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File: e148d103ad2c6f7⋯.jpg (247.56 KB,1200x803,1200:803,dayshift_1.jpg)

a7b99b No.21502074 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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a7b99b No.21502076

International Q Research Threads

>>21251854 Australia #37

>>21369051 Canada #62

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>>21452596 QAJF #2

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>>19804572 UK #51


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ANONS: Stay positive, eyes on the GOAL, not the OBSTACLES!

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a7b99b No.21502079


#26344 >>21501049

>>21501810 LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Michigan - 8/29/24 HAL-LA-LU-YEAH

>>21501936 JD VANCE IN BOSTON TODAY - 29th july 2024.

>>21501058 For those anons who consider the Law of War Manual in effect

>>21501075 Trump reveals the burning questions he DEMANDS Kamala Harris answer during prime-time interview


>>21501091 RINO Sellout Mitch McConnell Moves to Torpedo Election Integrity Efforts

>>21501096 Reposting, Call to Action Digital soldiers, flood them with Memes and Truth

>>21501111 Self Described “Globalist” United Nations Legal Affairs Official Says He's "Not Sure Institution is Going to Survive

>>21501127, >>21501178 Melania Trump's highly anticipated memoir is not yet out but it is already topping sales charts.

>>21501190 Judges begrudgingly releasing J6ers after SCOTUS Fischer ruling reversed DOJ's use of 1512c2

>>21501225 Aurora police say gang activity ‘isolated’ as Denver police deny apartment takeovers

>>21501237 Star Factory Messier 17

>>21501245 Federal Reserve Board announces final individual capital requirements for all large banks, effective on October 1

>>21501246 Iron Dragons in Action!

>>21501252 FBI failed to properly investigate all child sexual assault allegations, DOJ report says

>>21501255 Investors bought 1 out of every 6 U.S. homes sold

>>21501275 Biden Regime Planning World War III To Default On US Government Debt Before Next Election

>>21501346 ABC News rejects Kamala Harris last-minute bid to change Trump debate rules, will keep muted mics

>>21501357 DOE Report Shows Clean Energy Jobs Grew at More Than Twice the Rate of Overall U.S. Employment

>>21501418 Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov says peace talks with Ukraine are no longer an option.

>>21501451 Missed the F 16?

>>21501436 Ex-D.C. Guard official says generals lied to Congress about Jan. 6PN PDF

>>21501448 Germany to ban sharp objects to try stop the mass murders.

>>21501479 NASA Assigns Astronaut Jonny Kim to First Space Station Mission

>>21501496 Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua is taking over entire apartment complexes in Colorado

>>21501507 F-16 Crashes in Ukraine

>>21501523 NASA Project in Puerto Rico Trains Students in Marine Biology

>>21501542 Krassensteins actually hosted teen (!!!) p0rn sites?

>>21501607 Work Is Under Way on NASA’s Next-Generation Asteroid Hunter

>>21501608 New Study Explores How Food Choices Shape Mental Health and Affect Depression

>>21501679 For moast. The Children will Never Forget. that is what allofthis is for, after all.

>>21501685 New NASA Study Tallies Carbon Emissions From Massive Canadian Fires

>>21501708 California legislature passes bill banning voter ID laws

>>21501902 Hubble Observes An Oddly Organized Satellite

>>21501911 Anderson Cooper: “Today, he (Trump) took it to a whole other level.

>>21501916 @PapiTrumpo ELON KNOWS!!! (target/fire) SEE YOU SOON, LEX!!! Vid

>>21501976 Smith's Special Counsel's Expenses More Than Double Expenditures Of Those Looking Into Hunter Biden

>>21501984 Reminder, Trump says he'd create a Space National Guard if elected

>>21501111 Self Described “Globalist” United Nations Legal Affairs Official Says He's "Not Sure Institution is Going to Survive

>>21502062 #26344

#26343 >>21500131

>>21500209 California 'elected politicians' just voted to allow illegal immigrants to determine who gets elected.

>>21500298 Kentucky officials, schools used public resources to oppose school choice amendment

>>21500307 US Department of Health and Human Services report confirms fluoride exposure is associated with lower IQ

>>21500251 'We've got to take action': Keir Starmer confirms he IS considering outdoor smoking ban and teases 'more details to be revealed'

>>21500333 8:20 AM EDT New Shepard’s Crewed NS-26 Mission Targets Liftoff on August 29

>>21500379 Meanwhile in Colorado, illegals just take over people's homes

>>21500455 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/29/2024

>>21500482 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump and other candidates at Moms for Liberty: joyful warriors Summit - 6/30/23

>>21500513 CapMetro announces launch of Transit Police Department

>>21500566 Texas university launches new degree for digital influencing

>>21500590 @realDonaldTrump “The migrant crisis is more costly than Americans realize.


>>21500654 Ex-D.C. Guard official says generals lied to Congress about Jan. 6

>>21500696 126 Nations Convene to Discuss Moving Away from the US Dollar

>>21500702 Pentagon Force Protection Agency (PFPA) New Police Officer Ceremony

>>21500714 Durov Dig: France v Russia

>>21500715 10:00 AM EDT Open Meeting Federal Election Commission

>>21500768 When does Mark Zuckerberg come out and admit he didn't create FB?

>>21500865 11:00 AM EDT LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Michigan - 8/29/24

>>21500884 @realDonaldTrump Dana Bash of CNN has a chance at greatness today

>>21500941 @realDonaldTrump It is DOJ policy that the Department of Justice should not take any action that will influence an election within 60 days of that election

>>21500961 @DonaldJTrumpJr Kamala Harris admitted to lying about her prosecutorial experience

>>21500971 @realDonaldTrump In an effort to resurrect a “dead” Witch Hunt in Washington, D.C.,

>>21500982 Democrats, are promising to fix everything they broke over the last four years and blaming it on PDJT

>>21500983 @realDonaldTrump ….For them to do this immediately after our Supreme Court Victory on Immunity and more,

>>21501000 @realDonaldTrump ….This travesty is now on Comrade Kamala Harris,

>>21501006 @realDonaldTrump ….No Presidential Candidate, or Candidate for any Office, has ever had to put up with all of this Lawfare

>>21501037 #26343 Posted in #26344

#26342 >>21499181

>>21499224 Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump is expanding its investigation

>>21499241 Kamala Harris says, if elected president, she’ll use executive action to confiscate guns

>>21499253 Who owns BlackRock?

>>21499266 What a dramatic about-face Kamala Harris just pulled

>>21499296 Telegram Founder Arrest Story Gets Weirder

>>21499328 A new voter registration scam has been uncovered in the must-win state of Michigan

>>21499438 Biden Administration Pressuring Facebook to Censor COVID Posts = GENOCIDE

>>21499457, >>21499459, >>21499462 US Gov't Censorship Arm ‘Atlantic Council’ Targeted Telegram 2 Months Before Durov Arrest

>>21499584 Democrats’ new platform reads like socialist manifesto

>>21499590 Dmitry Medvedev - Macron, get out of France now! Durov's army is out to get you

>>21499597 Boars Head hires illegal aliens; insects, mold, and mildew discovered at plant

>>21499602 Nevada Democrat Official Found Guilty of Murdering Las Vegas-Review Journal Reporter

>>21499635 @elonmusk Grok “Generate Voldemort and a Sith Lord who had a baby who became a judge in Brazil"

>>21499651 Revisiting the 'Kamala Harris As Sacrificial Lamb' Theory

>>21499682 Interesting search results 2024 Campaigns - Real People or - Made in Chyna Cheap Merch

>>21499692 Brazil's Supreme Court threatened to ban X within 24 hours on Wednesday night

>>21499697 Kamala scrubs Berkeley and Canada out of her life story

>>21499706 Never in my life been more sure of a stock market crash than seeing THIS

>>21499713 China Dominates Global Coal Consumption

>>21499724 Greg Gutfeld proves it - WE ARE THE NEWS NOW

>>21499733 Krassenstein's own a website called "Humiliated School Girls Dot Com"

>>21499738, >>21499754, >>21499756 Musk is ready to throw down. We're nearing an inflection point

>>21499748 Pelosi calls Trump 'domestic enemy' in new Jan 6 footage

>>21500123 New TikTok Trend: Single Mother by Choice

>>21499306, >>21499455, >>21499572, >>21499644, >>21499654, >>21499665, >>21499705 Memes Of Mass Instruction

>>21500110 #26342

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a7b99b No.21502082

Previously Collected

>>21497507 #26339, >>21498269 #26340, >>21499171 #26341

>>21494609 #26336, >>21495602 #26337, >>21496717 #26338

>>21492078 #26333, >>21492862 #26334, >>21493701 #26335

>>21489490 #26330, >>21490506 #26331, >>21491280 #26332

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a7b99b No.21502083


#26345 https://fullchan.net/?98e67ea0180c15eb#BkKnWYVYKdgsaNEeN32YoRFcgSFTmgE2bq8rKTzjAp8s

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a7b99b No.21502086

File: 22f83b887a144fd⋯.jpg (650.57 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,22f83b887a144fd05bec2f3b44….jpg)

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fc71f6 No.21502115

File: 530ba2228f85fcc⋯.png (509.39 KB,625x663,625:663,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9e075 No.21502118

File: 94f093f1332152d⋯.jpeg (158.75 KB,828x594,46:33,58018E33_6706_407D_93D4_3….jpeg)

File: f23a5a74695c1ac⋯.jpeg (226.34 KB,828x533,828:533,6D0AE3EB_4FE1_418C_839C_7….jpeg)

File: 6153d080b5f015f⋯.jpeg (173.12 KB,828x533,828:533,FA491BDF_47A1_48AE_94A1_3….jpeg)

File: 05a8207adec9bdd⋯.jpeg (79.24 KB,828x628,207:157,F0AC30DD_F2CC_40AE_8615_0….jpeg)

File: 6ef6ad420be18b7⋯.jpeg (101.09 KB,828x518,414:259,6B474E88_C41E_4685_B6E5_D….jpeg)


Thank you.

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69e368 No.21502120

File: b345f2af59c7b10⋯.png (1.71 MB,998x1142,499:571,ClipboardImage.png)

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15496c No.21502124

File: 041154a3e62a53c⋯.png (274.33 KB,874x885,874:885,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 148781c89fc72bd⋯.png (218.41 KB,913x905,913:905,ClipboardImage.png)



Back in the Futures Edition

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bc2661 No.21502128

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bc2661 No.21502130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b107ee No.21502132

File: 3d97e4644e52e5a⋯.gif (698.3 KB,256x209,256:209,popcorn03d4c5356038a6dc1b3….gif)

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be489a No.21502134

File: bee6ee08e7fca4c⋯.png (714.64 KB,750x500,3:2,TYB_.png)

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be489a No.21502141

File: 3d276ab48bf1954⋯.jpg (126.19 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Russia_.jpg)


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1bf956 No.21502146


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8186d3 No.21502147

I may be a lowly shiptoaster, but at least i dont flood the bread when it's barely getting started

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b1c00e No.21502148

File: eb61de61ba74e1f⋯.png (618.95 KB,554x744,277:372,ClipboardImage.png)

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c5c577 No.21502150

Fuck Q.

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beeb04 No.21502151

File: aad6e7a2d7bf626⋯.png (546.7 KB,660x370,66:37,ClipboardImage.png)

9 Aug, 2024 14:00

Kiev had Western intel to plan Russia incursion – US spy chief

Ukraine has access to a trove of commercial satellite images, according to the head of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

Kiev had access to a wide array of commercial satellite imagesfor planning and executing its invasion of Russia’s Kursk Region, asenior US intelligence official has acknowledged. However, Washington continues to deny it had advance knowledge of the incursion.

Vice Admiral Frank Whitworth, the director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), commented on Thursday regarding a report last week by The New York Times that said theUS and Britain “have provided Ukraine with satellite imagery and other information” on Kursk Region. Kiev sent thousands of heavily-armed troops into the area earlier this month.

The Times report said that the intelligence was meant “not to help Ukraine push deeper into Russia, but to allow its commanders to better track Russian reinforcements that might attack them or cut off their eventual withdrawal back to Ukraine” and was delivered after the start of the incursion.

Whitworth suggested that Times sources were referring to commercial satellite imagery, which theUS has been giving Ukraine access to for years via Global Enhanced GEOINT Delivery (G-EGD), a portal operated by the space firm Maxar.

”There were over 400,000 accounts in that particular portal. And so the availability of commercial imagery is sustained,” he said at a panel discussion hosted by the Intelligence and National Security Alliance.

”If that is what they are using for purposes of this particular campaign, this limitedcampaign in Kursk, then I’ll defer to them to confirm that. But the availability is always there,”he added.

CIA Deputy Director David Cohen, who participated in the same event, said that based on conversations that his agency has with theUkrainians“there seems to be intent on retaining some of that [captured Russian] territory for some period of time.” (CIA is really advising Ukraine to continue, there’s no way leaders there came up with that on their own, after all it’s a CIA war against Russia and it will never be about Ukraine.)

Much of the panel’s discussion was about how theUS government uses commercial solutionsto bolster itsespionage and military capabilitiesand intends to make more use of them in the future. (Theory: There is going to be space wars with Satellites being blown up, since they admitted they will continue to use these satellites to attack what the US considers their enemy, this is not going to end well, if it ever ends)

Moscow considers the Ukraine conflict to be a US-led proxy war against Russia, in which its neighbor serves as a de facto private military company fighting for Washington’s interests. The level of engagement by the US and other members of NATO make them parties to the conflict according to Russian officials.


(This doesn't bode well for world peace at all, it's a serious escalation)

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b107ee No.21502153

File: 5c23d5b3204a1ff⋯.webm (498.94 KB,427x240,427:240,its_afraid.webm)

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a39c0e No.21502154

Fuck Q.

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b64ad1 No.21502155


How come none of McConnell s constituents have filed a lawsuit against him for breaching his Oath of Office? Clearly he is aiding foreign adversaries and breaching National Security.

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be489a No.21502156

File: 04d6d54e29e48dc⋯.png (367.73 KB,500x500,1:1,shitposting.png)


Shitposting and SPAM-shilling are two entirely different animals.

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1bf956 No.21502157


yeah he can lift my skirt any day I do quite frequently; for the time difference and miles; Fuck Q

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035827 No.21502158


Q is Quantum AI

It is not Fuckable

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1bf956 No.21502160

poison Ivey is my biggest threat on earfth

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f07e26 No.21502161

File: 689363e85f90383⋯.jpg (18 KB,510x623,510:623,BG009.jpg)

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515577 No.21502163

File: ce6b293cfdc13fe⋯.jpg (76.47 KB,768x432,16:9,media_GV9eOABaoAINUKI.jpg)

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15496c No.21502164

whats that site to look up q post numbers?

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4a0293 No.21502165

File: ce4730beba689cc⋯.jpeg (140.64 KB,1080x1350,4:5,DDAED643_1DA8_4BE3_81B5_0….jpeg)

File: e6e91084612e1ff⋯.jpeg (143.93 KB,714x800,357:400,0A75D1C7_8296_4557_B23A_D….jpeg)

File: 807709503961b28⋯.gif (6.77 MB,600x803,600:803,0E227F08_A551_495B_B342_7F….gif)

File: 3d6b7a9836e8fb8⋯.jpeg (239.96 KB,764x800,191:200,79256CDE_C00D_48A8_98AB_0….jpeg)

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1bf956 No.21502166


you wouldn't know

you never fucked it.

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be489a No.21502167

File: c05551bc35b67a2⋯.png (304.32 KB,530x470,53:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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15496c No.21502171


every girl looks like this…i dont mind…but still

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ccde3a No.21502174


Ty baker.

You have doubled up this notable.

#26344 >>21501049

>>21501111 Self Described “Globalist” United Nations Legal Affairs Official Says He's "Not Sure Institution is Going to Survive

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1bf956 No.21502176

maybe its just a Boy XY MALE Quantum AI and not a homo sex boy ? you know don''t need to be jealous of a god your in different categories/

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54627d No.21502177



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444ca4 No.21502179

Anons are there any CollageFags in the house?

I'm preparing a filing and I need to create a collage with ten photos in it, if possible. Two of the pics are in "portrait" mode and the other eight are in "landscape" mode.

I tried using Microsoft's (boo) program called, "Photo Collage Maker & Montage Creator" but all it did was limit me to 9 pictures in perfect squares, so some of the images was chopped off.

If anyone has a suggestion for a free collage-making program I'd greatly appreciate hearing about it so that I can pop these little blasts all into one image.

Thank you.

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cd7bab No.21502181

File: 074fa18f973744f⋯.png (674.46 KB,851x570,851:570,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6e4acc2a0461da⋯.png (525.18 KB,595x445,119:89,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8bf78e785edbac9⋯.png (568.08 KB,633x448,633:448,ClipboardImage.png)

File: de860bed191c70f⋯.png (460.48 KB,711x500,711:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41a3c15e758401e⋯.png (374.83 KB,992x500,248:125,ClipboardImage.png)



a disturbing truth is beginning to emerge.

murders are not being reported or counted by the police or the media in the u.k by knife attacks.

Anon can vouch for this from personal whistleblowers.

The crime rate is off the charts and even when reported to the police, they are just being treated as a matter of inconvenience.

Cannot find out if this is criminals or immigrants committing these murders and who the victims are but there is a lot of stuff being hidden from the public.

The u.k deep state is not worried about freedom of speech, but definitely freedom of reach.

out of sight out of mind.

be careful out there and remain situationally aware of your surrounds.

very similar to what they did with the covid deaths of those vaxxed,

which has gone silent now, even though people are still dying suddenly.

This could be a global tactic


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15496c No.21502182


thnx anon…and go fuck yourself to!

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801d58 No.21502184

LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Michigan - 8/29/24

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will Deliver Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Potterville, Michigan, on Thursday, August 29, 2024, at 3:30 p.m. EDT.


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cbb51d No.21502187

File: 775da4db1d7f780⋯.png (594.64 KB,812x788,203:197,775da4db1d7f7800ef83c92759….png)

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515577 No.21502188

File: db984202c1d4703⋯.png (235.49 KB,551x591,551:591,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89de2b88432b959⋯.mp4 (973.84 KB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17249543845….mp4)

Margo Martin

@margommartin 1h

President @realDonaldTrump departs for Michigan and Wisconsin!🇺🇸

Aug 29, 2024 · 4:26 PM UTC


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009b0e No.21502189

File: 78576558e7636e3⋯.jpg (88.7 KB,1191x616,1191:616,united_we_win.JPG)

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1bf956 No.21502190

I'll get back to work thank you for bot hell.

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962333 No.21502191

File: f3e5d373f2c8a79⋯.png (1.33 MB,800x800,1:1,f3e5d373f2c8a7968847c30b16….png)


Thank you baker!

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be489a No.21502192


https://www.gimp.org/ ← This is free, and will do the job.

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b107ee No.21502193


>It is not Fuckable

But it fucks.

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c0758b No.21502194

>>21501225 LB note

>>21501225 Aurora police say gang activity ‘isolated’ as Denver police deny apartment takeovers

Screwy info.

Apartments were taken over.

Not in Denver, but in Aurora.

The information here makes it seem like apartments weren't taken over at all.

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32cec9 No.21502195

File: ddd49416f57ac46⋯.png (340.36 KB,501x571,501:571,Untitled.png)

Less than 10.

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5f9598 No.21502196


you can use canva which is a free graphics editing and ai software.

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f1ba6d No.21502197

Mayor of Aurora on FoxNews as we speak >>21502194

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60f07f No.21502198


>Quantum AI

Two of the most overused and least understood words on the internet currently.

Fuck the nigger that invented the "smart" phone and let every halfwit on the planet on the internet

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515577 No.21502199

File: 7d400492d036797⋯.png (26.51 KB,625x186,625:186,ClipboardImage.png)


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b74d24 No.21502200

File: ffa8fc841f82fe0⋯.gif (5.15 MB,600x469,600:469,ffa8fc841f82fe08f0a9d5376e….gif)


thank you bakes

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962333 No.21502201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Michigan - 8/29/24

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will Deliver Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Potterville, Michigan, on Thursday, August 29, 2024, at 3:30 p.m. EDT.

Watch all-day LIVE coverage on RSBN starting at 11:30 a.m. ET.


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cc619a No.21502202

File: 5b04afd0af99190⋯.png (1.42 MB,1125x2436,375:812,IMG_5399.png)

File: 03d77a47b565bd6⋯.jpeg (160.21 KB,1125x828,125:92,IMG_5400.jpeg)

File: d877919cfc0ff16⋯.png (192.19 KB,1125x2436,375:812,IMG_5401.png)

Anyone wanna explain what fuckery this is? Just happened.

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cbb51d No.21502203

File: c2e72c55f91c9fa⋯.jpg (154.45 KB,700x779,700:779,new_york_post.jpg)

Daily Jigsaw Puzzle - The New York Post front page is now a jigsaw puzzle!


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962333 No.21502204

File: ba27678e5082e7e⋯.png (432.48 KB,735x515,147:103,ba27678e5082e7e42a04296a5c….png)

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15496c No.21502205

File: e7655bf72950f5a⋯.png (205.38 KB,607x834,607:834,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04b2a962b637efc⋯.png (37.79 KB,601x707,601:707,ClipboardImage.png)


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4a0293 No.21502206

File: b02ca712255e27f⋯.png (1.18 MB,750x1334,375:667,3B603761_B245_4911_B236_83….png)

File: 60c14c283b89b7a⋯.png (277.45 KB,690x1864,345:932,C60FD98D_3005_498D_986D_A2….png)

File: 5fe5693f187713d⋯.jpeg (64.18 KB,679x307,679:307,455AEF41_F028_4B86_AE00_3….jpeg)

cross eyed black pilot meme.png

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009b0e No.21502207

File: c6a9584f2f59cf0⋯.png (569.32 KB,836x472,209:118,ClipboardImage.png)

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1bf956 No.21502208



Nov 27, 2022 7:58:52 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No. 17830238

Be aware of false prophets.

I am not a prophet.

You are not a prophet.

We are not prophets.

Focus on the mission.



what is this shit?

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1bf956 No.21502209

If I could I'd make a living on cards.

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d2b28d No.21502210

File: 25e6f3024dd47b1⋯.png (614.74 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson says she’s ‘concerned’ about presidential immunity allowed by Constitution

“I was concerned about a system that appeared to provide immunity for one individual under one set of circumstances, when we had a criminal justice system that had ordinarily treated everyone the same,” Jackson said of her dissent in the ruling.


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444ca4 No.21502211


This is free, and will do the job.

Thank you very much, Anon.

I have learned a lot of new programs, as I put all this explosive research together (such as video downloading programs, archiving tools, video editing, photo editing, etc.), but gimp is a new one to me.

Time to create a few exhibits so that when this is done it will redpill the world in the most easy way.

A picture really is worth a thousand words.

Thanks again.


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f1ba6d No.21502212

File: 08907fea23c103f⋯.jpg (19.94 KB,364x298,182:149,ApuOKthen.jpg)

I lived in Aurora in the late 80's - early 90s. The bloods and crips were the main gangs, all black, very few Hispanic, and they've run that town for decades, so this is nothing new there.

I wonder if the bloods and crips have considered cleaning out the town of Aurora now that illegals have now taken over their territory…


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32cec9 No.21502213


It's a bad actor….

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54627d No.21502214

File: 236106a9d60c23b⋯.png (1.24 MB,698x1092,349:546,rtyrty56.PNG)



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009b0e No.21502215

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB,255x246,85:82,0_LAUGH.png)


>when we had a criminal justice system that had ordinarily treated everyone the same,” Jackson said of her dissent in the ruling.

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1bf956 No.21502216

the dates on these are unsettling me and I can't do it.

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32cec9 No.21502217




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8186d3 No.21502218

Name the cabinet departments POTUS should disband immediately upon return to the White House.

1. Education - failure defined

2. Transportation - wasteful and useless

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cc619a No.21502219


Just tell them Kendrick is having a concert

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b4ce48 No.21502220


Why is Jeff InTheMatrixxx still working with JTwilde Flynn Family Friend? Did jtwilde disavow Flynn?

Does he know Mike Pillow Lindell is Funding Flynn with his 666 discount?

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d2b28d No.21502221

File: 5cf47f5e8b5a694⋯.png (2.16 MB,1343x1280,1343:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

Just in! Did you know last year it cost us Americans $150,000,000,000 to support the illegal invaders that are in America.

102 Billion across these 20 states:

California - $30.9B

Texas - $13.4B

New York - $9.9B

Florida - $8.03B

New Jersey - $5.3B

Illinois - $3.9B

Arizona - $3.2B

North Carolina - $3.1B

Georgia - $3.03B

Maryland - $2.9B

Massachusetts - $2.9B

Virginia - $2.8B

Washington - $2.6B

Nevada - $1.9B

Colorado - $1.9B

Pennsylvania - $1.6B

Oregon - $1.4B

Connecticut - $1.3B

Michigan - $1.1B

Tennessee - $971M

Courtesy of EndWokeness: US taxpayers paid $150 BILLION to care for illegal aliens… JUST LAST YEAR. But a $5 billion wall is too expensive.


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be489a No.21502222

File: fca0a6dd715ec3b⋯.png (143.04 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Aurora was where that orange haired mk'd shooter guy shot up a movie theater.

Aurora is getting almost as spoopy as Broward County Florida.

