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2a3d66 No.21547509 [Last50 Posts]

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2a3d66 No.21547510

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#26396 >>21546526

>>21546566 Children Of Big Brother: What It Means To Go Back-To-School In The American Police State

>>21546594 Have setup a back channel News Chat room Setup

>>21546601 The fight for the future of the Murdoch media empire is about to begin

>>21546636 @OAN Watch Weekly Briefing!

>>21546656 Kamala Harris webpage deleted! Kamala was rated as the most liberal out of ALL US senators in 2019!

>>21546685 notes for #26395

>>21546808 The Republican Party argues that the cured ballots should be invalid because private voter information was transmitted to the King County Auditor by a third party.


>>21546839 Masked Criminals With AR-Rifle Rob Denver Home. Migrant Gang Crime Spreads Across US

>>21546851 Virginia: Illegal Alien Child Sex Offender from Bolivia Released Despite ICE Detainers

>>21546852 Animal sacrifices on the rise in Queens with chickens, pigs being tortured in ‘twisted’ rituals

>>21546870 58 days and counting plus moar

>>21546903, >>21546810 Creditors In Commerce Paradigm Shift Your Power Over The Corporations 1 of 3

>>21546910 US State Department's Well Paid Online Propaganda Troll Farms HACKED

>>21546969, >>21546993 Dim BS fact czech wtf

>>21547023 German officials claim Poland sabotaged investigation into Nord Stream explosions

>>21547062 Trump Rally Mosinee, WI 2p EDT

>>21547084 Moar X22

>>21547097, >>21547187, >>21547267, >>21547303 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>21547122 Democrats 'New Path Forward' Is Literally Communist Propaganda

>>21547168 How the Migrant Crisis Drained $150 Billion from Taxpayers in a Single Year

>>21547186 OMG! Qanon phrases from Trump

>>21547209, >>21547221 NO DIGITAL PAYMENTS ARE BEING ACCEPTED FOR Flynn DIGITALSOLDIERS™️ defense Funds…and his wife is handling it

>>21547231 CubeSats are pictured after being deployed into Earth orbit

>>21547238 Texas Democrat Commissioner Nominee Indicted For Staging Hate Crime Hoax and Framing Republican Opponent


>>21547254 World Economic Forum Finally Tells the Truth About Covid: It Was a ‘Test’ of Our Obedience to Rapidly Forming New World Order

>>21547284 Director of National Intelligence says “to date, the IC has not observed any foreign actor seeking to interfere in the conduct of the 2024 elections.”

>>21547316 Musk: Telegram quietly updates FAQ, removing: "All Telegram chats and group chats are private amongst their participants. We do not process any requests related to them."

>>21547356 SpaceX launches third batch of satellites for NRO’s proliferated constellation


>>21547375, >>21547366 UK: red triangle is, used by hamas to point to their anemies and targeted/needs diggz

>>21547382, >>21547398 FBI Director Chris Wray issues "election" statement that's so stupid, people thought it was fake - but it's real…

>>21547410 UK: live feed from Islam channel on youtube, speakers using the language from the river to the sea LONDON: PROTESTERS MARCH IN SOLIDARITY WITH PALESTINE

>>21547423 China's mysterious space plane returns to Earth after 268 days in orbit

>>21547436 Zuckerberg’s statement missed a key detail – at least three Facebook staff members participated in the Aspen Institute’s Hunter Biden table-top exercise that game-planned how to suppress the story two months in advance of the New York Post story.

>>21547461, >>21547464 American Co. Russia Russia Russia Set up for kneepads loss kek

>>21547461, >>21547464 American Co. Russia Russia Russia Set up for kneepads loss kek

>>21547468 Sneaken Bolsonaro out of Brazil??

>>21547507 #26396

#26395 >>21545738

>>21545798, >>21545829 Starliner Flight Test Landing

>>21545813 DJT: How much more you're paying under comrade Kamala Harris

>>21545822 DJT: Comrade Kamala's Migrant Crime Wave

>>21545844 Chaos as first mail ballots for 2024 election delayed after court rules RFK's name must be removed

>>21545872 Springfield, Ohio is a small town of 60k residents whom Biden / Harris shipped 20,000 Haitian immigrants to

>>21545877 Refresher: E. Jean Carroll's allegations on Trump are based on a Law & Order: SVU episode, which is also her favorite show

>>21545886, >>21545903, >>21545931 Every child killed in a mass school shooting in the last 2 years, was killed by a transgender shooter

>>21546050 President Trump, what if you made a negotiated settlement to the Ukraine Russian war before the election? That I think would solidify you as the peace maker that the world sorely needs and prove to all US voters that you alone can do what the entire democrat party cannot do nor will not do. In addition, you will probably save tens of thousand if not hundreds of thousands more lives, both civilian and non-civilian.

>>21546078 Democrat to vote against bill restricting China's WuXi Biologics, BGI

>>21546093 Sharyl Attkisson on How Rep. Thomas Massie Caught the CDC Lying About the COVID Vaccines

>>21546096 @realDonaldTrump They say Nate Silver is the best!

>>21546141 Touchdown, #Starliner! The uncrewed spacecraft landed at New Mexico's White Sands Space Harbor at 12:01 am ET (0401 UTC) on Saturday, Sept. 7.

>>21546196 New Pavel Durov - lots of "stuff" in the rubber duck pic like

>>21546198, >>21546199, >>21546285 Robert F. Kennedy Jr Says Bill Gates Uses 'Philanthrocapitalism' to Enrich Himself

>>21546274 2 years ago the last photo of Queen Elizabeth II was taken at Balmoral on September 6.

>>21546277 D.O.G.E Department of Government Efficiency


>>21546309 Springfield, Ohio, resident tells mayor that she "can't take it anymore" as Haitian migrants squat on her lawn, litter in her yard and harass her and elderly husband daily.

>>21546318 Morrow: Election Officially Begins In North Carolina On Monday

>>21546320, >>21546321 NY Citizens Audit Finds Voting Error Rates Of Up To 20% Across States

>>21546323 You know its general election season when they start mandating masks and social distancing.

>>21546326 @GenFlynnI am now even more convinced, the FBI needs to be completely disbanded (and they clearly do not need a new headquarters).

>>21546338 Trump will attend a fundraiser in the Bay Area next week during his second trip to the region in roughly three months.

>>21546343 A Tennessee school district has outlawed prayer on school property.

>>21546349 ICE confirms Aurora, Colorado gang members are in the United States illegally, released by Biden admin The four arrested are confirmed Venezuelan nationals and members of the Tren de Aragua gang

>>21546366 Alan Dershowitz leaves Democratic Party, cites DNC: 'I was disgusted'

>>21546484 X22 Report DS just changed tactics

>>21546493 Electors vs. Voters: The Truth - John B Wells LIVE

>>21546054, >>21546040, >>21546051 Memes

>>21546685 #26395 posted in 26396

#26394 >>21544974

>>21544980 RFK Jr: The Founding Fathers Fought a Revolution to Overthrow What We Are Facing Right Now

>>21544994 The illegals don't stop comin'

>>21545038, >>21545099, >>21545123, >>21545151, >>21545163 Trump / QR board shoutout proofs

>>21545051 Literally the Worldwide Organization of Socialists endorses Kamala Harris

>>21545056 Kamala-tier policies

>>21545082 Black woman goes “scorched earth” on Kamala Harris, white liberals, and the Democrat Party

>>21545098 Egypt Seeks Rare LNG Cargoes for Winter, Squeezing Supply

>>21545241 Update on Krassenstein's poll

>>21545261 Snapchat Is A "Breeding Ground" For Child Predators According New Mexico Prosecutors

>>21545364 What a botfarm looks like to mass up or down vote content, boost views and subscribers

>>21545415 Secret Service to send agents to LGBTQ summit at Disney despite scrutiny after J13

>>21545445, >>21545490 Scavino: DJT in Charlotte, North Carolina today, where he received an endorsement from the FOP (377,000 members)

>>21545476 (2019) Christian Bale Thanks Satan in Globes Speech for Inspiring His Role as Dick Cheney

>>21545484, >>21545492 DHS acknowledges that Venezuela is emptying their prisons and mental health institutions to flood the U.S. with

>>21545512, >>21545524 Naval Ravikant says the Democrat Party's lawfare against President Trump is "disgusting behavior"

>>21545519 DJT vid: Tick Tock

>>21545526 California Democratic heavyweight Gloria Romero leaves party

>>21545530 Harris Campaign Hired Marketing Firm Run by Judge Merchan’s Daughter, Ethics Complaint Reveals

>>21545540 The CCP Is Paying Chinese Companies to Make Poisons for Export

>>21545543 U.S. Army CUI Documents Reveal Expanding Threat of Venezuelan Criminal Organization ‘Tren de Aragua’ Across NYC and Denver

>>21545554 U.S. Air Force Academy Cadet found dead in dorm room

>>21545579 Jewish Democrat Voting For Kamala

>>21545595 Struggling Big Lots preparing bankruptcy filing, will sell stores

>>21545598 Jeremy Brown (J6 whistleblower) has been placed in general population and not in J6 protected area

>>21545611 Reminder Cheney links to J13 via the stock shorting of $DJT

>>21545623, >>21545651 George Webb: New developments in Trump Assassination can’t be ignored

>>21545653 DOJ Chief Admits Trump Indictments a Politically Motivated ‘Perversion of Justice’

>>21545681, >>21545693, >>21545189 Colt Gray Transferred to School Weeks Prior to Attack, Reportedly Spent Two Days on Campus

>>21545719 Adin Ross x Candace Owens

>>21544986, >>21544997, >>21545037, >>21545180, >>21545185, >>21545479, >>21545497, >>21545563, >>21545696 Memes

>>21545729 #26394

Previously Collected

>>21544180 #26392, >>21544963 #26393

>>21541351 #26389, >>21542256 #26390, >>21543182 #26391

>>21538831 #26386, >>21539617 #26387, >>21540427 #26388

>>21535897 #26383, >>21537133 #26384, >>21537978 #26385

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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2a3d66 No.21547519

File: e0915e3c321761b⋯.png (70.11 KB,310x201,310:201,ClipboardImage.png)

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Baker TAPS

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ba8d2d No.21547532

File: 82fa9a66a0210ac⋯.jpg (18 KB,500x336,125:84,1721339551593236.jpg)


Thank you Baker

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0e72b6 No.21547534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6c8f57 No.21547538

File: 945cfefde95c964⋯.png (2.28 MB,1360x1980,68:99,dogenightshift.png)

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9c2a86 No.21547550

File: d9f820134441caf⋯.jpg (43.46 KB,474x475,474:475,th_498918474.jpg)

File: 1c005209a51edde⋯.jpg (39.63 KB,600x600,1:1,79236e75510765a7f6186e1e9b….jpg)

File: a68684e8b918198⋯.jpg (34.99 KB,650x271,650:271,the_island_the_lottery_292….jpg)

File: 90a205a29156dc7⋯.jpg (73.38 KB,1200x630,40:21,council_for_inclusive_capi….jpg)

File: 700cac417d36623⋯.jpg (93.99 KB,960x764,240:191,eobsdl9j7gv31_3548086873.jpg)

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f85d83 No.21547553

File: 42452013b10033c⋯.png (1.02 MB,1085x1085,1:1,GMSunshine.png)

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0cf4a9 No.21547556

File: 112a43ada58da47⋯.jpg (97.41 KB,960x911,960:911,112a43ada58da473f37392ffe0….jpg)

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b59926 No.21547561

File: e9dd51d2b6d996f⋯.jpg (65.87 KB,889x495,889:495,wed86uyjg.jpg)

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beeb84 No.21547564

File: 4e180006492d514⋯.jpg (92.68 KB,720x900,4:5,4e180006492d5147ae7f1b2616….jpg)

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0fc7a7 No.21547565

File: dcb8eac4d47b123⋯.png (546.11 KB,750x718,375:359,dcb8eac4d47b123dec0b3af87f….png)


thank you baker

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c4d301 No.21547566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9c2a86 No.21547567

File: 55518d64c7a7caa⋯.jpg (128.31 KB,887x1390,887:1390,white_house_chief_of_staff….jpg)

File: 63e5b3a6d236550⋯.jpg (599.48 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_073615….jpg)

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File: 3e6c193d41bcddf⋯.jpg (12.28 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_2923322305.jpg)


Best damned grabber, EVER!)

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590357 No.21547568







[Treatments include but not limited to: less TV, touch grass less flouride, no vaccines, natural food, critical thinking.]

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288d4f No.21547569


hilarious – horse semen diaries - cocaine chronicles

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21f49b No.21547570

File: 430ae8e3ff174be⋯.png (496.43 KB,746x705,746:705,Untitled40.png)

File: 59a6f5030567987⋯.png (522.01 KB,753x768,251:256,41.png)

BREAKING: Massive Cyberattack on Social Security Admin Underway

Reports suggest no one within the agency can even access their own services. As of now, they're labeling it an IT issue.



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ba8d2d No.21547571

File: 3d988cbde53880f⋯.jpg (59.81 KB,574x435,574:435,1724440104999301.jpg)

File: 29ae8e500de2346⋯.png (1.84 MB,1920x1200,8:5,1724447403233198.png)

File: b9ae3af7597d381⋯.png (30.2 KB,473x231,43:21,qaggdropimage1581.png)

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File: ee125034744b20b⋯.jpg (13.81 KB,249x251,249:251,1724459726820287.jpg)


Stiff upper lip?

Stiffen up?

>It looks like the top of someone's head.


>Pitcher stepping up to the mound

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21f49b No.21547572



Social Security Facing $63 Trillion In Unfunded Liabilities

Calls to Embrace Reform

But many economists and financial experts say that public policymakers need to embrace reform.

“What we need is not just a smart Social Security fix, but we need to have a radical reform of our fiscal system,” Kotlikoff said. “It’s not doodling around the current system.”

Indeed, he has proposed several different measures that Washington could institute to keep the Social Security system intact through what he calls a “Personal Security System.”

Kotlikoff has recommended phasing out the existing Social Security system while paying off all accrued obligations to current retirees and workers and “replacing it with a fully funded, progressive retirement account system.”

As for immediate solutions, Doug Carey, a chartered financial analyst, said a change to the payroll tax would be appropriate, although it would be hard to pass in Congress.

“Currently, the payroll tax for both employees and employers is 6.2 percent for Social Security,” Carey told The Epoch Times.

“Increasing this rate would help with the solvency of the trust fund but would be difficult to pass in Congress since it would raise taxes on most people.”

Another policy adjustment, according to Carey, is increasing the payroll tax cap.

“This is the most popular idea,” he said.

“Currently, only earnings up to $168,600 are subject to Social Security taxes. Raising or completely eliminating this limit would go a long way toward increasing the solvency of the trust fund.

“It is also more likely to pass Congress since it only hits a small percentage of workers.”

Revisions to methodology could also serve as a prescription to help keep Social Security afloat, according to Tyler Meyer, a certified financial planner and the owner of QED Wealth Solutions.

“Another approach is to modify the benefit formula to slow the growth of benefits for higher earners while protecting lower-income beneficiaries,” Meyer told The Epoch Times.

“Policymakers might also consider introducing a means-testing system, where benefits are reduced or eliminated for individuals with substantial retirement income from other sources.”


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afbbc4 No.21547573

File: a2bdf8c9312c2fe⋯.png (104.29 KB,797x802,797:802,ClipboardImage.png)

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069770 No.21547574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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728387 No.21547576

File: 176681b54af771f⋯.png (192.57 KB,543x921,181:307,Screenshot_2024_09_07_1229….png)

File: f72a3e54eafd40d⋯.mp4 (2.52 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17257247925….mp4)

Shadow of Ezra


Father Chad Ripperger unveils the sinister hierarchy of Satan's influence over our culture, explaining how five powerful demons, acting as his generals, carry out his dark plan for control.

The five demons he mentions are:

1. Baal

2. Asmodeus

3. Leviathan

4. Lilith

5. Baphomet


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ba8d2d No.21547577

File: 791d72d3acb0e5d⋯.png (109.15 KB,473x1149,473:1149,qaggdropimage600.png)

File: 5274684dc7ea345⋯.png (47.15 KB,473x315,473:315,qaggdropimage63_1.png)

File: fc56db2ef1babb1⋯.png (54.04 KB,473x434,473:434,qaggdropimage168.png)

File: cc702c13b37ea7c⋯.png (45.41 KB,473x294,473:294,qaggdropimage62.png)

File: 720f44d61dd8ee0⋯.png (46.19 KB,473x357,473:357,qaggdropimage1686.png)


Curiously coincidental.


ThanQ :)

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cb94de No.21547578

Is Iranian Spying Hurting Efforts To Protect Trump, Harris, Biden?. 8/26/24 1/3

Some U.S. national security officials are convinced that agencies devoted to protecting the security of presidents, former presidents, presidential candidates and their families, as well as current and former State Department secretaries, have been compromised by Iranian intelligence assets, three knowledgeable sources told RealClearPolitics.

Longstanding concerns about Iranian infiltration of key U.S. protective agencies have intensified in recent weeks in the wake of the mid-July assassination attempt at the Butler, Pennsylvania, rally that wounded former President Donald Trump.

“Our counterintelligence vigilance for our security protective services in the United States, be it Diplomatic Security Services, be it Secret Service, be it in the U.S. Marshals or in the Treasury [Department],have been penetrated by people who are wittingly or unwittingly providing tangible support for Iranian network activities in this country,” a former senior intelligence official in the Obama administration told RCP over the weekend.

It’s unclear if employees in the U.S. protective agencies are knowingly participating in Iranian espionageor are simply interacting with assets for the Tehran government in social circles and inadvertently sharing information with foreign adversaries.

The concerns about Iranian penetration of U.S. protective security agencies predate the Butler rally. But the assassination attempt and the events leading up to it have onlyintensified fears that U.S. agencies haven’t done enough to counter the Iranian spying threat.

One day before would-be assassin Thomas Crooks managed to fire off eight shots at Trump and the crowd from an unmanned roof at the Butler rally, the FBI arrested Asif Raza Merchant, 46, in New York and charged the Pakistani with plotting to kill U.S. leaders, including Trump.

Justice Department officials said they had no evidence linking Merchant’s plot to the Pennsylvania shooting, but they asserted thatMerchant’s arrest had disrupted an expansive scheme that included efforts to steal computer files from U.S. officials. Merchant had recently spent two weeks in Iran.

The Secret Service had stepped up security for Trump’s Butler rally in response to a potential Iranian assassination plot against Trump, which U.S. intelligence agencies said they were tracking but did not indicate whether that threat was related to Merchant’s thwarted scheme.

After leaving Iran,Merchant flew from Pakistan to the United States in an attempt to recruit hit men to kill Trump. But the men Merchant tried to recruit were FBI agents who foiled the plot, which FBI Director Christopher Wray described as deriving “straight out of the Iranian playbook.” (I hardly believe a word Wray says.)

Two years ago, the Justice Department charged a member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps with a sophisticated plan to assassinate John Bolton, who served as a national security adviser to Trump, in retaliation for Trump’s order to kill Iranian Gen. Qasam Soleimani. Soleimani died in a U.S. drone strike in Iraq on Jan. 3, 2020.

Information about the foiled plot and arrest comes amid reports that the FBI and other U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that theIranian government is behind a hack and leak operation targeting Trump’s presidential campaignand at a similar effort attempted against Kamala Harris’ campaign.

The increased Iranian attempts to interfere with the 2024 election and the foiled assassination attempt against Trump are renewing concerns about the Secret Service’s decision to drop Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s security detail last week.The agency removed his Secret Service detail after the former independent presidential candidate suspended his third-party campaign Friday and endorsed Trump. (He didn't suspend it, only 10 states he withdrew)

The Secret Service had only afforded protection to Kennedy after the assassination attempt against Trump in July, even though his campaign had long requested the protection, an issue that is especially sensitive to Kennedy Jr., after his father, Robert F. Kennedy, and his uncle, President John F. Kennedy were assassinated in the 1960s.


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cb94de No.21547580



For nearly a year, the Biden administration also has declined to provide Secret Service security protection for Robert O’Brien, Trump’s former national security adviser who held the post after Bolton. Biden repeatedly declined to provide the security despite behind-the-scenes pressure from high-ranking lawmakers and what they say are continuing threats against his life and a heightened threat from Iran.

O’Brien still lacks Secret Service protection, a knowledgeable source told RCP on Sunday.

Rep. Mike Turner of Ohio, Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, has sent two letters to Biden over the past year sinceO’Brien’s Secret Service protection was ended without explanation on Aug. 1, 2023,according to the Wall Street Journal.

“It’s a dangerous precedent to set, to not extend a former National Security Adviser’s protective detail while there are active threats against his life, especially in a growing threat environment,” Turner wrote on Jan. 30. “Ambassador O’Brien both needs and deserves a protective detail for his service to this country.”

Two years ago, some U.S. officials became alarmed about Secret Service leaders’ lack of vigilance against potential espionage when an applicant failed the terrorism portionof a counterintelligence polygraph test, but agency leaders allowed the employee to remain and become a security-clearance adjudicator, according to two sources in the Secret Service community.

(A security clearance adjudicator makes decisions about granting others’ eligibility for security clearances based on information gathered and verified during a background investigation.)

Most security-related positions in the Secret Service require an applicant to pass at least two portions of a polygraph test – a counterintelligence scope and a lifestyle scope.

Counterintelligence questions cover potential espionage, terrorist activities, deliberate damage of U.S. government systems, intentional compromise of classified information, and secret contact with foreign nationals or representatives of a foreign government. A lifestyle polygraph covers involvement in serious crimes, illegal drug use, and falsification of security forms, among other personal questions.

The Secret Service and FBI did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

In another alarming incident that could have implications for the Iranian plot against Trump, in 2022, two men of Pakistani heritage were arrested and charged with posing as Department of Homeland Security officers in Washington and duping four Secret Service agents charged with protecting President Biden and his family.

According to federal prosecutors, the imposters provided the Secret Service agents with tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of gifts, including rent-free apartments,in a two-year scheme that began in February 2020 while Trump was president.

At one point after Biden took office, one of the Pakistani men, Arian Taherzadeh, offered to buy a $2,000 assault rifle for an agent assigned to first lady Jill Biden’s protective detail, according to the legal filings. Haider Ali told witnesses he had connections to intelligence agencies in Pakistan, and he also had several visas issued by Pakistan and Iran, prosecutors said.

“Taherzadeh and Ali have attempted to use their false and fraudulent affiliation with DHS to ingratiate themselves with members of federal law enforcement and the defense community,” David Elias, an FBI agent, wrote in the affidavit.


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9c2a86 No.21547581

File: 85fe41331e9aeb7⋯.jpg (2.19 MB,2280x1538,1140:769,wp_GettyImages_72366972_21….jpg)

File: c60e994c77cfbe8⋯.jpg (151.01 KB,954x704,477:352,Lisa_Monaco_1897639309.jpg)

File: 2f57b5825c65199⋯.jpg (126.03 KB,1300x956,325:239,reportage_former_president….jpg)

File: 52a3d8261688fbb⋯.jpg (930.74 KB,1280x1778,640:889,Kali_by_Raja_Ravi_Varma.jpg)


Escape to land scape! The Dawn's early?

Go at it!

Self destruction, die a nice, is

Drinks? Creative.


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288d4f No.21547582

the illegals are coming

the illegals are coming

brought to you by kumala

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cb94de No.21547583



Yet, Elias did not say why the men, both of whom have subsequently been sentenced to federal prison terms, orchestrated the elaborate plan to impersonate DHS agents and cozy up to members of the presidential protective Secret Service detail.Prosecutors said they used their false identities to obtain security footage of the apartment building, as well as a list of the building’s residents and contact information.

The Secret Service agents implicated in the scheme were placed on administrative leave, but it’s unclear what disciplinary action, if any, was taken against them. (This is insane.)

Twenty-five years ago, before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, Middle East experts would consider any collaboration between pro-Sunni Muslim Brotherhood-aligned groups in Pakistan with Iranian Shia Muslim efforts as far-fetched at best. However, since 2010, the U.S. has been tracking the cooperation between these once deeply adversarial groups.

Iran is currently funding and backing more than 20 groups in the Middle East, directly or indirectly, including Hamas, a Sunni Islamic terrorist group, in its war against Israel, and, by extension, the United States.

Two House Republicans, Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green of Tennessee and Rep. August Pfugler, chairman of a counterterrorism subcommittee,sent a letter to Wray in mid-August demanding answers and a briefing about Merchant, as well as the status of the investigation and threats Iran poses to the U.S. homeland.

“Credible threats by Iran have continued to persist against former Secretary Pompeo, as well as his former top aide, Brian Hook, who served as special representative for Iran during the Trump administration,” Green and Pfugler wrote. “These plots also include Iran’s efforts to silence those who publicly criticize the regime’s human rights abuses.”

“We have serious concerns about the inadequate … actions taken by the Biden-Harris administration to impose consequences on the Iranian regime, including efforts to protect our national security and American citizens from foreign threats,” they added.

Green and Pfugler pressed the FBI for a briefing on the matter no later than Aug. 30.

(Wait til you find out how many Iranians and sympathizers are in the DOS and WH security council.)


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ba8d2d No.21547584

File: 18dc684e8ac29cf⋯.png (145.64 KB,468x630,26:35,1721311198177654.png)

Do you believe in coincidence?

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aff5a5 No.21547585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9c2a86 No.21547586

File: ef8c93b03968eb9⋯.jpg (80.79 KB,525x700,3:4,48c8d3bf_c05b_4b5b_a38a_5e….jpg)

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e86365 No.21547587

File: 6a7cbeaf5eceb45⋯.mp4 (14.4 MB,j2NJftI5IWKqgBHS.mp4)

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fafa29 No.21547588

File: 1c37ae70e20665b⋯.mp4 (117.47 KB,640x268,160:67,jcKMAO_1.mp4)

File: f28e75422881bcb⋯.png (1003.7 KB,966x814,483:407,ClipboardImage.png)

I've never been wrong about anything and it's all lies INCLUDING GOD!


