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32ef19 No.21599937 [Last50 Posts]

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32ef19 No.21599939

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32ef19 No.21599940


#26456 >>21599082

>>21599854 DJT: I would like to thank everyone for your concern and well wishes - It was certainly an interesting day!

>>21599133, >>21599228, >>21599383 Who leaked Trump's schedule? The two that were supposed to golf with him today "but couldn't make it"?

>>21599147, >>21599183, >>21599276 Trump FL shooter appeared in a AZOV Battalion propaganda video in May 2022

>>21599152 Regional Medical Director at Adfinitas Health in Wilkes-Barre, PA on today's events: "Deal with it"

>>21599146, >>21599166 Possible Arnold Schwarzenegger comms: Freeze and Ivy, reunited - watch out, Batman

>>21599168 "Trump is safe after mostly peaceful popping sounds 250 yards from his vicinity" -MSM

>>21599191 In 2002, Trump assassin was arrested for possessing a weapon of mass destruction, yet his punishment was probation

>>21599198 Trump Camp: NY Times Incites Violence Against Vance

>>21599203 Last month, Dan Bongino correctly predicted there would be another attempt on President Trump's life

>>21599222 New Background On Trump Shooter Confirms He Was Coordinating With Foreign Soldiers In Support Of Ukraine

>>21599271 Hours Before Trump Assassination Attempt Democrat Calls MAGA A Domestic Threat

>>21599272 Trump shooter Ryan Routh was in YouTuber JiDion’s video recruiting for Ukraine

>>21599278, >>21599286, >>21599327 If not for a private citizen who took a pic of the vehicle and tag, he would have been lost

>>21599322 MTG: They want video of Pres Trump being assassinated so bad that the would be assassin had a Go Pro to film it

>>21599331 Court records show more than 100 criminal counts have been filed against Ryan Routh in North Carolina

>>21599385, >>21599457 Call to dig: Florida DA Dave Aronberg

>>21599386, >>21599466 Both Trump shooters are involved with Media Mockingbird MegaCorp

>>21599436 Anon opines on Trump's assassination attempt

>>21599475 Summary of today's events so far

>>21599527, >>21599713 Gaslighting continues

>>21599531 Scavino to Kamala: You’re so full of shit, you’re not glad he is safe—It is your rhetoric that has caused this, AGAIN!!!!!

>>21599601 DNC targeted Trump golf clubs three days before an assassination attempt took place at his West Palm Beach golf club

>>21599606 Statement from Potato

>>21599631 His Greensboro address is tricky because, judging by the address of the Circle K at 1550, Lee St is called Gate City Blvd

>>21599702 Shooter moments after he was arrested

>>21599846 From Carolina Roofer To Ukraine Activist: Would-Be Trump Assassin Ryan Routh Gave Many Interviews With MSM

>>21599912 All of Routh's x.com posts in two videos

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21599289 ABC moderator Linsey Davis admits: 'fact-checking' was only planned for Trump

>>21599291 Judge Rules Illinois Public Transit Firearms Carry Ban Unconstitutional

>>21599317 Trending on Twitter/X

>>21599338 The Progressive Suicide Cult Is Rolling Out The Welcome Mat For The Third World

>>21599676 @NavalInstitute: #OTD in 1945, a hurricane and subsequent fires wreaked havoc on the hangars at Richmond Naval Air Station in Florida

>>21599703 Monday: DC Court of Appeals will hear arguments in lawsuits challenging the federal TikTok ban

>>21599721, >>21599738, >>21599789 NYC educrats took own kids to Magic Kingdom on trips meant for homeless students

>>21599899 Houthis Hit Israel With "New Hypersonic Ballistic Missile" - 20 Air Defense Missiles Missed and the US Navy Couldn't Hit it Either

>>21599242, >>21599325, >>21599479, >>21599510 Memes

>>21599934 #26456

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32ef19 No.21599941

#26455 >>21598249

>>21598277 Ryan was featured in a YouTube prankster video where he attempted to recruit "revolutionaries" on the Harvard campus

>>21598282, >>21598298, >>21598967 Assassin was following his Ex-CIA handler, Soo Kim (who only has 3k followers)?

>>21598295 NBC endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598296 Apr 2023: US mercenary (Ryan Routh) plans to recruit Pakistani-based Afghan refugees as fighters for Ukraine

>>21598304, >>21598950 This is the FBI official who spoke at the assassination attempt press conference

>>21598306 @DonaldJTrumpJr: Sounds like this psychopath spends a lot of time watching leftwing propaganda

>>21598313, >>21598448 Social media companies like Meta/Facebook are working quickly to delete the pages of Trump assassin Ryan Routh

>>21598357 Alexander S. Vindman endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598423 Hakeem Jeffries endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598529 DeSantis: The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21598554 CNN pretty much broke this story today about the 2nd assassination attempt

>>21598571 CBS endorses the assassination attempt on Trump

>>21598576 Ryan Routh was the registered agent for a few businesses, "United Roofing", "United Network", "United Finance and Leasing"

>>21598582, >>21598597, >>21598615, >>21598639, >>21598662 LIKE A BOSS!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

>>21598587 In 2023, the [New York Times] profiled the Trump [shooter] and his efforts to recruit foreign fighters for Ukraine

>>21598625, >>21598690, >>21598810 Thomas Matthew Crooks was tied to BlackRock, and now Ryan Routh is tied to ClA

>>21598604 Is Trump’s Would be Assassin Ryan Routh an Associate of MSNBC Terrorism Analyst Malcolm Nance?

>>21598618, >>21598629 (2020) Kamala Harris jokes about killing President Trump and Mike Pence

>>21598619 The assassin tried making a mercenary group for Taiwan

>>21598632 Statement from Trump

>>21598635 Not sure if Ryan Routh is related to John B. Routh, but his name comes up in this declassified document from the ClA

>>21598644 Shooter, who spent months fighting in Ukraine, has zero links to anyone in US military or intelligence circles?

>>21598668 Statement from POTATO Resident Crooked Joe on Trump's Second Assassination Attempt

>>21598691 How does an "average" home contractor from NC get to Ukraine, and get high level involvement to "recruit" soldiers?

>>21598714 C. Owens: Everything about this shooter’s background reeks of a criminal-turned-Federal asset in prison

>>21598744 James Woods: The Secret Service employs 3,200 special agents, 1,300 Uniformed Division officers, and 2000 others …

>>21598745 Donald, you have protected my kind - I hereby name you honorary feline and grant you 9 lives

>>21598750 Lindsey Graham on FoxNews said he was supposed to be playing golf with Trump today "but he couldn't make it"

>>21598799 Archive: Here are all 509 posts and replies from Ryan Routh's socials

>>21598834 The go signal on 9/11 TIME magazine

>>21598843, >>21598909 The Trump shooter was caught in 2002 with a weapon of mass destruction, and only got probation?

>>21598908 Another Ryan Routh Interview

>>21598921 Mike Johnson: Kelly and I just spent a few hours with President Trump and are thanking God for protecting him today

>>21598949 Q4686: SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]

>>21599019 Attempted Trump assassin Ryan Routh appeared in a propaganda video for the AZOV BATTALLION in May 2022

>>21599023 Loomer: I have been receiving death threats all week - the media is trying to get President Trump and his supporters killed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21598386 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

>>21598517 Chinese Regime Releases Jailed US Citizen After Nearly 20 Years

>>21598562 @usairforce: More than 200 Airmen & Guardians rode in the Air Force Heritage Memorial to Memorial bicycle ride

>>21598563 @NavalInstitute: USNI Archives Photo of the Week

>>21598741 Hezbollah Hits Israel's Unit 8200 in Glilot Base Killing Dozens

>>21598856 Joe Biden says “we are better off today than 4 years ago”

>>21598936 Vibe shift

>>21599026 Family of Blackfeet chief, face of NFL's Redskins for 48 years, wants his image back in NFL

>>21599048 Sissybitch doing what he does

>>21598364, >>21598366, >>21598377, >>21598689, >>21598859 Memes

>>21599060 #26455

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32ef19 No.21599944

#26454 >>21597426

>>21597437, >>21597516, >>21597708 Ryan Wesley Routh's ActBlue donations - all to democrats

>>21597452 How did the shooter know when Trump would be on the course? Inside info fed to him?

>>21597459, >>21597489, >>21597879, >>21597933 Ryan Routh is owner of CampBox

>>21597769 CampBox website is now down

>>21597793, >>21597848, >>21597856, >>21597909, >>21597980 Greensboro, NC also documentation of a Ryan Routh roofing company

>>21597470, >>21597514 Golf course logistics

>>21597476, >>21597511, >>21597525, >>21597529, >>21597536, >>21597540, >>21597541, >>21597761, >>21597762, >>21597765, >>21597979, >>21598162 Moar of Ryan's Social Media posts

>>21597690, >>21597527, >>21597820, >>21597486, >>21597687, >>21597936 Was Ryan a CIA mercenary recruiter?

>>21597986 Palm Beach shooter Ryan Routh works with the "National Volunteer Center sending soldiers to Ukraine and Taiwan"

>>21597481 Erik Prince calls on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to immediately assume control of the investigation

>>21597506, >>21597852 Ryan Routh's LinkedIn

>>21597532 Trump Assassination Attempt: Here's what the sheriff's office said during press conference

>>21597550, >>21597571, >>21597610 Adam Schiff

>>21597564, >>21597918 Wife: Lora Routh

>>21597602 Chuckles makes a statement

>>21597633 FBI names Ryan Wesley Routh as 'apparent Trump assassination attempt' suspect

>>21597663 Ryan Routh was apparently already low-key media famous

>>21597647 In a 2022 interview with Newsweek Romania, Routh was candid about his pro-Ukraine views

>>21597567 Ryan Routh, with gun, barricades self inside business

>>21598128 Ryan was profiled in the New York Times in March 2023 for his efforts to recruit fighters to help Ukraine

>>21598218 Ryan Wesley Routh was featured in a YouTube prankster video where he attempted to recruit "revolutionaries" on the Harvard campus

>>21597636 Margo Martin: Fight Night from Trump Force One! 🇺🇸

>>21597665, >>21597675 Fight, fight, fight Qpost also aligns with red carpet news from today

>>21597685, >>21597702 How Kamala Harris Knocked Donald Trump Off Course: Did TIME Magazine send a go-code?

>>21597718, >>21598129 Facebook / X deletes assassin's account (archive everything)

>>21597967, >>21597985 Shooter's FB page archived

>>21597743 Radical Leftists are once again calling for violence following another attempted assassination of Donald Trump

>>21597758, >>21597845 Look at the phone number

>>21597772, >>21598183, >>21598211 Scavino: 🙏🇺🇸🦅 | FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!!!

>>21597855 We still have work to do

>>21597890 Hakeem Jeffries: Extreme MAGA Republicans are the party of a national abortion ban and Trump’s Project 2025 - we must stop them

>>21597927 Demands mount for Trump to get same protection as Biden after yet another assassination plot

>>21597960 DeSantis knew about the raid on Mar-A-Lago and didn't stop it?

>>21597981 Daniel Routh Obituary

>>21597993 Ryan's e-mail adresses

>>21598067 When asked about the threat level against Trump, Secret Service representative said: "We live in dangerous times"

>>21598097 Further details: Hannity has spoken with Trump 3 times since the incident

>>21598188 Suspect described as being emotionless when caught

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21597876 The border crisis wasn't bad enough, so they made a free Uber service for illegals

>>21598040 MSM right on cue

>>21597995 6.5 magnitude earthquake hits off coast of British Columbia

>>21597463, >>21597469, >>21597574, >>21597609, >>21598065, >>21598167 Memes

>>21598227 #26454

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32ef19 No.21599947

#26453 >>21596620

>>21597139, >>21597161, >>21597199, >>21597176, >>21597182, >>21597212, >>21597213, >>21597222, >>21597226, >>21597237, >>21597243, >>21597300, >>21597333, >>21597341, >>21597370, >>21597390, >>21597397 Ryan Wesley Routh

>>21597191, >>21597181, >>21597252, >>21597273, >>21597281, >>21597292, >>21597306, >>21597313, >>21597316, >>21597322, >>21597342, >>21597344, >>21597245 Assassin's social media posts

>>21596628 Live: Assassination attempt press conference

>>21597254 Some statements made by Palm Beach County Sheriff

>>21596860 West Palm Beach Police reveal Trump assassin’s sniper’s nest outside Trump’s golf club

>>21597075, >>21597086 Distance appears to be moar like 200 to 250 feet

>>21596635, >>21596791, >>21597187 Trump golf course layout logistics

>>21596850, >>21596893, >>21596899 Alleged pic of suspect

>>21597095 (Sept. 11) Was this the Go Order?

>>21596997, >>21597012 Erik Prince calling on DeSantis for State of Florida to takeover the investigation into 2nd Trump assassination attempt

>>21596849, >>21597009, >>21597224 Details

>>21597143 Secret Service Statement Regarding September 15, 2024, Security Incident at Trump International Golf Club

>>21597148 According to the Secret Service, the golf course wasn’t secured because Trump isn’t a sitting President

>>21597007 JD Vance: I'm glad President Trump is safe - I spoke to him before the news was public and he was, amazingly, in good spirits

>>21596912, >>21597014 Misc.

>>21596718 They tried to assassinate Trump after both debate losses

>>21597147 Rachel Vindman: No ears were harmed - carry on with your Sunday afternoon

>>21596776 Refresher: Chuck Schumer threatened DJT

>>21597087 (July) Democrat congressman Dan Goldman: President Trump “cannot see public office again . . . and he has to be eliminated”

>>21597169 Krappenstein doing what he does

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21596948 All 6 pages of the ABC whistleblower affidavit re: Trump vs Kamala presidental debate

>>21597011 Elon: SPQR

>>21597054 Venezuela Arrests Navy SEAL Among Several Foreigners Behind Alleged Maduro Assassination Plot

>>21597106 Planefag: GlobalX 3139 Service from Miami to Havana

>>21597314 Palm Beach County sheriff lavishes retiring execs with $400K bonuses

>>21597365 PF: AP01, Mexican president on board?

>>21597389 PF: N858SJ

>>21596670, >>21596775, >>21596800, >>21596838, >>21596913, >>21596956, >>21597400 Memes

>>21597406 #26453

Previously Collected

>>21596988 #26452

>>21594064 #26449, >>21595047 #26450, >>21595827 #26451

>>21591133 #26446, >>21591993 #26447, >>21593055 #26448

>>21588334 #26443, >>21589489 #26444, >>21590328 #26445

>>21586032 #26440, >>21586897 #26441, >>21587752 #26442

>>21583237 #26437, >>21584208 #26438, >>21585165 #26439

>>21580548 #26434, >>21581639 #26435, >>21582538 #26436

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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32ef19 No.21599952

File: 23396e77bd744f5⋯.png (455.21 KB,758x456,379:228,ClipboardImage.png)



can continue or defer

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b877a4 No.21599960


you have my Shield of Faith B

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f510fd No.21599961

File: 6d7b892625bfcdb⋯.png (70.17 KB,741x721,741:721,ClipboardImage.png)

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ebadc1 No.21599965

File: 22084c9f8c1c9c1⋯.png (465.1 KB,599x495,599:495,ClipboardImage.png)

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b877a4 No.21599968

Cyber Attacks are next

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05db43 No.21599970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 22

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06b1aa No.21599972

>>21599915 lb

your point was and is of zero consequence

September 17 is the point at which everything commences

nothing else matters

most especially your flailing ego

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87ab8e No.21599973

Vincent Fusc, /ourguy?

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0caad8 No.21599974

good night frens

bis morgen

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f876bc No.21599975



shills on overtime

don't they know when potus wins, their earnings won't be taxed

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f510fd No.21599976

File: d5aafb9ea4abbe3⋯.mp4 (2.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,On_April_1_2023_The_New_In….mp4)

PROOF: On April 1, 2023, The New Indian reported that Ryan Wesley Routh, the suspected Trump shooter, was the mastermind behind a complex scheme to traffic Afghan refugees using forged Pakistani passports. These refugees were being funnelled into Ukraine to fight in the war against Russia.

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f01c7e No.21599978

File: 8833fcd9cb403fc⋯.png (46.93 KB,602x339,602:339,ClipboardImage.png)

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272934 No.21599979

Switch the machines off.

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d3a70d No.21599981


They all live in Germany

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a6111f No.21599982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





The Secret Service is ‘compromised’: GOP lawmaker


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ad2a6d No.21599983

File: ce18a9601b2f0fe⋯.png (17.84 KB,255x255,1:1,f5bfdf772c13756479e52db75e….png)

They are hitting the board hard rn.

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18d6d0 No.21599984

File: 88db2e70f47fe3e⋯.jpeg (641.12 KB,1315x1156,1315:1156,IMG_9531.jpeg)

File: 39066efa6bcc730⋯.mp4 (5.02 MB,640x360,16:9,cZJ6wO1scZvdSoMf.mp4)

File: 621dec3e5880dd6⋯.mp4 (281.88 KB,640x360,16:9,YQQveX1J_VzfAeQw.mp4)



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2400b0 No.21599986

File: b9aab1fa05d1b22⋯.png (93.56 KB,1263x421,3:1,1cfc97c3f5b9285b68dff45ba3….png)

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06b1aa No.21599987


or full fledged Internet Shutdown


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d3a70d No.21599988

Nine is a marker

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b877a4 No.21599989


This is for the Greater Good

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06b1aa No.21599990


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f510fd No.21599992

File: 9d1f95125bafe5a⋯.png (846.62 KB,768x544,24:17,ClipboardImage.png)

JUST-IN: Is Trump’s Would be Assassin Ryan Routh an Associate of MSNBC Terrorism Analyst Malcolm Nance With Ukrainian Ties Mentioned in NY Times Article?

A New York Times report was discovered on Sunday mentioning Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, who was caught targeting Trump, armed with a scoped AK-47 rifle in West Palm Beach before shots were fired by the Secret Service.


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ae28e4 No.21599994

File: 19dad8aec0805a8⋯.jpg (86.82 KB,538x708,269:354,3f35d5a7e5e37329a2b0901ecf….jpg)

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b877a4 No.21599995

A Shit Storm is a Coming

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e3d7d8 No.21599996

Theories on Trump's truth saying he hates Taylor Swift? Is he about to expose her for something terrible?

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5bb67f No.21599997

File: d482f56b95ff96f⋯.png (696.74 KB,1243x1200,1243:1200,IMG_3536.png)

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f510fd No.21599998




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a63e80 No.21599999

File: 01e4b40b4b1ca42⋯.png (533.86 KB,474x475,474:475,ClipboardImage.png)


>Die Another Day


… and then the poll numbers go higher.

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ebadc1 No.21600000

File: 4a03a6fb984c186⋯.png (146.93 KB,250x250,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b877a4 No.21600001

God's hand is at work

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fd9c8f No.21600003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


wooooah… wtf.. had the other tardo too.

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b2ee4a No.21600004

File: 9d1751baf79b788⋯.png (313.42 KB,615x294,205:98,9d1751baf79b788598a89bcc87….png)

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40f328 No.21600005

Has anyone looked into any connections between [R]yan [R]outh & former police chief Scott Israel?

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ae28e4 No.21600006

File: 8d5f49c9d8c1206⋯.png (14.7 KB,233x249,233:249,checkd4.png)


Check'd quint. Poll numbers it is.

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e22e97 No.21600008

File: 7fade42a6e4d308⋯.png (741.89 KB,626x900,313:450,ClipboardImage.png)

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e7e810 No.21600009

Anons, know that our President is determined. He has known what these people are capable of for many years. No matter how many psyops, no matter how many bullets. NOTHING Can Stop What Is Coming. We did not come this far, he did not narrowly move his head as the trigger was being pulled, JUST to not make it to office. The best IS yet to come. Believe this and know America is much bigger than you or I. It has been fought for and many spilled blood and laid down their lives. It does not come to an end to Willie Brown's side piece, while we have a champion in Donald John Trump.

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05db43 No.21600010


Leap year rule apply.

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bd039b No.21600011

File: a72556cacc926ad⋯.png (1.54 MB,1822x1320,911:660,Hussein_Obama_in_jail_soon.png)

File: f5373d91b4a1a01⋯.jpg (53.19 KB,620x414,310:207,245_HUSSEIN_EVIL_REAL_LOSE….jpg)

File: 6d30c12884b55cd⋯.png (79.8 KB,1070x379,1070:379,245_Hussein_is_evil_and_a_….png)

"Hussein is evil and a real loser." Q post #245

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b877a4 No.21600012

(you) are more than you know

Be strong in the Lord

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06b1aa No.21600014



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2400b0 No.21600015

File: b4f8c666f0dfe52⋯.jpeg (32.25 KB,320x320,1:1,bb_5bad2ea96cbce.jpeg)

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b2ee4a No.21600016

File: ca60b4bfe2415f5⋯.png (559.17 KB,561x706,561:706,media_GXX7LpkWoAAW9Yp.png)

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f510fd No.21600017

File: 980a8c7e9e2eb6d⋯.png (686.29 KB,768x450,128:75,ClipboardImage.png)

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5bb67f No.21600018


What if God doesn’t have hands but has tentacles? You just don’t know.

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90534d No.21600019

File: acde96c867afb3f⋯.png (1.15 MB,1290x1601,1290:1601,IMG_5244.png)

>>21599946 (lb)

whatever happened to this?


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ad2a6d No.21600020

Can an anon post the bit about the first shooters blackrock connection. Please and tanks, kek!

