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File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,000ccc.png)

e9fcbb No.21046516 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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e9fcbb No.21046520

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 Australia #36

>>20940004 Canada #59

>>20584322 China #1

>>16694358 France #7

>>19988670 Germany #106

>>20837582 Japan #23

>>20584358 Korea #1

>>16694250 Nederland #10

>>17784579 QAJF #1

>>20584333 Russia #1

>>20584424 Saudi Arabia #1

>>20771571 Scotland #10

>>20969267 South Africa #13

>>19804572 UK #51


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

>>20736492, >>18311579, >>20673838 "Baker on Duty" - what it means

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

>>20926627, >>20947983 Anon notables/making changes: generally, once a bread baked, it's baked


Call to Meme posts: please include in notables if it seems noteworthy


#25805 >>21045772

>>21046080, >>21046139, >>21046276, >>21046315 PF

>>21045799, >>21045802 Q+ stopped speaking at 5:48 PM EST - Q558 Timing Is Everything

>>21045829, >>21046093 Chrissy Teigen Says She Fears Donald Trump "Coming After" Her

>>21045845, >>21046068 Noam Chomsky NOT DEAD

>>21045856, >>21046114 Incredible crowd in Wisconsin!! 🇺🇸

>>21045915 Carville - I don't think people really appreciate how bad Biden's poll numbers are

>>21045930, >>21046021, >>21046052 Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs Snaps at Reporter When Asked About Attorney General's Investigation into $400K Pay for Play Scheme

>>21045943 Governor Abbott Statement On President Biden’s Mass Amnesty Policy

>>21045948 Josh Hawley questions doctor who worked to discredit COVID lab leak theory

>>21045952 Bill Gates’ great $1B commitment to nuclear energy should be a wake-up call to climate progressives

>>21045963 The Russians are coming. Again.

>>21045974 Melania to host $100,000-a-head fundraiser for Republican LGBTQ group at Trump Tower

>>21045977 American Medical Association delegates vote to decriminalize drug use, possession

>>21045986, >>21046252 Migrant charged in rape of girl, 13, Citizens caught him and hog tied him

>>21045988 Hunter Biden revealed top CCP leader wanted him to visit China to 'discuss business opportunities': emails

>>21045995 DOD Contracts For June 18, 2024

>>21046003 KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: We can have MASS AMNESTY for millions of illegal aliens AND a secure border!

>>21046037 Trump isn’t choosing a running mate. He’s casting a co-star

>>21046047 7th Grader: Trump Popular Among Young People Because Biden’s Inflation Raises Candy Prices

>>21046049 Confused Biden clips are ‘deepfakes’ – WH

>>21046082, >>21046111, >>21046233 MIL / Q Trips Intensify Watch The News Storm Coming

>>21046087 @POTUS TRUTH

>>21046157, >>21046168 Sixteen U.S. soldiers who died during World War II and the Korean War have now been accounted for

>>21046171 @Tucker: Antisemitism, Attacks on Free Speech, and Everything You Need to Know about Brazil

>>21046211 @HillaryClinton No child should go hungry in the United States of America.

>>21046248 Live coverage: SpaceX to launch 20 Starlink satellites on Falcon 9 rocket

>>21046274 Texas leads 19-state coalition challenging green energy transition mandate

>>21046313 At Least 11 Dead, 64 Missing After 2 Shipwrecks Off Italy

>>21046303, >>21046340 Chronological TRUTHS

>>21046433 Israeli jets bomb Lebanon

>>21046343, >>21046351 Germany reports a record drug seizure, saying they intercepted $2.8 billion worth of cocaine

>>21046441 Trump Media Sinks as SEC Declaration May Dilute Existing Holders

>>21046501 Mississippi Man Pleads Guilty to Cyberstalking and Antisemitic Harassment of Synagogues, Jewish-Owned Businesses

>>21046512 #25805

#25804 >>21045014


>>21045026, >>21045057 President Trump Delivers Remarks in Racine, Wisconsin - 6/18/24

>>21045687 Rally speech transcript

>>21045029, >>21045054, >>21045158, >>21045470, >>21045658 Photo Album

>>21045021 Q+ gets on stage @ 4:27, opens speech @4:30 PM EST

>>21045039, >>21045047, >>21045100, >>21045189, >>21045241 Racine

>>21045249 Trump says 'drunken sailors'

>>21045225, >>21045270, >>21045286 Trump says 'stars', confirms delta

>>21045389 DJT says '107,000 People in NJ'

>>21045449, >>21045491 Trump says 'central casting' 4x

>>21045500 Strawberry Full Moon 87%, full on June 21st (Summer Solstice)

>>21045508, >>21045561 Agent Bangsley

>>21045667, >>21045671 Q+ stopped speaking at 5:48 PM EST


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21045667 Q+ stopped speaking at 5:48 PM EST

>>21045075 Reminder: Prayer Mission This Week: Bless Q+ & Unite Anons

>>21045082 Fleeing prolonged media crackdown, Ethiopian journalists struggle in exile

>>21045091 @JamesOKeefeIII We’re going to expose top executives of the whole infiltrated temple. It’s going to be biblical.

