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380b5f No.21545730 [Last50 Posts]

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380b5f No.21545732

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380b5f No.21545734


#26394 >>21544974

>>21544980 RFK Jr: The Founding Fathers Fought a Revolution to Overthrow What We Are Facing Right Now

>>21544994 The illegals don't stop comin'

>>21545038, >>21545099, >>21545123, >>21545151, >>21545163 Trump / QR board shoutout proofs

>>21545051 Literally the Worldwide Organization of Socialists endorses Kamala Harris

>>21545056 Kamala-tier policies

>>21545082 Black woman goes “scorched earth” on Kamala Harris, white liberals, and the Democrat Party

>>21545098 Egypt Seeks Rare LNG Cargoes for Winter, Squeezing Supply

>>21545241 Update on Krassenstein's poll

>>21545261 Snapchat Is A "Breeding Ground" For Child Predators According New Mexico Prosecutors

>>21545364 What a botfarm looks like to mass up or down vote content, boost views and subscribers

>>21545415 Secret Service to send agents to LGBTQ summit at Disney despite scrutiny after J13

>>21545445, >>21545490 Scavino: DJT in Charlotte, North Carolina today, where he received an endorsement from the FOP (377,000 members)

>>21545476 (2019) Christian Bale Thanks Satan in Globes Speech for Inspiring His Role as Dick Cheney

>>21545484, >>21545492 DHS acknowledges that Venezuela is emptying their prisons and mental health institutions to flood the U.S. with

>>21545512, >>21545524 Naval Ravikant says the Democrat Party's lawfare against President Trump is "disgusting behavior"

>>21545519 DJT vid: Tick Tock

>>21545526 California Democratic heavyweight Gloria Romero leaves party

>>21545530 Harris Campaign Hired Marketing Firm Run by Judge Merchan’s Daughter, Ethics Complaint Reveals

>>21545540 The CCP Is Paying Chinese Companies to Make Poisons for Export

>>21545543 U.S. Army CUI Documents Reveal Expanding Threat of Venezuelan Criminal Organization ‘Tren de Aragua’ Across NYC and Denver

>>21545554 U.S. Air Force Academy Cadet found dead in dorm room

>>21545579 Jewish Democrat Voting For Kamala

>>21545595 Struggling Big Lots preparing bankruptcy filing, will sell stores

>>21545598 Jeremy Brown (J6 whistleblower) has been placed in general population and not in J6 protected area

>>21545611 Reminder Cheney links to J13 via the stock shorting of $DJT

>>21545623, >>21545651 George Webb: New developments in Trump Assassination can’t be ignored

>>21545653 DOJ Chief Admits Trump Indictments a Politically Motivated ‘Perversion of Justice’

>>21545681, >>21545693, >>21545189 Colt Gray Transferred to School Weeks Prior to Attack, Reportedly Spent Two Days on Campus

>>21545719 Adin Ross x Candace Owens

>>21544986, >>21544997, >>21545037, >>21545180, >>21545185, >>21545479, >>21545497, >>21545563, >>21545696 Memes

>>21545729 #26394

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380b5f No.21545735

#26393 >>21544188


>>21544211, >>21544379 Trump Addresses the National Board of the Fraternal Order of Police in Charlotte, NC

>>21544226, >>21544238, >>21544247, >>21544250, >>21544257, >>21544260, >>21544286, >>21544307, >>21544325, >>21544338, >>21544351, >>21544378, >>21544416, >>21544431, >>21544435, >>21544440, >>21544475, >>21544504, >>21544520, >>21544551, >>21544571, >>21544579, >>21544583 TRUMP FOP Quotables

- - - - - - - - -


>>21544227 Denver mayor's office confirms vacant school building may be used to house migrants

>>21544232 Russell Brand on Tucker Carlson full video

>>21544241 @thejimwatkins - These boards are available at https://shop.isitwetyet.com

>>21544243 Six-Figure Ad Buy Targets Fani Willis

>>21544297 Pennsylvania listen up! Early voting is fast approaching Make sure you know the key deadlines

>>21544317 Social security is down: Online and in-person services hit by nationwide outage

>>21544330 Fani Willis' Daughter and DA Fani Shows Up at Scene with Ex Nathan Wade.

>>21544331 Newsom seeks to harness the power of GenAI to address homelessness

>>21544363 @CodeMonkeyZ UNSEEN WAR Highlighted news events from September 3-5, 2024

>>21544404, >>21544524, >>21544573, >>21544590, >>21544870 NASA and Space Stuff

>>21544450 @NateSilver - Aug 23 🟦 Harris: 53.5% 🟥 Trump: 46.1% - - Sept 6 🟥 Trump: 61.5% 🟦 Harris: 38.3%

>>21544452, >>21544567 Md school shooting Was a fight between two kids and one shot the other

>>21544457 Pfizer Deploys Mobile ‘School of Science’ to Teach Kids the fake plague ritual

>>21544482, >>21544512 The Media Lies Add Up - VICTOR DAVIS HANSON

>>21544487 Dell $DELL and Palantir $PLTR to join S&P 500

>>21544499 @RepAndyBiggsAZ - Garland’s FBI continues to protect the Biden Crime Family

>>21544531, >>21544536, >>21544707 James Murdoch, Dick Cheney endorse Kamala Harris for president

>>21544540 Swamp Events

>>21544581 College Professors form Vote Trump group - it's Trump or our country and culture are destroyed.

>>21544678, >>21544688 US Army Lieutenant Colonel Koshua Camara was NOT killed in “Poland” but in Russian missile strike on Poltava, Ukraine

>>21544690 Bronze Diana Statue Recovered from Titanic Wreckage

>>21544612, >>21544693, >>21544795 The stars are aligning.

>>21544753 Sober Kamala: "Russia cannot hack a piece of paper like they can a voting machine"

>>21544770 Jury selection begins Friday in the civil trial against the participants of the 'Trump Train'

>>21544782 YouTube Uses DOJ Allegations To Justify Axing Tenet Media’s Channel Without Due Process

>>21544821 TRUMPS SENTENCING DELAYED - R. Gouveia covers transcripts from court documents

>>21544825, >>21544828, >>21544831 ARCHIVING - TRUMP SPEECH AT THE FATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE 9-6-2024

>>21544852, >>21544864, >>21544873 @thejimwatkins PRAYER FOR AMERICA amen


>>21544911 Biden rambles lies and moar angreeee lies

>>21544922 U.S. climate envoy John Podesta says US and CHINA narrowing progress on Climate Pron

>>21544940, >>21544947 Trump the "King of New York" by il Papi Trumpo

>>21544963 #26393

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380b5f No.21545736

#26392 >>21543189


>>21543239, >>21543293 LIVE: Trump Addresses the National Board of the Fraternal Order of Police in Charlotte, NC - 9/6/24 2pm

>>21544125 POTUS UP LIVE

>>21544127, >>21544138, TRUMP Live FOP Quotables

- - - - - - - - -


>>21543201, >>21543225 Judge Delays Trump’s Sentencing Until Nov. 26, After Election Day

>>21543214, >>21543236, >>21543662 Another school shooting. Harford County, Maryland

>>21543215 Walz's Attempt to Troll J.D. Vance in Front of Bakery Backfires

>>21543217, >>21543415 Georgia mass shooting over grievances about the lack of trans acceptance

>>21543252 WH ponders if @JoeBiden should be removed for incompetence via the 25th Amendment

>>21543287 The Atlantic Presents: One on One With Liz Cheney

>>21543309, >>21543313 Telegram

>>21543317, >>21543469, >>21543627 National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) announces TRUMP ENDORSEMENT

>>21543323 ICE confirms Aurora, Colorado gang members are in the United States illegally

>>21543333 Biden Administration Announces Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine

>>21543340, >>21543397 Alina Habba today at Trump Presser

>>21543401 Newsom just vetoed AB 1840. Just a Presidential Election political calculation.

>>21543464, >>21543474, >>21543481 Biden Admits “Inflation Reduction Act” was actually the “Green New Deal”

>>21543472, >>21543504 Thank You Jim, and @CodeMonkeyZ for staying with us during the darnkess and bringing 8kun online!

>>21543476 @EliseStefanik files ethic complaint w/NY state commission over Harris' recent FEC filing

>>21543514 CBS Reporter Calls Out Kamala Harris for Bussing People to and From Rally

>>21543522 MSNBC Host Faces Big Trouble after Making Verifiably False Claims

>>21543532 @USArmy and @ejercito_Chile 💥

>>21543534, >>21543574, >>21543769 Walz = Chyna = Wuhan = Funding = Covid = Tyranny

>>21543546, >>21543580 Had to Say It kek

>>21543549, >>21543632, >>21543773 TRUMP TRUTH The Manhattan D.A. Witch Hunt

>>21543565 Is this the Law & Order episode that inspired E Jean Carroll's rape fantasy?

>>21543618 DONATE Lurkers and freeloading anons, please help Jim keep the site online by donating

>>21543675, >>21543978, >>21544032 1.3 Million Native-Born Americans Just Lost Their Jobs, Replaced By 635,000 Immigrants

>>21543698 Pennsylvania's Radical Leftist Court Delivers Another Win To Election-Meddling Democrats

>>21543703, >>21543916, , >>21543932, >>21543953, >>21543990, >>21543990, >>21544012, >>21544039 President Biden Delivers Remarks on the Economy

>>21543712, >>21543831 Dick Cheney will be voting for Kamala KEK

>>21543741 White House responds to Putin’s support for Harris

>>21543760, >>21543777 Children as young as 15 should take statins (NO)

>>21543819 American-Turkish activist 26, has been shot dead by the Israeli military in the occupied West Bank

>>21543842 Never thought I'd see Russell Brand close a Tucker Carlson event, praying to Jesus Christ on his knees

>>21543862 There are over 300 MILLION weapons and 12 TRILLION rounds of ammo. Guns are not the problem.

>>21543868 JUST IN - RFK Jr. dropped from ballots in North Carolina & Michigan

>>21543900, >>21543911 Welcome Aboard: College Professors Backing Trump (Add your name Professors)

>>21543914, >>21543925 Justice Department Indictment Bun

>>21543972 RFK JR: The Founding Fathers Fought a Revolution to OVERTHROW What We Are Facing Right Now

>>21544006 US resumes mandatory reporting of "COVID hospitalizations" from November 1st

>>21544018 U.S. Army Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) documents on Tren de Aragua Gang

>>21544054 Women are now being threatened for refusing to pretend sport with the mentally ill men

>>21544066, >>21544078 BREAKING: Alan Dershowitz Announces His Departure From The Democrat Party

>>21544085 @RobertKennedyJr Get your #MAHA hats before they’re sold out 💚🇺🇸

>>21544086 @DouglasEmhoff - McDonald’s Employee of the Month

>>21544108, >>21544157 Anons need this shirt here Again! Again!

>>21544115 @Cancelcloco This is my note taking app - Try it out. It’s free.

>>21544180 #26392

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380b5f No.21545737

#26391 >>21542270


>>21542404, >>21542405 WATCH LIVE: President Donald Trump Holds a Press Conference at Trump Tower in NYC

>>21542447, >>21542476, >>21542480, >>21542502, >>21542513, >>21542524, >>21542589, >>21542602, >>21542605, >>21542614, >>21542641, >>21542695, >>21542721, >>21542785, >>21542804, >>21542813, >>21542829 TRUMP PRESSER Quotables


>>21543010 Law & Order aired Bergdorf Goodman rape scene 7 years before she made Trump allegation

- - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21542299, >>21542347, >>21542365 Joe Biden just admitted the 'Inflation Reduction Act' was never about inflation

>>21542387, >>21542494, >>21542559, >>21542668, >>21542730, >>21542818, >>21542846, >>21542872, >>21542902, >>21542973, >>21543116, >>21543118 NASA & Related Space News

>>21542408 mornin prayer - GOD bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever

>>21542423, >>21543121 swamp habbenings

>>21542462 Univision interview Kamala YOU HEAR HER FLIPPING THE PAGES of her script while she answers

>>21542471, >>21542478 RFKjr. encourages his supporters to "pull out all the stops" to get Trump elected.

>>21542692, >>21542999, >>21543023 August Jobs Report

>>21542806 LIVE: Trump Addresses the National Board of the Fraternal Order of Police in Charlotte, NC - 9/6/24

>>21542879 Goooood Morning Jim!

>>21542889 Scott Pressler werking on Pennsylvania voters to WIN

>>21542898 Huge Win - a NC appellate judge just stopped ballots from being sent out with RFK’s name on it

>>21542943 Karine Jean-Pierre and Julie Su Gaggle Aboard Air Force One

>>21542959 MUST WATCH - President Trump Gives Remarks at The Economic Club of New York FULL VIDEO

>>21542983 Guess Who Showed Up as Cops Were Arresting Fani Willis' Daughter

>>21543009 Social Security Administration is facing a massive technical meltdown

>>21543011 Tim Walz promoted and funded a research facility that partnered with China’s Wuhan lab

>>21543049 “This is a whole underground economy of children - it’s horrific”

>>21543061 Merchan postponed Trump’s Sep 18th sentencing until after the election, on November 26th

>>21543182 #26391

Previously Collected

>>21541351 #26389, >>21542256 #26390

>>21538831 #26386, >>21539617 #26387, >>21540427 #26388

>>21535897 #26383, >>21537133 #26384, >>21537978 #26385

>>21533520 #26380, >>21534290 #26381, >>21535044 #26382

>>21530812 #26377, >>21531920 #26378, >>21532680 #26379

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Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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380b5f No.21545738

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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d2e968 No.21545742

File: f42838374e3fae9⋯.jpg (64.49 KB,690x350,69:35,End_The_Fed.jpg)

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bc92a5 No.21545743

File: b56d67a0be4662c⋯.jpg (223.42 KB,1080x1099,1080:1099,Screenshot_20240906_223751….jpg)


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5ddf49 No.21545744

Evenin’ Nightshift

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efb84a No.21545745

File: 86d0e8757d82094⋯.jpg (138.34 KB,889x1101,889:1101,2024_07_14T001557Z_3856682….jpg)

File: ab07561f3d63a54⋯.png (1.78 MB,1068x787,1068:787,ab07561f3d63a54e60fe2b9a33….png)

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9ee55b No.21545747

File: e7e8b9455728362⋯.png (35.52 KB,600x927,200:309,ClipboardImage.png)

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1daa4a No.21545749

File: 8d8ce86cc742a2f⋯.jpg (182.64 KB,1024x930,512:465,1723428096793797.jpg)


Thank you Baker :3

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bc92a5 No.21545754

File: 07dcdf7113f5536⋯.jpg (276.35 KB,994x1467,994:1467,Screenshot_20240906_224140….jpg)

File: 5c29815dd798ac6⋯.jpg (259.73 KB,1080x1013,1080:1013,Screenshot_20240906_224145….jpg)

File: fec9fde9605dfd4⋯.jpg (240.31 KB,1080x1024,135:128,Screenshot_20240906_224150….jpg)


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d2e968 No.21545755

File: 9d266c80a18ef35⋯.jpg (72.16 KB,445x551,445:551,ROTHSCHILDS_DEAD_END_THE_F….jpg)

File: 34bd244d6c9bb98⋯.png (1.14 MB,1324x881,1324:881,1725629239340.png)

File: 8cad06930e74edd⋯.png (700.92 KB,1198x973,1198:973,1725596760288.png)

File: dc279f4b420b3b5⋯.png (1.91 MB,1005x1160,201:232,1725581030205.png)

File: 76e4bc0d0863865⋯.png (999.86 KB,1410x827,1410:827,1725571928793.png)




45 Chekt

Rothschildistan Will Be No Moar

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d2e968 No.21545757

File: 391ea13cd483eb4⋯.png (572.59 KB,967x1206,967:1206,1725590216315.png)

File: 4325f460f6dbdad⋯.png (1.28 MB,991x1176,991:1176,1725589603175.png)

File: 6cb9675b9dccd2d⋯.jpg (74.65 KB,496x588,124:147,One_Thousand_Pieces_RFK_Tr….jpg)

File: 1870be1c4a0acb6⋯.jpg (97.91 KB,675x945,5:7,ASS_POUNDING_HUNTER.jpg)

File: da34072e2507232⋯.jpg (85.46 KB,948x532,237:133,Zero_Commercial_Glitches_P….jpg)

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367a8a No.21545761

File: 0cabc14ad08f4af⋯.jpeg (105.96 KB,780x440,39:22,IMG_3641.jpeg)

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109c3d No.21545764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d2e968 No.21545765

File: d1e0c66eb78629f⋯.jpg (97.58 KB,660x660,1:1,d1e0c66eb78629fc8964df1207….jpg)

File: 75e749cfb655fe1⋯.png (656.83 KB,645x635,129:127,75e749cfb655fe197e3a413777….png)

File: 5b5c334d63c5b44⋯.gif (3.32 MB,480x270,16:9,5b5c334d63c5b44605a981a865….gif)

File: 3f0cfc8df742834⋯.png (59.59 KB,1024x319,1024:319,NCSWIC_9_5_2024_33_.png)

File: 4d6ba241ca7a7ef⋯.png (761.37 KB,906x684,151:114,4d6ba241ca7a7efca666fe7f88….png)

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d2e968 No.21545767

File: 82efea3290244d7⋯.png (1.37 MB,1439x810,1439:810,1725284994678.png)

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45f241 No.21545770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Next time a Church of Satan member states thats its just "atheist" Satanism, shwo them this clip. Anton Levey used that argument as cover to make actual theistic Satanism more palatable for the masses. He very straightforward and honest in this interview and states "well of course voodoo dolls work, it worked for hundreds of years in some countries" and also when asked why he doesnt make a voodoo doll of someone who actually might deserve it, he states "I think hate should be a personal thing"

clip is at 9:45

Joe Pyne actually roughed him up on his beliefs a bit on this interview

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367a8a No.21545775

File: beb24f9031c064f⋯.jpeg (143.36 KB,500x495,100:99,IMG_3643.jpeg)

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23b58d No.21545776

File: 8cabc492a581f21⋯.webm (175.93 KB,449x240,449:240,battle_ready3.webm)

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b2ac94 No.21545778

File: b4aa3d25ccfa8c4⋯.png (1.29 MB,702x707,702:707,h6534653g643.PNG)


Thanks B!

