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File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,bac4c6b4210217352e3d0f55f….jpeg)

d8edfa No.21102576 [Last50 Posts]

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d8edfa No.21102581

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d8edfa No.21102582


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d8edfa No.21102583


#25866 >>21101687

>>21101714 Donald Trump Jr: Democrats forced Joe Biden onto their voters by rigging their primary to block real challengers, but now they want to unilaterally remove Joe

>>21101718, >>21101774 CNN's Erin Burnett confessed to Biden getting the questions in advance but still going down faster than a lead balloon at a helium party

>>21101720 Lara Loomer: Obama’s campaign manager David Plouffe just said Biden’s debate performance tonight was a “Defcon 1 moment”

>>21101725 Ezra Cohen: The next five months will be particularly dangerous, as our enemies come to the realization that this will be their last window to attack on terms favorable to them for at least five years

>>21101726 Operation Replace Biden Has Begun

>>21101730 Kanekoa The Great: CNN grills Kamala Harris—should Joe Biden step aside?

>>21101734 Jack Posbeic: The coup is on Obama put out the order

>>21101747 Sean Davis: CNN literally went from crying that Donald Trump might not accept election results to immediately plotting how to overturn every single Democrat primary election result

>>21101761, >>21101769 Wall Street Silver: The left is in full panic mode right now

>>21101772 Trump War Room: CNN Fact Checker FORCED to Fact Check Crooked Joe Biden's Many, Many Lies He Told Tonight

>>21101783 Mark Hamil spin: One off night doesn't change the fact that @JoeBiden is the most legislatively successful @POTUS in our lifetime

>>21101784 Green Lives Matter: MSNBC panic

>>21101788 Kamala on CNN (mp4)

>>21101810 Vivek Ramaswamy: he fact that anyone is shocked by Biden’s brain-dead performance tonight is a scathing indictment of the media which has gone to great lengths to cover this fact up for the public

>>21101821, >>21101830 Hans Mahncke: The most devastating 30 seconds in presidential debate history (mp4)

>>21101842 Steven Cheiung: If Joe Biden has a cold (like his campaign said), why is he at Waffle House? The Biden campaign can’t even keep their lie straight

>>21101853 Chaos Coordinator: Biden was not in the OVAL OFFICE watching J6 from the capitol

>>21101863 #25865-A Notables

>>21101876 #25865-B Notables

>>21101989 Elon Musk: Tonight was a clear victory … for memes

>>21102008 PDJT reTruthed Babylon Bee: Trump Indicted For Murdering Elderly Man On CNN

>>21102013 Dan Scavino: Wheels down—good morning, Virginia!

>>21102016 Gavin Newsome when asked "are you going to be the next democratic nominee?" (mp4)

>>21102064, >>21102563 New York Post: We just witnessed the end of Joe Biden's presidency

>>21102075 Chuck Todd: Chuck Todd: There's a full on panic about this performance (mp4)

>>21102194 Made superman cuss 'What the fuck did YOU watch?!?!'

>>21102188, >>21102228, >>21102242, >>21102256 Victory Cologne by President Trump

>>21102229, >>21102234 CNN Presidential De bate: President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump

>>21102277, >>21102342, >>21102351, >>21102422 Comms Q 30 Wait what?

>>21102292, >>21102314, >>21102326, >>21102352, >>21102364, >>21102365, >>21102356, >>21102378, >>21102379, >>21102387, >>21102446 Trump talk about the beautiful GOLD DOMED buildings in Ukraine?

>>21102328, >>21102341 Major earthquake in Peru sparks tsunami warning as 7.2 magnitude tremor rocks coast

>>21102349 Trump: 25th Amendment ‘Zero Risk to Me’ but Will ‘Haunt’ Joe Biden

>>21102458, >>21102459, >>21102466, >>21102490 Bidens visit Waffke House After Debate

>>21102534, >>21102261, >>21102541, >>21102551, >>21102548, >>21102549 John Kennedy? meebee

>>21102528 Drudge is running a poll on who should replace potato


>>21102565 Q 1595 reminder to twitter

>>21102570 #25866

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d8edfa No.21102584



>>21101358 Asian Firms Sell Record $590 Billion of Local Bonds in Quarter

>>21101513 Japan names new FX diplomat as yen hits 38-year low

>>21101596 @libsoftiktok: UPDATE: an employee of the city has informed me that the city has “indefinitely postponed” their planned drag show for government employees using taxpayer $

>>21101623 Oklahoma orders every teacher in the state to have a Bible in the classroom and teach from it, effective immediately

>>21101631 The collapse of #walgreens has been unlike anything I've ever seen in big retail.

>>21101876 #25865-B

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d8edfa No.21102585

#25865-A >>21101021


>>21101075 First question, Biden used up all his time on his answer. Last question, he had 40 seconds left. This question, he had 80 seconds left.

>>21101076, >>21101266 80% said TRUMP WON

>>21101077 Joe's debate performance put him down 12%. O.O

>>21101080 Breaking: Biden has been approached by senior members of Congress and DNC and has been told to resign. Reports of an impending cognition test and fitness test have been updated to reflect accuracy; the tests will be a result of him not resigning.

>>21101090 Trump Campaign Fact-Checks Biden in Real Time — Here are the Details (Video) - GP

>>21101105 CNN is devastated after the debate. "It's not just panic, it's pain."

>>21101112 @RealCandaceO: You spelled dementia wrong. KEK.

>>21101137 Harry Sisson: Biden won the debate easily - KEK

>>21101142, >>21101147 Gaetz pleased about the debate

>>21101146, >>21101154 @DanScavino: realDonaldTrump enters the green room @CNN in Atlanta, Georgia—after a massive victory on the debate stage tonight…

>>21101160 Biden bombs, Trump pounces - POLITICO

>>21101170 @RNCResearch: Jill, Ed.D., is forced to literally walk Crooked Joe off stage following his humiliating debate

>>21101176 @TheStevenCheung: Even his own team knows Biden is doing horribly [and it's NOT. A. COLD]

>>21101181, >>21101208, >>21101256, >>21101338, >>21101535 Border Patrol Union - NBPC @BPUnion: To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.

>>21101186 @BehizyTweets: Trump is a genius, they gave him two minutes to answer a question about the "climate crisis" and he instead used the time to list his accomplishments for the black community.

>>21101197 WAPO: The first debate reinformed Biden's biggest weakness

>>21101201 “There was no inflation when I took office” ~ Biden

>>21101219 Biden's early debate performance cues calls for him to be replaced and even for the 25th Amendment to be invoked

>>21101246 KRISTEN WELKER: "There's no way to sugar coat this…[Biden] delivered a performance that was at times halting, at times he seemed to lose his train of thought…"

>>21101263 John King - PANIC IN THE PARTY - Yes, the president is out of his mind. Literally.

>>21101339 PF: Trump is not heading back to Mar-A-Lago.

>>21101345 @KimDotcom: Biden just said his son died because of Iraq. He died of cancer in the United States. Biden’s brain is shot.performance. YIKES

>>21101366 @EzraACohen China is killing hundreds of thousands of American citizens thank’s to Biden open border and weak counternarcotics strategy.

>>21101380 Ron @CodeMonkeyZ: "We are going to need to print more ballots." -DNC (probably)

>>21101391 PF: 45in N757AF 757 departed Atlanta Intl after “debate” heading for Laguardia - Tomorrow there's a Trump Rally in Chesapeake, Virginia, 3:00 pm ET

>>21101396 @Ultrafrog17: The fine people hoax has been debunked.

>>21101410 Dan Scavino JR: Trump War Room acct "temporarily restricted"

>>21101415 We have a narrative shift happening right now- Dems freak out over Biden’s debate performance: ‘Biden is toast’

>>21101417 Omg this is worse than I even expected 😂

>>21101424 Biden Lies in Debate, Says No US Troops Killed During His Presidency (Video)

>>21101434 Gallup: A Majority of Democrats Still Want Another Candidate

>>21101467 NBC’s Chuck Todd; “At the end of the day Joe Biden looks like caricature that conservative media has been painting

>>21101468 Trump, Biden presidential debate live updates: Biden appears to freeze, says he ‘beat Medicare’

>>21101526 KAMALA HARRIS: "Joe Biden is fighting…on performance!"

>>21101578, >>21101579, >>21101600,, >>21101612 BIDEN GLITCHES OUT! Stops Making Sense! He's Completely Lost!

>>21101648 CNN is now turning on Kamala!!! Biden is DONE!

>>21101659 Biden can’t be replaced in some states.

>>21101664 @DC_Draino - Make no mistake: This wide-ranging Democrat reaction to have Joe Biden step down is coordinated. This is not organic

>>21101680 @Oilfield_Rando - Whosa big boy?! Whosa big smart boy?! WHOS THE BIG SMART BOY GETTING A BIG SMART BOY ICE CREAM TONIGHT?!

>>21101692 ICYMI: Democrat Insiders Reveal Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer's Secret Plot to Replace Feeble Joe Biden

>>21101486 They’re sending out Kamala to do damage control 🤣 Trump War Room

>>21101500 JEN PSAKI: "You don't send the Vice President of the United States out if you won the debate, typically."

>>21101517 Madam President? Looking rather content.

>>21101863 #25865-A

Previously Collected

>>21100145 #25863, >>21100971 #25864,

>>21097489 #25860, >>21098402 #25861, >>21099237 #25862

>>21095090 #25857, >>21095960 #25858, >>21096697 #25859

>>21092046 #25854, >>21093012 #25855, >>21094194 #25856

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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d8edfa No.21102595

File: 73702a1fa006f3e⋯.png (432 KB,888x500,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cbf3690d409a2c⋯.png (38.15 KB,414x612,23:34,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9cece151a61cf4⋯.png (74.68 KB,783x372,261:124,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db93debd1154e9d⋯.png (61.3 KB,1002x191,1002:191,ClipboardImage.png)



Q Research General #25867: Lights - Camera - Action - Rolling Thunder: John Kennedy Lives Edition

Anons wanna comment?

President Trump said his VP would be in the audience tonight.

There was no audience?

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d8edfa No.21102599

File: d3e0e6b29b8727e⋯.mp4 (13.26 MB,854x480,427:240,THUNDER.mp4)


Thunder mp4

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d8edfa No.21102614

File: 4e6d5e151561945⋯.png (2.3 MB,1290x2796,215:466,ClipboardImage.png)

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303dc1 No.21102629

File: 3389eedb2ec8ab8⋯.png (234.83 KB,619x387,619:387,ClipboardImage.png)

Sky Event?

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303dc1 No.21102633

File: 2e8c66391338948⋯.png (504.92 KB,654x680,327:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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10be2c No.21102634

File: 6d4fa2557a47e40⋯.jpg (86.98 KB,720x757,720:757,20240628_031741.jpg)

Panic is good

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836c9f No.21102636

Who are they going to replace Joe with as the nominee?

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303dc1 No.21102640

File: 244df05b76f2842⋯.png (2.57 MB,1902x1067,1902:1067,ClipboardImage.png)

i mean could it be any more obvious?

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10be2c No.21102641

File: 94570d7dcfc7451⋯.jpg (129.25 KB,720x737,720:737,20240628_033530.jpg)

File: 99093d35f51d56f⋯.jpg (324.63 KB,1731x1325,1731:1325,20240628_032402.jpg)


Joe Biden tweeted 23 times during the presidential debate

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eb89e0 No.21102642


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303dc1 No.21102643

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fc9f0b No.21102647

File: bfcfd4271ae35a0⋯.png (648.67 KB,682x581,682:581,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 295cc2681e2d8a8⋯.png (472.4 KB,500x728,125:182,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2691ff73f22c390⋯.png (503.56 KB,455x455,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



we have had two important dates pass by now.

25th June (new york elections) winning

27th June (trump v biden debate) absolute K.O

back to the next big date and event

4th July u.k election.

Anon has some news about this for those interested, anon needs the usa anons to help with this as you still have free speech there so use it to help farage and the u.k anons to get farage over the line, he and us will than be back to help with the usa elections.

Which this anon is still doing by the way.

coming next,

The hit jobs exposed and the frens betrayal from gbnews.

The whole world is in danger and the anglo speaking nations are being attacked the most by its own deep state actors and foreign shills and faggots.

corp o7

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1aed56 No.21102648

How about let’s replace both nominees with better choices!

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d8edfa No.21102650

File: b81e740b828d205⋯.png (318.7 KB,491x500,491:500,monkey.png)

File: 4a0ca8899c8168d⋯.jpg (142.82 KB,1280x1280,1:1,4a0ca8899c8168dd4a5e5cb12e….jpg)

File: 30fcf45b19fbb6e⋯.jpg (399.08 KB,720x1520,9:19,Screenshot_20200207_124129.jpg)


He should be really hairy, like a monkey?

When you get old, does your arm hair go lighter?

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129056 No.21102652

File: 9b4b1f7a842f453⋯.png (97.24 KB,318x296,159:148,DB325C8C_C1BE_496C_BFD2_58….png)

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d8edfa No.21102653


Regretfully know that enduring experience….


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4c64f9 No.21102655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I was caught in the middle of a railroad track (thunder)

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9d837a No.21102658

File: 7c7b148796d7788⋯.jpg (363.55 KB,1125x1460,225:292,1719558067755407.jpg)

Does anyone have a take on this?

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fc9f0b No.21102659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note: This video is less than 3 minutes long, the alledgely actors name is andrew parker who appears to have played similar parts like this before. see video, plus anon will scrap the net for the site [mandy] for his profile, this video shows a screenshot. plus gbnews has also done a hit job on farage which anon will post and the channel 4 hitjob. please put this in a bun and anons here can build a picture.


Farage Destroys Channel Four Hit Job

6,439 views 1 hour ago

The flak is getting more intense the nearer we get to the general election here in the uk.


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4e5243 No.21102662


I think I saw an ad about Trump having some sort of meeting or announcement today and RFKjr. was going to be joining President Trump along with some others?

Did anyone see that too?

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10be2c No.21102664

File: de227351ef36d4f⋯.jpg (39.6 KB,720x317,720:317,20240628_035812.jpg)


Donald Trump is a convicted felon with the morals of an alley cat.


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fc9f0b No.21102665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



channel 4 hitjob with alledged actor

Undercover Inside Reform’s Campaign - evidence of homophobia and canvasser's racism



Nigel Farage has always insisted his Reform party is not racist or extremist - dismissing unsavoury comments as pub banter.

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90af1b No.21102666

File: d0b9fd21d6e90e6⋯.jpg (1.53 MB,3464x3464,1:1,Picsart_24_06_28_05_03_06_….jpg)


fuckin aye anon

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9ae25d No.21102669

File: 4a83f54a8d428d1⋯.gif (636.91 KB,500x289,500:289,DEF66180_3F47_40C6_BEF1_EA….gif)


good fucking mornin’ gonna be one hell of a shitshow.

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90af1b No.21102671

File: 018ca3c81fa0d5a⋯.jpg (588.02 KB,3464x3464,1:1,Picsart_24_06_28_05_03_06_….jpg)

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868dc4 No.21102672

File: 0ccebc433a9c2d3⋯.jpg (6.76 KB,250x122,125:61,Takashi_400x195.jpg)

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303dc1 No.21102673

File: 189a4ddf5180bdf⋯.png (256.15 KB,517x258,517:258,ClipboardImage.png)

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db3bd7 No.21102674

File: 4e1a8f50c1fab8c⋯.jpg (72.01 KB,680x510,4:3,GRIaSbgWMAAFbZw.jpg)


Donnell Suggs


Biden signed off by saying “Thank you, North Carolina” to the crowd inside the Hyatt Regency Atlanta. 😞

8:49 PM · Jun 27, 2024












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868dc4 No.21102675

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90af1b No.21102676

File: 241ae67bbbe0fed⋯.jpg (150.53 KB,1325x1917,1325:1917,Picsart_24_06_28_05_03_06_….jpg)

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322140 No.21102677

File: 21e80963f66c66b⋯.jpg (49.5 KB,474x327,158:109,download_2_.jpg)

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1e6f10 No.21102678

File: f08e53ce5039001⋯.png (349.36 KB,400x519,400:519,ClipboardImage.png)



>freedom of tought

>did the tyrants won

sage in all fields

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db3bd7 No.21102679

File: c99f329d924f5e1⋯.png (393.28 KB,545x527,545:527,Screenshot_2024_06_28_0309….png)

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d8edfa No.21102680

File: 7c9acfb1e35f349⋯.png (935.75 KB,980x657,980:657,ba9ec2c3ca793ac58085ce69cd….png)

>>21102645 lb

not my notables, anon

they are anons notables and what went down..

still amazing to watch this happen

Julian Assange is my brightness point so far, all those Q proofs from all those years ago… watching those drop in real time and wondering where this would all lead?

JA was spoilt by fucktard BO.

Next will be watching President Trump lose again, the military stepping in.

Watching John Kennedy step back into the world.

Welcoming our cosmic friends…

Our whole world is about to change… Honestly cant wait to see the revival of humanity.

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fc9f0b No.21102681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Special report: Can Nigel Farage WIN? On the ground in the BATTLE for Britain's future



GB News came to Clacton to take a closer glimpse at a campaign that could spark Britain's next political revolution.

Digital producer, Nicholas Dunning.

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c1d1fd No.21102682

Mainstream media ,aka fakenews, lost bigly last night because they purposely did not report on Joe’s decrepit mess

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129056 No.21102683

File: 568cb6dec7fb6f9⋯.jpeg (112.27 KB,800x460,40:23,90D1CCDC_5847_4F9E_B523_5….jpeg)

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db3bd7 No.21102684

File: c68b08d276ada41⋯.png (187.1 KB,467x324,467:324,Screenshot_2024_06_28_0311….png)

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90af1b No.21102685

File: 0e8b91bf74f72b3⋯.jpg (2.36 MB,3464x3464,1:1,Picsart_24_06_28_05_12_33_….jpg)

File: 35a10787273a2fa⋯.jpg (238.44 KB,1600x1414,800:707,AP_john_f_kennedy_jr_2_sk_….jpg)

File: 70ff9605969a498⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,1440x3040,9:19,Screenshot_20240628_045958….jpg)

thats a match

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fc9f0b No.21102687

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





99% sound match and facial match of andrew parker the ch 4 actor used against farage and reform u.k

note: isobella is richard tice other half and a journalist who exposed matt hancock the mp who authorised and bought the 20k shipment of midazolam to use on the elderly in care homes.


EXCLUSIVE: ‘Racist’ Reform UK Campaigner “May Be An Actor” | Isabel Oakeshott Slams Channel 4


EXCLUSIVE: Isabel Oakeshott believes the individual videoed in the Channel 4 Reform UK investigation saying racist comments "may have been an actor".

"He was not known to the party, he bears a remarkable resemblance to an actor whose details can be quite easily found!"

A campaigner for Nigel Farage has been filmed saying small boats migrants should be used as “target practice”, as the General Election campaign enters its final week.


