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File: 69a4d2ec5235c5c⋯.png (957.81 KB,1371x764,1371:764,jf87fj9f78eidkhjg98d8fgjwl….png)

14df56 No.21098416 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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14df56 No.21098418

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 Australia #36

>>21066859 Canada #60

>>20584322 China #1

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>>19804572 UK #51


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

>>20736492, >>18311579, >>20673838 "Baker on Duty" - what it means

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

>>20926627, >>20947983 Anon notables/making changes: generally, once a bread baked, it's baked


>>21074755, >>21074757, >>21074766 MASSIVE SPAM ATTACK on catalog, BAKERS: PLZ GET REPORTER STATUS SO YOU CAN BAKE NEW


#25861 >>21097532

>>21097582 Donald Trump vs Joe Biden Presidential Debate – 9:00pm Livestream – Open Discussion Thread

>>21097919, >>21097941, >>21097956 RAV, >>21097965, >>21097983, >>21098128, >>21098192, >>21098298 DEBATE LINKAGE - WATCH LIVE

>>21097596, >>21097609 Debate Day, Exclusive Interview with Glenn Beck | TRIGGERED w/Don Jr.

>>21097668, >>21097693 This submission in the 9/11 case was just released on the war court site

>>21097685 Arnold Schwarzenegger issues public apology for saying Screw Your Freedom during Pandemic

>>21097725 White House Press Corps Forced to Watch Feed of CNN Debate From Building Across the Street Because They Believe There May Be a “Medical Emergency”

>>21097745 Since 2019, not a single 8th grade student at LeBron James' 'I Promise School' has passed the state’s math proficiency exam

>>21097762, >>21098091, >>21097892 PF

>>21097835, >>21097945, >>21098078, >>21098178, >>21098354 il TRUMP TRUTHS

>>21097903 Whoopi Goldberg Melts Down "stop calling him the president. He is not the president" "yet"

>>21097911, >>21097917 @DanScavino https://factcheckbiden.com FACT CHECK BIDEN

>>21097916 EU nominates Russia hawk for next top diplomat

>>21097976 @DanScavino @realDonaldTrump en route to CNN for tonight’s debate. THANK YOU, ATLANTA!

>>21098027 Mil Posts / Decodes

>>21098110 NEW Dan! “IF” by Rudyard Kipling

>>21098120 @elonmusk Starlink now available in Madagascar!

>>21098154, >>21098167 moar @DanScavino

>>21098222 STAGE IS SET

>>21098225 Currently there are 1,019,604 Indictments on the Indictments List. 444 954 remain sealed

>>21098218, >>21098231, >>21098249, >>21098267 chicken noodle news has shut down the chat on its live feed.

>>21098322 on June 27, 1778 246 yrs ago Liberty Bell returns home to Philadelphia after the British departure

>>21098353, >>21098368 Delta Today HEART ATTACKS CAN BE DEADLY

>>21098402 #25861

#25860 >>21096738

>>21097153, >>21097410, >>21097423 Presidential Debate links

>>21097463 Trump Jr. Live

>>21097312, >>21097334 The stage is set

>>21097237 This is why the Biden administration demanded no audience at the CNN debate

>>21097355, >>21097372 The Trump Campaign rolled out a new website to fact check Biden during the presidential debate

>>21097248, >>21097314, >>21097352 Legendary

>>21096973 @DanScavino: Trump Force One, wheels down in 20 minutes! #TRUMP2024

>>21097062, >>21097119, >>21097269 Trump Force One, wheels down in Georgia!

>>21097009 Just landed Q delta

>>21097207, >>21097281 President @realDonaldTrump en route to CNN HQ

>>21097411 Almost showtime

>>21096960, >>21097457 Biden spotted

>>21097103, >>21097109, >>21097134 @DanScavino: 🎸 Rock History 🎸

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21096807 Idaho farmers being fined $300 per acre for watering crops

>>21096815 New Details Emerge on Fed Probe of New York Mayor Eric Adams and Top Adviser’s Trips to China

>>21096822 Steve Bannon And Mike Davis React To Idaho Emergency-Abortion Leaks And Ruling

>>21096827 Pornhub to flee five more states in the wake of age-verification laws protecting kids

>>21096872, >>21097033 Bill Gates' 'Apeel' food coating and the 'rubber fruit' phenomenon

>>21096877 Klaus Schwab Tells WEF Elites ‘We Must Force’ Humanity into ‘Collaboration’ with Globalist Agenda

>>21096883, >>21097422 Tractor Supply Announces They’ll Stop Sponsoring Pride Parades, Eliminate DEI After Criticism & Threats Of Boycotts

>>21096985 Jack Posobiec Previews New Book

>>21096989, >>21097298, >>21097461 Moar twisted Instagram accounts

>>21097001 Russia and the United States are keeping communication channels open

>>21097068 S&P Global announces Martina Cheung as CEO

>>21097096 NFL hit with $4.7 billion verdict in 'Sunday Ticket' antitrust trial

>>21097115 US Negotiating To Send Israel's Patriot Systems To Ukraine

>>21097120 @NavalInstitute: #OTD in 1968

>>21097140 @ENERGY announces $2.7 billion to secure new sources of domestic uranium enrichment capacity

>>21097197 Caroline Wren Exposes How The FBI Has Targeted A Woman For Reporting Ashley Biden's Diary

>>21097194 China quietly uses cartel drug trade to upend American harmony at home

>>21097259 North Korea Will Reportedly Send Troops To Help Russia in Ukraine War ‘Within a Month’

>>21097280 Top Doctor Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer

>>21097349 Today, Rep. Spartz spoke on the floor in support of her amendment to defund @UN programs not authorized by Congress

>>21097451 @11thAirborneDiv: Here we go!

>>21096790, >>21096853, >>21096898, >>21097353, >>21097399 Memes

>>21097489 #25860

#25859 >>21096008

>>21096174 CNN Presidential Debate

>>21096065 CNN will implement a 1-2 min delay for tonight's debate instead of standard 7 sec delay for obvious reasons

>>21096581, >>21096585, >>21096611, >>21096593 President @realDonaldTrump departs for DEBATE NIGHT!

>>21096099, >>21096367 Suspiciously suspect CNN behavior

>>21096589 White House Press Corps Forced to Watch Feed of CNN Debate From Building Across the Street

>>21096349 Biden Campaign Refuses To Commit To Drug Test Before Debate

>>21096072 Mario Nawfal hosting a debate space

>>21096215 Elon Musk says he will defy CNN, let creators stream the presidential debate on X

>>21096270 CNN's only hope is Trump

>>21096155, >>21096261 Instagram 'Accidentally' Changed All Users’ Settings to Limit Political Content Ahead of Thursday's Debate

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21096013, >>21096015, >>21096028, >>21096227, >>21096364, >>21096370, >>21096372, >>21096376, >>21096380, >>21096382 Events

>>21096037, >>21096403, >>21096417 Freight train derailment prompts evacuation in Chicago suburb

>>21096078 A heavy law enforcement presence along Route 88 in Westport as the FBI conducts a large evidence search

>>21096084 Regulators: Boeing "blatantly violated" investigation procedure by talking with the media

>>21096119, >>21096250, >>21096284, >>21096286, >>21096596, >>21096627 Planefag

>>21096126, >>21096146, >>21096264, >>21096335 DJT Truths

>>21096153 Tina Peters facing life in prison for exposing the corrupt voting machines in Mesa County - her trial begins July 31st

>>21096290, >>21096322 Dominion CEO Is Served in Manhattan in Tina Peter’s Lawsuit

>>21096161, >>21096076 (2016) Vladimir Putin's favorite driver killed in car crash

>>21096195, >>21096202 @DanScavino: Coming soon to a White House near you!

>>21096207, >>21096268 @DanScavino: "YOU CAN'T HIDE JOE BIDEN'S LIES"

>>21096224 Just sayin'

>>21096229 The Maldives’ head of environment, energy and climate change has been arrested for ‘witchcraft’

>>21096311, >>21096313 Oxford Professor Carl Heneghan has extracted the main points from Kansas Attorney General's lawsuit against Pfizer

>>21096312 X Drops ID Verification Firm Tied to Israeli Spies

>>21096336 ‘Right-Wing’ AIPAC Remains Undefeated in Democrat Primaries

>>21096353 Judiciary Committee Releases Transcripts of Intelligence Officials Who Discredited Hunter Biden Story

>>21096373 Large-scale prisons being secretly erected in all 50 states

>>21096404, >>21096431 Fmr. Chattanooga police chief indicted on illegal voter registration, perjury charges

>>21096415, >>21096465 What Democrats think will happen if Trump gets elected

>>21096421 Contractors With CIA Signed Hunter Biden Laptop Letter, House GOP Report Discloses

>>21096429 ‘Multiple People’ May Be Charged in Matthew Perry’s Death, Charlie Sheen Ex Questioned by Cops

>>21096452 Liz Harrington Drops a BOMBSHELL on How Georgia Was Stolen

>>21096523 Widely reported Palestinian father-son ‘rape’ confession contradicted by piles of evidence

>>21096560, >>21096620 @DanScavino: Trololol

>>21096577 Bloodbath at Paramount as Studio Announces $500M in Cuts

>>21096594 Massive AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon outage for U.S. customers travelling abroad

>>21096610 National Health Care Fraud Enforcement Action Results in 193 Defendants Charged and Over $2.75 Billion in False Claims

>>21096165, >>21096618 Twisted Instagram accounts

>>21096623 Montclair Pharmacist Charged with Submitting Over $300 Million in Fraudulent Claims to Medi-Cal in Medication Reimbursement Scam

>>21096632, >>21096635 Judge agrees to drop charges against Israeli diplomat's teen son who ran over Florida cop

>>21096664 Mil / Misc. tweets and decodes

>>21096081, >>21096236, >>21096384, >>21096599, >>21096669 Memes

>>21096697 #25859

Previously Collected

>>21095090 #25857, >>21095960 #25858,

>>21092046 #25854, >>21093012 #25855, >>21094194 #25856

>>21089586 #25851, >>21090453 #25852, >>21091281 #25853

>>21086510 #25848, >>21087535 #25849, >>21088350 #25850

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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14df56 No.21098431

File: 6af9effc9d5dcb4⋯.jpg (195.5 KB,1242x782,27:17,6af9effc9d5dcb44283986f772….jpg)

fresh debate dough


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7666f1 No.21098441

File: 5e84f3f3a914991⋯.jpg (35.19 KB,600x534,100:89,warface.jpg)


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756ab7 No.21098443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d59d61 No.21098444

note, Rumble is currently still down as of 8:18EST

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15f52b No.21098445

File: 1b1c6cc57cc0138⋯.jpg (87.46 KB,624x624,1:1,6e3f1783627c16e5.jpg)

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14df56 No.21098446

File: 30b551654b06e88⋯.jpg (88.8 KB,800x759,800:759,30b551654b06e886a0a31db51b….jpg)

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3003f0 No.21098447


you have my Shield of Faith B

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50244e No.21098448

File: 6d2f2c86586602c⋯.png (1.99 MB,2732x2048,683:512,IMG_0786.png)

Alert… Rumble is down

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774ccd No.21098449


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313c97 No.21098450

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,8159900cdf45f1df36013e400f….jpg)

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f30c49 No.21098452

File: 5bfa3470828a422⋯.jpeg (477.09 KB,774x485,774:485,F3889C0E_CE36_4124_95E3_D….jpeg)

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144fb7 No.21098453

File: a9a3b9d908c9834⋯.jpg (454.77 KB,2400x1260,40:21,PRC_222125623.jpg)

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a15641 No.21098454

File: ab1278a4f3d6a86⋯.jpg (225.33 KB,1271x836,1271:836,pain.jpg)

Wtf, 260K and only 17 dislikes?