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993d84 No.21545780

File: a18bcafc8bdec39⋯.png (655.76 KB,666x880,333:440,ClipboardImage.png)

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23b58d No.21545782

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,FAGGOT_MIMICS_WILL_STEAL_T….gif)

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d2e968 No.21545783

File: 5572737018d56c5⋯.jpg (117.38 KB,573x680,573:680,Heglian_Dialectic_RFK_Trum….jpg)

File: f42838374e3fae9⋯.jpg (64.49 KB,690x350,69:35,End_The_Fed.jpg)

File: cd1ae32b0827646⋯.jpg (110.91 KB,773x616,773:616,Big_Pharma_Food_Poison_Com….jpg)

File: 0d6247436429e7c⋯.jpg (185.95 KB,1024x699,1024:699,Clintons_Laundered_2_Trill….jpg)

File: b967b8c52e4a2c4⋯.jpg (65.71 KB,360x577,360:577,NO_NAME_WER_START.jpg)

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6dfef3 No.21545784

File: c6af4df0209aab0⋯.jpg (66.21 KB,910x568,455:284,54h23g54h434.jpg)

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58fff9 No.21545787


it's a good filename

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51ceb9 No.21545788

File: 03f087c65a7f6d1⋯.png (313.8 KB,464x464,1:1,03f087c65a7f6d1b1ad3f57e72….png)

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1daa4a No.21545789

>when she says - you make me feel safe -


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bc92a5 No.21545791

File: bfeddda14768096⋯.jpg (265.29 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240906_225416….jpg)


Remember this post anon?

What is it really telling you?

What is the file name?

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d2e968 No.21545792

File: 0f30a0c2de9bda2⋯.gif (1.52 MB,720x524,180:131,Magnetic_Recapture_Pepe.gif)

File: 628e45b646d861a⋯.gif (2.51 MB,720x403,720:403,Vote_Democrat_Nazi.gif)

File: 8e82dbdb319baef⋯.gif (4.84 MB,480x204,40:17,Irish_Feint_RFK_Trump.gif)

File: b31644ed90c1858⋯.gif (6.5 MB,430x720,43:72,Kamala_Gonn_Lose_Mortar_1.gif)

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be7ffb No.21545794

File: 9c0196d83428387⋯.jpg (100.64 KB,500x666,250:333,8zc0ks_2.jpg)


Thank You Baker!!! Wild day on Qresearch.

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e7a183 No.21545795

File: 770ef78acbbe077⋯.png (543.88 KB,851x533,851:533,6jwhe5w5qw.PNG)

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d2e968 No.21545796

File: b0d1d2f8d9822b9⋯.gif (1.93 MB,480x360,4:3,Kamala_Sux_Satan.gif)

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efb84a No.21545797


yellow tie

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784675 No.21545798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Official Boeing livestream, kek.

Starliner Flight Test Landing


696K subscribers

987 watching now Started streaming 11 minutes ago


Comments are turned off.

Chat is disabled for this live stream.

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414c0a No.21545799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why am I here

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23b58d No.21545801

File: 3916e03fc280877⋯.png (1.34 MB,943x942,943:942,ClipboardImage.png)


Well, I might as well spice it up for the little old guard retards and their tantrum they're going through via an imitation routine.

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42874a No.21545802

File: ba5bbbf11b1e491⋯.png (3.32 MB,1776x1881,592:627,Sleepy_Pepe_Alpha.png)

File: 7e97d37415b4004⋯.jpg (685 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Sweet_Dreams_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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efb84a No.21545803


>Comments are turned off.

>Chat is disabled for this live stream.


wonder why???

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1daa4a No.21545804



First they cry, then they learn.


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993d84 No.21545805


>Remember this post anon?

oh yes

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41a0da No.21545806


check out that Harris crowd

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d2e968 No.21545807

File: 1c5c525b33ff7ba⋯.gif (1.96 MB,287x287,1:1,1c5c525b33ff7baa4a99bbe930….gif)

File: 6acb272bf2960c3⋯.gif (5.57 MB,520x646,260:323,6acb272bf2960c3c0c1ee2df9f….gif)

File: fccac7c45233398⋯.gif (3.4 MB,588x588,1:1,Plus_Ultra_Kek.gif)

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d6bc2e No.21545810

can you write in Joe Biden to the ballot?

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784675 No.21545811

File: f24c32217ab72e2⋯.jpg (189.65 KB,1280x1280,1:1,f24c32217ab72e2dfc06b39013….jpg)


>wonder why???

this is fine

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d2e968 No.21545812

File: c31a6d5e2c66e9b⋯.webp (716.14 KB,500x508,125:127,donald_trump_i_have_mask_….webp)

File: f38fd24d63aee62⋯.png (992.26 KB,1121x1040,1121:1040,1725479573822.png)

File: 1c4718141560cce⋯.png (730.63 KB,1435x813,1435:813,1725467880867.png)

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58fff9 No.21545813

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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bc92a5 No.21545814

File: f04db4252bccecd⋯.jpg (206.47 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240906_225939….jpg)

File: ecc7815b0777d9a⋯.jpg (197.07 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240906_225946….jpg)

File: 13613e0367047ab⋯.jpg (429.55 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240906_230142….jpg)

File: 9f7ed4d45dfebf1⋯.jpg (559.97 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240906_230153….jpg)


Again Black iPhone taking a photo of the reflection off the silver shiny iphone?

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4a3918 No.21545815

Family insists "vote" straight "republican" while I will do write-ins for Joseph Stalin downballot.

The so-called 'republicans' in this shithole area are worse than any "democrat'. They work aginst POTUS and give the (so-called) "other side" a guaranteed extra vote.

Now West of here, there are seemingly-legit candidates, but I don't get to "vote" for them, so just write Uncle Joe Stalin in there, OR just vote for the "dem" to get these seditious fucks the hell out of there (IF in Fantasyland, and "votes" counted, that is).

Whatever "conservative" hacks there are, who relatives are listening to, on "conservative" talk radio (and they watch faux), they have succeeded in convincing them that "MAIL-IN" (AS OPPOSED TO ABSENTEE for a senior citizen who needs it) is THE WAY to vote; also insisting I do so, instead of walking the fuck down there in person that day.

Oh the "Dems" may be openly and proudly Communist, but at least they LET US KNOW WHAT THEY are. The fucks operating on our so-called "side" – MUCH MORE DANGEROUS.

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06e396 No.21545816

File: 19646cb051c4d09⋯.jpg (320.11 KB,1112x1487,1112:1487,GA1.jpg)


>60 Days

NightShift Activate

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40c7c6 No.21545817

File: be9951e14b1e6b2⋯.png (1017.21 KB,900x600,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>60 Days


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131f0a No.21545818

"free" flow of information as long as it's kosher-approved

never forget who your masters are, stupid fucking cattle

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23b58d No.21545819

File: 56665af6ab89607⋯.png (1.17 MB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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1daa4a No.21545820

File: d7da8d7dcd9a17e⋯.png (264.59 KB,473x1097,473:1097,qaggdropimage1316.png)



>Justice 1

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bc92a5 No.21545821

File: 4a0b5191ef64c8f⋯.jpg (739.29 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240906_225840….jpg)

File: 62501d32ed143ea⋯.jpg (431.59 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240906_225850….jpg)

It's always been real.

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58fff9 No.21545822

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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92bbcd No.21545823

Be nice.

Send strongly worded letters.

Fight gun battles with plastic knives.

Let them cattle you.

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23b58d No.21545824

File: 7726201c0780c0e⋯.png (543.73 KB,686x900,343:450,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc92a5 No.21545825

File: c78f98f5a086934⋯.jpg (949.21 KB,4320x2228,1080:557,Screenshot_20240906_230839….jpg)

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ed0b6b No.21545826


constant mocking.

no solutions, just discouragement.

IP hop and post another one.

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4a3918 No.21545827

File: 741dfb59d2a8395⋯.png (425.5 KB,476x928,119:232,45Q_8824.png)

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bc09ec No.21545828

File: dd2206ee31b93b8⋯.jpg (291.28 KB,720x491,720:491,2024_09_06_23_11_10_552.jpg)

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784675 No.21545829

File: 2cefc3c5159868b⋯.png (821.16 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b245f9e1322aaa⋯.png (1.39 MB,1024x702,512:351,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7089cb9263d518a⋯.png (555.86 KB,1024x680,128:85,ClipboardImage.png)


Camera aircraft moving into position for Boeing Starliner arrival at White Sands, New Mexico.

N926NA Martin/General Dynamics RB-57F

N97826 Cessna 208B Grand Caravan


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bc92a5 No.21545830


The media thinks Trump is embracing "the Qanon conspiracy"


Donald Trump is Q+

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23c27f No.21545831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 12

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23b58d No.21545832

File: 2b1254c9b1c476d⋯.webp (51.14 KB,851x993,851:993,0xadl536nkld1.webp)

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d5e980 No.21545833

File: 77587d54cb37f6b⋯.jpg (33.89 KB,645x374,645:374,59pbnjjhutl.jpg)

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131f0a No.21545834

>>21545823 kek, the mouth breather ed0b6b thinks im you

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e031d7 No.21545835


fucking lawyer got halliburton saddled with asbestos issues in the wtc

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f3fbe9 No.21545837


The great solution is to get rid of governments, organizations, agency's, and people who want governments to rule over them.

Humanity is designed for God to rule over his people, in their heats and minds as individuals as their own governments according to the MIND, BODY, and SOUL, in relation to his will, in their own personal beings.

Tens of million of individuals want slavery of the mind and need a government, because they cannot produce anything with their hands and need a host so they can parasite a government job and suck the life from humanity.

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86ed6d No.21545838

File: 3a4f9fec0896b17⋯.jpg (679.01 KB,1926x2298,321:383,th_2905832246.jpg)

File: 0ed764070d380ab⋯.jpg (547.97 KB,1440x1830,48:61,f2a194588f56c35a82bdd4fd6b….jpg)

File: e9f67c067728a36⋯.jpg (40.06 KB,520x520,1:1,2b1bef7d3b887a74dc92861683….jpg)

File: 9f93fc2b05c82d7⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,2120x2604,530:651,2348ce8bdedd51b16f278ff931….jpg)

File: cab77571a07af75⋯.jpg (2.18 MB,2247x6144,749:2048,Screenshot_2024_01_01_at_0….jpg)

#2 the book who is ESAU-EDOM PART 2 https://youtu.be/w5LL6bXLSw8?si=A86yATGH-vFkQvKp

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a192c0 No.21545839

File: abd29774583c304⋯.jpeg (146.55 KB,1176x1061,1176:1061,IMG_6624.jpeg)

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f73b8c No.21545840


you cud say yellow hair too

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be7ffb No.21545841

File: e658dadd3ebda9d⋯.png (32.21 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

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f73b8c No.21545842


all registered to vote

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a192c0 No.21545843

File: 24a549ceccd169e⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,720x900,4:5,24a549ceccd169e0dde71abc53….mp4)

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e1bd0f No.21545844

File: 10ca0cbaa34a480⋯.jpg (787.67 KB,1067x1918,1067:1918,crop_6242_Screenshot_20240….jpg)

>>21545465 (lb) (me) kek

Chaos as first mail ballots for 2024 election delayed after court rules RFK's name must be removed

The first ballots set to be mailed in the 2024 election season will be delayed after a North Carolina court ruled Robert F Kennedy Jr. name must be removed.

The crucial battleground state was set to begin mailing the first ballots on September 6 as state law dictates the ballots start going out sixty days before Election Day.

But the ballots still included the name of the one-time Independent presidential candidate before he dropped out of the race and endorsed Donald Trump.

On Friday, the North Carolina Court of Appeals granted Kennedy's request to stop ballots with his name from going out. The court also told a lower court judge to order the State Board of Elections to distribute ballots without Kennedy’s name on them.


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7c52bd No.21545845


Communism doesn’t work if greed exists

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d90be8 No.21545846


They created governments so they can take from those that produce to take for themselves.

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1bcb72 No.21545847


One can only hope they will be permanently delayed.

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7c52bd No.21545848


Kingdoms are religions. When you read kingdom in the Bible it’s an ideology

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4a3918 No.21545849

File: 99dc5c15fd62a7d⋯.png (816.3 KB,1053x987,351:329,tutusConsti.png)


Best description of entrenched "republicans" yet! Sums them up most sufficiently.

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51ceb9 No.21545850

File: b3bb94502cc95db⋯.jpg (7.23 KB,277x182,277:182,gibs.jpg)

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bc92a5 No.21545851

File: cc6d40335fa3b2f⋯.jpg (269.29 KB,1078x1418,539:709,Screenshot_20240906_232741….jpg)

Why did Q come here to talk to (you) in the 1st place?

Do you remember?



Future proves past.

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109c3d No.21545852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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96bfbf No.21545853

File: 142ad154503ac25⋯.png (402.25 KB,617x922,617:922,Screenshot_2024_09_06_2328….png)

File: da5e9de0dd75dab⋯.png (573.13 KB,755x931,755:931,Screenshot_2024_09_06_2328….png)

Hawk Tua girl is a total fraud, she was actng like she just found out she was Jewish on Howie Mandels podcast and now she was an Israeli soldier? Hawk Tua was how the J's spit on Christians, they used that and AGAIN made a mockery of Christians


Wait, what???


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532277 No.21545854

File: ad0a4a0ba150217⋯.jpg (145.13 KB,1280x859,1280:859,20240906_131508.jpg)

What have you done to support free speech recently?

Support 8kun.

And fuck shills.

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3943be No.21545855

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868c75 No.21545856


ty for posting this

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124016 No.21545857

How do we know The Plan is succeeding?

$9.49 for a gallon of milk.

Well done, to all the traitors.

Tick Tock.

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784675 No.21545859

File: c9d8f32a72905a5⋯.png (20.59 KB,465x324,155:108,ClipboardImage.png)

On the occasion of Starliner's return to earth. An un-crewed crew module. It's former occupants having been delivered to the ISS on what has turned out to be, thus far, a one way trip. Anon is reminded of a quote from Captain Ramius.

"When he reached the New World, Cortez burned his ships. As a result his men were well motivated."

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3fd12e No.21545860

Is P Phrygia

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96bfbf No.21545861

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Every single time


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131f0a No.21545862


support posts getting deleted that isn't spam? no thanks

might as well be back at facefucker

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96bfbf No.21545863

File: 5e1fa79c4f26119⋯.mp4 (1.55 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17256030463….mp4)

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07d8b5 No.21545864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE! Boeing Starliner Undock & Return

Everything in space is CGI as always


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96bfbf No.21545865

File: 3e23eb0f85d47df⋯.png (145.66 KB,575x625,23:25,Screenshot_2024_09_06_2336….png)



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bc92a5 No.21545866

File: b4d14422db4fe6f⋯.jpg (782.58 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240906_233500….jpg)

File: c8426eef75b391e⋯.jpg (303.66 KB,1080x1753,1080:1753,Screenshot_20240906_233526….jpg)

File: 9554c2e9011e502⋯.jpg (249.6 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240906_233710….jpg)


Ahead of schedule.

How on earth could you be black pilled?

Trust the plan.

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7c52bd No.21545867


It’s the citizens fault. So we have to pay

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784675 No.21545868

File: 0122008312f7ea0⋯.png (1.86 MB,1345x1452,1345:1452,ClipboardImage.png)


>Everything in space is CGI as always

Right. Got it.

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367a8a No.21545869

File: fd73c434e7e2bbd⋯.jpeg (116.4 KB,1242x2208,9:16,IMG_3649.jpeg)

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131f0a No.21545870


essentially true

regardless who committed the fraud, enabled it, and certified it

it's still on the people for going along with it

>oh well, what can ya do

>i got muh bills to pay

>durrr insurrection n sheeeit

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868c75 No.21545871

File: b1822c7bd76a361⋯.pdf (230.82 KB,DCPD_201900131_2_.pdf)

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96bfbf No.21545872

File: 258f0d5731c1baa⋯.png (307.26 KB,608x704,19:22,Screenshot_2024_09_06_2343….png)

At least the Chinese who run the restaurants would trade for fresh ducks

End Wokeness


Springfield is a small town in Ohio.

4 years ago, they had 60k residents.

Under Harris and Biden, 20,000 Haitian immigrants were shipped to the town.

Now ducks and pets are disappearing.


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131f0a No.21545873

File: c777301773da3e5⋯.png (139.13 KB,268x223,268:223,ClipboardImage.png)


well at least bob barker would be happy

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868c75 No.21545874


Administration of Donald J. Trump, 2019

Executive Order 13862—Revocation of Reporting Requirement

March 6, 2019

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United

States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Findings. (a) Section 3 of Executive Order 13732 of July 1, 2016 (United States

Policy on Pre- and Post-Strike Measures To Address Civilian Casualties in U.S. Operations

Involving the Use of Force), requires the Director of National Intelligence, or such other official

as the President may designate, to release, by May 1 each year, an unclassified summary of the

number of strikes undertaken by the United States Government against terrorist targets outside

areas of active hostilities, as well as assessments of combatant and non-combatant deaths

resulting from those strikes, among other information.

(b) Section 1057 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 (Public

Law 115–91) similarly requires the Secretary of Defense to submit to the congressional defense

committees, by May 1 each year, a report on civilian casualties caused as a result of United States

military operations during the preceding year (civilian casualty report). Subsection 1057(d)

requires that the civilian casualty report be submitted in unclassified form, but recognizes that the

report may include a classified annex.

(c) Section 1062 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (Public

Law 115–232) expanded the scope of the civilian casualty report and specified that the report

shall be made available to the public unless the Secretary of Defense certifies that the publication

of the report would pose a threat to the national security interests of the United States.

Sec. 2. Revocation of Reporting Requirement. Section 3 of Executive Order 13732 is hereby


Sec. 3. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or

otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head

thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to

budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the

availability of appropriations.

