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43a91c No.21501034 [Last50 Posts]

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43a91c No.21501036

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43a91c No.21501037


#26343 >>21500131

>>21500209 California 'elected politicians' just voted to allow illegal immigrants to determine who gets elected.

>>21500298 Kentucky officials, schools used public resources to oppose school choice amendment

>>21500307 US Department of Health and Human Services report confirms fluoride exposure is associated with lower IQ

>>21500251 'We've got to take action': Keir Starmer confirms he IS considering outdoor smoking ban and teases 'more details to be revealed'

>>21500333 8:20 AM EDT New Shepard’s Crewed NS-26 Mission Targets Liftoff on August 29

>>21500379 Meanwhile in Colorado, illegals just take over people's homes

>>21500455 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 08/29/2024

>>21500482 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump and other candidates at Moms for Liberty: joyful warriors Summit - 6/30/23

>>21500513 CapMetro announces launch of Transit Police Department

>>21500566 Texas university launches new degree for digital influencing

>>21500590 @realDonaldTrump “The migrant crisis is more costly than Americans realize.


>>21500654 Ex-D.C. Guard official says generals lied to Congress about Jan. 6

>>21500696 126 Nations Convene to Discuss Moving Away from the US Dollar

>>21500702 Pentagon Force Protection Agency (PFPA) New Police Officer Ceremony

>>21500714 Durov Dig: France v Russia

>>21500715 10:00 AM EDT Open Meeting Federal Election Commission

>>21500768 When does Mark Zuckerberg come out and admit he didn't create FB?

>>21500865 11:00 AM EDT LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Michigan - 8/29/24

>>21500884 @realDonaldTrump Dana Bash of CNN has a chance at greatness today

>>21500941 @realDonaldTrump It is DOJ policy that the Department of Justice should not take any action that will influence an election within 60 days of that election

>>21500961 @DonaldJTrumpJr Kamala Harris admitted to lying about her prosecutorial experience

>>21500971 @realDonaldTrump In an effort to resurrect a “dead” Witch Hunt in Washington, D.C.,

>>21500982 Democrats, are promising to fix everything they broke over the last four years and blaming it on PDJT

>>21500983 @realDonaldTrump ….For them to do this immediately after our Supreme Court Victory on Immunity and more,

>>21501000 @realDonaldTrump ….This travesty is now on Comrade Kamala Harris,

>>21501006@ realDonaldTrump ….No Presidential Candidate, or Candidate for any Office, has ever had to put up with all of this Lawfare

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43a91c No.21501040

#26342 >>21499181

>>21499224 Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump is expanding its investigation

>>21499241 Kamala Harris says, if elected president, she’ll use executive action to confiscate guns

>>21499253 Who owns BlackRock?

>>21499266 What a dramatic about-face Kamala Harris just pulled

>>21499296 Telegram Founder Arrest Story Gets Weirder

>>21499328 A new voter registration scam has been uncovered in the must-win state of Michigan

>>21499438 Biden Administration Pressuring Facebook to Censor COVID Posts = GENOCIDE

>>21499457, >>21499459, >>21499462 US Gov't Censorship Arm ‘Atlantic Council’ Targeted Telegram 2 Months Before Durov Arrest

>>21499584 Democrats’ new platform reads like socialist manifesto

>>21499590 Dmitry Medvedev - Macron, get out of France now! Durov's army is out to get you

>>21499597 Boars Head hires illegal aliens; insects, mold, and mildew discovered at plant

>>21499602 Nevada Democrat Official Found Guilty of Murdering Las Vegas-Review Journal Reporter

>>21499635 @elonmusk Grok “Generate Voldemort and a Sith Lord who had a baby who became a judge in Brazil"

>>21499651 Revisiting the 'Kamala Harris As Sacrificial Lamb' Theory

>>21499682 Interesting search results 2024 Campaigns - Real People or - Made in Chyna Cheap Merch

>>21499692 Brazil's Supreme Court threatened to ban X within 24 hours on Wednesday night

>>21499697 Kamala scrubs Berkeley and Canada out of her life story

>>21499706 Never in my life been more sure of a stock market crash than seeing THIS

>>21499713 China Dominates Global Coal Consumption

>>21499724 Greg Gutfeld proves it - WE ARE THE NEWS NOW

>>21499733 Krassenstein's own a website called "Humiliated School Girls Dot Com"

>>21499738, >>21499754, >>21499756 Musk is ready to throw down. We're nearing an inflection point

>>21499748 Pelosi calls Trump 'domestic enemy' in new Jan 6 footage

>>21500123 New TikTok Trend: Single Mother by Choice

>>21499306, >>21499455, >>21499572, >>21499644, >>21499654, >>21499665, >>21499705 Memes Of Mass Instruction

>>21500110 #26342

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43a91c No.21501042

#26341 >>21498281

>>21498296 The History Of The Cult Of KEK

>>21498327 The Craziest Features of Mark Zuckerberg’s 110 Acre Secret Hawaii Compound

>>21498333, >>21498339 They wanted to jab us 100% through our postal service

>>21498388 TRUMP - Zuckerberg could ‘spend the rest of his life in prison’ if Meta ‘cheats’ in election

>>21498429 Russian customs detain German national bringing in 90 million rubles worth of undeclared bullion

>>21498432 Night Owl News Archives - 08/28/2024

>>21498449 Two Russian athletes denied French visas to compete in the Paralympics

>>21498463 Virginia AG just issued a statement slamming Democrats for trying to cheat in the 2024 election

>>21498467, >>21498542 Natalie Winters - MORE Censorship Is Coming. Don't trust Zuck

>>21498473 JD Vance- Ma'am, I don't need a teleprompter. I've actually got thoughts in my head, unlike Kamala Harris

>>21498474 Copy the code to embed a countdown clock on your website or blog ELECTION CLOCK 67 DAYS

>>21498484, >>21498957 Kamala an NPC blurting out random words.

>>21498527 Look what he found on the swabs for the covid PCR test

>>21498540 Ketanji Brown Jackson is surprised to learn something about….the Constitution

>>21498579 @EricTrump Excited to announce the launch of @WorldLibertyFi! #Crypto #DeFi

>>21498592 RFK has an insane proposal to end obesity 'three healthy organic meals a day'

>>21498594 Davis: Jack Smith Has Become The "Freddie Krueger" Of Lawfare

>>21498606 Walz Wanted To Turn MN Into The Window-less White Van Of The Midwest

>>21498658 Trump Victory In 2024 Means Reinstatement of American First Trade Policy

>>21498659 Toronto's first black woman top cop caught helping fellow minorities cheat gets demoted

>>21498675 Not the Bee..CNN = Should Dave Chappelle take over JD Vance's seat in the Senate?

>>21498736, >>21498738, >>21498841 Group of Illegal Aliens tried to Hijack Two Buses full of Elementary School Children

>>21498754, >>21498758 Let the record reflect that Ed Krassenstein is contractually obligated to say he trusts the FBI

>>21498788 Trump Takes the Lead While Harris Can't Answer a Simple Interview Question

>>21498797, >>21498877 Babylon Bee Keks

>>21498807 All of the cats know JD, all of them know

>>21498828, >>21498843 @DouglasEmhoff @BillClinton has a message for the undecided voter in your life

>>21498800, >>21498919 TRUMP TRUTH Fox Polling has bad record

>>21498930 Enormous Migrant Camps Erected to De-Irish Ireland with Population Replacement

>>21498946 France Was Wooing Telegram Boss Pavel Durov at the Same Time It Was Spying on Him

>>21498949 TRUMP- Thank you Barry. Keep up the great work. We must WIN the wonderful Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

>>21498966, >>21498999 The J6 pipe bomber story is about.. to break… wide open….

>>21498973 North Korea says Israel is a murderous, bandit, genocidal, and barbaric state

>>21499023 Russian President Putin says the Western countries are controlled by satanic pedophiles.

>>21498338, >>21498365, >>21498403, >>21498487, >>21498537, >>21499009 Memes For Victory

>>21499171 #26341

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43a91c No.21501043

#26340 >>21497514

>>21497555, >>21497578, >>21497670, >>21497719, >>21498076 Trump shares social media posts with QAnon phrases - Mean Tweets

>>21497579 @lexfridman I'm doing a podcast with @realDonaldTrump soon. Let me know if you have any ?s

>>21497599, >>21497674 New ATM technology is coming that will enforce vaccine compliance before you get any $$

>>21497608 Ford joins list of companies walking back DEI policies

>>21497614 DHS Showers Millions on Sanctuary Cities, NGOs for Resettling Migrants in U.S.

>>21497621 WH Facebook censor @Rob_Flaherty . He's now Kamala's Deputy Campaign Manager.

>>21497626, >>21497913, >>21497914 Illegal Migrant Crime

>>21497636 This is why we love Trump - @PapiTrumpo DAVE CHAPPELLE KNOWS!!!

>>21497650 TX Dem lawmaker claims he was a victim of racist hate 'created 4 fake accounts to troll himself'

>>21497681 Kamala Is Speaking! Shows Why Her Handlers Keep Her in Bubble Wrap

>>21497690, >>21497697, >>21497756, >>21497796 Fuggery Asloth - Weaponized Plagues and Killer Microbes ARGH!

>>21497711 Acclaimed Journalist Charged With ‘Anti-Semitism’

>>21497740, >>21497972 Babylon Bee For the keks.

>>21497749, >>21497979, >>21498005, >>21498018 Trump on Zuckerberg: 'We are watching him closely' a stark warning on election interference

>>21497770, >>21497776 JUDGEMENT DAY IS COMING!!!

>>21497780 Voter registration is up 175 percent among young Black women

>>21497822 Chrome Deadline—21 Days To Update Or Delete Your Browser

>>21497856 Durov released on €5 million bail - RT

>>21497866 Boar's Head + Illegal Immigrant Refugees = Mold Mildew & Insect Recalled Deli Meats

>>21497878 High-profile US media names on Russia’s latest sanctions list of almost 100 blacklisted Americans

>>21497899 Everything about Kamala is fake SPREAD EVERYWHERE!!

>>21497911 2,000 Workers Gone: Klarna Is First Major Company To Unleash Mass Layoffs Thanks To AI

>>21497912 🚨 BREAKING: The X Algo is about to get a MAJOR update

>>21497918 Three US nationals face death penalty for ‘attempting’ coup in African state

>>21497932 Biden-Harris Busted Using Secret Rule to ‘Trump-Proof’ DOJ

>>21497996, >>21498079, >>21498081 TRUMP TRUTHS

>>21498107, >>21498119 PlaneFaggin'

>>21498128 - 238 Bush, McCain, and Romney Alums Endorse Harris In Open Letter

>>21498154 Tucker Carlson - @MikeBenz NATO declared war on free speech - Elon Next?

>>21498190 Trump is making it possible for (you) to have modest investments that will pay off

>>21498226 Potato posting

>>21498269 #26340

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43a91c No.21501045

Previously Collected

>>21497507 #26339

>>21494609 #26336, >>21495602 #26337, >>21496717 #26338

>>21492078 #26333, >>21492862 #26334, >>21493701 #26335

>>21489490 #26330, >>21490506 #26331, >>21491280 #26332

>>21486890 #26327, >>21487645 #26328, >>21488432 #26329

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #24: Soldiers >>21225723

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43a91c No.21501049

File: 03577ac64d68ea9⋯.jpg (640.89 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,03577ac64d68ea98ebc46057be….jpg)


#26344 https://fullchan.net/?a723735b16b76dc3#6y5UspoxEvACBX84gkbkR6W96TD8kETWyTVFznkhPy9p

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d15b50 No.21501050



Hello Major Grummet…. do you want to be found… or lost…///

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8bcf42 No.21501053

File: 4a1b6ce93715e27⋯.jpg (143.6 KB,768x1024,3:4,ZomboMeme_28082024093119.jpg)

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43a91c No.21501055


bless ur heart you tried. and filtered

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7e54e1 No.21501056

File: 2cf22ed0f945e4e⋯.png (434.85 KB,510x486,85:81,kek_in_the_morning.png)

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367033 No.21501058

File: 4ab29bdd4a51ddc⋯.png (268.05 KB,880x657,880:657,ClipboardImage.png)

Posted late last bread so re-posting

For those anons who consider the Law of War Manual in effect and Occupation occurring, re reading the Transaction Act is imperative to understand where we are and what happens next. Anons will remember Congress changed VP role in electoral count ,They changed more than that! They changed the Transition Act Enacted Dec 29 2022. They are stuck with their own changes and they didn't plan for Joe to run again or run and then drop out.

The reason we see things that don't exactly fit with Occupation is because it is not exactly that situation.

Biden was CiC because Miley treated him as such making it true. CQ Brown doesn't and does not meet with him. Takes orders from Austin because Austin is legit.

Question: Why is Austin legit and Biden not?

Answer: Because Chris Miller conceded the office and Austin was Senate confirmed. This applies to all cabinet and VP but not Biden because DJT didn't concede.

This makes our Country still in transition with 2 Presidents claiming victory.

I'm on page 7 and haven't finished reading it all but so many things happening right now fall into place and make perfect sense.

This is why the threats from MI Sec of State and Garland are coming out about contesting or refusing to certify next election.

this is why people are being told not to resign if DJT wins election.

This is why Biden hasn't met with his cabinet since OCT 2023. Miley's term ended and CQ Brown took over.

If Biden wants use of WH residence, he has to pay out of pocket and get reimbursed. Kamala stole his FEC account that had nearly 300 mil in it.

This is a tiny bit of what is contained in the 18 pages. Note the way to solve the problem of refusing to concede is to "Treat" someone as if they are President and Poof! Magic they become President.Nancy must have made this new rule


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df56d7 No.21501060

File: 3364673f54b8465⋯.png (131.56 KB,680x672,85:84,ClipboardImage.png)

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e07993 No.21501061

File: 8e4f57352cdad38⋯.webp (116.33 KB,1274x902,637:451,SK_Timeline_for_Blog_2048….webp)

>>21501049 tyb

>>21501015 lb

>several vs. every generation

ill debate that (just a little bit).

Since the 1970/80 Federal Department of Education… YES.

before that, when a locality, farm village, or small town gathered thier own money together to fund a One Room or such… the quality of basic education (reading, writing and math) was fantastic. That kind 'education' made a lot of very wise, self-sufficient and happy (er-ish) people. The DoE destroyed all that in less than fifty years.

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36d7da No.21501062

File: 7a2e81d57360f03⋯.jpeg (129.7 KB,872x492,218:123,7a2e81d57360f033043b88e2b….jpeg)

jesuspedo an walrusjuuuu fightin over gutter balls

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cd3c87 No.21501064

File: 8c10a10c4db4252⋯.png (130.11 KB,320x263,320:263,ClipboardImage.png)

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8657e9 No.21501065

a shame you are too slow to clean decent breads that quickly

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51d9a8 No.21501066

File: bb335175060f714⋯.gif (140.95 KB,600x600,1:1,bb335175060f714b5a3f607acf….gif)

thank you baker

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b74e31 No.21501067

File: be3559fa9b06306⋯.png (536.41 KB,568x764,142:191,ClipboardImage.png)

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e27888 No.21501068

File: f4f4020355432c4⋯.png (11.25 KB,347x127,347:127,image_2024_08_29_103137655.png)

PERSECUTION OF A POLITICAL OPPONENT = 379 = Seventeen Worthy To Open The Book

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8657e9 No.21501069


don't hurt yourself.

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b74e31 No.21501070

File: 0b20178bb12f91e⋯.png (392.82 KB,568x848,71:106,ClipboardImage.png)

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bad18a No.21501071

File: bc09a4447fc54fb⋯.png (62.22 KB,736x1010,368:505,ClipboardImage.png)

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ebb1af No.21501072

File: 605bbd9be144a1a⋯.jpeg (349.92 KB,480x640,3:4,Q_1john_3_18.jpeg)

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b27945 No.21501073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



They happily make misery

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e07993 No.21501074

File: 689b71b1d3e7d37⋯.jpg (393.07 KB,822x1024,411:512,lysander_spooners_quotes_5.jpg)


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df56d7 No.21501075

File: 8551bddafdb52a7⋯.png (522.42 KB,845x584,845:584,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd054a0a53e01a8⋯.png (410.66 KB,634x424,317:212,ClipboardImage.png)

EXCLUSIVE: Trump reveals the burning questions he DEMANDS Kamala Harris answer during prime-time interview - as he sits down with DailyMail.com for staggering tell-all series

>Trump loves The Daily Mail


When she finally sits for her first interview since becoming the Democratic nominee, Kamala Harris must explain why she has flip-flopped on so many policies, why she has done nothing to secure the southern border while in power, and why she needs a human shield alongside her, according to one avid viewer of television news, former President Donald J. Trump.

Trump sat down with DailyMail.com in the palatial living room of his Mar-a-Lago headquarters on Wednesday.

He discussed everything from the assassination attempt that almost killed him to the policies he will implement on his first day in office. But first he laid out the questions that CNN's Dana Bash must ask the vice president in their interview.

At the top of his list: What is she hiding from?

'Why isn't it live? It's not a live interview,' he said. 'It's an interview that's going to be taped and then edited and then put out. So that's not even an interview.

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ddd576 No.21501076

File: eeddd65c18d4245⋯.png (653.05 KB,1026x1206,57:67,Gangs_have_taken_over_the_….png)


NEW VIDEO: Councilmemeber says gangs have taken over the complex!

Armed group at troubled aurora Colorado apartment complex now home to many migrants.


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e27888 No.21501077

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


🇺🇸 🇮🇩 🇯🇵 🪂, nuff said.

#SuperGarudaShield #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific #FriendsPartnersAllies #JointForce















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36d7da No.21501078

File: 564504b8dcfd215⋯.jpg (8.53 KB,300x168,25:14,RUMPrally.jpg)


> gutter balls

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59c069 No.21501079

File: 98f19b6f580798b⋯.png (4.9 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0c31f No.21501080

File: 85b9431d3d88255⋯.png (534.53 KB,750x430,75:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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c3beb4 No.21501081

File: 628a909110b8411⋯.png (406.1 KB,564x542,282:271,628a909110b8411c888509ca08….png)

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8657e9 No.21501082


were you there?


then it is hearsay.

this is not hard.

faith should not replace data.

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ffb59a No.21501083

File: e9b5f85365d2eaa⋯.gif (989.52 KB,400x389,400:389,a_wwg1_wga_lion.gif)

File: 103890c25ac6192⋯.gif (3.9 MB,400x372,100:93,1_tic_toc.gif)

File: 4790a3a8fe1dc7d⋯.png (162.58 KB,882x871,882:871,ClipboardImage.png)

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e27888 No.21501084

File: 23e1baa164749e3⋯.png (19.39 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage206.png)

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36d7da No.21501085


> gutter balls

it's not even bunnieeees toe

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b74e31 No.21501086

File: 3a5356c363ebdb0⋯.png (126.38 KB,568x513,568:513,ClipboardImage.png)

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8657e9 No.21501087



don has thepornmilfvote

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b74e31 No.21501088

File: 5f20667a22c9fe3⋯.png (142 KB,568x535,568:535,ClipboardImage.png)

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615207 No.21501089

File: 1556bf87b41b820⋯.png (605.83 KB,750x1334,375:667,9B71F287_1B27_42A7_A7D0_16….png)

File: ed415be835ca9b0⋯.png (39.86 KB,690x542,345:271,43B9B0B6_57D6_4F30_8292_82….png)

File: d0390fed4f117ef⋯.jpeg (58.43 KB,740x416,185:104,99649ADA_794E_459B_89C7_E….jpeg)

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36d7da No.21501090


hard pushin drumpf

needs fiber

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e27888 No.21501091

File: 65f4a8d855faad8⋯.png (306.22 KB,530x467,530:467,Capture.PNG)

RINO Sellout Mitch McConnell Moves to Torpedo Election Integrity Efforts by Blocking SAVE Act In Upcoming Spending Bill – And Open Door to Illegals Voting in US Elections https://thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/rino-sellout-mitch-mcconnell-moves-torpedo-election-integrity/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rino-sellout-mitch-mcconnell-moves-torpedo-election-integrity


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833f1a No.21501092

>>21500976 PB

Shoo-ins can be Morans.

They have fixers to open all of the right doors, and to bury evidence of incompetence, and to create false achievements.

They could never have made it on their own standing.

And those people who might get in their way, are eliminated.

Look at that fuck-up named 0bama.

Manchurian Candidate.

People who knew him in High School said he was nothing but a pot head.

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2821fb No.21501093

File: de549af12aba7d3⋯.png (298.33 KB,1063x550,1063:550,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97568166a69b89b⋯.png (259.42 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Can you spot a Socialist shill?

You can If you read the playbook.

Rules for Radicals recommends mostly working within the system—though in the twisted way Machiavelli is reputed to have done (whether or not he’s been interpreted fairly). Below, you’ll find Alinsky’s list of 13 “Rules for Radicals,” offered with his proviso that political activism cannot be a self-serving enterprise: “People cannot be free unless they are willing to sacrifice some of their interests to guarantee the freedom of others. The price of democracy is the ongoing pursuit of the common good by all of the people.”

1. “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood.

2. “Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.

3. “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.

4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

6. “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.

7. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” Don’t become old news.

8. “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.

9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.

10. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.” It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.

11. “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.

12. “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.

13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

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e07993 No.21501094

File: fb1c9d920b19e66⋯.jpg (502.33 KB,736x3560,92:445,c601bc0529e5bd52963ba99811….jpg)


ok, whatever you say.

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8657e9 No.21501095


it passes the time, randy…

as intended.

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d4edcb No.21501096

File: 83689ef6daaa798⋯.pdf (919.9 KB,FINAL_MASTER_PLATFORM.pdf)

Reposting, Call to Action Digital soldiers, flood them with Memes and Truth

>>21500728 (You)

This is Hideous, Democrats, are promising to fix everything they broke over the last four years and blaming it on PDJT. But then expand their destruction through complete control and persecution of any group, opposes they Marxist/Communist Regime. This is not just Socialism, its much, much worse. 92 pages of lying to the country

One policy weirdly worded:Ending cancer as we know it. Sounds like they'll introduce turbo cancers

Call to Action Digital Warriors, Meme makers, World Changers

Any journalist, politician, free people need to hammer this shit daily.

Anons - Mememakers, take this document and find your ammo, we need excellent Memes to spread far and wide, social media, grocery stores, gas stations, anywhere memes can go, attach to emails, etc the country and especially democrats on the edge of not voting for democrats, that can read what they will do.

If you know the big meme makers on X and elsewhere, share the Democrat Policy document, we should be able to amp this up to beyond the speed of light.

The memes need to point out all the lies and theft of PDJT policies by Joe and Kamala, they are stealing his accomplishments and blaming him for their continuing bad policies.

Logic based, truthful and funny, history based etc memes must be released for the next 69-72 days until Nov. 5-6.

Even beyond if the delay vote totals.

Anon video and clip makers we need your creativity, and any other ideas to get the word out.

I'd like to haveshort quotesthat I and others can insert in my work and personalemails, non offensive but truthful. I'll work on some but others are much less direct than me. KEK

Lets get a list of any more ideas to get the memes out,Digital Warriors, we are being called to our biggest battle yet, release the pepes and ideas to the Country and the World

Call out their propaganda and lies day and night

Full Democrat docattached again

As our leader PDJT just sent out: we will win the Most Important Election in the History of our Country on November 5th.


We Will Not Fail!

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36d7da No.21501097


drumpf elephant shows off kamal dung

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615207 No.21501098

File: 36ea4c26d6a515a⋯.png (59.08 KB,690x630,23:21,540DCC3B_477B_4AFF_84FC_C3….png)

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864ff5 No.21501099

File: 0bac42ea1eaa39c⋯.jpeg (239.44 KB,720x1043,720:1043,0bac42ea1eaa39c62b90eab0c….jpeg)

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ad78fb No.21501100



Could he possibly come off as any more of a crybaby?

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36d7da No.21501101


>gutter balls

jesus had to gog door to door

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8657e9 No.21501102


ackshiully believes what it reads…

has learned nothing.

q failed utterly.

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8657e9 No.21501103


… so did sidd.

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615207 No.21501104


basically not retarded

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d5f87c No.21501105

File: 0c3a24febf62283⋯.gif (4.33 MB,300x524,75:131,0c3a24febf62283fe8fbc77d6f….gif)

File: f539883833744c0⋯.png (775.84 KB,540x960,9:16,0dc4176c07b00c20957132fa47….png)

File: 1b45ac3b27fe20c⋯.jpg (197.63 KB,799x1200,799:1200,1b45ac3b27fe20c21761461fb9….jpg)

File: 1d075d50d8aee06⋯.png (275.8 KB,961x512,961:512,1d075d50d8aee06ce96bc712f4….png)

File: fcc0c721c16981f⋯.jpeg (51.43 KB,851x637,851:637,1e249b7888e676549e246de02….jpeg)

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36d7da No.21501106


major step dad bofo meta

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8657e9 No.21501107


thinks it is hnic.


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7e54e1 No.21501108

File: 24b8708fa4c0ed1⋯.png (752.99 KB,1007x635,1007:635,24b8708fa4c0ed179442910858….png)

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9894b3 No.21501109

File: 459f68535091a1c⋯.jpeg (2.7 MB,3000x4000,3:4,E888BF2D_C4C9_42A7_AF79_B….jpeg)

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36d7da No.21501110


shepherdin a walrusjuuuu an fayk carpentur **whom was falanduring plummbing

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e27888 No.21501111

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAKING: Self Described “Globalist” United Nations Legal Affairs Official Says He's "Not Sure Institution is Going to Survive" Second Trump Term; Reveals Colleagues “Terrified” of His Reelection; Admits U.N. is ‘95% useless’ at Primary Function of International Peace & Security

"I am the definition of a Globalist."

"One of the objectives of the UN is to create an identity of a global citizen…It's a threat to the absolute power of the United States."

"I'm not sure the United Nations as an institution is going to survive a second term by Donald Trump…They want America first."


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d3d83c No.21501112

File: 4df9ba369837b55⋯.png (1.9 MB,1611x981,179:109,pepe_naughty18.png)

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d5f87c No.21501113

File: 723bdeec5b9bed7⋯.png (70.3 KB,216x220,54:55,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 723bdeec5b9bed7⋯.png (70.3 KB,216x220,54:55,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 723bdeec5b9bed7⋯.png (70.3 KB,216x220,54:55,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 723bdeec5b9bed7⋯.png (70.3 KB,216x220,54:55,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 723bdeec5b9bed7⋯.png (70.3 KB,216x220,54:55,ClipboardImage.png)

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e07993 No.21501114


ya gotta admit it's a bit paradoxical that Saul Alinsky would admit guilt in a statement on how to deflect evidence of guilt. [They] really are the Weird ones.

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615207 No.21501115

File: afc00fbc3d4c36c⋯.png (1.57 MB,750x1334,375:667,C22176F9_612C_48C0_8375_27….png)

File: 645b4404e993d89⋯.png (248.47 KB,690x1844,345:922,ED7A987B_C54D_4558_A86C_F6….png)

File: 53bfd50c9391414⋯.png (136.27 KB,690x1736,345:868,76AEFC12_EFD4_40BE_A50F_62….png)

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ddd576 No.21501116

File: 4c78bba8d64b932⋯.png (327.93 KB,974x650,487:325,Destroy_communism_In_the_m….png)


In the Name of JESUS, let Communist China FALL in 2024 and let the MIGHTY Name of JESUS rise and reign among the CHINESE people! Amen.


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b27945 No.21501117


That capacitor start squirrel

Looks like it needs a resistor ….

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36d7da No.21501118

File: 24eab364facc6e7⋯.png (10.1 KB,186x175,186:175,ClipboardImage.png)




>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>butt than

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>greek tranny crack moses has bot fillur to spread alles uber heimat grosse weider

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tom cruise is a lesbian baitin greek tranny crack moses thru vegas laundururs luxor

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>pedovore humiliated during greek tranny citizenship cuck gits mad swammin back to vatican

>>>>>>>>>>>>>vatican chickenhawk anomaly still lust for sum tom cruise is a lesbian peter pan creamy zelda time

>>>>>>>>>>>>betrayur of kin lords and citizens tries to halp faggybastod feels guud bout red rasberries old chitty chuuturs for greek petrol fraud >>21495545 (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>butt than

>>>>>>>>>>>male lesbian culo frum bungholgate gahydar juwish holohoax admits to annoting greek tranny moses bot fillur larpin drumpf seditious spammin seo isREAL nuke software church of fart flatturing coke espionage and nipple clamps can be bought with french tickulur during probe theRAPEY

>>>>>>>>>>isREAL chitty juuuuman trying to mock god aftur land shark crime spree

>>>>>>>>>formur nixon strawman of pedovores admits to infidelity and conversion to peter pan creamy narnia wunderlusts aftur lost boys movie cover up

>>>>>>>>token lesbo yogurt advurt feels fill

>>>>>>UNwantid greek tranny farts cuk humiliation yogurt feels fill buuk must buy

>>>>>compton crack dealur cry bout wut all dat crack money duz to UNwantid greek tranny farts cuk #mustbuybuuk

>>>>nuw buuk has compton crack dealur alles uber greek tranny farts UNwantid bordur grosse heimat bout taht peter pan creamy wanderlustin tom cruise is a lesbian volcano sad crack money duz taht to property portfolio

>>>compton crack queef nuw juwin buuk reveals alles uber greek heimat groose weider peter pan creamy zelda wundurlustin berlinurs farts larpin

>>compton crack queef might hav financed bungholegate laser contractor thru church when unwantid greek tranny farts nazi spam

>fELONy fayk twat LEEEKY LEEKY juus frum jack fruit

apex bungholegate seekin precipice an pumpkin spice frappe colonic on durh beeech


>halp stap durh juuuus frum inasion wiff harry


BAPHOMET ESCAPES XINUITES ******************************************,=,E


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4dcd20 No.21501119

File: 0f2871f40eafd97⋯.jpg (10.9 KB,184x255,184:255,0f2871f40eafd9772f1cf035d5….jpg)

File: 861c7d131aa9c9e⋯.png (1.26 MB,962x1220,481:610,0f888744b5c19d0379d81051a2….png)

File: 2d6045b2e2337e5⋯.jpg (167.05 KB,605x476,605:476,1_2.jpg)

File: a1b5cc4c20da9a4⋯.png (271.28 KB,604x528,151:132,1ad49b5256a2238f0bd0519441….png)

File: 8ef4291f2f40b24⋯.png (204.6 KB,266x400,133:200,1f507a1f190081f3213c1c4f03….png)

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b74e31 No.21501120

File: 553f87985b4b957⋯.png (207.26 KB,568x564,142:141,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3d83c No.21501121

File: 3a252bbc833c08f⋯.png (230.42 KB,615x406,615:406,Pepe_panic_smell.png)

- 5-Image shill

- Vati shill

- Black pill shill

- shills

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94bf99 No.21501122

File: 902c0bdc03ca11a⋯.png (988.81 KB,1080x961,1080:961,resistance.png)

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db1c15 No.21501123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For Donald J Trump, victory and the complete kneecapping and blinding of his enemies, especially but not exclusively, the Luciferian Brotherhood System, it's chain of command, the Satanic Council, it's Command Chain and it's phoenix Barack Hussein Obama, with no ill effect on humanity for the glory of God Almighty and the hastening of the Triumph none can stop.

