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File: 69a4d2ec5235c5c⋯.png (957.81 KB,1371x764,1371:764,jf87fj9f78eidkhjg98d8fgjwl….png)

32b09a No.21101005 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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32b09a No.21101012

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 Australia #36

>>21066859 Canada #60

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>>19804572 UK #51


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

>>20736492, >>18311579, >>20673838 "Baker on Duty" - what it means

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

>>20926627, >>20947983 Anon notables/making changes: generally, once a bread baked, it's baked


>>21074755, >>21074757, >>21074766 MASSIVE SPAM ATTACK on catalog, BAKERS: PLZ GET REPORTER STATUS SO YOU CAN BAKE NEW


#25864 >>21100180

>>21100209, >>21100214, >>21100223, >>21100228, >>21100239, >>21100261, >>21100277, >>21100378, >>21100566, >>21100664, >>21100835 Memes

>>21100328 Biden says the millions of illegal aliens he has ferried into the country is "the reason why we have the most successful economy in the world"

>>21100408, >>21100418 #IncestJoe Make It Trend

>>21100493 LIVE Debate Aftermath: Expert Reactions - John B Wells LIVE

>>21100505 Presidential Debate Transcript

>>21100519 @RNCResearch Somebody Screwed Up The Cocktail

>>21100713 John King: Democrats are considering going to the White House to ask Biden to step aside

>>21100729, >>21100839 BREAKING: Just as the debate came to a close, Jill Biden rushed to the stage to lead Joe Biden off

>>21100743 @DonaldJTrumpJr Post of the night…

>>21100757 BREAKING: 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic - NBC

>>21100765 The New York Times published a “this is a disaster” piece 30 minutes into the debate.

>>21100781 Golf digest list of top 100 DC golfers and Donald Trump goes to 11


>>21100843 @RepLuna After tonight’s debate, it’s clear: America cannot go ONE MORE DAY without hearing the Hur-Biden tapes

>>21100859 Democrats: You own this. You have to eat this entire sh*t sandwich now.

>>21100883 Now you all see why Gavin Newson is in the spin room tonight at the debate as a “guest” of the Biden campaign.

>>21100885 Pundits say debate spells trouble for Biden

>>21100902 @JasonMillerinDC “I GOT MY HANDICAP WHEN I WAS VICE PRESIDENT.” I’m dead!!! ☠️☠️☠️

>>21100919 @Ultrafrog17 Biden is somehow posting on X while he's debating with Trump.

>>21100971 #25864

#25863 >>21099276

>>21099302 President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21099348, >>21099412, >>21099483 @DanScavino ARE YOU KIDDING ME??

>>21099396, >>21099577 Come in Obama, Obama Come In Help help help

>>21099451 Communist News Network sucks

>>21099473 Bill Gates Is Investing "Billions" In The New Wave Of Nuclear Power

>>21099483, >>21099541 DJT: “I really don’t know what he says at the end of that sentence—I don’t think he knows what he said either”

>>21099619, >>21099727 Border Patrol Union: To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden

>>21099762, >>21099741, >>21099760 SUPER PREDATORS Meme It

>>21099483, >>21099541 DJT: “I really don’t know what he says at the end of that sentence—I don’t think he knows what he said either”

>>21099619, >>21099727 Border Patrol Union: To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden

>>21099918 JUST IN - “President Biden has a cold." - NBC reports citing two sources

>>21099969 Presidential Debate Transcript


>>21100095 @MTG Biden couldn’t get hired as a Walmart greeter and he has the nuclear codes.

>>21100145 #25863

#25862 >>21098431

>>21098466 il Trump TRUTHS

>>21098473 Watching DEBATE here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps1X_1KZfN4

>>21098481, >>21098746, >>21098780, >>21098815, >>21098820, >>21098861, >>21098945, >>21098959, >>21099074 Memes

>>21098565, >>21098577, >>21098626, >>21098977, >>21099103 @DanScavino - Habbenings #TRUMP2024

>>21098898 Arnold is sorry he's a douchebag

>>21098934 Night Owl News Archives - Debate 06/27/2024

>>21098967 AirBNB sold by Co-founder Joseph Gebbia sells $100.66m June 25

>>21099162 Debate Notes


#25861 >>21097532

>>21097582 Donald Trump vs Joe Biden Presidential Debate – 9:00pm Livestream – Open Discussion Thread

>>21097919, >>21097941, >>21097956 RAV, >>21097965, >>21097983, >>21098128, >>21098192, >>21098298 DEBATE LINKAGE - WATCH LIVE

>>21097596, >>21097609 Debate Day, Exclusive Interview with Glenn Beck | TRIGGERED w/Don Jr.

>>21097668, >>21097693 This submission in the 9/11 case was just released on the war court site

>>21097685 Arnold Schwarzenegger issues public apology for saying Screw Your Freedom during Pandemic

>>21097725 White House Press Corps Forced to Watch Feed of CNN Debate From Building Across the Street Because They Believe There May Be a “Medical Emergency”

>>21097745 Since 2019, not a single 8th grade student at LeBron James' 'I Promise School' has passed the state’s math proficiency exam

>>21097762, >>21098091, >>21097892 PF

>>21097835, >>21097945, >>21098078, >>21098178, >>21098354 il TRUMP TRUTHS

>>21097903 Whoopi Goldberg Melts Down "stop calling him the president. He is not the president" "yet"

>>21097911, >>21097917 @DanScavino https://factcheckbiden.com FACT CHECK BIDEN

>>21097916 EU nominates Russia hawk for next top diplomat

>>21097976 @DanScavino @realDonaldTrump en route to CNN for tonight’s debate. THANK YOU, ATLANTA!

>>21098027 Mil Posts / Decodes

>>21098110 NEW Dan! “IF” by Rudyard Kipling

>>21098120 @elonmusk Starlink now available in Madagascar!

>>21098154, >>21098167 moar @DanScavino

>>21098222 STAGE IS SET

>>21098225 Currently there are 1,019,604 Indictments on the Indictments List. 444 954 remain sealed

>>21098218, >>21098231, >>21098249, >>21098267 chicken noodle news has shut down the chat on its live feed.

>>21098322 on June 27, 1778 246 yrs ago Liberty Bell returns home to Philadelphia after the British departure

>>21098353, >>21098368 Delta Today HEART ATTACKS CAN BE DEADLY

>>21098402 #25861

#25860 >>21096738

>>21097153, >>21097410, >>21097423 Presidential Debate links

>>21097463 Trump Jr. Live

>>21097312, >>21097334 The stage is set

>>21097237 This is why the Biden administration demanded no audience at the CNN debate

>>21097355, >>21097372 The Trump Campaign rolled out a new website to fact check Biden during the presidential debate

>>21097248, >>21097314, >>21097352 Legendary

>>21096973 @DanScavino: Trump Force One, wheels down in 20 minutes! #TRUMP2024

>>21097062, >>21097119, >>21097269 Trump Force One, wheels down in Georgia!

>>21097009 Just landed Q delta

>>21097207, >>21097281 President @realDonaldTrump en route to CNN HQ

>>21097411 Almost showtime

>>21096960, >>21097457 Biden spotted

>>21097103, >>21097109, >>21097134 @DanScavino: 🎸 Rock History 🎸

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21096807 Idaho farmers being fined $300 per acre for watering crops

>>21096815 New Details Emerge on Fed Probe of New York Mayor Eric Adams and Top Adviser’s Trips to China

>>21096822 Steve Bannon And Mike Davis React To Idaho Emergency-Abortion Leaks And Ruling

>>21096827 Pornhub to flee five more states in the wake of age-verification laws protecting kids

>>21096872, >>21097033 Bill Gates' 'Apeel' food coating and the 'rubber fruit' phenomenon

>>21096877 Klaus Schwab Tells WEF Elites ‘We Must Force’ Humanity into ‘Collaboration’ with Globalist Agenda

>>21096883, >>21097422 Tractor Supply Announces They’ll Stop Sponsoring Pride Parades, Eliminate DEI After Criticism & Threats Of Boycotts

>>21096985 Jack Posobiec Previews New Book

>>21096989, >>21097298, >>21097461 Moar twisted Instagram accounts

>>21097001 Russia and the United States are keeping communication channels open

>>21097068 S&P Global announces Martina Cheung as CEO

>>21097096 NFL hit with $4.7 billion verdict in 'Sunday Ticket' antitrust trial

>>21097115 US Negotiating To Send Israel's Patriot Systems To Ukraine

>>21097120 @NavalInstitute: #OTD in 1968

>>21097140 @ENERGY announces $2.7 billion to secure new sources of domestic uranium enrichment capacity

>>21097197 Caroline Wren Exposes How The FBI Has Targeted A Woman For Reporting Ashley Biden's Diary

>>21097194 China quietly uses cartel drug trade to upend American harmony at home

>>21097259 North Korea Will Reportedly Send Troops To Help Russia in Ukraine War ‘Within a Month’

>>21097280 Top Doctor Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer

>>21097349 Today, Rep. Spartz spoke on the floor in support of her amendment to defund @UN programs not authorized by Congress

>>21097451 @11thAirborneDiv: Here we go!

>>21096790, >>21096853, >>21096898, >>21097353, >>21097399 Memes

>>21097489 #25860

Previously Collected

>>21095090 #25857, >>21095960 #25858, >>21096697 #25859

>>21092046 #25854, >>21093012 #25855, >>21094194 #25856

>>21089586 #25851, >>21090453 #25852, >>21091281 #25853

>>21086510 #25848, >>21087535 #25849, >>21088350 #25850

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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32b09a No.21101021

File: d898b7f8157ca01⋯.gif (4.07 MB,647x396,647:396,d898b7f8157ca015251d7a0bea….gif)



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96a1fc No.21101034

fuck you jim

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32b09a No.21101043

File: 5a427e1a536bdc7⋯.jpg (134.05 KB,1000x1000,1:1,bafkreihp76tadcvbzrijp66yi….jpg)




Baker needs to shitpost

looking for handoff

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b905a1 No.21101044

File: a59e49c35848e43⋯.png (78.82 KB,690x927,230:309,ClipboardImage.png)

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96a1fc No.21101047

and fuck linear time too

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787ccd No.21101048

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f50188 No.21101049

File: b07b7adc399f675⋯.jpg (49.11 KB,750x482,375:241,yahdasdcadf.jpg)

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96a1fc No.21101050




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922365 No.21101051

File: bf529a76b28ac9b⋯.png (292.96 KB,450x421,450:421,ClipboardImage.png)

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8612fb No.21101052

File: 3d8533d50c08a9b⋯.jpg (94.42 KB,500x392,125:98,3d8533d50c08a9ba67e691860c….jpg)

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b905a1 No.21101053

File: 80c520420b981d1⋯.png (70.16 KB,773x827,773:827,ClipboardImage.png)

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09a90b No.21101054

File: a3129e726cb9dea⋯.png (301.83 KB,500x551,500:551,ClipboardImage.png)

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b95f8d No.21101056

File: 02668353a97445e⋯.jpeg (116.98 KB,825x816,275:272,IMG_2435.jpeg)

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8675d7 No.21101057

Trump saves CNN again.

Why does he do it, bros?

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dd02fa No.21101059

KJP tomorrow (probably)

The debate you all saw was a Cheapfake video by the Republicans

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4d56ea No.21101060

File: 5097e45db935d06⋯.png (323.27 KB,1912x1298,956:649,5097e45db935d0670ce7b0bb5f….png)

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761464 No.21101061

File: 399cfb5c7c4f651⋯.png (269.68 KB,561x1664,561:1664,ClipboardImage.png)



you rock

Lookner about to do a poll. Get in there anons

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6979b7 No.21101062

File: 4f7a1f2e00dac64⋯.jpeg (236.01 KB,1111x1740,1111:1740,IMG_5507.jpeg)

#ThisNiggaBiden should make for a hilarious hashtag

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48a111 No.21101063

File: 25cd44638e6e7dd⋯.png (495.88 KB,4200x4200,1:1,25cd44638e6e7dd6fe50ad4fb3….png)



been a min since breads that fast huh

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3e4ac1 No.21101064

File: 7a5242ecd0f4c3f⋯.png (469.64 KB,679x644,97:92,Go_Home_Joe.png)

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4c990d No.21101065

File: 797bf1193e0c011⋯.png (82.32 KB,596x500,149:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e4ff8 No.21101066

File: 62844eb8efc442b⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB,1125x1760,225:352,IMG_1397.jpeg)

You got sauce, Tom?


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b6abfe No.21101067

File: fda946d4c4e4dae⋯.jpeg (36.25 KB,568x509,568:509,9C9C6B19_7BA5_414F_8081_6….jpeg)

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761464 No.21101068

File: 690f462025c289a⋯.png (24.2 KB,468x301,468:301,ClipboardImage.png)

within seconds

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92e207 No.21101069

File: 2e2c990c6d30bd6⋯.jpg (676.31 KB,2476x1440,619:360,Picsart_24_06_05_16_05_29_….jpg)

notso Hon. Jackson. who wo?

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922365 No.21101070


Bakers are Allowed to Shitpost

Bakers get +10 to Shitposting

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edbe6c No.21101071

File: e4510f02d96c7fd⋯.jpeg (58.08 KB,474x278,237:139,IMG_0875.jpeg)

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07d176 No.21101072

Just wanted to take a moment to thank the chan niggers of yesteryear for coming up with the ID+ filter. The ID+ filter makes your life easier! o7

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f50188 No.21101073

Reporter: Colleagues in the House are talking tonight in Washington about replacing [Biden]. Do you support that idea?

Newsome: I would never turn my back on [Biden]…I don't know a democrat in my party that would do so, and especially after tonight. We have his back. We run, not the ninety-yard dash; we are all in. We're gonna double-down in the next few months.

Reporter: What about his performance tonight? Everyone is questioning his performance.

Newsome: Well how about the substance?

Reporter: But it's the performance that everyone's talking about. You have to address the performance.

Reporter: If you're asked, would you be willing to take that ticket?

Newsome: I'm not even; it's not even; I'll never turn my back on [Biden].

Reporter: Do you have any concerns about his fitness for office?

Newsome: None.

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b95f8d No.21101074

File: 2412cf39e02131e⋯.jpeg (995.89 KB,1487x1764,1487:1764,IMG_2261.jpeg)


Fuck magnetoheterodynamics too.

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46c615 No.21101075

File: b8d5e9210e260ae⋯.png (16.85 KB,607x320,607:320,rs.PNG)


Randy the Savage


First question, Biden used up all his time on his answer.

Last question, he had 40 seconds left.

This question, he had 80 seconds left.

He's fading fast.


3:08 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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761464 No.21101076

File: 90a7665c2521231⋯.png (20.75 KB,573x290,573:290,ClipboardImage.png)

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514939 No.21101077

File: 7ed90b1a94c7a94⋯.png (23.51 KB,117x125,117:125,ClipboardImage.png)

Joe's debate performance put him down 12%. O.O


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1456bb No.21101078

Great debate Q+!

Commanded the building despite all the haters

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8675d7 No.21101079

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4c562c No.21101080


Breaking: Biden has been approached by senior members of Congress and DNC and has been told to resign. Reports of an impending cognition test and fitness test have been updated to reflect accuracy; the tests will be a result of him not resigning.