(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or

procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments,

agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.


The White House,

March 6, 2019.

[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 11:15 a.m., March 8, 2019]

NOTE: This Executive order was published in the Federal Register on March 11

Categories: Executive Orders : Reporting requirement, revocation.

Subjects: Armed Forces, U.S : Civilian casualties, pre- and poststrike efforts to address.

DCPD Number: DCPD201900131.

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f7c2fe No.21545875

File: 2da1bb7b2836c9f⋯.png (10.21 MB,1125x2436,375:812,qshirt.PNG)

>>21544108 PB

I'm sure I've got a cleaner version somewhere..

( • )( • )

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07761e No.21545876



She's a MOSSAD op!

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6ba228 No.21545877

File: c700ba3db84e3bd⋯.mp4 (10.37 MB,640x480,4:3,djt_press_and_law_and_orde….mp4)



anons are learning to pick up comms.

Good to see it.

see below links to pb of anons dig.

the whole episode is dark and linked to the rothschilds,

any see links below for full context.

plus anon has clipped the video for anons to share, of djt statement at trump tower, the clip from series 13, episode 11 at 35 minute mark.

corp o7


>>21543102, >>21543565 lb E. Jean Carroll wasn't surprised 'Law & Order: SVU' aired Bergdorf Goodman rape scene 7 years before she made Trump allegations - dig and sources bun

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bc09ec No.21545878

Lot less shills, prolly mostly ded

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94299d No.21545879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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efb84a No.21545880


i wonder why it has taken so long to get back? it detached hours ago.

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40b2d5 No.21545881

File: a6b156bc0363663⋯.jpeg (35.86 KB,199x148,199:148,IMG_3267.jpeg)

Resurrection of 17

Night Shift…

PDJT and Team Trump

Can you repost @realdonaldtrump Old Tweets


And Truth moar 17 positive accounts…

Today was so much fun 🤩 with Quad Boats, when it was actually Quints 44444

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131f0a No.21545882


and all the npcs ate that shit up like free m&m's at a hunter party

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be7ffb No.21545883


You're the man now dog!

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efb84a No.21545884


1960's era cameras for the live feed

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07761e No.21545885


I couldn't stand that Hauk Tuah Psyop shit.It felt like a fake ass Psyop to me from the beginning.

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96bfbf No.21545886

File: c6cb7761398e38b⋯.png (415.79 KB,595x807,595:807,Screenshot_2024_09_06_2350….png)

WOW this is quite the inconvenient fact.

Matt Wallace


Every child killed in a mass school shooting in the last 2 years, was killed by a transgender shooter.


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a1dfaf No.21545887

File: 1c8802b6ec190af⋯.mp4 (4.47 MB,640x640,1:1,THEY_DONT_STOP.mp4)

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bc09ec No.21545888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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86ed6d No.21545889

File: 9e1798a7e29499f⋯.png (2.33 MB,1870x1677,1870:1677,Israel_United_In_Christ_Mi….png)

File: d72496fb0c1899e⋯.jpg (78.59 KB,720x904,90:113,808acede815dc40695c4969a8b….jpg)

File: c3e9ea2c6938a18⋯.jpg (463.68 KB,1896x1068,158:89,th_962406550.jpg)

File: 811cc694c1f7d77⋯.jpg (749.42 KB,1332x1998,2:3,th_496900765.jpg)

File: 59c2cd09d970483⋯.jpg (236 KB,1080x1029,360:343,GI8xmE3WEAA8X8b.jpg)































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131f0a No.21545890


after doing this for years you can feel when something is organic or not

that was pushed too hard in every sphere online by big names

people just enjoy getting played by the tribe is all i can figure at this point

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92bbcd No.21545891

Tyranny will only flourish.

The uniparty will never relinquish power.

You will die because you elected governments to rule over you.

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96bfbf No.21545892

File: 1d2ee52d803679b⋯.mp4 (1.89 MB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17255814127….mp4)


internet hall of fame



Sep 5

They'll never recover from this 🤣


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51ceb9 No.21545893

File: 645fd232316e19c⋯.png (96.91 KB,641x551,641:551,1.png)

File: cf9c2e9e4249a51⋯.png (245.63 KB,1062x1601,1062:1601,ClipboardImage.png)



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532277 No.21545894

File: 2524ab15a1485dc⋯.jpg (24 KB,313x355,313:355,8kun.jpg)

They want you to serve them.

Who are they?

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fbdee0 No.21545895

File: d8177f153a09b8f⋯.png (351.54 KB,483x605,483:605,ClipboardImage.png)

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240139 No.21545896

File: 1d749069c7397d3⋯.jpg (122.49 KB,1055x1280,211:256,media_GW0SDffWkAAzSf0.jpg)

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fa2891 No.21545897

File: 0954defc0222de6⋯.png (805.14 KB,500x897,500:897,ClipboardImage.png)

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486761 No.21545898


>Who are they?

The government.

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bc92a5 No.21545899

File: 4a04a1dd392d44e⋯.jpg (267.01 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240906_235409….jpg)

File: 9be99f43dfabd1e⋯.jpg (148.22 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240906_235413….jpg)


Where was Q?


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131f0a No.21545900


the chinese obviously

don't you see how many are employed by the government like garland, kagan, schiff, schumer, etc?

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f606bb No.21545901


>Joe Pyne actually roughed him up on his beliefs a bit on this interview

i used to watch joe pyne's late nite talk show

pure theater

that's how desolate late nite tv was back then

average joe was champion of the bigots

the guests were chosen to be the sacrificial lamb du jour

if anyone takes either of these guys seriously, i have some land in florida at a great price

two con men using each other to feather their own nests

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1119ea No.21545902


The brilliance of this cannot be understated. By doing this last minute, the ballot mules, printers and rat lines have to retool. They won’t have time to correct mistakes and refill ballots with Biden/then harris/without RFK

And very likely those will end up in the system anyhow, and discovered later. >>21545844

Just a hunch…

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f73b8c No.21545903

File: 86d83001553222e⋯.png (379.8 KB,680x680,1:1,86d83001553222ee4956de3463….png)


just spreading the Joy

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a1dfaf No.21545904

File: d760bf914ffa52f⋯.png (240.95 KB,507x593,507:593,ClipboardImage.png)

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b806bb No.21545905

File: be1f295373bce69⋯.png (717.76 KB,521x900,521:900,ClipboardImage.png)


>transgender shooter.

Tranny shooters be taking tips from gold medal woman boxers?

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1119ea No.21545906


Communism doesn’t work perio

You know how the secret police identified spys in the socialism countries: if you didn’t look starved you were suspect.

Go read the book, Unhumans.

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1119ea No.21545907


8200 distraction unit.

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96bfbf No.21545908

File: 04b076e9a28d5ff⋯.mp4 (954.99 KB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17256386075….mp4)

File: 7561a89c68d44ee⋯.png (310.7 KB,609x777,29:37,Screenshot_2024_09_06_2359….png)

KEK, I hope I don't trigger the Panjab poop fags

Lord Miles Official


NEW GAME! drop google street view over India and try to find one area with no trash or human poo! Can’t do it!


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bc09ec No.21545909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Better ask somebody

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a77f22 No.21545910


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532277 No.21545911

File: ae41ec0f1fdb906⋯.webm (1.83 MB,480x754,240:377,gastheJews.webm)

The truth is in front of you.

Look back to understand.

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3053fc No.21545912

File: aafd41c586fd1ea⋯.png (2.18 MB,1261x1046,1261:1046,rr3qh4g3q4g23_Copy.PNG)

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868c75 No.21545913


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4a3918 No.21545914

File: c1afd82a0989a8e⋯.mp4 (6.97 MB,640x360,16:9,turtle.mp4)

File: aab3d25c22f1272⋯.mp4 (4.63 MB,640x360,16:9,kempchinaLoveAffair.mp4)


don't forget chynaTurtle and Kemp…

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1b711a No.21545915

File: aec3d080d944e6d⋯.webp (44.5 KB,642x552,107:92,Cooper_The_Ghoul_Howard.webp)

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f73b8c No.21545916


infinity tribbbs

"You know the definition of a conservative? A liberal that was mugged."

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bc92a5 No.21545917

File: 399db93d4907368⋯.jpg (305.31 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_000246….jpg)

File: 788985c0a348a30⋯.jpg (169.8 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_000257….jpg)

File: 7fe6642cf8aafaa⋯.jpg (132.64 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_000305….jpg)

Imagine thinking Q dosen't know Donald Trump.

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178517 No.21545918

File: 5edfa6019ab5de7⋯.mp4 (4.92 MB,1280x702,640:351,YouCut_20240811_185143329.mp4)

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e29e63 No.21545919

Taxes ARE Communism.

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7a1832 No.21545920

File: 69bdf4af4b72065⋯.png (305.18 KB,600x385,120:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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f73b8c No.21545922



classic infiltration from within.

ultimate goal?

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e35096 No.21545923

there is no way a 78 year old is out there doing all these rallies. Do you guys know what 78 year old men look like?

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131f0a No.21545924


you mean forcefully stealing people's hard earned fiat they got through labor under threat of imprisonment and lives ruined

then distributing that fiat amongst contractors and foreign countries who return them favors and/or kickbacks to their political campaigns/foundations the very top of the government sees fit to do so is coomunism? seems accurate

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784675 No.21545925

File: b1179f3f99fd280⋯.png (1.68 MB,1431x802,1431:802,ClipboardImage.png)


>Do you guys know what 78 year old men look like?

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5cc7f9 No.21545926

File: e6bbf6799770058⋯.png (110.97 KB,268x320,67:80,aerjap1q.png)

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5cc7f9 No.21545927

File: fe2905067325a5a⋯.jpg (14.08 KB,520x245,104:49,Al_Goldstein.jpg)

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178517 No.21545928

File: 8f040719bde3bb6⋯.jpg (51.42 KB,750x538,375:269,IMG_20240825_022033_418.jpg)


Enjoying the show.

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bc09ec No.21545929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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7e89e9 No.21545930

File: 34fea6b28a4b6b8⋯.png (700.22 KB,683x683,1:1,6h43g5432233.PNG)


>you mean forcefully stealing people's hard earned fiat they got through labor under threat of imprisonment and lives ruined then distributing that fiat amongst contractors and foreign countries who return them favors and/or kickbacks to their political campaigns/foundations the very top of the government sees fit to do so is communism? seems accurate


Pretty darn accurate!

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4a3918 No.21545931

File: 95dad4ce55e7f3c⋯.png (717.79 KB,1208x953,1208:953,fauxtranteen1.png)

File: e3933edb3bb26c4⋯.png (1.24 MB,1062x995,1062:995,fauxnewsroo.png)



Best selling LGBT children's author Matt Walsh@MattWalshBlog

(Thread) I have appeared on Fox News many times. I appreciate the platform they’ve given me. If what I’m about to say ruins that relationship, so be it. We have to call this evil lunacy out wherever we see it. Especially on our own side.

Today Fox ran a long segment for Pride Month celebrating a “trans kid” who “came out as a boy” at the age of five. The piece did not simply report on the controversy surrounding child transitioning. It outright promotes the practice….

7:41 PM · Jun 10, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

https://archive.ph/KBt2R https://twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1535346490587107328

Our problem isn't "democrats" or the CNNs… they're just a PART of it.

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1b711a No.21545932

File: 7eb2763512905f5⋯.jpg (122.11 KB,1024x768,4:3,photo_2024_08_15_18_05_33.jpg)

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616912 No.21545933

notables @ 160

#26395 >>21545738

>>21545798, >>21545829 Starliner Flight Test Landing Boeing

>>21545813 DJT: How much more you're paying under comrade Kamala Harris

>>21545822 DJT: Comrade Kamala's Migrant Crime Wave

>>21545844 Chaos as first mail ballots for 2024 election delayed after court rules RFK's name must be removed

>>21545872 Springfield, Ohio is a small town of 60k residents whom Biden / Harris shipped 20,000 Haitian immigrants to

>>21545877 Refresher: E. Jean Carroll's allegations on Trump are based on a Law & Order: SVU episode, which is also her favorite show

>>21545886, >>21545903 Every child killed in a mass school shooting in the last 2 years, was killed by a transgender shooter


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5cc7f9 No.21545934

File: 3504ae5b3734754⋯.jpg (848.38 KB,4000x2667,4000:2667,potudrushmore.jpg)


We like to call it …


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486761 No.21545935

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1b711a No.21545936

File: 39be2be090e8087⋯.png (165.42 KB,360x351,40:39,39be2be090e8087757ca4fb803….png)

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6cf692 No.21545937



Does that mean building an army with people?

If so, is the construction method clearly described?

Is it only 'Q' that has no PRIVATE communication?

Or does it also apply to people?


Could you please explain what your thoughts are on this?

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178517 No.21545938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bc92a5 No.21545939

File: 5cfab6de488ff3f⋯.jpg (142.68 KB,1080x1301,1080:1301,Screenshot_20240907_002032….jpg)

What was the file name of Q reflected in the watch?

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3394bd No.21545940

File: de3e427b89eaae0⋯.png (507.75 KB,1026x593,1026:593,7543b4545.PNG)

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ea336c No.21545941

File: 269c065afe88b34⋯.png (144.55 KB,474x266,237:133,IMG_1713.png)

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1b711a No.21545942

File: 8dc7d0a70ee3c64⋯.jpg (279.13 KB,1024x1024,1:1,MAGATRUMP.jpg)

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bc09ec No.21545943

File: dee51d2225d8d51⋯.jpg (635.13 KB,1600x1204,400:301,2024_09_06_21_17_30_549_2.jpg)

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4a3918 No.21545944


Yup. Depending on how they live, a heck of a lot better than youngers. Have been/worked around Golfers in general. Forget 70s - The 80+ year-olds I'd see all the time have looked better and been more lively than middle-agers I see each day in current locale.

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a77f22 No.21545945

File: 87d170db3971f34⋯.png (857.53 KB,512x680,64:85,ClipboardImage.png)

Child abuse. Parents ought to be ashamed.

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f73b8c No.21545946


if i keep responding to all your posts, will you give me halfnof what you earn?

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7a1832 No.21545947

File: d2b8390fe633307⋯.mp4 (9.07 MB,1280x720,16:9,Trump_family_Lincoln_Memor….mp4)

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58f332 No.21545948

File: c515ef6dacbf9c0⋯.jpg (53.92 KB,599x428,599:428,9116.jpg)

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a77f22 No.21545949

File: ab620676c5284b2⋯.png (274.26 KB,680x601,680:601,ClipboardImage.png)

And there it is.

Moderna admits vax causes cancer.


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bc92a5 No.21545950

File: ff1c6a7731a3df7⋯.jpg (190.79 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_002939….jpg)

This is the closest thing that exists to a picture of Q that Q posted to us and yes that is Q.

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58f332 No.21545951

File: 72091b097b854cb⋯.png (359.44 KB,720x530,72:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc92a5 No.21545952

File: a8f64f27b9e3cca⋯.jpg (960.93 KB,4320x2720,27:17,Screenshot_20240907_003225….jpg)

Anons have become Lazy

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6cf692 No.21545953



How did you know about it?

Or can you give us more details on why 'it' is 'it'?


So what does this mean?

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a77f22 No.21545954

File: 40395116c562878⋯.png (130.33 KB,680x487,680:487,ClipboardImage.png)

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51ceb9 No.21545955

File: a728103565bb310⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,854x480,427:240,2017_Moderna_chief_medical….mp4)

File: f073ce9abf27259⋯.jpg (407.76 KB,1542x1242,257:207,dig.jpg)

File: 91dc54d81a9071b⋯.jpg (275.65 KB,807x803,807:803,Mode_RNA_OS_Gene_Therapy.jpg)

File: 21038c246e95de4⋯.mp4 (4.77 MB,1280x720,16:9,CEO_of_Moderna_working_on_….mp4)

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bc92a5 No.21545956

File: 67d4b75320694d8⋯.jpg (576.95 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_003733….jpg)

File: 015fc8e40af26b4⋯.jpg (446.28 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_003741….jpg)

File: a0037dfd3501835⋯.jpg (199.95 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_003758….jpg)

File: 5e024454035ae20⋯.jpg (438.3 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_003807….jpg)


You sound like a journalist and a lazy one too.

Do you not understand what I've told you?

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b806bb No.21545957


Both throwing a thumbs up would be good.

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78df75 No.21545958

I'll tell you when Trump lost my support. It was when he said he wasn't going to do anything to Hillary and a number of others. I'll still vote for him of course, as the lesser of two evils. But still kinda disappointed.

There is a bucket of names that wouldn't think twice to be rid of him.

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58f332 No.21545959

File: 10ea27ebedcee2b⋯.png (187.96 KB,432x395,432:395,ClipboardImage.png)

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58f332 No.21545962

File: 68ae34159dcf546⋯.png (999.8 KB,754x848,377:424,ClipboardImage.png)

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357162 No.21545963


Do (you ) the reason why (he) stepped down?

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a97e1b No.21545965


These People Are SICK

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58f332 No.21545966

File: 317a0c226af9ae7⋯.png (642.75 KB,751x852,751:852,ClipboardImage.png)

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b806bb No.21545968

File: 598e40587d1fda1⋯.png (96.62 KB,315x203,45:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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6cf692 No.21545969


What part of me is lazy?

Do you think that your perception and mine are the same?

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6cf692 No.21545970


Isn't it normal to ask questions in order to clearly understand if there might be a gap in perception?

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bc92a5 No.21545971

File: ddfd5763de35273⋯.jpg (677.4 KB,4320x2340,24:13,Screenshot_20240907_004800….jpg)

Exactly this.

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a97e1b No.21545972


Because (You) know more than Trump.

Give me a break


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a1dfaf No.21545974


You can really appreciate the OG memes.

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b806bb No.21545976


Omission is admission, Mr. Journalist.

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78df75 No.21545977


I do believe it was his daughter, she dropped out of sight towards the end of his term.

Just guessing. Probably wrong.

