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File: 69a4d2ec5235c5c⋯.png (957.81 KB,1371x764,1371:764,jf87fj9f78eidkhjg98d8fgjwl….png)

65318c No.21548313 [Last50 Posts]

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65318c No.21548316

International Q Research Threads

>>21251854 Australia #37

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>>20022853 Posting Guidelines | >>21163876 Anon Info | >>19089065, >>21163829 Baking Tools & Guidelines

NOTICE: >>21523087, >>21523128 GENERAL banners can use Trump "fight fight fight" photo new

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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!


26397 >>21547519


>>21547659 WATCH LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Mosinee, WI - 9/7/24

>>21547733, >>21547787, >>21547800, >>21547801, >>21547824, >>21547827 @realDonaldTrump Wisconsin, Get Ready for a Trump Force One Fly Over!! Runway 17!

>>21547829, >>21547834, >>21547862, >>21547880, >>21547898, >>21548108 TRUMP FORCE ONE LANDS IN WISCONSIN

>>21547913, >>21547940, >>21548217 POTUS IS UP LIVE

>>21548112 Trump: "We're up against very bad evil people. It's an evil force."

>>21547957, >>21547976, >>21547987, >>21547998, >>21548013, >>21548021, >>21548027, >>21548034, >>21548044, >>21548051, >>21548056, >>21548058, >>21548061, >>21548070, >>21548077, >>21548080, >>21548101, >>21548109, >>21548110, >>21548126, >>21548134, >>21548142, >>21548149, >>21548173, >>21548193, >>21548200, >>21548222, >>21548234, >>21548245, >>21548269, >>21548292, >>21548293, >>21548297 TRUMP QUOTES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21547570, >>21547572 Social Security Facing $63 Trillion In Unfunded Liabilities = CyberAttack Time

>>21547576, >>21547592 SPIRITUAL WARFARE

>>21547578, >>21547580, >>21547583, >>21547595 IRAN Hurting Efforts To Protect Trump, Harris, Biden?

>>21547634 Back by popular demand, TRUMP DIGITAL TRADING CARDS, Series 4: The America First Collection

>>21547656 RFK Jr & Calley Means on How Insurance Companies Profit From Chronic Disease

>>21547660, >>21547686, >>21547748, >>21547786, >>21547806, >>21547823, >>21547868, >>21547870 NASA space stuffs

>>21547680 @RichardGrenell - @keithellison is on the short list to be Attorney General if Kamala should win.

>>21547689 @elonmusk - Grok unhinged fun mode. Moar Vulgar! Forbidden Words!

>>21547690 (ODNI) announced Friday that it has not “observed” any foreign interference in the 2024 election

>>21547692 WEF - "CovID Was a ‘Test’ of Our Obedience to Rapidly Forming New World Order"

>>21547700 RT - Argentina urges ICC to order arrest of Maduro

>>21547705 Texas Democrat Indicted For Staging Hate Crime Hoax and Framing Republican Opponent

>>21547731 DeSantis Operatives Have Taken Over a Key Trump-World PAC

>>21547745 Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement on Social Media Speech Restrictions

>>21547746 Trump has suggested eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs

>>21547771, >>21547910 Erdogan seeks Islamic alliance against Israel, says its ‘expansionism’ won’t stop in Gaza

>>21547809 Renowned Medical Professor Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer

>>21547857 Berkshire Hathaway sells 18.7 million Bank of America shares from Sep 3-5

>>21547886 An odd-looking balloon was floating across the Denver metro area on Friday morning

>>21548032 Southern California rocked by two earthquakes 30 minutes apart and felt by millions

>>21548223, >>21548263 NOW: Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil to fight against censorship

>>21548251 Montana County Declares Wrong Winner After Failing To Compare Total Voters To Ballots


#26396 >>21546526

>>21546566 Children Of Big Brother: What It Means To Go Back-To-School In The American Police State

>>21546594 Have setup a back channel News Chat room Setup

>>21546601 The fight for the future of the Murdoch media empire is about to begin

>>21546636 @OAN Watch Weekly Briefing!

>>21546656 Kamala Harris webpage deleted! Kamala was rated as the most liberal out of ALL US senators in 2019!

>>21546685 notes for #26395

>>21546808 The Republican Party argues that the cured ballots should be invalid because private voter information was transmitted to the King County Auditor by a third party.


>>21546839 Masked Criminals With AR-Rifle Rob Denver Home. Migrant Gang Crime Spreads Across US

>>21546851 Virginia: Illegal Alien Child Sex Offender from Bolivia Released Despite ICE Detainers

>>21546852 Animal sacrifices on the rise in Queens with chickens, pigs being tortured in ‘twisted’ rituals

>>21546870 58 days and counting plus moar

>>21546903, >>21546810 Creditors In Commerce Paradigm Shift Your Power Over The Corporations 1 of 3

>>21546910 US State Department's Well Paid Online Propaganda Troll Farms HACKED

>>21546969, >>21546993 Dim BS fact czech wtf

>>21547023 German officials claim Poland sabotaged investigation into Nord Stream explosions

>>21547062 Trump Rally Mosinee, WI 2p EDT

>>21547084 Moar X22

>>21547097, >>21547187, >>21547267, >>21547303 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>21547122 Democrats 'New Path Forward' Is Literally Communist Propaganda

>>21547168 How the Migrant Crisis Drained $150 Billion from Taxpayers in a Single Year

>>21547186 OMG! Qanon phrases from Trump

>>21547209, >>21547221 NO DIGITAL PAYMENTS ARE BEING ACCEPTED FOR Flynn DIGITALSOLDIERS™️ defense Funds…and his wife is handling it

>>21547231 CubeSats are pictured after being deployed into Earth orbit

>>21547238 Texas Democrat Commissioner Nominee Indicted For Staging Hate Crime Hoax and Framing Republican Opponent


>>21547254 World Economic Forum Finally Tells the Truth About Covid: It Was a ‘Test’ of Our Obedience to Rapidly Forming New World Order

>>21547284 Director of National Intelligence says “to date, the IC has not observed any foreign actor seeking to interfere in the conduct of the 2024 elections.”

>>21547316 Musk: Telegram quietly updates FAQ, removing: "All Telegram chats and group chats are private amongst their participants. We do not process any requests related to them."

>>21547356 SpaceX launches third batch of satellites for NRO’s proliferated constellation


>>21547375, >>21547366 UK: red triangle is, used by hamas to point to their anemies and targeted/needs diggz

>>21547382, >>21547398 FBI Director Chris Wray issues "election" statement that's so stupid, people thought it was fake - but it's real…

>>21547410 UK: live feed from Islam channel on youtube, speakers using the language from the river to the sea LONDON: PROTESTERS MARCH IN SOLIDARITY WITH PALESTINE

>>21547423 China's mysterious space plane returns to Earth after 268 days in orbit

>>21547436 Zuckerberg’s statement missed a key detail – at least three Facebook staff members participated in the Aspen Institute’s Hunter Biden table-top exercise that game-planned how to suppress the story two months in advance of the New York Post story.

>>21547461, >>21547464 American Co. Russia Russia Russia Set up for kneepads loss kek

>>21547461, >>21547464 American Co. Russia Russia Russia Set up for kneepads loss kek

>>21547468 Sneaken Bolsonaro out of Brazil??

>>21547507 #26396

#26395 >>21545738

>>21545798, >>21545829 Starliner Flight Test Landing

>>21545813 DJT: How much more you're paying under comrade Kamala Harris

>>21545822 DJT: Comrade Kamala's Migrant Crime Wave

>>21545844 Chaos as first mail ballots for 2024 election delayed after court rules RFK's name must be removed

>>21545872 Springfield, Ohio is a small town of 60k residents whom Biden / Harris shipped 20,000 Haitian immigrants to

>>21545877 Refresher: E. Jean Carroll's allegations on Trump are based on a Law & Order: SVU episode, which is also her favorite show

>>21545886, >>21545903, >>21545931 Every child killed in a mass school shooting in the last 2 years, was killed by a transgender shooter

>>21546050 President Trump, what if you made a negotiated settlement to the Ukraine Russian war before the election? That I think would solidify you as the peace maker that the world sorely needs and prove to all US voters that you alone can do what the entire democrat party cannot do nor will not do. In addition, you will probably save tens of thousand if not hundreds of thousands more lives, both civilian and non-civilian.

>>21546078 Democrat to vote against bill restricting China's WuXi Biologics, BGI

>>21546093 Sharyl Attkisson on How Rep. Thomas Massie Caught the CDC Lying About the COVID Vaccines

>>21546096 @realDonaldTrump They say Nate Silver is the best!

>>21546141 Touchdown, #Starliner! The uncrewed spacecraft landed at New Mexico's White Sands Space Harbor at 12:01 am ET (0401 UTC) on Saturday, Sept. 7.

>>21546196 New Pavel Durov - lots of "stuff" in the rubber duck pic like

>>21546198, >>21546199, >>21546285 Robert F. Kennedy Jr Says Bill Gates Uses 'Philanthrocapitalism' to Enrich Himself

>>21546274 2 years ago the last photo of Queen Elizabeth II was taken at Balmoral on September 6.

>>21546277 D.O.G.E Department of Government Efficiency


>>21546309 Springfield, Ohio, resident tells mayor that she "can't take it anymore" as Haitian migrants squat on her lawn, litter in her yard and harass her and elderly husband daily.

>>21546318 Morrow: Election Officially Begins In North Carolina On Monday

>>21546320, >>21546321 NY Citizens Audit Finds Voting Error Rates Of Up To 20% Across States

>>21546323 You know its general election season when they start mandating masks and social distancing.

>>21546326 @GenFlynnI am now even more convinced, the FBI needs to be completely disbanded (and they clearly do not need a new headquarters).

>>21546338 Trump will attend a fundraiser in the Bay Area next week during his second trip to the region in roughly three months.

>>21546343 A Tennessee school district has outlawed prayer on school property.

>>21546349 ICE confirms Aurora, Colorado gang members are in the United States illegally, released by Biden admin The four arrested are confirmed Venezuelan nationals and members of the Tren de Aragua gang

>>21546366 Alan Dershowitz leaves Democratic Party, cites DNC: 'I was disgusted'

>>21546484 X22 Report DS just changed tactics

>>21546493 Electors vs. Voters: The Truth - John B Wells LIVE

>>21546054, >>21546040, >>21546051 Memes

>>21546685 #26395 posted in 26396

Previously Collected

>>21544180 #26392, >>21544963 #26393, >>21545729 #26394

>>21541351 #26389, >>21542256 #26390, >>21543182 #26391

>>21538831 #26386, >>21539617 #26387, >>21540427 #26388

>>21535897 #26383, >>21537133 #26384, >>21537978 #26385

Aggregators: https:'//'qresear.ch | https:'//'qnotables.com | https:'//'qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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65318c No.21548319

File: c1f4b61c23a220b⋯.jpg (15.1 KB,255x255,1:1,c1f4b61c23a220bfca7c1cf673….jpg)

File: f3b6714d001db62⋯.png (658.1 KB,556x828,139:207,HET.png)

File: 9698a614300afc5⋯.png (210.69 KB,548x553,548:553,9698a614300afc501db279e60a….png)

fresh dough


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8a1e56 No.21548328

File: d90d10ad75a6d9d⋯.png (944.51 KB,908x778,454:389,d90d10ad75a6d9df0a5cb08138….png)

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8c356a No.21548329

sometimes you just gotta yell at everyone

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b5a49b No.21548330


Thank you, Rally Baker!

TRUMP: "Isn't it great to have a Kennedy with us? Isn't that nice?"

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6fd00c No.21548332

File: b850439148ae645⋯.png (460.6 KB,606x564,101:94,him.PNG)


Ezra Levant 🍁🚛



, the rogue judge that banned @X

from Brazil and seized @elonmusk

’s assets, has a bizarre look: a shaved head and a black cape,

Needless to say, it’s easy for citizens to mock him, and they do! Follow along at http://TheTruthAboutBrazil.com

8:13 AM · Sep 7, 2024


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9e8ff8 No.21548333

File: 72e40a2984ed615⋯.png (147.64 KB,251x240,251:240,72e40a2984ed61533e1bcd072d….png)

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00b9f9 No.21548338

File: 6c37c466a251f87⋯.jpg (79.35 KB,754x1158,377:579,6c3.jpg)


Thanks B

Epic nonstop winning

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8c356a No.21548340

'troy nells, and he brought his brother, are you twins, hes better looking than you, his name is trevor'

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0c1799 No.21548343

File: dd17c0a9061c1ac⋯.jpg (70.92 KB,888x497,888:497,mmbyhvgngh.jpg)

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d62954 No.21548346

Thank you Baker


If only I had known another option existed

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8c356a No.21548348

'we are doing very nicely in texas, we are winning by about 16 points, thank you very much'

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0c1799 No.21548350

President Trump: To every citizen who is sick and tired of the parasitic class in Washington that sucks our country of it's blood and treasure, November fifth will be your Liberation Day. November fifth, this year, will be the most important day in the history of our country.

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8c356a No.21548352

'great speech, i watched it from the place tom'

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8c356a No.21548353

'great speech, i watched it from the plane tom'

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00b9f9 No.21548354

File: 4b2de186ddef0a1⋯.png (358.21 KB,771x565,771:565,4b2de186ddef0a1fa8a49b4ee5….png)


I thank POTUS daily

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a5dc54 No.21548355

File: 305a8dc2395fbf8⋯.png (284.79 KB,457x483,457:483,305a8dc2395fbf88e778fb421b….png)


Ty Baker

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8c356a No.21548356

'gretchen wilson, thank you very much, great job, great job, do you want to come up gretchen? come up, its a saturday, we have all day'

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8aa9be No.21548357

File: c8784dbf0e62015⋯.png (1.25 MB,1202x875,1202:875,8chan.PNG)

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b5a49b No.21548358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Gretchen Wilson

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0fe21d No.21548359

File: c1f4b61c23a220b⋯.png (15.1 KB,255x255,1:1,c1f4b61c23a220bfca7c1cf673….png)


Thanks for using my meme. It means a lot to me if you want it

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d62954 No.21548360

File: 9c39a30442b10bf⋯.jpg (22.95 KB,500x397,500:397,FB_IMG_1488452652765.jpg)




>I'll watch it at my parents

I should see what there doing today


Do you believe in coincidence? I don't.

I know better :3




Spooky ghost mouth!!


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8aa9be No.21548361

File: 5a92d56bc09b050⋯.png (2.97 MB,1500x844,375:211,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21548289 /pb/

Taking Our Movies and Entertainment from the Darkness…into the Light

Satanic Hollywood dropping Devil Crumbs all these years….Anons finding the Light Crumbs dropped from the Past to Prove in the Future…Prove What?

Prove God Wins

Light to Dark!

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630634 No.21548362

File: a82909c0c723ee0⋯.jpg (160.56 KB,910x911,910:911,20240907_130824.jpg)


Greta is a terrorist cunt

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d7321d No.21548363

File: c27bf12c965b5d3⋯.png (349.3 KB,620x411,620:411,ClipboardImage.png)

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90a67c No.21548364

File: a55d659da270ba8⋯.png (46.32 KB,98x337,98:337,Proudtowearmyuniform.png)



cute logo

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6fd00c No.21548365

File: daed48193d53c6a⋯.png (367.32 KB,606x564,101:94,aps.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


Media Under Trump: Rachel Maddow begins crying on air & couldnt even finish her talking points because kids were being sent to migrant facilities

Media under Kamala Harris: This same thing happens plus an additional 300,000+ kids missing & sexually exploited. No emotion/ outrage

8:18 AM · Sep 7, 2024

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a46036 No.21548366

She was a great speaker!

Who was that?

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8c356a No.21548367

'as border czar kamala let in 20 million, now they are saying 25 million into our country'

'the border patrol and ice and our whole thing with the police, they came out with a study on border patrol, and in 2019, my year, they did a report and not one terrorist came into the country, now we have thousands, and thousands, and thousands and its going to end very badly'

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65318c No.21548368


seemed to fit the moment


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9e939b No.21548369

File: 4a1a84da295937d⋯.jpg (32.32 KB,474x317,474:317,th_3223259596.jpg)

File: 4082f5b054d1e52⋯.jpg (743.32 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240907_120224….jpg)

File: 4df51394e2ef2c5⋯.jpg (916.1 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240907_115335….jpg)

File: 2a6f46eaf5a5aae⋯.jpg (246.65 KB,2048x1152,16:9,skynews_trump_kennedy_6664….jpg)

File: 5edced7dbadb722⋯.jpg (21.32 KB,474x315,158:105,th_4072050894.jpg)



Reflections on VatSSassins

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b5a49b No.21548370

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355191 No.21548371

File: a8f91c45addfee3⋯.jpg (391.06 KB,1432x1080,179:135,BorderControl.JPG)

File: 916791656bc1598⋯.jpg (389.17 KB,1769x1080,1769:1080,BorderSerious.JPG)

File: 6f899f600416ff5⋯.jpg (303.8 KB,1170x630,13:7,TreasonAtTop.jpg)

File: 16fef325c2292e0⋯.jpg (1.34 MB,2048x1301,2048:1301,Border10aDay.jpg)

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1202de No.21548373

File: 643f4223b2c3c1c⋯.png (312.46 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240907_150259.png)

File: 2312d7692879a4c⋯.png (51.93 KB,766x672,383:336,233_1_.png)

File: f91a909cd7a74bf⋯.jpeg (358 KB,2048x1306,1024:653,GW3l80WXgAA0qiU.jpeg)

File: 0c83ace0331affa⋯.jpg (66.14 KB,728x912,91:114,a6a1b523a1db019917a5d01881….jpg)

File: 92ba2faa128b929⋯.png (728.62 KB,1659x1902,553:634,92ba2faa128b929cf933030961….png)

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61dce9 No.21548374

File: 86d0e8757d82094⋯.jpg (138.34 KB,889x1101,889:1101,2024_07_14T001557Z_3856682….jpg)

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8c356a No.21548375

'the people are petrified'

'and you havent seen the extent of the migrant crime yet, they are just getting settled in'

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d14c23 No.21548376

File: 97c134008e0777b⋯.jpg (858.29 KB,1600x983,1600:983,2024_09_07_15_22_44_602.jpg)


Thank you.

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6fd00c No.21548377

File: 7167e30298c7b06⋯.png (486.79 KB,591x574,591:574,gw.PNG)




Country singer Gretchen Wilson rallies support for President Trump in Mosinee, WI

Country singer Gretchen Wilson rallies support for President Trump

Country singer Gretchen Wilson rallies support for President Trump in Mosinee, WI

8:22 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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8c356a No.21548378

'i was the leading person in the whole country, then they see lets remove him from the ballot'

'democrats did it'

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8a1e56 No.21548379

File: 2fb1982454397d2⋯.png (201.85 KB,255x437,255:437,Screen_Shot_2024_09_07_at_….png)


Anon would handcuff Greta to headboard.

Then go ask a pretty girl to make anon a sammich

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0c1799 No.21548380

President Trump: As Border Czar, Kamala Harris let in over twenty million; they're now saying the number could be twenty-five million, illegal aliens from a hundred and sixty-eight different countries…coming from prisons and jails, insane asylums and mental institutions, and terrorists at a level that we've never seen before…what they've done in allowing maybe twenty-five million people into our country; it should be illegal. They're destroying; maybe it is illegal. They're destroying our country. They're ruining our country.

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6fd00c No.21548381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gretchen Wilson - Redneck Woman

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8c356a No.21548382

'the governor had no idea what to do'

'has no clue how to solve this influx of crime, theyve taken over sections of the state and you know getting them out will be a bloody story'

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44c0f6 No.21548383

File: c532ebd65a33c62⋯.jpg (25.4 KB,373x343,373:343,baker_and_flour.jpg)



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d14c23 No.21548384

Case for kinetics.

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61dce9 No.21548385


rally babe located

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8c356a No.21548386

'if you come back you will be executed, you will be killed immediately, not going to be easy but we are going to do it'

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3e7f86 No.21548387

File: 84709c022586fa4⋯.jpg (475.25 KB,1024x768,4:3,WorldsFair.jpg)

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b5a49b No.21548388

Trump: "Getting them out [the migrants] will be a …bloody…story"

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0c1799 No.21548389

President Trump: Getting them out [Tren de Aragua/illegal gangs] will be a bloody story.

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6fd00c No.21548390

File: 3ac835ea856c2b1⋯.png (288.35 KB,435x420,29:28,pc.PNG)


Grammy award winning Recording artist, Gretchen Willson -I urge you to pay close attention to the words you were hearing and not hearing from the media 🔥

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391540 No.21548391

File: 494120d93469dcc⋯.jpg (391.31 KB,1124x1080,281:270,InfiltrationMC.JPG)

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d0051f No.21548392

File: 65a50b5fa8f8565⋯.jpg (2.43 MB,2560x2560,1:1,TheWorldIsAboutToChange.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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b5a49b No.21548393

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1202de No.21548394

File: 0aead3a11a7f568⋯.png (438.69 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240907_152416.png)

File: 0020d146cc267c5⋯.png (25.48 KB,766x496,383:248,124_2_.png)

File: ab6f89498bd7805⋯.png (43.45 KB,766x540,383:270,1324.png)

File: eb8e3513e9724cc⋯.png (105.48 KB,766x716,383:358,43_4_.png)

File: 2f4e373e6597cb6⋯.png (67.62 KB,766x896,383:448,103_3_.png)

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8b0350 No.21548395

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110b85 No.21548396

File: 32e3713532f1cff⋯.png (424.93 KB,753x514,753:514,ClipboardImage.png)





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42daa7 No.21548397

File: 665a25328cb66e5⋯.jpg (377.03 KB,1600x901,1600:901,l_intro_1629320053.jpg)

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55b3ed No.21548398

File: 026908444ae7002⋯.png (361.67 KB,526x577,526:577,ClipboardImage.png)

The cult brainwashes the people with "sound bites" intended to be repeated in their heads.

Ends up killing them.

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8c356a No.21548399

'his state is going to hell, so if you live in chicago and your state is going to hell, just vote for donald trump'

'labor day, chicago had 117 people shot'

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595f55 No.21548400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6fd00c No.21548401

File: 35057d961b05c32⋯.png (421.77 KB,588x657,196:219,d.PNG)


Trump War Room


BREAKING: Grammy Award Winning Singer/Songwriter Gretchen Wilson endorses President Donald J. Trump and JD Vance at the Mosinee, Wisconsin rally:

“Back in the day my family were all Kennedy democrats. But that’s when the democrats were on the side of the people. Once I started paying attention to what was really going on, I realized the Democrat Party LEFT us… Let’s make sure we the people do all we can to save our country by voting for President Trump and JD Vance!”

