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File: 39ffcc5138922d8⋯.jpg (4.3 KB,255x108,85:36,Oh_say_can_you_see_by_the_….jpg)

4f2422 No.21081871 [Last50 Posts]

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4f2422 No.21081873

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4f2422 No.21081874


#25843 >>21080981

>>21081705, >>21081716, >>21081717, >>21081724, >>21081735, >>21081764, >>21081781, >>21081788 Julian Assange on twitter X: Couple of cold beers in order this weekend

>>21081048, >>21081060, >>21081064, >>21081132, >>21081264, >>21081278, >>21081288, >>21081317, >>21081320, >>21081332, >>21081350, >>21081352, >>21081355, "it has begun."

>>21080997, >>21081285, >>21081303, >>21081605, >>21081307, >>21081497, >>21081575 Julian Assange bun

>>21081117, >>21081516 You think the federal reserve ransom may have been Assanges freedom? Something about ‘33’ terrabites?

>>21081053, >>21081090, >>21081423, >>21081436, >>21081697, >>21081719 Julian Assange walks free: CAP (0:13)


>>21081706, >>21081731, >>21081747, >>21081749, >>21081752 OUTRAGEOUS! FBI Refuses to Turn Over Seth Rich Laptop – Is Still Hiding Its Contents from American Public Despite Court Order – And Now Makes Up Ridiculous Story to Prevent It’s Release via

>>21081575 Timeline of the Assange legal saga over extradition to the US on espionage charges

>>21080991, >>21081002 Maricopa County election officials blaming one black man, for rigging elections across the entire county

>>21081013 Two-Tier Justice: Boeing May Evade Criminal Charges Over 2018, 2019 Crashes as Biden's DOJ Claims Prosecuting the Company is Legally Risky

>>21081036 Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case on Tennessee’s ban on s*x change surgeries and cross-s*x hormones for minors

>>21081057, >>21081082, >>21081141, >>21081171, >>21081150 Jake Tapper's top producer resigned after he was put under investigation by Fairfax County Child Exploitation Squad

>>21081059 Paoletta: Justice Clarence Thomas Is Spearheading The Judicial Fight Against Administrative State

>>21081093 Catherine Herridge: publishing the Army Human Resources Command memo with redactions ‘Covid vaccine injured’

>>21081110 MAJOR WARNING: If Republicans Want to Win in 2024 We Have Less than Two Months to Clean Bloated Voter Rolls — August 7th Is Cut-Off Date

>>21081136, >>21081256 If You’re Unsure If The 2020 Election Was Stolen Here’s Your Answer Alabama Attorney General is repeatedly questioned whether Joe Biden is the “duly elected and lawfully serving" President of the United States

>>21081164 Trump Preps For Debate Against Biden By Going to Nursing Home And Arguing With Dementia Patients

>>21081183 Judge Cannon Presses Special Counsel For Answers On Who Is Supervising Jack Smith

>>21081189 Masks are going from mandated to criminalized in some states

>>21081190, >>21081211 CNN is now threatening any social channels that provide commentary on the debate stating they will not allow the use outside of CNN

>>21081218 Explosive Study Once Removed by Lancet within 24 Hours, Now Peer-Reviewed and Public: Reveals 74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot

>>21081253 No Fly zones

>>21081312 Chinese counterfeit version of US C-17 Globemaster

>>21081368, >>21081506 45 in N757AF 757 departed New Orleans Intl to Palm Beach Intl

>>21081400 George Soros may have conspired with Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and the Obama administration to force out Pope Benedict XXIII and replace him with Pope Francis

>>21081515, >>21081410 Office of Space Commerce publishes a compendium of space industry technical standards, relevant to space situational awareness and #SpaceTrafficCoordination

>>21081510 Free Masons only tell half truths

>>21081047, >>21081631 KASH PATEL: Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It

>>21081732, >>21081758 Donald J. Trump: VOTE FOR TRUMP - NO TAX ON TIPS!

>>21081754, >>21081774 Donald J. Trump: The Biden Campaign engaging in Cheap Fakes! They’re embarrassed that they drew a very weak Crowd, and so they have to manipulate and lie about President Trump’s energetic and overflow Rally. MAGA!

>>21081762 Donald J. Trump: Biden Campaign engaging in Cheap Fakes! They’re embarrassed that they drew a very weak Crowd, and so they have to manipulate and lie about President Trump’s energetic and overflow Rally. MAGA!

>>21081817 #25843

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4f2422 No.21081875

#25842 >>21080187

>>21080243 Anthem of this Bread

>>21080295 Refresher: Jake Tapper angrily demanded CNN cut off live coverage of Trump being greeted by Cubans in a Miami restaurant

>>21080330 WikiLeaks reports Julian Assange has been released from prison and has left the UK

>>21080358 PF: AF2 C32A Kneepads to Los Angeles Intl from Phoenix Intl

>>21080363 Flooding causes partial failure of Minnesota dam

>>21080402, >>21080403, >>21080766, >>21080860 Julian Assange boarding a plane after his release from prison (destination unconfirmed)

>>21080447 GOP Rep. Jackson: Biden Team ‘Probably Experimenting’ with Dosing at Camp David to Treat President’s Cognition

>>21080466 Julian Assange comments on Seth Rich

>>21080499, >>21080619, >>21080709, >>21080858, >>21080921 DoJ Agrees 'Time Served' Plea Deal With WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange

>>21080552, >>21080569, >>21080592 Prosecutors state their case in Trump classified documents case in Florida

>>21080553 Temp. Worker for Maricopa County Elections Arrested for Stealing “Security Fob and Keys” From MCTEC Tabulation Center

>>21080582 Four Other States to Launch Massive Lawsuits Against Pfizer

>>21080595, >>21080558 Stella Assange: Julian is free!!!!

>>21080661 Kenyan troops leave Nairobi to start mission in gang-hit Haiti

>>21080671 Kash Patel: Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It

>>21080726, >>21080624 Julian Assange on the Clock

>>21080731 Upcoming Delta June 26: SR and JA in JUNE

>>21080756 Rep. Bob Good Exposes Voting Irregularities In Lynchburg, VA

>>21080823 Karoline Leavitt Gets Honest About The First Presidential Debate

>>21080828 How President Reagan Revitalized Military Morale

>>21080832 @TuckerCarlson: A good man, finally free - the tide is turning

>>21080895 Never forget what Julian Assange exposed

>>21080902 Qproof: JA June ETA

>>21080916, >>21080952 (November 2016) Julian Assange: Isis and Clinton Foundation are both funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar

>>21080925 Lockbit group hacked 34 Terabytes of data from the federal reserve

>>21080935 Joe and Jill Biden have been using their Delaware house for fast cash

>>21080959 Mil / Misc. decodes

>>21080205, >>21080206, >>21080218, >>21080242, >>21080315 Memes

>>21080963 #25842

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4f2422 No.21081876

#25841 >>21079395

>>21079417, >>21079682, >>21079981, >>21080039 Reports that Russia has downed an American surveillance drone over Black Sea near Crimea

>>21079429, >>21079805 Alex Jones Responds To Reports of Infowars Imminent Closure

>>21079447 Invention Secrecy Act

>>21079479 WEF: 2023 Food Pyramid

>>21079509, >>21079668 CNN Could Be Forced To Pay $1 Billion From Defamation Suit

>>21079521 Jennifer Garner bangs drums draped in a Palestinian keffiyeh

>>21079542 @NavalInstitute: USS Theodore Roosevelt in South Korea Ahead of Transit to Middle East, North Korea Condemns Visit

>>21079697, >>21079707 PF: RCAF CFC1 Challenger 600 Trudope departed Trois Riviers Airport to Vancouver Intl

>>21079712 DJT Truths letter from Congressman Ronny Jackson demanding Biden take a drug test

>>21079726, >>21079793 Bowman and AoC have been going viral after this image exposing the true size of their New York rally leaked

>>21079740 The US Supreme Court to extend Donald Trump’s Presidential immunity case into July

>>21079765 Biden DOJ Official Lied Under Oath About Previous Arrest For Stabbing Her Then-Husband

>>21079772 @GenFlynn: And we don’t want them to know what is being planned 😎

>>21079796 These are the "asylum seekers" Biden is allowing to pour into our country

>>21079800 Emergency officials are on high alert as a Minnesota dam is in imminent danger of critical failure

>>21079802 Hedge Funds Cut Mexican Peso Bets in One of the Biggest Retreats on Record

>>21079814 Five U.S. states are now sueing Pfizer for lying about the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines

>>21079821 From FLA courthouse: Gag order hearing just ended - will have details shortly

>>21079833, >>21079860 Attorney General Andrew Bailey: Missouri has a huge problem with New York right now

>>21079838 Karoline Leavitt: But don't you dare repeat their own words… or they will cut off your microphone!

>>21079842 Jack Smith is seeking to impose a gag order on Trump in the “documents” case in South Florida

>>21079862, >>21079905 California Reveals All Job Gains In 2023 Were Fake

>>21079882 Donald Trump to visit New Orleans on Monday to raise cash for his presidential campaign

>>21079911, >>21079941, >>21080025 Biden’s radical judicial nominee just got busted lying under oath, Sen. Kennedy brought damning receipts

>>21079969, >>21080053, >>21080028, >>21080100 Julian Assange to plead guilty for plea deal with the U.S. DoJ / Qproof June ETA

>>21080111 DJT Truths the Babylon Bee Biden Debate Joke

>>21080141 Mil / Misc. decodes

>>21079484, >>21079490, >>21079492, >>21079653, >>21079728, >>21079771, >>21079880 Memes

>>21080158 #25841

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4f2422 No.21081878

#25840 >>21078593

>>21078607 Boeing May Evade Criminal Charges Over 2018, 2019 Crashes as Biden’s DOJ Claims Prosecuting the Company is Legally Risky

>>21078661 Scotland: Huge explosion and plumes of toxic gas over Glasgow as a battery recycling factory burns out of control

>>21078678 Benny Johnson interview with Trump Press Sec after CNN incident

>>21078689, >>21078859, >>21078938, >>21079120, >>21079171 Planefag

>>21078725, >>21078762 Uri Geller: Aliens built the Jerusalem Temple, may help Israel during war

>>21078753 Ursula Von Der Leyen's father pardoned Nazi mass murderer

>>21078773 Live: Rapidan Dam in Minnesota in 'imminent failure condition' after recent flooding

>>21078776 Supreme Court rejects challenge to Connecticut law that eliminated religious vaccination exemption

>>21078782 @NavalInstitute: USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: June 24, 2024

>>21078789 John Brennan and James Clapper effectively argue here that January 6 should have ended the First Amendment

>>21078790 Senator Warren: Democrats Want ‘A Pathway To Citizenship’ For All Illegal Aliens

>>21078801 Fauci still has a taxpayer-funded security detail after leaving his $480K-a-year government job

>>21078812 Chemicals From East Palestine Train Disaster Spread To 16 States and Likely Canada

>>21078815 NSA chief joins OpenAI board and then acquires a company specializing in “shared control” of other people’s devices

>>21078826 Human trafficking action week: 219 criminals arrested and 1,374 victims identified

>>21078841 Larger US Deficits Pave the Way for Even More Treasury Bills

>>21078842 Angry masked men prowling the streets looking for Jews in LA

>>21078854 Major Study Confirms Covid Shots Cause Brain Damage

>>21078904 DJT: Drug test for Crooked Joe Biden!

>>21078939 Taylor Swift is a Mobster

>>21078942, >>21078963 They Are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains That They Have Enslaved Called “Organoids” To Run Computers

>>21078973 Not a cheap fake

>>21078979 Utah residents believed they were looking for woman during manhunt for trans killer after reports identified him as 'Mia'

>>21078983 Missouri V Biden: They Want the Deleted Emails

>>21078991 @TomFitton: Supreme Court Should STEP UP For Trump!

>>21078995 @DanScavino: DJT to Deliver Remarks on Joe Biden's Incompetent Presidency in CHESAPEAKE, VA on June 28th

>>21079001 House Judiciary Committee assures that the company censored 43 books at the request of the Biden administration

>>21079010, >>21079079 Maricopa County temp worker arrested for theft at election center

>>21079019 Gates Foundation caught paying UW Madison prof to up-armor viruses to attack humans

>>21079024 Trump Preps For Debate Against Biden By Going to Nursing Home And Arguing With Dementia Patients

>>21079031 (Turley) The Land that Law Forgot: The Supreme Court and the New York Legal Wasteland

>>21079040, >>21079049 Catherine Herridge drops her first story as independent journalist

>>21079085 Illegal migrants lured Jocelyn Nungaray, 12, under bridge, assaulted her for 2 hours before killing her

>>21079090, >>21079109, >>21079119, >>21079137, >>21079156, >>21079172, >>21079186, >>21079205, >>21079223 The Olori Sisterhood

>>21079101 Michigan Supreme Court to decide on Jocelyn Benson’s restrictions for poll watchers

>>21079132, >>21079189 el oh el

>>21079259 Welfare Offices Providing Voter Registration Forms To Illegals Without Proof Of Citizenship

>>21079260 Princess Anne rushed to hospital after ‘incident’ on home estate

>>21079317 Hunter Biden Requests New Gun Trial After Jury Returns Guilty Verdict

>>21079338 Adjusted for inflation, net worth up 0.7% through Biden’s first 3 years, was up 16% through Trump’s first 3 years

>>21079375 Dali cargo ship leaves Baltimore nearly 3 months after Francis Scott Key bridge collapse

>>21079367 Mil / Misc. decodes

>>21078606, >>21078806, >>21078813, >>21078890, >>21078940, >>21079009, >>21079035, >>21079095, >>21079361, >>21079363 Memes

>>21079380 #25840

Previously Collected

>>21078572 #25839,

>>21075506 #25836, >>21076115 #25837, >>21077625 #25838

>>21071174 #25833, >>21071860 #25834, >>21076494 #25835

>>21068545 #25830, >>21069324 #25831, >>21070215 #25832

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Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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4f2422 No.21081882

File: 7a17645712be6ab⋯.png (52.67 KB,1061x475,1061:475,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc6179aa8fad6ef⋯.png (742.41 KB,680x665,136:133,Julian_Assange_3bb.png)

File: 18c901d22804fb7⋯.jpeg (502.68 KB,693x648,77:72,Julian_Assange_0b5073bb18….jpeg)

File: d96b8b203fd4ff9⋯.png (852.49 KB,1445x774,1445:774,Julian_Assange_0b84b23a5cf….png)

File: 734ede9c9da9d58⋯.png (412.55 KB,646x485,646:485,Julian_Assange_0a18e0ad307….png)



Q Research General #25844: Couple of cold beers in order this weekend? JULIAN ASSANGE EDITION

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8de1fc No.21081884

Amber Heard is hot, but she's not shit in your bread hot.

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9bb57d No.21081891

So if Assange signs an NDA with a DOJ that was installed by way of FRAUD

And FRAUD VITIATES does that mean he is bound by the NDA?????

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b213e0 No.21081897

File: be2ab7a8a487e3c⋯.gif (544.28 KB,320x180,16:9,popcorn4.gif)

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34e89e No.21081904

File: 295cc2681e2d8a8⋯.png (472.4 KB,500x728,125:182,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9fad9475c3b5101⋯.mp4 (122.07 KB,260x210,26:21,8hrc1c.mp4)



A message to the new yorkers.

Good luck with your elections today.

Anons will be watching.

post your experiences on social media.

anons will find them and bring them here.

anything thing out of the ordinary of voter fraud and if the turn out is big.

God Bless.


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5de675 No.21081906

File: 1099956cda79e33⋯.png (9.53 KB,102x255,2:5,1099956cda79e33c7efce2be11….png)

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32dae2 No.21081907

File: 35665621422e9e2⋯.png (1.24 MB,1885x1079,145:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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4d639f No.21081908



Appreciate your efforts,


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9bb57d No.21081909

File: 70fca3d2e2350f2⋯.png (63.2 KB,797x510,797:510,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d5e3b185f10ed7⋯.png (125.76 KB,792x570,132:95,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b7914471962b0d⋯.png (42.93 KB,796x328,199:82,ClipboardImage.png)

Widely Used And Deemed Safe, These Food Additives Are More Harmful Than Thought

Today, over 73 percent of the U.S. food supply is ultra-processed. While both natural and ultra-processed foods are referred to as “food,” there is a vast difference between them. For instance, ultra-processed foods are not grown in soil but manufactured in factories, using many ingredients that cannot be found in the average home pantry.

Beyond conventional additives such as preservatives, colors, and flavorings, many new additives are emerging. Stabilizers, emulsifiers, firming agents, leavening agents, anti-caking agents, humectants, and more have been invented to modify and improve the taste and texture of food.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) lists at least 3,972 substances added to food.

“Many of the commonly used food additives were granted GRAS approval between 1970 and 1975, when people could not foresee the situation today,” she said. During that era, fewer women worked outside the home, and people consumed more home-cooked meals made from natural ingredients. With the prevalence of ultra-processed foods in today’s diet, the consumption of certain additives has naturally exceeded initial expectations.


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c96452 No.21081910

File: f79d15ba408f59f⋯.png (73.31 KB,333x151,333:151,beer.png)

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32dae2 No.21081911

File: 614895902f5cdd2⋯.png (573.9 KB,799x784,799:784,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald Trump claims he was 'tortured' in Fulton County Jail when arrested…

as he releases new mugshot merchandise: 'I want you to remember what they did to me'

Last August, when Trump was booked into the Fulton County jail in Georgia on election fraud charges, Trump's campaign profited off his mugshot image to the tune of over $4 million. They splashed his glowering image across campaign merchandise including t-shirts, mugs, beer koozies and more. Ahead of Trump's first debate with Biden and in the wake of his convictions in Manhattan, they're using it again in a campaign mailer sent out Monday.


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34e89e No.21081915

File: 0ecb066b3d84aff⋯.png (679.32 KB,646x500,323:250,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26ad152673d8243⋯.mp4 (10.11 MB,854x480,427:240,djt_post_video_parady_mook.mp4)


remind the mook that he is a faggot.

and he has no power there.

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32dae2 No.21081917

File: 5bfbc32bdeed97c⋯.png (272.72 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c62ce15dc1138d⋯.png (407.2 KB,634x356,317:178,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b63539e67b70f76⋯.png (445.48 KB,634x579,634:579,ClipboardImage.png)


1) A fundraising email from Donald Trump 's election campaign claims the former president was 'tortured' when he turned himself into a Georgia jail last August

2) The email writes: 'I want you to remember what they did to me. They tortured me in the Fulton County Jail, and TOOK MY MUGSHOT. So guess what?' He says that their response was to 'put it on a mug for the WHOLE WORLD TO SEE' complete with a photo of the mug

3) A report in February from WinRed, Republican's online fundraising platform, confirmed Trump raised a whopping $4.2 million the day after his mugshot was released

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8de1fc No.21081918

President Kamelface Kneepads In Control Edition upcoming…

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9bb57d No.21081919


DJT Jail is torture and I'm betting you got it way fucking easier than most!

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f99210 No.21081920

File: 55dc682aa6eda84⋯.png (310.29 KB,385x590,77:118,ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks God we have a bread.

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39430b No.21081922


>does that mean he is bound by the NDA?????

NDAs are NULL AND VOID when used to conceal evidence of a felony

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8de1fc No.21081925


Punchy is also a mope.

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3f3e13 No.21081927

File: 534c3b3147821b4⋯.png (715.25 KB,940x782,470:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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9bb57d No.21081931


So pretty much all NDA's in our orbit are null and void

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f99210 No.21081932

File: fed5ad9e6e55b6d⋯.png (15.43 KB,608x118,304:59,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0305a5e91a440fc⋯.jpg (122.75 KB,1080x1080,1:1,media_GQnz8DtWIAAFhK3.jpg)

Eric Trump



No taxes on TIPS!

Jun 24, 2024 · 7:01 PM UTC



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6781a6 No.21081934

File: 321ca0221bf4c58⋯.png (2.77 MB,1536x1587,512:529,IMG_2451.png)

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7b5f41 No.21081935

File: 29f3de0a536f796⋯.jpg (16.52 KB,346x531,346:531,beebo.jpg)

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32dae2 No.21081938

File: c7f13842c06cb02⋯.png (1.1 MB,1038x1343,1038:1343,ClipboardImage.png)

WikiLeaks @wikileaks


Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK.

This is the result of a global campaign that spanned grass-roots organisers, press freedom campaigners, legislators and leaders from across the political spectrum, all the way to the United Nations. This created the space for a long period of negotiations with the US Department of Justice, leading to a deal that has not yet been formally finalised. We will provide more information as soon as possible.

After more than five years in a 2x3 metre cell, isolated 23 hours a day, he will soon reunite with his wife Stella Assange, and their children, who have only known their father from behind bars.

WikiLeaks published groundbreaking stories of government corruption and human rights abuses, holding the powerful accountable for their actions. As editor-in-chief, Julian paid severely for these principles, and for the people's right to know.

As he returns to Australia, we thank all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom.

Julian's freedom is our freedom.

[More details to follow]

Last edited

7:58 PM · Jun 24, 2024·5.4M Views


WikiLeaks @wikileaks

Julian Assange boards flight at London Stansted Airport at 5PM (BST) Monday June 24th. This is for everyone who worked for his freedom: thank you.


8:03 PM · Jun 24, 2024·1.7M Views


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af4f0e No.21081939

File: 0cf7bd3e8a66aa9⋯.jpg (56.69 KB,673x371,673:371,xcvxfrbyfg.jpg)

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b213e0 No.21081941

VaticanClown is AEI.