Day 4

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36d7da No.21501124

File: ed71ad119adb9b6⋯.png (11.14 KB,204x247,204:247,ClipboardImage.png)

dis fudgepackurin factory runs off xinujuuus drooogs an oompa loompa whalurgaaaay sugar

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4dcd20 No.21501125

File: 1d86a6ae83ce94d⋯.jpg (55.89 KB,293x282,293:282,1d86a6ae83ce94dc16d0aa155a….jpg)

File: e5aad5754f5f88b⋯.jpg (45.58 KB,394x406,197:203,1e48392d8df59bcfbc11f7decb….jpg)

File: 58dd1a2709fb7f6⋯.png (1.01 MB,1014x1057,1014:1057,1TYFw47XaUn.png)

File: 9c0f3bbb3e50833⋯.jpg (78.83 KB,713x713,1:1,02ac9c3fd85c8adb50a396d63a….jpg)

File: 2a3cbb6508478ab⋯.png (1.54 MB,1080x1098,60:61,2a3cbb6508478abf9c7ed37363….png)

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abca95 No.21501126

File: 044a4cbd6c2cb77⋯.jpeg (455.66 KB,1593x1877,1593:1877,IMG_3436.jpeg)

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5a4c0b No.21501127

File: 130ad450d1ae889⋯.png (55.91 KB,654x315,218:105,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_1….png)

File: 95e315744489729⋯.png (790.06 KB,636x824,159:206,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_1….png)

Melania Trump's highly anticipated memoir is not yet out but it is already topping sales charts.

The book, titled 'Melania', will be released on October 1, but is available for pre-order on Amazon.

It is currently the No.1 best-seller in Amazon's 'US Presidents' category, as well as its 'Political Leader Biographies' category.

It takes the No.2 spot in the 'Biographies' ranking, and No.5 among all new releases — an impressive feat, especially considering it hasn't even hit shelves yet.


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b74e31 No.21501128

File: 6fda20dbcc9c150⋯.png (278.41 KB,568x763,568:763,ClipboardImage.png)

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94bf99 No.21501129

File: 8ca91c9961bda70⋯.gif (4.13 MB,480x480,1:1,futile_resistence_is.gif)

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d15b50 No.21501130


> - 5-Image shill

> - Vati shill

> - Black pill shill

> - shills

Why the fuck are they allowed to post…///

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4dcd20 No.21501131

File: ae2066cb7c14896⋯.jpg (279.18 KB,1350x1200,9:8,2f7a06f58fb7e220d57c79d8b8….jpg)

File: 2fe2c26c44ccd9f⋯.jpg (55.36 KB,625x457,625:457,2fe2c26c44ccd9f566a937b123….jpg)

File: 2fed1f286597371⋯.jpeg (20.04 KB,438x331,438:331,2fed1f28659737134b5b90ea3….jpeg)

File: 4cd9e2dfb801d58⋯.jpg (23.64 KB,289x175,289:175,2gmsa9.jpg)

File: 4a6f1a3d02c6a94⋯.jpg (46.61 KB,465x394,465:394,2h9si8.jpg)

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dfceee No.21501132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Burning ever more brightly for (you)

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b74e31 No.21501133

File: d48027e1f0ae7e8⋯.png (294.57 KB,568x385,568:385,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a4c0b No.21501134

File: b0c57c99956d15b⋯.png (420.77 KB,590x413,10:7,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_1….png)


thanks bakerer

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36d7da No.21501135

File: 02ca21ea2e7846d⋯.png (10.52 KB,225x224,225:224,ClipboardImage.png)

full deck of spades an diamonds

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615207 No.21501136

File: 0bb18b5c28c1dc6⋯.png (1.45 MB,750x1334,375:667,298799DD_D026_4B6B_8BFE_A5….png)

File: 93baa9a67bbcc48⋯.png (221.58 KB,690x1376,345:688,5F424955_8192_4FE7_8226_91….png)

File: cee8826bfe30a5a⋯.jpeg (567.86 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,FFB8CAA5_A88B_4ABB_B4B7_E….jpeg)

File: 52cb857956dcfc8⋯.png (743.44 KB,690x1662,115:277,E57C21CF_3840_405A_9DC4_4D….png)

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dfceee No.21501137

File: 7b87768d9030bb5⋯.png (4.3 MB,2277x1407,759:469,post_133_eye.png)

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9c9df1 No.21501138

File: 06c3d79e1eb5874⋯.png (5.39 KB,255x214,255:214,f60f2bfd85ffee3593c6945763….png)


sa_54:10 ForH3588 the mountainsH2022 shall depart,H4185 and the hillsH1389 be removed;H4131 but my kindnessH2617 shall notH3808 departH4185 fromH4480 H854 thee, neitherH3808 shall the covenantH1285 of my peaceH7965 be removed,H4131 saithH559 the LORDH3068 that hath mercyH7355 on thee.

Isa_54:13 And allH3605 thy childrenH1121 shall be taughtH3928 of the LORD;H3068 and greatH7227 shall be the peaceH7965 of thy children.H1121

Isa_55:12 ForH3588 ye shall go outH3318 with joy,H8057 and be led forthH2986 with peace:H7965 the mountainsH2022 and the hillsH1389 shall break forthH6476 beforeH6440 you into singing,H7440 and allH3605 the treesH6086 of the fieldH7704 shall clapH4222 their hands.H3709

Isa_57:2 He shall enterH935 into peace:H7965 they shall restH5117 inH5921 their beds,H4904 each one walkingH1980 in his uprightness.H5228

Isa_57:11 And of whomH4310 hast thou been afraidH1672 or feared,H3372 thatH3588 thou hast lied,H3576 and hast notH3808 rememberedH2142 me, norH3808 laidH7760 it toH5921 thy heart?H3820 have notH3808 IH589 held my peaceH2814 even of old,H4480 H5769 and thou fearestH3372 me not?H3808

Isa_57:19 I createH1254 the fruitH5108 of the lips;H8193 Peace,H7965 peaceH7965 to him that is far off,H7350 and to him that is near,H7138 saithH559 the LORD;H3068 and I will healH7495 him.

Isa_57:21 There is noH369 peace,H7965 saithH559 my God,H430 to the wicked.H7563

peace thursday

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dfceee No.21501139

File: a3fd67c396f7ecd⋯.png (151.25 KB,1418x1430,709:715,06A.png)

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47d72d No.21501140

File: d8caadcfffe9279⋯.png (460.53 KB,747x512,747:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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dfceee No.21501141

File: 5a3c378779da40b⋯.png (2.47 MB,1756x1430,878:715,06.png)

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ad78fb No.21501142


I guess we'll find out in November when the democrats steal the election again.

No one has made them accountable for 2020, so you have to be a fool to believe that they won't steal the 2024.

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dfceee No.21501143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Joe Rogan Experience

What's the Difference Between a Cult and a Religion?

"The Catholic Church is a Cult. 100%. It is just a Cult with a Billion people."

"A Cult is Bullshit, its created by one person and he knows it is bullshit. In Religion, that guy is dead."

"I think all Ideologies are Cults."

Taken from Joe Rogan Experience #1055




The imperial cult and Christianity


Opposition to the divine right of kings





Credo quia absurdum


Fake news


Noble lie

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b74e31 No.21501144

File: 6e4bd37ffefbfb7⋯.png (130.66 KB,568x343,568:343,ClipboardImage.png)

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dfceee No.21501145

File: 0e2042fec829778⋯.png (601.93 KB,465x682,15:22,09.png)

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d5f87c No.21501146

File: 545e01bb98e0bfc⋯.jpg (38.19 KB,700x376,175:94,2a43e15d531159233df5665eec….jpg)

File: 12d3c954a0dfdef⋯.jpg (80.61 KB,742x838,371:419,2f0a852358bcf7e27db3e93933….jpg)

File: 5e6803082535fd9⋯.jpg (67.46 KB,767x500,767:500,2lt1le.jpg)

File: 58b983ae2370031⋯.jpg (47.28 KB,500x500,1:1,2m234u.jpg)

File: c420ec4c773b5d2⋯.jpg (39.21 KB,480x325,96:65,2nfgpi.jpg)

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833f1a No.21501147


Socialism Sucks.

And the Public School System is a Socialist System.

The Catholics got it right by starting their own schools and keeping their kids out of the "Free" Government Public Schools.

And many Protestant churches do the same.

And for those who are so inclined, there is Homeschooling.

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5a4c0b No.21501148

File: 8390c1629fe4d20⋯.png (715.95 KB,688x848,43:53,Screenshot_2024_08_09_at_2….png)

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dfceee No.21501149

File: 1c670a272bd2e2e⋯.png (127.11 KB,204x350,102:175,1c670a272bd2e2e735150eced4….png)

File: 1c670a272bd2e2e⋯.png (127.11 KB,204x350,102:175,1c670a272bd2e2e735150eced4….png)

File: 1dd213d7a1a6230⋯.png (771.95 KB,860x950,86:95,08142020ti1.png)

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b74e31 No.21501150

File: 699a6f1279d0caf⋯.png (129.26 KB,489x524,489:524,ClipboardImage.png)

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36d7da No.21501151

File: c845feb5b1df933⋯.png (12.82 KB,251x201,251:201,ClipboardImage.png)

so they buuilt a wal to protect a barbed wire lie from a railraod shill

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dfceee No.21501152

File: af4979a3e836324⋯.png (723.41 KB,600x900,2:3,144a028e16dcbfa364f2721234….png)

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dfceee No.21501153

File: 15500a37089b370⋯.jpg (21.54 KB,337x499,337:499,41os5wKgVwL_SX335_BO1_204_….jpg)

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dfceee No.21501154

File: 4a246401e3b63e8⋯.png (1.17 MB,706x704,353:352,TGWR4.png)

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d15b50 No.21501155



Is that where the games are run out of?

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dfceee No.21501156

File: f12525919deb37c⋯.png (637.18 KB,576x575,576:575,TGWR1.png)

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dfceee No.21501157

File: d4f749103dad18e⋯.png (1.61 MB,1868x1502,934:751,cathmas7.png)

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d5f87c No.21501158

File: 2a1c20b499c89b4⋯.jpg (147.37 KB,720x706,360:353,3a17003096261f2f0f81f85e62….jpg)

File: 3aeca8f078c9b99⋯.jpg (66.02 KB,396x594,2:3,3aeca8f078c9b997a39c22cc12….jpg)

File: 07379dd29b3102d⋯.jpg (19.37 KB,255x247,255:247,3af3a64c265d3a8a94fe708f3a….jpg)

File: 3b781bc38adb80f⋯.jpg (28.81 KB,747x515,747:515,3b781bc38adb80f31dfb409c5c….jpg)

File: b78b38a3573bd1e⋯.jpeg (15.55 KB,255x202,255:202,3b3815505607b2047e422d31e….jpeg)

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dfceee No.21501159

File: 4f8d14ef8d5f31a⋯.png (44.13 KB,1166x346,583:173,ms34.png)

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b74e31 No.21501160

File: 812a04e3499275f⋯.png (219.6 KB,568x484,142:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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36d7da No.21501161

howy achen for taht john gutteariz

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d3d83c No.21501162

File: 214a7901301e575⋯.mp4 (9.79 MB,1080x1080,1:1,R_A_W_S_A_L_E_R_T_S_on_X_B….mp4)


Here's the video.

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dfceee No.21501163

File: a4cf26c5a74b9c4⋯.jpg (54.34 KB,474x474,1:1,OIP_2_.jpg)

File: 1c670a272bd2e2e⋯.png (127.11 KB,204x350,102:175,1c670a272bd2e2e735150eced4….png)

File: 1c670a272bd2e2e⋯.png (127.11 KB,204x350,102:175,1c670a272bd2e2e735150eced4….png)

File: 26569649dc5f19a⋯.png (139.54 KB,364x363,364:363,a2.png)

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b74e31 No.21501164

File: 4e44f8238390b32⋯.png (408 KB,568x426,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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dfceee No.21501165

File: e621979d2da827b⋯.gif (2.62 MB,399x498,133:166,01j.gif)

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dfceee No.21501166

File: 7998bf1d52cf8fe⋯.png (793.84 KB,525x519,175:173,00nsf3.png)

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dfceee No.21501167

File: bdf9d61df608ce2⋯.gif (2.63 MB,900x524,225:131,000z2.gif)

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b74e31 No.21501169

File: 9dad094757f47c1⋯.png (162.16 KB,540x333,60:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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e07993 No.21501171


parochial (local) schools seem to be the best formula, overall. I feel great sorrow for those kids now who will have to contend with the Zombie Hordes currently coming out of Public Skool.

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36d7da No.21501174

File: 70decc7967f7009⋯.png (9.64 KB,251x201,251:201,ClipboardImage.png)


>oompa loompa whalurgaaaay sugar

an tehy hangry

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9c9df1 No.21501176

peace script

that bringeth good tidingsH1319 of good,H2896 that publishethH8085 salvation;H3444 that saithH559 unto Zion,H6726 Thy GodH430 reigneth!H4427

Isa_53:5 But heH1931 was woundedH2490 for our transgressions,H4480 H6588 he was bruisedH1792 for our iniquities:H4480 H5771 the chastisementH4148 of our peaceH7965 was uponH5921 him; and with his stripesH2250 we are healed.H749

peace thursday

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ff5aae No.21501178

File: ad7b9fcb00380a2⋯.jpeg (433.28 KB,1284x1608,107:134,IMG_2603.jpeg)

File: 9dd40e4b5f6e1f5⋯.jpeg (225.83 KB,1284x757,1284:757,IMG_2604.jpeg)

File: 33051f754fb324d⋯.jpeg (79.27 KB,1284x1702,642:851,IMG_2605.jpeg)

Melania Trump becomes a No.1 best-seller! Former First Lady's memoir revealing intimate details of how she met Donald and became a mother tops sales charts… and it's not even out yet!

Her memoir 'Melania' will be released on October 1

Melania Trump's highly anticipated memoir is not yet out but it is already topping sales charts.

The book, titled 'Melania', will be released on October 1, but is available for pre-order on Amazon.

It is currently the No.1 best-seller in Amazon's 'US Presidents' category, as well as its 'Political Leader Biographies' category.

It takes the No.2 spot in the 'Biographies' ranking, and No.5 among all new releases — an impressive feat, especially considering it hasn't even hit shelves yet.

Melania has described writing her memoir as a journey 'filled with emotional highs and lows'.

'Writing my memoir has been an amazing journey,' the former First Lady told Fox News Digital. 'Each story shaped me into who I am today.'

Melania has maintained a low profile since leaving the White House in January 2021, with her memoir set provide an incredible first-person insight into her life.

A thrilling blurb promises intimate details of Melania's 'Slovenian childhood, the pivotal moments that led her to the world of high fashion in Europe and New York, and the serendipitous meeting with Donald Trump, a chance encounter that forever changed the course of her life.'

Melania is also expected to open up about 'the joy of motherhood==', sharing 'behind-the-scenes stories from her time in the White House, =shedding light on her advocacy work and the causes close to her heart.'

For his part, Donald Trump is being a supportive husband by promoting the book.

He posted a link to it on his Truth Social account and wrote: 'If you love our former First Lady as much as me, and are ready for the Truth, buy her new book now!'

Melania is also selling two special editions: a $150 collector's edition, running for 256 pages in full color throughout; and a signed memoir edition with 48 pages of color photos for $75. Each copy of these special editions will be personally signed by Melania.

'Melania' will be released by Skyhorse Publishing.


The Real First Lady

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d14ae1 No.21501179

>>21500754 pb

You are watching a movie.

Is a disservice to People kill people, because it causes us to become complacent because now everyone thinks, no one is dying or being attacked; which is the furthest thing from the truth.

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5a4c0b No.21501180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d5f87c No.21501183

File: 260544b774da9ae⋯.jpg (31.31 KB,696x405,232:135,2a44edce8c4fad2f6bffcd5bc8….jpg)

File: 2a301c8b5b48cda⋯.png (348.48 KB,768x768,1:1,3A38573C_0DB9_446C_91FF_35….png)

File: 069cb0853cd0351⋯.jpg (135.73 KB,922x633,922:633,3b097f3035870a5cf3aa6a07a7….jpg)

File: e9d2ad0c51681b3⋯.jpg (89.98 KB,622x960,311:480,3beba0c63b70baefe79e7153c8….jpg)

File: f9b4619bd8457bf⋯.png (295.39 KB,426x419,426:419,3c1ab1577cef156f6a035c0b36….png)

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833f1a No.21501185

File: 140877bd7e4959b⋯.png (194.56 KB,248x400,31:50,ClipboardImage.png)


The ADL are crybabies.

Muh Holohoax.

Why do they persecute me so?

He is just throwing it back at them.

He uses their weapons against them.

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36d7da No.21501186

File: ac701296aef0a8b⋯.png (5.2 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

_ranusium ahola$ luub dat whaluurgay thong

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b74e31 No.21501188

File: 24c16caa1a5c632⋯.png (3.92 MB,2048x1535,2048:1535,ClipboardImage.png)

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e27888 No.21501190

File: 0500d38f1ba53a0⋯.png (196.55 KB,527x665,527:665,Capture.PNG)

Judges begrudgingly releasing J6ers after SCOTUS Fischer ruling reversed DOJ's use of 1512c2.

Few judges have been worse on J6ers than ex chief judge Beryl Howell (Obama). Yesterday she ordered the release of Patrick Stedman…but not before an unhinged tongue lashing:


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ad78fb No.21501192




This is spreading to other places too. Soon these people who crossed the border illegally will be taking over suburban neighborhoods. George Soros's groups are handing out fliers to them as they pass through Mexico, explaining "squatters rights" laws in the USA.

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b74e31 No.21501193

File: f8d7cf9f7a7938f⋯.png (180.91 KB,568x567,568:567,ClipboardImage.png)

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d5f87c No.21501195

File: 0d421b23cf2a9f2⋯.png (196.47 KB,264x444,22:37,3d825b474b5a61e2f69099a11f….png)

File: 3da11b0cac1af0b⋯.jpg (52.15 KB,500x733,500:733,3da11b0cac1af0b10e10161adb….jpg)

File: 1a18b0d60e5d9e3⋯.png (530.65 KB,961x990,961:990,3e4d03ae0dd57b5b785e0dfc79….png)

File: 4a463cc4069e488⋯.png (134.54 KB,384x382,192:191,3eecaa39d71983c28f97e66073….png)

File: f6b6a0e7990909a⋯.jpeg (64.02 KB,768x512,3:2,3F38C13A_F6C2_406B_865E_2….jpeg)

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b74e31 No.21501197

File: ec3cfcc87846e1b⋯.png (250.92 KB,568x774,284:387,ClipboardImage.png)

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8657e9 No.21501200

File: 839ad54b35025c7⋯.png (1.03 MB,1074x869,1074:869,20240829_090028.png)



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36d7da No.21501201

File: 8b611153c6b80bd⋯.png (11.63 KB,194x259,194:259,ClipboardImage.png)

flappity flappity flappity pineappl huggurs cry

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d3d83c No.21501203

File: dcdf5e7c60997da⋯.jpg (137.95 KB,700x700,1:1,fuck_around_find_out.jpg)


>squatters rights

House-jacking isn't the same as squatting. They will be in for a rude awakening when the fuck with the wrong neighborhood.

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b74e31 No.21501204

File: 63cc4fc2ee70314⋯.png (199.92 KB,568x493,568:493,ClipboardImage.png)

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d15b50 No.21501208



>The ADL are crybabies.

>Muh Holohoax.

>Why do they persecute me so?

>He is just throwing it back at them.

>He uses their weapons against them.

Why do you post this gabage here..///

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d5f87c No.21501210

File: d309ccbd3347edf⋯.jpg (89.9 KB,640x480,4:3,2lpqhd_1_.jpg)

File: 9b539e41c34014f⋯.jpg (35.11 KB,300x300,1:1,2lsx1a.jpg)

File: dfd9d32a80bf91b⋯.jpg (57.33 KB,610x300,61:30,2lsx4v.jpg)

File: a745b52004c9438⋯.jpg (19.29 KB,275x183,275:183,2lsx38.jpg)

File: f7ed9b7a8ea769f⋯.png (166.39 KB,749x500,749:500,3da0c2edce49e3cce404b18f68….png)

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ad78fb No.21501212


The Soros DAs will prosecute the home owners of crimes, not the gangs.

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d5cc28 No.21501214

File: 10719827012fd6e⋯.png (264.5 KB,622x797,622:797,IMG_1966.png)

File: d67eceabdebc6c0⋯.jpeg (136.39 KB,635x948,635:948,IMG_1967.jpeg)

File: c92c92ef8ea63c7⋯.png (173.84 KB,628x455,628:455,IMG_1968.png)

File: ce3f7684c5df478⋯.png (340.34 KB,810x761,810:761,IMG_1969.png)

File: 243a48a0d2bee3c⋯.jpeg (112.13 KB,591x1280,591:1280,IMG_1970.jpeg)

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8a5bfb No.21501215

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)


Fake Und Ghey eBot just moar Squeaky.

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833f1a No.21501217


I used to work with a lady who was a Behavior Disorder Specialist. She would come into a classroom and antagonize the retarded kids and cause them to have bad behavior. Then she would come up with a plan to fix their bad behavior. She created her own job.

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d5f87c No.21501219

File: 19a916449f47468⋯.jpg (90.42 KB,960x745,192:149,3fbc71cd2990ec2e6f08b4f515….jpg)

File: 3fdfc7c37164c1f⋯.png (442.38 KB,540x540,1:1,3fdfc7c37164c1f11c7b1e27a3….png)

File: 3fed9b497eec457⋯.jpg (50.66 KB,625x700,25:28,3fed9b497eec457b4d517169a6….jpg)

File: 004e9516a7a44be⋯.jpg (74.56 KB,1123x1200,1123:1200,004e9516a7a44be69ddd55e68a….jpg)

File: 10a3a6cc9051270⋯.jpg (11.16 KB,236x183,236:183,04a86115b74c58422cca7b5f75….jpg)

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b74e31 No.21501221

File: 843bf14adc2f134⋯.png (269.54 KB,568x580,142:145,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b4b51 No.21501222


Lutheran's too

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59c069 No.21501225

File: 61e4ef4e6288028⋯.png (42.07 KB,615x286,615:286,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62039fe9ef7cb4d⋯.png (134.68 KB,595x489,595:489,ClipboardImage.png)



Aurora police say gang activity ‘isolated’ as Denver police deny apartment takeovers

Updated: Aug 29, 2024 / 08:30 AM MDT

The Denver Police Department said in a statement Wednesday that it was “not aware” of any Denver apartment buildings being taken over by the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua.

Despite this, the department stated that it takes the presence of the gang in the city seriously and that the safety of residents and officers is its “top priority.”

“There are reasons to believe that members of this gang are tied to crimes in the area,” the statement said. “However, DPD is not aware of any apartment buildings being ‘taken over’ by this gang in Denver.”

The Aurora Police Department also responded to the situation and said they are “aware that components” of the gang are operating in the city, and are gathering evidence to connect it to crimes.

APD did say, however, that it believes reports of influence in Aurora are “isolated.”

Law enforcement linked the gang to a violent jewelry store heist that happened in Denver on June 24. Four Venezuelan nationals have been indicted in connection to the crime.

The same gang also triggered a law enforcement safety bulletin that warned police in Denver that members had been “given a green light to fire or attack law enforcement.”

Denver Mayor Mike Johnston spoke to FOX31 about the situation in early August. He said the city was watching the situation “very closely” and he had been in contact with Denver Police Chief Ron Thomas about concerns and potential options.

Denver is not the only city that has addressed people’s concerns about the gang’s presence in the area.

On Aug. 19, the Aurora Police Department announced that it would join forces with the Colorado State Patrol and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation for a special task force to address concerns about the Tren de Aragua gang.

Police said the task force’s main goal would be assisting agencies around the area and maximizing resources through sharing intelligence in ongoing investigations.

On Wednesday, the department reiterated that it is working with other agencies but that “it would be improper” for the city or APD to make any statements on specific incidents or law enforcement strategies.

While Denver has not stated outright that it was joining any specific task force, it said that it “continues actively investigating” the gang alongside its law enforcement partners in the area.

The city of Aurora closed the Fitzsimons apartment complex off Colfax Avenue and Nome Street on Aug. 13 and said dozens of code violations were to blame.

CBZ Management, the company that operated the building, told FOX31 that they had not been able to conduct maintenance or repairs because the complex had been overrun by gang activity.

However, Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman said that was misleading, and that the problem preceded “any problems with Venezuelan gangs” and even the migrant crisis at large.

Denver police said the community can assist the department’s efforts by submitting tips through Metro Denver Crime Stoppers at 720-913-7867.

People can remain anonymous when submitting tips. Denver police also urged officers not to ask witnesses or victims of crime about their immigration status in order to remove any potential barrier to reporting.

The Aurora Police Department urged people to “not remain silent victims” and to report crimes to local law enforcement agencies.


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e07993 No.21501226


along with CPS and Social Workers

it's a pattern

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833f1a No.21501228


If the Jews follow the laws of Moses, why do they think that it is ok for people to be homos?

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df56d7 No.21501231

File: 0df3877f9a74e14⋯.png (315.7 KB,596x638,298:319,ClipboardImage.png)


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9f9d67 No.21501232

File: 8e926af1c6becd7⋯.jpg (40.33 KB,500x316,125:79,3dc3811c1ec5c532e1634f7624….jpg)

File: 3f8e7f062d40ff1⋯.jpg (34.04 KB,450x340,45:34,3f8e7f062d40ff1fde2ca247de….jpg)

File: 04b7b13cfb7ec1a⋯.jpg (64.22 KB,614x768,307:384,04b7b13cfb7ec1abed6d464a24….jpg)

File: 7fe8460371bfaea⋯.jpeg (103.16 KB,600x904,75:113,04C46E38_72A7_4C91_B5C0_0….jpeg)

File: 04eff26d8a33cfa⋯.jpeg (66.69 KB,564x388,141:97,04eff26d8a33cfa69398d3dc3….jpeg)

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5a4c0b No.21501234

File: db61d189ab6ccd8⋯.png (469.31 KB,940x490,94:49,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_1….png)

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4a1a4c No.21501235

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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36d7da No.21501236

File: 7c23a057b511184⋯.jpg (167.91 KB,1104x1434,184:239,lxzsj4b1cnm81.jpg)


>dis fudgepackurin factory runs off xinujuuus drooogs an oompa loompa whalurgaaaay sugar

an corn an imported processors

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59c069 No.21501237

File: 25d6f10dcdcd0ac⋯.png (1.37 MB,1024x657,1024:657,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

August 29, 2024

Star Factory Messier 17

A nearby star factory known as Messier 17 lies some 5,500 light-years away in the nebula-rich constellation Sagittarius. At that distance, this 1.5 degree wide field-of-view would span about 150 light-years. In the sharp color composite image faint details of the region's gas and dust clouds are highlighted with narrowband image data against a backdrop of central Milky Way stars. The stellar winds and energetic radiation from hot, massive stars already formed from M17's stock of cosmic gas and dust have slowly carved away at the remaining interstellar material, producing the nebula's cavernous appearance and the undulating shapes within. A popular stop on telescopic tours of the cosmos, M17 is also known as the Omega or the Swan Nebula.


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ad78fb No.21501241


>for those who are so inclined, there is Homeschooling.

Which is under attack from the left. They want to abolish homeschooling, and force everyone's children into the public school system.

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ffb59a No.21501242

File: 3c1261be14ca255⋯.png (627.33 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>You are watching a movie.

this single statement has done moar damage than imaginable.

The banality of Evil.

the u.k is now going to ban smoking outside pubs and buildings

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d5f87c No.21501243

File: 4a3c85915aa916c⋯.jpg (77.86 KB,634x1024,317:512,4a3c85915aa916c4d581190808….jpg)

File: 4e156027e308f50⋯.jpg (186.18 KB,960x940,48:47,4a7e14d39f1564ee8124b7fd56….jpg)

File: 034935978de5382⋯.jpeg (383.39 KB,1300x916,325:229,4a90c2c8160e02c61bdf6337f….jpeg)

File: 4a2767cfb27f5ab⋯.png (238.03 KB,451x373,451:373,4a2767cfb27f5ab7f3dd324f85….png)

File: 2b95101bb933f3f⋯.jpeg (180.88 KB,1747x1215,1747:1215,4A988521_05D1_482B_A0C6_0….jpeg)

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94bf99 No.21501245

File: 233f7ec784f93d6⋯.png (924.9 KB,1346x2748,673:1374,Federal_Reserve_Board_anno….png)

Federal Reserve Board announces final individual capital requirements for all large banks, effective on October 1

August 28, 2024

For release at 5:00 p.m. EDT

Following its stress test earlier this year, the Federal Reserve Board on Wednesday announced final individual capital requirements for all large banks, effective on October 1.


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e27888 No.21501246

File: 1176dee8df24e2f⋯.png (388.03 KB,531x534,177:178,Capture.PNG)

Iron Dragons in Action! 🚁

Soldiers from the 1-501st Attack Reconnaissance Battalion, Combat Aviation Brigade, recently conducted a DARTEX (Downed Aircraft Recovery Exercise). This crucial training ensures our troops are ready to recover downed helicopters swiftly and safely.


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36d7da No.21501247

File: 1460d801021eb44⋯.png (8.39 KB,213x237,71:79,ClipboardImage.png)

vietnam walrusjuuuu still haz imaginary fren problems

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8657e9 No.21501248

File: ee722f723a0af40⋯.jpg (65.8 KB,1080x804,90:67,Screenshot_20240829_090754….jpg)

while you typed…

america was invaded

government completely suborned

constitutional rights abolished

vote stolen

president shot

your resumé is impressive.

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833f1a No.21501250


A Homeschool is just a very small private school.

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8a5bfb No.21501252

FBI failed to properly investigate all child sexual assault allegations, DOJ report says

Aug 29th, 10:02:46

By David Shepardson

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department's Office of Inspector General said Thursday the FBI failed to properly investigate some suspected child sexual abuse cases and did not report some allegations to state or social services agencies.

A July 2021 report by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz uncovered widespread and dire errors by the FBI that allowed onetime USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar to continue to abuse at least 70 more victims before he was finally arrested.

Horowitz said Thursday his office had conducted a new audit of 327 child sexual assault allegations reported to the FBI between October 2021 and February 2023 and flagged 42 or 13% of incidents reviewed to FBI headquarters because auditors believed that they required "immediate attention" including some where there was a lack of investigative activity.

OIG said of those 42 incidents, the FBI said it would take further action in 43% and add documentation in 40%.

"We identified numerous incidents where the FBI didn't appropriately respond" to allegations against children, Horowitz said.

OIG said in one example, the FBI received an allegation of abuse by a registered sex offender but "didn't take appropriate investigative action for over a year."

