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File: 39ffcc5138922d8⋯.jpg (4.3 KB,255x108,85:36,Oh_say_can_you_see_by_the_….jpg)

4f2422 No.21081871 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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701 posts and 407 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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d08e2c No.21083073

File: a35b463df3abd9b⋯.png (13.98 KB,861x84,41:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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4772cf No.21083074


Try harder

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8649ed No.21083075

#25844 >>21081882


>>21081938, >>21082540 JULIAN ASSANGE IS FREE

>>21082750 Julian Assange published all the emails Hillary deleted.

>>21081954 Julian Assange to Plead Guilty in Plea Agreement with U.S. Government, Avoiding Prison

>>21082089 Follow the money - Trump re not trusting FOX news

>>21082109 QClock June 24, 2024 - 5 Day Delta, Dark Money, Fox, Ryan, The News, Assange, AOC & Trump

>>21082503, >>21082515 Watch: Assange's plane lands in Thailand

>>21082525 Julian Assange in real time today, all live links in blue

>>21082723 Stella Assange releases a statement on the release of Julian Assange.

>>21082155 Pence on Assange release - not a fan KEK

>>21082621, >>21082651, , >>21082783, >>21082793, >>21082813 >>21082824 Anons on ASSANGE release

>>21082879 US representatives react to Assange's release

>>21082945 'Priority' for Assange to 'get healthy again', wife says; other news

>>21082916, >>21082948, >>21083026 Assange on the CLOCK

>>21082977 Julian calling into Sydney from Stansted airport last night (his day time).

>>21083035, >>21083053 Countries without Extradition 2024 - snapshots

- - - - - - - - - - -


>>21081909 These Food Additives Are More Harmful Than Thought

>>21081911, >>21081917 Donald Trump claims he was 'tortured' in Fulton County Jail when arrested…

>>21081962, >>21083048 Biden's "Wins" BS on Trump's predicted lack of Fortune 500 support

>>21082041, >>21082056, >>21082086 Biden going after Trump re Roe v Wade - Alex Soros too

>>21082081 Trump video on tipping

>>21082086 ALL IN: E 184: Trump interview

>>21082118 Report making smart cities cyber secure.pdf

>>21082186 Argentina Logs First Week with No Inflation in Food Prices in 30 Years

>>21082191 @RichardGrenell: Joe Biden told Ukraine they could use American weaponry to go on the attack in Russia.

>>21082310 US State Department: We continue to support engagement between Azerbaijan, Armenia


>>21082357 Trump reviews plan to halt US military aid to Ukraine unless it negotiates peace with Moscow

>>21082725 My SHOCKING Trump Prediction For 2024 | Updated 2024 Election Map Forecast (June 2024)

>>21082812, >>21082854, >>21082886, >>21082888, >>21082899 Tommy Robinson ARRESTED in Canada; Ezra Levant offers to be Tommy Robinson's Surety

>>21082895 Kneepads celebrates Teigen and "women across America" who supported Roe v Wade

>>21082901, >>21082928 What is cancer – parasitic? Metabolic?

>>21082939 For the first time in human history, soil samples were brought to Earth from the far side of the Moon by the Chinese Chang'e-6 probe.

>>21082982 Musk: Death is the loss of information/memories



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0a08fc No.21083076


Can't wait for heads to roll, ThankQ.

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41e925 No.21083077


OK. Yes if you want to see that Q himself has to clear you. If you want that, ask God in sincerity.

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bb863d No.21083078


>Which CLOCK?

Keep a clock in mind to see a graphic image of the clock.

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41e925 No.21083079

Anons who remember, know. It's just going to increase again, but more-so.

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446827 No.21083081

File: 4f8c7810d1f7055⋯.png (162.29 KB,459x899,459:899,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb892a570165231⋯.png (52.66 KB,930x620,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f290b50add875b8⋯.png (212.4 KB,534x533,534:533,ClipboardImage.png)


🇺🇸 ENoCH / Mr. Magapalooza 🇺🇸




Back in the day many of us anons witnessed in real time Q and Julian Assange communicating to each other using a game of chess called the Marshal Attack.

The Queen to Fox Three move Q used to talk about a failed Hawaii nuclear missile attack.


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41e925 No.21083082


There's a reason the Clock thread is no longer pinned.

