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File: 69a4d2ec5235c5c⋯.png (957.81 KB,1371x764,1371:764,jf87fj9f78eidkhjg98d8fgjwl….png)

a90024 No.21100167 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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a90024 No.21100170

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 Australia #36

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>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

>>20736492, >>18311579, >>20673838 "Baker on Duty" - what it means

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

>>20926627, >>20947983 Anon notables/making changes: generally, once a bread baked, it's baked


>>21074755, >>21074757, >>21074766 MASSIVE SPAM ATTACK on catalog, BAKERS: PLZ GET REPORTER STATUS SO YOU CAN BAKE NEW


#25863 >>21099276

>>21099302 President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21099348, >>21099412, >>21099483 @DanScavino ARE YOU KIDDING ME??

>>21099396, >>21099577 Come in Obama, Obama Come In Help help help

>>21099451 Communist News Network sucks

>>21099473 Bill Gates Is Investing "Billions" In The New Wave Of Nuclear Power

>>21099483, >>21099541 DJT: “I really don’t know what he says at the end of that sentence—I don’t think he knows what he said either”

>>21099619, >>21099727 Border Patrol Union: To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden

>>21099762, >>21099741, >>21099760 SUPER PREDATORS Meme It

>>21099483, >>21099541 DJT: “I really don’t know what he says at the end of that sentence—I don’t think he knows what he said either”

>>21099619, >>21099727 Border Patrol Union: To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden

>>21099918 JUST IN - “President Biden has a cold." - NBC reports citing two sources

>>21099969 Presidential Debate Transcript


>>21100095 @MTG Biden couldn’t get hired as a Walmart greeter and he has the nuclear codes.

>>21100145 #25863

#25862 >>21098431

>>21098466 il Trump TRUTHS

>>21098473 Watching DEBATE here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps1X_1KZfN4

>>21098481, >>21098746, >>21098780, >>21098815, >>21098820, >>21098861, >>21098945, >>21098959, >>21099074 Memes

>>21098565, >>21098577, >>21098626, >>21098977, >>21099103 @DanScavino - Habbenings #TRUMP2024

>>21098898 Arnold is sorry he's a douchebag

>>21098934 Night Owl News Archives - Debate 06/27/2024

>>21098967 AirBNB sold by Co-founder Joseph Gebbia sells $100.66m June 25

>>21099162 Debate Notes


#25861 >>21097532

>>21097582 Donald Trump vs Joe Biden Presidential Debate – 9:00pm Livestream – Open Discussion Thread

>>21097919, >>21097941, >>21097956 RAV, >>21097965, >>21097983, >>21098128, >>21098192, >>21098298 DEBATE LINKAGE - WATCH LIVE

>>21097596, >>21097609 Debate Day, Exclusive Interview with Glenn Beck | TRIGGERED w/Don Jr.

>>21097668, >>21097693 This submission in the 9/11 case was just released on the war court site

>>21097685 Arnold Schwarzenegger issues public apology for saying Screw Your Freedom during Pandemic

>>21097725 White House Press Corps Forced to Watch Feed of CNN Debate From Building Across the Street Because They Believe There May Be a “Medical Emergency”

>>21097745 Since 2019, not a single 8th grade student at LeBron James' 'I Promise School' has passed the state’s math proficiency exam

>>21097762, >>21098091, >>21097892 PF

>>21097835, >>21097945, >>21098078, >>21098178, >>21098354 il TRUMP TRUTHS

>>21097903 Whoopi Goldberg Melts Down "stop calling him the president. He is not the president" "yet"

>>21097911, >>21097917 @DanScavino https://factcheckbiden.com FACT CHECK BIDEN

>>21097916 EU nominates Russia hawk for next top diplomat

>>21097976 @DanScavino @realDonaldTrump en route to CNN for tonight’s debate. THANK YOU, ATLANTA!

>>21098027 Mil Posts / Decodes

>>21098110 NEW Dan! “IF” by Rudyard Kipling

>>21098120 @elonmusk Starlink now available in Madagascar!

>>21098154, >>21098167 moar @DanScavino

>>21098222 STAGE IS SET

>>21098225 Currently there are 1,019,604 Indictments on the Indictments List. 444 954 remain sealed

>>21098218, >>21098231, >>21098249, >>21098267 chicken noodle news has shut down the chat on its live feed.

>>21098322 on June 27, 1778 246 yrs ago Liberty Bell returns home to Philadelphia after the British departure

>>21098353, >>21098368 Delta Today HEART ATTACKS CAN BE DEADLY

>>21098402 #25861

#25860 >>21096738

>>21097153, >>21097410, >>21097423 Presidential Debate links

>>21097463 Trump Jr. Live

>>21097312, >>21097334 The stage is set

>>21097237 This is why the Biden administration demanded no audience at the CNN debate

>>21097355, >>21097372 The Trump Campaign rolled out a new website to fact check Biden during the presidential debate

>>21097248, >>21097314, >>21097352 Legendary

>>21096973 @DanScavino: Trump Force One, wheels down in 20 minutes! #TRUMP2024

>>21097062, >>21097119, >>21097269 Trump Force One, wheels down in Georgia!

>>21097009 Just landed Q delta

>>21097207, >>21097281 President @realDonaldTrump en route to CNN HQ

>>21097411 Almost showtime

>>21096960, >>21097457 Biden spotted

>>21097103, >>21097109, >>21097134 @DanScavino: 🎸 Rock History 🎸

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21096807 Idaho farmers being fined $300 per acre for watering crops

>>21096815 New Details Emerge on Fed Probe of New York Mayor Eric Adams and Top Adviser’s Trips to China

>>21096822 Steve Bannon And Mike Davis React To Idaho Emergency-Abortion Leaks And Ruling

>>21096827 Pornhub to flee five more states in the wake of age-verification laws protecting kids

>>21096872, >>21097033 Bill Gates' 'Apeel' food coating and the 'rubber fruit' phenomenon

>>21096877 Klaus Schwab Tells WEF Elites ‘We Must Force’ Humanity into ‘Collaboration’ with Globalist Agenda

>>21096883, >>21097422 Tractor Supply Announces They’ll Stop Sponsoring Pride Parades, Eliminate DEI After Criticism & Threats Of Boycotts

>>21096985 Jack Posobiec Previews New Book

>>21096989, >>21097298, >>21097461 Moar twisted Instagram accounts

>>21097001 Russia and the United States are keeping communication channels open

>>21097068 S&P Global announces Martina Cheung as CEO

>>21097096 NFL hit with $4.7 billion verdict in 'Sunday Ticket' antitrust trial

>>21097115 US Negotiating To Send Israel's Patriot Systems To Ukraine

>>21097120 @NavalInstitute: #OTD in 1968

>>21097140 @ENERGY announces $2.7 billion to secure new sources of domestic uranium enrichment capacity

>>21097197 Caroline Wren Exposes How The FBI Has Targeted A Woman For Reporting Ashley Biden's Diary

>>21097194 China quietly uses cartel drug trade to upend American harmony at home

>>21097259 North Korea Will Reportedly Send Troops To Help Russia in Ukraine War ‘Within a Month’

>>21097280 Top Doctor Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer

>>21097349 Today, Rep. Spartz spoke on the floor in support of her amendment to defund @UN programs not authorized by Congress

>>21097451 @11thAirborneDiv: Here we go!

>>21096790, >>21096853, >>21096898, >>21097353, >>21097399 Memes

>>21097489 #25860

Previously Collected

>>21095090 #25857, >>21095960 #25858, >>21096697 #25859

>>21092046 #25854, >>21093012 #25855, >>21094194 #25856

>>21089586 #25851, >>21090453 #25852, >>21091281 #25853

>>21086510 #25848, >>21087535 #25849, >>21088350 #25850

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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a90024 No.21100180

File: 46ae11401ed7fa1⋯.png (3.87 MB,2048x1366,1024:683,46ae11401ed7fa1e51ca151d8a….png)



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ff9c27 No.21100186


you have my Haste B

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4fc580 No.21100190

File: a3e1ca2f1a73789⋯.png (458.85 KB,764x650,382:325,ClipboardImage.png)

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6bc5e2 No.21100191

Amazing job, baker ☺️

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bc2702 No.21100192

File: 73a71dc92e2c65f⋯.jpg (92.98 KB,593x801,593:801,64a85099204af79021d882b76c….jpg)


Thank you Baker!!! <3

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c19ab9 No.21100193

File: e12fb598ee76865⋯.jpg (84.83 KB,800x600,4:3,e12fb598ee7686562d2de4edb2….jpg)

File: b10facf7eaadfd5⋯.jpg (101.75 KB,452x506,226:253,b10facf7eaadfd5d7441c09d76….jpg)

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315500 No.21100195

File: 6b7e13dcc3a6bd9⋯.png (615.18 KB,827x541,827:541,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


thanks debate baker

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5724df No.21100196

File: c855e6fca7a703c⋯.png (71.79 KB,192x241,192:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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3af84c No.21100197

File: ea95dce6f7fb6d7⋯.png (487.62 KB,828x509,828:509,IMG_2294.png)

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f1db6f No.21100199

86 kek

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315500 No.21100200

he said it again, "the idea…"

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5222ff No.21100201


Biden: “we bought off a lot of people”

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2c7155 No.21100202

Trump sent jobs overseas? The exact opposite of everything Trump ever said or did.

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71018a No.21100203

File: a8839ff33e6ac4f⋯.png (1 MB,663x530,663:530,brave_new_world.png)


Thank you Baker

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1e346b No.21100204

claims Trump is incompetent.


"btw We Bought Off a Lot of People"


"We are trusted world-wide"

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451d69 No.21100205

has this debate woke any normies

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136269 No.21100206

File: df4b0bf409f13ce⋯.png (3.53 MB,2474x1368,1237:684,ClipboardImage.png)

the memes are writing themselves!

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f3cc6b No.21100207

File: a6b72c894465680⋯.gif (1.05 MB,498x431,498:431,29841033_3AAC_4968_A5CC_34….gif)

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26825a No.21100209

File: 91f4dcf430ff974⋯.png (1.19 MB,1296x810,8:5,pepe_in_formation.png)

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6bc5e2 No.21100210

This is bidans final gasp.

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4fc580 No.21100211


I don't think people are watching it.

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234fde No.21100212

File: 3025b072c6040ee⋯.png (91.32 KB,219x253,219:253,ClipboardImage.png)

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5724df No.21100213

Holy shit! Did Biden just say POTUS Trump was sending jobs overseas? The gaslighting. Wow.

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fb1112 No.21100214

File: 06d6c0a4b756132⋯.jpeg (115.42 KB,600x600,1:1,NCSWICpanic.jpeg)

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f6aa34 No.21100215

File: c6c4011aa94b03b⋯.jpg (1.44 MB,1536x1913,1536:1913,Dogs_FJB.jpg)

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53fdcc No.21100216

File: 35565084c5a8911⋯.jpg (34.46 KB,749x489,749:489,dfggfhdrtyt.jpg)

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f596e7 No.21100217

File: 88e6675baa379d3⋯.jpg (602.36 KB,1800x1080,5:3,BidenSimulator.jpg)

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22b60f No.21100218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3222ed No.21100219

File: 7aafc8acaab4c67⋯.gif (5.97 MB,530x409,530:409,7aafc8acaab4c67e34ab85d4d1….gif)

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234fde No.21100220

File: b3d9b515d6d4416⋯.png (81.09 KB,198x233,198:233,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3cc6b No.21100221


The people that need to watch it aren’t

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3af84c No.21100222

File: 0b0c2b113aef965⋯.jpeg (92.64 KB,468x495,52:55,IMG_7440.jpeg)


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f76db8 No.21100223

File: 33fd201bddbe830⋯.jpg (99.9 KB,554x535,554:535,4_GOD_AND_COUNTRY.jpg)

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9857e2 No.21100224


I doubt it.

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10dab8 No.21100225

File: d333a05eeca4948⋯.jpg (66.78 KB,430x800,43:80,memebetter_com_20220304233….jpg)

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2ccc35 No.21100226

File: 096eba6dfff2028⋯.png (229.36 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff9c27 No.21100227

File: 21cbefaa69613dd⋯.png (636.1 KB,702x565,702:565,ClipboardImage.png)

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bcec49 No.21100228

File: 3630571662f6c2f⋯.jpg (675.92 KB,1778x1514,889:757,WithGodAllThings.jpg)

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791c42 No.21100229

File: 9e78cc9185535dc⋯.png (266.36 KB,1290x583,1290:583,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f69e1 No.21100230

File: fed0212bb04fbdf⋯.jpeg (235.21 KB,868x778,434:389,fed0212bb04fbdf016867579e….jpeg)

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2c7155 No.21100231

File: bf86f0a9a4fcaf8⋯.png (345.52 KB,1034x811,1034:811,ClipboardImage.png)

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1340e6 No.21100232

Holy shit Biden is rocking it

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dfa967 No.21100233

File: 5c6db8bf906da8e⋯.png (233.29 KB,610x516,305:258,ClipboardImage.png)




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136269 No.21100234

Biden going off the rails!

Wanna fight? Punk?

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a99ce7 No.21100236

File: 1db41f809ea586e⋯.png (949.04 KB,603x930,201:310,Clipped_image_20240225_220….png)

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33c5b9 No.21100237

File: fed216519dac6f8⋯.jpeg (787.25 KB,833x1111,833:1111,DCDE1131_C2CE_490C_8465_B….jpeg)

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36323f No.21100238

Keep saying the word handicap!!!

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791c42 No.21100239

File: 536326d13e6fc35⋯.png (1.3 MB,988x1039,988:1039,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb1112 No.21100240


woody, that you?


keep tracker

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2c7155 No.21100241

I'd like to see Biden carry his own bag, kek.

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88b94d No.21100242


He has my vote <3

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39230f No.21100243

cringe bred is flying bred

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f60613 No.21100244

File: 2140f9ce2b4595d⋯.png (315.68 KB,500x500,1:1,2140f9ce2b4595ded1ffb8cb9a….png)

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a90024 No.21100245

File: 2c4b5f7f776aac1⋯.png (970.01 KB,1098x585,122:65,haaw.png)

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5794ab No.21100246

File: 0b4d1c83092da42⋯.mp4 (605.73 KB,480x480,1:1,ride_never_ends.mp4)

File: 0f8b3aecbf5e917⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB,464x480,29:30,wwg1_wga_music_trump_rally….mp4)



biden is now sputtering


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fe0cd7 No.21100247

File: edb2cdd23aa3bdc⋯.png (548.79 KB,1144x423,1144:423,ClipboardImage.png)


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2ccc35 No.21100248

File: cd42a467c49a059⋯.png (1.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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136269 No.21100249

File: 4e35ba18c3a3b1b⋯.png (222.43 KB,584x1640,73:205,ClipboardImage.png)

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f820d4 No.21100250

File: a6370c47320cb9c⋯.png (410.25 KB,612x407,612:407,ClipboardImage.png)

let's not act like children

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deecec No.21100251

Trump: “I’ve seen your swing, I know your swing.” re: Biden’s terrible handicap. lol

savage genius

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ef7416 No.21100252


Mine too

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4f69e1 No.21100253

File: fd65510f4d5d1c5⋯.jpg (12.6 KB,253x255,253:255,fd65510f4d5d1c5967891e70a7….jpg)

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5724df No.21100255

Wait! 6… no 8! TOP FUCKING KEK!

