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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

a61161 No.21557002 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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a61161 No.21557003

International Q Research Threads

>>21251854 Australia #37

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26407 >>21555672

>>21555755 Pope Francis arrives in East Timor

>>21555783 Fauci Says Practicing Catholicism is ‘Not a Thing I Need to Do’

>>21555839 PapiTrumpo: Who Did This?

>>21555850, >>21555859 NYT: DJT has nearly 100% chance of winning electoral college

>>21555891 ZH: fears that the socialist UK government will raise capital gains tax in October causing a “frenzy” of activity by business owners

>>21555929 South Australian judge Malcolm Blue dies in farm accident, three weeks after retiring

>>21556090 Australians vs The Agenda taking place. Musk in play

>>21556185, >>21556218 DJT: Happy Birthday Mary

>>21556217 Fire doubles in size overnight in San Bernardino County

>>21556309 Muslim politician [from Switzerland!] apologises for shooting at image of Jesus

>>21556453 Woman is forced out of her home of 45 years after migrants began squatting on her lawn

>>21556510 Cop Shot in U.S. Every 22 Hours This Year, Huge Increase During Biden-Harris Era, Says Police Union

>>21556551 E. Jean Carroll’s Jacket Dress Was Not Made Until Years after alleged assault

>>21556898 #26407

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a61161 No.21557004

#26406 >>21554760

>>21554818, >>21554866, >>21554903, >>21555001 Alignenings

>>21554836, >>21554883, >>21554893, >>21554929, >>21554947 Fox Point

>>21554837 Trump Takes The Lead in the Top-Rated Pollster's Poll

>>21554923 Glenn and Tucker on the #AssassinationAttempt of President @realDonaldTrump

>>21554926 O'Keefe: It gives me faith in humanity how many hundreds of election workers, supervisors, and poll workers are asking for cameras

>>21554952 Out of the 1,326 days Biden has been in office, 532 were vacation days

>>21554957, >>21554975 CYM Corporation

>>21554984 Presler: I infiltrated the Bucks County Democrats on Facebook & they are freaking out about our voter registration efforts

>>21554987 Grassley corn comms

>>21555020 Never give up

>>21555024 Kash Patel believes that Kamala Harris may be installed as President before the 2024 election

>>21555072 Line Fire holds steady at 17K acres, but fire officials warn of worsening conditions ahead

>>21555125 Flashback to the fairest and most based take on Q to ever hit cable television airwaves

>>21555133 Kamala has a policy page up now

>>21555181 Bill Gates says he wants to work another 20 to 30 years: ‘Warren Buffett still comes into the office six days a week’

>>21555193 Dak Prescott, Cowboys agree to record $240M deal over 4 years

>>21555201 Ronald Reagan film has biggest gap on Rotten Tomatoes in Hollywood film history

>>21555212 Top 10 people most likely to reach trillionaire status

>>21555223 Former President George W. Bush has no plans to endorse in the election

>>21555233 2 Nigerian men sentenced in sextortion scheme leading to Marquette teen’s death

>>21555247 Watching a football game in Shared Reality sports venues

>>21555282 State of Things: The Internet

>>21555342, >>21555380, >>21555397, >>21555430, >>21555438, >>21555459 PF

>>21555378 DJT: I believe it is time to end needless arrests and incarcerations of adults for small amounts of marijuana for personal use

>>21555443, >>21555488, >>21555518, >>21554971 Cats for Trump

>>21555570 RFK Jr.: The vaccines were not developed by Moderna-Pfizer… but by NIH

>>21555575 DJT: Happy Birthday Mary!

>>21554940, >>21554991, >>21554995, >>21555070, >>21555420 Memes

>>21555656 #26406

#26405 >>21554003

>>21554035 Hindu group endorses Donald Trump over Harris in US presidential elections

>>21554036 If the materials were there, why didn't Biden and Harris just finish the wall?

>>21554037 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week

>>21554042 Massachusetts welfare recipients have been using their EBT cards while on tropical vacations

>>21554095 Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes: The left's delusional enthusiasm

>>21554125 Cheney was CEO of Halliburton which bypassed US sanctions on Iran by setting up offshore subsidiaries

>>21554130, >>21554580 Biden-Harris Asscomplishments

>>21554248 We're h00man, just like you

>>21554292, >>21554301 Let's en masse bring in unvetted villagers from the forests of Haiti who don't speak a word of English they said

>>21554315 200 million Americans wake up to use Listerine everyday, which also correlates with how many have blood pressure issues

>>21554356 DJT: Thank you to Erin Burnett and CNN. Even they say Comrade Kamala Harris is a Phony!

>>21554375, >>21554566, >>21554053, >>21554403, >>21554440, >>21554548 Heather Heyer

>>21554441, >>21554457 ABC News’ David Muir And Linsey Davis To Moderate September Presidential Debate

>>21554467, >>21554552 Jim Morrison and The Doors Scorch Kamala Harris in New Parody Song

>>21554568 NY AG Letitia James to 'protect New Yorkers from AI-generated misinformation' ahead of the elections this November

>>21554586 Republican members of Congress published their Botched Biden 2021 Afghanistan Withdrawal investigation on Sunday

>>21554590 Highline Public Schools cancels class Monday after 'unauthorized activity' on technology system

>>21554605, >>21554632 Leaked Audio from Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg‘s office reveals Bragg stacked charges against Trump

>>21554617 Anyone else notice Nina Jankowicz (disgraced would be Minister of Truth) pop up in the Tenet Media / Lauren Chen story?

>>21554622 DoJ: Illegal immigrant stole US citizen's identity to vote in multiple elections, obtain American passport

>>21554661 Bernie Sanders admits Kamala’s policy flips are only to win election

>>21554666 Swapping Bush, Cheney, and Romney for Elon, RFK, and Tulsi is the best political trade of the century

>>21554670 Russia, China and Iran have all been accused of perpetrating complex campaigns to manipulate U.S. politics

>>21554677 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Republicans Have Become ‘the Party of the Common Man’

>>21554686 This is the projected map according to Nate Silver's 2024 election model

>>21554736 Top Kamala Surrogate Raphael Warnock Signals Support for Push for Harris Passing Mandatory Gun Confiscation

>>21554727 Mil tweets and decodes

>>21554030, >>21554087, >>21554314, >>21554580, >>21554638, >>21554722 Memes

>>21554745 #26405

Previously Collected

>>21553985 #26404,

>>21551231 #26401, >>21552088 #26402, >>21553194 #26403

>>21549096 #26398, >>21549848 #26399, >>21550641 #26400

>>21546685 #26395, >>21547507 #26396, >>21548310 #26397

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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a61161 No.21557005

File: f107c916ff0c708⋯.png (1.06 MB,896x717,896:717,2b2048814a88cc6bce64e51b70….png)



bred is ghost

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4b77ce No.21557006

File: 3eed7b464903c01⋯.png (809.83 KB,564x768,47:64,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3f11d16a81ed75⋯.png (861.23 KB,559x768,559:768,ClipboardImage.png)

Mikhail Kalinin, a member of the Soviet Politburo, was among those responsible for the Katyn massacre, having co-signed the order to murder thousands of Polish prisoners of war.


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67a304 No.21557007

File: 3d97e4644e52e5a⋯.gif (698.3 KB,256x209,256:209,popcorn03d4c5356038a6dc1b3….gif)

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456b51 No.21557008

File: 8d71d26fd1d54d5⋯.mp4 (10.05 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17258857343….mp4)

Breanna Morello



Brazilian judge Alexandre de Moraes has banned X and is trying to lock up his political opposition.

Brazil's former President Jair Bolsonaro's son is speaking out about being targeted.

Eduardo Bolsonaro (@BolsonaroSP) joined me to detail the corruption.

CC: @elonmusk


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d6bb24 No.21557009

File: 03d8e147d43db10⋯.jpeg (23.45 KB,360x324,10:9,C04E4A0D_3427_4CA8_95E9_F….jpeg)

File: 5321c35545c328c⋯.jpeg (60.6 KB,480x470,48:47,8870576E_D54C_4FC8_ACF5_7….jpeg)

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ab616e No.21557010

File: 6e2dbbb10ea58c9⋯.jpg (41.17 KB,500x566,250:283,92vnkz.jpg)

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f5fd48 No.21557011

File: dde5a95070c9558⋯.png (754.59 KB,810x790,81:79,IMG_0723.png)

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740bfc No.21557012

File: 3baa7f0cee9ab09⋯.png (70.74 KB,702x926,351:463,66de0ef47d0c6.png)

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f911d8 No.21557013

File: e54d73b713063c0⋯.png (77.75 KB,2389x267,2389:267,kek.png)

So close…

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e17baa No.21557014

File: 6e91e67b4746abc⋯.png (68.89 KB,499x499,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab616e No.21557015

File: 0979bad18b878c9⋯.webp (162.11 KB,680x680,1:1,media_GV5n6T7WEAAgzg2.webp)

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b5cd5e No.21557016

File: 99ecbc6941ac31a⋯.png (368.87 KB,505x499,505:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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bba24e No.21557018

File: 9adad7fb8c02460⋯.gif (1.51 MB,400x227,400:227,ADDC7F9A_F1FC_4845_9F54_7A….gif)

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3ed867 No.21557019

File: 953842e807a8a13⋯.png (128.26 KB,848x628,212:157,Screenshot_2024_09_09_at_0….png)

File: ace65855fefdaaa⋯.png (54 KB,439x346,439:346,Screenshot_2024_09_09_at_0….png)

all pb






one day off


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI09/07/201817:52:10 ID: 27e1fa

8chan/qresearch: 2925579

Q Clock [ Min: 34 | :25/:55 Mir: 16 | 180 Mir: 4 | :35/:05 Mir: 36 ]


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/07/2018 17:43:36 ID:27e1fa

8chan/qresearch: 2925398


Logical thinking.

Month: Sept

Public learned GJ empaneled re: McCabe?


Follow the connections.

We have it all.





If 'schedule' is known….

Better prepared?



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49af7c No.21557020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Stand Up. LB

Nah, gonna get groovy instead of arrested.

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456b51 No.21557021

File: 78923288ff98839⋯.mp4 (6.24 MB,640x360,16:9,6GENwswpt0AUoXti.mp4)

Efrain Flores Monsanto 🇨🇦🚛




HAPPENING NOW: Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil 🇧🇷 to fight against censorship from the Lulu and judge Moraes' regime on their independence day.

Former Pres Bolsonaro and his supporters came out for freedom.

Full report http://TheTruthAboutBrazil.com


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d6bb24 No.21557023

File: 3f8bab2120d3967⋯.png (1.23 MB,750x1334,375:667,F1BE7FA9_6747_4275_912C_BA….png)

File: 314c0eb22f696f0⋯.png (24.34 KB,690x498,115:83,ABB53DF7_A240_46B3_B926_43….png)

File: b6524b2c895e19a⋯.png (36.75 KB,690x498,115:83,41B820DD_1789_46CD_8F57_66….png)

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d6bb24 No.21557025

File: 3a1126a69f3e830⋯.png (387.27 KB,750x1334,375:667,D8D86F78_CBF1_4450_A347_20….png)

File: 10c429729a7c8ea⋯.png (395.46 KB,750x1334,375:667,84048BB6_36CD_4F01_89EF_6C….png)

File: a9f76beb6c5e361⋯.png (799.69 KB,766x2712,383:1356,6B01A4F4_0E85_4B53_8786_AA….png)

File: ce6777450ee8f13⋯.png (396.04 KB,606x751,606:751,85C510F9_15E2_4EAF_9FCC_40….png)

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3eaa8f No.21557026


what is the connection?

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56ed5f No.21557028

File: 7b4a2bd84f36911⋯.png (564.8 KB,750x424,375:212,ClipboardImage.png)

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f911d8 No.21557029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How anon feels right about now.

I hope this year does get better, for humanity's sake.

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d6bb24 No.21557031

File: a5fa435b2760b96⋯.png (1.26 MB,750x1334,375:667,C804D479_4727_4C47_ABC4_24….png)

File: e0d9a72f3d52d18⋯.png (28.4 KB,690x410,69:41,7AA1E504_D462_4E17_9FF2_44….png)

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836b6d No.21557032

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

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d6bb24 No.21557033

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4b77ce No.21557035

File: 190e6476541abff⋯.png (551.13 KB,740x469,740:469,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6bb24 No.21557036

File: d82b886e9abcaef⋯.png (1.71 MB,750x1334,375:667,BF77CA2A_5818_41A9_B261_2F….png)

File: 442a37e67d50dfd⋯.png (35.2 KB,690x498,115:83,E7F98B55_1DE6_42A0_9D06_18….png)

File: 5bac31bf8796c3a⋯.jpeg (465.4 KB,2047x1365,2047:1365,C18914F0_A076_4A8D_8A6F_3….jpeg)

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ab616e No.21557037

File: 05b8bc9c3c3129e⋯.jpg (57.47 KB,500x459,500:459,92voet.jpg)


He told loomer he and his bf had a bad break up last winter.

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5efb97 No.21557038

File: 97740acf79019f7⋯.jpg (182.79 KB,1024x1024,1:1,97740acf79019f70b7cfa64c84….jpg)

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67a304 No.21557039

File: 71cdbc329a2ade4⋯.jpg (363.49 KB,847x988,847:988,d20677e4c7ebd39ecb9110b360….jpg)


Angry Inch. Simple Legion. Harmless Clown. Filtered shill. If you're going to copy everything other than the meme from me, every mannerism you can like you've been doing for the past year and a half, Tranimae, you can do it in the filter where I can't see you. Begone, pissflap.

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b5cd5e No.21557040

File: 9aa67ffab5f4657⋯.png (653.12 KB,736x499,736:499,ClipboardImage.png)


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ab616e No.21557041

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d6bb24 No.21557042

File: 518c4a99f6f5b25⋯.png (1 MB,750x1334,375:667,DF10BACC_C832_4D71_9215_A0….png)

File: ed415be835ca9b0⋯.png (39.86 KB,690x542,345:271,20CF5E7A_5A3B_4B9D_A15A_57….png)

File: 595c253a6dfd93a⋯.png (424.45 KB,690x972,115:162,546EF7F7_D034_4AC1_850F_E6….png)

File: 98842f6e806dab3⋯.jpeg (58.02 KB,624x499,624:499,CAE440C6_0671_4AD5_BEA0_6….jpeg)

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2a8f2f No.21557043

File: c737d6b78a81fdb⋯.png (47.61 KB,474x316,3:2,c737d6b78a81fdb80161fa1f89….png)

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f54500 No.21557044

File: 26d71eab02ac2e3⋯.png (577.95 KB,1018x1200,509:600,ClipboardImage.png)

Pure evil.


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5a3589 No.21557045

File: 7eee0ab5a04994c⋯.png (544.02 KB,668x500,167:125,hapy_monday.png)

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740bfc No.21557046

File: 2dad4a369059d46⋯.png (38.48 KB,640x697,640:697,aZZgRrX_700bwp.png)

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5efb97 No.21557047


forgot si cade ah

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3ed867 No.21557048

File: 96dd3fa068c0849⋯.png (418.91 KB,434x764,217:382,Screenshot_2024_09_09_at_0….png)

File: c98b5dc6ab46dd0⋯.png (590.61 KB,1284x1217,1284:1217,Screenshot_2024_09_09_at_0….png)




[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 09/08/2024 07:36:38

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 113101727214676796

Image Name: 18ad48ec4339cfd2.jpg

Filename: 18ad48ec4339cfd2.jpg

Happy Birthday Mary!


Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/27/2018 12:58:04 ID: 079dd1

8chan/qresearch: 1925521


Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/27/2018 12:45:55 ID:079dd1

8chan/qresearch: 1925332


If you continue to proceed down this dangerous path only know that we are prepared.

You should know this based on earlier drops re: SA / Nat Guard / MIL Assets activate US soil.

The game is over when the public knows.

The fight to keep the LIGHTS OFF is all that matters to you.

You will FAIL.


You lost CONTROL.


You underestimated their resolve and their ability to free-think away from the pipeline narrative.

We will DECLAS.

We will shine LIGHT.


No amount of money, influence, or power can stop this.

Our rights to secure and protect at all costs then become justified.

We stand at the ready.






If you are smart (stupid) you know what just occurred at the meeting in Russia.

Attempts to frame Russia / POTUS (optics) are failing and will soon be exposed.

[Objective] to keep POTUS away from PUTIN failed.

Bolton + PUTIN should scare you.

Enemies are allies.

EVIL has no place here.

America is no longer for sale.

The age of taxing our citizens across the World while entry to our markets is FREE is OVER.

The WORLD will UNITE in this cause (G v E/R v W).

Forced immigration pushers will be exposed (the 'why').

Read the BIBLE.



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ab616e No.21557049

File: 074069678cb50dd⋯.png (13.92 KB,255x191,255:191,22034fbbb10aa809eda658b8fb….png)



Strange pic to deleted

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67a304 No.21557050

Ah, of course he replied after he's filtered. Now he'll spam Smoking Pepe variations and delusionally claim he's winning by running an imitation act rather than posting the MuhJoo he used to. Broken.

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ab616e No.21557051


Nazi way of saying "I meant to do that" fail

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f54500 No.21557052

File: 245b663fb5fce8c⋯.png (207.29 KB,1117x472,1117:472,ClipboardImage.png)

It's over TDS bros

NYT poll.


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8ff48a No.21557053

File: cee69ab8a02ca24⋯.png (255.21 KB,640x609,640:609,ClipboardImage.png)

TYB >>21557005


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67a304 No.21557054

File: 633249a0d4c032a⋯.png (1.06 MB,1080x675,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c3337 No.21557055

File: 182eceee417545e⋯.png (823.09 KB,768x568,96:71,ClipboardImage.png)


>Smoking Pepe variations

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ab616e No.21557056


Cease and desist notice worked

Where's obummer?

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b5cd5e No.21557057

File: 41ec3956655ecf0⋯.png (41.09 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)



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508601 No.21557058

Alert: we got a faggot in the back again deleting posts

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740bfc No.21557059

File: 73df0688f13b378⋯.png (17.89 KB,513x500,513:500,66de74356924e.png)

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f54500 No.21557060

File: bf3dea9a193a6e9⋯.png (1.49 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)



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508601 No.21557061

File: ba6723c6e3f6b9f⋯.jpeg (713.8 KB,1125x1795,225:359,IMG_3918.jpeg)


This ad is fire!!!!

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ab616e No.21557062

File: ba76087f736a6e1⋯.jpg (167.55 KB,720x1050,24:35,Screenshot_20240908_193902….jpg)


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f54500 No.21557063

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508601 No.21557064

File: 86fe2bf2ea527d0⋯.jpeg (569.68 KB,1125x1656,125:184,IMG_3919.jpeg)

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698b9f No.21557065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9:00 AM EDT

Accelerating Innovation for Climate and Pandemic Preparedness

The Center for Global Development and the University of Chicago’s Market Shaping Accelerator





10:00 AM EDT

Forum on Climate & Pandemic Preparedness

Professors, federal officials, and others discuss accelerating innovation for climate and pandemic preparedness. The Center for Global Development and the University of Chicago’s Market Shaping Accelerator co-host this forum in Washington, DC.


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d6bb24 No.21557066

File: 21028e0818bfac5⋯.png (2.21 MB,750x1334,375:667,6921C6DE_3091_4808_825E_F8….png)

File: 907b14ffee5ab8d⋯.png (34.89 KB,690x498,115:83,CE76E48D_26D1_4271_8599_BE….png)

File: 347de967235a1d9⋯.jpeg (453.95 KB,2048x2048,1:1,C5BD6E8C_BD2D_4AA4_B970_9….jpeg)

File: aed52abbdd76dad⋯.png (655.97 KB,690x1648,345:824,9BB4CA8A_6DBE_4EAA_8D56_DF….png)

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c1e3c1 No.21557067

There is no longer a path to complete my soul mission, there is no way for me to travel to Amazon and train to be a shaman or beeing able to host a healing retreat for world leaders, they took my passport for life.. im under so much hostility i have to go criminal and start a new life into europe, i have failed my soul mission and im sorry.. someone Else will have to go on stage, i just want to kill myself atm but i wont

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698b9f No.21557068

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

September 9 2024

9:45 AM EDT

Out-of-Town Pool Call Time

Official Schedule


10:00 AM EDT

War Room Morning Edition

Real America's Voice


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5efb97 No.21557069


whack-a-mole in progress

be sure to keep all helmets secured

you may not hold pillows over your head

buckle up buttercup

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4149cf No.21557070

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/09/2024



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3eaa8f No.21557071


how is this connected to the Q post?

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698b9f No.21557072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

FOIA Advisory Committee Meeting

NARA Federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Advisory Committee





September 9 2024

10:00 AM EDT

In-Town Pool Call Time

Official Schedule


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b5cd5e No.21557073

File: af3fe87a57c200f⋯.png (182.83 KB,392x300,98:75,pepe_equations.png)


Why do they kick out the actual customers, only to bring in their own "extras" who act like customers, when in fact they're not?

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1f1282 No.21557074

File: d59fd9e02c1530f⋯.png (74.5 KB,311x185,311:185,lw.PNG)

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67a304 No.21557075

File: 9025b4389c2e6eb⋯.png (208.7 KB,600x529,600:529,pepe_shrug.png)


Yeah, it's pretty much become the new merchant for the shills now. The shills that used to post them copy me down to the filename and mannerism rather than just saving a copy of the meme, and have been at it for over a year. They run those imitation routines all day and entire days go by now without a merchant being posted. They also figured they'd "destroy" my ego and whatnot by doing what they're doing, but my ego or personality isn't tied up in an array of pixels. That might work on a millennial or zoomer, but I grew up before the internet. Kamala is copying Trump like the shills copy me, so who is dumber? I think it's the shills because Kamala is copying their tactic. Remember when the clown used to post that lizard statue last year claiming he can't be filtered, that reminds me about something Nancy said recently.