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90af1b No.21102688

hairline even matches

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7c653c No.21102689

File: d063cae5ac44b27⋯.jpg (224.85 KB,732x1024,183:256,9d2b76ae23663d8788478c8076….jpg)

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90af1b No.21102690

same wavy hair

fuckin epic

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c1d1fd No.21102691


Not same ear

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c23d90 No.21102692

File: 680581353bff1a0⋯.png (230.56 KB,646x550,323:275,pepe_apu_big_red_eyes_drin….png)

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90af1b No.21102693

same stare

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342128 No.21102695

File: c50e618e146b412⋯.jpg (93.48 KB,853x1280,853:1280,Happy_Friday_GM.jpg)

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9d837a No.21102696


It's the flag of Switzerland.

Dismissing shit just because it contains typo's is stupid.

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fc9f0b No.21102697

File: b40da306420473a⋯.png (1.13 MB,710x826,355:413,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21102647, >>21102659, >>21102665, >>21102681, >>21102687 ch 4 and gbnews hitjobs on reform u.k and nigel farage bun.

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129056 No.21102698

File: 6b87ebfde6fbc1f⋯.mp4 (66.78 KB,360x360,1:1,Side_Eye_Cat_01.mp4)

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db3bd7 No.21102699

File: c0092027742e147⋯.png (415.93 KB,500x578,250:289,Screenshot_2024_06_28_0318….png)

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eb89e0 No.21102700

File: 490294526642a32⋯.jpeg (165.14 KB,1753x826,1753:826,IMG_1812.jpeg)

Seriously, what am I missing here?


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222506 No.21102701


there was no war

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ae66e7 No.21102702

joe biden is your president so you better get fucking used to it!

fucking whining trumptards

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90af1b No.21102703


seeing that it started two years into bidens term…im not sure

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129056 No.21102704

File: c5c801e61947685⋯.jpeg (236.58 KB,1124x1113,1124:1113,IMG_3241.jpeg)

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c1d1fd No.21102705


Where did pic come from?

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ae66e7 No.21102706


hooker customer trump!

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3627b7 No.21102707

How many debates did they commit to? 2? They wouldn't send Joe back out for more would they? His condition worsens daily. No way they trot him out for a second debate, lol.

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7c653c No.21102709

File: 0880756716c5532⋯.jpg (32.19 KB,360x360,1:1,filterkey.jpg)

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129056 No.21102710

File: 3fc86770596ea5f⋯.jpeg (169.28 KB,1130x884,565:442,IMG_3270.jpeg)

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6a2c30 No.21102711



his best pal was epstein the pedo wrangler

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d8edfa No.21102712



look it up?

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8b53c6 No.21102713


go ahead,filter

cognitive dissonance reeetard

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8b53c6 No.21102714


kiddy diddler trumpy

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222506 No.21102715

File: e0216473e00e405⋯.jpg (164.12 KB,1123x642,1123:642,no_comment_on_Maui_003.jpg)

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8b53c6 No.21102716


that larp is over, nigga

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9ba9a2 No.21102717



sorry sorry

It's very early here.

It was on faux news about 1/2 an hour ago.

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26a82a No.21102718

File: c861308ce541c49⋯.jpeg (34.72 KB,202x255,202:255,IMG_6050.jpeg)


> Jill leads Joe off stage after calamitous debate

Jill, who was Joe’s babysitter, is now babysitting him.

Life is funny that way.

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8b53c6 No.21102719



posts cat memes in a thread in a forum that supposedly will contain secret info drops that will save the world

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8b53c6 No.21102720


it aint the real joe you fuckwit

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222506 No.21102721


ya, so.

it's a meme board too.

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7c653c No.21102722

File: 7ee716c1648118c⋯.jpg (47.34 KB,484x525,484:525,7ee716c1648118ccb0870bbca2….jpg)

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d8edfa No.21102723

File: 3f7735bab0f7303⋯.jpg (54.88 KB,720x733,720:733,3f7735bab0f73037cdadb494dd….jpg)


alley cat you say?

top kek

now that is a comm for anons!

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8b53c6 No.21102724



muh cat memes will be the armour of god!


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9ba9a2 No.21102725


silly shills. Trying to paint President Trump with biden's pedophilia.

We have concrete proof of biden molesting kids IN PUBLIC. Hours of film.


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63ea91 No.21102726


1800 grabemby the pussy

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d8edfa No.21102728


trippy trips and thank you for doing a side by side!

both added to the collection


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222506 No.21102729


I have no idea what time it is where you are but it's very early here and I haven't had coffee yet.

lighten up.

did you know that abusing other anons is one of the things that might get you deleted here?

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63ea91 No.21102730


donnie molested his daughter and pimped her out to a "model agency"

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63ea91 No.21102733


>I have no idea


you said it

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63ea91 No.21102734


oracle my asshole you dumb bot

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63ea91 No.21102738


won a dribbling contest

moran vs moran

alzheimers vs senility

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342128 No.21102739

File: 7c0bbd4cf71b36e⋯.png (1.14 MB,1125x738,125:82,ClipboardImage.png)

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f98a8e No.21102740

File: 2d06faef50e882f⋯.jpg (69.7 KB,640x546,320:273,101023_07c.jpg)

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db3bd7 No.21102741

File: e087b4ffe28df55⋯.jpg (7.27 KB,228x221,228:221,download.jpg)

File: bd5ba576d293add⋯.jpg (10.6 KB,289x175,289:175,images.jpg)

File: 40f5cf8fa01bde9⋯.jpg (7.54 KB,225x225,1:1,images.jpg)

File: 40cd5d88f5fbded⋯.jpg (6.54 KB,270x186,45:31,download.jpg)


sorry guys

John Stossell he was doing debatre with RFK last night

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63ea91 No.21102742


fuck off morning shill

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342128 No.21102744

File: a0320f3d782288a⋯.png (495.18 KB,500x500,1:1,GMSunshineB.png)

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db3bd7 No.21102746

File: 6aabbfefc4a6888⋯.jpg (78.64 KB,680x661,680:661,GRFMD5EXwAEgVYn.jpg)



John Stossel


5:48 AM · Jun 27, 2024




On the way to Los Angeles to moderate RFK Jr’s “alternate debate.”

I will ask him CNN’s questions, and others.

You have suggestions?

>>21102666 sorry guys, would be nice, but not so…and evil digits



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3cf86a No.21102749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker Carlson: Matt Taibbi: How Intel Agencies Control the Media, Putin’s Rise to Power, and 2024 Predictions

Lots of insight into Russia, the Soviet Union and western media outlets with offices there.

Matt Taibbi is an award-winning investigative reporter and one of America’s more recognizable literary voices. His newsletter Racket News on Substack, is popular among readers all across the political spectrum. He also co-hosts the podcast America This Week.


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05f780 No.21102750

File: 995862cecc5b159⋯.png (413.15 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8edfa No.21102751

File: 092ea2c1163411d⋯.png (99.11 KB,883x883,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


yes and you are a Ukrainian trans gender with a cunt…

look up


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ce2742 No.21102752


yes, it's morning

quick..you better get to walmart for your daily deal on mac n chees nuggets

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d8edfa No.21102753


will keep an eye in the notables for that


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222506 No.21102754


you take a partial phrase and act like I said just that.

and you think that I'm deficient?

use of 'KEK' shows that you are probably a bottic-process.

I'm going to shunt you out now. Bye.

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c23d90 No.21102755

File: 30c05ea6cd24520⋯.png (167.75 KB,303x381,101:127,30c05ea6cd24520b98fec176c9….png)

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d8edfa No.21102756



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1e6f10 No.21102757


>what is a vpn?

not only typo but incorrect grammar such as "freedom of speak"(speech*)

then once they've built the "q really is dead" consensus it'll inevitably go right in to "hey fellow 4channers, the plan is dead too so we need to meet up and start a revolution!" just like the rest

soldiers stationed at ft. bragg, where they're claiming the q op was ran from, don't tend to take flights on air force one and post original photos either

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8ecaca No.21102758


muh kawfee!

you stoopid mutt,have a donut with your booster

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7c653c No.21102759

File: 5477e1c2e3b4f51⋯.png (344.74 KB,564x564,1:1,5477e1c2e3b4f51f404c7976cf….png)

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d8edfa No.21102760

File: d0a83e92c33a210⋯.jpeg (34.35 KB,720x546,120:91,grab_a_pussy_.jpeg)

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f98a8e No.21102761



took out some early monr'n trash

refresh for post count and ty for your service

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e46623 No.21102762

Losing a child to the Left, as Elon did to trans, hurts much more than losing a wife.

Mitigate the risk by bonding your baby to a puppy. Dog people are conservative and mentally stable.

Dog Teaches His Little Boy About The World | The Dodo | YT


Unfortunately my family did not follow best practices, and my sister is childless as a result. She decided early that she would rather adopt African children than have her own.

A white-coated Nordic pup instills pride in the cold-adapted White race, before "critical race theory" can preach its poison.

It's easy to convince a kid his dog is the best.

Race science infographics archive [biology, genetics, anthropology, etc] | Thuletide


Huskies have declined in popularity in the last decade, while Samoyeds have grown. Both are Siberian sled dogs. They're bred to sleep with their human families to share warmth, and are closely related to wolves, which have the strongest family values.

For teen girls, the real danger is her sex drive, which attracts her to rakes and cads. The way to counter that is to give her something her maternal instinct fears to lose. Huskies fill this role perfectly. Because they're wolfish troublemakers, they often wind up at the pound, where they get put down.

As a parent, make it clear that you won't keep her husky for her. That will keep her out of college (slut schools) and away from big cities, where her husky would be miserable.

Drawing the line clear and early ensures she won't try to bring home any mulatto bastards for you to raise. She'll be forced to choose an honorable man with land for her husky (and children) to run. There she'll promptly start having kids, accelerating your genetic return on investment, and the healthiness of her children.



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26a82a No.21102763

File: 42e3536757565b9⋯.jpeg (28.95 KB,255x128,255:128,IMG_5192.jpeg)

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8ecaca No.21102764



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d8edfa No.21102766

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db3bd7 No.21102767

File: 316d1500f51d9a9⋯.webp (93.73 KB,900x551,900:551,this_is_tashirojima_japan….webp)


>Donald Trump is a convicted felon with the morals of an alley cat.

and millions moar cats behind him than potato can not blink an eye at

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8ecaca No.21102768


GM shills logging in with their gay handshake

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222506 No.21102769


1 'fren' means 'fake friend'

2. most of them don't say that, they use an acronym which means something else, too, or they don't know that and are just mimacs.

3. What do you care what other people think and hate and why are you trying to antagonize them.

so you basically admit that you don't greet to me nice but just to annoy others.

that's what I've been saying all along.

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fc9f0b No.21102770

File: dc949197138af77⋯.png (1.89 MB,1667x843,1667:843,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8b319c2f2257ed⋯.png (955.96 KB,1877x698,1877:698,ClipboardImage.png)


mandy website source below with screen shots.



video screenshot source timestamp 1:01 below


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8ecaca No.21102771


>it's a meme board too.

yet you dont post a meme

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dfa17f No.21102772

File: 2d6a1bb5a682ceb⋯.png (105.95 KB,680x692,170:173,ClipboardImage.png)


'disinfo is necessary' (to both sides, good and evil)



kinda knew this so it's good to get a confirmation (iho)

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24ce27 No.21102773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Couldn´t watch yesterday… But now! This was really great! Biden is a wreck and a lot more have seen this! And the biggest take away, CNN was fair to POTUS! Surprised I was! And no audience isn´t that bad, as I see it!

Biden and Trump in the First 2024 Presidential Debate | WSJ

Just a thought that came up. Due to the Laptop from hell, a lot of blackmailing was removed instantly! How many where shittn their pants because they knew their blackmailing was over, because they had just that?

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f98a8e No.21102774

File: 9b1b986b74d4c95⋯.png (238.14 KB,571x623,571:623,ClipboardImage.png)

still kek'n

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c23d90 No.21102775

File: d77ea04c4a79bfc⋯.png (499.82 KB,970x704,485:352,ClipboardImage.png)

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7c653c No.21102776

File: 8f3e197a145e75d⋯.jpg (63.06 KB,715x997,715:997,8f3e197a145e75d3e5319b6bb7….jpg)

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1f231f No.21102777

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05f780 No.21102778

File: 5f5b8254597e47c⋯.gif (1.89 MB,640x480,4:3,simpsons_mr_thompson_i_thi….gif)

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c28c3e No.21102779

The Americans who are “democrats”

Fuck them. Fucking weird.

And fuck the Frebreeze commercial in Spanish.

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26a82a No.21102780

File: 352aff47c9efc01⋯.jpeg (46.91 KB,182x255,182:255,IMG_4316.jpeg)

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a38af1 No.21102781

Do anons think Trump did great last night?

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eb89e0 No.21102782

File: 358ef6cb4ee8460⋯.jpeg (196.46 KB,872x1176,109:147,IMG_1813.jpeg)

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5d2f0e No.21102783

File: c0f542a86cf8886⋯.png (427.1 KB,597x597,1:1,maze.PNG)




Ladies and gentlemen, let’s revisit this supercut from 12 days ago.

Well done MSM!

0:25 / 3:13

Corp. Media: Don't Believe Your Lying Eyes, Biden Never Been Sharper!

'This version of Biden is the best Biden ever'


Tom Elliott

6:14 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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fac0ae No.21102784


For a Swiss poster, would have figured the spelling would be better? Maybe LDR is on the hooch again over at 4chan instead.

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ea1295 No.21102785


Jill just doesn't know how to craft a barb. Speaking of alley cats, she gave that pussy up to Joe when babysitting. How cliche, what they are is what they project.

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367131 No.21102786

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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d8edfa No.21102787


ty bo

i like reading the trash, can make out half of it, but some of the words hits differently



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222506 No.21102788


if it's Grateful-Dead Music,

I might listen for a time.

but I think the time for the two letter time of day acronym has passed. It had a good run but let it go.

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c28c3e No.21102790


I think the people of this country are fucking stupid if they don’t see how stupid they are.

Fags? Taxes? Politicians? Give me a fucking break.

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5d2f0e No.21102791

File: a303ef9ca752633⋯.png (13.38 KB,592x151,592:151,sis.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


At one point Biden said that women need abortion in case they get raped by their sisters

11:10 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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222506 No.21102792


Thank you for the very distinguished response!

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c28c3e No.21102793

Boycott Waffle House

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fac0ae No.21102795

File: 7052e2e38bf6dd2⋯.png (185.54 KB,325x234,25:18,ClipboardImage.png)

Judge Smails taught Biden everything to know about a 6 handicap.

Winter Rules and all even in the summer

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fc9f0b No.21102796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




note - this is picking up pace really fast and this guy will not be able to show his face in public, anon wishes him no harm, just exposure, these actors are disgusting and will sell their soul for a pound note.




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cf742f No.21102797


Americans in general are fucking dumb cunts

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5d2f0e No.21102798

File: 29af91a1b20ddf1⋯.png (303.41 KB,598x533,46:41,rupt.PNG)


Conservative News Feed


The Democrats are imploding after that disastrous debate. Anderson Cooper has to interrupt Kamala Harris several times because she refuses to answer the question about Joe’s poor performance. #PresidentialDebate2024

0:37 / 2:41

10:01 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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e78fa9 No.21102799

File: d0b55306ef2a187⋯.png (402.85 KB,650x684,325:342,ClipboardImage.png)


>There was no audience?

we were the audience! think outside the box baker!

TY btw

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bed0bc No.21102800

File: c70f2a2b5dfe2d9⋯.jpeg (242.34 KB,1125x507,375:169,IMG_1398.jpeg)

No Stephen!

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5d2f0e No.21102801

File: ba9f46dc39e29ab⋯.png (364.89 KB,588x528,49:44,cm.PNG)


Cassandra MacDonald


I would like to know why @NickKristof

and the @nytimes

had this article calling for Biden to drop out "due to his debate performance" preloaded on their backend on June 25… and why nobody else who has written about his article asked this question.

From scnr.com

11:19 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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cf742f No.21102802


wasted digits you dumb nigger

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c28c3e No.21102803


Yes. Money is the only thing that makes a person think they are smart in this country.

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1cefc2 No.21102804

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let me jump in

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1aed56 No.21102805


Digits don’t lie that shit was funny.

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5d2f0e No.21102806

File: 3859fa0555d96f6⋯.png (292.38 KB,589x454,589:454,23.PNG)


non aesthetic things


Joe Biden tweeted 23 times during the presidential debate



4:27 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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cf742f No.21102807


gm gays gonna gay

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dfa17f No.21102808

File: 6115247f0914aa3⋯.png (20.71 KB,450x241,450:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d2f0e No.21102809

File: ac4b3dcd00cb3b2⋯.png (179.21 KB,381x561,127:187,vf.PNG)


Another COVID “Conspiracy Theory” Becomes Reality

Now, we have the data to back it up.


Follow @Vigilant_News

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fac0ae No.21102810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dems Freak Out

didn't know they could dance

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e332dd No.21102811


What Country do you proudly represent?

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7c653c No.21102812

File: 2898348a19683f4⋯.png (69.07 KB,224x195,224:195,2898348a19683f44a2e5ece15e….png)

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9f7a4a No.21102813


small things amuse small minds

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fc9f0b No.21102814



anyone have access to X

farage states this guy andrew parker is a actor.

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850254 No.21102815


The world can’t survive without humor.

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5d2f0e No.21102817

File: f9081251b7a6e21⋯.png (258.14 KB,601x574,601:574,brand.PNG)


Joe Rambo


Did I hear that right? Did Trump just call him Brandon? 😂🤣

Has anyone considered that they had no audience bc the whole thing was CGI?

I mean.. The technology is there.

7:29 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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c34c47 No.21102818

File: 51eccb511461721⋯.jpg (66.91 KB,1080x360,3:1,Breaking_911.jpg)


TY, baker.

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9f7a4a No.21102819


were you born stupid or did you study it in college and graduate summa cum laude?

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c28c3e No.21102820


No one can afford to buy a ticket. Except wealthy fucking democrats desk jockeys.

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5d2f0e No.21102822

File: 61936dab757141c⋯.png (437.26 KB,605x454,605:454,nn.PNG)




You know it's bad when even CNN is fact checking Joe Biden.





4:49 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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925f2c No.21102823

File: 31bf72959f77e7c⋯.mp4 (646.45 KB,270x480,9:16,When_the_mentally_ill_run_….mp4)

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5d2f0e No.21102824

File: 5d4f569aab98d51⋯.png (307.79 KB,595x460,119:92,rb.PNG)


Russell Brand


…I can't believe that just happened.

4:18 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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d8edfa No.21102825

File: 0ed19b6fd7b61e1⋯.png (471.93 KB,581x542,581:542,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d09505028011418⋯.png (584.38 KB,627x586,627:586,ClipboardImage.png)



John Stossel

yeah, didnt feelz like John, thats why I said


>>21102534, >>21102261, >>21102541, >>21102551 (You), >>21102548, >>21102549 John Kennedy? meebee

totally not John Kennedy

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5d2f0e No.21102826

File: 74257708497b11d⋯.png (699.76 KB,588x856,147:214,tank.PNG)


Charlie Kirk


Biden reportedly ended his evening by telling the Atlanta crowd:

“Thank you, North Carolina.”