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a4b447 No.21547589

File: a2f2bc38bc8a038⋯.png (1.12 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Q_That_Alpha.png)

File: 61b9f1506f3dbb5⋯.png (1.25 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Q_Truth_Alpha.png)


Thank You Baker

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21f49b No.21547590


Your new neighbors are on the way:-


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728387 No.21547592

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I forgot how to embed rumble


Full sermon here

✝️ Fr. Chad Ripperger speaks on the "Levels of Spiritual Warfare" at St. Mary of Pine Bluff Catholic Church in Pine Bluff, Wisconsin, on Nov. 5, 2018.

#spiritualwarfare #inspiration



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9c2a86 No.21547593

File: 05daa564316cfa2⋯.jpg (40.87 KB,474x474,1:1,th_2518230778.jpg)

File: fa766ba2632ae0a⋯.jpg (126.68 KB,761x1649,761:1649,Screenshot_20240817_000450….jpg)

File: d0c9ff0d2eacbcc⋯.jpg (507.35 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240817_000425….jpg)

File: 87f4bbd5351790d⋯.jpg (89.08 KB,1000x750,4:3,Too_Short_3985313505.jpg)

File: dc10c916c1e35b4⋯.jpg (28.11 KB,474x591,158:197,th_3583138582.jpg)




Roth, cuz, life is…

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ba8d2d No.21547594

File: c6a57199e9ad647⋯.jpg (55.1 KB,750x733,750:733,FB_IMG_1486616109245.jpg)


Knock knock

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cb94de No.21547595


Remember when Bidan made a deal with Iran for oil and sent back the money the US had held their money for decades,Joe decided to send them another $6 billon to Iran for the fun of it. Was Joe paying Iran to execute Trump?

Why is Iran always the middle man for Obama, Joe and the democrats?

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4ff7c0 No.21547596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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21f49b No.21547597

File: fb6b0cc964fd5d1⋯.jpeg (242.4 KB,1600x1600,1:1,1eb2b909c402ab289e96491b0….jpeg)


Thank you baker

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ba8d2d No.21547598

File: 08375b7a1663a52⋯.png (18.63 KB,473x147,473:147,qaggdropimage589.png)


Oh my what a coincidence?

Nothing is random.

Everything has meaning.

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d8ab62 No.21547599

File: 501f2f0b2089d25⋯.jpg (163.41 KB,1200x675,16:9,proxy_image.jpg)

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ba8d2d No.21547600

File: 36d15d91f44691f⋯.png (20.81 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage601.png)




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302cfd No.21547601

File: 2a3bcd89f2d9c47⋯.png (1.52 MB,1020x966,170:161,winning.png)


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e86365 No.21547602

File: d8a1556b912bcb7⋯.jpeg (241.66 KB,859x1119,859:1119,163B3850_AE58_4760_8F85_2….JPEG)

File: 48a954d5fe03118⋯.mp4 (365.41 KB,480x270,16:9,Q_Air_Display.MP4)

File: 04af076a6957080⋯.jpg (185.36 KB,824x781,824:781,Thank_Q.jpg)

File: 1c914b112ff1110⋯.png (402 KB,526x480,263:240,5DEE8D33_290F_407E_BDB3_56….PNG)

File: f5711b3982076b7⋯.jpeg (1.8 MB,3030x2164,1515:1082,CE2C467F_4C82_46BC_8F64_5….JPEG)

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9c2a86 No.21547603

File: 8383d54bbc6d45a⋯.jpg (47.48 KB,800x600,4:3,scapegoat_3127607935.jpg)

File: e05fbfa084044cb⋯.jpg (45.92 KB,474x524,237:262,th_901272398.jpg)

File: e1c6724fe80ddf7⋯.png (53.57 KB,618x853,618:853,666_park_avenue_poster_165….png)

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File: dc10c916c1e35b4⋯.jpg (28.11 KB,474x591,158:197,th_3583138582.jpg)

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749d26 No.21547604

File: 1bc9dbe012a1473⋯.png (417.09 KB,1206x766,603:383,Top_spokesman_for_Manhatta….png)

Top spokesman for Manhattan US Attorney's office caught on secret recording blasting DA Bragg over Trump prosecution


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069770 No.21547605



nice of him to help the facial recognition efforts for The Great Deportation.

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e86365 No.21547606

File: 5588c1db9bcfee1⋯.mp4 (9.74 MB,mematicMeme.mp4)

File: dd1d983825d415d⋯.jpeg (83.29 KB,800x534,400:267,E7D133D2_C643_4F86_AE33_B….jpeg)

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0cf4a9 No.21547607

File: 7d7c64f69c81812⋯.png (891.37 KB,749x1707,749:1707,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala’s Plan…


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e86365 No.21547608

File: 385993a8a6e5f1e⋯.png (89.72 KB,440x442,220:221,4D152F9B_9270_450C_A86F_9F….png)

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bb7d16 No.21547609

File: d39e1cdd8de0470⋯.jpeg (253.17 KB,1266x1135,1266:1135,IMG_2423.jpeg)

ThanQ Baker!

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4ff7c0 No.21547610

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






As it gets.

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182ddf No.21547611

File: d1098be40d87449⋯.png (1.07 MB,789x811,789:811,Angel.png)

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288d4f No.21547612


that's exactly what Judas had on Jesus

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e86365 No.21547613

File: 8aa05e86656c539⋯.mp4 (5.79 MB,352x256,11:8,_4915260238196015877.MP4)

File: 91e478c3bd76231⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,480x480,1:1,91e478c3bd76231e5d102adc04….mp4)

File: bd4440f5fcac8f3⋯.mp4 (147.22 KB,852x568,3:2,331383864412196635.MP4)

File: 75d693e3a10484a⋯.mp4 (5.68 MB,320x176,20:11,Pentagon_Missile_09112001.MP4)

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273fb5 No.21547614

File: 7edad17821a68bd⋯.jpeg (109.35 KB,920x682,460:341,7edad17821a68bd139907a5a0….jpeg)




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6a0f1e No.21547615

File: 7d9409f84d38073⋯.png (3.33 MB,1816x1639,1816:1639,ClipboardImage.png)

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67cf3c No.21547616

File: 7010d0d9dd21d1c⋯.png (81.01 KB,1024x1024,1:1,66dc4e7038ad0.png)

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9c2a86 No.21547618

File: c77ee67a704a527⋯.jpg (473.18 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_094917….jpg)

File: df535f2a84600f9⋯.jpg (22.54 KB,474x355,474:355,th_4248830500.jpg)

File: fffcf7b989a8bd7⋯.jpg (115.33 KB,1200x600,2:1,fffcf7b989a8bd73304c982189….jpg)

File: 80f8a2c8ceeb6ff⋯.jpg (15.91 KB,474x343,474:343,th_372851500.jpg)

File: 48a2d3227a4068d⋯.jpg (15.6 KB,474x332,237:166,th_3937368890.jpg)

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e86365 No.21547619

File: 494179fe81eea36⋯.png (606.34 KB,800x429,800:429,DB45376D_4737_4CF4_8587_BF….PNG)

File: 78cbefc7802cbf3⋯.jpg (97.92 KB,800x799,800:799,IMG_5273.JPG)

File: 184d86ae9a2a8e1⋯.jpg (196.49 KB,1200x1200,1:1,IMG_5275.JPG)

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04d7d1 No.21547620

File: db5cdb974848713⋯.png (442.23 KB,1800x897,600:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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9c2a86 No.21547621

File: d6e6e3dca3fcb7b⋯.jpg (19.8 KB,474x267,158:89,th_2553667592.jpg)

File: 89defc6f677ad7b⋯.jpg (43.17 KB,700x401,700:401,adgBvz2_700b_1923563077.jpg)

File: d3bb9a69a821d5e⋯.png (903.44 KB,1362x878,681:439,4716bt_3924887612.png)

File: 1ea6dc3b6d80a3e⋯.png (447.11 KB,847x418,77:38,1ea6dc3b6d80a3e531146094d4….png)

File: 54d766274e7b88d⋯.jpg (617.32 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_125322….jpg)



Donald J. Trump


No boxes or artificial lifts will be allowed to stand on during my upcoming debate with Comrade Kamala Harris. We had this out previously with former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg when he was in a debate, and he was not allowed a “lift.” It would be a form of cheating, and the Democrats cheat enough. “You are who you are,” it was determined!

Sep 07, 2024, 4:04 AM

Continue the conversation

Join Truth Social to get the full story and details.

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af83b7 No.21547622

File: 914f410c1c39a76⋯.png (667.93 KB,641x855,641:855,ClipboardImage.png)

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e22d02 No.21547623

File: b71df5d92654434⋯.png (956.64 KB,1134x777,54:37,Screenshot_2024_09_07_Scre….png)


Cruise missile?

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e86365 No.21547624

File: b4a416647db0948⋯.png (532.28 KB,767x664,767:664,Eagle_Evergreen_Renegade.PNG)

File: b2d26fd1a05ffe6⋯.jpg (367.44 KB,1461x1067,1461:1067,HRC_Van_Helsing.jpg)

File: ca7a57b87e416c7⋯.jpg (106.3 KB,500x715,100:143,Evergreen_Down.JPG)

File: c3ff28bbaaa6b4b⋯.jpg (228.21 KB,1088x1088,1:1,HRC_Dead_02.JPG)

File: 6ef94bfa439d080⋯.mp4 (13.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,HRC_Dead_News_Report_Septe….mp4)

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6f4d9e No.21547626

File: ccce1036fefd759⋯.gif (2 MB,746x746,1:1,1643507496806.gif)

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749d26 No.21547627

File: cd45baec6baa5b0⋯.png (1.08 MB,1440x621,160:69,President_Trump_DESTROYS_t….png)

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ba8d2d No.21547628

File: 42678fc1c243867⋯.png (806.3 KB,473x2616,473:2616,qaggdropimage4241_1.png)


Now that is a really neat coincidence for this very second.



K is for king?

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04d7d1 No.21547629


>Cruise missile?


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e86365 No.21547630

File: fb448765e8728d4⋯.mp4 (1.9 MB,640x640,1:1,HRC_9_11_Memorial_NYC_13_S….MP4)

File: 1aaf9f912e13f43⋯.mp4 (5.68 MB,HRC_Thrown_in_SUV_2016.MOV)

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288d4f No.21547631

peeps show up in WI and shouting and screaming

outs the difference between that and a sanctuary city screecher

nothing - cause it keeps on going

every city state municipality local gov has the power to end this nonsense now. so many traitors so many money over brother lovers so many emotional silly obsessed sexual sodom and Gomorrah - the sin of was the love of money

WISCONSIN – Back to the Edmund sabotage

when is it a good thing to look back and reflect


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04d7d1 No.21547632

File: dba18d6247cca63⋯.png (1.7 MB,1125x750,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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67cf3c No.21547633

File: 4ac905a79b524fb⋯.png (74.44 KB,1024x768,4:3,66dc5415908a4.png)

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749d26 No.21547634

File: f632455c965e33d⋯.png (1.04 MB,1210x1234,605:617,Back_by_popular_demand_my_….png)

Back by popular demand, my TRUMP DIGITAL TRADING CARDS, Series 4: The America First Collection, is available RIGHT NOW, and I think you’ll love it! For some, there’ll be an Invite to a Gala Dinner at my beautiful private Club in Jupiter, Florida. Don’t wait, have fun! Go to collecttrumpcards.com/. ENJOY!


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ba8d2d No.21547635




When your mother changes your name because?

A. She cannot spell and does not care to check?

B. She is hiding something?

C. Both?

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e86365 No.21547636


Missile? Yes

Cruise? No, idea from that footage.

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0cf4a9 No.21547637

File: 48d8960332bf1be⋯.png (568.03 KB,684x547,684:547,48d8960332bf1be3299f7dc2da….png)

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ba8d2d No.21547639





Smiles :3

Good morning to you too.

>It's afternoon

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9c2a86 No.21547640

File: ef8c93b03968eb9⋯.jpg (80.79 KB,525x700,3:4,48c8d3bf_c05b_4b5b_a38a_5e….jpg)

File: 05daa564316cfa2⋯.jpg (40.87 KB,474x474,1:1,th_2518230778.jpg)

File: 51c8954204e2d73⋯.jpg (815.11 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_153725….jpg)

File: 038fb3127d194f8⋯.jpg (641.68 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_154403….jpg)



The repost

There, post

So, I did

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02724a No.21547641

File: 2721934dde8fb4a⋯.png (342.17 KB,487x449,487:449,Sep_6_Commie.png)

File: 8205819951f5a98⋯.png (269.71 KB,487x251,487:251,Sep_6_Get_In_Loser.png)

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04d7d1 No.21547642



Submarine launched cruise. Two of them. Second one malfunctioned. Ran out of fuel Shanksville.

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e86365 No.21547643

File: 24613d0f740b9ab⋯.mp4 (15.04 MB,HRC_Van_Collapse_Rap_Versi….MOV)

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4dc9c8 No.21547644

File: 004ff5bb3120349⋯.jpeg (368.33 KB,2048x1495,2048:1495,IMG_2570.jpeg)

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e44d7f No.21547645

File: fed7da2af06c452⋯.jpeg (564.22 KB,1067x820,1067:820,507241B4_F206_4204_BCAB_1….jpeg)



Anon hasn’t been there before.

Is it just some fancy name of a sammich shop?

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288d4f No.21547646


hidin in pitts cramming

and yes to all the above

kam on debate prep abyss

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af83b7 No.21547648

File: 2b8393a5ce596d4⋯.png (322.65 KB,519x692,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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c9d8e2 No.21547649

File: 630258eba04ee52⋯.png (494.66 KB,622x460,311:230,n54454g3.PNG)


Morning sir!

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e44d7f No.21547650

File: c8a2a0c6a07b7ff⋯.png (172.08 KB,275x385,5:7,2F889D24_A7CE_49F8_9C75_A1….png)

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e86365 No.21547651

File: 6fa04b723ff549b⋯.mp4 (563.07 KB,640x352,20:11,_6528470024919337707.MP4)

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182ddf No.21547652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e22d02 No.21547653


Your new neighbors. Wait until your daughter brings one home and asks to keep it.

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9c2a86 No.21547654

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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488d79 No.21547655



Crypto is taking over!

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0cf4a9 No.21547656

File: ab2b9450f4223e3⋯.png (531.66 KB,748x797,748:797,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a68ea71a3c3806⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB,480x270,16:9,Robert_F_Kennedy_Jr_Calley….mp4)

🚨 Robert F. Kennedy Jr & Calley Means on How Insurance Companies Profit From Chronic Disease

“I thought naively that insurance companies would make more money if their clients were healthier…This insurance executive said to me, ‘Listen, we get richer the sicker people are.’”

@RobertKennedyJr @calleymeans @RFKJRpodcast @NicoleShanahan


Full Interview: https://t.co/uLV8DOIlZK

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02724a No.21547657

File: 9b063b0ce08f104⋯.png (68.59 KB,1124x699,1124:699,Sep_7_Glows.png)

>>21546594 (pb)


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c52442 No.21547658

File: eef970af393a0c7⋯.jpg (19.08 KB,600x685,120:137,zia_symbol_new_mexico_vint….jpg)

File: 5ee24a3007ba656⋯.gif (142.72 KB,512x640,4:5,lion_king_reflection.gif)

144,000 b'nei anusim (tribe of Judah) are now rising.

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e5586c No.21547659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Mosinee, WI - 9/7/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network

45th President of the United States, President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Mosinee, Wisconsin on Saturday, September 7, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. EDT.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 8:00 a.m. ET.


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0e72b6 No.21547660

File: bc5dea322f65fe1⋯.png (781.87 KB,1200x803,1200:803,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA reaffirms decision to cancel OSAM-1

September 5, 2024

NASA is proceeding with plans to shut down a satellite servicing mission at the end of the month after rejecting a proposal to revise the mission to meet a 2026 launch date.

In a statement posted online Sept. 5, NASA announced it would proceed with closing out the On-orbit Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing 1 (OSAM-1) project, ending work on the mission at the end of the current fiscal year, which concludes Sept. 30.

NASA announced March 1 that it had decided to cancel the mission, which was years behind schedule and far over budget.

A fiscal year 2024 appropriations bill enacted later that month, though, directed NASA to develop a plan that would revise OSAM-1 in a way that could allow it to launch in 2026.

The agency confirmed in August that NASA leadership had received that plan, along with another that would close out OSAM-1 at the end of the fiscal year.

“These plans have been provided to NASA leadership and are being assessed,” a NASA spokesperson said at the time.

However, agency leadership elected to maintain the earlier decision to cancel OSAM-1.

“Factors that informed the decision were cost, schedule, and technical risk associated with the 2026 launch plan, the return on investment of flying OSAM-1 technology, uncertain technology infusion path to industry, and impacts on other NASA technology development efforts,” NASA stated.

NASA started work on the mission, originally called Restore-L, a decade ago, with the goal of refueling the Landsat 7 satellite in low Earth orbit.

The mission added payloads to perform in-space assembly and manufacturing activities, such as the assembly of a Ka-band antenna, and was renamed OSAM-1 in 2020.

The mission, though, suffered delays that pushed back its launch from an original target of 2020 to at least 2026.

Its cost grew from an original projection of $626–753 million to more than $2 billion.

NASA decided to cancel OSAM-1 after an independent review made that recommendation. “Both cost- and schedule-to-go are substantial and the risk for further schedule decay and cost increases remains high,” that report concluded.

Canceling OSAM-1 could affect several hundred jobs, primarily at the Goddard Space Flight Center, the lead center for the mission.

NASA said in March that about 450 employees and contractors were working on OSAM-1, and that they would be supported through the end of the current fiscal year.

Goddard employees were informed of NASA’s decision reaffirming the OSAM-1 cancellation Sept. 4, according to industry sources.

Among the companies that could be affected by the decision is Intuitive Machines, which is partnered with KBR on the Omnibus Multidiscipline Engineering Services (OMES) III contract at Goddard. That contract includes work on OSAM-1.

In an Aug. 13 earnings call, Steve Altemus, chief executive of Intuitive Machines, said his company had helped develop the plan for a 2026 launch of the mission.

“We’ve restructured it for success, so that’s a very positive sign,” he said. While Intuitive Machines is best known for its work on lunar landers, the OMES III contract is a significant source of revenue for the company.

NASA’s decision still requires the approval of Congress. Senate appropriators included up to $174.5 million for OSAM-1 in its fiscal year 2025 spending bill, but the House version did not specify funding for the mission.

Both the House and Senate included caveats about any support for OSAM-1 being dependent on developing a feasible plan for completing the mission.

The agency noted in its statement confirming its plans to cancel OSAM-1 that it still supported overall work on in-space servicing, assembly and manufacturing, or ISAM, technologies, backing an industry consortium called COSMIC on the topic and signing an agreement with DARPA to provide expertise for its Robotic Servicing of Geosynchronous Satellites program.

NASA added it will release a request for information about partnerships “to further pursue the best and highest use of the project hardware” for OSAM-1.

The agency released that RFI later Sept. 5, seeking ideas for “alternate use cases that will benefit commercial, civil, and national objectives, thereby advancing domestic leadership in In-space Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing (ISAM) capabilities.”

While OSAM-1 is currently the largest single mission in NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate, accounting for $206.9 million out of an overall budget of $1.1 billion for the directorate in fiscal year 2024, the mission got little attention during a session of the NASA Advisory Council’s technology committee Sept. 5.

Later in the meeting, agency officials read the statement about NASA’s decision to proceed with closing out OSAM-1.


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e8db89 No.21547661

File: 8fdb2aece041bc2⋯.png (3.91 MB,2048x1330,1024:665,FightFightFight2.png)


"I don't like using names on people doubles…"

say what?

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c75690 No.21547663

>>21546093 Sharyl Attkisson on How Rep. Thomas Massie Caught the CDC Lying About the COVID VaccinesPN

The whole Immunity for vaccine makers was approved of a vast majority of Congress that were lobbied and paid by Vaccine Makers in the late 1980s. At this point none of the US health agencies will never admit vaccines kill, and neither will Congress. Its a perfect blackmail plot that is ongoing, Vaccine makers will reveal the dirt if any law makers do the right thing.

They should all go to jail. Everyone in FDA, CDC and HHS have worked for pharma going in and going out. They will never end the RICO Consiracy that is going on 5 decades now

Health Agencies in the US will only attack supplements, vitamins and safe drugs like HQC and Ivermectin.

If you think they are not freaking out about RFKjr possibly being appointed by Trump, think again. Trump and RFKjr are always in danger. I hope to God they have serious Patriots protecting them.

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182ddf No.21547664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The OLDEST Soldier On Omaha Beach - D-Day (1944)

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9c2a86 No.21547665

File: c302e6e2078c102⋯.jpg (14.78 KB,474x266,237:133,th_1899232076.jpg)

File: 15220962f91bd3d⋯.jpg (130.34 KB,1200x1806,200:301,1200x0_3612845083.jpg)

File: 08648196bb8256c⋯.jpg (9.98 KB,300x197,300:197,3172_646671459.jpg)

File: 27d789ef35da1ad⋯.jpg (109.76 KB,962x1143,962:1143,44502A4200000578_4895806_T….jpg)

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e86365 No.21547666

File: 6fcd90f5e44e5f2⋯.mp4 (285.85 KB,640x364,160:91,Keir_Starmer_Punch_Bag.mp4)



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ba8d2d No.21547667


Done in 30?

> Oh God. You have no idea

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406b4a No.21547668

Don't mean to slide, but do any health fags have links to articles exposing the real reason all dentists are now being made to take blood pressure from patients? Ie: collusion between insurance companies and big pharma and general practioner mds to force more visits a year to the pcps and to force bp meds on patients. And also the lowering of the minimum level for "high" bp from 140 over 90 to 130 over 80. I can't find any articles I was able to find just 3 years ago on these subjects, and I was too dense to save the links. Any help would be greatly appreciated. o7

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288d4f No.21547669


imagine if he campaigned in WI

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640d56 No.21547670

File: d7f73e860757c0c⋯.png (794.35 KB,749x1707,749:1707,kamalasplan.png)

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b181c5 No.21547671

File: ac561c205f257b7⋯.jpg (19.12 KB,255x255,1:1,youarehere.jpg)

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d8ab62 No.21547673


datsa fargina no table, you corksuckina bastages

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e86365 No.21547674

File: 8f1f86e5edecb71⋯.mp4 (5.12 MB,336x640,21:40,DJT_Biden_is_a_Dummy.MP4)

File: 9b5d54a15ad5c55⋯.mp4 (386.07 KB,658x360,329:180,Trump_Everything_Biden_Tou….mp4)

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823964 No.21547676

File: 52d7b3504a5de3d⋯.jpg (663.66 KB,1024x1024,1:1,output.jpg)


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877b51 No.21547677

File: 88bea4dc1ed92b0⋯.png (825.63 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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823964 No.21547678

File: ea652c9bc1d84cf⋯.jpg (723.96 KB,1024x1024,1:1,output_1_.jpg)


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823964 No.21547679

File: 752ce5a97a197c8⋯.jpg (670.29 KB,1024x1024,1:1,output_2_.jpg)


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2b849c No.21547680

File: 04e771ec41a7b52⋯.png (44.84 KB,597x187,597:187,ClipboardImage.png)

Richard Grenell


Arab American leaders in Detroit have been told by the Kamala campaign that @keithellison is on the short list to be Attorney General if she should win.

9:30 AM · Sep 7, 2024


>radical Islam

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ba8d2d No.21547682


Dentist - highest rate of suicide?

Dental fillings?

Mercury Amalgams?

Cosmetic is medical?

Does fluoride help teeth stay healthy?

Why is it in the foam?

Can we regrow teeth?

Do dentists do more harm than good?

Where is the proof?

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823964 No.21547683

File: beab5afe0109629⋯.jpg (703.28 KB,1024x1024,1:1,output_3_.jpg)


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823964 No.21547684

File: 6d0f8582e13025b⋯.jpg (1.28 MB,3072x4096,3:4,IMG20240906132541.jpg)

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e8db89 No.21547685

File: 45f980cc4b59758⋯.png (206.9 KB,525x360,35:24,KekistanSomewhere.png)

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0e72b6 No.21547686

File: 8a54071da2b74d2⋯.png (1.47 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Viasat secures $153 million U.S. Army contract to modernize ‘Blue Force Tracker’ network

September 5, 2024

Satellite communications firm Viasat announced Sept. 5 it has been awarded a $153 million contract to modernize the U.S. Army’s Blue Force Tracker (BFT) network, a system used for real-time positioning of friendly forces.

The “blue” in the name refers to the color typically used to represent friendly forces on military maps, as opposed to red for enemy forces.

The five-year contract, managed by the Defense Information Services Agency, will provide technical support for the U.S. Army Project Management Mission Command BFT program.

This latest agreement extends Viasat’s two-decade-long involvement with the BFT network.

BFT utilizes GPS technology to track troop and vehicle locations, allowing soldiers and commanders to view updated positions on screens in vehicles and aircraft.

The system leverages Viasat’s global L-band network, which is used for emergency data transmission and voice communications.

Viasat’s L-band network technology, originally developed for military applications, has since found broader market applications.

Before Viasat’s acquisition of Inmarsat, the latter also played a significant role in supporting the BFT network, securing a $410 million five-year contract extension in 2022 to provide satellite connectivity.

The BFT system has been operational since 2002. The newer version, BFT-2, operates across sea, air, and ground platforms.

Under the new contract, Viasat will provide engineering services, operational support, and technical assistance for the BFT program.


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ba8d2d No.21547687


>Why am I thinking of the words Yellow Cake while looking at this picture?

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e6a7d2 No.21547688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Seriously Beautiful

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2b849c No.21547689

File: 32227aa1971a85e⋯.png (82.88 KB,604x335,604:335,ClipboardImage.png)


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eb8f69 No.21547690

US Intel Undercuts DOJ’s ‘Foreign Interference’ Claim Used to Smear Conservative Pundits

'To date, the IC has not observed any foreign actor seeking to interfere in the conduct of the 2024 elections…'

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) announced Friday that it has not “observed” any foreign interference in the 2024 election, seemingly undermining cynical remarks by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

The ODNI’s Foreign Malign Influence Center (FMIC) stated in a 2-page report that the intelligence community “has not observed any foreign actor seeking to interfere in the conduct of the 2024 elections.” Natalie Winters, a co-host of the Steve Bannon WarRoom podcast, first reported these findings.

While the report stipulated that Russia “poses the most active foreign influence threat” to the election, it found no evidence of meddling. The FMIC’s assertions come just days after Garland issued dire warnings about so-called foreign influence targeting the election.



