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File: b8a235fb572649b⋯.png (255.14 KB,600x335,120:67,ClipboardImage.png)

380b5f No.21545730 [View All]

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14e640 No.21546414

File: 2b9cfadd9df362f⋯.png (319.1 KB,434x323,434:323,VD.png)


VDhas his own board, he can notable his posts over there.

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a7542b No.21546415

File: 1c8d534a158d9f6⋯.png (200.99 KB,609x412,609:412,doc.PNG)



Lara Logan




Screening and Q&A for Hard-Hitting New Documentary: 'Hunter’s Laptop—Requiem for Ukraine' | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant…

On Thursday, September 5, 2024, award-winning filmmaker Igor Lopatonok and journalist and attorney Simona Mangiante-Papadopoulos will host a screening and Q&A of the new documentary film “Hunter’s…

Sep 06, 2024, 5:15 AM

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f2c8fd No.21546416

File: cd945b3d54a9341⋯.mp4 (415.83 KB,320x568,40:71,sinaloa.mp4)

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a5cdc4 No.21546418

File: 61abe749c06612b⋯.png (949.54 KB,1080x1163,1080:1163,S_BC_dzi.png)

File: eed21492d612474⋯.png (507.34 KB,1080x1092,90:91,Screenshot_20240905_155741….png)

File: d41c1993e5e9e6f⋯.png (782.96 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Screenshot_20240906_014933.png)


The American people are lazy asshole do nothing types so just sit back and enjoy the show.


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ce9e67 No.21546419

File: 3351e2e2808003b⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB,544x960,17:30,7168f3147be10582.mp4)


I always thought the people hiding their vote are lying about who they voted for

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f2c8fd No.21546421

File: a1b72e8b0dadabc⋯.png (282.1 KB,420x594,70:99,ncswis.png)

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bdf38d No.21546423

With all the election alarms.

With all the rigged election coverage.

With Jan 6, people jailed for challenging the election.



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07761e No.21546428

Wouldn't it be better for our mental state if we lived in a Monarchy, and our leader just remained in power for years and years and years?

I feel like every election from here on out will always feel like if we don't vote the right way, our country will be over and our lives destroyed. Then when a person from one party gets elected in and the other side has to suck it, one half of the country has to live with cognitive dissonance for the next 4 years…every 4 years.

Wouldn't it be better just have a leader that is there every year for like the next 20 years or so?

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f2c8fd No.21546431

File: 8de1ceb1fe49c4b⋯.png (838.7 KB,1206x794,603:397,epstein_white_house.png)

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348d03 No.21546432


>joked about slipping ivermectin into 5he water

that would be cause for a ()ASS awakening

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14e640 No.21546434

File: 989e7461ae79c3b⋯.jpg (64.18 KB,409x409,1:1,Shill_aint_shit.jpg)

File: 6b2fb14ad3a0be9⋯.png (126.8 KB,950x948,475:474,Shills_Q_told_you.png)

File: d768e1fea9292c3⋯.png (726.14 KB,600x794,300:397,Nitwit_shill.png)

File: fb4f9448a39b281⋯.png (663.92 KB,1024x768,4:3,Ignore_shills.png)


As anon ID+'s this assclown, wanna give a shoutout.

Most dedicated shill in the history of 8Chan/Kun.

We should issue some award (warrant?) when we wrap this up.

VD for your Oscar® consideration

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74e8f3 No.21546436

File: 600d03f0741754c⋯.png (478.11 KB,1437x1293,479:431,epstein_child_trafficking_….png)


would be a lot better with sauce. here's 1

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14e640 No.21546438



ThanQ Fren!


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f2c8fd No.21546439


The father of the accused Georgia high school shooter abandoned the family’s dogs and wedding photos when they were evicted but returned and “kicked in the door” to retrieve his guns, a baffled ex-landlord claims.

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a716ca No.21546441

File: 4f6294320d17b9e⋯.jpg (76.42 KB,1024x1283,1024:1283,4f6294320d17b9e331957f959d….jpg)



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074acb No.21546442

File: ec8bd2c500bf455⋯.png (1.1 MB,1115x1347,1115:1347,ClipboardImage.png)

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bdf38d No.21546447

File: 047e6f3859defc5⋯.jpg (68.2 KB,759x500,759:500,fcaqsfew.jpg)

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ce9e67 No.21546450

File: 15267653dae3cf6⋯.jpg (120 KB,1280x720,16:9,wbot_20151115_westbyorphan….jpg)


started in the 1800s

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348d03 No.21546452


this anon battled parasites for many years. at one point the establishment gave up on anon, and that's when anon also gave up on them.

That was the life saver, and a complete reversal of approach and results.

I ended up using membendazol for a very long extended period of time. A bit similar to the story you posted. Didn';t have the gay symptoms, but the sugar and fat cravings dissapeared completely.

happily free of symptoms for many years now

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20a56f No.21546456

File: d537fecbd7e200a⋯.png (40.53 KB,251x290,251:290,npc_democrat.png)


> This lady spits fire at the liberals in Chicago…

You can see it in their liberal faces.

