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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,6eccc4fb95445e914d4a2aa828….png)

d7377b No.21208122 [Last50 Posts]

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d7377b No.21208127

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d7377b No.21208129


#25991 >>21207354

>>21207385 Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was loner ‘relentlessly’ bullied in high school: classmate

>>21207401 Former Green Baret/Special Forces sniper chimes in …

>>21207408 Nine House Democrats tried to nix Secret Service protection for Trump before assassination attempt

>>21207414 Local officer encountered gunman just before he shot toward Trump at rally, sources tell AP

>>21207420, >>21207439 1963 Kennedy didn’t have X, anons, and the internet.

>>21207429 So… the people who spent years claiming Trump conspired with the Kremlin to hack DNC emails, and that Putin controlled the US with blackmail, and that reporting from Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation," are drowning in "conspiratorial thinking"?

>>21207496 EXCLUSIVE! Epic New Bohemian Grove Ritual Footage Leaked

>>21207499 Emergency training exercise to happen in St. Louis this week

>>21207512 Hillary offers an extraordinary, concise example here of the type of incendiary fear-mongering that was normalized at the highest level of Democrat messaging on Trump.

>>21207524 ‘Bullet flew by his ear’: Christian prophet’s eerie Donald Trump prediction made months ago.

>>21207535, >>21207641, >>21207863 Trumpo

>>21207564 Eric Trump - Two years ago today, we lost this incredible woman! I have no doubt she was watching down on my father last night - it was nothing short of divine intervention…

>>21207567 Director of the United States Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle - "We need to attract diverse candidates and ensure that we are developing and giving opportunities to everyone in our workforce, particularly women."

>>21207637 Meet Eric Cartrite, a Senior Program Manager at Uber. He’s very sad that the sh**ter missed and hopes an attempted ass*ss*nat*on happens again and is successful.

>>21207639 The FBI says they believe the AR-style rifle the Trump rally shooter used was legally purchased by the gunman’s father.

>>21207711, >>21207765 Soros Jr. Fuckery

>>21207723 This isn’t a reaction to mass panic, unless you know to expect mass panic. (Feds in the stands?)

>>21207777 Oh we love and loathe our little piglet! cat…. thing……..

>>21207784 The colour of courage: Kate Middleton looks perfect in purple at Wimbledon as Centre Court rises in moving show of support, writes LIZ JONES

>>21207780 Wild video shows the shooter crawling into position while folks point him out to law enforcement at Trump rally.

>>21207866 Forbes removes column that asks if Trump surviving shooting will appeal to black voters

>>21207910, >>21207936 CFP "This is the best map we've seen"

>>21207913 LinkedIn co-founder, Dem donor tries to clean up comment wishing Trump was an ‘actual martyr’

>>21207982 Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, the wife of former French President, has been charged with witness tampering and conspiracy to commit fraud. Prosecutors allege she played a role in covering up claims that her husband’s campaign was financed by the late Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi.

>>21208002 REPORT: Secret Service Resources Were Diverted to Jill Biden’s Saturday Campaign Event in Pittsburgh and Away from Trump’s – Many Agents Assigned to Trump were Temporary Replacements

>>21208021Secret Service audio from the attempted assassination of Donald Trump reveals what was said right after the shots were fired.

>>21208026 DJT Truth- When you’re “hot” the lowlifes really shoot at you… and they try hitting from every angle! Never let the bastards get you down.

>>21208032 Nigga of the Decade #CTESPN

>>21208042 Trump's first interview assassination attempt: "I'm supposed to be dead"

>>21208045 Trump’s aircraft was moved to a National Guard ramp at Milwaukee Airport rather than the private facility he has used in the past visits.


>>21208100 Toria Brooke stoked about Elon comment on her post.

>>21208101 The shooter, identified as a Chinese man

>>21208115 #25991

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d7377b No.21208131

#25990 >>21206624

>>21206638 Joe wants to say MAGA so bad…

>>21206660 Apparently SS rules of engagement are to wait until the president is fired upon to return fire

>>21206672 Long video version of the assassination attempt

>>21206677, >>21206697 Hammer (from lb Trump gets HAMMER unit added to detail)

>>21206701, >>21206717, >>21206754, >>21207306 Moar new footage

>>21206729, >>21206891, >>21206815, >>21206841 Director GCHQ Anne Keast-Butler / Mike Pompeo Sunday Scripture

>>21206760, >>21206907, >>21206952, >>21206769, >>21206780, >>21206997 Bullet + camera shutter speed and such

>>21206768 Chaos and clashes are breaking out as thousands of soccer fans rush into Hard Rock Stadium without tickets

>>21206795, >>21206813 They 'can’t' get access into the assassins cell phone

>>21206818 “SIGNIFICANT INCIDENT REPORT” has been released by “NYPD Intelligence & Counterterrorism Bureau"

>>21206843 Secret Service blames local police, says it was tasked with securing properties surrounding Trump’s Pa. rally

>>21206873 Trump rally shooter Thomas Crooks appears to have acted alone, FBI says

>>21206945 Prophecies and such

>>21206947 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You - Episode 31

>>21206953 Law enforcement was reportedly in the building where the assassin was

>>21206973 8 Dem Congressmembers Pushed to Remove Trump’s Secret Service Protection

>>21206987, >>21207086 Failing NYTimes crops out American flag, and omits the "a" word of assassination

>>21207040 A person 200 meters away with iron sites

>>21207044 How did a 20-year-old waltz into a building and onto the roof undetected except for a few supporters of Trump?

>>21207046 Video shows Trump shooter crawling into position while folks point him out to law enforcement

>>21207049 Shannen Doherty, star of 'Beverly Hills, 90210' and 'Charmed,' dies at 53

>>21207061 Arizona priorities

>>21207085 Warning signs about Secret Service emerged months before Trump assassination attempt

>>21207100 Secret Service Resources Were Diverted to Jill Biden’s Saturday Campaign Event in Pittsburgh and Away from Trump’s

>>21207105 Lady behind Trump looks to the right twice before shots, smiles after two shots, then pulls out phone to record

>>21207146 FBI Employee In Gun Background Check Unit Expressed Disappointment That Trump Lived

>>21207154 Dr. Ruth Westheimer, America’s diminutive and pioneering sex therapist, dies at 96

>>21207163 Former Green Beret / Special Forces sniper chimes in

>>21207194, >>21207248 The roof was already assessed as a vulnerable spot, counter-snipers do not need approval to shoot

>>21207198, >>21207208 Blowing Up Train Cars Full Of Toxic Chemicals In Ohio Wasn’t Necessary, Federal Investigation Finds

>>21207288 Dan Bongino says sources tell him there were very few actual Secret Service agents posted at the Butler rally site

>>21207296 @HawleyMO: After their catastrophic failure last night, DHS refusing to brief senators on Homeland Security Committee

>>21207331 Trumpo bun

>>21206986, >>21207292, >>21207314 Memes

>>21207335 #25990

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d7377b No.21208132

#25989 >>21205856

>>21205885 Ontario court declares COVID nasal swabs unlawful, overturning $6,255 fine

>>21205900, >>21205978 Crooks’ parents, Matthew and Mary Crooks, née Frizzi, are certified behavioral health counselors

>>21206567 Who is the assassin still up in the air

>>21205902, >>21205930, >>21205955, >>21205976, >>21206273 American Glass Research building

>>21205905 Angle bullet trajectory

>>21206092, >>21206172, >>21206201, >>21206229, >>21206234, >>21206256 Mathemagics in progress of bullets and shit

>>21205906 Bitcoin bottom signal? German gov’t runs out of BTC to sell

>>21205914 The Priest Who Prayed on Stage Moments Before Trump Shooting

>>21205968, >>21205998, >>21206019 Assassin Thomas Crooks unemployed ActBlue donor for Progressive turnout?

>>21205982, >>21206505 Biden addresses the nation (31:30 timestamp)

>>21206001 PF: SAM312 G5 went to Kirkland AFB/Sunport Intl Airport at Albuquerque

>>21206009, >>21206028 Scavino: President Trump has arrived in beautiful Milwaukee, Wisconsin

>>21206094 Economic Schedule for Week of July 14, 2024-Sunday Market News

>>21206127, >>21206295 Biden July 8th: “We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bull’s-eye”

>>21206373, >>21206527 Democrats calling for violence montage

>>21206186 Video Shows U.S Secret Service Spotting and Watching Shooter Prior to Shots – Doing Nothing

>>21206202 Rapper 50 Pays Tribute to Trump During Concert

>>21206204 The Secret Service has increased security in Trump's motorcade this evening, including adding a HAMMER unit to his convoy

>>21206241, >>21206217 Trump also needs a Counter-measures Berserker Uzi Unit

>>21206220 MTG: How could a failure of this magnitude happen? There is no excuse for it

>>21206297, >>21206425, >>21206509 New footage of the assassin well before he took shots

>>21206325 Psaki tells GOP to change programming at convention to 'restore civility:' 'I'm incredibly scared'

>>21206333 PF: Swiss AF SUI014 Falcon 900 Western Costa Rica to San Jose

>>21206518 Pattern Recognition

>>21206535 Director GCHQ Anne Keast-Butlerand @NCSC CEO Felicity Oswald have been recognised by the @ComputerWeekly #UKtech50

>>21206561 New Satellite Images Captured Something China Wanted Kept Secret

>>21206587 'Second biggest financiers of terrorism,' Yair Netanyahu accuses Qatar during conference

>>21206552 Mil / Misc. tweets & decodes

>>21205909, >>21205920, >>21205941, >>21206073, >>21206106, >>21206165, >>21206211, >>21206251, >>21206401, >>21206420 Memes

>>21206595 #25989

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d7377b No.21208133

Previously Collected

>>21205833 #25988

>>21203485 #25985, >>21204249 #25986, >>21205071 #25987

>>21201120 #25982, >>21201969 #25983, >>21202704 #25984

>>21200365 #25979, >>21200495 #25980, >>21200700 #25981

>>21196415 #25976, >>21197193 #25977, >>21197931 #25978

>>21195004 #25974-B, >>21194796 #25974-A, >>21195606 #25975

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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d7377b No.21208137

File: 0b76dd32a5daac9⋯.jpg (59.77 KB,551x520,551:520,0b76dd32a5daac9f706a6dd096….jpg)



Baker out for the count.

God speed, patriots!


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a61ecc No.21208138

Democrats don’t give up. There’s no depth or limits to their depravity. Right now they are stymied. They will come back and need a sound drubbing again. And again. And again… And.. and.. and…

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cb5ca2 No.21208146

File: 05c3c768a4e0bd2⋯.png (1.02 MB,812x576,203:144,05c3c768a4e0bd2fdad5934766….png)


Thanks bake..

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af9b60 No.21208149

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b0c77f No.21208151

File: 4ef9903fe12728a⋯.png (307.12 KB,510x489,170:163,smokingsupes3.png)

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d306b0 No.21208153

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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4bd787 No.21208154


Polo anyone?

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f1c4ca No.21208157

File: 5c1895b9102b01f⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB,1280x702,640:351,5c1895b9102b01f96e269a3fc9….mp4)

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0953ef No.21208159

File: 185f62d505d010b⋯.png (283.12 KB,1003x804,1003:804,fear_not.png)

File: d40be85a75c532b⋯.png (14.19 KB,1216x139,1216:139,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7fe95cef3f5f90⋯.png (19.49 KB,1216x171,64:9,ClipboardImage.png)



Interesting emails before and after


Isaiah 8:12 (NIV)

“Do not call conspiracy everything this people calls a conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it.

Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

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2b2a6b No.21208161

File: 451066ad3d38f21⋯.png (1.16 MB,810x764,405:382,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1041d No.21208162

File: 6b482a7e63655d9⋯.png (975.99 KB,916x611,916:611,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING NEWS: Democrats have chosen two super MAGA republicans for the J13 committee to make it bi-partisan and fair.

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c21900 No.21208164


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f748a1 No.21208165

File: 9dfab598c178add⋯.png (436.41 KB,908x914,454:457,b43trhwe.PNG)

Trump shooter was a 20-year-old gun lover and registered as a Republican – but donated to Democrats

The FBI has named the man who shot Donald Trump as Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old registered Republican from Pennsylvania with a fondness for guns.

The first pictures of the gunman, taken from his high school yearbook have now emerged, showing him wearing a grey shirt with the American flag.


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586da4 No.21208170

File: d6e43311261d223⋯.png (912.47 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1041d No.21208171

File: a96ca4d83b49768⋯.png (733.01 KB,462x768,77:128,ClipboardImage.png)

This Is not Thomas Crooks, This is a coverup

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f1c4ca No.21208172

File: 6d39a24cdbf4df8⋯.png (9.31 KB,225x225,1:1,6d39a24cdbf4df83344ab7152c….png)

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904583 No.21208173

File: b58f839f80e1b40⋯.png (1.2 MB,1200x800,3:2,donny.png)

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0b0524 No.21208174

File: 643c944f4828d20⋯.png (949.58 KB,960x547,960:547,ClipboardImage.png)

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d306b0 No.21208175

File: 61ea8add683e67f⋯.png (358.59 KB,568x734,284:367,ClipboardImage.png)

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b0c77f No.21208176

File: eed097a830ed0dd⋯.png (394.18 KB,516x640,129:160,eed097a830ed0dd86950929a79….png)

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20ab47 No.21208177

File: 5f229a6cea901bc⋯.jpg (994.53 KB,2828x2828,1:1,missingq.jpg)

Trump is shot on 7/13 at 6:13 and the next day the most recent 13 Q posts are deleted?

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a6e931 No.21208178

File: f7dcdd88dca3dd5⋯.jpg (64.34 KB,572x700,143:175,f7dcdd88dca3dd520ceee3e7df….jpg)

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d306b0 No.21208179

File: 7425da17932afc7⋯.png (407.45 KB,568x763,568:763,ClipboardImage.png)

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ffb94c No.21208180

File: 4549e32536cc8b6⋯.jpeg (111.56 KB,1024x810,512:405,IMG_0347.jpeg)

File: 636f7b4dc022e84⋯.jpeg (19.54 KB,247x204,247:204,IMG_0348.jpeg)

File: c486f4bdd500632⋯.jpeg (249.13 KB,800x1063,800:1063,IMG_0343.jpeg)



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20ab47 No.21208181


Nevermind. They're back. How weird.

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dadc18 No.21208182

They waited until Bannon was in jail to take shot

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ee4f80 No.21208183

>>21208166 lb



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5faa8c No.21208184

File: 763f31422bde165⋯.jpg (106.99 KB,1098x965,1098:965,media_GSf51dmXEAAEwAP.jpg)

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e1041d No.21208185

File: 0fe355c442c93ce⋯.png (4.24 MB,1080x2651,1080:2651,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ac53f No.21208186

File: 42dd4b1c46301b2⋯.jpeg (76.07 KB,667x374,667:374,IMG_4724.jpeg)


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586da4 No.21208187


so many liberals are digging. it's glorious.

