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File: 4fb705e3b6ecff6⋯.png (389.64 KB,1081x599,1081:599,2022_03_29_21_13_58.png)

cd9627 No.21101640 [Last50 Posts]

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cd9627 No.21101667

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>>21101358 Asian Firms Sell Record $590 Billion of Local Bonds in Quarter

>>21101513 Japan names new FX diplomat as yen hits 38-year low

>>21101596 @libsoftiktok: UPDATE: an employee of the city has informed me that the city has “indefinitely postponed” their planned drag show for government employees using taxpayer $

>>21101623 Oklahoma orders every teacher in the state to have a Bible in the classroom and teach from it, effective immediately

>>21101631 The collapse of #walgreens has been unlike anything I've ever seen in big retail.

>>21101876 #25865-B

#25865-A >>21101021


>>21101075 First question, Biden used up all his time on his answer. Last question, he had 40 seconds left. This question, he had 80 seconds left.

>>21101076, >>21101266 80% said TRUMP WON

>>21101077 Joe's debate performance put him down 12%. O.O

>>21101080 Breaking: Biden has been approached by senior members of Congress and DNC and has been told to resign. Reports of an impending cognition test and fitness test have been updated to reflect accuracy; the tests will be a result of him not resigning.

>>21101090 Trump Campaign Fact-Checks Biden in Real Time --- Here are the Details (Video) - GP

>>21101105 CNN is devastated after the debate. "It's not just panic, it's pain."

>>21101112 @RealCandaceO: You spelled dementia wrong. KEK.

>>21101137 Harry Sisson: Biden won the debate easily - KEK

>>21101142, >>21101147 Gaetz pleased about the debate

>>21101146, >>21101154 @DanScavino: realDonaldTrump enters the green room @CNN in Atlanta, Georgia---after a massive victory on the debate stage tonight…

>>21101160 Biden bombs, Trump pounces - POLITICO

>>21101170 @RNCResearch: Jill, Ed.D., is forced to literally walk Crooked Joe off stage following his humiliating debate

>>21101176 @TheStevenCheung: Even his own team knows Biden is doing horribly [and it's NOT. A. COLD]

>>21101181, >>21101208, >>21101256, >>21101338, >>21101535 Border Patrol Union - NBPC @BPUnion: To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.

>>21101186 @BehizyTweets: Trump is a genius, they gave him two minutes to answer a question about the "climate crisis" and he instead used the time to list his accomplishments for the black community.

>>21101197 WAPO: The first debate reinformed Biden's biggest weakness

>>21101201 “There was no inflation when I took office” ~ Biden

>>21101219 Biden's early debate performance cues calls for him to be replaced and even for the 25th Amendment to be invoked

>>21101246 KRISTEN WELKER: "There's no way to sugar coat this…[Biden] delivered a performance that was at times halting, at times he seemed to lose his train of thought…"

>>21101263 John King - PANIC IN THE PARTY - Yes, the president is out of his mind. Literally.

>>21101339 PF: Trump is not heading back to Mar-A-Lago.

>>21101345 @KimDotcom: Biden just said his son died because of Iraq. He died of cancer in the United States. Biden’s brain is shot.performance. YIKES

>>21101366 @EzraACohen China is killing hundreds of thousands of American citizens thank’s to Biden open border and weak counternarcotics strategy.

>>21101380 Ron @CodeMonkeyZ: "We are going to need to print more ballots." -DNC (probably)

>>21101391 PF: 45in N757AF 757 departed Atlanta Intl after “debate” heading for Laguardia - Tomorrow there's a Trump Rally in Chesapeake, Virginia, 3:00 pm ET

>>21101396 @Ultrafrog17: The fine people hoax has been debunked.

>>21101410 Dan Scavino JR: Trump War Room acct "temporarily restricted"

>>21101415 We have a narrative shift happening right now- Dems freak out over Biden’s debate performance: ‘Biden is toast’

>>21101417 Omg this is worse than I even expected 😂

>>21101424 Biden Lies in Debate, Says No US Troops Killed During His Presidency (Video)

>>21101434 Gallup: A Majority of Democrats Still Want Another Candidate

>>21101467 NBC’s Chuck Todd; “At the end of the day Joe Biden looks like caricature that conservative media has been painting

>>21101468 Trump, Biden presidential debate live updates: Biden appears to freeze, says he ‘beat Medicare’

>>21101526 KAMALA HARRIS: "Joe Biden is fighting…on performance!"

>>21101578, >>21101579, >>21101600,, >>21101612 BIDEN GLITCHES OUT! Stops Making Sense! He's Completely Lost!

>>21101648 CNN is now turning on Kamala!!! Biden is DONE!

>>21101659 Biden can’t be replaced in some states.

>>21101664 @DC_Draino - Make no mistake: This wide-ranging Democrat reaction to have Joe Biden step down is coordinated. This is not organic

>>21101680 @Oilfield_Rando - Whosa big boy?! Whosa big smart boy?! WHOS THE BIG SMART BOY GETTING A BIG SMART BOY ICE CREAM TONIGHT?!

>>21101692 ICYMI: Democrat Insiders Reveal Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer's Secret Plot to Replace Feeble Joe Biden

>>21101486 They’re sending out Kamala to do damage control 🤣 Trump War Room

>>21101500 JEN PSAKI: "You don't send the Vice President of the United States out if you won the debate, typically."

>>21101517 Madam President? Looking rather content.

>>21101863 #25865-A

#25864 >>21100180

>>21100209, >>21100214, >>21100223, >>21100228, >>21100239, >>21100261, >>21100277, >>21100378, >>21100566, >>21100664, >>21100835 Memes

>>21100328 Biden says the millions of illegal aliens he has ferried into the country is "the reason why we have the most successful economy in the world"

>>21100408, >>21100418 #IncestJoe Make It Trend

>>21100493 LIVE Debate Aftermath: Expert Reactions - John B Wells LIVE

>>21100505 Presidential Debate Transcript

>>21100519 @RNCResearch Somebody Screwed Up The Cocktail

>>21100713 John King: Democrats are considering going to the White House to ask Biden to step aside

>>21100729, >>21100839 BREAKING: Just as the debate came to a close, Jill Biden rushed to the stage to lead Joe Biden off

>>21100743 @DonaldJTrumpJr Post of the night…

>>21100757 BREAKING: 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic - NBC

>>21100765 The New York Times published a “this is a disaster” piece 30 minutes into the debate.

>>21100781 Golf digest list of top 100 DC golfers and Donald Trump goes to 11


>>21100843 @RepLuna After tonight’s debate, it’s clear: America cannot go ONE MORE DAY without hearing the Hur-Biden tapes

>>21100859 Democrats: You own this. You have to eat this entire sh*t sandwich now.

>>21100883 Now you all see why Gavin Newson is in the spin room tonight at the debate as a “guest” of the Biden campaign.

>>21100885 Pundits say debate spells trouble for Biden

>>21100902 @JasonMillerinDC “I GOT MY HANDICAP WHEN I WAS VICE PRESIDENT.” I’m dead!!! ☠️☠️☠️

>>21100919 @Ultrafrog17 Biden is somehow posting on X while he's debating with Trump.

>>21100971 #25864

#25863 >>21099276

>>21099302 President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21099348, >>21099412, >>21099483 @DanScavino ARE YOU KIDDING ME??

>>21099396, >>21099577 Come in Obama, Obama Come In Help help help

>>21099451 Communist News Network sucks

>>21099473 Bill Gates Is Investing "Billions" In The New Wave Of Nuclear Power

>>21099483, >>21099541 DJT: “I really don’t know what he says at the end of that sentence—I don’t think he knows what he said either”

>>21099619, >>21099727 Border Patrol Union: To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden

>>21099762, >>21099741, >>21099760 SUPER PREDATORS Meme It

>>21099483, >>21099541 DJT: “I really don’t know what he says at the end of that sentence—I don’t think he knows what he said either”

>>21099619, >>21099727 Border Patrol Union: To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden

>>21099918 JUST IN - “President Biden has a cold." - NBC reports citing two sources

>>21099969 Presidential Debate Transcript


>>21100095 @MTG Biden couldn’t get hired as a Walmart greeter and he has the nuclear codes.

>>21100145 #25863

#25862 >>21098431

>>21098466 il Trump TRUTHS

>>21098473 Watching DEBATE here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps1X_1KZfN4

>>21098481, >>21098746, >>21098780, >>21098815, >>21098820, >>21098861, >>21098945, >>21098959, >>21099074 Memes

>>21098565, >>21098577, >>21098626, >>21098977, >>21099103 @DanScavino - Habbenings #TRUMP2024

>>21098898 Arnold is sorry he's a douchebag

>>21098934 Night Owl News Archives - Debate 06/27/2024

>>21098967 AirBNB sold by Co-founder Joseph Gebbia sells $100.66m June 25

>>21099162 Debate Notes

>>21099237 #25862

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Post last edited at

cd9627 No.21101673

Previously Collected

>>21097489 #25860, >>21098402 #25861

>>21095090 #25857, >>21095960 #25858, >>21096697 #25859

>>21092046 #25854, >>21093012 #25855, >>21094194 #25856

>>21089586 #25851, >>21090453 #25852, >>21091281 #25853

>>21086510 #25848, >>21087535 #25849, >>21088350 #25850

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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cd9627 No.21101687

File: fcfdb4be3183ed6⋯.png (85.9 KB,275x240,55:48,graveyard_crossing_the_wat….png)



updated dough


includes complete LB notes plus link for #25862

baker collecting rest of PB notes, will post soon

This bread is GHOSTED, next baker please step up==

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Post last edited at

0babcb No.21101706

File: 3d97e4644e52e5a⋯.gif (698.3 KB,256x209,256:209,popcorn03d4c5356038a6dc1b3….gif)

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46bfdc No.21101707

>>21101698 LB


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1e1702 No.21101709


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939b6e No.21101710

File: d967a3f0ca9d840⋯.jpeg (538.35 KB,1605x1300,321:260,A57E985E_4983_485D_B210_F….jpeg)

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baf6e6 No.21101711

File: 009a735f43e9e8c⋯.jpg (179.71 KB,720x850,72:85,009a735f43e9e8c70d607c1b7f….jpg)

Nothing can stop the memes.


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9687ab No.21101712

File: e03563fb4788d48⋯.png (216.15 KB,627x482,627:482,HRC_SheWasntSupposed2Lose.png)




>>21101682 lb

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df046c No.21101713

Did we have a sit down chat in the forest a while back

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0a60a1 No.21101714

File: c5c1a7658aa6af5⋯.png (398.65 KB,594x585,66:65,sl.PNG)


Donald Trump Jr.


Senator @JDVance1

is absolutely right about this.

Democrats forced Joe Biden onto their voters by rigging their primary to block real challengers, but now they want to unilaterally remove Joe as their nominee? Now that sounds like a real attack on American Democracy!

4:28 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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6a518c No.21101715

File: 308e2573eaa573a⋯.png (243.23 KB,563x840,563:840,ClipboardImage.png)




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bfd84d No.21101716

File: 5b037f570a99ee2⋯.jpg (10.06 KB,191x275,191:275,5b037f570a99ee28fd73972276….jpg)

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0a60a1 No.21101718

File: e7252e3f21fb775⋯.png (406.09 KB,603x613,603:613,fast.PNG)


I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸


BREAKING: CNN's Erin Burnett confessed to Biden getting the questions in advance but still going down faster than a lead balloon at a helium party.

“He goes through six days of preparation at camp David… They know the rules. He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming and yet he couldn‘t fill the time."

Last edited

5:01 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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91f575 No.21101719



Is this true?

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0a60a1 No.21101720

File: 1528f0895984e1d⋯.png (28.5 KB,597x402,199:134,ll.PNG)


Laura Loomer


On MSNBC just now, Obama’s campaign manager David Plouffe @davidplouffe

just said Biden’s debate performance tonight was a “Defcon 1 moment” and said that Joe Biden and Donald Trump are “only 3 years apart, but seemed to be 30 years apart tonight.”

Plouffe also just said “Biden is losing”.

Plouffe was @BarackObama

’s campaign manager.

This is monumental.

The Obama machine is dumping @JoeBiden

on live TV.

4:00 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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9687ab No.21101721

File: a6ae7ad95fc5a44⋯.png (138.91 KB,454x560,227:280,PepeBloodbath.png)

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3e1d78 No.21101722

File: 01d4900d9ff0b79⋯.jpeg (541.33 KB,767x1010,767:1010,FD04A344_45EF_463F_969B_D….jpeg)

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b173c2 No.21101723

>>21101683 (lb)

TBH I haven't been around much since '22. Got tired of watching nobody care about my country being finished off.

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549e9f No.21101724

File: c1879da314de2aa⋯.png (270.62 KB,657x527,657:527,ClipboardImage.png)


I just love it when they Confess

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0a60a1 No.21101725

File: b87585eb6715764⋯.png (18.57 KB,591x201,197:67,ez.PNG)


Ezra A. Cohen


Biden has brought destruction and insecurity to the US and the World. The next five months will be particularly dangerous, as our enemies come to the realization that this will be their last window to attack on terms favorable to them for at least five years.

4:18 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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89e469 No.21101726

File: 176ab6013e19b28⋯.jpeg (867.58 KB,1170x1769,1170:1769,IMG_9318.jpeg)

File: 9f28b5be218f8c3⋯.jpeg (87.06 KB,616x924,2:3,IMG_9299.jpeg)

Operation Replace Biden Has Begun


Panic In DC

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baf6e6 No.21101727

File: 28812c910600172⋯.png (487.77 KB,636x538,318:269,ClipboardImage.png)




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9687ab No.21101728

File: 4793bbcd153b9da⋯.png (258.89 KB,467x353,467:353,ClipboardImage.png)

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0babcb No.21101729

File: b64cbd8a51f9e40⋯.png (162.21 KB,697x358,697:358,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a60a1 No.21101730

File: eb1751faa49a3a8⋯.png (328.69 KB,589x782,589:782,step.PNG)




BREAKING: CNN grills Kamala Harris—should Joe Biden step aside?

"CNN's John King has described a panic in the Democratic Party right now because of Biden's performance. Some in your party are even asking if President Biden should step aside. What do you say to that?"

"The President's performance tonight clearly was disappointing for his supporters. CNN reports that Democratic lawmakers watching the debate were worried about the President's performance. One said it was a disaster. Another called it a trainwreck. Those are Democrats."

"Your campaign wanted and pushed for this debate at this moment. You can't honestly say that you are not concerned at all after watching the President's performance tonight?"

4:48 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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46bfdc No.21101731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f687c7 No.21101732

>>21101703 PB

Well, maybe because Ivana was a spy?

