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File: 69a4d2ec5235c5c⋯.png (957.81 KB,1371x764,1371:764,jf87fj9f78eidkhjg98d8fgjwl….png)

be2a05 No.21549099 [View All]

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6b09b2 No.21549824

File: 259752d6388388a⋯.png (1.87 MB,1194x1856,597:928,74d9991503c8ec072ed800bd36….png)


all quiet now faggot

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772f6e No.21549825

Oh my that Kentucky shooting sounds bad

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db18c5 No.21549826


It can't

Let anon put a H2 turbine powered cvt car on the road and let's see what happens

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96b42d No.21549827


Sup Hilldawg?

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d6161f No.21549828

File: af5c6ae94a3f271⋯.png (1.73 KB,110x90,11:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>I hope he gets NO REPLIES.

6 for you

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578a0a No.21549829


>What 2 planes?

There were no planes but that is their story yet 3 buildings went down.

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dd1cf9 No.21549830

File: 1419c3ddd59dbda⋯.mp4 (4.22 MB,480x360,4:3,about_the_Cartoon_Airplane.mp4)




yes, qresearch studied it.

her name Beverly Ekert and her husband was said to be friend's with DJT

Q team gave us the photo of her.

Barry gave her the free ticket on the doomed aircraft.



debunking conspiracy theorists.

As typical with the luciferians, they invert the reality.

Their story and those who follow it are the "crazy conspiracy theorists"

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ff993b No.21549831


> but the Democrats and their allies in the press are going to unleash it next month

that means its all FAKE

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96c940 No.21549832

So this is the plan? A great big nothing. Q said it will be the nothing that stops what is coming.

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164792 No.21549833


I worked for a chemical etching company and in the late 90's we were making panels for Hydrogen fuel cells for General Motors so many we were going to add the GM wing. Then 9/11 happened and all those panels dried up and we weren't getting orders for them. I have since left the company and have family still there. I asked if they were making any more panels lately and Cummins is the major buy for them right not.

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119955 No.21549834



I am not an expert. I am just a curious man who likes to learn.

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a6e6cf No.21549835


got it. thanks, anon.

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96b42d No.21549836


What in the fresh hell is that on your head Pepe?!

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9167d4 No.21549837


> supplied under strict regulation and law.

shove that back up ur ass

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164792 No.21549838


5 (you)s so you can earn a buck JIDF. You're welcome

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88a5c2 No.21549839

File: 242078447bfef3d⋯.png (259.83 KB,480x270,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


water to hydrogen

Electrolysis Example

For a simple DIY approach, you can use electrolysis to produce hydrogen from water. This method involves:

Connecting a battery to a container of water using paper clips.

Unbending the paper clips and attaching them to the battery terminals.

Placing the other ends of the paper clips into the water, but not touching each other.

Observe the formation of hydrogen bubbles on both wires.

Industrial Hydrogen Production

Industrial-scale hydrogen production typically involves larger electrolyzers or thermochemical processes. These methods can produce hydrogen at a lower cost, often around $2.30/kg, with an electricity cost of $0.037/kWh.

Other Methods

Injecting microbes into depleted oil wells can extract hydrogen from remaining oil, producing low-cost hydrogen and concentrated CO2. Additionally, some methods involve using ferrosilicon, nuclear radiation, or biological processes like direct biophotolysis, indirect biophotolysis, photo-fermentation, and dark fermentation.

Remember to always follow safety guidelines and proper procedures when handling hydrogen production methods, especially when working with electricity or chemicals.

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dd1cf9 No.21549840

File: e0cc13c0712fdb4⋯.jpg (258.42 KB,549x558,61:62,911widowmurder.jpg)

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7d515b No.21549841

File: 61b016d8fdc22ea⋯.gif (1.04 MB,360x270,4:3,vVwY5q.gif)

File: 81e59db8be50c79⋯.gif (1.03 MB,400x224,25:14,ZdEyCv.gif)



nothing is real but pain now.

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8ab8d9 No.21549842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There's storing hydrogen vs converting into hydrogen. This car didn't store hydrogen.

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dc3d1b No.21549843


He was President - and Scotus just ruled on immunity.

So let's hear it.

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28b380 No.21549844


I bet he doesn't post anything.

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000c7e No.21549845

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

EPIC ENTRANCE!!!😎🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥==I love our President, he's so dramatic



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d6161f No.21549846

File: 6a4a58f346c8db2⋯.jpg (28.7 KB,1172x769,1172:769,Truth_The_Melania.jpg)


>all the lives that they costed this country and around the world.

… and this has been going on for decades,

mebe centuries.

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1dcc70 No.21549847

File: e04dbbce5123544⋯.jpg (100.37 KB,500x435,100:87,20210917_063046.jpg)


>shove that back up ur ass

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be2a05 No.21549848

File: d548befd89f3067⋯.jpg (464.77 KB,2560x2560,1:1,d548befd89f306707d2ee6f280….jpg)

File: bba023be0a7201e⋯.jpg (454.25 KB,2560x2560,1:1,bba023be0a7201e6cdf0cfe96c….jpg)



#26399 >>21549105

>>21549124 The Plan: WHO’s Ten Years of Infectious Diseases (2020 to 2030)

>>21549130 From Jim Watkins - Password reset is not broken. Some email providers block our email. I am sorry for this situation, but the world is not broken because of me. Lets do our best together, so it doesn't get worse.