I think we need to start discussing the more than one shooter theory, whether that's a white hat or a black hat. they're driving the lone wolf hard and that's a distraction…but from what?

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0a1627 No.21208188


looks like bullshit. eric prince said another countersniper took yearic out from 488 yards. no pictures no maps.

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5faa8c No.21208189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Twist Of Fate

Olivia Newton-John

Do we deserve a second chance?

How did we fall into this circumstance?

We weren't so straight and narrow

This is much more than we deserve

A higher voice has called the tune

Two hearts that lost the beat will now resume

The gift of life extension by divine intervention

Don't understand what's going on

Woke up this morning, all the hurt was gone

This is a new beginning

I'm back in the land of the living

It's gotta be a strange twist of fate

Telling me that heaven can wait

Telling me to get it right this time

Life doesn't mean a thing without the love you bring

Love is what we've found the second time around…

Godspeed sir.

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d306b0 No.21208190

File: 7c14b250adb0bf9⋯.png (501.65 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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dadc18 No.21208191


More evidence it was a set up and dr Jill was part of it

And Biden attended Mass

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ffb94c No.21208192


>Wain Ark MT

>Gorilla goal to disqualify presidency

Although pretty awful, trash addict is thorough..

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5e415d No.21208193


Well, if Eric said it it must be fact.

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a6e931 No.21208194

File: 963b98860fdb07b⋯.gif (5.07 MB,1200x400,3:1,963b98860fdb07be1646de665f….gif)

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d306b0 No.21208195

File: fa9b3a87cbd949a⋯.png (332.19 KB,568x409,568:409,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1041d No.21208196

File: 5870f30a2cdf333⋯.png (1.21 MB,1079x627,1079:627,ClipboardImage.png)


>Lady pfffff

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dadc18 No.21208197


Who are you referring to?

I only see a witch

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e7cc6b No.21208198


all the alphabet cooperation/lack of

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20ab47 No.21208199


True story.

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5149d2 No.21208200

File: ef753194db7a7df⋯.png (60.33 KB,906x497,906:497,ClipboardImage.png)

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f51240 No.21208201

>>21208155 (LB)

Kinda funny, water happens to be my specialty.

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c21900 No.21208202




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d68064 No.21208203

File: dbc8c48af2dfeda⋯.png (780.91 KB,2560x2560,1:1,dbc8c48af2dfeda7c4316a3725….png)

File: 4d209b3b719a11a⋯.png (5.41 KB,513x78,171:26,ClipboardImage.png)

Hey anons...what was this in #25971?

>Anonymous 07/13/24 (Sat) 18:06:18 52874f (1) No.21192216

>Booms incoming. Gird your loins.

Like 5-6 minutes before the shooting...

>>21192216 pb

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5faa8c No.21208204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a8dc36 No.21208205


Oh yeah?


There were comms in the breads for weeks leading up to this.

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76db9a No.21208206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Benny Johnson. Pastor prophesied the attempt on Trumps life in astonishing detail. Divine intervention.

The comments are filled with the Holy Spirit

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e1041d No.21208207

File: cca468a5259eb78⋯.png (580.17 KB,458x860,229:430,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48335953e4abf43⋯.mp4 (3.64 MB,1280x720,16:9,_MarioNawfal_Tucker_Carlso….mp4)



“That chart that I was going over saved my life,” he told his former White House doctor, Rep. Ronny Jackson, referring to an immigration statistics chart he pointed to just as shots rang out at his rally in Butler County,…

#NaMo Again 🚩


@MarioNawfal Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones predicted this


12:59 PM • Jul 14, 2024


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7f75b0 No.21208208

File: 975ddd7aba7ad74⋯.jpg (101.01 KB,703x1075,703:1075,20240714_234547.jpg)

File: c83dce01b4de253⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,720x1280,9:16,Citizen_Free_Press_2024071….mp4)


Van belonging to Trump shooter Thomas Crooks.

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ffb94c No.21208209


Like a hawke

Or thrice?

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e1041d No.21208210

File: 2a69fbfb196dba5⋯.png (1.48 MB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)


>That chart that I was going over saved my life,”

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a8dc36 No.21208211



Jim was used to try to get some anons back here. But once the shots went off, a bunch of casuals showed up with prayers and shit, completely forgetting they're watching a movie.

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ee4f80 No.21208212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f8efd6 No.21208213

File: a2608b8b5f1839b⋯.jpeg (93.91 KB,887x1109,887:1109,IMG_1747.jpeg)

File: 467da4b0e8babfe⋯.png (189.5 KB,288x454,144:227,IMG_1746.png)

File: 554b836913ad0a6⋯.webp (17.92 KB,600x535,120:107,IMG_1748.webp)


>>21208124 (lb)

>>21208141 (lb)


TX Intense TV @TxIntenseRadio Pelosi uses $15K worth of bullet pens to impeach @POTUS

@realDonaldTrump uses $1.99 @Sharpie to sign a $2 Billion trade deal with China.

2:26 PM · Jan 17, 2020

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c21900 No.21208214


>Gorilla goal to disqualify presidency


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f8efd6 No.21208215


hey how do you make the shiney lb

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ffb94c No.21208216




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e1041d No.21208217

File: 9b8672fdb0dafc6⋯.png (1.64 MB,1290x1063,1290:1063,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8efd6 No.21208218


holy shit meme became realitor

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dadc18 No.21208219


A 20 year old drives a van

It has to be his parents

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c586ef No.21208220

File: 35a27abc7e1991a⋯.png (1013.37 KB,933x866,933:866,5432523.PNG)


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ffb94c No.21208221

Nigh impossible the schedule must become.

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bca3cc No.21208222

File: 548070c2b62a272⋯.png (295.72 KB,805x418,805:418,TrumpAssassinationSSWomanP….png)

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d68064 No.21208223

File: b06dc11a3df1f89⋯.png (677.38 KB,1236x822,206:137,5fd4b0eea9bfce76b6df6f830e….png)


What, no meme van this time? They're learning…

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7f75b0 No.21208224

File: f8e3b74ded9f6dd⋯.jpg (92 KB,1024x558,512:279,20240715_001307.jpg)

File: 9c21239b4c73b63⋯.jpg (60.29 KB,992x558,16:9,20240715_001340.jpg)


Similar van to bomber from 2018


Suspect's van plastered with Trump, Pence stickers a focus of bomb investigation

By Dakin Andone and Gisela Crespo, CNN

Updated 9:46 AM EDT, Sat October 27, 2018

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dadc18 No.21208225


Has no one memed the chart yet?

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f1c4ca No.21208226

File: e2f3c9010f1ad4b⋯.png (355.13 KB,1359x702,151:78,e2f3c9010f1ad4b1d642a14511….png)

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e1041d No.21208227

File: 5bdf180c07e31ea⋯.png (720.43 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk about to build Iron Man suit after multiple assassination attempts (but there's already a bullet proof bear suit).

Elon Musk Reveals Multiple Assassination Attempts, Says Time"To Build Flying Metal Suit Of Armor"


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dadc18 No.21208228


Illegal aliens saved Trump’s life

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a8326b No.21208229

File: 4415afa363bea3c⋯.jpg (46.87 KB,640x404,160:101,TYB_Boat_Hotties.jpg)


>God speed, patriots!


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c21900 No.21208230


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a8dc36 No.21208231


Oh look. Society prior to collapse.

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5faa8c No.21208232

File: 80eba82e5625732⋯.png (341.37 KB,622x534,311:267,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8be8b610924518b⋯.jpg (79.31 KB,1280x853,1280:853,8be8b610924518b7ad6dc227f1….jpg)




Shares of a Chinese company whose local-language name sounds like “Trump Wins Big” has surged


Jul 15, 2024 · 3:01 AM UTC


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73d7bf No.21208233

File: 787820ad8dc467d⋯.png (1.1 MB,800x1280,5:8,0cf90c6e_cd0d_44b3_a061_64….png)

File: d64d334cda59f40⋯.jpg (248.03 KB,798x900,133:150,alice_in_wonderland_march_….jpg)

Jus 4 keks

Nuffin 2 srs

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e15df7 No.21208234

File: a8488a3765a5eff⋯.jpg (232 KB,1072x809,1072:809,Screenshot_20240715_182000….jpg)

Elons secret x

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5149d2 No.21208235

File: e0ec9e182b5074b⋯.png (31.97 KB,926x303,926:303,ClipboardImage.png)


Nice digits Anon

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ffb94c No.21208236

>Dreaming of a typewriter that can go that fast.

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f8efd6 No.21208237

File: e2ebecd49b448d6⋯.png (2.76 MB,1536x1024,3:2,IMG_1468.png)

File: 7a27d9713c977b3⋯.mp4 (2.18 MB,720x938,360:469,1720928721.mp4)



can we even confirm if those snipers on the roof that went viral were aiming at him? to me it looked like they were aiming to the left of his reported position, maybe

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615083 No.21208238

Anons, please make this clown famous and shine light on the evil.


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a6c0ce No.21208239

File: 136354aff6cf3e5⋯.png (217.05 KB,474x355,474:355,th_50_.png)





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a8326b No.21208240

File: 971c871d5f181f3⋯.png (786.27 KB,1050x688,525:344,Chris_Farley_Van_River.png)


>Van belonging to Trump shooter Thomas Crooks.

Not supiscious.

Probably sellin icecream or something.

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886705 No.21208241

Those commie mother fuckers thinking they can defeat a blessed man have lost their damn minds.

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73d7bf No.21208242

File: b214153b7ea2a52⋯.jpg (463.98 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_20240602_210223.jpg)

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dadc18 No.21208243


In a way he is right. If we had better snipers , they would have blown the shooter’s head off before he fired shots

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a0b464 No.21208244

File: ce74ec3b2ac895f⋯.jpg (153.39 KB,1280x720,16:9,Afraidofnothing.jpg)

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07ad29 No.21208245

File: 24f854eb8b7e968⋯.png (1.51 MB,1330x1016,665:508,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1041d No.21208246

File: a7b7e7fe312c746⋯.png (887.35 KB,848x1200,53:75,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3e1bde1216570d⋯.png (373.47 KB,529x812,529:812,ClipboardImage.png)



Make sure you keep records of those who claims the Trump assassination attempt was #staged

the victims family should sue them like they did to #AlexJones

4:22 AM • Jul 14, 2024


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5149d2 No.21208247

File: eaa0d67a10f72d5⋯.png (689.59 KB,776x707,776:707,ClipboardImage.png)

This Patriot doing the sign of the cross.

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e1041d No.21208248

File: 338fa53a21d24d0⋯.png (1.63 MB,1163x1229,1163:1229,ClipboardImage.png)


>Anons, please make this clown famous and shine light on the evil.

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00887a No.21208249

File: 2931a5fa678493c⋯.jpg (255.96 KB,1278x803,1278:803,DEFIANT.jpg)

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615083 No.21208250

File: b8b8a120c6e9375⋯.jpg (54.88 KB,1079x167,1079:167,Screenshot_2024_07_15_01_2….jpg)


Touche, wish it was meant that way. Hate these people.

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dadc18 No.21208251

Does Pelisi have any more series in her quiver?

I think Nancy paid to have her own husband attacked, hoping he would be killed.

She wanted so badly to have an event equivalent to the assassination of Trump.

She was definitely in on the hit job of trump

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a8326b No.21208252

File: 7816a5bf713c3d4⋯.png (1.69 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Thot u were kiddin. kek

‘Trump Wins Big’ Meme Stock Surges in China

Software firm Wisesoft limit up as name implies Trump victory

Move latest example of speculation in retail-dominated market

July 14, 2024 at 9:45 PM CDT


pic: News of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump shown on a screen in Beijing on July 14.Photographer: Greg Baker/AFP/Getty Images

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24299f No.21208253


Actually it's the Goldman & Pritzker families from Ukraine and their criminal friends who tax you and run our MIC for their personal profit and it's happening right here, not in Wiemar Germany.

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21e0e1 No.21208254


Don’t let anyone tell you to nevermind, autist. You keep on.

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a8dc36 No.21208255



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8bb505 No.21208256

File: 29d7b5f8d239882⋯.jpeg (135.52 KB,805x418,805:418,548070c2b62a2728582e1f554….jpeg)

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d68064 No.21208257

File: 105b675aa585ba8⋯.jpg (174.74 KB,749x499,749:499,105b675aa585ba8160ac4d16ec….jpg)



I still find it astounding that shit from 6-7 years ago now continues to be relevant to this day kek.


Possible the fucks didn't care if Trumpy died? Just wanted a pretext to off Creepy Joe in a bit and blame a "MAGA terrorist out for revenge" that looks equally as inbred as Crooks or whatever?

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e1041d No.21208258

File: 4e08dc9f7700268⋯.png (209.55 KB,360x328,45:41,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d735609805cdb80⋯.png (614.12 KB,589x680,589:680,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ecf36ac865c4f71⋯.png (540.25 KB,536x680,67:85,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b354ff2e69d7920⋯.png (503.06 KB,564x680,141:170,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99473f2a0110389⋯.png (470.53 KB,675x680,135:136,ClipboardImage.png)


>Make sure you keep records of those who claims the Trump assassination attempt was #staged

Robby Starbuck


Wow. @reidhoffman’s Democrat strategist sent an email to reporters asking them to push the idea that the Trump shooting was staged.

Reid should be booted off the @Microsoft board over this and Democrats should return his $$$. If not, they approve of this:






11:17 AM · Jul 14, 2024



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f83fbc No.21208259

File: b629a728c7a05ee⋯.png (168.48 KB,412x477,412:477,ClipboardImage.png)

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49a154 No.21208260

File: 27dd6febcf43b29⋯.png (491.38 KB,842x3056,421:1528,IMG_5800.png)


> Elon Musk Reveals Multiple Assassination Attempts, Says Time"To Build Flying Metal Suit Of Armor"

Trump shot at 6:10 pm.

Your Country Needs You.

Your Vote Matters!

We, the People.


The Time is Now.

Patriots Fight!

