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File: 69a4d2ec5235c5c⋯.png (957.81 KB,1371x764,1371:764,jf87fj9f78eidkhjg98d8fgjwl….png)

be2a05 No.21549099 [Last50 Posts]

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be2a05 No.21549101

International Q Research Threads

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- - - - - - - - - - - -


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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


#26398 >>21548319



>>21548358, >>21548377, >>21548381, >>21548390, >>21548401, >>21548483, >>21548543 Country singer Gretchen Wilson rallies support for President Trump

>>21548592, >>21548593, >>21548599, >>21548605 Dancing Trump is winning comms

>>21548613 Trump asked "would he do it all over again?" His response was BEAUTIFUL

>>21548667, >>21548674, >>21548777 It looks like this is the 1st time RT showed a live Trump Rally

>>21548825, >>21548948, >>21549052 TRUMP "I want hybrids. I want everything. Hydrogen is maybe coming."

>>21548330, >>21548350, >>21548356, >>21548380, >>21548386, >>21548388, >>21548389, >>21548419, >>21548421, >>21548431, >>21548450, >>21548452, >>21548462, >>21548479, >>21548493, >>21548503, >>21548528, >>21548530, >>21548567, >>21548575, >>21548587 TRUMP QUOTES

>>21548646, >>21548651, >>21548659, >>21549055 ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN MOSINEE, WISCONSIN - 9/7/2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21548365 Where is the outrage MadCow? 300,000+ children missing & exploited and nothing.

>>21548423, >>21548447, >>21548670 IT'S HAPPENING Absolutely massive protest in Brazil today for free speech.

>>21548564 MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow Is In Case That Could Cost Network MILLIONS

>>21548573 This is what happens when Google LIES - BYE BYE ChatGPT - HELLO Grok2

>>21548581 This is our FBI: a cringey, weaponized force working against us. “knock it off"

>>21548627 Pritzger signs law banning hotel mini-shampoos, to save the planet

>>21548631 WA State GOP Files Lawsuit to Dispute State Primary Election Ballots

>>21548658, >>21548679 Elton John gave support to Donald Trump in his new VARIETY interview

>>21548705 China bans foreign adoptions of its children in line with the spirit of International agreements

>>21548745 Migrant families receive $4000 in grants to aid transition out of NYC shelters

>>21548831 'Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages…' September 8th is #StarTrekDay

>>21548862, >>21548895 Latest news on Satellite Salsa. Sauce coming tomorrow

>>21548868, >>21548879 Loomer - Kamala STAGED a fake emotional encounter with a woman on camera today

>>21548885 Advancing American Freedom and 48 other amici Fights SEC’s Mass-Surveillance of Americans

>>21548920 RT - Top German MP threatens X and Telegram with bans

>>21548947 Iraq and the US reach landmark agreement for the final exit of ALL US-coalition troops from the territory of Iraq

>>21548979, >>21548991 88 leading swamp creatures sign open letter endorsing Kamala Harris

>>21548985 A Cop Shot in U.S. Every 22 Hours This Year, Huge Increase During Biden-Harris Era

>>21548992 Kamala Harris’s ‘Middle-Class’ Upbringing in Westmount, Canada

>>21549026 “Propaganda is real” but THE GREAT AWAKENING IS MUCH MOAR REEEEEEEAL

>>21549060 Men believed to be Tren de Aragua members released on $1,000 bond in Aurora

>>21549072 More than 1.4 million people have signed the petition for Alexandre’s impeachment.

>>21549096 #26398

#26397 >>21547519


>>21547659 WATCH LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Mosinee, WI - 9/7/24

>>21547733, >>21547787, >>21547800, >>21547801, >>21547824, >>21547827 @realDonaldTrump Wisconsin, Get Ready for a Trump Force One Fly Over!! Runway 17!

>>21547829, >>21547834, >>21547862, >>21547880, >>21547898, >>21548108 TRUMP FORCE ONE LANDS IN WISCONSIN

>>21547913, >>21547940, >>21548217 POTUS IS UP LIVE

>>21548112 Trump: "We're up against very bad evil people. It's an evil force."

>>21547957, >>21547976, >>21547987, >>21547998, >>21548013, >>21548021, >>21548027, >>21548034, >>21548044, >>21548051, >>21548056, >>21548058, >>21548061, >>21548070, >>21548077, >>21548080, >>21548101, >>21548109, >>21548110, >>21548126, >>21548134, >>21548142, >>21548149, >>21548173, >>21548193, >>21548200, >>21548222, >>21548234, >>21548245, >>21548269, >>21548292, >>21548293, >>21548297 TRUMP QUOTES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21547570, >>21547572 Social Security Facing $63 Trillion In Unfunded Liabilities = CyberAttack Time

>>21547576, >>21547592 SPIRITUAL WARFARE

>>21547578, >>21547580, >>21547583, >>21547595 IRAN Hurting Efforts To Protect Trump, Harris, Biden?

>>21547634 Back by popular demand, TRUMP DIGITAL TRADING CARDS, Series 4: The America First Collection

>>21547656 RFK Jr & Calley Means on How Insurance Companies Profit From Chronic Disease

>>21547660, >>21547686, >>21547748, >>21547786, >>21547806, >>21547823, >>21547868, >>21547870 NASA space stuffs

>>21547680 @RichardGrenell - @keithellison is on the short list to be Attorney General if Kamala should win.

>>21547689 @elonmusk - Grok unhinged fun mode. Moar Vulgar! Forbidden Words!

>>21547690 (ODNI) announced Friday that it has not “observed” any foreign interference in the 2024 election

>>21547692 WEF - "CovID Was a ‘Test’ of Our Obedience to Rapidly Forming New World Order"

>>21547700 RT - Argentina urges ICC to order arrest of Maduro

>>21547705 Texas Democrat Indicted For Staging Hate Crime Hoax and Framing Republican Opponent

>>21547731 DeSantis Operatives Have Taken Over a Key Trump-World PAC

>>21547745 Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement on Social Media Speech Restrictions

>>21547746 Trump has suggested eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs

>>21547771, >>21547910 Erdogan seeks Islamic alliance against Israel, says its ‘expansionism’ won’t stop in Gaza

>>21547809 Renowned Medical Professor Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer

>>21547857 Berkshire Hathaway sells 18.7 million Bank of America shares from Sep 3-5

>>21547886 An odd-looking balloon was floating across the Denver metro area on Friday morning

>>21548032 Southern California rocked by two earthquakes 30 minutes apart and felt by millions

>>21548223, >>21548263 NOW: Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil to fight against censorship

>>21548251 Montana County Declares Wrong Winner After Failing To Compare Total Voters To Ballots


#26396 >>21546526

>>21546566 Children Of Big Brother: What It Means To Go Back-To-School In The American Police State

>>21546594 Have setup a back channel News Chat room Setup

>>21546601 The fight for the future of the Murdoch media empire is about to begin

>>21546636 @OAN Watch Weekly Briefing!

>>21546656 Kamala Harris webpage deleted! Kamala was rated as the most liberal out of ALL US senators in 2019!

>>21546685 notes for #26395

>>21546808 The Republican Party argues that the cured ballots should be invalid because private voter information was transmitted to the King County Auditor by a third party.


>>21546839 Masked Criminals With AR-Rifle Rob Denver Home. Migrant Gang Crime Spreads Across US

>>21546851 Virginia: Illegal Alien Child Sex Offender from Bolivia Released Despite ICE Detainers

>>21546852 Animal sacrifices on the rise in Queens with chickens, pigs being tortured in ‘twisted’ rituals

>>21546870 58 days and counting plus moar

>>21546903, >>21546810 Creditors In Commerce Paradigm Shift Your Power Over The Corporations 1 of 3

>>21546910 US State Department's Well Paid Online Propaganda Troll Farms HACKED

>>21546969, >>21546993 Dim BS fact czech wtf

>>21547023 German officials claim Poland sabotaged investigation into Nord Stream explosions

>>21547062 Trump Rally Mosinee, WI 2p EDT

>>21547084 Moar X22

>>21547097, >>21547187, >>21547267, >>21547303 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>21547122 Democrats 'New Path Forward' Is Literally Communist Propaganda

>>21547168 How the Migrant Crisis Drained $150 Billion from Taxpayers in a Single Year

>>21547186 OMG! Qanon phrases from Trump

>>21547209, >>21547221 NO DIGITAL PAYMENTS ARE BEING ACCEPTED FOR Flynn DIGITALSOLDIERS™️ defense Funds…and his wife is handling it

>>21547231 CubeSats are pictured after being deployed into Earth orbit

>>21547238 Texas Democrat Commissioner Nominee Indicted For Staging Hate Crime Hoax and Framing Republican Opponent


>>21547254 World Economic Forum Finally Tells the Truth About Covid: It Was a ‘Test’ of Our Obedience to Rapidly Forming New World Order

>>21547284 Director of National Intelligence says “to date, the IC has not observed any foreign actor seeking to interfere in the conduct of the 2024 elections.”

>>21547316 Musk: Telegram quietly updates FAQ, removing: "All Telegram chats and group chats are private amongst their participants. We do not process any requests related to them."

>>21547356 SpaceX launches third batch of satellites for NRO’s proliferated constellation


>>21547375, >>21547366 UK: red triangle is, used by hamas to point to their anemies and targeted/needs diggz

>>21547382, >>21547398 FBI Director Chris Wray issues "election" statement that's so stupid, people thought it was fake - but it's real…

>>21547410 UK: live feed from Islam channel on youtube, speakers using the language from the river to the sea LONDON: PROTESTERS MARCH IN SOLIDARITY WITH PALESTINE

>>21547423 China's mysterious space plane returns to Earth after 268 days in orbit

>>21547436 Zuckerberg’s statement missed a key detail – at least three Facebook staff members participated in the Aspen Institute’s Hunter Biden table-top exercise that game-planned how to suppress the story two months in advance of the New York Post story.

>>21547461, >>21547464 American Co. Russia Russia Russia Set up for kneepads loss kek

>>21547461, >>21547464 American Co. Russia Russia Russia Set up for kneepads loss kek

>>21547468 Sneaken Bolsonaro out of Brazil??

>>21547507 #26396

Previously Collected

>>21546685 #26395

>>21544180 #26392, >>21544963 #26393, >>21545729 #26394

>>21541351 #26389, >>21542256 #26390, >>21543182 #26391

>>21538831 #26386, >>21539617 #26387, >>21540427 #26388

>>21535897 #26383, >>21537133 #26384, >>21537978 #26385

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Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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be2a05 No.21549105

File: 8506954a27d8747⋯.jpg (160.08 KB,1200x1200,1:1,8506954a27d874708871dd47e8….jpg)

File: 9698a614300afc5⋯.png (210.69 KB,548x553,548:553,9698a614300afc501db279e60a….png)

File: 8587b5a4d6c6a62⋯.jpg (178.76 KB,759x843,253:281,8587b5a4d6c6a62fd342395224….jpg)



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bdb5bb No.21549117



Holy smokes coincidence..

Thank you Baker :3

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dfadb1 No.21549121

File: 72229ad8d9790bb⋯.png (257.34 KB,813x426,271:142,ClipboardImage.png)

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5db27c No.21549122



Bimbo bakeries

Heinz/ Kraft

Southeastern grocers

And many many more

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651d22 No.21549123

File: d1e3775c8c4e601⋯.png (537.06 KB,902x600,451:300,b4t3v55423.PNG)


Thanks Baker!

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21158a No.21549124

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Plan: WHO’s Ten Years of Infectious Diseases (2020 to 2030), Leading to World Tyranny


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6a78d3 No.21549125

File: a7458da3d5d617d⋯.jpg (12.51 KB,255x203,255:203,dredd_pepe2.jpg)



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0e3257 No.21549126


Who has the AI generated Trump outside the limo doing the shuffle dance mp4 handy?

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3467ef No.21549127

File: 914f410c1c39a76⋯.png (667.93 KB,641x855,641:855,914f410c1c39a769d11773585a….png)

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8adebd No.21549128

File: b01202c68510f7f⋯.jpg (472.76 KB,1120x1247,1120:1247,Forecast_Tonight_Pots_Low_….jpg)



There better be keks galore this bread, maybe some bewbs.I need a recharge.

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ea63ea No.21549129

i want all of my money back!

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e49e9e No.21549130

File: 303225f6bf53f6d⋯.jpeg (5.84 MB,5712x4284,4:3,IMG_1264.jpeg)

File: a558ab1f71b712e⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB,4032x2268,16:9,IMG_1256.jpeg)


Password reset is not broken. Some email providers block our email. I am sorry for this situation, but the world is not broken because of me.

Lets do our best together, so it doesn't get worse.

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f75742 No.21549131

File: 4620c5f9ff07f10⋯.png (142.78 KB,640x426,320:213,vaxx_bell_curve.png)

>Do we want advanced ET technology released?

Define "we"

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0e3257 No.21549132



Oh, and TYB.

(forgot that in op, my bad :( )

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ea63ea No.21549133



hola, hope you doing great :)

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ea63ea No.21549134

>>21549129 me

*from the deep state!

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7d515b No.21549135

File: 7c8b3f88959f509⋯.jpeg (4.99 KB,257x196,257:196,images_98_.jpeg)

File: 4db497ba46cc7ec⋯.jpg (160.65 KB,1200x721,1200:721,4000_1_.jpg)

File: 49e96307f000db8⋯.jpg (119.5 KB,864x1390,432:695,main_building_entrance_on_….jpg)

File: c2bc24e0f8816ce⋯.jpg (226.81 KB,1300x955,260:191,canada_geese_and_main_buil….jpg)

File: d38b2ebecbaf039⋯.gif (8.09 MB,600x400,3:2,icegame.gif)

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94708f No.21549136

File: 86d0e8757d82094⋯.jpg (138.34 KB,889x1101,889:1101,2024_07_14T001557Z_3856682….jpg)

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ad340c No.21549137

File: d1d2b9c56e2bd8d⋯.jpg (263.13 KB,988x827,988:827,1000000109.jpg)


Thank you.

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8adebd No.21549138


Praise kek! That's a generous anon.

TY Jim

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0e3257 No.21549139


You mean the fiat slave scrip posing as money?

Trade it in for gold and silver, you heathen.

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6a78d3 No.21549140

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)


Wow. I am in awe. An absolute masterclass masterpiece.

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fb121e No.21549141

its like a dead nazi swimming in gpa's bat shit

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ea63ea No.21549142



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eb6af3 No.21549143



Aliens Baby Aliens

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f8e483 No.21549144

File: 5c95f1c8505f560⋯.png (612.58 KB,593x595,593:595,btweweetrwtwe.PNG)


Ty JIM!!!!

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7d515b No.21549145

File: ce2177925e8ae45⋯.png (543.54 KB,640x512,5:4,ce2177925e8ae45c9e76f51f7e….png)

File: d543ab6d17dfe97⋯.jpeg (164.5 KB,1080x1080,1:1,GW0YMjNXkAIvIlN.jpeg)

File: 347590095b9963a⋯.png (949.97 KB,680x679,680:679,GKnw3hpWEAA3N1v.png)

File: 4ef1be6c1ce12c4⋯.jpeg (14.35 KB,255x252,85:84,506cd9467ba2972617b332d5d….jpeg)

File: 98f1c75a7ab50f4⋯.jpg (58.12 KB,500x597,500:597,98f1c75a7ab50f44abe2fb1dc9….jpg)

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94708f No.21549146


hi jim!

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54c630 No.21549147

File: 6975e1a47c80345⋯.png (345.54 KB,461x462,461:462,ClipboardImage.png)

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2092fb No.21549148

File: 787b8116ebdf346⋯.png (901.36 KB,1278x1436,639:718,ClipboardImage.png)

Is there a better person for The United States or the world than this amazing Man?

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3467ef No.21549149

File: dfacfc008e863b9⋯.png (372.06 KB,623x647,623:647,sm2.png)


Silence, failfag. Looks like the only game you have left is imitating me, out of all people for some sad strange reason. Go fluff your impotent faggotry in the filter, you miserable little satanist piece of shit.

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9e8032 No.21549150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



great digging faggot homo

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ea63ea No.21549151

File: 201ff9d3be5083b⋯.png (33.96 KB,700x516,175:129,201ff9d3be5083b1c589bbea05….png)

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d052b4 No.21549152

File: ab768a88fef0800⋯.png (430.05 KB,555x342,185:114,ClipboardImage.png)


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6a78d3 No.21549153

File: 36cf301015dd51e⋯.png (167.09 KB,425x408,25:24,36cf301015dd51e32bcfce73bc….png)


You know what, Jim? You're an habsolute legend.

Thank you

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da2fc0 No.21549154

File: af867a8b562f5e9⋯.png (358.78 KB,710x697,710:697,af867a8b562f5e909b535c168d….png)


thank you baker.

weir all gonna come

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9167d4 No.21549155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>I wonder what they]ll write about us?

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3cf27e No.21549156

File: 585a2c16719caa7⋯.png (330.58 KB,601x735,601:735,ClipboardImage.png)

everyone freaking out over trump mentioning hydrogen hasn't been paying attention

it's not like it hasn't been talked about and automakers are already getting in on the action

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ad340c No.21549157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f6367f No.21549158


You are living your life.

You get asked to run.

You get read in on everything.

What we can only suspect, he is shown to be true.

He is shown 100% what these sick fucks have done and have planned.

I think anyone here would have done the same as him.

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0e3257 No.21549159


That gif is fucking legend.


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14d23b No.21549160

Name me one cop, firefighter, FBI agent, CIA agent, politician, news anchor, judge, or military brass that has called out:

1. Israel for sending 5 Mossad agents to film 911 and not warning us

2. For 2 planes taking down 3 buildings on 911

3. For building 7 collapse being announced 20 minutes too early

Just one.

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6a78d3 No.21549161

File: 7f2370fb35dd261⋯.jpg (8.05 KB,243x207,27:23,download_jpeg_7.jpg)

I think I'll show extra gratitude to God today. Thank you God

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b1f15c No.21549162

Those 6 second AI generated vids on half have been the rage today.


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f483ff No.21549163

File: 25074d55ae85046⋯.jpg (82.26 KB,400x605,80:121,290957_2622_121996_1_shaza….jpg)

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99c46c No.21549164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Supercharged LS3 Powered Chevrolet Pickup Runs on Hydrogen Gas 2021 SEMA Show

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3467ef No.21549165

File: 33b868d06c82f5b⋯.png (651.96 KB,800x454,400:227,almost_there.png)

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7d515b No.21549166

File: bc176e0d0fa6ffe⋯.gif (6.01 MB,400x300,4:3,_gijw9.gif)


$17 bucks on eBay + fuel time is knot an issue

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d6161f No.21549167

File: ee235c4d32cba06⋯.jpg (84.72 KB,684x539,684:539,Science_Then_Now.jpg)


>Food Science Is Effective Low Dose Poisoning


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05ee7d No.21549168



>>21549060 (LB)

re; Venezuelan rent collectors.

So long as they pay tax on their ill gotten rent gains within 12 months, it's rightfully theirs, according to the IRS.

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dd1cf9 No.21549169

File: 82fbe8314368b77⋯.jpg (93.31 KB,1280x725,256:145,Matrix_1999_Neos_Passport_….jpg)

>>21549077 lb

sorry for the double post.

server was choking

I will try to find for you

FEMA took a load of Propaganda shots that day.. Unbelievable if they had no forewarning

they showed up that morning, "out of the blue"

Truly you can't find authentic images of the "hijacker" passports since the story is made up.

But I have some images, one from the alleged trial of the "mastermind."

A trial which has never concluded.

pic rel best i can do for now, on short notice.


>>21549095 lb

the shill have lost their edge, so far. That's for sure.

maybe the money ran out?

They started to creep toward the door after they realized Trump could really win?


no JFK's body was switched out almost immediately. They had to control the forensics.

Brain lost.

>>21549108 lb

Talal is a Roth? somehow doubt.

different side of the pyramid.

SA was funded by the British Zionists. So there's that?

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f9c263 No.21549170

File: 4c54b85baaaa353⋯.mp4 (7.21 MB,480x480,1:1,nightshift_vid.mp4)

File: e2477df40008074⋯.gif (1.55 MB,260x260,1:1,nightshift_guard_duty_gif.gif)

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692e56 No.21549171

File: da2dbd2bb67d250⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,1166x656,583:328,6543523532.mp4)

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ea63ea No.21549172


please make it as easy as possible for EU anons to purchase stuff

https://www.p2pprinting.com/8kun doesnt recognize my zip code

thank you very much and God bless!

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f483ff No.21549173

File: 433bd5c7dc4c583⋯.png (295.71 KB,607x556,607:556,ClipboardImage.png)


@NatReconOfc Sep 6

Successful launch: #NROL113 launched today at 11:20 p.m. EDT on a @SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from VSFB.

Congratulations to our launch team and partners! #NROL113 is the third launch of NRO's proliferated architecture and fifth launch of 2024.