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17fe51 No.21502223

File: 8e0cc7207c8f024⋯.jpg (49.8 KB,569x515,569:515,27_15_22_15.jpg)

File: 48e3f4ef31bcd5b⋯.jpg (56.01 KB,500x287,500:287,48e3f4ef31bcd5b8f713c624b1….jpg)

File: 049e04e67d5513a⋯.jpg (113.32 KB,623x533,623:533,049e04e67d5513a8d628c20d32….jpg)

File: 49d15ea06b33921⋯.jpg (84.91 KB,639x570,213:190,49d15ea06b3392184aecc67277….jpg)

File: 90697408feece8e⋯.jpg (82.22 KB,1024x683,1024:683,50b0e507a526f12f13ffc59886….jpg)

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40562a No.21502224

File: 8a5e113952b2bfd⋯.jpg (71.34 KB,518x766,259:383,black_dynamite_5_328145888….jpg)

File: a026ed27a513ec0⋯.jpg (10.71 KB,474x266,237:133,th_3312876914.jpg)

File: a44097bd0177099⋯.jpg (35.7 KB,474x567,158:189,th_3165396370.jpg)

File: 7297918001ba9b0⋯.jpg (92.45 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_2994722616.jpg)

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c3b280 No.21502225

File: aa73232f3a37e32⋯.png (1.25 MB,1160x1388,290:347,Harris_DOJ_.png)

PDJT: "… Kamala weaponized *her* DOJ to indict me - AGAIN!"

Is PDJT saying the ho is "in charge" so get ready for stuff so stupid not even quid pro Joe would go there?

Sauce - one of PDJT's campaign emails in my inbox today.

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32cec9 No.21502227


Japanese surrender Ship

Jim/Ron surrender Ship

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e56c64 No.21502228



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d2b28d No.21502229

File: e712e22414aba9d⋯.png (1.24 MB,1080x1611,120:179,ClipboardImage.png)

TRUMP: Fox Polls are Rigged and Worthless!


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90aa1c No.21502230

File: 275eaa37b4824d6⋯.png (58.86 KB,640x427,640:427,ClipboardImage.png)

Army blasts Trump trip to Arlington cemetery for violating decorum

Army officials criticized former President Donald Trump’s campaign staff for violating decorum rules at Arlington National Cemetery and abusing a cemetery worker earlier this week, but no further actions will be pursued after the involved employee declined to press charges.

The statement, from an unnamed Army spokesperson, contradicts denials from Trump’s re-election team that no physical altercation took place between his staff and cemetery workers during the former president’s visit to the memorial site on Monday.

Trump and his team opted to go ahead with photos and videos with Gold Star family members, despite the objections of Arlington staff and after having been made aware of “federal laws, Army regulations and DOD policies, which clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds,” the Army said.

Federal law prohibits politicking at Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photography and video collection.

“An Arlington National Cemetery employee who attempted to ensure adherence to these rules was abruptly pushed aside,” the statement said. “Consistent with the decorum expected at [Arlington National Cemetery], this employee acted with professionalism and avoided further disruption.”


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1971b5 No.21502231

>>21502060 (LB)

>Nord Stream sabotage suspect used Ukrainian government car to flee – Spiegel

A German spy fantasy story.

A most unconvincing one.

Fuck their lies are getting worse by the day.

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009b0e No.21502232

File: b0b5320784803bd⋯.jpg (40.93 KB,510x558,85:93,luna_alonso_point.JPG)



>Aurora is getting almost as spoopy as Broward County Florida.

…and that's no mean feat.

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d2b28d No.21502233

File: 4993e563ea42985⋯.png (111.74 KB,906x584,453:292,ClipboardImage.png)

Volodymyr Zelenskyy crashed your jet

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1bf956 No.21502234


prophets don't always say what will be sometimes we shed light on what was and is and THERE BY manipulate you into your futures or somethings are as obvious as Jim and Pam and you can call that shit months ahead and no one questions it. Cause they see it too.

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32cec9 No.21502235


At the top of every bread, anon.




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17fe51 No.21502236

File: 770be5af0f2509f⋯.jpg (86 KB,889x591,889:591,770be5af0f2509f4a4742b1062….jpg)

File: 8dfedcf9a4c2d43⋯.jpeg (208.27 KB,1454x1094,727:547,782a7e24bd36ed9f7bf79dc99….jpeg)

File: 895de1d53868ab2⋯.jpg (19.73 KB,236x338,118:169,785a044f1c8951f30a9e3d4255….jpg)

File: ab38ab8d2e8c7f7⋯.png (303.68 KB,931x1023,931:1023,789a7ca35dd8415d10483379ca….png)

File: a0a336749ba67ef⋯.jpg (56.41 KB,650x345,130:69,798ff6d91c41453721f91ff09b….jpg)

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515577 No.21502237

File: ff5672d8b0731c9⋯.png (288.75 KB,621x464,621:464,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e63b25240a12cf⋯.png (277.89 KB,621x501,207:167,ClipboardImage.png)


@RT_com 6h

CIA admits to ‘conversations’ over Ukraine’s incursion into Kursk Region


Aug 29, 2024 · 11:40 AM UTC



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03cdeb No.21502238

File: a483f20fa66e1d9⋯.png (21.96 KB,437x384,437:384,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd7bab No.21502239


she was a prosecutor same as starmer.

knowing the system give them a advantage.

djt said the biggest lobby in d.c is the lawyers lobby above pro israel, big pharma and military industrial complex.

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009b0e No.21502240



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1bf956 No.21502243

and he stole my pet virus I was using to read his mind.

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32cec9 No.21502244


No one here is a prophet.

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17fe51 No.21502247

File: 51ebc49c5224734⋯.jpg (52.45 KB,662x515,662:515,51ebc49c522473409467a0f20a….jpg)

File: 052f30cf0bb0951⋯.png (209.49 KB,725x323,725:323,052f30cf0bb09517436f7f0407….png)

File: 52b0042616c1f7e⋯.jpg (27.7 KB,453x256,453:256,52b0042616c1f7ea509bb0ace9….jpg)

File: 52bdeb707561769⋯.jpg (55.76 KB,800x449,800:449,52bdeb707561769cea8dafafdf….jpg)

File: 52ef81ef6aa8ecc⋯.jpg (118.24 KB,841x670,841:670,52ef81ef6aa8eccf8b89f96e53….jpg)

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5f9598 No.21502249


army is faggot.

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32cec9 No.21502250

God answers prayers. Read the Bible. God WINS.

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1b56a1 No.21502251

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4a0293 No.21502252

File: 0e3a58b0146db5b⋯.png (1.78 MB,750x1334,375:667,A96E57F1_2C8A_496D_AB9F_2E….png)

File: fb8df27de007ea6⋯.png (31.1 KB,690x454,345:227,0D7AFE8B_ADCD_4910_BB09_6E….png)

File: 1928745fb14b31a⋯.jpeg (426.32 KB,1080x1080,1:1,EFCE3A20_44D2_4A13_A0C1_8….jpeg)

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d2b28d No.21502255

File: 8a5b0cd4a418ffd⋯.png (308.76 KB,750x450,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

BIG LIES Screenshots: Kamala Harris Claims She Worked at McDonald’s—But Her 1987 Job Application Tells a Different Story

Did Kamala Harris ever work at McDonald’s and if so, did the job help her “put herself through college?”


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51d3d4 No.21502256

File: fc3aada3bea759c⋯.png (162.38 KB,1040x466,520:233,ClipboardImage.png)

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32cec9 No.21502258

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1b56a1 No.21502259


2000 years worth of prayers and murdering Jews are still murdering.

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17fe51 No.21502260

File: 086dce0df752097⋯.jpg (297.22 KB,1210x346,605:173,60d7c8e3e6448301c9fce06fa8….jpg)

File: c9a5da070a574ad⋯.png (151.65 KB,502x604,251:302,62d652ca1735a6f6fc3b6baa02….png)

File: 74b214bbc3d461a⋯.jpg (43.01 KB,640x427,640:427,74b214bbc3d461a44b2599dfe0….jpg)

File: f0155e26e024134⋯.jpg (43.63 KB,396x478,198:239,77bdd7c72486ee2ca034ad7d7d….jpg)

File: 78a0195fb82edec⋯.jpg (256.84 KB,1024x600,128:75,78a0195fb82edec740c8f53ae1….jpg)

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4a0293 No.21502261

File: b62ceb307631889⋯.png (208.89 KB,750x1334,375:667,72A793A0_89DB_435D_B2B0_E1….png)


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ca8c07 No.21502262


Definitely Melania.

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cc619a No.21502263


No one concerned that meta.com SSL cert randomly showed up for 8kun.top ?

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925299 No.21502264

Children of Darkness are you ready to unite with the Children of Light vs the Enemy of Humanity yet?

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b64ad1 No.21502265

BREAKING: Self Described “Globalist” United Nations Legal Affairs Official Says He's "Not Sure Institution is Going to Survive" Second Trump Term; Reveals Colleagues “Terrified” of His Reelection; Admits U.N. is ‘95% useless’ at Primary Function of International Peace & Security

"I am the definition of a Globalist."

"One of the objectives of the UN is to create an identity of a global citizen…It's a threat to the absolute power of the United States."

"I'm not sure the United Nations as an institution is going to survive a second term by Donald Trump…They want America first."



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51df76 No.21502266

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,3s64d45f78367d65.png)

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b1c00e No.21502268

File: ce785b649f97a3c⋯.png (252.52 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9936bec02e780b1⋯.png (494.87 KB,970x546,485:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 255ff899c97f418⋯.png (291.05 KB,970x546,485:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b47eab8a52e65d⋯.png (983.23 KB,970x543,970:543,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bb09f137f8cd67⋯.png (479.42 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

'One of the cleanest flights I've seen.' Blue Origin launches 6 people to space, lands safely on NS-26 flight

August 29, 2024

Blue Origin launched and landed its eighth suborbital space tourism mission this morning.

Blue Origin, which is run by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, sent the six-person NS-26 flight to space from its West Texas spaceport today. Liftoff occurred at 9:07 a.m. EDT (1307 GMT; 8:07 a.m. local Texas time).

The flight reached a maximum altitude of around 341,000 feet (104,000 meters) before coming back for a touchdown in the West Texas dust around 9:19 a.m. EDT (1319 GMT or 8:19 a.m. local time).

As the crew stepped out of the RSS First Step capsule, they cheered to the friends and family gathered to watch their return.

"I went to space!" screamed passenger Nicolina Elrick as she pumped her hands in the air as the first crewmember out.

The mission appeared to have gone flawlessly. "Up and back. That is just one of the cleanest flights I've seen from this rocket.

But behind every rocket is an extraordinary team," said Blue Origin launch commentator Ariane Cornell upon the capsule's return.

As the mission's name suggests, NS-26 was the 26th flight overall for New Shepard.

The mission launched atop the company's New Shepard rocket, Blue Origin's reusable rocket-capsule combo.

It was the eighth such mission to carry people.

New Shepard flights last 10 to 12 minutes from liftoff to capsule touchdown.

Passengers aboard the vehicle get to experience a few minutes of weightlessness and travel above the Kármán line, the 62-mile-high (100-kilometer-high) marker that many people regard as the boundary of outer space.

Blue Origin has not revealed how much a seat aboard New Shepard costs.

Virgin Galactic, the company's main competitor in the suborbital space tourism field, currently charges $450,000 per ticket.

The six people that flew on NS-26 included philanthropist and entrepreneur Nicolina Elrick, university professor Rob Ferl, businessman Eugene Grin, cardiologist Eiman Jahangir, college student Karsen Kitchen and entrepreneur Ephraim Rabin.

Ferl became the first NASA-funded researcher to fly to space with the flight, during which the University of Florida scientist and director of the university's space institute conducted experiments on plant growth in microgravity.

"As commercial space programs have advanced and access to space has become more available, I always hoped I might be able to conduct our experiments myself in microgravity," Ferl said in a University of Florida statement.

"I feel very grateful for this opportunity. After years, decades even, of working with astronauts to conduct our experiments, it's an honor to be at the forefront of researchers conducting their own experiments in space," Ferl said.

The 21-year-old Kitchen set a record on the flight, becoming the youngest woman ever to cross the Kármán line, according to Blue Origin.

But not everyone will regard her as the youngest woman to reach space; NASA and the U.S. military award astronaut wings to anyone who gets above 50 miles (80 km), a mark that 18-year-old Anastatia Mayers hit on a Virgin Galactic flight in August 2023.

NS-26 was the third launch for New Shepard since the vehicle failed on a robotic research flight in September 2022, resulting in the loss of the first-stage rocket. (The capsule landed safely.)

New Shepard returned to flight with an uncrewed launch in December 2023, then flew people this past May on NS-25.



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32cec9 No.21502269


This is the kind of Trash that is getting taken out, anons. Sickos who hate God, who hate Jesus, who hate Faith, and are paid to come here to complain about something they > Do Not Believe

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5f9598 No.21502270


who is Chemosh? i think he has a victory under his belt.

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6fae4a No.21502271



why isn't the Harris rally an open event?

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5b3fb6 No.21502272


Military Industrial Complex Homos

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444ca4 No.21502273

File: 4ae4194b2a8cb61⋯.jpg (808.11 KB,3327x2063,3327:2063,Q_Military_Personnel.jpg)

File: 6b9f8ccbc8d71f7⋯.png (66.73 KB,853x731,853:731,Military_Civilian_Alliance.png)







We freaking LOVE the United States Military.

My pops served on the front lines of the Korean Conflict.

The United States Military created this place.

The United States Military is in a military-civilian alliance with us, operating as the counterinsurgency that is defeating America's enemies at this time.

Shame on anyone who disrespects our great soldiers.


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009b0e No.21502274


Been happening for years, anon.

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32cec9 No.21502275


Because you're dumb.. Evil never wins. Repent.

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4c699e No.21502277

File: 403c2d3e05520e9⋯.jpg (37.08 KB,511x425,511:425,403c2d3e05520e98c019c2d1c4….jpg)

File: 403edc9d5a147a7⋯.jpg (32.04 KB,553x533,553:533,403edc9d5a147a74ab8123247f….jpg)

File: 409a40e877b9dfa⋯.jpg (36.07 KB,800x387,800:387,409a40e877b9dfa32db6afe2b3….jpg)

File: 1f8586b46e01612⋯.png (273.63 KB,683x351,683:351,421f06612557fe902bd927a139….png)

File: 97e8cf46debaa96⋯.jpg (318.85 KB,800x680,20:17,446c84886751b2cc7d4b5379a8….jpg)

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4645c4 No.21502278


Biblical speaking, was Jesus murdered by Jews then did Jesus ascend and leave US here with the murdering Jews?

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444ca4 No.21502281


Thank you, Anon.

I'll check it out.


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32cec9 No.21502282





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1bf956 No.21502283

File: a2687677f874a9c⋯.gif (4.41 MB,500x281,500:281,data_images_gif_topwitch.gif)

File: e308150a9790830⋯.jpg (127.18 KB,834x1024,417:512,1723099882718751.jpg)

File: a59c7b400a5ea2c⋯.jpeg (528.04 KB,2048x1437,2048:1437,780fa45a_058a_4289_a154_a….jpeg)


its a div/ thing

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23e704 No.21502284


She probably should have!!!! Gahahahah

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cc619a No.21502285


okay but isn’t that suspicious? First I’ve seen or heard of it since 2018.

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5f9598 No.21502286


Your god kills babies, that means you support killing babies.

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4c699e No.21502287

File: 61147d8dd48bccc⋯.png (1.01 MB,1209x713,39:23,79de719b15aa2eaa7761579966….png)

File: 80e5b499372f6f6⋯.jpeg (13.2 KB,229x255,229:255,80e5b499372f6f6fb8b39fe92….jpeg)

File: 80fd7d4f5906bb4⋯.jpg (185.73 KB,965x1200,193:240,80fd7d4f5906bb49bfa77cc41e….jpg)

File: 81a5d47cfe1254b⋯.png (294.43 KB,644x562,322:281,81a5d47cfe1254b8af31b7ef93….png)

File: 9b0f6b7c41d11bd⋯.png (522.84 KB,780x440,39:22,81a89605ed47ebda40aab559d5….png)

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801d58 No.21502288

File: 1ff9914cb23475e⋯.png (2.54 MB,1631x918,1631:918,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_1….png)

File: bdb07913ed4da21⋯.png (799.6 KB,800x500,8:5,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_1….png)

File: b3c98fe32d7a773⋯.png (392.59 KB,680x482,340:241,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_1….png)

File: 1e52287c634d62e⋯.png (798.87 KB,1200x630,40:21,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_1….png)

gotta get this off my chest…

so Donald Trump, upon invitation from the victims' families, attended a memorial service at arlington cemetary for the 13 service members killed during the ill-fated withdrawl fr afghanistan in 2021

the families of the deceased have stated numerous times they have not heard a thing fr biden or knee pads

knee pads even said she was the last person in the room when the decision was made to withdraw the troops, and she seemed proud of this

and, of course, biden was photographed checking his watch when the coffins arrived at dover air force base, yet jen psaki tried to deny this fact

and now, the cabal/deep state media operatives are all reporting a "news" story that Trump was disruptive and combative while at the arlington memorial ceremony earlier this week

this, according to them is news, not that biden and knee pads allowed for this disastrous withdraw operation that resulted in the deaths of 13 American service members

cabal/deep state media is so fucking evil and don't give a fuck about these service members or their families

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32cec9 No.21502290

Q hates evil.

Q+ hates evil.

Patriots HATE EVIL.


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515577 No.21502291

File: e533ad9a72dea06⋯.png (309 KB,556x590,278:295,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94b356e07224914⋯.png (34.74 KB,651x141,217:47,ClipboardImage.png)

Blitzer Media Group

@lord_avicenna 18h

🚨 Breaking News: Hinduism’s Sacred Cows—A Jewish Rebellion Gone Global? 🐄💥

In a twist even the Torah didn’t see coming, some claim that Hinduism’s love for cows 🐮 might actually be rooted in a group of rebellious Israelites who just couldn’t quit their golden calf obsession! 🐄 After Moses smashed those stone tablets, a defiant faction allegedly thought, “Why stop at one calf? 🐂” and took their bovine worship on the road—heading east to blend their cow-craze with local customs. Fast forward a few centuries, and voila! Hinduism’s sacred cow is born 🐄🌍. So, next time you spot a cow in India, remember: it might just be a case of ancient Israelites gone rogue! 😂✡️

Aug 29, 2024 · 12:10 AM UTC



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1bf956 No.21502292


Ron Paul?

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c8060b No.21502294

File: 5ed6805e82bd94a⋯.jpg (367.75 KB,586x876,293:438,IT_S_A_DANGER.jpg)

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cbb51d No.21502295

2:30 PM EDT

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh briefs the media in the Pentagon Briefing Room (2D972) at 2:30 p.m. EDT. The briefing will also be livestreamed on Defense.gov and broadcast on Channel 2 in the Pentagon.

Department of Defense




Defense Department Briefing

Defense Department Spokesperson Sabrina Singh briefs reporters at the Pentagon.


2:50 PM EDT

Promotion Ceremony in Honor of MAJ Jeff Tolbert

Department of Defense


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4c699e No.21502296

File: 53a27a8c6f2042a⋯.jpg (75.99 KB,912x668,228:167,53a27a8c6f2042a5636ba9925d….jpg)

File: 53aa3f2e5c2f835⋯.gif (284.73 KB,844x633,4:3,53aa3f2e5c2f835be692d78fb9….gif)

File: 53ebdcd03934cba⋯.jpg (252.59 KB,1000x511,1000:511,53ebdcd03934cba1dfa9b35aea….jpg)

File: 054a38129df837d⋯.jpg (103.22 KB,768x850,384:425,054a38129df837d9aa5dc19bf3….jpg)

File: 9d5a4d99ed363f3⋯.png (304.85 KB,709x402,709:402,54ad6e4132f1ef0634eca94ab9….png)

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b99c78 No.21502297


I’m ready to unite with some hot thick busty girls or a shapeshifting reptilian.

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a7b99b No.21502298

File: 718b99e4d2c16cf⋯.png (203.47 KB,598x479,598:479,ClipboardImage.png)





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32cec9 No.21502299

God is LOVE.

His name is Jesus Christ.

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d2b28d No.21502301

File: 2bf6db68f54460c⋯.png (4.95 MB,3100x3092,775:773,ClipboardImage.png)

She's all fiction!

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15496c No.21502302

File: e43be81d40bdf75⋯.png (380.6 KB,608x848,38:53,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 528d4b0c67a47a8⋯.png (32.86 KB,593x606,593:606,ClipboardImage.png)


confirming we got the comms ah' aight

We chose this BOARD for a very specific reason.

We believe in you.

many anons here supporting POTUS in extra big way since 2016

defending nation since 1916[2016]

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c0758b No.21502303


She was cutting him off every single time he tried to explain what created the problem.

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e2e926 No.21502304

File: 72b83654d675435⋯.jpeg (1.58 MB,1170x1470,39:49,Triggered_Liberal_Old.jpeg)

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03cdeb No.21502305

File: 08028961c679e26⋯.png (262.75 KB,474x311,474:311,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff279c3180c09bc⋯.png (156.69 KB,462x253,42:23,ClipboardImage.png)

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1bf956 No.21502306


you're getting me to practice my intuation AND politicka at the SAME TIME

go again I'll be right back

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2b85a4 No.21502307


Over the target.

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69e368 No.21502308

File: 776221816ef6945⋯.png (1.56 MB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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90aa1c No.21502309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>army is faggot.

no, Navy ….

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cc619a No.21502312


Very notable

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4a0293 No.21502313

File: e8ce49ac1a3823d⋯.png (1.6 MB,750x1334,375:667,65A097C9_3C5D_442C_9FAE_06….png)

File: 7502aafc512b96e⋯.png (336.37 KB,690x2566,345:1283,B49C5B5D_37ED_43D8_B914_CC….png)

File: cb8dee4aacf6dde⋯.png (1.11 MB,690x3024,115:504,52EFC26D_7CE2_48DD_8CA1_66….png)

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32cec9 No.21502315

Anons, POTUS is with us, and against the CENSORSHIP here, as you saw. We are together.

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82de47 No.21502317



Surely religion isn’t a mechanism of control.

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d2b28d No.21502318

File: 03013af68fb2641⋯.png (473.9 KB,652x574,326:287,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 488a012359a32e4⋯.png (1.21 MB,1200x670,120:67,ClipboardImage.png)

Simply Bitcoin


JUST IN: Trump will announce a plan later today to make the U.S. the #Bitcoin capital of the world. 🙌

9:34 AM • Aug 29, 2024


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5f9598 No.21502319


kek, but catchy

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a7b99b No.21502320

File: 80f81d75a4da08d⋯.png (100.34 KB,598x556,299:278,ClipboardImage.png)


NEW: ICE Boston has arrested an Ecuadorian illegal alien who was charged in Massachusetts last month w/ two counts of aggravated child rape, indecent assault & battery, & distributing obscene material to a minor. ICE arrested him in North Dartmouth, MA.


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8de05f No.21502322


WTF took so long. Drop the nukes!!!

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1bf956 No.21502324


its James bond apparently according to Google

idk who ron paul really is but I know anime is my life.

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c0758b No.21502325



>every halfwit

Now they can learn why they are halfwitted.

And who halfwitted them.

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c8060b No.21502326

File: 073a791c969da68⋯.jpg (364.8 KB,586x871,586:871,It_s_a_Danger.jpg)

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5f9598 No.21502327


so Jesus kills the babies of those that do not submit.

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b3ba74 No.21502328


Bitcoin capital? Now all the Bitcoins are going to move here and take our Jobs too. FFS.

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e9e075 No.21502329

File: 8acbe1861cef0f6⋯.jpeg (22.25 KB,210x233,210:233,F39883D3_4AD3_45F0_8469_3….jpeg)

File: 924b09ecf5743ec⋯.jpeg (89.8 KB,390x389,390:389,3367EDBA_3C21_48B8_BCFE_5….jpeg)

File: 17f95736f278ad1⋯.jpeg (77.66 KB,828x624,69:52,E5E3ED96_5708_4428_8081_A….jpeg)

File: 6e701c633bfe915⋯.jpeg (321.67 KB,828x646,414:323,1467612B_F98F_4AA4_B07E_C….jpeg)

File: 6a3d695a389bf3a⋯.jpeg (187.68 KB,828x546,138:91,ED707F8A_B115_4154_BAED_A….jpeg)

Deepstate Dumfucks, get your fuckin shit and GTFO.

No pension,

Zero muthafuckahs .


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be489a No.21502330

File: b8801caae08ee75⋯.png (154.51 KB,495x480,33:32,pepe_roll_eyes.png)


Don't worry, the dems will release him soon…

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32cec9 No.21502331

You don't like the Bible?

You have a problem with GOD?

You are offended by Jesus Christ?


Sane people of Faith do not rage on one another, regardless of their creed. Get sane or GTFO.

