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File: 69a4d2ec5235c5c⋯.png (957.81 KB,1371x764,1371:764,jf87fj9f78eidkhjg98d8fgjwl….png)

65318c No.21548313 [View All]

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701 posts and 572 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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8aa9be No.21549067

File: 428b821c76c2d8f⋯.jpg (72.6 KB,1517x614,1517:614,Capture2.JPG)

File: aa06c0155306f00⋯.png (926.1 KB,1280x720,16:9,StageSet.png)

File: 52c63f004d04862⋯.png (562.44 KB,795x797,795:797,WWG1WGAQ.png)

File: 875a33ccede92cf⋯.jpg (119.13 KB,910x480,91:48,YesQanon14.jpg)


hopefully when it goes mainstream…what we did here…it will a whole new interest in those things deeper….or slows the world down…to smell those friken roses once again.

and agreed…two great films

I wonder what they]ll write about us?

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d34739 No.21549068

File: 6117b63538d42a2⋯.jpg (15.58 KB,255x241,255:241,8face5eb200146b6b9afc60926….jpg)

Pepe loves Mr. Pig and friends

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00b9f9 No.21549069

File: 9ab682332423ff0⋯.png (408.94 KB,800x609,800:609,845419.png)



It's true. It's about 6am in Beijing so the CCP psyop meme farm clowns should be getting active soon if they want to maintain their social credit score.

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74f8d2 No.21549070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sticker peck out

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9aa773 No.21549071

File: aebdd5be69329ad⋯.jpg (68.59 KB,719x499,719:499,21byaq.jpg)

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6fd00c No.21549072

File: d66f1ecd807d565⋯.png (665.64 KB,593x782,593:782,f.PNG)




BREAKING: More than 1.4 million people have signed the petition for Alexandre’s impeachment.

The petition will be delivered to the Federal Senate on September 9.

10:46 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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9aa773 No.21549073

File: f361d694017fbbe⋯.jpg (46.41 KB,500x500,1:1,22d0l3.jpg)

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8aa9be No.21549074


spark a whole new interest

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06aad4 No.21549075

File: 077ce4546ef6ef2⋯.png (660.43 KB,695x598,695:598,whynotboth.png)

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05cb6d No.21549076

File: cda4091e3e9a6a0⋯.png (1.07 MB,2906x1528,1453:764,Time_to_play_Dopey.png)



Clown Control is Finished, here.

Q Proof Blocked Trip Code / Time to Play


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600129 No.21549077


If you search for the 9/11 passport image they found on the street. You do not get any accurate results. None.

I used DuckDuckGo

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7756e6 No.21549078

The nothing has stopped what was coming. Q was right. Nothing can stop what is coming. We must stop the nothing.

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9aa773 No.21549079

File: 24ab015f19bfc92⋯.jpg (42.5 KB,564x491,564:491,24ab015f19bfc9228cb62083f2….jpg)

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066ed9 No.21549080

File: 5b699b69a9787fb⋯.png (122.44 KB,473x756,473:756,qaggdropimage1921.png)


We are the same..

>Honky bonk

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05cb6d No.21549081

And Dopey, if you Play Stupid Games you'll Win Stupid Prizes. Game on, Anons.

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d14c23 No.21549082


That number again

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9aa773 No.21549083

File: 886dc5d715a0b3c⋯.jpg (284.26 KB,1280x720,16:9,911_Bill_Cooper.jpg)

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1202de No.21549084

File: 18752b7089d82df⋯.jpeg (607.54 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,GWP48EjWwAsh5R6.jpeg)

File: 4d42266dc281c2b⋯.jpeg (203.47 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GWCLdXQaoAIUTFW.jpeg)

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600129 No.21549085


Imagine all the bitching

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9aa773 No.21549086

File: 9724c2328ecb57e⋯.jpg (502.79 KB,1406x1043,1406:1043,05312c05f42fa641f8db586caa….jpg)

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d7321d No.21549087

File: 5cb26dc95daf23c⋯.png (378.37 KB,480x512,15:16,5cb26dc95daf23caededfd49f4….png)

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05cb6d No.21549088


Because the mirror is 410 TRIP CODE PROBS.

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35a338 No.21549089

File: 6f377c9fc548033⋯.png (10.39 KB,162x255,54:85,966da4955766c7e9950c8c2a9b….png)



FB Zuk and Intel are just using each other (each other's masks) for deniability.

Didn't we learn FB was run and was created by Intel?

This whole back and forth is KaFaBe.

As what they do with the "terrorists" they use to commit their crimes for them.

They use surrogates.