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922365 No.21101081


Are you a Wizard?

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2823fb No.21101082

File: 31545531d878dbf⋯.mp4 (7.34 MB,640x360,16:9,Shadilay_PEPE.mp4)

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f6a856 No.21101083

File: 2d9eecb7e180184⋯.png (317.21 KB,1453x468,1453:468,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0fbdefe74260f01⋯.png (524.84 KB,683x500,683:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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b905a1 No.21101084

File: bfefc6134061983⋯.png (154.61 KB,981x1047,327:349,ClipboardImage.png)

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edbe6c No.21101085


it will take a few days to thaw jimmy out

be patient

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ac27c1 No.21101086

File: 32a54ef5b1ec46d⋯.jpeg (194.06 KB,1200x675,16:9,682A20DF_BE7A_42EE_9F85_A….jpeg)


TY Baker

NightShift is Activated

Enjoy your potato. Not much longer now.

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50bc1d No.21101087

File: b537bb93c8c6a19⋯.png (246.82 KB,402x620,201:310,KaitlynCollins.png)


Hadn't seen't her in a while, but Bitter Bitchface is still as hot as ever.

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782b94 No.21101088

File: fa0ddcfd6b6cd8f⋯.png (328.41 KB,944x530,472:265,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9fad9475c3b5101⋯.mp4 (122.07 KB,260x210,26:21,8hrc1c.mp4)

File: 3baee088973f14d⋯.gif (3.06 MB,600x251,600:251,a_nightshift_new_version.gif)



you forgot to add this below.

btw, anon has the pastebin and you are showing your reeee



lb below

Note:: >>21100801, >>21100819 TRUMP AND BIDEN PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE ON NOW CNN 27TH JUNE 20244!!! - youtube including statements collected.

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761464 No.21101089

File: e0ce4c33b20a081⋯.png (16.21 KB,530x261,530:261,ClipboardImage.png)

@2000 votes

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46c615 No.21101090

File: 2c69b9d4340bf75⋯.png (898.06 KB,1089x643,1089:643,rt.PNG)


Trump Campaign Fact-Checks Biden in Real

Time — Here are the Details (Video)

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 6/27/2024 10:51:33 PM

In a bold move to keep the current administration accountable, the Trump campaign has launched a real-time fact-checking initiative aimed at Joe Biden’s statements during the debate. Here are the details:FACT CHECK: Biden Fueled The Inflation Crisis Crooked Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed inflation was “9%” when he took office, but he couldn’t be more wrong. Biden took office with year-over-year inflation at 1.4% — then promised rising inflation was “transitory” as it went higher and higher, peaking at 9.1% well over a year later. Under Biden, Americans have experienced the longest period of high inflation since the late 1980s —

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b424cf No.21101091

File: 2e760f254b2e00a⋯.png (72.38 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d76a5171a291fb2⋯.jpg (14 KB,320x240,4:3,al_franken_TheUptake_Presi….jpg)

>>21101026 pb

>go to twitter and search "this nigga biden" lmao

go to twitter and search "this nigga biden"

>>21101025 pb

> Biden presidency has been a lie for months, if not a year or more. The emperor has no clothes.

Getting "Ackman? Yeah I forgot all about that guy" vibes

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2ac001 No.21101092

File: d61aa92e9505bfd⋯.png (228.2 KB,499x712,499:712,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c568827131fdc34⋯.png (46.28 KB,705x619,705:619,ClipboardImage.png)

C'mon Man

BIDEN was SACRIFICED publicly tonight.

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32b09a No.21101093


good ol days

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761464 No.21101094



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96a1fc No.21101095

File: 3176d6e13ae5fd4⋯.gif (180.34 KB,638x638,1:1,20200904_125030.gif)


… And the second law.

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ee6b6c No.21101096

File: 6e2903d3c2ec72e⋯.jpg (361.24 KB,1495x790,299:158,Deprogram.jpg)

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8df54a No.21101097


it is the best

find a post by a fuckwit, wait for others to waste energy and time on low iq shit, Filter ID+ - wipe your screen of a lot of fuckwits in one blow


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15c107 No.21101098

Cnn saying Trump did not win debate…they area saying he actually lost and polls will show it.

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9280bc No.21101099

File: 236d893037c5e7c⋯.jpg (25.22 KB,367x435,367:435,photo_2022_01_20_19_53_47.jpg)

People are saying they are going to replace Joe Biden… But that would take TIME.

Why was the presidential debate moved to June instead of August? They are planning something…

Q said that the Democrat party will be no more after this (whatever "this" is).

Anon thinks there will be NO democrat canidate if they take Joe Biden away…

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503e73 No.21101100


you did this the other day too, didn't you, make up something without sauce.

fake and ghay!

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761464 No.21101101

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4627c4 No.21101102

File: d1312b3131f0e04⋯.png (790.72 KB,646x605,646:605,6m346534643654.PNG)

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e553f3 No.21101103

Yall promised Tater would call DJT a nigger on national tv at some point.

Anon still waiting.

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761464 No.21101104


A tad brutal

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46c615 No.21101105

File: d37512f15eac6f2⋯.png (148.86 KB,382x560,191:280,dev.PNG)


CNN is devastated after the debate.

"It's not just panic, it's pain."


"I think there's a lot of people who are going to want to see him consider taking a different course now. There is time for this party to figure out a different way forward if he will allow us to do that. Um. But that was not what we needed from Joe Biden. it's personally painful for a lot of people. It's not just panic, it's pain. From what we saw tonight."


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e3b809 No.21101106

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edbe6c No.21101108


>find a post by a fuckwit


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09a90b No.21101109


>It's always projection with the Trumps

Kek, Filomena projecting his own projection.

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922365 No.21101110

File: 9899ae8f48a874d⋯.mp4 (7.47 MB,888x1094,444:547,9899ae8f48a874d008e64e6d9a….mp4)

You all know what this Means

When Something Bad happens to Biden

a Trump gets Indicted

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c6eddc No.21101111

File: 588f66d93fef0ab⋯.png (192 KB,467x306,467:306,ClipboardImage.png)

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46c615 No.21101112

File: 605dc7864554a31⋯.png (18.18 KB,594x218,297:109,co.PNG)


Candace Owens


You spelled dementia wrong.


Kelly O'Donnell




NEW: Two sources familiar with the situation say “President Biden has a cold.”

3:09 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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503e73 No.21101113


they also need shame and remorse.

they need to admit what they've enabled and apologize to the world for not being honest.

they need to resign themselves.

they should just shut down their network.

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761464 No.21101114

'Biden went to a cabin in the woods for a week to get constantly drilled - Gaetz

Top kek - be offended.

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043863 No.21101115


jim watson

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dd02fa No.21101116

File: 3c3b49a231af2f1⋯.jpeg (171.87 KB,929x921,929:921,IMG_1811.jpeg)

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07d176 No.21101117

File: ddaf5e0f362cb5a⋯.png (91.95 KB,840x560,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Well, the libtards got exactly what they wanted out of this debate….. every reason to replace the tater ASAP. My guess is that will be the 4am talking points.

Never let a crisis go to waste even if you created it.

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86c8b7 No.21101118

>>21101059 Meme it!

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6979b7 No.21101119

File: ef3239e56373cb8⋯.jpeg (32.44 KB,200x199,200:199,IMG_5128.jpeg)


van jones said Trump sounded and looked good but lied and has bad ideas VS. biden sounded and looked bad but told the truth and has good ideas. KEK that's exactly what all their globohomo faggot politicians all do every time. Look good sound good but everything else is bad. Now they want to put that on Trump?!

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15c107 No.21101120

Cat fight coming up between Big MIke and Knee pads

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98bf2e No.21101121

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319615 No.21101122

File: 9fb8ff17e4e69f4⋯.jpg (544.69 KB,1920x1080,16:9,PelosiTicToc.JPG)

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7a4aea No.21101123

More nerdy than you, but surprisingly bigger titties? Not my department..

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e0d8be No.21101124


He said as much in the debate that Trump had trouble coming

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50bc1d No.21101125


I ID+ filtered a couple of newsbots the other day and the only thing that disappeared was the Baker.

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46c615 No.21101126

File: d5deff0c2ab5b15⋯.png (27.93 KB,1623x316,1623:316,ay.PNG)


Andrew Yang Joins Progressive Democrats in Calling for Biden to Step Down

Published Jun 27, 2024 at 10:51 PM EDT

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dd8d68 No.21101127

File: 14b8148d22d8755⋯.gif (2.71 MB,498x280,249:140,14b8148d22d87556ed7a086985….gif)


hey, it's number 1!!!

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15c107 No.21101128


> Cat fight coming up between Big MIke and Knee pads

A tomcat fight?

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e3b809 No.21101129


can' take the bake, will pick up notes for as long as i can

ghost if you need to

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761464 No.21101130

File: 9e1f9631c6c5ba0⋯.jpg (141.37 KB,693x535,693:535,Hello_my_name_is_Multiple_….jpg)


>Two sources familiar with the situation

The PR team should be sacked too.

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a15b22 No.21101131

File: a26706f75175f0e⋯.jpg (627.15 KB,2340x1080,13:6,Screenshot_20240627_223655….jpg)

Debate aftermath. Because common core can't count to VII. TYB anyway.

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25b909 No.21101132

File: b5a891d74a5f5ce⋯.jpg (172.35 KB,720x960,3:4,20240627_211859.jpg)

File: a4281a0e242150f⋯.mp4 (884.71 KB,720x406,360:203,MAGA_War_Room_20240627_4_n….mp4)

File: 465ac11806ca036⋯.jpg (79.02 KB,720x660,12:11,20240627_211838.jpg)

File: fc8377cabbf0284⋯.mp4 (3.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,Juanita_Broaddrick_2024062….mp4)


MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace: "There is a conversation happening inside Biden's circle…there will be stories about a lot of concern…I think conversations range from whether he should be in this race tomorrow morning to…what was wrong with him?"


Holy Shit.

Massive Panic

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06b2be No.21101133



[Difficult time in the venue

Navy.. results?]

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f6a856 No.21101134

File: b5bdd33d670739b⋯.png (466.58 KB,500x552,125:138,ClipboardImage.png)


nice digis.

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07d176 No.21101135


Fucking Kek of the bred right there!

Too fucking funny!

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46c615 No.21101137

File: 12ff2a61ab803fe⋯.png (348.98 KB,599x582,599:582,hs.PNG)


Harry Sisson


Biden won the debate easily. He laid out a vision. A goal. A future that Americans can get behind. Trump was angry, conspiratorial, and deluded.

This debate told us nothing new. It just further proved that Biden is the right choice.



3:51 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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15c107 No.21101138


Pelosi needs to answer about Jan 6

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e0d8be No.21101139


Post 4836 I think.

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761464 No.21101140


they couldn't hide it any longer. But they have done so for years. They're acting surprised, these fucks.

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ac27c1 No.21101141


You are watching a movie.

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e3b809 No.21101142

Gaetz on LIVE Now TV:

very happy about debate results!

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503e73 No.21101143

if they ask Biden to do what College did he'll come out with the following statement:

"I do not choose to run for president in 1928"

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92e207 No.21101144


harry sissy

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d428c8 No.21101145

File: a1cce7a84773cd0⋯.jpg (107.39 KB,1103x729,1103:729,wow.jpg)

File: 50aa5fe862c0807⋯.jpg (98.2 KB,773x627,773:627,wow1.jpg)


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46c615 No.21101146

File: a5e8d702bdfe3f9⋯.png (193.19 KB,603x514,603:514,gr.PNG)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



enters the green room @CNN

in Atlanta, Georgia—after a massive victory on the debate stage tonight…CONGRATS 45–47, and @TeamTrump

! #TRUMP2024

4:08 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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f50188 No.21101147

Reporter: Why is Governor Gavin Newsome here tonight?

Gaetz: I think Governor Newsome is here to check to see if Joe Biden still has a a pulse anymore. He's a pretty opportunistic guy who wants to be president, and right now the democrats are in a state of free-fall.

Reporter: Do you think the Joe Biden campaign has collapsed after this debate?

Gaetz: The Biden campaign has collapsed; disintegrated. Joe Biden is clearly a man in decline.

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15c107 No.21101148


This will be the talking point by tomorrow.

CNN is already saying it

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ccd90b No.21101149

File: 05ec518fea70f5e⋯.jpg (206.31 KB,1922x743,1922:743,_20240627_232307.JPG)

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50bc1d No.21101150

File: 1cb8a559fe38b67⋯.jpg (4.28 KB,187x200,187:200,GlorkTheCubsFag.jpg)


Glork, it's so good to see you posting incognito again on QResearch.

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e5a8d6 No.21101151

File: f6aa8adb39b335b⋯.png (1.51 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump is wheels up.


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ccd90b No.21101152

File: 05ec518fea70f5e⋯.jpg (206.31 KB,1922x743,1922:743,_20240627_232307.JPG)

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3d2e0e No.21101153

i don't believe they're going to swap biden out, monkey code

not enough time

and it wouldn't make a difference to the establishment anyway since they obviously stole the last election

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10fb30 No.21101154

File: a4abeb05f7c042d⋯.png (222.4 KB,625x466,625:466,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



.@realDonaldTrump enters the green room@CNN in Atlanta, Georgia—after a massive victory on the debate stage tonight…CONGRATS 45–47, and @TeamTrump! #TRUMP2024

Jun 28, 2024 · 3:08 AM UTC


Hi Q+

Great job

Thanks for everything.


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761464 No.21101156


Harry still needs his paycheck.

We need some Titanic memes

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6979b7 No.21101157

File: 7f4c819ed99a615⋯.gif (259.86 KB,360x346,180:173,IMG_5510.gif)

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922365 No.21101158

File: 13e40fb7571c2f9⋯.png (418.01 KB,611x608,611:608,ClipboardImage.png)

Here we Go

25th Amendment

Joe Leaves

Kamala Becomes POTUS

Kamala Chooses Big Mike as VP

Kamala Steps Down

Big Mike becomes POTUS

Big Mike Chooses HRC as VP

Big Mike & HRC Cancel Elections

Martial Law Activated

Insurrection Act Activated

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32b09a No.21101159

File: dc83dca35547133⋯.png (1.22 MB,974x1197,974:1197,dc83dca35547133b23af0546f9….png)

File: af48ecfecb0929d⋯.webp (160.55 KB,500x346,250:173,af48ecfecb0929d938797f846….webp)



ty note anon

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46c615 No.21101160

File: caa5641367b6ffe⋯.png (634.86 KB,703x761,703:761,pow.PNG)


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c6eddc No.21101162

File: ca15d917cb5a7ca⋯.png (553.83 KB,766x474,383:237,ClipboardImage.png)

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e553f3 No.21101163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This for [you], Tater

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2ac001 No.21101164

File: 8ddd764615f0169⋯.png (15.81 KB,589x128,589:128,ClipboardImage.png)

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782b94 No.21101165

File: 96b97c22d972aca⋯.png (688.04 KB,500x522,250:261,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 132ecbb2322d415⋯.png (667.26 KB,556x500,139:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 698b98ed1eab473⋯.png (570.08 KB,500x530,50:53,ClipboardImage.png)


seen'it many times

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c093e3 No.21101166

File: f984953739d46f0⋯.jpeg (77.39 KB,639x412,639:412,IMG_0840.jpeg)


>Baker needs to shitpost

ok, as long as they are not too gay

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2ac001 No.21101167

File: f8b561ce3cad700⋯.png (11.78 KB,689x149,689:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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503e73 No.21101168


these people probably all loath one another.

they aren't going to give up so easily.

you think Kamala really would step down if Biden resigned?