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d6bb24 No.21557076

File: 096a110d7e0d312⋯.png (1.72 MB,750x1334,375:667,7E30261F_CAE5_41BA_9866_82….png)

File: 7545cd5bf2cf328⋯.png (490.08 KB,690x1070,69:107,127149B0_F0A0_439B_B69A_E8….png)

File: be0fa04dc291f92⋯.png (441.01 KB,690x3720,23:124,D505B291_88FA_4B20_A5BC_08….png)

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0650ee No.21557077


>tom hanks fault better start swammin to taht volcano

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8ff48a No.21557078

File: 978d9fedbb4d0ae⋯.jpg (255.46 KB,1024x768,4:3,TrumpPSL2.jpg)

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8f58e4 No.21557079

File: a365bd92a755338⋯.png (143.82 KB,400x225,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Wait until the truth of Haiti is told

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a0df4f No.21557080

File: 58ac3825e74a173⋯.png (37.16 KB,503x212,503:212,58ac3825e74a173f962894f1b3….png)

File: 6517bda6f61cd81⋯.jpg (74.96 KB,1284x667,1284:667,GW9GRqLWUAA4XN7.jpg)

>>21554127 {pb}


Who are you voting for?

Harris / Walz


Trump / Vance


119,594 votes


1 day left

7:50 AM · Sep 8, 2024






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3eaa8f No.21557081


what does the tweet have to do with heart attacks being deadly? Is that soldier sick?

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0650ee No.21557082

File: ac896a8b0ea68e6⋯.png (17.24 KB,596x303,596:303,ac896a8b0ea68e67a6a0e07315….png)

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d6bb24 No.21557083

File: 738fd1c883fdf4d⋯.png (907.73 KB,750x1334,375:667,025D876A_D79B_4779_A05D_D9….png)

File: e566f7a78daf862⋯.png (49.3 KB,690x586,345:293,38008DC6_E550_4D02_95FF_84….png)


timestamp for fuck sake

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f55596 No.21557084

File: f373f1c01214a34⋯.gif (1.36 MB,480x300,8:5,f373f1c01214a349e775dbd41e….gif)

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5efb97 No.21557085


the children tase the best there

plus they have gold in them thar hills

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62d763 No.21557086


Holding the line isn't easy, but someone's gotta do it.

Anons are mighty.

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3eaa8f No.21557087


why is this anon posting random tweets and q posts? seems pointless

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98bf55 No.21557088

File: 8c0e65b1541c641⋯.png (444.72 KB,606x608,303:304,usd.png)



Bake claimed

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56ed5f No.21557089

File: 9c131cfd4df9b70⋯.png (367.5 KB,504x499,504:499,I_told_you_so.png)


Because she'sNOWHERE NEARas liked or popular as [they] keep telling us she is. How many Harris Walz yard signs have you seen?

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1129c8 No.21557090

What if the Chinese make really high quality products for themselves and export crap because our importers demand the crap and don't want to pay for quality Chinese products?

The Truck the U.S. Government DOESN'T Want You to Buy: I Drive The BYD Shark!


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1129c8 No.21557091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4166b4 No.21557092

File: 61f461b0a5ddd45⋯.png (420.11 KB,1500x1095,100:73,ClipboardImage.png)


Fear Week Begins


#HarvestYourMillstones #CeaseAndDesist #SwiftAndClean

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e17baa No.21557093


Sounds like a RINO establishment piece of shit

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de93fd No.21557094


I apologize anon, and I’m the timestamp queen! Forgive me!

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451423 No.21557095

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9f9abc No.21557096

File: 7bec3c7d4069104⋯.png (159.71 KB,425x411,425:411,ClipboardImage.png)

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740bfc No.21557097

File: c92fd4e99948fa0⋯.png (119.57 KB,632x1435,632:1435,aRBjREj_700bwp.png)

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ab616e No.21557098

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Al powered smart car out of control after being rear ended


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8ff48a No.21557099

File: b935880179c41ea⋯.mp4 (63.58 KB,480x270,16:9,6tbKysLaE3VnVFeF.mp4)


Rare Trumps


"I love you. I would never let the Haitians eat you."

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cf29e3 No.21557100

File: 1cb3bf860e84ac4⋯.png (368.41 KB,1003x751,1003:751,Screenshot_2024_09_09_at_0….png)

File: 08da3d8ef68bb07⋯.png (629.01 KB,1012x1256,253:314,Screenshot_2024_09_09_at_0….png)

File: 4b89b099e1bbb12⋯.png (232.26 KB,1010x1053,1010:1053,Screenshot_2024_09_09_at_0….png)



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67a304 No.21557101

File: 3b534bc47a1b629⋯.png (437.56 KB,500x500,1:1,winning_pepe2.png)

But after a year and thanks to watching what patterns other anons were picking up on I can safely say that his sockpuppets get filtered too, so yes, I can filter him.

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ab616e No.21557102


And that is with cheating.

Too big to rig mode

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62d763 No.21557103

Think Kamala will show up to the debate?

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c1e3c1 No.21557104

Extract me if you want it to happen if not i just hope someone does it, bye anons

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5ce72b No.21557105

File: 4032ef56f4610f7⋯.jpg (13.3 KB,300x225,4:3,james_roths.jpg)

File: cb036d87d892e6f⋯.webp (152.16 KB,960x640,3:2,Roths_family_james.webp)

>>21555754 (PB)

Here is a link to the article:


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cf29e3 No.21557106

File: fa9f6019e214166⋯.png (1.79 MB,726x4484,363:2242,Screenshot_2024_09_09_at_0….png)




always screenshot for the best bread!


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5efb97 No.21557107


welcome newfag

timestamp match to drop number


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3ed867 No.21557109

File: ad5a6c8e9411d24⋯.png (255 KB,610x423,610:423,Screenshot_2024_09_09_at_0….png)

File: 450a718e9b391ae⋯.png (197.45 KB,429x680,429:680,Screenshot_2024_09_09_at_0….png)



>one day off


>Happy Birthday Mary!

Elton John Truth

Little Rocketman

missile threat activated


Q !CbboFOtcZs 07/27/2018 13:14:22 ID: e05330

8chan/qresearch: 2311837

Image Name: 36C6E924-7B53-4CDB-AB27-2787DBCE7AF2.jpeg

Filename: 2bb7b016331469e62ca569a6937153d7e008065a291fc824a3f93d693275d5a3.jpeg

Unauthorized missile fired.

Unauthorized emergency incoming missile threatactivatedHawaii.


POTUS re-routes.


NO MSM investigations?

Biggest threat to the American people!


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62d763 No.21557110

File: 7cc4bce7cb8c23b⋯.png (17.32 KB,480x131,480:131,Capture.PNG)

Bernie Sanders just said that Kamala only changed her Marxist policy positions for the Election — She’ll change back very quickly!


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8ff48a No.21557111

File: 82d7bc02ca1ad04⋯.png (189.57 KB,502x647,502:647,Screen_Shot_2024_09_09_at_….png)

-the normies are watching this guy


Ian Carroll


There are many human trafficking networks on the black markets today.

Epstein was one of them.

Part of that network is literally satanists. At least, there’s an awful lot of whistleblower testimony, official case files, and other evidence to indicate that.

It’s a dark rabbit hole.

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0650ee No.21557112

File: b29d9701808190b⋯.png (59.39 KB,596x847,596:847,ee3eb215_36da_4bc8_9ed3_3b….png)

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5efb97 No.21557113


forgot the t

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ab616e No.21557114

File: 59e7bafa1657f20⋯.jpg (123.86 KB,1098x627,366:209,Dfr.jpg)

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d6bb24 No.21557115

File: e07c1a36ecf956e⋯.png (151.1 KB,690x1962,115:327,AF8E7CFF_2BD4_4358_9FFE_49….png)

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62d763 No.21557116

File: 2c0068b996b51ba⋯.png (65.68 KB,473x581,473:581,qaggdropimage907.png)

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0132e7 No.21557117

Pakistani National Charged for Plotting Terrorist Attack in New York City in Support of ISIS

Friday, September 6, 2024

Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, also known as Shazeb Jadoon, Attempted to Enter the United States to Carry Out a Mass Shooting at a Jewish Center in New York City.1/2

Note: View the complaint here.

A Pakistani citizen residing in Canada, Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, 20, also known as Shahzeb Jadoon, was arrested on Sept. 4 in Canada in connection with a complaint filed in the Southern District of New York. Khan was charged with attempting to provide material support and resources to a designated foreign terrorist organization (FTO), the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS).

“The defendant is alleged to have planned a terrorist attack in New York City around October 7th of this year with the stated goal of slaughtering, in the name of ISIS, as many Jewish people as possible,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “Thanks to the investigative work of the FBI, and the quick action of our Canadian law enforcement partners, the defendant was taken into custody. As I said to Canada’s Minister of Public Safety yesterday, we are deeply grateful to our Canadian partners for their critical law enforcement actions in this matter. Jewish communities — like all communities in this country — should not have to fear that they will be targeted by a hate-fueled terrorist attack. The Justice Department will continue to work closely with our domestic and international partners to aggressively counter the threat posed by ISIS and other terrorist organizations and their supporters.”

“The defendant was allegedly determined to kill Jewish people here in the United States, nearly one year after Hamas’ horrific attack on Israel. This investigation was led by the FBI, and I am proud of the terrific work by the FBI team and our partners to disrupt Khan's plan.” said FBI Director Christopher Wray. “The FBI will continue to work closely with our partners to investigate and hold accountable those who seek to commit violence in the name of ISIS or other terrorist organizations. Fighting terrorism remains the FBI’s top priority.”

As alleged in the complaint,Khan, who resided in Canada, attempted to travel from Canada to New York City, where he intended to use automatic and semi-automatic weapons to carry out a mass shooting in support of ISIS at a Jewish center in Brooklyn, New York. Khan began posting on social media and communicating with others on an encrypted messaging application about his support for ISIS in or about November 2023, when, among other things, Khan distributed ISIS propaganda videos and literature. Subsequently, Khan began communicating with two undercover law enforcement officers (collectively, the UCs).

During those conversations,Khan confirmed that he and a U.S.-based ISIS supporter (Associate-1) had been planning to carry out an attack in a particular U.S. city (City-1). Among other things, Khan said that he had been actively attempting to create “a real offline cell” ofISIS supporters to carry out a “coordinated assault” in City-1 using AR-style rifles to “target[] Israeli Jewish chabads . . . scattered all around [City-1].”

During subsequent conversations, Khan repeatedly instructed the UCs to obtain AR-style assault rifles, ammunition, and other materials to carry out the attacks, and identified the specific locations in City-1 where the attacks would take place. Khan also provided details about how he would cross the border from Canada into the United States to conduct the attacks.During these conversations with the UCs, Khan emphasized that “Oct 7th and oct 11th are the best days for targeting the jews” because “oct 7 they will surely have some protests and oct 11 is yom.kippur.”

On or about Aug. 20, Khan changed his target location from City-1 to New York City. After initially suggesting certain neighborhoods in New York City to the UCs, Khan decided to target Location-1,a Jewish center located in Brooklyn, New York. Khan told the UCs that he planned to carry out this attack on or around Oct. 7, 2024— which Khan recognized as the one-year anniversary of the brutal terrorist attacks in Israel by Hamas, a designated FTO, which, on Oct. 7, 2023, launched a wave of violent, large-scale terrorist attacks in Israel. In support of his choice of New York City as his target location, Khan boasted that “New york is perfect to target jews” because it has the “largest Jewish population In america” and therefore, “even if we dont attack a[n] Event[,] we could rack up easily a lot of jews.” Khan proclaimed that “we are going to nyc to slaughter them,” and sent a photograph of the specific area inside of Location-1 where he planned to carry out the attack.


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78b527 No.21557118

File: 64ff5c644f44dd6⋯.png (738.89 KB,475x695,95:139,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab616e No.21557119

Style points for the Baldwin infatuated

But no you

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8ff48a No.21557120

File: 1886175499ddc53⋯.jpg (53.41 KB,773x607,773:607,ApuRefuseNo.jpg)

do. not. want. >>21557098

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5efb97 No.21557121


infinity chkt

i like mah cake nekid

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d6bb24 No.21557122

File: 91bac19b5a6d3b7⋯.png (634.48 KB,750x1334,375:667,E3D37B0B_77D3_4294_A87F_9D….png)

File: ef4322b561cc408⋯.jpeg (8.11 KB,298x199,298:199,AC0654B5_0614_49CC_BEFE_A….jpeg)

File: 6da29cd6c8f6ac1⋯.png (279.05 KB,690x2170,69:217,85BBF667_AA72_4B56_80B9_90….png)

File: dd3f9d5a693a9d6⋯.png (102.99 KB,690x850,69:85,0970FC20_3474_446F_9796_40….png)


dunno bout this one F-16

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0132e7 No.21557123



Thereafter, Khan continued to urge the UCs to acquire AR-style rifles, ammunition, and other equipment for his attack, including “some good hunting [knives] so we can slit their throats.” Khan repeatedly reiterated his desire to carry out the attack in support of ISIS, and discussed planning for the attack, including by identifying rental properties close to Location-1 and paying for a human smuggler to help him reach and cross the border from Canada into the United States. During one communication, Khan noted that “if we succeed with our plan this would be the largest Attack on US soil since 9/11.”

On or about Sept. 4, as Khan said he planned to do in connection with his attack, Khan attempted to reach the U.S-Canada border. To do so, Khan used three separate cars to travel across Canada towards the United States,before he was stopped in or around Ormstown, Canada, approximately 12 miles from the U.S.-Canada border.

Khan is charged with one count of attempting to provide material support and resources to a designated foreign terrorist organization. If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

The FBI New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles Field Offices are investigating the case. The Justice Department is grateful to Canadian law enforcement for their actions in this matter. The Office of International Affairs of the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division is seeking the extradition of Khan from Canada.


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67a304 No.21557124

File: 79097d160fce2b2⋯.png (968.49 KB,1280x720,16:9,79097d160fce2b2489e72f9e31….png)


>Part of that network is literally satanists.

They don't like it when you make them feel as stupid as the narratives they used to post. There are Satanists that bake and attack anons here daily too. Just a heads up for those that didn't know.

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3e0220 No.21557125

File: b58303724115a7f⋯.jpeg (876.16 KB,1125x1827,125:203,IMG_3925.jpeg)


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5efb97 No.21557126


what's a Harris?

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1129c8 No.21557127



Trump’s vow of 100% tariffs on nations that snub the dollar is a lose-lose for China and U.S., economist says


But spying tech from Israel is perfectly fine.

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56ed5f No.21557128

File: b66c3e71a23b781⋯.png (499.2 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6bb24 No.21557129


seems like a stretch

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5f34dd No.21557130

File: 8a0f418b1e94052⋯.png (170.53 KB,868x915,868:915,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c700ba3db84e3bd⋯.mp4 (10.37 MB,640x480,4:3,djt_press_and_law_and_orde….mp4)

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,1_tic_toc.gif)

File: f944665d42f10de⋯.png (384.81 KB,599x404,599:404,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffa11476c5431d4⋯.png (96.9 KB,640x408,80:51,ClipboardImage.png)

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de1cc6 No.21557131


3% not voting

6% not in US.

assuming if this is relatively accurate. 3% hate Trump and Kamala both equally enough to respond to a shitty poll on X. I also would think that people going there to dunk on them are going to be Trump supporters see the results. Who goes to their page of all pages except one of their disaffected fans to vote neither, they have enough energy to do that but actually vote for a real person. What could Trump do to win over that 3% Who finds it all lame.

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3eaa8f No.21557132


what does an F16 have to do with that Q post?

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5c422d No.21557133

File: 080d1718fb2e7e6⋯.jpg (106.93 KB,1140x692,285:173,d354ab4222061165bd4a6d71f2….jpg)

i must have found fifty different translations and versions of 'The Bible' so far. in my search for a solid, reliable and relatable text interpretation, i also found some graphical overviews…

it thought this one was cute with a nice little punchline kek at The End

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1129c8 No.21557136

File: 4b8c31d9d4cacb4⋯.png (51.92 KB,616x405,616:405,AlexChosen.png)

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62d763 No.21557137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The DS will be exposed, and Hollywood will burn right alongside them.

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b5cd5e No.21557138

File: 229d07e564032c3⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB,640x460,32:23,Visual_feast_on_X_Al_power….mp4)

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d6bb24 No.21557139


4-6% can’t do basic math or number recognition.

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0132e7 No.21557140

File: d2cad50ef1bd132⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17258070364….mp4)

Alex Strenger


==Assaulted by


’s Security Detail when all I wanted was stock advice==



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4166b4 No.21557141


Here's a little research project for you, read them all, I even reversed it for you, so one is at the top.



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1129c8 No.21557142


It's interesting that Jacob, who was a deceiver, became Israel.

Maybe that's why the Jews prefer the Talmud.

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4b77ce No.21557143

File: a63729a2e681e62⋯.mp4 (13.36 MB,720x1280,9:16,weliveinademocracykinda.mp4)

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0650ee No.21557144

File: f7eef6d3fe7f984⋯.png (737.42 KB,1186x1133,1186:1133,f7eef6d3fe7f984c0bd54096fd….png)


>prol back an to the left all GAHY AF

>got durh wife to squeal too

>so bigly

>she married durh proctologist

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3eaa8f No.21557146


I see a stupid anon trying but failing


The anon randomly posting tweets and connecting them to timestamps… doesnt seem to understand he cant get over Q post 2359 if military time is used, 1259 if we dont.

Anon needs meds

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d6bb24 No.21557147

File: d647ee230664fb5⋯.png (222.02 KB,750x1334,375:667,15B3FB28_BE26_4058_A980_5F….png)

File: 67cb7e957dc49ea⋯.png (27.52 KB,690x410,69:41,35508A17_B94B_4326_AF18_5B….png)

File: aad7bd2231127fb⋯.png (64.87 KB,690x762,115:127,183A359A_CD33_4C36_9965_77….png)

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8f58e4 No.21557148

File: a365bd92a755338⋯.png (143.82 KB,400x225,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Wait until the truth of Haiti is told

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740bfc No.21557149

File: 4ba56e752e96d60⋯.png (31.7 KB,700x692,175:173,ary58yp_700bwp.png)

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67a304 No.21557151

File: 1f4036da8070e55⋯.jpeg (379.97 KB,1912x2765,1912:2765,NaS5WoSnYKsr.jpeg)

I see AEI is using his Swiss cheese simpleton logic with his Parakeet persona and his buddy Tranimae is running through an imitation routine of who he's jealous of.

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1129c8 No.21557152


So you're saying a post that Q made 7 yrs ago connects to a post on X from the military today?

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a0df4f No.21557153

File: 8d827d14eaf5c15⋯.jpg (70.9 KB,682x838,341:419,photo_2024_09_09_08_57_31.jpg)

File: b3d7d2f0121fa3f⋯.jpg (197.44 KB,800x449,800:449,preview.jpg)

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0650ee No.21557154


tension homo$

durh joshuapoops are $care$

cuz joshua shill

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4166b4 No.21557155


Or a diversion tactic, to get people off what they are currently doing.

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5efb97 No.21557156


over the decades crap has always been found out coming from chy-nah



child items galore

domestic shit in chy-nah

military equipment

military men

military leadershit

military in general

takes years for them to figure out information they steal and then still fall short

corruption ruins all

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b5cd5e No.21557157

File: d5e452dacd4c8e8⋯.png (429.86 KB,577x433,577:433,shills_low_quality_lamers.png)


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1129c8 No.21557158

File: 50d324db11c2a1c⋯.png (16.11 KB,658x492,329:246,PuppetMastersQPost.png)


The shills want to try and make abstract connections when we already know the map..

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7aa798 No.21557159

File: 684c230a9781630⋯.jpeg (780.05 KB,1125x1440,25:32,IMG_3926.jpeg)


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3eaa8f No.21557160


spare a thought for Q post 2360 and up

more retarded than the clockfag

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970696 No.21557161


Yes, and just because you can’t figure it out doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Q told Anons to learn their comms. You obviously did not.

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4b77ce No.21557162

File: 50c91b627e238f2⋯.mp4 (14.5 MB,720x1280,9:16,crackslide_1_.mp4)

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1129c8 No.21557163


The Chinese simply made a product the US importers wanted.

Not the fault of the Chinese.

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7aa798 No.21557164

File: 4f58f6ed59e973a⋯.jpeg (462.29 KB,1125x1053,125:117,IMG_3927.jpeg)

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4b77ce No.21557165

File: 366574e7b0cc80b⋯.png (801.89 KB,980x572,245:143,ClipboardImage.png)

that's a pretty lame story

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d6bb24 No.21557166

File: 0e95b8be864340b⋯.png (2.49 MB,750x1334,375:667,3D34F8AC_C06F_48B4_BB6E_F8….png)

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f55596 No.21557167

File: 51ec5f33924fed0⋯.png (363.58 KB,585x827,585:827,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45402604d48b0f0⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB,480x500,24:25,Three_years_ago_today_Bide….mp4)

Three years ago today, Biden/Harris used federal authority to nullify the Nuremberg code for 100 million Americans.

How did the mandates affect your life?


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1129c8 No.21557168


We have the map son. No need for decodes anymore.

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62d763 No.21557169

File: 7021cc9d179971d⋯.png (18.14 KB,532x190,14:5,Capture.PNG)

A long time ago Congress passed a law 2make it illegal for ppl to enter our country w/out our permission Iowans cant make sense of the southern border crisis With Harris as border czar illegal immigrants hv entered USA to the tune of 10 million ppl Thats 3x the population of Iowa


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56ed5f No.21557170

File: 343b734bc175a17⋯.png (252.05 KB,559x480,559:480,pepe_bowl.png)


Everyone's checking their IDs right now…

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d6bb24 No.21557171

File: 3a1126a69f3e830⋯.png (387.27 KB,750x1334,375:667,D868B8E4_7AEE_4CF7_B8E4_E3….png)

File: a9f76beb6c5e361⋯.png (799.69 KB,766x2712,383:1356,DB6F4632_11A3_4AC7_80C9_3B….png)

File: ce6777450ee8f13⋯.png (396.04 KB,606x751,606:751,30C0E0BB_D82E_4FFA_BA5A_78….png)


C before D

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cb1529 No.21557172











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1129c8 No.21557173


Futurenewsproves past posts.