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1e1702 No.21101733

File: 954b93bf962c7a3⋯.png (5.7 MB,1152x1726,576:863,1981_10_21_page_0013.png)

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0a60a1 No.21101734

File: aefbcc585cb60ac⋯.png (80.92 KB,591x482,591:482,ben.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


The coup is on

Obama put out the order


5:06 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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baf6e6 No.21101735

File: aa8eab5e2007283⋯.png (259.05 KB,620x491,620:491,ClipboardImage.png)



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835c3a No.21101736

File: 38198bd33768cd3⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB,488x480,61:60,3bd1b26ddfe97d4f.mp4)

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6a518c No.21101737

File: 85b66d9a51412ec⋯.png (143.98 KB,563x784,563:784,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee0ddca8e9f1971⋯.png (42.74 KB,561x504,187:168,ClipboardImage.png)


25th Amendment vote coming maybe?

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9687ab No.21101738

File: 919c82f2276bf1f⋯.png (19.52 KB,500x317,500:317,ClipboardImage.png)

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8c5d91 No.21101739

File: 3a488ca3d74ea7d⋯.png (69.79 KB,500x549,500:549,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb5038 No.21101740

File: f0e3aeacae953a8⋯.png (2.52 MB,1440x960,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a60a1 No.21101741

File: e61affd64a9f4ac⋯.png (388.81 KB,972x873,108:97,c.PNG)

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bfd84d No.21101742

File: 4980e1d937fde82⋯.png (449.1 KB,486x480,81:80,2800996f2f2a9c5c43cdd8b62c….png)

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598718 No.21101743

File: 4ab7ef28a7ff11b⋯.png (2.18 MB,1242x994,621:497,ClipboardImage.png)

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aba171 No.21101745

File: 8d0913cbbbc81cd⋯.png (1.15 MB,923x1438,923:1438,bestmemeever0ebdb34b8de479….png)

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3e1d78 No.21101746

File: 21091b6e704c76c⋯.jpeg (405.84 KB,746x1021,746:1021,09985270_0A22_4556_86F1_C….jpeg)

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0a60a1 No.21101747

File: 0c1194139dddfc4⋯.png (26.71 KB,586x347,586:347,sd.PNG)


Sean Davis


CNN literally went from crying that Donald Trump might not accept election results to immediately plotting how to overturn every single Democrat primary election result. Not sure I’ve ever seen anything like it.


Oilfield Rando




The CNN analysis panel is laying the groundwork for the Great Replacement of Biden on the ballot.

This is wild.

3:59 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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8d51c7 No.21101748

File: d3e0e6b29b8727e⋯.mp4 (13.26 MB,854x480,427:240,THUNDER.mp4)

Donald J. Trump




Why is FoxNews putting on Super Liberal RFK (Junior’)? THEY JUST DON’T GET IT, AND NEVER WILL!




Donald J. Trump




Stephen Miller: “Congrats on the greatest debate win in the history of presidential debates.”





Donald J. Trump












Boss is truthing up a STORM

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46bfdc No.21101749

File: 63340f454819d70⋯.png (1.32 MB,1204x661,1204:661,Screenshot_2024_06_27_2235….png)



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5db07f No.21101750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Night Shift Radio

Armenian Qanon

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1e1702 No.21101751

File: 77626974a4fca25⋯.png (5.58 MB,1135x1714,1135:1714,1981_10_21_page_0015.png)

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0babcb No.21101753

File: da54a7ef225591c⋯.png (679.69 KB,800x532,200:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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d621e5 No.21101754



I wonder if PDJT is going to mention the obvious is obvious is gonna happen soon.

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0a60a1 No.21101755

File: cdcfc0359910cc9⋯.png (1.92 MB,1304x871,1304:871,sd.PNG)



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0c805f No.21101756

Tonight was glorious and nobody will vote for Biden. But watch, he’s going to win the election by a landslide, and EVERYBODY will be calling it bullshit, and then the BOOM of booms.

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8d51c7 No.21101757



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fa2db9 No.21101758

File: 8ef31c720273223⋯.gif (1.77 MB,498x284,249:142,8ef31c720273223f0df5a9eec3….gif)


Hey Bakes

the 3rd notable for #25865 seems jacked

>>21101358 Will Biden be the Dem nominee?

is the same as next to last

>>21101358 Asian Firms Sell Record $590 Billion of Local Bonds in Quarter


is the scavino dem nominee

justa minor error

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9a4261 No.21101760

File: 6f7fc9d5eced400⋯.jpg (104.09 KB,720x1106,360:553,Screenshot_20240628_001410….jpg)

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0a60a1 No.21101761

File: 74d8ad056a245f4⋯.png (264.36 KB,592x540,148:135,fp.PNG)


Wall Street Silver


The left is in full panic mode right now.




4:49 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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c419f1 No.21101762

Evenin’ Nightshift

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c8eea8 No.21101763


they will still steal the election.

you allow it.

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0a60a1 No.21101764


By the way, if you're a Democrat who's upset and saddened by tonight – guess what?

This happened because THE MEDIA LIED TO YOU.

Brazenly. Repeatedly.

Now ask yourself, what else have they lied to you about?

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46bfdc No.21101765

File: ef5ff6f9a94e19e⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB,854x480,427:240,Y2Mate_is_Ben_Rhodes_SHELL….mp4)

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1e1702 No.21101766

File: caa3053232b142a⋯.png (5.52 MB,1123x1714,1123:1714,1981_10_21_page_0016.png)

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0babcb No.21101767

File: 7be0c66c1fa79e0⋯.gif (3.43 MB,480x258,80:43,hattip.gif)

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8d51c7 No.21101768

File: 24310b5507653d0⋯.jpg (321.47 KB,2048x1383,2048:1383,winning.jpg)

File: bb01f340aff36ae⋯.jpg (23.24 KB,571x457,571:457,winners_focus_on_winning.jpg)

File: f45d213e49e64b4⋯.jpg (144.66 KB,864x642,144:107,AMERICA_WINNING_2ff40dc5b7….jpg)


[they] cheat

cheat at everything and still cant win…


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baf6e6 No.21101769

File: 591373a4ae09826⋯.png (240.27 KB,610x508,305:254,ClipboardImage.png)


>The left is in full panic mode right now.


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6a518c No.21101770



It must happen.

Conspiracy no more.

Think of every post made.

It would force us to prove everything stated to avoid looking crazy, correct?

What do they fear the most?

Public awakening.

If they ask.

They self destruct.

They know this is real.

See attacks.

The build is near complete.

Growing exponentially.

You are the frame.

You are the support.

People will be lost.

People will be terrified.

People will reject.

People will need to be guided.

Do not be afraid.

We will succeed.

Timing is everything.

Think Huber.

Think DOJ/FBI reorg.

Think sex/child arrests / news.

Think resignations (loss of control).

How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?

It must be compelling to avoid a divide (political attack/optics).

We are the majority (growing).


Sheep no more.



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1e1702 No.21101771

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0a60a1 No.21101772

File: c0fc79bf0535a1d⋯.png (308.67 KB,593x488,593:488,wr.PNG)


Trump War Room


CNN Fact Checker FORCED to Fact Check Crooked Joe Biden's Many, Many Lies He Told Tonight

4:54 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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aba171 No.21101773

File: 9a6792310297703⋯.gif (502.27 KB,500x225,20:9,gifce5c94cf2ae0366121.gif)

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0a60a1 No.21101774

File: 51244a98fb50a1b⋯.png (285.37 KB,586x814,293:407,fed.PNG)


Sean Davis


Did CNN’s Erin Burnett just accidentally admit that CNN fed the debate questions to Biden ahead of time: “He knows every one of these questions is coming.”

Watch for yourself.

4:15 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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ee4eae No.21101775

File: 68bddeef0f8e0ee⋯.mp4 (3.45 MB,854x480,427:240,BERNIE_SANDERS_ON_OPEN_BOR….mp4)

File: dda622567c218e2⋯.png (8.81 KB,522x218,261:109,trump_leaked_emails_rigged….png)

File: 23b6e32d1a6a98f⋯.gif (7.07 MB,658x537,658:537,bernie_supporter_cry.gif)

File: 8224bbdf6371bb4⋯.jpg (53.22 KB,738x554,369:277,bernie_ice_cream_podium.jpg)

File: 4fc9e9620295b5c⋯.gif (767.47 KB,587x495,587:495,bernie_finger.gif)


>Democrats forced Joe Biden onto their voters by rigging their primary to block real challengers

High IQ take

>>21101704 pb

>This "debate" was designed by the Democrats to remove Biden as president.

Low IQ take from Ron as always.

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939b6e No.21101776


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3e1d78 No.21101778

File: d62424b5451041a⋯.jpeg (295.29 KB,770x432,385:216,715B0608_83FF_48DB_8CFC_3….jpeg)

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598718 No.21101779

File: 5316af78c4fe5cc⋯.png (262.11 KB,620x490,62:49,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a4261 No.21101781

File: 296af568ca36a6b⋯.jpg (105.76 KB,638x825,58:75,Screenshot_20240628_002255….jpg)

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8d51c7 No.21101782

File: 6c88d3548e52a88⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,hillary_clinton_5521ef14c6….jpg)

File: 3e4572cc7f1a818⋯.jpeg (440.22 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,bang_hillary_40b.jpeg)

File: fe666df4b0f659f⋯.png (426.12 KB,1163x711,1163:711,dead_hillary_.png)



total set up to get rid of biden, wont work killary….

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2a7355 No.21101783

File: 0542aea9d700432⋯.png (28.3 KB,607x284,607:284,Screenshot_2024_06_28_0035….png)

These people are stupid

Mark Hamill


One off night doesn't change the fact that


is the most legislatively successful


in our lifetime. One off night also doesn't change the fact that the former guy is a convicted felon, serial liar & adjudicated rapist who is unfit for ANY office. Period.

11:59 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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0a60a1 No.21101784

File: eb8123e8b123a8e⋯.png (416.32 KB,595x689,595:689,full.PNG)


Green Lives Matter


MSNBC panic:

"I've been talking to a lot of leaders in the Democratic party… There is a full-on panic about this performance. Not like oh this is recoverable. It is more like, he's gotta step aside. This is about as bad as a performance that Biden could have delivered… The panic level among elected democrats that have to share a ballot with him…. There's a full-on panic tonight.. A lot of chatter among donors tonight… A lot of chatter among major elected leaders tonight.. The Biden campaign they have a lot of calming calls that they are going to have to start making or they may see this get momentum publicly and I don't know if they can stop that."

4:17 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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ee4eae No.21101786

File: 9ed5fda76de80a1⋯.png (1.2 MB,1152x1086,192:181,PROVE_ME_WRONG_faggot_puss….png)

File: ea81eb9c9e0e5e1⋯.png (63.44 KB,782x680,23:20,Q_6_26_ja_julian_assange_6….png)


>“He goes through six days of preparation at camp David… They know the rules. He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming

This is getting great

What was it that Delta said?

oh yeah, "IT HAS BEGUN"

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1e1702 No.21101787

File: 1bfeaf121d5775b⋯.png (5.58 MB,1138x1712,569:856,1981_10_21_page_0017.png)

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4b2ebd No.21101788

File: 69fef4576b08eac⋯.mp4 (268.94 KB,578x334,289:167,Fundamental.mp4)

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da746c No.21101789

File: 31964aeea6e8897⋯.jpeg (631.33 KB,828x1396,207:349,7DD9391B_784F_4500_A368_8….jpeg)

File: 0ab2ba4125ccf18⋯.jpeg (197.06 KB,450x619,450:619,8B36FB26_B101_4345_8BA2_7….jpeg)

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0babcb No.21101791

File: 814f7f1e8cb4227⋯.jpg (95.59 KB,425x408,25:24,smokingsupes2.jpg)


S'up there, l'il guy? Making memes about to cope with your seethe, huh?

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549e9f No.21101792


that's liable

hope he's got deep pockets

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bfd84d No.21101793

File: 766c38c98aab589⋯.mp4 (382.37 KB,480x852,40:71,Did_CNN_s_Erin_Burnett_jus….mp4)

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baf6e6 No.21101794

File: 9329b581ca1383f⋯.png (277.63 KB,633x429,211:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d83ccb10a67fd2⋯.png (66.54 KB,740x542,370:271,24.png)



in submission


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ee4eae No.21101795

File: 229338503c2af93⋯.png (191.27 KB,426x473,426:473,muh_national_security_ecks….png)


>our enemies come to the realization that this will be their last window to attack on terms favorable to them for at least five years


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835c3a No.21101796

CNN is on a roll talking Brandon must be dropped.

Movie gittin' dramatic!

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d621e5 No.21101798



Ok, I get that it was so bad that nobody is trying to polish the turd.

But, this is so choreographed that you have to think they'll be throwing it to the convention to pick the new nominee for sure now.

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0a60a1 No.21101799

File: 903b288144731a1⋯.png (1.75 MB,779x873,779:873,gav.PNG)

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9a4261 No.21101800

Left civil war

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9687ab No.21101801

File: 2982c8016b2024b⋯.png (519.88 KB,680x470,68:47,ClipboardImage.png)


I am embarrassed to have ever known Star Wars.

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aba171 No.21101802

File: d19d5b84bae952b⋯.png (153.38 KB,251x428,251:428,ClipboardImage.png)

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598718 No.21101803


How about you reply directly to me next time? Big guy.

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84667b No.21101805

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cheap Fake

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890c5a No.21101806

File: 54826017926f9b0⋯.jpg (63.63 KB,576x884,144:221,Boobs_Flapjacks.jpg)



lookin for kameltoe feed from tonite. tia

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75b1ef No.21101807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So that just happened..


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d75a2f No.21101808

File: 648962e9b8ccbd7⋯.png (411.71 KB,474x589,474:589,IMG_2113.png)

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ee4eae No.21101809

File: c0dd432416db097⋯.jpg (341.73 KB,1164x1080,97:90,Q_never_discuss_the_conten….jpg)




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0a60a1 No.21101810

File: 73d17e9872de502⋯.png (16.22 KB,589x186,19:6,vic.PNG)


Vivek Ramaswamy


The fact that anyone is shocked by Biden’s brain-dead performance tonight is a scathing indictment of the media which has gone to great lengths to cover this fact up for the public.

4:44 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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939b6e No.21101811

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76f7df No.21101812



four inch rise

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84667b No.21101814

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6a518c No.21101815

Looked like a Demoncrat Sacrifice tonight.

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890c5a No.21101816


>Trump Jr.

He knows.

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baf6e6 No.21101817

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a01a6c No.21101818

I heard Trump mention "Brandon." Kek

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1e1702 No.21101819

File: 60aec114e3f84d7⋯.png (5.59 MB,1138x1714,569:857,1981_10_21_page_0018.png)

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df046c No.21101820


CNN anchors know a thing or two about filling time, am I right fellow boomers?

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0a60a1 No.21101821

File: d03f491a23a315a⋯.png (332.08 KB,617x550,617:550,hm.PNG)


Hans Mahncke


Never thought thought that "because you'd be in jail" could be eclipsed but this just topped it. The most devastating 30 seconds in presidential debate history.

4:13 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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9a4261 No.21101822

pedo Pete ain't stepping out

Obama would have gotten that done long ago if he could.

No one is going to tell that dementia pedo what to do.