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15c107 No.21101169


I don’t either. Because it would cause a big rift between the Obama’s, the Biden’s, and the Kamala’s….and all blacks….not a good look.

CNN is already changing the narrative that Biden did not win and neither did Trump

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46c615 No.21101170

File: ee03557ea22b718⋯.png (278.11 KB,591x496,591:496,force.PNG)


RNC Research


Jill, Ed.D., is forced to literally walk Crooked Joe off stage following his humiliating debate performance. YIKES!

3:56 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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e2dfd5 No.21101171

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6cbddb No.21101172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ed5d42 No.21101173

File: c23084dcb31021e⋯.mp4 (370.74 KB,640x360,16:9,65346g46h4364.mp4)



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09a90b No.21101174

File: 7a44b473b94036f⋯.png (227.41 KB,620x465,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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46c615 No.21101176

File: 5d5ffc12e69e47d⋯.png (27.42 KB,596x331,596:331,cords.PNG)


Steven Cheung


What a bullshit excuse. Even his own team knows Biden is doing horribly, so they’re concocting some harebrained scheme.

That’s what happens when you have junior staffers and interns running your campaign.


Nancy Cordes




A source familiar with the President's debate prep confirms that POTUS who has a noticeably raspy voice has been battling a cold the past few days.

3:11 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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15c107 No.21101177

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2ac001 No.21101178


Gaetz VP?

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b95f8d No.21101180

File: 5b7171c805fa898⋯.jpeg (55.51 KB,451x354,451:354,IMG_2396.jpeg)

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8df54a No.21101181

File: 0fe962eb6465e59⋯.png (65.94 KB,1204x411,1204:411,ClipboardImage.png)

Border Patrol Union - NBPC


To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.

1:33 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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e335ce No.21101182

File: b39fc5860579ffc⋯.mp4 (2.16 MB,1280x720,16:9,65346534g653hh4634.mp4)



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e3b809 No.21101183

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92062c No.21101185

Holy shmokes.. I'm actually disappointed with Biden's performance.. Like, it was worse than I expected and I was expecting him to take a shit.

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46c615 No.21101186

File: 4234dff3cd15fa1⋯.png (18.38 KB,604x214,302:107,nus.PNG)




Trump is a genius, they gave him two minutes to answer a question about the "climate crisis" and he instead used the time to list his accomplishments for the black community. He knows normal Americans don't buy the climate bullsh*t

3:05 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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e2dfd5 No.21101187



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b7d526 No.21101188

I wonder if more Dems. or more Repubs. watched this debate.

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50bc1d No.21101190


>common core can't count

B-b-because of the common cold.

Yeah that's the ticket!

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ba5ff8 No.21101191

File: 7f3e8905cdfca13⋯.jpg (20.23 KB,203x255,203:255,f0ef5a9706c40607204a55d212….jpg)




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8e4419 No.21101192

File: 8ad01cdf74ea5c6⋯.gif (258.82 KB,599x599,1:1,IMG_0198.gif)


binary digitz goddamn look at that

checky chkd

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b6abfe No.21101193

File: 345b3d11d10e2c4⋯.jpeg (578.78 KB,828x974,414:487,7A14ECA6_9BAF_491E_8C0C_1….jpeg)

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922365 No.21101195

File: cfe46a220dc85ad⋯.png (15.44 KB,648x253,648:253,ClipboardImage.png)

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2ac001 No.21101196

File: 786badfb384221b⋯.png (54.08 KB,596x290,298:145,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d57d0 No.21101197

File: fbbe2a4e37edf83⋯.png (79.44 KB,1345x543,1345:543,ClipboardImage.png)

Not paying for the full story but heres the headline


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32b09a No.21101198

File: 9c979f5fb2cfc6b⋯.jpg (111.88 KB,469x465,469:465,9c979f5fb2cfc6be237b5b7f32….jpg)

File: 193d35d578ac703⋯.jpg (61.07 KB,620x626,310:313,193d35d578ac703698017ed96f….jpg)

File: 666caae553fa9f4⋯.jpg (44.13 KB,500x679,500:679,666caae553fa9f439ab5ab1e2e….jpg)


well, some might

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d845fd No.21101200


no, need him in the senate

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46c615 No.21101201

File: 678aeadd7f19d85⋯.png (14.99 KB,592x171,592:171,sf.PNG)


Sarah Fields


“There was no inflation when I took office” ~ Biden

Sir, I already know who I’m voting for, you don’t have to convince me!

3:02 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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b95f8d No.21101203

File: 283f78c324a8582⋯.jpeg (90.56 KB,677x477,677:477,IMG_2442.jpeg)

How can anyone be sure CNN presidential debate wasn’t another deep-fake?

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b424cf No.21101204

File: c48f485cba6e0a5⋯.png (4.54 KB,337x202,337:202,ClipboardImage.png)


>Getting "Ackman? Yeah I forgot all about that guy" vibes


>Q said that the Democrat party will be no more after this


1101110 in binary is 110


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54922d No.21101205

File: fa23af99b65536f⋯.jpg (13.24 KB,255x255,1:1,621a7f4cd6072b51a3b2bd274c….jpg)

Is this the part where the deep state trys to get Biden but fails because he is on Airforce 1 in a peoc?

So the Main stream Republicans have to get trump they are running out of time

Basement Joe

Silent running lol

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e5a8d6 No.21101206


>He laid out a vision.

Flat out lie. Show me in the transcript where he did anything other than blame Trump for his problems and take credit for the good things that Trump did.

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8df54a No.21101208

File: 3b8be28091a72ee⋯.png (139.91 KB,1183x694,1183:694,ClipboardImage.png)

Border Patrol Union - NBPC


Biden claimed this morning that Congressional Republicans have blocked his hiring of thousands of Border Patrol Agents. In reality, Republicans have actually funded more agents in recent appropriations bills in spite of Biden—not because of him.

==We wish @realDonaldTrump

luck tonight in the debate and hope he has enough time to point out all of the ways Biden's border policies have failed.==

8:10 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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ba5ff8 No.21101209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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46c615 No.21101210

File: 46a3db60737f0b6⋯.png (23.39 KB,598x252,299:126,kh.PNG)




Regime propagandist is forced to briefly admit truth. It won’t last tho.


Kasie Hunt




The voice, open-mouthed look, and visual contrast between President Biden and former President Trump all have Democrats I'm talking to nearly beside themselves watching this debate

3:07 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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2ac001 No.21101211

File: 36ab604fd27d70c⋯.png (33.13 KB,960x393,320:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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2293ab No.21101212


He's been yelling

Cold excuse covers for the cough syrup amphetamines

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9280bc No.21101214

Remember, this was the first debate Trump had with Biden!!

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e2dfd5 No.21101215



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2b84f3 No.21101217

File: 43f283d3fef88ba⋯.webp (30.42 KB,400x534,200:267,fgoptirudehsjlktuweoi.webp)

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6749c1 No.21101218

BREAKING: It's obvious… they must plunge the nation into absolute chaos and martial law and cancel the elections… brace for impact. BOOMS incoming.

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46c615 No.21101219

File: ce35dd05439d797⋯.png (174.86 KB,602x732,301:366,call.PNG)


Daily Mail US


Biden's early debate performance cues calls for him to be replaced and even for the 25th Amendment to be invoked https://trib.al/IRVxmc0


2:55 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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761464 No.21101220

File: acf11b8ea494e1a⋯.png (1.4 MB,1922x743,1922:743,Debate_2024_Cap_Biden_Pota….png)

File: c5190d3676fb986⋯.png (1.4 MB,1922x743,1922:743,Debate_2024_Cap_Biden_Pota….png)

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b6abfe No.21101222


The first and last

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b424cf No.21101223

File: f597866ee9cdd48⋯.gif (2.54 MB,240x272,15:17,Sparta_Face.gif)


>How can anyone be sure CNN presidential debate wasn’t another deep-fake?

No this one was real. I know because I liked the outcome

It's only fake when it's good for the bad people

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2ac001 No.21101224

File: 423446ee63277a0⋯.png (10.03 KB,634x147,634:147,ClipboardImage.png)

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503e73 No.21101225


nitpicking is a disease, anon.

get help

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d724d0 No.21101226

File: ba09c0bb570cb00⋯.jpg (52.59 KB,499x512,499:512,Resist.JPG)


>Biden won the debate easily.

Leftists feel compelled to drive 15 mph below the speed limit in the left lane to save Gaia and piss off regular Americans.

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0b8b21 No.21101227

File: fa3ddc937efc15d⋯.png (182.69 KB,750x1166,375:583,View_recent_photos_1_.png)


Did DJT Jr have substance abuse issues? I was watching him speak at a Turning Point USA gathering when the Hunter Laptop came out and it almost seemed like he wanted to say something . I was mentioning my time in Crackhouses last bread an d a Book I wrote. I saw Jr in New Hampshire and I gave him a copy. Stupid me I forgot to Sign it.

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e3b809 No.21101228

>>21101112 @RealCandaceO: You spelled dementia wrong. KEK.


that's what i thought.

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50bc1d No.21101229


Moar of this please.

In the battle of who ya gonna believe, us or your lying eyes? this is great to see.

Peak Ded Mockingbird incoming.

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e5a8d6 No.21101230


Self proclaimed postmaster of the world is filtered with extreme prejudice.

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46c615 No.21101232

File: 90f4ee1936223fc⋯.png (197.56 KB,388x423,388:423,joy.PNG)


JOY REID: "My phone never really stopped buzzing throughout. The universal reaction was…approaching panic!"

🔗 (https://x.com/townhallcom/status/1806519685690847386?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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c6eddc No.21101233

File: 7072b833520e170⋯.png (261.57 KB,747x664,9:8,ClipboardImage.png)



Headline just changed

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2293ab No.21101234

File: 4bbe1500dc65e9c⋯.gif (233.22 KB,453x640,453:640,20240627_224847.gif)




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08ae52 No.21101235


I just farted

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15c107 No.21101236

Kamala yelling at Anderson Cooper now.

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304c37 No.21101237

File: 753abb0f2c4cd97⋯.png (528.43 KB,500x625,4:5,5F236BF6_C598_41D2_9F27_56….png)


He does it because he loves America and wants to save America(and the world.)

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e3b809 No.21101238


but you didn't post it.

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b95f8d No.21101239

File: 48f5a1cb19a2a76⋯.jpeg (134.62 KB,1199x630,1199:630,IMG_2443.jpeg)


Lenny Bruce is not afraid.

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8df54a No.21101240



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411009 No.21101241


> cues calls for him to be replaced and even for the 25th Amendment to be invoked


Qs calls for him to be replaced and even for the 25th Amendment to be invoked

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922365 No.21101243

File: 188b9dde6a3bc77⋯.png (36.97 KB,705x412,705:412,ClipboardImage.png)

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761464 No.21101244

File: f2651900f9f7b69⋯.jpg (338.37 KB,500x1289,500:1289,Titanic_Meme_Lords_DiCapri….jpg)

File: 174cc31a6ee6107⋯.jpg (138.32 KB,980x551,980:551,Kamala_Wisconsin.jpg)


Down she goes has multiple meanings.

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9280bc No.21101245

File: e7dace531ae9a16⋯.gif (260.54 KB,640x286,320:143,1668565619334424.gif)

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46c615 No.21101246

File: d0d1201ca38e24a⋯.png (408.99 KB,600x512,75:64,sug.PNG)


Square profile picture



KRISTEN WELKER: "There's no way to sugar coat this…[Biden] delivered a performance that was at times halting, at times he seemed to lose his train of thought…"

3:45 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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15c107 No.21101248

Kamala on CNN yelling at Anderson and auditioning for President.

She willi invoke 25th amendment

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54922d No.21101249

File: fa38c04d5199205⋯.jpg (39.1 KB,431x573,431:573,448583873_1621241752047892….jpg)


No they will try to use the REPUBLICANS to stop him

So vote for Trump Republicans to drain the swamp we will shine the light

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25b909 No.21101250

File: c4469495b17367f⋯.jpg (66.63 KB,720x1083,240:361,20240627_213054.jpg)

File: 86493f2477b6714⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,715x225,143:45,20240627_213156.jpg)

These are the top Twatter trends kek

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292175 No.21101251

CNN turning on Kamala right now. Their ship is sinking - their minions bailing.

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761464 No.21101253

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15c107 No.21101254



I am watching tv

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503e73 No.21101255


is Jesse Smollett her Cousin?

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8df54a No.21101256

File: 29eea7cc5f7da0b⋯.png (442.89 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



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e3b809 No.21101257




collecting notes

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2ac001 No.21101258

File: 143b1dfaaf4b199⋯.png (38.59 KB,1130x359,1130:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6abfe No.21101259

File: 96fd1177e993601⋯.webp (19.51 KB,492x598,246:299,13FC29D7_2587_4655_9D35_2….webp)

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2823fb No.21101260



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7d57d0 No.21101262


will we get a cackle ?

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46c615 No.21101263

File: 5ea52159ebec7d7⋯.png (12.59 KB,591x179,591:179,pan.PNG)


Nancy Mace


John King - PANIC IN THE PARTY - Yes, the president is out of his mind. Literally.

3:41 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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1cba2e No.21101264


Kamaltoe trying to convince Pooper how bad is Orange Man!

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d3968f No.21101265

File: 0d25ff536abed25⋯.jpg (78.31 KB,767x377,59:29,Screen_Shot_2024_06_27_at_….jpg)

File: b73106c09568827⋯.jpg (51.51 KB,653x374,653:374,Screen_Shot_2024_06_27_at_….jpg)







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761464 No.21101266

File: ee892a0efdce722⋯.png (14.39 KB,305x68,305:68,ClipboardImage.png)



on his YT


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99c141 No.21101267

As the world turns…against Joe Biden

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922365 No.21101268

File: 6b1051523a1116e⋯.png (3.19 KB,198x93,66:31,ClipboardImage.png)

Oh Yea

A Happening has begun

A Happening the likes of Which No Happening has ever Happened in the History of all Happenings that ever Happened

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4931d1 No.21101269

File: 95b1de7d53f97f7⋯.png (39.32 KB,1159x301,1159:301,Screenshot_2024_06_27_2134….png)


> it's pain

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2ac001 No.21101270

File: 9ea8dcf193f1259⋯.png (217.53 KB,647x655,647:655,ClipboardImage.png)

He will be removed for much bigger problems.

Trump called him a criminal.

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46c615 No.21101271

File: 8c2d4092fc276d3⋯.png (290.26 KB,596x425,596:425,hav.PNG)


Catturd ™


When adjust the earpiece you're not suppose to have - 😂


Jewels Jones ®




Earpiece itch? 🤣🤣


2:57 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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b424cf No.21101272

File: 5974ef71078c47c⋯.mp4 (12.41 MB,1600x720,20:9,_jan6_trumpwasstillspeakin….mp4)


>Did DJT Jr have substance abuse issues?