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a98be6 No.21098455

File: 67c6615f2e1d4a5⋯.png (949.4 KB,827x552,827:552,ClipboardImage.png)

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510b4a No.21098456

File: 95e6a90a7a56d92⋯.jpg (125.71 KB,1920x1500,32:25,95e6a90a7a56d92218e1b39108….jpg)

Had to mute cnn

was losing too many brian cells

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774ccd No.21098457



this one working

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3003f0 No.21098458




Timpool X




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2efe34 No.21098459

File: 98147952b307014⋯.png (74.02 KB,519x1201,519:1201,ClipboardImage.png)



CNN people keep saying "the whole world is watching"

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e75300 No.21098460

File: be706657f541d34⋯.jpg (49.89 KB,680x383,680:383,be706657f541d34167f44e6301….jpg)

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742d02 No.21098461

File: 586a894538575fd⋯.jpeg (129.2 KB,910x656,455:328,4DA5E529_3C97_4DEE_A3CC_D….jpeg)

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eabafb No.21098462


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3533aa No.21098463


right off the fuckin bat

over 450ft. center field

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15f52b No.21098465

File: 5735d137b6d6b84⋯.gif (1.48 MB,200x200,1:1,poppingcorn.gif)

File: 81186e57fece87d⋯.gif (268.64 KB,200x200,1:1,BirdPPC.gif)

Fresh Popcorn

Help yourself

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7a387f No.21098466

File: 03776a1da1dc706⋯.jpeg (309.77 KB,960x1197,320:399,3F30CFDA_C1B9_4BA6_98F9_D….jpeg)



Evening All

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d5ee5f No.21098467

File: fa904dfdbe969c3⋯.jpg (115.06 KB,1600x1221,1600:1221,speed_racer.jpg)

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70878c No.21098468

File: 6b7e13dcc3a6bd9⋯.png (615.18 KB,827x541,827:541,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_2….png)


thank you debate baker

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6d6227 No.21098469

File: 3a56ff3731a1efe⋯.png (572.75 KB,600x818,300:409,ClipboardImage.png)



Byron Donalds is at the debate. Does that make him the VP pick?

Byron Donalds


MAGA takes flight 🇺🇸





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2723c5 No.21098470

File: 82facb5ba5874cb⋯.jpeg (7.86 KB,284x178,142:89,download_37_.jpeg)

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8e3b4f No.21098471

File: 5322ad22a4a083d⋯.jpg (59.75 KB,502x497,502:497,Night_Shift.jpg)


TY, debate baker.

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15d00a No.21098472


what they say:

"the whole world is watching us!"

what they don't say out loud:

"too bad they all mute us too."

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183006 No.21098473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Watching here:


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d59d61 No.21098475



Nope. broken

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6ab64d No.21098476

File: dbd6a541429f312⋯.png (272.9 KB,661x834,661:834,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac848e00fdfcfdd⋯.png (1.19 MB,1824x676,456:169,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3baee088973f14d⋯.gif (3.06 MB,600x251,600:251,a_nightshift_new_version.gif)



less than 8 minutes countdown.



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67547c No.21098477


no not working

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50244e No.21098479


Not for me

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ff6bfa No.21098481

File: ec2a48424adc8b3⋯.jpg (47.38 KB,637x637,1:1,xuyxnxgasylb1.jpg)


Thank you Baker!!!

WRWY President Trump!

Let the beat down of the century commence.

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9d29c6 No.21098482

File: ada5ee464d1767c⋯.png (1.03 MB,720x1352,90:169,ClipboardImage.png)



>#NightShift IIII

#NightShift IV


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445555 No.21098483

File: 7d3afc74f70fc09⋯.jpg (39.22 KB,728x342,364:171,3m48exbvu.JPG)

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756ab7 No.21098484

File: bd7d2efa92a4ab2⋯.png (1.29 MB,1762x824,881:412,Literally_me_president.png)

He's literally me.

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39057b No.21098485

File: 5a3cd6ac76f94ff⋯.png (41.23 KB,474x318,79:53,ClipboardImage.png)

God Bless all Christians

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a09507 No.21098486

File: bee7a491814c02e⋯.png (140.37 KB,479x394,479:394,HWFG.png)

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d59d61 No.21098487






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2efe34 No.21098488

File: f0ec9935389270c⋯.png (4.98 KB,284x177,284:177,ClipboardImage.png)



would still smash

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510b4a No.21098490

File: 46f210abf627e8d⋯.png (178.62 KB,417x242,417:242,Screen_Shot_2024_06_27_at_….png)


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a6e850 No.21098491

File: e190cee668c5286⋯.jpg (53.43 KB,600x503,600:503,america_the_beautiful.jpg)

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d9054f No.21098492

File: 6f886ce60f08cce⋯.png (555.63 KB,653x500,653:500,6f886ce60f08cce075d8ebbaab….png)

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518e2b No.21098494

Who owns CNN?

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3533aa No.21098496

File: 381398dd8065a64⋯.jpg (155.87 KB,1896x1440,79:60,Land_of_a_Thousand_Keks.jpg)

night shift reporting for

directive patrol mission


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3003f0 No.21098497




Odd, Still working here

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8598d2 No.21098499

File: b6abe3f954e51bc⋯.png (1.04 MB,800x1095,160:219,IMG_2650.png)

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2f35f8 No.21098500



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b6b1c0 No.21098501

File: ca8e3836a869603⋯.png (97.97 KB,183x275,183:275,ClipboardImage.png)

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7c26a3 No.21098502

File: 34b118049b8b7ee⋯.mp4 (8.8 MB,886x486,443:243,kipling.mp4)

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83c6f2 No.21098504

File: 46c35bf5ebf75de⋯.jpg (355.44 KB,1391x1405,1391:1405,46c35bf5ebf75de3b65af0d416….jpg)

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6d6227 No.21098505

File: ad4e4e0f3e4f9ff⋯.png (763.28 KB,510x900,17:30,ClipboardImage.png)


The one who is with me at the debate…

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183006 No.21098506

File: 769ac5bb5698242⋯.jpg (73.5 KB,600x500,6:5,austin.jpg)

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a507a9 No.21098507


will be taking debate notes double dragon

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73c00b No.21098508



are you in a spaceship?

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2f35f8 No.21098509



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d59d61 No.21098510


don't refresh then.

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9bb3cc No.21098511


That sounds like a personal problem.

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75754f No.21098512

tonight america officially becomes the laughing stock of the world.

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f30c49 No.21098513

File: 807efa2b784cfd4⋯.jpeg (382.26 KB,786x797,786:797,8E66A4B2_2831_481A_9D6F_1….jpeg)

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6ee591 No.21098514


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518e2b No.21098515

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d391f0 No.21098516

File: 46e1814a5c4896e⋯.jpg (59.3 KB,800x600,4:3,Technical_Difficulties_Blo….jpg)

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67547c No.21098517


war face or taking a shit

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144fb7 No.21098518

File: 1578147ec5038b7⋯.png (15.1 KB,657x527,657:527,157.png)

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313c97 No.21098519

File: 452ce75f747dc11⋯.png (55.75 KB,842x960,421:480,452ce75f747dc11217a8d089f3….png)

A narcissist might virtue signal that they are filtering you on an anonymous image board for several reasons:

• Maintaining Superiority: Narcissists often seek to maintain a sense of superiority and control. By filtering someone, they might signal that they are above certain interactions or behaviors they deem unworthy or beneath them.

• Public Perception: Narcissists are often concerned with their public image and how others perceive them. Virtue signaling their actions, such as filtering someone who they believe doesn't meet their standards, could be a way to portray themselves positively to others.

• Validation of Morality: Narcissists may want validation or praise for their actions, even in anonymous settings. By virtue signaling filtering behaviors, they may seek approval for being principled or morally upright in their own eyes or in the eyes of others.

• Control and Power Dynamics: Filtering someone can be a way for narcissists to exert control over their environment, even in anonymous online spaces. It reinforces their belief in their own judgment and authority over who they engage with or acknowledge.

• Self-Enhancement: Narcissists often engage in behaviors that enhance their own self-esteem and self-image. Virtue signaling their filtering actions could serve to elevate their perceived moral standing or intellect, feeding into their need for admiration and validation.

In summary, a narcissist's virtue signaling about filtering someone on an anonymous image board is typically about asserting control, seeking validation, and enhancing their self-image rather than genuinely upholding virtuous behavior.

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d9054f No.21098520

File: 4ca6a030415890d⋯.jpeg (143.5 KB,879x768,293:256,4ca6a030415890d4354eb5ea6….jpeg)

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3003f0 No.21098521

File: dab3b50e3c331af⋯.png (1.04 MB,872x702,436:351,ClipboardImage.png)

He Lurks

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1e12d7 No.21098522

Rumble down. Fuck Feds

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3a2483 No.21098524


kek true

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39057b No.21098525

Does any Anon have a link to X so we don't have to watch it on Commie News Network?

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0e06b1 No.21098526

File: 0ea41cf8e424488⋯.png (1.15 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Qmaga.png)

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146e8c No.21098527

File: 15d9306dbcff0fb⋯.jpg (397.07 KB,1080x1978,540:989,20240627_185809.jpg)

broke containment

so they contained it


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3003f0 No.21098528



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db8e58 No.21098529

File: eb2b19fa7a6ae35⋯.png (167.67 KB,702x531,78:59,cnn.png)


>Who owns CNN?

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510b4a No.21098530

File: f6bf48626f8860d⋯.jpg (55.49 KB,784x522,392:261,c862bf6e4410cc55a4b3d7b5d1….jpg)

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67547c No.21098532


working on Roku

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6ee591 No.21098533

File: 796ab8e8eaaa63d⋯.png (70.94 KB,178x199,178:199,ClipboardImage.png)


but so is Vivek

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518e2b No.21098534

Boards moving pretty fast. Good luck baker. What if Q posts as well.

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b6b1c0 No.21098535


Might be potato dropping a little soon

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a15641 No.21098536

File: 90b1d873b477855⋯.png (2.29 MB,1024x1024,1:1,AAG81hlprt5M.png)


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7c26a3 No.21098537

File: 2ebfd37c2ff48af⋯.mp4 (8.56 MB,854x480,427:240,2ebfd37c2ff48afb603f52ed3e….mp4)

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a6e850 No.21098538

File: 80820e55657f6c7⋯.png (1.05 MB,1024x1024,1:1,80820e55657f6c70e1e61379c8….png)


>Who owns CNN?

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d07a8a No.21098539

File: d8ace08b3cdf800⋯.jpg (135.94 KB,800x800,1:1,Thundercats_Hoooo.jpg)

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30cf1c No.21098540

File: 991e1a9e35b60dd⋯.png (168.88 KB,448x524,112:131,ClipboardImage.png)

Scots anon all ready for the debate.

Cheers anons

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6ab64d No.21098541

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB,640x360,16:9,anons_united_vid.mp4)


heads up anons.

get your vpns ready,

ohio and certain nations are cutting the feeds.

france is dead on rumble.

there will be extra fuckery from the clowns controlling feeds.

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d94a4f No.21098542

File: 15900959d462629⋯.png (17 KB,767x342,767:342,ClipboardImage.png)

Rumble down

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9d29c6 No.21098543


filtered for sheer stupidity

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d07a8a No.21098544


paul ryan

oh wait thas fox


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510b4a No.21098545


>What if Q posts as well.

The board would bork

Same as before

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69b4c3 No.21098546

File: 469ad4a18dec12c⋯.gif (2.29 MB,380x380,1:1,wheel_perfect_timing.gif)


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a00cb2 No.21098547

File: e60fa27b2f91d34⋯.png (428.46 KB,586x423,586:423,ClipboardImage.png)

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496fb4 No.21098548

File: 8db5000565385ef⋯.jpg (84.21 KB,637x409,637:409,POTUS_RALLY_2.jpg)

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756ab7 No.21098549

File: 7f0f71e01d56f5f⋯.png (1.18 MB,954x1058,477:529,shut_it_down.png)

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70a588 No.21098550

File: ad2a03ca4c737cc⋯.png (194.81 KB,525x349,525:349,VpQ0Gd4pJMPu.png)

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d5ee5f No.21098551

File: c31fde653322c42⋯.jpeg (4.62 KB,268x77,268:77,F2AB7C85_A478_4CA9_936A_E….jpeg)

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9bb3cc No.21098552

President Trump is lame if he shakes hands.

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b79d47 No.21098553


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92f90e No.21098554

File: e86223ce41f4a3b⋯.png (263.2 KB,450x473,450:473,e86223ce41f4a3b5f45d98d56c….png)

File: cde4f737f22cb12⋯.png (2.27 MB,960x2079,320:693,cde4f737f22cb123a96d49bf70….png)





On this day in history

June 27, 1778

246 yrs ago

Liberty Bell returns home to Philadelphia after the British departure.






This Is the First Presidential Debate Without an In-Person Audience Since 1960

The last time was in 1960, when Richard M. Nixon, the Republican vice president, and

John F. Kennedy,

the junior Democratic senator from Massachusetts, participated in the first televised debates between presidential candidates.

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3003f0 No.21098555



Tag Debate web addresses to this post

for alternative viewing

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8e3b4f No.21098556

File: 639cfe2624a6069⋯.png (802.24 KB,764x664,191:166,ClipboardImage.png)


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518e2b No.21098558


Miss those 180 second auto-updates

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0f45a0 No.21098559


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bd1385 No.21098560



that's a kek

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6d6227 No.21098561


OK, thanks for that. Curious.


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3d2c88 No.21098563



learning to read. special ed.