6:44 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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d8edfa No.21102827


i dont know, you tell me

i forget everything


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d8edfa No.21102828


no, you call me

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afa0e9 No.21102829


Your welcome, Joe!

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c28c3e No.21102830


I think it’s telling that insulin is always a topic. Because if the Corn and Soybean Farmers in America who farm candybars.

Fat fucking coke drinkers.

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0d2d73 No.21102831


out of the mouth of an incestuous pedophile

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5d2f0e No.21102832

File: de414b09408d6d4⋯.png (32.13 KB,600x462,100:77,ll.PNG)


Laura Loomer


To everyone saying Donald Trump is mean, tonight is proof he has more compassion than all of us.

We all mocked Joe Biden’s decline, and he deserves it because he’s made our country decline and I don’t really care about what happens to Joe Biden. He’s subhuman to me.

But President Trump didn’t attack Biden over his mental decline at all.

He could have. I’m shocked he didn’t. But it’s evidence that Trump really is extremely compassionate despite what his haters say.

He showed extreme restraint tonight and didn’t need to.

Even CNN is mocking Biden.

7:32 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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88c19e No.21102833


America is The Evil Empire

responsible for 99% of world fuckery

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88c19e No.21102835


>Fat fucking coke drinkers.

amerimutts love their goyslop diabeetus "food"

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5d2f0e No.21102836

File: 4410e7bd76a5f8e⋯.png (22.47 KB,596x224,149:56,luna.PNG)


Anna Paulina Luna


After tonight’s debate, it’s clear: we must hear the Hur-Biden tapes. Today, I will call up the vote to hold Merrick Garland in inherent contempt of Congress for ignoring subpoenas and hiding the tapes. EVERY member of Congress needs to take this action for the safety of our country. This is the ONLY accountability mechanism we have.

5:55 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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317734 No.21102837


Yeah funny cuz Vindman formed a little company to profit off this little war didn’t he. Was called something like Trident Industries or sumpin. The projection is off the charts when we know (they) undermined 45 so they could continue with their war plans there.

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dfa17f No.21102839

File: fec6df5d241f2be⋯.png (150.58 KB,1100x891,100:81,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3499260a994b1e1⋯.png (110.2 KB,938x605,938:605,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c796daa239c20ab⋯.png (38.62 KB,494x422,247:211,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45c0e300006ad87⋯.png (49.03 KB,640x253,640:253,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21102619 (lb)

whats the real story behind the Pied Piper (?)

were the rats actually jews he relocated (?)

thinking so

an allegory, metaphor, protection and truthtelling by stereotype, an early meme

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d8edfa No.21102840

File: 7f142b2ad1b77d5⋯.jpeg (19.89 KB,193x255,193:255,7f142b2ad1b77d5c9f0eca266….jpeg)



So I still have a chance?

I'd love that title, VP…

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1cefc2 No.21102841


Go deeper

Insulin actually feeds the parasites and strengthens their shells

Actually killing the ones who use

Parasitic in section was in higher concentration in type 1 diabetics….Drs kill

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c28c3e No.21102842


Here is a tweet.

Democrats only wanna replace Biden. They don’t want to fix the BULLSHIT they created. Remember that.

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85756a No.21102843



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d8edfa No.21102844


sorry anon it was an imposter

fun slide though


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222506 No.21102845


"I'm not dead yet . . . "

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5d2f0e No.21102846

File: c610ac26d1466a1⋯.png (249.78 KB,590x412,295:206,ew.PNG)


End Wokeness


Trump just released a brutal 95 second ad of Joe Biden's debate lowlights:

6:18 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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85756a No.21102847


parasites love sugar

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00f2a6 No.21102848

Number one…uhhhh

Number two…mm

Number…you know you know the thing

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c28c3e No.21102849


Don’t need to go deeper. They take it because they can’t eat food. They can only eat processed shit. Because of TV.

Americans have to wake up because they are dumb fucks who are making the whole world weirder.

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c34c47 No.21102851

File: fcc08a97a0e1fd3⋯.png (193.4 KB,244x327,244:327,ClipboardImage.png)


love fun slides.

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1cefc2 No.21102852


Assassin's in white jackets

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d8edfa No.21102853


nah, bored with VP already…

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222506 No.21102854


they also have to be very careful to now display rivalries in too public a way.

that whole 'shark byte' thing that sometimes happens in these kinds of situations can't rear it's ugly head. They are in a delicate situation.

all the various factions have to 'play nice' when they are usually all about being attack dogs.

it's going to be hard for them to choose someone with out also having a mud-fest or even a blood bath.

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e78fa9 No.21102855

File: e04379bde73d8ea⋯.png (216.17 KB,961x834,961:834,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0003e1b9e9d1f69⋯.png (1.6 MB,1800x1350,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40fdf365f6cb192⋯.png (84.79 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1c528c42f79e1f⋯.png (51.69 KB,678x125,678:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 998ec7fc4cf377b⋯.png (43.66 KB,568x515,568:515,ClipboardImage.png)

GM Frens and Anons

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222506 No.21102856


should be "not display rivalries"

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dc1ea0 No.21102857


The brain runs on fat

Sugar makes you dumb as shit

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d8edfa No.21102858


notable trump temperament

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1cefc2 No.21102859


The medicine causes higher

Incidence of parasites and makes them stronger

Than in the non diabetic control group

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85756a No.21102860


gay rainbow slides are gay

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b8ce75 No.21102861

File: 05878f684b47ad9⋯.png (65.79 KB,690x900,23:30,DE8CF927_3A71_4C6B_AAB5_7B….png)

File: a53749b45e61eba⋯.png (38.49 KB,249x235,249:235,91C4FF06_D9FF_4AFE_9DA9_F3….png)

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c28c3e No.21102862


No matter what happens.

The rich will survive inflation.

The rich will survive the migration

Only the rich survive in a capitalist country.

The poor will suffer so hard as this goes deeper and longer.

All the suburbs and those “rural” castles won’t even blink at all this turmoil.

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222506 No.21102863


three colors does not a rainbow make

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0d2d73 No.21102864


Check the left ears.

The profile comparison is very close.

His name is "John" and he just happens to be helping RFKjr.

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342128 No.21102865

Biden will now be replaced

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5d2f0e No.21102866

File: 7c1a26ab992a7e7⋯.png (687.48 KB,596x774,298:387,sad.PNG)


Wall Street Silver




6:25 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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b46ed4 No.21102867


it is not joe

real joe is dead,long dead

current year joe is actor/cgi/masks

how DUMB are peeps they do not see this?

>uberdumb sheeple

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dc1ea0 No.21102868

File: 70317d6eadef177⋯.jpeg (1.33 MB,1282x1195,1282:1195,IMG_6433.jpeg)

Repeal the 16th Amendment……assholes

And pass a law that actually makes child labor illegal…..perverts

And stop taking peoples money…..shitstain

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b46ed4 No.21102869


theater,pure theater

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222506 No.21102871


people take care of each other.

they garden, they share, they invite people for dinner.

when the rich take too much and hoard it and live lives of excess it's not like they 'take away' from all the efforts of others, it's just that the others don't have as many resources but they make do.

we will survive and the wealth that gets hoarded often just rots and becomes nothing.

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dfa17f No.21102872

File: 8ea713921b7bb0f⋯.png (283.03 KB,500x333,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03935e67138812d⋯.png (326.44 KB,1082x759,1082:759,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87256e1179a5c6e⋯.png (97.2 KB,702x736,351:368,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bb5f500c9474b2⋯.png (267.82 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



it's all a cohencidence.

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c28c3e No.21102873


Yeah sugar makes fungus grow. That’s simple knowledge.

The point isn’t the insulin. The point is Americans are fat and stupid.

They aren’t brave enough. They are lazy and tired enough.

Was it planned? Sure. Did it happen? Yes.

Will it change????

Soon? Wealthy people in these 400k neighborhoods with tech jobs are ruining this country because they are getting filthy rich for goods and services sold to foreign country’s. While Americans who work and serve America are poor?? What the fuck.

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5d2f0e No.21102874

File: 0fdbc74edae0993⋯.png (328.37 KB,591x512,591:512,ev.PNG)


Trump War Room



: We now know that every single person who said "BUT BIDEN IS GREAT BEHIND CLOSED DOORS" has been LYING to the American people.

3:55 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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1cefc2 No.21102875


When insulin creates a bigger issue

It is the doctors administering the medication

Who are culpable

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6e9b92 No.21102876


Not just sugar but carbs.

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c28c3e No.21102877


I’m not helping anyone without my last name.

Fuxk my neighbor. You can go feed your street. I’ll pass. I’m past the American Dream. This is an elite problem.

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d996e1 No.21102878


>The point is Americans are fat and stupid.


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222506 No.21102879


the fatest people I see waddling around aren't Americans, they are immigrants and 'dreamer parents'

they don't seem stupid. They just don't know how to control their weight now that they have a steady income.

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5d2f0e No.21102880

File: fd4b33e68d22359⋯.png (453.78 KB,592x712,74:89,ins.PNG)


Phantom Shadow


The Insulin Hoax

12:39 PM · Jun 24, 2024




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c28c3e No.21102881


Drive around a suburb. You will see fat people.

Go to a gas station with a “food” place in it at say Tuesday around 1-2:15 pm. They will be everywhere

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d8edfa No.21102882


anyway, we've been given enough hints and proof of life

when it happens, it will blow everyones mind, except the evils ones that are still trying to kill john and don…

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222506 No.21102883


whatever. Do as thou wilt.

my point is: when stuff is hoarded by the selfish the rest of the people make do.

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7c653c No.21102884

File: 06b17f2bc594576⋯.jpg (108.22 KB,480x705,32:47,06b17f2bc594576baa7b695d11….jpg)

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c28c3e No.21102887


No sauce.

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d996e1 No.21102888


>fatest people I see waddling around aren't Americans

top kek,fatty

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1cefc2 No.21102890


Problems with people who don't burn enough calories

Consume more that they burn

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c6385a No.21102891


Destruction of the middle class

People have been talking about it for a while a while

Caste society

Slaves and slavers

Marxism born from bolshevism

Brought to you by corruption and child brides counting your votes

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d996e1 No.21102892


Fat Tard Lives Matter

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222506 No.21102893


Thank you, may your A.M. be blessed and wonderful! and your P.M, and off into the evening, and then through the night and into the next day and on and on and on!

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c28c3e No.21102894


Now that’s a HAPPENING

Grocers and utilities and loans are keeping the lower class pissed off while the upper class shrugs and says, live within your means. The nigger within some people I swear.

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d8edfa No.21102895

File: b934ec347b5a588⋯.png (625.82 KB,1014x585,26:15,0bbf292dddfc54b1b683ec5973….png)


if the world really knew…

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367131 No.21102896


>were you born stupid or did you study it in college and graduate summa cum laude?

Yes, I was born rather stupid.

I shit my diapers too for a couple of years too.

I did not attend college either, I am a working man.

Now floods of college graduates and business leaders seek my advice.

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c20486 No.21102897

so pedophiles now want to replace biden?

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b56849 No.21102898


Need to see a zoom up on that watch, Q's watch?

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222506 No.21102899


if there is no sauce people will eat their noodles with a little cheese and butter . . .

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c28c3e No.21102901


NSA won’t tell anyone. They are the Merrick Garland of “we have it all”

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322140 No.21102902


Fat stupid Americans love Bingo

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c28c3e No.21102903

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dc1ea0 No.21102904


Commies are hiding trillions in losses from ESG investments


Because [[they]] get paid the profits first….that’s right, all the profits from Wind and Solar power has already been paid out….like how they did that?

Enjoy the crash

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c15e13 No.21102905

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c28c3e No.21102906


When the coffee is gone. The war begins.

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5d2f0e No.21102907

File: 5668bf044f399d7⋯.png (2.64 MB,1486x920,743:460,rp.PNG)


Epstein Mossad, Bannon Saved, SCOTUS Fails Again & America Fights Back on Red Pill News Live

Red Pill News

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d8edfa No.21102908


was Told You got taken out with the Qrash?

listen, daves not here man…

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6e9b92 No.21102909


Not a clue but this Anon is not ded.

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6371d5 No.21102910

File: 580b8e7420cc303⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB,640x360,16:9,startyourtape.mp4)



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342128 No.21102911

Leave the old fart alone….

You know it's impolite to kick an old man when he's down.

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5d2f0e No.21102912

File: f8ccced2f94b95f⋯.png (847.25 KB,1304x672,163:84,ark.PNG)


Gun Grabbers

Anarcho-Tyranny Is Official White House Policy

In every jurisdiction where the Left claws its way into power, criminals are given free reign while law-abiding citizens are forced to pay for their crimes.

by Nate Hochman

June 26, 2024, 7:25 PM

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1cefc2 No.21102913


Tell me ….I am not the only one

Who watches and sees what the Baltic Dry Index

Is and means to us

Shipping …all but done

Money next

See ww2

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5d4987 No.21102915


everyone over 75 needs to be gassed

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5d2f0e No.21102919

File: 102fbdd6cd16623⋯.png (88.19 KB,381x411,127:137,base.PNG)


MUST WATCH: Tucker Carlson just committed a homicide on live television!

🚨Bidenflation is not holding back. Protect your RETIREMENT, before it’s too late. Get your special report: https://fearless.report/act-now-free-retirement-wealth-protection-kit

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222506 No.21102920


people can drink a brew from chicory root.

once a neighbor was talking about how he had his coffee with chicory and I pointed to the weed, that he would have thrown in the clippings pile, and told him 'see that blue flower, that's chicory.'

He didn't know. I think he was taken aback.

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aec9bd No.21102921

File: 3d6b9ac0bac79d6⋯.jpeg (473.74 KB,828x972,23:27,53CE568C_4600_4FCA_A2F0_4….jpeg)


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d8edfa No.21102923

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511aa6 No.21102924


the world is too stupid to grasp the truth!

perhaps the ruling families are right,in believing 90% of humanity needs to be culled

useless eaters literally

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5d2f0e No.21102925

File: d61778c97b06f12⋯.png (496.33 KB,1658x796,829:398,ver.PNG)


Project Veritas Appeals Ninth Circuit Ban on Undercover Journalism; Argues Oregon Recording Laws are Unconstitutional

published on

June 25, 2024

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759168 No.21102926

File: 0f37b2a6557d1c6⋯.gif (7.55 KB,255x255,1:1,salute.gif)


For those about to rock, we salute you!

The Best Is Yet To Come!

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fffd0c No.21102927

File: 02762e5cacfafc9⋯.png (499.86 KB,635x434,635:434,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc1ea0 No.21102928

File: 599422ad61f99cf⋯.png (725.8 KB,1182x672,197:112,IMG_2423.png)

The next head Jew will be Gavin Newsome

Screen cap this

Americas royal families are fighting over next top Jew

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511aa6 No.21102929


>mossadfuckwit is on duty!

many such cases

rats slither into any crack or tunnel and do their jew fuckery in the dark

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5d2f0e No.21102930

File: 8fbf9efc5ebf154⋯.png (1.25 MB,1484x888,371:222,vise.PNG)


Biden’s Treasury Advisor Blames DEI Mandate for Bad Boss; ‘THIS ADMINISTRATION IS A MESS’

published on

June 27, 2024

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222506 No.21102931


the ip hopping shills are peppering this bread with all this sub-human kvetching to try and raise a response.

they are providing evidence of their own lacks and uncompassionate nature.

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511aa6 No.21102932


stoopid old cunt

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322140 No.21102933


Dock workers with the most powerful union are looking for jobs yup im watching

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87329e No.21102934




I was surprised they let him talk.

1. He got out Quid Pro Quo Joe with Ukraine.

2. Got out Lies about his respect for military

3. Got out cost of illegal immigrant and unfair treatment of citizen americans in contrast.

4. Got out that Biden was responsible for him being labeled "felon"

5. Trump showed Biden up on the Golf match issue

6.. Got out how they framed him over Charlotteville and outright lied about his statements

Apparently the reason it seemed Trump was able to speak longer than Biden? Biden ran out of things to say or was cut-off?

How much better could it be; all considering?

Thinking Trump must have a friend "upstairs" at CNN

Tapper seemed unbiased.

Of course Trump did a GREAT job under amazing constraints and pressure.

He had his chance / opportunity and he grabbed it and ran.


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511aa6 No.21102935


says the jew

fuck off shlomo and eat a bullet

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759168 No.21102936


If you listen closely, you will hear heads exploding right now. You can't keep a good man down. Justice for everyone; Amen.

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5d2f0e No.21102937

File: 7447da74ec06421⋯.png (12.95 KB,773x162,773:162,ew.PNG)


JUST IN: Maricopa County Election Worker Arrested

By jakeJune 24, 2024

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c20486 No.21102938

File: 5567e2ed2aabbed⋯.png (1.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)

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7c653c No.21102939


>people can drink a brew from chicory root.

jail coffee

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f98a8e No.21102940

File: c0fbdf0e0e7d5b7⋯.png (289.03 KB,497x340,497:340,1a0daefd_528b_467f_8e05_04….png)


wonder if vegas has the over under on the great replacement

i say 60 days and gonzo

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f2dbee No.21102941


This only being the first nugget

Once the Metamucil loosens the plug


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f2dbee No.21102943


Double live

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511aa6 No.21102944

File: fec960ff8e30e75⋯.jpeg (24.49 KB,215x356,215:356,IMG_0850.jpeg)


noses, noses everwhere!

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222506 No.21102945


ya, it is rather an inglorious weed.

I read once that it was popular during the Civil War

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87329e No.21102946

File: cd75bc8a284b231⋯.jpg (138.62 KB,751x1094,751:1094,areyoudoingallyoucan.jpg)

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1218ba No.21102947


Whoever wrote this post needs to be gassed

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6ce226 No.21102948

Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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6371d5 No.21102949



Princess Anne, the 73-year-old sister of King Charles III, returned home Friday morning after spending five nights in a hospital with minor injuries and a concussion.

Anna was hurt on Sunday during a walk on her Gatcombe Park country estate in Gloucestershire, England. Her medical team said her injuries were consistent with being hit in the head by a horses leg or head, but details of the incident were not clear.

She has returned to her Gatcombe Park estate and is expected to spend time rehabilitating and going through standard concussion protocols, Britain's Press Association news agency reported. She will resume her public duties when her medical team says it is safe for her to do so.

Anne's injuries came as King Charles and Catherine, the Princess of Wales, are both undergoing treatment for cancer. The king has resumed public engagements after taking some time off, but Princess Kate, as she is often known, has remained largely out of the public eye.