They're pushing that lie in the hope sthat it will stick.

They don't have any evidence. Given that Trump has never even drunk one glass of alcohol, I would seriously doubt it

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b7d526 No.21101274


That would be a waste of talent.

VP is basically a do nothing job.

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8df54a No.21101275

File: 3aee53e4beeca40⋯.png (297.5 KB,635x733,635:733,ClipboardImage.png)

Square profile picture

Border Patrol Union - NBPC


We always had similar experiences with President Trump.

Warm, caring, attentive, thankful, respectful and compassionate towards BP agents.


Benny Johnson



Mar 29

CHILLS: Slain NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller's Family guests share how room reacted when Trump arrived to pay his respects ❤️

"They gave him a rousing ovation. They clapped their hands and showed their gratitude for President Trump's kindness and for his compassion. It is a moment

Show more

9:00 PM · Mar 29, 2024





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0b8b21 No.21101276


>Here we Go

>25th Amendment

>Joe Leaves

>Kamala Becomes POTUS

>Kamala ChoosesHer HUSBAND

>Kamala Steps Down

>JEW becomes POTUS


>Jew Cancel Elections

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15c107 No.21101277

I hope they try to bring in Big Mike and throw Kamala under bus.

It won’t be pretty

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e553f3 No.21101278


Amen, amen

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0a20fd No.21101279

File: 92b13ad6b15f34e⋯.png (214.8 KB,363x312,121:104,tiyiutyiutyiutyi.PNG)


>It's not just panic, it's pain.

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2823fb No.21101280

File: bf7b534161e5098⋯.png (46.17 KB,502x331,502:331,ClipboardImage.png)

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761464 No.21101281


good call, bring out the chat logs

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46c615 No.21101282


Trump Campaign Fact-Checks Biden in Real

Time — Here are the Details (Video)

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 6/27/2024 10:51:33 PM

In a bold move to keep the current administration accountable, the Trump campaign has launched a real-time fact-checking initiative aimed at Joe Biden’s statements during the debate. Here are the details:FACT CHECK: Biden Fueled The Inflation Crisis Crooked Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed inflation was “9%” when he took office, but he couldn’t be more wrong. Biden took office with year-over-year inflation at 1.4% — then promised rising inflation was “transitory” as it went higher and higher, peaking at 9.1% well over a year later. Under Biden, Americans have experienced the longest period of high inflation since the late 1980s —

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46c615 No.21101283

File: e8129322de0b61f⋯.png (155.42 KB,594x676,297:338,jp.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


They're losing it

They know what's coming


3:06 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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f56701 No.21101284

File: 86958af0e108fa5⋯.jpeg (296 KB,828x833,828:833,634EE8EB_6593_41B7_B7CE_2….jpeg)


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7cd341 No.21101285

File: d137d9327e238fa⋯.png (444.47 KB,646x726,323:363,ok_then.png)


>'Biden went to a cabin in the woods for a week to get constantly drilled - Gaetz

Biden should have called in sick.

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08ae52 No.21101286

File: 7f8b298c6d92129⋯.jpeg (415.43 KB,633x641,633:641,IMG_1743.jpeg)

File: a1ee81be77372e3⋯.jpeg (48.19 KB,259x194,259:194,IMG_1268.jpeg)


Also exposes Ukrainian/Russian attempts to disguise as a hack via Crowdstrike Cozy Bear and Fuzzy bear. Then we all laugh as the world finds out just how bad they project. Russian Collusion

Does a bear shit in the woods

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2ac001 No.21101287

File: f34bd13b053f5f2⋯.png (71.21 KB,808x544,101:68,ClipboardImage.png)

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e3b809 No.21101289

#25865 >>21101021

>>21101075 First question, Biden used up all his time on his answer. Last question, he had 40 seconds left. This question, he had 80 seconds left.

>>21101077 Joe's debate performance put him down 12%. O.O

>>21101080 Breaking: Biden has been approached by senior members of Congress and DNC and has been told to resign. Reports of an impending cognition test and fitness test have been updated to reflect accuracy; the tests will be a result of him not resigning.


>>21101090 Trump Campaign Fact-Checks Biden in Real Time — Here are the Details (Video) - GP

>>21101105 CNN is devastated after the debate. "It's not just panic, it's pain."

>>21101112 @RealCandaceO: You spelled dementia wrong. KEK.

>>21101137 Harry Sisson: Biden won the debate easily - KEK

>>21101142 Gaetz please re debate

>>21101146 @DanScavino: realDonaldTrump enters the green room @CNN in Atlanta, Georgia—after a massive victory on the debate stage tonight…

EARLIES, still chasin'


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54922d No.21101290

File: 31ab5e2b33e1968⋯.jpg (6.63 KB,274x182,137:91,download.jpg)



Must shelter Joe

Tired of winning cause winning replaces Joe

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50bc1d No.21101291


I was just assuming there'd be some kinda fuckery because this was all too predictable.

How stupid are they for just rolling him out there and expecting a good result?

Or, Q team fucked with the fuckery and they're like oh shit that didn't work wut now???

Or, like has been posted a few times already, it was only June so they rolled him out there to look full tard so they can dump him.

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304c37 No.21101292


Let’s watch Killary lose again.

That would be so sweet.

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6cbddb No.21101293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Amen, amen

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d3968f No.21101294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d8e86f No.21101295


pick someone u can trust but who isn't already doing something else for the nation. That's the only requirement for VP imo

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e3b809 No.21101296

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503e73 No.21101297


I'm going to say 'no'.

the rumor was 'Aunt' but it's not substantiated with any evidence, just a same name but no relation situation as is common, so says a website I saw.

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15c107 No.21101299


That’s the same talking point van jones had

By tomorrow, Trump will have lost debate and Biden will have won….on points

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9280bc No.21101300

File: 8541ec2dc983d30⋯.jpg (30.09 KB,500x544,125:136,1668567694871562.jpg)

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d23e4d No.21101301

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99c141 No.21101302

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0b8b21 No.21101303


Trump ALWAYS says to stay away from it, but being The Trump Kids in New York I would imagine they did some lines once in a while, It isn't so awful, they just didn't make it a habit. Why is Jr with Newsome's seconds is another story. Their romance and how it started would be an interesting story

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46c615 No.21101304

File: 03f2684023d3a71⋯.png (585.23 KB,681x749,681:749,ape.PNG)


Biden Downplays Illegal Migrant Crime

by Saying Women Are Also Raped by In-Laws, Sisters

Breitbart Politics, by Hannah Knudsen

Posted By: Imright, 6/27/2024 10:45:11 PM

President Joe Biden seemingly downplayed illegal immigrant crime during Thursday night’s presidential debate by asserting that women are also raped by their in-laws, brothers, and sisters. “Look, there’s so many young women who have been — including a young woman who just was murdered, and he went to the funeral, and the idea that she was murdered by, by-by an immigrant coming in — they talk about that,” Biden said during the debate, before going on a bizarre rant, seemingly downplaying the reality of illegal immigrant crime by asserting that women are also targeted by their own family members, including in-laws, spouses, brothers, and sisters.

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1cba2e No.21101306


I happen to believe you happen to be correct about happenings!

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761464 No.21101307

Ya know what?

By the end of the day there may be a new President.

Shits about to habben.

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292175 No.21101308


She is super serious right now hasn't even cackled once. I think they stacked Biden with all of Kamala's drugs too.

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e553f3 No.21101309


>Given that Trump has never even drunk one glass of alcohol

Like a Nazarite or something…

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57e73f No.21101310

Anons need a mockingbird media compilation of the talking heads saying PANIC!!!

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6b8991 No.21101311

Potato needs deep pockets right now. He has to keep paying off the Demo-rat elite to stay on the ticket. Did Hunter scam enough cash to pull this one off?

To kick Potato off the ticket, the rats would have to suspend their own rules to release all of the spud’s delegates and line up all the super delegates against him.

I say, don’t let them get away with it. They told us Joe was okay three years ago when we could all see he was not. They are stuck with him! Otherwise, who in their right mind would trust a demo-rat again?

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8df54a No.21101312

File: fe9caf81e0aeebf⋯.png (304.61 KB,778x486,389:243,ClipboardImage.png)


lol, thank you!

she is a bigger fool, jesus christ I cant stand her

had to turn it off..

she is a deadshit-stain

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46c615 No.21101313

File: dad96d863080e8a⋯.png (26.29 KB,597x296,597:296,bp.PNG)


Border Patrol Union - NBPC


Biden claimed this morning that Congressional Republicans have blocked his hiring of thousands of Border Patrol Agents. In reality, Republicans have actually funded more agents in recent appropriations bills in spite of Biden—not because of him.

We wish @realDonaldTrump

luck tonight in the debate and hope he has enough time to point out all of the ways Biden's border policies have failed.

9:10 AM · Jun 27, 2024




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503e73 No.21101314


the rumor: that Kamala was Smollett's aunt, but it's not true.

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2ac001 No.21101315

File: 1c1318f3931a4ea⋯.png (31.01 KB,671x325,671:325,ClipboardImage.png)

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16acba No.21101318

File: 2123ac483181cfb⋯.jpg (116.76 KB,1080x796,270:199,Screenshot_20240627_223737….jpg)

God this is so glorious to watch

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761464 No.21101320


Sally the slut is full of cum. Talking shit.

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b424cf No.21101321

File: bf3be7538a2a000⋯.jpg (60.38 KB,688x388,172:97,trump_cloud1.jpg)


>Like a Nazarite or something…

Something about hair was a big deal for them I recall

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50bc1d No.21101322



That's a prominent chapter in the QR Cheerleaders Guide to Posting.

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d23e4d No.21101323

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e553f3 No.21101325

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46c615 No.21101326

File: 0f7846e611e85a8⋯.png (292.2 KB,598x560,299:280,ends.PNG)


RNC Research


Biden ends his disastrous and humiliating debate performance just as he began — rambling incoherently.

He's not only not playing with a full deck — he can't even find the deck. SAD!

3:40 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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3d2e0e No.21101327


they've hitched their horses to that wagon and know they have to ride it out with him

they will have to try cheating twice as hard come election time with the vote flipping and fake ballots which will make it even more obvious it will be a rigged election and initiate a constitutional crisis or accept defeat

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e2dfd5 No.21101328

illiteracy kills

cure your ignorance

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10fb30 No.21101330

File: 578051511e3d994⋯.png (18.43 KB,620x233,620:233,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53021f522123329⋯.jpg (145.91 KB,1160x773,1160:773,90_2718721913.jpg)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



Will Joe Biden be the Dem Nominee?

YES 14%

NO 86%

2,338 votes • 23 hours

Jun 28, 2024 · 3:34 AM UTC


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15c107 No.21101331

John King Cnn pushing Kamala as a good communicator and feisty fighter

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ecef81 No.21101333


>Harry Sisson

who the hell is ^ this, and why should we give a fuck?

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2ac001 No.21101334

File: e25013936d40345⋯.png (15.66 KB,731x214,731:214,ClipboardImage.png)


He is in the House, not Senate

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0b8b21 No.21101336


Chunk is on point with this one, This Wakes up Everybody, and if they don't want to it's their choice not to.

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922365 No.21101337

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Power to the People

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46c615 No.21101338

File: 64060da83a5b7f3⋯.png (14.87 KB,598x186,299:93,tb.PNG)


Border Patrol Union - NBPC


To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.

Rate proposed Community Notes

2:33 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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e5a8d6 No.21101339

File: 5bcda60ea1c54ef⋯.png (1.26 MB,1920x1011,640:337,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump is not heading back to Mar-A-Lago.


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08ae52 No.21101340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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15c107 No.21101341


Cheating and/or starting a national emergency so no election will be held

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32b09a No.21101342

File: fc846d1693bc9cf⋯.jpg (80.8 KB,622x621,622:621,fc846d1693bc9cf699e5ad1af8….jpg)




slice a pie time

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e553f3 No.21101343


He's definitely been preparing for a very, very long time.

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46c615 No.21101345

File: 44b0703035b7de1⋯.png (12.56 KB,592x150,296:75,dot.PNG)


Kim Dotcom


Biden just said his son died because of Iraq. He died of cancer in the United States. Biden’s brain is shot.

2:50 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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07d176 No.21101347


I love seeing Chink Wigger cry.

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761464 No.21101348

File: 04c8f4d4b601df6⋯.jpg (495.3 KB,1240x697,1240:697,Putin_G20_Conference_Call_….jpg)

What's Putin got to say?

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b424cf No.21101349

File: c0fddfc4635a02d⋯.gif (331.66 KB,400x279,400:279,tasty_tears.gif)

File: 45984b53f92c58c⋯.jpg (145.27 KB,1200x1200,1:1,trump_big_league.jpg)

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d23e4d No.21101350

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06b2be No.21101352


[Debate distraction

Navy action?]

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0b8b21 No.21101353

File: 1d22f0519a7c3d8⋯.jpg (86.77 KB,800x450,16:9,8v9207.jpg)



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c6eddc No.21101354

File: c65c30798ef06b7⋯.png (440.76 KB,842x416,421:208,ClipboardImage.png)

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503e73 No.21101356


never going to happen.

the election will be as scheduled.

even during The Civil War and World War II they did not suspend elections. There is no tradition or precedent to do it.

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d8e86f No.21101357


MSM talking point revealed, see:


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b6abfe No.21101358

File: 118131bfceb408a⋯.gif (1.77 MB,320x180,16:9,38FDBF99_9DEB_4E05_ADDD_FF….gif)

File: 6db59ce969fea64⋯.jpeg (138.54 KB,773x408,773:408,F112D743_F48C_4D5A_AE50_0….jpeg)

Asian Firms Sell Record $590 Billion of Local Bonds in Quarter

(Getting out the paper before the ‘getting’ isn’t good)

Companies around the Asia Pacific region sold a record amount of local-currency bonds in the second quarter, as borrowers took advantage of cheaper funding at home compared with in dollars.

The firms have priced $590 billion of the notes already in the period, the most for any full quarter, and an increase of 12% from a year earlier,according to Bloomberg-compiled data. The debt bonanza is being fueled in large part by Chinese companies taking advantage of unprecedentedly low onshore borrowing costs, but it isn’t limited to China, with Japanese and Australian firms also selling a record amount of debt in their own markets this year, the data show.

Resilient economic growth(Kek…no they are pushing paper out the door because they absolutely know what is coming and if you add in the weak yen it’s pretty obvious)and strong investor demand for yield helped fuel an onslaught of bond deals this year, with many of the world’s primary debt markets including local currency and dollars seeing one of their busiest years. Firms globally sold $3.55 trillion of notes this year as of midweek, close to a first-half record of $3.66 trillion in 2020. Asia’s primary dollar bond market contributed with a flood of deals in recent days after experiencing a revival of sorts.