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f27fa2 No.21100257

let's not act like children.

MY POTUS-love you, man.

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dfa967 No.21100258

File: 691a3a88ce269e7⋯.jpg (27.88 KB,450x320,45:32,president_barack_obama_and….jpg)

Manchurian candidate

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ff9c27 No.21100259

File: e23646d108d204d⋯.png (212.95 KB,944x620,236:155,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump Has Ear Hole

Why Joe not have Ear hole?

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234fde No.21100260

File: b43065696dc018c⋯.png (89.13 KB,212x258,106:129,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8613a93645eadd1⋯.png (126.31 KB,2456x930,1228:465,ClipboardImage.png)

6'5 235#



6 Handicap hahahahahahahaaha

6'3 215 = 17

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780edc No.21100261

File: 4693131125624e7⋯.jpg (216.23 KB,1233x1248,411:416,4693131125624e7d083148b391….jpg)

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8c61a1 No.21100262

File: 54c219e6ecf502e⋯.jpeg (139.11 KB,828x668,207:167,IMG_0361.jpeg)

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168739 No.21100263

File: 4b9f09e7dde9f21⋯.jpg (227.33 KB,1200x608,75:38,BidenHarrisTet.JPG)

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53fdcc No.21100264

Mr. Biden: I got my handicap down to a six [golf].

President Trump: That's the biggest lie, that he's a six handicap, of all.

Mr. Biden: I was eight handicap. Eight. I had, you know how many.

President Trump: I've seen your swing. I know your swing.


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e74213 No.21100265

debate notes from lb

>>21099969 Presidential Debate Transcript

>>21099396 Obama come in - help help help

>>21099644, >>21099839 Debate in a nutshell

>>21099483, >>21099541 DJT: “I really don’t know what he says at the end of that sentence—I don’t think he knows what he said either”

>>21099619 Border Patrol Union: To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden

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fe7ee1 No.21100267

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c06517 No.21100268

Let's not act like children…

Pure gold…

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71018a No.21100269

File: 0315622d0c24d8b⋯.mp4 (971.13 KB,854x480,427:240,golf.mp4)

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136269 No.21100270


It's up to the meme makers at this point.

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65a197 No.21100271


you are deceived

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2ccc35 No.21100272

File: 6297a538c02e0d2⋯.png (746.11 KB,1238x649,1238:649,ClipboardImage.png)


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c46bae No.21100273

File: 3445bbb0596a379⋯.jpg (20.41 KB,255x240,17:16,9f1b645193240b079c1f978701….jpg)

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6bc5e2 No.21100274

Trying to pin trump down.

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2d3278 No.21100275

File: b45fe73796d88ec⋯.jpg (75.98 KB,878x500,439:250,8v8ur2_1_.jpg)

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315500 No.21100277

File: 13edcb07bf2d211⋯.png (243.93 KB,300x400,3:4,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)

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345723 No.21100278

File: c998a9abe339d56⋯.mp4 (1.67 MB,610x1084,305:542,Shitter.mp4)

Help is on the way Joe!

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5794ab No.21100279

File: ebb34077e174ab9⋯.png (545.09 KB,705x500,141:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b7690 No.21100280

File: 68c92d8d0f60ec3⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB,640x360,16:9,68c92d8d0f60ec31b35d505d9c….mp4)

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234fde No.21100281

File: b7cda8ba5293cee⋯.png (89.83 KB,214x250,107:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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3222ed No.21100282

File: 1f4e1179eb24224⋯.webp (17.86 KB,1024x576,16:9,biden_takes_small_fall_ru….webp)

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f3cc6b No.21100283

File: f65bbfab3bfe66b⋯.png (405.87 KB,639x412,639:412,93EB6CCA_32EC_4642_8258_7B….png)

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f60613 No.21100284

shills have nothing, faggots

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4f0f71 No.21100285

Did Trump say "tippy top" while doing the magic thumb trick like we agreed?

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aa522e No.21100286

Look at that great tie Trump has on, and then look at Joe's tie. It looks like it was made with couch fabric.

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2d3278 No.21100287


>It's up to the meme makers at this point.

No Cheap Fakes allowed KEK

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fe7ee1 No.21100288

> the idea

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1e346b No.21100289


I think CNN set-up Biden since they want him out.

He's proud of his job.

"we are a powerful people"

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4f69e1 No.21100290

"The idea!"

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315500 No.21100292

"the idea, the idea…"

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136269 No.21100293

Joe's on repeat

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665ab2 No.21100294


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1e346b No.21100295

fear porn

russia is on the march.

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39230f No.21100296

potato look terrified when they ask him a question.

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0e086a No.21100297

File: f742986d2d856cc⋯.png (696.71 KB,1156x775,1156:775,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e08d875c6393d7⋯.png (809.87 KB,1080x1133,1080:1133,cnn_fags.png)

CNN and the MSM are planning political violence for the November 2nd WIN

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604495 No.21100298


Yes, Bill Ackman.

And a lot of WallStreet are definitely watching and commenting on Twitter.

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46540c No.21100299

elons birthday today

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c46bae No.21100301

File: d623b1bcb2a995f⋯.jpg (11.85 KB,234x183,78:61,OIP_34_.jpg)

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d8a2d3 No.21100302

File: 5eeecdec97e8dca⋯.jpg (134.09 KB,743x743,1:1,Trump4Peace.JPG)

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bb908d No.21100303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The debate.

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5724df No.21100304

File: a3675a62a38e5c2⋯.jpg (335.31 KB,700x524,175:131,b630e6e327239441d21a6de17a….jpg)

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32c0d0 No.21100305

They looked like two old men in a Seinfeld episode

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234fde No.21100306

File: 140eeb5d7b600d8⋯.png (71.09 KB,192x244,48:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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345723 No.21100308

File: 06e1ca383c8bb7f⋯.png (92.56 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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61e7f9 No.21100309

File: dd0a16e74714206⋯.png (352.64 KB,513x625,513:625,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d317f No.21100310

Biden cracks and breaks, lunges for Trump finale!

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43e68e No.21100311

File: 2f03b60b4f0a09b⋯.png (1.46 MB,1813x950,1813:950,2024_06_27_22_27_52.png)


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e952eb No.21100313


Joe is potus and for security needs one

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dc662e No.21100314

How many times will she ask him that question

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c46bae No.21100315

File: 6023fbdd3cff2b5⋯.png (14.64 KB,255x255,1:1,herewego.png)

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136269 No.21100316


Put some cheese on it and I'll reconsider, kek

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88b94d No.21100317

>he's gonna take the whole thing

Lol gay

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9857e2 No.21100318

Think Joe can swing a golf club?

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cf39eb No.21100319

File: 9f46c9899d2b75f⋯.jpg (168.88 KB,1000x1503,1000:1503,ReadyNextDropB1.JPG)

File: c9eb2d726a808f6⋯.jpg (347.11 KB,2048x1536,4:3,ReadyNxtDropB52.JPG)

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dad458 No.21100320

File: 7ae2e5f4f4f698d⋯.gif (860.53 KB,280x281,280:281,7ae2e5f4f4f698d858eb9c9950….gif)

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dd71a8 No.21100321

You are too sweet for me.

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29f21d No.21100322

Red flag

Can you play the hag

Can you grab the bag

Snail nagged the slap of a

Hailed rag

Can you endzone grab

Should you empty the mag

Train car tag understood the lag of


Been waitin for the brake down


Win yankin boards for the graped towns

Been there


Can you hold em off

T3ll em I’ve gone soft

For the shake down

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53fdcc No.21100323

President Trump: He's got us in such a bad position right now with Ukraine and Russia, because Ukraine's not wining that war…they're running out of people, they're running out of soldiers; they've lost so many people…all because of him and stupid decisions.

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4f69e1 No.21100324

Tater can't close his hanging mouth. He's catchin flies.

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fe7ee1 No.21100325

*writes in calendar PDJT news conference in a week*

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10dab8 No.21100326

yep males between 16 & 60 cannot leave Ukraine

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03626d No.21100327

Lmao lmao whew go go

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dfa967 No.21100328

File: c31a8dcace20688⋯.png (263.17 KB,604x470,302:235,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f9079e5e1192096⋯.png (109.85 KB,254x238,127:119,ClipboardImage.png)


RNC Research



Biden says the millions of illegal aliens he has ferried into the country is "the reason why we have the most successful economy in the world" 🥴

Jun 28, 2024 · 2:15 AM UTC



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a99ce7 No.21100330


The 5% are polling from the cemetery

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1e346b No.21100331

You're a whiner.

We'll see how you do after the election

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fe7ee1 No.21100332

Didn't have namecalling on the bingo card

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315500 No.21100333

if it's a fair election without fraud i will accept (paraphrase)

good answer Trump

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574e9f No.21100334


This is a threat to our democracy!!!

NOT 1 single COURT


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c19ab9 No.21100335

trump reads the snake, game over


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dd71a8 No.21100336

Anthony Whiner

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1e346b No.21100337

"No evidence of cheating". says Biden

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fed1b3 No.21100338

File: a48d996d5eab6a2⋯.jpg (214.27 KB,1280x854,640:427,CovidBlindfold.JPG)

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136269 No.21100339

File: b979312ec5c5376⋯.jpg (171.28 KB,590x474,295:237,Kamala_Harris_North_Korea.jpg)

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ba044b No.21100340


True Scotsmen say "index"…not "handicap".

No fucking way he's either 6 OR 8.

Fucker prolly cheats.

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0e086a No.21100341

File: b94d3b2485ba590⋯.png (686.32 KB,1152x759,384:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b94d3b2485ba590⋯.png (686.32 KB,1152x759,384:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b7e660886e9c44⋯.png (403.36 KB,1031x477,1031:477,ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Biden looks like a drug fueled tweeaker

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3222ed No.21100342

File: e79e4f92848e0f5⋯.jpg (119.59 KB,624x609,208:203,2024_06_28_03_29_53_Watch_….jpg)

File: d4d774dae218959⋯.jpg (127.15 KB,630x615,42:41,2024_06_28_03_30_03_Watch_….jpg)

File: a0a2591651e212a⋯.jpg (124.98 KB,628x618,314:309,2024_06_28_03_30_28_Watch_….jpg)

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f7337b No.21100344

File: 099cd0045be4c5e⋯.png (262.84 KB,500x534,250:267,8v8u8o_1.png)

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a84a14 No.21100345

File: d51287433373307⋯.png (3.45 MB,1516x1153,1516:1153,TRUMPvsBIDEN_June_2024.png)

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

File: 435ad7160eb057e⋯.png (2.51 MB,2543x5584,2543:5584,Q_Delta_Today_June_27.png)

Enjoy the Show!

We are seriously watching one of the best bipartisan debates I've seen since 2016 w/ ]HRC[.

We are not afraid to discuss the more controversial topics.

These subjects are really hitting home.

Where we go one, we go all!

This includes the [police/law enforcement], the [military], the [government], the [doctors], the [lawyers] & [attorneys], the [small business owners], the [scientists], the [historians], the [journalists] (both mainstream and citizen), the [border patrols], [our neighbors], the [children]… and for someone like myself, the [beautiful people] (You) and [I], whom are afflicted byDIRTY, UNCLEAN, ADULTERATED[illicit drugs]! We need to keep putting our differences aside, and recognize the [value] in the [facts] that make us unique, exotic, and [special]. This is the [United States of America], the cauldron/melting pot of [the world]! We need each other [more] than ever. This is more than just another [4-year] election. This is [OUR future]!

God bless the [United States of America], and protect (You) from all forms of harm and negativity, on this day, and forever!

May the energy put forth in these moments be utilized for the purposes of making the world [THE BEST] place [for], positive people, a.k.a. [ALL] OF US!


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fe7ee1 No.21100346

whelp time for another shot/pill

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a3531b No.21100347

File: 02b7ea66fa6f6a2⋯.jpeg (120.87 KB,828x1035,4:5,11CE546F_B51D_4CC9_896A_5….jpeg)

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ccd91b No.21100348


Notice that they didn't do an enforced followup with Bidan on that question

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9248b2 No.21100349

I’m so proud of Joe I was worried at the beginning

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10dab8 No.21100350

That's a huge lie, Trump did win cases all over the place.

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71018a No.21100351

File: 3f0592a44ded9e8⋯.jpg (31.17 KB,329x357,47:51,3f0592a44ded9e848bd3611a93….jpg)

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2d3278 No.21100352


Oh there will be be cheese good sir, Parmesan, Nacho, Cheddar, Pepper Jack, Load it up,

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234fde No.21100353

File: bad114e5c852305⋯.png (32.06 KB,191x98,191:98,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc662e No.21100354

We've gone all this way tonight without the shills and now they show up

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b676a6 No.21100355

Did any anon have "Angry" on their Bingo Card?

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2ccc35 No.21100356

POTUS is just letting Biden Hang Himself

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aa522e No.21100357

Joe was talking about wieners

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872558 No.21100358

Ask biden the same accept president election result question

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5794ab No.21100359

biden: you are such a whiner

djt: just smiles.


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574e9f No.21100360




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136269 No.21100361

File: aa905f85da6fe60⋯.png (226.09 KB,548x1629,548:1629,ClipboardImage.png)

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32c0d0 No.21100362


Says the supporter of the child molestor and incestuous father

incest joe

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ff9c27 No.21100363


If it wasn't stollen

Why are they still arresting people for Cheating in 2020?

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53fdcc No.21100364

Question: Will you accept the results of the election, regardless of who wins?

President Trump: If it's a fair, and legal, and good election, absolutely…the fraud, and everything else [2020] was ridiculous, and if you want, we'll have a news conference on it in a week.

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9857e2 No.21100365


Well, being proud of faillure is something to behold.

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deecec No.21100366

God I hate the gaslighting psychopath "Joe" "Biden". The election wasSTOLENand our corruptcourt systemcolluded with "Joe" "Biden" to suppress what should have been a slam dunk to overturn the banana republic election.

It's INFURIATING. These people are SO EVIL.

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857cb7 No.21100367

File: f08999eb5c15ec0⋯.jpg (188.05 KB,1437x700,1437:700,TrumpWonBig.JPG)

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f7337b No.21100369


Vatican Dude kept trying, but his stuff kept going "poof"

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0ceaf3 No.21100370

it's been 90 minutes now but still moar to come??

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8e2d47 No.21100371

File: 7804baf49c6ff74⋯.png (934.42 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b7690 No.21100372

File: 889ee4c602c38b2⋯.png (371.4 KB,733x500,733:500,1707442021780990.png)

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29f21d No.21100373

File: 3c42900cd61ab92⋯.gif (124.22 KB,200x153,200:153,IMG_0334.gif)


Delete this post

Heart attacks are provoked by roasts

That smile of hope


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1e346b No.21100374


Courts wouldn't give him standing.


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3222ed No.21100375

File: 91b75fbb62bc6b1⋯.png (869.42 KB,666x680,333:340,91b75fbb62bc6b1b7ee4959104….png)


Did someone say free weiner?

