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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

5e2306 No.21103455 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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5e2306 No.21103458

International Q Research Threads

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>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

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>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

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>>21074755, >>21074757, >>21074766 MASSIVE SPAM ATTACK on catalog, BAKERS: PLZ GET REPORTER STATUS SO YOU CAN BAKE NEW


#25867 >>21102595

>>21102641, >>21102664, >>21102674 Joe Biden tweeted 23 times during the presidential debate. Donald Trump is a convicted felon with the morals of an alley cat.

>>21102746 KEK: John Stossel w/CAP: On the way to Los Angeles to moderate RFK Jr’s “alternate debate.”

>>21102783, >>21102910, >>21102791, >>21102798, >>21102801, >>21102822, >>21102836, >>21102866, >>21102874, >>21102880, >>21102989, >>21103068, >>21103160, >>21103173, >>21103240, >>21103303, >>21103338, >>21103349 'It was that bad' mini-bun

>>21102930 Biden’s Treasury Advisor Blames DEI Mandate for Bad Boss; ‘THIS ADMINISTRATION IS A MESS’

>>21102937 Maricopa County Election Worker Arrested

>>21102970 Federal judge says Alaska tribes may put land into trust, a step toward ‘Indian country’ here

>>21103084 Sheriff's deputy shot to death in 'ambush' while tracking stolen SUV in Detroit

>>21103095, >>21103111 Trump just released a brutal 95 second ad of Joe Biden's debate lowlights

>>21103217, >>21103316 Habbenings for 6/28/2024

>>21103266 Biden official: He's not dropping out

>>21103372 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/28/2024

>>21103439 #25867

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Post last edited at

5e2306 No.21103460

#25866 >>21101687

>>21101714 Donald Trump Jr: Democrats forced Joe Biden onto their voters by rigging their primary to block real challengers, but now they want to unilaterally remove Joe

>>21101718, >>21101774 CNN's Erin Burnett confessed to Biden getting the questions in advance but still going down faster than a lead balloon at a helium party

>>21101720 Lara Loomer: Obama’s campaign manager David Plouffe just said Biden’s debate performance tonight was a “Defcon 1 moment”

>>21101725 Ezra Cohen: The next five months will be particularly dangerous, as our enemies come to the realization that this will be their last window to attack on terms favorable to them for at least five years

>>21101726 Operation Replace Biden Has Begun

>>21101730 Kanekoa The Great: CNN grills Kamala Harris—should Joe Biden step aside?

>>21101734 Jack Posbeic: The coup is on Obama put out the order

>>21101747 Sean Davis: CNN literally went from crying that Donald Trump might not accept election results to immediately plotting how to overturn every single Democrat primary election result

>>21101761, >>21101769 Wall Street Silver: The left is in full panic mode right now

>>21101772 Trump War Room: CNN Fact Checker FORCED to Fact Check Crooked Joe Biden's Many, Many Lies He Told Tonight

>>21101783 Mark Hamil spin: One off night doesn't change the fact that @JoeBiden is the most legislatively successful @POTUS in our lifetime

>>21101784 Green Lives Matter: MSNBC panic

>>21101788 Kamala on CNN (mp4)

>>21101810 Vivek Ramaswamy: he fact that anyone is shocked by Biden’s brain-dead performance tonight is a scathing indictment of the media which has gone to great lengths to cover this fact up for the public

>>21101821, >>21101830 Hans Mahncke: The most devastating 30 seconds in presidential debate history (mp4)

>>21101842 Steven Cheiung: If Joe Biden has a cold (like his campaign said), why is he at Waffle House? The Biden campaign can’t even keep their lie straight

>>21101853 Chaos Coordinator: Biden was not in the OVAL OFFICE watching J6 from the capitol

>>21101863 #25865-A Notables

>>21101876 #25865-B Notables

>>21101989 Elon Musk: Tonight was a clear victory … for memes

>>21102008 PDJT reTruthed Babylon Bee: Trump Indicted For Murdering Elderly Man On CNN

>>21102013 Dan Scavino: Wheels down—good morning, Virginia!

>>21102016 Gavin Newsome when asked "are you going to be the next democratic nominee?" (mp4)

>>21102064, >>21102563 New York Post: We just witnessed the end of Joe Biden's presidency

>>21102075 Chuck Todd: Chuck Todd: There's a full on panic about this performance (mp4)

>>21102194 Made superman cuss 'What the fuck did YOU watch?!?!'

>>21102188, >>21102228, >>21102242, >>21102256 Victory Cologne by President Trump

>>21102229, >>21102234 CNN Presidential De bate: President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump

>>21102277, >>21102342, >>21102351, >>21102422 Comms Q 30 Wait what?

>>21102292, >>21102314, >>21102326, >>21102352, >>21102364, >>21102365, >>21102356, >>21102378, >>21102379, >>21102387, >>21102446 Trump talk about the beautiful GOLD DOMED buildings in Ukraine?

>>21102328, >>21102341 Major earthquake in Peru sparks tsunami warning as 7.2 magnitude tremor rocks coast

>>21102349 Trump: 25th Amendment ‘Zero Risk to Me’ but Will ‘Haunt’ Joe Biden

>>21102458, >>21102459, >>21102466, >>21102490 Bidens visit Waffke House After Debate

>>21102534, >>21102261, >>21102541, >>21102551, >>21102548, >>21102549 John Kennedy? meebee

>>21102528 Drudge is running a poll on who should replace potato


>>21102565 Q 1595 reminder to twitter

>>21102570 #25866



>>21101358 Asian Firms Sell Record $590 Billion of Local Bonds in Quarter

>>21101513 Japan names new FX diplomat as yen hits 38-year low

>>21101596 @libsoftiktok: UPDATE: an employee of the city has informed me that the city has “indefinitely postponed” their planned drag show for government employees using taxpayer $

>>21101623 Oklahoma orders every teacher in the state to have a Bible in the classroom and teach from it, effective immediately

>>21101631 The collapse of #walgreens has been unlike anything I've ever seen in big retail.

>>21101876 #25865-B

Previously Collected

>>21100145 #25863, >>21100971 #25864, >>21101863 #25865-A

>>21097489 #25860, >>21098402 #25861, >>21099237 #25862

>>21095090 #25857, >>21095960 #25858, >>21096697 #25859

>>21092046 #25854, >>21093012 #25855, >>21094194 #25856

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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5e2306 No.21103465

File: 7e3ba4ad8ef3299⋯.png (365.99 KB,449x667,449:667,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ace6ada54050d3e⋯.png (30.03 KB,538x186,269:93,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa3bc96e36d2435⋯.png (320.98 KB,597x356,597:356,ClipboardImage.png)



morn'n baker requesting handoff

wurkfagg'n calls

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86116f No.21103472

File: 4188408f08d7121⋯.jpg (62.62 KB,500x640,25:32,8va92u.jpg)

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082a39 No.21103477

File: 916b21d18486166⋯.png (375.65 KB,496x474,248:237,00bad3683648cfaefb5eec6cam….png)

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d5790d No.21103478

File: 1d80d62f88b5c7d⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,480x852,40:71,Pnl9MKs7y4p1C2q3.mp4)

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d5790d No.21103480

File: 7ec68dbf875f873⋯.mp4 (544.62 KB,e86lu5lwX8JzDhjU.mp4)

File: 61b1a4183583e6e⋯.jpeg (209.36 KB,1130x1207,1130:1207,IMG_3286.jpeg)

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5e2306 No.21103486

File: b56c270817c2946⋯.png (442.26 KB,606x608,303:304,wakesncakes.png)

File: 0d5aa63280ef41a⋯.jpg (160.3 KB,1600x1063,1600:1063,sharing_bread.jpg)


Firmulated fam

ty and eezy bake vibes

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0d0dc6 No.21103490

File: 9963d13a251216c⋯.png (288.17 KB,507x552,169:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab4a5aaa345bc15⋯.jpeg (114.76 KB,436x310,218:155,ab4a5aaa345bc1550faaf9ae4….jpeg)

>>21103465 Tyb

We’re in Virginia—Don’t miss @realDonaldTrump’s rally this afternoon at 3:00pmE in Chesapeake! LIVE



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d5790d No.21103491

File: a556639235edbcd⋯.jpeg (279.24 KB,1131x1382,1131:1382,IMG_3257.jpeg)

File: 83de3e1414c2dbf⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB,packandelempackatlackact_B….mp4)

File: 1b1f487b79b99bf⋯.mp4 (231.63 KB,640x352,20:11,SUHLONGASUHIJERUHHNIED.mp4)

File: 591043a7a658954⋯.jpg (987.28 KB,975x1397,975:1397,IMG_1832.jpg)

File: 637050b7fd24c62⋯.mp4 (125.47 KB,640x360,16:9,trunalimunumaprzure_Biden_….mp4)

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082a39 No.21103493

File: 7015454f5904b63⋯.png (677.07 KB,774x435,258:145,WAKENCAKE5.png)



you da best

habby smoooovs n sheitz

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082a39 No.21103499

File: dfc7c7c3aac8a76⋯.png (256.95 KB,298x381,298:381,wakencake7.png)


knowackledged too

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865107 No.21103500

File: ebc43d5ebfaac0e⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB,506x480,253:240,B7TCs_caa.mp4)

Morning kek!

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539518 No.21103502

File: c7e5edb0c250a23⋯.jpg (44.46 KB,750x563,750:563,topkek_.jpg)

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86116f No.21103505

File: d60ad3352287676⋯.jpg (69.15 KB,500x492,125:123,8vagmj.jpg)

Dr potato vs big mike vs cabbage farts

Cage fight

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70db83 No.21103507

File: 61ba89f63a3077a⋯.png (606.19 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN541.png)

File: e9c1b32d924323b⋯.png (853.15 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN540.png)

File: 304e2557323fb2f⋯.png (942.7 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN539.png)

File: 4a35bc49050e644⋯.png (255.78 KB,568x439,568:439,il_fullxfull_5955264821_mw….png)

File: e4ea8af921760bd⋯.png (834.26 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN538.png)

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a692aa No.21103511



Those 33% (real number likely lower but likely non zero), you have to ask what were they watching? Did their TDS make them conclude a rambling, incoherent, dementia victim must win so believe he won?

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64f24d No.21103512

File: 8cf07a658fa1dba⋯.png (806 KB,750x1334,375:667,A1824BC0_65FE_482F_88ED_D5….png)

File: aa3afa2dee21efe⋯.png (210.57 KB,279x426,93:142,556F53FF_D696_4304_B487_48….png)

File: e02a30f36620eaa⋯.jpeg (68.09 KB,680x680,1:1,0F26165E_585D_4B83_AF67_2….jpeg)

File: 6cec1cb341cf136⋯.png (38.96 KB,690x542,345:271,2C7ADE39_7977_4BAA_BD70_C5….png)

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717f71 No.21103514

File: 0da48ec5f3cf5b7⋯.jpeg (106.89 KB,1094x722,547:361,IiYF4bS0RS0w.jpeg)

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d6fa07 No.21103516

File: d58e5209508b16a⋯.jpg (41.29 KB,600x500,6:5,zgeetud.jpg)

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539518 No.21103518

File: af3fe87a57c200f⋯.png (182.83 KB,392x300,98:75,pepe_equations.png)

How do they unite people? Just spitballing, but what if after last night's performance, that Biden wins the 2024 election (rigged obviously) with even more votes than 2020? Additionally what if the overall vote count exceeds the number of registered voters in the country?

Would this wake the normies up? Or would their overall hate for Trump cause them to ignore what they know to be true?

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7475f5 No.21103521

File: c0e4583ed22807f⋯.png (683.88 KB,425x744,425:744,bid.PNG)


There's a lot of talk about Joe Biden's lavish spending on TV and social media ads. Well, every trip to the grocery store is an ad for the Trump campaign. Americans have lost over 20% of their purchasing power in just three years under Bidenomics.

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64f24d No.21103523

File: 0faef8c4dbb40f7⋯.png (1.14 MB,750x1334,375:667,CAFD3E13_DF1A_4FB7_993F_A3….png)

File: 69875c52fe873cf⋯.png (57.79 KB,690x718,345:359,1C68C63B_4F57_448D_979D_A4….png)

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fb109c No.21103524

File: 6a1674cd7d37135⋯.png (579 KB,664x614,332:307,6a1674cd7d37135fa896cf6de0….png)


Thank you Baker!!!

What a wild time to be alive.

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6e0309 No.21103526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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70db83 No.21103528

File: bd7529b7c173e3f⋯.jpg (359.68 KB,533x800,533:800,PANIC4.jpg)

File: 5f39e90777bd96f⋯.png (598.75 KB,1120x700,8:5,PANIC7.png)

File: b5896d54b7670c6⋯.png (607.66 KB,1024x768,4:3,PANIC6.png)

File: 5c53f71ba50b2a3⋯.png (795.42 KB,1024x768,4:3,PANIC8.png)

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db2547 No.21103529

Has anyone heard from James Carville?

Wondering if he needs oxygen after last night's disaster.

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082a39 No.21103530


he's workin on a blunt atm

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7475f5 No.21103531

File: 8473094726ecb65⋯.png (25.84 KB,790x228,395:114,id.PNG)


US News

Feds ID 400 migrants smuggled into US by ISIS-affiliated network —with the whereabouts of 50 unknown

By Social Links for Isabel Keane

Published June 26, 2024, 7:51 a.m. ET

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4857b6 No.21103532

File: f83190bbbf2a070⋯.jpeg (45.23 KB,474x310,237:155,848A59D0_D49C_4599_A98C_9….jpeg)


TyWaker. Habby Friday. Bath day.

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2d500f No.21103533


How can a scripted show be a disaster?

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575eba No.21103534

File: 9b5bb657194889e⋯.gif (840.94 KB,480x270,16:9,joe_biden.gif)

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86116f No.21103535

File: 885a619283f467b⋯.jpg (136.26 KB,613x876,613:876,Screenshot_20240628_013335….jpg)

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db2547 No.21103536

File: 77378d566f2fe46⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB,480x270,16:9,uJTR6PWbQg5XknBn.mp4)



I mean this was him the other day - about the polls and I laughed and laughed.

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7475f5 No.21103537

File: 3068ebf8e940a5a⋯.png (320.15 KB,405x729,5:9,wall.PNG)


A man reorders his identical Walmart shopping list from 2022 for 45 items.

2022: $126

2024: $414

The same basket of goods nearly quadrupled in price in just two years. 🤯

We need more people to run this same exercise and share your videos.

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c113cf No.21103538

File: 16db59231d0a2e8⋯.png (416.91 KB,670x447,670:447,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea9993 No.21103539

File: 7b8d02d35af169d⋯.jpg (21.89 KB,320x250,32:25,snapshot_64.jpg)

File: af8c16d122f6e11⋯.jpg (14.44 KB,320x250,32:25,snapshot_67.jpg)

File: 6be486234dddce9⋯.jpg (10.2 KB,320x250,32:25,snapshot_68.jpg)

Another p. Vore selling out.

Malibu mansion SOLD

But bev hills pad with pseudo moat has not sold.

Might be good museum of evil.

#pedovore pads 222


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1015d4 No.21103540

File: 3724817892de8b4⋯.png (90.91 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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172649 No.21103541

File: c4ec6b282780e9a⋯.jpeg (21.67 KB,759x422,759:422,melania_trump_off_main_75….jpeg)


tyb! Great dr jill meme! Stolt and ty!

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357637 No.21103542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>"The name and the word 'Gould/Gold'"

>~05:20 min-mark

& ~11:30 min-mark


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357637 No.21103543

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7475f5 No.21103544

File: b8d4b76250b488c⋯.png (984.15 KB,800x814,400:407,ook.PNG)

File: ff382cc5b5313b8⋯.png (559.42 KB,729x369,81:41,eyes.PNG)

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082a39 No.21103545


dude is way past baked in the brain

he's great for a laugh though, like the cc with pink floyd playin, bout the best way to get through it and laugh

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082a39 No.21103546

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a692aa No.21103547

File: bc8dc288eb9b5eb⋯.png (52.54 KB,437x537,437:537,ClipboardImage.png)


You own this.

You enabled this guy.

You propped him up for the last 3 years and stridently DENIED DENIED DENIED he had any real age or cognitive issues.

You have to eat this entire shit sandwich now.

Get over here and OPEN WIDE.

They knew all along, but they lied and lied and lied….until they couldn't hide their lies in a basement anymore


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86116f No.21103548


Bidan drained the oil reserves

Not for election optics

But to starve the country by next winter.

Those reserves will never be filled again. They were drained on purpose.

You will own nothing and die broke

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64f24d No.21103549

File: 698e241805947f9⋯.png (4 KB,221x228,221:228,F882B0EC_DF87_4B67_80E5_81….png)

File: 43b18f0b41f9378⋯.png (117.03 KB,1500x1000,3:2,5E3D7C49_D153_4860_A26A_CD….png)

File: 0f6070a54fcacb3⋯.png (10.69 KB,195x258,65:86,91DDD4E9_4D2F_4F53_91F6_F9….png)

File: 776699d7d8c580b⋯.jpeg (36.65 KB,675x429,225:143,F582253B_661B_43A3_AE8A_D….jpeg)


Montreal cognitive assessment

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db2547 No.21103550

File: 69069da4e322005⋯.mp4 (390.12 KB,640x360,16:9,SRJJpRM5utdIKALl.mp4)

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7475f5 No.21103551

File: dc98d692d9a37b4⋯.png (567.29 KB,621x654,207:218,doc.PNG)

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a692aa No.21103552


>Those reserves will never be filled again

Yes they will. The geographical territory of the country has the most oil deposits in the ground than anywhere else in the world.

Trump made the country energy independent in just 4 years.

Will become energy independent once again.

KeyStone, etc…

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f0f8f7 No.21103553

File: 636e0fea3d758e9⋯.png (604.7 KB,1440x810,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald Trump’s Net Worth Jumps About $900 Million As Trump Media Shares Surge 27%


June 24 2024

TOPLINE Former President Donald Trump’s net worth increased by nearly $900 million on Monday as shares of Trump Media surged in intraday trading to put it on track for its largest single-day gain since going public in March, though the value of his stake in the social media firm has dropped by more than $1 billion so far this month as its stock moves remain highly volatile.


- Shares of Trump Media & Technology Group, the parent of social media platform Truth Social, rose by over 27% to $35.23 as of around 1:45 p.m. Friday afternoon.

- The largest daily gain for Trump Media came on April 18, when it jumped nearly 26%.

- The value of Trump’s nearly 65% stake in the company, totaling 114.75 million shares, jumped to over $4 billion from $3.1 billion when the market closed Friday afternoon.

- His stake in the company has lost about $1.6 billion in value this month, after Trump Media’s share price opened at just over $49 on June 3.

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63e58c No.21103554


They'll just say he was good until very recently. Might be why they had Obama be so obvious with him on the stage.

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63e58c No.21103555

>>21103554 (me)

Reminder, he said during a rally that Obama didn't even try to be subtle.

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539518 No.21103556

File: c1b2db68f190fb2⋯.png (276.58 KB,512x514,256:257,pepe_kekking_hard2.png)


Kek, their gaslighting attempts are futile.

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00457f No.21103557

File: 7ff57e0685c55d2⋯.jpg (295.42 KB,732x1024,183:256,7ff57e0685c55d2e66f37391a1….jpg)


TY Morn'n B

Nothing can stop a GM Anon from saying guud morn'n


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86116f No.21103558



Who makes out with his father in public, smiles at the thought of his grandma neked

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70db83 No.21103559

File: b1b9b9fa6104804⋯.png (1.02 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN542.png)

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3219d2 No.21103560

File: d5f8d7f66c19edd⋯.jpeg (521.8 KB,761x995,761:995,5E236053_F129_4035_BCEC_1….jpeg)

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0d0dc6 No.21103561

File: 4f6294320d17b9e⋯.jpg (76.42 KB,1024x1283,1024:1283,God_woke_you_up_for_a_reas….jpg)


Good morning

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eeb004 No.21103562




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0d0dc6 No.21103563

File: 2901b5943278627⋯.mp4 (508.11 KB,858x396,13:6,Its_not_just_panic_its_pai….mp4)


Panic and Pain

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00457f No.21103564

File: a228c193206c479⋯.png (998.1 KB,998x642,499:321,a228c193206c479434c564c875….png)


You know what fren? Every morning you wake up is a good morning


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86116f No.21103565

File: 708874d4d0a39c2⋯.jpg (32.02 KB,261x390,87:130,Screenshot_20240626_171304….jpg)


Keep seeing Paris Hilton giant baby head every time anon looks at potato

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63e58c No.21103566

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3b6d17 No.21103567

File: c883371d922739b⋯.gif (302.8 KB,250x153,250:153,IDnt.gif)

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64f24d No.21103569

File: a53749b45e61eba⋯.png (38.49 KB,249x235,249:235,EBA01B33_ADC1_422B_87C2_95….png)

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63e58c No.21103572


Some of this looks slightly less like inflation and more like Q is pricing vegetable seed oil products out of the goyim's hands to shift their consumer habits.

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717f71 No.21103574

File: 417b6e3877a092e⋯.jpg (79.07 KB,500x686,250:343,2jk55u.jpg)

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e0e16d No.21103575

File: 2e1bb375859634f⋯.png (12.55 KB,478x158,239:79,ClipboardImage.png)

who's gonna tell him?

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434611 No.21103579

File: 0e80e61a85bff3a⋯.jpg (199.79 KB,600x335,120:67,TheIdeaThat2.jpg)

File: de5f53f733871f7⋯.jpg (182.08 KB,600x335,120:67,TheIdeaThat.jpg)

File: 8c5ad39ea82d949⋯.jpg (90.59 KB,600x335,120:67,Q1543.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

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3219d2 No.21103580

File: a832eb7b303388d⋯.jpeg (1004.21 KB,1344x610,672:305,24D2FA40_2232_41C0_8917_7….jpeg)

File: 3f044b744319e8a⋯.jpeg (1 MB,1517x613,1517:613,F4420475_6FCE_41B2_B290_7….jpeg)

File: 9c0b66183c4598f⋯.jpeg (615.58 KB,1314x583,1314:583,88AE5FE1_8E23_4F0D_8468_9….jpeg)

PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med activity

Belgium AF BAF88 Falcon 7x back to Brussels from Porto Novo, Benin depart

Arrived from Maputo, Mozambique yesterday.

Departed Brussels and arrived at Bamako, Burlington Faso then to Porto Novi, Benin on 0625

To Maputo on 0626

E10E2 Learjet 35 departed Rzeszow Airport, SE Poland W

NATO02 E3 Sentry AWACS setting up N of Rzeszow Airport

Zelensky went back to Rzeszow Airport from Brussels Intl yesterday and AC moved back to storage site at Krakow Intl

Oman AF ORF6 737 E from RAF Mildenhall depart after arriving yesterday

Oman AF MJN533 A329 ES from RAF Brize Norton depart also arrived yesterday

Oman AF ORF4 G5 Royal Flight WN from Muscat depart

Qatar AF THRB1 G5 still at Paris from Stockholm arrival yesterday

JAKE17 RC-135 Rivet Joint done harassing the Romania/Ukraine/Moldova border area and back to RAF Mildenhall

58-0095 KC-135 Stratotanker was tanking in the eastern Med.