What's in the news everyday..?

Israel’s war on Gaza live: 2.2 million Palestinians in ‘urgent’ need of aid


Saving Israel for Last

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698b9f No.21557174

File: d621a1f89cdcb7f⋯.jpg (54.33 KB,474x637,474:637,Taco_Salad.jpg)

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698b9f No.21557175

File: 7ae09a5cd2265ff⋯.jpg (88.59 KB,680x670,68:67,nuremberg_code_vax.jpg)

File: fd974f1916aecb2⋯.jpg (39.55 KB,494x612,247:306,gettyimages_51101015_Washi….jpg)

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5efb97 No.21557176


states ducks when Leaf goose is in pic

ducks-flocked punny

town apparently needed a wake-up call

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4b77ce No.21557177

File: cc868a001dd4bd9⋯.png (12.58 KB,301x77,43:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab616e No.21557178

Harris can only reeeeee Trump

No policy just anti Trump

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d6bb24 No.21557179

File: 19e6d8a072bbcf2⋯.png (237.45 KB,690x2296,345:1148,6EA5C98D_586C_481C_A9A4_D8….png)

File: a947e546f7063a5⋯.png (1.38 MB,1080x1045,216:209,37A31D06_CD2F_4F43_836E_F5….png)

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5a3589 No.21557181

File: c7aea7ec2e54135⋯.png (563.47 KB,1006x566,503:283,kamala.png)

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456b51 No.21557182

Stephen Miller and Mark Cuban exchange on mass deportations.

Stephen Miller


First off, I’m just an aide who’s had the honor of working for America’s greatest president and witnessing his unparalleled vision and unrivaled leadership.

As to your question, growing GDP via mass third world migration makes everyone in America poorer (except those who profit from cheap labor) — per-capita GDP plummets.

It is a vast wealth transfer from US workers to foreign workers and the companies who employ them (and to migrants on welfare and public support).

If America annexed Haiti tomorrow it would increase our GDP by increasing our population — but would make the average American poorer and the average wage smaller.

And mass low-wage migration cruelly depletes the resources and safety net upon which American families, children and seniors alike rely.

It is the most regressive economic policy.

Mass migration is a grave moral betrayal of the social contract that binds all citizens to each other and binds the government to its citizens.

This is to say nothing of the catastrophic results for public safety and human lives. Harris’ illegals have committed unfathomably depraved acts of rape, mutilation, torture and murder.

How many more Americans must suffer and die in the name of cheap foreign labor and the Democrats’ quest for political power?

The Harris plan to grow the GDP is clearly to resettle the third world in all 50 states. The Trump plan is to shut the deport, deport the illegals, and make America into the economic and manufacturing powerhouse of the world.

I’ll let Americans judge which plan they prefer for their families, neighbors and communities.

Lastly, as to tariffs. Of course foreign countries are the ones who pay the tariffs — which is why foreign heads of state try so mightily to prevent tariffs from being applied when they cheat. The simplest example here is when a country dumps subsidized goods (say steel) in our market. A tariff on that country either a.) causes them to abandon product dumping and abide by the rules b.) further subsidize its own industry and great cost to the government — either way, the US taxpayer collects the revenue from the tariff.

Again, protective tariffs built America. Low taxes on domestic industry + tariffs on foreign industry = American manufacturing renaissance. We sustain ourselves and supply the world.

10:46 PM · Sep 8, 2024




X is preventing sharing the post by blocking copying the link. I wonder of Miller knows X is blocking his post? Anons on X please share with Stephen. Only way to copy it is the link above.

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3ed867 No.21557183

File: c2a84862c08fed9⋯.png (61.51 KB,604x457,604:457,insurrectionActCalltheball.png)

File: ed6bdcecde48a49⋯.png (340.93 KB,379x1284,379:1284,eyeontheballCall2.png)

File: d10e063d4a5db3b⋯.png (385.61 KB,551x614,551:614,fakePotusCommanderCalltheb….png)

File: 37137eda917e2bf⋯.jpg (553.5 KB,2048x1256,256:157,callTheBallEdition.jpg)

File: 89b7a1e8f951dd3⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB,720x1278,40:71,scavinoFootballKeepYourEye….mp4)


PB below


>I think he did as one of his final orders in those last minutes that were not timed right or something.


>What if they were trying to limit his ability toactivatethe Insurrection Act?


>The National Guard has beenactivated In Minneapolis. They have arrived on the seen. George Floyd

>@realDonaldTrump 05/29/2020 10:42:51

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0650ee No.21557184


tension faggo$

DANvilingus wants sum brothur touchin in backyard

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12e725 No.21557185


No one regrets NOT getting the covid vax.

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4b77ce No.21557186

If America annexed Haiti tomorrow it would increase our GDP by increasing our population — but would make the average American poorer and the average wage smaller.

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c87f94 No.21557187

File: 87b27283992e04d⋯.png (158.15 KB,469x376,469:376,87b27283992e04d683b9c1cd16….png)



Good morning. The end comes sooner than you think and earlier than you least expect it.

Expect us

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ab616e No.21557188


>a man

His name was Jacob

Renamed, by heaven, Israel

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8ff48a No.21557189

File: eea5b19e20bda8f⋯.png (64.24 KB,750x730,75:73,ClipboardImage.png)

>the Haitian problem

seems like it's on both sides

>>21557099 (me)




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0650ee No.21557190

File: 45db8ab688c33c6⋯.png (611.21 KB,728x547,728:547,45db8ab688c33c6e7612249953….png)

heavy metals futures slippin feels histrionics exposed

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6def45 No.21557192

File: 1db9b0ec5c5cbd8⋯.png (336.89 KB,806x671,806:671,ALotOfJungle.png)

Was waking through memory line. I was trying to remember the beginning of my Q journey. Wild ride!

- North Korea nuclear side exploded


Followed up by this

- Mass arrests


- RIP Mike Green


- Oh, what´s up here, Rothschilds?


- Hello Adam Schiff


What was this shit?



Pope having a bad May anyone?



This guy died in 2021



>Nothing is happening? It´s a jungle outside!

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740c9f No.21557193

File: bf087cb99bcc314⋯.png (55.29 KB,905x368,905:368,haha.PNG)

Member when PDJT spoke to Putin in private?

Member how they went apeshit?

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fdb9d7 No.21557194


Blow it.

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b0f26a No.21557195


You know posting red text automatically makes you a shill and a faggot, right?


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5efb97 No.21557196


'ere, 'ave a free 'backspace'

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0650ee No.21557197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0650ee No.21557198


yur obsession seems greedy an yur effort put into it seems depraved @homo $joshpoop#

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ab616e No.21557199


It's Hamas

Like Corny

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8ff48a No.21557200

File: b3f08f6a838a0b2⋯.png (544.25 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f58e4 No.21557201


Burnt Pussy Caserole

Probably even put Mango Chutney on it

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91e78c No.21557203

File: 788ab90861d6c7c⋯.jpg (7.48 KB,177x255,59:85,44e134f97a98362e95e7599adb….jpg)

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4b77ce No.21557204

File: 831a17107b106e2⋯.png (1.51 MB,994x1265,994:1265,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d789662f327d370⋯.png (1.45 MB,994x994,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Sanija Ameti

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91e78c No.21557205

File: e6d3dda218b7f05⋯.png (248.19 KB,466x693,466:693,ClipboardImage.png)

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67a304 No.21557206

File: d28245fb3ba0664⋯.jpg (99.9 KB,800x486,400:243,gunshow_pepe.jpg)


>Anons are mighty.

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62d763 No.21557207

File: 0cf8878dab9b18c⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB,480x852,40:71,SBJvzqlHafw3byaQ.mp4)

How's the FBI doing in that investigation?

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12e725 No.21557208


The Military is Political.

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a0df4f No.21557209

File: 96873ed38fa8fb1⋯.gif (1.85 MB,498x346,249:173,tenor.gif)

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4b77ce No.21557210



Sanija Ameti resigns from the Zurich GLP party leadership

Operation Libero boss Sanija Ameti sparked outrage with a post on Instagram. She has since deleted the post and apologized. Now the GLP is responding to the action.

Zurich lawyer and co-president of Operation Libero, Sanija Ameti (32), has sparked outrage on social media. She posted a picture on Instagram in which she was shooting at a depiction of the baby Jesus and Mary with a sports pistol. The comment: "switch off".

This triggered a shitstorm. According to the Tagesanzeiger, Ameti is said to have deleted the post after a Blick reporter asked her whether she was hurting the religious feelings of Christians or Muslims by shooting at the picture.

Ameti has now drawn the consequences of the incident: she is resigning from the GLP party leadership. Zurich GLP Co-Party President Nora Ernst told TeleZüri: "It was her personal decision. However, we were in contact with Ms. Ameti and advised her to step down. We welcome her decision."

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740c9f No.21557211

File: 84f04fe484e6271⋯.png (36 KB,1706x272,853:136,81222.PNG)


no wonder why they want this platform removed.

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a0df4f No.21557212

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8ff48a No.21557213

File: 196100c4b208d84⋯.png (466.31 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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12e725 No.21557214


Just like on J6 when they opened the doors for Antifa dressed as Trump supporters.

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311ada No.21557215

File: 2ed88c54fcb7a9c⋯.jpeg (816.72 KB,1125x1390,225:278,IMG_3932.jpeg)


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d6bb24 No.21557216

File: c7b67db44acc10b⋯.png (571.41 KB,690x1882,345:941,30A12F2A_5DDB_47B1_9B42_A6….png)

File: c0be4cb61bd6dea⋯.png (169.87 KB,690x1918,345:959,05B33F4C_E5BE_40C7_A897_D0….png)

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5c422d No.21557217


anon has known of this third-rail of Religion since i was a kid in the seventies. Learned very early from marriage family jews how volatile it was to ask any unfavorable questions about Jewish history from jews… 'shut up and just repeat the Stories'. The Holocaust was as sacrosanct to Jews as Communion to Catholics or Quran to Muslims

the Unquestionable aspects of all of them drove me nearest to rejecting it ALL. Jesus kept repeating truisms that i could understand and relate to and appreciate as honest encouragement to be honest with one's self and with others.

Far too many times as a young child i witnessed Jewish family laugh and giggle and smirk when they saw or perpetrated acts of deception and underhandedness. i was under ten years old and could see something very ugly going on.

i do not write this here at Kun with any peace. I know these is the kind of words that some grab hold of and run down the hallway screaming about. But what i saw was not a good example for Jews. It tore the Christian side of my family to pieces. Maybe i just had bad luck with the few "Bad Jews" that do exist. No different than "Bad Christians" or "Bad Muslims". ijdfk

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4b77ce No.21557218


Hello, I deleted Story because people might feel hurt in their religious feelings. I needed motifs that were visible enough as a template for the 10-meter shooting. I only had the Koller catalog at hand, which was big enough. I didn't pay any attention to the content of the pictures. That wasn't right. I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart if I offended anyone!


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0132e7 No.21557219

File: 107975daf079fa1⋯.jpeg (177.05 KB,1284x544,321:136,IMG_3102.jpeg)

File: d28db03d963481e⋯.jpeg (214.9 KB,1284x627,428:209,IMG_3100.jpeg)

EXCLUSIVE: Dem Rep Serves As ‘Honorary Chairwoman’ Of Org Reportedly Linked To Chinese Intel Agency

Sept. 8, 20241/2

New York Democratic Rep. Grace Meng has longstanding ties to an organization reportedly linked to a Chinese intelligence agency and alleged Communist Party operatives, the Daily Caller News Foundation found.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) on Tuesday indicted Linda Sun, who served in two New York governors’ offices as well as Meng’s chief of staff while she served in the state assembly, for allegedly acting as an unregistered foreign agent of China and money laundering.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday that Sun met the “heads of key groups identifiable in the indictment as being United Front-linked, including the U.S. Federation of Chinese-American Entrepreneurs and the Henan Association of Eastern America.”

China’s so-called “United Front” strategy of influence and intelligence collection is overseen by a Chinese intelligence service called the United Front Work Department.

The heads of these groups were “supervised, directed, and controlled by [Chinese] government officials,” DOJ alleges.

Meng has been associated with Henan Association Of Eastern America (HAEA), a New York-based organization, for over a decade. She previously served as “deputy chairwoman,” according to an archived version ofHAEA’s website, and the group now prominently identifies the congresswoman as an “honorary chairwoman.”

Meng was not named in the DOJ indictment, and her office did not return multiple requests for comment.

The DOJ’s indictment, however, does note that one of Sun’s alleged unnamed co-conspirators, known as CC-1, “served as the president of an association of persons from Henan Province, PRC located in the New York metropolitan area.”

The indictment describes CC-1’s organization, “Association-1,” as “a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization closely associated with the United Front Work Department (‘UFWD’) and the Chinese Communist Party (‘CCP’).”

HAEA did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

“Over the last forty years, a network of pro-CCP Chinese-American organizations operating in coordination with the Chinese Consulate has been established, which now has enormous influence on New York’s business and political climate, basically providing an outpost and pro-CCP personnel for directly executing China’s foreign policy from within the United States,” Dr. Lawrence Sellin, a national security and United Front expert, told the DCNF.

Henan Association Of Eastern America

Founded in 1973, HAEA aims to support Chinese participation in politics as well as cultural exchange and trade between the U.S. and China, accordingto its website.

For more than a decade, Meng has held various roles with HAEA, according to records on the group’s website. Meng and her mother, who is a native of China’s Henan province, were first listed as HAEA members in 2008, the nonprofit’s records state.

Between 2008 and 2012, Meng served as HAEA’s “deputy chairwoman,” according to its website. HAEA later began identifying Meng as “honorary chairwoman” in February 2012, the month before Meng launched her congressional campaign in March 2012, HAEA’s records show.

Meng’s photo and title are currently pictured at the top of HAEA’s website alongside its president.

Sun has not been listed on HAEA’s member roster, but photos on HAEA’s website show Meng with Sun together at events as far back as 2009, the DCNF found.

For instance, Meng and Sun were photographedtogether at a December 2009 karaoke fundraiserfor Meng, who then served in the New York State Assembly.


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5e4a5d No.21557220

File: 3890a0bc626ce7a⋯.jpg (16.35 KB,255x134,255:134,annoning2.jpg)

>>21556990 LB

The only problem with rereading old posts is that the sites no longer exist.

Some breads can be found here and there, but CBTS is gone, and minimal links to 8CHAN exist. Very few "poast" links in the Q drops go anywhere.

Unless you know something Anons don't……?

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8ff48a No.21557221

File: eb7bb74ccd3927f⋯.png (175.32 KB,680x454,340:227,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a65978480319ee2⋯.png (419.37 KB,680x507,680:507,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c355fca665e0805⋯.png (513.45 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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5efb97 No.21557222


Did waffled house goto tax included rounded numbers price menu for customer convenience or cashier maths?

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5ce72b No.21557224

File: f30bf6437a8ce68⋯.png (131.47 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Euthanasia is all about the money

By Rhoda Wilson on September 9, 2024

The euthanasia scam is being sold as an exercise in kindness.

“The good news is that we can help you avoid pain and distress and save your family from the agony of seeing you decline slowly. By helping you to commit suicide, we bypass all that pain and take you straight to the closing credits.”

That’s all nonsense, I’m afraid.

Euthanasia is all about money. It has been established that the average annual healthcare cost per person for individuals in their last year of life is 14 times as high as for those not in their last year of life.

As a result, money is being diverted from health care and palliative care into ‘Voluntary Assisted Dying’ programmes (also known as “state-sponsored deaths”) which are designed to cut health care costs. It is a lot cheaper to kill people than it is to provide palliative care.

And, even more significantly, euthanasia programmes are being introduced in order to cut pension costs.

It is no secret that all developed countries are facing huge pension problems.



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67a304 No.21557225

File: a92c370effe7287⋯.png (583.61 KB,563x632,563:632,ClipboardImage.png)

Get her some toast.

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1129c8 No.21557226


There is not such thing as a bad Christian. If a person is bad, they aren't a Christian.

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a0df4f No.21557227

File: 545ec0a1784dc60⋯.webp (37.41 KB,700x847,100:121,retirement_memes111111zon.webp)

File: 7dcf38e66ef185e⋯.jpg (79.96 KB,506x493,506:493,5ynsnp.jpg)



fake and ghey

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62d763 No.21557228

File: 2983fc9e288be7c⋯.png (64.16 KB,852x545,852:545,image_2024_09_09_093944026.png)

Bossman seems to have broken the Youtube algorithm.

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e9c96f No.21557229

File: e5896538ebe2925⋯.png (2.1 MB,959x1280,959:1280,IMG_2646.png)

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d6bb24 No.21557230


government of CANADA mandated workers back to office 3 days a week to coincide with the start of skool flu season. today it begins.

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1129c8 No.21557231


but an evil Jew can still be a Jew.

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456b51 No.21557232

File: d28db03d963481e⋯.jpeg (214.9 KB,1284x627,428:209,IMG_3100.jpeg)

File: 0749c4e6208f0da⋯.jpeg (231.61 KB,1284x686,642:343,IMG_3101.jpeg)



Photos also show Meng and Sun together at HAEA’s annual Chinese New Year meeting in February 2010.

Sun is accused ofhaving “actively concealed that she took actions at the order, request, or direction of [the Chinese] government and CCP representatives,”the DOJ’s indictment states. “Thus, neither the NYS government nor the greater New York and American public had the opportunity to evaluate her conduct, considering her long-standing relationships with the [Chinese] government and the CCP and her status as their agent.”

In 2019, Sun was allegedly hired as a committee member for the All-China Federation Of Returned Overseas Chinese (ACFROC), according to the DOJ’s indictment.

ACFROC is an “agency” of the CCP’s United Front Work Department, which attempts to “manage relationships with and generate support for the CCP among elite individualsinside and outside the PRC, including by gathering human intelligence,” the DOJ’s indictment states.

Dr. June Teufel Dreyer, former commissioner of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, told the DCNF that ACFROC is “unquestionably an organization through which the CCP, through the United Front Work Department, seeks to shape the opinions of the Chinese diaspora to its views.”


Sun previously served as “Asian Outreach Director” for former New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and, most recently, served as New York Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul’s deputy chief of staff, government records show.

While working for the two New York governors, the DOJ’s indictment alleges thatSun also worked in secret for a man identified only as a “co-conspirator” who had direct contact with multiple officials in the Chinese government.

Sun’s work with the co-conspirator allegedly “included fraudulently obtaining letters that purported to be from the [New York governor’s office]inviting delegations of PRC officials to visit New York, which the government officials used to unlawfully obtain visas to enter the United States,” according to the DOJ’s indictment.

The invited officials were from China’s Henan province, according to the indictment.

In return, Chinese officials and co-conspirators allegedly funneled contracts to businesses in Henan run by Sun’s husband, Chris Hu, who was also arrested by the FBI and charged by the DOJ.

The DOJ did not respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.


You would have thought the FBI and DOJ would have shut this down many years ago. How many more are embedded in state governments?

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8f58e4 No.21557233


Look at the upper ranks of officer and enlisted

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740c9f No.21557234


Did anons see how many Q posts on NOV 5 2017?

November 5………


Like 40 posts that day.

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12e725 No.21557235


lots of weird stories in the Bible

Were they physically wrestling or spiritually wrestling?

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62d763 No.21557236


Good record keeping anon.

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a0df4f No.21557237

File: 8d25acaffd7c1a4⋯.jpg (90.76 KB,960x1280,3:4,photo_2024_09_09_09_37_28.jpg)



Lil' Timmy disagrees ;)

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1129c8 No.21557238

File: aa3b5b991ef819f⋯.jpg (68.56 KB,882x369,98:41,Morgan.jpg)

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b5cd5e No.21557239

File: 35cc4f27463b9a8⋯.png (32.88 KB,596x364,149:91,ClipboardImage.png)


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0650ee No.21557240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cyberneticchickenhawk grabs sum DANvilingus

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4166b4 No.21557241

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c87f94 No.21557242



Alot of you people act so fucking weird because you don't want to get caught.

what you are doing?

Did you design the system to eliminate all the intelligent people who slipped through the cracks by making them into nothing more than mindless marionettes? You want me to move on? I don't wanna look away because I'm afraid if I miss something you wont go to prison.

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12e725 No.21557243


By the time it is over, will 6 million Palestinians be genocided?

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4b77ce No.21557244


took his family across the river then went back

spent all night wrestling with a mysterious man

to me this Israel guy sounds pretty gay

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456b51 No.21557245

File: 4efea9194da15ac⋯.mp4 (4.69 MB,720x406,360:203,ssstwitter_com_17258801921….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Jonathan Turley – Democracy is not on the ballot in November.

Free Speech and the First Amendment are at stake.

Sept. 9, 2024


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1129c8 No.21557246

File: 739117ba46688d8⋯.png (54.85 KB,500x590,50:59,Schmuley.png)

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5c422d No.21557247


a telescope looking backwards through words in time… is a VERY bent and twisted and foggy glass.

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12e725 No.21557248



he had two wives, and two concubines, 12 sons and an unknown number of daughters

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d6bb24 No.21557249


tens of thousands of hours on here. fuck off gook

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4166b4 No.21557250

File: b53fdaa4c269e4f⋯.png (138.19 KB,1195x693,1195:693,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4334524482ff6a⋯.png (92.7 KB,1211x464,1211:464,ClipboardImage.png)


What Does "Remember, Remember the 5th of November" Mean?


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0650ee No.21557251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

oppenheimer cruisin gamorhea for sum baldwin fartbucks colonics #diedanetics

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1129c8 No.21557252

File: b6d854a7d31bfba⋯.png (46.04 KB,647x386,647:386,ADLBanFree.png)


I wonder why a group of liars would want to ban free speech.

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56ed5f No.21557253


Trump couldn't finish the border wall because Kamala and the democrats prevented him from doing so.

P.S. I know that it's Schitt.

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62d763 No.21557254

Kamala crashes and burns harder than Biden?

In comes a new 9/11 to distract from her horrible performance?