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355ab1 No.21600023

File: e17e0947290575c⋯.png (606.94 KB,924x693,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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2400b0 No.21600024

File: e54a2d73e6376bd⋯.jpg (297.31 KB,814x851,22:23,e54a2d73e6376bd7091687454e….jpg)



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f876bc No.21600025



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06b1aa No.21600026


your ass is diapered and owned, Freddy

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355ab1 No.21600028

File: 05f3e090aba22d7⋯.png (662.68 KB,760x843,760:843,ClipboardImage.png)

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a63e80 No.21600030

File: c2cfc94209b8906⋯.jpg (674.97 KB,1251x704,1251:704,Heart_Fire.jpg)


>Check'd quint. Poll numbers it is.

heart is racing. tya

I had no idea.

phew. damn

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355ab1 No.21600031

File: c6f8bca403c9a42⋯.png (601.36 KB,692x926,346:463,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d2f82 No.21600032

File: c6000c1dac0460d⋯.png (2.87 MB,1182x1210,591:605,knock_knock_77a17b697a3382….png)

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18d6d0 No.21600033

File: 05ba12649c743cc⋯.jpeg (967.48 KB,1319x1624,1319:1624,IMG_9533.jpeg)

BREAKING: Trump Breaks Silence with First Personal Statement Since Second Assassination Attempt, Via Truth Social |

"I would like to thank everyone for your concern and well wishes - It was certainly an interesting day! Most importantly, I want to thank the U.S. Secret Service, Sheriff Ric Bradshaw and his Office of brave and dedicated Patriots, and, all of Law Enforcement, for the incredible job done today at Trump International in keeping me, as the 45th President of the United States, and the Republican Nominee in the upcoming Presidential Election, SAFE. THE JOB DONE WAS ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING. I AM VERY PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!"


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07964f No.21600035

File: 86a2e958cd39b31⋯.png (38.43 KB,893x217,893:217,ClipboardImage.png)

Why are so many people raging FOR the machine? 😂


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9ee80e No.21600036


basically hiring sand beaners for mercs and probably skimming their pay off the top too

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ad2a6d No.21600038

File: 7a5dca5b0940886⋯.jpeg (14.04 KB,248x255,248:255,8111551d09e7c726a62d7d9dd….jpeg)


Are you still on the roll or just rolling around with an ankle monitor?

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18d6d0 No.21600043

File: e7c0660c9aa6efa⋯.mp4 (764.56 KB,480x852,40:71,rsYYD3FYSwn75Ymk.MP4)

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b877a4 No.21600045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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355ab1 No.21600046

File: 4b66cbf7bd7d777⋯.png (85.64 KB,753x347,753:347,ClipboardImage.png)

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16387b No.21600047

File: bef87d8727cd3fa⋯.png (303.01 KB,480x601,480:601,8kun_coffee.png)

now we know what the fema coffins were really for. we saw em shits in Fla.

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f510fd No.21600048

File: 6a9d80b0a8eb648⋯.png (1.44 MB,899x1024,899:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06438a120a84126⋯.png (55.5 KB,597x544,597:544,ClipboardImage.png)

You can’t make this up! The two primary investigators for the 2nd Trump Assassination Attempt are on the record as Trump-hating lunatics: FBI Miami’s Veltri and Palm Beach DA Aronberg

The FBI is pure swamp! There are no decent FEDs!


So Clinesmith changed the CIA email to say that Carter Page was NOT an asset. So nobody else in the FBI or CIA could have possibly had a clue that Carter Page was assisting the US Government against Russian spies?

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7aa9cb No.21600050

File: 42757ccfd5a55e7⋯.png (162.09 KB,1233x611,1233:611,Screenshot_20240916_000637.png)


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397f60 No.21600051



you just will not believe it until they kill him.

the fault lay with (you) all.

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b2ee4a No.21600052

File: 9a6545df38ff2d5⋯.pdf (3.86 MB,e98b694b_bf06_4d71_b689_d8….pdf)

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62ea69 No.21600053

File: 22084c9f8c1c9c1⋯.png (465.1 KB,599x495,599:495,IMG_2411.png)

So iI have to say that this feels like the History channel when the Japs were so near the end they sent the Kamikaze. Here is the premier weapons development crew from the last 60 years and all they have is a couple amateurs acting “solo” throwing bullets pretty randomly. Too damn close for sure but seems a bit desperate.

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2400b0 No.21600055

File: bf6429a0a83cb95⋯.jpg (153.6 KB,699x699,1:1,bf6429a0a83cb95e4844a47f25….jpg)




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f876bc No.21600057






does this mean there will be 2 more???

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355ab1 No.21600058

File: e8d2752a2ad0eb1⋯.png (803.39 KB,1067x600,1067:600,ClipboardImage.png)

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06b1aa No.21600060


they need to kill him in order toRESURRECThim



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ebc520 No.21600061

File: c08b34d7579c9b3⋯.png (85.53 KB,444x449,444:449,ClipboardImage.png)


THIS QPost is delta on Tuesday


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: cd97e7 No.3061704 📁

Sep172018 16:56:25 (EST)

Anonymous ID: bac898 No.3061664 📁

Sep 17 2018 16:54:56 (EST)



Q you were right all along! Emmys, red carpet! KEK




Anons picked up on the 'carpet' bombs.

For you and you alone.



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397f60 No.21600062


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f876bc No.21600064


were these 2 involved with mar-a-lago raid?

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f9ad84 No.21600065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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806bce No.21600066

File: 4e9a07e452bda3a⋯.png (1.38 MB,1290x681,430:227,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3bf4231a40cf1e⋯.png (277.74 KB,472x279,472:279,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 053207c44419c2e⋯.png (284.12 KB,408x632,51:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 714abca5760d8d0⋯.png (294.84 KB,980x571,980:571,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21599922 (lb)

I think Tinas sentencing is on the 17th.

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355ab1 No.21600067

File: 6309388f235417a⋯.png (649.04 KB,750x750,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ee80e No.21600068

File: 0b0e794710d596e⋯.png (169.5 KB,478x498,239:249,ClipboardImage.png)

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f510fd No.21600069

File: b310f23eadb01dd⋯.png (324.16 KB,519x560,519:560,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4687d04b34a3374⋯.mp4 (4.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,Popular_YouTuber_JiDion_ju….mp4)

Popular YouTuber JiDion just released a video showing that Ryan Routh was in his video trying to recruit people to fight for a revolution to "take this whole system down."



BREAKING: Popular YouTuber JiDion just released a video showing that Ryan Routh was in his video trying to recruit people to fight for a revolution to "take this whole system down."

Routh: "I'm looking for revolutionaries." Then he tried handing JiDion, a piece of paper to join his "army" to take on the system

Routh was and is a DERANGED Democrat.

4:48 PM · Sep 15, 2024


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40f328 No.21600070

File: aa4d25c5eb7e194⋯.png (142.93 KB,473x471,473:471,2108.png)

What if the shooter wants to sing? What would be an absolute way to get arrested and be put into protective custody?


THEY do NOT want Ryan Routh to talk?

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a6111f No.21600071

File: 1bfd18ec3bd6383⋯.png (142.91 KB,659x406,659:406,ClipboardImage.png)

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18d6d0 No.21600072

File: e33cd755edcd645⋯.png (815.69 KB,598x800,299:400,525D8DD4_BBB0_4277_918C_98….png)

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28af25 No.21600073

File: 8b7219749b0b53c⋯.png (206.05 KB,679x402,679:402,ClipboardImage.png)


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355ab1 No.21600074

File: c8e55ae6ee8a24d⋯.png (474.74 KB,793x808,793:808,ClipboardImage.png)

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06b1aa No.21600075


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e3d7d8 No.21600076

theories on Trumps "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT" truth…. ??

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16387b No.21600077

File: 8d16af8152891ae⋯.jpeg (298.73 KB,1645x1668,1645:1668,you5.jpeg)


never mind the year that was taken. eat a dick up til you hiccup n try harder, faggot.

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06b1aa No.21600078


could there be a moar obvious controlled sellout opposition truther than that mutherfukker

nigga pleeze

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c6e1d1 No.21600079


definitely scraping the bottom of the barrel

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355ab1 No.21600080

File: 49359673e8588e7⋯.jpg (76.9 KB,437x400,437:400,troll4.jpg)

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b2a043 No.21600081

Trump truthed.


Later assassination attempt.

Possible MK Ultra type trigger wording with Routh?

Will projects be exposed?

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b877a4 No.21600082

Prepare yourselves for the Mark

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f510fd No.21600083

File: 6bcb179b14393ca⋯.png (6.51 KB,434x145,434:145,ClipboardImage.png)

Salty Cracker Livestream removed by Youtube for exposing the attempted assassin's direct connections to the Biden/Kamala administration


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06b1aa No.21600084




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ed8282 No.21600085

>>21599354 (lb)

>Debt clock pic

X class solar flare, perhaps? Swift destruction of the wicked…

Cool beams for the saved.

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a75b67 No.21600086

File: f070cdb2c2913a3⋯.jpg (155.58 KB,548x362,274:181,2024_09_15_23_51_55_489.jpg)


Thank you

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8d2f82 No.21600087

File: 33f9113b708c704⋯.png (33.19 KB,438x369,146:123,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf50b1cf9ad360c⋯.png (41.16 KB,437x314,437:314,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02ccb8c9fa55019⋯.png (120.48 KB,1249x480,1249:480,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cdcbe89f95d16a⋯.png (245.15 KB,1242x927,138:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 349927b0b3c0403⋯.png (94.22 KB,1253x378,179:54,ClipboardImage.png)

Anon sees comms about a chemical attack… SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING

Donald J. Trump


I would like to thank everyone for your concern and well wishes - It was certainly an interesting day! Most importantly, I want to thank the U.S. Secret Service, Sheriff Ric Bradshaw and his Office of brave and dedicated Patriots, and, all of Law Enforcement, for the incredible job done today at Trump International in keeping me, as the 45th President of the United States, and the Republican Nominee in the upcoming Presidential Election, SAFE. THE JOB DONE WAS ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING. I AM VERY PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!

Sep 15, 2024,11:36PM



Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/12/2018 01:28:18 ID: f666d7

8chan/qresearch: 1008560

Anonymous 04/12/2018 01:26:49 ID:dfa65c

8chan/qresearch: 1008534


Gap between nights [4] and [5]?




A month ago

Paul Sperry/ @paulsperry_08/26/202414:46:34

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1828142007212277907

NEW: "Due to his radical Islamist beliefs, [theSyrianimmigrant] decided to kill as many people as possible who he considered to be non-believers" – German authorities


Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/08/2024 23:19:13

ID:Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1799642379671994412

NEW: Subpoenaed bank records reveal Biden family (Hunter/Jim/Sara/Hallie/Biden grandchild) hauled in $18 mil+ from foreign sources since Biden VP, incl:

–$3.99m from Ukraine

–$7.28m from China

–$3.5m from Russia

–$1.04m Romania

–$1.04m Panama

–$1.17m Kazakhstan/Mexico/Syria

*Note: These bank records do not cover the 2009-2013 period when Biden was VP, or his years as senator, so the #BidenCrimeFamily haul from foreign influence-peddling is much higher than even this


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/09/2018 19:36:08 ID: d9b428

8chan/qresearch: 973651

Anonymous 04/09/2018 19:34:18 ID:675dd2

8chan/qresearch: 973608


Did anons ever figure out what Q meant with the "BABY ON FLOOR-HANDS IN MOUTH - THE START"

Was this Syria FF?




Learn our comms.


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6e28fa No.21600088

File: 719a8eae3714cc9⋯.jpg (9.42 KB,226x255,226:255,trumpttba2a1f4bf.jpg)

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dcce64 No.21600089


If you really want to bring pain, and real fast, say within 24-48 hours, cut the EBT system off.

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f510fd No.21600090



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c6e1d1 No.21600091


definitely has that MK fag look about him

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a45d40 No.21600092

Shooter 100% tied to military-industrial complex - all receipts inside!





and i got moar

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aeb08b No.21600093

File: e684dd413c7aaa3⋯.jpg (189 KB,600x335,120:67,Gratitude2.jpg)

File: 2557b543111cfee⋯.jpg (154.05 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearchFight.jpg)

File: 80c923683b8d1a1⋯.jpg (113.3 KB,355x335,71:67,MAGA_NeverSurrender.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!!

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18d6d0 No.21600095

File: e14fecc27f235d2⋯.mp4 (527.14 KB,480x708,40:59,_MxESM66vjjW0h4A.mp4)

File: 198ecb9021c00fd⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB,Family_Guy_Cutting_The_Que….mp4)

File: 95a069cef1a40df⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB,Rishi_Sunak_Wanker.mp4)


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e3d7d8 No.21600096


No dude, I wasnt here this morning. Id love to have been and read all the theories… but im here now

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a63e80 No.21600097

File: 78131741a09c7e2⋯.png (10.24 KB,255x199,255:199,Pepe_KEK_Advanced.png)



anon is dyin' kek

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c07cff No.21600098

File: 445b8bb2de5358e⋯.jpeg (689.27 KB,1452x1148,363:287,45813A3C_9B76_481F_BF7E_6….jpeg)


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43b745 No.21600099

File: 04e5aa04d82cfe5⋯.png (102.49 KB,500x505,100:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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dcce64 No.21600100


The stench of Deep State is all over this.

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ad2a6d No.21600101

File: 4d382e9955c6c3b⋯.jpeg (6.96 KB,194x259,194:259,download.jpeg)

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f510fd No.21600102

File: 763e8c58fc77262⋯.png (117.06 KB,759x651,253:217,ClipboardImage.png)

CBS intentionally mis-quotes the Assassin's tweet. THEY decide Which Parts of the truth you're Allowed To know. That's why Kamala, Doug Emhoff, Walz, Walz's wife, Karine Jean-Pierre, Psaki, The View, Stephen Colbert, Joy Reid, Maddow, AOC, Pelosi, Liz Warren… all babytalk at you, like a child.

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355ab1 No.21600103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


BREAKING ABC Moderators FIRED After Whistleblower RELEASES Affidavit Kamala CHEATED!!!

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06b1aa No.21600104



Saturn and the full Moon

Karma is a god

they know it all

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8d74ca No.21600105


How do you know it's BlackRock?

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a75b67 No.21600106


Exposed and the CLOWN perps gang hate raped and beaten in prison for DECADES

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a45d40 No.21600107

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f510fd No.21600108

File: 177226476e8c9d5⋯.png (394.22 KB,1080x979,1080:979,ClipboardImage.png)

Everything about this shooter’s background reeks of a criminal-turned-Federal asset in prison.


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397f60 No.21600109


disassociated from reality

to be kind

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f510fd No.21600110


>BREAKING ABC Moderators FIRED After Whistleblower RELEASES Affidavit Kamala CHEATED!!!


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a63e80 No.21600111

File: 59dc5379fc91519⋯.jpg (9.32 KB,480x360,4:3,I_Like_It_Cocaine.jpg)




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06b1aa No.21600112

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"Karma is a god"

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bd039b No.21600113

File: 4a2647c037b223f⋯.jpeg (174.98 KB,1000x1273,1000:1273,President_Donald_J_Trump_….jpeg)

File: 48f77c97a320ee7⋯.png (1.04 MB,1176x1144,147:143,USA_Bible_release_.png)

File: 88bc7085c9bad2b⋯.png (51.63 KB,633x260,633:260,Bible_Literacy_classes_Hal….png)

File: 9f7e12300ec7c48⋯.png (640.63 KB,2072x920,259:115,God_bless_the_USA_Bible_si….png)



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18d6d0 No.21600114

File: b894de749d0bc1c⋯.jpeg (1.33 MB,1280x1649,1280:1649,IMG_9471.jpeg)

File: fd5a44a37e1be37⋯.jpeg (960.74 KB,1318x1434,659:717,IMG_9484.jpeg)

File: 9142d8c5c7713e7⋯.jpeg (134.08 KB,800x600,4:3,6B64870A_8D07_4CDE_B6BC_5….jpeg)



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05db43 No.21600115

#Fire Lester Holt

#anons 4am talking points

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a75b67 No.21600116


Clown bird ASSets don't even make it to noon tmrw, gone.

Loose ends culled like barnyard vermin.

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06b1aa No.21600117

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f510fd No.21600118

File: 29816f358d03f8f⋯.png (1.28 MB,1242x1040,621:520,ClipboardImage.png)

CNN: "White people holding the country back"


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8d2f82 No.21600119

File: 8f266f5f3d3a347⋯.jpeg (299.9 KB,1088x1275,64:75,the_fbi_group_called_patr….jpeg)


what are their names?

you went to all that trouble and failed

are you from pf?


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806bce No.21600120

File: ea01fa5da309931⋯.png (64.55 KB,292x110,146:55,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 065fbc58f3e0c9a⋯.png (488.1 KB,645x607,645:607,ClipboardImage.png)


Same thing that happened to these.

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aa448e No.21600121


stock market also…mondays seem to be special lately

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eb3a7e No.21600122

File: 0b5b7421a695fd8⋯.png (1.92 MB,2457x1566,91:58,0b5b7421a695fd846e3c1cb8ff….png)


Confirmed.. poll numbers going up

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a45d40 No.21600125






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a6c036 No.21600126

File: 584066d5f37f422⋯.png (22.7 KB,540x244,135:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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aeb08b No.21600127

File: fde3d97d82ed87d⋯.jpg (138.23 KB,600x335,120:67,NBI_RR.jpg)


>>21599700 (pb)

>The Trump shooter didn't kill himself.

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0b23a5 No.21600128

J.D. Vance hints at tension between him and Donald Trump: 'I've learned my lesson'

Trump broke with his running mate on the issue of abortion at Tuesday's debate

Sen. J.D. Vance says he won't try to speak for Donald Trump in the future after the vice presidential nominee expressed a contradicting viewpoint on a federal abortion ban.

The admission came after a moment at Tuesday's debate where the former president broke with his running mate and said they have not yet discussed a veto on banning abortion at a national level.

'I think that I've learned my lesson on speaking for the president before he and I have actually talked about an issue,' Vance said in an interview with Meet the Press host Kristen Welker on Sunday morning.

The Ohio Senator said his point last month was to reiterate that Trump has been clear he does not support the idea of a national ban – but that he also thinks the issue would never cross his desk because it wouldn't get through Congress in the first place.

Asked at the debate with Vice President Kamala Harris in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Tuesday if he would veto a bill putting a federal ban on abortions, Trump was noncommittal.

@JDVance said Donald Trump would veto a national abortion ban.

But on the debate stage, Trump said he “wouldn’t have to” and that he and Vance had not discussed it.

Vance now tells MTP, “I’ve learned my lesson on speaking for the president.”

'I won't have to,' he insisted.

But when the ABC debate moderator Linsey Davis pressed him on Vance's remarks just weeks earlier, the ex-president broke with his running mate

'I didn't discuss it with J.D. in all fairness,' Trump said on stage. 'J.D. – and I don't mind if he has a certain view – but I think he was speaking for me. But I really didn't.'

Harris's campaign hopped on Vance's latest remarks as proof that Trump would actually veto the ban – despite the senator repeatedly claiming to the contrary.

'Donald Trump and JD Vance are running on the most extreme, anti-choice ticket in history,' Harris-Walz 2024 spokesperson Sarafina Chitik wrote in a statement on the interview.

'Today's admission from Vance is the latest proof of what voters already know: Trump and Vance will implement their Project 2025 playbook to ban abortion nationwide the minute they get the chance,' she added. 'Trump and Vance can say whatever suits them, but their records speak louder than their lies – voters will hold them accountable this November.'

Vance said in an August interview with Welker that he 'thinks' Trump would not sign a bill regulating pregnancy terminations at the national level. And he reiterated on Sunday that a 'national abortion ban is not on the table.'

'I think he's been clear, he wouldn't support it. I mean he said that explicitly,' the Republican vice presidential nominee said last month.

(Vance stay out of the abortion swampboth sides will drag you down, its never enough)


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f510fd No.21600129

File: 996e50fa456aba7⋯.png (1003.14 KB,488x900,122:225,ClipboardImage.png)

Ryan Routh's Rifle

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b2ee4a No.21600130

File: 56aa62f1395730e⋯.png (25.2 KB,405x342,45:38,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea09955bd618554⋯.png (415.66 KB,635x310,127:62,ClipboardImage.png)



Bankers loves swift.

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63e155 No.21600131

File: f5edd3351b75f1a⋯.png (90.12 KB,245x250,49:50,f5edd3351b75f1a2dc28cf47d7….png)

Okay shit is getting weird guys, might need some serious help. Been stirring the pot up a bit with peoples mind over here and having to bust out ice packs and stuff. Had problems with hackers recently and now it seems I have a bit of a remote viewer problem, not sure where else to go with this but here. They literally controlled my hands and had me open my wallet, I think I snapped out of it before they got too far. Now they are in my girlfriends head trying to get her to write down our names. Thought I stopped her but then she left the room for a bit and I saw both our names written down a couple times. This does not seem good

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ebc520 No.21600132











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43b745 No.21600133


Is this super cereal?

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8d2f82 No.21600134

File: 87ab79de57bc282⋯.png (969.09 KB,945x804,315:268,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f94ed88eafb94d8⋯.png (3.27 MB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

il Donaldo Trumpo



15 ReTruths


Sep 16, 2024, 12:15 AM


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f510fd No.21600135

File: 24ea306889f3869⋯.png (1.3 MB,1115x1164,1115:1164,ClipboardImage.png)

Shots fired at 1:30 PM. 1 Corinthians 1:30 “ But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption”

Isaiah 54:17 "No weapon that is fashioned against you shall prosper…"

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0b23a5 No.21600136


Trump doesn't have to follow his running mate. He needs to not answer questions for Trump.

The Daily Mail is so shitty

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ad2a6d No.21600137


Any sauce other than that? I ain't finding anything else.

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06b1aa No.21600138


Donald J Trump is Anti-Christ

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16387b No.21600139

File: b503528824725e9⋯.jpeg (466 KB,593x851,593:851,IMG_5218.jpeg)

File: 41f24d75df34112⋯.jpeg (20.12 KB,129x248,129:248,IMG_5212.jpeg)

File: 38d4bdafdb74077⋯.png (159.92 KB,750x1160,75:116,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70be4e896544ccc⋯.mp4 (1016.1 KB,268x180,67:45,Elon_xrp_.mp4)

File: 8fa55f29a1f7cd4⋯.mp4 (361.02 KB,290x180,29:18,Pallets_.mp4)


What is it?

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ed8282 No.21600140

File: b63745af39c7da3⋯.png (986.5 KB,1200x1800,2:3,routh_s_child.png)

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a63e80 No.21600141

File: 0aaffbaa7f94c89⋯.png (476.23 KB,888x416,111:52,ClipboardImage.png)


>CNN: "White people holding the country back"


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355ab1 No.21600142


you tell me

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ebc520 No.21600143

File: abd72e5df1f9f34⋯.png (77.76 KB,1337x1337,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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28af25 No.21600144

File: 07a9fb10abdf923⋯.png (749.09 KB,679x587,679:587,ClipboardImage.png)

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a75b67 No.21600145

File: de604d47a000e23⋯.jpg (355.77 KB,837x837,1:1,_oiisu0.jpg)


Have destroyed a few Satanist cultist Deepfuck's lived in like 45 minutes

Billions poof, hundreds of Deepfucks destroyed.