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6a518c No.21101824


Oh look, todays delta

BRAND ON Sacrifice

Brandon Sacrifice

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ee4eae No.21101825

File: 6398664371f8442⋯.gif (1.76 MB,480x270,16:9,terry_davis_drums.gif)


>CNN literally went from crying that Donald Trump might not accept election results to immediately plotting how to overturn every single Democrat primary election result. Not sure I’ve ever seen anything like it.


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6a518c No.21101826

File: 8ea15788329c13c⋯.png (242.42 KB,556x845,556:845,ClipboardImage.png)

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20ff52 No.21101827

File: 5e1ddb3ab209916⋯.mp4 (328.33 KB,480x270,16:9,big_mike.mp4)

File: 738798324fe7c71⋯.png (231.8 KB,626x522,313:261,big_mike.PNG)

big mike


l Donaldo Trumpo


Wait… WHAT?🤣🤣🤣

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0babcb No.21101829

File: f6f498481229dcb⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,2861x3824,2861:3824,tbiui96lqnda1.jpg)


4, 5, and 6 will always hold a special place in my heart. I don't see Mark Hamill when I watch those movies, I see Luke Skywalker. It just so happens the former portrayed that fictional character. Just because they look and sound the same doesn't mean they're the same to me. It's disappointing to know that about the person, but the fictional character is separate.

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2a7355 No.21101830

File: 5cd50804ee0f8eb⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB,1180x720,59:36,87vvyupQT89EC0nO.mp4)



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9a4261 No.21101831

File: 37d2c84536186e8⋯.jpg (68.88 KB,631x376,631:376,Screenshot_20240628_002229….jpg)

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76f7df No.21101833


way too late to change in many states

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1e1702 No.21101834

File: 75fb208f98e79ca⋯.png (5.38 MB,1112x1687,1112:1687,1981_10_21_page_0019.png)

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7b6ffa No.21101835


She is asking for donations to Joe, Fund da mental.

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6a518c No.21101836


what if he strokes out.

Kamala steps up

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baf6e6 No.21101837

File: ea71b5c10b5de43⋯.png (187.06 KB,500x580,25:29,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



.@realDonaldTrump departing Atlanta, Georgia!

We’ll see you tomorrow at 3:00pmE, Chesapeake, Virginia!

Jun 28, 2024 · 4:10 AM UTC


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ee4eae No.21101838

File: 2073b00e749522f⋯.jpg (120.72 KB,1040x966,520:483,laurence_rockefeller_john_….jpg)

File: 563895ef3b028f5⋯.png (97.72 KB,261x161,261:161,hefner_bill_maher_playboy_….png)

File: 0301552e9b33124⋯.mp4 (422.28 KB,380x214,190:107,Hillary_clone_SANGER_is_Pr….mp4)

File: 5010c76de22d52f⋯.png (173.6 KB,346x326,173:163,dhs_chertoff_clone.png)

File: 99038b460e67be4⋯.png (160.68 KB,423x275,423:275,hillary_clones_simpsons.png)


>The left


>The right


>The middle


All the same fucking person

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a01a6c No.21101839


Kek, he beat it to death and a few other things as well.

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41bd2c No.21101840

File: b189d12415c06ff⋯.png (18.24 KB,322x195,322:195,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a69ab1d0b1f8d47⋯.png (180.58 KB,1086x656,543:328,0030cap.png)



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0a60a1 No.21101842

File: 314d9ae7a17dcc9⋯.png (402.57 KB,598x684,299:342,wh.PNG)


Steven Cheung


If Joe Biden has a cold (like his campaign said), why is he at Waffle House?

The Biden campaign can’t even keep their lie straight.


Square profile picture





Biden stops at an Atlanta Waffle House after the debate.

Reporter: Do you have any concerns about your performance?

Biden: No. It’s hard to debate a liar.

5:32 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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7b6ffa No.21101843


Is that the next VP?

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6a518c No.21101844

File: 9f2809096316ec9⋯.png (28.13 KB,762x334,381:167,ClipboardImage.png)

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84667b No.21101845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21101814 6iden 6ack 6etter

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890c5a No.21101846


I'm not kekking.

You're kekking.


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2a7355 No.21101847

File: 905c5fd52abe54c⋯.jpg (84.33 KB,800x450,16:9,8v96vb.jpg)

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b173c2 No.21101848


>I don't see Mark Hamill when I watch those movies, I see Luke Skywalker.

Ditto. I just got done trolling him (again) on twotter. Dude's a back room NPC fuh sho.

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598718 No.21101849


That's unbelievable! And hilarious! Are we sure it's not doctored?

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ee4eae No.21101850

File: 40456580f1d3fe7⋯.png (278.1 KB,1038x564,173:94,you_are_not_the_president_….png)



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84667b No.21101852

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21101845 Learn to Program

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0a60a1 No.21101853

File: 80cc49e16f16e99⋯.png (346.33 KB,604x504,151:126,watt.PNG)


Chaos Coordinator


#factcheckdebate "@POTUS

" Biden was not in the OVAL OFFICE watching J6 from the capitol.

5:39 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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1e1702 No.21101854

File: dc5c7796ee44e0c⋯.png (5.41 MB,1095x1723,1095:1723,1981_10_21_page_0020.png)

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cd9627 No.21101855



complete notes from LB

#25865-B >>21101021


>>21101358 Asian Firms Sell Record $590 Billion of Local Bonds in Quarter

>>21101513 Japan names new FX diplomat as yen hits 38-year low

>>21101596 @libsoftiktok: UPDATE: an employee of the city has informed me that the city has “indefinitely postponed” their planned drag show for government employees using taxpayer $

>>21101623 Oklahoma orders every teacher in the state to have a Bible in the classroom and teach from it, effective immediately

>>21101631 The collapse of #walgreens has been unlike anything I've ever seen in big retail.


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84667b No.21101857

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0babcb No.21101858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3 6 9, damn she fine…

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ee4eae No.21101861


How could this be 6h ago?

Surely the debate was at around 7pm eastern

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cd9627 No.21101863




complete notes from LB, debate analyses

#25865-A >>21101021


>>21101075 First question, Biden used up all his time on his answer. Last question, he had 40 seconds left. This question, he had 80 seconds left.

>>21101076, >>21101266 80% said TRUMP WON

>>21101077 Joe's debate performance put him down 12%. O.O

>>21101080 Breaking: Biden has been approached by senior members of Congress and DNC and has been told to resign. Reports of an impending cognition test and fitness test have been updated to reflect accuracy; the tests will be a result of him not resigning.

>>21101090 Trump Campaign Fact-Checks Biden in Real Time --- Here are the Details (Video) - GP

>>21101105 CNN is devastated after the debate. "It's not just panic, it's pain."

>>21101112 @RealCandaceO: You spelled dementia wrong. KEK.

>>21101137 Harry Sisson: Biden won the debate easily - KEK

>>21101142, >>21101147 Gaetz pleased about the debate

>>21101146, >>21101154 @DanScavino: realDonaldTrump enters the green room @CNN in Atlanta, Georgia---after a massive victory on the debate stage tonight…

>>21101160 Biden bombs, Trump pounces - POLITICO

>>21101170 @RNCResearch: Jill, Ed.D., is forced to literally walk Crooked Joe off stage following his humiliating debate

>>21101176 @TheStevenCheung: Even his own team knows Biden is doing horribly [and it's NOT. A. COLD]

>>21101181, >>21101208, >>21101256, >>21101338, >>21101535 Border Patrol Union - NBPC @BPUnion: To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.

>>21101186 @BehizyTweets: Trump is a genius, they gave him two minutes to answer a question about the "climate crisis" and he instead used the time to list his accomplishments for the black community.

>>21101197 WAPO: The first debate reinformed Biden's biggest weakness

>>21101201 “There was no inflation when I took office” ~ Biden

>>21101219 Biden's early debate performance cues calls for him to be replaced and even for the 25th Amendment to be invoked

>>21101246 KRISTEN WELKER: "There's no way to sugar coat this…[Biden] delivered a performance that was at times halting, at times he seemed to lose his train of thought…"

>>21101263 John King - PANIC IN THE PARTY - Yes, the president is out of his mind. Literally.

>>21101339 PF: Trump is not heading back to Mar-A-Lago.

>>21101345 @KimDotcom: Biden just said his son died because of Iraq. He died of cancer in the United States. Biden’s brain is shot.performance. YIKES

>>21101366 @EzraACohen China is killing hundreds of thousands of American citizens thank’s to Biden open border and weak counternarcotics strategy.

>>21101380 Ron @CodeMonkeyZ: "We are going to need to print more ballots." -DNC (probably)

>>21101391 PF: 45in N757AF 757 departed Atlanta Intl after “debate” heading for Laguardia - Tomorrow there's a Trump Rally in Chesapeake, Virginia, 3:00 pm ET

>>21101396 @Ultrafrog17: The fine people hoax has been debunked.

>>21101410 Dan Scavino JR: Trump War Room acct "temporarily restricted"

>>21101415 We have a narrative shift happening right now- Dems freak out over Biden’s debate performance: ‘Biden is toast’

>>21101417 Omg this is worse than I even expected 😂

>>21101424 Biden Lies in Debate, Says No US Troops Killed During His Presidency (Video)

>>21101434 Gallup: A Majority of Democrats Still Want Another Candidate

>>21101467 NBC’s Chuck Todd; “At the end of the day Joe Biden looks like caricature that conservative media has been painting

>>21101468 Trump, Biden presidential debate live updates: Biden appears to freeze, says he ‘beat Medicare’

>>21101526 KAMALA HARRIS: "Joe Biden is fighting…on performance!"

>>21101578, >>21101579, >>21101600,, >>21101612 BIDEN GLITCHES OUT! Stops Making Sense! He's Completely Lost!

>>21101648 CNN is now turning on Kamala!!! Biden is DONE!

>>21101659 Biden can’t be replaced in some states.

>>21101664 @DC_Draino - Make no mistake: This wide-ranging Democrat reaction to have Joe Biden step down is coordinated. This is not organic

>>21101680 @Oilfield_Rando - Whosa big boy?! Whosa big smart boy?! WHOS THE BIG SMART BOY GETTING A BIG SMART BOY ICE CREAM TONIGHT?!

>>21101692 ICYMI: Democrat Insiders Reveal Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer's Secret Plot to Replace Feeble Joe Biden

>>21101486 They’re sending out Kamala to do damage control 🤣 Trump War Room

>>21101500 JEN PSAKI: "You don't send the Vice President of the United States out if you won the debate, typically."

>>21101517 Madam President? Looking rather content.

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a01a6c No.21101865


Yeah I noticed he said something about "being in the white house." Or some implication like that.

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7b5f3c No.21101868

File: 5edfe17ac003303⋯.gif (3.2 MB,498x498,1:1,1700288035673113.gif)

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2a7355 No.21101870

File: 44f7fdd28a21e6a⋯.mp4 (202.57 KB,480x640,3:4,FFFFFFFF_FUCK.mp4)




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84667b No.21101871

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21101857 Get them Caught

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20ff52 No.21101872


comments suggest its AI, not confirmed

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cd9627 No.21101876





>>21101358 Asian Firms Sell Record $590 Billion of Local Bonds in Quarter

>>21101513 Japan names new FX diplomat as yen hits 38-year low

>>21101596 @libsoftiktok: UPDATE: an employee of the city has informed me that the city has “indefinitely postponed” their planned drag show for government employees using taxpayer $

>>21101623 Oklahoma orders every teacher in the state to have a Bible in the classroom and teach from it, effective immediately

>>21101631 The collapse of #walgreens has been unlike anything I've ever seen in big retail.


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baf6e6 No.21101877

File: acd54a5e64ec25f⋯.mp4 (22.04 KB,374x498,187:249,GQH_ylgbUAAvn9c.mp4)


Top Kek

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fa2db9 No.21101878


still has minor error. see >>21101758

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76f7df No.21101879


felonious cope

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9a4261 No.21101881

File: 624c30928c918a9⋯.jpg (43.35 KB,500x383,500:383,qw23e.jpg)

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835c3a No.21101882


Not doctored, I saw it live on CNN. They're none too happy.

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8d51c7 No.21101884

File: e7a8d92e6082f26⋯.mp4 (3.41 MB,480x852,40:71,DNA_covid_vax_mark_of_the_….mp4)


33 comms

we have incoming, orders have been officially sent


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1e1702 No.21101887

File: 42590cd1a83034c⋯.png (5.35 MB,1092x1710,182:285,1981_10_21_page_0021.png)

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2a7355 No.21101890

File: cb11ae9594c4889⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ZlF7FLCcGkeFJUkT.mp4)

File: 577132715d2fa59⋯.png (301.15 KB,593x827,593:827,Screenshot_2024_06_28_0057….png)

Proud Elephant 🇺🇸🦅


🚨 WATCH: Crooked Joe Biden absurdly claims that women across America are being “raped by their sisters.”



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a01a6c No.21101892

Panic in DC.

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84667b No.21101894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21101871 Dealing with Freaks

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fa2db9 No.21101897

File: a901e48659f3324⋯.gif (616.91 KB,832x832,1:1,a901e48659f33246e894fdd875….gif)


minor error

>>21101358 Will Biden be the Dem nominee?

should be

>>21101330 Will Biden be the Dem nominee?

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76f7df No.21101898

>still cant win>21101768

joe biden is your president.

cogdiss much?

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1e1702 No.21101900

File: 52c5f1916ee7b3c⋯.png (5.5 MB,1116x1719,124:191,1981_10_21_page_0022.png)

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b73b01 No.21101902


Wow. I can't even figure out what the question might have been.

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ee4eae No.21101903

File: 3dde69d09e16fd8⋯.png (339.74 KB,645x622,645:622,ClipboardImage.png)


Imagine saving money for Christmas

<5% when rates were 10%

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8d51c7 No.21101904



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41bd2c No.21101905

File: 7f7c7c179427b57⋯.png (60.39 KB,1500x3000,1:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49a226fbcadb9d4⋯.png (275.31 KB,1086x3000,181:500,0030cap_1.png)




adding more Trump Truthd with same TS to prev graphic:


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a4f8a9 No.21101907

File: 7fcf03f71020c5b⋯.png (1.9 MB,1065x1600,213:320,7fcf03f71020c5b5c18ea43e98….png)

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76f7df No.21101910


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361e19 No.21101912

The more the night goes on the more obvious it seems Biden was set up to fail but who set it up ?

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41bd2c No.21101915


crops need for to be brought in!!!

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60584a No.21101917

pray with everything you have

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a01a6c No.21101918


Go fuck yourself bot.

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ee4eae No.21101921

File: 83b902f731ec163⋯.gif (766.05 KB,255x255,1:1,goldie_golden_retreiver_pe….gif)


>'Trump Biden debate' Jun 27 2024 -Crooked Joe Biden absurdly claims that women across America are being raped by their sisters

one for the history books

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0b014d No.21101923

What will next week hold?