5:5 will do

God Bless

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2efe34 No.21098564

File: 3d53ac2eb9f0d56⋯.gif (2.51 MB,500x500,1:1,371c4134aca896eb6ea397dd6b….gif)

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d391f0 No.21098565

File: 3380cb6fd83a733⋯.png (267.24 KB,617x467,617:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1af7887b5bce75⋯.mp4 (630.44 KB,418x270,209:135,ssstwitter_com_17195364459….mp4)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



LET’S GO!!!!! #TRUMP2024

Jun 28, 2024 · 12:11 AM UTC


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756ab7 No.21098566



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3533aa No.21098567


thinnest lips eber

on a cocksuckers

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14df56 No.21098568

File: db939f93df6a161⋯.jpg (129.66 KB,500x750,2:3,sifm09ujhgf09ujqp_3p4iuauh….jpg)



Baker needs help sifting

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6ee591 No.21098569

It's on


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d9054f No.21098571

File: 7170bc5ade5bb49⋯.jpg (70.05 KB,960x904,120:113,7170bc5ade5bb49c16dd4304a6….jpg)

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146e8c No.21098572



>Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence, they are not sure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism.

>A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial matters. People with narcissistic personality disorder may be generally unhappy and disappointed when they're not given the special favors or admiration that they believe they deserve. They may find their relationships troubled and unfulfilling, and other people may not enjoy being around them.

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219433 No.21098573

File: ebb14e42b3fa935⋯.jpg (57.95 KB,567x407,567:407,comfyQplus.jpg)

Trump! Yehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

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2723c5 No.21098574


disclaimer; produced by cnn

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39057b No.21098575

File: 373f8265174412b⋯.png (21.15 KB,474x379,474:379,ClipboardImage.png)

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73c00b No.21098576

File: 38dbb29c1a32dce⋯.png (1.32 MB,1488x924,124:77,go_time.png)

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742d02 No.21098577

File: 2291ea182672cfc⋯.jpeg (501.08 KB,1170x1159,1170:1159,5321CB1A_B978_4CB5_A26A_2….jpeg)



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d5f990 No.21098578

File: 6939e329aa6e60c⋯.jpg (52.44 KB,1000x665,200:133,night_lightning_volcano_ni….jpg)

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0e06b1 No.21098579

File: 928677ed652fe7b⋯.png (409.42 KB,440x640,11:16,ClipboardImage.png)


one must represent


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445555 No.21098580

Quick scan of youtube shows about a million people viewing on various streams.

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9d29c6 No.21098581

File: bf86f0a9a4fcaf8⋯.png (345.52 KB,1034x811,1034:811,ClipboardImage.png)

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8e3b4f No.21098582


fuck, ate all of mine already. fuckin' a nerves.

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a15641 No.21098584

File: 3166182a43104d2⋯.gif (252.59 KB,500x500,1:1,3166182a43104d28d065074664….gif)

GIVE HIM YOUR ENERGY \\\\\\\o//'//'//'//'//'//'////

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11178f No.21098585

"..and I'm Jake Tapper, I am a giant faggot."

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cdec6b No.21098586

File: 9b73e32b77b5b7b⋯.png (830.44 KB,1187x1806,1187:1806,SEC_TEST_2.png)

>>21098354 LB


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67547c No.21098587

File: 6ff98d8f539d2cb⋯.jpg (16.57 KB,241x180,241:180,OIP_7_.jpg)

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12c42c No.21098588


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14df56 No.21098589


must be a 2 minute delay

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313c97 No.21098590

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)

Popcorn at the ready


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b3c7a5 No.21098592


Kek. Was just writing this

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15d00a No.21098593

still no reason to unmute

as they mute when they want, so shall I.

I don't need to hear what they say unless it's relevant.

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d25d55 No.21098594

File: c5c801e61947685⋯.jpeg (236.58 KB,1124x1113,1124:1113,IMG_3241.jpeg)

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756ab7 No.21098596


Debate canceled due to water leak from broken water pipe.

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269d89 No.21098597

Trump is on the Left Biden is on the right. I think I have always seen Trump on the "Left" subliminal message "The Left Won"

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db6e9f No.21098599

Wow, blown away! Turned on CNN for the 1st time since the stolen election. These idiots really believe the bullshit they've been spoon feeding their tiny handful of an audience.

Libtardism is truly a fucking mental illness!

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a6c928 No.21098600


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3533aa No.21098601




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445555 No.21098603

Biden sounds a hundred years old. kek

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cdec6b No.21098604

File: 9b73e32b77b5b7b⋯.png (830.44 KB,1187x1806,1187:1806,SEC_TEST_2.png)



This is why Clowns LOST THIS BOARD. Evil. NO MORE.

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15f52b No.21098605

It's showtime!

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73c00b No.21098606


get 'im Apu

kick his fucking ass

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146e8c No.21098607



one tried

was stymied

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a10aa8 No.21098608



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2efe34 No.21098610

KEK it's like WWF

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b3c7a5 No.21098611

FG&C let's go!!!

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2a88e3 No.21098613

File: 000f0f4f7cd17ac⋯.png (805 KB,581x614,581:614,000f0f4f7cd17acb340c5ded2e….png)

File: 06547cb39990e04⋯.jpg (49.58 KB,656x500,164:125,06547cb39990e04d1fd415b25e….jpg)

File: c1e2cc3271cdd6e⋯.jpg (402.85 KB,2160x1809,80:67,c1e2cc3271cdd6e5b0b4cb34a5….jpg)

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8e3b4f No.21098614

File: ed8369958a84aa4⋯.png (9.51 KB,857x563,857:563,ClipboardImage.png)

yah, Rumble DOWN.


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67547c No.21098615


you mean crack pipe

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3003f0 No.21098616

File: 645182658509655⋯.png (214.16 KB,1347x759,449:253,ClipboardImage.png)

The fix is in

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7c26a3 No.21098617

File: 2fbc2f9aaa629b8⋯.gif (1.46 MB,320x480,2:3,2fbc2f9aaa629b82b8c91c012b….gif)

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146e8c No.21098618

you are all watching cnn


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04c2d8 No.21098620

File: 15bb865d844c534⋯.jpeg (34.77 KB,512x512,1:1,debate.jpeg)

Enjoy the debate. Please don't break the server.

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cdec6b No.21098621


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ee9634 No.21098622

Let the shit posting commence.

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d59d61 No.21098623

GEOTUS on stage.

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6ee591 No.21098624


same goes for you

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d391f0 No.21098626

File: 305965c8bc89159⋯.png (201.81 KB,622x389,622:389,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c5992eae823700⋯.mp4 (281.37 KB,530x270,53:27,ssstwitter_com_17195366097….mp4)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



Happening Now! @realDonaldTrump heads to the stage for tonight’s debate in Atlanta, Georgia…

Jun 28, 2024 · 1:00 AM UTC


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8e3b4f No.21098627


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313c97 No.21098629

File: 2deb80261d2e54a⋯.png (320.63 KB,628x628,1:1,2deb80261d2e54a5c8a1420d98….png)


Nice memebut that pussy couldn't scratch tissue paper

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269d89 No.21098630

Double Ball Chin Biden , WHY is his voice so Deep?

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756ab7 No.21098631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3d2c88 No.21098632



but still funny as hell

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70a588 No.21098634

File: 41e525449d09259⋯.gif (4.75 MB,498x498,1:1,popcorn4.gif)

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bb16a8 No.21098635

Joe sounds weak

He needs water

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6ab64d No.21098636

File: a395f0c990e92f1⋯.png (1.2 MB,1171x668,1171:668,ClipboardImage.png)


here we go

tapper: Economy question

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cc7774 No.21098637

File: 3a855836b4b55b3⋯.png (1.03 MB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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67547c No.21098638


Dan Bongino

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d71765 No.21098639

Trump taking notes…


Fuck joe has laryngitis? Top kek

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db8e58 No.21098640

File: 21b699bc1f0a3d1⋯.png (402.76 KB,991x487,991:487,2024_06_27_21_04_01.png)

What happened?

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6ee591 No.21098641


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0f45a0 No.21098643

Potato looks like a cadaver

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b3c7a5 No.21098644

Potato knows the questions. Red dinner vibes!!!

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a6c928 No.21098645


WHAT do you say when the citizens say they are worse off under your admin vs Trump admin.

(BIDEN- already froggy, and coughing.)

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15d00a No.21098646


the board is busy, shunt your conflict mongering.

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df6a0c No.21098648

bleach in the arm… already spewing bullshit

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7e48bb No.21098649

stumbling bumbling mumbling vs ready to rumble

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c48c4c No.21098650




There is a 1-2 minute delay. Their usual delay is seven seconds.

JFC! Joe sounds way fucked!

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d59d61 No.21098651

Biden has a sore throat but looks like he has enough drugs in his system to make it at least another 20 minutes.

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a10aa8 No.21098652

>5 seconds in

Oh no :P

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11178f No.21098653

biden looks like he's reading as fast as he possibly can

he is higher than a kite

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9d29c6 No.21098655

went with the bleach right out the gate, kek

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445555 No.21098656

President Trump: We had the greatest economy in the history of our country, We have never done so well.

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09c7e6 No.21098657

Cough, cough, cough…

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2ddcb3 No.21098658

Video / Audio is edited.

Joe Biden is fast forward on audio

so it appears he doesnt stumble

have no ide what he is saying


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269d89 No.21098659

DID the boss get a haircut??

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04c2d8 No.21098660

File: 826111456dc6ed9⋯.jpeg (46.28 KB,512x512,1:1,potato.jpeg)

He is talking so fast. When he winds down, will someone walk on stage and wind him up again?

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a6c928 No.21098661

Who has Bidan coughing on their Bingo card?

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70a588 No.21098662

File: 773ed4c87c012c9⋯.jpeg (72.99 KB,1337x1337,1:1,bre2t3yqzOeY.jpeg)

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a705c0 No.21098664

This ia so pathetic== Bidan is so strange, he can’t even speak. What to hell is going on with his voice

Bidan is shot! He shot himself

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ff6bfa No.21098665

File: 93cedde523ec359⋯.png (131.88 KB,355x236,355:236,93cedde523ec359b5899c5ecbb….png)

Loving Trump's facial expressions already! <3

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6128fc No.21098666

File: 18ad35e0aa90275⋯.png (53.71 KB,179x168,179:168,ClipboardImage.png)

chinballs are back

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11178f No.21098667

did they just SKIP?

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cdec6b No.21098668


9 PM


Look at his family.

Look at their positions.

Why are we giving him this much attention?

Why are we providing this much sensitive detail in a public [known] forum?

Everything has meaning.

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a6e850 No.21098669

File: 4f7ed0bfaf65a25⋯.jpeg (65.36 KB,1080x592,135:74,1554209959.jpeg)

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756ab7 No.21098670

Proto is amazing.

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cc7774 No.21098671

Joe is a speedreader?!

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8e3b4f No.21098672


the only jobs he created are for illegal immigrants….

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6ab64d No.21098673

File: f24c39729d68676⋯.png (927.45 KB,1169x638,1169:638,ClipboardImage.png)


whats wrong with his voice.

speed talking kek

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bd1385 No.21098674

what the shit with the sound?

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0f45a0 No.21098676

Potato has been screaming so much he lost his voice

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7a387f No.21098679

File: 2677d4e19b5fdaa⋯.jpeg (1.61 MB,4030x2422,2015:1211,8D1F530E_D85B_4D8C_B38B_6….jpeg)

Joe straight in with a bleach comment

Tapper & Bash looking sharp

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a15641 No.21098681

File: 6a208a38ccb3a52⋯.jpg (225.01 KB,600x600,1:1,6a208a38ccb3a528fefa5c92bb….jpg)

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14df56 No.21098682

this is what they got for a weeks worth

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11178f No.21098683


Anon has "nonstop cough"

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183006 No.21098684

This is hard to watch already…

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445555 No.21098685

Mr. Biden: I'm the only president this century that doesn't have any, this decade, that doesn't have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did.

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bb16a8 No.21098686

Joe sounds weak

He needs water

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2f35f8 No.21098687

Bidan sounds winded and feeble and looks especially terrible tonight.

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774ccd No.21098688

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d391f0 No.21098689

File: d73d9049913c834⋯.png (451.04 KB,526x681,526:681,d73d9049913c83408461d30671….png)

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2efe34 No.21098690

proto is nigger shit

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a6c928 No.21098691

CNN 2nd Question:

To Trump: you want a 10% tariff on all goods. How do you quarantee that's won't be worse on the economy?

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510b4a No.21098692


Evil chinball digits chekt

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a507a9 No.21098693


i am rally notetaking

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219433 No.21098694

BiDan…what the fuck is going on with his voice? Coked out?

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cdec6b No.21098695

Interview guy is so rude. POTUS DJT is so polite.

