x422,585:422,Xnip2024_09_15_21_51_58.jpg)


sure is funny how the language is ukrainian, but all of the signs are written in english


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4ec53c No.21599062

File: cdef2a125e1d1b2⋯.mp4 (5.33 MB,270x480,9:16,Ryan_Wesley_Routh_Arrest.mp4)


Ryan Wesley Routh Arrest


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b6796c No.21599063

File: 5a13af9adc6e7dc⋯.png (389.42 KB,444x737,444:737,ClipboardImage.png)

Today Q Delta

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68403a No.21599064

File: f3d3b326ecb908e⋯.jpg (175.79 KB,500x500,1:1,official_pepe_meme_police.jpg)

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68403a No.21599066

File: cd7e0fa0574659f⋯.jpg (139.06 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1510729794667.jpg)

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0fb6a3 No.21599067

File: 5f3faa5e8c5c34c⋯.gif (11.55 MB,480x480,1:1,01h.gif)


are you a wizard?

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68403a No.21599069

File: 02e6218e3311098⋯.png (133.51 KB,262x340,131:170,1510735614630.png)

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785bcf No.21599071


This is true

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68403a No.21599072

File: 6229ba585efb820⋯.jpg (28.15 KB,358x312,179:156,1510734018819.jpg)

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000000 No.21599075




They knew.

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68403a No.21599076

File: 3bb5732c2fdec8c⋯.gif (143.02 KB,300x420,5:7,1510786537496.gif)

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578d62 No.21599077


Don’t you ever speak to me like that again.

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b4a325 No.21599079

File: d437c14d2bb4bf1⋯.png (134 KB,559x684,559:684,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a94ead27354ed9a⋯.png (278.19 KB,1895x593,1895:593,Screenshot_2024_09_15_2153….png)

File: 8526bda7f6630b0⋯.mp4 (2.48 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17264515585….mp4)

Shadow of Ezra


In 2002, Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Routh was arrested for possessing a weapon of mass destruction, yet his punishment was shockingly light—probation.

The Department of Homeland Security defines a weapon of mass destruction as nuclear, radiological, chemical, or biological, designed to inflict mass harm.

There's no doubt he was working for intelligence agencies.


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68403a No.21599080

File: 299b11b3db3f12a⋯.png (363.98 KB,633x510,211:170,CIA_Pakistan.png)

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a650e5 No.21599081


Once you think of kek

you kek

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68403a No.21599083

File: cbad9e9e3dc40de⋯.png (619.11 KB,680x680,1:1,_Anonymous_4_minutes_ago_6….png)

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22c375 No.21599085

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a09f7f No.21599086

File: e9ae3c707fd08c4⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB,1560x6785,312:1357,IMG_5198.jpeg)


Idk about this. Needs more dig


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68403a No.21599087

File: 7759f53e7b7da32⋯.jpg (67.14 KB,480x480,1:1,1510732831403.jpg)

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a650e5 No.21599088


whatever happened to the Awans?

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18c4f2 No.21599089

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)



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d869ed No.21599091

File: 0930e98985fcf51⋯.gif (5.7 MB,600x338,300:169,NS_NCSWIC_PUNISHER.gif)


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739c01 No.21599092


If it happened in NY they would have released the wacko by now.

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68403a No.21599097

File: 03e5ef6d222cd23⋯.jpg (2.78 MB,1932x2576,3:4,1510768716166.jpg)

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d6c1bd No.21599099

File: ce68dc26f228a0a⋯.png (35.13 KB,1057x814,1057:814,w.PNG)

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18c4f2 No.21599100

File: 5aeff569e903cff⋯.png (2.01 MB,1188x1200,99:100,1ca3.png)


better just calm your ass down!

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a0d510 No.21599101


Just the way the sun is hitting his hair.

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03d232 No.21599102

File: 6f5d728ab42a2dd⋯.png (2.24 MB,780x1040,3:4,ETfinger.png)


God sees and hears all, Amen.

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68403a No.21599103

File: b2f483c0fda68c2⋯.jpg (120.82 KB,800x473,800:473,1510765346527.jpg)

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18c4f2 No.21599107

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cbe550 No.21599109

File: 54cbd8452e38263⋯.png (414.36 KB,680x617,680:617,ClipboardImage.png)


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68403a No.21599110

File: b58a6fef54dcb0f⋯.gif (1001.43 KB,600x450,4:3,1510796598156.gif)

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18c4f2 No.21599112

File: 674debfa1274948⋯.gif (2.94 MB,540x232,135:58,kek7.gif)

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68403a No.21599113

File: d2cecbdac1c47f4⋯.jpg (44.59 KB,500x546,250:273,JFK_DJT.jpg)

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68403a No.21599114

File: 328dbc695eb880b⋯.jpg (54.3 KB,798x600,133:100,jfk_cia.jpg)

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e523d7 No.21599115


aj is a disservice to america

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18c4f2 No.21599116

File: bcdc9680a991e96⋯.jpg (20.22 KB,255x191,255:191,00nsf2a.jpg)

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7f2858 No.21599117

File: 911d4ffc9c4f223⋯.png (1.05 MB,1399x683,1399:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad486cdfb25e4e4⋯.png (487.83 KB,636x609,212:203,ClipboardImage.png)

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68403a No.21599118

File: e89a907892a08dd⋯.png (161.41 KB,500x689,500:689,T1.png)

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18c4f2 No.21599119

File: 8b8054b72af8f23⋯.png (372.25 KB,847x606,847:606,000secrets2.png)

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785bcf No.21599121


He really likes to stir things up and freak people out. By this time, I have no reaction. I just laugh and move on

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68403a No.21599122

File: bdff8e76e9e4daa⋯.jpg (269.26 KB,1408x787,1408:787,RedShoes.jpg)

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b259de No.21599123

File: c342a4e283dee09⋯.png (559.7 KB,650x545,130:109,ASSASSIN2.png)

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18c4f2 No.21599124

File: 97c8c2521c50318⋯.gif (5.54 MB,500x353,500:353,000nightshiftpriest.gif)

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