You go girl!

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348d03 No.21546459


no, the struggle to get rid of the parasites also cured me of many western parasites, like the one to want to 'party'.

it was my dedication to yogic practices that enabled me to discern the existence of the parasites in the first place.

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a7542b No.21546460

File: 75e5a01cdda1718⋯.png (284.63 KB,603x564,201:188,fox.PNG)


The Vigilant Fox 🦊


“The people who censor speech, when we look back in history, they’re never the good guys.”

— @RobertKennedyJr

4:14 AM · Sep 6, 2024




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7adaff No.21546463

File: 46462fddf8ddbb7⋯.png (370.83 KB,745x482,745:482,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cda3d3371cb9096⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.49 MB,894x1590,149:265,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7542b No.21546467

File: d698fef7b87a1e0⋯.png (419.31 KB,601x712,601:712,air.PNG)


Clown World ™ 🤡


This is hilarious 😂

12:39 AM · Sep 7, 2024




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f2c8fd No.21546468

File: ea90364b3b770c8⋯.png (25.2 KB,112x142,56:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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14e640 No.21546470


Chinese trips of Death.

Ironic a Jewish guy who takes it in the ass posts about Jewish anal.

I mean, he is an expert.

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b07aec No.21546476

Morning anons…


Morning Vatican shill…

Just another groundhog weekend…

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bdf38d No.21546477


Who is this guy? he's defiantly involved

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a7542b No.21546480

File: ba705abd72cda38⋯.png (189.46 KB,264x581,264:581,it.PNG)


Nailed it

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a7542b No.21546484

File: 67f4c62bf0cb5ce⋯.png (388.21 KB,600x741,200:247,tac.PNG)



X22 Report



Sep 06, 2024, 10:49 AM

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bdf38d No.21546486

The shills spam the board in hopes anons filter ID+ and then get anons that reply to the shill filtered as well

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7adaff No.21546487

File: a7a2ec3368645d8⋯.png (209.27 KB,1181x663,1181:663,ClipboardImage.png)




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e8aa33 No.21546489

File: 6b226e0ed22a826⋯.jpg (49.55 KB,500x443,500:443,6b226e0ed22a826c6d28928fc7….jpg)

Guud morn'n muh GM frens

60 days until the precipice

Lose the election


Then win after people finally had enough

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c3c004 No.21546490

File: 64ef9c72b405219⋯.jpeg (1005.45 KB,1439x1196,1439:1196,IMG_6568.jpeg)

Kamala claims she has “street cred” growing up in the ghettos of Canada

Are they running this bitch as an insult to blacks?


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ffcc23 No.21546491


>Vatican shill…

Is the lowest ranking shill

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a7542b No.21546493

File: d149e6a6861d50b⋯.png (189.92 KB,598x603,598:603,jb.PNG)


John B Wells


Electors vs. Voters: The Truth - John B Wells LIVE 🔥 9 PM - 11 PM CT - Join the livestream right here on #X 🎶 News & tunes surround the main event. Tune in NOW!

John B Wells


Electors vs. Voters: The Truth - John B Wells LIVE 🔥 9 PM - 11 PM CT - Join the livestream right here on #X 🎶 News & tunes surround the main event. Tune in NOW!

2:22 PM · Sep 6, 2024




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74e8f3 No.21546496

File: 3ea2ddfe0a5019d⋯.jpeg (81.01 KB,862x575,862:575,trump_listening_to_god.jpeg)


>All the other shit was not enough, but fucking jew issues make him leave the DNC


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e8aa33 No.21546497

File: 36cf301015dd51e⋯.png (167.09 KB,425x408,25:24,36cf301015dd51e32bcfce73bc….png)



Are you sure thats a real book by Jim? Why don't I habs it yet if it's real?

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b07aec No.21546499

File: 3a4790d19001817⋯.png (508.47 KB,1192x1142,596:571,Screenshot_2024_09_07_at_6….png)

Where is the "mother of all twitter files" Ivan?

I thought your were "working" with Elon on their release????

This is what you claimed in HUNDREDS of interviews Ivan…

Along with getting sheriffs and all kinds of local LE all spun up that Musk was working with you…


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a7542b No.21546500

File: c4161bdb59b5a06⋯.png (408.16 KB,590x787,590:787,lit.PNG)




You know it’s bad for Kamala when the entire hood is voting for Trump 🔥🔥🔥🔥 @realDonaldTrump

This entire video is incredible!! Watch & Share‼️👇🏼

12:55 PM · Sep 6, 2024




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a7542b No.21546502

File: 11eb1c58376a4b6⋯.png (872.43 KB,790x830,79:83,spire.PNG)

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e8aa33 No.21546503

File: 1cb671460d371c5⋯.png (180.78 KB,490x469,70:67,1cb671460d371c54e1a2489194….png)


Just 5 deep state grifters all staring at back at each other

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b07aec No.21546504


>Vatican shill…

>Is the lowest ranking shill

And is also likely XXX/shady/authority DNA…

I guess the board just needs a shill…we have had:

-more shills then anons early on…

-FREDDY the light warrior

-the tranamine team

-and now Vatican shill

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6a3ca3 No.21546507




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bdf38d No.21546511

Who are the Chosen Ones, and what makes them the Chosen?