Press release: nro.gov/news-media-featured-…

Sep 6, 2024 · 4:45 AM UTC


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d722b8 No.21549174

File: 821f97b17b153b2⋯.jpg (129.95 KB,724x900,181:225,CwcKljLUUAA_Ot8.jpg)

File: c5ca33505b03180⋯.jpg (38.8 KB,680x680,1:1,Elre4tuUYAEsrul.jpg)

File: 4faa137e8297fea⋯.jpg (106.3 KB,1080x1080,1:1,FjFBuSTVEAATyTt.jpg)

File: ea97b7ba5e93764⋯.jpg (206.64 KB,1080x1350,4:5,FKiUycmVcAIBXW7.jpg)

small company, sells kits for breaking into and hotwiring vehicles, promotes itself as domestic terrorist sponsors. has rich rappers as models for its clothing, million dollar models. has a partnership with the shoe company DC. how do they afford all this.

just stumbled on this today. perhaps someone with more time should dig further into them…

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88f689 No.21549175

File: b4b0acdbdc89cb1⋯.jpeg (134.55 KB,846x451,846:451,IMG_2148.jpeg)

File: 1dc8463f1b8a603⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1279x1139,1279:1139,IMG_2149.jpeg)


Greater love….

We Love You!

Continuous Sweet Thoughts and Prayers for Protection for those who Love Our Creator and Country!

God Bless Team Trump!

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3cf27e No.21549176

File: f449e3c22bfe0c4⋯.png (292.47 KB,600x771,200:257,ClipboardImage.png)



just picked up a 68 c10 shortbed and about to start building it

got the engine to fire off and run a few minutes ago for the first time in 19 years

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6a78d3 No.21549177

File: 725c30160223517⋯.jpg (32.73 KB,550x550,1:1,modest_pepe2.jpg)

Anon is inspired to donate moar but for nao Anon can only afford $10 a month. I'll strive to help moar.

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05ee7d No.21549178


We said it's feasible for fuel cell hydrogen on demand, just not large scale storage.

Don't get your panties in a bunch.

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d722b8 No.21549179

File: 02389755ac33526⋯.jpg (84.21 KB,720x900,4:5,D2iCEI6UYAAg_7j.jpg)


forgot this image.

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da2fc0 No.21549180

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517612 No.21549181


Thanks homie

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d722b8 No.21549183


personally id be willing to donate more then i already do if i knew for certain i was only funding this site. how do i know im not also funding other junk like jims AI he's been training, those things take alot of server power. not cheap.

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da2fc0 No.21549184


agreed, with pleasure.

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7d515b No.21549185

File: cefafbd48a225d7⋯.jpg (1.55 MB,4717x3145,4717:3145,ff61d8dc_c938_4005_9551_af….jpg)

File: 3f7299394479b59⋯.jpeg (141.29 KB,1200x800,3:2,download_49_.jpeg)

File: 212f04724bdc7bd⋯.jpg (609.98 KB,1200x675,16:9,08272020_Kyle_Rittenhouse_….jpg)

File: e304a1b6bec06ea⋯.jpeg (5.37 KB,298x169,298:169,images_100_.jpeg)


buy a whisker you dumb fuck

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920a2e No.21549186

File: b1cc62adbf2778f⋯.png (953.94 KB,732x716,183:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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3cf27e No.21549187


you just wanting to talk shit for the sake of it?

the ones getting their panties in a bunch are the ones saying pray for 45 because he talked about hydrogen vehicles as if it's some major secret

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d6161f No.21549188

File: e6bca260adc6a19⋯.png (898.53 KB,852x480,71:40,ClipboardImage.png)


>best together

New slogan, Jim? kek

Nice, Anon.

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f9c263 No.21549189

File: 03a4e0e7c7be737⋯.png (1.04 MB,1146x931,1146:931,ClipboardImage.png)


hope you are not stripping for money now jim

times are hard but no one wants to see that.

keep well and get some current bun

not long to go..


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dfadb1 No.21549190

File: c29be6d18bb4d07⋯.png (1.15 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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753298 No.21549191

File: 5d4ede6dfac40cf⋯.png (81.98 KB,614x453,614:453,ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you Malik — A Great Honor. Together, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


UK timestamp

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517612 No.21549192


Thank you!

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da2fc0 No.21549193

File: dfa385f11103736⋯.jpg (62.64 KB,600x478,300:239,GetFile_2905165866.jpg)

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ea63ea No.21549194



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f483ff No.21549195

File: e6ff4a5b816f677⋯.png (40.27 KB,616x350,44:25,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c9bfa027d93173d⋯.png (129.3 KB,1030x582,515:291,ClipboardImage.png)


@FBI 8h

Two Foreign Nationals Charged in Swatting Conspiracy Targeting Lawmakers, Private Victims, Houses of Worship, and Businesses

According to the indictment, Szabo, Radovanovic, and others, were part of a conspiracy that began no later than December of 2020 and continued through January of 2024. The conspirators obtained personal identifying information, including home addresses, for their intended victims, and then carried out “swatting” attacks by falsely reporting emergencies for the purpose of provoking a police response at the victim’s home.

Szabo was allegedly the organizer and moderator of chat groups where the conspirators communicated with one another. They used monikers to communicate including, for Szabo, “Jonah,” “Jonah Goldberg,” “Plank,” “Rambler,” “War Lord,” “Shovel,” “Cypher,” “Kollectivist,” “Mortenberg Shekelstorms,” and “NotThuggin2”; and for Radovanovic, “XBD31,” “XDR,” “Angus,” “Thuggin,” “Thug Hunter,” “NotThuggin,” “DCL,” and “AOD.”

, @FBIWFO @FBIMinneapolis

Sep 7, 2024 · 1:00 PM UTC



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ad340c No.21549196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6a78d3 No.21549197

File: 1297581f4114e83⋯.png (87.87 KB,481x412,481:412,smoking_jesus2.png)


Sometimes you just gotta take it on faith. Also Jim is here right now so you can just ask him if the donations are only funding this place?

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f6367f No.21549198

File: 041a7e22cbf28fa⋯.png (322.23 KB,484x551,484:551,1221q.PNG)

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ad340c No.21549199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2cd9b4 No.21549200

File: 86a6d2103cd2f69⋯.png (90.93 KB,241x134,241:134,jimkek.png)


post tits

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0217ed No.21549201

File: 657b3e358ef4134⋯.png (482.91 KB,605x520,121:104,wt.PNG)


The Babylon Bee


'Maybe We Took A Wrong Turn Somewhere,' Thinks Party Whose Candidate Just Got Endorsed By Dick Cheney And Vladimir Putin https://buff.ly/3XeD5DP


8:41 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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6a78d3 No.21549202

File: 951f5a2cafa8e21⋯.png (411.54 KB,816x456,34:19,951f5a2cafa8e2169f78325f73….png)


Some here would pay to see that

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05ee7d No.21549203

File: 9a2902b7a526ee1⋯.png (613.61 KB,850x1450,17:29,1513.png)

File: ecf91967502690b⋯.png (62.49 KB,1241x458,1241:458,ClipboardImage.png)



Just ask:

Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

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f934a9 No.21549204

File: 1ee422425b75d3c⋯.png (127.95 KB,754x508,377:254,ClipboardImage.png)



Australian timestamp

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dc3d1b No.21549205

File: e973c9e642ec4e5⋯.jpg (39.78 KB,575x403,575:403,image126.jpg)


Big day next week.

23rd anniv of 9/11

Wednesday is Patriots Day

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1e35d9 No.21549206

File: 90cf0d37b77b512⋯.jpg (23.02 KB,265x303,265:303,Fredo_1674254313.jpg)

File: 700cac417d36623⋯.jpg (93.99 KB,960x764,240:191,eobsdl9j7gv31_3548086873.jpg)

File: 63d7bfe2c29013c⋯.jpg (26.46 KB,474x345,158:115,th_2064974292.jpg)

File: fc9041b7ec7a6d5⋯.jpg (25.78 KB,420x368,105:92,main_qimg_34f9b0e23af33dcd….jpg)

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da2fc0 No.21549207

File: af154adfad2531a⋯.jpeg (8.49 KB,240x240,1:1,79B69600_EB9C_4A47_8676_4….jpeg)


thank you for all

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0217ed No.21549208

File: 4115e55b4f37bbd⋯.png (84.96 KB,603x349,603:349,ty.PNG)



Donald J. Trump


Thank you Malik — A Great Honor. Together, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Sep 07, 2024, 11:10 AM

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f934a9 No.21549209

File: 2df2cee635c6e7e⋯.jpg (79.77 KB,634x843,634:843,barry47.jpg)

File: c40d6b7474e5f73⋯.png (779.72 KB,836x1180,209:295,barry67.png)

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ea63ea No.21549210


only you

nobody else

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7d515b No.21549211

File: 57e9df81e3f0860⋯.jpg (28.05 KB,460x276,5:3,Mel_Gibson_and_Jim_Caviez_….jpg)


hit movies

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ad340c No.21549212

File: d86e0ef7a03a9a8⋯.jpg (150.47 KB,900x635,180:127,1000000150.jpg)

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f483ff No.21549213

File: c5812fa1fe7c9db⋯.png (235.22 KB,563x557,563:557,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cbfa0e60d72049e⋯.jpg (96.64 KB,1000x665,200:133,media_GWpC6IHWUAA2YNV.jpg)




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f934a9 No.21549214

File: 3093f876724810a⋯.jpg (126.22 KB,453x640,453:640,kek41.jpg)

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dc3d1b No.21549215


Did anyone ever figure out what email BHO used on the Clinton Server?

That would be the find of the decade.

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0217ed No.21549216

File: f17deb573ab6937⋯.png (48.42 KB,1289x311,1289:311,an.PNG)


U.S. Cuts Another Massive Check to Ukraine

Townhall, by Sarah Arnold

Posted By: Imright, 9/7/2024 6:04:05 PM

On Friday, the Biden White House announced it would write another multi-million dollar check to Ukraine in addition to the $113.4 billion it has already given the country. U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced that the United States would provide Ukraine with a $250 million aid package that includes missiles, armored vehicles, and anti-tank weapons. Austin said the aid package will “surge in more capabilities to meet Ukraine's evolving requirements.” “This announcement demonstrates the United States’ enduring commitment to Ukraine’s self-defense against Russia’s brutal aggression,”

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01f133 No.21549217


I am ready to lay down my life for this country, because I remember and I have not forgotten. Think of all those that went to collect from the 911 compensation fund, who had to receive a vaccination in order to receive their funds? How many died of turbo cancer? Why is everyone so scared to call out these murderers? As the Covid vaccines proved, they are still trying to kill you and your families.

Silence is Golden.

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0217ed No.21549218

File: b70abfbddb5b340⋯.png (3.13 MB,1271x850,1271:850,sb.PNG)

No shuttle buses necessary.


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8adebd No.21549219


kekt n rekt

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da2fc0 No.21549220

File: 4d4730c37f5cad5⋯.jpeg (21.69 KB,240x240,1:1,DC851852_B05D_438B_87DD_6….jpeg)


took a ride into the danger zone last night, Im not sure what the fuck this thing is, but i like it….

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ad340c No.21549221

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fix Or Repair Daily.

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0217ed No.21549222

File: 15991a6d8da93b6⋯.png (201.41 KB,596x832,149:208,sp.PNG)


Laura Loomer


This is where @KamalaHarris

campaigned today and filmed a fake and staged campaign video with DNC volunteers who her campaign pretended were random patrons at the spice shop.

On the weekends, Penzey’s spices has sales called “Republicans are racist weekends”.

Today is SATURDAY. That means it’s the weekend and this is where @KamalaHQ

campaigned 3 days before the first Presidential debate.

She is the most divisive candidate to ever run for President and she thinks all Republicans are racist.

She is campaigning in a pro-discrimination environment.


is unfit to serve.

I posted the screen recording of the “about Republicans” page on the Penzey website below! 👇🏻👇🏻

Kamala Harris is pro discrimination! @TeamTrump






Laura Loomer






@KamalaHarris’s Presidential campaign STAGED a fake emotional encounter with a woman on camera today at an event in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that the campaign called “organic” and “spur of the moment” but I have uncovered the fact that the venue is actually x.com/iansams/status…

Show more




11:17 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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da2fc0 No.21549223


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6a78d3 No.21549224

File: a6422c4e2810263⋯.jpg (215.8 KB,510x529,510:529,a6422c4e2810263173707a5370….jpg)



What can I say

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ee1754 No.21549225

File: 34fea6b28a4b6b8⋯.png (700.22 KB,683x683,1:1,6h43g5432233.PNG)

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8adebd No.21549226

File: 3136a351a4ad6d9⋯.jpg (768.61 KB,2072x494,1036:247,Apu_Big_Day_Out_Strip.jpg)

I got so many memes I can turn 'em into stories.

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f934a9 No.21549227

File: 48cb27b0d85a758⋯.png (1.14 MB,739x1021,739:1021,cardboard.png)

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3467ef No.21549228

File: 205bf4ab2c972ab⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x577,1080:577,ClipboardImage.png)

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8adebd No.21549229


Reminds me of Tim Waltz some reason

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6d4e38 No.21549230



What based to get 911 fund?

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f75742 No.21549231

File: d782615328499f7⋯.jpg (45.28 KB,600x450,4:3,911_dew_partially_melted_f….jpg)

File: c4ae3279265044d⋯.png (3.04 MB,1352x1040,13:10,911_dew_instant_rust.png)

File: 54ab31a782618b2⋯.png (1.71 MB,1235x924,1235:924,911_dew_burned_cars_trees_….png)

File: d2cb0e04a0e8f60⋯.jpg (145.5 KB,960x720,4:3,911_dew_does_this_look_lik….jpg)

File: 84585c00a285edf⋯.png (2.35 MB,1400x1040,35:26,911_DEW_bus_more_mangled.png)


>military brass

there was that one guy, stubblebine

major general rank


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d1eff5 No.21549232

File: 8155d95b483e970⋯.png (193.95 KB,429x398,429:398,ClipboardImage.png)

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f934a9 No.21549233

File: 365333ad05e3c94⋯.png (337.5 KB,448x450,224:225,wave.png)

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f483ff No.21549234

File: e748222cd4653aa⋯.png (429.95 KB,611x563,611:563,ClipboardImage.png)



#DYK NGA offers an Unclassified Data Lake with over 200TB of government and licensed commercial imagery for industry, government and academic partners studying #GEOINT. 🖥️

Learn more about our Unclassified Data Lake and how you can gain access here. ➡️ nga.mil/news/NGA_Unclassifie…

Sep 5, 2024 · 3:34 PM UTC



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0217ed No.21549235

File: ea03277c40d5be6⋯.png (344.65 KB,594x474,99:79,ja.PNG)


Mad Liberals


This is what I imagine every time I hear her talk…

0:03 / 0:43

11:03 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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da2fc0 No.21549236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3467ef No.21549237

File: fc06951aac72b1b⋯.gif (951.96 KB,400x400,1:1,2610522863.gif)

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0217ed No.21549238

File: d5f5ed2b43372fc⋯.png (588.51 KB,591x520,591:520,jer.PNG)

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9167d4 No.21549239



nickle-hydrogen capacitors could almost capture lightning. Almost. Closer than ever before. Capturing "lightning in a bottle" would be a real Energy Changer. Let us Pray.

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f934a9 No.21549240

File: 951cfe6eff1107f⋯.png (16.86 KB,255x255,1:1,28f47b799b6ce38d323f77ddc8….png)

File: b92ae6f7381ab24⋯.png (151.39 KB,1024x1024,1:1,b92ae6f7381ab24902fc843c36….png)

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f483ff No.21549241

File: 66675556fab3726⋯.png (267.67 KB,618x580,309:290,ClipboardImage.png)



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6a78d3 No.21549242

File: 39eec14f88e85da⋯.png (168.22 KB,425x411,425:411,39eec14f88e85da154e9bdf704….png)



Holy shit dawg. You may have made muh favorite new meme in the series. Absolutely winning, 7 out of 5 stars.


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8adebd No.21549243


That'd be sweet.

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3467ef No.21549244

File: 828e67b51547fa3⋯.png (921.23 KB,1200x1009,1200:1009,ClipboardImage.png)

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08ef7c No.21549245


9/11 - Memory Holed

Las Vegas - Memory Holed

2020 election - Memory holed

President Trump Assassination attempt - Memory Holed

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753298 No.21549246

File: 933c606ac444839⋯.png (407.08 KB,515x399,515:399,ClipboardImage.png)

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0217ed No.21549247

File: d7b28e8290acf9c⋯.png (704.82 KB,877x858,877:858,nv.PNG)



Former President George W. Bush will not make formal election endorsement, office says

Dick Cheney, his vice president, announced Friday he's voting for Harris.

ByQuinn Scanlan

September 7, 2024, 11:12 AM

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8adebd No.21549248


and everything you ask it to make is recorded and stored. Forever.

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771dcb No.21549249


>What based to get 911 fund?

The compensation fund forced those that wanted to receive compensation for their injuries or related sicknesses to go see their doctors first to get a vaccine to protect them from future sicknesses first. If you didn't get the shot, you would not get compensation. That is how they killed most of them with the same toxin that are in the current Covid vaccinations. This is their money not the victims, fn cabal murderers.

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920a2e No.21549250

File: 333e28abc9b6fe9⋯.png (528.75 KB,609x603,203:201,ClipboardImage.png)


>Lets do our best together, so it doesn't get worse.

We be slaying dragons together all day every day.

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f6367f No.21549251

If all the suppressed / shelfed technology is released by PDJT

Does the world change?

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ad340c No.21549252

File: bdd544cd8c63159⋯.png (431.53 KB,696x1195,696:1195,1000000577.png)


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f934a9 No.21549253

File: 69c78bf040acfb5⋯.png (774.73 KB,600x676,150:169,kek28.png)



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3cf27e No.21549254

File: cdc685348fd3cea⋯.png (478.04 KB,655x724,655:724,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 680d58fcf19dbf4⋯.png (117.76 KB,602x778,301:389,ClipboardImage.png)


this was in the news the other day in regards to energy as well


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0e629e No.21549255

File: 64ceba8f3b228d2⋯.mp4 (7.67 MB,440x720,11:18,64ceba8f3b228d278dab218e62….mp4)


>If all the suppressed / shelfed technology is released by PDJT

>Does the world change?

Anon hears they have cat-proof Christmas trees at Area 51.

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d722b8 No.21549256


fair enough.

@Jim. how about it? is there a way to donate that only funds 8kun and not any other site or project? i would prefer that.

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8ab8d9 No.21549257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(pb0 >>21548825, >>21548948, >>21549052 TRUMP "I want hybrids. I want everything. Hydrogen is maybe coming."

Stanley's last words shortly after were "I've been poisoned."

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da2fc0 No.21549258


weave gotta build it

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f934a9 No.21549259

File: deb71cfbe9ad2bb⋯.jpg (42.51 KB,500x400,5:4,zpe4.jpg)


what is zpe?

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8adebd No.21549260


Ya kek until ya realize

It's no joke tho.

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f483ff No.21549261

File: 83e07047bae9ff5⋯.png (443.17 KB,595x572,595:572,ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Naval Institute

@NavalInstitute 2h

December 1945 was a good time for beer lovers to be in Manila. The war was over and the city was awash with Australian lager after U.S. Navy divers salvaged 1,000 cases from a sunken ship. Sailors could buy a case of 48 bottles for $1.


Sep 7, 2024 · 8:20 PM UTC


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f75742 No.21549262

File: 8536e513a63a410⋯.png (264.75 KB,399x582,133:194,Ghostbusters_911_WTC_DEW_g….png)

File: 135a2415f95735c⋯.mp4 (944.15 KB,640x360,16:9,Ghostbusters_911_WTC_DEW_g….mp4)


<Ghostbusters 911 WTC DEW - going out of business

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f8e483 No.21549263

File: 823921e535cb8cb⋯.mp4 (2.74 MB,320x240,4:3,6j46h536436534.mp4)



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6084c9 No.21549264

>>21549016 lb

Would these be the same type of scientists that are beholden to gov't research dollars?

That whole notion of expand you're thinking could go a long ways in this brave new world to be shown…

>>21549103 lb

anon remembers that some biologist or what not worked out that for the oil field in Saudi to have been created from "dinosaurs" it would have required remains in a quantitiy that would fill a box 19x19x19 miles

Then there was something about a Russian scientist getting a three bullet suicide because of showing oil is produced abiotically. That would undo a lot of the scarcity angle and take out the price and maybe get it down to what Saudi pays at the pump

Honest science…


remove the subsidized research and let things happen as they should

innovation and creation

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05ee7d No.21549265

File: ab66911987edab3⋯.png (41.69 KB,537x569,537:569,ClipboardImage.png)


If we have the server, nothing ever deleted, then we have Husseins email too.

What email add. was in the wikileaks from Hillary re: HOTDOGS in the white house?

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4f3837 No.21549266

War Never Changes

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7d515b No.21549267

File: ae0b1751d8d7d85⋯.png (402.07 KB,690x903,230:301,ae0b1751d8d7d85a66343f28ad….png)

File: b5671189fcd9cd5⋯.jpg (165.88 KB,1000x563,1000:563,intro_1607636212.jpg)

File: cde65936b211db5⋯.jpg (73.78 KB,960x540,16:9,102116alsmithtrump_melania….jpg)

File: 9f972e414318e6c⋯.png (1.76 MB,1080x1603,1080:1603,9f972e414318e6cd185ad12736….png)

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ad340c No.21549268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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bdb5bb No.21549269







>Are the donations going to the site or….?

