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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

a61161 No.21557002 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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643 posts and 466 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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a0df4f No.21557707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>GoPro into space

living in a fish eye lens

start @ 1:33



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5e4a5d No.21557710


ty Anon!

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5f34dd No.21557711

File: 24c720641b8265a⋯.gif (108.59 KB,321x321,1:1,2_tick_tock.gif)

File: 9a30ba8d1f92d95⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB,406x720,203:360,the_storm.mp4)

File: ec96be34102013e⋯.png (2.33 MB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


nov 5th.

nothing else matters unless they nuke the whole planet.

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ab616e No.21557713

File: 28b72d58dce4527⋯.webp (131.06 KB,680x605,136:121,media_GXCaEJbWcAAP6p4.webp)

don't eat me bro

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0469d8 No.21557714


reason Trump keeps talking about hannibal lecter…

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5e4a5d No.21557715

File: cbcc7ce0a5eca90⋯.jpg (23.41 KB,222x255,74:85,55.jpg)


Thank you, Anon!

Appreciate it!

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c87f94 No.21557717

File: 9bdc84b657420f6⋯.png (33.87 KB,473x252,473:252,qaggdropimage900_1.png)

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aa6b5c No.21557718

File: 98ff66de7b0fc89⋯.png (750.53 KB,758x1259,758:1259,Screens.png)



Barack Obama was a broke ass wannabe when elected so now he's doing whatever it takes to be a contender.

Remember the short bald faggot Jeff Bezos gave Obama money for his presidential library because nobody else would bathhouse Barry is a full-blown loser.

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5a3589 No.21557719

File: 1ce3b5d025f8681⋯.png (374.69 KB,454x456,227:228,2024_09_09_11_35_54.png)


>Today, under Kamala, migrants are eating pets.

Wouldn't be the first time?

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98bf55 No.21557721

Last Callwill baker in 10 min

#26408 >>21557005

>>21557008 Eduardo Bolsonaro (@BolsonaroSP) joined me to detail the corruption. son of former Pres

>>21557021 Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil 🇧🇷 to fight against censorship from the Lula and judge Moraes' regime on their independence day.

>>21557065, >>21557072, >>21557482, >>21557606, >>21557627 Swamp Meets

>>21557068 War Room

>>21557070 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21557110 @realDonaldTrump Bernie Sanders just said that Kamala only changed her Marxist policy positions for the Election — She’ll change back very quickly!

>>21557111 @Cancelcloco There are many human trafficking networks on the black markets today. Part of that network is literally satanists.

>>21557117, >>21557123 Pakistani National Charged for Plotting Terrorist Attack in New York City in Support of ISIS

>>21557130 56 Days to WINNING

>>21557167 Three years ago today, Biden/Harris used federal authority to nullify the Nuremberg code for 100 million Americans.

>>21557182, >>21557628 Stephen Miller and Mark Cuban exchange on mass deportations/mars vs pet eating illegals

>>21557210, >>21557204 Sanija Ameti resigns from the Zurich GLP party leadership

>>21557219, >>21557232 Dem Rep Serves As ‘Honorary Chairwoman’ Of Org Reportedly Linked To Chinese Intel Agency/New York Democratic Rep. Grace Meng

>>21557262 If the Fed decided on 50bps, Powell will leak it through "well-informed press contacts" first

>>21557341, >>21557499, >>21557500, >>21557552, >>21557553, >>21557619 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>21557347 Family in Chicago has we*pons confiscated [despite being legal] after criminals attempt to climb into their daughters window..


>>21557425 Trust in Doctors and Hospitals Plummets

>>21557432 Take a look at the history of the DoD’s military working dog program and the impact of their service.

>>21557436, >>21557533 ICYMI: lawfare scam exposed from inside

>>21557508, >>21557515 The Media Wants a Return to 2020 Bad Covid Policies

>>21557564 @FBI Buried secrets, classified materials, and personal debts — In the summer of 2001, the #FBI arrested Air Force intelligence officer Brian Regan for stealing DoD documents…

>>21557585, >>21557605, >>21557671, >>21557590 Exercise Evergreen 2024

>>21557634 *BIDEN ADMINISTRATION BUYS 3.4M BARRELS FOR US OIL RESERVE Only 260 million barrels to go

>>21557651 @iimefmarines CALL IT IN 💥

>>21557698 Bill Gates Admits the First Amendment is a problem for the globalist plandemic crowd.