OIG said during that period the suspect "allegedly victimized at least one additional minor." After OIG raised the incident, the FBI "took appropriate action and the subject was indicted."


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d3d83c No.21501253

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB,236x207,236:207,pepe_keks.png)


>but not before an unhinged tongue lashing:

She doesn't like losing…..

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d5f87c No.21501254

File: 3f6cff131d7d0b7⋯.jpg (402.46 KB,855x966,285:322,3f6cff131d7d0b7eb3195e54a9….jpg)

File: 682620ce62929af⋯.jpg (17.35 KB,255x182,255:182,3f802db5cd67a0c50889584650….jpg)

File: 4b9212ddf8c23b1⋯.jpg (44.51 KB,600x600,1:1,4b9212ddf8c23b1dc615fc1a07….jpg)

File: 4bb7e10e2f3f6ff⋯.jpg (124.73 KB,800x532,200:133,4bb7e10e2f3f6ff71fbc1b775f….jpg)

File: 4bd48f6fea61317⋯.jpg (104.62 KB,777x569,777:569,4bd48f6fea61317c433a5019f2….jpg)

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e27888 No.21501255

File: 9f31a160573fa3c⋯.png (11.01 KB,528x146,264:73,Capture.PNG)

Investors bought 1 out of every 6 U.S. homes sold in the second quarter of this year, per Redfin.


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5a4c0b No.21501257

File: be2c0a7ecb0955d⋯.png (501.7 KB,933x639,311:213,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_1….png)


orange man, orange lobster…COMMS?


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94bf99 No.21501259

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:00 PM EDT

The Charlie Kirk Show

Real America's Voice


12:00 PM EDT

Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly.

United Nations


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d15b50 No.21501260


>House-jacking isn't the same as squatting. They will be in for a rude awakening when the fuck with the wrong neighborhood.

The games are how the elite maintain control of the civilian population… they pit blackmailed "contestants" against eachother in a battle of wit, guile and stealth.

They are often conducted underground with compromised peopls houses on the line.///

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d5f87c No.21501261

File: 91197d98f71ec48⋯.jpeg (192.74 KB,1920x1440,4:3,4EB6AC2B_73F9_4331_8486_3….jpeg)

File: 37311a491a0a696⋯.jpg (423.2 KB,1536x1024,3:2,4f04c619ddfc7624a0aef460ef….jpg)

File: 340e7b06d192098⋯.jpg (76.67 KB,691x522,691:522,4f682a02c4f4006e530c3829a4….jpg)

File: 96a8324d23e280d⋯.jpg (42.08 KB,480x363,160:121,4f6537f93f48d66069d86c7db0….jpg)

File: 11f30a18a4cf90c⋯.jpg (8.59 KB,236x265,236:265,4fa78c9604d71a245e17789257….jpg)

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8a5bfb No.21501262


Someone always has to be left holding the Cleveland Steamer Bag.

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833f1a No.21501263


But the Hollyweird kids get private tutors, in trailers that are located on set, which is basically Homeschooling.

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8657e9 No.21501264


science = cartoons



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18596a No.21501266

File: 1270cf7f25091b0⋯.webp (32.76 KB,526x638,263:319,66cfed622e459.webp)

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36d7da No.21501267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

lurn moar bout how peanut butter revenge pron gits aholajuuuus to sQUEAL lik a hogg fo $50 watermelon

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d5f87c No.21501269

File: 4b637477d285020⋯.jpg (23.28 KB,507x338,3:2,4b637477d28502060568fbca71….jpg)

File: 4be5c701a51fcc2⋯.jpg (566.16 KB,1100x1470,110:147,4be5c701a51fcc21ac4496de78….jpg)

File: 5e177d686e14771⋯.jpeg (190.87 KB,1100x843,1100:843,4be8dd70a0762e83781cba7e7….jpeg)

File: 0fc4a194452e1ad⋯.jpg (101.33 KB,885x516,295:172,4c72aeea4b53184014df5f698f….jpg)

File: 4da6e4fbd7885bb⋯.jpg (39.99 KB,480x481,480:481,4da6e4fbd7885bb1c754527537….jpg)

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d5f87c No.21501272

File: 689283e4b9feb50⋯.jpg (175.51 KB,634x1338,317:669,4E22F09900000578_5943267_i….jpg)

File: 4ffca51509876ca⋯.jpg (624.76 KB,2000x3000,2:3,4ffca51509876ca42df6e2fb77….jpg)

File: 005df466c9261d4⋯.jpg (216.03 KB,764x1000,191:250,005df466c9261d40e265f844e9….jpg)

File: 05d07cfe99ea7f8⋯.png (19.38 KB,234x216,13:12,05d07cfe99ea7f80a986341adc….png)

File: 87df7e857c205ea⋯.jpeg (62.07 KB,600x800,3:4,5A8C7EFE_9402_4F8D_AE46_B….jpeg)

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b74e31 No.21501273

File: e5d6c9e6be38c71⋯.png (696.35 KB,1080x1285,216:257,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a4c0b No.21501274

File: 0875fb44aa82df5⋯.png (681 KB,1200x630,40:21,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_1….png)

File: f93939d08f3eac4⋯.png (189.01 KB,430x325,86:65,Screenshot_2024_08_29_at_1….png)

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b6576c No.21501275

File: 8a276ba10172c97⋯.png (457.23 KB,962x870,481:435,1244.png)

BOOM! Biden Regime Planning World War III To Default On US Government Debt Before Next Election

Video below shows the United States has ground troops inside the country of Moldova, near Ukraine's western border. Moldova's Constitution REQUIRES that country to be militarily neutral! US Forces there mean the US is trying to create a second front for Russia, inside Ukraine.

Here is video, taken by a Farmer in one of his field in Moldova, as he encounters US Ground Troops:


The farmer clearly does NOT want US troops on his property or inside his country because he knows, to an absolute certainty, when Russia finds out US troops are there, Russian soldiers may be sent and war will come to his country, too. Why are United States military forces inside Moldova?

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Ukraine is collapsing. The Russians are making very significant gains in territory and Ukraine is running out of weapons and ammunition.

Deputy Chairman Chernev of Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence said publicly yesterday "Ukraine does not count on new arms supplies from the Biden administration. Kiev should focus on those who will be in the Harris administration if she wins."

Last week, Germany made clear they will not be providing more weapons to Ukraine after revelations that Ukraine was involved in the bombing of the Nordstream Pipeline. That bombing cut-off Russian natural gas flows to Germany, which in turn, ruined Germany's Industrial production. Skyrocketing energy costs have made it impossible for German Industry to continue, and upwards of forty percent (40%) of German Industry is now either actually Bankrupt, or heading into Bankruptcy.

Yesterday, the Minister of National Defense of Poland, stated publicly "Poland no longer has weapons that it could transfer to Ukraine."


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833f1a No.21501276


these judges think that they are gods

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615207 No.21501277

File: 72bc01670c6e6b6⋯.png (2.1 MB,690x3490,69:349,4D727734_B4FD_4AEB_9F0E_F2….png)

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b6576c No.21501280


So it appears the conflict between Ukraine and Russia is at its most crucial moment; WIthout supplies, Ukraine cannot fight, and so they are entering Russia via the Kursk Invasion, and last night, began entering Belgorod, Russia as another point of invasion.

It thus seems that Ukraine is deliberately escalating to cause…. something' ….to take place that causes NATO to actually enter the conflict and begin fighting Russia.

Apparently, to that end, former President Volodymyr Zelensky, whose Presidential Term of Office expired in May, publicly stated "Ukraine has developed new ballistic missiles which will destroy something important in Moscow. Then, Ukraine will issue an ultimatum "Leave Ukraine or we will destroy Moscow and St. Petersburg."

Intelligence sources confirm Ukraine has tested its first domestically produced ballistic missile. It’s most likely the Hrim-2 project, a missile with a range of "over 700 km," making it possible for Ukraine to strike Moscow. Previously, Ukraine could only reach Moscow with small drones.

Ukraine striking Moscow and/or St. Petersburg is just the type of "Hail Mary" escalation that could ignite a ferocious Russian response and be the spark that ignites World War 3.

Adding fuel to that potential fire was the British. The London Telegraph newspaper reported yesterday "The UK supports Kiev's use of Storm Shadow missiles for strikes on Russian territory, but will not publicly call for this step due to fears that it will provoke a quarrel with the United States." So the British are openly making clear they support Ukraine strikes deep into Russia.


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df56d7 No.21501281

>>21501111 chekt and notable exposure

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a969ca No.21501282

File: 1be354bb023a23f⋯.png (24.02 KB,427x105,61:15,ClipboardImage.png)

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4dcd20 No.21501283

File: b98d23684022ed0⋯.jpg (9.08 KB,250x250,1:1,2ltu3b.jpg)

File: c794ccbdf66dfb7⋯.jpg (83.08 KB,500x751,500:751,2n01j8_1_.jpg)

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36d7da No.21501284

File: 97e788a9b8485b8⋯.png (8.02 KB,273x184,273:184,ClipboardImage.png)

an tahn russel brand tries to kike sum movements

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b6576c No.21501285



Given the fact that the US is now $35 TRILLION in debt, and that debt is now growing by $1 TRILLION more every 100 days or so, it is now mathematically impossible for the United States to financially survive.

As such, they NEED a massive war to blame the coming financial collapse on. They can't allow the collapse to happen in a manner where THEY get blamed; they have to have some other excuse to point-to . . . . and nuclear war is the only solution that fits their need.

Americans THINK they're safe across the ocean, but they're not.

Moreover, once our cities are smashed and our people are killed in such a war, the politicians who caused all this by over-spending for decades, think they'll get to slither out of their nuclear bunkers, and tell the Bankers "Our cities are smashed, our people are dead, there's no way we can repay you, we need debt forgiveness." And they actually think they'll still be able to be in-power once they get tens of millions of us killed!

Between what the politicians have done, and are doing in Ukraine against Russia, and what they have done and are doing with Bankrupting the United States, there is simply no possibility they WON'T cause World War 3 because they NEED us dead to ask for debt forgiveness.

The state-run media is utterly failing to report *ANY* of this to the general public and as such, millions of us are being setup to be killed in a nuclear war that our own elected officials intentionally set up to get THEMSELVES out of the trouble they've caused, but our people don't know it because the media is bought-and-paid-for by the politicians doing all these things.

I have now told you the truth. You'd better be ready because, by most accounting, this thing has to kick off before the November elections. The powers-that-be know if Trump wins, ALL their plans for war to get out of debt, will be thwarted. Why do you think they tried to kill him?

Of course, the mass media did report that the Shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, used encrypted communications programs with connections in Germany, Belgium and New Zealand, but what they DIDN'T TELL YOU, was that the Belgium encrypted comms, used a server at… NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. GEE. What a coincidence….



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94bf99 No.21501286

File: 6c4b9d89bf2fe56⋯.png (83.1 KB,447x364,447:364,anger_truth.png)

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ad78fb No.21501287


Many of them are sexual abuse victims, and the abusers will always make exceptions for their prey.

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4dcd20 No.21501289

File: 2732eab75b57274⋯.png (135.25 KB,490x325,98:65,5ac6eccc7f2d0d2f30cd926d1e….png)

File: 612051c4de0d3d0⋯.png (460.79 KB,960x540,16:9,5acb96e02499e2be677f5035b6….png)

File: 5aeffa84f649c35⋯.gif (821.08 KB,607x609,607:609,5aeffa84f649c35a5ecd972d76….gif)

File: 5bf3aa8d4db5233⋯.jpg (10.99 KB,232x310,116:155,5bf3aa8d4db52334c87d051462….jpg)

File: 5c2e993448720d2⋯.jpg (37.32 KB,399x385,57:55,5c2e993448720d286214d5583f….jpg)

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df56d7 No.21501290

File: b6abf82642cab43⋯.png (551.37 KB,544x680,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)


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59c069 No.21501293

File: 1c651b581def52a⋯.png (4 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA, Boeing Optimizing Vehicle Assembly Building High Bay for Future SLS Stage Production

Aug 27, 2024

NASA is preparing space at the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida for upcoming assembly activities of the SLS (Space Launch System) rocket core stage for future Artemis missions, beginning with Artemis III.

Teams are currently outfitting the assembly building’s High Bay 2 for future vertical assembly of the rocket stage that will help power NASA’s Artemis campaign to the Moon.

During Apollo, High Bay 2, one of four high bays inside the Vehicle Assembly Building, was used to stack the Saturn V rocket.

During the Space Shuttle Program, the high bay was used for external tank checkout and storage and as a contingency storage area for the shuttle.

Michigan-based Futuramic is constructing the tooling that will hold the core stage in a vertical position, allowing NASA and Boeing, the SLS core stage lead contractor, to integrate the SLS rocket’s engine section and four RS-25 engines to finish assembly of the rocket stage.

Vertical integration will streamline final production efforts, offering technicians 360-degree access to the stage both internally and externally.

“The High Bay 2 area at NASA Kennedy is critical for work as SLS transitions from a developmental to operational model,” said Chad Bryant, deputy manager of the SLS Stages Office.

“While teams are stacking and preparing the SLS rocket for launch of one Artemis mission, the SLS core stage for another Artemis mission will be taking shape just across the aisleway.”

Under the new assembly model beginning with Artemis III, all the major structures for the SLS core stage will continue to be fully produced and manufactured at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans.

Upon completion of manufacturing and thermal protection system application, the engine section will be shipped to NASA Kennedy for final outfitting. Later, the top sections of the core stage – the forward skirt, intertank, liquid oxygen tank, and liquid hydrogen tank – will be outfitted and joined at NASA Michoud and shipped to NASA Kennedy for final assembly.

The fully assembled core stage for Artemis II arrived at Kennedy on July 23. NASA’s Pegasus barge delivered the SLS engine section for Artemis III to Kennedy in December 2022.

Teams at NASA Michoud are outfitting the remaining core stage elements and preparing to horizontally join them.

The four RS-25 engines for the Artemis III mission are complete at NASA’s Stennis Space Center in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, and will be transported to NASA Kennedy in 2025.

Major core stage and exploration upper stage structures are in work at NASA Michoud for Artemis IV and beyond.

NASA is working to land the first woman, first person of color, and its first international partner astronaut on the Moon under Artemis.

SLS is part of NASA’s backbone for deep space exploration, along with the Orion spacecraft, supporting ground systems, advanced spacesuits and rovers, the Gateway in orbit around the Moon, and commercial human landing systems.

SLS is the only rocket that can send Orion, astronauts, and supplies to the Moon in a single launch.


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8a5bfb No.21501294

File: ec37466afffd6c6⋯.gif (796.19 KB,380x362,190:181,Squeakys_Hats.gif)

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b6576c No.21501295




Dire info. Read. Not much time is left, they are all going for BROKE now.

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36d7da No.21501297

File: 2e1c9ae53d13968⋯.png (7.11 KB,220x164,55:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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43a91c No.21501298

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4dcd20 No.21501299

File: ec1b5ffdaddddff⋯.jpeg (28.15 KB,255x191,255:191,4F30018A_5939_4549_A5E7_C….jpeg)

File: a1f0d3cef0e691b⋯.jpg (70.02 KB,1024x683,1024:683,4f4249351263383d57562c9d3c….jpg)

File: 4fce9c1309926a3⋯.jpg (257.05 KB,540x494,270:247,4fce9c1309926a3f44e567a2e1….jpg)

File: 5a485d9f64213d9⋯.jpg (94.35 KB,648x486,4:3,5a485d9f64213d9d449ac2a539….jpg)

File: 5a7552d97b4d8ab⋯.jpeg (82.37 KB,620x372,5:3,5a7552d97b4d8ab4655afe8cc….jpeg)

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43a91c No.21501300



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986b4a No.21501302



Filtered Again

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615207 No.21501304

File: 6614699575b562f⋯.png (3.45 MB,2048x2048,1:1,AEF3769F_0BE3_4DC7_B03F_DE….png)


God bless you Swordy and all onboard.

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7e54e1 No.21501306

File: 730f53f15876f43⋯.webm (224 KB,573x240,191:80,hunt4.webm)

KEK. Poor little buggers are scared.

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8a5bfb No.21501307

File: 0ad8edb43db151d⋯.png (772.86 KB,1208x1471,1208:1471,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1f99056b57e335⋯.png (630.35 KB,1273x1297,1273:1297,ClipboardImage.png)

Steve McGuire


BREAKING: Laura Sparks, president of The Cooper Union, where Jewish students were trapped in the library by a mob of protestors, has resigned.

“This past academic year revealed new challenges…”

She is moving to Philly to “advance equitable opportunity in historically marginalized communities.”


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59c069 No.21501309



These are great

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36d7da No.21501311

File: 19cd588fd37eaf4⋯.png (7.68 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

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4dcd20 No.21501317

File: 5c868bd85ef9745⋯.jpg (56.69 KB,563x564,563:564,5c868bd85ef97455f0930ab3f6….jpg)

File: 6a1ecc5d9200585⋯.jpg (27.98 KB,500x372,125:93,6a1ecc5d92005852d9b9e4cc45….jpg)

File: 6b114ac07a91b9b⋯.png (17.91 KB,255x193,255:193,6b114ac07a91b9b20d345af8e5….png)

File: 6be55f11ea03c04⋯.jpg (226.55 KB,900x1200,3:4,6be55f11ea03c04f14e6629b7f….jpg)

File: 867554e1019ec4d⋯.png (520.78 KB,433x640,433:640,6de026f95bad058e57926b7556….png)

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833f1a No.21501318



And Baptists too.

And Greek Orthodox.

to name a few others

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94bf99 No.21501321

File: f47f1be6f75c5ed⋯.png (1.72 MB,924x775,924:775,dems_dangerous.png)

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8657e9 No.21501324

File: 6d79a2408c7c727⋯.gif (223.04 KB,640x480,4:3,20240829_091835.gif)



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4dcd20 No.21501325

File: 6cb0d9e963dd055⋯.png (426.55 KB,672x372,56:31,6cb0d9e963dd05527d04ccc320….png)

File: 6d0ef8d499df4c7⋯.jpg (35.21 KB,620x400,31:20,6d0ef8d499df4c7e6714915f9f….jpg)

File: 6d487621de50b9d⋯.jpg (24.49 KB,399x601,399:601,6d487621de50b9db07a2077568….jpg)

File: 6db9bc5631bb90e⋯.jpg (112.43 KB,1000x1000,1:1,6ebd1cfad4cc89cb91cb2c0d67….jpg)

File: 6f17e7687346881⋯.jpg (133.54 KB,784x882,8:9,6f17e76873468813cc73fa9115….jpg)

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36d7da No.21501326

File: a5b62f6da56e992⋯.png (8.05 KB,304x166,152:83,ClipboardImage.png)




moar queer schadenfreude necromancer babel spam

seems sad an pthatetic faggo diaspora

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0a10d9 No.21501327

Joe Biden is on the beach in Delaware.

Kamalllah Harris is on the campaign trail somewhere.

WHO was in control, and making decisions, at the morning briefing?

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94bf99 No.21501330

File: ab9e3c04a2c41fd⋯.jpg (85.41 KB,750x898,375:449,Biden_Harris_Walz_Disaster.jpg)


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d3d83c No.21501331

File: 991d1c80c6f23ab⋯.jpg (43.5 KB,430x423,430:423,O.jpg)

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d15b50 No.21501333

File: d7cb08a3fe54251⋯.png (741.93 KB,744x668,186:167,ClipboardImage.png)


>NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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b74e31 No.21501334

Brazil's High Court Freezes Starlink Assets Over Musk's X Censorship Refusal


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4640f4 No.21501335


That's all they have left, name-calling desperation. Trump is fat. Trump is orange. Trump caused Global warming.

One thing Trump didn't cause was a war. Peace throughout his time as president, that hadn't happened in many years.

Goodbye industrial military complex. If I can see your shit, the world can too.

Goodbye deepstate, this harvest of the other white meat will be light this time.

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4dcd20 No.21501336

File: 1b918a64c305dd4⋯.jpg (35.89 KB,550x550,1:1,6f766332e3fea5bca1ac6c1d0a….jpg)

File: 7a6aa3beef02920⋯.jpg (33.96 KB,500x500,1:1,7a6aa3beef0292091ea25a2df1….jpg)

File: 8d254b8589e88b6⋯.png (181.29 KB,632x796,158:199,7ab77eb8608c09b7bd3bfb7fac….png)

File: 7ae5abb064f3ee4⋯.jpg (24.27 KB,1200x680,30:17,7ae5abb064f3ee45bdb2d02cc4….jpg)

File: 78bfccf82300524⋯.png (304.35 KB,530x368,265:184,7b246ada26fa7bbf956abda646….png)

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b74e31 No.21501337

Breaking News!

FrankSpeech is now public!


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36d7da No.21501338

File: 64d16fe68b682ad⋯.png (8.4 KB,283x178,283:178,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6576c No.21501341

File: 13e05cf40862f30⋯.jpg (143.33 KB,750x725,30:29,do_not_be_conned.jpg)

File: 719b54a3f5e8766⋯.jpg (133.2 KB,969x463,969:463,Economic_Cycle.jpg)

File: 74ae2ff63f40c90⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB,480x360,4:3,heavy_metal_rooster.mp4)

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7e54e1 No.21501342

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mornin', Swordy. Another day.

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d3d83c No.21501343

File: 515141b96ba051b⋯.png (327.38 KB,500x710,50:71,Blame_Trump_01.png)


Their answer….

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e27888 No.21501346

File: 4e4d7dfc08ac606⋯.png (12.35 KB,508x146,254:73,Capture.PNG)

JUST IN - ABC News rejects Kamala Harris last-minute bid to change Trump debate rules, will keep muted mics - NY Post


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608efe No.21501347


>home to many migrants

Found the problem right here. Migrants = gangs. It either happens within the migration itself, or/and in the subsequent generation, and persists. Gangs are an army whose goal is criminal enterprise and whose enemy is its host nation, their society, and their industries. Import mass amounts of foreigners=create enemy armies, as those who cannot assimilate will create their own nation within your nation.

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4dcd20 No.21501350

File: 6edb9c2ebf83d58⋯.jpg (35.4 KB,400x270,40:27,6edb9c2ebf83d585962de50548….jpg)

File: bb7002a2dd5a103⋯.jpg (32.05 KB,420x420,1:1,6f7a0bc85377f9719138883e66….jpg)

File: 07b29c8d313f92a⋯.png (100.35 KB,323x492,323:492,07b29c8d313f92a25103e78437….png)

File: 361c0f1d32d4f8d⋯.png (1.51 MB,1600x1071,1600:1071,7a9353ca196908b10a53b774a3….png)

File: 7aa4b6059fa985d⋯.png (24.54 KB,300x300,1:1,7aa4b6059fa985d86ff976d82e….png)

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0e613d No.21501353

File: 485a00e2e80f6a3⋯.png (544.18 KB,874x299,38:13,ClipboardImage.png)


TYB. collageanon was badass, hope he makes it back.

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ad78fb No.21501356


Oh shit. Kamala going to cancel, then the MSM will say that "Trump backed out"… KEK

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94bf99 No.21501357

DOE Report Shows Clean Energy Jobs Grew at More Than Twice the Rate of Overall U.S. Employment

August 28, 2024

Annual U.S. Energy and Employment Report (USEER) Finds Historic High Unionization in Clean Energy Sector, Growth in Clean Energy Jobs in Every State

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Spurred by the Biden-Harris Administration’s record investments in climate, clean energy, and manufacturing, clean energy employment increased by 142,000 jobs in 2023, accounting for more than half of new energy sector jobs and growing at a rate more than twice as large as that for the rest of the energy sector and the U.S. economy overall.


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b80635 No.21501359

File: 5acf95b425b625c⋯.png (360.61 KB,620x445,124:89,08a54068a82556bbe4ab1445c9….png)

File: af12b6d1d0f3034⋯.png (230.37 KB,530x390,53:39,08f40cd6f3b60423f17af3dc25….png)

File: f5d8678d2bd6167⋯.png (520.18 KB,492x577,492:577,8a5f889258159f4ff565789080….png)

File: 62619db602b02a2⋯.png (312.64 KB,519x541,519:541,8a6b069d8664cdcca6543d357e….png)

File: fab2c74fe434266⋯.jpeg (68.73 KB,750x598,375:299,8A2645CE_0242_408A_81DA_2….jpeg)

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e27888 No.21501360

With his recent admission… how many times did Mark Zuckerberg purger himself in front of Congress?

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b74e31 No.21501361

File: 4d14bb8de5c6694⋯.png (165.5 KB,568x463,568:463,ClipboardImage.png)

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59c069 No.21501363

File: c2c67e8db286d0b⋯.png (3.24 MB,1536x1024,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

The Marshall Star for August 28, 2024


Marshall Leadership Updates Team Members on Culture, Strategy

NASA Moves Artemis II Rocket Adapter to Pegasus Barge for Shipment

Cassiopeia A,Thenthe Cosmos: 25 Years of Chandra X-ray Science

The Legacy Continues: Space & Rocket Center Event Highlights Chandra’s 25th Anniversary

Take 5 with April Hargrave

Over the Moon: Photographer Captures Supermoon Rising Near Marshall

NASA, Boeing Optimizing Vehicle Assembly Building High Bay for Future SLS Stage Production

How Students Learn to Fly NASA’s IXPE Spacecraft


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a969ca No.21501367

File: 672a7cb486cda4c⋯.png (213.11 KB,602x527,602:527,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a7366dadd9a2c7⋯.png (407.47 KB,591x643,591:643,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2acbcf822f2d608⋯.png (281.85 KB,592x641,592:641,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18a7790d2607099⋯.png (175.56 KB,589x616,589:616,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bd0eb16bfb6e6c⋯.png (123.26 KB,790x666,395:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3d83c No.21501368

File: f102c8d2c4affcb⋯.png (240.32 KB,657x527,657:527,Pepe_Apu_03.png)


It doesn't matter. Only republicans and conservatives are indicted for perjuring themselves before congress.


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8bcf42 No.21501369

File: 72c28da9bc6cc3c⋯.jpg (365.61 KB,1080x718,540:359,Screenshot_20191027_162253….jpg)

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ac26cb No.21501371

File: e93ac4012fbae83⋯.jpeg (207.48 KB,1284x805,1284:805,IMG_2606.jpeg)

File: 793932882ca9f06⋯.jpeg (152.45 KB,1284x827,1284:827,IMG_2607.jpeg)

File: 22fd6a5d7dd27c2⋯.jpeg (156.34 KB,1284x737,1284:737,IMG_2608.jpeg)

File: 528e0878a3f7e0e⋯.jpeg (373.71 KB,1284x853,1284:853,IMG_2609.jpeg)

File: 31ff2f6fbc4ceda⋯.jpeg (313.17 KB,1284x1020,107:85,IMG_2610.jpeg)

EXCLUSIVE: Trump reveals the burning questions he DEMANDS Kamala Harris answer during prime-time CNN interview

Donald Trump sat down with DailyMail.com at his Mar-a-Lago home Wednesday

He discussed everything from the death penalty to the lure of online influencers

When she finally sits for her first interview since becoming the Democratic nominee, Kamala Harris must explain why she has flip-flopped on so many policies, why she has done nothing to secure the southern border while in power, and why she needs a human shield alongside her, according to one avid viewer of television news, former President Donald J. Trump.

Trump sat down with DailyMail.com in the palatial living room of his Mar-a-Lago headquarters on Wednesday.

He discussed everything from the assassination attempt that almost killed him to the policies he will implement on his first day in office. But first he laid out the questions that CNN's Dana Bash must ask the vice president in their interview.

At the top of his list: What is she hiding from?

'Why isn't it live? It's not a live interview,' he said. 'It's an interview that's going to be taped and then edited and then put out. So that's not even an interview.

'Then she'sdoing it with her vice president sitting there. So she's not very smart.When they ask her a question that she can't answer, she'll just look at him: "You answer it."'

Trump has kept up the pressure on Harris with a steady stream of interviews to highlight how she has avoided similar encounters with the media.

Meanwhile she has enjoyed a bumper fundraising haul and reams of positive media coverage since President Joe Biden announced he was ending his reelection campaign.

But Republicans cried foul as thenumber of days without a proper on-the-record interview hit 38 on Wednesday.

That changes Thursday when she sits down with CNN's Bash, with her running mate Tim Walz alongside her.

Trump said she had used the time to reinvent herself, distancing herself from unpopular policies and copying his, such as ending tax on tips.

'I think it's crazy. She's gone months without talking to the press,' he said.

'She's not talking to anybody. She is copying—they would call it flip flopping on everything she's believed in for the last 20 years.

'She now says, well, she'll frack and well, she'll do walls, but she doesn't mean it because she's a Marxist.'

The Harris campaign has distanced herself from her previous opposition to hydraulic fracking, a method used to extract oil and gas from deep rock formations, and which is a big employer in the crucial battleground state of Pennsylvania.

And she now wants to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a border wall, a Trump project that she once called 'unAmerican' and a 'stupid use of money.'

'Whether she was a czar or just in charge of the border, she was in charge of the worst border in history. I want to know what happened. Why was she doing that?' he asked.

'Then I want to know why is she now all of a sudden, two days ago, she said, No, I'd like to build a wall. After all, she was against the wall for 20 years. She fought me on the wall. She was one of the people that fought.'

If that was the policy she wanted, she could close the border right now, he added.

'They had three and a half years to do it. They never did it,' he said.

That, added Trump, was anindicator that his opponent was not being sincerein her new-found political positions.

'She doesn't believe in any of this stuff,which tells you, from a character standpoint, it's terrible' he said.

'I mean, she's so dishonest.'

The CNN interview will be recorded in Georgia on Thursday afternoon and will be shown at 9pm Eastern time.

Bash has interviewed Harris twice since she became vice president.


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4dcd20 No.21501372

File: 3f4082c5755e049⋯.png (Spoiler Image,919.94 KB,1546x1047,1546:1047,ClipboardImage.png)

File: af20bb3763ebdc7⋯.png (3.27 MB,2904x1926,484:321,2e08fa495b592bdd2c9af3b425….png)

File: 2e41ea49db87e58⋯.jpg (152.32 KB,1000x711,1000:711,2e41ea49db87e581dcce64824e….jpg)

File: 4c4c619fc6081af⋯.jpg (13.25 KB,99x255,33:85,4c4c619fc6081af070aa3fc12b….jpg)

File: e44277dc83dee3e⋯.jpeg (68.82 KB,851x678,851:678,5e4d846f393e80934929e009a….jpeg)

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4dcd20 No.21501379

File: 5e873c8f4d9ccd2⋯.png (394.27 KB,498x499,498:499,5e873c8f4d9ccd22143663992e….png)

File: 5e4509123de9246⋯.jpg (184.46 KB,1280x720,16:9,5e4509123de9246ba047e4ae75….jpg)

File: 13694089cbb6753⋯.jpg (37.99 KB,564x571,564:571,5ebed0f23d045b0e7f0c7c9691….jpg)

File: 5b6e3d17349416b⋯.jpg (388.57 KB,1080x1920,9:16,5eddc142f5ef8a751bd9e61757….jpg)

File: 6ce92d3767505df⋯.jpg (33.69 KB,250x299,250:299,6ce92d3767505dfe9c19494caf….jpg)

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4bc876 No.21501383

File: 1f512ba04317ee0⋯.png (253.04 KB,663x505,663:505,Screen_Shot_2024_08_29_at_….png)

–they're blowing it up. whys?-

23&Me is collapsing: turns out, all that precious DNA data is worthless.