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ba8d2d No.21547691

File: 7127a09974d5b07⋯.jpg (168.34 KB,600x735,40:49,7127a09974d5b07bfd523beaaa….jpg)

File: 3935928b0ccf0f7⋯.png (23.76 KB,252x255,84:85,b43dd142be17a429dd174e6c56….png)

File: 315892058e931c5⋯.jpeg (142.37 KB,1122x1160,561:580,315892058e931c577e900916c….jpeg)

File: 55e4af57ea59d2d⋯.png (420.76 KB,673x739,673:739,55e4af57ea59d2d8eafc4a461d….png)

File: bd9b5609fed2273⋯.png (16.94 KB,222x255,74:85,bd9b5609fed22735fe4b75513f….png)


>Kek :3

Have some übermegakek

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eb8f69 No.21547692

World Economic Forum Finally Tells the Truth About Covid: It Was a ‘Test’ of Our Obedience to Rapidly Forming New World Order

The WEF gleefully posted the following snippet to the “My Carbon” page of its website where they make a pitch for so-called smart cities, which is just another term for 15-minute cities.

The first of three “developments” that the WEF says must be in place before the world can evolve into its utopian vision of “smart and sustainable cities,” is compliance with restrictions on our freedom. It writes:

1. COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility – A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility.


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182ddf No.21547693



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e8db89 No.21547694

File: ebb14e42b3fa935⋯.jpg (57.95 KB,567x407,567:407,comfyQplus.jpg)


>Have some übermegakek

TanQs fer dat eh?

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08333c No.21547695

File: 5ee52f0a18969f1⋯.png (301.89 KB,870x706,435:353,Screenshot_from_2024_09_07….png)

all pb






>NFL Security Department Uses FBI-Style Structure Designed To Maintain Secrecy


>muh purview


>muh purview

muh fact check

No,Philadelphia Eaglesdid notendorse Kamala HarrisFact check

Portrait of Gabrielle Settles Gabrielle Settles


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eb8f69 No.21547696

Poland’s Official Story About An Alleged Airspace Violation Doesn’t Add Up

The authorities’ story doesn’t add up since they still maintain that at least three radiolocation stations recorded a violation, but they also claim at the same time that no such violation ever occurred.

Major General Maciej Klisz announced that Poland’s ten-day search for physical evidence of last month’s recorded airspace violation came up empty-handed. According to him, “As a result of this process and the undertaken analysis, I can say that with high likelihood the air space of the Republic of Poland was not breached on August 26…(but the) data has not changed, what changed is our assessment of the situation.”

For comparison’s sake, here’s what he said on that same day late last month: “We are probably dealing with the entry of an object on Polish territory. The object was confirmed by at least three radiolocation stations. It is clear from its characteristics that the object is not a missile, it is not a hypersonic, ballistic or guided missile.” Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski then started talking tough about Poland possibly shooting down Russian missiles over Ukraine, the subject of which was analyzed here.

Returning to Klisz’s remarks, it’s notable that he insisted that the “data has not changed”, thus meaning that Poland still maintains that at least three radiolocation stations recorded an airspace violation on 26 August, but they couldn’t discover any physical evidence inside of country. Nevertheless, he also flip-flopped by now concluding that Polish airspace wasn’t breached in the first place, which is contradictory. Notice that he’s not even speculating that a drone might have crossed in and out of Polish airspace.

If what he’s saying is true, then this means that Poland’s radiolocation stations are either malfunctioning or that Russia is somehow able to manipulate their signals, both scenarios of which are very concerning from the perspective of Polish national security. Another possibility is that debris from a Ukrainian air defense missile fell inside of Poland, but the authorities want to cover it up in order to not worsen bilateral relations and/or create a situation where more citizens sour on Polish aid to Ukraine.

The media should hold Klisz’s feet to the fire by pressing him and other officials to elaborate on his contradiction. They’re unlikely to get an answer, or whatever they receive might not directly address this, but it’s important that it’s not swept under the rug given the national security stakes involved. Poles and their NATO allies deserve to know whether Poland’s radiolocation stations are malfunctioning or being manipulated, or if a wayward Ukrainian air defense missile or its debris once again fell inside of Poland.

As it stands, this incident is already hugely embarrassing. Coming up empty-handed despite a ten-day search that covered 3,200 square kilometers from the air, 250 square kilometers on the ground, and analyzed satellite images of an area of 310 square kilometers where the object was likely to fall according to reports suggests that the full truth isn’t being shared. It also needlessly provoked panic among people who were duped into thinking that a Russian object supposedly violated Polish airspace.

Sikorski’s tough talk about possibly shooting down Russian missiles over Ukraine is also revealed to have been political opportunism that was advanced on what’s now officially considered to be a false pretext. The authorities’ story doesn’t add up though since they still maintain that at least three radiolocation stations recorded a violation, but they also claim at the same time that no such violation occurred. It’s therefore incumbent on truly independent members of the press to get down to the bottom of this.


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d8ab62 No.21547697

File: b99fa6189c8b97b⋯.png (1.23 MB,1840x1950,184:195,Screen_Shot_2024_09_07_at_….png)


>Does fluoride help teeth stay healthy?

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9c2a86 No.21547698

File: f6cc3f829198252⋯.jpg (2.97 MB,2382x3000,397:500,wp_AP_201583493084_1345488….jpg)

File: 22dd658f62c01af⋯.jpg (6.89 KB,196x300,49:75,leon_panetta2_9725_3643979….jpg)

File: 86e1ef037132bf2⋯.jpeg (154.61 KB,1024x768,4:3,Joe_Rogan_Alex_Jones_2115….jpeg)

File: 9aff5f5b2991ab0⋯.jpg (532.35 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_073643….jpg)

File: 3e6c193d41bcddf⋯.jpg (12.28 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_2923322305.jpg)






intransitive verb

To talk idly or incessantly, as about trivial matters.

To deceive; to lie.

Similar: deceivelie

To talk idly; to prate; to chatter.

Similar: pratechatter

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik

Dialogue is a hermeneutic.

Suddenly, like one hand clapping…

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9c2a86 No.21547699

File: ab1b28e9f5588a2⋯.jpg (272.42 KB,1083x1600,1083:1600,Ryan_Reynolds_2011_3703105….jpg)

File: f072890439b9abb⋯.png (386.27 KB,900x503,900:503,Andrew_Torba_GAB_Founder_p….png)

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eb8f69 No.21547700

Argentina urges ICC to order arrest of Maduro

Buenos Aires claims actions by Venezuela’s government could be considered “crimes against humanity”

Argentina has called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue an arrest warrant for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and other officials, citing alleged human rights violations during a crackdown on post-election unrest.

The actions taken by Maduro’s government since the July 28 ballot could “constitute crimes against humanity,” the Argentinian Foreign Ministry claimed on Friday. The statement said a request to the court will be submitted on Monday.

According to the National Electoral Council of Venezuela, Maduro won the July presidential election with 52% of the vote. The Western-backed opposition, however, has accused officials in Caracas of rigging the ballot, with rival candidate Edmundo Gonzalez claiming he in fact received 67%.

Protests swept the country after the results were announced. Maduro condemned the unrest as an attempted “coup against Venezuela,” and more than 2,000 demonstrators have since been arrested. Caracas also launched a criminal investigation into opposition figures Edmundo Gonzalez and Maria Corina Machado, after they called on the armed forces to drop their support for the president.

In the aftermath of the contested vote, many nations – including Russia and China – congratulated Maduro on his re-election. The US, along with the EU and several other countries including Argentina, have since refused to recognize Maduro as the legitimate president.

The feud has sparked a war of words – with Maduro calling the Argentinian president “monster face” after Javier Milei branded Maduro a dictator and told him to “get out.” Venezuela ordered the closure of Argentina’s diplomatic mission after the election and recalled its own staff from Buenos Aires.

Weighing in on the feud, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova rebuked Milei for his apparent reluctance to address issues in his own country.

“Looks like Argentina has no problems of its own, and President Milei has already put all his campaign promises into practice?” she quipped.

Argentina, Latin America’s third largest economy, is in the grip of a severe economic crisis after decades of mounting debt and financial mismanagement. An estimated 55% of its population lives below the poverty line, according to the socio-economic watchdog Social Debt Observatory of the Catholic University of Argentina. The figures show that 49.5% were living in poverty when President Milei was sworn into office in December 2023. Argentina’s inflation is one of the highest in the world, exceeding 260% over the last 12 months. The government has devalued the peso by more than 50% as part of Milei’s “shock therapy” reforms aimed at stabilizing the economy.


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288d4f No.21547701


incompetence managing more corruption

so why not just announce they will not stand with Israel, much less hostage negs

just want to say - its wut habbens when u listen to ai cucks

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b59926 No.21547702


Well that makes perfect sense. Both Walz and Ellison are accessories to the arson, looting, and riots that took place in Minneapolis, as well as the Floyd hoax itself.

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af8076 No.21547703

File: 043988e8feb9f32⋯.png (395.88 KB,648x317,648:317,ClipboardImage.png)

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af83b7 No.21547704

File: 168558b2c2a4994⋯.png (484.97 KB,593x707,593:707,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb8f69 No.21547705

Texas Democrat Commissioner Nominee Indicted For Staging Hate Crime Hoax and Framing Republican Opponent

Taral Patel, a 30-year-old Democratic candidate for Fort Bend County Precinct 3 Commissioner, was arrested back in June with felony online impersonation and misrepresentation of identity.

Two months on, the Fort Bend District Attorney has finally indicted Patel for his dastardly scheme which prosecutors said was intended to “influence the result of an election” and “injure” his Republican candidate Andy Meyers.


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ba8d2d No.21547706

File: 98836aa41e0562a⋯.png (878.02 KB,936x905,936:905,1721723510723703.png)


United States of the Comfy fren

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e6a7d2 No.21547707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Seriously serious fuckin shit.

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e9b313 No.21547708


whoopsie, deep state lost the fed money accts, how ever will they pay for crimes now?

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af8076 No.21547709


Taxpayers most likely?

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cbc49a No.21547711

File: a12937ce553f97a⋯.jpg (165.54 KB,1000x768,125:96,startrek_pepe3.jpg)

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9c2a86 No.21547712

File: fb1c6235ff1cb28⋯.jpg (2.29 MB,4000x3000,4:3,20240906_071416.jpg)

File: 98c5219a29cff95⋯.jpg (3.17 MB,4000x3000,4:3,20240906_071350.jpg)

File: 295dc867242db3d⋯.jpg (136.66 KB,1920x812,480:203,danceswithwolves_241163663.jpg)

File: bde91e0580c2df9⋯.jpg (66.45 KB,474x720,79:120,th_1294414634.jpg)

File: 07ba994eca844cc⋯.jpg (723.58 KB,2250x1500,3:2,Edward_James_Olmos_as_Admi….jpg)

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12887f No.21547713

File: c7dc82ddacee9ba⋯.png (601.07 KB,1425x667,1425:667,CRUMBSMEOW.png)

Russian cat who eats all the crumbs,"Kroshik", in the Matroskin Shelter

1 of 7 pics related. Treadmills suck


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e9b313 No.21547714


Mmmm, think again, think harder.

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7e272a No.21547715

File: 6e384136063faeb⋯.png (19.82 KB,148x200,37:50,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0fca1ae9d86273e⋯.png (19.21 KB,148x200,37:50,ClipboardImage.png)

8Kun math?

Or Common Core?

You decide.

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c3323c No.21547716

File: 72c30d5924f33dd⋯.mp4 (38.97 KB,220x138,110:69,abAJKgQG_700wv_0.mp4)

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877b51 No.21547717


Missile with holographic wings and nose cone. Hence nose out video.

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e6a7d2 No.21547718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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af8076 No.21547719


>think harder.


An erect penis?

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ba8d2d No.21547720


You're implying the deep state will continue post 2024 election.

>Explanation please :3

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c3323c No.21547721

File: 2a9dcb529c8ad64⋯.gif (302.94 KB,220x138,110:69,abAJKgQG_700wv_0.gif)

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cbc49a No.21547722

File: 730f53f15876f43⋯.webm (224 KB,573x240,191:80,hunt4.webm)

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e9b313 No.21547723


All accounts, blocked, think again. They no longer have access, job seized.

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b838e3 No.21547724

File: b5aa605c7f99321⋯.png (89.9 KB,595x524,595:524,ClipboardImage.png)

You have this guy, Asif Raza Merchant. He's arrested the day before. This is too coincedental not to be related. I think there were two operations going on at the same time. You have this guy as operation 1, and then you have Crooks operation 2. I would imagine it would be easier to piece it together from this guys substack.


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d8ab62 No.21547725


why are they calling it a "russian" cat?

that is NOT a russian breed of cat

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af8076 No.21547726


>You're implying the deep state will continue post 2024 election.

I heard that back in 2020.

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08333c No.21547727

File: a6fe9164b436cf4⋯.png (27.67 KB,403x228,403:228,Screenshot_2024_09_07_at_1….png)



[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 09/07/2024 12:26:09

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 113097203355864345

Christina Bella and MikeStormare doing a great job on RSBN!

>>21547040 lb

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694331 No.21547728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Saturday afternoon movies

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ba8d2d No.21547729

File: 26356aad0261879⋯.gif (2.09 MB,350x285,70:57,1721185352613392.gif)


2 days

>2 days

2 days

>2 days

2 days

Perhaps it's weaponized autism?

Under budget and 2 days ahead of schedule?

Nothing is random.

Everything has meaning.


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6761fc No.21547730


Just when you think it could get any worse…

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eb8f69 No.21547731

File: 629c9aba7818c77⋯.png (339.52 KB,562x560,281:280,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1747c47fa4b34c⋯.png (111.94 KB,782x615,782:615,ClipboardImage.png)

DeSantis Operatives Have Taken Over a Key Trump-World PAC, And People Are Pissed.

A Super PAC supporting President Trump’s election efforts, funded by billionaire Elon Musk, has hired a swathe of former DeSantis for president activists, including the chiefs of the Florida Governor’s disastrously run political action committee ‘Never Back Down.’The details, which were quietly reported on by the New York Times in July, have been further teased out by Puck News this week, with author Tara Palmeri noting:

“…it baffled many inside the Trump campaign when Chris LaCivita blessed the mid-July shake-up at Musk’s America PAC. DeSantis’s former campaign manager Generra Peck and former senior advisor Phil Cox subsequently fired all the existing vendors, including canvassers, and dismantled the existing ground operation, only to bring in their own people just a month and a half before early voting is set to begin.”Trump was reportedly furious with the move to hire a cadre of DeSantis backers, especially given the Trump campaign’s early pledge that none of those people would ever get jobs with Trump or his administration. Now, it seems, they’ve hired almost all their top associates, with the ‘P2‘ firm run by Cox and Peck being used as a primary group for the Musk-backed America PAC.

“Also involved… is Charlie Spies, a senior election lawyer for the Republican Party,” The New York Times revealed. The National Pulse has reported on Spies and his previous anti-Trump positions, leading to his ouster from an RNC role recently handed to him by Trump campaign chiefs Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita.

The National Pulse first reported on Cox, his group, and its relationships with the Bush, Rove, Romney, and Ryan families back in April 2023. Now, Cox is inside the Trump campaign, alongside a number of other leading DeSantis-world names such as Peck and failed pollster Ryan Tyson.The move was celebrated by LaCivita, who tweeted out the New York Times report, adding: “…the New Program 100% better than the old gang. Solidly support this effort!”


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b6c132 No.21547732

File: 646dd12a9144649⋯.jpg (84.13 KB,750x500,3:2,4wude8.jpg)

8 weeks

56 days

49 days +7 days

7weeks + 1 week

Since they tried to steal the future and God intervened.

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a54d08 No.21547733

File: afd934f106427bd⋯.png (49.93 KB,636x405,212:135,ClipboardImage.png)

Get Ready for a Trump Force One Fly Over!!

Donald J. Trump


Heading to Wisconsin, REALLY BIG CROWD. Will be landing soon. Perhaps we’ll do a Fly Over of the site - Get ready!


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9c2a86 No.21547735

File: a66fbbac7ac7119⋯.png (1.96 MB,954x1423,954:1423,7fea48ab14d40e119b78f02085….png)

File: 9ea289ade7a2c0a⋯.jpg (20.36 KB,474x432,79:72,th_3425431188.jpg)

File: 54d766274e7b88d⋯.jpg (617.32 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240905_125322….jpg)

File: 8d7363c153f6fd6⋯.jpg (339.8 KB,834x1280,417:640,batmanarkham_scarecrow_5ad….jpg)

File: e23ece44c4d383e⋯.webp (10.83 KB,300x200,3:2,2a7d201c40afdc0052c1578da….webp)


It was constructed as the Insane Asylum of California at Stockton in 1851. It was on 100 acres (0.40 km2) of land donated by Captain Charles Maria Weber. The legislature at the time felt that existing hospitals were incapable of caring for the large numbers of people who suffered from mental and emotional conditions as a result of theCalifornia Gold Rush, and authorized the creation of the first public mental health hospital in California. The hospital is #1016 on the Office of Historic Preservation's California Historical Landmark list, and today is home to California State University's Stanislaus – Stockton Campus. A cemetery for patients who died there is located on the property.[2][3

Former Florida Gators football player Ricky Pearsall shot on Saturday

ActionNewsJax.com News Staff

Sat, August 31, 2024 at 5:58 PM PDT

1 min read

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88429f No.21547736



6 years to go.

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ba8d2d No.21547737

File: 601fc86a34fd7c2⋯.gif (2.97 MB,350x371,50:53,1721171871980465.gif)


Check it :3

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b6c132 No.21547740

File: fbd0c10f2d3c75f⋯.jpg (222.13 KB,1070x1370,107:137,media_GW1O88_W4AAP3jA.jpg)

Dick Cheney is an irrelevant RINO, along with his daughter, who lost by the largest margin in the History of Congressional Races! They couldn’t get Scooter Libby, who did so much for them (but was so unfairly treated!), PARDONED. I did it! He’s the King of Endless, Nonsensical Wars, wasting Lives and Trillions of Dollars, just like Comrade Kamala Harris.I am the Peace President, and only I will stop World War III!What Liz Cheney did with the Unselect Committee of Political Losers is unthinkable. She and her Unselects deleted and destroyed all evidence and information - IT’S GONE. Much of it proved thatNancy Pelosi was responsible for J6- DIDN’T PROVIDE SECURITY. Cheney and the others should be prosecuted for what they did, but Comrade Kamala is even worse!

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d34b9b No.21547741

File: 91f6e6dbf0fbbdd⋯.jpg (120.66 KB,887x499,887:499,3bimq7.jpg)

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cbc49a No.21547742

File: b2086ffc02c3d79⋯.gif (1.48 MB,420x236,105:59,kek35.gif)


Not from that point of view, but I always did like the texture his oils gave the canvas, and Starry Night is my favorite painting out of all the famous ones, even have a 1:1 poster print of it. Just so it's just not a flat canvas sort-of-thing when you run your hand along it. Gooping it on like that'll take forever to cure though. I'm already sketching it.

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d8ab62 No.21547743


it IS sad that gov'ts are chiefed by the forked tongues

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08333c No.21547744

File: 58b693566ea5a29⋯.png (285.44 KB,532x585,532:585,Screenshot_2024_09_07_at_1….png)

File: 4698cbcc17df698⋯.png (45.5 KB,522x388,261:194,Screenshot_2024_09_07_at_1….png)

File: a658765ff24939e⋯.png (83.99 KB,519x841,519:841,Screenshot_2024_09_07_at_1….png)

File: 7f8dd99d279acf5⋯.png (629.15 KB,531x1115,531:1115,Screenshot_2024_09_07_at_1….png)

File: 1159ab320da15ce⋯.png (629.9 KB,524x1172,131:293,Screenshot_2024_09_07_at_1….png)


>Christina Bella and MikeStormare doing a great job on RSBN!

>>>21547040 lb



[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 09/07/2024 11:47:00

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 113097049437690959

% buffered





Image Name: ac920ba8716e2f88.mp4

Filename: ac920ba8716e2f88.mp4

Back by popular demand, myTRUMPDIGITAL TRADINGCARDS, Series 4: The America First Collection, is available RIGHT NOW, and I think you’ll love it! For some, there’ll be an Invite to a Gala Dinner at my beautiful private Club in Jupiter, Florida. Don’t wait, have fun! Go to collecttrumpcards.com/. ENJOY!

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eb8f69 No.21547745

File: b1f284f00b9a350⋯.png (552.68 KB,550x638,25:29,ClipboardImage.png)

Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement on Social Media Speech Restrictions

Fresh off the crackdown on so-called “keyboard warriors” over social media posts connected to the recent anti-mass migration riots, leading leftist politicians in Britain are beginning to demand for new speech restrictions on the internet.

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose neo-liberal Labour Party government enacted some of the strictest speech laws in modern British history, has joined the chorus of commentators demanding a new crackdown on social media.

Speaking to LBC Radio this week, Blair said: “The world is going to have to come together and agree on some rules around social media platforms.

“It’s not just how people can provoke hostility and hatred but I think… the impact on young people particularly when they’ve got access to mobile phones very young and they are reading a whole lot of stuff and receiving a whole lot of stuff that I think is really messing with their minds in a big way.

“I’m not sure what the answer is but I’m sure we need to find one.”


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2b849c No.21547746

File: 2101d34aac9e8bd⋯.png (40.38 KB,589x203,589:203,ClipboardImage.png)



Donald Trump has suggested eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs on imports.

Do you agree?

12:01 PM · Sep 7, 2024


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9c2a86 No.21547747

File: 891d0116feae95a⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240815_051958….jpg)

File: e19e87a03d77e74⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240815_051948….jpg)

File: c509db4e8af4cfd⋯.jpg (20.66 KB,780x538,390:269,gettyimages_1187398847_131….jpg)

File: fc37bec915b690a⋯.jpg (941.45 KB,2267x3206,2267:3206,1329100764_2039232463.jpg)


The Bohemian Club

Bohemian Grove is named for the Northern California Bohemian Club. It was formed by newspapermen, artists, actors and musicians in San Francisco in 1872. They were a group of guys with a different perspective than most, who liked flaunting it in each other's company. In September 1892, the club held their annual midsummer encampment in this part of the woods, perhaps a spiritual, forest frolic precursor to Burning Man.


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0e72b6 No.21547748

File: 92632dd67f56396⋯.png (1.18 MB,1000x621,1000:621,ClipboardImage.png)

Senegal among new members of China’s ILRS moon base project

September 5, 2024

Senegal’s space agency signed an agreement on cooperation on the International Lunar Research Station Thursday, swelling the ranks of the China-led project.

Maram Kaire, head of the Senegalese Space Study Agency (ASES) and Li Guoping, chief engineer of the China National Space Administration (CNSA) signed the agreement on cooperation in the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) at the second international conference on deep space exploration (Tiandu) in Tunxi, Anhui province, Sept. 5.

The agreement came as Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Senegalese President Bassirou Diomaye Faye.

The latter is visiting for the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) and a state visit.

China aims to build a basic robotic ILRS by 2035, with five launches to establish power, communications and other infrastructure.

An extended station capable of long-term human habitation is planned for 2045.

Senegal joins Russia, Venezuela, Belarus, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, South Africa, Egypt, Nicaragua, Thailand, Serbia and Kazakhstan as national-level ILRS participants.

Senegal has a modest space industry but is focusing on satellite technology. Its first satellite, the Gaindesat-1A nanosat, launched on a Falcon 9 rocket Aug. 16 from Vandenberg Space Force Base.

It was developed in partnership with University Space Centre of Montpellier (CSUM). The West African nation is also developing international partnerships and educational initiatives.

The China-led ILRS also added a number of subnational entities and firms to its list of partners at the Tiandu conference.

Institutions from the United Arab Emirates (Orbital Space), Serbia Astronomical Observatory Belgrade), Switzerland (Spacetalk SA), Indonesia (University of Bandar Lampung), Pakistan (National University of Sciences & Technology), Panama (Space Science Innovation Center of Panama) and South Africa (South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO)) signed memoranda of understanding on ILRS with the Deep Space Exploration Lab (DSEL) at the conference.

International institutions, the Belt and Road Alliance for Science and Technology, the Foundation for Space Development Africa, and Africa Business Alliance also inked agreements.

The new partners reflect an established trend of China attracting participants from the Global South, and engaging in subnational diplomacy. This somewhat mirroring the country’s wider diplomatic moves.

“So far, more than 10 countries (international organizations) and more than 40 international institutions have signed international cooperation documents with relevant Chinese parties,” DSEL said in a statement.

Furthermore, DSEL stated that “leaders of space agencies from six countries, including China, Laos, Turkey, Venezuela, Senegal, and Cuba, held an open roundtable forum on international cooperation for the International Lunar Research Station’s large-scale scientific project.”

Turkey has earlier been reported to have applied to join the ILRS. China has stated it aims to attract 50 countries to the ILRS project.

This likely includes subnational participation, rather than counting strictly national and space agency-level cooperation. It plans to establish an organization to coordinate the ILRS project.

China will launch precursor ILRS missions in the 2020s. These include Chang’e-7 around 2026 and Chang’e-8 around 2028.

The latter mission will include in-situ resource utilization technology tests. Both multi-spacecraft missions will target the lunar south pole.


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769135 No.21547749

File: b9377c6073b45bc⋯.jpg (114.28 KB,748x997,748:997,TRUMPrallyCROWD.jpg)

File: 402650ee6f9f69f⋯.webm (2.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,TRUMPrally.webm)

TRUMP rally flyover

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c52442 No.21547750


The B'nei Anusim, also known as the "Children of the Forced Ones," are descendants of Jews who were forced to submit to Rome during times of persecution, particularly during the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions. The number 144,000 is a reference to the Book of Revelation where 144,000 jews will rise alongside 144,000 from each of the other 11 Tribes of Hebrew people.

The rising of the B'nei Anusim refers to the growing number of people from these backgrounds who are discovering and reclaiming their Jewish heritage. This phenomenon has been observed in recent years, particularly in Spain, Portugal, and Latin America, where many people are seeking to learn more about their Jewish roots and connect with the Jewish community.