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60584a No.21101924

because it would be nice to lose everything so you could see who your real friends are…

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4b2ebd No.21101925

File: b5e1d55951ccdce⋯.mp4 (3.34 MB,578x334,289:167,Joe_Biden_Had_One_Thing_He….mp4)


Joe Biden had one thing to do tonight, and he failed. - Claire McCaskill

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8d51c7 No.21101927


>>>21101142 (.You.), >>21101147 Gaetz pleased about the debate

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30d65c No.21101928

Who won the debate?. Reddit says that Trump maybe did have sex with that porn star.

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1e1702 No.21101931

File: b275c0bce05e833⋯.png (5.56 MB,1136x1707,1136:1707,1981_10_21_page_0023.png)

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2a7355 No.21101932


>Surely the debate was at around 7pm eastern

It started at 9:00 pm EST they kept Joe up Late

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a01a6c No.21101933


Looks like some really unhappy bots tonight.

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60584a No.21101934

look at all these [friends]

they do not have their own pathetic self interests at heart… no….

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60584a No.21101935

always been that way huh?

sorta like a hell

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baf6e6 No.21101936

File: a92bf8f3f4b9e82⋯.png (576.95 KB,803x536,803:536,a92bf8f3f4b9e827f241f4835e….png)

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76f7df No.21101937

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60584a No.21101938

everything around you

sorta like hell

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60584a No.21101939


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a01a6c No.21101940

Considering the amount of bot activity, I'd say someone realizes that Bidet is in deep shit.

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81ee5d No.21101941

File: 4bb38659f5ce5f0⋯.png (35.31 KB,577x1024,577:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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60584a No.21101944


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60584a No.21101945


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62a776 No.21101947


think about the level of maturity of the person that does this? I think kids outgrow that at 13 years old.

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20ff52 No.21101948

File: 314739baa230014⋯.png (43.39 KB,1305x591,435:197,end_of_the_D_party.PNG)

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60584a No.21101949


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60584a No.21101952

you cannot help yourself

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768cc4 No.21101954


Maybe media matters just figured out joe was set up to fail.

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60584a No.21101956

let me guess

ran a good race

she was just too tough

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2a7355 No.21101957

File: 088228f9d17eec8⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,1280x720,16:9,VbVh5TDL1htAm8N1.mp4)

File: 177800232cad242⋯.png (266.83 KB,631x531,631:531,Screenshot_2024_06_28_0106….png)

Chaos Coordinator


#factcheckdebate "


" Biden was not in the OVAL OFFICE watching J6 from the capitol.


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a01a6c No.21101958


Yeah, same kind of mentality that burns down cities and towns because they don't get their way. Kicking their feet and crying in the candy aisle.

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60584a No.21101960

can't win them all, kev

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60584a No.21101962



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60584a No.21101963


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60584a No.21101965

we on the level now huh?

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60584a No.21101967

weighed and measured!

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8d51c7 No.21101969

File: 9c82e809a825eb4⋯.jpeg (162.25 KB,1088x1222,544:611,9c82e809a825eb44b2f9b5cd2….jpeg)


we know already.

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60584a No.21101970


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2a7355 No.21101971

File: 918dd4a9ade1752⋯.png (306.52 KB,629x583,629:583,Screenshot_2024_06_28_0107….png)

File: 96761cd6d9f105a⋯.mp4 (5.38 MB,1920x1080,16:9,czMbEayw4lYN1Pbg.mp4)



Biden stops at an Atlanta Waffle House after the debate.

Reporter: Do you have any concerns about your performance?

Biden: No. It’s hard to debate a liar.


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60584a No.21101973

oh yeah

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8d51c7 No.21101974


are you saying killary?… mmm

with evidence…


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cd9627 No.21101975



>minor errors

Tx much, there are some other errors.

Tired baker.

Will fix them all and generate new dough.

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0b014d No.21101977


Anon did you see Q+ (2) 12:30 A.M. Truth posts?

What will next week hold?


Posted twice to confirm.

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76f7df No.21101978


has nothing to do with the topic.

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1e1702 No.21101979

File: efce76e29e0233f⋯.png (5.58 MB,1127x1727,1127:1727,1981_10_21_page_0024.png)

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41bd2c No.21101980

File: de972272cd0e015⋯.png (259.23 KB,1086x710,543:355,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2cec4981d0edf54⋯.png (24.39 KB,651x251,651:251,ClipboardImage.png)


Patriots never sleep

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baf6e6 No.21101981

File: 1ba677fc99ff61e⋯.png (325.81 KB,438x326,219:163,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09c8965a15222bf⋯.png (364.96 KB,433x314,433:314,ClipboardImage.png)

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84667b No.21101983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Epic Fail

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9a4261 No.21101985

File: b8217f298f40f99⋯.jpg (48.63 KB,497x673,497:673,20210805_224355.jpg)

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ee4eae No.21101986

File: 252d4759ed508cc⋯.png (408.17 KB,413x388,413:388,schumann_resonance_pepe_3.png)


>The more the night goes on the more obvious it seems Biden was set up to fail but who set it up ?

Trump also looked good

Don't make it all about bidan

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76f7df No.21101988


dead fucking liar

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20ff52 No.21101989

File: 1f3518c1614a7d9⋯.png (13.43 KB,609x204,203:68,elon_presidential_debate_2….PNG)



Elon Musk


Tonight was a clear victory … for memes

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3e14d7 No.21101990


>Yeah, same kind of mentality that burns down cities and towns because they don't get their way.

Or tries to genocide their opponents with a fake pandemic and toxic vaccines. Never forget, that we are dealing with murderers that are the driving force behind these criminals.

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322dbe No.21101991

File: 91ce1f258d5e7b4⋯.jpg (601.42 KB,1100x1470,110:147,91ce1f258d5e7b45f6b6328a22….jpg)




Getting to the Innards Edition

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531a82 No.21101992

File: 62c17311497855a⋯.jpeg (2.53 MB,4032x3024,4:3,9D608978_D603_4150_94F7_D….jpeg)

File: 361a9d001869708⋯.png (407.43 KB,826x504,59:36,7AFD33D9_B02C_4EBE_977B_FD….png)

I wonder which senile blackmailed actor CALIFORNIA supports?

Democratic Child Molesting Traitor


Republican Grifting Soy BOP

Two Wings … Same Bird

And the bird is cooked; after being fucked

Hey, they know most of you won’t even touch the grass …

Unless it’s to sacrifice your children and loved ones for retarded bankers and they’re parasitic inbred progeny…

Cuck us harder gubment daddy

Cue the fake WAR


Skywalker Protocols


…Patient Nigga

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ee4eae No.21101993

File: 471e76e48b4783b⋯.jpg (130.89 KB,1433x1074,1433:1074,sam_hyde_million_dollar_ex….jpg)


video pls

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fa2db9 No.21101995

File: 1602d356eff7fe6⋯.gif (424.18 KB,362x400,181:200,1602d356eff7fe693545bd1c02….gif)


cool, just wanted to bring to yer attention. sorry about the hassle. otherwise good work. god bless the bakers.

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976f48 No.21101996


He said Dinovan office so

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a01a6c No.21101997


True, I suspect the monster is multiheaded, but yeah. They just want money and power and don't care what they have to do to get it, the people be damned.

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baf6e6 No.21101998

File: b01fe506e59e467⋯.png (246.63 KB,617x519,617:519,ClipboardImage.png)




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322dbe No.21101999

File: 9b603a3a1e202a2⋯.png (308.39 KB,983x942,983:942,Screenshot_2024_06_27_2200….png)

File: 03b257490b09e8c⋯.png (176.04 KB,953x631,953:631,Screenshot_2024_06_27_2204….png)

File: 545a8c7f5269624⋯.png (278.06 KB,781x739,781:739,Screenshot_2024_06_27_2205….png)

File: b50f75d2174877c⋯.png (256.97 KB,820x858,410:429,Screenshot_2024_06_27_2206….png)

File: d8dad488e3237e2⋯.png (405.86 KB,889x917,127:131,Screenshot_2024_06_27_2206….png)

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a01a6c No.21102001

Now we know why they hid Brandon in a basement last election.

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2a7355 No.21102002


10% for the Big Lie

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322dbe No.21102003


Trip 9s for messages received

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0b014d No.21102004


1230 x 2

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f3f98f No.21102005

File: e3fb041332230bc⋯.png (5.54 MB,1124x1719,1124:1719,1981_10_21_page_0025.png)

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76f7df No.21102006


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890c5a No.21102008

File: c70f7244802f67b⋯.png (122.55 KB,599x376,599:376,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 190b65922b1c1a0⋯.png (1.31 MB,1392x788,348:197,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump posted:

Trump Indicted For Murdering Elderly Man On CNN


Jun 27, 2024, 11:30 PM


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0b014d No.21102009

Deal with Reality, or Reality will Deal with [you].

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a01a6c No.21102010

We need to go back on the gold standard and do as Trump says, tariff the shit out of these countries and become self sufficient again. We USED to be one the worlds largest exporters.

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9687ab No.21102011

File: c46f5504af8b173⋯.mp4 (37.56 KB,288x270,16:15,BidenPoopsAtDebate.mp4)



Did Biden shit himself on stage again?

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baf6e6 No.21102013

File: 13d4d9a96c31abe⋯.png (214.1 KB,558x587,558:587,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



Wheels down—good morning, Virginia!

Big rally in Chesapeake at 3:00pmE! #TRUMP2024

Jun 28, 2024 · 5:13 AM UTC


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f3f98f No.21102015

File: 0813f35765478a0⋯.png (5.46 MB,1110x1716,185:286,1981_10_21_page_0026.png)

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d8efab No.21102016

File: e0028c67054a926⋯.png (429.74 KB,589x485,589:485,1.png)

File: fb4a671e15715d6⋯.mp4 (578.46 KB,480x270,16:9,1_vid.mp4)

I just asked Governor Gavin Newsome: are you going to be the next democratic nominee? That’s his answer, while he’s glowing 👇🏽


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47b53d No.21102018

File: 1ed1f5f11c34995⋯.jpeg (462.28 KB,960x1012,240:253,449A00E0_491D_4861_A3A5_F….jpeg)



Denise is too far gone as she attempts to address “the lies” .

Isn’t Arizona always hot Denise ?


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41bd2c No.21102019

File: 5a23ed3784e5879⋯.png (23.77 KB,322x413,46:59,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec5a14c038d9ac1⋯.png (518.77 KB,1490x1430,149:143,0056cap.png)



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dcad7a No.21102020


I am sure that it was some kind of device that emits radiation. These people have sophisticated

radiation devices and chemical toxins, and we know this by experience. I am called a larper for telling you the same thing, but many of you will succumb too, you just do not realize what is truly going on, should they find out who you are. Low dose = chronic High dose = acute. Covid was local and acute.

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d75a2f No.21102021

File: 15707eb05d9fd08⋯.png (370 KB,474x266,237:133,IMG_1465.png)

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a01a6c No.21102022


Heaven help us if that twat gets into office.

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b173c2 No.21102023


Those are NPCs, son. Giving back room hard.

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47b53d No.21102025


Not many squares left on that bingo card

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20711a No.21102027

File: 45029b56a1762f8⋯.png (243.71 KB,570x851,570:851,ClipboardImage.png)




Brand of Sacrifice

Brandon Sacrificed

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2a7355 No.21102028

File: c98f9b0d0554325⋯.mp4 (806.46 KB,1280x704,20:11,MmiNuyam2OoR9ElF.mp4)



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b173c2 No.21102029


Only three choices:


Do nothing in the face of the Death of a Nation


Only one of those is viable

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a01a6c No.21102031


Maybe if she moved out of a desert, she can have another climate change.

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7b5f3c No.21102032

File: e5c752969c9017e⋯.png (4.94 KB,196x193,196:193,604bf4d28f7c2e58541e53ef41….png)

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f3f98f No.21102033

File: 5e2c0bd9c676501⋯.png (5.59 MB,1134x1720,567:860,1981_10_21_page_0027.png)

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76f7df No.21102035



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828529 No.21102036


the Jesuits own the Masons.

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82f5e9 No.21102042

File: bf598299a3123a5⋯.jpg (272.93 KB,1200x1000,6:5,292_paneeque.jpg)

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be676e No.21102043

File: 72c281d3485c2e9⋯.jpeg (131.01 KB,750x1334,375:667,IMG_7426.jpeg)

File: cf55ab541746cf6⋯.jpeg (186.74 KB,1192x1636,298:409,IMG_6903.jpeg)

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322dbe No.21102046

File: 2707e9b24af3bce⋯.png (239.07 KB,1083x709,1083:709,ClipboardImage.png)


throwing of Biden Under the Bus

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2a7355 No.21102047

File: 2d181e21df990c3⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB,1280x720,16:9,S9aCwOanI3UElxVX.mp4)


Year Rank High (°F) Low (°F)

2023 4 88.9 65.4

2022 13 87.9 64.4

2021 12 88.2 64.6

2020 1 89.7 65.1

2019 32 86.4 63.7

2018 9 88.2 64.8

2017 2 89.2 65.4

2016 6 88.6 65.1

2015 8 88.1 65.4

2014 3 88.9 65.5

2013 18 87.7 64.3

2012 7 88.8 64.8

2011 25 87.2 63.5

2010 27 86.6 63.9

2009 15 87.9 64.3

2008 24 87.0 63.9

2007 10 88.0 64.9

2006 22 87.2 63.9

2005 21 86.9 64.4

2004 28 86.6 63.8

2003 11 87.9 65.0

2002 17 88.0 64.1

2001 19 87.4 64.5

2000 33 86.5 63.4

1999 37 86.5 62.1

1998 50 83.9 61.2

1997 35 86.2 63.4

1996 26 87.2 63.3

1995 38 86.2 62.4

1994 43 85.6 62.0

1993 36 86.2 63.3

1992 23 87.0 63.9

1991 30 86.7 63.5

1990 29 87.1 63.1

1989 5 89.8 64.2

1988 16 88.2 64.0

1987 31 87.0 63.1

1986 20 87.7 63.8

1985 39 86.0 62.6

1984 40 86.5 61.9

1983 42 85.4 62.8

1982 45 85.1 61.8

1981 14 88.1 64.1

1980 41 86.6 61.8

1979 51 86.0 58.9

1978 44 86.4 61.0

1977 34 87.6 62.2

1976 47 85.6 60.3

1975 60 85.0 57.2

1974 46 86.9 59.4

1973 56 86.0 58.1

1972 49 86.3 58.9

1971 66 84.4 56.7

1970 57 85.5 57.4

1969 58 85.0 57.8

1968 68 85.1 55.6

1967 72 84.7 55.6

1966 65 85.8 55.4

1965 84 83.4 54.0

1964 92 82.6 53.4

1963 61 85.6 56.3

1962 64 85.8 55.4

1961 69 85.2 55.3

1960 59 84.3 58.1

1959 55 84.7 59.4

1958 48 85.6 59.9

1957 63 83.1 58.3

1956 74 84.4 55.5

1955 78 83.3 55.8

1954 53 86.1 58.2

1953 73 84.5 55.3

1952 67 85.2 55.8

1951 71 85.0 55.4

1950 52 89.2 55.4

1949 77 84.9 54.4

1948 75 86.4 53.4

1944 86 84.2 52.5

1943 62 87.1 54.7

1942 79 86.5 52.4

1941 89 83.2 53.4

1938 82 85.0 52.8

1934 54 88.5 55.7

1933 88 84.4 52.1

1932 103 83.0 50.6

1931 83 83.9 53.5

1930 85 83.5 53.6

1929 100 83.6 51.3

1928 93 84.3 51.5

1926 107 84.2 48.8

1924 108 84.4 48.5

1922 106 83.6 49.8

1921 97 85.4 49.7

1920 102 84.1 50.1

1919 105 82.4 51.0

1918 98 83.5 51.7

1917 91 84.2 51.8

1916 90 84.0 52.1

1915 94 84.5 51.3

1914 76 85.2 54.3

1913 101 83.6 51.1

1912 104 83.2 50.2

1911 99 84.0 51.0

1910 70 87.2 53.2

1909 95 84.3 51.4

1908 80 87.5 51.2

1907 81 87.5 50.5

1906 87 87.3 49.3

1905 96 85.6 50.1

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890c5a No.21102050

File: 043f4c6cbb02774⋯.png (1.03 MB,676x705,676:705,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a4261 No.21102051

File: d0354ba963b5127⋯.jpg (59.64 KB,500x537,500:537,8v98o7.jpg)

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2d597a No.21102052


Gotta think like Q

Biden pulls out of the race


Biden keeps fighting and D's panic rises to Defcon 1

I bet Q picks Biden keeps fighting.

