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File: 85e7228cb4dfe58⋯.png (50.64 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

32ef19 No.21599937 [View All]

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9cb0b4 No.21600689

File: f25ca366c68382d⋯.png (757.41 KB,697x697,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0166939b3aedf5⋯.png (697.21 KB,697x785,697:785,ClipboardImage.png)

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f510fd No.21600690

File: 28f26a94286f4aa⋯.png (408.38 KB,1196x1244,299:311,ClipboardImage.png)


JUST IN - EU bureaucrat Thierry Breton, who threatened X, resigns.

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8d2f82 No.21600691

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0178a9 No.21600692


Now the shooter is in custody, who ever the Blue Falcon is, must be mid stream covering their tracks right now.

Some extra activity in comms perhaps.

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2f00a9 No.21600693

File: 787676ff3af61ce⋯.jpg (123.18 KB,1920x1080,16:9,bateman_3731473212.jpg)

It must be a you had to have been there moment

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8a0f4e No.21600694



The FBI called the incident “what appears to be an attempted assassination of the former president”. The FBI and other law enforcement officials said the suspect had a scope on an AK47 rifle, and a GoPro camera with which he apparently intended to record footage and two backpacks with ceramic tiles in it.

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39ee7a No.21600695

File: 07a29f80bbb4511⋯.png (152.17 KB,474x180,79:30,ClipboardImage.png)

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f510fd No.21600696

File: 3d400fa75592512⋯.png (1.04 MB,1041x739,1041:739,ClipboardImage.png)

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290247 No.21600697


And yet, among all of those options, you chose that shit hole of a site

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cad69c No.21600698


If they had been successful in assassinating Trump,

would JD Vance be the automatic Presidential Candidate for the Repubs.?

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2f00a9 No.21600699

Dicks are hard to leave in the past

Don't bring em, ladies. It's rude.

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03fdce No.21600700


Where did he get the AK47, Zelensky's mansion in FLA?

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01345a No.21600701


>two backpacks with ceramic tiles in it.

weird and ungrammatical too

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8d2f82 No.21600702


does she go to church to escape you?

you sound like a know it all, total drag

would like to see her telling you to 'shut the fuck up'

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24e0f0 No.21600703


Car mechanics? Fuckers use the diagnostic computers like crutches now…two or three codes/repairs later, there's yet another one popping up and your shitpile still ain't running right. Of course there are so many leases these days, who the hell actually fixes anything anymore? Sorry, I come from an old-school loyal car family kek…


>What even is these.

Ask the buttplug Kinzinger KEK.


I actually think the cat meme magic did more of a number on the Deep State than the normies…it terrified them to see such uproar in response to the animals, just wait until it becomes humans.

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a0cea9 No.21600704

File: 02019914b183a99⋯.png (511.45 KB,612x900,17:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d2f82 No.21600705


whoa, did not see that before


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0178a9 No.21600706

File: 4f5771c0bb27441⋯.png (25.24 KB,540x284,135:71,ClipboardImage.png)


>JUST IN - EU bureaucrat Thierry Breton, who threatened X, resigns.

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aee567 No.21600708

File: a61379da43c3ef4⋯.jpg (18.76 KB,700x700,1:1,F54_PO1585_3998255531.jpg)


>two backpacks with ceramic tiles in it.

Ceramic tiles or ceramic ballistic plates

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01345a No.21600709


added, tx.

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2f00a9 No.21600710

I don't even want to be in the same brain as another dick

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01345a No.21600711

#26457 >>21599952

>>21600050 DJT: I would like to thank everyone for your concern and well wishes - It was certainly an interesting day!

>>21600415 Sept. 15 summary of events

>>21599976 On April 1, 2023, The New Indian reported that Ryan Wesley Routh was recruiting Afghan mercenaries to fight in Ukraine

>>21599982 The Secret Service is ‘compromised’: GOP lawmaker (why are scouting drones still not being used?)