Some organizations and rabbis have been actively reaching out to the B'nei Anusim, offering resources and support for those who wish to learn more about Judaism and potentially convert to Judaism. This movement has been seen as a way to reconnect with the Jewish past and restore a sense of identity and community among these individuals.

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18e8d7 No.21547751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stray cat

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c52442 No.21547752


In America, the rising of the B'nei Anusim refers to the growing number of people of Hispanic and Latino descent who are discovering and reclaiming their Jewish heritage. Many of these individuals are descendants of Conversos or Crypto-Jews who were forced to convert to Christianity during the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions, but continued to practice Judaism in secret.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest among Hispanic and Latino Americans in exploring their Jewish roots and connecting with the Jewish community. Some organizations, such as the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies, have been established to provide resources and support for these individuals.

Additionally, some synagogues and Jewish communities in the United States have been actively reaching out to the B'nei Anusim, offering classes, workshops, and other resources to help them learn more about Judaism and potentially convert to Judaism.

Cities with significant Hispanic and Latino populations, such as New York, Miami, and Los Angeles, have seen a growing number of B'nei Anusim communities and organizations. However, the phenomenon is not limited to these areas, and there are likely B'nei Anusim communities and individuals throughout the United States who are exploring their Jewish heritage.

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c52442 No.21547754


In New Mexico, the rising of the B'nei Anusim is a particularly significant phenomenon, as the state has a rich cultural heritage influenced by its Spanish and Mexican past. Many New Mexicans have ancestral roots in the Converso community, and some have maintained Jewish traditions and practices despite centuries of assimilation.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest among New Mexicans in exploring their Jewish heritage, with some individuals and families discovering their Crypto-Jewish roots through genealogical research, cultural practices, and DNA testing.

The city of Santa Fe, with its historic Spanish and Jewish influences, has become a hub for B'nei Anusim activity, with organizations such as the Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies and the New Mexico Jewish Historical Society providing resources and support.

Additionally, some synagogues in New Mexico, such as Congregation Nahalat Shalom in Santa Fe, have been welcoming to B'nei Anusim individuals and families, offering classes, workshops, and other resources to help them learn more about Judaism and connect with the Jewish community.

Overall, New Mexico's unique cultural heritage and history make it a fascinating place for the rising of the B'nei Anusim, with many opportunities for exploration, discovery, and connection.

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ba8d2d No.21547755


Check for me :3

I dont get to leave my house much

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a54d08 No.21547757

Get Ready for a Trump Force One Fly Over!!

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6e55e0 No.21547759

File: 1e87a4cef35bb34⋯.jpg (111.79 KB,610x609,610:609,1e87a4cef35bb34007d7b91fdb….jpg)


if you are talking about the irs

all the information taken last month

locked out this week

all this information is needed to identify who belongs here and who gets deported

This looks like a much bigger opperation

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e0d4e8 No.21547760


It was a gay club

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749d26 No.21547761

File: 4d13c762c8bdf57⋯.png (79.83 KB,1204x384,301:96,Heading_to_Wisconsin_REALL….png)

File: f632455c965e33d⋯.png (1.04 MB,1210x1234,605:617,Back_by_popular_demand_my_….png)

Heading to Wisconsin, REALLY BIG CROWD. Will be landing soon.

Perhaps we'll do a Fly Over of the site - Get ready!



>Back by popular demand, my TRUMP DIGITAL TRADING CARDS, Series 4: The America First Collection, is available RIGHT NOW, and I think you’ll love it! For some, there’ll be an Invite to a Gala Dinner at my beautiful private Club in Jupiter, Florida. Don’t wait, have fun! Go to collecttrumpcards.com/. ENJOY!


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288d4f No.21547762

ground control over

air command awaiting land

PF hard announce

sign comm sig trace

turn it up tomcat barrel roll fish fry

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6a0f1e No.21547763


Kek. All this reads as is that infiltrators were given the all clear to drop the deception.

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d34b9b No.21547765

File: 6ac44a765ec9fab⋯.png (1.68 MB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_8kun_top_17257313….png)


Nice snek

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eb8f69 No.21547767

File: 0ef4f8a24999068⋯.png (694.72 KB,1137x614,1137:614,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f3a12 No.21547768


Amazing fly over!!

Dan any BTS photos?

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bb65bc No.21547769

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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302cfd No.21547770

File: b0c11934cce4f60⋯.png (156.52 KB,379x358,379:358,think.png)


> Donald Trump has suggested eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs on imports.

Wouldn't the States just bump up their income tax to take what was eliminated?

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eb8f69 No.21547771

DS actor pushing for war

Erdogan seeks Islamic alliance against Israel, says its ‘expansionism’ won’t stop in Gaza

Turkish leader claims Jewish state will next seek to occupy Lebanon, Syria, ‘our homeland between Tigris and Euphrates,’ says ‘Hamas is not only defending Gaza but Islamic lands’


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d8ab62 No.21547774


>Do you agree?

eliminating IRS - absolutely

tariffs on imports - absolutely NOT

i rely on imports for SAFE food, reliable cars, and reasonably priced construction materials

how about a 90% LUXURY TAX on items with a sticker price over $1 million?

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bb65bc No.21547775

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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273fb5 No.21547776

early notes


26397 >>21547519


>>21547659 WATCH LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Mosinee, WI - 9/7/24

>>21547733 @realDonaldTrump Heading to Wisconsin, Get Ready for a Trump Force One Fly Over!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21547570, >>21547572 Social Security Facing $63 Trillion In Unfunded Liabilities = CyberAttack Time

>>21547576, >>21547592 SPIRITUAL WARFARE

>>21547578, >>21547580, >>21547583, >>21547595 IRAN Hurting Efforts To Protect Trump, Harris, Biden?

>>21547634 Back by popular demand, TRUMP DIGITAL TRADING CARDS, Series 4: The America First Collection

>>21547656 RFK Jr & Calley Means on How Insurance Companies Profit From Chronic Disease

>>21547660, >>21547686, >>21547748 NASA space news

>>21547680 @RichardGrenell - @keithellison is on the short list to be Attorney General if Kamala should win.

>>21547689 @elonmusk - Grok unhinged fun mode. Moar Vulgar! Forbidden Words!

>>21547690 (ODNI) announced Friday that it has not “observed” any foreign interference in the 2024 election

>>21547692 WEF - "CovID Was a ‘Test’ of Our Obedience to Rapidly Forming New World Order"

>>21547700 RT - Argentina urges ICC to order arrest of Maduro

>>21547705 Texas Democrat Indicted For Staging Hate Crime Hoax and Framing Republican Opponent

>>21547731 DeSantis Operatives Have Taken Over a Key Trump-World PAC

>>21547745 Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement on Social Media Speech Restrictions

>>21547746 Trump has suggested eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs

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dd786a No.21547777


the inflation is such that soon common things might have that high a price.

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d8ab62 No.21547778


>its ‘expansionism’ won’t stop in Gaza

won't stop in khazaria, either

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0eab56 No.21547779

File: 46b9a6b288c6f8e⋯.png (2.01 MB,850x849,850:849,st.PNG)



Man In Motion (St Elmos Fire)

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5649b0 No.21547780

File: 510bc410981dc32⋯.png (703.46 KB,590x480,59:48,thebeginning.png)

Less than 10.

Beginning of The End.

Stick Around & Find Out.

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0eab56 No.21547781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bb65bc No.21547782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2f3a12 No.21547783

Eye of the Tiger!

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8d809d No.21547784

File: 0613d9bcd66dece⋯.png (458.63 KB,639x496,639:496,ClipboardImage.png)

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18e8d7 No.21547785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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0e72b6 No.21547786

File: 02ca0d0027d3689⋯.png (1.46 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Zealous Kepler 24: S4S’s inaugural staff exercise at Vandenberg SFB

Published Sept. 6, 2024

From Aug. 15-24, U.S. Space Forces – Space conducted its first Tier 2 exercise, Zealous Kepler 24, which was designed to prepare S4S for its wartime mission.

The staff exercise involved tailored participation from subordinate units to refine and validate S4S’s organizational concepts of operational employment.

The exercise aimed to improve coordination and efficiency in command and control between the S4S staff and its operations centers with the purpose of preparing the command for future integrated exercises.

It involved planning and executing orders, identifying communication gaps, and validating organizational design.

“ZK24 was not an exercise aimed at winning a war,” said Lt. Col. Dennis Krill Jr., S4S future operations, “but aimed at improving our processes to prepare for war.

It involved understanding the campaign and the tasks needed to set up a campaign. S4S needed to do this as a staff and as operations centers in order to provide our commander the options needed for success.”

ZK24 showcased S4S’s readiness and commitment to defending U.S. interests in space.

The exercise tested and refined tactics, techniques, and procedures in realistic scenarios, demonstrating the S4S’s staff functions and processes.

“ZK24 was an extraordinary effort by our team,” said Maj. Phillip Poundstone, S4S S35 plans and orders branch chief.

“The tireless work put into planning, coordination, and execution truly paid off.

We’re grateful for the participation of our subordinate units and the valuable lessons learned during this inaugural staff exercise at Vandenberg Space Force Base.

ZK24 showcased our readiness and commitment to defending U.S. interests in space, and we’re proud to contribute to the secure and stable space domain.”

The efforts and outcomes of ZK24 will play an integral part of S4S’s role in future exercises, including Tier 1 exercises hosted by combatant commands.

In future iterations, the command intends to incorporate allies and partners to better plan, execute, and integrate military space power into multi-domain global operations to protect against aggressors, defend national interests, and when necessary, defeat threats.


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08333c No.21547787

File: 9debd9d89770116⋯.png (704.35 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_07….png)

File: 04e0f6e3766d664⋯.png (188.65 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_07….png)

File: af8abdfa75f3ea2⋯.png (428.4 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_07….png)

File: 4d4c06b0ade1a42⋯.png (429.94 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_07….png)

File: 75c91e52809a22e⋯.png (1004.43 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_07….png)


>TRUMP rally flyover

Fly over

runway 17

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bb65bc No.21547788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5d8438 No.21547789

Biden is gone.

But anons already knew this.

59 days till election, we won't have to suffer a Kamala pResidency for long.

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c52442 No.21547790


The real Jews were shipped to the Americas on the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. To be eaten by cannibals.

But God saved them and gave them America.

A couple hundred years later the Mayflower landed and brought Pilgrims to America.

Latinos were here first.

Tribe of Judah.

Nazis hate that.

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eb8f69 No.21547791

Illegal Immigrant Charged With Voting In American Elections, Impersonating American Citizen

The Department of Justice (DOJ) charged an illegal immigrant from Guatemala for illegally voting in American elections and stealing the identity of an American citizen.

The Justice Department brought the charges against Angelica Maria Francisco, a 42-year old Guatemalan national illegally residing in Alabama, after it was found that she illegally voted in both the 2016 and 2020 primary and general elections despite not being an American citizen.

The DOJ stated in a press release that Francisco was charged with “false claims of citizenship in connection with voting, false statements in application for a United States passport, use of a United States passport obtained by false statements, and aggravated identity theft.” Francisco has agreed to plead guilty to all charges.

The plea agreement reveals that the Guatemalan national illegally assumed the identity of an American citizen in about 2011 before using that identity to illegally procure a passport and register to vote.

“She subsequently used the United States passport to travel to and from her native country of Guatemala in 2012, 2015, and 2018,” the DOJ explained. “Using the same false identity, Francisco also registered to vote in Alabama in 2016 and voted in the 2016 and 2020 primary and general elections.”

The charge from the DOJ comes as Republicans in the House and Senate are attempting to pass the SAVE Act, a piece of legislation that intends to further safeguard federal elections against illegal immigrant voting. Democrats like Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona, however, have claimed that the problem of illegal immigrant voting “doesn’t exist” and that the act is unnecessary.


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2b849c No.21547792

File: 0d7d715c4d3a3f3⋯.png (463.26 KB,503x638,503:638,ClipboardImage.png)

CJ Pearson


Day 1 of the Black Voters For Trump Tour was a massive success.

The next time the Left tells you MAGA is nothing more than a bunch of old white guys, show them this picture.

The next generation of Black America will DESTROY the Democrat Party.

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ca6bbe No.21547794

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b53a25 No.21547795

Canada #63 >>21547487

US Wants To Deploy New Missiles To Japan Banned By INF Treaty

Authored by Dave DeCamp via AntiWar.com Saturday, Sep 07, 2024

The US wants to deploy a previously banned missile system to Japan for military drills, Nikkei Asia has reported. The Typhon missile launcher is a ground-based system that can fire nuclear-capable Tomahawk missiles, which have a range of more than 1,000 miles.

Ground-based missiles with a range between 310 and 3,400 miles were banned by the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, which the US withdrew from in 2019. The Typhon also fires SM-6 missiles, which can hit targets up to 290 miles away.

The US deployed a Typhon system to the Philippines for military drills, a move that China viewed as a major provocation. The missile system was sent to the Philippines for several months. It was first deployed for the drills that started in April, and Manila said it would be pulled out in September, meaning it could still be there.

The Philippines said China expressed "very dramatic" alarm over the deployment of the Typhon system. Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Wu Qian said the deployment "put the entire region under the fire of the United States (and) brought huge risks of war into the region."

US Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said on Wednesday that she told Japanese officials the US wanted to deploy the Typhon to Japan next. "We’ve made our interest in this clear with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces," she said at a Defense News conference in Virginia.

Wormuth said the US would also look to keep it in Japan for several months. "Our goal…in the Army has been to really try to have as much combat-credible capability forward” in the Indo-Pacific west of the international dateline," she said, according to Nikkei.

Wormuth claimed the deployment "strengthens deterrence" in the region and said the missile system has "gotten the attention of China." She said there is "a lot of potential" for moving US troops and equipment around Japan’s southwestern islands, which are near Taiwan.

US officials say the US is building up its military presence near China in the name of deterrence, but the steps have only escalated tensions in the region, making a conflict more likely. Wormuth and other US officials are also openly planning for a direct confrontation with China despite the obvious risk of nuclear war.

Wormuth said last year that the US was preparing to fight and win a war with China. "I personally am not of the view that an amphibious invasion of Taiwan is imminent," she said. "But we obviously have to prepare, to be prepared to fight and win that war."


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dd786a No.21547796


why don't the turks go back to the own homeland? it wasn't in Turkey.

care ful what you ask for, Erdogan.

your people were slavers and have never made any repair for it.

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d8ab62 No.21547797


>all this information is needed to identify who belongs here and who gets deported


can we deport all the niggers who never worked a day in their lives and have been living on welfare and trashing their free housing for generations?

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5649b0 No.21547798


Regal Atmosphere.

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93da90 No.21547799

File: d20677e4c7ebd39⋯.jpg (363.67 KB,847x988,847:988,d20677e4c7ebd39ecb9110b360….jpg)

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File: 7067a85e7b0ef3e⋯.png (824.9 KB,817x815,817:815,7067a85e7b0ef3e2252732ed0d….png)

File: 4a2d51318fcc993⋯.jpg (16.02 KB,303x328,303:328,4a2d51318fcc993272cce2b37c….jpg)

tldr rundown: Everything I never had since birth but want for my future and future generations wish list.

What are your wishes, patriots?

Hi Q,

. I've been thinking about the Sovereign Wealth Fund. It got me thinking about the slush funds [they] use to enrich themselves, use against patriots and help all [their] worldwide friends. Can you hit upon this point at some time and speak about how every penny needs to be itemized so we know where the hard earned money goes? It does really make all of us sick thinking about how abused in this manner. Also, some other way for black ops to be accounted for or just held accountable internally so every penny is accounted for there too. $700 screwdriver is ok, but not if used as a hammer upon our heads.

. Other points I'd like to hit on such as who does the hiring. If a criminal gets a foot in the door, they hire more criminals. Seems to me "Foundations" gifting to other "Foundations" is money laundering. Reign in NGOs. Better tools to combat those like Soros who work to take down the U.S.A. and other countries. If private central banks are in all countries and the countries borrow fiat money from each other, that only enriches the private persons. The US private central bank uses government equipment to print their fiat paper that [they] then charge us to use.

. I'm not sure if I got everything above exactly right, just off the top of my head. But it hits on some of the important things to me and many others. I'm hoping everything wrong we all have witnessed since Donald and Melania rode the escalator will be addressed at some point post November 5th or before.

. I'd like to see for our future generations a big change in learning. I like the idea of the online courses for all things patriot. At the youngest ages possible, all kids need to learn about gun etiquette. The Constitution and Bill of Rights. Difference between love and sex. All kids are asked what they want to be when they grow up. Have a "tree" showing related jobs they never heard of. And required skills and abilities needed to obtain their goals. Have the "tree" expand with age and knowledge at each grade so they know what to focus on. Direction towards trade, business, arts, et.al. Deeply remind them that elected politics is a civic duty, NOT a career. Government needs to be run as a Fortune 100 company meant to prosper the people, and not the elected, bureaucrats, cronies, and criminals. Business management instead of community organizer. Being legit and prospering is better than ending up dead or in prison. Explain how any drug that makes a person inebriated can then be exploited by others and taken advantage of or even blackmailed. Rudyard Kipling's poem "If…" 1910. Martial Arts should replace wrestling in school and the discipline teachings behind it. Best to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener on a battlefield. Teach how a family is important. Teach meditation. Teach how to support one another. Teach manners. Bring your parents to school day so they too can relearn how to teach their own children. Teach how to parent. With Robert Kennedy fixing food and drugs, and others fixing bad propaganda, there should be less mental illness in the world and better understanding by parents to agree with big changes. Teach NO FEAR. Teach NO MALICE. Teach positive attributes. I could probably go on and on but, once the new generations of children learn, better parenting will evolve. Offer homesteading courses for innercity kids.

. Change how corps gobble up everything and go evil. Innternet 2.0 for privacy. Make life better worldwide so you don't have to go international organized crime. Last Flag Standing deals with the Post Office and such. At least consider Quantum Grammar for law and contracts. Seems legit.

. Start from scratch medicine, healing, and diet. Food pyramid needs reworked or at least flipped. Quantum Grammar should help with the arts and contracts as well. Entertainment…once the evil is removed encourage independent artistry and rent production companies. Something other than what it is now. Maybe all those who have been injured by it know how to fix it. Produce LESS FEAR.

Thank you very much,

. anon

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22f528 No.21547800

File: f24c85953741f57⋯.png (1.43 MB,1908x1058,954:529,65423532g523.PNG)

File: dd490e5e3e66ef6⋯.png (442.53 KB,1867x1031,1867:1031,5h42354g35g4235.PNG)

File: 5911d68a5910e90⋯.png (706.59 KB,1897x1073,1897:1073,5435432g534.PNG)


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08333c No.21547801

File: 968952626da5c82⋯.png (517.17 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_07….png)


>Fly over

>runway 17

top kek

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0cf4a9 No.21547802

File: dd47fffcd073754⋯.png (580.02 KB,742x678,371:339,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28a678f9d9960f8⋯.jpg (700.83 KB,1800x1256,225:157,THEY_RE_CAMPAIGNING_FOR_US.jpg)



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2f3a12 No.21547803


So many 17’s…

It’s completely obvious!

PDJT and team Trump let’s have some fun like yesterday!


Back to the Future

You blew my mind with Boats, Boats, Boats, Boats yesterday!

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cbc49a No.21547805

File: 5601e870479e698⋯.png (135.97 KB,400x384,25:24,5f14a00fefa57109a4f0b19fff….png)

KEK. When you realize Smoking Pepe is the gander that's shitting the golden turds for the shills to incorporate into their routines.

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0e72b6 No.21547806

File: 54ef115bbb7d8c6⋯.png (345.89 KB,790x527,790:527,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald Trump's Ex-National Security Adviser on UFO Reports: 'Inexplicable'

Sep 07, 2024 at 12:05 PM EDT

Former National Security Adviser Herbert Raymond McMaster, who served under Donald Trump, has weighed in on unidentified flying objects, calling some phenomena "inexplicable."

McMaster made the remarks on Friday during an episode of Real Time With Bill Maher, after the host asked about the existence of extraterrestrial life on Earth.

"Years ago, when there were UFO sightings, it was some farmer in the middle of nowhere. Now it's Navy personnel," Bill Maher said.

Maher added that if aliens existed, the president would have to be informed when entering office. "Trump was president. He would have blabbed it by now," he said, before asking McMaster, "What do you think?"

"There are things that cannot be explained. I don't know what the explanation is for those unexplainable things, but I will say that there are phenomena that have been witnessed by multiple people that are just inexplicable by any kind of science available to us," McMaster said.


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288d4f No.21547807

Silver Corvette in the sky

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2b849c No.21547808

File: df9d89eee6b2354⋯.png (556.32 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb8f69 No.21547809

Renowned Medical Professor Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer

A celebrated medical professor has confirmed that the “wonder drug” ivermectin has successfully been used to treat and cure terminally ill cancer patients.

The bombshell announcement was made by Dr. Paul Marik, an American physician and revered professor of medicine.

Speaking about the breakthrough during a new interview, Marik revealed that doctors have been stunned after seeing that cancer had “disappeared” in patients who received ivermectin.

Marik, a former critical care doctor at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital who also served as chair of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia, revealed that severely ill cancer patients made a complete recovery after they were given ivermectin.

Second to penicillin, Ivermectin is often recognized for having the greatest impact on human health.


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4c436f No.21547810

File: aa3b5b991ef819f⋯.jpg (68.56 KB,882x369,98:41,Morgan.jpg)

Israeli soldiers fatally shot an American woman at a West Bank protest, a witness says


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0fc7a7 No.21547811

File: 83ac6dd408d7fa4⋯.gif (794.43 KB,340x354,170:177,83ac6dd408d7fa4fe2250232a4….gif)

rsbn talking head just called it air force one

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12887f No.21547812


cuz heez Russian to teh dinnah table

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ba8d2d No.21547813

>The proof of the collision..


>ps….whats plan b?

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ca6bbe No.21547814


because it is

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6e55e0 No.21547815

File: 892cff5f6bd183b⋯.jpeg (14.04 KB,255x255,1:1,82c5a1f3213b2a253388b1a9d….jpeg)


WOW this is a really big turnaround from Russia taking over Europe. The narrative is falling apart And Putin is just sitting back and watching

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46a747 No.21547816


You have a double negative to there anon:

>At this pointnoneof the US health agencieswill neveradmit vaccines kill, and neither will Congress.

Perhaps, "none ….will ever"?

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5d8438 No.21547818

File: 53b26cc5ccbd735⋯.png (29.38 KB,704x192,11:3,Capture.PNG)

Heading to Wisconsin, REALLY BIG CROWD. Will be landing soon. Perhaps we’ll do a Fly Over of the site - Get ready!


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b71de7 No.21547819

File: d937a10f5750f65⋯.png (68.26 KB,255x150,17:10,ClipboardImage.png)


Ding Dong



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288d4f No.21547820

that's the signal boys




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302cfd No.21547821

File: ef19c7154cdc7fd⋯.png (162.51 KB,375x372,125:124,really.png)

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b6c132 No.21547822

Hannity and his rino act is so old.

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0e72b6 No.21547823

File: 239ddfab9d78951⋯.png (435.96 KB,970x358,485:179,ClipboardImage.png)

Watch eerie 1st teaser for Hulu's 'Alien: Earth' TV series

September 5, 2024

"Alien: Romulus" still has us all shuddering in our shoes, with its infested space station locale and nightmarish nostalgic callbacks to Ridley Scott's original 1979 film.

But that's not the only xenomorph on the block, as "Fargo" and "Legion" creator Noah Hawley is primed to bring the iconic extraterrestrials to our own Big Blue Marble in "Alien: Earth," a new ongoing series produced by FX that will be available exclusively on Hulu.

A new 15-second teaser that was shown before a limited number of theatrical screenings of "Alien: Romulus" was just released to the masses alongside a series plot synopsis for fans to ingest before the show’s 2025 arrival.

"When a mysterious space vessel crash-lands on Earth, a young woman (Sydney Chandler) and a ragtag group of tactical soldiers make a fateful discovery that puts them face-to-face with the planet's greatest threat."

It's only a tantalizing taste of things to come, but this bite-sized peek into "Alien: Earth" reveals a menacing xenomorph with our planet reflected in the curvature of its smooth domed head. As we creep closer, the beast opens its toothy jaws and unleashes a primal, blood-curdling scream.



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08333c No.21547824

File: 9546c2adeb62fbf⋯.png (355.63 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_07….png)

File: c4de3f1c9a117e8⋯.png (237.34 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_07….png)

File: c61e3f051b096d7⋯.png (237.44 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_07….png)

File: bdad3ddab9a965d⋯.png (153.8 KB,643x494,643:494,Screenshot_from_2024_09_07….png)


>>TRUMP rally flyover

>Fly over

>runway 17


>So many 17’s…

>It’s completely obvious!

>PDJT and team Trump let’s have some fun like yesterday!


>Back to the Future

>You blew my mind with Boats, Boats, Boats, Boats yesterday!

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640d56 No.21547825

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

-This is not England: Enough is enough

saucy… https://old.bitchute.com/video/wdUHiZUx5uNx/

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5d8438 No.21547826

File: 0efedab894184bb⋯.png (529.44 KB,473x583,43:53,Capture.PNG)



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0cf4a9 No.21547827

File: b49de74e954d1e9⋯.png (166.65 KB,723x581,723:581,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a735ef130657d7⋯.mp4 (316.64 KB,480x270,16:9,THE_BOSS_IS_HERE.mp4)




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6e55e0 No.21547828

File: e2bdccc7ea84570⋯.png (14.67 KB,255x255,1:1,d9098b2d9cbad13e14f0c164a0….png)


I would call id deadbeat deportation day a national holiday

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182ddf No.21547829

File: 1126f7bc3348c10⋯.png (1.15 MB,1335x862,1335:862,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba8d2d No.21547830

File: 05427105fec5686⋯.jpg (79.78 KB,1024x749,1024:749,1721183978499779.jpg)

Obviously everything has meaning.

#B The Light

Thank you Baker

I'm just being honest.

I wanna be the best I can be

I want the truth, the whole, truth, and nothing but the truth so help me God.

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b6c132 No.21547831

File: 134acdbb349a72d⋯.webp (37.89 KB,454x680,227:340,media_GW35BSdXIAAwoNW.webp)

He seems serious

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5d8438 No.21547832

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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ca6bbe No.21547833

File: 3102114ded4e909⋯.png (584.64 KB,1760x784,110:49,flying_duck.png)


that's undoubtedly a flying duck!