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

– EPHESIANS 6:10-18

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73d7bf No.21208261

File: 63e56734b0d4129⋯.png (4.47 MB,2048x2048,1:1,e3759b61_68d0_4161_9bea_49….png)

File: fd39c82c358ac8b⋯.png (4.57 MB,2121x1414,3:2,5dea818f_d100_48b0_82cb_ee….png)

File: a99f5656727037d⋯.jpg (1.94 MB,1920x2880,2:3,20240715_005337.jpg)

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5faa8c No.21208262

File: ea13c65775bac87⋯.png (375.2 KB,604x550,302:275,ClipboardImage.png)

File: acd54a5e64ec25f⋯.mp4 (22.04 KB,374x498,187:249,GQH_ylgbUAAvn9c.mp4)




Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20-year-old gunman who shot and injured former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally, briefly appeared in an advertisement for BlackRock


Jul 14, 2024 · 11:14 PM UTC


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586da4 No.21208263

File: 1ac56de65ed75a7⋯.png (189.04 KB,612x702,34:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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b817c3 No.21208264


So then the faggit says it works with the brain chip

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e15df7 No.21208265

File: b5029b76277ad15⋯.jpg (175.6 KB,1080x1350,4:5,2024_07_15_18_34_59_913.jpg)

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7f75b0 No.21208266

File: 10927bbb4ae0acd⋯.jpg (132.13 KB,718x904,359:452,20240715_003328.jpg)

File: f255a1e98515f8d⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB,556x360,139:90,Libs_of_TikTok_20240715_1_….mp4)


Throwback to when a New Zealand talk show encouraged their viewers to get a DJT doll and use it for target practice.

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a8326b No.21208267

File: 6d6792e01df1275⋯.jpg (37.14 KB,500x498,250:249,Wink_Nancy_Pelosi.jpg)


>She was definitely in on the hit job of trump

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f83fbc No.21208268

File: 2bb289dcc68751d⋯.png (195.97 KB,568x714,284:357,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8efd6 No.21208269


Im going to enjoy everybody who told me "that's insane, how could they fake that"

suddenly going raving mad for hours digging into this event

and then telling me about all the different points if why it is fake

I'ma just going to be listening quiet with a big hearty KEK on the inside

Idk what I'll say at the end yet. Might be good to roll with the flow of the moment I suppose

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c21900 No.21208270


>Those commie mother fuckers thinking they can defeat a blessed man have lost their damn minds.


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7ba810 No.21208271

This assassination cant be memory holed.

The country has to come to a full stop.

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886705 No.21208272

He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: But whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

Proverbs 28:13

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e1041d No.21208273

File: 0b5a352db21978b⋯.png (253.41 KB,663x567,221:189,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8269c9df2efce8⋯.png (326.89 KB,828x705,276:235,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b72369baca7e72⋯.png (232.3 KB,527x639,527:639,ClipboardImage.png)

Jenna Howell, an FBI employee who works in the NICS firearms background check unit, posted her disappointment that Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt. Jenna has a Top Secret clearance. This is a typical FBI support employee. And she hates gun owners.


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f83fbc No.21208274

File: 0f700fbd946208d⋯.png (346.82 KB,568x464,71:58,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1041d No.21208275

File: fcb3ab88265211b⋯.png (518.36 KB,825x625,33:25,ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone remember how the election turned out after they tried to assassinate Reagan?

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dadc18 No.21208276


How did a 20 y o get that good. His sigh school mates said he was a terrible shooter. Someone must have trained and groomed him at a gun club.

Which gun club?

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73d7bf No.21208277

File: 6c4ad09269420f2⋯.jpg (560.96 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240715_013847.jpg)

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586da4 No.21208278

File: 07900c4ba6400ad⋯.png (691.37 KB,888x500,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)


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a8326b No.21208279

File: 8cba24193075f19⋯.png (420.81 KB,640x480,4:3,Oh_No_Hunter.png)


>@reidhoffman’s Democrat strategist sent an email to reporters asking them to push the idea that the Trump shooting was staged

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f8efd6 No.21208280

File: 7943e6c14d34ec8⋯.jpeg (343.75 KB,964x740,241:185,IMG_1547.jpeg)

also plausible


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5e415d No.21208281

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c9c2a7 No.21208282

File: d383a051382a657⋯.png (98.36 KB,441x425,441:425,ClipboardImage.png)

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21e0e1 No.21208283

File: 1bed46343724e3d⋯.jpeg (47.21 KB,249x264,83:88,24837968_8BEF_4361_9A28_E….jpeg)

File: 02de68018414cbe⋯.jpeg (83.14 KB,333x342,37:38,58BBB879_5F56_48F9_B4C9_4….jpeg)

File: 75a112849683576⋯.jpeg (111.07 KB,348x443,348:443,29BADE33_B693_4B3A_9F90_5….jpeg)


Innerdasting “primer”-like coverup in the back and bumber. At first view I thought it was a shadow from headlights. Anons? Before you answer, notice no rust rot in usual areas in wheelwell areas. And strange pattern for autobody repairs with primer.

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f83fbc No.21208284

File: 9a3e0a4da1a0fc9⋯.png (312.53 KB,568x410,284:205,ClipboardImage.png)

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dadc18 No.21208285

File: 1b4822b006de63b⋯.jpeg (341.61 KB,1170x1280,117:128,IMG_0178.jpeg)






Show Search


20-year-old who almost killed Trump was a bright student, had a job and belonged to a gun club

A thin boy with glasses and a short haircut wears a T-shirt with an American flag on it and poses for a photo.

Thomas Matthew Crooks in a 2021 Bethel Park High School yearbook photo. (Bethel Park School District)

By Brittny Mejia, Angie Orellana Hernandez and Paloma Esquivel

July 14, 2024 7:57 PM PT


The 20-year-old shooter who attempted to assassinate former President Trump was a dietary aide at a nursing home, a bright student, and a member of a gun club.

Thomas Matthew Crooks belonged to a shooting club based in Clairton, Pa., nearly nine miles from his family home in Bethel Park. Attorney Robert S. Bootay III confirmed to The Times that Crooks, who was shot and killed by Secret Service agents Saturday,was a member of the Clairton Sportsmen’s Club.

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f8efd6 No.21208286


filled in bullet holes?

bought the van off a gang member?

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ffb94c No.21208287

>carmex locker accusations

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73d7bf No.21208288

File: 20061841a5d01b5⋯.jpg (469.52 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240715_014523.jpg)

File: 562a6421d5dd779⋯.jpg (24.19 KB,317x475,317:475,Brain_That_Changes_Itself2.jpg)


Beware the baobabs.

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9496c7 No.21208289

utterly pathetic

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e7cc6b No.21208290


looks like normal paint failure to me, not repairs

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ffb94c No.21208291

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dadc18 No.21208292

File: e595ed384d3b2d3⋯.png (1.02 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_0179.png)



A volunteer, cia, could have worked with crooks and groomed him

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ffb94c No.21208293


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a8326b No.21208294

File: 0b83ce56f1bf4d4⋯.png (384.65 KB,908x705,908:705,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d58bb No.21208295


gonna check that out for myself. weird.

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07ad29 No.21208296

File: 9dd8d4022cc5db4⋯.png (292.87 KB,1066x480,533:240,ClipboardImage.png)

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5faa8c No.21208297

File: e2ce8c25c0d535c⋯.png (188.08 KB,612x454,306:227,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30d43a8df21094f⋯.png (28.57 KB,242x79,242:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7afa6b6f6d13819⋯.png (310.76 KB,495x342,55:38,7afa6b6f6d13819d39563afe4a….png)


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87ce09 No.21208298



Anon got pressure washer happy on a late 80's suburban and blew the paint off the hood.

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5ca52a No.21208299

File: 2ba350ca31af947⋯.png (825.15 KB,697x600,697:600,D5_John_durham_avalanche.png)

I just have one question,

any anons remember when Q used to be able to foil terrorist attacks? Also, has anyone ever received a purple heart for being shot in the ear? Last question, is Q+ still insulated? Or did the insulation stop when Q went into hiding?

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9496c7 No.21208300



crosshairs everywhere.

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f83fbc No.21208301

File: 0d721e224b544fe⋯.png (275.29 KB,494x649,494:649,ClipboardImage.png)

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3cdf9d No.21208302

File: d3f480dbf2d70ce⋯.png (395.29 KB,539x960,539:960,d3f480dbf2d70cee50d54a99d0….png)

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f83fbc No.21208303

File: cb6aa5c9169bbd8⋯.png (120.14 KB,568x550,284:275,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e6602 No.21208304


>I just have one question,

That was 4 questions. Answer denied.

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928e67 No.21208305

File: a7fdb8cce350632⋯.png (72.92 KB,1387x700,1387:700,entire_clip_Trump_attempte….PNG)

File: e289be15713546f⋯.png (53.94 KB,1311x518,1311:518,1st_3_shots.PNG)

File: 83c00530751e5e2⋯.png (724.21 KB,1365x521,1365:521,2nd_round_of_shots_5_1.png)

File: b2b401594253595⋯.png (102.66 KB,1329x749,1329:749,3rd_1_final_sjot_really_di….PNG)

PB >>21206672

Using audacity to edit the OP Trump video i was able to isolate, count and possible identify how many guns.

I'm not an expert but I am autistic AF.

9 or 10 total shots fired total guns 4 or 5.

1st group 3 shots

2nd group 5 or 6 shots

3rd 1 shot

gun#1 5 shots 1st-5th shots

gun#2 1 shot 6th shot

gun# 3 2 shots bigger and longer sound 7&8

gun#4 and 9th shot is a maybe hard to tell, comparing to the others it has the spikes but not the bubble shape.

gun #5 1 shot very different , possible handgun?

At a later time hopefully this will help in determining how big the DS lie is.

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73d7bf No.21208306

File: d21e8eef8757ae9⋯.jpg (525.83 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_20240715_015050.jpg)

File: 025284544d91565⋯.jpg (498.91 KB,800x1280,5:8,20240715_015448.jpg)

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dadc18 No.21208307

If Trump is almost guaranteed to win in a landslide now, does it matter if they replace Biden with someone else?do they have anything to gain, or save, now?

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f8efd6 No.21208308

File: 05821136d4840d2⋯.jpeg (52.34 KB,500x636,125:159,IMG_1780.jpeg)

File: 2ffde51b0569752⋯.jpeg (126.2 KB,348x443,348:443,IMG_1779.jpeg)

what are these thin streaks?

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46a5d4 No.21208309

File: e4d22d273cae3ed⋯.mp4 (247.78 KB,400x218,200:109,Bullet.mp4)

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e1041d No.21208311

File: 5134f702a8544c7⋯.mp4 (12.57 MB,720x1280,9:16,New_video_11.mp4)

thread with lots of new videos


New video from the Trump rally shows a law enforcement cruiser smashing a fence to allow SWAT to get to the assassin.

The video appears to be filmed from around 40.857485,-79.971456

New video #11


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154fee No.21208312


lying nigger

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a8326b No.21208313

File: 03a11ea68fea068⋯.png (323.93 KB,955x860,191:172,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ebbcda9870402bc⋯.png (38.65 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

United States Secret Service

Our diverse work force is comprised of more than 7,000 special agents, Uniformed Division officers, Technical Law Enforcement officers, and administrative, professional, and technical personnel.


I guess there weren't enough to give Trump a few more.


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f32fdf No.21208314

File: 122d7dedb450a9b⋯.png (336.31 KB,500x839,500:839,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 390cc6690fed282⋯.png (730.16 KB,800x753,800:753,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 295cc2681e2d8a8⋯.png (472.4 KB,500x728,125:182,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85a04fcf7811f77⋯.png (354 KB,500x503,500:503,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ab56cef85f1be1⋯.png (731.82 KB,500x643,500:643,ClipboardImage.png)







who allowed the sniper to get on the roof and not be taken out.

Who surveyed the site of the rally, who first made the initial report for risk assessment analysis.

you can guarantee that are was covered and someone took away the detail, provided the ladder and was known to the local police.

There were eyes in the skies, snipers and under cover security all around the town weeks ahead of the event.

it was meant to be a turkey shoot like JFK to traumatize the usa nation for the second time with Trumps live execution for the cameras around the world

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e1041d No.21208315

File: 3badaf8e07e2212⋯.png (4.69 MB,1080x2340,6:13,ClipboardImage.png)

Interdasting that Google would scrub that supposed shooter address.

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928e67 No.21208316





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242280 No.21208317

File: 078a1f6f1c8a3fc⋯.mp4 (15.3 MB,1920x1068,160:89,Rainman.mp4)

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d7377b No.21208318


bumps in the metal. this is what happens when you sand over a bump in the body to much. it exposes what's under the primer

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e1041d No.21208319

File: 1e963fa91d75b47⋯.png (724.1 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

The New Killary?

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46a5d4 No.21208320

File: 8f07fa1d3aa184b⋯.png (57.67 KB,708x628,177:157,5be8d221_5df8_407c_856d_2c….png)

File: bc481dd555dfc8b⋯.jpg (46.42 KB,595x692,595:692,Dark_Light.jpg)

File: 2175a64243dd929⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB,400x224,25:14,NY_Dark_FLAG_Light.mp4)


Jul 14, 2019 3:47:53 PM EDT


How do you eliminate a LIABILITY?

Where is EPSTEIN being held?


Do you believe in coincidences?

POWERful people connected?



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928e67 No.21208321


hate to tell you Draino

but they campaigned hard as f the last 2 days to get that narrative

do better

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a8326b No.21208322

File: cb6a99e6aacece7⋯.png (186.93 KB,653x627,653:627,ClipboardImage.png)


>law enforcement cruiser smashing a fence to allow SWAT to get to the assassin.

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52bf59 No.21208323

File: 3d4a4f946d056e6⋯.jpg (67.93 KB,728x546,4:3,8c2e0cdea3e841beaddf4b143b….jpg)

Nice watch?

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063cf3 No.21208324

File: 0694714007db370⋯.png (380.04 KB,493x494,493:494,HilFunHome.png)

File: 82c2666f42bf43f⋯.png (20.46 KB,474x286,237:143,ClipboardImage.png)


wish was granted, only not as expected.

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87ce09 No.21208325

File: f5f7eb1660c7a1f⋯.png (633.1 KB,640x836,160:209,Screen_Shot_2024_07_15_at_….png)


That's just the way they peel, anon.

Here's a similar van for comparison.


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a8326b No.21208326

File: 289ff9e5439d201⋯.png (29.16 KB,669x424,669:424,Google_Bathroom_Now_1.png)


>Google would scrub that supposed shooter address.

I'm sure Gurgle isn't in on it. kek

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e1041d No.21208327

File: faa79eefe32e1c0⋯.png (547.74 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

SUPRIZED NOT: Former CDC Director Says FDA Underreported Adverse Vax Side Effects To Prevent Vaccine Hesitancy


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bb1dff No.21208328


Then will they admit that Sandyhook and other shootings were "staged" as well?

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5ca52a No.21208329

File: 0b4fbe6d1f062f9⋯.jpg (14.01 KB,234x255,78:85,laughing_guy.jpg)

Last question, how did the would-be assassin get within earshot of Trump?