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5d2f0e No.21102950

File: 7333869ff9b38e5⋯.png (58.4 KB,936x470,468:235,five.PNG)


FIVE U.S. States are *SUING* Pfizer for LYING About "Safe and Effective" Covid Vaccines

“To keep the public from learning the truth, Pfizer worked to censor speech on social media that questioned Pfizer’s claims…"

Kyle Becker

Jun 25, 2024

∙ Paid

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dc1ea0 No.21102951

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d8edfa No.21102952



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 12/10/2018 13:52:40 ID: d5ad32

8chan/qresearch: 4241824









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77e710 No.21102956

Liberals may not admit who ‘won’ the debate last night.

But they absolutely know that Potato showed himself to be incapable of doing anything but LOSING HUGE!

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6ce226 No.21102957

File: 3107e87f1506202⋯.mp4 (14.01 MB,640x344,80:43,Dream_On_Trump.mp4)

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5d2f0e No.21102959

File: e7c62e6b01d7fb9⋯.png (372.57 KB,766x811,766:811,res.PNG)


There’s a reason they won’t release

Joe’s cognitive test

theAspenbeat.com, by Glenn Beaton

Posted By: Big Bopper, 6/28/2024 5:40:23 AM

I’m almost young enough to be Joe Biden’s son. (But I’m not.) When I see the doctor for my annual physical, she typically tells me at the outset that she wants me to remember three arbitrary words – something like “elephant, ice and automobile” – and intends to ask me what the three words are at the end of my examination. I always see it as a challenge. At the end, I’ll remind her impishly, “Didn’t you intend to ask me what the three words are?” “Oh, right,” she’ll reply. That’s my cue:

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aec9bd No.21102960

File: b05ff0d57001ebf⋯.jpeg (632.23 KB,693x947,693:947,C9BDE5E2_EC64_4EA9_A04F_9….jpeg)

File: db0788209d21043⋯.jpeg (422.97 KB,707x734,707:734,1274994D_0AC6_4B33_B7DF_B….jpeg)

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799e79 No.21102962

File: b3308188d9d9230⋯.png (520.14 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)


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6371d5 No.21102963

File: 5871d8227948526⋯.gif (2.3 MB,480x204,40:17,slow.gif)


>they are providing evidence of their own lacks and uncompassionate nature

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c20486 No.21102964


Trump really did an awesome job

he remained Presidential and didn't pile on too hard, if he had he would have looked like someone bullying an old and feeble dementia patient

he also got a lot of pertinent points across, most specifically he kept bringing up the open borders and how the biden migrants are taking Americans jobs, raping and murdering young American women, etc.

Trump's best line: biden migrant crime

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87329e No.21102965

File: 46b6bf137a6d506⋯.jpg (67.7 KB,720x472,90:59,kkk.jpg)


kkk crisis actors.


Feels like a drop in pressure.

maybe storm is on its way?

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aec9bd No.21102966


They are getting that feeling that they are in the middle of a prank.

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e78fa9 No.21102967

File: 7d3d7d403d85613⋯.png (411.35 KB,1005x710,201:142,ClipboardImage.png)

File: afff14dcc3b0f1b⋯.png (25.65 KB,360x270,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

i jus wanna say these folk don't fucaroun!


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dc1ea0 No.21102969

File: 7fdd96339f26de1⋯.jpeg (66.14 KB,800x763,800:763,IMG_2805.jpeg)


I seriously doubt niggers will stand in line for hours for a bowl of soup

Just remember, when they crash the economy, the only people with jobs will be government commies

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5d2f0e No.21102970

File: a15a1c518796776⋯.png (988.3 KB,747x706,747:706,aska.PNG)


Federal judge says Alaska tribes may put

land into trust, a step toward ‘Indian

country’ here

Alaska Beacon, by James Brooks

Posted By: sunset, 6/28/2024 4:48:56 AM

A federal judge in Anchorage has ruled that the Department of the Interior may take land into trust on behalf of Alaska Native tribes, a decision that could allow tribes to create “Indian country,” which had been mostly eliminated here by the 53-year-old Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. In a 39-page summary judgment order, Judge Sharon Gleason ruled mostly but not entirely against the state of Alaska, which sued the Interior Department in 2023 to challenge a legal memo stating that the department believes it has the power to take land into trust on behalf of the state’s 228 federally recognized tribes. At issue was the Biden Interior Department's

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f905e9 No.21102971


>Problems with people who don't burn enough calories

>Consume more that they burn

Well sorta.

When fed a diet based on corn syrup that is shaped into "shapes" and eat offal wrapped in carbohydrate buns and then upsize to a 2l fully sugar saturated soft drink, and pumped daily to get it FAST and …and … and… you get the piccy.

try vege counter, fruit stall & nut bar for a while add some fish & eggs & loosing 1-2kg/wk is EASY. or die young. Life choices.

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6371d5 No.21102974

File: fc53fbbdc7d43be⋯.png (926.51 KB,526x820,263:410,father.png)

is the Hunter trial over?

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a81d9a No.21102975

File: 7c1c1b750894004⋯.png (982.33 KB,1202x1212,601:606,7c1c1b750894004af3df1f305f….png)

What a glorious day frens!


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aec9bd No.21102976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A most beautiful morning indeed.

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d494ba No.21102978

File: d8dbf1c2de3e17f⋯.png (97.22 KB,900x865,180:173,ClipboardImage.png)


yes, the satanic and jewish cabal

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87329e No.21102979

File: addae53fd1e53e1⋯.png (674.79 KB,1464x830,732:415,Sarah_just_getting_started.png)


4. Got out that Biden was responsible for him being labeled "felon"

4a. (kek) Got out that Biden could be a felon too, once some of his crimes were adjudicated.


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5d2f0e No.21102981

File: 74881c277131c42⋯.png (616.82 KB,596x753,596:753,gen.PNG)


General Mike Flynn


This should have never happened. And please don’t forget all the wounded as well. 🙏🏼🇺🇸


Zachary Bell




Actual photo of the 13 Servicemembers who died in Afghanistan August 26th, 2021 coming home.

Remember their names.

HN Max Soviak

LCpl. Kareem Nikoui

LCpl. Rylee McCollum

Cpl. Hunter Lopez

LCpl. Jared Schmitz

LCpl. David Lee Espinoza

Cpl. Humberto Sanchez

Sgt. Johanny

Show more


11:14 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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6371d5 No.21102983


>Biden could be a felon

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aec9bd No.21102985

File: 07df2b4893d2d56⋯.jpeg (79.83 KB,828x554,414:277,8AC0CF88_40FA_41E6_89DF_8….jpeg)

File: 35cb94dd614a433⋯.jpeg (71.86 KB,828x554,414:277,3399E2FA_F0EA_4BD7_AA8D_7….jpeg)

File: c1e0d99bf098100⋯.jpeg (76.84 KB,828x554,414:277,94963A76_840B_49F4_9313_5….jpeg)

File: 605e3a836203991⋯.jpeg (80.66 KB,828x554,414:277,C0E23115_4E81_4179_BDD0_6….jpeg)

File: b38f01703f944ef⋯.jpeg (66.8 KB,828x554,414:277,861392C9_070A_4235_A46E_1….jpeg)

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7c653c No.21102986

File: 1ddd40096cd6b27⋯.png (292.53 KB,657x650,657:650,1ddd40096cd6b273095e1ffa64….png)

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630300 No.21102987

File: 03e4d2c0593b526⋯.png (129.02 KB,320x264,40:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d2f0e No.21102989

File: bfe5ecf4d7e6f10⋯.png (35.74 KB,1278x275,1278:275,snopes.PNG)


Joe Biden

Snopes' debunking of Charlottesville hoax shows Biden lied, says Trump campaign

'The Charlottesville lie was another hoax perpetuated by the corrupt Democrats,' says Trump spox Karoline Leavitt

By Emma Colton Fox News

Published June 23, 2024 6:34pm EDT

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630300 No.21102991

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222506 No.21102992


you could have proper hands and have Pepe holding a two-letter belt-buckle like object instead of him having mutant hands that look like letters.

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aec9bd No.21102993

File: 12164a70ee67a23⋯.jpeg (161.04 KB,828x783,92:87,8980979D_C098_4A3C_8DD9_E….jpeg)

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be55fb No.21102994



I bet you got the "cut n suck" by a rabbi

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c20486 No.21102995


but will they let him serve out his term or will they 25th amendment him?

you know hillary will be miffed if knee pads becomes America's first female President

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87329e No.21102997


crimes listed there are still in play.

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87329e No.21102999


sounds like they will be taking him out. Making him retire.

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be55fb No.21103000



all kikes are rats and rape kids and drink infant blood

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630300 No.21103002


Gulen Movement

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1cefc2 No.21103003


If we did take back long beach

It's not gonna recover soon …see 2006- 2012 or so

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aec9bd No.21103006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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222506 No.21103008


if they don't remove him legally he could just drop out of the presidential race . . . and then just have an open convention.

but that would up the game for Jill Stein and for Bobby Kennedy.

there best choice is probably Bernie, but he's not really a democrat and no one from the Hamas faction of the Democrat party will vote for him.

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10be2c No.21103011

File: 3fd6ef83a4d91a8⋯.jpg (164.8 KB,1670x2048,835:1024,20240628_042821.jpg)

File: 411695f4652a2a7⋯.jpg (52.27 KB,584x467,584:467,20240628_044656.jpg)

File: 7f9b5a50dc50604⋯.png (992.8 KB,1447x814,1447:814,1719571764106.png)

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799e79 No.21103012



Hi cult.

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a81d9a No.21103013

File: 1b37ec4ae131005⋯.png (625.23 KB,539x1569,539:1569,1b37ec4ae13100509929af426d….png)

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9651e8 No.21103015

3 days left of Pride Month! Get your gayness on before it’s too late!

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222506 No.21103017

I can't understand the burning hate of those who post blurbs of sour meanness.

They have let their hatred consume them.

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10be2c No.21103018

File: f8e04199b8874d4⋯.jpg (89.95 KB,608x680,76:85,20240628_014503.jpg)

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87329e No.21103019


not til he's tried.

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aec9bd No.21103021

File: 699fe47e1387659⋯.jpeg (468.69 KB,828x651,276:217,1112FCAD_E119_43E0_8B4F_9….jpeg)


Wake up on the wrong side of life this am?

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d8edfa No.21103022

File: ce30214e3374c98⋯.jpg (22.76 KB,255x220,51:44,ce30214e3374c98ef8bb0f276d….jpg)


i want justice

for the way to be revealed

for everyone

that is why Im here


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77e710 No.21103023


Potato still thinks he can bullshit his way out of any question like the career politician he once was. Problem is, he doesn’t have the mental ability to pull it off anymore. His reaction to Trump after Trump’s comments about his incoherent ramble is telling and priceless. Potato is still a legend in his own mind. . . But no one else’s.

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630300 No.21103024



That's what anon was looking for

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799e79 No.21103025




It's not working, Soros dick sucking puppet.

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19e528 No.21103026

File: ac7889401b4f051⋯.png (57.76 KB,247x202,247:202,pepe_meh.png)

So, I checked a few of the headlines this morning, and all I saw was Biden shines,Trump's false claims, blah blah blah.

I figured they would declare Biden the winner, which was the case, but meh…

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c799ba No.21103027


lots of plastic surgery since that photo

I betcha donny grabbed her pussy plenty!

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87329e No.21103028



planted FBI goons

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c20486 No.21103029


would be quite entertaining to see Trump vs big mike, or Trump vs knee pads, but i think they have already selected newsom to step in

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c799ba No.21103031


married a jew

says it all

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b56849 No.21103032


They are giving us soooooo many memes, but is there even any point? Biden is DONE.

Q needs to drop a quick post and tell us who Obama is going to prop up next.

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87329e No.21103033

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a81d9a No.21103035

File: 6a205cc1df88b17⋯.png (429.12 KB,544x805,544:805,6a205cc1df88b178b08c1c0e3b….png)


Nobody can remove him unless dr jill Biden agrees to step down.

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87329e No.21103036


she's catholic

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d8edfa No.21103037



hopefully the desired effect was just enough pressure to tip there losing hand? hope [they] over reacted

that thought amuses me


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c20486 No.21103039


moojoos are here to distract

they are becoming quite clear in their hatred of Trump

the veil has been lifted, so to speak

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d8edfa No.21103040


arrested by whom?

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02255c No.21103041


I doubt Newsom wants to live in DC that’s the only thing that keeps me from thinking he would ever become President. He would be our hottest President ever if he was tho!

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aec9bd No.21103043

File: 9207735ffc0e4e5⋯.jpeg (104.58 KB,828x534,138:89,E1C041A9_F031_4C22_9956_0….jpeg)

File: 64ba6ac98eee22d⋯.jpeg (258.24 KB,828x561,276:187,F8C4C9F4_C1EC_4F9D_87BA_1….jpeg)

File: ed547619ace9682⋯.jpeg (110.57 KB,828x590,414:295,7A0A68F5_34F4_4F88_914E_0….jpeg)

File: a81bcc70baf438f⋯.jpeg (341.47 KB,828x936,23:26,05F50DDE_FE9A_4F3A_B002_B….jpeg)

Deepstate Intel DumbCunts will be culled by th cabal like diseased cattle, theY need to lose the loose ends quickly.

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222506 No.21103044


Biden showed himself as a frail old man who needs love and attention and has to be guided off the stage.

the 'compassion' instinct kicks in with people at that point and then they say 'why are they abusing this poor old man'?

even if they hate Trump they still can't get past the 'elder abuse of a sitting president, what is wrong with that party?' point of view.

it shows democrats as being manipulative and abusive even to their own leaders.

Biden won the sympathy of people, but lost their votes.

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c76e1a No.21103045


Hot and intelligent af.

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c799ba No.21103046


you fucking moran,she converted

stupid dumb nigger ignoramus

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799e79 No.21103049

File: 303ce659bbc2829⋯.jpg (27.7 KB,609x680,609:680,303ce659bbc28299c651226bc5….jpg)

The ip hopping shills keep repeat posting the same shit over and over, naming anons the same names over and over, as if they're doing anything other than accelerating the demise of their entire rotten Soros funded clown scripted crime syndicate.


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26a82a No.21103050

File: 2c7159781c3621e⋯.png (384.01 KB,552x416,69:52,2024_06_28_07_48_12.png)


>Nobody can remove him unless dr jill Biden agrees to step down.

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3999f1 No.21103051


The important thing here, is that it is all true.

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aec9bd No.21103052

File: 5fa22516bdaedc5⋯.jpeg (358.53 KB,828x737,828:737,F871BF57_5AC0_48C1_9BD4_3….jpeg)

Tough weekend comin up.

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1cefc2 No.21103054

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So many distractions

So little time

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c799ba No.21103055


hooknosed trump kids are the new jew flavor!

jews like their foreskinless peepees sucked by donny's kids

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630300 No.21103056


Was mom jewish?

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6371d5 No.21103058

File: 8cdec77484ee01b⋯.mp4 (2.75 MB,1280x720,16:9,halting.mp4)

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a81d9a No.21103059

File: e9743ecca00cdb2⋯.png (752.45 KB,680x680,1:1,e9743ecca00cdb22bd2bd09b80….png)


>He would be our hottest President ever if he was tho!

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222506 No.21103060


actually she has no authority at all in the matter.

it would start in congress and with the vice president and she'd be powerless (she really is powerless, it's all proxy) to stop them.

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f905e9 No.21103061


>open convention

Ok just looked that one up..HOWEVER

Given DJT = Republican Nom (in 2 wks TM?)

Dems need a nom? or can it be a 1 horse race?

Can a 3rd Party put up a candidate for resident?

Must it be a 2 horse race?

anon saw something about 5pm Fri (today?) for "entry" to close. Yet election is ~5mths away?

Can a usa anon break down the bullet points of what happens "tomorrow" when brandon gets buried by own party? Kameltoe gets top job? or speaker if Kameltoe doesn't want it / can't get it anchor wise?

Be interesting to know re CIC stuff. or does milly get a grab at top job somehow?

Chyna is prob interested in moving in :-)

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bb79ec No.21103062

"Buy the way …" - how many times did Joe say tgar during the debate ?

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b8ce75 No.21103063


canuckistan am radio parrots are so confused. it’s glorious

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4954be No.21103064



Despite reality, the sad truth is that the main stream media creates reality in the minds of the sheeple. Most people didn't have time to watch the debate, and will get their information from the MSM, leaving them with the impression that Biden won the debate, and Trump told a bunch of lies.

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aec9bd No.21103067

File: 540ced4a8a77be7⋯.jpeg (138.62 KB,624x186,104:31,08ABCAB3_2B33_4005_9DC9_3….jpeg)

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5d2f0e No.21103068

File: 8155eca96f15618⋯.png (453.76 KB,600x499,600:499,crow.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Eat crow you nasty bitch 😂


MAGA War Room

5:03 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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07a6b2 No.21103070

It’s racism if they don’t choose Kamala.

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aec9bd No.21103075

File: 2826a43151b44b5⋯.jpeg (612.27 KB,828x977,828:977,3D466046_8235_473C_87DC_F….jpeg)

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b56849 No.21103076

File: c7969e5e63d497f⋯.png (769.82 KB,964x544,241:136,Screenshot.png)

'That man can't win': Biden's excruciating Trump debate is described by Democrat donor as the 'worst performance in history' - as pundits say President has 'patriotic duty' to stand aside


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aec9bd No.21103077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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07a6b2 No.21103078

Can ANons make a meme that goes world wide that depicts Kamala being pushed aside by dem power brokers

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5211a7 No.21103079



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7c653c No.21103080



tits or gtfo sluts

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6371d5 No.21103082


and antisemitic because of her cuck

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07a6b2 No.21103083

Picture of Hillary telling Kamala you’re not black enough?

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5d2f0e No.21103084

File: 152906c75faba5d⋯.png (39 KB,1356x308,339:77,bush.PNG)



Sheriff's deputy shot to death in 'ambush' while tracking stolen SUV in Detroit

Deputy Bradley Reckling was a father of three with one on the way

Stepheny Price By Stepheny Price Fox News

Published June 23, 2024 9:56pm EDT

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87329e No.21103085

File: 1e37212447eab00⋯.png (182.72 KB,361x468,361:468,bidenneilamurder1.png)

File: 4cdbe9d464bbf8a⋯.png (534.1 KB,732x955,732:955,neiliahunterbidenmurder2.png)

File: aae66a85136c103⋯.png (486.06 KB,738x960,123:160,neiliahunterbidenmurderlaw….png)

File: 95fdbe3c83a7336⋯.png (472.51 KB,739x960,739:960,neiliahunterbidenmurderlaw….png)

File: 44e1960781b729b⋯.png (197.42 KB,741x960,247:320,neiliahunterbidenmurderlaw….png)


according to some affidavit Jill helped kill (??) the first wife.

Personally I think it was a case of "death fakery" since Neilia couldn't tolerate the buffoon and needed a way out.

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f905e9 No.21103086


>It’s racism if they don’t choose Kamala.

Is she eligible? Anchor baby non citizen?