8:26 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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05cb6d No.21548402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"2019, check it out" Q+


"Bad People." Q+

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8aa9be No.21548403

cant wait until Monday to meet….meet that future



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9f04a7 No.21548404

Chicago 170 shot, 17 Died

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8c356a No.21548405

'protest the democrats by votiing for trump, go back in four years to the democrats if you like, but you wont because we will do a fantastic job in the next four years'

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8732f1 No.21548406

File: 9111a6928a4e351⋯.jpg (392.15 KB,1921x1080,1921:1080,BorderCupcakes.JPG)

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1202de No.21548407

File: 1c1197c30a3425b⋯.png (772.7 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240907_152707.png)

File: 2e6ed591f961be1⋯.png (266.15 KB,766x876,383:438,305.png)

File: 38f60f224ce08dc⋯.png (1.1 MB,2048x1536,4:3,f38687da4995e9b16729ea9a20….png)

File: 6e075d1a8445c32⋯.png (833.56 KB,761x761,1:1,GW5UxPpXoAApmZY.png)

File: b0e25437017cc8b⋯.png (93.69 KB,766x1070,383:535,1505.png)

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c3587f No.21548408

File: 1c75c54aea76857⋯.png (559.1 KB,800x533,800:533,ClipboardImage.png)

imagine giving weak ass rats like this any power whatsoever

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9e939b No.21548409

File: 30a28012a8c5598⋯.png (19.41 KB,270x270,1:1,66126ed8c72514eb.png)

File: 37e6af7423a2583⋯.jpg (72.08 KB,976x567,976:567,bdd1f98ac8a83c32e920c33473….jpg)

File: e1d31d6b84e77cb⋯.jpeg (36.11 KB,700x466,350:233,pope_francis_nancy_pelosi….jpeg)

File: 95b8fef0cc1b044⋯.jpg (707.58 KB,2560x1693,2560:1693,Pelosi_with_parents_and_JF….jpg)

File: ded2f63da681b8c⋯.jpg (25.83 KB,474x474,1:1,th_1831815958.jpg)



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93123c No.21548410

File: 9caf041474e9a8f⋯.png (4.74 MB,3024x1717,3024:1717,IMG_2504.png)

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306cfc No.21548411


Fuck you faggot

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74f8d2 No.21548412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Get sexy shit

From Wally world ..kek

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f6fe12 No.21548413

File: 4122c3f7f80d5f3⋯.png (22.47 KB,541x500,541:500,66dc88054c115.png)

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8c356a No.21548414

theyre forming armies in our country, aurora is just the beginning, dont talk about, the world has found out, they have pictures, they come in they throw all the people out of their apartments, and they take over, theyre in the real estate business now, last month they were in jail, now they are in real estate'

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8aa9be No.21548416

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b98570 No.21548417

File: 64ceba8f3b228d2⋯.mp4 (7.67 MB,440x720,11:18,gifcatmas725aa58e9f5276cf7….mp4)

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8c356a No.21548418

'venezuela crime is down 72 percent'

'if they win, we will have a rally in caracas venezuela or one of 100 s of other countries that will be safer than our country'

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0c1799 No.21548419

President Trump: You're being overrun by criminals., You're being overrun by people; they're not being checked, they're not being vetted. They're taking over our country. They're forming armies in our country, and Aurora [Colorado] is just one example of many locations, other places are probably in worse shape, we probably just haven't heard about 'em yet.

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8a1e56 No.21548420


>where she was rehearsing for a synchronised swimming show


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8c356a No.21548421

'where did you live? jail… oh what do you do? .. its NONE OF your business"

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b5a49b No.21548422


>They're forming armies in our country,

then they must have been trained somewhere over there before coming over

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6fd00c No.21548423

File: 363b0862ac57c30⋯.png (465.21 KB,598x593,598:593,mass.PNG)





Absolutely massive protest in Brazil today for free speech.

SHARE - The mainstream media won't show you this 👇


Mario Nawfal

7:16 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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8aa9be No.21548424

File: 91d0e2cdb58d643⋯.png (332.58 KB,1262x951,1262:951,ClipboardImage.png)



we just have to ride it out

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3e7f86 No.21548425

lost the battle with obesity - on purpose >>21548398

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595f55 No.21548426


forgibbs me anons.

this vid is not so important

DJT speaking right now is better

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b9727e No.21548427

File: a7ff01863bbacf1⋯.jpeg (86.98 KB,400x400,1:1,IMG_8091.jpeg)

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b98570 No.21548428









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0fafbd No.21548429

File: 7ac83f728740c4a⋯.png (317.05 KB,352x348,88:87,7ac83f728740c4a32896095e6c….png)

File: eed087f26c6b564⋯.png (644.34 KB,744x800,93:100,eed087f26c6b564907c986dc7c….png)

File: fb0919059fe2f14⋯.png (654.17 KB,960x529,960:529,fb0919059fe2f14f2c8be68139….png)

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1202de No.21548430

File: d873ce3f2aac601⋯.png (36.58 KB,766x452,383:226,324_2_.png)

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8c356a No.21548431

its not like we have a choice, like we can say 'oh we cna live with it' no you cant, we will be killed, you cant live with it'

'oh hannibal lecter, thats a representative of people who are coming into our country, doctor hannibal lector, he will have you over for dinner, he will have you for dinner'


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42daa7 No.21548432

POTUS has never lied to us! NEVER!

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9e939b No.21548433

File: c1e1736f2f16120⋯.jpg (304.96 KB,1137x1600,1137:1600,Otto_Skorzeny_scar_ss_offi….jpg)

File: 804d053647eba92⋯.jpg (361.21 KB,915x610,3:2,AP24241574797767_153227267….jpg)

File: 097ec2e1fae7705⋯.jpg (28.22 KB,474x550,237:275,th_2686416632.jpg)

File: 1a3e39779db30d0⋯.jpg (676.11 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240828_130941….jpg)

File: 32bf2e4449c8675⋯.jpg (69.95 KB,474x702,79:117,th_185234376.jpg)

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55b3ed No.21548434

File: 746bb94d770d25b⋯.png (1.09 MB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2965f3cd11efa66⋯.png (217.68 KB,591x500,591:500,ClipboardImage.png)

Anon is seeing this massive cognitive dissonance all over liberal social media to explain how Dick Cheney endorsing Harris is a win.

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8c356a No.21548435

the cannibals are coming!

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05cb6d No.21548436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Only the Beginning" Chicago (Beginnings)

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42daa7 No.21548437


Bet they're already here.

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8c356a No.21548438

'we have common sense, common sense is more important ron, than anything else'

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8aa9be No.21548439

File: f053d32f8c16914⋯.png (83.32 KB,332x256,83:64,ClipboardImage.png)

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c76daf No.21548440

File: f00800eeb8ca8ec⋯.png (513.84 KB,678x533,678:533,IMG_7524.png)

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61dce9 No.21548441

File: 1791ca3ea70c09f⋯.jpeg (49.32 KB,680x440,17:11,image_asset.jpeg)


>POTUS has never lied to us! NEVER!

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8c356a No.21548442


yes of course you are right, but they will be out in the open like the pedos are trying to do

it will be widely accepted lifestyle to take someone else life and eat them

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b5a49b No.21548443

>>21548142 lb

President Trump: "I will expel the war mongers from our national security state, and carry out a much needed clean-up of the military industrial complex, to stop the war profiteering…"

my favorite today!!!

tyvm and God bless you all

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9e8ff8 No.21548444

File: 28a678f9d9960f8⋯.jpg (700.83 KB,1800x1256,225:157,28a678f9d9960f8fb79db5e8c3….jpg)


>serial killers endorse Kamala Harris


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8aa9be No.21548445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


been here

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8c356a No.21548446

'we lost 438 thouseand jobs in august'

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3e7f86 No.21548447

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2220fd No.21548448

File: 91ed42b0ce1805a⋯.gif (102.39 KB,640x640,1:1,91ed42b0ce1805ae2fc23effcf….gif)

Anon cannot wait for Nov 5.

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05cb6d No.21548449

File: 1e87d90a47adc95⋯.png (837.29 KB,1770x1823,1770:1823,urscaredshitless.png)


"Common sense is more important than anything, RON." Q+

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b98570 No.21548450

Hydrogen is maybe coming

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1202de No.21548451

File: 9442dc236607c6c⋯.gif (227.6 KB,220x165,4:3,karate_kid_wax_on.gif)

File: fdae39283705681⋯.jpeg (549.26 KB,1333x1065,1333:1065,ecd98612dfd1716c8badb5c08….jpeg)

File: c399aa55043a488⋯.jpeg (477.07 KB,2048x1364,512:341,GW0wbW2WgAAKfV4.jpeg)

File: c5ca238d83d7f67⋯.png (248.51 KB,500x375,4:3,c5ca238d83d7f6778202259bc2….png)

File: 09260bc7851ee98⋯.jpeg (316.05 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GWlIxTCWoAEvYDC.jpeg)

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0fafbd No.21548452


seent it.. free energy coming

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b5a49b No.21548453



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299473 No.21548454

File: 52465592af8f173⋯.jpg (112.12 KB,860x430,2:1,Sir_Anthony_Hopkins_as_Dr_….jpg)

File: ffe35be8b6f6987⋯.jpg (178.62 KB,696x442,348:221,buffalo_bill_696x443.jpg)

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44c0f6 No.21548455

File: 4625c5c0efc0b3b⋯.png (115.27 KB,373x282,373:282,dumb_geesh_lmao.png)


not sending their best…..

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bce107 No.21548456



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8c356a No.21548457

'the real unemployment rate rose to 7.9 percent in august and migrants have gained 639 jobs in august'

'every job that was created was taken by migrants'

'unchecked, unbalanced and theyre taking the blacks, the hispanics workers and next will be the union, and the head is a fool, the head of the autoworkers union'

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8c356a No.21548458

'sleepy joe biden'

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78c626 No.21548459




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73c823 No.21548460

File: ccec2149289f371⋯.png (1.23 MB,1788x850,894:425,we_love_rallies_USA.png)

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8c356a No.21548461

that paris accord was going to cost us 1 trillion dollar'

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0c1799 No.21548462

President Trump: Yesterday it was announced that we lost four hundred and thirty-eight thousand full-time jobs in August. We lost almost half a million jobs in August. We lost twenty-four manufacturing jobs, nearly six thousand auto manufacturing jobs; and if I'm not elected, you will not have an auto industry at all. Vovlo today announced they're getting away from the electric. Other companies announced; we have paid trillions of dollars in subsidy for making these cars, and the market's not there.

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8c356a No.21548463

'its only going to get worse, 143 percent increase in violent crime, 158 percent in rape'

'she was trying to get the murderers outta jail'

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b5a49b No.21548464

wtf, it's going to get worse?

oh please no!

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0fafbd No.21548465

File: c802e5b1fb47849⋯.jpeg (42.48 KB,720x759,240:253,c802e5b1fb47849e1011369d3….jpeg)

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1202de No.21548466

File: 468f0b833935b47⋯.png (476.12 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240907_153802.png)

File: b975be2bbc50b4c⋯.png (67.48 KB,766x540,383:270,24_6_.png)

File: 92a82cd33d4dcc8⋯.jpeg (422.89 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GW5F57yXoAAZZ9s.jpeg)

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8c356a No.21548468

'take them away from their parents, perform sex change operation and then sends them back home"

thats the cannibals, they want the organs removed

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1202de No.21548469

File: aa22110310982ee⋯.png (493.58 KB,766x3900,383:1950,28_2_.png)


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b98570 No.21548470

File: 5dab6c058eecfa8⋯.webm (2.15 MB,616x656,77:82,gifgusthatsmydog.webm)


Tampon Tim

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30f1c6 No.21548471

File: a9a66785c1961e7⋯.jpg (431.51 KB,1444x1536,361:384,Weird.jpg)

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9e939b No.21548472

File: 1aad5c8c276f967⋯.jpg (139.66 KB,1000x1500,2:3,MV5BMzA0MTM1ODgtNDRmZC00Mm….jpg)

File: e05fbfa084044cb⋯.jpg (45.92 KB,474x524,237:262,th_901272398.jpg)

File: 715ccdca31c71ed⋯.jpg (722.85 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240907_114608….jpg)

File: cee8573c11cd036⋯.jpg (11.27 KB,640x852,160:213,cee8573c11cd036722df158d29….jpg)

File: 962096c9ad8d7e1⋯.jpg (84.77 KB,1280x720,16:9,mills2_734113912.jpg)

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d14c23 No.21548473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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8c356a No.21548474

'tampons will be in every boys bathroom, and hes a wack job'

'jd is solid, im solid'

'tim walz, he is really weird, this guy, can you imagine'

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6fd00c No.21548475

File: 2ff168f851fc4c5⋯.png (1016.26 KB,867x850,51:50,ok.PNG)

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c8ba4f No.21548476


what a pussy. who tf cries like this?

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8c356a No.21548477

'too big to rig, too big to rig'

'he even signed a bill in the ninth month, and babies executed after they are born, thats an execution'

the cannibals want to eat the baby

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a1eddf No.21548478

File: dde49e028fa5e90⋯.png (262.65 KB,689x374,689:374,PlannedPyramid.PNG)

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0c1799 No.21548479

President Trump: Last month alone, American-born workers lost 1.3 million jobs, and migrants gained six hundred and thirty-five thousand jobs in a single month. Every job that we've gained has been replaced, not by American citizens, but by illegal migrants. Did you know that? Every job that was created over the last fairly short period of time, was taken by illegal migrants…since the start of this year, nearly one millions Americans joined the unemployment rolls; nobody knows that, and now Kamala is pushing the largest individual small business tax in American history.

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d3f815 No.21548480

If they'll get it their way, no drop of drilling. How will they make medicines/drugs/etc?

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b98570 No.21548481


> who tf cries like this?

me. When this shit ends.

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8c356a No.21548482

'you have to go with your heart, 85 percent of republicans go with the exceptions, rape, incest, life of the mother'

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6fd00c No.21548483

File: 43f34cf917e33da⋯.png (585.91 KB,597x704,597:704,list.PNG)


Tony Seruga


Add to these two songs to President Trump’s rally playlist?


















8:38 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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595f55 No.21548484

File: b2e1d056b1ddca0⋯.jpg (662.37 KB,2560x1600,8:5,6e571e5ecd8e1a32f0d2267c13….jpg)

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9e939b No.21548485

File: 30a28012a8c5598⋯.png (19.41 KB,270x270,1:1,66126ed8c72514eb.png)

File: 223e924f7667341⋯.jpg (591.11 KB,1200x1600,3:4,DSC02041_3388780947.JPG)

File: d8bca35e73a7ac1⋯.jpg (33.96 KB,474x372,79:62,th_4045869670.jpg)

File: a5fb556bc113822⋯.jpg (97.12 KB,1566x880,783:440,160411_yamato_steve_o_teas….jpg)

File: 4ea9acd3d3dd2d6⋯.jpg (265.28 KB,2057x1200,2057:1200,Jonathan_Turley_1_28810635….jpg)

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c26b37 No.21548486

Oh fuck he is cutting up suits again and now signing 5 random ones.

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9f04a7 No.21548487


They aren't.

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8c356a No.21548488

they put the organs in lunch pails for a reason, i bet theyre auctioned off on dark web

when starlink space internet takes over the world wide web by destroying their internet keys, then we will truly be free

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570da8 No.21548489

File: 448923342e3cf0b⋯.jpeg (118.5 KB,1004x394,502:197,phonto.jpeg)

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0fafbd No.21548490

File: 1ea713664a079ed⋯.png (124.65 KB,732x880,183:220,Screen_Shot_2021_10_10_at_….png)


that's how you know Patriots are in control. Dems aren't stupid and would never pick this guy if they still had a chance at all. this is a controlled demolition by the good guys.

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792ce6 No.21548491

File: 1221dfee22f2240⋯.mp4 (14.57 MB,720x720,1:1,5ft_5_its_happening_vid_.mp4)

File: 74afa5e9998a88b⋯.gif (41.09 KB,380x217,380:217,dancing_trump_and_pepe.gif)

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9e8ff8 No.21548492

File: 854d05a8634323a⋯.png (169.28 KB,689x473,689:473,854d05a8634323ad27326298a7….png)

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0c1799 No.21548493

President Trump: Kamala supports states being able to take minor children, and perform sex change operation; take them away form their parents, perform sex change operation, and send them back home.

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1202de No.21548494

File: 5832b15ac890e0f⋯.png (150.99 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240907_154403.png)

File: 7f5260d247de8b5⋯.png (234.66 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240907_154417.png)



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2220fd No.21548495

Anons what happens to us after Nov 5?

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445e4b No.21548496

File: c550c1c364c4783⋯.jpg (452.24 KB,1921x1080,1921:1080,CiC.jpg)

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8c356a No.21548497

'in 12 months we will cut your energy bill in half, and we will do it easily and you can hold me to that, i want you to hold me to that'

'we will turn the united states into a manufacturing energy superpower'

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3251ce No.21548498


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8c356a No.21548499

'reciprocol trade act'

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3251ce No.21548500

anons never forget, Sir.

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8c356a No.21548501

'make your product here in america, only in america'

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6fd00c No.21548502

File: aff5c2fd85fa9d2⋯.png (14.91 KB,596x208,149:52,sta.PNG)


Laura Loomer


Kamala Harris staged her entire event in Pittsburgh today. I have the receipts!!!

Turn on your notifications!!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨

8:45 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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0c1799 No.21548503

President Trump: You know what? We've got the people. We got to stop the cheating. If we stop that cheating, if we don't let them cheat, I don't even have to campaign anymore, we're going to win by so much. In the meantime, Too Big To Rig. To Big To Rig.

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ac7dc6 No.21548504

File: 6e2903d3c2ec72e⋯.jpg (361.24 KB,1495x790,299:158,Deprogram.jpg)

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8c356a No.21548505

nobody made so much progress as we did, we had the greatest four years, no wars, who would think, here we are, they knew not to mess with us'

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1202de No.21548506

File: 5100e78fc6aa84c⋯.gif (278.45 KB,220x144,55:36,crying_sobbing.gif)

File: 6432e796c8ab49e⋯.jpeg (5.16 KB,214x235,214:235,images_93_.jpeg)

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b5a49b No.21548507


sammich and beer

the ride never ends

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c8ba4f No.21548508

baker deleting my posts again so i have to repeat, in the name of free speech and the Truth.

Why are jews obsessed with destroying the white races?

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5694f9 No.21548509

File: 25ef15b2fe68406⋯.jpg (633.98 KB,2045x1184,2045:1184,Q_Military.JPG)

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8c356a No.21548510

'iran is after me, they were broke, and theyre after me now'

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8c356a No.21548511



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2220fd No.21548512



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8c356a No.21548513

'they took maduros plane the other day, now he can get a bigger plane'

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03bec5 No.21548514


That whole thing was a big disappointment.

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b5ccc6 No.21548515

File: a22e67ad795d479⋯.webm (749.08 KB,1280x720,16:9,childVACCINEabusePROFITAB….webm)


>human sacrifice

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672dc5 No.21548516


Who's that in the blue bikini?

Nice curves!

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792ce6 No.21548517

File: ed48c19c7d45c69⋯.png (178.34 KB,400x225,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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1202de No.21548518

File: f9e0a0fa485dbfd⋯.png (847.35 KB,766x2072,383:1036,109_1_.png)

File: beb4de8afd0d994⋯.jpg (9.79 KB,339x149,339:149,1509505215390_1_.jpg)

File: b32f283edb034c7⋯.jpeg (183.21 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GW3l80LXgAAVD_Z.jpeg)

File: 180f24d1739b205⋯.jpeg (175.98 KB,2048x1169,2048:1169,GW3l81kXsAAZHlB.jpeg)

File: a68717b5ed70503⋯.gif (544.99 KB,200x113,200:113,200w_21_.gif)

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e0f1bf No.21548519

File: da2dbd2bb67d250⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,1166x656,583:328,6543523532.mp4)

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8a1e56 No.21548520

File: 03ca65101c95aeb⋯.jpg (67.25 KB,600x800,3:4,f4b329b600f3827d16905b5743….jpg)

Lots of pretty cheesehead ladies at this rally.

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170603 No.21548521

File: d97d746064883e1⋯.jpg (209.36 KB,1080x1078,540:539,DayShiftF22.JPG)

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6fd00c No.21548522

File: 359fcb392111250⋯.png (573.02 KB,632x841,632:841,si.PNG)

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fb7ff7 No.21548523

File: 5030df98764a8ea⋯.jpg (194.73 KB,1400x800,7:4,proxy_image_1.jpg)

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b5a49b No.21548524


Trump will finish the shit (drain the swamp)

but after that and much much later, anons will have to help built the new world (free energy etc) so ideas are needed and lots of work is awaiting

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05cb6d No.21548525

File: e894dbfff1ea9b9⋯.png (298.15 KB,1676x983,1676:983,end_is_near.png)

File: 15afed0afca5b3f⋯.png (1.59 MB,2193x1364,2193:1364,LTT4.png)

File: 3da44eff98933e1⋯.png (91.99 KB,926x804,463:402,LTT.png)




Sept 5 "Watch for confirmations tomorrow."

Sept 6 We had some Less than 10 confirms.

Attached one from Sept 4th, one from July 3rd.

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b98570 No.21548526

File: 2d60f90058456b1⋯.jpg (7.09 KB,255x143,255:143,potusRAFPISDOFHCA_SODUIA.jpg)


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1202de No.21548527

File: beac24382f10bfe⋯.png (613.29 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240907_155023.png)


there's gonna be a parade with beer right

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0c1799 No.21548528

President Trump: My plan is that if you open your factory in Wisconsin or Pennsylvania, or Michigan or Minnesota, or anywhere else in the United States, you don't pay a a tariff or a tax, but if you move your production out of the United States and send it back here, you have to pay a very substantial tariff. We're going to supercharge our country.

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9e939b No.21548529

File: 16d23878db5c579⋯.jpg (38.25 KB,500x375,4:3,3513296691_242f589509.jpg)

File: fd90a73df2386eb⋯.png (364.75 KB,620x412,155:103,Screen_Shot_2015_05_14_at_….png)

File: 4eb69a020b64e9f⋯.png (314.8 KB,680x384,85:48,Screen_Shot_2014_11_25_at_….png)

File: b1b98767d48d4d9⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_3344366624.jpg)

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61dce9 No.21548530

File: e562e289fcb2b8f⋯.jpg (227.41 KB,1304x1040,163:130,Xnip2024_09_07_15_51_05.jpg)

Trump: "She's in Pennsylvania and she's practicing for the debate. She's locked herself in a room — and they have one problem. You know what the problem is? They have MAGA people outside screaming "We love Trump!"… and they can't focus." 🤣



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066ed9 No.21548531

File: 5ac6ffb6c939322⋯.jpg (48.77 KB,670x671,670:671,1721022235384050.jpg)


>Oh no. Kitty drank the wrong juice.

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1202de No.21548532

File: 529a1928b5f5c69⋯.gif (823.64 KB,610x458,305:229,tumblr_4e8398b63407c8037df….gif)

File: 7a1cc485c09131d⋯.jpeg (6.52 KB,296x170,148:85,images_92_.jpeg)

File: f63d66e0d061496⋯.gif (88.37 KB,200x150,4:3,957cc2d1c66a2c79ab36f52b9f….gif)

File: 323f61d0df63a56⋯.gif (3.64 MB,480x268,120:67,giphy_14_.gif)

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81f09b No.21548533

File: 599539842258c65⋯.jpeg (87.71 KB,848x487,848:487,IMG_7487.jpeg)

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8a1e56 No.21548534


>there's gonna be a parade with beer right

If it's in Wisconsin, yes.

Can't possibly have a parade there without beer.

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8c356a No.21548535

'no tax on tips'

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9e8ff8 No.21548536

File: b333b2b8d3004cd⋯.mp4 (537.72 KB,540x540,1:1,NO_TAX_ON_TIPS.mp4)

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b98570 No.21548537


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2220fd No.21548538


how will anons know each other at the parades?