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403412 No.21208330

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3cdf9d No.21208331

File: 0054ad38f40ba38⋯.jpeg (31.59 KB,500x636,125:159,0054ad38f40ba3801c76c6183….jpeg)

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586da4 No.21208332


>>21207910, >>21207936 CFP "This is the best map we've seen"

that's not where the shooter was…body and gun found much closer to the parking lot. there is an arial photo out there showing it, yet msm keeps placing him near the field…and in the line of sight of the countersnipers rather than blocked by the bush…

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3cdf9d No.21208333


This makes a lot of sense.

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e1041d No.21208334

File: 32c1d025ba686c6⋯.png (1.17 MB,1079x635,1079:635,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4490f6c1d25a264⋯.png (963.23 KB,792x852,66:71,ClipboardImage.png)

Serious Question: Was Trump’s secret service recruited from Uvalde?

Some bad ass white male Marine or Army Ranger was passed over for Melissa McCarthy.

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5e59cc No.21208335


"put the phones away"

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7f75b0 No.21208336

File: 6544391c449a00c⋯.jpg (134.37 KB,1080x1350,4:5,20240714_055611.jpg)

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21e0e1 No.21208337


Thx. Good explanation. Everything made for shit anymoar.

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e1041d No.21208338

File: 48da7fef3f03260⋯.png (725.26 KB,750x912,125:152,ClipboardImage.png)

In new “Oceans 14”, George Clooney pulls off $30 million dollar heist by tricking people into giving money to a politician before revealing he’s demented

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e9f234 No.21208339

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73d7bf No.21208340

File: d051fa55c2a32b2⋯.png (2.2 MB,1500x986,750:493,208b0975_a21b_4d80_bb82_32….png)

File: 6c60b8ac2828301⋯.png (1.27 MB,1024x1024,1:1,70afc5cc_9ab4_4036_9ada_a2….png)

File: e8dc93d25cf3700⋯.jpg (38.74 KB,484x650,242:325,8addbc24cb8980ff09016663ad….jpg)

“A grandfather and grandson were out hunting one early morning, and they came upon a ridge on the mountain they were walking on…. over the ridge was a large clearing below, where at a distance, they could see two wolves – a black one, and a white one – fighting furiously.

They watched as the wolves attacked each other in battle. The grandfather narrowed his eyes, and said slowly, “Ah, yes…. this is the way with all of us Human Beings, within our hearts, each and every day.”

The grandson asked, “What do you mean, grandfather?”, to which the old one replied;

“Always in our hearts, every day, is a struggling battle, like those two wolves down there…. one is the wolf in us who wishes to do bad things, and the other is the wolf who wishes to do good and honorable things.”

The grandson listened more intently now, with a look of slight recognition, and deep concern. The grandfather continued….

“Sometimes, the bad one seems to win…. and other times, the good one seems to take a stronger lead. When we see honorable people who do great deeds, and make great sacrifices for the good of others, we know that the good wolf’s spirit is strong within his heart, and is the winning spirit in that Human Being. Each good and honorable deed he does gives this spirit more power within him. This in turn, empowers the Human Being to be more honorable.”

The boy smiled, as the grandfather continued to speak….

“But when we see those people who turn to badness, and hatred, doing terrible and dishonourable things, we can know that the bad wolf within him is strong – and each bad and wrongful deed he does, gives the bad wolf more power over him, until it has won, and has utterly consumed him."

The young one’s face fell with a look of slight, shuddering inner fear.

So the boy thought long and hard on these things, as he continued to watch the wolves battling below. They both battled fiercely, giving no quarter – neither one backing down. Seeing this, he looked within himself, and saw the truth of his wise grandfather’s words, and it made him very concerned for himself with a great, deep fear.

“But grandfather,” said the boy, “How will I know which wolf will win within me??”

The grandfather smiled, looked at him with an understanding eye, and after a moment, told him,

” ….the one you FEED.”


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f172a5 No.21208341

File: b84ee69218d5ffd⋯.jpg (151.86 KB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_20240715_000850_108.jpg)

I’ve filed another GAO report COMP-24-004417 regarding non-payment by Honeywell an FFRDC operator of NSA site in Kansas City as well as bringing to attention the error made by Honeywell and the double-dipping in ChinaCCP AI BCPS and NATO AI BCPS by the multi-national corporation conglomerate.

Therefore, this brief is to shine the light on what ChinaCCP is doing that has successfully pierced America’s Intelligence Community, America’s Department of Defense and NATO Alliance AI BCPS with ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon.


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bb1dff No.21208342


Who are the bullies with badges barking orders?


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5faa8c No.21208343

File: 3352ef21c9fd76d⋯.png (235.81 KB,612x527,36:31,ClipboardImage.png)

S p r i n t e r F a m i l y



Lightning left Lviv without electricity

Jul 14, 2024 · 10:03 PM UTC




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e1041d No.21208344

File: 79f7c5f28df399a⋯.mp4 (12.41 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Milwaukee_is_on_absolute_l….mp4)


Milwaukee is on absolute lockdown


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063cf3 No.21208345

File: 3d32b745e6b5ed7⋯.png (755.28 KB,1030x622,515:311,GodsTiming.png)

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d8d869 No.21208346

[Be left

Don't like guns


Basic logic

Can't aim]

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52bf59 No.21208347

File: 722b3fea3b9108e⋯.webp (475.44 KB,1600x1066,800:533,lme_adugnvq_jpg.webp)



Well, they to casting calls for vehicles, not just people for movies and events.



Home Casting Calls “Weapons” Casting Call for a Large Black SUV

Casting CallsGeorgia

“Weapons” Casting Call for a Large Black SUV

By Brent Antonio- July 12, 2024

a black jeep is parked in front of some trees

“Weapons” Casting Call for a Large Black SUV in Atlanta, Georgia.

Casting directors are now casting actors, models, and talent to work on scenes filming in Atlanta, Georgia.

Producers are looking for the following talent:

large black SUV or VAN to be featured in the film “Weapons.”

How to apply?

Join Project Casting to access jobs you can apply to right now.

Casting Call: Large Black SUV or VAN for “Weapons” Film

Job Description: We are looking for a large black SUV or VAN to be featured in the film “Weapons.” The vehicle will be needed for two consecutive days of shooting in the Stn Mtn/Tucker area. This is a great opportunity for vehicle owners to have their car featured in a professional film production.

Job Responsibilities:

Provide a large black SUV or VAN for filming on the specified dates.

Ensure the vehicle is clean and in good working condition for the duration of the shoot.

Be available on set for the entire duration of both shoot days.

Follow directions from the production team regarding the use and positioning of the vehicle during filming.


Must own a large black SUV or VAN.

Must be available for both shoot dates: July 11 and July 12.

Must be able to transport the vehicle to the filming location in Stn Mtn/Tucker.

Reliable transportation to and from the filming location is required.


Pay rate: $182 for 12 hours of work each day.

Additional $35 car bump per day for providing the vehicle.

Apply now!

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ffb94c No.21208348

File: c486f4bdd500632⋯.jpeg (249.13 KB,800x1063,800:1063,IMG_0343.jpeg)

>bad plant

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3cdf9d No.21208349

File: d3ec2e38b7f4139⋯.jpg (60.54 KB,748x744,187:186,fumbl.JPG)

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82217b No.21208350

File: 1ff3dbf174d96ed⋯.mp4 (13.51 MB,1920x1080,16:9,FAB_3000_Russian.mp4)

Russian FAB-3000 M46, a High-Explosive, General-Purpose, fin-stabilised, aircraft bomb

Dropping FAB-3000 at the Ukrainian Airborne Forces in the zone of responsibility of the North group of troops. Personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.


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f2f48c No.21208351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bloodied Person Carried Away From Stands Following Shooting at Trump Rally

To every single person who over the last few days has said that this event was staged, watch this video. Listen to the screams on the wife and daughter of the man who got shot in the head while shielding them with his body. You disgust me, you are no better than the shills.

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e1041d No.21208352

File: 992c0d053fd6fee⋯.png (657.06 KB,768x384,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34cc5b629df0683⋯.png (1.2 MB,960x1018,480:509,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3a96c69e689f6a⋯.png (1.82 MB,1272x788,318:197,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1105d3c234fdb8⋯.png (253.32 KB,528x297,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump's assassin had help. Possible ties to the CIA explored.

Trump's Would-Be Assassin Had Help

What we saw was not the work of a deranged 20 year old, it was an expertly conducted assassination attempt that required significant foreknowledge and planning.

Everything about this stinks and it keeps getting smellier by the minute. So what do we know about the would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks?

He was a 20 year old with zero social media presence. No friends have come forward to talk about him. No statement from the parents has been forthcoming. We know virtually nothing about his background. How many 20 year olds do you know who have zero social media presence and no real life friends who would come forward after an event like this?

Apparently he’s also a technical encryption genius, because the FBI can’t get into his cellphone. So that must mean he had a phone with no face-ID enabled lock screen, no finger print reader, no simplistic passcode and it also must have high level data encryption. So this kid must have been running something like a Blackphone or something similar. How many 20 year olds do you know that are running hardened cellphones?

Crooks was reportedly rejected from his school’s rifle team because he was such a bad shot he was actually dangerous and made off-color jokes that caused the instructor to keep him off the team.

But apparently he was just fine at his job as dietary aide at Bethel Park Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, where “he provided food and care for post-hospital elderly and sick people.” His employer said he had a clean background check and “performed his job without concern.”

When he wasn’t helping the elderly or hanging out by himself in his parent’s basement, he apparently also became an improvised explosives expert. Authorities report they found numerous bombs in and around his car, as well as in his home.

We also know that Crooks apparently became an expert tactician, competent marksman and grew out his hair over the course of a year. For example, Crooks knew where to place a ladder to hide it’s position from observers behind a set of trees.


He knew where counter-sniper teams were placed in order to give himself the best approach advantage without being seen by them, even though it exposed him to view of onlookers. Here we can see a large tree obscured his approach from the counter-sniper team on top of the hangar behind Trump, allowing him to get onto the roof and crawl into position without being seen by them until he was in a firing position.

He also knew exactly where the stage would be, and that being at the edge of the manufacturing center’s roof would give him a clear line of site to Trump, around the trees and the bleachers.

I wonder if he also knew that Secret Service resources were diverted from the Trump rally to a Jill Biden event that day, and that there would be no drone or helicopter overwatch that would alert the Secret Service to his presence?

Rally attendees were screaming and pointing at Crooks for several minutes, with some even capturing video of Crooks crawling into position prior to him taking the shots, yet somehow no one got Trump off the stage?


He proceeded into his firing position after being confronted by a police officer who climbed up the ladder behind him, after onlookers alerted local police to his presence, yet somehow no one got Trump off the stage?

We can see the counter-sniper team on the hangar constantly looking in the direction of Crooks for over five minutes prior to him taking the shots, so they must have known about his presence, yet they did not shoot and no one got Trump off the stage?

While in hindsight it might seem obvious that where Crooks took his shots from was the ideal location, try and imagine you are Crooks trying to come up with a plan to assassinate Trump at a completely novel outdoor event. Think about the level of planning and foreknowledge it would take to determine where the best place to shoot from would be. You’d have to know where the stage would be, where the bleachers would be, which building tops gave you an unobstructed line of site while keeping your approach hidden from counter-sniper teams, and how you would get onto the roof without being stopped or spotted before you could get your shots off.

You’d have to scout the location well in advance, know the height of the bleachers, know the height of the stage, where the sniper teams would be, etc.. How long before the event would the stage and bleachers be erected? How much time would you have to plan? Would you be counting on sheer luck that there were no drones or helicopters providing overwatch of the venue or would you have a plan to deal with hiding from those as well?



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063cf3 No.21208353


Try a little combat, might redirect your head, son.

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ffb94c No.21208354

File: 89d5c4ebe900c1d⋯.webp (32.57 KB,603x487,603:487,IMG_0350.webp)

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52bf59 No.21208355


Casting by city or country


Many websites for "casting".

Just one of many hiring all the time.


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ed83de No.21208356

File: 1fdb2962a7a5d5b⋯.png (62.72 KB,965x414,965:414,ClipboardImage.png)


>Trump is shot on 7/13 at 6:13 and the next day the most recent 13 Q posts are deleted?

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e1041d No.21208357


>Tump's assassin had help. Possible ties to the CIA explored.

It’s not sheer dumb luck that Crooks chose the absolute ideal location to shoot from, or that there were no drones providing over-watch, or that the police apparently lacked a away to communicate with the SS team that was stage-side. This was expert level planning, with foreknowledge on where counter-sniper teams would be, how communications were being handled, what position provided the best cover and obstacle avoidance, along with skilled marksmanship.

While Crooks was rejected from his high school rifle team for EXTREMELY poor marksmanship and making off-color comments, on the day of the assassination attempt we saw a competent shooter place a 150 yard shot that only missed Trump’s skull because of a last millisecond head movement by Trump and a very strong wind. This is not the shooting of someone who couldn’t hit a target 50 feet away, as members of the high school rifle team claim. Consider the adrenaline Crooks had to fight in order to maintain a steady shot after being confronted by a cop and knowing his life would almost certainly be ended the minute he opened fire, yet he still managed to hit his target.

Someone trained Crooks. Someone gave Crooks critical planning information. Someone was in communication with Crooks that he didn’t want anyone to know about.

Crooks is a patsy.

Interestingly, Crooks was featured in a Black Rock advertisement as a PA high school student in 2023. What are the odds of that? Consider that the CIA is deeply in-bed with media production companies. Did a CIA asset spot Crooks during this ad shoot and recognize Crooks might be a valuable patsy given his awkwardness and loner behavior? It would certainly be very interesting to see who was a part of that production team.


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f172a5 No.21208358

File: 514102495105463⋯.png (567.61 KB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_20240715_001704.png)

File: 32a70d5b0c0d137⋯.png (1.01 MB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_20240715_001706.png)

File: 10ef31096f7fa62⋯.png (554.11 KB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_20240715_001707.png)

File: 6b826efce434186⋯.png (924 KB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_20240715_001709.png)


The above should prove insightful to anyone experiencing “electronic waterboarding” and adversarial wetware attacks in the active World War 3 (e.g. neurowar). Even America’s POTUS is not immune to attacks as he has made errors in public on record due to these weapons cognitively disrupting him. Neuroweapons suck, apparently everyone, even POTUS is getting attacked.

ChinaCCP is up to no good, here is what I was able to dig-up on their latest assault on The Kingdom (e.g. Saudi Arabia) and how they’re trying to hijack the Muslim/Islam world in addition to killing (mass genocide in Western China the Ugyur Muslims). Keep in mind ChinaCCP has been successful to date in cognitively capturing the Christian world with the ChinaCCP PLA Xi’s Magic Weapon.

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d8d869 No.21208359

[RFK Jr should be VP.

There's your plot twist.]