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8d6a9d No.21081943

File: 1ceb7486f58cdf6⋯.jpg (60.21 KB,609x390,203:130,no_fresh_bread_link.jpg)

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2c4639 No.21081944

Donald Trump’s campaign released a fundraising email, which criticised his treatment at the Fulton County Jail in Georgia in August last year, describing it as “torture”.

They tortured me in the Fulton County Jail, and TOOK MY MUGSHOT. 

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b213e0 No.21081947

Because if you watch what he writes and whatnot, VaticanClown is just an amalgamation of the personalities of many anons here. Nothing about him is unique.

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32dae2 No.21081954

File: 873c39f33974b97⋯.png (1.27 MB,797x1892,797:1892,ClipboardImage.png)

Julian Assange to Plead Guilty in Plea Agreement with U.S. Government, Avoiding Prison

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will plead guilty to one count of conspiring to obtain and disclose national defense information as part of a plea agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ).

A court document from the United States District Court of the Northern Mariana Islands states:

The defendant, JULIAN PAUL ASSANGE (“ASSANGE”), was not a United States citizen, did not possess a U.S. security clearance, and did not have authorization to possess, access, or control documents, writings, or notes relating to the national defense of the United States, including United States government classified information.

Assange will appear in court at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday before a judge in Saipan, which serves as the capital and the largest island of the Northern Mariana Islands, according to a letter from Matthew J. McKenzie.

The letter states:

We appreciate the Court accommodating these plea and sentencing proceedings on a single day at the joint request of the parties, in light of the defendant’s opposition to traveling to the continental United States to enter his guilty plea and the proximity of this federal U.S. District Court to the defendant’s country of citizenship, Australia, to which we expect he will return at the conclusion of the proceedings.'


Assange had been detained at Belmarsh, a security prison in the United Kingdom, since April 2019 after British authorities arrested him in the Ecuadorian Embassy.

The DOJ had accused Assange of working with former U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning, formerly known as Bradley Manning, in order to steal and disclose classified documents.

In May 2019, Assange was charged with an 18-count superseding indictment from the DOJ:

The superseding indictment alleges that Assange was complicit with Chelsea Manning, a forrmer intelligence analyst in the U.S. Army, in unlawfully obtaining and disclosing classified documents related to the national defense. Specifically, the superseding indictment alleges that Assange conspired with Manning; obtained from Manning and aided and abetted her in obtaining classified information with reason to believe that the information was to be used to the inquiry of the United States or the advantage of a foreign nation; received and attempted to receive classified information having reason to believe that such materials would be obtained, taken, made, and disposed of by a person contrary to law; and aided and abetted Manning in communicating classified documents to Assange.

Assange’s plea agreement with the DOJ comes after London’s high court allowed him to appeal his extradition to the U.S.


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2c4639 No.21081957

Trump: no president has been treat worse than me.

Kennedy: 👋 hi

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2c4639 No.21081960

Trump’s VP pick will be with him Thursday, June 27th, at the debate. 

Can you guess who Trump’s VP pick will be?

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8e0b39 No.21081961

File: 3653f0b452b4522⋯.jpg (3.28 MB,2888x4248,361:531,222046d662fdb35f783673a00a….jpg)



Cheers JA!!!

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f99210 No.21081962

File: 3d08196e8846765⋯.png (309.16 KB,626x504,313:252,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc8dfc961502bd9⋯.png (184.55 KB,386x260,193:130,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden’s Wins



BREAKING: In a stunning announcement, Chief Executive Leadership Institute CEO Jeffrey Sonnenfeld says there will not be one Fortune 500 CEO supporting Donald Trump. This is wholly unprecedented. Retweet so all Americans see this shocking news.

Biden-Harris HQ

Jun 24, 2024 · 10:29 PM UTC


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b213e0 No.21081963


Kennedy never had to suffer, nor live through it.

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9bb57d No.21081965


Got a better plan

how about no taxes

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2b49f7 No.21081968

File: 8a7c8a34994b00c⋯.jpg (76.28 KB,1024x989,1024:989,1698352345702498.jpg)

>>21080925 Lockbit group hacked 34 Terabytes of data from the federal reserve

It was 33 Terabytes, a very satanic number.

I know anons are mostly ignoring this, but this happened on 6/24/24 which is a 6/6/6 day. Assange is likely to be a distraction for this event, which by tomorrow afternoon could be used to create a financial black swan event.

If you haven't done any disaster prep, do a little bit of shopping and whatnot in the morning so you aren't completely off guard if things go tits up for a few weeks.

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8e0b39 No.21081969

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7b5f41 No.21081970

File: fc81309b69ee294⋯.png (362.15 KB,1015x675,203:135,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b7cc6 No.21081971

File: 0dec17527ed6968⋯.png (518.97 KB,786x393,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f99210 No.21081974

File: 8976f9654d349c0⋯.png (318.25 KB,385x390,77:78,ClipboardImage.png)


That´s anti semitic anon.

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8d6a9d No.21081978

File: 5c46d1bd6e0cf8b⋯.mp4 (15.38 MB,1280x720,16:9,Q_THE_STORM_o7.mp4)


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f99210 No.21081980

File: e55ef994ce89cc1⋯.png (316.11 KB,387x388,387:388,ClipboardImage.png)


>That´s anti semitic anon.

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e822ed No.21081983



Check the redirect

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f99210 No.21081984


Not tonight satan, not tonight.

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9bb57d No.21081987

File: d5392d6527f04a2⋯.png (23.59 KB,323x164,323:164,ClipboardImage.png)



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b213e0 No.21081989

File: f843932c5023b31⋯.png (80.41 KB,636x900,53:75,dredd4.png)


In the filter, dipshit.

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8d6a9d No.21081995



NO >>21081978

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b213e0 No.21081996

File: 163df1e9602cb17⋯.jpeg (82.16 KB,720x720,1:1,vxD1rgiqc5Ha.jpeg)

The clown satanist behind schizophrenic spam NPC routine is attempting leech and failing again.

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7b5f41 No.21081999

File: b4e61fab23566ef⋯.mp4 (9.4 MB,640x360,16:9,Richard_Beebo_Russell_Trib….mp4)



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f7f8cf No.21082003

JA - June Timeline

The Day of the Devil - 6/24/24 - 6/6/6

Free at Last


You knew I was a snek when you let me in…

Getting stinkier as the time passes…

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8e0b39 No.21082005

File: dc5f3ffa3b17c0f⋯.png (11.52 MB,4096x2304,16:9,dc5f3ffa3b17c0faf6d558c259….png)


Carry on anon

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fabc98 No.21082006

File: dfcebfccaf6bab5⋯.png (616.31 KB,1080x607,1080:607,Screenshot_20240624_234851….png)

File: 6eb01518e6ee871⋯.png (105.6 KB,583x428,583:428,Screenshot_20240624_231929….png)

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497e49 No.21082007


>*the sound of weaponized files being loaded*

Let the Flood commence.

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8d6a9d No.21082008

File: 3177b249797d7b3⋯.png (348.66 KB,704x544,22:17,1st_nightshift.png)




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6276c1 No.21082010

Is this really love that I‘m feeling?

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2c4639 No.21082013

File: 5e386f628a7a45d⋯.jpg (68.02 KB,498x498,1:1,y767.jpg)

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6276c1 No.21082014


Real numbers include all the numbers that can be found on the number line. This includes:

Rational Numbers: Numbers that can be expressed as a fraction or ratio of two integers (where the denominator is not zero). Examples include:

Integers (e.g., -3, 0, 5)

Fractions (e.g., 1/2, -4/3)

Terminating and repeating decimals (e.g., 0.5, 0.333…)

Irrational Numbers: Numbers that cannot be expressed as a simple fraction. Their decimal expansion goes on forever without repeating. Examples include:

Square roots of non-perfect squares (e.g., √2, √3)

Pi (π ≈ 3.14159…)

Euler's number (e ≈ 2.71828…)

Real numbers encompass both rational and irrational numbers, making them the most comprehensive set of numbers used in everyday mathematics.

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fabc98 No.21082015

File: 5b05e6a355a4a57⋯.png (93.71 KB,666x374,333:187,Screenshot_20240624_234851….png)

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4772cf No.21082017

File: 138d9dace224b2d⋯.png (151.85 KB,583x428,583:428,8uwyk7.png)

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6276c1 No.21082018


What I feel for that one Blonde chick from

Years ago

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f99210 No.21082020

File: 8a9ace408207cdd⋯.png (488.45 KB,616x517,56:47,ClipboardImage.png)




Expressing our emotions are an integral part of who we are, but how do they fit into the professional landscape?

Here's how to use crying, cursing, and confrontation to strategically get ahead.


Jun 25, 2024 · 12:25 AM UTC



We´re fighting real demons here.

Keep the good fight patriots!


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6781a6 No.21082024

File: 4fa136e50dfd34d⋯.png (1.51 MB,2048x1365,2048:1365,IMG_2560.png)

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b213e0 No.21082025

File: 814f7f1e8cb4227⋯.jpg (95.59 KB,425x408,25:24,smokingsupes2.jpg)

That's okay. I take comfort in the fact that he likes to imitate me while I don't need to imitate him. I'm not the only one here that he imitates either, and those individuals obviously has something he covets dearly and wants for himself so others associate those characteristics with him. It's just a handful of the clowns now, throwing up walls of fake with their multiple devices and personas and it still isn't enough to dissuade the Anons that are here for something greater than themselves.

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2c4639 No.21082027

File: 92ba2080247e857⋯.jpg (62.55 KB,500x491,500:491,8dhpiz.jpg)

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8d6a9d No.21082029

File: 1f5a4e37b059a72⋯.png (12.29 KB,255x183,85:61,1f5a4e37b059a720f1f2373363….png)


Why are you doing this?

You are making me actually cry anon, please stop.

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8e0b39 No.21082032

File: ee90cfe6fb99cc3⋯.png (2.07 MB,2013x787,2013:787,proverbs_3_27_min_13198960….png)


Repeal the 19th Amendment

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b6f690 No.21082034

So did Q drop by, posing as anon? It has begun?….

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2c4639 No.21082035

File: ebb14e42b3fa935⋯.jpg (57.95 KB,567x407,567:407,8twsyj.jpg)

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8e0b39 No.21082036

File: f7f8fd25b9e8d65⋯.jpg (90.87 KB,600x300,2:1,Multipass_2838326749.jpg)

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8e0b39 No.21082038

File: a95165dcff9ae50⋯.jpg (25.5 KB,296x329,296:329,137970_296x1000_1425675067.jpg)

Notenoughfuckingboobsupinthis shift

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f99210 No.21082041

File: 9ae4e5b5145b711⋯.png (237.16 KB,567x562,567:562,ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Biden



One person.

Jun 25, 2024 · 12:37 AM UTC



[They]´re using balck magic.

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38bb61 No.21082043

File: 3b6b9ed4bd47e6f⋯.png (Spoiler Image,2.8 MB,1200x920,30:23,3b6b9ed4bd47e6f9936afd0bd7….png)

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b6f690 No.21082044


sooo, Biden's campaigning for Trump now?

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b213e0 No.21082046

File: c0e9d8ebadda444⋯.jpeg (19.49 KB,223x255,223:255,smoky4.jpeg)

Remember when they used to spam their ethnic accusation narratives 24/7 non-stop, all day every day for years? What happened to that? Why did they give up on that? Almost like that one clown that gave up on the malicious mimicry, a shadowing routine really, and now contents himself to spam an acronym and doing the very thing he attacked others for. They're a complete mess now, psychologically and strategically, compared to what they were in 2018 or whenever it was that those clowns came here.

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c96452 No.21082047

File: 7827d7192e57f32⋯.jpg (88.34 KB,620x414,310:207,7827d7192e57f329e485ce1bb4….jpg)

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8e0b39 No.21082053

File: c24763d6b035789⋯.jpg (393.49 KB,1920x1080,16:9,611274_4004656341.jpg)



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987d2d No.21082055

Hey B you in here?

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f99210 No.21082056

File: aab08851a695f0b⋯.png (556.6 KB,608x583,608:583,ClipboardImage.png)

Alex Soros



Two years ago Roe v. Wade was overturned—signaling the death of reproductive rights in the US and making women second class citizens in much of the country–but all is not lost. Electing President Biden for a second term-flipping a few seats in the house of representatives, and keeping a Democratic Senate, will mean legislation making abortion legal again across the United States. Stakes in November couldn’t be higher.

Jun 24, 2024 · 9:19 PM UTC



They promise their audience that they will keep them poor and raped.

DJT promises them prosperity and security.

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e0e097 No.21082062


that'd be the filter, sir.

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6276c1 No.21082063



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c9f3a9 No.21082065

File: b5e479faefa62bd⋯.png (2.14 MB,1141x1139,1141:1139,ClipboardImage.png)

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8e0b39 No.21082067

File: 7a27cece79f9c92⋯.jpg (12.06 KB,255x218,255:218,Heyyy_brrrrrt.jpg)


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8d6a9d No.21082068

File: 5c79d36a8fe0ec9⋯.mp4 (10.6 MB,368x320,23:20,Bannon_on_Anons.mp4)

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9bb57d No.21082069


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5d84ce No.21082071


>So did Q drop by, posing as anon? It has begun?….

In 2018:

JA in the news?

Think JC.

Server unlocks SR.

MS_13 (2 187'd nearby) phones unlock command & control.

ETA (estimated).

It has begun.



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9bb57d No.21082072

File: 6c9b226152e8c9c⋯.png (47.15 KB,619x516,619:516,ClipboardImage.png)

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27d541 No.21082074


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f99210 No.21082075

File: 4734b9e229bc83e⋯.png (132.84 KB,640x564,160:141,ClipboardImage.png)


>sooo, Biden's campaigning for Trump now?


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bb21af No.21082080

File: 0afe328ac9b2db2⋯.png (191.59 KB,436x600,109:150,R.png)


TY Bakers

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084eec No.21082081

File: 5d7a12bba73b2c3⋯.mp4 (5.14 MB,720x1280,9:16,45Tips_1_.mp4)

File: 71d1864b80a1506⋯.mp4 (6.58 MB,944x504,118:63,45commusalreadyhere62423.mp4)

POTUS VID on Tipping - Oh! does he nail it. Exactly how it SHOULD BE, and how anon was raised (anon old, kek). https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112675041827931322

Hard to not get on a soapbox here because, as with literally everything else, the Communists have turned it all, upside-down. Was in the Hospitality/service industry a long time because truly enjoyed it, but had to get out - not because of "cheap tippers", but because the Communist establishments, big and small, don't even train workers and condition them to be ENTITLED – Do the ablolute MINIMUM. This, of course, strongly depends on location, but the Communists spread like locusts and are infiltrating everywhere… Was blessed to have been in places where couldn't stop smiling because of the people and truly enjoying doing a great job, but came "home" for family reasons. It's a Communist stronghold. Everyone's "entitled" and good attitudes are strongly "discouraged". Eradicating MORALE is the Communist Way, after all!

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c9f3a9 No.21082083

File: f49090f0cb3e302⋯.png (1.16 MB,849x1390,849:1390,ClipboardImage.png)


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b213e0 No.21082084

File: 6d658099ad30844⋯.jpg (5.93 KB,255x143,255:143,wut13.jpg)


What an odd thing to say…

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58e9b4 No.21082086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


(0:00) Bestie intros: Big house talk!

(1:37) Economy: Regulation, taxes, tariffs, taming inflation, de-dollarization

(12:02) Federal debt: growth, spend control, where to cut, role of energy, nuclear

(20:22) Foreign policy: Ukraine/Russia

(25:05) Foreign policy: Israel/Palestine

(28:13) Abortion: Stance on a national ban

(31:09) Foreign policy: China

(32:33) COVID: Origins, Fauci relationship, deep state, bad deals

(39:39) Border: Wall, immigration, H-1Bs, recruiting global talent

(46:07) JFK Files: Full release, importance of transparency

(48:06) Debate prediction

(50:15) Post-interview debrief

President Trump clearly states his position on a national abortion ban in this interview. He's against it. That issue has been returned to the individual states.

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5d84ce No.21082087

File: 83628d2da7c1545⋯.png (107.86 KB,320x240,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Every bread smelled of Finkelstein.

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a34391 No.21082089

>>21081870 (pb/me)

>>21081895 (pb/me)

>>21081967 (pb/me)

Follow the money, it’s the key.

AOC, confirmed plant?

Follow the money, it’s the key.

AOC, confirmed plant?

5 days before AOC calls out Dark Money Fox News,DJTcalls out RINO (Dark Money)Fox News.


Nobody can ever trust Fox News, and I am one of them, with the weak and ineffective RINO, Paul Ryan, on its Board of Directors. He’s a total lightweight, a failed and pathetic Speaker of the House, and a very disloyal person. Romney was bad, but Paul Ryan made him look worse. As a team, they never had a chance. Rupert and Lachlan, get that dog off your Board - You don’t need him. ALL YOU NEED IS TRUMP. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

9.74k ReTruths 36.3k Likes

Jun 19, 2024, 11:58 AM

Funny, just typo'd above "RINO" as "RION" - made me think of Chanelle Rion….intentional?

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bb21af No.21082090


mmm theres been some trip testing, but it could be shills or trolling. To be honest when Q starts posting again he should reset trip with a zero Delta Trump Truth imo its been two years

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6781a6 No.21082091

File: b8cbbd7d8418658⋯.png (5.08 MB,1842x1707,614:569,IMG_1102.png)

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c9f3a9 No.21082093

File: 949a4a93ef3fc1e⋯.png (619.87 KB,474x772,237:386,ClipboardImage.png)

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9bb57d No.21082094

File: 5fd5f6395e122a6⋯.png (891.33 KB,905x504,905:504,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d84ce No.21082096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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b213e0 No.21082098

File: c2fdacb74be1e5e⋯.jpg (94.63 KB,620x465,4:3,f5ab7fad71451bb2093a4271ff….jpg)


And then the lowest ranking clown, OSS, started putting it into notables during the reign of terror. Then when they got booted out on their asses, they'd cross-post their notables from halfmind with that retarded Finkleshit in it. It's been a ride, that's for damn sure.

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8d6a9d No.21082100

File: 76ccddaa687a5db⋯.png (1.53 MB,1000x650,20:13,ClipboardImage.png)


Hamburger Hill?

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732d5f No.21082103


Iwo Jima

Mount Suribachi

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d74472 No.21082105


now every bread smells like Vatikunt

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d08e2c No.21082107

File: c68d00cbe856646⋯.png (167.92 KB,325x596,325:596,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 160cf691eb57710⋯.png (728.9 KB,850x2946,425:1473,2205cap.png)




the 'beat counting' have been testing. lemme know thoughts

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718475 No.21082108

File: 9198b05369d1113⋯.jpeg (404.99 KB,828x1490,414:745,IMG_5300.jpeg)

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a34391 No.21082109

File: 11b1f12d2ccf06a⋯.png (5.73 MB,4096x2703,4096:2703,QClock_June_24_2024_5_Day_….png)

>>21082089 (me)

QClock June 24, 2024 - 5 Day Delta, Dark Money, Fox, Ryan, The News, Assange, AOC & Trump

<Follow the money, it’s the key.

>AOC, confirmed plant?

5 days before AOC calls out Dark Money Fox News,DJTcalls out RINO (Dark Money)Fox News.

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8de1fc No.21082110


Thank God. I've prayed for this day.

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8de1fc No.21082113

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771312 No.21082115

File: 2e47d6a596cbcf0⋯.jpg (217 KB,636x900,53:75,leeloo_dallas_multipass_th….jpg)

File: 24beec0de4d88c5⋯.jpg (21.7 KB,441x292,441:292,img_2021_03_19_04_54_19.jpg)


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7b5f41 No.21082116

File: 884617e98689b22⋯.jpg (158.44 KB,710x929,710:929,17_mccain_3_nocrop_w710_h2….jpg)


Hows it handling?

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c9f3a9 No.21082117

File: 08e0d4ac6f31d32⋯.png (1.08 MB,500x1277,500:1277,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63d15d6c4c93d3b⋯.png (474.52 KB,372x536,93:134,ClipboardImage.png)

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9bb57d No.21082118

File: ee9daf423cdd899⋯.png (118.69 KB,746x480,373:240,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e6e8ad26f952043⋯.png (77.76 KB,519x581,519:581,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9bfcd46a34e4c1⋯.png (94.87 KB,618x548,309:274,ClipboardImage.png)

File: be18a8b41cb5c78⋯.png (91.42 KB,518x571,518:571,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 510ab4b0e483a16⋯.png (61.81 KB,591x470,591:470,ClipboardImage.png)

Your new slave system!

Report making smart cities cyber secure.pdf


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b213e0 No.21082119

File: e69fd9a721ffdaf⋯.jpg (17.34 KB,474x474,1:1,thinkaboutit2.jpg)


That could potentially imply same shill, different dumbfuckery. Come to think of it, I'm interested to do a post formatting comparison between the fake schizo theologian posts and the finkleshit shill posts. I'm willing to bet there are similarities.

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8de1fc No.21082121


more proof the demoncrats are corporate-fascist.