>>21045103 NWO PLOT to Control Brains: SARS-Cov-2 by Fauci, Graphene by Darpa-Obama, Vaccines by Gates-Biden-EU

>>21045104 Inside story of JFK Jr and Carolyn Bessette's infamous New York park fight

>>21045110 Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. Announces SEC Effectiveness of Amended Form S-1

>>21045112 Nvidia eclipses Microsoft as world's most valuable company

>>21045175 Justin Timberlake allegedly had traces of molly, poppers, Truvada, and coke in his bloodstream

>>21045179 Los Angeles school board votes to ban cellphone use during school hours

>>21045247 Six reasons COVID-19 is most likely a gain-of-function laboratory leak:

>>21045256 Hilldog has a new website? Biden's replacement?

>>21045321 British meddling in Macedonia backfires, exposing coup machinations

>>21045354 The Woke Movement Is Actually Corporate Enslavement – The Culture War Is A Fight To Stop It

>>21045441 This kind of BS is why blue cities are spiraling

>>21045460 THE FBI KNEW FOR 8 YEARS! Hunter Biden and His Associates Scored $120 Million Deal With Ukrainian Energy Company While Joe Was VP

>>21045493 Paul Gosar recently introduced a bill requiring the U.S. Treasury to start printing $500 bills “featuring a portrait” of former President Trump

>>21045517 Spirit In The Sky - #PacificMarines teaming up with the @usairforce

>>21045628 Charges dropped against man in straw-donor scheme to Adams campaign

>>21045156, >>21045227, >>21045358, >>21045380 memes

>>21045734 #25804

>>21044232 #25803

>>21044244, >>21044254, >>21044258 Swamp Happenins

>>21044282, >>21044294 POTUS, >>21044332, >>21044383, >>21044608, >>21044707, >>21044839 PF

>>21044266, >>21044295, >>21044291, >>21044304 911 service is down in MASSACHUSETTS & RHODE ISLAND

>>21044336 Minnesota's new automatic voter registration system is up and running. How does it work?

>>21044324, >>21044541, >>21044607, >>21044819, >>21044833, >>21044863, >>21044940 TRUMP TRUTHS ilpresidento Truths

>>21044348 Flight Test of Future Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Reentry Vehicle

>>21044368 Biden’s Intelligence Agencies Lead Fingernail-Painting Sessions For ‘Pride Month’

>>21044419 An election integrity group is suing Burlington, Vermont's largest city, for allowing non-citizens to vote in its elections

>>21044435, >>21044798, >>21044800 Putin touches down in Pyongyang, says 'heroic people' of North Korea will 'confront' West with Russia

>>21044443 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Racine, Wisconsin - 6/18/24

>>21044463 Biden Announces Deportation Protections For Some Illegal Immigrants

>>21044517 Fauci: More People in Red States Died from COVID Because of ‘Political Ideology’

>>21044530 Impeachment Inquiry: Hunter’s Lawyer Used Joe Biden’s Position to Discourage SEC Probe

>>21044564 Former OpenAI employees release “A Right to Warn” document warning about advanced AI risks

>>21044570 National Guard Member Executed In Culiacán: Sinaloa

>>21044584 BIS Asks Banks to Join China-Backed Digital Cash-Sending Project…Saudi Arabia joins mBridge as full participant

>>21044605 Israeli Lawmakers Push For Gaza Resettlement

>>21044621 Kamala Harris Will Host Screening Of Documentary On Hamas Sexual Violence

>>21044670 Steve Bannon Responds To Rachel Maddow, did we make Rachel cry?

>>21044684, >>21044728 Where is Hunter Biden's mugshot? Anyone seen it?

>>21044685 Scientists claim popular mouthwash could increase cancer risk and 'must not be used daily'

>>21044696 Secret Service says it ‘destroyed’ tape of Biden’s dog splattering agent’s blood at White House

>>21044721 Noam Chomsky Dies at Age 95

>>21044748 Fmr U.S. Ambassador David M. Friedman Demands Americans be Imprisoned for 'Antisemitism'

>>21044817 NY midwife pleads guilty to destroying 2,600 COVID-19 vaccines and issuing fraudulent cards

>>21044835 CAUTION: US population growth is a scary looking chart

>>21044890 Hunter Biden’s D.C. law license suspended following felony gun conviction

>>21044978 #25803

Previously Collected

>>21041779 #25800, >>21043213 #25801, >>21044214 #25802

>>21039197 #25797, >>21040146 #25798, >>21041002 #25799

>>21037305 #25794, >>21037762 #25795, >>21038518 #25796

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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e9fcbb No.21046531

File: f2f94a62e02fdcb⋯.png (1.71 MB,981x653,981:653,step.png)

File: bcb8f9fe3ec9113⋯.png (1.67 MB,1024x1024,1:1,step2.png)

File: 102ec7d6aa61cc5⋯.png (96.71 KB,331x188,331:188,step4.png)