Anne Wojcicki, late Susan Wojcicki’s sister, ex-wife of Sergei Brin, who is ex-husband of Nicole Shanahan, who is RFK Jr’s VP pick. It’s not complicated at all.

In what feels like a desperate attempt to stay afloat, 23andMe plans to… start prescribing weight loss drugs. How did we get here, with the once-mighty DNA testing company becoming just the latest to join the GLP-1 trend, like so many others have already done? Even the company seems lukewarm about the move, with its execs giving the weight loss play little more than a mention on the company’s recent earnings call. (It's also a strategy that's not without trade-offs: Earlier this month, WeightWatchers said the cost of attracting new prescription drug customers is soaring because of all the competition in the space.)But 23andMe has few cards left to play. Once valued at $6 billion, it’s now a penny stock on the verge of being delisted from the Nasdaq. It’s struggled to stoke demand for its DNA spit tests, and its attempts to use its trove of genetic data for drug discovery and development have been predictably expensive, with potential profits a long way off.

seems digworthy.

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e27888 No.21501385

File: 854561ef45d276a⋯.png (390.66 KB,530x585,106:117,Capture.PNG)

Over 1,800 U.S. & Royal Australian Air Force #Airmen & more than 50 aircraft are supporting realistic combat training during Red Flag Alaska 24-3. 🇺🇸 🤝 🇦🇺

More 👇



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8657e9 No.21501390


transparent attempts 1oh1

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ec7e0f No.21501392

File: 6ce73b8a35f6767⋯.jpg (344.37 KB,2560x1440,16:9,6B2ABD8A_693B_4005_BEEA_39….jpg)

File: 61fecff4598a0f4⋯.jpg (27.83 KB,220x329,220:329,6b7bbf0b59398eb775971cfeaa….jpg)

File: 7b372721b1ac444⋯.jpg (475.27 KB,1944x1296,3:2,7b372721b1ac4440f516367877….jpg)

File: 7cf14a31a7b14a4⋯.jpg (46.58 KB,599x619,599:619,7cf14a31a7b14a4967d2e659d9….jpg)

File: 7d227795031e2e5⋯.jpg (39.98 KB,638x826,319:413,7d227795031e2e5a29cbea513a….jpg)

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2f08de No.21501394

File: 29d767e1367ce14⋯.jpg (51.11 KB,766x490,383:245,rfdfchgvjgdexd.jpg)

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ffb59a No.21501396

File: ae6f161cea275ea⋯.png (942.08 KB,680x1017,680:1017,ClipboardImage.png)

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4dcd20 No.21501399

File: 800df16ad4919f4⋯.png (440.07 KB,626x438,313:219,7e6a61b1ae7b7913065e37198f….png)

File: 440ccba68a1f519⋯.jpg (432.5 KB,1280x953,1280:953,7e99dc5f2d983fefadb45f749a….jpg)

File: a02bfa0a845a552⋯.png (526.65 KB,1015x576,1015:576,7e243a7f279908a5b612786bd5….png)

File: 7e325c319ce3ad8⋯.jpg (66.8 KB,800x450,16:9,7e325c319ce3ad88388fd16bd3….jpg)

File: 6acb8c782a9df07⋯.jpeg (442.64 KB,1800x1800,1:1,7EB3D302_D31B_4989_B6E5_5….jpeg)

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be239c No.21501401

File: 187ff7b5974a381⋯.mp4 (11.22 MB,_8305808553272625818.mp4)


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76b563 No.21501402

I take it there are some Jewish journos working a story about how anti-semantic the qanoners are?

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8a5bfb No.21501403


Once you introduce AI, the data set containing chimera data is now part of the NEW data set the AI "studies" Like playing Jenga with data. It's going to collapse. Just a matter of speed of FLOPS how fast it's gonna 'appen.

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504275 No.21501405

File: d533afe66b1c537⋯.jpeg (17.38 KB,250x255,50:51,fuckyou.jpeg)

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aa40fd No.21501409


>You are watching a movie.

>Is a disservice to People kill people

Now consider this, Mike Lindell was censored and blacklisted from selling his product at major outlets in order to bankrupt him and his company. All he did against the DS was talk about election fraud, that is it. Now think of some of the reveals that some of us have done such as revealing how the cabal works, 911, foreign exchange scams, toxic vaccines, blue lasers, hospital killers, NWO cops, and the list goes on and on. Would be of any surprise if we have been attacked much worse and for much longer. Where is our support? This is not a movie for targeted individuals but a nightmare that doesn't end.

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d5f87c No.21501411

File: 3a5bc70ad6e00ae⋯.jpg (102.92 KB,736x1219,32:53,3a5bc70ad6e00ae6b7e5e2010a….jpg)

File: f2de38b58ad7a53⋯.png (176.17 KB,500x500,1:1,3cef480e86378bd910dae1256a….png)

File: 3b14188b4ac1be0⋯.jpg (12.92 KB,255x153,5:3,3d2a01ed564588854596781855….jpg)

File: 5dbc44cc09b9e10⋯.jpg (24.97 KB,340x408,5:6,5dbc44cc09b9e10ba8490377e3….jpg)

File: 0c6de4b05a85be7⋯.jpg (78.19 KB,655x960,131:192,5dcb6027a2b5f4e52621dc7393….jpg)

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93a3b6 No.21501412

if the residents of Aurora CO or anyone else suffering under the threat of violence, insecurity, threats of life and property is it had been Jussie Smollet and MAGA Country racist white supremacists, would Auntie Kammie have cum out to support the murderous trespass?

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8657e9 No.21501413



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d5f87c No.21501417

File: 9ec4750829f7771⋯.jpg (11.12 KB,239x255,239:255,7a8aefd5f7095ecc566d334449….jpg)

File: 7a160f3d152ad0b⋯.png (91.52 KB,500x300,5:3,7a160f3d152ad0b00fc99f09e9….png)

File: 2d8e82fcf79bc48⋯.jpeg (91.64 KB,562x775,562:775,7ADCC288_E856_4024_8FC1_2….jpeg)

File: 082808a6f10eb33⋯.jpeg (109 KB,768x512,3:2,7ADDE889_7E26_4102_94F8_B….jpeg)

File: 40355e02ea4fed9⋯.jpg (527.82 KB,1019x1015,1019:1015,8a59f52d9816abc4b7a1fac906….jpg)

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e27888 No.21501418

File: 0fc58c2f7ae0b24⋯.png (336.71 KB,530x499,530:499,Capture.PNG)

JUST IN: 🇷🇺 🇺🇦 Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov says peace talks with Ukraine are no longer an option.


Cleanup to begin.

And nothing NATO can do about it.

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4bc876 No.21501420


can you draw anon a diagram?

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8657e9 No.21501422


prestaging assets to invade the russ.


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4bc876 No.21501425


it all amounts to more US taxpayer money being funneled into ukraine.

for the luv of Pete, it might be a Russian op to begin with.

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59c069 No.21501426

File: 2458814dd512892⋯.png (3.33 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

First NASA-Supported Researcher to Fly on Suborbital Rocket

Aug 28, 2024

For the first time, a NASA-funded researcher will fly with their experiment on a commercial suborbital rocket.

The technology is one of two NASA-supported experiments, also known as payloads, funded by the agency’s Flight Opportunities program that will launch aboard Blue Origin’s New Shepard suborbital rocket system on a flight test no earlier than Thursday, Aug. 29.

The researcher-tended payload, from the University of Florida in Gainesville, seeks to understand how changes in gravity during spaceflight affect plant biology.

Researcher Rob Ferl will activate small, self-contained tubes pre-loaded with plants and preservative to biochemically freeze the samples at various stages of gravity.

During the flight, co-principal investigator Anna-Lisa Paul will conduct four identical experiments as a control.

After the flight, Ferl and Paul will examine the preserved plants to study the effect of gravity transitions on the plants’ gene expression.

Studying how changes in gravity affect plant growth will support future missions to the Moon and Mars.

The university’s flight test was funded by a grant awarded through the Flight Opportunities program’s TechFlights solicitation with additional support from NASA’s Division of Biological and Physical Sciences.

This experiment builds on NASA’s long history of supporting plant research and aims to accelerate the pace and productivity of space-based research.

The other Flight Opportunities supported payload is from HeetShield, a small business in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Two new thermal protection system materials will be mounted to the outside of New Shepard’s propulsion module to assess their thermal performance in a relevant environment, since conditions will be similar to planetary entry.

After the flight, HeetShield will analyze the structure of the materials to determine how they were affected by the flight.

Flight Opportunities, within NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate, facilitates demonstration of technologies for space exploration and the expansion of space commerce through suborbital testing with industry flight providers.

Through various mechanisms, the program funds flight tests for internal and external technology payloads.


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b80635 No.21501427

File: 15e0f746bf5e768⋯.jpeg (70.53 KB,712x712,1:1,8B1DE9B5_2518_41EB_B717_4….jpeg)

File: 8b4502e2c350596⋯.png (367.64 KB,523x521,523:521,8b4502e2c350596480b464ee2c….png)

File: 8b6954895354532⋯.jpg (198.29 KB,566x333,566:333,8b6954895354532da6e259ef4a….jpg)

File: ba5c8b5f7ec3690⋯.jpg (99.24 KB,1085x1080,217:216,8bal1l.jpg)

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4bc876 No.21501429


> Suborbital

the suburbs of orbit

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ddd576 No.21501430

File: 10122f5cff67234⋯.png (152.24 KB,849x690,283:230,2061_Sergey_Brin_GOOG_Anne….png)

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8657e9 No.21501431


just nuke kiev sergei.

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18596a No.21501433

File: 5e45aafcc5a557c⋯.jpg (69.54 KB,500x500,1:1,91smkg.jpg)

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b6576c No.21501434

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8657e9 No.21501435

… and dc while yer at it

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ac26cb No.21501436

File: f39223ac83f3294⋯.pdf (373.13 KB,matthews_memo.pdf)

>>21500654 Ex-D.C. Guard official says generals lied to Congress about Jan. 6PN

Here's the report anons

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b27945 No.21501437

File: 175aadb09689a52⋯.png (424.72 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240829_113639.png)

File: 06aa2781d8d397b⋯.png (544.59 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240829_113606.png)

File: 175aadb09689a52⋯.png (424.72 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240829_113639.png)

File: 0b3dccc0e845706⋯.png (597.47 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240829_113343.png)

Lots of fun things that go


And a resident

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4bc876 No.21501439


you forgot the RFKJR cxn.

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4dcd20 No.21501440

File: 8f17d43b26ead77⋯.png (96.16 KB,488x324,122:81,8f17d43b26ead7739b5f2c24dd….png)

File: 30da4ab6cbf36e5⋯.jpg (29.57 KB,615x410,3:2,8f26d0ec9ee5c659694bae61e2….jpg)

File: 8fbd1fbe5e92b8b⋯.jpg (27.08 KB,255x239,255:239,8fbd1fbe5e92b8bf952de0b9ba….jpg)

File: f101d3fbd2792c8⋯.jpeg (24.61 KB,558x398,279:199,8fc80b07732f2e1e0f6360348….jpeg)

File: a5535e973d2b132⋯.jpg (45.27 KB,638x569,638:569,09a8ed67e0fe2799e329089d43….jpg)

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615207 No.21501443

File: 36d8801e520fe9f⋯.png (71.98 KB,690x988,345:494,B3B4E1EF_ABF1_4F2E_8424_24….png)

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4bc876 No.21501446

File: a7dd5b30f81d6d5⋯.png (805.88 KB,1073x1443,29:39,ClipboardImage.png)


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4dcd20 No.21501447

File: 51f9333b24d5c2d⋯.jpg (496.33 KB,2208x3928,276:491,9_1_9_2018_1_.jpg)

File: d84f9e397b99567⋯.gif (89.13 KB,600x315,40:21,9a0dc297e69a93857a455506fb….gif)

File: 9a596f6766dba74⋯.jpg (211.29 KB,1024x699,1024:699,9a596f6766dba741c6b1513c1b….jpg)

File: 5ed9893f6484611⋯.jpg (22.03 KB,255x255,1:1,9ab2bb304b51f4eb7b5855bcf7….jpg)

File: 9ad35c352685bfa⋯.jpg (23.41 KB,392x331,392:331,9ad35c352685bfa823abaaa769….jpg)

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18596a No.21501448

File: 4cc424bacd84976⋯.webp (32.25 KB,700x673,700:673,aAydnMp_700bwp.webp)

Germany to ban sharp objects to try stop the mass murders.

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be239c No.21501449

File: cadba21871fe4d5⋯.mp4 (846.75 KB,480x636,40:53,79_SBTzOYTaqgb7b.mp4)

File: d233e66a5dff56c⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB,640x360,16:9,rVD6tIG6iF_KbL_x.mp4)

File: 1ebd4be67feef68⋯.mp4 (642 KB,480x572,120:143,opIvFuLk8wN9TKnJ.mp4)

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b27945 No.21501451

File: 23fec5bbf1f38c2⋯.png (362.84 KB,576x1289,576:1289,Screenshot_20240829_113513.png)

Missed the F 16

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b6576c No.21501453

"Given the fact that the US is now $35 TRILLION in debt, and that debt is now growing by $1 TRILLION more every 100 days or so, it is now mathematically impossible for the United States to financially survive.

As such, they NEED a massive war to blame the coming financial collapse on. They can't allow the collapse to happen in a manner where THEY get blamed; they have to have some other excuse to point-to . . . . and nuclear war is the only solution that fits their need.

Americans THINK they're safe across the ocean, but they're not."

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4bc876 No.21501454

File: 168af9335c6e327⋯.png (466.26 KB,1456x936,14:9,ClipboardImage.png)


study this anons (pay attention to muh yellow).


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be239c No.21501456

File: 5e2b8c78e15ccaf⋯.jpeg (575.46 KB,1025x1366,1025:1366,352719D4_1AB6_4B21_89B5_F….JPEG)

File: e55b13c2d70cd08⋯.jpg (408.72 KB,976x1024,61:64,96196DD3_C0AB_4ACF_9D50_6A….jpg)

File: b2ce0a9fe8e6a36⋯.jpeg (487.91 KB,1366x976,683:488,B1A35A1F_523A_4D16_BC58_C….JPEG)

File: 5d6faa2f772c6a6⋯.jpg (203.46 KB,1130x1125,226:225,IMG_2952.JPG)

File: 46ccbc8353da0f2⋯.jpg (343.14 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_2948.JPG)

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4dcd20 No.21501457

File: 6dac0bd588448e9⋯.jpeg (53.72 KB,574x421,574:421,9b0dcce678fa692dbfec567a9….jpeg)

File: f6b6a0e7990909a⋯.jpeg (64.02 KB,768x512,3:2,9B1F74D4_D1BD_483D_AF4F_0….jpeg)

File: 905ce105c0c4855⋯.jpeg (103.23 KB,1024x1014,512:507,9b3f146dc7bdbc2a36fceabed….jpeg)

File: 9b05f21bc32e16e⋯.jpg (27.39 KB,594x538,297:269,9b05f21bc32e16ed11091d6810….jpg)

File: 58934f2615fa5e9⋯.jpg (66.46 KB,720x720,1:1,9b97524cd1f50a92655a2d7b5c….jpg)

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2369ba No.21501458


how about just gassing the muslims.

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615207 No.21501459

File: 0be69e2adee47d7⋯.png (70.46 KB,690x718,345:359,2CB21A44_0E16_4B9B_90B4_0C….png)

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4bc876 No.21501460

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9f9d67 No.21501462

File: 12f9e4e0df902e0⋯.png (314.31 KB,544x487,544:487,8ce1431eeb481788477f4dfaca….png)

File: 0f6332e5b79fdf6⋯.jpeg (98.53 KB,612x408,3:2,8CECC570_60A9_4663_8A41_D….jpeg)

File: 8cf2b77b0ab86d6⋯.png (298.76 KB,520x390,4:3,8cf2b77b0ab86d661303a71179….png)

File: 1f646a8456c20fb⋯.jpeg (151.64 KB,1242x1521,138:169,8cf5e7c6889efecba8e1a0814….jpeg)

File: 9a6e8608f0eb7a2⋯.png (320.66 KB,918x688,459:344,8d42734176dbae3beafe8b619e….png)

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40e939 No.21501463


35 trillion in debt to who?

35 trillion “what”?

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93a3b6 No.21501465

warmongers now turning West Bank into rubble, new land plots already pre-auctioned off

Russian nuclear war brinkmanship globalproxie go time

and the last one in the room in these matters is on a booze cruise

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ddd576 No.21501466

Does anybody have that hilarious clip of POTUS talking about Angela Merkle when he says, "ANGALA, You've gotta PAY! You've gotta pay, ANGALA!"


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b6576c No.21501472


You know those rising grocery and utility prices? Those trillions in debt are making it worse every year and will continue to. Do not think this ends well, even IF Trump is elected (and I do hope he will be) but even if so, this massive debt problem has yet to be resolved and it will be very painful when that time comes.

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8657e9 No.21501474


your enemy controls your planet


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43a91c No.21501475



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27e48e No.21501478


>Worthy To Open The Book

Why pray is you cannot prove that your prayers work? It would be better to get up and work. God is a Witness of His innermost self. After a duration in integrity, you will be answered, then comes the Fear of the Lord. The harvest is now but laborers are few.

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59c069 No.21501479

File: 3a05347f3733d88⋯.png (3.82 MB,1639x2048,1639:2048,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Assigns Astronaut Jonny Kim to First Space Station Mission

Aug 28, 2024

During his first mission to the International Space Station, NASA astronaut Jonny Kim will serve as a flight engineer and member of the upcoming Expedition 72/73 crew.

Kim will launch on the Roscosmos Soyuz MS-27 spacecraft in March 2025, accompanied by Roscosmos cosmonauts Sergey Ryzhikov and Alexey Zubritsky.

The trio will spend approximately eight months at the space station.

While aboard the orbiting laboratory, Kim will conduct scientific investigations and technology demonstrations to help prepare the crew for future space missions and provide benefits to people on Earth.

NASA selected Kim as an astronaut in 2017.

After completing the initial astronaut candidate training, Kim supported mission and crew operations in various roles including the Expedition 65 lead operations officer, T-38 operations liaison, and space station capcom chief engineer.

A native of Los Angeles, Kim is a United States Navy lieutenant commander and dual designated naval aviator and flight surgeon.

Kim also served as an enlisted Navy SEAL.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the University of San Diego and a medical degree from Harvard Medical School in Boston, and completed his internship with the Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency at Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

For more than two decades, humans have lived and worked continuously aboard the International Space Station, advancing scientific knowledge, and making research breakthroughs not possible on Earth.

The station is a critical testbed for NASA to understand and overcome the challenges of long-duration spaceflight and to expand commercial opportunities in low Earth orbit.

As commercial companies focus on providing human space transportation services and destinations as part of a robust low Earth orbit economy, NASA is able to more fully focus its resources on deep space missions to the Moon and Mars.


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94bf99 No.21501481

File: 4e9356964cedc05⋯.png (295.67 KB,768x435,256:145,Kamala_hahaha.png)



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e5b6c9 No.21501482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3387 Jul 09, 2019 12:46:46 PM EDT



Listen very carefully (again).

Note past (2) years.

Note next (6) years.

You were told what was going to happen.

You were told what battles we face.



Patriots in control.


Note: We are now in that 6th and presumed final year

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8d3171 No.21501483

File: ca903cf7da781bf⋯.webp (53.52 KB,1024x576,16:9,_100600319_caroline_sunsh….webp)

File: 53675d6b122f88a⋯.jpg (300.79 KB,1600x1200,4:3,49049_dajdo_or_dido_1600x1….jpg)

File: e22acbb9ed81d8d⋯.jpg (35.43 KB,468x720,13:20,Charles_Hat_3_3272146186.jpg)

File: 990edac81dae115⋯.jpg (19.07 KB,474x266,237:133,th_4129960624.jpg)

File: 54634a9aa18d465⋯.jpg (531.84 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240823_103632….jpg)

These are not the droids you are looking for

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7e7ef5 No.21501485

File: 34e01717792c9cf⋯.png (1.81 MB,1914x984,319:164,Screenshot_2024_08_29_0948….png)


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615207 No.21501486

File: d2f92cb6a235bbb⋯.png (1.2 MB,750x1334,375:667,4C5E630E_BD5E_4F6D_97F3_89….png)

File: 20e0c2846c3eb46⋯.png (366.84 KB,690x1256,345:628,4B9CB766_4570_476F_9A76_35….png)

File: 142d5ce3c11aad9⋯.jpeg (314.63 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,BB9986A3_1EDF_467E_A325_C….jpeg)

File: 55dd60f56525bcc⋯.png (50.67 KB,690x586,345:293,41FE8A5C_36CD_4F3E_9693_42….png)

File: 030c28846837022⋯.png (31.1 KB,690x454,345:227,D4E20158_9F0C_479F_B5EB_64….png)



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4bc876 No.21501487

File: eef07c746dd6d26⋯.png (127.29 KB,988x763,988:763,Screen_Shot_2024_08_29_at_….png)

File: 3e0f6f100a94311⋯.png (112.63 KB,1002x647,1002:647,Screen_Shot_2024_08_29_at_….png)

File: 182e47acb3ee919⋯.png (51.59 KB,957x339,319:113,Screen_Shot_2024_08_29_at_….png)

anon's cutting-edge AI research lab (featuring ChatGP)

propose a theory that hiccups is caused by climate change

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a969ca No.21501488

File: bd3e5d532a89318⋯.png (18.94 KB,599x268,599:268,ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like he's giving comms to "somebody".

Who could it be?

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27e48e No.21501489


>the u.k is now going to ban smoking outside pubs and buildings

But what about stabbing children? The UK needs our help, but first we have to help ourselves.

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426e53 No.21501490

File: 67f00d297982b5d⋯.jpeg (7.94 KB,250x250,1:1,eyeh.jpeg)

What to do about dirty vessels? Shine the Light!

Philadelphia Freedom

I used to be a rolling stone, you know

If a cause was right

I'd leave, to find the answer on the road

I used to be a heart beatin' for someone

But the times have changed

The less I say, the more my work gets done

'Cause I live and breathe this Philadelphia freedom

From the day that I was born, I've waved the flag

Philadelphia freedom took me knee-high to a man, yeah

Gave me peace of mind my daddy never had

Oh, Philadelphia freedom

Shine on me, I love ya

Shine a light through the eyes of the ones left behind

Shine a light, shine the light

Shine the light, won't you shine the light?

Philadelphia freedom, I love ya

Yes, I do

If you choose to you can live your life alone

Some people choose the city (some people choose the city)

Some others choose the good old family home

(Some others choose the good old family home)

I like living easy without family ties ('cause it's easy)

'Til the whip or will of freedom zapped me, right between the eyes

'Cause I live and breathe this Philadelphia freedom

From the day that I was born, I've waved the flag

Philadelphia freedom took me knee-high to a man, mmh-mmh

Gave me peace of mind my daddy never had

Oh, Philadelphia freedom

Shine on me, I love ya

Shine a light through the eyes of the ones left behind

Shine a light, shine the light

Shine the light, won't you shine the light?

Philadelphia freedom, I love ya

Yes, I do

Oh, Philadelphia freedom

Shine on me, I love ya

Shine a light through the eyes of the ones left behind, mmh

Shine a light, shine the light

Shine the light, won't you shine the light?

Philadelphia freedom, I love ya

You know, I love you, yeah

You know, I love you

Yes, I do! (Philadelphia freedom)

I love you, yes I do!

(Philadelphia freedom) you know that I love you

Yes, I do! (Philadelphia) oh (freedom)

Don't you know that I love you?

Yes, I do! (Philadelphia freedom)

Don't you know that I love you?

Yes, I do! (Philadelphia) oh, oh (freedom)

Don't you know that I love you?

Prophets of their own demise. Tell them that I sent you.

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833f1a No.21501491


Destroyers of civilizations.

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40e939 No.21501492


> Do not think this ends well

Why wouldn’t it end well.

Redo money and get rid of currency.

Simple solutions to modern problems…

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8657e9 No.21501493


your world.

john kennedy died

he lived

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615207 No.21501494

File: f97c057de607d15⋯.jpeg (589.32 KB,2048x1808,128:113,BBCAAEA1_1CAB_47AC_AD81_0….jpeg)

File: d2f92cb6a235bbb⋯.png (1.2 MB,750x1334,375:667,E0A80B6B_926C_4AA0_B57E_6E….png)

File: f97c057de607d15⋯.jpeg (589.32 KB,2048x1808,128:113,225077FA_AAC7_4ACC_ADAF_6….jpeg)

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40e939 No.21501495


Stop being a stupid debt slave.

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b06b09 No.21501496

Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua is taking over entire apartment complexes in Colorado and extorting the residents. Police say they can stay due to "squatters laws"















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618ce4 No.21501497


Report is from DEC 2021.

Gen. Piatt and Gen. Charles Flynn, Michael Flynn's brother, are the generals accused of lying to Congress.

could not locate a LINK for the report.

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4bc876 No.21501498


>john kennedy died

>he lived

in that order?

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8657e9 No.21501499


kali is not amused.

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615207 No.21501500

File: 80231f19226d873⋯.png (36.1 KB,690x498,115:83,64BCAF85_FAB3_4B6A_BC20_E1….png)

File: f97c057de607d15⋯.jpeg (589.32 KB,2048x1808,128:113,160772FF_D8A0_433E_8EEF_E….jpeg)

File: 8768adabb785577⋯.png (72.15 KB,690x988,345:494,BB04C3DE_557B_4DFF_969B_6B….png)

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b6576c No.21501502

5 years ago I could buy a half cow from a local farmer for around $1,000 plus around $300 for a processing fee. That's two years worth of beef for two people, for $1,300.

This year, a half cow cost me $1,400 plus another $405 for the processing fee. Again, two years worth of beef but for $505 more total.

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4bc876 No.21501503

File: 343dc12649f74c1⋯.png (289.14 KB,579x433,579:433,astro_kek.png)

File: 20075f2eaaaa420⋯.png (49.88 KB,560x581,80:83,eminem_mcluhan.png)

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8657e9 No.21501504



fair certain that faggot died after jack

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40e939 No.21501505

Usury should be illegal in a nation founded on Christian principles.

The Federal Reserve isn’t even allowed in our constitution (The Law).

It (control by private bankers) is a shenanigans causing mischief far too long.

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4bc876 No.21501506

File: 9b825e6367a4c06⋯.png (235.56 KB,383x510,383:510,ClipboardImage.png)


it's called inflation

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18596a No.21501507

File: 3d8caaf1efbf143⋯.jpg (193.71 KB,633x789,211:263,txctxxxgxg.jpg)

F-16 Crashes in Ukraine

The by USA given F-16 is likely crashed due to pilot errors


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b6576c No.21501508


I know, and it is due to our insolvent governmental debt/ spending spree. It's destroying the purchasing power of our currency.

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1fa718 No.21501509

File: f6042e63031d80f⋯.pdf (2.71 MB,20211028_Charles_Anthony_F….pdf)

>>21500654 Ex-D.C. Guard official says generals lied to Congress about JanPN

Remember in Charles Flynn interview with J6 Committee he stated clearly, "my brother Gen. Mike Flynn and I do not hold the same political views (on Trump)! No wonder he got that massive assignment from Bidan in Jan. 2021, to Patrol a quarter of the worlds. He traded loyalty to the CiC PDJT, for fame and power

"Matthews’ memo, sent to the Jan. 6 select committee this month and obtained by POLITICO, includes detailed recollections of the insurrection response as it calls twoArmy generals — Gen. Charles Flynn, who served as deputy chief of staff for operations on Jan. 6, and Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt,the director of Army staff — “absolute and unmitigated liars” for their characterization of the events of that day. Matthews has never publicly discussed the chaos of the Capitol siege.

Here's Flynn's J6 interview, it was pathetic

Lt. Gen. Charles Flynn slated to command US Army Pacific, and 14 other promotions

By Kyle Rempfer

Jan 26, 2021

Fifteen general officer assignments were announced by the Army chief of staff Monday, including the ascension of Lt. Gen. Charles A. Flynn to command U.S. Army Pacific out of Fort Shafter, Hawaii.

Flynn, who currently serves as deputy chief of staff for Army operations, plans and training at the Pentagon, was key in crafting a new Army force generation model that was introduced this fall.

The new model is designed to regionally align Army units in roughly one year, Flynn previously told Army Times, giving soldiers expertise in the parts of the world to which they would deploy during an actual conflict and allowing them to stockpile the right equipment to win those clashes.

That type of preparation will help Flynn as he takes control of U.S. Army Pacific, a region where the Pentagon’s attention has increasingly shifted to confront a rising China.

Of note, Flynn is the younger brother of former Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who served as Trump’s first national security adviser before resigning within one month for lying about his contacts with Russian officials. Michael Flynn has remained a controversial public figure due to his support for the QAnon conspiracy and for proposing President Donald Trump impose martial law and deploy the military to re-run the 2020 election.

The familial ties drew scrutiny last week when the Army falsely denied that Charles Flynn was present during a phone call between the Pentagon and D.C. officials as the Jan. 6 Capitol riot unfolded, according to the Washington Post. The Army ultimately confirmed to the Post that Flynn participated in the phone call, during which the Capitol Police pleaded for National Guard troops to assist in securing Capitol grounds.

There’s no indication Flynn shares his brother’s extreme views, and Flynn’s own career trajectory appears uninhibited by the relationship. His nomination for a fourth star was sent to the U.S. Senate in November and confirmed by a voice voteon Dec. 20.

Fourteen other general officers’ assignments were announced along with Flynn’s Monday:

• Lt. Gen. Bryan P. Fenton, senior military assistant to the secretary of defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Washington, D.C., to commander, Joint Special Operations Command; and commander, Joint Special Operations Command Forward, U.S. Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

Great Bidan assigned 14 other generals. I'm sure they had to say they hated Trump


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8657e9 No.21501510


albion Needs to drive the barbarians into the sea.

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426e53 No.21501512

File: a11b3bf3e9b63e9⋯.png (1.68 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Goodbye Yellow Brick RD. Clown Profits of the shadow realm. Wizard and Warlocks vs. Maji. Which gate do you let the light through?

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615207 No.21501513

File: 4412a7e16478ba7⋯.png (1.26 MB,750x1334,375:667,321598DB_C3CE_4D13_93CA_29….png)

File: d8ebedaf9bf8cd0⋯.png (161.26 KB,690x1044,115:174,C3DCD853_EE87_4CDD_99CA_99….png)

File: e6b088bb8a14b2e⋯.png (362.21 KB,615x410,3:2,7A051CC3_4639_4DD3_BE57_54….png)

File: 58dd366ed5335b7⋯.jpeg (78.11 KB,1200x578,600:289,EDC443D6_EC74_4822_B319_E….jpeg)

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ce584e No.21501514


You cannot reason with or negotiate with wild animals; they do not the intelligence.