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d74240 No.21100376

File: 94386e716a432fd⋯.png (980.01 KB,851x844,851:844,081edca3b5bc94973a0d8f2e5e….png)

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6fd639 No.21100377

[Terrible remark by DJT using "Palestinian" as a slur!

Israel are illegal genocidal land grabbers]


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f820d4 No.21100378

File: 75240c4ce653081⋯.jpeg (75.39 KB,500x500,1:1,eyes.jpeg)


>just letting Biden Hang Himself

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32c0d0 No.21100379


Did joe molest his daughter? She says he did

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995dbb No.21100380

File: 9ccd0fca7c40c6b⋯.jpeg (21.64 KB,600x315,40:21,bidenlost_600x315.jpeg)

by the way, the idea that trump is a whiner..

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22b60f No.21100381


They are jews

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136269 No.21100382

File: bbb52498ca2d103⋯.jpg (883.02 KB,1080x1352,135:169,Jill_Biden_Halloween_2023_….jpg)

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0e086a No.21100384

File: 3593ae1388061b5⋯.png (440.96 KB,1176x546,28:13,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7c81f475d69115⋯.png (639.99 KB,1154x757,1154:757,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cfb4c4036b5c86⋯.png (282.91 KB,1003x345,1003:345,ClipboardImage.png)

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65a197 No.21100385


>Where we go one, we go all!

not a chance

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5724df No.21100386

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)

Ah, seems they'd rather imitate the anons that criticized their MuhJoo narrative rather than posting that very MuhJoo narrative that got them this far. Nothing better than seeing a seething handler running an imitation routine on a clown NPC.

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574e9f No.21100387


Things a SHILL would say

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315500 No.21100388


that would be so funny if he read the snake to biden

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703e3c No.21100389


No they aren't. Fuck off back to /pol/

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2ccc35 No.21100390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Song rt now

I wonder if the will slip in…

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e6afdf No.21100391

File: 8d71ad3fd8e02ef⋯.jpg (41.49 KB,591x588,197:196,303200.jpg)

The fun is real

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bd1804 No.21100392


GE Swordie

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e6b288 No.21100393

File: c9513c0b833d460⋯.png (3.61 MB,2866x1528,1433:764,Trump_v_Soros.png)

"Demons continue to serve the devil in his attempt to lead the world away from God and into sin." Q post #4402

"I have stored up Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” - Psalm 119:11

"And they begged Jesus repeatedly not to order them to go into the Abyss. A large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside. The demons begged Jesus to let them go into the pigs, and he gave them permission. When the demons came out of the man, they went into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned. When those tending the pigs saw what had happened, they ran off and reported this in the town and countryside" Luke 8:31-34

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ecce54 No.21100394

File: 0390110e2f62414⋯.png (1.96 MB,1813x950,1813:950,ClipboardImage.png)



There is a noticeable disparity in their pupil sizes.

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f7337b No.21100395


Hang on tight!

grab your favorite stuffed animal

get that crying towel ready

The Donald is destroying your ptotato

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dfa967 No.21100396

File: 16d62fa59af8f6f⋯.jpg (221.96 KB,1262x1475,1262:1475,media_GQoBL1Bb0AA9Ct2.jpg)


AI can´t meme.

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d20d9b No.21100397


2 moar minutes

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0cc297 No.21100399


did you see that one of the heads of Hamas said that 'Gaza has been destoryed but that is an acceptible price to eventually be free' and he's said to have a 4 billion dollar fortune and live in Qatar.

Free Palestine by getting rid of Hamas

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dd71a8 No.21100400

File: 95b0fa3fe6d2ae7⋯.jpeg (219.13 KB,1800x1798,900:899,IMG_1630.jpeg)


Thank you god bless you

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26825a No.21100401


Spoiler that shit!

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557099 No.21100402

Holy cow. Have you ever seen someone goes without blinking as long as Biden

There should be a new

I can outstare you game



"let's play NoBlinkenBiden"

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791c42 No.21100403


>not 1 single court

Only scotus has jurisdiction, and were not there yet.

The big lie is the big lie.

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574e9f No.21100404



Every court in America is corrupt and wanted Buden

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65a197 No.21100405


VD bakes here

he's a payroll shill

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136269 No.21100407

File: 84146e9dd482483⋯.png (137.69 KB,431x148,431:148,ClipboardImage.png)


never noticed the wandering eye b4. I guess I was blinded by the light.

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32c0d0 No.21100408

incest Joe

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7d53ea No.21100409

File: f85c182fd4a27a7⋯.png (5.72 MB,1158x1722,193:287,1981_10_21_page_0005.png)

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39230f No.21100410

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a99ce7 No.21100411


They must have broken out the potent stuff for Brandon tonight.

Fucker won't sleep for a week!

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2ccc35 No.21100412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this one

I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing

Roman cavalry choirs are singing

Be my mirror, my sword and shield

My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason, I can't explain

I know Saint Peter won't call my name

Never an honest word

But that was when I ruled the world

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9996f5 No.21100413

File: 49cf2ede2910d46⋯.jpg (161.94 KB,1024x1024,1:1,49cf2ede2910d464e425025594….jpg)

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136269 No.21100414

Ooooh shit. falling apart in rea time

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deecec No.21100416


Sure shill. Every court in America had a case brought before it. Every single one. GFYS.

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8c61a1 No.21100417

File: e3c4422a462380e⋯.jpeg (107.43 KB,600x532,150:133,IMG_2434.jpeg)


It’s a dumb question.

“We’re gonna cheat our asses off, and cheat like fuck, and when we say you lost will you agree with us?”

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fb1112 No.21100418



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234fde No.21100420

File: 4c11c13ee09cb27⋯.png (195.54 KB,465x262,465:262,ClipboardImage.png)

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5724df No.21100421


Honestly starting to look like Just another "baseline" of AEI's.

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ecce54 No.21100423


>Did joe molest his daughter?

That was the in-laws.

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557099 No.21100425

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fe7ee1 No.21100426


he has surprised eyes

wasn't there a chart psych problems by eyes?

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451d69 No.21100427

what audience

stoopit faggot

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9ea657 No.21100428

need the CNN subtitles to understand bidan

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53fdcc No.21100429

Mr. Biden: We have to make sure that we have a fair tax system.

[by raising taxes even more]

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6f5277 No.21100430

gone forebers!


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32c0d0 No.21100431

I am glad this is over…

Joe’s weak, fragile voice is irritating

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f820d4 No.21100432

File: 339a8f949f71256⋯.mp4 (3.72 MB,480x852,40:71,Israel_created_Hamas.mp4)

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c19ab9 No.21100434

File: be85cc4a013d385⋯.jpg (117.45 KB,671x537,671:537,be85cc4a013d385665173cdc56….jpg)


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557099 No.21100437

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fe7ee1 No.21100438

his meds are wearing off

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39230f No.21100439


Potato is reading a teleprompter.

Trump is lowballing

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10dab8 No.21100440


They just arrested someone in Maricopa County AZ for stealing one of the keys. The thing is that the whole time I was watching the Sheriff's presser I was thinking it wasa setup for something. They had to reconfigure all the machines, they did that last time and then never got them certified.

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32c0d0 No.21100442


It was Joe.

Ashley said Joe took showers with her

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136269 No.21100443

File: 2fe469ae6268c16⋯.png (2.67 MB,2468x1237,2468:1237,ClipboardImage.png)

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5794ab No.21100444

closing statement.

biden first

what a mistake by cnn

trump goes last.

holy fuck, never happens.

they must think he cannot hang on.

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0e086a No.21100445

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24






🔴LIVE: Presidential Debate Coverage and Fact Check



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ccd91b No.21100447

Times up PedoPete

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f3cc6b No.21100448

File: 66dcf57356295c2⋯.jpeg (13.75 KB,171x255,57:85,07D1B540_9F21_472D_915E_B….jpeg)

His ear piece must be overheating

Staccato delivery the whole time

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ff9c27 No.21100450

File: 4b0c75c812ad8df⋯.png (803.44 KB,813x700,813:700,ClipboardImage.png)

Listen, by the way, Number 1

Can you afford to NOT vote for Trump?

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7d8c45 No.21100451

Most recent filter

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4f69e1 No.21100452

File: 64ad70a5647a826⋯.png (1.15 MB,968x946,44:43,64ad70a5647a8260b190c3ffd6….png)


Fast bread too.. this is the way it was when Q showed up..shills ran scared. Good times!

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2d3278 No.21100453


Brothers and sisters, Hunter and Beau fucked Ashley

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45eafb No.21100455

File: 8cea08cc826eeaf⋯.png (108.18 KB,152x330,76:165,ClipboardImage.png)

rental wetodid prepares fo furst ever caffinated colonic volcano divorce

wiff russel brand

duh musical πέθαναν σωροί Εβραίων

από το σαγόνι ενός γαϊδάρου.

Ο Άλεκ Μπάλντουιν πρότεινε το κόκκαλο του σαγονιού του για τον ρόλο

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33c5b9 No.21100456

File: 03f2372df7e0289⋯.jpeg (885.2 KB,960x1257,320:419,940625BE_8742_4699_B572_A….jpeg)


Is it me or does Joes head have folds in his hair

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9ea657 No.21100457

subtitles don't show bidan's mistakes and stammering

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3222ed No.21100458

File: 9bb8b0582dc8404⋯.jpg (224.67 KB,732x507,244:169,2024_02_10_15_34_41_Window.jpg)

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32c0d0 No.21100459


And child care?

Who gives a crap about child care when no one can find a job

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1e346b No.21100460

File: 93af553338206c7⋯.jpg (138.99 KB,1080x968,135:121,evidencefromdaughtersdiary.jpg)



Trump lowered drug prices, insulin.

Under Biden the Insulin prices quadrupled.

The evidence is all there.

Biden is evil.

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a90024 No.21100461




>>21100209, >>21100214, >>21100223, >>21100228, >>21100239, >>21100261, >>21100277, >>21100378 Memes

>>21100328 Biden says the millions of illegal aliens he has ferried into the country is "the reason why we have the most successful economy in the world"

>>21100408, >>21100418 #IncestJoe Make It Trend

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aaf606 No.21100463


they do on my tv

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dd71a8 No.21100464

If the power goes out, just know that we are with you. I love you.

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bd1804 No.21100465


mask malfunctions are real

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872558 No.21100466

Why didnt they ask Biden if he would accept the result in Nov ?

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6113fd No.21100467

File: 2ab2857d0e9b75c⋯.jpg (45.47 KB,593x487,593:487,2ab2857d0e9b75c5d6795f2933….jpg)

I thought Crucifixion was against the laws of God…Bye Dan.

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18ccc6 No.21100468

File: 2e1c93110ff75cb⋯.jpeg (56.25 KB,828x987,276:329,8F5EA451_E47B_48B9_B12D_6….jpeg)

I’m watching the debate with closed captioning on and joe’s mumbling incoherent moments where you can’t understand anything he just mumbled but the closed captioning is totally coherent. Also he says millions but they put in billions. Totally scripted, joe had to be wearing a secret earpiece. These people are stupid.

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451d69 No.21100470


can you blame them

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7d53ea No.21100471

File: 60fe77b4a73574b⋯.png (5.48 MB,1126x1699,1126:1699,1981_10_21_page_0006.png)

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c46bae No.21100473

File: e941e1597fdb1f8⋯.jpg (12.21 KB,245x255,49:51,72f4b8b1586e38dc56a7c8e69e….jpg)


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604495 No.21100474

File: 06b1132beb5435d⋯.png (254.37 KB,679x493,679:493,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff9c27 No.21100476

File: 5b256880355a94f⋯.png (877.62 KB,846x707,846:707,ClipboardImage.png)

You can't Afford to NOT vote for Me

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9ea657 No.21100477

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fb1112 No.21100479

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234fde No.21100480

Space age materials

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345723 No.21100482


It was decided before the debate.

Try to keep up.

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d74240 No.21100483



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4f69e1 No.21100485


meebe they think he won't be around

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15b328 No.21100486

I want to see the out takes from the edits. CNN definitely edited in quite a few places.

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234fde No.21100487


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4fc580 No.21100489

Well done, guys.

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0ceaf3 No.21100491

space age materials

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2c7155 No.21100493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Debate Aftermath: Expert Reactions - John B Wells LIVE

John B. Wells - Caravan to Midnight

143K subscribers

542watching now

Started streaming 101 minutes ago #CTM

#CTM Tonight

Topic: Debate Aftermath: Expert Reactions

Start: 8:30pm CDT


• Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (USAF Ret.)

• Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely (US Army Ret.)

Website: StandUpAmericaUS.org

• Colonel Mike McCalister

• Mary Fanning

Website: https://theamericanreport.org

X: @realMaryFanning

Telegram: https://t.me/TheAmericanReport

• Col. Mike & Dr. Michael Scheuer

Website: http://toomikes.us

Listen Links:

AM/FM Radio



https://zutalk.com/ (live & archives)












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5724df No.21100494


They love speaking for everyone, as a collective. "We." "Our." Those are the clowns that control the Guy Falkes mask version of anonymity that they try forcing on everyone everywhere that anonymous posting takes place.

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3222ed No.21100496

File: 547448913e3ea90⋯.jpg (183.35 KB,628x416,157:104,2024_02_10_15_34_29_Window.jpg)

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5794ab No.21100497


the last statement is what sticks in the audience mind.

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ec7830 No.21100498

File: e665585e7d6bdfd⋯.jpg (11.74 KB,230x255,46:51,34a0ee49e3e61de88474c49712….jpg)

She just changed to "Former President Trump"

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65a197 No.21100499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>the way it was

like remembering Grateful Dead shows from when Jerry was still alive

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b4555c No.21100500

This was boring.

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f6aa34 No.21100502

File: f10dd9dcca75a79⋯.jpg (53.83 KB,783x395,783:395,GA_TrumpWon.JPG)

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0e086a No.21100503

File: 04c5f4b55366ab4⋯.png (832.23 KB,800x720,10:9,04c5f4b55366ab4bc8ef2b12d3….png)

File: 5e5986273f8b362⋯.png (445.15 KB,904x905,904:905,5e5986273f8b362158f156488b….png)

File: 2c0e3adeb834903⋯.png (586.32 KB,1146x733,1146:733,2c0e3adeb834903354eab67dc8….png)


Biden belongs in a nursing home.

This is torture, watching that geriatric fool is making me sick.

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46540c No.21100504

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e74213 No.21100505

Presidential Debate Transcript


Mr. Biden: I got my handicap down to a six [golf].

President Trump: That's the biggest lie, that he's a six handicap, of all.

Mr. Biden: I was eight handicap. Eight. I had, you know how many.

President Trump: I've seen your swing. I know your swing.



President Trump: He's got us in such a bad position right now with Ukraine and Russia, because Ukraine's not wining that war…they're running out of people, they're running out of soldiers; they've lost so many people…all because of him and stupid decisions.


Question: Will you accept the results of the election, regardless of who wins?

President Trump: If it's a fair, and legal, and good election, absolutely…the fraud, and everything else [2020] was ridiculous, and if you want, we'll have a news conference on it in a week.


Mr. Biden: We have to make sure that we have a fair tax system.