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4e67ae No.21098696

File: 3a76021adcd12d8⋯.gif (3.71 MB,498x404,249:202,TrumpPopcorn.gif)



Finding My Nemo Chick Edition

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14df56 No.21098698

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bb16a8 No.21098699

I can’t understand a word Biden is saying

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d5ee5f No.21098701

i feel bad for bye dan,,,

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73c00b No.21098702


they gave him Viagra?

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a10aa8 No.21098703

File: 7e8db675cd5e35c⋯.png (31.57 KB,120x103,120:103,456784568456.png)


Bruh wtf am I watching

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7666f1 No.21098705

Biden sounds completely unnatural

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8e3b4f No.21098706


I'm the only president this century….ah ah this decade that doesn't have troops dying anywhere in the world.

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3003f0 No.21098707


neither does closed captions

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c48c4c No.21098708

Joe is fuuuuuuucked up! Kek

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a6c928 No.21098709



Guess he's the one "needing medical attention" at a later point…

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73c00b No.21098710


got a working live link to post?

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094585 No.21098711

Youtube streams all disabled live chat. Biden's mumbling, and CNN is being gay like usual.

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bd233c No.21098712


>Presidential Debate #NightShift IIII Edition

IIII ←- New Roman Numerals? Kek!

Looks like they took Rumble offline.

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4e67ae No.21098713

File: 940a43c5f250b51⋯.jpg (109.6 KB,1022x1024,511:512,1577806093793.jpg)


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14df56 No.21098714

File: 00a0a007de70dac⋯.jpg (122.95 KB,750x1000,3:4,00a0a007de70dac9e803fe3c02….jpg)



well there ya go

ty anon

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bb16a8 No.21098715

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15f52b No.21098716

File: 7128a2743774a5d⋯.jpg (33.86 KB,600x450,4:3,Ive_Seen_it.jpg)

Joe into the Light!

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2ddcb3 No.21098717


biden has brown eyes today

looks crazy

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cdec6b No.21098718


This century

This decade

LMAO…. Just the Beginning!

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2efe34 No.21098719

File: e42aa700f5d3086⋯.png (505 KB,1137x651,379:217,QNNBidens.png)

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ee9634 No.21098720


JB is struggling already.

Going to be a painful debate.

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a705c0 No.21098722


OMG, bidans face have a lot more wrinkles than hes ever has. This is pathetic, bidan is a loser. Hr’s lying and so is Tapper

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90f2fa No.21098723

File: a97e997289cffda⋯.png (948.55 KB,485x666,485:666,Screenshot_7666_.png)

File: 2da1a2716f43edc⋯.png (1.76 MB,754x813,754:813,capture_744_12122023_18285….png)

File: 6f6b0a137b4f911⋯.png (2.09 MB,696x1047,232:349,Screenshot_6173_.png)

File: 193f7517aa30ea0⋯.png (1.6 MB,670x834,335:417,capture_763_08072023_05490….png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)


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a5d153 No.21098724


TY Bakes

8Kun Premium members are watching the uncut/undelayed debate feed right now. What are (You) waiting for?

Haha! Potato screwed up already.

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9d29c6 No.21098725


you can see Trump trying to understand him too

it's a real challenge to make sense out of his speaking

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14df56 No.21098726


80 minutes to go

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0b2b81 No.21098727

Night Owl News Archives - Debate 06/27/2024



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445555 No.21098729

President Trump: I was getting out of Afghanistan, but we were getting out with dignity, with strength, with power. He got out [Biden]; it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country's life.

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31705a No.21098730

Biden is not going to survive 1.5 hours of this

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3003f0 No.21098731

Orange Man Bad,

That's all Joe's got

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3d2c88 No.21098732



the jawbone surgically, and make it more feminine

a suggestion>>21098497

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aed68b No.21098733



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db6e9f No.21098734


Fucking lit!

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7e48bb No.21098735

ready scripted and non decent democracy cocaine expiring like immigrants

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4e67ae No.21098736

File: eaa61b10258b194⋯.png (446.46 KB,557x408,557:408,Elijah.PNG)


remember why we are here to win

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756ab7 No.21098737

File: 5ff2d5f958b1cb6⋯.png (1.61 MB,1872x1054,936:527,Stumped.png)

What am I watching

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a15641 No.21098738


502 Bad Gateway

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d9054f No.21098740

File: 26b3a1cf6497b51⋯.jpeg (10.2 KB,244x255,244:255,26b3a1cf6497b5179efdcabe1….jpeg)

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cc7774 No.21098741

File: b224f64f8e434ae⋯.png (922.8 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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2ddcb3 No.21098742


voice speed on biden changed no pauses

diffent audio was edited 7 minutes ago

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67cdff No.21098743

DJT. Say something about Arvin Ca. tonight, let the anons know you care.

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774ccd No.21098744



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bc8bcb No.21098745

File: 715f2d6d93d0ab3⋯.jpg (226.36 KB,600x1003,600:1003,popoutofcakedolql.jpg)

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7666f1 No.21098746

File: 2745e2b53d1f3cc⋯.png (203.45 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ee591 No.21098747

dick heads

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e7cb73 No.21098748

During Bboth your administrations…


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cdec6b No.21098750



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e77abb No.21098751

Joe did the mandates

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70a588 No.21098752

File: a12937ce553f97a⋯.jpg (165.54 KB,1000x768,125:96,7aa7499581560a674e1deecf9d….jpg)

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183006 No.21098753


A movie?

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269d89 No.21098754

CNNKeeps cutting the Split Screen . Biden is getting the Nixon Kennedy Treatment

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4e67ae No.21098756


interesting..Im sure he is aware by now

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d50335 No.21098757

Biden looks so scared, like he's panicking inside and it's showing!!

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d0214a No.21098759

oof, Biden's voice is rough

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a6c928 No.21098760

Bidan- we have a thousand trillionaires in America….ah..billionaires….

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445555 No.21098761

President Trump: He [Biden] did the mandate, which is a disaster, mandating it. When the vaccine went out, he did a mandate on the vaccine, which is the thing that people most objected to about the vaccine.

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9cc562 No.21098762


LETS GO Brandon

Read that prompter!!!


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7e48bb No.21098763

mandated medical science dance sequence

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bc8bcb No.21098764

Buffoon's not making sense

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6ee591 No.21098765

File: 6853a706242861b⋯.png (113.89 KB,251x329,251:329,ClipboardImage.png)

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15f52b No.21098766

File: d37b3445185f27f⋯.jpeg (61.38 KB,450x694,225:347,RedPepeAtNight.jpeg)

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a10aa8 No.21098768


>Biden is getting the Nixon Kennedy Treatment

It's like x10 as bad as that. At least Nixon was probably better like a week later.

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cdec6b No.21098769

Dear God in Heaven, please cut POTATO's earpiece audio. In Jesus' name. Anons agree in faith. When 2 agree in Jesus' name, and know God will answer - IT WILL BE DONE! :D

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e77abb No.21098770

We have a thousand trillionaires - Joe Biden

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ee6a33 No.21098771

Looks like Rumble is down.

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cc7774 No.21098772

File: ec33783f783553b⋯.png (916.02 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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14e63f No.21098773

File: bc15ba363950cb1⋯.png (14.64 KB,233x255,233:255,8kun_Premium.png)

File: 4db0621af5b8739⋯.png (8.26 KB,255x150,17:10,8kun_Pro.png)


>8Kun Premium members are watching the uncut/undelayed debate feed right now. What are (You) waiting for?

Use the link on the attached information card to sign up for 8Kun Premium today!

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bc8bcb No.21098774

mumble mumble

"(swallow) "LOOK"

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510b4a No.21098775


biden stumbling and trump gives him the WTF look

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6ee591 No.21098776

Potato short circuit just now

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d5ee5f No.21098778

we beat medicare!

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9d29c6 No.21098779


uh oh

looks like 15 minutes at most

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70a588 No.21098780

File: eea2a6fe423a1b8⋯.jpg (279.11 KB,1024x1024,1:1,8dc7d0a70ee3c64440afb23b0f….jpg)

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7e48bb No.21098781

senior dementia decipher time

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2efe34 No.21098782


the script is making BIdan look dumb as fuck


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2f35f8 No.21098783

they jumped in to save him lol

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8e3b4f No.21098784


kek. right on.

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12c42c No.21098785

Elder abuse….

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d50335 No.21098786

Million / Billion

Billion / Trillion

he's confused!!

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9c053a No.21098787

Holy shit

Trump borrowed and spent 7 trillion?

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269d89 No.21098788

Dealing with …. Look … We beat medicare KEKEKEKKEKEKE

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83c6f2 No.21098790

Reddit spacing is satanic

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cdec6b No.21098791




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2f35f8 No.21098792

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8e3b4f No.21098793

Bidan freezing the fuck up.

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28cc5d No.21098794

File: d9f724f6824bdab⋯.png (40.74 KB,430x272,215:136,ClipboardImage.png)

File: baef2043825b77f⋯.png (51.48 KB,415x331,415:331,ClipboardImage.png)

post rate is tarding

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14df56 No.21098795




>>21098466 il Trump TRUTHS

>>21098473 Watching DEBATE here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps1X_1KZfN4

>>21098481, >>21098746 Memes

>>21098565, >>21098577, >>21098626 @DanScavino - Habbenings #TRUMP2024


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bb16a8 No.21098796

He beat it to death

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e49d3d No.21098797


best moment ever

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11178f No.21098798

Biden is shoe gazing

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ff7e8b No.21098799

Everyone is eligible for vivid tho

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a6e850 No.21098800

File: ace4819e5d99bd2⋯.gif (2.91 MB,170x346,85:173,ace4819e5d99bd244cf3f2a96e….gif)

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3003f0 No.21098801

File: 15964a3aa742778⋯.png (1.04 MB,1163x600,1163:600,ClipboardImage.png)

He did beat Medicare

He Beat it to Death !!

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70878c No.21098802

biden has his first brain freeze, tapper quickly jumps in to assist

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b2ee0a No.21098803

File: bfb7e2396515939⋯.png (10.67 KB,255x187,15:11,3d9ae32988ed65fdb1b221adad….png)


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6ee591 No.21098804

File: 56c5c4fd37462a6⋯.png (99.39 KB,255x266,255:266,ClipboardImage.png)

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a88606 No.21098805

It's Over


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15f52b No.21098806

Biden's Hard drive is about to fail

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a6c928 No.21098807


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4e67ae No.21098808


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825604 No.21098809



Who had Look Man, on the bnigo card

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90f2fa No.21098810

File: f15346537dd10c2⋯.png (957.85 KB,1153x283,1153:283,capture_004_16042019_02451….png)

File: 8cc6f974b356a6c⋯.png (894.15 KB,1065x286,1065:286,capture_001_16042019_02430….png)

File: 0ca2dc6b3175b97⋯.png (810.64 KB,1058x261,1058:261,capture_002_16042019_02443….png)

File: defacd105df41e8⋯.png (907.47 KB,1116x277,1116:277,capture_003_16042019_02445….png)

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db8e58 No.21098811

File: 8d8a6c270c09e3f⋯.png (1.43 MB,1831x942,1831:942,2024_06_27_21_13_01.png)

Says it all…

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7e48bb No.21098812

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cc7774 No.21098813

File: 04da182f4f519fc⋯.png (924.16 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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cdec6b No.21098814

COMMS Reminder:

+ Jun 18, 2024, 01:21 PM > (RALLY)

Q: 0121 > What did BO encourage? Was this illegal?

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 02:02 PM > (link - monster ARRESTED)

Q: 0202 > Bad bread not updated.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 02:03 PM > (link - monster ARRESTED)

Q: 0203 > Bad bread.

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df6a0c No.21098815

File: e75f1d900569f06⋯.jpg (52.02 KB,500x500,1:1,biden_elder_abuse.jpg)

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45faa2 No.21098816


In His Name, Amen!

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6ab64d No.21098817

trump bought up afghanistan.

youtube feed glitched.

youtube is all over the place.

trying to get a screen shot.

time is jumping everywhere

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0142f4 No.21098818

Switch to abortion NOW!!!

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f1570d No.21098819

File: 186e404da02b8a2⋯.png (85.77 KB,863x778,863:778,ClipboardImage.png)


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d9054f No.21098820

File: 568df16a5977b8d⋯.png (3.14 MB,1440x1468,360:367,Screen_Shot_2020_10_20_at_….png)


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2efe34 No.21098821

File: 083d872e812c565⋯.gif (369.66 KB,140x140,1:1,083d872e812c565bad06d90fa6….gif)


>Dealing with …. Look … We beat medicare

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7a387f No.21098822

Uh oh

Stutter rap already from Joey

Did you hear the wheezing dead bodies make that whooshing sound no ?

