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File: 69a4d2ec5235c5c⋯.png (957.81 KB,1371x764,1371:764,jf87fj9f78eidkhjg98d8fgjwl….png)

a90024 No.21100167 [View All]

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4f69e1 No.21100985


Peter Ducey just said on Faux that nobody from the WH to Biden's prep people ever mentioned Biden had a cold today or tonight.

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8c61a1 No.21100986

File: e1497c099f92446⋯.jpeg (140.85 KB,828x1004,207:251,IMG_0365.jpeg)



Loved the pissing contest about golfing.

Crack me up.

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ff9c27 No.21100988

File: f631a472fae565a⋯.png (510.53 KB,575x480,115:96,ClipboardImage.png)

We Knew this day would Come

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ee8ce7 No.21100990


maximum copium level achieved

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b6ff9b No.21100991

File: 6112790e9867373⋯.jpeg (139.14 KB,750x500,3:2,trump_won_by_a_lot.jpeg)


>Consciousness shift tonight from Trump.


>>We didn't stop Israel.

exsprain pree

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5ea749 No.21100992

File: 8620e4b5e3b3ab4⋯.png (313.88 KB,601x532,601:532,ep.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


DID JOE BIDEN LOSE HIS EARPIECE? - Team Trump Calls Him Out! Is Old Joe Cheating? (VIDEO)

READ: https://tgpne.ws/gj3Mex


3:14 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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c00a4c No.21100993


Yeah, we know. He was replaced during the 2020 debates.

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b9a8ee No.21100994


they wanted an early debate in case this happened.

we're fooling ourselves if we don't think they already have plans in place to replace

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45ea5a No.21100995



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fb1112 No.21100996

File: 2633d169ab902f6⋯.png (41.38 KB,500x443,500:443,ClipboardImage.png)

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f31096 No.21100997

File: 9efeb7882ccc122⋯.png (721.63 KB,828x1126,414:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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f27fa2 No.21100998

File: 12a111be4e19b19⋯.png (864.65 KB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe0cd7 No.21100999

File: da848c8c6fb3261⋯.png (313.37 KB,478x378,239:189,ClipboardImage.png)


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919f96 No.21101000

File: 809c1c131bae5e8⋯.png (376.97 KB,542x679,542:679,6j5wj4j6rere.PNG)

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439ca2 No.21101001

File: 416b34f4e2841d6⋯.jpg (288.8 KB,1280x888,160:111,Helms_Bakery.jpg)


New Baker Wanted

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136269 No.21101002

File: fc584eb67e0ac97⋯.gif (1.18 MB,360x187,360:187,whack.gif)


Hey! I want moar black twitter. Shit's funny yo.

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5ea749 No.21101003

File: 7199bf8c06b974a⋯.png (81.66 KB,598x263,598:263,rep.PNG)


Glenn Greenwald


Imagine how things must be going for this to happen:


2:32 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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d74240 No.21101006


We are getting saved by the real nigga Masons… Thank god!

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65a197 No.21101007


Tucker is the CIA cuck of ages

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345723 No.21101008

File: 07b37e85b4f69cf⋯.png (3.23 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


At this point Trump could come out in black face and still win.

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76a6e4 No.21101009

Now the narrative is to swap Joe out.

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0c3318 No.21101010

File: 3b522577719944d⋯.png (203.57 KB,1244x354,622:177,ClipboardImage.png)

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136269 No.21101014

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b6ff9b No.21101015

File: 47e5ded778aa53e⋯.jpg (156.05 KB,950x972,475:486,glowniggers.jpg)


>the word fag i

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5ea749 No.21101016

File: f82c9e481f22c74⋯.png (16.15 KB,592x182,296:91,sj.PNG)


Scott Jennings


The level of shock that I am hearing from across the country and across the political spectrum is insane. No one can believe what is happening on live TV right now. #debate

2:17 PM · Jun 27, 2024




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2258b0 No.21101017

File: 07646ad15ebc92e⋯.jpg (236.51 KB,1407x1920,469:640,_20240627_230920.JPG)


Bidan can relax now

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aeb218 No.21101018

Potato is sick.