[by raising taxes even more]

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6f8e95 No.21100506

I hate to admit it but Joe Biden did far better than anyone expected. I give him a B-

All Donald Trump did was complain about Joe Biden. Even when the CNN moderators (who, let’s be honest, were very fair) tried to bring him back to the question at hand, he would spout off about golf clubs and what have you. I give Trump a C-

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2ccc35 No.21100507

walking off like a boss

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10dab8 No.21100508

Hope you recorded that, because the ones on youtube are definately corrected.

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6bc5e2 No.21100509

Hear that sound? Millions turning cnn off.

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aaf606 No.21100510



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f820d4 No.21100512

File: c4fd1aba49ec9f5⋯.png (663.68 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Space age materials

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451d69 No.21100513

here come the spin doctors

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3222ed No.21100514

File: c04004c8d30c934⋯.jpg (125.27 KB,618x600,103:100,2024_06_28_03_09_22_Watch_….jpg)

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f3cc6b No.21100516


Oh “he had a cold”

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1e346b No.21100517


What I heard seemed good.

Seems like they cut Biden short so he wouldn't embarrass himself further??

Trump seemed to be able to talk for longer.

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4fc580 No.21100518


Makes it feel real.

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dfa967 No.21100519

File: 2c9923ec5dbbae3⋯.png (206.79 KB,609x503,609:503,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47fc86a67a8ad63⋯.png (1.1 MB,1279x720,1279:720,ClipboardImage.png)


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7d53ea No.21100520

File: 973de5d3723aef2⋯.png (5.68 MB,1143x1734,381:578,1981_10_21_page_0007.png)

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23d7c0 No.21100522

Thats all folks.

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89c6f0 No.21100524

"Israel should've never happened"- The best line of the night.

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d74240 No.21100525

Anyone noticed how there were NO American flags ANYWHERE during a Presidential Debate?


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fe7ee1 No.21100526


same here

then anon thinks about the last 50years of biden's "service"…

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dd71a8 No.21100529

Stage is set for 25th amendment and Hilldog running again. Biden absolutely blew it.

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1e346b No.21100530


What was the last statement.


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26825a No.21100531

He had to be escorted away from the podium.

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1a063e No.21100532

File: cd2a9d217adbca7⋯.png (908.42 KB,941x723,941:723,HumaPizza.PNG)

File: 3110558264df1be⋯.jpg (603.87 KB,1331x1331,1:1,RatsCometPizza.jpg)

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345723 No.21100533


No shit! Before the debate ever started it was decided by coin toss that Trump got the last word.

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bc2702 No.21100534

File: fe08dcdc4f576b3⋯.png (48.92 KB,255x143,255:143,fe08dcdc4f576b3e645025dd34….png)


Once again, THANK YOU DEBATE BAKER! Breads were filling fast and you kept up masterfully!


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d850df No.21100535

cut the feed!

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83732e No.21100536


By giving people money for childcare, that doesn't fix anything. That is just Socialism. Higher taxes on everyone to pay for things that people should be paying for themselves.

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f820d4 No.21100537


>Israel should've never happened


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bd1804 No.21100538

Needed assistance off the stage by his Doctor.

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c00a4c No.21100539

Congrats to Trump on a solid debate, and Congrats to the baker for finally learning how Roman numerals work. Kek.

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2ccc35 No.21100540

File: 646c6ffe32e2903⋯.png (115.13 KB,299x303,299:303,WhatChoo.png)

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bb908d No.21100541

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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451d69 No.21100542

trump lied repeatedly..the cunt said

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5794ab No.21100543

File: 32eb8cc7508105b⋯.png (209.58 KB,750x283,750:283,ClipboardImage.png)


ok hillary


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d88049 No.21100545




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a99db3 No.21100546

Now they are gonna Gaslight about the gaslighting

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5724df No.21100547

File: 1dc4d9202deaa2d⋯.png (358.1 KB,555x521,555:521,1dc4d9202deaa2d8105f379cf1….png)

Dignified and strong.

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ce1656 No.21100548

File: 85053e6fe7020cd⋯.png (1.68 MB,774x1032,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

That debate was Shakespearean.

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3222ed No.21100550

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b4555c No.21100551


yeah props

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deecec No.21100553

No false flag.

No veep announcement from GEOTUS.


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e6afdf No.21100554

File: a8b201906b6d476⋯.jpg (34.29 KB,608x560,38:35,301109.jpg)

That was fun

GN anons

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1e346b No.21100555


Wonder if Biden was set-up or there's some reason he has to allowed to continue as "President Buffoon"?

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fe7ee1 No.21100556

hey they didn't show him leave the stage! That was on the bingo card! NOT FAIR

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136269 No.21100557

File: d2e12bd0d050cd5⋯.png (224.32 KB,569x1646,569:1646,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden's fucked.

This is Lookners chat

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e6b288 No.21100558

File: d4ad99c322c6c17⋯.png (1.85 MB,2090x1576,1045:788,Trump_wins_for_America_MAG….png)

>Anyone noticed how there were NO American flags ANYWHERE during a Presidential Debate?



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3b7690 No.21100560

File: af578779cbcfe07⋯.png (387.62 KB,608x500,152:125,af578779cbcfe0716dc309b976….png)

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7d53ea No.21100561

File: 2ce3e10949af446⋯.png (5.53 MB,1122x1718,561:859,1981_10_21_page_0008.png)

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872558 No.21100562

CNN in panic mode right now

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2d3278 No.21100563


>can you blame them

Ill be honest. I have had drug problems and spent many days and nights in Crackhouses and met hundreds of crackheads. 98% of them have Daddy issues and have been molested. It was very sobering to hear It helped me find the light and want to help them

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bd1804 No.21100564


yes they did.

Dr. Jill had to help him down the stairs.

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4fc580 No.21100565


>We didn't stop Israel…

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71018a No.21100566

File: d421fb83c2fdc51⋯.jpg (48.94 KB,500x500,1:1,I_hear_Panic.jpg)

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dd71a8 No.21100567


The gaslighting and projection has reached an all time high.

Imagine that…during the debate Biden actually uttered the word “stop”. If only you knew how many times I begged to God to please stop.

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4f69e1 No.21100568

File: bb11daf4d6f89ed⋯.png (130.88 KB,600x600,1:1,bb11daf4d6f89ed8be2eeefaeb….png)

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c19ab9 No.21100571





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bd1804 No.21100572


Bye Bye Biden

Hello Newsome

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4f69e1 No.21100573

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26825a No.21100574

File: 4d845cc9a14292e⋯.png (131.98 KB,500x500,1:1,dr_panic.png)



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ccd91b No.21100576

MSNBC stating Bidan was feeble. He had one job and failed.




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a90024 No.21100577

File: 0fb261f29af3b0f⋯.jpeg (64.79 KB,552x690,4:5,0fb261f29af3b0f30d2139f9f….jpeg)




it was a challenge

but hell of a lot of fun

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fe7ee1 No.21100578


sleep tight anon

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f7337b No.21100579


I can visualize the crying going on in the New York Times right now

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136269 No.21100580

File: f652ec4c05a99a3⋯.png (409.83 KB,376x499,376:499,ClipboardImage.png)


I'll 3rd that.

Baker bewbs earned

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e6b288 No.21100581

File: 4769df70c9a9e2c⋯.png (1.07 MB,1433x708,1433:708,_981_You_are_safe_Sleep_we….png)

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f7ff98 No.21100583

Lib network literal panic

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aaf606 No.21100585


listening to discussion about hammer and scorecard

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0e086a No.21100587

File: c7a5a36a7ec0801⋯.png (615.99 KB,1165x765,233:153,ClipboardImage.png)

CNN are calling for Joe Biden to step down

here we fuckin go…

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c00a4c No.21100588

Congrats to Trump on a solid debate, and Congrats to the baker for finally learning how Roman numerals work. Kek.

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fe7ee1 No.21100589


o anon missed it

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92a706 No.21100590

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f76db8 No.21100592

File: 6c415ff93136a41⋯.jpg (113.67 KB,610x470,61:47,BIDEN_JUST_LOST_THE_ELECTI….jpg)

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bd1804 No.21100594

CNN hinting Biden should not continue….

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1a20f2 No.21100595


Both unfit. We must do better.

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26825a No.21100596

File: f038708f7d7e0d5⋯.jpg (54.67 KB,400x560,5:7,push_it_to_the_limit_gn.jpg)

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136269 No.21100597


yup even Lookner repeating this without crying.

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e2c4a9 No.21100598

Didn't expect the first CNN guest comments.


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da6d32 No.21100599

File: d43443f61b29747⋯.png (1.19 MB,1187x987,1187:987,windebate.png)

File: 60105508448a300⋯.png (1 MB,1160x883,1160:883,JosVince23.png)

Was following the first minutes of a debate "play-by-play" thread on a forum and people are actually saying "Biden could LOSE the election tonight!" and "Trump needs to keep cool"… what the fuck?

Don't ever want to hear anyone, ever, make fun of Pro Wrestlers' fans because that shit was damn entertaining and the Wrestlers had to DO all those stunts & coordinations, on top of having Mic skills.

That our President has to go through with this Communist fake freakshow… and people are stating this could have "impact" on "election"…. Those SAME people mock "Rasslin' " kek.

I know why our President has to do it. It's people still believing "elections" are legit (as of now). CNN (along with faux and all the rest who will host these things) & their fake vegetable zombie puppet are faker than hollywood but people are all emotional. Scary.

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3222ed No.21100600

File: 902c6eb5e9d0780⋯.png (168.11 KB,310x267,310:267,902c6eb5e9d0780d4da25cde09….png)


is there a stream?

anon wants salt

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2d3278 No.21100601

KEKPoor Joeis trending on twitter

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46540c No.21100602


love this

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f3cc6b No.21100604

File: 7a3fca9590e4f4c⋯.jpeg (70.54 KB,800x784,50:49,D21BC566_8AE6_4C78_A9D4_1….jpeg)

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451d69 No.21100606


i know its in your past

congrats anon

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fe7ee1 No.21100607

File: 39dd8dff173d604⋯.jpg (184.21 KB,593x768,593:768,Debate_Bingo_Card_2024_deb….jpg)

last update

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2ccc35 No.21100608

File: 4cef2ffeb7ab424⋯.png (664.49 KB,1313x855,1313:855,ClipboardImage.png)

Pabic in DC

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ccd91b No.21100609


MSNBC is not hinting… they are outright saying it.

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136269 No.21100610

File: 40fd1f99fe7a9cb⋯.png (270 KB,497x545,497:545,Joe_Biden_Billion_Dollars_….png)

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8a5e87 No.21100611

I saw Jill there for her husband. Was Melania there for hers?

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08e887 No.21100612

>Trump baiting him with his golf handicap


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775662 No.21100613

File: ac3b8b35e55a0d4⋯.jpeg (398.9 KB,2090x1090,209:109,IMG_7940.jpeg)


555 "death" digits chekt

Biden funeral 3-gun salute was held 1-20-21

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791c42 No.21100614

Change of batter? Will they try to sneak one in?

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ff9c27 No.21100615

File: 4c5ec9bba9edf25⋯.png (575.1 KB,664x614,332:307,ClipboardImage.png)

100%, Trump was a Based Red Pilling Giga Chad Tonight

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1e346b No.21100616

File: 415f2017a40b9c1⋯.mp4 (14.82 MB,854x480,427:240,wecamewesaw.mp4)

Wonder if Biden was set-up or there's some reason he has to be allowed to continue as "President Buffoon"?

I think I fixed the vid someone asked about, but wouldn't play earlier.

"We Came, We Saw and He Died"

was it really because Khaddaffi refused the Rothschild Bank?

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d88049 No.21100617




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bd1804 No.21100618


he coughed throughout the debate

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71018a No.21100619



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4fc580 No.21100620

File: bdf68f4fb1ff610⋯.png (1.38 MB,2138x1026,1069:513,CSPAN.png)

CSPAN is so fair and balanced that they're manufacturing a 50/50 split by having callers segregated by Support rather than Republican or Democrat.

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4f69e1 No.21100621

File: 03944328d560b26⋯.webp (44.39 KB,500x500,1:1,nancy_pelosi_we_want_open….webp)

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2d3278 No.21100622


Nice Digits. That was the Real Biden puppet. Imagine if he actually answered real questions by the press, it would be this every day

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f820d4 No.21100623


is dude wet?

what are y'all watching link

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f2223b No.21100624

lots of DDOS against patriot sites tonight I notice

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26825a No.21100625

File: 95e321e8822356e⋯.jpg (32.38 KB,680x450,68:45,monkey_side_eye_2.jpg)



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15b328 No.21100626


I was watching the feed on Real America News. There were at least 3 times when there were video holes and repeats, then the video would pick up again. Were these just "gliches"? They said they were going to do 1 to 2 minutes "delays". Seems the only reason to do this is to give us an "indefinite period of time" to cover for an edit. As soon as Trump spoke about the manchurian candidate was the first "edit".

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2c7155 No.21100628

File: c53baa82a1e24a1⋯.png (830.83 KB,765x791,765:791,ClipboardImage.png)

This was anon's favorite Biden speaking bumble of the night.

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6fd639 No.21100629


>one of the heads of Hamas

>"acceptible price"

>4 billion dollar fortune

>live in Qatar.

[Talking head. Not an honorable leader.]

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7d53ea No.21100630

File: efe91550a098ec2⋯.png (5.48 MB,1120x1708,40:61,1981_10_21_page_0009.png)

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557099 No.21100631

David Axelrod live just now on CNN talking about when Biden first walked out and how his voice sounded, said for the Dem Base

" the Panic set in".

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f3cc6b No.21100632

File: 98becce94ca3586⋯.jpeg (314.32 KB,779x560,779:560,4B5F959E_A793_44D9_9465_4….jpeg)

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5794ab No.21100633

File: 5dc373efdf4afd0⋯.png (883.61 KB,1408x716,352:179,ClipboardImage.png)


seen it, look at the souces tag line on this screen shot

souces: dem saying we have a problem after biden's performance tonight

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bd1804 No.21100634


Trump knows how to get off a stage without help

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451d69 No.21100635


how many times did Ashley n Natalie say STOP

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26825a No.21100636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2258b0 No.21100637

File: ceb63fe4c78a751⋯.jpg (167.16 KB,1440x928,45:29,_20240627_224229.JPG)

Biden is all talk, no action

Trump destroyed Biden

>Biden had a cold


Retribution IS needed

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520d01 No.21100638


Da Baker

You have a Potato, if you can keep it.

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d20d9b No.21100639


don Touch the earpiece

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2ccc35 No.21100640


Legit…i guess notes where passed before it was over

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ff9c27 No.21100641

File: 78b297b0b576b16⋯.png (86.16 KB,213x252,71:84,ClipboardImage.png)

CNN is throwing Biden under the Bus Right now

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136269 No.21100642

File: 45c857f1e9bc2a9⋯.png (1.32 MB,1030x1228,515:614,ClipboardImage.png)


She Is Pretty

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b4555c No.21100643

The fact that all the news outlets are immediately saying that Biden should step aside, it was planned. The news decided they were going to say he should step aside probably weeks ago.

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9996f5 No.21100644


Normieville hated it, he's mean.

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deecec No.21100645

File: a03168025999099⋯.png (334.08 KB,1560x1570,156:157,PNG_image.png)


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dd71a8 No.21100647


Digits confirm you are watching a movie.