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c07cff No.21600146

File: 7010d0d9dd21d1c⋯.webp (81.01 KB,1024x1024,1:1,00A6CC96_647D_4C93_B9BC_E….webp)


Gold currently up .3%, and silver up .85%.

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06b1aa No.21600147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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355ab1 No.21600148


seems clicky

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06b1aa No.21600149

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f510fd No.21600150

File: dd10c029518df7d⋯.png (858.79 KB,500x654,250:327,ClipboardImage.png)

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363147 No.21600151


get inside a Faraday cage, the remote viewers can't follow you there.

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397f60 No.21600152


a halfeyedsheep

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ad2a6d No.21600153


Revelation 13.4

And they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”

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43b745 No.21600154


Calm down

Take another hit

Then another hit


Get back to enjoying the show

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a63e80 No.21600155

File: 3756113fc2b599f⋯.jpg (97.06 KB,960x640,3:2,Crazy_Monkey_Sweetheart.jpg)


>Confirmed.. poll numbers going up

Habbening … crazy monkey shit.

God Bless Donald Trump.

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8d2f82 No.21600156

File: 41657e0a1812dfa⋯.png (36.73 KB,843x227,843:227,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino


We’ve got this @TeamTrump!!!!! GAME ON, IT’S TIME TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!





Sep 16, 2024, 12:15 AM


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07964f No.21600157

File: b2836720da45e7b⋯.jpeg (29.64 KB,397x295,397:295,b2836720da45e7bc8b0c78b41….jpeg)

File: e6025a120b5f97b⋯.png (354.15 KB,824x806,412:403,ClipboardImage.png)

Is the updated COVID-19 vaccine safe for cancer patients and survivors?

Why is it still important to get vaccinated for COVID-19?

Our Dr. Amy Spallone answers these questions and more: https://brnw.ch/21wMGBt @A_Spallonii #COVID19 #EndCancer


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28af25 No.21600158


death implies life and would have no meaning independent of life.

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a75b67 No.21600159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dem pigs and pols gotta go

What's done is done, easy to find and see.


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c07cff No.21600160


Fruit Loops with toucan cereal.

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0b23a5 No.21600161

File: 105126a038b4f77⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17263194156….mp4)

Melania puts FBI on notice of searching her room and belongings

Melania warns about FBI invading her privacy, searching her private quarters.


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a6111f No.21600162

File: c700ba3db84e3bd⋯.mp4 (10.37 MB,640x480,4:3,djt_press_and_law_and_orde….mp4)

File: fa8bce6b56d9a47⋯.png (167.49 KB,874x890,437:445,ClipboardImage.png)


well ryan wesley routh is a clown.

how interesting that he was caught and seemed calm.

hole 5 > 5th column

anon will go over all the data posted here.

thanks anons.

will rescrape breads and make buns of the information dropped.

in a matter of hours already the focus again has been directed at the clowns and the 17 IC agencies.

Q #17 now seems even moar like a psyop.

they missed the first time,

they got disturbed the second time.

many others attempts have likely been stopped even before shots were fired.

ain't no way can this been

Trump is a 100% insulated

maybe from impeachment but not from assassination.

That is in Gods hand and it keeps on being proved.

49 days remaining.

The Ashkenazi jew asked him directly.

so many criminals have so much to lose.

This is not a game

Anon has been wearing the full armour of God and anon suggest that everyone does the same and keep him and yourself in prayers to see this mission through to the end.

Fear is a double edged sword,

meme them to their knees.



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e3d7d8 No.21600163

why did Trump truth I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT?

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16387b No.21600164


we're made in His image n likeness

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a6c036 No.21600165

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ad2a6d No.21600166

File: 0014853eedc18e2⋯.jpg (18.85 KB,255x196,255:196,3bd4dcf5ecb2005f.jpg)

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ae28e4 No.21600167

File: 5d8e8e5575350e7⋯.webm (764.52 KB,426x240,71:40,wwos2.webm)


Check'd 6 digit palindrome

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16387b No.21600168

File: 2855ea6ad027218⋯.jpg (77.24 KB,640x640,1:1,flip.jpg)

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b2a043 No.21600169

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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355ab1 No.21600170

File: 97a80602fe173f3⋯.png (175.76 KB,680x630,68:63,ClipboardImage.png)

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06b1aa No.21600171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f876bc No.21600172

File: 2ecfa5a6f5a4a5a⋯.jpg (154.19 KB,750x500,3:2,UrbanPoor1.jpg)


>White people holding the country back

white people

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ad2a6d No.21600173

File: 86fb8a8c568abd7⋯.jpeg (13.04 KB,255x255,1:1,a11ee0744d7d5655e24e5b248….jpeg)


Nice, kek!

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16387b No.21600174


dragon - the arms and legs of the serpent, which are the people who do the devil's work.

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ad2a6d No.21600175


I don't think it's Trump. It is ironic that they can't defeat him in any form or direction though!

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40f328 No.21600176


His shirt screams "Code Pink".

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ae28e4 No.21600177

File: 24cf32b10fc2ba1⋯.gif (634.28 KB,400x236,100:59,kek3.gif)

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b2ee4a No.21600178

File: 9ffaa04749d7ecf⋯.jpg (71.95 KB,828x913,828:913,media_GXbGkGeXYAAu4Ow.jpg)

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a75b67 No.21600179

A week of catastrophic revelations and trillion$ escaping e stupid fuckin commie, worldwide.

Massive divestment and circular firing squad, shit gobbling commie traitors are shot people, honorless and backstabbing letches.

Maggots writhing as the fetid render heats in the blasting sun

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bd039b No.21600180

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Has anybody heard of some Anti-Trump cunt named Jessie Czebotar? At the 5:14:35 mark of this video, JESSIE CZEBOTAR plays coy and says she cannot confirm that President Donald J. Trump is not the Anti-Christ. What a cunt!



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43b745 No.21600181


Gonna call bullshit until proven otherwise


filter ID as a precaution.

May the farce be with you.

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57c3e0 No.21600182

File: 648962e9b8ccbd7⋯.png (411.71 KB,474x589,474:589,IMG_2113.png)

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eb3a7e No.21600183


It's not notable.. it's just another clickbait youtube video.

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355ab1 No.21600184

File: 687a2989ea12a44⋯.jpeg (70.04 KB,624x624,1:1,fbi19.jpeg)



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e3d7d8 No.21600185


Naw man Id love to hear some anon theories, I couldnt be here earlier when im sure everyone was discussing it

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a63e80 No.21600186

File: b2e173180d822e5⋯.jpg (205.03 KB,1300x781,1300:781,4th_Amendment.jpg)


>Melania puts FBI on notice


ty anon

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355ab1 No.21600187

File: 192d041128bb4ee⋯.png (397.41 KB,612x599,612:599,filter.png)

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eca9b4 No.21600188




fatalities worthy

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e50600 No.21600189


# #

>Mike Rothschild

was last night's bread causing big commotion. Checkmate Checkmate

Ryan, which means little King, referring to Mike as a little king? Wonder if this is this guy's real name, may just be a social media name. An agent of Routh's.

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79cba8 No.21600190

Hannity< , know you read this board.

You are are about the dumbest, glowingest, stupidest, niggerfaggot in MSM.

YOU are one of the main resons people DON'T watch Faux anymore.

KYS you leprechaun faggot

/Rant over

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ad2a6d No.21600191


The are good dragons.

TH3D3Nfighting cp on social platforms everywhere.

Go M0TH3R!

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f876bc No.21600192

outstanding work getting rid of the shills

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06b1aa No.21600193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think it is.

He thinks so too.

audio disabled?

can't hear it on my end

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355ab1 No.21600194

File: 97a80602fe173f3⋯.png (175.76 KB,680x630,68:63,ClipboardImage.png)

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07964f No.21600195

File: 5e3df6a924f8af3⋯.png (58.26 KB,600x460,30:23,5e3df6a924f8af30dfdee69229….png)

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c2654d No.21600196


> DA Aronberg

Another one of those Coincidences™ again……


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b2ee4a No.21600197

File: 98907e24b6eee14⋯.png (16.4 KB,613x138,613:138,ClipboardImage.png)

Here we go…

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a63e80 No.21600198

File: 1e35b534d96ca02⋯.jpg (547.53 KB,1920x920,48:23,Hannnity_Let_Me_Interuput_….jpg)


>Hannity< , know you read this board.

2nd tid

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ebadc1 No.21600199

File: e9338b5417b5b56⋯.png (603.52 KB,864x864,1:1,venn.png)

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a6111f No.21600200

File: dce5dbdfc1cf4c4⋯.mp4 (8.36 MB,640x372,160:93,hannity_report_on_djt_shoo….mp4)


Very strange interview.

hannity: i do not want to get killed.out there.

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90534d No.21600201

donated to ACTBlue numerous times

donated to Kasich in 2015, the most anti-Trum gop guy at the time

called on Bernie, Hillary and Biden to beat Trump in 2020

wanted Vivek and Haley to beat Trump in 2024 (typical lib tactic)

insane Ukraine supporter

used an AK-47 commie gun

registered Democrat

didn't even vote in 2016

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355ab1 No.21600202

File: 068ad9dab4c3c65⋯.jpg (86.41 KB,748x407,68:37,dank.jpg)

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cd41e7 No.21600203


There were pictures of her wearing a MacCleod plaid tartan outfit.

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a75b67 No.21600204

Deepfucks ratting on each other en masse, a tidal wave of inter shitscape fecal shit slinging, many won't see another full moon, decades of futile DeepFuck toil buried in the shit salad.

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35893b No.21600205

File: f1fb307057a36ce⋯.gif (1.59 MB,834x469,834:469,20201110_133548.gif)

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ebadc1 No.21600206

File: af794fca5650771⋯.jpeg (267.85 KB,923x1288,923:1288,IMG_2700.jpeg)

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ad2a6d No.21600207


I ain't clicking that shit nigga!

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00d7df No.21600208

File: a28b19c6f82329e⋯.png (842.83 KB,829x921,829:921,ClipboardImage.png)

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2fe52c No.21600209

File: bdcb97995bbb530⋯.png (70.4 KB,598x350,299:175,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


I would like to thank everyone for your concern and well wishes - It was certainly an interesting day! Most importantly, I want to thank the U.S. Secret Service, Sheriff Ric Bradshaw and his Office of brave and dedicated Patriots, and, all of Law Enforcement, for the incredible job done today at Trump International in keeping me, as the 45th President of the United States, and the Republican Nominee in the upcoming Presidential Election, SAFE. THE JOB DONE WAS ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING. I AM VERY PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!


11:36 PM

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7fabac No.21600210


>God's hand is at work

This was talked about last night to, and what is in a name.

YHYV Elohim Tzevaoth means Lord of Armies.

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40f328 No.21600211


Is that supposed to be a Chinese SKS or is it another fkn 22. LR like in PA?

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16387b No.21600212


It's not Trump. America will not be under the antichrist's rule. It's maga vs antichrist. word is that it is prince william. He was knighted the 1000th knight bc take away the zeros and he's the one. Also balfour declaration reserves a throne in israel that only a royal can take. Also middle name has to be arthur, which is william and charles' middle name. charles was the replacement. and something about he was spun during an eclipse ritual and princess di had half of the luciferian bloodlines in her and charles had the other part and william would be the only one will all bloodlines in him or some shit. they will say he has closest dna to Jesus. I think czebotar said they will deny Jesus died on the cross and say he went on to have children and william is from that lineage or some shit.

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ff899f No.21600213

File: 386743a1ededd51⋯.jpg (50.26 KB,536x533,536:533,IMG_20240913_235243_990.jpg)




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f876bc No.21600214

File: 8d660450b0d2f8b⋯.jpg (121.36 KB,1260x504,5:2,Xnip2024_09_16_00_34_55.jpg)

How did the attempted assassin anticipate Trump being at the 4th and 5th holes at 1:30PM. It was contrary to any routine


has for Sunday golf. Did anyone tell him about Sundays unusual schedule?


Rudy knows something.

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00d7df No.21600215

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e3d7d8 No.21600216


what does that signify?

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8d2f82 No.21600217

File: a386948d70c7787⋯.png (236.61 KB,491x449,491:449,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3786f3d0f2d883⋯.png (239.97 KB,848x843,848:843,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino



77 ReTruths


Sep 16, 2024, 12:30 AM


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35893b No.21600218


arbitrary tripe with no bearing.

the mind seeing one?


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a75b67 No.21600219

Shit tier cabal cartel assets cut off from comms, screwed from funding go on to burn the mansions of the satanic elite, rabid shit gobbling demons eating their elite handlers under the pale moonlight. Each vacuous shit gobbling bourgeois puking and wretching, bound and doomed to torn to screaming tatters by their own demon shitbags.

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8d2f82 No.21600220

File: 274c39f89d7f9e1⋯.png (1.09 MB,796x1291,796:1291,ClipboardImage.png)

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06b1aa No.21600221


afraid of a YT embed?


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9ee80e No.21600222

File: 8009cbb9913d297⋯.png (195.81 KB,564x563,564:563,ClipboardImage.png)


ah yes whitey strikes again!

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2400b0 No.21600223

File: 275a211975d6682⋯.gif (1.02 MB,384x270,64:45,Towellie.gif)


What you could use is a nice towel.

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b2ee4a No.21600224

File: 5f016a3b4c9891a⋯.jpg (139.51 KB,897x900,299:300,media_GXXdGywWcAAdYSe.jpg)

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355ab1 No.21600225

File: f5540f9ec70f497⋯.png (419.84 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca02b0 No.21600226


>The Machine.

Remember this from last night? @490

I asked you to do the math of Lamech.

And what is in a name?

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806bce No.21600227


>william is from that lineage or some shit.

So is Trump.


Satan vs Satan for the throne.

In live time to boot.

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76ccd7 No.21600228

File: 2136a210e004351⋯.jpg (484.17 KB,903x802,903:802,0Macns.jpg)

File: 06bd10a7b5e8d82⋯.jpg (204.31 KB,564x763,564:763,06bd10a7b5e8d82dfd8b5921e5….jpg)

File: 9072c72a19ba4dd⋯.jpg (200.46 KB,740x989,740:989,1576.jpg)

File: 5516c588c667c43⋯.mp4 (9.47 MB,640x360,16:9,Trump_Dancing_Real_America….mp4)

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43b745 No.21600229


>How did the attempted assassin anticipate Trump being at the 4th and 5th holes at 1:30PM.

It was an inside job.

It's always an inside job.

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06b1aa No.21600230




>Satan vs Satan for the throne.


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a6111f No.21600231

File: a720afaad80041d⋯.png (479.86 KB,549x578,549:578,ClipboardImage.png)


h: they were on the 5th hole

h: they heard pop pop pop pop - 4 shots.

h: the had eyes on the location were the shots were fired.

h: They were able to identify, one individual (was there moar than one?)

h: The individual dropped the ak 47

and yet it was picture with in the photo released by the sheriff.

5.39 below video



Trump Assassination Attempt: Here's what the sheriff's office said during press conference



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355ab1 No.21600232

File: ade9a606a687e51⋯.png (467.7 KB,507x840,169:280,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d74ca No.21600233

notables @ 240

#26457 >>21599952

>>21600050 DJT: I would like to thank everyone for your concern and well wishes - It was certainly an interesting day!

>>21599976 On April 1, 2023, The New Indian reported that Ryan Wesley Routh was recruiting Afghan mercenaries to fight in Ukraine

>>21599982 The Secret Service is ‘compromised’: GOP lawmaker (why are scouting drones still not being used?)

>>21600048 The two primary investigators for the 2nd Trump Assassination Attempt are on the record as Trump haters

>>21600058 Gunman was setup to attack Trump on the cart path

>>21600061 Fight, fight, fight Qdelta is on Tuesday

>>21600073 You called him a threat to democracy and a day 1 dictator - you own this

>>21600092, >>21600125 Shooter tied to military-industrial complex

>>21600129 Ryan Routh's Rifle

>>21600134 THIS IS WHO DIED TODAY!!!

>>21600156 @DanScavino: We’ve got this @TeamTrump!!!!! GAME ON, IT’S TIME TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!

>>21600217 Scavino: IN GOD WE TRUST

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21600161 Melania: Our freedom and rights must be respected

>>21600118 Keith Boykin race-baiting hard on CNN

>>21599983, >>21600017, >>21600031, >>21600072, >>21600144, >>21600225 Memes


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8d2f82 No.21600234

File: 2d617345520e259⋯.png (34.52 KB,438x369,146:123,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 192acc19a02a36b⋯.png (105.54 KB,872x442,436:221,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6e3a45585e5791⋯.png (79.77 KB,948x437,948:437,ClipboardImage.png)



How did the attempted assassin anticipate Trump being at the4th and 5th holesat 1:30PM. It was contrary to any routine @realDonaldTrump has for Sunday golf. Did anyone tell him about Sundays unusual schedule?


Rudy knows something about the Q posts.


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/12/2018 01:28:18 ID: f666d7

8chan/qresearch: 1008560

Anonymous 04/12/2018 01:26:49 ID:dfa65c

8chan/qresearch: 1008534


Gap between nights [4] and [5]?




Donald J. Trump


I would like to thank everyone for your concern and well wishes - It was certainly an interesting day! Most importantly, I want to thank the U.S. Secret Service, Sheriff Ric Bradshaw and his Office of brave and dedicated Patriots, and, all of Law Enforcement, for the incredible job done today at Trump International in keeping me, as the 45th President of the United States, and the Republican Nominee in the upcoming Presidential Election, SAFE. THE JOB DONE WAS ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING. I AM VERY PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!

3.87k ReTruths


Sep 15, 2024,11:36PM


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28af25 No.21600235

File: 98dfeb616e15227⋯.png (278.17 KB,600x471,200:157,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d943ce5f1ab9452⋯.png (221.69 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 807565e579b678a⋯.png (343.25 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bbb4c28293001c⋯.png (316.69 KB,546x457,546:457,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dfc2d61c04399be⋯.png (268.94 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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4b1d58 No.21600236

File: fa4b695d3c0dfd1⋯.png (6.37 KB,137x255,137:255,fist.png)

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65b1af No.21600237

File: 2173ab46636965c⋯.jpg (482.88 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Weight_of_the_World_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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ff5f6f No.21600238


the proof.

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f876bc No.21600239

File: 5f0b77365fa30b1⋯.jpg (269.09 KB,1288x970,644:485,Xnip2024_09_16_00_41_16.jpg)

Shortly after a leftist freak tried to assassinate my dad,




tweeted the below. Truly deranged that after two verified assassination attempts, this sicko responds by claiming, without any evidence, that he is actually the one guilty of inciting violence!


this is the coordinated media spin

all are saying the same thing

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a6111f No.21600240

>>21600200 ←hannity statement

>>21600231 ← press conference with image of the ak 47

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b2ee4a No.21600241

File: 0db89fb4e750233⋯.png (141.39 KB,608x598,304:299,ClipboardImage.png)

Vice President Kamala Harris


I am deeply disturbed by the possible assassination attempt of former President Trump today.As we gather the facts, I will be clear: I condemn political violence. We all must do our part to ensure that this incident does not lead to more to violence.

Read my statement:

Sep 16, 2024 · 4:16 AM UTC


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9ee80e No.21600242


damn so he got off 4 rounds

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16387b No.21600243

File: 9222a06caf46003⋯.png (441.84 KB,601x657,601:657,huawei_ascend.png)

File: 749abc472d723e7⋯.mp4 (9.58 MB,512x288,16:9,AI_Quantum_Tattoo.mp4)


no. He was talking about China and Huawei's AI they wanted to hook up to the nsa and control all of us with. That vid was on Aug. 21, 2019 then Aug. 23 Huawei tagged him.


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355ab1 No.21600244

File: cbc21bccfa5821e⋯.gif (1.43 MB,450x338,225:169,trumpdodge.gif)

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8d2f82 No.21600245



is says fucking, you fucking gatekeeping faker

you suck

you suck all the joy and fun out of everything

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18d6d0 No.21600246

File: a732e646b85accd⋯.png (3.26 MB,1920x1536,5:4,1AFFDB2B_561E_4D95_AF35_22….png)

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ad2a6d No.21600247


That's alot to absorb and believe. Charlie might be part vampire, but I don't think he is antichrist…just wants to be with them sausage fingers, kek!

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ff5f6f No.21600248

you will never know.

you die in ignorance.

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57c3e0 No.21600249

File: 269c065afe88b34⋯.png (144.55 KB,474x266,237:133,IMG_1713.png)

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4af365 No.21600250


Taylor meaning

Based on the search results, the name Taylor has multiple origins and meanings. Here’s a summary:

Occupational Origin: The name Taylor originated from the Old French word “tailleur,” meaning “tailor.” It was originally an occupational surname for someone who worked as a cloth cutter or tailor.

English Family Name: In English, the name Taylor is derived from an English family name, meaning “cutter of cloth.”

Biblical Meaning: According to some sources, the name Taylor has a biblical meaning, translating to “clothed with salvation” and symbolizing eternal beauty.

It’s worth noting that the name Taylor has become more commonly associated with the American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift, who has used her name as a platform for her music and personal life. However, the original meaning and origin of the name Taylor remain rooted in its occupational and linguistic history.

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76ccd7 No.21600251

File: 0869040b4c34d53⋯.jpg (63.7 KB,950x495,190:99,b51564a164.jpg)

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ae28e4 No.21600252

File: b24e05385f94621⋯.jpg (337.79 KB,605x900,121:180,b24e05385f94621282fd4bc1cf….jpg)

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f876bc No.21600253


>We all must do our part to ensure that this incident does not lead to more to violence.


right wing violence

FF incoming

"attempt" will be made against harris, walz, or bidan

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40f328 No.21600254


Color Revolution/Insurgency

[RR] Ryan "Red October" Routh is begging for a "safe zone". They threw him out there on "Congress Blvd"? 5th hole? [V]? Columns?

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4af365 No.21600255

File: 83c6e1b837d9d2a⋯.jpeg (6.81 KB,184x255,184:255,Isaiah_flag.jpeg)


What is in a name? Biblical

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16387b No.21600256


to an idiot like you. not everybody thinks the way your retarded ass does, faggot.