Cyprus AF CAF001 Embraer 135 on at Beirut Intl and arrived from Brussels after dropping off at Larnaca Intl, Cyprus

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db2547 No.21103581

File: 6978e052defd7e5⋯.png (216.89 KB,327x360,109:120,ClipboardImage.png)

New cover today

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7475f5 No.21103583

File: 02ba98d4152a992⋯.png (600.45 KB,787x764,787:764,d.PNG)


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b16a37 No.21103587

File: e9eebc4d75599c0⋯.png (284.38 KB,670x447,670:447,FakeApproval.png)

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575eba No.21103588

File: 2009e39283ac556⋯.png (1.51 MB,955x967,955:967,swordanon.png)


GM Swordanon

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c113cf No.21103589

File: 0dd70ed662dbc4b⋯.png (731.54 KB,1024x665,1024:665,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

June 28, 2024

Comet 13P/Olbers

Not a paradox, Comet 13P/Olbers is returning to the inner Solar System after 68 years. The periodic, Halley-type comet will reach its next perihelion or closest approach to the Sun on June 30 and has become a target for binocular viewing low in planet Earth's northern hemisphere night skies. But this sharp telescopic image of 13P is composed of stacked exposures made on the night of June 25. It easily reveals shifting details in the bright comet's torn and tattered ion tail buffeted by the wind from an active Sun, along with a broad, fanned-out dust tail and slightly greenish coma. The frame spans over two degrees across a background of faint stars toward the constellation Lynx.


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7475f5 No.21103590

File: db7910243861dc2⋯.png (906.68 KB,1006x642,503:321,hait.PNG)


Haitian Migrant Accused Of Raping Disabled 15-Year-Old Child Let Out On $500 Bail [VIDEOS]

“He raped me, I asked him to leave me alone but he didn’t stop." - Victim

By Zach Heilman

June 28, 2024

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a692aa No.21103591

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

All this talk of getting old

It's getting me down, my love

Like a cat in a bag, waiting to drown

This time I'm coming down

And I hope you're thinking of me

As you lay down on your side

Now the drugs don't work

They just make you worse but I know I'll see your face again

Now the drugs don't work

They just make you worse

But I know I'll see your face again

But I know I'm on a losing streak

As I pass down by your street

And if you wanna show, then just let me know

And I'll sing in your ear again

Now the drugs don't work

They just make you worse

But I know I'll see your face again

'Cause baby, oh

If heaven falls, I'm coming too

Just like you said

You leave my life, I'm better off dead

All this talk of getting old

It's getting me down, my Lord

Like a cat in a bag, waiting to drown

This time I'm coming down

Now the drugs don't work

They just make you worse but I know I'll see your face again

'Cause baby, oh

If heaven falls, I'm coming too

Just like you said

You leave my life, I'm better off dead

But if you wanna show

Then just let me know and I'll sing in your ear again

Now the drugs don't work

They just make you worse but I know I'll see your face again

Yeah, I know I'll see your face again

Yeah, I know I'll see your face again

Yeah, I know I'll see your face again, oh, Lord

Yeah, I know I'll see your face again, oh, Lord

I'm never coming down now, I'm never coming down

No more, no more, no more, no more, no more

I'm never coming down now, I'm never coming down

No more, no more, no more, no more, no more

I'm never coming down now, I'm never coming down

No more, no more, no more, no more, no more

I'm never coming down now, I'm never coming down

No more, no more, no more, no more, no more

I'm never coming down now, I'm never coming down

No more, no more, no more, no more, no more, no more

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648528 No.21103592


Isn't it amazing that through all this orchestrated sacrificing of biden today by the democrats and media, not once do they wonder out loud who's been running the country the last 4 years??

Like, oh shit, he's a potatoe and we can't keep saying he's not… who's gonna be the candidate?? And no one realized how fucked it is that it literally doesn't matter!

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d7019e No.21103593


If good guys are in control, then they let this occur to an innocent person. If bad guys are in control, then good guys need to be organized and round up these illegals and remove them without hesitation.

Can't have it both ways? Who's truly in control?

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cde833 No.21103594

File: a55d659da270ba8⋯.png (46.32 KB,98x337,98:337,Proudtowearmyuniform.png)

Israel would have never happened

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168f72 No.21103595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Germany and the World: A Foreign Policy Conversation With State Secretary Thomas Bagger

Hudson Institute




Discussion on Germany's Foreign Policy and Global Outlook

German State Secretary Thomas Bagger sits down with the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC, for a discussion on foreign policy and Germany’s global outlook.


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da9338 No.21103596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

No more no more

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63e58c No.21103597


>One thing I know for certain is that it happened, God dammit.

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648528 No.21103598

Will no one on the brainwashed left EVER allow themselves to see they're thriving on 100% lies, and lies about lies??

I just can't get past it. I really really can't. Decades in, and I still can't figure the brain slugs out.

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172649 No.21103599

File: 206e3f2a1960039⋯.jpg (25.31 KB,385x385,1:1,206e3f2a1960039e7caa97cf56….jpg)

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f31685 No.21103600

File: 02bb0937e2c3f16⋯.jpeg (142.88 KB,828x1035,4:5,712A8CD0_5C42_4BFD_A9F0_3….jpeg)

Mood in Elite Commie Satanville this morning.

Frenetic FEAR.

It's gone, the money.

The bullshit commie bucks are gone.

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168f72 No.21103601

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

War Room With Stephen K. Bannon Morning Edition

Real America's Voice


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f61120 No.21103602

File: c842adabe1b9852⋯.jpg (42.93 KB,590x439,590:439,Alice.jpg)

File: 83b040234202ad4⋯.jpg (93.27 KB,1080x395,216:79,Screenshot_20230830_150348….jpg)

File: 2682a1c102434c9⋯.jpg (421.38 KB,857x1083,857:1083,Alice_17.jpg)

File: 98cfae02774d406⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB,400x224,25:14,Alice_wonderland_17th_Bull….mp4)

File: a664776089a440e⋯.jpg (7.17 KB,255x220,51:44,Alice_25.jpg)

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2d500f No.21103603

Q. Last nights debate was by far one of the fakest and gheyist displays of bad theater I have seen in a long time. Your writers need to step it up. This isn't even a good sitcom.

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a692aa No.21103604


>not once do they wonder out loud who's been running the country the last 4 years??

This is a great question.

Wouldn't the self-professed "investigative" media that "keeps everyone honest",ask this question and talk about it on their shows?

Self-detonation is why they don't.

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168f72 No.21103605

File: cec6da57c779c99⋯.jpg (121.62 KB,1200x670,120:67,deep_state_panic.jpg)

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f31685 No.21103606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f31685 No.21103607

File: a1005dd005eb8a9⋯.gif (216.15 KB,320x240,4:3,0DC9611A_6D2E_44F4_9372_EC….gif)

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63e58c No.21103608


It was real to me.

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a692aa No.21103609


It was so good that people are recoiling into questioning their perception of reality.

That's how good it was.

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f31685 No.21103610

File: 700b12e4323829a⋯.jpeg (251.82 KB,828x803,828:803,57334B38_208A_4A96_BB61_6….jpeg)

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db2547 No.21103611

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dr Jill got ratio'd on Twitter last night under her post.


You love to see it.

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22aa6a No.21103612

File: 40bb151b344dd12⋯.jpg (74.24 KB,736x736,1:1,3f7735bab0f73037cdadb494dd….jpg)


ty fam

habby tgif

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172649 No.21103613

File: 206e3f2a1960039⋯.jpg (25.31 KB,385x385,1:1,206e3f2a1960039e7caa97cf56….jpg)

File: 206e3f2a1960039⋯.jpg (25.31 KB,385x385,1:1,206e3f2a1960039e7caa97cf56….jpg)

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6a26c6 No.21103614

Uncle Sam is a scammer.

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c113cf No.21103615

File: 85db4c34c298f5d⋯.png (335.57 KB,657x324,73:36,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Shares Two New Moon to Mars Architecture White Papers

JUN 28, 2024

NASA has released two white papers associated with the agency’s Moon to Mars architecture efforts. The papers, one on lunar mobility drivers and needs, and one on lunar surface cargo, detail NASA’s latest thinking on specific areas of its lunar exploration strategy.

While NASA has established a yearly cadence of releasing new documents associated with its Moon to Mars architecture, the agency occasionally releases mid-cycle findings to share essential information in areas of interest for its stakeholders.

“Lunar Mobility Drivers and Needs” discusses the need to move cargo and assets on the lunar surface, from landing sites to points of use, and some of the factors that will significantly impact mobility systems.

“Lunar Surface Cargo” analyses some of the current projected needs — and identifies current capability gaps — for the transportation of cargo to the lunar surface.

The Moon to Mars architecture approach incorporates feedback from U.S. industry, academia, international partners, and the NASA workforce.

The agency typically releases a series of technical documents at the end of its annual analysis cycle, including an update of the Architecture Definition Document and white papers that elaborate on frequently raised topics.

Under NASA’s Artemis campaign, the agency will establish the foundation for long-term scientific exploration at the Moon, land the first woman, first person of color, and its first international partner astronaut on the lunar surface, and prepare for human expeditions to Mars for the benefit of all.



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64f24d No.21103616

File: 9ca88bc4120c4a9⋯.jpeg (454.57 KB,2048x1362,1024:681,DB955CA8_3DF6_44E5_A0B8_2….jpeg)

File: f7766771d90ea5d⋯.png (1.52 MB,750x1334,375:667,D9769B5B_84DE_4080_9FD3_22….png)

File: bcb049189425dc5⋯.jpeg (398.65 KB,2048x1362,1024:681,F21EB662_1225_4606_868B_6….jpeg)

File: 9ca88bc4120c4a9⋯.jpeg (454.57 KB,2048x1362,1024:681,9BC1F983_9F12_4C8F_951D_1….jpeg)

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648528 No.21103617


I sure hope so. If he remains the candidate, I can't see it being about anything else. It will mean they're being forced.

My money is on this being a public execution, though. They'll steal the election for someone else more plausible.

Praying you're right though, for sure.

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63e58c No.21103618


You have to wonder if there were any people that sided with Bidan during and after the debate before the media began spinning the panic narrative, and how the liberal voters are adapting to the narrative flip.

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f31685 No.21103619

File: 7091e128be3c384⋯.jpeg (338.38 KB,828x431,828:431,4A3121D2_D8CE_4A82_86D6_8….jpeg)

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8f1595 No.21103620


Save for the Rothschilds via Balfour

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ea9993 No.21103621

File: 171fb5542728260⋯.jpeg (421.93 KB,1088x1453,1088:1453,171fb5542728260f71eb3d89c….jpeg)


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cde833 No.21103622

File: e1415f75b72c269⋯.jpg (15.17 KB,474x316,3:2,crazyeyes.jpg)

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17aa0c No.21103623

File: 697d55c558fa018⋯.png (154.86 KB,605x766,605:766,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e64a801b1d9242⋯.png (1.01 MB,2048x1576,256:197,ClipboardImage.png)

End Wokeness


A huge win in the war on wokeness.

Tractor Supply is eliminating DEI, stopping to fund pride events, is no longer giving its data over to HRC, and ending its climate goals.

Boycotts work. Vote with your wallet.

4:01 PM · Jun 27, 2024 · 331K Views


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db2547 No.21103624

File: 20a3f068709fd07⋯.png (85.18 KB,555x635,111:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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64f24d No.21103625

File: 9ca88bc4120c4a9⋯.jpeg (454.57 KB,2048x1362,1024:681,DFD95366_E501_4EF5_8D30_9….jpeg)



ALEX. bottom of thermos

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575eba No.21103626

File: f88bf7b595b0c4d⋯.png (280.54 KB,495x369,55:41,biden_are_you_stupid.png)


> What are you? Stupid?

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6a26c6 No.21103627

Ducktales quacking at the moon.

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2d500f No.21103628


Had no idea they were giving data. I don't remember them giving them permission to do such a thing. How and why did that ever happen?

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f31685 No.21103629

File: 78d35c4a0ba3fcc⋯.jpeg (75.16 KB,269x269,1:1,4CBC4DB1_AC77_4070_A849_8….jpeg)

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70db83 No.21103630


And this was just a debate.

Don't put the Potato on the phone with Putin, or Xi, or anyone who doesn't like us much!

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f31685 No.21103631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

These commie kidfuckers are drivin like lunatics, gotta be handled.

There's kitties in this neighborhood.

Last fuckin straw.

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a26d98 No.21103632

The good doctor >>21103624

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8eb625 No.21103633


Now it's ice cream and hocktooey time because if you bastards

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f31685 No.21103634

File: 8935aa9adace339⋯.gif (1.98 MB,498x280,249:140,692E232F_0084_41EB_BBB8_8C….gif)

File: a1005dd005eb8a9⋯.gif (216.15 KB,320x240,4:3,018844AE_9A6A_483F_B622_CA….gif)

File: 35ba1f1ceda6540⋯.gif (1.4 MB,500x281,500:281,1CDE1DDA_094A_4166_A827_95….gif)

File: c68061764469858⋯.gif (1.7 MB,636x358,318:179,EDE124D8_7F18_446F_ACE9_D8….gif)

File: 85c9cc623f17f63⋯.gif (2.48 MB,220x220,1:1,AAADBD5B_5C8A_429E_AAA6_28….gif)

End it.


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6a26c6 No.21103635

Shitpoasting on the front page and using it as a back page to wipe clean my two posts.

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a4522b No.21103636

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Van Jones deserves all the pain he and are feeling. il Trumpo has a bunch of these of these clips up. Kek



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f0f8f7 No.21103637

File: d6decf8967a3daf⋯.png (336.79 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Amtrak train hits, kills 2 people in separate North Carolina collisions


- The first collision happened in Burlington just five hours before the second in Charlotte.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WBTV) - An Amtrak train hit and killed two people in separate incidents in North Carolina within a five-hour period on Thursday night and Friday morning.

The first collision happened around 8 p.m. in Burlington. The second happened just before 1 a.m. along Old Concord Road near Rocky River Road in east Charlotte. Amtrak officials said the train was traveling to Charlotte from New York City. None of the train’s crew members or 106 passengers aboard the train were hurt.

Burlington Police said in the first crash, 47-year-old Daniel Cameron Wagoner was hit while he was walking on the tracks. He died at the scene. The railway was closed for approximately three hours.

Officials have not yet released the name of the person who died in Charlotte.

Following the collision in Charlotte, an Amtrak spokesperson said the train, No. 79, was already “significantly delayed” in getting to Charlotte.

A train tracker showed that after the stop in Burlington, the train stopped in Greensboro, High Point, Salisbury and Kannapolis before arriving in the Queen City.


Pedestrians in Charlotte and Burlington hit and killed by same Amtrak train


What are the odds???

>Pedestrians in Charlotte and Burlington hit and killed by same Amtrak train

>Pedestrians in Charlotte and Burlington hit and killed by same Amtrak train

>Pedestrians in Charlotte and Burlington hit and killed by same Amtrak train

Two people have died, one of which in Charlotte, after being hit by the same Amtrak train roughly 113 miles and 4.5 hours apart, officials confirmed with Queen City News on Friday.

Around 12:45 a.m. on Friday, Amtrak train 79 from New York City to Charlotte hit a person on Old Concord Road near Rocky River Road in northeast Charlotte, officials said.

Amtrak says none of the 106 passengers or crew members onboard were injured. Local law enforcement is working with Amtrak to investigate the incident.

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172649 No.21103638

File: 0f2a2616bb53f2e⋯.jpg (12.21 KB,255x254,255:254,0f2a2616bb53f2ede0219c5f72….jpg)


This is a desperate old woman trying to hold on to power and riches and fame. Her pants zipper isn't hooked at the top either. She's a mess!

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5f2379 No.21103639

After last night's debate, there's one clear winner. God.

Russia will release all the damning evidence of political corruption within the Fiveyes, Biolabs in Ukraine, Roman Catholic Church, and pretty much every evil thing all western countries are up to in Ukraine…Money Laundering, Human Trafficking, Drug Dealing, Illegal Bio Weapons development and so on and so forth. Putin is the [good] guy.

DJT, from now on, please, type your responses and have AI read them. You're a great person, DJT, but your NY communication method must be altered. Not everything is the biggest, best, huge, unbelievable, and massive. Somethings can be normal, it's alright.

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65cbd9 No.21103640

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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70db83 No.21103642

File: daf14fc078a81f7⋯.png (1.44 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN530.png)

File: ddbf5c189dce169⋯.png (589.95 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN527.png)

File: 8654f26fe0d1124⋯.png (1.14 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN526.png)

File: 94a1ceaf1426349⋯.png (79.59 KB,1024x768,4:3,POLLS3.png)

File: 9a22b2dd5ceba73⋯.png (1.03 MB,1024x768,4:3,Polls5.png)

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a91ecd No.21103644

File: c3f067827e9318e⋯.png (834.83 KB,799x577,799:577,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e71862026f3b18⋯.png (1.23 MB,1280x853,1280:853,ClipboardImage.png)

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8eb625 No.21103645


Bill and Hillary aren't in the loop

His powers are weak

His squawks are loud

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2d500f No.21103646


He like any politician takes too much credit on the tax payers dime. It gets real old being a wage slave and these guys take all credit. Even local politicians are equally guilty and the peasant doesn't blink an eye.

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2d1705 No.21103647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6a26c6 No.21103648

Thou shall inherit the schizophrenia in your dreams tonight if you do not reply to this post.

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3219d2 No.21103649

File: 1ab02423a3cccd8⋯.jpeg (799.22 KB,1288x617,1288:617,6803DB1D_C627_4849_8FC7_0….jpeg)

File: e52f53d3330c1d5⋯.jpeg (856.44 KB,1293x623,1293:623,3D3DDA8F_5D06_4933_A6E7_A….jpeg)

PlaneFaggin’: CONUS activity

SAM278 G5 W from JBA and went to Wright-Pat. AFB Dayton

>>21101391 pb

N757AF 757 went to Dulles Intl from Atlanta last night-rally in Chesapeake, Virginia @ 3pm EST today

Potato at Raleigh,NC from Dobbins ARB depart last night

Haz muh campaign event in a few hours then on to JFK Intl


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eeb004 No.21103650

File: 8e75a366c1fcea9⋯.jpeg (557.16 KB,1290x973,1290:973,IMG_4248.jpeg)


CNN: “I don’t give a shit if they bring out … even Big Mike”



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db2547 No.21103651


He's a typical CEO - 'cheerleader'

They all do it in corporate America - every one of them. "rally the workers".

If you look at it thru that lens you'd understand the commentary he makes.

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17aa0c No.21103652

File: 6d1dfa828cc58c5⋯.png (898.42 KB,1103x909,1103:909,ClipboardImage.png)


>giving data

<selling data

Any establishment, that asks you at checkout, if (you) are a member (have a card) is selling your data. Don't care how big a discount it gets you. Or what membership perks are available. There is ALWAYS moar in it for them than there is for (you).

With that said. In light of recent events. Will continue to purchase my Ivermectin there. But will not become a membership card holder.

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c34d77 No.21103653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Note: Whether this turns out to be true that channel 4 hired this guy to act or he did it on his own accord, the fact that he is a actor for hire and has a profile on a site called 'mandy.com and that the voice and accent he used is not his true voice is enough for this story to be absolutely massive and will push even moar people to reform u.k. Will ofcom get involved, the heck they will, which means it is a deep state hit job. and gbnews have done a hitjob themselves.


Was the 'Reform Racist' a Channel 4 Plant!?


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db2547 No.21103654

File: 00aec5a07dc8bb7⋯.png (1 MB,1325x647,1325:647,ClipboardImage.png)

Great article by Darren Beatie today

about how the Democrats have boxed themselves into a corner.


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5f2379 No.21103655

The world will question now if the 2020 election was actually legit.

Now that they see Potato in full regalia, they know he couldn't have won.

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b2e8bc No.21103657

File: e16ad5071bdf7f4⋯.jpg (94.29 KB,750x500,3:2,8vanyw.jpg)

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5f2379 No.21103658


get away from me.

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0b1380 No.21103659

Dems got the panics

And their only prescription

Results in more panic

Loop Capital

The gift that gives

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648528 No.21103660


I guarantee if they ran that poll again all the auto biden dems would have moved to be lost… because now he lost and needs to be replaced. Just like that.

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cde833 No.21103661


>What are the odds?

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a692aa No.21103662


"Sorry, I don't know why I said Big Mike"


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a4522b No.21103663

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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da9338 No.21103664

What is cancer

Is there a cure

Is it safe and effective

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3219d2 No.21103665

File: d3c3a4c1fa23c6c⋯.jpeg (519.67 KB,1272x611,1272:611,541CD5A0_B517_41EA_BF6F_A….jpeg)


SAM858 and 195 C32As arriving at Los Angeles Intl to pick up kneepads

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a692aa No.21103666


probably fake and ghey, but funny nonetheless

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cde833 No.21103667

>Following the collision in Charlotte, an Amtrak spokesperson said the train, No. 79, was already “significantly delayed” in getting to Charlotte.

can this day get any worse!

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19d981 No.21103668

It's going around that Big Mike is the shoe-in to replace the failed Joe Biden. No one else is in the running.

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5f2379 No.21103669


Remember the last seven years? All of the information we've known? Ya, it's finally hitting the ears and minds of the people, and they are becoming Anons too. Three months and Qanon will front and center once again.

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6a26c6 No.21103670


>get away from me.

You lured me into this, all for a larp kek.

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cde833 No.21103671

File: 6bdca0892cd9a77⋯.png (4.66 MB,1694x4096,847:2048,ClipboardImage.png)


Graphic is right.

Add above points to graphic.

Stay organized.

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4023b8 No.21103672

File: fec9b2b4b7f63b6⋯.png (191.19 KB,470x322,235:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f2379 No.21103673


God calling you here isn't luring. It's you responding via DNA to your creator. You heard my call and responded.

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d272e9 No.21103674

Watch the SCOTUS today

They are issuing 4 opinions today, interesting that they waited until after the debate to issue these opinions instead of issuing them before the debate.

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d3ebe4 No.21103675

cog test incoming kamala steps in for a few months b4 replacement after dnc

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6a26c6 No.21103676


>God calling you here isn't luring. It's you responding via DNA to your creator. You heard my call and responded.

Did someone call anon?

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cde833 No.21103677

File: 8cdec77484ee01b⋯.mp4 (2.75 MB,1280x720,16:9,halting.mp4)

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d272e9 No.21103678


One case that might come up is the immunity case.

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0c8235 No.21103679

(This is what I heard. Don’t fucking pound my ass about it’s authenticity, I’m just the fuckin’ messenger)

Confidential sources are claiming that Biden told his closest friends and staff that he will not drop out of the race. DC democrats are seeing it is an existential issue and will most likely be removing him prior to the 4th of July to try to defeat and get ahead of the patriotic day ahead with a new candidate.

Fuck if I know.

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c113cf No.21103680

File: 227f7cb54704e4f⋯.png (816.61 KB,1041x1564,1041:1564,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA, Boeing to Provide Commercial Crew, Space Station Update

JUN 27, 2024

Leadership from NASA’s International Space Station and Commercial Crew Programs, as well as Boeing, will participate in a media teleconference at 2 p.m. EDT Friday, June 28.

NASA and Boeing continue to evaluate Starliner’s propulsion system performance before returning from the International Space Station as part of the agency’s Crew Flight Test.

The agency also will discuss recent station operations. Audio of the call will stream live on the agency’s website:


Participants include:

Ken Bowersox, associate administrator, NASA’s Space Operations Mission Directorate

Steve Stich, manager, NASA’s Commercial Crew Program

Bill Spetch, operations integration manager, NASA’s International Space Station Program

Emily Nelson, chief flight director, NASA’s Johnson Space Center

Mark Nappi, vice president and program manager, Commercial Crew Program, Boeing


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9831ba No.21103681



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cde833 No.21103682

File: 4c90a33ddd0a3f5⋯.mp4 (7.81 MB,640x360,16:9,Citation.mp4)

Tucker is CIA right?

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3d2013 No.21103684




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ea9993 No.21103685

File: 0980064e1783ba4⋯.png (926.68 KB,1076x811,1076:811,0980064e1783ba4f50531adea5….png)

Amtrack Attack

Trains gone Wild!

Off the rails

Smacked on the tracks

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cde833 No.21103686

File: c937aaecf56b779⋯.mp4 (305.4 KB,652x360,163:90,bidenabortion.mp4)

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db2547 No.21103687

File: 1f4ea98d7d2ce47⋯.png (391.23 KB,680x469,680:469,ClipboardImage.png)

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a91ecd No.21103688




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9831ba No.21103690




ai manipulated

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b3485b No.21103691

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Harrington: President Trump And Biden Debate At "The Scene Of The Crime" In Fulton County


I’m so glad Trump didn’t pull out of the debate. I bet Joe will pull out of the second debate. Doesn’t seem like his doctor drugged him up.