>>Gotta tell ya..IDK why I'm even asking it :3




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84f17f No.21549270


They also used these toxins on 911, their toxic dust was also put into those building in hopes that it would kill most first responders and local witnesses. I know because I got huge skin lesions from the toxic dust because it binds to living tissue. The same toxic fossilized larva bio-weapon was used in vaccines for compensation fund victims shots, it was used in the Covid vaccines, and they currently spray these toxins on targeted individuals. I have seen it all, they are a one trick pony, it is just that these toxins keep getting more powerful by gain of function over the years.

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3467ef No.21549271

File: bf10d394bdebafc⋯.png (427.47 KB,500x500,1:1,all_their_vpns.png)

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94708f No.21549272


did blm do the assembly?

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8adebd No.21549273


Humanity is no longer progressing as everything is about ownership, patents and profits first. No community spirit of all humanity working together. Instead, Killings, secrets and tyranny reign.

Those currently reaping the plunder will never let it go without a fight to the death.

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88f689 No.21549274


What about checking Flynn’s forbidden server first since he survived Obama’s General Purge and was appointed to DIA by Obama.

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ea63ea No.21549275


facebook nazi censorship

plandemic and vaccine murders







so many memory holes…

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8ab8d9 No.21549276

File: ae05fd0543b62a1⋯.mp4 (7.43 MB,640x1138,320:569,the_unholy_5.mp4)

(pb) >>21548365 Where is the outrage MadCow? 300,000+ children missing & exploited and nothing.

Because the most powerful in this corrupt world including her network owners are involved in trafficking, harvesting and sacrificing. We all know than now.

They feed the Eye,

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dd1cf9 No.21549277

File: 53c647849ee7daa⋯.jpg (46.46 KB,402x600,67:100,21361.jpg)

File: ff17b3c17880bd1⋯.jpg (60.11 KB,768x1024,3:4,2997.jpg)

File: 223916092f33f83⋯.jpg (149.95 KB,768x509,768:509,plantedpartpentagon1.jpg)

File: 21353e8298b3853⋯.jpg (160.99 KB,768x600,32:25,plantedpartpentagon2.jpg)

File: 057080ca0b09c1a⋯.jpg (87.75 KB,768x509,768:509,plantedpartpentagon3.jpg)


>>21549077 lb

I'll keep looking.

Only four days til the anniversary.


Can't find the faked evidence for the moussaoui trial (included at least on distressed passport purportedly from the event) at the moment.

You can know by logic that they lie about finding the passports of the alleged suicide bombers.

Been known for a very long time.

Next post I'll put sauce for that.

But here's some faked evidence from the Pentagon attack and from the attack in NYC.

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021a88 No.21549278

File: 0745434c3ef84ea⋯.jpg (38.87 KB,667x368,29:16,ghgghfhtt.jpg)

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01520c No.21549279


Get your undies on you slut!

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f75742 No.21549280

File: 92307cb377a73d3⋯.mp4 (195.63 KB,324x294,54:49,i_dont_believe_you_don_t.mp4)


> $1 1945

~$25 today



No way is it almost a capacitor that can take 1.21GW of charge rate

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8adebd No.21549281


TY Good buddy

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1918b6 No.21549282


Correct, they used DEW weapons to ignite the nano thermite that was put into the towers and went it went all over the place after the towers went down they used DEW weapons to ignite it.

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6084c9 No.21549283


Wtf pipa

blah blah blah


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8adebd No.21549284

File: fccfe21654b0804⋯.png (426.29 KB,690x903,230:301,Miss_Pepe_Flashing_Censore….png)


keep this version for your safe space

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7d515b No.21549285


nakked is fuckin' boring

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f75742 No.21549286

File: eb36c81925d997e⋯.png (183.23 KB,499x443,499:443,fema_tom_kenney_9_10_01.png)


>they showed up that morning, "out of the blue"


day before.

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6084c9 No.21549287


War is a racket

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3467ef No.21549288

File: e3462efc48a25c1⋯.png (439.95 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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88f689 No.21549289


I remember.

It would be fantastic for PDJT to Right Many Wrongs!

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f6367f No.21549290

File: dccf1a6cab5c6f9⋯.jpeg (175.11 KB,1209x873,403:291,MTG_space_lasers.jpeg)


>DEW weapons

Jewish Space lasers?

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56bc5d No.21549291

File: d21ec3df67253fa⋯.png (538.68 KB,610x641,610:641,yh476j45747.PNG)

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7f2084 No.21549292


Correct but I believe he was retired brass and had no authority to influence.

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be2a05 No.21549293



we arrived the night before and only today did we get the chance blah blah


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6a78d3 No.21549294

File: dfe654173667a3e⋯.png (244.7 KB,410x390,41:39,dfe654173667a3e0e40dc3a7c6….png)

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dc3d1b No.21549295

File: ea76ea68d3e3765⋯.png (425.97 KB,586x600,293:300,ea76ea68d3e3765563e1945a6e….png)


I think I have it

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f934a9 No.21549296

File: 271377b928753c8⋯.jpg (165.72 KB,1080x1080,1:1,zpe5.jpg)

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3467ef No.21549297

File: fc2bf469d32d243⋯.jpg (80.56 KB,471x481,471:481,mostannoyingsound.jpg)

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1e35d9 No.21549298

File: a2aedfab1b96b53⋯.jpg (1.2 MB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_154121….jpg)






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bdb5bb No.21549299

File: 0dacaff0d1d9c4a⋯.png (12.82 KB,1050x756,25:18,1721326796375353.png)

File: fee33f7cd435f61⋯.gif (1.54 MB,270x368,135:184,1724276982714185.gif)

File: 08c8dc9c661ab49⋯.gif (1.05 MB,450x450,1:1,1721865042626806.gif)

File: e44c9a8c66a7dc4⋯.gif (673.25 KB,480x178,240:89,giphy_1317646757.gif)

File: 8ea23a5ac42bcf1⋯.gif (535.66 KB,500x200,5:2,1721945189976533.gif)




>I am here for (uwu)

I am the first to awoo

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ea9d08 No.21549300

File: 97cc95da73daa11⋯.png (366.71 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

I brought out my own line of clothing today. But it started raining so I brought them back in.

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f934a9 No.21549301

File: 64dfb7d02a36a92⋯.jpg (117.2 KB,825x776,825:776,aad5fa44610ac1f6.jpg)

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0e629e No.21549302

File: 5ac6ffb6c939322⋯.jpg (48.77 KB,670x671,670:671,5ac6ffb6c939322e6db8f979aa….jpg)


That joke was terrible.

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553e89 No.21549303

File: 770ef78acbbe077⋯.png (543.88 KB,851x533,851:533,6jwhe5w5qw.PNG)

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b1f15c No.21549304


Any mobile abortion trucks in the parking lot?

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3467ef No.21549305

File: fb07803681b9451⋯.gif (1.29 MB,320x180,16:9,filtered9.gif)

Well, the /pol tards are an easy filter.

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8adebd No.21549306


David Hogg was in the vicinity.

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ea9d08 No.21549307


What were they doing with box cutters anyway?

Box cutters are for opening boxes.

Arabs are the people who bring the boxes.

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21158a No.21549308

File: d5ea066a4ab3392⋯.png (216.44 KB,640x328,80:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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8adebd No.21549309


Kek! Some of that van food might do it

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7d515b No.21549310

File: 39852793235c4c3⋯.gif (698.85 KB,220x206,110:103,sour_barron_trump.gif)

File: 22854220d56cb09⋯.jpeg (407.08 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,GWLJ8zuWkAE6wY_.jpeg)

File: 4e7f387c18bf3be⋯.jpg (133.68 KB,1600x1029,1600:1029,e67784d4933e0437c35a3ccb4e….jpg)

File: 1954493716544fe⋯.jpeg (300.61 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GWeRTlBWEAAtsKF.jpeg)

File: 3a8ffe8bb5637d9⋯.jpeg (632.71 KB,1002x1053,334:351,GWbQFhrXcAIkbdz.jpeg)

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9167d4 No.21549311

File: 0814b502dfddace⋯.jpg (87.31 KB,960x720,4:3,8aef37934fb678f477670b813a….jpg)

File: f1f3e0621e1de0b⋯.webp (283.34 KB,1600x1080,40:27,enervenue_lifetime_cost_r….webp)


economy of scale

but the real thing is all about a civilization Liberated from the horseshite of corrupt governance

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2b2114 No.21549312


>9/11 - Memory Holed

>Las Vegas - Memory Holed

>2020 election - Memory holed

>President Trump Assassination attempt - Memory Holed

Enough is Enough, if we do not take action, then there will be no justice, just more "look, see bad" only to be followed up the next day with a new "look, see, bad".

This 911, I want the truth 100% put out there to the public and to name names and countries involved. I want justice for the dead and those that survived them without any excuses.

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753298 No.21549313


I bought a new vacuum cleaner today but took it back to the shop and told the salesman "it sucks"

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108d2d No.21549314

Why does the MSM only report negative things about police?

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3467ef No.21549315

File: 0084e7012eadf8c⋯.png (1 MB,910x1024,455:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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f6367f No.21549316


all are still under investigation anon.

we will get answers soon


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21158a No.21549317

File: 69ef74b9c1af453⋯.png (536.47 KB,598x408,299:204,ClipboardImage.png)

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be2a05 No.21549318




#26399 >>21549105

>>21549124 The Plan: WHO’s Ten Years of Infectious Diseases (2020 to 2030)

>>21549130 From Jim Watkins - Password reset is not broken. Some email providers block our email. I am sorry for this situation, but the world is not broken because of me. Lets do our best together, so it doesn't get worse.

>>21549173 Space News

>>21549191 I am Malik Obama. I will be voting for Donald Trump. DJT- Thank you Malik — A Great Honor.

>>21549195 Two Foreign Nationals Charged in Swatting Conspiracy FBI Minneapolis

>>21549216 U.S. Cuts Another Massive Check to Ukraine

>>21549234, >>21549241 Learn more about our Unclassified Data Lake and how you can gain access here

>>21549252 Ford recalls 85,000 Police vehicles because of potential engine fire

>>21549254 World's Biggest Battery coming to Maine

>>21549261 @NavalInstitute - #NationalBeerLoversDay

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ea9d08 No.21549319

File: 208566e00334d35⋯.png (448.84 KB,568x440,71:55,ClipboardImage.png)

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dd1cf9 No.21549320

File: 1b2546f81de7cd0⋯.png (596.78 KB,1226x516,613:258,planterdevidence.png)

File: d165ec8805d44f9⋯.png (1.47 MB,1631x4410,233:630,debunkingconspiracytheorie….png)

File: e6b6bd84c0e7b01⋯.jpg (140.62 KB,640x390,64:39,BTS_On_Time_Statistics.jpg)



hold a second, that's a USA passport; they were purportedly some kind of Arab Nationals.

Also, the names were never confirmed.

Also, some name communicated from Egypt and Morocco (?) that somebody was using their name and it was not them.

Also, the names fail to appear on any passenger lists released.

It's a longer story.

Manifests from the flights were never turned over by the airlines.

And according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics two of the alleged flights were cancelled the week before.

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8adebd No.21549321

File: d5047e5f61bbb16⋯.png (3.39 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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88f689 No.21549322

File: 6e27d2ffc25406d⋯.jpeg (35.06 KB,600x330,20:11,IMG_3308.jpeg)

File: 5a470443783d204⋯.png (390.73 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3309.png)



Boeing YAL-1

The Boeing YAL-1 airborne laser testbed was a modified Boeing 747-400F with a megawatt-class chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL) mounted inside. It was primarily designed to test its feasibility as a missile defense system to destroy tactical ballistic missiles (TBMs) while in boost phase. The aircraft was designated YAL-1A in 2004 by the U.S. Department of Defense.[1]

The YAL-1 with a low-power laser was test-fired in flight at an airborne target in 2007.[2] A high-energy laser was used to intercept a test target in January 2010,[3] and the following month, successfully destroyed two test missiles.[4] Funding for the program was cut in 2010 and the program was canceled in December 2011.[5] It made its final flight on February 14, 2012, to Davis–Monthan Air Force Base near Tucson, Arizona, to be kept in storage at the "boneyard" operated by the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group. It was ultimately scrapped in September 2014 after all usable parts were removed.


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f934a9 No.21549323

File: a8b56b93bd01180⋯.jpg (167.29 KB,1184x1175,1184:1175,hogg5.jpg)

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faba87 No.21549324


mostly exactly


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3467ef No.21549325

File: 633249a0d4c032a⋯.png (1.06 MB,1080x675,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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88a5c2 No.21549326

File: e59acd32beb3ff8⋯.png (877.53 KB,500x1113,500:1113,ClipboardImage.png)


this is a slide and can wait for now.

the coming anniversary is just manufactured date.

keep your eyes on swivel. apart from that it is wasted energy.

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2cd9b4 No.21549327

File: bea1804d76fd624⋯.png (66.49 KB,255x215,51:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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8adebd No.21549328


Cock goes in.

Now she's fucked.

True story.

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be2a05 No.21549329


hey Jim

hope that's a "join or 404" 8Kun snek flag gonna be for sale

anon will fly that

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88f689 No.21549330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Video of Boeing YAL-1

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1e35d9 No.21549331

File: 6d6d77df77cafd9⋯.jpg (148.38 KB,1200x675,16:9,Hochul_aide_arrested_w_ins….jpg)

File: 1e32a168a3d4325⋯.jpg (276.72 KB,1026x1482,9:13,BRIEFS_superJumbo_52391344….jpg)

File: 98a674f7a9856a3⋯.jpg (76.92 KB,1200x630,40:21,1251917_428169821.jpg)

Why do ALL east Asians look alike? afaf

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b1f15c No.21549332


The DNC Convention actually had mobile abortion trucks outside the hall.

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2b2114 No.21549333


100% Correct. Let's stop pretending we do not know.

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e6c5ea No.21549334

File: 787ae15ea8edd8d⋯.jpg (150.53 KB,783x800,783:800,palazzo_farnese_galleria_d….jpg)

I'd just like to state for the record, I had a Life changing, transcendental orgasm last night. The ascension is upon us.

Thank You.

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6b09b2 No.21549335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dfadb1 No.21549336

File: 77e6ff876d0c0fc⋯.png (158.4 KB,250x255,50:51,ClipboardImage.png)


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8adebd No.21549337

File: ab8b500a9851620⋯.jpg (89.01 KB,355x397,355:397,Dr_Evil_Jewish_Space_Laser….jpg)


I've had this meme a long time.

Just sayin.

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dd1cf9 No.21549338


I get it now. The alleged passport is showing the USA visa.

by bad. soory.

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dfadb1 No.21549339

File: 446a4031af7031b⋯.png (103.92 KB,502x459,502:459,ClipboardImage.png)


Damn. Wrong pic.

Right pic

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6084c9 No.21549340


What'd you see in that picture Laura?

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dc3d1b No.21549341

File: 4a1b601fcdba384⋯.jpg (202.12 KB,1350x894,225:149,pict65.jpg)

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eb6af3 No.21549342

File: ebd06549276d350⋯.png (21.15 KB,160x210,16:21,ClipboardImage.png)

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bdb5bb No.21549343

File: ab88ff123fb7bb5⋯.jpg (44.25 KB,714x771,238:257,1721662177185460.jpg)

File: c9a1d51ff3bc11c⋯.gif (2.42 MB,174x174,1:1,1396482477614.gif)

File: 4889bb4699f7e39⋯.png (535.53 KB,800x784,50:49,1721598189744625.png)

File: 5156e463e55d68e⋯.jpg (69.28 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1721587728312716.jpg)

File: 30ce9778ef77078⋯.jpg (46.31 KB,713x536,713:536,1721362977537128.jpg)


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81b18b No.21549344

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f62b95 No.21549345


>all are still under investigation anon.>we will get answers soon


All excuses are cowardly excuses.

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dd1cf9 No.21549346



I'm corrected.

But from what I remember being in town, it was said they were there first thing in the morning, by surprise.

So maybe arrived night before as you say.

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fde7b1 No.21549347

File: 8989893952ad3b9⋯.webp (49.29 KB,577x432,577:432,aPA9eXq_700bwp.webp)

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eb6af3 No.21549348

File: ea8a87280736112⋯.png (380.12 KB,550x297,50:27,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 997da3675ff2d06⋯.png (40.07 KB,1338x915,446:305,ClipboardImage.png)

hell of a movie

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c3b581 No.21549349

File: 8a3a85579d3f7e6⋯.jpeg (3.32 MB,4032x3024,4:3,FE8B3851_6DD7_4960_8439_F….jpeg)

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ea9d08 No.21549350

File: ff0c658a36ebbba⋯.png (969.03 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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3467ef No.21549351

File: 87d9541a0337c26⋯.webm (610.31 KB,427x240,427:240,silence6.webm)


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5f8a91 No.21549352

File: e104dd479c01eae⋯.png (107.77 KB,517x516,517:516,e104dd479c01eae2c447cf1e14….png)


I don'r want it but thanks anyway.

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af26f7 No.21549353

File: 6a546c37ced8969⋯.png (576.63 KB,493x581,493:581,6a546c37ced89695125b2be204….png)


Indeed…and cold!

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fde7b1 No.21549354

File: 312014c1d80b921⋯.png (47.04 KB,640x461,640:461,a7oD9pz_700bwp.png)

Oldschool meme

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8ab8d9 No.21549355

File: 13c6703a2df8d70⋯.jpg (9.97 KB,320x234,160:117,Wallet.jpg)


A turbine engine ends up beneath a construction site canopy. Sure thing. How about those passports that were found right away in all the debris. 4 of them.

Four passports of the hijackers involved in the September 11 attacks were recovered, either in whole or in part:

Ziad Jarrah and Saeed al-Ghamdi

Passports from these hijackers were found at the crash site of United Airlines Flight 93 in Pennsylvania

Satam al-Suqami

A passerby found this passport and gave it to an NYPD detective before the World Trade Center towers collapsed

Abdulaziz al-Omari

This passport was found in luggage that was not loaded onto American Airlines Flight 11, which was connecting from a Portland flight to Boston

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e6c5ea No.21549356

File: 83578c9d8ac4601⋯.jpg (173.85 KB,800x409,800:409,dendera_light_1_.jpg)

This message will not be ignored. Coomer peace through strength.

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14e83d No.21549357

Did Trump call “ Elon” “Leon” today?

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f75742 No.21549358

File: fa6a42d69204171⋯.mp4 (15.13 MB,600x360,5:3,_LANDMARK_Brookhaven_natio….mp4)

>>21549282 >>21549231 >>21549262

>>DEW weapons

>muh Space lasers?

Brookhaven is the key.

Vid attached. No longer available online

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28b380 No.21549359


Macron appoints a conservative as Prime Minister.

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ad340c No.21549360

File: f202cff559bf494⋯.png (653.75 KB,631x927,631:927,1000000169.png)

File: 3921f2ecf240485⋯.jpg (919.11 KB,988x827,988:827,1000000114.jpg)

File: a608e1031f026ad⋯.jpg (763.37 KB,1600x1204,400:301,1000000435.jpg)

File: fa11c2bbdbaf0b6⋯.jpg (353.26 KB,1246x1600,623:800,1000000105.jpg)

File: dd2206ee31b93b8⋯.jpg (291.28 KB,720x491,720:491,1000000462.jpg)

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7de50c No.21549361

File: 9c1d0a0b9bc924d⋯.png (238.91 KB,507x447,169:149,ClipboardImage.png)




Don’t forget to check out the first episode of No Such Podcast, available now wherever you get your shows! Hear from our current and former Directors of Operations on the role foreign signals intelligence played in the hunt for Osama bin Laden.

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7d515b No.21549362

File: d38b2ebecbaf039⋯.gif (8.09 MB,600x400,3:2,icegame.gif)

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f75742 No.21549363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TRUMP Almost Owned the WTC Twin Towers - 1980s TV appearance


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3467ef No.21549364

File: 24cf32b10fc2ba1⋯.gif (634.28 KB,400x236,100:59,kek3.gif)


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d663f6 No.21549365

File: 35086c0815400c4⋯.png (4.16 MB,945x2048,945:2048,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30922df526eeec3⋯.png (1.15 MB,1182x856,591:428,ClipboardImage.png)

All fake.


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73420c No.21549366


your silence would be even more golden

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8ad613 No.21549367

File: 5097e45db935d06⋯.png (323.27 KB,1912x1298,956:649,5097e45db935d0670ce7b0bb5f….png)

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7de50c No.21549368

File: 41b213c9cdfe324⋯.png (355.29 KB,501x581,501:581,ClipboardImage.png)


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8ab8d9 No.21549369


Funny how as soon as the Pentagon showed interest instead of helping the guy he ends up dead.