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e976d4 No.21600257

Live and let die

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40f328 No.21600258


holy shit. fkn hilarious.

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ad2a6d No.21600259


Not afraid, just can't find any sauce to back the play!

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b5f96a No.21600260

File: 8d849d6d99c7e38⋯.jpeg (253.39 KB,1556x1942,778:971,IMG_6429.jpeg)



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18d6d0 No.21600261

File: 7f71922bee69093⋯.png (754.69 KB,558x800,279:400,64057342_A5E1_4BB7_8BE8_AB….png)

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90534d No.21600262


that's American tech, sold out by crooked American politicians for decades, made in the commie proxy state we know as Chyna

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a63e80 No.21600263

File: 1ebb0450dec63ca⋯.jpg (53.05 KB,450x586,225:293,Yes_Obama_Point.jpg)


>Did anyone tell him about Sundays unusual schedule?

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16387b No.21600264

File: a8f0ee242495d0e⋯.mp4 (10 MB,512x288,16:9,Moon_Child_3.mp4)


sausage was the back up

william is a moon child which means a baby before him by someone in bloodline was sacrificed

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79cba8 No.21600265





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28af25 No.21600266


Fuck you Kamala, your rhetoric of calling Trump a threat to Democracy is responsible.

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8d74ca No.21600267

File: 5af9e91c0dc3c23⋯.gif (644.57 KB,245x180,49:36,3t4oiherkdnlfg.gif)

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e976d4 No.21600268

File: 45eed1340fd9e66⋯.jpeg (740.45 KB,1170x1964,585:982,IMG_1432.jpeg)

Trump is a modern day George Washington

While riding along the ranks looking to steady the men, Washington had two horses shot out from under him and four bullet holes shot through his coat.


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16387b No.21600269

File: 5b3098b7dcd3b8a⋯.png (16.99 KB,742x145,742:145,ClipboardImage.png)


in their little number shit, the 0 doesn't count, so you're left with the one.

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a75b67 No.21600270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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ad2a6d No.21600271

File: d266649c5c8cca2⋯.jpg (20.42 KB,255x231,85:77,0fef0552a235240635010b7a30….jpg)


My money is on some middle eastern aristocrat type. Someone that is groomed to perfection. William is not loved enough!

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28af25 No.21600272



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76ccd7 No.21600273

File: 87eb75da9a9131a⋯.png (1.23 MB,723x993,241:331,87eb75da9a9131a7b9d461b714….png)

File: cfb11bed58d6871⋯.png (1.36 MB,777x888,7:8,cfb11bed58d6871e10a26a51e6….png)

File: b24e05385f94621⋯.jpg (337.79 KB,605x900,121:180,efaf27e959f17a6188e1ffbe9a….jpg)

File: 9b217dca9a33b69⋯.jpg (137.75 KB,566x776,283:388,0015470803.jpg)

File: 4451ef19aa6c778⋯.jpg (365.43 KB,1266x964,633:482,1556901022356.jpg)

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98b3c4 No.21600274


There will be no step (hole) 5…..

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90534d No.21600275

File: 4c905ce38516fb5⋯.jpeg (619.76 KB,1170x1798,585:899,IMG_5264.jpeg)



By GolfGearDirect.blog May 18, 2023

Ever wondered what the name “TaylorMade” ⁢really signifies? ⁢Is it just a clever‌ pun for‌ golf enthusiasts, or ‌is there a deeper philosophy lurking beneath the polished surfaces of those sleek drivers and putters? In​ this article, we pull back the curtain on ⁣this iconic brand to uncover its true meaning, ‌reveal its powerful brand philosophy, and explore how TaylorMade has carved its niche in the world of golf. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or still trying to figure out which end of the club to hold, join us‍ on this enlightening ‍journey. Spoiler alert: you might ⁤just find that TaylorMade has ⁢more to offer than just killer gear—it’s a culture, a commitment,⁤ and a community, all rolled into one! So, grab your favorite beverage and let’s dive into the​ fascinating world of TaylorMade.


The name “TaylorMade” reflects a commitment to individualized ⁣performance and innovation in golf equipment. The roots of the brand can be traced⁣ back to the creative ⁣vision of ​its⁣ founder, Gary Adams, who sought to revolutionize the way golfers approached their game. The combination of “Taylor”‌ and “Made” signifies that each product is ⁢tailored specifically to meet the needs of the golfer, ⁣emphasizing customizability and personal performance.

Adams’ philosophy was simple yet profound: to create golf clubs ​that enable ‍players⁤ to achieve their best. This idea resonates deeply within the golfing community, as ⁢it speaks to the diverse skill levels ⁣and preferences among players.



TaylorMade is a golf club brand


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f510fd No.21600276

File: d67cb3053cb2336⋯.mp4 (1009.98 KB,540x350,54:35,TRUMP_2024.mp4)

TRUMP 2024

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03fdce No.21600277

File: cf8a264feebc9df⋯.png (254.25 KB,450x586,225:293,ClipboardImage.png)

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99da3a No.21600278


Riot justification for the Illegals!

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ad2a6d No.21600279

File: e02027834b2b5c4⋯.jpg (14.88 KB,255x185,51:37,240593ea1a4ddb540f2037c2bd….jpg)




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6b7aad No.21600280


how do you know it's blackrock

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a6c036 No.21600281

File: c86ee8c6a429247⋯.png (229.99 KB,844x463,844:463,ClipboardImage.png)


I hadda hunch

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76ccd7 No.21600282

File: 55eca166206adce⋯.jpeg (227.74 KB,1800x1198,900:599,55eca166206adce15e0f9dff6….jpeg)

File: 524118a4760f455⋯.mp4 (599.03 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Quick_message_from_Trump24.mp4)

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b2ee4a No.21600283

File: 32001850bbc6bd2⋯.png (150.36 KB,463x248,463:248,ClipboardImage.png)

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f510fd No.21600284

File: 30486e8d51f2e95⋯.png (957.62 KB,642x1194,107:199,ClipboardImage.png)


Gitmo has SOO many choices these days, it's refreshing

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355ab1 No.21600285

File: 064c5d48131c209⋯.png (300.56 KB,600x544,75:68,ClipboardImage.png)

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355ab1 No.21600286

File: 6135fc9623f7ab9⋯.png (366.04 KB,568x599,568:599,tribunals4.png)

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4af365 No.21600287

File: 83c6e1b837d9d2a⋯.jpeg (6.81 KB,184x255,184:255,Isaiah_flag.jpeg)

File: 865c89c39568023⋯.jpeg (17.88 KB,208x255,208:255,Hero.jpeg)


IF you were going to fight, fight, fight it would be best to call on the Lord of Armies. Taylor Biblically means "Cloth of Salvation".

YHVH Elohim Tzevaoth, Isaiah, Uzziah, Hezekiah.

What is in a name?

LaMech, Do the math @490

Ghosts in the Machine

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6b7aad No.21600288


No Satan

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ad2a6d No.21600289

File: b844229c2804902⋯.jpeg (21.62 KB,255x254,255:254,effc779271e3ff05.jpeg)

TYFYS anons

I love you all ( not homo

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8d2f82 No.21600290

File: e8287f70bb0ff38⋯.jpg (14.84 KB,526x441,526:441,i_stole_your_meme_djt.jpg)

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a75b67 No.21600291

File: fb605f5cc3b4eb6⋯.jpg (262.27 KB,1086x697,1086:697,1000001304.jpg)

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a63e80 No.21600292

File: 1c873273f3cb5d3⋯.png (4.3 MB,1760x1178,880:589,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3adc05cad0c95d7⋯.png (466.07 KB,615x624,205:208,ClipboardImage.png)

@elenochle · 14m

Here I mapped the location of Trump, the USSS that engaged Ryan Routh, and Ryan Routh.

This is their positions on the golf course as the event unfolded.

Sep 15, 2024, 11:42 PM


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8d2f82 No.21600293




dont make me laugh

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f510fd No.21600294

File: 87518ffe634a8cd⋯.png (1.51 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2400b0 No.21600295

File: ad878ff4ff78e3c⋯.gif (12.65 MB,553x640,553:640,ad878ff4ff78e3c2b5ed751b2f….gif)

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a6111f No.21600296

File: 7e7b7b92e9901dc⋯.png (123.46 KB,1124x894,562:447,ClipboardImage.png)




22 posts - combat tactics, Mr Ryan




Oct 08, 2020 9:22:20 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 62d606 No. 10988977

Was the 25th amendment 'arrow in the quiver' planned?

How long ago?

Was it expected POTUS would be in a critical [health] state re: C19?

Recovery unexpected?

Impossible to unwind?

Next: 'mentally incapacitated' re: C19 language ["people are dying"] _safety and security to the well being ……….

Combat tactics, Mr. RYAN.


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f876bc No.21600297

File: 3df4557327f763c⋯.jpg (196.36 KB,1280x1350,128:135,Xnip2024_09_16_00_59_26.jpg)


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00d7df No.21600298

File: 03419ee96fbb793⋯.png (1.55 MB,750x1334,375:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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03fdce No.21600299

File: 8985cacb8cb0541⋯.png (1.24 MB,1145x1280,229:256,ClipboardImage.png)

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355ab1 No.21600300

File: 9732b580ca7b965⋯.jpg (62 KB,846x758,423:379,king1.JPG)

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8d2f82 No.21600301

File: b9fa1a1f44be6e3⋯.png (31.2 KB,850x230,85:23,ClipboardImage.png)


If Kamala was actually ahead in the polls, they wouldn’t be trying to kill Trump.

Sep 15, 2024, 11:02 PM


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f510fd No.21600302

File: 8fb644c1dd97ad7⋯.png (170.93 KB,675x785,135:157,ClipboardImage.png)

17D chess

Tour Golf


Taylor Swift had 301 Million Instagram followers last week.

She endorsed Kamala Harris 5 days ago.

She now only has 284 Million followers.

She lost17Million followers by endorsing Kamala 🤡

3:15 PM • Sep 15, 2024


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f510fd No.21600303


>If Kamala was actually ahead in the polls, they wouldn’t be trying to kill Trump.



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ad2a6d No.21600304

File: 9374093e08845bb⋯.jpeg (25.88 KB,255x255,1:1,dbd41f6dad2d8bbc.jpeg)

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76ccd7 No.21600305

File: 3bdf2588b9a65c9⋯.gif (915.96 KB,434x333,434:333,1580873506725.gif)

File: 5bb807a5132fd65⋯.webm (2.74 MB,1280x720,16:9,1580964941936.webm)

File: a5fc06b6cf128b2⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,640x360,16:9,_ree_ree_ree_ree_.mp4)


nice, stolen



The Handshake incident


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16387b No.21600306

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Juan says it's william

start at 18 minute mark


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76ccd7 No.21600307

File: 2d808c1b9e28f2c⋯.jpg (371.98 KB,1200x975,16:13,vxhill.jpg)

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03fdce No.21600308

File: 1ae4818c423c2f2⋯.png (264.07 KB,381x379,381:379,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2ee4a No.21600309

File: 82b9f0c2ea4af54⋯.png (345.86 KB,621x562,621:562,ClipboardImage.png)

Carol Rosenberg

@carolrosenberg 16h

Good morning from Camp Justice ahead of resumption of the decade-plus pretrial hearings in the 9/11 case. This week, we expect testimony (some in secret session) from two retired Navy psychiatrists on the impact of the CIA's torture of the defendants.

Sep 15, 2024 · 12:08 PM UTC




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6b7aad No.21600310


because $$$$$

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07964f No.21600311

File: 467da4b0e8babfe⋯.png (189.5 KB,288x454,144:227,467da4b0e8babfeae7de493b1f….png)

File: f1d7063487087ca⋯.jpg (524.35 KB,1234x852,617:426,colors.jpg)

File: e2f3c9010f1ad4b⋯.png (355.13 KB,1359x702,151:78,e2f3c9010f1ad4b1d642a14511….png)

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90534d No.21600312


where's this video of a hologram demon eating somebody at the royal wedding? Video is larpy

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40f328 No.21600313


He definitely looks like a person they never thought could recover from the brainwashing. Apparently he did "unwind" and getting caught probably was never in his programming.

They will kill themselves before getting caught. Damn, they are definitely in a panic after seeing Ryan smiling that he got arrested.

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ad2a6d No.21600314

File: 2eb2fd3842691f8⋯.png (11.2 KB,255x144,85:48,eea9c4477b6dac8028b0a11dba….png)


Ree reeeeee, kek!

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03fdce No.21600315

File: 1c1aa6f33747c10⋯.png (1.28 MB,1024x652,256:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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a75b67 No.21600316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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355ab1 No.21600317

File: ec59767efc6631d⋯.png (10.43 KB,1196x586,598:293,RRN.png)

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4af365 No.21600318


Amen, Brother. Hezekiah will return. Glory to the Lord of Hosts. Even when I finally got Rest and Relaxation, putting it all in God's hands, we were not disappointed. He is a Key. They all make the same sound when they "Realize".

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76ccd7 No.21600319

File: 040bb0de085b9a3⋯.png (644.42 KB,600x650,12:13,040bb0de085b9a39404585660e….png)

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6b7aad No.21600320


they would still want to kill him ahead or not

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b2ee4a No.21600321

File: 2861207c5b20e0a⋯.png (243.31 KB,612x463,612:463,ClipboardImage.png)



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16387b No.21600322

File: 8ed25c89806a2f2⋯.png (359.67 KB,539x651,77:93,william_antichrist.png)


hang one, i have 1 moar after this and u can see all diff pieces leading to same thing. so they need a conflict between all 3 Abrahamic religions for ww3 and he comes as the peace bringer. they want to nuke it all in one hour. then read picrel

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f510fd No.21600323

File: b5c1cee5290d29b⋯.png (667.63 KB,614x500,307:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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f876bc No.21600324

File: 90f9ae019e943f9⋯.png (1.52 MB,966x690,7:5,1725920497297.png)

File: 5ca22795f185459⋯.jpg (321.19 KB,1920x1080,16:9,nbcsports_brightspotcdn.jpg)

Former President Barack Obama surprises Team USA at Solheim Cup

Former President Barack Obama received a rousing welcome when he made a surprise appearance to cheer on Team USA as it teed off against Europe on the first day of the Solheim Cup in Gainesville, Virginia.


Obama made a visit to the Solheim Cup the other day. Was this a signal???

Former POTUS at the golf course???

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a45d40 No.21600325



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6b7aad No.21600326


he looks like an aids patient

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f510fd No.21600327

File: db3dc3797e6da00⋯.png (681.27 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Night shift shows up to guard the Trump assassin

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03fdce No.21600328

File: 6d7375f73425d48⋯.png (1.06 MB,632x828,158:207,ClipboardImage.png)


> Ryan Routh an Associate of MSNBC Terrorism Analyst Malcolm Nance

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aa448e No.21600329


MK Ultra fail

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ad2a6d No.21600330

File: 2224abe9b96a3f4⋯.png (7.78 KB,255x160,51:32,13f2032f190977ff96a88d4dad….png)

>>21600319 that made me spit tea!

>>21600317 o7, kek!

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355ab1 No.21600331

File: beb8627851d13a0⋯.png (720.63 KB,1078x593,1078:593,ClipboardImage.png)

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f510fd No.21600332


>Former President Barack Obama surprises Team USA at Solheim Cup


>Former President Barack Obama received a rousing welcome when he made a surprise appearance to cheer on Team USA as it teed off against Europe on the first day of the Solheim Cup in Gainesville, Virginia.




>Obama made a visit to the Solheim Cup the other day. Was this a signal???


>Former POTUS at the golf course???



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d3a70d No.21600333

File: e2d596ca893e3c1⋯.png (68.54 KB,933x601,933:601,ClipboardImage.png)




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a45d40 No.21600334


Yep he was tipped off on where and when…. was an inside job big time

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16387b No.21600335

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


last piece and u can tie it all together. This is an end times ritual to bring in the nwo.

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b2ee4a No.21600336

File: 61f18e9e5db1f2c⋯.png (17.96 KB,589x140,589:140,ClipboardImage.png)

Alex Soros

@AlexanderSoros 5h

I am grateful that Donald Trump is safe. Political violence is never acceptable and we must all stand united against it.

Sep 16, 2024 · 12:04 AM UTC


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f876bc No.21600337

File: 37826d3ada57bf7⋯.jpg (130.52 KB,1290x488,645:244,Xnip2024_09_16_01_13_44.jpg)

Donald Trump needs to turn the rhetoric UP – precisely because the media are insisting he turn it down. Talk about blaming the victim. Trump should unleash the righteous fury of every patriot's voice in his speeches, as should everyone on his team. We will not be silent. Fight.




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f510fd No.21600338

File: e70aba36309d30a⋯.png (248.9 KB,538x353,538:353,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 393307218747f7d⋯.png (3.05 MB,1080x1177,1080:1177,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec7485c7fe8e316⋯.png (1.52 MB,750x900,5:6,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ead0512c24ce66⋯.png (7.92 MB,3072x3072,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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bd039b No.21600339

File: 1f4dd7b660939ed⋯.png (2.09 MB,1272x1444,318:361,Alex_Soros_trying_to_destr….png)

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03fdce No.21600340

File: c46152ef4937386⋯.png (594.68 KB,500x578,250:289,ClipboardImage.png)

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f510fd No.21600341


>Donald Trump needs to turn the rhetoric UP – precisely because the media are insisting he turn it down. Talk about blaming the victim. Trump should unleash the righteous fury of every patriot's voice in his speeches, as should everyone on his team. We will not be silent. Fight.


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ad2a6d No.21600342

File: b49a8cc30a7a2cd⋯.jpg (16.9 KB,255x252,85:84,a1360869150e90eb16a8bdb699….jpg)


I see the direction anon, it's just a hard sell for me. Not saying you are wrong as none of us know for fact. I really have autistic/ADHD thoughts on the subject tbh.

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76ccd7 No.21600343

File: 75130b176045556⋯.png (859.36 KB,1136x1655,1136:1655,75130b1760455561aa580bf19d….png)

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355ab1 No.21600344

File: 48ec4105c24b4d1⋯.png (502.9 KB,716x791,716:791,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2ee4a No.21600345

File: 48b283f573e18d6⋯.png (167.1 KB,496x598,248:299,ClipboardImage.png)

Inclusive Capitalism

@inclusivecap Sep 12

By aligning our financial influence with inclusion and sustainability, we can shape a future for all.

It’s not just about returns—it’s about the impact we create.

#InclusiveCapitalism #Sustainability

Sep 12, 2024 · 11:49 AM UTC



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f510fd No.21600346

File: a62b636fc5300f8⋯.png (2.47 MB,1179x1225,1179:1225,ClipboardImage.png)

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57c3e0 No.21600347

File: ace2b210a18d54c⋯.png (584.76 KB,720x469,720:469,IMG_1255.png)


“United “

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4af365 No.21600348

File: 7ff1070cf45ba17⋯.png (199.85 KB,561x602,561:602,ClipboardImage.png)


Mary MacCleod was Trump's mother's name. They have a coat of arms and regalia. This was a Skye Event.

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76ccd7 No.21600349

File: 1c194bc4da7c4ee⋯.png (1.09 MB,863x606,863:606,1c194bc4da7c4ee0a9a019c72e….png)

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f510fd No.21600350

File: 1093694bc7560ea⋯.png (219.61 KB,680x630,68:63,ClipboardImage.png)




>“United “


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5eed4c No.21600351

File: a115fdb556f0086⋯.png (592.2 KB,710x858,355:429,a115fdb556f0086643738721b8….png)

File: 2b1d521efe979c7⋯.png (563.61 KB,710x858,355:429,a115fdb556f0086643738721b8….png)

Anyone have a naked rear view of pepe?

The one where he's standing in front of fridge would work.

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49b9d9 No.21600352

on a dating app….. i am staggered at how many fat female vegetarians there are… probably all got TDS as well …lol jus some random BS for the day

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03fdce No.21600353

File: 78fd168dafa37aa⋯.png (72.73 KB,400x280,10:7,ClipboardImage.png)


9-13-2024 James Corbett Answers 9/11 Questions


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09c780 No.21600354

Remote viewing "problem" you say?

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e976d4 No.21600355


> @AlexanderSoros 5h

>I am grateful that Donald Trump is safe. Political violence is never acceptable and we must all stand united against it.


Is ‘political’ violence the only type of violence not acceptable to them.

What if they call assassination of Trump some other type of violence?

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4af365 No.21600356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump is a Highlander, I am a Lowlander.

Find the Lord and be Scot-free.

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16387b No.21600357

File: 420a30c99bce3d6⋯.mp4 (9.89 MB,850x480,85:48,Antichrist_2.mp4)

File: 04b7765ef732572⋯.mp4 (3.99 MB,644x360,161:90,Antichrist.mp4)


Last piece for real. I forgot this part. Israel is still waiting for their kang bc they rejected Jesus Christ.

Ok. Now u can tie it all together, and now it’s a lot to absorb BUT easier to understand why.

It’sMAGAvs their [antichrist].

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355ab1 No.21600358

File: 75bb76bd6c30d3d⋯.png (591.04 KB,710x691,710:691,weekthree.png)

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f510fd No.21600359

File: 6835625ba423812⋯.png (154.48 KB,1170x642,195:107,ClipboardImage.png)


>Is ‘political’ violence the only type of violence not acceptable to them.

>What if they call assassination of Trump some other type of violence?

This is what Normalization looks like.

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e976d4 No.21600360

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355ab1 No.21600361

File: f61fbcba43f8d5d⋯.png (251.62 KB,630x448,45:32,assassin.png)

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03fdce No.21600362

File: 7479d4cab355a4e⋯.png (307.95 KB,552x559,552:559,ClipboardImage.png)

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79cba8 No.21600363

File: 20efa4de012538c⋯.png (570.74 KB,500x531,500:531,ClipboardImage.png)


The camera adds weight

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f510fd No.21600364

File: cb3e8b6ce38d0bc⋯.png (28.1 KB,823x206,823:206,ClipboardImage.png)


They are going to keep trying to kill Trump……This is only beginning…………This stops only when we win in November.