File: 8241244a5bb47de⋯.jpeg (53.11 KB,711x660,237:220,step3.jpeg)



can continue or defer

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22ff73 No.21046541




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278d9c No.21046543

File: 2e238a87044ac29⋯.png (184.36 KB,438x438,1:1,2e238a87044ac29fd5a30be672….png)

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bae9f1 No.21046544

File: 21ca2c2e2042b4c⋯.png (282.37 KB,997x911,997:911,ClipboardImage.png)

Leader of International Drug Trafficking Organization Operating in Lane County Sentenced to Federal Prison


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b3e447 No.21046545

File: 827f0608c5685e5⋯.jpg (722.55 KB,1022x1024,511:512,0da0db735aee9a4ecf7863bef1….jpg)

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e5e87e No.21046546

File: d170ec26a8edaab⋯.jpeg (131.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,51d459a00168a6cc292e0ceee….jpeg)

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0ad624 No.21046547

File: 0a102ef55822b47⋯.png (161.23 KB,445x324,445:324,DAD4E7C5_CC4C_4105_B528_DD….png)

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bae9f1 No.21046548

File: d39e9c792ea2390⋯.png (200.53 KB,742x801,742:801,ClipboardImage.png)

Multiple Alabama Individuals Charged for Sex Trafficking and Related Offenses


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858eee No.21046549


You have my Shield of Faith B

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ddde02 No.21046550

File: 79f848156456521⋯.jpg (52 KB,597x256,597:256,Beebo_bill_the_Russell_of_….jpg)

File: 6a0889fde9c7609⋯.jpg (81.38 KB,597x256,597:256,Richard_Russell_note_in_go….jpg)


It's nice when people show appreciation for meme work!

thank you!

I also did a twenty dollar version, but it was federal reserve note and I think I got flack for it from an anon, so I kicked it up to 10,000 dollars in gold!

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0ad624 No.21046551

File: d9a32b10fbf56af⋯.png (191.61 KB,425x434,425:434,7E66298C_5BD5_4C33_A96B_52….png)

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b3e447 No.21046552

File: 9637ce0b70ebe5c⋯.png (549.83 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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ddde02 No.21046553


I should have said (PB) 'previous bread'


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a9d4fc No.21046554

File: 68789ef69ca5816⋯.gif (8.39 MB,600x480,5:4,68789ef69ca5816241ba1b688b….gif)

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592fa8 No.21046555



Thanks for catching it.

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1ae00e No.21046556

>>21046509 (lb)

Anon, Tiegen is a "supermodel." She's a narcissist to the core. She doesn't give a fuck about what she's done, who she's hurt, etc. She only cares about herself. She knows she won't get a "free pass" and she's not high enough in the club to be fully protected. She also knows she's one of the weakest links, which means if she tries to rat for a lesser sentence, they'll kill her for it.

Her panic is how you know there are, in fact, habbenings.

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e9fcbb No.21046557


feelin blessed


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abc79c No.21046558

File: 3e5fb6fb1c90ae4⋯.mp4 (69.23 KB,144x144,1:1,images_7_.mp4)

File: a909bbe43652526⋯.mp4 (867.67 KB,720x720,1:1,a909bbe436525266843ece36a6….mp4)

File: 964fdaab7c95189⋯.mp4 (12.65 MB,640x360,16:9,964fdaab7c9518965fa0c02f4b….mp4)

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a6f7d6 No.21046559

File: 9500279db79139c⋯.png (126.44 KB,759x842,759:842,ClipboardImage.png)

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907f9a No.21046560

File: b8a9b3cafe6cfc4⋯.jpg (287.95 KB,1079x1130,1079:1130,media_GQR0nngWsAESVUr.jpg)



>The left can´t meme.

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bae9f1 No.21046561

File: c0e74ca767204a1⋯.png (447.73 KB,660x330,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Israeli occupation forces set fire in Baqatha, Jubatha al-Khashab, and al-Hurriya lands, Golan

The Israeli occupation forces set a large fire in the agricultural and pastoral lands east of Baqatha occupied village, west of Jubatha al-Khashab town and al-Hurriya village in the occupied Syrian Golan.

SANA reporter in Quneitra reported that a large fire was set by the occupation soldiers on Tuesday afternoon in agricultural and pastoral lands, and approached the agricultural lands in the liberated areas, where the residents prevented the fire from reaching them.

The residents are still present in their fields to prevent the fire from spreading, the reporter added.


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155b49 No.21046562

Can’t practice law with felony conviction?

But you can illegally enter a country and then enforce laws?

The state of this country…

(pb) >>21044890 Hunter Biden’s D.C. law license suspended following felony gun conviction

Seattle to use illegal migrants to reinforce depleted police force


Call us crazy, but allowing people who entered the country illegally, also known as “criminals” to serve as police officers sends a mixed message. If someone is that inclined to “serve their community,” let them enter the US like my parents and millions of others did…legally.