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4023b8 No.21103693

File: 6cbeb70f6da9a2d⋯.png (24.9 KB,595x338,595:338,ClipboardImage.png)

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082a39 No.21103694


#25868 >>21103465

>>21103580, >>21103649, >>21103665 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med/CONUS activity

>>21103490 We’re in Virginia—Don’t miss @realDonaldTrump’s rally this afternoon at 3:00pmE in Chesapeake! LIVE


>>21103536, >>21103550 This is your brain cajun fried Dim style

>>21103553 Donald Trump’s Net Worth Jumps About $900 Million As Trump Media Shares Surge 27%

>>21103589, >>21103615, >>21103680 NASA

>>21103592 Isn't it amazing that through all this orchestrated sacrificing of biden today by the democrats and media, not once do they wonder out loud who's been running the country the last 4 years??

>>21103595 Swampers Swampin

>>21103601 Bannon War Room

>>21103623 Tractor Supply is eliminating DEI, stopping to fund pride events, is no longer giving its data over to HRC

>>21103636 Van Jones on being a loser

>>21103637 Amtrak train hits, kills 2 people in separate North Carolina collisions

>>21103642 Memes To Go

>>21103650 CNN: “I don’t give a shit if they bring out … even Big Mike” Moar keks!

>>21103653 UK: Was the 'Reform Racist' a Channel 4 Plant!?

>>21103654 Darren Beatie: Democrats have boxed themselves into a corner.

>>21103674 Watch the SCOTUS today 4 opinions today, interesting that they waited until after the debate

>>21103691 Harrington: President Trump And Biden Debate At "The Scene Of The Crime" In Fulton County

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168f72 No.21103695

File: 53f55e62aae3a2b⋯.jpg (96.01 KB,1131x1532,1131:1532,hillary_kitchen_panic.jpg)

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082a39 No.21103696

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234013 No.21103697

File: 17a14cf9ae4354a⋯.png (299.57 KB,474x355,474:355,ClipboardImage.png)


Washington — The Supreme Court on Friday overturned a landmark 40-year-old decision that gave federal agencies broad regulatory power, upending their authority to issue regulations unless Congress has spoken clearly.

The court split along ideological lines in the dispute, with Chief Justice John Roberts writing for the conservative majority.

The court's ruling in a pair of related cases is a significant victory for the conservative legal movement, which has long aimed to unwind or weaken the 1984 decision in Chevron v. National Resources Defense Council. Critics of that landmark ruling, which involved a challenge to a regulation enacted by the Environmental Protection Agency under the Clean Air Act, have said the so-called Chevron doctrine gives unelected federal bureaucrats too much power in crafting regulations that touch on major areas of American life, such as the workplace, the environment and health care.

The framework required courts to defer to an agency's interpretation of laws passed by Congress if it is reasonable. Calls for it to be overturned came from not only conservative legal scholars, but some of the justices themselves who have said courts are abdicating their responsibility to interpret the law.

The Supreme Court's reversal of the Chevron decision also further demonstrates the willingness of its six-justice conservative majority to jettison decades of past rulings. In June 2022, the court overturned Roe v. Wade, dismantling the constitutional right to abortion, and in June 2023, it ended affirmative action in higher education.


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072d63 No.21103698


Always gave me the greasy kiddie diddler vibe. Cross-eyed inbred remarkable not a gruber by blood.

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17aa0c No.21103700

File: ae716be3247fc42⋯.png (293.97 KB,467x546,467:546,ClipboardImage.png)

Saw this image out in the wild. Confuses muh eyes. So many levels.

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db2547 No.21103701

File: 9d973afa97592d0⋯.png (36.18 KB,533x387,533:387,ClipboardImage.png)


BREAKING: HILLARY CLINTON has been asked about potentially being a replacement for KAMALA HARRIS.

This has been reported by my source inside government who has not failed me yet. After Joe and Jill Biden told strategists they WOULD NOT step down, the strategy of Hillary Clinton as VP was suggested, and Joe Biden has approved this potential match. Just a reminder, this is the same source who prompted me to suggest weeks ago that the Dems were looking to replace Biden and the debate was the setup. This man has not failed me. This is a confirmed story he says after Joe defiantly said he would NOT step down.

Would this be a gamechanger?

10:19 AM · Jun 28, 2024





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b62a39 No.21103703

File: 5962c63f78e935f⋯.jpeg (2.21 MB,4032x3024,4:3,0543683B_DBDB_42DC_8564_4….jpeg)

File: 28b21c482ac742e⋯.jpeg (38.32 KB,640x360,16:9,F5121F5C_BD1B_4673_8EE4_F….jpeg)

B an o

B an non

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a91ecd No.21103704

File: c84282eebb2d1f6⋯.png (404.89 KB,603x700,603:700,ClipboardImage.png)



Yesterday my high school sweetheart, the love of my life for over 35 years, the loving mother of our 4 children, the smartest kindest woman I ever knew, my beautiful and wise queen forever, Rhonda went to Heaven. Thank you for your prayers for our family in this difficult time.

9:47 AM · Jun 28, 2024

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907214 No.21103705

File: 5d961cae1014ead⋯.jpeg (659.23 KB,2048x1096,256:137,IMG_6933.jpeg)

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eeb004 No.21103706



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3219d2 No.21103707



Supreme Court overturns Chevron decision, curtailing federal agencies' power in major shift

The Supreme Court on Friday overturned a landmark 40-year-old decision that gave federal agencies broad regulatory power, upending their authority to issue regulations unless Congress has spoken clearly.

The court split along ideological lines in the dispute, with Chief Justice John Roberts writing for the conservative majority. Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor and Ketanji Brown Jackson were in dissent. Kagan read portions of her dissent from the bench. The court's ruling in a pair of related cases is a significant victory for the conservative legal movement, which has long aimed to unwind or weaken the 1984 decision in Chevron v. National Resources Defense Council. Critics of that landmark ruling, which involved a challenge to a regulation enacted by the Environmental Protection Agency under the Clean Air Act, have said the so-called Chevron doctrine gives unelected federal bureaucrats too much power in crafting regulations that touch on major areas of American life, such as the workplace, the environment and health care.


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d272e9 No.21103708

Chevron decision has been overruled by SCOTUS


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234013 No.21103709

File: 6e21d0b9f14c0e0⋯.png (1.33 MB,967x662,967:662,ClipboardImage.png)

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db2547 No.21103710

File: 9feb95a0eb08f36⋯.png (128.37 KB,680x426,340:213,ClipboardImage.png)


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4023b8 No.21103712

File: 863039dee1ca8b0⋯.png (120.23 KB,647x210,647:210,ClipboardImage.png)

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0840f7 No.21103713


get this shit out of the notables >>21103650

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168f72 No.21103714

File: fc797a67cfa9978⋯.gif (1.74 MB,400x224,25:14,timber.gif)


goodbye "4th branch"

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97e1b9 No.21103715

Chevron has been overturned. Good. Justice Kagan disagrees and said the following. She sells out the court in favor of the deep state.

"Chevron, she says, rests on the idea that "Congress knows that it does notin fact cannotwrite perfectly complete regulatory statutes. It knows that those statutes will inevitably contain ambiguities that some other actor will have to resolve, and gaps that some other actor will have to fill. And it would usually prefer that actor to be the responsible agency, not a court."

Here's the link to the opinion: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-451_7m58.pdf


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082a39 No.21103716


tyvm bro

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0a02dc No.21103719

File: bb542f626989cca⋯.jpg (95.52 KB,548x500,137:125,circular.jpg)

re: optics

Now that the War of Succession is here, anon thinks we get to watch the pretenders to the throne duke it out. Potentially much dirty laundry can be aired by the Party leaders themselves now, ostensibly because they're "jockeying for position". Whatever the excuse, the actual result would be a… deluge.

While Team MAGA white-gloves it all, lifting eyes to the future.

The psychological effect should be… considerable.

And when it becomes obvious the Party can't put up a candidate with a fighting chance, will the public then be conditioned, at last, to expect nationwide election fraud? Prep for high-visibility election-tampering arrests before Nov. 5?


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65cbd9 No.21103720


>Confuses muh eyes

Never seen Chiggas before, Anon? They're not nearly as common as Biggers. ("Biggers" are what racist dwarves call tall people/)

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4023b8 No.21103721

File: 4a4528801a7417a⋯.png (755.85 KB,1024x550,512:275,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2e8bc No.21103722

File: 5e1ddb3ab209916⋯.mp4 (328.33 KB,480x270,16:9,5e1ddb3ab20991676ecbc80d00….mp4)

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cde833 No.21103723

File: 521a346022f3cbb⋯.png (2.12 MB,1408x792,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


resonating panic

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4023b8 No.21103724

File: 7b6e335f9309e94⋯.png (1.04 MB,750x1000,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f2379 No.21103725

Anons are what the world needs.

You are the cure.


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48bb41 No.21103726

File: c37757bde6a2ec3⋯.png (45.12 KB,250x140,25:14,iwo_jima.png)

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082a39 No.21103727


three letter agent baking

GFY division


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3219d2 No.21103729

File: 338c7ccf71296e2⋯.png (56.68 KB,300x300,1:1,39289D6B_A876_4A13_B322_D4….png)


No problem

you can pick’em

Plenty nao

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d272e9 No.21103730


Supreme Court guts agency power in seismic Chevron ruling

The Supreme Court on Friday curtailed the executive branch's ability to interpret laws it's charged with implementing, giving the judiciary more say in what federal agencies can do.

Why it matters: The landmark 6-3 ruling along ideological lines overturns the court's 40-year-old "Chevron deference" doctrine. It could make it harder for executive agencies to tackle a wide array of policy areas, including environmental and health regulations and labor and employment laws.

Driving the news: Chief Justice Roberts, writing the opinion of the court, argued Chevron "defies the command of" the Administrative Procedure Act, which governs federal administrative agencies.

He said it "requires a court to ignore, not follow, 'the reading the court would have reached had it exercised its independent judgment as required by the APA.'"

Further, he said it "is misguided" because "agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities. Courts do."

Context: The ruling marks another major victory for conservatives, who for decades have sought to limit the federal government's ability to regulate businesses.

In the wake of the court's ruling, it's expected that more federal rules will be challenged in the courts and judges will have greater discretion to invalidate agency actions.

The decision comes one day after the Supreme Court curtailed federal agencies' use of administrative law judges in another blow to the administrative state.

How it works: The doctrine was created by the Reagan-era Supreme Court in Chevron U.S.A. v. Natural Resources Defense Council in 1984 and has since become the most cited Supreme Court decision in administrative law.

Under Chevron deference, courts would defer to how to expert federal agencies interpret the laws they are charged with implementing provided their reading is reasonable — even if it's not the only way the law can be interpreted.

It allowed Congress to rely on the expertise within the federal government when implementing everything from health and safety regulations to environmental and financial laws.

SAUCE: https://www.axios.com/2024/06/28/supreme-court-chevron-doctrine-ruling

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cde833 No.21103732


>overturned a landmark 40-year-old decision that gave federal agencies broad regulatory power, upending their authority to issue regulations unless Congress has spoken clearly

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082a39 No.21103733


gotz em all

appreciate mang

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6a26c6 No.21103734


>Saw this image out in the wild. Confuses muh eyes. So many levels.

New York, New York.

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a692aa No.21103735


It's clearly faked video.

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e904ca No.21103736

Wow, what a night.

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575eba No.21103737

File: d137d9327e238fa⋯.png (444.47 KB,646x726,323:363,ok_then.png)


What if Joe drops out and Dr. Jill runs in his place.

She could be Dr. Jill President.

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4023b8 No.21103738

File: 7af55e3ec9160ab⋯.png (382.55 KB,731x615,731:615,ClipboardImage.png)

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48d5b0 No.21103739


That was suddenly.

She was a good handler.

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380ff3 No.21103740

File: 53ad4c20146e083⋯.png (241.92 KB,512x640,4:5,Science_on_Earth_s_spin_sp….png)

File: 0e0fa076ad7469e⋯.png (114.4 KB,766x507,766:507,Don_Jr_Fuck_you_tweet_fauc….png)

SILENCE, you! Because SCIENCE!

"Earth Is Suddenly Spinning Faster" - 7-28-22, Forbes

"Earth has been mysteriously slowing down" - 8-9-22, Independent

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a91ecd No.21103741

People also ask

How many federal agencies are there in the USA?

Updated by the Federal Register, includes list of all 438 agencies and sub-agencies.

VP, Secretary of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, HHS, Homeland Security, HUD, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, Veterans Affairs & Attorney General.May 29, 2024


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3219d2 No.21103742


Muh pleasure

Hollah if you need something

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f31685 No.21103743

File: a9e8d13ad3e97fd⋯.jpeg (698.93 KB,828x1275,276:425,167D9AB7_5F95_457F_B541_6….jpeg)

File: a9050565acf806d⋯.jpeg (328.54 KB,828x793,828:793,CFE6F12F_E1E1_4EA0_A97D_C….jpeg)

Conservatives prep legal fight if Dems try to yank Biden from ballot


Interesting day ahead.

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a91ecd No.21103744

File: edd81cc3c4b83bc⋯.png (192.4 KB,1265x696,1265:696,ClipboardImage.png)



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f31685 No.21103746

This being the fourth Friday in June, stupid fuckin commies have to shitcan joface before 5pm


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37ac9e No.21103747


fucking train drivers. why can't they watch where they're going?!

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97e1b9 No.21103749


The J6 case

The court holds that to prove a violation of the law, the government must show that the defendant impaired the availability or integrity for use in an official proceeding of records, documents, objects, or other things used in an official proceeding, or attempted to do so.www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-5572_l6hn.pdf

The court reverses the D.C. Circuit, which had adopted a broader reading of the law to allow the charges against Fischer to go forward. The case now goes back to the D.C. Circuit – which, the court says, can assess whether the indictment can still stand in light of this new and narrower interpretation.

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4a2be2 No.21103750




its funny. but yeah i agree it looks fake. audio goes out of sync half way through. its el trumpo or whoever. most likely just a meme.

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e904ca No.21103751

Has KJP said anything about Biden's performance?

I'm sure she'll be lying her ass off.

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234013 No.21103752



Applies to Trump too

Supreme Court rules for Jan. 6 rioter challenging obstruction charge

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Friday ruled in favor of a former police officer who is seeking to throw out an obstruction charge for joining the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, in a ruling that could benefit former President Donald Trump.

The justices on a 6-3 vote handed a win to defendant Joseph Fischer, who is among hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants — including Trump — who have been charged with obstructing an official proceeding over the effort to prevent Congress' certification of President Joe Biden’s election victory.

The court concluded that the law, enacted in 2002 as part of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act after the Enron accounting scandal, was only intended to apply in limited circumstances involving tampering with physical evidence.

The court sent the case back to lower courts for further proceedings on whether the Justice Department could still prosecute Fischer under the new interpretation of the law.

The statute in question, 18 U.S. Code 1512, carries a prison sentence of up to 20 years.

To what extent the ruling favors Trump remains to be seen. Prosecutors in Trump’s case said that even if Fischer wins, Trump’s conduct would still be covered by a narrower interpretation of the statute.

Fischer faces seven criminal charges, only one of which was the focus of the Supreme Court case. Even if the obstruction charge is ultimately dismissed, the other charges, including assaulting a police officer and entering a restricted building, will remain in place.

The court, which has a 6-3 conservative majority, has in the past been skeptical of prosecutors when they assert broad applications of criminal provisions.

In his election interference case, Trump faces four charges, including one count of obstructing an official proceeding and another of conspiracy to do so.



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cde833 No.21103753

If you're a PR person, I can't possibly think of a harder job to have right now than working at Boeing. It's not just clean up in aisle six, it's clean up the entire store, loading dock and parking lot on a daily — if not hourly — basis.

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b2e8bc No.21103754

File: df03de8cdcf64ab⋯.mp4 (14.42 MB,464x848,29:53,every_grocery_store_ad_4_t….mp4)



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d272e9 No.21103755

Fischer V. US


Barret dissented, joined by Sotomayor and Kagan

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d0a5b6 No.21103756

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Martin: The Steal Happened In Georgia In 2020 And Can Happen Again In 2024



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6a26c6 No.21103757


>Anons are what the world needs.

>You are the cure.

Wait let me call anon for you, just hold the line.

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ea9993 No.21103758

File: 736ef4a34ec22d0⋯.jpeg (20.77 KB,478x356,239:178,736ef4a34ec22d09adf29d589….jpeg)

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97e1b9 No.21103759



The J6 case

"Justice Jackson, who joined the majority opinion, also has a concurring opinion. She stresses that despite "the shocking circumstances involved in this case," the "Court's task is to determine what conduct is proscribed by the criminal statute that has been invoked as the basis for the obstruction charge at issue here."

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17aa0c No.21103760


Maybe after being forced to look at brightly colored prancing faggots and parading trannies for so long anon was unprepared for a moar subtle, mono-chromatic display of cultural mutation. That must be it.

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d272e9 No.21103761


Link to decision:


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e904ca No.21103762


Go wash your mouth out with soap anon.

Don't utter such filth in here.

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db2547 No.21103764


We got the win in Fischer at SCOTUS


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8b4d57 No.21103765

File: f6c898e67c4e309⋯.png (975.08 KB,2048x1272,256:159,ClipboardImage.png)

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7daf26 No.21103766

File: 4842fbb62d29e1b⋯.png (159.57 KB,359x459,359:459,bidenALLtakNOaction.png)

File: 76341812a9148fe⋯.png (128.1 KB,313x450,313:450,BIDENillegalIMMIGRATION.png)

File: a1411a7a732a784⋯.jpg (629.12 KB,2500x1584,625:396,BIDENpotato2.jpg)

File: a96cb57ac02aeaa⋯.png (430.97 KB,1000x450,20:9,BIDENshitPANTS.png)

File: b839edb250c9b54⋯.png (419.37 KB,1000x450,20:9,BIDENshitPANTS2.png)

Trump: He's ruing oour country…there shouldn't even be a debate.

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97e1b9 No.21103767

Here's the link to the J6 opinion:


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9cae1a No.21103768

The debate went so bad that even today and until next year you will have inflation.

Only the Wealthy survive in the Capitalist Country.

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a91ecd No.21103769



She was valedictorian at our high school where we went to the Prom together, accepted at MIT and Harvard, earned a Mechanical Engineering degree from MIT, and devoted her life to our family.

9:47 AM · Jun 28, 2024



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082a39 No.21103770


is this J6 case?

aksin for baker fren

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6a26c6 No.21103771

This is anon, please leave a message after the beep.


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9831ba No.21103772

File: d676a92e93f5679⋯.png (325.75 KB,763x555,763:555,ClipboardImage.png)

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9cae1a No.21103773


Sorry but the wealthy suburbs and the rural castles don’t give a fuck about the poor people.

Inflation doesn’t effect them.

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c34d77 No.21103775

File: fa1d75e582dafe3⋯.png (122.38 KB,537x464,537:464,ClipboardImage.png)


Note: Will need to do some moar research but this is massive, context below.


Supreme court chevron deference overturned

The Supreme Court is likely to discard or modify the Chevron doctrine, a 40-year-old precedent that gives deference to federal agencies’ interpretations of ambiguous statutes. This decision could have significant implications for various industries, including healthcare, life sciences, and environmental regulation.


The Chevron doctrine was established in the 1984 case Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. It states that when a statute is ambiguous, courts should defer to the reasonable interpretation of the agency responsible for implementing the statute, as long as the agency’s interpretation is based on a permissible construction of the statute.

Potential Outcomes

The Supreme Court has several options to consider:

Discard Chevron: Eliminate the doctrine altogether, reverting to the rule set forth in Skidmore v. Swift & Co. (1944), which credits an agency’s interpretation of a statute only as the interpretation has power to persuade.

Modify Chevron: Limit its applicability, such as by raising the bar for what qualifies as an ambiguous statute or strengthening the requirements for Chevron deference.

Keep Chevron Intact: Leave the doctrine unchanged, deferring to agencies’ reasonable interpretations of ambiguous statutes.


If the Supreme Court discards or modifies Chevron, it could lead to:

Increased judicial review: Courts may be more likely to review and potentially overturn agency decisions, potentially leading to more litigation and uncertainty.

Shift in regulatory power: Agencies may lose their authority to interpret ambiguous statutes, potentially leading to a shift in power from agencies to courts.

Uncertainty and disruption: The potential for increased litigation and regulatory changes could lead to uncertainty and disruption in industries that rely on agency interpretations.

Potential for new approaches: The Supreme Court may establish new standards for judicial review, potentially leading to a more nuanced approach to agency decision-making.

Industry-specific Impacts

Healthcare: The potential impact on healthcare could be significant, as agencies like the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rely heavily on Chevron deference.

Life Sciences: The life sciences industry may face increased uncertainty and regulatory challenges, particularly in areas like drug approvals and clinical trials.

Environmental Regulation: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other environmental agencies may face increased scrutiny and potential changes to their regulatory approaches.


The Supreme Court’s potential decision to discard or modify Chevron deference has significant implications for various industries and the regulatory landscape. While the exact outcome is uncertain, it is essential for stakeholders to be aware of the potential impacts and prepare for a potentially more nuanced approach to agency decision-making.

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d272e9 No.21103776


Yep, it's related to J6

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17aa0c No.21103777




and yes it does

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a91ecd No.21103778

Comment by


to me:

“The Supreme Court’s decision is an affirmation of the rule of law and a reminder that Congress—not out of control prosecutors—writes the law.”

10:55 AM · Jun 28, 2024





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9cae1a No.21103779


Someone tell this bitch the rich don’t give a shit about her.

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9831ba No.21103780

File: b1ebb8231adc31c⋯.mp4 (95.22 KB,480x270,16:9,diurU7x3_8vBD_zx.mp4)



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082a39 No.21103781

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f31685 No.21103782

File: 49c7d983421de3e⋯.jpeg (177.27 KB,828x496,207:124,E5070872_F894_4AE5_B5D4_6….jpeg)


Stormy avalanche

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3219d2 No.21103784

File: 7f1adc839210b81⋯.jpeg (314.75 KB,776x1054,388:527,4C7D0A90_34A5_49F0_9D96_0….jpeg)


Hate ta tell ya but that’s only gonna get worse.

Learn how to can meat and have a supply.

They’ll keep a lid on it (pricing of shit we all need) at this level for another couple of months but after watch out

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9cae1a No.21103785


Trips check out.

But no they don’t give a fuck. They make 5k-8k on their pay check. Not 1,623 like an average person.

Rich people don’t do labor. They don’t work weekends or overtime. They live the American dream.

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db2547 No.21103786

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e904ca No.21103787

File: 5c90c0d0945d2c1⋯.png (28.67 KB,524x320,131:80,Capture.PNG)

n a massive victory for J6 political prisoners and an unprecedented defeat for the corrupt Biden/Garland/Monaco/Graves DOJ, SCOTUS has overturned the DOJ's use of 1512(c)(2), obstruction of an official proceeding, in J6 cases.



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f31685 No.21103788

File: 776d886b0581d09⋯.jpeg (179.74 KB,828x715,828:715,895BCA89_0F4D_484D_89A7_D….jpeg)

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e75920 No.21103789



toms house

in the middle of the street

toms house

is a fact [they] can't delete

toms house

best you get off of (his) lawn

toms house

don't give 2 fucks 'bout [their] whine

toms house

truth and facts break [their] debate

toms house

fifty mi$$ion plus to date

toms house

H.O.G. fans aren't (they) great

toms house

keeps rising up to the stars

toms house

you're a shill if don't agree

hang over gang 4eva

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0f1004 No.21103790

File: 68a6a516ff649f7⋯.jpeg (306.53 KB,1553x1960,1553:1960,IMG_3211.jpeg)


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5f2379 No.21103791


Are you calling yourself? Interesting. Collect?