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16387b No.21600365


huma and hildog n this shrimp

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4af365 No.21600366


Silence is Golden


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f510fd No.21600367

File: d8493becee92f16⋯.png (339.81 KB,681x757,681:757,ClipboardImage.png)


Sunday Football

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79cba8 No.21600368


They will fail every time, unless God takes His eye off of Trump. And He hasn't yet.

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a75b67 No.21600369

Deepfucks reduced to shit scribbling inmates, covered in festering sores, cheap sheets and grade D food. Decades of cold lights, nights of screaming terror, crying themselves to sleep, prolapsed on a wet tile floor.

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355ab1 No.21600370

File: acb104c68f0bb85⋯.jpg (120.07 KB,800x800,1:1,d2dc3be809b91ffe.jpg)

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07964f No.21600371

File: 46a601e2455705c⋯.png (216.76 KB,487x317,487:317,d.png)

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ad2a6d No.21600372

File: e868204bf03a36c⋯.jpg (5.52 KB,247x255,247:255,523e669e7741ce34faaea2dbf1….jpg)

File: 4d064ed0fe15b2f⋯.png (19.5 KB,255x252,85:84,f166c0d512a88b9f6320772015….png)


Meme for you, kek!



Didn't see the galactic federation coming, whew

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355ab1 No.21600373

File: 6587414bf76ca81⋯.png (199.89 KB,491x272,491:272,crying.png)

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320125 No.21600374

File: d615eaaf02dc350⋯.png (37.88 KB,750x439,750:439,ClipboardImage.png)


Genesis 4:23 - 4:24

23 Lamech said to his wives,

“Adah and Zillah, listen to me;

wives of Lamech, hear my words.

I have killed a man for wounding me,

a young man for injuring me.

24 If Cain is avenged seven times,

then Lamech seventy by seven times.”

70 * 7 = 490

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76ccd7 No.21600375

File: 5052f65b70f16ca⋯.png (1.07 MB,1160x773,1160:773,ClipboardImage.png)

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79cba8 No.21600376

File: ccfca90258e56eb⋯.png (158.04 KB,500x728,125:182,ClipboardImage.png)

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f510fd No.21600377

File: bc0a5c1b9108d1c⋯.png (533.51 KB,591x437,591:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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03fdce No.21600378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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16387b No.21600379

File: b2946931844da6d⋯.png (67.81 KB,725x619,725:619,ClipboardImage.png)


>This stops only when we win in November.

they're stealing it again. member.. we're supposed to get nuked and hillary was going to nuke back. NK was going to nuke us with U1 n say it was Putin's that he bought from hildog but we blew that shit up n around 200 croaked.. member? so now when we get nuked, Trumo has the biscuit and word is that he doesn't nuke back.

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355ab1 No.21600380

File: a6163ff332aabf8⋯.png (225.63 KB,516x500,129:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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16387b No.21600381


i meant when we get nuked they stop the count.

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8d2f82 No.21600382



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a75b67 No.21600383

File: ab53dc90756796f⋯.jpg (219.1 KB,358x526,179:263,1000001103.jpg)

Stupid fuckin bitch.

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355ab1 No.21600384

File: d9d30a1dda26fcb⋯.png (270.28 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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e976d4 No.21600385


What the heck was he doing there?

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49b9d9 No.21600386


move over Ishmael…. there be a fair wind a blowing

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79cba8 No.21600387

You thought the left hated God before

Just imagine how much they hate God now that He has shown them He is not done with Trump yet

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aeb08b No.21600388

File: 806ecaeaaf7d3a2⋯.jpg (137.19 KB,600x335,120:67,QResearchIGWT.jpg)

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ad2a6d No.21600389

File: 02dee3a9f6050bf⋯.jpg (41.36 KB,620x380,31:19,cfeba0852068ddd5.jpg)

Lurkmode engaged!

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76ccd7 No.21600390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f510fd No.21600391

File: 96e16e148b0e7ad⋯.png (872.56 KB,566x579,566:579,ClipboardImage.png)


Knock Knock




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76ccd7 No.21600392

File: c6bbf2aca4668a9⋯.png (497.16 KB,513x750,171:250,The_Beltway_Bitch.png)

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76ccd7 No.21600393

File: 8bec2fec2d207b6⋯.gif (342.33 KB,500x500,1:1,0a1_NS.gif)

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5eed4c No.21600394

File: fb2e943f2ca6992⋯.png (630.94 KB,710x858,355:429,a115fdb556f0086643738721b8….png)

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4b7550 No.21600395


Amen. They were warned.

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f510fd No.21600396

File: e4de2f9466180ec⋯.png (699.81 KB,680x501,680:501,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d2f82 No.21600397

File: 066b99ba30a5ecc⋯.png (238.3 KB,707x906,707:906,ladder_trump_desantis.png)

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e976d4 No.21600398

Where did the shooter park his car?

Along the road for everyone to notice?

Or wa there a driver?

How did nobody Boris parked car?

How far did he run to get from his nest to car?

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e976d4 No.21600399


They are never going to stop trying to kill trump

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f510fd No.21600400

File: 0a4d49f9b5528d3⋯.png (300.46 KB,675x750,9:10,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1677d8db47674ef⋯.png (1.17 MB,1140x1200,19:20,ClipboardImage.png)

File: efe7fdfe4e1b3f0⋯.png (599.88 KB,686x1199,686:1199,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 002da695491b34e⋯.png (463.21 KB,748x910,374:455,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9081662c35d0504⋯.png (424.35 KB,803x813,803:813,ClipboardImage.png)


Wow. Attempted Trump Assassin Ryan Routh wrote a book on the Ukraine war…………In the book he tells Iran to assassinate Trump while praising John Kerry for the Iran Deal………He also calls Trump an idiot and says he "perpetrated" Jan. 6th………He sounds like a mainstream media addict.

Robby Starbuck


Wow. Attempted Trump Assassin Ryan Routh wrote a book on the Ukraine war. In the book he tells Iran to assassinate Trump while praising John Kerry for the Iran Deal. He also calls Trump an idiot and says he "perpetrated" Jan. 6th.

He sounds like a mainstream media addict.

9:11 PM • Sep 15, 2024


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03fdce No.21600401


If it was done by a foreign power it would be considered an act of war.

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07964f No.21600402

File: 539c6965b9f85aa⋯.png (455.86 KB,640x512,5:4,539c6965b9f85aaaaceace2b99….png)

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355ab1 No.21600403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f876bc No.21600404



kirk seems to forget they don't stop trying once in office

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a927b2 No.21600405

File: be796de6c9f7f33⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,2160x1580,108:79,IMG_3385.jpeg)

I’m going to get trashed for this… BUT I MISS MIKE PENCE!

I like JDV… good ole frat boy that you can get a beer with. Mike Pence was that guy, too FIJI BTW, back in the day!


Who do you think got CHEVERON DEFERENCE overturned and Torpedos Launched at the Administrative State…#OnePing



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ff899f No.21600406

File: 85cf4a5148ed722⋯.gif (279.69 KB,320x332,80:83,Braaaap.gif)


>Meme for you, kek!


.gif for you


top kek

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ad2a6d No.21600407

File: 274f5838d729454⋯.png (768.93 KB,1200x1184,75:74,fake_trump_assassination_s….png)

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76ccd7 No.21600408

File: e2e53e0bbcee10e⋯.jpg (50.88 KB,474x385,474:385,stolen.jpg)

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fb503c No.21600409

seeking offhand, ghosting in 10

notables @ 425

#26457 >>21599952

>>21600050 DJT: I would like to thank everyone for your concern and well wishes - It was certainly an interesting day!

>>21599976 On April 1, 2023, The New Indian reported that Ryan Wesley Routh was recruiting Afghan mercenaries to fight in Ukraine

>>21599982 The Secret Service is ‘compromised’: GOP lawmaker (why are scouting drones still not being used?)

>>21600048 The two primary investigators for the 2nd Trump Assassination Attempt are on the record as Trump haters

>>21600058, >>21600292 Gunman was setup to attack Trump on the cart path

>>21600061 'Fight, fight, fight' Qdelta is on Tuesday

>>21600073 You called him a threat to democracy and a day 1 dictator - you own this

>>21600092, >>21600125 Shooter tied to military-industrial complex

>>21600129 Ryan Routh's Rifle

>>21600134 THIS IS WHO DIED TODAY!!!

>>21600156, >>21600217, >>21600297 Scavino: We’ve got this @TeamTrump!!!!! GAME ON, IT’S TIME TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!

>>21600234 Rudy G: How did the attempted assassin anticipate Trump being at the 4th and 5th holes at 1:30PM

>>21600239 David Frum of The Atlantic endorses the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21600260 $11.1 million in $DJT puts purchased on Friday, Sept 13

>>21600268 Trump is a modern day George Washington

>>21600301 If Kamala was actually ahead in the polls, they wouldn’t be trying to kill Trump

>>21600336 Alex Soros doing what he does

>>21600400 Ryan Routh wrote a book where in it he tells Iran to assassinate Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21600161 Melania: Our freedom and rights must be respected

>>21600118 Keith Boykin race-baiting hard on CNN

>>21600302 Taylor Swift lost 17 million followers by endorsing Kamala

>>21600324 (Sept 13) Former President Barack Obama surprises Team USA at Solheim Cup

>>21599983, >>21600017, >>21600031, >>21600072, >>21600144, >>21600225, >>21600244, >>21600361 Memes


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ad2a6d No.21600410

File: 602f6a78c869908⋯.jpeg (10.97 KB,222x225,74:75,b90ff795be1d25ba7736b7859….jpeg)

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8d2f82 No.21600411

File: 514650d36c281b0⋯.png (936.81 KB,1133x960,1133:960,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce7850279810de7⋯.png (460.45 KB,478x480,239:240,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e45a580a841df2⋯.png (870.6 KB,764x1024,191:256,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e0b98034ff3600⋯.png (982.8 KB,768x1024,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cad789785763a5⋯.png (1.83 MB,969x1024,969:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

Alleged would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh, 58, of Hawaii echoed Harris, Biden’s anti-Trump rhetoric as he backed Dem candidates

Published Sep. 15, 2024, 6:17 p.m. ET

The alleged gunman who authorities said targeted former President Trump while he golfed in Florida Sunday afternoon previously declared on social media that “Democracy is on the ballot” this year, and “we cannot lose” — echoing the anti-Trump rhetoric used by Vice President Kamala Harris and President Biden.

Law enforcement sources identified the suspect as Ryan Wesley Routh, 58.

Routh, who has a lengthy criminal record from North Carolina, frequently posted about politics and exclusively donated to Democratic candidates and causes dating back to 2019.

He also bashed Trump in an April 22 post on X in which he declared, “DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose.”

He advised Biden, 81, in an April 22 X post when he was still running for reelection, to run a campaign around keeping “America democratic and free.”

He claimed Trump wants to “make Americans slaves against master.”

“DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose,” he wrote, a similar slogan commonly used by President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

“We cannot afford to fail,” Routh continued. “The world is counting on us to show the way.”

This is similar to language that Harris continues to use on the campaign trail. On Aug. 29, she said at a rally in Savannah, Ga., “We are fighting for our democracy.”

On July 31, she said at an event in Houston that “our fundamental freedoms are on the ballot and so is our democracy” — after using identical wording at a sorority event the same day.

Tom Fitton, president of the conservative legal group Judicial Watch, told The Post: “It is no coincidence that Routh repeated Kamala’s and Joe’s extremist rhetoric against Trump. At this point it is inexcusable incitement.”

Here's what we know about the assassination attempt on Trump in Florida:

Former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt at Trump International Golf Club, West Palm Beach on Sept. 15, 2024.

Trump sent out a statement to supporters soon after to report that he is “SAFE AND WELL.”

The suspect — identified as Ryan Routh, 58, of Hawaii — was able to get between 300 to 500 yards of Trump at a chain link fence on the edge of the course where he had an AK-47 and a GoPro camera set up to apparently film the planned shooting.

Routh has a history of supporting progressive causes online and has made 19 donations to Democratic candidates since 2019.

A Secret Service agent spotted and opened fire on Routh as he put his gun through the fence. The suspect fled the scene and was arrested on I-95 a short time later.

According to Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, Trump’s security detail was lighter because he isn’t a sitting president — despite the previous attempt on his life in July.

Spokespeople for Biden and Harris did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Following the Trump assassination attempt in July where the GOP nominee was wounded in the ear, he tweeted at Biden that he should visit the victims of the Pennsylvania rally where Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire and attend the funeral of the 50-year-old volunteer firefighters who was killed.

Ryan Routh

“You should visit the victims in the hospital of the trump rally victims and attend the funeral of the fireman that died; Trump certainly never would. SHOW THE WORLD WHAT REAL LEADERS DO,” he posted on July 16.

He also tweeted at Trump in June 2020 that while he supported the Republican in 2016, he was left disappointed by his tenure in the Oval Office.

“I and the world hoped that president Trump would be different and better than the candidate, but we all were greatly disappointment and it seems you are getting worse and devolving; are you retarded; I will be glad when you gone,” he wrote.

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099604 No.21600412


>They are never going to stop trying to kill trump

Do you remember this?

The enemy moves in one direction, and that is towards the kill.

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6b7aad No.21600413

back the blue!


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b2ee4a No.21600414

File: c0d3b932e0ffcbc⋯.png (344.46 KB,561x585,187:195,ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Department of Energy

@ENERGY Sep 13

Aurora is the world’s fastest supercomputer for deep learning and artificial intelligence.

Aurora is capable of trillions of calculations per second and already helping @Argonne make breakthroughs in cancer treatment to clean energy solutions.

Sep 13, 2024 · 5:04 PM UTC


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8d2f82 No.21600415

File: 1de4984e80a3ea6⋯.png (1.2 MB,928x1024,29:32,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92386be060e8f3b⋯.png (1.2 MB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e34633c79ea999e⋯.png (778.52 KB,737x1024,737:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e444137da3871d⋯.png (1.58 MB,1024x783,1024:783,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6f9e9a2458a16d⋯.png (1.12 MB,813x901,813:901,ClipboardImage.png)


Routh chipped in money for Democrats running for office and liberal causes since 2019.

Between September of that year and March 2020, he contributed more than $140 on the Democratic fundraising platform ActBlue, Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings show.

The records did not list an employer.

His LinkedIn shows that he attended North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, but relocated to Hawaii sometime around 2018.

Routh describes on LinkedIn as “mechanically minded” and enjoying “ideas and invention and creative projects with artistic flair.”

Routh was spotted by Secret Service agents near the Trump International Golf Club West Palm Beach with a Soviet-style SKS assault rifle, according to sources.

The agents opened fire on him, but he fled. Routh was later arrested on I-95 by local police.

His social media account was also filled with nonsensical tweets and replies while also voicing strong support for Ukraine in its war against Russia and Taiwan in its struggle against China.

One reply to X’s owner Elon Musk seemed to entertain purchasing a rocket from the billionaire.

“I would like to buy a rocket from you. I wish to load it with a warhead for Putin’s Black Sea mansion bunker to end him. Can you give me a price please. It can be old and used as not returning,” Routh wrote.

He claimed on X that he tried to “sell” the idea of having former Afghanistan troopers fight for Ukraine in Russia, but was denied multiple times before giving up after six months.

He also said that he visited Kyiv and claimed that he would be willing to fight on the frontlines, if he were permitted to.

In a 2022 interview with Newsweek Romania, Routh, wearing an American flag-style shirt, spoke about recruiting others to fight in Kyiv.

An evidence box which may contain the rifle used to during the shooting

“The question as far as why I’m here. To me, a lot of the other conflicts are gray but this conflict is definitely black and white,” he said. “This is about good versus evil.”

“We need thousands and thousands and thousands of people here fighting with Ukrainians,” he added.

In an interview with Semafor a year later, Routh expressed frustration with Ukrainians.

“Ukraine is very often hard to work with,” he said. “Many foreign soldiers leave after a week in Ukraine or must move from unit to unit to find a place they are respected and appreciated,”

Routh was a supporter of Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley, according to one of his posts in which he encouraged the Republican presidential candidates to continue their races.

“You cannot quit. Why. You must stay on the ballot to the end. You must fight. You must continue giving speeches and push all the way to election day no matter the election results. Do not give in. Join Nikki and keep working. Never give up,” he wrote to Ramaswamy.


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03fdce No.21600416

File: 66dd83dcf7c18f8⋯.png (307.22 KB,450x438,75:73,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cca20f14c7da33a⋯.png (370.71 KB,620x381,620:381,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae28e4 No.21600417

File: 95bf0b0f3e6c6c8⋯.png (307.85 KB,600x563,600:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d2f82 No.21600418

File: 53172e690d97fb7⋯.png (40.5 KB,427x293,427:293,ClipboardImage.png)



Paul Sperry/ @paulsperry_ 09/15/2024 23:49:17

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1835526342973989269

“DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose,” would-be Trump assassin wrote, a similar slogan commonly used by President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.


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98b3c4 No.21600419


Envision the scent!!!

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2396dc No.21600420


cia is known for recruiting revolutionaries

ie bay of pigs

kinda weird that Joe us citizen would take this effort upon himself

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ae28e4 No.21600421

File: 9e1bc990d4f33a9⋯.gif (120.01 KB,220x124,55:31,kek11.gif)


Hides her house keys in her bellybutton.

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f510fd No.21600422

File: 75c9528a7a9915e⋯.png (4.32 MB,2018x1439,2018:1439,ClipboardImage.png)


>cia is known for recruiting revolutionaries

From his archived X account. He LARP'd in Ukraine, left (after saying he wouldn't until the war was over), loved Bernie, supported Tulsi until he told her to join Trump (he nailed that one) and thought Lester Holt is "the best man in the world"

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e976d4 No.21600423

Kamala Harris will not do another debate or interview because Trump survived

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372f7f No.21600424


>Envision the scent!!!


you think people can SEE odors?

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79cba8 No.21600425

File: 4fa057dc7cfc58c⋯.png (641.42 KB,640x425,128:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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2396dc No.21600426


prepare that many will go missing first

even the dead

Satan's lies will be useless for those left behind

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98b3c4 No.21600427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This will not stop in November.

I’m worried about the inauguration.

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f510fd No.21600428

File: cf246c1321f6d1b⋯.png (618.62 KB,546x630,13:15,ClipboardImage.png)


>Kamala Harris will not do another debate or interview because Trump survived


A Fitting End

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ad2a6d No.21600429

File: 48574fa7ee4f406⋯.png (10.05 KB,255x205,51:41,fcd09b2eee5f2f670a830cbd1a….png)

File: 90ad3b6cf16fac4⋯.png (10.94 KB,255x189,85:63,f40126477ad0846ad25e352701….png)


Eat it anon…let me see yer war face…ahhhh

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a927b2 No.21600430

File: 45d7737850fe205⋯.jpeg (30.79 KB,281x180,281:180,IMG_3384.jpeg)

File: d587c348e37524f⋯.png (4.74 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_3347.png)

File: 4a70049bdc28b8c⋯.jpeg (187.85 KB,1088x771,1088:771,IMG_3278.jpeg)

File: 5d7ece1f2cdb4f9⋯.jpeg (218.52 KB,1088x1088,1:1,IMG_3229.jpeg)

File: a15609f6c4953b5⋯.jpeg (175.69 KB,1249x496,1249:496,IMG_3257.jpeg)


Constitution Day is On Tuesday Sept. 17, 2024

Raise your hand if you remember this because it’s a national holiday! Or if you learned it in Public Schools!

Or is 17 significant because PDJT ran for President and they’ve been trying to kill him for the past 8 years… and we’re meeting here as a support group?

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ae28e4 No.21600431

File: 5da8db1eb58cb19⋯.png (453.47 KB,1080x855,24:19,sniff.png)


>Envision the scent

Imagine the smell. A meme.

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e976d4 No.21600432


Where was his car on that map?

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f4bc6d No.21600433


Isaiah means "Salvation of the Lord"

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f510fd No.21600434

File: 8b92cab27f5129f⋯.png (218.24 KB,680x553,680:553,ClipboardImage.png)


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79cba8 No.21600435

Word is that Trump is getting indicted for inciting an assassination attempt on himself.

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e976d4 No.21600436


Biden thought he would be praised for his Unity hat wearing stunt after Trump killed.

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f4bc6d No.21600437



And to the Seven Churches that are in Isaiah.

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fb503c No.21600438

baker is ghosted

baker is ghosted

baker is ghosted

notables @ 450

#26457 >>21599952

>>21600050 DJT: I would like to thank everyone for your concern and well wishes - It was certainly an interesting day!

>>21600415 Sept. 15 summary of events

>>21599976 On April 1, 2023, The New Indian reported that Ryan Wesley Routh was recruiting Afghan mercenaries to fight in Ukraine

>>21599982 The Secret Service is ‘compromised’: GOP lawmaker (why are scouting drones still not being used?)

>>21600048 The two primary investigators for the 2nd Trump Assassination Attempt are on the record as Trump haters

>>21600058, >>21600292 Gunman was setup to attack Trump on the cart path

>>21600061 'Fight, fight, fight' Qdelta is on Tuesday

>>21600073 You called him a threat to democracy and a day 1 dictator - you own this

>>21600092, >>21600125 Shooter tied to military-industrial complex

>>21600129 Ryan Routh's Rifle

>>21600134 THIS IS WHO DIED TODAY!!!

>>21600156, >>21600217 Scavino: We’ve got this @TeamTrump!!!!! GAME ON, IT’S TIME TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!

>>21600234 Rudy G: How did the attempted assassin anticipate Trump being at the 4th and 5th holes at 1:30PM?