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d2b28d No.21502332

File: 6d1e264ec556e1c⋯.png (457.07 KB,768x761,768:761,ClipboardImage.png)

Massive debate choke incoming

ABC News rejects Kamala Harris’ last-minute bid to change Trump debate rules, will keep muted mics


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1b9a15 No.21502333

File: 719b54a3f5e8766⋯.jpg (133.2 KB,969x463,969:463,Economic_Cycle.jpg)

File: 84486ea9dd55fa0⋯.jpg (136.32 KB,969x463,969:463,Economic_Cycle_You_Are_Her….jpg)


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17fe51 No.21502334

File: 64e363151c51277⋯.png (516.17 KB,781x515,781:515,2018_11_03_21_06_42_you_ow….png)

File: 556e4f5f17d298a⋯.jpg (226.39 KB,731x770,731:770,2018_11_23_18_48_23_16_qre….jpg)

File: 8a76e7298847f0c⋯.jpg (274.58 KB,1017x680,1017:680,2018_11_25_20_22_35_17_qre….jpg)

File: fcf10a41969bb1d⋯.jpg (92.18 KB,393x353,393:353,2018_11_26_10_08_12_that_s….jpg)

File: 42624e67cbc0a76⋯.jpg (343.44 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening60.jpg)

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a7b99b No.21502335

File: 10b1e9cc91fcdf4⋯.png (93.3 KB,793x684,793:684,ClipboardImage.png)

Migrants attempt to board school buses in East County


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32cec9 No.21502336


Evil is Stupid.

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8017a1 No.21502337

Fuck Q! (And Melania)

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54627d No.21502338



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5f9598 No.21502340


fuck off baby killer.

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32cec9 No.21502341


Only Fearful FOOLS DO THAT.

Evil is DUMB.

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502c90 No.21502342


Insane in the membrane!

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d2b28d No.21502343

File: e14e00aad2922b7⋯.png (1.23 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

We have the best Kennedy. Don't we folks?

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be489a No.21502344

File: 5c4f09e35d5705d⋯.png (163.46 KB,421x400,421:400,pepe_thumb_up.png)


>people of Faith do not rage on one another



Not very Christian of you…

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32cec9 No.21502345

You don't like Q?

You hate America?

You censor Anons?


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e9e075 No.21502346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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035827 No.21502347


My money is on they are Pro-Hamas

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32cec9 No.21502348


SAUCE? Biblical. Learn.

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1bf956 No.21502349


grumbles in latin

I was gonna say Alex Jones but then I was like no its not cause Alex is Trumps friend

But I did have an idea it was related I don't know the Flynn dude or whoever said I am a humble student QResearch

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e9e075 No.21502351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Deepstate Dumbfucks are fuckin history, nuthin left but fear and the horrific demise.

Cunts, stupd and horrible piece of shit idiot cunts.

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91a5f4 No.21502352


Rome was destroyed in a day.

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a7b99b No.21502353

File: 380b5a76ff8800e⋯.png (245.32 KB,502x780,251:390,ClipboardImage.png)

Left-wing dark money giants boost legal group assisting fringe anti-Israel activists


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1b9a15 No.21502354


Uh, I don't want a digital currency. I though Trump supported keeping cash.

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32cec9 No.21502355

These FOOLS have never read the Bible. They HATE the Bible. Therefore, they cannot shill against the Bible. MORONS. WEAK. FAILURES.


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7dd94f No.21502356

File: 3981aecd4f5c68f⋯.png (519.03 KB,746x799,746:799,Shit_post_gold.png)

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15496c No.21502357

File: 1e28c6d3474fb15⋯.png (424.93 KB,1356x913,1356:913,ClipboardImage.png)

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91a5f4 No.21502358


Deep state is a PsyOp

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32cec9 No.21502359

Patriots are smart because they esteem RIGHT OVER WRONG.

Evil is DUMB!!!

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1bf956 No.21502361


are you hitting on me or trying to threaten me I can't tell

we 888888888 a um Nuke one time early on the sent one and we sent it to antoher "timeline" or someshit.

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91a5f4 No.21502362


I thought we were doing Gold standard?

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e9e075 No.21502363

Worked at Langley?


Dig ditches fuckface.


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32cec9 No.21502364



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5f9598 No.21502365


the baby killer is still crying.

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801d58 No.21502367

File: d08ba890d5c9861⋯.png (393.94 KB,509x566,509:566,Screenshot_2024_08_16_at_1….png)


knee pads is dying to say this one liner..

with mics muted she will not be able to do so, or she might still try it, but it won't go over

i just hope she cackles a few times

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832be9 No.21502368


hes for abortion, so no from me

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d2b28d No.21502369

File: 8aa93a762e98aa7⋯.png (378.26 KB,639x517,639:517,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a55e5df23a3fe3e⋯.mp4 (6.52 MB,640x360,16:9,Donald_Trump_Agent_007_.mp4)

Donald Trump…Agent 007


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32cec9 No.21502370

Respect our POTUS.

Respect our PATRIOTS.


Enjoy that dumpster.. it's where you're going.

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b1c00e No.21502372

File: 74e1504508a66f0⋯.png (272.01 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9fc4c08fe4c7da⋯.png (795.54 KB,970x545,194:109,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32675ad34ef15a3⋯.png (1.02 MB,970x647,970:647,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c74d0542b56b097⋯.png (571.89 KB,970x545,194:109,ClipboardImage.png)

Archaeologists find huge, 2,500-year-old Egyptian astronomy observatory

August 29, 2024

An apparent record-breaking ancient astronomy "observatory," complete with a sundial, was uncovered recently during a temple dig in the old capital of lower Egypt.

The mud-brick temple building was found in a larger complex known now as the Temple of Buto, but which was named after Wadjet during the sixth century BCE, from which it dates.

(Buto is a later Greek name for the ancient Egyptian Wadjet, according to the Wiley Online Library, and "Wadjet" has various spelling variations in English.)

The building sprawls over a quarter of an acre (850 square meters), making it the first — and largest — observatory building of the sixth century BCE, according to investigators.

It was used to "observe and record astronomical observations and the movement of the sun and stars," according to Egypt's Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities (translation from Arabic provided by Google.)

Temple astronomers of that era performed their work at an unstable time, during the transition to the late phase of Egyptian pharaonic power in which many foreign rulers took the throne.

The newly found observatory is part of a larger dig in modern-day Tell el-Faraeen, roughly 50 miles (80 kilometers) east of Alexandria.

As the archaeology work progresses, the investigators said they expect to learn how the ancient Egyptians performed astronomy, using tools slowly being analyzed as they are uncovered.

A notable newfound tool was a "sloping stone sundial" that measured time by the movements of the sun.

The temple building itself faced east, the direction from which the sun rises.

Inside the building, the team found construction features that also suggested alignments with the sun.

Three stone blocks on the ground, for example, were used to "take measurements of the sun's location."

Another set of five flat limestone blocks mounted on long (16-foot, or 4.8 m) slabs had inclined lines "used to measure the inclinations of the sun and shadow, and to monitor the movement of the sun during daylight hours," the ministry wrote.

Also found was a possible observatory tower built of stone, a stone platform in a large hall with inscriptions of sunrises and sunsets, and miscellaneous inscription measurements "indicating time and astronomy," the statement said.

The hall was also festooned with images of deities linked with the sky.

For example, Horus (as a falcon) typically has a right eye symbolizing either the sun or the "morning star" Venus, while his left eye symbolizes the moon or "evening star" (also Venus, in its setting phase), according to Britannica.

Horus is the son of Wadjet, the protector goddess of Lower Egypt after whom the temple is named, according to Britannica.

Sometimes Wadjet and the deity Nekhbet, who represents Upper Egypt, are represented as an ensemble on the pharaonic jeweled crown or diadem, symbolizing how the pharaoh united both Upper and Lower Egypt.

Wadjet/Buto is well-attested in history, including mentions in works by Herodotus. Herodotus was a fifth-century chronicler of events known today as one of the first historians.

(Herodotus has complex origins, having been born in Anatolia under the Persian Empire, but then probably living in Athens and becoming a citizen of Thurii, an Athenian colony located in modern-day Italy.)

Smaller finds on the temple site include a beaded necklace known as a Menat, tablets with offerings, amphorae covers and pottery believed to be used for both temple rituals and the needs of everyday life.

The current phase of ministry digs in the area in and around the Buto complex date back to at least 2018, according to news reports.


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be489a No.21502373

File: 8bcebf82182ae7c⋯.png (426.77 KB,500x595,100:119,ClipboardImage.png)

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32cec9 No.21502374

Anons requested a CLEAN HOUSE.

Anons are being given a CLEAN HOUSE.

Anons fought and fight for their CLEAN HOUSE.

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e9e075 No.21502375

File: 5c5f0db44d9d8af⋯.gif (374.41 KB,640x360,16:9,86907D8A_D5AC_452C_AA14_50….gif)

File: 0290378d775802c⋯.gif (849.46 KB,200x200,1:1,378B6B75_1B07_46B2_91F9_46….gif)

File: 7de17995aeb746e⋯.gif (1.16 MB,200x261,200:261,140C2F8B_DD70_4503_AAA9_B8….gif)

File: 4e5ce4caabef36e⋯.gif (913.35 KB,400x288,25:18,4C76B988_AF6B_4B09_B875_A4….gif)

Alphabet DeepFucks, it's over.


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5f9598 No.21502376


is that where you dispose of the babies you kill

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32cec9 No.21502378

Filth has no place or power here and it's going to be removed. All varieties.

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1bf956 No.21502380


wanna play explain the meme one from me one form you?

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515577 No.21502381

File: dbca357b1ec2218⋯.png (167.92 KB,583x579,583:579,ClipboardImage.png)


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4c699e No.21502382

File: 56c451100174ce1⋯.jpg (487.47 KB,1103x828,1103:828,2018_11_26_11_42_48_qresea….jpg)

File: 58aa5d5bcd9a5cd⋯.jpg (284.07 KB,1857x997,1857:997,2018_11_26_11_51_05_1_qres….jpg)

File: a561cd2f6b9af6d⋯.jpg (225.59 KB,598x599,598:599,2018_11_26_12_26_37_27_qre….jpg)

File: f5e12c23f230f6f⋯.jpg (411.5 KB,883x842,883:842,2018_11_26_12_34_32_MAGA_P….jpg)

File: 9a2464eb24a9a48⋯.jpg (352.79 KB,973x549,973:549,2018_11_27_06_37_29_Ahmed_….jpg)

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32cec9 No.21502383



What will you fight for?

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e9e075 No.21502384

File: e7c29427982184f⋯.jpeg (88.8 KB,828x524,207:131,86B2D39F_C108_4A5E_A464_E….jpeg)

File: 21900ab55cb81c6⋯.jpeg (111.38 KB,828x635,828:635,A8DA6917_208E_4629_8314_C….jpeg)


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32cec9 No.21502386


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d2b28d No.21502387

File: d355fcf08d2304d⋯.png (1.37 MB,1080x1169,1080:1169,ClipboardImage.png)


>Deep state is a PsyOp


An existential threat to the Deep State

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40562a No.21502388

File: a47adb4e20185a7⋯.jpg (282.62 KB,1219x1390,1219:1390,1930_adolf_hitler_con_el_d….jpg)

File: fe5d985b96595c0⋯.jpg (122.62 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_42_248974161….jpg)

File: b834cb06e915c0b⋯.jpg (255.51 KB,1200x938,600:469,http_a_amz_mshcdn_com_wp_c….jpg)

File: 0500034eeb472cf⋯.jpg (505.29 KB,3000x1997,3000:1997,GettyImages_77256723_51429….jpg)

File: aeade4d7eed360a⋯.jpg (102.42 KB,1200x603,400:201,a_brief_history_of_the_uni….jpg)

Not only was the Media at large calling kamelclutch, "mbordor czar", the called her embarrassment [ambassador]

Maybe Kar m'ala can be the ceo? But, that's obama's title

The socialist werkers of the world, organized and united!

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32cec9 No.21502389


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739a81 No.21502391


We don't hate the media enough!!

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32cec9 No.21502393

File: aa5f06b1085381c⋯.png (93.93 KB,300x199,300:199,CourtesyCall.png)

Patriots Fight.

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d2b28d No.21502394

File: 780c3b84d5357d7⋯.png (574.56 KB,650x433,650:433,ClipboardImage.png)



Kamala Lied!! who coulda thunk it “At this point, Team Harris is going to be taking an ‘L’ when they finally accept, as the debate rules aren’t changing, or they’ll take an even bigger ‘L’ if they back out of the debate because the Dana Bash/CNN interview goes poorly,” the person said.

Leaked Email Reveals ABC News Presidential Debate Rules, Debunks Harris Campaign Narrative


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1b9a15 No.21502395


That would be good too, the question is do we really have enough gold in our reserves to do that? And what happens when you back a limited reserve like gold with Trillions in already existing fiat? That could actually devalue the dollar and destroy it's purchasing power even more. When we were on the gold standard back in the 1940s to early 1970s we DID NOT have Trillions of governmental debt, a whole globe flushed with endless fiat dollars and money printing.

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1b6f27 No.21502396


Going after her saying she worked at McDonalds isnt the play.

It looks too petty, even if its BS.

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e9e075 No.21502397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Doomed Daffy DeepFucks Destined to Decay.

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a7b99b No.21502398

File: 1efb334335c56ec⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17249561002….mp4)

In a Daily Mail exclusive interview, 45th President Trump explains why VP Kamala Harris is bringing Tim Walz to her CNN interview which will not be live.

#DonaldTrump #KamalaHarris #CNN #Interview #TimWalz #Breaking #News #Latest #OAN


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5f9598 No.21502399


no not nearly enough. They are shit and this thing about Arlington is just a new low so they can say he hates the military etc. Then they complain about memes and how Trump said Kamala got ahead by giving head. Their moral indignation is a joke.

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5269d1 No.21502401

File: 278b1a1e004802a⋯.png (988.16 KB,799x1024,799:1024,5cd00b6fda940248d6eb2ab579….png)

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b1c00e No.21502402

File: 75f5379fce91bbb⋯.png (741.89 KB,1090x1008,545:504,ClipboardImage.png)


Can we make a city like El Salvador?


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e9e075 No.21502404

File: 329e157d516858b⋯.gif (3.04 MB,480x480,1:1,65F6144D_5D2F_42A6_B087_5C….gif)

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832be9 No.21502405

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5f9598 No.21502406


she worked behind the mcdonalds. I am not sure the dumpster had an address.

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a7b99b No.21502407

File: b95536653b56ff3⋯.mp4 (3.32 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17249485643….mp4)

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296ea7 No.21502409


Right and wrong is subjective

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4c699e No.21502411

File: ee85d8ec6736c03⋯.png (318.03 KB,1055x1254,1055:1254,2018_08_06_09_46_32_qresea….png)

File: 5cfc7ee7a046b07⋯.png (518.17 KB,628x356,157:89,2018_09_17_19_26_00_Window.png)

File: 77739f509d6b448⋯.png (533.14 KB,887x546,887:546,2018_10_08_07_25_20_libera….png)

File: e7899e9b06cb496⋯.png (181.69 KB,546x506,273:253,2018_10_29_07_26_04_qresea….png)

File: 827a5aa6b3e9ca1⋯.jpg (461.09 KB,990x657,110:73,2018_11_27_11_25_21_qresea….jpg)

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e9e075 No.21502412

File: 900fca45d2cb635⋯.jpeg (343.81 KB,828x1095,276:365,A73E968D_FE8F_48E7_AD9C_A….jpeg)

File: 94f093f1332152d⋯.jpeg (158.75 KB,828x594,46:33,3D78AF87_0C75_43AC_B977_9….jpeg)

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b4ce48 No.21502413


Thanks Team Trump!

We Love you.

I am throughly convinced PDJT was telling us

17 died… it needs to be Brought Back!!

1.21 Gigawatts

Back To The Future 3

Our Final Battle


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a7f798 No.21502414

Taped interview

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8b0674 No.21502416


Circle city like Atlantis.

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a7b99b No.21502417

File: 484940d1ae362f9⋯.png (70.78 KB,598x528,299:264,ClipboardImage.png)


The American Constitution is only as strong as those willing to protect it.


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60f07f No.21502419




If you want the raw drops without opinion

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832be9 No.21502420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the BEST is yet to come …

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769940 No.21502421

the first of ten f-16 have crashed in the war with UKR

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d2b28d No.21502423

File: 4c17e42b9dad8ea⋯.png (465.22 KB,647x576,647:576,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ac3e517f919c56⋯.mp4 (7.74 MB,640x360,16:9,RFK_Jr_Exposes_Four_Toxic_….mp4)


>hes for abortion, so no from me




RFK Jr. Exposes Four Toxic Substances in Your Food

I can't believe Fox News aired this.

9:45 AM • Aug 29, 2024


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1b9a15 No.21502424



What would be better is if we had gold-backed notes as well silver backed notes, also notes backed by other industrial reserves like oil, natural gas and coal too. Multi-currency exchanges without centralizing control over those new currencies. Then you could allow the dollar to slowly die as citizens replace it with other methods of exchange, both digital and physical options of exchange.

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c0758b No.21502427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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81a848 No.21502430

File: ce087e347501c24⋯.png (434.82 KB,411x608,411:608,2018_08_10_17_04_11_maria_….png)

File: a1527cbf23bd95f⋯.png (1.87 MB,1788x800,447:200,2019_01_03_18_19_58_Window.png)

File: c6b23aa90a0996f⋯.png (1.36 MB,811x808,811:808,2019_05_08_15_13_50_Amazon….png)

File: 3a3cf3b868b7764⋯.png (668.58 KB,852x408,71:34,2019_05_08_15_14_18_Amazon….png)

File: fb389bf76a4237e⋯.png (1.9 MB,1117x889,1117:889,2019_05_08_15_15_23_Amazon….png)

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d2b28d No.21502431

File: 0a7158d0f6b8872⋯.png (1.62 MB,1373x1536,1373:1536,ClipboardImage.png)




>The American Constitution is only as strong as those willing to protect it.


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009b0e No.21502432

File: 913e56737fc6984⋯.png (289.09 KB,505x477,505:477,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05bce77b664bce5⋯.png (272.12 KB,421x478,421:478,ClipboardImage.png)

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0bd0ce No.21502433

File: 066ce98945b8fa6⋯.png (417.62 KB,716x444,179:111,ClipboardImage.png)

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e66510 No.21502434


it doesn't matter.

you only have value as entertainment…

and thin fare at that.

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e66510 No.21502435


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539107 No.21502437

File: 685ebfc919d9ba0⋯.jpg (118.51 KB,1024x768,4:3,jesus_smiling.jpg)




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e66510 No.21502438

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c91390 No.21502440


Clear out the existing debt cause it’s fake anyway

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832be9 No.21502441


you shut up, i am against killing of the most innocent amongst us

i will always be against it

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009b0e No.21502443

File: d7e9570d3ebda72⋯.png (572.65 KB,644x477,644:477,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82d163b08b48cb1⋯.png (464.56 KB,581x477,581:477,ClipboardImage.png)

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beeb04 No.21502444

File: 5e2edc33fd89199⋯.png (635.74 KB,810x464,405:232,ClipboardImage.png)

29 Aug, 2024 13:30

==Ukrainian FM (whining, crying manbaby) blames West for frontline failures

Dmitry Kuleba has cited Kiev backers’ reluctance to provide long-range weaponry and allow strikes deep inside Russia

The blame for any military setbacks suffered by Kiev lies squarely with Ukraine’s Western donors, the country’s foreign minister,Dmitry Kuleba, has asserted. The diplomat urgedWestern nationsto provide his country with more missiles and tolift any restrictions on long-range strikes inside Russian territory.

His call echoed one made on Monday by Ukraine’s leader Vladimir Zelensky, who insisted that “there should be no restrictions on the range of weapons for Ukraine.”

Pentagon spokesmanMajor-General Patrick Ryder, however, made it clear the following day that “our policy has not changed,” meaning thatKiev is not allowedto deploy US-supplied weaponsto conduct “deep strikes” on Russian soil.

Speaking in Brussels, where EU foreign ministers were gathered for a meeting on Thursday, Kuleba said that “the success of Russia depends on one thing: on the preparedness of partners to make bold decisions.” “If decisions are taken, Ukraine is successful on the ground. If they are not taken, then do not complain about Ukraine, complain about yourself,” the Ukrainian minister argued.

According to Kuleba,Kiev merely wantsthe West’spermission to strike “legitimate military targets” inside Russia, adding that more long-range rockets would also be needed for that. (They are killing Russian citizens, not military targets, so they are lying again)

Kuleba also called on “all countries who pledged to deliver Patriot systems months ago to finally deliver them.” He pointed out that the delays are proving to be costly for Ukraine.

During his visit to neighboring Poland on Wednesday, Kuleba stated that “since the very start of the Russian invasion, thebiggest problem that Ukrainehas had to face has been thatfear of escalation of the conflict has dominated in our allies’ decision-making” with respect to defense aid.

“Don’t fear Russia’s reaction, we don’t fear it… Help us. Give us what we need,” the minister implored, adding that unrestricted Western support would help Ukraine prevail on the battlefield.

Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, Russian Foreign Minister SergeyLavrov, in turn, claimed thatall Western talk about restrictions for Kievand its professedwish to “avoid excessive escalation” is nothing but a “ruse.”

“The West does not want to avoid escalation. The West is asking for trouble, to put it bluntly,” the Russian diplomat said.

Lavrov warned theUS, the UK and Kiev’s other backers against authorizing strikes deep inside Russia, emphasizing that such a decision would betantamount to “playing with fire.”


(FUCK UKRAINE, the disrespect, ingratitude, and arrogance of the fools running Ukraine, is typical. If Trump and the current Congress and Senate see this, they must cut off aid accordingly, because Ukraine willNEVERwin, they are money launderings and all the equipment disappears as soon as it’s delivered.)

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81a848 No.21502445

File: 5424a4d6a8d200d⋯.png (157.83 KB,870x826,435:413,5424a4d6a8d200d7bab7eaef07….png)

File: 376a9695df0a261⋯.jpg (52.06 KB,659x659,1:1,5656.jpg)

File: 5758e45d520434e⋯.jpeg (125.4 KB,846x846,1:1,5758e45d520434e0d43e022c2….jpeg)

File: 98e1d975fa6f5e8⋯.jpeg (81.87 KB,1067x1049,1067:1049,8533b63fda7ed5e052d38b7aa….jpeg)

File: 9048b99ddf18bea⋯.png (578.39 KB,348x634,174:317,9048b99ddf18bea38470d2358b….png)

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539107 No.21502446

File: 982ac34682ec2e7⋯.jpg (32.5 KB,622x412,311:206,jesus_quintana_big_lebowsk….jpg)


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433471 No.21502447


Real smokers smoke Qports

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c8060b No.21502448

File: 441a9b7693fcb50⋯.jpg (371.05 KB,585x880,117:176,It_s_a_Danger.jpg)

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be489a No.21502451

File: 8767931991ef71e⋯.png (430.93 KB,500x500,1:1,Kamala_joy_02.png)

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d2b28d No.21502452

File: a547e563ac6bbd4⋯.png (1.17 MB,640x800,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)


>Fuck Q



Anyone who DOESN'T support Donald J Trump is a ABSOLUTE. FUCKING. RETARD. Facts are facts, deal with it. Trump will save America. Be on the right side of history. Let's MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

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15496c No.21502454

File: 61c09523a0255a8⋯.jpg (11.46 KB,225x225,1:1,hitlerhollacost.jpg)

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009b0e No.21502455

File: f127a0c7baf40cc⋯.png (236.14 KB,506x477,506:477,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b199996f1f67d3⋯.png (395.23 KB,512x471,512:471,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60afa2b4e1da6af⋯.png (587.42 KB,670x468,335:234,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a04d13e0f0c0b25⋯.png (542.72 KB,837x481,837:481,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2b28d No.21502457




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b14213 No.21502458

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832be9 No.21502460

File: 16085d716d92a06⋯.png (54.06 KB,335x150,67:30,ClipboardImage.png)


you hide behind words

you have no desire to go see what horrendous abhorrent practice you are protecting

you dont believe theres a Father above who cherishes most of all the little innocents, more than us for sure

you dont believe, and you will find out as you draw your last breath

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009b0e No.21502461

File: 2651143501c2fa8⋯.png (447.88 KB,703x473,703:473,ClipboardImage.png)

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539107 No.21502462

File: 1f5dcae96f76515⋯.jpg (91.48 KB,940x752,5:4,rbg12.jpg)


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4c699e No.21502463

File: 3fbd5d6a19c67ad⋯.png (1.26 MB,590x799,590:799,2019_10_04_00_02_47_This_P….png)

File: c2e77bcdb3fdec8⋯.png (197.66 KB,347x298,347:298,2019_10_12_07_29_45_Fox_Ne….png)

File: 00fb74fba1a929e⋯.png (401.38 KB,605x336,605:336,2019_10_25_08_50_21_One_Am….png)

File: 55b18e4cec7654e⋯.png (1.36 MB,1396x767,1396:767,2019_10_25_20_23_42_Deadpo….png)

File: 176a4b5ecaebedc⋯.png (928.9 KB,1399x962,1399:962,2019_10_26_20_27_34_The_Go….png)

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d2b28d No.21502464

File: 8c6770095609484⋯.png (537.19 KB,701x652,701:652,ClipboardImage.png)



Full on SCARED retard.

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1b9a15 No.21502466


Well OTHER countries do not consider their US Treasury bond holdings to be "fake" and that's the real problem we have.

What happens when you go to a bank and they say to you "sorry, we are closing down, all your savings are gone, we are bankrupt we have no more money and it was all fake anyway!" ??? That is one hell of a conundrum.

