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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

5e2306 No.21103455 [View All]

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082a39 No.21104323



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9831ba No.21104324


Trump did a double take.


Good actor(s).

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0ad745 No.21104325


Is Nigel making the hand sign, or is that merely a coincidence?

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974997 No.21104327

CNN and FOX news says Joe Biden is beating trump in the Polls ?

For the last 17 months. ? Every night on TV ?

Y do they want to replace him then ?

Election Fraud ? Election Media Criminals ? Electioon Pools Fraud ?

Election Rigged … Polls rigged … media rigged ,,, legal system rigged ?

Biden still leading the polls according to ABC CBS NBC CNN MSNBC ?

Y do they want a change of batter ?

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3219d2 No.21104328

File: 483cf2375f6bc65⋯.jpeg (667.04 KB,828x995,828:995,7DFD6E91_4BA8_41C4_B7CE_0….jpeg)


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a692aa No.21104330


Prove you're not mossad trying to portray Q as fascist/nazi/antisemitic.

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6a26c6 No.21104331

File: c048cd232f18a49⋯.png (58.61 KB,336x177,112:59,ClipboardImage.png)


>WTF I thought AOC WAS A BATENDER THAT GOT INTO OFFICE through a acting audition????

>Please frens HALP!

Maybe she is a whistle blower, kek.

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ae0d0e No.21104332


>free speech board?

Not when Proto gets activated.

Just sayin…

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082a39 No.21104333


#25868 >>21103465

>>21103580, >>21103649, >>21103665, >>21103922, >>21104001, >>21104145 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med/CONUS activity

>>21103490, >>21103821, >>21103853 RALLY: We’re in Virginia—Don’t miss @realDonaldTrump’s rally this afternoon at 3:00pmE in Chesapeake! LIVE

>>21103500, >>21104236 BRANDON FOR THE KEKS!

>>21103536, >>21103550 This is your brain cajun fried Dim style

>>21103553 Donald Trump’s Net Worth Jumps About $900 Million As Trump Media Shares Surge 27%

>>21103589, >>21103615, >>21103680, >>21103800, >>21103802, >>21103900, >>21104047, >>21104113 NASA/space news

>>21103592, >>21104011 Isn't it amazing that through all this orchestrated sacrificing of biden today by the democrats and media, not once do they wonder out loud who's been running the country the last 4 years??

>>21103595, >>21103949, >>21104047 Swampers Swampin

>>21103601 Bannon War Room

>>21103623 Tractor Supply is eliminating DEI, stopping to fund pride events, is no longer giving its data over to HRC

>>21103636 Van Jones on being a loser

>>21103637 Amtrak train hits, kills 2 people in separate North Carolina collisions

>>21103642 Memes To Go

>>21103650, >>21103701 CNN: “I don’t give a shit if they bring out … even Big Mike” /HRC Moar keks!

>>21103653, >>21104017 UK: Was the 'Reform Racist' a Channel 4 Plant!?

>>21103654 Darren Beatie: Democrats have boxed themselves into a corner.

>>21103674 Watch the SCOTUS today 4 opinions today, interesting that they waited until after the debate

>>21103691 Harrington: President Trump And Biden Debate At "The Scene Of The Crime" In Fulton County

>>21103697, >>21103707, >>21103708, >>21103715, >>21103730, >>21104102 The Supreme Court on Friday overturned a landmark 40-year-old decision that gave federal agencies broad regulatory power, upending their authority to issue regulations unless Congress has spoken clearly, Chevron decision

>>21103704, >>21103769 Massie loses his queen

>>21103741 How many federal agencies are there in the USA? all 438 agencies and sub-agencies

>>21103743 Conservatives prep legal fight if Dems try to yank Biden from ballot

>>21103752, >>21103749, >>21103759, >>21103767, >>21103755, >>21103761, >>21103782, >>21104045, >>21104196, >>21104241 The Supreme Court on Friday ruled in favor of a former police officer who is seeking to throw out an obstruction charge for joining the Capitol riot on Jan. 6



>>21103807 Lindell: Wisconsin Election Commission Denying Robin Vos Recall

>>21103878 Republican Chip Roy has said that today he will introduce resolution calling on VP Harris to start 25 amendment process to remove Biden due to mental incompetency

>>21103879 Federal Housing Finance Agent (FHFA) and Freddie Mac will begin issuing second liens on homes. It will start small with $2.5 billion that will expand into a $3 trillion loan program, which could involve 30% of all 144 million homes in America

>>21103886 Are There Vaccines in our Food Supply?