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4bc876 No.21501515


aye! meanwhile they blame the cows.

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833f1a No.21501516


The Niggers are pissed.

They are getting a taste of their own medicine.

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b6576c No.21501517


The government is making us all into debt slaves. They're destroying the purchasing power of our currency.

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504275 No.21501518


Now do 111 years ago.



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4bc876 No.21501519

File: 40e57150cd9068d⋯.png (162.16 KB,502x291,502:291,deer_whaa.png)


>they do not the intelligence.

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537926 No.21501520

File: e5b6cf7453e6d8a⋯.jpg (52.17 KB,640x480,4:3,54yw5y.jpg)

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8657e9 No.21501521

File: e6d6ca828ae731b⋯.gif (2.23 MB,498x249,2:1,20240829_100212.gif)


Man should need no king.

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4bc876 No.21501522

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59c069 No.21501523

File: d9503e58ad313cc⋯.png (5.45 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc270957645efc8⋯.png (6.05 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Project in Puerto Rico Trains Students in Marine Biology

Aug 28, 2024

Tainaliz Marie Rodríguez Lugo took a deep breath, adjusted her snorkel mask, and plunged into the ocean, fins first.

Three weeks earlier, Rodríguez Lugo couldn’t swim. Now the college student was gathering data on water quality and coral reefs for a NASA-led marine biology project in Puerto Rico, where she lives.

“There is so much life down there that I never knew about,” Rodríguez Lugo said. “And it’s beautiful.”

The sea whip and purple sea fans in the photo above are found off the coast of Playa Melones, Culebra, a small island off the east cost of Puerto Rico and a popular destination for snorkelers.

Puerto Rico is home to more than 1,300 square miles of coral reefs, which play a vital role in protecting the island from storms, waves, and hurricanes. Reef-related tourism provides nearly $2 billion in annual income for the island.

But coral reefs in Puerto Rico and around the world are experiencing more frequent and severe bleaching events.

High ocean temperatures in regions around the globe have led to coral bleaching, which is when corals expel zooxanthellae – the colorful, symbiotic microscopic algae that live inside coral tissues and provide 80-90% of its nutrients.

When stressors persist, the corals eventually starve and turn bone-white.

In April 2024, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) announced that the world was experiencing a global bleaching event, the fourth on record.

You can see bleached spots in the lobed star coral pictured above, which is also colonized by Ramicrusta, an invasive, burnt orange algae that poses an additional threat to reefs.

Beginning in June, the month-long program that Rodriguez and 29 other local students participated in is called the Ocean Community Engagement and Awareness using NASA Earth Observations and Science for Hispanic/Latino Students (OCEANOS).

The goal of OCEANOS is twofold: to teach Puerto Rican students about marine ecology and conservation, and to train students through hands-on fieldwork how to use marine science tools to monitor the health of coral reefs.

The course included classroom instruction, scientific fieldwork, collecting and analyzing ocean data from La Parguera and Culebra Island, and a final presentation.

In the photo, OCEANOS instructor Samuel Suleiman shows a 3D-printed clump of staghorn coral to a group of students off the coast of Culebra. In areas where coral habitats have been damaged, conservationists use 3D-printed corals to attract and protect fish, algae, and other wildlife.

To practice coral surveying techniques and evaluate biodiversity,students used compact cameras to snap a photo every half second, recording seven-meter by seven-meter quadrants of the ocean floor. Back on land, the students stitched these images – roughly 600 images per quadrant – into high-resolution mosaics, which they then used to catalog the types and distributions of various coral species.

Students also built their own low-cost instruments, with sensors on each end to measure temperature and light, to help assess water quality and characteristics.

The ideal temperature range for coral falls between 77- 82 degrees Fahrenheit (25-28 degrees Celsius).

Water above or below this range is considered a potential stressor for coral and can impair growth.

It can also increase the risk of disease, bleaching, and reproductive issues.

Coral relies on light for growth. Less light means less photosynthesis for the zooxanthellae that live inside the coral, which in turn means less food for the coral itself.

Cloudy water due to excessive sediment or phytoplankton can dim or block sunlight.

In the photo above, OCEANOS instructor Juan Torres-Pérez holds two clumps of cyanobacteria, a type of bacteria that has choked a section of reef near Playa Melones.

The exact cause of this excessive cyanobacteria growth is unclear, but it is likely due to land-based pollution leaching into nearby waters, he said. In the background, dark brown piles of cyanobacteria littering the ocean floor are visible.

Suleiman walked students through the process of planting new coral, which involved tying loose staghorn and elkhorn corals into a square frame. Each frame holds about 100 individual pieces of coral.

Suleiman leads a group called Sociedad Ambiente Marino (SAM), which has been working for more than 20 years to cultivate and plant more than 160,000 corals around Puerto Rico.



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b6576c No.21501524

File: 777ae4c2d65f2af⋯.jpg (138.74 KB,1000x382,500:191,Empire_of_Lies.jpg)


Yes, because that is what communists do, they blame their destruction on everything and everyone else BUT themselves.

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18596a No.21501525

File: 40db3d2aaa02b3c⋯.jpg (203.43 KB,1232x870,616:435,dzgzgdzzdzdzdg.jpg)

Dollar General is down almost 30% in a day


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618ce4 No.21501526




Report is almost 3 years old. WHY posted now? As a reminder? Or has something changed?

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88c885 No.21501527

File: 4b4054dc4be3add⋯.png (308.49 KB,433x508,433:508,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27cc4683b332ee2⋯.png (49.87 KB,490x273,70:39,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a674436573ef55⋯.png (202.79 KB,388x262,194:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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8657e9 No.21501528


hence "the sea".

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4bc876 No.21501529


After 400 years, St.Theresa of Avila is still incorrupt.

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1fa718 No.21501530


Russia said all the F16s sent to Ukraine would be shot down, but its also been said Ukrainians are not trained or equipped to fly such a tech laden jet. The US and EU are wasting their money, only because they want to buy new ones. The EU countries supposedly trained the Ukrainian pilots but it won't help because of most of them, can't read English. Which the instructions and training is in English mostly

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615207 No.21501531

File: ee6807a6f0ec474⋯.png (932.13 KB,750x1334,375:667,DDC67421_505E_4C2A_9DC1_70….png)

File: 1c6da7904f25253⋯.png (46.02 KB,690x542,345:271,B1D44D24_28CA_4534_B1AD_DC….png)

File: d0ba88c11eaeb34⋯.png (36.04 KB,690x498,115:83,2882D515_027C_4C63_8A18_74….png)

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4bc876 No.21501533


sauces https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/st-teresa-of-avila-found-to-be-still-incorrupt-after-more-than-400-years/

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0d1c73 No.21501534


Yup. The Qanon psyop worked

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ce584e No.21501535


Correct have, I have a jumpy mousepad, that you never know what it is going to do, where it is going to be, and causes me to make lots of mistakes. Impossible to program on because I will wind up wiping out my whole code base.

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d15b50 No.21501536

File: ff8dbb9a8ca5a9b⋯.png (103.84 KB,239x255,239:255,ClipboardImage.png)

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40e939 No.21501537


Don’t comply.

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504275 No.21501538


Oh, well.

If TinEye doesn't have the image indexed it must not exist.

Fucking idiot.

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4bc876 No.21501539

File: 856b0bc6dfc3d02⋯.png (230.05 KB,474x479,474:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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8657e9 No.21501540


fucking sheep.

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ce584e No.21501541



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9bb551 No.21501542



"Did you know the Krassensteins actually hosted teen (!!!) p0rn sites?"

"what kind of sick perversion drives you to register a domain like “humiliated schoolgirls dot com”?

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?"

krassenstein brothers getting exposed on X for hosting disgusting underage porn sites. fuck these satanists.

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2f08de No.21501543

Emhoff [campaign event]: The Kamala Harris you see running for president, is the most; it's like the most version of her. It's the most authentic version of her.

[he sounds just like his idiot wife]

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0d1c73 No.21501544


Not gonna change without accountability

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504275 No.21501545


Nothing changes until the FED is ded.

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4bc876 No.21501546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yeah well. we all need a shepherd.

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833f1a No.21501547


The Jews are Exclusive.

They purposely dispersed themselves into every White country in order to destroy it.

They don't want to live in the shit hole countries that they created, so they make a nice little country of their own to congregate it.

Like shooting fish in a barrel.

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b6576c No.21501548


Back in the 1960s you could buy a sirloin steak for 70 CENTS per pound.

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4bc876 No.21501549

File: d79c5bf26a5dedb⋯.png (441.99 KB,901x504,901:504,Screen_Shot_2024_08_29_at_….png)

is it anon or do these people own YouTube at this point?

or maybe youtube owns them.

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615207 No.21501550

File: f97c057de607d15⋯.jpeg (589.32 KB,2048x1808,128:113,143BCE2C_C211_4DC8_B2F1_4….jpeg)

File: 5e51a1f8324c818⋯.png (31.42 KB,690x454,345:227,35D71229_75E2_4E5C_B295_21….png)

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504275 No.21501551


Keep going.

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88c885 No.21501553

File: d8ae88a811176ab⋯.gif (329.49 KB,220x198,10:9,gifangryoldman7843.gif)


>it must not exist.

is that what it means, Smooth Brain?

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94bf99 No.21501554

12:30 PM EDT

Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance to address firefighters' union in Boston




12:30 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Sen. JD Vance Speaks at Firefighters Union Convention in Boston

2024 Republican vice presidential nominee Senator JD Vance (OH) delivers remarks at the 2024 International Association of Firefighters conference in Boston, just a day after his Democratic rival, Governor Tim Walz (MN), spoke at the same convention.


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40e939 No.21501555


Emhoff should hide in the shadows. MSM is failed through CIA subversion.

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94bf99 No.21501556

12:30 PM EDT

The President receives the President’s Daily Brief

Official Schedule


12:50 PM EDT

Department of the Army/General Officer (DA/GO) Retirement

Department of Defense


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8657e9 No.21501557

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0d1c73 No.21501558


Has he considered crying more about it??

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833f1a No.21501559


And every time the price of houses goes up, the property taxes go up.

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1b6a6f No.21501561

File: 978a6c0de07f8e7⋯.jpg (47.24 KB,524x499,524:499,FilterJewOffRamp.jpg)

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8657e9 No.21501562

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615207 No.21501565

File: 142d5ce3c11aad9⋯.jpeg (314.63 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,5CD16045_4C3F_4904_BB7E_7….jpeg)

File: e8f29ad24523323⋯.png (733.36 KB,690x1002,115:167,B2A72B89_0B97_4860_91E0_0C….png)


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40e939 No.21501566


Do it go up to 11 tho?

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b6576c No.21501567


A middle class home would cost around $18,000. Most could pay it off within ten years if that.

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504275 No.21501568


The whole of the Internet is a MIL creation.

Same with Television.

Every worthwhile invention Man has ever created has been used as a weapon first.

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94bf99 No.21501570

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REAL AMERICA - Dan Ball W/ Father Frank Pavone, Why 2024 Election Is Good Vs. Evil, 8/28/24

One America News Network



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504275 No.21501571


Keep going.

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8657e9 No.21501574

File: 1cacdd5c8ee0231⋯.gif (347.07 KB,360x640,9:16,20190723_034630.gif)

File: bf5b6e43cf21f8e⋯.gif (22.86 KB,557x557,1:1,20200131_030922.gif)


(you) need a Shepherd.

one has a Father.

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537926 No.21501575

File: 6ec0685ad74f78e⋯.webp (272.72 KB,399x532,3:4,Military_Memes_27.webp)

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ff7956 No.21501576


A reminder to Watch the Water.

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40e939 No.21501577


Gold destroys the Fed.

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d3d83c No.21501578

File: 1384257da3ce8e1⋯.png (118.35 KB,400x348,100:87,Pepe_Apu_mic_drop.png)


Well it's not built by Boeing, so it's far less likely that it was equipment failure.

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504275 No.21501579


Means you're a bonus hole licker.

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43a91c No.21501580



sauce helps anon if you want it notabled

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c3beb4 No.21501582

File: 77a343b515b63be⋯.png (321.75 KB,618x472,309:236,77a343b515b63be50de3c0cbd0….png)


>Means you're a bonus hole licker.

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b6576c No.21501583


My point is we are near the end game before a collapse. Trump, …or no Trump. And right now, Biden/Harris are busy trying to stir another world war, to then blame the collapse on so they can shift the blame of the debt default, which will end up screwing every American taxpayer and worker.

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ffb59a No.21501586


oh ffs

no one can even afford their vices to take their mind off the shitshow around them.

seriously, if anon was their, that fucker would have been a corpse by the time the filth turned up to do anything.

like they say, when their is a emergency which is seconds away, the polices are minutes away.

without the right to bear arms, it is swords at close range.

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8657e9 No.21501587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1c90af No.21501588

File: 924b09ecf5743ec⋯.jpeg (89.8 KB,390x389,390:389,95D22C9D_F4B1_4242_A31B_6….jpeg)

File: 5d2ef37c793eac8⋯.jpeg (118.27 KB,828x819,92:91,F0C4C8D7_D715_4101_BA35_8….jpeg)

File: 6e701c633bfe915⋯.jpeg (321.67 KB,828x646,414:323,45767878_2F11_4397_9648_4….jpeg)

File: a1a3269fba8fb25⋯.jpeg (189.15 KB,828x546,138:91,5D768CDD_6C96_4CD7_891B_C….jpeg)

File: e03f508e13ec307⋯.jpeg (215 KB,828x546,138:91,5E7F8DD0_098D_43D9_911A_0….jpeg)

Stupid and horrible piece of shit pedophile traitors,

Fuckin losers.

Eat shit and bark at the moon Dumbfucks.

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615207 No.21501590

File: 886f2a4236f24c4⋯.png (900.82 KB,750x1334,375:667,7569DDC3_AEDC_45BA_AE8E_2C….png)

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94bf99 No.21501591

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Swatters Arrested

Real America's Voice 2 hours ago



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1c90af No.21501592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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40e939 No.21501594


Only if you choose to play their game.

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537926 No.21501595

File: 7122ce1b15c350d⋯.webp (217.3 KB,1245x700,249:140,tiktok_parody_describes_i….webp)


555 gets u free blowjobs

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0d1c73 No.21501602


I’m guessing your mom

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615207 No.21501603

File: f97c057de607d15⋯.jpeg (589.32 KB,2048x1808,128:113,442273E3_8789_4066_9F8B_9….jpeg)



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8657e9 No.21501604



.mil naow.


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59c069 No.21501607

File: 0a2ca57914c56e2⋯.png (781.03 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ac7ae5c04adfaf⋯.png (1.6 MB,2000x1125,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Work Is Under Way on NASA’s Next-Generation Asteroid Hunter

Aug 28, 2024

NASA’s new asteroid-hunting spacecraft is taking shape at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.

Called NEO Surveyor (Near-Earth Object Surveyor), this cutting-edge infrared space telescope will seek out the hardest-to-find asteroids and comets that might pose a hazard to our planet.

In fact, it is the agency’s first space telescope designed specifically for planetary defense.

Targeting launch in late 2027, the spacecraft will travel a million miles to a region of gravitational stability — called the L1 Lagrange point — between Earth and the Sun.

From there, its large sunshade will block the glare and heat of sunlight, allowing the mission to discover and track near-Earth objects as they approach Earth from the direction of the Sun, which is difficult for other observatories to do.

The space telescope also may reveal asteroids called Earth Trojans, which lead and trail our planet’s orbit and are difficult to see from the ground or from Earth orbit.

NEO Surveyor relies on cutting-edge detectors that observe two bands of infrared light, which is invisible to the human eye.

Near-Earth objects, no matter how dark, glow brightly in infrared as the Sun heats them.

Because of this, the telescope will be able to find dark asteroids and comets, which don’t reflect much visible light.

It also will measure those objects, a challenging task for visible-light telescopes that have a hard time distinguishing between small, highly reflective objects and large, dark ones.

“NEO Surveyor is optimized to help us to do one specific thing: enable humanity to find the most hazardous asteroids and comets far enough in advance so we can do something about them,” said Amy Mainzer, survey director for NEO Surveyor and a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles.

“We aim to build a spacecraft that can find, track, and characterize the objects with the greatest chance of hitting Earth. In the process, we will learn a lot about their origins and evolution.”

The spacecraft’s only instrument is its telescope. About the size of a washer-and-dryer set, the telescope’s blocky aluminum body, called the optical bench, was built in a JPL clean room.

Known as a three-mirror anastigmat telescope, it will rely on curved mirrors to focus light onto its infrared detectors in such a way that minimizes optical aberrations.

“We have been carefully managing the fabrication of the spacecraft’s telescope mirrors, all of which were received in the JPL clean room by July,” said Brian Monacelli, principal optical engineer at JPL.

“Its mirrors were shaped and polished from solid aluminum using a diamond-turning machine. Each exceeds the mission’s performance requirements.”

Monacelli inspected the mirror surfaces for debris and damage, then JPL’s team of optomechanical technicians and engineers attached the mirrors to the telescope’s optical bench in August.

Next, they will measure the telescope’s performance and align its mirrors.

Complementing the mirror assembly are the telescope’s mercury-cadmium-telluride detectors, which are similar to the detectors used by NASA’s recently retired NEOWISE (short for Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) mission.

An advantage of these detectors is that they don’t necessarily require cryogenic coolers or cryogens to lower their operational temperatures in order to detect infrared wavelengths.

Cryocoolers and cryogens can limit the lifespan of a spacecraft. NEO Surveyor will instead keep its cool by using its large sunshade to block sunlight from heating the telescope and by occupying an orbit beyond that of the Moon, minimizing heating from Earth.

The telescope will eventually be installed inside the spacecraft’s instrument enclosure, which is being assembled in JPL’s historic High Bay 1 clean room where NASA missions such as Voyager, Cassini, and Perseverance were constructed.

Fabricated from dark composite material that allows heat to escape, the enclosure will help keep the telescope cool and prevent its own heat from obscuring observations.

Once it is completed in coming weeks, the enclosure will be tested to make sure it can withstand the rigors of space exploration.

Then it will be mounted on the back of the sunshade and atop the electronic systems that will power and control the spacecraft.

“The entire team has been working hard for a long time to get to this point, and we are excited to see the hardware coming together with contributions from our institutional and industrial collaborators from across the country,” said Tom Hoffman, NEO Surveyor’s project manager at JPL.


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a2902e No.21501608

File: 8d19949be880520⋯.png (141.8 KB,274x204,137:102,ClipboardImage.png)

New Study Explores How Food Choices Shape Mental Health and Affect Depression

A new study from the University of Reading found that a poor-quality diet may be associated with changes in the brain structure that are linked to depression and anxiety. While the authors did not find a direct association between brain changes and anxiety or depression, they did see an increase in rumination, a common risk factor of the two. The study found that participants in the low-quality diet group had lower levels of GABA, higher levels of glutamate, and reduced gray matter volume in the brain—markers commonly seen in depression and anxiety. The study recommended dumping processed and sugary foods and instead eating proper protein, especially fatty fish, nuts, berries and leafy green vegetables.




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b6576c No.21501610


Well, to be fair, I have gotten prepared, I'm just trying to warn others here to get prepared as well. Pain is coming to America.

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504275 No.21501612


You're wrong, but whatev…

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94bf99 No.21501613

File: 65e4fd7a1f6e5c6⋯.jpg (526.3 KB,4500x3365,900:673,pottersvilleDem.jpg)

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a969ca No.21501614

File: 02b77dd382e3c18⋯.png (331.32 KB,469x314,469:314,ClipboardImage.png)

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8657e9 No.21501615


seventy percent is moastly, (you) knœ.

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49e69d No.21501618


Vlad , the only neighbor who's fence, only included post.

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615207 No.21501619

File: 80759d508d28e4a⋯.png (1.33 MB,750x1334,375:667,538A9B47_BAA1_4C2E_8839_1A….png)

File: c10c21b0f9acf9e⋯.png (48.93 KB,690x542,345:271,04371702_E07C_4A4F_8514_ED….png)

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40e939 No.21501620


> Pain is coming to America.


Like bleeding, all pain eventually ceases.

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7b2659 No.21501621


>And every time the price of houses goes up, the property taxes go up.

We have been scammed by the cabal our whole lives. This is how it works. By raising home prices, banks can make bigger loans, their local cabal government cronies can charge more in taxes, the create greater chance of people defaulting and then the banks can confiscate years of your hard work and resell your property for the same high price. In reality, a home can only depreciate in value the older it gets as appliances wear out, wood rots, and everything deteriorates. A house should depreciate the same as a car or a boat.

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a2902e No.21501622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LA: Rogue Cop’s Gun Used in $1 Million Watch Heist by ‘Tourism’ Criminals from S. America

Beverly Hills: Two men, Jesus Eduardo Padron Rojas, a 19-year-old Venezuelan citizen, and Jamer Mauricio Sepulveda Salazar, a 21-year-old Colombian citizen, were arrested in Beverly Hills following armed robberies of two watches. The police response in Beverly Hills, known for its wealth, was dramatic. The illegal aliens are alleged to be part of a South American ‘tourism’ crime ring that traveled across the US committing robberies. They operated out of AirbNb rentals and cash motels.

They used a gun registered to former Los Angeles Police Officer Christopher Dorner who killed four people and wounded three more in 2013. After a massive manhunt, the former cop killed himself. Dorner left a manifesto in which he declared war on his department, their families and their associates unless the department admitted publicly he was fired in retaliation for reporting excessive force.





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43a91c No.21501624

#26344 >>21501049

>>21501058 For those anons who consider the Law of War Manual in effect

>>21501075 Trump reveals the burning questions he DEMANDS Kamala Harris answer during prime-time interview


>>21501091 RINO Sellout Mitch McConnell Moves to Torpedo Election Integrity Efforts

>>21501096 Reposting, Call to Action Digital soldiers, flood them with Memes and Truth

>>21501111 Self Described “Globalist” United Nations Legal Affairs Official Says He's "Not Sure Institution is Going to Survive

>>21501127, >>21501178 Melania Trump's highly anticipated memoir is not yet out but it is already topping sales charts.

>>21501190 Judges begrudgingly releasing J6ers after SCOTUS Fischer ruling reversed DOJ's use of 1512c2

>>21501225 Aurora police say gang activity ‘isolated’ as Denver police deny apartment takeovers

>>21501237 Star Factory Messier 17

>>21501245 Federal Reserve Board announces final individual capital requirements for all large banks, effective on October 1

>>21501246 Iron Dragons in Action!

>>21501252 FBI failed to properly investigate all child sexual assault allegations, DOJ report says

>>21501255 Investors bought 1 out of every 6 U.S. homes sold

>>21501275 Biden Regime Planning World War III To Default On US Government Debt Before Next Election

>>21501346 ABC News rejects Kamala Harris last-minute bid to change Trump debate rules, will keep muted mics

>>21501357 DOE Report Shows Clean Energy Jobs Grew at More Than Twice the Rate of Overall U.S. Employment

>>21501418 Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov says peace talks with Ukraine are no longer an option.

>>21501451 Missed the F 16?

>>21501436 Ex-D.C. Guard official says generals lied to Congress about Jan. 6PN PDF

>>21501448 Germany to ban sharp objects to try stop the mass murders.

>>21501479 NASA Assigns Astronaut Jonny Kim to First Space Station Mission

>>21501496 Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua is taking over entire apartment complexes in Colorado

>>21501507 F-16 Crashes in Ukraine

>>21501523 NASA Project in Puerto Rico Trains Students in Marine Biology

>>21501542 Krassensteins actually hosted teen (!!!) p0rn sites?

>>21501607 Work Is Under Way on NASA’s Next-Generation Asteroid Hunter

>>21501608 New Study Explores How Food Choices Shape Mental Health and Affect Depression


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94bf99 No.21501626

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fine Point With Chanel Rion

One America News Network 08/28/24



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8657e9 No.21501627


… and what of the lack?

what does That do?

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0d1c73 No.21501629


Crypto CUCK Trump don’t think so

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8657e9 No.21501632




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739dd8 No.21501634

File: 00d510dbfadbf33⋯.png (570.1 KB,500x729,500:729,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3d83c No.21501635


Not just YouTube, but TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and more. This is why they're upset with X because they can no longer fully control the narrative there.

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3e5d21 No.21501636

File: 2009e39283ac556⋯.png (1.51 MB,955x967,955:967,swordanon.png)


> God bless you swordanon

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3d3879 No.21501637


buh-bye muh clowns

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504275 No.21501638


What part of "The whole of the Internet" is giving you problems?

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833f1a No.21501641


And every time a car or a boat is resold, the buyer has to pay sales tax on it.

The more the vehicle changes owners, the more the government gets in sales tax.

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b6576c No.21501643


Not really, central banks around the world have bought up a massive supply of it, thus protecting their own interests and driving up the price for gold….. It only protects who own it who can properly, and legally, use it financially. Otherwise there are hard assets and land, also recommended for protection of wealth.

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488488 No.21501644

File: 408da182b8864d9⋯.png (243.84 KB,300x450,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)



this could be the first spark which they will blame as civil war.

it is a ticking timebomb.

watch for the media to change the narrative accuse maga and white supremacists against poor immigrants.

heard chatter about this a few days ago, noise on the interwebs without source.

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8657e9 No.21501646

File: 3120f902e4ec251⋯.jpg (70.72 KB,362x750,181:375,20240829_102609.jpg)





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1fa718 No.21501647

>>21500884 @realDonaldTrump Dana Bash of CNN has a chance at greatness todayPN

You know what PDJT is doing again?

• He's negotiating with the Network leaders, "if you want my compliments that is setiously helping your ratings, you'll make Bash do her real job"

• The Network had a sigh of relief when they told Tapper and Bash to not take sides on the debate, mostly because Trump complained publicly for weeks about CNN's bias and lies

• Kamabla think CNN will be biased and give her a softball interview, because Bidan Admin pay them. But the Board of Directors don't want to lose the momentum of ratings that Trump has given them for two months.

• Bash is going to be told you cannot crash and burn and let Kamabla get away with nonsense (even the heads don't want the Bidan Admin 2.0). Trump is telling Bash she'll get a lot of good coverage as a real journalist, because he will call her a courageous hero, etc etc etc. Plus she will be famous

• CNN is in a pickle, their ratings and losing 1/2 or more of their audience was from Trump, yelling the corruption for 4 years. The public still doesn't trust them, but fair reporting will bring back people

• Remember one of the powerful Board members at CNN 4 years ago, he wanted them to get back to the model about reporting news.

CNN has a chance to change their entire network to more truthful, what will they do? Only the Board of Directors know


Oh remember Trump told CNN he said he would help them (2 years or so ago) make CNN great again. Maybe he's been doing it behind the scenes

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f614a9 No.21501649


>Germany to ban sharp objects

cooking, sewing, gardening etc all banned now?

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40e939 No.21501650


Cryptocurrency is a failed idea as demonstrated in recent Israel-Palestine news.

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a969ca No.21501651

File: ba4f01daf701d5f⋯.png (237.7 KB,335x317,335:317,ClipboardImage.png)

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94bf99 No.21501652

File: 06fa0eeac51b1ff⋯.png (487.93 KB,997x855,997:855,hunter_ukraine_checks.png)

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833f1a No.21501653


There should be a law.

No sales tax on used vehicles.

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ad78fb No.21501655


You are fooling yourself if you believe that they don't control X and Elon Musk too. Don't be retarded. Elon is controlled oppo run by them to trick people like you into believing that X is not fully controlled.

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7e54e1 No.21501657

File: 451ee70d368e630⋯.jpg (247.22 KB,741x830,741:830,shills_everywhere.jpg)

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4dcd20 No.21501658

File: fb8b0ce9d9c939a⋯.jpeg (86.31 KB,1083x704,1083:704,8f063279f340fc232116026ec….jpeg)

File: 93efabe602ac63a⋯.jpg (87.65 KB,300x300,1:1,09eef28721ac6a6c2ed302631c….jpg)

File: b77be72d18a08ae⋯.jpeg (81.91 KB,640x640,1:1,9A22015B_16B0_4BFD_80BC_5….jpeg)

File: 9b565011ca90e02⋯.jpg (75.99 KB,720x693,80:77,9b565011ca90e02c23bbc541fd….jpg)

File: c01a1df7922be9f⋯.gif (1.78 MB,426x560,213:280,9d42a13c5a9777ce5dba0f7e00….gif)

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ddd576 No.21501659

File: e01fde7b184d195⋯.jpg (150.47 KB,425x477,425:477,Snake_Plisken_wearing_Red_….jpg)

File: f26dfc6a6424fa2⋯.png (4.19 MB,2830x1500,283:150,Escape_From_New_York_fashi….png)

File: 357d39a593ff5e6⋯.jpg (423.66 KB,1000x1426,500:713,Escape_from_New_York_Cuomo.jpg)

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f614a9 No.21501661


taxes are all over an illegal thing

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504275 No.21501663


No, there should be repeals of laws.

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833f1a No.21501664



They even charge sales tax at resale stores where people are buying someone else's old junk that was donated.

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40e939 No.21501665


Land ownership is determined by army size and preparedness/training of forces.

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367033 No.21501667

>>21501327 anyone in the Biden cabinet that was Senate confirmed is now officially in charge.

Biden Trump and Harris are all officially "eligible candidates in transition" as of 3 days after Dem Convention ending.

General Service Administration is funding their office spaces, travel, and any other expense. They front the money and GSA reimburses.

GSA has been funding Biden and Trump all this time. Trump never conceded and Biden was never seen by GSA as the sole President Elect. They would have filed a letter formally and I find no such letter.

Biden was only seen as President bysomepeople in the government until Miley left the Army recognized it but no longer do.

Everything will make perfect sense if you understand what we have been thinking of as occupation and law of war manual is not completely correct. They never left transition stage. Miley allowed it but after he left CQ Brown didn't


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b6576c No.21501669


It's best to not trust any of them with your personal data. If you use it, do it anonymously with a VPN and some faked name alias.

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0d1c73 No.21501670


So I guess that whole NO DEALS garbage is just that

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d3d83c No.21501671

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB,473x500,473:500,pepe_12.png)


All for a LARP, and so many of them despite that they keep telling us that Kamala has a YUGE lead in the polls…..

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4dcd20 No.21501672

File: 9d998d8130ee64d⋯.jpg (49.11 KB,540x541,540:541,9d998d8130ee64de0448e08776….jpg)

File: 255ee39f795f4b9⋯.png (191.53 KB,399x313,399:313,9d5320e3600f074a2d51085d7c….png)

File: e04371278efe309⋯.png (433.2 KB,651x803,651:803,9e7e9ade476254db137a754405….png)

File: 9e11241657daebb⋯.png (491.94 KB,499x596,499:596,9e11241657daebb10194538f88….png)

File: 9ee40a89cbf2e13⋯.jpg (382.86 KB,822x1006,411:503,9ee40a89cbf2e132ab4177500a….jpg)

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0d1c73 No.21501674


Agreed. Tell Trumpy that

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bff7c4 No.21501675


If you drive a car, I’ll tax the streets

Cuz I’m the taxman

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833f1a No.21501677



But it is hard to put the toothpaste back into the tube.