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4c699e No.21502467

File: 35a1626f2da6e3c⋯.jpg (276.82 KB,2000x1332,500:333,1543744316844.jpg)

File: 29b14e5c322db34⋯.jpg (82.58 KB,1259x798,1259:798,35698761631687re.JPG)

File: 81426292295079a⋯.jpg (167.76 KB,1046x1000,523:500,81426292295079a31cd1bd6b41….jpg)

File: 083515992980708⋯.jpg (112.26 KB,1500x645,100:43,083515992980708dc564a08ced….jpg)

File: 293261557864848⋯.jpg (163.15 KB,1000x1500,2:3,2932615578648485d202fee68f….jpg)

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15496c No.21502469

File: 8982330aa1dc1e0⋯.png (414.36 KB,612x870,102:145,ClipboardImage.png)


The Guardsmen will serve with the Joint Multinational Training Group Ukraine

~Godspeed Guardsmen…give em hell!

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4c699e No.21502471

File: 10162e6e3afcd88⋯.gif (1.33 MB,500x293,500:293,10162e6e3afcd88089239b5e11….gif)

File: cd5cb6d4c53e6c1⋯.jpeg (41.54 KB,512x288,16:9,12346c67d3af9ce39ebab8c5d….jpeg)

File: bc51a1520739cdd⋯.jpeg (124.39 KB,1440x1064,180:133,13174d6a7ab3d4b8ba12f4a20….jpeg)

File: 05bbc2d5e213194⋯.png (523.04 KB,611x725,611:725,14717abe0860023b7c9a4953bd….png)

File: 16170f8b3606c71⋯.png (140.02 KB,399x399,1:1,16170f8b3606c718ecc5f6e176….png)

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d2b28d No.21502472



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caf964 No.21502473

File: a11ae3e19d2c5ec⋯.png (310.16 KB,619x821,619:821,Screenshot_2024_08_29_1439….png)

File: 94f8417d37a535f⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB,720x1280,9:16,1obWVMpNACwFWgWi.mp4)


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a7b99b No.21502474

File: 874f6c95536109e⋯.png (433.92 KB,598x618,299:309,ClipboardImage.png)

JUST IN: WHO announces limited pauses in Gaza fighting to allow for polio vaccinations.


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5f9598 No.21502476


is there a reason they are sending NG and not the actually army or something?

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be489a No.21502479

File: 4656fe176fa2ff7⋯.png (140.29 KB,360x361,360:361,pepe_popcorn.png)


The dems made the bed, and now they get to lie in it.

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739a81 No.21502481

File: e2a6bba5bf599db⋯.png (217.12 KB,636x897,212:299,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9eb932487c50eb2⋯.mp4 (3.46 MB,1280x720,16:9,9eb932487c50eb2b09b794b39a….mp4)



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17fe51 No.21502482

File: 4325a3e77653301⋯.jpg (255.66 KB,1920x1080,16:9,4325a3e776533018d8fd54a87f….jpg)

File: 6102bdd28d7818b⋯.jpg (31.7 KB,720x702,40:39,6102bdd28d7818b95ef27f7c12….jpg)

File: e5d21afcb2f9e46⋯.jpeg (53.36 KB,640x480,4:3,6391f47578e5598dad671be90….jpeg)

File: 6445c88d94d42e2⋯.png (91.26 KB,1200x773,1200:773,6445c88d94d42e249a0dd7f807….png)

File: 7b3158046f5d37e⋯.jpeg (92.27 KB,660x960,11:16,6585bd9ffb610cad811414ba5….jpeg)

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5f9598 No.21502483


oh so they will kill off the kids for the jews. So much Holy.

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515577 No.21502484

File: c1d91c300f3f8d6⋯.png (341.47 KB,611x533,47:41,ClipboardImage.png)


@nknewsorg Aug 28

NEW: In first, North Korea registers 13 military submarines with UN maritime agency


Aug 28, 2024 · 8:46 AM UTC


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1b9a15 No.21502485


OH FUCK. They are officially starting another world war! Just as I suspected!

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caf964 No.21502487


Dang it Jesus enough with the Risen jokes and please close your robe

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801d58 No.21502489

File: c82f1302ae9ad9b⋯.png (968.74 KB,732x895,732:895,Screenshot_2024_08_17_at_1….png)

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bc0372 No.21502490

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17fe51 No.21502492

File: 6188acad6dd1179⋯.jpg (60.34 KB,413x395,413:395,6188acad6dd1179b631ea67742….jpg)

File: 6692f81347bc44c⋯.jpeg (45.53 KB,600x574,300:287,6692f81347bc44c4d4fccffce….jpeg)

File: 6921dc471b2d9b1⋯.jpg (104.89 KB,720x1280,9:16,6921dc471b2d9b19af0dc7c000….jpg)

File: 7fc78bb9fc2bf55⋯.jpg (23.62 KB,400x320,5:4,6985c604b702a99cc6391fc31f….jpg)

File: 7626a58e4764cae⋯.png (418.57 KB,604x791,604:791,7626a58e4764caec7122e955ca….png)

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832be9 No.21502495

our Nation is condemned for allowing th practice of abortion

if we were to say NO this is disgusting and in no way can be defended morally then we can maybe get the courage to replace our putrid government

Trump should not have taken this bozo on, for just a few votes??? he couldve won without him and Vance is being treated like second rate to this bozo because he bears the kennedy name?

i thought they were catholic and against abortion but no one cares in this lawless land

all these memes about save the children in human trafficking whilst in front of our eyes millions of humans not even born yet are being massacred and sold to the highest bidder for food

we should hang our heads low and i dont even know of a nation where this aborrhent practice of ABHORTION is illegal because the world is under satan's spell

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b1c00e No.21502496

File: c9f8f1fce05d461⋯.png (290.25 KB,1200x796,300:199,ClipboardImage.png)

Galactic Energy launches six satellites with third sea launch

August 29, 2024

China’s Galactic Energy conducted its third Ceres-1 solid rocket sea launch Thursday, successfully sending six satellites into orbit.

The Ceres-1 lifted off from a transport erector launcher on a mobile sea platform off the coast of Haiyang, Shandong province, at 1:22 a.m. Eastern (0522 UTC) Aug. 29.

Galactic Energy confirmed launch success within an hour of liftoff. Aboard were six remote sensing satellites for commercial customers.

Three of the satellites were Yunyao-1 spacecraft, equipped with GNSS occultation (GNSS-RO) and infrared imaging payloads, intended to provide meteorological data for commercial firm Yunyao Yuhang.

Also aboard was Jitian-A03, the first satellite for Suzhou Jitian Xingzhou Space Technology Co. Ltd.

The satellite is equipped with a hyperspectral remote sensing payload for high-resolution optical remote sensing technology verification.

Hyperspectral sensors capture data across hundreds of narrow, contiguous spectral bands, allowing these sensors to distinguish between materials, making these useful for applications including mineral exploration, agriculture, and environmental monitoring.

Jitian Xingzhou is focused on developing and manufacturing advanced optical payloads, high-efficiency remote sensing satellites, and providing unique data services for various applications.

It previously contributed a lightweight optical camera for the Star Pool-1B satellite launched on another Ceres-1 launch in August 2023.

The Suxing-1 (01) was developed by Shanghai AIS Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. and carries an optical payload.

The satellite will be used by Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) Taicang Yangtze River Delta Research Institute, according to Beijing News.

The hyperspectral Tianfu Gaofen-2 satellite, also known as Huaxiangyuan-1, was developed by Hunan Hangsheng Satellite Technology Co., Ltd.

The satellite will be operated by Xiamen Tianwei Technology Co., Ltd., which will use the data for applications in fields including environmental monitoring, resource management and urban planning.

The mission, codenamed “How far I’ll go,” was the 15th flight of the Ceres-1 solid rocket and the third sea launch.

The launcher experienced its only failure in September 2023.

Sea launches from off Haiyang provide China with another option for spaceport access.

Mobile sea platforms have provided launch opportunities for Long March 11, Jielong, Gravity-1 and Ceres-1 solid rockets.

Chinese language news reports in July stated that the company was working on Ceres-2, an upgraded solid rocket.

Galactic Energy was founded in February 2018. It is also preparing for the first launch of its Pallas-1 kerosene-liquid oxygen launcher.

Launch is expected late this year or in early 2025, according to July statements.

Pallas-1 is a kerosene-liquid oxygen rocket which will eventually be adapted for first stage reusability.

It will have a payload capacity of 8,000 kg to a 200-kilometer-altitude low Earth orbit (LEO), according to the company’s website.

A version with three core stages will be capable of carrying 17,500 kg to LEO.

Galactic Energy will be competing with firms such as Landspace, Deep Blue Aerospace and Space Pioneer for contracts to launch batches of satellites for China’s megaconstellations.

Thursday’s launch was the 38th Chinese orbital launch attempt of 2024. The mission followed the launch of the classified ChinaSat-4A satellite into geosynchronous transfer orbit Aug. 22.

China’s state-owned main space contractor stated early this year that the country targeted around 100 launches across 2024, including commercial activity.

The debut of the new Long March 12 launcher could take place from a new commercial pad as soon as next month.


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009b0e No.21502497

File: e3fec0f7d56a516⋯.png (5.74 KB,294x172,147:86,ClipboardImage.png)

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b107ee No.21502498

File: 205bf4ab2c972ab⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x577,1080:577,ClipboardImage.png)

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af407d No.21502500


Kamala has to have a captured audience of high school band members.

Another word salad!

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539107 No.21502501

File: 6d1ee7e53cc5673⋯.jpg (161.26 KB,1160x773,1160:773,peter_navarro_gty_773.jpg)

why is ng going to ukraine?

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1b9a15 No.21502502


I condone this honestly.

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5f9598 No.21502503


well he is bread, and wine, so he must be full of yeast. That is how he rose, its just proofing.

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f2d956 No.21502504


The statement comes after Trump spokesman Steven Cheung said the unidentified woman, who is the cemetery official, was having a “mental health episode” and brushed aside the allegations. Senior Trump advisor Chris LaCivita called the official a “despicable individual.”

“For a despicable individual to physically prevent President Trump’s team from accompanying him to this solemn event is a disgrace and does not deserve to represent the hollowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery,” LaCivita said in a written statement, misspelling the word hallowed. “Whoever this individual is, spreading these lies are dishonoring the men and women of our armed forces.”


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af407d No.21502505

Kamala quit having rallies since she was caught with fake audience

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17fe51 No.21502506

File: d096e8c44740620⋯.png (9.9 KB,249x255,83:85,60880b2a2d11373a6caa8178c3….png)

File: 16d9f0feb9b92be⋯.jpg (21.69 KB,335x335,1:1,61886d153699385e46d7e42d0a….jpg)

File: 5f1b60af02d557c⋯.jpg (147.22 KB,1192x657,1192:657,62676db3d882f454a3620937a3….jpg)

File: 6c7e66168d86ba6⋯.jpg (28.9 KB,500x500,1:1,063637c798b37811ac08910acb….jpg)

File: 66597a9e69eb4c9⋯.jpg (80.16 KB,500x706,250:353,66597a9e69eb4c95f102a40064….jpg)


untrue, he laughs at you, with anon


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801d58 No.21502507

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)


this is knee pad's picture of joy…

laugh of a psychopath

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d2b28d No.21502508

File: b0e6466406b4e17⋯.png (1.79 MB,1080x2592,5:12,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 850979928982fd9⋯.png (89.48 KB,200x252,50:63,ClipboardImage.png)

Dictator and Supreme Court “Justice” Alexandre de Moraes froze Starlink assets and blocked its bank accounts in Brazil. This has nothing to do with Starlink, it was merely retaliation because X has no assets or representative in Brazil.


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17fe51 No.21502510

File: d9708d93b0c540d⋯.jpg (71.12 KB,800x1200,2:3,2119d694c93514378db8eaa8e4….jpg)

File: cceb25e894ecb6b⋯.jpeg (38.02 KB,500x353,500:353,2485BDA6_E29A_4E46_8062_2….jpeg)

File: a1b4e7bdbc82b13⋯.gif (7.06 MB,584x584,1:1,2518db5a5ce4251447b65e7a6e….gif)

File: 2522abd76f807a4⋯.jpg (21.6 KB,450x337,450:337,2522abd76f807a44bc7179ecbe….jpg)

File: 3268717ddf54ec6⋯.jpeg (18.48 KB,217x154,31:22,2677F1DC_83F0_450E_9873_A….jpeg)

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1b9a15 No.21502511

File: 84486ea9dd55fa0⋯.jpg (136.32 KB,969x463,969:463,Economic_Cycle_You_Are_Her….jpg)

File: f1b7784516d7381⋯.png (340.5 KB,565x555,113:111,WAR_IS_A_RACKET.png)

File: 13e05cf40862f30⋯.jpg (143.33 KB,750x725,30:29,do_not_be_conned.jpg)


They are trying to get the US into a failing world war to blame the economic collapse on, like all bankers eventually do.

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af407d No.21502512

kamala is going around being an inspirational speaker to high school kids rather than trying to rally Americans to vote for her

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739a81 No.21502513

File: 125fde2e98554ee⋯.png (168.49 KB,632x750,316:375,ClipboardImage.png)


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832be9 No.21502514

the third secret of Fatima is upon us, a third of the north american continent will slide into the sea

the waters will turn to steam and the mist will come inland and destroy the people

judgement day is already upon us, we turn a blind eye to abhortion and child sacrifice,

i feel Trump ever shouldve taken a proabortion politician onto his cabinet, even if its kennedy

we worship surnames now? wtf?

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009b0e No.21502516

File: 15ce0a3d07637b3⋯.png (613.92 KB,660x557,660:557,booker_puppets.png)

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515577 No.21502517

File: 811346442a945df⋯.png (363.12 KB,607x532,607:532,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50f7e4d2f32c68d⋯.png (331.96 KB,611x530,611:530,ClipboardImage.png)

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832be9 No.21502519

yeah lets just celebrate we are going to the moon and mars when we are a race that commits infanticide… we are going anywhere

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17fe51 No.21502520

File: 5acf8e6fcee7008⋯.png (341.36 KB,563x405,563:405,7883e05b786d27d4c45225f5ae….png)

File: 028558ad957cddf⋯.png (707.88 KB,554x612,277:306,028558ad957cddfbc182123ce9….png)

File: 36802ce22087b5a⋯.png (157.24 KB,768x768,1:1,36802ce22087b5a592d03c8f91….png)

File: d15d2589ed5a290⋯.png (168.97 KB,512x325,512:325,37546d725dfaec81f9445cc96f….png)

File: 584c76769d2caa6⋯.png (1.28 MB,1895x1416,1895:1416,43775e581cff5355af38d06c22….png)




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32cec9 No.21502521

File: 16a031b08ceb598⋯.png (45.82 KB,321x376,321:376,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 259f9c48b1e7b0a⋯.png (6.52 KB,444x121,444:121,ClipboardImage.png)

Q is with us, Anons.

Q+ is with us, Anons.

Only we get confirmed.

We are here to serve YOU.

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 08/29/2024 14:14:57

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 113046670398347014


May 17 2018 19:20:30 (EST)

Messages sent.


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a7b99b No.21502522

File: b03e142288d2f6d⋯.png (295.52 KB,598x608,299:304,ClipboardImage.png)

Kamala Harris's New Arab Outreach Director Said 'Zionists' Are 'Controlling' American Politics


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b1c00e No.21502524

File: 2764c5ffd31f325⋯.png (743.16 KB,900x600,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Space Force No. 2 Says There Is Risk of China or Russia Launching Large-Scale Attack in Orbit

Aug. 28, 2024

China and Russia have been monitoring U.S. efforts to protect its space assets and are trying to devise ways to counter them, to include a potential large-scale attack, the Space Force’s No. 2 officer said Aug. 28.

The Space Force and the Department of Defense have turned to proliferated constellations to make the U.S. satellites less vulnerable to attack and say the U.S. remains ahead in space.

“Proliferation means I’m now spreading out orbitology across multiple different orbits, so that they can’t just take out one satellite; they have to take out a bunch of satellites,” Vice Chief of Space Operations Gen. Michael A. Guetlein said at the AFCEA/INSA Intelligence and National Security Summit.

“Then through proliferation, we’re partnering with other entities to get just more assets on orbit. That is a significant investment for the United States Space Force.”

But when asked if even disaggregated satellites would be at risk of a “large-scale” attack, Guetlein did not hesitate.

“Yes, I do,” he said.

“How is to be determined, what the impact of it is to be determined,” Guetlein said, referring to such an attack.

“But they are watching what’s going on in places like Ukraine and Gaza, and they are understanding how the world has become dependent upon space.

They’re understanding the impact of those disaggregated architectures, and they are actively working on how to counter that capability.”

Russia has apparently not only been monitoring U.S. assets in space but has also been keeping close tabs on American space officials.

On Aug. 28, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement announcing it has permanently banned Guetlein, along with 91 other individuals, from visiting Russia because of the “Biden administration’s Russophobic policy.”

Other people banned included Gen. Stephen N. Whiting, the head of U.S. Space Command; Lt. Gen. Philip A. Garrant, the head of Space Systems Command; and former Pentagon space policy chief John Plumb.

U.S. officials have said that Russia is developing a nuclear-armed anti-satellite weapon, among other capabilities.

While the Space Force is facing increasing threats, it is also dealing a flat budget of $30 billion—a slight decrease when accounting for inflation.

“That may sound like a lot, but that’s a drop in the bucket,” Guetlein said. “That’s an enormous amount of heavy lift the nation is getting for three and a half percent of the DOD budget.”

The Space Force’s No. 2 officer said the budgetary constraints are preventing the service from addressing “some of the additional mission areas that we think we need to get after.”

When it comes to countering future Chinese or Russian threats, Gutlein said he was hopeful the soon-to-be-established Space Futures Command would help the Space Force field a more resilient force.

“What we’re hoping comes out of Space Futures Command is what we call the ‘objective architecture,’” Guetlein said.

“That’s the architecture that we want tomorrow to look like.

What that does for you is it defines your risk, because the difference between your objective architecture and your fielded architecture is the risk that you’re accepting today, and the difference between your objective architecture and the architecture that you have funded is the risk that you’re accepting in your current budget.

So that really now starts to define where can we go as a Space Force.”

The threat is not just to American military assets but to the broad U.S. economy as well, he added.

Guetlein cited a study that he said found the loss of GPS—which is operated by the Space Force—for even just 15 minutes would cause over a billion dollars in economic damage.

While the U.S. has pledged not to test any direct-ascent kinetic anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons, the Pentagon is developing counterspace capabilities to stay ahead of China and Russia.

“What has become abundantly clear to us is that the adversary has been watching us for the past 20-plus years and the way we operate,” Guetlein said.

“They’ve been studying the way our economy works, our way of life, and they have not only become very intent on denying our ability to use space, but they’ve become very capable at it as well.

And that … should be enough of an alarm that we all start paying attention.”


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c0758b No.21502525


illegals should not have constitutional rights

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832be9 No.21502526

File: 16085d716d92a06⋯.png (54.06 KB,335x150,67:30,ClipboardImage.png)


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17fe51 No.21502528

File: 51619f6ed799c7a⋯.png (195.26 KB,635x437,635:437,51619f6ed799c7a0eca44108e1….png)

File: fef6c7fbedbc354⋯.jpg (119.39 KB,565x565,1:1,53420f474bb6d62ca511fca809….jpg)

File: 53522ef57edc3ee⋯.jpg (357.26 KB,1200x900,4:3,53522ef57edc3eefed935047fb….jpg)

File: 54278a9299b256d⋯.jpeg (119.88 KB,1920x1080,16:9,54278a9299b256d5c654522f0….jpeg)

File: a25457e038c1981⋯.png (978.68 KB,890x653,890:653,55649ac84531464bffd9f0e2da….png)

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32cec9 No.21502529


( how the messages began )

( all pb )

>>21500554 - 09:18:13


>>21500884 - 09:58:56

>>21500941 - 10:04:01

>>21500971 - 10:06:58

>>21500983 - 10:07:10

>>21501000 - 10:07:21

>>21501006 - 10:07:29


>>21500987 - 10:17:12

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9df908 No.21502531

File: 58d9354c3b0d1b3⋯.png (484.59 KB,933x752,933:752,7n765745j7564.PNG)

Donald J. Trump


Just landed in MICHIGAN—Join me LIVE at 3:30PM Eastern. Will be on @RSBN, @Newsmax, @realAmericasVoice, and Donald J. Trump @Rumble, among others. See you soon—MAGA2024!



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32cec9 No.21502532

Patriots United.

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a7b99b No.21502534



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15496c No.21502535

File: 0877f24b3f37534⋯.png (396.6 KB,612x827,612:827,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83def7932d43c27⋯.png (30.03 KB,1739x560,1739:560,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 930a717eb43d7d4⋯.png (19.2 KB,577x347,577:347,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 930a717eb43d7d4⋯.png (19.2 KB,577x347,577:347,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c2a6e6f2921789⋯.png (15.24 KB,493x195,493:195,ClipboardImage.png)


morning light brings heat….because "i dont know but ive been told…eskimo pussy is mighty cold"

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beeb04 No.21502536

29 Aug, 2024 08:26

Moscow has identified thousands of Ukraine’s mercenaries – Russian diplomat

Those foreign nationals will be held accountable for the crimes they have committed, Rodion Miroshnik has said

Moscow has the names of thousands of foreign nationals employed to fight for Ukraine, a senior Russian diplomat has said.

Russian troops have been tasked with “meticulously gathering information” about such people, Rodion Miroshnik, who is leading a special mission to investigate alleged Ukrainian war crimes, told RIA Novosti on Thursday.

”As of today,over 4,000 mercenaries have been positively identified, with all necessary data collected. In some cases pre-trial investigations have been completed,” he said.

Kiev claims that foreign nationals fighting for its cause are volunteers who joined the Ukrainian ranks for ideological reasons. Moscow sees them as hired guns and has accused Western nations of facilitating Ukraine’s recruitment of their military veterans.

Miroshnik insisted that surviving mercenaries who flee Ukraine to other nations would still be held accountable for committing atrocities while being on Kiev’s payroll.

”I believe the information about their crimes will be available in many nations, and people there will realize what kind of people Ukraine is using now,” he said.Many of the mercenaries are violent psychopaths, who went to Ukraine so that they could kill, bully civilians and plunder with impunity, the diplomat claimed.

Earlier this month, a 27-year-old man who fought for Kiev was convicted in the Czech Republic. Filip Siman was sentenced to seven years in prison for looting in towns near Kiev, after a court in Prague dismissed his claims that he was just following orders.

In March, the Russian Defense Ministry published a list of countries from which mercenaries had been coming to fight for Kiev. The statistics claimed that the total number of such fighters, whom the Russian military considerslegitimate targets, was over 13,300. Of those, roughly 6,000 have been killed, the ministry said. It named Poland, Georgia, and the US as the top-three suppliers of mercenaries.

Earlier this month, the Russian Foreign Ministry condemned the presence of theUS private military company, Forward Observation Group, on Russian soil. The firm previously posted a photo of its employees in military gear, claiming that it was taken in Kursk Region amid the Ukrainian incursion there.


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17fe51 No.21502537

File: 987297c3efaf83e⋯.jpg (10.59 KB,255x173,255:173,44589ea5ffa0f7c0fd571716c9….jpg)

File: 9a163620a806542⋯.jpg (18.29 KB,300x404,75:101,045053e51ba3672bcf9bad8182….jpg)

File: 54bfec0f5743efb⋯.jpg (180.11 KB,960x706,480:353,47693f26491f9de6e720c69a49….jpg)

File: 50745c2c9747fec⋯.png (461.61 KB,510x618,85:103,50745c2c9747fecc83ece0eb09….png)

File: 76931a00e1e6768⋯.jpg (58.23 KB,800x466,400:233,76931a00e1e676819407708403….jpg)

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57e58d No.21502538


>The Guardsmen will serve with the Joint Multinational Training Group Ukraine

Monty Python- "You lucky, lucky bastards"! Not

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1b6f27 No.21502540

File: b904be522ab92f1⋯.png (69.93 KB,492x667,492:667,ClipboardImage.png)

We lost another Soldier boys. F


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5ac98f No.21502541

File: c95ab7b7c7933ed⋯.png (177.03 KB,690x2006,345:1003,F4FE2B83_A2DF_4A94_97AB_61….png)

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b4ce48 No.21502542

File: 1b1a5751c4aba69⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB,1620x1983,540:661,IMG_3194.jpeg)

File: 71617836f2e3ef8⋯.png (1.51 MB,1428x2000,357:500,IMG_3128.png)

File: 24dc6b6b8fe7958⋯.jpeg (44.6 KB,210x240,7:8,IMG_3134.jpeg)

File: 06f9e9e8ab33182⋯.jpeg (394.02 KB,1179x1649,1179:1649,IMG_3127.jpeg)

File: e6a6d2449ac916c⋯.jpeg (461.01 KB,750x993,250:331,IMG_5082.jpeg)


Flynn Hates Q

PDJT is rubbing it in His Face!



Operation Classified

MerryChristmas Mother Fuckers!

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!