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86ed6d No.21545979

File: 3fc5d9a22e5a2a1⋯.jpg (175.97 KB,1280x720,16:9,11snapshot.jpg)

File: 0081d1af7c65aab⋯.png (1.68 MB,2400x1914,400:319,Screenshot_2024_09_06_at_2….png)

File: c39121c42af9b37⋯.png (1.62 MB,2071x1363,2071:1363,Screenshot_2024_09_06_at_2….png)

File: e4faea7a7e74795⋯.jpg (811.93 KB,1200x900,4:3,Neandertala_homo_modelo_en….jpg)

File: 02523e5f8c7c3cc⋯.png (1.05 MB,1800x1260,10:7,neanderthal_article_771390….png)

The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rocks and make your home on the heights, you who say to yourself, ‘Who can bring me down to the ground?’

Esau your history is false/Black Vikings https://youtu.be/g70QlqFqqig?si=BQpRhPjsXwsqA-cY





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6cf692 No.21545980



It may be my fault if I interpreted or perceived it incorrectly.

But Are you not responsible in any way?

I are asking questions to eliminate them.

Didn't Q say something about questions providing answers?

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a97e1b No.21545981

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6cf692 No.21545982




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6cf692 No.21545983


I am not a journalist.

I am just searching for the truth.

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b806bb No.21545984



Anon gave you the answers.

Learn to code.

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6cf692 No.21545985


What is wrong?

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a77f22 No.21545986

File: cca65a7b77050c8⋯.png (210.05 KB,599x680,599:680,ClipboardImage.png)

“Islam is the religion of peace”

“Immigration is good for the West”, they said.

“Muslim immigrants are just like you and me”

“We don’t need Donald Trump’s Islamic travel ban. The real threat is White Trump supporters.”

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6cf692 No.21545987


Can you please provide a word description?

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a9bd60 No.21545988


ya think AI can do something with that image to perhaps reveal who Q might be?

speaking of AI.

am thinking of learning AI (to do?) and

wondering what you autists/anons, who

are way more in the know than me,

would suggest the best way to go about

doing that and what kind of comp/laptop/

equipment (stuff) would be needed and

then if there's potential for work and what

type of work would that be?

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40b2d5 No.21545989


Oh crap, Fake Durham…

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b806bb No.21545990




What would you like to know?

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636086 No.21545991


Is cat served here?

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f606bb No.21545992

File: 501f2f0b2089d25⋯.jpg (163.41 KB,1200x675,16:9,proxy_image.jpg)

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6cf692 No.21545993


Can you answer a question?

I want to know what you are thinking and why you are bringing that information to us.

And me want to know the details of why.

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6cf692 No.21545994


Because the answers to the questions are very abstract.

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b806bb No.21545995


>Is cat served here?

Cat Tendies?

A thought for desperate times.

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178517 No.21545996

File: d98f8ea73b3058b⋯.jpg (460.2 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Picsart_23_04_18_22_46_55_….jpg)




What in the Japanese is going on here?

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7a1832 No.21545997

File: f95c8b9bfc59213⋯.png (1.22 MB,1169x1281,167:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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f606bb No.21545998

File: 4833fe85b6f7ea8⋯.jpg (76.2 KB,516x689,516:689,Bruce_Lee_1973.jpg)

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636086 No.21545999


With extra whisker sauce.

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6cf692 No.21546000


>What in the Japanese is going on here?


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bc92a5 No.21546001

File: 40d949707326b6e⋯.jpg (233.69 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_005952….jpg)

File: 3f0c186afa7f941⋯.jpg (284.26 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_005959….jpg)

File: a648a6517e49cde⋯.jpg (186.54 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_010005….jpg)


Thet have a quantum AI called looking glass it's so powerful it's almost like having a future predicting machine.

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b806bb No.21546002


The choice to know is yours.

The choice to know the truth.

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ea336c No.21546003

File: f41acf04b35f0a2⋯.jpeg (54.35 KB,474x298,237:149,IMG_3986.jpeg)

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f606bb No.21546004

File: 0f3d1176125671b⋯.png (193.71 KB,960x567,320:189,noisy_women.png)


>What in the Japanese is going on here?


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4a3918 No.21546005

File: eec10d85d9079e4⋯.png (350.14 KB,662x549,662:549,45hanniFraud9624.png)

File: eef38a951c8a279⋯.png (776.6 KB,893x1021,893:1021,hanfraud24abc.png)

File: 54c83a80ad96648⋯.png (715.78 KB,878x873,878:873,hanGuilt1.png)

Our President Truthing hanniFraud, kek.

Donald J. Trum @realDonaldTrump“ABC NEWS—TEAM KAMALA” https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/113093985751290443

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6cf692 No.21546006


So I ask the question.

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4a3918 No.21546007


>Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

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b806bb No.21546008

File: e992e169cffcb21⋯.png (353.49 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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240139 No.21546009

File: 603ba686b34186c⋯.jpg (22.9 KB,253x255,253:255,603ba686b34186cf4bb1aca109….jpg)

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6cf692 No.21546010


Are we talking about Snow White?

Or other technologies?

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b806bb No.21546011


Yes, what is your question?

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6cf692 No.21546012

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bc92a5 No.21546013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ponder what this means.

The power of Looking Glass.

Trust the plan.

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6cf692 No.21546014


Did I ask you a question?

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a9bd60 No.21546015


is there a bread that talks about

mail-in ballots/early voting and if there's a consensus among anons about the majority choosing which option?

my initial thought was if we vote early then wouldn't that give them a heads-up regarding how many ballots they would need to print to do "the steal"?

and has 45 or anybody addressed the fact that mail-in ballot envelopes have holes in them that ID them as D ballots and R ballots?

i don't remember if that's in all states but i thought i came across something where the person in the video showed the envelopes that had those cutouts.

i mean, obviously, that makes it that much easier for the crazies to just toss all the R ballots.

is that even legal?

i don't get it.

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bc92a5 No.21546016

Out of 14 million outcomes?

It's inevitable.

He is iron man

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b806bb No.21546017

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178517 No.21546018

File: ee2ae1253f20566⋯.jpg (32.76 KB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_20230307_071552_827.jpg)



It's usually doesn't turn out good for Revolutionist

Keks in the ghost of Che Guevara

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6cf692 No.21546019


>Ponder what this means.

>The power of Looking Glass.

>Trust the plan.

If you can understand me with this explanation, GREAT AWAKENING is long overdue.

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6cf692 No.21546020


Why not learn from the failures and create something new?

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a9bd60 No.21546021


my point was maybe someone can run the watch image through AI or however that works or whatever the proper term to use is so that we can get a clearer pic of the person reflected on the watch for even a glimpse as to who it could be.

familiar with Looking Glass though, this is the first time i've seen it referred to as a type of AI technology.

i knew it was quantum something like physics or whatever but not ai.

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6cf692 No.21546022


Is there any other way?

In making things better.

Nothing is easier than simply denying it, right?

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f7c2fe No.21546023


Anons ran the pics thru all the programs..

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bc92a5 No.21546024




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58f332 No.21546025

File: 7610b7ac979ff8f⋯.png (441.21 KB,808x458,404:229,stargate1.png)

File: a6ac5be14122661⋯.png (408.14 KB,797x447,797:447,stargate2.png)

File: 31694f6c6939bd5⋯.png (325.86 KB,787x650,787:650,stargate3.png)

File: fadf4cf55d17541⋯.png (392.3 KB,747x433,747:433,stargate4.png)

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3f726d No.21546026


chapelle lives around there

maybe he could do some on the ground reporting for anons….

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6cf692 No.21546027


No, you didn't ask a question?

Can you answer that first?


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178517 No.21546028

File: 38b4e083c9f523e⋯.mp4 (16.56 KB,320x268,80:67,IMG_20240830_181323_592.mp4)


You sure do hab a lot of questions for not being a journalist. KMAO

Maybe you should lurk moar?

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58f332 No.21546029

File: d7282d12dccae6e⋯.png (427.91 KB,1335x819,445:273,ClipboardImage.png)


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f7c2fe No.21546030

File: 94c0071bb67cc02⋯.png (18.05 KB,474x307,474:307,ClipboardImage.png)

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58f332 No.21546031

File: a2bcc484bcf5c1b⋯.png (269.48 KB,336x529,336:529,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9bd60 No.21546032


i get the power of Looking Glass.

have continued the Trust the plan.

simply put, my comment was just

about whether or not it was a possibility

that AI could be used on the watch pic

to get more detail on who's reflected

on the watch in order for us to guess

who Q is.

good movie.

though, did not like that Iron Man

ended up the way he did.

(no spoiler for those who have yet

to watch the movie)

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7a1832 No.21546033

File: 5298387eaf547c3⋯.png (1.1 MB,1169x1281,167:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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b806bb No.21546034


Can I? I can.

The question is, will I?

Who does it look like to you?

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6cf692 No.21546035


So I'm just asking questions because there are things I don't understand or abstract, okay?

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58f332 No.21546036

File: 2d4ab10108b7284⋯.png (307.28 KB,782x818,391:409,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc92a5 No.21546037




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6cf692 No.21546038


Do you want to assume who is in this?

And if it is, so what?

Can you tell us what you are thinking?

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a9bd60 No.21546039

File: 0195a37ce429b20⋯.png (18 KB,309x97,309:97,ClipboardImage.png)


love the DJT references in the two dates.

was there a significant event that happened on "4/10/20" 24?

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58f332 No.21546040

File: 3a5b2bff7e9358e⋯.png (588.12 KB,924x693,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7c2fe No.21546042


Sing again for me babe

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367a8a No.21546043

File: 9d8181e83adac92⋯.jpeg (54 KB,680x400,17:10,IMG_3538.jpeg)

Anons are a light in valley of darnkess.

Anons light the way, and bring the light.

The light bringer is Lucifer.


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b806bb No.21546044



> tell us

Who is us?

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58f332 No.21546045

File: 099560706f82b57⋯.png (468.77 KB,500x791,500:791,ClipboardImage.png)

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40b2d5 No.21546046

File: 9bd441e49df552d⋯.jpeg (911.17 KB,1620x1830,54:61,IMG_3290.jpeg)


Why are people so easily fooled…

Made In CHINA…


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6cf692 No.21546047


Uh, sorry.

It's for me.


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58f332 No.21546048

File: a3002065d0ab1d0⋯.png (543.86 KB,930x510,31:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9bd60 No.21546049


and no clearer image was produced?

that sucks.

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db7869 No.21546050

President Trump, what if you made a negotiated settlement to the Ukraine Russian war before the election? That I think would solidify you as the peace maker that the world sorely needs and prove to all US voters that you alone can do what the entire democrat party cannot do nor will not do. In addition, you will probably save tens of thousand if not hundreds of thousands more lives, both civilian and non-civilian.

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97755f No.21546051

File: bc433c45eb6714d⋯.png (47.08 KB,512x640,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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178517 No.21546052

File: a2dd6870d420490⋯.jpg (112.21 KB,868x1280,217:320,IMG_20240822_111418_622.jpg)


>So I'm just asking questions because there are things I don't understand or abstract, okay?

You must be a newfag?

Fill out name, Email and put your questions in the subject. Q will get back to you.

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6cf692 No.21546053


What you see in that image and what you describe in it, ,

What are your thoughts?

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58f332 No.21546054

File: 1bafc9332db1f1d⋯.png (399.08 KB,679x942,679:942,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9bd60 No.21546055



love this old time country music.

thanks, anon.


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f7c2fe No.21546056



Thats zoomed in from a larger pic.. no black bars on original

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6cf692 No.21546057



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c0bc91 No.21546058

File: 4ac59d46e99ab61⋯.png (88.53 KB,299x168,299:168,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a73405ba7b903f⋯.png (80.5 KB,299x168,299:168,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8d983bb8e486b1⋯.png (204.77 KB,600x338,300:169,ClipboardImage.png)


It's not about age, it's about being in shape.

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bc92a5 No.21546059


Who is making this music? Are these bands even real or is it just the very strong AI?

Swinging into tomorrow


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a9bd60 No.21546060



am aware.

it was off that enlarged image that i started my comment/suggestion about AI maybe being able to do something more with that enlarged/zoomed in image.

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f7c2fe No.21546061


I know the creator of the website.. can find out for you.. They are probably asleep right now though

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49f7fc No.21546062

notables @ 295

#26395 >>21545738

>>21545798, >>21545829 Starliner Flight Test Landing

>>21545813 DJT: How much more you're paying under comrade Kamala Harris

>>21545822 DJT: Comrade Kamala's Migrant Crime Wave

>>21545844 Chaos as first mail ballots for 2024 election delayed after court rules RFK's name must be removed

>>21545872 Springfield, Ohio is a small town of 60k residents whom Biden / Harris shipped 20,000 Haitian immigrants to

>>21545877 Refresher: E. Jean Carroll's allegations on Trump are based on a Law & Order: SVU episode, which is also her favorite show

>>21545886, >>21545903 Every child killed in a mass school shooting in the last 2 years, was killed by a transgender shooter

>>21546054, >>21546040, >>21546051 Memes


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f7c2fe No.21546063


AI would just recognize where it came from and ban you off the site

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3f726d No.21546064

File: 6be3f0c3e198533⋯.png (296.91 KB,387x830,387:830,loser.png)

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bc92a5 No.21546065

File: 246240c24a2dfaf⋯.jpg (141.69 KB,849x717,283:239,Screenshot_20240907_012906….jpg)


Gary Miliefsky is the main person behind Ingersoll Lockwood any other answer is retarded.

Trump and Jr. - they were right about everything.

You will learn that.

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a9bd60 No.21546066


where to get legit/safe ivermectin

for cheap?

too chicken to do the manual measuring thing with the ones from the feed store.

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94299d No.21546067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6cf692 No.21546068

File: 9adad7fb8c02460⋯.gif (1.51 MB,400x227,400:227,FD506B73_70D6_4604_BEF9_EF….gif)

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a9bd60 No.21546069


such a cool pic from a really

historic moment in our country's


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f7c2fe No.21546070



Correct & he likes to sing and is asleep right now but no DOXING

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a9bd60 No.21546071

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f7c2fe No.21546072



I meant 2024 AI, not 2018 AI

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bc92a5 No.21546073

File: 9d7a2d779200db2⋯.jpg (192.36 KB,1080x1634,540:817,Screenshot_20240907_013442….jpg)


Some things I said might not seem related but they are.

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ea336c No.21546074

File: 34ab63456a74311⋯.png (108.93 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_1317.png)

When the whirlwind passes, the wicked is no more.

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c8cb64 No.21546075


Dan posted an IWC watch of his on instagram, it took a beating and kept on ticking …

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b806bb No.21546076

Eye brows, eye lids, nose bridge, wrinkles.

rugged skin complexion.

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f606bb No.21546077


>where to get legit/safe ivermectin

>for cheap?


have purchased from them multiple times

legit Rx meds, no script required

use code "MV70" at checkout for ADDITIONAL 70% discount

one shipment was seized by US customs, and they replaced it FOR FREE

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178517 No.21546078

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Democrat to vote against bill restricting China's WuXi Biologics, BGI

11:40 PM · Sep 6, 2024 40.7K Views


Full article: http://reut.rs/4dVvCAE

In January 2024, WuXi Biologics' share price fell on news that the United States Congress had introduced legislation to block any federal government contracts with the company due to national security concerns.[9][10][11] The concerns stem from allegations, denied by the company, that it has worked closely with the People's Liberation Army as a part of the Chinese Communist Party's military-civil fusion strategy.[12] Members of the United States House Select Committee on Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party subsequently called for sanctions against WuXi Biologics.


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bc92a5 No.21546079


I've never seen proof of who owns the watch but I just proved to you beyond a shadow of a doubt Dan owns the two iphones

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c8cb64 No.21546080


the watch is an IWC, and Dan had posted a pic of his once on his instagram … sooooo

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b806bb No.21546082



I'm thinking of having a snack.

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109c3d No.21546084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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94299d No.21546085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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49f7fc No.21546086




notables @ 315

#26395 >>21545738

>>21545798, >>21545829 Starliner Flight Test Landing

>>21545813 DJT: How much more you're paying under comrade Kamala Harris

>>21545822 DJT: Comrade Kamala's Migrant Crime Wave

>>21545844 Chaos as first mail ballots for 2024 election delayed after court rules RFK's name must be removed

>>21545872 Springfield, Ohio is a small town of 60k residents whom Biden / Harris shipped 20,000 Haitian immigrants to

>>21545877 Refresher: E. Jean Carroll's allegations on Trump are based on a Law & Order: SVU episode, which is also her favorite show

>>21545886, >>21545903 Every child killed in a mass school shooting in the last 2 years, was killed by a transgender shooter

>>21546054, >>21546040, >>21546051 Memes


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94299d No.21546087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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94299d No.21546088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f606bb No.21546089


look up jack lalanne

he was a big fitness/exercise promoter

on his 70th birthday, he swam across san francisco bay

towing a boat holding 70 people by a rope he held with his teeth

true story

look it up

videos exist

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c8cb64 No.21546090

File: 13358ea4ed0f788⋯.png (96.13 KB,220x286,10:13,ClipboardImage.png)

John Jacob Astor VI (August 14, 1912 – June 26, 1992) was an American socialite, shipping businessman, and member of the Astor family. He was dubbed the "Titanic Baby" for his affiliation with the RMS Titanic; Astor was born four months after his father, Colonel John Jacob Astor IV, died in the sinking of the Titanic. His pregnant mother Madeleine Astor survived the sinking.

Astor was known for his legal battles with the estate of his elder half-brother, Vincent Astor, to inherit a larger portion of their father's $85 million fortune (approximately $2.7 billion in 2023 dollars). He was also known for his many engagements and four marriages to prominent society women.

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bc92a5 No.21546091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f7c2fe No.21546092


What happened to John Aster V ?