Fear of the unknown unknowns, crippling.

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a3531b No.21100648

File: 40924b6ff85567f⋯.jpeg (120.15 KB,828x1035,4:5,6F6D3559_7C44_46D8_865D_3….jpeg)

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fe7ee1 No.21100649

File: 65c5c23f8db08ae⋯.jpg (186.52 KB,593x768,593:768,Debate_Bingo_Card_2024_deb….jpg)




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0cc297 No.21100650


Drudge trashing Biden!

what ? ? ?



I shut it off and didn't hear that.

who will they pick.

what about Jill?

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2d3278 No.21100651


It is like a CashWord scratch off ticket. 2 lines =10 bucks

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e34262 No.21100652

File: f7f07db1e6386bf⋯.png (39.67 KB,332x164,83:41,ClipboardImage.png)


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557099 No.21100653

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f31096 No.21100654

File: 61b0ce6d96bb0bb⋯.png (63.78 KB,257x777,257:777,ClipboardImage.png)

i have to say this!

Thank You Lord Jesus Christ for a successful debate.

the headlines are hilariously blunt!

and no, i didn't watch it! i couln't stomach the cbs propaganda and i would give the cia news network a click!


GN anon

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345723 No.21100655

File: 6b8a9fac9f0cd84⋯.png (6.89 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

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136269 No.21100656


Biden will be gone by the 4am talking points

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670c8f No.21100657

File: 964fdaab7c95189⋯.mp4 (12.65 MB,640x360,16:9,964fdaab7c9518965fa0c02f4b….mp4)

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5724df No.21100658

File: 96fd1177e993601⋯.webp (19.51 KB,492x598,246:299,pepe_sip3.webp)

So, uh… you know how the shills behave here when they consider themselves losing on optics, posting gore and cp and shit? They lost bigly on optics tonight on television. What will be the "gore/cp" response for that?

Must admit the moderation of the debate seemed impartial. I will give them that.

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26825a No.21100659

"It's not just panic, it's pain." - CNN fag

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315500 No.21100660


will be entertaining to hear nanshee reeeeeing about Trump saying she was caught on tape by her daughter saying j6 was her fault, her responsibility

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63a9bf No.21100661

File: b2390c907311f4c⋯.jpeg (72.63 KB,668x374,334:187,IMG_3528.jpeg)

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2ccc35 No.21100662

File: d40e1e91fe78b2c⋯.png (620.82 KB,1207x761,1207:761,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17e5c5f0cea7706⋯.png (908.08 KB,1678x884,839:442,ClipboardImage.png)

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160b7a No.21100663


Biden cleaned his clock the last hour.

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c19ab9 No.21100664

File: 5cafda045b29111⋯.jpg (102.45 KB,1024x702,512:351,1676730694008061.jpg)


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c00a4c No.21100665


Of course they want to replace Bidan with a deep state stooge. Little do most of them know kamala and hrc are also mask wearers and doubles, it won't help them. Fully controlled. Im still comfy.

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ccd91b No.21100667

File: 272388587e5aba2⋯.jpg (15.54 KB,255x143,255:143,popcornshortage.jpg)


Kamala Harris joing MSNBC live in a couple of mins.

This is getting better and better…need more popcorn

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7d53ea No.21100668

File: 210d7768be3fe41⋯.png (5.5 MB,1128x1700,282:425,1981_10_21_page_0010.png)

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0cc297 No.21100669


that women would need an abortion because of being raped by their brothers and sisters.

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65a197 No.21100670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5794ab No.21100671

>>21100631, >>21100633 souces: dem saying we have a problem after biden's performance tonight

anyone catch the closing statements?

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835e24 No.21100672

The idea that Dana Bash is a woman.

The idea that Bidan is Biden

>the idea

>the idea

>the idea

Good seeing (you), Mr. President, sir. (Not you, tater)

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775662 No.21100673

File: ab5a359288ae9e3⋯.jpeg (463.03 KB,1700x850,2:1,IMG_5201.jpeg)

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315500 No.21100674


dementia brain loop

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2a555f No.21100675

File: 9b6ec0b36ec3f74⋯.png (99.29 KB,198x233,198:233,ClipboardImage.png)

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a99ce7 No.21100676

Van says, 'he didn't look gud at all'

Wow, Fake News truth…

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f7337b No.21100677


Been talk for weeks now about needing somebody else to try to take on PDJT

Newsom around to see The Donald in action

Potato got hung out to dry tonight so Kameltoe knows she's done

Just waiting to see Gavin get talked up and anons right there to remind normies he's related to Pelosi

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8c61a1 No.21100678

File: cdb6e7908f568bb⋯.jpeg (113.13 KB,799x697,47:41,IMG_2433.jpeg)


It was mostly his Juneteenth dancing. MSM feels Biden has no rhythm and that is disqualifying him for Presidency.

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2d3278 No.21100679


It is what it is, I wrote a book about my experiences and recovery so there is that. I believe by creating the book , it now exists and I know it has helped people and will end the opioid crisis., It may take 100 years but I created this book into existence and it will contribute to it, prove me wrong

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136269 No.21100680


You should get a cat persona like all the other faggot shills.

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f3cc6b No.21100681

File: b24307e74e05b02⋯.jpeg (49.36 KB,886x581,886:581,FE3F8C28_66D4_4AB8_8E0E_3….jpeg)

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f820d4 No.21100682

File: b19b9e2dc9ba458⋯.gif (2.88 MB,320x292,80:73,wigglestrzok.gif)


>It's not just panic, it's pain.

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e6b288 No.21100683

File: c897faa84b8c95a⋯.png (840.82 KB,560x795,112:159,Joe_Biden_and_the_Shanghai….png)

>Bingo card, Corn-Pop mention


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315500 No.21100685


what about newsom, is he mask-free?

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ff9c27 No.21100686

File: d151f628770f7c9⋯.png (158.28 KB,255x234,85:78,ClipboardImage.png)

Change of Batter Inbound

Please Stand-By

Biden is Out

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160b7a No.21100687


No support from his wife. Sad!

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835e24 No.21100688


>by their brothers and sisters.


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26825a No.21100689

Funny that CNN doesn't have any Republicans to talk about the debate.

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345723 No.21100690


Biden can't even tell time.

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fe7ee1 No.21100692

Its been a blast, anons!


bis morgen

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3222ed No.21100693

File: ed7079f8fd7bb85⋯.gif (7.19 MB,720x540,4:3,NICE.gif)

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dfa967 No.21100694

File: 92ccf956676642c⋯.png (883.41 KB,572x751,572:751,ClipboardImage.png)

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e34262 No.21100695

File: 5e6526a397f9506⋯.png (2.54 MB,1912x1020,478:255,ClipboardImage.png)


deep fakes

its all BS

move on

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b4555c No.21100697

the news prepping the normies for HRC batter change.

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2ccc35 No.21100698

File: 9cdec9255d14e05⋯.png (1.2 MB,1330x917,190:131,ClipboardImage.png)

CNN is doing the right thing

CNN is going rouge…aka MAGA

CNN you got this

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7d8c45 No.21100699

Wow. CNN talking down about Biden.

Just now, live.

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71018a No.21100700

File: 46206bbced3ea59⋯.png (706.66 KB,1316x693,188:99,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7f108f1a144598⋯.png (56.35 KB,570x350,57:35,Panic.png)

File: 3b47504d4b127a8⋯.png (1.97 MB,1212x1232,303:308,336cf0d60bd5df62c0e5cba983….png)

File: fac26a3cac759c4⋯.png (1.02 MB,1125x2436,375:812,3c521ab456ce856dc229e82619….png)

Van Jones just said "It's not just panic, its pain."

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872558 No.21100701

One simple question for anons, after tonight will there be a second debate ?

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f4d7b1 No.21100702

File: 47fec162e92ab3c⋯.png (69.43 KB,190x240,19:24,ClipboardImage.png)

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f76db8 No.21100704

File: 065835cfa17a41f⋯.jpg (116.26 KB,629x471,629:471,OUTTA_TIME.jpg)

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2d3278 No.21100705


>>21100679 And thank you Anon

Jesus showed his redemption and it has been 2000 + years and his vision is now coming to fruition

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ff9c27 No.21100706


Not with Joe….

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7d53ea No.21100707

File: c95be0ea2663ba2⋯.png (5.51 MB,1138x1690,569:845,1981_10_21_page_0011.png)

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b4555c No.21100709


i hope not. Simply because this debate was boring.

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136269 No.21100710


And now he's the sad old man with a poor memory.

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2ccc35 No.21100711


we'll take the publicity

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082fc3 No.21100712


NO. That should end it.

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5ea749 No.21100713

File: 74ad403f86d10ac⋯.png (13.46 KB,588x200,147:50,rev.PNG)


Revolver News



John King: Democrats are considering going to the White House to ask Biden to step aside

3:41 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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f3cc6b No.21100715

File: 12649decfe56abb⋯.jpeg (245.97 KB,765x885,51:59,1C416EEB_76EE_400F_90F3_B….jpeg)


Not a chance

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bd1804 No.21100716

File: 784244ae380be98⋯.png (42.08 KB,953x485,953:485,ClipboardImage.png)

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451d69 No.21100717


i was sincere

but i see you have a chip on your shoulder


fuck off tuff guy

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8168f9 No.21100718



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301fe0 No.21100719


>Salute with 4 guns

One is a backup, in case of a misfire. Dipshit.

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c189bc No.21100720


There's gonna be so many amazing memes coming outta this

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2c7155 No.21100722

File: 55f8974f0afa18d⋯.png (88.77 KB,190x265,38:53,ClipboardImage.png)


I want to see the golf match with both carrying their own bags first!

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ffd9d2 No.21100723


The cnn conversation after is funny .

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7d8c45 No.21100724




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835e24 No.21100725

The idea that anon is voting that next bread should be named The Idea.

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ca0584 No.21100726

File: fe8ba69c24be948⋯.png (419.12 KB,558x1147,18:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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b4555c No.21100727


but…..but he's the most voted-for president in American history?

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2ccc35 No.21100728


i think this debate is being used as a reason to bail

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5ea749 No.21100729

File: b02792b1f1b8da7⋯.png (287.88 KB,598x513,598:513,jill.PNG)




BREAKING: Just as the debate came to a close, Jill Biden rushed to the stage to lead Joe Biden off, worried he would freeze up and forget where he was, meanwhile, Trump walked off like an accomplished man

3:41 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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ca8bcd No.21100730

File: b399a2e334011e6⋯.png (49.12 KB,398x855,398:855,ClipboardImage.png)


>Kamala Harris

She'll be running against Trump.

>Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” - Matthew 19:24

But with God, all things are possible.

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665ab2 No.21100731


the shit in his diaper being changed

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8c61a1 No.21100732


Dementia progresses over time. He may not be able to swallow in September.

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3222ed No.21100733

CNN: We should pray for the president

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019cc2 No.21100735


[1] back @:23

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136269 No.21100736


You can't keep killing the same cadaver over and over.

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cc471f No.21100737

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f7337b No.21100739


cnn got the viewer numbers they needed for the week

Morning Joke now has to try to spin it to a victory

'd like to see a live stream of the UN building tomorrow morning when the dejected shuffle in

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c00a4c No.21100740


No, he seems to still be him, but like ms Pelosi, Newsom I think made a deal in the Trump era when they were pictured together during the "wildfires".

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65a197 No.21100741

Vatikunt is the cp shill

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c189bc No.21100742


I second the idea

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5ea749 No.21100743

File: e5bc2303b91a69e⋯.png (555.23 KB,600x839,600:839,joast.PNG)


Donald Trump Jr.


Post of the night…


3:38 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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f820d4 No.21100744

dead woman or live child?

nigga what?

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665ab2 No.21100746

Did Fox call Biden the winner of tonight's debate?

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e2c4a9 No.21100747

File: 83f312b9cd2e5b3⋯.jpg (182.03 KB,1200x900,4:3,clockinTrumpbook.jpg)


Is this sarcasm?

Needs a /s

ClockFag offended by your use of the term clock

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c46bae No.21100748

Who was with Trump tonight?

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a6d79c No.21100749

File: 82687472a8c9bc7⋯.jpg (618.44 KB,1440x1080,4:3,BidenPumpkins.jpg)

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38df93 No.21100751

File: 66efac4c32fbafb⋯.jpeg (61.4 KB,680x508,170:127,66efac4c32fbafbe2ddf75633….jpeg)


Come on man kek

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ff9c27 No.21100752



Vatican Shill is CP Poster!

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bd1804 No.21100753

File: d5b2f4df18832f8⋯.png (388.81 KB,560x606,280:303,ClipboardImage.png)

Are you ready?

Deltas are fun

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791c42 No.21100755

File: 213c16004166d27⋯.png (356.55 KB,881x499,881:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56e4a0442d9ea1b⋯.png (473.68 KB,898x500,449:250,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6927c8c78727bf⋯.png (433.43 KB,847x461,847:461,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a9737c72e56c4e⋯.png (412.77 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 11bc067bb9f40a8⋯.png (370.1 KB,500x637,500:637,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7337b No.21100756


There ya go, rats leaving the sinking ship

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5ea749 No.21100757

File: a934fbe02300138⋯.png (310.95 KB,605x484,5:4,bn.PNG)


Insider Paper


BREAKING: 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic - NBC


3:48 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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ffd9d2 No.21100758


Let’s make Brandon do another weeks training . Don did offer next week

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3b7690 No.21100759

File: 53645ac25482dc0⋯.jpg (45.22 KB,460x587,460:587,narcissism_acure.jpg)

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136269 No.21100760


makes sense

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9bc284 No.21100761

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6bc5e2 No.21100762

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665ab2 No.21100763


But someone else has to clean his diaper, he is unable by himself.

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8168f9 No.21100764

File: f00b81e50d69b2e⋯.png (870.11 KB,1035x563,1035:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ea749 No.21100765

File: c63349df144c530⋯.png (204.26 KB,598x854,299:427,hi_x.PNG)


Brent Scher


The New York Times published a “this is a disaster” piece 30 minutes into the debate.


3:32 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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10dab8 No.21100766

how can they just swap him out, don't you have to register as a candidate? and there is a deadline for the ballots to get printed.

Is that why the dims don't run primaries, the DNC just owns the slot and they can put in whomever they want?

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7d53ea No.21100767

File: 2584efc6e37560a⋯.png (5.81 MB,1172x1730,586:865,1981_10_21_page_0012.png)

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ff9c27 No.21100768

File: f98476c64a8ba2f⋯.png (86.34 KB,822x553,822:553,ClipboardImage.png)

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136269 No.21100769


There's a reason they put the word fag in clockfag.

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f820d4 No.21100770


1983: "The only way I can lose this election is if I’m caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy." (He won!)

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5b1718 No.21100771

MSNBC/CNN roasting Biden now after debate instead of covering for him

They getting ready to replace him soon, it seems.

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f4d7b1 No.21100772

File: f058103cc752579⋯.jpg (6.26 KB,255x157,255:157,trumpeazyebduysavfipygbfv.jpg)


>Trump walked off like an accomplished man


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e6b288 No.21100773

File: 73a1bad4256574b⋯.png (164.94 KB,1026x752,513:376,3724_It_must_be_done_right….png)

"It must be done right.

