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File: ec683430038c223⋯.png (50.56 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

22c375 No.21598228 [View All]

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701 posts and 507 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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beb25b No.21599054


>Trump assassin

Can't this asshole watch what the hell he posts?

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68403a No.21599055

File: 5b82ebdeb62699e⋯.jpg (89.63 KB,600x700,6:7,shut_your_mouth_get_your_c….jpg)

File: 13d05856c189bc7⋯.jpg (81.8 KB,1024x576,16:9,Happening_10.jpg)

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e523d7 No.21599057


heard it myself

Lindsay decided not to board the ship before launch

titanic move

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b6796c No.21599058

File: ecf1ff0bac45a1e⋯.png (853.16 KB,582x855,194:285,ClipboardImage.png)



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68403a No.21599059

File: 08ff8b6ef139ee2⋯.jpg (28.55 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe_red_pill.jpg)

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22c375 No.21599060

notables FINAL

#26455 >>21598249

>>21598277 Ryan was featured in a YouTube prankster video where he attempted to recruit "revolutionaries" on the Harvard campus

>>21598282, >>21598298, >>21598967 Assassin was following his Ex-CIA handler, Soo Kim (who only has 3k followers)?

>>21598295 NBC endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598296 Apr 2023: US mercenary (Ryan Routh) plans to recruit Pakistani-based Afghan refugees as fighters for Ukraine

>>21598304, >>21598950 This is the FBI official who spoke at the assassination attempt press conference

>>21598306 @DonaldJTrumpJr: Sounds like this psychopath spends a lot of time watching leftwing propaganda

>>21598313, >>21598448 Social media companies like Meta/Facebook are working quickly to delete the pages of Trump assassin Ryan Routh

>>21598357 Alexander S. Vindman endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598423 Hakeem Jeffries endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598529 DeSantis: The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21598554 CNN pretty much broke this story today about the 2nd assassination attempt

>>21598571 CBS endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598576 Ryan Routh was the registered agent for a few businesses, "United Roofing", "United Network", "United Finance and Leasing"

>>21598582, >>21598597, >>21598615, >>21598639, >>21598662 LIKE A BOSS!!!πŸ˜ŽπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

>>21598587 In 2023, the [New York Times] profiled the Trump [shooter] and his efforts to recruit foreign fighters for Ukraine

>>21598625, >>21598690, >>21598810 Thomas Matthew Crooks was tied to BlackRock, and now Ryan Routh is tied to ClA

>>21598604 Is Trump’s Would be Assassin Ryan Routh an Associate of MSNBC Terrorism Analyst Malcolm Nance?

>>21598618, >>21598629 (2020) Kamala Harris jokes about killing President Trump and Mike Pence

>>21598619 The assassin tried making a mercenary group for Taiwan

>>21598632 Statement from Trump

>>21598635 Not sure if Ryan Routh is related to John B. Routh, but his name comes up in this declassified document from the ClA

>>21598644 Shooter, who spent months fighting in Ukraine, has zero links to anyone in US military or intelligence circles?

>>21598668 Statement from POTATO Resident Crooked Joe on Trump's Second Assassination Attempt

>>21598691 How does an "average" home contractor from NC get to Ukraine, and get high level involvement to "recruit" soldiers?

>>21598714 C. Owens: Everything about this shooter’s background reeks of a criminal-turned-Federal asset in prison

>>21598744 James Woods: The Secret Service employs 3,200 special agents, 1,300 Uniformed Division officers, and 2000 others …

>>21598745 Donald, you have protected my kind - I hereby name you honorary feline and grant you 9 lives

>>21598750 Lindsey Graham on FoxNews said he was supposed to be playing golf with Trump today "but he couldn't make it"

>>21598799 Archive: Here are all 509 posts and replies from Ryan Routh's socials

>>21598834 The go signal on 9/11 TIME magazine

>>21598843, >>21598909 The Trump shooter was caught in 2002 with a weapon of mass destruction, and only got probation?

>>21598908 Another Ryan Routh Interview

>>21598921 Mike Johnson: Kelly and I just spent a few hours with President Trump and are thanking God for protecting him today

>>21598949 Q4686: SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]

>>21599019 Attempted Trump assassin Ryan Routh appeared in a propaganda video for the AZOV BATTALLION in May 2022

>>21599023 Loomer: I have been receiving death threats all week - the media is trying to get President Trump and his supporters killed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21598386 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

>>21598517 Chinese Regime Releases Jailed US Citizen After Nearly 20 Years

>>21598562 @usairforce: More than 200 Airmen & Guardians rode in the Air Force Heritage Memorial to Memorial bicycle ride

>>21598563 @NavalInstitute: USNI Archives Photo of the Week

>>21598741 Hezbollah Hits Israel's Unit 8200 in Glilot Base Killing Dozens

>>21598856 Joe Biden says β€œwe are better off today than 4 years ago”

>>21598936 Vibe shift

>>21599026 Family of Blackfeet chief, face of NFL's Redskins for 48 years, wants his image back in NFL

>>21599048 Sissybitch doing what he does

>>21598364, >>21598366, >>21598377, >>21598689, >>21598859 Memes


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9d8bdb No.21599061

File: 1bb54d3bbf12719⋯.jpg (191.56 KB,585x422,585:422,Xnip2024_09_15_21_51_58.jpg)


sure is funny how the language is ukrainian, but all of the signs are written in english


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4ec53c No.21599062

File: cdef2a125e1d1b2⋯.mp4 (5.33 MB,270x480,9:16,Ryan_Wesley_Routh_Arrest.mp4)


Ryan Wesley Routh Arrest


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b6796c No.21599063

File: 5a13af9adc6e7dc⋯.png (389.42 KB,444x737,444:737,ClipboardImage.png)

Today Q Delta

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68403a No.21599064

File: f3d3b326ecb908e⋯.jpg (175.79 KB,500x500,1:1,official_pepe_meme_police.jpg)

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68403a No.21599066

File: cd7e0fa0574659f⋯.jpg (139.06 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1510729794667.jpg)

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0fb6a3 No.21599067

File: 5f3faa5e8c5c34c⋯.gif (11.55 MB,480x480,1:1,01h.gif)


are you a wizard?