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51ceb9 No.21546093

File: 019285514f104c7⋯.png (400.04 KB,593x846,593:846,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 040d7b3729b6499⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB,480x270,16:9,Sharyl_Attkisson_on_How_Re….mp4)

👀 Sharyl Attkisson on How Rep. Thomas Massie Caught the CDC Lying About the COVID Vaccines

"The CDC, in a paper that had to be written by the vaccine makers in my mind, lied about what the studies found which encouraged people who probably already had immunity because they already had COVID to go out and get a vaccine that could give them side effects…So they created or worsened what could be considered a crisis by their misinformation…And my big question is, the misinformation was signed off by something like twelve members of this CDC expert committee. Did none of them read the original studies as I had and as Congressman Massie had? Do they just sign papers somebody else writes and not understand the data and the claims in it are wrong? I think this is a huge scandal and nobody's been held to account for that."


Full Episode: https://t.co/o5zJwualAf

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92d467 No.21546094


gotta love how every camera in the world is now 4k,including everyones phones, but NASA is still using grainy shitty 8 mm film that always cuts out at the right moments…ffs … people are retarded

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357162 No.21546095


>Colonel John Jacob Astor IV, died in the sinking of the Titanic?

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40b2d5 No.21546096

File: cd416509dd2432e⋯.jpeg (485.72 KB,856x1182,428:591,IMG_3292.jpeg)


They say Nate Silver is the best!

As an original FAN of The Apprentice…this means… IS HE REALLY YHE BEST.


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40b2d5 No.21546097


And…. WHO IS [THEY]?

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f606bb No.21546098


>gotta love how every camera in the world is now 4k,including everyones phones, but NASA is still using grainy shitty 8 mm film that always cuts out at the right moments…

outer space is a slightly HARSHER environment than the local mall, ASSHAT

none of your toys would function there

>ffs … people are retarded

no… just (You)

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f7c2fe No.21546099


Yes.. theres 4 and 6, why not name him 5 or V?

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94299d No.21546100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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178517 No.21546101

File: 1715b29dde86231⋯.png (161.58 KB,1280x1395,256:279,Astor_Viscount_Astor_Arms_….png)

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1550e3 No.21546102

God himself as Yeshua the Christ came down and the Government killed him for speaking against the Jews.

The American people are so stupid they would rather take on more taxes, be patient, and eat the cud rather than being free.

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bc92a5 No.21546103

Anons must be ready for what is coming.




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92d467 No.21546104


please elaborate on the thousands of supercrisp moon landing photos taken by asstronots without even looking through the range finder, all perfectly focused and exposed…smdh people are retarded, ,

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7a1832 No.21546105

File: 4330d8516dad2a0⋯.png (267.59 KB,549x923,549:923,ClipboardImage.png)

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94299d No.21546107

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What's the word?

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357162 No.21546108


two bumble bees and a bird

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0e0abe No.21546109




> >>21545681 (pb), >>21545693 (pb), >>21545189 (pb) Colt Gray Transferred to School Weeks Prior to Attack, Reportedly Spent Two Days on Campus

What school did he transfer from?

What do the people there have to say about him?


The "didn't exist prior" makes anon think perhaps it's AI-generated. Anon knows many of those here, are…

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d8152f No.21546110


Ingersoll Lockwood slide again?

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178517 No.21546111

File: 6a2d38ee89b7c7a⋯.gif (1.05 MB,1080x1080,1:1,DoiTQ.gif)



poke poke come out and play, we love you long time. (NO HOMO)

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9bde9f No.21546112

File: 5cc133c17664db0⋯.jpeg (2.37 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_2276.jpeg)

Good morning anons, next wk for me is going to be weird.

Never fearful of the future.

It’s the sheep

Is that why I wear wollen sox?

God bless anons.

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51ceb9 No.21546113

File: 6204d952f1db7dd⋯.jpg (110.79 KB,1024x819,1024:819,6204d952f1db7dd37ee10c7d00….jpg)

File: b9d9bfef03fd673⋯.jpg (88.99 KB,1024x640,8:5,l.jpg)

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94299d No.21546114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm about to creep up on a niqqa and make an ez cheQ

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f606bb No.21546115


>please elaborate on the thousands of supercrisp moon landing photos taken by asstronots

those were taken a FILM camera, JACKASS

digital cameras DIDN'T EXIST at the time of the apollo 11 mission

take your fukkin' slide and shove it up your bonus hole, fukking POS shillboi

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bc92a5 No.21546116

File: e9358cc6d994a3f⋯.jpg (419.66 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_020300….jpg)

File: d0e5692497b429c⋯.jpg (261.94 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_020305….jpg)

There is a war - Protect your blood - Ingersoll Lockwood 2021


There is a war Protect your DNA

Q 2022

Wait till you learn who has been talking to you here

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f7c2fe No.21546117


Meh.. its better than faggot guy, Henry Cavill loving, hotel staying on a cheque from GM named Christian slide…

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f606bb No.21546118


proving the photos were fake DOES NOT prove the moon landings never happened


maybe they found shit they didn't want you to see

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9bde9f No.21546119

Or is it good evening anons.

Day shift, night shift?

What is time?

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357162 No.21546120

>>Yes.. theres 4 and 6, why not name him 5 or V?

Idk wiki says:

A fund of $3 million was set aside for his unborn child John Jacob "Jakey" Astor VI, which he would control when he became of age.[19] On August 14, 1912, Astor gave birth to Jakey at her Fifth Avenue mansion. For the next four years, she raised him as part of the Astor family. She did not appear very often in society until the end of 1913, when according to the press, they published her first photograph since the Titanic disaster.[20]

Could be many reasons…

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94299d No.21546121

File: d6931172fe07c6c⋯.png (460.67 KB,981x648,109:72,ClipboardImage.png)

poop shift

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9c63ba No.21546122

File: f4863a8a1b63886⋯.webm (2.58 MB,720x576,5:4,Actual_Zero_G_hair.webm)

File: e7b65a29a53fbf2⋯.webm (2.7 MB,1280x720,16:9,_space_station_hair.webm)


>outer space is a slightly HARSHER environment

>that's why you have to make jump cuts every few seconds when you just wash your hair

>that's why they have to store millions of kilo of hair gel on the ISS


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f7c2fe No.21546123


but not when u name sons Junior, then the third, fourth, you dont name a kid the sixth without having a fifth

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26a1e4 No.21546124


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178517 No.21546125

File: 8dea117735fc4ef⋯.jpg (29.22 KB,601x421,601:421,Cfa2F6904232.jpg)


>Is that why I wear wollen sox?

Just a guess by the way you spelled that,

your location is New England? Kek

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9c63ba No.21546126

File: 7c9f38fad8d9239⋯.mp4 (14.64 MB,854x480,427:240,Karen_Nyberg_Shows_How_You….mp4)

File: 4d205dd5c494268⋯.jpg (27.63 KB,219x230,219:230,G.jpg)


>>that's why you have to make jump cuts every few seconds when you just wash your hair

really makes you think.

that only makes sense in case you use zero-g flights that only deliver a short time of zero-g.


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bc92a5 No.21546127

File: 3bd6bedc497a537⋯.jpg (558.71 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_021340….jpg)

File: 289535e2752c125⋯.jpg (318.82 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_021413….jpg)


What is a slide about it?

Who is 1717 pennsylvania @ ave?

Try harder.

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9bde9f No.21546128

File: 45d386de5d12147⋯.jpeg (32.05 KB,640x433,640:433,IMG_0745.jpeg)


Nah mate, half right

England yes, knew I wish it was.

This place needs sorting, from top to bottom.

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9bde9f No.21546129


Of course, heart attacks are common in kids.

Died suddenly.

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1510ca No.21546130

Become a slave.

Continue to vote.

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d8152f No.21546131


Some random dude on twatter made a claim?

OMFG it must be true 'cause it's on the internet!

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bc92a5 No.21546132

Who could be behind these mysterious broadcasts from Ingersoll Lockwood?


1717 pennsylvania ave?


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d8152f No.21546133


Forgot about him, I guess the monkeypox was devastating

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357162 No.21546134


Early life

John Jacob Astor V was born in Manhattan, New York City, in 1886, the fourth child of William Waldorf Astor, 1st Viscount Astor (1848–1919), and Mary Dahlgren Paul (1858–1894). He was five years old when his family left New York to live in England.[1] He was raised on an estate purchased by his father at Cliveden-on-Thames in Buckinghamshire and was educated at Eton College and at New College, Oxford.[2] Astor was British Public Schools rackets champion in 1904–1905, spent a year at Oxford and finally in 1906 joined the 1st Life Guards.[3]


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d8152f No.21546135



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db4c4b No.21546136


trusts the cia

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bc92a5 No.21546137

File: a8b54a012ada9ba⋯.jpg (329.87 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_022607….jpg)


Q=IL-1717- Orders-In-Effect

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f7c2fe No.21546138

>>21546132 see >>21546065

>>21546134 Ohhh his cousin! Cheers Fam ♥

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9c63ba No.21546139

File: 1a985810c135893⋯.jpg (401.22 KB,1618x864,809:432,vote.jpg)

File: c3dd974e491309e⋯.jpg (328 KB,1547x750,1547:750,votary.jpg)

File: 4a693d2ca5aa6f5⋯.jpg (189.28 KB,756x889,108:127,suffrage.jpg)

File: 0032d6884a2f515⋯.jpg (361.31 KB,1641x893,1641:893,consent.jpg)

File: 227c272227ae725⋯.jpg (291.84 KB,1478x887,1478:887,mandate.jpg)


>be a slave in occupied territory

>yes, I totally can vote myself out of this

>hello, military? I do not consent, I vote for this here, stop it!


>yes, this system will arrest itself, I just have to vote for that

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178517 No.21546140

File: 6e1636948b5e128⋯.gif (97.45 KB,572x317,572:317,6e1.gif)


>Nah mate, half right England yes, knew I wish it was.

True you guys getting arrested for posting memes Or we getting psyOp'd across the pond?

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240139 No.21546141

File: 1eb947d07cccc8d⋯.png (120.04 KB,610x466,305:233,ClipboardImage.png)


@NASA 2h

Touchdown, #Starliner! The uncrewed spacecraft landed at New Mexico's White Sands Space Harbor at 12:01 am ET (0401 UTC) on Saturday, Sept. 7.

Sep 7, 2024 · 4:06 AM UTC


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f14900 No.21546142


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d8152f No.21546143


A gargle spreadsheet? Oh My!

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bc92a5 No.21546144

File: f0b17b9b5b9699f⋯.jpg (109.88 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_023218….jpg)

File: fb455d22731deee⋯.jpg (291.88 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_023226….jpg)

File: 2e769a12a3adb66⋯.jpg (308.27 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_023233….jpg)

File: 1694e62beddc2ca⋯.jpg (367.5 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240907_023239….jpg)

Q said less than 10 can confirm me

3 non millitary+ DHS


That's Ingersoll Lockwood

Less than 10

3 non millitary plus DHS

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efe599 No.21546145

Nothing we say or do matters anyway.

Its about how much money you have or how much money you need.

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42c38b No.21546146


If I need a Canadian Mil Intel evac ASAP who can assist./


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efb84a No.21546147


imagine finding her hair not only in the drain, but all over the walls and ceiling.

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9bde9f No.21546148

File: 542631e2e0aa1a5⋯.jpeg (2.37 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0720.jpeg)



I’d say note ab le.

But July.

Why have I only heard this now…


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7a1832 No.21546149

File: af546c46dd54131⋯.png (1.18 MB,1169x1281,167:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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d90be8 No.21546150

Your government needs your tax dollars to fund the endless government spending.

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9bde9f No.21546151


Warz, non stop profit for those who invest.

Poverty for those who don’t.

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97755f No.21546152


"give, give, give" should be "never gonna give."

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12a7e0 No.21546153

it is amazing that none of you see it yet.

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351d60 No.21546154


If planned by white hats, RFK forcing states to re-print the ballots at this late juncture is sheer genius. ALL of the ballots need to be reprinted, eliminating any fake ballots out there with his name on them if they existed. Doing it this late shortens the time for bad actors to print fake ballots in large quantities as they would first have to see the real ballots and the order of the candidates as printed on them.

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42c38b No.21546155

Ukraine is not our friend./

Ukraine has never been Russia as a separate state./

Ukraine is Russian territory./


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fd7ff5 No.21546156


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42c38b No.21546157

Did I break something./

Let's see./


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f4cef8 No.21546158



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9bde9f No.21546159

File: 768839206efda71⋯.png (7.4 MB,1806x2281,1806:2281,IMG_0641.png)


Query dial up access.

You wood be surprised

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f3fbe9 No.21546160


nobody knows who in control or where the moneys going.

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c1c06b No.21546161


>Focus on the mission.


Goodnight for now, and I'll be back on the keyboard as soon as I wake up because I have to finish what I started as soon as possible.


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25a1fc No.21546162

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0ddd76 No.21546163


Yore right, they do.

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d43bc6 No.21546164

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566a61 No.21546165

just call it jim.

this is sad.

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3f726d No.21546166

File: 058f00e87dc58f9⋯.png (2.53 MB,1993x1330,1993:1330,loooser.png)

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54f126 No.21546167

I wish I was more selfish and thought of myself.

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9bde9f No.21546168

File: b7f1524df6ce83a⋯.jpg (2.56 MB,4032x3024,4:3,image.jpg)

On my travels yesterday found this Korean stuff.

Nice food, nice everything. I’d say it beats sake. Sorry japs, luv u petty your race maybe dying out..

I think it maybe that song.

I think I’m turning Japanese.

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9bde9f No.21546169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f7c2fe No.21546170



Never give up Jim! ♥♥♥

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3c2338 No.21546171

File: 5e4f5fbf8ed9807⋯.png (157.7 KB,370x318,185:159,comfy_f9275787ef7f206efa39….png)

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bc92a5 No.21546172


You Scitzo anons who think Jim should just "call it" are amusing… is Jim in the room with us now?

I can't even try and have a serious conversation without some of you people doing your thing- and what exactly do you hope to accomplish with your nonsense today sir or ma'am?

Shilling? Sliding? DIVISION FAGGING?

Please have your moment.

The floor is yours

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d8152f No.21546173


Friday Night and that lame shit is the effort you put in?

Fifty demerits for lack of originality and another fifty for zero effort

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7b6ab2 No.21546174

you are not worth it.

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42c38b No.21546175

"Make the spymaster in the UK hate Great Britain."



So many commands to hell to attack us./

Do not let evil win./


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9bde9f No.21546176

File: 3a59760ad19e6bf⋯.jpg (2.82 MB,4032x3024,4:3,image.jpg)

Js is no longer being

Its amazing how life works out when you break out.

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1bcb29 No.21546177

Faggots can cling to their preferred pronouns. I say we call them all 'it'.

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f7c2fe No.21546178


= Seconded =

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42c38b No.21546179

"Make the blackmailed people in the UK be forgiven so they can work for the Ukraine."

"Make the blackmailed people attack the UK no longer works."



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42c38b No.21546180


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9bde9f No.21546181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Your boss?

Don’t get divided.

Wake the god up with inside u.


Heaven 77 agrreee.

>everyone was changing there email signature to him / me fkin bullshit.

>changed mine to human hybrid male.

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42c38b No.21546182


>Your boss?

CF is awesome./

US Mil is awesome./


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3c2338 No.21546183

File: e25d12a9ff3c38a⋯.jpg (135.16 KB,737x818,737:818,mandate.jpg)

File: f16dee3dce88b89⋯.jpg (13.19 KB,720x591,240:197,do_not_comply_.jpg)

File: ff72f17ec6937f5⋯.png (67.94 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Protect your DNA

multiple meanings, could be protect man kind, protect the DNA by not altering it in any way, could be protect your DNA which is your direct and extended family…

It also means NO CONSENT

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9bde9f No.21546184

File: 8829f12b01f2a75⋯.jpeg (2.83 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_2249.jpeg)

File: 90dec8d97d64ea1⋯.jpeg (64.02 KB,1200x600,2:1,IMG_0481.jpeg)


I am awesome, we are awesome as I collective as a whole we can smash this BS.

Make the universe great again.

It’s not cantered on Meriica.

Moar than what anyone can comprehend.

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3c2338 No.21546185

File: 30eb0912108b47e⋯.jpeg (35.15 KB,460x436,115:109,i_identify_as_a_conspirac….jpeg)

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42c38b No.21546186







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f7c2fe No.21546187

Good night Fam

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3c2338 No.21546188

File: e0aa7dbf236c82a⋯.jpeg (15.5 KB,400x383,400:383,fucked_around_and_never_f….jpeg)

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d8152f No.21546189



You come in broken and retarded

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9d0ba4 No.21546190

File: d6b29b18f7994ab⋯.png (586.34 KB,1141x1080,1141:1080,d6b29b18f7994ab85bf3785be5….png)


Goon night.

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9bde9f No.21546191


Kek, working out how I can use that.


Laterz, the suns comin out here.

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9bde9f No.21546192

Day, night, battered yes.

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42c38b No.21546193


>You come in broken and retarded

Not anymore.







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240139 No.21546194

File: c92e65a6cd9e0cb⋯.jpg (501.83 KB,1164x1460,291:365,media_F6Orc7BWIAA4_hI.jpg)

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178517 No.21546195

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b66646 No.21546196

File: de34e1771cf299b⋯.png (985.27 KB,858x818,429:409,New_Durov.png)

File: 0a9fdba794d2b9e⋯.png (152.17 KB,818x1252,409:626,777.png)

New Pavel Durov - lots of "stuff" in the rubber duck pic like >Q drop #777..why was Blackberry destroyed..etc

Du Rove's Channel

🎉 Telegram has reached 10 million paid subscribers. 10 million people are now enjoying Telegram Premium!

🆕 Today, we’re introducing new features while phasing out a few outdated ones.

⛔️ We’ve removed the People Nearby feature, which was used by less than 0.1% of Telegram users, but had issues with bots and scammers.

🛍 In its place, we will be launching “Businesses Nearby”, showcasing legitimate, verified businesses. These businesses will be able to display product catalogs and accept payments seamlessly.

✂️ We’ve also disabled new media uploads to Telegraph, our standalone blogging tool, which seems to have been misused by anonymous actors.

☝️ While 99.999% of Telegram users have nothing to do with crime, the 0.001% involved in illicit activities create a bad image for the entire platform, putting the interests of our almost billion users at risk.

