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File: 6762dfcd2fc84a0⋯.jpg (20.56 KB,255x174,85:58,000ggg.jpg)

2a3d66 No.21547509 [View All]

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701 posts and 542 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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182ddf No.21548287

File: 8ebec10eff8d5a4⋯.png (1.42 MB,1331x573,1331:573,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dae1f No.21548288

File: e593d419bad0b41⋯.jpg (330.85 KB,540x720,3:4,Stitching_it_all_together.jpg)

File: bb6568329ce66e2⋯.png (50.36 KB,500x500,1:1,pepewizard.png)

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2f3a12 No.21548289

File: 3c8be64ab1e802d⋯.jpeg (268.47 KB,1200x1200,1:1,IMG_3298.jpeg)

File: 40795b8a64829fa⋯.jpeg (30.85 KB,276x183,92:61,IMG_3299.jpeg)

File: f75eee409539a25⋯.jpeg (31.77 KB,242x208,121:104,IMG_3300.jpeg)

File: e170d11ddbb70c3⋯.jpeg (53.26 KB,225x225,1:1,IMG_3301.jpeg)

File: 607667c59ceeea2⋯.jpeg (24.68 KB,306x165,102:55,IMG_3302.jpeg)

Here you go Dan!

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302cfd No.21548290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> They tested my DNA and it wasn't DNA. It was USA.

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182ddf No.21548291

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4be98a No.21548292

File: 47231fd93de753e⋯.png (411.29 KB,800x490,80:49,ClipboardImage.png)

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191f49 No.21548293

'this guy is central casting, and hes smart, and touch and will be an incredible success'

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62a6c9 No.21548294


You don't care what hurts and what helps. Why an idiot.

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f3fef9 No.21548295

File: bd5fb80cd0c9af9⋯.jpeg (280.98 KB,1440x1136,90:71,bd5fb80cd0c9af918d3d98d86….jpeg)

central casting

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5411a6 No.21548296

File: 062eaebf3e5c6fa⋯.webp (10.1 KB,96x96,1:1,MONKAUMM.webp)


>this guy is central casting

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b59926 No.21548297

President Trump: I will ask congress to pass sweeping reforms to prevent foreign influence peddling, bribery, and corruption, like we have seen within a certain family in the United States. The Biden Crime Family, that's the family. What the hell is happening with that family? What's going on with that family? You know, the night he spoke at the convention, congress found out that he stole twenty-seven million dollars. Nothing happened. Nothing happens with these people.

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b53a25 No.21548298



Are you talking about the long-awaited fedboi Beer Run or did you do a little personal journey?

I'm jealous if you did a little road trip for the sudsy goodness and trying not to get my hopes up that after all these weekends gone by the fedbois are finally delivering

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5dae1f No.21548299

File: 7127a09974d5b07⋯.jpg (168.34 KB,600x735,40:49,MegaSuperEliteKEKCoatOfArm….jpg)

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5649b0 No.21548300

File: 27097f6abca7a4d⋯.png (45.73 KB,444x652,111:163,1433.png)


+ 1433

FOP, Rosslyn, Roths… Templars, "Free"-Masons…

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2b849c No.21548301

File: e3faa9373c35b7e⋯.jpg (12.5 KB,250x250,1:1,PepeTing.jpg)


Make Zimbabwe Great Again

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780d92 No.21548302


found the nigger

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5e1662 No.21548303

File: 631578b2e823a35⋯.jpg (91.08 KB,552x782,12:17,JihadSquad.JPG)

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780d92 No.21548304


wtf are niggers going to do with this technology?

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694331 No.21548305

File: 32858ceb5eb02c2⋯.jpg (61.97 KB,500x614,250:307,1205z5.jpg)


despite all the frustrations these past decades, it is extraordinary, kinda 'Biblical' that We are NOT in open War. It would not even be 'war' as most people think… it would just be a complete mess and confusion and nothing but destruction, waste and death.

We are NOT at war, and this time, especially the seven years of this strange Q-esk thing and DJT speaking infront of cheering… we ARE getting to watch this Movie with Popcorn, and maybe we can watch to The End where the badguys in gov/intel/media get their comeuppance, the children are laughing again, the good guy gets the girl and We ride off into the happy sunset.

it could work!