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a8326b No.21208360

File: dd62e0b5199d028⋯.png (197.7 KB,1117x939,1117:939,ClipboardImage.png)

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d68064 No.21208361

File: 9029f3cd43e40e6⋯.png (14.45 KB,411x222,137:74,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49a9c44945fa71d⋯.png (654.35 KB,640x480,4:3,49a9c44945fa71d199d7303f44….png)

So they can't get in the phone, you say?


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c9c2a7 No.21208362

File: df5d1c7e0915946⋯.png (180.37 KB,311x252,311:252,ClipboardImage.png)


Try harder.

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242280 No.21208363

File: 143efb71f3244a4⋯.mp4 (4.51 MB,360x640,9:16,Willys_jeep.mp4)



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ffb94c No.21208364

File: 250e82a2692cf78⋯.png (2.54 MB,2360x1640,59:41,IMG_0352.png)

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73d7bf No.21208365

File: 20061841a5d01b5⋯.jpg (469.52 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240715_014523.jpg)

File: 4702d12ab584b05⋯.jpg (593.07 KB,800x1280,5:8,20240715_021627.jpg)

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52bf59 No.21208366




Casting actors, extras, cars, pets, kuds, etc.

See how people can make shit believable.

Money talks. "Sure, I will fake it, how will I be oaid?"



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ed83de No.21208367

File: 1ea689794c93591⋯.png (639.94 KB,496x498,248:249,Eph_6_11.png)


Eph 6:13

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

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adc89e No.21208368

File: 04baaa8e4f3ce6a⋯.png (2.07 MB,2160x1620,4:3,799CBE26_9623_4710_B70A_31….png)

File: 3a334eb508fa1fb⋯.png (1.86 MB,2160x1620,4:3,7F9736BE_B37B_4C46_B305_DF….png)

File: e3272b9fe143504⋯.png (6.42 MB,2160x1620,4:3,A773E977_8738_4141_81CC_D2….png)

This is screen shot from mp4 lb, clearly shows gunman wearing long white pants, last pic is after being shot, appears to be wearing shorts.

I did post last night, but this new video shows definitely wearing long pants.

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ffb94c No.21208369



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f32fdf No.21208370

File: cff9d59c1b8d042⋯.mp4 (6.43 MB,720x640,9:8,take_2_night_shift_with_qd….mp4)

File: 0f8b3aecbf5e917⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB,464x480,29:30,wwg1_wga_music_trump_rally….mp4)




no matter the work of the anons here getting ignored.

they eyes that lurk will point to the truth.

so the kitchen shills fail.


>>21208314 This and the vast amounts of work anons did to bring this dig to light

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f2f48c No.21208371


Why did Trump thank the USSS, they fucking allowed this to happen. Inside job for sure, plus the delay from the sniper on the roof who could have taken the shooter out minutes before he opened fire, so many discrepancies…

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063cf3 No.21208372


What makes a good movie, awesome anons, they make the best endings.

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ffb94c No.21208373

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242280 No.21208374

File: a98e75b75c67f87⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB,360x640,9:16,130mph_across_the_water.mp4)



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5faa8c No.21208375

File: 0cf34d004474369⋯.jpg (81.26 KB,1200x675,16:9,media_GOvudljXoAAJ_cv.jpg)


I notice you tense, is it because of something I said?

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9de02e No.21208376



maybe that’s one of the purposes

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e1041d No.21208377


>This is screen shot from mp4 lb, clearly shows gunman wearing long white pants, last pic is after being shot, appears to be wearing shorts.




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819818 No.21208378

File: 8096df3480bb51a⋯.jpg (96.23 KB,705x536,705:536,8096df3480bb51a30bd99b0097….jpg)

>>21207496 (PB)

put not ye dimwit AJ clown school in ye notables.

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a8326b No.21208379

File: fdfb17854b0c0ba⋯.png (130.54 KB,365x285,73:57,ClipboardImage.png)


>clearly shows gunman wearing long white pants


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21e0e1 No.21208380


kek. *Uh yes sir. We need a car like yours for a bank robbery movie. Cash okay?

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9de02e No.21208381

File: a238f773337bae3⋯.jpeg (371.55 KB,620x1052,155:263,IMG_0649.jpeg)

File: d694ba2df55abf3⋯.jpeg (46.18 KB,400x400,1:1,IMG_0648.jpeg)


Not the same actor

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ffb94c No.21208382

>needs to borrow paris notes even if still fucking your cousin

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ed83de No.21208383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Special night mission. "Silence is golden."

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52bf59 No.21208384





Some think they are just extras in "movie" and end up forever as "shooter" forever and dead.. Crises actors? Unaware they will be the "star" when real bullets used and all filmed?

Perhaps how a lot of "news" gets made. Casting us a thing. People do it to get paid, unaware it will be for "events". Some, "kniwingly".

See how people can make shit believable.

Money talks:

<"Sure, I will fake it, how will I be paid?"

"How much per day? Sign me up".

Then perhaps end up a casualty in real news. (Fake News)

>See how people can make shit believable.

Money talks. "Sure, I will fake it, how will I be paid?"

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52bf59 No.21208386

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ffb94c No.21208387

Silence: a privilege not a right.

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e1041d No.21208388

File: e2c601853af1eeb⋯.png (1.14 MB,1255x649,1255:649,ClipboardImage.png)




>>This is screen shot from mp4 lb, clearly shows gunman wearing long white pants, last pic is after being shot, appears to be wearing shorts.

BlackRockBehind Trump Assassination Attempt




News Lobster


LEAKED EMAIL: Reid Hoffman's chief political advisor Dmitri Mehlhorn called it a "classic Putin play," openly entertained conspiracy theory that the Trump assassination attempt was somehow staged

News Lobster



THE COMPANY IS REMOVING IT https://t.co/ZQmN3u7ja4


Charles Gasparino


BREAKING: @BlackRock has removed any future airing of a company commercial featuring a Bethel Park PA football coach and econ teacher that included scenes of gunman Thomas Crooks in his class. Crooks was a high school student at the time. $BLK statement coming momentarily

1:23 PM • Jul 14, 2024

1:55 PM • Jul 14, 2024

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66130b No.21208389

File: cddbd908b6a3ec8⋯.png (315.68 KB,618x641,618:641,653h5h3b532.PNG)

File: 75e6b2cbe63547b⋯.mp4 (7.04 MB,640x360,16:9,h65234g523.mp4)


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f32fdf No.21208390

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>21202231, >>21202256, >>21202267, >>21202355 #25959 #25972 #25973 (3) breads painting picture of before, during and after djt hitjob, (important events).

dough below


eye witness ac vids below




>>21202460 eye witness security missing. robert philpot

Eyewitness believes there was a 'noticeable' difference in security at Trump's rally

NBC News 1hr ago



Q Research General #25959: Literally Wat Edition

Summary: Biden held his big boy press conference with the nato leaders, which went fucking terrible after his debate and then the media turning on him.

The panic had set in, reports from the media was that he was done.

Q Research General #25972: TRUMP RALLY in Butler, Pennsylvania II Edition

Summary: The trump rally was due to take place, all the leaders were flying home and they thought they were losing control.

obama and nancy pelosi had a meeting about biden and came up with a plane to take out trump, Secret service were called and a windown was left open for a special ops martar to take trump out. (mk ultra under some type of borne program)

Q Research General #25973: shots fired FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT Edition

Summary: The person must have been known to police as he was not hindered getting up to the roof overlooking the rally where trump was speaking, roof top snipers did not fire until he got 3 shots off and than took him out so no witnesses. Who ever did the risk assessment on that site before the rally, that report needs to be seen, was that vantage point covered or withdrawn for their asset to take the shot.

Anons can figure out who gave the order but this was not a random nutjob.


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73d7bf No.21208391

File: 4ab500dce0f910d⋯.png (255.62 KB,704x397,704:397,4ab500dce0f910d969de63d92b….png)


>Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.


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a8326b No.21208392

File: f7e2d1674100654⋯.png (1.37 MB,1200x500,12:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ded75cdb6f00b52⋯.png (616.52 KB,1000x562,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)


>Money talks. "Sure, I will fake it, how will I be paid?"

The Clapper

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3cdf9d No.21208393

File: e6635a59d754e23⋯.mp4 (12.45 MB,848x480,53:30,kenn.mp4)

Listen to RFK Jr talk about the clowns taking out his father.

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52bf59 No.21208395

Loks fun


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928e67 No.21208396

File: 23e6432f193fedd⋯.jpeg (41.2 KB,680x383,680:383,high_res_screen_shot_of_s….jpeg)

File: 260bef1da73193e⋯.mp4 (6.92 MB,720x1280,9:16,lone_shooter_bear_crawling….mp4)

File: 7b97d549564d2b4⋯.png (390.04 KB,442x686,221:343,lone_shooter_screen_shot_o….PNG)

File: 833ed0340ef41f3⋯.jpeg (67.67 KB,960x1018,480:509,shooter_wearing_his_glass….jpeg)

PB >>21206717

Have yall not pieced together the position of the shooter?

he was on the other side of the ridge of the roof . lying flat. with no base.

he aint shoot nonone

the patsies are the lone shooter AND the secret service

there is the strong possibility that the countersniper cant see the co intel asset if he is even secret service is to be determined, not dressed like it.

also who is campaigning against the secret service? like production quality campaigning?

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bb1dff No.21208397


Crisis actors will do that.

How does a person get picked to be one of the people who gets to sit behind Trump while he is speaking?

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ed83de No.21208398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Go to Hell, Darkness, in Jesus' name.

God gives us our liberty. You will not stop us.

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f32fdf No.21208399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Q Research General #25973: shots fired FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT Edition

>>21193289, >>21193329, maga rally video clips mp4 bun

>>21193297, >>21193446, >>21194035, >>21194039, social media bun.

>>21193300, >>21193305, >>21193395, >>21193447, >>21193458, >>21193464, >>21193480, >>21193514, >>21193518, >>21193775, >>21193826, >>21193970, anons opines and suggestions

>>21193334, >>21193342, >>21193437, >>21193633, >>21193718, >>21193862, >>21193932, media headlines bun

>>21193311, >>21193385, >>21193818, >>21193954, >>21194059, flashback statement and media and elites on trump - biden “It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.”

>>21193322 memes

>>21193326, >>21193338, >>21193356, >>21193426, >>21193660, >>21193689, >>21193909, fake news and disinfo and morans

>>21193337, >>21193368, rsbn clipped mp4 vid.

>>21193531 this BBC interview with a guy outside the security perimeter who claims he saw the shooter before he fired is absolutely wild

>>21193346, >>21193729, >>21193786, >>21193806, images of djt bun

>>21193353, >>21193389, >>21193443, >>21193482, >>21193831, >>21193856, maga supporter removed by medics mp4 vid.

>>21193397, >>21193451, Qdrops fight fight fight bun

>>21193522 QClock July 13, 2024 - The Shot Heard Around The World, PAIN, These People Are Sick

>>21193407, >>21193611, >>21193698, >>21193809, >>21193824, >>21193861, >>21193885, >>21193913, >>21193944, statements from celebs and politicans about djt being shot.

>>21193466, >>21193841, >>21193971, There is absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy. - obama and biden

>>21193504 dan twat post

>>21193578, >>21193863, >>21193927, >>21193929, >>21193946, >>21194011, >>21194024, >>21194043, planefags and airial views. N874ST Pennsylvania State Police Bell 407 doin’ roundies over Butler Show Fair

>>21193623, >>21193771, >>21193923, >>21194046, bakers bun


Q Research General #25972: TRUMP RALLY in Butler, Pennsylvania II Edition

>>21192516, >>21192758, >>21192932, anon opines

>>21192524, >>21192595, >>21192612, >>21192644, >>21192665, >>21192690, >>21192930, >>21192983, >>21192992, >>21193124, >>21193157, >>21193170, tabloids headlines bun

>>21192526, >>21192602, >>21192650, >>21192693, >>21192814, >>21192818, >>21192855, >>21192960, >>21192997, >>21193075, >>21193129, planefags

>>21192552, >>21192629, >>21192761, >>21192767, >>21192838, >>21192867, >>21192875, >>21192947, >>21193212, social media bun

>>21192567, >>21192955, >>21193125, mp4 vids bun

>>21192684, >>21192701, >>21192770, >>21192806, >>21192846, >>21192973, >>21193116, qdrops and clockfags

>>21192727 eric trump twat.

>>21192571, >>21192736, >>21192833, >>21192837, Joe Biden Dropping Out? Manchin Says - media flashbacks bun

>>21192739, >>21193228, baker bun


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6e6602 No.21208401

File: 67e6493e53d5fb4⋯.png (140.01 KB,576x318,96:53,Capture.PNG)


I can see where his shorts end and leg begins in pic 2.

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66ba87 No.21208402




I'm 84, nice to see you. End transmission.

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52bf59 No.21208403

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f32fdf No.21208404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




do your own research and the real notables before, during and after the event

Q Research General #25959: Literally Wat Edition

>>21181674, >>21181701, >>21181750, >>21182214, >>21181797, >>21181864, Did Biden just say: “I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump - dan twat and biden press conference - youtube, comments and nato big boy conference.

>>21181948 “We’re going to find out whether or not Joe Biden has been able to perform the duties of president and whether or not there’s been a shadow government and for how long. - comer plus mp4 vid

>>21181889, >>21181898, Mossad chief backs PM’s ‘non-negotiable’ hostage deal terms, says Israel cannot win war without them -- report - twat

>>21182003, >>21182022, >>21182235, >>21182277, >>21182358, biden mp4 vids

>>21182307 CNN is reporting that Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi have spoken privately about Biden's campaign as Democrats look to steer president Joe Biden out of the 2024 race - rawalerts

>>21182188 Beau Biden defends handling of du Pont heir sex case - delawareonline.com

>>21181765 Crooked Joe begins his “Big Boy” Press Conference - djt t.s post

>>21182087 Crooked Joe has a case of Trump Derangement Syndrome! - djt t.s post4

>>21182124 djt trainer rack post - djt. ts post

>>21181726, Second NATO member publicly opposes Ukrainian membership - rt.com

>>21181800, >>21182014, >>21182301, french AF CTM001 A330Macrondeparted JBA back to Paris - planefag bun

>>21181858, >>21182060, qdrop 3716 marker 9

>>21182092 VOTERGA UPDATE: Over ONE MILLION Ballot Election Records Missing in Georgia’s 2020 Presidential Election - gwp

>>21181936 Army private, husband ‘spied for Russia’ - news.com aussie

>>21181922 There are plans for Trump and his VP pick to host a reception in Milwaukee on July 17,- axios

>>21181888, >>21182036, >>21182220, >>21182300, >>21182349, >>21182360, baker bun



Note Will collect notes and staatements including comms and link via pastebin later.

Trump shot, walks away with a fist pump, pray anons, this is typical clown op.


rsbn rumble and youtube links below.




djt rumble channel link below.