>>21600048 The two primary investigators for the 2nd Trump Assassination Attempt are on the record as Trump haters

>>21600058, >>21600292 Gunman was setup to attack Trump on the cart path

>>21600061 'Fight, fight, fight' Qdelta is on Tuesday

>>21600073 You called him a threat to democracy and a day 1 dictator - you own this

>>21600092, >>21600125 Shooter tied to military-industrial complex

>>21600129 Ryan Routh's Rifle

>>21600134 THIS IS WHO DIED TODAY!!!

>>21600156, >>21600217 Scavino: We’ve got this @TeamTrump!!!!! GAME ON, IT’S TIME TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!

>>21600234 Rudy G: How did the attempted assassin anticipate Trump being at the 4th and 5th holes at 1:30PM?

>>21600239 David Frum of The Atlantic endorses the attempted assassination of Trump

>>21600260 Stonks: $11.1 million in $DJT puts purchased on Friday, Sept 13

>>21600268 Trump is a modern day George Washington

>>21600301 If Kamala was actually ahead in the polls, they wouldn’t be trying to kill Trump

>>21600336 Alex Soros doing what he does

>>21600400 Ryan Routh wrote a book where in it he tells Iran to assassinate Trump

>>21600525, >>21600534 Scavino: IN GOD WE TRUST

>>21600586 Did Trump know that there would be an attempt to assassinate him at the 6th green?

>>21600694, >>21600708 Shooter had two backpacks with ceramic tiles??

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21600161 Melania: Our freedom and rights must be respected

>>21600118 Keith Boykin race-baiting hard on CNN

>>21600302 Taylor Swift lost 17 million followers by endorsing Kamala

>>21600324 (Sept 13) Former President Barack Obama surprises Team USA at Solheim Cup

>>21600414 U.S. Department of Energy: Aurora is the world’s fastest supercomputer for deep learning and artificial intelligence

>>21600463 Robert F. Kennedy Jr: “Something happened during the debate this week that was an EXTRAORDINARY milestone for the Democratic Party.”

>>21600613 Repost from earlier: World War III Watch: Russia Threatens to Wipe Kiev Off the Map If Biden and NATO Send Ukraine Long Range Missiles to Fire Deep

>>21600624 Trump Blasts Harris For “Facilitating The Largest Wave Of Child Sex Trafficking In History”

>>21600659 NFL official COLLAPSES on sideline at Ravens vs Raiders game

>>21600690, >>21600706 JUST IN - EU bureaucrat Thierry Breton, who threatened X, resigns.

>>21599983, >>21600017, >>21600031, >>21600144, >>21600225, >>21600244, >>21600361, >>21600396, >>21600515, >>21600524, >>21600541, >>21600704 Memes


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01345a No.21600712



Baking, please fill

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2f00a9 No.21600713

It's amusing, not, that a woman thinks you want her cuz lesser men do

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a0cea9 No.21600715


Bubbaed SKS.

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8a0f4e No.21600716


That makes much more sense than my wondering if the guy was a contractor remodelling a bathroom or something.

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9cb0b4 No.21600722


American car industry is probably aiming for a subscription model, you will own no car but be happy paying the monthly fee. Nowadays if you buy something, reading carefully the end user agreement, you will find out that you don't fully own the thing you bought anyway

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01345a No.21600723






Baker gone, bread ghosted

God Bless America!

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aee567 No.21600724


Someone walking around in a bullet proof vest would draw attention, backpack with ceramic armour plates would not draw attention.