✊ That’s why this year we are committed to turn moderation on Telegram from an area of criticism into one of praise.



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3c2338 No.21546197

File: df923df6254188f⋯.png (346.24 KB,570x319,570:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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12d74d No.21546198

File: 912447cc9e6a7e4⋯.jpeg (1.24 MB,1361x2027,1361:2027,IMG_8891.jpeg)

File: d02ac0186bbfaeb⋯.mp4 (7.25 MB,450x360,5:4,lrJYmIVyShdkuCpo.mp4)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr Says Bill Gates Uses 'Philanthrocapitalism' to

Enrich Himself

"I've written a book about him and what he calls 'Philanthrocapitalism' which is you use philanthropy to make yourself rich…and that's what he's done again and again…The real tell was what happened with the

DTP vaccine… The girls who were getting that vaccine at six months of age were ten times more likely to d*e over the next six months as children who didn't get it… And those scientists started speaking up and saying, you gotta discontinue this vaccine and…Gates made sure their careers were destroyed. So that's when I understood that he actually understands what he was doing. And, you know, this is not just him being hypnotized. He knows that this is wrong because this science was indisputable. And it really made me wonder about what his motivations are."



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12d74d No.21546199

File: b9d6aaa9fc57013⋯.jpeg (228.32 KB,1130x842,565:421,IMG_8895.jpeg)

File: 1b146ad05dd8add⋯.jpeg (164.87 KB,1130x874,565:437,IMG_8894.jpeg)

File: a56a767be0ee42f⋯.jpeg (172.25 KB,1130x1127,1130:1127,IMG_8892.jpeg)

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12d74d No.21546200

File: 649b791f026ae26⋯.jpeg (168.76 KB,1130x1162,565:581,IMG_8889.jpeg)

File: 395d17cb49cc2d2⋯.jpeg (294.29 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_8893.jpeg)

File: e86c1882f512f2c⋯.jpeg (160.82 KB,1255x787,1255:787,IMG_8890.jpeg)

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88d1d1 No.21546201

File: 6fa458d84edaecb⋯.jpg (87.84 KB,1095x730,3:2,a_safe_refuge_from_the_sto….jpg)

The world needs anons more than anons need this board. The time is here to take what we have learned and lead those around us.

White squall. It's time to grow up frens. Circlejerking this place forever is not your destiny. You can do it. This anon believes in you.

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12d74d No.21546202

File: 0587c927741056f⋯.mp4 (13.05 MB,1280x864,40:27,_1304757052959449771.mp4)

File: a5e44d67d256437⋯.gif (856.21 KB,220x220,1:1,IMG_8848.gif)

File: 30876522943f5fc⋯.png (1.22 MB,1874x1438,937:719,BFE75668_32A1_4896_AC9B_5C….png)

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12d74d No.21546203

File: 62c73a85176dcea⋯.png (864.34 KB,552x760,69:95,206170F9_5C11_42C7_9F06_23….png)

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12d74d No.21546204

File: ea6129e479ece6c⋯.png (892.75 KB,532x800,133:200,E764A65D_2448_4CDE_A612_03….png)

File: 35d7ae8b0bc2eb8⋯.png (890.38 KB,532x800,133:200,50935540_384A_48BC_923C_06….png)

File: 55f968a95581b11⋯.jpeg (471.38 KB,1130x1698,565:849,IMG_8855.jpeg)

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12d74d No.21546205

File: 6760b9a11409499⋯.png (1.15 MB,953x1563,953:1563,IMG_8896.png)

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42c38b No.21546206

Where did they all go.. I wonder./


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88d1d1 No.21546207

I can sense an observer. A watchful eye upon the path. we know I have allowed the joker within to overpower my better judgment. I hear the call. I lack the courage. It seems as though I too may require a bit more precipice than I had anticipated.

Perhaps it is not courage that is lacking. Perhaps it is patience and clarity. I fear I am failing your test.

May the good Lord grant what I lack. May we rise in our own lives to the challenge before us. Thank you for protecting us and keeping us safe.

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d8152f No.21546208


So you want anons to walk away?

My, never seen that one tried before

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88d1d1 No.21546209


Battlefields not of our choosing. The world is waiting for you.

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88d1d1 No.21546210

It's not rocket surgery. Use logic. We are supposed to be good at this.

If this site was essential it would be up and will remain up. If it is down it is supposed to be down. We have been educated, informed, and trained to help.

A climax is approaching. Choices must be made. Time has value. Where is it most needed?

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d8152f No.21546211

File: 9f155943e9b15ce⋯.jpg (91.66 KB,500x715,100:143,9f155943e9b15ce53692d1768d….jpg)


So the normal trash didn't get anywhere (never does)

The religious nut/"operators" from earlier today didn't get anywhere

The "shut it down Jim" didn't get anywhere

Now it's "walk away anon, go elsewhere?"

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9d0ba4 No.21546212

File: e641049313b48e6⋯.png (623.05 KB,986x503,986:503,e641049313b48e6fed24613850….png)

What are we gonna do today, anons?

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d8152f No.21546213


I haven't quite decided on Mischief or Shenanigans

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178517 No.21546214

File: 03ddeb5e6d879ae⋯.jpg (9.06 KB,229x220,229:220,IMG_20240824_140704_532.jpg)


>The time is here to take what we have learned and lead those around us.

Been done that for years now Anon, are you not paying attention? Go read any comment section on any of the social media platforms. Humidity is soRED PILLED, anon is surprised that everyone didn't die from over dosing on all the fuckingRED PILLStbh.

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f73b8c No.21546215

Oh wow!

I didn't know I was a 'UGE fan of anime.

Am I wrong?

I'm so confused now.

Anime is so hated here.

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f73b8c No.21546217

Who else is with me?

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d8152f No.21546218


>Anime is so hated here

Only by shills

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b806bb No.21546219

File: d7a13bbf589656a⋯.png (1.12 MB,745x769,745:769,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c1ef1f0c2e9b88⋯.png (1.18 MB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

These grifters have no shame.


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3c2338 No.21546220

File: 7ee01202743e5ea⋯.png (125.87 KB,288x216,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Shut ya pie hole

Go digg on something and drag it back here

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12d74d No.21546221

File: 5588c1db9bcfee1⋯.mp4 (9.74 MB,mematicMeme.mp4)

File: d89ff40c532cfcc⋯.jpeg (788.97 KB,976x1024,61:64,IMG_8902.jpeg)

File: a72303514aa22e6⋯.png (1.27 MB,1874x1438,937:719,6500BEC3_11C5_440E_AC2C_B9….png)

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58f332 No.21546222

File: 099560706f82b57⋯.png (468.77 KB,500x791,500:791,ClipboardImage.png)

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f73b8c No.21546223

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I mean, who can't love anime?


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42c38b No.21546224





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12d74d No.21546225

File: c55f8a74fc7f166⋯.jpeg (184.75 KB,762x800,381:400,47105F30_9568_4E25_A9C4_8….jpeg)

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351170 No.21546226

File: f4ec29ebf02a826⋯.jpg (352.31 KB,1079x602,1079:602,Screenshot_20240510_080354….jpg)

File: c089c46c53502ef⋯.jpg (376.57 KB,1080x1008,15:14,Screenshot_20240510_082214….jpg)

File: 64663fdd6a88a96⋯.jpg (502.64 KB,1080x1434,180:239,Screenshot_20240510_082250….jpg)

File: dbae1cca160f4bb⋯.jpg (259.84 KB,2048x2657,2048:2657,9780544272996_vert_06e2ae3….jpg)

File: ac02494f4729fbc⋯.jpg (877.54 KB,1079x1636,1079:1636,Screenshot_20240510_082349….jpg)

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d8152f No.21546227


Star Blazers was okay, the original Space Battleship Yamato was not watered down

Try Venus Wars, Akira, Ghost in the Shell (original, not the live action thing) and have fun with Cowboy Bebop

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f73b8c No.21546228


So was Speed Racer anime or just a cartoon?

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12d74d No.21546229

File: 621dd27f88fd614⋯.png (1010.83 KB,745x769,745:769,58845689_9629_44B0_AFEE_13….png)

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42c38b No.21546230



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351170 No.21546231

File: bea127a960b7acf⋯.jpg (199.88 KB,751x900,751:900,george_magazine_2020_survi….jpg)

File: 15cfab8457a8ea9⋯.jpg (471.92 KB,732x1074,122:179,Screenshot_20240907_093805….jpg)

File: ef818d683c2d1ad⋯.jpg (38.55 KB,197x294,197:294,Screenshot_20240907_093749….jpg)

File: e908839ab97ffb6⋯.jpg (102.44 KB,639x253,639:253,Screenshot_20240907_093622….jpg)

File: 67f02a114f9235c⋯.jpg (160.38 KB,362x591,362:591,Screenshot_20240907_093821….jpg)

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f73b8c No.21546232




ai told all

anime Japanese

cartoon American

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b806bb No.21546233


KEK, …

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f73b8c No.21546234


not quite holiday inn express, but have stayed at motel 6.

how can i help?

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d8152f No.21546235


Early anime, like G-force, aka Battle of the Planets in the US when watered down.

Better stuff in the 80s, Bubblegum Crisis and all

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3c2338 No.21546236


gezze im thick, just worked out why he has YMCA at the end of every rally

he's calling [them] faggits

they can get themselves clean

have a good meal

gitmo time for faggits

he is poking fun at all the ones that have gone there and are going there

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42c38b No.21546237


>not quite holiday inn express, but have stayed at motel 6.

>how can i help?





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4afa0a No.21546238

File: fbacffd7f43de3e⋯.png (64.31 KB,584x680,73:85,ClipboardImage.png)

Trans Vengeance

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178517 No.21546239

File: bbfac9a9ae771c0⋯.jpg (139.52 KB,1280x960,4:3,IMG_20240806_170251_687.jpg)

Going to hit the lilly pad soon and call it a night.

GN anons, hab a gud DayShift fags.


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3c2338 No.21546240

HAS the debate with Camelho happened yet?

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12d74d No.21546241

File: 91162b809a16f7a⋯.jpeg (111.66 KB,800x409,800:409,EC83618B_B8DB_4C98_92E9_5….jpeg)

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f73b8c No.21546243


i'll chk it

remembered a battleship in space with a big gun in nose and ai found it for me

tried watching a full episode, but not quite into it anymoar at this age kekity

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9d0ba4 No.21546244

File: ab70dff8fc33787⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,18.37 KB,600x600,1:1,fdcb798b21ebaf3fe3232e95f….jpeg)

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4afa0a No.21546245

File: e98ec3f3cbdcc91⋯.gif (249.72 KB,220x139,220:139,morning_good_morning.gif)


Night Sam

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f73b8c No.21546246



I'll kick out 'elenskyy and administration, nato, and all mercenaries. Military tribunals for all listed above. Restore the Christian faith. Then I'll havena clean slate to make Ukraine great again.

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b53702 No.21546247


Ukraine injured and deaths toll at around 600k while Russia is said to be around 350k to date. That does not include civilian casualties. Seems Russia wants a solution but whenever peace settlements are being discussed, Russian delegations are not invited, so Russia has ask for China, Brazil, and India for a diplomatic solution.

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f73b8c No.21546248


'elenskyy just passed a frigging law "no peace deals with Russia."

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42c38b No.21546249





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4afa0a No.21546250

File: 463ec020c74a6bc⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB,320x352,10:11,coltnothome.mp4)

interesting vid

neighbor says they never saw Colt until that morning


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f73b8c No.21546251


Aw, i fuck them bitches up in my daydreams.

ez peazy

2 handed broadsword takes them out and their minions no prob

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12d74d No.21546252

File: f965a7562493037⋯.png (Spoiler Image,301.23 KB,600x600,1:1,239CA800_9B59_4595_AA3F_A9….png)

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f73b8c No.21546253


somebody got the pox

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3c2338 No.21546254

File: 6f5fb17e22546b0⋯.png (1.27 MB,1040x987,1040:987,ClipboardImage.png)

the real joe biden

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3c2338 No.21546255

File: fed4c28e0e7e1f9⋯.png (420.18 KB,1063x601,1063:601,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93807c05ff5508f⋯.png (102.03 KB,430x225,86:45,fast_trial.png)

hey Q

is there a seal indictment for this one?

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b56c0b No.21546256

File: 8aba255c9916932⋯.jpg (195.89 KB,969x646,3:2,Gate_AF_07268.jpg)


sometimes a Wall is not a Wall

some Spells are easy targets

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d8152f No.21546257


In 2010 a live action movie was done, it's over 2 hours run time


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f73b8c No.21546258


>Pedophilia is a normal sexual orientation.

just for that statement alone

children shouldn't even be into children

it is a learnt behavior, not preprogrammed

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12d74d No.21546259

File: e0cfdb9489482d7⋯.jpg (204.19 KB,800x604,200:151,Peter_Files.jpg)

File: 97f0857963a9a6e⋯.jpg (141.73 KB,941x909,941:909,Pedophile_Treatmemt_Center.JPG)

File: b77491ffd2edd62⋯.jpg (407.23 KB,1128x1414,564:707,Green_Pedophile_Treatment_….jpg)

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f73b8c No.21546260


Whoa. Looks awesome. I'll have to def watch that later. Engrish too. I don't like subtitles. Dubs ok if done good.

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ea0044 No.21546261

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f8711c No.21546262

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3f187c No.21546263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I wish we knew the truth about everything, then we could provide solutions. We have an idea but then again, it could be inaccurate. Nevertheless, this is a good watch.

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f73b8c No.21546264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




anon posted this yesterday about this time

didn't finish the whole thing, but he wrote that parasites cause a man to want anal sex constantly

joked about slipping ivermectin into 5he water supply to replace fluoride. kek

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3f187c No.21546265


Are you talking about people who glow that are vaxxed?

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4afa0a No.21546266

File: 7863b2b1016e0d6⋯.png (117.56 KB,609x688,609:688,7863b2b1016e0d61fbfbd2fe7f….png)

File: e00edcd52b7cd02⋯.png (156.17 KB,611x857,611:857,e00edcd52b7cd025d9eb69f511….png)


this was a tweet about it

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371114 No.21546267

Will we ever know, who plotted the assassination attempt?

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05f794 No.21546268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f73b8c No.21546269


all leadership ww who support Ukraine is on a naughty list.

it's like a who's who of everything i learnt in the last 8 years

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4afa0a No.21546270

File: 49867e313cdaea7⋯.png (99.58 KB,672x354,112:59,49867e313cdaea76816ff57f87….png)

File: cb8628de4a1435c⋯.png (138.7 KB,664x827,664:827,cb8628de4a1435c5c8acfe6333….png)

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371114 No.21546271


Last I heard is that congress is doing investigations behind closed doors.

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18ea01 No.21546272


According to Sec of Defense, Llyod Austin, there are 50 countries.

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d4dba7 No.21546274

File: b71c1cec1935536⋯.jpg (144.92 KB,634x920,317:460,20240907_033235.jpg)

2 years ago the last photo of Queen Elizabeth II was taken at Balmoral on September 6.

Tomorrow marks the 2 year anniversary of her death.


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86ed6d No.21546275

Christians use loaded statements and rhetoric to evade Biblical subject matter. https://youtu.be/E55j36cjGZg?si=HIn1eRO3dd8GjnaD

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f76afc No.21546276


Is that SpottemGottem? That nigga stole my heart and drank my seed.

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074acb No.21546277

File: d8f21e270254095⋯.png (431.13 KB,741x624,19:16,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk


Department of Government Efficiency


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f73b8c No.21546278


Meaning military and financial? Or cheerleader types as well?

Current Am. gov. and their allies are my globohomo enemies while their enemies are my frens. Think mirror.

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f73b8c No.21546279


She in never never dimension with no name and DiFiChiSpy.

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d4dba7 No.21546280

File: 894e8758e1c010e⋯.jpg (137.88 KB,720x1229,720:1229,20240907_035035.jpg)

File: 870500929dc1eb9⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB,364x640,91:160,Lord_Bebo_20240907_1_new.mp4)



Lindsey Graham talks about the why he wants Ukraine in front of Zelensky!

Just wow, wow dude.


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07761e No.21546281

File: 3c0cf8749196668⋯.mp4 (653.93 KB,320x690,32:69,waterballoonthrowingkidfro….mp4)

A video surfaces of Tim Walz being attacked when he resided in Nebraska!

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ca7f6e No.21546282

File: 878e264ca7cf107⋯.jpeg (137.05 KB,1125x1082,1125:1082,IMG_3765.jpeg)

File: f9a5c385ef214a1⋯.jpeg (165.75 KB,857x558,857:558,IMG_3461.jpeg)

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f73b8c No.21546283


replace minerals with oil and it's Iraq all over again. Russia is the excuse. Why they did the '14 orange revolution coup to put in a western supporter prez and started attacking the donbass. Cooking up bioweapons in the 47 labs to take out Russia covertly while breaking treaties to bring in nato. globohomo parasites.

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36a908 No.21546284


The real snoop D.O.G.E.

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91a0ca No.21546285

File: 3b420b419e4e115⋯.png (15.82 KB,251x255,251:255,5c015935d56728524e0a1fc65c….png)

File: 36d48056fd34da8⋯.png (580.09 KB,768x602,384:301,36d48056fd34da8d38d47e2048….png)

File: 38c24ffc016424c⋯.png (13.67 KB,255x214,255:214,0888fc49c94397305e18e34080….png)

File: e4f38e4dbf524f6⋯.jpeg (88.8 KB,473x338,473:338,e4f38e4dbf524f6f151fa45bd….jpeg)

File: 2e57fba9412aab8⋯.png (611.79 KB,779x861,19:21,2e57fba9412aab8b7d61f98c3b….png)

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91a0ca No.21546286


<globohomo parasites

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ca10a9 No.21546287



What is the truth? Minerals? Close to 1 million soldiers and even more civilians dead, for gatorade?

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4afa0a No.21546288

File: 091998aabb14c12⋯.png (265.42 KB,633x437,633:437,ClipboardImage.png)

Safe to put this guy in a drawer.