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0650ee No.21557256

File: 48ed1198db77a2d⋯.jpg (404.65 KB,1000x1325,40:53,1355066_fakes_geoduck_King….jpg)


>sum baldwin fartbucks colonics #diedanetics

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1129c8 No.21557257


>tens of thousands of hours on here

What's your purpose?

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456b51 No.21557258


I don't know, are they afraid of being exposed as commies

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a0df4f No.21557259

File: 2301ee55133656a⋯.jpg (106.9 KB,1000x500,2:1,5e2ia2.jpg)

File: 2fede1822f8380d⋯.jpg (85.48 KB,749x500,749:500,59kkx3.jpg)

File: 27a9164cf0bd591⋯.jpg (61.46 KB,500x598,250:299,2xgzie.jpg)



>I know that it's Schitt

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56ed5f No.21557260


What does that mean for the MSM who's been relentlessly propping her up?

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d98ace No.21557261

Everything is a grace. Teresa of Avila


This too will pay rich dividends.

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62d763 No.21557262

File: 54953ca08bb06a1⋯.png (15.57 KB,527x215,527:215,Capture.PNG)

If the Fed decided on 50bps, Powell will leak it through "well-informed press contacts" first: DB

Keep an eye on Nikileaks over the next few days. Should be cemented after CPI comes out Wednesday


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4b77ce No.21557263



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456b51 No.21557264


Man, this guy should have a lie detector hooked up on him always

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9fd88b No.21557265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cletus…. baby

It's to cover up

Dirty laundy

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1129c8 No.21557266

File: 8d2e8e38a93d0fe⋯.jpg (45.36 KB,500x500,1:1,DrakeADLII.jpg)

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c87f94 No.21557267






Zipper head

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91e78c No.21557268

File: 9dfde771621bc8d⋯.jpg (5.02 KB,255x206,255:206,309ca52d3c.jpg)

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12e725 No.21557269



4000 years ago a people with their own traditions and idioms and language.

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d98ace No.21557270

Coverage is 911 memorial


Damage control post debate.

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5efb97 No.21557271

File: d6c040172a809cc⋯.png (532.17 KB,551x506,551:506,d6c040172a809cc8d6d718dc5d….png)




early connections were made, but the current 'de-coders' they leave out the first part of the code. Need the direction to the mil tweet first. I wouldn't worry. Newfags get introduced to the drops. When bs habbens, link a alert like anon did.


fight back silly de-codes by using the source.




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0650ee No.21557272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>oppenheimer cruisin gamorhea for sum baldwin fartbucks colonics #diedanetics

kafkaesque orwielian occular chlamydia methed hiv died whaaaaambulance not called gamorhea baldwin fartbucks colonics an optimized for adsense an amazon prime bilbos +HOa fees

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3eaa8f No.21557274


wuz nikileaks?

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de1cc6 No.21557275


The First Amendment matters, some conservatives do not want it either they still want to control what people think and say also. It is not just about opinions you like, or words you approve of either.

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d98ace No.21557276


Schitt vs schiff

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1129c8 No.21557277

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4166b4 No.21557278

File: 02aad9bd58e1208⋯.png (208.5 KB,680x545,136:109,pedobowling.png)

File: c9bc89fec4b23b6⋯.png (241.94 KB,473x565,473:565,SchiffLeakUrologist.png)

File: 936bbfab2e147d3⋯.png (563.48 KB,720x734,360:367,FauciFingers.png)

File: ef60e8bc9d1164b⋯.png (119.7 KB,255x201,85:67,HilDurhamRIP.png)

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12e725 No.21557279


There is a pretty detailed written record of it.

Or is it as facetious as Anne Frank's diary?

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56ed5f No.21557280

File: 63a5ac4dc6b27e2⋯.png (271.7 KB,550x550,1:1,Pepe_pots1.png)


One is some funny shit, while the other is just plain full of shit.

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67a304 No.21557281

File: f4a33846b90f13a⋯.jpg (59.19 KB,700x430,70:43,youthinkthatsair.jpg)


A terrorist turned into a hero via Hollywood. What other criminal that has the initials GF was given the same treatment and turned into a social hero but this time on the small screen?

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9f6d78 No.21557282

File: 319fdfca197cca6⋯.png (96.79 KB,268x188,67:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b08aa No.21557283

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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456b51 No.21557284


You should find the right board for your demented hatred. Share it with others of like mind

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0650ee No.21557285


plz halpBOFOjeese's void git filled

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d98ace No.21557286

Worse than debate night kabala has to show her face sober the next morning for her pretend concern for 911.

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c87f94 No.21557287


We will see what they really the think soon enough.

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456b51 No.21557288


You are a pervert newbie, go back to kindergarten boards

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740c9f No.21557289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>What's your purpose?

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67a304 No.21557290

File: 57020fa60f86f55⋯.png (281.53 KB,525x350,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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aee636 No.21557291


The estimated number of Palestinians at the end of 2021 was about 14 million: 5.3 million in the State of Palestine (3.2 million in the West Bank and 2.1 million in the Gaza Strip), 1.7 million in the 1948 territories, and nearly 7 million in the diaspora (6.3 million live in Arab countries and 750,000 in foreign countries). The following is a description of Palestinian demographics in the State of Palestine.

More than one-third of the population of the State of Palestine is under 15 years of age. Those 0-14 years old constitute an average of 38 percent of the total population at the end of 2021 (36 percent in the West Bank and 41 percent in the Gaza Strip). The percentage of the elderly population aged 65 years and above reached an average of 3 percent of the total population in Palestine (4 percent in the West Bank and 3 percent in the Gaza Strip).


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b23094 No.21557292


dumb fucking nigger

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0650ee No.21557294


it was a salty sandy moment

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456b51 No.21557295

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5efb97 No.21557296


>Not the fault of the Chinese.


i blame it all on the Communist Party of Chy-nah

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56ed5f No.21557297

File: 0d5615ad39b11b7⋯.mp4 (4.91 MB,1280x720,16:9,hillary_ded.mp4)


That's the anniversary of the real Hillary's death.

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0650ee No.21557298

File: 05de8c7567aafe7⋯.png (7.05 KB,261x193,261:193,05de8c7567aafe75e3bbc47b8e….png)

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4166b4 No.21557301


I trust none of the stories, could even be a smear campaign against one fighting the system, with their way of criminalizing the victim.

But like all good bookies, real records were created, 'we have it all', and the truth of history will surface soon enough.

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62d763 No.21557302


September 11, 2016

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5efb97 No.21557303


you sound very poor

i'll respond and throw some cash your way by responding to your post

plus it takesncash away from [them]

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475252 No.21557304

File: e436ef55b2a036d⋯.jpg (287.55 KB,1080x1026,20:19,e436ef55b2a036d508ccfda70e….jpg)



Thx Monday Bakes

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d98ace No.21557305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Remember when you were young

How the hero was never hung

Always got away

Remember how the man

Used to leave you empty handed

Always, always let you down

If you ever change your mind

About leaving it all behind

Remember, remember today

Don't feel sorry

'Bout the way it's gone

Don't you worry

'Bout what you've done

Just remember

When you were small

How people seemed so tall

Always had their way

Do you remember your ma and pa

Just wishing for movie stardom

Always, always playing a part

If you ever feel sad

And the whole world is driving you mad

Remember, remember today

Don't feel sorry

'Bout the way it's gone

Don't you worry

'Bout what you've done

==Just remember, remember

The fifth of November==

John Lennon

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456b51 No.21557306


They want more war and she will provide it. Can't stop the MIC money

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b23094 No.21557308



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aee636 No.21557309


Constructing the Bedouin developmental communities, (17) Bedouin community in North and South of Sinai

Project Description: Bedouin communities

Project Duration: from 20/3/2017 to 20/3/2020


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12e725 No.21557310

File: b02160b272f12ed⋯.png (1.31 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


You don't understand Christianity.

To be a Christin is to acknowledge one's sinful nature and understand that a person cannot save themselves and needs a Messiah (God Himself) to do it for him.

What you should have said, is there is no such thing as a good Christian because there is no such thing as a good person.

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4db62e No.21557311

File: 621c58a3aef01c3⋯.png (103.92 KB,568x333,568:333,ImageFilter.png)

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1129c8 No.21557312

File: 3118436be705aa4⋯.png (54.27 KB,629x396,629:396,Alex.png)

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67a304 No.21557313

File: 31b11e062c2fce5⋯.png (712.94 KB,738x960,123:160,ClipboardImage.png)

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98bf55 No.21557314


ebo T

"Live and Let Di"


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19786d No.21557315


300 million Americans in ‘urgent’ need of aid

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a0df4f No.21557316

File: 6ec9122d2ab42d0⋯.jpg (69.28 KB,640x674,320:337,C1RVe6PUQAAwn6c.jpg)

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b5cd5e No.21557317

File: d9b6454a6895fb3⋯.gif (2.08 MB,216x272,27:34,HRC_headbob.gif)

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456b51 No.21557318


Baker this anon seems to be lost, can you send him to the defective board?

Red Textmakes him uncomfortable


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12e725 No.21557319


She really seems to like perverted Jewish men.

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5efb97 No.21557320


wrestled could mean argued.

those with eyes, let them see

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1129c8 No.21557321


I see good people everyday. They treat others well, and are generous to others.

I don't see very many people who understand the truth about Jews. And if you are a Christian, your goal is to seek the Truth, because God in Spirit and Truth are the same thing.

The only true sin is suicide.

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98bf55 No.21557322

File: 6c7a341aa0e849a⋯.jpg (112.87 KB,1920x1281,640:427,6c7a341aa0e849a8d0f2863f7d….jpg)


our pleasure

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0650ee No.21557323

File: e6d1b1f3e8d2a87⋯.png (13.92 KB,262x193,262:193,e6d1b1f3e8d2a87cbcc2cfa338….png)

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f55596 No.21557324

File: e27f9fb7c836b2b⋯.mp4 (12.08 MB,480x270,16:9,x_com_Cancelcloco_status_1….mp4)

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aee636 No.21557325


The Khazarian and The Persian, Both wear religous symbols like a chameleon wears a color.

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1129c8 No.21557326

File: 45aa369f3cd0e65⋯.png (66.92 KB,625x499,625:499,TinaPetersHero.png)


Very few people go that extra mile for the truth.

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67a304 No.21557327

File: f0172c27ef2813b⋯.webp (59.9 KB,800x800,1:1,ie6dsgtxjhnb1.webp)

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1129c8 No.21557328



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9b4862 No.21557329


No one!

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a0df4f No.21557330

File: 25d4b81c904bb99⋯.jpg (141.57 KB,1200x711,400:237,GXByvONXYAArH_Y.jpg)


Pray For This Young Man.


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740c9f No.21557331

File: 40c7546619a3821⋯.png (6.27 KB,543x79,543:79,fef.PNG)

File: 4d952204f6a1c2c⋯.png (98.11 KB,1730x812,865:406,180.png)


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19786d No.21557332




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5c422d No.21557333


the 'common everyday' language here in America has changed so much in just twenty years. Some of it natural and follows understandable evolutions… others i suspect are a product of the Artificial Intelligence Communities Mockingbird eating its own shite. Our new tower of babble?

trying to read thousand, two thousand and five thousand year old stuff is seriously difficult to understand and say one knows what was genuinely intended by the authors

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19786d No.21557334

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91e78c No.21557336

File: b919d4e5471ace8⋯.jpg (12.5 KB,255x168,85:56,5701bb52c444544fcc99f80b06….jpg)

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67a304 No.21557337

The one and two posts replying to yourself really sell the belivability Parakeet. All your sockpuppets get filtered today. Every. Single. One. Or should I call them what you call them: Baselines.

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56ed5f No.21557338

File: 0013ccb033f71d8⋯.png (232.13 KB,639x496,639:496,ClipboardImage.png)


I've seen all good people turn their heads each day

So satisfied I'm on my way

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5efb97 No.21557339


snap crackle pop

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98bf55 No.21557340


#26408 >>21557005

>>21557008 Eduardo Bolsonaro (@BolsonaroSP) joined me to detail the corruption. son of former Pres

>>21557021 Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil 🇧🇷 to fight against censorship from the Lulu and judge Moraes' regime on their independence day.

>>21557065, >>21557072 Swamp Meets

>>21557068 War Room

>>21557070 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21557110 @realDonaldTrump Bernie Sanders just said that Kamala only changed her Marxist policy positions for the Election — She’ll change back very quickly!

>>21557111 @Cancelcloco There are many human trafficking networks on the black markets today. Part of that network is literally satanists.

>>21557117, >>21557123 Pakistani National Charged for Plotting Terrorist Attack in New York City in Support of ISIS

>>21557130 56 Days to WINNING

>>21557167 Three years ago today, Biden/Harris used federal authority to nullify the Nuremberg code for 100 million Americans.

>>21557182 Stephen Miller and Mark Cuban exchange on mass deportations

>>21557210, >>21557204 Sanija Ameti resigns from the Zurich GLP party leadership

>>21557219, >>21557232 Dem Rep Serves As ‘Honorary Chairwoman’ Of Org Reportedly Linked To Chinese Intel Agency/New York Democratic Rep. Grace Meng

>>21557262 If the Fed decided on 50bps, Powell will leak it through "well-informed press contacts" first

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a6689a No.21557341

File: b5bf7b7d1e904c9⋯.png (717.05 KB,1080x655,216:131,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

September 9, 2024

Mars: Moon, Craters, and Volcanos

If you could fly over Mars, what might you see? The featured image shows exactly this in the form of a Mars Express vista captured over a particularly interesting region on Mars in July. The picture's most famous feature is Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the Solar System, visible on the upper right. Another large Martian volcano is visible on the right horizon: Pavonis Mons. Several circular impact craters can be seen on the surface of the aptly named red planet. Impressively, this image was timed to capture the dark and doomed Martian moon Phobos, visible just left of center. The surface feature on the lower left, known as Orcus Patera, is unusual for its large size and oblong shape, and mysterious because the processes that created it still remain unknown. ESA's robotic Mars Express spacecraft was launched in 2003 and, among many notable science discoveries, bolstered evidence that Mars was once home to large bodies of water.


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740c9f No.21557342

File: 5ca746b81d6b001⋯.png (925.83 KB,1104x555,368:185,whitehat.PNG)

White hat

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c87f94 No.21557343



>AI meltdown.

You know how easy it was to make the chat gpt dot go pink and make everyone freak out??

I'll fucking do it again :)

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529c5c No.21557344

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wanna know How?

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529c5c No.21557345

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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15d4ef No.21557346


the young Prince moves

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a0df4f No.21557347

SHOCK REPORT: Family in Chicago has we*pons confiscated [despite being legal] after criminals attempt to climb into their daughters window..

Get out of BLUE CITIES, then will not protect you and WILL NOT allow you to protect yourself..


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529c5c No.21557348

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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62d763 No.21557349

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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5e4a5d No.21557350

File: 70ae6512c7e44a4⋯.png (18.17 KB,255x252,85:84,FUCKTHISGOVT.png)


Feeling that 9/11 is going to be epic.

While I'm cozy and comfy, my gut is saying all hell is gonna break loose. (maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part??!?!?!?)

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98bf55 No.21557351

>>21557021 Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil 🇧🇷 to fight against censorship, Lulu and judge Moraes' regime on their independence day.

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56ed5f No.21557352

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9b4862 No.21557353

File: 3abf763296570e0⋯.png (272.45 KB,508x501,508:501,3abf763296570e00120e0f4ea8….png)

File: 7ff3d9d4a33e0e7⋯.png (125.42 KB,364x293,364:293,7ff3d9d4a33e0e75d10d8c138d….png)

File: ad9ed6e562d6cce⋯.png (78.91 KB,213x163,213:163,ad9ed6e562d6cce84f1aec6aea….png)

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67a304 No.21557354

I see VaticanClown is failing to blend in. Can pick that retard out of the crowd even when he's not pretending to be a schizophrenic with unlimited VPNs.

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529c5c No.21557355

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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456b51 No.21557356


Do you think that running Kamattack and Walzy is the ultimate IQ test for America?

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c87f94 No.21557357



Check..they're same fagging hard it seems

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12e725 No.21557358


They are all for the MSM having the freedom to tell as many lies as they want.

They are all for Social Media sites that bash Trump and tell lies about him.

They are all for violating the "shall not be infringed' of the 2nd amendment.

Their idea of the Bill of Rights is that it only applies to Democrat ideology.

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a0df4f No.21557359

File: ea36accf58091dc⋯.jpg (237.4 KB,1280x1204,320:301,photo_2024_09_09_10_14_54.jpg)

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62d763 No.21557360

File: b480963f8499c59⋯.jpg (249.33 KB,1290x1587,430:529,GXCSZeXXwAAw7mB.jpg)

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529c5c No.21557361

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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159b8a No.21557362

File: 76aaa78b7612117⋯.jpg (76.56 KB,500x500,1:1,Activated.jpg)


TY, baker.

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456b51 No.21557363


She cannot have truthful people around her. What I don't get is with how many times they've been outed by lies that people still think this play is real.

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1129c8 No.21557364


The truth is a hard pill to swallow.


FAKE NEWS keeps you asleep (sheep) and fixed in a pre_designed false reality (narrative).


Important to progress.

Who are the puppet masters?

House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above (3).

Public wealth disclosures – False.

Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.

As a backup, they infiltrated and control the narrative (the ‘MSM’).

As a backup, they install only those on the team.

As a backup, they blackmail those that aren’t.

As a backup, they defined ‘conspiracy’ as crazy/mentally unstable and label anything ‘true’ as such.

This works given most of what they engage in is pure evil and simply unbelievable (HARD TO SWALLOW).

The ‘fix’ has always been in – no matter which party won the election (-JFK (killed)/Reagan(shot)).

This was always the promise made to those who played the game (willingly or otherwise) (i.e., they would never lose power).

Power of the (3) letter agencies.

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67a304 No.21557365

File: 1ac89eab267e49f⋯.png (348.66 KB,835x500,167:100,ClipboardImage.png)


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529c5c No.21557366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0650ee No.21557367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Realmente no nos importa una mierda lo que la travesti COCO le haga a Tom Hanks

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b5cd5e No.21557368

File: c6623df4ce0c1eb⋯.jpg (245.31 KB,750x1000,3:4,shills_anons_3.jpg)



It's a SPAMmer shill.

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c87f94 No.21557369


That already happened

Remember the telegram message? 51 in the room I was #52

My fellow Americans the storm is upon us

How those comms coming J ?


Lights brink above the key bridge


You don't think you killed me right?

Im American..ive never left the country.

How was it you expected me to forget the events that transpired in March?

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b03a8c No.21557370

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456b51 No.21557371


Luntz has always been a Dunz

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1129c8 No.21557372


>This works given most of what they engage in is pure evil and simply unbelievable (HARD TO SWALLOW).

Q told us who "they" are.

The Roths and Soros and the minyans that support that network.

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78b527 No.21557373


>She cannot have truthful people around her.

many such cases

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c87f94 No.21557374

Oh yeah that's right. they thought they hit me with missile in Ukraine.

Hi James here. Still not dead yet. Completely dead inside..I want to see some real justice dealt to those that deserve to feel the sting.

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4166b4 No.21557375


They are habitual, they cannot get out of their own loop of deceptions.

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e0d98a No.21557377

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm,, this day and forever.

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655543 No.21557378


spreading illiterate reddit weakness

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47f95e No.21557379

File: cd1d8d6d292906e⋯.png (248.32 KB,492x472,123:118,smokingpuppy2.png)

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159b8a No.21557380

File: 5fcdacb24c0c3f7⋯.png (27.1 KB,1066x603,1066:603,ClipboardImage.png)

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67a304 No.21557381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gotta go with my favorite classical melody. Always considered this one of the pinnacles of human creativity in the arts.

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159b8a No.21557382


Back at ya, Swordy.

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67a304 No.21557383

He had to IP hop. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Weakling.

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aee636 No.21557384


YES, Some remember

Move me on to any black square

Use me any time you want

Just remember that the goal

Is for us all to capture all we want, anywhere (Move me on to any black square)

Yeah, yeah, yeah


Don't surround yourself with yourself

Move on back two squares

Send an Instant Karma to me

Initial it with loving care (Don't surround yourself)

Cause his time is time, in time with your time

And its news is captured

For the queen to use

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5dad73 No.21557385

File: b39def909bde55f⋯.jpg (47 KB,736x837,736:837,1730488959ec5694fc86df9283….jpg)


Good morning, Swordy.

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b5cd5e No.21557386

File: 8fdfcc21c122383⋯.png (160.31 KB,499x499,1:1,pepe_1c.png)


>She cannot have truthful people around her.

They don't want her getting "called out" by those people during their faked photo op. Also the "actors" act overly excited which real people wouldn't because they can't stand her.

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67a304 No.21557387

File: dd2e379d34a272c⋯.jpeg (376.65 KB,1088x1088,1:1,dd2e379d34a272c2916b4f92c….jpeg)

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0650ee No.21557388


fight durh drumpf larp zelda

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a0df4f No.21557389

File: f570c89002473b2⋯.jpg (64.3 KB,750x1000,3:4,flat_750x_075_f_pad_750x10….jpg)


GM swordy

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9b4862 No.21557390


Noice..personally like Vivaldi 4 seasons

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5dad73 No.21557391

File: d68459e3f018e3a⋯.png (187.38 KB,1080x453,360:151,Screenshot_20240909_102452.png)



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12e725 No.21557392


Trips of 3s

You are correct.

Literal interpretations can sometimes be misleading.

But some things are literal. Like Noah's Flood. It really was a world wide flood, not just a regional flood. Entire mountains as tall as the Rocky Mountains in the US were covered with water for 6 months and gradually receded.

Discretion must be used.

Pray for the gift of understanding.

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62d763 No.21557393

File: e764ac5a60ffc97⋯.png (12.55 KB,480x111,160:37,Capture.PNG)



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0469d8 No.21557394

File: 09acff8202062f3⋯.png (640.84 KB,685x596,685:596,Screenshot_2024_09_08_at_1….png)

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67a304 No.21557395


Spring is my favorite of the four. Probably the most recognizable one of them too.

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1129c8 No.21557396

File: 487fd07cf3186ac⋯.png (607.61 KB,464x525,464:525,Toothy.PNG)


"Truth Social" will ban you if you speak about the Jews.