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8d2f82 No.21600726

File: 0bc31581edfc6b3⋯.jpg (41.21 KB,800x566,400:283,0bc31581edfc6b36ab7fe61327….jpg)

File: 0bbe7e7bd93f28e⋯.jpg (148.17 KB,1192x670,596:335,0bbe7e7bd93f28e3f5728be624….jpg)

File: 0b8c70271b8e750⋯.png (1.13 MB,1180x842,590:421,0b8c70271b8e750e8d09a91b13….png)

File: 00ada9fd96a5f5a⋯.png (743.56 KB,1000x667,1000:667,00ada9fd96a5f5a5042fa0b711….png)

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8d2f82 No.21600727

File: 1c5c525b33ff7ba⋯.gif (1.96 MB,287x287,1:1,1c5c525b33ff7baa4a99bbe930….gif)

File: 1bf4958601d57ef⋯.jpg (548.67 KB,1200x1800,2:3,1bf4958601d57eff468ea11f64….jpg)

File: 1a3232e6019558a⋯.png (376.03 KB,432x539,432:539,1a3232e6019558aa97327e9b08….png)

File: 2ab4e703c84587f⋯.png (498.47 KB,870x575,174:115,1a8f04c4b0372ade5a8b027368….png)

File: 1a3fc62d2d26a22⋯.gif (10 MB,470x352,235:176,1a3fc62d2d26a22b83119e3450….gif)

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8d2f82 No.21600728

File: 1daf0df0c3ad5cb⋯.jpeg (200.12 KB,1219x655,1219:655,1daf0df0c3ad5cba78d775c70….jpeg)

File: 19298b83f0fb62b⋯.jpg (9.67 KB,255x144,85:48,01d9df4552bebe1f99394fe22b….jpg)

File: 1c304419a932d78⋯.gif (297.5 KB,320x320,1:1,1c304419a932d78ed33281e12c….gif)

File: 1c362ac4ebb1dcf⋯.jpg (134.88 KB,800x609,800:609,1c362ac4ebb1dcfab16e1d7059….jpg)

File: 1c5c525b33ff7ba⋯.gif (1.96 MB,287x287,1:1,1c5c525b33ff7baa4a99bbe930….gif)

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aee567 No.21600729


Two packs & single shooter doesn't add up.

Were there two people or was the intent for one person to wear packs back and front.

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01345a No.21600733

File: 80b519e8bd5b63c⋯.png (380.65 KB,455x651,65:93,night_shift_somewhere.png)

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8d2f82 No.21600734

File: 2febc6e54e51240⋯.png (813.91 KB,500x746,250:373,2febc6e54e5124051885401840….png)

File: 2fdcc4787ed7090⋯.png (714.09 KB,678x1140,113:190,2fdcc4787ed70900b99b18342d….png)

File: 2ea2d3c7dcfdff9⋯.jpg (193.87 KB,500x750,2:3,2ea2d3c7dcfdff9f6dcc816a86….jpg)

File: 634f611803cdd43⋯.png (274.01 KB,800x446,400:223,2cf67bff496d28e180b5675606….png)

File: 2ce531cd2d8f70c⋯.jpeg (380.58 KB,2026x1200,1013:600,2ce531cd2d8f70cc83fdc2633….jpeg)

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86b7f9 No.21600735


Would think guy would put them on before brandishing the weapon and being shot at.

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a0cea9 No.21600736

File: 9b12b5e112e657f⋯.png (2.94 MB,1600x1738,800:869,ClipboardImage.png)



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8d2f82 No.21600737

File: fff6cd4e1bba21c⋯.png (284.57 KB,392x400,49:50,8c3a7f6ff19d22af643aac9739….png)

File: 8bf4970952d1e42⋯.png (523.82 KB,500x564,125:141,8bf4970952d1e427a18798f14b….png)

File: 8af60fd7ce91d97⋯.jpeg (68.87 KB,884x960,221:240,8af60fd7ce91d974cb8fe33af….jpeg)

File: 8aac855c123645d⋯.png (1.2 MB,720x986,360:493,8aac855c123645d0b5a6d425e0….png)

File: 8aa5ad935936bd7⋯.png (578.6 KB,710x697,710:697,8aa5ad935936bd79a0ca7a8db4….png)