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8c356a No.21548539

'you can no longer get into your hospitals, you have hundreds and thousands of peoples trying to get into your hospitals'

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595f55 No.21548540

File: b011e6820edcd81⋯.jpg (544.99 KB,2048x1630,1024:815,JAG_jag_16717171_2048_1630.jpg)



a popular tv show from 95-2005

a bit jingoistic and imaginary Justice, but still very popular

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066ed9 No.21548541

File: e5b7d40b693640b⋯.png (202.63 KB,473x917,473:917,qaggdropimage531.png)

File: 1ffaf785364015a⋯.png (29.49 KB,473x336,473:336,qaggdropimage669.png)

Hey beep boop


Say hi to Mom and dad

Just put 6 on the board

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205b33 No.21548542

File: ae08fcfd8bac918⋯.png (15.82 KB,441x296,441:296,ClipboardImage.png)




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6fd00c No.21548543

File: dc12792cfc2c6a5⋯.png (425.26 KB,602x483,86:69,jr.PNG)



John Rich


Gretchen Wilson endorses @realDonaldTrump 🇺🇸




Sep 07, 2024, 8:41 AM

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b5ccc6 No.21548544

File: c3d76bbe50e5fa0⋯.webm (1.44 MB,1280x720,16:9,babyBEEhive.webm)

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1202de No.21548545


numbers eh gas price 145.9

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b5a49b No.21548546

errr, ok EU is shit, but why should Europeans buy American cars… I used to like German cars…

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fb7ff7 No.21548547


so mebee being a vegan CAN'T overcome being a morbidly obese faggot?

aksing for a fren….

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6fd00c No.21548548

File: 9f7bd8205bed601⋯.png (639.92 KB,562x712,281:356,m.PNG)

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e1e586 No.21548549

File: 351b96a1e762fb1⋯.jpg (70.49 KB,500x494,250:247,vxr.jpg)

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8c356a No.21548550

'israel is doomed, 1 year, 2 year israel wil not even exist'

'if im not elected, this may be our last election'

'it will all be over, and i dont want to say this because its bragadocious, but im always right'

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b5a49b No.21548551




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65318c No.21548552

File: 2fda47ffced83cd⋯.png (518.74 KB,600x892,150:223,2fda47ffced83cd84e5909d787….png)

early notes



#26398 >>21548319



>>21548358, >>21548377, >>21548381, >>21548390, >>21548401, >>21548483, >>21548543 Country singer Gretchen Wilson rallies support for President Trump

>>21548330, >>21548350, >>21548356, >>21548380, >>21548386, >>21548388, >>21548389, >>21548419, >>21548421, >>21548431, >>21548450, >>21548452, >>21548462, >>21548479, >>21548493, >>21548503, >>21548528, >>21548530 TRUMP QUOTES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21548365 Where is the outrage MadCow? 300,000+ children missing & exploited and nothing.

>>21548423, >>21548447 IT'S HAPPENING Absolutely massive protest in Brazil today for free speech.

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03bec5 No.21548553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fb7ff7 No.21548554



>why should Europeans buy American cars

bcs we build the best damned toyotas on the planet

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8c356a No.21548555

'you leave the dollar, we will put a tarriff on your goods if you leave the dollar'

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2220fd No.21548556


gud idea

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066ed9 No.21548557

File: 6c62a55cf1f8555⋯.jpg (63.91 KB,974x1024,487:512,1725280571673047.jpg)





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1202de No.21548558


lurking around on the fringe

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3251ce No.21548559

So if Trump loses in November seek shelter in the nearest underground bunker?

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05cb6d No.21548560

File: 2134d04f19b2c99⋯.png (1.37 MB,720x720,1:1,dnmp.png)


Traitors never do.. But Patriots United on this Board. Good Vs. Evil.

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0fafbd No.21548561

File: 506cd9467ba2972⋯.jpeg (50.42 KB,502x497,502:497,download.jpeg)

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8c356a No.21548562

'we will build a missile defense shield around our country'

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e1e586 No.21548563


Loomer for press secretary


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6fd00c No.21548564

File: d8948e19b483ad7⋯.png (122.57 KB,606x348,101:58,ds.PNG)



Dinesh D’Souza





MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow Is In BIG Trouble - Federal Judge Bangs Gavel In Case That Could Cost Network MILLIONS

Not good for the network.

Sep 07, 2024, 8:11 AM

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39a87d No.21548565

File: 7c6918d8e169a9c⋯.jpg (360.16 KB,1080x1131,360:377,NoKoolAid.JPG)

File: 011ab63228e9afb⋯.jpg (96.83 KB,733x461,733:461,NotTheory.JPG)

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e1e586 No.21548566

File: 92ba2080247e857⋯.jpg (62.55 KB,500x491,500:491,8dhpiz.jpg)

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0c1799 No.21548567

President Trump: We have been treated so badly. Mostly by allies, if you want to know the truth. Our allies treat us actually worse than our co-called enemies. But we have been treated so badly on trade, and other things; on military. We protect them, and then they screw us on trade…we're gonna be a tariff nation. It's not going to be a cost to you, it's going to be a cost to another country…I'm not raising your taxes, I'm raising China, and all of these countries in Asia, and all over the world, including the European Union, by the way, which is one of the most egregious. They don't take our cars, they don't take our farm product, and we have a three hundred billion dollar trade deficit with them. And they are going to have to pay a price now, because we've been supporting them for a long time, and it's no longer sustainable.

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f8edfd No.21548568


That's a big anti brics statement.

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61ced3 No.21548569

File: bc9e7f35a612b2e⋯.jpeg (91.38 KB,524x526,262:263,IMG_7743.jpeg)

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b98570 No.21548570

File: d261217bab8dc9b⋯.png (194.62 KB,388x342,194:171,trannyce533dc68721908fa7af….png)

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1202de No.21548571

File: e5b4da5ce936716⋯.gif (257.03 KB,220x126,110:63,spoonful_sugar.gif)

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8c356a No.21548572

'did you see the olypics, we had two boxers who transitioned from male to female, and in the first match was a beautiful female boxer, and she said 'i give up' and then there was a second boxer who did the same thing, and then both the transitioned boxers won gold'

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55b3ed No.21548573

File: 2d629b278a01348⋯.png (169.27 KB,680x467,680:467,ClipboardImage.png)

This is what happens when Google LIES, and RIGS their AI to spew false claims.




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263dd6 No.21548574

File: 501c81daacb5b47⋯.jpeg (281.42 KB,1895x921,1895:921,IMG_8071.jpeg)

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8c356a No.21548575

'we gotta get back to sanity in this country, we gotta get back to sanity'

'every day will be filed with joy,happiness and hope'

'our country is fiinished if we dont win this election'

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e1e586 No.21548576

File: b95e3e6a143ee32⋯.jpg (32.84 KB,484x720,121:180,Screenshot_20240906_113654….jpg)

First Lady Melania

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8c356a No.21548577

'it will be venezuela on steroids'

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110b85 No.21548578

File: 1767a907c8b897a⋯.png (874.7 KB,750x994,375:497,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8d113adea3f27d⋯.jpg (47.41 KB,300x451,300:451,Blood_Diamond.jpg)

no access to X @ this time to sauce but dasting

dat'sa big blood diamond

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c71bff No.21548579

File: 156664f69928118⋯.jpeg (77.52 KB,679x498,679:498,IMG_6353.jpeg)

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1202de No.21548580

File: 241f2cca1bb8d32⋯.png (809.12 KB,1226x1024,613:512,Screenshot_2022_07_13_at_1….png)

1/4 ounce

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7640ad No.21548581

File: f464e491a4167ef⋯.jpeg (434.07 KB,1617x1269,539:423,IMG_3698.jpeg)

File: 3955560d2c5a1b4⋯.jpeg (466.54 KB,1555x2218,1555:2218,IMG_3699.jpeg)

So, how does Christopher Wray respond to this latest Russia hoax? Does he set the record straight and make sure the American people know the truth? No, of course not. He responded with just three words: “knock it off.”

It’s almost like Wray knows how fake this whole thing sounds, and he can’t even be bothered to muster up a convincing response.

As a matter of fact, the response was so absurd that most people thought it came from a parody account—but sadly, it was real. This is our FBI: a cringey, weaponized force working against the American people.


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b98570 No.21548582


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b5a49b No.21548583

"thank you Bobby!"

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9e8ff8 No.21548584

File: 87cd884b0eb1fc6⋯.gif (846.05 KB,220x365,44:73,87cd884b0eb1fc619e58d77982….gif)

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b98570 No.21548585

File: 15927bd47f78d91⋯.png (624.24 KB,831x466,831:466,ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS /end/ 16:01 =17

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67900d No.21548586

File: 2b856c48935c009⋯.jpg (500.56 KB,2082x1079,2082:1079,ObamaTime.JPG)

File: 45744594540b6ed⋯.jpg (268.74 KB,1538x1011,1538:1011,ObliterateDS.JPG)

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8c356a No.21548587

'together we will make ameria powerful again we will make america wealthy again we will make america healthy again, thank you bobby, thank you bobby… we will make american strong again and we will make american great again"


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d3f815 No.21548588

File: 1486aa8f01dc9bd⋯.png (932.34 KB,1167x655,1167:655,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe4a369879f35ce⋯.png (2.32 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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595f55 No.21548589

File: 98f1c75a7ab50f4⋯.jpg (58.12 KB,500x597,500:597,supercalifragilisticexpial….jpg)

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3251ce No.21548590

Anon gets nervous when Trump is outside doing rallies… may god protect him from any threats

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e5a23a No.21548591

File: bdd0ece56ae73ef⋯.jpg (42.81 KB,500x445,100:89,bestpresidentever.jpg)

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d3f815 No.21548592

File: f927a9f91451cd0⋯.png (1.88 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1e586 No.21548593

Dancing Trump is winning comms

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e0f1bf No.21548594

File: 326885062493ede⋯.png (168.95 KB,442x312,17:12,326885062493ede1d01564536c….png)

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05cb6d No.21548595

File: 3c9abe636ae6314⋯.png (3.85 KB,444x105,148:35,401_Q.png)


4:01 pm EDT - Q+ concluded.




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110b85 No.21548596

File: 13a77f2166fe12d⋯.png (827.55 KB,1086x897,362:299,ClipboardImage.png)



>>POTUS /end/ 16:01 =17

I'm surprised Trump doesn't use chat and comments on his YT.


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d3f815 No.21548597

File: b77218496a60e2c⋯.png (1.92 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17e30489edac5af⋯.png (1.4 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c42660c74085136⋯.png (2.19 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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792ce6 No.21548598

File: faa0f74cda0a951⋯.png (222.82 KB,500x743,500:743,ClipboardImage.png)

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8aa9be No.21548599

File: c8dcbf35ae0daf9⋯.png (1.43 MB,1313x927,1313:927,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 207a919cfea9950⋯.png (1.27 MB,1297x902,1297:902,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0b00319b0bae82⋯.png (1.07 MB,1281x889,183:127,ClipboardImage.png)


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b5a49b No.21548600


oh man…

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066ed9 No.21548601

File: f7c05171ed3faaa⋯.png (212.16 KB,473x855,473:855,qaggdropimage2712.png)

File: 7b51710c9135b02⋯.png (416.68 KB,473x1000,473:1000,qaggdropimage2711_1.png)

File: 420ce59b106e63a⋯.png (80.63 KB,473x665,473:665,qaggdropimage767.png)

File: 8db8cbca3327e48⋯.png (38.19 KB,473x350,473:350,qaggdropimage204_1.png)

File: b4561005a8519ef⋯.png (143.69 KB,473x959,473:959,qaggdropimage620.png)



Lots of fun.

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8261a6 No.21548602

File: 5d200d460647688⋯.png (57.63 KB,898x586,449:293,791_3.png)


Feb 18, 2018 8:57:51 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 105

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

:PROTECT 6/14-46

:PROTECT 6/14-46


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9f04a7 No.21548603


Trust Wray

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42daa7 No.21548604

File: c335a0403fca824⋯.jpg (91.31 KB,754x1158,377:579,1b6a6192348a858b11fc0c481e….jpg)






Kid's nonverbal severe autistic. He's really one of us..he just doesn't know his dad is schitt and we are here.

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110b85 No.21548605

File: d7b93d84d18ed2d⋯.png (252.63 KB,539x303,539:303,ClipboardImage.png)

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7c9c76 No.21548606

gold fringe flags

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d7321d No.21548607

File: a06c883ddac0b55⋯.png (690.91 KB,561x680,33:40,a06c883ddac0b552c104be09cb….png)

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8a1e56 No.21548608


>bcs we build the best damned toyotas on the planet


Anon does like American made Toyotas

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6fd00c No.21548609

File: fe327a76a4a9216⋯.png (965.36 KB,659x846,659:846,ch.PNG)

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b5a49b No.21548610

Thank you for everything, Q, you my fren!

Yours sincerely,

no homo eu nigger faggot anon

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f8edfd No.21548611

File: c8aafa5334fbf5c⋯.png (8.61 KB,327x187,327:187,ClipboardImage.png)

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1202de No.21548612


pleh sreeb

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61dce9 No.21548613

File: 1c6647b939aadb7⋯.jpg (306.09 KB,1278x1436,639:718,Xnip2024_09_07_16_08_00.jpg)

A reporter asked Trump if he would do everything he has done in the past eight years all over again, from getting impeached, cheated against, and even SHOT AT

His response was BEAUTIFUL, "We're going to make America Great Again, and that's better than my life."

WOW 🔥🔥🔥


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b5a49b No.21548614

what if i told you Trump has moar fans worldwide than there are in America?

you can't even imagine

love you,

no homo

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c8ba4f No.21548615

100 to 150 police officers die every year in the US.

Imagine risking your life everyday. Meanwhile the MSM lies about you, and niggers act like niggers.

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8c356a No.21548616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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e1e586 No.21548617

File: 564efa1deb89756⋯.jpg (475.38 KB,720x1560,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_001344….jpg)

File: 8c4bb0ccbe5ee39⋯.mp4 (495.81 KB,640x800,4:5,8YSONm3nMfMaS3Ps.mp4)

Survived another Saturday night rally

All is well

Thank you Jesus

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0c1799 No.21548618

RSBN host just said he got a text saying President Trump is up in Arizona by twenty-two percent, up in Georgia by eighteen percent, Texas by sixteen percent. He didn't say which ones they were, and I don't trust polls, but those are way more accurate that what we've heard before.

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61dce9 No.21548619

File: fe3875579c84703⋯.jpg (180 KB,936x1098,52:61,Xnip2024_09_07_16_10_35.jpg)

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c8ba4f No.21548620


wtf's the point though? I mean, Trump won 2020 in a historic landslide.

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595f55 No.21548621

File: 49e1679ec648fe3⋯.gif (1.2 MB,498x319,498:319,beer_cheers.gif)

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b5a49b No.21548622


and everyone ww knows it

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42daa7 No.21548623


FLOTUSmagazine cover Fall 2024

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f8edfd No.21548624


This is a marathon, not a sprint.

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066ed9 No.21548625

File: c61afba911332d1⋯.png (50.19 KB,473x294,473:294,qaggdropimage22.png)

File: b9cd048cff4f76a⋯.png (59.66 KB,473x378,473:378,qaggdropimage18.png)

File: 85ca0d3215f2767⋯.png (57.79 KB,473x273,473:273,qaggdropimage16.png)

Sometimes the future finds the past..

Thank you anons

We are winning BIGLY..


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3251ce No.21548626

"The Last President" is a novel published in 1896 by Ingersoll Lockwood, an American lawyer and author. This book is part of a series that includes two other works by Lockwood: "Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey" and "The Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulgar."

Summary of "The Last President":

The novel begins in a tense political climate in the United States, with the country deeply divided and on the brink of chaos. On the night of November 3, a Tuesday, the election results are announced, and to everyone's shock, a populist candidate who was not expected to win the presidency is declared victorious. The story describes widespread unrest, with mobs rioting in the streets of New York City and other major cities across the country.

The new president is seen as an outsider who defies the political norms of the time, leading to a breakdown of the traditional political structure. As the novel unfolds, the country is depicted as descending into further chaos, with tensions between the rich and poor, and conflicts between different political factions. The president's attempts to restore order are met with resistance, and the situation spirals out of control.

Interesting Connections:

Lockwood's works have gained renewed attention in recent years due to some intriguing coincidences. For instance, the character in the "Baron Trump" novels, Baron Trump, shares a name with the youngest son of former U.S. President Donald Trump, though there is no direct connection between them. The novels' themes of political upheaval and the rise of an unexpected leader have also led to comparisons with the political climate during Donald Trump's presidency.

However, it's important to note that these are purely coincidental and have no factual basis or prediction of future events. Lockwood's works are fictional and were written over a century ago.

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6fd00c No.21548627

File: 8be8ec5eac12529⋯.png (56.75 KB,626x479,626:479,poo.PNG)


Illinois's Pritzger signs law banning

hotel mini-shampoos, to save the planet

American Thinker, by Monica Showalter

Posted By: Beardo, 9/7/2024 3:25:23 PM

In Illinois, they've figured out how to save the planet: They're snatching the mini-shampoo bottles off your sink at that pricey hotel you're staying at and making you use a big communal bottle instead. No more cute souvenirs of your travels for you. According to Illinois Policy, which appears to be a local think tank: The days are numbered for small shampoo bottles in Illinois hotels because of a new law signed by Gov. J.B. Pritzker. Hotels with more than 50 rooms are banned from providing single-use plastic bottles of shampoo, mouthwash and other toiletries starting July 1, 2025. If a hotel has less than 50 rooms, the law takes effect on Jan. 1, 2026.

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8261a6 No.21548628

File: 4a70049bdc28b8c⋯.jpeg (187.85 KB,1088x771,1088:771,IMG_3278.jpeg)

File: c58bfddb07db852⋯.png (4.46 KB,396x127,396:127,IMG_3250.png)

File: c722e8c35d574f0⋯.jpeg (387 KB,854x1255,854:1255,IMG_3019.jpeg)

File: 13d67984ee7c098⋯.jpeg (49.5 KB,255x241,255:241,IMG_2691.jpeg)

File: 13c3c493a59dbd4⋯.png (713.96 KB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_2615.png)


Trump Won!

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b5a49b No.21548629


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205b33 No.21548630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6fd00c No.21548631

File: d1522ccc5f723a9⋯.png (293.78 KB,829x631,829:631,wa.PNG)


WA State GOP Files Lawsuit to Dispute State Primary Election Ballots

by Guest Contributor Sep. 7, 2024 2:40 pm

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42daa7 No.21548632


She does not look like that naow.

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1202de No.21548633

File: c75a2d521ff98c3⋯.jpg (79.97 KB,720x860,36:43,2bn4mlyw1z741.jpg)

File: 347590095b9963a⋯.png (949.97 KB,680x679,680:679,GKnw3hpWEAA3N1v.png)

File: 05de27370e0ceec⋯.jpeg (18.95 KB,640x480,4:3,images_94_.jpeg)

File: bd95ea6d4863c27⋯.jpg (73.04 KB,718x736,359:368,2aa4d25e01e05980b00d87d425….jpg)

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f8edfd No.21548634

File: 91b00e0a3506e0b⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB,848x464,53:29,000_Pussy_tenders.mp4)

Now the Boss is finished his speech, it's time for a snack.

Pussy Tendies, anyone?

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205b33 No.21548635

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d35de4 No.21548636


Thank you President Trump!

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066ed9 No.21548637

File: 9842a6b7a28f01d⋯.jpg (398.82 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1725287516821442.jpg)

File: e7bb2cdce4c4f98⋯.jpg (60.96 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_3383481389.jpg)

File: d907afd090072f1⋯.png (535.66 KB,614x824,307:412,Screenshot_20240902_140509….png)

File: 66326c3ae3888d3⋯.png (454.43 KB,720x1078,360:539,Screenshot_20240902_133852….png)


Do you believe in fate anon?

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e1e586 No.21548638


The protests in the streets are literally where Trump Tower is today.

It's on audio online.

Tried listening to it years ago

But the guy reading it is an unintelligible liberal black guy with marbles in his mouth and for brain .

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c8ba4f No.21548641

Murder of a police officer should be automatic death sentence.

Attempted murder of a police officer shoulder automatic life without parole.

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066ed9 No.21548642


>Unanimous agreement

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1202de No.21548643

File: 9fd6aa268138e8e⋯.png (522.35 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240907_161802.png)

File: 029b177288e8cd7⋯.jpeg (245.08 KB,1080x1080,1:1,GW0YMmPXgAADrNw.jpeg)

File: 4156bca20e2abcc⋯.jpeg (123.35 KB,1080x1080,1:1,GW0YMikWMAAgdEg.jpeg)

File: 8a42d8c8024c674⋯.jpeg (168.58 KB,1080x1080,1:1,GW0YMijX0AAPSyz.jpeg)

File: d543ab6d17dfe97⋯.jpeg (164.5 KB,1080x1080,1:1,GW0YMjNXkAIvIlN.jpeg)

marathon post soon

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a47d79 No.21548644

File: 7785ba0079f4073⋯.png (664.68 KB,1421x848,1421:848,ClipboardImage.png)



FBI reached out to RT for comment about Russian interference

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b5a49b No.21548645

rally bread(s) were almost shill free

>it's afraid

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792ce6 No.21548646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note:dough below



LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Mosinee, WI - 9/7/24




President Trump: Over the past four years, our country has seen the sickness and corruption of the Washington Swamp, exposed like never before…under the Harris/Biden regime, your government imported murderers, child predators, and serial rapists, from all over the planet, while weaponizing law enforcement to jail political opponents here at home.

President Trump: They loot the economy, they give trillions and trillions of dollars to their left-wing cronies, while you pay the cost of rampant inflation…they run your country for their own power and profit, while erasing your borders, assaulting your freedom, indoctrinating your children, and selling your jobs to China, Mexico, and all of these other foreign lands. But with your vote this election, their lying, cheating, hoaxing and plotting, will come to an end. It's going to come to an end.

President Trump: First, I will end forever the weaponization of government, and the abuse of law enforcement against political opponents. Under Comrade Kamala, Christians and pro-life activists are rotting in prison for the crime of praying in public. How about the people they're arresting for praying in public? These people are sick.

President Trump: They were trying to say she [Harris] gets bigger crowds. Number one, she doesn't. Number two, she buses the people in.

President Trump: We're up against very bad, evil people. It's an evil force.

djt: 'they added fake jobs, thank you whistleblower'

'that was a fraud, 818 thousand jobs, thats a fraud''you will be living a full blown banana republic'

'the people around her are absolute garbage''the j6 committee gets together and destroyed the lives of many people… and they destroyed all evidence all documents because it all pointed to nanacy pelosi because she was in charge of security'

djt: 'they DELETED and DESTROYED all documents and evidence against them and they should pay a big price, a big price'

President Trump: If Comrade Kamala Harris gets four more years, you will be living a full-blown banana republic, ruled by an anarchy, and a tyranny. You're gonna have something; and it's not her, it's the people that surround her. They're scum,. They're scum,. And they want to take down our country. They are absolute garbage.

djt: theyve taken away their free speech and the fake news is a threat to this country'

'i love brian, most of the are just absolutely horrible human beings"

President Trump: The moment we win, we will rapidly review the cases of every political prisoner unjustly victimized by the Harris regime, and I will sign their pardons on Day One. We will completely overhaul Kamala's corrupt department of injustice, and turn the injustice department back into the best law enforcement agency on the planet.

President Trump: I will sign an executive order banning any federal employee from colluding to limit speech, and we will fire every federal bureaucrat who has engaged in domestic censorship under the Harris regime.

djt: i will carry out a much need clean up of the military industrial complex to stop war profiteering' endless wars, endless wars' fighting ISIS forf 21 years'

President Trump: I will expel war mongers; we have these people, they want to go to war all the time. You know why? Missiles are two million dollars a piece, that's why. They love to drop missiles all over the place.

President Trump: I will expel the war mongers from our national security state, and carry out a much needed clean-up of the military industrial complex, to stop the war profiteering, and to put, always, America First. We're going to end these endless wars. Endless wars; they never stop.

djt: 'take your time doctor, take your time';some people are out here for 3 daystake your time doctor, thank you very muchthank you very much' 'thank you all very much'

President Trump: We will cut the fat out of our government for the first time, meaningfully, in sixty years. We're gonna cut the fat. There is so much fat, you won't even know it's gone.

>>21548217 that security glass enclosure is a increased level of protection. - screenshot.


