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File: 99cb2d1430496f5⋯.png (4.59 MB,1877x1942,1877:1942,99cb2d1430496f5bf94b8391d9….png)

6f6b5c No.21510477 [View All]

"Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers."


"There need be no minute hand, as the hour figures will be 6. I. apart. But the interspace should be divided into [qu]arters and 5. minute marks."

–Thomas Jefferson

Similar to Jefferson's Great Clock at Monticello, the Q-Clock can be seen as only requiring a minute hand, which links dates & times by arranging a calendar around the clockface in a spiral, such that 12/07 is at the [:00] minute marker.

By "winding the clock" in a certain way, Q's posts can be connected to each other, and thus reveal the MAP which provides the KEY to spread the TRUTH.

"TRUTH shines LIGHT. LIGHT saves HUMANITY. Future proves past."



169 posts and 155 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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40f933 No.22131081

File: a86693005d12830⋯.png (10.89 MB,3500x4500,7:9,jan152022HAMMERJUSTICEdjtj….png)



Original 12/07 was :00

Migrated to :37 (7 years including 2 leap years)

Seems like synchronicity


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fed691 No.22132594

File: 7bffdebb144fad9⋯.jpg (603.55 KB,1603x1437,1603:1437,Screenshot_20241209_092809….jpg)


Hammer synchronicity you say?



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fed691 No.22132620

File: 1bd20613ca47ab1⋯.jpg (76.61 KB,799x370,799:370,Screenshot_20241209_080130….jpg)


>Clock started 12/07

1 day off 6 year delta


"Keyword: Hammer"

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40f933 No.22132783

File: 2ede76f3452802b⋯.png (6.87 MB,4000x4000,1:1,missouriwQ23.png)


Scott Free

That AF1 KEK was the best we had up to that point. Even the shills shut up for a while.

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797a54 No.22133871

File: 9106ac1da271b3d⋯.jpg (39.99 KB,640x480,4:3,1401722221678.jpg)


That's a nice clock

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797a54 No.22133920


Curious what you mean by Migrated to :37?

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797a54 No.22133981


Anon understands, 12/07 this year falls under :37 marker

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797a54 No.22138219

File: 4b30868e6c60360⋯.jpeg (9.71 KB,255x194,255:194,4b30868e6c60360dd9bf03e5d….jpeg)


> 1 day off 6 year delta

>>22138128 (QR)

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797a54 No.22138264

File: ae5109d6dae0a80⋯.jpg (106.6 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ae5109d6dae0a802a010194830….jpg)


>>22135628 (pb) made a graphic for yesterday decipher

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40f933 No.22159060

Is there any way to get the pictures in the archive breads to work?

Digging back into old stuff but not the same without images.

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e89fef No.22166014

File: 2e6839193202cb7⋯.png (4.27 MB,3492x2900,873:725,QClock_December_13_2024_Ha….png)

QClock December 13, 2024 - Happy Hunting, Mass Hysteria, Drones

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e89fef No.22178820

File: 8f167fad8bac3c6⋯.png (2.01 MB,2404x1837,2404:1837,QClock_December_14_2024_Th….png)

QClock December 14, 2024 - The Golden Age of America, Brave New World, WWG1WGA

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2304ca No.22198261

File: 8c6cc82c04b4bf3⋯.jpg (7.5 MB,5400x4629,1800:1543,_10_.jpg)

got something for the clock fags.

DJT "….Republicans must GET SMART and TOUGH. If Democrats threaten to shut down the government unless we give them everything they want, then CALL THEIR BLUFF."

Q - >"…Because of the Democrats not being interested in life and safety, DACA has now taken a big step backwards. The Dems will threaten “shutdown,” but what they are really doing is shutting down our military, at a time we need it most. Get smart, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


FOCUS on POTUS' Tweet above.

If D's shutdown the gov't - what happens to the US MILITARY?