It must be done according to the rule of law.

It must carry weight.

It must be proven in the court of law.

There can be no mistakes.

Good things sometimes take time.

Attempts to slow/block the inevitable [Justice] will fail." Q post #3724

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c00a4c No.21100774


But bidan's butt's been wiped.

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4fc580 No.21100775

Bidan's closing statement was reminded me of the times I gave a book report without reading the book.

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9996f5 No.21100776

File: e45eabc656ee898⋯.jpg (149.36 KB,800x1200,2:3,e45eabc656ee89896619552f15….jpg)

For the first time I'm seeing real panic.

It has begun.

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665ab2 No.21100777


Did CNN declare Biden the winner of tonight's debate yet?

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88b94d No.21100778


They're gradually trying to get their audience to trust them less over time. Whole thing is less about disarming bombs and more about just getting Americans to look up from their TV/phones at this stage.

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a3a86e No.21100779


Planned. You’re watching a movie.

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557099 No.21100780

CNN after debate panel every other sentence includes PANIC in dialogue.


need montage meme

of word PANIC from this show on a loop

just their faces and word PANIC

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5ea749 No.21100781

File: e0bce08490780d1⋯.png (188.46 KB,604x719,604:719,jb.PNG)


Jim Banks


Golf digest list of top 100 DC golfers 👇


3:32 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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a90024 No.21100782


Baker could use a handoff

anyone holdin'?



>>21100209, >>21100214, >>21100223, >>21100228, >>21100239, >>21100261, >>21100277, >>21100378, >>21100566, >>21100664 Memes

>>21100328 Biden says the millions of illegal aliens he has ferried into the country is "the reason why we have the most successful economy in the world"

>>21100408, >>21100418 #IncestJoe Make It Trend

>>21100493 LIVE Debate Aftermath: Expert Reactions - John B Wells LIVE

>>21100519 @RNCResearch Somebody Screwed Up The Cocktail

>>21100713 John King: Democrats are considering going to the White House to ask Biden to step aside

>>21100729 BREAKING: Just as the debate came to a close, Jill Biden rushed to the stage to lead Joe Biden off

>>21100743 @DonaldJTrumpJr Post of the night…

>>21100757 BREAKING: 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic - NBC

>>21100765 The New York Times published a “this is a disaster” piece 30 minutes into the debate.

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ffd9d2 No.21100783


Wasn’t this the bug sweep

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9bc284 No.21100784

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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136269 No.21100785

File: 285e73896f086e4⋯.png (122.43 KB,505x485,101:97,Joe_Biden_the_Chinese_own_….png)


We been saying this for 5 years

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a3a86e No.21100786


They declared he’s a loser overall.

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01c819 No.21100787

File: dbdfaf816610fa6⋯.jpeg (216.19 KB,1305x1440,29:32,IMG_3209.jpeg)

File: c018d92ff9b4f8d⋯.jpeg (148.73 KB,797x809,797:809,IMG_3119.jpeg)

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f25485 No.21100788

File: 21b9b7e02cecd82⋯.jpg (1.89 MB,4096x2304,16:9,IMG_20240627_225423.jpg)

The great REEEEEEEEEEEE is habbenin'


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2d3278 No.21100789


I actually made another post saying thank you


I put the thank you in the wrong line, Dude I am Vibing High, there is no chip today, This was one of the best nights here in a long time, sorry if that is how you took that , Most people say Fuck You Crackhead, Enjoy this night , Biden is Toast

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fb1112 No.21100790




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451d69 No.21100791

rupert murdoch: fuck biden

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2a555f No.21100792

File: b9bc22e876a17c1⋯.png (2.47 KB,186x42,31:7,Notable_rt2.png)

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ca8bcd No.21100793

File: ac6b20c32e87fbc⋯.png (1.79 MB,1280x624,80:39,ClipboardImage.png)


>But bidan's butt's been wiped.

With this.

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bd1804 No.21100794

File: 79f511785778090⋯.png (243.68 KB,578x832,289:416,ClipboardImage.png)

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1af4c4 No.21100795

File: 3a0720edcac8aea⋯.jpeg (32.29 KB,474x342,79:57,IMG_7564.jpeg)

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8cec57 No.21100796

Dark Brandon for the WIN!

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5b1718 No.21100797


CNN roasting him now after debates

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5ea749 No.21100798

File: 24d053bca3e6b26⋯.png (23.1 KB,595x342,595:342,heem.PNG)




Jill Biden had to come on stage to help Joe off, btw, in case you missed that.






Trump closing statement:

— Biden is a complainer, all talk, no action

— talks about the wars going under Biden

— restates his legacy on jobs, military, etc

— we’re gonna make America great again x.com/raheemkassam/s…

Show more

3:40 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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a3a86e No.21100799


So no fact checking needed?

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136269 No.21100800

President Kamala is your new CIC


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5794ab No.21100801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: Will collect all fuckery and statements and add later. Mic cuts inbetween turns




CNN Presidential Debate: President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump

President Joe Biden and his predecessor, former President Donald Trump meet in the key battleground state of Georgia for their first debate of the 2024 election cycle, moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.



President Trump: We had the greatest economy in the history of our country, We have never done so well.

Mr. Biden: I'm the only president this century that doesn't have any, this decade, that doesn't have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did.

President Trump: I was getting out of Afghanistan, but we were getting out with dignity, with strength, with power. He got out [Biden]; it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country's life.

President Trump: He [Biden] did the mandate, which is a disaster, mandating it. When the vaccine went out, he did a mandate on the vaccine, which is the thing that people most objected to about the vaccine.

President Trump: He's destroying Medicare, because all of these people are coming in; they're putting them on Medicare, they're putting them on Social Security. They're going to destroy Social Security. This man is going to single-handedly destroy Social Security. These millions and millions of people coming in, they're trying to put them on Social Security. He will wipe out Social Security., He will wipe out Medicare…what this man has done is absolutely criminal.

Biden comparing giving abortion law back to the states to giving civil rights laws back to the states.

Biden comparing giving abortion law back to the states to giving civil rights laws back to the states.

President Trump: We have to get a lot of these people out [illegals], and we have to get them out fast, because they are going to destroy our country.

President Trump destroying Biden's fake 'suckers and losers' comment.

djt: first of all our veterans and troops can't stand this guy

President Trump: He's given two hundred billion dollars now, or more, to Ukraine…that's a lot of money. I don't think there's ever been anything like it. Every time that Zelenskyy comes to this country, he walks away with sixty billions dollars.

djt: we have spent over a 100 billion moar that the rest of the world together.

President Trump: You should let 'em go [Israel], and let 'em finish the job. He [Biden] doesn't want to do it, he's become like a Palestinian.

President Trump: You [Biden] ought to be ashamed of yourself. What you have done. How you have destroyed the lives of so many people.

>>21099513, >>21099594, >>21099769, >>21099839 what did trump mean when he said he would haveevery right to go after his political opponents if elected? - screenshot

President Trump: Hundreds of millions [[donations] came pouring in because the public knows it's a scam [framing Trump with bogus charges], and it's a guy that's after his political opponent because he can't win fair and square.

President Trump: He [Biden] didn't run because of Charlottesville. He didn't run because of Charlottesville. He ran because it was his last chance; he's not equipped to be president. You know it, and I know it. It's ridiculous, We're trying to justify his presidency. His presidency is; without question, the worst president, the worst presidency, in the history of our country. We shouldn't be having a debate about it. There's nothing to debate. He made up the Charlottesville story…it's a nonsense story and he knows it.


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665ab2 No.21100802


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f3cc6b No.21100803


They don’t care about rules

If it gets to the convention and delegates awarded it’s a state-to-state thing legally but when has that stopped them

Killary shouldn’t have been able to run in ‘16 but they allowed it.

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e2c4a9 No.21100804


Seems like a pre agreed narrative.

Not that it wasn't obvious, just that it came out so quickly. Why weren't they still watching the debate. Take a while to write, edit and post an article for the NYT, even with their lax standards of jounalism.

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872558 No.21100805

The next episodes of Morning Joe and The View should be interesting

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deecec No.21100806


They have their marching orders from the DNC. Get rid of Biden. Finish him.

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32c0d0 No.21100807

Cnn Ds claiming Trump lost the debate

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7d8c45 No.21100808



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2258b0 No.21100809

File: e49e141f21777e1⋯.jpg (130.29 KB,1216x1525,1216:1525,_20240627_225117.JPG)

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a3a86e No.21100810


Better go back and check his math.

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604495 No.21100811


The parties have a lot of control.

They are candidates of the party.

You'd have to read the party rules - but yes, they can float whomever they want.

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136269 No.21100812


Fox will.


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e34262 No.21100813

HRC coming back

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5ea749 No.21100814

File: 5d2cc0eeeb293c4⋯.png (17.4 KB,596x213,596:213,25.PNG)




ABC News contributor


Sarah Isgur




Forget the election, this is heading into 25th amendment territory.

3:38 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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2c7155 No.21100815

File: 2d6bbbdde1925fd⋯.png (306.87 KB,1201x790,1201:790,ClipboardImage.png)

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2d3278 No.21100816


Dammit he could have Fallen Down,

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dfa967 No.21100817

File: 5d35b6e45ccb364⋯.png (90.71 KB,788x282,394:141,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0ef80eef5108d8⋯.png (88.2 KB,782x323,46:19,ClipboardImage.png)



Hi DonJr!

Glad to see you here!


>Donald Trump Jr.


>Post of the night…

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71018a No.21100818

File: 73f1a9b534377d8⋯.png (1.22 MB,670x1353,670:1353,ClipboardImage.png)


Anon saw Vivek and Byron Donalds


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5794ab No.21100819

File: 9ea9f8e19a3b39e⋯.png (139.41 KB,944x707,944:707,ClipboardImage.png)


President Trump: His big kill on the black people is the millions of people that he's allowed to come in through the border. They're taking black jobs now, and it could be eighteen, it could be nineteen, and even twenty million people. They're taking black jobs, and they're taking Hispanic jobs. And you haven't seen it yet, but you;re going to see something that's going to be the worst in our history.

President Trump: I heard him say before; Insulin. I'm the one that got the Insulin down for the seniors. I took care of the seniors. What he's doing is destroying all of our medical programs because the migrants coming in.

djt: did you fire anyone for the Afghanistan joe our country is being destroyed.

President Trump: Did you fire anybody that allowed our country to be destroyed? Joe, our country is being destroyed as you and I sit up here and waste a lot of time on this debate. This shouldn't be a debate…he's the worst president in the history of our country. He's destroyed our country…he wants open borders. He wants our country to either be destroyed, or he wants to pick up those people as voters. And we just can't let it happen. If he wins this election, our country doesn't have a chance, not even a chance, of coming out of this rut. We probably won't have a country left anymore, that's how bad it is. He is the worst in history, by far.

Mr. Biden: I got my handicap down to a six [golf].

President Trump: That's the biggest lie, that he's a six handicap, of all.

Mr. Biden: I was eight handicap. Eight. I had, you know how many.

President Trump: I've seen your swing. I know your swing.

President Trump: He's got us in such a bad position right now with Ukraine and Russia, because Ukraine's not wining that war…they're running out of people, they're running out of soldiers; they've lost so many people…all because of him and stupid decisions.

Question: Will you accept the results of the election, regardless of who wins?

President Trump: If it's a fair, and legal, and good election, absolutely…the fraud, and everything else [2020] was ridiculous, and if you want, we'll have a news conference on it in a week.

biden closing statement

Mr. Biden: We have to make sure that we have a fair tax system.

[by raising taxes even more]

Trump closing statement

end and cnn hanging biden out to pasture.

>>21100631, >>21100633 souces: dem saying we have a problem after biden's performance tonight


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8c61a1 No.21100820

File: d691011140687dc⋯.jpeg (83.82 KB,509x689,509:689,IMG_2398.jpeg)

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43e68e No.21100821

File: 2da73c4a8cdc951⋯.png (489.22 KB,740x808,185:202,loser.png)


>MSNBC/CNN roasting Biden now after debate instead of covering for him

>They getting ready to replace him soon, it seems.

Joe spent a whole week prepping for this debate and his people couldn't see there was a problem?

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0cc297 No.21100822


how did they just forgive student loans to their political allies?

how did they just leave the borders open and let in 20 million people.

how did they just decide to give free welfare and housing and health care to those 20 milliion, and put them up often in luxury hotels?


because they just do what they want.

they'll just swap out Biden and that will be that but

it will be interesting to see the infighting.

the Biden/Bulger part of the party won't like being thrown under the bus.

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5b1718 No.21100823


Yep, tomorrow is friday so prime time news network shows might be good for salt harvesting.

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dd71a8 No.21100824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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315500 No.21100825

File: 5567e2ed2aabbed⋯.png (1.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)

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670c8f No.21100826

File: 1a486c7669b996b⋯.mp4 (942.61 KB,886x556,443:278,1a486c7669b996b53cc586bfcc….mp4)

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f7337b No.21100827

File: 6fbfca632c930ff⋯.png (703.4 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_06_01_at_1….png)


/pnd/ thinks otherwise

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5ea749 No.21100828

File: 52288d82d3ce32b⋯.png (242.87 KB,594x850,297:425,vic.PNG)


Karoline Leavitt




3:34 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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dfa967 No.21100829

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7d53ea No.21100830

File: 6f6b0a137b4f911⋯.png (2.09 MB,696x1047,232:349,Screenshot_6173_.png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: 43fe871f7b3e183⋯.png (589.46 KB,449x447,449:447,capture_1869_20012024_0918….png)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)


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3222ed No.21100831

File: 33e8646df3d5fc6⋯.jpg (559.67 KB,1263x702,421:234,2024_06_28_03_58_06_CNN_Pr….jpg)

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775662 No.21100832


Pls update dates

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136269 No.21100833

File: 55dd4b55978f29f⋯.png (251.95 KB,567x1645,81:235,ClipboardImage.png)

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53fdcc No.21100834

Really long faces on democrats that are in the room listening to the Biden campaign guy trying to defend Biden. kek

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5ea749 No.21100835

File: 5ebc732e080e31a⋯.png (191.78 KB,603x605,603:605,replac.PNG)


Henry Rodgers


Drudge right now…


3:32 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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bd1804 No.21100836


They will stroke him out of the race.

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791c42 No.21100837

File: ba0ef08f7343529⋯.png (297.92 KB,688x378,344:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f4220 No.21100838

File: a7fe8758aff0b90⋯.gif (1.32 MB,498x342,83:57,BatmanIsThinking.gif)

You think Biden was informed that they would throw him under the bus?

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ffd9d2 No.21100839

File: 18148463d70a35c⋯.jpeg (765.29 KB,960x1186,480:593,470775FE_6715_47D1_AC1A_F….jpeg)


Another bingo square ?


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2258b0 No.21100840

Biden was so indefensible that ABC was talking about replacing Biden.

Apparently, Biden would have to release his delegates…

Is it her

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a3a86e No.21100841


That dude is a bonafide snake in the grass.

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2c7155 No.21100842

File: ef5135e314a4fb5⋯.png (48.86 KB,575x382,575:382,ClipboardImage.png)

White house spin.