Local-currency bond sales in the Asia Pacific are running at just over $1.1 trillion year-to-date, with Chinese firms accounting for about three quarters of that total, the data show. But Asia isn’t the only part of the world where local-currency bond sales are hitting highs. South American companies sold almost $36 billion of such notes this year, double the amount at this point last year, Bloomberg-compiled data show. Another catalyst for such bond sales is the strong dollar, which can increase debt-servicing costs for firms without revenues in the US currency.  In Asia’s largest debt market, China, the calculation is even simpler after the People’s Bank of China pulled down policy rates below those of the Fed, with bond yields declining to record lows on expectations of further stimulus. The average yield on five-year AAA corporate yuan bonds is about 2.3%, about half what US peers have to pay in their market, as Chinese authorities try to stimulate their economy that’s mired in a housing-market slump.


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46c615 No.21101359

File: 426d6df530348c8⋯.png (790.1 KB,790x444,395:222,dud.PNG)

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e0d8be No.21101361

Biden put a lid on his campaign and then debates Trump on TV. This is a planned dem panic.

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761464 No.21101362

File: 0043d511e63f4f2⋯.png (16.59 KB,525x201,175:67,ClipboardImage.png)


Contrast to Lookners poll

Somewhere in between is the middle

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6b8991 No.21101363


Is Bernie ready for another run?

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f2a7b5 No.21101364

File: 045e1a2d86f4b6c⋯.png (633.05 KB,1080x942,180:157,Screenshot_20240627_171522….png)

File: 298b54b58562ade⋯.jpg (145.25 KB,500x772,125:193,IMG_20240624_081427.jpg)

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2ac001 No.21101365

File: a120025adc48747⋯.png (108.61 KB,1057x797,1057:797,ClipboardImage.png)


Hell yeah

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46c615 No.21101366

File: c10246c033d329c⋯.png (16.26 KB,597x211,597:211,ch.PNG)


Ezra A. Cohen


China is killing hundreds of thousands of American citizens thank’s to Biden open border and weak counternarcotics strategy.

Think about the message this sends to our enemies?

3:26 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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cfa78f No.21101368

File: f09639b5fe67fc8⋯.png (18.44 KB,439x293,439:293,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0df95dc5434375⋯.png (2.79 KB,295x46,295:46,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ad07348c4d08e3⋯.jpeg (45.98 KB,736x1308,184:327,punish_pain.jpeg)


post 32 mirrors to 23

today's date adds to 23


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a25f62 No.21101369

File: cfbc3ab6bc2f843⋯.jpg (536.27 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Kekistan_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

Biden Fail… kek

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e553f3 No.21101370


>To kick Potato off the ticket, the rats would have to suspend their own rules to release all of the spud’s delegates and line up all the super delegates against him.

Unless they off him

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0b8b21 No.21101371


he is a TikTok er influencer on the Biden Payroll. Should you give a fuck? For Keks maybe, He is just a Real Life Shill.

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761464 No.21101372


Go directly to the White House

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8675d7 No.21101373


If liberal voters thought Biden did well, they will be forced to reconcile.

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b424cf No.21101374

File: 4a79eb87f17774c⋯.mp4 (2.18 MB,640x360,16:9,cenk_uiger_and_beastiality….mp4)

File: d5d531ddce3f95e⋯.gif (631.01 KB,314x222,157:111,the_actual_fuck.gif)


I can't shgake the idea that Cenk is another clone in the rogan/jones line. Is Hicks the prime of these?

Rogan must have been the first one. He came out the best

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6749c1 No.21101375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What will happen next? A soundtrack for your thoughts dear anons…

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761464 No.21101377


Burn pits?

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9dde32 No.21101378

File: 9d84620a94ebc0e⋯.png (73.48 KB,296x286,148:143,9d84620a94ebc0e9969096d250….png)

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46c615 No.21101380

File: 2300c34233ad793⋯.png (500.78 KB,593x716,593:716,pr.PNG)




"We are going to need to print more ballots." -DNC (probably)


2:40 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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922365 No.21101381

File: 18745595043663c⋯.png (2.61 KB,202x87,202:87,ClipboardImage.png)

I'm calling it

June 27th 11:59 pm

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761464 No.21101382


I just fucking did.

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292175 No.21101383


Hasan along with his army of 100k Libtards woke up tonight for sure. Chat vibe is way different tonight.

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e0d8be No.21101384


Once they arrest Trump they will see

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2ac001 No.21101385

File: 58cf01a9fe77755⋯.png (55.38 KB,1056x505,1056:505,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b8b21 No.21101386


>There is no tradition or precedent to do it

Have they ever charged a former president or political opponent like they have this time?

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f6a856 No.21101387

File: a626d01166a12ac⋯.png (556.54 KB,676x500,169:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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761464 No.21101388


I look forward to more shit from her.

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0fe998 No.21101389

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)

whats wrong?

pootie and the gang…


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6cbddb No.21101390


>What will happen next?

Unveiling of the Shrew.

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b6abfe No.21101391

File: b3ff15cd00e64ea⋯.jpeg (700.63 KB,1223x617,1223:617,07C5BB5A_D1DF_4998_B1C6_0….jpeg)

45in N757AF 757 departed Atlanta Intl after “debate” heading for Laguardia


Friday, June 28,  2024

[RALLY] Trump Rally in Chesapeake, Virginia
When: Friday, June 28, 2024
Time: 3:00 pm ET
Where: Historic Greenbrier Farms in Chesapeake, VA


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787ccd No.21101392


either he agrees to step down or they off him

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ba5ff8 No.21101393

File: f0ef5a9706c4060⋯.jpg (338.39 KB,1092x1372,39:49,f0ef5a9706c40607204a55d212….jpg)

File: b19906f587b10b5⋯.jpg (147.72 KB,1241x499,1241:499,Screen_Shot_2024_06_27_at_….jpg)






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761464 No.21101394

File: ebba9310a776070⋯.png (1.04 MB,1983x1158,661:386,ClipboardImage.png)

Scarramucci says

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b424cf No.21101395

File: bbcd5a8202f2caa⋯.png (556.62 KB,1024x585,1024:585,this_is_among_us.png)


>Harry Sisson

He's right guys. Bidan did great. He almost won

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46c615 No.21101396

File: 0db876c8e4f4c64⋯.png (365.71 KB,587x490,587:490,hb.PNG)


Green Lives Matter


The fine people hoax has been debunked.

Pass it on.

3:00 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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ecef81 No.21101397


TY Honestly had never heard of him before.

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0fe998 No.21101398

File: a0f792f0f44c3af⋯.png (1.27 MB,1677x952,1677:952,00000000000000000000000000….png)


you were not holding your mouth correctly!


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503e73 No.21101399


they are doing that in some very few locales.

they have 50 states they'd have to convince.

it would start a crisis.

the country wouldn't stand for it.

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8a7c98 No.21101401

you need red bull?


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6b8991 No.21101402


Maybe they lead his impeachment by releasing all the crap he’s pulled over the years.

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08ae52 No.21101403

File: de9964903fb06fc⋯.webp (11.92 KB,800x440,20:11,IMG_1744.webp)


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92062c No.21101404

File: abdb273ff41ebac⋯.png (126.77 KB,358x290,179:145,ClipboardImage.png)

Nothing pissed me off more in this debate than when it first started and this faggot said $100 worth of groceries 4 years ago is $120 today..

It just feels like it was a handpicked statement for the beginning.. like they're best value lie to set up, not from biden but from the moderatorfaggot, as though its not debatable.. I really wish Trump jumped on that right away and was like "Hey faggot, first of all, some folks out there paid $100 4 years ago and its $180 today and that's not funny at all and you should be ashamed"

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b424cf No.21101405

File: b518359df6ba22f⋯.png (107.07 KB,352x210,176:105,rick_moranis.png)



Oh yeah I forgot all about that guy

<abandonment vibes

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d02603 No.21101406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump: 'I didn't have sex with a porn star'

after Biden says

Trump has 'the morals of an alley cat'

Biden is a dead cat.


Dead Cat Bounce

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b6abfe No.21101407

File: a2a0acff5835b93⋯.jpeg (429.04 KB,898x449,2:1,DC3112A2_F5CC_41C5_A8DE_3….jpeg)

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d26279 No.21101408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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27f02a No.21101409

File: 830fd9b08276f7f⋯.png (326.98 KB,828x552,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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46c615 No.21101410

File: 83beb761a702782⋯.png (346.47 KB,598x882,299:441,ru.PNG)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅




2:21 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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7a595e No.21101411



needs crucified.

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06b2be No.21101412


[Ball/baal in their court]

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c6eddc No.21101413


Jun 29 2020 17:08:02 (EST)


DoD whistleblower coming?

Schiff investigation [hearing] coming?


All assets deployed.


[D] PARTY [[F] PUPPET MASTER(S) (string pullers)] DEATH SPIRAL.


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411009 No.21101414

File: 980a54b7aad27bc⋯.png (466.67 KB,806x821,806:821,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ed398 No.21101415

File: edb3e113d86304c⋯.jpg (75.9 KB,572x664,143:166,Screenshot_2024_06_27_2249….jpg)


Yes. We have a narrative shift happening right now

Dems freak out over Biden’s debate performance: ‘Biden is toast’


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d8e86f No.21101416


they took Rumble down right as the debate was starting

not surprising…

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46c615 No.21101417

File: 52abadf48bf915c⋯.png (163.55 KB,386x370,193:185,drugs.PNG)


Omg this is worse than I even expected 😂

10 mins in and the drugs aren’t working

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d84f8e No.21101418

File: 4c6f409e7d8dd35⋯.jpeg (221.34 KB,676x548,169:137,apu_cigar.jpeg)

I didn't watch the debate. I had better things to do, including rearranging my sock drawer. Did Trump deliver a verbal Sternly Worded Letter?

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398abe No.21101419

CNN fact checking Trump

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50bc1d No.21101420

File: 9ac6cc8a16844aa⋯.jpg (58.93 KB,660x300,11:5,Stormy_Jr.JPG)


>'I didn't have sex with a porn star

Prolly true.

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b424cf No.21101421

File: b5f1a41f1843221⋯.jpeg (216.88 KB,894x1024,447:512,givernment_taxes_meet_irs….jpeg)

File: a256d82d3421673⋯.jpeg (175.35 KB,1600x1505,320:301,learn_taxes_vs_trannypeni….jpeg)


>this faggot said $100 worth of groceries 4 years ago is $120 today..

Groceries are more like $300 a trip, not $100 - that's the buried premise there

$2000 more a year - that's the number. Fuck tfheir weekly bullshit

And that's post-tax money, so that's about $3K off your paycheck

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2ac001 No.21101422

File: 74e5e5eaef659ce⋯.jpg (14.34 KB,245x205,49:41,02e987eebf5ceaf6db03294b34….jpg)


Staged, but still glorious to watch

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3a13b5 No.21101423

File: b08e469ff41190a⋯.jpeg (460.15 KB,1925x1080,385:216,IMG_5729.jpeg)

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46c615 No.21101424

File: 8ab84521b817460⋯.png (376.12 KB,1024x675,1024:675,lie.PNG)


Biden Lies in Debate, Says No US Troops

Killed During His Presidency (Video)

Gateway Pundit, by Kristinn Taylor

Posted By: Imright, 6/27/2024 10:12:25 PM

Joe Biden insulted the honored dead killed in Afghanistan and Syria, and their families, during his debate with President Trump in Atlanta Thursday night, bizarrely claiming that no troops have died “anywhere in the world” during his presidency. Joe Biden insulted the honored dead killed in Afghanistan and Syria, and their families, during his debate with President Trump in Atlanta Thursday night, bizarrely claiming that no troops have died “anywhere in the world” during his presidency.

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e5a8d6 No.21101425

File: 5315e4f67e21606⋯.png (1.35 MB,1274x716,637:358,ClipboardImage.png)


If you can't make a valid point then confuse them.

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f2a7b5 No.21101426

File: fc21e853e35d791⋯.png (917.68 KB,1080x869,1080:869,Screcfu.png)

Be kind and let Joe Biden believe he won the debate. He's been abused by his wife and handlers.

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b424cf No.21101427

File: bd42699c8deeff1⋯.jpg (64.69 KB,782x788,391:394,MOAR_LIFE_FUCKER.jpg)


>CNN fact checking Trump

For the moronic libtards who are still watching and who need to feel better

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0b8b21 No.21101428



o7 Anon. Tonight was a great night Fren. Who could legitimately say Biden Won. I would LOVE to see them golf against each other Caddyshack style.Them arguing Handicap was Hilarious to me

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9dde32 No.21101429


dr jill will step up to be prezident

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27f02a No.21101430

File: fa3bb93319a2a51⋯.png (1.63 MB,828x828,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d02603 No.21101431


type into searcg engine panic debate


every article: panic


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e553f3 No.21101432


Closer to $20 worth of groceries now being $100

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1cba2e No.21101433

Whew, Fake News CNN doing some fact checking right now, outright blatantly lying! Whoda thunk?

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46c615 No.21101434

File: 4c7e4ec505da43d⋯.png (634.11 KB,886x780,443:390,hot.PNG)


Gallup: A Majority of Democrats Still

Want Another Candidate

Hot Air, by John Sexton

Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/27/2024 10:09:56 PM

Earlier today I wrote about the state of national polling as we head into tonight's debate (which still hasn't started as I write this). But in that review I missed this Gallup poll which seems to jibe well with that earlier post. Basically what Gallup sees is that Biden has a lot less enthusiasm on his side. In fact, a majority of Democrats are still day-dreaming about another candidate. The poll finds that about twice as many Republicans are pleased with Trump being the GOP nominee as Democrats are with Biden leading their party’s ticket… Republicans (79%) are nearly twice as likely as Democrats

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50bc1d No.21101435


Since it was CNN, I just used usnewson.com that many such anons use for OAN, Faux, etc.

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08ae52 No.21101436

File: 51794bec94353c9⋯.jpeg (22.89 KB,275x183,275:183,IMG_1532.jpeg)

Get off my lillypad I’m going to sleep

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6cbddb No.21101437


>hey took Rumble down right as the debate was starting

>not surprising…

no kidding..wut the fuck is up with those Canuks anyway? hardly ever reliable when live counts.

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922365 No.21101438

File: bdb2a08424b109b⋯.png (4.53 KB,332x103,332:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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b424cf No.21101439

File: d656ce0f76c988d⋯.png (1.5 MB,1126x1374,563:687,QANON_ADJACENT.png)


>I didn't watch the debate

Me neither. I got blown instead & came here after for the comments

The comments made me kek

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e553f3 No.21101440

Milk, eggs and bread have almost tripled in price.

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33199b No.21101441

File: 11d2a7255c76965⋯.jpg (139.28 KB,1068x1234,534:617,Trump_smoking_Q.jpg)

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4931d1 No.21101442

File: c08e5edf0255f7d⋯.png (816.12 KB,1327x835,1327:835,Screenshot_2024_06_27_2152….png)



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33199b No.21101443

Who won the debate?

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b6abfe No.21101444

File: 13c9b47fd13e2ea⋯.jpeg (456.29 KB,785x729,785:729,E8C8503F_32C2_4C2B_89B5_3….jpeg)

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1e1ff6 No.21101446

File: bab999c724b8f45⋯.jpg (20.83 KB,306x240,51:40,yallgotanymore.jpg)

Wanna watch sum debate kino


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46c615 No.21101447

File: 076ea0120db0c54⋯.png (275.48 KB,595x704,595:704,mail.PNG)


Green Lives Matter


Omg Biden just malfunctioned again.

