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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

8691df No.21083949 [Last50 Posts]

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8691df No.21083953

International Q Research Threads

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>>20926627, >>20947983 Anon notables/making changes: generally, once a bread baked, it's baked


>>21074755, >>21074757, >>21074766 MASSIVE SPAM ATTACK on catalog, BAKERS: PLZ GET REPORTER STATUS SO YOU CAN BAKE NEW


#25845 >>21083107

>>21083120 Snowy Hydro is pausing its cloud seeding program - cloud seeding operations are permitted under the Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Act.

>>21083189, >>21083446, >>21083627, >>21083846, >>21083874, >>21083906 Flight carrying Assange stops in Bangkok to refuel

>>21083218, >>21083226, >>21083820 Courts block Biden from canceling any more student loan debt

>>21083230 Former CIA Chief Who Constructed Both Trump-Russia Narrative and Russian Biden Laptop Narrative, Says Terrorist Attack Imminent

>>21083312, >>21083340 The Rapidan dam in Blue Earth County, Minnesota, failed on June 24, 2024, due to intense flooding.

>>21083319, >>21083326 New York primary election day will decide key race between Jamaal Bowman and George Latimer

>>21083404 Change of batter update? You know what this means… “Hillary Clinton book coming this fall”

>>21083414, >>21083436, >>21083444 CNN's Dana Bash (who will be moderating the presidential debate on Thursday) ex-husband was one of the 51 spies whoo FALSELY claimed…

>>21083439 Finland to start bird flu vaccinations for humans, in world first

>>21083639 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/25/2024

>>21083658, >>21083778 Habenings for 6/25/2024

>>21083691 MTV Abruptly Nukes Site, Erases More Than 20 Years Worth Of Content

>>21083699 EU leaders agree on von der Leyen for 2nd term

>>21083780, >>21083800, >>21083842 Trump Campaign Hit with Gag Order by CNN Days Ahead of Network’s Presidential Debate

>>21083840 Supreme Court rejects appeals brought by RFK Jr.-founded anti-vaccine group over Covid shots

>>21083869 SpaceX GOES-U Mission Launch

>>21083921 #25845

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8691df No.21083955

#25844 >>21081882


>>21081938, >>21082540 JULIAN ASSANGE IS FREE

>>21082750 Julian Assange published all the emails Hillary deleted.

>>21081954 Julian Assange to Plead Guilty in Plea Agreement with U.S. Government, Avoiding Prison

>>21082089 Follow the money - Trump re not trusting FOX news

>>21082109 QClock June 24, 2024 - 5 Day Delta, Dark Money, Fox, Ryan, The News, Assange, AOC & Trump

>>21082503, >>21082515 Watch: Assange's plane lands in Thailand

>>21082525 Julian Assange in real time today, all live links in blue

>>21082723 Stella Assange releases a statement on the release of Julian Assange.

>>21082155 Pence on Assange release - not a fan KEK

>>21082621, >>21082651, >>21082783, >>21082793, >>21082813, >>21082824 Anons on ASSANGE release

>>21082879 US representatives react to Assange's release

>>21082945 'Priority' for Assange to 'get healthy again', wife says; other news

>>21082916, >>21082948, >>21083026 Assange on the CLOCK

>>21082977 Julian calling into Sydney from Stansted airport last night (his day time).

>>21083035, >>21083053 Countries without Extradition 2024 - snapshots

- - - - - - - - - - -


>>21081909 These Food Additives Are More Harmful Than Thought

>>21081911, >>21081917 Donald Trump claims he was 'tortured' in Fulton County Jail when arrested…

>>21081962, >>21083048 Biden's "Wins" BS on Trump's predicted lack of Fortune 500 support

>>21082041, >>21082056, >>21082086 Biden going after Trump re Roe v Wade - Alex Soros too

>>21082081 Trump video on tipping

>>21082086 ALL IN: E 184: Trump interview

>>21082118 Report making smart cities cyber secure.pdf

>>21082186 Argentina Logs First Week with No Inflation in Food Prices in 30 Years

>>21082191 @RichardGrenell: Joe Biden told Ukraine they could use American weaponry to go on the attack in Russia.

>>21082310 US State Department: We continue to support engagement between Azerbaijan, Armenia


>>21082357 Trump reviews plan to halt US military aid to Ukraine unless it negotiates peace with Moscow

>>21082725 My SHOCKING Trump Prediction For 2024 | Updated 2024 Election Map Forecast (June 2024)

>>21082812, >>21082854, >>21082886, >>21082888, >>21082899 Tommy Robinson ARRESTED in Canada; Ezra Levant offers to be Tommy Robinson's Surety

>>21082895 Kneepads celebrates Teigen and "women across America" who supported Roe v Wade

>>21082901, >>21082928 What is cancer – parasitic? Metabolic?

>>21082939 For the first time in human history, soil samples were brought to Earth from the far side of the Moon by the Chinese Chang'e-6 probe.

>>21082982 Musk: Death is the loss of information/memories

>>21083075 #25844

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8691df No.21083956

#25843 >>21080981

>>21081705, >>21081716, >>21081717, >>21081724, >>21081735, >>21081764, >>21081781, >>21081788 Julian Assange on twitter X: Couple of cold beers in order this weekend

>>21081048, >>21081060, >>21081064, >>21081132, >>21081264, >>21081278, >>21081288, >>21081317, >>21081320, >>21081332, >>21081350, >>21081352, >>21081355, "it has begun."

>>21080997, >>21081285, >>21081303, >>21081605, >>21081307, >>21081497, >>21081575 Julian Assange bun

>>21081117, >>21081516 You think the federal reserve ransom may have been Assanges freedom? Something about ‘33’ terrabites?

>>21081053, >>21081090, >>21081423, >>21081436, >>21081697, >>21081719 Julian Assange walks free: CAP (0:13)


>>21081706, >>21081731, >>21081747, >>21081749, >>21081752 OUTRAGEOUS! FBI Refuses to Turn Over Seth Rich Laptop – Is Still Hiding Its Contents from American Public Despite Court Order – And Now Makes Up Ridiculous Story to Prevent It’s Release via

>>21081575 Timeline of the Assange legal saga over extradition to the US on espionage charges

>>21080991, >>21081002 Maricopa County election officials blaming one black man, for rigging elections across the entire county

>>21081013 Two-Tier Justice: Boeing May Evade Criminal Charges Over 2018, 2019 Crashes as Biden's DOJ Claims Prosecuting the Company is Legally Risky

>>21081036 Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case on Tennessee’s ban on s*x change surgeries and cross-s*x hormones for minors

>>21081057, >>21081082, >>21081141, >>21081171, >>21081150 Jake Tapper's top producer resigned after he was put under investigation by Fairfax County Child Exploitation Squad

>>21081059 Paoletta: Justice Clarence Thomas Is Spearheading The Judicial Fight Against Administrative State

>>21081093 Catherine Herridge: publishing the Army Human Resources Command memo with redactions ‘Covid vaccine injured’

>>21081110 MAJOR WARNING: If Republicans Want to Win in 2024 We Have Less than Two Months to Clean Bloated Voter Rolls — August 7th Is Cut-Off Date

>>21081136, >>21081256 If You’re Unsure If The 2020 Election Was Stolen Here’s Your Answer Alabama Attorney General is repeatedly questioned whether Joe Biden is the “duly elected and lawfully serving" President of the United States

>>21081164 Trump Preps For Debate Against Biden By Going to Nursing Home And Arguing With Dementia Patients

>>21081183 Judge Cannon Presses Special Counsel For Answers On Who Is Supervising Jack Smith

>>21081189 Masks are going from mandated to criminalized in some states

>>21081190, >>21081211 CNN is now threatening any social channels that provide commentary on the debate stating they will not allow the use outside of CNN

>>21081218 Explosive Study Once Removed by Lancet within 24 Hours, Now Peer-Reviewed and Public: Reveals 74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot

>>21081253 No Fly zones

>>21081312 Chinese counterfeit version of US C-17 Globemaster

>>21081368, >>21081506 45 in N757AF 757 departed New Orleans Intl to Palm Beach Intl

>>21081400 George Soros may have conspired with Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and the Obama administration to force out Pope Benedict XXIII and replace him with Pope Francis

>>21081515, >>21081410 Office of Space Commerce publishes a compendium of space industry technical standards, relevant to space situational awareness and #SpaceTrafficCoordination

>>21081510 Free Masons only tell half truths

>>21081047, >>21081631 KASH PATEL: Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It

>>21081732, >>21081758 Donald J. Trump: VOTE FOR TRUMP - NO TAX ON TIPS!

>>21081754, >>21081774 Donald J. Trump: The Biden Campaign engaging in Cheap Fakes! They’re embarrassed that they drew a very weak Crowd, and so they have to manipulate and lie about President Trump’s energetic and overflow Rally. MAGA!

>>21081762 Donald J. Trump: Biden Campaign engaging in Cheap Fakes! They’re embarrassed that they drew a very weak Crowd, and so they have to manipulate and lie about President Trump’s energetic and overflow Rally. MAGA!

>>21081817 #25843

Previously Collected

>>21080963 #25842,

>>21078572 #25839, >>21079380 #25840, >>21080158 #25841

>>21075506 #25836, >>21076115 #25837, >>21077625 #25838

>>21071174 #25833, >>21071860 #25834, >>21076494 #25835

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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8691df No.21083964

File: 1332c74bbf72c32⋯.png (1.51 MB,1200x630,40:21,flotus.png)

File: 5c2e44027b923ae⋯.png (364.09 KB,459x753,153:251,flotus_pepe.png)

File: e3ea21a805466c7⋯.jpg (57.87 KB,550x366,275:183,flotus8.jpg)



morn'n baker requesting handoff

wurkfagg'n calls

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6b95f0 No.21083973

File: 6cbb048bf4904ff⋯.png (156 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe_kek1g.png)

>>21083965 LB



Kek, is their source RRN?

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513b2a No.21083975

File: 6b988b5fb031c90⋯.png (523.05 KB,634x633,634:633,ClipboardImage.png)



<'This is huge!'

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5978a2 No.21083976

File: 98da7332348748c⋯.png (202.37 KB,481x416,37:32,A2E1F74E_E3C0_414C_AE13_97….png)

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36a98e No.21083979

File: 9814004b629d923⋯.png (76.21 KB,259x194,259:194,9814004b629d923db45c225b9e….png)

File: 194f95e8503e872⋯.jpg (140.52 KB,1500x1605,100:107,148.jpg)


Thank you Baker!!!

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f61629 No.21083980

Dusting off the FE shill and Clowns suggesting a FF terrorist attack soon (before debate?). They are getting desperate and panicked.

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4fd58f No.21083981

File: 863ac3345a24513⋯.png (37.84 KB,700x449,700:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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962a13 No.21083982

File: ad2a03ca4c737cc⋯.png (194.81 KB,525x349,525:349,VpQ0Gd4pJMPu.png)

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8691df No.21083983

File: 361f47a2b428271⋯.jpg (14.03 KB,600x454,300:227,ed3f18046b7dfb02f480e65224….jpg)

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ffed56 No.21083984


Bears evolved from sleepy dogs.


(Cute pic is now mine)

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08d0e6 No.21083985

File: 5fca30e17b3cf86⋯.png (2 MB,4931x3423,4931:3423,IMG_0143.PNG)


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0d11aa No.21083986

File: feaa5c5cfb30f7c⋯.png (289.32 KB,597x693,199:231,feaa5c5cfb30f7cbaab463f618….png)

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84b701 No.21083988

File: 8c848d372cbbe25⋯.png (278.8 KB,1016x5376,127:672,ClipboardImage.png)

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08d0e6 No.21083989

File: 56ebf9693b563fb⋯.jpg (850.32 KB,1596x1640,399:410,Side_Eye_Cat_02.jpg)

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513b2a No.21083990

File: 8d0dc408c61de35⋯.png (1.47 MB,1236x1125,412:375,ClipboardImage.png)


Trump team rolls out surprise new sticker campaign as his team targets tips:

MAGA Inc is offering stickers to promote new policy


>'This is huge!'

Allies of former President Donald Trump on Tuesday is launching 'No Tax on Tips' stickers to turn every restaurant receipt into a campaign billboard.

Trump unveiled his campaign pledge earlier this month during a rally in Las Vegas as he tries to woo workers in service industries, promising that tipped workers would no long pay taxes on gratuities if he wins reelection in November.

The idea has caught hold among supporters who have been writing 'no tax on tips' on their receipts.

Now MAGA Inc.—the primary Super PAC supporting Trump's 2024 campaign—is offering to make it easier with stickers

Taylor Budowich, the group's chief executive, said: 'It's simple: President Trump wants hardworking American to keep more money in their pocket, Joe Biden wants to take it to give to illegal immigrants.

'President Trump's plan is brilliant, and our sticker campaign will make sure it's known far and wide.' …


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b1ef26 No.21083991

>atmospheric pressure

give an example of pressure without containment

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6d6f7b No.21083992

File: 4c0f916fa48682c⋯.jpeg (77.53 KB,599x656,599:656,Greta_eww.jpeg)

>>21083977 LB

>>21083947 LB

Well, ain't that some schitt?

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b7de69 No.21083993

File: 1321543916d79a0⋯.png (377.71 KB,512x431,512:431,ClipboardImage.png)

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5978a2 No.21083994

File: 00f7127f68dad11⋯.jpeg (485.34 KB,1351x608,1351:608,6B7EE4C0_DE4B_48F3_870B_0….jpeg)

File: 67220b58b0e7bef⋯.jpeg (503.51 KB,1332x617,1332:617,D8606E99_02CD_4AC7_8F92_B….jpeg)

File: 390e76a690df768⋯.jpeg (481 KB,752x785,752:785,7DF4B7F0_3903_47B3_B3EF_B….jpeg)

>>21081676, >>21082515 pb

VJT199 Global 6000JAdeparted Bangkok-Don Meung Intl Airport after about 8h stop and heading WN to Saipan

Lifted off at 9:21pm local time.

A plane carrying WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange departs Bangkok en route to Saipan after refueling


Crew rest period.

>It is unclear if the plane is only refuelling or how Assange will continue traveling to the Northern Mariana Islands, a US commonwealth in the western Pacific, where he will appear in court on Wednesday morning, Saipan time.

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c5fb80 No.21083995

File: 618283bd5ac4d06⋯.png (628.16 KB,1020x574,510:287,Screenshot_2024_06_25_at_1….png)

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962a13 No.21083996

File: 5b4b61d03a9ff66⋯.jpg (197.83 KB,600x337,600:337,gray_knight_primaris.jpg)


Everything they've striven for is unraveling and there's not a damn thing they can do to salvage it. I fully expect them to get even moar vicious and retarded as the election gets closer, based upon what they've have been displaying here for the past year.

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08d0e6 No.21083997

File: 1db29a107dfb8c1⋯.png (486.49 KB,526x532,263:266,84647A26_B960_402A_9400_FB….png)

File: ae8b29bcb80b0e4⋯.jpeg (155.23 KB,800x594,400:297,7768C878_4339_4ADD_80C4_6….jpeg)

File: dda51ad8d8f20fc⋯.png (441.54 KB,518x800,259:400,15D6F130_C85B_47B0_87F9_49….png)

File: 50d3ca5861fe42f⋯.png (666.12 KB,641x800,641:800,HRC_Bad_Smell_01.PNG)

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d8f19b No.21083998

File: 4a43b0dcff59581⋯.png (10.76 MB,3024x4032,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae8c32 No.21083999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:55 AM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken delivers remarks at the 2024 SelectUSA Investment Summit

National Harbor, Maryland



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4f2bfa No.21084000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>21083511 LB


: Russell-Jay: Gould.


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35d288 No.21084001

File: e14ed7fa687470f⋯.png (164.67 KB,1510x969,1510:969,ClipboardImage.png)



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8691df No.21084002

File: 56700c1e8c545bd⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,236x171,236:171,ed3f18046b7dfb02f480e65224….jpg)

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ae8c32 No.21084003

11:00 AM EDT

Increasing Competition and Fairness in Food and Agricultural Markets

Center for American Progress




Agriculture Secretary and Asst. Attorney General Discuss Biden Administration Policies

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter join the Center for American Progress to discuss the impact of the Biden administration policies on market competition, the cost of goods, and the U.S. food supply chain


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08d0e6 No.21084004

File: 2a31f8f87c9f279⋯.jpeg (25.32 KB,182x254,91:127,Greta_Thunberg_01.JPEG)

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5978a2 No.21084005



almost used that one

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6d6f7b No.21084006

File: dd72c332572db6f⋯.png (413.42 KB,500x375,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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1cb6ab No.21084007

File: 0b63116a733d121⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB,1024x1024,1:1,spearpepe.mp4)

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c5fb80 No.21084008

File: 6aa8d2fcf6915e7⋯.png (252.62 KB,640x567,640:567,Screenshot_2024_06_25_at_1….png)

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08d0e6 No.21084009

File: 42cc92d28840976⋯.png (2.77 MB,2360x1640,59:41,IMG_3075.png)

Link works fine


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5f49ba No.21084010

File: 477ccd537968f9f⋯.png (127.98 KB,300x230,30:23,BuddyChrist.png)

File: 10fcb3fe4f06da6⋯.gif (34.17 KB,303x338,303:338,1568415568628.gif)

You dogma is fake and gay

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10e342 No.21084012


Fake and Gay

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b7de69 No.21084013

File: 4959af513c32bff⋯.png (933.69 KB,768x508,192:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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82d253 No.21084014

File: 966e55f6b1d5d59⋯.jpg (104.77 KB,543x762,181:254,1960_wallen.jpg)

The man in this picture with 2 woman of pleasure, wished to be a pimp and now he is a made men, but for how much longer will you be Great?

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08d0e6 No.21084016

File: 5e143a5bf15f1e7⋯.jpg (919.23 KB,1938x1637,1938:1637,Side_Eye_Horse_01.jpg)

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513b2a No.21084017

File: d41b67d7eaf1cbf⋯.png (623.26 KB,751x1041,751:1041,ClipboardImage.png)

Tesla is recalling its futuristic new Cybertruck pickup for the fourth time in the U.S.

DETROIT (AP) — Tesla is recalling its futuristic new Cybertruck pickup for the fourth time in the U.S. to fix problems with trim pieces that can come loose and front windshield wipers that can fail.

Tesla has recalled the stainless steel-clad Cybertruck four times since it went on sale Nov. 30.

The new recalls, announced in documents posted Tuesday by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, each affect more than 11,000 trucks.

The company says in the documents that the front windshield wiper motor controller can stop working because it’s getting too much electrical current. A wiper that fails can cut visibility, increasing the risk of a crash. The Austin, Texas, company says it knows of no crashes or injuries caused by the problem.

Tesla will replace the wiper motor at no cost to owners, who will be notified by letter on Aug. 18.

In the other recall, a trim piece along the truck bed can come loose and fly off, creating a hazard for other motorists.

Tesla says in documents that the trim piece is installed with adhesive, and that may not have been done properly at the factory.

The company will replace or rework the trim piece so it stays on. Owners will be notified by letter also on Aug. 18.


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ae8c32 No.21084018

State Employment and Unemployment Summary

For release 10:00 a.m. (ET) Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Unemployment rates were lower in May in 4 states, higher in 3 states, and stable in 43

states and the District of Columbia, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.

Thirty-three states and the District had jobless rate increases from a year earlier,

2 states had decreases, and 15 states had little change. The national unemployment rate

changed little at 4.0 percent but was 0.3 percentage point higher than in May 2023.

Nonfarm payroll employment increased in 7 states and the District of Columbia and was

essentially unchanged in 43 states in May 2024. Over the year, nonfarm payroll employment

increased in 30 states and was essentially unchanged in 20 states and the District.


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ffed56 No.21084019

File: 3fcb381c3911b61⋯.jpeg (273.38 KB,1080x1429,1080:1429,IMG_1539.jpeg)

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962a13 No.21084020


Not going with your usual guy climbing out of the sewer pic to thank the baker this bread?

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6b95f0 No.21084021

File: ac7889401b4f051⋯.png (57.76 KB,247x202,247:202,pepe_meh.png)


One of the ugliest vehicles ever produced IMO.

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e5efb1 No.21084022

File: 9b1c11a7117cb36⋯.jpeg (810.63 KB,1125x1804,1125:1804,IMG_1370.jpeg)


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be5edf No.21084023

File: f5054729d3de10b⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,day_shift_2nd_tester.mp4)

File: 0ecb066b3d84aff⋯.png (679.32 KB,646x500,323:250,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 295cc2681e2d8a8⋯.png (472.4 KB,500x728,125:182,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a7869 No.21084024

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ffed56 No.21084025


AMC Pacer reigns supreme.

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8691df No.21084026

File: 0d5aa63280ef41a⋯.jpg (160.3 KB,1600x1063,1600:1063,sharing_bread.jpg)

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB,783x485,783:485,wnb.png)


morn'n baker requesting handoff

wurkfagg'n beckons

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cd73cb No.21084027


So this is why so many liberal states have done away with tips. kek

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08d0e6 No.21084028


Thanks for proving it’s fake & gay with your in-depth research.

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7a7869 No.21084029

Why is the plan so slow? Hire more illegals to do the job faster.

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6b95f0 No.21084030


Even the "fish bowl" on wheels looks better than the Tesla.

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7a7869 No.21084031

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962a13 No.21084032

File: 4b81a8178e38c99⋯.png (223.25 KB,466x660,233:330,ClipboardImage.png)


Stickers are effective.NOTABLE

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b7de69 No.21084033

File: 0890ceff51b8954⋯.png (72.99 KB,1061x593,1061:593,ClipboardImage.png)


firm it fam

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23aa3a No.21084034

File: ead9d31a0c5fc9b⋯.jpg (28.61 KB,500x500,1:1,2x5dfght.jpg)

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b1ef26 No.21084036

File: 4ff41c046dd6401⋯.jpg (63.93 KB,1132x550,566:275,18954483_1975_amc_pacer_st….jpg)

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7a7869 No.21084037

Is Q stupid? Cause the plan is pretty dumb.

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be5edf No.21084038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



It Begins… Armed Migrants Rob Police in NYC


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5f49ba No.21084039


>there's not a single fossil record supporting even one single species evolving into anything else.

Kek. Gotta love those arbitrary requirements to prove something, by people who don't even understand the basic concept.

>even one single species evolving into anything else

So, there is evolution within species? I thought Gods creation was perfect.

And yes, there is. It's been proven that species separated for a long time takes different evolution paths in the end making them incapable of cross-mating.

Look into for example Madagascar (not the movie).

There is no from one species to another, species are categorizations that we humans have made to to organize knowledge.

How do you even imagine such proof would look like? A fossil of a horse with gills?

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08d0e6 No.21084040


You can’t polish a Turd.

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8691df No.21084041

File: 86d4f1fd16b6ca0⋯.png (336.69 KB,521x476,521:476,86d4f1fd16b6ca006a0b22a243….png)

File: 0043f91ba417a83⋯.png (77.26 KB,505x364,505:364,2FBEFC43_5CBF_452F_8296_CD….png)


firmulation in process

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6b95f0 No.21084042

File: f4706a3e2a4227d⋯.png (306.03 KB,700x740,35:37,pepe_maga_02.png)


Kek, those Biden stickers pissed of many gas station owners.

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7a7869 No.21084043

30 UIDs. Sheesh. Not even worth shit posting.

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ffed56 No.21084044


Least they tried.

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97bf6a No.21084045

Heavenly Father, as the world's leaders cling to greed, power, and corruption, please make us stronger, let us learn to love one another better, to help one another more, and to pray for peace harder. Almighty God, we know that you can thwart their evil plans of war, which are based on hate and full of ugliness, we pray that you will return our country to One Nation Under God. We ask for all of this in Jesus's name, Amen

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962a13 No.21084046

File: 8485b32323a414d⋯.png (109.49 KB,367x298,367:298,pepe_cereal.png)

I mean… the stickers are technically just memes spread IRL, right?

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cd73cb No.21084047

File: e2a366da1c1bd20⋯.png (1.6 MB,1080x1152,15:16,ClipboardImage.png)


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4fd58f No.21084048

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8c5cd7 No.21084049

File: 25ee02603384a78⋯.jpg (148.81 KB,720x1008,5:7,20240625_085256.jpg)

File: dc742e1173b44c8⋯.jpg (72.42 KB,993x1000,993:1000,20240625_085145.jpg)

I'm thrilled to say that my new book, "Something Lost, Something Gained," will be out in September.