Once a law is out there, it takes another law to rescind it.

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8657e9 No.21501679

File: 941c545910f9968⋯.gif (1.57 MB,640x640,1:1,20200905_150703.gif)


… for moast.

The Children will Never Forget.

that is what allofthis is for,

after all.

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b6576c No.21501680


Well if they want my plot of land they'll just have to kill me for it. Otherwise I'll be staying here.

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59c069 No.21501685

File: 068cf9cf8a68028⋯.png (2.92 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86cc21d2eeb7666⋯.png (6.31 MB,3840x2160,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

New NASA Study Tallies Carbon Emissions From Massive Canadian Fires

Aug 28, 2024

Stoked by Canada’s warmest and driest conditions in decades, extreme forest fires in 2023 released about 640 million metric tons of carbon, NASA scientists have found.

That’s comparable in magnitude to the annual fossil fuel emissions of a large industrialized nation. NASA funded the study as part of its ongoing mission to understand our changing planet.

The research team used satellite observations and advanced computing to quantify the carbon emissions of the fires, which burned an area roughly the size of North Dakota from May to September 2023.

The new study, published on Aug. 28 in the journal Nature, was led by scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.

They found that the Canadian fires released more carbon in five months than Russia or Japan emitted from fossil fuels in all of 2022 (about 480 million and 291 million metric tons, respectively).

While the carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from both wildfires and fossil fuel combustion cause extra warming immediately, there’s an important distinction, the scientists noted.

As the forest regrows, the amount of carbon emitted from fires will be reabsorbed by Earth’s ecosystems.

The CO2 emitted from the burning of fossil fuels is not readily offset by any natural processes.

An ESA (European Space Agency) instrument designed to measure air pollution observed the fire plumes over Canada.

The TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument, or TROPOMI, flies aboard the Sentinel 5P satellite, which has been orbiting Earth since 2017.

TROPOMI has four spectrometers that measure and map trace gases and fine particles (aerosols) in the atmosphere.

The scientists started with the end result of the fires: the amount of carbon monoxide (CO) in the atmosphere during the fire season.

Then they “back-calculated” how large the emissions must have been to produce that amount of CO.

They were able to estimate how much CO2 was released based on ratios between the two gases in the fire plumes.

“What we found was that the fire emissions were bigger than anything in the record for Canada,” said Brendan Byrne, a JPL scientist and lead author of the new study. “We wanted to understand why.”

Wildfire is essential to the health of forests, clearing undergrowth and brush and making way for new plant life.

In recent decades, however, the number, severity, and overall size of wildfires have increased, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Contributing factors include extended drought, past fire management strategies, invasive species, and the spread of residential communities into formerly less developed areas.

To explain why Canada’s fire season was so intense in 2023, the authors of the new study cited tinderbox conditions across its forests.

Climate data revealed the warmest and driest fire season since at least 1980.

Temperatures in the northwest part of the country — where 61% of fire emissions occurred — were more than 4.5 degrees Fahrenheit (2.6 degrees Celsius) above average from May through September.

Precipitation was also more than 3 inches (8 centimeters) below average for much of the year.

Driven in large part by these conditions, many of the fires grew to enormous sizes.

The fires were also unusually widespread, charring some 18 million hectares of forest from British Columbia in the west to Quebec and the Atlantic provinces in the east.

The area of land that burned was more than eight times the 40-year average and accounted for 5% of Canadian forests.

“Some climate models project that the temperatures we experienced last year will become the norm by the 2050s,” Byrne said.

“The warming, coupled with lack of moisture, is likely to trigger fire activity in the future.”

If events like the 2023 Canadian forest fires become more typical, they could impact global climate.

That’s because Canada’s vast forests compose one of the planet’s important carbon sinks, meaning that they absorb more CO2 from the atmosphere than they release.

The scientists said that it remains to be seen whether Canadian forests will continue to absorb carbon at a rapid rate or whether increasing fire activity could offset some of the uptake, diminishing the forests’ capacity to forestall climate warming.


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504275 No.21501686


>best to not trust any of them with your personal data. … VPN

Fucking retard.

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8657e9 No.21501687


does not know its enemy.

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4dcd20 No.21501689

File: 85dbc2a4f0e87b5⋯.jpeg (33.2 KB,1280x688,80:43,9f0ea6668646d0097f47207cf….jpeg)

File: 9f9801c1ecf51b0⋯.jpg (324.31 KB,1600x2037,1600:2037,9f9801c1ecf51b01f9f57b06a9….jpg)

File: aa564af33d84f44⋯.png (50.77 KB,750x799,750:799,9f513599531bb607458b61d501….png)

File: b5f8160df9d1566⋯.png (95.53 KB,537x464,537:464,9fcb0e71c3a763dd01ad7cda4d….png)

File: 984a5ba6d366897⋯.jpg (38.66 KB,400x300,4:3,9fecabb146a12998466243bde5….jpg)

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2369ba No.21501692


more laws needed to rescind the corrupt unconstitutional laws?

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f614a9 No.21501695


>anonymously with a VPN


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504275 No.21501698


> it takes another law to rescind it.

No, it really doesn't.

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4dcd20 No.21501700

File: 5032027c244f4cc⋯.png (380.68 KB,500x498,250:249,42d1506a89f9818fd0f879da42….png)

File: 782edca3285251f⋯.jpg (37.12 KB,640x512,5:4,42ed76f596b6131f76c725ea70….jpg)

File: 44f36914f5c911d⋯.png (480.81 KB,512x512,1:1,44f36914f5c911d6b46ce4525f….png)

File: 28c04873f90421c⋯.jpeg (65.09 KB,968x988,242:247,47fd324f9e007e031e910b084….jpeg)

File: dd8da94fb46cc4c⋯.gif (827.46 KB,408x640,51:80,50bd7bba10d30ba44578d20580….gif)

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bad18a No.21501701


this post @411


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833f1a No.21501703


Everyone uses the streets, even if they don't drive.

Because if they purchase something at a store, how did that merchandise get there? How did the people who work there get there?

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9e3dab No.21501704


ThankQ+. Just so you know, I get livid knowing what some of these people are doing to us, knowing I can tear their heads off in seconds but must refrain until that tweet is called. Go check how the cyanide plant is trimmed, they have been taking small sections at a time off the tops. They can reach the center but not the far right side closest to them? These people are stupid. I remember once seeing him pulling a long pvc pipe about six feet from over our fence line. I checked my house and saw no damage and thought, maybe he was doing something to his pool. Now I know, I heard something plastic hit the side of my house 2 nights ago but wasn't sure. Next day we had earth dirt coming out of our small venting plumbing piece from our waste line. Imagine having to deal with stuff like this on a regular basis. I am not sure I am going to wait any longer after this weekend for that tweet.

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0a10d9 No.21501706


Sanctuary is a Medieval Catholic term.

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f08820 No.21501708

File: fc661bbc6564f20⋯.png (569.64 KB,963x1032,321:344,ClipboardImage.png)

California legislature passes bill banning voter ID laws

The California legislature passed a bill banning local governments from adopting voter identification laws for local elections. California does not require identification to vote, but earlier this year, the City of Huntington Beach approved a voter ID requirement for municipal elections starting in 2026. This bill would override Huntington Beach’s policy.

State Assemblymember Bill Essayli, R-Corona, introduced a failed amendment to the bill, SB 1174, that would have explicitly banned undocumented immigrants from voting.


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40e939 No.21501709

File: 0a2e86968816b0a⋯.jpeg (64.97 KB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_3525.jpeg)

File: ba75bb24382aae4⋯.png (213.99 KB,1024x576,16:9,IMG_3524.png)

It is not the moon and not what it claims to be.

In the end it does “slither away” in defeat.

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8d3171 No.21501712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Translation / Localization of Trump a.m. Truths

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d3d83c No.21501714

File: 955898103df0464⋯.png (150.72 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe_kek1.png)


Shills seethe at the @xxx posts.

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2369ba No.21501717


I know you are.

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4dcd20 No.21501719

File: 20861b6e70e8598⋯.png (776.49 KB,800x420,40:21,9efd72d8453ae953800a6b8933….png)

File: 10ff066a9a68bb3⋯.jpg (35.67 KB,450x575,18:23,10ff066a9a68bb3c61be3d02fd….jpg)

File: bb8cd8b899a7487⋯.png (401.73 KB,610x381,610:381,11_7_EYES_DONT_LIE.png)

File: 92f13b8a1165a8d⋯.jpg (171.17 KB,600x450,4:3,11_18_THE_AMERICAN_WAY.jpg)

File: 0d594ebd1987ff9⋯.jpeg (183.4 KB,1350x906,225:151,11d845a2627102daeeb3617f9….jpeg)

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7e4100 No.21501721

File: 261ccd7e027a75e⋯.jpg (90.45 KB,890x499,890:499,Ineverforget.jpg)


TY, baker.

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bff7c4 No.21501722


Corporate boardrooms have become communist clown shows

They purposely run companies into bankruptcy

Just like they did in Poland and USSR

White Americans better wake up and take back US

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d5f87c No.21501726

File: 10dc63adb865c6f⋯.png (178.66 KB,1242x885,414:295,10dc63adb865c6fc85c767f99a….png)

File: 272a8c6c1655e10⋯.jpg (70.98 KB,474x319,474:319,11_7_HOLLOWOOD.jpg)

File: 11f9c45f2f8b39f⋯.jpg (23.75 KB,222x255,74:85,11f9c45f2f8b39fe1a1a3c5799….jpg)

File: 310e1505348917f⋯.png (1.26 MB,1080x1080,1:1,13bca2d851559db53b7d7ff63e….png)

File: 522328ae1f52a53⋯.jpg (284.03 KB,780x1092,5:7,14a3f733586521792de259530b….jpg)

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f614a9 No.21501728

File: 3d316479c50540f⋯.png (1.74 MB,1000x1000,1:1,3d316479c50540f730c6167115….png)

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b6576c No.21501730


VPNs work fine, is there any proof why I shouldn't use one? I never go online without a VPN.

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d5f87c No.21501733

File: 52b0042616c1f7e⋯.jpg (27.7 KB,453x256,453:256,52b0042616c1f7ea509bb0ace9….jpg)

File: d8af76f5697273c⋯.jpg (33.75 KB,480x470,48:47,54d53cb3df5af5061cb8a5c91a….jpg)

File: 54f8747361c2495⋯.jpg (50.15 KB,500x500,1:1,54f8747361c2495c24095b98d1….jpg)

File: e218d4c340f013e⋯.jpg (86.66 KB,500x281,500:281,56g62625788261_577_1_.jpg)

File: 4c0eacac54de735⋯.png (6.77 KB,282x178,141:89,59a8b97f00019a76ba97afc1d7….png)

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2369ba No.21501734


I do now kill yourself.

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ad78fb No.21501735


Not on social media, where you need to create an account.

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bad18a No.21501738

File: bc09a4447fc54fb⋯.png (62.22 KB,736x1010,368:505,ClipboardImage.png)


seethe the sith


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8d3171 No.21501739


Cali is uniquely "democratic"

Ask scotus.

Ballot Init_to winit!

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504275 No.21501740


>is there any proof why I shouldn't use one

You don't hold the private keys, the VPN provider does.

They can see everything moving across their network.

Throughput is effectively cut in half.

You pay them to horde your data and cutting your speeds.

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d3d83c No.21501741

File: 9c2d276e60fe79f⋯.png (182.96 KB,400x367,400:367,Pepe_poof_.png)

ID+ andPOOFinstant comfee….

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a969ca No.21501742

File: a40a16f4689ae15⋯.png (863.97 KB,1131x691,1131:691,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8414c413551ebb⋯.png (550.78 KB,981x572,981:572,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91fb0e47ca6e906⋯.png (107.13 KB,315x582,105:194,ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Rogan has a research facility running MK Ultra on 1,000 people a year! - Alex Jones


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d5f87c No.21501743

File: 6c1738682fa7868⋯.jpeg (42.27 KB,490x367,490:367,77dd145d2b6afa9bad9b25c57….jpeg)

File: 61147d8dd48bccc⋯.png (1.01 MB,1209x713,39:23,79de719b15aa2eaa7761579966….png)

File: 81c14b417a6aa29⋯.jpg (76.26 KB,520x480,13:12,81c14b417a6aa29320c81ee932….jpg)

File: 4be24c884e6191d⋯.jpeg (41.38 KB,480x480,1:1,81cc80e64511785d2c02baaea….jpeg)

File: 3cc2b2cfd78ac71⋯.png (42.74 KB,620x620,1:1,81cc235237d464864c7d60387b….png)

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8657e9 No.21501744

File: c79debf5dc08343⋯.png (408.29 KB,500x729,500:729,20240829_103343.png)

File: d6137d85ff838de⋯.png (409.57 KB,500x729,500:729,20240829_103605.png)

File: 60457c66a83890c⋯.gif (329.35 KB,500x729,500:729,20240829_103659.gif)


alas albion

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61024a No.21501745

File: 6b3ca6037900863⋯.png (97.72 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

Who's to defend England now? Do you have a pill for that?

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39f12b No.21501746

File: af7e836a78a4047⋯.jpeg (711.78 KB,2048x1280,8:5,IMG_8037.jpeg)

When anons fight.


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f614a9 No.21501748


you can hide in the woods or in caves

but you can't hide anywhere on the webbs

if nothing has happened to you so far then you are either just a (nice and kind) nobody OR being protected (which I think most of anons are)


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f614a9 No.21501750

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40e939 No.21501751


Sometimes it takes the fortitude of “elected” representatives to stand up in homage to Marbury-Madison.

That said, courage or it’s appearance is rare.

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ec7e0f No.21501752

File: 16dd30475a3d701⋯.png (749.4 KB,1028x675,1028:675,16dd30475a3d701579680b060f….png)

File: 14e4de151c15d90⋯.jpg (56.87 KB,1242x762,207:127,17.jpg)

File: 17d2d44db876601⋯.jpg (49.93 KB,500x625,4:5,17d2d44db876601ac068c0deb8….jpg)

File: 541372fad6dbcdf⋯.png (395.56 KB,600x600,1:1,17dab7baf008e95c23d8283282….png)

File: 51ba76f0aabc0f1⋯.jpeg (23.87 KB,364x401,364:401,19f50cb227090e40939251a08….jpeg)

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c9b828 No.21501754

File: 58b87ccc00d4457⋯.png (130.8 KB,935x846,935:846,ClipboardImage.png)

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488488 No.21501757

File: ae3152dc5a40236⋯.png (44.22 KB,368x200,46:25,ClipboardImage.png)


it is called the full armour of God retard.

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7e54e1 No.21501758

File: 3a423cad3ccfc65⋯.png (97.45 KB,427x240,427:240,ClipboardImage.png)

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07472e No.21501759

File: cb5f20eeadb5b4d⋯.jpeg (49.5 KB,400x712,50:89,622592DE_BEB1_4554_A06D_3….jpeg)

We are up against team Slytherin?

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8657e9 No.21501760

File: 0284296b111781f⋯.gif (998.35 KB,640x640,1:1,20240829_104203.gif)



just so.

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833f1a No.21501761


Well maybe the SCOTUS could deem it to be an unconstitutional law to begin with.

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c3beb4 No.21501762

File: bcc401463a369b2⋯.jpeg (44.75 KB,600x835,120:167,bcc401463a369b2584a104b3d….jpeg)

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4dcd20 No.21501764

File: aad7e565c3711d6⋯.jpg (55.37 KB,536x700,134:175,17a0db275220882d7e1845bca1….jpg)

File: 17ab6dd9cf5169f⋯.jpg (97.32 KB,720x828,20:23,17ab6dd9cf5169fafdff5bac91….jpg)

File: 327165968c371c3⋯.jpg (93.3 KB,760x427,760:427,17fdf4627e30e43f9cedb749f5….jpg)

File: 32e995bde6035a2⋯.png (243.67 KB,493x467,493:467,20f9d45daeb03990865dce20d0….png)

File: 021d0b18f83c79c⋯.jpg (21.63 KB,277x182,277:182,021d0b18f83c79cb2b02183435….jpg)

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b6576c No.21501765


Most encrypt the communications and don't store them for long periods according to their TOS policy. Storing all that data for long periods would cost them too much and for what? If that ever came out, and I think it would, it would absolutely ruin their reputation and business.

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504275 No.21501766


Or, IDK, The People.

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c68525 No.21501767


it's not live because it's scripted dog shit

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833f1a No.21501768


I recall when I first saw this movie when I was in High School, I thought that Aretha was fat.

Now she just looks normal sized to me.

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ddd576 No.21501770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

God bless America's Drill Sergeants. Teaching others is not easy!


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b80635 No.21501771

File: b9fb4de1deade70⋯.gif (9.04 MB,640x640,1:1,8cc306dc89829943e69383b56b….gif)

File: 8cf7117e35d4745⋯.jpg (271.92 KB,1280x954,640:477,8cf7117e35d4745f03098fc233….jpg)

File: a286ae215e0988b⋯.png (110.91 KB,750x608,375:304,8db84eb30b97ddb820c60fdaba….png)

File: f804a2e6510282d⋯.jpg (31.68 KB,500x593,500:593,8ebf7fb7a2ed5e13a54e6be4d7….jpg)

File: 11ecd769c97f1c5⋯.png (242.69 KB,560x586,280:293,11ecd769c97f1c5d9efb7eeceb….png)


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a6ac86 No.21501772

The Rebranding

Islamists = Good

Christians = Bad

Is Failing

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d3d83c No.21501773

File: c17b0828a081d4f⋯.png (426.79 KB,773x499,773:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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4bc876 No.21501774


somebody please prove to anon that these aggregators aren't part of the gov'ts redistribution scheme of our assets to our invaders.

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4dcd20 No.21501775

File: 4fa8ac8e8146d6b⋯.jpg (25.75 KB,489x307,489:307,57d5e930ff35232398fca96ab8….jpg)

File: 19950825c065442⋯.png (282.69 KB,768x768,1:1,57e0a64484518f52894cf5109a….png)

File: b33c724c82e51dd⋯.png (9.11 KB,219x255,73:85,57e4f6f04b20a619ee9cb3e71c….png)

File: 57f054b0f8fcbf4⋯.jpg (129.59 KB,934x1024,467:512,57f054b0f8fcbf408cf83bfd22….jpg)

File: 58b50c2ea6bf10d⋯.jpg (427.59 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,58b50c2ea6bf10d819d7c6ab63….jpg)

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7ef3dd No.21501776


>Where are you?

I know where I am, but remember there are TS posts that are related, so we are being heard.

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4dcd20 No.21501777


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504275 No.21501778


>I believe what the sales pitch and/or what other snake oil purchasers have told me.

Your naivety is showing.

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4bc876 No.21501779


no matter. "stroke of the pen, law of the land. kinda cool!"

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40e939 No.21501780



Unimaginable burdens foisted upon them In today’s recruiting environment.

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ad78fb No.21501781


>people who live here

a.k.a. illegals

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88c885 No.21501782

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93a3b6 No.21501784

kamalak tough questions:

have you been been drinking today, and are you drunk right now?

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488488 No.21501787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: will watch and let anons know if there is anything indastering in his speech.


Vance speaks at the International Association of Firefighters Convention in Boston


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b80635 No.21501788

File: 21415168ed3d052⋯.jpg (33.94 KB,500x529,500:529,7f879c87c293e8bd933eee1795….jpg)

File: 01329f245a95cf2⋯.jpg (40.89 KB,500x499,500:499,7fc92b9788930fe81d8fa704f0….jpg)

File: 9a1a27944df1eb4⋯.png (1.2 MB,666x1024,333:512,9a1a27944df1eb4d51f180087e….png)

File: 86cca4f7b81e8fc⋯.jpg (3.24 MB,6880x5910,688:591,9d3497201a23c69d1bd452630b….jpg)

File: 86cca4f7b81e8fc⋯.jpg (3.24 MB,6880x5910,688:591,9d3497201a23c69d1bd452630b….jpg)

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504275 No.21501791



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7ef3dd No.21501792


Correct, it is all a ponzi scheme. Their elite cabal gets local government jobs for their family members who just do not have the aptitude. Think about, they are lobbying them and paying, why wouldn't they ask the local reps?

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b6576c No.21501796


I guess, but the other option would be exposing your real IP to anyone in the world, and not having it encrypted at all (and everything is stored at the NSA anyway). So how is that any safer?

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bff7c4 No.21501797

File: aa556194349fc81⋯.jpeg (712.11 KB,1328x1342,664:671,IMG_6555.jpeg)

How to describe a Jew in one word

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426e53 No.21501800


>How to describe a Jew in one word


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ad78fb No.21501802


States like Indiana make you pay sales tax on your vehicle every year when you renew your registration.

Taxation is theft!

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4dcd20 No.21501803

File: 9b1377e56eb13cc⋯.png (61.99 KB,900x771,300:257,9b1377e56eb13cc33f046c2c3b….png)

File: 13db1c2167b4660⋯.jpg (235.59 KB,828x1372,207:343,13db1c2167b4660f41d4a7c93f….jpg)

File: 24ac2d2588f3efd⋯.jpg (323.01 KB,581x789,581:789,24ac2d2588f3efdb2d6650f091….jpg)

File: 24af5e16f51571e⋯.jpg (98.88 KB,812x642,406:321,24af5e16f51571ebc10c0f61db….jpg)

File: 9de40b78dcfab9b⋯.jpg (21.93 KB,255x255,1:1,24d8ee9b31c20c3c5aff42fe27….jpg)

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a6ac86 No.21501804

Freedom is on the Chopping Block

but for Christians, Freedom is a God Given Right

They can Try

But it will Fail

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40e939 No.21501805


Assets matter not.

Have concern for souls of peoples.

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36d7da No.21501807


stevil an hivette should die

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426e53 No.21501808


>Assets matter not.

>Have concern for souls of peoples.

Your worldly soul cage will require a certain amount of assets to keep your soul firmly in said box.

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d5f87c No.21501809

File: 41e69e0b8101ace⋯.jpg (253.86 KB,567x728,81:104,24ddad56fe7441b2dff573707e….jpg)

File: 2c3dd957b520d7f⋯.png (427.44 KB,879x660,293:220,25a2aa0f39e34d26476920314e….png)

File: 8cbf744134b328d⋯.gif (1.77 MB,440x440,1:1,26bba0a4c06020ad7add5cfbf3….gif)

File: 26bbc4a687ee76f⋯.jpg (27.55 KB,468x390,6:5,26bbc4a687ee76f9e0f0bc0a24….jpg)

File: c9a9374c498f144⋯.jpeg (124.42 KB,1440x951,480:317,26d367faa029759ad402b9f84….jpeg)

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9ae382 No.21501810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Michigan - 8/29/24

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will Deliver Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Potterville, Michigan, on Thursday, August 29, 2024, at 3:30 p.m. EDT.

Watch all-day LIVE coverage on RSBN starting at 11:30 a.m. ET.


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c9b828 No.21501811

File: 94b56c13dac9c44⋯.png (447.46 KB,1092x778,546:389,ClipboardImage.png)

QAnon is back on the Media Menu Anons.

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c68525 No.21501812

File: 611cc933c763da5⋯.png (185.3 KB,535x401,535:401,ClipboardImage.png)

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65b9a1 No.21501813

File: 90aea4aa44206fc⋯.png (1.57 MB,1100x1134,550:567,ClipboardImage.png)

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40e939 No.21501814


God will provide as deemed appropriate by same.

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504275 No.21501815


Wow, the stupid is strong with this one.

Why centralize all your Internet traffic making it even easier for them?

>rhetorical question and we already know how you're going to answer.

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d5f87c No.21501816

File: ff530d21f73eb81⋯.png (374.54 KB,746x582,373:291,56bc8f2131267a3f6f5a469697….png)

File: 64c63c86b1e15c8⋯.jpeg (423.63 KB,1800x1800,1:1,59D13691_34E3_4875_9C74_B….jpeg)

File: 60fe7e615eafa5b⋯.png (204.49 KB,480x300,8:5,60fe7e615eafa5b3fb62677387….png)

File: 62e17be01e3820a⋯.png (126.2 KB,851x315,851:315,62e17be01e3820a66298dedd11….png)

File: 63dad7029ee9f1a⋯.png (222.75 KB,570x543,190:181,63dad7029ee9f1a9904471f059….png)


>but for Christians, Freedom is a God Given Right

Just for Christians huh? Sounds like all those religions from the middle east.

Exclusive and fascist in their belief

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426e53 No.21501818


>God will provide as deemed appropriate by same.

That requires His people to be listening. If He has to do it, some people are going to be hurting.

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79cc5e No.21501819

File: 63abb74aadc472f⋯.jpeg (86.6 KB,800x561,800:561,6D295164_28DA_4BA5_B3BC_7….jpeg)

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f614a9 No.21501820

File: 64d8a3065e71ec9⋯.png (42.31 KB,818x454,409:227,528.png)

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8ee0c5 No.21501821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ad78fb No.21501822


One set of rules which apply to them, another which applies to everyone else.

Only "they" are allowed to do this. If they didn't have double-standards, they would have no standards at all.

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504275 No.21501823



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a969ca No.21501824

File: 788d2c703df0f93⋯.png (187.54 KB,290x321,290:321,ClipboardImage.png)

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9f9d67 No.21501825

File: 33b011f354d6dd5⋯.png (306.15 KB,555x483,185:161,33b011f354d6dd58426bec4ded….png)

File: 33f05abc26be9e3⋯.png (18.29 KB,255x226,255:226,33f05abc26be9e3f07fd2014ca….png)

File: 33f008c54c94293⋯.png (20.76 KB,255x250,51:50,33f008c54c94293e32756616e6….png)

File: 35b8fee14d60e88⋯.png (529.97 KB,454x542,227:271,35b8fee14d60e8833baf29d455….png)

File: b3521532e463ecb⋯.jpg (22.32 KB,468x193,468:193,35b32ffb64bccc3189a0353c7a….jpg)

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1c90af No.21501827

File: 17f95736f278ad1⋯.jpeg (77.66 KB,828x624,69:52,C2C03242_E7CA_456D_A955_8….jpeg)

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61024a No.21501828


…and nothing changed.

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c68525 No.21501830

oh great the 5 memes at a time hopper

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40e939 No.21501831


Who dyes their eyebrow?

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d5f87c No.21501833

File: c39b24260828d96⋯.png (107.5 KB,1000x1000,1:1,8chanPostDetectorOS2.png)

File: 2450f3b40cb31a5⋯.jpg (125.12 KB,800x800,1:1,8d0fb518dc0998fe34a743e7b9….jpg)

File: 8d22f6f5f9f14a3⋯.jpg (44.96 KB,571x728,571:728,8d22f6f5f9f14a3ba09009e56f….jpg)

File: d0fd35661381559⋯.jpg (15.32 KB,190x255,38:51,9c8800ee7834a335d4a1fa5192….jpg)

File: ae29003ffc88247⋯.png (379.41 KB,564x544,141:136,9c82623a403641b2826ec22d9d….png)

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39f12b No.21501835

File: 6c13a8181e19809⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,112.28 KB,644x500,161:125,IMG_8039.jpeg)


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a6ac86 No.21501836

Communist Canada is Getting Worse

We may see a Canadian Version of Crimea Happen

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d3d83c No.21501837

File: 12829d04fef40ee⋯.png (625.27 KB,1329x1296,443:432,pepe_points_comfee4.png)


Yup, and he keeps IP hopping, which proves what his real intentions are.

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b6576c No.21501838


It's not like the government can't find you anyway, but what about hackers? What about others stealing your credit card info, and other personal info, online? Why would you not want that info encrypted & protected? People get hacked and doxed because they use their real IP address so it makes no sense to not have it protected.

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bf9905 No.21501842

The Media, The government, The Banks, the Corporations, All the people who Rule over DO NOT MEDITATE

And since you don’t either, you elected them.

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504275 No.21501843


>What about

>What about

You do you, idiot.

See you next bread.

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c68525 No.21501844


5 bucks says it's the vatican homo

so thirsty for attention that one

don't think his mommy loved him too much and dad left home early for smokes only to never return

sad story really

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833f1a No.21501846


It might not be an unconstitutional law.

It might just be an unfair or a stupid law.

IDK, I'm not a lawyer

Can a stupid law just be taken off of the books?

Like if there was a law saying that people aren't allowed to chew gum in public on Sundays?

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b80635 No.21501848

File: 39ac8559e1d71a4⋯.png (319.76 KB,804x419,804:419,127daf35c642b38de3fbaf93e5….png)

File: 4e34947f7424b89⋯.jpeg (186.07 KB,1062x1062,1:1,154D6062_3C5E_4FF6_8508_8….jpeg)

File: e1fdecd5ea02e92⋯.png (456.63 KB,605x757,605:757,156e98d4f88e89931dc2b8cc38….png)

File: 187dae774c3eec1⋯.jpg (120.86 KB,498x679,498:679,187dae774c3eec16f296784d1d….jpg)

File: 303e3d2de629a55⋯.jpg (59.79 KB,713x533,713:533,303e3d2de629a557d2857021a4….jpg)

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d3d83c No.21501849



>t's the vatican homo

Agree, he just quoted me, so it's very likely him.


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5d440c No.21501852

File: b04b4a6c49b75f6⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB,530x850,53:85,Recording_2024_08_29_09525….mp4)

File: c9bce4ebbcd7c85⋯.png (378.64 KB,568x854,284:427,ClipboardImage.png)


Rogan showing Howie the whole early morning notes thing we reported way back when….was it 3am or 4 am notes?…one script for all…they are actors working for one big ass studio masquerading as multiple , local independent news orgs

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59c069 No.21501854

File: f46d89865b00156⋯.png (28.81 KB,901x274,901:274,ClipboardImage.png)

Astronomers back call for review of bonkers rule that means satellite swarms fly without environment checks

Thu 29 Aug 2024 // 07:28 UTC

Astronomy researchers from several US universities have joined a campaign coordinated by US Public Interest Research Group (US PIRG) to pause low Earth satellite launches and convince the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to reconsider exempting swarms of small satellites from environmental review requirements.

Astronomers from Princeton University, University of California, Berkeley, and University of Arizona, among others, have added their names to a public letter that will be presented at some point to FCC space bureau chief Julie Kearney.

The letter asks the FCC to follow prior recommendations from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), which in 2022 issued a report calling for the telecom regulator to revisit its decision to exempt large constellations of satellites from environmental review.

The exemption was created way back in 1986, when far fewer satellites were being launched.

The GAO, however, urged the FCC to review the exemption, citing the recent proliferation of satellites and the questions that have been raised about the sustainability of the exemption.

That recommendation was recently echoed by US PIRG, which earlier this month made a similar request to the FCC.

US PIRG notes that the number of satellites in low Earth orbit has increased by a factor of 127 over the past five years, driven largely by the deployment of mega-constellations of communications satellites from SpaceX's Starlink subsidiary.

Launching large numbers of small satellites presents potential pollution and safety risks, and spoils stargazing. With 6,000 SpaceX satellites in orbit – a number planned to reach 40,000 in a few years – and a satellite lifespan of just five years, US PIRG expects tons of satellite debris will be burned daily upon re-entering the Earth's atmosphere.