>>21600239 David Frum of The Atlantic endorses the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21600260 Stonks: $11.1 million in $DJT puts purchased on Friday, Sept 13

>>21600268 Trump is a modern day George Washington

>>21600301 If Kamala was actually ahead in the polls, they wouldn’t be trying to kill Trump

>>21600336 Alex Soros doing what he does

>>21600400 Ryan Routh wrote a book where in it he tells Iran to assassinate Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21600161 Melania: Our freedom and rights must be respected

>>21600118 Keith Boykin race-baiting hard on CNN

>>21600302 Taylor Swift lost 17 million followers by endorsing Kamala

>>21600324 (Sept 13) Former President Barack Obama surprises Team USA at Solheim Cup

>>21600414 U.S. Department of Energy: Aurora is the world’s fastest supercomputer for deep learning and artificial intelligence

>>21599983, >>21600017, >>21600031, >>21600144, >>21600225, >>21600244, >>21600361, >>21600396 Memes


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98b3c4 No.21600439

File: d89f08f14827b86⋯.gif (2.68 MB,384x216,16:9,857F871B_AE0B_4DA4_B111_C6….gif)

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355ab1 No.21600440

File: 2b6443a9a4e52ec⋯.png (543.16 KB,500x500,1:1,2b6443a9a4e52ec399b15bcdc5….png)

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6b7aad No.21600441



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f876bc No.21600442

File: 9d7d18f934368bc⋯.jpg (177.08 KB,1356x936,113:78,Xnip2024_09_16_01_51_54.jpg)


he looks proud of what he did

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355ab1 No.21600443

File: 69051431507ea8c⋯.png (339.54 KB,848x479,848:479,69051431507ea8c2c6435c6aa7….png)

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f510fd No.21600444

File: fe1ad67e2c09f65⋯.png (2.03 MB,985x1280,197:256,ClipboardImage.png)

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42ee03 No.21600445

doctrinal heretics burn.

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355ab1 No.21600446

File: d76ae8a9137b97c⋯.png (559.32 KB,873x675,97:75,retard.png)

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372f7f No.21600447


the bottom right hand corner should be the still frame of the intact nose cone coming OUT of the other side of the wtc tower

just my 2¢

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5eed4c No.21600448


>he looks proud of what he did

Sudden realization he'll never have to see his mother-in-law again?

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f510fd No.21600449

File: 372e72f05403eb1⋯.png (975.66 KB,695x573,695:573,ClipboardImage.png)

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f4bc6d No.21600450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This actually happened.

God Bless America,

Land that I love.

Stand beside her, and guide her

Thru the night with "The Light" from above.

His Truth is marching on.

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98b3c4 No.21600451

File: 70ee47eef822608⋯.jpeg (70.77 KB,1280x720,16:9,FCA82B4F_87C4_45C0_AC56_F….jpeg)


Envision means imagine, however, have you not seen stink lines before?

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a927b2 No.21600452

File: ea0ebadb200be97⋯.png (3.89 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_3297.png)


I’m pretty sure Bongino, Alex Jones, Ivan Raiklin, Flynn, Stone, Boone, Loomer and many more ‘I’ve come to Jesus and support Trump Now’ people aren’t helping with the WORDS THEY CHOOSE TO USE… AS IF INVOKING OR MAKING AN INCANTATION OF EVIL…IYKYK…. THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK AND EVIL!

Prayers for protection of a faith warrior of God! PDJT was baptized and confirmed when he was 13 years old!

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2396dc No.21600453


won't know till He who restrains is removed

speculation till then is pointless for the anti Christ will remain unknown until then.

God's in charge not Satan.

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79cba8 No.21600454

File: d77dffaebe02359⋯.png (461.08 KB,601x415,601:415,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d2f82 No.21600455

File: ded92d65c610736⋯.png (304.43 KB,794x524,397:262,trump_kennedy_2024_0po9i.png)

File: 82baf63471d43ce⋯.png (95.92 KB,713x584,713:584,trump_kennedy_2024.png)


Kennedy is going to be Trumps VP!

I dont fuckin care what anyone says!

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03fdce No.21600456

File: a8a71c4c8c83e59⋯.png (708.1 KB,618x1033,618:1033,ClipboardImage.png)

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5eed4c No.21600457

File: f9b905f3f35fe82⋯.png (178.46 KB,291x366,97:122,72f23cb1c1e11a5b9532d8f6d4….png)



>you think people can SEE odors?

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f876bc No.21600458


have fun with that

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355ab1 No.21600459

File: 3d322b57cb75d62⋯.png (208.14 KB,740x745,148:149,ClipboardImage.png)


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cc66bf No.21600460

File: 5b9f62c76d50448⋯.jpg (6.04 KB,174x187,174:187,OIP_7_.jpg)

Hey guys I am anon like you

Shitty they are trying to shoot Trump

Any body want to do a riot?

Free beer and chicken

(it is even real chicken)

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8d2f82 No.21600461

File: 18299232d91ee36⋯.jpg (87.93 KB,680x750,68:75,canary_island.jpg)



palm city

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79cba8 No.21600462


Ukranians, the left, cant meme.

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8d2f82 No.21600463

File: a37cd71a3ab0d34⋯.png (197.94 KB,418x903,418:903,ClipboardImage.png)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr/ @RobertKennedyJr 09/15/2024 23:56:08

ID: Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1835528067155972188

American Values 🗽 / @AV24org 09/15/2024 07:28:06

ID:Twitter for iPhone

Twitter: 1835279419100819529

% buffered





Image Name: CcT7PfSwgQik57Cu.mp4

Filename: CcT7PfSwgQik57Cu.mp4

RFK Jr: “Something happened during the debate this week that was an EXTRAORDINARY milestone for the Democratic Party.”

“Vice President Harris touted the fact that Dick Cheney and John Bolton had endorsed her.

These are the neocons. These are the people who got us into the Iraq War. These are the people who launched the censorship state, the surveillance state with the Patriot Act.

Do you think Dick Cheney has changed his opinion about any of these issues. No.”

Tulsi Gabbard: “Nor has he apologized.”

RFK: “The Democratic Party has changed.

It’s become the party of war, it’s become the party of surveillance, it’s become the party of censorship, it’s become the party of Big Tech, Big Ag, Big Pharma, big banking, Wall Street, the Fed.”

Moderated by Jessica Reed Kraus @houseinhabit

Robert F. Kennedy Jr reposted…

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355ab1 No.21600464

File: 65fc19aa76a6b98⋯.png (1002.71 KB,1114x993,1114:993,fbi18.png)

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45cbf1 No.21600465

Successful assassins are always referred to the media to with their middle name, John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald for example… While unsuccessful assassins are only referred to by their first and last names, like John Hinckley. Anon keeps seeing today's shooter referred to as Ryan Wesley Routh.

The media really wanted him to succeed.

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8d2f82 No.21600466

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355ab1 No.21600467

File: 527e7cd89e7dee0⋯.jpg (96.93 KB,710x861,710:861,11a22806d444db41.jpg)

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76ccd7 No.21600468

File: 5e1a7d6899caa75⋯.mp4 (3.2 MB,640x480,4:3,012672228512.mp4)

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57c3e0 No.21600469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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355ab1 No.21600470

File: b28d42ca51bd2c3⋯.jpeg (44.39 KB,400x306,200:153,kek32.jpeg)

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43b745 No.21600471


Inauguration will be in March.

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6b7aad No.21600472


no Satan

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5eed4c No.21600473


anon almost shooped a hotwheels car on the map for him.

Decided to go get a beer, tho.

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164e33 No.21600474


I get the feeling, shit got real for her real fast.

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2396dc No.21600475


I wonder if he has spilled the beans yet on who tipped him off and what a coinkydink that HI boy happened to be in south FL at the same time.

What hotel was he staying in and for how long ?

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98b3c4 No.21600476

File: 13a819d1fdfaa64⋯.jpeg (59.94 KB,742x576,371:288,615EA830_E764_43A2_A3EE_0….jpeg)

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372f7f No.21600477


that's not only false

it's flat out retarded

97% of scientists who are ON TV say what they're paid to say

but scientists ON TV are only 0.000001% of all scientists

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76ccd7 No.21600478

File: b05cba20d52b620⋯.png (995.25 KB,769x829,769:829,b05cba20d52b62018f358c2fb4….png)

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79cba8 No.21600479

File: e518dc390ff6e04⋯.png (447.47 KB,601x415,601:415,ClipboardImage.png)

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a927b2 No.21600480

File: 3fa40397e4e267a⋯.png (79.51 KB,2560x1047,2560:1047,IMG_2300.png)


We did even better in 2020

Trump Won 2020

Mike Pence was his chosen VP!

PDJT said at the debate those cases weren’t even looked at… a sitting President didn’t have standing… hmm … a “Consumer Product Safety Commission” Case can change everything … did you hear PDJT mention that in Las Vegas? It was YUGE… iykyk

“The Framers of our Constitution believed that a combination of structural constraints on government power and popular accountability was essential to the protection of liberty. The administrative state, by design, circumvents both of these protections,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “With the downfall of Chevron, the Supreme Court reclaimed much of its constitutional authority from the administrative state. Now it is time for the Court to do the same for the Executive Branch by taking up this case and ruling for Leachco.”

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355ab1 No.21600481



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2396dc No.21600482


USSS said he engaged first before any shots by lefty. 4 shots by USSS ? I seriously doubt deranged lefty would have the skillset of engaging a target while under fire but hey who knows.

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355ab1 No.21600483

File: 97a2ef600f13056⋯.jpeg (166.08 KB,1800x1085,360:217,97a2ef600f130566343a16535….jpeg)

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cc66bf No.21600484

Will shitpost for car parts

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f876bc No.21600485


9 out of 10 doctors agree with each other about everything.

dentists too.

saw it on tv

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cc66bf No.21600486

mark Levin is a homo

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98b3c4 No.21600487


Will they nuke it?

What else do they have to lose at that point?

Does suicide weekend occur before that?

Will it help?

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74b4e7 No.21600488


What kind of car parts?

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a927b2 No.21600489


What’s crazy is NO ONE was covering this…

It was one of PDJTs TOP priorities over JDV…

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b2ee4a No.21600490

File: b4218a4977e3381⋯.jpg (65.08 KB,790x540,79:54,5_26_2020_COVID_19_Nurse_F….jpg)

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5eed4c No.21600491


Anon has can of blinker fluid.

Will give to you for two dank new memes.

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cc66bf No.21600492


Civic d series today, lost the rear main housing

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f10a6a No.21600493

File: 8ed9eed90618bae⋯.jpeg (454.07 KB,960x1707,320:569,3A3321F2_AE70_499B_B352_E….jpeg)

File: 0c7b5524a99761b⋯.jpeg (355.82 KB,1500x1200,5:4,AC0AA643_6FBD_4F22_B0EF_4….jpeg)


16 more years?


I don’t know, guess we’ll see.

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6b7aad No.21600494


almost 100% will do say and practice what they are told for their paycheck. many are still in debt from student loans.

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b5efe7 No.21600495


Trying to find it.

Pretty sure yesterday (Friday?) an anon was complaining about halted trading on DJT stocks, was trying to dump some.

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a927b2 No.21600496


Thank You Dan! It was beautiful…

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355ab1 No.21600497

File: d7f57212e50f24f⋯.png (164.03 KB,850x400,17:8,shitposting3.png)

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cc66bf No.21600498


Gave up using blinkers after stellerwinds

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8d2f82 No.21600499

File: bdce7643bfc9cd4⋯.png (1.26 MB,1890x1097,1890:1097,ClipboardImage.png)

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a927b2 No.21600500


I love Team Trump and PDJT

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f876bc No.21600501

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a927b2 No.21600502


We always get the digits!

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76ccd7 No.21600503

File: e574b4960c3b814⋯.png (893.79 KB,800x963,800:963,ClipboardImage.png)

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74b4e7 No.21600504


I can not help with that. As for myself I need a hid ballast for my headlight.

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2396dc No.21600505


AS cash + bullet hole tweet. jpeg

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03fdce No.21600506

File: 3280b40c0167fe4⋯.png (743.1 KB,875x500,7:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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5eed4c No.21600507


>Pretty sure yesterday (Friday?) an anon was complaining about halted trading on DJT stocks, was trying to dump some.

Trump was complaining about halted stock last week. Might have been Friday. Even threatened to take it to different exchange.

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281366 No.21600508

File: 03e86c2cd4384c6⋯.png (232.46 KB,645x857,645:857,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 141ed3ffb35d2de⋯.mp4 (2.18 MB,270x480,9:16,7UjIt_caa.mp4)



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355ab1 No.21600509

File: 98d18d204aa7705⋯.jpg (123.34 KB,1114x750,557:375,lookingglass.jpg)

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5bb67f No.21600510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why a filmed shooting of Trump?

Life is fragile and simpler ways to end it.

Is it because they have to kill his name?

If Trump needs a food tester, I’d be honored to help.

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cc66bf No.21600511

File: 9ad484a70d0c3e8⋯.jpg (7.37 KB,265x184,265:184,OIP_51_.jpg)


I live in a blue state full of beaners and I can't even get stollen civic parts

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2396dc No.21600512


Jon Stewart lets his anger for Trump get the better of him

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5eed4c No.21600513

File: 3525b3ce3380294⋯.png (211.91 KB,315x563,315:563,tard_motorboat.png)


>I live in a blue state full of beaners and I can't even get stollen civic parts


That's some funny shit right there.

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a927b2 No.21600514



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76ccd7 No.21600515

File: 37910819cf5190d⋯.png (338.03 KB,710x700,71:70,37910819cf5190dfaf7db83f36….png)

File: a64039222535d91⋯.jpg (49.34 KB,764x377,764:377,red.jpg)

File: a657717a963dbfa⋯.jpg (232.79 KB,584x814,292:407,1580419446867b.jpg)

File: dd5950b19d34fd8⋯.mp4 (573.61 KB,1024x600,128:75,1B57751047138.mp4)

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f876bc No.21600516


they want to make sure nobody ever again tries to do what trump did.

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164e33 No.21600517


They need another video to show incoming Presidents in that room they take them to.

I can Imagine the sniper perspective of JFK's headshot video is in bad shape by now.

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03fdce No.21600518

File: e874aa69875bb11⋯.png (1.16 MB,960x544,30:17,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ff94eacbfb231a⋯.png (219.22 KB,500x612,125:153,ClipboardImage.png)

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2396dc No.21600519


IT anons

Are quantum computers being developed for AI or will quantum computers make AI irrelevant ?

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355ab1 No.21600520

File: 988b68fa256bb3c⋯.png (144.14 KB,574x449,574:449,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34136e9d95c51b2⋯.png (158.59 KB,597x673,597:673,ClipboardImage.png)


things that make you go hmmm…

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a927b2 No.21600521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Countdown To Christmas

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195e5d No.21600522

File: 96cff89ee7a3958⋯.jpg (204.89 KB,718x976,359:488,20220505_125834.jpg)

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111d5e No.21600523


I'm sure Patriot Americans would gladly volunteer for that role and do it for free.

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7a1c79 No.21600524

File: ca77d0c60da5dc4⋯.png (1.5 MB,789x1095,263:365,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d2f82 No.21600525

File: bdce7643bfc9cd4⋯.png (1.26 MB,1890x1097,1890:1097,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0ca55c7ca4b943⋯.png (123.55 KB,879x491,879:491,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e92b21d5e89fb8d⋯.png (301.13 KB,940x684,235:171,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5df910847c4a2da⋯.png (311.95 KB,922x755,922:755,ClipboardImage.png)









123 - 123 - 123

Sep 16, 2024, 1:13 AM





Replying to @Austin_Michael and @JustLikeGizmo

Sometimes the past can find the future.

Sometimes the future can find the past.



Replying to @ApolloMemphis and @JustLikeGizmo

#BehindScenes #SOTU2020

State Of The Union 2020

Link to Dan's Archive Tweet:



Dan Scavino Jr. Archived (@Scavino45) on X

#BehindScenes #SOTU2020

Sep 16, 2024, 2:01 AM

Dan Scavino Jr. Archived


#BehindScenes #SOTU2020

12:07 AM · Feb 5, 2020


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372f7f No.21600526



you think the bimbos giving covid tests and jabs are "scientists?"

yer even more retarded than i thought when i saw your last meme

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a927b2 No.21600527

File: 40795b8a64829fa⋯.jpeg (30.85 KB,276x183,92:61,IMG_3299.jpeg)

File: 3c8be64ab1e802d⋯.jpeg (268.47 KB,1200x1200,1:1,IMG_3298.jpeg)



Dang it Dan…


Back To The Future

Merry Christmas

Grab Your Popcorn

The Big Orange Cat is Back

9 Lives!

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03fdce No.21600528

File: ce828dfa81ad186⋯.png (373.61 KB,669x500,669:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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5bb67f No.21600529

File: da625d472c336ef⋯.jpeg (125.14 KB,1200x640,15:8,IMG_3820.jpeg)

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164e33 No.21600530


Nice Job Mr. Scavino.

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0178a9 No.21600531

Which Blue Falcon low life threw Trump under the bus?

Buddy Fuckers get a special place in hell.

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48c58d No.21600532

File: 34fea6b28a4b6b8⋯.png (700.22 KB,683x683,1:1,6h43g5432233.PNG)


>Merry Christmas


>Grab Your Popcorn

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a75b67 No.21600533

File: f070cdb2c2913a3⋯.jpg (155.58 KB,548x362,274:181,2024_09_15_23_51_55_489.jpg)

It is important to soul rape the DeepFucks, drill holes into their soft melons, piss in their brains, tear open the DeepFuck hearts, pack them with shit

Make and harass them, follow them, terrorize the Deepfucks 24/7, relentless 360 front war

Rape their souls, collapse the being of the dmDeepFuck, tear them apart, grind them, flail their covers, leave them unguarded , alone and shaking with diarrhea exploding FEAR

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355ab1 No.21600534

File: b99793e494c3a58⋯.png (233.48 KB,750x684,125:114,ClipboardImage.png)



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76ccd7 No.21600535

File: 3fae4b8d72559b3⋯.mp4 (208.63 KB,640x360,16:9,You_can_act_like_a_Man.mp4)

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372f7f No.21600536


scientists hold advanced degrees, and for actual sciences, those graduate degrees are ALL FREE RIDES

grad students in the sciences not only get their tuition PAID by their advisor, they are PAID a monthly stipend for their work in the labs

if you knew the first thing about science or scientists, you would know that

but yer just a shill or a retard

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599230 No.21600537


>Thank You Dan! It was beautiful…

Love that video. I am not Dan, Dan is a Highlander, There can only be one!

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164e33 No.21600538


No more fucking around boys, its game time.

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88ea4f No.21600539

But Trump is 10 steps ahead!


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e39dd6 No.21600540


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a6111f No.21600541

File: 57487d831809166⋯.png (577.04 KB,680x493,40:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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f10a6a No.21600542

File: 525c9faea719200⋯.jpeg (109.83 KB,470x545,94:109,15CB645A_9EFF_4D66_89DB_5….jpeg)

File: e1dedd6ef182044⋯.jpeg (28.21 KB,510x286,255:143,E4652602_54F2_4BD2_A3AC_B….jpeg)

File: 170deedfc85ff5a⋯.jpeg (90.66 KB,1200x716,300:179,E4B66306_E8F8_4B99_A79C_A….jpeg)

File: 5ca43a7cf64d8f7⋯.jpeg (261.83 KB,1242x1222,621:611,D5C4D97C_0098_4024_AB8D_7….jpeg)

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18d6d0 No.21600543

File: c0b9637291f59a9⋯.jpeg (90.87 KB,500x531,500:531,B1C02DB6_92B0_420B_99AF_8….jpeg)

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355ab1 No.21600544

File: 3ccce2d82cc1423⋯.png (674.81 KB,966x518,69:37,plan4.png)

File: 687a42fd6374993⋯.jpg (19.54 KB,312x294,52:49,plan5.JPG)

File: 2631dcc3fbdfb25⋯.jpg (24.11 KB,320x285,64:57,plan6.JPG)

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a927b2 No.21600545

File: 7531e4e574dadd5⋯.jpeg (512.14 KB,1088x1360,4:5,IMG_3371.jpeg)

File: a354fa3ebc6ccd6⋯.png (2.75 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2864.png)

File: 1df0d0c040b1054⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB,1620x1403,1620:1403,IMG_2465.jpeg)

File: 88d9304149a29a0⋯.png (6.54 MB,2655x1771,2655:1771,IMG_2258.png)

File: 26e1f4e7923f770⋯.png (3.32 MB,1243x1774,1243:1774,IMG_1973.png)


Well I’ve got Indiana National Popcorn Day July 1st, Santa Claus, Indiana and Christmas Everyday…

It’s VPPence’s Indy 500 Hometown…

I think a big Orange Cat is Involved, too..

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18d6d0 No.21600546

File: 6fa973c91b49eb1⋯.jpeg (130.32 KB,714x800,357:400,Ooo_What_a_Tasty_Pear.JPEG)


Oh, Matron.


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57c3e0 No.21600547

File: 9276f2b58268193⋯.png (247.21 KB,474x243,158:81,IMG_1276.png)

& with Grace.

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164e33 No.21600548

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a75b67 No.21600549

Dem pigs and pols are to have their homes surrounded, no more sleep,

Lights, blasting horns, harass and terrorize them to insanity,

War, relentless and sleepless war. Dem pigs and pols are NEVER TO FEEL SAFE AGAIN

A short diapered soaked life of desperate paranoia and bowel churning horror,


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355ab1 No.21600550

File: 9048b4ff7b99eea⋯.png (898.48 KB,1028x1280,257:320,trumpcard.png)

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0178a9 No.21600551


12:30 - 12:07 = 23

Who said 23 = PAIN?

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104afe No.21600552


ThankQ, We are forever grateful for all the miracles that God has provided during this battle. There are no coincidences, and all these things are mathematically impossible. I gave my wife a discourse this morning before she went to Church on Lamech@490, Salvation, and names, in regards from last night. Genesis 4:23 - 4:24. God is with us.

Godspeed Patriots

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76ccd7 No.21600553

File: 954f52bbfd70d7e⋯.mp4 (340.24 KB,640x360,16:9,theKek.mp4)

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355ab1 No.21600554

File: cb502c21df26ab9⋯.png (18.69 KB,557x266,557:266,ClipboardImage.png)

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db309c No.21600555

File: 3efcae4bb11e083⋯.png (562.88 KB,848x1480,106:185,Capture_2024_09_16_02_34_1….png)

Trump’s would-be-assassin previously voted for him, believes Jews have no right to Holy Land

Today, 3:32 am

Donald Trump’s would-be-assassin Ryan Wesley Routh’s social media indicates that he voted for Trump in 2016 but was disappointed and later wrote he “will be glad when you [are] gone.”

Routh, 60, shared COVID-19 conspiracies and has a history of mental illness. He was also involved in efforts to send people to fight in Ukraine, according to his now-deleted Facebook page.

He also appears to believe Jews have no right to the Holy Land. In December 2023, he shared an ancient map about Jesus’ journeys and wrote: “I am unclear what part of Isreal [sic] the Jews owned based on this historic map; Judea perhaps? It seems to historically all be Palestinian.”