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96b42d No.21549370

File: 95ee291b577cda4⋯.png (967.66 KB,992x1152,31:36,95ee291b577cda417d9f940070….png)


Be careful little Pepe. Good deeds and good heart!. You're a good man!

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e6c5ea No.21549371

File: bfbf009f962089e⋯.jpg (79.96 KB,500x500,1:1,hermes_tri.jpg)

File: 692028271030fad⋯.webp (15 KB,310x465,2:3,0_britneyspears_171236565….webp)


This is how we cum into the world. Do not let them shame you.

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2cd9b4 No.21549372

File: 60081c359841a72⋯.jpeg (39.29 KB,972x542,486:271,unitedwestand.jpeg)

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bdb5bb No.21549373

File: 3bb5732c2fdec8c⋯.gif (143.02 KB,300x420,5:7,3bb5732c2fdec8c793a4f3ac3e….gif)



Check überkek

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88f689 No.21549374

File: 655fa4909c81f82⋯.png (1.02 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3310.png)




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46a505 No.21549375

File: d760bf914ffa52f⋯.png (240.95 KB,507x593,507:593,ClipboardImage.png)

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b1f15c No.21549376


B careful Flynn

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ad340c No.21549377



Think of it.

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f934a9 No.21549378

File: f9c6ac1f705c672⋯.png (553.34 KB,680x383,680:383,blue1.png)

File: a3017972b40eff0⋯.jpeg (43.52 KB,710x625,142:125,blue2.jpeg)

File: 6c5ac42b6104787⋯.png (219.48 KB,500x475,20:19,blue3.png)

File: e342c08b7bd400a⋯.jpeg (64.35 KB,710x713,710:713,blueroof.jpeg)

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f75742 No.21549379

File: fde31e680b125e1⋯.png (2.95 MB,1891x1061,1891:1061,911_pentagon_trees.png)

File: 94b67b96e34f867⋯.jpg (9.04 KB,312x161,312:161,pentagon_inner_hole_911_2.jpg)

File: e6119e28e604fe5⋯.jpg (207.29 KB,620x922,310:461,pentagon_inner_hole_911.jpg)

File: b03fb76e2866cbd⋯.png (773.75 KB,1112x721,1112:721,911_predictions_in_media_m….png)

File: 6bf55b35817eb14⋯.png (275.69 KB,941x800,941:800,pentagon_groundbreaking_9_….png)


pentagon weapon went through all 5 rings in straight line

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ad340c No.21549380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bdb5bb No.21549381



>I was told not to comply


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f6367f No.21549382

File: 18d0fffca82f7e2⋯.jpg (46.49 KB,337x609,337:609,gasw.JPG)


what the heck is that supposed to be?

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f934a9 No.21549383

File: 94b67b96e34f867⋯.jpg (9.04 KB,312x161,312:161,91147.jpg)

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ea9d08 No.21549384

File: 6366bb9d07c19c7⋯.png (588.82 KB,500x666,250:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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e6c5ea No.21549385

File: 1bddd0015101b59⋯.webp (271.5 KB,800x800,1:1,raphael_the_golden_cherub….webp)


Kekuit with sum blades of truth?

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2cd9b4 No.21549386

File: 4d88bf402962a1b⋯.png (7.84 KB,255x124,255:124,chicken.png)

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fde7b1 No.21549387

File: 7ebed0fcb3576ab⋯.png (38.43 KB,766x641,766:641,66dcb3eec76c9.png)

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9167d4 No.21549388


because Gov/Intel/MSM wants a WAR ON with We the People. And yes, far too many LEOs have no idea wtf they swore an Oath to, and/or many do mind not knowing and violate it anyway to keep collecting their 3rdA violating paycheck.

There are vastly more active duty LEOs than military, and your average local beat cop does not care about the Bill of Rights vs. a blind fealty to "Policy for Officer Safety". Many have never heard that "just following Orders" is no excuse.

it is a setup… Police vs. We the People.

i fell sorry for the millions of local Police who falsely imagine that their badge contains magical powers.

Many people know nice and decent men and women who are LEOs (i am sure the Trump has great interactions with uniformed Police). However, We the People need to reconsider the deleterious dynamic We have by Outsourcing our day to day Safety. The massive STANDING ARMY of LEOs inside America is the primary and highly visable line of defense protecting the rotten government from being fixed by We the People.

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7d515b No.21549389

File: a60ee91563bceb5⋯.jpg (88.87 KB,804x1390,402:695,melania_trump_2005_photo_b….jpg)

File: 91a14521ef460bb⋯.jpg (33.41 KB,355x540,71:108,2ea3rd7.jpg)

File: 993fbfe928dbf16⋯.jpeg (86.71 KB,615x1191,205:397,0_Melania_nip_slip_101404….jpeg)

File: 5a0df019f325118⋯.jpeg (481.22 KB,2048x1639,2048:1639,GWqRFGAWUAAwP4j.jpeg)

File: 0be6542d62ba123⋯.jpeg (43.39 KB,736x552,4:3,0be6542d62ba1238cc21fe45a….jpeg)

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e6c5ea No.21549390

Or sum reeds…

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dd1cf9 No.21549391

File: 23674e2146177e5⋯.mp4 (2.37 MB,480x270,16:9,tvfakery.mp4)


now, that is "funny"

since over a decade ago, FB1 spokesperson claimed on a taped phone call that they were investigating the faked CGI broadcast over all the networks.

I really fail to believe the FB1 ever.

But from the conversation the spokesperson (thinking he wasn't being taped, I'm sure) had to concede, in a one on one, that what was depicted on TV was physically impossible.

Vid I think was on Tiger Network version one.

That being said some two? "birdy" contacted me a to allay my concern? telling me all the perps would be caught and that the insiders are not giving up, and won't until that's done.

Not saying it will be public though.

If you want to know, you can find out; same as always? Info will just be more available?; is how I see it. FWIW

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6b09b2 No.21549392

File: 5a4472bd7f06b25⋯.png (539.78 KB,1648x1000,206:125,5a4472bd7f06b25d4c36fc4ff1….png)


can't fucking wait

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f75742 No.21549393

File: 26a3c858ae8634e⋯.png (620.5 KB,746x656,373:328,10_BOOSTER_VAXXIE_TRIGGERE….png)


>country's fucked & run by hateful woke shit

>but muh super amazing space shit tho

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bdb5bb No.21549394

Monday - chess at the library from 6-8 pm

Time 4 play???

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5a7e05 No.21549395


Remember, they could confiscate the tech and use it on their own planes and drones, using Chinese spies to build their systems and keep everything under the radar which is more probable then tampering with US equipment and flight logs.

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73420c No.21549396


on and on he goes, ip hopping every post

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f934a9 No.21549397

File: a7bc2072a17442a⋯.jpg (195.41 KB,955x960,191:192,91133.jpg)

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0c2a35 No.21549398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 13

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7de50c No.21549399

File: c6c7e39940295c5⋯.png (459.7 KB,664x680,83:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a7e05 No.21549400


>wasted energy.

everything is wasted energy if nothing gets done about it.

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5f66c8 No.21549401



Uh huh. Yep.

A plane sure did it, not a missile strike. Oh, and the only footage ever captured and released was a few still images? Just forget about it and trust us.

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ce9aa4 No.21549402

File: d12a22ea27ec279⋯.jpeg (33.03 KB,671x469,671:469,WTC_SHOE.jpeg)

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1e35d9 No.21549403

[ ]es Moine[ ]


Missing [ ] [ ]?

Haar West?

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ad340c No.21549404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f75742 No.21549405


sauce of the original image?

real surpsiring they would miss that

nothing coming up in the 2 major engines

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d663f6 No.21549406

File: a5aa12afce01937⋯.png (115.74 KB,527x680,31:40,ClipboardImage.png)


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8ab8d9 No.21549407


The Night Shift.

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d663f6 No.21549408



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5a7e05 No.21549409



Is all cabal.

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7de50c No.21549410

File: 004319ede7c72c9⋯.png (527.93 KB,680x516,170:129,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea9d08 No.21549411

File: b28fed984269cca⋯.png (656.8 KB,757x330,757:330,ClipboardImage.png)

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7de50c No.21549412

File: 317a6ad84f8fc24⋯.png (415.56 KB,459x679,459:679,ClipboardImage.png)

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3467ef No.21549413

File: dd5ded4d21ea153⋯.gif (2.01 MB,260x260,1:1,dd5ded4d21ea153756dbe8eebd….gif)

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807172 No.21549414

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e6c5ea No.21549415

How about those income taxes, chat??? Vote 2024!!!


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f934a9 No.21549416

File: 0bdbddb175af564⋯.png (566.87 KB,600x554,300:277,91154.png)

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7de50c No.21549417

File: ad48cf0f1743070⋯.png (413.77 KB,645x680,129:136,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a7e05 No.21549418


>your silence would be even more golden

I fear God not man.

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f934a9 No.21549419

File: 5f5336b7c8ff0db⋯.jpg (38.25 KB,720x662,360:331,91152.jpg)

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7de50c No.21549420

File: 120156c4db9cb25⋯.png (446.68 KB,680x664,85:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc3d1b No.21549421


Aaric Eisenstein'; 'Darryl O'Connor'; 'Copeland Susan'


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6a78d3 No.21549422

File: a87b403b158174c⋯.png (180.62 KB,1078x296,539:148,a87b403b158174cb8f88b99f4c….png)

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f75742 No.21549423

File: 981de508bc515b8⋯.png (177.27 KB,495x276,165:92,co2_capture_is_this_high_p….png)

File: 6e752a698f45a38⋯.png (310.37 KB,756x992,189:248,nasa_supervolcano_bbc_yell….png)

File: a773c72456392ab⋯.png (482.27 KB,702x724,351:362,BTTF_supervolcano.png)

File: 71bd663bc3271cf⋯.png (450.68 KB,500x500,1:1,the_who_album_pissing_on_t….png)

File: 2c70fc8d3e0c915⋯.jpg (94.99 KB,500x338,250:169,john_f_kennedy_we_are_oppo….jpg)

>>21546815 pb



mar=Damage, Destroy

What is their final intent? Why is the conpsiracy so monolithic?

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cd5ff7 No.21549424

File: 38693d5c2d328f4⋯.png (1.2 MB,1462x815,1462:815,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a7afd624dbefce⋯.png (1.3 MB,1462x814,731:407,ClipboardImage.png)

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7de50c No.21549425

File: f7759c13957a579⋯.png (644.01 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f934a9 No.21549426

File: 6a7a3fda667df15⋯.png (2.02 MB,1029x1200,343:400,91129.png)

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5a7e05 No.21549427


It is time to defend.

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7d515b No.21549428

File: 91a14521ef460bb⋯.jpg (33.41 KB,355x540,71:108,2ea3rd7.jpg)

File: d38b2ebecbaf039⋯.gif (8.09 MB,600x400,3:2,icegame.gif)

File: c2bc24e0f8816ce⋯.jpg (226.81 KB,1300x955,260:191,canada_geese_and_main_buil….jpg)


don stop it muh pussy is pounding, goose goose fuck .

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f934a9 No.21549429

File: 8b2ba058033c23e⋯.png (312.08 KB,752x583,752:583,ClipboardImage.png)


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0c2a35 No.21549430

File: 5b75d048b16fa6c⋯.jpg (176.03 KB,720x1013,720:1013,Screenshot_20240907_184745….jpg)

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2cd9b4 No.21549431

File: a3ca3a90ec3225d⋯.png (95.23 KB,222x255,74:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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fde7b1 No.21549432

File: 55e5b3181b4ea26⋯.png (23.39 KB,700x350,2:1,ajPNxR0_700bwp.png)

When you get endorsed by… she must be a peace candidate

Oh wait…

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e6c5ea No.21549433

File: a4246b3d5ca19e3⋯.jpg (634.86 KB,1559x2048,1559:2048,MV5BMjEzNjEyMjkwOV5BMl5Ban….jpg)


The next day.

Green for takeoff…

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f934a9 No.21549434

File: 7c43da140c2866e⋯.jpg (192.74 KB,1142x1146,571:573,91148.jpg)

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b1f15c No.21549435


They could do it again if we crossed their path again.

Let’s see how it plays out.

Desperation this time.

Last time they had the upper hand.

This time they do not.

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7de50c No.21549436

File: 29605ba194b54c1⋯.png (332.91 KB,680x669,680:669,ClipboardImage.png)

o7 Jim


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be2a05 No.21549437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




here it is

"we arrived late Monday night…"

Minute 2:06


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ea9d08 No.21549438

File: 85294bcbc58d175⋯.png (2.36 MB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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3467ef No.21549439

File: 21dae118f3fff58⋯.png (811.82 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eabde7d623f4843⋯.jpg (38.32 KB,512x512,1:1,rg4.jpg)


>You can't imagine what's next…

That nose looks a little beaky.

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6bd58f No.21549440


Notice how these DEW attacks diminished since we figured out that the lasers are programmed to by pass blue. We caught them feel proud. Now we need to execute them for murder and treason.

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f934a9 No.21549441

File: 36815c66b825887⋯.jpg (8.78 KB,225x225,1:1,tim4.jpg)

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94708f No.21549442


anon read Ben Rich's Skunkworks book. Very good read.

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e5ad80 No.21549443


I got this from p2pprinting.com.

I am sorry if the orders from the EU don't work there. I have a difficult time ta

king orders from the EU, and Asia.


I am retired from macho dancing…;P

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7de50c No.21549444

File: f159fe38302a61d⋯.png (396.37 KB,680x678,340:339,ClipboardImage.png)

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f934a9 No.21549445

File: 5de13d6cb7c4b1b⋯.mp4 (4.76 MB,576x1024,9:16,5de13d6cb7c4b1b16748741faa….mp4)

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38ff79 No.21549446

File: c7fc8cb80c4eee4⋯.mp4 (9.26 MB,640x360,16:9,65n46346534346534.mp4)



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eff420 No.21549447


then it all turned to shit

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7de50c No.21549448

File: 68d16dd81c06ef2⋯.png (411.07 KB,680x625,136:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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6b09b2 No.21549449

File: 0cc837f53fdc7a4⋯.png (113.14 KB,597x588,199:196,0cc837f53fdc7a42af02e23824….png)

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ad340c No.21549450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Always been good at recognizing voices

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7d515b No.21549451


a board

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0c2a35 No.21549452


When the ivermectin kicks in

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dd1cf9 No.21549453

File: de4e8fa50d0a0fd⋯.jpg (523.76 KB,1200x3000,2:5,911hussain.jpg)


and don't forget the manual which explained how to fly a commercial aircraft (the alleged hijackers hadn't finish their course learning how to fly a small plan; according to one instructor never learned to land)

Flight manual was left in the rental car they took to the airport.

The learned to fly a commercial jetliner while traveling to the airport.

I'm sure /s/

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b1f15c No.21549454


Unfortunately, anons used to ride the wave.

Thank God, now anons know how the waves are generated.

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8ab8d9 No.21549455

File: c672a8934785f05⋯.jpg (129.73 KB,1400x933,1400:933,What_is_the_difference_bet….jpg)


The reason there's so much paper on the ground is Gamma and Neutron Rays pass thru paper but get absorbed by and disintegrate steel and concrete. Hence the towers to dust.

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96b42d No.21549456

File: 7350b0cbcc3a5f8⋯.png (392.43 KB,814x674,407:337,7350b0cbcc3a5f807de123c065….png)

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7de50c No.21549457

File: acf2e02038b25e8⋯.png (158.95 KB,420x900,7:15,ClipboardImage.png)

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be2a05 No.21549458

File: 8e7b2c70f909497⋯.png (2.27 MB,875x1127,125:161,8e7b2c70f909497e01627ce96a….png)


always waiting for Kun collectibles to drop


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35d43c No.21549459


Does it matter that they give me new IP addresses? You can't seem to talk about the message, because you just want to discredit truth.

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3fafc3 No.21549460



ChatGPT is run by OpenAI… Google's AI is Gemini. Not defending Google but facts are important.

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d663f6 No.21549461

File: 3f3c57bd2dbab82⋯.png (469.54 KB,480x640,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

The same people fawning and congratulating Cheney in 2024.

Same people.

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e6c5ea No.21549462

File: de5af3eefffd4bf⋯.jpg (746.79 KB,823x1600,823:1600,satanikiya_kurumizava_373.jpg)


Get your Tubbs collectibles now. Timeless taste…

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3467ef No.21549463

No merchants. No dehumanizing memes. No division copypastas focused on race. Just little twits spamming variations of an original meme and trying to get as much attention on themselves as they can. Must be desperate for every last (You) they can get for their paychecks. Notice the spamtards are dwindling and the imitation is increasing. Weird. Impotently weird display of "strength" from a handful of clowns using the same fake as the wizard of oz.

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7de50c No.21549465

File: 486b5c42d1b827c⋯.png (502.52 KB,680x630,68:63,ClipboardImage.png)

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021a88 No.21549468

Walz [Human Rights Campaign dinner]: [Harris] is more qualified than anybody that's ever run for this office, let's be clear.

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7d515b No.21549469

File: 0e0b0afee335181⋯.jpeg (407.98 KB,1500x500,3:1,1500x500_3_.jpeg)

File: ca1930b9ae503ab⋯.jpg (58.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,ca1930b9ae503abdd5adfedb29….jpg)

File: 92b67ed3332885a⋯.webp (283.91 KB,1200x1200,1:1,92b67ed3332885af3d932a672….webp)

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f483ff No.21549470

File: 9d1c53aa997cd26⋯.png (464.69 KB,614x518,307:259,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 025b8c1ba01833a⋯.png (106.58 KB,400x400,1:1,025b8c1ba01833a499129a13ee….png)

New York Post

@nypost 13m

Feds order NYPD not to destroy electronic files amid Adams probe: police sources


Sep 7, 2024 · 11:03 PM UTC


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108d2d No.21549471

god i hate niggers

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be2a05 No.21549472


are there any? kek

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ad340c No.21549473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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cd5ff7 No.21549474

File: 5ae3278fdcaf338⋯.png (1.21 MB,1462x812,731:406,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c8dda8ffc69f19⋯.png (1.23 MB,1462x814,731:407,ClipboardImage.png)

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e6c5ea No.21549475

File: 59e53a49713407e⋯.png (3.4 KB,187x363,17:33,snapshot.png)


They are a part of the community. Don't be antisemitic meow…

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8ab8d9 No.21549476


>Flight manual was left in the rental car they took to the airport.

>The learned to fly a commercial jetliner while traveling to the airport.

+ I believe that lady shaking hands with the devil asking for an investigation died in a plane crash.

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021a88 No.21549477

Walz: As a DA of San Francisco, [Harris] took on, and took one of the toughest stances in the nation against hate crimes. She led the fight to end the hateful, gay and transgender panic defense…she also officiated some of the first same-sex marriages in the entire country.

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62aad2 No.21549478



Operation northwood

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da2fc0 No.21549479


me tu.

fuck this is wild.

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7de50c No.21549480

File: 5c95ea02fdbee81⋯.png (573.64 KB,680x502,340:251,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1569b34ef2ce39⋯.png (349.17 KB,445x644,445:644,ClipboardImage.png)



🚨#BREAKING: Numerous Law enforcement are responding to a Active shooter situation in progress on I-75 Numerous victims shot

📌#London | #Kentucky

Currently, numerous law enforcement agencies are responding to an active shooter situation on I-75 near exit 49 in London, Kentucky. Reports indicate numerous people have been shot, though the exact number of who have been shot is unknown at this time. There are also unconfirmed reports of a possible sniper in the woods targeting vehicles. The suspect remains at large, and police scanners suggest there may be multiple suspects tho this is still ongoing and unconfirmed at this time. Law enforcement has closed the interstate in both directions at exit 49 and is urging everyone to avoid the area. Emergency services are on the scene, and a large police presence is expected. This is an ongoing situation and is still developing

>FF incoming

7:17 PM · Sep 7, 2024 (EST)


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0e629e No.21549481



And now your car won't even let you go to the end of your driveway without making an ungodly racket telling you to put on your seat belt.

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f6367f No.21549482

File: 63d085bf45e490f⋯.png (346.72 KB,474x776,237:388,mss.PNG)

File: 8f62d210a6eed9a⋯.png (162.53 KB,1606x1478,803:739,1048.png)

Is Michael Speicher the "Red, White, and Blue"?

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2cd9b4 No.21549483

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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37561f No.21549484

File: fcf5e34ede8134e⋯.png (17.23 KB,533x189,533:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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e6c5ea No.21549485

File: 28101db2554f87a⋯.jpeg (89.26 KB,720x960,3:4,28101db2554f87a632068b409….jpeg)

She did post her feet once upon a time.