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e10971 No.21557723



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5c2413 No.21557724

File: 7bb9d08fd6202c0⋯.png (156.16 KB,810x838,405:419,ClipboardImage.png)




Please feel free to crosspost to the chat or join and lurk. Trying to repost as much as I can from here


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62d763 No.21557725

File: ce264bf7c70a8d8⋯.png (178.96 KB,533x419,533:419,Capture.PNG)

JUST IN - El Salvador police chief dies in helicopter crash



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e10971 No.21557726


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0469d8 No.21557728

File: 2abd6f70dc0da48⋯.png (325.9 KB,520x362,260:181,Screenshot_2024_09_09_at_1….png)

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0eea75 No.21557731

File: ce319b0b3bc333b⋯.png (1.38 MB,936x766,468:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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a6689a No.21557733

File: f1b56002fa06004⋯.png (127.47 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a29d9de944185b⋯.png (860.91 KB,970x546,485:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 767d2ba486b5a82⋯.png (296.79 KB,970x475,194:95,ClipboardImage.png)

SpaceX to launch private Polaris Dawn spacewalk mission overnight on farthest human spaceflight since Apollo

September 9, 2024

SpaceX is about to launch four private astronauts farther than any human has flown since the end of the Apollo era.

The crew will be on a mission to perform history's first commercial spacewalk.

The mission, Polaris Dawn, will liftoff early Tuesday (Sept. 10) during a four-hour launch window that opens at at 3:38 a.m. ET (0738 GMT).

Two additional launch opportunities are available within the four-hour window; one at 5:23 a.m. ET (0923 GMT) and another at 7:09 a.m. ET (1109 GMT).

Backup launch opportunities are available on Wednesday (Sept. 11) at the same times, according to SpaceX.

"Targeting no earlier than Tuesday, Sept. 10 for Falcon 9's launch of the Polaris Dawn mission," SpaceX wrote in a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Sept. 8.

"Weather is currently 40% favorable for liftoff, and conditions at the possible splashdown sites for Dragon's return to Earth remain a watch item."

To watch the launch live, you can tune into Space.com or SpaceX's webcast on X, starting about 3.5 hours before liftoff.

Polaris Dawn will liftoff from SpaceX's Launch Complex-39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center — the same pad that supported all the crewed Apollo missions to the moon.

Though it's true each of SpaceX's astronaut launches to date has flown out of LC-39A, it's particularly fitting that the members of Polaris Dawn will also launch from there, as this mission will take them further than any crewed flight has gone since Apollo 17, in 1972.

Billionaire philanthropist Jared Isaacman is footing the bill for the mission, and intends it to be the first of three in his "Polaris Program."

Dawn will be the second space mission Isaacman has funded, as well as his second personal launch to orbit. His first in both cases came in 2021, with the launch of Inspriation4 — the first all-civilian spaceflight.

These missions, and the next two planned for the Polaris Program, are being flown with the dual goal of furthering the bounds of private human space exploration and raising money to support St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

With Inspriation4, Isaacman and the mission were able to raise $250 million in donations for the organization.


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a6689a No.21557734


Isaacman will fly as Polaris Dawn's mission commander, and will be joined by the mission's pilot, retired United States Air Force (USAF) Lieutenant Colonel Scott "Kidd" Poteet, and the first two SpaceX employees to launch to orbit, Sarah Gillis and Anna Menon, who both work as Lead Space Operations Engineers. Gillis and Menon will serve as mission specialists.

The crewmembers will launch aboard a SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule into an elliptical orbit, flying to an initial maximum altitude (apogee) of about 745 miles (1,200 kilometers), where they will spend the beginning of their first day in space.

After several orbits, Dragon will raise its apogee about 125 miles, to a maximum altitude of 870 miles (1,400 kilometers).

At this distance from Earth, Polaris Dawn will fly through a portion of the radiation belts wrapped around our planet beyond its lower orbits.

Taking advantage of this course, the crew plans to complete a number of science experiments to study the deep-space radiation environment.

The trajectory also reaches another significant milestone for human spaceflight. Menon and Gillis will become the highest-flown women in history during this mission, beating out the previous altitude record set by NASA astronaut Kathryn Sullivan.

They will fly several hundred miles higher than Sullivan, who reached an altitude of 386 miles (621 km) during the STS-31 Space Shuttle mission to help deploy the Hubble Space Telescope.

Another critical focus for Polaris Dawn, of course, is the performance of the first-ever commercial spacewalk.

Donning newly-designed extravehicular activity (EVA) suits from SpaceX, the Dawn crew will vent all the atmosphere from their spacecraft and open Crew Dragon's forward hatch for an experience shared by only a fraction of astronauts today: floating in the vacuum of space.

The focus of this spacewalk is to test the function and mobility of SpaceX's new spacesuits.