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832be9 No.21502544

File: 6a496189c14539b⋯.png (88.55 KB,220x147,220:147,ClipboardImage.png)

"Infanticide (or infant homicide) is the intentional killing of infants or offspring. Infanticide was a widespread practice throughout human history that was mainly used to dispose of unwanted children"

we as a race arent going anywhere till this practice is undone

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801d58 No.21502545


you will be held accountable for every meme you post about Jesus, mocking Him

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832be9 No.21502547

abhorrtion is:

Part of a series on



Note: Varies by jurisdiction

AssassinationAttempted murderChild murderConsensual homicideContract killingCrime of passionDepraved-heart murderFelony murder ruleFoeticideHonor killingHuman cannibalism Child cannibalismHuman sacrifice Child sacrificeInternet homicideLonely hearts killerLust murderLynchingMass murderMass shootingMass stabbingMisdemeanor murderMurder for body partsMurder–suicidePoisoningProxy murderPseudocommandoSerial killer Angel of mercySpree killerThrill killingTorture murderVehicle-ramming attackWrongful execution Judicial murder

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832be9 No.21502549

Most Stone Age human societies routinely practiced infanticide, and estimates of children killed by infanticide in the Mesolithic and Neolithic eras vary from 15 to 50 percent. Infanticide continued to be common in most societies after the historical era began, including ancient Greece, ancient Rome, the Phoenicians, ancient China, ancient Japan, Pre-Islamic Arabia, Aboriginal Australia, Native Americans, and Native Alaskans.

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57e58d No.21502550

File: 91de49d45d68232⋯.webp (87.17 KB,1001x1001,1:1,s_l1600_2024_08_28T153032….webp)

New filter installed

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c8060b No.21502551


it's not the gun, it's the stooge. guns are not sentient beings (yet). more backdoor propaganda from murdoch

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1b9a15 No.21502552


…..And who is provoking such a risk?

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644f6f No.21502554

File: 7fc784f45745f89⋯.png (195.06 KB,473x310,473:310,b6a936c5638cb80537922b94c5….png)

File: c21f5a336cf905d⋯.jpg (36.09 KB,495x506,45:46,b8b4832e3d6beb065b0b30253c….jpg)

File: b8c348ac3a03f1c⋯.png (15.3 KB,237x255,79:85,b8c348ac3a03f1ca01e505f964….png)

File: b9a8de59b78151a⋯.jpg (24.19 KB,551x400,551:400,b9a8de59b78151a84c1bb66baf….jpg)

File: ce10a08b34aff4a⋯.png (13 KB,255x203,255:203,b11a45e335fb6d790f5e8a5b59….png)

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caf964 No.21502555


You would think the LGBTQIA2S mafia would want more Proof of Jesus and follow him more, maybe just the gay's

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5ac98f No.21502557

File: 7099a0465ed241e⋯.png (30.28 KB,690x410,69:41,1B2C3C21_D513_4A28_A271_F6….png)

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de705e No.21502559

File: dd427e50dcbfb10⋯.png (699.49 KB,1288x739,1288:739,2334g45235324.PNG)

August 29, 2024

Defense Department Briefing

Defense Department Spokesperson Sabrina Singh briefs reporters at the Pentagon and responds to questions on several issues, including an altercation at Arlington National Cemetery between Trump campaign staff and a member of the cemetery staff.


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832be9 No.21502561

File: a9d51584700fa93⋯.png (308.12 KB,893x531,893:531,ClipboardImage.png)

oh but hes a kennedy, he gets a free pass

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4c699e No.21502564

File: 0eb07e996064da7⋯.png (122.73 KB,688x654,344:327,86198d103d5243a51e31593f1a….png)

File: 8f1cf724621eb38⋯.jpg (63.99 KB,625x747,625:747,89324f8909fa808830450428ba….jpg)

File: 88a28ba401fd57e⋯.jpg (70.98 KB,800x654,400:327,90295aefe3c5a9f8b62457a114….jpg)

File: ea5223cde73559a⋯.jpg (297.11 KB,1920x1080,16:9,522278_nuclear_explosion.jpg)

File: ecdd9dd449a9775⋯.jpg (133.87 KB,740x1110,2:3,528729_natalie_portman.jpg)

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ae522a No.21502565

File: d74ce3e392b6c80⋯.png (1.66 MB,1236x1088,309:272,ClipboardImage.png)


Do it…///

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515577 No.21502566

File: dac0a6e56479514⋯.png (355 KB,613x422,613:422,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07655494fdf9cfa⋯.jpg (25.15 KB,460x379,460:379,07655494fdf9cfa7f5db5de4bc….jpg)

Daily Mail Online

@MailOnline 32m

Breakthrough as US researchers 'crack the autism code'


Aug 29, 2024 · 6:15 PM UTC


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caf964 No.21502568


add Burn that shit nigga

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15496c No.21502570

File: b64e8a3b69a9f55⋯.png (15.72 KB,543x298,543:298,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f1d85 No.21502571

File: 07ca87e13b68273⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB,324x312,27:26,2024_04_04_Starlink_2019_2….mp4)

File: 0de5f2b87c68aa8⋯.png (873.3 KB,1162x662,581:331,Debt_from_Above_surveillan….PNG)

File: f54a1644b68a811⋯.png (24.4 KB,641x202,641:202,dutchsinse_starlink_off.PNG)



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d535b7 No.21502572

File: 08fe7f30d052a4c⋯.jpeg (100.71 KB,666x500,333:250,shills.jpeg)

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03cdeb No.21502573

File: 8cca9b9f38ea88f⋯.png (211.01 KB,477x288,53:32,ClipboardImage.png)


>constitution blah blah blah

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ae522a No.21502574


>Do it…///

… bonus points if you poke the DJ a bit until he changes the song…///

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1b9a15 No.21502575


Maybe, I dunno. Just asking a legit question. China and Russia are really not a threat to us, unless we make them ones by provoking them and escalating our hostility. Just my opinion. Trump's opinion too.

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254c5c No.21502577

File: 74bb8d381d42e01⋯.png (318.11 KB,602x354,301:177,bill_shill_mitchell.png)

File: c66eea4b2d5e8a3⋯.png (1.41 MB,2848x1058,1424:529,flip_flop_bill_mitchell.png)

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File: ef8317745d80946⋯.png (336.89 KB,1268x624,317:156,Bill_Mitchell_is_rupulsed_….png)


"I tried. I really did. I tried opening up my replies to the psychotic Magadonians to give them a chance. But it is just too repulsive. It hurts my head to read their psychosis every day." - Bill Mitchell, 6-5-23

"Gotta be honest. It feels good to re-unite with my MAGA brothers and sisters. I missed you guys." - Bill Mitchell, 2-4-24

"I believe Kristi Noem has made a grave miscalculation tying her star to #ToxicTrump." - Bill Mitchell, 9-8-23

"Watching Kristi Noem on FoxNews. She is very intelligent and well-spoken. She is legitimate possibility for Trump's VP." - Bill Mitchell, 2-4-24


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5ac98f No.21502579

File: 809e947d36acfdc⋯.png (381.97 KB,690x3472,345:1736,C6F96B65_650E_4B36_AC85_A0….png)

File: 28b27ec1898a9f1⋯.png (128.29 KB,1280x1280,1:1,8F4EFB84_CE6D_4F80_92C4_2A….png)

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2be2cc No.21502581

File: c5cb5fd0f580d76⋯.png (620.59 KB,1015x565,203:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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b1c00e No.21502582

File: 997e9c1caa6dbdd⋯.png (11.58 KB,200x272,25:34,ClipboardImage.png)


AFROTC, OTS, JROTC educational development efforts boosted by Holm Center, Space Delta 13 collaboration

Aug. 28, 2024

Space Delta 13’s Detachment 2, in collaboration with the U.S. Air Force’s Holm Center, has played a key role in educational development efforts here in Air Force ROTC, Officer Training School, and in both the Air Force and Space Force Junior ROTC programs.

“Over the past year, Space Delta 13, Detachment 2 and the Holm Center have worked to provide a similar experience for Guardian accessions, regardless of commissioning source.

The team updated both the Air Force ROTC and Officer Training School curriculum to capture Space Force equities and infuse foundational space-related material,” said Col. Bryan Dutcher, Space Delta 13 commander.

“Now, both services’ cadets and officer trainees are exposed to the Guardian Ideal, which outlines the Space Force core.”

Over the past six months, Space Delta 13’s Detachment 2 and Holm Center Academic Affairs developed 13 space-centric lessons for the Air Force Junior ROTC curriculum and coordinated and hosted the first-ever Space Force Junior ROTC Virtual Summit.

“These efforts fostered connections and communication among the 10 Space Force Junior ROTC units, 21 leaders, and 988 high school cadets, building networks and establishing U.S. Space Force culture while uniting nationwide units toward a common goal,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Taylor, Space Delta 13, Detachment 2 commander.

The detachment has also been on-site at local schools over the last year.

“In October 2023, our team served as judges for the Stanhope Elmore High School Area 4 drill competition, observing and judging drill disciplines for 12 local high school Junior ROTC teams,” Taylor said.

“We also had the opportunity to personally inspire cadets at Space Force Junior ROTC units at Falcon High School in Falcon, Colorado, Arlington Career Center in Arlington, Virginia, and Shadow Mountain High School in Phoenix to learn, share, and challenge each other in pursuit of becoming citizens of character.”

Participation by Space Force cadets in ROTC is up, with 319 Guardian Cadets across 105 of the 145 Air Force ROTC detachments.

“In class, they are exposed to three space heritage lessons, including Space Force Generation information within the ‘How the Department of the Air Force Deploys’ lesson, and the ‘Department of the Air Force Commands’ lesson was updated to include details on each Space Force Field Command and Delta, providing a foundation for future officer education,” Taylor said.

Throughout the past academic year, Detachment 2 hosted 12 virtual Space Force supplemental briefs to Air Force ROTC detachments, providing additional Space Force information to cadets interested in becoming Guardians or simply wanting to learn more about the Space Force.


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b1c00e No.21502583


“These sessions included information for cadets on why they should consider service in the U.S. Space Force, as well as information on the service’s organizational makeup and career fields they could choose from, challenges in space, the Guardian Ideal, and space power disciplines,” Taylor said.

Taylor also noted how Detachment 2 supported all four Air Force ROTC Field Training encampments, including supporting cadet Space Force patching ceremonies for 152 Space Force cadets, “Ask Me Anything” panels, and virtual reality immersions depicting the Earth and satellites in various orbits.

Air Force ROTC also had four Guardian cadre supporting Field Training, instructing 2,132 Air Force ROTC cadets in Space Force and Air Force lessons.

Taylor stated Detachment 2 has also partnered with the Holm Center to help build Space Force culture at Officer Training School.

“We provided space-centric experiences for 94 officer trainees across six cohort classes during fiscal year 2024,” Taylor said.

“These experiences included seven Space Force patching ceremonies and five immersion trips where our team took the Space Force cohort to visit the 20th Space Surveillance Squadron at Eglin Site C6 for a day of immersion in Space Domain Awareness operations.”

To meet the demands of Great Power Competition, Space Delta 13 and the Holm Center are committed to reoptimizing their approach to space education.

“This team’s efforts now and in the future, help move us in the right direction to educate space-minded warriors in support of national interests who are intellectually prepared and ready to prevail in competition and conflict,” Dutcher said.

Air Force readiness for any future high-end fight depends on mission-focused training that empowers Airmen and Guardians to think strategically, solve problems and respond quickly when applying what they've learned to the real-world battlespace of strategic competition.

“Developing mission-ready, combat-credible Airmen and Guardians who are empowered and successful in operational units begins with foundational training,” said Col. Eugene Moore III, Air Force ROTC commander.

“Enhancing the education experience of our cadets is essential for gaining the upper hand against our competitors.”


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644f6f No.21502585

File: 3b52cd15d8d9d1b⋯.jpg (128.23 KB,640x480,4:3,83431_1236228505.jpg)

File: d048d4481b5011c⋯.jpeg (75.2 KB,625x605,125:121,83753d69534d61c58e458270a….jpeg)

File: 1352e9a113a0773⋯.jpeg (21.95 KB,255x255,1:1,83891fe02fa1180e3b8747287….jpeg)

File: c2c8024c826c1f0⋯.png (387.42 KB,620x615,124:123,86061fb6e6b08067e2ea48c42e….png)

File: 90158e3f66a9432⋯.jpg (391.72 KB,2048x2048,1:1,90158e3f66a94325a422421aa9….jpg)

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15496c No.21502586

File: 57421efb469b4b1⋯.png (42.02 KB,784x560,7:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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832be9 No.21502587

"Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. once again reversed his stance on government limits for abortion access in a social media post Friday evening, prompted by criticism from within his own campaign.

During an interview with podcaster Sage Steele, a former ESPN host, Kennedy Wednesday said he opposed any government restrictions on abortions, "even if it's full term."

But after facing pressure from his campaign staff, Kennedy walked back his previous statement, taking to social media to write that "abortion should be legal up until a certain number of weeks, and restricted thereafter."

may 2024

Trump never shouldve taken this bozo on his ticket, you cannot mock Heaven who adores the innocents, esp in the womb

HErod killed the babies in the womb so as to prevent the birth of the Messiah

but oh yeah we worship science now, not creation, and we are going to go to the moon and mars to try to outrunf our mismanagement of creation here on earth, yeah iget it now

the only way out is for RFJ jr to renounce the despicable act of abortion on a world stage before the election, as an affront to Creation, a tool of the extinctionists that elon rants about

in fact if all three would bring abhorrtion to the forefront not only would America unite under this banner, but the world would be in awe of the bravery of our republican ticket

but i guess taxes on tips is more important right now


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d535b7 No.21502589

File: 265907149cce021⋯.png (457.51 KB,916x765,916:765,yet.png)


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37ccba No.21502591

File: 6bbdf1eb7834715⋯.png (291.56 KB,512x574,256:287,ClipboardImage.png)

Brazil's 'Darth Vader' Blocks Starlink Bank Accounts As War With Elon Musk Escalates

One day after Brazillian Supreme Court Judge Alexandre de Moraes threatened to suspend social media platform X unless Elon Musk appoints a new legal representative in 24 hours, the judge - dubbed "Brazil's Darth Vader" by Musk - issued a subpoena against the company.

Today, he blocked the financial accounts of Musk-owned Starlink Holdings, due to the absence of an attorney.


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c8060b No.21502592



"Researchers believe the illness [cytomegalovirus] may cause inflammation in the fetus' brain that interrupts its development, causing symptoms associated with autism, said Dr Megan Pesch, the study's lead author.

Probably caused by the vaccines.

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15496c No.21502593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


OMB - How Bizarre (Official Music Video)

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d535b7 No.21502594

File: ccbb89c93ee7e9c⋯.png (479.39 KB,521x482,521:482,rabb4.png)


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c9ece4 No.21502595

File: bf7ca2326733ff1⋯.png (693.13 KB,1532x762,766:381,5432g421g.PNG)

Adam Kinzinger: Trump Is Q


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60f07f No.21502598

File: a52cb1d5feb74d2⋯.jpg (29.96 KB,544x539,544:539,a52cb1d5feb74d203d4a129e2d….jpg)


Would love to see GEOTUS respond to her in debate with "What was that, couldn't hear you with that pity dick in your mouth"

Anon can dream..

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832be9 No.21502600


nice car

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37ccba No.21502601

File: bcf6dbb448334ff⋯.png (367.96 KB,755x623,755:623,ClipboardImage.png)

PLA Will 'Reunify' Taiwan: Chinese General Confronted Sullivan Just Before Surprise Xi Meeting

Chinese leader Xi Jinping met with US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan on Thursday at the end of the latter's three day trip to Beijing, which is a first such trip for a sitting US national security adviser in eight years.

But the most interesting and tense moment came just before that, when Sullivan met one of China's vice chairs of the Central Military Commission, Gen. Zhang Youxia. The top general confronted Sullivan on growing US support for Taiwan's military. Zhang informed Sullivan that reunification of Taiwan with the mainland is "the mission and responsibility" of the Chinese PLA military and that it won't be deterred. Sullivan looked nervous and unsettled throughout the whole encounter, with Zhang confident and beaming.

"China demands that the United States stop military collusion between the U.S. and Taiwan, stop arming Taiwan and stop spreading false narratives about Taiwan," the statement issued by the defense ministry said.


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580e0d No.21502602

Are reptilians edible and as a follow question can they shapeshift into A5 Wagu?

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15496c No.21502603

File: 3da0d6cc87a22f2⋯.png (492.69 KB,685x399,685:399,ClipboardImage.png)



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1b6f27 No.21502604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It started out as a LARP, but got way bigger.

Careful being a schizo drunk as shit on /pol

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b4ce48 No.21502605

File: 21491009b7f3294⋯.png (1.88 MB,898x3198,449:1599,2515_2.png)


All for a LARP, right?

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9109a5 No.21502606

POTUS truth at 2:44 confirmed Less than 10.

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fe1d51 No.21502607

File: deaeba1c6bb2c88⋯.png (688.75 KB,781x1316,781:1316,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f98a1449300e06⋯.png (721.55 KB,830x1237,830:1237,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 2eb072d3617869c⋯.png (827.72 KB,755x1360,151:272,ClipboardImage.png)

Weren't the Krapistan bros just in the news cycle frens?

Just got this from a fren on Truth:

Hey ____ are you on X?

Give me your handle if so hon?

Can you pass this on to the boards & see if anyone can dig on this Krassenstein Bros “humilated schoolgirls” domain registration please?

Dm me any results & I’ll meme/graphic them & post on the X 🧵and under all [their] posts


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15496c No.21502608


Patriots are not Payseuriots

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5658ea No.21502609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AC/DC |Greatest Hits [Playlist] | The Best

thunder from down under


Isa_64:12 Wilt thou refrain thyselfH662 forH5921 theseH428 things, O LORD?H3068 wilt thou hold thy peace,H2814 and afflictH6031 us very sore?H5704 H3966

Isa_66:12 ForH3588 thusH3541 saithH559 the LORD,H3068 Behold,H2009 I will extendH5186 peaceH7965 toH413 her like a river,H5104 and the gloryH3519 of the GentilesH1471 like a flowingH7857 stream:H5158 then shall ye suck,H3243 ye shall be borneH5375 uponH5921 her sides,H6654 and be dandledH8173 uponH5921 her knees.H1290

Jer_4:10 Then saidH559 I, Ah,H162 LordH136 GOD!H3069 surelyH403 thou hast greatly deceivedH5377 H5377 thisH2088 peopleH5971 and Jerusalem,H3389 saying,H559 Ye shall haveH1961 peace;H7965 whereas the swordH2719 reachethH5060 untoH5704 the soul.H5315

Jer_4:19 My bowels,H4578 my bowels!H4578 I am painedH3176 at my veryH7023 heart;H3820 my heartH3820 maketh a noiseH1993 in me; I cannotH3808 hold my peace,H2790 becauseH3588 thou hast heard,H8085 O my soul,H5315 the soundH6963 of the trumpet,H7782 the alarmH8643 of war.H4421

Jer_6:14 They have healedH7495 also(H853) the hurtH7667 of the daughter of my peopleH5971 slightly,H5921 H7043 saying,H559 Peace,H7965 peace;H7965 when there is noH369 peace.H7965

Jer_8:11 For they have healedH7495 (H853) the hurtH7667 of the daughterH1323 of my peopleH5971 slightly,H7043 saying,H559 Peace,H7965 peace;H7965 when there is noH369 peace.H7965

Jer_8:15 We lookedH6960 for peace,H7965 but noH369 goodH2896 came; and for a timeH6256 of health,H4832 and beholdH2009 trouble!H1205


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b1c00e No.21502610

File: 177490c112960be⋯.png (3.07 MB,2224x1484,556:371,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1dfccbaf7dc8f2⋯.png (67.94 KB,668x376,167:94,ClipboardImage.png)

Did Military Black Ops Unit Shoot Each Other Recovering An Alien?

Updated August 29, 2024 9:46 AM EDT

A wild UFO claim is gaining traction online.

As OutKick readers know, we have a bit of a fascination with UFOs here. I enjoy writing and reading stories about unexplained sightings and UPA/UFO/alien legends.

Do I believe them all? Not even close, but I do find them wildly entertaining. I know many people reading this feel the same way.

That leads us to an absolutely insane claim circulating Reddit.

Investigative journalist and author Ross Coulthart hosted a Reddit AMA Wednesday, and a story popped up that is nothing short of shocking.

"Is there any merit to the claim that in 2004 there was a blue-on-blue fire fight between a JSOC unit and a Lockheed Martin Recovery Team over UAP craft resulting in the death of two JSOC members," Coulthart was asked.

His response was stunning. He wrote back, "Yes…And that's not the only incident." You can see the full exchange in the screenshot below.

I have to throw a challenge flag on this claim until serious evidence and exact specifics are revealed. There are five JSOC units and they are as follows:

Delta Force

SEAL Team 6

Task Force Orange

24th STS


The best shooters are in Delta Force and SEAL Team 6 as they're direct action units.

What unit would be used to recover a crashed craft or an alien body?

Logic would seem to dictate it'd be Delta in some kind of coordination with Task Force Orange - a Tier One intelligence SMU.

So, with all of that laid out, we're supposed to believe two JSOC operators were killed and nobody found out about it.

I find that borderline impossible to believe.

Now, the government absolutely sometimes hides specific details of how a JSOC operator was killed, but the truth always comes out.

There are stories coming out now from the GWOT about guys dying the public didn't know the full details of for more than a decade.

However, we always knew they died in direct combat operations, even if specific details were withheld.

You have to remember JSOC operators have families, parents, friends and other people they interact with.

If they just disappeared or died without a baseline explanation, it would raise all kinds of red flags.

The idea two JSOC operators could have been killed in a shootout against themselves hunting a UAP or alien wouldn't be able to stay secret.

The deaths would have to be explained and the survivors would likely never stay silent. Could I be wrong?

Sure. The black ops world is a wild place, but without evidence, I'm not buying this claim.


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9109a5 No.21502611

Time to wake up anon. 3 days.

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37ccba No.21502612

Moscow accuses US of hypocrisy on Ukraine and Israel

Washington only favors the right of nations to defend themselves when it’s convenient, Russia’s deputy envoy to the UN has said

Washington only cares about a nation’s right to defend itself when the country in question is an ally, Russia’s deputy representative to the UN, Dmitry Polyanskiy, said on Thursday.

Addressing a UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine, he accused the US government of applying double standards to armed conflicts. He quoted US Alternative Representative for Special Political Affairs Robert Wood, who said hours earlier about Israel: “No member of this Council, facing a brutal terrorist organization on its border, would tolerate daily attacks and displacement of tens of thousands of its own people.”

Wood was defending Israel’s military action in confrontation with the Lebanon-based militant movement Hezbollah amid wider rising tensions in the Middle East.

Polyanskiy pointed out that the American position “is reserved exclusively for Israel” and “when it comes to crimes against Russia and Russians, Washington doesn’t care.”

The speech delivered by the Russian diplomat condemned Ukrainian troops for their conduct during the ongoing incursion in Russia’s Kursk Region. He accused Kiev’s forces of targeting civilians and launching attacks at the Kursk nuclear power plant, which, according to Polyanskiy, poses a major threat to the entire European continent.

Moscow does not expect the US and its NATO allies to rebuke “Ukrainian murderers, terrorists and looters,” since they claim that Kiev has the right to invade Russia in self-defense, the diplomat said. He urged other nations to learn from the Ukrainian example and not to trust the US when it tries to drag them into its geopolitical games.

The US Department of State has repeatedly declined to acknowledge that Iran has the right to defend itself after the assassination of a senior Hamas leader on Iranian soil in early August. The Iranian government has blamed Israel for the bomb attack that killed Ismail Haniyeh during a visit to Tehran.


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d535b7 No.21502613

File: 1e571f26379ad60⋯.jpeg (33.76 KB,427x231,61:33,crying3.jpeg)



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60f07f No.21502614

File: 1d259bad108989a⋯.png (475.86 KB,683x441,683:441,ClipboardImage.png)

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9109a5 No.21502615

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58bcfd No.21502617


because no one attends unless they are AI, CGI or paid.

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e4bc3a No.21502619

File: af0f49a7f23ea20⋯.png (559 KB,500x649,500:649,72g9.png)

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9109a5 No.21502620



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37ccba No.21502621

Ukraine confirms loss of first F-16

Western media had previously reported a fighter jet had crashed, citing anonymous sources

Ukraine’s General Staff has confirmed that a Western-supplied F-16 fighter jet has been lost along with its pilot.

A handful of F-16s were delivered to Ukraine earlier this month. Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky, meanwhile, confirmed on Tuesday that the jets had seen action during a massive Russian missile attack the day before.

“Contact was lost with one of the planes as it followed a target. As it turned out, the plane crashed and the pilot died,” the General Staff said in a statement on Thursday evening.

The Defense Ministry in Kiev has established a special commission to investigate the incident. A source within the Ukrainian Air Force told Voice of America that among the options currently under consideration are pilot error, technical malfunction and “friendly fire” from Ukrainian air defenses.

Earlier in the day, the Wall Street Journal and CNN reported that one of the Ukrainian F-16s was “destroyed in a crash on Monday,” one citing a US official and the other a source in Kiev. There were conflicting reports on whether pilot error was to blame.

The fallen pilot was identified as Aleksey Mes, callsign ‘Moonfish’, one of just a handful of Ukrainian pilots trained in the West to fly F-16s. His death was first revealed by the obituary posted on social media by a councilman in Lutsk, where Mes was from.

Mes and one of his squadron mates, Andrey ‘Juice’ Pilshchikov, were the faces of Ukraine’s campaign to get the F-16s, giving multiple interviews to Western media. Pilshchikov was killed in action last August


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15496c No.21502622

File: c88eefa8a6f2847⋯.png (51.33 KB,865x709,865:709,ClipboardImage.png)

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54fe94 No.21502624


who's the Chinese chick?