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b6f690 No.21082122


that's a fake ass

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d74472 No.21082124

douche your Vatikunt

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d74472 No.21082127


even money odds

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5d84ce No.21082128

File: 9befa2170c574d8⋯.png (14.25 MB,3000x2008,375:251,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0b3a935f695b17⋯.png (1.6 MB,1024x804,256:201,ClipboardImage.png)

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6781a6 No.21082129

File: 6cb958ddaf6ca64⋯.png (461.95 KB,1024x640,8:5,IMG_2458.png)

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4715b9 No.21082130

File: f52bd8e79a8b0f7⋯.jpg (36.45 KB,429x429,1:1,img_2021_03_19_03_00_27.jpg)


Dropped two copper and one remains


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8d6a9d No.21082131

File: 2ddc1910a81e8de⋯.jpeg (3.58 MB,4032x3024,4:3,2ddc1910a81e8de0f11e88bc1….jpeg)


My bad, I knew it looked like it but well, just damn.


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bb21af No.21082132

File: 1494af2d7cab91d⋯.png (276.48 KB,609x369,203:123,utahdatacenter.png)

Does Bumblehive use mySQL kinda curious how every single thing I say online, every call, text, post is being logged. Do these records need to be destroyed at some point or is the government allowed to keep all my info in perpetuity forever despite not having a warrant to do so

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e8e77d No.21082134



Tomás de Torquemada- Grand Inquisitor of the Tribunal of the Holy Office for the Spanish Inquisition.

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c9f3a9 No.21082135

File: 3913142c02c76f8⋯.png (779.16 KB,1079x780,83:60,ClipboardImage.png)

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75a7fe No.21082136

File: fb719dfd5cfea17⋯.png (412.99 KB,412x410,206:205,fb719dfd5cfea1780e6ae9f4cd….png)

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d08e2c No.21082137

File: ccf47fb5bc1edea⋯.png (102.27 KB,325x475,13:19,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b51f111ba17524⋯.png (231.99 KB,1264x486,632:243,2152cap.png)




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5de675 No.21082140


ABC's Amy Robach Frustrated On Hot Mic That Network Quashed Jeffrey Epstein Story


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e8e77d No.21082141


Did she speak out and warn people? If not, then why?

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bb21af No.21082142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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8de1fc No.21082143


Now do Muh Dick

No, really.

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bb21af No.21082145


yes haha

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8d1d47 No.21082148

File: b2fba174dfcf322⋯.jpg (188.96 KB,1280x720,16:9,img_2021_03_16_13_55_50.jpg)

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6d2bed No.21082149

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Morning Check.

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6d2bed No.21082153

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9bb57d No.21082154

File: a68790596125c9a⋯.png (114.64 KB,868x574,62:41,ClipboardImage.png)

Bioethical issues in genome editing by CRISPR-Cas9 technology

3.7. RNA editing


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5bf472 No.21082155

File: 208cd10ca08656c⋯.jpg (169.81 KB,720x845,144:169,20240624_230103.jpg)


Julian Assange endangered the lives of our troops in a time of war and should have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The Biden administration’s plea deal with Assange is a miscarriage of justice and dishonors the service and sacrifice of the men and women of our Armed Forces and their families. There should be no plea deals to avoid prison for anyone that endangers the security of our military or the national security of the United States. Ever.

Look at this slimeballPANIC

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b213e0 No.21082156


So you can whine about censorship probably. Post some Trump Truths, slide in a spam, then when you're ID gets pruned you get to whine about it. So whine, now.

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b6f690 No.21082157


maybe. or he could be playing his role. either way, eventually we'll find out when Q unleashes the flood.

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8de1fc No.21082158


Ffs this asshat.

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9bb57d No.21082161

Richard Rothchild has the health tracking patents, some under-the-skin.





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6d2bed No.21082162

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21082149 Learn 2 Code

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d08e2c No.21082164

File: 6e2be19b0158b22⋯.png (17.55 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b1262ffa537a51⋯.png (736.1 KB,1262x1566,631:783,2141cap.png)



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6ea63c No.21082165

so Q+ has the red folder, and Assange is free

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6d2bed No.21082166

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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52610a No.21082167

File: fe1b178d3591261⋯.jpg (71.49 KB,640x640,1:1,img_2021_03_20_00_52_50.jpg)

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8d6a9d No.21082168

File: 9b9ee5629b23cca⋯.png (519.13 KB,612x408,3:2,9b9ee5629b23cca7e453ea5c19….png)

I'm out, be well frens.

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bb21af No.21082170

File: b5ff8476246ede6⋯.jpeg (20.65 KB,474x248,237:124,hackerman.jpeg)


>national security

>Assange literally posted illegal warcrimes

>Posted cablegate and Podesta emails

>Risked his life and freedom to expose the corruption

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52610a No.21082171

File: e88add124726f4d⋯.jpg (64.22 KB,466x720,233:360,13.jpg)


Almost like clockwork

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6ea63c No.21082174

anyone remember that post from months ago where they said Assange and Snowden is an old story from the 90s being acted out and we only see the actors

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5bf472 No.21082175

File: b89e7262ccea21a⋯.jpg (38.56 KB,500x571,500:571,8ux2b4_1.jpg)

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78d1bf No.21082177

File: a3d3293b36afca5⋯.gif (193.86 KB,400x164,100:41,IMG_0313.gif)

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b213e0 No.21082180

File: 3f118b679088587⋯.jpeg (100.79 KB,625x555,125:111,seen.jpeg)

So close now and then I'll be able to disappear, never posting anywhere ever again. The internet will just never be the same on this end. I'll have no interest in ever returning to the battlefield, which is kind of what the internet has become for me, when this is done. KEK. Already got it ready if people look at me like a technological luddite for not wanting to use the net, I'll just tell them because I reached the end of the internet and won, and never mention any details about what I did here.

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8d6a9d No.21082181

File: db6e31aa20c0e58⋯.mp4 (675.13 KB,240x176,15:11,FILTURD_philterd.mp4)



kek can't see what you posted tard fucker, I already filtered (you)

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c9f3a9 No.21082183

File: 77fab2ebfaf29d8⋯.png (580 KB,474x525,158:175,ClipboardImage.png)

Damn straight! The profiteering political criminals who instigate all these atrocious wars of aggression should be hanging from every street light in America!

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446827 No.21082186

File: 96784dca0608096⋯.png (772.56 KB,738x868,369:434,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 956314cbf21fbdc⋯.png (42.87 KB,680x621,680:621,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d042bd32a59037c⋯.png (97.28 KB,736x744,92:93,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2bcfcd9ddd883c3⋯.png (176.6 KB,1022x1004,511:502,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 223a9394e73dcc5⋯.png (109.15 KB,600x1067,600:1067,ClipboardImage.png)

Argentina Logs First Week with No Inflation in Food Prices in 30 Years

24 Jun 2024167


For the first time in 30 years, Argentina experienced a zero-percent increase in the inflation rates of food and drinks during the third week of June, President Javier Milei confirmed on Monday morning.

A study published on Sunday by Econométrica, a private Argentine consulting firm, first reported the no-inflation week. In its study, Econométrica analyzed 8,000 prices in local online supermarkets and found no change when compared to the preceding week — something that has not happened in Argentina in three decades. In addition to the lack of variation in prices in one week, the study found that the prices of food and drinks only experienced an increase of 0.1 percent in the past 15 days.

President Milei, who is currently in Prague, confirmed the study’s findings on Monday morning in a telephone interview held with Argentina’s Radio Mitre, celebrating the news as a result of his economic policies.

“That means that we are on the right path — which there is still a long way to go, but the first signs that things are working are beginning to appear,” Milei told Argentine journalist Eduardo Feinmann.

“I sometimes present it, explain it, but, well, I have encountered in recent times gross levels of intellectual dishonesty. Because we all know that wholesale inflation is the one that predicts and anticipates retail inflation and the reality is that inflation in December when we arrived was 54 percent, that annualized gives 17,000,” he continued.

Milei added, “it also speaks of the misery or incompetence of other colleagues, doesn’t it? But the truth is that there is no country in the world where we are not recognized for our titanic task in terms of lowering inflation.”

Upon taking office in December, Milei enacted a series of “shock therapy” economic policies to restore Argentina’s economy after nearly two decades of socialist rule left it in a precarious state and on the verge of a hyperinflation spiral.

Since then, monthly inflation rates in Argentina have experienced a dramatic and continued downward trend, going from 25.5 percent in December to 4.2 percent in May, the lowest rate experienced in the country in over two years. In April, Argentina recorded a surplus of its gross domestic product (GDP) during the first quarter of the year — something that the South American nation had not seen since 2008.

Milei is in the Czech Republic on the final stop of a four-day tour of Europe that began on Friday with a visit to Spain, followed by a two-day stop in Germany over the weekend that included an encounter with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Milei is slated to meet with Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala on Monday morning.

The Argentine president described the tour during his Monday morning interview as an “excellent trip so far, extremely positive.”

“The German Minister [Scholz] asked us about how the economic program was working, given that he carries weight within the International Monetary Fund, and about the prospects for the future,” Milei said. “We also talked about some problems that German companies have had in Argentina and how we were progressing in the solution of such problems.”

“We also discussed issues related to natural resources that are extremely important for Germany and that this would motivate many investments in Argentina,” Milei continued, “and we discussed Argentina’s entry into the OECD [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development], NATO, and the integration between Mercosur and the European Economic Community. It was a very productive meeting.”

Milei also confirmed that his administration would not promote a devaluation of the Argentine peso, echoing statements by Economy Minister Luis Caputo last week where he ruled out such plans. Caputo instead said he would continue implementing the current plan, which focuses on maintaining a good relationship with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and upholding a currency exchange system that allows companies to sell 20 percent of their income in U.S. dollars in the financial market and settle the remaining 80 percent at the official exchange rate.

“There are professionals who, in order to justify and wash their mistakes, make unfortunate arguments, which speak more about what they want to happen than what really has to happen,” Milei said. “There are sectors that find it convenient to have low dollar salaries and more poor and indigent people, and we believe that the situation works in a different way.”


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8d877b No.21082187

File: bcfc2ea10341197⋯.jpg (186.06 KB,1280x720,16:9,img_2021_03_07_12_05_08.jpg)


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1ca0d6 No.21082188

File: f20c3c02ad973c0⋯.mp4 (3.19 MB,720x720,1:1,YouCut_20240625_004619327.mp4)

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7198b0 No.21082189

File: c2fd4a7a1e562da⋯.png (944.96 KB,750x819,250:273,da80dca616331babdc2f98b00e….png)

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f99210 No.21082191

File: 91614c402fa84a6⋯.png (11.09 KB,194x87,194:87,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b75fe69c3fe3de4⋯.png (38.81 KB,612x330,102:55,ClipboardImage.png)

Richard Grenell


Jun 23

Joe Biden told Ukraine they could use American weaponry to go on the attack in Russia.

Russia now has a nuclear submarine near Cuba.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin haven’t spoken in almost 3 years.

This Biden Administration is dangerous for our safety.

Jun 23, 2024 · 7:41 PM UTC



CIA No More

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b6f690 No.21082194


do NOT trust this jew

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8de1fc No.21082195

File: 4ab9dc88cb4cf50⋯.jpg (2.7 MB,2964x2912,57:56,20240613_010426.jpg)

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5bf472 No.21082196

File: ca18e0d66a2fb20⋯.jpg (109.34 KB,720x784,45:49,20240622_154315.jpg)

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c9f3a9 No.21082197

File: 326e72d571ea2ae⋯.png (377.93 KB,498x680,249:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a540b No.21082198


the other anon, he had to leave to change his diaper

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6d2bed No.21082200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"new" Chief NATO (Dutch)

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5bf472 No.21082202

File: 31dc2455d89320e⋯.jpg (118.82 KB,1324x890,662:445,20240624_231538.jpg)

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8de1fc No.21082203


MAGA Milei

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59083c No.21082206

File: 778e5d8f1264611⋯.jpeg (37.95 KB,315x246,105:82,IMG_0826.jpeg)


not my concern

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5bf472 No.21082208

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c9f3a9 No.21082209

File: 1f51f0c3803fb7e⋯.png (341.38 KB,718x438,359:219,ClipboardImage.png)


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b213e0 No.21082210


In the filter, AEI. You've displayed too much malicious behavior over the years to get away with flying under the radar trying to blend in.

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c96452 No.21082211

File: 8352444c5f0cccd⋯.mp4 (715.77 KB,362x360,181:180,Assange_The_goal_is_not_to….mp4)


>Damn straight! The profiteering political criminals who instigate all these atrocious wars of aggression should be hanging from every street light in America!

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38bb61 No.21082215

File: 2a7ae54d50feb69⋯.png (1.88 MB,1060x1285,212:257,e05a7dcbe273d21ca9c11dd3d5….png)


>Julian Assange endangered the lives of our troops in a time of war

This will be a debate question to tram/smear Trump.

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6d2bed No.21082216

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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59083c No.21082217


fuck off then

all you do is whine like some pms bitch whore

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38bb61 No.21082218




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6781a6 No.21082219

File: 21332a2d239c2eb⋯.png (567.88 KB,640x423,640:423,IMG_3595.png)

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b213e0 No.21082221


You smell of the MuhGuhGaytriot. Where's your retard meme templates, dumbfuck?

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78d1bf No.21082222

chromatic bumps on a log legally confirm ablation

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446827 No.21082223

File: 3ec16dc1a0d6358⋯.jpg (628.94 KB,663x650,51:50,3ec16dc1a0d635836392318c79….jpg)


why, what do you want?

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59083c No.21082224


he sure is handsome

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f99210 No.21082227

File: 869a5fc4bc87126⋯.png (250.2 KB,488x271,488:271,ClipboardImage.png)

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b213e0 No.21082228


Nah, I'm a 7 at best. Maybe a 7.5 in nice clothes.

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d08e2c No.21082232

File: 03a647ed877729b⋯.png (11.1 KB,588x159,196:53,ClipboardImage.png)


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2accbc No.21082236

File: 55d15d894872bc4⋯.mp4 (10.14 MB,480x360,4:3,Flash_Gordon_1954_1955_Ope….mp4)


Every fucking street light…..

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5d84ce No.21082237

File: a5e4035468ddb30⋯.png (2.3 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>This Biden Administration is dangerous

There are many paths to the precipice. Those paths converge just up ahead.

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78d1bf No.21082242

File: 65022260952077e⋯.gif (6.35 MB,250x288,125:144,IMG_0314.gif)

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38bb61 No.21082247

File: 4d09175723da46a⋯.png (195.45 KB,640x426,320:213,4d09175723da46a1ebe7033e99….png)


>Couple of cold beers in order this weekend

Assange deserves at least a three day weekend.

it's too damn hot out to work during the day, so midnight drinking and wrenching on cars sounds like a much better plan.

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8593e8 No.21082248

Elon: Please release the DMs of the deep state criminal conspirators.

Thank you.

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b213e0 No.21082249

File: 4c8668294319506⋯.gif (1.19 MB,498x295,498:295,ad2fba20d3a84bb7f573c8caf6….gif)

Actually, no, KEK! It's the butthurt one that accused me of "whining and pms," which, funnily enough, is something that I do not do. Maybe if he wasn't such a malicious little cunt his rainbow banner would have been accepted as friend by most, instead of as an object of derision. That's the hand he wanted to play though.

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ca347a No.21082254

File: 7f7393e21a7e1dc⋯.jpeg (445.27 KB,1308x1440,109:120,IMG_3389.jpeg)

“ Greenscreen politicians” Is my new favorite nomenclature.

They’re all nothing but actors and it’s all posturing theater

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ce9ffe No.21082256

Love you anons!

This is a cheerleading post,

Brought to you by

An anonymous poster.

Now carry on.

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d08e2c No.21082257


oh- OH. I see know.

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38bb61 No.21082259


>Anons, who wants to be new Board Owner?

Anon volunteers for the midget tossing board.

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5c01bf No.21082260


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e6bac2 No.21082263

Ciao cacao

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5aef5a No.21082267

File: ffccb5dfb0cc839⋯.png (20.73 KB,482x357,482:357,ClipboardImage.png)



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b2d0d6 No.21082268


a spiritual boomerang is coming to them. their curses are null and void returned to sender.

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2524fa No.21082270

File: 2335e352056f493⋯.jpeg (2.75 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_2091.jpeg)

wtf, Julian Assange is free?

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d08e2c No.21082272


the most bizarre experience. I chalked it up to 4 hours sleep.

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f99210 No.21082273

File: 7a22e80e076c977⋯.png (208.94 KB,430x261,430:261,ClipboardImage.png)


>This Biden Administration is dangerous

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efedec No.21082274

File: f40ba86fdc4f7d1⋯.jpeg (113.09 KB,789x564,263:188,IMG_2336.jpeg)


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5aef5a No.21082279

is JA on team Q?

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8df49a No.21082280


When you learn English as your first language you don’t even notice it. You’ll get used to it the longer you speak it.

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0f30c0 No.21082282

File: c45b3d4c7acf3fd⋯.jpeg (414.03 KB,1500x2000,3:4,202012220436_sSoDWffNHd.jpeg)


the synchronization has begun



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5c01bf No.21082283


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d08e2c No.21082285


>Sounds like you want us to figure it out.

How soon will we know?

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efedec No.21082287

File: debe4c5a56c236d⋯.jpeg (23.79 KB,720x692,180:173,IMG_2337.jpeg)

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5c01bf No.21082288


so Very Fucked.

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38bb61 No.21082289

File: 2677245af4cc8b6⋯.png (322.47 KB,580x400,29:20,2677245af4cc8b6d994326e355….png)


>wtf, Julian Assange is free?

Distraction from debate?

Ransom demand from those who hacked the fed?

Trap for Trump in debate questions?

>will you pardon assange?

Lots of fun habbenins.

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446827 No.21082290

File: d3e0e6b29b8727e⋯.mp4 (13.26 MB,854x480,427:240,THUNDER.mp4)


stolen with prejudice


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b213e0 No.21082292


Your IP hops are. Your fontfagging is weak. Your despairfagging is weak. You're just a weakling. No amount of fake you throw at this board will move it an inch. You've tried for how many years now, you fucking idiot.

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4772cf No.21082294



That's nice, when is this going to occur

I'm certain any new BO won't be you or one of your "operators"

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df78a2 No.21082295


>ulian Assange endangered the lives of our troops in a time of war

>This will be a debate question to tram/smear Trump

Would be a STUPID Q since the pentagon investy said NOBODY got hurt and JA was cleared in that regard.

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ffd86a No.21082298

File: 85ed8400902912b⋯.jpg (7.32 KB,242x136,121:68,20201225_003600.jpg)


Fear not

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4772cf No.21082299


Neither are you

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84b662 No.21082301

тне fact remains.

try harder.

you might be famous some night

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127b29 No.21082302


nobody cares

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446827 No.21082306

File: 0fbef1ab91be500⋯.png (455.27 KB,514x427,514:427,0fbef1ab91be500a4c0140bd7a….png)

File: 31b23a01cd2f7b4⋯.jpg (81.63 KB,642x640,321:320,Javier_Milei.jpg)

File: 73df3cd7b59d0d2⋯.png (516.52 KB,578x630,289:315,Javier_Milei_e2ce0ad73b.png)


i totally trust and love that jew, Javier Milei

it the zionists that are being permanently removed from earth, Pandora boxing their souls in real time, top keks

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efedec No.21082307

File: f1860ab4ebcfc7b⋯.jpeg (283.68 KB,2000x1000,2:1,IMG_2224.jpeg)

File: afb8d5a52eb412a⋯.jpeg (202.57 KB,1600x1066,800:533,IMG_2225.jpeg)

File: f8dceb7f82bcbcb⋯.jpeg (74.41 KB,915x624,305:208,IMG_2226.jpeg)

File: 3b5abcf94f1f476⋯.jpeg (192.82 KB,1600x840,40:21,IMG_2229.jpeg)

File: 51e827a7b4bb6c9⋯.jpeg (56.98 KB,730x485,146:97,IMG_2227.jpeg)

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127b29 No.21082308



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65e54a No.21082310

File: 412e3d8cc729044⋯.png (384.54 KB,1023x894,341:298,5b42353523.PNG)

File: eb714e79847dd3f⋯.png (33.58 KB,1014x741,26:19,trevwqrewwr.PNG)

US State Department: We continue to support engagement between Azerbaijan, Armenia

Matthew Miller, Spokesperson of the US Department of State, has noted that Washington continues to maintain ties between Baku and Yerevan. Miller announced this at Monday’s Department press briefing.

"We continue to support engagement between Azerbaijan and Armenia," said the spokesperson of the US State Department.

Miller added that the US continues “to work to try to resolve that dispute.”


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d08e2c No.21082311


Anon volunteers for clown tossing.

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4772cf No.21082313


No more filth? You and your little friends going somewhere?

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127b29 No.21082314


stfu admin parasite

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b213e0 No.21082316


You did enough to pipe up to frantically rush to create the consensus that no one does to help you cope. If nobody cared, you would have kept your dumbfuck fingers from typing that, wouldn't you have? Why did you give up on the shadowing/mimcry? You stuck with it for almost a year? It's moar fun to spam an acronym than a racial division narrative these days, huh?

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df78a2 No.21082317


>but he is not an Operator

doh. WifI in belmarsh sucks esp without a typewriter even.

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4b9fc2 No.21082319

File: 0df248d41e0c2db⋯.png (498.85 KB,751x900,751:900,0df248d41e0c2db934385b7d11….png)

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dfb111 No.21082322



why would anyone want to BO? whoever steps up will have trolls on them 24/7.

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d08e2c No.21082323


Anon could go for some clown tossing.

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6a997f No.21082325



the pms rage is big with you

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b213e0 No.21082326

File: 62c1838a104df77⋯.gif (1.7 MB,430x242,215:121,into_the_smoke.gif)

And on that note… time to have a smoke.