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7d515b No.21549486

File: 50ad67614c08a98⋯.jpg (133.03 KB,1288x956,322:239,african_americans_wwii_054.jpg)

File: 7ca1205fbfa0686⋯.jpg (154.29 KB,1112x1285,1112:1285,Benjamin_Oliver_Davis_Jr_1….jpg)

File: 4236816573e2443⋯.jpeg (123.38 KB,1136x852,4:3,5c5da5401631a33e2a6b21ed.jpeg)

File: 13a3a1885c50554⋯.jpeg (8.03 KB,275x184,275:184,images_2024_09_07T192015_….jpeg)

File: f91a909cd7a74bf⋯.jpeg (358 KB,2048x1306,1024:653,GW3l80WXgAA0qiU.jpeg)

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d663f6 No.21549487

File: f84d6d9c394c4b4⋯.png (563.68 KB,590x680,59:68,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed9d898c0340da6⋯.png (630.18 KB,500x532,125:133,ClipboardImage.png)

You don't hate the fake news enough.


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73420c No.21549488


your messages is all lies designed to either fit in here or demoralize

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dc3d1b No.21549489

File: 166c269072c18d4⋯.jpg (39.64 KB,619x443,619:443,trump_gzeo.jpg)

File: c09e4929ea326ce⋯.png (752 KB,900x675,4:3,c09e4929ea326ce4060d363f87….png)


9/11 is personal for Donald Trump

That's why most the Q drops have a 9/11 angle

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108d2d No.21549490


fuck niggers

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f75742 No.21549491

File: c7259afd03afd11⋯.png (374.84 KB,750x554,375:277,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21549446 >>21549363

Interesting. I thought it was just the video of the TV appearance (which I have seen before), not that whole anti-Trump tirade by that guy.

I guess it's a case of careful who you follow.

Looks like the other vid I posted needs editing too. It has issues I didn't notice when I DL'd it in 2015. The core info about Brookhaven is correct, important. But again, the analysis by this guy that he adds to the beginning is way off.

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37561f No.21549492

File: 7f64ac9ac48a40d⋯.png (173.3 KB,256x304,16:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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3467ef No.21549493

File: 5aa5d1bd6c72be3⋯.png (148.95 KB,474x349,474:349,ClipboardImage.png)

Think I'll have a nice cup of black currant tea.

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021a88 No.21549494

Walz: This is the most pro-LGBTQ+ administration in American history. [Harris] helped [Biden] pass the landmark 'Respect for Marriage Act', requiring every state and territory to fully honor same-sex and interracial marriage. And she helped stop the ignorant and byzantine practice of banning gay and bisexual men from donating blood.

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c39ebb No.21549495

US Military, set me up, I will go alone.

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e6c5ea No.21549496

File: 965c9ad3229eba6⋯.png (123.97 KB,250x249,250:249,image_asset.png)

File: b88c813bb65f53d⋯.webp (59.96 KB,595x600,119:120,hwnuwat9c0j21.webp)


I think I'm gonna do it again. Act now.

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7de50c No.21549497

File: a660c1148c26985⋯.png (62.69 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)


>Adams probe


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8ab8d9 No.21549498


20+ years later. Government sticks to the absurd plane story. No investigation ; case closed. Changed the course of world history. End result was millions died in the aftermath war and more trillionaires were made.

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3467ef No.21549499

File: 089fd8d0c4358c4⋯.png (57.07 KB,362x294,181:147,pepe_cookie.png)


>Feds order NYPD not to destroy electronic files amid Adams probe: police sources

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c39ebb No.21549500


>your messages is all lies designed to either fit in here or demoralize

Wrong, my post are 100% truth, the thing that demoralize you is your guilt as a coward.

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f75742 No.21549501

File: 60d74940c3f0022⋯.jpg (88.88 KB,1170x1142,585:571,pfizer_911_bush.jpg)


>9/11 is personal for Donald Trump

Yes I think so too.

It was his debate with Jeb where he was the first to ever crack that facade and direct the discussion towards Bush that first got me very serious about all this.

Pls see also: >>21549491

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ad340c No.21549502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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021a88 No.21549503

Walz: [Harris] made human rights for LGBTQ+ individuals around the world a top priority in this nation's foreign policy. We must lead. We must be the country that leads on it.

[that is not what foreign policy is for, you sicko]

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37561f No.21549504

File: 5dda08408cbfec3⋯.png (67.68 KB,680x196,170:49,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d515b No.21549505

File: c399aa55043a488⋯.jpeg (477.07 KB,2048x1364,512:341,GW0wbW2WgAAKfV4.jpeg)

File: 09260bc7851ee98⋯.jpeg (316.05 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GWlIxTCWoAEvYDC.jpeg)

File: 35efdfd6b329162⋯.jpeg (553.87 KB,1077x1313,1077:1313,GWaxXRBXIAAa1GI.jpeg)

File: 63b358df9ec038d⋯.jpg (10.96 KB,200x184,25:23,passion_2.jpg)

File: 2ea414ac0b4a8b2⋯.jpeg (471.19 KB,2048x1542,1024:771,GWLLEseWgAEqJkr.jpeg)


alarm of racist shit

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e6c5ea No.21549506

File: c49de570732462b⋯.jpeg (668.98 KB,1500x1000,3:2,image_asset.jpeg)


Good in some spitz buben.

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5f66c8 No.21549507


Maybe that was what sealed it for him to run for POTUS, remember timing is everything? Why did he choose 2016 to run? He could have ran anytime. Timing is key and we know he has it all on the 'bad actors' from being inside the belly of the beast most of his life.

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3467ef No.21549508


60 +/- 10, d00d. I don't have time to look for what you're trying to say over 4:40.

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8f5f0a No.21549509

File: 048817a9b439964⋯.jpg (98 KB,720x589,720:589,20240907_172350.jpg)

File: 124ddc32912737d⋯.jpg (61.63 KB,1290x393,430:131,20240907_172256.jpg)

File: f1a4c7a109461c5⋯.jpg (475.35 KB,1956x1444,489:361,20240907_172309.jpg)



BREAKING: Police confirm ‘numerous’ persons shot following active shooter situation on I-75 in Kentucky

🚨#BREAKING: Numerous Law enforcement are responding to a Active shooter situation in progress on I-75 Numerous victims shot

📌#London | #Kentucky

Currently, numerous law enforcement agencies are responding to an active shooter situation on I-75 near exit 49 in London, Kentucky. Reports indicate numerous people have been shot, though the exact number of who have been shot is unknown at this time. There are also unconfirmed reports of a possible sniper in the woods targeting vehicles. The suspect remains at large, and police scanners suggest there may be multiple suspects tho this is still ongoing and unconfirmed at this time. Law enforcement has closed the interstate in both directions at exit 49 and is urging everyone to avoid the area. Emergency services are on the scene, and a large police presence is expected. This is an ongoing situation and is still developing

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ad340c No.21549510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Slow night, tea and cookies type situation.

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da2fc0 No.21549511

File: 1b675e978554c73⋯.jpg (14.64 KB,255x255,1:1,4bcc3f9ae686d9187f959da463….jpg)

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6a78d3 No.21549512

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

Anon is in a position of absolute strength. Absolute winning. Absolute rent free. Sometimes you just need to sit back and do nothing but win because of the maximum position of strength.

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c39ebb No.21549513


100% correct. It is time for payback. It is long overdue.

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37561f No.21549514

File: ac205a29a4e4b5b⋯.png (234.89 KB,327x281,327:281,ClipboardImage.png)

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920a2e No.21549515

File: eaed74dc498ba6b⋯.mp4 (6.09 MB,654x480,109:80,Interview_Donald_Trump_Aft….mp4)

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d6161f No.21549516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bob Lazar, the Area 51 guy, also built one.

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be2a05 No.21549517


where is this at anon? walz speaking?

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973304 No.21549518

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tulsi Gabbard on Dick Cheney’s Lust for Nuclear War, and Why She’s on Biden’s “Terrorist Watchlist”

Tucker Carlson



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73420c No.21549519


projection. thou art the coward and thy guilt will consume thee. shame on the mess.

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e6c5ea No.21549520

File: 5b79d23a4e1a3b3⋯.jpg (96.07 KB,998x685,998:685,126b6a2e_b806_11e8_bf76_ed….jpg)


Don't be a Fornicator. (but give me my bread)

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96b42d No.21549521

File: cc1aa0c0fc04cc7⋯.jpg (75.64 KB,804x1200,67:100,cc1aa0c0fc04cc74862ae40344….jpg)

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021a88 No.21549522

Walz: I worked with my roommate, Patrick Murphy…to overturn Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

[Walz sure seems to have an interest in 'gay rights']

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a76294 No.21549523


Fat Amy always shows up when the hotties are around

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0047e0 No.21549524

File: 35f37bdcd60221d⋯.mp4 (909.56 KB,320x240,4:3,kitehitmuststeelplane.mp4)

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eb6af3 No.21549525

File: 0a9b6b05aa5915e⋯.png (15.14 KB,446x107,446:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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021a88 No.21549526


He's at the Human Rights Campaign Dinner in DC.

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8ab8d9 No.21549527


>Feds order NYPD not to destroy electronic files amid Adams probe: police sources

Do not destroy the evidence of a crime. Kind of ironic coming from the FBI. Congress can't even get the FBI to turn over documents.

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da2fc0 No.21549528

File: 3e97ff36f3960a5⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB,640x360,16:9,3e97ff36f3960a59fd157129ed….mp4)

Do you hear that?

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88a5c2 No.21549529

File: 45cfa68ef864d59⋯.png (555.88 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4649a57a34111ed⋯.png (419.44 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


seems notable.

who gave the order.

London, Kentucky Location

London, Kentucky is a city located in central Laurel County, in the southeastern part of the state. It is situated along U.S. Route 25 (Main Street) and Interstate 75 (I-75). Specifically:

London is approximately 25 miles northwest of Mount Vernon and 13 miles south of Corbin.

I-75 passes along the western edge of London, with access from Exits 38 and 41.

The city is nestled in the rolling hills of the Bluegrass Region, about 85 miles southeast of Lexington, Kentucky’s second-largest city.

Population and Demographics

As of 2022, the estimated population of London, Kentucky is approximately 7,578 people, according to the United States Census Bureau.

Notable Features

London is known for its natural beauty, outdoor recreation opportunities, and small-town charm. Some notable features include:

World Chicken Festival: An annual event attracting 250,000 visitors, celebrating the city’s poultry industry.

Kentucky’s 5th Official Trail Town: London is recognized for its scenic trails and routes, making it an attractive destination for cyclists and outdoor enthusiasts.

Rich history and innovation: London holds several prestigious titles, including the Cycling Capital of Kentucky and a city rich in history and innovation.

Emergency Services

In the event of an emergency, residents and visitors can contact:

London Police Department: (606) 864-6600

Laurel County Emergency Management: (606) 864-5151

Kentucky State Police: (606) 677-4151

Additional Resources

For more information on London, Kentucky, you can visit the official city website at www.londonky.gov or the Laurel County Chamber of Commerce website at www.laurelchamber.com.

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0047e0 No.21549530


>Feds order NYPD not to destroy electronic files

stop the hammering

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b1f15c No.21549531


I think Walz might be a mental defective.

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066411 No.21549532


He did help out on 911 and brought a small crew, I saw him when I was on water street with a dozen other people getting body bags. The only famous or rich person I saw there.

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7de50c No.21549533

File: 448c4a94fc7a1da⋯.png (258.14 KB,450x546,75:91,ClipboardImage.png)



Trump just told the world how RFK JR will be Utilized‼️




All Health Institutions— PUT ON NOTICE!

“You know, the World Health Organization called Covid totally wrong. I looked into it…”

These institutions are dominated by corporate powers and really dominated by China!


>amen, release the cures

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1e35d9 No.21549534

File: 2ccae74f1f22013⋯.jpg (712.11 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240907_101542….jpg)

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f75742 No.21549535

File: 3452b0227e0dc9e⋯.jpg (16.35 KB,280x280,1:1,glownigger.jpg)


> shootings on I-75

predict this is targetted.

One of the killed will be important.

It will be said to be a coincidence.

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fd7d07 No.21549536

File: a61baafdad91bd7⋯.mp4 (4.53 MB,1264x720,79:45,5v76b86n9m.mp4)




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7de50c No.21549537

>Samantha Hyde

I knew it


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ad340c No.21549538


Tremendous hammer to the ridiculous bullshit.

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8f5f0a No.21549539

File: 0dacc3da355aac3⋯.mp4 (4.83 MB,720x1068,60:89,Dr_Jebra_Faushay_20240804_….mp4)


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96b42d No.21549540

File: d89dd01bdd337e0⋯.png (131.37 KB,512x498,256:249,d89dd01bdd337e00a9957f8a16….png)

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7de50c No.21549541

tks anon, sorry I forgot to grab the vid >>21549536

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8967e0 No.21549542

Hydrogen is 2% flammable, 4% explosive - or something like that.

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973304 No.21549543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vivek Ramaswamy & RFK Jr: Brazil Banning X, the New Russian Hoax, and the Kamala Harris Scam

This was very profound in so many ways, just listened, it gave me hope that PDJT has solid and strong allies to restore our country, and will work as hard as him.

Tucker Carlson



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dd1cf9 No.21549544

File: 2dabe936b03e25d⋯.jpeg (77.07 KB,777x858,259:286,cliffhanger.jpeg)


What were they doing with boxcutters?

Nothing. It's a fake story.

There are no suicide bombers.

"This is another favourite deductive method of the conspiracy theorist. The "improbability drive", in which they decide upon a conclusion without any evidence whatsoever to support it, and then continually speculate a series of wildly improbable events and unbelievable co-incidences to support it, shrugging off the implausibility of each event with the vague assertion that sometimes the impossible happens (just about all the time in their world)."


Having for the sake of amusement, allowed them to get away with with the silly story of the 19 invisible Arabs, we move on to the question of how they are supposed to have taken over the planes. Hijacking a plane is not an easy thing to do. Hijacking it without the pilot being able to alert ground control is nearly impossible. The pilot has only to punch in a four-digit code to alert ground control to a hijacking. Unconcerned with the awkward question of plausibility, the conspiracy buffs maintain that on that Sept 11, the invisible hijackers took over the plane by the rather crude method of threatening people with boxcutters and knives, and spraying gas (after they had attached their masks, obviously), but somehow took control of the plane without the crew first getting a chance to punch in the hijacking code. Not just on one plane, but on all four. At this point in the tale, the conspiracy theorist is again forced to call upon the services of the improbability drive.

So now that our incredibly lucky hijackers have taken control of the planes, all four pilots fly them with breath-taking skill and certainty to their fiery end, all four pilots unflinching in their steely resolve for a swift meeting with Allah. Apart from their psychotic hatred of "our freedoms", it was their fanatical devotion to Islam which enabled them to summon up the iron will to do this. Which is strange, because according to another piece of hearsay peddled by the conspiracy buffs, these guys actually went out drinking and womanizing the night before their great martyrdom, even leaving their Korans in the bar — really impeccable Islamic behavior — and then got up at 5 am the next morning to pull off the greatest covert operation in history. This also requires us to believe that they were even clear-headed enough to learn how to fly the huge planes by reading flight manuals in Arabic in the car on the way to the airport. We know this because they supposedly left the flight manuals there for us to find. "

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8ab8d9 No.21549545


Somehow this seems like a humiliation ritual. No way Bush was running the show that day. I always felt Cheney was in the drivers seat.

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88f689 No.21549546


Yes, and I don’t think, it was the first time

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021a88 No.21549547

Walz: When we got the majority in Minnesota for the firt time in over a decade…first thing we did is we banned conversion therapy in Minnesota. We protected transgender community, and said, 'In Minnesota, you are seen, heard, loved, and respected, and safe, in Minnesota'…we banned banning books, especially banning LGBTQ books…this is what these folks are focusing on, spending all their time; like reading about two male penguins who love each other is somehow going to turn your children gay, and that's what you should worry about.

[Walz is a very sick individual]

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05ee7d No.21549548



Nope, not that one.

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d663f6 No.21549549

File: 9c2666844826347⋯.png (439.52 KB,472x680,59:85,ClipboardImage.png)

Boss means business.


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543300 No.21549550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sharded this a week ago but it light of the bread title I resubmit for anons.

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fde7b1 No.21549551

File: e0561e3082d1039⋯.png (31.34 KB,500x500,1:1,a34M8x5_700bwp.png)

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898ad7 No.21549552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




















































































































































7 Sept 2024 #IranRevenge #MI6Alert #IsraelHamasConflict

MI6 Chief Richard Moore warns that Iran is poised to retaliate for the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh. This alert comes amid ongoing unrest and heightened tensions. Moore’s warning adds to the urgency, as both MI6 and CIA push for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. Watch.

Cry more 3 letter agency's, rep what you sow!

Out with the old guard and in with the new!


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96b42d No.21549553


Picrel is eerily similar to Colt Gray

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f75742 No.21549554

File: 7df4b75122769ec⋯.png (27.67 KB,622x278,311:139,TRAVERSABLE_WORMHOLES_STAR….png)

File: 4dcb2d5f6d1f4e2⋯.png (784.19 KB,831x1024,831:1024,tranny_ok_to_have_a_pet_wo….png)

File: 2e508143f1db2fc⋯.pdf (6.28 MB,_parasite_pill_PDF_worms_i….pdf)

File: f684e5fe52cd754⋯.jpg (294.92 KB,705x943,705:943,kill_the_snake_worm_in_all….jpg)

File: 02723442f53a9d0⋯.png (903.46 KB,578x1487,578:1487,they_live_glasses_meme_pfi….png)


>practice of banning gay and bisexual men from donating blood

disgusting parasite-infested dogs

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46a505 No.21549555


Nigger has always been a culture and not a people.

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88f689 No.21549556


PDJT sauce for what he says in his speeches!

Hydrogen has been in question…he says UNLEASH ALL forms of energy… that’s how we become Energy Dominant


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d663f6 No.21549557

Kamala is going to announce she has covid, or there is going to be some other excuse to dodge the debate.

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9167d4 No.21549558


little kid Bush was sitting in a classroom with other kids doing a weird reading word chant.

Dick was the Shot Caller that morning sitting in a bunker like a War Making General Faggoot.

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7de50c No.21549559

File: aeeb44260242587⋯.png (46.49 KB,466x241,466:241,ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks in advance, Jim

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5f66c8 No.21549560

File: e1adfe4dc0b828c⋯.png (1004.89 KB,598x859,598:859,Ana_Navarro_C_rdenas_on_X.png)

>>21549365 YOU ARE FAKE NEWS!

>>21549405 The original.

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9317ec No.21549561

File: 8da1340bb02f4ec⋯.png (109.46 KB,974x892,487:446,4722.png)

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d663f6 No.21549562

File: 17642bf9da0c1af⋯.png (485.98 KB,680x643,680:643,ClipboardImage.png)

This would never have happened under Twitter 1.0

Everyone calling AP out would have been shadowbanned and their posts suppressed.

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ad340c No.21549563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Serious business afoot

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6b09b2 No.21549564


you're shocked because no sauce right

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f77d16 No.21549565


Correct, there were no planes but maybe a hologram at best. Their story had way too many holes. You can even see that the plane had no shadows going into the building and was left as a shaded 3D model render with no volumetric lighting, reflections, nor refractions. They didn't even do the math correctly, 2 planes taking own 3 buildings. We do not have missiles that can do that and defy the laws of physics.

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7d515b No.21549566


Pabst Blue ribbon is 11 dollars and change for a six pack at the gas station

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dd1cf9 No.21549567

File: 4502006181e8bd0⋯.jpg (58.42 KB,558x720,31:40,megaritualkotze.jpg)


occult ritual

Notice the reference to "Pet Goat"

the children are bowing.

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fde7b1 No.21549568

File: 121a10ee21f60ef⋯.webm (235.54 KB,460x816,115:204,avy7xDZ_460svvp9.webm)


Stay away from reddit spacing anon

Short sneezes at a time

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cd5ff7 No.21549569

File: 0a2ba0f0c4c572a⋯.mp4 (507.59 KB,1280x720,16:9,Year_2030_Starships_taking….mp4)




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5db27c No.21549570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The distance

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f75742 No.21549571


>Trump means business on election fraud 2024


>or something like that.

Hi black science guy

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119955 No.21549572

File: fdfc3d2f47057e1⋯.jpg (238.37 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Untitled_design_1_55317797….jpg)


I am here for (uwu)

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96b42d No.21549573

File: ff3372196010d85⋯.jpeg (10.62 KB,255x191,255:191,ff3372196010d85ad61869e39….jpeg)


Hear ye! Hear Ye! You've been warned!

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d6161f No.21549574

File: f42178d310b8c54⋯.jpeg (13.27 KB,202x160,101:80,Excited_Dog.jpeg)


What will be Elon and RFK Jr.'s security clearance I wonder?

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d41ce5 No.21549575

I t appears less than ten people know the Roman Catholic Church uses Vaccines to control the Non Catholics minds and Population.

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021a88 No.21549576

Walz: We've had thousands of brave transgender troops, decorated warriors who served this country in uniform. When Donald Trump was commander in chief, he belittled them , and he banned them from service. Thankfully, [Biden] and [Harris] rescinded that stupid, bigoted policy.

[people with severe mental illness should not be in the US Military]

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88a5c2 No.21549577

File: f1480ed8e20e92c⋯.png (165.23 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6443f2226587926⋯.png (151.22 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


that arrow seems to have moar meaning now that it has been identified as a direction to the enemies marker.