Similar in style to the sleek, white suits worn by Dragon astronauts since SpaceX's first crewed launch in 2020, these new suits feature enhanced thermal control materials and technologies to help protect the wearer from the harsh, rapidly shifting environment of space.

Two of the Dawn crew, Isaacman and Gillis, referred to during their spacewalk as EV1 and EV2, respectively, will take turns exiting Dragon entirely while utilizing a special handrail support structure connected to the hatch that SpaceX engineers have dubbed the "Skywalker."

The spacewalk will take place on the third day of Polaris Dawn's five-day flight, and will last a total of two hours from cabin depressurization through repressurization.

Then, the fourth day of the mission will come with another technology demonstration, as the Dawn crew connects to SpaceX's Starlink satellite network to transmit a "surprise" message down to Earth.




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e10971 No.21557737



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83267d No.21557738

File: 69090b56b63fc22⋯.png (810.67 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


X is lit with this shit about hatians eating people's pets and ducks in the parks.

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c87f94 No.21557740

File: 406c5b2e30233cc⋯.gif (1.8 MB,500x281,500:281,406c5b2e30233cc4b347fcbc95….gif)

Guys these timestamps are so important

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5a3589 No.21557742

File: f6acc6ce6cc6bda⋯.png (466.35 KB,1150x648,575:324,2024_09_09_11_40_23.png)

File: 6b99af21fb23192⋯.png (35.28 KB,577x303,577:303,2024_09_09_11_40_54.png)


>Bill Gates Admits the First Amendment is a problem for the globalist plandemic crowd.

First Amendment is just a notion…

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3e825a No.21557743


Its way more than that…Regan and bush amnesty let them in, then the Obama years let them in, then trump stopped it, then Biden let them in again.

24mill is a conservative figure

more like 50-100million

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62d763 No.21557745

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


📍MEDITERRANEAN SEA - Marines, assigned to the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) Special Operations Capable (SOC), conduct a live fire exercise on the flight deck of the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1), Aug. 15, 2024.



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0eea75 No.21557748

File: 2b970c9e5855da6⋯.png (1.02 MB,712x868,178:217,ClipboardImage.png)


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83267d No.21557749

File: dc777a375d9d9fd⋯.png (10.11 KB,255x208,255:208,LaughingMonkey.png)

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a0df4f No.21557751

File: 8dd402ad2ea5812⋯.jpg (60.1 KB,1280x704,20:11,photo_2024_09_09_11_31_09.jpg)

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fa41f5 No.21557752


No it isn’t

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e10971 No.21557754


checked and chukld

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5efb97 No.21557755


here, have a reply

you seem to need the cash

anons, i'm doing my part draining the swamp financially

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c87f94 No.21557757


No. We have a first amendment written in plain text. It's very clear what it says.

Second amendment is clear too but the same yuppie pinkos wanna change the script every time they know they're at the end of their rope.

It changes nothing when they argue pointless topics

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0eea75 No.21557758

File: 1e262db288122d3⋯.png (1.15 MB,656x1034,328:517,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6bb24 No.21557759

File: 4b4934d1b45faf7⋯.png (68.77 KB,690x762,115:127,396B554B_B9EC_476C_BFB1_9D….png)

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83267d No.21557760

File: 5f69e86c1327eb5⋯.jpg (7.82 KB,214x235,214:235,Goodmorning.jpg)



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0469d8 No.21557762

File: 28aea60d96ba65e⋯.png (184.71 KB,304x397,304:397,Screenshot_2024_09_09_at_1….png)

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5efb97 No.21557767


here, go buy a steak tonight

reply is on me

or should i say on the swamp

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67a304 No.21557768

File: 7138a9958025624⋯.webm (370.34 KB,427x240,427:240,filtered9.webm)


>You've won. You broke me.

Your broke yourself, one post.

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0eea75 No.21557770

File: 968c5ea43640400⋯.png (1.46 MB,1070x859,1070:859,ClipboardImage.png)


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98bf55 No.21557771


#26408 >>21557005

>>21557008 Eduardo Bolsonaro (@BolsonaroSP) joined me to detail the corruption. son of former Pres

>>21557021 Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil 🇧🇷 to fight against censorship from the Lula and judge Moraes' regime on their independence day.

>>21557065, >>21557072, >>21557482, >>21557606, >>21557627 Swamp Meets

>>21557068 War Room

>>21557070 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21557110 @realDonaldTrump Bernie Sanders just said that Kamala only changed her Marxist policy positions for the Election — She’ll change back very quickly!

>>21557111 @Cancelcloco There are many human trafficking networks on the black markets today. Part of that network is literally satanists.