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4772cf No.21082327


>Lots of fun habbenins

Indeed, and not a peep from Killary that wanted to "drone that guy"

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4b9fc2 No.21082328


quads anon very chkd

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34e89e No.21082329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: All this russia hysteria started from the bbc interview with nick robinson and his childish interview of gothcha quotes. the bbc decided not to go after farage but the daily mail picked it up, twisted the truth, spread lies and even contacted the russians for a quote, the media is the enemy of the people, especially th u.k media - eyes on


Nigel Farage about the dishonest Mail On Sunday on 23rd June 2024



64,195 views 24 Jun 2024

Nigel Farage discusses the dishonsest smear tactics by MSM, in this case yesterday's Mail On Sunday article.

I think it's time to reform MSM and let's face it, New Media (such as YouTube) is telling the truth !

The TRUTH is coming out..

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6a997f No.21082332


why are you not posting your smug pepe memes?

impotent queer

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df78a2 No.21082333


>Julian is a lone wolf. Deal with it

Yep. So are many others. (they) get to deal with THAT. PAYBACK is a BTCH. NCSWIC

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4772cf No.21082334


Because you (collective you, not single individual) are far too incompetent to be BO

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b213e0 No.21082337

File: 7af0ede4db43315⋯.webm (812.75 KB,720x480,3:2,another_one.webm)


Whatever you need to tell yourself to cope, IP hopping moran. Couldn't care less which of the lowest ranking retards in the alphabet peanut gallery you are.

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dfb111 No.21082338


>clean house

clean of what?

You're still here….

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4b9fc2 No.21082340


Im only gonna say this fucking once


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3f3e13 No.21082342


Anons will still be here, but you won't be.

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446827 No.21082343

File: 2aeef1fa62c9485⋯.jpeg (28.34 KB,550x416,275:208,2aeef1fa62c94856982f88239….jpeg)


pea ful?

stupid bo , fucked the bread with fuckin around

ive waited years, to be able to post that bread with that news

hate that fucking self important asshole

hate that human

filturd for pissin me off

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d08e2c No.21082344


anon votes NOT C!A.

But could we legally vote for you, given your-um 'status'?

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446827 No.21082346


because you suck

fuck off

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8c939a No.21082349


fuck off back to the crying room you limpdick loser

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8c939a No.21082351


sucks tranny ballsacks

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8c939a No.21082352


you aint seeing anyones tits

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c9f3a9 No.21082353

File: 8d2859babdbdab7⋯.png (398.39 KB,572x586,286:293,ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe now we can get Argentina beef in the USA

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4b9fc2 No.21082355

File: b053faea8ea533c⋯.jpg (11.42 KB,255x255,1:1,0cf929bd4a366092ad07c5b3b2….jpg)


Dasting JUNE


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efedec No.21082356

File: b4a8577d8de01ba⋯.jpeg (690.37 KB,750x500,3:2,IMG_2200.jpeg)

File: 7913705ece9d329⋯.jpeg (144.65 KB,640x480,4:3,IMG_2201.jpeg)

File: 260cfd0eea284a9⋯.jpeg (40.63 KB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_2234.jpeg)

File: ffe1842f8f331cf⋯.jpeg (107.82 KB,700x700,1:1,IMG_1432.jpeg)

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76413d No.21082357

File: 18dd7e8418268cd⋯.png (392.12 KB,964x886,482:443,65252hh4h45g23.PNG)

Trump reviews plan to halt US military aid to Ukraine unless it negotiates peace with Moscow

Two key advisers to Donald Trump have presented him with a plan to end Russia’s war in Ukraine — if he wins the presidential election — that involves telling Ukraine it will only get more US weapons if it enters into peace talks.

The United States would at the same time warn Moscow that any refusal to negotiate would result in increased US support for Ukraine, retired Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg, one of Trump’s national security advisers, said in an interview.

Under the plan drawn up by Kellogg and Fred Fleitz, who both served as chiefs of staff in Trump’s National Security Council during his 2017-2021 presidency, there would be a ceasefire based on prevailing battle lines during peace talks.


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8c939a No.21082361


stick to baking

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78d1bf No.21082362

Kraken pride water cooler vibes in here.

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efedec No.21082365


“Is he a Blackstar? A Blackstar?”

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8c939a No.21082366


current BO is fucked

gonna go to gitmo

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516f32 No.21082370

rank, naow.

not an area you are cleared for.

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4772cf No.21082374


yeah yeah yeah

I recall you trying to scare me saying you make house calls but when I asked you if you were bringing beer with you just went right along to the next item on your script

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f99210 No.21082376

File: 61dc3bc68a6c9aa⋯.png (178.21 KB,294x401,294:401,ClipboardImage.png)

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34e89e No.21082379

File: 7c3c47c19b21b6d⋯.png (345.31 KB,620x258,310:129,ClipboardImage.png)



Meme about a person who is unknown or anonymous

The Pepe Cheers Bar Meme is a popular internet joke that originated from the Pepe the Frog character, created by Matt Furie. The meme typically features Pepe sitting at a bar, often with a drink in hand, and a caption that reads “Pepe cheers” or a similar phrase. The humor comes from the fact that Pepe is an anthropomorphic frog, and the idea that he is enjoying a drink at a bar, despite being a cartoon character.

The meme has evolved over time, and one of the most common variations is the “Where No One Knows Your Name” meme. In this version, Pepe is often depicted sitting at a bar, looking around as if he’s trying to remember his name. The caption typically reads “Pepe cheers where no one knows your name” or a similar phrase, poking fun at the idea that even Pepe, a character known for his carefree and laid-back personality, can’t even remember his own name.

Origins and Evolution

The Pepe Cheers Bar Meme is believed to have originated on 4chan, a popular internet forum, in the early 2010s. The meme quickly spread across the internet, with various iterations and adaptations appearing on social media platforms, online forums, and even merchandise.

Over time, the meme has evolved to include various twists and variations, including different captions, backgrounds, and even other characters. Despite its evolution, the core concept of the meme remains the same: to poke fun at the absurdity of Pepe’s situation and the idea that even a seemingly carefree character like him can struggle with remembering his own name.

Cultural Significance

The Pepe Cheers Bar Meme has become a cultural phenomenon, symbolizing the internet’s ability to create and spread humor and memes quickly and easily. The meme has also become a representation of the internet’s fascination with Pepe the Frog, a character that has become synonymous with internet culture.

The meme’s popularity has also led to its inclusion in various forms of media, including memes, GIFs, and even merchandise. It has also been used to comment on various topics, from internet culture to pop culture, and has become a staple of internet humor.


In conclusion, the Pepe Cheers Bar Meme, particularly the “Where No One Knows Your Name” variation, is a popular internet joke that has become a cultural phenomenon. The meme’s origins can be traced back to 4chan, and it has since spread across the internet, evolving into various iterations and adaptations. The meme’s significance lies in its ability to poke fun at the absurdity of Pepe’s situation and the internet’s fascination with the character.

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4b9fc2 No.21082381

File: 0891c019d8f6ac0⋯.png (7.66 MB,2048x2048,1:1,0891c019d8f6ac0566da023a3a….png)


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516f32 No.21082383

grasp harder

reach further

go for that dream


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5608ef No.21082386


that pist was



and a red devil laughing pepe meme

really dangerous menes so the bv deleted them!

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dfb111 No.21082388


first 50 posts of every bread, kek.

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efedec No.21082391


All wages are, in fact “Tips”.

Is a logical proof even necessary?

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5608ef No.21082392


sorry cant spell,too many beers

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0c60e4 No.21082393



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614153 No.21082394

Anon cannot remember the name of the woman who claims she was mkultra victim and raped by Renhquist and Reagan. Also, one alter had psychic abilities. Wrote a book.

Anon can't find name, so can't find book that Anon probably already has. (They tell me memory is the second thing that goes, Anon can't remember what the first was.)

Thanks to any Anon the shares the name.

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4772cf No.21082397


Thanks for the promotion, can I get a decoder ring now?

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34e89e No.21082399


Randall Turner, MKUltra Victim Needs Your Help



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4b9fc2 No.21082404

File: faba8cb7b09e38d⋯.gif (1.54 MB,301x338,301:338,23512215_1719384153.gif)

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34e89e No.21082406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dfb111 No.21082409

File: d0dea534111472f⋯.png (138.28 KB,1175x734,1175:734,2024_06_24_22_59_55.png)

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0c60e4 No.21082411


video unavailable

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446827 No.21082413

File: 5dec575674a15c5⋯.jpeg (105.3 KB,750x744,125:124,cow_pox_cancer.jpeg)

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34e89e No.21082414



This is certainly one of the craziest stories I’ve ever come across. It dropped in my lap about a week ago when a man claiming to be an MK Ultra mind control victim began telling me an incredible story. His name was Randal Turner and his youtube video only had 39 views but it told a shocking story of how he was there when Ronald Reagan was shot on the sidewalk by John Hinckley after leaving the Washington Hilton hotel. Randal told me he was an MK-Ultra sex slave for Ronald Reagan and that they actually colored his hair to make him resemble Colonel Jose Muratti. Muratti is the man our history books tell us was the man carrying the nuclear football for Reagan that day. You can find his name all over the internet as it relates to him carrying the nuclear football for Reagan.

Randal says he was told to walk further behind Reagan than normal as they exited the Hilton hotel so Reagan could be photographed easier. Randal says he was given the job of carrying the nuclear football at the age of 16 because he was also used as a sex toy for Reagan. This sex secret was going to be used to blackmail Reagan into approving a trade deal with the Chinese that Bush Sr. wanted. Randal told me he had a contract with Bill Gates and Paul Allen for 1/3 of Microsoft if he got the trade with Reagan done so China could make all of Microsoft products. Randal says this deal was later reneged on by Gates and Allen even though the trade deal did go through and Microsoft benefited greatly from it. Randal says he got nothing for his contract except being framed in every way possible so he could be silenced and controlled.

One of the reasons I think this story is true or at least should be investigated further was because there is an 87% match on a current image of Randal Turner and the man carrying the nuclear football when Reagan is shot. This is an extremely high number considering I could only get a 58% match on myself when I put in a picture of me at 16 and one at 53! All of this is shown in my video at the beginning of the article.

Here’s another video from Randal Turner on how the CIA chooses MK Ultra programming Victims

History tells us that Lt. Colonel Jose Muratti was supposedly the man carrying the nuclear football when Reagan was shot. History also says the nuclear football was separated from Reagan as he was rushed to the hospital. This is confirmed by Randal Turner and he goes into a detail I had never heard before. He says he was in the back of the police car and he locked the back door of the police cruiser when they rushed to put Hinckley in the back with him! He had run up to the Hilton hotel and flagged down a cop. He told him he needed to get to Reagan asap so the cop first drove down to see where they took Reagan.

In the video you can see secret service and police trying to open the door but somebody had locked it from the back seat. You can see in my video there was somebody in the back of the police car as Randal Turner had told me. Randal also said the sister of Lt. Colonel Jose Maratti had to testify in a court case that Jose Muratti was actually visiting her when Reagan was shot and they both watched the coverage of the Reagan shooting together at her home!

Here’s two pictures I found of Jose Muratti. In this first one, Lt Colonel Jose Muratti is in the center next to Reagan. Reagan is 6′ 1″ and so this puts Muratti at about 6′ 6″ tall. The average age to reach Lt. Colonel is 39 years old so Muratti should be about this age at the time Reagan was shot. Remember this when you watch my video because the man carrying the football and then running away toward the limo looks much younger than 39 to me and also nowhere near 6′ 6″ tall. You decide when you watch the video. Is the man on the ground 6′ 6″ tall and 39 year old and does it match perfectly with the pictures of Jose Muratti you see below. I don’t think so but you make the call.

I used the Microsoft website, TwinsOrNot.net and compared the man carrying the nuclear football when Reagan was shot with the current picture of Randal Turner he provided me. He got into the same pose as he was in getting off the pavement and it came back as an 87% match! When I did this software on myself at 16 and 53 the best I could do was a 58% match! This is the reason I feel this information needs to be further investigated and I invite all alternative media to publicize it and to contact Randal directly through the contact email at the end of his videos. I believe it’s true but I’ll leave it to other researchers to dig further into this.

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4772cf No.21082417


I be that little attack cost a pretty penny so it's just one or two of you fucks running multiple ips

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0c60e4 No.21082419


holy mother of mary!

knockers from heaven

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516f32 No.21082425


three days.

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bb21af No.21082426

File: c6eb5f1bf8f9a6f⋯.png (160.51 KB,449x504,449:504,autists.png)

Anons, should I apply for intel? I'm in a position where I would be valuable from my schooling, I'm extremely patriotic and believe the United States has the best system despite all it flaws and mistakes (mostly in foreign policy, monetary system/Federal reserve), I took the estimated security clearance test and would probably be fine for that. My only reservations are losing any anonymous speech (being highly monitored all the time), and having to beg in order to travel abroad. I would like to serve my country in some capacity.

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4b9fc2 No.21082429


Manifest the boobies

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d08e2c No.21082430

File: 5eebb0de0f8848b⋯.png (31.04 KB,470x149,470:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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dfb111 No.21082433






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614153 No.21082436



That's interesting, but not the name Anon was looking for. Randall is male. Anon wants the name of a female, because she wrote a book.

Will check out Randall's story later.

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e0e097 No.21082437


don't get us wrong, though, we wish it was.

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4772cf No.21082441


>You're too dumb to use it. Now go drink more Ovaltine.

this is how pathetic these "operators" are that this is their snappy comeback

I can red text as well

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4b9fc2 No.21082447

File: 68ef5174bca02c7⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,3674x2461,3674:2461,GettyImages_510824555_56a1….jpg)


I hope she is HIV positive cause im gonna fuck her then fuck your wife

Free Speech and all…nigger

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d08e2c No.21082452

Patriot, any day.

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efedec No.21082453


US Intel agencies are abomination of desolation. They are the scourge of humanity plaguing earth. These world minority of revolutionaries need obliterated.

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516f32 No.21082457



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4772cf No.21082458


Something wrong "operator?"

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34e89e No.21082463

File: 0326f9656abfe3a⋯.png (1.42 MB,1457x905,1457:905,ClipboardImage.png)


in that case you must be talking about cathy o' brian.


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614153 No.21082464


That rings a bell, and Anon has that book.

Thank you.

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4b9fc2 No.21082465

File: d733dfcfad7623f⋯.jpg (111.95 KB,750x1099,750:1099,e794365f5035008018ef6d2d36….jpg)


Nice try clown nigger

You glow

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fbc163 No.21082468

m something

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bb21af No.21082470


Q posted 99% of intel are patriotic and serve with honor. 1% do not. That seems very logical to me. Even 1% with that level of governmental power could do a lot of bad. I def believe 99% serve with honor.

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c9f3a9 No.21082472

File: a958b59c3b85048⋯.png (3.02 MB,1400x1080,35:27,ClipboardImage.png)

No Deals

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4b9fc2 No.21082473

File: 869a5fc4bc87126⋯.png (250.2 KB,488x271,488:271,869a5fc4bc8712605aa38e614c….png)


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39430b No.21082475


are you a bot or are you real?

would you pls get a life?

get a job

kiss a girl

have a family





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e0e097 No.21082481


you're a self-appointed Clown-asshat shill

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4772cf No.21082483


Remember those words, they'll be back to haunt you

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446827 No.21082484


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516f32 No.21082485


only to you

didn't think of that did you

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39430b No.21082487


>I def believe 99% serve with honor.


yer just the young fella i been lookin' fer

i got this swamp land down in florida

i can let ya have it at a REAL good price

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d08e2c No.21082489

File: 88b092be4d94196⋯.png (60.94 KB,470x412,235:206,ClipboardImage.png)

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4772cf No.21082493


something wrong, "operator?"

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c9f3a9 No.21082495

File: 3450b8c8fdae331⋯.png (539.74 KB,474x715,474:715,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f004122e2b7660d⋯.png (1.19 MB,1159x534,1159:534,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4580a2b214ac02⋯.png (11.03 KB,356x356,1:1,24.png)

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3a540b No.21082497


why not both.jpg

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d08e2c No.21082500

File: 557c68e9aa5a9bb⋯.png (151.48 KB,470x470,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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446827 No.21082503

File: 7668ed8dc807836⋯.png (327.61 KB,1117x847,1117:847,ClipboardImage.png)

Watch: Assange's plane lands in Thailand

8m ago

By Tessa Flemming



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4b9fc2 No.21082505

File: e6f806a5970a146⋯.jpg (47.76 KB,476x921,476:921,3e0a9758edaea1ae9660d1cba4….jpg)

cuz boobies

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4772cf No.21082506


You use that word "Patriot" but don't really understand what it means, sad

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3f3e13 No.21082508

File: 07f69d7b11d5d73⋯.mp4 (14.73 MB,640x360,16:9,Asshoe_Gangam_sm.mp4)


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7b5f41 No.21082509


You have no power here.

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f99210 No.21082510

File: 00e6d8fa3fcd068⋯.png (396.52 KB,628x505,628:505,ClipboardImage.png)


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446827 No.21082515

File: e34349d0ebf0d25⋯.png (158.11 KB,782x867,46:51,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b63810ab20d6d49⋯.png (57.06 KB,803x398,803:398,ClipboardImage.png)

Assange's plane touches down in Bangkok

29m ago

By Tessa Flemming

A plane believed to be carrying Julian Assange has landed in Bangkok, Associated Press reports.

The chartered planeVJT199landed at Don Mueang International Airport, north of the Thai capital.

It is unclear if the plane is only refuelling or how Assange will continue traveling to the Northern Mariana Islands, a US commonwealth in the western Pacific, where he will appear in court on Wednesday morning, Saipan time.

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516f32 No.21082516

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dfb111 No.21082519


"anon sent by God to save QR"

oh Lord, have mercy….

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4772cf No.21082521


oh "operator," you and your bullshit

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b2d0d6 No.21082524



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446827 No.21082525

File: 75e7d1638b6a1b8⋯.png (176.11 KB,1213x935,1213:935,ClipboardImage.png)

Julian Assange in real time today, all live links in blue

28m ago

28 minutes ago

Assange's plane touches down in Bangkok

1h ago

1 hours ago

Assange's plane to stop in Bangkok to refuel, Thai officials say

1h ago

1 hours ago

Independent MP Monique Ryan now asking the prime minister about Assange

2h ago

2 hours ago

What's the reaction like in the US?

4h ago

4 hours ago

Julian Assange's team releases pre-recorded statement

4h ago

4 hours ago

Assange's case to be heard in Saipan

4h ago

4 hours ago

Early federal government response

5h ago

5 hours ago

Julian Assange's family reacts


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4772cf No.21082530


read your owns words, then heed them "operator"

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bb21af No.21082531


99% of people honor their oath. All enemies foreign and domestic.

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13018f No.21082535

File: a1e618e5ba37767⋯.png (782.83 KB,1200x630,40:21,a1e618e5ba37767720913f2a9e….png)

The shill mental health level is at rate seldom seen in times of Q post darkness

Thanks bakers, anons, and patriots for subjecting your limbic system to these unholy attacks

Carry On

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d08e2c No.21082536

a REAL nobody. paint the picture.

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b2d0d6 No.21082538

File: 0ad80e97612e99f⋯.png (861.65 KB,1484x970,742:485,kek.png)

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4772cf No.21082539


look who's talking…"operator"

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446827 No.21082540

File: 8ea1e7a3e32bbac⋯.png (171.41 KB,690x912,115:152,ClipboardImage.png)



Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK.

This is the result of a global campaign that spanned grass-roots organisers, press freedom campaigners, legislators and leaders from across the political spectrum, all the way to the United Nations. This created the space for a long period of negotiations with the US Department of Justice, leading to a deal that has not yet been formally finalised. We will provide more information as soon as possible.

After more than five years in a 2x3 metre cell, isolated 23 hours a day, he will soon reunite with his wife Stella Assange, and their children, who have only known their father from behind bars.

WikiLeaks published groundbreaking stories of government corruption and human rights abuses, holding the powerful accountable for their actions. As editor-in-chief, Julian paid severely for these principles, and for the people's right to know.

As he returns to Australia, we thank all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom.

Julian's freedom is our freedom.

[More details to follow]

Last edited

7:58 PM · Jun 24, 2024




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39430b No.21082543

File: 5fdc1ad4f078420⋯.jpg (16.8 KB,480x360,4:3,ernestine.jpg)


>BO won't be you or one of your "operators"

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bb21af No.21082548


mommy give me milk

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732d5f No.21082553

File: a6dc19341ee46f8⋯.png (12.88 KB,488x272,61:34,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 100cb27b5b86ba7⋯.png (22.48 KB,474x454,237:227,ClipboardImage.png)


Is the Q-Clock too complex?

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d08e2c No.21082555

File: 821b915a44284ca⋯.png (38.9 KB,470x231,470:231,ClipboardImage.png)

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39430b No.21082557


>99% of people honor their oath

congresspersons take an oath

think 99% of them honor it?

if yer not interested in land in fla

how 'bout a bridge in NYC?

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fbc163 No.21082560


Hallelujah I think im going to cry

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25fee8 No.21082561


bread gobbler shill

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5d9919 No.21082562


Its pretty much a trick so they can control what you say and who you're saying it too.

Those people know nothing of freedom or liberty.

i dont want to work for a criminal enterprise.

I'd rather dig and make memes, say what i want to say, and never have to answer to anybody but God in heaven.

Whats the point of having any type of clearance if you can never relay the information.

I understand you cant jeopardize people on the field, but that field is extremely compd.