It's about friendship, aging, and marriage; our politics and our democracy; the threats we face as a country, and how we can all work together to shape a future to be proud of.

I can't wait to hit the road this fall to talk about it all with you in person.

Find an event near you: hillaryclintonlive.com


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82d253 No.21084050


>Is Q stupid? Cause the plan is pretty dumb.

Very stupid, Q raped and impregnated his own daughter which he had with his mother.

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5978a2 No.21084051

File: d39502eb4af0915⋯.jpeg (377.06 KB,772x901,772:901,30EF319D_B843_43BC_8C8F_6….jpeg)


One of the most expensive to repair and ugliest vehicles ever produced.

It make the DeLorean look positively sexy

And it really wasn’t

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6b95f0 No.21084052

File: 7e72864b4c5df18⋯.jpg (18.9 KB,600x604,150:151,low_quality_b8.jpg)


Very low quality…

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35d288 No.21084053

File: 1c5955437479c48⋯.png (386.12 KB,1130x899,1130:899,ClipboardImage.png)





Medeea Greere

Hello there, beautiful souls! It's me, Medea Greere, and if we haven't crossed paths before, let me assure you it's no coincidence that you've landed here today. I've spent every sunrise and sunset of my life on a tireless quest, seeking out the radiant essence of truth in this vast, dazzling universe of ours. You see, life is a cosmic jigsaw, a symphony of mysteries that sometimes seem so complex, it's hard to grasp. Each piece, each note, is a fragment of the story - a vibrant thread in the tapestry of existence. But fear not! It's been my life's work, my singular passion, to weave these fragments into a narrative that not only makes sense, but fills your heart with hope and your soul with purpose. That's exactly why this website was born. Together, let's unravel the mystery, and embrace the Victory of the Light! With all my love, Medea Greere



VK (short for its original name VKontakte; Russian: ВКонтакте, meaning InContact) is a Russian online social media and social networking service based in Saint Petersburg. VK is available in multiple languages but it is predominantly used by Russian speakers. VK users can message each other publicly or privately, edit these messages,[3] create groups, public pages, and events; share and tag images, audio, and video; and play browser-based games.[4]

As of August 2018, VK had at least 500 million accounts.[5] As of November 2022, it was the sixth most popular website in Russia.[6] The network was also popular in Ukraine until it was banned by the Verkhovna Rada in 2017


Initially, founder and CEO Pavel Durov owned 20% of shares (although he had majority voting power through proxy votes), and a trio of Russian-Israeli investors Yitzchak Mirilashvili, his father Mikhael Mirilashvili, and Lev Leviev[28] owned 60%, 10%, and 10% respectively.

DDoS attacks on sites

Because the social network is one of the most popular and visited sites in runet, its visits can be used to make DDoS attacks on smaller sites. VK performed DDOS attacks on certain sites, making users' browsers send multiple requests to the target site without their consent. The targets were the Runet Prize voting page in 2008[60] and the CAPTCHA-solving service antigate.com in 2012.[61][62] It was done by inserting an iframe and a piece of JavaScript code which periodically reloaded the iframe. As a countermeasure, antigate was detecting whether iframe was loaded from VK and if it were antigate had redirected request to xHamster, a pornography website. VK needed to cease the attack due to the site's use by children. VK tried to use XMLHttpRequest to solve this problem, but had forgotten about the same-origin policy. They succeeded in stopping the attack, though there were many ways to solve the problem with redirect


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962a13 No.21084054

File: 96fd1177e993601⋯.webp (19.51 KB,492x598,246:299,pepe_sip3.webp)


I'm willing to bet a lot of those gas station owners aren't as mad at those stickers now as they originally were.

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b7de69 No.21084055

File: 10633bddb4ff1ce⋯.png (125.11 KB,700x763,100:109,ClipboardImage.png)



be on it

habby smoooooovs W

ty for the bakes

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35d288 No.21084056




>Thanks for proving it’s fake & gay with your in-depth research.



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8c5cd7 No.21084057

File: 0a5afd166b4c5cf⋯.jpg (158.84 KB,946x1314,473:657,20240625_085840.jpg)


Who TF is that?

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82d253 No.21084058


>Very low quality…

She is also his sister so there you go.

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1cb6ab No.21084059

File: da28e747f4d786b⋯.png (640.9 KB,1012x824,253:206,reddit.png)

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65dd76 No.21084060

File: 9aa32adea417207⋯.jpg (333.49 KB,1079x970,1079:970,oie_rSFEKnMAFLDq.jpg)

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e5efb1 No.21084061

File: 272c387259e8fc9⋯.jpeg (382.33 KB,1125x1139,1125:1139,IMG_1371.jpeg)

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8c5cd7 No.21084062

File: 591c39f7df46faa⋯.jpg (178.24 KB,1238x1190,619:595,20240623_214433.jpg)


Vivek is not maga

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ffed56 No.21084063



Costco busted my better half for placement of one on their gas pumps. Shit you knot they called her on her cell phone about 10 minutes after her “crime” with accusations of vandalism.

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8691df No.21084064

File: 8c7615d32ef5b8c⋯.jpg (95.59 KB,710x815,142:163,8c7615d32ef5b8cd1d95962fbf….jpg)


dubz ^^

back around after a while

guud bakes to you nakes

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5978a2 No.21084065

File: b106963fdbcb68f⋯.jpeg (649.44 KB,1210x619,1210:619,D79218DC_7098_41C5_B6D2_0….jpeg)

File: 1d08097c7efecf6⋯.jpeg (922.9 KB,1393x617,1393:617,00104D71_C511_4227_852C_0….jpeg)


PlaneFaggin’:Europe/Med-Orban to Paris, AWACS over SE Poland, Spanish AF to Rzeszow

Hungary AF HUAF586 Falcon 7xPM Orbandeparted Rome to Paris

NATO02 E3 Sentry AWACS over E. Poland just W of Ukraine border

E10E2 C130J Super Hercules WN from Rzeszow Airport stop and drop

Algeria AF 7TVPS G4 departed Vienna, Austria after stop of about 90m and back to Algiers

Short stop and usually would say it’s about LNG but not long enough for that.

Largest exporter of LNG in Africa

7TVPC G4 E from Algiers

E10E2 C130J Super Hercules departed Rzeszow Airport WN after stop and drop

Spanish AF AME4505 A310 EN from Madrid to Rzeszow Airport and just began descent

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962a13 No.21084066


That's a filter for you, AEI. You have too much of a past history of being a malicious little turd to allow you to go under the radar.

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ee22b2 No.21084067

File: 8d776f163d32b5d⋯.png (591.46 KB,704x395,704:395,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c9c3368252e6f5⋯.png (533.93 KB,704x399,704:399,ClipboardImage.png)

Florida Judge Begins Dismantling Governor DeSantis’ Secrecy Operation

June 23, 2024 | Sundance1/2

People will see…. it might take a little more time than I would prefer, but the truth will come out and people will see. A judge in Florida is starting to take apart the secrecy operation that Ron DeSantis and his DC Bush clan constructed during their block Trump operation.

DeSantis moved from Congress to the Florida Governor position in 2018; the intent was always to run for President in 2024 and take apart the Trump constructs returning the Republican apparatus to traditional corporate controls.Part of their lengthy approach was to import some of the Washington DC silo/secrecy functions and overlay them into Florida state politics.

Arguably, Florida had the strongest public record transparency laws in the country, known collectively as “the sunshine laws.” When importing the schemes of DC, in order to support the hidden DeSantis agenda, those sunshine laws were considered a problem. The DeSantis team began changing the rules, subverting laws and demanding support from legislation.

They changed the law so the ‘Top Gov’ could run for President without giving up his office in April 2023. The following month, May 2023, they pressured legislature to change the transparency law on travel. This change kept the governor and top aide’s travel arrangements (who pays, how, etc.) hidden from the public. They made this specific law change retroactive to hide all the Sea Island donors who gave DeSantis private jets to use, while the 2024 campaign was denying they were campaigning in 2022.

Now, a Florida judge is responding to a lawsuit whereDeSantis’ lawyers are admitting the governor’s chief-of-staff, James Uthmeier, was arranging/conducting the governor’s official office business on his private cellphone. The governor’s office is admitting personal cell phones were used and yet still rebuking the judge’s prior order to make the call logs public.

Leon County Circuit Judge Lee Marsh is not happy about this.

FLORIDA – […]“We ought to just put out word, ‘Let’s do all of our business on private, bring-your-own cellphones,” Marsh said. “Then we don’t need public records laws because there’ll be no public records, right?”

[…] On Tuesday, Marsh rubbed his eyes and held his head in his hands in apparent exasperation while debating Florida’s public records law with DeSantis’ lawyers.

Marsh noted the state’s definition of “public records” said nothing about data points or whether records needed to be on state property.It defines a public record as “any material, regardless of the physical form, characteristics, or means of transmission, made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by any agency.”

[…] Marsh said the way the administration communicated about the migrant flights “appears to be an end around Florida’s public record laws.”“This is supposed to be the open free state of Florida, where it’s transparency, and

this was done with, you know, Clarice Starling and private emails,” Marsh said.

This smacks of trying to not be open with the records.”

Marsh then questioned why Uthmeier, who described himself in an affidavit in the case as “the highest-ranking nonelected official in the State of Florida,” was using his personal phone for state calls. […]“Why is this individual using a private cellphone and thus avoiding public records?” Marsh asked.

“Your honor, I don’t have an answer for that,” Lunny said. (read more)

Now, you might say, ‘With everything going on in the world, why do these granular hindsight details matter right now? Why focus inside our camp?’ The answer is pretty simple….


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82d253 No.21084068

One pimp, pimping two bitches.

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4fd58f No.21084069

File: 0874b6b06221518⋯.png (221.81 KB,488x328,61:41,Freedom_of_Speech_idiots.png)


has to be dank

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a56ff6 No.21084070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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731905 No.21084071


Mr. Rupar is triggered bigly. He is also highly offended. Poor thing.

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35d288 No.21084072


it is customary to provide sauce anon

otherwise your credibility suffers

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6b95f0 No.21084073

File: a19a0b0e7819802⋯.png (41.78 KB,596x424,149:106,ClipboardImage.png)

Kekkity Schitt twat.

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65dd76 No.21084074

File: a6373a0db6830bc⋯.png (140.68 KB,708x1694,354:847,77bee312_96a9_400e_b9f1_27….png)

File: 3fb0d5041ca4b8e⋯.png (152.07 KB,708x1314,118:219,32789280_bf58_42d0_b7a5_8a….png)

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8691df No.21084075

File: 7d734937f5be8f3⋯.gif (1.92 MB,480x270,16:9,a10warty.gif)


all guud fam?

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84b701 No.21084076

File: 3c36da447f66954⋯.png (553.28 KB,960x454,480:227,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d9f0268ad9e0ac⋯.png (692.8 KB,960x701,960:701,ClipboardImage.png)

Jupiter’s upper atmosphere surprises astronomers


Using the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope, scientists observed the region above Jupiter’s iconic Great Red Spot to discover a variety of previously unseen features.

The region, previously believed to be unremarkable in nature, hosts a variety of intricate structures and activity. Jupiter is one of the brightest objects in the night sky, and it is easily seen on a clear night.

Aside from the bright northern and southern lights at the planet’s polar regions, the glow from Jupiter’s upper atmosphere is weak and is therefore challenging for ground-based telescopes to discern details in this region.

However, Webb’s infrared sensitivity allows scientists to study Jupiter’s upper atmosphere above the infamous Great Red Spot with unprecedented detail.

The upper atmosphere of Jupiter is the interface between the planet’s magnetic field and the underlying atmosphere. Here, the bright and vibrant displays of northern and southern lights can be seen, which are fuelled by the volcanic material ejected from Jupiter’s moon Io.

However, closer to the equator, the structure of the planet’s upper atmosphere is influenced by incoming sunlight. Because Jupiter receives only 4% of the sunlight that is received on Earth, astronomers predicted this region to be homogeneous in nature.

The Great Red Spot of Jupiter was observed by Webb’s Near-InfraRed Spectrograph (NIRSpec) in July 2022, using the instrument’s Integral Field Unit capabilities.

The team’s Early Release Science observations sought to investigate if this region was in fact dull, and the region above the iconic Great Red Spot was targeted for Webb’s observations.

The team was surprised to discover that the upper atmosphere hosts a variety of intricate structures, including dark arcs and bright spots, across the entire field of view.

“We thought this region, perhaps naively, would be really boring,” shared team leader Henrik Melin of the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom. “It is in fact just as interesting as the northern lights, if not more so. Jupiter never ceases to surprise.”

Although the light emitted from this region is driven by sunlight, the team suggests there must be another mechanism altering the shape and structure of the upper atmosphere.

“One way in which you can change this structure is by gravity waves - similar to waves crashing on a beach, creating ripples in the sand,” explained Henrik.

“These waves are generated deep in the turbulent lower atmosphere, all around the Great Red Spot, and they can travel up in altitude, changing the structure and emissions of the upper atmosphere.”

The team explains that these atmospheric waves can be observed on Earth on occasion, however they are much weaker than those observed on Jupiter by Webb.

They also hope to conduct follow-up Webb observations of these intricate wave patterns in the future to investigate how the patterns move within the planet’s upper atmosphere and to develop our understanding of the energy budget of this region and how the features change over time.

These findings may also support ESA’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, Juice, which was launched on 14 April 2023. Juice will make detailed observations of Jupiter and its three large ocean-bearing moons – Ganymede, Callisto and Europa – with a suite of remote sensing, geophysical and in situ instruments. The mission will characterise these moons as both planetary objects and possible habitats, explore Jupiter’s complex environment in depth, and study the wider Jupiter system as an archetype for gas giants across the Universe.

These observations were taken as part of the Early Release Science programme #1373: ERS Observations of the Jovian System as a Demonstration of JWST’s Capabilities for Solar System Science (Co-PIs: I. de Pater, T. Fouchet).

“This ERS proposal was written back in 2017,” shared team member Imke de Pater of the University of California, Berkeley.

“One of our objectives had been to investigate why the temperature above the Great Red Spot appeared to be high, as at the time recent observations with the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility had revealed. However, our new data showed very different results.”


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4fd58f No.21084078

File: 9d256fc7e46cba9⋯.png (74.44 KB,639x904,639:904,ClipboardImage.png)

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82d253 No.21084079

Shilling the entire day to make it go away but he already lost before this game began, this motherfucker is a fake player with falsified big scores.

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cd73cb No.21084080

File: 6865c0a9ed35278⋯.png (430.72 KB,480x438,80:73,ClipboardImage.png)


kek, touché

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6d6f7b No.21084081

File: 5d7dd9a47d21cc1⋯.png (395.21 KB,607x411,607:411,ClipboardImage.png)


>voters are very concerned about Trump's mental fitness, not President Biden's

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5978a2 No.21084082

File: fdc6bd9e827a6fa⋯.jpeg (58.64 KB,500x500,1:1,981712AE_8374_4ED9_B3FF_D….jpeg)

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ee22b2 No.21084083

File: 8d776f163d32b5d⋯.png (591.46 KB,704x395,704:395,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe93e956d40761a⋯.png (1.59 MB,900x993,300:331,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b16db2cf2dbda2f⋯.png (787.42 KB,660x477,220:159,ClipboardImage.png)



Think about all the people, even the people reading this right now, that did not know/believe that Florida GovernorRon DeSantis was a con job. DeSantis was part of a lengthy andorganized Washington DC operation to eliminate the threat that Donald Trump represented.

Congressman Ron DeSantis, a completely controlled political agent from the corporate camp of the Bushes and the Sea Island team, was recruited to assist as Washington DC’s right-wing insurance policy…. with the intent to maintain or recover the UniParty operation. This GOP effort was a construct traceable all the way back to 2017, leading to the DeSantis’ shift to Florida governor in 2018. Yet, how many people had any idea?

How many people, throughout 2019 all the way to 2022/’23/’24, realized Ron DeSantis was a set-up by the main DC people who control politics, which included Intelligence Community support?

How many people deny theFlorida Dept of Law Enforcement (FDLE) escorted the FBI agents from the airport to Mar-a-Lago in August 2022, and thereforehad full operational knowledge of the FBI arrival and intents.

How many people cannot fathom the reality of how the FDLE escort indicates the office of Governor Ron DeSantis was fully aware of the pending FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago?

How many people have the capacity to look back honestly, with hindsight, and see the planning for the 5 days in the bunker, complete silence and invisibility from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, that immediately followed the FBI raid?

How many people will admit what that reality demonstrates?

How many people deny their intellectually honest understanding and accept thatgovernor’s schedules are planned months in advance… and those 5 days in the bunker were planned and organized with a purpose, that aligned with the schedule of the FBI coming out of Washington DC.

In essence, there was some form of coordination and communication with someone…. DC to Tallahassee, someone!

Immediately following his 5 days in the bunker, DeSantis launched an August/Sept, Oct national tour (example above) … that turned into a “book tour”… that included visits to big billionaire donors in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey and New York, in the months leading up to a FLORIDA election.

Why “campaign” nationally for a Florida election, and then deny you are campaigning nationally for a Florida election?

Can you see it?

Can you see why it is of value to accept what the Deep State does and yet so many people deny?

The example of Florida Governor Ron DeSantisshould be a reference pointfor everyone to accept just how manipulated, controlled, organized andweaponized the systems of our government are that deliver their illusion of choice. And how easy it is to fall for it.

Once the people of Florida realize the scale of the deception, manipulation and lies that have surrounded them…. lies that are now in part surfacing in the court case against thehiding schemes that DeSantis deployed…. then perhaps the Great Awakening will have a bigger context!

….There are trillions at stake!

Oh, and hey, the people who took the COVID-19 shots…. Well, they ain’t vaccinated either.


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ffed56 No.21084084


Fookin liars.

An astronomer is never surprised, they’ve merely fascinated.

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5978a2 No.21084085

File: bbba634223187fe⋯.jpeg (44.91 KB,414x412,207:206,9831B2F9_180C_4CBA_8C29_F….jpeg)


As good as can be muh fren

Little late today

Hope you ok too

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6d6f7b No.21084087

File: 0287b88c179fa28⋯.png (597.75 KB,695x500,139:100,anon_just_like_you.png)


At leasttryto blend in…

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817c42 No.21084088




The hot tranny pics must flow.

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ffed56 No.21084089


Lingual bifurcation without piercings?

I have confusions.

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1cb6ab No.21084091

File: aaeb81a5a3b7f62⋯.png (445.62 KB,948x532,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


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e8654e No.21084092

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befcba No.21084093

The Assange news hit me out of nowhere.

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85a8fe No.21084094

President Trump will receive the same shoddy treatment from the CNN Jew Crew of Jakob Toe-Tapper and Dana's Gash as he received from the Gollum Gruber Engoran.

It will be infuriating.

It will expose the bias.

The real issue is ballot fraud and illegit voting which will probably turn the result.

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65dd76 No.21084095

File: 2c6458426cf6842⋯.mp4 (3.85 MB,640x360,16:9,Paper_Planes.mp4)

File: f8a9ac2c4f5ffb4⋯.jpg (191.85 KB,1080x722,540:361,Screenshot_20240218_144908….jpg)

File: b4ff388697b5299⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB,640x480,4:3,fb4e568623b5f8cf7e932e6ba7….mp4)


Defend Assange Campaign



ASSANGE @DefendAssange




M.I.A. - Paper Planes

10:01 pm. 31 Dec 2017

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5978a2 No.21084096

File: 7be6d9d97e97a2c⋯.gif (1.48 MB,320x180,16:9,A2BA1012_692B_404E_8958_B8….gif)

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962a13 No.21084097

File: a63436474343b1a⋯.png (382.37 KB,500x375,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Ice and snow moves. Who could have known?

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3246f3 No.21084098

File: 9b9005821f45d1e⋯.png (121.86 KB,1080x1392,45:58,Screenshot_20240625_100523….png)


BERGUM also helped Bill Gates illegally acquire a 13 thousand acre farming property in North Dakota…. Do your research on Doug Bergum he's Mike Pence on steroids.


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ae8c32 No.21084099

File: a522ad9e858d9b1⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,360x360,1:1,roomba_cat.mp4)

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1cb6ab No.21084100


>It will be infuriating.

>It will expose the bias.

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6d6f7b No.21084101

File: c1b2db68f190fb2⋯.png (276.58 KB,512x514,256:257,kekkinghard_pepe.png)


It would be funny AF if after the illegals are granted amnesty by the democrats, that they turn around and vote for Trump because they know he's a much better choice overall.

Would the democrats cry "vote fraud" ?

Or is questioning the election, "a threat to democracy" ?

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95d471 No.21084102

File: 4375dc901991cee⋯.png (90.96 KB,827x1019,827:1019,richard_brettAssange_Bio_.png)

"By 1987, aged 16, Assange had become a skilled hacker[47][48] under the nameMendax,[33][49][50] taken from Horace's splendide mendax (from Latin,"nobly untruthful")."


Who is Brett Assange?

Supposedly an Actor. (kek) Can anybody confirm?

The Gov took over all the best hackers.

Wonder how Assange escaped that?

Is his Dad (from whom he took his name "Richard" or "Brett"?

It's both.

He appeared in one movie and died April 1st 2012

allegedly the name is Chinese and the Great Great grand-dad changed it from "Ah Sang" to Assange.

(Sang = Blood btw.)

Is there even such a Chinese name?

I smell a rat.

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022465 No.21084104


kek almost read it as won't tax your tits.

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4fd58f No.21084105

File: 3d559468b5ed351⋯.png (463.26 KB,594x680,297:340,ClipboardImage.png)


hand on my heart

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1dcc4e No.21084106

File: 904881a29ddb484⋯.png (360.61 KB,403x583,403:583,Melania_be_best.png)

File: d5609bfbf0b2e32⋯.jpg (98.36 KB,980x1411,980:1411,Trump_Melania.jpg)

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9f0b6d No.21084108

File: add853e0b8eb00e⋯.jpg (18.24 KB,324x209,324:209,Screenshot_20240625_111025….jpg)

Abortion has long term effects on the perpetrators.

Abortion haves many dirty little secrets.

If exposed, people will need healing. Healing is found by calling on Jesus.

It's good that these two are walking that walk for the rest of the generation mislead for so long.

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962a13 No.21084112

File: 3e524fa09c57f65⋯.png (2.92 MB,2400x1600,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>President Trump will receive the same shoddy treatment from the CNN

Precedent has been set where that may not happen. It can go one of two ways. Everyone will just have to wait and see how it plays out. I have to filter you now.

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da97a5 No.21084113

File: 83b326a95e0cbce⋯.png (43.32 KB,766x498,383:249,2155.png)


Interesting HEX ID



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65dd76 No.21084114

File: 777c2a36df0300f⋯.jpg (427.85 KB,1080x1365,72:91,Screenshot_20240222_154739….jpg)

File: 9b941e8613b5500⋯.mp4 (8.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17086348980….mp4)

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e8654e No.21084115

File: 36abf4b0355410a⋯.png (577.15 KB,552x459,184:153,Capture.PNG)


Dudes can't get pregnant.

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9f0b6d No.21084117


God bless catholics their church and their pope especially each time you program anti Christ spam.

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1cb6ab No.21084119

File: 9cf980fe048c9cd⋯.png (1.09 MB,839x839,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>tax your tits

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479ae5 No.21084121

File: 9f64a8f52547b72⋯.png (1.22 MB,1080x706,540:353,Microsoft.png)

File: 9b9005821f45d1e⋯.png (121.86 KB,1080x1392,45:58,Screenshot_20240625_100523….png)


BERGUM also helped Bill Gates illegally acquire a 13 thousand acre farming property in North Dakota…. Do your research on Doug Bergum he's Mike Pence on steroids.


The more you know Doug Bergum the more you better watch your ass nigga!

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65dd76 No.21084122

File: cd4c047f404e72c⋯.jpg (416.06 KB,1079x1534,83:118,Screenshot_20240625_161937….jpg)


The CIA plot to kidnap or kill Julian Assange in London is a story that is being mistakenly ignored


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a56ff6 No.21084125

File: 6a284a872e8422e⋯.jpeg (60.2 KB,622x414,311:207,church_pepe.jpeg)


Ty, fren. God Bless you too.