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bcf58d No.21098823


10 actually

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8e3b4f No.21098824



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759e75 No.21098825

Thank you Patriots

This Anon is enjoying the show. Loving this debate

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c24fcf No.21098827


My spouse and I went to pray for Trump- sister in law texted a beautiful prayer at that same moment

Father- please continue to expose the evil

Please protect Trump and let everyone wake up, let us humble ourselves and repent so you will heal our land

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cdec6b No.21098828


Now.. we wait and watch what God will do.


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835471 No.21098829

Funny shitshow is funny

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bc8bcb No.21098830

Seems like Trump gets to talk more than Biden


Abortion now.

His opponants don't do their homework?

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7666f1 No.21098831

it is so joever

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8e3b4f No.21098832


best. fucking. show. ever.

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15f52b No.21098833






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7e48bb No.21098834

criminal abortion cocaine crack hunter stakes

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d5ee5f No.21098835

File: 5704fff6f9e366d⋯.png (305.79 KB,700x385,20:11,andrea_mitchell_russia_149….png)

are bothh cnn hosts jews? just wondering…

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70a588 No.21098836

File: e1385e7308d43cb⋯.png (494.28 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden is not going to make it the full 90 minutes without another booster in the butt.

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cdec6b No.21098837


God answers prayers.

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bb16a8 No.21098838

Dana Bash’s voice is gone too

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445555 No.21098839

President Trump: He's destroying Medicare, because all of these people are coming in; they're putting them on Medicare, they're putting them on Social Security. They're going to destroy Social Security. This man is going to single-handedly destroy Social Security. These millions and millions of people coming in, they're trying to put them on Social Security. He will wipe out Social Security., He will wipe out Medicare…what this man has done is absolutely criminal.

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6ee591 No.21098840

File: abd82d41cdafec8⋯.png (91.97 KB,256x277,256:277,ClipboardImage.png)

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3351a2 No.21098841

Blue Eyed Joe

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6b4302 No.21098842

He beat it to death!KEK

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157eea No.21098843

State Funeral coming

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12c42c No.21098845

There is no other place I’d rather be with anons tonite.

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ff6bfa No.21098846

File: 5f94eaf3f35ca1a⋯.jpg (488.26 KB,1199x800,1199:800,5f94eaf3f35ca1a017a774194b….jpg)


President Trump is DOMINATING

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130f65 No.21098847

Well with 85 minutes to go it looks like Biden is fired.

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f847f6 No.21098848

I can tell you from experience, dude is jacked.

It also appears that he has a brain chip and his speech is being controlled remotely. Not natural.

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03061d No.21098849

gahy barr accepts juuuuus

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bcf58d No.21098850


its not. embarrassment overload.

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8598d2 No.21098851

File: 4c9886a708ccc02⋯.gif (3.82 MB,235x200,47:40,IMG_2613.gif)


pharma voice chek’t

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3003f0 No.21098853

File: 52d6793d26e1d35⋯.png (501.14 KB,582x623,582:623,ClipboardImage.png)

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90f2fa No.21098854

File: 14ff519ed22afec⋯.png (967.96 KB,1157x285,1157:285,capture_009_16042019_02472….png)

File: 0ac0f6c19c980bc⋯.png (963.74 KB,1156x284,289:71,capture_006_16042019_02461….png)

File: e437310f2e25a80⋯.png (960.34 KB,1156x283,1156:283,capture_007_16042019_02463….png)

File: e357c2aa5bddb20⋯.png (885.35 KB,1160x260,58:13,capture_008_16042019_02470….png)

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835471 No.21098855


That was bloody great

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8e3b4f No.21098856

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3351a2 No.21098857

They keep cutting joes pic when he has stupid face

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70a588 No.21098858


Indication of raised voices for extended periods of time. Who were they yelling at? Why were they yelling?

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7a387f No.21098859


Monkeypox . Kek .

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5f5ee0 No.21098860

File: 3db0b718105e1d6⋯.png (147.88 KB,887x901,887:901,ClipboardImage.png)


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a10aa8 No.21098861

File: 0ccf350a55ddd37⋯.gif (131.85 KB,640x640,1:1,1709685495322595.gif)



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cc7774 No.21098862

File: 4347f3481015ab8⋯.png (950.46 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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2ddcb3 No.21098864



Joe Biden Talking to himself ?


not edited

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c24fcf No.21098865


That cough

He ded

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12c42c No.21098866

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6ee591 No.21098868

File: a901a962c52da7f⋯.png (97.3 KB,242x292,121:146,ClipboardImage.png)

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f1570d No.21098869

File: 25793d108a8b8aa⋯.png (233.73 KB,916x757,916:757,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51fd27d10ac50bf⋯.jpg (7.94 KB,255x179,255:179,wonder.jpg)

🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸


CNN is unwatchable.





Jun 27, 2024, 8:52 PM

Yeah, so is Rumble

Perhaps Q+ wants CNN to have the highest ratings in years…for the last time? Part of the plan…?

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d391f0 No.21098870

File: 4418d31039e877b⋯.png (91.6 KB,900x675,4:3,4418d31039e877b52075901de7….png)

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bd1385 No.21098871


it seems that CNN is trying to make the whole thing unlistenable

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9cc562 No.21098872


It's pre arrang3d and pre agreed. Joe has a teleprompter with responses to pre arranged questions.

The look Trump Gave him when he was lost was classic.

A kind contemporary lmao

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cdec6b No.21098873



Mat 18:18

Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Mat 18:19

Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

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bc8bcb No.21098875

the fact is:

State should be able to decide.

boo hoo.

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7e48bb No.21098876

abused old man too sleepy, should be in bed - not seeking election

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a5d153 No.21098878

File: d898b7f8157ca01⋯.gif (4.07 MB,647x396,647:396,3EA54624_E9AC_45F6_A5D3_D0….gif)

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7718f0 No.21098879

Follow your heart

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95f50a No.21098880


le panic

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b2ee0a No.21098882

File: 214cff9d22697d7⋯.png (17.32 KB,204x255,4:5,2ae70e2d841ba9f6cadef28e81….png)

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2b570e No.21098883

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3003f0 No.21098884

File: 0d32167f921c7a6⋯.png (141.96 KB,836x822,418:411,ClipboardImage.png)


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2a88e3 No.21098885

File: 773d2a71c6b7283⋯.jpg (116.66 KB,812x800,203:200,1676733114247187.jpg)

look at his stupid face kek

hope he takes a random walk around

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feee3c No.21098886

debate notes @ 415

>>21098473, >>21098631 Presidential Debate links

>>21098636, >>21098679, >>21098737, >>21098772 Photo Album

>>21098673, >>21098660 Biden sounding super frail and afraid

>>21098505 Byron and Vivek spotted

>>21098542 Rumble down

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a6c928 No.21098887


Is that on the bingo card?

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15f52b No.21098888

File: 5272884714b9f38⋯.png (161.37 KB,430x240,43:24,I_ll_be_back.png)

Look who's standing by…..

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81b765 No.21098889

Thats your family biden..

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269d89 No.21098890


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03061d No.21098891

plz call trevor

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3769bd No.21098892

Rapes by their in-laws? What? Has he been watching some weird porn?

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cdec6b No.21098894

File: d4481091a9ee44d⋯.png (171.07 KB,1024x768,4:3,11_23_23.png)


Amen. I agree, in Jesus' name.

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6ee591 No.21098895

File: be918c8552ff5c5⋯.png (91.2 KB,262x262,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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df6a0c No.21098897

File: 04c45a09b66bbd7⋯.png (376.26 KB,714x500,357:250,friend_shift_pepe_war.png)

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e04b71 No.21098898

File: d80260affd9652b⋯.png (500.58 KB,597x849,199:283,Arnold_ade5434f4.png)

Hey Arnold screw your maid

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bc8bcb No.21098899


"raped by in-laws, brothers and sister, spouses"

Biden the buffoon is making NO SENSE

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445555 No.21098900

Biden comparing giving abortion law back to the states to giving civil rights laws back to the states.

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90f2fa No.21098902

File: db767a7b6de2dd1⋯.png (1.3 MB,1159x390,1159:390,capture_020_16042019_05084….png)

File: 7b12530f214bec6⋯.png (980.95 KB,877x381,877:381,capture_016_16042019_04563….png)

File: 443cd61256991d5⋯.png (901.14 KB,877x350,877:350,capture_017_16042019_05013….png)

File: 8aaafbe17823fe7⋯.png (1.29 MB,1155x391,1155:391,capture_018_16042019_05042….png)

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f03517 No.21098903


Da! Is earpiece.

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a6c928 No.21098904

Bidan just brought up an illegal immigrant killing a American child.

the fucking nerve.

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9d29c6 No.21098905

Biden's logic is that since these bad things are already happening in the USA then we should just throw open the gates. WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT!

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3351a2 No.21098906


He forgot to say at my thanksgiving table

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6ee591 No.21098907

File: 6d3ed9791d8e179⋯.png (78.93 KB,219x252,73:84,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f7f66 No.21098908

File: 95fca0f15cc527e⋯.webp (8.64 KB,112x112,1:1,lollmao.webp)

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b2ee0a No.21098909

File: 86039538fa1b7cb⋯.jpg (22.75 KB,255x255,1:1,2942dd3233f6316d3bc0dd6773….jpg)

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269d89 No.21098910


It is subconscious projection.Hunter fucked his Sister In law

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835471 No.21098911


No argument, We know how he spent that last week now. Obviously rehearsed answers are obviously rehearsed. Zero stream of consciousness.

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e77abb No.21098912

Joe is an ate up soup sandwich, what an incompetent piece of shit he is.

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a10aa8 No.21098913


>mfw it's actually in prussia


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7e48bb No.21098914

good show = with Supreme Court thank you in control

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70a588 No.21098915

File: 013858319f34805⋯.jpeg (419.93 KB,1439x1792,1439:1792,rsal6l.jpeg)

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6ee591 No.21098916

File: c84e31edef6615a⋯.png (70.1 KB,192x241,192:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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cdec6b No.21098917

File: da7ab80c29a9aa8⋯.png (1.17 MB,1200x906,200:151,5ee.png)



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d9054f No.21098918

File: 4a75c6d345a15eb⋯.png (1.08 MB,1524x1062,254:177,Screen_Shot_2022_04_11_at_….png)


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c48c4c No.21098919

Man, Joe ain't gonna make it. I'm waiting for sparks to start shooting out his ears. Daaamn!

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bb16a8 No.21098920


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30cf1c No.21098921


known in Scotland as a glaikit expression

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036956 No.21098922

>raped by….

Shits getting weird

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269d89 No.21098923


OMFG my sides are splitting i am Keking so hard

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11178f No.21098924

Anon has "heavy slurring" on my bingo card

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db8e58 No.21098925

File: 3483c4faae44689⋯.png (1.67 MB,1841x957,1841:957,2024_06_27_21_19_01.png)

Scary old man!!

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2f35f8 No.21098926

Abortion is their "Hail Mary". Imagine your strongest card is murdering babies.

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db6e9f No.21098927


Fucking baked Potato

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2f7f66 No.21098928

File: 95fca0f15cc527e⋯.webp (8.64 KB,112x112,1:1,lollmao.webp)

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54c062 No.21098929


Yep. State Funeral. They are taking Biden out.

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3003f0 No.21098930

File: 7c0c5df980ca280⋯.png (726.34 KB,709x731,709:731,ClipboardImage.png)

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12c42c No.21098931

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8e3b4f No.21098932

fuck. woman's health my ass.

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6ee591 No.21098933

File: c4e50b563f2491e⋯.png (198.75 KB,412x443,412:443,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b2b81 No.21098934

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Night Owl News Archives - Debate 06/27/2024



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39057b No.21098935

What's wrong with Bidan's right eye?

This looks like a different actor than the usual Bidan.

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11178f No.21098936

HEY they were supposed to mute his mic

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b2ee0a No.21098937

File: 4b489e362d590dc⋯.png (12.12 KB,255x141,85:47,NOWTHATSAKABOOOOM.png)

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a15641 No.21098939

File: 812010a78a13290⋯.jpg (94.16 KB,748x1280,187:320,reddit.jpg)

Reddit is suffering

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bc8bcb No.21098940


Why not give the baby to a couple who wants it?

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7eb5eb No.21098941


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11178f No.21098942


thats where he is reading what to say

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269d89 No.21098944

File: 4cee1072e7d75cc⋯.png (865.98 KB,1303x719,1303:719,Screenshot_2024_06_27_2119….png)

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15f52b No.21098945

File: 7fd6fbc161c38d4⋯.jpg (96.83 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Trump_Pepe.jpg)

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bb16a8 No.21098946



Trump is a brilliant entertainer

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0e06b1 No.21098947



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3769bd No.21098948

Waiting for some to realize Biden is fighting for the right for the "biblical woman" to abort her child.