The worlds outcasts and weirdos to unite and head in a direction against their enemies all funded by the ngo's.

two groups, soros and muslim brotherhood.

huma and alex soros comms.


past breads below links

>>21547375, >>21547366 UK: red triangle is, used by hamas to point to their enemies and targeted/needs diggz

>>21547410 UK: live feed from Islam channel on youtube, speakers using the language from the river to the sea LONDON: PROTESTERS MARCH IN SOLIDARITY WITH PALESTINE

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f75742 No.21549578


>This would never have happened under Twitter 1.0


>Everyone calling AP out would have been shadowbanned and their posts suppressed.

Love to see improvements, even if just incremental

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920a2e No.21549579

File: f248b90544b5fd5⋯.png (1.88 MB,980x1268,245:317,ClipboardImage.png)



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8ab8d9 No.21549580


He knew the construction of the towers and knows two planes didn't do that. That affair and then JFK Jr. and then being asked to run he said ok let's saddle up and ride.

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cd5ff7 No.21549581

File: 36f51f88b9ff736⋯.png (52.78 KB,444x462,74:77,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fef0f37156f9fb8⋯.png (81.04 KB,444x710,222:355,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36f51f88b9ff736⋯.png (52.78 KB,444x462,74:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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1e35d9 No.21549582

File: 75a463b8735f2d8⋯.jpg (825.94 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_163906….jpg)

File: 88b49599530416a⋯.jpg (16.52 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1792651726.jpg)

File: a4ee96ae0aa1ae4⋯.jpg (11.72 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_1.jpg)

File: 3b4a814cfe38ad3⋯.jpg (15.59 KB,474x248,237:124,th_550890330.jpg)

File: b86b3c2019af3ec⋯.jpg (23.98 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_1892753375.jpg)

12 Year Old Girl Discovers That All But One US President Are Directly Related To Each Other

by Emily Arata

Aug. 5, 2012


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2e005b No.21549583

File: 277377c7f2bc103⋯.png (91.98 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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96b42d No.21549584

File: 0167c370947f1cb⋯.png (68.69 KB,714x574,51:41,0167c370947f1cbb9346fe42e7….png)

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f75742 No.21549585


that's weord. why not just count UIDs, like you know a """UID count""". Why would the count distinguish IPv4 vs IPv6

sounds like a naive excuse tbph

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ad340c No.21549586

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f6367f No.21549587


Interesting, I wonder if they also dug up Ronnie Van Zant's grave

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8ab8d9 No.21549588


C before D

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6b09b2 No.21549589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2cd9b4 No.21549590

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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afa94d No.21549591

File: 09aac29039fcf42⋯.jpeg (52 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_7124.jpeg)


> Boss means business.

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d6161f No.21549592

File: a17ea54e0d79db8⋯.png (4.22 MB,1152x1536,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: abc4d29188aa4bf⋯.png (730.67 KB,562x828,281:414,ClipboardImage.png)


>The original.

2:08 PM · Sep 7, 2024


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25b405 No.21549593

File: ae232b4c7dc43d2⋯.png (438.67 KB,540x888,45:74,Yoda_young.png)

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a6e6cf No.21549594


I wonder if gas stations are going to have all 3 options; gas, diesel, and hydrogen.

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88f689 No.21549595


When Will The 2020 ELECTION Be restored?

Before or after November 5, 2024?

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faba87 No.21549596

File: 423535b27e04607⋯.png (86.05 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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4155df No.21549597

File: 4ca75fecd7a7b64⋯.jpg (33.2 KB,268x270,134:135,Oq8384jx_8.jpg)


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119955 No.21549598

File: cf035e90bd0e4f7⋯.png (228.72 KB,473x1218,473:1218,qaggdropimage4196_1.png)

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9167d4 No.21549599

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


over it

(Crystal Method, live)

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cd5ff7 No.21549600

File: d4f12b4d56bb9a9⋯.png (15.41 KB,444x137,444:137,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c177efa1aad621⋯.png (81.44 KB,588x505,588:505,ClipboardImage.png)



Cheating and Skullduggery

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6b09b2 No.21549601

File: 1faa03a464b66bf⋯.png (588.3 KB,817x737,817:737,1faa03a464b66bfc001fcc7c1c….png)

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119955 No.21549602



That is you hydrogen storage

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1e35d9 No.21549603

File: bfed78ff54e48d3⋯.jpg (163.17 KB,1400x933,1400:933,LMS_little_miss_sunshine_6….jpg)

File: 75a463b8735f2d8⋯.jpg (825.94 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_163906….jpg)

File: fe7473a1d569dd4⋯.jpg (568.46 KB,2560x1690,256:169,Little_Miss_Sunshine_Szene….jpg)

File: 1a097e0862230a6⋯.jpg (39.05 KB,474x355,474:355,th_790097112.jpg)

File: eb30cdc7f040612⋯.jpg (77.64 KB,1279x719,1279:719,ba4cd3c6f06f979df1a9dda831….jpg)




https://nypost.com › 2021 › 10 › 12 › kamala-harris-bizarre-space-video-uses-child-actors

Child actors used for Kamala Harris' bizarre space video - New York Post

Oct 12, 2021The video featured Kamala Harris with five children who auditioned for their roles. NASA. Harris, who was tapped to head up

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7d515b No.21549604


rent free mo' fo'

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6b09b2 No.21549605

File: 688b32d949aa4aa⋯.png (127.14 KB,427x231,61:33,688b32d949aa4aa5ef4ebece05….png)



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cf10ed No.21549606

Random report. No sauce except first hand. No mail delivery in eastern Washington/Oregon today..

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0d9151 No.21549607

File: ab9e7230fa1e864⋯.png (10.25 KB,233x98,233:98,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6161f No.21549608

File: 17a013b56e108a5⋯.jpg (61.89 KB,940x1024,235:256,Serious_Hat_Pepe.jpg)


>Child actors used for Kamala Harris' bizarre space video

That's Skullduggery if you ask me.

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119955 No.21549609

File: cec0ce5b67edd69⋯.png (53.59 KB,473x315,473:315,qaggdropimage11_2.png)

File: 55ecb37ed659112⋯.png (61.82 KB,473x651,473:651,qaggdropimage99.png)

File: 7e76bfd0dabaab6⋯.png (21.08 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage55.png)

File: 659f3bf68ef1b42⋯.png (39.17 KB,473x273,473:273,qaggdropimage1199.png)

File: 767063a6363f8ee⋯.png (17.51 KB,473x147,473:147,qaggdropimage555.png)


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1e35d9 No.21549610

File: 8d691eda0408282⋯.jpg (14.9 KB,474x308,237:154,th_1540372384.jpg)

File: ad604198a009f2e⋯.jpg (862.88 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240822_192604….jpg)

File: da03d833fd1cb0f⋯.png (2.33 MB,1080x1348,270:337,da03d833fd1cb0f67c45e2760f….png)

File: 1da47d6bbce0697⋯.jpg (644.86 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240822_193928….jpg)


Little Miss Sunshine?

direct comms?

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3467ef No.21549611

File: 69f1c317ec76383⋯.webm (165.14 KB,418x240,209:120,that_same_shill_smell.webm)

Curiosity had me clear my filters. Just as I thought. TOP FUCKING KEK!

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88a5c2 No.21549612

File: 48e96af41166445⋯.png (296.97 KB,719x280,719:280,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d515b No.21549613

File: 28c5a1b9375cdad⋯.jpg (60.85 KB,696x442,348:221,Kurt_Cobain_2000x1270_696x….jpg)

File: 3eaed73a614f294⋯.gif (1.55 MB,360x202,180:101,2uqlee.gif)

File: f1945235f7c38d2⋯.jpeg (374.87 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GWkWCMeWUAAdgg7.jpeg)


announcement filter

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b58b19 No.21549614

Hi Q.

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14493b No.21549615


I think he thought about it in 2012

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96b42d No.21549616


They were trying to get ahead of the disgusting facts of their lives.

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6b09b2 No.21549617

File: 7e5582aa4008dd1⋯.jpg (16.09 KB,320x320,1:1,7e5582aa4008dd1f5fe9150ed2….jpg)


you got no sauce right at least… filtered though

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d663f6 No.21549618

File: 33931c0c700fa95⋯.png (567.42 KB,597x872,597:872,ClipboardImage.png)

The Democrat Party donor paid "influencers" are BEGGING all the war mongering criminals to unite against Trump.

And they seem to actually believe this is helping their cause, kek.


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8a120a No.21549619

Gfy Q

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be2a05 No.21549620

File: 9c24b1ecc0f70ba⋯.jpg (67.85 KB,300x404,75:101,maga_trump_logo.jpg)



#26399 >>21549105

>>21549124 The Plan: WHO’s Ten Years of Infectious Diseases (2020 to 2030)

>>21549130 From Jim Watkins - Password reset is not broken. Some email providers block our email. I am sorry for this situation, but the world is not broken because of me. Lets do our best together, so it doesn't get worse.

>>21549173, >>21549569 Space News

>>21549191 I am Malik Obama. I will be voting for Donald Trump. DJT- Thank you Malik — A Great Honor.

>>21549195 Two Foreign Nationals Charged in Swatting Conspiracy FBI Minneapolis

>>21549216 U.S. Cuts Another Massive Check to Ukraine

>>21549234, >>21549241 Learn more about our Unclassified Data Lake and how you can gain access here

>>21549252 Ford recalls 85,000 Police vehicles because of potential engine fire

>>21549254 World's Biggest Battery coming to Maine

>>21549261 @NavalInstitute - #NationalBeerLoversDay

>>21549322, >>21549330 PlaneFaggin' YAL

>>21549359 After waiting 2 months Macron appoints a conservative as Prime Minister.

>>21549363 TRUMP at 33 Almost Owned the WTC Twin Towers - 1980s TV appearance

>>21549470 Feds order NYPD not to destroy electronic files amid Adams probe: police sources

>>21549480, >>21549509 Active shooter situation in progress on I-75 Numerous victims shot

>>21549468, >>21549477, >>21549494, >>21549503, >>21549522, >>21549547, >>21549576 Walz @ the Human Rights Campaign Dinner in DC.

>>21549518 Tucker Carlson Live - Tulsi Gabbard on Dick Cheney and on Biden’s “Terrorist Watchlist”

>>21549533, >>21549536 RFK Jr on FDA — CDC — WHO — All Health Institutions — PUT ON NOTICE!

>>21549543 Tucker Live - Vivek Ramaswamy & RFK Jr: Brazil Banning X, the New Russian Hoax & Harris Scam

>>21549549, >>21549579, >>21549600 TRUMP TRUTH on rampant Cheating in elections and SkullDuggery

>>21549559 Thanks in advance, Jim

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eb8a77 No.21549621


french nazi juws are still jealous no one calls bordur back

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88a5c2 No.21549622

File: 0715213657403c1⋯.png (31.48 KB,537x544,537:544,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 315a47f80a18419⋯.png (23.46 KB,522x392,261:196,ClipboardImage.png)

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dd1cf9 No.21549623

File: b6532470220356b⋯.jpg (150.81 KB,1200x831,400:277,osiris_and_isis.jpg)


The chant was something like








Kite is a bird associated with the mother of Horus.

She took the form of a Kite and hovered over his dead body to bring him back to life.


the mother's name is ISiS; she takes the form of a KITE, which is a kind of Hawk.


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eb8a77 No.21549624


all taht queer needs depravity to feels again

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7c7fa5 No.21549625


[Wonder what the aluminum that crosses the blood brain barrier does to the brain? Aluminum + mercury]


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cd5ff7 No.21549626

File: 4bac349199f2543⋯.png (17.21 KB,652x218,326:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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81b18b No.21549627

kY trying hard to outdo NM gangsta sell outs to satan laughing hard joker status

not original only out for a queer vigil

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93de4b No.21549628


that's Cheopy the sushi chef

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119955 No.21549629

File: a25466c4a4239fd⋯.png (41.81 KB,473x350,473:350,qaggdropimage741.png)

File: bac407d50e2d023⋯.png (189.66 KB,473x1386,43:126,qaggdropimage111_1.png)

File: 2edae5a60f69ca1⋯.png (69.68 KB,473x560,473:560,qaggdropimage147_1.png)






Hi Q

>Is it you or is it me?

We are Q

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d05638 No.21549630

File: 4eb1d3bdc77f72f⋯.jpeg (128.34 KB,1200x807,400:269,1D974C41_BF51_437A_9DEC_6….jpeg)

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6b09b2 No.21549631

File: 5b7e6e6e9b3c616⋯.jpg (10.74 KB,255x145,51:29,e1a6828680630ad676a9dbd0e8….jpg)


anon never really filters just says such to see what shills say

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14493b No.21549632

File: ab191d7026498da⋯.png (503.08 KB,519x382,519:382,youstaringmedown.png)

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3467ef No.21549633

File: 5eb9d40d201cc56⋯.webm (745.95 KB,427x240,427:240,adato22.webm)

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d663f6 No.21549634

File: b81a3657fc516b9⋯.png (318.12 KB,576x645,192:215,ClipboardImage.png)

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.



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46a505 No.21549635

File: 5b8578e52786d60⋯.png (69.57 KB,509x499,509:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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9167d4 No.21549636

File: be7603af34b793b⋯.jpg (23.98 KB,525x200,21:8,8d580b6e098d258f2fd0e996aa….jpg)

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14493b No.21549637

Is the rally over? He's only doing one, right?

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d6161f No.21549638

File: fd01d5dd8f31e89⋯.png (4.47 MB,1600x1260,80:63,ClipboardImage.png)

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96b42d No.21549639


He's been woke and insane!

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631e19 No.21549640

File: 2440b6a37d24e3a⋯.png (1.31 MB,1152x865,1152:865,osage_bch_police.png)

File: a9cca14ad32c433⋯.png (103.09 KB,276x345,4:5,c_phylicia_carson.png)


This police officer, mother of 6, died last week in Missouri when her cruiser crashed into a tree and burst into flames.

Not sure what type of cruiser, but this was the memorial picture.


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eb8a77 No.21549641


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faba87 No.21549642


likes all the clowns


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a38044 No.21549643

File: 99ebb1c590aaf88⋯.png (159.56 KB,972x1280,243:320,99ebb1c590aaf88c242daba192….png)


Reporting events that might happen Madow may lose millions fore network" . Until they do this is Not news it airhead speculation to occupy NPS with unearned static fact. It is a favorite technique of MSM adversaries.

Likewise popculture heros, mindset pedophiles celebrated on Tmz.


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14493b No.21549644


so they were doing black magic through the kids

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eb8a77 No.21549645




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119955 No.21549646

File: a2f2bc38bc8a038⋯.png (1.12 MB,2560x2560,1:1,a2f2bc38bc8a03862ddbf2a786….png)

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7d515b No.21549647

File: 75ba5b588f60336⋯.jpeg (245.59 KB,945x712,945:712,75ba5b588f603368c5c7148e0….jpeg)

File: b8e827b703e5572⋯.png (306.67 KB,400x596,100:149,b8e827b703e55723fc74fcbef3….png)

File: d4cd1c79c50fdd1⋯.jpg (69.71 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_11_.jpg)

File: 1e25e199543d0c9⋯.png (185.08 KB,490x469,70:67,1e25e199543d0c91f12273e90a….png)

File: ca1930b9ae503ab⋯.jpg (58.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,ca1930b9ae503abdd5adfedb29….jpg)


nobody uses the filter

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37b481 No.21549648


Looking good, bud. If you or anyone tried out the carivore diet and down to OMAD (One Meal A Day,) that is a good thing. Ketosis kick- in in the 22hrs that you are not consuming food. Ketosis is when you body uses your body for food. It goes after all the extra skin that is not needed to keep everything inside. When I was on OMAD, it was alot eaiser to fast for more than 22hrs. I've gone 96hrs as my longest fast. Bet the diet and fasting longer than 24hrs starved out some parasites as well, though I've never "investigated."

Better times ahead. Full sails!

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9167d4 No.21549649


yours is a bit more esoteric, but appreciated.

i just read it more like 'Kite (controlled from afar) Plane Must Hit Steel, it Must.'


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1e35d9 No.21549650

File: b86b3c2019af3ec⋯.jpg (23.98 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_1892753375.jpg)

File: 3783a33b73e1011⋯.jpg (283.66 KB,1145x1600,229:320,Brazilian_model_Gisele_Bun….jpg)

File: ca903cf7da781bf⋯.webp (53.52 KB,1024x576,16:9,_100600319_caroline_sunsh….webp)

File: 107130b0cb87e7d⋯.jpg (25.11 KB,474x266,237:133,th_4063338238.jpg)

File: 2291ac9dfc2a740⋯.jpg (15.29 KB,458x669,458:669,images_74_.jpg)

Swatch test

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d02edc No.21549651


thats a ford explorer

she should have been home in the kitchen

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6b09b2 No.21549652

File: 8111551d09e7c72⋯.jpeg (41.87 KB,570x587,570:587,8111551d09e7c726a62d7d9dd….jpeg)


retards everywhere

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dd1cf9 No.21549653

File: 5689cc99a45d485⋯.png (115.37 KB,552x459,184:153,mypetgoat1.png)

File: cb4a808bb4b070e⋯.jpg (48.63 KB,744x689,744:689,butterplane.jpg)

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119955 No.21549654

File: fed230da9a3acac⋯.png (156.61 KB,473x1092,473:1092,qaggdropimage144.png)

File: 8c20b2839446438⋯.png (28.43 KB,473x231,43:21,qaggdropimage932_1.png)



They were getting high from the contents of the the blood they were consuming.

The rest was just sick perversions

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2092fb No.21549655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tulsi and tucker talking dick the fuckwad cheney and other things


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05ee7d No.21549656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The basic principle is to convert hydrogen and oxygen from water for use as required, avoiding storing it.

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faba87 No.21549657

File: 00b14216f2ba683⋯.png (390.68 KB,736x414,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ab8d9 No.21549658


Could be. Diesel motors are designed for heavy loads and big rigs, gas for cars and smaller loads. Not sure what water/hydrogen offers. Stanley Meyers knew..

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7d515b No.21549659

File: 05de27370e0ceec⋯.jpeg (18.95 KB,640x480,4:3,images_94_.jpeg)

File: 5100e78fc6aa84c⋯.gif (278.45 KB,220x144,55:36,crying_sobbing.gif)

File: 1116a3ce78b6feb⋯.jpeg (498 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GW0waTSWQAAPHVV.jpeg)

File: e4ea844a8fbdcd1⋯.jpeg (73.57 KB,730x1012,365:506,GW03DEGXAAAEMOz.jpeg)

File: bf7832eff40e09c⋯.png (1.3 MB,891x786,297:262,bf7832eff40e09cf0a85943a37….png)

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d663f6 No.21549660

File: f604831a67fb1cc⋯.png (432.89 KB,575x773,575:773,ClipboardImage.png)


’s Presidential campaign STAGED a fake emotional encounter with a woman on camera today at an event in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that the campaign called “organic” and “spur of the moment” but I have uncovered the fact that the venue is actually an anti-Republican Spice Company


called Penzey’s Spices that explicitly says on their company website that “Republicans are racist” and they don’t like or feel inclined to welcome Republicans or Trump supporters at their business!

Kamala Harris gave business to a company that hold sales called “Republicans are Racist weekends”. She attended their store during their “Republicans are Racist weekend”.



pretended to have an emotional encounter with a woman who was pretending to cry on Kamala Harris’s shoulder. Her campaign said Kamala was visiting a random spice shop and just happened to capture the moment on camera.


However, upon further research I have discovered that Penzey’s Spice shop is an openly ANTI TRUMP AND ANTI REPUBLICAN business that caters to non-Conservative clientele.

Kamala’s campaign wants you to think that the woman who pretended to cry on her shoulder was a regular random woman, but Penzey’s makes it very clear they only want Democrat clients.

See receipts below 👇🏻

On their website, Penzey’s Spices has an entire section called “About Republicans” in which the company explains why it’s their company policy to hate Republicans who they call “racist” on their company site.

On the “About Republicans” page on their official website, Penzey’s Spices says, “Going forward we would still be glad to have you as customers, but we're done pretending the Republican Party's embrace of cruelty, racism, Covid lies, climate change denial, and threats to democracy are anything other than the risks they legitimately are. If you need us to pretend you are not creating the hurt you are creating in order for you to continue to be our customer, I'm sad to say you might be happier elsewhere.”

This company openly hates and discriminates against Republicans and Trump supporters, and makes it very clear Republicans aren’t wanted in their stores. There are 49 Penzey’s stores across the country. The one Kamala visited was in Pittsburgh, but the company is based out of Wisconsin.

Social media posts from the company below that I have uncovered show that they are anti Trump, pro Biden and pro



According to FEC Records, Bill Penzey has given $111,200 to Biden for President and the Biden-Harris Victory fund.

Adding more evidence to the fact that this was staged, the original posters of the video on X were




, both of whom work for


’s Presidential campaign.

Ian Sam’s is the Spokesman for


. He reposted the video posted by his colleague Julia Hamelburh and said, “Every American should get to see this clip of Vice President Harris. Retweet so more can”.