There is certain types of information that needs to be seen by all.

You're going to be spilling popcorn all over yourself during this debate.

Trump is going to kill it if the bot doesn't cancel.

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13018f No.21082564

File: bc7066eb9b60106⋯.png (2.44 MB,1800x1800,1:1,bc7066eb9b6010627858be5990….png)


You're speaking about serving your country with a job

How about have a family and teach your children what you have learned so that they too will do the same

Jobs come and go but family is everything

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5d84ce No.21082565

File: 5638688257e9c6b⋯.png (89.62 KB,444x582,74:97,JCS_MILDEC.png)


>Is the Q-Clock too complex?

It served its intended purpose well, Anon:

Function of MILDEC include:

• Causing ambiguity, confusion, or misunderstanding in adversary perceptions of friendly critical information.

• Causing the adversary to misallocate personnel, fiscal, and material resources in ways that are advantageous to the friendly force.

• Causing the adversary to reveal strengths, dispositions, and future intentions.

• Conditioning the adversary to particular patterns of friendly behavior to induce adversary perceptions that can be exploited by the joint force.

• Causing the adversary to waste combat power with inappropriate or delayed actions.


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fa56b3 No.21082566

File: 6a45ac9bac81cd2⋯.jpeg (140.16 KB,605x756,605:756,B12B16EF_239C_4319_AB96_1….jpeg)

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bb5438 No.21082569

File: 74abae901fbfa2a⋯.jpeg (271.08 KB,1020x1535,204:307,IMG_0829.jpeg)

shills, calm down and stop seething and enjoy some pretty titties

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dfb111 No.21082573


YOU are not "night shift."

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b2fe85 No.21082575

File: 137ec07a9a73765⋯.png (1.53 MB,1000x1288,125:161,137ec07a9a7376546d058bc2f2….png)




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3f3e13 No.21082576

File: 0b18d63ca575ea7⋯.png (54.56 KB,515x505,103:101,ClipboardImage.png)


Nice camo, I haven't used it in a while.

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750ea6 No.21082579



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d08e2c No.21082580


perhaps one day face to face..

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7b5f41 No.21082583


No but they have made it so many will associate the term "night shift" with the shit they post endlessly.

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dfb111 No.21082585

File: 14118f948f47fff⋯.png (105.64 KB,259x315,37:45,night_shift_always_night_i….png)

File: 9ecf35a95b9db71⋯.png (76.56 KB,280x172,70:43,must_be_nightshift_somewhe….png)

File: 6a3cf9ddfcbae72⋯.png (121.49 KB,250x379,250:379,night_shift_1_king_and_2_c….png)

File: 26f144becdfb1d2⋯.png (312.15 KB,530x718,265:359,night_meme.png)

File: 7751f1275373221⋯.png (301.31 KB,369x545,369:545,night_shift_open_24.png)

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5d84ce No.21082586


>The darkness is all about lust and desperation.

'I can't get no satisfaction' was the theme song of the so-called revolution that led generations into that darkness.

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4772cf No.21082589


and you are still a minion of evil

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fbc163 No.21082592


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a42715 No.21082594


I never watched that show called The Apprentice.

Was it any good?

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90aa20 No.21082596

File: 05a77ce3c09927c⋯.jpg (55.99 KB,896x672,4:3,20240623_183213.jpg)



ahhhh that's what it's from

derp me


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4772cf No.21082597


Now you play the pious card

won't work

there is nothing righteous about you, your team, and what you are doing

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750ea6 No.21082599


it does not matter.

night shift ist.

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750ea6 No.21082600


notable observation.

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fbc163 No.21082603


God is God

>>Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name,

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dfb111 No.21082606

File: 576c47b0fb2b36f⋯.jpg (28.75 KB,514x609,514:609,graveyard_night_shift_skel….jpg)

File: f25af85937e8a45⋯.png (271.24 KB,824x431,824:431,night_shift_riders.png)

File: 80149675600ce4c⋯.png (479.31 KB,1066x594,533:297,ship_of_war_night.png)

File: c19f47c90cfc6d4⋯.mp4 (389.6 KB,1050x982,525:491,baking_kekistant_kitchen_n….mp4)

File: e395fcacc91d94e⋯.png (59.3 KB,225x225,1:1,night_shift_smores.png)


>No but they have made it so many will associate the term "night shift" with the shit they post endlessly.

That's the point, isn't it?

Shills always want to degrate the most powerful symbols, the most iconic images.


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65b4aa No.21082608

Listen up,fucking shills.

Whatever fucking happens I'll be fucking ready for it. I live fucking hard I fuck hard and I fight fucking hard.

I'm fucking hard as fucking fuck.

If anyone or anything fucks with me I'll fucking be on my fucking feet cause I'll never fucking be on my fucking knees since I go fucking hard as fuck with fucking everything.

Whether it be a fucking person a fucking place or a fuckingthing I'll be fucking ready kickin' fucking ass and doing fucking cool fucking shit.

Fucking fuck!

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dfb111 No.21082609



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4772cf No.21082611


You care a great deal

you care even more that anons seeing our little exchange realize what you truly are

you don't win "operator"

just remember, you have chosen to be what you are

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afdbc3 No.21082613


Fuck off.

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75c6b5 No.21082614

File: 38619b4f69df10f⋯.png (915.44 KB,1100x619,1100:619,Night_Shift_Red_01062024_2.png)


kek, i can't disagree

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f94570 No.21082617

File: 8164bf0592beb40⋯.jpg (79.25 KB,720x720,1:1,2024_06_22_15_58_59.jpg)

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732d5f No.21082618

File: 73ee4b8232f87ad⋯.png (325.02 KB,601x657,601:657,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5241737d206dae⋯.png (52.85 KB,383x364,383:364,ClipboardImage.png)


Pretty sure I am not an enemy.

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ae96e9 No.21082621

File: c2922c2022b4785⋯.jpg (170.59 KB,945x936,105:104,1718981489.jpg)



great that JA is finally "free"

whole legal process was a travesty

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d08e2c No.21082622

File: 48dd33112af42dc⋯.png (8.53 KB,519x92,519:92,ClipboardImage.png)

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27d541 No.21082623


another notable observation.

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75c6b5 No.21082626

File: 2b37567c4125f75⋯.png (274.55 KB,900x846,50:47,obey_alllow_cnn_06242024.png)

File: 5cf911f6b3a5774⋯.png (420.17 KB,1100x800,11:8,buzzfeed_Russia_dossier_cl….png)

File: a5d50a32e990807⋯.png (899.92 KB,800x1100,8:11,vote_out_the_elite_2.png)

File: 9093dc1bc0ad8fc⋯.png (824.39 KB,1100x596,275:149,delaware_gun_charge_sign_0….png)

File: 80189aa78dcad13⋯.png (764.34 KB,800x1086,400:543,robert_garcia_protects_fau….png)



i concur

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dfb111 No.21082627


BAKER, you still aboard?

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34e89e No.21082628

File: d9f1a56c6dfcb3d⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,540x960,9:16,christmas_2023_part_2.mp4)

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27d541 No.21082630


doesn't know.

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f0e49a No.21082631

File: 312bd3d7a81f583⋯.png (814.22 KB,2744x1116,686:279,ClipboardImage.png)


There was a moment of hopium…

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4772cf No.21082632


Well that's the shit because when the shit goes down and everything around turns to shit you will have your shit together and will shit all over the assholes trying to shit on you and the shit you worked for and take pride in and shit. No shit!

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75c6b5 No.21082633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The race that changed his life | Gran Turismo | CLIP

Boxoffice Movie Scenes

3.16M subscribers

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38bb61 No.21082634

File: 730d77352a20325⋯.png (67.2 KB,255x143,255:143,Comfy_bake.png)


>they have made it so many will associate the term "night shift" with the shit they post endlessly.

Same with "comfy" in every rainbow tranime bread banner.

Commies love to poison happy things.

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39430b No.21082637

>>21082563 >>21082568 >>21082571 >>21082574 >>21082581 >>21082595 >>21082598 >>21082605 >>21082612 >>21082616 >>21082620 >>21082624

get a life… LOSER

everyone is laughing at your tiny penis

don't go away mad

just GO AWAY

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4772cf No.21082638


Not your board "operator"

never will be

as your deadline approaches and you still haven't made any progress, do you feel bad for failing or just resign yourself to your next assignment in Ukraine or Ethiopia?

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d4376f No.21082639

File: 89acdc4043b6210⋯.jpg (495.44 KB,2500x1667,2500:1667,ja.jpg)

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f0e49a No.21082642

File: a2fea45ab2e1301⋯.png (55.35 KB,1680x187,1680:187,ClipboardImage.png)

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a42715 No.21082645


The shills seem to be upset by it though.


wonder why

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27d541 No.21082646


two hehs.

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7b5f41 No.21082647

File: 92fcf7dc9ce90a3⋯.jpg (98.41 KB,935x960,187:192,92fcf7dc9ce90a3d57881f8a98….jpg)


Look how many responses that post got from them, granted most of them are on the delete list.

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39430b No.21082649


>resign yourself to your next assignment in Ukraine or Ethiopia

is dagastan still on the table?

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d08e2c No.21082650

File: 497b46449e6afce⋯.png (36.62 KB,470x258,235:129,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae96e9 No.21082651




we'll soon see how "free" he really is

how free to talk



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5c75bd No.21082657

File: 62beb2fc5f01dff⋯.jpg (284.23 KB,1080x606,180:101,Screenshot_20240625_075055….jpg)

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4772cf No.21082658


The one you push so hard to get control of QR before that deadline expires

the deadline you were hoping would stay hidden

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6c9b48 No.21082660


Seems to keep getting mentioned randomly.

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39430b No.21082661

bakers and noters

do everyone a favor

either leave memes OUT of notables

or else pick memes that might be useful for redpilling normies

the memes selected for notables over the past week have been 90% self-indulgent sophomoric waste of bread bullshit

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5c75bd No.21082665

File: aeda713c7d7fa21⋯.jpg (332.73 KB,1079x873,1079:873,Screenshot_20240625_075231….jpg)

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d57ddc No.21082668

the desperation

it tickles

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75c6b5 No.21082671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Blade Runner | Alive


512K subscribers

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38bb61 No.21082673


>the memes selected for notables over the past week have been 90% self-indulgent sophomoric waste of bread bullshit

Nice opinion, Karen.

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39430b No.21082674


>Nothing is difficult for God.

can He create a rock so big that even He can't move it?

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f0e49a No.21082675




where have I seen this before?

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d08e2c No.21082678

File: 20781ab3471b836⋯.png (265.53 KB,464x1394,232:697,ClipboardImage.png)

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39430b No.21082679


i was being kind

most are MORONIC

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ae96e9 No.21082681

File: 1da1c1c51a519da⋯.png (15.16 KB,250x255,50:51,1718820768_1.png)


I have no choice at this stage but to trust the plan.

I am an anon, not one of the "firms" here.

I am perfectly capable of entertaining two or more competing realities in my head at the same time.

Meanwhile, I collect data points to see which reality is more likely to occur.

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4772cf No.21082684


doubtful, that place still has indoor plumbing

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446827 No.21082687

File: b66f1ece7e97145⋯.png (97.59 KB,473x651,473:651,ClipboardImage.png)




Q !ITPb.qbhqo 11/22/2017 17:07:59 ID: YzNom6b4

4chan/pol: 150517837


Where did it end up?

What was the purpose?

Who was suppose to win the election of 2016?

Why was the Iran deal kept from Congress and placed at the highest level of classification?

Meaning, a United States Senator could NOT review the deal but other foreign powers could.

How much money was hand delivered by plane(s)?

Why in cash?

Where did the plane(s) actually land?

What was the cover?

Who paid for BO to attend Harvard?

Why would this occur pre-political days?

Who was the biggest contributor to the CF?

The graphic is the key.

Why does the MSM push conspiracy w/o investigation?

Who controls the MSM?

What does the word 'conspiracy' mean to you?

Has the word 'conspiracy' been branded to mean something shameful in today's society?

The world cannot handle the truth.

This pill cannot be swallowed by most.

Risk in painting this picture.



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a42715 No.21082689


nice patch

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99c4b2 No.21082694


sees seeingly

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4772cf No.21082700


another lie

but keep trying to lean on the religion angle more

won't get you anywhere, but at least that part is entertaining

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6c9b48 No.21082703


Certainly powerful

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75c6b5 No.21082709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Eternity - Gladiator

Escathon Edits

35.9K subscribers

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6c9b48 No.21082712

File: a5ea40b21453dad⋯.png (907.2 KB,2000x3000,2:3,Flying_Guillotine.png)


Oaths of secrecy never helped anyone…

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fa56b3 No.21082714

I wanna know what Assange knows about aliens.

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446827 No.21082715

File: c4c1c3445a08acd⋯.png (98.94 KB,207x261,23:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85600c1db7462ed⋯.png (245.86 KB,1226x831,1226:831,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e7c8667bcd5321⋯.png (90.92 KB,1207x582,1207:582,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d99bab153cd695⋯.png (274.3 KB,1199x932,1199:932,ClipboardImage.png)



Valerie Jarrett TIME?


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23fa5b No.21082719


doesn't know.

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732d5f No.21082722

File: e9f81c11cff1bb5⋯.png (383.23 KB,600x509,600:509,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7294ef6fe2994b6⋯.png (86.59 KB,770x609,110:87,ClipboardImage.png)


"Former Republican state Sen. Ray Holmberg, 80, of Grand Forks, signed the plea agreement last week. It was filed Monday. He agreed to plead guilty to travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual activity."


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446827 No.21082723

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stella Assange releases a statement on the release of Julian Assange.




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78d1bf No.21082724

Love sweep the bunker? Or comped?

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75c6b5 No.21082725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My SHOCKING Trump Prediction For 2024 | Updated 2024 Election Map Forecast (June 2024)

Gold Crown Politics

9.91K subscribers

15 hours ago

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ae96e9 No.21082726


Collected from here, made by a thankless anon.


I have doubts about aliens, but not so much about spirits and demons.

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fa56b3 No.21082728


Sway me where? That’s what I want to know.

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4772cf No.21082729


>Q told us it is

who is "us?"

>Are you calling Q a liar too?

just you and your little helpers, I let Q worry about Q

>keep replying to show how much it offends you

amuses, the word you needed was amuses, as in entertains me to laugh at your antics

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6c9b48 No.21082731

File: 6035485043db487⋯.png (17.58 KB,255x255,1:1,bug_eyed.png)


It would make some people jelly

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c91604 No.21082732


go away shill

demon be gone!

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afdbc3 No.21082733


Why, because of his time in Ecuador?

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a42715 No.21082735

File: 1519d9d34432f1f⋯.png (216.22 KB,700x700,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


It seems that way.

He who is first shall be last.

He who is last shall be first.

God seems to like the Underdogs.

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34e89e No.21082736

File: 124c69301ce5947⋯.png (1.21 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f57767d0d9c9ec⋯.png (950.47 KB,781x657,781:657,ClipboardImage.png)

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75c6b5 No.21082737

don't forget to work on the house and senate also

thank you Anons

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7b5f41 No.21082740

File: 248234052790579⋯.png (120.37 KB,592x530,296:265,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d84ce No.21082743


> I am not an enemy.

If the Q Clock was not intriguing it would not have worked. Many worked to solve a puzzle that had no solution, including the targeted adversaries. The Q Clock served its intended purpose.

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c6a4bf No.21082744

File: a92f61929e2f71b⋯.png (723.86 KB,700x394,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)


>Assange deserves at least a three day weekend

and a good roll in the hay along with that couple of cold beersssssssss

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ae96e9 No.21082745

File: 0961e84c9b756de⋯.png (89.23 KB,2379x1118,183:86,ClipboardImage.png)


>God likes using nobodies to destroy somebodies.

thank you, 41e925.

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c91604 No.21082747


>spirits and demons.

interdimensional beings

the greys are bio-robot serfs made by them

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78d1bf No.21082748

Unanimous winning 4 pain? Id say you’re addicted the innocence of claw machines and tokens.

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446827 No.21082750

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Julian Assange published all the emails Hillary deleted.

The Russia Hoax was an attempted coup by the corrupt Commie/Dems, and all the other smear hoaxes and investigations are being used to cover it up. Trump caught them all.

Now you know why they want him arrested for life.

Julian Assange published all the emails Hillary deleted.




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4772cf No.21082751


you are a willing helper of the enemy of humanity

you simply cannot fathom your repeated failure

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5c75bd No.21082754

File: c9c6a2668365fb6⋯.jpg (291.29 KB,1080x1084,270:271,Screenshot_20240625_080711….jpg)

File: 150743aced9645b⋯.jpg (337.12 KB,1080x710,108:71,Screenshot_20240625_080653….jpg)

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aed1de No.21082756

File: 7ae2e5f4f4f698d⋯.gif (860.53 KB,280x281,280:281,7ae2e5f4f4f698d858eb9c9950….gif)

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78d1bf No.21082757


Tis okay.

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ae96e9 No.21082759


like UBI, 15 minute cities, bugs and porn, a "safe" internet…

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446827 No.21082760


take a chill pill

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aed1de No.21082761

File: bf6e521de3036a2⋯.png (441.66 KB,1862x795,1862:795,Disgusting_.png)

File: 5c8e67402f10aea⋯.jpeg (379.25 KB,1125x2380,225:476,HRN_stealing_other_people….jpeg)

File: 2120925f0c02453⋯.png (421.37 KB,607x411,607:411,2120925f0c0245384355f142e0….png)

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,HRN.jpg)

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fececc No.21082763

Semper Semper catch a Temper

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732d5f No.21082764


How I figured out how to use the q-clock is the following:

- find the current date( 6/25/2024 on :52)

- draw a [15] minute delta around the clock( :07, :22, and :37)

- read all the drops on those lines and count all the [markers]. Single letters in [ ], numbers in [ ] and any timestamps in [ ]. So far all the double letters in [ ] has not proved of any use for that, but have pointed to names in the news.

- after counting all the [markers], I take note the amount of each. If there is an odd amount of [4]s and [d]s for example, that would mean going back [4] from the [15] daily delta. Ann even amount would mean going ahead [4] of the daily delta.

- look at the timestamp of tweets and truths from various accounts and see what is mentioned in the tweets and truths

There is a solution. Nobody applies it.

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8649ed No.21082765



collecting notes

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aed1de No.21082766

File: 914a2bf98249dcb⋯.jpg (35.76 KB,474x668,237:334,914a2bf98249dcbc8b399ada88….jpg)

I think I might go for a shave.

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5d84ce No.21082768


Been following along for almost seven years, Anon. Zero results.

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d08e2c No.21082770


>reality as a set of competing thought experiments

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39430b No.21082772

File: edc270486a93952⋯.jpg (354.55 KB,1280x707,1280:707,Capital_of_Dagestan.jpg)

File: 9f3b92dfc738baf⋯.jpg (293.18 KB,1280x717,1280:717,_.jpg)

File: b86082c82fa2ca4⋯.png (4.8 MB,2880x1637,2880:1637,_.png)

File: 3d97b866cb0b088⋯.jpg (1.44 MB,1536x1024,3:2,Dagestan_naryn_kala.jpg)


>doubtful, that place still has indoor plumbing

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78d1bf No.21082773

Wow numbers lead to perfectionism pressure. Balnoggin had idea for it when younger.

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7191aa No.21082774

File: 2b7c1e91dba2866⋯.png (634.3 KB,1028x999,1028:999,ClipboardImage.png)

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4772cf No.21082775


couldn't stay with the religious angle hunh?

onto the "cloud"

you are a minion of evil that fails miserably at the tasks assigned

failure is not greeted warmly with your bosses

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afdbc3 No.21082779


Don't cut your taint.

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7191aa No.21082780

File: 87aa8c9da658018⋯.png (396.25 KB,863x741,863:741,ClipboardImage.png)

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732d5f No.21082781


We are likely looking at different issues.

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fececc No.21082782



Otter Bear Razor bambool oh pug dog um Bull Dog Razors buy em.

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446827 No.21082783

File: 08a988bcda37b9d⋯.png (389.17 KB,540x474,90:79,secret_of_light_4d4532df3f….png)


JA is not free, he has been released from the UK

now he has falsely admitted guilt, he can be pardoned…

things are going to get interdastin

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c9f3a9 No.21082784

File: e3e7667d7c62573⋯.png (795.15 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


They are probably going to fry his brain

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446827 No.21082786

File: 6116825f9829478⋯.png (45.91 KB,500x250,2:1,6116825f9829478830bdc6613a….png)


yes, why?

ugh notes


collecting noe

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38bb61 No.21082787

File: 20f8c8b22b78d27⋯.jpg (243.09 KB,1080x1024,135:128,20f8c8b22b78d273fb0b448427….jpg)


It would be funny as shit if they shot him full of truth serum before the debate.

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78d1bf No.21082790

Shopping list gleaner looks quite squeezable in heinie site. Caughted and drossed TIs

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38bb61 No.21082791

File: 01d4b867649dc53⋯.png (1.98 MB,794x1061,794:1061,01d4b867649dc53f2d21a742c0….png)


>collecting noe


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39430b No.21082792


>I have doubts about aliens

they have no doubts about you

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38bfc9 No.21082793

File: 29a43e60fc7a0e9⋯.png (91.69 KB,489x613,489:613,yt43m654364336.PNG)


>JA is finally "free"


>whole legal process was a travesty

look at the date

eyes on

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78d1bf No.21082794

The young ones excited, eager, easily board.