>>21103909 Wren: Senate And Election Officials In AZ Exhibiting Odd Behavior About Key Fob Thief

>>21104016 #OTD in 2005, 19 U.S. special operators were killed during Operation Red Wings. Lt. Michael Murphy was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his gallant actions during an engagement with the Taliban

>>21104040 @realDonaldTrump BIG WIN!

>>21104075 AG Garland reacts to Supreme Court’s Jan. 6 ruling

>>21104076 Republic of Congo announces plans to join BRICS following a meeting with Russian President Putin.

>>21104136 RELEASE THE HOSTAGES Make it Trend!

>>21104176, >>21104187 Supreme Court blocks OxyContin bankruptcy plan

>>21104202 No Second Debate? Q 4657

>>21104245, >>21104268 Do genetically modified foods cause epigenetic changes which affect our bodies and our minds?

>>21104248 1stArmoredDiv Meals in the Mojave Desert! 🌵🍽️

>>21104306 @MCoEFortMoore Moving forward, stepping up, and leading the way.


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a74210 No.21104335

Why would Republicans go along with

Democrats in using the 25th amendment?

They put forward brain dead Biden

Make them remove him and destroy their base

For Hillary!

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b172a5 No.21104337

File: 156d9a316da9952⋯.png (225.28 KB,483x316,483:316,ClipboardImage.png)

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7ce733 No.21104339


Yes, because NC is special, and he is here now rallying!

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3219d2 No.21104340

File: a6b72c894465680⋯.gif (1.05 MB,498x431,498:431,5F9D74F0_60DB_4BF4_ACA5_70….gif)


Fuckin’ moonbeam

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6a26c6 No.21104342

File: 77e6f279771135a⋯.png (52.79 KB,334x180,167:90,ClipboardImage.png)

Watch the Television

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575eba No.21104343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0f1004 No.21104344

File: 45f32cfd28b65b2⋯.jpeg (335.59 KB,1307x1446,1307:1446,IMG_3098.jpeg)

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6a26c6 No.21104346

File: 098b5d21b85189a⋯.png (62.1 KB,335x180,67:36,ClipboardImage.png)

Do you have some more of those Extra batteries?

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974997 No.21104347


Scavino any memes of MSM saying Biden is winning in the poll?

Add this to the end of this video!!!!!!!

figo or che figata

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9831ba No.21104348


Follow the Hopi rule.


They told us many many many years ago, because they already went through what we are going through now.

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48d5b0 No.21104349


Chip Roy is subversive and continually works against President Trump.

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ae0d0e No.21104350




Bit like Déjà vu

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c9e28c No.21104351


free speech doesn't mean you get it for free KEK

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c34d77 No.21104352

File: 9b5a5bf43e862fa⋯.png (182.31 KB,629x397,629:397,ClipboardImage.png)



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172649 No.21104357

File: 41e525449d09259⋯.gif (4.75 MB,498x498,1:1,a7ec80a37499e8d5de8394f01d….gif)


This board is 20 minutes ahead of even FOX in reporting the news!

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e75920 No.21104358

File: 6e06d915e6ef3bf⋯.png (277.92 KB,545x546,545:546,6e06d915e6ef3bff2abbe43d7d….png)


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082a39 No.21104359

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8b4d57 No.21104361

File: 089fd8d0c4358c4⋯.png (57.07 KB,362x294,181:147,pepe_cookie.png)


Faux hasn't that I've seen, but I don't watch them like I used to in 2022 running mouthy play-by-plays and experimenting with reach to see who is lurking. It's hard to watch them now. Some carry water, Cavuto and Baier mainly, but others are seemingly genuinely want to MAGA. Suspect there is an internal struggle inside that company. A silent war of their own.