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9aa773 No.21549090

File: 9f7fb5bf8d0baa9⋯.png (172.43 KB,1024x791,1024:791,5524aa56de42deb61a7f4185a0….png)

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3adaad No.21549091

File: 568df16a5977b8d⋯.png (3.14 MB,1440x1468,360:367,Screen_Shot_2020_10_20_at_….png)

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7c95dd No.21549092

File: 063f6cdafff3e3a⋯.png (425.93 KB,635x541,635:541,ClipboardImage.png)

Efrain Flores Monsanto 🇨🇦🚛

@realmonsanto 3h

HAPPENING NOW: Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil 🇧🇷 to fight against censorship from the Lulu and judge Moraes' regime on their independence day.

Former Pres Bolsonaro and his supporters came out for freedom.

Full report TheTruthAboutBrazil.com

Sep 7, 2024 · 6:51 PM UTC



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9aa773 No.21549093

File: 06739fb51d042e6⋯.jpeg (167.85 KB,1080x608,135:76,1515547751.jpeg)

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b12380 No.21549094

File: 981de508bc515b8⋯.png (177.27 KB,495x276,165:92,co2_capture_is_this_high_p….png)

File: 6e752a698f45a38⋯.png (310.37 KB,756x992,189:248,nasa_supervolcano_bbc_yell….png)

File: a773c72456392ab⋯.png (482.27 KB,702x724,351:362,BTTF_supervolcano.png)

File: 71bd663bc3271cf⋯.png (450.68 KB,500x500,1:1,the_who_album_pissing_on_t….png)

File: 2c70fc8d3e0c915⋯.jpg (94.99 KB,500x338,250:169,john_f_kennedy_we_are_oppo….jpg)

>>21546815 pb



mar=Damage, Destroy

What is their final intent? Why is the conpsiracy so monolithic?

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b5a49b No.21549095

funny (not really) a theory:

during Trump's rally just now, shills with their masters were glued to the tv watching it and plotting new strategies

..the problem is that many ("good") shills left long ago and became anons over the years

..now all they got is some pathetic trannies left.

ammo spent

game over

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65318c No.21549096



#26398 >>21548319



>>21548358, >>21548377, >>21548381, >>21548390, >>21548401, >>21548483, >>21548543 Country singer Gretchen Wilson rallies support for President Trump

>>21548592, >>21548593, >>21548599, >>21548605 Dancing Trump is winning comms

>>21548613 Trump asked "would he do it all over again?" His response was BEAUTIFUL

>>21548667, >>21548674, >>21548777 It looks like this is the 1st time RT showed a live Trump Rally

>>21548825, >>21548948, >>21549052 TRUMP "I want hybrids. I want everything. Hydrogen is maybe coming."

>>21548330, >>21548350, >>21548356, >>21548380, >>21548386, >>21548388, >>21548389, >>21548419, >>21548421, >>21548431, >>21548450, >>21548452, >>21548462, >>21548479, >>21548493, >>21548503, >>21548528, >>21548530, >>21548567, >>21548575, >>21548587 TRUMP QUOTES

>>21548646, >>21548651, >>21548659, >>21549055 ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN MOSINEE, WISCONSIN - 9/7/2024

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21548365 Where is the outrage MadCow? 300,000+ children missing & exploited and nothing.

>>21548423, >>21548447, >>21548670 IT'S HAPPENING Absolutely massive protest in Brazil today for free speech.

>>21548564 MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow Is In Case That Could Cost Network MILLIONS

>>21548573 This is what happens when Google LIES - BYE BYE ChatGPT - HELLO Grok2

>>21548581 This is our FBI: a cringey, weaponized force working against us. “knock it off"

>>21548627 Pritzger signs law banning hotel mini-shampoos, to save the planet

>>21548631 WA State GOP Files Lawsuit to Dispute State Primary Election Ballots

>>21548658, >>21548679 Elton John gave support to Donald Trump in his new VARIETY interview

>>21548705 China bans foreign adoptions of its children in line with the spirit of International agreements

>>21548745 Migrant families receive $4000 in grants to aid transition out of NYC shelters

>>21548831 'Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages…' September 8th is #StarTrekDay

>>21548862, >>21548895 Latest news on Satellite Salsa. Sauce coming tomorrow

>>21548868, >>21548879 Loomer - Kamala STAGED a fake emotional encounter with a woman on camera today

>>21548885 Advancing American Freedom and 48 other amici Fights SEC’s Mass-Surveillance of Americans

>>21548920 RT - Top German MP threatens X and Telegram with bans

>>21548947 Iraq and the US reach landmark agreement for the final exit of ALL US-coalition troops from the territory of Iraq