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962a13 No.21084126

File: b523e9c063279c0⋯.jpg (241.22 KB,1080x1115,216:223,beb9012b1f7c2f6c7736d3f78b….jpg)


I've never seen that picture of her before. Her eyes look happy.

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1cb6ab No.21084128


>CIA plot to kidnap or kill Julian Assange

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4f2bfa No.21084129

File: 72cf8d8bffa66fc⋯.jpg (58.24 KB,1251x403,1251:403,Screen_Shot_2024_06_25_at_….jpg)





Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 63d310 No.9383164📁

May 30 2020 17:11:47 (EST)

Insurrection Act of 1807.

[Determination that the various state and local authorities are not up to the task of responding to the growing unrest]

Call the ball.


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8691df No.21084130

File: 3612d6acf59c554⋯.png (269 KB,500x375,4:3,313edc94a4850e86cbb17bd068….png)

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6b95f0 No.21084132

File: cd155a8101847f5⋯.png (359.19 KB,500x756,125:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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9f0b6d No.21084134


>I have to filter you now. Haha

Trump is walking into a den of cia compromised and desperate black hats who regularly scream for his end.

God bless Trump with protection.

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1cb6ab No.21084135


The CIA plot to kidnap or kill Julian Assange in London is a story that is being mistakenly ignored

Assange and Jamal Khashoggi were targeted because they fulfilled the primary duty of journalists – telling the public what governments want to keep secret

Three years ago, on 2 October 2018, a team of Saudi officials murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. The purpose of the killing was to silence Khashoggi and to frighten critics of the Saudi regime by showing that it would pursue and punish them as though they were agents of a foreign power.

It was revealed this week that a year before the Khashoggi killing in 2017, the CIA had plotted to kidnap or assassinate Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, who had taken refuge five years earlier in the Ecuador embassy in London. A senior US counter-intelligence official said that plans for the forcible rendition of Assange to the US were discussed “at the highest levels” of the Trump administration. The informant was one of more than 30 US officials – eight of whom confirmed details of the abduction proposal – quoted in a 7,500-word investigation by Yahoo News into the CIA campaign against Assange.

The plan was to “break into the embassy, drag [Assange] out and bring him to where we want”, recalled a former intelligence official. Another informant said that he was briefed about a meeting in the spring of 2017 at which President Trump had asked if the CIA could assassinate Assange and provide “options” about how this could be done. Trump has denied that he did so.

The Trump-appointed head of the CIA, Mike Pompeo, said publicly that he would target Assange and WikiLeaks as the equivalent of “a hostile intelligence service”. Apologists for the CIA say that freedom of the press was not under threat because Assange and the WikiLeaks activists were not real journalists. Top intelligence officials intended to decide themselves who is and who is not a journalist, and lobbied the White House to redefine other high-profile journalists as “information brokers”, who were to be targeted as if they were agents of a foreign power.

Among those against whom the CIA reportedly wanted to take action were Glenn Greenwald, a founder of the Intercept magazine and a former Guardian columnist, and Laura Poitras, a documentary film-maker. The arguments for doing so were similar to those employed by the Chinese government for suppressing dissent in Hong Kong, which have been much criticised in the West. Imprisoning journalists as spies has always been the norm in authoritarian countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt, while denouncing the free press as unpatriotic is a more recent hallmark of nationalist populist governments that have taken power all over the world.

It is possible to give only a brief precis of the extraordinary story exposed by Yahoo News, but the journalists who wrote it – Zach Dorfman, Sean D Naylor and Michael Isikoff – ought to scoop every journalistic prize. Their disclosures should be of particular interest in Britain because it was in the streets of central London that the CIA was planning an extra-judicial assault on an embassy, the abduction of a foreign national, and his secret rendition to the US, with the alternative option of killing him. These were not the crackpot ideas of low-level intelligence officials, but were reportedly operations that Pompeo and the agency fully intended to carry out.

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1cb6ab No.21084137


This riveting and important story based on multiple sources might be expected to attract extensive coverage and widespread editorial comment in the British media, not to mention in parliament. Many newspapers have dutifully carried summaries of the investigation, but there has been no furore. Striking gaps in the coverage include the BBC, which only reported it, so far as I can see, as part of its Somali service. Channel 4, normally so swift to defend freedom of expression, apparently did not mention the story at all.

In the event, the embassy attack never took place, despite the advanced planning. “There was a discussion with the Brits about turning the other cheek or looking the other way when a team of guys went inside and did a rendition,” said a former senior US counter-intelligence official, who added that the British had refused to allow the operation to take place.

But the British government did carry out its own less melodramatic, but more effective measure against Assange, removing him from the embassy on 11 April 2019 after a new Ecuador government had revoked his asylum. He remains in Belmarsh top security prison two-and-a-half years later while the US appeals a judicial decision not to extradite him to the US on the grounds that he would be a suicide risk.

If he were to be extradited, he would face 175 years in prison. It is important, however, to understand, that only five of these would be under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, while the other 170 potential years are under the Espionage Act of 1917, passed during the height of the patriotic war fever as the US entered the First World War.

Only a single minor charge against Assange relates to the WikiLeaks disclosure in 2010 of a trove of US diplomatic cables and army reports relating to the Iraq and Afghan wars. The other 17 charges are to do with labelling normal journalistic investigation as the equivalent of spying.

Pompeo’s determination to conflate journalistic enquiry with espionage has particular relevance in Britain, because the home secretary, Priti Patel, wants to do much the same thing. She proposes updating the Official Secrets Act so that journalists, whistle-blowers and leakers could face sentences of up to 14 years in prison. A consultative paper issued in May titled Legislation to Counter State Threats (Hostile State Activity) redefines espionage as “the covert process of obtaining sensitive confidential information that is not normally publicly available”.

The true reason the scoop about the CIA’s plot to kidnap or kill Assange has been largely ignored or downplayed is rather that he is unfairly shunned as a pariah by all political persuasions: left, right and centre.

To give but two examples, the US government has gone on claiming that the disclosures by WikiLeaks in 2010 put the lives of US agents in danger. Yet the US Army admitted in a court hearing in 2013 that a team of 120 counter-intelligence officers had failed to find a single person in Iraq and Afghanistan who had died because of the disclosures by WikiLeaks. As regards the rape allegations in Sweden, many feel that these alone should deny Assange any claim to be a martyr in the cause of press freedom. Yet the Swedish prosecutor only carried out a “preliminary investigation” and no charges were brought.

Assange is a classic victim of “cancel culture”, so demonised that he can no longer get a hearing, even when a government plots to kidnap or murder him.

In reality, Khashoggi and Assange were pursued relentlessly by the state because they fulfilled the primary duty of journalists: finding out important information that the government would like to keep secret and disclosing it to the public.

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817c42 No.21084138


You have to admit Trump has the hottest tranny wife in all of political history.

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8691df No.21084139

File: 3993cf8c276dbf4⋯.webm (1.46 MB,406x722,203:361,3993cf8c276dbf420ccab0f1c….webm)

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77e19d No.21084140

File: 9c5fbf48323de60⋯.jpeg (159.28 KB,1064x938,76:67,IMG_3002.jpeg)

File: 6a9b8d1cb88cc70⋯.jpeg (354.11 KB,1576x1571,1576:1571,IMG_3166.jpeg)

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4fd58f No.21084141

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1dcc4e No.21084142

File: c6be58165221060⋯.png (295.29 KB,1188x581,1188:581,Titan_sub_visits_Titanic.png)

File: 875d88c47c3a17e⋯.png (622.8 KB,1024x876,256:219,Titan_sub_titanic.png)


Plus you can make a six-foot sub in the back seat!

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65dd76 No.21084146

File: 34d2b819dad23ee⋯.mp4 (229.18 KB,400x224,25:14,Truman.mp4)

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962a13 No.21084147

File: a12937ce553f97a⋯.jpg (165.54 KB,1000x768,125:96,7aa7499581560a674e1deecf9d….jpg)

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1cb6ab No.21084148


Project Iceworm was a top secret United States Army program of the Cold War, which aimed to build a network of mobile nuclear missile launch sites under the Greenland ice sheet. The end goal was to install a vast network of nuclear missile launch sites that could survive a first strike. This was according to documents declassified in 1996.

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82d253 No.21084149

A daddy fathering a child with his own daughter is some wild gossip.

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95d471 No.21084151

File: 350f6ee6fff826d⋯.png (133.84 KB,858x948,143:158,richardassange_IMD_.png)


"died" April 1st ?

Can anybody find an image?

Ran a theater company with Christine;

is there any evidence for that?

No info on the name "Assange" ?

Fake name.

extra in a movie, and small part in a TV show?

What do you bet everybody around him, family-wise, are cut-outs.

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35cff8 No.21084152

File: b6529c49c91aec5⋯.png (1.33 MB,750x1334,375:667,D7325D08_40F5_4FEC_8B12_50….png)

File: 83fe008106cbe7e⋯.png (751.6 KB,690x1662,115:277,C29B2CBE_5D7A_4A55_9A7E_81….png)

File: cb9c38ab86aaabc⋯.jpeg (315.64 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,B1651A1A_3C66_4684_9F1D_8….jpeg)

File: 144d155af86e99d⋯.png (32.07 KB,690x366,115:61,6862A567_8AFE_4B33_8A8C_FD….png)

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26ac46 No.21084153

Melania Tuesday. Good Morning.

Today, Vlad is going to release some of the most damning evidence of the USA's involvement in Ukrainian Bio Labs. OUR taxes are being sent there, laundered, and returned to the politicians that sent it over there to begin with. That's coming to an abrupt end today as well.

The world had to see just how Evil our leaders have become. Optics are needed or nothing would be believed. The message must be harsh, as the truth usually is harsh. Know you are with me. All of you here were called here.

Watch for an Earthquake in Ca. God works in very cool ways.

Vlad, you are being asked by me to release what you feel will have the biggest impact on the world's opinion. Show the world just how corrupt the Ukrainians have become off the USA's endless funding.. Show the world what bioweapons were being developed. Show the world how evil it is.


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1cb6ab No.21084154


In 1995, a political scandal arose in Denmark after a report revealed the government had given tacit permission for nuclear weapons to be located in Greenland, in contravention of Denmark's 1957 nuclear-free zone policy.

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35d288 No.21084155

File: f6a75fbba7f7cde⋯.png (741.54 KB,1920x1011,640:337,ClipboardImage.png)

Assange aircraft has flown beyond ADS-B network coverage at this time. It will show up again as it nears the coastline and over the Phillipines. Do not expect to see the landing in Saipan, however, because that destination has no network coverage for the ADS-B network. Might try other networks like flightradar24. Or just watch flightaware.



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ae8c32 No.21084156

Investigation of Illnesses: Diamond Shruumz-Brand Chocolate Bars, Cones, & Gummies (June 2024)

Do not eat, sell, or serve any flavor of Diamond Shruumz- Brand Chocolate Bars, Cones, and Gummies. FDA’s investigation is ongoing.

All flavors of Diamond Shruumz-brand products:

Microdosing Chocolate Bars

Infused Cones

Micro Dose and Macro Dose Gummies


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9f0b6d No.21084158


You're very welcome.

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4fd58f No.21084159

File: af3e265abdd4aa0⋯.png (16.98 KB,255x253,255:253,ClipboardImage.png)




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15b8da No.21084161


Marco Rubio.

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962a13 No.21084162

File: cef26a13c4d0904⋯.jpg (16.52 KB,251x201,251:201,3cbdcef4514701ea096c1886a0….jpg)

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35cff8 No.21084165

File: 3d01443a4bd80e9⋯.jpeg (560.86 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,748064A5_22C2_451E_A513_5….jpeg)


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35d288 No.21084167


sorry, here is the ADS-B Exchange Network link.


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1cb6ab No.21084172

File: 578d5bafd6b6665⋯.png (1.5 MB,1024x681,1024:681,ClipboardImage.png)


>given tacit permission for nuclear weapons to be located in Greenland

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95d471 No.21084173

File: 52d9331699191c1⋯.mp4 (11.76 MB,720x1280,9:16,assange.mp4)


was he trafficked?

is the name one of their jokies, ?


seems strange?

Is Julian and actor too.

He wife sure seems like it.

Had children while in max security jail?

little "red flag" there?

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65dd76 No.21084174

File: 0386e9da0a7abd7⋯.jpg (469.81 KB,951x1252,951:1252,Screenshot_20240625_162933….jpg)



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77e19d No.21084175

File: 2be2131fe1389e6⋯.jpeg (290.72 KB,1539x1342,1539:1342,IMG_3181.jpeg)

The Trump campaign announced Monday that the former president had begun preparing for his upcoming debate with Joe Biden by visiting nursing homes and arguing with dementia patients.

"George, you're wrong about lime JELL-O. Nobody likes it," Trump said as he argued with a 94-year-old dementia patient who claims to be constantly observed by Russian spies. "It doesn't taste good! Everyone's telling me all the time how much they hate it and you're telling me they should serve it every day? On DAY ONE I will ban lime JELL-O."

"And Mexico will pay for it!"


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5978a2 No.21084177

File: eb9048b17044297⋯.jpeg (681.32 KB,828x1271,828:1271,3B0BD58A_1152_4670_93E0_B….jpeg)

File: cb9d67068280252⋯.jpeg (137.34 KB,1002x552,167:92,8A614C04_E822_45E5_96BE_2….jpeg)

IT Glitch Sends German Power Price Soaring to 22-Month High

An IT glitch on Europe’s biggest power exchange caused the German power price to jump to the highest since August 2022 on Tuesday. The issue caused several countries to de-link, Epex Spot said by phone. Day-ahead power cleared at €492.04 ($526.41) per megawatt-hour, while the price in neighboring France dropped to €2.96, creating the widest spread on record between the two countries, the data show.

France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands and Poland were decoupled, according to Epex.

Day-ahead power markets in central-western Europe have been linked for almost a decade. In market coupling, an algorithm matches supply and demand across borders, sending electricity to where prices are highest and enabling maximum use across the region of low-cost wind or solar energy. The IT issue impacted this process on Tuesday.


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65dd76 No.21084178

File: b487f91691387c3⋯.jpg (11.84 KB,474x266,237:133,th_2261867736.jpg)

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35cff8 No.21084182

File: 572f6f1568436f5⋯.png (1.47 MB,750x1334,375:667,4C48D419_529A_497D_BD91_4E….png)

File: 79b282bb6e1df09⋯.png (164.47 KB,690x1454,345:727,FC132B45_B0A2_4E02_8B1B_91….png)

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1dcc4e No.21084185

File: 38b5ca751a87f2f⋯.jpg (486.02 KB,908x1941,908:1941,Checked.jpg)

File: afce19ee7913cef⋯.png (401.01 KB,540x677,540:677,Kash_Geordi.png)

File: 928df90c3929643⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,360x480,3:4,Trump_Dan_Devin_Kash_anon.mp4)


Dubs checked.

Callesto seems to post a bunch of stuff to see if something will stick.

Since anon thinks the veep will be chosen by QTeam, am leaning into Kash. Whomever it is will be a message to us.

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6b95f0 No.21084187

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,i_cant_belive_this.jpg)

So muchshill panickek!

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e8654e No.21084193


You should take some time and learn their comms.

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8a14b0 No.21084194

File: ebe45284feacbd4⋯.png (600.64 KB,790x503,790:503,76m546n7645.PNG)


>Project Bidenworm

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6b392c No.21084197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Judge Napolitano

Ray McGovern: Mossad in the Pentagon?

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15b8da No.21084199


The rules of engagement have changed.

Prior to indictments


Post guilty verdict.

Scales have been lifted.

CNN will be exposed on the night.

Server backups on standby X

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962a13 No.21084200

File: 52ed60ed7499f5b⋯.png (676.14 KB,1208x500,302:125,a_single_pepe2.png)

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a365c9 No.21084201

File: 75932c1d9e45054⋯.png (824.04 KB,1101x665,1101:665,ClipboardImage.png)


Another new age nutcase.


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413dae No.21084204


And you obviously know nothing about DJT. So keep your opinions to yourself newfag

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513b2a No.21084206

File: 7ce9091c0c5b57e⋯.png (1.66 MB,1822x1014,911:507,ClipboardImage.png)


>'This is huge!'




Don't be so sure about that.


>Stickers are effective.

in moar ways than one. Data mine here:


Get your stickers FREE!

We'll mail 'em and YOU stick 'em!


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9dc488 No.21084207

File: b4f319aec92f92a⋯.png (660.24 KB,1272x1782,212:297,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae8c32 No.21084208

FDA Authorizes Marketing of Four Menthol-Flavored E-Cigarette Products After Extensive Scientific Review

Authorization Includes Restrictions to Mitigate Youth Risk

For Immediate Release:

June 21, 2024

Following an extensive scientific review, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration today authorized the marketing of four e-cigarette products in the United States through the premarket tobacco product application (PMTA) pathway. The FDA issued marketing granted orders to NJOY LLC for four menthol-flavored e-cigarette products – NJOY ACE Pod Menthol 2.4%, NJOY ACE Pod Menthol 5%, NJOY DAILY Menthol 4.5%, and NJOY DAILY EXTRA Menthol 6%. The two authorized ACE products are sealed, pre-filled, non-refillable pods that are used with the previously authorized ACE device, and the two authorized DAILY products are disposable e-cigarettes with a prefilled, non-refillable e-liquid reservoir.

Today’s authorizations mark the first non-tobacco flavored e-cigarette products to be authorized by the FDA. Importantly, each application is reviewed on a case-by-case basis and today’s actions are specific to these four products only – the authorizations do not apply to any other menthol-flavored e-cigarette products. To legally market a new tobacco product in the U.S., a company must receive a written marketing order from the FDA. While this action permits these specific tobacco products to be legally marketed in the U.S., it does not mean these tobacco products are safe nor are they “FDA approved.” All tobacco products are harmful and potentially addictive. Those who do not use tobacco products shouldn’t start.


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5978a2 No.21084211

File: a600ce1420bfeb7⋯.gif (222.85 KB,277x155,277:155,7A42106F_38D1_4832_9BF2_6B….gif)


BB always good for a laugh

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35d288 No.21084213




Trump specifically picked Tillerson to help understand what was going on with Hunter and Burisma.

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4fd58f No.21084215


ty, i know them

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35cff8 No.21084216

File: baaad4fcba38ed0⋯.png (1.69 MB,750x1334,375:667,D5BC5416_FEC5_42A4_A7E1_00….png)

File: 637ab0f90a08632⋯.jpeg (723.98 KB,1080x1080,1:1,07FAD4F8_71B3_4B81_8688_E….jpeg)

File: 6f77e29f068bfa5⋯.png (294.55 KB,690x1314,115:219,7FBFE7AD_750B_4378_AF1C_25….png)

File: 9e243ba12e9dda7⋯.jpeg (109.81 KB,1200x590,120:59,B97A75B7_5F7B_485C_B91A_C….jpeg)

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4fd58f No.21084218

File: c8615c845c4196e⋯.png (9.92 KB,255x144,85:48,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1c700bf164b6d1⋯.png (326.95 KB,829x559,829:559,ClipboardImage.png)


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6b392c No.21084219

File: fe0f689f7b642d5⋯.png (108.45 KB,280x157,280:157,ClipboardImage.png)


Ukraine kills civilians in Crimea with US-supplied missiles – Russian MOD


Four people, including two children, died in the shelling, with more than 100 injured, the authorities have said

The Ukrainian military launched several US-made ATACMS long-range missiles armed with highly controversial cluster munitions on Russia’s Crimea on Sunday, resulting in numerous civilian casualties, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has said.

The strike was first reported by Sevastopol Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev. He said that the attack killed at least three people, including two children. The death toll later rose to four. According to Russia’s Health Ministry, 124 people were injured, including 27 children.

The Russian Defense Ministry has confirmed the Ukrainian attack, which it said took place at around noon local time. Officials said that the shelling involved five ATACMS missiles, four of which were destroyed mid-air.

The remaining one, however, was damaged by air defenses, veered off course, and detonated over the city of Sevastopol. As a result, the falling fragments of cluster munitions led to numerous civilian casualties, the statement read.

Ukraine pushing US to allow strikes deeper into Russia – AP

Сluster munitions – which scatter dozens of smaller bombs when denotated – are banned in more than 100 countries, including the UK, France, and Germany. This type of weapon is considered extremely dangerous to civilians, as the munitions typically spread over large areas and can remain unexploded in the ground for many years.

Neither the US, Ukraine, nor Russia has signed the Convention on Cluster Munitions. However, in the summer of 2023, then-Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said that Moscow would not deploy this type of weapon against Kiev for humanitarian reasons. He warned, however, that Russia might potentially reverse this policy.

The US announced in July 2023 that it would provide Ukraine with cluster munitions, sparking outrage in Moscow. At the time, US President Joe Biden called the decision “very difficult” but justified, arguing that the deliveries were needed to fuel a Ukrainian counteroffensive that subsequently failed with heavy losses for Kiev.

Ukraine has previously attempted to target the peninsula with ATACMS missiles, with one of the most notable attacks taking place in late May. Russian Defense Minister Andrey Belousov said that a total of ten ATACMS aimed at the strategic Crimean Bridge were shot down, saving hundreds of lives.

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6d6f7b No.21084221

File: addff0b12f599c7⋯.jpg (353.58 KB,1474x2048,737:1024,Greta_thumbs_up.jpg)

VD seems upset. Queue the CP in 3…2…

same shills, different day

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9dc488 No.21084223

File: c0adce7b173e39b⋯.png (906.38 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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15b8da No.21084224


Where's Joe?


What is RPD?


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962a13 No.21084225

The moar FakeShift spams his crap, the moar it proves their fear.

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35cff8 No.21084226

File: ea64762a8d081e2⋯.png (1.85 MB,750x1334,375:667,FC9286AF_7BEB_4B33_A6AA_6E….png)

File: e3a0ecdc7822182⋯.png (35.15 KB,690x498,115:83,A9520CF7_1AF1_4DA9_A438_EF….png)

File: fc0306903d1b928⋯.jpeg (1015.32 KB,1546x1179,1546:1179,0FF3955B_D52B_4535_A074_7….jpeg)

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35d288 No.21084228




It was also a very clear shot over the Biden bow. So to speak. Right out in the open for all to see.

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84b701 No.21084230

File: 4888792c8e22be9⋯.mp4 (11.93 MB,1280x720,16:9,Sunspot_that_triggered_May….mp4)

File: 41bcfa3ec885370⋯.png (436.3 KB,850x475,34:19,ClipboardImage.png)

It's back! Aurora-sparking sunspot returns for rare 3rd trip across the sun, firing off explosive solar flare

June 25, 2024

The historic sunspot region that sparked the record-breaking auroras of May 2024 has returned in explosive fashion, firing off a colossal M9.3 class solar flare on June 23.

But this isn't the first time we have encountered this hyperactive sunspot.

AR3723 is the returning version of sunspot AR3697 and before that AR3664 — which was responsible for the colossal G5 geomagnetic storm that triggered epic auroras around the world.

The sun's rotation period averages 27 days, which means Earth can view a given active region for around two weeks before it rotates over the sun's western edge.

Newly emerging active regions rotating onto the sun's eastern edge are given a new active region number due to the historical inability to track an active region around the back of the sun.

The sunspot region is making a rare third trip across the Earthside of the sun, but what can we expect from this hyperactive region?

Though the sunspot region is only a fraction of its former size, its magnetic makeup continues to produce powerful solar flares.

A few days ago on June 23, it unleashed a powerful M9.3-class solar flare, peaking at 9:01 a.m. EDT (1301 GMT).

The eruption was just points away from being classified as an X-flare, the most powerful class of solar flare.

"SO NEAR AND YET SO FAR! A new sunspot region on the SE limb just produced an M9.7 flare (just 3% short of an X flare)." Solar physicist Keith Strong wrote in a post on X.

The solar flare triggered moderate shortwave radio blackouts across Western Europe and Africa.

Such radio blackouts are common after powerful solar flare eruptions due to the strong pulses of X-rays and extreme ultraviolet radiation emitted during these events.

The radiation travels toward Earth at the speed of light and ionizes (gives an electrical charge to) the top of Earth's atmosphere when it reaches us.

This ionization creates a higher-traffic environment for high-frequency shortwave radio signals to navigate through in order to support communication over long distances.

Radio waves that interact with electrons in the ionized layers lose energy due to more frequent collisions, and this can lead to radio signals becoming degraded or completely absorbed.

The historic sunspot region appears to be a creature of habit, once again announcing its presence with a powerful solar flare.