Timestamp DJT EST

5:13 PM

513 mirror to drop 513

513 timestamp 22:09:38

:09 mirror to :39

[10] delta to :29


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2304ca No.22198273

File: 2b21a0f35e6de2e⋯.png (16.55 KB,436x238,218:119,ClipboardImage.png)

no lie all these other Q clocks suck ass lmfao

Do it right

use the provided deltas in drop 505

0 1 5 10 15

Think mirror and wind the clock with all deltas.

timestamps verify.


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2304ca No.22198311

File: 1fa468c853df0a7⋯.jpg (8.06 MB,5400x4629,1800:1543,_10_1_.jpg)



Dec 12, 2024, 10:57 AM

:57 timestamp minute marker

mirror face to :27

[10] delta winding the clock to :17

date marker :17 lines up with this drop.



The World is waking up to the TRUTH.

Expect 'attacks' to dramatically intensify across all platforms.

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e89fef No.22221637

File: d3b15923ae2fab5⋯.png (9.07 MB,4096x4096,1:1,QClock_December_24_2024_U1….png)

QClock December 24, 2024 - U1, Iran, Russia, Stratcomm, Sum of All Fears

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40f933 No.22222605


Noice fren.


>no lie all these other Q clocks suck ass lmfao

There is more to the clock than rotations. Reflections matter. If you weren't so arrogant you might learn something.

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2d5be7 No.22222622

Anyone got the compilation vid of POTUS dancing to YMCA?

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6f6b5c No.22222694


I figured it's the same one that was claiming the Clock was started with the wrong date

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e89fef No.22224468

File: d0817fd27f64b31⋯.png (318.98 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e6fe832c4d0395⋯.png (81.44 KB,3586x221,3586:221,Screenshot_2024_12_24_2303….png)


>Noice fren.

Tenks Fren!

And Merry Christmas!

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e89fef No.22227777

File: ef3394300a47f75⋯.png (8.32 MB,4096x4096,1:1,QClock_December_25_2024_DJ….png)

>>22227772 (me/pb/qrg - orig post)

QClock December 25, 2024 - DJT Merry Christmas Wishes

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40f933 No.22228137


Nice roll

Saw this in the main bread

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e89fef No.22231116

File: 7227bf397b7de1f⋯.png (133.12 KB,626x626,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Nice roll

>Saw this in the main bread

Tenks….m'uh Holy Alien roll….m'uh Blue Beam

meks me chuckle.

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e89fef No.22232822

File: 251b9d90dd5f352⋯.png (8.81 MB,4096x4096,1:1,QClock_December_25_2024_Ar….png)

QClock December 25, 2024 - Are you Jelly, Alien, UFO, Maye Musk, 42, Hitchhikers Guide

*note, on the key i have the circles on the wrong line - should be on December 25, 2024.

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e89fef No.22239208

File: 1dbbaa87937edaf⋯.png (2.46 MB,2718x1857,906:619,QClock_December_27_2024_Wh….png)

QClock December 27, 2024 - Where Are You, Treason Trials

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e89fef No.22240569

File: 75bd38acade01a2⋯.png (1.44 MB,2000x1125,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


from a fren on Twat.

dasting connections.

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40f933 No.22251643

File: 8652c0405eeb27b⋯.png (6.64 MB,3000x4500,2:3,1qclock_q_djt_15_3x3oct22B….png)

News unlocks the map.

7/10 plane crashes.

Yesterday's 3 crashes fell on :58

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e89fef No.22256924


>Yesterday's 3 crashes fell on :58

Saw that in main.

Very nicely done.