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d79dd7 No.21046563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a9d4fc No.21046564


Donald/Donalds 2024

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a07c5f No.21046565

File: f4b022a9bbb95c5⋯.jpg (38.54 KB,320x205,64:41,f4b022a9bbb95c5690ccda6e39….jpg)

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d74804 No.21046566

Evenin’ Nightshift

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688b35 No.21046567

Q+ (RT) Jun 18, 2024, 04:30 PM > (00:46) (RALLY) HAPPENING NOW

Q: 0430 > What do Clowns do w/ the access codes and tech?

Q: 0046 > Why is the information re: BO important

Where is BO today?

Did BO and/or his admin ever make false statements

Does the CIA have operators inside the MSM?

What happens if exposed?

Clowns… BO. FIRED. Permanent.

Clowns… We promised you these things.

Clowns… Pack your bags. You're leaving town.

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9b4354 No.21046568

Candace Owens discusses WAR and the implications of today's indoctrination.

Everything We Learned About World War 2 Is A Lie | Candace Ep 7

Candace Owens


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ee4e89 No.21046569


thank you for being even-handed and not deleting posts left, right, and center last bread, like some other bakers do.

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abc79c No.21046570

File: 2f092ba90e330b7⋯.png (165.14 KB,640x1326,320:663,38_9_.png)

File: cd8fc38f40c558d⋯.png (168.45 KB,640x1278,320:639,49_2_.png)

File: 965a8e38396d8a4⋯.jpeg (53.34 KB,680x453,680:453,orUqTmVJ_1_.jpeg)

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83960d No.21046571

What is a gay national flag football league? You got to be gay to join? Is it for men and women? Do they have enough participates for a league? I got so many questions.

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8486d2 No.21046572

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8e26e4 No.21046573

File: e5694b287d427c6⋯.jpg (105.34 KB,502x500,251:250,8uaeah.jpg)

What's up fellow tards?

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e9fcbb No.21046574



I am hot on VD, nasty joos memes

night shift is easy

day shift a bit trickier


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ee4e89 No.21046575


thanks, I'll watch this for sure later.

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907f9a No.21046576

File: 936f267e557c3cc⋯.jpg (158.09 KB,1075x1070,215:214,media_GQRzHFzXcAAYMXt.jpg)


Night Stalkers Never Quit


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b3e447 No.21046577

File: 9e1bc990d4f33a9⋯.gif (120.01 KB,220x124,55:31,kek11.gif)


>What is a gay national flag football league?

It's for faggots.

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fb6fe2 No.21046578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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62028b No.21046579


bunch of govt fed phd's running amok in general disarray

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e9fcbb No.21046580


bakers don't delete

beevees delete

beevees bake too

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d75997 No.21046581

Pride month is almost over. Be loud and proud. Let’s finish the month off strong!

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efb7e9 No.21046582


Work done?! Up to the next one!

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688b35 No.21046583

Q+ (RT) Jun 18, 2024, 4:49 PM > (02:57) "shameless liars."

Q: 0449 > Who posted first? [#2].

Q: 0257 > (quote)

Less than 10 posted first. COMMS quoted Less than 10.


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ee4e89 No.21046584


ah, I get confused as to who's doing the mass deleting- it's the BVs, thanks

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fb6fe2 No.21046585

File: b120593e12049aa⋯.png (77.58 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2f456eaf193709⋯.png (25.4 KB,473x147,473:147,ClipboardImage.png)


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688b35 No.21046586


Listen to me. The entire Board Administration is 3-letter and their assets.

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37815b No.21046587


Don’t be evil.

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e9fcbb No.21046588


am from GFY agency mang

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688b35 No.21046589

There are only 1-2 anons who Bake.

These 1-2 anons who Bake > never Censor.

These 1-2 anons who Bake > GET CENSORED.

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de60e4 No.21046590



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c58892 No.21046591

File: 8654a7f6106abe3⋯.png (248.54 KB,350x443,350:443,ClipboardImage.png)


>general disarray

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a06c47 No.21046592

File: 59951dae74c1824⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,1803x825,601:275,LumiBux.jpg)


Just cause we're posting meme coins

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9902e4 No.21046593

>>21045845, >>21046068 lb, notable Noam Chomsky NOT DEAD

He's just sleeping.

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abc79c No.21046594

File: 7fb420790269cee⋯.jpeg (397.65 KB,2048x1526,1024:763,GOpAABHbsAAX2w9.jpeg)

File: 0f4d1915054ff87⋯.jpg (160.43 KB,1200x1170,40:39,0f4d1915054ff87b4b626e1fd6….jpg)

File: 41e8679b7a594fe⋯.png (16.19 KB,255x255,1:1,f82dccae500fc5e2bba638bd97….png)

File: eeec092736f85b9⋯.jpg (132.94 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_3_.jpg)

File: 10464dd174da0d6⋯.jpeg (29.55 KB,255x255,1:1,c27620e135ec72b34cb59f892….jpeg)


Q is a larp™

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907f9a No.21046595

File: 24ad4b51a15177f⋯.png (375.17 KB,551x549,551:549,ClipboardImage.png)


Clinton Foundation


Jun 17

“The Clinton Foundation is putting a particular focus on [how climate change is affecting children’s development] via its @2SmalltoFail program, and is pushing for it to be highlighted in Hollywood projects to increase awareness.” | @green4ema | @THR:

Jun 17, 2024 · 4:30 PM UTC


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54730b No.21046596

File: a3f257186b24c67⋯.png (1.06 MB,1205x1284,1205:1284,ClipboardImage.png)

From the Belly of the Beast

pretty sure thats a saying somewhere

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8e26e4 No.21046598


So, Tuesday? I've been away a while. I see I didn't miss much.