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b12380 No.21548647

File: b3adaa99d7bf930⋯.png (35.93 KB,513x383,513:383,loomer_eats_dog_food_for_p….png)

File: 24b4d0ce5aebf8a⋯.png (66.17 KB,592x791,592:791,nov_5th_fireworks_guy_fawk….png)

File: 1e315cd93cfed5e⋯.jpeg (55.95 KB,800x453,800:453,Trump_DNA_USA_killed_coro….jpeg)

File: d336a707cc26ff1⋯.jpg (104.26 KB,1080x1109,1080:1109,rothschild_ukraine.jpg)

File: dba9506bcc3a4f9⋯.jpg (208.59 KB,909x1000,909:1000,inflation_compare_trump_vs….jpg)

>>21548251 pb


>Election officials are not entirely sure what happened,

of course not!

Just a mistakarino! No evidence of widespread election falfeasance!

>>21548345 pb


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b5a49b No.21548648

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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a47d79 No.21548649

File: bc7002b5aecc441⋯.jpg (31.41 KB,500x300,5:3,clown.jpg)

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3c1f2e No.21548650

Q Team:

Now I know why my relative was attacked back in 2006 and why there were problems with drain lines as they were putting dirt and orange foam down from the roof vents as it was discovered when those lines were routed at the elbow. When these people go after you, they try to destroy your relationships or even kill those that could potentially support you in the future, hence probably why they killed my stepson's dog a few months ago. We were attacked right after 911 by their neighborhood cronies with the same type of chemical attacks. It wasn't MRSA that my relative had but cyanide which explains the deterioration of muscle definition. This is all paid for by Alaweed, and why they also invited me to work on Sept, 10th 2001 at the world trade center for $350k because Solomon Brothers occupied most of building 7 and the floor below Cantor Fitzgerald which received the first impact on the Twin Towers on 911. This is why they sent Huma to my neighborhood, to set them all up. I am not sure I am going to wait for any green lights, these SOBs deserve to suffer greatly.

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792ce6 No.21548651

File: 9ea9f8e19a3b39e⋯.png (139.41 KB,944x707,944:707,ClipboardImage.png)


President Trump: We will drain the government education swamp, and stop the abuse of your taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate America's youth with all sorts of things that you don't want to have our youth hearing…we will ultimately eliminate the federal Department of Education, and send education back to Wisconsin, and back to the states. We'll sent to back to the states…we're a the bottom of every single list in education…and yet, we're number one in terms of cost per pupil.

djt: china was only paying 39 million, we were paying 500 million, its run by china, who pays only 39 million with 1.4 billion people and we are paying 500 million with much smaller amount of people' 'and you know what? i turned them down, and not for that, but for others reasons, very bad ones'

President Trump: We will not tolerate so-called equity policies that punish Americans based on race or gender. America will return to the merit principal, which has just been approved by the Supreme Court of the United States. You work hard, and you will be very successful.

President Trump: Working with Robert F. Kennedy Jr…we'll take on the corruption at the FDA the CDC, World Health Organization, and other institutions of public health, that are dominated by corporate power, and dominated, really, by China.

President Trump: We will establish a panel of top experts to investigate what is causing the decades-long increase in chronic health problems and childhood diseases, including the auto-immune disorders, autism, obesity, infertility, and much more. And Bobby's gonna be very much involved in that.

President Trump: I will ask congress to pass sweeping reforms to prevent foreign influence peddling, bribery, and corruption, like we have seen within a certain family in the United States. The Biden Crime Family, that's the family. What the hell is happening with that family? What's going on with that family? You know, the night he spoke at the convention, congress found out that he stole twenty-seven million dollars. Nothing happened. Nothing happens with these people.

President Trump: I will support modifying the Twenty-fifth amendment to make clear that if a vice president lies or engages in a conspiracy to cover-up the incapacity of the president of the United States; if you do that with a cover-up of the president of the United States, it's grounds for impeachment immediately, and removal from office. Because that's what they did.

President Trump: To every citizen who is sick and tired of the parasitic class in Washington that sucks our country of it's blood and treasure, November fifth will be your Liberation Day. November fifth, this year, will be the most important day in the history of our country.

President Trump: As Border Czar, Kamala Harris let in over twenty million; they're now saying the number could be twenty-five million, illegal aliens from a hundred and sixty-eight different countries…coming from prisons and jails, insane asylums and mental institutions, and terrorists at a level that we've never seen before…what they've done in allowing maybe twenty-five million people into our country; it should be illegal. They're destroying; maybe it is illegal. They're destroying our country. They're ruining our country.

President Trump: Getting them out [Tren de Aragua/illegal gangs] will be a bloody story.

djt: protest the democrats by votiing for trump, go back in four years to the democrats if you like, but you wont because we will do a fantastic job in the next four years'

President Trump: You're being overrun by criminals., You're being overrun by people; they're not being checked, they're not being vetted. They're taking over our country. They're forming armies in our country, and Aurora [Colorado] is just one example of many locations, other places are probably in worse shape, we probably just haven't heard about 'em yet.


President Trump: Yesterday it was announced that we lost four hundred and thirty-eight thousand full-time jobs in August. We lost almost half a million jobs in August. We lost twenty-four manufacturing jobs, nearly six thousand auto manufacturing jobs; and if I'm not elected, you will not have an auto industry at all. Vovlo today announced they're getting away from the electric. Other companies announced; we have paid trillions of dollars in subsidy for making these cars, and the market's not there.


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3251ce No.21548652


no coincidences.

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a47d79 No.21548653

File: f9e854d4c23c606⋯.jpg (30.41 KB,900x563,900:563,F_LSUwmXkAAqdL4.jpg)

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066ed9 No.21548654

File: 3c70a285ee0a89e⋯.png (250.52 KB,669x602,669:602,Screenshot_20240901_192606….png)





Check the foods :3

>Great bread baked.

Thank you

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1202de No.21548655

File: 8e78b93208ca1d4⋯.png (463.66 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240907_162047.png)

File: 03042037f6b2e3d⋯.png (79.79 KB,766x892,383:446,139_2_.png)

File: 4fc2b695b9ae79f⋯.png (292.34 KB,766x2300,383:1150,1339_3_.png)

File: 3ef099d78e3c911⋯.jpeg (406.47 KB,2048x1536,4:3,GW5BMJKXgAAzr_G.jpeg)

File: 3c57588320b8605⋯.png (123.14 KB,766x1426,383:713,909_5_.png)

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61dce9 No.21548656

File: a104756cfb3c2b1⋯.jpg (245.45 KB,1136x1058,568:529,Xnip2024_09_07_16_22_05.jpg)


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b12380 No.21548657

File: 68b0d8498ac3588⋯.png (1.18 MB,1074x948,179:158,nashville_mayor_clone_of_t….png)

File: febee52f454ab48⋯.png (73.65 KB,255x191,255:191,nashville_mayor_clone_of_t….png)

File: d13a4355a9d99a5⋯.png (750.88 KB,718x892,359:446,walz2.png)

File: 4d1fbaf105739db⋯.png (362.8 KB,463x477,463:477,walz_psycho_libtard_mem.png)

File: 6edab3f445fd015⋯.png (931 KB,777x777,1:1,Trump_book_2024.png)


>rally bread(s) were almost shill free

>it's afraid

It should be

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6fd00c No.21548658

File: fa8472506211298⋯.png (309.26 KB,597x724,597:724,elt.PNG)


Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives


🔥🚨BREAKING NEWS: Iconic liberal musician Elton John gave support to Donald Trump in his new VARIETY interview addressing when President Trump called North Korean President Jong Un “Little Rocket Man.”

Nobody on earth could have convinced me this would happen in 2024.

Elton John on Donald Trump calling Kim Jong Un “Little Rocket Man”:

“I laughed, I thought that was brilliant… Donald’s always been a fan of mine… I’ve always been friendly toward him, and I thank him for his support. When he did that, I just thought it was hilarious.”

9:15 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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792ce6 No.21548659

File: c700ba3db84e3bd⋯.mp4 (10.37 MB,640x480,4:3,djt_press_and_law_and_orde….mp4)



President Trump: Last month alone, American-born workers lost 1.3 million jobs, and migrants gained six hundred and thirty-five thousand jobs in a single month. Every job that we've gained has been replaced, not by American citizens, but by illegal migrants. Did you know that? Every job that was created over the last fairly short period of time, was taken by illegal migrants…since the start of this year, nearly one millions Americans joined the unemployment rolls; nobody knows that, and now Kamala is pushing the largest individual small business tax in American history.

President Trump: Kamala supports states being able to take minor children, and perform sex change operation; take them away form their parents, perform sex change operation, and send them back home.

President Trump: You know what? We've got the people. We got to stop the cheating. If we stop that cheating, if we don't let them cheat, I don't even have to campaign anymore, we're going to win by so much. In the meantime, Too Big To Rig. To Big To Rig.

President Trump: My plan is that if you open your factory in Wisconsin or Pennsylvania, or Michigan or Minnesota, or anywhere else in the United States, you don't pay a a tariff or a tax, but if you move your production out of the United States and send it back here, you have to pay a very substantial tariff. We're going to supercharge our country.

President Trump: We have been treated so badly. Mostly by allies, if you want to know the truth. Our allies treat us actually worse than our co-called enemies. But we have been treated so badly on trade, and other things; on military. We protect them, and then they screw us on trade…we're gonna be a tariff nation. It's not going to be a cost to you, it's going to be a cost to another country…I'm not raising your taxes, I'm raising China, and all of these countries in Asia, and all over the world, including the European Union, by the way, which is one of the most egregious. They don't take our cars, they don't take our farm product, and we have a three hundred billion dollar trade deficit with them. And they are going to have to pay a price now, because we've been supporting them for a long time, and it's no longer sustainable.

djt: and we are going to make america great again.

music play young man, ymca djt does a little dance and takes too damn long outside in the open

RSBN host just said he got a text saying President Trump is up in Arizona by twenty-two percent, up in Georgia by eighteen percent, Texas by sixteen percent. He didn't say which ones they were, and I don't trust polls, but those are way more accurate that what we've heard before.

check out the video embed anon did last night corp o7

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b12380 No.21548660

File: 2c9a77de921cfb4⋯.png (410.12 KB,655x481,655:481,michael_bloomberg_vs_micha….png)




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fe9820 No.21548661


>'israel is doomed, 1 year, 2 year israel wil not even exist'

>'if im not elected, this may be our last election'

No one can argue with that.

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b5a49b No.21548662


what kind of fake post shit is this?

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61dce9 No.21548663


Elton also performed at Rush's wedding years ago.

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a47d79 No.21548664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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05cb6d No.21548665

File: 20bd5f3b01137f6⋯.png (1.05 MB,1674x969,558:323,Qs_Reflection_Mirror_17.png)



Qs Reflection (Mirror 17) during Q+ exit.

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066ed9 No.21548666

File: 7c6a5b303964918⋯.png (455.16 KB,473x1107,473:1107,qaggdropimage1202.png)





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d3f815 No.21548667

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Trump holds campaign rally in Mosinee



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110b85 No.21548668

File: 0885c68238fc6ca⋯.png (304.46 KB,351x475,351:475,ClipboardImage.png)


>Illinois's Pritzger signs law banning

>hotel mini-shampoos, to save the planet

Sell them at the hotel counter for 1 cent each.

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fe9820 No.21548669

File: ae05fd0543b62a1⋯.mp4 (7.43 MB,640x1138,320:569,the_unholy_5.mp4)


Satan and his 5 Generals are already here.

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6fd00c No.21548670

File: 252e7c70bacb613⋯.png (474.84 KB,602x641,602:641,mus.PNG)


Efrain Flores Monsanto 🇨🇦🚛




Brazilian patroit here celebrating the independence day here in Sao Paulo along with Jair Bolsonaro.

X is currently banned in the country due to judge Moraes' censorship.

Full reports to come: http://TheTruthAboutBrazil.com

7:58 AM · Sep 7, 2024

from Sao Paulo, Brazil




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b5a49b No.21548671


they all peepoop in their pants now

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fe9820 No.21548672

File: abc30e8ea9481e8⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB,720x1280,9:16,denzel.mp4)

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792ce6 No.21548673

File: 95e98d00717e07c⋯.png (629.05 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21548646, >>21548651, >>21548659 Trump to Hold a Rally in Mosinee, WI - 9/7/24 - sources, statements and dough bun with added mp4 vid on law and order lawfare by judge merchan.

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7c95dd No.21548674

File: ce2177925e8ae45⋯.png (543.54 KB,640x512,5:4,media_GWVJ8OHWkAAU7R_.png)

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595f55 No.21548675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


anon don't know about "fate"

i was just getting some rock candy for the kids

and some gingham for ma wife

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d14c23 No.21548676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a47d79 No.21548677

File: f5320411213be75⋯.png (1.11 MB,1760x803,160:73,ClipboardImage.png)


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1202de No.21548678

File: 0c56f42b90f5b99⋯.png (576.07 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240907_162601.png)



to the arab kid at the gas station that likes maths. it's a marathon not a race. like clockwork. 17's

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b12380 No.21548679

File: 164535457a96fcb⋯.png (1.45 MB,1602x1606,801:803,CNN_trump_actually_true_tr….png)


> Elton John gave support to

borderline IMO.

He was "specifically not negative" about Trump, which is something, considering he's a yougay elite, which are predominantly pro-war, anti-Trump people.

He makes a lot of money doing private gigs/weddings and shit I believe for very rich people, and it sounds like he & Trump have met in such circumstances many times, and he has made money from Trump, that's what I hear.

"I thank him for his support"

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fe9820 No.21548681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kim Clement Prophecies - Kennedy Family, Trump & Assassination Attempt - 2004-2009

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a47d79 No.21548682

File: 4a71a6e300e6959⋯.png (1.66 MB,1766x804,883:402,ClipboardImage.png)

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b5a49b No.21548683


Jesus Christ, please deliver us from this evil!

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737484 No.21548684

File: c4e7cc05b43a6c2⋯.jpg (540.31 KB,944x964,236:241,IMG_3116.jpg)

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6fd00c No.21548685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Elton John - Rocket Man

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05cb6d No.21548686

File: 0820c4f88cfa88d⋯.mp4 (3.12 MB,270x480,9:16,L_0zt_caa.mp4)


>The protests in the streets are literally where Trump Tower is today.

Dan's Vid (Drone Fly-Over) - "9/5/2024 | TRUMP TOWER | NYC" (Sep 05, 2024, 9:04 PM)

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b12380 No.21548688


why doesn't the glass fully cover his body

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a47d79 No.21548689

File: 7d124b0b6d63284⋯.png (266.46 KB,1058x547,1058:547,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe9820 No.21548690

File: 62b531f0f9c3115⋯.jpg (57.43 KB,720x900,4:5,GO8U1vaWoAAWEd0.jpg)

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8551d4 No.21548691


Now comes the pops from a pitching machine as a chemical sabotage from the western neighbor as soon as I stepped out on my front porch. Not afraid to go alone till I am no more because I will have to fight them all including those that come to protect them but who will take care of my wife? Who? These people are cowardly murderers who have killed already.

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1202de No.21548692

File: 990bed9dfa03a75⋯.gif (196.55 KB,200x200,1:1,200w_19_.gif)

File: 99158608ecf0def⋯.jpg (45.61 KB,600x900,2:3,A43B7_OCcAADzwG.jpg)

File: 72c67270662e401⋯.jpg (11.64 KB,200x202,100:101,72c67270662e401ead7f3ce718….jpg)

File: 48bcd714351f8bf⋯.jpg (143.25 KB,500x1289,500:1289,34lrm3.jpg)

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595f55 No.21548693


yet no thought if that "Police Officer" is breaking their Oath to uphold and defend the Constitution?

Blind obedience to a Costume is how We have ended up in this fucking mess.

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d14c23 No.21548694

File: 7caca1f1d405a9c⋯.jpg (283.97 KB,988x827,988:827,Custom_Image_0509202419372….jpg)

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b12380 No.21548695


fuck off canadian shill.

mods delete this doxy shit

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737484 No.21548696

File: daf0eb9a5d5525d⋯.mp4 (3.64 MB,720x1280,9:16,Golf_Grip_Practice.mp4)

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066ed9 No.21548697

File: 4494fdf5cb1533f⋯.jpeg (154.8 KB,512x499,512:499,4494fdf5cb1533f07207d54f4….jpeg)

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a47d79 No.21548698

File: 1bafc9332db1f1d⋯.png (399.08 KB,679x942,679:942,ClipboardImage.png)

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066ed9 No.21548699

File: e8954c80edb5011⋯.png (120.67 KB,473x735,473:735,qaggdropimage135.png)

File: 5150fabb5513492⋯.png (413.72 KB,473x1667,473:1667,qaggdropimage1887.png)


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fe9820 No.21548700


😂 She passed every course with flying colors. Put BU on the map.

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a46036 No.21548701

File: 7b1ed0b866619ce⋯.png (2.07 MB,1912x1070,956:535,ClipboardImage.png)

That's good coverage and protection there!!!

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f6fe12 No.21548702

File: 201ff9d3be5083b⋯.png (33.96 KB,700x516,175:129,a9yAmq1_700bwp.png)

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551ac3 No.21548703


zen moment fo sho

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00b9f9 No.21548704

File: a7458da3d5d617d⋯.jpg (12.51 KB,255x203,255:203,dredd_pepe2.jpg)


Judge Winning

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7c95dd No.21548705

File: 75fede7af1077b1⋯.png (193.47 KB,631x471,631:471,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa15f03c0896711⋯.png (1021.25 KB,1080x1073,1080:1073,aa15f03c0896711c728044ec59….png)


@BRICSinfo 4h

JUST IN: 🇨🇳 China bans foreign adoptions of its children after 30 years.

Sep 7, 2024 · 4:26 PM UTC


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b98570 No.21548706

File: 0651dec9f5dd657⋯.png (411.64 KB,491x487,491:487,ClipboardImage.png)

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6fd00c No.21548707

File: 851054cb0efd09c⋯.png (375.35 KB,605x833,605:833,liz.PNG)


Pepe Deluxe 🐸


Praying for Liz

Her Twitter is taken down


9:07 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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b5a49b No.21548708

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110b85 No.21548709

File: 8b99f4ebe426d50⋯.png (12.37 KB,255x180,17:12,Meme_Steal_Rob.png)


I just searched for that without the extras

for 5 mins then gave up.


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0f98dc No.21548710

File: 3c110e5667ec0e1⋯.jpg (44.66 KB,500x325,20:13,SSI_Disability.jpg)

File: e30dae0f5e01009⋯.png (1.07 MB,1080x1176,45:49,Screenshot_20240905_155813….png)

Washington DC politicians are behind the massive slaughter of America's unfortunate disabled Americans.

Imagine a blind person from birth taken care of by his parents all his life but now his parents have passed away this blind person must survive on $943 a month, is this shit even real? Nobody can survive on $943 a month especially an all alone blind person…. You fuckers don't believe me then go look at the SSI DISABILITY LAW Washington DC politicians are straight up fuckin' KILLERS.'

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fe9820 No.21548711


Yes. Keep gripping it.

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b98570 No.21548712


How are Chines people over 30 considered children?

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6fd00c No.21548713

File: 3c9602046bb6962⋯.png (287.79 KB,606x539,606:539,mons.PNG)




You vote Democrat you are not welcome to the church ⛪️, baby k*llers……

This Pastor has HUGE balls to say that 🙏🏼

6:30 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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551ac3 No.21548714


Patriot Spirit

you better mind your p's and Q's

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392c8d No.21548715

File: 0371567b9daa10f⋯.png (992.55 KB,791x789,791:789,ClipboardImage.png)

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1202de No.21548716

File: 89739e4a187db52⋯.jpeg (8.36 KB,300x168,25:14,images_95_.jpeg)

File: 5758750c2136e99⋯.png (61.11 KB,766x628,383:314,1109_2_.png)

File: 70f6f13fce594b4⋯.png (96.81 KB,766x804,383:402,62_3_.png)

File: c29f01d12c22af2⋯.png (43.54 KB,766x452,383:226,446_2_.png)

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066ed9 No.21548717

File: 352c158e52c8ec3⋯.png (22.53 KB,473x147,473:147,qaggdropimage13.png)


Check it :)

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e1e586 No.21548718

File: 86cbc67716738c7⋯.jpg (52.04 KB,500x512,125:128,8vvfns.jpg)


When Trump tells ths story of a fren of his says he draws huuge crowd and does it without even have a guitar

He is talking about Elton john

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110b85 No.21548719

File: a6e8be34dd9d510⋯.png (329.8 KB,447x442,447:442,ClipboardImage.png)

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d7321d No.21548720

File: 2377547e2f3793c⋯.webm (280.76 KB,427x240,427:240,_.webm)


>Judge Winning

What have you won, Simple Legion? Little mimic. Clownish Angry Inch? Harmless paid to post shill. A whole lot of nothing but just moar fake from you. A petty vendetta from a petty person.

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cca481 No.21548721

File: 7525c32c6317db8⋯.jpg (91.03 KB,720x558,40:31,AOCpuzzle.JPG)

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a46036 No.21548722

File: 842ef487f5d05cb⋯.png (12.36 KB,255x246,85:82,06e6183ad5ad9c4ca65d00a468….png)


Kek! Burn!

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b98570 No.21548723


I love golf

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7c95dd No.21548724


That´s communism komrade.

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066ed9 No.21548725


>A gripping tale of desire<

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a47d79 No.21548726

File: ed2d21ae21465f3⋯.png (1.03 MB,1080x1891,1080:1891,ClipboardImage.png)



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1ae837 No.21548727

File: e37dd5e0cc147e1⋯.jpg (341.58 KB,1280x1006,640:503,Execution_Lincoln_assassin….jpg)

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9803a0 No.21548728

File: 52e10aa6d9f8f5d⋯.png (209.84 KB,616x450,308:225,ClipboardImage.png)

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110b85 No.21548729

File: f3353c0b222f213⋯.png (190 KB,687x567,229:189,ClipboardImage.png)


fukin kek

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3251ce No.21548730


Many celebs will be voting for Trump, they will do it secretly to avoid upsetting their brain dead fans and losing record deals, advertisements etc. etc.,

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066ed9 No.21548732

File: c4aa4861c58f17b⋯.png (179.36 KB,473x903,11:21,qaggdropimage36.png)

File: 5f000ac24a85170⋯.png (32.91 KB,473x273,473:273,qaggdropimage460_3.png)


Check it :3


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fe9820 No.21548733


I'm guessing they mean 30 yo for the parents. But who knows these people read in multiple directions.

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a47d79 No.21548734

File: db7cb8c4f61ab82⋯.jpg (127.12 KB,1024x807,1024:807,cometpp5.jpg)

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1202de No.21548735

File: 423fb3c3526b802⋯.png (47.67 KB,766x452,383:226,54_9_.png)

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a46036 No.21548736

File: 4f81d6dbde22f00⋯.jpg (41.97 KB,255x227,255:227,4f81d6dbde22f00594f0294a90….jpg)

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066ed9 No.21548737



>I told you :3

We are winning BIGLY.

Never been attempted before.

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b5a49b No.21548738


top kek!

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00b9f9 No.21548739

File: ce2671883750479⋯.jpg (154.41 KB,1125x1156,1125:1156,GQoHBW5bQAAbmNb.jpg)

They need to invent a new word for the level of winning. Super winning? Mega winning? Bigly winning? Super mega bigly winning? It still doesn't seem to capture the sheer levels of winning.

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61dce9 No.21548740


Make Gallows Great Again

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61dce9 No.21548741

File: f71c294b6a96fe2⋯.jpg (238.5 KB,1258x1416,629:708,Xnip2024_09_07_16_41_13.jpg)

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65caa1 No.21548742

File: b02426a3f8fe5f1⋯.jpg (274.65 KB,1439x802,1439:802,MKUltra.jpg)


The Cabal now gets their assassins to self-execute.