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9109a5 No.21502625


Slide it to hide it is failing.

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d535b7 No.21502626

File: 617f21691e4ac04⋯.jpg (334.7 KB,954x971,954:971,wolf3.jpg)


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a71fe0 No.21502627

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b4ce48 No.21502628



Back To The Future


PDJT is The DJ!

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37ccba No.21502629

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Undercover Video Shows UN Official Admits ‘Terrified’ of Second Trump Term, Doubts Institution’s Survival — Reveals U.N. is ‘95% Useless’ in Maintaining Global Peace


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b107ee No.21502630

File: 0c15cac8516324e⋯.jpeg (330.66 KB,1200x1905,80:127,0c15cac8516324eff4e2fe9fe….jpeg)

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60f07f No.21502632

File: 4e3f670701473a7⋯.png (2.39 MB,983x883,983:883,ClipboardImage.png)

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cc619a No.21502633

File: d8d7a054fc633fd⋯.jpeg (333 KB,1125x1404,125:156,IMG_5402.jpeg)



CDC mind warfare?

>Q calls anons autists

>bunch of terrible things posted about CDC

>these people are sick

>CDC says autism is a widespread disease, get a blood test today

Adds a Completely different context to Q’s last drop

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832be9 No.21502635

the bishops, my least fav chess piece, esp the american bishops serve satan who is enthroned behind the scenes in Gods Church

pray for francis as his mission is one of the worst handed out, course he has to redeem himself for turning a blind eye to the purge of the desparacedos by the nazis and cia in argentina


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9109a5 No.21502636

Save this bread

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54fe94 No.21502638


who is she actually though? gets posted a lot

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a7b99b No.21502639

#26345 >>21502083

>>21502184 LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Michigan - 8/29/24

>>21502188 @margommartin President @realDonaldTrump departs for Michigan and Wisconsin!

>>21502201 LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Michigan - 8/29/24

>>21502229 TRUMP: Fox Polls are Rigged and Worthless!

>>21502230 Army blasts Trump trip to Arlington cemetery for violating decorum

>>21502237 CIA admits to ‘conversations’ over Ukraine’s incursion into Kursk Region

>>21502291 Hinduism’s Sacred Cows---A Jewish Rebellion Gone Global?

>>21502302 @DeptofDefense Thank (You) For your Service!

>>21502310 The Alex Jones Show (03/24/23) FULL SHOW

>>21502318 JUST IN: Trump will announce a plan later today to make the U.S. the #Bitcoin capital of the world.

>>21502320 @BillMelugin_ NEW: ICE Boston has arrested an Ecuadorian illegal alien who was charged in Massachusetts last month

>>21502335 Migrants attempt to board school buses in East County

>>21502369 Donald Trump…Agent 007 Vid

>>21502398 In a Daily Mail exclusive interview with 45th President Trump

>>21502417 @elonmusk The American Constitution is only as strong as those willing to protect it.

>>21502423 RFK Jr. Exposes Four Toxic Substances in Your Food

>>21502469 The Guardsmen will serve with the Joint Multinational Training Group Ukraine

>>21502474 WHO announces limited pauses in Gaza fighting to allow for polio vaccinations.

>>21502484 NEW: In first, North Korea registers 13 military submarines with UN maritime agency

>>21502496 Galactic Energy launches six satellites with third sea launch

>>21502513 realDonaldTrump Repost Elon Statement of Kamala - Undocumented Migrants are not Criminals. #IllegalCrossing

>>21502522 Kamala Harris's New Arab Outreach Director Said 'Zionists' Are 'Controlling' American Politics

>>21502524 Space Force No. 2 Says There Is Risk of China or Russia Launching Large-Scale Attack in Orbit

>>21502531 @realDonaldTrump Just landed in MICHIGAN---Join me LIVE at 3:30PM Eastern.

>>21502566 Breakthrough as US researchers 'crack the autism code'

>>21502591 Brazil's 'Darth Vader' Blocks Starlink Bank Accounts As War With Elon Musk Escalates

>>21502601 PLA Will 'Reunify' Taiwan: Chinese General Confronted Sullivan Just Before Surprise Xi Meeting

>>21502610 Did Military Black Ops Unit Shoot Each Other Recovering An Alien?

>>21502612 Moscow accuses US of hypocrisy on Ukraine and Israel



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a71fe0 No.21502640

File: 1e8b55c97d5d283⋯.jpg (81.26 KB,645x387,5:3,Comfy.jpg)


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15496c No.21502642


Brother Pele's in the back, sweet Sina's in the front

Cruising down the freeway in the hot, hot sun

Suddenly red-blue lights flash us from behind

Loud voice booming, "Please step out onto the line"

Pele preaches words of comfort, Sina just hides her eyes

Policeman taps his shades, "Is that a Chevy '69?"

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5658ea No.21502643

File: 70f81e4ed2378ac⋯.jpg (26.3 KB,410x306,205:153,Chiens_de_chasse_Hunting_d….jpg)


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37ccba No.21502644

Judge Lets Former Democrat City Councilwoman Andrea Cardenas Walk Free Despite Guilty Plea for Stealing Over $200K in COVID Relief and Unemployment Funds

A San Diego judge has allowed former Chula Vista City Councilwoman Andrea Cardenas to avoid jail time despite her guilty plea for defrauding the government of over $200,000 in COVID relief and unemployment funds.

Andrea Cardenas, who had been a rising star in the Democrat Party, and her brother, Jesus Cardenas, a former chief of staff to San Diego City Councilman Stephen Whitburn, are at the center of a corruption scandal.

The charges revolve around their alleged fraudulent acquisition of a $176,227 Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan for their venture, Grassroots Resources, a local government and political consulting firm.

According to court documents, Jesus Cardenas misrepresented the nature and scale of their political consulting firm, falsely claiming it employed 34 people.

This lie allowed the Cardenas siblings to siphon off critical funds meant to keep struggling businesses afloat during the pandemic. Instead, these funds were used to line their pockets.

Andrea Cardenas played a crucial role in this deceit. She reportedly altered information provided to lenders, substituting Grassroots Resources’ details with those of a marijuana dispensary, Harbor Collective.

Her involvement didn’t stop there. La Prensa reported that she declared a significant income from Grassroots Resources while simultaneously denying the existence of any employees when the firm pursued a consulting contract with a local public water agency.


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9109a5 No.21502645

Lots of sickos on the board today. They lost big. Big trouble for bad actors on this board.

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c8060b No.21502647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Obama "I will not weaponize Space"

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b4ce48 No.21502648

File: 211c92c0d289658⋯.png (83.11 KB,898x988,449:494,931_3.png)

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d535b7 No.21502649

File: 027313f193b5820⋯.png (528.28 KB,998x748,499:374,s400.png)

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54fe94 No.21502651


the fuck is night shift?

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54fe94 No.21502653


are you just making stuff up out of sheer panic?

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90aa1c No.21502654

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1d6796 No.21502655

File: 6db2ba759816e94⋯.webp (82.63 KB,700x1407,100:201,azx866Z_700bwpdggdgd.webp)

Democrats really are NPCs,

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24678d No.21502656

File: 0401aeaa851402a⋯.png (25.66 KB,455x583,455:583,ClipboardImage.png)

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b1c00e No.21502658

File: 24f8d8c04c41813⋯.png (508.96 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Former Senior Presidential Advisor Claims CIA Briefed Him On ‘Otherworld Technologies’

Last Updated Aug 29, 2024 10:16 am

Yet another former government official has come forward with claims about the United States having obtained technology not of this Earth.

In 2020, Eric W. Davis, an astrophysicist who worked as a subcontractor and then a consultant for the Pentagon UFO program, said he examined materials that “we couldn’t make it ourselves” and “off-world vehicles” that were not made by humans.

In 2023, David Grusch, a veteran of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), claimed the United States had retrieved and studied UFOs of non-human origin.

And now, in 2024, Harald Malmgren, who served as a senior adviser under Presidents John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, claims the CIA briefed him on what he calls “otherworld technologies.”

“60+ years ago I was provided highest level classifications to lead DOD work on nuclear weapons & anti-missile defense,” Malmgren wrote on X (Twitter) this week.

“Informally briefed on ‘otherworld technologies’ by CIA’s Richard Bissel (who had been in charge of Skunkworks, Area 51, Los Alamos, etc.) but sworn to secrecy.”

In another post replying to a comment, Mamlgren wrote, “Bissell briefed me off the record after his resignation as CIA Deputy Director Specal Ops.

I am not seeking public confirmation status–just telling my personal story. Confirmations will be up to others directly involved, in coming months.”

Those comments came in the wake of comments Harald Malmgren made earlier this year claiming to have been told by rocket scientist Lawrence Preston Gise, the grandfather of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, about “his alleged work on reverse-engineering of [UAP] objects” during a conversation at Los Alamos in 1963.

Malmgren’s daughter, former White House adviser Dr. Pippa Malmgren, has also been busy discussing UFOs, includiing a 2023 blog post and a recent post on X in which she addresses a new book published by Luis Elizondo, a lead UFO investigator in the the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

“Here’s the question: what is the cost of asking “what if this is true?” vs the cost of assuming it is not true and being wrong?,” she wrote.

“Real/Serious scientists will want to bring all our new tech to bear on this to prove things one way or another.

We have to question those who insist on not investigating all this. What is there to lose? Nothing. What is there to gain?

Possibly a transformation of our understanding of reality. Seems odd that so many go to such lengths to dismiss something that is potentially so consequential before we even consider it.”




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c50bbb No.21502659

File: 226679d5eacdfe4⋯.jpeg (343.36 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_8204.jpeg)

File: 59607331aecdb85⋯.jpeg (439.36 KB,976x1024,61:64,IMG_8203.jpeg)

File: 9e2b1c56db69cbb⋯.jpeg (515.02 KB,1366x976,683:488,IMG_8202.jpeg)

File: c908a9ad80bda32⋯.png (2.15 MB,1024x1366,512:683,593C41F0_B9AF_4B11_8577_B7….png)

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c8060b No.21502660

File: 441a9b7693fcb50⋯.jpg (371.05 KB,585x880,117:176,It_s_a_Danger.jpg)

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c50bbb No.21502662

File: 187ff7b5974a381⋯.mp4 (11.22 MB,_8305808553272625818.mp4)

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c50bbb No.21502664

File: 6c67767e0b86037⋯.png (2.82 MB,2000x1000,2:1,92A0BC17_D68F_4159_893C_D8….PNG)

File: add2ecfb70bf20f⋯.png (2.17 MB,1080x1440,3:4,325DB9D3_F4E3_4F91_8675_4D….PNG)

File: f65341294c1fb16⋯.png (518.59 KB,720x540,4:3,BF6557B7_91FD_49AC_A9DC_8F….PNG)

File: 6bb43a40784227e⋯.jpeg (132.34 KB,728x971,728:971,D0806459_53EB_473E_8FA8_B….JPEG)

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5ac98f No.21502665

File: ac5c294024ed48c⋯.png (1.36 MB,750x1334,375:667,044222F5_5EA7_47E2_ADE8_A8….png)

File: 753f537fb2d2c84⋯.png (30.58 KB,690x454,345:227,54AE683B_1DAF_4DAA_8A61_D9….png)

File: d081cb9180f90fb⋯.png (82.09 KB,690x982,345:491,7D32459F_08CB_4CD6_AE44_AD….png)

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54fe94 No.21502667


you are so gay

probably FBI ya

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515577 No.21502668

File: a5310efb456b666⋯.png (230.73 KB,622x454,311:227,ClipboardImage.png)



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c50bbb No.21502670

File: e16d27a3ce5fec8⋯.png (878.99 KB,811x1140,811:1140,IMG_8173.PNG)

File: d542dd644180919⋯.png (164.15 KB,435x470,87:94,IMG_8175.PNG)

File: 61d4ee32c5291d2⋯.png (102.81 KB,554x405,554:405,IMG_8174.PNG)

File: 2af4710ac63b4d1⋯.png (310.89 KB,340x540,17:27,IMG_8169.PNG)

File: 4ecf88411d8fad2⋯.png (563.75 KB,602x964,301:482,IMG_8168.PNG)

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d535b7 No.21502672

File: 1d9f216cf4845d0⋯.jpg (142.88 KB,960x829,960:829,tesla11.jpg)

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4d65a6 No.21502673

File: dacb9eaaa9a9ac0⋯.jpeg (348.96 KB,1170x994,585:497,B7588347_CE3F_4916_9C75_6….jpeg)


Just like Russian Collusion, Hunter’s laptop, the 2020 election, and J6. They are forcing Kamala Harris down our throats. We know they’re pushing a narrative, they know we know they’re pushing a narrative, and they don’t care. They will not stop until they’re achieve their desired outcome. We are powerless. It’s never been more evident than it is right now.

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15496c No.21502675



choice is ours

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c50bbb No.21502676

File: 8b8790e197c3cb2⋯.jpeg (359.44 KB,1367x1074,1367:1074,66148A1D_79EC_4643_8EDE_9….JPEG)

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37ccba No.21502677

File: 7f5a8e7c3b20cab⋯.png (337.85 KB,531x621,59:69,ClipboardImage.png)

11-Year-Old Child Arrested over Violent Disorder in Middlesbrough

The continued crackdown on those alleged to have taken part in the UK riots earlier this month has seen the arrest of an 11-year-old child, the believed youngest suspect detained so far in the country.

Cleveland Police announced on Wednesday that an 11-year-old has been arrested over disorder in the North Yorkshire town of Middlesbrough on the 4th of August in the wake of a mass stabbing that saw three young girls killed at a dance party in Southport.

The child was among 15 arrested on Wednesday on suspicion of violent disorder in connection to the outbreak of unrest in the town.

According to the BBC, the arrests came after 40 detectives scoured body cam data, CCTV footage, and social media to identify suspects.

“Teams of officers headed out this morning to target those believed to be involved in the disorder,” the police force said. “The ages of those arrested were between 11 years old and 43 years old.”


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cc619a No.21502678

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d2b28d No.21502679

File: e4fe88af64c4b9d⋯.png (439.51 KB,768x402,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)


>Kamala quit having rallies since she was caught with fake audience


VP Harris is having a rally in Savanaah, GA with no rally location given. Fake Rally!


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ae522a No.21502680

File: 9181d1e4ef3ad63⋯.png (203.81 KB,494x438,247:219,ClipboardImage.png)


>Thank you baker!


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d535b7 No.21502681

File: 48cb27b0d85a758⋯.png (1.14 MB,739x1021,739:1021,cardboard.png)

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832be9 No.21502682

File: edd7a6f395dddec⋯.png (234.69 KB,617x597,617:597,ClipboardImage.png)


People want to know the truth


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dd1d2d No.21502683

BV is taking out VS, 56 so far, please keep refreshing

@480 or less

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c50bbb No.21502686

File: 6f383157f5eadd8⋯.jpg (246.4 KB,1130x1079,1130:1079,IMG_7914.JPG)

File: 0c1b06861e1a680⋯.jpg (333.5 KB,1130x1358,565:679,IMG_7943.JPG)

File: 265a6a8dc68b77f⋯.jpg (217.74 KB,1130x1270,113:127,IMG_7915.JPG)

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d2b28d No.21502687

File: 73b9cc3c16a5e8e⋯.png (903.5 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Johnstown, PA – 8/30/24

45th President of the United States, President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, on Friday, August 30, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. EDT. Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 10:30 a.m. ET.


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d535b7 No.21502689

File: a6f1459f3eaed8e⋯.png (578.84 KB,614x591,614:591,scattered.png)

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15496c No.21502690

vote red yo!

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c50bbb No.21502692

File: 394090dd0d2919e⋯.jpg (280.94 KB,1131x880,1131:880,Trump_Angel_Protection_01.JPG)

File: 9ea1c9d4babc623⋯.jpg (266.56 KB,1130x1502,565:751,Trump_Lion_01.JPG)

File: 98c980a586794d8⋯.jpg (402.66 KB,1130x1130,1:1,Trump_Jesus_Protection_02.JPG)

File: 01cec263e840439⋯.jpg (227.34 KB,1111x1599,1111:1599,Trump_Jesus_Protection_01.jpg)

File: 15a9451181465a3⋯.jpg (204.23 KB,1130x1694,565:847,Trump_Prays.JPG)

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0bd0ce No.21502693

File: 911f1b82ad8e9bf⋯.jpg (131.65 KB,1000x1200,5:6,wd4h.jpg)

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5ac98f No.21502694


beginning to get irritated, gonna lurk till beer o’clock.

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d2b28d No.21502695

File: c47c835e5e10d3c⋯.png (469.11 KB,640x335,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)


#1 IN THE TOILET: Top 5 Kamala Harris Word Salads

Kamala Harris's track record of gaffes and word salads fell into the spotlight this week after she became the Democrats' presumptive nominee.


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b4ce48 No.21502696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kamala Harris wants to outlaw saying Merry Christmas until we give 20M illegal aliens full citizenship, voting rights, and taxpayer-funded benefits.

Will Dana Bash ask her about this tonight?


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cbb51d No.21502698

3:00 PM EDT

Panel on Scaling Software and AI for the Department of Defense

Center for Security and Emerging Technology



Defense Innovation Unit Director Doug Beck, Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office Deputy Director Margaret Palmieri, and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Director Vice Adm. Frank Whitworth participate in a 3 p.m. EDT panel discussion on "Scaling Software and AI for the Department of Defense" at an in-person and virtual Center for Security and Emerging Technology "Building the Tech Coalition" event, 125 E St. NW, Washington, D.C. Register at cset.georgetown.edu/event/building-the-tech-coalition/

Department of Defense


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d535b7 No.21502700

File: 05f6f6f29368271⋯.png (1.06 MB,820x780,41:39,water9.png)

File: 365333ad05e3c94⋯.png (337.5 KB,448x450,224:225,wave.png)

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c50bbb No.21502703

File: 234488e8cbecc8a⋯.png (1.02 MB,858x1258,429:629,IMG_8031.PNG)

File: a387e6030ea4f12⋯.png (1.1 MB,1266x980,633:490,IMG_8028.PNG)

File: 92006c91f226163⋯.png (3.3 MB,1572x1340,393:335,DAC3AD1B_5951_4734_81F5_EB….PNG)

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caf964 No.21502704

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There was a short version of this video about Rape in the name of God. This shows the Israeli rapist and the person he was threatening. It turns out it was about the guys cows and he was trying to return to his rubble pile that was his house. Zionists are scum scum scum go back to where your from.

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dd1d2d No.21502707



it's over the line, will be deleted.

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cbb51d No.21502708

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3:30 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Potterville, Michigan

Alro Steel



3:30 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Trump Remarks in Potterville, MI on the Economy

2024 Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump delivers remarks on the U.S. economy at a steel plant in Potterville, Michigan.



3:00 PM EDT

President Trump Delivers Remarks in Potterville, MI

Real America's Voice



11:00 AM EDT

LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Michigan - 8/29/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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d535b7 No.21502710

File: 13ee5ecc49eee14⋯.png (547.82 KB,602x680,301:340,13ee5ecc49eee1486e6b7635bc….png)

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c50bbb No.21502713

File: d73f6288fecf80a⋯.png (967.41 KB,800x604,200:151,318643B7_28CC_4EAE_807B_F3….PNG)

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e2e926 No.21502714

File: f3d572526b53f9a⋯.jpg (103.95 KB,1200x600,2:1,KH_Scared.jpg)

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d2b28d No.21502716

File: 0c4bcbcaeb50743⋯.png (498.9 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)




>Just like Russian Collusion, Hunter’s laptop, the 2020 election, and J6.

" briefly " IS THE WORD OF THE DAY!

==Democrats briefly outpacing Republican registrations in Maricopa County

The race is tight, and another sign of it getting tighter is a small surge in voter registrations since Harris took over the Democratic nomination.


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37ccba No.21502719

File: 3770d77390a930a⋯.png (157.23 KB,707x341,707:341,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2b28d No.21502721

File: cbbfafebdd01ebc⋯.png (2.15 MB,1170x877,1170:877,ClipboardImage.png)

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caf964 No.21502722


There is Polio in Gaza the kids can't walk.

No they have no legs.

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728d24 No.21502724

File: 3b4c940a995d7b7⋯.png (1.06 MB,1360x768,85:48,ClipboardImage.png)


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b62a85 No.21502725

File: fc8a036416459b6⋯.jpeg (120.71 KB,1121x572,1121:572,IMG_2614.jpeg)


BREAKING: Steve Bannon’s Lawyers Ask for Early Release. Here’s How it Could Work

The attorney for former White House Chief Strategist and War Room host Stephen K. Bannon has filed a motion asking the U.S. District Court “to reimpose bail pending appeal or to impose supervised release.”

In the motion, R. Trent McCotter—a partner with Boyden Gray PLLC—argues that “every order short of a final decree is subject to reopening at the discretion of the district judge.”

McCotter contends that the District Court should reimpose bail or supervised releaseas new developments in Bannon‘s suggest a grant—or at least substantial dissent from denial—ofthe en banc appeal before the D.C. Circuit Court is likely.

Additionally, the motion notesCircuit Court Judge Justin R. Walker has reversed course on the panels’ original May 10 decision and issued a full dissent instead of joining the ruling in part.

This change in opinion by Judge Walker, McCotter insists,represents a substantial legal issue on appeal for purposes of bail.

Additionally, McCotter notes that the July 15 en banc appeal filed by Bannon saw the D.C. Circuit ==ask the Biden–Harris Department of Justice (DOJ) to file a response as to the “the meaning of ‘willfully’ in 2 U.S.C. § 192."

Such a move by the court is rare, leading McCotter to conclude that this, too, “==signals the substantiality” of legal changes in the case and the potential for the full circuit to reverse the panel’s decision.

Finally, McCotter notes thateven the Biden–Harris DOJ is now acknowledging they can only find one case in all U.S. case law that defines “willfully” in the same manner they have.

Bannon’s attorney contends that this represents a third substantial legal change that would allow revisiting the bail ruling.Should the District Court find in Bannon‘s favor, he could quickly be released on bail pending his ongoing legal appeals.


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03cdeb No.21502727

File: af59d054963f582⋯.png (416.75 KB,683x519,683:519,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f10dbdfe3c0e3c⋯.png (396.13 KB,687x518,687:518,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b117b57aa25313f⋯.png (505.66 KB,661x516,661:516,ClipboardImage.png)

Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed (2001)


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e4bc3a No.21502728

File: b0a8a62d6ca20d5⋯.png (441.94 KB,756x500,189:125,93tgjy.png)

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1b6f27 No.21502730

File: aca04cbdc39dc62⋯.webp (53.04 KB,591x593,591:593,pajeet.webp)


Its kinda true though.

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d2b28d No.21502731

File: 7904b13f7e3878e⋯.png (455.03 KB,522x760,261:380,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 255d75aae1c1188⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB,720x1280,9:16,President_Trump_is_wheels_….mp4)


President Trump is wheels down in the Great State of Michigan!

11:58 AM • Aug 29, 2024


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d535b7 No.21502733

File: bf81e04e7c31dd5⋯.jpg (532.99 KB,585x711,65:79,trump37.jpg)

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d2b28d No.21502735




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a71fe0 No.21502737

File: 71908fc3f2a2226⋯.jpg (108.79 KB,725x431,725:431,goahead2.jpg)


gud old fashioned panic, eh.

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832be9 No.21502738


wheres vance? cant stand kennedy, whats going on anyway? was Trump killed and replaced like biden? is it elons world now? he wanted kennedy for president really badly

he complains about extinctionists yet wants a guy who publicly condones full term abhorrtions?

politician doublespeak

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250f40 No.21502739

File: a3e4fb57628f289⋯.png (734.63 KB,1245x1025,249:205,lessthan10_1.png)



Less than 10 direct confirmation


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4d65a6 No.21502742

File: 1b96b6b5f28c7d5⋯.jpeg (78.46 KB,500x562,250:281,B719F885_0498_4A5E_9E63_B….jpeg)

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e4bc3a No.21502745

File: 204b9f6228b58b8⋯.png (441.4 KB,756x500,189:125,094ngfu.png)

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37ccba No.21502747

Israeli Drone Strike Kills Four, Including Islamic Jihad Figure, Near Syria-Lebanon Border

Israel claims Qasem was recruiting Palestinians into Hezbollah

There was no word from either PIJ or Hezbollah as to what the figures’ roles were. Israel, however, claimed that Qasem was a member of the PIJ Operations Division, and was responsible for recruiting and enlisting Palestinians into Hezbollah.

The car attacked was not carrying weapons, according to reports, and Israeli comments did not indicate why the car was targeted. Israel has been carrying out attacks in Lebanon and Syria at a growing rate in recent months.

This attack came after a late Tuesday strike against a pickup truck in northeastern Lebanon. Israeli sources claimed the truck was carrying weapons. Other sources said it was carrying a damaged rocket launcher being sent for repair.


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a1ec0d No.21502749

I don't like big asses.