>>21557117, >>21557123 Pakistani National Charged for Plotting Terrorist Attack in New York City in Support of ISIS

>>21557130 56 Days to WINNING

>>21557167 Three years ago today, Biden/Harris used federal authority to nullify the Nuremberg code for 100 million Americans.

>>21557182, >>21557628 Stephen Miller and Mark Cuban exchange on mass deportations/mars vs pet eating illegals

>>21557210, >>21557204 Sanija Ameti resigns from the Zurich GLP party leadership

>>21557219, >>21557232 Dem Rep Serves As ‘Honorary Chairwoman’ Of Org Reportedly Linked To Chinese Intel Agency/New York Democratic Rep. Grace Meng

>>21557262 If the Fed decided on 50bps, Powell will leak it through "well-informed press contacts" first

>>21557341, >>21557499, >>21557500, >>21557552, >>21557553, >>21557619 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>21557347 Family in Chicago has we*pons confiscated [despite being legal] after criminals attempt to climb into their daughters window..


>>21557425 Trust in Doctors and Hospitals Plummets

>>21557432 Take a look at the history of the DoD’s military working dog program and the impact of their service.

>>21557436, >>21557533 ICYMI: lawfare scam exposed from inside

>>21557508, >>21557515 The Media Wants a Return to 2020 Bad Covid Policies

>>21557564 @FBI Buried secrets, classified materials, and personal debts — In the summer of 2001, the #FBI arrested Air Force intelligence officer Brian Regan for stealing DoD documents…

>>21557585, >>21557605, >>21557671, >>21557590 Exercise Evergreen 2024

>>21557634 *BIDEN ADMINISTRATION BUYS 3.4M BARRELS FOR US OIL RESERVE Only 260 million barrels to go

>>21557651 @iimefmarines CALL IT IN 💥

>>21557698 Bill Gates Admits the First Amendment is a problem for the globalist plandemic crowd.


>>21557725 El Salvador police chief dies in helicopter crash

>>21557733, >>21557734 SpaceX to launch private Polaris Dawn spacewalk mission overnight on farthest human spaceflight since Apollo


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0eea75 No.21557774

File: d6b20fb9f9dacaf⋯.png (966.11 KB,919x688,919:688,ClipboardImage.png)


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a0df4f No.21557780

File: 0ede43368d3d25b⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB,848x838,424:419,IMG_8543.MP4)

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475252 No.21557782

File: e65df93be43becb⋯.jpg (32.89 KB,400x400,1:1,trumpyef8bf87cb13af6a219b1….jpg)

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b0ff28 No.21557783

File: 88943ad99aaaa96⋯.jpeg (91.62 KB,634x845,634:845,IMG_9054.jpeg)

File: c231743f8292b52⋯.jpeg (1.24 MB,1920x1080,16:9,IMG_9053.jpeg)

File: 0b5f31383bee113⋯.jpeg (57.86 KB,503x624,503:624,IMG_9052.jpeg)

File: 24f3d8b14a4f3cc⋯.jpeg (96.24 KB,876x493,876:493,IMG_9051.jpeg)

File: f0a4c5b5e3cbe16⋯.jpeg (82.41 KB,570x570,1:1,IMG_9050.jpeg)

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62d763 No.21557785

File: 96ac75ae7c661e2⋯.png (343.24 KB,529x634,529:634,Capture.PNG)

File: 19f5211326a99fc⋯.png (12.04 KB,372x268,93:67,Capture1.PNG)

Pararescuemen are trained, equipped and postured to conduct full spectrum personnel recovery ops in both peacetime & combat environments 👣

A PJ assigned to 320th STS performs paradrop training from an MC-130J Commando II over Okinawa, Japan, Aug. 23, 2024. 🇯🇵



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0eea75 No.21557786

File: 036a3d06c4105a0⋯.png (1.11 MB,926x532,463:266,ClipboardImage.png)



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0c0aca No.21557789


removing federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.

-in a permanent way

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f54500 No.21557791

File: cb8ed106e3db0bb⋯.png (249.21 KB,537x302,537:302,ClipboardImage.png)

Nikki Haley projects her own sexist narrative onto Trump.

“Donald Trump and JD Vance need to change the way they speak about women"

According to bird brain Haley, when you treat men and women equally and insult them equally, since that reminds them of their own sexist logic that divides people by sex, magically their own sexist narrative is Trump's and not their own.


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5efb97 No.21557792


reply for the poor folk

drain the swamp financially

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0c0aca No.21557793

File: bd87d0ba056b75d⋯.png (27.62 KB,623x548,623:548,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 333ec8b65da4e69⋯.png (197.26 KB,533x419,533:419,ClipboardImage.png)



who undermine the public trust or fail the American people.”


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98bf55 No.21557794





migrate, cleaned, locked

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