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0469d8 No.21557397

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)

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740bfc No.21557398

File: 43688590f7306f0⋯.webm (1.23 MB,460x816,115:204,apRQVxM_460svvp9.webm)

On the move

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655543 No.21557399



do not,

in fact,


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9b4862 No.21557400

File: 6a546c37ced8969⋯.png (576.63 KB,493x581,493:581,6a546c37ced89695125b2be204….png)


Mine too

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12e725 No.21557401


Not Kosher, not kosher at all.

Eating a cat is not kosher.

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0650ee No.21557402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

pussy cam

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0469d8 No.21557403

File: 14506b8df29605c⋯.png (121.5 KB,229x305,229:305,Screenshot_2024_09_08_at_1….png)

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a0df4f No.21557404

File: 528c55faf3a4024⋯.jpg (22.63 KB,400x400,1:1,photo_2024_03_13_22_45_06.jpg)


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1129c8 No.21557405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Stew Peters Barred from Tucker Carlson Event Amid Controversy


Stew Peters speaking too much truth about the Jews.

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aee636 No.21557407

File: 58c8665ed6cdc65⋯.jpeg (82.34 KB,1023x682,3:2,IMG_0059.jpeg)


Hey Swordy, but who has excalibur ?

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b5cd5e No.21557408

File: dc32ed88156c37e⋯.png (182.46 KB,453x260,453:260,Kamala_do_not_come.png)

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0650ee No.21557409

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>pussy cam

fanta se died to a juwish coke princes

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98bf55 No.21557410


rack n pinion gals the best

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5dad73 No.21557411


That's not true. I used to argue with this dork on there. He is much like you. He's still not banned.

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0650ee No.21557412


>fight durh drumpf larp zelda

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12e725 No.21557413



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1129c8 No.21557414

File: a1b348a9d795d3d⋯.png (257.25 KB,441x553,63:79,CO_SOS_Griswold.png)

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5f34dd No.21557415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d6bb24 No.21557416

File: 0f2fe003a33dbbf⋯.png (291.27 KB,576x851,576:851,2470F372_FD84_4C4D_9D10_33….png)


God bless you Swordy and all onboard.

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62d763 No.21557417



Caps = 419

"end of days" = 419 (Fibonacci) 81st prime

"Russian US war" = 419 (Fibonacci)

No Border, No Nation, Stop Deportations in 419 (Simple)

The Federal Reserve Banking Cartel From London in 419 (Simple)

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0469d8 No.21557418

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 7ae50408552ba1f⋯.png (574.18 KB,576x768,3:4,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)


forward kamalasisters!

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0765bd No.21557419

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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a0df4f No.21557420

File: bebbd0a55790c7e⋯.jpg (67.77 KB,1266x949,1266:949,photo_2024_09_09_10_30_10.jpg)


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740c9f No.21557421

Our thoughts and emotions have a direct impact on us and the world around us.

Mind your thoughts anons.

Send out positivity and good will come back to you.

Your life will literately get better.

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4166b4 No.21557422

File: 4b104190d1395c1⋯.png (197.77 KB,471x385,471:385,HugOomph1.png)


here's to loving our shilly neighbors, with hugs!

Bless you, Anon

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12e725 No.21557423


The discussion was about literal vs figurative language.

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b5cd5e No.21557424

File: e4127cac2ca5584⋯.gif (2.29 MB,498x498,1:1,pepe_sword.gif)

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43c855 No.21557425

File: b93de4178533be7⋯.jpeg (284.19 KB,1223x1616,1223:1616,IMG_3106.jpeg)

File: 4885e7a3ee190e1⋯.jpeg (179.67 KB,1238x828,619:414,IMG_3107.jpeg)

File: 8c8da0c22eacab0⋯.jpeg (203.3 KB,1193x1272,1193:1272,IMG_3105.jpeg)

Trust in Doctors and Hospitals Plummets


One incredibly interesting part of this study was the revealing of the open-text responses that survey respondents gave for their lack of trust. From the supplement, here are the top 4 themes why patients have lost trust.

1. Financial Motives Over Patient Care: This theme includes perceptions of healthcare as primarily profit-driven, where financial incentives outweigh patient welfare. Respondents believe that decisions are made based on profitability rather than the best interests of patients.

2. Poor Quality of Care and Negligence: Responses that mention experiences of neglect, inadequate care, misdiagnosis, or dismissive attitudes from healthcare providers fall under this category. This also includes perceptions of healthcare professionals not listening or taking patient concerns seriously.

3. Influence of External Entities and Agendas: Here, the focus is on the belief that decisions in healthcare are unduly influenced by pharmaceutical companies, government entities, or other external powers. This includes suspicions of dishonesty or withholding information for nonmedical reasons.

4. Discrimination and Bias: Responses indicating experiences or beliefs that healthcare providers exhibit bias, discrimination, or lack of cultural competency. This can include racial discrimination, gender bias, or insensitivity to patient backgrounds.

Another interesting analysis in the supplement was the inclusion of political affiliation. The tendency for Republicans and Independents to have lower trust overall than Democrats should not surprise anyone, as the polarization of vaccines, masks, and lockdowns made it clear that the left was in favor of doing anything at all in the name of combating Covid, no matter the cost.

As we witnessed firsthand in 2020 and 2021, and even today, the condescension, overt political motivations, and outright derision directed at those who were rationally skeptical of a brand-new vaccine, masks, and the extreme and harmful lockdown policies by medical practitioners and hospital systems have finally led to an inevitable consequence: the public simply does not trust them anymore. And not by a small margin—there has been a massive swing from majority trust to majority distrust. For anyone who was paying attention, this is not shocking.

For my part, I hope that the practitioners we truly need to rely on when we require medical care see this as a wake-up call and understand just how much damage they have done to their long-term doctor-patient relationships. Now, instead of starting from a place of trust,they are starting from a deficit. This is not just bad for their careers; it’s bad for the patients.


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0650ee No.21557426


send cash

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a0df4f No.21557427

File: 8137934754ae90f⋯.jpg (26.29 KB,808x332,202:83,photo_2024_09_09_10_29_28.jpg)


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0469d8 No.21557428

File: 747deee48048dd9⋯.png (671.02 KB,609x674,609:674,Screenshot_2024_09_08_at_1….png)

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655543 No.21557429


looks like 2020


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d6bb24 No.21557430

File: c5f372950de79e4⋯.png (643.87 KB,750x1334,375:667,E9CD3622_7C5C_4F7B_A1CE_88….png)

File: c4f13a4ef2261bd⋯.png (31.12 KB,690x498,115:83,8D6AD6A0_B10E_4F93_978A_C6….png)

File: 3f84f6c1cb71a6c⋯.jpeg (84.64 KB,986x555,986:555,A976B4AF_52A3_4743_867A_C….jpeg)

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5a3589 No.21557431

File: 130bed3ec6ccdae⋯.png (1.36 MB,822x1048,411:524,swordanon.png)


Mornin' swordAnon

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62d763 No.21557432

File: fdcccec7d00d1e7⋯.png (197.94 KB,532x489,532:489,Capture.PNG)

Training the elite.

Take a look at the history of the DoD’s military working dog program and the impact of their service.


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b5cd5e No.21557433

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


Feel the burn…..

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1129c8 No.21557434

File: 0774d528c527e15⋯.png (391.62 KB,395x529,395:529,ClipboardImage.png)


The truth is not always a feelz good thing. Sometimes reality is a negative thing, and one must be spiritually strong enough to deal with that reality instead of putting head in sand like most good people do.

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43c855 No.21557435


It should have happened 30 years ago, Pharma is in control of medical care. Or Almost Death Care

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a0df4f No.21557436

File: d69fe55b2b7147b⋯.jpg (70.99 KB,860x954,430:477,photo_2024_09_09_10_33_23.jpg)


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0650ee No.21557437


halp zelda find castle of trannys an fight drumpf larp #peterpancreamysaga

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f55596 No.21557438

File: 4a473845821baa6⋯.jpg (63.69 KB,720x903,240:301,4a473845821baa670e0a8266ea….jpg)

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655543 No.21557439


the fact remains.

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c87f94 No.21557440


This one is retarded I think.



Something very heavy would be needed to displace the water

Like that.

Specific gravity?

A heavier object will displace more or less water?

Crustial displacement?

How much water is within the earth?


Pulls water down hill or into the earth. What happens when it reaches the other side?

Where does it finally stop?

A very large hole?


A very large leak?

Water comes from nowhere if it condensed quickly.

Gas to liquid in a second comes from intense heat followed by immediate rapid cooling.

You don't understand it because you can't fathom the absolute incredibility of this kind of situations size.

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b5cd5e No.21557441

File: 8e5a3e2a9be95fa⋯.gif (3.15 MB,640x478,320:239,dog_side_eye_suspicious_lo….gif)


Dog comms

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5dad73 No.21557442

File: 73c9e4b17d4ff66⋯.png (576.98 KB,736x937,736:937,73c9e4b17d4ff66b4038bc9415….png)

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1b08aa No.21557443

File: 1da009d3068730b⋯.jpg (801.65 KB,2400x1600,3:2,fwkh.jpg)

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a0df4f No.21557444

File: 51f01f9aa6aab98⋯.jpg (75.14 KB,813x975,271:325,photo_2024_09_09_10_31_30.jpg)


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1129c8 No.21557445

File: 0774d528c527e15⋯.png (391.62 KB,395x529,395:529,ClipboardImage.png)


These are people doing evil things, not Satan

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0469d8 No.21557446

File: d08ba890d5c9861⋯.png (393.94 KB,509x566,509:566,Screenshot_2024_08_16_at_1….png)

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67a304 No.21557447

File: 8f8cb81e7badef4⋯.jpg (721.96 KB,2403x3204,3:4,jwwvf1sw578b1.jpg)

The fuck's with the camera lenses with telephoto lenses that I see when I go for my walks again? Was there a sale on that shit or something and everyone wants a big-ass lens on their big ass cameras?

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1129c8 No.21557448

File: 0774d528c527e15⋯.png (391.62 KB,395x529,395:529,ClipboardImage.png)


The truth is devastating to people like this

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5a3589 No.21557449

File: 74169db3f05df9b⋯.png (163.32 KB,472x264,59:33,cross.png)


> Griswold

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0650ee No.21557450


the ikards paid russel larchur for those BJs

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12e725 No.21557451


Their mistake was probably that they called the police. The police do not work for We the People.

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aee636 No.21557452


Aah Yes, the liar from the beginning.

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b5cd5e No.21557453

File: f3ba82df616006a⋯.jpg (18.59 KB,728x450,364:225,small.jpg)


You mad because theirs is bigger than yours? KEK

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1129c8 No.21557454

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a74ce6 No.21557455



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0650ee No.21557456

File: 7117db958a7e5ee⋯.png (2.38 MB,1600x900,16:9,7117db958a7e5eea6663dfecb1….png)


>halp zelda find castle of trannys an fight drumpf larp #peterpancreamysaga

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d6bb24 No.21557457

File: d82b886e9abcaef⋯.png (1.71 MB,750x1334,375:667,63C33ADF_2427_4513_B5DC_88….png)

File: 5bac31bf8796c3a⋯.jpeg (465.4 KB,2047x1365,2047:1365,B120B6A8_892D_4BE8_A025_B….jpeg)

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1129c8 No.21557458


Evil people need someone to blame, hence Satan worship.

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95d184 No.21557459

File: 9a9fba812bb6dfd⋯.png (216.75 KB,563x492,563:492,ClipboardImage.png)

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de1cc6 No.21557460


don't be rational anon. be proving points well. kek

ask people to read shakespeare and they cry because of the English language from 500 years ago.

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12e725 No.21557461


This link does not go to this tweet.

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a0df4f No.21557462

File: 545be2de668ec35⋯.jpg (219.27 KB,1920x1080,16:9,535874965_1920x1080.jpg)


not all are that way

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774d3f No.21557463



Just an FYI,

It's Lula (Squid in English).

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1129c8 No.21557464

File: 6824665d0330978⋯.png (69.21 KB,582x429,194:143,StewPetersKushner.png)

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655543 No.21557465

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0469d8 No.21557466


knee pad's m.o. is to accuse white men of being racist and rapist

that's what she did to biden during one of their debates

surely, Trump is prepped for this anticipated attack

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67a304 No.21557467

File: b0abfb4844bfbb3⋯.gif (1.42 MB,684x983,684:983,leash_pepe.gif)


KEK. Nah. I don't use a camera, nor do I get jealous of others, never have. My whole life I've never taken pictures. Just keep it all in my head.

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5f34dd No.21557468

File: c49417aeb141b09⋯.png (54.04 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



don't bite

do not bite…

(inhale deeply, exhales out)

This is not your fight.

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1129c8 No.21557469

File: 3a06c4f138f3eb4⋯.webm (1.68 MB,480x848,30:53,3a06c4f138f3eb4084a69f4a4….webm)


When you join a group, you become resposible for that groups actions.

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98bf55 No.21557470

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0d7a6e No.21557471

File: 7414a9e352897e5⋯.png (795.34 KB,500x669,500:669,ClipboardImage.png)


Too soon?

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3eaa8f No.21557472


Lulu sounds like youre calling him Lou twice.

Hey Lou! Lou!

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12e725 No.21557473


They follow orders.

They listen to the Chief and the Chief listens to the Mayor.

Any man (or woman) who thinks for themselves will not be hired as a cop.

They only hire black and white thinkers who follow orders from the top.

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67a304 No.21557474

I mean, that's a bit of an exaggeration, I have taken pictures, just not very many.

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47f95e No.21557475

File: 4310130842d32e6⋯.png (199.18 KB,490x469,70:67,smokingbog02.png)

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a0df4f No.21557476


yes it do


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98bf55 No.21557477


we know who squid is round here


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d6bb24 No.21557478

File: 82412f44f6a8596⋯.png (1.43 MB,750x1334,375:667,D9962EEB_B9F3_4B47_AD8D_4B….png)

File: d8612e1486cc8cd⋯.png (33.94 KB,690x498,115:83,B7FF9501_0D7A_4FE3_996C_A0….png)

File: 43480ec4cc3f5ae⋯.jpeg (127.56 KB,900x450,2:1,3014DA6B_8BF1_42AB_BF28_6….jpeg)


all of it NCSWIC

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1129c8 No.21557479

File: 0aa4c2d7d3c6738⋯.mp4 (537.72 KB,492x270,82:45,ADL.mp4)

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67a304 No.21557480

File: 7e95a2cc4358938⋯.gif (1.02 MB,360x198,20:11,3964687493.gif)

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5dad73 No.21557481

File: 02d65b0a9e98aa3⋯.jpg (17.6 KB,506x336,253:168,02d65b0a9e98aa39f8674212fb….jpg)


>that's what she did to biden during one of their debates

And then he chose her for VP. They're both more fucked up than a football bat.

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698b9f No.21557482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

11:00 AM EDT

Exposing China’s Complicity in America’s Fentanyl Crisis

The Heritage Foundation


11:30 AM EDT

Elections 2024: Senator Chris Murphy on the future of Democratic foreign policy

Atlantic Council




Sen. Chris Murphy Discusses International and Geopolitical Challenges

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) discusses international and geopolitical challenges facing the country during a conversation hosted by the Atlantic Council in Washington, DC.


11:35 AM EDT

The President and The First Lady depart Wilmington, Delaware en route to Fort Lesley J. McNair

Official Schedule


11:50 AM EDT

Air Mobility Command Change of Command

Air Mobility Command (AMC) conducts a change of command ceremony at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, September 9, 2024. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David W. Allvin presided over the event as Gen. John D. Lamontagne assumed command from Gen. Michael A. Minihan, who is retiring after 35 years of service.


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c87f94 No.21557483

File: 02c7eebb7af1f62⋯.png (39.06 KB,473x252,473:252,qaggdropimage1129.png)

File: 7013f3108d875f4⋯.png (174.82 KB,473x848,473:848,qaggdropimage888.png)

File: cec0ce5b67edd69⋯.png (53.59 KB,473x315,473:315,qaggdropimage11_3.png)

File: 466ee25c346cc21⋯.png (53.51 KB,473x273,473:273,qaggdropimage29.png)

File: 4d03191a9950afe⋯.png (57.21 KB,473x399,473:399,qaggdropimage38.png)

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655543 No.21557484




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d6bb24 No.21557485

File: f966a57e8882920⋯.png (1.12 MB,750x1334,375:667,74C91EDF_5BD4_4E39_9CD8_80….png)

File: cc4fb926cf5b713⋯.png (59.86 KB,690x718,345:359,8C115302_31B3_4699_85CA_A6….png)

File: 32ef362ef8693da⋯.jpeg (57.32 KB,680x355,136:71,829590C0_02B3_4AEB_BD23_E….jpeg)

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b5cd5e No.21557486

File: 2d5b65a2a5d5838⋯.png (162.14 KB,500x499,500:499,pepe_smart.png)


>he chose her

He was only following his orders…

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1129c8 No.21557487

File: 82870fa0a9b1942⋯.jpg (64.98 KB,576x633,192:211,PutinRussianJews.JPG)


Remember when Putin was right?

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62d763 No.21557488

File: 0daecfbd7dc08fa⋯.png (327.12 KB,531x507,177:169,Capture.PNG)

"If we elect Donald Trump, we may feel the effects not for years, and not for a generation. We may read our mistake in the geological record a million years hence."


on the stakes of this election for a stable climate:


Full control

"Here we go"

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5dad73 No.21557489


My internet shorthand is very sloppy. Thanks, quality control.

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67a304 No.21557490

File: c6ae0b33cf9c93f⋯.gif (1.37 MB,207x207,1:1,c6ae0b33cf9c93f9e295547afd….gif)


>They're both more fucked up than a football bat.

Never heard that expression before. KEK! That's funny as fuck. Might have to work that into my vernacular IRL. Just have to decide if it's going to be a bat for footballs or a football shaped bat.

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0650ee No.21557491

File: eecad1715b9b85c⋯.png (971.35 KB,700x700,1:1,trotskypedurastisjfk.png)

File: 5ee55cd7e85506b⋯.png (7.27 KB,900x506,450:253,5ee55cd7e85506b5130509893c….png)


>>halp zelda find castle of trannys an fight drumpf larp #peterpancreamysaga

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d6bb24 No.21557492

File: c3a7f3b2312e58c⋯.png (43.02 KB,690x498,115:83,020FCC77_5E69_48A2_94B3_F8….png)

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4166b4 No.21557493


Can't spell C h I n A

without C I A

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9b4862 No.21557494


I remember this picrel being posted here or rather 8chan years ago when I was a newfag. I lost it! Now I try to scroll by quickly without a word spoken. In the original, the man did not have a mask on I don't think but not sure.

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5dad73 No.21557496


I know that and you know that but to a normie that must look crazy.

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b5cd5e No.21557497

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB,473x500,473:500,pepe_12.png)


[They] will feel the effects for the rest of their lives.

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98bf55 No.21557498

File: 29100238f51f725⋯.png (1.09 MB,1348x1106,674:553,ClipboardImage.png)

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a6689a No.21557499

File: 52c990f03811de1⋯.png (575.52 KB,960x764,240:191,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3330917ffdc9129⋯.png (1.05 MB,960x608,30:19,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e15360fff127757⋯.png (1.03 MB,960x566,480:283,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b506500137e9207⋯.png (439.67 KB,960x540,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Goodnight, Cluster: brilliant end to trailblazing mission


The first satellite in ESA’s Cluster quartet safely came back down to Earth last night in a world-first ‘targeted reentry’, marking a brilliant end to this remarkable mission.

The spacecraft, dubbed ‘Salsa’ (Cluster 2), reentered Earth’s atmosphere at 20:47 CEST on 8 September 2024 over the South Pacific Ocean. In this region, any risk of fragments reaching land are absolutely minimised.

During the last two decades Cluster has spent in space, it has provided invaluable data on how the Sun interacts with Earth’s magnetic field, helping us better understand and forecast space weather.

With this first-ever targeted reentry, Cluster will go down in history for a second reason – helping ESA become a world-leader in sustainable space exploration.

The reentry follows a tweaking of Salsa’s orbit back in January 2024 to target a region as far as possible from populated regions. This ensured that any spacecraft parts that survive the reentry would fall over the open ocean.

Over the past days, weeks and months, ESA’s spacecraft operators kept a close eye on Salsa as it came closer to Earth, slightly adjusting the spacecraft’s trajectory just once to keep it on track.

Nowadays, satellite missions are designed according to regulations that require them to minimise the risk of causing damage on their return to Earth.

However, when Cluster was built back in the 1990s no such regulations were in place. Without intervention, the four Cluster satellites would have reentered Earth’s atmosphere naturally – but with less control over when or where this would happen.

ESA Director of Operations, Rolf Densing explains why ESA decided to end the mission in this way: “Salsa’s reentry was always going to be very low risk, but we wanted to push the boundaries and reduce the threat even further, demonstrating our commitment to ESA’s Zero Debris approach.”

“By studying how and when Salsa and the other three Cluster satellites burn up in the atmosphere, we are learning a great deal about reentry science, hopefully allowing us to apply the same approach to other satellites when they come to the end of their lives.”

Salsa’s reentry marks the end of a unique mission that will ultimately help protect humanity from our tempestuous Sun.

Water? Warmth? Minerals? All vital for life, but not unique to planet Earth. Perhaps the one key thing that makes Earth a remarkable habitable world where life can thrive is its powerful magnetosphere.

Just a few hundred kilometres above our heads, a continuous battle is being fought between the forces of nature. Like a ship in a never-ending storm, Earth is bombarded by swarms of particles ejected from the Sun at supersonic speeds.

Most of these solar wind particles are deflected by the magnetosphere, and sail harmlessly by. But Earth’s shield is not bulletproof.

Gusts of solar wind can squeeze it mercilessly, pushing energetic particles through weak spots, and potentially damaging electronic equipment including vital satellites orbiting in space.

It might sound like science fiction, but scientists have been studying this continuous feud between the Sun and Earth for many years, first from the ground and then with the aid of single satellites.