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222506 No.21103087


there are a bunch of different scinarios.

the one that might work best is if Biden stays president but drops out of the presidential race.

also don't forget that Green Party Jill Stein will be on the ballot in many states and Independant RFK jr as well.

that way we don'thave suffer though a Kamala the activast presidency.

and the democrats can have a reasonably honest way to pick a new nominee thorough and open convention.

the second thing that could happen is Biden could resign, and Harris would then be president and perhaps the defacto nominee (presidents have a lot of power and can pull a lot of strings)

Biden could suffer some incident and be removed either through . . . death . . . or by the 25th amendment. That would make Harris seem to be the unfaithful friend to some.

the best solution for them is 'open convention' because people don't trust Harris.

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ccfddf No.21103088

File: 507a98303062a19⋯.jpeg (514.48 KB,962x1085,962:1085,IMG_1400.jpeg)


Smooth operator.

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19e528 No.21103089

File: d93c97899323f6d⋯.png (316.57 KB,484x480,121:120,Pepe_paper_ball_Biden.png)


>Most people didn't have time to watch the debate

Their reality is how much they have to pay for groceries, and gas. Many hate Trump, but will vote for him in the end, because they remember how the cost of living was under a Trump presidency. They know that the MSM are a bunch of liars, and don't care what they have to say, but want to be able to put food on the table.

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a81d9a No.21103091


>actually she has no authority at all in the matter.

Wanna bet? She's one of the puppets pulling the strings. She loves the power and the free plane rides and being First lady. She's drunk with power..prolly always that way. She's a manipulator and she covers for Biden and her daughter and Hunter. She's the one with the iron fist now in that family.

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aec9bd No.21103092

File: 8d25df42dcb84c1⋯.jpeg (261.53 KB,828x903,276:301,5F17A28C_D8AE_49B8_9065_6….jpeg)

File: bece4e0a3bac6b5⋯.jpeg (393.67 KB,828x1046,414:523,3D6973B2_9C64_4DF8_A7B5_5….jpeg)

File: 1f07c086544749d⋯.jpeg (506.35 KB,828x1039,828:1039,8543F2ED_CED1_4574_9707_F….jpeg)

File: 029d472982841e7⋯.jpeg (316.06 KB,828x1214,414:607,5B78675E_6875_49E9_A33A_7….jpeg)

File: e17207d6ecfbc56⋯.jpeg (345.55 KB,828x1271,828:1271,58B98042_961B_4412_8821_8….jpeg)

July 4, 1869.

TheY made their final plans final.

Now theY are completely fucked.


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07a6b2 No.21103093

We need to force the choice between Joe or Kamala

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77e710 No.21103094


It’s group suicide if they do!

KaMOOla was put on the ticket as the Potato’s assasination, impeachment, and 25th amendment protection plan. Her numbers are always lower than Joe’s!

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8fc4ee No.21103095

Trump just released a brutal 95 second ad of Joe Biden's debate lowlights


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6371d5 No.21103096

Trump laughed at Biden's handicap comments, saying "I've seen your swing. I know your swing."

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87329e No.21103097

File: a32f8908c1eef04⋯.png (310.9 KB,728x455,8:5,moojewshills.png)


sauce liar?

Also, irrelevant.

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c1d1f0 No.21103099

Morning anons…

I guess Biden mask melting off mid debate on national TV was too much to hope for…

I guess we will have to settle for a pathetically demented performance…

Cue Gav, Big Mike, and HilDog…

The fun will be watching how they sideline CamelToe…

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222506 No.21103100


Constitutionally and legally is what I mean.

She has no constitutional authority, and no legal right to be a proxy for Biden. They let her get away with it because she control him but if he's out of the picture her power evaporates immediately.

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799e79 No.21103101

File: a9e103bcada9c5b⋯.png (303.71 KB,715x349,715:349,ClipboardImage.png)



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5d2f0e No.21103102

File: e92ec89f6aeae61⋯.png (556.76 KB,1205x646,1205:646,bid.PNG)


Biden's FDA Ignored Safety Signals and Health Agency Regulations to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine

by: Wendi Strauch Mahoney 06/27/2024 Source: uncoverdc.com

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ccfddf No.21103103

File: 55d5f4050fbb39f⋯.jpeg (275.9 KB,804x724,201:181,IMG_1401.jpeg)


That smile yo!

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07a6b2 No.21103104


Right so we push somehow that the only other option is Kamala.

And we leverage racism to do it

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aec9bd No.21103105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d8edfa No.21103106

File: e0714aabc58d7c5⋯.png (315.93 KB,580x378,290:189,cnn_sucks.png)

File: c298951f902e38c⋯.jpg (35.13 KB,653x477,653:477,cnn_sucks.jpg)

File: 5f3b16859d9d663⋯.png (483.54 KB,1024x1024,1:1,cnn_sfdjgfh.png)


CNN is on the board

you dumb cunt…

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5d2f0e No.21103108

File: f73a97f1b72e506⋯.png (485.87 KB,576x618,96:103,tr.PNG)

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a81d9a No.21103109


Perfect example. She made sure that photo op was planned that way and was sent out to the media. Wonder where Tater was when she sat there with the photographer shooting?…prolly asleep.

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19e528 No.21103111

File: d118501c42aad2d⋯.mp4 (11.38 MB,854x378,61:27,debate_lowlights.mp4)

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222506 No.21103112

File: 0ca0e078dc532a7⋯.jpg (261.47 KB,1056x1056,1:1,Trump_at_Paradise_Fire_aft….jpg)

File: 0ca0e078dc532a7⋯.jpg (261.47 KB,1056x1056,1:1,Trump_at_Paradise_Fires.jpg)

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a81d9a No.21103113


major overbite

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07a6b2 No.21103114

After last night, everyone knows they have to dump Joe.

But we only let them choose Kamala…

Otherwise RACISM

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c590e6 No.21103115


Many thanks fren!

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aec9bd No.21103117

File: 5a99b047abf2434⋯.jpeg (118.37 KB,828x518,414:259,5507B7ED_0974_4097_8850_D….jpeg)

File: c31f74be7eba4e8⋯.jpeg (226.02 KB,828x947,828:947,C1BC9241_76A0_41F4_82B5_B….jpeg)

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f905e9 No.21103118


>if Biden stays president

non-compos-mentos? really? expect chyna to drop in with a brain dead CiC since military can't get orders?

harris is an anchor baby? not eligible?

open convention? ok but what was that "closing date" = today stuff in some states?

per brandons great niece brandon = a twin, Je already dead

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ff209f No.21103119


Wonder what kind of drugs he is on…..

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e9d346 No.21103120

Thanks to the anon that pointed out the great cholesterol hoax.

I got prescribed them a few years ago.

Took them for about a month, then thought fk it.

Turned my life around.

Granted I probably smoke n drink to much but fk big phama and there slow kill pills

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7c653c No.21103122

File: 1b296b8ecdacd5e⋯.png (426.21 KB,644x484,161:121,1b296b8ecdacd5ee64ba369bcc….png)

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aec9bd No.21103123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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28ff97 No.21103124

File: 9b5495bedabd055⋯.png (220.11 KB,454x498,227:249,flyer3.PNG)

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a81d9a No.21103125

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87329e No.21103126

File: 93ccb632e67c988⋯.png (3.62 MB,2320x1944,290:243,charlotteville.png)


Obviously "cheap fake" (they will call it?)


But not as fake as "Charlotteville"?

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5d2f0e No.21103128

File: e89911ab6de35f2⋯.png (623.87 KB,647x789,647:789,toast.PNG)

File: 2cb6204a1e4069c⋯.png (471.81 KB,481x616,481:616,breeeee.PNG)

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f25d21 No.21103129

File: 88cdc1941007178⋯.jpeg (989.88 KB,1674x1991,1674:1991,IMG_3210.jpeg)

File: dbdfaf816610fa6⋯.jpeg (216.19 KB,1305x1440,29:32,IMG_3209.jpeg)

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b8ce75 No.21103130

File: dcf14c3b54b7377⋯.png (1.11 MB,750x1334,375:667,3DD97A52_2165_49FA_9739_A2….png)

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799e79 No.21103131

File: dee36d77f214f43⋯.png (184.21 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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19e528 No.21103132

File: 2858973d1ba54b8⋯.jpg (61.54 KB,423x378,47:42,Trump_side_eye.jpg)

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5d2f0e No.21103134

File: 95a4984a6e8ace0⋯.png (172.78 KB,385x364,55:52,kb.PNG)


WOW. Watch Joe Biden’s face as President Trump calls him out for opening the border… Every American should watch this clip. #PresidentialDebate

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a81d9a No.21103135

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aec9bd No.21103137

File: 90cab5badff91c2⋯.jpeg (84.77 KB,828x554,414:277,54ACD4AC_0CFC_4F5A_9A07_7….jpeg)

File: 006e9a45ffe7842⋯.jpeg (84.43 KB,828x554,414:277,9CDECE20_2A89_4475_AF34_7….jpeg)

File: df1dabab020db10⋯.jpeg (83.78 KB,828x554,414:277,3650CB47_97E0_4D00_B714_F….jpeg)

File: 98d1a233835b499⋯.jpeg (85.25 KB,828x554,414:277,D7BDC583_70DC_440D_A6A7_6….jpeg)

File: 48dd3d65623493a⋯.jpeg (87.89 KB,828x554,414:277,EBE2F75F_6C22_400D_8A9D_9….jpeg)

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b8ce75 No.21103138

File: 7fef1555d5d40c1⋯.png (1.43 MB,750x1334,375:667,B5DC8EBA_BC31_4E7C_BDB7_90….png)

File: 0f6c3a8b57de0f5⋯.png (32.29 KB,690x454,345:227,EC8A26CE_D2C3_41DB_9852_03….png)

File: 80c818f9fa6d839⋯.jpeg (237.55 KB,2047x1393,2047:1393,D56A05AC_F4DB_4E00_BD01_A….jpeg)

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28ff97 No.21103139


Including actors /puppets Bidens, and Beta Sex Slave Kabbalah/✡Husband Handler✡

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6da782 No.21103140

File: afd9012f037bd0c⋯.png (802.45 KB,828x483,12:7,IMG_3640.png)

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4954be No.21103141


You know FULL WELL the democrats and the MSM will come out in force, and claim that this is doctored footage or a deep fake.

screencap this!

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4d2631 No.21103142

Anyone got anything else

Fire wings are a guarntee as is the 50 limit on time to paradise like trees hope we make that one or its an apocolypse but its better than greif.

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7c653c No.21103144


>screencap this!


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aec9bd No.21103145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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77e710 No.21103146


Unless they blackmail Joe to resign or suddenly not seek re-election, the demo-rats have to pull some major fuckery to dump Joe from the ticket. Based on the 2020 election and the number of times they screwed Bernie out of the nomination, they would do it in a heartbeat, if they think it could help them win. I just remember them changing out a VP candidate after the convention once and how that totally backfired on them.

They told us Joe was just fine. Even if they push him out, they are the fuckers that propped Joe up, lied to us, and killed the economy. Joe was never in charge, really. Voters know it was the demo-rat cabal and will vote accordingly.

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4954be No.21103147


Pedo swirls…

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5d2f0e No.21103148

File: a269f235c715086⋯.png (848.94 KB,883x860,883:860,ln.PNG)

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aec9bd No.21103149

File: d5925ba1a84992e⋯.jpeg (305 KB,778x828,389:414,541EC28C_7B62_4935_A153_F….jpeg)

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5d2f0e No.21103150

File: 14bb507b563fef3⋯.png (868.7 KB,625x816,625:816,bing.PNG)

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f905e9 No.21103152

anon see 2 x "issues" for usa atm

1. brandon can NOT continue in his current state, the world knows it. So who is CiC ? Harris is anchor so can't. Speaker=CiC ?

2. the election and since dems put all eggs in one basketcase…who? how? given 'closng dates for nom in some states' Can it be a 1-horse race in Nov? or is it DJT vs jfk jr/stein & dems are out? must it be a rep VS Dem race?

interesting 'debate' in regards to outcome ;-)

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799e79 No.21103153

File: 2f1447245356862⋯.png (167.06 KB,544x458,272:229,ClipboardImage.png)

Their panic and fear is palpable.

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19e528 No.21103154

File: f36c10b442dba7a⋯.png (60.26 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>doctored footage or a deep fake

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aec9bd No.21103155

File: 945b275da641c15⋯.jpeg (516.29 KB,672x518,48:37,480E759E_8DA7_4AFE_9976_2….jpeg)

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b8ce75 No.21103156

File: 5504b922202893b⋯.png (1.27 MB,750x1334,375:667,27FDF50E_70BA_4596_A16E_F2….png)

File: 462e61cad33d77b⋯.png (573.59 KB,690x2690,69:269,CC586495_2B21_4D69_B83C_47….png)

File: 3478bd5bcca36df⋯.jpeg (17.22 KB,339x149,339:149,FC53CE8E_6D1E_447D_A1CA_6….jpeg)

File: fe43febf7dbbeab⋯.jpeg (15.71 KB,310x163,310:163,1AA94B7D_3325_4178_89F2_1….jpeg)

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f905e9 No.21103157


another thought…re usa war support in UKr & gaza…who can sign DoD chqs for bombs?

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5d2f0e No.21103160

File: 5c1bb2f3df1842e⋯.png (416.54 KB,744x378,124:63,fc.PNG)


American News Jun 27, 2024

NEW: Biden falsely claims Border Patrol endorsed him

The Border Patrol union endorsed Trump in the 2016 and 2020 elections.

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1e6f10 No.21103161

File: 58f31ae09a46e46⋯.png (10.37 KB,478x94,239:47,ClipboardImage.png)

this is how to know that's a bullshit narrative

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aec9bd No.21103162

File: 362b8c774b08e15⋯.jpeg (242.9 KB,708x744,59:62,AC726AD7_457E_4732_ACE0_5….jpeg)

File: ac5020935711b4f⋯.jpeg (630.03 KB,587x940,587:940,6AB7797D_B02C_4BEA_8DE6_3….jpeg)

File: 861d743c2809d3b⋯.jpeg (351.6 KB,646x440,323:220,A8F53E61_1310_4DCC_B43A_8….jpeg)

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e78fa9 No.21103163

File: e5b51593d3c7c59⋯.jpg (134.38 KB,531x392,531:392,biden_to_war_buttercup_1.jpg)

File: c0cf16167f8aaff⋯.jpg (133.47 KB,531x392,531:392,biden_to_war_buttercup_2.jpg)

File: 22b6843f8469dd3⋯.jpg (141.76 KB,531x392,531:392,biden_to_war_buttercup_3.jpg)

File: fc1307b55f1682b⋯.jpg (139.37 KB,531x392,531:392,biden_to_war_buttercup_4.jpg)

File: 6c9baa8fd9cce2f⋯.jpg (143.79 KB,531x392,531:392,biden_to_war_buttercup_5.jpg)


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4954be No.21103165


>who is CiC ?

Possibility one: Donald J Trump.

Possibility two: The US Military.

Possibility three: Barack Obama.

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10be2c No.21103166

File: 476885f2ae87526⋯.jpg (279.37 KB,1540x460,77:23,20240628_060352.jpg)

File: 0b8634d054cb692⋯.jpg (158.1 KB,720x828,20:23,20240628_060839.jpg)


Oh boy, HERE WE GO!

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954895 No.21103167

File: bbe505b5e175767⋯.png (596.45 KB,630x421,630:421,ClipboardImage.png)

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87329e No.21103168

File: 8d25df42dcb84c1⋯.jpeg (261.53 KB,828x903,276:301,moralsanddogmaalbertpike.jpeg)

File: 0db2fcbd2420cea⋯.png (588.26 KB,509x464,509:464,moralsanddogmapike_.png)


cover emblem off "Morals and Dogma" Pike


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01591d No.21103169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You’re watching a movie.

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10be2c No.21103170


If there was a drinking game where you took a shot every time Biden said "the idea" you would be dead right now

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b8ce75 No.21103171

File: 8516db30af53746⋯.png (2.09 MB,750x1334,375:667,87FB5B60_F5A3_4686_98CB_AD….png)

File: 7fb79474a0b3c34⋯.png (168.45 KB,690x1918,345:959,5BAB93D4_BD08_46FC_95B4_4E….png)

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aec9bd No.21103172

File: f627bc72d9e42dc⋯.jpeg (461.12 KB,828x483,12:7,159DD173_97AB_4E98_81E9_9….jpeg)

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26a82a No.21103173

File: e7f0f361f8ed7cf⋯.png (51.58 KB,608x344,76:43,2024_06_28_08_11_46.png)


> NEW: Biden falsely claims Border Patrol endorsed him

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f905e9 No.21103174


>Possibility one: Donald J Trump. Maybe, but per msm he LOST in 2020. so legally?

>Possibility two: The US Military. How? just a bunch of do as tolds or else 'mutiny' or a coup?

>Possibility three: Barack Obama that has to be a stretch of 'old news'?

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d8edfa No.21103175

File: 79866c2238953e8⋯.png (853.7 KB,2560x2560,1:1,ghost_q_bakes.png)

thank you

bakes out


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e78fa9 No.21103176




i can't stop laughing

best dang campaign ad ever

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01591d No.21103177


“We can walk and chew gum at the same time” is a double shot

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b8ce75 No.21103178

File: 5dec6eaa7accdff⋯.png (135.24 KB,690x1742,345:871,F148599D_BA62_4656_93E6_0C….png)

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19e528 No.21103179

File: 3775277877629b9⋯.png (97.96 KB,477x248,477:248,HRC_heres_johnny.png)

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1e4e82 No.21103180


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5d2f0e No.21103181

File: db25500bdc268be⋯.png (877.57 KB,792x753,264:251,just.PNG)

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aec9bd No.21103182

File: e5d70d83d716476⋯.jpeg (271.29 KB,759x397,759:397,37C99D3D_9A5A_4CE5_9601_D….jpeg)

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10be2c No.21103183

File: 470537f76ceb431⋯.png (1.69 MB,1987x593,1987:593,1719408657700.png)



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222506 No.21103184



hottest president ever?

I don't see it.

I'm thinking Grover Cleveland (just kidding)

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5d2f0e No.21103185

File: f652ee6fc607e6f⋯.png (133.27 KB,382x371,382:371,dakmm.PNG)



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1e6f10 No.21103186


they thought that in 2019-2020 too

they're stuck with biden and they know it

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aec9bd No.21103187

File: 85bf257a73ebdf3⋯.jpeg (245.16 KB,828x606,138:101,7449E793_1131_41F7_9FD4_A….jpeg)

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e78fa9 No.21103188


as ma would say…


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b8ce75 No.21103189

File: dd60b4b1a7759c8⋯.png (1.73 MB,750x1334,375:667,90C8B304_26B4_421A_BE1E_E4….png)

File: 87cb3282e369b88⋯.png (491.6 KB,690x2186,345:1093,1E8735F4_E5DA_43EC_AFCD_B5….png)

File: f964fbdc15514c6⋯.jpeg (511.26 KB,2048x1448,256:181,092ED031_63BE_47DC_9576_4….jpeg)

File: dd2935dd43cc013⋯.jpeg (150.78 KB,896x560,8:5,1F1E5D01_3B18_46DB_9265_3….jpeg)

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f905e9 No.21103190


>I doubt Newsom wants to live in DC

he wouldn't win against DJT, but DEFINITELY worth encouraging him to run? since if he does run the Ca gets a new Gov once gav quits to run?