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eda8ad No.21547834

File: 0a6222d8988112f⋯.png (1.67 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 617216874e9962e⋯.png (1.51 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b3fcb80ac52a95⋯.png (1.87 MB,1707x955,1707:955,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e55e0 No.21547835

File: 55c936a4e5ad0a4⋯.jpg (15.24 KB,217x165,217:165,r.jpg)

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2f3a12 No.21547836

File: e26400924dd4ec3⋯.jpeg (36.76 KB,204x255,4:5,IMG_3062.jpeg)

File: 6cade958f85eead⋯.webp (166.7 KB,2000x1126,1000:563,IMG_2464.webp)



17, 17, 17, 17, 17…..

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eb8f69 No.21547837

File: 9838a0c758e199e⋯.png (237.88 KB,335x694,335:694,ClipboardImage.png)

Digital ID will be required from November 2024 for anyone travelling to EU countries

Starting November 2024, the European Union will implement the Entry/Exit System (EES), which will require non-EU travelers to scan their passports and provide biometric data (fingerprints and facial images) when entering and exiting the Schengen Area. This system aims to enhance security and streamline border crossings.

travel-europe.europa .eu/index_en


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b53a25 No.21547838


Have a similiar stroy posted in the Canada bread from ZH

Same name given but ZH claims info came from Jerusalem Post so I discounted the thing

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5d8438 No.21547839

File: 9c5882f56af31e8⋯.png (374.97 KB,874x1878,437:939,152.png)


Gemat = 152

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d2ef1a No.21547840


>why don't the turks go back to the own homeland? it wasn't in Turkey.

>your people were slavers and have never made any repair for it.

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ba8d2d No.21547841


>Happy wife = happy life

This can be construed in so many ways.


>What is most important to you anon?

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5649b0 No.21547842

File: e5b0694738b7756⋯.png (585.61 KB,544x408,4:3,EC.png)

File: 72fa697a97c5acf⋯.png (386.93 KB,317x1243,317:1243,411_DS_09_07_24.png)

File: 2e859e020aeb0e3⋯.png (9.67 KB,444x238,222:119,411.png)

File: e14da60e51af0dd⋯.png (10.85 KB,444x238,222:119,1246_Q.png)


He mentioned bringing a "Renaissance" back, at the Economic Club.


Music during entrance, by "Sir" Elton John?

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cbc49a No.21547843

File: e9c18b44f4bf64d⋯.gif (1.57 MB,320x180,16:9,abstract_parallels.gif)

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a31de7 No.21547844


That is a speed bird

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5d8438 No.21547845


I guess no one will be traveling to EU countries.

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0eab56 No.21547846

File: 2b3681da74cf03a⋯.png (1.5 MB,998x708,499:354,dots.PNG)

File: 732845e25b98442⋯.png (343.29 KB,559x690,559:690,all.PNG)



Elon connects the dots in Dems’ election fraud plot, and he’s 100% spot-on…

September 5, 2024 (2 days ago)

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b6c132 No.21547847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Mosinee, WI - 9/7/24

39,890 watching now…more

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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9cfa38 No.21547848

File: 20234cc70508e5e⋯.png (53.2 KB,162x160,81:80,ClipboardImage.png)


So McMaster was placed in Trump's cabinet as National Security Advisor…and when he failed to control PDJT….McMaster's father was 187.

I feel it's likely that McMaster is controlled by the good guys now…

So…is this statement by McMaster telling us UFOs are fake?


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9a6269 No.21547849

File: 2e09cc4716d0fcd⋯.jpg (33.07 KB,278x322,139:161,cartoonpolice.jpg)

>>21545681 pb

>>21545693 pb

>>21545189 pb

Only at the school for two days?

Then blame "his" action on Bullying.

What school did he attend before

(I recall a similar background for crisis actor / school shooting Parkland. He's already graduated from Aviation High School in Redondo Beach CA and then transferred, as a supposed senior, to Parkland in Florida for the last few months of the Senior term. Dude is older than what they said)

How does this tie into censorship?

it's the hate speech which pushes them over the edge. It's the teasing

That's why free speech is dangerous. It triggers school shootings.

So they get a twofer.

Take away the speech and take away the guns.

Mystery solved as to why all the crisis actor / patsy lately have been trans.Including the patsy for j13.

"the haters are to blame" i.e. their fictitious "Ultra Right wing Nationalists" who supposedly tease the ones who are different.

It 's a variation on "mean tweets"

Why do they hate Nationalists and have been demeaning that stance for over one hundred years (withing the elites of Europe)?

It's easy to figure out.

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d8ab62 No.21547850



datsa fargina no table, you corksuckina bastages

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dffa7d No.21547851

File: 132ecbb2322d415⋯.png (667.26 KB,556x500,139:125,ClipboardImage.png)



you whiney mutt.


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d2ef1a No.21547852


>Real Time With Bill Maher

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288d4f No.21547853



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9a6269 No.21547855

File: cc7d8551459cf4a⋯.png (183.67 KB,384x576,2:3,hogg.png)

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cbc49a No.21547856

File: 510a5cb526059ac⋯.jpg (64.16 KB,409x409,1:1,little_losers_from_langley.jpg)

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eb8f69 No.21547857

Berkshire Hathaway sells 18.7 million Bank of America shares from September 3 to 5.

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway has reduced its stake in Bank of America. Over a three-day period from September 3 to September 5, 2024, Berkshire Hathaway sold approximately 18.7 million shares of Bank of America. This reduction is part of a broader trend where Berkshire has been trimming its holdings in the bank over recent months.





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302cfd No.21547858

File: 1cee706574a1c30⋯.png (479.77 KB,1082x508,541:254,rally_day.png)


>THE BOSS IS HERE!!!😎🇺🇸🥳🥳🥳

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749d26 No.21547859

RSBN BLOCKED and CUT-OUT Trump's song "Eye of the Tiger." Interesting… Is Trump showing us they are not fren?

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c52442 No.21547860

File: c14ecc89a96572c⋯.jpg (21.56 KB,323x156,323:156,lion_47_76.jpg)

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d8ab62 No.21547861


>>Happy wife = happy life

>This can be construed in so many ways.


it means pick your battles

let the wife have her way on 90% of the unimportant little shit

that keep her happy

then when an important life decision comes up

you can put your foot down and make the right choice, cause it's "your turn"

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5649b0 No.21547862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Playing Now - Oliver Anthony - "Rich Men North Of Richmond"

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e64676 No.21547863

File: 6bab0075eadfc74⋯.png (1.92 MB,1542x988,771:494,Screen_Shot_2024_09_06_at_….png)

The Decades of Evidence SSRI Antidepressants + Mass Shootings


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6ab495 No.21547864


they can only play so many seconds of it until they are required to pay royalties.

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ba8d2d No.21547865

File: bd0a94740fb6392⋯.jpg (334.69 KB,1079x1073,1079:1073,1721019587252074.jpg)


And I just wanna tell you that you are my frens


This ride is the ride and it never ends

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743758 No.21547867


Even Chuck Kushner said Trump was beyond their control

Better blow that shofar chuck

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0e72b6 No.21547868

File: 7bcc098aeb144ef⋯.png (456.2 KB,645x831,215:277,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac7af3895e5eace⋯.png (287.08 KB,634x361,634:361,ClipboardImage.png)



Police across US given new UFO handbook as they warn craft 'pose significant safety risks'

Updated: 08:39 EDT, 7 September 2024

Police chiefs of America's largest cities have published the first guide about UAPs, which details chilling encounters and how officers can report such incidents.

The 11-page document warned that unidentified flying objects 'pose significant safety risks to law enforcement air support units,' urging teams to be vigilant when in helicopters.

The report also highlights stories from officers who claimed to confront UFOs, specifically one in 2023 where a law employee saw a 'triangle craft with green lights gliding through the sky' before a local resident said something 'ran' nearby.

The police executives created the reference because 'it's in the interest of law enforcement to be aware of trends and reporting on UAP due to the unknown threat they may pose.'

The organization, called the Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA), includes nearly 80 executives from major US cities who work together to advance public safety through a range of initiatives, including community outreach, research and policy development and now, UFO investigations.

The guide, released in June, also includes details from America's investigations into UFO encounters, as well as the testimony of 'whistleblowers' such as former United States Air Force officer and intelligence official David Grusch.

One article shared the US Congress UAP hearing held in 2023, which saw Grusch testify about his knowledge about aircraft with 'nonhuman' origins.

The report provided other articles about the US government and its potential link to alien life.

A section includes links to various UAP reporting websites, urging officers to report any bizarre sightings.

More interesting, the pages detail first-person stories from police officers who encountered unknown spacecraft while out in the field.

An officer patrolling Blairsville, Georgia in November 2023 claimed to have witnessed green lights in the sky.

'I am a police officer and deputy sheriff. While on duty after dark, near the top of my windshield (frame of view) I witnessed movement in the sky (southbound direction of view),' the officer's report stated.

'Upon concentrating my focus, viewing through the low light, I was able to make out a triangle craft, with 3 dim green lights per side (just bright enough to assess size, shape, and movement).'

The officer said he lost sight of the craft quickly due to trees, and was unable to hear anything due to being inside his vehicle.

'I am privy to what helicopters and airplanes look like in the sky, frequently working alongside medical flight crews in the area, and where nearby airports are, making me somewhat familiar with common areas of the sky in which low air travel is common. This was unlike anything I had ever witnessed,' he said.

Within an hour of the sighting, the officer responded to a call from a homeowner in the same direction the object was traveling, reporting 'something running outside of his home… which did not sound like an animal.'

Another encounter happened in Harper Woods, Michigan in 2020, which included two officers who witnessed three mysterious objects in the sky - before they 'blinked out' of existence.

The officer wrote: 'At approximately 6:00am, myself and a fellow officer were standing in a parking lot of a church talking before the end of our shift.

'I was looking towards the southwest at the moon when I glanced towards the southeast. I saw 3 objects in the southeast sky and pointed towards them.

'The objects appeared to drift towards the east, maintaining the equal distance. As we watched the objects, they appeared to 'blink out' of our vision.'

Other reports in the guide recount civilian sightings of police helicopters allegedly pursuing UFOs.


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af8076 No.21547869

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0e72b6 No.21547870


In one encounter in Austin, Texas, a civilian wrote: 'When I walked out front door, saw Triangle Craft - with white lights illuminated on each corner - being closely followed by police helicopter - traveling south - near 620 freeway.

'Thought I was seeing things - but checked again - and was not. Hoping that others may corroborate.'

Another incident occurred in Winnipeg, Canada, where a civilian reported seeing a police helicopter being chased by unknown craft.

'While sitting in my hot tub in my back yard, I heard the familiar sound of the police chopper passing over the city. after it passed over our house, it made a few circles to the south of our location and after a few course adjustments, headed north at a higher rate of speed,' reads the statement.

'About 10 seconds later, 2 lights with the same relative brightness of the background stars traveled parallel and at a constant rate of speed.'

Nigel Watson, author of 'Captured by Aliens? A History and Analysis of American Abduction Claims' told DailyMail.com that the guide is 'very handy' for law enforcement officers.

'The short history of the study of UAPs and the links to organizations where sightings can be reported is very helpful,' he said.

'For me the references to the ex-government 'whistleblowers' David Grusch and Luis Elizondo is superfluous as they have only repeated rumors that have circulated for years without any substantial evidence.

'Although it notes numerous official studies, it does not mention the fact that the US Project Bluebook closed due to their finding such research is of no scientific value. Other projects have also found it very difficult to uncover any real evidence of non-terrestrial craft.

'The guide also lacks any references to skeptical websites and blogs that would give a more balanced view of the subject and counteract the wilder stories, like the alleged Roswell crash of 1947.

'Certainly there is now a case to be made that terrestrial UAPs do pose a threat to air safety and national security, but as with this guide, it gets mixed with the science fiction rumors of remarkable non-terrestrial vehicles that have little credibility.'


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0eab56 No.21547872

File: 1470199b1c0a834⋯.png (462.59 KB,791x584,791:584,o.PNG)


EXCLUSIVE: Capitol Police Chief SPEAKS OUT about J6 and Nancy Pelosi | BlazeTV (https://youtu.be/-zBWDqYi-zc?si=sKedPfD0FU4OqyXD)

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67cf3c No.21547873

File: ed34612a06845d5⋯.png (84.18 KB,700x1402,350:701,a7oD95z_700bwp.png)

The blacks are figuring out who the baddies are

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c52442 No.21547874


All UFOs are man-made.

Easy to figure that out.

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cbc49a No.21547875

File: fe6e1c07c46d850⋯.jpeg (153.3 KB,1199x1321,1199:1321,HM2sqIHhhvUB.jpeg)

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dd786a No.21547876


Polly, want a cracker?

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b6c132 No.21547877

File: 8464180c28069b5⋯.jpeg (71.78 KB,500x550,10:11,60.jpeg)

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a54d08 No.21547878

File: 96358f30d54b920⋯.jpg (8.15 KB,243x195,81:65,d83cb8fc531719a31f57487fc7….jpg)


One out of MILLION!


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6e55e0 No.21547879


this is the 3rd go at it I lost track of how much. Has to be well into the Billions

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5649b0 No.21547880

File: aa454477e5d5f39⋯.png (286.72 KB,360x605,72:121,scota.png)


Playing Now - ELVIS (The King) "Suspicious Minds"

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749d26 No.21547881

>they can only play so many seconds of it until they are required to pay royalties.


Exactly. It wasn't worth the money to RSBN for the American People to have had moment… not fren.

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9a6269 No.21547882

File: b4bcac5cca3c31b⋯.png (239.37 KB,1000x596,250:149,area51.png)


He's still a shill.

cause ufo's are real.

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08333c No.21547884



>Playing Now - ELVIS (The King) "Suspicious Minds"

Caught in a trap

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93da90 No.21547885

File: df5911f49daf908⋯.mp4 (2.48 MB,480x852,40:71,df5911f49daf90863e1952384c….mp4)


>He mentioned bringing a "Renaissance" back, at the Economic Club.

Yeah, I keep hearing him talk more about "The Best is yet to Come" stuffs which was inspirational in my letter.

So enthusiastic.

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5ddb36 No.21547886

File: 423cc374766603f⋯.jpg (179.87 KB,1078x1420,539:710,Balloon1.jpg)

File: c52f94ff18a8115⋯.jpg (104.15 KB,910x1554,65:111,Balloon.jpg)

DENVER (KDVR) — An odd-looking balloon is floating across the Denver metro area on Friday morning. While it may look mysterious, the odd shaped white-clear orb in the sky isn’t a mystery – it’s a piece of technology similar to a weather balloon.

On Friday morning, FOX31 viewers reported a strange balloon in Johnstown. Around 7:20 a.m., SkyFOX tracked it down in Longmont. Here’s a close-up of the balloon, taken from a FOX31 viewer’s telescope:

According to World View Enterprises, a space exploration and technology company, the balloon is one of their Stratollite balloons, which is similar to a weather balloon. However, Phil Wocken with World View said weather balloons pop at high altitudes.

“This is a more sophisticated system that allows us to fly and navigate in the stratosphere for days, weeks and months at a time,” said Wocken.

Wocken said the balloon was launched across northern Arizona last Saturday and it’s “carrying a payload for NASA.” It’s currently flying at 73,000 feet, which is over 30,000 feet above the commercial airspace.

In a post on X, the National Weather Service said the balloon does not belong to them and called it a “research flight.”

According to Wocken, the balloon is studying solar radiation in the stratosphere. However, the company said the technology can measure plenty of different variables such as tracking wildfires, storm systems and greenhouse gases.

Based on the trajectory, Wocken said the balloon will hang around the Denver metro for much of Friday morning before the winds will take the balloon southwest.


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9a6269 No.21547887

File: dc11e39cf22c99c⋯.png (5.09 KB,212x255,212:255,7e9914a420a6d9e357e51ab059….png)

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ca6bbe No.21547888

he should play michael jackson also

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6ab495 No.21547890





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5649b0 No.21547891


Did she just say "Can't Hold Back".

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ca6bbe No.21547892

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9c2a86 No.21547893


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ba8d2d No.21547894

File: 733f6043a021135⋯.gif (106.42 KB,1160x808,145:101,1721391330589774.gif)




One in 7.6 billion.


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6ab495 No.21547895


get a life

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e6a7d2 No.21547896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Perfect Triumph.

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e64676 No.21547897





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ca6bbe No.21547898

great BALLS of fire

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a84c99 No.21547899

File: a6adeb0de4105cf⋯.jpg (114.13 KB,941x857,941:857,obey.JPG)

The end game is that you are integrated with AI so that you can be easily controlled.

This is a control matrix we are currently in.

The purpose of the Jab, is to make you numb and free willing give consent to their personal incursions.

The jab now,

AI integration tomorrow.

Free willingly.

Once you do that, they will have ful control.

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283ad4 No.21547900

File: c906e0752a9b1be⋯.png (48.39 KB,675x465,45:31,ClipboardImage.png)

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49e421 No.21547901

File: f91a909cd7a74bf⋯.jpeg (358 KB,2048x1306,1024:653,GW3l80WXgAA0qiU.jpeg)

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9c2a86 No.21547902

File: 87f4bbd5351790d⋯.jpg (89.08 KB,1000x750,4:3,Too_Short_3985313505.jpg)

File: 68c9fa117fd21a5⋯.jpg (21.45 KB,255x254,255:254,68c9fa117fd21a59ae219da4a1….jpg)

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5649b0 No.21547903


"Great Balls of FIRE" - JLL - Playing Now

Lots of "explosive" language used today as well.

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0eab56 No.21547904

File: 6f4a5d8627a4d44⋯.png (265.14 KB,673x365,673:365,cut.PNG)

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0cf4a9 No.21547905

File: e72793b1e1aa263⋯.jpg (529.91 KB,1024x1280,4:5,e72793b1e1aa263339dcf21675….jpg)

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a54d08 No.21547906

File: 92d2fe16d98b65f⋯.jpeg (125.36 KB,1033x994,1033:994,8e08134ac53eed32.jpeg)


Hear it!

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b6c132 No.21547907

File: 3fc631e8f5dc3d7⋯.mp4 (142.58 KB,640x352,20:11,not_my_thing.mp4)


Hannity asking (on behalf of his masters) what will it take to get Trump to quit.

Trump getting disgusted with the obvious BS, answers him

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998023 No.21547908

File: f38fd24d63aee62⋯.png (992.26 KB,1121x1040,1121:1040,Biden_14_Jil_Baby_Kek.png)




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9cfa38 No.21547909

File: 56f13202ac12f37⋯.png (238.52 KB,960x960,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Strange that these two were established in the same year…



The Federal Reserve System was created on December 23, 1913

16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Federal Income Tax (1913)

ratified February 3, 1913, the 16th amendment

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0eab56 No.21547910

File: 490d1dc69eba5ab⋯.png (153.95 KB,441x460,441:460,t.PNG)


NEW - Turkey's Erdogan calls for Islamic alliance against Israel.



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288d4f No.21547911

amateur tip - turn off internet and cell coverage and just video

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6e55e0 No.21547912


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2b9338 No.21547913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Mosinee, WI - 9/7/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network

45th President of the United States, President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Mosinee, Wisconsin on Saturday, September 7, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. EDT.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 8:00 a.m. ET.


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2f3a12 No.21547914

File: 69aedf59faa50e7⋯.png (373.59 KB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2912.png)

File: c652f789107557b⋯.png (1.41 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2911.png)

File: ea0ebadb200be97⋯.png (3.89 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_3297.png)


UFOs are fake!


PDJT Was Confirmed When he was 13 years old at First Pres. Church Elmhurst, NY

Believes in Our Creator and Biblical Earth

Library of Congress is an amazing resource!



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6e55e0 No.21547915


saving is ra el for last

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5649b0 No.21547916

File: 4a653ccc2a1dd1a⋯.png (14.04 KB,444x218,222:109,61_.png)


(vid) "61%"

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cbc49a No.21547917

File: 8686e80ff340dba⋯.png (477.16 KB,502x353,502:353,8686e80ff340dba27adaeff3fa….png)

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0eab56 No.21547918

File: fd7db9edaecf953⋯.png (532.9 KB,413x675,413:675,pub.PNG)


🇧🇷🤡🇧🇷📹 — Exclusive video shows the current state of the parade organized by the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in Brasília, with empty spaces and no public present.

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a54d08 No.21547919

File: 7bb1d3ea4420dc1⋯.png (78.15 KB,1816x337,1816:337,ClipboardImage.png)

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0cf4a9 No.21547920



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b6c132 No.21547921

And the guy they shot at

about to go back up on stage.


God bless and keep Trump safe from all plots against him

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e8db89 No.21547922

File: 4840f7564165015⋯.png (138.11 KB,299x297,299:297,KekiswithUs.png)


Thankee Fren. Keep on keepin' on.

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6e55e0 No.21547923

File: c1f4b61c23a220b⋯.png (15.1 KB,255x255,1:1,c1f4b61c23a220bfca7c1cf673….png)

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777a04 No.21547924

File: 125e3c303645f51⋯.png (88.98 KB,431x408,431:408,125e3c303645f511401e0d3925….png)

Good Afternoon frens

God bless you all

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16913c No.21547925

Dear JESUS, I pray to you to protect President Trump, his family and people.

Please save our nation. Please save the world from the evil in control.

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5649b0 No.21547926

File: acbb6326c76924b⋯.png (7.09 KB,444x170,222:85,220_announced.png)


2:20 pm EDT - Arrival Announced

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a54d08 No.21547927

POTUS up on Stage now!!

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6ab495 No.21547928

No tie. Lookin good.

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08333c No.21547929

File: 9a393395df93d87⋯.png (1.09 MB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_09_07….png)

File: 4d94e2ae7763132⋯.png (175.63 KB,636x467,636:467,Screenshot_from_2024_09_07….png)

muh diversity

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9a6269 No.21547930

File: d855fc5e2f9a21f⋯.pdf (267 KB,Eisenhower_Briefing_Docume….pdf)



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e6a7d2 No.21547931

File: fa11c2bbdbaf0b6⋯.jpg (353.26 KB,1246x1600,623:800,1000000105.jpg)

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743758 No.21547932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fca160 No.21547933

File: d45966c6f1078d1⋯.png (1.51 MB,1020x762,170:127,6jh3252h353523.PNG)

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d8ab62 No.21547934


>The Decades of Evidence SSRI Antidepressants + Mass Shootings

what about the shrinks who they were seeing?

how many degrees of separation from the CIA

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777a04 No.21547935

File: 125e3c303645f51⋯.png (88.98 KB,431x408,431:408,125e3c303645f511401e0d3925….png)

Guud afternoon frens

God bless you

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0eab56 No.21547936

File: 5123badf105d363⋯.png (693.38 KB,794x448,397:224,jk.PNG)


A new law in Scotland threatens you with seven years in JAIL if you misgender someone.

GLAD JK Rowling calls this a threat to free speech.

Here is how she protested:


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ba8d2d No.21547937

Winning BIGLY

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49e421 No.21547938



dat' red wine, wonder what kind

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777a04 No.21547939

File: bbbe0053995ade0⋯.png (212.78 KB,489x470,489:470,bbbe0053995ade0080b4017744….png)

Didn't mean to double up, board acting screwy yo

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499700 No.21547940

File: 429d5c5f416c3ba⋯.png (2.37 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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84db6b No.21547941


59 days from now…

whew. it's a comin' ain't it.

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a54d08 No.21547942

File: 69cfaf642e7f2b7⋯.jpg (22.64 KB,474x461,474:461,69cfaf642e7f2b78bee3cc30a9….jpg)

Thank you God for protecting him for us!!

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cbc49a No.21547943

File: 49fa16fa8063a24⋯.gif (3.41 MB,360x271,360:271,49fa16fa8063a24546ed7172cd….gif)


Failfag mimic. Imposter. Fraud. Simple Legion. Angry Inch. It's okay, Tranimae, but just posting the meme doesn't make you Smoking Pepe, just like a tranny will never be a woman by wearing a dress and putting on makeup and acting like a teenage girl. You copy down to the filename, copying everything other than the meme, bringing fraud and deception here. That's a filter for you. I have no time to indulge the attention you crave today.

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08333c No.21547944

File: 624387e66045d38⋯.png (21.05 KB,457x237,457:237,Screenshot_2024_09_07_at_1….png)


>No tie. Lookin good.

un leashed

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e6a7d2 No.21547945


Massive Victory

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3f12a8 No.21547946

File: 9d84620a94ebc0e⋯.png (73.48 KB,296x286,148:143,9d84620a94ebc0e9969096d250….png)


That's an iced tea glass.

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e64676 No.21547947


Unfortunately, so many have lost sight on who to pray to or even how to pray.

It has become a byword, quip, or a nifty thing to say to feign concern.

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6ab495 No.21547948


Hey SP, can you tone it down while POTUS is speaking please?

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777a04 No.21547949

File: ded848c1f888139⋯.jpg (131.34 KB,1024x1024,1:1,yPRpWYIS8T65VG9cjTK3_RgtOO….jpg)

God bless the anime baker.

Best baker ever to have lived at Q Research.

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6479b4 No.21547950

File: f342be2ec21030f⋯.png (200.19 KB,500x516,125:129,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4171b No.21547951

File: bf2baa36104a1b9⋯.jpg (488.25 KB,1080x1342,540:671,BorderSnake.jpg)

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0cf4a9 No.21547952

File: 2ba339f6b1bc1fc⋯.png (897.95 KB,1080x1080,1:1,2ba339f6b1bc1fc14aa502d0d7….png)

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ba8d2d No.21547953

File: 08392f3afc1ba0c⋯.png (34.36 KB,720x87,240:29,Screenshot_20240907_142357….png)


I am very interested in seeing those photographs.

Thank you so much for your time.

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0eab56 No.21547954

File: 056ea686fdc3aad⋯.png (741.5 KB,605x812,605:812,ri.PNG)



Melissa Hallman


Oliver Anthony, breakout artist who sings “Rich Men North of Richmond,” discusses celebrities having a “God complex”.