They staged the video and then planted the story to make it seem organic.

They want you to think this was a random woman out in the public when in reality, this was a staged event at a RADICAL LEFTIST PROGRESSIVE COMPANY whose owner Bill Penzey spent over $700,000 on Facebook ads in support of impeaching President Trump.

Bill Penzey also sells BLM merchandise in his stores. Kamala Harris is campaigning inside a business that supports Black Lives Matter racists who burned the country down, which further highlights why she’s unfit for office.

The media wants you to think a random woman cried on Kamala’s shoulder at a random spice shop, but this was all set up.

Penzey’s is owned by a Democrat donor and the interactions with Kamala today were fake and scripted.


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9167d4 No.21549661


supernatural magic or just psychological 'magic'

totally fucking creepy shit

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eb8a77 No.21549662



taht wiggur swammin in it

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88f689 No.21549663

File: 6e1ac6ec8b13c7d⋯.jpeg (197.15 KB,1162x1900,581:950,IMG_3311.jpeg)

File: fe4f7ab44fb0046⋯.jpeg (205.5 KB,1210x1879,1210:1879,IMG_3312.jpeg)

File: ea6f108a819d7b9⋯.jpeg (201.1 KB,1155x1886,1155:1886,IMG_3313.jpeg)

File: e710585a3eb600d⋯.jpeg (200.89 KB,1163x1869,1163:1869,IMG_3314.jpeg)


RFKJr says day one we’re going to declare public emergency…


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6b09b2 No.21549664

File: d1ad306d5f2f279⋯.jpg (41.53 KB,500x500,1:1,4vgz7g.jpg)

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f75742 No.21549665


>>>21549363 (You) TRUMP at 33 Almost Owned the WTC Twin Towers - 1980s TV appearance

pls remove this notable baker - the video was different to the one I thought I was posting and it includes BS anti-Trump narrative. Thanks

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2967de No.21549666

File: 73fd718c947aa0b⋯.mp4 (11.04 MB,960x720,4:3,73fd718c947aa0b3fff8a1b853….mp4)

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1e35d9 No.21549667

File: b86b3c2019af3ec⋯.jpg (23.98 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_1892753375.jpg)

File: 2291ac9dfc2a740⋯.jpg (15.29 KB,458x669,458:669,images_74_.jpg)

File: 37793316fbbabcf⋯.jpg (74.68 KB,780x438,130:73,before_anchoring_her_own_s….jpg)

File: 91bfb03e481132e⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240818_160142….jpg)


Swatch 2

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faba87 No.21549668

File: 9a7b0c1fdeb7c6d⋯.png (106.71 KB,969x1200,323:400,ClipboardImage.png)


prolly not

just sayin

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0047e0 No.21549669

File: 06fdba302088d72⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB,640x360,16:9,6_6_6_Joe_Biden_says_it_do….mp4)

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14493b No.21549670


occult ritual chanting

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96b42d No.21549671

File: 5e969f2317ac70e⋯.jpg (173.38 KB,2048x1153,2048:1153,459004128_922802929879890_….jpg)

File: 33a6a86c351c94b⋯.webp (37.32 KB,860x484,215:121,london_ky.webp)

They're saying multiple people shot..closed major interstate I-75 and shooter is still on the loose.

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119955 No.21549672



Stored hydrogen is very dangerous.


Water is wet..

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938e6b No.21549673

File: e23040f9fced11f⋯.png (40.63 KB,834x508,417:254,ClipboardImage.png)


601 timestamp

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d663f6 No.21549674

File: eb3a2314bcbe82f⋯.png (366.29 KB,654x680,327:340,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e03631d4c361727⋯.png (529.67 KB,981x1785,327:595,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f80cda4d5b0ffa2⋯.png (1.07 MB,948x2048,237:512,ClipboardImage.png)


Kamala's "random encounter" was a staged op at a radical ANTI-REPUBLICAN establishment.

Aaaaaand they've protected their account.

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938e6b No.21549675

File: 3e986c526b38840⋯.png (24.64 KB,660x213,220:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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52eee2 No.21549676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


JamWayne - Echo (Official Video)


183K subscribers

1 hour ago

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be2a05 No.21549677


only watched first couple mins.

ty anon

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eb8a77 No.21549678

File: 6fd0876c8b3a781⋯.png (11.23 KB,225x225,1:1,6fd0876c8b3a781b06a7b7d7d8….png)



> wiggur swammin

CNN french nazi juw mad

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d663f6 No.21549679

File: 654d88062f11176⋯.png (623.19 KB,534x680,267:340,ClipboardImage.png)



"Random encounter at a spice shop"


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6b09b2 No.21549680

File: 8e8cddad3c6eadc⋯.png (95.41 KB,600x842,300:421,8e8cddad3c6eadcebc0092911c….png)

File: 0eb9e67c7a59a21⋯.jpeg (161.03 KB,1354x889,1354:889,0eb9e67c7a59a21f2ad655826….jpeg)

File: 24f9c27df190633⋯.png (23.4 KB,461x500,461:500,24f9c27df190633d2ad2c66177….png)


i'm halfing that

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84c0e1 No.21549681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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4155df No.21549682


That pos in the middle was a pedo.

And stole billions from the gaza.

He shit family is trying to gain access the the bank accts he held in europe.

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d6161f No.21549683

File: 09ab8f2e66a5a16⋯.jpg (55.34 KB,1100x618,550:309,Point_Angry_Mike_Bost.jpg)


>The basic principle is to convert hydrogen and oxygen from water for use as required, avoiding storing it.

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2092fb No.21549684


poor pepe that's poison

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f75742 No.21549686


>shooter is still on the loose.

adds to prediction: >>21549535

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119955 No.21549687

File: c37462043af2c1c⋯.png (28.11 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage3034.png)

File: 7edad17821a68bd⋯.jpeg (109.35 KB,920x682,460:341,7edad17821a68bd139907a5a0….jpeg)


>The habbenings :3

Thank you Baker.

Good bread

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96b42d No.21549688

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a38044 No.21549689

File: f9e0a0fa485dbfd⋯.png (847.35 KB,766x2072,383:1036,f9e0a0fa485dbfda29ee3fb53d….png)


TY for info . Finally got a reset. Forgot just how.

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eb8a77 No.21549690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hidden oizo

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faba87 No.21549691

File: e6b2247817948ef⋯.png (186.16 KB,600x443,600:443,ClipboardImage.png)

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3467ef No.21549692


Those are homemade from scratch, fried in canola oil in an electric wok, with homemade icing. Borrowed the sprinkles and re-used a box though.

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119955 No.21549693


8 of them at 8:08


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d663f6 No.21549694


The women who pretended to get emotional are Democrat Party volunteers and the spice shop PenzeysSpices literally tells Republicans not to shop there and says all Republicans are racist.

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52eee2 No.21549695

File: c38004a4b4d3e68⋯.png (618.77 KB,1126x926,563:463,they_lied_about_ivermectin….png)

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eb8a77 No.21549696

File: a0aa1d8c2c36a0a⋯.png (123.91 KB,640x640,1:1,a0aa1d8c2c36a0a2adaed7feef….png)



>> wiggur swammin

>CNN french nazi juw mad

CNN calls british nazi juw alec bladwin to homo on clue phone

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938e6b No.21549697

File: bd0ea9fe838da6c⋯.png (18.37 KB,420x317,420:317,ClipboardImage.png)

Cease & Desist!

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52eee2 No.21549698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Adam Calhoun & Mesus ft. Struggle Jennings & Caitlynne Curtis "Glass House"

Adam Calhoun

1.79M subscribers

1 day ago

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9167d4 No.21549699


seems a stretch to get a generator to break enough water to run the generator AND with a surplus of power for other things. However, another take was a generator running on common gas, but breaking some water to sweeten the burn (hydrogen flame propagates 40k fps. Wouldn't take much point of use hydrogen to greatly improve the burn efficiency of common gasoline)

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1e35d9 No.21549700

File: b86b3c2019af3ec⋯.jpg (23.98 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_1892753375.jpg)

File: 8880b09e426790d⋯.jpg (928.71 KB,1707x2560,1707:2560,Abigail_Breslin_abigail_br….jpg)

File: ca903cf7da781bf⋯.webp (53.52 KB,1024x576,16:9,_100600319_caroline_sunsh….webp)

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eb8a77 No.21549701

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

yellow sock puppet polka calls orange man bad juuus

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f21419 No.21549702

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Out of the horses mouth. For the doubters



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108d2d No.21549703

I believe that our spirits have gender. Spirits are either male or female. No amount of surgery or hormone interference or cross-dressing will change that.

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0b49c1 No.21549704

File: 02f58e298641851⋯.png (816.85 KB,1900x1002,950:501,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8eb59a22d8287e⋯.png (757.72 KB,1887x987,629:329,ClipboardImage.png)


* Pike foretold WWIII in 1871. That three world wars would culminate in the One World Government.

* Pike did most of his work in LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS!!!! - Clintons!!!! Killary!!!!

* When the Illuminati's Lodges of the Grand Orient became suspect and repudiated because of Mazini's revolutionary activities in Europe…


* He set up three SUPREME COUNCILS




* He had Mazini establish 23 SUBORDINATE COUNCILS throughout the world - these have been the SECRET HEADQUARTERS of the WORLD REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT.

* Pike's plan: called for Communism, Naziism, political Zionism, and other International Movements, be organized and used to foment THREE GLOBAL WORLD WARS & at least TWO MAJOR REVOLUTIONS (many were sparked by certain ASSASSINATIONS of world leaders).

*WWI - to accomplish the destruction of tsarism in Russia (vowed by Rothschild after Tsar had torpedoed his scheme at the Congress of Vienna). Plan was to transform Russia into ATHIESTIC COMMUNISM. This Communism would then be built up to help destroy other governments & weaken religions.

*WWII - Used to foment controversies between FASCISTS & POLITICAL ZIONISTS (Hitler, Nazi Germany). Again, INTERNATIONAL COMMUNISM would be built up until it's strength equaled that of UNITED CHRISTENDOM.

*WWIII - To be fomented by using the so called "controversies" (division) the agents of the Illuminati (under whatever new name, i.e. BLM, Antifa, etc) are now stirring up between the POLITICAL ZIONISTS & the leaders of the MUSLIM World!!! (Oct7, Iran/Hamas). This will not stop until they both destroy each other while the remaining nations (US, China, Russia) divided also on this issue will EXHAUST themselves PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, SPIRITUALLY & ECONOMICALLY!!!


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b58b19 No.21549705


Start acknowledging the Less than 10 Confirmations.

Stop deleting the proofs showing Q’s trip is being blocked.


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88a5c2 No.21549706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

anon has been wrecking his brain to remember two events happening on the 18th sept

the dates to remember.

14th sept - djt v kamala debate

18th sept - interest rates to drop slightly.


something to keep an eye on.

on the 18th sept djt was due to have his sentencing date which has now been cancelled.

on the 18th jerome powell will delivery a speech for the federal reserve and is due to drop the interest rate just before the elections.

The media will go into a frenzy of what a great economy the usa has under biden/kamala, but this is controlled demolition, a pump and dump period

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6b09b2 No.21549707

File: 8a316c7cbc407a6⋯.jpeg (73.22 KB,460x488,115:122,8a316c7cbc407a6cac7e67503….jpeg)

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dd1cf9 No.21549708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There' a song by the "Beatles" (scarab, get it?)

"Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite"…

…there will be a show tonight

on trampoline.

"Beatles" was a Tavistock op?

Circus Music.


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d6161f No.21549709

File: bfffaf9fa5e14ed⋯.png (380.9 KB,418x798,11:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c877e62d0a7500e⋯.png (1.75 MB,828x1241,828:1241,ClipboardImage.png)


JUST IN — As Brazilian patriots protest the ban on X, former PresidentJair Bolsonaro’s son Eduardo shares a photo in support of President @realDonaldTrumpwearing a "TRUMP FORCE CAPTAIN" hat with the caption:

" 🇺🇸🇧🇷 The Brazilian establishment fears @realDonaldTrump election."

Sep 07, 2024, 7:07 PM


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faba87 No.21549710


holy spirit does not concur

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6084c9 No.21549711


THat thing that says @brick_suit didn't stand out?

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d02edc No.21549712


was it at a church

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ad340c No.21549713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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52eee2 No.21549714

File: 128762bb60fef0e⋯.png (432.11 KB,1451x942,1451:942,GOOD_ppl_everywhere_052620….png)

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690875 No.21549715

File: faaba173bfb5713⋯.png (1.22 MB,1080x960,9:8,Untitled663_20240902110247….png)

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eb8a77 No.21549716


beliebur in yur skidmarks homo

skidmarks aRR truth

an should git sold online

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7d515b No.21549717



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d663f6 No.21549718


You spamming shill piece of garbage.

Your "proofs" are innuendo and clearly intended to discredit this board.

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96b42d No.21549719


We need to check satanic ritual moons and dates for September.

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faba87 No.21549720

File: 6033b3898a77466⋯.png (430.92 KB,500x667,500:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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6084c9 No.21549721


Doesn't really look like a 757 bumped into this one

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52eee2 No.21549722

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Adam Calhoun & Mesus ft. Tom MacDonald "Mirrors"

Adam Calhoun

1.79M subscribers

8 days ago

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ad340c No.21549723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wow, theY really aren't home.

Weird, not here now?


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2792ff No.21549724

File: 1d20a7d5f3b6c31⋯.png (35.48 KB,598x708,299:354,ClipboardImage.png)

anyone know why?

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eb6af3 No.21549725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Crazy Process of Fitting US F-35 Pilot’s $400k Super Advanced Helmet

Aug 26, 2024

Welcome back to the Fluctus Channel, where we observe the technology available in what used to be simple flight helmets but which are now sophisticated targeting systems.

Fluctus is a website and YouTube channel dedicated to sea geeks. Whenever you are curious or an incorrigible lover of this mysterious world, our videos are made for you !

We publish 3 videos a week on our YouTube channel and many more articles on our website.

Feel free to subscribe to not miss any of our updates and visit our website to discover additional content.

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b58b19 No.21549726



Times posted 7:01 PM EDT

Less than 10

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eb8a77 No.21549727

File: 05008feedb2e640⋯.png (14.36 KB,225x225,1:1,05008feedb2e640e30d760ebc4….png)



>>> wiggur swammin

>>CNN french nazi juw mad

>CNN calls british nazi juw alec bladwin to homo on clue phone

british juuuuuws start dickbutt ganbang for libor rates

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96b42d No.21549728


No canola Pepe!

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938e6b No.21549729

File: 18ed15b6d8a6c80⋯.png (17.11 KB,679x195,679:195,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 836ece46be1fdde⋯.png (97.16 KB,711x710,711:710,ClipboardImage.png)


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b58b19 No.21549730


You’re Fired…

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52eee2 No.21549731

File: 07d7dacce370e56⋯.png (911.19 KB,768x1000,96:125,fani_willis_wiki_pic_05162….png)

File: f99a79eb2761d8c⋯.png (618.67 KB,1049x586,1049:586,illigal_aliens_from_china_….png)

File: 957079cf4c3403d⋯.png (250.04 KB,1100x800,11:8,judge_merchan_daughter_bra….png)

File: 6ca0924529dcabb⋯.png (817.15 KB,1056x585,352:195,known_nationwide_got_aways….png)

File: ccf7558769c9c21⋯.png (1.04 MB,743x1126,743:1126,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

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119955 No.21549732





Equinox times,


Druid connection


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88a5c2 No.21549733


have tried cutting your dick off

its all the rage.

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3467ef No.21549734

File: 514859bfefd2065⋯.webm (190.11 KB,1146x480,191:80,silence.webm)

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f21419 No.21549735

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

STILL ONE OF MY BEST BITS!!!🤣🤣🤣. It really is one of his best! "Rocket Man". Definitely can visualize that meeting.



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4e9526 No.21549736

File: ce3aee180bcea4b⋯.png (2.72 MB,1912x999,1912:999,b54wreqwhereeqw.PNG)


This is not just another ordinary strongly worded letter.

They either go to jail for stealing the election or they go to jail for doing what they did to the country.

They have to really try and steal the election now to protect themselves.

They either go balls to the wall full tilt election fraud or they totally back off.

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6b09b2 No.21549737

File: ca6f4126e071997⋯.png (15.95 KB,253x255,253:255,07c85b9cdf122da1031a9c8b32….png)

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108d2d No.21549738


>believing a jewish version of the universe

>lol k

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94708f No.21549739

File: 14dfef9a5bf0e76⋯.png (957.58 KB,989x1280,989:1280,21219a_61539008baf8f.png)

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b58b19 No.21549740

God answers prayers.

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eb8a77 No.21549741

File: 0857e71fb2b363f⋯.png (7.77 KB,178x283,178:283,0857e71fb2b363fe779697e601….png)



>>>> wiggur swammin

>>>CNN french nazi juw mad

>>CNN calls british nazi juw alec bladwin to homo on clue phone

>british juuuuuws start dickbutt ganbang for libor rates

frickin vatihasnt bungholgat GAHYDAR lasur fires out flamur distress homo

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2092fb No.21549742

Please don't wreck your brain!

Try wracking it instead


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88f689 No.21549743

File: abdfd1a6bb7dd52⋯.jpeg (37.56 KB,697x465,697:465,IMG_3315.jpeg)


C before D

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52eee2 No.21549744

File: e1849b55ccef221⋯.png (186.96 KB,1661x1203,1661:1203,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: 0fcc2c736994a26⋯.png (188.64 KB,1635x1122,545:374,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: 2046befbf0caf81⋯.png (189.27 KB,1621x1139,1621:1139,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: 1b0711ac6c4f4aa⋯.png (174.23 KB,1618x1096,809:548,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: 27a6d8319999ab6⋯.png (180.55 KB,1615x1101,1615:1101,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

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8ab8d9 No.21549745


>anon has been wrecking his brain to remember two events happening on the 18th sept.

This one is coming up for renewal on the 12th. This was Trumps EO and Biden extended it.

Executive Order 13848—Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election


Press Release: Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Foreign Interference in or Undermining Public Confidence in United States Elections


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1e35d9 No.21549746

File: 3783a33b73e1011⋯.jpg (283.66 KB,1145x1600,229:320,Brazilian_model_Gisele_Bun….jpg)

File: 758009ff275e5e5⋯.png (504.54 KB,817x662,817:662,Sean_Hannity_1.png)

File: bef44291e9b66bf⋯.jpg (86.14 KB,1000x1465,200:293,MV5BMTk4ODYyMzgwOV5BMl5Ban….jpg)

File: c1b9024b080ba0e⋯.jpg (550.08 KB,1920x1080,16:9,t_b4ee1eccef814e7f862b0ddf….jpg)

File: cfd56548dbcabc9⋯.jpg (585.24 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_085215….jpg)

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543300 No.21549747

File: d822a966d3d7a9a⋯.jpg (2.06 MB,2195x1175,439:235,Screenshot_20240907_201602….jpg)

Shooter in KY

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52eee2 No.21549748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


MESUS x TRUMP LATINOS - "Sinner's Prayer" (Official Music Video)

Saint Mesus

239K subscribers

8 months ago

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94708f No.21549749


dude doesn't look like a pedo at all

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6b09b2 No.21549750

File: b22bf05e47a1e8a⋯.jpg (18.83 KB,255x248,255:248,b22bf05e47a1e8aec9b9dcdbf5….jpg)

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eb8a77 No.21549751

File: cc113067f2232af⋯.png (8.11 KB,288x175,288:175,cc113067f2232afba402629662….png)

son of pele didn;t shill dianetics

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b58a9c No.21549752


just a movie

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d02edc No.21549753

shirtless individual walking around plinking

niggas with sn AR in Tucky

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05ee7d No.21549754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This dude reckons you can store Hydrogen and displays examples of use. Seems quite versatile and safe for indoor use as no Carbon Monoxide is produced.

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119955 No.21549755

File: 1e9622a94a0ca21⋯.png (24.04 KB,473x147,473:147,qaggdropimage54.png)

File: c2689003b27396f⋯.png (27.72 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage3300.png)



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30e2f1 No.21549756



Sending love ❤️

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faba87 No.21549757

File: 74adaaed2dde7b7⋯.png (943.75 KB,941x575,941:575,ClipboardImage.png)


and other things

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d02edc No.21549758

ky state police helo inbound

on flight radar

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8ab8d9 No.21549759


One of her lasts posts she said she was in some sort of fear situation.

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eb8a77 No.21549760

File: ab3e1b2b9690131⋯.jpg (159.85 KB,1280x720,16:9,snapshot.jpg)


>flamur distress homo

BOFO at jesse'smom's house

answur durh grindr call

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d6161f No.21549761

File: 591bdaa3573b53c⋯.mp4 (10.16 MB,270x480,9:16,Trump_Election_24_Put_Them….mp4)




>C before D

Trump Truth read it out loud.

@realDonaldTrump put them on notice!!

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ff993b No.21549762

File: 3f76784c0f31b7b⋯.png (217.29 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


> They either go to jail for stealing the election or they go to jail for doing what they did to the country.