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19e528 No.21103191

File: 88d855f99a28ae0⋯.png (366.11 KB,624x500,156:125,gay_has_the.png)


>He would be our hottest President ever

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10be2c No.21103192

File: fc8377cabbf0284⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,Juanita_Broaddrick_2024062….mp4)


Here have the clip, why post a telegram link no one can get to unless they have that Fed trap app?

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5d2f0e No.21103193

File: 9478bfdea2383f9⋯.png (226.21 KB,637x351,49:27,2_g.PNG)

File: 48e601e1ee67184⋯.png (795.94 KB,720x844,180:211,I_O_go.PNG)

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aec9bd No.21103194

Read somewhere in last nights flurry that if the stupid fuckin commies wanna shitcan Jobiden they have to do it by the of the day TODAY to have a candidate in ballots in NeVada, anybody 'firm?

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a58238 No.21103195


Think anon will go for a walk

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aec9bd No.21103196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Glorious morning.

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e78fa9 No.21103197

File: 61b0ce6d96bb0bb⋯.png (63.78 KB,257x777,257:777,ClipboardImage.png)


these were from immediately after the debate…

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a58238 No.21103198


When have any rules been followed fbo their democracy?

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aec9bd No.21103199

File: 666f5788f467b6f⋯.jpeg (393.73 KB,828x1019,828:1019,F4328A57_2712_4D9E_9C2E_4….jpeg)

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07a6b2 No.21103200

File: 0024e3e52d3ac77⋯.jpeg (205.51 KB,809x1302,809:1302,IMG_6969.jpeg)

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87329e No.21103201

File: e17207d6ecfbc56⋯.jpeg (345.55 KB,828x1271,828:1271,blavatsky8.jpeg)

File: 88010cf20796eab⋯.jpg (38.93 KB,531x796,531:796,blavatsky72.jpg)

File: 82595cd97b7185a⋯.png (1.12 MB,1171x737,1171:737,blavatsky_queenvic.png)

File: 5862dd377137599⋯.jpg (115.61 KB,787x1024,787:1024,blavatskystgermain.jpg)


wow. Blavatsky has those Queen Vicky eyes; Wonder if she's a relative?

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2768cb No.21103202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cdb28b No.21103203

All the MSM has this morning is: Trump is a liar.

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aec9bd No.21103204

File: d0d031484baf50c⋯.jpeg (110.31 KB,828x1041,276:347,FE97ED52_4DD5_49BF_9512_2….jpeg)

File: 2b5fdba2d4d7088⋯.jpeg (127.33 KB,828x738,46:41,642D5421_2EE2_4834_AD0A_8….jpeg)


Weak as circus lemonade.

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01591d No.21103205


Kvech more. That’s my thoughts, think about it. Think about it. Patriots are now in control. Checkpoint. Imagine the future that was planned for us..”it could be so much worse”….the drapes are being pulled off of once classified C_A programs and operations are being performed by the NSA/Military. You can’t expect to keep living like a piece of shit during the great awakening. Everyone needs a kick on the ass.

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34e8cd No.21103206

File: 4188408f08d7121⋯.jpg (62.62 KB,500x640,25:32,8va92u.jpg)

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f905e9 No.21103207

Possible? solution:

1. Brandon declared Martial law

2. Brandon quits/steps aside

3. Harris retires as can't Anchor anyhow.


military have the wheel

speaker has the gavel

dems pick a looser to run in Nov

Does that work?

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422f7e No.21103208


Bill Clinton would beg to differ

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19e528 No.21103209

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB,473x500,473:500,pepe_12.png)


Exactly! They claimed that most of his statements were completely false.

They've got nothing, and are PANICKING!

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4f7f83 No.21103210

File: 603e3ab488cea78⋯.png (309.21 KB,1263x581,1263:581,ClipboardImage.png)

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06aa4b No.21103211

File: 0e2d25dbad12e86⋯.mp4 (207.22 KB,192x426,32:71,JFK_Jr_I_Know_Him_Well_.mp4)

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cdb28b No.21103212

File: e5d75c960cfcbe9⋯.png (191.06 KB,558x322,279:161,Fetterman_after_2024_debat….png)

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f012c3 No.21103213


>dems pick a looser to run in Nov


A looser what?

Slut than Kamala?

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e42eed No.21103214

What I really want to know, is what is going to be done about those people who blacklisted patriots since 911? The DS controls it all, and they haven't let us make an honest living as one of their very first tactics.

Here are some of their tactics that they do to programmers.

1. They give you tests that you can't import the proper libraries or compile

2. They give you hard parts they can't figure out so you do their work

3. They ask you to do a weekend project as a form of their work

4. Calculate a spreedsheet in a spiral, like who uses that?

5. Ask back of the book questions of lookup tables

6. interview 7 times only for a project to unfunded or mgr on vacation indefinitely

7. test you on all their specific technologies used out of millions

8. ask stupid questions that always disqualify you as a culture fit

9. speak to whole recruiting firm, then the implementors, but never the client

10. And the worst of it all: You have to share your desktop developer IDE with a group of developers at once so they can see how you program, which is just an excuse for them to run silent scripts to steal your intellectual property, spy on you, and put timed malware on your machine so you can not ever compete.

Many foreigners and DS cronies do this, and were championed by the Wall st cabal slackers. What is going to be done about these part crimes?

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67e4f2 No.21103215


>Baltic Dry Index

Thank you. That was helpful anon.

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2ef3d7 No.21103216

File: eeb517c30481876⋯.jpg (108.91 KB,640x458,320:229,stiw.jpg)

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42c095 No.21103217

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9:00 AM EDT

LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network



3:00 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks on Joe Biden’s Incompetent Presidency in Chesapeake, Virginia

Doors Open 11:00 AM EDT



3:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Trump Campaigns in Chesapeake, VA

2024 presumptive Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump speaks to supporters at a rally in Chesapeake, Virginia. It’s his first public appearance following the CNN presidential debate in Atlanta, the first of the cycle.


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a81d9a No.21103218

File: 474d4a8fed86f1e⋯.png (1.09 MB,1137x829,1137:829,474d4a8fed86f1e4661b43b00f….png)

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d6dd86 No.21103219

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz14.gif)




>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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aec9bd No.21103220

File: e6c7160b9aa5335⋯.jpeg (195.61 KB,530x712,265:356,967191E2_9DB1_44B0_A3B6_4….jpeg)


'Tis a family matter indeed.

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01591d No.21103221


Also getting a taste of what Trump and co had to deal with a majority of their lives. Anyone in positions of power. We can barely handle it for a few years.

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1e6f10 No.21103222

File: cee8595a0fa4e75⋯.png (65.54 KB,1255x298,1255:298,ClipboardImage.png)



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6371d5 No.21103223

File: 5d6e6c683a522bf⋯.png (253.45 KB,300x400,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


Julian Assange is now free to do or say whatever he likes. What does his future hold?

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19e528 No.21103224

File: 356b9af1171724e⋯.png (587.22 KB,828x450,46:25,Kamala_kekkage.png)


>pick a looser

It probably doesn't' get much looser than Kamala…. KEK

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799e79 No.21103225

The msdnc complex HAS KNOWN ALL ALONG that Joe Biden's cognition is shot.

They lied to their own viewers, they thought they could get away with it because Biden was put into a basement.

But with a public debate, with the world watching, the truth is now open source.

So the fake news sons of bitches are now all given the same talking point to feign shock and surprise at how abysmal Biden's cognition really is

These people are demonic.

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aec9bd No.21103226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b8ce75 No.21103227

File: e3e7188f577ae6f⋯.png (1.63 MB,750x1334,375:667,4E656964_3B37_4E8D_8DD4_86….png)

File: 8b071a9c9f82c5b⋯.png (390.96 KB,690x4024,345:2012,472D7054_6ABC_447E_B840_1B….png)

File: 63e0d77d6f011b6⋯.png (1.33 MB,750x1334,375:667,DBF9B5B1_8520_4295_A12F_A2….png)


good morning Ralph.

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b56849 No.21103228



Anon, have you checked social media today? On Twitter/X alone almost every post you see on Biden is negative, the trends have hundreds of thousands of people saying he lost the debate. Plus, every article I have seen is saying how bad Biden did, the tables have turned and WE ARE THE NEWS NOW.

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c23d90 No.21103229

File: 99506f9ae334e65⋯.png (354.76 KB,458x564,229:282,99506f9ae334e65278d3e7131a….png)

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fd2f7c No.21103230


I can't even begin to describe how much I loathe these demons.

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19e528 No.21103231

File: c9015ade29386fb⋯.jpg (74.88 KB,549x361,549:361,panic1.jpg)


Kek, MSDNC is claiming that people are worried about Trump's obvious mental decline.

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5d2f0e No.21103232

File: 995b66b2ad81b3d⋯.png (246.48 KB,605x486,605:486,kd.PNG)


Kevin Dalton


Strange that Gavin Newsom, who slept with his campaign manager’s wife would have an opinion about Donald Trump’s sex life…

4:55 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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4f2985 No.21103233


>The brain runs on fat

>Sugar makes you dumb as shit

You are fucking retarded.

The brain runs on glucose, which is a form of SUGAR


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01591d No.21103234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Smells like victory ..and a French hooker

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cdb28b No.21103235

File: 938061cb11347b4⋯.mp4 (1.65 MB,554x322,277:161,Joe_let_every_fastball_go_….mp4)

Biden let every fastball go right by last night.

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5d2f0e No.21103236

File: f0463836094c480⋯.png (372.72 KB,604x497,604:497,bh.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


This blowhard and the bad facelift that sits next to him can’t gaslight America anymore

1:08 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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b8ce75 No.21103237

File: 45f5032127b8088⋯.png (271.72 KB,690x1028,345:514,88A2513A_47FA_4EE8_99C0_AC….png)

File: 3ab1bff634d9cc6⋯.png (121.48 KB,690x1566,115:261,8E2CB3C6_C8F7_433B_B039_ED….png)


double tagging. for the sake of routine & continuity.

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aec9bd No.21103238

File: 02b7ea66fa6f6a2⋯.jpeg (120.87 KB,828x1035,4:5,8A4EF397_B8A1_4CBB_A8A7_2….jpeg)

File: 0efb0599230c03e⋯.jpeg (172.89 KB,654x645,218:215,AC557C9A_76B9_4CF6_92C7_F….jpeg)

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a81d9a No.21103239

File: f32fd03706f5211⋯.png (158.89 KB,391x382,391:382,f32fd03706f5211428d8dd8bea….png)

Did you notice during the debate last night the shills left? Fake news was too busy watching and discussing Tater's train wreck. Tell's us who is coming here to post shillery schitt.

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5d2f0e No.21103240

File: c1d63899f89010b⋯.png (294.94 KB,611x563,611:563,paint.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


We weren't lying. You were


Trump War Room




CHUCK TODD: "Biden looks like the caricature that conservative media has been painting … you saw it before your eyes!"

4:16 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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799e79 No.21103241




The body can and does run on different energy sources.

It's called ketosis, look into it.

Or, if science is too difficult, just think:

When was sugar first harvested?

When did people first eat meat?


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cdb28b No.21103242


Don't have X/Twatter, anon. But that sounds great, ty for the update.. TY for the update

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2e62a3 No.21103243

File: f7c5a124b81d04b⋯.png (357.6 KB,1024x683,1024:683,FridTatr.png)

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5d2f0e No.21103244

File: 9fb298216d0c8ec⋯.png (388.99 KB,599x460,599:460,bo.PNG)




A very important PSA about senior abuse.

1:24 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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8938ce No.21103245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4954be No.21103246


Watch them try…

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f905e9 No.21103247


>A looser what?

typo, but hrc prob wants another stab at losing?

whomever dems pick is going to lose in Nov anyhow so doesn't matter.

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cdb28b No.21103248


> ty for the update.. TY for the update

OMW to get 2nd cup of coffee

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aec9bd No.21103249

File: ab6d3693a0f057b⋯.jpeg (232.44 KB,828x1080,23:30,1CC5544C_185A_49A8_9EE2_3….jpeg)

Serious fuckin shit.

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a81d9a No.21103250

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01591d No.21103251

Trump University is working out pretty well so far.

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6371d5 No.21103252

File: ee20883a86ab317⋯.gif (7.75 MB,480x407,480:407,crackhunter.gif)

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1cefc2 No.21103253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9441cb No.21103254

Today is elons bday

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4954be No.21103255


What happened to "that's a Russian disinformation campaign" ??

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5d2f0e No.21103256

File: 4b92b077724eb0c⋯.png (1.74 MB,1190x789,1190:789,point.PNG)

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3821ed No.21103257

File: 5b1a64017f06816⋯.jpeg (77.84 KB,525x469,75:67,5b1a64017f06816b11d3c186c….jpeg)

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23bca2 No.21103258


>Today is elons bday

Don't give a fuck about a DS puppets birthday!

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aec9bd No.21103259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A most beautiful birthday indeed.

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19e528 No.21103260

File: f5753c9aef5b836⋯.png (423.89 KB,983x568,983:568,Elon.png)

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b8ce75 No.21103261

File: 6269ad1dbd87d77⋯.gif (1.31 MB,480x244,120:61,76840739_62E8_4B4F_9C42_86….gif)

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82ace0 No.21103262



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4cfecc No.21103263

Biden drilled and trained for one type of Trump to show up for the debate. A different Trump arrived. Kiddie sniffer had braced himself for a 2016 debate Trump. Completely unprovoked Biden started in about the bleach hoax at the very beginning. Biden expected something different than what he got. The cherry on top was the golf bag comment. That showed, on many levels, what a stupid and desperate oaf Slow Biden is.

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b8a8e3 No.21103264

Called the pineal gland because it looks like a pinecone.

Pine is an 🌲 evergreen.

Evergreen is cover code for everything adrenochrome related.

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c872df No.21103265

Biden could have slammed dunked Trump if he brought up the death jab. Goes to show how scripted the debate was.

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10be2c No.21103266

File: ed9c9aead401baa⋯.jpg (104.58 KB,1125x1202,1125:1202,20240628_063651.jpg)


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3821ed No.21103267

File: 6310b38915105cc⋯.jpeg (39.45 KB,460x679,460:679,6310b38915105cca9c01a80e5….jpeg)

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6371d5 No.21103268

File: 80e5077f587fcad⋯.mp4 (4.96 MB,720x720,1:1,Gavin_Newsom_issues_an_ast….mp4)

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23bca2 No.21103269


Jews will always cheat and try to gatekeep the truth!

It's in their Untermensch jewDNA!

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4954be No.21103270


When have the democrats ever cared about the rules or the law?

They will do what they want, regardless…

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a81d9a No.21103271

File: 5d3d78ee06805e7⋯.png (240.8 KB,500x500,1:1,5d3d78ee06805e7077d1155a67….png)

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ce432b No.21103272

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c23d90 No.21103273

File: 3b93e7bc70ca70a⋯.png (297.96 KB,400x400,1:1,elonpepe.png)

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fab5ea No.21103274


What’s the percentage that deprogrammed afterwards I wonder?

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01591d No.21103275


He smiled while Trump talked about his golf game. Biden admires him they can’t even hold it back. He wishes he could time travel into the past. Fact.

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10be2c No.21103276

Q should address anons , at least before the election

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fd2f7c No.21103277


Absolute fucking faggot.

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19e528 No.21103278

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f905e9 No.21103279


>Julian Assange is now free to do or say whatever he likes. What does his future hold?

Get to know his kids? Write the only book he hasn't read?

THEN re-learn to type & f'ck some peeps up via payback?

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edfc09 No.21103280

File: 4f8a65a028d7592⋯.jpg (15.75 KB,255x171,85:57,89d2d701a3de04cbaa3edef443….jpg)


The only people that support Biden are undercover anons trolling

Fetterman lol

The ones that can sell it with a straight face Crack me up

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28ff97 No.21103281

File: 6670a00a14d684f⋯.png (463.12 KB,1033x326,1033:326,adjq51.PNG)

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367131 No.21103282


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

Something with an extra kick to get the weekend started would be quite nice this morning.

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aec9bd No.21103283

File: c07185a2616a017⋯.jpeg (137.28 KB,828x687,276:229,27898A3B_4D3F_41F3_9664_C….jpeg)


TheY are gross

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324305 No.21103284

File: 1ce9a8ea5b9c020⋯.jpeg (811.94 KB,1125x1332,125:148,IMG_1402.jpeg)



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ce432b No.21103286


Nothing is going to slam dunk our POTUS asshat.


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01591d No.21103287

File: 0bf4237fa78b512⋯.jpeg (87.58 KB,1200x630,40:21,IMG_1745.jpeg)


It worked for me especially the Q course

I got me PHD

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19e528 No.21103288

File: e694668f6cfcaa2⋯.gif (361.32 KB,360x240,3:2,PANIC.gif)


He knows he's headed to GTMO….

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672c3c No.21103289


I guess most here don't program and haven't been through this, but it takes at least 10 years of diligent studying before one has enough knowledge to build a real world application by themselves that has any novelty.

The Wall st Jews and Saudis along with India has to be held accountable for this which is what really destroyed America more than anything else.

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b56849 No.21103290


Q made mistakes, anans can too. kek

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5d2f0e No.21103291

File: cfa7ac73a7e1627⋯.png (918.01 KB,719x724,719:724,nik.PNG)


🔞 Briefly about what Nickelodeon has become. This TV channel’s inclusivity advertisement is intended for children and preschoolers.

🗣 " Don't you feel proud when you show who you really are?" - the song says.

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10be2c No.21103292

I'm curious why Trump under sold the money the US has give to Ukraine, he only said 200 Billion, it's Waaaay More than that right? 60 billion here ,90 billion there

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10be2c No.21103293

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d636b8 No.21103294

File: 166552226d341aa⋯.jpeg (169.21 KB,1125x604,1125:604,IMG_1403.jpeg)



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3821ed No.21103295

File: 2bc827ee0897cd6⋯.png (227.3 KB,453x550,453:550,2bc827ee0897cd6346b182a42b….png)


Fuck off elon

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60ab90 No.21103296

File: 0874b6b06221518⋯.png (221.81 KB,488x328,61:41,ClipboardImage.png)


kek, that explains a lot.

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23bca2 No.21103297


>our POTUS


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6371d5 No.21103298

File: ce033b86842ac9e⋯.mp4 (5.05 MB,640x352,20:11,DODbiggestContractorisElon….mp4)

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19e528 No.21103299

File: ca776453c278716⋯.png (298.35 KB,428x640,107:160,what_is_that.png)

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6c0fa1 No.21103300


At the end of the day he is anon, anon. Part of the fam.