2:15 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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b57a71 No.21101448


She looks like Ben Shapiro

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9dde32 No.21101450

File: 37e9bdac75cf5fa⋯.png (226.87 KB,494x514,247:257,37e9bdac75cf5fa2cd19a4817c….png)


Is that a fork hanging from her ear?

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6b8991 No.21101451

No one would be talking about replacing Joe or KaMOOla on the ticket if they were actually winning - despite losing any debate!

—No One—

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46c615 No.21101452

File: 2e84b237e137f25⋯.png (18.7 KB,596x255,596:255,how.PNG)


Jeremy Boreing


Wait. How are you tweeting?


Joe Biden




If I'm re-elected, I'm going to restore Roe v. Wade.

Rate proposed Community Notes

2:21 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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0b8b21 No.21101454

File: 1d8266074b73f5e⋯.jpg (86.02 KB,598x820,299:410,GRCklgUWgAA2MlZ.jpg)


It was a spectacular backfire, not that THIS GUY is a great endorsement, but how the fake charges were received by the Black community, and this debate I wish I could hang out at a coffeeshop all moring tomorrow

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922365 No.21101455

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Now That, Was a Bloodbath

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4931d1 No.21101456

Did I imagine President Trump calling him Brandon? It sounded like he said Brandon.

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d26279 No.21101457

File: 2a8a956fc8cae52⋯.png (1.17 MB,1024x701,1024:701,ClipboardImage.png)

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f6a856 No.21101458

File: 9fc085c94557813⋯.png (511.15 KB,612x449,612:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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b424cf No.21101459

File: 45abf655b7dea1b⋯.png (799.86 KB,1142x1271,1142:1271,nbc_steele_dossier_Image49.png)

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8675d7 No.21101460


Kek, this fag doesn't have a wife on OF that he sends to buy groceries for him.

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d8e86f No.21101461


I dont know but their interface and playback stability is ass hoe

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38fb74 No.21101462


If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance then bury them in your bullshit.

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922365 No.21101463


The people

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10fb30 No.21101464

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38c2d9 No.21101465


“ Reporter: Why is Governor Gavin Newsome here tonight?

Gaetz: I think Governor Newsome is here to check to see if Joe Biden still has a a pulse anymore. He's a pretty opportunistic guy who wants to be president,”

D’s have Gav waiting in the wings…literally.

Cold blooded even for lizards.

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380882 No.21101466

File: cec5ed771d51769⋯.png (1.13 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_0668.png)


Duck Duck Go

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8ed398 No.21101467


Even Cuck Todd is shaking.

NBC’s Chuck Todd; “At the end of the day Joe Biden looks like caricature that conservative media has been painting. And there were no clips tonight. Right. You saw it before your eyes——There’s a full on panic about this performance.”

(clips giving me trouble)


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46c615 No.21101468

File: 8979e9f06f1abb5⋯.png (561.84 KB,788x676,197:169,freak.PNG)


Trump, Biden presidential debate live

updates: Biden appears to freeze, says

he ‘beat Medicare’

New York Post, by Diana Glebova *

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 6/27/2024 10:08:59 PM

President Biden and former president Donald Trump are facing off in their first presidential debate of the 2024 election race, more than 1,300 days after their second and final showdown in the fall of 2020. We’re on the scene in Atlanta and stationed in swing states across the country to watch with voters as Trump and Biden go toe-to-toe.

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304c37 No.21101469

File: 16ecb7c031949d2⋯.jpeg (285.33 KB,1440x2048,45:64,E7817F0E_A4CB_4A95_B67C_6….jpeg)


It was all scripted.

We are watching a movie.

Joe ain’t real.

We had to start winning eventually.

All great American movies have happy endings.


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50bc1d No.21101470


I seen't where 1 roll of Bounty paper towels was now $4.xx on the shelf.

And that big bottle of Harris Cleaning Vinegar is now almost $30.

Food hasn't been as bad as all the food adjacent shopping stuff thankfully.

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e553f3 No.21101471

Anon watched the debate. First political thing to which I've paid attention in a long while, since I know it's all kabuki. It was well worth the time to watch it. So much fun.

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641c22 No.21101472

Rubio just said on CNN that we would know VP in 2 weeks.

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b424cf No.21101473


Jews prefer Trump, Kanye prefers Trump, whites prefer Trump

Who the fuck is voting demopacr anyway

Just NBC employees and San Fran fags?

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46c615 No.21101474

File: 2818301bf15b5d1⋯.png (740.56 KB,552x729,184:243,so.PNG)

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d8e86f No.21101475

They got into a golf fight kek

probably my favorite moment with my bread and circus ass.

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8864f6 No.21101476


millions of ghost voters

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922365 No.21101477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's Gonna Be BIBLICAL

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e3b809 No.21101478

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c0b9af No.21101479

Who caught the air Q at the end?

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46c615 No.21101480

File: 3d4170d3240061c⋯.png (465.78 KB,794x526,397:263,pa.PNG)


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d724d0 No.21101481

File: a3237de7141102e⋯.jpg (293.54 KB,1508x856,377:214,CommieNN.JPG)

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72ef85 No.21101482

File: a667505377f4eb5⋯.jpg (71.46 KB,884x210,442:105,20240627_215814.jpg)

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922e2e No.21101483

File: 89e79d4ce4cc2d0⋯.jpg (59.35 KB,1200x675,16:9,062_harris_top.jpg)

Change of batter

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f2a7b5 No.21101484

File: bd943082c62a908⋯.png (1.47 MB,1080x1445,216:289,Screenshot_20240623_073604….png)

81 million fake votes that destroyed America.

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d02603 No.21101485

i predict Hillary coming back into the picture.

@1 crumb drop has not future proves past, yet

and lock her up has not been fulfilled.


Anonymous ID: BQ7V3bcW No.147012719 📁

Oct 28 2017 15:44:28 (EST)

Anonymous ID: gb953qGI No.147005381 📁

Oct 28 2017 14:33:50 (EST)


Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.


HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.

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10fb30 No.21101486

File: 66661302cd0694d⋯.png (276.78 KB,619x452,619:452,ClipboardImage.png)

ALX 🇺🇸



They’re sending out Kamala to do damage control 🤣

Trump War Room

Jun 28, 2024 · 3:52 AM UTC




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50bc1d No.21101487


He got divorced not too long after the Stormy news broke.

And now then this + other signs.

It's all but officially confirmed at this point.

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1cba2e No.21101488


They dig into their andrenochrome reserve?

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46c615 No.21101489

File: 757bc4a557226ad⋯.png (170.47 KB,384x377,384:377,la.PNG)


Vivek - question was were they going to drug him up? I think they gave him a lobotomy. 😂

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d26279 No.21101490

File: c84e31edef6615a⋯.png (70.1 KB,192x241,192:241,c84e31edef6615a6c6f3a613d1….png)

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11fa74 No.21101491

File: 8d323c3b0e964f8⋯.png (380.42 KB,609x569,609:569,ClipboardImage.png)

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b424cf No.21101492


>At the end of the day Joe Biden looks like caricature that conservative media has been painting

no no you msm guys said that was conspiracy, so then you guys are lying cunts admit it

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2293ab No.21101493

File: 6ea00be1e78776e⋯.jpg (79.58 KB,720x568,90:71,P97et.jpg)


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d02603 No.21101494

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ba5ff8 No.21101495

File: a75f1ab8e84f2e3⋯.mp4 (56.67 KB,320x208,20:13,2023_09_22_19_06_34.mp4)

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8df54a No.21101496


it's down-syndrome level CNN hour

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922365 No.21101497

File: aa251a4be08c3f8⋯.png (44.88 KB,642x529,642:529,ClipboardImage.png)

World Stage Narrative Shift Imminent

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e5a8d6 No.21101498

File: c5c8ce42f87e93f⋯.png (357.18 KB,627x581,627:581,ClipboardImage.png)

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50bc1d No.21101499


I'm glad she doesn't have Ben's sister's bra size.

I feel guilty enough for thinking she's hot as it is.

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46c615 No.21101500

File: 879c83656e37817⋯.png (457.09 KB,591x531,197:177,th.PNG)




JEN PSAKI: "You don't send the Vice President of the United States out if you won the debate, typically."

Said while the MSNBC chyron notes that Kamala Harris is coming up…

4:31 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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8fb897 No.21101501

File: ab5e3cf1ad6a0c3⋯.jpg (426.65 KB,1544x1024,193:128,BidenBubble2.JPG)

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f172c1 No.21101502

File: b6c7426ea8710f0⋯.png (275.76 KB,511x1282,511:1282,post_1698_oath.png)

File: 0f37b2a6557d1c6⋯.gif (7.55 KB,255x255,1:1,salute.gif)

>>21101021 TYB

I reaffirm my oath to our Country, Constitution, and our legitimate President; President Donald J. Trump. By God's Grace, let the reconciling begin.

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e84d96 No.21101503


>They got into a golf fight kek

Was most excellent bait by Trump.

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d26279 No.21101504

File: 81b2d9852880b6e⋯.png (1.24 MB,1188x1520,297:380,ClipboardImage.png)

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304c37 No.21101505


She was hot as hell for years as “the leg girl” on The Five- not so attractive now since the joker facelift. Sadly they have not found anyone acceptable for the seat except strangely Judge Janine Piro who is exceptionally hot for her age.

There was a thicker blonde girl there a couple days ago, she was pretty sexy.

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8df54a No.21101506

File: 776ae8695a39357⋯.jpg (176.88 KB,1000x667,1000:667,q_people_.jpg)

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354749 No.21101507




#TNB. #ThisNiggaBiden

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48bb5e No.21101508


Jr totally banged the porn star. Look who he is sleeping with now. Kimberly has skank written all over her. Jr has a type.

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e3b809 No.21101509

#25865 >>21101021

>>21101075 First question, Biden used up all his time on his answer. Last question, he had 40 seconds left. This question, he had 80 seconds left.

>>21101076, >>21101266 80% said TRUMP WON

>>21101358 Will Biden be the Dem nominee?

>>21101077 Joe's debate performance put him down 12%. O.O

>>21101080 Breaking: Biden has been approached by senior members of Congress and DNC and has been told to resign. Reports of an impending cognition test and fitness test have been updated to reflect accuracy; the tests will be a result of him not resigning.


>>21101090 Trump Campaign Fact-Checks Biden in Real Time — Here are the Details (Video) - GP

>>21101105 CNN is devastated after the debate. "It's not just panic, it's pain."

>>21101112 @RealCandaceO: You spelled dementia wrong. KEK.

>>21101366 @EzraACohen China is killing hundreds of thousands of American citizens thank’s to Biden open border and weak counternarcotics strategy.

>>21101380 Ron @CodeMonkeyZ: "We are going to need to print more ballots." -DNC (probably)

>>21101391 PF: 45in N757AF 757 departed Atlanta Intl after “debate” heading for Laguardia - Tomorrow there's a Trump Rally in Chesapeake, Virginia

m 3:00 pm ET


>>21101137 Harry Sisson: Biden won the debate easily - KEK

>>21101142, >>21101147 Gaetz pleased about the debate

>>21101146, >>21101154 @DanScavino: realDonaldTrump enters the green room @CNN in Atlanta, Georgia—after a massive victory on the debate stage tonight…

>>21101160 Biden bombs, Trump pounces - POLITICO

>>21101170 @RNCResearch: Jill, Ed.D., is forced to literally walk Crooked Joe off stage following his humiliating debate

>>21101339 PF: Trump is not heading back to Mar-A-Lago.

>>21101345 @KimDotcom: Biden just said his son died because of Iraq. He died of cancer in the United States. Biden’s brain is shot.performance. YIKES

>>21101176 @TheStevenCheung: Even his own team knows Biden is doing horribly [and it's NOT. A. COLD]

>>21101181, >>21101208, >>21101256, >>21101338 Border Patrol Union - NBPC @BPUnion: To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.

>>21101186 @BehizyTweets: Trump is a genius, they gave him two minutes to answer a question about the "climate crisis" and he instead used the time to list his accomplishments for the black community.

>>21101197 WAPO: The first debate reinformed Biden's biggest weakness

>>21101201 “There was no inflation when I took office” ~ Biden

>>21101219 Biden's early debate performance cues calls for him to be replaced and even for the 25th Amendment to be invoked

>>21101246 KRISTEN WELKER: "There's no way to sugar coat this…[Biden] delivered a performance that was at times halting, at times he seemed to lose his train of thought…"

>>21101263 John King - PANIC IN THE PARTY - Yes, the president is out of his mind. Literally.

- - - - - - -

>>21101358 Asian Firms Sell Record $590 Billion of Local Bonds in Quarter


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46c615 No.21101510

File: c81bdcfdd405129⋯.png (217.29 KB,390x685,78:137,ik.PNG)


Newsom, the likely replacement for Biden, gets manhandled over his actions during the pandemic when he shut down businesses, arrested paddleboarders, shut down beaches, and prevented outdoor dining. 🔥🔥🔥

"Governor, why did you shut the beaches in California during Covid?

So you didn't know anything, why did you shut the beaches?

So you didn't let them go in the sunshine and get vitamin D and exercise so you shut the beaches. Ok. And you arrested a guy who was paddleboarding the bay.

Any science behind that? Any science at all behind shutting down outdoor dining? Why did you shut down outdoor dining?

Based on science? You shut down outdoor dining, you canceled businesses. That had nothing to do with science."

X (https://x.com/Ultrafrog17/status/1806531085985058888)

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3a0957 No.21101511

File: 1b0711ac6c4f4aa⋯.png (174.23 KB,1618x1096,809:548,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

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b424cf No.21101512

File: 945d428edd1e6aa⋯.png (474.1 KB,552x729,184:243,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ffcdfc58d0358e⋯.png (553.38 KB,552x729,184:243,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6abfe No.21101513

File: 69b7357adc8b6d9⋯.gif (426.7 KB,640x356,160:89,5EC4D3B8_4C6D_443D_87EB_EB….gif)

File: 8cc3a8e4d67944f⋯.jpeg (233.58 KB,828x1115,828:1115,B1A69DC4_F22C_4B6B_B011_0….jpeg)

Japan names new FX diplomat as yen hits 38-year low

Japan appointed a new top foreign exchange diplomat on Friday as the yen plumbed a 38-year low against the dollar, heightening expectations of imminent market intervention by Tokyo to shore up the battered currency. Atsushi Mimura, a financial regulation veteran, replaces Masato Kanda, who launched the biggest yen-buying intervention on record this year. The change is part of a regular personnel reshuffle conducted every year and comes as officials ramped up their warnings about intervention. Finance minister Shunichi Suzuki said on Friday authorities were "deeply concerned" about the impact of "rapid and one-sided" foreign exchange moves on the economy.

The yen slid past 161 per dollar on Friday to its weakest since 1986.

Speaking at a regular press conference, Suzuki said authorities would respond appropriately to excessive currency moves and that confidence in the Japanese currency is maintained.

"The government is closely monitoring developments in the foreign exchange market with a high sense of urgency," Suzuki said, adding efforts to continue forging ahead with fiscal reform is crucial. Finance minister Shunichi Suzuki said on Friday authorities were "deeply concerned" about the impact of "rapid and one-sided" foreign exchange moves on the economy. Mimura's appointment as top FX diplomat will take effect on July 31 after the meeting of the Group of 20 finance ministers and central bank governors in Rio de Janeiro from July 25.