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e9c79b No.21102054

File: bb5bb65b101be76⋯.png (5.65 MB,1144x1722,572:861,1981_10_21_page_0028.png)

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890c5a No.21102057

File: 5ce0a63bcb710e2⋯.jpg (37.4 KB,477x264,159:88,I_Don_t_Know_I_Don_t_Know.jpg)


I don't think basement running will be allowed.

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7f9a5d No.21102058

File: 0dbbebebf0f3482⋯.gif (1.45 MB,422x240,211:120,lv_0_20240627222729.gif)

CNN and the DNC during the debate be like….

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76e7df No.21102059

File: 0462b59003f9cb1⋯.png (1.2 MB,686x960,343:480,ClipboardImage.png)

zero point energy?

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828529 No.21102060


Whatevs. Trump will pardon Bannon again. Righteously.

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41bd2c No.21102061

File: a6463b2b28d4c36⋯.png (21.69 KB,322x394,161:197,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1b389731b866e0⋯.png (294.76 KB,375x1242,125:414,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9a91e787273d98⋯.png (35.18 KB,380x260,19:13,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a793247c5a4148⋯.png (360.76 KB,1134x1554,27:37,0055cap.png)



Interesting pair in one post cap

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a01a6c No.21102063


Depends on their motivation. If I remember right, the whole point of Biden cheating last term was to gain power to try and cover up all the fun and games. It's failed miserably. I forget the actual Q drops but along the lines of, "they were forced to shit or get off the pot" kind of thing. All the corrupt assholes had to circle the wagons to fend off Trump. It ain't workin'. Just about hammer time I'm thinking. Come on Santa.

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322dbe No.21102064

File: 4292b4746510792⋯.png (389.39 KB,797x669,797:669,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49530c991e30cee⋯.png (471.05 KB,807x889,807:889,ClipboardImage.png)



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e9c79b No.21102065

File: 0128e5e33328979⋯.png (5.6 MB,1136x1719,1136:1719,1981_10_21_page_0029.png)

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9a4261 No.21102067

File: 1946b9736156d94⋯.jpg (81.92 KB,680x697,40:41,20210808_014934.jpg)

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cd9627 No.21102069



these posts were EDITED to minimize confusion, please refresh to view current

also edited into the dough up top


updated dough


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76f7df No.21102071


and [we] are saving the sheep that swallow this shit


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7a2664 No.21102072

File: 1fba3d7e222c09d⋯.jpeg (170.92 KB,462x597,154:199,IMG_5645.jpeg)

File: 77313c0e32993d4⋯.jpeg (326.02 KB,649x726,59:66,IMG_5644.jpeg)

File: c181031640d7776⋯.png (365.22 KB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_5643.png)

File: af90a6186f3c6ee⋯.jpeg (68.39 KB,415x180,83:36,IMG_5630.jpeg)

So they have police that are being control by people like this get it. They want ti say it is about health care but it is about grooming and human trafficking and control…

They now have positions where people can I guess tell police what to do… so on…

This is a Japanese artist that did this and they may not be even US citizens.

The police officer did not ask for my registration or insurance just my license is all… there is no fine only a court date… did not ask me to sign it and just stamped it served.

The officer did not put his name and information just this stamp.

Welcome to the new way they want to give tickets so they can target whoever they want. It is the newest form of extortion and organized crime with in the government.

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2d597a No.21102074


Agree No Basement

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890c5a No.21102075

File: 8da9180ba11aff1⋯.mp4 (6.84 MB,854x480,427:240,0_Biden_Fucked.mp4)

Chuck Todd: "Tom, I've been talking to a lot of leaders in the Democratic Party, electeds, coalition leaders. There's a full on panic about this performance. Not like, ‘Oh, this is recoverable.’ It is more of a ‘Okay. he's got to step aside.’ There's a lot of that chatter.

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baf6e6 No.21102077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e9c79b No.21102078

File: c1864de4d2ea178⋯.png (5.59 MB,1134x1720,567:860,1981_10_21_page_0030.png)

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b41371 No.21102079

File: 3e931b29ecb5aef⋯.jpg (86.7 KB,1280x853,1280:853,photo_2024_06_27_20_05_36.jpg)

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dcad7a No.21102080


I documented it several times how they work. Read the beginning of post 30 here >>21101980

My wife just got hit again last week in our kitchen on the leg with some type of radiation weapon. They have a whole science behind bio-weapons, toxic chemicals, and radiation that they can dial up at anytime.

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828529 No.21102081

>>21102073 Fillturd for spam tagging me

>>21102060 (You)

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41bd2c No.21102082

File: d8f439f939801df⋯.png (31.51 KB,375x232,375:232,ClipboardImage.png)


>1230 x 2

I see where you are going.

This triplet would then be 3690.

A nice gem.

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bfd84d No.21102085

File: 3d37ecf64cbf05e⋯.jpg (221.96 KB,1455x1455,1:1,3d37ecf64cbf05ec76d22dfa68….jpg)

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2a7355 No.21102089

File: 35c0841e0de6a73⋯.mp4 (207.89 KB,768x720,16:15,hhS0yRdE1uQb_9Wy.mp4)

File: 6e14ea831a3466d⋯.png (303.09 KB,605x850,121:170,Screenshot_2024_06_28_0135….png)



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bb5038 No.21102090

File: 16696aa65007bbd⋯.png (445.98 KB,528x680,66:85,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd97c9b57329727⋯.png (677.26 KB,608x680,76:85,ClipboardImage.png)

these headlines are getting better and better

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cd9627 No.21102092

File: 15ee697ea0c020d⋯.png (108.08 KB,324x216,3:2,GRATITUDE.png)

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76f7df No.21102093


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9687ab No.21102095

File: e6bcde4b16edc5e⋯.png (412.7 KB,846x393,282:131,ClipboardImage.png)


The ticket is going to be Harris/Newsome as Joe will resign as POTUS in the next couple of days. It's gonna go fast.

Kamala sworn in as POTUS.

Newsome picked as VP.

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47b53d No.21102096

File: c058ee8512c0a90⋯.jpeg (289.39 KB,842x495,842:495,B8A8F88C_B38A_4C12_8989_9….jpeg)


Denise should try Siberia

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84667b No.21102098

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21101894 bbb=666

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2d597a No.21102099


>hammer time

So Q drops the hammer and nobody dares step forward to replace Joe…Checkmate

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76f7df No.21102100




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47b53d No.21102101

File: 40cf91a0e681022⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB,960x1389,320:463,63DA6AE3_3CCF_4AC7_AB15_6….jpeg)

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2e2ae1 No.21102103

File: 2e12b73d3f8fc34⋯.png (444.89 KB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_5631.png)


I got people that are saying they are in control of the police here and can do what ever they want because they control them.

This is organized crime that is continuing to harass me in what ever way…

I am a victim of human trafficking and grooming constant harassment.

They say they are an artist and designers… yet this is what “abromovic” is…

So don’t piss of the artist or designer they can extort people for what ever they control the police…

Did she ask to do this… as that is the artist that told the police officer to give me the ticket get it…

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899813 No.21102104

File: b940f9a30ca772b⋯.jpg (104.52 KB,1080x502,540:251,Screenshot_20240627_223816.jpg)

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d8efab No.21102105

Look at all these spammers posting the same shit over and over again in order to waste bread.


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2e2ae1 No.21102107

File: 65e389f6e8423cd⋯.jpeg (584.29 KB,1042x713,1042:713,IMG_5355.jpeg)


Abromovic the human trafficker

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1948fb No.21102108

File: 5a3807bd25f3698⋯.gif (10.41 KB,191x255,191:255,7f81fff2e6a129381f2b7c9d0b….gif)


R,s will be activated to replace Trump

Watch the vp pick

Vote Trump Republicans

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a01a6c No.21102110


I'm sure they have lots of toys, the question I have is, WHY your wife?

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e9c79b No.21102111

File: f7629b589f67c60⋯.png (5.57 MB,1136x1710,568:855,1981_10_21_page_0031.png)

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baf6e6 No.21102113

File: 05e7b3feaa650da⋯.png (234.02 KB,615x503,615:503,ClipboardImage.png)

S p r i n t e r F a m i l y



Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov:

If there is a nuclear conflict, western politicians cannot even hide in bunkers

Jun 27, 2024 · 10:17 PM UTC



Panic in DC.

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a01a6c No.21102116


Barkin mad. Kek.

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bb5038 No.21102118

File: cc992f418a8be33⋯.png (378.29 KB,614x809,614:809,ClipboardImage.png)


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809eb0 No.21102120

File: af90a6186f3c6ee⋯.jpeg (68.39 KB,415x180,83:36,IMG_5630.jpeg)

File: 2e12b73d3f8fc34⋯.png (444.89 KB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_5631.png)

File: 1fba3d7e222c09d⋯.jpeg (170.92 KB,462x597,154:199,IMG_5645.jpeg)

File: 77313c0e32993d4⋯.jpeg (326.02 KB,649x726,59:66,IMG_5644.jpeg)


They think they are so smart that people can’t see they are human trafficking people with AI… or trying to…

See this is his last name cover for likely real name… and then the other things are places for them to talk to target non communist people… and people that don’t want this system to allow for human trafficking and extortion

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41bd2c No.21102122

File: 9303b6913f22d58⋯.png (27 KB,322x442,161:221,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00f11282375ea46⋯.png (375.33 KB,1106x1458,553:729,0041cap.png)



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a01a6c No.21102123


Maybe she can talk Putin into a back rub. Maybe not, I'm sure he can do better than that.

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e9c79b No.21102126

File: 52361ec8a3bda96⋯.png (5.55 MB,1128x1716,94:143,1981_10_21_page_0032.png)

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20711a No.21102127

File: 20d08beebb743ad⋯.png (226.64 KB,433x878,433:878,ClipboardImage.png)


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145fa7 No.21102129


Biden voters.

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a01a6c No.21102130


They are in a corner, I expect a fight to the death. They are that stupid it seems.

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bb5038 No.21102132


damn, in that clip they're literally telling biden to resign on air.

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0098b2 No.21102133

File: 46f210abf627e8d⋯.png (178.62 KB,417x242,417:242,Screen_Shot_2024_06_27_at_….png)

Screenshot from pre-debate show

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fa2db9 No.21102134


holy crap! they actually said big mike on cnn.

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322dbe No.21102138

File: 273101ca5ac8d52⋯.png (196.02 KB,524x550,262:275,ClipboardImage.png)



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7a2664 No.21102142

File: d3d13ebc46ff958⋯.jpeg (75.2 KB,832x609,832:609,IMG_5545.jpeg)

File: 0ddf9c9c7fe1345⋯.png (1.77 MB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_5377.png)

File: 65e389f6e8423cd⋯.jpeg (584.29 KB,1042x713,1042:713,IMG_5355.jpeg)

File: 2e12b73d3f8fc34⋯.png (444.89 KB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_5631.png)


They crying about it…

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fe042f No.21102144

File: 0716708b13bf1ca⋯.png (5.22 MB,1103x1652,1103:1652,1981_10_21_page_0033.png)

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84667b No.21102147

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21102098 Repeat Remember! = important.

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7a2664 No.21102149

File: af90a6186f3c6ee⋯.jpeg (68.39 KB,415x180,83:36,IMG_5630.jpeg)

File: 1fba3d7e222c09d⋯.jpeg (170.92 KB,462x597,154:199,IMG_5645.jpeg)

File: 77313c0e32993d4⋯.jpeg (326.02 KB,649x726,59:66,IMG_5644.jpeg)

File: c181031640d7776⋯.png (365.22 KB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_5643.png)


It all lines up…

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ba10df No.21102150

File: 3ea435607858264⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,1280x720,16:9,3eWeQO4O_EuxAn8l.mp4)

File: 34c8a61e5f356d8⋯.jpg (798.1 KB,971x1106,971:1106,BigMike_DFTF_03.jpg)

“Big Mike” Kek

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261679 No.21102151

File: 448be623baa8bdd⋯.jpg (111.72 KB,720x692,180:173,20240627_234142.jpg)

File: ca22dae8cbb9741⋯.mp4 (3.35 MB,640x360,16:9,Trump_War_Room_20240627_7_….mp4)

When you've lost MSDNC……


Joy Reid utters the word panic several times KeK

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41bd2c No.21102152

File: 589d934d7205fff⋯.png (25.39 KB,322x419,322:419,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce8d40119b81b23⋯.png (707.13 KB,1106x2222,553:1111,0036.png)




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768cc4 No.21102153

Notes passing 310

#25866 >>21101687

>>21101714 Donald Trump Jr: Democrats forced Joe Biden onto their voters by rigging their primary to block real challengers, but now they want to unilaterally remove Joe

>>21101718, >>21101774 CNN's Erin Burnett confessed to Biden getting the questions in advance but still going down faster than a lead balloon at a helium party

>>21101720 Lara Loomer: Obama’s campaign manager David Plouffe just said Biden’s debate performance tonight was a “Defcon 1 moment”

>>21101725 Ezra Cohen: The next five months will be particularly dangerous, as our enemies come to the realization that this will be their last window to attack on terms favorable to them for at least five years

>>21101726 Operation Replace Biden Has Begun

>>21101730 Kanekoa The Great: CNN grills Kamala Harris—should Joe Biden step aside?