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97d072 No.21103792

game changer for Potato. if i were him, Jill should check his food before he eats!


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48d5b0 No.21103793



A sweet couple from rural KY both accepted into clown training at MIT. What are the odds?

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37ac9e No.21103794


who the fuck is this ass hair?

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f31685 No.21103795

File: d638fae27aff315⋯.jpeg (84.86 KB,828x466,414:233,FEB88222_0F15_4FBD_9E24_6….jpeg)

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cde833 No.21103796

I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don't think he knows what he said, either.

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3219d2 No.21103797

File: 9a3cc7e809bc784⋯.jpeg (537.18 KB,828x780,69:65,FC0A1549_EC68_4C73_BA8A_6….jpeg)


The Washington Post floated the trial balloon article not long ago

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eaf4ac No.21103798

File: a48d09a0728b44a⋯.jpg (91.64 KB,737x560,737:560,ALLEY_CAT.jpg)

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8b4d57 No.21103799

File: 514859bfefd2065⋯.webm (190.11 KB,1146x480,191:80,silence.webm)


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c113cf No.21103800

File: 30b36cca2471389⋯.png (683.62 KB,1032x672,43:28,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 552a4a865b1331d⋯.png (602.84 KB,987x766,987:766,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f1e6851e8130a5⋯.png (204.97 KB,1040x698,520:349,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e01f5130d69f20⋯.png (2.26 MB,2048x1023,2048:1023,ClipboardImage.png)


Alphabet Soup: NASA’s GOLD Finds Surprising C, X Shapes in Atmosphere

JUN 27, 2024

Who knew Earth’s upper atmosphere was like alphabet soup?

NASA’s Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) mission has revealed unexpected C- and X-shaped formations in an electrified layer of gas high above our heads called the ionosphere.

While these alphabetical shapes have been observed before, GOLD sees them more clearly than other instruments have and is now finding them where and when scientists didn’t expect.

Their surprise appearances prove that we have more to learn about the ionosphere and its effects on communication and navigation signals that pass through it.

Earth’s Dynamic Interface to Space

Extending some 50 to 400 miles overhead, the ionosphere becomes electrically charged during the daytime when sunlight strikes our planet and its energy knocks electrons off atoms and molecules.

This creates a soup of charged particles, known as plasma, that allows radio signals to travel over long distances.

Near Earth’s magnetic equator, charged particles are funneled upward and outward along magnetic field lines, creating two dense bands of particles north and south of the equator that scientists call crests.

As night falls and the Sun’s energy fades, low-density pockets in the plasma, called bubbles, can form in the ionosphere. Because of their varying density, the crests and bubbles can interfere with radio and GPS signals.

While previous observations provided brief glimpses of crests and bubbles in the ionosphere, GOLD monitors these features over extended periods of time.

That’s thanks to its geostationary orbit, which circles our planet at the same rate Earth rotates, allowing GOLD to hover over the Western Hemisphere.

Unexpected X-Shaped Crests from Quiet Conditions

The ionosphere is sensitive to disturbances from both space and terrestrial weather. GOLD has previously revealed that after a solar storm or huge volcanic eruption, the crests in the ionosphere can merge to form an X shape.

But now, GOLD has seen an X shape form on multiple occasions when there were no such disturbances — what scientists refer to as “quiet time.”

“Earlier reports of merging were only during geomagnetically disturbed conditions — it is an unexpected feature during geomagnetic quiet conditions,” said Fazlul Laskar, of the University of Colorado’s Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP), who is the lead author of a paper about this discovery published in April 2024 by the Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics.


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c113cf No.21103802


These unexpected appearances tell scientists that something else must be involved in forming these X shapes. Computer models suggest that the X could develop when changes in the lower atmosphere pull plasma downward.

“The X is odd because it implies that there are far more localized driving factors,” said Jeffrey Klenzing, a scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, who studies the ionosphere.

“This is expected during the extreme events, but seeing it during ‘quiet time’ suggests that the lower atmosphere activity is significantly driving the ionospheric structure.”

C-Shaped Bubbles Point to Strong Turbulence

GOLD has also found surprising C-shaped plasma bubbles that point to other puzzling dynamics influencing the ionosphere.

Most plasma bubbles appear long and straight, forming along magnetic field lines. But some bubbles are curved into C shapes and reverse-C shapes, which scientists think are shaped by terrestrial winds.

Computer models suggest a C-shape forms if winds increase with altitude at the magnetic equator and a reverse-C forms if the winds decrease with altitude.

“It’s a little like a tree growing in a windy area,” explains Klenzing. “If the winds are typically to the east, the tree starts to tilt and grow in that direction.”

In a paper published in November 2023 in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, LASP scientist Deepak Karan and colleagues report that GOLD has observed C-shaped and reverse-C-shaped plasma bubbles appearing surprisingly close together — as close as about 400 miles apart (roughly the distance between Baltimore and Boston).

“Within that close proximity, these two opposite-shaped plasma bubbles had never been thought of, never been imaged,” said Karan. To have wind patterns change course in such a small area, Karan thinks some sort of strong turbulence — like a vortex, wind shear, or tornado-like activity — is likely at play in the atmosphere.

“The fact that we have very different shapes of bubbles this close together tells us that the dynamics of the atmosphere is more complex than we expected,” Klenzing said.

These close pairings appear to be rare, with only two instances recorded by GOLD so far. Yet because these features can disrupt critical communication and navigation technology, “It’s really important to find out why this is happening,” Karan said.

“If a vortex or a very strong shear in the plasma has happened, this will completely distort the plasma over that region. Signals will be lost completely with a strong disturbance like this.”

Scientists hope GOLD’s continued observations, combined with those from other heliophysics missions, can help unlock these mysteries of the ionosphere and their effects on our lives.


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d272e9 No.21103803

File: d57fd9edbc42702⋯.png (31.29 KB,589x356,589:356,1.png)

In a massive victory for J6 political prisoners and an unprecedented defeat for the corrupt Biden/Garland/Monaco/Graves DOJ, SCOTUS has overturned the DOJ's use of 1512(c)(2), obstruction of an official proceeding, in J6 cases.



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5f2379 No.21103804


Prolly swerving all over the place too.

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cde833 No.21103805

File: a9a7a41c3ecdc5b⋯.png (637.5 KB,1280x1279,1280:1279,ClipboardImage.png)


>clown training at MIT

what's MIT?


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17aa0c No.21103806

File: 5316af78c4fe5cc⋯.png (262.11 KB,620x490,62:49,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3485b No.21103807

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lindell: Wisconsin Election Commission Denying Robin Vos RecallWEC was set up by Vos. Its illegal to do this. They are ones that let the dems to steal votes in nursing homes. The made up rules on elections and changed everything in the 2020 election



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e75920 No.21103808

File: ab58b8fd7cdb80f⋯.jpg (55.68 KB,672x371,96:53,ab58b8fd7cdb80f385ea587176….jpg)


the drugs kept him upright for 30mins

did nuh'ting for his brain

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db2547 No.21103809


Andrew Weissman and Norm Eisen

Should all be disbarred at this point.

They are the 'creative lawfare agents' at the helm of the Trump 'coup d'etat'.

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8b4d57 No.21103811

File: 814f7f1e8cb4227⋯.jpg (95.59 KB,425x408,25:24,smokingsupes2.jpg)


Hey there, l'il guy. Looks like you're making memes to cope with your seethe.

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cde833 No.21103812

File: 429dfcfad166529⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB,320x320,1:1,Biden_talking_about_brain_….mp4)

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6a26c6 No.21103813


>Are you calling yourself? Interesting. Collect?

Anon does recall that. No interest but this is a collect call from a foreign country.

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3a6a8c No.21103814


This is the regulatory equivalent of 3-4 Fed Rate cuts for everyone except TBTFs.

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9cae1a No.21103815

File: 910e6f41a74b948⋯.jpeg (67.26 KB,750x380,75:38,IMG_4028.jpeg)

File: 7d69c9ee4309f0c⋯.png (589.91 KB,640x407,640:407,IMG_2475.png)


Kek. Are they still in a cell?

Oh that’s right. Paper doesn’t mean shit.

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9d5968 No.21103816

File: d6f6148033bcb6c⋯.png (573.33 KB,1200x630,40:21,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

is there a Trump rally today?

if so, what time?

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eaf4ac No.21103817

File: 9a3766fb302c805⋯.jpg (111.26 KB,627x462,19:14,OUT_OF_A_JOB.jpg)

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e75920 No.21103818


when you're all about posting

literal shit memes

it tells alot about who

(You) are

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17aa0c No.21103819


carbon copy of last night

can't heal your blindness

pray for discernment is my advice

until then all board personalities, including you

are cancer

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4023b8 No.21103820

Tell me again how they are saving Isreal for last.

I've noticed a cohencidence right after the debate. Biden got slammed by Jews only:

>CNN is owned and run by Jews from the new conglomerate Warner Bros. Discovery, run by the eastern european/soviet jew David Zaslav

>Jon Stewart also slammed Biden, and Jon Stewart is also a kike

Why are supposed dem-kikes shilling for Zion Don so brazenly now under the guise of thinking "Biden is not fit to save democracy in November"? Seems like these kikes aren't so concerned with democracy to begin with if they feel at liberty to fire cheap shots at the incumbent President who they KNOW will not give up the spot, and besides switching candidates mid-campaign would ruin it from the outset anyway. So the attempt is clearly a completely false talmudic tactic.

I personally think neither candidate won/lost the debate, it was a rather poor performance on both sides, Biden was poor on style and Trump was poor on substance. I'm not sure the debate actually did convince anybody to vote for anyone specifically, rather most likely what it did is turn off undecideds from voting at all, driving potential turnout way lower. But it is incredibly interesting how all these kikes ganged up on Biden so much after the debate. It seems like they're really hurt by Biden not wanting to send 2,000 lbs bombs to Israel. It seems their real loyalty to 2,000 lbs bombs to Israel outweighs their loyalty to democracy.

I think the rhetorical question here is, why support a guy shilled by kikes so much. I remember those same kikes shilling "hilldawg" in 2016. Disingenuous fucks whose side deserves to lose again.


to me it seems rather that jews see Biden and his diverse dem electorate as being the weak spot of the U.S. arm of support that Israel rests on, since Biden depends on his base and his colorful base is more humanistic than pro-Israeli and cares about the Palestinians and so on and so forth, and they see that as a weak spot. so they want Trump to take over (since Oct 7th) because Trump would have no qualms about sending 2000 lb bombs to Israel so that they can terrorize the Palestinian population so effectively and without pushback

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db2547 No.21103821


Event Details

Fri, June 28, 2024

03:00 pm (US/Eastern)

Doors Open: 11:00 am

Historic Greenbrier Farms

225 Sign Pine Road

Chesapeake, VA 23322


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9cae1a No.21103822


4chan. Faggot.

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a91ecd No.21103823


Was Joe Biden talking about his Family? 😳👇🏼


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cde833 No.21103824

File: f1826995e0fa1a1⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB,498x270,83:45,Release_the_tape.mp4)

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92ea33 No.21103825


Of course not, everyone knows Glenn Beck is Lonesome Rhoades

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5f2379 No.21103827


Trump's fiesta es en mi pantelones!! Que No?

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082a39 No.21103828


>>21103490 We’re in Virginia—Don’t miss @realDonaldTrump’s rally this afternoon at 3:00pmE in Chesapeake! LIVE

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4023b8 No.21103829


yep this echo chamber needs to be shook up some times

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9cae1a No.21103830

File: cdef78f559e7f0a⋯.png (750.97 KB,640x486,320:243,IMG_0856.png)

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17aa0c No.21103831

File: b5ede9f98ab4f1d⋯.png (467.08 KB,582x596,291:298,ClipboardImage.png)



where was the watch kept?

who is pig invoking with this meme?

learn discernment

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e904ca No.21103832

File: 031391739ea268e⋯.jpg (44.93 KB,680x398,340:199,GRKvpcQbcAAfgGN.jpg)

There will not be another debate.

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6e0309 No.21103833


Think about it. Who created that quote/headline and falsely attributed it to Trump.

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9cae1a No.21103834


Yeah that’s what we need psyop Jew shit.

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8b4d57 No.21103835


>Tell me again how they are saving Isreal for last.



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6e0309 No.21103836


Terminate the day of at 8:03 PM and I’ll get hard

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cde833 No.21103837


>Who created that quote

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9cae1a No.21103838

File: 6f5e3f585ce9ec7⋯.jpeg (86.5 KB,500x770,50:77,IMG_2796.jpeg)

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9d5968 No.21103839

File: 3429357438771a0⋯.png (32.62 KB,644x800,161:200,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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c9e28c No.21103840


This is great and long overdue.

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ec6b69 No.21103841

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4023b8 No.21103842


because jews do nothing wrong and never act as a group against american values. gottcha

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f31685 No.21103843

File: 02bb0937e2c3f16⋯.jpeg (142.88 KB,828x1035,4:5,75F689E3_3FE0_4D45_A544_2….jpeg)

The Green Energy Money is Gone.

The bullshit commie projects money is Gone.

The big Pharma money is gone.

The Bullshit bank money is gone.






Cultural Influence.






All gone.

Stupid fuckin commies.

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17aa0c No.21103844

File: c53baa82a1e24a1⋯.png (830.83 KB,765x791,765:791,ClipboardImage.png)

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65cbd9 No.21103845


*hand rubbing intensifies* (((They))) couldn't get it done at the Fed level and (((they're))) realizing the power is about to go back to the States and the people, so (((they))) are hedging their bets, per the usual.

You have the actual tweet? Sauce is important.

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4023b8 No.21103846


Dam anon, that is so antisemitic

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17aa0c No.21103847

File: c381477e621531c⋯.png (152.44 KB,324x407,324:407,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec6b69 No.21103848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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59a947 No.21103849

File: fd368f0f2ab5508⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB,720x720,1:1,n5n346634.mp4)



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eaf4ac No.21103850

File: 1bbc02436401f5a⋯.jpg (106.54 KB,624x470,312:235,WANT_A_PENNY.jpg)

File: 56fd86ababa2859⋯.jpg (64.42 KB,345x594,115:198,TICK_TOCK_1111.jpg)

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2d8628 No.21103851

File: e72793b1e1aa263⋯.jpg (529.91 KB,1024x1280,4:5,e72793b1e1aa263339dcf21675….jpg)

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8b4d57 No.21103852

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,pepe_sip2.png)

I don't see much mimicry or spamtards active, but lots of MuhJoo this morning. Must be a coincidence that their hate narrative is active and their NPC spam/slide personas aren't.

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5fa717 No.21103853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24


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22aa6a No.21103854


he is fook'd

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ec6b69 No.21103855

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ce5906 No.21103857


Ketanji voted with majority

Comey Barrett against

Amy's mask is fully off now

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648528 No.21103858

File: 462518faa6599f0⋯.jpg (625.71 KB,1079x1728,1079:1728,Screenshot_20240628_111202….jpg)

Meanwhile, in what the fuck land…

This is what the Whitehouse needs you to know today!

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e75920 No.21103859

File: 03925f490125583⋯.png (1.14 MB,2048x2048,1:1,03925f490125583e1168d4aa94….png)

File: 25fd08b8fbcae80⋯.jpg (177.91 KB,1088x1401,1088:1401,25fd08b8fbcae80f28f817039a….jpg)


lick father lick son

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a91ecd No.21103860


>A sweet couple from rural KY both accepted into clown training at MIT


Notable that Massie and his spouse have a background highly consistent with Clown draftees. Both are [or were] Clowns.

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48bb41 No.21103861

It's been 1y, 7m…

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9cae1a No.21103862

File: f1395a5b7ab55e8⋯.png (215.12 KB,484x330,22:15,IMG_1644.png)

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be97dc No.21103863

File: d93c7ea73bc9bf6⋯.gif (504.75 KB,209x209,1:1,IMG_1086.gif)

It was so bad they broke through the third wall and ended up on the 5D chess ♟️ board!

From D5 to D6 - Deep 6 for their deeds.

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f31685 No.21103864

File: 1c8114be5c15767⋯.gif (106.94 KB,609x388,609:388,168ECB3E_904C_4BE8_A894_81….gif)

File: 9d08915ac969880⋯.gif (1.91 MB,320x240,4:3,7819C7F5_C392_4267_8D5A_2A….gif)

File: a69b06fac4c5e82⋯.gif (1.28 MB,300x165,20:11,5873E0F7_F036_4C7B_B37B_38….gif)

Deepstate is fucking GONE!!!

Idiot, coward, piece of shit, can hold a cover, no balls, no acumen, no effectiveness, no chance.

Deepstate DumbCunts are fucking gone!!!

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e904ca No.21103865

I wonder what Obama is up to today?

His third term just went up in flames last night.

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ea9993 No.21103866

File: a19a6d5bf436c43⋯.png (76.43 KB,648x721,648:721,Getty1.PNG)

File: 57a80463ef9c370⋯.png (38.02 KB,584x427,584:427,Getty2.PNG)

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4023b8 No.21103867


One can hope, we shall see.

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ae0d0e No.21103868


Can u arrange me a viewing?

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8b4d57 No.21103870

File: c84e31edef6615a⋯.png (70.1 KB,192x241,192:241,c84e31edef6615a6c6f3a613d1….png)


Always like finding out on days when there is a speech to watch that I never knew about.

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ec6b69 No.21103871

Like a Bitch in heat…

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e75920 No.21103872

File: ec4754b577b1df9⋯.jpg (16.4 KB,221x255,13:15,ec4754b577b1df9fb169fd4a05….jpg)


"he's shot"

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6e0d53 No.21103873

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!😎🔥🔥🔥. He says Democrats were panicking after Joe’s first couple of questions with OMG, OMG, OMG


I wonder how depressed The View Hags and all the other fake this am. At least they are being honest that Joe Shit his pants and lost


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8b4d57 No.21103874


Remember to fuck her gently.

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4b740c No.21103875


I'm just thinking ahead.

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ae0d0e No.21103876


That’s my profile pic for a reason.

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168f72 No.21103877

File: 179c9404e314688⋯.jpg (46.9 KB,464x480,29:30,biden_senator_vp_blame.jpg)

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e904ca No.21103878

File: 23000893ad1d757⋯.png (14.25 KB,530x167,530:167,Capture.PNG)

BREAKING: Republican Chip Roy has said that today he will introduce resolution calling on VP Harris to start 25 amendment process to remove Biden due to mental incompetency


Why risk it now?

Lets ride Biden all the way till 11/5.

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1e1267 No.21103879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Quiet Backroom Deal Just Approved – 40,000,000 Homes to be Seized

This month, the Federal Housing Finance Agent (FHFA) and Freddie Mac will begin issuing second liens on homes. It will start small with $2.5 billion that will expand into a $3 trillion loan program, which could involve 30% of all 144 million homes in America. Loans are capped at $78,000 and most will be for far less than this amount. Even a small loan will result in the FHFA or Freddie Mac being named on the title. By autumn, Freddie Mac is projected to loan $2 trillion. If the homeowner defaults, the second lienholder could make a deal with the first lienholder to foreclose quietly and FHFA and Freddie Mac will be enabled to take over the houses. The housing market will continue to be inflated, and property tax and homeowners insurance are on the rise. New laws to force green energy systems and upgrades in homes are planned.

Note: Any investment advice in this video is not endorsed by Need To Know News as we simply report on the news.




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301000 No.21103880


There are many, many train related posts in the archives here in case you are interested. Yeah, been here for a bit.

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4b740c No.21103881

File: 9af1c47d98fa756⋯.png (19.58 KB,752x131,752:131,ClipboardImage.png)


MODs ore on it today!

Was I giving away too much, or what? kek

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f933ef No.21103882

File: e05da46358126b1⋯.png (12.45 KB,253x255,253:255,fact.png)



Me Thinks that The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of

''' 2002 imposes criminal liability on anyone

who corruptly “alters, destroys, mutilates, or '''

conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair

''' the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding.”

18 U. S. C. §1512(c)(1). ''' is going to come back and bite theJ6 committeein the butt.

Let's see what happens.

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9d5968 No.21103883

File: 7d37e09e1f35250⋯.png (315.63 KB,396x443,396:443,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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9cae1a No.21103884

File: 5f779efc8422cea⋯.png (859.91 KB,510x680,3:4,IMG_1338.png)


25th amendment will haunt Biden.

I don’t think it will actually happen.

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ec6b69 No.21103885


No worries

I will treat her like an Epstein girl

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1e1267 No.21103886

File: b569f523e8ce0ba⋯.png (537.97 KB,630x381,210:127,ClipboardImage.png)

Are There Vaccines in our Food Supply?

According to this article, the USDA and drug manufacturers aren’t required to release any information on veterinary drugs, and evidence is hard to find. Food animals had been receiving mRNA injections for years before the COVID vaccine rollout. For example, around 2014, the USDA granted a conditional license for an mRNA vaccine for use in pigs for Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus. Birds, cows and salmon have also received experimental RNA and DNA vaccines. If DNA vaccines penetrate the cell nucleus, there is a risk of permanently changing a person’s DNA. There is concern that mRNA or other vaccines could pass to another individual through milk.

The National Science Foundation is funding studies using plants such as lettuce and spinach to generate mRNA gene therapies that enter the human body when the plant is eaten. RNAi pesticides also present a significant risk to human health as they are designed to genetically modify living organisms.



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48bb41 No.21103888


Making that big play for Langley.

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ad68ae No.21103889

File: c45e37742a8ac56⋯.png (2.46 MB,1024x1024,1:1,c45e37742a8ac5681892a4f0e3….png)



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ae0d0e No.21103890



>to help finish the job…..

What job death to America?

Dr Jill…..

I’d love to give u a pill

Cyanide or other.

I maybe ask your brother.

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9cae1a No.21103891

File: 28df33a073642c6⋯.jpeg (88.63 KB,705x500,141:100,IMG_3307.jpeg)

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4b740c No.21103892

File: 646696e18adb37e⋯.png (438.46 KB,1697x514,1697:514,ClipboardImage.png)


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3219d2 No.21103893


>Even a small loan will result in the FHFA or Freddie Mac being named on the title

Key point that most miss when getting loans

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8b4d57 No.21103894

File: 1a8f905d3006bbb⋯.png (505.01 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>She's a mess!

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974997 No.21103895

CNN Joe Biden Leading the polls to become president ?

This has been mention thousands of times in the last 6 months !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If Joe Biden is out of it who is running the WH and the country ?

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3a6a8c No.21103896

Please say a prayer for Rhonda Massie.

Thomas Massie


Yesterday my high school sweetheart, the love of my life for over 35 years, the loving mother of our 4 children, the smartest kindest woman I ever knew, my beautiful and wise queen forever, Rhonda went to Heaven. Thank you for your prayers for our family in this difficult time.


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a91ecd No.21103897




Joe Midnight Incest Confession

host is flabbergasted!

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9cae1a No.21103898

File: fa4937e6444e8c6⋯.jpeg (58.31 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_2479.jpeg)

File: e4fdb074303947b⋯.jpeg (68.77 KB,500x748,125:187,IMG_2476.jpeg)


They unlawfully do shit all the time anon. Nothing will stop them.

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ec6b69 No.21103899

it is not very smart

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c113cf No.21103900

File: a3d04ec652a512f⋯.png (4.31 MB,1920x1280,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 701371c45492516⋯.png (3.52 MB,1920x1280,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Prepares for Air Taxi Passenger Comfort Studies

JUN 27, 2024

A new custom virtual reality flight simulator built by NASA researchers will allow them to explore how passengers experience air taxi rides and collect data that will help designers create new aircraft with passenger comfort in mind.

Wayne Ringelberg, a test pilot at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, recently completed a series of test rides in the new simulator to help the team make adjustments before other users are involved for the first research study later this year.

“This project is leveraging our research and test pilot aircrew with vertical lift experience to validate the safety and accuracy of the lab in preparation for test subject evaluations,” said Ringelberg.