“Maybe demonic is the word… the security guards are the ones who tell us all of the stories…”

6:50 AM · Sep 7, 2024


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e9b313 No.21547955


Plus Trump's brother died of alcoholism, he wouldn't touch the stuff. I get it, my dad was the same way, due to his father.

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5649b0 No.21547956

File: 1f30d431e76f526⋯.png (1.31 MB,1343x1333,1343:1333,222.png)


2:22 pm EDT - Q+ Opens Speech




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b59926 No.21547957

President Trump: Over the past four years, our country has seen the sickness and corruption of the Washington Swamp, exposed like never before…under the Harris/Biden regime, your government imported murderers, child predators, and serial rapists, from all over the planet, while weaponizing law enforcement to jail political opponents here at home.

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be1549 No.21547958

File: 4b9f09e7dde9f21⋯.jpg (227.33 KB,1200x608,75:38,BidenHarrisTet.JPG)

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dffa7d No.21547959

File: 4f097855156f977⋯.png (1.27 MB,1197x742,171:106,ClipboardImage.png)


that screen is blocking out djt face.

looks like plexiglass and a bit warped.

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cbc49a No.21547960

File: fb07803681b9451⋯.gif (1.29 MB,320x180,16:9,filtered9.gif)


>Hey SP, can you tone it down while POTUS is speaking please?


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a54d08 No.21547961


FLOTUS enjoying a glass of wine while adoring her hubby!

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3d9127 No.21547962


Confusion is of the devil, diligently seek God and you will find Him.

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b1ada5 No.21547963

File: 3110558264df1be⋯.jpg (603.87 KB,1331x1331,1:1,RatsCometPizza.jpg)

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182ddf No.21547964

File: 1a8221443d4a95d⋯.png (162.04 KB,862x520,431:260,ClipboardImage.png)


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e6a7d2 No.21547965

File: f202cff559bf494⋯.png (653.75 KB,631x927,631:927,1000000169.png)

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ca6bbe No.21547966


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c52442 No.21547967

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6ab495 No.21547968


Show some respect, you already have a bad reputation.

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0eab56 No.21547969

File: 6a85e2f3ca4b713⋯.png (358.94 KB,604x638,302:319,anon.PNG)




Flashback to the fairest and most based take on Q to ever hit cable television airwaves.

Amid a slew of hit pieces on “QAnon” in 2020, Grant Stinchfield was the ONLY MSM journalist to speak up and report truthfully about Q and anons, even scrolling through Q drops live on air.


will forever be a legend for this.

4:41 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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9a6269 No.21547970

File: 79e780555bbc890⋯.png (202.06 KB,1192x499,1192:499,topsecretmajic12.png)

File: 97d95c04ec26b8a⋯.jpg (84.41 KB,907x1360,907:1360,topsecretmajic12stan_.jpg)




There really was a crash and the retrieval of a body and the back-engineering? The evidence was moved to Area 51, which originally was home to a military school and later was a base.

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0e72b6 No.21547971

File: 6d9beadcd8aae56⋯.png (1.03 MB,800x550,16:11,ClipboardImage.png)

Brazilian Air Force Report Reveals 80 UFO Sightings in 2023, Reigniting Debate on Extraterrestrial Life

September 5, 2024

In a significant development that has caught the attention of UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike, the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) has released a report detailing 80 unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings in Brazilian airspace during 2023.

This revelation has reignited the longstanding debate about the existence of extraterrestrial life and the possibility of contact with beings from other planets.

The FAB, which has been documenting and officially releasing reports on unidentified aerial phenomena since 1954, does not follow a fixed annual schedule for these publications.

However, the recent batch of documents has brought to light a substantial number of sightings that challenge conventional explanations and known laws of physics.

According to the report, both commercial and military pilots with decades of experience have reported objects of various shapes and behaviors.

These range from lights moving at high speeds to metallic structures performing maneuvers that defy current technological capabilities. In some instances, pilots described objects that followed their aircraft for extended periods, exhibiting flight patterns impossible for any known human technology.

The FAB maintains a rigorous protocol for investigating such occurrences, compiling and analyzing the reports in search of patterns.

While the report is technical in nature, it acknowledges that the descriptions provided by the pilots do not match any known aircraft or meteorological phenomena.

This official documentation lends credibility to the work of independent researchers, such as those from the Dakila Pesquisas Association, who have been cataloging similar evidence for over two decades. Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira, researcher, scientist, historian, and president of the Dakila Pesquisas Institute, emphasizes the need for a more comprehensive approach to investigating these phenomena.

‘In the United States, the issue of UFOs gained prominence after the government released reports confirming the existence of unexplained aerial phenomena, drawing the attention of politicians and military personnel,’ Oliveira states.

‘In Brazil, however, the topic is still treated with some reservation, although the increasing number of sightings makes a more open and transparent debate inevitable.’

The Dakila Pesquisas Association argues that the actual number of sightings is likely much higher than reported, as many cases go undocumented due to fear of discredit or stigma associated with the subject. The organization advocates for a partnership between government institutions and independent research centers to investigate these phenomena with the seriousness they deserve.

The implications of these sightings extend far beyond mere curiosity.

They challenge our current understanding of the universe and humanity’s place within it. As public interest grows and pressure for answers mounts, Brazil may be on the cusp of a new era in UFO investigation.

The Dakila Pesquisas Association plans to expand its efforts by investing in cutting-edge technologies and collaborating with scientists from various disciplines.

Their goal is to better understand the phenomena that challenge traditional logic and potentially revolutionize our knowledge of the cosmos.

While the true nature of these UFO sightings remains uncertain, the FAB report has undoubtedly opened the door to further scientific inquiry and public discourse.

As researchers continue to gather and analyze data, the search for answers to these mysterious aerial phenomena persists, potentially leading to groundbreaking discoveries that could reshape our understanding of the universe and our place within it.

As the debate surrounding UFOs and potential extraterrestrial contact continues to evolve, it is clear that this topic will remain at the forefront of scientific inquiry and public fascination for years to come.

The UFO phenomenon, once relegated to the realm of science fiction, is now being taken seriously by governments and researchers worldwide, signaling a potential paradigm shift in our approach to understanding the unknown.


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ca6bbe No.21547972


Trump said that just now!

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182ddf No.21547973



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703f37 No.21547974

File: a3237de7141102e⋯.jpg (293.54 KB,1508x856,377:214,CommieNN.JPG)

File: f90ba86515853fb⋯.jpg (77.74 KB,682x449,682:449,CommunismAtWork.JPG)

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288d4f No.21547975


put a nip out put on a bust out

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b59926 No.21547976

President Trump: They loot the economy, they give trillions and trillions of dollars to their left-wing cronies, while you pay the cost of rampant inflation…they run your country for their own power and profit, while erasing your borders, assaulting your freedom, indoctrinating your children, and selling your jobs to China, Mexico, and all of these other foreign lands. But with your vote this election, their lying, cheating, hoaxing and plotting, will come to an end. It's going to come to an end.

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d2ef1a No.21547977



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591685 No.21547978

If there was a civil war sign up list i would sign up for these reasons.

The USA is part of the one world government Babylon and we are not a sovereign nation anymore, we have been under a one world government since 1915.

It's why we dont have a working constitution anymore, a global police department, and many unconstitutional agency's are doing what they want to destroy the country and destroy liberty.

We have a global police department serving the needs of the banking systems, and ushering in international laws that overrule the people and the constitution in the courts.

The country has been in decline ever since the Fed,

The expanse of government,

The control of Hollywood, controlled media,

The erosion of liberty's,

Higher taxes,

Higher inflation,

Higher government debt,

More restrictions, and more licenses.

More unrepresented Taxes, Fees, and Fines

They even killed President Kennedy and almost kill President Trump.

They are making America a jewish concentration camp where we just work all day and can never save enough money to get out of the fucking city.

The bills are so fucking high your money's already spent, the cost of living is so high your moneys already spent,

Its all spent before you go to work for the whole fucking month, and then it starts all over trying to survive.

People cant have families.

People cant afford homes.

The Government is funding human trafficking and domestic terrorism.

What happened to the missing 325,000 kids trafficked?

The endless corrupts courts and law enforcement.

The endless social agency's destroying the culture.

Politically Bias Judicial systems

Politically Bias Financial systems

Politically Bias Government Agency's

Illegal immigration

Constant Wars

Constant funding of other nations when the people are struggling at home.

Government operated and picked controlled elections.

Voter Fraud

Election Fraud

Medical Tyranny

Political tyranny

Human Tyranny

President Trump needs to eradicate Washington DC or none of the American people will survive.

I am very fucking comfy.


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777a04 No.21547979

File: ece69500c6a1d5d⋯.png (314.79 KB,382x380,191:190,ece69500c6a1d5d51170eeaec4….png)


Narcissists are incapable of toning anything down especially the ego and double especially when POTUS is speaking. They crave the attention above all else, negative or positive, and if someone like POTUS is speaking their ego and narcissism supercedes.

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08333c No.21547980

File: 56b737ebcbafb07⋯.png (581.92 KB,1366x768,683:384,potusQflyby.png)


>17, 17, 17, 17, 17…..




>>So many 17’s…

>>It’s completely obvious!


>>So many 17’s…

>>It’s completely obvious!


>>So many 17’s…

>>It’s completely obvious!

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18e8d7 No.21547981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Things I need to know

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694331 No.21547982


if shitbags in Government/Intel/Media want to jail people for words, then i intend to be dragged off to the clink spitting the most colorful string of coarse, crude, crass and hurty combination of syllables i can conjure up for all ya flipflying fuckhead dipshit asshole motherfuckers.

thank me for not taking a ballbat to your stupid faces.

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cbc49a No.21547983

File: 6d4a332a3f1c78e⋯.webm (222.96 KB,826x360,413:180,bore_worms.webm)

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b1ada5 No.21547984

File: f08999eb5c15ec0⋯.jpg (188.05 KB,1437x700,1437:700,TrumpWonBig.JPG)

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777a04 No.21547985

File: 04eda172601b119⋯.png (167.66 KB,471x429,157:143,04eda172601b1198c0cf19eee2….png)

Time to get comfy and watch POTUS

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e9b313 No.21547986

So much of what folks seek, has already been done. You don't give details of progress of the war, until it is fully complete, then it's all reruns of what has already occurred.

I don't mind reruns of gitmo hangings, do you?

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b59926 No.21547987

President Trump: First, I will end forever the weaponization of government, and the abuse of law enforcement against political opponents. Under Comrade Kamala, Christians and pro-life activists are rotting in prison for the crime of praying in public. How about the people they're arresting for praying in public? These people are sick.

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288d4f No.21547988




venezuelan colorado crime scene

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ca6bbe No.21547989


and everyone knows it

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cbc49a No.21547990

File: c0bb909d74f6ff1⋯.gif (160.24 KB,446x395,446:395,postingpepe2.gif)

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1798c6 No.21547991

File: 0e5209f56e03e72⋯.jpg (530.45 KB,2000x1400,10:7,Liberator.JPG)

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182ddf No.21547992

MAGA better then ones own life…ABSOLUTELY

Patriots are Selfless!

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3f12a8 No.21547993

File: c335a0403fca824⋯.jpg (91.31 KB,754x1158,377:579,1b6a6192348a858b11fc0c481e….jpg)



That's not wine, Too much in the glass for perfect FLOTUS. They would never fill her glass to damn near the top. That's some other beverage. Besides, it's not a wine glass. Looks to be a tea glass.

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a54d08 No.21547994

File: de40007d33a4dde⋯.png (264.3 KB,1029x657,343:219,de40007d33a4dde8bb71b152c1….png)



I just saw it!

I've been staring at that pic for a while, every time it's posted and never saw it.

Now I see!


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ba8d2d No.21547995

File: 568df16a5977b8d⋯.png (3.14 MB,1440x1468,360:367,568df16a5977b8d76ea370211f….png)






Check um :3

Blessed are the bakers.

ThanQ :3

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288d4f No.21547996

fake news don't deserve oblivious recognition - shine the light on em

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0eab56 No.21547997

File: f8ba01153ed7017⋯.png (615.9 KB,793x585,61:45,bots.PNG)


Here is our world-first expose on robotic arms creating complex nanostructures witnessed under the microscope from COVID injection vials:


Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | X (https://twitter.com/zeee_media?lang=en) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/ZeeeMedia)

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b59926 No.21547998

President Trump: They were trying to say she [Harris] gets bigger crowds. Number one, she doesn't. Number two, she buses the people in.

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191f49 No.21547999

'its an evil force'

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95695f No.21548000

File: 991e47f35bc1672⋯.jpg (48.52 KB,850x400,17:8,ColbyMocking.JPG)

File: 2c3f4287496f183⋯.jpg (54.61 KB,850x400,17:8,CaseyMocking.JPG)

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a54d08 No.21548001

File: 11d22d5c579fab6⋯.jpeg (111.82 KB,1708x1080,427:270,11d22d5c579fab63931b6555d….jpeg)


Whatever it is, but she is adoring her hubby!

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182ddf No.21548002

File: 47e0f0a9f54feb3⋯.png (445.97 KB,1385x907,1385:907,ClipboardImage.png)

Wisconsin home to hella ball players

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191f49 No.21548003

'russia, its russia'

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ca6bbe No.21548004

File: ca70b7ac2b4de4a⋯.jpg (83.11 KB,1100x619,1100:619,151210132231_kim_jong_un_p….jpg)


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16913c No.21548005


Grifter using President Trump's name gets filtered

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0cf4a9 No.21548006

File: fae3e9223d47a52⋯.mp4 (586.45 KB,720x720,1:1,russia.mp4)

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191f49 No.21548007

'russia, russia, russia'

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288d4f No.21548008


for the trannies or for WI

does anything like God, country, family. and the American dream matter anymore

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83c674 No.21548009

File: 3d9f8fae41e2b9c⋯.png (862.8 KB,1284x642,2:1,DeBall.PNG)

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ba8d2d No.21548010

File: 6cb9675b9dccd2d⋯.jpg (74.65 KB,496x588,124:147,6cb9675b9dccd2d5b0fec63f97….jpg)

File: f0b92e02667e0de⋯.jpg (52.34 KB,494x473,494:473,f0b92e02667e0de0e3f4ed218c….jpg)

File: 66b514e122053c1⋯.jpeg (122.32 KB,800x534,400:267,66b514e122053c1c7a708a624….jpeg)

File: 1aa5263b13b058d⋯.png (1.37 MB,1280x932,320:233,1aa5263b13b058de45588143bb….png)

File: 96f1badec73e74a⋯.jpg (84.46 KB,1160x773,1160:773,96f1badec73e74a4aeb0576286….jpg)

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191f49 No.21548011

'hes a chess player, was it done with a smile?'

theyre 19 steps ahead of us

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95eea6 No.21548012

File: 9cb32b0091101e6⋯.jpg (217.64 KB,1080x1029,360:343,TrumpYourMove.JPG)

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b59926 No.21548013

President Trump: We're up against very bad, evil people. It's an evil force.

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777a04 No.21548014

File: 951f5a2cafa8e21⋯.png (411.54 KB,816x456,34:19,951f5a2cafa8e2169f78325f73….png)



Fascinating isn't it?

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6ab495 No.21548015

File: ed79b2fe96698cc⋯.png (223.35 KB,361x500,361:500,putinc881464a3af62a88.png)


He's a chess player

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288d4f No.21548016


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0eab56 No.21548017

File: 5582c04418e87dd⋯.png (467.91 KB,939x880,939:880,zee.PNG)


WWZEEE: BREAKING! Pfizer’s Secret Vaccine Nanobots to Upload Humans to the Internet

APR 6, 2024


Maria Zeee investigates the partnership Pfizer made in 2015 for programmable nanobots that are injected into people, issuing them with a MAC address and connecting them to the internet on Brighteon.TV.

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743758 No.21548018



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3f12a8 No.21548019

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

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6ab495 No.21548020


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191f49 No.21548021

'the deaths are far greater than you hear'

'do you ever notice? i dont think we even try… we give billions and billions of dollars'

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499700 No.21548022

File: 85f58cce396447c⋯.png (1.68 MB,1460x782,730:391,ClipboardImage.png)

Oh no hahaha

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ca6bbe No.21548023

File: 221df5ee71ed1fb⋯.png (605.54 KB,750x792,125:132,PutinPepeCrown.png)

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0eab56 No.21548024

File: 38daba1f29bfec7⋯.png (107.47 KB,437x356,437:356,cot.PNG)


​ (https://mr.cdn.ignitecdn.com/client_assets/thepostmillennial_com/media/picture/66dc/8902/171e/950f/ada9/41bb/content_Untitled_design_-_2024-09-07T110940.306.jpg?1725729027)MSNBC calls for boycott of social media platform X, contributor calls for Elon Musk's prosecution

FULL STORY: https://fightingthecommies.com/ADQO

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d2ef1a No.21548025

File: eb626280cf95655⋯.png (231.53 KB,494x247,2:1,GhislaineAmanpour.png)

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fe9de0 No.21548026

File: 16beb995443e181⋯.jpg (484.29 KB,1392x1809,464:603,TrumpTerm2.jpg)

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191f49 No.21548027

'she a defunder of the police'

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08333c No.21548028

File: b5b44428347d43a⋯.png (29.94 KB,447x308,447:308,Screenshot_2024_09_07_at_1….png)




"These are Stupid Stupid people"


Sep 07, 2018 11:02:29 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d33f08 No. 2919757


These people are stupid.

Their attempts will FAIL.


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182ddf No.21548029

File: dfe654173667a3e⋯.png (244.7 KB,410x390,41:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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288d4f No.21548030

diff mind boggling compare dem con job

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74d793 No.21548031

File: 81bc48f28b63198⋯.jpg (204.22 KB,1374x683,1374:683,UberWoke.jpg)

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2b849c No.21548032

File: ffdb81a5283d25c⋯.png (393.01 KB,634x695,634:695,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 237da35ebb46301⋯.png (375.58 KB,634x447,634:447,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5c69d40c160631⋯.png (543.97 KB,634x797,634:797,ClipboardImage.png)


BREAKING NEWS: Southern California rocked by two earthquakes felt by millions

Southern California has been rocked by two earthquakes less than 30 minutes apart.

The quakes were felt by millions across the region after they hit on Saturday morning. The first measured 3.5 on the Richter scale as it struck at 10.05am local time. The epicenter was 4.3 miles southeast of Ontario, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The second, stronger 3.9 magnitude quake, rattled in at 10.34am, with an epicenter almost exactly in the same spot.

There have been no reports of any injuries or damage at this stage.

So far, Californians up to 119km away from the epicenter have reported feeling the latest tremor. Earthquakes are not uncommon in the region, but rarely excess a magnitude of around three. However, 2024 has seen a record number of mini-quakes across the state.

Geophysicists now warn California could be at risk of a generation-defining massive earthquake. 2024 has had more earthquakes than any year we've seen since 1988,' Caltech geophysicist Dr Lucy Jones told reporters. 'We should expect this to continue.' Experts believe a major quake in Southern California- usually defined as 7.0 and up - could kill at least 1,800,leave 50,000 injured and cause more than $200 billion in damage.

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0eab56 No.21548033

File: 1438ceff707da4c⋯.png (786.5 KB,646x814,323:407,p.PNG)

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191f49 No.21548034

''the bosses put her in, because she is controlled by them'

'and Trump is never ever, wrong, I AM never wrongf'

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288d4f No.21548035


is trump Neve ever wrong? go

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ca6bbe No.21548036


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3f12a8 No.21548037

File: 3be984253c42fd6⋯.png (50.06 KB,512x512,1:1,41cdb699c3be6d66ea024e822b….png)


True love

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a3d55e No.21548038

File: 5de0af03547bb60⋯.jpg (169.94 KB,1198x627,1198:627,BrennanGateOpen.JPG)

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4be98a No.21548039

File: 3976992e68a1de4⋯.png (52.3 KB,860x529,860:529,ClipboardImage.png)

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0eab56 No.21548040

File: 6755786e261c55c⋯.png (261.44 KB,438x457,438:457,rs.PNG)


LIVE: President Trump Takes the Stage at Rally in Mosinee, WI


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e64676 No.21548041

File: 8b5b30b6716ceb3⋯.png (374.88 KB,543x729,181:243,Screenshot_2024_09_07_1336….png)


He seems simple. I hope he doesn't get sucked in. Hold the line pal.

Stay true to your values.

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182ddf No.21548042

File: e6dc63d15ad13a3⋯.png (307.73 KB,594x387,66:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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1227c8 No.21548043

File: db34c1fa75ab34b⋯.jpg (154.2 KB,960x688,60:43,ClintonHistory.JPG)

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191f49 No.21548044

'the DAs office is stacking offenses against Trump and rearranging things'

'drop all of it'

'ive been indicted more times than the great Alfonse Capone, he would take him out to dinner if he didnt like him, you would never see him again'

'Alfonse Capone led a very vicious life'

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9a6269 No.21548045

File: 1e544dd50df965f⋯.png (329.34 KB,601x492,601:492,dogemusk.png)


D.O.G.E is meow

"Department of Government Efficiency"


Wear it Well. kekek

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a54d08 No.21548046

File: 0cc4a959c1acce6⋯.png (16.03 KB,255x255,1:1,f7b86ce6adfa364da01db3ad47….png)

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288d4f No.21548047

WI for MI

metal head vs steal head


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191f49 No.21548048


'lover boy'

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5649b0 No.21548049

File: 8763758cca53ffd⋯.png (257.97 KB,1414x1310,707:655,222_1422_1822_622_Q_09_06_….png)


2:22 pm EDT Q+ (RT) RSBN 6:22 pm EDT (Rally)

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48436e No.21548050

File: 25bf640b5333310⋯.jpg (126.32 KB,800x420,40:21,SorosDirectAct.JPG)

File: f3b6a1675c43baa⋯.jpg (234.54 KB,1600x945,320:189,Gas_Con.JPG)

File: 475a4c13ac7dc83⋯.jpg (307.46 KB,1722x1007,1722:1007,GardnerNazi.JPG)

File: fc2fe07da530803⋯.jpg (51.85 KB,851x479,851:479,SorosStrings.JPG)

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a54d08 No.21548051


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191f49 No.21548052

File: 62bd4b9f02c6d9e⋯.png (125.54 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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3f12a8 No.21548053


Anons always knew it.

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b20f21 No.21548054

File: e5a5b0fff2b70d6⋯.jpeg (394.64 KB,630x1200,21:40,MagicEraser_240907_082043.jpeg)

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d2ef1a No.21548055


>It's an evil force.

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191f49 No.21548056

'hillary clinton wouldnt acknowledge the election'

'its ok for them to dispute the 2016 election'

'these people are sick'

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ba8d2d No.21548057

File: 4fa7d5c756aa707⋯.jpeg (18.72 KB,255x255,1:1,4fa7d5c756aa70726e2060147….jpeg)











With the right team, great thing are possible.


Do only good everyday.

Thank you Sir

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ca6bbe No.21548058


(2nd time)

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447423 No.21548060

File: 868572351410f5e⋯.png (314.46 KB,650x516,325:258,BidenBorder.PNG)

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191f49 No.21548061

'russia, russia, russia was corrupt'

'they added fake jobs, thank you whistleblower'


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288d4f No.21548062

WI don't know unless MI knows, and everyone along that rust piece of shit knows


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2f3a12 No.21548063



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396f95 No.21548064

File: 56cd24de8766577⋯.png (525.28 KB,579x588,193:196,5h532g52523.PNG)

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ffc128 No.21548065

File: 8ad1ae2cf6fee92⋯.jpg (187.46 KB,1612x988,31:19,BrandTheCommies.JPG)

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cbc49a No.21548066

File: be636b3a9d19ac3⋯.gif (1.66 MB,333x281,333:281,press_it.gif)

Now who's the narcissist looking for attention with a gimmick that he bases off someone by copying everything other than the meme from that one person, following around like a lost little old guard retard trying to protect the communist version of online anonymity he based his career off of. It's funny because he's basing his routine off a nobody with nothing to his name but he obviously finds value in everything other than the meme that comes from me because he's based his day in day out routine off of it for a year and a half now since the MuhJoo global was added. That's okay, because his routine is just an admission of who he considers bested him and now he wants petty revenge. To borrow some words off him and his buttbuddy partner from the early days on halfchan that they always spam, it's nothing but narcissistic, pathetic hubris on display from these chucklfuck clowns.

Future proved past. They really are as stupid as Q said they were.

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780d92 No.21548067


>biden "sworn in" early

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b6c132 No.21548068

File: c17116e9668abbf⋯.jpg (80.91 KB,720x712,90:89,Screenshot_20240907_143654….jpg)

Who are you voting for in 2024?

Kamala Harris -Prosecutor


Donald Trump -Felon


Not in the US


Not voting


146,144 votes·Final results

2:02 PM · Sep 6, 2024


Lefty can't catch a break

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a62d78 No.21548069

File: 98b1001cb6ae29b⋯.png (41.75 KB,478x508,239:254,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3a6aed9bdbac11⋯.png (19.66 KB,478x150,239:75,ClipboardImage.png)

took long enough to admit

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191f49 No.21548070

'that was a fraud, 818 thousand jobs, thats a fraud'

'you will be living a full blown banana republic'

'the people around her are absolute garbage'

'the j6 committee gets together and destroyed the lives of many people… and they destroyed all evidence all documents because it all pointed to nanacy pelosi because she was in charge of security'

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780d92 No.21548071

Why are we expected to vote in yet another rigged election? We need assurances that this election will be fair.

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ca6bbe No.21548072

File: fb4c0286b65a6dd⋯.png (3.9 MB,1700x1506,850:753,tw.png)


>not a meme

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182ddf No.21548073

File: cc045736487adab⋯.png (2.7 MB,1440x1080,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


git yourself…One Real Good One…One That is Good For You…You Know…Perfect

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499700 No.21548074

File: 4bc405271bc31da⋯.png (200.32 KB,612x408,3:2,Viktor_Orban_oh_no_.png)


>>21543654 pb me hehe

Russia Russia Russia? Coincidence? You can get nuts here…

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0cf4a9 No.21548075

File: 8004150a49fc965⋯.png (2.12 MB,996x990,166:165,8004150a49fc96583290961d54….png)

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5649b0 No.21548076

File: 929745f4be04138⋯.png (10.14 KB,444x233,444:233,240_Q.png)


NC Ladies 240?