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84c0e1 No.21549763

File: e314069ac97759b⋯.jpg (22.69 KB,489x383,489:383,e314069ac97759b84404af1180….jpg)

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690875 No.21549764

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WATCH: Sea of Protesters Rally for Free Speech in Brazil After Judge Orders Shutdown of X

7:55 PM · Sep 7, 2024



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05ee7d No.21549765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Part 2 cooking bacon with hydrogen.

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96b42d No.21549766


Looks like they were at a truck stop near Rockcastle River. Sez people were shot through their windshields so he's elevated,,no shirt…so KY!

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6b09b2 No.21549767

File: 7f65d647db5ed70⋯.png (380.14 KB,642x361,642:361,7f65d647db5ed708e25d46506e….png)


>and other things

so profound,, faggot

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d663f6 No.21549768

File: 68440cf500bebb7⋯.mp4 (246.38 KB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17257542804….mp4)

Tampon Tim is weird.

He thinks children should be shown pornographic books.

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2092fb No.21549769


Flour or sugar either. carbs are the real bad foods that the government tries to cram down our throats.

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ad340c No.21549770

File: b29d578ac0acce3⋯.jpg (303.38 KB,1392x893,1392:893,1000000139.jpg)

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1dcc70 No.21549771

File: c5a26a01a323874⋯.png (3.24 MB,2048x2048,1:1,51497874.png)

File: 75669ffe844fbe2⋯.png (95.62 KB,1080x558,60:31,20230329_195947.png)

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eb8a77 No.21549772

File: f2486fbcb0b7e94⋯.png (471.8 KB,1400x1478,700:739,f2486fbcb0b7e94af95612d60c….png)

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14e83d No.21549773


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36fdbc No.21549774


ya remember that behavior years ago

move on

shouldnt be tweeting that, wtf

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a6e6cf No.21549775


hydrogen is highly combustible and flammable. too many dumbshits around. needs to be contained, generated, and supplied under strict regulation and law.

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be2a05 No.21549776

File: 54a7d1666b15b41⋯.png (575.04 KB,816x779,816:779,54a7d1666b15b413dd12492288….png)

last call


#26399 >>21549105

>>21549124 The Plan: WHO’s Ten Years of Infectious Diseases (2020 to 2030)

>>21549130 From Jim Watkins - Password reset is not broken. Some email providers block our email. I am sorry for this situation, but the world is not broken because of me. Lets do our best together, so it doesn't get worse.

>>21549173, >>21549569 Space News

>>21549191 I am Malik Obama. I will be voting for Donald Trump. DJT- Thank you Malik — A Great Honor.

>>21549195 Two Foreign Nationals Charged in Swatting Conspiracy FBI Minneapolis

>>21549216 U.S. Cuts Another Massive Check to Ukraine

>>21549234, >>21549241 Learn more about our Unclassified Data Lake and how you can gain access here

>>21549252 Ford recalls 85,000 Police vehicles because of potential engine fire

>>21549254 World's Biggest Battery coming to Maine

>>21549261 @NavalInstitute - #NationalBeerLoversDay

>>21549322, >>21549330, >>21549725 PlaneFaggin' YAL

>>21549359 After waiting 2 months Macron appoints a conservative as Prime Minister.

>>21549470 Feds order NYPD not to destroy electronic files amid Adams probe: police sources

>>21549480, >>21549509, >>21549681 Active shooter situation in progress on I-75 Numerous victims shot

>>21549468, >>21549477, >>21549494, >>21549503, >>21549522, >>21549547, >>21549576 Walz @ the Human Rights Campaign Dinner in DC.

>>21549518 Tucker Carlson Live - Tulsi Gabbard on Dick Cheney and on Biden’s “Terrorist Watchlist”

>>21549533, >>21549536 RFK Jr on FDA — CDC — WHO — All Health Institutions — PUT ON NOTICE!

>>21549543 Tucker Live - Vivek Ramaswamy & RFK Jr: Brazil Banning X, the New Russian Hoax & Harris Scam

>>21549549, >>21549579, >>21549600, >>21549622 TRUMP TRUTH on rampant Cheating in elections and SkullDuggery

>>21549559 Thanks in advance, Jim

>>21549618 Dems are BEGGING all the war mongering criminals to unite against Trump KEK

>>21549634 Mark Cuban has gone extremely woke and soon broke

>>21549660, >>21549674, >>21549679 Kamala In Public staged event with her team members posing as anons at large

>>21549709 Jair Bolsonaro’s son Eduardo shares a photo in "TRUMP FORCE CAPTAIN" hat Brazil

>>21549745 Trumps EO and Biden extended it. 13848—Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a US Election

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dd1cf9 No.21549777

File: bc5883a4d2a8d6c⋯.jpg (119.14 KB,510x428,255:214,pointerd.jpg)

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a6e6cf No.21549778

man where is everyone?

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05ee7d No.21549779


Anon says, nah, fuck that, remove all warning labels and let it sort itself out.

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eb8a77 No.21549780

File: b29d9701808190b⋯.png (59.39 KB,596x847,596:847,ee3eb215_36da_4bc8_9ed3_3b….png)

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30e2f1 No.21549781

File: 7e14a452cc2304a⋯.png (423.29 KB,960x2079,320:693,E6288927_B086_4BCF_A660_2C….png)

File: 70a69ae83a18bd4⋯.jpeg (187.12 KB,959x891,959:891,058D0E2A_E323_4181_A812_C….jpeg)

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8ab8d9 No.21549782


I'd let her read bedtime stories to me.

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faba87 No.21549783

File: 6ee8763801954bf⋯.png (836.34 KB,1078x575,1078:575,ClipboardImage.png)


you are dying

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01b72a No.21549784


What 2 planes?

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d02edc No.21549785

a lot of chatter on the scanner

does anyone speak kentucky

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000c7e No.21549786

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME!!!😎🇺🇸🤣🤣🤣Meeting Kim, and Trumps says "getting a good picture of Nice and Handsome and Thin." Kim and team across the table (not thin)



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88a5c2 No.21549787


hydrogen can be used to generate energy but not for powering cars.

yet, how much capacity needed to power a car for distance.

refinement and volatile.

energy and data is the new gold.

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94708f No.21549788


you mean combustible like gasoline and propane?

those run lawn mowers and grills everywhere without a problem

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eb8a77 No.21549789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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faba87 No.21549790

File: 0da5ce69d7b9585⋯.png (312.21 KB,433x637,433:637,ClipboardImage.png)

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14e83d No.21549791


Only through kfc

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d02edc No.21549792

suspect name

trevor philips

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6b09b2 No.21549793


quite the contrary.. birtch

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faba87 No.21549794

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62f89d No.21549795




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28b380 No.21549796


hydrogen dirigibles should become common again and be used for supplying water as well as transport.

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d02edc No.21549797




7 teeth


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1dcc70 No.21549798

File: 8a2aa918ab26480⋯.jpg (464.74 KB,1080x1534,540:767,20230404_090941.jpg)


We're here bro

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7de50c No.21549799

File: af4ed83bbe356d4⋯.jpeg (2.26 KB,125x125,1:1,PepeCactusGIF.jpeg)

File: e7cfef6e4a61df5⋯.jpeg (91.92 KB,1024x1024,1:1,PepeMexicali.jpeg)

File: 2efe58eb754601a⋯.png (384.64 KB,499x496,499:496,PepeMexican.png)

File: 8e25b6f9d0a1f43⋯.jpeg (90.95 KB,819x819,1:1,PepeNachos.jpeg)

we love our MAGA Latinos >>21549748

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bddfb7 No.21549800


It involves Trump and constitutional violations he potentially made leading up to the 2020 election. Nobody is talking about this yet, but the Democrats and their allies in the press are going to unleash it next month for their October Surprise.

If this post gets 5 replies, I’ll tell you what it is.

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000c7e No.21549801

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


il Donaldo Trumpo

Black men know who the boss is



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8ab8d9 No.21549802

File: 16435c447c1e5b0⋯.webp (80.4 KB,2048x1536,4:3,98ba4045d4375b2889e436676….webp)


Yes I do. I have a very competitive hourly rate.

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6b09b2 No.21549803


i meant to say bitch not birtch.. still thougy bad guys are fucked

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faba87 No.21549804

File: 3fb92d85f33b348⋯.png (374.63 KB,768x1024,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


buh bye

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a6e6cf No.21549805


worse i think. remember how much worse the hydrogen bomb is than a nuclear bomb

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119955 No.21549806




Do not store it like propane or butane. Stored hydrogen gas is dangerous.

Water is not.

Hydrolysis to create hydrogen on demand is a perfectly safe process.

Common sense

Water covers how much of the planet?

With less carbon emissions, what would be the result of the the new exhaust parameters?

Would a catalytic converter no longer be necessary?

Straight pipe?

You have more than you know.

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9167d4 No.21549807

File: 952200e34afe156⋯.jpg (15.81 KB,210x346,105:173,51JYVSQ403L_SY344_BO1_204_….jpg)


just a few years after WW2, this was published to offer a warning about Technology Fetishism. I like Fluctus, but i never hear any refection about the over-reliance our military has developed on gadgets… and with so much attention upon gadgets so little time left to study the constitution.

here We are today.

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28b380 No.21549808

please ignore the 'if I get five replies' poster.

I hope he gets NO REPLIES.

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96b42d No.21549809


But Ido love cheeze-its

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73420c No.21549810


when dihydrogen monoxide zeppelins fly

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578a0a No.21549811


The truth is, is that when they cheat, the wrong person gets authority, then as a result of wrong headed policy or intent, many people die as a result from crimes and wars. These people have to held accountable for these deaths because they are the root cause. WRWY PDJT, and we want to hand them their heads asap for all the lives that they costed this country and around the world.

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6b09b2 No.21549812

File: f5f8e09f4530f39⋯.jpeg (86.81 KB,1200x630,40:21,f5f8e09f4530f39ac013c14dc….jpeg)


not going anywhere

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a6e6cf No.21549813


how much of an expert at hydrogen are you?

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eb8a77 No.21549814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

follo durh rabbit neo

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05ee7d No.21549815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>hydrogen can be used to generate energy but not for powering cars.

Toyota disagrees with you, so does Elon.

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28b380 No.21549816


if you store the hydrogen way way up high (because that is where it wants to be) it's so far away from humans that it's not dangerous at all.

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94708f No.21549817

File: d74e853a5eb9f87⋯.jpg (11.18 KB,298x169,298:169,images.jpg)


>does anyone speak kentucky

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73420c No.21549818


sounds like bullshit

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3467ef No.21549819

File: 621bdf7619031ce⋯.webm (1.72 MB,427x240,427:240,adama_maneuver.webm)

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eb8a77 No.21549820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




fightin lik a frenchy tard !?

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96b42d No.21549821


I speak AL..KY is a hillbilly state but will try.

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d1b6c0 No.21549822


Is it blue ones or metal ones?

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14493b No.21549823


tell us about your new hoax

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6b09b2 No.21549824

File: 259752d6388388a⋯.png (1.87 MB,1194x1856,597:928,74d9991503c8ec072ed800bd36….png)


all quiet now faggot

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772f6e No.21549825

Oh my that Kentucky shooting sounds bad

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db18c5 No.21549826


It can't

Let anon put a H2 turbine powered cvt car on the road and let's see what happens

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96b42d No.21549827


Sup Hilldawg?

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d6161f No.21549828

File: af5c6ae94a3f271⋯.png (1.73 KB,110x90,11:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>I hope he gets NO REPLIES.

6 for you

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578a0a No.21549829


>What 2 planes?

There were no planes but that is their story yet 3 buildings went down.

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dd1cf9 No.21549830

File: 1419c3ddd59dbda⋯.mp4 (4.22 MB,480x360,4:3,about_the_Cartoon_Airplane.mp4)




yes, qresearch studied it.

her name Beverly Ekert and her husband was said to be friend's with DJT

Q team gave us the photo of her.

Barry gave her the free ticket on the doomed aircraft.



debunking conspiracy theorists.

As typical with the luciferians, they invert the reality.

Their story and those who follow it are the "crazy conspiracy theorists"

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ff993b No.21549831


> but the Democrats and their allies in the press are going to unleash it next month

that means its all FAKE

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96c940 No.21549832

So this is the plan? A great big nothing. Q said it will be the nothing that stops what is coming.

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164792 No.21549833


I worked for a chemical etching company and in the late 90's we were making panels for Hydrogen fuel cells for General Motors so many we were going to add the GM wing. Then 9/11 happened and all those panels dried up and we weren't getting orders for them. I have since left the company and have family still there. I asked if they were making any more panels lately and Cummins is the major buy for them right not.

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119955 No.21549834



I am not an expert. I am just a curious man who likes to learn.

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a6e6cf No.21549835


got it. thanks, anon.

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96b42d No.21549836


What in the fresh hell is that on your head Pepe?!

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9167d4 No.21549837


> supplied under strict regulation and law.

shove that back up ur ass

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164792 No.21549838


5 (you)s so you can earn a buck JIDF. You're welcome

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88a5c2 No.21549839

File: 242078447bfef3d⋯.png (259.83 KB,480x270,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


water to hydrogen

Electrolysis Example

For a simple DIY approach, you can use electrolysis to produce hydrogen from water. This method involves:

Connecting a battery to a container of water using paper clips.

Unbending the paper clips and attaching them to the battery terminals.

Placing the other ends of the paper clips into the water, but not touching each other.

Observe the formation of hydrogen bubbles on both wires.

Industrial Hydrogen Production

Industrial-scale hydrogen production typically involves larger electrolyzers or thermochemical processes. These methods can produce hydrogen at a lower cost, often around $2.30/kg, with an electricity cost of $0.037/kWh.

Other Methods

Injecting microbes into depleted oil wells can extract hydrogen from remaining oil, producing low-cost hydrogen and concentrated CO2. Additionally, some methods involve using ferrosilicon, nuclear radiation, or biological processes like direct biophotolysis, indirect biophotolysis, photo-fermentation, and dark fermentation.

Remember to always follow safety guidelines and proper procedures when handling hydrogen production methods, especially when working with electricity or chemicals.

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dd1cf9 No.21549840

File: e0cc13c0712fdb4⋯.jpg (258.42 KB,549x558,61:62,911widowmurder.jpg)

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7d515b No.21549841

File: 61b016d8fdc22ea⋯.gif (1.04 MB,360x270,4:3,vVwY5q.gif)

File: 81e59db8be50c79⋯.gif (1.03 MB,400x224,25:14,ZdEyCv.gif)



nothing is real but pain now.

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8ab8d9 No.21549842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There's storing hydrogen vs converting into hydrogen. This car didn't store hydrogen.

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dc3d1b No.21549843


He was President - and Scotus just ruled on immunity.

So let's hear it.

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28b380 No.21549844


I bet he doesn't post anything.

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000c7e No.21549845

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

EPIC ENTRANCE!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥==I love our President, he's so dramatic



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d6161f No.21549846

File: 6a4a58f346c8db2⋯.jpg (28.7 KB,1172x769,1172:769,Truth_The_Melania.jpg)


>all the lives that they costed this country and around the world.

… and this has been going on for decades,

mebe centuries.

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1dcc70 No.21549847

File: e04dbbce5123544⋯.jpg (100.37 KB,500x435,100:87,20210917_063046.jpg)


>shove that back up ur ass

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be2a05 No.21549848

File: d548befd89f3067⋯.jpg (464.77 KB,2560x2560,1:1,d548befd89f306707d2ee6f280….jpg)

File: bba023be0a7201e⋯.jpg (454.25 KB,2560x2560,1:1,bba023be0a7201e6cdf0cfe96c….jpg)



#26399 >>21549105

>>21549124 The Plan: WHO’s Ten Years of Infectious Diseases (2020 to 2030)

>>21549130 From Jim Watkins - Password reset is not broken. Some email providers block our email. I am sorry for this situation, but the world is not broken because of me. Lets do our best together, so it doesn't get worse.

>>21549173, >>21549569 Space News

>>21549191 I am Malik Obama. I will be voting for Donald Trump. DJT- Thank you Malik — A Great Honor.

>>21549195 Two Foreign Nationals Charged in Swatting Conspiracy FBI Minneapolis

>>21549216 U.S. Cuts Another Massive Check to Ukraine

>>21549234, >>21549241 Learn more about our Unclassified Data Lake and how you can gain access here

>>21549252 Ford recalls 85,000 Police vehicles because of potential engine fire

>>21549254 World's Biggest Battery coming to Maine

>>21549261 @NavalInstitute - #NationalBeerLoversDay

>>21549322, >>21549330, >>21549725 PlaneFaggin' YAL

>>21549359 After waiting 2 months Macron appoints a conservative as Prime Minister.

>>21549470 Feds order NYPD not to destroy electronic files amid Adams probe: police sources

>>21549480, >>21549509, >>21549681 Active shooter situation in progress on I-75 Numerous victims shot

>>21549468, >>21549477, >>21549494, >>21549503, >>21549522, >>21549547, >>21549576 Walz @ the Human Rights Campaign Dinner in DC.

>>21549518 Tucker Carlson Live - Tulsi Gabbard on Dick Cheney and on Biden’s “Terrorist Watchlist”

>>21549533, >>21549536 RFK Jr on FDA — CDC — WHO — All Health Institutions — PUT ON NOTICE!

>>21549543 Tucker Live - Vivek Ramaswamy & RFK Jr: Brazil Banning X, the New Russian Hoax & Harris Scam

>>21549549, >>21549579, >>21549600, >>21549622 TRUMP TRUTH on rampant Cheating in elections and SkullDuggery

>>21549559 Thanks in advance, Jim

>>21549618 Dems are BEGGING all the war mongering criminals to unite against Trump KEK

>>21549634 Mark Cuban has gone extremely woke and soon broke

>>21549660, >>21549674, >>21549679 Kamala In Public staged event with her team members posing as anons at large

>>21549709 Jair Bolsonaro’s son Eduardo shares a photo in "TRUMP FORCE CAPTAIN" hat Brazil

>>21549745 Trumps EO and Biden extended it. 13848—Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a US Election

>>21549801 moar Great Awakening in action AMERICA KNOWS WHAT TIME IT IS

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a6e6cf No.21549849


not this time, yo. not when everyone's drivin around an H-Bomb.

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639d08 No.21549852


>strict regulation and law.

Fuck off.

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f018e9 No.21549853


please explain further

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05ee7d No.21549854


Because they (cabal) were already planning to go all electric, being able to run on water is a disaster for them. It represents huge loss of control.

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d19a5f No.21549855

File: 9892172d2b6330c⋯.gif (2.76 MB,320x320,1:1,asl_american.gif)


Hey Dimwit!

How's them size 12 cowboy boots?

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8ab8d9 No.21549857


His hoods says "Jesus Christ is Lord".

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a6e6cf No.21549858


we're talking about storage here. not the car.

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6a78d3 No.21549859

File: 069b1de0ae7da5b⋯.png (222.28 KB,700x634,350:317,069b1de0ae7da5b9da691c5e66….png)



They never left.

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8a120a No.21549860


Apparently not

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d19a5f No.21549861


KY is easiest if you take your shoes off first.

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be2a05 No.21549862

File: 519b38a0f3a0086⋯.jpg (285.58 KB,561x840,187:280,519b38a0f3a0086bf001dccdc4….jpg)

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96b42d No.21549863


Love the hat

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96c940 No.21549866


We would evolve.

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f483ff No.21549867

File: 14dadc9dacd96e1⋯.jpg (319.93 KB,1540x460,77:23,media_GW6YkOrXIAEKmKG.jpg)

Shake it.

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be2a05 No.21549868

File: 990885f4b1c9cec⋯.png (107.25 KB,490x293,490:293,Screenshot_2023_05_20_at_2….png)

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28b380 No.21549869


OR: they were never planning to go all electric but knew that pushing as if it could happen would ruin the US economy.

'all electric' was always a lie, and I submit that they always knew it was a lie.

but it was a way to rub the West's face in the fact that the cabal rules us through the corruption of our institutions, especially the scientific and medical ones.

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146ec5 No.21549871


Wait til you find out who wins the election.

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8ab8d9 No.21549872


Don't let me get in the way of your dumb ass argument.

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9167d4 No.21549873


it's not an "H-Bomb" ya fucking retard

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05ee7d No.21549876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Filling your gas tank with water?

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be2a05 No.21549877

File: 33b868d06c82f5b⋯.png (651.96 KB,800x454,400:227,33b868d06c82f5b298f09915a9….png)

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1e35d9 No.21549878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pay royalties, Elron!

Was The Man Who Made The Water Engine Murdered? | The Conspiracy Show | Documentary Central

1.7M views · 2 years ago#Channel #Documentary #Facts


Documentary Central


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d19a5f No.21549880


During electrolysis, hydrogen collects at the cathode (-ve) and oxygen at the anode (+ve).

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28b380 No.21549883


of course it tells us nothing.

anon, please don't fall for this tactic again.

TY in advance.

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faba87 No.21549886

File: 16d02207af7382a⋯.png (1.47 MB,1043x947,1043:947,wehaveitall.png)

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