>>21548979, >>21548991 88 leading swamp creatures sign open letter endorsing Kamala Harris

>>21548985 A Cop Shot in U.S. Every 22 Hours This Year, Huge Increase During Biden-Harris Era

>>21548992 Kamala Harris’s ‘Middle-Class’ Upbringing in Westmount, Canada

>>21549026 “Propaganda is real” but THE GREAT AWAKENING IS MUCH MOAR REEEEEEEAL

>>21549060 Men believed to be Tren de Aragua members released on $1,000 bond in Aurora

>>21549072 More than 1.4 million people have signed the petition for Alexandre’s impeachment.

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9aa773 No.21549097

File: aa047cd6af1a674⋯.jpeg (165.14 KB,1080x608,135:76,1515548703.jpeg)

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9aa773 No.21549098

File: 9f67af1a6f8c60d⋯.jpg (115.25 KB,500x649,500:649,1511040832776.jpg)

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5daa2f No.21549100



Guess what asshole, the FBI cremated the body of the shooter, yet kept JFK on ice for years. Oh well, there goes that investigation. There is no resolve. What are you doing US military? Defending Israel who sent 5 Mossad agents to film 911 and they didn't even warn us? In 4 days, you will say, we will never forget. It is high time.

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9aa773 No.21549102

File: b89a5ee4cbb3595⋯.jpeg (129.43 KB,800x589,800:589,Alwaleed_Snapchat.jpeg)

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595f55 No.21549103


nickle-hydrogen capacitor/batteries

manufactured At Scale would be nice.

but that is something very different than hydrogen fuel production At Scale (and stored in small unit carbon fiber tanks).

in the mean time, coal, petroleum and natural gas are NOT fossil. They are abundant and NOT "pure poison" to the environment. The energy Industry and consumption just needs honest science with media and public understanding.

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00b9f9 No.21549104

File: ded848c1f888139⋯.jpg (131.34 KB,1024x1024,1:1,yPRpWYIS8T65VG9cjTK3_RgtOO….jpg)

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05cb6d No.21549106

File: b6dd919746517a7⋯.png (2.55 MB,800x1200,2:3,Anonymus_szobra_a_V_roslig….png)


You are the NOTHING stopping the NWO.

If you ain't Anon, you ain't NOBODY.


Double meanings.


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066ed9 No.21549107

File: f15a1422fed93fe⋯.png (269.75 KB,473x785,473:785,qaggdropimage1693.png)

File: e071cbc90a25399⋯.png (47.92 KB,473x518,473:518,qaggdropimage1087.png)


>I am casting heal<

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9aa773 No.21549108

File: a934bbb45fcd06c⋯.png (1.49 MB,1478x900,739:450,Alwaleed_media.png)

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65318c No.21549109

File: e5de1983e7dd684⋯.jpg (98.88 KB,680x680,1:1,e5de1983e7dd68466d215151b5….jpg)

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61dce9 No.21549110


truth is color blind

integrity is color blind

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9f1a9a No.21549111


My eyeballs could tell that.

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5daa2f No.21549112

>>21549059 read this stupid >>21549100

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9aa773 No.21549113

File: 9dac384c54ae16c⋯.jpg (427.6 KB,810x1246,405:623,Alwaleed_with_dems.jpg)

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05cb6d No.21549114

File: 510bc410981dc32⋯.png (703.46 KB,590x480,59:48,thebeginning.png)

Less than 10.

See you Sunday.

Mission2 Monday.


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7756e6 No.21549115


Well aren't you something?

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9aa773 No.21549116

File: 04ac9733fa9dda9⋯.jpeg (25.89 KB,380x283,380:283,Alwaleed_Carter.jpeg)

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22285a No.21549118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

riggin crackheads in oprah$hithol halps alec baldwin feels bout tighty whitey spuriospremacy


>he's not even taht black an juuu still mad huh


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>jfk chitty fart seks still fo sale


>ordur french tickulur wiff shocker when buy buuk of  jfkchittyfartsekswif alec bladwin

syrup suckin unkl fuckurs still waitin for taht meese ride to call crack back



>it$ not alec bladwin laundurin oprah$hithol crack BUTT IZ



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65318c No.21549119

File: 5b171a28174176d⋯.png (1.84 MB,1200x900,4:3,5b171a28174176d13553f844f3….png)

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9aa773 No.21549120

File: 04ff7d038b1c09a⋯.jpeg (134.07 KB,565x800,113:160,Alwaleed_Murdoch_Dorsey.jpeg)

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