When the region previously rotated into view as AR3697, it unleashed an X-class solar flare, triggering radio blackouts across Western Europe and the Eastern United States.

Scientists will be keeping a watchful eye on this region as it produced 28 M-class flares and 6 X-class flares during its last rotation as AR3697.

Aurora chasers will be hoping for some strong solar activity in the coming days as the sunspot region turns to face Earth.


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9dc488 No.21084231

File: 2af3779a176c0b0⋯.png (646.08 KB,736x542,368:271,ClipboardImage.png)

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6b95f0 No.21084232

File: 70ad192d707abe4⋯.jpg (124.57 KB,670x372,335:186,suicide_.jpg)

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9dc488 No.21084234

File: cf1067d2181a510⋯.png (404.94 KB,460x605,92:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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35cff8 No.21084235

File: bcba00c645293fd⋯.png (1.06 MB,750x1334,375:667,30AF2379_B22A_47A0_8718_B4….png)

File: 27c42cf22953214⋯.png (91.7 KB,690x1164,115:194,DB365456_03EB_472C_BD2F_2B….png)

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a05113 No.21084237

File: cbebdeafeaf3e93⋯.png (177.4 KB,544x344,68:43,shestoleit.png)

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35d288 No.21084238

File: e532ebdd5889255⋯.png (319.68 KB,780x469,780:469,ClipboardImage.png)


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6d6f7b No.21084239


Since it's going to be taped, then aired later, they will sanitize it making Biden look really good, and Trump look bad.

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962a13 No.21084241

File: 7ee0f3f3a131106⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,smkneel2.jpg)

Had to say a prayer. Just a little one. I find these days I don't pray for myself at all, but for others and there well-being.

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5978a2 No.21084242

File: d89ce55051de3b2⋯.jpeg (731.36 KB,1197x617,1197:617,C4F0AC9D_26B7_4EEB_ABFA_4….jpeg)

File: da8824452a2f771⋯.jpeg (404.04 KB,1138x593,1138:593,70BE2D2B_66B0_4379_A03A_F….jpeg)


RCAF CFC2923 C130J Super Hercules inbound to Rzeszow from Brussels depart

Czech AF SMGLR21 C295 Persuader E from Prague

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84b701 No.21084244

File: 3892752acd90389⋯.png (320.29 KB,500x333,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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b17478 No.21084248


>Tesla is recalling its futuristic new Cybertruck pickup for the fourth time in the U.S.

I'd be willing to put up with the recalls…they're minor (imo).

I can't justify the extra 20K for the Foundation, so I have to wait….a poor(er) person option could have been offered, just some laser etching and skip the 20k worth of add-ons and i'd be driving one now.

Destroit is scared. This beast is going to kill all their sales.

Elon is retailing it for a premium right now, but guaranteed, his COGS are a lot lower than anything detroit produces. Anytime he wants to pull the rug out from them he can - he doesn't for a few good reasons:

1) Overall economy (existential threat)

2) Collaborate vs. compete (i.e. GM partnership)

3) Monopoly concerns (he already attracts too much attention)

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513b2a No.21084250

File: 51a7adf55337bc7⋯.png (394.82 KB,634x633,634:633,No_Tip_Taxes.png)


"cleaned" png

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a05113 No.21084251

File: 7f9d91b9cf0f597⋯.png (351.77 KB,480x438,80:73,youretheirloser.png)


Had to take a shit. Just a little one. I find these days I don't shit for myself at all, but for others and their well-being.

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35cff8 No.21084252

File: 7a16583ee178c3f⋯.png (1.13 MB,750x1334,375:667,3EFF04DA_C951_45B3_A4DC_0B….png)

File: de18c7e906ff76c⋯.jpeg (69.65 KB,680x453,680:453,50919971_4CAA_4CF8_B445_1….jpeg)

File: 0f1827d2af94f3e⋯.png (125.33 KB,690x1466,345:733,21CB8A66_F128_4DB9_9F84_90….png)

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a6e480 No.21084254

File: 6f4c077a8f7697d⋯.mp4 (354.67 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17193302642….mp4)

NOW the run on Kenyan Parliament timing makes sense. Demolition Vicky's Team at Brooking's not liking the moves on the chess board.

Nation Africa


First contingent of Kenyan police touch down in Port-au-Prince, Haiti


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475716 No.21084255


>[Determination that the various state and local authorities are not up to the task of responding to the growing unrest]

Not "up to" implies unable, can't.

How about Won't? Won't uphold the Constitution, won't uphold the rule of law, using the power of their elected or appointed position to deprive citizens of their rights under color of law and more.

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5978a2 No.21084256

File: 219c11a9808cf9e⋯.png (524.84 KB,485x633,485:633,0B6EC1C7_5301_4B6C_A441_F0….png)

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962a13 No.21084257


Yeah, I saw that as soon as it popped up on the screen. Not often I make that mistake, but I deserved that. KEK!

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9dc488 No.21084260

File: 018736f1653d52d⋯.png (848.24 KB,785x1024,785:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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82d253 No.21084262

Shills can only spam anons into oblivion, they lose either way.

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e319d0 No.21084264

File: 5aa9566a2d697c6⋯.jpg (71.69 KB,493x533,493:533,Hrc.jpg)

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962a13 No.21084265


>Shills can only spam anons into oblivion

And with every individual Anon having the ability to filter them, they can't even do that.

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35cff8 No.21084266

File: ddc074d69c2f622⋯.png (1.33 MB,750x1334,375:667,1AF80C95_7BE9_47AC_9057_E9….png)

File: ff91c9e5bb15971⋯.jpeg (153.27 KB,1200x960,5:4,8E25090A_F075_48DA_9B37_A….jpeg)

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9acece No.21084268

File: d1e7f65db43e355⋯.png (328.88 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

A review of 325 autopsy reports reveals 74% of deaths were directly due to covid injections


On 5 July 2023, a groundbreaking paper was published in The Lancet which found that 74% of deaths from 325 autopsy cases were due to covid “vaccines.” Within 24 hours, The Lancet withdrew the paper from publication. By that time, it had already received hundreds of thousands of downloads.

Last Friday, the peer-reviewed paper was published.

For their review, the researchers searched for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to covid vaccination up until 18 May 2023. “All autopsy and necropsy studies that included covid-19 vaccination as an antecedent exposure were included,” the authors said.

They initially identified 678 studies and, after screening for inclusion criteria, included 44 papers that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case. Three physicians independently reviewed all deaths and determined whether covid-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death.

“We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by covid-19 vaccination,” the authors stated.


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85c0f6 No.21084269

>>21081954 n Julian Assange to Plead Guilty in Plea Agreement with U.S. Government, Avoiding Prison

anon no comprende.

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85c0f6 No.21084270


mayhaps he's betting Trump will wipe it all out.

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067394 No.21084271

File: 3dbadb9702ca9b4⋯.png (10.61 KB,501x145,501:145,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0cb359f35cafbeb⋯.png (92.14 KB,501x304,501:304,ClipboardImage.png)

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5978a2 No.21084273

File: 0e77dcef69b2bf8⋯.jpeg (663.38 KB,1204x617,1204:617,D9BD01CE_92A3_4A55_9055_4….jpeg)


Algeria AF 7TVPC G4 to Istanbul from Algiers depart

Turkey, Algeria begin talks on preferential trade agreement


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82d253 No.21084274


>And with every individual Anon having the ability to filter them, they can't even do that.

Shills are incompetent in every conceivable way.

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6d6f7b No.21084276

File: a807cd553858e54⋯.png (384.2 KB,678x381,226:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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35cff8 No.21084278

File: d7608e70b380f27⋯.png (1.65 MB,750x1334,375:667,7F894A8C_5BEA_46E2_91EB_8C….png)

File: bb706e331f9550e⋯.jpeg (402.48 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,0442F6A2_A935_4991_BEB4_A….jpeg)

File: a10cab65d535dc2⋯.png (156.65 KB,690x1378,345:689,68F7894A_8965_46B9_AEC7_E2….png)

File: d369c9f674cdd46⋯.png (27.97 KB,690x410,69:41,5A420F43_E1D5_473E_903C_DB….png)

File: 6d33a9211d6ea21⋯.png (41 KB,690x498,115:83,87189414_DA1A_4C44_8332_22….png)

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da97a5 No.21084279



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962a13 No.21084281


Incompetent? To a degree. Some of them do have a brian that's to be respected. I'd say they're moar devious than incompetent, but the attrition they're under is making them irrational.

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6d6f7b No.21084282

File: 280fcbd15969cd5⋯.png (373.41 KB,717x720,239:240,i_like_the_way_you_think.png)


[They] are targeting newbies though.

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ae8c32 No.21084286

12:00 PM EDT

Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly - Noon briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly

United Nations


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b17478 No.21084287

File: e062e8a4ce4845c⋯.png (1.59 MB,1620x1067,1620:1067,ClipboardImage.png)


>Had children while in max security jail?

wasn't pam andersen coming by to bang him every now and then…?

I like the Assangel association…

reminds me of bob lazar



3 days | 3 decades | 3 generations?*

*try not to think in "our timeline"

At some point that little tid bit / association hit and I can't let it go.

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35cff8 No.21084288



Italian airforce & Canadian airforce snowbirds going to to a flyover Ottawa in formation Practice run for July 1st

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85c0f6 No.21084289

File: 161d8e39172f0eb⋯.png (74.04 KB,667x523,667:523,pepe_silouette.png)

>>21082793 n p

The Coincidence Never Ends.

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84b701 No.21084290

File: f587eb3ba904d00⋯.png (1.44 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Space Command ready for potential Russian satellite attack, general says

June 24, 2024

U.S. Space Command is preparing for the possibility of Russia targeting American satellites in orbit, according to the command’s top general.

Gen. Stephen Whiting, head of U.S. Space Command, commented on recent reports indicating that Russia has deployed “co-planar” spacecraft positioned to monitor U.S. satellites.

Speaking June 24 at the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies, Whiting said Russia’s launch of its Cosmos 2576 satellite in low Earth orbit on May 16 — which the Pentagon assessed to be a counter-space weapon — was “put on orbit in an operational capacity.”

“And when you look at where they put the satellite, in what we call co-planar to a national security satellite, that doesn’t seem to be accidental,” said Whiting.

Co-planar deployment refers to the positioning of satellites on the same geometric plane in space. When Russia deploys “co-planar” spacecraft, it means they are placing their satellite in an orbit that is aligned with the orbit of a U.S. satellite.

This alignment allows the Russian spacecraft to monitor, track, and potentially interfere with a U.S. satellite because they are moving along the same path or plane in space.

Whiting noted that this deployment came as no surprise. “We’ve been tracking objects on orbit for decades,” he said.

“We can look at those orbital parameters and we can compare that launch to launches that the Russians did in 2017, 2019 and 2022 that look like this class of counter-space weapon that they’ve tested previously, and that now appears that they’ve put on orbit in an operational capacity.”

U.S. Space Command is taking these activities seriously and actively rehearsing a response to potential attacks on U.S. space assets, Whiting said.

An attack on satellites could have far-reaching consequences, potentially disrupting critical services such as GPS navigation, weather forecasting, and military communications. The Department of Defense has in recent years emphasized the importance of space assets for national security.

The general’s comments come amid rising tensions between the U.S. and Russia in the space domain. Intelligence reports have warned about Russia allegedly working on a nuclear anti-satellite weapon that is in development but has not been deployed.

Whiting did not comment on these reports. Other U.S. officials have warned that a nuclear explosive device, if detonated, could produce a massive wave of radiation and a powerful electromagnetic pulse capable of destroying, blinding, or disabling satellites over a wide area.

Readiness ‘our number one priority’

“Our number one priority at U.S. Space Command is to prepare and posture to maximize combat readiness by 2027,” Whiting said. “

So we are executing tests and operations and exercises with our service components to improve our tactics, techniques and procedures.”

Whiting emphasized that Space Command is working closely with allies to develop strategies to mitigate the effects of any potential attack.

“We’re strengthening our partnerships through initiatives like Operation Olympic Defender, which allows us to share intelligence and plan joint defensive measures,” he said.

Operation Olympic Defender is a U.S.-led multinational initiative aimed at strengthening defense and deterring hostile actions in space.

Current members include Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Whiting said France, Germany and New Zealand have been invited to join. “We hope to have a positive response from them in the next few months.”



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6b392c No.21084291

Apr 20 2018 12:43:14 (EST)

Answer Q re: SR.

SR June JA.





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00b0ed No.21084294

File: ca4848affd1500b⋯.png (972.59 KB,678x944,339:472,ClipboardImage.png)

Faggot Fedbois

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da97a5 No.21084296

File: 5599256b32b26b9⋯.jpg (22.23 KB,560x309,560:309,IMG_20240607_170802_998.jpg)



It was over before it began.

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ae8c32 No.21084298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:00 PM EDT

U.S. House of Representatives: Morning Hour

The House will consider several foreign policy-related bills under suspension of the rules including legislation to develop a strategy for improving cooperation between the U.S. and local Mexican governments on countering fentanyl trafficking.


12:05 PM EDT

ISS Expedition 71 in-flight event with the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y. and NASA flight engineer Jeanette Epps. Stream on NASA+

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)




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5978a2 No.21084300

File: bdbdff1da314c1b⋯.jpeg (372.78 KB,1206x613,1206:613,019D4440_8575_4269_BEE8_6….jpeg)

GTMO844 Navy Beech to Central America from Gitmo

Comayaguay, Honduras or San Salvador, El Salvador likely for that

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6b392c No.21084303

File: 4d48e617f52ea9c⋯.png (256.84 KB,707x1280,707:1280,ClipboardImage.png)


>SR June JA.

The Yorkshire Lass


Future proves past.

Seth Rich connected to the Democrat National Committee

MS_13 (hired to kill Seth Rich)

“JA” = Julian Assange


ETA (estimated).

It has begun.


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022465 No.21084304

File: bc731837ab04c7f⋯.mp4 (88.51 KB,360x202,180:101,hillbags.mp4)

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82d253 No.21084306


Shills only make sure anon will post more, they simply do not get it.

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87f394 No.21084307

File: f1e1a629b320fc3⋯.png (280.19 KB,448x415,448:415,f1e1a629b320fc3f8d1764d147….png)

Its called "taking a nick" and some bloodline maniac like Robert wood Johnson, did it for four generations, RW sired a daughter on his daughter, a daughter on that daughter. And so on.

Bloodline eugenic theories are based on the beliefs that DNA is key controlling future of the genetic lineage. Only the lineage, the bloodline itself lives, and sucessful traits expressed in a single individual hopefully emphasized may become a hallmark of a dynasty - like the long jaw of the Hapsburgs or the gray eyes of the Desmond Earls the traits sought are general higher order, but they can have lower world physical correlates.

They say.

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6b392c No.21084308



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b7de69 No.21084310


#25846 >>21083964

>>21083994, >>21084065, >>21084155, >>21084242, >>21084273, >>21084300 Planefaggin: Europe/Med

>>21083990, >>21084206 Trump team rolls out surprise new sticker campaign as his team targets tips

>>21083999, >>21084003, >>21084018, >>21084286, >>21084298 Swamp Meets

>>21084017 Tesla is recalling its futuristic new Cybertruck pickup for the fourth time in the U.S.

>>21084067, >>21084083 Florida Judge Begins Dismantling Governor DeSantis’ Secrecy Operation

>>21084076, >>21084230, >>21084290 NASA/space news

>>21084095, >>21084114, >>21084102, >>21084122, >>21084135, >>21084137, >>21084269, >>21084270 Assange

>>21084177 IT Glitch Sends German Power Price Soaring to 22-Month High

>>21084208 FDA Authorizes Marketing of Four Menthol-Flavored E-Cigarette Products After Extensive Scientific Review

>>21084254 @NationAfrica First contingent of Kenyan police touch down in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

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a6e480 No.21084311


MS-13 as Gitmo witnesses? I did NOT have that on my Bingo card. Reinforces SR solution, in this Anon's opinion.

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475716 No.21084313


I wouldn't have one of those fucking things if someone gave it to me. And Detroit is skerd? No, they're not. They know that the overwhelming majority of the American people will continue to buy and drive their products. They have scaled way down on their EVs. Why? Cause they are not selling. People don't want to be forced to buy a shit product that has no infrastructure in place, can only go a limited amout of distance, takes a ridicules amount of time to recharge. Doesn't function in extreme weather conditions, hot or cold…………….on and on. 8 billion or our tax dollars for charging stations and only 7 or 8 have been installed? Where is that fucking money? Gone. That's where. Into the pockets of the grifting motherfuckers sucking the taxpayer dry on behalf of those fucking politicians who are receiving a perentage of that money back into their pockets. Total, fucking scam.

The premise of this entire shitshow is a sham and a fraud. There is no global warming. Climate has been changing since God made this rock appear. [Their] agenda is power, control and World Depopulation. Good Fucking Grief.

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82d253 No.21084315

Shills still believe they can fool anons, forcing anons to dig deeper to find the culprits behind the scenes.

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da97a5 No.21084316


Quality over Quantity.

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54c924 No.21084318

File: 89c9860badecacf⋯.png (678.12 KB,412x754,206:377,43nb52nb32543.PNG)

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0aaf1c No.21084319

File: 154e776ad7e4e20⋯.mp4 (3.65 MB,480x852,40:71,154e776ad7e4e20ccb7c284f14….mp4)

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022465 No.21084321


think dis might come in handy….

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a6e480 No.21084322


Yep, EV mkt collapsing as used mkt evaporates. Erodes support of new, despites me subsidies. Another drive-able virtue signaler.

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6b392c No.21084324

File: 2429ec3db9c560b⋯.png (25.86 KB,573x222,191:74,ClipboardImage.png)


you can get an extension that shows you this…

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5978a2 No.21084325

File: ce9042d16099277⋯.jpeg (614.74 KB,1121x617,1121:617,2C052E61_4390_4CC1_A23C_3….jpeg)

File: 040d59252002654⋯.jpeg (385.29 KB,828x518,414:259,071168A7_38F9_4E53_A6AD_0….jpeg)


Air Shows usually not much visible

Occasionally see the odd one but mostly not.

See a Canadair CT-114 Tutor up nao but not the other birds

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ee22b2 No.21084326

File: ad840fd47d7f73f⋯.png (1002.6 KB,900x506,450:253,ClipboardImage.png)

One Killed, One Seriously Injured – Hungarian President Viktor Orban Motorcade Crash in Germany

June 25, 2024 | Sundance |

Hungarian President Viktor Orban is not liked by NATO and Western leaders for his opposition to the war in Ukraine. Hungary just took over as rotating lead of presidency of the EU. Germany is the largest nation in the EU and vehemently opposed to the Orban peace initiative.

President Orban was traveling to the airport in Germany, when suddenly a car made an unexpected turn into his motorcade. One motorcycle officer was killed, another seriously injured. Viktor Orban is unharmed.Samantha Power and William Burns shout, “VERDAMMT!”

GERMANY – […] The crash took place at around 11.15am in the district of Degerloch in Stuttgart, Germany, when the Hungarian leader was being escorted to the airport.

[…] The Stuttgart traffic police motorcycle squad were escorting the Hungarian president to Stuttgart Airport on Löffelstrasse.

However, a woman, 69, driving a BMW reportedly drove through an intersection that had been closed off by the police for Orban’s convoy at Albplatz.

She is understood to have turned left at the Rubensstrasse intersection and hit the motorcycle of a 61-year-old male officer who was accompanying Orban’s car.

Due to the force of the impact, the police vehicle was thrown onto the motorcycle of a 27-year-old colleague who had used his motor to block the intersection for traffic.

Both police officers were seriously injured in the collision and were rushed to hospital, reports Bild.

But despite the best efforts of paramedics, the 61-year-old cop died of his injuries shortly afterwards.

The public prosecutor’s office and the Stuttgart police announced the horror collision in a statement. (link)

Suspicious Cat remains, well, suspicious.


The NWO is getting desperate now, the EU elections have freaked them out and they will do anything to retain power. Anyone who disagrees with them, they want to destroy, this is going to be a hard dismantling of this power grid. The Great Awakening is not for the light of heart.

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6b95f0 No.21084328

File: 9f74d4db6bc10c7⋯.png (189.57 KB,398x442,199:221,pepe_5.png)


8kun uses a proxy service similar to Cloudflare. The IPs shown, aren't the actual location of the servers, but rather those of the proxy service.

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82d253 No.21084329


>Quality over Quantity.

These shills, one culprit has a child with his own daughter and that means really bad quality like cheap made in china.

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817c42 No.21084330


Never heard this song before. What's it from?

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35cff8 No.21084331

File: 8cb3bd9e798c9ce⋯.png (834.04 KB,750x1334,375:667,539E1678_4DF0_4E4E_8DE5_38….png)

File: 4c5cbdb0619b2fc⋯.png (235.42 KB,690x2272,345:1136,A5FF12BB_E8B4_4D72_813B_83….png)

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a6e480 No.21084332


Orban WAS supposed to take the additional new office of EU Preezy. "They" awarded von der Leyen another Term, immediately after the accident. Coincidence

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f4f533 No.21084333

is there a job or business directory where this anon can be gainfully and happily employed and not under the influence of freemasons?

They kidnapped, gang raped a child to death, running pedophile rings, and created the illusion of democracy

then harass us at work to force us into unemployment because this is the greatest country on earth

If you blow their brains out,

Stab them in the neck or vital organ,

Drag them behind your car

You go to jail as ordered by freemasons who may or may not be wearing a uniform that day

Awesome stuff

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0aaf1c No.21084337

File: 89b7a1e8f951dd3⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB,720x1278,40:71,89b7a1e8f951dd332b6386e6a9….mp4)

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569bed No.21084338


who or what the fuck is AEI

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f4f533 No.21084339

is there a state in America that has outlawed Freemasonry treating them no different than a gang, mob, or mafia?

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82d253 No.21084340

Nature has a funny way of doing things but these shills do not deserve the benefit of doubt from anon to simply be dismissed as illustrative of the World at large, besides anon does not need to be schooled by these shills on any given day cause they are too far off.

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b7de69 No.21084341


got sauce for that?

askin for a baker fren

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c73315 No.21084343


do unto others as you would have them do unto you

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84b701 No.21084344

File: 8114ef889a6b220⋯.png (345.59 KB,641x739,641:739,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a68d01ad1821f7⋯.png (589.65 KB,626x835,626:835,ClipboardImage.png)

Mysterious Monolith Appears in Northern Colorado

June 24, 2024

Back in 2020, odd mirrored monoliths started to appear around the globe. No one could explain them, no one knew where they came from, and no one knew what they were from.

According to ABC News, the last reported monolith appeared on December 2, 2020, in California in San Luis Obispo County. Fast forward to 2024 and they started to appear again.

The first monolith of 2024 appeared on March 12 in Wales, United Kingdom. The second appearance of a monolith happened last week on Monday, June 17, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Another monolith appears to have shown up in our neck of the woods. Photos have been posted to various Facebook groups in Northern Colorado and on Reddit.

The monolith appears to have a shiny, mirror-like finish that easily reflects the sky and clouds.

Photos have been posted of the Northern Colorado monolith that has appeared in Bellvue off of Larimer County Roads 54e and 25e by Noosa Yoghurt.

Currently, we have no information other than the photos that have been shared on social media regarding the mysterious monolith. Here are some photos that have been taken of the strange object.

Strange, isn't it? What do you think it means? Could a resident be signaling intelligence from space or is it just a prank to get everyone in Fort Collins talking about it? Either way, we want to know.



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0aaf1c No.21084346

File: 9ca8b1f8ae42ccb⋯.mp4 (6.82 MB,854x480,427:240,LJ8hq_caa.mp4)

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5f49ba No.21084347


>who or what the fuck is AEI

It's ÆI on a non-Scandinavian keyboard

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30a2d3 No.21084348

File: df4373ec0e1bdc6⋯.jpg (132.74 KB,720x836,180:209,20240625_100703.jpg)

File: 14a792de0163564⋯.jpg (83.46 KB,1200x630,40:21,20240625_100632.jpg)

Top Secret U.S. Underwater Drone Weapon 'Manta Ray' Discovered on Google Maps


Durrrr hurr

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02011d No.21084349

File: 0c90dab576915b0⋯.png (157.44 KB,816x631,816:631,ClipboardImage.png)

Just hear me out.