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13273c No.21548743

File: 110f8164057704e⋯.png (670.19 KB,1010x658,505:329,Screenshb_1.png)

Washington DC politicians are behind the massive slaughter of America's unfortunate disabled Americans.

Imagine a blind person from birth taken care of by his parents all his life but now his parents have passed away this blind person must survive on $943 a month, is this shit even real? Nobody can survive on $943 a month especially an all alone blind person…. You fuckers don't believe me then go look at the SSI DISABILITY LAW' Washington DC politicians are straight up fuckin'KILLERS.

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110b85 No.21548744

File: c9a162fae96bd52⋯.png (1.23 MB,1028x799,1028:799,ClipboardImage.png)


>That's good coverage and protection there!!!

good catch

Also, what they should have done in the 1st place.

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6fd00c No.21548745

File: ded395e07043586⋯.png (398.79 KB,603x483,201:161,tran.PNG)


Fox News


Migrant families receive $4000 in grants to aid transition out of NYC shelters

From foxnews.com

4:47 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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551ac3 No.21548746


fulfilled - COME to the CROSS

pen worthy

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066ed9 No.21548747

File: 593492c4071f603⋯.png (43.75 KB,473x315,473:315,qaggdropimage969.png)

File: fabbb03bf582cad⋯.png (17.98 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage793.png)

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00b9f9 No.21548748

File: f3fdb50e6480fca⋯.png (338.22 KB,700x674,350:337,smoking_pepe21.png)




I survive on $640 a month and I've been blind since birth. Not physically, just mentally.

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a47d79 No.21548750



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1169b1 No.21548751


Jar babies?

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fe4f34 No.21548752

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3251ce No.21548753


Q VIP patriots are back at rally?

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d7321d No.21548754

File: e9c18b44f4bf64d⋯.gif (1.57 MB,320x180,16:9,abstract_parallels.gif)

I do get a kick out of it though. He's like my own little personal gollum. Follows me around, trying to imitate but in a malicious manner. Still better than seeing the logicless bullshit they used to post. They used to be focused on a division narrative conveyed through dehumanizing imagery and low IQ copypastas of the typical racial inflammatory stuff, but now they're pretending to be someone else and talking about fame and copyright and licenses and just behaving like total looney tune characters that have begun to lost what's left of their minds. It's funny, and it's worth it.

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7c95dd No.21548755

File: 159cca731af49b2⋯.png (48.93 KB,307x558,307:558,Opera_Instant_nea_2024_09_….png)

File: a6201df854b31f3⋯.png (282.85 KB,561x595,33:35,Opera_Instant_nea_2024_09_….png)

File: ba3456c8a4a2a07⋯.png (225.38 KB,623x553,89:79,Opera_Instant_nea_2024_09_….png)


>The Cabal

The D(e)ept State

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b5a49b No.21548756

when was the last time an election took place on the 5th of nov?

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6fd00c No.21548757

File: 77a22f9f669d1fc⋯.png (452.64 KB,713x358,713:358,mole.PNG)


American News Sep 7, 2024

Kamala hires 'climate' aide who believes climate change is reason to not have children, promoted gas stove bans

"Hello from official day one at Harris-Walz HQ! It's an honor to help the movements I love elect our future climate champion-in-chief."

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00b9f9 No.21548758

File: c4e6d9850f94135⋯.jpg (14.63 KB,229x220,229:220,c4e6d9850f94135bb1836511af….jpg)

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a47d79 No.21548759

File: f7fb14dcebc9873⋯.png (277.08 KB,447x510,149:170,memes46.png)

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fe9820 No.21548760

File: f5ea1d4c6c8ba45⋯.mp4 (6.63 MB,640x360,16:9,The_head_of_the_AZ_GOP_DeW….mp4)

Check this out.

AZ GOP Leader DeWitz presenting the bribe communicated to him from "back East" to Kari Lake. The terms and conditions are she not run for Senate. In return Money.

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737484 No.21548761

File: cc8698d340faa7d⋯.mp4 (8.15 MB,xgukNxm02Uuf1JzW.mp4)

File: 604f68d7e8161e5⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB,720x720,1:1,Greta_Thunberg_Fake_Arrest….mp4)

File: 00f4c6661f3c53e⋯.jpg (26.29 KB,198x255,66:85,Greta_Thunberg_09_Acting.JPG)


Greta just likes to be handcuffed.

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03bec5 No.21548762

File: fb211db0a161290⋯.png (83.86 KB,566x499,566:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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a221a9 No.21548763

File: 3c110e5667ec0e1⋯.jpg (44.66 KB,500x325,20:13,SSI_Disability.jpg)

File: 110f8164057704e⋯.png (670.19 KB,1010x658,505:329,Screenshb_1.png)

Washington DC politicians are behind the massive slaughter of America's unfortunate disabled Americans.

Imagine a blind person from birth taken care of by his parents all his life but now his parents have passed away this blind person must survive on $943 a month, is this shit even real? Nobody can survive on $943 a month especially an all alone blind person…. You fuckers don't believe me then go look at the SSI DISABILITY LAW' Washington DC politicians are straight up fuckin'KILLERS.

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00b9f9 No.21548765

File: 1e25e199543d0c9⋯.png (185.08 KB,490x469,70:67,1e25e199543d0c91f12273e90a….png)


Stealing memes is a capital offense to some

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6fd00c No.21548766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a47d79 No.21548767

File: 2e61bfef98eab8e⋯.png (1.83 MB,1440x1593,160:177,who.png)

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b98570 No.21548768

File: 9f2fcc6089115f9⋯.png (148.68 KB,493x262,493:262,illegal8f41ceb784.png)


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a47d79 No.21548769

File: 068ad9dab4c3c65⋯.jpg (86.41 KB,748x407,68:37,dank.jpg)

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9e939b No.21548770

File: 16d23878db5c579⋯.jpg (38.25 KB,500x375,4:3,3513296691_242f589509.jpg)

File: 4eb69a020b64e9f⋯.png (314.8 KB,680x384,85:48,Screen_Shot_2014_11_25_at_….png)

File: 55518d64c7a7caa⋯.jpg (128.31 KB,887x1390,887:1390,white_house_chief_of_staff….jpg)

File: 293c789d9309cb0⋯.jpg (907.8 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_073601….jpg)

File: 68c9fa117fd21a5⋯.jpg (21.45 KB,255x254,255:254,68c9fa117fd21a59ae219da4a1….jpg)

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00b9f9 No.21548771

File: 1297581f4114e83⋯.png (87.87 KB,481x412,481:412,smoking_jesus2.png)

Anyone mention God bless the jews today? Just thought I'd mention God bless the jews because the jews get it a whole lot worse than most on here. So God bless the jews.

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a46036 No.21548772



She's good!!

Never even heard of her!


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6fd00c No.21548773

File: 0660529796face2⋯.png (198.95 KB,390x191,390:191,molee.PNG)

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d3f815 No.21548774




It looks like this is the 1st time RT showed a live Trump Rally. I see speeches and statements, but no other Trump Rallies.

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110b85 No.21548775

File: 06aa37330d0d2fe⋯.png (723.73 KB,1280x812,320:203,ClipboardImage.png)




funny shit

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03bec5 No.21548776


Many Instances of Homeless collecting SSI.

Not all of those homeless are crackheads.

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8261a6 No.21548777

File: d7fcae98ee333cd⋯.jpeg (2.56 MB,1620x2083,1620:2083,IMG_3303.jpeg)

File: 96c4ee7d7566ea4⋯.jpeg (738.22 KB,1620x2120,81:106,IMG_1620.jpeg)

File: 4d5690630e611eb⋯.jpeg (447.69 KB,1620x2065,324:413,IMG_3294.jpeg)

File: 39e6db8f3fe7d78⋯.jpeg (637.55 KB,1620x2080,81:104,IMG_3293.jpeg)

File: 8258843541b81d7⋯.jpeg (620.01 KB,1249x1198,1249:1198,IMG_3295.jpeg)



Drama Queen

PDJT is Pro-Elon

Elon put Eyes on #DigitalSoldier #AllInForFlynn #psyoper Funded by the same people who fund Flynn Russia, Russia, Russia


Ark Dame Affiliate Liz Crokin



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1202de No.21548778

File: a06190ae311856e⋯.mp4 (15.08 MB,706x720,353:360,a06190ae311856eb8a398dea1a….mp4)

File: 4a3e2ddaba5bcc2⋯.mp4 (923.15 KB,320x488,40:61,4a3e2ddaba5bcc2f03ccdc5909….mp4)

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00b9f9 No.21548779

File: b181461c3148fce⋯.png (173.75 KB,450x496,225:248,b181461c3148fce020ad571151….png)


Habsolutely stollen

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3251ce No.21548780


You're lucky she is over 18 or I'd report your weird ass.

She still looks like a kid with downs…

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551ac3 No.21548781


flags outs fire it up at the ready



they died for this time

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d7321d No.21548782

File: a3eaa08c4c69904⋯.gif (3.68 MB,320x180,16:9,it_comes_in_3s.gif)

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066ed9 No.21548783


Check it.

Interesting 🤔

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a47d79 No.21548784

File: 90c82079df5a503⋯.jpg (20.14 KB,356x266,178:133,thoughtpolice.jpg)

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03bec5 No.21548785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9e939b No.21548786

File: f9207fa0290e542⋯.jpg (569.33 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_134427….jpg)

File: f8e0483ee163803⋯.jpg (539.11 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_134359….jpg)

CNN lit. truly suck creaming ball loddy moider

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22285a No.21548787

oldur roman suburbs still not into all taht 'greek chit'

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a47d79 No.21548788

File: fa8394a855b1f29⋯.png (13.78 KB,152x85,152:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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73e124 No.21548789


oh no

greek liar advice #juw

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354f63 No.21548790


Most people collecting SSI are elderly people men and women…SLAUGHTER HOUSE FIVE ON STEROIDS

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7c95dd No.21548791

File: fde331c4416da86⋯.png (317.85 KB,621x383,621:383,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5b834dc0b0f1f1⋯.jpg (124.78 KB,900x675,4:3,media_GW5pQp_bcAAYvej.jpg)

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a46036 No.21548792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's some moar…

"Me and Jesus"

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a47d79 No.21548793

File: d2bd64fd4298122⋯.png (202.17 KB,1000x1150,20:23,memes1.png)

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6fd00c No.21548794

File: 349cbe341700cd6⋯.png (2.67 MB,1431x795,9:5,bust.PNG)

File: b4c2c48e40db38a⋯.png (332.46 KB,473x477,473:477,mirr.PNG)



Chuck Callesto


BOMBSHELL REPORT: Harris Campaign / surrogates BUSTED pushing FAKE PHOTO of Kamala Harris and a child in local diner..



9:43 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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c92a91 No.21548795

File: a7bea81b554cd6b⋯.jpeg (25.05 KB,255x182,255:182,Whats_Happening.jpeg)

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066ed9 No.21548796


Check it.

o7 & 17

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354f63 No.21548797

File: 3c110e5667ec0e1⋯.jpg (44.66 KB,500x325,20:13,SSI_Disability.jpg)

Washington DC politicians are behind the massive slaughter of America's unfortunate disabled Americans.

Imagine a blind person from birth taken care of by his parents all his life but now his parents have passed away this blind person must survive on $943 a month, is this shit even real? Nobody can survive on $943 a month especially an all alone blind person…. You fuckers don't believe me then go look at the SSI DISABILITY LAW' Washington DC politicians are straight up fuckinKILLERS.

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392c8d No.21548798

File: 39eec14f88e85da⋯.png (168.22 KB,425x411,425:411,ClipboardImage.png)

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b98570 No.21548800

File: 0a7b829558c9145⋯.mp4 (804.13 KB,854x480,427:240,HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAQvx9S.mp4)

File: f9c18f4b4370b78⋯.gif (3.7 MB,347x244,347:244,gifputingifb780228aa3ffbea….gif)

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d83b56 No.21548801


one of the strictest gun controlled jurisdictions too

how quaint

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737484 No.21548802

File: 6a7cbeaf5eceb45⋯.mp4 (14.4 MB,j2NJftI5IWKqgBHS.mp4)

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a47d79 No.21548803

File: 728e2b6b4fd2f58⋯.jpg (171.69 KB,1089x1200,363:400,think2.jpg)

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1202de No.21548804

File: 1c82fe1a04447cf⋯.mp4 (506.56 KB,918x712,459:356,1c82fe1a04447cfa36fae93077….mp4)

File: 6c7a25d9b417cba⋯.jpeg (7.75 KB,275x183,275:183,images_96_.jpeg)

File: f2dc3335ef944a2⋯.jpg (67.04 KB,640x875,128:175,640px_Dan_Scavino_by_Gage_….jpg)

File: 096b65d883a1b21⋯.jpg (223.68 KB,1280x720,16:9,Dan_Scavino_Tweet_1_.jpg)




really really really soon

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a47d79 No.21548805

File: b28d42ca51bd2c3⋯.jpeg (44.39 KB,400x306,200:153,kek32.jpeg)

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066ed9 No.21548806



Check it.


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00b9f9 No.21548807

File: 125e3c303645f51⋯.png (88.98 KB,431x408,431:408,125e3c303645f511401e0d3925….png)

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af611b No.21548808


You cannot begin to image what we have gone through, the turmoil it creates, and the major

problems that these people have caused for us. I told you the truth about 911 and foiled their genocide plan with their toxic vaccines, and it has cost of everything. Constant gang stalking, sabotages, blacklisting, and harassments of every kind. God does not fix this mess, he has always sent good men into battle to combat the evil of the world. Where are the good men willing to fight? Where are you? Give me the means for at least a fair fight, can you do that for me? I will go alone. 23 years is enough.

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737484 No.21548809

File: 8768f9de9c79bb3⋯.mp4 (5.37 MB,Putin_Kek_Sovietly.mp4)

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e6a8ae No.21548811


GM smart dust shill

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f8edfd No.21548812

File: adffb5de2a94b65⋯.png (18.9 KB,693x149,693:149,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ede203982f25da⋯.png (9.6 KB,566x139,566:139,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83b9785b7ef6b04⋯.png (38.2 KB,814x390,407:195,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d55ae2f9a0f38d⋯.png (39.82 KB,724x496,181:124,ClipboardImage.png)



As used by author in original authored language. ZANA.

to be a cult prostitute

to be unfaithful (to God) (fig.)

(Pual) to play the harlot

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d83b56 No.21548813


don't you mean blumenthal?

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737484 No.21548814

File: 9dfafd65adf22d2⋯.gif (4 MB,360x242,180:121,Putin_Kek_Sovietly_GIF.GIF)

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066ed9 No.21548815


Check it.


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d14c23 No.21548816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Absolutely Glorious Victory

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a47d79 No.21548817

File: b535741ef78be2f⋯.png (211.02 KB,511x344,511:344,kek35.png)

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1202de No.21548819

File: 0341e2053084caa⋯.png (3.55 MB,1125x2436,375:812,94a95bec9c62b101f679bf0c6f….png)

File: dd4457c6326106b⋯.jpeg (375.1 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GW4cs0aWkAAfeu4.jpeg)

File: f9e0a0fa485dbfd⋯.png (847.35 KB,766x2072,383:1036,109_1_.png)

File: beb4de8afd0d994⋯.jpg (9.79 KB,339x149,339:149,1509505215390_1_.jpg)

File: b0b8e57e8745174⋯.png (1.82 MB,766x3544,383:1772,1752_1_.png)

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a47d79 No.21548820

File: 021d2339ed26226⋯.jpeg (121.54 KB,1080x1048,135:131,memes12.jpeg)

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74f8d2 No.21548821


Take it further

Check out who owns big pharma

And is in Washington

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d7321d No.21548822

File: bf1d456dbfcfd86⋯.gif (1.01 MB,320x180,16:9,ready44.gif)

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9e939b No.21548823

File: 16d23878db5c579⋯.jpg (38.25 KB,500x375,4:3,3513296691_242f589509.jpg)

File: 2d5e4dbbee1dfb2⋯.jpg (569.56 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_140333….jpg)

File: b87587a8bcbaa9f⋯.jpg (816.26 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_140432….jpg)

File: e84c015747a6c5f⋯.jpg (27.64 KB,310x233,310:233,da_editor_3694916719.jpg)


Greg Greg

He, they, themselves a star

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0a419c No.21548824


You are the one who got ahead of the story when my step son's dog was murdered that day. I know it is you, 6 ways from Sunday.

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110b85 No.21548825

File: 6c2ea5afa818927⋯.mp4 (1.81 MB,854x476,61:34,Trump_Hydrogen_Is_Maybe_Co….mp4)

TrumpSept 2024 Mosinee, Wisconsin Rally:

"I want hybrids. I want everything.

Hydrogen is maybe coming."


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1202de No.21548826

File: 0be9d112562e994⋯.png (121.17 KB,766x1332,383:666,803_7_.png)

File: 51c5e0c3cfb6993⋯.jpeg (542.57 KB,2048x1367,2048:1367,GWq_7TqbMAAejD6.jpeg)

File: 16b3a50a5251aa7⋯.jpeg (158.27 KB,909x1000,909:1000,GWuFB2tXIAAaPm7.jpeg)

File: 5a0df019f325118⋯.jpeg (481.22 KB,2048x1639,2048:1639,GWqRFGAWUAAwP4j.jpeg)

File: 8f8d728b6751823⋯.jpeg (494.18 KB,2048x1638,1024:819,GWqRFGFXYAA9A4u.jpeg)

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066ed9 No.21548827

File: 77ad7e055b19024⋯.png (41.81 KB,473x434,473:434,qaggdropimage890_2.png)

File: 766ce24ce1cb63f⋯.png (46.52 KB,473x336,473:336,qaggdropimage1280.png)

File: 647d9800d48ad5e⋯.png (18.22 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage232.png)

Top row

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46df79 No.21548828

File: 25d9df397964736⋯.jpg (331.83 KB,1024x1014,512:507,UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_dd3….jpg)



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a695d0 No.21548829

Piece of shit

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fe9820 No.21548830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The face of the earth. It's a big earth and a big face.

Earth in Mars - Mars Map

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7c95dd No.21548831

File: 8c845182f07da92⋯.png (373.76 KB,566x556,283:278,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28790f3642a4088⋯.png (284.72 KB,609x568,609:568,ClipboardImage.png)

European Space Agency

@esa 1h

'Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages…'

8 September is #StarTrekDay, a celebration of this legendary TV (and film) series, that has inspired generations of explorers, scientists and astronauts, including ESA @AstroSamantha Cristoforetti. As a lifelong @StarTrek fan, she joins those who turn science fiction into science fact, boldly going where few have gone before.

Sep 7, 2024 · 8:01 PM UTC


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74f8d2 No.21548832


Step sons dog murdered

Holy shit Batdude

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d83b56 No.21548833


and that's why there are player haters

we're going back in time

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066ed9 No.21548834

File: 42eed9edfcbf54b⋯.png (253.75 KB,473x732,473:732,qaggdropimage1388.png)

File: 32457696eddc6f2⋯.png (52.31 KB,473x455,473:455,qaggdropimage607.png)

File: 67fe2d7f6df9459⋯.png (279.5 KB,473x1619,473:1619,qaggdropimage128_1.png)

Bottom row

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8261a6 No.21548835


Hahahaha! Laughing at The Dollar General a few breads ago!

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fe9820 No.21548836

File: 9a2c5814ac69210⋯.jpg (90.92 KB,707x900,707:900,GTprf7QW8AAZB0G.jpg)

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9e939b No.21548837


Free education goes a long way, baby!

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d14c23 No.21548838


There people that eat it, Satanists.

So gross.

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b5a49b No.21548839

>>21548756 me



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a695d0 No.21548840


Shut the fuck up retard

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8ca0d2 No.21548841

File: 622be01b857891a⋯.jpeg (34.38 KB,225x225,1:1,IMG_6304.jpeg)

Christians are just upitty people. Muslims and Jews too.

Enlightenment requires you to relax

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a695d0 No.21548843


You are a faggot

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46df79 No.21548844



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d83b56 No.21548845



watch the water

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4f119c No.21548846


Joke for you, but I remember the bodies being dug out the rubble on 911 and others that have suffered greatly and passed away at the demise of these scumbags.

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066ed9 No.21548847

File: 48741d6a9003ed0⋯.png (69.91 KB,473x357,473:357,qaggdropimage69_1.png)

File: e55cba49dc513c3⋯.png (85.67 KB,473x630,473:630,qaggdropimage50_1.png)

File: a182d0f47b6b470⋯.png (166.57 KB,473x880,43:80,qaggdropimage690_1.png)


>Bean 🫘 🫘 🫘




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804426 No.21548848

PDJT mentioned 325,000 illegal immigrant children missing and now dead.

Are they being eaten?

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d14c23 No.21548849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fuckin A.


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1202de No.21548850


in heaven as in earth

forgive us our debts

as we forgive our debtors.

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00b9f9 No.21548851

File: f3fdb50e6480fca⋯.png (338.22 KB,700x674,350:337,smoking_pepe21.png)


Did you just tell me to relax you little sniveling ratfuck failfag mimic muhjoo chucklefuck angry inch harmful harmless absolute Retard chucklefuck I'll relax when I want to relax which is never because I can't relax because I'm so triggered over Anons stealing my memes And threatening my previous board personality legacy because massive narcissism and ego.

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65318c No.21548852



#26398 >>21548319



>>21548358, >>21548377, >>21548381, >>21548390, >>21548401, >>21548483, >>21548543 Country singer Gretchen Wilson rallies support for President Trump

>>21548592, >>21548593, >>21548599, >>21548605 Dancing Trump is winning comms

>>21548613 Trump asked "would he do it all over again?" His response was BEAUTIFUL

>>21548667, >>21548674, >>21548777 It looks like this is the 1st time RT showed a live Trump Rally

>>21548825 TRUMP "I want hybrids. I want everything. Hydrogen is maybe coming."

>>21548330, >>21548350, >>21548356, >>21548380, >>21548386, >>21548388, >>21548389, >>21548419, >>21548421, >>21548431, >>21548450, >>21548452, >>21548462, >>21548479, >>21548493, >>21548503, >>21548528, >>21548530, >>21548567, >>21548575, >>21548587 TRUMP QUOTES

>>21548646, >>21548651, >>21548659 ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN MOSINEE, WISCONSIN - 9/7/2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21548365 Where is the outrage MadCow? 300,000+ children missing & exploited and nothing.

>>21548423, >>21548447, >>21548670 IT'S HAPPENING Absolutely massive protest in Brazil today for free speech.

>>21548564 MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow Is In Case That Could Cost Network MILLIONS

>>21548573 This is what happens when Google LIES - BYE BYE ChatGPT - HELLO Grok2

>>21548581 This is our FBI: a cringey, weaponized force working against us. “knock it off"

>>21548627 Pritzger signs law banning hotel mini-shampoos, to save the planet

>>21548631 WA State GOP Files Lawsuit to Dispute State Primary Election Ballots

>>21548658, >>21548679 Elton John gave support to Donald Trump in his new VARIETY interview

>>21548705 China bans foreign adoptions of its children in line with the spirit of International agreements

>>21548745 Migrant families receive $4000 in grants to aid transition out of NYC shelters

>>21548831 'Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages…' September 8th is #StarTrekDay

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5fd02d No.21548853

File: e8ee203dcbe66c4⋯.png (261 KB,698x808,349:404,ClipboardImage.png)


Kamala getting Loomered

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34b2b6 No.21548854

I heard the President has immunity from prosecution…but what about the V.P.???

Why can't we arrest the Vice President for her corrupt conduct???