Nov 30 2017 23:42:25 (EST)

Deleted: Nov 30 2017 23:45:18 (EST)




Snow White Pounce.


No nets.


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191f49 No.21548077

'they DELETED and DESTROYED all documents and evidence against them and they should pay a big price, a big price'

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ba8d2d No.21548078

File: d0ceefd0caa2185⋯.png (35.89 KB,473x308,43:28,qaggdropimage2449.png)

File: c915edca6f5f759⋯.png (673.24 KB,473x1541,473:1541,qaggdropimage2769.png)

File: 911069b643d8785⋯.png (226.98 KB,473x933,473:933,qaggdropimage2888.png)

File: 370c24a7c1e10fd⋯.png (22.82 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage3083.png)

File: ade63656d2aa5a8⋯.png (194.13 KB,473x767,473:767,qaggdropimage3129.png)

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9a6269 No.21548079

File: 45d2c7f1f5f584c⋯.jpg (26.18 KB,450x352,225:176,allegedholmes.jpg)

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b59926 No.21548080

President Trump: If Comrade Kamala Harris gets four more years, you will be living a full-blown banana republic, ruled by an anarchy, and a tyranny. You're gonna have something; and it's not her, it's the people that surround her. They're scum,. They're scum,. And they want to take down our country. They are absolute garbage.

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288d4f No.21548081


msndc mourning p0resser

gangstalkers videoing innocents to rob steal and kill for democratic gain

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b284bf No.21548082

File: 6f899f600416ff5⋯.jpg (303.8 KB,1170x630,13:7,TreasonAtTop.jpg)

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c3323c No.21548083

File: 530e04c64649f70⋯.png (251.5 KB,474x452,237:226,ClipboardImage.png)

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273fb5 No.21548084

@500 or so


26397 >>21547519


>>21547659 WATCH LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Mosinee, WI - 9/7/24

>>21547733, >>21547787, >>21547800, >>21547801, >>21547824, >>21547827 @realDonaldTrump Wisconsin, Get Ready for a Trump Force One Fly Over!! Runway 17!

>>21547829, >>21547834, >>21547862, >>21547880, >>21547898 TRUMP FORCE ONE LANDS IN WISCONSIN

>>21547913, >>21547940 POTUS IS UP LIVE

>>21547957, >>21547976, >>21547987, >>21547998, >>21548013, >>21548021, >>21548027, >>21548034, >>21548044, >>21548051, >>21548056, >>21548058, >>21548061, >>21548070 TRUMP QUOTES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21547570, >>21547572 Social Security Facing $63 Trillion In Unfunded Liabilities = CyberAttack Time

>>21547576, >>21547592 SPIRITUAL WARFARE

>>21547578, >>21547580, >>21547583, >>21547595 IRAN Hurting Efforts To Protect Trump, Harris, Biden?

>>21547634 Back by popular demand, TRUMP DIGITAL TRADING CARDS, Series 4: The America First Collection

>>21547656 RFK Jr & Calley Means on How Insurance Companies Profit From Chronic Disease

>>21547660, >>21547686, >>21547748, >>21547786, >>21547806, >>21547823, >>21547868, >>21547870 NASA space stuffs

>>21547680 @RichardGrenell - @keithellison is on the short list to be Attorney General if Kamala should win.

>>21547689 @elonmusk - Grok unhinged fun mode. Moar Vulgar! Forbidden Words!

>>21547690 (ODNI) announced Friday that it has not “observed” any foreign interference in the 2024 election

>>21547692 WEF - "CovID Was a ‘Test’ of Our Obedience to Rapidly Forming New World Order"

>>21547700 RT - Argentina urges ICC to order arrest of Maduro

>>21547705 Texas Democrat Indicted For Staging Hate Crime Hoax and Framing Republican Opponent

>>21547731 DeSantis Operatives Have Taken Over a Key Trump-World PAC

>>21547745 Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement on Social Media Speech Restrictions

>>21547746 Trump has suggested eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs

>>21547771, >>21547910 Erdogan seeks Islamic alliance against Israel, says its ‘expansionism’ won’t stop in Gaza

>>21547809 Renowned Medical Professor Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer

>>21547857 Berkshire Hathaway sells 18.7 million Bank of America shares from Sep 3-5

>>21547886 An odd-looking balloon was floating across the Denver metro area on Friday morning

>>21548032 Southern California rocked by two earthquakes 30 minutes apart and felt by millions

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780d92 No.21548085


it's funny how it 5 seconds we knew it was a false flag

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ba8d2d No.21548086

File: a6db7d549d0a180⋯.png (56.03 KB,473x399,473:399,qaggdropimage4381.png)

File: 04e153ff1ba0a48⋯.png (36.93 KB,473x231,43:21,qaggdropimage3897.png)

File: 0c5fc84e21b8ccb⋯.png (100.32 KB,473x896,473:896,qaggdropimage3725.png)

File: 04c00ac4a066370⋯.png (59.01 KB,473x462,43:42,qaggdropimage3724.png)

File: da65aa56e237210⋯.png (74.18 KB,473x546,473:546,qaggdropimage3396.png)

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d8ab62 No.21548087


>80 UFO Sightings in 2023, Reigniting Debate on Extraterrestrial Life

UFOs ≠ ETs

suppressed tech and black ops

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191f49 No.21548088

'theyve taken away their free speech and the fake news is a threat to this country'

'i love brian, most of the are just absolutely horrible human beings"

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5649b0 No.21548089

File: 5f40d2a4c5dcb10⋯.png (196.1 KB,983x564,983:564,sf.png)


"They've taken away your Free Speech" Q+

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9a6269 No.21548090

File: 88529e74cb5f5d9⋯.png (1.21 MB,1000x1000,1:1,deadpool.png)

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69a165 No.21548091

File: 4cc2e138f269dfc⋯.jpg (122.85 KB,640x699,640:699,DisneyABC.JPG)

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2b849c No.21548092

File: c1a8909dc106741⋯.png (348.47 KB,680x316,170:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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777a04 No.21548093

File: bd8c1538c287c44⋯.jpg (113.59 KB,419x340,419:340,kek13.jpg)




Some retards take themselves too seriously

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5649b0 No.21548094


"Bad People."

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d8ab62 No.21548095



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499700 No.21548096

File: aa865d9ef415313⋯.png (2.95 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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694331 No.21548097

File: a29d89392a2829a⋯.jpg (529.68 KB,1738x2560,869:1280,0545_scaled.jpg)


seems every one of those items is development of rotten gov/intel/media, Such would not be a 'civil war' against our brothers and sisters… but a war against rotten gov/intel.media. A revolutionary war. A restoration, a renaissance. A renewal and revival of the very same reason inspiration behind the Declaration of Independence. Such rotten "Government" has no voice to object one little bit whatsoever.

juss say'n

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95eea6 No.21548098

File: 86148ab1c7dbc4e⋯.jpg (256.8 KB,1280x1080,32:27,4thEstate5thCol.JPG)

File: 9beba5c8fc1eef3⋯.jpg (562.58 KB,2450x1080,245:108,4thEstateLies.JPG)

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2b849c No.21548099

File: 378570d33d556fc⋯.png (337.06 KB,672x680,84:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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288d4f No.21548100

msm bad peeps

bad peeps = statistically satanist

hating on Americans for loving God

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b59926 No.21548101

President Trump: The moment we win, we will rapidly review the cases of every political prisoner unjustly victimized by the Harris regime, and I will sign their pardons on Day One. We will completely overhaul Kamala's corrupt department of injustice, and turn the injustice department back into the best law enforcement agency on the planet.

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182ddf No.21548102

File: c429e04d9135da5⋯.png (279.89 KB,500x211,500:211,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f460997918ac77⋯.png (250.45 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89eb861f38c3320⋯.png (2.19 MB,2000x830,200:83,ClipboardImage.png)


then save the world…with Love

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ca6bbe No.21548103

File: 196218356a6f67e⋯.png (119.27 KB,818x1208,409:604,818.png)






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2f3a12 No.21548104

Lamestream Media writes the opposite of what’s true about Republicans/conservatives

Opposite Day!

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191f49 No.21548105

'but i will sign an executive order banning any employee from polluting the amendment of free speech'

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780d92 No.21548106

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205963 No.21548107

File: 9465ee8822f21a4⋯.jpg (158.08 KB,960x938,480:469,ISISdrop2.JPG)

File: 77be804b388752d⋯.jpg (56.99 KB,1200x630,40:21,ISISdrop.JPG)

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0eab56 No.21548108

File: 4e945e4f8726940⋯.png (270.94 KB,597x526,597:526,dan.PNG)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


President @realDonaldTrump

arrives in the Great State of Wisconsin for a MAGA RALLY!

59 DAYS⏳#TRUMP2024

0:31 / 3:14

7:33 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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191f49 No.21548109

'not one person from that horrible tragedy of afghanistan, and not one general got fired'

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b59926 No.21548110

President Trump: I will sign an executive order banning any federal employee from colluding to limit speech, and we will fire every federal bureaucrat who has engaged in domestic censorship under the Harris regime.

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288d4f No.21548111


still needs to show em sad titties

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0eab56 No.21548112

File: 41e4d8e65b23fee⋯.png (335.19 KB,599x471,599:471,up.PNG)


The Post Millennial


Trump: "We're up against very bad evil people. It's an evil force."

7:38 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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2f3a12 No.21548113

File: 770f364e6c9a325⋯.png (3.07 MB,1635x1995,109:133,IMG_1701.png)

You’re Fired!

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ca6bbe No.21548114


Clean up of warmongerers and military industrial complex!

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191f49 No.21548115

'i will carry out a much need clean up of the military industrial complex to stop war profiteering'

;endless wars, endless wars'

;fighting ISIS forf 21 years'

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029f18 No.21548116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Case Study: Rapid Complete Recovery From An Autism Spectrum Disorder After Treatment of Aspergillus With The Antifungal Drugs Itraconazole And Sporanox

Escalation of the dose of itraconazole resulted in a complete loss of all symptoms of autism over the course of three months. This rapid complete reversal of autism is consistent with several articles proposing mold in general and Aspergillus specifically as a potential major cause of autism.

God Bless, anons. Cures are in the gut.


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3f12a8 No.21548117

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df7699 No.21548118

File: 8ad3cfa8d276a42⋯.png (1.33 MB,871x792,871:792,8ad3cfa8d276a421541a8b5053….png)

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be1549 No.21548119

File: 23c732b2a98a4b8⋯.jpg (558.51 KB,1536x2048,3:4,JakeSully.jpg)

File: 7a420212d6d81e5⋯.jpg (332.71 KB,1247x828,1247:828,CallGoodEvil.jpg)

File: 4f652c997de4340⋯.jpg (518.48 KB,2038x1073,2038:1073,Skunkstash.jpg)

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ba8d2d No.21548120

File: 76e282f3832e177⋯.gif (1.76 MB,509x710,509:710,1724456105181809.gif)

File: b17bbad2cd1cb48⋯.gif (758.48 KB,220x192,55:48,1724776456409372.gif)

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a54d08 No.21548121

General Raisen Crane!

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e078ac No.21548122

File: a83c8926d4b2d9e⋯.png (1.12 MB,750x1334,375:667,D5125A99_7E75_4134_AB90_4A….png)

File: 2839488a7d46be6⋯.png (79.9 KB,690x806,345:403,E88895BB_C722_4EC0_8B78_D2….png)

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029f18 No.21548123


Watch for the cures.

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191f49 No.21548124

'and at the suggestion of a great guy, Elon musk, oh look theres a rocket, oh look its elon musk'

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6ab495 No.21548125

"Boeing had a hard time"

"Corey had a hard time"

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b59926 No.21548126

President Trump: I will expel war mongers; we have these people, they want to go to war all the time. You know why? Missiles are two million dollars a piece, that's why. They love to drop missiles all over the place.

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9a6269 No.21548127

File: 2ab7d497e0082db⋯.jpg (100.51 KB,596x500,149:125,BrennanFaceMecca.jpg)


"my personality stopped wars"

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191f49 No.21548128

'we won everything with me'

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2b849c No.21548129

File: e4a6495300ed30a⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,368x270,184:135,FDSJ8B9DREXn8s2J.mp4)

Walmart Battle Orc


I am absolutely cackling right now.

The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rednecks

>have a kek


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2f3a12 No.21548130

Medical Industrial Complex

Agriculture Industrial Complex

Fast Food Industrial Complex

Insurance Industrial Complex

Pharma Industrial Complex

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e4171b No.21548131

File: 181bc3a1e1a4ced⋯.jpg (567.29 KB,1920x1080,16:9,USSF.JPG)

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191f49 No.21548132

'theyre only allies when they need something'

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e4e477 No.21548133


Wonder if the restrictive food choices in autism might be because some foods cause that herxhiemer reaction…

Eyes on

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ca6bbe No.21548134

He said "LEON" instead of "ELON" soh

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2f3a12 No.21548135

Did PDJT say Leon instead of Elon?

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780d92 No.21548136

President Trump: 'I don't like big asses. I like toned, slender asses like the 80s and 90s. Where did this ass movement come from? We're going to find out.'

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e64676 No.21548137


The witches are helping us.

There are those who actually believe this to be true.


The father of lies has been operating on mankind since the 1st day.

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069770 No.21548138


caught that too

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ba8d2d No.21548139

File: 54d56cc62555d1a⋯.png (335.07 KB,473x876,473:876,qaggdropimage3136.png)

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cbc49a No.21548140


Fair-weather friends

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191f49 No.21548141

'i got ammunition from everywhere as fast as i could,'

'thats a beautiful sound to Xi, '

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b59926 No.21548142

President Trump: I will expel the war mongers from our national security state, and carry out a much needed clean-up of the military industrial complex, to stop the war profiteering, and to put, always, America First. We're going to end these endless wars. Endless wars; they never stop.

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0fc7a7 No.21548143

somebody passes out at every rally just about

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2f3a12 No.21548144

Thoughts and prayers for everyone there, prayers of protection.

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728387 No.21548145

File: 92d9139bc90aa4d⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB,478x270,239:135,ssstwitter_com_17257333738….mp4)

File: cb52c97c2f1e8c5⋯.png (214.29 KB,544x508,136:127,Screenshot_2024_09_07_1451….png)

Matt Wallace


🚨BREAKING: Illegal Immigrant Caught Planning “The Largest Terror Attack on U.S. Soil Since 9/11” ⚠️


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182ddf No.21548146

Sir We Have No Ammunition….Anons heard the Call…..So We Made Our Own Ammunition..Memes as Ammunition

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df7699 No.21548147

File: 00ff7fe158e46b6⋯.jpg (122.93 KB,500x551,500:551,00ff7fe158e46b614677f12b1c….jpg)

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0a7689 No.21548148

File: d1c7f235005e899⋯.jpg (166.67 KB,1677x784,1677:784,ConspiracyWEF.JPG)

File: 94246d2be4d2de4⋯.jpg (612.62 KB,2100x1438,1050:719,ConspiracyPhnx.JPG)

File: bf7bb6686cc517f⋯.jpg (272.83 KB,1700x1026,850:513,ConspiracyJFK.jpg)

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191f49 No.21548149

'take your time doctor, take your time'

;some people are out here for 3 days'

'take your time doctor, thank you very much'

'thank you very much'

'thank you all very much'

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cbc49a No.21548150


Passing out from the heat? The weather and the accumulation of body heat?

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a54d08 No.21548151

That's my President!!!

He always stops the rally when one of his supporters needs a medic!!!

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ba8d2d No.21548152

File: ccce1036fefd759⋯.gif (2 MB,746x746,1:1,ccce1036fefd7595f5ded4ecf0….gif)

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0eab56 No.21548153

File: df33eb10e7fd653⋯.png (376.92 KB,592x467,592:467,free.PNG)


Square profile picture

Trump War Room



7:50 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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5411a6 No.21548154

File: 1c8802b6ec190af⋯.mp4 (4.47 MB,640x640,1:1,THEY_DONT_STOP.mp4)



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191f49 No.21548155

some kind of doctor comms for sure

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f3fef9 No.21548156

File: 9dfe6a646b10f65⋯.jpeg (227.51 KB,1200x800,3:2,E1d6ekiXEAEFFpX.jpeg)


no they don't. 1 out of 10 maybe. faggot.

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e64676 No.21548157


pieces of the puzzle. it all ties together.

principalities & powers

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ca6bbe No.21548158


yes, he did

the now EM is prolly not the original EM anymoar

or sth

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182ddf No.21548159

File: 22ad45a7b0e5686⋯.png (1.53 MB,1749x803,159:73,ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS thank yous mean something!

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cbc49a No.21548160

File: afc40d01c6f53b4⋯.gif (1.88 MB,360x202,180:101,beer2.gif)

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a54d08 No.21548161





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069770 No.21548162


why are democrats always so ugly?

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191f49 No.21548163

'everything good? everything good? we have a good strong person getting up"

'let me go, shall we go?'

'you tell me when….'


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288d4f No.21548164



prayers for the infirm prayers for Samson strength

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780d92 No.21548165


fuckin' niggers. Fuckin' sub-race.

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0eab56 No.21548166

File: a32f5fec0ce535d⋯.png (482.16 KB,599x624,599:624,bo.PNG)


Bo Loudon



"I will sign their pardons on day one. I will sign it on day one."

We know KAMALA and the FAKE NEWS won't like this…

Share to make this go viral!

7:50 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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66c389 No.21548167


the size of the warhead has to be large enough. ship launched missiles are large enough, and so are target drone aircraft.

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182ddf No.21548168


Yes he did…not the first time

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191f49 No.21548169

'is that what the ok sign is? shes ok?'

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6ab495 No.21548170

File: a9c9ed12a08b375⋯.png (168.8 KB,349x262,349:262,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e70f6802595e36⋯.png (179.62 KB,371x262,371:262,ClipboardImage.png)

He makes women faint at every rally.

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cbc49a No.21548171

Already did.

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efed67 No.21548172


Drafted? Law Enforcement Officer Now

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191f49 No.21548173

'say a prayer, we need more prayers in this nation. '

'they want to shut down your religion'

;and theyve done a pretty good job of it '

'thank you doctor'

;good doctors in these crowds, always plenty of doctors'

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d8ab62 No.21548174




ps - if it's CURABLE, then it's NOT "autism"

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a54d08 No.21548175


Say a prayer! Yes, say a prayer!

We need more prayers in this nation, I tell you, right now!

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ba8d2d No.21548176

File: 30d4a757e2c885e⋯.jpg (20.99 KB,332x298,166:149,1721313500199210.jpg)

File: aa60d1fd154873c⋯.jpg (324.9 KB,1462x1462,1:1,1721319901923250.jpg)


Winning BIGLY

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ca6bbe No.21548177

yeah, Mr Trump, that was your chance!

you should have said a prayer…


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499700 No.21548178

File: c317b38582fcc05⋯.png (147.09 KB,819x1218,39:58,ClipboardImage.png)

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e078ac No.21548179

File: c359998972c0112⋯.png (1.31 MB,750x1334,375:667,660905CE_7FED_4903_BD5D_FD….png)

File: bcff7bf5da9e208⋯.png (113.11 KB,690x1158,115:193,F0AA8C94_DD89_4C67_B834_59….png)

File: 6e4b3a639f86791⋯.jpeg (229.92 KB,1463x2048,1463:2048,0FCE63D2_F82C_4232_8688_7….jpeg)

File: fa21f79a9f56740⋯.jpeg (305.41 KB,1463x2048,1463:2048,26198D18_B0BD_44E9_B0B0_C….jpeg)

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182ddf No.21548180

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288d4f No.21548181

Doctors who believe vs doctors who deceive

prayer and miraculous power

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b8d180 No.21548182

File: 2966975b7a7c01f⋯.jpg (811.16 KB,998x1332,499:666,Jodorowsky_Moebius_The_Inc….jpg)

File: f9459b172c60d96⋯.jpg (446.64 KB,736x966,16:21,cfae618b978e2d73ace2e4c4ce….jpg)

File: fd1153298b80160⋯.jpg (305.25 KB,1125x1500,3:4,The_Incal_1_zoomed_1847464….jpg)


The Fifth Element is a BULLSHIT derivation of "the Incal"

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93da90 No.21548183


>eradicate Washington DC

drain the swamp

touched on it beginning of rally speech


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f45c68 No.21548184

File: 8f32b3b6b39b093⋯.png (167.62 KB,571x255,571:255,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca6bbe No.21548185


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288d4f No.21548186


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780d92 No.21548187


I thought it was based on a comic from Heavy Metal magazine?

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499700 No.21548188

File: 62a07a0ce67cde4⋯.png (2.28 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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191f49 No.21548189

'take your time doctor, we have time, right? we have time'

'we getting a good sign, is that a good sign? we are getting a lot of good signs'

'thats some good news back there'

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280acb No.21548190

Anyone see what habbened that a doctor was needed?

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2f3a12 No.21548191

Lots of Prayers!

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182ddf No.21548192

lots of good signs

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191f49 No.21548193


'we can stay here all day as far as im concerned'

'doctors thank you very much, we appreciate it'

'at the suggestion of elon musk, we will cut the fat out of our government'

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74d793 No.21548194

File: 086752598a6d732⋯.png (526.56 KB,483x560,69:80,Comfy.PNG)

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2f3a12 No.21548195



Back To The Future!

60 years of Fat Cut

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780d92 No.21548196

guys, what if that person fainting is an actor, and was actually signal to Trump to release the Epstein Client List?!

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ca6bbe No.21548197


yeah, Trump could have said a prayer for all

but he didnt

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ba8d2d No.21548198





This was something that drew me to my conclusions.

Who took the pictures?

Someone with incredible talent no doubt

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191f49 No.21548199

'ultimately, you know what we are doing here, we will ultimate eliminate the dept of educ and send it back to the states"


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b59926 No.21548200

President Trump: We will cut the fat out of our government for the first time, meaningfully, in sixty years. We're gonna cut the fat. There is so much fat, you won't even know it's gone.

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467d42 No.21548201


The French comic artist Moebius is the founder of Heavy Metal, called "Metal Hurlant" or "Screaming Metal" in French.

Moebius also created The Incal with Alejandro Jodorowsky.

The Fifth Element borrows some major plot points, archetypes, symbolism, scenes, etc from The Incal.

Moebius tried to sue them and lost because they paid him to work on the film without him realizing how much it would plagiarize.

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9c2a86 No.21548202

File: 3f570a43b41da6e⋯.jpg (865.84 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240907_115532….jpg)

File: 491da92b1a46eeb⋯.jpg (741.14 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240907_115349….jpg)

File: c88fe2acc61da2d⋯.jpg (728.5 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240907_115622….jpg)

File: f0c07b98e1e5c7f⋯.jpg (665.47 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240907_115526….jpg)

Presidential candidates are alotted time, by law. Lost time, lost money.

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06b3e8 No.21548203


Pepe noia

The destroyah

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a54d08 No.21548204

File: f9a10d9ce1a8656⋯.png (13.18 KB,255x233,255:233,099e8a2331785275eb2391ff41….png)



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0eab56 No.21548205

File: fef45733f81b81e⋯.png (276.08 KB,603x651,201:217,em.PNG)


Elon Musk


Starlink now available in Zimbabwe!


Square profile picture





Starlink’s high-speed, low-latency internet is now available in Zimbabwe! 🛰️🇿🇼❤️ →


4:57 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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d6b570 No.21548206



Meant to say this to you, sorry

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f3fef9 No.21548207

File: ba8541fb819b872⋯.jpeg (264.8 KB,2500x1800,25:18,ba8541fb819b8724e958dc624….jpeg)

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191f49 No.21548208

'what the hell do we have to lose?'

'some states will do a fantastic job and some wont, why would we want embarass gavin newscum'

'kamala destroyed the greatest city in california, san francisco'

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62a6c9 No.21548209



>yeah, Mr Trump, that was your chance!

>you should have said a prayer…


what's your point?

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2f3a12 No.21548210


Oh, yea…he was silent for a minute. Check your heart and judgment, let you be judged by the way you judge…

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95eea6 No.21548211

File: 39df90399992de9⋯.jpg (159.98 KB,953x762,953:762,NewsomRocky.jpg)

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93da90 No.21548212





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713335 No.21548213


>Such would not be a 'civil war' against our brothers and sister…

thank you for saying this

I should of clarified that.

At least you saw through it.

I agree, they are controlled in all this too.

This is about a corrupt government apparatus and people working to destroy the American people and then the world.

It needs to rain hell fire down on GOV and people working in government, state and federal, God needs to start turning people into salt.

Decisions in DC are affecting everybody's life, its not suppose to be this way.

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780d92 No.21548214

Any wife who takes it up the ass at least once per week, her family shouldn't have to pay taxes.

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470f0c No.21548215

File: 7e827c0be7ad8c8⋯.jpg (63.86 KB,555x610,111:122,JFK_DJT.JPG)

File: 99130edf1a4167a⋯.jpg (69.76 KB,600x400,3:2,JFKjrClinton.JPG)

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182ddf No.21548216

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dffa7d No.21548217

File: f124b2c40da7f93⋯.png (1.59 MB,1192x722,596:361,ClipboardImage.png)

that security glass enclosure is a increased level of protection.

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9a6269 No.21548218

File: b3eb3548ba609f3⋯.mp4 (7.17 MB,450x360,5:4,gatesmegaperp.mp4)



"We'er going to cut the fat."

"There's so much fat you won't even notice its gone"

"What do we have to lose"

Robert K. "bobby" on Psycho Gates.

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a54d08 No.21548219

File: 230de2968a1fbc9⋯.jpg (12.55 KB,255x251,255:251,b7641550968ef06565d4bb265e….jpg)


Right on anon!!

Some people, me included, pray privately all the time!

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191f49 No.21548220

'we are back to the merit system, no one thought that would ever be possible'

'instead of working with RFK jr, that was a meaningful endorsement, we will take on the corruption of the CDC, the WHO, other institutions of public health'

'we were paying them 500 million dollars a year'

'china was paying them i dunno what'

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ca6bbe No.21548221



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b59926 No.21548222

President Trump: We will drain the government education swamp, and stop the abuse of your taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate America's youth with all sorts of things that you don't want to have our youth hearing…we will ultimately eliminate the federal Department of Education, and send education back to Wisconsin, and back to the states. We'll sent to back to the states…we're a the bottom of every single list in education…and yet, we're number one in terms of cost per pupil.