LIVE: President Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania



djt takes stage at 6.03pm starts talking at 6.05pm

djt: 93 people there.

>>21192232 djt: 93 people at bidens rally, we have moar than 93 front row joes here. Qdrop 93

President Trump: We're gonna take back the White House, and we're going to take back our country. We're gonna take it back. Our country;s been stolen from us.

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77b694 No.21208406

File: 00ff793e63ee912⋯.jpg (76.97 KB,500x670,50:67,82vccu.jpg)


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ffb94c No.21208407


Out of spray paint, larp ass?

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ed83de No.21208408

File: de9083003d036a5⋯.png (538.33 KB,1024x575,1024:575,Screenshot_2024_02_05_0140….png)

Anons, please be focusing your rational hate of Evil, in Prayer to God in Heaven. He will deliver.

Luk 1:71

That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us;

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52bf59 No.21208409



Ads for casting calls, actors, etc. Search keywords, ralies, protests, organizing, movie, etc. Craiglist

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3cdf9d No.21208410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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586da4 No.21208412

File: 27885798dadea90⋯.png (279.17 KB,632x395,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1041d No.21208413

11 Minutes of New Footage from Butler, PA Trump Rally


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46a5d4 No.21208414

File: f2684defc76be9d⋯.png (669.34 KB,708x1840,177:460,a44dc238_da97_44b2_b143_53….png)

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c9c2a7 No.21208415

File: c21cc4c9d5ddcb2⋯.png (589.33 KB,728x546,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b9435168a2972c⋯.png (1.32 MB,1221x661,1221:661,ClipboardImage.png)

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73d7bf No.21208416

File: 8220879a2cc6f18⋯.jpg (729.4 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240715_022607.jpg)

File: 9fc80ddafd70480⋯.jpg (798.93 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240715_022529.jpg)

File: 0706e5ac25f1741⋯.jpg (756.12 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240715_022536.jpg)

Letting Go/Falling Away: 纷纷

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963490 No.21208418

File: 9b2a3fbd2be49cc⋯.jpg (137 KB,412x515,4:5,d055mt.jpg)

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a8326b No.21208419

File: eb67cba21350ddc⋯.png (4.94 KB,196x193,196:193,Balls_Of_Pepe.png)


>he was on the other side of the ridge of the roof . lying flat. with no base.

I'm wondering about the lay of the land.

I haven't looked at gargleearth to see how flat it is.

I believe I saw his dead body on a downslope, tho.

Fuckin cops can lick my balls.

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7e44cb No.21208420

File: 307f2f95b824d03⋯.jpg (98.1 KB,500x761,500:761,Crusades_1_.jpg)


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ffb94c No.21208421



Move it

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d8d869 No.21208422


>change of routine

>change of security

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ed83de No.21208423

File: bb4d6cb31d9abdb⋯.png (47.54 KB,300x225,4:3,thelight.png)

Anons are the light of the world.

The darkness cannot penetrate the light.

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dd3209 No.21208424

File: 2fe91263ebc3861⋯.jpg (875.46 KB,1536x1024,3:2,butler_2_0.jpg)

Looks like a second shooter could easily be in the building above the patsy. If not behind the window, then behind a sniper hole near the eave.

Don't forget a shot from somewhere took out the hydraulic line holding the speaker on the right.

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a61ecc No.21208425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e1041d No.21208426

File: cc0a890ea76a271⋯.png (218.61 KB,564x423,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Karen Pinder, a propagandist that teaches at the University of BC, wishes GEOTUS dead.

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9de02e No.21208428

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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52bf59 No.21208429




Ads in game rom chats recruiting players/ shooters for movie extras.. get paid cash daily ads.

Fools get reeled in. Be somebody for a couple of days. Cash daily. You play shoot up games.

Apply now.




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d8d869 No.21208430


[How tf can we have pictures of the sun

But this stuff is always blurry?]

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46a5d4 No.21208431

File: 3a58250e200a779⋯.mp4 (13.62 MB,854x480,427:240,Ready.mp4)

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3cdf9d No.21208432


agreed that building had several high risk places

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ed83de No.21208433

File: adb9eb384839c03⋯.png (160.9 KB,374x374,1:1,HRA.png)

Operator1 will be active within the hour. In the game. In the CLOUD. In their dreams.

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7e44cb No.21208434

File: 12bfaabe9b5bd27⋯.png (858.46 KB,1080x1091,1080:1091,Light_Em_Up.png)


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52bf59 No.21208435

Ask Oswald. Book depositry.


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e1041d No.21208437

File: 9192249affa73ac⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB,576x1024,9:16,NEW_UNSEEN_Video_footage_o….mp4)

NEW: UNSEEN Video footage of Thomas THE PATSY Matthew Crooks


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ffb94c No.21208438


>another Facebook mural for a son he could have had?

>A week to unremember.

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b4f653 No.21208440


Not a human. Look at the face.

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ed83de No.21208441


GM like 7-13 ?

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819818 No.21208442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ffb94c No.21208443

GM gloating theatre

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9de02e No.21208445

File: e56538607dffa8d⋯.webp (17.2 KB,680x655,136:131,IMG_0651.webp)

File: 4ba3c3dfd315a76⋯.jpeg (727.7 KB,1284x1972,321:493,IMG_0650.jpeg)



>At around 2:23 seconds, I circled who I believe to be Corey Comperatore (who was later shot) in the crowd.

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adc89e No.21208446


Watch the video, no doubt. Long pants.

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ed83de No.21208447

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Real Life.

Mat 18:18

Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

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6e6602 No.21208448


I have. You are blind.

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f1e61c No.21208449

File: f7278f6f10706b4⋯.png (1.04 MB,1080x1356,90:113,Screenshot_20231020_194219….png)

File: 1cef9a8a628f524⋯.jpg (81.63 KB,500x697,500:697,Vvgu_1_.jpg)


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ffb94c No.21208450




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586da4 No.21208451

File: c0ecc71d6c5a2d5⋯.png (217.18 KB,612x702,34:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ab4e0 No.21208453

File: f8917dc759cc5fe⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB,360x640,9:16,videoplayback_46.mp4)

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1cd118 No.21208454

File: c01f18d9b31c681⋯.png (3.47 MB,2985x1388,2985:1388,KimberlyCheatle.png)



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e1041d No.21208455

File: 16513eb8f6aeace⋯.mp4 (222 KB,598x360,299:180,Biden_We_resolve_our_diffe….mp4)

File: 5d3b9479d461501⋯.png (3.75 MB,1500x1000,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Breaking: President Biden escalates the rhetoric and challenges former President Trump to Trial by BattleBox

End Wokeness


Biden: "We resolve our differences at the battle box. That is how you do it. At the BATTLE box."

5:17 PM • Jul 14, 2024


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d8d869 No.21208456

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73d7bf No.21208457

File: 0674487710cd59a⋯.jpg (610.91 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240715_022600.jpg)

File: 4782606db57bd7c⋯.jpg (632.4 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240715_022551.jpg)

File: f6060da05f5e300⋯.jpg (656.79 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240715_022546.jpg)


Letting Go/Falling Away: 纷纷

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025a99 No.21208458


still no idea how that rifle got 9 feet off to his side

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a8326b No.21208460


1st time seeing that, Anon.

Hits the feels. fuck

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d8d869 No.21208461



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3cdf9d No.21208462

Stock market is about to price its 4am premarket… see what happens

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677f3b No.21208463

File: 84469fb80306f60⋯.png (377.34 KB,640x655,128:131,76b54677654754.png)



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0ab4e0 No.21208464

File: b04d10100769561⋯.jpg (43.11 KB,474x355,474:355,th_711009792.jpg)


Let's Go

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ed83de No.21208465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mar 11:24

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

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f32fdf No.21208466

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dan Bongino Goes SCORCHED EARTH On Secret Service FAILURES LIVE On Fox News: ‘Trump SAVED Himself’🔥


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ffb94c No.21208467

>she retaliates through her network again

>calls him the coward

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5c1637 No.21208468


DJT is up

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f1e61c No.21208469

File: 3a1644dd079cfbd⋯.jpg (55.41 KB,500x559,500:559,Nnni_2_.jpg)

File: 4f204078e23873c⋯.jpg (87.68 KB,500x553,500:553,IMG_20240129_074853_2_.jpg)


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ffb94c No.21208470

Scrub the nonsense again?


Or maybe wait for the sharing of the ball that’s been called for?

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04899e No.21208471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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01be1d No.21208472

File: b359bcfac02ad69⋯.png (933.96 KB,1080x1428,90:119,Svcg_1.png)




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73d7bf No.21208473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Error becoming pious, becoming righteous, becoming fallen grace

into this garden we’re cast as children to begin

Listen: the winds are changing, the water’s rising, the compass points us home

and are we movin’, and are we choosin’ to stay awake


Lyrics: https://www.aylanereo.com/waterfall-lyrics

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586da4 No.21208474


jewish libertarian?


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ffb94c No.21208475

Have Nate call me if he’s so invested.


Wait.. now it’s GO

And another op on GP

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ed83de No.21208476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


God fights for him.

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14bdd6 No.21208477


Each person who says so can show us how it's done.

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e1041d No.21208478

File: 597f6b70afff1f8⋯.png (29.76 KB,524x230,262:115,ClipboardImage.png)

Susan Crabtree RealClearPolitics White House & Natl. Political Correspondent: A source within the Secret Service community tells RealClearPolitics that the agency rules of engagement in this situation are to wait until the president is fired upon to return fire.

Susan Crabtree


Here’s my reporting on why the Secret Service did not shoot until AFTER the shooter engaged and some context about the House Republicans’ investigation already underway (months before Trump’s assassination attempt) into whether the agency’s DEI policies are affecting its…

5:23 AM • Jul 14, 2024


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73ffae No.21208479

File: 39cc2107bc4e97c⋯.jpg (77.33 KB,500x582,250:291,8ccy.jpg)

File: ce10540673066e6⋯.jpg (89.86 KB,500x737,500:737,Cvvg.jpg)


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e1041d No.21208480

File: 9ca5de91b30a374⋯.png (19.67 KB,519x145,519:145,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


When you’re “hot” the lowlifes really shoot at you… and they try hitting from every angle! Never let the bastards get you down.

10:51 AM • Nov 27, 2012


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e1041d No.21208481

File: 3c691bf3b95df8e⋯.png (2.24 MB,1125x905,225:181,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald Trumps Death - Indians Newspapers highlighting all the right questions.

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e15df7 No.21208482

File: 4ca26a3f445366e⋯.png (1.89 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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586da4 No.21208483


Shooter was a decoy and the SS bought it. Though, if they didn't engage, perhaps they actually were doing their job.

Now the question is, is he in custody or dead and there is a pause on the reveal until the media and everyone else makes a fucking fool of themselves. Trapped and no way out.

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e1041d No.21208484

File: 32d8490202944f8⋯.png (538.72 KB,650x399,650:399,ClipboardImage.png)

Retired Army General: 'Somebody Failed to Appreciate the Militarily Significant Aspects of Terrain'

The retired Army general officer who led Kurdish Peshmerga guerilla troops in Iraq and who now serves as a senior staffer for a Florida congressman told RedState, as a military man, the Secret Service must look at what went wrong before the July 13 assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump.

“They've got to do an absolutely serious after-action review, not just for their sake, not just for the sake of any future presidents, but the sake of this country,” said Brig. Gen. Ernest C. Audino, who was commissioned as a second lieutenant upon his graduation from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y.

“They got to figure out where the failures occurred, and it's got to be an honest after-action or review—no thin skins—and if you fouled up, own up to it because there were failures along the way,” said the general, who is a senior military fellow at the Washington-based Gold Institute for International Strategies.

“My hypothesis is somebody failed to appreciate the militarily significant aspects of terrain,” he said.

Audino said it is his contingent assessment that mistakes made before the rally led to a potential catastrophe affecting the American political system and the world’s geopolitical stability.



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e15df7 No.21208485

File: a43e05b499758ce⋯.png (2.94 MB,2048x1158,1024:579,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1041d No.21208486


Audino: The terrain tells you where threats can make you vulnerable

The general said that the Army has a process for making threat assessments that would have produced for the Secret Service personnel a limited set of locations where a hostile actor could attack the president.

He said the Army calls the battlespace analysis process OAKOC for obstacles, avenues of approach, key terrain, observation and fields of fire, and cover and concealment.

“Without any other information right now, my guess is there were likely failures during the planning and reconnaissance phase,” said the former director of nuclear support for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

“When they received the mission, they should have initiated the reconnaissance out to the area, and someone should have been going through this checklist,” he said.

He said the first item on the checklist is determining the no-go areas on the terrain. These are the places where no one would or could go.

Security personnel next need to figure out the avenues of approach or the go-terrain, he said.

Then, they must determine which pieces of terrain along the avenues of approach that offer advantage to the hostile actor—that’s your key terrain, he said.

Among the sites of key terrain on the Butler Farm Show fairgrounds were the rooftops, Audino added.

“We can say all of those high points in the area like those rooftops, and there weren't many of them, so it's not like they were overwhelmed by the sheer number of rooftops. There were only a few that were relevant to the area of operation,” he noted.

Once you have identified key terrain, such as the rooftops in Butler, the military mindset is to determine how the hostile actor could attack, he said.



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7f75b0 No.21208487

File: a30d1d72c6ae1c5⋯.jpg (163.92 KB,1080x1080,1:1,20240715_015110.jpg)

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3cdf9d No.21208488

File: 034f9cf6929e3fb⋯.png (33.41 KB,762x125,762:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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74516e No.21208489

File: 7b29a4671ac58cf⋯.png (466.29 KB,960x902,480:451,65en75375.PNG)

Kenya receives first batch of military choppers from US

Kenya has started receiving the military choppers donated by the US as part of the goodies advanced to the country during the recent state visit by President William Ruto.

Two of the eight UH-1 ‘Hueys’ choppers that the country is set to receive arrived two weeks ago.

They are currently being assembled at the Embakasi Garrison hangar in Nairobi by a specialised team of technicians from the US Air Force along with experts from the manufacturing company and Kenya Air Force.

Sources familiar with the operations said the choppers are set to undergo comprehensive tests ahead of its official handover later this year.

The remaining consignment of six Hueys will be shipped in next month.

Huey is a utility military helicopter designed and produced by the American aerospace company Bell Helicopter.


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e15df7 No.21208490

File: 1bc7c552e867f5e⋯.png (1.35 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1041d No.21208491



Audino: Why weren’t the rooftops secured?

“Where could an enemy achieve observation and fields of fire that's relevant to the mission of this event that's coming up?” he asked.

Throughout the interview, Audino kept returning to the rooftops, and where a hostile actor could be concealed.

"Once you’ve identified the key terrains, avenues to the terrain, and places in the terrain where the hostile actor could observe his targets and conceal himself, the Soldier is left with a finite set of locations to be secured," he said.