“The experiments in the ride quality lab will inform the advanced air mobility community about the acceptability of the motions these aircraft could make, so the general public is more likely to adopt the new technology.”

Ringelberg was secured into the seat on top of the simulator’s platform, wearing a virtual reality headset and headphones.

His simulated air taxi ride started with a takeoff from a conceptual vertiport on top of a parking garage in downtown San Francisco, California, constructed by NASA engineers in the virtual world.

As the programed ride took him through downtown San Francisco and landed at another vertiport on top of a skyscraper, Ringelberg evaluated the realism and consistency of the simulation’s visual, motion, and audio cues.

He then provided feedback to the research team.

With pilot checkouts complete, NASA researchers will conduct a series of human subject research studies over the next four years.

The goal is to gather information that will help the industry better understand what makes flying in an air taxi comfortable and enjoyable for customers.

This simulator is the centerpiece of NASA Armstrong’s virtual reality passenger ride quality laboratory. The laboratory combines virtual reality visuals, physical motion cues, and spatialized rotor sounds to create an immersive air taxi passenger experience.

The work is managed by the Revolutionary Vertical Lift Technology project under NASA’s Advanced Air Vehicles Program in support of NASA’s Advanced Air Mobility mission, which seeks to deliver data to guide the industry’s development of electric air taxis and drones.


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ec6b69 No.21103901

pain is all that it understands

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ec6b69 No.21103902

brutal, unforgiving pain

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974997 No.21103903


Is this in the Kosher foods ?

Perhaps Kingdom Christians should have a K

in the foods for all non gmo and vaxed foods.

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6a26c6 No.21103904

File: 27569d7ca9d20b5⋯.png (54.74 KB,338x192,169:96,ClipboardImage.png)


Whoops, I've brought the wrong map.

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f60933 No.21103905



that was quick

did i miss something

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082a39 No.21103906


#25868 >>21103465

>>21103580, >>21103649, >>21103665 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med/CONUS activity

>>21103490, >>21103821, >>21103853 RALLY: We’re in Virginia—Don’t miss @realDonaldTrump’s rally this afternoon at 3:00pmE in Chesapeake! LIVE


>>21103536, >>21103550 This is your brain cajun fried Dim style

>>21103553 Donald Trump’s Net Worth Jumps About $900 Million As Trump Media Shares Surge 27%

>>21103589, >>21103615, >>21103680, >>21103800, >>21103802, >>21103900 NASA

>>21103592 Isn't it amazing that through all this orchestrated sacrificing of biden today by the democrats and media, not once do they wonder out loud who's been running the country the last 4 years??

>>21103595 Swampers Swampin

>>21103601 Bannon War Room

>>21103623 Tractor Supply is eliminating DEI, stopping to fund pride events, is no longer giving its data over to HRC

>>21103636 Van Jones on being a loser

>>21103637 Amtrak train hits, kills 2 people in separate North Carolina collisions

>>21103642 Memes To Go

>>21103650, >>21103701 CNN: “I don’t give a shit if they bring out … even Big Mike” /HRC Moar keks!

>>21103653 UK: Was the 'Reform Racist' a Channel 4 Plant!?

>>21103654 Darren Beatie: Democrats have boxed themselves into a corner.

>>21103674 Watch the SCOTUS today 4 opinions today, interesting that they waited until after the debate

>>21103691 Harrington: President Trump And Biden Debate At "The Scene Of The Crime" In Fulton County

>>21103697, >>21103707, >>21103708, >>21103715, >>21103730 The Supreme Court on Friday overturned a landmark 40-year-old decision that gave federal agencies broad regulatory power, upending their authority to issue regulations unless Congress has spoken clearly, Chevron decision

>>21103704, >>21103769 Massie loses his queen

>>21103741 How many federal agencies are there in the USA? all 438 agencies and sub-agencies

>>21103743 Conservatives prep legal fight if Dems try to yank Biden from ballot

>>21103752, >>21103749, >>21103759, >>21103767, >>21103755, >>21103761, >>21103782, >>21103783 The Supreme Court on Friday ruled in favor of a former police officer who is seeking to throw out an obstruction charge for joining the Capitol riot on Jan. 6



>>21103807 Lindell: Wisconsin Election Commission Denying Robin Vos Recall

>>21103878 Republican Chip Roy has said that today he will introduce resolution calling on VP Harris to start 25 amendment process to remove Biden due to mental incompetency

>>21103879 Federal Housing Finance Agent (FHFA) and Freddie Mac will begin issuing second liens on homes. It will start small with $2.5 billion that will expand into a $3 trillion loan program, which could involve 30% of all 144 million homes in America

>>21103886 Are There Vaccines in our Food Supply?

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48bb41 No.21103907


"the president [we] need; the president (you) deserve"

8 waters w/green tops, nice touch.

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974997 No.21103908


Amy comey Barret said in written documentation that the hunter Biden laptop is Russain Disinformation?

She is a Christian ?

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d0a5b6 No.21103909

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wren: Senate And Election Officials In AZ Exhibiting Odd Behavior About Key Fob ThiefThis is getting spicy in AZ, Ringfield the thief may be key to the reveal the steal of 2022, and possibly 2020



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8b4d57 No.21103910



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3a6a8c No.21103911

Disgraced ex-Uvalde school police chief, former officer indicted over botched response to mass shooting that killed 21


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7b825e No.21103912

don't worry

just like an EPSTEIN GIRL

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9d5968 No.21103913

File: 63857ca0d7ed1b3⋯.png (238.98 KB,640x493,640:493,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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a692aa No.21103914

File: ebedfb72ad537ab⋯.png (768.96 KB,798x1287,266:429,ClipboardImage.png)

Garland, J6 Unselect Committee, Biden, are the true threat to "our democracy".

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9cae1a No.21103915

File: 838c616fcb848dd⋯.png (912.62 KB,616x680,77:85,IMG_2127.png)

File: fa9a9f4568fcab6⋯.png (477.83 KB,680x650,68:65,IMG_2056.png)

File: 8183f08eb4d8f5a⋯.jpeg (24.26 KB,255x211,255:211,IMG_2036.jpeg)

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3f40a8 No.21103916

no no

just like that

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8b4d57 No.21103917


You have to be able to get a girl in the first place, IP hopping clown retard.

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082a39 No.21103918


de nada

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e75920 No.21103919

File: 2e2247ddac7a668⋯.jpg (39.29 KB,680x383,680:383,2e2247ddac7a668da06096e324….jpg)


no, joe mustNOTbe replaced



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3edadc No.21103920

like an epstein girl

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6a26c6 No.21103921

Wrap the stone twice for more keks.

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3219d2 No.21103922

File: c37704fd9425435⋯.jpeg (734.06 KB,1227x613,1227:613,BDABF09A_1647_47DA_9F35_B….jpeg)


RCH837 C17 Globey arriving at Rzeszow for a stop and drop from somewhere in Middle East-trace picks up over Black Sea and drops in same place heading SE

They are moving ‘stuff’ from middle east in here as part of the continuing build up.

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c61e60 No.21103923

File: c6fd671df7dbcb2⋯.jpg (94.02 KB,693x676,693:676,1707847394936287.jpg)

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759a4e No.21103925

you won't be able to tell any difference so what does it matter

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ce7098 No.21103926


Write that letter Faggot. Because if it goes to a vote in November Retarded Joe will win. Just like Fetterman.

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759a4e No.21103927

we enjoy making america look stupid and weak

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759a4e No.21103928

it is so much fun

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9831ba No.21103929

File: f766c4be834b6db⋯.png (418.55 KB,790x837,790:837,PepeApu_judgeApu.png)

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93929f No.21103930


And when the defaults happen they sell the paper to their well connected distressed asset pool buyers at .10 on the dollar and their rich wall street friends get richer.

Fannie doesnt care about ownership, but it does care about rhe “free market” of their con friends who get access to govt enabled nearly-free assets.

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eaf4ac No.21103931

File: a945b00c4b7078f⋯.jpg (201.89 KB,642x647,642:647,MEMORY.jpg)

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759a4e No.21103932

it is easy and so are we

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759a4e No.21103933

whorish even

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974997 No.21103934


DID JOE BIDEN LOSE HIS EARPIECE? – Team Trump Calls Him Out! Is Old Joe Cheating? (VIDEO)

It sure looks like it.

Are Democrats cheating – Again?

Team Trump on Truth called him out.

https ://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/did-joe-biden-lose-his-earpiece-team-trump/

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9cae1a No.21103935


They lie because Nothing can stop them. No one can. No one will.

Don’t Larp as a Patriot. It’s stealing valor.

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9831ba No.21103936

File: ed254af3634cdbe⋯.jpg (15.84 KB,244x255,244:255,BidenBrawndo.jpg)



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8b4d57 No.21103937

File: 38315a19a51a803⋯.jpg (168.73 KB,1066x1280,533:640,38315a19a51a8034c2ddca6af5….jpg)


>We we we we

You're a clown playing a losing hand, so by all means continue showing everyone watching here and those monitoring the traffic here just how dumb you really are. Only dumbfucks like you would consider stupidity a virtue to flaunt.

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b3485b No.21103938


Anons do you remember in 2020 in GA someone was stealing fobs or election equipment, they’d just walk in to places or warehouses and stole things. Is this what they are doing in many swing states now?

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e75920 No.21103939


>where was the watch kept?

>who is pig invoking with this meme?

i'll play

where and who?

splain yoself

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3219d2 No.21103940

File: 178bde22beaf065⋯.jpeg (562.29 KB,710x780,71:78,7B7EEFF2_E831_452D_A22E_E….jpeg)

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9cae1a No.21103941


You’re being controlled. That’s really all that matters. It could be fucking baby space niggers for all that matters.

You can’t free yourself. You can’t stop them.

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c95619 No.21103942

like an epstein girl

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59a947 No.21103943

File: 90429c0f3604d26⋯.png (786.27 KB,879x668,879:668,7635j654j654j64.PNG)

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c95619 No.21103944

just like an epstein girl

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e904ca No.21103945

File: b9a0327ef94234d⋯.png (310.29 KB,297x600,99:200,Capture.PNG)


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974997 No.21103946


election Fraud ? Where is the GOP ?

Colorodao ? Imprison the election fraud

complaint whistle blowr ?

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9831ba No.21103947

File: 356606b005f21cf⋯.png (818.95 KB,612x612,1:1,laser_eyes.png)



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c95619 No.21103948

this is so much fun

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168f72 No.21103949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

June 28, 2024

12:00 PM EDT

U.S. Senate: Senate Pro Forma Session

The Senate is holding a brief pro forma session. No legislative business or votes will take place until the Senate returns from its 2-week state work period on Monday, July 8th.


June 28, 2024

12:10 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: President Biden Campaigns in Raleigh, NC

President Biden and first lady Jill Biden speak at a campaign event in Raleigh, North Carolina. It’s President Biden’s first public appearance following the CNN presidential debate in Atlanta, the first general election debate of the cycle.



12:30 PM EDT

The President and The First Lady participate in a campaign event

Official Schedule



President Biden speaks at campaign event in Raleigh, N.C.

Washington Post


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ea9993 No.21103950

File: 7abc1bef7a5f1e5⋯.gif (813.24 KB,553x640,553:640,7abc1bef7a5f1e5a26d360adbf….gif)

File: 7d9085bdbd19166⋯.jpg (393.62 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,7d9085bdbd191660e083bf4223….jpg)

File: 2129a5c2c1ce3d5⋯.jpeg (559.53 KB,1125x2310,75:154,7e5c47bb722d1c150b593e5d8….jpeg)

File: 3d1a2ba341a87c1⋯.jpeg (40.7 KB,640x357,640:357,30b1850fa158fc9d19bb79d87….jpeg)

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0f25b2 No.21103951

to be chosen

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8b4d57 No.21103952

File: f4dbbf6f0cd3ad2⋯.jpg (181.12 KB,1024x1024,1:1,OIG.jpg)

IP hopping and attempting to pester, repeating the same thing over and over and over like an NPC Smells like that brokeback bitch called AEI.

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0f25b2 No.21103953

to be selected

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eaf4ac No.21103954

File: 339205bead9f7ec⋯.jpg (104.63 KB,607x472,607:472,HOWS_DA_PANIC_GOING.jpg)

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0f25b2 No.21103955

God's warrior's

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9cae1a No.21103956


You will believe in anything that takes responsibility away from yourself.

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8ce546 No.21103957

File: 4f146723c3e27e6⋯.png (837.88 KB,606x694,303:347,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: e3d917c8364fc9a⋯.jpg (28.82 KB,474x266,237:133,wnba_allstarlogo.jpg)

File: cb7d161ba03d04e⋯.jpg (27.27 KB,474x248,237:124,womens_basket.jpg)

Canuck is a slang term for a Canadian. The origins of the word are uncertain. The term Kanuck is first recorded in 1835 as an Americanism, originally referring to Dutch Canadians (which included German Canadians) or French Canadians. By the 1850s, the spelling with a "C" became predominant. Today, many Canadians and others use Canuck as a mostly affectionate term…

Invented in 1891 by Canadian-American gym teacher James Naismith in Springfield, Massachusetts, in the United States, basketball has evolved to become one of the world's most popular and widely viewed sports.[1][2] The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the most significant professional basketball league in the world in terms of popularity, salaries, talent, and level of competition[3][4] (drawing most of its talent from U.S. college basketball). Outside North America, the top clubs from national leagues qualify to continental championships such as the EuroLeague and the Basketball Champions League Americas. The FIBA Basketball World Cup and Men's Olympic Basketball Tournament are the major international events of the sport and attract top national teams from around the world. Each continent hosts regional competitions for national teams, like EuroBasket and FIBA AmeriCup.

The FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup and Women's Olympic Basketball Tournament feature top national teams from continental championships. The main North American league is the WNBA (NCAA Women's Division I Basketball Championship is also popular), whereas the strongest European clubs participate in the EuroLeague Women.

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4a2be2 No.21103958

File: 52cf61870ed6320⋯.gif (1011.07 KB,498x498,1:1,52cf61870ed6320a285cbf872f….gif)


>could be fucking baby space niggers for all that matters

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974997 No.21103959


Amy Comey Barret , Hunters laptop was disinformation ? Where is the GO P ?

GO P ? Who is P ?

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0f25b2 No.21103960

saving children

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1e1267 No.21103961

File: 6aa9f81e7be8b76⋯.png (481.78 KB,883x651,883:651,ClipboardImage.png)

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c34d77 No.21103962

trump has just put out a compilation of biden mumbling on the debate.

seen it but no access to truth social.

need anons to go and fetch it to 8kun.

brutal take down.

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0f25b2 No.21103963

doing the right thing for the right reasons

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48bb41 No.21103964


17 seconds. watch the (green 8) water..

creepy sun-moon-pearl jewelry ensemble.

how much are they dying to win this election?

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93929f No.21103965



Houses in Detroit were selling by the hundreds at $800-$1000

a door. Secondary market distressed debt buyers are very sophisticated sharks where mortgages are bought and sold in tranches/pools much like 2008 junk mortgage wall

street debt.

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f31685 No.21103966

File: b06b93841a317a2⋯.jpeg (573.77 KB,828x1044,23:29,D51023E5_CEF5_4815_B686_6….jpeg)


It's time.


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0f25b2 No.21103967

sleeping well at night

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e75920 No.21103968

File: 81c697a1623f591⋯.png (43.67 KB,282x386,141:193,81c697a1623f591890960b69a6….png)

File: 1c4b0517e9df935⋯.jpg (13.64 KB,255x190,51:38,1c4b0517e9df9357071d298bb2….jpg)


>Stupid fuckin commies.


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0f25b2 No.21103969

for the children

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0f25b2 No.21103970

is there anything more precious?

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0f25b2 No.21103971


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974997 No.21103972


Who is DE M ? Who is M ?

Who is GO P ? Who is P ?

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9d5968 No.21103973

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 46c72d95e1f5bd2⋯.png (12.6 KB,150x52,75:26,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

File: 1094673a8f6b511⋯.png (11.73 KB,142x54,71:27,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

File: 2a4f32396df498c⋯.png (10.4 KB,107x57,107:57,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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a4522b No.21103974

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Showalter: Biden Admin Releases "CYA" Statement About Transgender Surgeries For Minors



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0f25b2 No.21103975

who wouldnt go to extremes to protect that?

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0f25b2 No.21103976


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9cae1a No.21103977


I’m short,

“Fuck the Court. My name is GarFinkle.”

“Fuck you too.”

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0f25b2 No.21103978

be a shame wouldn't it?

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0f25b2 No.21103979

a real shame

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6a26c6 No.21103980

File: 9ed77d8650d9c8b⋯.png (300.11 KB,449x433,449:433,Emergency_Kit.png)

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8b4d57 No.21103981

File: 776a8173536f343⋯.jpg (114.5 KB,1280x720,16:9,40kfocused.jpg)

It's becoming easier to see that idiot trying to play both sides now too. His rationality is starting to fray.

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3a6a8c No.21103982


All one and the same.

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e4bdfa No.21103983


Doesn't Garland know he is part of the "Judicial Branch" and the supreme court is the highest court in the land.

Hes so unprofessional.

Hes trying to tell his bosses they're wrong.

What arrogance and insanity his whole department have.

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301000 No.21103985


Some of the most intelligent people I know are from rural Ky. You are just stupid and a bigot and probably thinks Brandon did well last night.

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9cae1a No.21103986


Garland was raised in Conservative Judaism; the family name had been changed from Garfinkel several generations earlier.

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73534e No.21103988


It seems as those being so feeble last night that Biden won many people's sympathy, but lost most people's votes

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e904ca No.21103989

File: 8cffc598e54fe7d⋯.png (12.25 KB,467x198,467:198,Capture.PNG)


will ignore the supreme court again?


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4b740c No.21103991

File: e1a6be32c22e095⋯.jpg (44.57 KB,498x573,166:191,Tax_Pepe_numbers_money_add….jpg)

File: 8beab80496c3852⋯.jpg (140.27 KB,644x482,322:241,SOROS_MONEY_NWO_JEW_SHEEP_….jpg)

File: c5213545e90de53⋯.jpg (113.8 KB,800x565,160:113,No_plus_money_means_yes_.jpg)

File: af040107fbe6b06⋯.jpg (8.81 KB,235x235,1:1,chasing_money_nwo_snake.jpg)

File: b97bbdfba3c343a⋯.jpg (33.91 KB,400x400,1:1,moneygami_star_david.jpg)

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fc7d08 No.21103992

>>21103266 (lb) Biden official: He's not dropping out

Biden is the Deep State's final hope if you can imagine that even being the case. Anyone else would probably do the right thing to at least close the border, which is the Deep State's weapon for 2024 election.

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8ce546 No.21103994

File: a883072345f33d9⋯.png (329.57 KB,442x396,221:198,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: c9d858a8752b558⋯.png (719.8 KB,862x840,431:420,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: e9cf1db3ee6e708⋯.png (373.96 KB,536x738,268:369,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: f18cb9d6ca8c066⋯.png (854.49 KB,634x816,317:408,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)



3. The Catholic Church, since it was founded by Christ our Lord to bear salvation to all men and thus is obliged to preach the Gospel, considers it one of its duties to announce the Good News of salvation also with the help of the media of social communication and to instruct men in their proper use.

It is, therefore, an inherent right of the Church to have at its disposal and to employ any of these media insofar as they are necessary or useful for the instruction of Christians and all its efforts for the welfare of souls. It is the duty of Pastors to instruct and guide the faithful so that they, with the help of these same media, may further the salvation and perfection of themselves and of the entire human family. In addition, the laity especially must strive to instill a human and Christian spirit into these media, so that they may fully measure up to the great expectations of mankind and to God's design.


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8b4d57 No.21103995

Notice VaticanClown uses the acronym handshake that started 4 months ago after they stopped the mimicry?

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cdfc6d No.21103996


Just a little more Hz and poof

Shattered to 1000 pieces

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9cae1a No.21103997


You can’t stop them. No one can. No one will.

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48bb41 No.21103999

YOU are being TRACKED.

NO FB account required.

This is BIGGER than you think.

Agencies attached.


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3219d2 No.21104001

File: 32e33254c5df488⋯.jpeg (456.46 KB,1276x611,1276:611,ECFE7397_C0E2_451B_A0C9_F….jpeg)

File: 66ae547ce4dcc2c⋯.jpeg (350.5 KB,828x537,276:179,4377D074_412F_4D5F_B8FD_5….jpeg)

JANET17737 Dept. of AF Area 51 worker flight from Las Vegas Intl

Don’t see these berry often.


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4023b8 No.21104002


My sympathies go to the family, on the other hand, probably should not have taken the safe and effective.

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9cae1a No.21104004


But some are in front of others. Money makes you smart in America. If capitalism is the way then smart is the one with more pay.

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e75920 No.21104005




till nov 5th

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9cae1a No.21104006


If the rule says arrest contempt of congress then why no arrest. ?

Everyone is a liar. You can’t stop them. No one will ever stop them.

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4b740c No.21104007

File: 40d462e6a001c98⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB,426x240,71:40,War_Face.mp4)


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8ce546 No.21104009

File: 3a46fc87b0fd913⋯.png (488.93 KB,960x656,60:41,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: 38315524976ffd8⋯.png (369.09 KB,732x396,61:33,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: d6fa7ce520604de⋯.png (804.82 KB,942x690,157:115,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: bffdb012e3cc579⋯.png (63.71 KB,618x340,309:170,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

those you trust the most



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27d7a5 No.21104010


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168f72 No.21104011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WATCH: 51 Former Intel Officials Colluded with the Biden Campaign to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop

House Judiciary GOP

Jun 27, 2024


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48d5b0 No.21104012


I read this in Brandon's voice. Same vibe.

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f31685 No.21104014

File: 4b8a14d116ad72c⋯.jpeg (146.61 KB,828x462,138:77,3B865325_8014_44C0_8241_1….jpeg)

File: b0e7e9c8cfadf28⋯.jpeg (151.11 KB,529x426,529:426,015905C3_D656_4E50_A740_3….jpeg)

File: 699fe47e1387659⋯.jpeg (468.69 KB,828x651,276:217,CF020919_03CD_482C_B992_9….jpeg)

File: 2a1f5144bb2db8e⋯.jpeg (127.83 KB,828x526,414:263,9D8D6F91_3FC8_4263_9081_B….jpeg)

File: 9af4fca906e47ee⋯.jpeg (319.13 KB,828x575,36:25,01CF22D9_24D0_4676_A177_0….jpeg)

So much cheap/free stuff after these stupid and horrible motherfuckers off themselves all weekend.

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9cae1a No.21104015


Whose God?? Muslims God? Hindus God? Oh let me guess. The Jewish God

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e904ca No.21104016

File: 39e69c7faf1a2ea⋯.png (455.05 KB,528x520,66:65,Capture.PNG)

#OTD in 2005, 19 U.S. special operators were killed during Operation Red Wings. Lt. Michael Murphy was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his gallant actions during an engagement with the Taliban. SEAL OF HONOR from


tells his story:


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c34d77 No.21104017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: it is like trump going on to cnn debate in enemy territory.


Reform Uk Leader Nigel Farage Responds to Today's Shocking Headlines | Loose Women


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745445 No.21104019



Sept calling it

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9d5968 No.21104020

File: 558ef57d61d49c7⋯.png (1.06 MB,1000x666,500:333,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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8b4d57 No.21104022

File: f70c55607e72f55⋯.jpg (12.03 KB,166x255,166:255,ab9fce94393dc77827a63ccfbf….jpg)


And some deliberately left the door wipe open for them to come in and snoop around. That was called the Windows 10 period, with WireShark running on a Raspberry Pi logging everything. That was fun. I consider myself mouthy asshole but I had no idea how interesting I became to certain people.

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27d7a5 No.21104023


kamaltoe is about to be your president.