In fact, Judea was an ancient Jewish kingdom, while the name Palestine given to the land by the Romans is unconnected to modern day Palestinians.


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104afe No.21600556


>things that make you go hmmm…

Someone is paying attention.

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a75b67 No.21600557

Exponential divestment of the woke commie bullshit, big pharma, food and green scam trillions GONE, rapid and sudden bank runs/failures, real estate bloodbath in the commie cities, domes on the dollar.


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f10a6a No.21600558

File: 30a10c7f2832998⋯.jpeg (191.1 KB,968x707,968:707,C75B2AC6_ACEA_4481_99E2_E….jpeg)

File: 73b2877e10e0203⋯.jpeg (36.93 KB,370x310,37:31,0FEA3B06_4922_42C5_BFE0_0….jpeg)

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372f7f No.21600559

File: 617954b933ca63c⋯.jpg (63.76 KB,850x400,17:8,sarcasm.jpg)


>9 out of 10 doctors agree with each other about everything

if everyone is thinking the same thing

then no one is doing much thinking

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a927b2 No.21600560

File: 967eb3e396eac2b⋯.jpeg (37.81 KB,554x310,277:155,IMG_0569.jpeg)

File: d1b237f939259ee⋯.jpeg (601.46 KB,1165x1528,1165:1528,IMG_1805.jpeg)

File: 67de1183e894098⋯.jpeg (75.64 KB,750x576,125:96,IMG_2187.jpeg)


Dan is The Man!

God Bless Dan Scavino!

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355ab1 No.21600561

File: 025b8c1ba01833a⋯.png (106.58 KB,400x400,1:1,025b8c1ba01833a499129a13ee….png)

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164e33 No.21600562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2396dc No.21600563


in all your ways acknowledge Him

and He will make your paths straight.

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0178a9 No.21600564


Early day, I voted for him psyop, but now I've changed my mind and you should too.

We've all seen the shills playbook.

He never voted for Trump.

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355ab1 No.21600565


seems like a Q proof, to me

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5b063f No.21600566

File: 79abd849be40362⋯.png (744.03 KB,810x1440,9:16,Screenshot_from_2024_09_16….png)

File: 98a3b0e642aac92⋯.png (772.87 KB,810x1440,9:16,Screenshot_from_2024_09_16….png)

File: 4ec8af5c4da21b1⋯.png (67.26 KB,725x458,725:458,Q_22_Screenshot_from_2024_….png)

File: 8ba8f1dc0ae5b4e⋯.png (34.38 KB,725x368,725:368,Q_74_Screenshot_from_2024_….png)





> >>21598741 (pb) Hezbollah Hits Israel's Unit 8200 in Glilot Base Killing Dozens

Anon saw digits at the end of that video: 22 and 74, highlighted on screen.

Seems relevant: "Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol." Didn't /pol/ just make a reappearance here?

Also, pets, apartments, and hotels aside, this is comforting: "No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift."

And, "Everything has meaning."

Wonder what "Q = Alice" means? Wasn't Alice HRC, and Wonderland Saudi Arabia?

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164e33 No.21600567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7597cb No.21600568

File: 7cf23c6aed93b53⋯.png (10.18 KB,255x204,5:4,GodWins.png)


Just wait till the whole story is revealed. You have more than you know. We do not take the Lord's Name in vain.

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355ab1 No.21600569

File: 5d97af493a2b5a1⋯.jpg (79.5 KB,692x826,346:413,meme38.jpg)

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a6111f No.21600570

File: 7aa318d98210b9a⋯.png (557.95 KB,634x440,317:220,ClipboardImage.png)

well everyone just forgot about the dawgs and cats meow.

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03fdce No.21600571

File: 446a606b013431c⋯.png (478.81 KB,600x578,300:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76aa3fb70667e59⋯.png (374.24 KB,509x512,509:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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a927b2 No.21600572


Yes, I always do!

Arsenio Hall…

Thing that make you go hmm…

WE WON 2020! WE ALL DID…. SO WHAT’S NEXT, PDJT said no one looked at the lawsuits…amicus? Since, DEEP STATE HAS BEEN ELIMINATED? Justice Roberts “meddling” via Lamestream Media… SCOTUS TAKING A LOOK? PDJT has standing…

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5eed4c No.21600573

File: 5d5511a6fc1a0e0⋯.png (2.98 MB,1440x1012,360:253,5d5511a6fc1a0e06bef49e4be1….png)

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355ab1 No.21600574

File: 111b91973c3dd7b⋯.jpg (242.83 KB,1600x900,16:9,111b91973c3dd7b6fa2d28aaf7….jpg)

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a75b67 No.21600575

Billionaire satanist elite pedophiles commiting suicide en masse, an avalanche of pizza engulfs the in grease hot and horrid truth, bubbling skin slothing off in sheets, acid soaked nightmare of butchering depravity disembowels the entire satanic elite power structure, a twitching and pathetic pile of dismembered flesh.

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c072e4 No.21600576

The democrat party should be labeled a terrorist organization.

They're worse than any cult that psychologically abuses their people.

The United States is a Constitutional Republic, they teach and preach that the USA is a DEMOCRACY, which it is not.

You'll never hear the dems say its a republic unless they're drowning.

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074c1a No.21600577


strait, moarlike.

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18d6d0 No.21600578

File: b1a277420ff45c5⋯.jpeg (865.24 KB,962x1342,481:671,IMG_9540.jpeg)

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a927b2 No.21600579


Give me some chocolate milk…

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355ab1 No.21600580

File: f9d14b5eed68635⋯.jpg (1.3 MB,3500x4500,7:9,podesta13.jpg)

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03fdce No.21600581

File: cfdf115338bab3d⋯.png (1.93 MB,2213x2259,2213:2259,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1410603ff49fce⋯.png (1.35 MB,791x791,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1edc82fccf01baf⋯.png (426.06 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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5eed4c No.21600582

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2396dc No.21600583


moar like

[Pro 3:5-6 KJV] 5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

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074c1a No.21600584


manufacturing consensus with a nonconsentual "we".

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355ab1 No.21600585


make inuendo great, again


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f510fd No.21600586

File: 32af0c09fab9335⋯.png (51.11 KB,260x418,130:209,ClipboardImage.png)

Did Trump know that there would be an attempt to assassinate him at the 6th green?..


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a75b67 No.21600587

Tens of thousands of crazed lunatic junkies, eyes flaring make for the gated bourgeois, hungry for pale liberal flesh, yellowed and broken teeth gnashing, the skies alight with the burning dreams of the syphilitic progressive shitscape, screams of horror fill the hills as the liberal commie is torn asunder in furious tumult.

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7597cb No.21600588


123 = Won, 23

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12f188 No.21600589


>the name Palestine given to the land by the Romans is unconnected to modern day Palestinians.

This is my favorite part.

I don't need to change my mind. It is the United States Government agencies through the current administration, together with Ukraine and Isreal, that repeatedly conspire to kill/dethrone/discredit/imprison Trump and likely did so again this time.

You can tell by Israel making this shit about them like the Narcissistic personality disorder that they are, the Ukraine stamp on the shooter's forehead, and the profile identity showing he was a Trump supporter so the US government regime Commies can use it to campaign to remove the second amendment, (if it were a trannie Democrat like it probably actually is, they have to drop the tyranny gun grab).

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f510fd No.21600590

File: eba6fda9c4412ef⋯.png (994.66 KB,679x1200,679:1200,ClipboardImage.png)

Who is Ryan Routh's Employer anyway?

This sure looks like MK Ultra

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f10a6a No.21600591

File: 3660899eaa9af02⋯.jpeg (168.09 KB,937x665,937:665,A3C4C254_6B47_43B2_AE4F_A….jpeg)

File: 622279258b69a1e⋯.jpeg (118.99 KB,960x540,16:9,30CEEB30_CE5E_4E11_AA84_F….jpeg)

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355ab1 No.21600592

File: 8fe33cec42a1e18⋯.jpg (73.6 KB,700x356,175:89,You_come_at_the_king_you_b….jpg)

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5700a0 No.21600593








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f510fd No.21600594

File: 90f2ea0c63401f8⋯.png (445.01 KB,620x465,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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916298 No.21600595

Trump "wins" or election hotly up in the air after election.

Kamala claims she has a path to win, BUT she needs to be president to do it, because of X, Y, & Z with Biden which prevents it, e.g. Ukraine.

Biden impeached.

Kamala comes in and stops Ukraine, closes border, rounds up illegals, starts resolving ALL of the issues, even gets the vote inspection going. Dems cheer Kamala getting all of Trump's more desired wins, which is part of the devolution plan anyway.

Unity on issues because bad when Orange Man does it.

Review of election doesn't end before Jan 6, 2025, calls for 10 day review on Jan 6, 2025 (a la Brunson theory) shows Trump wins for real between January 17-19(popcorn day?), so a lot of the most hot topics for civil war are resolved just because Kamala does them in the Pres-elect period. Also economic whirlwind is being mitigated in background and new system implemented to prevent the attacks and collapses, etc. (Perhaps even a new foundation for a decentralized internet) and we as smoothly as possible glide into the second Trump presidency.

Just a thought…

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a75b67 No.21600596

Commies fear 0800, the first waves of terror flowing through the meetings, hungover, devoid of sleep, babbling and drooling as theY wade through simplistic and sophomoric talking points, a circular lunacy belches from the deformed minds of the liberal press, a grey spilled and vacuous gaggle of soft minded and predictable harpees.

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9da31b No.21600597

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3c07bb No.21600598

File: 9b3bdf2fdb3d0f5⋯.jpg (358.02 KB,2560x1706,1280:853,Sully.jpg)

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88ea4f No.21600599



symbolism downfall

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9d4fac No.21600600


How did they miss the guy 4 times?

Aren't they all supposed to pass a firearms test?

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074c1a No.21600601

Hebrews 12:6

For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.


guess you missed the memo.

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03fdce No.21600602

File: 4f64a70c39a5cc8⋯.png (545.81 KB,620x432,155:108,ClipboardImage.png)

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312e28 No.21600603

File: 40d3fc9487379f2⋯.png (3.13 MB,1500x996,125:83,ClipboardImage.png)

LAPD Chopper Bird flyover the Koos Koos Nest

11:38 pm PST

11 11 …means we 5x5


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d1648f No.21600604


An Armor Bearer.

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f510fd No.21600605

File: c90cd8e5a04850c⋯.png (952.77 KB,720x821,720:821,ClipboardImage.png)


>How did they miss the guy 4 times?

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5d1ec3 No.21600606


There are no decent Feds….Sean Vannity disagrees.

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aee567 No.21600607

Is Trump assassination attempt another false flag to deflect attention from something else?

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01345a No.21600608

File: 6509c1352d78da3⋯.png (72.82 KB,300x100,3:1,2024_09_15_23_58_44.png)

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d1648f No.21600609


That refers to the night that the Guidestones were destroyed.

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a75b67 No.21600610

A incessant shit river of diarrhea gargling dreck vomits from the cognitively malignant minds of the progressive, juvenile and demonic utterances of inhuman and broken souls.

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312e28 No.21600611

File: 376bc630e4baf37⋯.png (60.99 KB,627x407,57:37,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea78684dcc8f0a2⋯.png (22.31 KB,599x389,599:389,ClipboardImage.png)

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03fdce No.21600612

File: 5b427867714335e⋯.png (798.11 KB,800x532,200:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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f510fd No.21600613

File: 4269a1d1fc32afd⋯.png (608.44 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)


>Is Trump assassination attempt another false flag to deflect attention from something else?

World War III Watch: Russia Threatens to Wipe Kiev Off the Map If Biden and NATO Send Ukraine Long Range Missiles to Fire Deep

Secretary of State Tony Blinken and Joe Biden’s handlers are working diligently to escalate the War in Ukraine and initiate World War III before the November presidential election.


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03fdce No.21600614

File: cc4dc40845a1188⋯.png (761.15 KB,559x555,559:555,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0cc0c No.21600615


Rest in the Lord = R&R = Rest and Relaxation

God's hand is in this battle.

One only has to look and see.

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2396dc No.21600616


I have know this memo since my youth.

God is good.

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916298 No.21600617

Trump didn't have standing to challenge the election because he devolved the Gov't back early in COVID. The whole Biden/Harris presidency has been a hoax from the beginning, BUT a hoax that's playing along with the plan. For as corrupt as these people are, they still care about their country and took a deal to go down in the future for something unrelated to their ugliest crimes but likely still result in the same or slightly reduced outcome.

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4cacfc No.21600618

File: a79bf0d3cb156b2⋯.png (55.98 KB,1140x542,570:271,451.png)

File: 6797c8aa4fc0cfe⋯.png (74 KB,1140x602,570:301,150.png)

File: c7832bf7afe0217⋯.png (139.66 KB,1140x1246,570:623,959.png)

File: b9d425e0b545bc9⋯.png (128.65 KB,1140x970,114:97,553.png)


Maybe someone heard them making their evil plans.

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916298 No.21600619


>dentists too.

can bring the paste.

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03fdce No.21600620

File: 6f5fe1657dfbd2d⋯.png (286.14 KB,474x357,158:119,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f7da8695a929b7⋯.png (559.23 KB,751x388,751:388,ClipboardImage.png)

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074c1a No.21600621


hark the carp

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01345a No.21600622


>Is Trump assassination attempt another false flag to deflect attention from something else?

exactly what i was thinking….glad you reposted this.

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916298 No.21600623

DOGEing gap-filler

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aee567 No.21600624

File: eb0d8cfd4115082⋯.png (774.62 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_modernity_news_17….png)

Trump Blasts Harris For “Facilitating The Largest Wave Of Child Sex Trafficking In History”

Speaking at a press conference Friday in Los Angeles, Donald Trump blasted Kamala Harris for “facilitating the largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in history.”

“As attorney general, she defined child sex trafficking, assault with a deadly weapon, and rape of an unconscious person as nonviolent crimes.” Trump asserted, adding “She put them in a new category, as nonviolent.”

“Now as vice president, she has facilitated the largest wave of sex trafficking and human trafficking in history – the history of our country by far,” he continued.

Trump further addressed the press, “And in case you don’t want to write about it, which you should because there can be no bigger scandal than this, we have, under this administration, 325,000 migrant children are missing. 325,000!”

“In other words, take your biggest stadium in California and you can fill it up five or six times. Those are all missing children. Many of them are dead. Many of them are sex slaves, and slaves of a different nature,” he continued.

“But her destruction of the law and order in California did not end there. In 2020, Kamala Harris endorsed ‘defund the police,'” Trump further declared, adding “Anybody that was in favour of defunding the police for one month, let alone her entire career, should never be president of the United States.”

“She supported a plan to cut the L.A. Police Department by at least $150 million, and ideally more. This is when your crime in L.A. was reaching very significant heights. Today it’s at the highest level it has ever been,” Trump further warned.


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a75b67 No.21600625

Intel brass devolve into diaper wearing and trembling nitwits, hastily ordering the "cleaning" of thousands of low level DeepFucks, clown accounts drained in seconds, an avalanche of shit soaked billions, then trillion$ evaporating, entire clown industries gone in a flash, markets ravaged, hedge funders plummeting and exploding like water balloons, soaking Wall Street crimson with their rancid lifeblood.

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24e0f0 No.21600626

File: 2e25ee09075e677⋯.jpg (97.44 KB,602x800,301:400,D1xXtF.jpg)


The influx of immigrant voodoo and the possible upcoming reveal of the Deep State's ties to human trafficking and cannibalism that's connected to it?

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f510fd No.21600627


>exactly what i was thinking….glad you reposted this.


>Trump Blasts Harris For “Facilitating The Largest Wave Of Child Sex Trafficking In History”


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290247 No.21600628

File: 32988837c981bf2⋯.png (45.5 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2024_09_16T000723_041.png)

Back in black, I hit the sack

I've been too long, I'm glad to be back

Yes, I'm let loose from the noose

That's kept me hangin' about

I'm just a-lookin' at the sky 'cause it's gettin' me high

__Forget the hearse, 'cause I'll never die

I got nine lives, cat's eyes__

Abusin' every one of them and runnin' wild

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5eed4c No.21600629

File: f1a5be43064a0ca⋯.jpg (81.95 KB,990x1050,33:35,fae9245f445afd6c0b397c476c….jpg)


>Is Trump assassination attempt another false flag to deflect attention from something else?

*Whistleblower affidavit on ABC rigging debate

*Cat memes

*Haitian Voodoo

*Puting saying bombing will mean war with NATO

Take your pick

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5d1ec3 No.21600630


That's why the most evil people on the planet hate his guts. Your critical thinking skills are lacking.

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312e28 No.21600631

File: 65011b9e4b0892b⋯.png (350.52 KB,617x602,617:602,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91ad82060f8aaee⋯.png (18.99 KB,643x436,643:436,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a86f64fede466a⋯.png (32.7 KB,598x627,598:627,ClipboardImage.png)


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2396dc No.21600632


One would think they are good shots but the issue is the source of the four shots. A single source or a combination ? All I heard was the USSS engaged first. It appears the perp would not have the skillset to remain calm under fire. I understand that is not an innate skillset and must be learned. So did the perp have training for that ? Is USSS telling the truth about being the first to engage ? One would think if USSS can see a long rifle barrel poking through a fence at a distance , they could also use that keen eyesight to effectively direct fire but who knows.

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ba6c9c No.21600633

File: 7d21f9c3dcfaaa5⋯.jpg (267.5 KB,617x1023,617:1023,6102183388_1ae2bd1389_b.jpg)

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5eed4c No.21600634

File: d35292f3c45f063⋯.jpg (33.49 KB,1000x523,1000:523,cat1_1000x523.jpg)



Damn that Otto Korrect.

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372f7f No.21600635


>before covid, who knew there are so many shitty epidemiologists and public health professionals?

everyone with half of a half functioning brian…

inexcapable statistical fact…

half of all drs were graduated in the bottom half of their class

is every auto mechanic reliable?

every IT techie?

every handyman?

every lawyer?

90+% of EVERY profession are incompetent buffoons bullshitting their way thru life

why would ANYONE with the capacity for critical thinking expect drs to be magically different?

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4cacfc No.21600636


Except that they are trying to kill him while simultaneously starting a nuclear war with Russia, No, because his death is part of that war being able to begin.

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312e28 No.21600637


The Cat stuff is really about the Voodoo…Blood Rituals…Trafficking….aka..not good for their business,,,sends a message out to them

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312e28 No.21600638



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916298 No.21600639


>Just a thought…

Also, Russian interference in 2016, which was payback for Euromaidan, is exposed as true. It wasn't to help Trump as much as punish the US oligarchy. Day 1, Trump acts as a dictator, perhaps signs something(s) important, but also fires himself. Checkmate by removing himself from the table.

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f510fd No.21600640

File: 49ac2abbf1ee714⋯.png (2.15 MB,1190x714,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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2396dc No.21600641


does seem like a pattern

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aee567 No.21600642


>No, because his death is part of that war being able to begin.

Why do they want the war to begin?

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18d6d0 No.21600643

File: 4d2af129ac4fddd⋯.jpeg (230.82 KB,1254x1058,627:529,78F4F0AA_CA4F_4CCE_912D_C….jpeg)

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94f07b No.21600644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wise man says, just walk this way…

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0178a9 No.21600645


Speaking of Rome.

All roads lead to Obama.

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290247 No.21600646

File: 9058e85957ccf6d⋯.png (945.02 KB,2021x483,2021:483,Screenshot_20240916_001402….png)

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2396dc No.21600647


In addition, from anon's overhead shot of hole #5 Trump's golf cart would have eventually been headed straight for the assassin less than 10 feet away. Quite the spot he had picked out while visiting S FL all the way from HI.

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01345a No.21600648


baker will bake

until the top

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074c1a No.21600649

the query is…

what has q distracted (you) from for years?

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d4e3f8 No.21600650


In what world is this guy not a ClA asset?

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f510fd No.21600651

File: ea83be1fbbd70fc⋯.png (517.03 KB,640x467,640:467,ClipboardImage.png)


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03fdce No.21600652

File: dcbaa6637a76e0a⋯.png (93.3 KB,184x274,92:137,ClipboardImage.png)


"quantum" missed. AI probably won't be more than robots in your lifetime. Would you give the tech to cargo cult people who want to end the world to force their messiah to show up?

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2396dc No.21600653


I have first hand experience that doctors even USN doctors can be evil fucking bastards who lie out their ass. Does no good to point this out. No one listens. They kinda do after their evil was exposed during covid. Bottom line doctors are humans and all humans have the capability to do evil shit.

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312e28 No.21600654

File: d4c91f09d361c83⋯.png (864.1 KB,622x808,311:404,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8ca86edbe8532c⋯.png (522.91 KB,479x624,479:624,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c366326583a651⋯.png (908.92 KB,600x684,50:57,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d592f0f7b0482e⋯.png (293.68 KB,905x425,181:85,ClipboardImage.png)


i think the same…that Voodoo is something normies can get scared around,,,relatable abominable fear


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24e0f0 No.21600655


>90+% of EVERY profession are incompetent buffoons bullshitting their way thru life

Anon finds this to be true of many engineers…does not inspire confidence when you're trying to learn yourself.


Ironic the hippie douchebag "assassin" is a NAFO shill…



So when is the Drunk Ghetto Witch dropping out à la Creepy Joe?

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2f00a9 No.21600656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


https://www.newsweek.com › donald-trump-pictures-mueller-comey-1107762

Trump Claims 100 Photos of Mueller and Comey 'Kissing'

Donald Trump Claims There's 100 Pictures of Mueller and Comey 'Hugging and Kissing Each Other,' Says Mueller 'Hates' Him Published

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a75b67 No.21600657

Langley to be buried in megatons of fecal and satanic savagery, the entire bureau to be eradicated and forgotten, thousands of careers vaporiZed, no pension, no fuckin benefits,

Leave it off the resume clowns or clean toilets.

Gone, splintered into a billion pieces, the Deepfucks clownscape burned to the ground with patriotic and merciless. Aplomb.

The Central Intelligence Agency was a disgusting and pathetic waste of of wealth and time.


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03fdce No.21600658

File: 61420586a3246da⋯.png (1.35 MB,960x763,960:763,ClipboardImage.png)

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372f7f No.21600659


NFL official COLLAPSES on sideline at Ravens vs Raiders game

given CPR on the sidelines

then evacuated to a hospital

attack of the coincidental suddenlies

or is it sudden coincidentalies?