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15496c No.21502751

File: a137972732cffd5⋯.png (278.65 KB,430x333,430:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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6b2086 No.21502753

File: 97841c65972ab93⋯.jpg (50.59 KB,606x677,606:677,691f87339146be3476aca09739….jpg)

File: d0d76fabd91d7d5⋯.jpg (240.31 KB,597x846,199:282,saycheeze_copy.jpg)

File: 543ac1c59f755dd⋯.jpg (289.45 KB,827x598,827:598,oldglory.jpg)

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0bd0ce No.21502755

File: c53dd56138974f0⋯.png (522.36 KB,680x513,680:513,c53dd56138974f09877c8af346….png)

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15496c No.21502756

File: 6c578df8f6b9325⋯.png (1.29 MB,830x1200,83:120,ClipboardImage.png)

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a1ec0d No.21502757


>Israel claims Qasem was recruiting Palestinians into Hezbollah

so basically the jews murdered a bunch of palestinian civilians

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58bcfd No.21502758

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37ccba No.21502760

Israel Has Bombed Gaza Into 42 Million Tons of Rubble

The results of unconditional U.S. backing are there for all to see.

The U.S. has sent more than 50,000 tons of weapons and equipment to fuel Israel’s war in Gaza:

Five hundred transport planes and 107 ships have delivered more than 50,000 tons of armaments and military equipment from the United States to Israel since the start of the war in Gaza last October, the Defense Ministry said on Monday.

The Israeli military could not have waged such an intense and destructive campaign without these shipments. U.S. deliveries of weapons have not slowed despite overwhelming evidence that the IDF is routinely violating international law in its conduct of the war. The Biden administration openly flouts U.S. law by continuing these deliveries. This has enabled the Israeli military to behave as recklessly as it likes. As Haaretz reported back in March, Israel’s “reckless conduct apparently reflects Israel's absolute assumption that the United States will continue to arm and finance it.”

Israel’s war effort depends heavily on U.S. backing. Israel’s Defense Ministry says that the shipments are “crucial for sustaining the IDF’s operational capabilities during the ongoing war.” The U.S. has the leverage to not only rein in the Israeli government’s excesses, but to force an end to the war itself. The U.S. can and should pull the plug and shut this war down. Our government should have done that right away when it saw the kind of war that Israel was waging. Unfortunately, we all know that the Biden administration will not use that leverage no matter how many war crimes Israeli forces commit with U.S.-made weapons.

The results of unconditional U.S. backing are there for all to see. The Israeli government has killed tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians and injured many tens of thousands more. Gaza’s civilian infrastructure has been destroyed, its health care system is in ruins, and the people are living in unsafe, unsanitary conditions. Almost everyone in Gaza faces acute food insecurity, and at least half a million people live in man-made famine conditions. Disease is rampant, and even polio has returned to paralyze Palestinian children. Virtually the entire population of Gaza has been displaced from their homes, and the majority of those homes has been destroyed. Bloomberg reported on the extent of the devastation in terms of sheer tonnage of rubble left behind:

So far, Israeli air strikes have left more than 42 million tonnes of debris across the Strip, according to the UN. That’s enough rubble to fill a line of dump trucks stretching from New York to Singapore. Removing it all may take years and cost as much as $700 million. The task will be complicated by unexploded bombs, dangerous contaminants and human remains under the rubble.

The majority of the debris is destroyed housing, and its distribution across the Strip roughly mimics Gaza’s population density before the war.

Even when the fighting stops, there will be no safe place for millions of people to go. The process of clearing the rubble will be long and dangerous. It will be even longer before rebuilding can begin, and that is assuming that there will be sufficient funding for reconstruction. In the meantime, sheer amount of debris threatens the health and safety of the surviving civilian population. There is already widespread environmental contamination at a time when normal sanitation and hygiene have also collapsed.

It is impossible to overstate how completely the Israeli government has devastated Gaza in the last ten months. Israel has reduced Gaza to rubble, and it has driven its people into one of the worst modern famines on record. It could not have done this without the blind support of our government. Our govermment still has the means to end this horror, but there must be the political will to use it. Every day that the U.S. fails to use the leverage it possesses is another day of enabling mass starvation and genocide.


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64cd99 No.21502761

File: 1cfba86349b5b46⋯.png (91.21 KB,776x269,776:269,lessthan10_1cap.png)



Archive this, anons.

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ec8d3d No.21502762

File: 19b64eb3834ded1⋯.jpeg (894.73 KB,1290x1366,645:683,IMG_6849.jpeg)


CNN: Trump inciting violence by retruthing Qanon memes


PREDICTION: [They] are setting the stage to frame MAGA for a possible vio~lent FF attack against the HarryBalz campaign. [They] may be planning to martyr Kamala and then install Hillary to command the retaliatory vengeance campaign against MAGA voters post stolen election. I hope I’m wrong, but we have to think like the enemy who is now backed into a corner.

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ae522a No.21502763



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4cd4d9 No.21502765


A prophet is not someone who speaks prophetically.

Nor is a prophet someone who makes a profit.

A true prophet is one who leaves a profit.

For those that have ears hear.

But those that have intellect, will listen.

Silence is Golden


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5269d1 No.21502766

File: e893a1e244d087b⋯.jpg (36.5 KB,872x720,109:90,e893a1e244d087bfcb6308f294….jpg)


Big butts are a psyop.

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e4bc3a No.21502768

File: dd26076816d3d80⋯.png (440.09 KB,756x500,189:125,96fd2.png)

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832be9 No.21502769

File: edd7a6f395dddec⋯.png (234.69 KB,617x597,617:597,ClipboardImage.png)

i feel like elon is this close to spilling the beans about the boys in the brazil …

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1b6f27 No.21502772

File: 4e2bcd52de505d4⋯.png (6.22 KB,245x227,245:227,ClipboardImage.png)

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832be9 No.21502774


i change my answer from Paul to Peter

P is for Peter

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d2b28d No.21502775

File: 1df5ba95b25fa58⋯.png (652.59 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 948a6e28fd1c6f6⋯.png (266.21 KB,582x734,291:367,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f83f8bb861e87ed⋯.mp4 (12.86 MB,640x360,16:9,UN_s_Globalist_Elite_in_Pa….mp4)

UN's Globalist Elite in Panic: Undercover Video Shows UN Official Admits ‘Terrified’ of Second Trump Term, Doubts Institution’s Survival — Reveals U.N. is ‘95% Useless’ in Maintaining Global Peace

Steven Crowder


BREAKING: Self Described “Globalist” United Nations Legal Affairs Official Says He's "Not Sure Institution is Going to Survive" Second Trump Term; Reveals Colleagues “Terrified” of His Reelection; Admits U.N. is ‘95% useless’ at Primary Function of International Peace & Security

"I am the definition of a Globalist."

"One of the objectives of the UN is to create an identity of a global citizen…It's a threat to the absolute power of the United States."

"I'm not sure the United Nations as an institution is going to survive a second term by Donald Trump…They want America first."

2:28 / 8:39

7:16 AM · Aug 29, 2024



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c8060b No.21502776

File: a5076529fc306e1⋯.mp4 (13.87 MB,888x506,444:253,_uCBmCIkiQNJ4mrg.mp4)

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15496c No.21502777


a true prophet is non-profit

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d535b7 No.21502781

File: 6853749f12f4613⋯.png (39.6 KB,480x649,480:649,6853749f12f46136d4babe508d….png)

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64cd99 No.21502782

File: 1d731c8c3f481b5⋯.png (19.06 KB,321x265,321:265,ClipboardImage.png)

Less than 10 on_board. First confirmation.

Archive this bread, anons.

>>21502195 14:03:07 (Less than 10)

>>21502739 14:44:25 (Q+ confirmed)

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 08/29/2024 14:44:25

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 113046786218760515

Just landed in MICHIGAN—Join me LIVE at 3:30PM Eastern. Will be on @RSBN, @Newsmax, @realAmericasVoice, and Donald J. Trump @Rumble, among others. See you soon—MAGA2024!


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58bcfd No.21502784



Kinzinger is a giant faggot.

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d2b28d No.21502787

File: e003678208b1036⋯.png (243.96 KB,386x400,193:200,ClipboardImage.png)





>Less than 10 direct confirmation


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37ccba No.21502789

File: 02079afafc4e104⋯.png (356.42 KB,548x533,548:533,ClipboardImage.png)

Harris pledges full support for Israel, pushes Hamas “mass rape hoax” while ignoring Israeli soldiers raping Palestinian prisoners

"I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself and I will always ensure Israel can defend itself, because the people of Israel must never again face the horror that a terrorist organization called Hamas caused on Oct. 7, including unspeakable sexual violence and the massacre of young people at a music festival," she said. "At the same time, what has happened in Gaza over the past 10 months is devastating. So many innocent lives were lost. Desperate, hungry people fleeing for safety, over and over again. The scale of suffering is heartbreaking."


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cbb51d No.21502790

File: 28e3bc555c42ab2⋯.png (116.48 KB,500x500,1:1,Potter2.png)

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d535b7 No.21502791

File: b39982518066b9f⋯.jpg (14.03 KB,195x213,65:71,trump73.jpg)

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15496c No.21502792


For 2 weeks anon tried to get this into notes.

POTUS just screaming Wuhan China!

No BAKER would note it.


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dd1d2d No.21502794

~ @490

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c0758b No.21502795


it said to germany to train

but still

fucked up pentagon

hope they bring a bag of red pills

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d2b28d No.21502796

File: b85f097362445c9⋯.png (713.98 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

Harris Camp Fumes, Lashes Out at Trump After ABC Rejects Kamala's Last-Minute Bid to Change Presidential Debate Rules

ABC rejected Kamala Harris’ last-minute effort to change the rules for the upcoming presidential debate scheduled for September 10.


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009b0e No.21502798


Very suspicious, but what can anon do? (and all for a LARP) One for the admins of the site. IIRC it started when we came to 8kun. Some sort of DNS 'issue/poisoning' - lots of posts about it previously - archived on qresear.ch .

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832be9 No.21502799

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24678d No.21502803


National guardsmen from blue states? Swing States? Battleground States?

Nah, couldn't be.

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15496c No.21502806

File: 254fe8eb9097a42⋯.png (221.58 KB,913x905,913:905,ClipboardImage.png)


For 2 weeks anon tried to get this into notes.

POTUS just screaming Wuhan China!


No BAKER would note it.


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a7b99b No.21502808

#26345 >>21502083

>>21502184 LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Michigan - 8/29/24

>>21502531 @realDonaldTrump Just landed in MICHIGAN—Join me LIVE at 3:30PM Eastern.

>>21502687 President Trump Holds a Rally in Johnstown, PA – 8/30/24

>>21502188 @margommartin President @realDonaldTrump departs for Michigan and Wisconsin!

>>21502229 TRUMP: Fox Polls are Rigged and Worthless!

>>21502230 Army blasts Trump trip to Arlington cemetery for violating decorum

>>21502237 CIA admits to ‘conversations’ over Ukraine’s incursion into Kursk Region

>>21502291 Hinduism’s Sacred Cows—A Jewish Rebellion Gone Global?

>>21502302 @DeptofDefense Thank (You) For your Service!

>>21502310 The Alex Jones Show (03/24/23) FULL SHOW

>>21502318 JUST IN: Trump will announce a plan later today to make the U.S. the #Bitcoin capital of the world.

>>21502320 @BillMelugin_ NEW: ICE Boston has arrested an Ecuadorian illegal alien who was charged in Massachusetts last month

>>21502335 Migrants attempt to board school buses in East County

>>21502369 Donald Trump…Agent 007 Vid

>>21502398 In a Daily Mail exclusive interview with 45th President Trump

>>21502417 @elonmusk The American Constitution is only as strong as those willing to protect it.

>>21502423 RFK Jr. Exposes Four Toxic Substances in Your Food

>>21502469 The Guardsmen will serve with the Joint Multinational Training Group Ukraine

>>21502474 WHO announces limited pauses in Gaza fighting to allow for polio vaccinations.

>>21502484 NEW: In first, North Korea registers 13 military submarines with UN maritime agency

>>21502496 Galactic Energy launches six satellites with third sea launch

>>21502513 realDonaldTrump Repost Elon Statement of Kamala - Undocumented Migrants are not Criminals. #IllegalCrossing

>>21502522 Kamala Harris's New Arab Outreach Director Said 'Zionists' Are 'Controlling' American Politics

>>21502524 Space Force No. 2 Says There Is Risk of China or Russia Launching Large-Scale Attack in Orbit

>>21502566 Breakthrough as US researchers 'crack the autism code'

>>21502591 Brazil's 'Darth Vader' Blocks Starlink Bank Accounts As War With Elon Musk Escalates

>>21502601 PLA Will 'Reunify' Taiwan: Chinese General Confronted Sullivan Just Before Surprise Xi Meeting

>>21502610 Did Military Black Ops Unit Shoot Each Other Recovering An Alien?

>>21502612 Moscow accuses US of hypocrisy on Ukraine and Israel

>>21502592 Scientists discover link autism viral infection

>>21502644 Judge Lets Former Democrat City Councilwoman Andrea Cardenas Walk Free Despite Guilty Plea for Stealing Over $200K

>>21502658 Former Senior Presidential Advisor Claims CIA Briefed Him On ‘Otherworld Technologies’

>>21502677 11-Year-Old Child Arrested over Violent Disorder in Middlesbrough

>>21502679 Kamala quit having rallies since she was caught with fake audience?

>>21502731 President Trump is wheels down in the Great State of Michigan!

>>21502747 Israeli Drone Strike Kills Four, Including Islamic Jihad Figure, Near Syria-Lebanon Border

>>21502760 Israel Has Bombed Gaza Into 42 Million Tons of Rubble

>>21502762 CNN: Trump inciting violence by retruthing Qanon memes?



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7fdd42 No.21502809


Lulz. Muh every poll I’m not winning is rigged but the ones I’m winning are legit. His shit is really old and tiresome

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832be9 No.21502811


boys from brazil

lots of visual messages throughout the film

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6b2c6d No.21502813

File: 62a907ce448036c⋯.jpg (18.11 KB,255x241,255:241,MAGA_said_Piglet.jpg)

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d2b28d No.21502816

File: 9779fadc737c14a⋯.png (426.59 KB,521x519,521:519,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e04d1fb72f01f5⋯.mp4 (3.54 MB,640x360,16:9,California_parents_speak_o….mp4)

California parents speak out after a mob of illegals tried to hijack their kid's bus: "There was a lot of them… really scary" It happened TWICE this week.

End Wokeness


California parents speak out after a mob of illegals tried to hijack their kid's bus:

"There was a lot of them… really scary"

It happened TWICE this week.

12:13 PM • Aug 29, 2024


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37ccba No.21502820

Truth bombs 💣 Truth bombs: 🇨🇦 | Former CBC reporter Marianna Klowak admits that the media manipulated citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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515577 No.21502822

File: ff8b872f4872bed⋯.png (365.56 KB,622x467,622:467,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online

@MailOnline 1h

Archaeologists in Jerusalem discover 3,000-year-old personal item which may have 'belonged to warrior from the Bible'


Aug 29, 2024 · 5:17 PM UTC


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832be9 No.21502825



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dd1d2d No.21502826


Baker, let me know if you want to bake b4 751, since notes are full

Bread's around @500-510

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e4bc3a No.21502828

File: ba28a7b5d0e7566⋯.png (675.03 KB,888x499,888:499,06t3q.png)

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c0758b No.21502830



it's free

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c50bbb No.21502831

File: 9896cfe1ded5f27⋯.jpeg (703.31 KB,1171x1090,1171:1090,IMG_8209.jpeg)

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832be9 No.21502833

mengele lived in the suburb of florida in buenos aires and even had his real name on the door

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c50bbb No.21502834

File: 7f6ff7d0bf2ca29⋯.jpeg (195.7 KB,1131x1123,1131:1123,IMG_8210.jpeg)

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c50bbb No.21502838

File: deba7a6ac9dc792⋯.jpeg (147.99 KB,801x641,801:641,IMG_8207.jpeg)

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832be9 No.21502839

mengele was sighted on july 23 1962 outside of sao paolo brazil

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15496c No.21502842

File: 2b7513968eec482⋯.png (3.13 MB,1500x1000,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

POTUS up in a few minutes…standby for happiness…let me hear your happiness!

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515577 No.21502843

File: f8d06a486170d21⋯.jpg (100.68 KB,986x1009,986:1009,media_GVoQ2h3XkAA8m3O.jpg)

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d2b28d No.21502844









>Less than 10 direct confirmation


>Less than 10 on_board. First confirmation.


>Harris Camp Fumes, Lashes Out at Trump After ABC Rejects Kamala's Last-Minute Bid to Change Presidential Debate Rules


UN's Globalist Elite in Panic: Undercover Video Shows UN Official Admits ‘Terrified’ of Second Trump Term, Doubts Institution’s Survival — Reveals U.N. is ‘95% Useless’ in Maintaining Global Peace


California parents speak out after a mob of illegals tried to hijack their kid's bus: "There was a lot of them… really scary" It happened TWICE this week.


Archaeologists in Jerusalem discover 3,000-year-old personal item which may have 'belonged to warrior from the Bible'



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6b2086 No.21502847

File: 89e5fe2f497ea9d⋯.jpg (53.6 KB,606x677,606:677,691f87339146be3476aca09739….jpg)

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7fdd42 No.21502848


Hmmmm that’s weird innit

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1b6f27 No.21502849


I have a hard time believing the bread eater is Q.

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86aa0a No.21502850


Sanctuary is a medieval Catholic device.

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832be9 No.21502853

the question is always the same:

who is good

who is evil

discernment is needed and why we are even in this simulation that we asked for

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6fe41c No.21502854

File: e0d285ffea05244⋯.jpg (113.48 KB,634x753,634:753,c8ceba01ff6b69da8b470eb559….jpg)


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36d963 No.21502857


Does anyone know what Ebola looks like? Is it always a powder or can it solidify on trees and bushes, because we have noticed there are white mounds on our trees. Could be a fungus but those usually take time to accumulate, this seems recent.

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728d24 No.21502858

File: 88edb744d734f92⋯.png (647.04 KB,905x509,905:509,ClipboardImage.png)

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d535b7 No.21502862

File: 270742f715b863b⋯.jpeg (224.74 KB,1130x1088,565:544,270742f715b863b8ff97d2964….jpeg)

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d2b28d No.21502864

File: a928da4d1d47f74⋯.png (198.26 KB,650x762,325:381,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6984a0fc7f0ff62⋯.png (319.26 KB,441x814,441:814,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 042313b7e96cf7f⋯.png (547.19 KB,680x428,170:107,ClipboardImage.png)



BREAKING: The DOJ is in PANIC mode that Wisconsin towns Thornapple and Lawrence have chosen to count their 2024 election ballots by hand without the use of electronic voting machines.

Merrick Garland's mafia sent a letter to the town officials, THREATENING them by “authorizing the filing of a lawsuit” unless they complied.

The Feds are trying to claim that the ONLY way disabled voters can vote is with a voting machine, which is next-level INSANITY. Apparently, no disabled people could vote before electronic voting machines were invented. In reality, they're going after these towns because they're setting an example for the rest of the country to follow

It also seems there's a coordinated effort between the DOJ and a disability rights NGO because they're arriving on the same battlefield against these towns together, “By ceasing to use electronic voting equipment and, instead, exclusively using paper ballots completed and tabulated by hand, Respondents are no longer using voting systems that are accessible for individuals with disabilities in a manner that provides the same opportunity for access and participation (including privacy and independence) as for other voters,” - Disability Rights Wisconsin in a complaint to the DOJ

Ask yourself this: Why do Democrats think towns with fewer than a thousand living in them need voting machines to count ballots? Why is the DOJ going scorched earth to make sure they use the machines?

11:57 AM · Aug 29, 2024


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7fdd42 No.21502866


Keep slurping his knob no matter what tho or you’ll be called a shill

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37ccba No.21502868

File: 1fd4b4c9f5ba660⋯.png (134.34 KB,1041x594,347:198,ClipboardImage.png)

FBI has mishandled reporting of child sexual abuse investigations, watchdog says

The report comes more than 3 years after it came to light that the FBI was aware of U.S. gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar molesting female athletes but did not act quick enough.

The report comes more than 3 years after it came to light that the FBI was aware of U.S. gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar molesting female athletes but did not act quick enough.

"The DOJ OIG found that further improvements are needed to build upon the FBI’s recent changes to its crimes against children and human trafficking (CAC/HT) program to ensure it appropriately addresses child sexual abuse allegations," read a summary of the report.

The OIG findings included suspected child abuse cases that "lacked any recent investigative activity or case updates, logical investigative steps, or referrals to appropriate agencies."

OIG also discovered "leads that were not appropriately covered" and "instances of substantial non-compliance with FBI policy."


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728d24 No.21502869

File: cb2381765789840⋯.png (216.78 KB,290x413,290:413,ClipboardImage.png)


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f5cf76 No.21502871

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)

File: 36af5a4ab83d2a2⋯.gif (672.25 KB,616x462,4:3,_Anonymous_5_minutes_ago_f….gif)


Go to bed aei.

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515577 No.21502873

File: e227e043692e0c9⋯.png (265.78 KB,581x264,581:264,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63f501652671dd1⋯.jpg (40.93 KB,640x350,64:35,479795_1277927730276_full.jpg)


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b4ce48 No.21502875


PDJT - I AM THE STORM here’s the video! ICYMI

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d2b28d No.21502876

File: 64d4995a52dd593⋯.png (669.68 KB,768x322,384:161,ClipboardImage.png)

‘Some Of Them Might Be Paid’: CNN Guest Dismisses Black Trump Supporters As ‘Imaginary’

A CNN guest dismissed polls showing Donald Trump drawing increased support from black voters, claiming some were “paid” to back the former president.


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7fdd42 No.21502878


But but but muh qanons said we have the gold

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f5cf76 No.21502879


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d535b7 No.21502881

File: 755ff0b3166863b⋯.jpg (140.59 KB,755x1105,151:221,355cb116a1996bf6.jpg)

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e4bc3a No.21502882

File: bde1f75b21450cc⋯.png (561.26 KB,888x500,222:125,85l2m.png)

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6fe41c No.21502884

File: b54f3a898320c98⋯.png (771.42 KB,800x1024,25:32,109003e20ed7df689ed701feaf….png)


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64cd99 No.21502885

File: 74032baeb410151⋯.png (296.91 KB,1199x1062,1199:1062,319_DS_08_29_24.png)


Dan's post 5m later backs it up as well.

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 @DanScavino

President @realDonaldTrump is wheels down in the Great State of Michigan…

v (00:10)

Aug 29, 2024, 3:19 PM


No one person is above another.

We are in this together.




Timestamp my post re: US Military vs. POTUS' Tweet.

Why did the USSS codename Hussein 'Renegade'?

A person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.

Who does the USSS currently protect?

Why is this relevant?



Remember, the FBI, and MI, have an open investigation into the CF. Why did Comey drop this? Who was the FBI director during the Haiti crisis? How many kids disappeared? How much money sent to CF under disguise of H relief went to H? What countries donated big money to CF and why? How much was owed by accepting? When she lost how would this be repaid? What did Obama do with cash just prior to leaving office? Repayment to those who donated for favors/access? Dig!!!!!

Again, good people were forced into bed with this evil under personal and family threats. Could you live with yourself helping to cover up such evil despicable acts if given a safe way out? These people worship Satan _ some openly show it.

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f5cf76 No.21502886

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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832be9 No.21502888

i was over target because the vatican shills bombardment immediately after

i know, i know a lot more than what i posted too

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37ccba No.21502891

'It's about 7 billion people against 15 million Jews': Israel's challenges in the social media war

LIVE: Aviva Klompas discusses the challenges of pro-Israel advocacy and social media misinformation.


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86aa0a No.21502892






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64cd99 No.21502893

Archive this bread and the Less than 10 confirmation posts. There will be more.

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b4ce48 No.21502894


PenceCard - Raiklin Flynn Allies.

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d2b28d No.21502895

File: bf9cb5906b50c3c⋯.png (700.38 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

"confident ability" CHEATING INCOMING: Postmaster general is confident about ability to process mail-in ballots

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy says the U.S. Postal Service is ready for a flood of election mail.


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6b2086 No.21502896


>Does anyone know what Ebola looks like? Is it always a powder or can it solidify on trees and bushes, because we have noticed there are white mounds on our trees.


it's a VIRUS, you dumbass

need a scanning electron microscope to see it

passed by direct transfer of bodily fluids

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d535b7 No.21502898

File: c59220097d896b9⋯.png (419.78 KB,526x785,526:785,ClipboardImage.png)

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0bd0ce No.21502899

File: 2fe338617ab544c⋯.png (748.3 KB,830x1488,415:744,HRC_Ford.png)

Hilarious. Sorry @HRC but your spending power is nothing compared to conservatives who buy Ford trucks. Literally nothing. You have no sizable public support which is why your people won’t debate me. Your influence in corporate America was a house of cards and I pushed the first card to topple it. Your support comes from woke government, globalist elites, gender studies professors and college Marxists. My support comes from everyday working class people who make our country run everyday.



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728d24 No.21502901

File: 5ef173590526738⋯.png (1.24 MB,902x601,902:601,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7b99b No.21502902


its getting full, but think that is the bulk of it as the rally is starting soon, should be able to go to end of douhg

will let you know if change

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515577 No.21502903

File: 3fbb716978ac1b8⋯.jpg (71.33 KB,660x732,55:61,media_GVmNNeLWcAEoIPf.jpg)


Confirmed confirmation is confirmed?

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f0c715 No.21502904


So you think Pompeo had something to do with Covid, working with the Vatican and Wuhan? Is that what you are saying? Live exercise?

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58bcfd No.21502906


can anon please explain this one to me? not getting this one.