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f92bae No.21046599

File: ed4d3531b320074⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,1249x1380,1249:1380,IMG_2342.jpeg)

File: b869c347187fb54⋯.jpeg (34.37 KB,183x276,61:92,IMG_2326.jpeg)

PDJT said it in RACINE, WI

And…It didn’t Even Make Notables!

So Help Me God!



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688b35 No.21046600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Q+ (RT) Jun 17, 2024, 09:24 PM > (RALLY)

Q: 0924 > (quote - "They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS.") Their weapon against the awakening.

Patriots will no longer follow the STARS of QR.

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fd08c0 No.21046601


Autists & Anons take credit for that enlightened rant, take credit for the never ending years you've worked to wake people up, be proud you are getting through, and the youth (or yutes) have woken up and still have a brain to understand.

Be Proudanons who have worked for 50-60+ years to expose the truth, and with the help of Q + and Q it's catching on like wild fire. But anons you were always there, always trying to reach those that could understand.

I'm so proud of anons that have sacrificed literally decades to bring reality and understanding back, (I and many others are minor characters in this operation) I am totally grateful that I found you in early 2018, I'm so far behind you, who worked for God, knows how long, it could take.

Today June 18th is "Anon Appreciation Day", we should celebrate it each year.This should be a celebration each year.

No one else is gonna give you/us credit so lets have a party tonight.

We will never give up, we will work to reawaken the nation, we will always be loyal to the real POTUS and CiC.

Love you Old Autists, Anons and Fags, without you, we wouldn't exist

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ddde02 No.21046602


and then he goes to Heaven to be with Rosaline?


The first meme is always complimentary . . .

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62028b No.21046603


Pull up a chair and anon'll serve up some picadillo tacos

Beer, bring your own

Spirits, limited offering

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688b35 No.21046604


Stars are falling.

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42eec0 No.21046605

File: 14d6e62e33ae7f8⋯.jpg (80.46 KB,643x482,643:482,20240612_045640.jpg)

State Funeral before Election?

Ceremony before Decision

C before D

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9d0f61 No.21046606

File: d42e890f91c8dfb⋯.mp4 (555.1 KB,480x854,240:427,Amazing_Swing_Trump_Grandc….mp4)

File: beb955130589a1b⋯.png (1 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7ebcc24fe713bb⋯.png (1.11 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 030d73cf35b9f9a⋯.png (1.1 MB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)




Amazing swing.

7:28 ET


Also these

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abaedc No.21046607

Wonder if that was your grandpa or was Trump? Be sweet.

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a06c47 No.21046608

File: 383c5f2e0226b32⋯.png (2.15 MB,1494x934,747:467,Cosmic_comfy.PNG)


And rainbow colored for the kids…

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907f9a No.21046609

File: 9b1ebd5504bbbec⋯.png (329.16 KB,605x584,605:584,ClipboardImage.png)



Jun 17

Night Stalker MH-6 "Little Bird" helicopter pilots get their "Special" deliveries to the target. Go Beyond the Conventional.

Join the 160th SOAR. Learn More and Apply at go160thSOAR.com.

#GoArmySOF #SpecialOperationsAviation #ArmyAviation #MilitaryCareers

Jun 17, 2024 · 3:10 PM UTC


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0dcb74 No.21046610

File: b21fa8b7e4ef02c⋯.gif (4.58 MB,480x356,120:89,b21fa8b7e4ef02c4971e729549….gif)

NPCs don't come here much, not with 2017 bots script posting and never, ever, after dark.

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b3e447 No.21046611


Enough of your shit. Quoting Q? Making threats? Fuck off, VaticanClown. Get a new LARP, you stupid sack of shit.

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54730b No.21046612

File: 28024ea5fb3c595⋯.png (140.91 KB,800x1100,8:11,ClipboardImage.png)

sometimes i think Q+Q want us to make a meme for the all-caps poasts

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9b4354 No.21046613

File: 46d147ff05bf342⋯.png (341.56 KB,1396x785,1396:785,Screenshot_2024_06_18_at_2….png)

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8486d2 No.21046614

File: 530d227c2314a07⋯.png (53.36 KB,363x50,363:50,Screenshot_7026_.png)

File: 11a772e8cd6f396⋯.png (728.87 KB,728x341,728:341,capture_2148_22012024_1539….png)

File: 884e590afb17a5f⋯.png (5.42 MB,1789x1057,1789:1057,capture_242_28122023_15313….png)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)


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9d0f61 No.21046615

File: 924c32b624b9a62⋯.png (1.45 MB,1144x897,88:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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e5e87e No.21046616


almost got it, the tongue in the wrong place for the syllables.