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5ea749 No.21100843

File: 733673fc6cd0228⋯.png (20.39 KB,587x245,587:245,ana.PNG)


Rep. Anna Paulina Luna


After tonight’s debate, it’s clear: America cannot go ONE MORE DAY without hearing the Hur-Biden tapes.

Tomorrow, we will hold Merrick Garland in inherent contempt and force him to release the tapes. Every member of Congress needs to take action for the safety of our country.

3:37 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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5794ab No.21100844

File: fc30ebb95af60f9⋯.png (896.67 KB,781x520,781:520,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6073d187f4612ea⋯.png (1.12 MB,800x1024,25:32,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21100801, >>21100819 TRUMP AND BIDEN PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE ON NOW CNN 27TH JUNE 20244!!! - youtube including statements collected.

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910cf8 No.21100845



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8c61a1 No.21100846

File: f4d2377436a688e⋯.jpeg (63.8 KB,353x424,353:424,IMG_2397.jpeg)

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9996f5 No.21100847

File: f18339ff764d917⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB,480x854,240:427,_Trump_s_Warning_Echoes_Th….mp4)

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3222ed No.21100848

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5ea749 No.21100849

File: 5fd5ac513ae2b73⋯.png (22.76 KB,595x285,119:57,in_my.PNG)


Peachy Keenan





Kasie Hunt




The voice, open-mouthed look, and visual contrast between President Biden and former President Trump all have Democrats I'm talking to nearly beside themselves watching this debate

3:14 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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ca0584 No.21100850

File: 8881e94a1684619⋯.jpg (9.7 KB,255x137,255:137,de3e64170b5d390e7520c589e9….jpg)

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451d69 No.21100851

trump said his vp was gonna be in attendance

is brandon, which is what he called him. gonna get the nod

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8168f9 No.21100852

CNN just cut off Anderson Cooper.


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4f69e1 No.21100853


Chekt dr jill is gonna be sooo mad!

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5b1718 No.21100854



Biden is Obama's puppet.

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604495 No.21100855


This is just as much about JILL biden as it is Joe B.

She permits it so she can be FLOTUS

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bd1804 No.21100856

File: a1b359112fe5f2b⋯.png (242.88 KB,555x819,185:273,ClipboardImage.png)

Brandon was sacraficed tonight

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930ca1 No.21100857

File: f8cc847f7ab5778⋯.gif (1.98 MB,400x224,25:14,IMG_0872.gif)

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abb380 No.21100858


1 Corinthians 15:33

“Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.”

King James Version (KJV)

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5ea749 No.21100859

File: 6f64852498fa226⋯.png (22.43 KB,598x386,299:193,own.PNG)


Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit



You own this.

You enabled this guy.

You propped him up for the last 3 years and stridently DENIED DENIED DENIED he had any real age or cognitive issues.

You have to eat this entire shit sandwich now.

Get over here and OPEN WIDE.

3:33 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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a1e284 No.21100860

File: 05006f33901bfdc⋯.jpg (46.02 KB,500x500,1:1,8v8thk.jpg)

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520d01 No.21100861

File: ef0319deb0c706f⋯.png (33.41 KB,600x700,6:7,D9E57CAC_F447_495D_970B_DB….png)


Planned Panic. What will habben next? Stayed tuned.

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bb2b5e No.21100862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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604495 No.21100863


Release the TAPES

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65a197 No.21100864


that looks like Clif High

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c97a5f No.21100865

Q. The entire script tonight was too obvious. Better step up the acting or the peasants will think it is just a show and not reality.

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136269 No.21100866

File: 12398ce2f8f1c9c⋯.png (250.32 KB,575x417,575:417,Hillary_Clinton_What_Diffe….png)

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665ab2 No.21100867


"OurDemocracy™" they say this knowing the U.S. government is not a Democracy but they want it to be. (Communism)Another example of twisting truth by creating names repeated over and over until the become parlance and established "fact".

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5ea749 No.21100868

File: d09be555b22e7ac⋯.png (549.14 KB,595x840,17:24,made.PNG)


Mostly Peaceful Memes


He makes this to easy


3:27 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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38df93 No.21100869

File: 0f176caf4370e8d⋯.jpg (161.17 KB,1069x1106,1069:1106,0f176caf4370e8dab62cda7eb9….jpg)

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f7337b No.21100870


I think I just heard the sound of the NATO brass all shitting their pants at once

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743b2f No.21100871

File: 82b78877227b389⋯.png (151.91 KB,375x960,25:64,ClipboardImage.png)

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2ccc35 No.21100872

File: 656fd3e3d5db9da⋯.png (58.21 KB,360x252,10:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6ff9b No.21100873

File: bc43e5c73ed2703⋯.png (538.49 KB,710x988,355:494,anderson_cooper_kathy_grif….png)

File: 39461cbcea07ead⋯.png (777.77 KB,600x829,600:829,anderson_cooper_vanderbilt.png)

File: ab2392a8ae40cbf⋯.png (152.06 KB,319x365,319:365,anderson_cooper.png)


>CNN just cut off Anderson Cooper.

why what did he say and how can you stand to watch

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a1e284 No.21100874


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6113fd No.21100875

File: 31a1e536c748197⋯.jpeg (131.62 KB,828x621,4:3,HillCuntPedoTraitorMurder….jpeg)


Tru dat. Yehaaaaaa. More divine madness.

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20761a No.21100876

File: d74a8f74c6e2978⋯.mp4 (6.3 MB,RecordIt_2D8E53F2_699D_4D3….mp4)


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71018a No.21100877

File: f0f90c1a26e46c4⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB,570x682,285:341,biden_escorted_off_first_d….mp4)



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f25485 No.21100878

Joe Biden called the "newcomers" "ILLEGAL ALIENS", fuckin Kek!

The melt down of the [D] party is glorious to watch!

Wonder what the faggots on the left will do.

Let [them] hang themselves.

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ccd476 No.21100880

File: 2b41dc01ffd4f25⋯.jpeg (29.73 KB,474x366,79:61,IMG_0873.jpeg)

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5b1718 No.21100881


Keep in mind with Anderson, he's part of the CIA's project mockingbird.

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2d3278 No.21100882

File: 7218fcbdda2b00b⋯.jpg (46.3 KB,500x523,500:523,stankface.jpg)

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5ea749 No.21100883

File: 59daaf05994ffac⋯.png (17.31 KB,598x252,299:126,know.PNG)


Laura Loomer


Now you all see why Gavin Newson is in the spin room tonight at the debate as a “guest” of the Biden campaign.

Get ready for the Democrats to ask Biden to step down.

It’s coming.

3:29 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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08e887 No.21100884


We're gonna need some sauce on that, anon.

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872558 No.21100885

File: 0fdfe96ec6ca768⋯.png (286.66 KB,1530x827,1530:827,ClipboardImage.png)

Live update

Pundits say debate spells trouble for Biden

When it was done, political experts expressed grave concerns over Biden’s performance, from his demeanor to how he opened himself up for attacks from Trump.


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aaf606 No.21100887


notable and very funny on gold handicap KEK

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9ecc5a No.21100888


If he can't run he can't run, they have to do something

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53fdcc No.21100889

Newsome looks like he is about to cry.

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f76db8 No.21100890

File: 0f7fc56973e55cf⋯.jpg (131.83 KB,519x640,519:640,ECHO_IN_BIDENS_HEAD.jpg)

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5ea749 No.21100892

File: 65d662e83f38ab2⋯.png (18.95 KB,590x233,590:233,bed.PNG)




You made your bed, now lie in it.


Andrew Yang🧢⬆️🇺🇸




Look I debated Joe 7 times in 2020. He’s a different guy in 2024. #swapJoeout

3:30 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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aaf606 No.21100893

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4f69e1 No.21100894


Exactly! She's got the mic in her hand on stage right now and tater's standing next to her watching.

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8168f9 No.21100895


They were tearing into Biden. Never seen anything like it.

Anderson cut in and said this is the worst part, and was going to cut to video of the biden shuffle, and CNN cut off the feed, just like that.

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b6ff9b No.21100896

File: 67d4bd7fccd781e⋯.png (354.19 KB,440x575,88:115,coffe_tits.png)


>He makes this to easy

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136269 No.21100897


got a magnet link?

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627b9b No.21100899

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ecce54 No.21100900


It's BS. The first salute is the Capital or National Mall. The second is taking place at a cemetery, possibly Arlington:

The 21-gun salute is not to be confused with the three-volley salute (or three-rifle volley) rendered at military honors funerals, which you might see or hear at Arlington National Cemetery.

• Army, Navy and Marine Corps general officers may receive a battery cannon salute (17 guns for a four-star general, 15 for a three-star, 13 for a two-star, 11 for a one-star), if available.

• Folding of and presentation of the U.S. flag

• Minute guns may be used for general officers/flag officers of the Coast Guard, Marine Corps and Navy, if available.

• The president of the United States is entitled to a 21-gun salute, while other high state officials receive 19 guns.



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cf39eb No.21100901


The guy with antigravity

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5ea749 No.21100902

File: 2269ce411a90cac⋯.png (12.86 KB,593x172,593:172,bones.PNG)


Jason Miller



I’m dead!!! ☠️☠️☠️

3:25 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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57f837 No.21100903


Really, I doubt it. Any HRC comeback essentially nullifies any POTUS legal troubles and brings her back into the spotlight. Newsome - again I doubt it, Stand on the California record?

Big Mike - I did have reservations, but it seems that the MSM maybe setting her up for it. "I dont get involved in politics" etc etc. "But I must" …etc although seems a bit thin. Also a bit close to the wire, 5 months.

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2a555f No.21100904

File: 5d0fb732b4a83c5⋯.png (483.11 KB,684x590,342:295,ClipboardImage.png)


Biden is live talking shit about Trump

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f3cc6b No.21100905

File: b81ec4c784f5262⋯.jpeg (495.96 KB,828x803,828:803,02836DB6_3FB7_42AC_81D2_4….jpeg)

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1e346b No.21100906

File: c8767e9fc30de7e⋯.gif (3.23 MB,400x300,4:3,Mirror_ewing2001_What_is_9….gif)

File: bddfae75ad53047⋯.gif (3.05 MB,400x300,4:3,Mirror_No_Planer_TVFakery_….gif)

File: dfc28b09edeba28⋯.gif (4.58 MB,400x300,4:3,Mirror_No_Planer_TVFakery_….gif)

File: 1b1e0fad9e292f8⋯.gif (5.01 MB,400x300,4:3,Mirror_of_Alfon_s_Dual_Spl….gif)


But think about it:

Could anyone else represent the NWO policies better while opposing Trump?

Maybe Biden's blurriness and fuzziness is a virtue since people can imagine what isn't there, fill in the blanks according to their own imaginations, and thus the crooked NWO politicians gets away with it (among low information, Zombie-fied citizens)?

Whereas if the presentation was clearer, it would be more obvious how much it sux?

Some analysis like that was done over the question of:

"Why did they do such a shitty job drawing in the "planes" for the CGI hitting the South Tower?"

Answer was: "If they were clearer, more precise, one would be more easily able to see the fakeness?

When it's blurry the viewers mind will fill in the blanks all by itself, according to its assumptions and premises (no reality checks necessary).

Nothing to disturb the illusion.

Nothing to give a jolt of reality?

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fe0cd7 No.21100907


been known this

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a3531b No.21100908

File: 69540bc35645096⋯.jpeg (98.79 KB,529x426,529:426,A833FA3F_0D6A_4FC5_A219_E….jpeg)

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65a197 No.21100910


all media mouthpieces are



Tranny Loomer

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ff9c27 No.21100912

File: ba4ddfb76ccfaa9⋯.png (453.28 KB,486x503,486:503,ClipboardImage.png)

Fake News is Selling Joe up the River

Deep State Dems are running cover

But there is no Spinning this one

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e34262 No.21100913

File: 44f28f5223474fc⋯.png (207.05 KB,770x905,154:181,ClipboardImage.png)

are we being played for fools?

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3222ed No.21100914

File: 49d05eeb5e0788b⋯.jpg (154.71 KB,458x657,458:657,2024_06_28_04_04_41_Breaki….jpg)

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ccd476 No.21100915

File: d7ba9de1367b27f⋯.jpeg (52.46 KB,500x498,250:249,IMG_0874.jpeg)

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5794ab No.21100917



notable statement.

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2ccc35 No.21100918

File: 56f8916413b78b2⋯.png (379.05 KB,603x530,603:530,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6d1cef12f65bca⋯.png (439.52 KB,627x633,209:211,ClipboardImage.png)


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5ea749 No.21100919

File: 272a6efa7927355⋯.png (378.28 KB,596x580,149:145,so.PNG)


Green Lives Matter


Biden is somehow posting on X while he's debating with Trump.

Further proof that he doesn't even control his own social media account, much less the decisions he makes in the White House.

He is the very definition of a puppet.


3:21 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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75c382 No.21100922

File: be89ae7d3c8ffab⋯.jpg (27.48 KB,474x474,1:1,be89ae7d3c8ffab7c4c5f6a781….jpg)

File: c362a86d93e0771⋯.png (60.09 KB,500x539,500:539,Trump_Popcorn.png)

CNN is imploding. This is funny.

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a1e284 No.21100923

File: ae4bb0d4b3b37b1⋯.mp4 (463.86 KB,864x480,9:5,441288af_5441_4cab_bc80_61….mp4)

Who is the VP ?

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4f69e1 No.21100924

They're desperate when they post CP.

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0e086a No.21100925


ted turner

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1e346b No.21100927

File: fcbe1db000fbe6f⋯.gif (4.45 MB,400x266,200:133,MIRROR_Predictive_Programm….gif)

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5ea749 No.21100928

File: c8b6b3a88f0e919⋯.png (277.98 KB,598x461,598:461,art.PNG)


Pericles 'Perry' Abbasi


Life imitates art



2:47 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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136269 No.21100931

Bidens been like this for years, the media has just been covering for him. Today they couldn't hide it any longer.

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4fc580 No.21100932

Consciousness shift tonight from Trump.

>We didn't stop Israel.

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4efba9 No.21100933

Breaking: Multiple top Democrats are currently formulating a plan to remove Biden from the ticket starting as early as tomorrow, beginning with an emergency cognition test. Multiple sources are reporting that congressional members are so fearful of Biden’s condition that they are planning to collectively declare his candidacy unfit.

More information to come.

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791c42 No.21100934


"It's not just panic it's pain."

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b6ff9b No.21100935

File: 23ddc301387c1ca⋯.png (1.77 MB,1480x816,185:102,ClipboardImage.png)


>Q. The entire script tonight was too obvious. Better step up the acting or the peasants will think it is just a show and not reality.

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8168f9 No.21100937


I heard that.

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2ccc35 No.21100938

File: b63e23fb36f5caf⋯.png (348.88 KB,611x552,611:552,ClipboardImage.png)

Im sure they watched the debate…and listening to CNN jump ship


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791c42 No.21100939


So was Q+

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08e887 No.21100940

File: 1afbc25d0300382⋯.png (5.85 KB,236x48,59:12,report.png)


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ff9c27 No.21100942

File: df5c92c0ab562e7⋯.png (372.94 KB,473x416,473:416,ClipboardImage.png)


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5ea749 No.21100943

File: ab3150818623cf7⋯.png (16.2 KB,584x246,292:123,rs.PNG)


Randy the Savage


Trump: *Gives succinct plan to battle drug addiction epidemic*

Biden: The Price of Fentanyl went down



3:20 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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136269 No.21100944

File: 279d1b11cec5396⋯.png (1.16 MB,1184x1240,148:155,ClipboardImage.png)

Um Gavin's looking rough now that he transitioned.