Little, however, is known about his stance on currency policy.

Currently head of the ministry's international bureau, the 57-year-old will become vice finance minister for international affairs - a post that oversees Japan's currency policy and coordinates economic policy with other countries.



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10fb30 No.21101514

File: 326bcf8c181221d⋯.jpg (122.29 KB,956x966,478:483,media_GRH8w0zWIAA7bRn.jpg)

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72ef85 No.21101515


"that rack of kid tasted good".

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6b8991 No.21101516

Tonight’s debate allows the demo-rats to start pushing their excuses why Potato loses in a landslide. It wasn’t the economy or immigration. It was his poor debate performance!

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46c615 No.21101517

File: 2e531a5519006e5⋯.png (596.27 KB,594x573,198:191,rath.PNG)


Miranda Devine


Madam President? Looking rather content.


4:33 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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761464 No.21101518

File: 3494809f8fbaa7c⋯.png (1.8 MB,1737x1181,1737:1181,AOC_Smoking_Weed_Joint_Swi….png)


You missed out then.

It's almost a Hilary losing moment for the left.

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50bc1d No.21101519

File: f952d4d4c8a1bbb⋯.png (287.39 KB,488x368,61:46,BadGavin.png)


Gavin watching the debate hot takes on Joe's performance being so bad.

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92e207 No.21101521

kekstra kekstra

the Biden hits a Trumpberg and sinks

taking the democrat party with him

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2ac001 No.21101522

File: f82b95212127cb7⋯.png (732.36 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Watch CA

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d02603 No.21101523


anyone looking at rosie, bette, kathy griffin, carl reiner, barb streisand, etc., twitter, what are they tweeting

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8df54a No.21101525

File: e9b35d813684ec8⋯.jpg (62.38 KB,720x724,180:181,WWG1WAG.jpg)

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46c615 No.21101526

File: 907d7a5f7988220⋯.png (316.66 KB,581x620,581:620,kh.PNG)




KAMALA HARRIS: "Joe Biden is fighting…on performance!"

CNN: "The president's performance tonight clearly was disappointing for his supporters…One said it was a disaster. Another called it a train wreck!"


4:35 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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46c615 No.21101527

Jill Biden and the White House doctors are monsters for allowing this to go on

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761464 No.21101528


fuck that guy.

[no homo]

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46c615 No.21101529

'I really don't know what he said, I don't think he knows what he said either' - @realDonaldTrump

oh my god.

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9dde32 No.21101530

File: e9743ecca00cdb2⋯.png (752.45 KB,680x680,1:1,e9743ecca00cdb22bd2bd09b80….png)

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b424cf No.21101531


>Japan names new FX diplomat as yen hits 38-year low

what does this mean for Japanese equities

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61c9b8 No.21101532

Trump won again.

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d26279 No.21101534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3d2e0e No.21101535

File: 9769d7d4f58a087⋯.png (232.58 KB,601x871,601:871,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66f128891216b8c⋯.png (616.89 KB,1200x655,240:131,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c12238a5041bf37⋯.png (248.69 KB,652x916,163:229,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a0d328eadef869⋯.png (204.03 KB,576x576,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


i believe he was talking about brandon judd when he told joe to and viewers to "ask brandon" who they support

article says he was set to retire last month but appears he's still president of the national border patrol council




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ba5ff8 No.21101536

File: 96358abf2a2428c⋯.jpg (154.01 KB,1075x608,1075:608,96358abf2a2428c957ac314804….jpg)

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8df54a No.21101537


>“There was no inflation when I took office” ~ Biden

next edition title?

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2ac001 No.21101538


It's a freak'n movie.

Enjoy the show

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e5a8d6 No.21101539

Still can't believe Biden saying Trump could not carry his own golf bags. Really stupid thing to say given Biden's physical condition.

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155a94 No.21101540


What if those PANIC IN DC posts are all about tonight? … shall we sauce?

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72ef85 No.21101542



is a jealous cunt.

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46c615 No.21101543

File: 2f8b83cb4488a47⋯.png (310.38 KB,603x528,201:176,hav.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


“We have 1,000 trillionaires in America" - Joe Biden



RNC Research

2:16 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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761464 No.21101544


they knew all along and now they're not sure if it's OK to confirm it.

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d02603 No.21101545

what has Hillary or Obama tweeted regarding debate?


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a8d397 No.21101546

File: 0be2e29833454fc⋯.png (320.48 KB,500x567,500:567,893ri.png)

File: c765763bb33cd41⋯.png (601.69 KB,889x500,889:500,682ji.png)

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b424cf No.21101548

File: ace525a892872dd⋯.png (1.76 MB,1304x865,1304:865,ClipboardImage.png)


>probably my favorite moment with my bread and circus ass.

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34f09c No.21101549

File: b2175d76c4c783e⋯.jpg (37.05 KB,500x622,250:311,kek_AOC_Haaa.jpg)


holy shit!

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2ac001 No.21101550

File: 59a7ecd33401c15⋯.png (242.46 KB,549x852,183:284,ClipboardImage.png)

Tomorrow delta

Brand of Sacrifice

Brandon Sacrificed

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7d57d0 No.21101551

File: fb58319700ad367⋯.png (26.34 KB,612x474,102:79,ClipboardImage.png)


How about Mr angry

CNN's decision to abrogate its journalistic responsibilities by not fact checking Trump's firehose of lies is unforgivable.

This debate is Biden vs the tag team of Trump and CNN's utter failure as a news organization


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25b909 No.21101552

File: 27e6f4b73e9c2c9⋯.gif (6.1 KB,200x150,4:3,200w_1.gif)

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e3b809 No.21101553



#25865 >>21101021

>>21101075 First question, Biden used up all his time on his answer. Last question, he had 40 seconds left. This question, he had 80 seconds left.

>>21101076, >>21101266 80% said TRUMP WON

>>21101358 Will Biden be the Dem nominee?

>>21101077 Joe's debate performance put him down 12%. O.O

>>21101080 Breaking: Biden has been approached by senior members of Congress and DNC and has been told to resign. Reports of an impending cognition test and fitness test have been updated to reflect accuracy; the tests will be a result of him not resigning.

>>21101090 Trump Campaign Fact-Checks Biden in Real Time — Here are the Details (Video) - GP

>>21101105 CNN is devastated after the debate. "It's not just panic, it's pain."

>>21101112 @RealCandaceO: You spelled dementia wrong. KEK.

>>21101137 Harry Sisson: Biden won the debate easily - KEK

>>21101142 (You), >>21101147 Gaetz pleased about the debate

>>21101146, >>21101154 @DanScavino: realDonaldTrump enters the green room @CNN in Atlanta, Georgia—after a massive victory on the debate stage tonight…

>>21101160 Biden bombs, Trump pounces - POLITICO

>>21101170 @RNCResearch: Jill, Ed.D., is forced to literally walk Crooked Joe off stage following his humiliating debate

>>21101176 @TheStevenCheung: Even his own team knows Biden is doing horribly [and it's NOT. A. COLD]

>>21101181, >>21101208, >>21101256, >>21101338 Border Patrol Union - NBPC @BPUnion: To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.

>>21101186 @BehizyTweets: Trump is a genius, they gave him two minutes to answer a question about the "climate crisis" and he instead used the time to list his accomplishments for the black community.

>>21101197 WAPO: The first debate reinformed Biden's biggest weakness

>>21101201 “There was no inflation when I took office” ~ Biden

>>21101219 Biden's early debate performance cues calls for him to be replaced and even for the 25th Amendment to be invoked

>>21101246 KRISTEN WELKER: "There's no way to sugar coat this…[Biden] delivered a performance that was at times halting, at times he seemed to lose his train of thought…"

>>21101263 John King - PANIC IN THE PARTY - Yes, the president is out of his mind. Literally.

>>21101339 PF: Trump is not heading back to Mar-A-Lago.

>>21101345 @KimDotcom: Biden just said his son died because of Iraq. He died of cancer in the United States. Biden’s brain is shot.performance. YIKES

>>21101366 @EzraACohen China is killing hundreds of thousands of American citizens thank’s to Biden open border and weak counternarcotics strategy.

>>21101380 Ron @CodeMonkeyZ: "We are going to need to print more ballots." -DNC (probably)

>>21101391 PF: 45in N757AF 757 departed Atlanta Intl after “debate” heading for Laguardia - Tomorrow there's a Trump Rally in Chesapeake, Virginia, 3:00 pm ET

- - - - - - -

>>21101358 Asian Firms Sell Record $590 Billion of Local Bonds in Quarter

note collector notes

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922365 No.21101554

File: 0649acf656bca62⋯.png (343.25 KB,463x492,463:492,ClipboardImage.png)


Cheap fake


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46c615 No.21101555

File: aca0e2bd6b48c41⋯.png (247.08 KB,597x715,597:715,lost.PNG)




Broooo, this man is lost! Listen to this!

2:13 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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72ef85 No.21101556



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8ed398 No.21101557

File: febe555b0b84cea⋯.jpg (61.94 KB,724x752,181:188,News_Pepe.jpg)


We can handle him.

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92e207 No.21101558


cnn is maga now???

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b6abfe No.21101559


Just like here

Up, up and away

Inflating debt “away”

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50bc1d No.21101561

File: e4f74cfcab26a3d⋯.png (68.49 KB,195x227,195:227,DonJr_Snowflake.png)


I'm sorry daddy it won't happen again.

Sniff wut?

Yeah, I know I've told ya that before.

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aa0cbb No.21101562


How did anyone understand what Joe said?

I could pick out a word or two here and there, but I have no idea what he was saying

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761464 No.21101563


It's what you get when you take day trips to the Middle East on Emirates 1st class, nigga.

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0b8b21 No.21101564



>, Kanye prefers Trump

OMFG I thought that was Diddy for real KEK

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46c615 No.21101565

File: aa9b574a35ea62e⋯.png (326.28 KB,591x460,591:460,hs.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Holy Shit

2:14 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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265fdd No.21101566


Who kek's?

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265fdd No.21101567

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46c615 No.21101568

Did Biden just say women get raped by their "in-laws, brothers and sisters" ….?

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d26279 No.21101569

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's a good night tonight.

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e5a8d6 No.21101570


Biden brought up the injecting bleach hoax way way too early in the debate. BTW. The injecting bleach thing. That was an anon talking to a newser on this very board. That was the origin. Seent it here when it happened.

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05ff8c No.21101571


Is there a rerun of debate with closed cap?

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265fdd No.21101572

File: 4876b73fb1074b1⋯.png (1.41 MB,1436x1102,718:551,00000.png)

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4931d1 No.21101573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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761464 No.21101574

File: 5555655713ea42d⋯.jpg (246.35 KB,645x557,645:557,Kamala_Jussie_tweets.jpg)

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265fdd No.21101575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e5a8d6 No.21101576


And it was drink bleach. Not inject it.

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4aa2b3 No.21101577


I have no idea what he saud

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46c615 No.21101578

File: 667bf57e27ba915⋯.png (324.22 KB,591x452,591:452,losta.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


BIDEN GLITCHES OUT! Stops Making Sense! He's Completely Lost!

2:16 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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0b8b21 No.21101579

File: fbdc678acd90461⋯.mp4 (471.36 KB,480x852,40:71,LyFuI9F7xwEA_xF.mp4)


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46c615 No.21101580

They are going to have to replace Biden after this debate.

12 minutes in & it’s already over.

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761464 No.21101581



This dude is The Evil Character.

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304c37 No.21101582


They going to give it the ol’ college try.

A cornered animal is so dangerous because it has nothing left to lose.

It’s all or nothing- win or lose for the deep state.

Be alert.

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07d176 No.21101583

File: 938a2fc4a252a1e⋯.png (9.11 KB,299x169,23:13,ClipboardImage.png)

Did that dude MadCow chime in yet on the debate?

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265fdd No.21101584

File: 03494e3ea32750c⋯.png (1.56 MB,1066x1064,533:532,nsQboom2.png)

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ba5ff8 No.21101585

File: f40f112ad936490⋯.jpg (118.75 KB,670x766,335:383,Screen_Shot_2024_06_27_at_….jpg)


>It's a freak'n movie.

It's an interactive movie

>Enjoy the show



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 18740b No.10581812📁

Sep 9 2020 18:01:53 (EST)



Sometimes you cannot tell people the truth.

You must show them.

Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate].

We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.









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06b2be No.21101586



[Navy follow through..?

Anons and patriots have been poisoned, mockingbirded, lawfared..

Military better do something or they don't deserve the Title-4-Flag]

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f2a7b5 No.21101587

File: 12b7a409d4bc586⋯.png (1.02 MB,1080x1155,72:77,Screevc.png)


She's hot!!

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155a94 No.21101588


Harry Sisson doesn't write those in real time. He had that on a timer. He wrote it on Monday when he does his tweets. He didn't watch the debate. He was busy making gay porn in the Senate Chambers.

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761464 No.21101589


Dr said he was tip top. Dr's don't lie, do they?

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add900 No.21101590

can you see?

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a308dd No.21101591


Lots of sound bites tonight. Just not the ones Ds wanted

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add900 No.21101592


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8df54a No.21101593

File: 06ed5a80df9b6a9⋯.png (162.9 KB,1246x963,1246:963,ClipboardImage.png)


Seal indictment… cant wait to see your name, pedo


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2ac001 No.21101594

File: 889b28b63946534⋯.png (306.53 KB,545x397,545:397,ClipboardImage.png)


It's all in the script

Many have flipped and do as they are told.

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add900 No.21101595


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46c615 No.21101596

File: a6f8c4ced837c0e⋯.png (296.48 KB,597x761,597:761,pone.PNG)

File: 2818301bf15b5d1⋯.png (740.56 KB,552x729,184:243,so.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


UPDATE: an employee of the city has informed me that the city has “indefinitely postponed” their planned drag show for government employees using taxpayer dollars 🔥.

This is only thanks to free speech on X and everyone helping to spread the message about this madness!


Libs of TikTok



Jun 21

SCOOP: The city of @westminsterco posted this on their internal chat system. The city is using taxpayer $ to treat government employees to a drag show.

Meanwhile CO cut back services for residents to help support illegals.

Why are tax dollars funding drag shows and illegals

Show more



11:58 AM · Jun 27, 2024




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92e207 No.21101597


he's too busy sittin on an icicle

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d26279 No.21101598

File: 92ba2faa128b929⋯.png (728.62 KB,1659x1902,553:634,surfer_silver_pepe4.png)

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89b735 No.21101599


DRUMPH of course.

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0b8b21 No.21101600

File: 448e475ac72d435⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,640x352,20:11,Yhdh5YMdzP3_re8g.mp4)



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761464 No.21101601


quit horsin around.

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d02603 No.21101602

File: 6190160ef957ca1⋯.jpg (9.23 KB,201x250,201:250,6190160ef957ca1aebd9eb4c69….jpg)

File: 2c7bdab59f3fa9b⋯.png (130.28 KB,1125x2436,375:812,2c7bdab59f3fa9b802a0eb1aaf….png)





↻ ↓ 58 posts



With love comes trust.