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8261a6 No.21548855

File: 9a2b03e4a0ad72c⋯.jpeg (986.02 KB,1349x1831,1349:1831,IMG_3304.jpeg)


Why is this dated September 15, 2024?

Today is September 7, 2024…


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5fd02d No.21548856



For many things.

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551ac3 No.21548858


training day role reversals in real life

all those sheep all those wolves

who was AG filming time

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fe9820 No.21548859

File: 9bb3d066ea44682⋯.jpg (61.05 KB,395x354,395:354,ScreenShot20180605at3_19_3….jpg)


>Illinois's Pritzger signs law banning

>hotel mini-shampoos, to save the planet

That fat shit will never ban Twinkies.

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6fd00c No.21548860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dracula's Lament

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c92a91 No.21548861

File: fc15c3390088f22⋯.png (238.88 KB,1080x548,270:137,ClipboardImage.png)

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7c95dd No.21548862

File: d4dc2287e13ae6d⋯.png (271.81 KB,612x543,204:181,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e8fce0342f28ce⋯.png (5.21 KB,433x121,433:121,ClipboardImage.png)

ESA Cluster

@ESA_Cluster 12h

🆕 Latest news onSalsa. The satellite is expected to reenter at 20:48 CEST (18:48 UTC) on 8 September 2024, with an uncertainty of two minutes either way 👇

We're getting closer and closer to waving this satellite a goodbye forever 🥹

Sep 7, 2024 · 8:25 AM UTC


Sauce is coming…

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8ca0d2 No.21548863

File: b2f9aa994161b16⋯.jpeg (132.57 KB,577x433,577:433,IMG_6289.jpeg)

Take no thought for the day. The Lilly is here today and gone tomorrow. Who by thinking can add time. Isn’t the higher mind all that matters? Won’t it give you life?

This Jesus is the Sage of an Age talking about meditation.


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645718 No.21548864

File: f6f12d7294c3dd2⋯.jpg (18.75 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1697334928.jpg)



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110b85 No.21548865

File: aaf4a71288484cf⋯.mp4 (462.33 KB,830x720,83:72,Kamala_Hawk_Tuah.mp4)


I think #DickCheney endorsed Kamala Harris in the mistaken belief that whatKamala needs is another Dick


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b5a49b No.21548866

This is so crazy… Trump just declared to clean out the military industrial complex and the warmongers and stated "maybe hydrogen" energy etc…

Please, God, protect him!

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fe4f34 No.21548867

File: 040013ad957ad01⋯.png (694.51 KB,859x592,859:592,ClipboardImage.png)




vpn.tor connect allowed

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6fd00c No.21548868

File: 9bf86535705b80e⋯.png (83.58 KB,798x731,798:731,stager.PNG)


Laura Loomer Profile picture

Laura Loomer


6h • 2 tweets • 4 min read •

Read on X



@KamalaHarris’s Presidential campaign STAGED a fake emotional encounter with a woman on camera today at an event in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that the campaign called “organic” and “spur of the moment” but I have uncovered the fact that the venue is actually an anti-Republican Spice Company @PenzeysSpices called Penzey’s Spices that explicitly says on their company website that “Republicans are racist” and they don’t like or feel inclined to welcome Republicans or Trump supporters at their business!

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066ed9 No.21548869

File: 8fbab0790ec8b1b⋯.png (39.73 KB,473x371,473:371,qaggdropimage385.png)

File: ee3b5799ca52858⋯.png (19.03 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage277.png)

File: cec0ce5b67edd69⋯.png (53.59 KB,473x315,473:315,qaggdropimage11_1.png)

File: 5c6eba4e56520be⋯.png (32.13 KB,473x231,43:21,qaggdropimage82.png)



>Hydrogen on demand systems are neat<

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96dbcc No.21548870

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: 2da1a2716f43edc⋯.png (1.76 MB,754x813,754:813,capture_744_12122023_18285….png)


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877d76 No.21548871

File: 92e01b6d1c1dced⋯.jpeg (39.99 KB,228x221,228:221,IMG_2786.jpeg)


Do you have permit for that stolen meme you sniveling ratfuck chucklefuck?

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1202de No.21548873

File: 67af77af38c1f15⋯.png (410.44 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240907_171539.png)

File: 86aea0a3aaa8b31⋯.png (60.75 KB,766x852,383:426,419_4_.png)

File: 98637b6f7b10e81⋯.png (97.91 KB,766x760,383:380,1619_1_.png)

File: f9cf356034b52e4⋯.png (113.61 KB,766x1246,383:623,143.png)

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110b85 No.21548874

File: ff193c32d9d8191⋯.png (46.41 KB,616x174,308:87,ClipboardImage.png)


Ask John.

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ee10ca No.21548876

File: 9a63c402cb7fdf9⋯.jpeg (444.27 KB,828x1226,414:613,CD4DA2B8_4BFC_4A03_8FF1_6….jpeg)



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fe9820 No.21548877

File: 9319a237388415d⋯.webp (59.32 KB,1010x998,505:499,nieto_meme.webp)


Trump is the only one in the swamp that hates the Cartels. The rest make millions from them.

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8b0350 No.21548878

File: 099aea94cfbef02⋯.png (25.49 KB,387x479,387:479,ClipboardImage.png)

PDJT often mentions 22 people coming from the Congo, when talks about the millions of illegals coming in across the border.

Also today again during the rally in Mosinee, WI

Seems odd mentioning these 22 people vs. the millions

So… Q22 says this

==Who controls the NG?

Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?

Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?

Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?

What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?

Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol.

Study and prepare.

The masses tend to panic in such situations.

No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.==

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6fd00c No.21548879

File: f116766e2b1d98f⋯.png (63.79 KB,597x857,597:857,eve.PNG)


Laura Loomer




I have further evidence that the emotional encounters with Kamala Harris at her Spice shop visit in Pittsburgh were fake and staged today. I have identified one of the women who Kamala Harris @KamalaHarris

spoke to on camera in what the media is trying to pretend and pass off as a “random emotional moment”.

Her name is STEPHANIE MOORE. She is the woman in the video who is wearing the Georgetown sweatshirt.

I have found her X account too. Her handle is @smoores1213


She isn’t just a random “consumer protection lawyer” in Pittsburgh. She’s a volunteer for the Pennsylvania Democrat Party and she also volunteered for @BarackObama

Obama’s campaign.

Stephanie is an Associate Attorney at the East End Trial Group LLC @EastEndTrial

in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The media and @KamalaHarris

staged all of these encounters today at a Democrat owned spice shop owned by a Radical Leftist progressive donor named Bill Penzey, whose website openly tells Republicans they aren’t very welcome at the @PenzeysSpices

Penzey’s spices stores.

Why did @KamalaHQ

pretend like this was a random visit to a random shop today?

This was obviously all staged and scripted to a tee. The women who were presenting to fawn over Kamala are literally Democrat Party volunteers!!!!

Tied to OBAMA!

They always are!

‼️‼️👇🏻RECEIPTS! ‼️‼️👇🏻

I screen recorded Stephanie’s Linked in account and got screenshots of her X. It’s definitely her. She is even re-tweeting posts about the encounter today and her account is full of pro Kamala Harris posts.

Kamala Harris is SO FAKE!





Laura Loomer






@KamalaHarris’s Presidential campaign STAGED a fake emotional encounter with a woman on camera today at an event in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that the campaign called “organic” and “spur of the moment” but I have uncovered the fact that the venue is actually x.com/iansams/status…

Show more




10:05 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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e6a8ae No.21548880


aha so it's VD team

running the honeypot.

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110b85 No.21548881


>Salsa. The satellite

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284f56 No.21548882


Not a joke, their toxins have killed 2 of my dogs, my step son's, and my current dog is now dealing with a lawn that can become toxic at any point. These people enjoy anything that will make you suffer, they are inhumane satanic gold diggers.

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110b85 No.21548883

File: 75b8467c57cd367⋯.png (1.33 MB,960x720,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>>Salsa. The satellite

forgot pic kek

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4358f8 No.21548884



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8261a6 No.21548885

File: 6f33dfea2940126⋯.png (330.31 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3305.png)

File: b42c3202c3e2d98⋯.png (382.96 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_3306.png)




AAF Fights SEC’s Mass-Surveillance of Americans

September 6, 2024

Advancing American Freedom and 48 other amici supported a challenge to the

constitutionality of a mass surveillance operation against the American people. In their

amicus brief in Davidson v. Gensler, AAF and its fellow amici argued that the

beleaguered Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is circumventing Congress

by compelling private entities it regulates to build and pay for a program to snoop on

every household that owns stock or an IRA.

“The CAT (consolidated audit trail) database is unconstitutional, contrary to statutory

law, and would inevitably be hacked by our foreign enemies and by malign actors at

home to harm America and Americans. The bottom line is, this information is none of

the government’s business,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “The

government has a history of leaking sensitive information and of having its databases

hacked. The CAT would create both the opportunity and the inevitability for that problem

on a massive scale.”

It is believed to be the largest surveillance program initiated since 9/11, and the second

largest surveillance program operated by the American government, smaller only than

that of the National Security Agency.

Without authorization or appropriation from Congress, the SEC has been building this

system since 2012. It has usurped the congressional power of the purse by compelling

entities it regulates, entities that are in no position to protest, to pay for CAT’s

construction and operation.

“Federal regulatory agencies are circling this case like jackals, watching to see if the

Courts will allow them to tear away at powers the Constitution reserves only to

Congress, or the People,” said Wheat. “This may be the most alarming Constitutional

case of the entire Biden-Harris Administration.”

Read the article from NationalReview.com here.

Read the article from TheDailyCaller.com here.

Read the brief here.



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b2f205 No.21548886




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1202de No.21548887

File: ba6682bdebf3d2f⋯.png (306.16 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240907_171858.png)

File: 70eb1fb92813858⋯.png (55.61 KB,766x540,383:270,759_1_.png)

File: 5b31a16129d513c⋯.png (181.87 KB,766x1288,383:644,48_1_.png)

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e6a8ae No.21548888


ip hopping demoralization shill

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392c8d No.21548889

File: 654ebec55037993⋯.png (340.61 KB,1060x596,265:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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066ed9 No.21548890


>Walks outside.

Looks at the sky

>Says out loud.

The nobody is a cat.

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4358f8 No.21548891


US has more uranium than anywhere else.

Nuclear energy ( not weapons) may be very big.

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05cb6d No.21548892

File: 1c3e282851c81c4⋯.png (613.07 KB,1364x1528,341:382,Stop_Blocking_Q_s_TRIP_COD….png)




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00b9f9 No.21548893

File: 1e25e199543d0c9⋯.png (185.08 KB,490x469,70:67,1e25e199543d0c91f12273e90a….png)


Holy fucking fuck you fuck did you just post that fucking meme without showing a permit while asking me for a fucking permit? Would you be my fucking frenly fren in the frenly-fucking-hood?

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05cb6d No.21548894


You're Fired.

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7c95dd No.21548895

File: 639e075d2063380⋯.png (20.76 KB,608x209,32:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5ab787d1a7a5b5⋯.png (16.43 KB,643x140,643:140,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c89163d001e696⋯.png (49.64 KB,425x237,425:237,ClipboardImage.png)

Mike Pompeo

@mikepompeo 6h

Hoping our @USArmyBlack Knightskeep the undefeated record and beat Florida Atlantic.

Go Army!

Sep 7, 2024 · 2:54 PM UTC






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80690d No.21548896


is that a legit source?

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d7321d No.21548898

File: 59822bc56b7c83f⋯.webm (339.04 KB,565x240,113:48,kek39.webm)


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1202de No.21548899

File: 229c3bc55bee754⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB,360x640,9:16,229c3bc55bee754a76b108c32d….mp4)

File: c64bb38d69049d3⋯.mp4 (1.46 MB,480x360,4:3,c64bb38d69049d3731544d64f6….mp4)

File: 09e62e699d56f1e⋯.mp4 (438.72 KB,640x480,4:3,09e62e699d56f1ecd218de56c7….mp4)

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80690d No.21548901


remember that drug addict fuck in the background?

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d7e856 No.21548902

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066ed9 No.21548903


>20,000 years old plus

It circles the globe on a polar orbit.

It can cover he entire planet in 24 hours.

Why is it there?

Is this what Tesla was in contact with?

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fe9820 No.21548904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




He said he was going to eliminate the Tax on SS Benefits. Where you been all your life at an orgy, listening to mick jagger music and bad mouthing your country I bet.

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a336ee No.21548905

File: 57991fe9e983d63⋯.png (162.43 KB,300x391,300:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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74f8d2 No.21548906


Yea …jus playin

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3251ce No.21548907


Q does not need a TC.

They can simply post an authentic picture at any moment in time, they are either under strict orders from Trump or the risk is too high.

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737484 No.21548908

File: 5588c1db9bcfee1⋯.mp4 (9.74 MB,mematicMeme.mp4)

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03a1e4 No.21548909


How is that demoralizing? It is the opposite, I am not trying to demoralize anyone but to moralize them to fight already, 911 was 23 years ago. This doesn't end until they are arrested so someone has to take hold of them because please stop doesn't seem to work.

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6fd00c No.21548910

File: 9a05bb3bc9f99f2⋯.png (302.58 KB,613x852,613:852,fake.PNG)




Laura Loomer






I have further evidence that the emotional encounters with Kamala Harris at her Spice shop visit in Pittsburgh were fake and staged today. I have identified one of the women who Kamala Harris @KamalaHarris

spoke to on camera in what the media is trying to

Show more





Laura Loomer




Embedded video






@KamalaHarris’s Presidential campaign STAGED a fake emotional encounter with a woman on camera today at an event in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that the campaign called “organic” and “spur of the moment” but I have uncovered the fact that the venue is actually x.com/iansams/status…

Laura Loomer







10:21 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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a47d79 No.21548911

File: 1d9f216cf4845d0⋯.jpg (142.88 KB,960x829,960:829,tesla11.jpg)

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80690d No.21548912


where is that bread wasting fag to post a Q post with that timestamp?

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b5a49b No.21548913

File: f3a9e04f84ab895⋯.png (78.25 KB,818x586,409:293,4407.png)


yeah… but what concerns me is that there is still the drop with the "plan after Trump" and then there are also still those "precipice" drops..

#4407 and


"…ONLY AT THE PRECIPICE will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].


…i mean how much moar precipicey can it/must it get?

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066ed9 No.21548914


Check it.

>Pepe & (uwu)



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9e939b No.21548915

File: 59568e91769b822⋯.jpg (650.73 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_141212….jpg)

File: a39658e27b9a3c1⋯.jpeg (198.49 KB,2000x1337,2000:1337,1_fGBdKXOhF_XoVDp8TP_iFQ_….jpeg)

File: 3ccc05cc76e413a⋯.jpg (38.34 KB,474x355,474:355,th_3024070232.jpg)

File: be2bd8fca678ca9⋯.jpg (75.95 KB,900x500,9:5,580f4fa1c3618899458b46a5_3….jpg)


Pedestal is ''Climate Czar'x

Fun fact…

The White HouseThe White House


To search this site, enter a search term

September 02, 2022

President Biden Announces Senior Clean Energy and Climate Team


Briefing Room

Statements and Releases

John Podesta to Serve as Senior Advisor to the President for Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation;

Ali Zaidi to Succeed Gina McCarthy as Assistant to the President & National Climate Advisor



Hillary I'm with her Clinton Foundation Lateral Transition on Evergreen New Deal Office

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737484 No.21548916

File: 5e77ea63039ce5e⋯.gif (498.13 KB,220x169,220:169,IMG_8958.gif)

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22285a No.21548917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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74f8d2 No.21548918


Fishing for emotional rescue

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a47d79 No.21548919

File: 7f62b1797d2ac48⋯.png (2.54 MB,1057x1653,1057:1653,7f62b1797d2ac48cafe3647b5b….png)

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edfa06 No.21548920

Top German MP threatens X and Telegram with bans

Berlin must tackle “online radicalization” and further tighten control over social media, the legislator said

MP Anton Hofreiter, the chairman of the Bundestag’s European policy committee, made the remarks on Saturday while speaking to reporters from Funke Media Group. The politician called for tighter control over social media, up to the outright blocking of certain platforms.

“One of the biggest problems of extremism is online radicalization,” Hofreiter stated, adding that the dissemination of “anti-constitutional content on the Internet” must be stopped.

“We need to tackle the root of the problem and push back radicalization in digital space as well as in society,” he stressed.

Those social media platforms that refuse to abide by German laws and remove “extremist content” must be blocked altogether, Hofreiter argued, specifically singling out X, formerly Twitter, among the potential targets.


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fe9820 No.21548921

File: 52ed4b3ab0a34cd⋯.jpg (3.8 KB,208x243,208:243,download.jpg)


Beto the twisted faggot. Probable got popped and made a deal.

Beto O’Rourke’s secret membership in America’s oldest hacking group


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c92a91 No.21548922

File: 13bf4c1bc17ac05⋯.png (210.83 KB,507x714,169:238,ClipboardImage.png)

Great Replacement Job Shock: 1.3 Million Native-Born Americans Just Lost Their Jobs, Replaced By 635,000 Immigrants

At the start of the year, many months after we first pointed out that the biggest untold story of the US labor market was the "great replacement" of native born workers with foreign-born workers (most of whom we subsequently learned were illegal aliens), we asked how is it, that the ongoing replacement (because that's what it is) of US workers is "not the biggest political talking point right now" considering that "since October 2019, native-born US workers have lost 1.4 million jobs; over the same period foreign-born workers have gained 3 million jobs"

Nine months later, we are delighted to see that our relentless efforts to bring attention to this critical topic finally worked, and the continued replacement of native-born workers with immigrants and illegal aliens was finally the biggest political and media talking point, as demonstrated by such articles as "How Immigration Remade the U.S. Labor Force" by the WSJ and "Without Immigrants, US Working-Age Population Would Shrink" from Bloomberg, both of which are an extension of the latest and greatest narrative, first spawned by Fed chair Powell, and then picked up by Goldman, which came down to the following: you can have (record) illegal immigration, or you can have even more (breakneck) inflation. So don't be angry, and just accept the roving gangs of Venezuelan murderers in your neighborhood, if you know what's good for you and if you want to keep prices low (the same prices which are only high because the government decided to inject $20 trillion in fiscal stimmies in the past 4 years).


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22285a No.21548924



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066ed9 No.21548926


Who edited UFO debriefing documents?

What is their involvement with disclosure?

But wait, there's even more

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6fd00c No.21548927

File: c4ac741b24e1348⋯.png (441.98 KB,798x463,798:463,u.PNG)

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3251ce No.21548928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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737484 No.21548929

File: dd1d983825d415d⋯.jpeg (83.29 KB,800x534,400:267,E7D133D2_C643_4F86_AE33_B….jpeg)

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8aa9be No.21548930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Count Of Monte Cristo

Jim Caviezel and Guy Pearce give sizzling performances in THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO – the greatest tale of betrayal, adventure, and revenge the world has ever known. When the dashing and guileless Edmond Dantes (Caviezel) is betrayed by his best friend (Pearce) and wrongly imprisoned, he becomes consumed by thoughts of vengeance. After a miraculous escape, he transforms himself into the mysterious and wealthy Count of Monte Cristo, insinuates himself into the French nobility, and puts his cunning plan of revenge in action. This swashbuckling thriller will have you sitting on the edge of your seat until the last ounce of revenge is exacted.

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74f8d2 No.21548931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Emotional rescue

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737484 No.21548932

File: fc2915442113788⋯.png (307.78 KB,500x500,1:1,EB5CE0A2_CAB5_4718_916C_4A….png)

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03bec5 No.21548933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Queens Of The Stone Age

No One Knows

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a47d79 No.21548934

File: d8a9c3924111ac7⋯.png (998.18 KB,1200x675,16:9,d8a9c3924111ac703e920eeca5….png)

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792435 No.21548936


I'm already wondering who will follow Trump in 4 yrs time? We have one Kennedy. How about another one - JFK Jr? The perfect candidate to unite the nation after what promises to be a tumultuous 4 yrs for the left.

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737484 No.21548937

File: 4dead962886e7d8⋯.gif (4.89 MB,579x434,579:434,IMG_8583.GIF)

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551ac3 No.21548938


can u put mega on those beautiful white paws

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6fd00c No.21548939

File: b8196155be2b137⋯.png (1.91 MB,1282x788,641:394,e.PNG)

File: d4e987050bb8245⋯.png (512.57 KB,423x809,423:809,e1.PNG)

File: ba66aa3cfa18781⋯.png (570.89 KB,449x845,449:845,e3.PNG)

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65318c No.21548940



#26398 >>21548319



>>21548358, >>21548377, >>21548381, >>21548390, >>21548401, >>21548483, >>21548543 Country singer Gretchen Wilson rallies support for President Trump

>>21548592, >>21548593, >>21548599, >>21548605 Dancing Trump is winning comms

>>21548613 Trump asked "would he do it all over again?" His response was BEAUTIFUL

>>21548667, >>21548674, >>21548777 It looks like this is the 1st time RT showed a live Trump Rally

>>21548825 TRUMP "I want hybrids. I want everything. Hydrogen is maybe coming."

>>21548330, >>21548350, >>21548356, >>21548380, >>21548386, >>21548388, >>21548389, >>21548419, >>21548421, >>21548431, >>21548450, >>21548452, >>21548462, >>21548479, >>21548493, >>21548503, >>21548528, >>21548530, >>21548567, >>21548575, >>21548587 TRUMP QUOTES

>>21548646, >>21548651, >>21548659 ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN MOSINEE, WISCONSIN - 9/7/2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21548365 Where is the outrage MadCow? 300,000+ children missing & exploited and nothing.

>>21548423, >>21548447, >>21548670 IT'S HAPPENING Absolutely massive protest in Brazil today for free speech.

>>21548564 MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow Is In Case That Could Cost Network MILLIONS

>>21548573 This is what happens when Google LIES - BYE BYE ChatGPT - HELLO Grok2

>>21548581 This is our FBI: a cringey, weaponized force working against us. “knock it off"

>>21548627 Pritzger signs law banning hotel mini-shampoos, to save the planet

>>21548631 WA State GOP Files Lawsuit to Dispute State Primary Election Ballots

>>21548658, >>21548679 Elton John gave support to Donald Trump in his new VARIETY interview

>>21548705 China bans foreign adoptions of its children in line with the spirit of International agreements

>>21548745 Migrant families receive $4000 in grants to aid transition out of NYC shelters

>>21548831 'Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages…' September 8th is #StarTrekDay

>>21548862, >>21548895 Latest news on Satellite Salsa. Sauce coming tomorrow

>>21548868, >>21548879 Loomer - Kamala STAGED a fake emotional encounter with a woman on camera today

>>21548885 Advancing American Freedom and 48 other amici Fights SEC’s Mass-Surveillance of Americans

>>21548920 RT - Top German MP threatens X and Telegram with bans

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737484 No.21548941

File: a0f7ef01715a7cb⋯.jpg (465.62 KB,955x1316,955:1316,IMG_7029.jpg)

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f6fe12 No.21548942

File: 169388e5e99bc15⋯.png (107.91 KB,700x851,700:851,a1mKV7P_700bwp.png)

Dems go full troll

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46df79 No.21548943

>>>>>isREALly gaygay whalurgaay thong huntid taht

>>>>isREALly gaygay whalur gay injun thong summoned durh bungholgate gahydar frum ancient $50 watermelon


>58% succes

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737484 No.21548944

File: 7a3b6c3d1c32805⋯.gif (2.4 MB,360x359,360:359,IMG_8711.GIF)

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7c95dd No.21548945

File: 23d76911200ca8a⋯.png (74.94 KB,416x397,416:397,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bd9d3608c9d109⋯.png (636.22 KB,466x576,233:288,ClipboardImage.png)



Novel by Alexandre Dumas

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a47d79 No.21548946

File: 270742f715b863b⋯.jpeg (224.74 KB,1130x1088,565:544,270742f715b863b8ff97d2964….jpeg)

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edfa06 No.21548947

US-Iraq Deal: Near Quarter-Century Long Pentagon Occupation To Finally End

On Friday the governments of Iraq and the United States reached a landmark agreement for the final exit of all US-coalition troops from the territory of Iraq.