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8d2f82 No.21600738

File: 7de5dc4b4c6f8b8⋯.png (1.11 MB,650x1040,5:8,7de5dc4b4c6f8b89628b1fb155….png)

File: 7d18e6736e7a145⋯.jpeg (84.5 KB,689x499,689:499,7d18e6736e7a1453ad2447f22….jpeg)

File: 7d5e9a593214b3a⋯.png (414.72 KB,500x568,125:142,7d5e9a593214b3ad24598e556e….png)

File: 7cdf2dbe26297a0⋯.png (752.78 KB,505x701,505:701,7cdf2dbe26297a0060c4cad78c….png)

File: 7ca1b6240751971⋯.gif (1.25 MB,540x540,1:1,7ca1b62407519716ca5322950e….gif)

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01345a No.21600739

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8d2f82 No.21600741

File: 5ffd7bb82c0b206⋯.jpg (127.19 KB,484x649,44:59,5ffd7bb82c0b206b9a7038c184….jpg)

File: 5fbcb19bec21674⋯.png (877.88 KB,682x665,682:665,5fbcb19bec2167404f8edce333….png)

File: 5f136a8d7a7d3b8⋯.jpg (20.33 KB,480x719,480:719,5f136a8d7a7d3b850144168a8f….jpg)

File: 5e5693fa6e72551⋯.png (5.83 MB,1800x1800,1:1,5e5693fa6e725518a26919b54c….png)

File: 5e4a1ffe581ffdb⋯.png (325.91 KB,396x468,11:13,5e4a1ffe581ffdba672b6ab2ee….png)

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9cb0b4 No.21600742




>What’s crazy is NO ONE was covering this…




also crazy was that Q thought Bolton was pro-Trump patriot "cleaning house", when everybody who had followed politics since 911 knew that he was a Deep State aligned neocon, trying to sabotage Trump at every turn.

btw … has Gina Haspell endorse Trump?

Stand strong, Gina!


of course not, she was part of the Crossfire Hurricane

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8d2f82 No.21600743

File: 54a2ab1bec632f0⋯.png (2.01 MB,1920x1080,16:9,54a2ab1bec632f09ce5fbb606b….png)

File: 52e6db2847138f9⋯.jpeg (73.42 KB,483x486,161:162,52e6db2847138f91854691e74….jpeg)

File: d3a362c7d03cb68⋯.jpg (16.26 KB,200x255,40:51,51f4b43e70c548b5da4ce588b4….jpg)

File: 8d2f0205bb8a629⋯.png (629.58 KB,1085x1085,1:1,50b8e72b26e33d0e0c5d685154….png)

File: 49d0c912d4a631e⋯.jpg (108.32 KB,794x794,1:1,49d0c912d4a631e95403e1daf5….jpg)

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4e40f5 No.21600744

File: d7c268f8cc0c305⋯.png (905.81 KB,984x555,328:185,9km756n476b54574.PNG)

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86b7f9 No.21600745


Oh I get it, that was him wearing them. .

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9f0db2 No.21600750


> THIS QPost is delta on Tuesday

> Anons picked up on the 'carpet' bombs.

>For you and you alone.



Assassination attempt on Sunday

Are we 2 days ahead of schedule?

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8d2f82 No.21600751

File: 63b63165df0abc0⋯.jpeg (160.4 KB,828x1217,828:1217,63b63165df0abc01eff544537….jpeg)

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8d2f82 No.21600754

File: 57662daead6b8bd⋯.png (20.08 KB,683x470,683:470,48c034fe8de5b179be739f4961….png)

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8d2f82 No.21600755

File: ec7c3a3c8e27bbe⋯.png (1.07 MB,1240x699,1240:699,ec7c3a3c8e27bbe23ee9c25840….png)

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8d2f82 No.21600758

File: 586b65dc565ac7f⋯.jpg (18.8 KB,381x405,127:135,photo_2021_10_31_19_04_51.jpg)

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