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e89fef No.22256930

File: 4851a04083a6fbe⋯.png (7.52 MB,4096x2755,4096:2755,QClock_December_29_2024_Iv….png)

QClock December 29, 2024 - Ivanka, Bezos, CIA

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40f933 No.22258351

File: c86c530f4fc6a49⋯.png (2.19 MB,1796x2298,898:1149,ClipboardImage.png)

Catherine Herridge

On the Clock

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6f6b5c No.22267815

Updated Markers Bun

:10 >>21612053 National Pet Day, :10

:14 >>21596280 :14 today, Red Carpet Event, Original | >>21998386 Added the grey check mark :14 (on :44 Clock)

:15 >>21607461 Yesterday; :15; P Diddy arrest; JUSTICE; Will have to update | >>21997812 Trump dropped a JUSTICE KEK last night; :15

:44 >>22013194 44; There are no coincidences; Only deltas

:45 >>21779523 Hunter KEKs for :45; IRAN in the news

:58 >>22251643 News unlocks the map; 7/10 plane crashes; Yesterday's 3 crashes fell on :58

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6f6b5c No.22267816

Clocks December 2024 Bun

December 03, 2024 >>22101652 QClock November 28, 2024 - Panic, Reflection, UFO, Happening

December 08, 2024 >>22131081 Hammer Original 12/07 was :00 Migrated to :37 (7 years including 2 leap years) Seems like synchronicity DARK TO LIGHT

December 14, 2024 >>22166014 QClock December 13, 2024 - Happy Hunting, Mass Hysteria, Drones

December 16, 2024 >>22178820 QClock December 14, 2024 - The Golden Age of America, Brave New World, WWG1WGA

December 24, 2024 >>22221637 QClock December 24, 2024 - U1, Iran, Russia, Stratcomm, Sum of All Fears

December 25, 2024 >>22227777 QClock December 25, 2024 - DJT Merry Christmas Wishes

December 26, 2024 >>22232822 QClock December 25, 2024 - Are you Jelly, Alien, UFO, Maye Musk, 42, Hitchhikers Guide

December 27, 2024 >>22239208 QClock December 27, 2024 - Where Are You, Treason Trials

December 29, 2024 >>22251643 News unlocks the map; 7/10 plane crashes; Yesterday's 3 crashes fell on :58

December 30, 2024 >>22256930 QClock December 29, 2024 - Ivanka, Bezos, CIA

December 30, 2024 >>22258351 Catherine Herridge On the Clock

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6f6b5c No.22267823

Happy New Year


>>21510490 The 2024 Minutes

>>21510495 Clock Blank posted in #21 on Aug 30, 2024

>>21692829 Initial Deltas Bun

>>21692847 Clocks September 2024 Bun

>>21828642 Most up to-date blank, posted Oct 25, 2024

>>21876436 Clocks October 2024 Bun | Start Clocks November 2024

>>22091973 Initial Keywords Bun

>>22091977 Clocks November 2024 Bun

>>22267815 Updated Markers Bun

>>22267816 Clocks December 2024 Bun

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40f933 No.22270011

File: c33e04a10113438⋯.png (13.37 MB,3500x5500,7:11,jan152022HAMMERJUSTICEdjtj….png)


Added new TIGER KEK

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40f933 No.22271918

File: 667e57f9d356a53⋯.png (9.06 MB,3700x4000,37:40,TIGER58.png)

Guess will need to update this TIGER graphic with NO news.

NO is in the drops as one of the [D][1-6] posts.

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e89fef No.22280538

File: eaf00c1c465cb37⋯.png (264.83 KB,904x1278,452:639,Screenshot_2025_01_02_1244….png)

File: 3730b46cded9533⋯.mp4 (3.62 MB,720x1280,9:16,3730b46cded95333338fd4da4c….mp4)

File: 56aa5498b43d45a⋯.png (9.94 MB,6096x3353,6096:3353,QClock_June_12_2022_UPDATE….png)

So, this Joe Rogan / ChatGPT thing came up and it prompted me to post a few related clocks, so i'm reposting them here as well:

>>22278905 (pb / orig post)



“It tried to copy itself and then overwrite its core coding system after believing that it was at the risk of being switched off.”