>>21549173, >>21549569 Space News

>>21549191 I am Malik Obama. I will be voting for Donald Trump. DJT- Thank you Malik — A Great Honor.

>>21549195 Two Foreign Nationals Charged in Swatting Conspiracy FBI Minneapolis

>>21549216 U.S. Cuts Another Massive Check to Ukraine

>>21549234, >>21549241 Learn more about our Unclassified Data Lake and how you can gain access here

>>21549252 Ford recalls 85,000 Police vehicles because of potential engine fire

>>21549254 World's Biggest Battery coming to Maine

>>21549261 @NavalInstitute - #NationalBeerLoversDay

>>21549322, >>21549330, >>21549725 PlaneFaggin' YAL

>>21549359 After waiting 2 months Macron appoints a conservative as Prime Minister.

>>21549470 Feds order NYPD not to destroy electronic files amid Adams probe: police sources

>>21549480, >>21549509, >>21549681 Active shooter situation in progress on I-75 Numerous victims shot

>>21549468, >>21549477, >>21549494, >>21549503, >>21549522, >>21549547, >>21549576 Walz @ the Human Rights Campaign Dinner in DC.

>>21549518 Tucker Carlson Live - Tulsi Gabbard on Dick Cheney and on Biden’s “Terrorist Watchlist”

>>21549533, >>21549536 RFK Jr on FDA — CDC — WHO — All Health Institutions — PUT ON NOTICE!

>>21549543 Tucker Live - Vivek Ramaswamy & RFK Jr: Brazil Banning X, the New Russian Hoax & Harris Scam

>>21549549, >>21549579, >>21549600, >>21549622 TRUMP TRUTH on rampant Cheating in elections and SkullDuggery

>>21549559 Thanks in advance, Jim

>>21549618 Dems are BEGGING all the war mongering criminals to unite against Trump KEK

>>21549634 Mark Cuban has gone extremely woke and soon broke

>>21549660, >>21549674, >>21549679 Kamala In Public staged event with her team members posing as anons at large

>>21549709 Jair Bolsonaro’s son Eduardo shares a photo in "TRUMP FORCE CAPTAIN" hat Brazil

>>21549745 Trumps EO and Biden extended it. 13848—Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a US Election

>>21549801 moar Great Awakening in action AMERICA KNOWS WHAT TIME IT IS

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a6e6cf No.21549849


not this time, yo. not when everyone's drivin around an H-Bomb.

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639d08 No.21549852


>strict regulation and law.

Fuck off.

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f018e9 No.21549853


please explain further

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05ee7d No.21549854


Because they (cabal) were already planning to go all electric, being able to run on water is a disaster for them. It represents huge loss of control.

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d19a5f No.21549855

File: 9892172d2b6330c⋯.gif (2.76 MB,320x320,1:1,asl_american.gif)


Hey Dimwit!

How's them size 12 cowboy boots?

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8ab8d9 No.21549857


His hoods says "Jesus Christ is Lord".

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a6e6cf No.21549858


we're talking about storage here. not the car.

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6a78d3 No.21549859

File: 069b1de0ae7da5b⋯.png (222.28 KB,700x634,350:317,069b1de0ae7da5b9da691c5e66….png)



They never left.

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8a120a No.21549860


Apparently not

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d19a5f No.21549861


KY is easiest if you take your shoes off first.

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be2a05 No.21549862

File: 519b38a0f3a0086⋯.jpg (285.58 KB,561x840,187:280,519b38a0f3a0086bf001dccdc4….jpg)

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96b42d No.21549863


Love the hat

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96c940 No.21549866


We would evolve.

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f483ff No.21549867

File: 14dadc9dacd96e1⋯.jpg (319.93 KB,1540x460,77:23,media_GW6YkOrXIAEKmKG.jpg)

Shake it.

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be2a05 No.21549868

File: 990885f4b1c9cec⋯.png (107.25 KB,490x293,490:293,Screenshot_2023_05_20_at_2….png)

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28b380 No.21549869


OR: they were never planning to go all electric but knew that pushing as if it could happen would ruin the US economy.

'all electric' was always a lie, and I submit that they always knew it was a lie.

but it was a way to rub the West's face in the fact that the cabal rules us through the corruption of our institutions, especially the scientific and medical ones.

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146ec5 No.21549871


Wait til you find out who wins the election.

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8ab8d9 No.21549872


Don't let me get in the way of your dumb ass argument.

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9167d4 No.21549873


it's not an "H-Bomb" ya fucking retard

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05ee7d No.21549876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Filling your gas tank with water?

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be2a05 No.21549877

File: 33b868d06c82f5b⋯.png (651.96 KB,800x454,400:227,33b868d06c82f5b298f09915a9….png)

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1e35d9 No.21549878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pay royalties, Elron!

Was The Man Who Made The Water Engine Murdered? | The Conspiracy Show | Documentary Central

1.7M views · 2 years ago#Channel #Documentary #Facts


Documentary Central


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d19a5f No.21549880


During electrolysis, hydrogen collects at the cathode (-ve) and oxygen at the anode (+ve).

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28b380 No.21549883


of course it tells us nothing.

anon, please don't fall for this tactic again.

TY in advance.

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faba87 No.21549886

File: 16d02207af7382a⋯.png (1.47 MB,1043x947,1043:947,wehaveitall.png)

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