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7c26a3 No.21098949

File: 72e56fe8565e102⋯.jpeg (237.84 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,72e56fe8565e1021b5ecdf18d….jpeg)

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9d29c6 No.21098950


Yep, caught that here too.

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4677b1 No.21098951

File: d2554cd24ecb2e8⋯.jpeg (710.83 KB,3023x1840,3023:1840,IMG_0554.jpeg)

Bidan is not prepared, look at his face

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cdec6b No.21098952






Mar 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

It's not "Will God?" it's "God Will."

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3351a2 No.21098953


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95f50a No.21098954

File: f62374b6da94a84⋯.mp4 (2.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,RightInTheButt.mp4)

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d89b80 No.21098955

take a shot every time sleepy says "maga republicans"

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a10aa8 No.21098956

File: d600d27f49d1120⋯.png (107.99 KB,272x233,272:233,5678967896789.png)

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269d89 No.21098957


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cc7774 No.21098958

File: fb77ae50d242f09⋯.png (1021.49 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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70a588 No.21098959

File: be4f3d3de3d3de7⋯.png (75.21 KB,192x241,192:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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8e3b4f No.21098960

period. period. period.

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130f65 No.21098962

Have to hand it to the mods for letting them talk though……. so far

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4e67ae No.21098963

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ff6bfa No.21098964

File: 1841eda6035e896⋯.png (72.99 KB,250x333,250:333,7492.png)


My sides! KEK!!!

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cdec6b No.21098965

God answers prayers.

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9cc562 No.21098966

This president is just ridiculous. This whole thing is just a wackshow twilight zone episode.

The Trilateral Alliance vs Axis of Feeble

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f30c49 No.21098967

File: 872b774da10f7ac⋯.jpeg (333.06 KB,1068x632,267:158,8B566243_ACD0_470E_AB6E_5….jpeg)

File: 2d2012fcf642933⋯.jpeg (91.61 KB,700x394,350:197,DEAA24CD_FC3D_4320_9045_C….jpeg)

AirBNB sold by Co-founder Joseph Gebbia:$100.66m June 25

* Joe Gebbia cofounded peer-to-peer room and home rental company Airbnb with Brian Chesky and Nathan Blecharczyk in 2008.

* In July 2022, Gebbia stepped back from his day-to-day role at Airbnb. He remains on the board and continues to chair its nonprofit arm, Airbnb.org.

* Gebbia owns a 9% stake in Airbnb.

* Gebbia and Chesky met as students at the Rhode Island School of Design, where he now sits on the board of trustees.

* In September 2022, he joined the board of Tesla. In January 2022, Gebbia bought a minority stake in the San Antonio Spurs basketball team.



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7e48bb No.21098968

simply not true - democracy allows baby killing. period

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15f52b No.21098969

File: 8bc39f867cf280e⋯.png (1.75 MB,1024x1280,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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11178f No.21098970


2 left for bingo

"saved by fake tapper" and "Joe falls down"

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45faa2 No.21098971

File: af7b98404ee2092⋯.jpg (13.21 KB,255x191,255:191,potus_laugh_with_pepe.jpg)

I'm ded, NigNogs.

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bb16a8 No.21098972

Why does Biden care about illegals crossing the border to get abortions

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69b4c3 No.21098973

it is funny, because the first few minutes Joe already messed up so many millions, billions and trillions … kek

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70878c No.21098974

they wanna kill dem babies

damn those maga republicans

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510b4a No.21098975


>There is no other place I’d rather be with anons tonite.

OP's mom must be getting lonely.

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6ee591 No.21098976

File: 2b52525ef06d6fa⋯.png (84.6 KB,232x258,116:129,ClipboardImage.png)

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3d2c88 No.21098977

File: bc15fbdadcabe83⋯.png (83.51 KB,322x432,161:216,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd66fc97d56314f⋯.png (527.73 KB,1460x934,730:467,1955cap.png)

Dan Truth


>vid 1:55


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0142f4 No.21098979

Are there circumstances where the baby must be delivered to save the life of the mother? Yes

Do any of them require the baby be delivered in pieces? No…

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3003f0 No.21098980

File: 2357730b518a653⋯.png (115.2 KB,1033x755,1033:755,ClipboardImage.png)


Why his ear no have ear hole?

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ff0567 No.21098981


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cdec6b No.21098982


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9d29c6 No.21098983

Biden is trying to control his panic. And it is showing.

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95f50a No.21098985

File: e07d91fe16109bf⋯.png (76.5 KB,255x192,85:64,Rubin.png)


are you vaping

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4e67ae No.21098986


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ff7e8b No.21098987

trjump wrote the questions

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d71765 No.21098988

File: 9ec1cd637030a2e⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,4028x2806,2014:1403,IMG_7096.jpeg)

File: 4f6baba48f6e6ff⋯.jpeg (1 MB,4030x2736,2015:1368,IMG_7097.jpeg)

File: b963c5eef75b2f1⋯.jpeg (962.75 KB,4030x2611,4030:2611,IMG_7098.jpeg)

File: 84d93a60adfb536⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_7100.jpeg)

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bb16a8 No.21098989

Any liberal feeds to read and see their panic

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9d4e6b No.21098990

Biden is using google contacts. watch his eyes move as he reads.>>21098976

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036956 No.21098991


Parents of the dead kids are going to go ballistic over this

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15f52b No.21098992


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ee9634 No.21098993

Angry Joe makes an appearance.


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bc8bcb No.21098994



It's his family

What they do in Biden's family.

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d391f0 No.21098995

File: dfab85f00522aff⋯.png (534.75 KB,600x405,40:27,ClipboardImage.png)


>Reddit is suffering



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bb16a8 No.21098996

Oh my God

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510b4a No.21098997

>I don't know what he said


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6128fc No.21098998

File: 6448c4ab24b580c⋯.png (117.73 KB,272x303,272:303,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff0567 No.21098999


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269d89 No.21099001

I don't know what he said at the end of the sentence, Fucking A KMAO

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12c42c No.21099002


She’s watching too. I’m sending her memes from here to show my pops.

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a6c928 No.21099003


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62d686 No.21099004

Both of these men are too old and unfit af to be cic.

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7718f0 No.21099005

I don’t think he knows what he said either


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cdec6b No.21099006

"I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don't think he knows" -PDJT

LOL - SHOW THE WORLD! DO IT Q+!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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11178f No.21099007

PDJT: "I don't know what he said, I don't really think he knows what he said either."


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4eefd7 No.21099008


animatronic dolls don't need one

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7e48bb No.21099009

it's ain't black it's multi national armies in idiots uniform

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bb16a8 No.21099010


Super kek

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130f65 No.21099011

File: 4d82318e8a6156b⋯.jpg (8.97 KB,250x255,50:51,Great_post_2.jpg)


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73c00b No.21099012



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527a89 No.21099013


I guess he expected the "moderators" to run cover for him.

Tonight will be the biggest viewership numbers CNN has had all year. Choosing between Potato and ratings, imagine that Board Meeting

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995919 No.21099014


its either a flesh colored ear piece or part of mask

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6ee591 No.21099015

"I don't think he knows what he said either."





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5412b7 No.21099017


Joe's starting to panic - and angry Joe shows up.

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6ab64d No.21099018

president trump: i really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence.


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70878c No.21099019

i don't know what he said at the end of that sentence, i don't think he knows what he said

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d9054f No.21099020

File: 6b5b700eeebf6f7⋯.png (2.3 MB,1908x1146,318:191,6b5b700eeebf6f77e7b6553d32….png)


>look at his face

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cdec6b No.21099021


"BRANDON. Just speak to him" LOL

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269d89 No.21099022

BRANDON Just speak to them KEKKEKEKE

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e77abb No.21099024

Biden interrupts almost as much as Hannity

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3003f0 No.21099025

File: dadc32aacb9b5aa⋯.png (229.81 KB,1139x616,1139:616,ClipboardImage.png)

Ear Piece with Cover Confirmed

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bc8bcb No.21099026


Is that supposed to be equivalent to allowing abortions?

Biden is crazy.

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ff0567 No.21099027

"I dont know what he just said"


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2da0f9 No.21099028

File: f6b09d252743d61⋯.jpeg (97.56 KB,736x559,736:559,IMG_7939.jpeg)

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2efe34 No.21099029

File: 0c6661a526dfa22⋯.gif (425.94 KB,305x205,61:41,0c6661a526dfa22f5cbd4d9d73….gif)

"I really don't know what he said"

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7e48bb No.21099030

is this Caddyshack?

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f6ec90 No.21099031

This is so great for Trump.

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a15641 No.21099032

Lmaaaaaaaaaaaaaao "Idk what he just said"

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b2ee0a No.21099033

File: c24ce2804801e63⋯.png (13.2 KB,198x255,66:85,5c57ca6ba84f982df38384a336….png)

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31705a No.21099034

File: 6d39a24cdbf4df8⋯.png (9.31 KB,225x225,1:1,lmao_pepe2.png)

"I really don't know what he said in the end there…" - Trump

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269d89 No.21099035


Right on brother

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ff7e8b No.21099036


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6ee591 No.21099037

File: 0360885969127c5⋯.png (83.15 KB,235x242,235:242,ClipboardImage.png)

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70a588 No.21099038

File: 24cf32b10fc2ba1⋯.gif (634.28 KB,400x236,100:59,kek3.gif)

That was epic. The look on that retard's face when POTUS Trump said that! Holy shit! TOP FUCKING KEK!

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f30c49 No.21099039

File: 89fd94a1a96f764⋯.png (131.59 KB,597x418,597:418,1A7CA77F_5442_4D13_B0B7_A7….png)



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ff7e8b No.21099040

Yes all of them

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5f5ee0 No.21099041

File: f37bfbb811650b1⋯.png (420.33 KB,720x398,360:199,ClipboardImage.png)

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756ab7 No.21099043

nigger nigger nigger nigger

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30cf1c No.21099044

Set off the fire alarm, evacuate the arena, this isnt going as planned

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a10aa8 No.21099045



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4e67ae No.21099046

oh no….proto again?

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bb16a8 No.21099047

I am laughing my head off

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c24fcf No.21099048



Biden has no ear holes

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14df56 No.21099049

mid bread



>>21098466 il Trump TRUTHS

>>21098473 Watching DEBATE here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps1X_1KZfN4

>>21098481, >>21098746, >>21098780, >>21098815, >>21098820, >>21098861, >>21098945, >>21098959 Memes

>>21098565, >>21098577, >>21098626, >>21098977 @DanScavino - Habbenings #TRUMP2024

>>21098898 Arnold is sorry he's a douchebag

>>21098934 Night Owl News Archives - Debate 06/27/2024

>>21098967 AirBNB sold by Co-founder Joseph Gebbia sells $100.66m June 25


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ff6bfa No.21099050

File: 2c6634aa95d08b8⋯.jpg (18.69 KB,400x400,1:1,2901dd5209ef18efc6885e9f94….jpg)


Does anyone understand WTF Biden is even mumbling about??

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7e48bb No.21099051

deport msndshitcow now

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6cf124 No.21099052

File: 916791656bc1598⋯.jpg (389.17 KB,1769x1080,1769:1080,BorderSerious.JPG)

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8598d2 No.21099053

File: f7cb47d8d86a8ab⋯.png (618.07 KB,661x900,661:900,IMG_2470.png)



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73c00b No.21099054


why haven't they Neuralinked him yet?

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db6e9f No.21099055

File: ec9f061f98df809⋯.gif (1.07 MB,170x180,17:18,ec9f061f98df809ddd2206841a….gif)

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a10aa8 No.21099056



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6ee591 No.21099057

File: 6b0ff4f734d5f83⋯.png (84.58 KB,252x251,252:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2ee0a No.21099058

File: be971da479ba6c9⋯.jpg (25.15 KB,255x255,1:1,2d87cf50152efe96974c42a291….jpg)

File: ebc6c8e3b2f3b2e⋯.jpg (10.47 KB,255x175,51:35,b2cbfe2c1c9733cb4fd77a5a7c….jpg)

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d89b80 No.21099059

File: 553152837150667⋯.png (236.72 KB,486x431,486:431,ClipboardImage.png)


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f30c49 No.21099060


Looks like stroke coming

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058df7 No.21099061

File: a03593194aed98b⋯.jpeg (126.92 KB,1052x522,526:261,IMG_0558.jpeg)

File: 1b6d66114cf9fe4⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0555.jpeg)

File: d2554cd24ecb2e8⋯.jpeg (710.83 KB,3023x1840,3023:1840,IMG_0554.jpeg)


Bidan is looking for them to tell him what to do! What a freak. Abortion is his desire

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70878c No.21099062

biden migrant crime

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ff7e8b No.21099063

Biden migrant crime

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0e06b1 No.21099064

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dff1ef No.21099065


Biden is a fucking train wreck.