He said that then you have to find areas where a hostile actor or threat could find cover and concealment.

“Once you've identified those areas, then you've got to secure them some way,” he continued.

“Why was there no presence on that rooftop or near that rooftop? Why was there no effective fire over watching that rooftop?” he asked.

The general said he understood that security personnel were in position, but they did not stop the attack.

“Was it that they weren't alert, or they had other sectors they were watching?” he asked.

"There are times when the hostile actor has the advantage because he has initiative, but terrain analysis helps you identify his most likely courses of action," he said. “But you never have perfect knowledge.”

One factor in the Butler shooting is that law enforcement has a different culture and different processes, he explained.

“From my perspective, the law enforcement mindset is investigatory,” he said.

“It's a different analysis at some level, first before anything else, the military is looking to destroy the enemy,” he said. “The military is looking across the military aspects of terrain, and they're accounting for what they know, what they don't know and what they think.”

"The military approach is to figure out the possible source of threats and how to neutralize the threats,” he said.



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586da4 No.21208492


water tower would have been too high for the angle.

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e15df7 No.21208493

File: 07a72bdc986dfd3⋯.png (1.66 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1041d No.21208494




Audino: Risk assessment must consider the cost of failure

"In a military operation, the Soldier conducts his risk assessment along with calculating what risks are acceptable and what risks are not acceptable," the general said.

“We could very well find out that this Secret Service detail wasn't resourced by the Secret Service commensurate with the threat.”

"Certainly," he continued, "the assassination of Trump was an unacceptable risk, which meant all the planning had to consider the cost of failure."

"The threat is significantly higher on this presidential candidate as a former president than virtually any other presidential candidate in history."

“It’s hard to say much risk here is acceptable because the risk of failure is so high,” the general warned.

“I saw somebody just made a comment publicly that we were one inch away from a civil war–I mean, maybe that's a stretch, but maybe it's not.”



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ba6281 No.21208495


Everybody gets a Free helicopter ride now, even barrak.

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ed83de No.21208496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You are the light of the world.

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ffb94c No.21208497

File: 9c666883d76e75f⋯.jpeg (22.47 KB,544x239,544:239,IMG_0356.jpeg)

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c4d8d4 No.21208498

File: 9b64cab2223f8e4⋯.jpg (90.71 KB,500x695,100:139,But_cxjo.jpg)


Kenya is the Obongo toilet.

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e15df7 No.21208499

File: 15183bbb9c65e93⋯.png (3.4 MB,2048x1632,64:51,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1041d No.21208500

File: ede6343e4f86e2c⋯.png (608.02 KB,793x744,793:744,ClipboardImage.png)

Attempted an assassination then they all walked out together as if to brag about it. Fuck Biden.

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e15df7 No.21208501

File: cc4d520ede97ece⋯.png (911.54 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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586da4 No.21208502

File: dc16003a8e3f00f⋯.png (647.49 KB,561x445,561:445,ClipboardImage.png)


>Kenya receives first batch of military choppers from US

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4119a1 No.21208503

File: 5f70d5160e78e0a⋯.jpg (74.15 KB,934x1024,467:512,1709327171529865.jpg)

Q told us they like to use videogame chat platforms when they run operations such as Xbox live and that Star Wars game, and that we could see a correlation between game server outages and habbeings coinciding within the same time frame. So, anyone here see any videogame servers go down during th assassination attempt? I looked but couldn't find any. But there's a shit ton of games so it;s hard to know where exactly to look. Perhaps a gamer anon heard something?

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e15df7 No.21208504

File: ab04e70894b0001⋯.png (449.49 KB,598x618,299:309,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b72a7 No.21208505

File: 9adf2c844f6a21b⋯.jpg (68.83 KB,500x752,125:188,STORM.jpg)


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1cd118 No.21208506

File: ce73b9f1bd8b11a⋯.png (426.82 KB,796x889,796:889,tweet_12124723542135.png)

File: 624cc2670f33f5b⋯.png (91.08 KB,336x360,14:15,GSeH9RUW0AAyqn_.png)

Holy fuck

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c9c2a7 No.21208507

File: 6452807eb1542ec⋯.png (1.69 MB,800x1122,400:561,ClipboardImage.png)



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e15df7 No.21208508

File: 256338acfe6f030⋯.png (535.99 KB,511x640,511:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1041d No.21208509

File: 5ff44bec5f3d1a4⋯.png (739.07 KB,768x411,256:137,ClipboardImage.png)


>Kenya receives first batch of military choppers from US


We Dodged a Bullet: Hillary Clinton Arrives at Kenya State Dinner Wrapped in a Tent

We sure dodged a bullet!

Bill and Hillary Clinton on Thursday evening attended the Kenya State Dinner at the White House.

Hillary looked frumpy in her signature moo-moo style dress.

Bill Clinton pointed to a portrait of Hillary as he arrived and said, “I like the girl behind you there.”

“It’s wonderful to be back,” Hillary Clinton said to a reporter.


Clintons arrives White House state dinner for Kenya

Pres. Clinton points to portrait of First Lady Hillary Clinton: "I like the girl behind you there." pic.twitter.com/AVa26abpEZ

— Howard Mortman (@HowardMortman) May 24, 2024

Barack Obama made a surprise appearance Thursday evening.

@BarackObama is in the house tonight for the State Dinner for Kenya! Three presidents tonight under one roof!

Not bad! pic.twitter.com/kyK8OQ4Epd

— Chris D. Jackson (@ChrisDJackson) May 24, 2024

Joe Biden’s embattled son Hunter Biden was spotted at the Kenya State Dinner.

Great to see Hunter Biden at tonight's State Dinner at the White House. Despite everything Republicans have put him through, nothing can come between Hunter and his dad. The Biden family stands strong. pic.twitter.com/WFfLVnjzcD

— Chris D. Jackson (@ChrisDJackson) May 24, 2024


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568953 No.21208510

File: 3f9f7da56d6c5a4⋯.png (554.42 KB,853x930,853:930,Capturem3573.PNG)

Secret Service Denies Diverting Resources to Jill Biden

The U.S. Secret Service has denied diverting resources away from protecting former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally where he was shot, in order to protect first lady Jill Biden.

Susan Crabtree of RealClearPolitics reported on social media that unnamed sources told her resources were diverted away from Trump to protect the first lady.

"This is the problem that my Secret Sources have cited: Secret Services resources were diverted to Jill Biden's event and away from Trump's because they followed agency protocol applying to Trump as a former president, according to two sources within the Secret Service community," she wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

"There were also many supplemental agents from different field officers (not Trump's regular detail) providing security at the rally because Trump's regular detail has been overworked (some working 7 days straight), and only two counter-snipers… Who made the decision to divert the resources to Jill Biden's event?"

Anthony Guglielmi, chief of communications for the Secret Service, responded to Crabtree's post, saying it was false.


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e15df7 No.21208511

File: 92c49fd1c1f2b2d⋯.png (1.26 MB,998x893,998:893,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8efd6 No.21208512

File: d7e5f517026ccf0⋯.jpeg (76.28 KB,500x535,100:107,IMG_1822.jpeg)

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73d7bf No.21208513

File: 6768efee402e797⋯.png (547.36 KB,1280x800,8:5,Durham_Jasper_Rootham.png)

File: 4e75eca052fb1a7⋯.jpg (574.68 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240715_030846.jpg)

File: 6059b8860424b75⋯.jpg (579.03 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240715_030907.jpg)

Re: Durham

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d8d869 No.21208514


>rules of engagement

<in writing please

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a6e931 No.21208515

File: a23379d00c98a57⋯.png (516.08 KB,1200x400,3:1,wwg1wgaFFF.png)

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d68064 No.21208516

File: 181d8ec2fbecbc9⋯.jpg (4.89 MB,4000x2667,4000:2667,RFBKWQHK4AI6TIZJON4PX6Q3MM….jpg)


>as if to brag about it

Any wonder why they stood in front of Teddy in the Roosevelt Room?

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42a851 No.21208517

File: 5cf2578969efa2b⋯.jpeg (917.23 KB,2053x1877,2053:1877,IMG_4865.jpeg)

File: 5788ebb349ee8d8⋯.jpeg (317.83 KB,1131x754,3:2,2F0845DA_93CB_44C2_A441_F….jpeg)

Anon’s current opinion is that Thomas Matthew Crooks is the shooter.

Photo comparison

1. Facial proportions are an excellent match

2. Both have Mousy brown hair

3. The right ear matches exactly

4. Glasses

5. Similar slim build

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ed83de No.21208518


Jhn 1:7

The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.

Jhn 1:8

He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.

Jhn 1:9

That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

Jhn 1:10

He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.

Jhn 1:11

He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

Jhn 1:12

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

Jhn 1:13

Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

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42a851 No.21208519

File: f1d0bdd21ce03b2⋯.mp4 (577.85 KB,360x640,9:16,ATC09vZSw_zY8_ya.mp4)

File: 5181a2767366113⋯.mp4 (6.92 MB,720x1280,9:16,343333964555400861.mp4)

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07ad29 No.21208520

File: aec5943fcd82ada⋯.png (86.71 KB,187x270,187:270,ClipboardImage.png)


>Hillary Clinton Arrives at Kenya State Dinner Wrapped in a Tent

Her father had the same problem

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d8d869 No.21208521

[Illegal immigration

Seems like one big Nigerian prince money scam]

BTW Nigeria has blood tests for citizenship

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c2665c No.21208522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c4d774 No.21208523

File: 9d9ad3d71a3d9b5⋯.png (1.24 MB,375x440,75:88,ClipboardImage.png)


TYB an GM tooooo (You)


das one ugly club member!

so da FBLies is taking ober da habbenin investigation! look for a nothing to see here moment as this all gets shuffled into joe's diaper!

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d8d869 No.21208524



mousy isn't a color]

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ed83de No.21208525


2nd Tent outfit? She definitely was not desperately calling all Clowns to the big top.

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63b683 No.21208526

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1cd118 No.21208527

File: ee38367fa86451e⋯.webm (3.35 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1721027740600356.webm)



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0efc66 No.21208528

What if the October Surprise is normies finding out that the Democrats orchestrated the hit on Trump?

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42a851 No.21208529

File: 893b70880c2dfe0⋯.jpeg (772.55 KB,1575x994,225:142,IMG_4866.jpeg)

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ed83de No.21208530


Can you do a dig and post that instead? Come on, Eileen… be the autist..

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55ebdb No.21208531

File: 8ae514520519889⋯.png (419.01 KB,1806x887,1806:887,ClipboardImage.png)

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dba045 No.21208532

File: 0dc3bae72033ab4⋯.png (795.24 KB,1080x1348,270:337,Alina_Habba.png)

File: 52bc4f12367635c⋯.jpg (64.49 KB,500x547,500:547,84cfy.jpg)


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586da4 No.21208533

File: fd4a91c14dd7eb9⋯.png (330.71 KB,378x512,189:256,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21208038 /pb

>Surgically repaired stretched ear

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d8d869 No.21208534


<light brown

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73d7bf No.21208535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Letting Go/Falling Away: 纷纷

Time distortion is a thing.

Tea cups, time traps & faerie rings.

Dodge this (slo-mo, bullet time) | The Matrix [Open Matte]


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ed83de No.21208536

File: e941b94b7891c33⋯.png (3.73 MB,2560x1487,2560:1487,RED.png)


That couldn't possibly cause a Red Sea level Red_October ahead of the Final Battle, Precipice 2024.

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e1041d No.21208537




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d8d869 No.21208538


[What say you gamerfags?]



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6bfc5c No.21208539


How and when did he get there?

Was he already at the building?

How did the ladder get there?

Did the pre team not notice it during the sweep?

Where do the ladder come from?

Where was his car found?

How far was the distance from his car to the ladder?

Long rifle strapped and clearly visible

Was the long rifle staged at the building or bushes?

Who was on charge of security of that parking lot

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586da4 No.21208540



don't rule out deaf people in the crowd, surdophobic bastard

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586da4 No.21208541


>Anon’s current opinion is that Thomas Matthew Crooks is the shooter.

or the decoy shooter…

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6649e0 No.21208542


Why do the secret service not make use of a couple of scouting drones? This would quickly alert them to any threats.

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b2f197 No.21208543


There was an outage on Battle.net, Diablo and possibly Hunt Showdown

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d68064 No.21208544

File: 6115d9db543a8e9⋯.jpg (83.67 KB,800x564,200:141,Apodemus_sylvaticus_bosmui….jpg)

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bb1dff No.21208545


Was she vaxxed?

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42a851 No.21208546



Or Patsy shooter

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42a851 No.21208547

File: a01e3c3442390d9⋯.jpeg (217.91 KB,1242x1110,207:185,IMG_4863.jpeg)

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bb1dff No.21208548


If a woman fucks up, it's because she is a woman.

If a man fucks up, it's because he's a fuck up.

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24299f No.21208549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Buying The President


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d68064 No.21208550


Heard somebody on the ground claim to have been at another rally or two where they did use drones. Who knows if was SS or local police though?

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55c06a No.21208551

File: 6578fb9713d0603⋯.jpg (71.7 KB,500x744,125:186,8dtqst_2_.jpg)


President Trump had ex military private contractors working for him the shooter would have been dead hours before he took the shot that almost killed president Trump.

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b99a86 No.21208552

File: 4517c0cdce856c0⋯.png (838 KB,1070x922,535:461,642n354325.PNG)

Tara Reade, Biden Assault Accuser, Returns to U.S. From Russia to Press Charges

Tara Reade, the U.S. woman who moved to Russia after accusing President Joe Biden of sexual assault, said she has returned to the U.S. to press charges against the incumbent running for re-election.

Reade said during the 2020 presidential race that then-Senator Biden sexually assaulted her on Capitol Hill in August 1993 while she was working in Biden’s congressional office. Biden categorically denied Reade’s claim.

In May 2023, she appeared in Moscow asking President Vladimir Putin for Russian citizenship in a press conference organized by state-run media, claiming that a Republican Congressman had warned her she was in physical danger.

“I am in the USA, and I hope to have some measure of justice,” Reade wrote on X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday evening.

Reade, 60, said that after making her allegations public in 2020, she was threatened with prison, her life was threatened, and she was called a Russian agent.


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ffb94c No.21208553

And some change

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e1041d No.21208554

File: 98a06a7d62fa754⋯.png (332.36 KB,680x583,680:583,ClipboardImage.png)

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0efc66 No.21208555


That's pretty ballsy considering what Biden's handlers just orchestrated.