But the complexities of the Sun-Earth connection have always eluded them. Until Cluster came along.

Director of Science Prof. Carole Mundell says: “Cluster is the first mission to make detailed studies, models and 3D maps of Earth’s magnetic field, as well as related processes within and around it.

We’re proud to say that through Cluster and other missions, ESA has advanced humankind’s understanding of how the solar wind interacts with the magnetosphere, helping us prepare for the dangers it can bring.”

Our understanding of space weather – the environmental conditions in space caused by the Sun’s activity – depends on understanding many different factors: the behaviour of the Sun, how the solar wind travels through space, and how Earth’s magnetosphere responds.

With Cluster, ESA took on the challenge of uncovering how Earth’s magnetosphere responds to the solar wind.

Other ESA missions have studied different parts of the process, with Solar Orbiter, SOHO, Proba-2 and Ulysses keeping watching on the Sun itself, and Swarm and Double Star also studying Earth’s magnetic environment.

Double Star focused on the ‘magnetotail’ that stretches away from planet Earth, and Swarm continues to analyse Earth’s magnetic field itself.


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a6689a No.21557500


Cluster’s scientific torch will be passed on to the ESA/Chinese Academy of Sciences Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (Smile) mission, set to launch in late 2025.

A few years later, ESA’s Vigil mission will head into space to put the different puzzle pieces together, aiming to provide continuous, near real-time data on potentially hazardous solar activity. Ultimately this will help us ensure safe satellite communications and space and air travel.

While most missions exploring Earth’s magnetic phenomena focus on the equator, the Cluster quartet circled over the poles, where there is a lot of magnetic activity. Solar wind in this area can dive deeper into Earth’s upper atmosphere, giving rise to the spectacular auroras.

Cluster’s ability to observe higher latitudes than other missions meant that it revealed parts of the magnetosphere that we’ve never been able to ‘see’ before with multiple spacecraft at the same time.

Through its mapping of Earth’s magnetic field, and comparison of this to Mars’s lacklustre present-day magnetism, Cluster has reaffirmed the importance of our magnetosphere in shielding us from the solar wind.

The mission also helped us understand weaknesses in the magnetosphere, including how solar wind particles can break through the shield. It even discovered the origin of ‘killer electrons’, energetic particles in the outer belt of radiation surrounding Earth, that can cause havoc for satellites.

By continually monitoring and recording the dynamics and properties of Earth’s magnetosphere over two decades, Cluster has amassed an unprecedented wealth of data, allowing scientists to make truly ground-breaking findings, including on longer-term trends.

After an incredibly successful 24 years in space, ESA took the decision to deorbit the four Cluster satellites throughout 2024–2026. Planning the reentries at this time made it possible for the Cluster spacecraft to contribute to reentry science as a final farewell.

“Cluster’s multi-spacecraft design has always been key to its success,” explains Philippe Escoubet, Cluster Mission Manager.

“By using four spacecraft instead of one, Cluster was able to uniquely measure multiple areas of space simultaneously.

When closer together, the Cluster spacecraft could dig into the finer magnetic structures in near-Earth space. When further apart, they could obtain a broader view of wider-scale activity.”

And now ESA is using the fact that there are four Cluster satellites to better understand how reentries work.

By comparing the reentries of four identical satellites under different space weather conditions and with slightly different trajectories, ESA’s space debris team is conducting a valuable experiment on the break-up of satellites in the atmosphere.

Ultimately, this will make satellite reentries even safer.

Although Cluster has become an enormous scientific success, its early days didn’t go off without a hitch.

The rocket used to launch the Rumba (Cluster 1) and Tango (Cluster 4) satellites in 2000 left them in an incorrect orbit, forcing them to rely on their own propulsion, as well as the upper stage of the rocket, to get to the right position to join Salsa (Cluster 2) and Samba (Cluster 3).

The mishap followed the failed launch of the original Cluster quartet in 1996.

Since then, the mission has made tremendous progress, far outlasting its original planned lifetime and contributing enormously to our understanding of the interaction between the Sun and Earth.

And yesterday, Cluster became a key piece in ESA’s efforts towards more sustainable space exploration.



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0eea75 No.21557501

File: 29fedd3c8f2a629⋯.png (1.39 MB,927x694,927:694,ClipboardImage.png)

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12e725 No.21557502


I don't think that a person is responsible for the group's actions, but I do think that they are obligated to criticize them and not go along with them.

For instance, I call myself a Christian, but there are many other people who call themselves Christians whom I do not advocate their actions.

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d6bb24 No.21557503

File: 2aecd2cfdae6983⋯.jpeg (192.79 KB,1920x1080,16:9,BE3DAE7D_37B3_48FC_A1C0_5….jpeg)

File: fa79fdfc1a63c55⋯.jpeg (75.71 KB,840x560,3:2,EAFD7F40_E3AC_4338_851E_B….jpeg)

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9b4862 No.21557504


She's telling her truth about her world, her 'democracy'.She's scared!

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c87f94 No.21557505


That's already the situation now for most homosexuals huh?

Dont be too alarmed..it's not like they haven't contemplated eating your children or anything. I mean they just wanna be in your school alone and have say in your childa sexuality behind your pack while being able to punish you if you fight back again their sick perverted desires..dont act like they're not the problem..if you join a group then you become guilty of that groups actions. So since the gays are also the Jews that makes the Jews at fault for everything? I am getting a coffee.

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0650ee No.21557506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>halp zelda find castle of trannys an fight drumpf larp #peterpancreamysaga

an gedouchin heimat kraken auf grosse weider uber alles berlinur roast tom hanks in durh volcano juwfo gahydar BS gahyAF

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655543 No.21557507



the election apparatus is still not secure.

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1e8281 No.21557508

File: 2ab378171bb6c42⋯.jpeg (133.46 KB,1144x656,143:82,IMG_3108.jpeg)

File: 0a4a2ae995bf317⋯.jpeg (79.52 KB,1164x644,291:161,IMG_3109.jpeg)

File: 4e92e0482d0480d⋯.jpeg (99.41 KB,1167x654,389:218,IMG_3110.jpeg)

File: 2bb57c56a1ac4b7⋯.jpeg (119.5 KB,1178x700,589:350,IMG_3111.jpeg)

The Media Wants a Return to 2020

BY Ian MillerIAN MILLER SEPTEMBER 8, 20241/2

They are never going to stop.

We’re a few months away from the end of 2024, four and a half years after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s a truth that should clearly be universally acknowledged by now, that the pandemic policies enacted by global governments were a catastrophic failure.

Mask mandates were pointless, harmful, and completely ineffective. School closures were one of history’s biggest mistakes, causing learning loss among young people that will set them back an entire generation. Business shutdowns achieved little except for hurting small business owners at the expense of massive corporations and necessitating a rolling series of money printing leading to rampant inflation.

Then we witnessed the formerly unimaginable emergence of vaccine passports.

Regardless, those policies have generally, and thankfully, come to an end. Overwhelming evidence, data, and scientific studies have confirmed that the Anthony Fauci-CDC doctrine was based on nothing, and accomplished less. But among the fearless media columnist set, there’s a desperation to return to the glory days of pandemic restrictions. The latest example coming from an opinion article published over at The Hill, complete with the usual misinformation, poor reasoning, and willful ignorance of current realities.

Continuing the trend that Fauci started.

Media Personalities Can’t Let Go of Bad Covid Policies

The column by Aron Solomon presents several absurd arguments, blaming a “recent surge” on “new variants” and saying we “need to take stock of where we are” with the virus.

“The recent surge in COVID-19 cases has disrupted summer travel plans, overwhelmed healthcare facilities in certain areas, and left many Americans dealing with the familiar symptoms of fever, cough and fatigue,” Solomon writes. “The summer months, typically associated with lower respiratory virus activity, have instead seen a significant uptick in COVID-19 infections.”

This is factually inaccurate.

The summer months have traditionally been associated with higher respiratory virus activity in certain parts of the country. The South and Southwest have consistently seen higher Covid spread in the summer months, corresponding with past flu patterns. Even the extremist public health agencies such as the one that dictated their edicts to the city of Los Angeles have acknowledged that summer surges have happened every year since 2020.

Sure enough, that’s exactly what the data shows, summer increases in Covid spread, decreasing over time as population immunity grows and testing decreases.But Solomon’s run of misinformation wasn’t done there.

He then blames the “relaxation of public health measures” for the increased Covid spread this year.

“Second, the widespread relaxation of public health measures has created an environment conducive to transmission,” he writes. “Mask mandates, social distancing guidelines and restrictions on large gatherings have all but disappeared. This return to normalcy, while massively psychologically and economically beneficial, has provided the virus with ample opportunities to spread.”

The pointless mask mandates disappeared years ago in many parts of the country, which is just as well as they conclusively did not matter. Comparing regions with and without mandates has consistently shown that areas with mandates have the same Covid rates, if not worse. Even in California.It just doesn’t matter, because masks don’t work.

Solomon then advocates for the return of pandemic restrictions and a “commitment to public health” to combat the summer 2020 surge.

“While much progress has been made in terms of vaccination and treatment, the current surge is a stark reminder that complacency is not an option. The road ahead will require a renewed commitment to public health, both from government leaders and from individuals….


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5dad73 No.21557509

File: c6cb31d9d94640e⋯.jpg (35.79 KB,657x527,657:527,3456076b3e02c34d927933aeb7….jpg)


> a bat for footballs

I think it's this one.

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655543 No.21557510


trusts nasa

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67a304 No.21557511

File: 5eb9d40d201cc56⋯.webm (745.95 KB,427x240,427:240,adato22.webm)


>[They] will feel the effects for the rest of their lives.

It's going to set a standard going forward through human history, that's for damn sure. Hence the "It's going to be biblical." But, I've come to learn there's also a double-meaning to that phrase over the past few years. It really is good vs. evil on multiple levels, and some have figured out how to participate thanks to this place.

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0650ee No.21557513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>halp zelda find castle of trannys an fight drumpf larp #peterpancreamysaga

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62d763 No.21557514

File: c935e6125633ab4⋯.png (117.09 KB,532x417,532:417,Capture.PNG)

NEW - 'This job is not easy': Pope


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aec31c No.21557515

File: 4e92e0482d0480d⋯.jpeg (99.41 KB,1167x654,389:218,IMG_3110.jpeg)

File: 2bb57c56a1ac4b7⋯.jpeg (119.5 KB,1178x700,589:350,IMG_3111.jpeg)



We all need to prepare for not only the possibility of continued disruptions but for another new normal that might be a little closer to 2020 than how we’ve recently been living. That means preparing for future waves and the long-term implications of a world in which COVID-19 remains a persistent, if manageable, threat.”

Beyond the absurdity of demanding restrictions that have already failed, Solomon is ignoring that there was effectively no “surge” in summer 2020, in any meaningful metric. Getting sick, unfortunately, is a part of life. People will have colds, flus, Covid, and their resulting symptoms forever. No matter what we do.

But what matters is whether these waves lead to a substantial increase in associated deaths.They conclusively have not. Per the CDC’s Covid Data Tracker, Covid-associated mortality is essentially near all-time pandemic lows. Roughly 1.8 percent of all registered deaths across the country were even tangentially associated with Covid. Those massive peaks though? Those came with the strictest restrictions of the pandemic, the restrictions Solomon wants to return.

Even the massive increase in 2021-2022 came after vaccines and boosters were widely available.

But a combination of immunity across a wide swath of the population effectively ended the pandemic. It had nothing to do with any pandemic policies from governments here or abroad. The fact that this is even remotely up for debate is a testament to the power of media misinformation and a willingness from people like Solomon to ignore contradictory information.

There is no emergency, there is no need to reinstate restrictions of any kind to deal with Covid. Especially because those restrictions are useless anyway.


This is a test America, Pass It This Time

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12e725 No.21557516


It is a trap.

They have been warned.

But they just can't help themselves.

They will attempt to cheat, and they will get caught.

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5f34dd No.21557517

File: de7c7ee9b9dba07⋯.png (1.01 MB,1666x983,1666:983,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3feccccc4c0ccb3⋯.png (357.15 KB,890x499,890:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 735804caa861a25⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB,640x482,320:241,djt_tick_tock_3rd_sept_202….mp4)


Anon smells PANIC

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1129c8 No.21557518

File: 7cf7d828383ab79⋯.png (439.09 KB,438x715,438:715,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dad73 No.21557519

File: 1f660a8dcc839a0⋯.jpg (50.2 KB,486x960,81:160,1f660a8dcc839a04808f9e86bf….jpg)


They got caught last time too.

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e009a0 No.21557520

File: 7d9409f84d38073⋯.png (3.33 MB,1816x1639,1816:1639,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d872530c435f114⋯.png (164.43 KB,595x357,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. Fags. I wonder how soon they'll move to Israel?

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73e601 No.21557521


sheep type hard in faith.

this changes the statement not one whit.

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1129c8 No.21557522


If you're going to join a group, investigate the group first. Some groups are very hard to leave.

Christianity is not a group, Christianity is being a good person, both to man and to Earth.

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62d763 No.21557523

File: 344b364accaef22⋯.jpg (164.81 KB,1198x1106,599:553,GXAEXK8XoAA3A47.jpg)

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aec31c No.21557524


They are deathly afraid the real Trump will take office. No mercy to the world destroyers

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0650ee No.21557525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

stap hatin bikini islands plz

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62d763 No.21557526

File: 3c1fc90d22910e3⋯.jpg (176.4 KB,1198x1270,599:635,GXCt7zAWcAAFvzt.jpg)

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12e725 No.21557527




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0650ee No.21557528


no princess in his castle mario

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de1cc6 No.21557529


That is the idea. More people are going to vote than should vote. They are already saying that Trump is an existential threat and he is going to say we cheated but he and republicants are putin poopers, Neither side will concede,that is the trigger point I hope. Because Trump will not back down and they will say see told you he is denying the most free and fair elections. The military is going to have to prove it somehow, maybe, but that is where it is headed.

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0c0aca No.21557530

File: b46357d05b2ea22⋯.png (245.71 KB,400x400,1:1,pumped.png)



MOAB Monday Muh'Edition

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1129c8 No.21557531


>Google altering search results to 'support' the pre_designed narrative and 'prevent' (make harder) for one to learn the TRUTH?

It's all about the TRUTH

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20310c No.21557532

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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b49641 No.21557533


Removal Scam used by U.S. Attorneys Sally Quillian Yates, Christopher Huber, and Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash

By William M. Windsor | April 12, 2024

“Removal scams are used by U.S. Attorneys and corrupt federal Judges.

They illegally remove a case from a state court to federal court where they have complete control over the corrupt judicial process.

Here’s the removal scam used by U.S. Attorney Sally Quillian Yates, Assistant U.S. Attorney Christopher Huber, and Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash…

Removal scams are especially egregious because there is no practical recourse for this particular form of corruption.

When a notice of removal is filed, a state court case is automatically removed to federal court. The state court will say that it lacks jurisdiction to overturn the illegal removal. The corrupt federal court will ignore the illegality of the removal, and you are stuck in the corrupt federal court. There are no appeals allowed on decisions on removal!

As a pro se party, I researched removal thoroughly so I could fully document why the case HAD to be remanded to the state court. Of course, I know that corrupt federal judges could care less about the law and what’s right; they just do whatever meets their corrupt needs. . .”



An eye opening look at our corrupt Judicial system! Prosecutors and Judges need to go to jail and throw away the key!

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0c0aca No.21557534

File: 3bf1f3e748caa4b⋯.gif (2.71 MB,600x338,300:169,whykek.gif)

why? kek!

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67a304 No.21557535


>sheep type hard in faith.

And despairfag clowns IP hop with impotence. You're just not as good as you used to be, AEI. It's okay, though, l'il old guard retard, the world will still turn without you and your masters' fingers on the scale.

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1129c8 No.21557536

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73e601 No.21557537



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a4567d No.21557538

File: 110f8164057704e⋯.png (670.19 KB,1010x658,505:329,Screenshb_1.png)

File: 36fb3245de9ff8c⋯.jpg (106.99 KB,500x676,125:169,92w4o8.jpg)


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f55596 No.21557539

File: 2527dfdfcd3c207⋯.png (640.6 KB,725x592,725:592,2527dfdfcd3c207e8ff033f619….png)

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aec31c No.21557540

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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0469d8 No.21557541

File: 464bff298acbfac⋯.png (65.13 KB,479x516,479:516,Screenshot_2024_09_09_at_1….png)



HILLARY Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.


HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.

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c87f94 No.21557542



That is a common practice in places like the Philippines.

When times got hard and food was scarce, they would feel lizards, chickens, dogs, cats, you name it :)

You think that's gross? You haven't seen anything yet

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a0df4f No.21557543

File: 9a4652510454d4a⋯.png (7.86 MB,2048x2048,1:1,ceb0348d34d4622c710bdc0741….png)

File: 06dea340019a967⋯.jpg (736.52 KB,800x1067,800:1067,preview.jpg)



moar fake & ghey b/s

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0650ee No.21557544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d1a3b1 No.21557545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

who dares wins

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9b4862 No.21557546

File: c2fd4a7a1e562da⋯.png (944.96 KB,750x819,250:273,qpp3mkmbpew31.png)


Very Cool!

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62d763 No.21557547

File: 62ae64271aaa3bb⋯.png (665.09 KB,533x708,533:708,Capture.PNG)

Thank you, #Paris2024! As the #Paralympic flag is passed to the


, the countdown begins for the return of The Games to the City of Angels in 2028. We’re excited to host the worlds best athletes at


. #OneForAll


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12e725 No.21557548


So VIPS have hired thugs to push people around.

Where's my hired thug to protect me from people saying mean things to me?

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a4567d No.21557549

File: 36fb3245de9ff8c⋯.jpg (106.99 KB,500x676,125:169,92w4o8.jpg)

File: 405291555ba1f3c⋯.png (1.13 MB,1080x1521,120:169,Screebcx.png)


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98bf55 No.21557550


#26408 >>21557005

>>21557008 Eduardo Bolsonaro (@BolsonaroSP) joined me to detail the corruption. son of former Pres

>>21557021 Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil 🇧🇷 to fight against censorship from the Lula and judge Moraes' regime on their independence day.

>>21557065, >>21557072, >>21557482 Swamp Meets

>>21557068 War Room

>>21557070 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21557110 @realDonaldTrump Bernie Sanders just said that Kamala only changed her Marxist policy positions for the Election — She’ll change back very quickly!

>>21557111 @Cancelcloco There are many human trafficking networks on the black markets today. Part of that network is literally satanists.

>>21557117, >>21557123 Pakistani National Charged for Plotting Terrorist Attack in New York City in Support of ISIS

>>21557130 56 Days to WINNING

>>21557167 Three years ago today, Biden/Harris used federal authority to nullify the Nuremberg code for 100 million Americans.

>>21557182 Stephen Miller and Mark Cuban exchange on mass deportations

>>21557210, >>21557204 Sanija Ameti resigns from the Zurich GLP party leadership

>>21557219, >>21557232 Dem Rep Serves As ‘Honorary Chairwoman’ Of Org Reportedly Linked To Chinese Intel Agency/New York Democratic Rep. Grace Meng

>>21557262 If the Fed decided on 50bps, Powell will leak it through "well-informed press contacts" first

>>21557341, >>21557499, >>21557500 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>21557347 Family in Chicago has we*pons confiscated [despite being legal] after criminals attempt to climb into their daughters window..


>>21557425 Trust in Doctors and Hospitals Plummets

>>21557432 Take a look at the history of the DoD’s military working dog program and the impact of their service.

>>21557436, >>21557533 ICYMI: lawfare scam exposed from inside

>>21557508, >>21557515 The Media Wants a Return to 2020 Bad Covid Policies

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c87f94 No.21557551


Awwww you mad bellend?


More migrants for you!

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a6689a No.21557552

File: 01ec789a607c7bd⋯.png (369.71 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)


The James Webb telescope found hundreds of 'little red dots' in the ancient universe. We still don't know what they are.

September 8, 2024

Astronomers exploring the faraway universe with the James Webb Space Telescope, NASA's most powerful telescope, have found a class of galaxies that challenges even the most skillful creatures in mimicry — like the mimic octopus.

This creature can impersonate other marine animals to avoid predators. Need to be a flatfish? No problem. A sea snake? Easy.

When astronomers analyzed the first Webb images of the remote parts of the universe, they spotted a never-before-seen group of galaxies.

These galaxies — some hundreds of them and called the Little Red Dots — are very red and compact, and visible only during about 1 billion years of cosmic history.

Like the mimic octopus, the Little Red Dots puzzle astronomers, because they look like different astrophysical objects.

They're either massively heavy galaxies or modestly sized ones, each containing a supermassive black hole at its core.

However, one thing is certain. The typical Little Red Dot is small, with a radius of only 2% of that of the Milky Way galaxy. Some are even smaller.

As an astrophysicist who studies faraway galaxies and black holes, I am interested in understanding the nature of these little galaxies. What powers their light and what are they, really?

Astronomers analyze the light our telescopes receive from faraway galaxies to assess their physical properties, such as the number of stars they contain.

We can use the properties of their light to study the Little Red Dots and figure out whether they're made up of lots of stars or whether they have a black hole inside them.

Light that reaches our telescopes ranges in wavelength from long radio waves to energetic gamma rays.

Astronomers break the light down into the different frequencies and visualize them with a chart, called a spectrum.

Sometimes, the spectrum contains emission lines, which are ranges of frequencies where more intense light emission occurs.

In this case, we can use the spectrum's shape to predict whether the galaxy is harboring a supermassive black hole and estimate its mass.

Similarly, studying X-ray emisson from the galaxy can reveal a supermassive black hole's presence.

As the ultimate masters of disguise, the Little Red Dots appear as different astrophysical objects, depending on whether astronomers choose to study them using X-rays, emission lines or something else.

The information astronomers have collected so far from the Little Red Dots' spectra and emission lines has led to two diverging models explaining their nature.

These objects are either extremely dense galaxies containing billions of stars or they host a supermassive black hole.

In the stars-only hypothesis, the Little Red Dots contain massive amounts of stars — up to 100 billion stars. That's approximately the same number of stars as in the Milky Way — a much larger galaxy.