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68403a No.21599069

File: 02e6218e3311098⋯.png (133.51 KB,262x340,131:170,1510735614630.png)

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785bcf No.21599071


This is true

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68403a No.21599072

File: 6229ba585efb820⋯.jpg (28.15 KB,358x312,179:156,1510734018819.jpg)

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000000 No.21599075




They knew.

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68403a No.21599076

File: 3bb5732c2fdec8c⋯.gif (143.02 KB,300x420,5:7,1510786537496.gif)

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578d62 No.21599077


Don’t you ever speak to me like that again.

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b4a325 No.21599079

File: d437c14d2bb4bf1⋯.png (134 KB,559x684,559:684,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a94ead27354ed9a⋯.png (278.19 KB,1895x593,1895:593,Screenshot_2024_09_15_2153….png)

File: 8526bda7f6630b0⋯.mp4 (2.48 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17264515585….mp4)

Shadow of Ezra


In 2002, Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Routh was arrested for possessing a weapon of mass destruction, yet his punishment was shockingly lightβ€”probation.

The Department of Homeland Security defines a weapon of mass destruction as nuclear, radiological, chemical, or biological, designed to inflict mass harm.

There's no doubt he was working for intelligence agencies.


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68403a No.21599080

File: 299b11b3db3f12a⋯.png (363.98 KB,633x510,211:170,CIA_Pakistan.png)

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a650e5 No.21599081


Once you think of kek

you kek

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68403a No.21599083

File: cbad9e9e3dc40de⋯.png (619.11 KB,680x680,1:1,_Anonymous_4_minutes_ago_6….png)

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22c375 No.21599085

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a09f7f No.21599086

File: e9ae3c707fd08c4⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB,1560x6785,312:1357,IMG_5198.jpeg)


Idk about this. Needs more dig


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68403a No.21599087

File: 7759f53e7b7da32⋯.jpg (67.14 KB,480x480,1:1,1510732831403.jpg)

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a650e5 No.21599088


whatever happened to the Awans?

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18c4f2 No.21599089

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)



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d869ed No.21599091

File: 0930e98985fcf51⋯.gif (5.7 MB,600x338,300:169,NS_NCSWIC_PUNISHER.gif)


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739c01 No.21599092


If it happened in NY they would have released the wacko by now.

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68403a No.21599097

File: 03e5ef6d222cd23⋯.jpg (2.78 MB,1932x2576,3:4,1510768716166.jpg)

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d6c1bd No.21599099

File: ce68dc26f228a0a⋯.png (35.13 KB,1057x814,1057:814,w.PNG)

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18c4f2 No.21599100

File: 5aeff569e903cff⋯.png (2.01 MB,1188x1200,99:100,1ca3.png)


better just calm your ass down!

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a0d510 No.21599101


Just the way the sun is hitting his hair.

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03d232 No.21599102

File: 6f5d728ab42a2dd⋯.png (2.24 MB,780x1040,3:4,ETfinger.png)


God sees and hears all, Amen.

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68403a No.21599103

File: b2f483c0fda68c2⋯.jpg (120.82 KB,800x473,800:473,1510765346527.jpg)

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18c4f2 No.21599107

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cbe550 No.21599109

File: 54cbd8452e38263⋯.png (414.36 KB,680x617,680:617,ClipboardImage.png)


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68403a No.21599110

File: b58a6fef54dcb0f⋯.gif (1001.43 KB,600x450,4:3,1510796598156.gif)

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18c4f2 No.21599112

File: 674debfa1274948⋯.gif (2.94 MB,540x232,135:58,kek7.gif)

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68403a No.21599113

File: d2cecbdac1c47f4⋯.jpg (44.59 KB,500x546,250:273,JFK_DJT.jpg)

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68403a No.21599114

File: 328dbc695eb880b⋯.jpg (54.3 KB,798x600,133:100,jfk_cia.jpg)

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e523d7 No.21599115


aj is a disservice to america

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18c4f2 No.21599116

File: bcdc9680a991e96⋯.jpg (20.22 KB,255x191,255:191,00nsf2a.jpg)

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7f2858 No.21599117

File: 911d4ffc9c4f223⋯.png (1.05 MB,1399x683,1399:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad486cdfb25e4e4⋯.png (487.83 KB,636x609,212:203,ClipboardImage.png)

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68403a No.21599118

File: e89a907892a08dd⋯.png (161.41 KB,500x689,500:689,T1.png)

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18c4f2 No.21599119

File: 8b8054b72af8f23⋯.png (372.25 KB,847x606,847:606,000secrets2.png)

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785bcf No.21599121


He really likes to stir things up and freak people out. By this time, I have no reaction. I just laugh and move on

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68403a No.21599122

File: bdff8e76e9e4daa⋯.jpg (269.26 KB,1408x787,1408:787,RedShoes.jpg)

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b259de No.21599123

File: c342a4e283dee09⋯.png (559.7 KB,650x545,130:109,ASSASSIN2.png)

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18c4f2 No.21599124

File: 97c8c2521c50318⋯.gif (5.54 MB,500x353,500:353,000nightshiftpriest.gif)

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