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39430b No.21082795


>truth serum

movie BS

no such animal

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446827 No.21082798

File: 710c00a094174a4⋯.png (744 KB,720x945,16:21,trust_the_science_38aa.png)


are you collectin notes?

or you think i am?

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4772cf No.21082799


That's another demoralization shill trying the "nothin ever habbens" that used to be on the older Bingo cards

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8649ed No.21082801


didn't see a reply, it's late in bread and you changed ip looks like….

will drop notes, can keep or discard as you will.


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fececc No.21082802


I'm talking to the Google Texas and CIA and OTHER Oracles. I'm not talking to (You)

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f99210 No.21082804

File: 220b5022807227d⋯.jpg (61.03 KB,720x720,1:1,media_GQqenm9b0AAtzgA.jpg)

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ae96e9 No.21082806

File: 616146a41797e75⋯.webp (92.16 KB,768x499,768:499,img_5004_1.webp)


I like this simple solution for all Western democracies…

Execution as a last resort and sanction.


I was hoping not, that's why I am here.



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4772cf No.21082808


since when?

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39430b No.21082809


he's worried what will be released about him, now that JA is not in their filthy clutches

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34e89e No.21082812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: This seems very strange..he is arrested for a outstanding warrant…


tommy robinson arrested in canada.


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446827 No.21082813


yeah, i think fuckery is afoot

three days eta?

wish clockfag was about…

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28cd14 No.21082815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Assange dropped a bomb on her kek


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38bb61 No.21082816

File: 95d1833a551ee63⋯.jpg (39.73 KB,562x562,1:1,95d1833a551ee6315cfb7d1b80….jpg)


>Posting nudes without a face is against board rules.

Here's a face if you insist, but anon still likes the other ones better.

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8649ed No.21082817




already collected so here they are.

#25844 >>21081882


>>21081938 , >>21082540JULIAN ASSANGE IS FREE

>>21082750, >>21082783 Julian Assange published all the emails Hillary deleted.

>>21081954 Julian Assange to Plead Guilty in Plea Agreement with U.S. Government, Avoiding Prison

>>21082089 Follow the money - Trump re not trusting FOX news

>>21082109 QClock June 24, 2024 - 5 Day Delta, Dark Money, Fox, Ryan, The News, Assange, AOC & Trump

>>21082503, >>21082515 Watch: Assange's plane lands in Thailand

>>21082525 Julian Assange in real time today, all live links in blue

>>21082723 Stella Assange releases a statement on the release of Julian Assange.

>>21082155 Pence on Assange release - not a fan KEK


>>21081909 These Food Additives Are More Harmful Than Thought

>>21081911, >>21081917 Donald Trump claims he was 'tortured' in Fulton County Jail when arrested…

>>21081962 Biden's "Wins" BS

>>21082041, >>21082056, >>21082086 Biden going after Trump re Roe v Wade - Alex Soros too

>>21082081 Trump video on tipping

>>21082086 ALL IN: E 184: Trump interview

>>21082118 Report making smart cities cyber secure.pdf

>>21082186 Argentina Logs First Week with No Inflation in Food Prices in 30 Years

>>21082191 @RichardGrenell: Joe Biden told Ukraine they could use American weaponry to go on the attack in Russia.

>>21082310 US State Department: We continue to support engagement between Azerbaijan, Armenia


>>21082357 Trump reviews plan to halt US military aid to Ukraine unless it negotiates peace with Moscow

>>21082725 My SHOCKING Trump Prediction For 2024 | Updated 2024 Election Map Forecast (June 2024)

Notetaker OUT

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aed1de No.21082818

File: f5f4c441c778907⋯.jpg (426.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,f5f4c441c7789078985b68a6da….jpg)

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fececc No.21082819

I am a servant of the weather the weather brought me here in brothe and broil

talk about me can't talk to me? that's sweet I appreciate the flowers from an incell weeby neet *looks in mirrot* I mean from a real gentle man saddly I am engaged Gbye. >>21082788

i fucking hate that the justice leg gets more oracle action than /div/ next bf quearys you don't even ask questions and I got the algorithms for answers.

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c6a4bf No.21082822


a sternly lettered and worded warning!

hawk tuah!

darwin award winner

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5aef5a No.21082823

File: 469c5bd2e9bc82a⋯.png (174.47 KB,680x356,170:89,ClipboardImage.png)

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30513f No.21082824

File: 4ee7fe4b2593981⋯.png (12.93 KB,513x480,171:160,76m3564363n443.PNG)

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34e89e No.21082827

File: a3db5a7c55e6c62⋯.png (184.65 KB,492x402,82:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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446827 No.21082828

File: 2e5a6f13fc93c1e⋯.png (1.55 MB,1179x1141,1179:1141,2e5a6f13fc93c1ebputer_0800….png)


you bake, bakes

im going to nap

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fececc No.21082830


for a cult about 007 you certainly hate any James Bond you meet.

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446827 No.21082836

File: 099ecf26501cc85⋯.png (174.05 KB,600x511,600:511,dick_pic.png)


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732d5f No.21082837


Can't use the Clock as a prediction tool.

Read it yourself. All you need to be able to do is:

-Follow straight lines.

-Count to 60

-Know what numbers are odd and which are even.

It is time consuming, but not hard.

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aed1de No.21082839

File: bf10d394bdebafc⋯.png (427.47 KB,500x500,1:1,bf10d394bdebafc91f7384bd0c….png)

File: e779d3b1e798273⋯.jpg (161.34 KB,800x800,1:1,e779d3b1e798273a08367855f0….jpg)

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39430b No.21082840


the sage has said….

MEN do not beat drums before they hunt tiger

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8649ed No.21082844



ok, will do

baker on duty

please check notes, will bake soon

bread needs to last until morning baker

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5aef5a No.21082846

File: 0beaf28f1816afb⋯.png (482.19 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f99210 No.21082849

File: 7ca5537ce6675f4⋯.png (434.54 KB,624x476,156:119,ClipboardImage.png)




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39430b No.21082852




yer an ULTRAmaroon

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fececc No.21082853

Whoa, whoa-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh

Whoa, whoa-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh

I tried to be nice, I tried to live my life, but

Everyone else is an asshole

I tried to forgive, I tried to live and let live, but

Everyone else is an asshole

And everybody else thinks of no one but themselves

And no one wants to help 'cause they're all assholes

And every friendly chat is a knife in the back

Or a sneaky attack waiting to happen

I tried not to mind, I tried to be so kind, but

Everyone else is an asshole

I try to let love rule, but I feel like such a fool 'cause

Everyone else is an asshole

And they're out there even now, trying to mess me up somehow

They won't stop it now 'cause they're all assholes

And they're planning while I sleep, and even as we speak

To strike when I am weak 'cause they're all assholes

Everyone else, everyone else

Everyone else is an asshole

Everyone else, everyone else

Everyone else is an asshole

It's time to defend, I know I have no friends

Everyone else is an asshole

I've got to get them first 'cause worse has come to worst

Everyone else is an asshole

But they put them blame on me, and pretended not to see

That I just want to be free from these assholes

Well, I couldn't take their shit, so I tried to deal with it

And now I look a bit like an asshole

I tried to be nice, I tried to live my life, but

Everyone else is an asshole

I tried to overlook, and I've tried to close the book, but

Everyone else is an asshole

I tried not to talk shit, but I just couldn't help it

Everyone else is an asshole

They called it assault, but it really wasn't my fault

Everyone else is an asshole

Everyone else, everyone else

Everyone else is an asshole

Everyone else, everyone else

Everyone else is an asshole

You're an asshole, too (whoa, whoa-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh)

You're an asshole, too (whoa, whoa-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh)

I'm talkin' 'bout you, talkin' 'bout you (whoa, whoa-oh)

I'm talkin' 'bout you and you and you (whoa-oh-oh-oh)

You're an asshole, too (whoa, whoa-oh)

I'm talkin' 'bout you and you and you (whoa-oh-oh-oh)

You're an asshole, too, I'm talkin' 'bout you (whoa, whoa-oh)

I'm talkin' 'bout you and you and you (whoa-oh-oh-oh)

You're an asshole, too (whoa, whoa-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh)

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34e89e No.21082854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note: his hands were tied behind his back. it really feels and looks like a publicty stunt/


ARREST UPDATE: Ezra Levant offers to be Tommy Robinson's Surety


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a42715 No.21082857


slaves and women were not allowed to vote

and the officials were at least 60 years old, as anyone younger than 60 was not considered to be wise enough yet

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78d1bf No.21082864


Other thumbdex

Combat Evolved juxtaposed red fret bolt.



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446827 No.21082866

File: fd4a8b5f29940fe⋯.png (177.52 KB,1147x933,1147:933,ClipboardImage.png)


what site are we using, now?


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aed1de No.21082868

File: e0966a1fe3f30af⋯.png (136.47 KB,320x240,4:3,e0966a1fe3f30af5599e2d4eaa….png)

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446827 No.21082869

File: d58f290e23ef2ca⋯.jpg (108.17 KB,806x794,403:397,NIGHT_SHIFT_EXPLAINING_TO_….jpg)


Thank you bakes


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5c75bd No.21082873

File: 65ffe0f6df5e762⋯.jpg (261.8 KB,1079x1949,1079:1949,Screenshot_20240625_082852….jpg)

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ae96e9 No.21082876




>It would be funny as shit if they shot him full of truth serum before the debate.


>truth serum

>movie BS

>no such animal

Ketamine worked on me.

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642466 No.21082877


They are torturing all of us

What’s so hard to believe?

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5d84ce No.21082878


>Q is a master at it.

Q is a signature used in an online information operation. No more, no less.

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446827 No.21082879

File: ba5233c13406596⋯.png (112.2 KB,763x783,763:783,ClipboardImage.png)

US representatives react to Assange's release

41m ago

By Caitlin Rawling

Representatives in the US have reacted to Assange's release, with Rep. Jim McGovern responding to a tweet from The New York Times.

I don’t think Julian Assange broke espionage laws. I don’t think he should have been charged in the first place. And I worry this plea deal sets a bad precedent.

But I’m glad this ordeal is over so he can finally return to Australia to be with his family & focus on his health. https://t.co/tETyzzOd0M

— Rep. Jim McGovern (@RepMcGovern) June 25, 2024

Rep. Thomas Massie also tweeted about Assange's release, saying "his liberation is great news."

My plane landed in DC & I just heard Julian Assange will soon be free due to a deal.

His liberation is great news, but it’s a travesty that he’s already spent so much time in jail.

Obama, Trump, & Biden should have never pursued this prosecution.

Pardon Snowden & Free Ross now

— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) June 25, 2024

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78d1bf No.21082880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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732d5f No.21082881

File: 51b8ae4c31e8acb⋯.png (56.08 KB,629x441,629:441,ClipboardImage.png)


I only use that for the vanilla blank clock.

Use the [15] delta. No drops support the method advertised by the Paytriots running that sight.

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3ea86b No.21082882

File: 2f6c32b2df9b6e3⋯.png (280.73 KB,600x480,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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41e925 No.21082883

Q, anons voted for a patriot BO.

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4772cf No.21082884


Strange, never saw any voting

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fececc No.21082885


until the crux of it.


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7191aa No.21082886

File: 3253032b86911fd⋯.png (870.76 KB,1352x749,1352:749,ClipboardImage.png)


Tommy Robinson is being arrested in Canada on an immigration charge. 10 police officers swarmed him as soon as he was done the speaking event in Calgary. Rebel News has hired Calgary's leading criminal lawyer Alain Hepner and we are working to secure his release as soon as possible.

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41e925 No.21082887


Well. This is why you should read through the bread first, Newfag.

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8649ed No.21082888


they hate Tommy Robinson for exposing Muslim kidnapping of non-Muslim children

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d08e2c No.21082889


auto-regenerating bread still available

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7b5f41 No.21082890

File: aff88c7eee1ace4⋯.jpg (145.71 KB,817x558,817:558,aff88c7eee1ace490cc86a24be….jpg)


Going to be a long night, I will be with you for awhile.

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41e925 No.21082891


>Q, anons voted for a patriot BO.

Q, anons voted for a patriot BO.

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41e925 No.21082892


Q, anons voted for a patriot BO.

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6249ec No.21082893

i'm going to binge watch 7 seasons of burn notice and nobody can fucking stop me

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78d1bf No.21082894

File: 52ebdb21b89855d⋯.gif (55.82 KB,320x480,2:3,IMG_0316.gif)

File: ed7ab0120695640⋯.gif (189.15 KB,1289x972,1289:972,IMG_0315.gif)


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f99210 No.21082895

File: 07d72657ee9e46f⋯.png (238.14 KB,500x578,250:289,ClipboardImage.png)


You are not alone.

I voted 17 times.


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41e925 No.21082896


You could stop you.

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8649ed No.21082897


long night but worthwhile news to report….

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a42715 No.21082898

I'm gonna vote for Slow Joe

Because I want 4 moar years of this crap


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34e89e No.21082899

File: b8f7859e9c4d57e⋯.gif (242.21 KB,560x672,5:6,8KUN_CAT.gif)


infinity trips chek'ed

probably right but tommy robinson is always getting into these types of trouble.

The elites have been doing that shit for years

the latest case in germany with a 15 year old girl is beyond disgusting.

it is happening all the time especially with the push during pride month and trying to make pedophilia acceptable.

Anon only commented on what anon saw with tommys arrest.

bringing in other factors at the moment is another issue.

as you hit the digits,

anon will give you a you..

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f99210 No.21082900

File: 0fe0526a3e0621b⋯.png (362.89 KB,575x565,115:113,ClipboardImage.png)


vanquishing darkness with light.


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39430b No.21082901

>>21076739 pb

>is CANCER parasites?

>Intracellular worms?

worms are made of CELLS

while there are a few exceptions

most cells are more or less the same size

so how can a worm, made of cells, be small enough to be a parasite that lives WITHIN a cell?

there IS promising research on fungi WITHIN macrophages (one of the exceptionally large cells in the human body)

but semi-retarded illiterate drivel like this only serves to confuse, obfuscate, and discredit important research

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6c6759 No.21082902


If this is true, then we need to pay some people a visit, discreetly.

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8649ed No.21082903


Robinson spoke out long before others did in Britain. Controversial but gutsy.

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39430b No.21082904


it's only genocide if you MISS one

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41e925 No.21082905

There's nothing more important than doing what is right, even if it seems like you will lose everything. A life not able to be bought other than with the blood of Jesus.

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78d1bf No.21082906

File: de899e7e2f72579⋯.webp (133.86 KB,1000x1462,500:731,IMG_0317.webp)


Participants in the third moon landing staying the corse.

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41e925 No.21082907

If you do what's right, you can't go wrong.

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34e89e No.21082908


true again

but this is about todays arrest.

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ce9ffe No.21082909

Be the one, that you were made to be.

Fight for truth. Set the people free.

It doesn’t matter what mountains you need to climb.

Each time you’ll get to the peak,

And you’ll be shining the light for the ones that seek.

Be the one, that you were made to be.

Fight for truth. Set the people free.

There’s an army that’s by your side,

Watching your back since we’re all on the ride.

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41e925 No.21082910

Only losers are desperate.

Winners know God already won.

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41e925 No.21082911

Are you able to envision 4 years from today? Will you be here?

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39430b No.21082912

my post count is now 933 and climbing

who benefits from all the deletions?

serious question


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41e925 No.21082913


Satan is the beneficiary. Dying trend.

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7b5f41 No.21082914

File: e64e8fb1b03e887⋯.jpg (70.88 KB,500x480,25:24,e64e8fb1b03e887f63fd8254a7….jpg)


I am just here to take note on our "friends", it can be mind numbing at times but can figure out the trigger phrases for the non meat sack ones.

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41e925 No.21082915

Clowns haven't (cannot) effectively prepared for the future. The enemy has No long-term plan.

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642466 No.21082916


Was Assange on the clock?

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6249ec No.21082917

i don't even eat spam

the fuck makes that retard think i'm gonna read it

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f99210 No.21082918

File: a0ad7c2967bdc58⋯.png (496.32 KB,609x467,609:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2f87f2ac8706cf⋯.png (322.28 KB,435x361,435:361,ClipboardImage.png)


>if you MISS one


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4772cf No.21082919


Oh? QR Board Owner being voted on is in the Bible?

Seriously "operator" you need a break

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6c6759 No.21082920


Because they are all cabal members, mostly Jewish .

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3ea86b No.21082921


>it's only genocide if you MISS one

Technically two.

A fertile pair.

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77f5a1 No.21082922

File: 413749f5a36c1d2⋯.png (1.18 MB,1080x1427,1080:1427,Comin_in_hot.png)

Q Research is compromised 24/7 all government posters are fully documented.

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78d1bf No.21082923

File: e9c9b741535ff2a⋯.gif (924.9 KB,498x498,1:1,IMG_0318.gif)

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4772cf No.21082924


>who benefits from all the deletions?

anons like myself that are a bit tired of wading through endless posts from Vatican Dude

Same stuff, over and over

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41e925 No.21082925


>Q, anons voted for a patriot BO.

Link to the post where you saw Biblical vote? Dumb-dumb. We're all waiting.

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d08e2c No.21082926

File: 14f507bac080edb⋯.png (43.59 KB,470x258,235:129,ClipboardImage.png)

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41e925 No.21082927

Anons, they have (1) demon and six clowns x six devices.

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8649ed No.21082928


>Dark Calories by Dr. Catherine Shanahan

brand new book primarily about seed oils as the root of modern metabolic disease - but also discusses the idea of CANCER are a metabolic disease

The idea has been gaining ground for some time, here's a piece on it from 2010:


Cancer as a Metabolic Disease

Emerging evidence indicates that impaired cellular energy metabolism is the defining characteristic of nearly all cancers regardless of cellular or tissue origin. In contrast to normal cells, which derive most of their usable energy from oxidative phosphorylation, most cancer cells become heavily dependent on substrate level phosphorylation to meet energy demands. Evidence is reviewed supporting a general hypothesis that genomic instability and essentially all hallmarks of cancer, including aerobic glycolysis (Warburg effect), can be linked to impaired mitochondrial function and energy metabolism. A view of cancer as primarily a metabolic disease will impact approaches to cancer management and prevention.

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a4cd8d No.21082929

File: 950edf3e73aed99⋯.png (500.74 KB,2048x1416,256:177,ClipboardImage.png)


>my post count is now 933 and climbing

>who benefits from all the deletions?

>serious question


I agree.

I only filter Vatican because he is so repetitive.

BV absolutely hates 41e925, so all his posts are immediately deleted.

Makes you wonder why.

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41e925 No.21082930

When you back them into a corner (inevitable, because they're liars), they implode.

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446827 No.21082931

File: a2cb82a770233b4⋯.mp4 (7.47 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Pence_Receives_Gold_Coin_B….mp4)

File: 773c914a87f1aff⋯.mp4 (6.98 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Pence_gold_coin_bribe.mp4)


Can we deport Mike Pence?

Mike Pence reacts to Assange's release

Caitlin Rawling profile image

23m ago

By Caitlin Rawling

Former US vice-president Mike Pence has reacted negatively to Assange's release.

Mr Pence says "there should be no plea deals to avoid prison for anyone that endangers the security of our military or the national security of the United States".

Julian Assange endangered the lives of our troops in a time of war and should have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The Biden administration’s plea deal with Assange is a miscarriage of justice and dishonors the service and sacrifice of the men and women of our…

— Mike Pence (@Mike_Pence) June 25, 2024

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41e925 No.21082932

Anons are good, naturally, at backing liars into corners.

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d49fef No.21082933

File: d7d1f63c4be621c⋯.gif (2.88 MB,422x234,211:117,It_s_Happening_.GIF)

File: 76cbde6e4dc3178⋯.jpeg (180.52 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_3036.jpeg)

File: a84058d12678ffb⋯.gif (2.4 MB,498x278,249:139,Popcorn_17_Trump.GIF)

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41e925 No.21082934

POTUS is a master at backing liars into corners.

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78d1bf No.21082935

Under fifteen posts for the third time. 😂

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af2c62 No.21082936

File: 2d2ec17cca74f06⋯.png (179.62 KB,1043x743,1043:743,Screenshot_20240623_091423….png)

File: 576f8383db8261e⋯.png (1.22 MB,1080x994,540:497,SSI_Disability_1.png)

File: 388d0f7dcd0334a⋯.png (716.24 KB,990x835,198:167,Scrvvh_1_.png)


Disabled is disabled so why the huge difference in payment amounts?


I want to tell you guys a HORROR story regarding Social Security SSI Disability Benefits.

I know a 65 year old man who was in an accident and hasn't worked in a longtime because he can't walk and one arm is partially disabled but I always see him trying to get around and participate in life as much as he can and I greatly respect him for his efforts.

The other day he explained to me that he was on SSI Disability and it is really hard to makes ends meet with the Bidenomics price increases but he manages to keep going on only $943 dollars a month for all his expenses.

To me the maximum amount of SSI Disability payments for a disabled elderly man only being $943 a month, makes no sense at all it'sCRUELTYno matter how you slice it.

I decided to give him $300 a month to help him out and also looked into other benefits he might be eligible for every month.

After contacting the 'Social Security office I was told if I give him $300 a month then $300 a month will be deducted from his SSI monthly payment and I said how can he possibly get ahead when he cannot have more than $943 a month and no more than $2,000 in total life savings or he will be kicked off the program.

Social Security workers they don't give two shits about anyone.

Where I live you can't even rent a closet for $943 a month so I'm wondering why are the the politicians in Washington DC doing this to America's elderly that are unfortunately disabled?