Earth has become home to various types of Starseeds, individuals who have incarnated from different star systems. The majority of Starseeds on Earth Now, originate from Positive extraterrestrial beings, although some malevolent entities also send their own to disrupt and interfere. We wish to also make clear that Angelic souls are also incarnated, at this moment on Earth, which make up the, 144,000, they are different from the chosen we are speaking of today. We, the Pleiadians, have Millions of Family currently On Earth.

There are many Chosen Ones present on Earth at this moment. These Beings of Light, are souls who have incarnated with a specific mission and purpose. They are those who have already ascended into higher consciousness, who have been chosen to be here during this critical juncture in Earth’s evolution. Their presence is a deliberate decision to be of service and support during these transformative times.

Who are these beings of Light that have been Chosen to Come to Earth in these times.

Many Starseeds that are currently incarnated on Earth as the Force of Light, are the ones known, as the Chosen ones. They come from many different Star Races, and are the Ones who possessed the Highest Spiritual qualities of their races.

To Be chosen for these very important missions on Earth, The individuals could not be ordinary, they had to possess a profound connection to their higher selves.

Those Starseeds now embodied in human form on Earth, all have a profound spiritual background. Prior to their human incarnation, these beings resided in a higher vibrational state, specifically the 5th dimension. Actively working on their own ascension and spiritual growth towards the 6th and 7th dimensions. Through a deliberate and conscious choice, these advanced souls decided to descend from their elevated state and take on physical form on Earth.

If you resonate with terms like Starseed, Wayshower, or Lightworker, it signifies that you have traversed this intricate journey before.

Within the lineage of Starseeds, you have already achieved ascension and enlightenment. And now, you have been chosen to be present on Earth to guide and support humanity in their collective ascension process. Your role as a beacon of light and wisdom is to assist others in awakening to their true selves, raising their consciousness, and embracing their own spiritual evolution. As a divine emissary, you carry within you the wisdom and love needed to illuminate the path for those who seek higher truths and deeper connections with their Light within. Your presence on Earth is a gift, a blessing, and a testament to the infinite potential that lies within each and every soul on the Earth.

When a being is selected to descend to Earth as a Force of Light, it marks the beginning of a profound journey filled with purpose and significance. This soul, chosen for its unique qualities and abilities, awakens to a higher calling of being. A beacon of light amidst the shadows of the world. When they embrace the role of a martyr for change and healing on a grand scale, they willingly shoulder the burden of transformation, knowing that their sacrifices will pave the way for a brighter future.

As they transition into human form, their essence remains intertwined with the divine frequencies of love, compassion, and unity. These energies flow through them effortlessly, creating a ripple effect that touches the hearts and minds of those around them. Through their mere presence, they emanate a powerful force that uplifts and inspires, igniting a spark of awakening in others.

With each breath they take, the Force of Light channels the universal energies of healing and renewal, infusing the collective consciousness with hope and positivity. Their very existence serves as a reminder of the innate goodness that resides within every being, encouraging others to tap into their own potential for growth and transformation.

The Chosen one’s journey is one of selfless service and unwavering dedication, a testament to the power of love and unity in transcending barriers and unifying humanity as one. Their presence is a gift to the Earth.

Through their actions, words, and mere presence, these chosen Ones, are there on Earth to inspire others to awaken to their own inner light and potential. They act as beacons of hope and guidance, showing the way towards a brighter future for humanity. They become Naturally dedicated and committed to their missions, fueled by a deep sense of knowing that they are on Earth to make the difference, They have come to Earth to help humanity shift towards a higher level of awareness and spiritual evolution. It does not matter if you remember your origins. If you feel you are a Being of Light, and are on Earth at this time to shine… then You are a Chosen One.

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4eeb51 No.21546516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e8aa33 No.21546529

File: a7458da3d5d617d⋯.jpg (12.51 KB,255x203,255:203,dredd_pepe2.jpg)


Freddy is a God damn legend and tranimae is just a very psychologically fucked up little twink teaching English in Japan that loves negative interaction on the board but got his ass blasted until he learned his lesson.


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f2c8fd No.21546531

File: 53eaa8973fbb588⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,320x240,4:3,BushKerry.mp4)

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e031d7 No.21546586


at least one of them slipped on their "tea"

also motivating at least another

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e031d7 No.21546608


Junkermann met with two yet to be named US Senators in 2003, Birmingham, England.

Possibly, JK and AM…?

All around the same time JE and GM met Pope JP2

and then JE scooting all around NY NY

and then Gulf War Part Deux

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