Several sources confirmed to Reuters that hundreds of still remaining American and Western allied troops will pull out of the country by September 2025, with the remainder to exit by the close of 2026.


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8261a6 No.21548948

File: 1a7aca55e5c0998⋯.pdf (3.02 MB,a_guide_to_cutting_federal….pdf)

File: 218f657064358d8⋯.jpeg (537.39 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2999.jpeg)


With ALL the clickable links to programs that have already been implemented under The Trump-Pence Administration and are continuing into the Future for Energy Dominance!!

Hydrogen, Solar and Wind….

It’s all outlined in this PDF

Date 📅

July 31, 2024

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b2f205 No.21548949


You will know

Where we go one, we go all

All will know

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804426 No.21548950

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fe5182 No.21548952


Just STFU coward. I have put my life on the line for this country on it's worst day in it's history and went alone already when I risked my life to warn about this current chaos and toxic vaccines. I am asking to be set up so I can have at least a fair fight, people like you can sit back and mock the world for going to shit with your goofy minds.

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a47d79 No.21548953

File: 1d37c86f35b4078⋯.jpg (98.07 KB,740x775,148:155,water6.JPG)

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90a67c No.21548954

File: a5d055b2b529290⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,1280x720,16:9,BaldwinEpstein.mp4)

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06aad4 No.21548955


Which gov agency would you send after them?

Tell us which they haven't infiltrated and corrupted.

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b5a49b No.21548956

File: daf0484ff4f9abe⋯.png (77.6 KB,818x856,409:428,2609_1_.png)


hmmm..i don't know and nobody knows what exactly will happen

i don't even know in what way/what time this drop plays out..

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7d93ed No.21548957

what bands were very popular in the 3rd reich?

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2e30c2 No.21548958

File: c71dc3e6a1e3f2f⋯.jpg (164.51 KB,1160x629,1160:629,krugmanqanoned.jpg)

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140c3a No.21548960


>At the start of the year, many months after we first pointed out that the biggest untold story of the US labor market was the "great replacement" of native born workers with foreign-born workers (most of whom we subsequently learned were illegal aliens), we asked how is it, that the ongoing replacement (because that's what it is) of US workers is "not the biggest political talking point right now" considering that "since October 2019, native-born US workers have lost 1.4 million jobs; over the same period foreign-born workers have gained 3 million jobs"

Been happening since Reagan.

Where are all the American people going to where they need to constantly bring people in?

Where are all the 325,000 kids going?

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e6a8ae No.21548961


captain 911 and the stolen valor

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2e30c2 No.21548962

File: 97441df3679d562⋯.jpg (54.82 KB,736x1013,736:1013,Rachel.jpg)


joy division…

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b5a49b No.21548963


Peace and love, anon

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066ed9 No.21548964



Check it

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d7321d No.21548965

File: d5f86586f49e1e0⋯.webm (285.28 KB,427x240,427:240,neogiggle.webm)

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595f55 No.21548966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e1e586 No.21548967

Koala cant even find a stooge fan to play along .


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066ed9 No.21548968



Bink bonk

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d83b56 No.21548969


You're a good joe

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a47d79 No.21548970

File: 34802ae37f5812d⋯.png (335.74 KB,782x817,782:817,ClipboardImage.png)

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6fd00c No.21548971

I think #DickCheney endorsed Kamala Harris in the mistaken belief that what Kamala needs is another Dick

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fe9820 No.21548972


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: df3d60 No.5702205 📁

Mar 15 2019 12:10:46 (EST)

These people are sick & evil.

It is not a coincidence.

It never is.


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7d93ed No.21548973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9e939b No.21548975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


AJ let's jumped into pb

By Canadian proudboy Gavin McGinnes

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d83b56 No.21548976


Kamala is the Joey Chestnut of Dicks

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066ed9 No.21548977

Talking about gangs and squirrels.

Hmm interesting?

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06aad4 No.21548978


IP of your kiddie pron server?

Nice try.

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7c95dd No.21548979

File: 416fc5d0dad5eab⋯.png (239.46 KB,615x557,615:557,ClipboardImage.png)

AF Post

@AFpost 23h

88 corporate executives sign open letter endorsing Kamala Harris.

Signers include James Murdoch, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and Mark Cuban.

Follow: @AFpost

Sep 6, 2024 · 9:53 PM UTC




>joy division…


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9fd8df No.21548980


>stolen valor

Not stolen valor, I just did the right thing on that day, you on the other hand, still show no respect even after 23 years.

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1202de No.21548981

File: 0b7909c6bf86c5e⋯.mp4 (591.05 KB,1280x720,16:9,0b7909c6bf86c5eae18c3a24d7….mp4)

File: d6ae69ad0c87132⋯.jpeg (10.05 KB,273x184,273:184,images_97_.jpeg)

File: 4db497ba46cc7ec⋯.jpg (160.65 KB,1200x721,1200:721,4000_1_.jpg)

File: 088fef65d7160a5⋯.jpg (326.41 KB,1020x574,510:287,image_4_.jpg)

File: 90c6bfae2f2a893⋯.jpg (39.96 KB,620x349,620:349,armed_forces_chsld_quebec_….jpg)





lost the china virus post this

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a47d79 No.21548982

File: 430c85bf4ec6d22⋯.png (364.94 KB,758x393,758:393,ClipboardImage.png)

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c92a91 No.21548983

File: 07b63392d2521d0⋯.jpg (74.34 KB,800x800,1:1,PepeDChillin.jpg)

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f8edfd No.21548984


Hydrogen at scale is unfeasible.

I hope the Boss doesn't go down this road.

Small scale is fine, running a vehicle engine, or generator engine.

But trying to store created hydrogen at scale has costs out scaling profits, not to mention the danger of mass hydrogen storage and transport..

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6fd00c No.21548985

File: 4599a5d1df4014f⋯.png (571.34 KB,681x721,681:721,inc.PNG)


Cop Shot in U.S. Every 22 Hours This Year,

Huge Increase During Biden-Harris Era,

Says Police Union

Breitbart Border, by Bob Price

Posted By: Imright, 9/7/2024 4:50:05 PM

Under the watch of the Biden-Harris administration, a police officer in the United States has been shot every 22 hours this year, according to the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). More than 260 law enforcement officers have been shot so far this year. The War on Cops continues to rage in America,” FOP National Vice President Joe Gamaldi told Breitbart Texas. During the past two years, more than 630 law enforcement officers were shot. “We saw 378 officers shot last year, that is a 60 percent increase since 2018.” “This year alone we have seen over 260 shot, and for reference that is one officer shot every 22 hours in America,”

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22285a No.21548986


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877d76 No.21548987


Beat me to it


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74f8d2 No.21548988


My ex mother-in-law twice removed

And on my father's brother's sister's kids

Left ass cheek is a fuckin wart …like you

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804426 No.21548989

Do we want advanced ET technology released?

Do we want all the technology they suppressed and shelved released?


Do WE WANT drill baby drill?

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a47d79 No.21548990

File: 3261b6abaf4a744⋯.jpg (111.25 KB,960x960,1:1,rothschild.jpg)

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edfa06 No.21548991

Eighty-eight big-business leaders signed a letter Friday endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for president, underscoring the ongoing political realignment since 2016.

“We endorse Kamala Harris’s election as President of the United States,” the big-business leaders wrote:

Her election is the best way to support the continued strength, security, and reliability of our democracy and economy. With Kamala Harris in the White House, the business community can be confident that it will have a President who wants American industries to thrive. As a partner to President Biden, Vice President Harris has a strong record of advancing actions to spur business investment in the United States and ensure American businesses can compete and win in the global market. She will continue to advance fair and predictable policies that support the rule of law, stability, and a sound business environment, and she will strive to give every American the opportunity to pursue the American dream.

The leaders who signed the letter include:

James Murdoch, former CEO of 21st Century Fox and an heir to the Murdoch family empire

Philanthropist Lynn Forester de Rothschild

Ted Leonsis, owner of the NBA’s Washington Wizards

Jeffrey Katzenberg, founder and managing partner of Wndr and former chairman of Walt Disney Studios

Philanthropist Laurene Powell Jobs

Facebook cofounder Dustin Moskovitz

NBA Hall of Famer and billionaire businessman Magic Johnson

Entrepreneur Mark Cuban

Former LinkedIn CEO Reid Hoffman


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6fd00c No.21548992

File: 15227951e5dbcf5⋯.png (557.01 KB,667x635,667:635,do.PNG)


Exclusive: Photo Essay — Kamala Harris’s

‘Middle-Class’ Upbringing in Westmount, Canada

Breitbart, by Emma-Jo Morris

Posted By: Dreadnought, 9/7/2024 4:23:07 PM

Now that she is running for president in a political moment when victimhood is currency, Vice President Kamala Harris paints herself as being brought up on the “streets” — complete with fake accents as part of her bit. However, unfortunately for that narrative, the politics editor at Breitbart News (me) happens to have grown up in the same neighborhood Harris lived in from when she was 12 to 18 and can report that calling herself “middle class” is definitely a stretch. On Labor Day, Harris put on one of her myriad fake dialects to address a working-class crowd in Detroit, Michigan. However, it is virtually impossible

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e6a8ae No.21548993


if you did any of those things you would not be here bragging

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f6fe12 No.21548994

File: 04c3f24a21a2617⋯.png (29.95 KB,547x634,547:634,66dc8d1c1ac93.png)

2k feet view

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a47d79 No.21548995

File: 6f9eb77c1c9ddb0⋯.png (789.25 KB,500x1023,500:1023,ClipboardImage.png)

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e6a8ae No.21548996


point of use generation from water

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7d93ed No.21548997

space craft beneath the blood lake of antarctica's

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2fa357 No.21548998


The Left ruined "strongly worded letters" from murky NWO types LAST election cycle.

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6fd00c No.21548999

File: 3c6401e735c94ee⋯.png (399.65 KB,601x525,601:525,tm.PNG)




🚨#BREAKING: Thousands of people who took advantage of the Chase Bank ATM 'money glitch' that went viral on multiple social media platforms are now being investigated for possible check fraud.

1:39 PM · Sep 6, 2024




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b5a49b No.21549000

here are all 5th of november deltas https://qalerts.app/?q=Nov%2005

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f8edfd No.21549001


It's nice of them to volunteer their names, so we know who the baddies are.

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fe4f34 No.21549002



yeah so thats why its tor enabled

try harder

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f8edfd No.21549003


Correct, like a fuel cell producing hydrogen on demand.

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7d93ed No.21549004


does it look flat?

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d83b56 No.21549005


You wouldn't necessarily need to store it.

Water, electicity, H2 and O2, combustion, power, water exhaust

wash rinse repeat


the H2 yes

and O2 another

but is there another method already in the works that isn't public


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9e939b No.21549006

File: 815baac9bea7bf0⋯.jpg (21.82 KB,474x256,237:128,th_1628389716.jpg)

File: aaede03f0dc0dfc⋯.jpg (132.99 KB,1280x720,16:9,DTWRcdysEhrL1_LX_187842317….jpg)

File: 2c55f477a352f67⋯.png (159.7 KB,1636x1870,818:935,FONRC5VXwAAFZU9_2177525609.png)

File: c199a3781ca5087⋯.jpg (55.46 KB,600x600,1:1,pantyraid_pillowtalk_album….jpg)

File: 4ee9140a54a4961⋯.jpg (126.07 KB,1080x714,180:119,51036093_jpg.jpg)

https://www.forbes.com › sites › robertwood › 2024 › 09 › 06 › hunter-biden-pleads-guilty-to-nine-tax-charges-tax-lessons-emerge

Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty To Nine Tax Charges, Tax Lessons Emerge - Forbes

1 day agoHunter Biden has pleaded guilty in federal court to nine criminal tax charges, comprised

https://nypost.com › 2022 › 03 › 18 › intelligence-experts-refuse-to-apologize-for-smearing-hunter-biden-story

Spies who lie: 51 'intelligence' experts refuse to apologize for …

Mar 18, 2022The 51 former "intelligence" officials who cast doubt on The Post's Hunter Biden laptop stories in a public letter really were just desperate to get Joe Biden elected president.

It's been two years since 51 intelligence agents interfered with an …Intel officials that signed Hunter Biden laptop 'disinfo' letter will …

https://www.uspresidentialelectionnews.com › 2022 › 03 › named-and-shamed-the-51-intel-officials-who-lied-about-the-hunter-biden-laptop-emails

Named and Shamed: The 51 Intel Officials Who Lied About the Hunter …

Just hours after the Post report, which turned out to be entirely true and accurate, other media sources





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46df79 No.21549007

File: 78d712ee63bf557⋯.png (25.77 KB,500x500,1:1,78d712ee63bf557178cad429d3….png)



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fe9820 No.21549008


+ they'll all be slaves to the banks in greater numbers than the cotton pickers.

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066ed9 No.21549009

File: 77eeb8b2fb58bdb⋯.png (88.71 KB,473x938,473:938,qaggdropimage2118.png)

File: 4d32a8db743f26a⋯.png (258.09 KB,473x1841,473:1841,qaggdropimage2116.png)

File: 49f357570c6bec2⋯.png (47.17 KB,473x413,473:413,qaggdropimage2115.png)

File: 9015a6e37257c7e⋯.png (53.8 KB,473x518,473:518,qaggdropimage2113.png)





Bonky bonk

Here's some deltas for today

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73e124 No.21549010

File: 5f099b2ac2db810⋯.png (26.01 KB,380x240,19:12,5f099b2ac2db810646c107bba2….png)


>>>>>kuk fomey buuk cuks foamy kuks cuckin fomey cuk buuk cukin cuks

>>>>totally not about colonics foamy cukcukincukcs buuk feel fill ruth badur

>>>full frappe colonic release fillur feels FiBkuckin cuks foamy cukin cuck fomey buuk cukin cuk cuk cuk cuks foamy cuck

>>fresh releasedstarbucks colonic flavorin seekin buttstuff comittee brandingfoamy cucks cukin cuks cuk cuk cuk cuck fomey buuk an feels cuk fill cuk cuckin cuks

>federal fart flavoring comittee seeks intergalactic interacial gangbang recomends cukin foamy volcanic cuk fomey buuk reveals all butttjuuuuus feels thinks an fillur seo

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6fd00c No.21549011

File: ad75213e83d2b94⋯.png (24.32 KB,593x286,593:286,wr.PNG)


Wendy Rogers




Lara Logan




Accountability not amnesty. World Economic Forum Finally Tells the Truth About Covid: It Was a 'Test' of Our Obedience to Rapidly Forming New World Order | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor https://thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/world-economic-forum-finally-tells-truth-about-covid/

10:44 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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645718 No.21549012

File: 5e1a7d6899caa75⋯.mp4 (3.2 MB,640x480,4:3,012672228512.mp4)

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65318c No.21549013

File: 9578cac142d6be4⋯.jpg (120.88 KB,736x736,1:1,x574cvb8uj9pj785dc6vyhio8h….jpg)

File: 249a21619221f2b⋯.jpg (117.34 KB,593x607,593:607,249a21619221f2b33d231f3d6f….jpg)

last call


#26398 >>21548319



>>21548358, >>21548377, >>21548381, >>21548390, >>21548401, >>21548483, >>21548543 Country singer Gretchen Wilson rallies support for President Trump

>>21548592, >>21548593, >>21548599, >>21548605 Dancing Trump is winning comms

>>21548613 Trump asked "would he do it all over again?" His response was BEAUTIFUL

>>21548667, >>21548674, >>21548777 It looks like this is the 1st time RT showed a live Trump Rally

>>21548825, >>21548948 TRUMP "I want hybrids. I want everything. Hydrogen is maybe coming."

>>21548330, >>21548350, >>21548356, >>21548380, >>21548386, >>21548388, >>21548389, >>21548419, >>21548421, >>21548431, >>21548450, >>21548452, >>21548462, >>21548479, >>21548493, >>21548503, >>21548528, >>21548530, >>21548567, >>21548575, >>21548587 TRUMP QUOTES

>>21548646, >>21548651, >>21548659 ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN MOSINEE, WISCONSIN - 9/7/2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21548365 Where is the outrage MadCow? 300,000+ children missing & exploited and nothing.

>>21548423, >>21548447, >>21548670 IT'S HAPPENING Absolutely massive protest in Brazil today for free speech.

>>21548564 MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow Is In Case That Could Cost Network MILLIONS

>>21548573 This is what happens when Google LIES - BYE BYE ChatGPT - HELLO Grok2

>>21548581 This is our FBI: a cringey, weaponized force working against us. “knock it off"

>>21548627 Pritzger signs law banning hotel mini-shampoos, to save the planet

>>21548631 WA State GOP Files Lawsuit to Dispute State Primary Election Ballots

>>21548658, >>21548679 Elton John gave support to Donald Trump in his new VARIETY interview

>>21548705 China bans foreign adoptions of its children in line with the spirit of International agreements

>>21548745 Migrant families receive $4000 in grants to aid transition out of NYC shelters

>>21548831 'Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages…' September 8th is #StarTrekDay

>>21548862, >>21548895 Latest news on Satellite Salsa. Sauce coming tomorrow

>>21548868, >>21548879 Loomer - Kamala STAGED a fake emotional encounter with a woman on camera today

>>21548885 Advancing American Freedom and 48 other amici Fights SEC’s Mass-Surveillance of Americans

>>21548920 RT - Top German MP threatens X and Telegram with bans

>>21548947 Iraq and the US reach landmark agreement for the final exit of ALL US-coalition troops from the territory of Iraq

>>21548979, >>21548991 88 leading swamp creatures sign open letter endorsing Kamala Harris

>>21548985 A Cop Shot in U.S. Every 22 Hours This Year, Huge Increase During Biden-Harris Era

>>21548992 Kamala Harris’s ‘Middle-Class’ Upbringing in Westmount, Canada

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ef0fea No.21549014



>f you did any of those things you would not be here bragging

It's not bragging, it is bitching, it is time to fight physically and make everything know and accounted for by arresting these scumbags. Assassination attempts happen all the time, how long before we answer back? Why is everyone so scared? Do I have to go alone yet again? I will, but I need resources for a fair fight because I will fight all till I am no more.

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d7321d No.21549015

File: ba99c7d2e0e6f25⋯.png (437.15 KB,635x500,127:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8edfd No.21549016


It's possible the Boss knows more.

But if we look at the AUS GOV recent investment into large scale hydro attempt, just fell flat.

Scientists have said for years that large scale is unfeasible, but politicians ignore the facts as usual in a bid for slush funds and self enrichment.

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1202de No.21549017

File: 0f6e6f45d082436⋯.mp4 (7.75 MB,640x360,16:9,0f6e6f45d082436262a9f103e4….mp4)

File: c5231db646ec527⋯.mp4 (6.3 MB,576x1024,9:16,c5231db646ec527fd8a05692db….mp4)

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9e939b No.21549018

File: 05daa564316cfa2⋯.jpg (40.87 KB,474x474,1:1,th_2518230778.jpg)

File: ef8c93b03968eb9⋯.jpg (80.79 KB,525x700,3:4,48c8d3bf_c05b_4b5b_a38a_5e….jpg)

File: fd90a73df2386eb⋯.png (364.75 KB,620x412,155:103,Screen_Shot_2015_05_14_at_….png)


Crowd sourcing for rebuttals?

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804426 No.21549020


They all feed the EYE.

There is only the illusion of capitalism.

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ef0fea No.21549021


How many women, like Emerald Robinson, has asked for the good men of this country to take a stand?

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35a338 No.21549022

File: b3eb3548ba609f3⋯.mp4 (7.17 MB,450x360,5:4,billgatesbyrfK.mp4)


I found the link / sauce for the RFK statements on GATES Bill

Bill Gates by RFK

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e6a8ae No.21549023


anything marked night shift is bogus these days. try harder yourself.

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066ed9 No.21549024

File: e0e8e703fc629a4⋯.png (72.71 KB,473x644,473:644,qaggdropimage1517.png)

File: be3a3f22b0de0c1⋯.png (79.87 KB,473x399,473:399,qaggdropimage17.png)

File: f7c565b31b2951c⋯.png (86.5 KB,473x504,473:504,qaggdropimage15_1.png)

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22285a No.21549025


farced unkl fukin jingo jango

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6fd00c No.21549026

File: 374880ec9ed3c01⋯.png (407.51 KB,605x720,121:144,bro.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


Black American Who’s Lived In Louisiana His Entire Life Says “It took me till I was 37 years old to actually just look around at my life and be like — I have never been disrespected by a white person”

“Propaganda is real”

“I'm looking at my feeds every day. 90% of them are white people telling me they agree with me. They ride with me. They calling me they brother.

And this on every single post. Do you know who going against me? Just because I think differently to him. My own people, the ones that's my color. I got I got people could jumping in the comments out the blue, don't wanna argue what I'm talking about, just wanna call me a c0on, you going against your people, and I hope the police kill you and all that other sh*t.

Like, woah. Get real, bro. You know, it took me till I was 37 years old to actually just look around at my life and be like, you know, a white person never called me n*gga. I live in Louisiana. It has never happened. I mean, ever.”

3:29 PM · Sep 6, 2024




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e6a8ae No.21549027


>time to fight physically

OK fedboi. we are non violent researchers. deal with it.

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7c95dd No.21549028

File: 35638248c9b7bfe⋯.png (282.95 KB,512x572,128:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1bbf181f8b7ba2b⋯.jpg (44.16 KB,719x522,719:522,media_GWwPdY2WUAA5AWC.jpg)

AF Post

@AFpost 29m

NPR male podcast hosts found to have low testosterone levels after taking test on air.

Follow: @AFpost

Sep 7, 2024 · 9:18 PM UTC



Some memes just write themselves…

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066ed9 No.21549029

File: 9db79f9120adea4⋯.png (46.77 KB,473x413,473:413,qaggdropimage1715.png)


Plain sight?

Plausible deniability

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6fd00c No.21549031

File: e832af57ed6c4ff⋯.png (361.29 KB,614x448,307:224,am.PNG)

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7756e6 No.21549032

Good evening Q. I am stopping by to see if you posted. Hope you are doing well. A thumbs up would be nice. Is everything still going according to plan?

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595f55 No.21549033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


those are two great films

The Dumbass book is ten times the film, but hard to focus attention the same as people did 50 and a 150 years ago. i often wonder if kids today (15-25) can stand to watch a good film anymore… let alone sit with a really good book?

Not Sure

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22285a No.21549034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

riggin crackheads in oprah$hithol halps alec baldwin feels bout tighty whitey spuriospremacy


>he's not even taht black an juuu still mad huh


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>jfk chitty fart seks still fo sale


>ordur french tickulur wiff shocker when buy buuk of  jfkchittyfartsekswif alec bladwin

syrup suckin unkl fuckurs still waitin for taht meese ride to call crack back



>it$ not alec bladwin laundurin oprah$hithol crack BUTT IZ



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645718 No.21549035

File: e3ba559ffbdc025⋯.mp4 (692.56 KB,800x600,4:3,LLLn2.mp4)

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edfa06 No.21549036

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Censorship 'ultimately traceable' to ex-WH official treated as Biden 'intermediary': updated suit

"Twitter’s closest competitor viewed [Andy] Slavitt as speaking for the government at the same time he was pressuring Twitter over me," journalist Alex Berenson says, claiming he can meet high bar set by SCOTUS this summer.