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8ce546 No.21104362

File: 40700e28560157d⋯.png (550.3 KB,1338x540,223:90,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: a96effef6818df5⋯.png (883.96 KB,856x944,107:118,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: 02e4473715de3bc⋯.png (1.1 MB,1236x988,309:247,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: 0f7343db097224d⋯.png (454.44 KB,944x452,236:113,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

File: d718585d2de2195⋯.png (686.42 KB,870x804,145:134,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)




Snaggle Tooth: Causes, Challenges, and Treatment Options

What is Snaggletooth, Its Causes, Challenges, and Treatment Options … A snaggle tooth can be your worst nightmare, as it can ruin your smile. This is a twisted …

Visit in Anonymous View

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ae0d0e No.21104363


Well, in my mind that ain’t free…

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3219d2 No.21104364

File: 42254311f0d8373⋯.png (215.48 KB,540x405,4:3,7B0ED3AF_CADC_4794_B437_FD….png)



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7ce733 No.21104367

File: e5d42516866ea91⋯.png (89.66 KB,618x811,618:811,Screen_Shot_06_28_24_at_12….PNG)

President Biden


We face an inflection point in history.

But as I look around at the pride, hope, and light in our LGBTQI+ neighbors, I know it’s a moment we’ll meet together.

12:25 PM · Jun 28, 2024


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51978c No.21104369

File: 9c3b7bce2f611ee⋯.png (469.17 KB,568x568,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Well I posted truths about jews and Israel and they were immediately deleted, so what does that tell you?

Why would I post dank truths about jews or Israel if I was Mossad?


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172649 No.21104371

File: fed0212bb04fbdf⋯.jpeg (235.21 KB,868x778,434:389,fed0212bb04fbdf016867579e….jpeg)

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f61120 No.21104372

File: 48590091bf31668⋯.jpg (133.3 KB,1032x443,1032:443,Q_2.jpg)

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be97dc No.21104373

File: a81ae7b4ccd7b72⋯.jpeg (31.93 KB,500x250,2:1,IMG_1087.jpeg)

File: 00cdbd0f5a56ab0⋯.jpeg (38.41 KB,480x360,4:3,IMG_1089.jpeg)

File: c0da0a627b4bdc9⋯.jpeg (26.33 KB,192x262,96:131,IMG_1088.jpeg)

After the DS Boss is defeated, who or what is the next boss?

Alien species leaves wake destroyed Borg Queuebs.

There’s always something more powerful.

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4023b8 No.21104375

File: ed6e834898e8f15⋯.png (2.28 MB,1023x1280,1023:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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082a39 No.21104376

File: d7ff8bb714fca1a⋯.jpg (15.87 KB,474x342,79:57,5fc3bf42a0fcfc4b6cec9c441a….jpg)

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6a26c6 No.21104377

File: 3afffdaeda6f96f⋯.png (30.75 KB,181x152,181:152,ClipboardImage.png)

If you ever spill WD-40 on your hands.

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c9e28c No.21104378


was it current?

only posted once?

of genuine interest as international news?

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4023b8 No.21104388

File: 561937c13dce8fb⋯.png (205.58 KB,487x360,487:360,ClipboardImage.png)

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51978c No.21104389


you are not the only anon here

some are new.

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865107 No.21104396

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974997 No.21104397

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172649 No.21104400

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.png (62.91 KB,253x204,253:204,594100bc32db9b318db2d39c18….png)


There's more to his love of pushing Ghey schitt besides their vote. They're a small % in the country. Who's ghey in that family or trans or bi or whatever?

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974997 No.21104401


gigantesco, ingente, madornale, oceanico

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863d57 No.21104402


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974997 No.21104407


Pride comes before the fall

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2d8628 No.21104409

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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863d57 No.21104412


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3219d2 No.21104414

File: 21091b6e704c76c⋯.jpeg (405.84 KB,746x1021,746:1021,D652F81F_22AE_41E5_B67A_C….jpeg)

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