All the other shit was not enough, but fucking jew issues make him leave the DNC

He was on the epstien list

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a7542b No.21546290

File: a9e802545ca35fd⋯.png (573.38 KB,599x568,599:568,doge.PNG)


Elon Musk


Department of Government Efficiency


8:26 PM · Sep 6, 2024




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d4dba7 No.21546291

File: 87940c7e869ee21⋯.jpg (107.18 KB,680x655,136:131,20240907_040456.jpg)

German police outfit to fight knife crime


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f73b8c No.21546292


they want a way to own everything

it's like florida man. he who dies with the most toys wins.

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f5ca91 No.21546293

GN anons, need time to pray for the world. Remember, in 4 days, we will never forget.

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1bcb29 No.21546294


>GN anons, need time to pray for the world. Remember, in 4 days, we will never forget.

What happens in 4 days?

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3f0223 No.21546296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

January 6: The Most Deadliest Day (Trailer)


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d4dba7 No.21546297

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b56c0b No.21546298

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f73b8c No.21546299


replace the staff with a 2-handed sword with +2 to str +5 dex and a shout weak spell.

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c92a86 No.21546300


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91a0ca No.21546301


<hunting trophies

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a7542b No.21546302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Tend your biscuits

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f2c8fd No.21546303

File: 62980b263ad9025⋯.mp4 (10.65 MB,816x480,17:10,GreatIsrael.mp4)

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9b73d1 No.21546304


Saw a blog where a guy said the best tactic to fight LE on foot was oil based paint mixed with sand or grit. Placed into balloons they could be used by throwing like water balloons. The paint would effectively blind them by coating their goggles/face shields. The paint would also be slippery on hands/gloves. The grit would damage/destroy all other gear like pistols, tasers, radios etc.

Using oil based paints prevents rinsing it off and it effectively destroys all gear it touches as it cannot be cleaned.

All this with no need to harm those wearing the gear. Simple and savagely effective.

I doubt we'll see the need for this here in the US but who knows. The blogger was suggesting these techniques to the Yellow Vests and Aussies at the time.

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3b8cd2 No.21546305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>German police outfit to fight knife crime

There is a better way


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a7542b No.21546306

File: 27a31cfcb9fa6b3⋯.png (319.63 KB,376x771,376:771,t.PNG)

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f2c8fd No.21546307

File: df0013a996ca9c9⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB,848x464,53:29,Lindsey_Graham_John_McCain….mp4)

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14e640 No.21546308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ThanQ Baker.

These 7-8 hour breads must be killer, you are appreciated.

Saturday is SRV Day!

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a7542b No.21546309

File: 8d439da71fb4c1e⋯.png (342.27 KB,601x619,601:619,jp.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Share this everywhere. Don’t let them cover up what they are doing


captive dreamer




Absolutely HEARTBREAKING moment Springfield, Ohio, resident tells mayor that she "can't take it anymore" as Haitian migrants squat on her lawn, litter in her yard and harass her and elderly husband daily.

The mayor of Springfield does NOT want people to see this:

5:13 PM · Sep 6, 2024




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14e640 No.21546310

File: 0780a93a4aad99d⋯.jpg (139.7 KB,923x1210,923:1210,GM_Pepe_card.jpg)

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77065f No.21546311

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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91a0ca No.21546312

[GN/GM anons]

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f2c8fd No.21546313

File: a316e1147c46338⋯.mp4 (7.93 MB,640x368,40:23,While_he_needed_a_little_Q….mp4)

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f2c8fd No.21546314

File: fd0f15a9fc57ffa⋯.png (1.1 MB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2c8fd No.21546315

File: e47fc38462a0eba⋯.png (98.85 KB,213x266,213:266,ClipboardImage.png)

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074acb No.21546316

File: af22569d842d457⋯.png (89.44 KB,431x408,431:408,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b73d1 No.21546317


What's the plural of Putz?

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a7542b No.21546318

File: 4b77d49a65d3542⋯.png (210.26 KB,448x410,224:205,nc.PNG)


Morrow: Election Officially Begins In North Carolina On Monday


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f2c8fd No.21546319

File: 1edd8cfce045605⋯.png (234.52 KB,437x1069,437:1069,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35d8dd31db603af⋯.png (126.29 KB,437x791,437:791,ClipboardImage.png)

Today, the safest shipping lanes belong to vessels flying the Iranian flag.

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a7542b No.21546320

File: 482b0652a219fff⋯.png (604.48 KB,789x574,789:574,find.PNG)


NY Citizens Audit Finds Voting Error Rates Of Up To 20% Across States


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a7542b No.21546321

File: 01419730a58d2d9⋯.png (1.47 MB,1469x684,1469:684,leg.PNG)


Election Integrity Push Targets North Carolina and Eight Other States in Voter Registration Legal Battle

Citizens Audit Finds Voting Error Rates Of Up To 20% Across States

Kari DonovanbyKari Donovan

September 6, 2024

in Activism, Elections, Grassroots, Highlight, Pandemic, Politics, WarRoom Force Multiplier Alliance

Reading Time: 3 mins read

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14e640 No.21546322


Morning, Sam.


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a7542b No.21546323

File: 04696ef22103e48⋯.png (22.78 KB,440x156,110:39,ron.PNG)


You know its general election season when they start mandating masks and social distancing.

It raises the probability people will send mail-in ballots.

And we know what they do with mail-in ballots.

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14e640 No.21546324


putz /ˈpʌts/ noun. plural putzes.

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07761e No.21546325

File: 35d0c0b3921e52e⋯.png (736.1 KB,700x693,100:99,ClipboardImage.png)

As above, So below?

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a7542b No.21546326

File: 55c7150692a068f⋯.png (41.91 KB,595x599,595:599,gen.PNG)


General Mike Flynn


I am now even more convinced, the FBI needs to be completely disbanded (and they clearly do not need a new headquarters).

Some former agents

and management need to be investigated, some current need the same. There should even be some type of citizen’s commission to review cases of people sitting and rotting in prison who are there because FBI agents lied to put them there. Those attorneys in the DOJ need to have similar things done to them.

The weaponization against @realDonaldTrump

and the rest of us must end immediately.

The undeniable corrupt actions by the FBI in their past requires a truth rendering for the American people.

Keeping this organization is actually more dangerous to our national security than continuing to maintain it.

Pray we have a fair election in 2024.

4:00 PM · Sep 6, 2024




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f2c8fd No.21546327

File: 9ed8637785be43b⋯.png (200.16 KB,437x291,437:291,ClipboardImage.png)

The commander of the USS John McCain, Cameron Yaste, was relieved of duty after a photo showed him firing a rifle with the scope mounted backward.

The Navy cited a "loss of confidence" in his ability to lead the destroyer, which is deployed in the Gulf of Oman.

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14e640 No.21546328

File: 34c0392dee52fbb⋯.jpg (245.56 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Harris_Biden_Joy.jpg)

File: 88d73ce61113203⋯.jpg (73.23 KB,680x383,680:383,Bidenomics.jpg)

File: 66c5946535c1e0c⋯.png (276.7 KB,996x626,498:313,Biden_trafficking.png)

File: cc07bc9a578db8a⋯.jpg (161.96 KB,1422x940,711:470,Zelenskyy_Biden.jpg)


If Zelenskyy shakes your hand in the photo op, your days as leader are numbered.

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14e640 No.21546329


Doesn't get enough credit for what a great guitarist he is.

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986b7b No.21546330


The Dollar General has just been demoted to Captain Obvious.

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74e8f3 No.21546331

>>21545653 pb

>DOJ Chief Admits Trump Indictments a Politically Motivated ‘Perversion of Justice’

so big

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d4dba7 No.21546332

File: 41ff7cb76a150f0⋯.png (1.54 MB,1530x770,153:77,1725706137021.png)

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e8a2fa No.21546333

GM and here is the news.

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f2c8fd No.21546334

Sanctions against the USSR existed throughout the 20th century. They returned in the 21st century on an unprecedented scale. Therefore, for all of us, sanctions will be forever. Or rather – until the collapse of the United States during the inevitable new civil war. After all, it is not for nothing that Hollywood makes films about it.

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4d6d7d No.21546335


White sands will be in the news cycle very soon.

Important marker.

1. Starlink

2. White sands.

3. Borealis.


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14e640 No.21546336

File: 74e4563233ba078⋯.jpeg (93.2 KB,750x736,375:368,Nuke_anons_play_on.jpeg)

File: d94ea3bbff2976f⋯.jpeg (18.85 KB,202x255,202:255,Anons_assholes.jpeg)

File: 3172c90bee8504e⋯.png (339.97 KB,820x432,205:108,Anons_are_the_plan.png)

File: 2fff3b1b2703fdd⋯.jpg (183.25 KB,1024x722,512:361,Anons_fight.jpg)


I guess as long as this site remains up, so QTeam can post again:


But after 6 1/2 years would miss you fearless fags.

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7620a2 No.21546337

File: 56a87704ad8771f⋯.jpeg (504.81 KB,1087x1840,1087:1840,8EFD8831_8DAC_454B_987F_4….jpeg)

I just checked them and I have to say that these “notables” are absolutely ridiculous.

Trump will literally reTruth memes with Q, Q+, WWG1WGA, NCSWIC, etc. so it’s obvious he’s validating that we are involved in a real-world mission.

Which is why there is no need to jump through all these hoops to try and make all these laughable connections.

Based on the style of the posts, I can tell it’s the same anon who’s doing it too (clusters of “lb” posts, use of line color, etc.)

What I can’t confirm, although I probably could if I wanted to, is if they are working with the Baker, or, if it’s the Baker themselves running multiple devices.

Either way, regardless of that, these drawing these convoluted, arbitrary “connections” is counterproductive to the mission at hand and therefore, malicious.

That’s just my opinion.

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ec3e2a No.21546338

File: ad976be002f29aa⋯.png (659.59 KB,1054x827,1054:827,Screenshot_2024_09_07_at_0….png)

Former President Donald Trump will attend a fundraiser in the Bay Area next week during his second trip to the region in roughly three months.

Presidential candidates coming to the wealthy nine-county area isn’t abnormal. What is abnormal, though, is that the billionaire hosting the event at his Woodside home on Sept. 13 is related to Jennifer Siebel Newsom, the wife of California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

The tickets for next week’s fundraiser, hosted by Tom and Stacey Siebel, are going for as much as $500,000 per couple, according to the Los Angeles Times. Tom, a software developer, is a second cousin once removed of the governor’s wife, meaning the two are separated by one generation.


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f2c8fd No.21546339

File: a55d659da270ba8⋯.png (46.32 KB,98x337,98:337,Proudtowearmyuniform.png)

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14e640 No.21546340

File: 35d4287a52fcc06⋯.jpg (191.74 KB,700x905,140:181,New_Mexico_Christmas.jpg)

File: 6620ace3cdd52fb⋯.png (49.53 KB,699x610,699:610,Epstein_Dyn_Corp_Plaskett_….png)


Poor NM. Always getting screwed. Spent all that $$$ for that spaceport, but it's for (about to fail) Boeing and Virgin.

Stupid motherfuckers. Swear it must be the worst run state overall.

At least they have chile.

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ec3e2a No.21546341

File: ba609822fddb46e⋯.png (390.42 KB,659x633,659:633,Screenshot_2024_09_07_at_0….png)

File: d08ba890d5c9861⋯.png (393.94 KB,509x566,509:566,Screenshot_2024_08_16_at_1….png)


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14e640 No.21546342

File: ddc1a27baad2acb⋯.png (703.87 KB,836x576,209:144,Vote.png)


Tell that to the DNC, comrade.

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ec3e2a No.21546343

File: 4b29add23d41504⋯.png (36.89 KB,1232x243,1232:243,Screenshot_2024_09_07_at_0….png)

A Tennessee school district has outlawed prayer on school property.

The principal at Broadview Elementary School, in Winchester, came under fire after he concluded a meeting with parents, teachers and students by mentioning God’s name.

“We pray to you, Father in Heaven, for your wonderful blessings and we ask those things in God’s name. Amen,” the principal prayed.

Someone in the meeting secretly taped the prayer and sent a copy to the Freedom From Religion Foundation – an anti-Christian group of atheists based in Wisconsin.

The atheists allege that federal law bans any government official from delivering a prayer. They argued the district should be neutral with regard to religion.

The school district conducted an investigation and ordered the principal to no longer offer prayers.

“Based on the recording, the principal acknowledged it was her voice,” School Director Cary Holman wrote in a recent email to the atheists. “I had my deputy director participate in the meeting with the principal. During this time, I provided the Tennessee Code referencing prayer in schools. The principal understands what is expected and will lead accordingly moving forward.” Holman closed by promising that all officials in the district would be reminded of the law.

Atheists are celebrating – and their also calling on their minions to hunt down other workers who might be engaged in Christian activity.

“School officials who wish to pray can do so on their own time and dime,” FFRF’s Annie Gaylor said. “Schools exist to educate, not to indoctrinate in religion. So it’s important that school functions avoid divisive religion.”

“If you see something, say something,” – that’s what the atheists are telling their followers.


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14e640 No.21546346

File: d9dd9fddcdd0c78⋯.jpg (130.44 KB,1200x675,16:9,Precipice.jpg)

File: 58caecff2e3d452⋯.png (359.85 KB,600x554,300:277,Precipice_9.png)

File: c3018a49e94ee09⋯.png (232.07 KB,612x459,4:3,Precipice_8.png)

File: 54cf04e27eb5f69⋯.jpg (171.5 KB,800x779,800:779,Precipice2.jpg)


Creates a precipice.

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ec3e2a No.21546347

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)


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f2c8fd No.21546349


ICE confirms Aurora, Colorado gang members are in the United States illegally, released by Biden admin

The four arrested are confirmed Venezuelan nationals and members of the Tren de Aragua gang

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ffcc23 No.21546354

File: acb1c465b39dda2⋯.jpeg (23.33 KB,178x283,178:283,IMG_5047.jpeg)

Morning Frens

Happy Saturday

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07761e No.21546355

Was the Child Cruelty charge given because Colt Gray was a transgender, and his father was clearly trying his best to deprogram his son from the woke-cult?

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a7542b No.21546357

File: e3df3e82e00eaee⋯.png (341.24 KB,608x813,608:813,to.PNG)


I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸


Meanwhile in Chicago….

“They’re taking the fvcking jobs, y’all! They’re taking over, and the government is helping their a*s. How the fvck did the Venezuelans take over the whole DoorDash?”

5:07 PM · Sep 6, 2024




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7c52bd No.21546360

File: b2f9aa994161b16⋯.jpeg (132.57 KB,577x433,577:433,IMG_6289.jpeg)

IS - isis

This is the mind of man and it’s physical “being”

Ra - Ammon Ra

This is the logical power or the Sun power or Soul

El - Elohim

This is the emotion or reason. The moon power

Your name is Is Ra El meaning when Jacob meditated and seek within his name or his way is changed.

Is ra el isn’t a place or a race.

Until people seek within they are lost.

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7c52bd No.21546363


The best part of this is Christians Catholics Muslims and Jewish religions all hate the idea of Meditation over Believing.

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ec3e2a No.21546365


just hope she cackles during the debate at inappropriate times, then cut to Trump's facial expression of "this bitch is crazy"

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5cc7f9 No.21546366

File: b7e3de3f38679c0⋯.png (111.21 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

Alan Dershowitz leaves Democratic Party, cites DNC: 'I was disgusted'

…toobin continued.

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f2c8fd No.21546368

File: 1af7c41a1d7abd7⋯.png (454.58 KB,389x583,389:583,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2c8fd No.21546369


Accelerated Training in the Spotlight After Ukrainian F-16 Crash

Officials say that pilots had far fewer flying hours in the American aircraft than their Western counterparts

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c3c004 No.21546370


Venezuelan’s ain’t dumb, fuck nuts like Bernie Sanders set up puppet government in Venezuela and rape them for cash

Fuck Door Dash

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048099 No.21546371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ec3e2a No.21546373

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: a493171a3925837⋯.png (21.84 KB,308x61,308:61,Screenshot_2024_09_07_at_0….png)

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7c52bd No.21546374



Putin endorsed Harris. He’s never even met her.

Trolling is fun.

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f2c8fd No.21546375


Lloyd Austin doesn't want to let Zelensky use long-range weapons in Russia

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f2c8fd No.21546378


security wing of Megiddo Prison show the use of dogs to humiliate Palestinian prisoners

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404daf No.21546379


Q team left when Trump left office(for the most part)

When Trump returns and is in charge…Q will be back.

My opinion only.

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5cc7f9 No.21546380

File: 02bc1cab12703bd⋯.jpg (42.27 KB,767x431,767:431,kennedycia.jpg)


welcome aboard,alan.

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f2c8fd No.21546382

Royal Navy Helicopter Crash in Channel: One Dead, Two Rescued During HMS Queen Elizabeth Training

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ec3e2a No.21546383


you obviously a covert agent of 3 letter agency

i not buying your big bag of bullshit

try as you might to control the narrative of this board, you are utter failure and should be fired or demoted by cia

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a7542b No.21546385

File: 1e63b2166900466⋯.png (296.25 KB,605x760,121:152,ship.PNG)




If ANYTHING happens between now and the election and beyond just know that we will find out. It's not another country. It'll be our own government.

4:06 AM · Sep 6, 2024




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f2c8fd No.21546387

File: 85b8497b4c2d598⋯.png (248.87 KB,455x653,455:653,ClipboardImage.png)

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048099 No.21546388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a7542b No.21546389

File: 4fccd5cce05c3b0⋯.png (395.87 KB,595x805,17:23,ty.PNG)


Tim Young


This lady spits fire at the liberals in Chicago…

This is incredible.

We need more people standing up like her. 🔥🔥🔥

5:41 PM · Sep 6, 2024




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c3c004 No.21546390


Kek…..Fag News doesn’t want to say it’s a full blown gang war right in middle of USA

Soon it will be Aurora vs Thornton war….cuz Thornton and Northglenn are Mexican gangs

Aren’t Jew ghettos great?