That's in addition to the pollution caused by satellite launches, which US PIRG projects will be "equivalent to seven million diesel dump trucks circling the globe each year."

The advocacy group's lobbying has been endorsed by several astronomers, and US PIRG is also seeking support from the public.

"We don’t know the long-term effects of the huge number of proposed satellites on our ozone, climate, and environment," argued Samantha Lawler, associate professor of astronomy at University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada, in a statement.

"What we do know is relying on a decades-old decision to exclude 50,000 satellites from environmental review defies common sense."

In addition to Lawler, signatories include: Minkwan Kim from University of Southampton (lead researcher on the first international study into the environmental impact of space debris disposal using atmospheric ablation); Joshua Reding, AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow at the National Science Foundation; and Roohi Dalal from the Outer Space Institute.


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426e53 No.21501857

Who here has aligned their values with their scraps of paper and specie?

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c3beb4 No.21501858

File: 36d49dbacd89c94⋯.jpg (63.33 KB,560x381,560:381,vdm.jpg)

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d5f87c No.21501859

File: 444e3086ca7ade7⋯.jpg (194.18 KB,900x890,90:89,01027e6470b26c817b637dbeb8….jpg)

File: 1f857af300e26b5⋯.jpg (168.04 KB,1163x654,1163:654,1093ba344e0f1cdd519695dde2….jpg)

File: ddb5ebd3932cb90⋯.jpg (168.74 KB,1118x2140,559:1070,1118full_asia_argento.jpg)

File: 1243d8f0bdfd258⋯.jpg (151.28 KB,615x975,41:65,1243d8f0bdfd258338c05f4e74….jpg)

File: 24533cc73a2c3b7⋯.jpg (65.91 KB,660x1143,220:381,1296d7c0a71d30853c765b8f4e….jpg)

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40e939 No.21501860

File: b1201e32ae1013f⋯.jpeg (113.89 KB,598x448,299:224,IMG_3528.jpeg)

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a6ac86 No.21501861

I don't know Anyone (alive) that has 11 Vaxx Jabs

99% of the Population is Unvaxxed

After the Plandemic, Trust is gone

99% are Anti-Vaxers meow

If the[y] want their Billions

There will have to be another Mandate, Before the EUA Expires at the end of this year

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e27888 No.21501865

File: a94c0b400ea3ea0⋯.png (128.29 KB,530x547,530:547,Capture.PNG)

/1🔎NEW —

Based on reporting from


, we just launched investigations into the Biden-Harris State Department to determine whether the U.S. Embassy in Paris had advanced knowledge of, or may have played a role in coordinating, the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov:


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43a91c No.21501867

#26344 >>21501049

>>21501810 LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Michigan - 8/29/24 HAL-LA-LU-YEAH

>>21501058 For those anons who consider the Law of War Manual in effect

>>21501075 Trump reveals the burning questions he DEMANDS Kamala Harris answer during prime-time interview


>>21501091 RINO Sellout Mitch McConnell Moves to Torpedo Election Integrity Efforts

>>21501096 Reposting, Call to Action Digital soldiers, flood them with Memes and Truth

>>21501111 Self Described “Globalist” United Nations Legal Affairs Official Says He's "Not Sure Institution is Going to Survive

>>21501127, >>21501178 Melania Trump's highly anticipated memoir is not yet out but it is already topping sales charts.

>>21501190 Judges begrudgingly releasing J6ers after SCOTUS Fischer ruling reversed DOJ's use of 1512c2

>>21501225 Aurora police say gang activity ‘isolated’ as Denver police deny apartment takeovers

>>21501237 Star Factory Messier 17

>>21501245 Federal Reserve Board announces final individual capital requirements for all large banks, effective on October 1

>>21501246 Iron Dragons in Action!

>>21501252 FBI failed to properly investigate all child sexual assault allegations, DOJ report says

>>21501255 Investors bought 1 out of every 6 U.S. homes sold

>>21501275 Biden Regime Planning World War III To Default On US Government Debt Before Next Election

>>21501346 ABC News rejects Kamala Harris last-minute bid to change Trump debate rules, will keep muted mics

>>21501357 DOE Report Shows Clean Energy Jobs Grew at More Than Twice the Rate of Overall U.S. Employment

>>21501418 Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov says peace talks with Ukraine are no longer an option.

>>21501451 Missed the F 16?

>>21501436 Ex-D.C. Guard official says generals lied to Congress about Jan. 6PN PDF

>>21501448 Germany to ban sharp objects to try stop the mass murders.

>>21501479 NASA Assigns Astronaut Jonny Kim to First Space Station Mission

>>21501496 Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua is taking over entire apartment complexes in Colorado

>>21501507 F-16 Crashes in Ukraine

>>21501523 NASA Project in Puerto Rico Trains Students in Marine Biology

>>21501542 Krassensteins actually hosted teen (!!!) p0rn sites?

>>21501607 Work Is Under Way on NASA’s Next-Generation Asteroid Hunter

>>21501608 New Study Explores How Food Choices Shape Mental Health and Affect Depression

>>21501679 For moast. The Children will Never Forget. that is what allofthis is for, after all.

>>21501685 New NASA Study Tallies Carbon Emissions From Massive Canadian Fires

>>21501708 California legislature passes bill banning voter ID laws

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ad78fb No.21501869


>99% of the Population is Unvaxxed

That's grossly overestimated. I'd say more like 60%-ish are unvaccinated.

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833f1a No.21501870


My neighbor told me that he has had 8 covid jabs.

I asked him why, and he told me because they are free.

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bad18a No.21501873


this post @566


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61024a No.21501874

File: 1eaaa360a1eccf0⋯.png (107.61 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


That's bullshit. Do bravery long enough, you don't feel it. What can you do to me? I go into shock in about 10 seconds, then I feel nothing. My adrenalin goes at least 10x (you); I time warp. Anything you do to me that doesn't kill me or knock me out makes me your worst nightmare.

At least be afraid of something real.

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615207 No.21501875

over the target

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426e53 No.21501876

Who here still goes to the doctor for anything?

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d5f87c No.21501878

File: d8edecda9c5081e⋯.jpg (948.64 KB,1802x1800,901:900,29_mirror_of_21_1_.jpg)

File: 30ee3c84b62e976⋯.jpg (84.11 KB,728x960,91:120,30ee3c84b62e976aa9032a97b5….jpg)

File: 32b3779dc7edcf7⋯.jpg (58.99 KB,960x540,16:9,32b3779dc7edcf7b137ae0cd24….jpg)

File: 32c38228f984ad7⋯.jpg (91.33 KB,725x768,725:768,32c38228f984ad7d303d84c87e….jpg)

File: 37a0fdb88c7454d⋯.jpg (383.39 KB,1000x1000,1:1,37a0fdb88c7454d7ef942fed38….jpg)

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e27888 No.21501880

File: 61d0eb11db6d6ab⋯.jpg (72.19 KB,1080x911,1080:911,GWKP9NAWcAA_fvk.jpg)

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694dee No.21501881

File: 41a6ac5bcfdbc96⋯.jpeg (81.18 KB,1200x725,48:29,K_brothers.jpeg)

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a6ac86 No.21501882

File: 68ad8930164d7fc⋯.png (877.19 KB,1113x725,1113:725,ClipboardImage.png)

Tucker Carlson with Mike Benz- US Embassy 8-28-2024


He explains that when the DS takes over a Country, they arrest & Jail all the opposition along with the people that have wrong think

Sound Familiar?

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a969ca No.21501883

File: 7f04a417eae9f61⋯.png (566.48 KB,1208x667,1208:667,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19d63f7a9a94dcd⋯.png (227.04 KB,295x443,295:443,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef24f6c8666d76a⋯.png (433.84 KB,579x440,579:440,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce5823cf47a4fa7⋯.png (345.18 KB,530x430,53:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad78fb No.21501884


>My neighbor told me that he has had 8 covid jabs.

>I asked him why, and he told me because they are free.

What in tardation???

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9f9d67 No.21501885

File: 065bdf5f7cc8768⋯.png (293.55 KB,411x430,411:430,065bdf5f7cc8768bbe2aa5a9ce….png)

File: 66dd09c5cd5ba44⋯.jpg (58.48 KB,721x1080,721:1080,66dd09c5cd5ba4461c956f5ff1….jpg)

File: 22745e7ffbb1c50⋯.jpg (101.78 KB,997x520,997:520,67a495e836e6bf41b1e26348c4….jpg)

File: d2ce516987d8915⋯.png (157.38 KB,225x465,15:31,67d8e5706372ea1d562d5d461b….png)

File: beb8a6f9bf310cc⋯.jpg (519.31 KB,1536x2304,2:3,67ddfa483f1172dfc023461ff0….jpg)

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94bf99 No.21501886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1:45 PM EDT

Education Secretary Cardona will participate in a virtual pep rally with U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to highlight the Biden-Harris Administration’s support for school meals.

U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Education




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003fd0 No.21501887

File: 364e4353e29bdf2⋯.jpg (57.2 KB,514x640,257:320,457410198_974056001400852_….jpg)

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5d440c No.21501888


well good thing Howie knows some of us…

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d3d83c No.21501889

File: 21e52038ff914bd⋯.png (389.83 KB,536x720,67:90,pepe_lol.png)


Kek, angry vati will tag you now about 5+ times.

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a6ac86 No.21501890


To be classed as "Vaxxed", you have to have all 11 jabs

I doubt 40% are at that number

To compromise, I'd say there is less than 10% that fit that description

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d5f87c No.21501891

File: 921d8d31a7aee39⋯.png (229.69 KB,496x492,124:123,2018_11_11_21_59_00.png)

File: d1984a69ab29539⋯.png (445.45 KB,328x545,328:545,2018_11_12_17_44_17_callah….png)

File: 35e711b98e4be30⋯.png (342.05 KB,573x648,191:216,2018_11_12_22_59_30_michae….png)

File: 60c35e5e270cf3f⋯.png (395 KB,743x753,743:753,2018_11_13_10_22_10_.png)

File: 9c9d9202c54f6b0⋯.png (381.03 KB,587x458,587:458,2018_11_13_13_32_44_Window.png)

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94bf99 No.21501892

File: 9c801aeda98e0ce⋯.jpg (7.08 KB,251x201,251:201,terminator.jpg)

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833f1a No.21501893


He also told me that he never votes.

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02817d No.21501894

File: 407d4de50ce1235⋯.png (288.45 KB,568x382,284:191,ClipboardImage.png)

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003fd0 No.21501896

File: f39ebf282c295f4⋯.jpg (77.59 KB,526x767,526:767,456452408_1023249567408391….jpg)

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d3d83c No.21501897

File: fb2f7f7be0e5a9c⋯.png (338.35 KB,878x873,878:873,pepe_watch_Qclock.png)

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5d440c No.21501898


swordy always good to know your here still proclaiming

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d5f87c No.21501900

File: aa027f2a1aeda08⋯.jpg (10.76 KB,170x255,2:3,40b28ec377828ea8700b192c2f….jpg)

File: c48da04a3ab3fa0⋯.jpg (22.68 KB,521x409,521:409,41d0e5a7a8958bc31a8db3e301….jpg)

File: 41e5538bcb7459c⋯.jpg (394.4 KB,1280x1653,1280:1653,41e5538bcb7459c757f72c7af0….jpg)

File: ccf5f33ec601336⋯.png (462.68 KB,518x690,259:345,41fce4194497c34404a3fb8cd4….png)

File: 71d4cc6ce5022ca⋯.jpg (30.03 KB,378x383,378:383,71d4cc6ce5022cafabbf6c03a5….jpg)

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40e939 No.21501901


It’s rare to see anyone with 5 or more Covid jabs. Even among immunocompromised patients on chemotherapy.

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59c069 No.21501902

File: ad35440fc00b4d0⋯.png (5.51 MB,2048x1976,256:247,ClipboardImage.png)

Hubble Observes An Oddly Organized Satellite

Aug 29, 2024

Andromeda III is one of at least 13 dwarf satellite galaxies in orbit around the Andromeda galaxy, or Messier 31, the Milky Way’s closest grand spiral galactic neighbor.

Andromeda III is a faint, spheroidal collection of old, reddish stars that appears devoid of new star formation and younger stars. In fact, Andromeda III seems to be only about 3 billion years younger than the majority of globular clusters ― dense knots of stars thought to have been mostly born at the same time, which contain some of the oldest stars known in the universe.

Astronomers suspect that dwarf spheroidal galaxies may be leftovers of the kind of cosmic objects that were shredded and melded by gravitational interactions to build the halos of large galaxies.

Curiously, studies have found that several of the Andromeda Galaxy’s dwarf galaxies, including Andromeda III, orbit in a flat plane around the galaxy, like the planets in our solar system orbit around the Sun.

The alignment is puzzling because models of galaxy formation don’t show dwarf galaxies falling into such orderly formations, but rather moving around the galaxy randomly in all directions.

As they slowly lose energy, the dwarf galaxies merge into the larger galaxy.

The odd alignment could be because many of Andromeda’s dwarf galaxies fell into orbit around it as a single group, or because the dwarf galaxies are scraps left over from the merger of two larger galaxies.

Either of these theories, which are being researched via NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, would complicate theories of galaxy formation but also help guide and refine future models.

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope took this image of Andromeda III as part of an investigation into the star formation and chemical enrichment histories of a sample of M31 dwarf spheroidal galaxies that compared their first episodes of star formation to those of Milky Way satellite galaxies.


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833f1a No.21501903

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229c5b No.21501904

File: 1a55f38a60141f4⋯.png (700.43 KB,1000x1000,1:1,8m745n76b457654.png)

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59c069 No.21501905

File: d33a387482c421f⋯.png (454.64 KB,500x400,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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36d7da No.21501906

File: 64d16fe68b682ad⋯.png (8.4 KB,283x178,283:178,ClipboardImage.png)

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f614a9 No.21501907


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ad78fb No.21501908


>To be classed as "Vaxxed", you have to have all 11 jabs

That's just them covering their asses. When they are brought before the court for their crimes against humanity, that definition will not save them.

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ec7e0f No.21501909

File: 5e139fb149a64bd⋯.png (1.28 MB,1350x678,225:113,32b869dc33f4aefa2e9994cd61….png)

File: 32f4561a1374dbc⋯.jpg (97.13 KB,750x484,375:242,32f4561a1374dbc2cc5abf95ab….jpg)

File: 35ec39cb25ef0f2⋯.gif (8.6 MB,649x477,649:477,35ec39cb25ef0f23518e602675….gif)

File: 37c14718623b853⋯.jpg (51.36 KB,700x394,350:197,37c14718623b85300f215b5b95….jpg)

File: 68c17638b045681⋯.jpg (104.44 KB,666x500,333:250,68c17638b0456810262cd85280….jpg)

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5d440c No.21501910

File: 7805d8c658a9e6a⋯.png (24.29 KB,155x200,31:40,ClipboardImage.png)


we where there…just another day but….that board was…..

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7b062a No.21501911

File: 9ca2c0f1bf96513⋯.mp4 (14.43 MB,1280x720,16:9,Anderson_Cooper_Today_he_T….mp4)

>>21498591 pb


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d5f87c No.21501912

File: 70b55b8cdabc182⋯.jpg (45.55 KB,500x500,1:1,70b55b8cdabc182e5d469124cf….jpg)

File: ae49aeff07ef31c⋯.jpg (207.76 KB,645x808,645:808,71b18cac8d7aad743a1f6616cb….jpg)

File: 75d04df9192bb74⋯.jpg (209.33 KB,800x1072,50:67,75d04df9192bb741d49489fb7c….jpg)

File: 63de954f76b41f2⋯.png (214.05 KB,488x900,122:225,75d51c5f3dc0462e52bbf4541f….png)

File: 47e3294d9e48ab8⋯.png (255.19 KB,550x354,275:177,77B07EB4_63C3_47A9_97A3_F8….png)

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d3d83c No.21501913

File: a8ef5720cffc1c8⋯.png (92.68 KB,517x500,517:500,scared3.png)

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b6cfa5 No.21501914

File: 703ad08ae56ad52⋯.png (684.23 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_msn_com_17249….png)

File: db6b505c9c51482⋯.png (250.51 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_shape_nato_int_17….png)


'’New military exercises with NATO allies to begin in Latvia in September'''

Starting September 3, Latvia will launch large-scale national military exercises called Namejs 2024, which will continue until October 8. These exercises will also involve NATO allied forces, citing Delfi.

The exercises are organized by Latvia's National Armed Forces and will involve around 11,000 Latvian soldiers and reservists, along with military personnel from NATO allied forces, including the US, Estonia, Lithuania, and Canada.

The goal of the exercises is to enhance readiness in the event of a threat to the state. During the drills, the military will practice cooperation with various public and private institutions that play a key role in strengthening Latvia's defense capabilities during emergencies. Particular attention will be given to interaction with the Civil Defense Operations Management Center, the state chancellery, and other ministries.


NATO Exercises and Activities

Current as of August 8, 2024


Interesting exercise in November 7th / 12th

Cyber Coalition

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a6ac86 No.21501915


This from the Same people that Fantasied about Trump in Jail 1,245 Times

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c3beb4 No.21501916

File: 763d48e24c7e729⋯.png (329.88 KB,837x634,837:634,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5ebc01334e2c41⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB,480x270,16:9,ELON_KNOWS.mp4)



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ad78fb No.21501919


Elon's comp't. Controlled opposition. Stop propping him up.

Careful who you follow.

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d5f87c No.21501920

File: 084feb1b1724d87⋯.png (193.75 KB,466x352,233:176,084feb1b1724d874a96af76b6b….png)

File: 84fa7526bd650e4⋯.png (300.59 KB,594x403,594:403,84fa7526bd650e40f5f1b75ae7….png)

File: 88acd074555e0b5⋯.jpg (140.57 KB,1024x727,1024:727,88acd074555e0b58cec5097f29….jpg)

File: 95794bd2a24033e⋯.png (435.7 KB,718x626,359:313,88bd4167135404b497a8b6b5e9….png)

File: 88ffb9e23168e13⋯.png (168.02 KB,346x360,173:180,88ffb9e23168e1332ee1c98c6e….png)


fuckken useless twatter acct

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5d440c No.21501923

File: 123bd26a3b09275⋯.png (117.52 KB,681x338,681:338,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a324bef10f03a71⋯.png (348.69 KB,500x500,1:1,Inspired.png)


confirmed…holy shit!

how did we do that?

anyone else know what im saying?

imo: pretty cool…miracle time again…just like the early days

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9f9d67 No.21501924

File: 18a71ec81f155aa⋯.jpeg (90.16 KB,500x344,125:86,96C8F302_40FE_482C_8565_5….jpeg)

File: 2ca2ccb415f7774⋯.jpg (226.81 KB,3300x2550,22:17,96fd7d3cae401ca51ad823e4f1….jpg)

File: 97fa4fa82aa32e6⋯.jpg (692.11 KB,1100x1475,44:59,97fa4fa82aa32e60dd2de4f216….jpg)

File: 98b4bb5ae22c649⋯.jpeg (23.67 KB,600x767,600:767,98b4bb5ae22c6499f3e52f3cd….jpeg)

File: 98dc56a768432a4⋯.jpg (619.46 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,98dc56a768432a4ca91964665f….jpg)

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a6ac86 No.21501927


After Alerting the path of the Bullet

God then Whispered into Trump's ear

Stand Up & yell "Fight, Fight Fight"

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4bc876 No.21501928


fvckery matters, naval-gazer-anon

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1c90af No.21501931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Malevolent constructs wilt under the light of truth.



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e16c70 No.21501932

File: 07f341cb3810073⋯.png (283.17 KB,1186x1268,593:634,ClipboardImage.png)

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4dcd20 No.21501933

File: 85b14bcba87bd5c⋯.png (394.41 KB,951x954,317:318,2018_11_19_14_29_39_the_sh….png)

File: a7cca04c111eb88⋯.jpg (137.75 KB,950x587,950:587,2018_11_20_10_40_45_Adam_S….jpg)

File: 7f1b103644eb94d⋯.jpg (175.43 KB,601x600,601:600,2018_11_21_11_01_45_qresea….jpg)

File: fdbfc7ea2f93832⋯.jpg (137.87 KB,918x836,459:418,2018_11_22_16_05_50_Alexan….jpg)

File: 68c10cf401bac54⋯.jpg (305.7 KB,923x689,71:53,2018_11_24_20_45_45_29_qre….jpg)

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488488 No.21501936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note: will watch and let anons know if there is anything indastering in his speech.

rough notes below, runtime 24 minutes.


Vance speaks at the International Association of Firefighters Convention in Boston



jd: comes out to boos and cheers, sounds like we have some haters and some fans.

jd: new york city fire marshals netherlands division have just endorsed the trump vance ticket

and i want you guys to join us.

jd: you deserve a government that is loyal to you.

jd: i respect that you have invited both sides to come and speak to you,

jd: enough fentynal has flowed into this country to kill every single american in this country.

jd: fire fighters are on the front line of the drug pandemic.

jd: firefighters have a hidden truama when they witness death in the eyes and think

they have not done enough to save a life.

jd: you make a difference, i can speak to that from a sad 12 year old to the vp

i thank you.

jd: you saved my mom and God bless you

jd: mayor eric adams said it would destroy ny city.

jd: this is the same story all across american due to defund the police

jd: we should be spending that money on our citizens, not on people who should not be here

jd: tim wals allowed the fire fighters to be attacked while trump sent in the national guard to protect you.

jd: unions have given support to democrats, we are in a different world now.

jd: you cannot be a champagne socialist who supports open borders and pretend that you are a frien

of the working people (dnc convention vs rnc convention)

jd: our nation wept for cory (the fighter killed at july 13) when djt called a moment of silence.

jd: silent moment for 664 firefighters who have passed (jd does the heart cross in respect and prayer)

jd: the influence of unions has declined. what the hell do you have to lose (djt)

jd: i was not a trump guy, but trust me, djt never lets me forget me.

jd: i changed my mind because he did a good job for america

jd: when djt makes a promise, he keeps it.

jd: we are dedicated to protect our first responders.

jd: as vp i will fight for the resources you need.

jd: i went to ohio when the train derailment and now are fighting for a bill that the transporters

inform the first responders what cargo and fluids they are carrying before the journey.

jd: we will defend your right to free speech including vaccine mandates.

jd: we are going to rehire every firefighter with back pay who was fired for not taking the vaccines.

jd: this is not promises, i am cosponser for this bill,

jd; i want to ask you humble for your support so we can live a good life.

jd: whether you support or not, we will fight for every fire fighter.

end to cheers and boo's

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1c90af No.21501938

File: e6a1498182620f1⋯.jpeg (188.56 KB,828x546,138:91,684F382E_8654_4D4D_8417_C….jpeg)

File: fbd641885977a6f⋯.jpeg (188.31 KB,828x546,138:91,4F2FEE0C_573E_48FE_B143_3….jpeg)

File: 7d54866bc6062c8⋯.jpeg (188.81 KB,828x546,138:91,5205FE16_8B95_4BB9_A3B5_F….jpeg)

File: abedafb25c68733⋯.jpeg (188.75 KB,828x546,138:91,258CB8B5_A29F_4DDC_8829_F….jpeg)

File: fd5da9df0d9e6e9⋯.jpeg (189.01 KB,828x546,138:91,396F90CE_8AA8_4A9D_9A1C_0….jpeg)

Fuck the muthafuckin CIA!!!


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ec7e0f No.21501939

File: f1de9b5eb7f2494⋯.jpg (46.5 KB,670x377,670:377,516a7b45982e7d638596a80495….jpg)

File: d38fb6bf089210a⋯.jpg (104.73 KB,633x960,211:320,541bada6c5b2c7efb0e0f44b6b….jpg)

File: 572e2bfce2f72fd⋯.jpg (46.33 KB,500x548,125:137,572e2bfce2f72fd7c397cc7924….jpg)

File: 5822b00db05fb4f⋯.jpg (140.58 KB,1600x1064,200:133,582.jpg)

File: 34e16ca2b9c5078⋯.jpg (19.76 KB,321x321,1:1,596da1c5e2ee3bce812e0bde65….jpg)

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5d440c No.21501940


fire fighters..submariners

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ffc897 No.21501941


It's Qresearch not the Patriot fight board. If Q wants everyone to battle for blood, Q would've given the go order instead of the stand at the ready one.

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f67f0b No.21501942

File: b72bd52d1465493⋯.png (621.11 KB,768x1292,192:323,qproof_trump2190_4.png)


>After Alerting the path of the Bullet

>God then Whispered into Trump's ear

>Stand Up & yell "Fight, Fight Fight"

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1c90af No.21501943

File: 42997740dca6210⋯.jpeg (187.57 KB,828x1468,207:367,DDBAE483_6EFA_4D64_B68C_7….jpeg)

File: 3a562d695dd72f0⋯.jpeg (106.82 KB,828x596,207:149,228BB343_A296_4A66_8591_5….jpeg)

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5c93c6 No.21501944

Is it election interference if youtube censors politically-related comments?

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615207 No.21501945

File: d2f92cb6a235bbb⋯.png (1.2 MB,750x1334,375:667,E3CB8E3B_028A_4540_A251_4C….png)

File: 20e0c2846c3eb46⋯.png (366.84 KB,690x1256,345:628,44DA813F_F87F_469B_88AB_3A….png)

File: 142d5ce3c11aad9⋯.jpeg (314.63 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,22F58375_B3A9_45B8_A778_9….jpeg)

File: e8f29ad24523323⋯.png (733.36 KB,690x1002,115:167,0C361CE9_E9F2_49FE_8584_65….png)

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998da3 No.21501946

File: 4b30868e6c60360⋯.jpeg (9.71 KB,255x194,255:194,2b77d4cfb04a4c89ebe7d94c7….jpeg)

There were 31 Q drops on November 5th 2017 that when reading now seem to pertain to this upcoming November 5th 2024 election day. A whole lotta deltas meant for that day. Anon suggest reading those drops to refresh the mind. I cannot believe how long i've been at this but it seems we are nearing the end. Two moar weeks…..

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0e613d No.21501947

File: 78a344f543f09b9⋯.png (370.4 KB,706x1013,706:1013,1155_Q_08_39_24.png)

(all lb)

(first, advised Q was on_board, and to watch for Q+)














(then Q+ began posting)

>>21500884 - 10:04:12

>>21500941 - 10:04:01

>>21500971 - 10:06:58

>>21500985 - 10:07:10

>>21501000 - 10:07:21

>>21501006 - 10:07:29

(then my reminder)

>>21500987 * 10:17:12

(bread ended)

Q+ TRUTHED 11:55:19

(note the Q drop)


Focus should also be on Supreme Court promise.

Only dropped here.

POTUS validating drops via Twitter per plan/timing.

Future proves past.

Comms understood?

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2369ba No.21501949


oh no mean words and misogyny

its demeaning and vulgar


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66ed8a No.21501950

*finds a noodle packet written in korean after a long talk in the alley way *


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7c9e77 No.21501952

Everyone has worked with "her".

Ask every voter to "remember her or him from workday past".

You hated that place. Felt sick simply thinking about going to work every day.


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94bf99 No.21501953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Брифинг М.В.Захаровой, 28 августа 2024 года

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

Aug 28, 2024


briefing by the Foreign Ministry’s spokeswoman on August 28, 2024

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5c93c6 No.21501954


it's been a long fuckin' road.

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ec7e0f No.21501956

File: 344c7a417ecfb73⋯.jpg (59.58 KB,470x672,235:336,344c7a417ecfb7391f902e1562….jpg)

File: 349d8b4a56e5aab⋯.jpg (36.44 KB,550x530,55:53,349d8b4a56e5aab589c81994fb….jpg)

File: 356ef5c2a931faf⋯.png (74.54 KB,236x236,1:1,356ef5c2a931faf63afbcfba45….png)

File: 97e8cf46debaa96⋯.jpg (318.85 KB,800x680,20:17,446c84886751b2cc7d4b5379a8….jpg)

File: cd8c7ce4905137c⋯.jpg (139.8 KB,768x768,1:1,643b7f557d8b476f97343765d0….jpg)

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66ed8a No.21501957

no but did you see that I'm so flawed its so good to hear from my eldest 18 year old after 18 years something is going right.

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615207 No.21501958

File: 43ed5b4227e5cea⋯.jpeg (417.83 KB,2048x1511,2048:1511,D17428F3_C55A_49E7_99D0_B….jpeg)

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c3beb4 No.21501961

File: aa750fac9f11fd7⋯.png (471.49 KB,824x762,412:381,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54e4f1b7ad9a879⋯.png (147.97 KB,830x625,166:125,ClipboardImage.png)



I am an old-school environmentalist a lover and protector of nature. The Democrats obsess about counting CO2, while neglecting urgent issues such as the chemicals in our food, soil, and water. Ironically, many carbon-motivated environmental policies actually harm the environment. Offshore wind damages marine animals, especially whales. Mining for lithium, coltran, silver, copper, rare earths etc. to make batteries is laying waste to vast ecosystems. I have found to my surprise that many people on the Trump team, including President Trump himself, care about the same environmental issues I do. Furthermore, these issues can help to unify our nation because almost everyone wants clean air, water, food, and soil. Almost everyone values thriving ecosystems and wildlife. Environment was a unifying issue in the 1960s, supported by Democrats and Republicans alike. I am committed to reviving that consensus in the next Trump administration.


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ad78fb No.21501963

File: 343b734bc175a17⋯.png (252.05 KB,559x480,559:480,pepe_bowl.png)


>*finds a noodle packet written in korean

When you're high as fuck, you can actually read that shit. At least it feels like you can, kek.

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4db04f No.21501964

She Worked at McDonald's, but She Never Mentioned It Until She Ran for President. Did She Really Toil Beneath the Golden Arches?

Harris's résumé a year after she graduated college makes no mention of McDonald's


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7c9e77 No.21501966

Never, for decades.


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45516d No.21501969

File: e9687bef98887a8⋯.jpg (169.47 KB,1280x960,4:3,media_GVHCfrZW0AEl_sP.jpg)

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1c90af No.21501970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good and God always wins,

Evil and Satan DIE!!

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b80635 No.21501973

File: 1a42cf03755bc91⋯.jpg (236.18 KB,940x529,940:529,94c6ae22d0d836199955534b7a….jpg)

File: 94d59da6129ae04⋯.png (229.13 KB,400x479,400:479,94d59da6129ae044b152f10a1a….png)

File: 7732207428acef9⋯.png (181.09 KB,640x390,64:39,95b456aae9eb689a765c83eb39….png)

File: 95e1e37c55e20d0⋯.jpg (164.03 KB,1124x1154,562:577,95e1e37c55e20d0292162e2feb….jpg)

File: 0cf11a525a80cae⋯.png (140.24 KB,327x423,109:141,95edc993dbb2f304b5a87dcfa4….png)

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4bc876 No.21501974


mexican cartles use submarines

anon is sauce. spoke to specialist who did work ther recently.