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b56849 No.21103301


Still not saying his is voting for Trump… why is Elon so afraid to join the MAGA train.

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367131 No.21103302


>Biden let every fastball go right by last night.

It was a victory for Biden as it appears he did not shit his pants.

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5d2f0e No.21103303

File: 268689431905b51⋯.png (17.83 KB,590x147,590:147,kash.PNG)


Kash Patel


We will now see the Deep State response, on super steroids

Jun 27, 2024, 6:59 PM

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6ea75b No.21103304


You sound vaxxed.

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23bca2 No.21103305


>At the end of the day he is anon,

Nope, he is a DS Puppet retard!


Ewww, nope!

>Part of the fam.

Yeah, your (((fam)))!

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4cfecc No.21103306

File: c53baa82a1e24a1⋯.png (830.83 KB,765x791,765:791,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5c8ce42f87e93f⋯.png (357.18 KB,627x581,627:581,ClipboardImage.png)

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23bca2 No.21103307


>You sound vaxxed.

jewish, not vaxxed!

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44c3ff No.21103308


Isn’t it obvious? Why does he have to state it?

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2fb9c2 No.21103309

File: 02194cf2d756b63⋯.gif (1.78 MB,500x500,1:1,birthday_boy.gif)


Happy Birthday Elon!!!

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5d2f0e No.21103310

File: f45e9c1c356cb55⋯.png (110.39 KB,379x555,379:555,tf.PNG)


Watch Tucker ABSOLUTELY wipe the floor with the Australian legacy media in Canberra.

Attendees: Sydney Morning Herald, who claimed the COVID injections probably saved “tens of millions of lives,” the ABC & AAP.

They all quietly slipped out after being brutally mocked & shamed by the audience.

Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | X (https://twitter.com/zeee_media?lang=en) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/maria.zeee/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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6371d5 No.21103311

File: 3e49d469c7349b2⋯.png (65.64 KB,199x223,199:223,ClipboardImage.png)

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19e528 No.21103312

File: 53466f9b22db0db⋯.png (432.2 KB,889x500,889:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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7786f8 No.21103313


I am bc the white hats mandated it to keep my job of 17 yrs at the time.

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3b09e4 No.21103314

File: c992c781acec1f3⋯.jpg (273.61 KB,1920x1080,16:9,STILL_1_1.jpg)


Oh, yeah? Well, dough boy is full of donuts and cocks. He should go visit the front like a one man USO tour.

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6371d5 No.21103315

File: aa3afa2dee21efe⋯.png (210.57 KB,279x426,93:142,ClipboardImage.png)

how is the meme squad going to recover

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42c095 No.21103316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9:00 AM EDT

Secretary Blinken participates in “A Conversation on Artificial Intelligence (AI) - 9:00 AM

Department of State


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60ab90 No.21103317

File: 29a32b4a3e410d2⋯.png (98.46 KB,914x359,914:359,53463463_.png)

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0d899d No.21103318


I'm a little disappointed in the meme makers this morning. i can't believe I haven't seen a meme of slack jawed Biden with the phrase…."The IDEA…CMPDVNZDRRJVFOFHAL" Brandon must have said that phrase a hundred times last night.

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34e8cd No.21103319

The media acts as though they are seeing Biden’s cognitive decline for the first time!

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b4c9f4 No.21103320


well what did you expect, anons already know the msm IQ, why did you expect anything different?

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f905e9 No.21103321


>The body can and does run on different energy sources.


meatsack runs on glucose as energy source.

can may 3 ways:

1. sugar (eg soft drink) instant 'hit' (like heroin) very adictive, hence UK sailed to jamacia after chyna kicked them out to find a new white powder. got whole west addicted. asians & jamacians don't eat sugar as know it is a poison.

2. 'carbs' that convert to glucose. fast/slow burn but don't last. every been hungry an hour after a maccas meal?

3. protein. slow to digest (takes energy to break down) but slow burn & long lasting. anon only eats 2-3x / week atm. but like converting from petrol to LPG in car. the change over to the backup energy source can/does cause keytosis aka bad breathe for a while.

males need more protein than females (differnt species)

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8938ce No.21103322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2069c1 No.21103323


>I am bc the white hats mandated it to keep my job of 17 yrs at the time.

Bwahahaha, jewish and vaxxed!

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b8ce75 No.21103324

File: 010fc306a114841⋯.png (938.51 KB,750x1334,375:667,1B108573_6EB5_43D0_AEDF_B1….png)

File: 5dbc06071b7e22e⋯.png (239.39 KB,690x1306,345:653,FFC541A6_E9A2_4301_BFC0_5E….png)

File: 1e0a2be85cb11bd⋯.png (113.47 KB,690x982,345:491,AE91CF5D_32C6_4D34_82F6_E2….png)

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509217 No.21103325


A non perfect Christian, anon.

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6726f5 No.21103326

There is no accountability so shut your fucking mouth and know that the day of the rope is coming for you all. >>21102836

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f905e9 No.21103327


>Biden could have slammed dunked Trump if he brought up the death ja

Really? you didn't see the admission from CDC that they fudged the numbers to deceive DJT?

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19e528 No.21103328

File: e9540119f8338bb⋯.png (216.05 KB,279x426,93:142,ClipboardImage.png)

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3821ed No.21103329

File: 7290b7cecec40f4⋯.jpg (99.01 KB,669x500,669:500,8vachk.jpg)

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799e79 No.21103330


Just spitballin'….

Maybe because they don't really control Biden?

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2069c1 No.21103331

File: 355b3c63599aa18⋯.jpg (143.06 KB,405x650,81:130,355b3c63599aa18ece7da003be….jpg)


>A non perfect Christian, anon.

As I said, a Jew!

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b56849 No.21103332




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01591d No.21103333

File: 0e10969778e3620⋯.jpeg (576.54 KB,1084x1500,271:375,IMG_1702.jpeg)


I have every vaccine except for experimental mRNA vaccine which studies show can be undone. The fascists thought they could coerce me.

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8938ce No.21103334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b8ce75 No.21103335

File: 0faef8c4dbb40f7⋯.png (1.14 MB,750x1334,375:667,1F2D0904_9FB9_43F2_9AE1_30….png)

File: 69875c52fe873cf⋯.png (57.79 KB,690x718,345:359,59335A51_6F16_449E_B96F_1E….png)

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a81d9a No.21103336

File: 82bf65bf9a2127b⋯.png (305.22 KB,399x424,399:424,82bf65bf9a2127bf307032a14d….png)

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799e79 No.21103337



I'll take cringe projections of what the cult wants people to think Christians think, for $666.

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5d2f0e No.21103338

File: 1468637912a27fd⋯.png (679.34 KB,825x683,825:683,bee.PNG)


Sacramento Bee


It’s time: The Democrats must replace Joe Biden with California Gov. Gavin Newsom | Opinion

Robin Epley

Thu, June 27, 2024 at 11:04 PM EDT·3 min read

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aad2b6 No.21103339


He couldn’t bc it was mandated by white hats under the guise of his Presidency. Think deeper.

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f905e9 No.21103340

File: 6e14ea831a3466d⋯.png (303.09 KB,605x850,121:170,6e14ea831a3466d804297782b4….png)


>It was a victory for Biden as it appears he did not shit his pants.

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c872df No.21103341


A death jab mandated by white hats? Yeah. I will think deeper into the bottomless pit of hell.

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799e79 No.21103342


> it was mandated by white hats

False. It was mandated by Biden admin, pushed by Demokkkrat fake news, by Schwaub, the whole cult.

Think logically

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a81d9a No.21103343

File: 6a205cc1df88b17⋯.png (429.12 KB,544x805,544:805,6a205cc1df88b178b08c1c0e3b….png)


Can a memefag caption this with

"He's not dropping out!"

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b8ce75 No.21103344



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10be2c No.21103345

File: 041a2643eef4efe⋯.png (1.47 MB,1446x814,723:407,20240628_065258.png)

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f98a8e No.21103346

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB,783x485,783:485,wnb.png)


>>21103175 guessing baker ghosted

morn'n baker can take this one to the top

notes coming directly

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4954be No.21103347

File: 6e91db5b4652403⋯.png (733.48 KB,999x668,999:668,ClipboardImage.png)

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569157 No.21103348

File: f05e9e8f53a4bbf⋯.jpg (42.44 KB,620x919,620:919,ft9323s0njpz_2620027145.jpg)

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5d2f0e No.21103349

File: e2ac9f40dcbc9d4⋯.png (364.54 KB,599x470,599:470,9.PNG)


End Wokeness


9 days apart



1:40 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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2069c1 No.21103350


Retarded fuckwit, jew are filtered long ago!

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799e79 No.21103351



You can do it!

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4954be No.21103352

File: d6d27a2a89d9cd8⋯.png (707.33 KB,500x739,500:739,ClipboardImage.png)

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68dfe0 No.21103353


Who is in control?

That’s who mandated the vaccine. Simple.

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28c349 No.21103354

They had to know Joe was going to be an old senile man desperately clinging to reality and what little pathetic time in the limelight he has.

Question is, why did they put him up to it, why didn't the just hide him in the basement.

My guess is Newsome.

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ccaa33 No.21103355

Analysis all of Hillary, Biden, Whitmer or Newsom.

Put it to chat-gpt based on all polls post debate, popularity, policy, remove Biden, replace Biden.

POTUS 45 wins all.

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3821ed No.21103356

File: a25e7fc0ad459cb⋯.jpg (62.8 KB,500x741,500:741,8vadao.jpg)

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a81d9a No.21103357


KEK! TY memefag!

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f98a8e No.21103358

notables bun @625

post count accurate ^^^

czech em

#25867 >>21102595

>>21102641, >>21102664, >>21102674 Joe Biden tweeted 23 times during the presidential debate. Donald Trump is a convicted felon with the morals of an alley cat.

>>21102746 KEK: John Stossel w/CAP: On the way to Los Angeles to moderate RFK Jr’s “alternate debate.”

>>21102783, >>21102910, >>21102791, >>21102798, >>21102801, >>21102822, >>21102836, >>21102866, >>21102874, >>21102880, >>21102989, >>21103068, >>21103160, >>21103173

>>21103240, >>21103303, >>21103338, >>21103349 'It was that bad' mini-bun

>>21102930 Biden’s Treasury Advisor Blames DEI Mandate for Bad Boss; ‘THIS ADMINISTRATION IS A MESS’

>>21102937 Maricopa County Election Worker Arrested

>>21102970 Federal judge says Alaska tribes may put land into trust, a step toward ‘Indian country’ here

>>21103084 Sheriff's deputy shot to death in 'ambush' while tracking stolen SUV in Detroit

>>21103095, >>21103111 Trump just released a brutal 95 second ad of Joe Biden's debate lowlights

>>21103217, >>21103316 Habbenings for 6/28/2024

>>21103266 Biden official: He's not dropping out

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5dc398 No.21103359


Sry, jew are filtered too!

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979071 No.21103360

In reality, when you look at all these DS players, and all the money that they make, you have to ask yourself, are they really worth that amount and are they doing work that any other semi skilled person can do?

News casters, musicians, actors, legal, etc…

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5d2f0e No.21103361

File: 8320b02195b97b4⋯.png (898.78 KB,863x869,863:869,oh.PNG)

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6371d5 No.21103362

We just kept taking bets over and over again on Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama


California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s odds improved from 25/1 pre-debate to 7/1 post-debate and former first lady Michelle Obama’s odds jumped from 22/1 to 16/1, according to BetOnline.

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c8652c No.21103363

File: d5a3f70e02d4753⋯.png (95.93 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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e46f13 No.21103364

File: 0d7ffe8b7db7e43⋯.jpeg (20.18 KB,456x300,38:25,McCain_news.jpeg)

>>21095773 (pb)

So…does it look like option 2?

Will the DNC push someone forward to replace Biden without any Dem voter input?

Show the dems that the DNC doesn't value their opinion?

Fun watching this play out….

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f905e9 No.21103365

File: ba26fd82bfe1434⋯.png (312.18 KB,830x1523,830:1523,pziser_law1.png)

File: 99be6ab1d2ae663⋯.png (645.17 KB,829x1470,829:1470,pziser_law3.png)

File: dc34215df2ebe6c⋯.png (317.21 KB,828x1495,36:65,pzizer_law2.png)

File: 050c408c68713b2⋯.png (354.02 KB,1023x1602,341:534,pzizer_law4.png)


>That’s who mandated the vaccine. Simple.

ANY org/company that did mandate is on the legal hook.

DJT was lied to by CDC with fudged numbers anyhow. but DJT NEVER mandated.

CDC never mandated.

(YOUR) boss may have ?

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01591d No.21103366

File: f9c9010214ad1fd⋯.jpeg (26.74 KB,500x294,250:147,IMG_1746.jpeg)


Meme god can’t forge a first time never existed before “Vax Card”

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c406f3 No.21103367



Check yourself

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10be2c No.21103368

File: 59ef8c7810b2ae2⋯.jpg (104.92 KB,968x820,242:205,20240628_052108.jpg)

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19e528 No.21103369

File: ec517e28e46a978⋯.png (521.18 KB,666x500,333:250,Trump_keks_Haley.png)


>We just kept taking bets over and over again on Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama

Why not both?

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15a244 No.21103370


And red text for added bonus

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b8ce75 No.21103371


kek. that’s a slimy couch

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d3a24d No.21103372

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/28/2024



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4bdae4 No.21103373

File: 65cd7f38f482b2e⋯.png (731.38 KB,1137x829,1137:829,BidenIsOk.png)

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f905e9 No.21103374


>Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama

>Why not both?

anon can see the posters… "Tranny+Fag" or "Fag+Tranny"

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cb0efa No.21103375

File: 1fdfd795c159f47⋯.png (28.08 KB,598x207,26:9,ClipboardImage.png)

To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.

@BPUnion https://x.com/BPUnion/status/1806501048724430943


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15a244 No.21103376


I want my MTV

We got to move these

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a81d9a No.21103377

File: cc1aa0c0fc04cc7⋯.jpeg (75.64 KB,804x1200,67:100,cc1aa0c0fc04cc74862ae4034….jpeg)


ok, what does that mean or do I really want to know? But I'm taking the meme! TY

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87329e No.21103378


they want you to think it was Biden's incapacity which caused the inability to refute Trump's position - rather than it being the strength of Trump's positions which made them invulnerable.

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19e528 No.21103379

File: b1c2e45afe9d707⋯.png (1.08 MB,1125x1115,225:223,Ooooo_.png)



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129056 No.21103380

File: 6477b133543a651⋯.jpeg (331.39 KB,1130x1785,226:357,IMG_3285.jpeg)

File: 73ca5c71b50a409⋯.jpeg (207.5 KB,1130x1413,1130:1413,IMG_3284.jpeg)

File: c97005523fc5c2d⋯.jpeg (157.35 KB,1130x987,1130:987,IMG_3283.jpeg)

File: 883b0cf7900e7f7⋯.jpeg (168.27 KB,1130x1064,565:532,IMG_3282.jpeg)

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a81d9a No.21103381


stolt! These are great!

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129056 No.21103382

File: a28ba0881b38e3b⋯.jpeg (230.44 KB,1255x1211,1255:1211,IMG_3281.jpeg)

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7c4f5a No.21103383

Who is in control?

That’s who made your grocery prices go up.

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799e79 No.21103384


Anon's opinion is that the reason there exists massive sums of money controlled by half witted buffoons is because the CREATION and distribution of money itself is not subject to market forces.

The creation and distribution of money is monopolistic, central banking is the 5th plank of Marx and Engel's Communist Manifesto.

In such an environment, after over 100 years, the absence of market forces in the creation and distribution of money has created perverse incentives, where merit, productivity and market value have been replaced by political loyalty, obedience, and narrative conformity. It such an environment it is inevitable that there would arise supremely wealthy people who in a free market would not be able to hold more than basic jobs that don't require much in the way of cognitive prowess.

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4cfecc No.21103385

File: 72c8fb4c5851313⋯.png (641.71 KB,770x751,770:751,ClipboardImage.png)


>Anna Paulina Luna

Seems to me she fits the very definition of attractive nuisance.

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a36c2f No.21103386





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aec9bd No.21103387

File: 2ee3e98cc5838c6⋯.jpeg (141.63 KB,828x400,207:100,CA54FC62_8A15_4AA9_8424_0….jpeg)


Circular firing squad begins, commie kidfuckers in a panic.

Driving like assholes too.

Two cats motherfuckers!!!


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ae6c3a No.21103388


"Please don't take our vote for Biden as support for Biden. It's just that we only vote Democrat by Union Policy."

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c406f3 No.21103389


Woah where did 25million come from this is bad for PEDUS 46

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01591d No.21103390


Meme god can’t coupon

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a81d9a No.21103391


he needs to sniff a little kid!

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10be2c No.21103392


Some college chick went viral for saying "hawk tuah! spit on that thing! when asked what does a man want most

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a36c2f No.21103393

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87329e No.21103394


nyc Adams & hochel

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efcb19 No.21103395

Truth belongs with the people.

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d6dd86 No.21103396

File: 9693be228925ce2⋯.png (511.85 KB,716x600,179:150,mikegreen.png)

File: 434dd2682f8c78e⋯.png (87.71 KB,593x383,593:383,putin2daysAheadofschedule1.png)

File: 5874b5e78f52bf0⋯.png (269.41 KB,565x608,565:608,navy2daysAhead.png)


>good morning Ralph.


>double tagging. for the sake of routine & continuity.


Had muh reply all ready to post and computer went tits up. One of those days I gues. kek

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a36c2f No.21103397


These are great anon!

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4954be No.21103398


Little faggot claims that Gen Z is "all in" for Biden. I know some Gen Z'ers and that is totally not the case.

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b8ce75 No.21103399

File: 7b755045aca2f80⋯.png (1.09 MB,750x1334,375:667,C5580BB0_4CFF_4C75_877F_62….png)

File: 67671e35dacaf81⋯.png (167.63 KB,690x1422,115:237,8DB6AC96_EDDD_4288_8BAA_1A….png)

File: e02a30f36620eaa⋯.jpeg (68.09 KB,680x680,1:1,2BA47FAA_118D_4A3A_A5C9_F….jpeg)

File: 6cec1cb341cf136⋯.png (38.96 KB,690x542,345:271,DED3C256_CFC6_4A43_8CB8_A5….png)

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10be2c No.21103400

File: 833eb83aa4e579f⋯.mp4 (13.08 MB,1464x1080,61:45,Joeandharry.mp4)

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01591d No.21103401


Too much chic fil a sauce

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799e79 No.21103402


I think that moron holds the record for most contradictory posts in Twitter/X history.

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a81d9a No.21103403

File: 769f3db13f1048b⋯.png (1.03 MB,880x878,440:439,769f3db13f1048b8d140b4f675….png)

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f98a8e No.21103404

notables bun @670

post count accurate ^^^

czech em

#25867 >>21102595

>>21102641, >>21102664, >>21102674 Joe Biden tweeted 23 times during the presidential debate. Donald Trump is a convicted felon with the morals of an alley cat.