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fb1112 No.21100946

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5b1718 No.21100947


Nah, not Tucker but the other two are compromised. Kari is compromised by the WEF and Loomer is a gatekeeper for the kikes.

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345723 No.21100948

Awright…..so who here is gonna vote for Biden after this debate.

A simple show of shills will do. Go!

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b6ff9b No.21100949

File: 28093f3f3230c4b⋯.png (9.4 KB,234x143,18:11,q_means_the_people.png)


>Anderson cut in and said this is the worst part, and was going to cut to video of the biden shuffle, and CNN cut off the feed, just like that.


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4fc580 No.21100950


It just dawned on me that it's possible the predictive programming was encouraged to be as hamfisted and widely distributed as possible to make Entertainment shills think they were insulated.

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665ab2 No.21100951


that vax status though

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b9a8ee No.21100952


right on cue

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8c61a1 No.21100953

File: 6e96b2ad6ec1166⋯.jpeg (99.08 KB,827x609,827:609,IMG_0368.jpeg)


Why tho?

Biden did pretty good, given his circumstance.

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2a555f No.21100954

File: 80922e0de1ef410⋯.png (307.99 KB,1100x582,550:291,ClipboardImage.png)

Lying piece of human trash

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5ea749 No.21100956

File: 73ff4a51c9d2d88⋯.png (11.48 KB,595x172,595:172,price.PNG)


Brenden Dilley


Did Joe Biden just say he dropped the price of fentanyl?


3:20 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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53fdcc No.21100957

Garcia: What you saw tonight was a clear contrast, between a good man that we believe in, that is going to win re-election, and a conman, a criminal, and a traitor to this country..Donald Trump tonight doubled down on his anti-immigrant rhetoric in the debate. He called; somehow that immigrants are creating a rat's nest in this country…he's the most anti-Latino president that we've had in decades.

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5ea749 No.21100958

I bet Abe Lincoln would rather go watch another play rather than this debate

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451d69 No.21100959

Trump called him Brandon


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8168f9 No.21100960

That was the most throwing under the bus by CNN I've ever seen. Literally held down Biden and stomped on his head, it was fucking glorious to watch.

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0cc297 No.21100962


it should be regret, repentance and begging for forgiveness, and making ammends by admitting that they let things go on so long when the guy is obviously needing to retire.

and also allowing political persecution through courts directed by the DOJ.

they should feel shame as well.

they need to do the mea-culpa chest pounding and wear sack cloth and ashes and repent.

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5794ab No.21100963


notable, jill had to rescue biden and he cannot get off the stairs, jill and biden shake tapper and bash hands.

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d74240 No.21100965

this bread is blessed by Kek.


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f31096 No.21100966

File: de9fd98052743ca⋯.mp4 (6.54 MB,720x720,1:1,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)


>I can visualize the crying going on in the New York Times right now


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b6ff9b No.21100967

File: 384466698002f50⋯.jpg (422.42 KB,1256x1572,314:393,00_incredible_coffee_shop_….jpg)


>Trump: *Gives succinct plan to battle drug addiction epidemic*

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5ea749 No.21100968

File: c5382381a0e396d⋯.png (25.23 KB,589x272,589:272,mg.PNG)


Matt Gaetz


NYT columnists don’t say this if Biden won the debate.


Nicholas Kristof




I wish Biden would reflect on this debate performance and then announce his decision to withdraw from the race, throwing the choice of Democratic nominee to the convention. Someone like @gretchenwhitmer or @SherrodBrown or @SecRaimondo could still jump in and beat Trump.

3:14 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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5b1718 No.21100969


Q said Israel is saved for last.

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791c42 No.21100970

File: 101608f271147e6⋯.png (301.84 KB,500x551,500:551,ClipboardImage.png)

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a90024 No.21100971

combination last call and final

pizza hut and taco bell



>>21100209, >>21100214, >>21100223, >>21100228, >>21100239, >>21100261, >>21100277, >>21100378, >>21100566, >>21100664, >>21100835 Memes

>>21100328 Biden says the millions of illegal aliens he has ferried into the country is "the reason why we have the most successful economy in the world"

>>21100408, >>21100418 #IncestJoe Make It Trend

>>21100493 LIVE Debate Aftermath: Expert Reactions - John B Wells LIVE

>>21100505 Presidential Debate Transcript

>>21100519 @RNCResearch Somebody Screwed Up The Cocktail

>>21100713 John King: Democrats are considering going to the White House to ask Biden to step aside

>>21100729, >>21100839 BREAKING: Just as the debate came to a close, Jill Biden rushed to the stage to lead Joe Biden off

>>21100743 @DonaldJTrumpJr Post of the night…

>>21100757 BREAKING: 'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic - NBC

>>21100765 The New York Times published a “this is a disaster” piece 30 minutes into the debate.

>>21100781 Golf digest list of top 100 DC golfers and Donald Trump goes to 11


>>21100843 @RepLuna After tonight’s debate, it’s clear: America cannot go ONE MORE DAY without hearing the Hur-Biden tapes

>>21100859 Democrats: You own this. You have to eat this entire sh*t sandwich now.

>>21100883 Now you all see why Gavin Newson is in the spin room tonight at the debate as a “guest” of the Biden campaign.

>>21100885 Pundits say debate spells trouble for Biden

>>21100902 @JasonMillerinDC “I GOT MY HANDICAP WHEN I WAS VICE PRESIDENT.” I’m dead!!! ☠️☠️☠️

>>21100919 @Ultrafrog17 Biden is somehow posting on X while he's debating with Trump.

Baker needs handoff

top of next

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228509 No.21100972

well that was fun

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b6ff9b No.21100974



How did this happen 7h ago

Have I been asleep that long

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a3a86e No.21100975

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5ea749 No.21100976

File: 7bc899e6fa17c80⋯.png (338.13 KB,601x854,601:854,bl.PNG)


Chadwick Moore


Checking in on black twitter


3:07 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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10dab8 No.21100978

somebody saying Van Jones was crying!

while that may be that mockingbird media is still all singing the same tune once again

that's not sus at all

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f7337b No.21100979


He has seen PDJT's power for himself now

He knows his own track record, has to worry about a poor showing in California. He'll get the vote, just not big margin, Cali hates his ass

His psyche is on the line and soon Pelsoi is going to call him with something like "do it not just for the Party, do it for the Family"

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dfa967 No.21100980

File: 3e91ac99d97d261⋯.png (80.6 KB,608x543,608:543,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38bd8b5d8b41bf4⋯.jpg (59.32 KB,600x490,60:49,tumblr_oqsdtjiEX41wqafwpo6….jpg)

Daily Mail Online



Democrats in full-blown panic over Biden's disaster debate: Party members call for Joe to be REPLACED


Jun 28, 2024 · 2:55 AM UTC


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2ccc35 No.21100981

File: 7a6c6fbbe7256bb⋯.jpg (14.42 KB,217x255,217:255,777.jpg)

File: 10dd35802ccdea4⋯.png (140.65 KB,480x360,4:3,Norm.png)

File: b9194a2aec7e9a1⋯.jpg (59.63 KB,577x433,577:433,norm2.jpg)

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136269 No.21100982

File: cca15c37f060e7b⋯.jpg (215.79 KB,800x600,4:3,Gretch.jpg)


> Someone like @gretchenwhitmer

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65a197 No.21100983


owled his eyebrows and whored himself out to mil brass

hoping to land the big gig that would net him his airplane

they cost so much 'bread'

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8168f9 No.21100984

'Babbling' and 'hoarse': Biden's debate performance sends Democrats into a panic


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4f69e1 No.21100985


Peter Ducey just said on Faux that nobody from the WH to Biden's prep people ever mentioned Biden had a cold today or tonight.

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8c61a1 No.21100986

File: e1497c099f92446⋯.jpeg (140.85 KB,828x1004,207:251,IMG_0365.jpeg)



Loved the pissing contest about golfing.

Crack me up.

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ff9c27 No.21100988

File: f631a472fae565a⋯.png (510.53 KB,575x480,115:96,ClipboardImage.png)

We Knew this day would Come

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ee8ce7 No.21100990


maximum copium level achieved

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b6ff9b No.21100991

File: 6112790e9867373⋯.jpeg (139.14 KB,750x500,3:2,trump_won_by_a_lot.jpeg)


>Consciousness shift tonight from Trump.


>>We didn't stop Israel.

exsprain pree

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5ea749 No.21100992

File: 8620e4b5e3b3ab4⋯.png (313.88 KB,601x532,601:532,ep.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


DID JOE BIDEN LOSE HIS EARPIECE? - Team Trump Calls Him Out! Is Old Joe Cheating? (VIDEO)

READ: https://tgpne.ws/gj3Mex


3:14 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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c00a4c No.21100993


Yeah, we know. He was replaced during the 2020 debates.

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b9a8ee No.21100994


they wanted an early debate in case this happened.

we're fooling ourselves if we don't think they already have plans in place to replace

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45ea5a No.21100995



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fb1112 No.21100996

File: 2633d169ab902f6⋯.png (41.38 KB,500x443,500:443,ClipboardImage.png)

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f31096 No.21100997

File: 9efeb7882ccc122⋯.png (721.63 KB,828x1126,414:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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f27fa2 No.21100998

File: 12a111be4e19b19⋯.png (864.65 KB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe0cd7 No.21100999

File: da848c8c6fb3261⋯.png (313.37 KB,478x378,239:189,ClipboardImage.png)


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919f96 No.21101000

File: 809c1c131bae5e8⋯.png (376.97 KB,542x679,542:679,6j5wj4j6rere.PNG)

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439ca2 No.21101001

File: 416b34f4e2841d6⋯.jpg (288.8 KB,1280x888,160:111,Helms_Bakery.jpg)


New Baker Wanted

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136269 No.21101002

File: fc584eb67e0ac97⋯.gif (1.18 MB,360x187,360:187,whack.gif)


Hey! I want moar black twitter. Shit's funny yo.

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5ea749 No.21101003

File: 7199bf8c06b974a⋯.png (81.66 KB,598x263,598:263,rep.PNG)


Glenn Greenwald


Imagine how things must be going for this to happen:


2:32 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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d74240 No.21101006


We are getting saved by the real nigga Masons… Thank god!

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65a197 No.21101007


Tucker is the CIA cuck of ages

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345723 No.21101008

File: 07b37e85b4f69cf⋯.png (3.23 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


At this point Trump could come out in black face and still win.

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76a6e4 No.21101009

Now the narrative is to swap Joe out.

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0c3318 No.21101010

File: 3b522577719944d⋯.png (203.57 KB,1244x354,622:177,ClipboardImage.png)

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136269 No.21101014

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b6ff9b No.21101015

File: 47e5ded778aa53e⋯.jpg (156.05 KB,950x972,475:486,glowniggers.jpg)


>the word fag i

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5ea749 No.21101016

File: f82c9e481f22c74⋯.png (16.15 KB,592x182,296:91,sj.PNG)


Scott Jennings


The level of shock that I am hearing from across the country and across the political spectrum is insane. No one can believe what is happening on live TV right now. #debate

2:17 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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2258b0 No.21101017

File: 07646ad15ebc92e⋯.jpg (236.51 KB,1407x1920,469:640,_20240627_230920.JPG)


Bidan can relax now

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aeb218 No.21101018

Potato is sick.

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bd1804 No.21101020

File: 59a7debbebe979f⋯.png (77.38 KB,840x790,84:79,ClipboardImage.png)


Focus on the House floor

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d2248b No.21101022

File: c51a46a14ff51f0⋯.jpeg (94.54 KB,612x449,612:449,IMG_0871.jpeg)

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6113fd No.21101023

File: d2b199cd15037b3⋯.png (1.44 MB,1600x1200,4:3,reference.png)


It really fakking was Anon. Can hardly wait for HillDawg to show up.

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136269 No.21101024


best I refrain.

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604495 No.21101025

File: 8413052d7c85fbb⋯.png (12.64 KB,544x151,544:151,ClipboardImage.png)




Biden presidency has been a lie for months, if not a year or more. The emperor has no clothes.

11:03 PM · Jun 27, 2024





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f2223b No.21101026

go to twitter and search "this nigga biden" lmao

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a90024 No.21101027

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13aa08 No.21101028



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791c42 No.21101029

If 'they' had plans to replace Biden, wouldnt they have done it by now?

What if…they can't replace him?

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520d01 No.21101030

Re-elect Potato 2024.

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13aa08 No.21101031


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b6ff9b No.21101032

File: ac36014e575d22a⋯.png (156.63 KB,1200x630,40:21,binary_god_ra_on_matrix_tw….png)

File: 0e80f05b1913fe4⋯.png (1.59 MB,1024x1024,1:1,digits_ai_2.png)


AI digits

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ca0584 No.21101033

File: a59e49c35848e43⋯.jpg (78.82 KB,690x927,230:309,d5856d92d1a3e8b2.jpg)

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13aa08 No.21101035



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136269 No.21101036



7 days says 3 second Dan.

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43e68e No.21101037

File: b9b5f1635efad0e⋯.jpeg (186.8 KB,419x509,419:509,IMG_5937.jpeg)


> Democrats in full-blown panic over Biden's disaster debate: Party members call for Joe to be REPLACED

It was pretty bad.

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5ea749 No.21101038

File: 7986081b406d698⋯.png (231.26 KB,1033x687,1033:687,nh.PNG)


Trump’s Odds of Winning Election Surges

to New High on PredictIt Market in First

HOUR of Debate

Gateway Pundit, by Cassandra MacDonald

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 6/27/2024 11:08:34 PM

Former President Donald Trump’s odds of winning the 2024 election surged to a record high on the PredictIt betting market during the first hour of the presidential debate. PredictIt is a large online political prediction market, often called a “stock market for politics.” The odds of Trump winning the election increased by over 10 percent before 10 p.m. EST; the debate began at 9 p.m. (X) The Kobeissi Letter, an industry-leading newsletter on global capital markets, reported during the debatr

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2d3278 No.21101039

Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.did pretty well

They for the most part did a good impartial job EXCEPT for Asking TRUMP Twice if he would accept the results of the election and not asking Biden.

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4fc580 No.21101040


There's always a line or two periodically where the deprogramming movie progresses the lowest common denominator.

>We didn't stop Israel.

It's the first time the invasion has ever been described like this, like Israel was something to be stopped rather than what came before. He would previously say the attack on Israel would have never happened. He reiterated this, but still, the new tone and phrasing has been introduced.

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13aa08 No.21101041



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f79888 No.21101042

File: 0fbdefe74260f01⋯.png (524.84 KB,683x500,683:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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65a197 No.21101045


'white hats' are freemasons

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748e70 No.21101046

File: 29575fffa24edae⋯.jpg (316.25 KB,1620x1080,3:2,PassportToMAGA.JPG)

File: 2be13434a7cb20d⋯.jpg (399.5 KB,1624x1080,203:135,AllYourSaucer.JPG)

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