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78aa50 No.21046617


Believe [them] when [they] show you who [they] are.

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688b35 No.21046618

Q+ (RT) Jun 18, 2024, 4:57 PM > (02:38) DESTRUCTIVE

Q: 0457 > Celebrate this SPECIAL day in a BIG way.

Q: 0238 > Happy hunting.

Clowns.. can you feel it coming together? HUNTED.

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fd08c0 No.21046619


splain please

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47ae67 No.21046620

File: 1c5d57fe1df3113⋯.png (1.01 MB,905x900,181:180,ClipboardImage.png)





lemme spoke to the moist recent

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8e26e4 No.21046621


I like tacos. Have beer.

40 UIDs? The absolute state of this place.

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abc79c No.21046622


pro nunci ation. he said it in a specific way race iinne

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a06c47 No.21046623

File: 40163f032a95fc0⋯.png (444.27 KB,618x514,309:257,Screenshot_2024_06_18_2006….png)


2017 you say?

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688b35 No.21046624

There's a reason the opposition uses "cats".

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0ad624 No.21046625

File: 85721b7181d45ba⋯.jpeg (540.2 KB,1219x613,1219:613,3CFCD83F_6779_4196_826E_3….jpeg)

File: 567a262714be3c7⋯.jpeg (284.47 KB,679x648,679:648,D2DF4485_B4EC_478C_8E16_5….jpeg)

>>21044132, >>21044135 pb

SAM060 C40BJake Sullivaninbound from Ramstein AFB turn and burn and Delhi depart earlier today

73-1676 E4B Nightwatch heading to JBA from Offutt AFB

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fec9ee No.21046626

File: 8210b56e8ebf64d⋯.png (908.53 KB,1051x883,1051:883,845kj76h54467.PNG)

Wayne Johnson wins Georgia’s 2nd congressional district Republican runoff


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f92bae No.21046627

File: 6b9ac1a4a361b65⋯.png (3.29 MB,1376x2714,688:1357,2362.png)

File: 21491009b7f3294⋯.png (1.88 MB,898x3198,449:1599,2515_2.png)

File: 65749b333fb09de⋯.png (799.15 KB,898x3108,449:1554,2431.png)

File: ac4da5b86332ec1⋯.png (876.77 KB,898x2460,449:1230,2987.png)

File: 05df876f6e577ec⋯.png (1.48 MB,898x2404,449:1202,3405.png)


All for a LARP, right?

So Help Me God

Save Babies, Save America

Mike Pence Wrote the Playbook and Launched the WAR on planned parenthood and roe V Wade and with the help of PDJT



It was a rare point of agreement for foes and supporters of abortion rights: by choosing Indiana governor Mike Pence as his vice-presidential running mate, Donald Trump had fashioned the most anti-abortion White House ticket in recent memory.

“Mike Pence is a pro-life trailblazer and Mr Trump could not have made a better choice,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the anti-abortion Susan B Anthony List, immediately after Trump confirmed his selection.

That group’s counterpart, Emily’s List, blasted out almost the opposite message: “Together, they are a perfect storm of classic, out of touch, GOP extremism.”

Pence’s fervent embrace of conservative social values have made Indiana a lightning rod for controversy – although the most notorious instance had nothing to do with abortion. In 2015, Pence signed an anti-LGBT bill opponents said would allow wide-scale discrimination, kicking off a furious and costly boycott of the state by much of corporate America.

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a06c47 No.21046628


Sorry I don't have the Anime pussy's from Japan ad, this was after the jump to 8.

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ddde02 No.21046629


I looked for real anime currency or paper money. I found a lot that are doctored bills but didn't find any country that issues notes with anime.

there are plenty of postage stamps with it.

some day for real it will exist.

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853939 No.21046630


All of those posts are 17 timestamps. So maybe our buddy is on NIGHTSHIFT.

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b7d31f No.21046631

File: 5eea63b6e933855⋯.png (634.2 KB,989x917,989:917,nbyetewtwebtewr.PNG)

Who in the fuck installed vindman?


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000000 No.21046632

closer we get to election dates the moar they can spin our attempts to expel/recall/impeach appear 'unfair'

there comes a point where elections become a better place to focus

unfortunately waiting for elections gives swamp moar time to do as they will

it becomes a final info push to gain the last of open-minded listening Normies

i suppose think of it like doing their homework

ALL should be researching their leaders but many won't/can't do that so its up to us to 'do their homework'

make rinos obvious for each state

help Normies understand that all dem leaders are weak/corrupt as shown by their votes

Normies like to blame Rs

even Newbies like to blame Rs but bad legislation would not exist if dems didn't vote together

Normies need to understand 'remove all dem leaders and rinos also'

how to make them understand this is our mission

many dif strategies for many dif ppl

fake news will make it seem like our efforts are wasted

elections will show us our results

some elections will be cheated?

what is the counter for swamp trying to cheat elections?

swamp can cheat close elections so win elections overwhelmingly

>Normies need to understand 'remove all dem leaders and rinos also'

work together, ask others for help; tell others to tell others = exponential

use our best leaders to know the best moves

some moves are 50/50

some votes are only to expose rinos (we know senate won't impeach mayorkas but the vote results show who is for mayorkas and who is against; thas the info that Normies need to understant to realize all dem leaders are for mayorkas and Rs are trying to close the border by removing mayorkas)

this is the final push but remain calm; remind ppl no violence

its like the 4th quarter, would Jordan take it easy in the 4th Quarter or 'leave it all on the court'?

thank you ALL who share info during information war

dig meme PRAY

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688b35 No.21046633

Where's BO today? Question asked last night on_board.