>>21101734 Jack Posbeic: The coup is on Obama put out the order

>>21101747 Sean Davis: CNN literally went from crying that Donald Trump might not accept election results to immediately plotting how to overturn every single Democrat primary election result

>>21101761, >>21101769 Wall Street Silver: The left is in full panic mode right now

>>21101772 Trump War Room: CNN Fact Checker FORCED to Fact Check Crooked Joe Biden's Many, Many Lies He Told Tonight

>>21101783 Mark Hamil spin: One off night doesn't change the fact that @JoeBiden is the most legislatively successful @POTUS in our lifetime

>>21101784 Green Lives Matter: MSNBC panic

>>21101788 Kamala on CNN (mp4)

>>21101810 Vivek Ramaswamy: he fact that anyone is shocked by Biden’s brain-dead performance tonight is a scathing indictment of the media which has gone to great lengths to cover this fact up for the public

>>21101821, >>21101830 Hans Mahncke: The most devastating 30 seconds in presidential debate history (mp4)

>>21101842 Steven Cheiung: If Joe Biden has a cold (like his campaign said), why is he at Waffle House? The Biden campaign can’t even keep their lie straight

>>21101853 Chaos Coordinator: Biden was not in the OVAL OFFICE watching J6 from the capitol

>>21101876 #25865-B Notables

>>21101891 #25865-A Notables

>>21101989 Elon Musk: Tonight was a clear victory … for memes

>>21102008 PDJT reTruthed Babylon Bee: Trump Indicted For Murdering Elderly Man On CNN

>>21102013 Dan Scavino: Wheels down—good morning, Virginia!

>>21102016 Gavin Newsome when asked "are you going to be the next democratic nominee?" (mp4)

>>21102064 New York Post: We just witnessed the end of Joe Biden's presidency

>>21102075 Chuck Todd: Chuck Todd: There's a full on panic about this performance (mp4)

Note Taker must depart

Bread is still ghosted

Bakers and Note Takers please step up

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9a4261 No.21102155




if you pulled joe biden over, you'd take away the car keys and call his adult children to have the talk

10:07 PM · Jun 27, 2024










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bb5038 No.21102158


That fag is as senile as biden.

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e9c79b No.21102159

File: 1ccceb35c2ec4e4⋯.png (5.57 MB,1134x1712,567:856,1981_10_21_page_0034.png)

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bfdcb1 No.21102160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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bfdcb1 No.21102162

File: b05c8320b954818⋯.jpg (14.92 KB,300x168,25:14,download.jpg)

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a01a6c No.21102164

Seems like there was a Q drop about a point where everyone (I think media-wise) was gonna drop the nutjobs. Looks like we are at the point now.

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768cc4 No.21102167

>>21102153 (me)

should be fixed now

Notes passing 310

#25866 >>21101687

>>21101714 Donald Trump Jr: Democrats forced Joe Biden onto their voters by rigging their primary to block real challengers, but now they want to unilaterally remove Joe

>>21101718, >>21101774 CNN's Erin Burnett confessed to Biden getting the questions in advance but still going down faster than a lead balloon at a helium party

>>21101720 Lara Loomer: Obama’s campaign manager David Plouffe just said Biden’s debate performance tonight was a “Defcon 1 moment”

>>21101725 Ezra Cohen: The next five months will be particularly dangerous, as our enemies come to the realization that this will be their last window to attack on terms favorable to them for at least five years

>>21101726 Operation Replace Biden Has Begun

>>21101730 Kanekoa The Great: CNN grills Kamala Harris—should Joe Biden step aside?

>>21101734 Jack Posbeic: The coup is on Obama put out the order

>>21101747 Sean Davis: CNN literally went from crying that Donald Trump might not accept election results to immediately plotting how to overturn every single Democrat primary election result

>>21101761, >>21101769 Wall Street Silver: The left is in full panic mode right now

>>21101772 Trump War Room: CNN Fact Checker FORCED to Fact Check Crooked Joe Biden's Many, Many Lies He Told Tonight

>>21101783 Mark Hamil spin: One off night doesn't change the fact that @JoeBiden is the most legislatively successful @POTUS in our lifetime

>>21101784 Green Lives Matter: MSNBC panic

>>21101788 Kamala on CNN (mp4)

>>21101810 Vivek Ramaswamy: he fact that anyone is shocked by Biden’s brain-dead performance tonight is a scathing indictment of the media which has gone to great lengths to cover this fact up for the public

>>21101821, >>21101830 Hans Mahncke: The most devastating 30 seconds in presidential debate history (mp4)

>>21101842 Steven Cheiung: If Joe Biden has a cold (like his campaign said), why is he at Waffle House? The Biden campaign can’t even keep their lie straight

>>21101853 Chaos Coordinator: Biden was not in the OVAL OFFICE watching J6 from the capitol

>>21101863 #25865-A Notables

>>21101876 #25865-B Notables

>>21101989 Elon Musk: Tonight was a clear victory … for memes

>>21102008 PDJT reTruthed Babylon Bee: Trump Indicted For Murdering Elderly Man On CNN

>>21102013 Dan Scavino: Wheels down—good morning, Virginia!

>>21102016 Gavin Newsome when asked "are you going to be the next democratic nominee?" (mp4)

>>21102064 New York Post: We just witnessed the end of Joe Biden's presidency

>>21102075 Chuck Todd: Chuck Todd: There's a full on panic about this performance (mp4)

Note Taker must depart

Bread is still ghosted

Bakers and Note Takers please step up

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e9c79b No.21102168

File: 4bc16b5d7a4fbeb⋯.png (5.6 MB,1143x1708,1143:1708,1981_10_21_page_0035.png)

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ef13a7 No.21102170

File: 0a38faef4ef31b2⋯.jpg (3.3 MB,3468x4624,3:4,IMG20240624010735.jpg)


Hit in the leg while in the house. Just happened Sunday after church. I took this picture after I massaged the swelling out but there were two large lumps, but you can see that it breaks blood vessels. I have been hit in the past too, just two days ago they sprayed chems as I was posting that caused major eye problems. 6 ways till Sunday.

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ba10df No.21102173

File: 2c88fc5fbea6e1c⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Creepy_Joe_ask_girls_age_0….MP4)

File: 77577901bcf51cf⋯.jpg (263.29 KB,1195x976,1195:976,Creepy_Joe_ask_girls_age_0….jpg)

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baf6e6 No.21102176

File: d2b5d9ab0fbde5d⋯.png (307.83 KB,626x495,626:495,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b19111a5c624168⋯.png (289.77 KB,617x390,617:390,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk



30 years ago

Jun 28, 2024 · 5:17 AM UTC



Elon Reeve Musk (/ˈiːlɒn/; born June 28, 1971)

Happy Bday Elon!


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89e469 No.21102178

>>21101648 lb.

Since when did she all of a sudden grow a Brain? Oh, my damn…the Democrats are gonna try and run her as the first Black female for President! Newscum as VP…

All of their talking points…exhausting!

Well, lamestream media is slowly awakening that if the Democrats have their way of Rulling the Land… their Jobs will be eliminated. PDJT MAGAnomics is the only way to secure a future of prosperity and freedom for ANYONE in Our Country!

Ask Hollywood how it’s going?

Go Woke, Go Broke

PDJT NO ONE WANTS THE BABY KILLED up until birth and afterwards

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a01a6c No.21102179


Soros must be the papal agent running around doing sneaky papal things. I wonder if soros was involved in getting nazis into south america.

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145fa7 No.21102183


Symbolism will be their downfall concerned the Freemasons? Well, there you go.

The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know. - President John F. Kennedy

Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City

April 27, 1961

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b173c2 No.21102184


Life was a lot easier for him back then when all he had to worry about was worshiping Moloch with hims mummy.

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77fdd3 No.21102188

File: e9c9425881f3ae8⋯.png (1003.8 KB,1888x1460,472:365,Victory_47_cologne_updated….png)

WOW! UPDATED GetTrumpSneakers image of Trump's Victory47 cologne and perfume!


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b173c2 No.21102190


>>21102185 - and right on time

<worshiping Moloch

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89e469 No.21102192


Kamala Harris went from the Scarecrow (no brain) to having a Brain from the Wizard of Oz

VPPence you’re awfully quiet, for Rush Limbaugh on Decaf… man you have to have some kind of opine!

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261679 No.21102194

File: de2457c5074984c⋯.jpg (210.62 KB,720x1231,720:1231,20240627_235304.jpg)

What the fuck did YOU watch?!?!


The winner of tonight’s debate 😎



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baf6e6 No.21102197

File: b21eb5b67661694⋯.jpg (521.31 KB,1200x508,300:127,Matrix_code.jpg)


I see you.

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0098b2 No.21102200


>Joy Reid utters the word panic several times KeK

She said democrats are always neurotic


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c9e123 No.21102203


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c9e123 No.21102209


made superman cuss.


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890c5a No.21102210

File: 6f7ce0f6cc76463⋯.png (325.57 KB,859x745,859:745,ClipboardImage.png)

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41bd2c No.21102212


5:5 x 3 chk

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fe214d No.21102217

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9a4261 No.21102218


Lawrence is so quiet

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c9e123 No.21102220


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9a4261 No.21102222

Kamala is going to be overlooked in the next shenanigans dems pull.

There will be hell to pay

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bfdcb1 No.21102223


what was that mans name found dead in ocean a few years ago.

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315c5e No.21102224

File: 295cc2681e2d8a8⋯.png (472.4 KB,500x728,125:182,ClipboardImage.png)

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2d597a No.21102225


How about Sonny Cher is she packing

Or how about the View hags

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b0e90f No.21102226

File: 22d5f174d4c95a1⋯.png (1003.19 KB,944x362,472:181,Screenshot_7781_.png)


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bfdcb1 No.21102227

>>21102223 black guy

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77fdd3 No.21102228

File: 25560522ad6af8e⋯.png (2.32 MB,2450x1300,49:26,Welcome_to_Trump_s_FAST_CO….png)

Victory Cologne by President Trump

"Victory" is the signature scent of strength and success, encased in a luxurious gold bottle. This cologne, a part of President Trump's exclusive line, is for the decisive and the bold.

A crisp opening of citrus blends into a cedar heart, underpinned by a rich base of leather and amber, crafting a commanding presence. "Victory" is more than a fragrance— this cologne is for the movers, the shakers, and the history makers. Crowned with a Trump Collector's cap, splash on a bit of Victory and own every room you step into. "Victory" is very much a collector's piece. Trump Fragrances are estimated to ship in June 2024.


Victory Perfume by President Trump

Introducing "Victory By Trump - For Women," a fragrance that captures the essence of feminine strength and elegance. Infused with a blend of light floral notes, hints of citrus zest, and a whisper of spice, this scent is for the woman who embraces her victories with grace and allure.

Accents of warm spice evoke a subtle strength, making it a perfect match for any woman ready to make her mark with poise and confidence. With "Victory By Trump - For Women," you wear more than a fragrance; you wear a statement. Trump Fragrances are estimated to ship in June 2024.


>WOW! UPDATED GetTrumpSneakers image of Trump's Victory47 cologne and perfume!


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315c5e No.21102229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note:: >>21100801, >>21100819 TRUMP AND BIDEN PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE ON NOW CNN 27TH JUNE 20244!!! - youtube including statements collected.

dough below via pastebin on full trump v biden debate.

>>142244, >>142245 TRUMP AND BIDEN PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE ON NOW CNN 27th june 2025 - endchan bunker notes from pm debate


CNN Presidential Debate: President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump

President Joe Biden and his predecessor, former President Donald Trump meet in the key battleground state of Georgia for their first debate of the 2024 election cycle, moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.







President Trump: We had the greatest economy in the history of our country, We have never done so well.

Mr. Biden: I'm the only president this century that doesn't have any, this decade, that doesn't have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did.

President Trump: I was getting out of Afghanistan, but we were getting out with dignity, with strength, with power. He got out [Biden]; it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country's life.

President Trump: He [Biden] did the mandate, which is a disaster, mandating it. When the vaccine went out, he did a mandate on the vaccine, which is the thing that people most objected to about the vaccine.

President Trump: He's destroying Medicare, because all of these people are coming in; they're putting them on Medicare, they're putting them on Social Security. They're going to destroy Social Security. This man is going to single-handedly destroy Social Security. These millions and millions of people coming in, they're trying to put them on Social Security. He will wipe out Social Security., He will wipe out Medicare…what this man has done is absolutely criminal.

Biden comparing giving abortion law back to the states to giving civil rights laws back to the states.

Biden comparing giving abortion law back to the states to giving civil rights laws back to the states.

President Trump: We have to get a lot of these people out [illegals], and we have to get them out fast, because they are going to destroy our country.

President Trump destroying Biden's fake 'suckers and losers' comment.

djt: first of all our veterans and troops can't stand this guy

President Trump: He's given two hundred billion dollars now, or more, to Ukraine…that's a lot of money. I don't think there's ever been anything like it. Every time that Zelenskyy comes to this country, he walks away with sixty billions dollars.

djt: we have spent over a 100 billion moar that the rest of the world together.

President Trump: You should let 'em go [Israel], and let 'em finish the job. He [Biden] doesn't want to do it, he's become like a Palestinian.

President Trump: You [Biden] ought to be ashamed of yourself. What you have done. How you have destroyed the lives of so many people.

>>21099513, >>21099594, >>21099769, >>21099839 what did trump mean when he said he would haveevery right to go after his political opponents if elected? - screenshot

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ba10df No.21102230

File: a1a62e1711949ea⋯.gif (3.57 MB,480x270,16:9,IMG_3245.gif)



Joe Biden’s performance

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b0e90f No.21102231

File: ff25316db7c0354⋯.png (5.55 MB,1132x1711,1132:1711,1981_10_21_page_0036.png)

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ef13a7 No.21102233


>WHY your wife?

They do not think like we do, your entire family is fair game. They attack anything that you love, for example, about a week or so ago, they killed my step son's dog, just to cause mental anguish. He has nothing to do with any of this and neither does my wife, but these people have no regards for any lives, women, children, seniors, nor pets. This has actually been going on since specialized children hospitals when the rat pack did drives. This is how chemical attacks started. It is no surprise that it became their number on tactic against all their enemies. I am always right about these things and and a reveal like this was very costly but it had to stated in order to save lives.

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315c5e No.21102234

File: 9ea9f8e19a3b39e⋯.png (139.41 KB,944x707,944:707,ClipboardImage.png)


President Trump: Hundreds of millions [[donations] came pouring in because the public knows it's a scam [framing Trump with bogus charges], and it's a guy that's after his political opponent because he can't win fair and square.

President Trump: He [Biden] didn't run because of Charlottesville. He didn't run because of Charlottesville. He ran because it was his last chance; he's not equipped to be president. You know it, and I know it. It's ridiculous, We're trying to justify his presidency. His presidency is; without question, the worst president, the worst presidency, in the history of our country. We shouldn't be having a debate about it. There's nothing to debate. He made up the Charlottesville story…it's a nonsense story and he knows it.

President Trump: His big kill on the black people is the millions of people that he's allowed to come in through the border. They're taking black jobs now, and it could be eighteen, it could be nineteen, and even twenty million people. They're taking black jobs, and they're taking Hispanic jobs. And you haven't seen it yet, but you;re going to see something that's going to be the worst in our history.