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0eab56 No.21548223

File: ab3c86f476be078⋯.png (604.07 KB,592x794,296:397,rn.PNG)


Ezra Levant 🍁🚛


I’ve never been to such a huge political rally before. Easily hundreds of thousands of people in Sao Paolo, Brazil’s largest city. Very patriotic.

Many signs supporting @elonmusk

for standing up for freedom of speech.

Brazilian, US and Israel flags. Not a Gaza flag in sight.


Efrain Flores Monsanto 🇨🇦🚛




HAPPENING NOW: Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil 🇧🇷 to fight against censorship from the Lulu and judge Moraes' regime on their independence day.

Former Pres Bolsonaro and his supporters came out for freedom.

Full report http://TheTruthAboutBrazil.com

Show more

7:55 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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b20f21 No.21548224

File: dd487031eef927c⋯.jpeg (1.86 MB,3351x5577,1117:1859,IMG_6435.jpeg)

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447423 No.21548225

File: 2ccf0bdc35ae2fc⋯.jpg (1.26 MB,3503x2108,113:68,CovidConman.JPG)

File: 6c65729ab79a518⋯.jpg (258.19 KB,1242x1196,27:26,CovidCollude.JPG)

File: 12b1c60c96cecdf⋯.png (341.06 KB,611x398,611:398,CovidCause.PNG)

File: a48d996d5eab6a2⋯.jpg (214.27 KB,1280x854,640:427,CovidBlindfold.JPG)

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2701d1 No.21548226


Yeah, I'm a bit of a Luc Besson hater despite his talent.


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5649b0 No.21548227

File: d4da96bbf5f7b93⋯.png (8.69 MB,3859x3632,17:16,bloodlines.png)

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288d4f No.21548228

Policy unleashed

immigrant accounting 101

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62a6c9 No.21548229



from APRIL

nanobots in vax….anons already know.

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6e55e0 No.21548230


is there a 50/50

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191f49 No.21548231

'china was only paying 39 million, we were paying 500 million, its run by china, who pays only 39 million with 1.4 billion people and we are paying 500 million with much smaller amount of people'

'and you know what? i turned them down, and not for that, but for others reasons, very bad ones'

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ba8d2d No.21548232


Didn't I see a document about a crypto currency antennae being distributed throughout the body with a similar delivery mechanism?

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692397 No.21548233

File: 06ecaa8a57413ef⋯.jpg (519.31 KB,1618x1049,1618:1049,BidenPlan.jpg)

File: f0bb730af337626⋯.jpg (426.7 KB,1080x1322,540:661,BidenOrder.JPG)

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b59926 No.21548234

President Trump: We will not tolerate so-called equity policies that punish Americans based on race or gender. America will return to the merit principal, which has just been approved by the Supreme Court of the United States. You work hard, and you will be very successful.

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780d92 No.21548235


niggers being held accountable on their shitty character? but that's racist!!!

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53d474 No.21548236

File: 27110401627c99e⋯.jpg (144.7 KB,1380x390,46:13,Xnip2024_09_07_15_03_22.jpg)


strong men forming a shield around POTUS

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499700 No.21548237

File: 5e297e9f9bdc65c⋯.png (594.62 KB,607x885,607:885,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a6269 No.21548238


don't have sauce on that right away

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c50f93 No.21548239


Quad sebbens, checked.

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6ab495 No.21548240


yeah, I know.

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182ddf No.21548241


ive learned to separate the art from the artist…i found if you dont you end up with very little joy in any arts

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62a6c9 No.21548242



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cbc49a No.21548243


>we are back to the merit system

Merit rather than equity. Capability rather than underhanded grift.

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d2ef1a No.21548244


>You work hard, and you will be very successful.


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b59926 No.21548245

President Trump: Working with Robert F. Kennedy Jr…we'll take on the corruption at the FDA the CDC, World Health Organization, and other institutions of public health, that are dominated by corporate power, and dominated, really, by China.

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352608 No.21548246

File: d8f21e270254095⋯.png (431.13 KB,741x624,19:16,elon_doge.png)

File: 24b4d0ce5aebf8a⋯.png (66.17 KB,592x791,592:791,nov_5th_fireworks_guy_fawk….png)

File: 1ae58a4260f64ab⋯.png (249.67 KB,380x680,19:34,tranny_shit_shooting_ga_co….png)

File: 1e315cd93cfed5e⋯.jpeg (55.95 KB,800x453,800:453,Trump_DNA_USA_killed_coro….jpeg)

File: 80220d2884e9095⋯.png (785.68 KB,960x951,320:317,climate_change_government_….png)

>>21545653 pb

>DOJ Chief Admits Trump Indictments a Politically Motivated ‘Perversion of Justice’

this one is so huge

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2f3a12 No.21548247

JFKJr. Passed away 25 years ago

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288d4f No.21548248

The biden cocaine chronicles

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191f49 No.21548249

'we are going to get Bobby involved because thats what hes good at, itsn it great having a Kennedy on board?'

;the biden crime family, what the hell is going on with that family?'

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f628cb No.21548250

File: f6b76e12b2839e4⋯.jpg (70.52 KB,712x677,712:677,JFKyou.JPG)

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0eab56 No.21548251

File: 021685a015aa13f⋯.png (1002.05 KB,1036x877,1036:877,mon.PNG)


Montana County Declares Wrong Winner After

Failing To Compare Total Voters To Ballots

The Federalist, by Brianna Lyman

Posted By: earlybird, 9/7/2024 2:25:49 PM

Montana county declared the wrong winner in a race after overcounting votes. During a post-canvassing audit of the Butte-Silver Bow County primary that was held in June, election officials suspected an overcount of more than 1,000 ballots, prompting a judge to order a recount. The recount discovered that 1,131 more votes were counted than voters who voted. Data shows a very similar number of votes in each precinct was overcounted. Election officials are not entirely sure what happened, though Butte-Silver Bow County Clerk and Recorder Linda Sajor-Joyce told leaders she believes the extra ballots were from sample data that had not been cleared from the software by Election Day, according to KTVH.

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6ab495 No.21548252

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499700 No.21548253

File: d72f328c6bb831f⋯.png (938.34 KB,1168x658,584:329,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a6269 No.21548254

File: d7bbc2076abaf49⋯.jpg (27.56 KB,360x360,1:1,andrewmccabe_Copy.jpg)


promotion without merit

BIDENis perfect example

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5649b0 No.21548255

File: 89906015c3cc2a3⋯.png (186.84 KB,248x445,248:445,half_full.png)


Look Closer. The Glass is Half-Full. Perfect.

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0a7689 No.21548256

File: 0b44f6999f061a8⋯.jpg (191.68 KB,1079x911,1079:911,BidenClintonCCP.JPG)

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2f3a12 No.21548257

Lots of past Presidents Mentioned Today!

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182ddf No.21548258

File: cc64fb8267f3c79⋯.png (619.52 KB,800x453,800:453,ClipboardImage.png)


ha ha ha ha!!!!!

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780d92 No.21548259


your mama's a past president

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62a6c9 No.21548260


You're an idiot.

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ba8d2d No.21548261




It's not empty.


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49e421 No.21548262

File: 643f4223b2c3c1c⋯.png (312.46 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240907_150259.png)

File: 2312d7692879a4c⋯.png (51.93 KB,766x672,383:336,233_1_.png)

File: 315892058e931c5⋯.jpeg (142.37 KB,1122x1160,561:580,315892058e931c577e900916c….jpeg)

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93da90 No.21548263


>Elon Musk's X is a poison. We don't need to keep taking it.

Elon Musk's X is a literal poison for commie globohomos. [We] need to take it by the bucket load.


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780d92 No.21548264


truth hurts, huh?

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280acb No.21548265

File: 9f05b74feb34c33⋯.png (315.18 KB,526x472,263:236,Screen_Shot_2024_09_07_at_….png)

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a3d55e No.21548266

File: 74d61c45d3071d5⋯.jpg (83.71 KB,680x455,136:91,BigClub.JPG)

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191f49 No.21548267

'not since franklin delano roosevelt, has a speech been delivered so well. then he was coughin in his hands and then went and shaking peoples hands'

'franklin delano roosevelt'

'i will suppport fin modifying the 25th amendment for impeachment and removal from office of the vice president'

'nov 5th will be your liberation day'

'it will be the most important day in the history of our country'

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069770 No.21548268

58 more days until Nov. 5

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b59926 No.21548269

President Trump: We will establish a panel of top experts to investigate what is causing the decades-long increase in chronic health problems and childhood diseases, including the auto-immune disorders, autism, obesity, infertility, and much more. And Bobby's gonna be very much involved in that.

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66c389 No.21548270





"Ultimately, the case was thrown out due to the fact that The Fifth Element only used "tiny fragments" of The Incal's story, rather than copying it wholesale. There's also the fact that Moebius had actually contributed concept art to The Fifth Element while it was in production and a number of films, including Blade Runner and The Matrix have drawn on his visual style. "


ice ice baby and underpressure are completely different songs.

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0eab56 No.21548271

File: 64ada3ac242af6f⋯.png (1.25 MB,865x791,865:791,boom.PNG)

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06b3e8 No.21548272


At least a hummer

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182ddf No.21548273

File: 96b1176b31fbeea⋯.png (416.86 KB,500x323,500:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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9c9281 No.21548274


effective vid meme

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f3fef9 No.21548275

File: 40d5ff777648298⋯.jpeg (67.56 KB,967x516,967:516,40d5ff777648298a4a7bd6f2f….jpeg)

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49e421 No.21548276


beer run was a success

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191f49 No.21548277

'tammy baldwin is bad news, voted with biden almost 100 percent of the time'

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780d92 No.21548278


I got into an argument with my mother because I was trying to explain to her that the concept of "starter homes" doesn't exist anymore.

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cbc49a No.21548279

File: f4a33846b90f13a⋯.jpg (59.19 KB,700x430,70:43,youthinkthatsair.jpg)

They've sure been pushing their communist symbol of anonymity hard lately that they've cultivated for a decade and a half. Who do you think puts out those retarded "Expect Us" videos making threats with the speech synthesis reading a script? Guy Falkes was a terrorist. That fuckin' goofball is no different than George Floyd, whose also happens to have the same initials.

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efed67 No.21548280

File: 6653717277c5e2d⋯.jpg (547.11 KB,1432x1073,1432:1073,BorderTreason.JPG)

File: 099625e87d728a1⋯.jpg (744.98 KB,2041x1361,2041:1361,TrumpSolvedIt.JPG)

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06b3e8 No.21548281


👑 w⚓️ s

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273fb5 No.21548282

last call


26397 >>21547519


>>21547659 WATCH LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Mosinee, WI - 9/7/24

>>21547733, >>21547787, >>21547800, >>21547801, >>21547824, >>21547827 @realDonaldTrump Wisconsin, Get Ready for a Trump Force One Fly Over!! Runway 17!

>>21547829, >>21547834, >>21547862, >>21547880, >>21547898, >>21548108 TRUMP FORCE ONE LANDS IN WISCONSIN

>>21547913, >>21547940, >>21548217 POTUS IS UP LIVE

>>21548112 Trump: "We're up against very bad evil people. It's an evil force."

>>21547957, >>21547976, >>21547987, >>21547998, >>21548013, >>21548021, >>21548027, >>21548034, >>21548044, >>21548051, >>21548056, >>21548058, >>21548061, >>21548070, >>21548077, >>21548080, >>21548101, >>21548109, >>21548110, >>21548126, >>21548134, >>21548142, >>21548149, >>21548173, >>21548193, >>21548200, >>21548222, >>21548234, >>21548245, >>21548269 TRUMP QUOTES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21547570, >>21547572 Social Security Facing $63 Trillion In Unfunded Liabilities = CyberAttack Time

>>21547576, >>21547592 SPIRITUAL WARFARE

>>21547578, >>21547580, >>21547583, >>21547595 IRAN Hurting Efforts To Protect Trump, Harris, Biden?

>>21547634 Back by popular demand, TRUMP DIGITAL TRADING CARDS, Series 4: The America First Collection

>>21547656 RFK Jr & Calley Means on How Insurance Companies Profit From Chronic Disease

>>21547660, >>21547686, >>21547748, >>21547786, >>21547806, >>21547823, >>21547868, >>21547870 NASA space stuffs

>>21547680 @RichardGrenell - @keithellison is on the short list to be Attorney General if Kamala should win.

>>21547689 @elonmusk - Grok unhinged fun mode. Moar Vulgar! Forbidden Words!

>>21547690 (ODNI) announced Friday that it has not “observed” any foreign interference in the 2024 election

>>21547692 WEF - "CovID Was a ‘Test’ of Our Obedience to Rapidly Forming New World Order"

>>21547700 RT - Argentina urges ICC to order arrest of Maduro

>>21547705 Texas Democrat Indicted For Staging Hate Crime Hoax and Framing Republican Opponent

>>21547731 DeSantis Operatives Have Taken Over a Key Trump-World PAC

>>21547745 Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement on Social Media Speech Restrictions

>>21547746 Trump has suggested eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs

>>21547771, >>21547910 Erdogan seeks Islamic alliance against Israel, says its ‘expansionism’ won’t stop in Gaza

>>21547809 Renowned Medical Professor Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer

>>21547857 Berkshire Hathaway sells 18.7 million Bank of America shares from Sep 3-5

>>21547886 An odd-looking balloon was floating across the Denver metro area on Friday morning

>>21548032 Southern California rocked by two earthquakes 30 minutes apart and felt by millions

>>21548223, >>21548263 NOW: Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil to fight against censorship

>>21548251 Montana County Declares Wrong Winner After Failing To Compare Total Voters To Ballots

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9e9ccc No.21548283

File: dd7895c93b8d9d4⋯.gif (38.19 KB,618x640,309:320,IMG_6302.gif)

I’m voting Trump. In 2028 I’m voting Kennedy.

So suck it.

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ba8d2d No.21548284

File: 42a44274f4dfb50⋯.jpg (65.6 KB,860x960,43:48,Ch33zeDoodle.jpg)



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191f49 No.21548285

'theyre here, theyre here'

'25 million people are already in our country, what theyve done to this country is suicidal, its suicidal'

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bd2860 No.21548286


You can't separate art from artists.

Artists imbue their work with their soul.

That's why there's so many older men with younger girls in his movies.

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182ddf No.21548287

File: 8ebec10eff8d5a4⋯.png (1.42 MB,1331x573,1331:573,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dae1f No.21548288

File: e593d419bad0b41⋯.jpg (330.85 KB,540x720,3:4,Stitching_it_all_together.jpg)

File: bb6568329ce66e2⋯.png (50.36 KB,500x500,1:1,pepewizard.png)

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2f3a12 No.21548289

File: 3c8be64ab1e802d⋯.jpeg (268.47 KB,1200x1200,1:1,IMG_3298.jpeg)

File: 40795b8a64829fa⋯.jpeg (30.85 KB,276x183,92:61,IMG_3299.jpeg)

File: f75eee409539a25⋯.jpeg (31.77 KB,242x208,121:104,IMG_3300.jpeg)

File: e170d11ddbb70c3⋯.jpeg (53.26 KB,225x225,1:1,IMG_3301.jpeg)

File: 607667c59ceeea2⋯.jpeg (24.68 KB,306x165,102:55,IMG_3302.jpeg)

Here you go Dan!

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302cfd No.21548290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> They tested my DNA and it wasn't DNA. It was USA.

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182ddf No.21548291

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4be98a No.21548292

File: 47231fd93de753e⋯.png (411.29 KB,800x490,80:49,ClipboardImage.png)

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191f49 No.21548293

'this guy is central casting, and hes smart, and touch and will be an incredible success'

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62a6c9 No.21548294


You don't care what hurts and what helps. Why an idiot.

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f3fef9 No.21548295

File: bd5fb80cd0c9af9⋯.jpeg (280.98 KB,1440x1136,90:71,bd5fb80cd0c9af918d3d98d86….jpeg)

central casting

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5411a6 No.21548296

File: 062eaebf3e5c6fa⋯.webp (10.1 KB,96x96,1:1,MONKAUMM.webp)


>this guy is central casting

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b59926 No.21548297

President Trump: I will ask congress to pass sweeping reforms to prevent foreign influence peddling, bribery, and corruption, like we have seen within a certain family in the United States. The Biden Crime Family, that's the family. What the hell is happening with that family? What's going on with that family? You know, the night he spoke at the convention, congress found out that he stole twenty-seven million dollars. Nothing happened. Nothing happens with these people.

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b53a25 No.21548298



Are you talking about the long-awaited fedboi Beer Run or did you do a little personal journey?

I'm jealous if you did a little road trip for the sudsy goodness and trying not to get my hopes up that after all these weekends gone by the fedbois are finally delivering

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5dae1f No.21548299

File: 7127a09974d5b07⋯.jpg (168.34 KB,600x735,40:49,MegaSuperEliteKEKCoatOfArm….jpg)

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5649b0 No.21548300

File: 27097f6abca7a4d⋯.png (45.73 KB,444x652,111:163,1433.png)


+ 1433

FOP, Rosslyn, Roths… Templars, "Free"-Masons…

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2b849c No.21548301

File: e3faa9373c35b7e⋯.jpg (12.5 KB,250x250,1:1,PepeTing.jpg)


Make Zimbabwe Great Again

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780d92 No.21548302


found the nigger

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5e1662 No.21548303

File: 631578b2e823a35⋯.jpg (91.08 KB,552x782,12:17,JihadSquad.JPG)

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780d92 No.21548304


wtf are niggers going to do with this technology?

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694331 No.21548305

File: 32858ceb5eb02c2⋯.jpg (61.97 KB,500x614,250:307,1205z5.jpg)


despite all the frustrations these past decades, it is extraordinary, kinda 'Biblical' that We are NOT in open War. It would not even be 'war' as most people think… it would just be a complete mess and confusion and nothing but destruction, waste and death.

We are NOT at war, and this time, especially the seven years of this strange Q-esk thing and DJT speaking infront of cheering… we ARE getting to watch this Movie with Popcorn, and maybe we can watch to The End where the badguys in gov/intel/media get their comeuppance, the children are laughing again, the good guy gets the girl and We ride off into the happy sunset.

it could work!

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06b3e8 No.21548306


That bank business and drugs in Aussie land…didn't mean it

My lungs weren't full of sand when I went canoeing

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191f49 No.21548307

nice energy from eric

7.7 percent

2.2 percent

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5dae1f No.21548308

File: 1cdbe489307dc4c⋯.png (243.8 KB,506x509,506:509,BadgeSuperElite.png)

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ba8d2d No.21548309

File: 8774d932e58e7f5⋯.jpg (22.12 KB,600x580,30:29,FB_IMG_1488861867171.jpg)


Check it :)


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273fb5 No.21548310



26397 >>21547519


>>21547659 WATCH LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Mosinee, WI - 9/7/24

>>21547733, >>21547787, >>21547800, >>21547801, >>21547824, >>21547827 @realDonaldTrump Wisconsin, Get Ready for a Trump Force One Fly Over!! Runway 17!

>>21547829, >>21547834, >>21547862, >>21547880, >>21547898, >>21548108 TRUMP FORCE ONE LANDS IN WISCONSIN

>>21547913, >>21547940, >>21548217 POTUS IS UP LIVE

>>21548112 Trump: "We're up against very bad evil people. It's an evil force."

>>21547957, >>21547976, >>21547987, >>21547998, >>21548013, >>21548021, >>21548027, >>21548034, >>21548044, >>21548051, >>21548056, >>21548058, >>21548061, >>21548070, >>21548077, >>21548080, >>21548101, >>21548109, >>21548110, >>21548126, >>21548134, >>21548142, >>21548149, >>21548173, >>21548193, >>21548200, >>21548222, >>21548234, >>21548245, >>21548269, >>21548292, >>21548293, >>21548297 TRUMP QUOTES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21547570, >>21547572 Social Security Facing $63 Trillion In Unfunded Liabilities = CyberAttack Time

>>21547576, >>21547592 SPIRITUAL WARFARE

>>21547578, >>21547580, >>21547583, >>21547595 IRAN Hurting Efforts To Protect Trump, Harris, Biden?

>>21547634 Back by popular demand, TRUMP DIGITAL TRADING CARDS, Series 4: The America First Collection

>>21547656 RFK Jr & Calley Means on How Insurance Companies Profit From Chronic Disease

>>21547660, >>21547686, >>21547748, >>21547786, >>21547806, >>21547823, >>21547868, >>21547870 NASA space stuffs

>>21547680 @RichardGrenell - @keithellison is on the short list to be Attorney General if Kamala should win.

>>21547689 @elonmusk - Grok unhinged fun mode. Moar Vulgar! Forbidden Words!

>>21547690 (ODNI) announced Friday that it has not “observed” any foreign interference in the 2024 election

>>21547692 WEF - "CovID Was a ‘Test’ of Our Obedience to Rapidly Forming New World Order"

>>21547700 RT - Argentina urges ICC to order arrest of Maduro

>>21547705 Texas Democrat Indicted For Staging Hate Crime Hoax and Framing Republican Opponent

>>21547731 DeSantis Operatives Have Taken Over a Key Trump-World PAC

>>21547745 Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement on Social Media Speech Restrictions

>>21547746 Trump has suggested eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs

>>21547771, >>21547910 Erdogan seeks Islamic alliance against Israel, says its ‘expansionism’ won’t stop in Gaza

>>21547809 Renowned Medical Professor Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer

>>21547857 Berkshire Hathaway sells 18.7 million Bank of America shares from Sep 3-5

>>21547886 An odd-looking balloon was floating across the Denver metro area on Friday morning

>>21548032 Southern California rocked by two earthquakes 30 minutes apart and felt by millions

>>21548223, >>21548263 NOW: Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil to fight against censorship

>>21548251 Montana County Declares Wrong Winner After Failing To Compare Total Voters To Ballots

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499700 No.21548311

File: 898a240372a89ef⋯.png (1.42 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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9c9281 No.21548312

File: 6ec86ade6c388ce⋯.jpg (289.01 KB,576x584,72:73,FGAC.jpg)

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2f3a12 No.21548314


John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. (November 25, 1960 – July 16, 1999), often referred to as John-John or JFK Jr., was an American attorney, journalist, socialite, and magazine publisher. He was a son of President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy.

Kennedy was born two weeks after his father was elected president. He spent his early childhood years living in the White House until his father was assassinated. At the funeral procession, which took place on his third birthday, he gave his father's flag-draped casket a final salute as it came past him.

As an adult, Kennedy worked for nearly four years as an assistant district attorney in New York City. In 1995, he launched the magazine George, using his political and celebrity status to promote it. He was a popular social figure in Manhattan and the subject of intense media scrutiny throughout his life. His death in a plane crash in 1999 at age 38 was highly publicized.


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5dae1f No.21548315

File: ae77fe695726875⋯.png (41.2 KB,500x500,1:1,weseeyou.png)

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777a04 No.21548317

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)


So are Mr catturd copycat white cat memes

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b59926 No.21548318

President Trump: I will support modifying the Twenty-fifth amendment to make clear that if a vice president lies or engages in a conspiracy to cover-up the incapacity of the president of the United States; if you do that with a cover-up of the president of the United States, it's grounds for impeachment immediately, and removal from office. Because that's what they did.

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273fb5 No.21548320

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ca6bbe No.21548321

Trump:Isnt it great to have a Kennedy with us?

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06b3e8 No.21548322






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ba8d2d No.21548323

File: 85eaff158d72952⋯.jpg (149.28 KB,1347x2048,1347:2048,FB_IMG_1488147196853.jpg)




Check ✅

I like it better here.

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273fb5 No.21548325

File: aed8e4f48d2a3a7⋯.jpg (57.99 KB,900x544,225:136,aed8e4f48d2a3a74a9f5956319….jpg)

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5dae1f No.21548326

File: 4c59793f7e7dc5e⋯.png (1.18 MB,1024x921,1024:921,Nightshift_Pepe_1024.png)

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5dae1f No.21548327

File: 134d611dc8575c5⋯.jpg (56.39 KB,252x255,84:85,PatchAnons.jpg)

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5dae1f No.21548331

File: 88185b629f296e1⋯.jpg (115.83 KB,759x475,759:475,074d558dca2e2f95ec6f0ae677….jpg)

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273fb5 No.21548334

File: 1e149f543f530fc⋯.png (1.07 MB,1160x773,1160:773,1e149f543f530fcf64fed074b9….png)

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5dae1f No.21548335

File: c0b4b95bb09fa9f⋯.jpg (137.56 KB,811x463,811:463,wwg1wwga.jpg)

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5649b0 No.21548336

File: 55f08e435cda1bc⋯.png (4.81 KB,310x163,310:163,_2_.png)

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5dae1f No.21548337

File: 924fbe561c808dc⋯.jpg (157.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,nsft.jpg)

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9a6269 No.21548339

File: f4aa5698c5bf947⋯.jpg (11.6 KB,255x181,255:181,digmemepray.jpg)



looks moare than half full

Senate nominee is good! Eric

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5dae1f No.21548341

File: 3efb75e7ef77e5c⋯.jpg (200.63 KB,1024x1118,512:559,PepeDigDayNight.jpg)

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273fb5 No.21548342

File: cc3c1bc46b01f2a⋯.jpg (10 KB,194x259,194:259,2019magages_2020_07_22_02_….jpg)

File: ce541523682093c⋯.png (154.38 KB,568x290,284:145,ce541523682093c8bd92c244b4….png)

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5dae1f No.21548344

File: c45f8d28ada6034⋯.png (275.08 KB,496x489,496:489,LV_10_01_10_01.png)

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a62d78 No.21548345

File: 12c68abc4f83bff⋯.png (336.5 KB,1029x779,1029:779,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dae1f No.21548347

File: 440fccdf1584119⋯.jpg (278.46 KB,625x480,125:96,conspiracy.jpg)

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cbc49a No.21548349

File: d88dd90906e20e4⋯.png (520.53 KB,750x500,3:2,d88dd90906e20e4df8b6ffe319….png)


It's the neat little things like that that always stand out to me. George Floyd and Guy Falkes both have the same initials and both's images are used by the deep state for psyop and narrative purposes.

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273fb5 No.21548351

File: e3274cd6dc43b19⋯.jpg (558.83 KB,2560x2560,1:1,e3274cd6dc43b1948470451765….jpg)

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