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7c54a2 No.21046634

File: 50879991cd910cd⋯.jpeg (129.54 KB,500x501,500:501,IMG_1032.jpeg)

File: 3f08e095b4f10d1⋯.gif (166.41 KB,220x138,110:69,IMG_1033.gif)

File: 404efa9dd602558⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,1290x1491,430:497,IMG_1034.jpeg)

The smell of a fresh shitpost.

Biden’s pulling it off.

Come on man, you can do it!

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5afb76 No.21046635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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000000 No.21046636

>help Normies understand that all dem leaders are weak/corrupt as shown by their votes

see how dems vote w hakeem

its rinos and dems who allow open borders and waste American Tax Payers' monies

Rs are trying to stop rinos and dems from hurting the Country; Normies need to understand this

fake news will never explain this

fake leaders will never explain this so we need to gain the help of Normies/Newbies to spread the word/info

>thank you ALL who share info during information war

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fd4b23 No.21046637


We can try to woo him into posting , but it will take all of us.

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b3e447 No.21046638


That ratbag traitor should be nowhere near public office of any kind.

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a9d4fc No.21046639

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fb6fe2 No.21046640

it's not evil to point out that his demise will be soon - his grandson says he's 'not awake', so perhaps he's already gone


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ddde02 No.21046641


of course he did.

Ukrain oligarch and their frens always win.

he's under 60. why isn't he back in his homeland where he was born.

if he goes there can they conscript him?

oh, wait, he's an untouchable. at least I wouldn't touch him.

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076e1c No.21046642

File: d8475c61c4b45ac⋯.png (18.53 KB,255x186,85:62,d8475c61c4b45ac4fe0aef3241….png)

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a06c47 No.21046643

File: 772238733c60b00⋯.png (702.09 KB,1162x1005,1162:1005,Screenshot_2024_03_06_1206….png)


Would you settle for a talent's worth?

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000000 No.21046645

>but i do enjoy the meme warfare tbh. :)

the best of times, the worst of times

the best of times during the worst of times; ironic

memes help

'nothing can stop what is coming' is like 'time will tell', phrases that are true no matter what happens

what happens depends on motivation persistence skill luck etc thus its true nothing can stop what is coming but what is coming depends on the person(s) and their actions mayB

this means you can help the final outcome which no1 can stop

WE can easily win with enough ppl so the mission becomes about gaining ppl thru truth mayB imo

anything outside that focus isn't worth effort imo

is debating shills worth it? (depends how many Normies/Newbies are watching)

should i poast to Socials or Kun or both? (depends how many Normies/Newbies are watching)

best focus = best results?

thank you Anons

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c58892 No.21046646

File: d6a8151bcf5228d⋯.png (250.02 KB,473x355,473:355,ClipboardImage.png)


>climate change is affecting children’s development


It causes "the suddenly" too…

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c64ad8 No.21046647

Q, it has been a long time. We sure do miss you!

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000000 No.21046648

medium: graphic bidens shell companies

hard: impeach recall expel obvious swamp

>work together

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907f9a No.21046649

File: bdbade19c953142⋯.jpg (32.75 KB,481x481,1:1,media_GQIPJKaX0AAX4Ro.jpg)


They can´t reproduce.


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000000 No.21046650

game theory:

same ol around here

except border increasing is threatening and solutions are elusive

easy if ALL work together; the fact we have not succeeded SHOWs there are many moar helpers needed

winning in many things, losing in others

can't really do offense if OUR defense is poor

Anons usually say make moar memes

some of OUR podcast Frens say register moar Rs

sometimes you can use your defense as offense, saving energy/Time (but first much practice)

it makes me conclude part of this game is to be always inviting and rarely insulting to Normies (who might become Newbies)

thats why gorecp poaster does, to not be welcoming

which goes back to layers, if Normies can't handle raw 8 then Socials can relay the msgs/research of 8

feelz like we are coming to a point where fake dem leaders are obvious but RINOs still lurk unknown to the masses; if they could be exposed they will have less bite

meme: register to vote as R to SHOW swamp dem leaders their shit is over

thank you Anons

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a22c0b No.21046651

File: afe074725a7b931⋯.png (142.83 KB,596x617,596:617,poland.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Poland is under attack


Wojciech Pawelczyk




Everything has literally been on fire in Poland since the globalists took power. I've never seen anything like this before.