President Trump: I heard him say before; Insulin. I'm the one that got the Insulin down for the seniors. I took care of the seniors. What he's doing is destroying all of our medical programs because the migrants coming in.

djt: did you fire anyone for the Afghanistan joe our country is being destroyed.

President Trump: Did you fire anybody that allowed our country to be destroyed? Joe, our country is being destroyed as you and I sit up here and waste a lot of time on this debate. This shouldn't be a debate…he's the worst president in the history of our country. He's destroyed our country…he wants open borders. He wants our country to either be destroyed, or he wants to pick up those people as voters. And we just can't let it happen. If he wins this election, our country doesn't have a chance, not even a chance, of coming out of this rut. We probably won't have a country left anymore, that's how bad it is. He is the worst in history, by far.

Mr. Biden: I got my handicap down to a six [golf].

President Trump: That's the biggest lie, that he's a six handicap, of all.

Mr. Biden: I was eight handicap. Eight. I had, you know how many.

President Trump: I've seen your swing. I know your swing.

President Trump: He's got us in such a bad position right now with Ukraine and Russia, because Ukraine's not wining that war…they're running out of people, they're running out of soldiers; they've lost so many people…all because of him and stupid decisions.

Question: Will you accept the results of the election, regardless of who wins?

President Trump: If it's a fair, and legal, and good election, absolutely…the fraud, and everything else [2020] was ridiculous, and if you want, we'll have a news conference on it in a week.

biden closing statement

Mr. Biden: We have to make sure that we have a fair tax system.

[by raising taxes even more]

Trump closing statement

end and cnn hanging biden out to pasture.

>>21100631, >>21100633 souces: dem saying we have a problem after biden's performance tonight

you may delete anons notes but you will never stop the info being archived admin

>>142244, >>142245 TRUMP AND BIDEN PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE ON NOW CNN 27th june 2025 - endchan bunker notes from pm debate

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fe1316 No.21102235

File: 057ef9562db289d⋯.jpg (300.08 KB,770x730,77:73,057ef9562db289d7c8e10fa87f….jpg)

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ba10df No.21102236

File: ba6af54e954cfce⋯.gif (495.48 KB,499x320,499:320,IMG_3244.gif)


Joe Biden’s performance at the Presidential Debate

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2d597a No.21102237


You bring up a good point what is the rest of the world saying

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baf6e6 No.21102238

File: 670b8c52e5a0b9f⋯.png (294.62 KB,641x589,641:589,ClipboardImage.png)


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0098b2 No.21102239


>You bring up a good point what is the rest of the world saying

Open invitation to ditch the dollar and do whatever the hell they want.

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b0e90f No.21102240

File: 3342ced0345bb0b⋯.png (5.62 MB,1146x1712,573:856,1981_10_21_page_0037.png)

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baf6e6 No.21102241

File: 75fe07698df62f8⋯.png (308.38 KB,630x583,630:583,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf17cfe845e48b0⋯.jpg (181.34 KB,969x1200,323:400,media_GRH7sanX0AAJI8G.jpg)



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77fdd3 No.21102242

File: ab2be500ecdce3f⋯.png (183.5 KB,296x732,74:183,Changed_from_Victory47_to_….png)

Anons! Get Trump Sneakers just CHANGED Trump's Victory 47 cologne to Victory 45… what gives? What happened to 47??? Thoughts?


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2d597a No.21102243


Oh Shit another good point

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91f575 No.21102244

So was the special counsel Hur correct.?

No use in prosecuting Biden because he would come across as a senile old man.

He needs to be removed

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41bd2c No.21102245


could be Hugh Jackman in a Vincent mask

-but I won't rule out the hopium. Or jinx it.

not showing his tattoo areas dasting.

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ba10df No.21102246

File: 219d259e1f5e2d1⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB,mematicMeme.mp4)

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f2c2a4 No.21102247

File: 63d3d02c1c6ce52⋯.jpg (49.44 KB,555x312,185:104,63d3d02c1c6ce52ba971727f69….jpg)

Anon finds it interdasting that POTUS still makes a point of bringing this fucker up, and fairly regularly too. Did it tonight. He fired a decent amount of assholes in his time, but Comey's name in particular seems to stay on the tip of his tongue, no matter the occasion. Smells vendetta-ish kek. Meanwhile, Creepy Joe hasn't fired Trust Wray…

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2a0cce No.21102248

File: 62afddc4661ffbb⋯.png (262.9 KB,587x680,587:680,ClipboardImage.png)


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7b5f3c No.21102249

File: 1173c22118dc568⋯.jpg (104.18 KB,1093x500,1093:500,1173c22118dc568102f63a1288….jpg)

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91f575 No.21102250

Scarborough said this version of Joe Biden is the best Biden ever remember?

Got that clip?

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b0e90f No.21102251

File: 1c8a197bddd9d32⋯.png (5.6 MB,1134x1722,27:41,1981_10_21_page_0038.png)

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91f575 No.21102252

What did they do to Joe over the week?

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baf6e6 No.21102253

File: b19ba3437c7a21e⋯.png (228.8 KB,473x259,473:259,ClipboardImage.png)


2016 again

8 years back

Are you ready?

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48069b No.21102254


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ba10df No.21102255

File: 8c2dc292c0e8c81⋯.gif (3.87 MB,347x244,347:244,Putin_Laugh.GIF)

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77fdd3 No.21102256

File: cd9131cb287092d⋯.png (935.67 KB,1314x1450,657:725,From_47_to_45_.png)

Here's the before and after pictures…

>Anons! Get Trump Sneakers just CHANGED Trump's Victory 47 cologne to Victory 45… what gives? What happened to 47??? Thoughts?



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48069b No.21102257


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48069b No.21102258

File: f2ce3670784f5a1⋯.jpg (35.79 KB,300x288,25:24,SP15.jpg)




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ba10df No.21102259

File: 8f6815a6327a17b⋯.jpeg (958.88 KB,1284x1553,1284:1553,IMG_3242.jpeg)

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48069b No.21102260

File: 420d4354f7200af⋯.gif (137.62 KB,220x133,220:133,002a.gif)





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507d74 No.21102261

File: 3b8639061ab31a0⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,750x220,75:22,Be_Not_Afraid.jpg)

Anons wanna comment?

President Trump said his VP would be in the audience tonight.

There was no audience.

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2d597a No.21102262

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48069b No.21102263

File: fd6f259cebeead2⋯.png (106.31 KB,455x428,455:428,JARQ2.png)





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91f575 No.21102264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Anyone seen this clip of Joe Scarborough?

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0098b2 No.21102265

File: 688526657b5e06d⋯.jpeg (905.77 KB,1818x1097,1818:1097,bf7497c14d9d41a385ba503df….jpeg)


>Anons! Get Trump Sneakers just CHANGED Trump's Victory 47 cologne to Victory 45… what gives? What happened to 47??? Thoughts?

It turns out that Trump was really POTUS this whole time, and kameltoe was VP (would explain callsigns, Trump's motorcade, etc).

They try 25th amendment, but instead of a dem, Trump gets back in, and then is eligible for another term.

Would be a hell of a plot twist.

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315c5e No.21102266

File: 9124cc2d3b0d85d⋯.png (1.36 MB,901x774,901:774,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4916a305c0e8715⋯.png (1.68 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>President Trump said his VP would be in the audience tonight.

That was bait and he was not wrong.

the vp was watching the debate and was part of the audience

so not a lie.


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48069b No.21102267

File: 8874a20b323b6f3⋯.png (1.28 MB,800x344,100:43,gangs_of_new_york.png)

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baf6e6 No.21102268


Audience refers to who can listen to you. radio stations also have an audience.

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f2c2a4 No.21102269


I saw somewhere that only 2 people for each candidate were allowed in the auditorium. Everybody else had to stick it out in other rooms or the media bullpen outside.

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39559e No.21102270


>What did they do to Joe over the week?

Made him memorize and repeat talking points/answers until he was diminished, exhausted, and hoarse.

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c98fe4 No.21102271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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91f575 No.21102272


Jill Biden should be charged with Elder Abuse

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48069b No.21102273


the last president!

john trump

time travel


the matrix

i gotta cut my balls and penis off!

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5cefaa No.21102274

File: 2cfbcf428860b9f⋯.jpg (117.66 KB,1038x1020,173:170,20240626_075640.jpg)

File: d9841d7b6b870d8⋯.jpg (51.51 KB,945x2048,945:2048,20240626_154100.jpg)

File: 524791ee77aafb9⋯.jpg (101.82 KB,930x1124,465:562,20240627_231856.jpg)

File: aa8801ca51d2118⋯.jpg (26.16 KB,314x600,157:300,20240627_224230.jpg)

File: 527f9db2fc4718a⋯.jpg (91.97 KB,1036x980,37:35,20240624_004638.jpg)

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48069b No.21102275

File: 32b4e42c5e8098d⋯.jpg (51.49 KB,521x521,1:1,3z5.jpg)

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6ea540 No.21102276


>Anons wanna comment?

>President Trump said his VP would be in the audience tonight.

I did, no one caught it. I hope that wasn't hoax because if it isn't, then, HALLELUJAH! It is going to be Biblical.



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41bd2c No.21102277

File: 6e59d2df36c5387⋯.png (58.24 KB,375x578,375:578,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd3937cd0fd228b⋯.png (26.84 KB,380x205,76:41,ClipboardImage.png)

File: be2ccaad33a3003⋯.png (155.02 KB,1100x654,550:327,0202cap.png)

File: 5ea73e884243a55⋯.png (23.24 KB,324x219,108:73,ClipboardImage.png)


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48069b No.21102278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


here we go!!!

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48069b No.21102279

File: 3c521014d98a81a⋯.gif (106.79 KB,339x349,339:349,trig1.gif)



why you always triggerin?

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48069b No.21102280

File: 5b8e1c8a3ff1e76⋯.gif (192.1 KB,255x255,1:1,trig2.gif)

Oct 14, 2020 1:11:22 PM EDT4855

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 49d14d No. 11068186

Your ability to spread information across the digital battlefield and bypass their control is what they fear [narrative failure] and why they are doing everything in their power to disrupt [false labeling [daily attacks], censorship, termination, gov hearings > foundation to term/censor, etc].

Keep charging, MidNIGHT Riders!


Information Warfare.

Hunters become the Hunted.


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baf6e6 No.21102281

File: 2c4ff5cda9ef0a7⋯.jpg (69.49 KB,905x676,905:676,media_GRIjsetXwAEOVo_.jpg)

File: 2105d11a9e46196⋯.jpg (239.17 KB,1260x842,630:421,media_GRIvNjHaYAAv_qy.jpg)

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48069b No.21102282

File: 6156ea40d780e45⋯.gif (280.64 KB,500x333,500:333,scary_halloween_icegif_1.gif)

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/30/2020 23:52:42 ID: 3763864799

8kun/qresearch: 10864489

Anonymous 09/30/2020 23:43:23 ID:39774c

8kun/qresearch: 10864305

Image Name: 09302020nyt1.png

Filename: 08e41859ca2515db376999299074104a284701075e774fa4c4ab36b1ebe9d5d8.png

Rebuffed by Vatican, Pompeo Assails China and Aligns With Pope’s Critics

Pope Francis declined to see Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is demanding a harder Vatican line on China. The Holy See said meeting just before a U.S. election would be inappropriate.

By Jason Horowitz and Lara Jakes

Sept. 30, 2020, 7:26 p.m. ET

ROME — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently published a sharp letter excoriating the Vatican’s plans to renew an agreement with the Chinese government on Church operations in China. He promoted the article in a tweet, concluding, “The Vatican endangers its moral authority, should it renew the deal.”

An indignant Vatican took the article more as a calculated affront than a diplomatic gesture. The friction broke into the open on Wednesday as Mr. Pompeo arrived in Rome and met with prelates and others who are hostile to Pope Francis, while the Vatican denied him a meeting with the pontiff and rebuffed his efforts to derail the deal with China.

“Pompeo asked to meet” the pope, who turned him down because Francis had “clearly said that he does not receive political figures ahead of the elections,” Cardinal Pietro Parolin, who, as secretary of state, is the Vatican’s second-ranking official, told reporters.

But to some observers on both sides of the tensions between the Roman Catholic Church and the Trump administration, Mr. Pompeo’s visit is as much about the coming presidential election as about China policy. Mr. Pompeo dismissed that suggestion as absurd, but intended or not, his trip signals that President Trump is on the side of those conservative American Catholics who worry about the church’s direction under Francis and think he is soft on China.

Francis and Mr. Trump, who have exchanged sharp words in the past, present starkly different visions on issues ranging from the environment to immigration to the threat of populism. In appealing to the Vatican’s support for religious freedom as a reason to drop its China agreement, Mr. Pompeo seemed to seek common ground, but in a way that upset the pope’s chief allies and delighted his chief critics.

Cardinal Parolin said Mr. Pompeo’s article had caused “surprise” at the Vatican, because this visit to Rome by the secretary and the meetings with high officials at the Holy See had already been in the works and would have been a “more opportune” forum for airing grievances. He added that Mr. Pompeo’s choice to publish in First Things, a conservative Christian magazine that has called Francis a failure as Pope, also mattered.



When does a Church become a playground?

When does a Church become a business?

When does a Church become political?

When does a Church become corrupt?

When does a Church become willfully blind?

When does a Church become controlled?


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bfdcb1 No.21102283

File: d9816a7b020f3eb⋯.png (870 KB,1133x827,1133:827,o_1e3lr4qjf1ft9iqpbltfg619….png)

The Breitbart Coroner: A True Crime Tale of a Los Angeles Coroner's Tech and His Connection to Andrew Breitbart

Front Cover

Press Graye

Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp, Feb 28, 2020 - True Crime - 183 pages

Michael Cormier, an employee of the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office, died from military-grade arsenic after performing a private autopsy on conservative journalist Andrew Breitbart. What happened next?

The Los Angeles County Coroner's Office performed an autopsy on Michael Cormier and then destroyed key evidence in the case before it could be tested.

Press Graye opened an independent investigation into the corruption at the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office and interviewed key witnesses in the case. The Breitbart Coroner spans 2016-2020 and includes exclusive material on the last hours of Andrew Breitbart's life before he mysteriously died.


Witness describes the strange and sudden death of Andrew Breibart


from comments on vid:

If they know the coroner died of arsenic poisoning, why are they not investigating this also ?

The "white band" around the top of his head indicates a Cyanide dart.

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91f575 No.21102284

The stage sure was set

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19d725 No.21102285



Let me tell you one thing for a fact, there is probably no one in the world who wants to cut up the DS into 100 pieces than JFK Jr. I stand with him and President Trump, because I feel the exact same way. For God and Country, at all costs. We will never forget.

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bfdcb1 No.21102286



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91f575 No.21102287


And the whole world was watching

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bfdcb1 No.21102288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Witness describes the strange and sudden death of Andrew Breibart

from comments on vid:

If they know the coroner died of arsenic poisoning, why are they not investigating this also ?

The "white band" around the top of his head indicates a Cyanide dart.