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06b3e8 No.21548306


That bank business and drugs in Aussie land…didn't mean it

My lungs weren't full of sand when I went canoeing

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191f49 No.21548307

nice energy from eric

7.7 percent

2.2 percent

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5dae1f No.21548308

File: 1cdbe489307dc4c⋯.png (243.8 KB,506x509,506:509,BadgeSuperElite.png)

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ba8d2d No.21548309

File: 8774d932e58e7f5⋯.jpg (22.12 KB,600x580,30:29,FB_IMG_1488861867171.jpg)


Check it :)


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273fb5 No.21548310



26397 >>21547519


>>21547659 WATCH LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Mosinee, WI - 9/7/24

>>21547733, >>21547787, >>21547800, >>21547801, >>21547824, >>21547827 @realDonaldTrump Wisconsin, Get Ready for a Trump Force One Fly Over!! Runway 17!

>>21547829, >>21547834, >>21547862, >>21547880, >>21547898, >>21548108 TRUMP FORCE ONE LANDS IN WISCONSIN

>>21547913, >>21547940, >>21548217 POTUS IS UP LIVE

>>21548112 Trump: "We're up against very bad evil people. It's an evil force."

>>21547957, >>21547976, >>21547987, >>21547998, >>21548013, >>21548021, >>21548027, >>21548034, >>21548044, >>21548051, >>21548056, >>21548058, >>21548061, >>21548070, >>21548077, >>21548080, >>21548101, >>21548109, >>21548110, >>21548126, >>21548134, >>21548142, >>21548149, >>21548173, >>21548193, >>21548200, >>21548222, >>21548234, >>21548245, >>21548269, >>21548292, >>21548293, >>21548297 TRUMP QUOTES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21547570, >>21547572 Social Security Facing $63 Trillion In Unfunded Liabilities = CyberAttack Time

>>21547576, >>21547592 SPIRITUAL WARFARE

>>21547578, >>21547580, >>21547583, >>21547595 IRAN Hurting Efforts To Protect Trump, Harris, Biden?

>>21547634 Back by popular demand, TRUMP DIGITAL TRADING CARDS, Series 4: The America First Collection

>>21547656 RFK Jr & Calley Means on How Insurance Companies Profit From Chronic Disease

>>21547660, >>21547686, >>21547748, >>21547786, >>21547806, >>21547823, >>21547868, >>21547870 NASA space stuffs

>>21547680 @RichardGrenell - @keithellison is on the short list to be Attorney General if Kamala should win.

>>21547689 @elonmusk - Grok unhinged fun mode. Moar Vulgar! Forbidden Words!

>>21547690 (ODNI) announced Friday that it has not “observed” any foreign interference in the 2024 election

>>21547692 WEF - "CovID Was a ‘Test’ of Our Obedience to Rapidly Forming New World Order"

>>21547700 RT - Argentina urges ICC to order arrest of Maduro

>>21547705 Texas Democrat Indicted For Staging Hate Crime Hoax and Framing Republican Opponent

>>21547731 DeSantis Operatives Have Taken Over a Key Trump-World PAC

>>21547745 Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement on Social Media Speech Restrictions

>>21547746 Trump has suggested eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs

>>21547771, >>21547910 Erdogan seeks Islamic alliance against Israel, says its ‘expansionism’ won’t stop in Gaza

>>21547809 Renowned Medical Professor Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer

>>21547857 Berkshire Hathaway sells 18.7 million Bank of America shares from Sep 3-5

>>21547886 An odd-looking balloon was floating across the Denver metro area on Friday morning

>>21548032 Southern California rocked by two earthquakes 30 minutes apart and felt by millions

>>21548223, >>21548263 NOW: Tens of thousands of patriots in Sao Paulo, Brazil to fight against censorship

>>21548251 Montana County Declares Wrong Winner After Failing To Compare Total Voters To Ballots

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499700 No.21548311

File: 898a240372a89ef⋯.png (1.42 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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9c9281 No.21548312

File: 6ec86ade6c388ce⋯.jpg (289.01 KB,576x584,72:73,FGAC.jpg)

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2f3a12 No.21548314


John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. (November 25, 1960 – July 16, 1999), often referred to as John-John or JFK Jr., was an American attorney, journalist, socialite, and magazine publisher. He was a son of President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy.