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6b95f0 No.21084351

File: 8527ba91c1e4227⋯.png (Spoiler Image,161.3 KB,600x401,600:401,ginger_monolith.png)


>Mysterious Monolith Appears

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5978a2 No.21084352


Dat you yesterday with flightradar JA link?

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e8654e No.21084354


Nobody is better at producing propaganda than the U.S. Military.

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c73315 No.21084355


a bored cabinetmaker appears …

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84b701 No.21084356

File: 0e06930df7319d2⋯.png (1.01 MB,1067x916,1067:916,ClipboardImage.png)

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35cff8 No.21084357


not a planefag regular

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85c0f6 No.21084358

File: 2276deaadc5f324⋯.png (858.67 KB,748x744,187:186,pepe_monolith.png)

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b25208 No.21084359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Israel's Supreme Court rules ultra-Orthodox men must serve in military

CBS News


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e8654e No.21084360


The goat herders don't stand a chance now.

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6b95f0 No.21084361

File: 104dd0b094b6006⋯.png (354.18 KB,780x620,39:31,pepe_10.png)


Aircraft are made from aluminum alloy and composites, which are both non-magnetic materials.

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4f2bfa No.21084362

anon wants/needs help

prayers anons… the glowies in my now-space have made it clear… they mean harm for this anon.

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02011d No.21084363

Must have been a glitch yesterday

Elon now requires a premium account to view analytics, but yesterday I was able to access them on both accounts

maybe free analytics if you reach a view threshold?

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82d253 No.21084364


>sauce on that?

I am not saying that there is a sauce on that, but there is a sauce on that.

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a6e480 No.21084365




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6b392c No.21084366



The CPS destroyed ALL records of Keir Starmer’s 4 trips to Washington DC!!!

US records show Starmer met with Attorney General Eric Holder and a host of American and British national security officials in Washington in 2011, when he was in charge of Julian Assange’s proposed extradition to Sweden. Delegation included the UK liaison prosecutor to the US, who dealt with extradition.

During Starmer’s time in post, the CPS was marred by irregularities surrounding the case of the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The organisation admitted to destroying key emails related to the Assange case, mostly covering the period when Starmer was in charge, while the CPS lawyer overseeing the case advised the Swedes in 2010 or 2011 not to visit London to interview Assange.

While DPP, Starmer made trips to Washington in 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2013 at a cost £21.603 to the British taxpayer. It was his most frequent foreign destination while in post.

Keir Starmer who became an MP in 2015, is now leader of the Labour Party. I feel we are going to get some heavy truths about Starmer. There is a reason that Keir Starmer is in the spotlight right now to systematically bring him down and dissolve his reputation.

Yesterday Julian Assange was freed from UK prison Belmarsh.

Timing is everything.

5:22 AM · Jun 25, 2024





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02011d No.21084368


shit meow you tell me


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5978a2 No.21084369

File: 431ee3a065e3dfc⋯.jpeg (70.85 KB,361x420,361:420,707E4309_13B8_4583_ACD3_2….jpeg)

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02011d No.21084372




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f4f533 No.21084373


should be requesting a public statement from their County CLEO "Chief Law Enforcement Officer" about membership of gangs inside (your)their departments. Be prepared to be harrassed;

Slaves meet Slavers

KKK = 33 if K=11; K+K+K

They should be able to tell you if they have any gang members employed, how many if the answer is not ZERO

What if your Sheriff employed ms-13 members?

What if your Sheriff forced local police departments to hire ms-13 members?

Why are they using your tax dollars to employ satanic members?

Every.Single.Anon should be demanding their CLEO to announce if they have any relationship to freemasonry AND if they employ any freemasons.

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ffed56 No.21084374

File: d2cb6c3b59368ce⋯.jpeg (47.94 KB,474x245,474:245,IMG_1666.jpeg)


Insert image

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ba2868 No.21084375



>unelected tranny bullshit an queer fillur

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96356e No.21084376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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513b2a No.21084377

File: 58563d99df45946⋯.png (601.65 KB,856x566,428:283,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0791f98e4de7aa⋯.png (887.72 KB,1075x772,1075:772,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b55206ada85bf1b⋯.png (214.09 KB,683x697,683:697,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40603eac978cd46⋯.png (394.77 KB,775x666,775:666,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fd81ad959e2338⋯.png (938.04 KB,1095x746,1095:746,ClipboardImage.png)


>ugliest vehicles ever produced.


>One of the ugliest vehicles ever produced IMO.


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b7de69 No.21084379




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02011d No.21084380





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b17478 No.21084381

File: 310602da8d73552⋯.png (404.85 KB,914x778,457:389,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d47d1e298f74c0⋯.png (1.38 MB,1280x853,1280:853,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 623ec92f6a15ce7⋯.png (251.26 KB,840x559,840:559,ClipboardImage.png)


Julian Assange’s flight VJ199 has just taken off from Bangkok, heading towards US airspace and Saipan Island. All eyes on #AssangeJet.

10:38 AM · Jun 25, 2024


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35cff8 No.21084383

File: 7120aabbd4608eb⋯.png (772.27 KB,750x1334,375:667,57FEA11E_93F9_49D1_9382_20….png)

File: 802a31810ca6414⋯.png (894.19 KB,750x1334,375:667,0E8FD980_6A40_4BF6_ABAF_AF….png)

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ffed56 No.21084384


Sick af of you.

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f4f533 No.21084385


>2nd Amendment

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6b392c No.21084386

File: 6dc96b287835b64⋯.png (86.8 KB,827x570,827:570,ClipboardImage.png)


>Keir Starmer




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85c0f6 No.21084389

File: f12ca6ee2ff2e51⋯.png (281.38 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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f4f533 No.21084391





A curse on every christian lead in prayer by a christian freemason at the end of every prayer

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85a8fe No.21084402

File: b8d07318dfaadad⋯.png (2.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


It's a renewal of their centuries old goat trafficking scheme.

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f4f533 No.21084404

File: 328fd02a84afe24⋯.png (111.34 KB,912x639,304:213,ClipboardImage.png)

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6b392c No.21084405

File: 4e9d092f28aa938⋯.png (770.77 KB,510x680,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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82d253 No.21084406



Shills post whole spams sections just to say one line of text.

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35cff8 No.21084407

File: d7608e70b380f27⋯.png (1.65 MB,750x1334,375:667,11D702DA_9FA8_4F28_B3AC_38….png)


55th pattern

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dd8b21 No.21084410


Hillary eats schumer cheeseburgers

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87f9cc No.21084411

File: 355ab6dd63c8780⋯.png (169.62 KB,511x488,511:488,ClipboardImage.png)

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6b392c No.21084416

File: 180017ca0c000ea⋯.png (194.08 KB,591x643,591:643,ClipboardImage.png)

Don't forget, when he was in charge of the CPS, he covered up paedo Jommy Saville


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6d6f7b No.21084417

File: d5136e33daaf133⋯.png (128.21 KB,414x300,69:50,pepe_shrugs.png)



As a file: Advanced Audio Coding

As an autism tool: Augmentative and alternative communication

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82d253 No.21084418

You shills are playing a lost game, anon can only define your losses.

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00b0ed No.21084421

File: 176776d6305c4e5⋯.jpg (123.1 KB,960x719,960:719,monolith_at_costco.jpg)

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4fd58f No.21084422

File: 64741f7d6309c0d⋯.png (68.78 KB,570x507,190:169,ClipboardImage.png)


anons dancing

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89c4c3 No.21084423


The shadow's a nice touch

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6b392c No.21084426

File: 046157968cefcfe⋯.png (117.34 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b23bb9e4d05c9c4⋯.png (111.05 KB,262x192,131:96,ClipboardImage.png)


Automobile Air Conditioning

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6d6f7b No.21084427

File: e8fccfb839131ac⋯.png (834.7 KB,634x784,317:392,ClipboardImage.png)


>schumer cheeseburgers


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5978a2 No.21084430

File: f6ae26deb956a79⋯.jpeg (626.68 KB,1213x619,1213:619,697F71F5_FE8B_4180_985A_B….jpeg)

SAM027 G5 NE from JBA @ 43k Ft and going over the top

09-0018 C32A doin roundies at JBA for certs.

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6b392c No.21084434

• You falsely accused President Trump of the Fine People Hoax and even claimed it was the reason you decided to run for president. Will you now apologize?

• Why did you falsely claim during the second 2020 presidential debate that your son's laptop was a Russian plot?

• Why did you meet Vadym Pozharsky, the CFO of Burisma who ordered your son to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor that you later got fired?

• Why did you repeatedly lie about never meeting Pozharsky and various other people who were funneling huge amounts of money to your son?

• Why did you tell Comey to pursue


for Logan Act violations?


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ee22b2 No.21084435

File: 44a41316c59ede8⋯.png (225.36 KB,362x362,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Shocking new court docs reveal what Alec Baldwin was doing right before he shot Halyna Hutchins…

June 21, 2024 (4 days ago)

Well, well, well, it looks like we didn’t get the full story from Alec Baldwin about the deadly shooting on the set of his low-budget western, “Rust.” The tragedy occurred when Baldwin pointed a loaded gun at Halyna Hutchins, a wife and mother, and pulled the trigger, ending her life.Baldwin’s account of that fateful day starkly contrasts with the prosecutors’ claims, as we’re now discovering from recent court documents. While Alec denies ever actually pulling the trigger, prosecutors paint a picture more akin to the “wild west,” with Baldwin as the reckless gunslinger. Thanks to these court filings, we now have a clearer picture of the events leading up to the moment Baldwin fatally shot Ms. Hutchins, and it doesn’t look good for the notoriously angry actor.Prosecutors claim that Baldwin was horsing around on set and even fired a blank at another crew member.

This new information comes just days before his trial is set to begin.

Radar Online:

Alec Baldwin allegedly “engaged in horseplay with his gun” and “fired a blank round at a crew member” shortly before Halyna Hutchins was shot and killed on the set of Rust three years ago, RadarOnline.com has learned.

In a sudden development to come days before Baldwin’s involuntary manslaughter trial kicks off in Santa Fe, New Mexico on July 9, the prosecutors leading the case against the actor claimed thatBaldwin “flouted security protocols” prior to Hutchins’ death.

According to a new court filing submitted on Monday, the prosecution plans to present evidence of Baldwin’s allegedly reckless behavior to the jury when the 30 Rock actor’s trial starts next month.

One alleged incident unfolded when Baldwin, now 66, pointed his gun and fired “a blank round at a crew member” while he held the person target in his line of sight.

Baldwin was also accused of ignoring safety procedures between October 12, 2021 and the day of the fatal shooting on October 21, firing a weapon after filming was over, and holding his finger on the trigger in scenes.

The prosecution also alleged that Baldwin regularly rushed armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed to reload his gun faster and that the actor would regularly be on FaceTime with his family during firearms training.

If this is true, Alec Baldwin could be in some very serious trouble.Prosecutors claim they have pictures and video to back up their claims.

The Radar piece continues:

“[Baldwin] can be seen engaging in horseplay with his gun andpulling his gun when the scene did not call for the pulling of his gun,” the court documents that were filed on Monday read. “When he pulls his gun the muzzle of the gun is pointed directly at another actor.”

“Mr. Baldwin can be seen screaming intermittently throughout the attempts at filming the scene,” the filing continued. “He exercises complete control over the set by stopping the acting sequence, cursing loudly and rushing the other cast and crew.”

Even more startling was the prosecution’s claim that ==Baldwin “asked to be assigned the ‘biggest’ gun available” before Rust even started shooting three years ago.

According to the prosecution, the photos and videos of Baldwin’s behavior on the set of Rust serve as “intrinsic evidence” of the embattled actor’s “other acts”== leading up to Hutchins’ death.

The pressure is starting to get to Alec.

Many reports indicate that he’s running low on funds, thanks to his mounting legal fees. Not to mention all the lawsuits against him….


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eb79f7 No.21084436


Autists need you to shut the fuck up.

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7251d9 No.21084438

File: dc07d4ebbd2bb34⋯.webp (74.87 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,181007_trump_egypt.webp)

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da97a5 No.21084439

File: 7bd1caad7d234ba⋯.mp4 (1.78 MB,1280x720,16:9,VID_20240405_024109_745_1_.mp4)


Way to eat the bread up glownigger.

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35cff8 No.21084440

File: 0415240077ca702⋯.jpeg (23.23 KB,275x183,275:183,2ED47452_BB73_4B30_9FDF_2….jpeg)


get back to work

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6d6f7b No.21084442

File: b05560b2a44301a⋯.png (142.51 KB,367x266,367:266,mad_.png)


Kek, you made them mad now.



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96356e No.21084444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6b95f0 No.21084445

File: 526e93088da427a⋯.png (1.04 MB,654x613,654:613,GodWins_pepe.png)


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6b392c No.21084448

File: 86c19566dedd275⋯.png (497.52 KB,600x541,600:541,ClipboardImage.png)

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08d0e6 No.21084450

File: 1821b9b5d436148⋯.png (1.03 MB,640x640,1:1,51B3F0A8_E670_4F92_A069_20….PNG)


Who is that?

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5978a2 No.21084451

File: 1b9a6a2957fbfb1⋯.jpeg (340.01 KB,765x581,765:581,45C5A8CA_1191_44EF_BE97_F….jpeg)

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6d6f7b No.21084452

File: 343b734bc175a17⋯.png (252.05 KB,559x480,559:480,pepe_bowl.png)


Timestamps tho… You should have got them, but there's some fuckery taking place. KEK.

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82d253 No.21084453


>anons dancing

Shills will not be dancing because they have killed themselves but are only alive to find out about this and anons can simply dig up these facts.

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35cff8 No.21084455

File: 608913be6d8043f⋯.jpeg (1.84 MB,2048x1713,2048:1713,DD953D05_421F_43A6_8CF9_5….jpeg)

File: 6c8ccaa0f0672a4⋯.jpeg (257.58 KB,960x540,16:9,0EA30142_063B_45D6_AB9A_7….jpeg)

File: 5ec5a9f7b5a6aa1⋯.jpeg (10.13 KB,175x255,35:51,76EE9004_225A_4CD7_BAC7_C….jpeg)

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a6e480 No.21084459

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ae8c32 No.21084461

File: dd2e379d34a272c⋯.jpg (376.65 KB,1088x1088,1:1,trump_popcorn_trial.jpg)

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0aaf1c No.21084463

File: b189d4ebfdca32f⋯.jpg (21.21 KB,614x406,307:203,dan_113.jpg)

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dd8b21 No.21084464


Flynn went deep going after Gulen on behalf of Tukey

Ruffled clown fros and stepped on clown shoes aplenty

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6b95f0 No.21084465

File: b1c2e45afe9d707⋯.png (1.08 MB,1125x1115,225:223,Ooooo_.png)


>Timestamps tho… You should have got them



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96356e No.21084467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b7de69 No.21084468

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4fd58f No.21084472

File: 6712aac787601c9⋯.png (657.41 KB,710x1136,5:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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08d0e6 No.21084474

File: 1b1f487b79b99bf⋯.mp4 (231.63 KB,640x352,20:11,SUHLONGASUHIJERUHHNIED.mp4)

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84b701 No.21084476

File: b7da1932c641afc⋯.png (498.96 KB,634x845,634:845,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9324dd5e4df3d62⋯.mp4 (10.75 MB,1024x576,16:9,1024x576_MP4_3064335624234….mp4)

Mysterious 'ring-shaped UFO' seen hiding in the clouds above Venezuela in broad daylight that looks eerily similar to Jordan Peele horror movie monster

UPDATED: 10:51 EDT, 25 June 2024

A bizarre, ring-shape UFO that appeared in the skies above Venezuela was recorded by a pair of stunned friends.

The now-viral video shows the dark, circular spot hovering in the clouds over Valencia, a city in the northern Venezuelan state of Carabobo.

'A flying saucer,' one of the young men shouts as they drove down a rode on a sunny afternoon.

He then asks one of his pals for the time on the clock to document the recording.

'Bro, look here: 4:54 pm on the 17th of June in 2024,' he says. 'Look at what is here in the sky in Valencia, Carabobo.'

The excited man then asks one of his friends to share the video with another person.

Although Venezuelan authorities have not made any public statements, local meteorologist Luis Vargas rained on their parade with several theories that ruled out a possible UFO sighting.

'This could be a smoke vortex or black ring that occurs after an explosion through a circular structure such as an industrial chimney or something similar,' he wrote on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

He also indicated that the circular shape may have been produced by a volcano.

'They are also more common in volcanic activities as can be seen … and are known as ring clouds,' Vargas said.

One user on X linked the odd-looking shape to military exercises that had taken place at a camp ahead of Monday's commemoration of the Battle of Carabobo, the 1821 fight for independence between fighters led by Venezuela General Simón Bolivar and the Spanish.

The victory at Carabobo led to the independence of Venezuelan and the creation of the Republic of Gran Colombia.

Another social media user linked the ring-shaped clouds to smoke from a cigar.

'It was me who was smoking a cigar, and I started making figures with the smoke,' José Pérez said.

'But yes, his explanation is the most coherent and valid. I don't think UFOs will arrive in Valencia, because we never have electricity, water and there are always lines for gasoline.'

Another joked that the UFO arrived ahead of next month's presidential election to remove President Nicolás Maduro and his regime.

'It is a UFO hired to search for those who leave on July 28,' Alba Ferrero said.

Wilmer Palacios joked: 'Those from Valencia are the chose ones.'


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6d6f7b No.21084479

File: 3464662bc8eacd6⋯.png (2.56 MB,1200x1195,240:239,ClipboardImage.png)


Ozzy understood him perfectly.

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da97a5 No.21084480

File: 6c964f02a383d57⋯.png (643.39 KB,1080x735,72:49,Screenshot_20240620_230404….png)


WOWYou Lin Wood telefaggots shill hard.

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dea9ca No.21084481


Cuz only women work for tips. What a sexist POS Schiffty is.

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ca2565 No.21084482

File: 2911ca26846e479⋯.jpg (38.23 KB,364x424,91:106,2911ca26846e479f5d3b673e2c….jpg)

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9dc488 No.21084484

File: 2509f1e68cd38b0⋯.png (114 KB,785x302,785:302,ClipboardImage.png)

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87f394 No.21084485

File: 25d54ff7caeb693⋯.gif (224.8 KB,460x298,230:149,25d54ff7caeb693bde8d6d6f43….gif)

Shills applying for landed NPC status on QR should file a consciousness claim with the most ancient,Holy and all hidden One, blessed be his name, before time runs out.

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28cd82 No.21084487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6b95f0 No.21084488

File: ed383622f4d11d4⋯.png (215.48 KB,500x533,500:533,pepe_11c.png)


The smoke being emitted from the smokestack is temporary trapped in a chamber at the top by a very secure lid. Every 45 seconds, the lid is opened, and a piston on the side of the chamber pumps the smoke out. Thanks to the Bernoulli effect, a smoke ring is created.


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2549ff No.21084492

File: a20e67062b551f7⋯.png (34.63 KB,470x204,235:102,ClipboardImage.png)

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4fd58f No.21084493



JA 'hijacked'?

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35cff8 No.21084494


seen 2 passes. waiting on 3rd. closer next one. KeK.

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d147b7 No.21084496

I’ve never seen so many shill peeping Toms in my life

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d147b7 No.21084501

Attacks will intensify. Buckle up.

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022465 No.21084502

File: 552af9e83b331c4⋯.jpg (15.27 KB,255x213,85:71,holdon.jpg)


TY, baker.

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82d253 No.21084505


Shills just need to fuck off, they are not helping anon as they would falsely believe.

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d147b7 No.21084506


All caps…real scary bro. Shut the fuck up.

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84b701 No.21084507

File: 2dd9fff0c628c00⋯.png (2.59 MB,1400x932,350:233,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f3869dcce5922d⋯.png (1.08 MB,1030x728,515:364,ClipboardImage.png)


First day out

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2549ff No.21084508

File: 6c2f1cbf99d6f16⋯.png (64.92 KB,464x395,464:395,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ef3d2904680323⋯.png (64.79 KB,464x439,464:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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6b392c No.21084510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



How many times can they fill me with lies? And I listen again

Twisting the truth and they're playin' around with my head, okay

The things they will do and the things they will say, but they don't really understand

Tears fill my eyes when I hear all the cries for the reason today

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4605ab No.21084511

your lies are why you are in a coma.

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da97a5 No.21084513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

These shills are absolutely PaThEbIC

You hab no power here go back to telegram.

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4605ab No.21084514

you were warned.

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cd73cb No.21084515

File: d74dd61688fb2e1⋯.png (241.23 KB,429x477,143:159,Screenshot_from_2024_06_25….png)

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d147b7 No.21084516


IP hopping faggot. I can’t wait. I’m honestly terrified faggot.

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08d0e6 No.21084517

File: 4287ddf9a4fb9a7⋯.jpeg (100.79 KB,762x582,127:97,IMG_3076.jpeg)

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6aa0f3 No.21084518

File: 295e248b6200405⋯.png (106.5 KB,372x403,12:13,itsaq.PNG)


its a q! haha

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6b95f0 No.21084519

File: 7a6f4b57f038305⋯.mp4 (732.93 KB,640x800,4:5,Trump_come_keks.mp4)

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5db445 No.21084520

File: 1a154792cc548e3⋯.png (1.52 MB,1386x897,462:299,ClipboardImage.png)

Jonathan Pollard Was One of the Most Damaging Spies in US History

When Jonathan Pollard was convicted of espionage in 1987, he became the first American to go to jail for life for passing secrets to a U.S. ally. The top-secret information Pollard passed on to Israel is so vast and damaging, the complete list of files is itself top secret. He was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 30 years.

There are few things both liberals and conservatives agree on these days, but keeping Pollard in prison for the rest of his life was one of them. Yet, he was released in 2015 and quickly made his way to Israel – where he received a hero’s welcome.

(read more)


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ae8c32 No.21084522

File: ef649cc9a4b40d6⋯.jpg (49.32 KB,672x869,672:869,alec_baldwin.jpg)

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2549ff No.21084524


>some comms understood

pwd locations elude me

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08d0e6 No.21084525

File: a84058d12678ffb⋯.gif (2.4 MB,498x278,249:139,Popcorn_17_Trump.GIF)

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d147b7 No.21084526

File: 9afc13c3c762dc6⋯.jpeg (137.19 KB,675x1200,9:16,IMG_1681.jpeg)

File: addc3fb1e6f6070⋯.jpeg (38.87 KB,225x225,1:1,IMG_1682.jpeg)

File: a9c2f2987b12eb1⋯.png (717.59 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_1679.png)

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08d0e6 No.21084528

File: b6bbf66ae4a4911⋯.gif (835.92 KB,480x270,16:9,Trump_lol.GIF)

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a6e480 No.21084533


Only the noisy one.

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6d6f7b No.21084537

File: 2a1f2dffcd813a6⋯.png (527.99 KB,500x513,500:513,ClipboardImage.png)

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dea9ca No.21084539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Obama's half-sister hit with tear gas in Kenya protests, video shows

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08d0e6 No.21084541

File: f33122f5b7a043f⋯.jpeg (54.15 KB,400x400,1:1,IMG_3077.jpeg)

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e9643f No.21084542

File: 1578c769e3745d5⋯.jpg (492.29 KB,1079x1232,1079:1232,Screenshot_20240624_112159….jpg)

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dea9ca No.21084543



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d1f5c4 No.21084545

File: 254aa33cf639e14⋯.jpeg (110.81 KB,749x500,749:500,FD10D484_BE41_48DD_8CA4_2….jpeg)

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8856d0 No.21084546

File: 205d304810561c4⋯.jpg (18.99 KB,255x228,85:76,7d7f811973471865cd343cd43c….jpg)

Flynn is the Flynn AJ Shill

Anons know general lol



Blew the cover I'm in trouble now KEK

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08d0e6 No.21084550

File: 00f01aaafc96480⋯.png (183.73 KB,533x400,533:400,IMG_3078.png)

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5978a2 No.21084552

File: 60d2211d5a256b4⋯.gif (3.41 MB,312x302,156:151,FE8DAD91_FEA8_4348_9422_E8….gif)

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ee22b2 No.21084553

File: 0e258515cbe995d⋯.png (1.27 MB,904x684,226:171,ClipboardImage.png)

Conservative-backed group is creating a list of federal workers it suspects could resist Trump plans

BY LISA MASCARO Updated 10:36 AM EDT, June 24, 2024 (I LOVE the fact

they are freaking out, they have been talking about it for months and months,this is truly funny!)1/3

WASHINGTON (AP) — From his home office in small-town Kentucky, a seasoned political operative is quietly investigating scores of federal employees suspected of being hostile to the policies of Republican Donald Trump, a highly unusual and potentially chilling effort that dovetails with broader conservative preparations for a new White House.