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f883fa No.21501976

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Smith's Special Counsel's Expenses More Than Double Expenditures Of Those Looking Into Hunter BidenHuge amount of money and they keep fighting failures, wasting money. Fully funded by this Republican Congress, and they don't stop his funding.



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1c90af No.21501977

File: 264fd4bb22cf81e⋯.jpeg (219.55 KB,828x533,828:533,CC2352C5_D467_4337_AE9F_D….jpeg)

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015e23 No.21501980

File: 45cc724a5c78afc⋯.png (80.46 KB,141x238,141:238,ClipboardImage.png)


these don't look like regular cups

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615207 No.21501981

File: 81ff51761ab220c⋯.png (133.54 KB,690x1246,345:623,45EEDB80_B53B_42FE_8A0E_59….png)

File: 0dc92af07a7ca50⋯.png (256.14 KB,690x2170,69:217,79D75E13_B1C6_4B07_BA4F_E8….png)

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a6ac86 No.21501982


Ignore Real Crimes of those on the team

Spare no Resource Going after Political Opponents

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59c069 No.21501984

File: 0f243a76797beda⋯.png (491.13 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cee2561bf9c4929⋯.png (648.69 KB,970x546,485:273,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump says he'd create a Space National Guard if elected

August 29, 2024

Former President Donald Trump wants a Space National Guard.

Trump stated his intention to create the Space National Guard while speaking at the 146th National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) General Conference and Exhibition in Detroit, Michigan on Monday (Aug. 26).

"Now that Space Force is up and running, I agree with your leadership — you want this very badly — but I agree that the time has come to create a Space National Guard as the primary combat reserve of the U.S. Space Force," Trump told attendees at the conference according to The Hill.

Trump also touted the creation of the Space Force during the speech. The former president signed legislation in 2019 that created the U.S. military's newest branch.

"One of my proudest achievements in my first term was to create Space Force, the first new branch of the armed forces in over 70 years; it's a big deal," Trump said.

"So as president, I will sign historic legislation creating a Space National Guard," he continued. "So we're going to do that. Space Force has been very important, very, very important."

The idea to create a Space National Guard is not new. Lawmakers in the U.S. Congress have been proposing the idea since 2021, but it has yet to receive enough support to pass.

Last year, the office of President Joe Biden issued a statement arguing against the creation of a Space National Guard, writing it would only "create a new bureaucracy with far-reaching and enduring implications and expense."

Many of the same arguments were made in opposition to the creation of the Space Force.

Secretary of the U.S. Air Force Frank Kendall made similar comments during a media roundtable at the Space Foundation's annual Space Symposium in Colorado Springs in April 2024.

"I have no indication that either the Air Force or the Army Guard, anybody's contemplating any other changes. And the impact is really, I think, negligible."

"I don't see  — governors may have a different view  — but I don't see a reason why a state needs a Space Force militia.

I think that part of the reason these units exist in the states is kind of an artifact of history in some way," Kendall said.

National Guard personnel differ from active military servicemembers in that, for one, they can hold civilian jobs or attend school while also serving in the guard part-time.

National Guard units also report to state governments in addition to the federal government, and can be called upon by state governors to respond to civilian emergencies.


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d3d83c No.21501985

File: 449eb4600a9cb73⋯.png (754.06 KB,1763x1661,1763:1661,Pepe_Apu_02.png)


The entire industry is corrupt. Big pharma, hospitals, doctors, all concerned about making money rather than healing people.

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4bc876 No.21501988

File: b871048107c9eda⋯.png (708.6 KB,880x350,88:35,ClipboardImage.png)


well, there's actual suace: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narco-submarine


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2821fb No.21501989

File: 7d23369e4d941ca⋯.png (259.08 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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1c90af No.21501992

File: 23452b332852439⋯.jpeg (274.09 KB,714x1032,119:172,41EE5AED_4830_4BC3_9C05_6….jpeg)

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2369ba No.21501994


cant make money if people are healed. They need sickness to thrive.

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1c90af No.21501997

File: 900fca45d2cb635⋯.jpeg (343.81 KB,828x1095,276:365,02C5F590_08A0_4FF2_8A32_9….jpeg)

File: 3ff589c89067051⋯.jpeg (309.72 KB,828x485,828:485,9E6EC98F_4194_4ACE_BA23_F….jpeg)

File: c7b5a5ad51f3770⋯.jpeg (323.32 KB,828x1006,414:503,EBA5F42E_022E_418B_9A9E_7….jpeg)

File: 6c6a12687272dc7⋯.jpeg (276.21 KB,592x536,74:67,1851B8C3_33C7_4FA3_9321_3….jpeg)

File: 161d152f2848518⋯.jpeg (125.07 KB,1200x797,1200:797,A3082B93_900D_4D3D_BA35_D….jpeg)

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4bc876 No.21501998


Retired Vice Admiral James Stravidis, former commander of US Southern Command, has warned of the potential use, especially of the submersibles, “to transport more than just narcotics: the movement of cash, weapons, violent extremists, or, at the dark end of the spectrum, weapons of mass destruction.”

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f883fa No.21501999


They still hasn't taken Joe off the ballot as the nominee, now they have Kamabla as a nominee. They haven't switched them out, why aren't states asking who you is your nominee. Are they planning to put Bidan up again, when K fails.

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ffc897 No.21502000

File: 84f357895ad0dd9⋯.jpg (223.9 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Blk_lib_tree_logo_edited_1….jpg)

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615207 No.21502004

File: bc5da6c74aeffe7⋯.png (984.95 KB,750x1334,375:667,76F72C41_5922_4CD7_8639_EC….png)

File: 74e1feca9766c85⋯.png (369.59 KB,690x2422,345:1211,8B863785_72C2_4BE2_A6AA_BA….png)

File: 910ba408a02403a⋯.png (184.07 KB,690x1642,345:821,74F62A7C_FFB8_418D_A1BB_2B….png)

File: f1a48a173673ef4⋯.png (101.21 KB,690x1478,345:739,440F3D8A_425F_40E6_B7DD_B0….png)

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7c9e77 No.21502005

Almost every girl currently that follows eyebrow beauty trends.

And even moar women once grays start appearing.


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4bc876 No.21502006

File: 46cf91503843c9a⋯.png (4.14 MB,2048x1335,2048:1335,ClipboardImage.png)

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66ed8a No.21502007

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5d440c No.21502008

File: 642eb2557e8b0cf⋯.png (161.48 KB,716x532,179:133,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40f2b0b163fb466⋯.png (592.91 KB,746x788,373:394,ClipboardImage.png)


Emmys are up soon

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f883fa No.21502011

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Beattie: "Atlantic Council" Targeted Telegram Just 2 Months Before Durov ArrestBeattie always has the details and the plots.



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4bc876 No.21502013

File: 20075f2eaaaa420⋯.png (49.88 KB,560x581,80:83,eminem_mcluhan.png)


>Emmys are up soon

muh medium is muh message

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53e58b No.21502014

File: e0cccbcc857c211⋯.jpg (1.14 MB,2560x2560,1:1,TGA_Alt_.jpg)

File: 0de928ca4378f9a⋯.jpg (1.26 MB,2560x2560,1:1,TGA_2.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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9c9df1 No.21502017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Men At Work - Down Under (Official HD Video)

down under brings the thunder

Isa_59:8 The wayH1870 of peaceH7965 they knowH3045 not;H3808 and there is noH369 judgmentH4941 in their goings:H4570 they have made them crookedH6140 paths:H5410 whosoeverH3605 goethH1869 therein shall notH3808 knowH3045 peace.H7965

Isa_60:17 ForH8478 brassH5178 I will bringH935 gold,H2091 and forH8478 ironH1270 I will bringH935 silver,H3701 and forH8478 woodH6086 brass,H5178 and forH8478 stonesH68 iron:H1270 I will also makeH7760 thy officersH6486 peace,H7965 and thine exactorsH5065 righteousness.H6666

Isa_62:1 For Zion's sakeH4616 H6726 will I notH3808 hold my peace,H2814 and for Jerusalem's sakeH4616 H3389 I will notH3808 rest,H8252 untilH5704 the righteousnessH6664 thereof go forthH3318 as brightness,H5051 and the salvationH3444 thereof as a lampH3940 that burneth.H1197

Isa_62:6 I have setH6485 watchmenH8104 uponH5921 thy walls,H2346 O Jerusalem,H3389 which shall neverH3808 H8548 hold their peaceH2814 dayH3117 nor night:H3915 ye that make mentionH2142 of(H853) the LORD,H3068 keep not silence,H408 H1824



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f08820 No.21502018

File: c9c866b64199f07⋯.jpg (132.58 KB,1200x800,3:2,308_Newsom_Joker.jpg)

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4bc876 No.21502020


yes, that was top rate autism, wasn't it? really cutting edge; brought us to a whole new level of awakening.

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43a91c No.21502022

#26344 >>21501049

>>21501810 LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Michigan - 8/29/24 HAL-LA-LU-YEAH

>>21501936 JD VANCE IN BOSTON TODAY - 29th july 2024.

>>21501058 For those anons who consider the Law of War Manual in effect

>>21501075 Trump reveals the burning questions he DEMANDS Kamala Harris answer during prime-time interview


>>21501091 RINO Sellout Mitch McConnell Moves to Torpedo Election Integrity Efforts

>>21501096 Reposting, Call to Action Digital soldiers, flood them with Memes and Truth

>>21501111 Self Described “Globalist” United Nations Legal Affairs Official Says He's "Not Sure Institution is Going to Survive

>>21501127, >>21501178 Melania Trump's highly anticipated memoir is not yet out but it is already topping sales charts.

>>21501190 Judges begrudgingly releasing J6ers after SCOTUS Fischer ruling reversed DOJ's use of 1512c2

>>21501225 Aurora police say gang activity ‘isolated’ as Denver police deny apartment takeovers

>>21501237 Star Factory Messier 17

>>21501245 Federal Reserve Board announces final individual capital requirements for all large banks, effective on October 1

>>21501246 Iron Dragons in Action!

>>21501252 FBI failed to properly investigate all child sexual assault allegations, DOJ report says

>>21501255 Investors bought 1 out of every 6 U.S. homes sold

>>21501275 Biden Regime Planning World War III To Default On US Government Debt Before Next Election

>>21501346 ABC News rejects Kamala Harris last-minute bid to change Trump debate rules, will keep muted mics

>>21501357 DOE Report Shows Clean Energy Jobs Grew at More Than Twice the Rate of Overall U.S. Employment

>>21501418 Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov says peace talks with Ukraine are no longer an option.

>>21501451 Missed the F 16?

>>21501436 Ex-D.C. Guard official says generals lied to Congress about Jan. 6PN PDF

>>21501448 Germany to ban sharp objects to try stop the mass murders.

>>21501479 NASA Assigns Astronaut Jonny Kim to First Space Station Mission

>>21501496 Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua is taking over entire apartment complexes in Colorado

>>21501507 F-16 Crashes in Ukraine

>>21501523 NASA Project in Puerto Rico Trains Students in Marine Biology

>>21501542 Krassensteins actually hosted teen (!!!) p0rn sites?

>>21501607 Work Is Under Way on NASA’s Next-Generation Asteroid Hunter

>>21501608 New Study Explores How Food Choices Shape Mental Health and Affect Depression

>>21501679 For moast. The Children will Never Forget. that is what allofthis is for, after all.

>>21501685 New NASA Study Tallies Carbon Emissions From Massive Canadian Fires

>>21501708 California legislature passes bill banning voter ID laws

>>21501902 Hubble Observes An Oddly Organized Satellite

>>21501911 Anderson Cooper: “Today, he (Trump) took it to a whole other level.

>>21501916 @PapiTrumpo ELON KNOWS!!! (target/fire) SEE YOU SOON, LEX!!! Vid

>>21501976 Smith's Special Counsel's Expenses More Than Double Expenditures Of Those Looking Into Hunter Biden

>>21501984 Reminder, Trump says he'd create a Space National Guard if elected



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537926 No.21502024

File: 93dc38802435d2a⋯.jpg (27.35 KB,470x473,470:473,animal_soldiers_looking_th….jpg)


image spammer

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615207 No.21502025

all this effort. can’t be moar than 17 anons in here, probably less than 10. all for a Larp

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5d440c No.21502026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Q you were right all along! Emmys, red carpet! KEK


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4bc876 No.21502027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the onliest song they ever did that was.

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537926 No.21502029



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0e613d No.21502030

File: ba6e7619f559a05⋯.png (61.58 KB,1001x518,143:74,ClipboardImage.png)


(all lb)

>>21500554 - 09:18:13

(note digits in Q+ last post 11(8) 18 13)

>>21500884 - 09:58:56

>>21500941 - 10:04:01

>>21500971 - 10:06:58

>>21500983 - 10:07:10

>>21501000 - 10:07:21

>>21501006 - 10:07:29


>>21500987 - 10:17:12

<pic - 822 replies? ..censorship

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43a91c No.21502031


151 - you

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66ed8a No.21502032


I can't read all of it but the Yugoslav thing is cause me and my mate made a new chess game OMG I'm so happy she messaged LONG MESSAGE in ENGLISH

I think she's saying don't fuck this or else and i don't know what can get worse or better than my life right now and I'm scared to because like its pretty terrifying amazing

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4bc876 No.21502033


keks in politicals

if ye liked space force, you'll love space guard!

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0e613d No.21502037

File: 050eb0e5e3f64d5⋯.png (75.41 KB,867x396,289:132,ClipboardImage.png)


872 replies? …CENSORSHIP

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66ed8a No.21502039


5 f them are Q keeping the discussion going without engaging wanna know how I know I can probably even point them out and get five out of five.

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4bc876 No.21502042

File: cd3fb9d6b914cf5⋯.png (633.29 KB,796x649,796:649,Screen_Shot_2024_08_29_at_….png)

borrow is slave to muh lender

Melba’s restaurant building sold back to lender for $1,000

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bad18a No.21502043



>>21501111 Self Described “Globalist” United Nations Legal Affairs Official Says He's "Not Sure Institution is Going to Survive

Fuck Em!

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ad78fb No.21502045


Hmmmm, is he hinting at something bigger? It sure seems that way.

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4bc876 No.21502046


anon counts as two cuz of meaningful contributions

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0e613d No.21502048


As you can see, the relevant timed post was CENSORED:

>>21500554 - 09:18:13 (lb)

Q+ last post 11(8) 18 13

Q+Q do not approve of the CENSORSHIP here.

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1c90af No.21502050

File: 92417dc9246c3cf⋯.jpeg (176.94 KB,828x1125,92:125,A465A41A_7890_43A7_963A_9….jpeg)

File: 7ebdeb3d1ddf667⋯.jpeg (188.24 KB,828x546,138:91,A0CE0FFA_F6A6_442D_9910_9….jpeg)

File: 9af4fca906e47ee⋯.jpeg (319.13 KB,828x575,36:25,1CB01D5C_B7BE_4613_9DC7_1….jpeg)

File: f5547c645c41455⋯.jpeg (91.25 KB,828x633,276:211,29D8C5D8_0058_45D4_B78A_D….jpeg)

File: 64ba6ac98eee22d⋯.jpeg (258.24 KB,828x561,276:187,8442824C_EEDD_4763_90B1_2….jpeg)

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f08820 No.21502051

File: ef5d807383d322d⋯.jpg (67.28 KB,888x688,111:86,hollywood_pedowood_063b957….jpg)

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43a91c No.21502053

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0e613d No.21502054

File: ec4341efee321e7⋯.png (4.83 KB,248x121,248:121,ClipboardImage.png)

Rabid deletions really scream fear.

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5d440c No.21502055

File: 9c4dcf2bfe20d43⋯.png (651.84 KB,1195x561,1195:561,ClipboardImage.png)

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36d7da No.21502056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1c90af No.21502057

File: ce007d23477f4a1⋯.jpeg (188.83 KB,828x546,138:91,9C3567C9_372F_4654_A5E3_E….jpeg)

File: 13241e9f4dc2300⋯.jpeg (189.09 KB,828x546,138:91,F24C781F_D8C3_43A4_8AC3_6….jpeg)

File: ca68e8117aad961⋯.jpeg (188.28 KB,828x546,138:91,F4019F69_F626_452B_B31B_2….jpeg)

File: 95be93344bcd7aa⋯.jpeg (188.74 KB,828x546,138:91,28D76924_9F3C_4CB3_9EDF_D….jpeg)

File: 9207735ffc0e4e5⋯.jpeg (104.58 KB,828x534,138:89,B2DB37E6_4D96_417E_8E22_8….jpeg)

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a6ac86 No.21502059

Another School Year is Beginning

& it's an Election year as well

Another Bioweapon attack is Inevitable

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f883fa No.21502060

File: a0f2b921bf0003f⋯.png (179.3 KB,438x245,438:245,ClipboardImage.png)

29 Aug, 2024 16:00

Nord Stream sabotage suspect used Ukrainian government car to flee – Spiegel

‘Vladimir Z’ left Poland in a diplomatic vehicle, the German outlet has claimed

The Ukrainian diver allegedly behind the sabotage of Nord Stream pipelinesmanaged to escape a German arrest warrant with the help of Ukraine and possibly Poland, Der Spiegel has claimed.

The pipelines under the Baltic Sea were damaged in a series of explosions in September 2022, ending the flow of natural gas from Russia to Germany. No one has claimed responsibility for the blasts, but some media outlets in the West have blamed a group of Ukrainian nationals.

Earlier this month, German media revealed that Berlin had issued an arrest warrant for “Vladimir Z,” a former Ukrainian military diverwho they alleged had planted the explosive charges on the pipeline.Russian outlets have identified the suspect as Vladimir Zhuravlev.

According to an investigation by Der Spiegel published on Thursday,Zhuravlev was actually in Germany in May and in Poland at the time the warrant was issued. Polish authorities did nothing to detain him, the outlet claimed, andZhuravlev was able to cross into Ukraine on July 6 in a car belonging to the Ukrainian embassy in Warsaw.

“Why should we arrest him? For us, he is a hero!” Der Spiegel quoted German security officials as paraphrasing their Polish counterparts.

The German outlet noted that Zhuravlev and his family entered Germany in May, on their way to Denmark. They even found the exact apartment in

Copenhagen where the Zhuravlevs stayed, in the Bryggen Syd neighborhood. On May 26, the family takes the ferry to Rostock and stops in Berlin, on their way back to Warsaw.

Zhuravlev was already on the German authorities’ radar, but they had yet to issue a warrant for his arrest. Berlin only acted in the first week of June, and it took until June 21 for a European arrest warrant to be forwarded to Poland. Warsaw, however, did nothing.

Zhuravlev fled the country on July 6, crossing the border into Ukraine at Korczowa at 6:20am.Security sources told Spiegel that he was in a vehicle with diplomatic plates, used by the Ukrainian embassy in Warsaw.

Spiegel’s security sourcesclaim that Germany is “very angry” with Poland and will not forget Warsaw’s “foul play.”

Responding to media reports about the attack, former head of German intelligence August Hanning claimed earlier this month that Poland and Ukraine likely worked together. Polish Prime MinisterDonald Tusk responded by telling all “initiators and patrons” of Nord Stream to “apologize and keep quiet.”

Reports about a group of Ukrainians working off a rented yacht – with or without Vladimir Zelensky’s blessing – being responsible for the Nord Stream sabotage surfaced only after Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh claimed that the US government was behind the blasts.


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4bc876 No.21502061

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43a91c No.21502062

#26344 >>21501049

>>21501810 LIVE: Trump Delivers Remarks on the Economy, Inflation, and Manufacturing in Michigan - 8/29/24 HAL-LA-LU-YEAH

>>21501936 JD VANCE IN BOSTON TODAY - 29th july 2024.

>>21501058 For those anons who consider the Law of War Manual in effect

>>21501075 Trump reveals the burning questions he DEMANDS Kamala Harris answer during prime-time interview


>>21501091 RINO Sellout Mitch McConnell Moves to Torpedo Election Integrity Efforts

>>21501096 Reposting, Call to Action Digital soldiers, flood them with Memes and Truth

>>21501111 Self Described “Globalist” United Nations Legal Affairs Official Says He's "Not Sure Institution is Going to Survive

>>21501127, >>21501178 Melania Trump's highly anticipated memoir is not yet out but it is already topping sales charts.

>>21501190 Judges begrudgingly releasing J6ers after SCOTUS Fischer ruling reversed DOJ's use of 1512c2

>>21501225 Aurora police say gang activity ‘isolated’ as Denver police deny apartment takeovers

>>21501237 Star Factory Messier 17

>>21501245 Federal Reserve Board announces final individual capital requirements for all large banks, effective on October 1

>>21501246 Iron Dragons in Action!

>>21501252 FBI failed to properly investigate all child sexual assault allegations, DOJ report says

>>21501255 Investors bought 1 out of every 6 U.S. homes sold

>>21501275 Biden Regime Planning World War III To Default On US Government Debt Before Next Election

>>21501346 ABC News rejects Kamala Harris last-minute bid to change Trump debate rules, will keep muted mics

>>21501357 DOE Report Shows Clean Energy Jobs Grew at More Than Twice the Rate of Overall U.S. Employment

>>21501418 Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov says peace talks with Ukraine are no longer an option.

>>21501451 Missed the F 16?

>>21501436 Ex-D.C. Guard official says generals lied to Congress about Jan. 6PN PDF

>>21501448 Germany to ban sharp objects to try stop the mass murders.

>>21501479 NASA Assigns Astronaut Jonny Kim to First Space Station Mission

>>21501496 Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua is taking over entire apartment complexes in Colorado

>>21501507 F-16 Crashes in Ukraine

>>21501523 NASA Project in Puerto Rico Trains Students in Marine Biology

>>21501542 Krassensteins actually hosted teen (!!!) p0rn sites?

>>21501607 Work Is Under Way on NASA’s Next-Generation Asteroid Hunter

>>21501608 New Study Explores How Food Choices Shape Mental Health and Affect Depression

>>21501679 For moast. The Children will Never Forget. that is what allofthis is for, after all.

>>21501685 New NASA Study Tallies Carbon Emissions From Massive Canadian Fires

>>21501708 California legislature passes bill banning voter ID laws

>>21501902 Hubble Observes An Oddly Organized Satellite

>>21501911 Anderson Cooper: “Today, he (Trump) took it to a whole other level.

>>21501916 @PapiTrumpo ELON KNOWS!!! (target/fire) SEE YOU SOON, LEX!!! Vid

>>21501976 Smith's Special Counsel's Expenses More Than Double Expenditures Of Those Looking Into Hunter Biden

>>21501984 Reminder, Trump says he'd create a Space National Guard if elected

>>21501111 Self Described “Globalist” United Nations Legal Affairs Official Says He's "Not Sure Institution is Going to Survive


Give BV a spam break

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1c90af No.21502065

File: c21db1bcea1ef5c⋯.jpeg (180.03 KB,828x537,276:179,94182FF0_BC6C_4204_96D8_8….jpeg)

File: 2a1f5144bb2db8e⋯.jpeg (127.83 KB,828x526,414:263,DE8EE1D8_255D_4F59_871F_F….jpeg)

File: 38a8ccfeed93a1f⋯.jpeg (292.66 KB,828x521,828:521,EF41644B_64D0_4079_A1A9_E….jpeg)

File: a0e35c7dd598c86⋯.jpeg (306.79 KB,828x989,36:43,8EE3A008_C570_4F93_9638_2….jpeg)

File: f408cce2e229bb9⋯.jpeg (111.97 KB,828x583,828:583,149FACD0_2313_4ACC_8C7E_7….jpeg)

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4bc876 No.21502066


anon thinks it's notable that you can get CHatGPT to theorize that climate change causes hiccups, but whatevs.

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bad18a No.21502067


clearin the catalog now


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66ed8a No.21502068

File: da898add35f5a6a⋯.jpg (159.89 KB,1063x1061,1063:1061,da898add35f5a6a3254bb49f69….jpg)

File: f2d7a228aa335e8⋯.png (833.47 KB,828x610,414:305,glowing_mushrooms.png)

File: 232627208f0274d⋯.jpg (119.77 KB,1400x700,2:1,plot_hole_that_you_could_d….jpg)

File: d3a53dc86539496⋯.jpg (57.7 KB,924x574,66:41,grabberraster_0014_ef0da69….jpg)

File: 0f8a444b51a6f2a⋯.jpg (77.94 KB,1000x667,1000:667,ring_remake.jpg)




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36d7da No.21502069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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84c3b3 No.21502070

File: 8981d25feae85bf⋯.png (609.1 KB,698x847,698:847,000000000verypainfulindeed.png)




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94bf99 No.21502071

File: e5ea0a3de01e29b⋯.jpg (80.4 KB,612x459,4:3,United_Nations_Sphere_With….jpg)

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84c3b3 No.21502072

File: 56930570fe8d321⋯.png (80.59 KB,798x378,19:9,10d.png)


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1c90af No.21502073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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45516d No.21502075

File: 80b23025e265796⋯.png (230.88 KB,555x589,555:589,ClipboardImage.png)

Margo Martin

@margommartin 1h

President @realDonaldTrump departs for Michigan and Wisconsin!🇺🇸

Aug 29, 2024 · 4:26 PM UTC


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66ed8a No.21502077

File: 55d28c3ec04acdc⋯.jpg (159.14 KB,1440x810,16:9,Rings_poster_crop.jpg)

File: ec221f326f99c6f⋯.jpg (17.73 KB,350x316,175:158,Samara_Morgan_v1.jpg)





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445fc7 No.21502078

Weiner laptop- nothing burger

Hunter laptop- nothing burger

Melania fake tits - nothing burger

Pizza gate - nothing burger

End the Fed - nothing burger

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84c3b3 No.21502080

File: c42e75ef2540dcb⋯.png (310.15 KB,800x896,25:28,10b.png)

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1c90af No.21502081

File: 81a5eb7ddb76dc8⋯.jpeg (191.64 KB,828x546,138:91,7DA583DD_3706_409C_B9F6_1….jpeg)

File: 93c81c012c14cbb⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB,828x1167,276:389,DF78639E_65E5_47FA_80EB_C….jpeg)

File: 5d2ef37c793eac8⋯.jpeg (118.27 KB,828x819,92:91,73C02695_2CE0_4B75_8647_E….jpeg)

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bad18a No.21502084

File: a0a876458c8974a⋯.png (218.59 KB,860x1195,172:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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84c3b3 No.21502085



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66ed8a No.21502087



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84c3b3 No.21502088


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1c90af No.21502089

File: 6f8abeab579eb13⋯.jpeg (191.6 KB,828x546,138:91,656A0E65_C596_4DE9_AA50_B….jpeg)

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bad18a No.21502090

File: d4e152f90c76a65⋯.jpg (13.89 KB,222x227,222:227,showgoeson.jpg)

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445fc7 No.21502091


Wiki leaks - nothing burger

McAfee - nothing burger

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84c3b3 No.21502092


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ad78fb No.21502093

File: 0287b88c179fa28⋯.png (597.75 KB,695x500,139:100,anon_just_like_you.png)


You're trolling ability - nothing burger

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94bf99 No.21502094

File: 5789defc3dd4ed4⋯.png (353.23 KB,568x911,568:911,groomer_walz.png)

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66ed8a No.21502095



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bad18a No.21502096

File: e1d0702394aeb08⋯.png (37.38 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e613d No.21502097

File: 1ddf01ce3b6bdc9⋯.png (42.12 KB,693x321,231:107,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29478502b03643b⋯.png (10.85 KB,444x204,37:17,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


Kamalanomics is killing the American Economy! The new Jobs Report shows Employment among Native-born American Workers fell by 1.21 Million in the past 12 months, while Employment for Foreign born Workers, mostly Illegals, SKYROCKETED by 1.27 Million. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN — VOTE TRUMP!

Aug 29, 2024, 1:37 PM - 08/29/2024 13:37:26



Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365.


[F9 algorithm]

Are they recording/safe-housing?

Metadata collection?

Building 8.



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1c90af No.21502098

File: 811ec0f3887a19b⋯.jpeg (268 KB,828x546,138:91,70BA147E_6D0A_41FF_BD0B_7….jpeg)

File: 0989e324327bd7e⋯.jpeg (69.41 KB,828x501,276:167,B35663AB_4363_4A8E_8358_4….jpeg)

File: 7d295eafd0958b3⋯.jpeg (76.59 KB,828x698,414:349,7924EAC9_4508_4190_80E8_B….jpeg)

File: 4d80b0109684215⋯.jpeg (119.82 KB,828x510,138:85,BC8A51B1_E62B_4067_B27C_C….jpeg)

File: 2e7a9c55e4fe49e⋯.jpeg (304.92 KB,828x667,36:29,68143AD2_3DD5_4BF2_8531_4….jpeg)

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94bf99 No.21502099

File: 5d3847a19148dd1⋯.jpg (28.95 KB,480x360,4:3,jiffy_pop.jpg)

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84c3b3 No.21502100


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bad18a No.21502101

File: 27c1386f4dee573⋯.png (221.52 KB,500x418,250:209,ClipboardImage.png)

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66ed8a No.21502102


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84c3b3 No.21502103


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ad78fb No.21502104


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84c3b3 No.21502105


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445fc7 No.21502106


Drain the swamp - nothing burger

2020 election fraud - nothing burger

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b6cfa5 No.21502107


This is repeated

>>21501111 Self Described “Globalist” United Nations Legal Affairs Official Says He's "Not Sure Institution is Going to Survive

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0e613d No.21502108

File: 77cc1173b2555ed⋯.png (11.46 KB,526x215,526:215,ClipboardImage.png)

Stop CENSORING! Lock the bread or i make a new one.

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84c3b3 No.21502109



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43a91c No.21502110

#26344 >>21501049


Q Research General #26345: President Donald J. Trump Edition







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537926 No.21502111

File: 6a9f06d030ba3b0⋯.png (14 KB,674x145,674:145,6a9f06d030ba3b09dbfc53eb3f….png)


prefer filters

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84c3b3 No.21502112

File: 81c697a1623f591⋯.png (43.67 KB,282x386,141:193,9e.png)


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94bf99 No.21502113

File: 7c968f3e07e5549⋯.png (1.19 MB,900x894,150:149,7c968f3e07e5549d460f57d288….png)

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445fc7 No.21502114


Hey Q, all you serving up for Anons is nothing burger. Fuck Q.

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0e613d No.21502116

File: 7704a3fe37f23d5⋯.png (8.08 KB,358x175,358:175,ClipboardImage.png)


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84c3b3 No.21502117

File: e4cd74eef7f47d0⋯.gif (487.58 KB,400x221,400:221,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz….gif)

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66ed8a No.21502119



shit I didn't know Q took selfies where can I get one?

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445fc7 No.21502121


Fuck Q.

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45516d No.21502122

File: cfdee463ebc9ebf⋯.jpg (35.81 KB,768x326,384:163,SSN_751_Modell_768x326_317….jpg)

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082913 No.21502123

File: 78fd072ba7ba9a3⋯.jpg (70.88 KB,843x843,1:1,photo_2024_08_29_10_50_09.jpg)

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84c3b3 No.21502125

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)



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0e613d No.21502126


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445fc7 No.21502133


Fuck Q.

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