Aweek after Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted senior Biden White House officials "repeatedly pressured our teams for months" in 2021 to remove posts they disliked related to COVID-19, leading Facebook to make "some choices … we wouldn't make today," a plaintiff in a newly updated lawsuit says his censorship can be proven "ultimately traceable" to one of them.

Former New York Times journalist Alex Berenson, who coerced Twitter in court two years ago to reverse his permanent suspension for saying COVID vaccines don't stop infection or transmission, filed an amended complaint Wednesday against President Biden, current and former officials and two Pfizer leaders, citing new evidence obtained from Congress and X, formerly Twitter.

He says emails show that Facebook treated Andy Slavitt, former senior adviser to the COVID-19 response coordinator, as an "intermediary" with the White House a month after he "officially resigned" in June 2021, despite Slavitt's lawyers claiming he continued badgering social media platforms only in his capacity as a "private citizen" to censor Berenson.

"Welcome to the edge case," Berenson wrote in his most recent newsletter, saying his evidence can clear the high bar the Supreme Court set for unconstitutional jawboning of platforms by government officials when it denied a preliminary injunction in Murthy v. Missouri in June.

"Twitter’s closest competitor viewed Slavitt as speaking for the government at the same time he was pressuring Twitter over me," he said. "Timing is not a problem," as it was for censored doctors and an activist in the Supreme Court case, because "Twitter took no public action against me before the federal government began pressuring it."

"Slavitt was at the center of the conspiracy" to deplatform Berenson, the amended suit says. He "remained close" to then-White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain and Surgeon General Vivek Murthy and had a "close relationship" with former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, a Pfizer board member.


berenson v. biden amended complaint.pdf

Pfizer sponsored Slavitt's podcast, in which he interviewed the company's CEO Albert Bourla in late July 2021 – after leaving the White House – and where Gottlieb was "repeatedly a guest" during and after Slavitt's White House tenure. Murthy, Gottlieb and Bourla are also defendants.

Slavitt's attorneys didn't respond to Just the News queries for their response to Berenson's characterization.

Meta President of Global Affairs Nick Clegg, a former U.K. deputy prime minister, first endured Slavitt's broadsides while the latter still worked in the White House.

"Just got off hour long call with Andy Slavitt," Clegg told colleagues on April 18, 2021, and he was "outraged" that Facebook refused to remove a post "directly comparing Covid vaccines to asbestos poisoning."

Clegg wrote on July 19, 2021, that he had "spent the last several days pretty well non stop on this Covid/Biden furore, including tel [sic] calls with Andy Slavitt on several occasions."

The next day Clegg shared "Andy Slavitt’s overnight advice on how to understand where the WH is coming from" and said the former White House official was "trying to be helpful by passing on our [point of view] to the Surgeon General before the Fri meeting."

Slavitt repeatedly appeared to give the impression he was speaking for the White House after formally departing, telling Clegg in a text that "WH wants FB to come clean with how many people see these [disfavored vaccine-related] posts and what it’s doing about them."

While he told Clegg "I want to really stay out of the middle and want you guys to communicate," Slavitt told a podcast July 29, 2021, he's "on the phone with" the White House, CDC, state and foreign governments "as often as people need me and usually that’s on a daily basis." The CDC acknowledged days earlier that COVID vaccines don't fully stop transmission or infection.

The former acting administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under President Obama, Slavitt was already a public health celebrity when President Biden tapped him.


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558cd7 No.21549037


>How many women, like Emerald Robinson, has asked for the good men of this country to take a stand?

Where are all your wise ass answers on this one? Silence is Golden, cowards.

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70ea87 No.21549038

File: 9818c9ec36ba14f⋯.png (222.99 KB,250x320,25:32,ClipboardImage.png)


>European Space Agency

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35a338 No.21549039

File: dec5694aa382f32⋯.png (222.11 KB,583x657,583:657,rfkwrotethebookongates.png)


RFK wrote the book on Gates and on Fauci.

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010b8b No.21549040


I hope his luck changes

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22285a No.21549041


prol depraved homo with egregious bigotry

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3adaad No.21549042

File: 65a9183133695b1⋯.png (68.04 KB,211x255,211:255,65a9183133695b166876040fb7….png)

File: 64bf6910e6902bb⋯.png (192.8 KB,293x366,293:366,64bf6910e6902bb1d600bb5e0d….png)

File: 7fe94f0b436e841⋯.jpeg (63.98 KB,707x353,707:353,5xwzuu.jpeg)

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7d93ed No.21549043

thinnin the hoid

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d34739 No.21549044

It's Mr. Pig hour, post your best.

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600129 No.21549045


European Space Faggotry


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73e124 No.21549046


desperate faggo spam

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804426 No.21549047

File: bc71862f92e1da1⋯.jpg (63.32 KB,583x500,583:500,7n5rxk.jpg)

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600129 No.21549048

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46df79 No.21549049

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

riggin crackheads in oprah$hithol halps alec baldwin feels bout tighty whitey spuriospremacy


>he's not even taht black an juuu still mad huh


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>jfk chitty fart seks still fo sale


>ordur french tickulur wiff shocker when buy buuk of  jfkchittyfartsekswif alec bladwin

syrup suckin unkl fuckurs still waitin for taht meese ride to call crack back



>it$ not alec bladwin laundurin oprah$hithol crack BUTT IZ



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3adaad No.21549050

File: 54d95780e1fc361⋯.jpeg (63.91 KB,682x500,341:250,84nmm1.jpeg)

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e6a8ae No.21549051


we are non violent researchers. deal with it.

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8261a6 No.21549052




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edfa06 No.21549053

File: 5c4e4fa9e28bf15⋯.png (304.33 KB,530x254,265:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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35a338 No.21549054

File: 6f377c9fc548033⋯.png (10.39 KB,162x255,54:85,966da4955766c7e9950c8c2a9b….png)


FB Zuk and Intel are just using each other (each other's masks) for deniability.

Didn't we learn FB was run and was created by Intel?

This whole back and forth is KaFaBe.

As what they do with the "terrorists" they use to commit their crimes for them.

They use surrogates.




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8261a6 No.21549055

Top MUST WATCH Moments From Mosinee, Wisconsin

President Donald J. Trump just wrapped up remarks in Mosinee, Wisconsin, where he spoke to a massive crowd about his plan to drain the swamp, restore power to the American people, and usher in a new era of prosperity and opportunity for all citizens.

Here are the top MUST WATCH moments you missed:

President Trump was endorsed by Grammy Award-winning singer and songwriter Gretchen Wilson: "Back in the day, my family were all Kennedy Democrats — but that’s when the Democrats were on the side of the people. Once I started paying attention to what was really going on, I realized the Democrat Party left us … Let's make sure We The People do all we can to save our country by voting for President Trump and JD Vance!"

President Trump laid out a plan to address the chronic disease epidemic in America: "We will establish a panel of top experts to investigate what is causing the decades-long increase in chronic health problems and childhood diseases, including the auto-immune disorders, autism, obesity, infertility, and much more — and [Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.] is going to be very much involved."

President Trump vowed to dismantle the corruption within military industrial complex: "I will expel the warmongers from our national security state and carry out a much needed cleanup of the military industrial complex to stop the war profiteering and to put — always — America First."

President Trump promised to restore Americans' freedom of speech: "I will sign an executive order banning any federal employee from colluding to limit speech, and we will fire every federal bureaucrat who is engaged in domestic censorship under the Harris regime."

President Trump pledged to end the weaponization of the justice system: "We will completely overhaul Kamala's corrupt Department of Injustice and turn the Injustice Department back into the best law enforcement agency on the planet. Instead of persecuting Republicans, they will focus on taking down bloodthirsty cartels, transnational gangs, and radical Islamic terrorists."

President Trump committed to taking corporate power out of public health policy: "Working with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. … we'll take on the corruption at the FDA, the CDC, World Health Organization, and other institutions of public health that are dominated by corporate power and dominated, really, by China."

President Trump promised to increase transparency at the highest levels of government: "I will support modifying the 25th Amendment to make clear that if a vice president lies or engages in a conspiracy to cover up the incapacity of the president of the United States … it's grounds for impeachment immediately and removal from office."


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804426 No.21549056





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9f1a9a No.21549057

>>21546280, >>21546283, >>21546287 (all pb) THEY’RE SITTING ON A TRILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF MINIERALS!

Exactly. Whether you like it or not it is better to support Ukraine, otherwise Russia / BRICS gets the prize. If Ukraine joins NATO then we can share the wealth, but in return they have to win the fight so we don't have to fight.

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71bf6a No.21549058


>OK fedboi. we are non violent researchers. deal with it.

Can't be a fedbio if I called them all out to a one year MMA match right? Stupid, coward, you shiver at the FBI, they are the cause of all this chaos. What do you or they do not get about 2 planes taking down 3 buildings on 911 . 23 years to do the math. Cowards, each and everyone of you. They laugh all the way to the bank and take pot shots at us without one punch being thrown back. Tomorrow you will report of more "Oh, look what they did". Guaranteed.

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e6a8ae No.21549059




you're just one of the 911 cover up shills now repurposed

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6fd00c No.21549060

File: 57873ad2bee081e⋯.png (63.01 KB,816x540,68:45,lease.PNG)


Men believed to be Tren de Aragua members

released on $1,000 bond in Aurora

BizPacReview, by Vivek Saxena

Posted By: NorthernDog, 9/7/2024 5:49:48 PM

Two suspected members of a violent Venezuelan prison gang even more hardcore than MS-13 have been released on bond. The two suspected Tren de Aragua gang members — Dixon Azuaje-Perez, 20, and Nixon Azuaje-Perez, 19 — were released by the Aurora, Colorado Police Department after posting a $1,000 bond. The police released the two despite the crimes they allegedly committed and despite U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement having requested that they detain the pair, as confirmed by the New York Post. According to the Aurora Police Department, the two were involved with an attempted murder that occurred in late July. To be

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192fc1 No.21549061

Top row, bottom row.

Bonky bonk

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9aa773 No.21549062

File: 3ecc51eaca410f9⋯.png (23.96 KB,500x250,2:1,2ndAmericanRevolution.png)

File: 03acf716783fe72⋯.jpg (5.42 MB,3338x5138,1669:2569,2ndAmericaRevolution11x17P….jpg)

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d7321d No.21549063

File: a1c636ebb4505f4⋯.gif (979.47 KB,320x160,2:1,ayw2.gif)

If that's what you want.

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7c95dd No.21549064

File: 82d3c8bbae3e15b⋯.png (332.81 KB,615x509,615:509,ClipboardImage.png)



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d14c23 No.21549065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9aa773 No.21549066

File: 7354c3687dc6228⋯.png (307.35 KB,1478x900,739:450,5c213502998709ff852b7f247e….png)

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8aa9be No.21549067

File: 428b821c76c2d8f⋯.jpg (72.6 KB,1517x614,1517:614,Capture2.JPG)

File: aa06c0155306f00⋯.png (926.1 KB,1280x720,16:9,StageSet.png)

File: 52c63f004d04862⋯.png (562.44 KB,795x797,795:797,WWG1WGAQ.png)

File: 875a33ccede92cf⋯.jpg (119.13 KB,910x480,91:48,YesQanon14.jpg)


hopefully when it goes mainstream…what we did here…it will a whole new interest in those things deeper….or slows the world down…to smell those friken roses once again.

and agreed…two great films

I wonder what they]ll write about us?

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d34739 No.21549068

File: 6117b63538d42a2⋯.jpg (15.58 KB,255x241,255:241,8face5eb200146b6b9afc60926….jpg)

Pepe loves Mr. Pig and friends

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00b9f9 No.21549069

File: 9ab682332423ff0⋯.png (408.94 KB,800x609,800:609,845419.png)



It's true. It's about 6am in Beijing so the CCP psyop meme farm clowns should be getting active soon if they want to maintain their social credit score.

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74f8d2 No.21549070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sticker peck out

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9aa773 No.21549071

File: aebdd5be69329ad⋯.jpg (68.59 KB,719x499,719:499,21byaq.jpg)

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6fd00c No.21549072

File: d66f1ecd807d565⋯.png (665.64 KB,593x782,593:782,f.PNG)




BREAKING: More than 1.4 million people have signed the petition for Alexandre’s impeachment.

The petition will be delivered to the Federal Senate on September 9.

10:46 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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9aa773 No.21549073

File: f361d694017fbbe⋯.jpg (46.41 KB,500x500,1:1,22d0l3.jpg)

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8aa9be No.21549074


spark a whole new interest

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06aad4 No.21549075

File: 077ce4546ef6ef2⋯.png (660.43 KB,695x598,695:598,whynotboth.png)

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05cb6d No.21549076

File: cda4091e3e9a6a0⋯.png (1.07 MB,2906x1528,1453:764,Time_to_play_Dopey.png)



Clown Control is Finished, here.

Q Proof Blocked Trip Code / Time to Play


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600129 No.21549077


If you search for the 9/11 passport image they found on the street. You do not get any accurate results. None.

I used DuckDuckGo

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7756e6 No.21549078

The nothing has stopped what was coming. Q was right. Nothing can stop what is coming. We must stop the nothing.

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9aa773 No.21549079

File: 24ab015f19bfc92⋯.jpg (42.5 KB,564x491,564:491,24ab015f19bfc9228cb62083f2….jpg)

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066ed9 No.21549080

File: 5b699b69a9787fb⋯.png (122.44 KB,473x756,473:756,qaggdropimage1921.png)


We are the same..

>Honky bonk

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05cb6d No.21549081

And Dopey, if you Play Stupid Games you'll Win Stupid Prizes. Game on, Anons.

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d14c23 No.21549082


That number again

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9aa773 No.21549083

File: 886dc5d715a0b3c⋯.jpg (284.26 KB,1280x720,16:9,911_Bill_Cooper.jpg)

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1202de No.21549084

File: 18752b7089d82df⋯.jpeg (607.54 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,GWP48EjWwAsh5R6.jpeg)

File: 4d42266dc281c2b⋯.jpeg (203.47 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GWCLdXQaoAIUTFW.jpeg)

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600129 No.21549085


Imagine all the bitching

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9aa773 No.21549086

File: 9724c2328ecb57e⋯.jpg (502.79 KB,1406x1043,1406:1043,05312c05f42fa641f8db586caa….jpg)

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d7321d No.21549087

File: 5cb26dc95daf23c⋯.png (378.37 KB,480x512,15:16,5cb26dc95daf23caededfd49f4….png)

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05cb6d No.21549088


Because the mirror is 410 TRIP CODE PROBS.

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35a338 No.21549089

File: 6f377c9fc548033⋯.png (10.39 KB,162x255,54:85,966da4955766c7e9950c8c2a9b….png)



FB Zuk and Intel are just using each other (each other's masks) for deniability.

Didn't we learn FB was run and was created by Intel?

This whole back and forth is KaFaBe.

As what they do with the "terrorists" they use to commit their crimes for them.

They use surrogates.




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9aa773 No.21549090

File: 9f7fb5bf8d0baa9⋯.png (172.43 KB,1024x791,1024:791,5524aa56de42deb61a7f4185a0….png)

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3adaad No.21549091

File: 568df16a5977b8d⋯.png (3.14 MB,1440x1468,360:367,Screen_Shot_2020_10_20_at_….png)

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7c95dd No.21549092

File: 063f6cdafff3e3a⋯.png (425.93 KB,635x541,635:541,ClipboardImage.png)

Efrain Flores Monsanto 🇨🇦🚛

@realmonsanto 3h

HAPPENING NOW: Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil 🇧🇷 to fight against censorship from the Lulu and judge Moraes' regime on their independence day.

Former Pres Bolsonaro and his supporters came out for freedom.

Full report TheTruthAboutBrazil.com

Sep 7, 2024 · 6:51 PM UTC



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9aa773 No.21549093

File: 06739fb51d042e6⋯.jpeg (167.85 KB,1080x608,135:76,1515547751.jpeg)

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b12380 No.21549094

File: 981de508bc515b8⋯.png (177.27 KB,495x276,165:92,co2_capture_is_this_high_p….png)

File: 6e752a698f45a38⋯.png (310.37 KB,756x992,189:248,nasa_supervolcano_bbc_yell….png)

File: a773c72456392ab⋯.png (482.27 KB,702x724,351:362,BTTF_supervolcano.png)

File: 71bd663bc3271cf⋯.png (450.68 KB,500x500,1:1,the_who_album_pissing_on_t….png)

File: 2c70fc8d3e0c915⋯.jpg (94.99 KB,500x338,250:169,john_f_kennedy_we_are_oppo….jpg)

>>21546815 pb



mar=Damage, Destroy

What is their final intent? Why is the conpsiracy so monolithic?

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b5a49b No.21549095

funny (not really) a theory:

during Trump's rally just now, shills with their masters were glued to the tv watching it and plotting new strategies

..the problem is that many ("good") shills left long ago and became anons over the years

..now all they got is some pathetic trannies left.

ammo spent

game over

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65318c No.21549096



#26398 >>21548319



>>21548358, >>21548377, >>21548381, >>21548390, >>21548401, >>21548483, >>21548543 Country singer Gretchen Wilson rallies support for President Trump

>>21548592, >>21548593, >>21548599, >>21548605 Dancing Trump is winning comms

>>21548613 Trump asked "would he do it all over again?" His response was BEAUTIFUL

>>21548667, >>21548674, >>21548777 It looks like this is the 1st time RT showed a live Trump Rally

>>21548825, >>21548948, >>21549052 TRUMP "I want hybrids. I want everything. Hydrogen is maybe coming."

>>21548330, >>21548350, >>21548356, >>21548380, >>21548386, >>21548388, >>21548389, >>21548419, >>21548421, >>21548431, >>21548450, >>21548452, >>21548462, >>21548479, >>21548493, >>21548503, >>21548528, >>21548530, >>21548567, >>21548575, >>21548587 TRUMP QUOTES

>>21548646, >>21548651, >>21548659, >>21549055 ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN MOSINEE, WISCONSIN - 9/7/2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21548365 Where is the outrage MadCow? 300,000+ children missing & exploited and nothing.

>>21548423, >>21548447, >>21548670 IT'S HAPPENING Absolutely massive protest in Brazil today for free speech.

>>21548564 MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow Is In Case That Could Cost Network MILLIONS

>>21548573 This is what happens when Google LIES - BYE BYE ChatGPT - HELLO Grok2

>>21548581 This is our FBI: a cringey, weaponized force working against us. “knock it off"

>>21548627 Pritzger signs law banning hotel mini-shampoos, to save the planet

>>21548631 WA State GOP Files Lawsuit to Dispute State Primary Election Ballots

>>21548658, >>21548679 Elton John gave support to Donald Trump in his new VARIETY interview

>>21548705 China bans foreign adoptions of its children in line with the spirit of International agreements

>>21548745 Migrant families receive $4000 in grants to aid transition out of NYC shelters

>>21548831 'Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages…' September 8th is #StarTrekDay

>>21548862, >>21548895 Latest news on Satellite Salsa. Sauce coming tomorrow

>>21548868, >>21548879 Loomer - Kamala STAGED a fake emotional encounter with a woman on camera today

>>21548885 Advancing American Freedom and 48 other amici Fights SEC’s Mass-Surveillance of Americans

>>21548920 RT - Top German MP threatens X and Telegram with bans

>>21548947 Iraq and the US reach landmark agreement for the final exit of ALL US-coalition troops from the territory of Iraq

>>21548979, >>21548991 88 leading swamp creatures sign open letter endorsing Kamala Harris

>>21548985 A Cop Shot in U.S. Every 22 Hours This Year, Huge Increase During Biden-Harris Era

>>21548992 Kamala Harris’s ‘Middle-Class’ Upbringing in Westmount, Canada

>>21549026 “Propaganda is real” but THE GREAT AWAKENING IS MUCH MOAR REEEEEEEAL

>>21549060 Men believed to be Tren de Aragua members released on $1,000 bond in Aurora

>>21549072 More than 1.4 million people have signed the petition for Alexandre’s impeachment.

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9aa773 No.21549097

File: aa047cd6af1a674⋯.jpeg (165.14 KB,1080x608,135:76,1515548703.jpeg)

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9aa773 No.21549098

File: 9f67af1a6f8c60d⋯.jpg (115.25 KB,500x649,500:649,1511040832776.jpg)

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5daa2f No.21549100



Guess what asshole, the FBI cremated the body of the shooter, yet kept JFK on ice for years. Oh well, there goes that investigation. There is no resolve. What are you doing US military? Defending Israel who sent 5 Mossad agents to film 911 and they didn't even warn us? In 4 days, you will say, we will never forget. It is high time.

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9aa773 No.21549102

File: b89a5ee4cbb3595⋯.jpeg (129.43 KB,800x589,800:589,Alwaleed_Snapchat.jpeg)

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595f55 No.21549103


nickle-hydrogen capacitor/batteries

manufactured At Scale would be nice.

but that is something very different than hydrogen fuel production At Scale (and stored in small unit carbon fiber tanks).

in the mean time, coal, petroleum and natural gas are NOT fossil. They are abundant and NOT "pure poison" to the environment. The energy Industry and consumption just needs honest science with media and public understanding.

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00b9f9 No.21549104

File: ded848c1f888139⋯.jpg (131.34 KB,1024x1024,1:1,yPRpWYIS8T65VG9cjTK3_RgtOO….jpg)

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05cb6d No.21549106

File: b6dd919746517a7⋯.png (2.55 MB,800x1200,2:3,Anonymus_szobra_a_V_roslig….png)


You are the NOTHING stopping the NWO.

If you ain't Anon, you ain't NOBODY.


Double meanings.


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066ed9 No.21549107

File: f15a1422fed93fe⋯.png (269.75 KB,473x785,473:785,qaggdropimage1693.png)

File: e071cbc90a25399⋯.png (47.92 KB,473x518,473:518,qaggdropimage1087.png)


>I am casting heal<

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9aa773 No.21549108

File: a934bbb45fcd06c⋯.png (1.49 MB,1478x900,739:450,Alwaleed_media.png)

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65318c No.21549109

File: e5de1983e7dd684⋯.jpg (98.88 KB,680x680,1:1,e5de1983e7dd68466d215151b5….jpg)

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61dce9 No.21549110


truth is color blind

integrity is color blind

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9f1a9a No.21549111


My eyeballs could tell that.

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5daa2f No.21549112

>>21549059 read this stupid >>21549100

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9aa773 No.21549113

File: 9dac384c54ae16c⋯.jpg (427.6 KB,810x1246,405:623,Alwaleed_with_dems.jpg)

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05cb6d No.21549114

File: 510bc410981dc32⋯.png (703.46 KB,590x480,59:48,thebeginning.png)

Less than 10.

See you Sunday.

Mission2 Monday.


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7756e6 No.21549115


Well aren't you something?

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9aa773 No.21549116

File: 04ac9733fa9dda9⋯.jpeg (25.89 KB,380x283,380:283,Alwaleed_Carter.jpeg)

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22285a No.21549118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

riggin crackheads in oprah$hithol halps alec baldwin feels bout tighty whitey spuriospremacy


>he's not even taht black an juuu still mad huh


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>jfk chitty fart seks still fo sale


>ordur french tickulur wiff shocker when buy buuk of  jfkchittyfartsekswif alec bladwin

syrup suckin unkl fuckurs still waitin for taht meese ride to call crack back



>it$ not alec bladwin laundurin oprah$hithol crack BUTT IZ



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65318c No.21549119

File: 5b171a28174176d⋯.png (1.84 MB,1200x900,4:3,5b171a28174176d13553f844f3….png)

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9aa773 No.21549120

File: 04ff7d038b1c09a⋯.jpeg (134.07 KB,565x800,113:160,Alwaleed_Murdoch_Dorsey.jpeg)

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