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a70531 No.21099066

Im watching in occupied Berkeley, any bets if Biden shit his panymts yet?

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28cc5d No.21099067

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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80cf75 No.21099068

Joes acting is good as usual.

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d391f0 No.21099069

File: 13672642154f6ee⋯.jpg (41.64 KB,425x620,85:124,60bb3ad41175103abcf5933f00….jpg)

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15f52b No.21099070

He just doesn't know

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3351a2 No.21099071


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cdec6b No.21099073

File: 4d5f3af173c031b⋯.png (205.86 KB,1023x767,1023:767,PROTO_CLOWNS.png)



DO IT Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO IT Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO IT Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO IT Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO IT Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO IT Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO IT Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO IT Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO IT Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO IT Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO IT Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO IT Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO IT Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO IT Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO IT Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO IT Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO IT Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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2a88e3 No.21099074

File: 77764107564e61e⋯.jpg (18.48 KB,253x233,253:233,77764107564e61eed69b2d0f92….jpg)

Damn it feels good to be anon

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81a584 No.21099075

File: 780f3c29196ded6⋯.png (160.39 KB,678x525,226:175,8l7l4j5h654.png)

is bidens camera frozen

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7666f1 No.21099076

Brandon is getting fucking demolished holy KEK

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527a89 No.21099077


Because States won't accept Anchor Baby if it's aborted?

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14df56 No.21099078

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518e2b No.21099079

Quick, bite down on your cyanide molar Joe. Before you suffer anymore damage.

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4e67ae No.21099080

File: 8223720b0808ecc⋯.jpg (76.92 KB,500x708,125:177,2ezuf0.jpg)

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d391f0 No.21099081

PROTO Activated

Panic in 8kun Admins

Fucking Kek

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4eefd7 No.21099082


looks like an embedded earpiece as you stated

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2efe34 No.21099083


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0e06b1 No.21099084

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b2ee0a No.21099085

File: 64f9b54e33743a3⋯.jpg (18.01 KB,172x255,172:255,289263962_5785463104816924….jpg)

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625ecf No.21099086

Ok, Q…take it easy on the ..stutter.. button…kekekek.

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5c1d9c No.21099087


Screw you evil bastard

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bb16a8 No.21099088

Bird piss?

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cdec6b No.21099089


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be83eb No.21099090

his voice is hoarse because he has been practicing for the last week

sounds like teenagers do after a rock concert spent screaming

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8e3b4f No.21099091

File: ab58b8fd7cdb80f⋯.jpg (55.68 KB,672x371,96:53,Trollingisfun.jpg)


I really don't know what he said at the end of this

I don't think he knows what he said either.

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bc8bcb No.21099093

el Quieda, killed american soldiers.

"No data"

because we didn't look for it.

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4eefd7 No.21099094

stop turning proto on and off you idiots

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df6a0c No.21099095

File: fe6074eb268e19a⋯.jpeg (225.3 KB,800x800,1:1,pepe_trump.jpeg)

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bd1385 No.21099096


Trump is being kind by saying that

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cdec6b No.21099097


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445555 No.21099098

President Trump: We have to get a lot of these people out [illegals], and we have to get them out fast, because they are going to destroy our country.

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f847f6 No.21099099

File: 6ae74fc77daff2a⋯.png (290 KB,441x376,441:376,Fried_Brandon.PNG)

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6ab64d No.21099100

File: 05a7e251b52a635⋯.png (1.12 MB,1178x664,589:332,ClipboardImage.png)

holy fuck, biden is look down and away whilst djt is fucking spitting truths.

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7a387f No.21099101

File: 0a013bb7cfc6e85⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB,4032x3024,4:3,5DF772A6_5918_4312_8A19_7….jpeg)


Both .

Ball chin is back

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bb16a8 No.21099102

My son

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8dadb1 No.21099103

File: a1b5d1a10a99de6⋯.jpg (140.69 KB,720x1197,80:133,20240627_192547.jpg)

File: 174b947ef13c242⋯.jpg (156.19 KB,1290x1922,645:961,20240627_192350.jpg)



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ee9634 No.21099104

The faces Joe is making

Hope a meme fag is making a compilation

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d5ee5f No.21099105

File: 89245dd383a455e⋯.jpg (18.07 KB,383x384,383:384,potusstronger.jpg)

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bcc74b No.21099106

File: 3be97c3073fb0d0⋯.png (317.92 KB,454x461,454:461,ClipboardImage.png)


>Does anyone understand WTF Biden is even mumbling about??


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c48c4c No.21099108

You know that bloodbath they were so freaked over? It's here

OMG! Joe is fuckin dying here!

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4e67ae No.21099109

File: 2d015b049b8b6be⋯.png (859.76 KB,1262x811,1262:811,ClipboardImage.png)

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28cc5d No.21099110

File: a222796373e4df4⋯.png (587.21 KB,1191x523,1191:523,ClipboardImage.png)


Total train wreck, lowest of the low vibes, YUCK!

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cdec6b No.21099111



FINISH HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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f30c49 No.21099112

File: 7c13fbdac2e20a3⋯.gif (691.27 KB,284x264,71:66,AEB36515_6C97_423E_B21B_B5….gif)

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95f50a No.21099113

File: 0f6e3714ea4dbe6⋯.mp4 (946.16 KB,640x360,16:9,wtc7.mp4)

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130f65 No.21099114

File: 9c8a1f4b363d41f⋯.jpg (3.57 MB,2904x2374,1452:1187,c4d1976e3fabafe1b501e8a6da….jpg)

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d9054f No.21099115

File: 9704a068d712d44⋯.jpeg (12.23 KB,255x181,255:181,9704a068d712d444c34858e97….jpeg)

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5e6acb No.21099116

File: 9465ee8822f21a4⋯.jpg (158.08 KB,960x938,480:469,ISISdrop2.JPG)

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6ee591 No.21099117

File: f0845a4b8cc316e⋯.png (227.09 KB,490x510,49:51,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7bbf3 No.21099118

keep up multiple sources.

they injected an add when biden blew a fuse

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a15641 No.21099120


Notable, Scavino X Down

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ff7e8b No.21099121

The bidan actor is working for the plan. Good job great actors.

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6128fc No.21099122

File: 17071e983bd058e⋯.png (109.06 KB,269x270,269:270,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 164edadeee4bb53⋯.png (100.44 KB,242x272,121:136,ClipboardImage.png)


how many strokes has he had?

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5412b7 No.21099123


Bingo card check

"my son"

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2f7f66 No.21099124

File: 741d426d385a170⋯.png (176.8 KB,344x360,43:45,ClipboardImage.png)

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12c42c No.21099125


No doubt. Heh

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b2ee0a No.21099126

File: 87ebe12df74d4ea⋯.jpg (16.7 KB,346x180,173:90,OIP_15_.jpg)

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15f52b No.21099127


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a00cb2 No.21099128

File: 5d48d6d04a11626⋯.png (375.39 KB,556x636,139:159,122bidC.PNG)

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ff6bfa No.21099129

File: 72b24e86807e8ee⋯.jpg (111.74 KB,740x500,37:25,72b24e86807e8eee56bb5c3e88….jpg)


Yeah, why the fuck is proto being initiated?

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7a387f No.21099130


Typical . Fuckery afoot

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0e06b1 No.21099131

File: 2dbeb8275963d72⋯.jpg (142.35 KB,600x600,1:1,2dbeb8275963d72564c91ff600….jpg)

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8e3b4f No.21099132

File: 3e4fe8678c3ac7d⋯.png (97.29 KB,800x500,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb16a8 No.21099133

51 intelligence agencies

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058df7 No.21099134


CNN will not let Trump challenge the lies Bidan said on abortion about Trump. They didn’t let Trump to challenge the lies of Bidan. CNN should be defunded tomorrow

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5732af No.21099135


Brandon!!! POTUS called him Brandon!!KMFAO!!!

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d5ee5f No.21099137

let em duke it out..

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cdec6b No.21099138

POTATO IS RESONATING PURE HATE AND FEAR! Same as Clowns on this board lol.

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6ee591 No.21099139

File: 66faabf7fd68eaf⋯.png (84.74 KB,230x256,115:128,ClipboardImage.png)


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a6c928 No.21099140

Did i hear bidan bring up his dead son?

Another bingo spot gone!

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b5f042 No.21099142

File: 3e2b045b2034019⋯.jpeg (48.99 KB,718x637,718:637,EY_dk6qVcAAVsn9.jpeg)

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feee3c No.21099143

Presidential Debate Transcript:


President Trump: We had the greatest economy in the history of our country, We have never done so well.


Mr. Biden: I'm the only president this century that doesn't have any, this decade, that doesn't have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did.


President Trump: I was getting out of Afghanistan, but we were getting out with dignity, with strength, with power. He got out [Biden]; it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country's life.


President Trump: He [Biden] did the mandate, which is a disaster, mandating it. When the vaccine went out, he did a mandate on the vaccine, which is the thing that people most objected to about the vaccine.


President Trump: He's destroying Medicare, because all of these people are coming in; they're putting them on Medicare, they're putting them on Social Security. They're going to destroy Social Security. This man is going to single-handedly destroy Social Security. These millions and millions of people coming in, they're trying to put them on Social Security. He will wipe out Social Security., He will wipe out Medicare…what this man has done is absolutely criminal.

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d9054f No.21099144

File: 80c5f4101a4de62⋯.jpeg (60.24 KB,500x638,250:319,80c5f4101a4de62a6c0494428….jpeg)

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269d89 No.21099145


I think we might get a cover ALL this one boys

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bb16a8 No.21099146


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f30b76 No.21099149


Ask Brandon means Brandon Judd border patrol guy

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a10aa8 No.21099150

File: b0ad96643434d47⋯.png (656.45 KB,812x762,406:381,1623104635723.png)

Maaaan i don't understand a damn thing that's going on

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feee3c No.21099151

Presidential Debate Transcript:


President Trump: We had the greatest economy in the history of our country, We have never done so well.


Mr. Biden: I'm the only president this century that doesn't have any, this decade, that doesn't have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did.


President Trump: I was getting out of Afghanistan, but we were getting out with dignity, with strength, with power. He got out [Biden]; it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country's life.


President Trump: He [Biden] did the mandate, which is a disaster, mandating it. When the vaccine went out, he did a mandate on the vaccine, which is the thing that people most objected to about the vaccine.


President Trump: He's destroying Medicare, because all of these people are coming in; they're putting them on Medicare, they're putting them on Social Security. They're going to destroy Social Security. This man is going to single-handedly destroy Social Security. These millions and millions of people coming in, they're trying to put them on Social Security. He will wipe out Social Security., He will wipe out Medicare…what this man has done is absolutely criminal.

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b0a4bb No.21099153

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d89b80 No.21099154

File: 35e060414b08264⋯.png (205.9 KB,376x427,376:427,ClipboardImage.png)


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2f7f66 No.21099155

File: 324b28c78db45f1⋯.png (122.69 KB,300x254,150:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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556429 No.21099156

File: 4514f45303318ca⋯.gif (27.1 KB,200x162,100:81,IMG_1734.gif)

My next piece is called “Sleepy Joe is getting zapped in his ears” on the “Don wrecked him again” collection

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445555 No.21099157

President Trump destroying Biden's fake 'suckers and losers' comment.

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7c26a3 No.21099158

File: 70aedaeb0fc6271⋯.jpg (201.7 KB,1080x2037,360:679,1690335081851433.jpg)

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f847f6 No.21099159

File: 97bb68afa234e5c⋯.png (368.96 KB,501x496,501:496,Fried_Brandon_2.PNG)

This speed makes me haffa poopies!

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ff7e8b No.21099160

27 posts per minute

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f30c49 No.21099161

File: b559cbc3b76cd9b⋯.jpeg (540.88 KB,828x1058,18:23,87CD021E_D26B_4776_8DA8_4….jpeg)

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feee3c No.21099162

debate notes FINAL

>>21098473, >>21098631 Presidential Debate links

>>21099151 Presidential Debate Transcript

>>21098636, >>21098679, >>21098737, >>21098772, >>21098916, >>21098930 Photo Album

>>21098673, >>21098660 Biden sounding super frail and afraid

>>21098884 Biden earpiece?

>>21098505 Byron and Vivek spotted

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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b5f042 No.21099163




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bb16a8 No.21099165

What did Biden whisper?