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4023b8 No.21104025

File: bbfc6d897ca37c4⋯.png (370.53 KB,680x387,680:387,ClipboardImage.png)


I usually get those, but I am missing something on that one.

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717f71 No.21104026

File: 8dbe5ed2fa3ca25⋯.jpeg (1.75 MB,4288x5118,2144:2559,PjJbglFf2zrq.jpeg)

Current movie in the theater

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8ce546 No.21104029

File: 9db174767d38382⋯.png (1.25 MB,1952x370,976:185,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

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ce5906 No.21104032

File: 3d2e69217a8ca53⋯.jpg (43.62 KB,1280x544,40:17,5eaa2c2a_856c_44bb_82a0_b0….jpg)

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27d7a5 No.21104033


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73534e No.21104035


majority vote of both houses of congress is needed. Dame Hillary would not get the house to vote for her.

she's not going to be Vice President.

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8b4d57 No.21104037


Silence, AEI.

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ae0d0e No.21104038


Voting for him 100%

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865107 No.21104040

File: ece46771bc81748⋯.jpg (64.27 KB,1080x489,360:163,Screenshot_20240628_104603….jpg)


11:41 ET


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48bb41 No.21104043

File: b099410c25d0211⋯.png (149.59 KB,520x630,52:63,125.png)





"Impossible to locate…"

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a91ecd No.21104045

File: b25dcd0b82c61da⋯.png (41.49 KB,1033x390,1033:390,ClipboardImage.png)


In the case of a former Pennsylvania police officer who entered the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Fischer v. United States, the court holds that to prove a violation of the law, the government must show that the defendant impaired the availability or integrity for use in an official proceeding of records, documents, objects, or other things used in an official proceeding, or attempted to do so. The case is returned to the lower court to determine whether the indictment can still stand in light of this new and narrower interpretation.

Click here for a list of FAQs about opinion announcements.


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674fa9 No.21104046

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168f72 No.21104047

11:55 AM ET

House Speaker Johnson Holds News Conference

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) holds a news conference on the Republican Party’s legislative agenda, news of the day, and the 2024 presidential debate.


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745445 No.21104049

File: f9d18528a998f6e⋯.png (856.82 KB,761x701,761:701,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae0d0e No.21104050



The movie scared me when I was a kid,

No fear now.

Challenged them to the highest level.

Crying I don’t want to die…

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c113cf No.21104051

File: 1c48eaaf39b7acb⋯.mp4 (15.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,A_Tour_of_the_Serpens_Nebu….mp4)

Tour the famous 'Pillars of Creation' with gorgeous new 3D views from Hubble and JWST

June 27, 2024

In 1995, the Hubble Space Telescope released images of the Pillars of Creation — stunning effervescent clouds of interstellar dust and gas, the place where stars are born.

Now, combining data from Hubble and the James Webb Space Telescope, NASA has released a gorgeous 3D visualization of the cosmic structures in both visible and infrared light.

"By flying past and amongst the pillars, viewers experience their three-dimensional structure and see how they look different in the Hubble visible-light view versus the Webb infrared-light view," principal visualization scientist Frank Summers said in a statement.

"The contrast helps them understand why we have more than one space telescope to observe different aspects of the same object," he continued.

The Pillars of Creation, which lie about 5,700 light-years from Earth, are composed of cool molecular hydrogen and dust. Due to strong winds and radiation from young nearby hot stars, the pillars are starting to get stripped of their contents.

Long, finger-like structures can be seen emerging from the top of the pillars, which are larger than our own solar system.

Inside these structures, hydrogen and dust is gravitationally collapsing into new, infant stars. These new stars will add to the continued dispersion of materials within the pillars.

The tallest of the pillars spans 3 light-years from top to bottom — three-quarters of the distance between the sun and our closest star.

The newly released video is based on observational data gathered for a study authored by Anna McLeod from the University of Durham in England, who also worked as a scientific advisor for the visualization project.

"When we combine observations from NASA's space telescopes across different wavelengths of light, we broaden our understanding of the universe," said Mark Clampin, Astrophysics Division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington.

"The Pillars of Creation region continues to offer us new insights that hone our understanding of how stars form. Now, with this new visualization, everyone can experience this rich, captivating landscape in a new way," Clampin added.

Throughout the visualization, viewers can catch glimpses of stars at different stages of formation. For example, at the top of the central pillar, viewers can see an embedded infant protostar, which is bright red when seen in infrared light.

Close to the top of the left pillar is a diagonal jet of material being ejected from a newborn star, though viewers can't see the star itself. And at the end of the left pillars' "fingers," viewers can see a blazing newly formed star.




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27d7a5 No.21104053


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6a26c6 No.21104054

File: b808419a38e76a4⋯.png (3.79 KB,290x232,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)


>I usually get those, but I am missing something on that one.

No manual can opener required, it has this thing with a little ring to pull with you finger alone and open it, too easy.

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73534e No.21104055


most of the people acted like reverent tourists and ought not be prosecuted for being in a building that is public property and should have been open to the public that day anyway except for the schemes of the democrats with their fake pandemic.

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63e58c No.21104057


So was George Floyd's statement about not being able to breathe.

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27d7a5 No.21104059


trusts the science

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e904ca No.21104060

File: b98e4a5c91ca2b8⋯.png (292.66 KB,532x510,266:255,Capture.PNG)

File: 63e92bc59372127⋯.jpg (370.17 KB,1920x1080,16:9,GRK5_T_XEAAzOAu.jpg)

The Justice Department issued the following statement from Attorney General Merrick B. Garland on the Supreme Court’s decision in Fischer v. United States

🔗: https://justice.gov/opa/pr/attorney-general-merrick-b-garland-statement-supreme-courts-decision-fischer-v-united-states


Garland is swamp scum.

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e75920 No.21104061



is a lot of the riot destruction and pop-up smash-n-grab about real estate plays?

when shit forced to close via fuckery, it goes on the market if sold

whois buyer

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3ca0d0 No.21104063

File: 6a456767072b80f⋯.png (1.6 MB,882x2588,441:1294,ClipboardImage.png)


special communication device

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9d5968 No.21104064

File: 73118ff63eb8ff5⋯.png (222.38 KB,420x315,4:3,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

File: e56f32524e2c03f⋯.png (878.27 KB,1024x576,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)


most dementia patients do receive a modicum of sympathy, but in biden's case, his policies are harming the citizens of our country, so he must be removed from power either by ballot box or 25th amendment

there are several families of young America women who are currently grieving their rape and murder at the hands of illegals that biden and mayorkas allowed or even encourage to cross our southern border

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3a6a8c No.21104066

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)

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73534e No.21104068


the head of DOJ is a contemptuous sot.

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f933ef No.21104069

File: e05da46358126b1⋯.png (12.45 KB,253x255,253:255,fact.png)


It's in the second paragraph.

Read it.

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f933ef No.21104071


oops, wrong link.


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73534e No.21104072


I didn't say that they like him. I didn't say that I like him.

my point: it's obvious he is the victim of elder abuse.

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eaf4ac No.21104074

File: c8125d9f3fb27ca⋯.jpg (138.12 KB,650x471,650:471,NO_SYMPATHY_FOR_LIARS.jpg)

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d272e9 No.21104075

File: 0d660d99c3643db⋯.png (20.54 KB,584x230,292:115,1.png)

JUST IN: AG Garland reacts to Supreme Court’s Jan. 6 ruling

“I am disappointed by today’s decision, which limits an important federal statute that the Department has sought to use to ensure that those most responsible for that attack face appropriate consequences.”


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e904ca No.21104076

File: 977fd33398bfbe7⋯.png (337.96 KB,529x442,529:442,Capture.PNG)

BREAKING: Republic of Congo announces plans to join BRICS following a meeting with Russian President Putin.


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c9e28c No.21104078


time to INDICT this fraudster….

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3a6a8c No.21104079

File: 08f444c427ae56a⋯.png (111.34 KB,612x368,153:92,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d5968 No.21104081

File: ee74d15f990646c⋯.png (942.67 KB,1200x800,3:2,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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863d57 No.21104082


just stupid.

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3219d2 No.21104083

File: 3f5f05950b3a966⋯.png (111.98 KB,306x306,1:1,49F9B0BC_E80A_4724_99C9_13….png)


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9cae1a No.21104086


Kek. So they drop obstruction. Still have all the other charges. They aren’t getting out of prison.

Look here not there. It’s stalling.

No. One. Can. Or. Will. Stop. Them

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865107 No.21104087

File: 508dd0ec8029427⋯.mp4 (2.25 MB,360x640,9:16,447151122_1006214267737684….mp4)

Riding day shift!

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cdbaa0 No.21104089

File: 5e8a1fd8a6993aa⋯.jpg (14.41 KB,250x250,1:1,a0b69409909875a2da3d510a63….jpg)

Anyone have a valid site for bypassing pay walls? Use to use Outline.com, but it appears to be invalid.

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c34d77 No.21104090

File: 2708e0f97867c2b⋯.png (42.62 KB,541x657,541:657,ClipboardImage.png)



Apr 06, 2018 11:53:38 AM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 357f8c No. 919513

Apr 06, 2018 11:50:01 AM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 357f8c No. 919456


Would you believe they called the WH for comment prior to publishing?



http:// www.foxnews.com/us/2018/04/06/disturbing-string-aircraft-crashes-in-2018-continues-deadly-trend-for-us-military.html


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e75920 No.21104091


>Youcan’t freeyourself.Youcan’t stop them.

yo right

that's why "we" do it as a team


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717f71 No.21104093

File: 08b5c2a972470ff⋯.jpg (63.89 KB,750x445,150:89,video_governor_gavin_newso….jpg)

Video: Governor Gavin Newsom Asked If He’ll Be the Next Democratic Nominee – Here’s His Answer While He’s Glowing


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c9e28c No.21104094


all the ones i used to know are blocked

try Wayback, you never know….

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73534e No.21104096



is there an 'elder abuse hotline?'

I shall investigate.

for DC:


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a692aa No.21104097


>Those most responsible for the attack

That would be the FBI, C_A, the DOJ. They orchestrated the narrative.

Ray Epps.

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717f71 No.21104098


Archive the article bypasses the paywall

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f0f8f7 No.21104099

File: 76b1f6c61781753⋯.jpeg (7.16 KB,292x173,292:173,NigelCheers.jpeg)

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9d5968 No.21104100


my sympathies go the families of the deceased young American women,

biden has had a long and healthy life, which much wealth and privilege

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c34d77 No.21104101



inthematrixx retards

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a24e22 No.21104102


The Supreme Court overrules the Chevron doctrine, curtailing the power of administrative agencies to interpret ambiguous laws.

The court strikes a key charge used in hundreds of prosecutions of defendants who entered the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6, 2021, attacks.

THIS IS HUGE CHEVRON DEFERENCE GONE AND FISHER OVERRULED, J6ers can get out of jail for years.A lot of DC Judges are freaking out right now, Julie Kelly said the judges that CHARGED them and sent J6ers to jail, and used this bogus twist of a law this are in DEEP SHIT

Prosecutions of defendants who entered the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6, 2021, attacks.


Announcement of opinions for Friday, June 28

By SCOTUSblog on June 28 at 8:40 a.m.

The court released three opinions from the current term.

In City of Grants Pass v. Johnson, the court rules that “camping ban” laws restricting the homeless from sleeping on public property do not constitute “cruel and unusual punishment” and are therefore not prohibited by the Eighth Amendment.

The court overrules its 1984 decision in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, which held that courts should defer to an agency’s reasonable interpretation of an ambiguous statute. In Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, the court rules 6-3 that courts may not defer to an agency interpretation of the law simply because a statute is ambiguous.

In the case of a former Pennsylvania police officer who entered the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Fischer v. United States, the court holds that to prove a violation of the law, the government must show that the defendant impaired the availability or integrity for use in an official proceeding of records, documents, objects, or other things used in an official proceeding, or attempted to do so. The case is returned to the lower court to determine whether the indictment can still stand in light of this new and narrower interpretation.

Click here for a list of FAQs about opinion announcements


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c9e28c No.21104103

File: 95f71c6c82b20f2⋯.png (125.15 KB,430x283,430:283,MIRROR_MIRROR_ON_THE_WALL.png)


>You can’t free yourself.

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865107 No.21104104


Do (you) not read?


My cap is on Cental Time

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9cae1a No.21104105


USAA insurance commercials on 20 times a day. Only for military and their families.

Discounted rates.

VA Loans for housing. No down payment. Lower rates. Free inspections.

Military discounts for everything.

Press 1 if you are a member of the military.

They get special treatment for their service.

They fought for banks and politicians.

They will never fight for Americans here at home. Because they think they are better than civilians.

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93929f No.21104106


His family was in the holocaust.

He knows better than everyone…

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9cae1a No.21104107


You will always be here scrolling.

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c34d77 No.21104108


treason on innocent americans

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745445 No.21104109


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cdbaa0 No.21104110


Will try that anon, thank you

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fa14b5 No.21104111

Mornin bois & ghouls.

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7ce733 No.21104112

File: c4c6409215228d5⋯.png (12.96 KB,614x193,614:193,Screen_Shot_06_28_24_at_11….PNG)

11:06 = 17

Nikki Haley


Mark my words….Biden will not be the Democrat nominee. Republicans, get your guard up!

11:06 PM · Jun 27, 2024


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c113cf No.21104113

File: d6d9b4c66102616⋯.png (1.65 MB,1506x1258,753:629,ClipboardImage.png)

SpaceX NROL-186 Mission Launch

SpaceX is targeting Friday, June 28 for a Falcon 9 launch of the NROL-186 mission from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.

The two-hour launch window opens at 8:14 p.m. PT. If needed, a backup opportunity is available on Saturday, June 29 starting at 8:00 p.m. PT.

A live webcast of this mission will begin about 10 minutes prior to liftoff, which you can watch here and on X @SpaceX.

This is the eighth flight for the first stage booster supporting this mission, having previously launched Crew-7, CRS-29, PACE, Transporter-10, EarthCARE, and two Starlink missions.

Following stage separation, the first stage will land on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship, which will be stationed in the Pacific Ocean.


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cdbaa0 No.21104114


Will absolutely try. Thank you

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c9e28c No.21104115

>>21104102 The Supreme Court overrules the Chevron doctrine, curtailing the power of administrative agencies to interpret ambiguous laws


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168f72 No.21104116

Readout of Defense Policy Board Meeting

June 28, 2024 |

Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder provided the following readout:

The Defense Policy Board (DPB) gathered for two days of closed sessions at the Pentagon on June 26th and 27th to assess the Department of Defense's preparedness, posture, and ability to mobilize for future conflicts.


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73534e No.21104117



he's in the Executive

they are in the Judiciary

they are not his bosses.

they have authority to rule on law but they are not his bosses.

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865107 No.21104118

File: fe2747eec242d64⋯.jpg (417.49 KB,1080x2021,1080:2021,Screenshot_20240628_110000.jpg)




Misspellings matter.


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3a6a8c No.21104119


Main St. equivalent to 3-4 Fed Rate Cuts in one ruling.

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73534e No.21104120



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ae0d0e No.21104121


Must admit, haven’t heard MEGA for a while.

I coined that saying.

Make Earth Great Again.

Time is coming.

The correct wizards need to be installed WW

Evil b gone

Evil b gone

Evil be gone

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168f72 No.21104122

Military Commissions Media Invitation Announced for United States v. Encep Nurjaman Pre-Trial Hearing

June 28, 2024 |

The Department of Defense invites media to cover pre-trial proceedings September 9-13 for Encep Nurjaman, who has been charged in connection with his alleged role in the 2002 and 2003 bombings in Indonesia.


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8b4d57 No.21104123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8ce546 No.21104124


buh bye miss america

what good is an election now?


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9cae1a No.21104125


See I told you Biden isn’t stepping off.

Haley is a faggot.


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745445 No.21104126


sudo systemctl stop biden.service

sudo systemctl disable biden.service

sudo pacman -R biden

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a7b8bc No.21104127

File: a455a6c1b9e54d4⋯.png (422.99 KB,827x464,827:464,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae0d0e No.21104128


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a24e22 No.21104129


The Supreme Court overrules the Chevron doctrine, curtailing the power of administrative agencies to interpret ambiguous laws.

The court strikes a key charge used in hundreds of prosecutions of defendants who entered the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6, 2021, attacks.

THIS IS HUGE CHEVRON DEFERENCE GONE AND FISHER OVERRULED, J6ers can get out of jail for years.A lot of DC Judges are freaking out right now, Julie Kelly said the judges that CHARGED them and sent J6ers to jail, and used this bogus twist of a law this are in DEEP SHIT

Prosecutions of defendants who entered the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6, 2021, attacks.


Announcement of opinions for Friday, June 28

By SCOTUSblog on June 28 at 8:40 a.m.

The court released three opinions from the current term.

In City of Grants Pass v. Johnson, the court rules that “camping ban” laws restricting the homeless from sleeping on public property do not constitute “cruel and unusual punishment” and are therefore not prohibited by the Eighth Amendment.

The court overrules its 1984 decision in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, which held that courts should defer to an agency’s reasonable interpretation of an ambiguous statute. In Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, the court rules 6-3 that courts may not defer to an agency interpretation of the law simply because a statute is ambiguous.

In the case of a former Pennsylvania police officer who entered the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Fischer v. United States, the court holds that to prove a violation of the law, the government must show that the defendant impaired the availability or integrity for use in an official proceeding of records, documents, objects, or other things used in an official proceeding, or attempted to do so. The case is returned to the lower court to determine whether the indictment can still stand in light of this new and narrower interpretation.

In the case of a former Pennsylvania police officer who entered the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Fischer v. United States, the court holds that to prove a violation of the law, the government must show that the defendant impaired the availability or integrity for use in an official proceeding of records, documents, objects, or other things used in an official proceeding, or attempted to do so. The case is returned to the lower court to determine whether the indictment can still stand in light of this new and narrower interpretation.


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93929f No.21104131


I don’t thing Anons can quite appreciate their part in reviving the spirit of the Ghost Army in this new phase of warfare…


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8ce546 No.21104132



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865107 No.21104133

File: 4eaff30a7c77577⋯.jpg (210.91 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ba83429466c9357a.jpg)



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db2547 No.21104134


In some cases, this was the 'only felony' which has just been rendered moot.

The felony won't stand and other charges are misdemenors. Some should be able to get out of jail if there wasn't retaliatory Judges in DC.

That remains to be seen.

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6a26c6 No.21104135


>that's why "we" do it as a team




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745445 No.21104136





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c9e28c No.21104137


>You will always be here scrolling.

have been here six years but will not be here forever

when it's finished, all of us will look back on this as a unique and memorable experience, a chance to speak out for free anonymous speech

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c34d77 No.21104138

File: 5faab4377da21c6⋯.png (457.32 KB,855x914,855:914,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c72aa98c5e4c630⋯.png (482.86 KB,450x651,150:217,ClipboardImage.png)




Apr 12, 2018 4:36:19 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 48c59f No. 1015015

Apr 12, 2018 4:35:10 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 48c59f No. 1015000


Has the error been corrected?

Why not?


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530055 No.21104139

File: c13ad0d12430f3d⋯.jpg (11.81 KB,255x174,85:58,Eagle_Flag.jpg)

Been following these boards since early 2017. I think I can finally say with confidence that it is HAPPENING!!!!

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ae0d0e No.21104140


Stop the removing of organs

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2d1705 No.21104141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>You can’t free yourself.

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c9e28c No.21104142


we're on your side, KEK

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48bb41 No.21104143



Q+ Jun 28, 2024, 11:03 AM > Big News!

Q: 1103 > This is BIGGER than you think.

Q+ Jun 28, 2024, 11:39 AM (quote)

Q: 1139 > (quote "you have it all")

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7ce733 No.21104144


Nikki, save us from both of these men, please!

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3219d2 No.21104145

File: 796b509bcaf0a9f⋯.jpeg (433.14 KB,1163x619,1163:619,C2445A0F_4079_45A4_AEF6_7….jpeg)

C101 US Coast Guard G5 WS from Reagan National

This went to Davis-Monthan AFB on Wednesday

Likely going to El Paso Intl

DATUM37 E6B Mercury EN on Texas coast from Tinker AFB depart

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082a39 No.21104146


#25868 >>21103465

>>21103580, >>21103649, >>21103665, >>21103922, >>21104001 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med/CONUS activity

>>21103490, >>21103821, >>21103853 RALLY: We’re in Virginia—Don’t miss @realDonaldTrump’s rally this afternoon at 3:00pmE in Chesapeake! LIVE


>>21103536, >>21103550 This is your brain cajun fried Dim style

>>21103553 Donald Trump’s Net Worth Jumps About $900 Million As Trump Media Shares Surge 27%

>>21103589, >>21103615, >>21103680, >>21103800, >>21103802, >>21103900, >>21104047, >>21104113 NASA/space news

>>21103592, >>21104011 Isn't it amazing that through all this orchestrated sacrificing of biden today by the democrats and media, not once do they wonder out loud who's been running the country the last 4 years??

>>21103595, >>21103949, >>21104047 Swampers Swampin

>>21103601 Bannon War Room

>>21103623 Tractor Supply is eliminating DEI, stopping to fund pride events, is no longer giving its data over to HRC

>>21103636 Van Jones on being a loser

>>21103637 Amtrak train hits, kills 2 people in separate North Carolina collisions

>>21103642 Memes To Go

>>21103650, >>21103701 CNN: “I don’t give a shit if they bring out … even Big Mike” /HRC Moar keks!

>>21103653, >>21104017 UK: Was the 'Reform Racist' a Channel 4 Plant!?

>>21103654 Darren Beatie: Democrats have boxed themselves into a corner.

>>21103674 Watch the SCOTUS today 4 opinions today, interesting that they waited until after the debate

>>21103691 Harrington: President Trump And Biden Debate At "The Scene Of The Crime" In Fulton County

>>21103697, >>21103707, >>21103708, >>21103715, >>21103730, >>21104115 The Supreme Court on Friday overturned a landmark 40-year-old decision that gave federal agencies broad regulatory power, upending their authority to issue regulations unless Congress has spoken clearly, Chevron decision

>>21103704, >>21103769 Massie loses his queen

>>21103741 How many federal agencies are there in the USA? all 438 agencies and sub-agencies

>>21103743 Conservatives prep legal fight if Dems try to yank Biden from ballot

>>21103752, >>21103749, >>21103759, >>21103767, >>21103755, >>21103761, >>21103782, >>21104045 The Supreme Court on Friday ruled in favor of a former police officer who is seeking to throw out an obstruction charge for joining the Capitol riot on Jan. 6



>>21103807 Lindell: Wisconsin Election Commission Denying Robin Vos Recall

>>21103878 Republican Chip Roy has said that today he will introduce resolution calling on VP Harris to start 25 amendment process to remove Biden due to mental incompetency

>>21103879 Federal Housing Finance Agent (FHFA) and Freddie Mac will begin issuing second liens on homes. It will start small with $2.5 billion that will expand into a $3 trillion loan program, which could involve 30% of all 144 million homes in America

>>21103886 Are There Vaccines in our Food Supply?

>>21103909 Wren: Senate And Election Officials In AZ Exhibiting Odd Behavior About Key Fob Thief

>>21104016 #OTD in 2005, 19 U.S. special operators were killed during Operation Red Wings. Lt. Michael Murphy was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his gallant actions during an engagement with the Taliban

>>21104040 @realDonaldTrump BIG WIN!

>>21104075 AG Garland reacts to Supreme Court’s Jan. 6 ruling

>>21104076 Republic of Congo announces plans to join BRICS following a meeting with Russian President Putin.

>>21104136 RELEASE THE HOSTAGES Make it Trend!

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73534e No.21104147


curious you were following these boards

before they existed?


that's magical, anon, like a transparent eagle flying out of a flag.