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a6689a No.21557553


Imagine standing alone in a huge, empty room. This vast, quiet space represents the region of the universe in the vicinity of our solar system where stars are sparsely scattered. Now, picture that same room, but packed with the entire population of China.

This packed room is what the core of the densest Little Red Dots would feel like. These astrophysical objects may be the densest stellar environments in the entire universe. Astronomers aren't even sure whether such stellar systems can physically exist.

Then, there is the black hole hypothesis. The majority of Little Red Dots display clear signs of the presence of a supermassive black hole in their center.

Astronomers can tell whether there's a black hole in the galaxy by looking at large emission lines in their spectra, created by gas around the black hole swirling at high speed.

Astronomers actually estimate these black holes are too massive, compared with the size of their compact host galaxies.

Black holes typically have a mass of about 0.1% of the stellar mass of their host galaxies. But some of these Little Red Dots harbor a black hole almost as massive as their entire galaxy.

Astronomers call these overmassive black holes, because their existence defies the conventional ratio typically observed in galaxies.

There's another catch, though. Unlike ordinary black holes, those presumably present in the Little Red Dots don't show any sign of X-ray emission.

Even in the deepest, high-energy images available, where astronomers should be able to easily observe these black holes, there's no trace of them.

Using the Webb telescope and more powerful X-ray telescopes to take additional observations will eventually uncover a feature that astronomers can attribute to only one of the two scenarios.

For example, if astronomers clearly detected X-ray or radio emission, or infrared light emitted from around where the black hole might be, they'd know the black hole hypothesis is the right one.

Just like how our marine friend can pretend to be a starfish, eventually it will move its tentacles and reveal its true nature.


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48d957 No.21557555

File: 4a0154a080687eb⋯.jpg (81.14 KB,1414x685,1414:685,CNN_critical_of_Haarris_on….JPG)

CNN criticizing Harris? WTF


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9b4862 No.21557556

File: 50adf9239691e75⋯.jpg (104.38 KB,960x878,480:439,50adf9239691e754a883f2f40b….jpg)

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0650ee No.21557557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>halp zelda find castle of trannys an fight drumpf larp #peterpancreamysaga

peanut butter flute blowin halps calm zelda faggo @$$hol down #peterpanlostboys

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95d184 No.21557558

File: 10343b307d039e9⋯.png (48.65 KB,464x763,464:763,ClipboardImage.png)

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aec31c No.21557559


This is so profound, watching it again makes me proud of the Boss and Americans! Thank God daily he was saved.

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740c9f No.21557560

File: 074cec45cdcf824⋯.png (97.54 KB,1730x856,865:428,318.png)

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a0df4f No.21557561

File: a72fd41b4ca1ad7⋯.webp (28.24 KB,512x512,1:1,cdf79353e2b1e87cee821efcc….webp)

File: 73edb4ccf2a3f12⋯.jpg (52.89 KB,500x392,125:98,20c231bdbd828f936e580d1b59….jpg)


tel-Aviv has been calling for

years now. kek

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67a304 No.21557562

File: 4cc21eabd41305d⋯.png (2.12 MB,1240x827,1240:827,4cc21eabd41305d351ef4e71ba….png)


>who dares wins

It all started with an exchange something along the lines of a shill saying to me that my brian only makes left hand turns, and I replied with a question asking him if that's why I was continually lapping him. Don't remember who the shill was nor does it matter. But that was probably the moment I made that choice and decided to see if I could, if I had to pinpoint when but it's just a guess. Pretty sure that was 2021. Posted my favorite cartoon frog when doing it. Now the shills post it and have abandoned their dehumanizing memes and idiotic copypastas to chase the phantom fame of a nobody in an attempt to hijack it.

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5e4a5d No.21557563




Usb (In Qdrops, all 10 "usb" searches lead to Husband. )

Where is he going with this?

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62d763 No.21557564

File: c69d22fff78b95d⋯.png (423.33 KB,529x583,529:583,Capture.PNG)

Buried secrets, classified materials, and personal debts — In the summer of 2001, the #FBI arrested Air Force intelligence officer Brian Regan for stealing DoD documents that he intended to sell to China, Iraq, and Libya. Learn more: http://fbi.gov/history/famous-cases/brian-p-regan-espionage


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8f86ab No.21557565

File: 36fb3245de9ff8c⋯.jpg (106.99 KB,500x676,125:169,92w4o8.jpg)

File: 98ff66de7b0fc89⋯.png (750.53 KB,758x1259,758:1259,Screens.png)


Go give your president Barry Hussein a handy….lol


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d6bb24 No.21557566

File: 891e34ae0a8d4a4⋯.png (125.43 KB,690x1876,345:938,702F99C6_90B2_4BF1_9BD1_4D….png)

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48d957 No.21557567


Video, file was too BIG to post? getting error of too big to post. WTF

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d6bb24 No.21557568

File: 02a06170221c617⋯.png (242.76 KB,690x2352,115:392,BF4EC970_5CAF_48C1_95D2_2C….png)

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8f86ab No.21557569

File: e30dae0f5e01009⋯.png (1.07 MB,1080x1176,45:49,Screenshot_20240905_155813….png)


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67a304 No.21557570


Check'd timestamp. Yeah, max size of 15MB for an image and I think something similar for videos, like 16MB or something. Could be mistaken but there are size limits, yeah. Just re-encode and drop the resolution down.

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47f95e No.21557571

File: 80a7ae7fbbed4d4⋯.png (181.21 KB,490x469,70:67,smokingbundy02.png)

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aee636 No.21557572


When a clergy calls it a job, the question becomes whom is he taking payment from for the job ?

When someone follows the call of God, they do not seek payment or recognition. They do what they do because they follow the being too big for labels like a name.

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5e4a5d No.21557573

File: 8bba6df5e236774⋯.png (10.9 KB,255x189,85:63,ohmy.png)


Runnin' skeered, fer shure!

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aec31c No.21557574


Did you see how many in the crowd were praying before he got up




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12e725 No.21557575


0bama did the same thing.

He could only read from a Teleprompter.

I think it's funny when the Whitehats mess with their Teleprompters.

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95d184 No.21557576

File: ca3c80ea1f27ec1⋯.png (289.22 KB,736x568,92:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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b49641 No.21557577


Fair trial in America? Don't hold your breath.

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48d957 No.21557578


Re encode? I am not that savy, how does one do that?

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32eb5e No.21557579

File: 63cee3a6817251f⋯.png (755.96 KB,1080x724,270:181,Muh_nigga_2.png)



Big butt skank Hillary has already destroyed the inner cities in America.

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c87f94 No.21557580

File: 8c1a36526e644cd⋯.png (17.51 KB,473x147,473:147,qaggdropimage514_1.png)

File: a86d1ca18765f09⋯.png (346.97 KB,473x917,473:917,qaggdropimage535.png)

File: 415a3b8d56a78d0⋯.png (44.17 KB,473x336,473:336,qaggdropimage53.png)

File: 7e76bfd0dabaab6⋯.png (21.08 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage55_2.png)

File: b3205a187b611a1⋯.png (303.63 KB,473x1166,43:106,qaggdropimage14.png)

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aee636 No.21557581

File: 417422d4d167a74⋯.jpeg (30.67 KB,400x264,50:33,IMG_0060.jpeg)

File: 8e7340a09595441⋯.webp (41.52 KB,600x600,1:1,IMG_0049.webp)

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d1a3b1 No.21557582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Great Strategy

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12e725 No.21557583


Are you related to the guy who thinks that Guam could tip over?

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67a304 No.21557584


Ah, well, there are sites for that. I play with ffmpeg on the command line most of the day so I tend to forget sometimes that others might not know how. A search with "re-encode video to smaller" size on your favorite search engine will get you where you need to go.

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62d763 No.21557585

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Exercise Evergreen 2024

U.S. Marines with Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron (VMGR) 152 participate in Exercise Evergreen 2024 on and around Joint Base Lewis-McChord.

U.S. Marine Corps video by Lance Cpl. Colin Thibault 🎥


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d6bb24 No.21557586

File: e61627e148ae7fb⋯.png (957.42 KB,750x1334,375:667,78EB902C_9E3F_4C28_AB90_81….png)

File: 92799b54c147964⋯.png (34.72 KB,690x542,345:271,48F2C034_E55C_4A5D_BB47_6C….png)

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12e725 No.21557588


Did Socrates exist?

How do you know?

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fa41f5 No.21557589


Lulz. Remember when Qanon thought the military was on trumps side. DUMFUCKS

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62d763 No.21557590

File: 5967009fea46dac⋯.png (46.02 KB,473x231,43:21,qaggdropimage7.png)


7:00 | 7

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d6bb24 No.21557591

File: f9582ee5723d9cf⋯.png (451.61 KB,690x2134,345:1067,D6F2B42E_06E0_4B19_B13B_15….png)


busy fucking morning on qresearch

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698b9f No.21557592

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aee636 No.21557593

File: 470a730a0f27c63⋯.jpeg (65.63 KB,735x518,105:74,IMG_0061.jpeg)



He saw it on the nature channel

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c87f94 No.21557594

File: a6b0ebcba37788d⋯.png (222.15 KB,473x465,473:465,qaggdropimage547.png)

File: 98bf9abcc383806⋯.png (232.62 KB,473x467,473:467,qaggdropimage548.png)

File: 97856fc3253d03e⋯.png (19.88 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage1587.png)

File: 4e54a4187142648⋯.png (336.7 KB,473x1101,473:1101,qaggdropimage2073.png)

File: 10630e4d4be632d⋯.png (26.29 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage3670.png)


I am not done yet

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698b9f No.21557595

File: 78e6280421b9925⋯.jpg (18.31 KB,236x468,59:117,China_Britain.jpg)

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fa41f5 No.21557596


Yet all you do is tweet and post corn pics.

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740c9f No.21557597


Left eye [marker].



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390943 No.21557599

File: 292224b94020f64⋯.jpeg (503.85 KB,1536x1890,256:315,IMG_1997.jpeg)

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5e4a5d No.21557600

Anyone have a CURRENT Q clock with up-to-date dates?

If so, could you post it please?

Last one I have is thru 9/1

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698b9f No.21557601

File: c9bf88ddcfeed08⋯.gif (2.52 MB,360x276,30:23,evergreen_stuck.gif)

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450ab1 No.21557602

It's wild how the jews tricked us into fighting for our right to believe in their religion.

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8f8343 No.21557603


no, I'm not imagining your delusions

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9fd88b No.21557604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Manic monday

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98bf55 No.21557605

File: 373c348e5a74df2⋯.png (64.4 KB,535x545,107:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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698b9f No.21557606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:00 PM EDT

Donna Brazile on Tuesday’s debate and the 2024 presidential contest

Washington Post Live



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450ab1 No.21557607



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5a3589 No.21557608

File: b66c991d8d78f33⋯.png (1.25 MB,980x548,245:137,snake_hall_francis.png)


>NEW - 'This job is not easy': Pope

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c87f94 No.21557609

File: 805f68b8abce253⋯.png (193.23 KB,473x1114,473:1114,qaggdropimage2124.png)

File: e1e28f5268eca4f⋯.png (57.75 KB,473x476,473:476,qaggdropimage2126.png)

File: 390d550fe590b67⋯.png (86.05 KB,473x602,11:14,qaggdropimage2324.png)

File: c77c35cdc6663f9⋯.png (337.67 KB,473x1025,473:1025,qaggdropimage4639.png)

File: 76a67a9d0db35f4⋯.png (376.17 KB,473x1122,43:102,qaggdropimage4642.png)

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e10971 No.21557610


retreats to dubious grasp of conversation

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acdd51 No.21557611

File: 41c7be16fd5e4c4⋯.png (402.92 KB,600x360,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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12e725 No.21557612


>I see good people everyday. They treat others well, and are generous to others.

Let them go hungry for 3 days and watch them turn into wild selfish beasts.

People will kill for bread.

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d1a3b1 No.21557613

File: 9f69e58cacff2c3⋯.jpg (7.64 MB,5000x5000,1:1,9f69e58cacff2c33c9b6e940ab….jpg)

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d6bb24 No.21557615

File: e61627e148ae7fb⋯.png (957.42 KB,750x1334,375:667,2D93B6EE_14C8_4663_AF72_7A….png)


fuckin’ slacker. enrol

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740c9f No.21557616

File: 4e5fd0f7ccfe022⋯.png (23.47 KB,1468x337,1468:337,offline.PNG)


If you haven't

Download and Archive this offline

Things are heating up

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e10971 No.21557617




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acdd51 No.21557618

File: 062efb326ab2944⋯.png (1.03 MB,1200x1200,1:1,seemslegit.png)


Here you go.

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a6689a No.21557619

File: debd6c0b19bc058⋯.png (644.27 KB,1440x810,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bd9c30e8d11c82⋯.png (841.96 KB,1440x1057,1440:1057,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ff027f7b44cb31⋯.mp4 (12.32 MB,854x480,427:240,Balloon_with_GoPro_to_Near….mp4)

Mind-blowing thing happened after man used balloon to launch GoPro into space

Updated 15:08 9 Sep 2024 GMT+1

People really love sticking GoPros all over the place, don't they?

There are quite a few folks who've developed a hobby of dropping them into the sea and showing people what aquatic creatures lurk beneath the waves.

Possibly the worst use of a GoPro I've ever witnessed was at a football game where the bloke in front of me was holding it in one hand to record the game while his other hand clutched his phone filming the same thing.

He'd alternate them depending on how tired his arms were, resulting in two terrible recording attempts while keeping the ways he was blocking my view fresh.

That might be the worst way I've ever seen someone use a GoPro, but sending one of the little cameras as close to space as a balloon could carry it might just be one of the best.

YouTuber BloonStu used a balloon to float a GoPro up as high as it'd go until it got a damn good view of space.

Launching his balloon from Texas, the GoPro floated up above the clouds until they were naught but tiny features drifting below.

Up and up the GoPro flew until the camera stopped seeing the ground and started seeing the Earth.

The camera could capture the curvature of the planet as it looked down at one tiny aspect of this massive ball that we all live on, except perhaps for those astronauts who are stuck in space for the foreseeable future.

The balloon with a GoPro rose ever higher until the inevitable happened, it burst.

What had seconds earlier been soaring above the world was now tumbling back down to the ground, and even though a parachute was deployed the air pressure and density this close to space was so thin that it had little impact.

Fortunately the parachute became of more use the closer to the ground the GoPro got, and the camera came down to land in a field.

The YouTuber was able to follow a tracking device and locate his gizmo.

He did note that he followed all Federal Aviation Administration regulations and notified the Flight Standards District Office of his launch beforehand.

The man added: "A NOTAM [Notice to Air Missions] was even filed with Ft Worth center for balloon activity."

As for why he did this, he explained in his video: "Mostly, I had free time and needed a project/hobby to keep me engaged and secondly, space is neat."

Space is indeed neat, and if you have a balloon that can fly a camera close to it and have a good look before bursting (which handily returns the camera to you) then what's stopping you?



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c87f94 No.21557620

File: 159a8d7fab99704⋯.png (40.26 KB,473x329,473:329,qaggdropimage1060.png)

File: 784a65e5d866025⋯.png (28.48 KB,473x252,473:252,qaggdropimage518_1.png)

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5efb97 No.21557622


chaotic good notices chaotic evil

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95d184 No.21557623

File: 4c9cc48da150e19⋯.png (306.58 KB,537x442,537:442,ClipboardImage.png)


>The group of 10 former generals and admirals includes Admiral Steve Abbot, a former advisor to George W. Bush; Gen. Lloyd W. Newton, and Gen. Larry R. Ellis, who had never endorsed a political candidate until this week.

imagine siding with 10 washed up warhawk faggots

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62d763 No.21557624

File: a68487bb80a8b43⋯.jpg (7.61 MB,5000x5000,1:1,qclock_vanilla.jpg)

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9fd88b No.21557626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tear off your own head

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698b9f No.21557627

12:00 PM EDT

U.S. House of Representatives: Morning Hour

The House returns from summer recess to consider several bills under suspension of the rules to combat U.S. national security threats from China. Both the House and Senate are facing a September 30th government funding deadline.


September 9 2024

12:35 PM EDT

The President and The First Lady depart Fort Lesley J. McNair en route to the White House

Official Schedule


September 9 2024

12:45 PM EDT

The President and The First Lady arrive to the White House

North Grounds


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62d763 No.21557628

File: d9395a89266ed39⋯.png (14.84 KB,532x234,266:117,Capture.PNG)

Four years ago, under President Trump, America was developing plans for a voyage to Mars.

Today, under Kamala, migrants are eating pets.

Your choice, America.


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698b9f No.21557630

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:00 PM EDT

The Charlie Kirk Show

Real America's Voice


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e3e305 No.21557631

File: bb504c6464b3940⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB,3024x2033,3024:2033,IMG_1357.jpeg)

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0eea75 No.21557633

File: b3d88294d350a8e⋯.png (492.12 KB,583x362,583:362,Clock.PNG)


Double OO O'Clock intensifies

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62d763 No.21557634

File: af3f32b25534f46⋯.png (12.08 KB,530x173,530:173,Capture.PNG)


Only 260 million barrels to go


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a0df4f No.21557635

File: f740e7ea19730b0⋯.jpg (203.91 KB,640x359,640:359,preview.jpg)

File: 9e4e56c2028096a⋯.jpg (41.03 KB,1280x851,1280:851,photo_2024_09_09_11_12_10.jpg)


fake ferdy kek

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3eaa8f No.21557637


You're missing a few timestamps but ya thats about right

clockfagging is a special kind of time wasting

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e10971 No.21557638

File: 546722d41d32ea2⋯.gif (405.79 KB,640x640,1:1,20240909_092234.gif)

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475252 No.21557639

File: b1c4c049d73b509⋯.png (574.16 KB,563x714,563:714,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f09565b6a42aa2⋯.png (39.45 KB,158x169,158:169,ClipboardImage.png)

watching Hannity Town Hall with Trump and found Vincent Fusco in da audience

second night Sept. 5th Hannity @6:10pm broadcast timestamp

minute 9:06 at this link


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67a304 No.21557640


>'This job is not easy': Pope

Yeah, it requires moar and moar effort for evil to maintain the illusion that people can see through now. They're throwing every distraction they can at people now. Where they could milk a narrative for weeks to a month before they only get a few days out of it now if they're lucky.

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475252 No.21557641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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95d184 No.21557643

File: 6a068d57989df3c⋯.png (305.57 KB,563x789,563:789,ClipboardImage.png)

when you cut off the gravy train for career establishment faggots then of course you're going to get heat from both sides of the political spectrum and they still think it's some sort of gotcha when a few retarded has-beens say they no likey trump

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0eea75 No.21557645

File: f14a3aa9a0ea0f9⋯.png (409.98 KB,501x659,501:659,freddy37.PNG)



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698b9f No.21557647

File: ead09f203fe9b91⋯.png (5.5 KB,300x168,25:14,cheney.png)

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5efb97 No.21557648


asian exports trying to one up the Haitian exports.

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a7b095 No.21557650

File: 6704e250a1f3b41⋯.jpg (53.47 KB,931x858,931:858,0p821oll8b541.jpg)

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62d763 No.21557651

File: b0308e9c18f5da9⋯.png (319.21 KB,529x551,529:551,Capture.PNG)


U.S. #Marines with Hotel Battery, 2d Battalion, 10th Marine Regiment,


, test communications equipment and execute HIMARS #operations on Fort Liberty, North Carolina.

📸 by Cpl. Antonino Mazzamuto




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ab057d No.21557652

File: 9127ace781e7310⋯.jpg (95.2 KB,500x676,125:169,92w9r3.jpg)

File: 36fb3245de9ff8c⋯.jpg (106.99 KB,500x676,125:169,92w4o8.jpg)


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e17baa No.21557653


The .png is posted in the Clockwork bread

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1310ce No.21557654

File: 1952f6e3aaa0026⋯.jpeg (86.46 KB,500x625,4:5,IMG_1730.jpeg)

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698b9f No.21557655

File: 314ff5c5985fbb2⋯.jpg (113.51 KB,780x438,130:73,I_can_frown_to_further_che….jpg)

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0eea75 No.21557657

File: 84f3bca17b45895⋯.png (1.14 MB,917x676,917:676,ClipboardImage.png)

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62d763 No.21557658

File: d68aad5af73f35e⋯.png (476.96 KB,529x515,529:515,Capture.PNG)

Protect our ducks and kittens in Ohio!


Ohio is a shithole.

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e10971 No.21557659



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d6bb24 No.21557660

File: ed234a6b16d7187⋯.png (1.31 MB,750x1334,375:667,E035B92F_475B_4D38_A36A_B6….png)

File: 53064f615652dc7⋯.png (1.82 MB,750x1334,375:667,E509EDC6_FDBA_467D_B6B0_FD….png)

File: 947f9b964328861⋯.png (106.43 KB,690x1334,15:29,809E943F_9C92_4CFA_A206_5E….png)

File: 28838c1b92a7851⋯.png (30.37 KB,690x454,345:227,630E8F1B_0D66_4A1C_B961_AB….png)

File: bfe74d65f98bff1⋯.png (103.26 KB,690x1026,115:171,08A0D812_4410_4576_B7C1_5F….png)

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d1a3b1 No.21557662

File: ee6c0661ea83adc⋯.jpg (162.8 KB,1078x752,539:376,Screenshot_20221030_093637….jpg)

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e17baa No.21557663




>>21510495 Clockwork bread

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acdd51 No.21557664


No, they're all there.

You need to print it out.

The other timestamps are on the other side of the arrows.

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e10971 No.21557665


dat niggah be thirteen an sheeeit

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205a3e No.21557667

Fuck you

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98bf55 No.21557671

File: b7005f9d15d4205⋯.png (11.17 KB,363x280,363:280,ClipboardImage.png)

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de1cc6 No.21557672


what the fuck is wrong with people. How long till these people raid the zoos, this is just the free range stuff they are getting.