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732d5f No.21083083

File: 9454c97ced02c9d⋯.png (443.2 KB,1273x963,1273:963,ClipboardImage.png)

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4772cf No.21083084


Of course you will increase

your time is running out, there's no way run and nowhere to hide

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78d1bf No.21083086

>the annoying one just talks and raves about tv and music

>a baited vine swings between their gaze

>insensitive ignorant code falls out of his mouth

>she sees the intended insult of talking over the opportunistic loudmouth


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f99210 No.21083087

File: 087e6661662be09⋯.png (4.44 KB,206x51,206:51,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cb50c2c2fc0fde⋯.png (381.2 KB,620x540,31:27,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37c7ebf145cb1f4⋯.png (20.73 KB,654x151,654:151,ClipboardImage.png)




>For the first time in human history, soil samples were brought to Earth from the far side of the Moon

Is the Moon a Dyson sphere?

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41e925 No.21083088

Why did BO Team stop adding "Answers" to the drops to be published on qanon.pub?

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a7c5ed No.21083089

File: 4010e1eb80c7c33⋯.png (286 KB,599x363,599:363,ClipboardImage.png)

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78d1bf No.21083090


Get the warranty. Or a cheaper dryer.

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41e925 No.21083091


Time is going to end, that affects everyone.

Operational anons, active in the CLOUD is increasing, again. That affects everyone too. Especially [you].

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02bd8a No.21083092

File: e6705084ab94413⋯.png (641.75 KB,1100x559,1100:559,Trump_border_06232024.png)

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3609cf No.21083093


unironically moranic

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9bb57d No.21083094

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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02bd8a No.21083095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>thank you Cartier Fam




1.02M subscribers

13 hours ago

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41e925 No.21083096


Whereas your post has become ironically moronic.

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bb863d No.21083097


>There's a reason the Clock thread is no longer pinned.

The clock is pinned to the wall, but nobody knows what time it is.

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41e925 No.21083098

Deleting the truth isn't going to stop it.

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4772cf No.21083099


Your CLOUD is another fantasy, but you keep going

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5835e8 No.21083100




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f99210 No.21083101

File: 2f5f1fda803592f⋯.png (67.84 KB,381x215,381:215,ClipboardImage.png)


a Dyson sphere with a Death Star inside?

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41e925 No.21083102


Why do you believe that? Explain..

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7b5f41 No.21083103


So you believe Q is going to bring the antichrist?

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732d5f No.21083105


:52, :07, :22, and :37.

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4772cf No.21083106


Now you sound like one of the muh joo shills, they don't know what truth is, just like you

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3609cf No.21083108


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41e925 No.21083109

I'm going to flood the board with classified information and it's really going to piss off the PTB.


Why would you think that? The Great Awakening stops the Anti-Christ NWO. Again.

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78d1bf No.21083110


May tag a copy of goodnight apocalypse liberty vacuum.

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bb863d No.21083111

Clock do not simply walk out of the door, clocks might have to legs but they are not equal in length which might cause a few loops in error.

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446827 No.21083112

File: bade600cd212ee9⋯.png (1.04 MB,776x824,97:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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94bfdf No.21083113


100% correct, to launder money at the cost of our service members. I hope Trump makes them pay.

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41e925 No.21083114


Don't care what you think. Your acceptance is not necessary. No one care what you believe and no one needs you to care. Think for yourself and stop whining.

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7191aa No.21083115

File: 811459f901a8d8e⋯.png (558.79 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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446827 No.21083116

Q Research General #: Edition


your bread is fucked

fix your shit

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f99210 No.21083117

File: dfe915b5c47d1b3⋯.png (14.02 KB,636x107,636:107,ClipboardImage.png)



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4772cf No.21083118


>I'm going to flood the board with classified information and it's really going to piss off the PTB

Go ahead

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8649ed No.21083119

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41e925 No.21083121


I don't take direction from you. FO Clown.

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d08e2c No.21083123

a man who does not exist. Michael Knight

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41e925 No.21083124

God chose the nothings of the world to bring to nothing the somethings of the world. Unstoppable. Inevitable. FUN.

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8649ed No.21083125


fixed already.

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02bd8a No.21083126

File: f19890560086799⋯.png (232.35 KB,500x500,1:1,Chess_Knight_Flag.png)

the house and senate are important also

FOCUS accordingly

ask others for help

4example: 'Cartier Fam, please help us secure the house and senate to secure the border; ty'

example2: 'CBOW and SNAPPA, please help us secure the house and senate also; ty'

thank you Anons

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4772cf No.21083127


>Think for yourself

I do think for myself

Can you remember the last time you had your own thoughts?

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41e925 No.21083128

File: 79cd8d2a74c6f42⋯.png (920.48 KB,940x788,235:197,7_14.png)

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