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e75920 No.21104148

File: 5d6466d8338edb3⋯.jpg (171.71 KB,1142x973,1142:973,Screenshot_20230630_112520….jpg)






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168f72 No.21104149

File: 26a855e727dcaa1⋯.jpg (6.34 KB,275x183,275:183,booming.jpg)

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c9e28c No.21104150

File: e8a47c52deb567c⋯.png (317.38 KB,508x532,127:133,lmao_cracking_up.png)


"Nikki, our savior"

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863d57 No.21104151


president kamaltoe coming in hot.

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9d5968 No.21104154

File: 6a341780b2ba2e7⋯.png (1.5 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_1….png)

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2d8628 No.21104155

File: ace2b210a18d54c⋯.png (584.76 KB,720x469,720:469,ace2b210a18d54cf697b6a03d8….png)

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8b4d57 No.21104156


You're resurrecting this slide again, huh? Filtered.

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f61120 No.21104157

File: b87e9fc96d0e1a0⋯.jpg (423.62 KB,2048x1536,4:3,farage_trump_1842411032.jpg)

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8ce546 No.21104158

File: 7dabfdf86b31adc⋯.png (32.15 KB,120x214,60:107,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: a7ba286b946c05e⋯.png (26.47 KB,126x174,21:29,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: 19617f913a59058⋯.png (53.69 KB,166x284,83:142,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: 57b3ccd2c2a932e⋯.png (165.32 KB,256x454,128:227,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

i'm in

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db2547 No.21104159


I use archive.today

But, it depends on how the paywall is configured on the site.

Works for me 95% of the time.

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73534e No.21104160

question for envirnomental and federal regulatory lawyers: does the voiding of Chevron also void all the regulations that were suffered upon the American people by the misinterpretation of law that Chevron ruling was?

If 'yes' this is a monumentous and important ruling and indicates a return to rule of law away from rule of petty-tyrant environ-mental-cases

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cde833 No.21104162

File: f965324ff8e0442⋯.png (573.09 KB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)



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a692aa No.21104163

File: d21b67ab9650fcd⋯.png (253.41 KB,800x534,400:267,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b4d57 No.21104164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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73534e No.21104168


do a dig and get back to us.

think for yourself

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eaf4ac No.21104169

File: 0d64af773f0feb2⋯.jpg (180.94 KB,671x576,671:576,MANY_LIES.jpg)

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168f72 No.21104171

File: 77a51f8debc2804⋯.mp4 (5.74 MB,480x270,16:9,2022_08_06_Festival_Overtu….mp4)

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ce7098 No.21104172

File: c35ce7868694165⋯.png (871 B,81x37,81:37,ClipboardImage.png)



11:33 = 17

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48bb41 No.21104173

File: d23791b04efbafd⋯.png (1.12 MB,900x506,450:253,18.png)


we're getting there..

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db2547 No.21104174

Dougie Kass


What I am hearing regarding Joe Biden. Ron Klain and Barack Obama are having a sit down with the President today. Jill Biden is insistent that Joe runs. Kamala is furious that she is not being considered as a replacement (Whitmer and Newsom are). Interestingly my neighbor in East Hampton is hosting the Bidens tomorrow. It will be an important tell if the fundraiser is cancelled.












9:06 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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ae0d0e No.21104175

File: c30e049f587a450⋯.png (8.03 MB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_2102.png)


Why do you think in 2016 picrel didn’t get shown on British tv. They have never not show a World Cup opening ceremony.

Notice the hosts and the kun?

Quatar I think it was…..

The moar u no.

God bless.


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a24e22 No.21104176


Supreme Court blocks OxyContin bankruptcy plan 1/2

By Amy Howe on Jun 27, 2024 at 5:10 pm

The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that a multi-billion-dollar bankruptcy plan for Purdue Pharma, the maker of the opioid OxyContin, cannot move forward.By a vote of 5-4, the justices granted the federal government’s request to block the plan on the ground that it shields members of the Sackler family, which principally owns the companyand controlled it until recently, from liability for opioid-related claims even though they did not declare bankruptcy.

Writing for the majority, Justice Neil Gorsuch contended that federal bankruptcy laws do not allow the plan to release the Sacklers from liability without the consent of creditors and opioid victims. Gorsuch acknowledged the government’s argument that its decision could cause the plan to “unravel” by exposing the Sacklers to a wide range of lawsuits. But such questions, Gorsuch concluded, are best left to Congress, rather than the courts.

In a lengthy dissent, Justice Brett Kavanaugh contended that, without releasing the Sacklers from liability, “there is no good reason to believe that any of the victims or state or local governments will ever recover anything.”

Purdue Pharma filed for bankruptcy in Sept. 2019, more than 20 years after it first introduced OxyContin to the market. The company aggressively marketed OxyContin for a wide array of pain and as being less susceptible to abuse, but the drug ultimately proved to be highly addictive. From 1999 to 2019, nearly a quarter-million people died from overdosing on prescription opioids. As a national public health crisis developed, thousands of lawsuits were brought against Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family, charging them with having deceptively marketed the drug.

Two years later, a bankruptcy court confirmed a plan that would remake Purdue Pharma as a nonprofit dedicated to addressing the public-health problems created by the opioid epidemic. Provisions in the plan shielded members of the Sackler family from civil liability for opioid-related claims. In exchange, family members – who had taken pre-tax distributions of $11 billion from the company in recent years – agreed to contribute up to $6 billion to fund the plan.

A federal district court in New York struck down the bankruptcy court’s ruling, but the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit reinstated it. The appeals court pointed to a federal bankruptcy law providing that bankruptcy plans may “include any other appropriate provision not inconsistent with the applicable provisions of” the Bankruptcy Code.

The Department of Justice came to the Supreme Court last year, asking the justices to put the implementation of the bankruptcy plan on hold to give the Supreme Court time to take up its appeal. The justices granted that request and heard oral arguments in the case in December.


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73534e No.21104177


it just dawned on me: mid day Mr. Pig.


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cde833 No.21104179

File: 07e581839f02d62⋯.png (2.12 MB,2000x1125,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

got that drag queen look

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d61581 No.21104180

File: d6db23241d1551a⋯.mp4 (4.05 MB,382x480,191:240,MTvCs_caa.mp4)

Accurate representation of Joe Biden in general.


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eaf4ac No.21104182

File: 247a1641d1231e8⋯.jpg (60.93 KB,596x437,596:437,WORLD_WIDE_WIN.jpg)

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5bdcf7 No.21104183


Hmm. For some reason didn’t Crazy Joe have North Carolina (on his mind) after the debate when he said gnite/thank you N. Carolina instead of (Atlanta) Georgia?

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8ce546 No.21104184

File: 76ad111a8401aba⋯.png (1.25 MB,1298x872,649:436,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: 1284f466a1aacc4⋯.png (355.54 KB,622x390,311:195,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

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db2547 No.21104185

File: cd0388978ce8b68⋯.png (29.35 KB,543x298,543:298,ClipboardImage.png)



(big wall street guy if you don't know who he is)

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e75920 No.21104186






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a24e22 No.21104187



In a 20-page opinion joined by Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Amy Coney Barrett, and Ketanji Brown Jackson, Gorsuch first explained that thetext of the federal bankruptcy law at the center of the case does not permit the kind of nonconsensual releases from liability that the Sacklers, as nondebtors, seek.

Purdue Pharma relies on a provision that outlines the contents of a bankruptcy reorganization plan, ending with a “catchall” provision indicating that a plan may “include any other appropriate provision not inconsistent with” other bankruptcy laws. But that “catchall” provision does not give bankruptcy courts broad powers, Gorsuch reasoned. Instead, he wrote, it must be interpreted as applying only to scenarios that are similar to the ones that precede it – all of which involve debtors. The “catchall” provision, Gorsuch wrote, “cannot be fairly read to endow a bankruptcy court with the ‘radically different’ power to discharge the debts of a nondebtor without the consent of affected nondebtor claimants.”

The broader context of the bankruptcy code also supports the conclusion that the “catchall” provision does not authorize the nonconsensual release of liability for nondebtors, Gorsuch continued. Among other things, he observed, bankruptcy laws do allow such releases in one specific circumstance: asbestos-related bankruptcies. The bankruptcy code’s grant of such authority for asbestos-related bankruptcies “makes it all the more unlikely” that the “catchall” provision can be interpreted to give bankruptcy courts the power to approve such releases in all scenarios.

In a 54-page dissent joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, Kavanaugh described Thursday’s ruling as “wrong on the law and devastating for more than 100,000 opioid victims and their families.”

Federal bankruptcy law, Kavanaugh explained, gives bankruptcy courts “broad discretion to approve ‘appropriate’ plan provisions.” It does so, he reasoned, to ensure that a bankrupt company’s assets are distributed fairly among its creditors – and, if necessary, its victims – rather than going to whoever can file a lawsuit first. And because a bankrupt company like Purdue often agrees to pay for claims against company officials, like the Sacklers, Kavanaugh continued, it makes sense to shield those officials from liability as part of the bankruptcy plan as well, particularly when the officials are willing to contribute money to settle the bankruptcy.

“Given the broad statutory text — ‘appropriate’ — and the history of bankruptcy practice approving non-debtor releases in mass-tort bankruptcies,” Kavanaugh concluded, “there is no good reason for the debilitating effects that the decision today imposes on the opioid victims in this case and on the bankruptcy system at large.”

Thursday’s decision sends the case back to the 2nd Circuit. In a statement, Purdue Pharma indicated that although it was disappointed with Thursday’s decision, it would continue to seek a settlement with its creditors.


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cdbaa0 No.21104188

File: 7224974d9b92d7b⋯.jpg (227.3 KB,1024x1024,1:1,7224974d9b92d7bb2196b52b6e….jpg)


Thank you anon, I will try that

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863d57 No.21104189

funny as fuck.








why is rumble spamblocked?

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73534e No.21104191

Today it's like Rolling Thunder.

big day.


Jack is dear and sweet and loved by many.

a young man who made mistakes, almost lost his wife, slept in a train station coffee shop for a brief time in the early A.M. Was called to task by Q but eventually smartened up, saved him marriage, had a couple of awesome children, and helped to save the world from the deep state.

a dear man well loved.

Blessings to him.

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f61120 No.21104192

File: e2f2832b04ee33a⋯.webp (98.31 KB,1080x675,8:5,fifa_world_cup_opening_ce….webp)

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ce7098 No.21104193



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3a6a8c No.21104194


The"First Black Female President"is a title reserved for someone OTHER that Kamala.

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e75920 No.21104195


bestest bday present eva

thanks, joe

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fa14b5 No.21104196

SCOTUS Sides With J6 Defendants. The Legal Meaning Of The Word "Otherwise" Was The Deciding Factor.

"In a slightly non-ideological 6-3 split, the ruling hinged on one word in the 2002 obstruction law: "otherwise."

"The Supreme Court disagreed with the government, ruling that making "otherwise" a catch-all would criminalize a broad scope of activities, exposing activists and lobbyists to decades in prison."



This was a high level legal op. Nothing is happening, huh?

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6ddef0 No.21104197

File: 711b1f17e648bd3⋯.png (933.16 KB,828x465,276:155,ClipboardImage.png)

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f933ef No.21104198




Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147434025📁

Oct 31 2017 22:00:47 (EST)

There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).

11.3 - Podesta indicted

11.6- Huma indicted

Manafort was placed into Trump's camp (as well as others). The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail (you are seeing it already begin). A deep cleaning is occurring and the prevention and defense of pure evil is occurring on a daily basis. They never thought they were going to lose control of the Presidency (not just D's) and thought they had control since making past mistakes (JFK, Reagan).

Good speed, Patriots.

PS, Soros is targeted.

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a692aa No.21104199

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


it isn't blocked

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7ce733 No.21104200

File: be3b0fabda83c0e⋯.png (193.31 KB,614x609,614:609,Screen_Shot_06_28_24_at_12….PNG)

Hillary Clinton


The choice in this election remains very simple.

It's a choice between someone who cares about you—your rights, your prospects, your future—versus someone who's only in it for himself.

I'll be voting Biden.

From joebiden.com

9:48 AM · Jun 28, 2024


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f1704e No.21104201

You don’t need truth.

You don’t need facts.

All you need in America is money.

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717f71 No.21104202

File: 74683bcf56cf549⋯.jpeg (44.47 KB,680x398,340:199,wkpPAsXTX4xb.jpeg)

Second debate will be terminated?

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863d57 No.21104203


he got famous off of anon research…

just like beans.

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530055 No.21104204

File: c1c2642d002ad48⋯.jpg (72.38 KB,958x584,479:292,Q_First_Post.jpg)

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3219d2 No.21104205

File: 97d8d6e27dfdead⋯.gif (503.17 KB,220x222,110:111,070EBE28_67A0_4DF5_BF83_04….gif)



>big wall st. guy

Know who he is and correct…well connected

Grown man refers to self that way


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63e58c No.21104207


What I didn't know was how important George Floyd would be to my life.

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a692aa No.21104208


>cares about you

By selling the office of VP and POTUS to foreign adversaries, and opening the border letting in rapists and killers to kill you.

>versus someone who is only it for himself

projection. HRC sold SAP access, sold out the seal team, used CF as a pay for play piggy bank to benefit herself.

>I'll be voting for Biden

kek, who cares, you're going to jail.

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168f72 No.21104209

File: 2b740393673e30e⋯.jpg (27.63 KB,600x388,150:97,hillary_drunk.jpg)

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ae0d0e No.21104211

File: 3957fb8718d9557⋯.png (5.18 MB,1640x2360,41:59,IMG_2103.png)


The tide has turned.

1 flood

A few fires

2 mental instructions (same one) 1st was on 4.10.20

> A "devastating" fire has ripped through a primary school resulting in the "total loss" of a building.

Six fire engines spent the day tackling the blaze at St Mary's School in Darley Abbey, Derbyshire, after being called shortly before 05:30 BST.

Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service said: "On arrival firefighters were met with a well-developed fire."

In a tweet, St Mary's said: "Thank you for all the kind messages of support we have received.

This happened on 3.10.20. All I did was danced through the park bare foot, awakening my sister.

No one was injured, but a trading school got burned down.

Followed by a church.

Funnily enough. A dude got blamed for arson who was locked up in a ,metal institute.

Do u get the patterns.

Where are hidden deals made…..

Life’s good,

Could do with a bit moar abundance of love, but that will come back.

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c9e28c No.21104212


>all deleted on a free speech board

it's a free speech bread, not a FREE SPAM bread

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8ce546 No.21104214

File: 276e264cb78e715⋯.png (1.53 MB,1284x812,321:203,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: a40a3b172d90296⋯.png (873.58 KB,800x718,400:359,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: f5a13a98b1753a6⋯.png (1.35 MB,1952x410,976:205,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

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a91ecd No.21104215

File: b322f3f5c52236d⋯.png (685.72 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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cdbaa0 No.21104216

File: 20abdd6f31ffb09⋯.jpg (8.51 KB,250x243,250:243,20abdd6f31ffb09ddc61a3476c….jpg)


Outstanding, thank you anon

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c34d77 No.21104217

File: 8fbfc0a8b4b9766⋯.png (600.37 KB,1000x500,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)



he has to do over time 24 hour shifts as the faggot shill team are losing their grip.

The power of this place even without the notables is making them panic.

The anons researching here are sharing info and getting ahead of the hitjobs on both sides of the water.

keep pumping out your shit memes stinky chinky.

btw, there are some good note takers. not all.

anons can see it especially bakers who have been shut out of the kitchen..

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745445 No.21104218

File: ab87eba05621495⋯.png (22.64 KB,710x767,710:767,ClipboardImage.png)


>The choice in this election remains very simple


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73534e No.21104220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the comment for this video of a lightning storm was 'lower the volume'

Day of Many BOOMS

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a692aa No.21104221


Hopefully one whose great grandparents didn't own slaves.

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8b4d57 No.21104223


It's opensource information. They can do with it as they wish. Your approval for what they do with that information is not required

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ce7098 No.21104224

File: c8af737b4334fda⋯.png (231.37 KB,490x460,49:46,ClipboardImage.png)

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863d57 No.21104225

File: 72859192ee96e89⋯.jpg (258.09 KB,1080x1500,18:25,20240628_101641.jpg)

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a24e22 No.21104226


They should prosecute the DEA, they knew it was addictive and they lied, they went along with Sacklers plan, they even told doctors that they have to dispense a minimum of 60 pills, my doctor was trying to dispense 10 and the pharmacy said we can only dispense a minimum of 60

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f933ef No.21104228




Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f4dc5f No.9991332📁

Jul 17 2020 16:47:13 (EST)


C19 narrative kill date: Election Day +1

Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on11.4.



Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No.147567888📁

Nov 1 2017 21:56:16 (EST)

Q Clearance Patriot

My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

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082a39 No.21104229

Last Call 'Mo's

#25868 >>21103465

>>21103580, >>21103649, >>21103665, >>21103922, >>21104001, >>21104145 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med/CONUS activity

>>21103490, >>21103821, >>21103853 RALLY: We’re in Virginia—Don’t miss @realDonaldTrump’s rally this afternoon at 3:00pmE in Chesapeake! LIVE


>>21103536, >>21103550 This is your brain cajun fried Dim style

>>21103553 Donald Trump’s Net Worth Jumps About $900 Million As Trump Media Shares Surge 27%

>>21103589, >>21103615, >>21103680, >>21103800, >>21103802, >>21103900, >>21104047, >>21104113 NASA/space news

>>21103592, >>21104011 Isn't it amazing that through all this orchestrated sacrificing of biden today by the democrats and media, not once do they wonder out loud who's been running the country the last 4 years??

>>21103595, >>21103949, >>21104047 Swampers Swampin

>>21103601 Bannon War Room

>>21103623 Tractor Supply is eliminating DEI, stopping to fund pride events, is no longer giving its data over to HRC

>>21103636 Van Jones on being a loser

>>21103637 Amtrak train hits, kills 2 people in separate North Carolina collisions

>>21103642 Memes To Go

>>21103650, >>21103701 CNN: “I don’t give a shit if they bring out … even Big Mike” /HRC Moar keks!

>>21103653, >>21104017 UK: Was the 'Reform Racist' a Channel 4 Plant!?

>>21103654 Darren Beatie: Democrats have boxed themselves into a corner.

>>21103674 Watch the SCOTUS today 4 opinions today, interesting that they waited until after the debate

>>21103691 Harrington: President Trump And Biden Debate At "The Scene Of The Crime" In Fulton County

>>21103697, >>21103707, >>21103708, >>21103715, >>21103730, >>21104102 The Supreme Court on Friday overturned a landmark 40-year-old decision that gave federal agencies broad regulatory power, upending their authority to issue regulations unless Congress has spoken clearly, Chevron decision

>>21103704, >>21103769 Massie loses his queen

>>21103741 How many federal agencies are there in the USA? all 438 agencies and sub-agencies

>>21103743 Conservatives prep legal fight if Dems try to yank Biden from ballot

>>21103752, >>21103749, >>21103759, >>21103767, >>21103755, >>21103761, >>21103782, >>21104045, >>21104196 The Supreme Court on Friday ruled in favor of a former police officer who is seeking to throw out an obstruction charge for joining the Capitol riot on Jan. 6



>>21103807 Lindell: Wisconsin Election Commission Denying Robin Vos Recall

>>21103878 Republican Chip Roy has said that today he will introduce resolution calling on VP Harris to start 25 amendment process to remove Biden due to mental incompetency

>>21103879 Federal Housing Finance Agent (FHFA) and Freddie Mac will begin issuing second liens on homes. It will start small with $2.5 billion that will expand into a $3 trillion loan program, which could involve 30% of all 144 million homes in America

>>21103886 Are There Vaccines in our Food Supply?

>>21103909 Wren: Senate And Election Officials In AZ Exhibiting Odd Behavior About Key Fob Thief

>>21104016 #OTD in 2005, 19 U.S. special operators were killed during Operation Red Wings. Lt. Michael Murphy was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his gallant actions during an engagement with the Taliban

>>21104040 @realDonaldTrump BIG WIN!

>>21104075 AG Garland reacts to Supreme Court’s Jan. 6 ruling

>>21104076 Republic of Congo announces plans to join BRICS following a meeting with Russian President Putin.

>>21104136 RELEASE THE HOSTAGES Make it Trend!

>>21104176, >>21104187 Supreme Court blocks OxyContin bankruptcy plan

>>21104202 No Second Debate Q 4657

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5bdcf7 No.21104231

File: c66a0e362faab4d⋯.jpeg (176.66 KB,735x1198,735:1198,F23030CD_24ED_4A6D_925F_0….jpeg)


Can you be more specific?

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863d57 No.21104232

>they are liars>21104223

fuck yo couch.

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7ce733 No.21104233

File: 868559202aa0047⋯.png (23.63 KB,614x262,307:131,Screen_Shot_06_28_24_at_12….PNG)

He even edited and still didn't get it right…so this is comms…let's figure it out!

"accross" vs across

"boarder" vs Border

Donald Trump Jr.


100,000 Americans die a year because of opioids… that’s two Vietnams A YEAR, much of that coming accross our open boarder because of Biden’s policies or from China who Joe has been the weakest president in history on. We can stop so much death and pain by locking our border down

Last edited

10:26 PM · Jun 27, 2024


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ae0d0e No.21104234


Fug, 2022, the msgs are there to be seen.

Life’s been magic.

Love how things are progressing.

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db2547 No.21104236

File: d6937b7fb90046f⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB,640x360,16:9,RwQyF_cm4KB2RqJ0.mp4)

From Trump Camp compilation video

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73534e No.21104237


if people inherited slaves for which the money was still owed to pay for them to the bastards who sold them, then those people had to keep the slaves and keep paying off the slaves to keep the families together.

such was the case of a famous Southerner who has been maligned for owning slaves.

He inherited them from his father-in-law who had not yet paid them off.

so General Lee kept the slaves so that the families would not be broken up.

so you see just because you own slaves doesn't mean your a horror show person and following evil intention.

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8b4d57 No.21104239

File: 6f7fc9d5eced400⋯.jpg (104.09 KB,720x1106,360:553,6f7fc9d5eced400af1599d5ca9….jpg)


I meant 8.

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a24e22 No.21104241

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Julie Kelly On The Groundbreaking Fischer Ruling



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eaf4ac No.21104242

File: 555edb845e99add⋯.jpg (110.56 KB,836x500,209:125,TOP_40.jpg)





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e904ca No.21104243

File: 8ebe2de41daeedb⋯.mp4 (403.31 KB,512x512,1:1,8ebe2de41daeedbc63e3f5e3b0….mp4)


We walk by faith.

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8ce546 No.21104244


the individual is dead.

WTF did you just say, richie?

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6bab88 No.21104245

File: 9cbaec007f15db8⋯.png (539.85 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Do genetically modified foods cause epigenetic changes which affect our bodies and our minds?


Epigenetic modifications are influenced by environmental factors, pharmaceutical and nutritional elements, lifestyle and developmental stages.

The human body and soul today are reeling under relentless epigenetic warfare, Dr. Mathew Maavak writes and explores two causative factors for epigenetic changes – constituents of food and vaccines – and their potential effects.

DNA is the molecule that contains the genetic instructions and genes are segments of DNA that encode the instructions for a particular trait or characteristic. Another way to put it is: DNA is responsible for storing genetic information while genes are responsible for expressing that information.

Epigenetic changes are genetic modifications that impact gene activity without changing the DNA sequence. It refers to external modifications to DNA that turn genes “on” or “off.” These modifications do not change the DNA sequence, but instead, they affect how cells “read” genes.






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An outbreak of E. coli in the UK is due to salad leaves; or is it?

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Do genetically modified foods cause epigenetic changes which affect our bodies and our minds?

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The Biomedical State; how the global public health game works


Do genetically modified foods cause epigenetic changes which affect our bodies and our minds?


Print Friendly, PDF & Email

Epigenetic modifications are influenced by environmental factors, pharmaceutical and nutritional elements, lifestyle and developmental stages.

The human body and soul today are reeling under relentless epigenetic warfare, Dr. Mathew Maavak writes and explores two causative factors for epigenetic changes – constituents of food and vaccines – and their potential effects.