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aee567 No.21600660

File: 110b8478a676170⋯.jpg (66 KB,500x500,1:1,110b8478a676170a6740f105f5….jpg)


Palindrome digits czeched ^^^^^^^^^^

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03fdce No.21600661


Mechanics can't bullshit their way through life.

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03fdce No.21600662

File: 1da6aa244a4d65a⋯.png (507.59 KB,600x338,300:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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cabcfa No.21600663


Without war, the people continue to be able to look and notice who is ruining their lives and country. With war they can move their Communist world domination timeline up. When everyone is hungry and unable to remedy that situation, Communism probably sounds like a good idea.

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372f7f No.21600664


>Mechanics can't bullshit their way through life

of course they can

since 99% of the general pop are TOO STOOPIT to know the difference

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03fdce No.21600665

File: f1ea13a6b27162c⋯.png (783.01 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d12a38227b85190⋯.png (666.49 KB,658x680,329:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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01345a No.21600666



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ba6c9c No.21600667


>90+% of EVERY profession are incompetent buffoons bullshitting their way thru life


>Mechanics can't bullshit their way through life.

Especially plumbers.

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a75b67 No.21600668

Not an agent of anything clowns, Fibbies.

Just a stupid fuckin piece of shit traitor criminal.

The bad guys always get torn into little buts in the big movie fuckface.

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2396dc No.21600669


>quantum" missed.

Sorry but I do not follow.

I understand they are still trying to develop quantum computers. What I do not understand is why do that if AI is supposed to be so special. Is their plan to use quantum computing to further advance AI or would quantum computing be used for tasks that AI can not be trusted with ?

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290247 No.21600670


That click bait of an eyesore gives me a case of the suddenlys every time I get suckered into going there for news.

Learn to cap

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f510fd No.21600671

File: 8bc9d27c7bfc456⋯.png (980.05 KB,827x578,827:578,ClipboardImage.png)

Liberty or Death" time comin'

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0178a9 No.21600672


It's all hit and miss with these mechanics now days.

Mostly miss.

They're not sending their best.

And if they are, they're in big trouble.

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01345a No.21600673

#26457 >>21599952@450

>>21600050 DJT: I would like to thank everyone for your concern and well wishes - It was certainly an interesting day!

>>21600415 Sept. 15 summary of events

>>21599976 On April 1, 2023, The New Indian reported that Ryan Wesley Routh was recruiting Afghan mercenaries to fight in Ukraine

>>21599982 The Secret Service is ‘compromised’: GOP lawmaker (why are scouting drones still not being used?)

>>21600048 The two primary investigators for the 2nd Trump Assassination Attempt are on the record as Trump haters

>>21600058, >>21600292 Gunman was setup to attack Trump on the cart path

>>21600061 'Fight, fight, fight' Qdelta is on Tuesday

>>21600073 You called him a threat to democracy and a day 1 dictator - you own this

>>21600092, >>21600125 Shooter tied to military-industrial complex

>>21600129 Ryan Routh's Rifle

>>21600134 THIS IS WHO DIED TODAY!!!

>>21600156, >>21600217 Scavino: We’ve got this @TeamTrump!!!!! GAME ON, IT’S TIME TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!

>>21600234 Rudy G: How did the attempted assassin anticipate Trump being at the 4th and 5th holes at 1:30PM?

>>21600239 David Frum of The Atlantic endorses the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21600260 Stonks: $11.1 million in $DJT puts purchased on Friday, Sept 13

>>21600268 Trump is a modern day George Washington

>>21600301 If Kamala was actually ahead in the polls, they wouldn’t be trying to kill Trump

>>21600336 Alex Soros doing what he does

>>21600400 Ryan Routh wrote a book where in it he tells Iran to assassinate Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21600161 Melania: Our freedom and rights must be respected

>>21600118 Keith Boykin race-baiting hard on CNN

>>21600302 Taylor Swift lost 17 million followers by endorsing Kamala

>>21600324 (Sept 13) Former President Barack Obama surprises Team USA at Solheim Cup

>>21600414 U.S. Department of Energy: Aurora is the world’s fastest supercomputer for deep learning and artificial intelligence

>>21599983, >>21600017, >>21600031, >>21600144, >>21600225, >>21600244, >>21600361, >>21600396, >>21600515, >>21600524, >>21600541 Memes

baker change

>>21600463 Robert F. Kennedy Jr: “Something happened during the debate this week that was an EXTRAORDINARY milestone for the Democratic Party.”

>>21600525, >>21600534 Scavino: IN GOD WE TRUST

>>21600586 Did Trump know that there would be an attempt to assassinate him at the 6th green?

>>21600613 Repost from earlier: World War III Watch: Russia Threatens to Wipe Kiev Off the Map If Biden and NATO Send Ukraine Long Range Missiles to Fire Deep

>>21600624 Trump Blasts Harris For “Facilitating The Largest Wave Of Child Sex Trafficking In History”

>>21600659 NFL official COLLAPSES on sideline at Ravens vs Raiders game

last call

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2396dc No.21600674


no step on snek .jpeg

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372f7f No.21600675

File: 40f7205a980e56e⋯.png (550.31 KB,1250x1848,625:924,Screen_Shot_2024_09_16_at_….png)


>learn to cap

quit whining

learn to type

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8a0f4e No.21600676

File: 8d0e6c4c361c09c⋯.jpeg (19.69 KB,440x173,440:173,NAFO_OFAN_brain_damaged_c….jpeg)

File: 2483658fc1846eb⋯.jpg (70.44 KB,1280x720,16:9,20220903_BLP512.jpg)


>>>21600636 (You)

>Ironic the hippie douchebag "assassin" is a NAFO shill…

What even is these. NAFO can't meme, you know what that means.

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f510fd No.21600677

File: 2fc97a96bac2489⋯.png (578.99 KB,640x750,64:75,ClipboardImage.png)

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01345a No.21600678


nix the@450


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916298 No.21600679


>>21599133, >>21599228, >>21599383 Who leaked Trump's schedule? The two that were supposed to golf with him today "but couldn't make it"?

I just want to know why Hannity's background was showing NYC at night when the interview was supposedly during the day after yesterday's assassination attempt.

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2f00a9 No.21600680

File: 6fd98627a0e1d75⋯.jpg (368.35 KB,1024x1024,1:1,6fd98627a0e1d753875a8e3e4d….jpg)

Imagine the smell

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39ee7a No.21600681

File: f619166be2a9a5e⋯.png (258.79 KB,634x312,317:156,ClipboardImage.png)

gn anons

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74b4e7 No.21600682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f510fd No.21600683

File: cbfd060dc1ba430⋯.png (529.39 KB,532x433,532:433,ClipboardImage.png)


>does seem like a pattern

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01345a No.21600684

File: c6fcb2008e95af0⋯.png (178.21 KB,256x380,64:95,wwg1wga_night_shift.png)

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5eed4c No.21600685


Try not to get probed by any aliens while you sleep.

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03fdce No.21600686

File: 3204e966e86a95f⋯.png (1.16 MB,1180x600,59:30,ClipboardImage.png)


They are not related.

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74b4e7 No.21600687

File: a366fb4f04afc77⋯.png (185.89 KB,417x626,417:626,ClipboardImage.png)

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39ee7a No.21600688


Thats why Trump said No More Debates

POTUS On to Them and they sneaky ways

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9cb0b4 No.21600689

File: f25ca366c68382d⋯.png (757.41 KB,697x697,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0166939b3aedf5⋯.png (697.21 KB,697x785,697:785,ClipboardImage.png)

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f510fd No.21600690

File: 28f26a94286f4aa⋯.png (408.38 KB,1196x1244,299:311,ClipboardImage.png)


JUST IN - EU bureaucrat Thierry Breton, who threatened X, resigns.

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8d2f82 No.21600691

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0178a9 No.21600692


Now the shooter is in custody, who ever the Blue Falcon is, must be mid stream covering their tracks right now.

Some extra activity in comms perhaps.

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2f00a9 No.21600693

File: 787676ff3af61ce⋯.jpg (123.18 KB,1920x1080,16:9,bateman_3731473212.jpg)

It must be a you had to have been there moment

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8a0f4e No.21600694



The FBI called the incident “what appears to be an attempted assassination of the former president”. The FBI and other law enforcement officials said the suspect had a scope on an AK47 rifle, and a GoPro camera with which he apparently intended to record footage and two backpacks with ceramic tiles in it.

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39ee7a No.21600695

File: 07a29f80bbb4511⋯.png (152.17 KB,474x180,79:30,ClipboardImage.png)

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f510fd No.21600696

File: 3d400fa75592512⋯.png (1.04 MB,1041x739,1041:739,ClipboardImage.png)

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290247 No.21600697


And yet, among all of those options, you chose that shit hole of a site

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cad69c No.21600698


If they had been successful in assassinating Trump,

would JD Vance be the automatic Presidential Candidate for the Repubs.?

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2f00a9 No.21600699

Dicks are hard to leave in the past

Don't bring em, ladies. It's rude.

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03fdce No.21600700


Where did he get the AK47, Zelensky's mansion in FLA?

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01345a No.21600701


>two backpacks with ceramic tiles in it.

weird and ungrammatical too

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8d2f82 No.21600702


does she go to church to escape you?

you sound like a know it all, total drag

would like to see her telling you to 'shut the fuck up'

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24e0f0 No.21600703


Car mechanics? Fuckers use the diagnostic computers like crutches now…two or three codes/repairs later, there's yet another one popping up and your shitpile still ain't running right. Of course there are so many leases these days, who the hell actually fixes anything anymore? Sorry, I come from an old-school loyal car family kek…


>What even is these.

Ask the buttplug Kinzinger KEK.


I actually think the cat meme magic did more of a number on the Deep State than the normies…it terrified them to see such uproar in response to the animals, just wait until it becomes humans.

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a0cea9 No.21600704

File: 02019914b183a99⋯.png (511.45 KB,612x900,17:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d2f82 No.21600705


whoa, did not see that before


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0178a9 No.21600706

File: 4f5771c0bb27441⋯.png (25.24 KB,540x284,135:71,ClipboardImage.png)


>JUST IN - EU bureaucrat Thierry Breton, who threatened X, resigns.

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aee567 No.21600708

File: a61379da43c3ef4⋯.jpg (18.76 KB,700x700,1:1,F54_PO1585_3998255531.jpg)


>two backpacks with ceramic tiles in it.

Ceramic tiles or ceramic ballistic plates

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01345a No.21600709


added, tx.

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2f00a9 No.21600710

I don't even want to be in the same brain as another dick

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01345a No.21600711

#26457 >>21599952

>>21600050 DJT: I would like to thank everyone for your concern and well wishes - It was certainly an interesting day!

>>21600415 Sept. 15 summary of events

>>21599976 On April 1, 2023, The New Indian reported that Ryan Wesley Routh was recruiting Afghan mercenaries to fight in Ukraine

>>21599982 The Secret Service is ‘compromised’: GOP lawmaker (why are scouting drones still not being used?)

>>21600048 The two primary investigators for the 2nd Trump Assassination Attempt are on the record as Trump haters

>>21600058, >>21600292 Gunman was setup to attack Trump on the cart path

>>21600061 'Fight, fight, fight' Qdelta is on Tuesday

>>21600073 You called him a threat to democracy and a day 1 dictator - you own this

>>21600092, >>21600125 Shooter tied to military-industrial complex

>>21600129 Ryan Routh's Rifle

>>21600134 THIS IS WHO DIED TODAY!!!

>>21600156, >>21600217 Scavino: We’ve got this @TeamTrump!!!!! GAME ON, IT’S TIME TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!

>>21600234 Rudy G: How did the attempted assassin anticipate Trump being at the 4th and 5th holes at 1:30PM?

>>21600239 David Frum of The Atlantic endorses the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21600260 Stonks: $11.1 million in $DJT puts purchased on Friday, Sept 13

>>21600268 Trump is a modern day George Washington

>>21600301 If Kamala was actually ahead in the polls, they wouldn’t be trying to kill Trump

>>21600336 Alex Soros doing what he does

>>21600400 Ryan Routh wrote a book where in it he tells Iran to assassinate Trump

>>21600525, >>21600534 Scavino: IN GOD WE TRUST

>>21600586 Did Trump know that there would be an attempt to assassinate him at the 6th green?

>>21600694, >>21600708 Shooter had two backpacks with ceramic tiles??

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21600161 Melania: Our freedom and rights must be respected

>>21600118 Keith Boykin race-baiting hard on CNN

>>21600302 Taylor Swift lost 17 million followers by endorsing Kamala

>>21600324 (Sept 13) Former President Barack Obama surprises Team USA at Solheim Cup

>>21600414 U.S. Department of Energy: Aurora is the world’s fastest supercomputer for deep learning and artificial intelligence

>>21600463 Robert F. Kennedy Jr: “Something happened during the debate this week that was an EXTRAORDINARY milestone for the Democratic Party.”

>>21600613 Repost from earlier: World War III Watch: Russia Threatens to Wipe Kiev Off the Map If Biden and NATO Send Ukraine Long Range Missiles to Fire Deep

>>21600624 Trump Blasts Harris For “Facilitating The Largest Wave Of Child Sex Trafficking In History”

>>21600659 NFL official COLLAPSES on sideline at Ravens vs Raiders game

>>21600690, >>21600706 JUST IN - EU bureaucrat Thierry Breton, who threatened X, resigns.

>>21599983, >>21600017, >>21600031, >>21600144, >>21600225, >>21600244, >>21600361, >>21600396, >>21600515, >>21600524, >>21600541, >>21600704 Memes


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01345a No.21600712



Baking, please fill

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2f00a9 No.21600713

It's amusing, not, that a woman thinks you want her cuz lesser men do

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a0cea9 No.21600715


Bubbaed SKS.

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8a0f4e No.21600716


That makes much more sense than my wondering if the guy was a contractor remodelling a bathroom or something.

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9cb0b4 No.21600722


American car industry is probably aiming for a subscription model, you will own no car but be happy paying the monthly fee. Nowadays if you buy something, reading carefully the end user agreement, you will find out that you don't fully own the thing you bought anyway

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01345a No.21600723






Baker gone, bread ghosted

God Bless America!

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aee567 No.21600724


Someone walking around in a bullet proof vest would draw attention, backpack with ceramic armour plates would not draw attention.

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8d2f82 No.21600726

File: 0bc31581edfc6b3⋯.jpg (41.21 KB,800x566,400:283,0bc31581edfc6b36ab7fe61327….jpg)

File: 0bbe7e7bd93f28e⋯.jpg (148.17 KB,1192x670,596:335,0bbe7e7bd93f28e3f5728be624….jpg)

File: 0b8c70271b8e750⋯.png (1.13 MB,1180x842,590:421,0b8c70271b8e750e8d09a91b13….png)

File: 00ada9fd96a5f5a⋯.png (743.56 KB,1000x667,1000:667,00ada9fd96a5f5a5042fa0b711….png)

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8d2f82 No.21600727

File: 1c5c525b33ff7ba⋯.gif (1.96 MB,287x287,1:1,1c5c525b33ff7baa4a99bbe930….gif)

File: 1bf4958601d57ef⋯.jpg (548.67 KB,1200x1800,2:3,1bf4958601d57eff468ea11f64….jpg)

File: 1a3232e6019558a⋯.png (376.03 KB,432x539,432:539,1a3232e6019558aa97327e9b08….png)

File: 2ab4e703c84587f⋯.png (498.47 KB,870x575,174:115,1a8f04c4b0372ade5a8b027368….png)

File: 1a3fc62d2d26a22⋯.gif (10 MB,470x352,235:176,1a3fc62d2d26a22b83119e3450….gif)

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8d2f82 No.21600728

File: 1daf0df0c3ad5cb⋯.jpeg (200.12 KB,1219x655,1219:655,1daf0df0c3ad5cba78d775c70….jpeg)

File: 19298b83f0fb62b⋯.jpg (9.67 KB,255x144,85:48,01d9df4552bebe1f99394fe22b….jpg)

File: 1c304419a932d78⋯.gif (297.5 KB,320x320,1:1,1c304419a932d78ed33281e12c….gif)

File: 1c362ac4ebb1dcf⋯.jpg (134.88 KB,800x609,800:609,1c362ac4ebb1dcfab16e1d7059….jpg)

File: 1c5c525b33ff7ba⋯.gif (1.96 MB,287x287,1:1,1c5c525b33ff7baa4a99bbe930….gif)

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aee567 No.21600729


Two packs & single shooter doesn't add up.

Were there two people or was the intent for one person to wear packs back and front.

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01345a No.21600733

File: 80b519e8bd5b63c⋯.png (380.65 KB,455x651,65:93,night_shift_somewhere.png)

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8d2f82 No.21600734

File: 2febc6e54e51240⋯.png (813.91 KB,500x746,250:373,2febc6e54e5124051885401840….png)

File: 2fdcc4787ed7090⋯.png (714.09 KB,678x1140,113:190,2fdcc4787ed70900b99b18342d….png)

File: 2ea2d3c7dcfdff9⋯.jpg (193.87 KB,500x750,2:3,2ea2d3c7dcfdff9f6dcc816a86….jpg)

File: 634f611803cdd43⋯.png (274.01 KB,800x446,400:223,2cf67bff496d28e180b5675606….png)

File: 2ce531cd2d8f70c⋯.jpeg (380.58 KB,2026x1200,1013:600,2ce531cd2d8f70cc83fdc2633….jpeg)

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86b7f9 No.21600735


Would think guy would put them on before brandishing the weapon and being shot at.

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a0cea9 No.21600736

File: 9b12b5e112e657f⋯.png (2.94 MB,1600x1738,800:869,ClipboardImage.png)



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8d2f82 No.21600737

File: fff6cd4e1bba21c⋯.png (284.57 KB,392x400,49:50,8c3a7f6ff19d22af643aac9739….png)

File: 8bf4970952d1e42⋯.png (523.82 KB,500x564,125:141,8bf4970952d1e427a18798f14b….png)

File: 8af60fd7ce91d97⋯.jpeg (68.87 KB,884x960,221:240,8af60fd7ce91d974cb8fe33af….jpeg)

File: 8aac855c123645d⋯.png (1.2 MB,720x986,360:493,8aac855c123645d0b5a6d425e0….png)

File: 8aa5ad935936bd7⋯.png (578.6 KB,710x697,710:697,8aa5ad935936bd79a0ca7a8db4….png)

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8d2f82 No.21600738

File: 7de5dc4b4c6f8b8⋯.png (1.11 MB,650x1040,5:8,7de5dc4b4c6f8b89628b1fb155….png)

File: 7d18e6736e7a145⋯.jpeg (84.5 KB,689x499,689:499,7d18e6736e7a1453ad2447f22….jpeg)

File: 7d5e9a593214b3a⋯.png (414.72 KB,500x568,125:142,7d5e9a593214b3ad24598e556e….png)

File: 7cdf2dbe26297a0⋯.png (752.78 KB,505x701,505:701,7cdf2dbe26297a0060c4cad78c….png)

File: 7ca1b6240751971⋯.gif (1.25 MB,540x540,1:1,7ca1b62407519716ca5322950e….gif)

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01345a No.21600739

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8d2f82 No.21600741

File: 5ffd7bb82c0b206⋯.jpg (127.19 KB,484x649,44:59,5ffd7bb82c0b206b9a7038c184….jpg)

File: 5fbcb19bec21674⋯.png (877.88 KB,682x665,682:665,5fbcb19bec2167404f8edce333….png)

File: 5f136a8d7a7d3b8⋯.jpg (20.33 KB,480x719,480:719,5f136a8d7a7d3b850144168a8f….jpg)

File: 5e5693fa6e72551⋯.png (5.83 MB,1800x1800,1:1,5e5693fa6e725518a26919b54c….png)

File: 5e4a1ffe581ffdb⋯.png (325.91 KB,396x468,11:13,5e4a1ffe581ffdba672b6ab2ee….png)

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9cb0b4 No.21600742




>What’s crazy is NO ONE was covering this…




also crazy was that Q thought Bolton was pro-Trump patriot "cleaning house", when everybody who had followed politics since 911 knew that he was a Deep State aligned neocon, trying to sabotage Trump at every turn.

btw … has Gina Haspell endorse Trump?

Stand strong, Gina!


of course not, she was part of the Crossfire Hurricane

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8d2f82 No.21600743

File: 54a2ab1bec632f0⋯.png (2.01 MB,1920x1080,16:9,54a2ab1bec632f09ce5fbb606b….png)

File: 52e6db2847138f9⋯.jpeg (73.42 KB,483x486,161:162,52e6db2847138f91854691e74….jpeg)

File: d3a362c7d03cb68⋯.jpg (16.26 KB,200x255,40:51,51f4b43e70c548b5da4ce588b4….jpg)

File: 8d2f0205bb8a629⋯.png (629.58 KB,1085x1085,1:1,50b8e72b26e33d0e0c5d685154….png)

File: 49d0c912d4a631e⋯.jpg (108.32 KB,794x794,1:1,49d0c912d4a631e95403e1daf5….jpg)

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4e40f5 No.21600744

File: d7c268f8cc0c305⋯.png (905.81 KB,984x555,328:185,9km756n476b54574.PNG)

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86b7f9 No.21600745


Oh I get it, that was him wearing them. .

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9f0db2 No.21600750


> THIS QPost is delta on Tuesday

> Anons picked up on the 'carpet' bombs.

>For you and you alone.



Assassination attempt on Sunday

Are we 2 days ahead of schedule?

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8d2f82 No.21600751

File: 63b63165df0abc0⋯.jpeg (160.4 KB,828x1217,828:1217,63b63165df0abc01eff544537….jpeg)

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8d2f82 No.21600754

File: 57662daead6b8bd⋯.png (20.08 KB,683x470,683:470,48c034fe8de5b179be739f4961….png)

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8d2f82 No.21600755

File: ec7c3a3c8e27bbe⋯.png (1.07 MB,1240x699,1240:699,ec7c3a3c8e27bbe23ee9c25840….png)

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8d2f82 No.21600758

File: 586b65dc565ac7f⋯.jpg (18.8 KB,381x405,127:135,photo_2021_10_31_19_04_51.jpg)

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