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c2665c No.21208556

File: 66646c99ea6a6f4⋯.png (783.61 KB,740x706,370:353,66646c99ea6a6f4c2fbc0f56c4….png)

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21e0e1 No.21208557

File: fedfe729d05a20c⋯.jpeg (228.38 KB,640x1101,640:1101,C4B9791B_D9D4_4C40_B2EB_C….jpeg)



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dd3209 No.21208558

File: 06177f95ffea12c⋯.jpg (606.53 KB,1521x812,1521:812,butler_angle_wider.jpg)

File: dd9590ccbefbf9b⋯.jpg (419.77 KB,1560x810,52:27,butler_angle_zoom.jpg)


Easy shot from inside the building above and behind the patsy.

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73d7bf No.21208559

File: fc7e8b872c2cabe⋯.png (1.72 MB,1200x1600,3:4,Psalm91_Doves.png)

File: 25a59f8308df173⋯.jpg (69.29 KB,800x460,40:23,25a59f8308df17399225e05857….jpg)

File: 2e0e075411bcfef⋯.jpeg (122.64 KB,500x389,500:389,2e0e075411bcfefd6af5815ac….jpeg)

“Dawn is here again. Let us reunite. Now. This morning, ascend above the hate, the vitriol, and the simple-minded ideas that ignite violence. We all want a world where respect is paramount, family is first, and love transcends. We can realize this world again. Each of us must demand to get it back. We must insist that respect fills the cornerstone of our relationships, again. I am thinking of you, my fellow Americans. The winds of change have arrived."


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dd3209 No.21208560

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586da4 No.21208561

This narrative is getting old. We've solved it. Derps did it and failed. What will be isn't going to happen fast until Trump wants it. While I don't want to discourage digging, throwing all mental resources at this is taking away focus on other potential things. And that might be beneficial to the derps.

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dd3209 No.21208562

File: 2fe91263ebc3861⋯.jpg (875.46 KB,1536x1024,3:2,butler_2_0.jpg)

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42a851 No.21208563

File: 5203a204551fc0b⋯.jpeg (77.7 KB,457x429,457:429,IMG_4867.jpeg)

Any more photos or graphics for Maxwell Yearick?

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025a99 No.21208564


dude in yellow taking it all in

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24299f No.21208565


Bongino hasn't yet figured out the extent to which he worked for his enemies.

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025a99 No.21208566

are we outta digs

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c37cb7 No.21208567

Hey QR fam, long time lurker here (and by long time, I mean 2017)

It’s been a wild ride, with glorious highs and terrifying lows, but I really do see the Light at the end of the tunnel now. Stand strong, be brave, and God bless you all.

I think it would be a very good idea this time around to sign up and volunteer however you are able here:


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d060c6 No.21208568

File: 73620c58064208e⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB,720x1280,9:16,73620c58064208e2f48b820ed6….mp4)



She may have a point.

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bb1dff No.21208569


All of these illegals pouring over the border are mercenaries, imo.

But mercenaries for whom?

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c6d980 No.21208570


It was a Jewish kid. Not that guy.

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0252dc No.21208571

File: 7303f5fb848fc72⋯.png (422.11 KB,1500x482,750:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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24299f No.21208572


The ccp won't keep these idiiots when they declare themselves the original indigenous owners of the Americas.

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bb1dff No.21208573


Dark to Light

How to shine a spotlight on this Bitch.

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79f969 No.21208574

File: a81642ac49e2782⋯.jpg (59.93 KB,500x414,250:207,Baby_1_.jpg)


MAGA PATRIOTS have military capabilities the USSS has never even heard of.

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0efc66 No.21208575

File: 77f94baccef0c48⋯.png (858.28 KB,1200x845,240:169,ClipboardImage.png)


>are we outta digs

yeah, but we have plenty of sprigs

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73d7bf No.21208576

File: 0606dbecc66c7bf⋯.jpg (563.28 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_20240715_030716.jpg)

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24299f No.21208577


For banksters. They want you dead.

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0efc66 No.21208578


>stupid infidels


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586da4 No.21208579


>Van belonging to Trump shooter Thomas Crooks.

exactly what I was thinking. kek.

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4119a1 No.21208580

File: 77c75fa3553b30a⋯.png (1.03 MB,984x848,123:106,Kenyan_Boots_on_the_ground….png)



>if only you knew how bad things really are


The Kenyans are being used to enforce the Monroe Doctrine in Haiti

Blinken came up with the stupid idea.

They showed up in Haiti three weeks ago on the condition they could pocket 200 million, with a another hundred million coming,

Kenya-led police force arrives in Haiti to tackle gang violence


>US pledges an additional $100M for a multinational force awaiting deployment to violence-hit Haiti


200mm + 100mm = 300 million

>US will contribute $300 million to Haiti’s multinational security mission


This is like the fourth foreign mercenary mission we've sent there. And they always end the same. Rampant pedophilia.

>U.N. Peacekeepers Ran a Child Sex Ring in Haiti


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025a99 No.21208581



i sent her an email to say hi last night

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bb1dff No.21208582


So the Civil War will be Mercenaries vs Mercenaries?

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e1041d No.21208583


>Tara Reade, Biden Assault Accuser, Returns to U.S. From Russia to Press Charges


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0efc66 No.21208584


I've heard so many different theories. Those guys getting ordered to not shoot intrigues me the most.

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25fb4e No.21208585

File: 403bf27a98d9c53⋯.jpg (113.26 KB,749x500,749:500,8obuf3.jpg)


The civil war will be a silent war people will just disappear and never be seen again.

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52bf59 No.21208586







Casting actors to portray security guards for a live immersive event.

Roles in this project

Collapse All Roles


Security Guards

Lead. Male, Non-Binary, Trans Male. 18+

Looking for actors to portray security guards for a live event.

Required Media: Headshot/Photo


Dates & Locations

Runs July 19, in Philadelphia, PA

Compensation & Contract

Rate: $25.00 / hour

Total Pay: $200.00 for an estimated 8 hours of work

Key Details

Seeking talent from Philadelphia, PA

Roles paying up to $200.00



EXPIRES:July 17, 2024 4:59 PM

Send to a friend

Meyer2Meyer Live Immersive Installation

Seeking talent from Philadelphia, PA

Roles paying up to $200.00

About the project


Meyer2Meyer Entertainment

Brayden Hade, Casting Director

Member since Apr 28, 2023

5 Jobs posted

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f32fdf No.21208587

File: c3df3702a3355d7⋯.mp4 (9.98 MB,848x592,53:37,qanon_media_push.mp4)


and yet the kitchen and pol clowns are trying to point to someone else, making memes about fat dei female security staff and anything apart from the fact that dhs (department of homeland security) and trumps security team including the local police allowed a vantage point to be scaled and shoot and almost kill Trump in broad daylight because they could not stop him and shut him up.

Garland, makaurunt and kamala stood there on the press conference saying we need to bring back lowered rhetoric

They wanted a civil war and they thought no matter who is next they would be able to control him instead of trump.


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ed83de No.21208588

File: cbaf1625d347ef9⋯.png (1.18 MB,1130x813,1130:813,4276.png)


There was a Titanic song played at 7-13 Rally. "Down She Goes" and all.

Also, Don Jr., "four thousand, two-hundred and seventy-six years in Washington DC" and said it the long way vs forty-two hundred seventy-six, with Q4276 "We do not "get over" a death… We remember.” Along w/Don Jr.'s other statements like "Dumb ways to die, right folks?".. Not sure if any of it was mentioned already.

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b2f197 No.21208589

File: 15e4ab78d428a39⋯.png (1.28 MB,1079x1038,1079:1038,15e4ab78d428a39d12b180d93b….png)

File: c10d1a58653805b⋯.mp4 (197.97 KB,270x480,9:16,CbGWZZeJuFJa.mp4)


Just a few scrapes but nothing else. It sure feels like they're trying to memory hole this guy but if he's the guy then why is Thomas Crooks or his parents not speaking up? The guy in the video sure looks like Crooks to me.

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f32fdf No.21208590


that is just retarded,

she smiled for a split second

ffs retards

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e1041d No.21208591

Get "INSIDE JOB" trending on all socials.



🚨 Watch the real time assassination attempt on Trump from different angles. With countdown from footage of people warning authorities about the shooter to Trump being whisked away.

This is a modal window.

Playback cannot continue. No available working or supported playlists.

11:11 PM • Jul 14, 2024

atch the real time assassination attempt on Trump from different angles.

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8a5d41 No.21208592

File: 2d9816c4a3ce7f9⋯.png (872.24 KB,945x830,189:166,t54n3532.PNG)

Donald Trump’s DJT stock soars 60% after assassination attempt



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42a851 No.21208593

File: 8aa2fe739e16fd1⋯.jpeg (225.98 KB,2100x1115,420:223,IMG_4869.jpeg)

File: 5438da5f80158ba⋯.jpeg (238.47 KB,800x1185,160:237,IMG_4868.jpeg)


Sounds like the plot from the movie “The International” with two assassins. One assassin is a patsy and the other is the actual shooter.

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6649e0 No.21208594

File: 11ed4881e9d8d63⋯.jpg (50.54 KB,640x480,4:3,sddefault.jpg)

Bro Donald needs this for his new security detail..

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dd3209 No.21208595



The hiccups of the roof counter sniper is bizarre. He seemed ready to take the shot, then upsets, then shoots, and then disturbs his tripod for another shot? Per the theory, his only job was to silence the patsy.

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85e31f No.21208596

File: 47b50fd886a03c5⋯.png (725.45 KB,1049x716,1049:716,GSZubmfWMAE9h_D4.png)

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de60e4 No.21208597

File: db37fb7fb97e3d1⋯.png (771.52 KB,610x600,61:60,db37fb7fb97e3d1a2e793673d9….png)

Trump hater's paid a deposit.

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6649e0 No.21208598

File: 228cfee3396a5cd⋯.jpeg (120.3 KB,861x841,861:841,qjcdc9412d7d1.jpeg)

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52bf59 No.21208599

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.




"They actin'"

Must have black boots


Feature Film Casting Call for SWAT Team Members in Georgia by Destination Casting

Posted about 1 year ago


Georgia, United States

Production Type:

TV & Video

Job Type:


Required Skill:





WORK DATES: 6/27, 6/29 & 7/1

- shoots can last -/+ 12 hours/ Must have open availability/ Dates subject to change


- Must have reliable transportation. Locations may be outside of the perimeter.

RATE: $125/12 + ot

- Paid in the form of check via payroll company within 4-6 weeks




Any ethnicity, males and females

Appear ages 21-40/ fit and clean cut looks

Must have black boots


Everything wrong at the capitol


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025a99 No.21208600

File: eed8c3343a8715c⋯.jpg (285.64 KB,1440x1887,480:629,Screenshot_20240715_035201….jpg)

The Secret Service sniper who blew off the head of 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks is a former Navy Seal and among a group of agents who have disavowed illegitimate pResident Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas, and Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, a source in General Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

The nation watched in horror yesterday afternoon as shots rang out at President Trump’s rally in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. Trump had just begun delivering his remarks when Crooks, 400’ outside the security perimeter and atop a roof, fired five rounds, grazing Trump’s ear, a superficial wound, and killing a rallygoer. Two other MAGA were critically wounded.

The Secret Service agent fired on Crooks’ position, reportedly turning his cranium into a hollowed-out canoe.

But it wasn’t the Secret Service or the 35 undercover White Hats who first spotted the suspicious intruder scaling a wall with a rifle slung across his shoulder; rally attendees saw Crooks sneaking around, climbing the building, and bear-crawling across the roof, and had reportedly notified authorities who for reasons easily imagined ignored the threat until the would-be assassin put shots down range.

White Hats, too, have accepted responsibility for failing President Trump and said they should have shown more vigilance in safeguarding him.

“We’ve foiled countless plots to assassinate President Trump over the last several years. We don’t want recognition. It’s our job. We failed yesterday, even though Trump only got zinged in the ear. We deem any MAGA casualties unacceptable. They are patriots. But there’s more to this than meets the eye, and we’re damn sure this weaselly kid didn’t do this on his own,” our source said.

Our source added that White Hats had a drone in the air prior to Trump taking the podium but that it was “hacked” and plummeted to the ground a minute before Crooks started his murderous ascent to his rooftop perch. By the time White Hats realized something had gone amiss, Crooks had fired his weapon, and the Secret Service agent had zeroed in on Crooks and blown his brains out.

“Crooks didn’t hack our drone, that’s for damn sure,” our source said. “Whoever did it knew what they were doing. Hacking a drone isn’t technically difficult for someone with little proficiency. Our radio frequency was encrypted, but hacking or jamming isn’t beyond the Deep State’s abilities.”

He also said White Hats have launched their own investigation because the FBI, the principal investigating agency in matters of attempted assassinations of political figures, cannot be trusted, for it’s part of the Biden regime’s corrupt Department of Homeland Security headed by Christopher Wray and Alejandro Mayorkas, respectively.

“We have no faith in the alphabet agencies, the feds, and for all we know, they might be behind the assassination attempt. That kid could’ve been MK-Ultrad. The Deep State is in panic mode. It’s collapsing. And they desperately want Trump out of the picture, and fast. They know he’s unbeatable, undefeatable,” the source said.

He promised to share additional information as the investigation develops.

“If that bullet was a few millimeters—I don’t want to think about it. If they got Trump, the EBS would’ve gone off, and there’d be open warfare in the streets right now. We don’t want to see that happen. We do want to arrest Mayorkas and Secret Service Director Cheatle; she’s a real bitch. And their time grows short.”

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42a851 No.21208601

File: 31379e5a1a594e3⋯.png (1.78 MB,1080x1134,20:21,Stella_Girl_02_Kek_Moustac….PNG)

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4119a1 No.21208602


I wonder which district she is filing in. As the rape took place in 1993, I assume NY?

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bb1dff No.21208603


Battle Box?

White Hats screwing with his teleprompter again?

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f32fdf No.21208604

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d8d869 No.21208605



Conspiracy =collusion of crooks]

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ed83de No.21208606

File: 7f8ff828d97266f⋯.png (57.43 KB,836x488,209:122,4425.png)


This is potentially the Spice of Life.

https://twitter.com/ArthurSchwartz/status/1268928282990387200 (CNN person w/ direct knowledge: @andersoncooper has been planning a town hall for months)

Full MSDNC blitzkrieg.

Known and ready.

October surprise(s) being prepped and warmed.

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6649e0 No.21208607


Do US SPY SATELLITES not have aerial coverage of the whole event?

Surely there should be AI pattern recognition for snipers and possible suspicious persons on the footage?

Or are there no US satellites stationed overhead?

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eaf183 No.21208608


She is only person who looks to her right

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af9b60 No.21208609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this was useless

Secret Service holds briefing as it investigates Trump rally security after shooting


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00887a No.21208610

File: ab3671e2b6b464d⋯.jpg (143.65 KB,918x540,17:10,Trump_gets_last_laugh.jpg)

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bb1dff No.21208611


> pressure washer happy


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1a0184 No.21208612

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