In the following, the second part of his series, Dr. Maavak delves into genetically modified food and its impact potentially for two or three generations after the person who consumed it. And he raises the possibility of the hepatitis A vaccines causing a surge in female gender dysphoria.

You can read the first part of Dr. Maavak’s series HERE.

Before we get to Dr. Maavak’s article, a brief explanation of what epigenetics is to help visualise the concepts he is discussing.

DNA is the molecule that contains the genetic instructions and genes are segments of DNA that encode the instructions for a particular trait or characteristic. Another way to put it is: DNA is responsible for storing genetic information while genes are responsible for expressing that information.

Epigenetic changes are genetic modifications that impact gene activity without changing the DNA sequence. It refers to external modifications to DNA that turn genes “on” or “off.” These modifications do not change the DNA sequence, but instead, they affect how cells “read” genes.

Epigenetic changes can influence various physiological and pathological outcomes and behavioural traits. The infographic in the slideshow below was produced by the Centre on the Developing Child at Harvard University. It shows how children’s experiences affect their genes. You can see the original infographic in larger print HERE.


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a692aa No.21104246


all spam intended to shut down the board.


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e904ca No.21104248

File: 2919e980d1a55e5⋯.png (436.32 KB,531x552,177:184,Capture.PNG)

Meals in the Mojave Desert! 🌵🍽️

The 153rd Field Feeding Company, STB, DSB played a crucial role during NTC rotation 24-08. These dedicated culinary specialists ensured our Soldiers were well-fed in the intense Mojave Desert. 🥘

#IIIArmoredCorps #FORSCOM #USArmy #IronSoldiers


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863d57 No.21104249


whistle past that graveyard harder.

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082a39 No.21104251


ah, another agency fren on the board


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168f72 No.21104252

File: 9834a136660af69⋯.gif (2.98 MB,480x270,16:9,a10_boom.gif)

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863d57 No.21104253




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c34d77 No.21104254

File: 10454aa1920ce1a⋯.gif (1.52 MB,655x444,655:444,pepe_ups.gif)



btw, now you can say

america winning


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8b4d57 No.21104255


eBot, AEI, VaticanClown. Still on the fence whether MuhGuhGaytriot is his or another handler's. There's definitely moar than one clown lackey running all the fake thrown at the board.

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ce7098 No.21104256

File: 1923aac83fe668c⋯.png (175.64 KB,582x226,291:113,ClipboardImage.png)


Trump played it perfectly.

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a692aa No.21104257


>so you see

nah, just seeing you try to justify slavery to spew cover narrative for heels up Harris.

Anyone who "inherits" slaves can emancipate the slaves.

They didn't.

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73534e No.21104259


FYI: I thought this was 10 minutes long but

in fact, it's 10 hours long.

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c9e28c No.21104260



you won't allow it, you mean

suck a lemon

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ea9993 No.21104261

File: 4493775a6875a86⋯.jpg (169.28 KB,830x900,83:90,1574153413578.jpg)

"Psychological Operations" "Non linear war" "Information War" "Unrestricted War"

Psychological operations are by far the most potent weapons in warfare, and psycho-social effects of these weapon may develop slowly, certainly over decades or longer. Often a change is so gradual as to be almost imperceptible, and when we do notice we take it to be natural. The change is always negative, always portrayed as beneficial, a social step forward. One example.

Porno was and is a high priority mob/CIA social subversion project.

In the 1950s the US Post office employed hundreds of agents to police the mails. Pornography was seized regularly.

Freedom of speech arguments prevailed in our courts and allowed the cult/mob to take us from no-sexual- material-goes-through -the-US mail in the 1950s to Deep Throat opens in regular theaters and drive-ins in 1972.

Masturbation was declared by 'experts' to be harmless and pornography was said to be wholesome and natural sexual expression of delight in the beauty of the opposite sex and to offer a safe outlet to perverts who might otherwise rape children.

Porn was marketed and promoted professionally. When Meyer said "We're bigger than US Steel," in the 1950s he was being modest. That the former mob business "went legit" is another way of saying our entire culture adopted a ruthless efficient and extractive economy that has no concern for destructive effects on the host population.

US porn was a NY based, Gambino family business, run by Robert DiBernadino partnered with the Cleveland porno distributor and dildo manufacturer Reuben Sturman. The two men controlled almost all the print and film/video porno produced and distributed in the US and worldwide with exception of honeypots like Playboy magazine which was C_A controlled from Langley. The idea that the 50s were staid and uptight is myth. This was a planned psychological attack, it created a hyper sexualized culture where media is perfused with overt and subliminal imagery and people count orgasms and leave the driving to the Uber.


Pop culture is an entirely artificial medium. It was and is engineered to control purchasing habits, regulate our mental capacity, our morality and guide our choices for the future by controlling the range of possibilities we are aware of.

Information Operations or "psyops" use our powerful innate drives or instincts against us.

Our reproductive drive is among our most powerful. When we are sexually aroused we do not think clearly and are more vulnerable to hypnotic induction techniques which alter our belief systems, slowly, over time, in ways we are not consciously aware of. The population is kept in a perpetual state of low key sexual arousal. Promiscuity is promoted etc.

Pornography, promoted as naturally healthy, harmless and a safe outlet for sexuality, is not. It is part of the comprehensive social subversion and social control operation intended to weaken and distract our attention from the looting of the US treasury, the infiltration of financial, judicial, legislative, and regulatory systems.

The pedovore cult controls all media content and distribution infrastructure, including porno.

Our civilization rests on the integrity of an information distribution system controlled by entirely corrupt individuals, uniformly devoted to the enslavement and/or destruction of human beings.

Some may recall that Gambino wiseguy Robert (DiB) DiBernardo the Gambino family's czar of pornography, including, disturbingly, child pornography who was made to disappear on Gambino boss John Gotti’s orders, played a role in the 1984 presidential election.

Porn is good for you












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3219d2 No.21104262


Spergtacular fail coming for you Monday


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73534e No.21104263


you would break up families? really?

that's pretty horrible.

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863d57 No.21104264


a fed

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ce7098 No.21104265

File: 5f953dfa6923b9a⋯.png (183.6 KB,563x229,563:229,ClipboardImage.png)

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c9e28c No.21104266




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8ce546 No.21104268


Gene knockouts (also known as gene deletion or gene inactivation) are a widely used genetic engineering technique that involves the targeted removal or inactivation of a specific gene within an organism's genome. This can be done through a variety of methods, including homologous recombination, CRISPR-Cas9, and TALENs.

One of the main advantages of gene knockouts is that they allow researchers to study the function of a specific gene in vivo, and to understand the role of the gene in normal development and physiology as well as in the pathology of diseases. By studying the phenotype of the organism with the knocked out gene, researchers can gain insights into the biological processes that the gene is involved in.

There are two main types of gene knockouts: complete and conditional. A complete gene knockout permanently inactivates the gene, while a conditional gene knockout allows for the gene to be turned off and on at specific times or in specific tissues. Conditional knockouts are particularly useful for studying developmental processes and for understanding the role of a gene in specific cell types or tissues.

Gene knockouts have been widely used in many different organisms, including bacteria, yeast, fruit flies, zebrafish, and mice. In mice, gene knockouts are commonly used to study the function of specific genes in development, physiology, and cancer research.

The use of gene knockouts in mouse models has been particularly valuable in the study of human diseases. For example, gene knockouts in mice have been used to study the role of specific genes in cancer, neurological disorders, immune disorders, and metabolic disorders.

More from Wikipedia

Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license

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ce7098 No.21104270

File: 8cd7d844391ad72⋯.png (176.45 KB,574x216,287:108,ClipboardImage.png)

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a692aa No.21104271


False dichotomy, and cringe.

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eaf4ac No.21104273

File: 139c60a460ea273⋯.jpg (130.17 KB,656x465,656:465,CONTROL_FREAK.jpg)


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863d57 No.21104275


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8b4d57 No.21104278


With dignity and strength.

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a692aa No.21104279


'the agency' is spamming.

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f933ef No.21104281


on Bidan:His decline has been precipitace


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7ce733 No.21104282

File: 76caf22cc80fe3e⋯.png (835.36 KB,614x924,307:462,Screen_Shot_06_28_24_at_12….PNG)

File: 9624f351bf99734⋯.png (17.58 KB,614x85,614:85,Screen_Shot_06_28_24_at_12….PNG)

Elon Musk




The Democrats




The winner of tonight’s debate 😎

10:57 AM · Jun 28, 2024


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ce7098 No.21104284

File: 7a2ca840ca53a09⋯.png (163.3 KB,561x219,187:73,ClipboardImage.png)

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168f72 No.21104285

File: f5bc17cf69f6026⋯.mp4 (8.99 MB,640x480,4:3,boom_boom_1963.mp4)

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db2547 No.21104289

File: 770be409099bf5f⋯.png (234.4 KB,535x464,535:464,ClipboardImage.png)



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2298a5 No.21104291


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2298a5 No.21104292


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168f72 No.21104294

File: 1d330bde80cb7e1⋯.mp4 (3.6 MB,1280x720,16:9,Big_boom_airborne.mp4)

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cde833 No.21104295



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082a39 No.21104296


Baker works for GFY 3 letter agency

just habbens to beevee too


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73534e No.21104297


I hope you come to understand that you have been trained to have a certain point of view and that is used to control you.

that circumstances aren't always fit into easy categories, and that being kind to people doesn't fit them into a model that works for today, but must fit into the context of the times, when discussing History, you can't put todays morals on long passed people, who others called heroes, and then just throw them out based upon your incomplete understanding of the morality of those times, and the situations in which they found themselves.

have some respect for the holy dead.

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8ce546 No.21104298

File: 3ab56ad04bc1d90⋯.png (1.21 MB,826x1086,413:543,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)



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3219d2 No.21104299

File: aeb193a9d68c497⋯.png (234.71 KB,699x417,233:139,13B39AF7_08E9_499B_93D4_E9….png)


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863d57 No.21104300

>stupider than its partner>21103982


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6a26c6 No.21104301


>Second debate will be terminated?

Lets not terminate any debates.

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a692aa No.21104303

File: 231cadf406e6f49⋯.png (313.1 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



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8ce546 No.21104304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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301000 No.21104305


Looks like panic!

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e904ca No.21104306

File: 569e19a525a75e6⋯.png (473.59 KB,524x521,524:521,Capture.PNG)

File: ab1a08fcfe82ec0⋯.png (58.58 KB,473x497,473:497,qaggdropimage1219.png)

Moving forward, stepping up, and leading the way.

Training isn't just about individual strength — it's about building a cohesive team, and that starts in


Basic Combat Training. Together we can overcome every obstacle. #BeMoore #BeAllYouCanBe


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865107 No.21104308

File: 8183f08eb4d8f5a⋯.jpeg (24.26 KB,255x211,255:211,8183f08eb4d8f5af40f50ec5c….jpeg)

WTF I thought AOC WAS A BATENDER THAT GOT INTO OFFICE through a acting audition????

Now I'm being told this isfalse

Do we have sauce of her baryending or auditioning?

Please frens HALP!

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a692aa No.21104309


>I hope you come to understand that you have been trained to have a certain point of view and that is used to control you.

No, you're just whining that your attempts to "train" anons to apologize for slavery isn't working.

Every slave owner could have freed every slave, no breakups.

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0ad745 No.21104310


Remember that Biden is a puppet.

His only purpose is to absorb the blame.

WHO pulls the strings. That is the cause of the inflation. And it's no accident it's happening.

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cde833 No.21104312


Confronting his critics, Christopher Steele defends controversial dossier in first major interview

The British ex-spy opens up in the ABC News documentary "Out of the Shadows."

October 17, 2021

Former British spy Christopher Steele is stepping out of the shadows to "set the record straight" about his bombshell dossier for the first time since his name splashed across headlines in early 2017, defending his work, his name, and the decision to include some of its most controversial elements.

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3219d2 No.21104313

File: c2d5b3b1faeba82⋯.jpeg (373.15 KB,828x896,207:224,787EBCF4_2535_491F_A1D7_8….jpeg)

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a1b134 No.21104315



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e904ca No.21104317

[They] have no choice but to kill Biden.

Jill isn't going to step aside.

They desperately need a replacement.

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301000 No.21104318


One of my favorites

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8ce546 No.21104321

File: d718585d2de2195⋯.png (686.42 KB,870x804,145:134,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

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082a39 No.21104323



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9831ba No.21104324


Trump did a double take.


Good actor(s).

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0ad745 No.21104325


Is Nigel making the hand sign, or is that merely a coincidence?

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974997 No.21104327

CNN and FOX news says Joe Biden is beating trump in the Polls ?

For the last 17 months. ? Every night on TV ?

Y do they want to replace him then ?

Election Fraud ? Election Media Criminals ? Electioon Pools Fraud ?

Election Rigged … Polls rigged … media rigged ,,, legal system rigged ?

Biden still leading the polls according to ABC CBS NBC CNN MSNBC ?

Y do they want a change of batter ?

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3219d2 No.21104328

File: 483cf2375f6bc65⋯.jpeg (667.04 KB,828x995,828:995,7DFD6E91_4BA8_41C4_B7CE_0….jpeg)


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a692aa No.21104330


Prove you're not mossad trying to portray Q as fascist/nazi/antisemitic.

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6a26c6 No.21104331

File: c048cd232f18a49⋯.png (58.61 KB,336x177,112:59,ClipboardImage.png)


>WTF I thought AOC WAS A BATENDER THAT GOT INTO OFFICE through a acting audition????

>Please frens HALP!

Maybe she is a whistle blower, kek.

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ae0d0e No.21104332


>free speech board?

Not when Proto gets activated.

Just sayin…

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082a39 No.21104333


#25868 >>21103465

>>21103580, >>21103649, >>21103665, >>21103922, >>21104001, >>21104145 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med/CONUS activity

>>21103490, >>21103821, >>21103853 RALLY: We’re in Virginia—Don’t miss @realDonaldTrump’s rally this afternoon at 3:00pmE in Chesapeake! LIVE

>>21103500, >>21104236 BRANDON FOR THE KEKS!

>>21103536, >>21103550 This is your brain cajun fried Dim style

>>21103553 Donald Trump’s Net Worth Jumps About $900 Million As Trump Media Shares Surge 27%

>>21103589, >>21103615, >>21103680, >>21103800, >>21103802, >>21103900, >>21104047, >>21104113 NASA/space news

>>21103592, >>21104011 Isn't it amazing that through all this orchestrated sacrificing of biden today by the democrats and media, not once do they wonder out loud who's been running the country the last 4 years??

>>21103595, >>21103949, >>21104047 Swampers Swampin

>>21103601 Bannon War Room

>>21103623 Tractor Supply is eliminating DEI, stopping to fund pride events, is no longer giving its data over to HRC

>>21103636 Van Jones on being a loser

>>21103637 Amtrak train hits, kills 2 people in separate North Carolina collisions

>>21103642 Memes To Go

>>21103650, >>21103701 CNN: “I don’t give a shit if they bring out … even Big Mike” /HRC Moar keks!

>>21103653, >>21104017 UK: Was the 'Reform Racist' a Channel 4 Plant!?

>>21103654 Darren Beatie: Democrats have boxed themselves into a corner.

>>21103674 Watch the SCOTUS today 4 opinions today, interesting that they waited until after the debate

>>21103691 Harrington: President Trump And Biden Debate At "The Scene Of The Crime" In Fulton County

>>21103697, >>21103707, >>21103708, >>21103715, >>21103730, >>21104102 The Supreme Court on Friday overturned a landmark 40-year-old decision that gave federal agencies broad regulatory power, upending their authority to issue regulations unless Congress has spoken clearly, Chevron decision

>>21103704, >>21103769 Massie loses his queen

>>21103741 How many federal agencies are there in the USA? all 438 agencies and sub-agencies

>>21103743 Conservatives prep legal fight if Dems try to yank Biden from ballot

>>21103752, >>21103749, >>21103759, >>21103767, >>21103755, >>21103761, >>21103782, >>21104045, >>21104196, >>21104241 The Supreme Court on Friday ruled in favor of a former police officer who is seeking to throw out an obstruction charge for joining the Capitol riot on Jan. 6



>>21103807 Lindell: Wisconsin Election Commission Denying Robin Vos Recall

>>21103878 Republican Chip Roy has said that today he will introduce resolution calling on VP Harris to start 25 amendment process to remove Biden due to mental incompetency

>>21103879 Federal Housing Finance Agent (FHFA) and Freddie Mac will begin issuing second liens on homes. It will start small with $2.5 billion that will expand into a $3 trillion loan program, which could involve 30% of all 144 million homes in America

>>21103886 Are There Vaccines in our Food Supply?

>>21103909 Wren: Senate And Election Officials In AZ Exhibiting Odd Behavior About Key Fob Thief

>>21104016 #OTD in 2005, 19 U.S. special operators were killed during Operation Red Wings. Lt. Michael Murphy was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his gallant actions during an engagement with the Taliban

>>21104040 @realDonaldTrump BIG WIN!

>>21104075 AG Garland reacts to Supreme Court’s Jan. 6 ruling

>>21104076 Republic of Congo announces plans to join BRICS following a meeting with Russian President Putin.

>>21104136 RELEASE THE HOSTAGES Make it Trend!

>>21104176, >>21104187 Supreme Court blocks OxyContin bankruptcy plan

>>21104202 No Second Debate? Q 4657

>>21104245, >>21104268 Do genetically modified foods cause epigenetic changes which affect our bodies and our minds?

>>21104248 1stArmoredDiv Meals in the Mojave Desert! 🌵🍽️

>>21104306 @MCoEFortMoore Moving forward, stepping up, and leading the way.


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a74210 No.21104335

Why would Republicans go along with

Democrats in using the 25th amendment?

They put forward brain dead Biden

Make them remove him and destroy their base

For Hillary!

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b172a5 No.21104337

File: 156d9a316da9952⋯.png (225.28 KB,483x316,483:316,ClipboardImage.png)

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7ce733 No.21104339


Yes, because NC is special, and he is here now rallying!

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3219d2 No.21104340

File: a6b72c894465680⋯.gif (1.05 MB,498x431,498:431,5F9D74F0_60DB_4BF4_ACA5_70….gif)


Fuckin’ moonbeam

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6a26c6 No.21104342

File: 77e6f279771135a⋯.png (52.79 KB,334x180,167:90,ClipboardImage.png)

Watch the Television

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575eba No.21104343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0f1004 No.21104344

File: 45f32cfd28b65b2⋯.jpeg (335.59 KB,1307x1446,1307:1446,IMG_3098.jpeg)

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6a26c6 No.21104346

File: 098b5d21b85189a⋯.png (62.1 KB,335x180,67:36,ClipboardImage.png)

Do you have some more of those Extra batteries?

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974997 No.21104347


Scavino any memes of MSM saying Biden is winning in the poll?

Add this to the end of this video!!!!!!!

figo or che figata

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9831ba No.21104348


Follow the Hopi rule.


They told us many many many years ago, because they already went through what we are going through now.

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48d5b0 No.21104349


Chip Roy is subversive and continually works against President Trump.

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ae0d0e No.21104350




Bit like Déjà vu

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c9e28c No.21104351


free speech doesn't mean you get it for free KEK

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c34d77 No.21104352

File: 9b5a5bf43e862fa⋯.png (182.31 KB,629x397,629:397,ClipboardImage.png)



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172649 No.21104357

File: 41e525449d09259⋯.gif (4.75 MB,498x498,1:1,a7ec80a37499e8d5de8394f01d….gif)


This board is 20 minutes ahead of even FOX in reporting the news!

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e75920 No.21104358

File: 6e06d915e6ef3bf⋯.png (277.92 KB,545x546,545:546,6e06d915e6ef3bff2abbe43d7d….png)


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082a39 No.21104359

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8b4d57 No.21104361

File: 089fd8d0c4358c4⋯.png (57.07 KB,362x294,181:147,pepe_cookie.png)


Faux hasn't that I've seen, but I don't watch them like I used to in 2022 running mouthy play-by-plays and experimenting with reach to see who is lurking. It's hard to watch them now. Some carry water, Cavuto and Baier mainly, but others are seemingly genuinely want to MAGA. Suspect there is an internal struggle inside that company. A silent war of their own.

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8ce546 No.21104362

File: 40700e28560157d⋯.png (550.3 KB,1338x540,223:90,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: a96effef6818df5⋯.png (883.96 KB,856x944,107:118,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: 02e4473715de3bc⋯.png (1.1 MB,1236x988,309:247,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: 0f7343db097224d⋯.png (454.44 KB,944x452,236:113,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: d718585d2de2195⋯.png (686.42 KB,870x804,145:134,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)




Snaggle Tooth: Causes, Challenges, and Treatment Options

What is Snaggletooth, Its Causes, Challenges, and Treatment Options … A snaggle tooth can be your worst nightmare, as it can ruin your smile. This is a twisted …

Visit in Anonymous View

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ae0d0e No.21104363


Well, in my mind that ain’t free…

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3219d2 No.21104364

File: 42254311f0d8373⋯.png (215.48 KB,540x405,4:3,7B0ED3AF_CADC_4794_B437_FD….png)



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7ce733 No.21104367

File: e5d42516866ea91⋯.png (89.66 KB,618x811,618:811,Screen_Shot_06_28_24_at_12….PNG)

President Biden


We face an inflection point in history.

But as I look around at the pride, hope, and light in our LGBTQI+ neighbors, I know it’s a moment we’ll meet together.

12:25 PM · Jun 28, 2024


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51978c No.21104369

File: 9c3b7bce2f611ee⋯.png (469.17 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Well I posted truths about jews and Israel and they were immediately deleted, so what does that tell you?

Why would I post dank truths about jews or Israel if I was Mossad?


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172649 No.21104371

File: fed0212bb04fbdf⋯.jpeg (235.21 KB,868x778,434:389,fed0212bb04fbdf016867579e….jpeg)

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f61120 No.21104372

File: 48590091bf31668⋯.jpg (133.3 KB,1032x443,1032:443,Q_2.jpg)

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be97dc No.21104373

File: a81ae7b4ccd7b72⋯.jpeg (31.93 KB,500x250,2:1,IMG_1087.jpeg)

File: 00cdbd0f5a56ab0⋯.jpeg (38.41 KB,480x360,4:3,IMG_1089.jpeg)

File: c0da0a627b4bdc9⋯.jpeg (26.33 KB,192x262,96:131,IMG_1088.jpeg)

After the DS Boss is defeated, who or what is the next boss?

Alien species leaves wake destroyed Borg Queuebs.

There’s always something more powerful.

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4023b8 No.21104375

File: ed6e834898e8f15⋯.png (2.28 MB,1023x1280,1023:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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082a39 No.21104376

File: d7ff8bb714fca1a⋯.jpg (15.87 KB,474x342,79:57,5fc3bf42a0fcfc4b6cec9c441a….jpg)

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6a26c6 No.21104377

File: 3afffdaeda6f96f⋯.png (30.75 KB,181x152,181:152,ClipboardImage.png)

If you ever spill WD-40 on your hands.

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c9e28c No.21104378


was it current?

only posted once?

of genuine interest as international news?

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4023b8 No.21104388

File: 561937c13dce8fb⋯.png (205.58 KB,487x360,487:360,ClipboardImage.png)

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51978c No.21104389


you are not the only anon here

some are new.

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865107 No.21104396

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974997 No.21104397

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172649 No.21104400

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.png (62.91 KB,253x204,253:204,594100bc32db9b318db2d39c18….png)


There's more to his love of pushing Ghey schitt besides their vote. They're a small % in the country. Who's ghey in that family or trans or bi or whatever?

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974997 No.21104401


gigantesco, ingente, madornale, oceanico

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863d57 No.21104402


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974997 No.21104407


Pride comes before the fall

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2d8628 No.21104409

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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863d57 No.21104412


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3219d2 No.21104414

File: 21091b6e704c76c⋯.jpeg (405.84 KB,746x1021,746:1021,D652F81F_22AE_41E5_B67A_C….jpeg)

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