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ce9e67 No.21546391

File: be1bf01d374a72f⋯.mp4 (468.01 KB,320x568,40:71,be1bf01d374a72fea236782389….mp4)

china running our election

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3f0223 No.21546392

File: 766abcc2732c935⋯.mp4 (3.75 MB,360x640,9:16,kamala_trump.mp4)


>Putin endorsed Harris. He’s never even met her.

Most of the people who will vote for her haven't met her either.

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c3c004 No.21546393


Why is his face so tiny?

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7c52bd No.21546395


Yeah I never understood how who you vote for is a secret but it’s okay to campaign and wave flags and go to rallies, stickers, talk about it, and all that. But, once it’s over it’s a secret?

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048099 No.21546396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Poffee and cots and enjoy the show

Red hot

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7c52bd No.21546397



If Harris came out and said everything Trump said, people would vote for her still. It’s a popularity contest to them. They just don’t like Trump. Why? I don’t know. They aren’t having him over for dinner.

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f2c8fd No.21546398


that's how Ukrainians look

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a5cdc4 No.21546400

File: 6a7382f127f0835⋯.png (677.1 KB,1080x994,540:497,Scrfgu.png)


The American people are a asshole do nothing types so just sit back and enjoy the show.


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20a56f No.21546401

File: a64f91313f317db⋯.png (2.31 MB,922x1282,461:641,saturday.png)

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07761e No.21546403



she bonkers, mate.

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f2c8fd No.21546404


Why Are People Convinced Balenciaga Is Promoting Pedophilia?

Balenciaga has taken responsibility for one of the ads but is suing a set designer and production company for the second — claiming they recklessly included documents relating to child pornography

Since its first apology on Nov. 22, Balenciaga has deleted every photo on its Instagram account except the statements apologizing for what they called mistakes. It started as a small outcry from more fringe #SaveTheChildren accounts — a seemingly legitimate anti-trafficking cry that has long been coopted by qanon conspiracy theorists. But it soon reached larger platforms, including both popular fashion accounts and controversial public figures, who have called on celebrities with Balenciaga partnerships to speak out. On Sunday night, Kim Kardashian — who has worked with the brand many times over the years, including wearing Balenciaga to the 2021 Met Gala and walking in their Paris Fashion Week show earlier this year — addressed her silence in a Twitter statement, saying she appreciated Balenciaga’s removal of the campaigns.

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a7542b No.21546405

File: e17080bf7a3470d⋯.png (454.47 KB,593x501,593:501,jp.PNG)


James O'Keefe


O'Keefe Responds to NBC 4 Washington (@nbcwashington

) 'Effort to Discredit' Characterization after NFL VP Fired


7:53 AM · Sep 5, 2024




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a5cdc4 No.21546406

File: 6a7382f127f0835⋯.png (677.1 KB,1080x994,540:497,Scrfgu.png)

File: 110f8164057704e⋯.png (670.19 KB,1010x658,505:329,Screenshb_1.png)


The American people are lazy asshole do nothing types so just sit back and enjoy the show.


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7c52bd No.21546407


I’m off to a job, where the management has created a goal and wants us to achieve it.

Fucking bureaucrats(could be spelled wrong)

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5cc7f9 No.21546408

File: 7404d0060b7e408⋯.png (107.28 KB,320x232,40:29,putinsmile.png)


pootin is just awful…

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7c52bd No.21546410

File: 30e1e308482f0dc⋯.jpeg (61.4 KB,500x728,125:182,IMG_6295.jpeg)

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14e640 No.21546411

File: 8fd40bfaea94f6b⋯.png (586.51 KB,1024x638,512:319,Trump_Q_football_past_pres….png)

File: 4de31c998be6b2f⋯.png (390.17 KB,474x511,474:511,Storm_is_upon_us.png)


Agree. Plausible deniability.

Anons are some of the most patient people on earth. Muh ADHD just loves waiting for shit.

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14e640 No.21546414

File: 2b9cfadd9df362f⋯.png (319.1 KB,434x323,434:323,VD.png)


VDhas his own board, he can notable his posts over there.

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a7542b No.21546415

File: 1c8d534a158d9f6⋯.png (200.99 KB,609x412,609:412,doc.PNG)



Lara Logan




Screening and Q&A for Hard-Hitting New Documentary: 'Hunter’s Laptop—Requiem for Ukraine' | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant…

On Thursday, September 5, 2024, award-winning filmmaker Igor Lopatonok and journalist and attorney Simona Mangiante-Papadopoulos will host a screening and Q&A of the new documentary film “Hunter’s…

Sep 06, 2024, 5:15 AM

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f2c8fd No.21546416

File: cd945b3d54a9341⋯.mp4 (415.83 KB,320x568,40:71,sinaloa.mp4)

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a5cdc4 No.21546418

File: 61abe749c06612b⋯.png (949.54 KB,1080x1163,1080:1163,S_BC_dzi.png)

File: eed21492d612474⋯.png (507.34 KB,1080x1092,90:91,Screenshot_20240905_155741….png)

File: d41c1993e5e9e6f⋯.png (782.96 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Screenshot_20240906_014933.png)


The American people are lazy asshole do nothing types so just sit back and enjoy the show.


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ce9e67 No.21546419

File: 3351e2e2808003b⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB,544x960,17:30,7168f3147be10582.mp4)


I always thought the people hiding their vote are lying about who they voted for

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f2c8fd No.21546421

File: a1b72e8b0dadabc⋯.png (282.1 KB,420x594,70:99,ncswis.png)

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bdf38d No.21546423

With all the election alarms.

With all the rigged election coverage.

With Jan 6, people jailed for challenging the election.



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07761e No.21546428

Wouldn't it be better for our mental state if we lived in a Monarchy, and our leader just remained in power for years and years and years?

I feel like every election from here on out will always feel like if we don't vote the right way, our country will be over and our lives destroyed. Then when a person from one party gets elected in and the other side has to suck it, one half of the country has to live with cognitive dissonance for the next 4 years…every 4 years.

Wouldn't it be better just have a leader that is there every year for like the next 20 years or so?

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f2c8fd No.21546431

File: 8de1ceb1fe49c4b⋯.png (838.7 KB,1206x794,603:397,epstein_white_house.png)

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348d03 No.21546432


>joked about slipping ivermectin into 5he water

that would be cause for a ()ASS awakening

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14e640 No.21546434

File: 989e7461ae79c3b⋯.jpg (64.18 KB,409x409,1:1,Shill_aint_shit.jpg)

File: 6b2fb14ad3a0be9⋯.png (126.8 KB,950x948,475:474,Shills_Q_told_you.png)

File: d768e1fea9292c3⋯.png (726.14 KB,600x794,300:397,Nitwit_shill.png)

File: fb4f9448a39b281⋯.png (663.92 KB,1024x768,4:3,Ignore_shills.png)


As anon ID+'s this assclown, wanna give a shoutout.

Most dedicated shill in the history of 8Chan/Kun.

We should issue some award (warrant?) when we wrap this up.

VD for your Oscar® consideration

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74e8f3 No.21546436

File: 600d03f0741754c⋯.png (478.11 KB,1437x1293,479:431,epstein_child_trafficking_….png)


would be a lot better with sauce. here's 1

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14e640 No.21546438



ThanQ Fren!


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f2c8fd No.21546439


The father of the accused Georgia high school shooter abandoned the family’s dogs and wedding photos when they were evicted but returned and “kicked in the door” to retrieve his guns, a baffled ex-landlord claims.

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a716ca No.21546441

File: 4f6294320d17b9e⋯.jpg (76.42 KB,1024x1283,1024:1283,4f6294320d17b9e331957f959d….jpg)



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074acb No.21546442

File: ec8bd2c500bf455⋯.png (1.1 MB,1115x1347,1115:1347,ClipboardImage.png)

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bdf38d No.21546447

File: 047e6f3859defc5⋯.jpg (68.2 KB,759x500,759:500,fcaqsfew.jpg)

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ce9e67 No.21546450

File: 15267653dae3cf6⋯.jpg (120 KB,1280x720,16:9,wbot_20151115_westbyorphan….jpg)


started in the 1800s

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348d03 No.21546452


this anon battled parasites for many years. at one point the establishment gave up on anon, and that's when anon also gave up on them.

That was the life saver, and a complete reversal of approach and results.

I ended up using membendazol for a very long extended period of time. A bit similar to the story you posted. Didn';t have the gay symptoms, but the sugar and fat cravings dissapeared completely.

happily free of symptoms for many years now

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20a56f No.21546456

File: d537fecbd7e200a⋯.png (40.53 KB,251x290,251:290,npc_democrat.png)


> This lady spits fire at the liberals in Chicago…

You can see it in their liberal faces.

You go girl!

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348d03 No.21546459


no, the struggle to get rid of the parasites also cured me of many western parasites, like the one to want to 'party'.

it was my dedication to yogic practices that enabled me to discern the existence of the parasites in the first place.

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a7542b No.21546460

File: 75e5a01cdda1718⋯.png (284.63 KB,603x564,201:188,fox.PNG)


The Vigilant Fox 🦊


“The people who censor speech, when we look back in history, they’re never the good guys.”

— @RobertKennedyJr

4:14 AM · Sep 6, 2024




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7adaff No.21546463

File: 46462fddf8ddbb7⋯.png (370.83 KB,745x482,745:482,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cda3d3371cb9096⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.49 MB,894x1590,149:265,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7542b No.21546467

File: d698fef7b87a1e0⋯.png (419.31 KB,601x712,601:712,air.PNG)


Clown World ™ 🤡


This is hilarious 😂

12:39 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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f2c8fd No.21546468

File: ea90364b3b770c8⋯.png (25.2 KB,112x142,56:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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14e640 No.21546470


Chinese trips of Death.

Ironic a Jewish guy who takes it in the ass posts about Jewish anal.

I mean, he is an expert.

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b07aec No.21546476

Morning anons…


Morning Vatican shill…

Just another groundhog weekend…

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bdf38d No.21546477


Who is this guy? he's defiantly involved

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a7542b No.21546480

File: ba705abd72cda38⋯.png (189.46 KB,264x581,264:581,it.PNG)


Nailed it

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a7542b No.21546484

File: 67f4c62bf0cb5ce⋯.png (388.21 KB,600x741,200:247,tac.PNG)



X22 Report



Sep 06, 2024, 10:49 AM

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bdf38d No.21546486

The shills spam the board in hopes anons filter ID+ and then get anons that reply to the shill filtered as well

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7adaff No.21546487

File: a7a2ec3368645d8⋯.png (209.27 KB,1181x663,1181:663,ClipboardImage.png)




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e8aa33 No.21546489

File: 6b226e0ed22a826⋯.jpg (49.55 KB,500x443,500:443,6b226e0ed22a826c6d28928fc7….jpg)

Guud morn'n muh GM frens

60 days until the precipice

Lose the election


Then win after people finally had enough

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c3c004 No.21546490

File: 64ef9c72b405219⋯.jpeg (1005.45 KB,1439x1196,1439:1196,IMG_6568.jpeg)

Kamala claims she has “street cred” growing up in the ghettos of Canada

Are they running this bitch as an insult to blacks?


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ffcc23 No.21546491


>Vatican shill…

Is the lowest ranking shill

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a7542b No.21546493

File: d149e6a6861d50b⋯.png (189.92 KB,598x603,598:603,jb.PNG)


John B Wells


Electors vs. Voters: The Truth - John B Wells LIVE 🔥 9 PM - 11 PM CT - Join the livestream right here on #X 🎶 News & tunes surround the main event. Tune in NOW!

John B Wells


Electors vs. Voters: The Truth - John B Wells LIVE 🔥 9 PM - 11 PM CT - Join the livestream right here on #X 🎶 News & tunes surround the main event. Tune in NOW!

2:22 PM · Sep 6, 2024




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74e8f3 No.21546496

File: 3ea2ddfe0a5019d⋯.jpeg (81.01 KB,862x575,862:575,trump_listening_to_god.jpeg)


>All the other shit was not enough, but fucking jew issues make him leave the DNC


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e8aa33 No.21546497

File: 36cf301015dd51e⋯.png (167.09 KB,425x408,25:24,36cf301015dd51e32bcfce73bc….png)



Are you sure thats a real book by Jim? Why don't I habs it yet if it's real?

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b07aec No.21546499

File: 3a4790d19001817⋯.png (508.47 KB,1192x1142,596:571,Screenshot_2024_09_07_at_6….png)

Where is the "mother of all twitter files" Ivan?

I thought your were "working" with Elon on their release????

This is what you claimed in HUNDREDS of interviews Ivan…

Along with getting sheriffs and all kinds of local LE all spun up that Musk was working with you…


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a7542b No.21546500

File: c4161bdb59b5a06⋯.png (408.16 KB,590x787,590:787,lit.PNG)




You know it’s bad for Kamala when the entire hood is voting for Trump 🔥🔥🔥🔥 @realDonaldTrump

This entire video is incredible!! Watch & Share‼️👇🏼

12:55 PM · Sep 6, 2024




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a7542b No.21546502

File: 11eb1c58376a4b6⋯.png (872.43 KB,790x830,79:83,spire.PNG)

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e8aa33 No.21546503

File: 1cb671460d371c5⋯.png (180.78 KB,490x469,70:67,1cb671460d371c54e1a2489194….png)


Just 5 deep state grifters all staring at back at each other

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b07aec No.21546504


>Vatican shill…

>Is the lowest ranking shill

And is also likely XXX/shady/authority DNA…

I guess the board just needs a shill…we have had:

-more shills then anons early on…

-FREDDY the light warrior

-the tranamine team

-and now Vatican shill

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6a3ca3 No.21546507




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bdf38d No.21546511

Who are the Chosen Ones, and what makes them the Chosen?

Earth has become home to various types of Starseeds, individuals who have incarnated from different star systems. The majority of Starseeds on Earth Now, originate from Positive extraterrestrial beings, although some malevolent entities also send their own to disrupt and interfere. We wish to also make clear that Angelic souls are also incarnated, at this moment on Earth, which make up the, 144,000, they are different from the chosen we are speaking of today. We, the Pleiadians, have Millions of Family currently On Earth.

There are many Chosen Ones present on Earth at this moment. These Beings of Light, are souls who have incarnated with a specific mission and purpose. They are those who have already ascended into higher consciousness, who have been chosen to be here during this critical juncture in Earth’s evolution. Their presence is a deliberate decision to be of service and support during these transformative times.

Who are these beings of Light that have been Chosen to Come to Earth in these times.

Many Starseeds that are currently incarnated on Earth as the Force of Light, are the ones known, as the Chosen ones. They come from many different Star Races, and are the Ones who possessed the Highest Spiritual qualities of their races.

To Be chosen for these very important missions on Earth, The individuals could not be ordinary, they had to possess a profound connection to their higher selves.

Those Starseeds now embodied in human form on Earth, all have a profound spiritual background. Prior to their human incarnation, these beings resided in a higher vibrational state, specifically the 5th dimension. Actively working on their own ascension and spiritual growth towards the 6th and 7th dimensions. Through a deliberate and conscious choice, these advanced souls decided to descend from their elevated state and take on physical form on Earth.

If you resonate with terms like Starseed, Wayshower, or Lightworker, it signifies that you have traversed this intricate journey before.

Within the lineage of Starseeds, you have already achieved ascension and enlightenment. And now, you have been chosen to be present on Earth to guide and support humanity in their collective ascension process. Your role as a beacon of light and wisdom is to assist others in awakening to their true selves, raising their consciousness, and embracing their own spiritual evolution. As a divine emissary, you carry within you the wisdom and love needed to illuminate the path for those who seek higher truths and deeper connections with their Light within. Your presence on Earth is a gift, a blessing, and a testament to the infinite potential that lies within each and every soul on the Earth.

When a being is selected to descend to Earth as a Force of Light, it marks the beginning of a profound journey filled with purpose and significance. This soul, chosen for its unique qualities and abilities, awakens to a higher calling of being. A beacon of light amidst the shadows of the world. When they embrace the role of a martyr for change and healing on a grand scale, they willingly shoulder the burden of transformation, knowing that their sacrifices will pave the way for a brighter future.

As they transition into human form, their essence remains intertwined with the divine frequencies of love, compassion, and unity. These energies flow through them effortlessly, creating a ripple effect that touches the hearts and minds of those around them. Through their mere presence, they emanate a powerful force that uplifts and inspires, igniting a spark of awakening in others.

With each breath they take, the Force of Light channels the universal energies of healing and renewal, infusing the collective consciousness with hope and positivity. Their very existence serves as a reminder of the innate goodness that resides within every being, encouraging others to tap into their own potential for growth and transformation.

The Chosen one’s journey is one of selfless service and unwavering dedication, a testament to the power of love and unity in transcending barriers and unifying humanity as one. Their presence is a gift to the Earth.

Through their actions, words, and mere presence, these chosen Ones, are there on Earth to inspire others to awaken to their own inner light and potential. They act as beacons of hope and guidance, showing the way towards a brighter future for humanity. They become Naturally dedicated and committed to their missions, fueled by a deep sense of knowing that they are on Earth to make the difference, They have come to Earth to help humanity shift towards a higher level of awareness and spiritual evolution. It does not matter if you remember your origins. If you feel you are a Being of Light, and are on Earth at this time to shine… then You are a Chosen One.

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4eeb51 No.21546516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e8aa33 No.21546529

File: a7458da3d5d617d⋯.jpg (12.51 KB,255x203,255:203,dredd_pepe2.jpg)


Freddy is a God damn legend and tranimae is just a very psychologically fucked up little twink teaching English in Japan that loves negative interaction on the board but got his ass blasted until he learned his lesson.


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f2c8fd No.21546531

File: 53eaa8973fbb588⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,320x240,4:3,BushKerry.mp4)

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e031d7 No.21546586


at least one of them slipped on their "tea"

also motivating at least another

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e031d7 No.21546608


Junkermann met with two yet to be named US Senators in 2003, Birmingham, England.

Possibly, JK and AM…?

All around the same time JE and GM met Pope JP2

and then JE scooting all around NY NY

and then Gulf War Part Deux

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