Tom Jones and his American Accountability Foundationare digging into the backgrounds, social media posts and commentary of key high-ranking government employees, starting with the Department of Homeland Security.

They’re relying in part on tips from his network of conservative contacts, including workers. In a move that alarms some, they’re preparing to publish the findings online.

With a $100,000 grant from the Heritage Foundation, the goal is to post 100 names of government workers to a website this summer to show a potential new administration who might be standing in the way of a second-term Trump agenda — and ripe for scrutiny, reclassifications, reassignments or firings.


“We need to understand who these people are and what they do,” said Jones, a former Capitol Hill aide to Republican senators.

The concept of compiling and publicizing a list of government employees shows the lengths Trump’s allies are willing to go to ensure nothing or no one will block his plans in a potential second term. Jones’ Project Sovereignty 2025 comes as Heritage’s Project 2025 lays the groundwork, with policies, proposals and personnel ready for a possible new White House.

What to know about the 2024 Election

The effort, focused on top career government officials who aren’t appointees within the political structure, has stunned democracy experts and shocked the civil service community in what they compare with the red scare of McCarthyism.

Jacqueline Simon, policy director at the American Federation of Government Employees, said the language being used — the Heritage Foundation’s announcement praised the group forferreting out “anti-American bad actors” — is “shocking.” Civil servants are often ex-military personnel and are required to take an oath to the Constitution to work for the federal government, not a loyalty test to a president, she and others said.

“It just seems as though their goal is to try to menace federal employees and sow fear,” said Simon, whose union backs President Joe Biden, a Democrat, for reelection. (Or you mean like Biden and his ADMIN are menacing all of MAGA over the US, at least 75 million citizens, like that menacing?)

(Of Course AP has to add this) As Trump, who has been convicted of felony charges in a hush money case and is under a four-count federal indictment accusing him of working to overturn his 2020 election loss, faces a likely rematch with Biden this fall, far-right conservatives have vowed to take a wrecking ball to what they call the deep-state bureaucracy.


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ca2565 No.21084555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vibe check

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4605ab No.21084556

the absolute need

on full display


enjoy your future

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37c036 No.21084557

File: 296cf4a29330e00⋯.jpeg (449.07 KB,905x860,181:172,ABCA0FEB_5743_45B4_B401_E….jpeg)

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9dc488 No.21084559

File: df5898d840f09b5⋯.png (457.51 KB,600x901,600:901,ClipboardImage.png)


What a scam. No jews are kvetching about this. Check in for 2 years, 6 months "active duty" cooking shitty food for fellow Israelis, then Freeeeeee!!! (((USA))) VA benefits for life including displacing Americans from the universities and society their ancetsors made & leeching all the classified shit the UN and their criminal friends leak through university libraries.

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08d0e6 No.21084560

File: 6092cf890d6799c⋯.jpeg (111.73 KB,638x800,319:400,Biden_Gaffes_03_You_Ain_t….JPEG)

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35cff8 No.21084562

File: 50dd71a5f4a98fb⋯.png (1.63 MB,750x1334,375:667,9062EB32_09FB_4B5B_A5B7_29….png)

File: 75b94997a4e966c⋯.jpeg (200.6 KB,1200x800,3:2,4D061307_704D_4329_B90A_E….jpeg)

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6b95f0 No.21084563

File: 356b9af1171724e⋯.png (587.22 KB,828x450,46:25,Kamala_kekkage.png)

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ffed56 No.21084565


Rod and ring.

For to strike down all of man.

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08d0e6 No.21084566

File: 3a853c75bd89f85⋯.jpeg (76.12 KB,500x512,125:128,IMG_3079.jpeg)

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85c0f6 No.21084568

File: 20075f2eaaaa420⋯.png (49.88 KB,560x581,80:83,eminem_mcluhan.png)


–try not to be the media's bitx.

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964793 No.21084570

Tommy Robinson Who's never been to Canada before

Arrested in Canada for "Immigration Violations"

All while 54,000 Illegals are still running around free after months….

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c097c5 No.21084571

I guess I am the only person who thinks “Native Americans” are just Mexicans.

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87f394 No.21084573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

>Hampstead, UK, cover up

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a6e480 No.21084575


"He shouldnta gibben da speech.".

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ee22b2 No.21084577

File: a8eef021483b874⋯.png (383.36 KB,458x615,458:615,ClipboardImage.png)




The Trump campaign has said outside groups don’t speak for the ex-president, who alone sets his policy priorities.Conservatives view the federal workforce as overstepping its role to become a power center that can drive or thwart a president’s agenda. Particularly during the Trump administration, government officials came under attack from the White House and Republicans on Capitol Hill, as his own Cabinet often raised objections to some of his more singular or even unlawful proposals.

While Jones’ group won’t necessarily be recommending whether to fire or reassign the federal workers it lists, the work aligns with Heritage’s far-reaching Project 2025 blueprint for a conservative administration.

Heritage’s Project 2025 proposes reviving the Trump Schedule F policy that would try to reclassify tens of thousands of federal workers as political appointees, which could enable mass dismissals — although a Biden administration rule seeks to make that more difficult. The Heritage project is working to recruit and train a new generation to travel to Washington to fill government jobs.

In announcing the $100,000 Innovation Award last month,Heritage said it’d support American Accountability Foundation’s “investigative researchers, in-depth reports, and educational efforts to alert Congress, a conservative administration, and the American people to the presence of anti-American bad actors burrowed into the administrative state and ensure appropriate action is taken.”

Heritage President Kevin Roberts said the “weaponization of the federal government” has been possible only because of the “deep state of entrenched Leftist bureaucrats.” He said he was proud to support the work of American Accountability Foundation workers “in their fight to hold our government accountable and drain it of bad actors.”

The federal government employs about 2.2 million people, including those in the Washington, D.C., area and workers who the unions say many Americans know as friends or neighbors in communities across the country. (There is a total of 18 million with Federal contractors)

About 4,000 positions in the government are considered political appointees who routinely change from one presidential administration to the next, but most are career professionals — from landscapers at Veterans Administration cemeteries to economists at the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The public list-making conjures for some the era of Joseph McCarthy, the senator who conducted grueling hearings into suspected communist sympathizers during the Cold War. The hearings were orchestrated by a top staffer, Roy Cohn, who became a confidant of a younger Trump.

Skye Perryman, CEO of the advocacy group Democracy Forward, said it’s deeply disturbing and reminiscent of “the darker parts of American history.” KEK!

Publicly naming government workers is an “intimidation tactic to try to chill the work of these civil servants,” she said, and part of a broader “retribution agenda” underway this election.


Democracy Forward Website for research:


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85c0f6 No.21084578


he's probably never had more traffic on his site

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02011d No.21084580

File: c4dbf2cb38ff64d⋯.png (257.45 KB,762x622,381:311,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 008fa51465e8d64⋯.png (241.02 KB,762x622,381:311,ClipboardImage.png)

Enjoy the template anons

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a6e480 No.21084583


Justine Castreau has a bad streak of Streisand in him.

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ae8c32 No.21084584

File: 4b74a490187060a⋯.png (53.41 KB,754x540,377:270,stolen_state.png)

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964793 No.21084585


Trudeau working for Sunak to Keep Robinson In Canada

UK Exile perhaps?

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be5edf No.21084588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bowman is toast unless they cheat, no one turned up for bowman or a.o.c

note: new york, you can take you city back if you do not let them cheat.


No One Shows Up For AOC & Bernie Rally!


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00b0ed No.21084591

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08d0e6 No.21084593

File: f92d34ca87cdef9⋯.jpeg (388.29 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_3081.jpeg)

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ca2565 No.21084594

File: 7ac4eacf207cf8e⋯.png (49.44 KB,255x256,255:256,peperesonance.png)

File: badc213ca16b935⋯.png (1.2 MB,812x613,812:613,ClipboardImage.png)


tomsk now loadin for this anon

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a6e480 No.21084595


All are subjects of the Crown, so YOU try to find some clarity under that blanket of rulez.

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6aa0f3 No.21084597


i just don't understand why?

why would someone go so far to destroy something… i have many answers to this but i don't understand why.

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4605ab No.21084599

you are too stupid to know fear.

hence the sarcasm.


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08d0e6 No.21084600

File: a592c98c07edc79⋯.jpeg (349.63 KB,1130x1104,565:552,IMG_3082.jpeg)

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9dc488 No.21084602

File: 1673d29bf114d1a⋯.png (190.55 KB,692x361,692:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba679c No.21084604

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ffed56 No.21084606


Phoenix burns in rebirth.

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962a13 No.21084607

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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da97a5 No.21084608

File: 5ef896107257061⋯.png (519.85 KB,1318x1042,659:521,5ef8961072570617f666502842….png)


Lin Wood telefags the real guardian of the pedophiles.

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08d0e6 No.21084609

File: 4915aa7c0b00a14⋯.jpeg (290.42 KB,1130x812,565:406,IMG_3080.jpeg)

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02011d No.21084611

File: f4013d2fd5ee338⋯.png (28.34 KB,895x380,179:76,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 530846211393279⋯.png (423.38 KB,598x626,299:313,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cba84f60f3755f1⋯.png (731.1 KB,780x716,195:179,ClipboardImage.png)



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02011d No.21084616

File: 178e8456097b497⋯.mp4 (10.42 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17193347343….mp4)

Just because Zionists have no humanity doesn't mean that the rest of the world doesn't!


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35cff8 No.21084618

File: 75b94997a4e966c⋯.jpeg (200.6 KB,1200x800,3:2,83526CE4_3EA8_47A4_8F23_3….jpeg)

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cd73cb No.21084619

File: bbfc6d897ca37c4⋯.png (370.53 KB,680x387,680:387,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba679c No.21084620


If anon recalls correctly, when JA was taken from his hidey-hole they carried him out, so his feet never touched the soil. Anon heard whispers that there was a reason for not allowing his feet to touch the soil. Any anon remember that? Validity?

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ee22b2 No.21084622

File: 49556ea8af3b509⋯.png (1.42 MB,990x556,495:278,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e258515cbe995d⋯.png (1.27 MB,904x684,226:171,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c560d179570bdc⋯.png (884.94 KB,956x638,478:319,ClipboardImage.png)



“They’re seeking to undermine our democracy,” she said. “They’re seeking to undermine the way that our government works for people.” (STFU with the democracy BS, you on that side are dictators and treasonous, we are a Republic, no one should be guaranteed a job for life in the Federal Government, not the Democratic Government)

Jones, from his desk overlooking rickhouses storing barrels in the Bourbon Capitol of Bardstown, scoffed at comparisons to McCarthyism as “nonsense.”

He’s a former staffer to then-Sen. Jim DeMint, the South Carolina conservative Republican who later led Heritage and now helms the Conservative Policy Institute, where American Accountability Foundation has a mailing address. Jones also worked for Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, and provided opposition research for Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential bid.

With six researchers, Jones’ team operates remotely across the country, poring over the information about federal workers within Homeland Security, the State Department and other agencies that deal with immigration and border issues.

Their focus is on the highest ranksof the civil servants —GS-13, GS-14 and GS-15 employees and those in senior executive positionswho could put up roadblocks to Trump’s plans for tighter borders and more deportations.

“I think it’s important to the next administration to understand who those people are,” Jones said.

He dismissed the risks that could be involved in publicly posting the names, salary information and other details of federal workers who have some level of privacy or the idea his group’s work could put employees’ livelihoods in jeopardy.“You don’t get to make policy and then say, ‘Hey, don’t scrutinize me,”’he said.

He acknowledges some of the work is often a “gut check” or “instinct” about which federal employees would be suspected of trying to block a conservative agenda. “We’re looking at, ‘Are there wrong people on the bus right now that are, you know, openly hostile to efforts to secure the southern border?’” he said.

His own group came under scrutiny as it first probed Biden nominees.

Biden had repealed Trump’s Schedule Fexecutive order in January 2021, but aGovernment Accountability Office reportin 2022 found that agencies believedit could be reinstated by a future administration.

Since then, the Biden administration issued a rule that would make it harder to fire workers. A new administration could direct the Office of Personnel Management to undo the regulation, but the process would take time and be open to legal challenges. (Anything you can do Trump can do better)

(I wonder how many Civil Servants were purged by Bidan? He rejected the majority of SS)


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96356e No.21084624

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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08d0e6 No.21084626

File: 917a2b0bee31105⋯.jpeg (230.55 KB,1130x1581,1130:1581,IMG_3084.jpeg)

File: a36230e8708c5d7⋯.jpeg (56.15 KB,680x680,1:1,IMG_3085.jpeg)

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8856d0 No.21084627

File: 5ec317d65d99886⋯.png (14.22 KB,255x161,255:161,9608781ac74d79fc14c8705f5e….png)


Lawson spoke at a massive Maga Rally in Ocean shores Sunday they did not even plan it just a bunch of people said fuck the RNC and about 200 people with 4x4 and Maga flags hit the beach the wind was crazy so I got shat video but it was bad ass guy got his truck stuck almost got washed away fucking retard, lucky there were 800 hillbillys there

I Bet the RNC event was dead as hell

anyone else there?

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c24cc0 No.21084629



But…did he have to play cuz of some other fuck up the clowns had on him?

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85c0f6 No.21084630


all this anon members is some hawty bringing him sammiches.

that and the general context of massive fvckery/bad theater.

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4605ab No.21084631

you are sad.


but sad.

you Need dead.

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9dc488 No.21084632

File: c1617aa82571286⋯.png (174.7 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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87f394 No.21084634

File: 6115799f33753ac⋯.png (816.84 KB,474x728,237:364,2222.png)

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6b95f0 No.21084635

File: 3f7e6b378d5b87e⋯.png (459.25 KB,750x750,1:1,pepe_i_told_you.png)


DWSand company are about to start panicking.

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ee22b2 No.21084638

File: 31f326f31987b50⋯.png (1.2 MB,956x650,478:325,ClipboardImage.png)

I love this picture, because they weren't smiling very wide after he said HRC was corrupt, as a matter of fact all of you are! KEK (paraphrased)

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7ec65c No.21084639

File: 10df3edcb0cb714⋯.jpeg (606.58 KB,1125x1587,375:529,IMG_1372.jpeg)


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b7de69 No.21084640


DWS failed to flee

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962a13 No.21084641

File: 05831dc842a3f74⋯.jpg (64.88 KB,512x512,1:1,pepe23.jpg)


Shut your fucking mouth, AEI.

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df35fd No.21084642


lots of Asian speaking people in Venezuela


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85c0f6 No.21084643


o, that Seth.


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08d0e6 No.21084645

File: 311eb8daf16a701⋯.jpeg (330.71 KB,1131x1012,1131:1012,IMG_3083.jpeg)

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85c0f6 No.21084646


lots of venezuelans in the us. reconcile.

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08d0e6 No.21084648

File: ae8b29bcb80b0e4⋯.jpeg (155.23 KB,800x594,400:297,7768C878_4339_4ADD_80C4_6….jpeg)

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b7de69 No.21084651



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4605ab No.21084653


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be5edf No.21084654

File: a6200863c263045⋯.png (592.45 KB,500x701,500:701,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c347e9b4390e850⋯.png (1.54 MB,1092x839,1092:839,ClipboardImage.png)


anons know.

anon really hopes that the new yorkers do their thing today and guard that vote.

cos they will cheat and cause trouble.

and thanks for useing anons meme.


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08d0e6 No.21084655

File: 1db29a107dfb8c1⋯.png (486.49 KB,526x532,263:266,84647A26_B960_402A_9400_FB….png)

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4605ab No.21084657


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d147b7 No.21084658


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08d0e6 No.21084661

File: dda51ad8d8f20fc⋯.png (441.54 KB,518x800,259:400,15D6F130_C85B_47B0_87F9_49….png)

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d147b7 No.21084662

Tranime shut the fuck up. Cunt.

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4605ab No.21084664






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43ab48 No.21084665

Why don’t the aliens attack us, you ask?

Because the negative aliens already secretly rule over us.

P= Pindar

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08d0e6 No.21084666

File: 8f002d3ed7d3452⋯.gif (2.44 MB,480x270,16:9,IMG_3037.gif)

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6e9cd7 No.21084667


If this shit is true I’m fucking done with the whole thing … dude has literally plagiarized Obama speeches and is a WEF goon .. GTFO

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02011d No.21084668

Everyday I come here

And Everyday the Same

Death Destruction and Chaos

This was never a game

The people suffer

and the people cry

they are lost like sheep

and dont know why

Anons work hard

Anons work in light

The days are coming

All will be right

Nothing can stop what is coming

Nothing can stop what is to be

Nothing can stop the Evil

Except Trump, Patriots, and thee

Gods blessing to all

Gods Strength indeed

for we the people have had enough

And now its time to be free

Blessings Anons and thy will.

Amen, I Pray to thee

>spells matter

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d147b7 No.21084671

File: 80d1d3b7db4707a⋯.png (146.01 KB,524x380,131:95,IMG_1642.png)

See a psychologist

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08d0e6 No.21084672

File: e3100dbb9d372b4⋯.png (1.1 MB,1200x910,120:91,73532BF7_1765_4E77_8F7F_FC….png)

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ffaf7e No.21084673

Hi. I was told to come here because this is where the Assange prophecy was foretold. What do you prophets know?

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4605ab No.21084675




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25472a No.21084676



Shopped image. Just saying.

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82d253 No.21084678


>you Need dead.

You are not anon his dad shill, you fucked one of your own shills but haven't figured out how yet, you wish anon was trolling.

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6893d9 No.21084679


Old Willie Brown was a big time playah. Shuckin and jivin like a mofo!

Listening to him try to speak like a human literally made you dumber. The guy was just an over the top gangsta poser. A clown caricature.

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08d0e6 No.21084680

File: 0e0bcde60e53e9f⋯.png (2.08 MB,976x1366,488:683,D2C1E00B_1289_4191_B2D3_53….PNG)

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08d0e6 No.21084681

File: 2111c833d3518e1⋯.jpg (169.04 KB,960x737,960:737,IMG_1285.jpg)


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cd73cb No.21084682

File: 682531c89a1a3fc⋯.png (848.83 KB,1080x1665,24:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8654e No.21084683

File: 50cee3ee14a2281⋯.png (51.72 KB,712x586,356:293,4964.png)

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da97a5 No.21084684

File: 8e7155331e9ab9c⋯.png (759.32 KB,1080x1408,135:176,Screenshot_20240625_130416….png)

File: 647f713a30e5125⋯.mp4 (1000.43 KB,320x562,160:281,ssstwitter_com_17193178852….mp4)

Protesters storm parliament in Nairobi, Kenya during on going protests over finance bill


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4605ab No.21084685

tried harder



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b17478 No.21084686

File: d43e7bc0654493c⋯.png (1.77 MB,1857x1408,1857:1408,ClipboardImage.png)


> Erodes support of new, despites me subsidies.

Interest rates are 7% for new….12% for used if you have soso credit.


>They have scaled way down on their EVs. Why?

Absolutely no innovation from anything Detroit….ever…always lackluster.

>on and on. 8 billion or our tax dollars for charging stations and only 7 or 8 have been installed?

That was Biden. Elon put them in…you can get anywhere in the country using them.


*one "page down" will get you to the map.

>no infrastructure in place,

Outlets are everywhere….literally anyone can put a 240V charger in place….Elon even has a "put a charger at your place of business and earn money deal.


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6b392c No.21084687

File: acc238e2bd68418⋯.png (529.74 KB,679x483,97:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca2565 No.21084688

File: 0a0fe8208d12c90⋯.png (1.17 MB,1200x963,400:321,0a0fe8208d12c909304f6355cb….png)

shillspam torrent, anon goes telepatik

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df35fd No.21084689

File: 493911ecf4366d0⋯.jpg (124.29 KB,808x720,101:90,Screenshot_20240625_121102….jpg)

Japan's Emperor Naruhito walks in front King Charles much like trudeau did at d day.

Guess Trump started something

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8856d0 No.21084690

File: 8597b460dc7f350⋯.jpg (35.9 KB,517x479,517:479,tellyourmeme.jpg)

File: 47b200d2a28cc95⋯.png (153.24 KB,1600x900,16:9,Add_a_little_bit_ofbody_te….png)


If I forgot to give you your (YOU)

Here is an extra

The way I see it kid you got 2 choices


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6b392c No.21084691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

No One Shows Up For AOC & Bernie Rally!


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4fd58f No.21084692

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4605ab No.21084693







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6b392c No.21084694


Jun 25, 2024 #TheJimmyDoreShow

In a last-ditch effort to get out the vote for incumbent U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) and avoid an upset in the hotly contested Democratic primary in New York’s 16th Congressional District on Tuesday, June 25, leftist political heavyweights U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) came out in support of Bowman at a rally in New York on Saturday. Unfortunately for them, their “star power” has waned to the point where turnout was embarrassingly low.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how the rally turnout would have been even worse if not for the pro-Palestinian protesters who came to express their displeasure with Bernie, Bowman and AOC over Biden’s Israel support.

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3c5aa6 No.21084695

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)

File: 6f6b0a137b4f911⋯.png (2.09 MB,696x1047,232:349,Screenshot_6173_.png)

File: 2ae399931de42fe⋯.png (2.27 MB,946x837,946:837,capture_1856_20012024_0312….png)


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a6e480 No.21084696


Donna Brazille really forgot to act responsibly.

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08d0e6 No.21084697

File: c04ee1f55db2039⋯.gif (1.21 MB,455x250,91:50,IMG_3086.gif)

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82d253 No.21084698


>See a psychologist

Anon sees a shill recommending that but maybe you should double check the pregnancy tests.

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e658d8 No.21084700

Julian Assange taking a deal with the DOJ is like dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight

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9aae8f No.21084701


Top KEK!!!

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da97a5 No.21084702


Anon has never been a filterfag

But I'm about to be with this spamming shill.


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25472a No.21084703


It is protocol for the king to walk behind the visiting head of state/dignitary when inspecting the guard troops.

It is considered extremely rude for the head of state to walk in front of their honoured guest in such situations.

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4605ab No.21084705

h3llo doc.


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ed34e4 No.21084706

flipping over the moneychangers' tables >>21084684

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964793 No.21084707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10 Child Rapists go to court for Raping a Child in a park in Germany

All 10 Found Guilty

9 Released

1 gets 3 years juvie

a pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan and a Montenegrin

But Sing a Song "Foreigners Out" and Immediately Get Prison time….

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be5edf No.21084708

File: d36a106d0adccd6⋯.png (815.04 KB,659x680,659:680,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13987c8e5d2dc69⋯.png (1.8 MB,760x873,760:873,ClipboardImage.png)

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f1a9d7 No.21084709

File: 6e836e09c8da21f⋯.png (175.37 KB,946x180,473:90,feinstein.png)

>>21083965 (lb)

>Not RRN


Not RRN, but infinitely more kekworthy

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9dc488 No.21084710


Every Asian airbag got recalled multiple times. People died.


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02011d No.21084711

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bannons War Room

Democrat Advocate And Election Worker ARRESTED In Maricopa County, AZ


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ba679c No.21084712


This anon (me) has gotten to be pretty proficient filtering these overpaid shills

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cd73cb No.21084714

File: 0729b62e8f33db6⋯.png (682.37 KB,828x840,69:70,ClipboardImage.png)

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c24cc0 No.21084715


The fiendish plot of poo manchu

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ae8c32 No.21084716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1:15 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State




State Department Daily Briefing

State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller briefs reporters and responds to questions on a range of foreign policy issues.


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8856d0 No.21084717

File: 6f1e0570d29947d⋯.png (2.62 MB,1000x2043,1000:2043,6f1e0570d29947d5be5e7bc9d1….png)


Deal? That dude sat in jail for like 10 years

Time served is not walking away you know?

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0d11aa No.21084718

File: 5e57d69175e4e9e⋯.jpg (59.68 KB,530x499,530:499,5e57d69175e4e9e095c0c50d8a….jpg)

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b7de69 No.21084720


BO workin on proto passes n such

just fyi

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00b0ed No.21084721


>It is protocol for the king to walk behind the visiting head of state/dignitary when inspecting the guard troops

If you look back to the Queen I think you'll find this statement incorrect. She always walked in front.