Kennedy was born two weeks after his father was elected president. He spent his early childhood years living in the White House until his father was assassinated. At the funeral procession, which took place on his third birthday, he gave his father's flag-draped casket a final salute as it came past him.

As an adult, Kennedy worked for nearly four years as an assistant district attorney in New York City. In 1995, he launched the magazine George, using his political and celebrity status to promote it. He was a popular social figure in Manhattan and the subject of intense media scrutiny throughout his life. His death in a plane crash in 1999 at age 38 was highly publicized.


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5dae1f No.21548315

File: ae77fe695726875⋯.png (41.2 KB,500x500,1:1,weseeyou.png)

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777a04 No.21548317

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)


So are Mr catturd copycat white cat memes

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b59926 No.21548318

President Trump: I will support modifying the Twenty-fifth amendment to make clear that if a vice president lies or engages in a conspiracy to cover-up the incapacity of the president of the United States; if you do that with a cover-up of the president of the United States, it's grounds for impeachment immediately, and removal from office. Because that's what they did.

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273fb5 No.21548320

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ca6bbe No.21548321

Trump:Isnt it great to have a Kennedy with us?

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06b3e8 No.21548322






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ba8d2d No.21548323

File: 85eaff158d72952⋯.jpg (149.28 KB,1347x2048,1347:2048,FB_IMG_1488147196853.jpg)




Check ✅

I like it better here.

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273fb5 No.21548325

File: aed8e4f48d2a3a7⋯.jpg (57.99 KB,900x544,225:136,aed8e4f48d2a3a74a9f5956319….jpg)

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5dae1f No.21548326

File: 4c59793f7e7dc5e⋯.png (1.18 MB,1024x921,1024:921,Nightshift_Pepe_1024.png)

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5dae1f No.21548327

File: 134d611dc8575c5⋯.jpg (56.39 KB,252x255,84:85,PatchAnons.jpg)

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5dae1f No.21548331

File: 88185b629f296e1⋯.jpg (115.83 KB,759x475,759:475,074d558dca2e2f95ec6f0ae677….jpg)

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273fb5 No.21548334

File: 1e149f543f530fc⋯.png (1.07 MB,1160x773,1160:773,1e149f543f530fcf64fed074b9….png)

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5dae1f No.21548335

File: c0b4b95bb09fa9f⋯.jpg (137.56 KB,811x463,811:463,wwg1wwga.jpg)

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5649b0 No.21548336

File: 55f08e435cda1bc⋯.png (4.81 KB,310x163,310:163,_2_.png)

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5dae1f No.21548337

File: 924fbe561c808dc⋯.jpg (157.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,nsft.jpg)

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9a6269 No.21548339

File: f4aa5698c5bf947⋯.jpg (11.6 KB,255x181,255:181,digmemepray.jpg)



looks moare than half full

Senate nominee is good! Eric

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5dae1f No.21548341

File: 3efb75e7ef77e5c⋯.jpg (200.63 KB,1024x1118,512:559,PepeDigDayNight.jpg)

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273fb5 No.21548342

File: cc3c1bc46b01f2a⋯.jpg (10 KB,194x259,194:259,2019magages_2020_07_22_02_….jpg)

File: ce541523682093c⋯.png (154.38 KB,568x290,284:145,ce541523682093c8bd92c244b4….png)

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5dae1f No.21548344

File: c45f8d28ada6034⋯.png (275.08 KB,496x489,496:489,LV_10_01_10_01.png)

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a62d78 No.21548345

File: 12c68abc4f83bff⋯.png (336.5 KB,1029x779,1029:779,ClipboardImage.png)

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5dae1f No.21548347

File: 440fccdf1584119⋯.jpg (278.46 KB,625x480,125:96,conspiracy.jpg)

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cbc49a No.21548349

File: d88dd90906e20e4⋯.png (520.53 KB,750x500,3:2,d88dd90906e20e4df8b6ffe319….png)


It's the neat little things like that that always stand out to me. George Floyd and Guy Falkes both have the same initials and both's images are used by the deep state for psyop and narrative purposes.

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273fb5 No.21548351

File: e3274cd6dc43b19⋯.jpg (558.83 KB,2560x2560,1:1,e3274cd6dc43b1948470451765….jpg)

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