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File: 99cb2d1430496f5⋯.png (4.59 MB,1877x1942,1877:1942,99cb2d1430496f5bf94b8391d9….png)

6f6b5c No.21510477

"Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers."


"There need be no minute hand, as the hour figures will be 6. I. apart. But the interspace should be divided into [qu]arters and 5. minute marks."

–Thomas Jefferson

Similar to Jefferson's Great Clock at Monticello, the Q-Clock can be seen as only requiring a minute hand, which links dates & times by arranging a calendar around the clockface in a spiral, such that 12/07 is at the [:00] minute marker.

By "winding the clock" in a certain way, Q's posts can be connected to each other, and thus reveal the MAP which provides the KEY to spread the TRUTH.

"TRUTH shines LIGHT. LIGHT saves HUMANITY. Future proves past."



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6f6b5c No.21510478

Previous Bread Clocks


>>19109394 Clocks June 2023 Bun

>>19109407 Reposted for Reference, Minutes for 2023

>>19288753 Clocks July 2023 Bun

>>19471877 Clocks August 2023 Bun

>>19646787 Clocks September 2023 Bun

>>19873481 Clocks October 2023 Bun | Initial Clocks November 2023 Bun

>>20008635 Clocks November 2023 Bun

>>20162864 Clocks December 2023 Bun

>>20199875 2nd annual Vertical Calendar Qclock,the 2024 Minutes

>>20347131 Clocks January 2024 Bun

>>20499569 Clocks February 2024 Bun

>>20499571 Updated Markers Bun | Updated Deltas Bun | 4,10,20

>>20663307 Clocks March 2024 Bun

>>20828464 Clocks April 2024 Bun

>>20843421 Not a clock, but seems like May 08, 2024 was chock full o'stuff: Lara Trump, Fur Elise, Coincidence?

>>20943074 Clocks May 2024 Bun

>>21118649 Updated Deltas Bun

>>21118651 Updated Keywords Bun

>>21118652 Clocks June 2024 Bun

>>21388535 Clocks July 2024 Bun

>>21388540 Updated Markers Bun

>>21507207 NEW CLOCK BLANK posted 30 August 2024

>>21510451 Final Markers Bun

>>21510453 Clocks August 2024 Bun

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6f6b5c No.21510479

Some Useful Resources

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

→ Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

→ Convert timezones depending on date — www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

→ Compute number of days (+ other units) b/w two dates — www.timeanddate.com/date/duration.html

→ Trump Twitter Archive: https://www.thetrumparchive.com/ | https://www.thetrumparchive.com/

→ Deleted tweets from @realDonaldTrump — factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

→ QClockView – A software to browse, read & analyze Q posts — mega.nz/#F!yX430T5L!BZYfnSxftcSqewvZuknnCQ

→ Search all QResearch breads, incl. clockBreads — qresear.ch

→ HTML of all Q Posts for offline use (incl. headerLines in three timezones) — mega.nz/#F!iLwgXKRb!XvA-cUt5-8XyRPlgoVH-FQ

Notables Breads that include Clockworks

>>21225723 Q Research Notables #24: We Are (Soldiers)

Reading the Clocks


Find Q drops here

QAnon.pub - qresear.ch/q-posts - QAlerts.pub - operationQ.pub - QPosts.online - qanon.news/Q - 8kun.top/qresearch/qposts.html

qntmpkts.keybase.pub - QAlerts.app - QAlerts.net - douknowq.com/134295/Q-Anon-Pub.htm - we-go-all.net/q.html -

QResearch Search Engine

Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Alternates in case of bot attack:

https://endchan.gg/qrbunker/catalog.html to continue posting until attack abates. Notables baked there are picked up by qresear.ch


Current Alternate Clock Bread


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6f6b5c No.21510481

Previous Clockwork Qrange

Clockwork Qrange #21


Clockwork Qrange #20


Clockwork Qrange #19


Clockwork Qrange #18


Clockwork Qrange #17


Clockwork Qrange #16


Clockwork Qrange #15


Clockwork Qrange #14


Clockwork Qrange #13


Clockwork Qrange #12



Clockwork Qrange #11



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6f6b5c No.21510483

Clockwork Qrange #10



Clockwork Qrange #9



Clockwork Qrange #8



Clockwork Qrange #7



Clockwork Qrange #6



Clockwork Qrange #5



Clockwork Qrange #4



Clockwork Qrange #3



Clockwork Qrange #2



Clockwork Qrange #1


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6f6b5c No.21510484

Here is the text from the QAGG link.