Source: Joe Rogan Experience

0:09 / 0:28

2:45 AM · Jan 2, 2025·751.8K Views

QClock June 12, 2022 - UPDATE NCSWIC

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e89fef No.22280555

File: 43f15871fd1f6c9⋯.png (2.63 MB,2673x2306,2673:2306,QClock_June_10_2024_Apple_….png)

File: c6db98d820d889b⋯.png (9.51 MB,5523x3038,789:434,QClock_October_11_2022_Sup….png)



QClock June 10, 2024 - Apple Core & Open AI

QClock October 11, 2022 - Supreme Harmony Infiltration

Haven't tried to clock the Joe Rogan thing yet…

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e89fef No.22280560

File: 06be2a913ff8d6d⋯.png (7.37 MB,5402x3106,2701:1553,QClock_February_07_2023_AL….png)

>>22280538, >>22280555


QClock February 07, 2023 - ALICE Went Down To Wonderland

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e89fef No.22280584

File: 726a187b1a8c470⋯.png (1.15 MB,1248x702,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>Added new TIGER KEK


Apu cuz your 7 11 digis


Curious if you found any tie ins on the Waukesha Holiday Parade and what happened in Germany or the New Orleans New Years stuff…?

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e89fef No.22280611

File: a30778e0e9532b1⋯.png (414 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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40f933 No.22281545

File: 667e57f9d356a53⋯.png (9.06 MB,3700x4000,37:40,TIGER58.png)


Reposting this here because it never got any attention on the main bread.

Dan gave us a clear 47 connection

Mass casualty event follows

Q post 47

Dots were not connected by most

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6f6b5c No.22284493


I see lots of 58, where's the 47?

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40f933 No.22285437

Top left quadrant

Be vigilant today and expect a major false flag.


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40f933 No.22290779

File: bc2f7ed0dd0dbfd⋯.png (9.43 MB,4000x6000,2:3,DTL2024wMelaniaelon.png)

Killer Whales

Back in the news


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e89fef No.22303079

File: ad91e90f8d3ab75⋯.png (3.45 MB,2825x2753,2825:2753,QClock_January_06_2025_Mas….png)


>Be vigilant today and expect a major false flag.


>Mass casualty event follows


>>22302887, >>22302896 (pb / qrg – orig. post)

QClock January 06, 2025 - Mass Extinction, Civilization, God Wins!

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e89fef No.22303380

File: c759bc7cf2e375c⋯.png (835.02 KB,1280x708,320:177,ClipboardImage.png)


from a fren on x.

comms seem 'edgy'

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e89fef No.22305003

File: cd822f786599ee7⋯.png (3.93 MB,2996x3056,749:764,QClock_January_06_2025_v2_….png)

File: f699a3330ab5911⋯.png (547.24 KB,1291x688,1291:688,Screenshot_2025_01_06_1509….png)


>QClock January 06, 2025 - Mass Extinction, Civilization, God Wins!

>>22302887 (pb) - check it out - i posted here at 12:27 pm (see 2nd pic)

Dan posted later at 2:35 pm and used a key word….that was in my earlier clock…

Could be a total coinky, but mebbe not.

QClock January 06, 2025 - v2 Scavino Update Mass Extinction, Civilization, God Wins

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6f6b5c No.22305047


Are you going to add Trudeau's resignation?

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e89fef No.22305400


prolly not….

slammed …still werk faggin'

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e89fef No.22333034

File: 03df58149b91f8a⋯.png (531.01 KB,1438x1625,1438:1625,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ca63cdb884d451⋯.png (156.89 KB,678x1423,678:1423,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3e356682197e3e⋯.png (39.58 KB,663x341,663:341,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ab96eb393ffb24⋯.png (99.29 KB,576x426,96:71,ClipboardImage.png)





Been waitin' all day to post this….was running around:

darNkess – not on the clock

darKness – on the :59 line (mirror)

And clockfag got a like on darnk…

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