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ba679c No.21084723


Funny, anon doesn't remember Pencil Dick…Pence [dam autocorrect], outing Geraldo when he did that back in Desert storm?

Curious indeed.

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05ef58 No.21084725





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da97a5 No.21084726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4605ab No.21084727


keep tying

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b7de69 No.21084729

File: c5de35b3e4b8bd4⋯.png (493.67 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8eb7a No.21084730

File: 75ac058419d8ac3⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB,4030x2370,403:237,IMG_3587.jpeg)

File: 9cb6922de5015d4⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_3593.jpeg)

File: e1227a06705f387⋯.jpeg (1.72 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_3592.jpeg)

Henlo from out chonder.

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4605ab No.21084731

the bastards.


they killed ross…

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c9a29f No.21084732

Naw not Proto

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54617b No.21084733



>Orban WAS supposed to take the additional new office of EU Preezy. "They" awarded von der Leyen another Term, immediately after the accident. Coincidence

it's not the same, Orban will still be prez over EU, the witch is president of the EU Commission, not the same

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c24cc0 No.21084734


Say it isn't so

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b7de69 No.21084735




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e8654e No.21084736

File: 126f843102f4586⋯.mp4 (11.09 MB,640x360,16:9,y2mate_so_CORRUPT_Debbie_W….mp4)

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00b0ed No.21084737

File: 06526f8ad9c2dd6⋯.png (414.11 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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4605ab No.21084738



fighting fools with words.


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e8eb7a No.21084739


Oh look everyone, he’s projecting.

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1cb6ab No.21084740

File: 2f086a0ad055d73⋯.jpeg (371.58 KB,720x548,180:137,kenya.jpeg)


Kenya believe it

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b7de69 No.21084741

@525or close to

#25846 >>21083964

>>21083994, >>21084065, >>21084155, >>21084242, >>21084273, >>21084300, >>21084325, >>21084430 Planefaggin: Europe/Med

>>21083990, >>21084206 Trump team rolls out surprise new sticker campaign as his team targets tips

>>21083999, >>21084003, >>21084018, >>21084286, >>21084298, >>21084716 Swamp Meets

>>21084017 Tesla is recalling its futuristic new Cybertruck pickup for the fourth time in the U.S.

>>21084067, >>21084083 Florida Judge Begins Dismantling Governor DeSantis’ Secrecy Operation

>>21084076, >>21084230, >>21084290 NASA/space news

>>21084095, >>21084114, >>21084102, >>21084122, >>21084135, >>21084137, >>21084269, >>21084270, Assange/heading towards US airspace and Saipan Island

>>21084177 IT Glitch Sends German Power Price Soaring to 22-Month High

>>21084208 FDA Authorizes Marketing of Four Menthol-Flavored E-Cigarette Products After Extensive Scientific Review

>>21084254 @NationAfrica First contingent of Kenyan police touch down in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

>>21084326, >>21084332, >>21084365, >>21084733 Hungarian President Viktor Orban Motorcade Crash in Germany

>>21084344 Another monolith

>>21084348 Top Secret U.S. Underwater Drone Weapon 'Manta Ray' Discovered on Google Maps

>>21084412 VP pick, Q team?

>>21084553, >>21084577, >>21084622 Conservative-backed group is creating a list of federal workers it suspects could resist Trump plans

>>21084611 TRENDS: RIP SETH

>>21084684 Protesters storm parliament in Nairobi, Kenya during on going protests over finance bill

>>21084711 Bannons War Room

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cd73cb No.21084742

File: d3ef861b06408db⋯.png (722.49 KB,793x729,793:729,ClipboardImage.png)

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a6e480 No.21084743


Danks, Clarity needed.

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1cb6ab No.21084744


>much like trudeau did at d day


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b7de69 No.21084745


green link out


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fafe6a No.21084746

File: a3585639736e4d2⋯.jpg (324.12 KB,960x960,1:1,ASSANGErich.jpg)

File: 0265ef6ed352405⋯.png (339.88 KB,925x523,925:523,ASSANGEkey.png)

>>21083189 (lb)

>>21081938 (lb)


>>21081954 (lb)

release the KRAKKEN !!

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cd73cb No.21084747



Makes you wonder what Julian has on Pence

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f1a9d7 No.21084748

File: 0d9617fe7115095⋯.png (4.08 MB,2400x2400,1:1,pornflakes_free_assange.png)


>That dude sat in jail for like 10 years

Did he really?

Anon cannot help but wonder.

And the currently released photos only help reinforce that.

We are watching a movie after all where nothing is real.

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35cff8 No.21084749


media is all wound up on am radio parrots narrative being flipped

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02011d No.21084750

File: dc42fc9d5bbb71d⋯.png (276.02 KB,598x522,299:261,ClipboardImage.png)

Russia blocks 81 EU media outlets in retaliatory move


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b7de69 No.21084751


same ole

bakin werdz

nik'n memes

diggin tuneage

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4605ab No.21084752



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4605ab No.21084753


the local environs have gone to shit…

in multiple instances.

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04ecca No.21084754


Kenya is in Haiti right now. They are either trying to save it from the gangs, or conquer it. I think I know which one.

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f1a9d7 No.21084755

File: 8facf3b9216a604⋯.jpg (64.02 KB,576x688,36:43,Trump_Queen_Elizardbreath_….jpg)


>She always walked in front.


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6b392c No.21084756

File: 56505e4fdf2ee47⋯.png (3.98 MB,2000x1125,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ead8cfcc93ea760⋯.png (114.05 KB,400x373,400:373,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel’s top court rules ultra-Orthodox Jews must be drafted into military, in blow to Netanyahu


Mick KreverJune 25, 2024

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men protest in Jerusalem against compulsory military service, on April 11,.

Ohad Zwigenberg/AP

Jerusalem CNN —

Israel’s Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered the government to draft ultra-Orthodox Jews into the military, delivering a blow to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that has the potential to unravel his ruling coalition.

The court also ordered the government to withdraw funding from any religious schools, or yeshivas, whose students do not comply with draft notices.

“The government wanted to distinguish at the level of law enforcement between individuals based on their group affiliation,” the court said in its ruling. “It was determined that by doing so, the government seriously harmed the rule of law and the principle according to which all individuals are equal before the law.”

Ultra-Orthodox (or Haredi) Jews have, for all intents and purposes, been exempt from national mandatory military service since Israel’s founding (Palestinian citizens of Israel are also exempt.) Ultra-Orthodox men spend much of their early lives out of the workforce, entirely devoted to religious study. They view yeshivas as fundamental to the preservation of Judaism, as important to Israel’s defense as the military.

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35cff8 No.21084757

File: 727c785496a0d38⋯.png (215.04 KB,750x1334,375:667,DF810A6A_45D0_499F_8B90_D5….png)

File: b2b6fa936638fde⋯.png (239.57 KB,690x4252,345:2126,E6760F12_83D9_48B5_85C9_8F….png)

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2acd12 No.21084758


At what point do you stopped falling for the Headline??

May resign? Collect signatures?

Fucking hell

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00b0ed No.21084760

File: 1b8b85551a48eba⋯.png (264.05 KB,364x528,91:132,1b8b85551a48eba9f9aa60962b….png)


No that was the FIRST time ever that she didn't.

That was the other anons point fren

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b7de69 No.21084761


agree there has been a slide in herd intelligence

if only it were the jab huh

chop wood, carry water

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ac5f0b No.21084762

File: 5843361efe11c00⋯.jpg (253.96 KB,973x658,139:94,2543af98cf36063a.jpg)


I have often pondered him being in protective custody instead of locked up…they could have Epstiened him a long time ago.

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1cb6ab No.21084763

File: b4b37357af71ef9⋯.png (936.15 KB,1024x1024,1:1,policepepe.png)


>First contingent of Kenyan police touch down in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

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02011d No.21084764

File: 5badba864e35301⋯.mp4 (263.4 KB,320x320,1:1,ssstwitter_com_17193296876….mp4)

WTH is going on here?


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37558d No.21084765

File: 99771583ed8e561⋯.png (2.06 MB,912x2000,57:125,99771583ed8e561c03a734ac79….png)

The Queen

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f1a9d7 No.21084766


>they killed ross

Well, he didn't kill himself, but a fitting end nonetheless. His crimes against comedy are justification enough.

They called Friends a sitcom, but I thought comedies were meant to be funny, something even Shakespeare couldn't seem to grasp.

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35cff8 No.21084767

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e8eb7a No.21084768

File: 8066b79eb49d859⋯.jpeg (2.53 MB,4030x2917,4030:2917,IMG_3320.jpeg)

File: 6883884cec77960⋯.jpeg (128.6 KB,700x691,700:691,IMG_2222.jpeg)

File: d6625f2268dc6f2⋯.jpeg (410.32 KB,1085x720,217:144,IMG_2310.jpeg)

File: 3aea8aac30926cd⋯.jpeg (42.09 KB,420x315,4:3,IMG_2311.jpeg)


Stollen. ThanQ

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4605ab No.21084769

File: c6ff62d706a4809⋯.gif (467.46 KB,500x281,500:281,20240625_113040.gif)

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2549ff No.21084770

File: 73db0dbb63fa626⋯.png (92.83 KB,464x422,232:211,ClipboardImage.png)


per special request

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6b392c No.21084771

Beau Died Defending The Alamo

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f1a9d7 No.21084772


>That was the other anons point fren

Anon did not read read the flow. We be like that!

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2549ff No.21084773

File: f765a69eed29f4c⋯.png (3.11 MB,1500x6000,1:4,25845capV2.png)

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b7de69 No.21084774

File: 7749b07e305cc8c⋯.png (169.73 KB,400x225,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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25472a No.21084775

This post @557

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ae8c32 No.21084776

File: bb935eb7b90fbd4⋯.mp4 (12.17 MB,480x270,16:9,2024_06_25_Defense_Secreta….mp4)

11:01 AM

Defense Secretary Austin Meets with Israeli Defense Minister

Defense Secretary Austin meets with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant at the Pentagon.


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9dc488 No.21084777

File: 51a2840029c3864⋯.png (1.31 MB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Who runs Germany?

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f1a9d7 No.21084778


>I have often pondered him being in protective custody instead of locked up

Sounds like a good move. Killary did want to drone him after all.

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e8eb7a No.21084779


Tfw you’re in denial.jpg

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cd73cb No.21084780


Falling? its funny people think Castro would resign.

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e8eb7a No.21084781


He’s ded, Jim. They kilt him.

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474bdc No.21084782


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00b0ed No.21084783

File: b9bc22e876a17c1⋯.png (2.47 KB,186x42,31:7,Notable_rt2.png)

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e8654e No.21084784


Tough day for the devolution grift if that's even still a thing.

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cd73cb No.21084785

File: de744ec011e3649⋯.png (1.04 MB,1280x1418,640:709,ClipboardImage.png)

Butt buddy Lindsey retaining water?

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e658d8 No.21084786


Dont forget, so did mike pompeo

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00b0ed No.21084787

File: 7ed9904efa2c573⋯.png (498.86 KB,568x579,568:579,7ed9904efa2c573f33bcf58cbd….png)


Not bad one for three, kek ty fren & o7

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4605ab No.21084788



it was wholesome sheep fodder.

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7a3f0e No.21084789


The Supreme Court of Israel is the most corrupt part of Israel's government

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e8eb7a No.21084791


(Jim Kirk, not Jim Kun)

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6aa0f3 No.21084792


Don hugh henley huh?

That's funny cause i mean they just started selling eagle tickets for the sphere in lv

“The Sphere residency will offer fans the ultimate connection to the band’s legendary catalog in an immersive experience that only Sphere can provide,” the venue said in a release.

According to The Sphere, tickets start at $175 and will reflect all-in pricing, meaning the ticket price listed is inclusive of taxes and fees.

The general on-sale will begin Friday, June 21 at 10 a.m. at https://eagles.com.

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f1a9d7 No.21084793


Saw the same shit happening with the voting machines here in Brasil.

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25472a No.21084794



Not in denial.

Unlike some people round these parts I understand basic military diplomatic protocol.

If you check the images where the Queen is walking in front you will find that she is inspecting foreign troops during the many state visits she carried out around the world.

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b7de69 No.21084795

Last Callwill baker in 10 min

#25846 >>21083964

>>21083994, >>21084065, >>21084155, >>21084242, >>21084273, >>21084300, >>21084325, >>21084430 Planefaggin: Europe/Med

>>21083990, >>21084206 Trump team rolls out surprise new sticker campaign as his team targets tips

>>21083999, >>21084003, >>21084018, >>21084286, >>21084298, >>21084716, >>21084776 Swamp Meets

>>21084017 Tesla is recalling its futuristic new Cybertruck pickup for the fourth time in the U.S.

>>21084067, >>21084083 Florida Judge Begins Dismantling Governor DeSantis’ Secrecy Operation

>>21084076, >>21084230, >>21084290 NASA/space news

>>21084095, >>21084114, >>21084102, >>21084122, >>21084135, >>21084137, >>21084269, >>21084270, Assange/heading towards US airspace and Saipan Island

>>21084177 IT Glitch Sends German Power Price Soaring to 22-Month High

>>21084208 FDA Authorizes Marketing of Four Menthol-Flavored E-Cigarette Products After Extensive Scientific Review

>>21084254 @NationAfrica First contingent of Kenyan police touch down in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

>>21084326, >>21084332, >>21084365, >>21084733 Hungarian President Viktor Orban Motorcade Crash in Germany

>>21084344 Another monolith

>>21084348 Top Secret U.S. Underwater Drone Weapon 'Manta Ray' Discovered on Google Maps

>>21084553, >>21084577, >>21084622 Conservative-backed group is creating a list of federal workers it suspects could resist Trump plans

>>21084611 TRENDS: RIP SETH

>>21084684 Protesters storm parliament in Nairobi, Kenya during on going protests over finance bill

>>21084711 Bannons War Room

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4605ab No.21084796


the latent honor of being fetcher and carrier.


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1cb6ab No.21084797

File: 00bb45d2cbcf64d⋯.png (231.36 KB,437x426,437:426,ClipboardImage.png)

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00b0ed No.21084798

File: 60ffabe2d4fc2e1⋯.png (2.14 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>The Supreme Court of Israel is the most corrupt part of Israel's government

Can you see the Pyramid inside it?

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9dc488 No.21084799

File: f57848ff8ddec05⋯.png (391.63 KB,840x672,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)


They'll buy an unelectable retard to run against him.

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be5edf No.21084800

File: 829912085e9d7ff⋯.png (1.07 MB,1076x1076,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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1cb6ab No.21084801


'feast of the pond' is a commemorative holiday, and is considered to be among the most significant holidays of Shi'ite Muslims and Alawites.

2024 date 25 June (Iran)

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00b0ed No.21084802

File: 717ce824b720d4c⋯.png (769.52 KB,813x435,271:145,ClipboardImage.png)


There are actually two of them but I'm skeptical there's not a third smaller inside where you can't see from the exterior.

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a5f88b No.21084803

Confirmed: Steve Bannon to Report to Federal Prison in Connecticut to Serve Four Month Sentence

Confirmed: Steve Bannon to Report to Federal Prison in Connecticut to Serve Four Month Sentence

June 25, 2024 Peter D'Abrosca

Steve Bannon

The Tennessee Star Tuesday confirmed a CNN report which, citing anonymous sources, said that Steve Bannon, former Chief of Staff to President Donald Trump, will be ordered by a judge to report to Federal Correctional Institution Danbury in Danbury, Connecticut.

“Mr. Bannon has been initially designated to FCI Danbury, CT which is a low security male facility,” Sabrina Moore, an executive assistant and operations administrator for the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) told The Star on Tuesday.

FBI Danbury is designated as a low security prison, which is one level of security higher than a minimum security prison. While FCI Danbury has a minimum security satellite camp consisting of 105 inmates, it appears from Moore’s response that Bannon will serve his four month sentence in the low security portion of the prison, which houses about 1,068 inmates.

“Minimum security institutions, also known as Federal Prison Camps (FPCs), have dormitory housing, a relatively low staff-to-inmate ratio, and limited or no perimeter fencing,” according to the BOP. “These institutions are work- and program-oriented.”

Low-security prisons are a bit more harsh.

“Low security Federal Correctional Institutions (FCIs) have double-fenced perimeters, mostly dormitory or cubicle housing, and strong work and program components,” according to the BOP. “The staff-to-inmate ratio in these institutions is higher than in minimum security facilities.”

June 25, 2024


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cd73cb No.21084804

File: 9d80e07c948a6d5⋯.png (729.19 KB,720x910,72:91,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c9992fbfdbcd7d7⋯.png (1.11 MB,1125x1449,125:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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50489b No.21084805

File: 8beda829f999b7c⋯.png (38.98 KB,156x241,156:241,ClipboardImage.png)


Thank You Baker

Have a Be Best Day! eh!

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4605ab No.21084806

File: 2aa5b2e6276f3e3⋯.gif (386.93 KB,640x480,4:3,20190124_015226.gif)

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b7de69 No.21084807


sum poor soul gotta dew eeeeet


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e8eb7a No.21084808

File: d5527d938494c86⋯.png (309.16 KB,747x679,747:679,IMG_2846.png)

File: 99f8204ab6404d6⋯.jpeg (143.04 KB,828x1158,138:193,IMG_2863.jpeg)

File: b77fe7cc915fc6d⋯.jpeg (102.11 KB,736x736,1:1,IMG_2860.jpeg)


Kek! Stollen again.

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6b392c No.21084809

File: 1ab836cb609b8aa⋯.png (789.25 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Hunter Biden's law license suspended in D.C.


June 25, 2024

Hunter Biden departs a House Oversight Committee meeting at Capitol Hill on Jan. 10 in Washington, D.C. Photo: Kent Nishimura/Getty Images

The D.C. Court of Appeals on Tuesday suspended Hunter Biden's law license after he was convicted earlier this month of three federal gun charges.

Why it matters: It's the latest fallout from the president's son's conviction and trial, which aired some of the Biden family's darkest moments.

Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison, although as a first-time offender it's unlikely he will receive the maximum sentence.

Driving the news: The court order stated that Hunter Biden is "suspended immediately from the practice of law" in D.C., after considering the indictment and jury verdict in his federal gun trial.

The appeals court also directed D.C.'s Board on Professional Responsibility to "institute a formal proceeding to determine the nature of the offense and whether it involves moral turpitude."

State of play: The D.C. Office of Disciplinary Counsel wrote in an order earlier this month that Hunter Biden's offenses in his federal gun case amount to a "serious crime," which constitutes automatic suspension under the counsel's rules.

Hunter Biden has been licensed to practice law in Washington, D.C., since 2007, per the Washington Post.

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4605ab No.21084810


thought gallant resigned.

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39b517 No.21084811

You can vote all you want, doesn't make a difference anymore. They are already here, damage is already done.>>21084038

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c24cc0 No.21084812

File: d6b09eea7f9ea32⋯.png (451.39 KB,993x1000,993:1000,ClipboardImage.png)

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6b392c No.21084813


Megyn Kelly's excellent interview with Julian Assange from 2016.

Discussion of Seth Rich, DNC Podesta emails and Hillary Clinton.


Paul Harvey Predicts 🇳🇿NZ

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02011d No.21084814

File: c8719a25bd083a3⋯.png (1.39 MB,1284x1738,642:869,ClipboardImage.png)


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1cb6ab No.21084815

File: d361351737324c1⋯.png (137.99 KB,500x375,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7a9496334bcc98⋯.png (344.92 KB,524x313,524:313,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb631b No.21084816

File: f97ffb909072077⋯.png (743.54 KB,1080x1213,1080:1213,Screenshot_20240625_134040.png)


The actions of American 'leadership' put the lives of american warriors in danger by pretending to be things they are not


Two tier justice system

How slavers managed slave colonies via administrators blending in

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6b392c No.21084817

File: 2613b752a6f45e9⋯.png (530.77 KB,576x674,288:337,ClipboardImage.png)

Man wins $4 million at Marina Bay Casino in Singapore, then suffers an immediate heart attack and dies on the casino floor.


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4605ab No.21084818



itis not as bad as it was when

[we] were handbreaking the


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1cb6ab No.21084819


>Hunter Biden

Was 'Captain' his FBI code name?

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cd73cb No.21084820

File: 944786afc6d1355⋯.png (486.16 KB,901x834,901:834,ClipboardImage.png)

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1cb6ab No.21084821

Hunter Biden—whose Secret Service codename is "Captain"

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02011d No.21084822

File: 1db7932fe290a8a⋯.png (595.85 KB,1916x1177,1916:1177,ClipboardImage.png)

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4605ab No.21084823


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35cff8 No.21084824

File: cbc874f298b4050⋯.png (155.83 KB,690x1290,23:43,523E7AB7_CE78_4552_9687_07….png)

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6b392c No.21084825

File: 9431a7fc20c6857⋯.png (15.18 KB,73x73,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Thread by @julie_kelly2 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App


HOLY SH*T: Special Counsel Jack Smith just admitted the FBI added cover sheets to alleged classified documents found at MAL and took photos for evidence.

This confirms my report from last month that the FBI doctored evidence to produce stunt photos of classified docs at MAL:

As I reported last month, the FBI brought colored classified cover sheets to the raid under the guise of using them to substitute classified documents found within Trump's boxes.

Instead, FBi agents attached the scary looking sheets to various files and took photos.

In DOJ's opposition to Trump's special master lawsuit in 2022, Jay Bratt attached infamous photo as a prop so the media would publish it and claim the papers were found with classified cover sheets.

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182904 No.21084827

File: 5cb97026e0f6c66⋯.jpg (13 KB,223x255,223:255,357dfde3b6a19f57c6bbbb9d4c….jpg)

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5978a2 No.21084828

File: ac9208c273ce080⋯.gif (672.08 KB,480x272,30:17,819677EE_1585_4B31_9C65_53….gif)

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4605ab No.21084829

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be5edf No.21084830

File: 03a4e0e7c7be737⋯.png (1.04 MB,1146x931,1146:931,ClipboardImage.png)


thats mean man.

killing people by rigging the winning.

bet it was suddenly..

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a5f88b No.21084831

File: bb3e00b0c56f662⋯.mp4 (12.43 MB,720x1280,9:16,EV_Fail.mp4)

EV fail kek

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1cb6ab No.21084832


>classified cover sheets

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b7de69 No.21084833


anons don member reason for C_A, moar, pron, FIB n such


iz no bad, iz no betters

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35cff8 No.21084834


carpet crawler

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1cb6ab No.21084835


v for vendetta is a movie for redditors and star wars fags

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b7de69 No.21084836


#25846 >>21083964

>>21083994, >>21084065, >>21084155, >>21084242, >>21084273, >>21084300, >>21084325, >>21084430 Planefaggin: Europe/Med

>>21083990, >>21084206 Trump team rolls out surprise new sticker campaign as his team targets tips

>>21083999, >>21084003, >>21084018, >>21084286, >>21084298, >>21084716, >>21084776 Swamp Meets

>>21084017 Tesla is recalling its futuristic new Cybertruck pickup for the fourth time in the U.S.

>>21084067, >>21084083 Florida Judge Begins Dismantling Governor DeSantis’ Secrecy Operation

>>21084076, >>21084230, >>21084290 NASA/space news

>>21084095, >>21084114, >>21084102, >>21084122, >>21084135, >>21084137, >>21084269, >>21084270, >>21084813 Assange/heading towards US airspace and Saipan Island

>>21084177 IT Glitch Sends German Power Price Soaring to 22-Month High

>>21084208 FDA Authorizes Marketing of Four Menthol-Flavored E-Cigarette Products After Extensive Scientific Review

>>21084254 @NationAfrica First contingent of Kenyan police touch down in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

>>21084326, >>21084332, >>21084365, >>21084733 Hungarian President Viktor Orban Motorcade Crash in Germany

>>21084344 Another monolith

>>21084348 Top Secret U.S. Underwater Drone Weapon 'Manta Ray' Discovered on Google Maps

>>21084553, >>21084577, >>21084622 Conservative-backed group is creating a list of federal workers it suspects could resist Trump plans

>>21084611 TRENDS: RIP SETH

>>21084684 Protesters storm parliament in Nairobi, Kenya during on going protests over finance bill

>>21084711 Bannons War Room

>>21084803 Confirmed: Steve Bannon to Report to Federal Prison in Connecticut to Serve Four Month Sentence

>>21084809 Hunter Biden's law license suspended in D.C.