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d535b7 No.21502907

File: ec0e27394537c6f⋯.png (444.67 KB,600x731,600:731,ClipboardImage.png)

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15496c No.21502909

File: 7692ae664ad597b⋯.png (711.68 KB,1241x765,73:45,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a4362c948a78db⋯.png (457.7 KB,1320x906,220:151,ClipboardImage.png)


>eu might be describing what anthrax was looking like when it was put in mailed envelopes

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832be9 No.21502910

gfy yourself satan, you wont build your master race on my watch

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fc09a4 No.21502911


"Joy" in the name is co-incidinky ?!?

seems to be their panic topic …

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64cd99 No.21502912


Yes it's confirmed. First of more than 1.

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1b6f27 No.21502913

File: d8f2b3f8b00c50d⋯.png (197.96 KB,500x752,125:188,ClipboardImage.png)


Holy Shit. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Sen. Hawley SKEWERS Sec. of Energy, Jennifer Granholm for perjuring herself in previous testimony.

ENJOY !!!!

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37ccba No.21502914

We won't leave: Palestinians in northern occupied West Bank reject Israeli military evacuation order

"It is our land, and we will never leave our houses to experience displacement like our brethren in Gaza," one resident told TNA.


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f0c715 No.21502915


Sorry, maybe I am a little confused. What is the white powder that is constantly being mailed that is dangerous?

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468305 No.21502917

File: 3671d3229ff8123⋯.png (38.94 KB,150x116,75:58,ClipboardImage.png)


Don't forget to Watch Trump in Michigan!

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86aa0a No.21502918


That depends on what his definition of "process" is. He didn't say deliver, he said PROCESS.

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dd1d2d No.21502920


servers jam up at end of bread

want to start rally with fresh?

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530ebe No.21502923


because he posted this at 2:44?

is that it?

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37ccba No.21502924

Universities Unveil New Rules to Ban Anti-Israel Protests, Classify Criticism of 'Zionists' as 'Hate Speech'

The Jewish Daily Forward on Wednesday shared the following list of changes aimed at shutting down students' right to protest:

Indiana University, as part of its "expressive activity" policy, now bars protests within 25 feet of university buildings, or any demonstrations that block "any building, facility, driveway, parking lot or parking ramp"

University of South Florida is banning all protests after 5 p.m. and during the final two weeks of each semester. It is also requiring approval for all on-campus tents and canopies, and saying they cannot be left out overnight without prior authorization.

Vanderbilt University is banning all demonstrations that "require individuals to sleep or gather overnight." On-campus displays are only allowed during daylight hours and for up to three consecutive days.

University of California has prohibited encampments on its 10 campuses, and also said protesters cannot wear masks or disguises that conceal their identity

California State University has adopted the same rules for its 23 campuses.

University of Pennsylvania: No encampments or overnight demonstrations

University of Virginia is banning tents on campus unless approved, and prohibiting all structures, including tents, from being left up overnight.

James Madison University: No tents or other items used to create a shelter unless approved.

University of Connecticut has not only banned encampments but also tools used to amplify sound at outdoor gatherings.

Syracuse University now requires authorization for on-campus "use or assembly of tents or other temporary shelter structures."

Suspending student organizations on campus …

Rutgers University has suspended its chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine until July 2025

George Washington University has also suspended its SJP chapters, along with its chapter of Jewish Voices for Peace and six other pro-Palestinian groups

… or online

Columbia University's chapter of SJP was permanently banned on Instagram. The group received a notice from Meta stating their account "doesn't follow our Community Guidelines."

New York University's People's Solidarity Coalition, previously known as the Palestine Solidarity Committee, was suspended on Instagram

Conduct codes

New York University has new community standards that say using the terms Zionist or Zionism in a derogatory way may violate its non-discrimination and anti-harassment policies.

University of Virginia and James Madison University both now require anyone wearing a face covering to show identification if asked.

Cornell University, following vandalism on the first day of classes, outlined new and detailed consequences such as temporary academic suspension for violating its codes


New rules for the non Jews - RACIST

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15496c No.21502925

File: 36e9344cbd9935c⋯.png (66.21 KB,337x220,337:220,ClipboardImage.png)


niggah world order

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d2b28d No.21502926

File: 81cd18b030f8817⋯.png (810.73 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

EPSTIENING KIDS: 'Smart toys' are moonlighting as data scientists, watching 'every move' children make during playtime

In today's digital age, your child's favorite playmate might be secretly moonlighting as a miniature surveillance device, collecting data on everything from playtime habits to personal preferences.


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86aa0a No.21502927


Inka Dinka Doo

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64cd99 No.21502928

File: a3e4fb57628f289⋯.png (734.63 KB,1245x1025,249:205,lessthan10_1.png)


Listen to Q+ statements now..


Look at graphic, anon. Look at timestamps.

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832be9 No.21502930


i also know why the Q400 turboprop now, alaska airlines

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d2b28d No.21502932

File: 39b88ccea70910f⋯.png (19.36 KB,511x155,511:155,ClipboardImage.png)



Initial Reports of a Drone Attack on U.S. Forces stationed at MSS Euphrates near the Conoco Gas Field in Eastern Syria.

11:37 AM • Aug 29, 2024


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832be9 No.21502933

operation condor

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b4ce48 No.21502934

File: 3cb8c4dbcc01ccc⋯.png (1.08 MB,898x4566,449:2283,4799.png)


Pompeo is in PDJTs cabinet, he’s already on diplomatic relations duty for Our Country.

And fundraising.

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b8aa6f No.21502935

File: ce263381e5b0b19⋯.mp4 (10.82 MB,576x1024,9:16,5423g5423g543242.mp4)



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c50bbb No.21502936

File: b469e11c2eb59e3⋯.png (1.98 MB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_8214.png)

File: ddf482b42739e5f⋯.jpeg (719.27 KB,1559x1600,1559:1600,IMG_8213.jpeg)



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728d24 No.21502937

File: ce263381e5b0b19⋯.mp4 (10.82 MB,576x1024,9:16,Holy_Shit_Sen_Hawley_SKEWE….mp4)




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c8060b No.21502938


there seems to be no enforcement arm for perjury in congress. nothing ever seems to happen. it must be a false paradigm charade

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179c8f No.21502939

File: e85216655e3c192⋯.png (159.04 KB,376x889,376:889,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18a2fd66b33125e⋯.png (80.12 KB,691x606,691:606,ClipboardImage.png)




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a7b99b No.21502940

#26345 >>21502083

>>21502184 LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Michigan - 8/29/24

>>21502531 @realDonaldTrump Just landed in MICHIGAN—Join me LIVE at 3:30PM Eastern.

>>21502687 President Trump Holds a Rally in Johnstown, PA – 8/30/24

>>21502188 @margommartin President @realDonaldTrump departs for Michigan and Wisconsin!

>>21502229 TRUMP: Fox Polls are Rigged and Worthless!

>>21502230 Army blasts Trump trip to Arlington cemetery for violating decorum

>>21502237 CIA admits to ‘conversations’ over Ukraine’s incursion into Kursk Region

>>21502291 Hinduism’s Sacred Cows—A Jewish Rebellion Gone Global?

>>21502302 @DeptofDefense Thank (You) For your Service!

>>21502318 JUST IN: Trump will announce a plan later today to make the U.S. the #Bitcoin capital of the world.

>>21502320 @BillMelugin_ NEW: ICE Boston has arrested an Ecuadorian illegal alien who was charged in Massachusetts last month

>>21502335 Migrants attempt to board school buses in East County

>>21502369 Donald Trump…Agent 007 Vid

>>21502398 In a Daily Mail exclusive interview with 45th President Trump

>>21502417 @elonmusk The American Constitution is only as strong as those willing to protect it.

>>21502423 RFK Jr. Exposes Four Toxic Substances in Your Food

>>21502469 The Guardsmen will serve with the Joint Multinational Training Group Ukraine

>>21502474 WHO announces limited pauses in Gaza fighting to allow for polio vaccinations.

>>21502484 NEW: In first, North Korea registers 13 military submarines with UN maritime agency

>>21502496 Galactic Energy launches six satellites with third sea launch

>>21502513 realDonaldTrump Repost Elon Statement of Kamala - Undocumented Migrants are not Criminals. #IllegalCrossing

>>21502522 Kamala Harris's New Arab Outreach Director Said 'Zionists' Are 'Controlling' American Politics

>>21502524 Space Force No. 2 Says There Is Risk of China or Russia Launching Large-Scale Attack in Orbit

>>21502566 Breakthrough as US researchers 'crack the autism code'

>>21502591 Brazil's 'Darth Vader' Blocks Starlink Bank Accounts As War With Elon Musk Escalates

>>21502601 PLA Will 'Reunify' Taiwan: Chinese General Confronted Sullivan Just Before Surprise Xi Meeting

>>21502610 Did Military Black Ops Unit Shoot Each Other Recovering An Alien?

>>21502612 Moscow accuses US of hypocrisy on Ukraine and Israel

>>21502592 Scientists discover link autism viral infection

>>21502644 Judge Lets Former Democrat City Councilwoman Andrea Cardenas Walk Free Despite Guilty Plea for Stealing Over $200K

>>21502658 Former Senior Presidential Advisor Claims CIA Briefed Him On ‘Otherworld Technologies’

>>21502677 11-Year-Old Child Arrested over Violent Disorder in Middlesbrough

>>21502679 Kamala quit having rallies since she was caught with fake audience?

>>21502731 President Trump is wheels down in the Great State of Michigan!

>>21502747 Israeli Drone Strike Kills Four, Including Islamic Jihad Figure, Near Syria-Lebanon Border

>>21502760 Israel Has Bombed Gaza Into 42 Million Tons of Rubble

>>21502762 CNN: Trump inciting violence by retruthing Qanon memes?


>California parents speak out after a mob of illegals tried to hijack their kid's bus:


>Former CBC reporter Marianna Klowak admits that the media manipulated citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic.


>Archaeologists in Jerusalem discover 3,000-year-old personal item which may have 'belonged to warrior from the Bible'


>The DOJ is in PANIC mode that Wisconsin towns Thornapple and Lawrence have chosen to count their 2024 election ballots by han

>>21502914 We won't leave: Palestinians in northern occupied West Bank reject Israeli military evacuation order


call your finals

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d2b28d No.21502941

File: d5e219ddcc786ed⋯.png (418.45 KB,640x335,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

BITCH SLAPPED: Xi Jinping Lectures Jake Sullivan in Beijing: Be ‘Positive and Rational’ with China

Genocidal Chinese dictator Xi Jinping granted an audience to National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan in Beijing on Thursday


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801d58 No.21502942

File: 8b1feeda55c8b24⋯.png (1.95 MB,1376x918,688:459,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_1….png)

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d535b7 No.21502943

File: b904e5e9a9c505b⋯.png (370.03 KB,720x527,720:527,ClipboardImage.png)

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6dd7ea No.21502944



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e4787d No.21502945

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB,415x496,415:496,_1.png)

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801d58 No.21502946

File: 6bc13e2bee28328⋯.png (1.08 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_1….png)

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37ccba No.21502947

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Irish Gardai (Police farce) are advertising/recruiting for the Irish Police on Pakistani TV


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e4787d No.21502948

File: 46ae5b0bea13fdb⋯.png (483.82 KB,740x738,370:369,_11.png)

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c8060b No.21502949

File: 441a9b7693fcb50⋯.jpg (371.05 KB,585x880,117:176,It_s_a_Danger.jpg)

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e4787d No.21502950

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB,695x888,695:888,_11111111.png)

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832be9 No.21502951

File: 90aa93388a70e87⋯.png (114.88 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4787d No.21502952

File: 0b1f14436a40dd8⋯.gif (46.52 KB,798x804,133:134,0b1f14436a40dd863fd2c03e9b….gif)

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e4787d No.21502953

File: 0e0eb7dba711af3⋯.jpg (66.86 KB,480x425,96:85,0e0.jpg)

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64cd99 No.21502954


Did you KNOWINGLY leave out the Less than 10 Direct Confirmation… Baker?


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e4787d No.21502955

File: 62b3c4a8b182200⋯.jpg (256.49 KB,1024x1046,512:523,2d8f1459091b1fe01a8de5673e….jpg)

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801d58 No.21502956

File: 1e12bdc3c2cc8f5⋯.png (979.01 KB,1024x670,512:335,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_1….png)

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64cd99 No.21502957

Anons, understand.

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e4787d No.21502958

File: 8f0b0b6ab29eae0⋯.png (302.33 KB,5764x3456,1441:864,2nd_Revolution_Q_Flag_3x5.png)

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d2b28d No.21502959

File: ddb13d1fe05c63d⋯.png (503.27 KB,768x384,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

QUICK, HURRY, EVERYONE PANIC (so fucking gay, literally): Health District reports Mpox in Clark County

The Southern Nevada Health District has reported several possible Mpox cases in Clark County.


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009b0e No.21502960

File: 6cd2ccd2e085c99⋯.png (10.77 KB,305x165,61:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d20fd No.21502961


ThankQ, anthrax, I couldn't remember the name, sorry, Ebola came to mind because both are dangerous. But the question that I have, is can anthrax harden in mounds on trees to look like a fungus? Because we just noticed this recently.

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e4787d No.21502962

File: 00bc70732c2295a⋯.jpeg (509.7 KB,1800x1521,200:169,03E63DD2_10D9_4439_8B38_F….jpeg)

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d13466 No.21502963

File: 0c2d1936b2d7e9b⋯.jpg (828.22 KB,2002x2541,26:33,Yoda_Q.jpg)


Thank You Gud Baker

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5acb25 No.21502964

File: 570e5e74c326704⋯.png (385.44 KB,568x785,568:785,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4787d No.21502965

File: 17fdf4627e30e43⋯.jpg (104.57 KB,760x427,760:427,3a3d7eb0be68cc51d769086348….jpg)

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e4787d No.21502966

File: 40a3fb26a0cbba2⋯.png (416.55 KB,720x540,4:3,3E2765AD_0E7A_4776_86AA_D8….png)

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d535b7 No.21502967

File: 8b165278ee705e7⋯.png (513.87 KB,814x786,407:393,ClipboardImage.png)

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832be9 No.21502968

in boys from brazil the actress who playes the character esther has a teardrop marking on her eye like the little girl kidnapped by the podestas for hillary

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c50bbb No.21502969

File: fe874d5a48a2899⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB,1354x1752,677:876,IMG_8212.jpeg)


Perfect timing for X to go down.


“Uh-Oh, there was an error”

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e4787d No.21502970

File: 3fb955f654df4cd⋯.png (1.2 MB,1063x696,1063:696,3fb955f654df4cda4c8e195491….png)

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e4787d No.21502971

File: 3b3f87c09a10e30⋯.jpg (18 KB,333x279,37:31,4bcc79c200ff1865b84be0b3e8….jpg)

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64cd99 No.21502972

CLAS +relay Test13 (final test) last Monday on this board was very successful. VERY.

Anons you are GOLD. LIGHT of the WORLD.

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801d58 No.21502973

File: 2e0f8e2f40faa75⋯.png (1015.8 KB,1133x646,1133:646,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_1….png)

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e4787d No.21502974

File: b753fa435f50193⋯.png (1011.22 KB,1800x2500,18:25,4dcfb2ef42bd288b673eb18b2b….png)

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e4787d No.21502975

File: 4bf679c279272da⋯.jpg (567.07 KB,1050x1086,175:181,6f7l.jpg)

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832be9 No.21502976

pray mightily for potus safety today during rally, good afternoon

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e4787d No.21502977

File: 9f8256a54eb5a52⋯.jpg (282.97 KB,1170x812,585:406,7ccfb96702d6f702ed825a7592….jpg)

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7fdd42 No.21502978


Enjoy what?? The zero accountability

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64cd99 No.21502979

Mission 1 will be conducted on this board Monday night.

Real Life.

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beeb04 No.21502980

File: 6da085eee745b79⋯.png (437.55 KB,1305x1184,1305:1184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c66d70dd848bdb0⋯.png (817.28 KB,1260x1688,315:422,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3a78c1da964098⋯.png (233.02 KB,1305x771,435:257,ClipboardImage.png)

I don't even know where this website is, qposts.online KEKIt's blocked by the browser.


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dd1d2d No.21502981


ready to lock when bake is done

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c26a8e No.21502982


That poster has never confirmed anything except that it's a nutjob enemy of the board.

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e4bc3a No.21502983

File: ca1bf4ce3e8a074⋯.png (452.72 KB,860x499,860:499,94guq1.png)

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15496c No.21502984

File: 7359a4b0ce89e25⋯.png (67 KB,849x812,849:812,ClipboardImage.png)


>can anthrax harden in mounds on trees to look like a fungus

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a7b99b No.21502985

#26345 >>21502083

>>21502184 LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Michigan - 8/29/24

>>21502531 @realDonaldTrump Just landed in MICHIGAN—Join me LIVE at 3:30PM Eastern.

>>21502687 President Trump Holds a Rally in Johnstown, PA – 8/30/24

>>21502188 @margommartin President @realDonaldTrump departs for Michigan and Wisconsin!

>>21502229 TRUMP: Fox Polls are Rigged and Worthless!

>>21502230 Army blasts Trump trip to Arlington cemetery for violating decorum

>>21502237 CIA admits to ‘conversations’ over Ukraine’s incursion into Kursk Region

>>21502291 Hinduism’s Sacred Cows—A Jewish Rebellion Gone Global?

>>21502302 @DeptofDefense Thank (You) For your Service!

>>21502318 JUST IN: Trump will announce a plan later today to make the U.S. the #Bitcoin capital of the world.

>>21502320 @BillMelugin_ NEW: ICE Boston has arrested an Ecuadorian illegal alien who was charged in Massachusetts last month

>>21502335 Migrants attempt to board school buses in East County

>>21502369 Donald Trump…Agent 007 Vid

>>21502398 In a Daily Mail exclusive interview with 45th President Trump

>>21502417 @elonmusk The American Constitution is only as strong as those willing to protect it.

>>21502423 RFK Jr. Exposes Four Toxic Substances in Your Food

>>21502469 The Guardsmen will serve with the Joint Multinational Training Group Ukraine

>>21502474 WHO announces limited pauses in Gaza fighting to allow for polio vaccinations.

>>21502484 NEW: In first, North Korea registers 13 military submarines with UN maritime agency

>>21502496 Galactic Energy launches six satellites with third sea launch

>>21502513 realDonaldTrump Repost Elon Statement of Kamala - Undocumented Migrants are not Criminals. #IllegalCrossing

>>21502522 Kamala Harris's New Arab Outreach Director Said 'Zionists' Are 'Controlling' American Politics

>>21502524 Space Force No. 2 Says There Is Risk of China or Russia Launching Large-Scale Attack in Orbit

>>21502566 Breakthrough as US researchers 'crack the autism code'

>>21502591 Brazil's 'Darth Vader' Blocks Starlink Bank Accounts As War With Elon Musk Escalates

>>21502601 PLA Will 'Reunify' Taiwan: Chinese General Confronted Sullivan Just Before Surprise Xi Meeting

>>21502610 Did Military Black Ops Unit Shoot Each Other Recovering An Alien?

>>21502612 Moscow accuses US of hypocrisy on Ukraine and Israel

>>21502592 Scientists discover link autism viral infection

>>21502644 Judge Lets Former Democrat City Councilwoman Andrea Cardenas Walk Free Despite Guilty Plea for Stealing Over $200K

>>21502658 Former Senior Presidential Advisor Claims CIA Briefed Him On ‘Otherworld Technologies’

>>21502677 11-Year-Old Child Arrested over Violent Disorder in Middlesbrough

>>21502679 Kamala quit having rallies since she was caught with fake audience?

>>21502731 President Trump is wheels down in the Great State of Michigan!

>>21502747 Israeli Drone Strike Kills Four, Including Islamic Jihad Figure, Near Syria-Lebanon Border

>>21502760 Israel Has Bombed Gaza Into 42 Million Tons of Rubble

>>21502762 CNN: Trump inciting violence by retruthing Qanon memes?

>>21502816 California parents speak out after a mob of illegals tried to hijack their kid's bus:

>>21502820 Former CBC reporter Marianna Klowak admits that the media manipulated citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic.

>>21502822 Archaeologists in Jerusalem discover 3,000-year-old personal item which may have 'belonged to warrior from the Bible'

>>21502864 The DOJ is in PANIC mode that Wisconsin towns Thornapple and Lawrence have chosen to count their 2024 election ballots by han

>>21502914 We won't leave: Palestinians in northern occupied West Bank reject Israeli military evacuation order



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e4787d No.21502986

File: 9d345426b31d46c⋯.png (535.11 KB,1194x408,199:68,7e0852d6f6e6fadd152074dad3….png)

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e4787d No.21502987

File: 6360b087bed2f2b⋯.jpg (711.98 KB,1436x986,718:493,11_11_2018_At_the_Bar.jpg)

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e4787d No.21502988

File: a3ab964fbc6c6a0⋯.jpg (106.56 KB,762x394,381:197,12fa920b60f44a76bd9dee486f….jpg)

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e4787d No.21502989

File: e53390a4cab1ca5⋯.jpg (41.8 KB,665x900,133:180,82b1fac792f7d4a3aebd9e6c48….jpg)

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801d58 No.21502990

File: 9de4fb2fd327187⋯.png (2.19 MB,1377x918,3:2,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_1….png)

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e4787d No.21502991

File: fea05c4302cf399⋯.jpg (107.97 KB,500x500,1:1,282zni.jpg)

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e4787d No.21502993

File: 270f4592879b684⋯.jpg (105.91 KB,525x409,525:409,771ab1e829d3e29c225f58618b….jpg)

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e4787d No.21502995

File: 1393bc9f16597f9⋯.jpg (497.5 KB,1280x1279,1280:1279,1393bc9f16597f9cfad594d2e4….jpg)

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e4787d No.21502997

File: 0791f3f49e99f2d⋯.png (994.93 KB,800x800,1:1,18363d043f6b48c34c1832ba41….png)

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d2b28d No.21502998

File: 294517677a69957⋯.png (661.21 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

==TRUMP CALLED IT: Canadians split over feds' plan to take in 5,000 Gazans after ISIS terrorist given citizenship

A notable 64% of respondents voiced concerns about the screening process and protocols, including 53 percent of Liberal voters.


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e4787d No.21503000

File: d158af9c0934dae⋯.jpeg (195.15 KB,1000x1426,500:713,3000000.jpeg)

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beeb04 No.21503001

File: f3e55b19be17945⋯.png (92.43 KB,1323x677,1323:677,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4787d No.21503003

File: 26abf3a38fef2da⋯.jpg (83.26 KB,960x960,1:1,35237529_1763879816980627_….jpg)

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86aa0a No.21503004


That fucking annoying Tik Tok outro is an abomination.

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e4787d No.21503005

File: bcf5745b7cae7f7⋯.jpg (73.65 KB,627x515,627:515,1530018416997.jpg)

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179c8f No.21503006

File: 883b5e408071ee5⋯.png (19.65 KB,255x209,255:209,b877baaa8e022309b2f0400cc2….png)

would be cool if Q+ said "Less than 10" today.

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dd1d2d No.21503008

bread locked please migrate

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e4787d No.21503009

File: 2474a6eb5bb3660⋯.png (954.82 KB,1013x569,1013:569,1538891736530.png)

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e4787d No.21503010

File: d9fbf100b370c24⋯.png (134.46 KB,3000x3193,3000:3193,1541918970149.png)

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801d58 No.21503011

File: 7ebeeba64f26c4e⋯.png (2.36 MB,1417x918,1417:918,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_1….png)

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cbb51d No.21503012

Sign up to make it easier to vote and harder to cheat in elections nationwide!


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e4787d No.21503013

File: 369470c9d3f832d⋯.jpg (60.13 KB,348x480,29:40,98725491354951.JPG)

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e4787d No.21503015

File: dc7d13c45ae4a98⋯.jpg (506.77 KB,832x832,1:1,aliencrop.jpg)

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58bcfd No.21503016


anon sees it now. derp. TY


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e4787d No.21503018

File: 9dc8acb89cb2c4c⋯.jpg (185.16 KB,1275x958,1275:958,AlienNightShift.jpg)

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e4787d No.21503019

File: b43dd142be17a42⋯.png (1.5 MB,919x931,919:931,ALurk.png)

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e4787d No.21503022

File: ad2531d58a693d5⋯.jpg (679.53 KB,960x720,4:3,Andromeda_Galaxy_Night_Shi….jpg)

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801d58 No.21503023

File: 4a93e3be0786743⋯.png (1.9 MB,1376x918,688:459,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_1….png)

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e4787d No.21503024

File: b18d44658e942de⋯.jpg (165.93 KB,998x760,499:380,band.jpg)

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dd1d2d No.21503025

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e4787d No.21503026

File: e8f3ebacdb0d706⋯.jpg (199.7 KB,1252x1252,1:1,bb6279e930064a32b973c4afe5….jpg)

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e4787d No.21503028

File: d49302843979629⋯.png (761.44 KB,692x604,173:151,bless_flotus.png)

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0bd0ce No.21503029

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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e4787d No.21503030

File: e552dc335889daf⋯.jpg (108.69 KB,894x521,894:521,c5c2db4166d0a341dbdd4686c6….jpg)

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a7b99b No.21503032

#26345 >>21502083


Q Research General #26346: President Trump Trump Remarks on the Economy & Inflation Edition





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