re:QAgg _Local_ Aggregator

~ archgift'd offline; b3 site was BORG'd { suspect: https://vanwa.tech/ }

~ installation instructions "11_20_2022_txt" further below





>bunch of 7z files that are unzipped to a /local/qagg folder,

>then open /qagg/index.html from a browser

>- does not have Full Function as when the site was up

>mentioned in pb, need to source my drives for the cmprssd 7z archives,

>can then upload to anonfiles.com and report back w/ linky

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6f6b5c No.21510485

Files listed below are ALL_IN "offsite_qagg_zip", verify sha256 "offsite_qagg_zip_sha256"

52ecf19fe8a783884aec118b73d4a706934de5dae33f4b5db3d4cebf82d4ff04 offsite_qagg.zip

# Last Updated: 11/30/2022

The files on this page when downloaded and unzipped into a single directory create a "local" version of QAgg

~ ( minus some functionality ).

Put these files in a directory on your Windows, MacOS or Linux machine and use them as you would the regular QAgg website.

~ all these files will fit on a 2GB Thumb/USB drive so you can also carry them around with you.

Should Q start posting again this page will be updated with a new file to download along with any new images.

# Major features not supported locally ( yet ):

~ { clock } and other bracket searches ( TIME searches do work )

~ No Sets

~ No Abbreviations

~ Some sort options

# Simple install

1. Download all files into a backup_folder/directory.

2. Unzip into a new_folder/qagg { example }.

3. Ctrl-O in a browser, navigate to folder where files are unzipped

- open index.html.

# Essential files:












# QAgg Local Master Zip File & (size):

localqagg.zip (5MB)

# Updated Q Drop data file:

~ place in same new_folder/qagg { example }

~ { will be updated soon after new drops arrive }

qpostslocal.js (11MB)

# Images in a zipped set including Twitter screen captures (must download all files):

fullmultiimages.zip (308MB)

fullmultiimages.z01 (314MB)

fullmultiimages.z02 (314MB)

fullmultiimages.z03 (314MB)

fullmultiimages.z04 (314MB)

fullmultiimages.z05 (314MB)

fullmultiimages.z06 (314MB)

fullmultiimages.z07 (314MB)

# Additional file creates an "image index":

qpostimageindex.zip - unzip in the qdrops directory to get a view with links of each image and each drop. (700k)

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6f6b5c No.21510490

File: 8b0ab652f8b05f3⋯.png (3.2 MB,984x11311,984:11311,8b0ab652f8b05f3c830640e472….png)

The 2024 Minutes

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6f6b5c No.21510495

File: 6d1f085475c89f1⋯.png (8.03 MB,5000x5000,1:1,6d1f085475c89f174c9b318b31….png)

Clock Blank posted in #21 on Aug 30, 2024

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6f6b5c No.21510497



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6f6b5c No.21510502

File: 8f3144a45cbf1c1⋯.png (3.17 MB,1380x2048,345:512,8f3144a45cbf1c1dbbaebfab60….png)

And so it begins…

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bd2ade No.21510664

File: 0e75388ea254b18⋯.jpg (38.02 KB,640x543,640:543,plnqzk9e2sv91.jpg)


TYCF! Real close now.

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5fdc85 No.21525309

File: 2eba9e511dd1d7e⋯.png (617.5 KB,500x632,125:158,ClipboardImage.png)

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5fdc85 No.21525312

File: f434742e36520c2⋯.png (12.32 MB,4096x4096,1:1,QClock_September_01_2024_A….png)

QClock September 01, 2024 - Aliens, Sonar, USSR, Cooperation in Outer Space, Time Travel

*clock is built up around from July 2, 2023 clock.

So many odd little coinky's in this Ars Tecnica (they were the first to break the story)…


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5fdc85 No.21527593

File: 87030c2efa605f7⋯.png (683.61 KB,500x612,125:153,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb6e37 No.21557693

File: 67a733ffe8dca00⋯.gif (11.34 KB,255x182,255:182,2126a42cbef85839a033d5319a….gif)



Thank you!

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40f933 No.21565856

File: d58b3087ad3e5bf⋯.jpg (68.09 KB,473x419,473:419,2em6rc.jpg)


Thanks fren

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