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6ab64d No.21099166

djt: first of all our veterans and troops can't stand this guy

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d391f0 No.21099167

File: 91650c0a2b88d6a⋯.png (539.92 KB,758x510,379:255,ClipboardImage.png)

Respected by Putin

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df6a0c No.21099168

File: 3fc5710b9f667ef⋯.png (1.67 MB,1500x1000,3:2,3fc5710b9f667efa2c2ea031e2….png)

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b2ee0a No.21099169

File: 3ca15f89a84bbb3⋯.png (12.48 KB,255x191,255:191,a53f5f2098d48080cceafe4e3d….png)

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d5ee5f No.21099170

File: 40fd1f99fe7a9cb⋯.png (270 KB,497x545,497:545,bidenbillion_2_.png)

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625ecf No.21099172


>anon is in tears

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06b22d No.21099173

File: bf2baa36104a1b9⋯.jpg (488.25 KB,1080x1342,540:671,BorderSnake.jpg)

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0f45a0 No.21099174

passed the bac a Atacand -potato

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2efe34 No.21099175

File: ba7431d9e3b5b96⋯.gif (5.5 MB,464x276,116:69,ba7431d9e3b5b9687ffb94636d….gif)

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6128fc No.21099176

File: c6f806e52d4565c⋯.png (1.31 MB,1366x768,683:384,ClipboardImage.png)


haha 44 chekt

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cdec6b No.21099177


Let's see those cards! ONCE IN A LIFETIME!

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0e06b1 No.21099179



get bake set

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4e67ae No.21099180

File: d8ddf7b798ca9a6⋯.jpg (403.02 KB,600x718,300:359,p_o_g_o_6021235.jpg)

Truth Vets ..us vets cant stand Biden

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e77abb No.21099181

Joe trying to interrupt again, got his ass muted.

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ff0567 No.21099182

"A thousand trillionaires"

voice in earpiece corrects

"A thousand billionaires"

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995919 No.21099183

TrumpWarRoom account on X got suspended.

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14df56 No.21099184

what a shitshow

last call

#25862 >>21098431

>>21098466 il Trump TRUTHS

>>21098473 Watching DEBATE here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps1X_1KZfN4

>>21098481, >>21098746, >>21098780, >>21098815, >>21098820, >>21098861, >>21098945, >>21098959, >>21099074 Memes

>>21098565, >>21098577, >>21098626, >>21098977, >>21099103 @DanScavino - Habbenings #TRUMP2024

>>21098898 Arnold is sorry he's a douchebag

>>21098934 Night Owl News Archives - Debate 06/27/2024

>>21098967 AirBNB sold by Co-founder Joseph Gebbia sells $100.66m June 25

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269d89 No.21099186

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rumble back UP Andrew Tate Tate Speach stream


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95f50a No.21099187



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cc7774 No.21099188

File: d18cdba1c413fe0⋯.png (943.67 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb16a8 No.21099189



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269d89 No.21099191


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2f35f8 No.21099192


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15f52b No.21099193

File: b1d33651d0bf9a8⋯.jpg (91.83 KB,612x408,3:2,MT_AreYouNotEntertained.jpg)

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825604 No.21099194


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3d2c88 No.21099195

File: 3abf531dd5ac485⋯.png (60.43 KB,322x464,161:232,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fceea7b8c3c1db4⋯.png (202.98 KB,724x1132,181:283,2109cap.png)



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b2ee0a No.21099196

File: 17a28466f3bb368⋯.png (17.6 KB,219x255,73:85,67ff6e6e25635750884935560a….png)

Get me

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fc4b48 No.21099197


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ee9634 No.21099198

Man am I glad I didn't play the Joe Biden drinking game for every time he fucks up. My liver couldn't take it.

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70a588 No.21099199

File: a982109e6cdf5f1⋯.jpeg (83.39 KB,801x401,801:401,fakechin.jpeg)

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130f65 No.21099200

Malarkey…. BINGO

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556429 No.21099201

File: 1bba1cc97d1c9aa⋯.jpeg (34.01 KB,735x367,735:367,IMG_1724.jpeg)

My next piece is called “Get a warrant” track number NINE on the “Unmasking citizens illegally collection”. Tune in to our new album project stargate for live coverage of the debates

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bb16a8 No.21099203

Biden looks the weakest I have ever seen

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feee3c No.21099204




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a15641 No.21099205

lmao, Trump blaming kikes on Ukraine KEK

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2f35f8 No.21099206


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5412b7 No.21099207

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b5f042 No.21099208

File: 68693c3cbbb455c⋯.jpg (14.5 KB,500x500,1:1,68693c3cbbb455c20a9a7e994b….jpg)

Tater's voice

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f6e391 No.21099209

Trump gets to talk longer

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3d7662 No.21099210

File: 610c32ecbdbd9ff⋯.png (1.24 MB,1198x867,1198:867,Marilyn_Monroe_Feet_279719.png)

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7a387f No.21099211

File: 711e6ee25c0a536⋯.jpeg (465.71 KB,960x993,320:331,432C768B_0ACB_4609_89EB_7….jpeg)

Bread be flying by

What fun .

Malarkey .

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90f2fa No.21099212

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB,695x888,695:888,_11111111.png)

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6ab64d No.21099213

reckon anon is going to get through this sober.

never picked malarkey

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2efe34 No.21099214

Tonight's scene is waking many normies up.

Well done.

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ffa1e8 No.21099215

This is hard to watch. Biden was knocked out with the first question.

Now Bidens lips and voice or out of sync.

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9328ab No.21099216

File: 7a420212d6d81e5⋯.jpg (332.71 KB,1247x828,1247:828,CallGoodEvil.jpg)

File: c5f396d50abc166⋯.jpg (344.52 KB,1286x837,1286:837,CallEvilGood.JPG)

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183006 No.21099217

File: c70b2febe7ad051⋯.png (86.92 KB,308x175,44:25,Putin_laughing.png)

File: 8435c8c85fe7b51⋯.png (187.52 KB,471x465,157:155,laugh_pepe_with_mug.png)

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28cc5d No.21099219

File: 2ddba63083ec58e⋯.png (1 MB,1663x695,1663:695,ClipboardImage.png)

Trumpwarroom twitter account was just restricted: right noe

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bd233c No.21099220


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15f52b No.21099221

File: f9b420adbb3789c⋯.png (1.36 MB,989x1280,989:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

Dis where I'm at now. Biden got a little loud… but I couldn't count it as a shout because I'm not a cheatin democrat!

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6ee591 No.21099222

File: 5c7670895028dbb⋯.png (81.25 KB,223x250,223:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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269d89 No.21099223


>>anon is in tears

Same Anon, Good Vibes tonight Fren

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f6e391 No.21099224


The white hats are making him act like this

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e49d3d No.21099225

File: 38276bda693fb7c⋯.png (11.54 KB,531x125,531:125,38276bda693fb7ccd3af01d9a3….png)

What are the bingo sheets lookin' like anons?

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90f2fa No.21099226

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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5732af No.21099228


You're right. Damnit. I thought he called this fucktard Brandon. A a side note, when Joe is looking down or out into space, he's listening to whomever is talking to him in his ear. If I was POTUS, I woud turn to Brandon and ask him pont blank, do you have an earpiece in your ear?

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cdec6b No.21099229


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28cc5d No.21099231


That is not joe biden

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7c26a3 No.21099232

File: 49266c7b837cec0⋯.jpg (61.22 KB,427x577,427:577,1660148752190056.jpg)

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edfb1f No.21099233


Trips of Truth

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f30c49 No.21099234

File: 23f80d5a8a33910⋯.gif (678.17 KB,220x220,1:1,7A8895DA_5E5F_4D49_8999_0A….gif)

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f2c96f No.21099235

That bitch is cutting biden off so he doesn't keep rambling

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b2ee0a No.21099236

File: 072c1e3b8710eec⋯.jpg (15.62 KB,255x252,85:84,74f236841bf5d16e426cce53e1….jpg)

File: 2170e5e309feb36⋯.png (18.58 KB,255x251,255:251,0a4c03e4c1cd6f9d43952b5560….png)

File: 1c7ae358f91059f⋯.jpeg (19.74 KB,255x255,1:1,163df1e9602cb17f729b7f42f….jpeg)

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14df56 No.21099237


#25862 >>21098431

>>21098466 il Trump TRUTHS

>>21098473 Watching DEBATE here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps1X_1KZfN4

>>21098481, >>21098746, >>21098780, >>21098815, >>21098820, >>21098861, >>21098945, >>21098959, >>21099074 Memes

>>21098565, >>21098577, >>21098626, >>21098977, >>21099103 @DanScavino - Habbenings #TRUMP2024

>>21098898 Arnold is sorry he's a douchebag

>>21098934 Night Owl News Archives - Debate 06/27/2024

>>21098967 AirBNB sold by Co-founder Joseph Gebbia sells $100.66m June 25

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90f2fa No.21099238

File: b810344c9ce711c⋯.jpg (61.1 KB,1600x1171,1600:1171,7c313ed68b50f25d276114f840….jpg)

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556429 No.21099239


Pardon me, Joe needs a new ear piece.

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b5f042 No.21099240

His mouth is just hanging open when he's silent.

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15f52b No.21099241

Who had Soviet Empire?

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7e4f15 No.21099243

They shouldn’t have touched the children, baby girl.

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73c00b No.21099244


Tate v Loomer

what a douche dilemna

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5412b7 No.21099245

File: 1ce3f072ff2dc5c⋯.png (12.91 KB,537x167,537:167,ClipboardImage.png)


Bill Ackman


I have to say this is embarrassing not just for


Biden but also for our country.

9:20 PM · Jun 27, 2024





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7a387f No.21099246


You can add whisper and shout

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cdec6b No.21099247


POTATO just said what happens to POL lmao vs Poland.

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8e3b4f No.21099248

File: 669551b2973b747⋯.png (54.66 KB,660x378,110:63,ClipboardImage.png)

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058df7 No.21099249


That look is, “Tell me what to do for god’s sake”, if he believes in God. 7-8 days was not enough for the doubles

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90f2fa No.21099250

File: 3945eec9ecf8e98⋯.png (762.8 KB,750x1334,375:667,08b665cc71b7289e97841904fb….png)

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6128fc No.21099251

File: e5afbd716d2e617⋯.png (793.69 KB,1249x653,1249:653,ClipboardImage.png)

current topics on halfchan

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5732af No.21099253

Dana Bash is one ugly fucking woman. YEOW!!!

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a70531 No.21099254

I'm expecting the potato to wander off stage.

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a15641 No.21099255

Rumble back up

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445555 No.21099257

President Trump: He's given two hundred billion dollars now, or more, to Ukraine…that's a lot of money. I don't think there's ever been anything like it. Every time that Zelenskyy comes to this country, he walks away with sixty billions dollars.

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90f2fa No.21099258

File: e53390a4cab1ca5⋯.jpg (41.8 KB,665x900,133:180,82b1fac792f7d4a3aebd9e6c48….jpg)

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70a588 No.21099260

File: 6d4a332a3f1c78e⋯.webm (222.96 KB,826x360,413:180,bore_worms.webm)

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7e48bb No.21099261

democracy wants a war

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130f65 No.21099262

Place is moving almost fast enough for Q to post..

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bc8bcb No.21099263


maybe Trump negotiated that ahead of time.

Biden is slurring.

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15f52b No.21099265

File: 3c2d15bff869bc1⋯.png (463.84 KB,1280x726,640:363,ClipboardImage.png)

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cdec6b No.21099266

File: 2bde46cafb25a33⋯.png (228.34 KB,480x360,4:3,UNITY.png)

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d391f0 No.21099267

File: a2fbc7aebf6f017⋯.jpg (40.59 KB,650x488,325:244,771fca36a7d238c838ac44c340….jpg)

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a6c928 No.21099268

File: c15adc54dd10b74⋯.jpeg (32.24 KB,213x255,71:85,BIDANDEBATEBINGOcard.jpeg)

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90f2fa No.21099270

File: 1393bc9f16597f9⋯.jpg (497.5 KB,1280x1279,1280:1279,1393bc9f16597f9cfad594d2e4….jpg)

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7e48bb No.21099271

how many covid cocaine boosters can one inject in one night?

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6b4302 No.21099273

How does bidan get NOTES??

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a15641 No.21099274


/pol/ is literally filled with spooks, Mossad and AI. There are no anons left. LOW ENERGY. Would not recommend going unless you like a boring fest

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f30c49 No.21099275

File: abeea8377368201⋯.jpeg (551.57 KB,771x711,257:237,0785A950_10CC_459F_83A2_5….jpeg)

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90f2fa No.21099277

File: 26abf3a38fef2da⋯.jpg (83.26 KB,960x960,1:1,35237529_1763879816980627_….jpg)

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058df7 No.21099278


He’s fucking pathetic!

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7718f0 No.21099279

Endorsed the plan I put forward

Endorsed the plan I put forward

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14df56 No.21099280

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2f7f66 No.21099281

File: 99506f9ae334e65⋯.png (354.76 KB,458x564,229:282,ClipboardImage.png)

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cdec6b No.21099282


Thank (YOU)!

@ everyone


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