All that fucken taxpayer money going to non Americans in the Ukraine and all them asshole politicians in Washington DC can't even give America's disabled elderly a couple more hundred dollars a month at least…


Thank God all politicians are going to HELL.

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bb863d No.21082937

Motherfucking Motherfucker sounds better than GM.

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41e925 No.21082938

Children are great at backing liars into corners.

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f99210 No.21082939

File: 67f4f0fe8e77da3⋯.png (119.38 KB,608x533,608:533,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75b1da1538e0945⋯.png (226.07 KB,732x2000,183:500,1547_1_.png)

S p r i n t e r F a m i l y



For the first time in human history, soil samples were brought to Earth from the far side of the Moon - they were brought by the Chinese Chang'e-6 probe.

A few minutes ago, a capsule with regolith (a surface layer of loose lunar soil) , dropped from a probe by parachute, landed in the province of Inner Mongolia.

Jun 25, 2024 · 7:33 AM UTC



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a42715 No.21082940


Given another 4 years, I think that Biden could finish the job he started, of completely turning our Country into a 3rd World shithole.

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d49fef No.21082941

File: b25f3788f3ef684⋯.jpg (175.91 KB,800x625,32:25,Rudy_Giuliani_Showtime_03.jpg)

File: 067109a1e8a2ebf⋯.gif (877.74 KB,409x409,1:1,Popcorn_08_Bird.GIF)

File: 69fff1bbfacf150⋯.gif (3.88 MB,640x360,16:9,Popcorn_18_Movie_Ad.GIF)

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41e925 No.21082942

Backing a liar into a corner isn't rocket science. They lie - it's a fatal and inevitable outcome. Self-induced. Suicide.

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8649ed No.21082943


true - but people that expose the truth get arrested a lot these days.

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78d1bf No.21082944


Draw a snoopy about it, Woodstock.

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446827 No.21082945

File: e1b28c0728ddd93⋯.png (74.88 KB,781x652,781:652,ClipboardImage.png)

'Priority' for Assange to 'get healthy again', wife says

Tessa Flemming profile image

10m ago

By Tessa Flemming

Stella Assange tells the BBC her "priority" is for her husband "to get healthy again".

"He's been in a terrible state for five years," she says.

The couple will focus on being "in contact with nature", Assange adds.

Assange's wife 'gradually' telling children about release

Tessa Flemming profile image

13m ago

By Tessa Flemming

Here's more from the BBC interview with Stella Assange.

She say she's "gradually, incrementally" telling the children about Assange's release.

"They're very excited to be in Australia though," she adds, saying they flew from London recently.

The pair share two children, aged five and seven.

Deal includes guilty plea to one charge related to Espionage Act, wife says

Tessa Flemming profile image

16m ago

By Tessa Flemming

Stella Assange is speaking with the BBC, and says she's "limited" in what she can say about the agreement in principle with the US Department of Justice.

But she confirms the deal includes Assange pleading guilty to one charge, relating to the Espionage Act.

Assange's wife 'elated' with release

Tessa Flemming profile image

20m ago

By Tessa Flemming

More from Stella Assange, who's speaking on her husband's release.

"I'm just elated," she said.

"He will be a free man once it (the plea deal) has been signed off by the judge, and that will happen sometime tomorrow."

Reporting by Reuters

Key Event

Assange's wife shares video call from Stansted airport

Tessa Flemming profile image

33m ago

By Tessa Flemming

Stella Assange has shared images of Assange calling her from Stansted airport.

Julian calling into Sydney from Stansted airport last night (his day time).#AssangeJet #AssangeFree pic.twitter.com/KIz3cZp498

— Stella Assange #FreeAssangeNOW (@Stella_Assange) June 25, 2024

Why Saipan? ABC's European correspondent has a possible answer

Tessa Flemming profile image

1h ago

By Tessa Flemming

ABC's European correspondent Michelle Rimmer says "we don't know exactly what it was that got the deal over the line in recent months".

However, the choice of Saipan may make some more sense.

"We know Julian Assange and his legal team didn't want him to go to the US mainland," she told ABC's Afternoon Briefing.

"They were fearful that once there, he would potentially face the death penalty or life in prison and they wouldn't be able to get him back out.

"So it appears that where this plea deal application is taking place will have been a really significant part of getting this deal over the line."

Baker, Thailand has zero extradition, I believe Julian Assange will be safe there?


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4772cf No.21082946


First you post "Q, anons voted for a patriot BO." on >>21082883

I reply "Strange, never saw any voting"

Then you >>21082887 "Well. This is why you should read through the bread first, Newfag."

so I replied >>21082919 "Oh? QR Board Owner being voted on is in the Bible?"

Now you want a link?

You lost your train of thought, lost your focus, and before you even sat down lost the battle

You are a minion of evil, and have spent all this time tonight plying your ineffective script

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d49fef No.21082947

File: be7b9abd2fb9047⋯.jpeg (199.71 KB,800x800,1:1,A58830B4_7D50_400C_AEFC_4….JPEG)

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732d5f No.21082948

File: 114db9b8dbda47f⋯.png (4.18 MB,2403x1951,2403:1951,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64fe3bd36c8eb20⋯.png (480.63 KB,828x644,9:7,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 258ff8131035e8f⋯.png (370.76 KB,801x429,267:143,ClipboardImage.png)



Check out 6/11/2018 drops as well. On :06 line. [15] from :51.

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41e925 No.21082949


You can't link to it because you lied.

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446827 No.21082950

File: 2427e2fbd207765⋯.png (498.76 KB,1161x765,129:85,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65be065a7d0c4c5⋯.png (278.15 KB,786x686,393:343,ClipboardImage.png)

VIDEO: Committee to Protect Journalists 'thrilled' with news of Julian Assange plea deal

Caitlin Rawling profile image

1m ago

By Caitlin Rawling

Jodie Ginsberg from the Committee to Protect Journalists is elated with the news of Julian Assange's plea deal.

You can watch the full video of her reaction here:

7:21 long


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6249ec No.21082951

the ones who really put those soldiers at risk were the big pharma companies who wanted control of the poppy fields

the big oil cats who wanted control of the pipelines

the bankers who want to rope countries who stray into the international banking syndicate

and the intel/mic community who wanted career job security

but sure, they blame the guy who exposed them for killing unarmed civilians

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41e925 No.21082952

Losers always lie.

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d49fef No.21082953

File: f6cf4dbbb39603b⋯.mp4 (2.04 MB,672x848,42:53,Trump_Batman_01.MP4)

File: 59c148a1b3344e1⋯.mp4 (424.19 KB,640x360,16:9,KM0DNk97QDd55MN2.mp4)

File: 82d548dc37561fa⋯.jpg (87.19 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Trump_Batman_04.JPG)

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41e925 No.21082954

Liars always lose.

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4772cf No.21082955


Oh look, another ID coming up to save face for


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c6a4bf No.21082956

File: b5a325b3571beeb⋯.png (141.37 KB,360x382,180:191,ClipboardImage.png)


thank you anon!

i needed a good laugh!

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a4cd8d No.21082957




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41e925 No.21082958


No.. i'm not involved with those freaks. You are.

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4772cf No.21082959


>Anons are good, naturally, at backing liars into corners.

Which sure has happened to you tonight

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a4cd8d No.21082960


my vpn was on hopping mode

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41e925 No.21082961

Clowns think everyone else is as stupid as they are. Morons…

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7191aa No.21082962

File: 79aacad67ec81ba⋯.png (374.93 KB,680x678,340:339,ClipboardImage.png)

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41e925 No.21082963

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bb863d No.21082964


>Anons, they have (1) demon and six clowns x six devices.

Guess those devices might have witnessed crime any number of repetitions they spammed


.>Under fifteen posts for the third time. 😂

16 posts by this id.

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dc038b No.21082965


OK but if they are all that worried about it… Biden was the one who released him…

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41e925 No.21082966


All the human hosts involved are going to prison for treason.

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d49fef No.21082967

File: 1821b9b5d436148⋯.png (1.03 MB,640x640,1:1,51B3F0A8_E670_4F92_A069_20….PNG)

File: b5809523f0568aa⋯.mp4 (7.64 MB,654x360,109:60,EfczzwWuYJUA1St6.mp4)

File: 7d76e099a7f0080⋯.jpg (84.65 KB,710x464,355:232,The_Joe_Bidens_2.JPG)

File: 0fe090a50ad8a79⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,2965x3153,2965:3153,The_Joe_Bidens_1.jpg)

File: a6d7598d3f02431⋯.mp4 (4.15 MB,480x852,40:71,jSYqpDgoQvtQe0NL.mp4)

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4772cf No.21082968


>Clowns think everyone else is as stupid as they are

Now your script seems to be just copypasta from posts anons made before

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41e925 No.21082969

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41e925 No.21082970

I have the whole bread archived, so post your clam sauce or shuck the fuck up.

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4772cf No.21082971


If you can't see it for yourself I don't have the crayons to explain it to you

Now about that voting for BO thing, when did that happen?

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bb863d No.21082972

16 posts in bread #1987, but they all got deleted by some board sniper.

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d49fef No.21082973

File: 7e14460dfb9554b⋯.jpeg (119.61 KB,800x459,800:459,50AEF1C5_E213_4999_978F_F….jpeg)

File: 6fcd90f5e44e5f2⋯.mp4 (285.85 KB,640x364,160:91,Keir_Starmer_Punch_Bag.mp4)

File: 1a00ff24a7eeb09⋯.mp4 (307.9 KB,640x368,40:23,Rishi_Sunak_Hammer.mp4)

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41e925 No.21082974


Clowns run the board.

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41e925 No.21082975


Anons are voting on Patriot (or) Clown for new BO. SO.. Vote.

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4772cf No.21082976


>I have the whole bread archived,

Good, go over it later and see your failures

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446827 No.21082977

File: 1650512dce656bf⋯.png (446.38 KB,554x945,554:945,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0bda3d8d880467a⋯.png (492.62 KB,602x900,301:450,ClipboardImage.png)


Julian calling into Sydney from Stansted airport last night (his day time).

#AssangeJet #AssangeFree


Last edited

2:34 AM · Jun 25, 2024




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a4cd8d No.21082978


yes, but how to break the chains?

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41e925 No.21082979


Back up your claims or stop whining and rabidly being offended and showing how much by constantly replying to my posts. Get lost.

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642466 No.21082980



Sure is


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4772cf No.21082981


I vote you go fuck yourself since the current BO isn't going anywhere

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f99210 No.21082982

File: 089d19948d2999f⋯.png (275.19 KB,818x1168,409:584,Screenshot_2024_06_25_at_0….png)




#Today in 1982, 'Blade Runner' was released.

An adaptation of Philip K. Dick's 1968 novel 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?', it is now regarded by many critics as one of the all-time best science fiction films.

Ebru Yıldırım

Elon Musk



Replying to @Rainmaker1973

Death is the loss of information/memories

Jun 25, 2024 · 7:28 AM UTC


>For the first time in human history, soil samples were brought to Earth from the far side of the Moon

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02bd8a No.21082983

File: 957079cf4c3403d⋯.png (250.04 KB,1100x800,11:8,judge_merchan_daughter_bra….png)

File: 8c77a4d8d9189b6⋯.png (993.24 KB,800x1100,8:11,soros_bragg.png)

File: 22fbc304a11ba6f⋯.png (161.14 KB,684x669,228:223,new_york_district_attorney….png)

hey ny, stop voting for soros district attorney bragg; duh

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446827 No.21082984


so where is a current one with the time to the end of 2028, mapped out on it?

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41e925 No.21082985


There is no current BO. Anons already voted for Patriot BO to be installed so that's what's going to happen. You want a Clown BO? Go back to pol.

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4772cf No.21082986


My claims are as backed up as they need to be for a minion of evil such as yourself

A very minor minion at that

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d49fef No.21082987

File: 73ea2c3b61f6104⋯.jpg (859.68 KB,1537x1921,1537:1921,Joe_Biden_Clowns_01.jpg)

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d08e2c No.21082988


>and you ask, Q will clear you.

Q, may I please have access in the cloud?

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642466 No.21082989

Can Joe talk without a teleprompter?

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41e925 No.21082990


By asking God and knowing He will provide. God is the only way.

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4772cf No.21082991


>There is no current BO


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793bf4 No.21082992


WikiLeaks has the contents of the Weiner laptop.

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446827 No.21082993

File: 98ce58c3f52a540⋯.png (435.13 KB,607x946,607:946,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23bbd57727c3ce9⋯.png (185.06 KB,600x200,3:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Interdasin pics

red white and blue you say?…


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7191aa No.21082994

File: 4ff26c3aa5728af⋯.png (679.08 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8649ed No.21082995

#25844 >>21081882


>>21081938 , >>21082540JULIAN ASSANGE IS FREE

>>21082750 Julian Assange published all the emails Hillary deleted.

>>21081954 Julian Assange to Plead Guilty in Plea Agreement with U.S. Government, Avoiding Prison

>>21082089 Follow the money - Trump re not trusting FOX news

>>21082109 QClock June 24, 2024 - 5 Day Delta, Dark Money, Fox, Ryan, The News, Assange, AOC & Trump

>>21082503, >>21082515 Watch: Assange's plane lands in Thailand

>>21082525 Julian Assange in real time today, all live links in blue

>>21082723 Stella Assange releases a statement on the release of Julian Assange.

>>21082155 Pence on Assange release - not a fan KEK

>>21082621, >>21082651, , >>21082783, >>21082793, >>21082813 >>21082824 Anons on ASSANGE release

>>21082879 US representatives react to Assange's release

>>21082945 'Priority' for Assange to 'get healthy again', wife says; other news

>>21082916, >>21082948 Assange on the CLOCK

>>21082977 Julian calling into Sydney from Stansted airport last night (his day time).

- - - - - - - - - - -


>>21081909 These Food Additives Are More Harmful Than Thought

>>21081911, >>21081917 Donald Trump claims he was 'tortured' in Fulton County Jail when arrested…

>>21081962 Biden's "Wins" BS

>>21082041, >>21082056, >>21082086 Biden going after Trump re Roe v Wade - Alex Soros too

>>21082081 Trump video on tipping

>>21082086 ALL IN: E 184: Trump interview

>>21082118 Report making smart cities cyber secure.pdf

>>21082186 Argentina Logs First Week with No Inflation in Food Prices in 30 Years

>>21082191 @RichardGrenell: Joe Biden told Ukraine they could use American weaponry to go on the attack in Russia.

>>21082310 US State Department: We continue to support engagement between Azerbaijan, Armenia


>>21082357 Trump reviews plan to halt US military aid to Ukraine unless it negotiates peace with Moscow

>>21082725 My SHOCKING Trump Prediction For 2024 | Updated 2024 Election Map Forecast (June 2024)

>>21082812, >>21082854, >>21082886, >>21082888, >>21082899 Tommy Robinson ARRESTED in Canada; Ezra Levant offers to be Tommy Robinson's Surety

>>21082895 Kneepads celebrates Teigen and "women across America" who supported Roe v Wade

>>21082901, >>21082928 What is cancer – parasitic? Metabolic?

>>21082939 For the first time in human history, soil samples were brought to Earth from the far side of the Moon by the Chinese Chang'e-6 probe.

>>21082982 Musk: Death is the loss of information/memories


baker on last legs & bun is full

please ck it anons

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642466 No.21082996


Will CNN feed the questions to show early?

Or have they already given them to Joe?

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41e925 No.21082997

A board without [them].

No more Q-dig HATE.

No more Clock HATE.

No more Prayer HATE.

New board.

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d49fef No.21082998

File: d21d0a0b90b33f6⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB,2809x2248,2809:2248,HRCs_Clones_Doubles_CGI.JPEG)

File: e34fb224cba0098⋯.jpeg (232.88 KB,1366x683,2:1,Hillary_R_Clinton_Arrest_….JPEG)

File: c3ff28bbaaa6b4b⋯.jpg (228.21 KB,1088x1088,1:1,HRC_Dead_02.JPG)

File: ca7a57b87e416c7⋯.jpg (106.3 KB,500x715,100:143,Evergreen_Down.JPG)

File: 6ef94bfa439d080⋯.mp4 (13.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,HRC_Dead_News_Report_Septe….mp4)

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bb863d No.21082999


>All the human hosts involved are going to prison for treason.

If you could they were already imprisoned by anons, to reason sooner or later.

Great awaking will show you that things aren't always what they seem.

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f99210 No.21083000

File: 9f9d921b4248a7b⋯.png (43.45 KB,628x326,314:163,ClipboardImage.png)

Apoorva Govind



About 80% of my friends (most based in Bay Area) are voting for Trump this year. Four years ago, the same people voted against Trump & for Biden. These are centrist liberals.

Seems like Biden is cooked. He is so old and senile that he makes Trump look like an erudite scholar.

Elon Musk



Replying to @Appyg99

Yeah, very different from 2020

Jun 25, 2024 · 7:20 AM UTC


Hi Elon

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732d5f No.21083001


Currently only to 7/3/2024. They add another 60 day loop after that.

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4772cf No.21083002


Just a lil space on that top line from this:

>>>21081938 , >>21082540JULIAN ASSANGE IS FREE

to this:

>>21081938 , >>21082540 JULIAN ASSANGE IS FREE

and should be quite shiny

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41e925 No.21083003


The Great Awakening is also the Great Refining.

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41e925 No.21083004


There is no current BO.

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9bb57d No.21083005

File: 3b1eef0b928a1e6⋯.png (119.78 KB,841x473,841:473,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55d1905c33ab59d⋯.png (143.51 KB,836x581,836:581,ClipboardImage.png)


Deep state bitch to protect assets more like it

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4772cf No.21083006


There certainly is

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41e925 No.21083007


You backed up zero of your claims. You're a joke.

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337237 No.21083008

Obama shilling for Biden's campaign is back to front. It should be older president younger VP.

VP then runs and older former President would endorse them. Everything about this is wrong.

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41e925 No.21083009

Anons, the fools in the Loser camp spend MILLIONS on extreme efforts to stop (you).

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446827 No.21083010


can yo pls post that, full sized?

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8649ed No.21083011

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f99210 No.21083012

File: 3b58f230d1aae47⋯.png (474.64 KB,610x578,305:289,ClipboardImage.png)


>Hi Elon

Ca you replay to this or say Good morning with an 8 in some place?

For the keks.

ty in advance.

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bb863d No.21083013


>The Great Awakening is also the Great Refining.

Great or Drug, something turned Zombie upon entering a haunted house.

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8c72d9 No.21083014


President Trump: This is exactly why I was invited to work in the WTC on 9/10/2001 because When I worked at Citigroup, the Saudi Prince told all the employees who to vote for in an email to all employees and contractors. I said publicly that we do not do this, in this country, and it is illegal to do so, in front of the managers there. They told me the Prince is the Godfather of all Godfathers and were all backing him out of intimidation. They told everyone to vote for Bush or in essence that they would be out of a job. So, make no mistake, this guy is telling that all F500 companies will not vote for you. Citi had 120k employees, JP Morgan about 100k, and so on. This is election interference at the level of treason. I am sure they know who everyone votes for, because machines and video is capturing that data. This is why they blacklist patriots. Very few vets work at these places, because when they ask if you ever served, they use that make sure you are not hired, fact. This is why homeless vets went up 7% just in the last year. When need to make our own MAGA F500 companies, are you ready?

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642466 No.21083015

I think maybe Trump take a few quick sniffs, look over at Joe during the debate and curl up his nose., especially if they cut his mic.

Then quote Shakespeare about something rotten in Denmark

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5de675 No.21083016

File: 4c2a7eeeb07f6fd⋯.jpeg (26.77 KB,255x255,1:1,4c2a7eeeb07f6fd42387034e8….jpeg)

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41e925 No.21083017

Anons, no one needs to tell you how to act or what to do or think - you already do all the things that make you (you), and brought you here. You just need an open pasture instead of a sealed pen.

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446827 No.21083018



yeah, Jodie Ginsberg is a cunt, pure evil

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1871c9 No.21083019

File: 3ce01944d689ca1⋯.png (785.26 KB,1080x1003,1080:1003,Screenshot_20240624_073248….png)

File: 2d2ec17cca74f06⋯.png (179.62 KB,1043x743,1043:743,Screenshot_20240623_091423….png)

File: 83007e4d9e4e81a⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x1551,360:517,Scxfj.png)

File: 576f8383db8261e⋯.png (1.22 MB,1080x994,540:497,SSI_Disability_1.png)



Disabled is disabled so why the huge difference in payment amounts?


I want to tell you guys a HORROR story regarding Social Security SSI Disability Benefits.

I know a 65 year old man who was in an accident and hasn't worked in a longtime because he can't walk and one arm is partially disabled but I always see him trying to get around and participate in life as much as he can and I greatly respect him for his efforts.

The other day he explained to me that he was on SSI Disability and it is really hard to makes ends meet with the Bidenomics price increases but he manages to keep going on only $943 dollars a month for all his expenses.

To me the maximum amount of SSI Disability payments for a disabled elderly man only being $943 a month, makes no sense at all it'sCRUELTYno matter how you slice it.

I decided to give him $300 a month to help him out and also looked into other benefits he might be eligible for every month.

After contacting the 'Social Security office I was told if I give him $300 a month then $300 a month will be deducted from his SSI monthly payment and I said how can he possibly get ahead when he cannot have more than $943 a month and no more than $2,000 in total life savings or he will be kicked off the program.

Social Security workers they don't give two shits about anyone.

Where I live you can't even rent a closet for $943 a month so I'm wondering why are the the politicians in Washington DC doing this to America's elderly that are unfortunately disabled?