>>21102746 KEK: John Stossel w/CAP: On the way to Los Angeles to moderate RFK Jr’s “alternate debate.”

>>21102783, >>21102910, >>21102791, >>21102798, >>21102801, >>21102822, >>21102836, >>21102866, >>21102874, >>21102880, >>21102989, >>21103068, >>21103160, >>21103173

>>21103240, >>21103303, >>21103338, >>21103349 'It was that bad' mini-bun

>>21102930 Biden’s Treasury Advisor Blames DEI Mandate for Bad Boss; ‘THIS ADMINISTRATION IS A MESS’

>>21102937 Maricopa County Election Worker Arrested

>>21102970 Federal judge says Alaska tribes may put land into trust, a step toward ‘Indian country’ here

>>21103084 Sheriff's deputy shot to death in 'ambush' while tracking stolen SUV in Detroit

>>21103095, >>21103111 Trump just released a brutal 95 second ad of Joe Biden's debate lowlights

>>21103217, >>21103316 Habbenings for 6/28/2024

>>21103266 Biden official: He's not dropping out

>>21103372 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/28/2024

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9d5ce8 No.21103405

File: 075f1976c86ed15⋯.jpg (68.22 KB,640x718,320:359,075f1976c86ed150c800baeaba….jpg)

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b8ce75 No.21103406

File: 8cf07a658fa1dba⋯.png (806 KB,750x1334,375:667,ECF124B7_E666_4772_A49F_E9….png)

File: 7b755045aca2f80⋯.png (1.09 MB,750x1334,375:667,4BC0AA01_EE99_4BEE_ACFA_8B….png)

File: 6cec1cb341cf136⋯.png (38.96 KB,690x542,345:271,2A6735C5_7694_4963_9950_4B….png)


fucked that up a bit. see above.

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a36c2f No.21103407


..the love of money.

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799e79 No.21103408


He looks like his mom drank alcohol while pregnant.

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9d5ce8 No.21103409


Probably definitely after.

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1e6f10 No.21103410

File: d26f8f27903ee8c⋯.png (70.9 KB,1614x693,538:231,ClipboardImage.png)


and biden's still the favorite to be the nominee too

no juice for that squeeze

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87329e No.21103411

File: 2b08d17dd199c18⋯.jpg (567.47 KB,672x1000,84:125,firghtgoodvsevin.jpg)


Angry because Trump was given a chance to speak.

Remember, he's supposed to be gagged (in their world)

They can't win if we are allowed to speak.

That's why the censorship and attacks.

They can't meet us on our own grounds.

And must always slant the playing field.

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d6dd86 No.21103412

File: 63a52e996102703⋯.png (160.33 KB,396x327,132:109,ralph3c_17.png)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

>Something with an extra kick to get the weekend started would be quite nice this morning.

Excellent idea! considering I'm still on vacation. Looks like a beautiful day too.

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799e79 No.21103413


Reports say that Joe Biden's actions is proof "it's the whites".

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0d899d No.21103414


Same pic….."The idea……



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33be94 No.21103415

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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33be94 No.21103416

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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19e528 No.21103417

File: edfa862ef21a32a⋯.jpg (99.59 KB,1842x1036,921:518,Greta3.jpg)

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cb0efa No.21103418

File: 5fa2f166f911aaf⋯.png (2.05 MB,1290x1695,86:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f2985 No.21103419


>When was sugar first harvested?

What are you implying? Man has been harvesting all forms of plants and fruits since the beginning. Plants and fruits are typically the main source of carbs which the body breaks down into simple sugar (glucose).

>When did people first eat meat?

There is a difference between what the brain "feeds" on vs brain development. Know the difference.


Who's the moran?

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129056 No.21103420

File: 7ec68dbf875f873⋯.mp4 (544.62 KB,e86lu5lwX8JzDhjU.MOV)

File: 5c74c0a8ef33f7f⋯.jpeg (256.01 KB,1130x1417,1130:1417,IMG_3288.jpeg)

File: cc3d84a445799c2⋯.jpeg (240.55 KB,1130x828,565:414,IMG_3287.jpeg)

File: 61b1a4183583e6e⋯.jpeg (209.36 KB,1130x1207,1130:1207,IMG_3286.jpeg)

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4102d7 No.21103421


great job, joe, let's get you some ice cream

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4bdae4 No.21103422

File: 86e6169fa0e0583⋯.png (755.77 KB,1137x829,1137:829,WTF.png)

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33be94 No.21103423

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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19e528 No.21103424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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241086 No.21103425

File: acf9323463a73c8⋯.png (1.37 MB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_1082.png)

Even AI is a controlled narrative:

“Biden lunges at Trump” gabAI produces:

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f98a8e No.21103426


needed some bakin musak ty

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1e6f10 No.21103427

File: 6232e95cf826401⋯.png (152.32 KB,1032x826,516:413,ClipboardImage.png)

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77e710 No.21103428

File: e9c1b32d924323b⋯.png (853.15 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN540.png)

This is why the GOP slowed down the impeachment process.

We don't want the Potato replaced.

They said he was fine.

They lied.

They made their bed.

Now they have to 'lie' in it.

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ed499e No.21103429

File: 1f660a8dcc839a0⋯.jpg (50.2 KB,486x960,81:160,1f660a8dcc839a04808f9e86bf….jpg)



Back at ya, Swordy.

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129056 No.21103430

File: fb6a9edec9dfdf5⋯.jpeg (32.33 KB,172x255,172:255,IMG_3289.jpeg)

File: 96370c01bee64c9⋯.jpg (429.86 KB,742x1142,371:571,IMG_1722.jpg)

File: c51c4cc5a8097d7⋯.jpeg (86.4 KB,801x401,801:401,F2432EC7_5423_42DB_9467_A….JPEG)

File: 1be5599f341afc8⋯.jpg (95.84 KB,695x500,139:100,IMG_1730.JPG)

File: 66c0c0edd183492⋯.mp4 (64 KB,480x480,1:1,GPlVa0EbMAAV_Vc.mp4)

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3821ed No.21103431

File: ea3fe8b2cce3ee9⋯.jpg (3.18 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20221008_165831.jpg)

Get some Satori down your neck it will change your life

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f98a8e No.21103432


kek biden's leg

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0d899d No.21103433

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cad24d No.21103434

Donald Trump is just a jew dick sucker. He is the Hack too girl for jewish dick. He won't achieve anything towards solving the real problems

Biden is like a ‘Palestinian’ – Trump

The former US president accused his successor of failing to help Israel “finish the job” against Hamas

Biden is like a ‘Palestinian’ – Trump

US President Joe Biden © Getty Images / Anadolu; Kyle Mazza

US President Joe Biden has acted “like a Palestinian” in his approach to the Israeli-Hamas conflict by failing to help the Jewish state eliminate the Gaza-based militant group, Donald Trump claimed during Thursday’s first US presidential debate.

During a foreign policy segment of the CNN-moderated face-off between the two top contenders for the US presidency that took place in Atlanta, Georgia, Trump criticized Biden for failing on multiple fronts, including in his handling of the conflict in Gaza.

Biden stated that he had secured an across-the-board agreement for a three-stage plan to end the war in Gaza, which he claimed has been endorsed by “everyone from the United Nations Security Council, straight through the G7 to the Israelis and [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu.”

“The only one who wants the war to continue is Hamas,” Biden said.

Trump, however, claimed that his opponent was wrong to think that Hamas is “the only one who wants to keep going” and suggested that Israel is “the one that wants to go.” The former president insisted that Washington should have long allowed the Jewish State to “finish the job” against the Palestinian militants.

“He doesn’t want to do it. He’s become like a Palestinian,” Trump said of Biden. “But they don’t like him because he’s a very bad Palestinian. He’s a weak one.”

Trump and Biden accuse each other of ‘encouraging’ PutinREAD MORE Trump and Biden accuse each other of ‘encouraging’ Putin

Biden admitted that his administration has withheld one shipment of 2,000-pound bombs to Israel but argued that these munitions “don’t work very well in populated areas” and “kill a lot of innocent people.”

However, he claimed that his government had provided Israel with all other kinds of weapons and had “saved Israel,” proving the US to be the “biggest producer of support for Israel than anyone in the world.”

“We’ll continue to send our experts and our intelligence people so that they get Hamas like we did Bin Laden,” the president proclaimed, suggesting that Hamas has already been “greatly weakened” and “should be eliminated.”

Israel declared war on Hamas after the Palestinian militant group launched a surprise attack on the south of the country, taking over 200 hostages and leaving more than 1,200 dead. The military campaign has inflicted widespread destruction in Gaza; more than 37,000 have been killed during the months of fighting, according to the enclave’s health ministry.

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b8ce75 No.21103435


top kek

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8a8d64 No.21103436

File: 727bbae8752f6d8⋯.jpg (102.7 KB,400x560,5:7,727bbae8752f6d850a400c8628….jpg)

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799e79 No.21103437


>There is a difference between what the brain "feeds" on vs brain development. Know the difference.

There is a difference between what the brain feeds on and what the body ingests to produce what the brain feeds on. Learn the difference.

Your brain can live on ketones. There are people who ONLY eat meat, for every meal, every day, they don't eat any sugary fruits or carbohydrates from breads, and guess what, they(we) are healthy and brains are functioning at a high level.

The doctrine of "fat bad, sugar ok" is from a flawed 1950s study, FUNDED BY THE SUGAR INDUSTRY, and guess what, that's when the obesity epidemic started.

You don't know what the hell you're talking about, you're trying to poison people. STFU

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d6dd86 No.21103438

File: 9008e8f77feeb9d⋯.png (383.58 KB,1107x565,1107:565,Screenshot_2024_06_28_at_0….png)

in theremoved

10 mins


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/27/2024 23:28:12

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 112692120272329840

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Image Name: baf017918c936faa.mp4

Filename: baf017918c936faa.mp4



[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/27/2024 23:18:08

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 112692080722316882DELETED TRUTH

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Image Name: 91ef3d92a4928895.mp4

Filename: 91ef3d92a4928895.mp4


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f98a8e No.21103439

final bun for #25867

backup baker in the bullpen? gotta wurkfag just after the top

czech em

#25867 >>21102595

>>21102641, >>21102664, >>21102674 Joe Biden tweeted 23 times during the presidential debate. Donald Trump is a convicted felon with the morals of an alley cat.

>>21102746 KEK: John Stossel w/CAP: On the way to Los Angeles to moderate RFK Jr’s “alternate debate.”

>>21102783, >>21102910, >>21102791, >>21102798, >>21102801, >>21102822, >>21102836, >>21102866, >>21102874, >>21102880, >>21102989, >>21103068, >>21103160, >>21103173, >>21103240, >>21103303, >>21103338, >>21103349 'It was that bad' mini-bun

>>21102930 Biden’s Treasury Advisor Blames DEI Mandate for Bad Boss; ‘THIS ADMINISTRATION IS A MESS’

>>21102937 Maricopa County Election Worker Arrested

>>21102970 Federal judge says Alaska tribes may put land into trust, a step toward ‘Indian country’ here

>>21103084 Sheriff's deputy shot to death in 'ambush' while tracking stolen SUV in Detroit

>>21103095, >>21103111 Trump just released a brutal 95 second ad of Joe Biden's debate lowlights

>>21103217, >>21103316 Habbenings for 6/28/2024

>>21103266 Biden official: He's not dropping out

>>21103372 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/28/2024

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Post last edited at

129056 No.21103440

File: 9b4b1f7a842f453⋯.png (97.24 KB,318x296,159:148,9b4b1f7a842f453a8d91de2c10….png)

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234094 No.21103441

Is this a Bidan face turn in the movie?

Seems like Dems are going to deep state him like they did Trump. Pretty sure Trump said "It can happen to you" to Bidan when the election was stolen.

Pretty clear that Dems used Biden for the first debate to look bad to avoid taking any hit on the issues.

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367131 No.21103442


>Excellent idea! considering I'm still on vacation. Looks like a beautiful day too.

Having nothing to do and all day to do it is a wonderful thing.

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2768cb No.21103443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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42c095 No.21103444

File: c70abb8c2f09f80⋯.jpg (28.35 KB,720x405,16:9,Johnny_Ringo_Meme.jpg)

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046d10 No.21103445

The deer are eating my hydrangeas, sunflowers, and rudbeckia this year even with Irish soap spread out. Anybody got good suggestions to keep them away?

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b8ce75 No.21103446

File: 5dadbd1ed4ade49⋯.jpeg (34.1 KB,318x405,106:135,E61151C8_11E0_4473_A5A1_9….jpeg)

File: afbaf42d91aa76d⋯.png (648 KB,690x1904,345:952,50581D61_9A51_4B18_9645_63….png)


God bless you Swordy and all onboard.

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4bdae4 No.21103447

File: 9eb62874d2f90c1⋯.png (751.25 KB,1137x829,1137:829,SeftServes.png)

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19e528 No.21103448

File: e4701ef582495cf⋯.png (126.02 KB,530x460,53:46,pepe_ponder.png)


>Seems like Dems are going to deep state him

It seems deliberate, but then again, they are absolutely panicking today, so that makes it look more like they fucked up.

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7bef91 No.21103449


spouse eats a ribeye every day for last 6 mos, along with cheese omelets, all sorts of fish, bacon, and other meats

has lost 50 lbs, energetic, feels great

wants to eat like this forever

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42c095 No.21103450

File: 39b47851ad3eb5b⋯.jpg (62.71 KB,607x680,607:680,CNN_We_are_fucked.jpg)

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799e79 No.21103451



Self and spouseanon stopped eating sugar and carbs and have been the healthiest ever, lost excess fat, lots of energy to exercise.

Never going back.

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aec9bd No.21103452

File: b0e7e9c8cfadf28⋯.jpeg (151.11 KB,529x426,529:426,256B36C2_656D_40C6_B44D_0….jpeg)

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01591d No.21103453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Who do you think I am!? Swordy is. Bless up

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42c095 No.21103454

File: 1e8dd05dac1ab00⋯.jpg (839.44 KB,3000x2509,3000:2509,hunter_titanic.jpg)

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a79493 No.21103456

File: 041e9107a3be82c⋯.png (162.71 KB,343x535,343:535,041e9107a3be82c647ffe109a4….png)


Someone is in total control of this shit show and it ain't the dems.

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367131 No.21103457


>The deer are eating my hydrangeas, sunflowers, and rudbeckia this year even with Irish soap spread out. Anybody got good suggestions to keep them away?

12ga shotgun?

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42c095 No.21103459

File: 852bb0d6f4afe37⋯.mp4 (3.28 MB,1024x576,16:9,Titanic_dems.mp4)

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aec9bd No.21103461

File: c62640d451a52e2⋯.jpeg (124.38 KB,828x429,276:143,7034B175_123A_489D_9D51_7….jpeg)

File: e2d89a78ad7ee87⋯.jpeg (348.53 KB,743x1010,743:1010,66F3DE3E_A494_4E54_862F_4….jpeg)

File: b4ce599eef84aae⋯.jpeg (310.16 KB,828x968,207:242,94580F5F_AF00_46A8_8966_8….jpeg)

File: 1ff01daa32b4b07⋯.jpeg (9.64 KB,127x128,127:128,618EE4E3_8EC6_4AE6_BF96_3….jpeg)

File: 5c4ce2a140aaed7⋯.jpeg (397.36 KB,757x816,757:816,646150F7_8941_4A76_B470_D….jpeg)

Make a move cunts.

Stupid, fat, old and ugly pieces of fuckin shit.

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01591d No.21103462


Q = Alice

How many moves left on the board? They’ve been in checkmate for a decade

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19e528 No.21103463

File: 9f74d4db6bc10c7⋯.png (189.57 KB,398x442,199:221,pepe_5.png)


3D coyote scarecrow.

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99e8ea No.21103464

File: 0a2aba3fbe1e0f6⋯.png (1019.74 KB,565x659,565:659,0a2aba3fbe1e0f6a2804513eac….png)


mornin mornin baker

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2e62a3 No.21103467

File: 29633290e8f3d99⋯.jpg (221.06 KB,1024x653,1024:653,29633290e8f3d993264352df32….jpg)


>12ga shotgun


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01591d No.21103469

File: 2bb8aa9ba886ae7⋯.jpeg (54.41 KB,381x410,381:410,IMG_1439.jpeg)


I’m tryna get husky yo send me ur carbs

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42c095 No.21103471

File: 33ae73845888828⋯.gif (4.73 MB,544x306,16:9,aoc_hologram_dc.gif)

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19e528 No.21103474

File: 3f1b0974b118cbb⋯.png (288.34 KB,1300x953,1300:953,ClipboardImage.png)


>send me ur carbs

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42c095 No.21103475

File: e28e05405241773⋯.png (227.84 KB,540x354,90:59,2023_08_07_DC_Storm.png)

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87a201 No.21103476

File: 94e3580f9839726⋯.png (54.23 KB,512x267,512:267,A44gZ9nmGnlg.png)

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19e528 No.21103479

File: c3c64c7c38b6115⋯.jpg (131.78 KB,1070x1034,535:517,top_fkn_kek_.jpg)

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799e79 No.21103481


you won't get muscular that way.

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77e710 No.21103482

File: 61ba89f63a3077a⋯.png (606.19 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN541.png)

If looks could kill…

Even in his drug induced stupor, Joe knows he is toast.

Definitely better to watch the clips than the debate. I would have enjoyed watching the Potato splat all over the pavement, but I still would have been so pissed at his lies. I'm not certain my screen would have been intact even a few minutes in.

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929da2 No.21103483

File: ed3a2f8b7037bc5⋯.jpg (127.95 KB,1416x1522,708:761,ed3a2f8b7037bc5c50073d07f3….jpg)


That is the ultimate "Moral Hazzard"!

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799e79 No.21103484


>with every cell in my body

nah, more like a brain brainwashed by fake news.

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5f303b No.21103485




showing your ignorance

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42c095 No.21103487

File: d184339c6e20f84⋯.jpg (106.65 KB,325x631,325:631,Beserker_Isle_of_Lewis_Che….jpg)

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2768cb No.21103488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


~05:20 min-mark

"The name and the word 'Gould/Gold'"

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01591d No.21103489



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f98a8e No.21103492

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

TGIF Bread Just Ahead





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799e79 No.21103497

Anon notices a pattern.

Every time sugars, carbs and fats are mentioned, suddenly like clockwork there appears posts trying to perpetuate the fat bad sugar ok narrative

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2e62a3 No.21103506

File: 89ef1d35bcc2d7f⋯.jpg (30.61 KB,610x769,610:769,lewis_queen.jpg)

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5d2f0e No.21103510

File: 43788320cca839e⋯.png (175.64 KB,386x485,386:485,ck.PNG)


Drag Queen "Brigette Bandit" on CNN reacts to states passing laws protecting children from sexual predators:

"Drag is not inherently sexual."

Do these people think dressing like a cartoon woman on national TV helps their cause?

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