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bd1804 No.21101020

File: 59a7debbebe979f⋯.png (77.38 KB,840x790,84:79,ClipboardImage.png)


Focus on the House floor

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d2248b No.21101022

File: c51a46a14ff51f0⋯.jpeg (94.54 KB,612x449,612:449,IMG_0871.jpeg)

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6113fd No.21101023

File: d2b199cd15037b3⋯.png (1.44 MB,1600x1200,4:3,reference.png)


It really fakking was Anon. Can hardly wait for HillDawg to show up.

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136269 No.21101024


best I refrain.

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604495 No.21101025

File: 8413052d7c85fbb⋯.png (12.64 KB,544x151,544:151,ClipboardImage.png)




Biden presidency has been a lie for months, if not a year or more. The emperor has no clothes.

11:03 PM · Jun 27, 2024





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f2223b No.21101026

go to twitter and search "this nigga biden" lmao

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a90024 No.21101027

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13aa08 No.21101028



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791c42 No.21101029

If 'they' had plans to replace Biden, wouldnt they have done it by now?

What if…they can't replace him?

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520d01 No.21101030

Re-elect Potato 2024.

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13aa08 No.21101031


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b6ff9b No.21101032

File: ac36014e575d22a⋯.png (156.63 KB,1200x630,40:21,binary_god_ra_on_matrix_tw….png)

File: 0e80f05b1913fe4⋯.png (1.59 MB,1024x1024,1:1,digits_ai_2.png)


AI digits

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ca0584 No.21101033

File: a59e49c35848e43⋯.jpg (78.82 KB,690x927,230:309,d5856d92d1a3e8b2.jpg)

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13aa08 No.21101035



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136269 No.21101036



7 days says 3 second Dan.

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43e68e No.21101037

File: b9b5f1635efad0e⋯.jpeg (186.8 KB,419x509,419:509,IMG_5937.jpeg)


> Democrats in full-blown panic over Biden's disaster debate: Party members call for Joe to be REPLACED

It was pretty bad.

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5ea749 No.21101038

File: 7986081b406d698⋯.png (231.26 KB,1033x687,1033:687,nh.PNG)


Trump’s Odds of Winning Election Surges

to New High on PredictIt Market in First

HOUR of Debate

Gateway Pundit, by Cassandra MacDonald

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 6/27/2024 11:08:34 PM

Former President Donald Trump’s odds of winning the 2024 election surged to a record high on the PredictIt betting market during the first hour of the presidential debate. PredictIt is a large online political prediction market, often called a “stock market for politics.” The odds of Trump winning the election increased by over 10 percent before 10 p.m. EST; the debate began at 9 p.m. (X) The Kobeissi Letter, an industry-leading newsletter on global capital markets, reported during the debatr

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2d3278 No.21101039

Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.did pretty well

They for the most part did a good impartial job EXCEPT for Asking TRUMP Twice if he would accept the results of the election and not asking Biden.

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4fc580 No.21101040


There's always a line or two periodically where the deprogramming movie progresses the lowest common denominator.

>We didn't stop Israel.

It's the first time the invasion has ever been described like this, like Israel was something to be stopped rather than what came before. He would previously say the attack on Israel would have never happened. He reiterated this, but still, the new tone and phrasing has been introduced.

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13aa08 No.21101041



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f79888 No.21101042

File: 0fbdefe74260f01⋯.png (524.84 KB,683x500,683:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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65a197 No.21101045


'white hats' are freemasons

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748e70 No.21101046

File: 29575fffa24edae⋯.jpg (316.25 KB,1620x1080,3:2,PassportToMAGA.JPG)

File: 2be13434a7cb20d⋯.jpg (399.5 KB,1624x1080,203:135,AllYourSaucer.JPG)

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