#25845 >>21083107

>>21083120 Snowy Hydro is pausing its cloud seeding program - cloud seeding operations are permitted under the Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Act.

>>21083189, >>21083446, >>21083627, >>21083846, >>21083874, >>21083906 Flight carrying Assange stops in Bangkok to refuel

>>21083218, >>21083226, >>21083820 Courts block Biden from canceling any more student loan debt

>>21083230 Former CIA Chief Who Constructed Both Trump-Russia Narrative and Russian Biden Laptop Narrative, Says Terrorist Attack Imminent

>>21083312, >>21083340 The Rapidan dam in Blue Earth County, Minnesota, failed on June 24, 2024, due to intense flooding.

>>21083319, >>21083326 New York primary election day will decide key race between Jamaal Bowman and George Latimer

>>21083404 Change of batter update? You know what this means… “Hillary Clinton book coming this fall”

>>21083414, >>21083436, >>21083444 CNN's Dana Bash (who will be moderating the presidential debate on Thursday) ex-husband was one of the 51 spies whoo FALSELY claimed…

>>21083439 Finland to start bird flu vaccinations for humans, in world first

>>21083639 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/25/2024

>>21083658, >>21083778 Habenings for 6/25/2024

>>21083691 MTV Abruptly Nukes Site, Erases More Than 20 Years Worth Of Content

>>21083699 EU leaders agree on von der Leyen for 2nd term

>>21083780, >>21083800, >>21083842 Trump Campaign Hit with Gag Order by CNN Days Ahead of Network’s Presidential Debate

>>21083840 Supreme Court rejects appeals brought by RFK Jr.-founded anti-vaccine group over Covid shots

>>21083869 SpaceX GOES-U Mission Launch

>>21083921 #25845

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ba679c No.21084837

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417314 No.21084838

File: b328ba734e088e5⋯.jpeg (362.95 KB,960x944,60:59,IMG_6917.jpeg)

BREAKING: Judge alters Trump’s gag order, letting him talk about witnesses, jury after hush money conviction - AP


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b7de69 No.21084839

Really Final

#25846 >>21083964

>>21083994, >>21084065, >>21084155, >>21084242, >>21084273, >>21084300, >>21084325, >>21084430 Planefaggin: Europe/Med

>>21083990, >>21084206 Trump team rolls out surprise new sticker campaign as his team targets tips

>>21083999, >>21084003, >>21084018, >>21084286, >>21084298, >>21084716, >>21084776 Swamp Meets

>>21084017 Tesla is recalling its futuristic new Cybertruck pickup for the fourth time in the U.S.

>>21084067, >>21084083 Florida Judge Begins Dismantling Governor DeSantis’ Secrecy Operation

>>21084076, >>21084230, >>21084290 NASA/space news

>>21084095, >>21084114, >>21084102, >>21084122, >>21084135, >>21084137, >>21084269, >>21084270, >>21084813 Assange/heading towards US airspace and Saipan Island

>>21084177 IT Glitch Sends German Power Price Soaring to 22-Month High

>>21084208 FDA Authorizes Marketing of Four Menthol-Flavored E-Cigarette Products After Extensive Scientific Review

>>21084254 @NationAfrica First contingent of Kenyan police touch down in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

>>21084326, >>21084332, >>21084365, >>21084733 Hungarian President Viktor Orban Motorcade Crash in Germany

>>21084344 Another monolith

>>21084348 Top Secret U.S. Underwater Drone Weapon 'Manta Ray' Discovered on Google Maps

>>21084553, >>21084577, >>21084622 Conservative-backed group is creating a list of federal workers it suspects could resist Trump plans

>>21084611 TRENDS: RIP SETH

>>21084684 Protesters storm parliament in Nairobi, Kenya during on going protests over finance bill

>>21084711 Bannons War Room

>>21084803 Confirmed: Steve Bannon to Report to Federal Prison in Connecticut to Serve Four Month Sentence

>>21084809 Hunter Biden's law license suspended in D.C.


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4605ab No.21084840





it will break soon™.

depends on perspective.

the longer тне веттеr.

entropy advances apace.

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f8ea97 No.21084841


he could've ended systemic racism with that money, instead he died. fuckin' white supremacist.

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64d1e7 No.21084843

File: ca7dff99892ae17⋯.mp4 (2.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,Germany_Reacts_to_Trump_s_….mp4)

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0aaf1c No.21084845

File: 52d9331699191c1⋯.mp4 (11.76 MB,720x1280,9:16,IMG_0160.mp4)




29 Assange Leaks Zipped, August 4, 2020 (22MB)


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182904 No.21084846


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c24cc0 No.21084847


Not likely but…

The alamo was another name for something sc

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5978a2 No.21084848

File: 7382b9b0b9506dd⋯.jpeg (244.5 KB,777x836,777:836,F47965D5_1070_4718_8B95_0….jpeg)

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2549ff No.21084849


tried that, wasted/invested much time.

will try again, thx

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182904 No.21084850

File: dd7a498e071356b⋯.png (240.72 KB,621x474,207:158,dd7a498e071356bfe28a7632a4….png)

File: ae5e5731b245b33⋯.png (772.98 KB,1349x767,1349:767,ae5e5731b245b33fa5bbdc97e5….png)

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cd73cb No.21084851

File: d281025888de6db⋯.png (861.95 KB,1080x1943,1080:1943,ClipboardImage.png)

how it started

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25472a No.21084853


>Special Counsel Jack Smith just admitted the FBI added cover sheets to alleged classified documents found at MAL and took photos for evidence.

Falsifying evidence, when are they going to face the criminal charges.

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b7de69 No.21084855

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c24cc0 No.21084856





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5978a2 No.21084857

File: 8a174b5e4a41579⋯.gif (1.9 MB,400x270,40:27,EC523B6F_CA9E_4286_9173_01….gif)


Totally right too

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64d1e7 No.21084858

File: 36e46acad64eb0a⋯.gif (997.49 KB,425x259,425:259,Julian_Assange_Smile.gif)

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ffaf7e No.21084860


If you are the one taking the video you need to stop.

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ba679c No.21084862


Anon is curious about how shakey the camera is?

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25472a No.21084863


Plane did not 'drop'

It was a rapid controlled descent to lower altitude following a cabin pressure problem.

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02011d No.21084865







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ba679c No.21084866


Shakey video seems to be what shows today try to do to build excitement, suspence, etc and shows an infantile attempt at making it seem legit.

Anon questions it.

Anon questions everything kek

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b7de69 No.21084867


entropy, yes

especifically habby op of free speech and not half chins variety

imagine whirled wide free speech

haz limits

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cd73cb No.21084868


>cabin pressure problem.

nothing to do with doors sealing i'm sure

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6aa0f3 No.21084869


he is right here.

saudi did the complete opposite of what biden wanted and in coordination with russia who is making more oil sales to fund "war" in turn is increasing oil prices around the world including the US.

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0aaf1c No.21084870

File: 6189b2224213109⋯.png (131.68 KB,978x598,489:299,Screen_Shot_2024_06_25_at_….png)

FBI releases documents on Seth Rich’s murder

When DNC staffer Seth Rich was murdered in 2018, the mainstream press reported that his death might have stemmed from a botched robbery in which nothing was taken, but the newly released FBI files on Rich allude to something different.

According to the FBI files, top officials from the Department of Justice met to discuss why Rich may have been gunned down in front of his D.C. home while walking back from a local bar intoxicated.

The files suggest that someone may have paid for Rich’s murder, even though the mainline press denied any allegations of such a scenario. Not to mention, someone took Rich’s laptop after his death.

Attorneys have now requested over one thousand FBI documents about the matter, but it is unknown if the bureau will comply with the requests.

Additionally, it is important to note that Roger Stone and Dr. Jerome Corsi’s names also appear in the files. The FBI appears to have been concerned with Stones’ conversations with Republican campaign consultant Paul Manafort and Corsi’s potential contact with Wikileaks frontman Julian Assange. Agents with the bureau searched Corsi’s computers.


FBI Releases Records About Murdered DNC Analyst Seth Rich


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00b0ed No.21084871

File: 0418c57c8df537f⋯.png (749.54 KB,1200x801,400:267,0418c57c8df537fe19be590715….png)

File: b2144bd730a2040⋯.jpg (147.5 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Keep_Going.jpg)


Wow those are dank

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2549ff No.21084872

File: 372e13714e51d41⋯.png (3.93 MB,1500x10000,3:20,25845capV3.png)

File: 878b73b34ce7af2⋯.png (141.28 KB,474x265,474:265,ClipboardImage.png)


>keeping it updated

may be false pozzes, but autists can filter noise

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64d1e7 No.21084876


You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.

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ae8c32 No.21084877

File: 80a45eec7615cea⋯.mp4 (2.17 MB,640x360,16:9,Joe_Roomba.mp4)

File: 3304e5512a82b56⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,888x596,222:149,Biden_Roomba.mp4)

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02011d No.21084879

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4605ab No.21084880





that is not viable until sheep learn words donot hurt.

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b7de69 No.21084881

File: 67ba8b7efb3b67b⋯.png (299.86 KB,279x732,93:244,ClipboardImage.png)

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ac5f0b No.21084883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kenyan President addresses the nation after protesters are shot dead and fires started in parliament

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4605ab No.21084885


a good policy for errant government.

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5668a7 No.21084886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this one is for Jay Slater

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6aa0f3 No.21084887


who or what EXACTLY is the OLD GUARD?

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cd73cb No.21084888

File: 5e3148609341697⋯.png (1.1 MB,634x847,634:847,ClipboardImage.png)

>Sean Hershbein

Animal welfare workers in Pennsylvania have revealed how they rescued animals being used for bestiality from a dilapidated school bus towing a trailer.

>Police contacted SPCA officials after discovering the disabled school bus, which contained 30 birds, including chickens, roosters, ducks, and turkeys.

>Three German Shepherds and an Australian Shepherd were also removed from the vehicle.

>A bull and a pony were found in the trailer hitched to the back of the bus - both of which officials said were 'being used for bestiality purposes.'

>They added the chickens were used to feed the dogs.

The local SPCA stated on Facebook, 'This is a difficult situation we don't encounter frequently, and it's something we hope to never see again.'

The post added: 'I’m not going to go into a lot of detail because as I said, it’s been a really hard day.

'This is not something we see everyday and it’s not something we ever want to see again.

'The Adams County SPCA will be closed to the public until further notice. We need a few days to take care of the animals and get them the help they deserve!'

Sean Hershbein was taken into custody after police reviewed outstanding warrants in another state. And an unidentified female was left with the vehicle.

>Due to Hershbein's past offenses, all the animals will undergo testing for human DNA. Testing is projected to cost around $10,000, which the state has agreed to pay for.

Fortunately, the SPCA said all the animals are in good physical condition 'considering what they've been through.'

However, the Adams County SPCA will be closed to the public until further notice as they prioritize caring for the rescued animals.

Donations to support the rescue's efforts can be made on their website.


+45 replie

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4605ab No.21084889


you wouldn't getit.

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ae8c32 No.21084890

File: 36c07244d5be5e0⋯.jpg (27.49 KB,612x342,34:19,gettyimages_984862412_fune….jpg)

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4605ab No.21084891


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b7de69 No.21084892

File: 25cd44638e6e7dd⋯.png (495.88 KB,4200x4200,1:1,25cd44638e6e7dd6fe50ad4fb3….png)


werdz iz not verbs


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ffed56 No.21084893

File: ee5a6a946f5c91c⋯.png (113.87 KB,299x378,299:378,IMG_3394.png)

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cd73cb No.21084894

File: 1e20c39ce2b9dfa⋯.png (1.09 MB,762x1151,762:1151,ClipboardImage.png)

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0aaf1c No.21084896

File: 709567cbf25874b⋯.png (436.85 KB,1594x970,797:485,Screen_Shot_2024_06_25_at_….png)

File: 9527bb84302c9ad⋯.png (455.14 KB,1442x1046,721:523,Screen_Shot_2024_06_25_at_….png)


sauce for the mp4



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803211 No.21084898


Vote harder retards

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ae8c32 No.21084902

File: a349c7bf2ebf618⋯.jpg (71.25 KB,737x600,737:600,Marriner_S_Eccles_Federal_….jpg)

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4605ab No.21084903


programming ist.

by whom none accept.

can't kill what you can't see.


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ae8c32 No.21084904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:00 PM EDT

Committee Markup

House Rules Committee


H.R. 8752 – Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2025



H.R. 8771 - Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2025



H.R. 8774 – Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2025






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5978a2 No.21084907

File: 35aa72c04c3c96d⋯.gif (1008.42 KB,475x238,475:238,F73F6D75_2A9B_4CE1_920E_85….gif)

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803211 No.21084909


Rupee -W


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b7de69 No.21084913


wood not nose if seent, dat da prollem

how to fite wut doooz not unstand

do loops secure

recershun not

iz comin

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be110c No.21084915


Gotta lick a lot of carpet

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d24d5d No.21084918

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02011d No.21084919

File: cc6c90ce4663452⋯.png (322.72 KB,456x456,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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02011d No.21084921

File: b7560b0792d218b⋯.png (1.13 MB,900x887,900:887,ClipboardImage.png)

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be110c No.21084923


What about demonic possession?

Too soon

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00b8f4 No.21084925

File: c751f9344cc39bb⋯.png (211.36 KB,487x468,487:468,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd73cb No.21084926

File: b47f515007dc3a1⋯.png (1.51 MB,1062x1548,59:86,ClipboardImage.png)

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64d1e7 No.21084927


The bloodlines whom have directed the human course over the last 2 Millenia.

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5978a2 No.21084934

File: 868204a70200da0⋯.jpeg (231.47 KB,828x1054,414:527,50993C66_3A2F_4ED2_8A07_1….jpeg)

File: 2d2012fcf642933⋯.jpeg (91.61 KB,700x394,350:197,18445235_9CB4_4DDB_AE43_2….jpeg)

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b7de69 No.21084936


dark bloodlines are Catholic on the outside

light bloodlines are Jewish on the outside

they all worship morning star

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4605ab No.21084937

they donot.

they cannot.



it is.

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05ef58 No.21084939


JA is a piece of shit

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ffed56 No.21084942


>2 Millenia

How many in giraffes is that?

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02011d No.21084945

File: 369be91acee473b⋯.png (409.32 KB,512x768,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Current state of affairs

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0d11aa No.21084946

File: 9f99cbee4f70f0b⋯.jpg (129.09 KB,620x400,31:20,9f99cbee4f70f0bed68309ed0c….jpg)

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f1a9d7 No.21084947

File: 1c24f283d0da6f6⋯.jpg (85.76 KB,791x529,791:529,faggotree.jpg)


>Last Call will baker in 10 min


Gonna lock the bread 'cos it's too slow fer yer?

That's supreme faggotry.

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4f2bfa No.21084948

>>21084362 (me)



>about membership of gangs inside (your)their departments

Interesting cause the instigators, this time, is this guy who anon has helped get sober & off the street several times. While was still drinking he told anon that he is the son of a gang-member, he gang being in this anon's city. His gang-member dad is older now and been spending time in the Phillippines though is supposedly is back in the(our) country and living just down the street from us.

The good news is that when anon is out and about I can sense this certain comfort that I'm being watched and protected form the baddies, whomever they may be.

The torture is living with people in the house who cannot be trusted ever to do the right thing when it comes to the golden-rule… afaics. Though anon keeps believing and visualizing good things for these people and has been at peace with them in my interactions, there's still this underlying anxiety emanating from them. With the 2 of them it's hard to tell which one is the true instigator… tbh

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b7de69 No.21084950


iz comin for us all


bee awear

all can dooooz

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ed34e4 No.21084952

File: b3ed98cc11502c2⋯.png (192.71 KB,478x323,478:323,ClipboardImage.png)



Keean Bexte



Justin Trudeau is NOT RESIGNING following his devastating loss. Add your name right here and right now: https://form.jotform.com/231694718818267

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4605ab No.21084953


still thinks it's flesh and blood.

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6b19a8 No.21084956

File: 75eedcb1c7ca830⋯.png (94.16 KB,683x1146,683:1146,ClipboardImage.png)

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f1a9d7 No.21084957



I've never heard one of these beast say no. Ergo, they love it.

Bestial 8 trips confirm.

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b7de69 No.21084960

File: ca4e84b02af4f55⋯.png (854.68 KB,990x550,9:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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4605ab No.21084961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



just so.

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2549ff No.21084962


COMMS seem to be duplicated across several 'channels'.

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02011d No.21084966

File: 10db1b42f92ea17⋯.png (426.05 KB,638x625,638:625,ClipboardImage.png)

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2549ff No.21084967

File: 73db0dbb63fa626⋯.png (92.83 KB,464x422,232:211,ClipboardImage.png)


there is a 62 in there I have scraped elsewhere a bit ago

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76a06f No.21084969

File: 1a1c12009653235⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB,1280x720,16:9,w7oVGVjoZeXHY_wn.mp4)




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a365c9 No.21084970

File: d2180b62a22cdc4⋯.png (290.84 KB,543x371,543:371,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd73cb No.21084971

File: f5b31638346d2bc⋯.png (1.85 MB,1378x1114,689:557,ClipboardImage.png)

Couple forced their adopted black children to work as slaves

A couple who have been accused of locking up their adopted black children and forcing them to work as slaves have been sent behind bars once again.

Donald Ray Lantz, 63, and Jeanne Kay Whitefeather, 62 of Charleston, West Virginia, plead not guilty on Tuesday to over a dozen new charges after their kids were found locked in a dilapidated shed after laboring on the surrounding farmland.

The new charges included human trafficking of a minor child, use of a minor child in forced labor, and child neglect creating substantial risk of serious bodily injury or death.

Their bond has been set to $500,000 each - which is $300,000 more than each of their original bonds.

The couple's first arrest took place in October after it was discovered that the couple's five adopted children, all of whom were black, were forced to live in a locked barn in the backyard under squalor conditions.


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02011d No.21084973

File: 327c82622ba7596⋯.png (628.52 KB,909x909,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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76a06f No.21084976


Canada is fucked and they are gonna speed it up and kill you all

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5978a2 No.21084977

File: 70ad264b49509e5⋯.png (1.43 MB,1112x1080,139:135,5193FF93_6573_44DE_9D8B_CF….png)

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87f394 No.21084978

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FDA Authorizes Marketing of Four Menthol-Flavored E-Cigarette Products After Extensive Scientific Review

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02011d No.21084979

File: 56cc9ad1558cccc⋯.png (2.27 MB,1472x1772,368:443,ClipboardImage.png)

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964793 No.21084982


what's this all about?

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02011d No.21084983

File: 692cb99d1f2dd51⋯.png (704.8 KB,603x744,201:248,ClipboardImage.png)

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4605ab No.21084986


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fe4596 No.21084988

File: 765e152d40d5896⋯.png (286.53 KB,306x462,51:77,Picture1.png)

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cd73cb No.21084990


maybe he needs his troops at home? so much for fixing hati

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4f2bfa No.21084992



My senses tell me that these 2 people who are in my now-space are being controlled thru either fear/blackmail or being paid to try and provoke anon to violence toward them or to have anon voluntarily living on the street.

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08d0e6 No.21084996

File: d0cc49930677452⋯.png (944.75 KB,624x800,39:50,96DEFEB9_5B60_4596_9641_81….PNG)

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cd73cb No.21084997

File: 7379d2f1c0d443e⋯.png (533.96 KB,726x592,363:296,ClipboardImage.png)

feels like a war is coming

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c038c7 No.21085000


In b4 QTARDED tHiNk MiRrOr poast

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4d267a No.21085003


Like the rum

Set sail with Captain Morgan

Hike that leg like your dad

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d8f19b No.21085005


Since when does a TURD flush itself?

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26ac46 No.21085006

Oxygen is magnetic. The magnetic pole shift is happening right now. The sun is about to change due to the galactic magnetic current. Climate change is happening like it or not.

Expect all hell to break lose. The oceans are made up of Oxygen, with two Hydrogen atoms. Surf's up folks. Rogue waves, massive king tides.

Research the Dhjanibeckov effect of spinning mass in space. Now, let's talk about where all the civilizations before us went. Harvested.

Welcome to Earth, the biggest Human ranch in the solar system.

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ba679c No.21085009

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ac5f0b No.21085010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4d267a No.21085013


Fuckin' leafs and their toques eh?

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c038c7 No.21085014


What is SHIT YOU JUST MADE UP for 6 gorillian Alex

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ac5f0b No.21085015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4d267a No.21085018


Some turds gotta be stomped into the exit

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3440e3 No.21085020


He's doing as told and destroying himself for all to see, for him it's long and painful. Well played Q.

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4f2bfa No.21085021


>these 2 people

vaxxed to max and boosted everytime one comes along.

Now they're both taking some kind of "Mindfullness" therapy.

sketchy AF… imo

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4d267a No.21085022


Oxygen do be magnetic

People don't think it be like it is

But it do

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b17478 No.21085031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b17478 No.21085037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e54365 No.21085044

>>21083965. (LB)

Only blue voting dipshyts are that gullible, sweetie.

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cd571d No.21085047


Hillary's half sister Theresa Barnsworth, who was a professional Hillary impersonater , until that 9-11 Memorial in which the real Hillary passed out and was tossed into her specially equipped Black Medical Van.

She was driven up to the Flatiron district on 26 St where Chelsea owned the loft building.

3 Hours later, a "Hillary" appeared on the street who looked 25 lbs thinner and 10 years younger.

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35d288 No.21085051

File: 00868b1e77a06d4⋯.png (568.4 KB,1920x1012,480:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e4cbbfd83cd5b8⋯.png (879.91 KB,1206x1013,1206:1013,ClipboardImage.png)



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c9f8ff No.21085054

File: 36ed39a1d9d1ff6⋯.jpeg (132.34 KB,698x698,1:1,A40384A2_D86C_4768_9A34_C….jpeg)

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2549ff No.21085055


touch calibration is off

can be caused by intentionally mis-calibrating or hw problem /interference

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022465 No.21085056

File: 3b0eac91ad251c5⋯.jpg (58.46 KB,500x624,125:156,goahead.jpg)

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5978a2 No.21085059

File: 89ce743b3c8e1e3⋯.jpeg (168.53 KB,1258x806,629:403,3EADF42A_CB57_4359_AFD9_D….jpeg)

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2549ff No.21085060


from cannibals

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a365c9 No.21085062

File: 17155eb87b35f76⋯.png (595.9 KB,622x655,622:655,ClipboardImage.png)


It's all fake.

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4f2bfa No.21085063



anon considers the possibility 5G/Pharma/MKU being implemented.

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26ac46 No.21085065


When the truth just leaps out at you.

Btw, there's only one person that would answer me like you did. It do what it do.


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c9f8ff No.21085068

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Assange is no hero



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5978a2 No.21085069


>most tracked ever

Yup that was a no brainer

still stalled W of PI on ADS-B

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cd571d No.21085075

File: be8e07f68b4a1d9⋯.png (28.21 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


Needs a Persian Hypersonic Missile.

Would save US Taxpayers from being fleeced by these evil tiny hats.

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26ac46 No.21085077


explain which part I made up? It's all verifiable.

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a365c9 No.21085078

File: a3eefe4f51e0ee3⋯.png (759.35 KB,632x713,632:713,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8f19b No.21085079

File: 201af0d06afa56b⋯.png (720.87 KB,908x2500,227:625,ClipboardImage.png)

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408c85 No.21085083

File: 8324c2d5720c11c⋯.jpg (78.66 KB,400x232,50:29,sasquatch_hurling_boulder.jpg)

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408c85 No.21085086

File: 8324c2d5720c11c⋯.jpg (78.66 KB,400x232,50:29,sasquatch_hurling_boulder.jpg)

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a365c9 No.21085088

File: 63136bd7187312e⋯.png (725.67 KB,630x693,10:11,ClipboardImage.png)

There was a reason AJ didn't want to talk about the "royals" on Sunday.

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408c85 No.21085089

File: 8324c2d5720c11c⋯.jpg (78.66 KB,400x232,50:29,sasquatch_hurling_boulder.jpg)

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408c85 No.21085091

File: 8324c2d5720c11c⋯.jpg (78.66 KB,400x232,50:29,sasquatch_hurling_boulder.jpg)

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d8f19b No.21085093

File: ff5abf2fbf397cc⋯.png (93.46 KB,217x597,217:597,ClipboardImage.png)

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