All that fucken taxpayer money going to non Americans in the Ukraine and all them asshole politicians in Washington DC can't even give America's disabled elderly a couple more hundred dollars a month at least…


Thank God all politicians are going to HELL.

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41e925 No.21083020

The freaky creepy filthy psychos the enemy employs here? They're literally morons compared to anons. And they do not know what is actually happening (they choose not to know).

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732d5f No.21083021

File: 3db2364667374cb⋯.png (7.86 MB,5000x5000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



Many drops are missing. Always double check.

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41e925 No.21083022

Q is the first horseman of the Apocalypse.

The Great Awakening stops the 2nd horseman.

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41e925 No.21083023

Is a ghost, Spirit?

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41e925 No.21083024

Holy Ghost?

God is Spirit?

Impossible to locate?

Is a ghost, Spirit?

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d08e2c No.21083025

File: ece9cc3c2d0c65f⋯.png (14.5 KB,540x108,5:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 463981bd7c1d3a1⋯.png (10.05 KB,536x71,536:71,ClipboardImage.png)

2 examples not deleted yet when I archived

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446827 No.21083026

File: 571bf1690e64574⋯.png (7.67 MB,5000x5000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)







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7191aa No.21083027

File: e7471854999d9c8⋯.png (605.1 KB,648x800,81:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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4772cf No.21083028


Try harder

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41e925 No.21083029

Nothing can stop God. God already won.

All of these things have already happened.

Forever only lasts until the end of Time.

In eternity, it's always "Now".

The enemy doesn't have a long term plan for success.

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41e925 No.21083030


Be offended. Who cares?

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7191aa No.21083031

File: 16ae903253fca84⋯.png (380.94 KB,500x679,500:679,ClipboardImage.png)

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41e925 No.21083032


Patriots win.

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324545 No.21083033



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b5eca5 No.21083034

File: 298b54b58562ade⋯.jpg (145.25 KB,500x772,125:193,IMG_20240624_081427.jpg)

File: 2d2ec17cca74f06⋯.png (179.62 KB,1043x743,1043:743,Screenshot_20240623_091423….png)



Disabled is disabled so why the huge difference in payment amounts?


I want to tell you guys a HORROR story regarding Social Security SSI Disability Benefits.

I know a 65 year old man who was in an accident and hasn't worked in a longtime because he can't walk and one arm is partially disabled but I always see him trying to get around and participate in life as much as he can and I greatly respect him for his efforts.

The other day he explained to me that he was on SSI Disability and it is really hard to makes ends meet with the Bidenomics price increases but he manages to keep going on only $943 dollars a month for all his expenses.

To me the maximum amount of SSI Disability payments for a disabled elderly man only being $943 a month, makes no sense at all it'sCRUELTYno matter how you slice it.

I decided to give him $300 a month to help him out and also looked into other benefits he might be eligible for every month.

After contacting the 'Social Security office I was told if I give him $300 a month then $300 a month will be deducted from his SSI monthly payment and I said how can he possibly get ahead when he cannot have more than $943 a month and no more than $2,000 in total life savings or he will be kicked off the program.

Social Security workers they don't give two shits about anyone.

Where I live you can't even rent a closet for $943 a month so I'm wondering why are the the politicians in Washington DC doing this to America's elderly that are unfortunately disabled?

All that fucken taxpayer money going to non Americans in the Ukraine and all them asshole politicians in Washington DC can't even give America's disabled elderly a couple more hundred dollars a month at least…


Thank God all politicians are going to HELL.

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446827 No.21083035

File: 77cc0765b8f7228⋯.png (259.56 KB,1117x937,1117:937,ClipboardImage.png)

==Countries without Extradition 2024


Countries without extradition treaties often become havens for fugitives, but geopolitical and legal issues can influence extradition even in countries with treaties.

Specific countries like China, Russia, and several others lack extradition treaties with the U.S., offering potential refuge to individuals avoiding U.S. jurisdiction.

The case of Edward Snowden illustrates complexities in extradition processes, highlighting the impact of diplomatic relations and the absence of bilateral treaties.

Extradition is a formal, cooperative law enforcement process between two countries in which a person who is accused or convicted of a crime in the first country, but who fled to the second country, can be legally extracted from that second country and returned to the first, where they can be processed by the justice system. Ordinarily, once a person crosses a national border, representatives from the first country cannot pursue them. People seeking to evade arrest occasionally rely upon this legal loophole and cross into a different country. Extradition counteracts this tactic by establishing cooperation between the law enforcement agencies of both the first and second countries.

As advancements in technology have enabled criminal organizations to operate on an international scale, extradition has become an increasingly vital tool for law enforcement agencies. Extradition enables countries to apprehend fugitives and other wanted criminals involved in crimes such as terrorism, counterfeiting, drug trafficking, and cybercrime even if those fugitives are hiding halfway around the world—provided they are hiding in a country with which the first country has an extradition treaty.


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41e925 No.21083036

File: 3be922e3ed9d6f3⋯.png (1.15 MB,1192x670,596:335,the_end.png)

The 8K logo is a picture of what Satan's plan is for the TSC. Fails.

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7b5f41 No.21083037

File: 1ec5b608280b8ba⋯.png (161.82 KB,299x323,299:323,1ec5b608280b8bac7cdb841126….png)


I would guess that part of the reason he was released is to hopeful score some quick political points. Then also to monitor him for information, you know they going to go all out to keep tabs on him.

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bb863d No.21083038


>The Great Awakening stops the 2nd horseman.

Ask him about his 2 sisters might connect a few dots.

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41e925 No.21083039


Future proves past.

Wind the CLOCK.


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732d5f No.21083040


Debunk it then. Prove me wrong.

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4772cf No.21083041


You continue to fail

one of the oldest shill tricks is to try to provoke an emotional response

Only emotion I fell is amusement at your antics

You care, "operator," that yet again a night of failure by you, your team, and your script

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7191aa No.21083042

File: 0c14180df0029ab⋯.png (326.31 KB,526x599,526:599,ClipboardImage.png)

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41e925 No.21083043

Anons, Floor is yours. Ask and you shall receive. If you want confirmation Patriots won, ask for it.

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9bb57d No.21083044

File: c7b540b4cf15cee⋯.png (155.57 KB,280x257,280:257,ClipboardImage.png)



What next?

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d08e2c No.21083045

must sleep nao

see ya'll in my dreams

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41e925 No.21083046


I haven't failed. Keep whining.

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337237 No.21083047

Tucker interviews Putin.

Tucker interviews Assange (not aired yet)

Third ones the charm.

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ce9ffe No.21083048


>Chief Executive Leadership Institute CEO Jeffrey Sonnenfeld says there will not be one Fortune 500 CEO supporting Donald Trump.

More than 100 of the nation's top corporate leaders met virtually on Saturday to discuss ways for companies to continue responding to the passage of more restrictive voting laws across the country

"The gathering was an enthusiastic voluntary statement of defiance against threats of reprisals for exercising their patriotic voices," said Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, a Yale University management professor who helped organize the confab.

In addition to Sonnenfeld, the meeting was organized by Lynn Forester de Rothschild, the founding partner of Inclusive Capitalism LLC, and Leadership Now, a group of Harvard University alums and corporate leaders focused on sustaining democracy.

April 12, 2021


Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)

Banks / Financial Institutions

WW Gov Control


Pope Francis gives his blessing to Council for Inclusive Capitalism

Dec 8 2020


“Capitalism has created enormous global prosperity, but it has also left too many people behind, led to degradation of our planet, and is not widely trusted in society,” said Lynn Forester de Rothschild, founder of the council and managing partner of Inclusive Capital Partners.

December 8, 2020


List the estimated wealth of religious organizations.


Vatican bank.


Board of Superintendence.

Supervisory Commission of Cardinals.

Clown connection.

1832 Rothschild loan to the Holy See.



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41e925 No.21083049

Clowns choose not to understand UNITY.

Clowns only understand PRESERVATION.

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d49fef No.21083050

File: 78f32c239449f1e⋯.jpeg (198.58 KB,597x800,597:800,2A6CB1CD_9A7A_4155_BD7D_5….JPEG)

File: dc51eb776a575b9⋯.png (877.06 KB,670x690,67:69,9806A5A9_85FB_4D5A_BAAE_B6….PNG)

File: 15d5ce0e7790117⋯.png (865.78 KB,785x818,785:818,A1107B11_E42C_44A9_B08A_5B….PNG)

File: be36d5a120a514d⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB,460x352,115:88,Pride_Flag_Stomping_.mp4)

File: d6d33398e6f7395⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,576x1024,9:16,LW_i2o_kqQTkexc1.mp4)

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41e925 No.21083051

Clowns have no clue what goes on in the Hive Mind.

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41e925 No.21083052

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446827 No.21083053

File: 4d56940c8735558⋯.png (253.79 KB,1200x628,300:157,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8457b72540382fd⋯.png (217.7 KB,1200x825,16:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b2d62699c55718⋯.png (449.98 KB,1147x723,1147:723,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 009a251d1e30e26⋯.png (5.6 MB,6460x3403,6460:3403,ClipboardImage.png)

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41e925 No.21083054

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4772cf No.21083055


>What next?

That very same post will pop up again tomorrow, at least once during Day Shift and again sometime at night. I've seen that very post several times now.

The "anti-elderly people" is added now because the sob story got no traction

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7191aa No.21083056


where's tucker?

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f99210 No.21083057

File: e23e4b3ada780fe⋯.png (335.38 KB,638x507,638:507,ClipboardImage.png)





Today's spacewalk has been cancelled due to a water leak in the service and cooling umbilical unit on NASA astronaut Tracy C. Dyson's spacesuit. Stay tuned to the broadcast and follow the @Space_Station blog for mission updates: blogs.nasa.gov/spacestation/

Jun 24, 2024 · 1:38 PM UTC


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41e925 No.21083058

Go ahead. "Screams before Silence".

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d08e2c No.21083059


how to ask q for clearance?

I asked once earlier, but someone ate that slice

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d49fef No.21083060

File: 6d83820efc72a84⋯.jpeg (152.15 KB,614x843,614:843,Fugly_Liberal_01_FJB.JPEG)

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4772cf No.21083061


>I haven't failed

keep telling yourself that

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038a58 No.21083062

File: 2d2ec17cca74f06⋯.png (179.62 KB,1043x743,1043:743,Screenshot_20240623_091423….png)

File: 3ce01944d689ca1⋯.png (785.26 KB,1080x1003,1080:1003,Screenshot_20240624_073248….png)

File: 3faf01db068de8f⋯.png (896.27 KB,1080x998,540:499,WW3.png)


Disabled is disabled so why the huge difference in payment amounts?


I want to tell you guys a HORROR story regarding Social Security SSI Disability Benefits.

I know a 65 year old man who was in an accident and hasn't worked in a longtime because he can't walk and one arm is partially disabled but I always see him trying to get around and participate in life as much as he can and I greatly respect him for his efforts.

The other day he explained to me that he was on SSI Disability and it is really hard to makes ends meet with the Bidenomics price increases but he manages to keep going on only $943 dollars a month for all his expenses.

To me the maximum amount of SSI Disability payments for a disabled elderly man only being $943 a month, makes no sense at all it'sCRUELTYno matter how you slice it.

I decided to give him $300 a month to help him out and also looked into other benefits he might be eligible for every month.

After contacting the 'Social Security office I was told if I give him $300 a month then $300 a month will be deducted from his SSI monthly payment and I said how can he possibly get ahead when he cannot have more than $943 a month and no more than $2,000 in total life savings or he will be kicked off the program.

Social Security workers they don't give two shits about anyone.

Where I live you can't even rent a closet for $943 a month so I'm wondering why are the the politicians in Washington DC doing this to America's elderly that are unfortunately disabled?

All that fucken taxpayer money going to non Americans in the Ukraine and all them asshole politicians in Washington DC can't even give America's disabled elderly a couple more hundred dollars a month at least…


Thank God all politicians are going to HELL.

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41e925 No.21083063


Clearance to what?

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324545 No.21083064


it was nonsense from the beginning.

there is nothing to debunk.

you are simply a liar.

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41e925 No.21083065


Prove otherwise. Go ahead.

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41e925 No.21083066


Future proves past.

Wind the CLOCK.


Which CLOCK?

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f7ed05 No.21083067

File: 65c2f21d15e5cde⋯.jpg (12.41 MB,7136x4392,892:549,SouthAfricaSatanists5.jpg)

File: 51eb87ca686260a⋯.jpg (820.75 KB,3908x1440,977:360,MUSK4.jpg)

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d49fef No.21083068

File: 70db00722df31e6⋯.png (2.37 MB,1366x910,683:455,Fuck_Joe_Biden.PNG)

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4772cf No.21083069


No need

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a4cd8d No.21083070


>Anons, Floor is yours. Ask and you shall receive. If you want confirmation Patriots won, ask for it.

what more can we do to speed up the process of full disclosure of the evil and corruption that runs the world?

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41e925 No.21083071


Because you can't. Failure.

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41e925 No.21083072



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d08e2c No.21083073

File: a35b463df3abd9b⋯.png (13.98 KB,861x84,41:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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4772cf No.21083074


Try harder

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8649ed No.21083075

#25844 >>21081882


>>21081938, >>21082540 JULIAN ASSANGE IS FREE

>>21082750 Julian Assange published all the emails Hillary deleted.

>>21081954 Julian Assange to Plead Guilty in Plea Agreement with U.S. Government, Avoiding Prison

>>21082089 Follow the money - Trump re not trusting FOX news

>>21082109 QClock June 24, 2024 - 5 Day Delta, Dark Money, Fox, Ryan, The News, Assange, AOC & Trump

>>21082503, >>21082515 Watch: Assange's plane lands in Thailand

>>21082525 Julian Assange in real time today, all live links in blue

>>21082723 Stella Assange releases a statement on the release of Julian Assange.

>>21082155 Pence on Assange release - not a fan KEK

>>21082621, >>21082651, , >>21082783, >>21082793, >>21082813 >>21082824 Anons on ASSANGE release

>>21082879 US representatives react to Assange's release

>>21082945 'Priority' for Assange to 'get healthy again', wife says; other news

>>21082916, >>21082948, >>21083026 Assange on the CLOCK

>>21082977 Julian calling into Sydney from Stansted airport last night (his day time).

>>21083035, >>21083053 Countries without Extradition 2024 - snapshots

- - - - - - - - - - -


>>21081909 These Food Additives Are More Harmful Than Thought

>>21081911, >>21081917 Donald Trump claims he was 'tortured' in Fulton County Jail when arrested…

>>21081962, >>21083048 Biden's "Wins" BS on Trump's predicted lack of Fortune 500 support

>>21082041, >>21082056, >>21082086 Biden going after Trump re Roe v Wade - Alex Soros too

>>21082081 Trump video on tipping

>>21082086 ALL IN: E 184: Trump interview

>>21082118 Report making smart cities cyber secure.pdf

>>21082186 Argentina Logs First Week with No Inflation in Food Prices in 30 Years

>>21082191 @RichardGrenell: Joe Biden told Ukraine they could use American weaponry to go on the attack in Russia.

>>21082310 US State Department: We continue to support engagement between Azerbaijan, Armenia


>>21082357 Trump reviews plan to halt US military aid to Ukraine unless it negotiates peace with Moscow

>>21082725 My SHOCKING Trump Prediction For 2024 | Updated 2024 Election Map Forecast (June 2024)

>>21082812, >>21082854, >>21082886, >>21082888, >>21082899 Tommy Robinson ARRESTED in Canada; Ezra Levant offers to be Tommy Robinson's Surety

>>21082895 Kneepads celebrates Teigen and "women across America" who supported Roe v Wade

>>21082901, >>21082928 What is cancer – parasitic? Metabolic?

>>21082939 For the first time in human history, soil samples were brought to Earth from the far side of the Moon by the Chinese Chang'e-6 probe.

>>21082982 Musk: Death is the loss of information/memories



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0a08fc No.21083076


Can't wait for heads to roll, ThankQ.

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41e925 No.21083077


OK. Yes if you want to see that Q himself has to clear you. If you want that, ask God in sincerity.

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bb863d No.21083078


>Which CLOCK?

Keep a clock in mind to see a graphic image of the clock.

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41e925 No.21083079

Anons who remember, know. It's just going to increase again, but more-so.

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446827 No.21083081

File: 4f8c7810d1f7055⋯.png (162.29 KB,459x899,459:899,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb892a570165231⋯.png (52.66 KB,930x620,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f290b50add875b8⋯.png (212.4 KB,534x533,534:533,ClipboardImage.png)


🇺🇸 ENoCH / Mr. Magapalooza 🇺🇸




Back in the day many of us anons witnessed in real time Q and Julian Assange communicating to each other using a game of chess called the Marshal Attack.

The Queen to Fox Three move Q used to talk about a failed Hawaii nuclear missile attack.


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41e925 No.21083082


There's a reason the Clock thread is no longer pinned.

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732d5f No.21083083

File: 9454c97ced02c9d⋯.png (443.2 KB,1273x963,1273:963,ClipboardImage.png)

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4772cf No.21083084


Of course you will increase

your time is running out, there's no way run and nowhere to hide

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78d1bf No.21083086

>the annoying one just talks and raves about tv and music

>a baited vine swings between their gaze

>insensitive ignorant code falls out of his mouth

>she sees the intended insult of talking over the opportunistic loudmouth


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f99210 No.21083087

File: 087e6661662be09⋯.png (4.44 KB,206x51,206:51,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cb50c2c2fc0fde⋯.png (381.2 KB,620x540,31:27,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37c7ebf145cb1f4⋯.png (20.73 KB,654x151,654:151,ClipboardImage.png)




>For the first time in human history, soil samples were brought to Earth from the far side of the Moon

Is the Moon a Dyson sphere?

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41e925 No.21083088

Why did BO Team stop adding "Answers" to the drops to be published on qanon.pub?

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a7c5ed No.21083089

File: 4010e1eb80c7c33⋯.png (286 KB,599x363,599:363,ClipboardImage.png)

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78d1bf No.21083090


Get the warranty. Or a cheaper dryer.

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41e925 No.21083091


Time is going to end, that affects everyone.

Operational anons, active in the CLOUD is increasing, again. That affects everyone too. Especially [you].

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02bd8a No.21083092

File: e6705084ab94413⋯.png (641.75 KB,1100x559,1100:559,Trump_border_06232024.png)

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3609cf No.21083093


unironically moranic

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9bb57d No.21083094

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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02bd8a No.21083095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>thank you Cartier Fam




1.02M subscribers

13 hours ago

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41e925 No.21083096


Whereas your post has become ironically moronic.

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bb863d No.21083097


>There's a reason the Clock thread is no longer pinned.

The clock is pinned to the wall, but nobody knows what time it is.

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41e925 No.21083098

Deleting the truth isn't going to stop it.

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4772cf No.21083099


Your CLOUD is another fantasy, but you keep going

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5835e8 No.21083100




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f99210 No.21083101

File: 2f5f1fda803592f⋯.png (67.84 KB,381x215,381:215,ClipboardImage.png)


a Dyson sphere with a Death Star inside?

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41e925 No.21083102


Why do you believe that? Explain..

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7b5f41 No.21083103


So you believe Q is going to bring the antichrist?

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732d5f No.21083105


:52, :07, :22, and :37.

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4772cf No.21083106


Now you sound like one of the muh joo shills, they don't know what truth is, just like you

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3609cf No.21083108


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41e925 No.21083109

I'm going to flood the board with classified information and it's really going to piss off the PTB.


Why would you think that? The Great Awakening stops the Anti-Christ NWO. Again.

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78d1bf No.21083110


May tag a copy of goodnight apocalypse liberty vacuum.

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bb863d No.21083111

Clock do not simply walk out of the door, clocks might have to legs but they are not equal in length which might cause a few loops in error.

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446827 No.21083112

File: bade600cd212ee9⋯.png (1.04 MB,776x824,97:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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94bfdf No.21083113


100% correct, to launder money at the cost of our service members. I hope Trump makes them pay.

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41e925 No.21083114


Don't care what you think. Your acceptance is not necessary. No one care what you believe and no one needs you to care. Think for yourself and stop whining.

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7191aa No.21083115

File: 811459f901a8d8e⋯.png (558.79 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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446827 No.21083116

Q Research General #: Edition


your bread is fucked

fix your shit

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f99210 No.21083117

File: dfe915b5c47d1b3⋯.png (14.02 KB,636x107,636:107,ClipboardImage.png)



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4772cf No.21083118


>I'm going to flood the board with classified information and it's really going to piss off the PTB

Go ahead

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8649ed No.21083119

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41e925 No.21083121


I don't take direction from you. FO Clown.

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d08e2c No.21083123

a man who does not exist. Michael Knight

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41e925 No.21083124

God chose the nothings of the world to bring to nothing the somethings of the world. Unstoppable. Inevitable. FUN.

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8649ed No.21083125


fixed already.

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02bd8a No.21083126

File: f19890560086799⋯.png (232.35 KB,500x500,1:1,Chess_Knight_Flag.png)

the house and senate are important also

FOCUS accordingly

ask others for help

4example: 'Cartier Fam, please help us secure the house and senate to secure the border; ty'

example2: 'CBOW and SNAPPA, please help us secure the house and senate also; ty'

thank you Anons

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4772cf No.21083127


>Think for yourself

I do think for myself

Can you remember the last time you had your own thoughts?

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41e925 No.21083128

File: 79cd8d2a74c6f42⋯.png (920.48 KB,940x788,235:197,7_14.png)

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