Schedule changes can be very painful.



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 747524 No.3337560 📁

Oct 4 2018 20:27:12 (EST)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 747524 No.3337502 📁

Oct 4 2018 20:25:27 (EST)


Memes ready?



Are you ready to see arrests?

Are you ready to see PAIN?

Are you ready to be part of history?



Pain coming.


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4931d1 No.21101603

File: 7849417c233a1b9⋯.png (145.41 KB,974x936,487:468,3063.png)


He also set up the Natalia Veselnitskaya meeting.

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b18095 No.21101604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

plenty of low iq blended in but of course…

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38fb74 No.21101605

File: 7c6918d8e169a9c⋯.jpg (360.16 KB,1080x1131,360:377,NoKoolAid.JPG)

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3fee24 No.21101606


Incest joe

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46c615 No.21101607

File: e241ff09124ed32⋯.png (187.99 KB,387x361,387:361,ride.PNG)



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5e3477 No.21101608

File: 3e0d12624bd760e⋯.png (881.37 KB,1135x500,227:100,a7b3d7635aece62fb529f58889….png)

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761464 No.21101609

File: 16cc6c8df468795⋯.gif (122.75 KB,220x155,44:31,Cartman_tears_of_unfathoma….gif)

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b18095 No.21101610


non stop

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07d176 No.21101611


The butthurt is strong in that one.

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25b909 No.21101612

File: 58883c71eb4fbc4⋯.jpg (97.87 KB,720x760,18:19,20240627_221221.jpg)

File: 32769ac4781e78e⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB,1280x720,16:9,The_Post_Millennial_202406….mp4)

OMG Is this real?



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b18095 No.21101613

pay attention

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72ef85 No.21101614



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b18095 No.21101615

or are you too poor?

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b18095 No.21101616

but to lose his soul…

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34f09c No.21101617

File: d40728c66bad3d4⋯.png (280.83 KB,683x474,683:474,ClipboardImage.png)


Deep and wide. kek

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b6abfe No.21101618

File: ea47691d71d6482⋯.png (392.72 KB,445x492,445:492,B11023CB_1307_440D_969D_4C….png)

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08ae52 No.21101619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3d2e0e No.21101620

File: 474d4a8fed86f1e⋯.png (1.09 MB,1137x829,1137:829,ClipboardImage.png)

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1e1ff6 No.21101621

File: 5555f028f50e870⋯.gif (2.2 MB,370x336,185:168,wtfff.gif)

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50bc1d No.21101622

File: 7545ed44b922efb⋯.jpg (45.56 KB,481x497,481:497,DonJr_HarleyCan.jpg)


Jr's been quite the Billy Carter once you start to add it all up.

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46c615 No.21101623

File: 3c28751f135ba39⋯.png (403.67 KB,607x477,607:477,em.PNG)


BNO News


Oklahoma orders every teacher in the state to have a Bible in the classroom and teach from it, effective immediately

1:21 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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b18095 No.21101624

you get them to eat each other's hearts out…

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e3b809 No.21101625


note collector will BAKE

#25865 >>21101021

>>21101075 First question, Biden used up all his time on his answer. Last question, he had 40 seconds left. This question, he had 80 seconds left.

>>21101076, >>21101266 80% said TRUMP WON

>>21101358 Will Biden be the Dem nominee?

>>21101077 Joe's debate performance put him down 12%. O.O

>>21101080 Breaking: Biden has been approached by senior members of Congress and DNC and has been told to resign. Reports of an impending cognition test and fitness test have been updated to reflect accuracy; the tests will be a result of him not resigning.

>>21101090 Trump Campaign Fact-Checks Biden in Real Time — Here are the Details (Video) - GP

>>21101105 CNN is devastated after the debate. "It's not just panic, it's pain."

>>21101112 @RealCandaceO: You spelled dementia wrong. KEK.

>>21101137 Harry Sisson: Biden won the debate easily - KEK

>>21101142 (You), >>21101147 Gaetz pleased about the debate

>>21101146, >>21101154 @DanScavino: realDonaldTrump enters the green room @CNN in Atlanta, Georgia—after a massive victory on the debate stage tonight…

>>21101160 Biden bombs, Trump pounces - POLITICO

>>21101170 @RNCResearch: Jill, Ed.D., is forced to literally walk Crooked Joe off stage following his humiliating debate

>>21101176 @TheStevenCheung: Even his own team knows Biden is doing horribly [and it's NOT. A. COLD]

>>21101181, >>21101208, >>21101256, >>21101338 Border Patrol Union - NBPC @BPUnion: To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.

>>21101186 @BehizyTweets: Trump is a genius, they gave him two minutes to answer a question about the "climate crisis" and he instead used the time to list his accomplishments for the black community.

>>21101197 WAPO: The first debate reinformed Biden's biggest weakness

>>21101201 “There was no inflation when I took office” ~ Biden

>>21101219 Biden's early debate performance cues calls for him to be replaced and even for the 25th Amendment to be invoked

>>21101246 KRISTEN WELKER: "There's no way to sugar coat this…[Biden] delivered a performance that was at times halting, at times he seemed to lose his train of thought…"

>>21101263 John King - PANIC IN THE PARTY - Yes, the president is out of his mind. Literally.

>>21101339 PF: Trump is not heading back to Mar-A-Lago.

>>21101345 @KimDotcom: Biden just said his son died because of Iraq. He died of cancer in the United States. Biden’s brain is shot.performance. YIKES

>>21101366 @EzraACohen China is killing hundreds of thousands of American citizens thank’s to Biden open border and weak counternarcotics strategy.

>>21101380 Ron @CodeMonkeyZ: "We are going to need to print more ballots." -DNC (probably)

>>21101391 PF: 45in N757AF 757 departed Atlanta Intl after “debate” heading for Laguardia - Tomorrow there's a Trump Rally in Chesapeake, Virginia, 3:00 pm ET

- - - - - - -

NON-Debate NEWS:

>>21101358 Asian Firms Sell Record $590 Billion of Local Bonds in Quarter



Cannot kept up with notes

WILL BAKE NOW with PARTIAL so next baker can collect notes for new break

Will post ALL THE NOTES from this bread when collected

sorry no warning, want to get ALL THE COMMENTS, do the debate justice

Please HOLD more substantive stuff till next bread


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b18095 No.21101626

they will tear themselves apart…

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72ef85 No.21101627


notable senile pedophile

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b18095 No.21101628


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2ac001 No.21101629

File: f8a677d327cf9be⋯.png (594.22 KB,886x868,443:434,ClipboardImage.png)


Hory sheet

Ear is falling off

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b18095 No.21101630

big pussies yet to you… animals

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46c615 No.21101631

File: 3f9cfcb6df17a6a⋯.png (198.81 KB,595x673,595:673,laps.PNG)


Brian Sullivan


The collapse of #walgreens has been unlike anything I've ever seen in big retail.

It's down 24% today and has now lost 80% of its value in under 5 years.

This is America's largest pharmacy chain .. with over 8,500 stores & more than 300,000 employees.

Simply insane.


5:20 AM · Jun 27, 2024




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d02603 No.21101633


partial cnn debate transcript


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b18095 No.21101634

large children

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b18095 No.21101636

you always knew it deep within

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b18095 No.21101638

like a splinter in your mind

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922365 No.21101639


ABC's Will REeeee

& Demand the Very law enforcement that will be their own doom

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761464 No.21101641

File: 31dbe2f9f3d13de⋯.png (67.76 KB,512x512,1:1,member_alpha.png)


that's right

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34f09c No.21101642



Not likey reply to mr. 54, but wondered what he'd say.

I can't access comments rn. fuck and kek.

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b18095 No.21101643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e5a8d6 No.21101644


Nope. That's not what they said.

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72ef85 No.21101645


attack every trump.


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922365 No.21101646


You've got my Blessings

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b18095 No.21101647

and now the most amazing cog dis

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0b8b21 No.21101648

File: c1286f7f2df5c50⋯.mp4 (1.74 MB,1280x720,16:9,QtPKCOe_l7ofxzdE.mp4)

File: e2537a9fbfe1922⋯.png (235.64 KB,595x500,119:100,Screenshot_2024_06_28_0017….png)

KEK, they will be regretting this when the 25th amendment him and she is GirlBoss

See new posts


Graham Allen


CNN is now turning on Kamala!!! Biden is DONE!


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46c615 No.21101649

File: 39c0785dd34f889⋯.png (1.02 MB,646x876,323:438,pl.PNG)

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b18095 No.21101650



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8df54a No.21101651

File: ab0bd0eb4e9b609⋯.png (734.83 KB,803x592,803:592,millstones_e1a.png)

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06b2be No.21101652


[Same as rite aid? Vaxx shills get killt]

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d26279 No.21101653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d02603 No.21101654

that is what i was thinkin


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47111a No.21101655



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2ac001 No.21101656

File: 6a205cc1df88b17⋯.png (429.12 KB,544x805,544:805,ClipboardImage.png)


I know an anon can make that mic go in and out.

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72ef85 No.21101657

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761464 No.21101658

File: db39e7dbe768ba3⋯.png (1.08 MB,1908x981,212:109,Screen_Cap_Jill_Biden_Joe_….png)


scary shit

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46c615 No.21101659

File: 7cc8c44d2d9f9c4⋯.png (565.41 KB,593x835,593:835,st.PNG)


Bad Kitty Unleashed 🦁


Now my time to shine is here. Biden can’t be replaced in some states.

Wisconsin, if they replace Biden, the Democrats are out entirely!

Nevada, no changes can be made to the ballot after 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday in June of an election year. This means they have until 5 PM this Friday to pull Biden out.

They better work fast!


Bad Kitty Unleashed 🦁



Jun 21

Republicans get their day to fight dirty: How conservatives could make it very hard for Democrats to replace Biden on the 2024 ballot if he has a disastrous debate or steps aside.

“The Heritage Oversight project has set their sights on three contentious swing states where they

Show more


4:30 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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c6eddc No.21101660

File: 55769dfb6dd8200⋯.mp4 (309.22 KB,480x270,16:9,OoDSWKBwPzH9fPGS.mp4)



Jill: "You answered every question!"

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ba5ff8 No.21101661

File: 4861a67e6384bef⋯.mp4 (14.06 MB,1280x532,320:133,4861a67e6384bef7aac00afce5….mp4)


>like a splinter in your mind

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89b735 No.21101662

File: 17b63c8fd7db1cb⋯.png (764.02 KB,808x1030,404:515,ClipboardImage.png)

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34f09c No.21101663


Not liking 56 comments, but

Bidan practiced for 10 days and old. kek

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46c615 No.21101664

File: fd9d871c3201f00⋯.png (20.41 KB,593x368,593:368,dc.PNG)




Make no mistake

This wide-ranging Democrat reaction to have Joe Biden step down is coordinated

This is not organic

The machine set this debate trap for Biden, waited for the right moment, and now the knives are out

Et tú Barack?

4:02 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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155a94 No.21101665


Baker, did you just notable your own post? KEK

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b18095 No.21101666


surely because the producers went fucking PUS HOLE that the entire concept is shit so are we going to pray to jesus now or not?

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89b735 No.21101668


give him a cookie

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0b8b21 No.21101669


I always thought it was Ivanka because she was married to the tribe.

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a6f159 No.21101670

File: 8c4a88d7b6b2b37⋯.png (254.04 KB,1322x556,661:278,0delta.png)

0-Delta I have not ever seen between JOE and GEOTUS .. and more

what does it mean?

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15c107 No.21101671


Poor Biden is suffering from a bad cold

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b18095 No.21101672

Dan Scavino kisses pope ring


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b6abfe No.21101674


She’ll be CIC for long enough to pardon Hunter and Joe (blanket pardon)

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b18095 No.21101675



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d26279 No.21101676

File: 8715d8f5b2c0dbb⋯.png (1.11 MB,800x1043,800:1043,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b8b21 No.21101677


That wasn't tonight , he was in a Black Jacket and Jill rushed him off stage

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ba5ff8 No.21101678



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b18095 No.21101679



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46c615 No.21101680

File: 94dfc5842000971⋯.png (399.07 KB,595x565,119:113,boy.PNG)


Oilfield Rando




Square profile picture

The Post Millennial




OMG Is this real?

4:41 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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c6eddc No.21101681

File: 8364fc918ca62e9⋯.png (186.41 KB,697x358,697:358,Biden_removebg_preview.png)

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10fb30 No.21101682

File: fc7f6def00090ca⋯.jpg (75.35 KB,968x545,968:545,media_GRIfERtXEAAqa6Q.jpg)

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50bc1d No.21101683


where u been anon?

They do that all the time now.

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073479 No.21101684

File: 820022351ed8c41⋯.jpeg (29.5 KB,1280x720,16:9,E18672F0_D3BA_438C_98A2_7….jpeg)

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b18095 No.21101685



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b18095 No.21101686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b18095 No.21101688




GOD WINS!?!?!?

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411009 No.21101689

File: 345b704f41f7d8a⋯.png (252.44 KB,1293x525,431:175,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6abfe No.21101690

File: 58a1c221e3029d4⋯.gif (142.58 KB,220x169,220:169,981EA7A1_6E85_40F5_BEF3_7B….gif)


Why waste a good qookie?

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15c107 No.21101691


Incest Joe

Ask his daughter

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46c615 No.21101692

File: 15bf27fc8b46b09⋯.png (458.23 KB,586x480,293:240,cret.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


ICYMI: Democrat Insiders Reveal Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer's Secret Plot to Replace Feeble Joe Biden

From thegatewaypundit.com

4:27 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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d02603 No.21101693

File: f5539f2c5ac9ced⋯.jpg (5.42 KB,255x129,85:43,90a7665c25212311fb686f80b2….jpg)



regarding who won debate poll:


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 58ea93 No.5629177 📁

Mar 11 2019 17:30:49 (EST)


4-6% [brainwashed] will never wake up even when presented w/ FACTS.



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e5a8d6 No.21101694


Talked about his affairs with a porn star?

Joe Biden is a lying piece of shit. All Trump did was to say it never happened after Joe himself brought it up. Then Joe says this? What a fucking turd.

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761464 No.21101695


ty and yoinkt

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b18095 No.21101696






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4931d1 No.21101697

File: 73bf541b51788f9⋯.mp4 (4.82 MB,640x360,16:9,y2mate_so_2004_Howard_Dean….mp4)

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e3b809 No.21101698







will collect REST OF NOTES and post next bread


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8df54a No.21101699

File: 26f936c309ff839⋯.jpeg (11.41 KB,255x215,51:43,kek_uuky.jpeg)

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b18095 No.21101700


you low iq fucking worms :D

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b18095 No.21101701

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b18095 No.21101702


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4931d1 No.21101703


I think it's all 3 of Ivana's kids.

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46c615 No.21101704

File: 0a13e2325615695⋯.png (13.55 KB,592x178,296:89,ron.PNG)




Trump won.

This "debate" was designed by the Democrats to remove Biden as president.

3:49 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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b18095 No.21101705


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922365 No.21101708


Anons know

Poor Normies have no Idea

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06b6e4 No.21101744


She does that and she's the one takes the fall

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06b6e4 No.21101752


That's what vatican dude posts all the time

pay attention

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