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d608a2 No.21102289

File: 96cf14541429b84⋯.png (298.06 KB,1180x200,59:10,ClipboardImage.png)

Does Potato have special shoes?

it looks like something is in the arch of both of his shoes

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48069b No.21102290

File: 24c70adf6b7bd72⋯.png (966.7 KB,1085x546,155:78,byebiden.png)

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cc1120 No.21102291

Will Ferrell.

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91f575 No.21102292


Did your ears perk up when you heard Trump talk about the beautiful GOLD DOMED buildings in Ukraine?

Didn’t Epstein island have gold dome?

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bfdcb1 No.21102293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

how great if Andrew ain't ded





Andrew Breitbart John Podesta


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cc1120 No.21102294

File: e2a04f21a7df11e⋯.gif (8.19 MB,811x500,811:500,the_boys_billy_butcher_sca….gif)

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48069b No.21102295

File: 9971a7ccc84bc8d⋯.png (375.39 KB,660x767,660:767,a4_wa.png)

File: e99db207a349acd⋯.png (450.76 KB,2434x898,1217:449,CATH_CIA4.png)

File: 87f549271a07923⋯.png (714.01 KB,1138x1010,569:505,cia_epstein_24.png)

File: 84e6519ba428dcf⋯.png (993.76 KB,848x916,212:229,CIA911a.png)

File: 4865c07b792e987⋯.png (14.44 KB,793x630,793:630,Q_714_BEST_LAST.png)


I love you

1: it was the CIA or CLOWNS IN AMERICA

2: it was 1000 pieces

3: the Clowns are controlled by the Vatican

4: I love you

there is no step 5…

i love you

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bfdcb1 No.21102296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Breitbart hijacks Rep. Weiner's press conference






Jun 6, 2011

In Full: Andrew Breitbart came forward at Rep. Anthony Weiner's New York City press conference to defend himself against allegations claiming he hacked the congressman's Twitter account.

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deac7f No.21102297



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8cedfd No.21102298

File: e3b3e40e92e3f30⋯.jpeg (1.82 MB,1560x11056,195:1382,IMG_0222.jpeg)

Scuttle-butt zone-flooders trying to hijack "This Nigga Biden "

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d608a2 No.21102299

File: 74eca63df4e9f28⋯.png (651.45 KB,1356x636,113:53,ClipboardImage.png)


He sure is

are these stabilizers or what

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19d725 No.21102300


Pay back time! Ready to serve.

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baf6e6 No.21102301

File: 4f8dbb224b3756f⋯.jpg (281.41 KB,1357x1487,1357:1487,media_GRInQuaWsAA9n_n.jpg)

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bfdcb1 No.21102302

John Stossel who did debate with RFK tonight


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0d31bb No.21102303

File: a97e997289cffda⋯.png (948.55 KB,485x666,485:666,Screenshot_7666_.png)

File: 2da1a2716f43edc⋯.png (1.76 MB,754x813,754:813,capture_744_12122023_18285….png)

File: 6f6b0a137b4f911⋯.png (2.09 MB,696x1047,232:349,Screenshot_6173_.png)

File: 884e590afb17a5f⋯.png (5.42 MB,1789x1057,1789:1057,capture_242_28122023_15313….png)

File: 43fe871f7b3e183⋯.png (589.46 KB,449x447,449:447,capture_1869_20012024_0918….png)


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bfdcb1 No.21102304

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48069b No.21102305

File: 56930570fe8d321⋯.png (80.59 KB,798x378,19:9,10d.png)

File: c42e75ef2540dcb⋯.png (310.15 KB,800x896,25:28,10b.png)

File: e25e5a6cc57b380⋯.jpg (17.99 KB,255x202,255:202,10.jpg)

File: d0594a9ddc8a5fa⋯.png (2.84 MB,4992x4248,208:177,8.png)


i love you

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ba10df No.21102306

File: d7204f18e9cd452⋯.gif (140.09 KB,400x231,400:231,IMG_3233.gif)

File: a3397990b542ee5⋯.jpeg (260.04 KB,763x546,109:78,IMG_3235.jpeg)

File: cc2cbaf5abe77fa⋯.gif (355.64 KB,245x170,49:34,IMG_3236.gif)

File: 1a4432a2a50deb4⋯.gif (1.41 MB,900x404,225:101,IMG_3237.gif)

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48069b No.21102307

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48069b No.21102308

Woe to you, of Earth and Sea, for the Devil send's the Beast with Wrath, because he knows the time is short…

Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the Beast, for it is a Human Number. It's Number is Six Hundred and Sixty Six…

Dig and decode on the Eye of Providence - Q drop #133 version 7.0 "Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’. The Eye of Providence."












U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops@USCCBThe all-seeing eye is not a Masonic symbol but represents God's omnipresence. When surrounded by a triangle, it symbolizes the Trinity. 11:02 AM · Dec 18, 2019 https://twitter.com/USCCB/status/1207330423484928006

Nov 11, 2017 11:29:35 PM EST DROP #133 Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: gO/UntOB No. 149063235

Hard to swallow.

Important to progress.

Who are the puppet masters?If Saud, Roths and Soros are the Puppet Masters, why does Q repeat this Question again below?

House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above(3).

Public wealth disclosures – False.

Many governments of the world feed the‘Eye’.

Think slush funds (feeder).

Think war (feeder).

Think environmental pacts (feeder).

Triangle has(3)sides.

Eye of Providence.The EYE OF PROVIDENCE is an ancient symbol most commonly associated with Christianity, Catholicism > Holy Trinity. The Eye of God is in the Middle of the Triangle.

Follow the bloodlines.

What is the keystone?SATAN is the keystone? Double meanings exist? (keystone)

Does Satan exist?No.

Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?Yes and it is the Thought that Counts.

Who worships Satan?All Religions which require a Satan, Devil, Negative archetype > excuse for evil to exist.

What is a cult?Noun: cult; plural noun: cults a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.

Epstein island.

What is a temple?Church, Cathedral, building dedicated to a figure or object.

What occurs in a temple?Worship and sacrifice.


Why is the temple on top of a mountain?Represents the Mouth of the Diety

How many levels might exist below?Many, arranged like a body

What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?Symbology of the Puppet Masters

Why is this relevant?

Who are the puppet masters?Why is Q asking this question again? This means that the above 3 are not the Puppet Masters but the Puppets.

Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?

When? How often? Why?

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”


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41bd2c No.21102309

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48069b No.21102310

if the face of the greatest evil the world has ever know….

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19d725 No.21102311


Same here. For humanity and the sanctity of life.

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77fdd3 No.21102312

File: 3000ae21a6b9c53⋯.jpg (32.37 KB,255x255,1:1,KenyanObama.jpg)


>Would be a hell of a plot twist.

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48069b No.21102313

File: c8f1394194ffdd0⋯.png (184.13 KB,4704x4032,7:6,001b.png)

File: 4e4241c8093cdf7⋯.png (226.33 KB,4704x4032,7:6,001c.png)

File: 2ddb5e2d2859e47⋯.png (211.8 KB,4704x4032,7:6,001d.png)

File: c10a99e53f40c4e⋯.png (370.86 KB,6696x4848,279:202,001e.png)

File: c27766ad8d01f5e⋯.png (533.38 KB,6688x4848,418:303,001f.png)

Woe to you, of Earth and Sea, for the Devil send's the Beast with Wrath, because he knows the time is short…

Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the Beast, for it is a Human Number. It's Number is Six Hundred and Sixty Six…

Dig and decode on the Eye of Providence - Q drop #133 version 7.0 "Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’. The Eye of Providence."












U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops@USCCBThe all-seeing eye is not a Masonic symbol but represents God's omnipresence. When surrounded by a triangle, it symbolizes the Trinity. 11:02 AM · Dec 18, 2019 https://twitter.com/USCCB/status/1207330423484928006

Nov 11, 2017 11:29:35 PM EST DROP #133 Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: gO/UntOB No. 149063235

Hard to swallow.

Important to progress.

Who are the puppet masters?If Saud, Roths and Soros are the Puppet Masters, why does Q repeat this Question again below?

House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above(3).

Public wealth disclosures – False.

Many governments of the world feed the‘Eye’.

Think slush funds (feeder).

Think war (feeder).

Think environmental pacts (feeder).

Triangle has(3)sides.

Eye of Providence.The EYE OF PROVIDENCE is an ancient symbol most commonly associated with Christianity, Catholicism > Holy Trinity. The Eye of God is in the Middle of the Triangle.

Follow the bloodlines.

What is the keystone?SATAN is the keystone? Double meanings exist? (keystone)

Does Satan exist?No.

Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?Yes and it is the Thought that Counts.

Who worships Satan?All Religions which require a Satan, Devil, Negative archetype > excuse for evil to exist.

What is a cult?Noun: cult; plural noun: cults a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.

Epstein island.

What is a temple?Church, Cathedral, building dedicated to a figure or object.

What occurs in a temple?Worship and sacrifice.


Why is the temple on top of a mountain?Represents the Mouth of the Diety

How many levels might exist below?Many, arranged like a body

What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?Symbology of the Puppet Masters

Why is this relevant?

Who are the puppet masters?Why is Q asking this question again? This means that the above 3 are not the Puppet Masters but the Puppets.

Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?

When? How often? Why?

“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan”


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f2c2a4 No.21102314


He said the domes were a thousand years old too…maybe an exaggeration, but seemed like possible comms. Were there ever gold domes in Ukraine that old?

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ba10df No.21102315

File: d5b2155c5bbab4f⋯.jpg (161.29 KB,1089x1123,1089:1123,MAGA_Shadow_vs_Shadow_DS.JPG)

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39559e No.21102316


>There was no audience.

You are using an overly narrow definition of the word 'audience', Anon.

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bfdcb1 No.21102317




>>21102293 It is going to be Biblical.

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48069b No.21102318

File: d0594a9ddc8a5fa⋯.png (2.84 MB,4992x4248,208:177,8.png)

Remember when Q prayed the Roman Catholic Version of the "Our Father" or Pater Noster with anons in a drop about who financed 9-11?

Remember when Q posted drop #306 and asked "Why was the Lord's prayer posted? Which version? Why is this relevant? What just came out re: the Lord's prayer? What can be connected? & Do you believe in coincidences?

Remember when Q asked anons to "Re-review the map post relevant news drops." and "GODFATHERIII"?

PATER noster, qui es in cœlis; sanctificetur nomen tuum: Adveniat regnum tuum; fiat voluntas tua, sicut in cœlo, et in terra.

Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie: Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris: et ne nos inducas in tentationem: sed libera nos a malo.

Q !ITPb.qbhqo 11/14/2017 21:25:29 ID: wmN+33xv #154

4chan/pol: 149467690

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden’s handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D’s push for gun control ‘directly’ after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us ourtrespasses,

as we forgive those whotrespassagainst us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.


Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/09/2017 13:12:19 ID: 571cae#306

8chan/cbts: 60141

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Why was the Lord's prayer posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?

What can be connected?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Godfather III.


Dec 09, 2017 1:16:56 PM EST#307

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No. 60172

Dec 09, 2017 1:13:29 PM EST

Anonymous ID: e60938 No. 60150

Dec 09, 2017 1:12:19 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No. 60141

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Why was the Lord's PRAYER posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

What just came out re: the Lord's PRAYER?

What can be connected?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Godfather III.



Tues Nov 4th,

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden's handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn't we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they' had a plan to conduct ‘another' mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D's push for gun control ‘directly' after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.



The "marker."

Learn to read the map.

News unlocks the map.


Dec 09, 2017 1:21:38 PM EST#308

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No. 60201


Expand your thinking.



The King James Version of the Bible touted by Trumpalso includes in its pages copies of the chorus to the song “God Bless The USA” by Lee Greenwood, the United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Pledge of Allegiance. Greenwood’s song reportedly inspired the project.

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48069b No.21102319

File: 81c697a1623f591⋯.png (43.67 KB,282x386,141:193,9e.png)

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bfdcb1 No.21102320

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19d725 No.21102321



>do you stand?

Standing since 911 and will do so until this job is complete.

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8cedfd No.21102322

File: 2331bebf6e31268⋯.jpeg (236.11 KB,1111x1740,1111:1740,IMG_0224.jpeg)

Lauren Southern's fine ass really stirred some shit kek

Dont let the babylonians hijack it :p


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ba10df No.21102323

File: 90b51fb457520c8⋯.jpeg (26.17 KB,350x266,25:19,497DC273_5F39_4345_B3D2_9….jpeg)

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48069b No.21102324


and you took in all the info that i tossed at you?

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48069b No.21102325

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon, and every other Republican, for that matter, for not SUBMITTING to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs, made up of all Democrats, and two CRAZED FORMER REPUBLICAN LUNATICS, Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger, and Liz “Out of Her Mind” Cheney. It has been irrefutably proven that it was the Unselects who committed actual crimes when they deleted and destroyed all material evidence, in a pathetic attempt to protect Crazy Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats from the TRUTH — THAT I DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG. The unAmerican Weaponization of our Law Enforcement has reached levels of Illegality never thought possible before. INDICT THE UNSELECT J6 COMMITTEE FOR ILLEGALLY DELETING AND DESTROYING ALL OF THEIR “FINDINGS!” MAGA2024

Jun 06, 2024, 3:15 PM


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

It would not have mattered whether Steve Bannon, and others, went in front of the Unselect Committee of Criminal Hacks and Thugs, BECAUSE ALL OF THE INFORMATION ENDED UP BEING ILLEGALLY DELETED AND DESTROYED BY THESE CORRUPT RADICALS!

Jun 06, 2024, 4:47 PM


It seems rather obvious that POTUS is being kept in the Dark as to the Truth concerning Jan 06.

POTUS' recent statement concerning Steve Bannon and the Jan 06 Select Committee appear to reflect a serious lack of information concerning what actually Transpired on Jan 06.

Even though the Jan 06 Select Committee truly appear to be "Deep State Thugs" it also appears to be that Fake Maga Orchestrated the Jan 06 "Riot" and are also "Deep State Thugs".

It appears that these Fake Maga Thugs are hiding behind POTUS/MAGA and POTUS has said this exactly concerning Steve Bannon in the Past, Steve is hiding behind POTUS/MAGA.

Who Post's for POTUS?

Is whoever posts for POTUS trying to make POTUS/MAGA look bad/stupid?

Why would POTUS even think to give any sort of cover to, in the words of POTUS "Sloppy begs bad like a dog that has lost it's mind" Steve Bannon?

Steve Bannon is considered the Ring Leader of the We Build The Wall Scam/Fraud where he is likly to receive, as several of his co conspirators already have received, 4-5 year prison sentences so whoever supports Steve Bannon now will also look even more wrong in the near future.

Read on to learn all about the Jan 06 [MAGA RIOT] and the Traitors who now appear to have been behind it and the Hero's who are trying to expose the Treason of Jan 06.

Read on to learn the roles of: Col. Earl Matthews, General Walter E. Piatt, General Charles A Flynn, Ronna McDaniel a.k.a Ronna Romney, Caroline Wren, Julie Jenkins Fancelli, Brian Gamble , Alex Jones and more on Jan 06.