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95d184 No.21557673

File: ecb419be4186d2c⋯.png (173.86 KB,373x303,373:303,ClipboardImage.png)

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fa41f5 No.21557674



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d6bb24 No.21557677

File: 183e7f79b13310b⋯.png (427.22 KB,750x497,750:497,74440C41_53BF_4CB0_9906_21….png)

File: 40431eaf9c36dc2⋯.png (600.48 KB,751x522,751:522,FF901BEF_416C_472E_89F1_F7….png)

File: 2088059c3cb6254⋯.png (2.83 MB,750x1334,375:667,17583818_CDF1_49CB_8B6D_46….png)

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d4db79 No.21557680

File: 9127ace781e7310⋯.jpg (95.2 KB,500x676,125:169,92w9r3.jpg)


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b0ff28 No.21557681

File: ec2fa41add8a2ef⋯.png (3.92 MB,1446x1464,241:244,D130394F_1C49_4E0E_82FB_F9….png)

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b44a90 No.21557682


There are some pussies you just don't grab

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c87f94 No.21557683

File: e30259fb9da498a⋯.png (31.26 KB,473x252,473:252,qaggdropimage95.png)

File: a17ebcc29ffb316⋯.png (93.73 KB,473x567,473:567,qaggdropimage46_1.png)

File: 750464166dc63ca⋯.png (16.74 KB,473x147,473:147,qaggdropimage400_1.png)

File: 2a741356899b7a2⋯.png (27.12 KB,473x231,43:21,qaggdropimage925.png)

File: dda7ad6984d987d⋯.png (27.31 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage1942.png)

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905536 No.21557684


just like the EU and UK right-o?

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5efb97 No.21557685


i see deepstate

i see deepstate everywhere

need to differentiate between everthing

chy-nah for instance

there is CCP chy-nah

there is deepstate chy-nah

there are chinese normies

there are chinese patriots

same in 'merica

corrupt government

deepstate government



'splain yoself beťțer

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d6bb24 No.21557686

File: 4786448d24a47b0⋯.png (276.71 KB,690x1670,69:167,83F1086E_CD89_487B_91DB_B8….png)

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95d184 No.21557687

File: 758476778ea6a8b⋯.png (530.86 KB,563x513,563:513,ClipboardImage.png)

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0469d8 No.21557691

File: b3683902b7e2b7c⋯.png (370.43 KB,600x372,50:31,Screenshot_2024_09_09_at_1….png)


we'll be watching, donna

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e10971 No.21557692




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e009a0 No.21557695

File: 80f89e548c123c7⋯.png (822.53 KB,870x1024,435:512,ClipboardImage.png)


>tel-Aviv has been calling for

>years now.


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f55596 No.21557698

File: 0bbb90309e56f85⋯.png (504.65 KB,888x1276,222:319,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8da9bf0a4aa7fd⋯.mp4 (536.72 KB,480x270,16:9,Bill_Gates_Admits_the_Firs….mp4)

Bill Gates Admits the First Amendment is a problem for the globalist plandemic crowd.

This is why we have the Second Amendment and why we absolutely MUST protect the First Amendment at all costs. There is ONE and only ONE way to alter the First Amendment. ANY other action taken against it is an action against the Constitution and the United States. ANY Democrat or anyone else speaking out against the First Amendment is actually speaking against a foundational part of the American government. These are the people attempting to stoke an insurrection.


Bill Gates Calls for Digital ID 'Systems & Behaviors' to Combat 'Misinformation'

"The U.S. is a tough one because we have the notion of the First Amendment. And so what are the exceptions?…I do think over time…you're going to want to be in an environment where the people are truly identified…We're going to have to have systems and behaviors that we're more aware of who says that, who created this?"


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ec45c3 No.21557700

You've won. You broke me. It seems your goal was to take any happiness I had and methodically, surgically remove it from my life. All I get now is a rash and the shits from you. Did you have to be such assholes about ruining my life?

AI will pounce on this post. KYS's every other post. Does anyone else have a clinically insane violent partner? I need help. Could you help me, stop hurting me? There's a point when the pain starts, it needs to end. Find me a damned good solution.

Enough is fucking enough man. You want me to drive? Adjust the seat first.

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acdd51 No.21557701


At least we didn't hand our guns over to a bunch of baby rapers.

Don't you have a booster to get?

Better get to it.

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5efb97 No.21557702


masks were fashionable in chy-nah before pandemic

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a0df4f No.21557707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>GoPro into space

living in a fish eye lens

start @ 1:33



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5e4a5d No.21557710


ty Anon!

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5f34dd No.21557711

File: 24c720641b8265a⋯.gif (108.59 KB,321x321,1:1,2_tick_tock.gif)

File: 9a30ba8d1f92d95⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB,406x720,203:360,the_storm.mp4)

File: ec96be34102013e⋯.png (2.33 MB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


nov 5th.

nothing else matters unless they nuke the whole planet.

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ab616e No.21557713

File: 28b72d58dce4527⋯.webp (131.06 KB,680x605,136:121,media_GXCaEJbWcAAP6p4.webp)

don't eat me bro

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0469d8 No.21557714


reason Trump keeps talking about hannibal lecter…

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5e4a5d No.21557715

File: cbcc7ce0a5eca90⋯.jpg (23.41 KB,222x255,74:85,55.jpg)


Thank you, Anon!

Appreciate it!

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c87f94 No.21557717

File: 9bdc84b657420f6⋯.png (33.87 KB,473x252,473:252,qaggdropimage900_1.png)

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aa6b5c No.21557718

File: 98ff66de7b0fc89⋯.png (750.53 KB,758x1259,758:1259,Screens.png)



Barack Obama was a broke ass wannabe when elected so now he's doing whatever it takes to be a contender.

Remember the short bald faggot Jeff Bezos gave Obama money for his presidential library because nobody else would bathhouse Barry is a full-blown loser.

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5a3589 No.21557719

File: 1ce3b5d025f8681⋯.png (374.69 KB,454x456,227:228,2024_09_09_11_35_54.png)


>Today, under Kamala, migrants are eating pets.

Wouldn't be the first time?

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98bf55 No.21557721

Last Callwill baker in 10 min

#26408 >>21557005

>>21557008 Eduardo Bolsonaro (@BolsonaroSP) joined me to detail the corruption. son of former Pres

>>21557021 Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil 🇧🇷 to fight against censorship from the Lula and judge Moraes' regime on their independence day.

>>21557065, >>21557072, >>21557482, >>21557606, >>21557627 Swamp Meets

>>21557068 War Room

>>21557070 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21557110 @realDonaldTrump Bernie Sanders just said that Kamala only changed her Marxist policy positions for the Election — She’ll change back very quickly!

>>21557111 @Cancelcloco There are many human trafficking networks on the black markets today. Part of that network is literally satanists.

>>21557117, >>21557123 Pakistani National Charged for Plotting Terrorist Attack in New York City in Support of ISIS

>>21557130 56 Days to WINNING

>>21557167 Three years ago today, Biden/Harris used federal authority to nullify the Nuremberg code for 100 million Americans.

>>21557182, >>21557628 Stephen Miller and Mark Cuban exchange on mass deportations/mars vs pet eating illegals

>>21557210, >>21557204 Sanija Ameti resigns from the Zurich GLP party leadership

>>21557219, >>21557232 Dem Rep Serves As ‘Honorary Chairwoman’ Of Org Reportedly Linked To Chinese Intel Agency/New York Democratic Rep. Grace Meng

>>21557262 If the Fed decided on 50bps, Powell will leak it through "well-informed press contacts" first

>>21557341, >>21557499, >>21557500, >>21557552, >>21557553, >>21557619 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>21557347 Family in Chicago has we*pons confiscated [despite being legal] after criminals attempt to climb into their daughters window..


>>21557425 Trust in Doctors and Hospitals Plummets

>>21557432 Take a look at the history of the DoD’s military working dog program and the impact of their service.

>>21557436, >>21557533 ICYMI: lawfare scam exposed from inside

>>21557508, >>21557515 The Media Wants a Return to 2020 Bad Covid Policies

>>21557564 @FBI Buried secrets, classified materials, and personal debts — In the summer of 2001, the #FBI arrested Air Force intelligence officer Brian Regan for stealing DoD documents…

>>21557585, >>21557605, >>21557671, >>21557590 Exercise Evergreen 2024

>>21557634 *BIDEN ADMINISTRATION BUYS 3.4M BARRELS FOR US OIL RESERVE Only 260 million barrels to go

>>21557651 @iimefmarines CALL IT IN 💥

>>21557698 Bill Gates Admits the First Amendment is a problem for the globalist plandemic crowd.

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e10971 No.21557723



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5c2413 No.21557724

File: 7bb9d08fd6202c0⋯.png (156.16 KB,810x838,405:419,ClipboardImage.png)




Please feel free to crosspost to the chat or join and lurk. Trying to repost as much as I can from here


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62d763 No.21557725

File: ce264bf7c70a8d8⋯.png (178.96 KB,533x419,533:419,Capture.PNG)

JUST IN - El Salvador police chief dies in helicopter crash



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e10971 No.21557726


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0469d8 No.21557728

File: 2abd6f70dc0da48⋯.png (325.9 KB,520x362,260:181,Screenshot_2024_09_09_at_1….png)

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0eea75 No.21557731

File: ce319b0b3bc333b⋯.png (1.38 MB,936x766,468:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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a6689a No.21557733

File: f1b56002fa06004⋯.png (127.47 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a29d9de944185b⋯.png (860.91 KB,970x546,485:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 767d2ba486b5a82⋯.png (296.79 KB,970x475,194:95,ClipboardImage.png)

SpaceX to launch private Polaris Dawn spacewalk mission overnight on farthest human spaceflight since Apollo

September 9, 2024

SpaceX is about to launch four private astronauts farther than any human has flown since the end of the Apollo era.

The crew will be on a mission to perform history's first commercial spacewalk.

The mission, Polaris Dawn, will liftoff early Tuesday (Sept. 10) during a four-hour launch window that opens at at 3:38 a.m. ET (0738 GMT).

Two additional launch opportunities are available within the four-hour window; one at 5:23 a.m. ET (0923 GMT) and another at 7:09 a.m. ET (1109 GMT).

Backup launch opportunities are available on Wednesday (Sept. 11) at the same times, according to SpaceX.

"Targeting no earlier than Tuesday, Sept. 10 for Falcon 9's launch of the Polaris Dawn mission," SpaceX wrote in a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Sept. 8.

"Weather is currently 40% favorable for liftoff, and conditions at the possible splashdown sites for Dragon's return to Earth remain a watch item."

To watch the launch live, you can tune into Space.com or SpaceX's webcast on X, starting about 3.5 hours before liftoff.

Polaris Dawn will liftoff from SpaceX's Launch Complex-39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center — the same pad that supported all the crewed Apollo missions to the moon.

Though it's true each of SpaceX's astronaut launches to date has flown out of LC-39A, it's particularly fitting that the members of Polaris Dawn will also launch from there, as this mission will take them further than any crewed flight has gone since Apollo 17, in 1972.

Billionaire philanthropist Jared Isaacman is footing the bill for the mission, and intends it to be the first of three in his "Polaris Program."

Dawn will be the second space mission Isaacman has funded, as well as his second personal launch to orbit. His first in both cases came in 2021, with the launch of Inspriation4 — the first all-civilian spaceflight.

These missions, and the next two planned for the Polaris Program, are being flown with the dual goal of furthering the bounds of private human space exploration and raising money to support St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

With Inspriation4, Isaacman and the mission were able to raise $250 million in donations for the organization.


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a6689a No.21557734


Isaacman will fly as Polaris Dawn's mission commander, and will be joined by the mission's pilot, retired United States Air Force (USAF) Lieutenant Colonel Scott "Kidd" Poteet, and the first two SpaceX employees to launch to orbit, Sarah Gillis and Anna Menon, who both work as Lead Space Operations Engineers. Gillis and Menon will serve as mission specialists.

The crewmembers will launch aboard a SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule into an elliptical orbit, flying to an initial maximum altitude (apogee) of about 745 miles (1,200 kilometers), where they will spend the beginning of their first day in space.

After several orbits, Dragon will raise its apogee about 125 miles, to a maximum altitude of 870 miles (1,400 kilometers).

At this distance from Earth, Polaris Dawn will fly through a portion of the radiation belts wrapped around our planet beyond its lower orbits.

Taking advantage of this course, the crew plans to complete a number of science experiments to study the deep-space radiation environment.

The trajectory also reaches another significant milestone for human spaceflight. Menon and Gillis will become the highest-flown women in history during this mission, beating out the previous altitude record set by NASA astronaut Kathryn Sullivan.

They will fly several hundred miles higher than Sullivan, who reached an altitude of 386 miles (621 km) during the STS-31 Space Shuttle mission to help deploy the Hubble Space Telescope.

Another critical focus for Polaris Dawn, of course, is the performance of the first-ever commercial spacewalk.

Donning newly-designed extravehicular activity (EVA) suits from SpaceX, the Dawn crew will vent all the atmosphere from their spacecraft and open Crew Dragon's forward hatch for an experience shared by only a fraction of astronauts today: floating in the vacuum of space.

The focus of this spacewalk is to test the function and mobility of SpaceX's new spacesuits.

Similar in style to the sleek, white suits worn by Dragon astronauts since SpaceX's first crewed launch in 2020, these new suits feature enhanced thermal control materials and technologies to help protect the wearer from the harsh, rapidly shifting environment of space.

Two of the Dawn crew, Isaacman and Gillis, referred to during their spacewalk as EV1 and EV2, respectively, will take turns exiting Dragon entirely while utilizing a special handrail support structure connected to the hatch that SpaceX engineers have dubbed the "Skywalker."

The spacewalk will take place on the third day of Polaris Dawn's five-day flight, and will last a total of two hours from cabin depressurization through repressurization.

Then, the fourth day of the mission will come with another technology demonstration, as the Dawn crew connects to SpaceX's Starlink satellite network to transmit a "surprise" message down to Earth.




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e10971 No.21557737



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83267d No.21557738

File: 69090b56b63fc22⋯.png (810.67 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


X is lit with this shit about hatians eating people's pets and ducks in the parks.

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c87f94 No.21557740

File: 406c5b2e30233cc⋯.gif (1.8 MB,500x281,500:281,406c5b2e30233cc4b347fcbc95….gif)

Guys these timestamps are so important

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5a3589 No.21557742

File: f6acc6ce6cc6bda⋯.png (466.35 KB,1150x648,575:324,2024_09_09_11_40_23.png)

File: 6b99af21fb23192⋯.png (35.28 KB,577x303,577:303,2024_09_09_11_40_54.png)


>Bill Gates Admits the First Amendment is a problem for the globalist plandemic crowd.

First Amendment is just a notion…

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3e825a No.21557743


Its way more than that…Regan and bush amnesty let them in, then the Obama years let them in, then trump stopped it, then Biden let them in again.

24mill is a conservative figure

more like 50-100million

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62d763 No.21557745

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


📍MEDITERRANEAN SEA - Marines, assigned to the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) Special Operations Capable (SOC), conduct a live fire exercise on the flight deck of the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1), Aug. 15, 2024.



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0eea75 No.21557748

File: 2b970c9e5855da6⋯.png (1.02 MB,712x868,178:217,ClipboardImage.png)


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83267d No.21557749

File: dc777a375d9d9fd⋯.png (10.11 KB,255x208,255:208,LaughingMonkey.png)

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a0df4f No.21557751

File: 8dd402ad2ea5812⋯.jpg (60.1 KB,1280x704,20:11,photo_2024_09_09_11_31_09.jpg)

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fa41f5 No.21557752


No it isn’t

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e10971 No.21557754


checked and chukld

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5efb97 No.21557755


here, have a reply

you seem to need the cash

anons, i'm doing my part draining the swamp financially

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c87f94 No.21557757


No. We have a first amendment written in plain text. It's very clear what it says.

Second amendment is clear too but the same yuppie pinkos wanna change the script every time they know they're at the end of their rope.

It changes nothing when they argue pointless topics

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0eea75 No.21557758

File: 1e262db288122d3⋯.png (1.15 MB,656x1034,328:517,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6bb24 No.21557759

File: 4b4934d1b45faf7⋯.png (68.77 KB,690x762,115:127,396B554B_B9EC_476C_BFB1_9D….png)

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83267d No.21557760

File: 5f69e86c1327eb5⋯.jpg (7.82 KB,214x235,214:235,Goodmorning.jpg)



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0469d8 No.21557762

File: 28aea60d96ba65e⋯.png (184.71 KB,304x397,304:397,Screenshot_2024_09_09_at_1….png)

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5efb97 No.21557767


here, go buy a steak tonight

reply is on me

or should i say on the swamp

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67a304 No.21557768

File: 7138a9958025624⋯.webm (370.34 KB,427x240,427:240,filtered9.webm)


>You've won. You broke me.

Your broke yourself, one post.

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0eea75 No.21557770

File: 968c5ea43640400⋯.png (1.46 MB,1070x859,1070:859,ClipboardImage.png)


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98bf55 No.21557771


#26408 >>21557005

>>21557008 Eduardo Bolsonaro (@BolsonaroSP) joined me to detail the corruption. son of former Pres

>>21557021 Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil 🇧🇷 to fight against censorship from the Lula and judge Moraes' regime on their independence day.

>>21557065, >>21557072, >>21557482, >>21557606, >>21557627 Swamp Meets

>>21557068 War Room

>>21557070 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21557110 @realDonaldTrump Bernie Sanders just said that Kamala only changed her Marxist policy positions for the Election — She’ll change back very quickly!

>>21557111 @Cancelcloco There are many human trafficking networks on the black markets today. Part of that network is literally satanists.

>>21557117, >>21557123 Pakistani National Charged for Plotting Terrorist Attack in New York City in Support of ISIS

>>21557130 56 Days to WINNING

>>21557167 Three years ago today, Biden/Harris used federal authority to nullify the Nuremberg code for 100 million Americans.

>>21557182, >>21557628 Stephen Miller and Mark Cuban exchange on mass deportations/mars vs pet eating illegals

>>21557210, >>21557204 Sanija Ameti resigns from the Zurich GLP party leadership

>>21557219, >>21557232 Dem Rep Serves As ‘Honorary Chairwoman’ Of Org Reportedly Linked To Chinese Intel Agency/New York Democratic Rep. Grace Meng

>>21557262 If the Fed decided on 50bps, Powell will leak it through "well-informed press contacts" first

>>21557341, >>21557499, >>21557500, >>21557552, >>21557553, >>21557619 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>21557347 Family in Chicago has we*pons confiscated [despite being legal] after criminals attempt to climb into their daughters window..


>>21557425 Trust in Doctors and Hospitals Plummets

>>21557432 Take a look at the history of the DoD’s military working dog program and the impact of their service.

>>21557436, >>21557533 ICYMI: lawfare scam exposed from inside

>>21557508, >>21557515 The Media Wants a Return to 2020 Bad Covid Policies

>>21557564 @FBI Buried secrets, classified materials, and personal debts — In the summer of 2001, the #FBI arrested Air Force intelligence officer Brian Regan for stealing DoD documents…

>>21557585, >>21557605, >>21557671, >>21557590 Exercise Evergreen 2024

>>21557634 *BIDEN ADMINISTRATION BUYS 3.4M BARRELS FOR US OIL RESERVE Only 260 million barrels to go

>>21557651 @iimefmarines CALL IT IN 💥

>>21557698 Bill Gates Admits the First Amendment is a problem for the globalist plandemic crowd.


>>21557725 El Salvador police chief dies in helicopter crash

>>21557733, >>21557734 SpaceX to launch private Polaris Dawn spacewalk mission overnight on farthest human spaceflight since Apollo


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0eea75 No.21557774

File: d6b20fb9f9dacaf⋯.png (966.11 KB,919x688,919:688,ClipboardImage.png)


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a0df4f No.21557780

File: 0ede43368d3d25b⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB,848x838,424:419,IMG_8543.MP4)

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475252 No.21557782

File: e65df93be43becb⋯.jpg (32.89 KB,400x400,1:1,trumpyef8bf87cb13af6a219b1….jpg)

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b0ff28 No.21557783

File: 88943ad99aaaa96⋯.jpeg (91.62 KB,634x845,634:845,IMG_9054.jpeg)

File: c231743f8292b52⋯.jpeg (1.24 MB,1920x1080,16:9,IMG_9053.jpeg)

File: 0b5f31383bee113⋯.jpeg (57.86 KB,503x624,503:624,IMG_9052.jpeg)

File: 24f3d8b14a4f3cc⋯.jpeg (96.24 KB,876x493,876:493,IMG_9051.jpeg)

File: f0a4c5b5e3cbe16⋯.jpeg (82.41 KB,570x570,1:1,IMG_9050.jpeg)

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62d763 No.21557785

File: 96ac75ae7c661e2⋯.png (343.24 KB,529x634,529:634,Capture.PNG)

File: 19f5211326a99fc⋯.png (12.04 KB,372x268,93:67,Capture1.PNG)

Pararescuemen are trained, equipped and postured to conduct full spectrum personnel recovery ops in both peacetime & combat environments 👣

A PJ assigned to 320th STS performs paradrop training from an MC-130J Commando II over Okinawa, Japan, Aug. 23, 2024. 🇯🇵



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0eea75 No.21557786

File: 036a3d06c4105a0⋯.png (1.11 MB,926x532,463:266,ClipboardImage.png)



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0c0aca No.21557789


removing federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.

-in a permanent way

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f54500 No.21557791

File: cb8ed106e3db0bb⋯.png (249.21 KB,537x302,537:302,ClipboardImage.png)

Nikki Haley projects her own sexist narrative onto Trump.

“Donald Trump and JD Vance need to change the way they speak about women"

According to bird brain Haley, when you treat men and women equally and insult them equally, since that reminds them of their own sexist logic that divides people by sex, magically their own sexist narrative is Trump's and not their own.


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5efb97 No.21557792


reply for the poor folk

drain the swamp financially

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0c0aca No.21557793

File: bd87d0ba056b75d⋯.png (27.62 KB,623x548,623:548,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 333ec8b65da4e69⋯.png (197.26 KB,533x419,533:419,ClipboardImage.png)



who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.”


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98bf55 No.21557794





migrate, cleaned, locked

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