The 19th-century neo-Gothic palace of the Stolberg family, built in 1845, is just one of the most recent examples:

8:46 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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000000 No.21046652

Bidens Border must be exposed. Push for memes - Trump vs Biden Border

8kun must be more Inviting to Normies and Anons need to work to help draw them here. Push for Memes - Welcome to 8kun Normie

RINOS are the internal Destruction of GOP - Push for memes exposing RINOS and calling for Impeachment

More of the Black Females need to register as R - Push for memes for Black Females to leave the democrat party and join the R

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a06c47 No.21046653

File: b05fa170c83d324⋯.jpg (31.52 KB,357x346,357:346,patch0103_special_night_ti….jpg)


Thats a meme folder I don't have access to.

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62028b No.21046654



Orale bueys

Esta una Fiesta

The green light is lit

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28581a No.21046655


it was goof for japan

look at Hiroshima n Nagasaki


detroit n chicago

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000000 No.21046656

game theory

>8kun must be more Inviting to Normies and Anons need to work to help draw them here. Push for Memes - Welcome to 8kun Normie

gore/cp poaster will be the challenge that Normies overcome to become Newbies; train them well

raw 8 can be too much for many Normies thus Socials are critical for Normies who will never be able to handle raw 8

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959df9 No.21046657

File: 8c36a25721f0c38⋯.jpg (80.18 KB,640x414,320:207,HappyBirthdayAI.jpg)

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a9d4fc No.21046658


nigger who the fuck do you think you are?

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47ae67 No.21046659

File: fccf65c63f2e569⋯.png (205.96 KB,429x413,429:413,ClipboardImage.png)


>some day for real it will exist

yeah, right after some anime character becomes a world leader or saves mankind from certain doom

you should worry about the important stuff anon

ho lee fook you anime assholes are stupid

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a22c0b No.21046660

File: 3f980ca8405a791⋯.png (492.56 KB,598x529,26:23,tend.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


This woman, who pretends to be a man claims to be one of the 5 victims who Rose Montoya s*xually assaulted. Rose is the trans activist who flashed his prosthetic bare b*easts on the White House lawn and he’s been accused of s*xuaI ass*ult by 5 people.



Last edited

5:29 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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858eee No.21046661

anyone got the updated Qclock?

plz & ty

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3d9095 No.21046662


No I don’t mean with boobies.

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000000 No.21046663

mayb use twtr as a pointer

'i don't trust biden, i listed the reasons why at Truth/Gab because twtr might ghost ban me if i type it here'

and leave a link to a place like Truth where you can say moar and not worry so much about bans

keep your twtr comments very PG but point it at a place where you can speak your mind fully (like Truth, Gab)

in this way mayb avoid ghost ban

i know when Kingdom Reacts got censored on utube (where he cried kek) he also mentioned that utube didn't allow him to shout out his other channels; if utube is doing that now then twtr is not far behind mayb

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e9fcbb No.21046664

File: a2c0e8bc3912fde⋯.jpg (48.17 KB,540x400,27:20,welcomenewfag.jpg)

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a22c0b No.21046665

File: ada677ce790cfaa⋯.png (407.32 KB,590x595,118:119,bort.PNG)

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907f9a No.21046666

File: 53632161253ebdb⋯.png (53.8 KB,737x530,737:530,ClipboardImage.png)



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688b35 No.21046667

File: 61c95b3b4093dc8⋯.png (335.48 KB,1023x767,1023:767,BO_TRIES_TO_FAKE_Q_CENSORS….png)

Q+ (RT) Jun 18, 2024, 5:13 PM > (03:06) direct attack

Q: 0513 > NO private comms past/present/future.

NO comms made outside of this platform.

Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately.



Q: 0306 > News unlocks map.

What can be connected?

Do you believe in coincidences?


Last time Comms brought up this string?

Patriots were warned BO would fake as Q.

And sure enough, BO faked as Q. Attached.

Board Team is blocking Q's trip, ignoring anons…

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000000 No.21046669


sometimes you can ask silly questions for better cover, 'sometimes' cuz they can easily scan your acct and understand you're trolling kek

silly question:

'i usually don't watch Cartier Fam but this part got me thinking (vid timestamp)'

that gives CFam clicks and keeps you from having to say too much that can get you banned

fyi imo ime

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2dc2ce No.21046670


Not to mention she had let it slip that she had sex at the Obama's house.

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791c9a No.21046671

File: d4bb62fc24e9d9b⋯.png (213.59 KB,550x783,550:783,q1698.png)


So help me God


The time is now.

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688b35 No.21046672

They're going to try to Fake a Q again.

Less than 10 can confirm Q. Relevant.

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abc79c No.21046673


message in a bottle note. start. hope.love S O.S.

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000000 No.21046674

ask Bongino who said 'swamp creatures watch polls closely'

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d74804 No.21046675


Ebil digits say he’s the loser for the job.

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868912 No.21046676

File: 396a4302f920efc⋯.png (849.63 KB,1080x706,540:353,monoliths2.PNG)

Monoliths appearing all over the world.

There is naturally much speculation and intrigue. Many are pranks it seems … yet, some have no explanation. So, perhaps I should just let you flow with it.

these monument (al) structures are to be set in certain lay lines and grid webs that can send their … 'Electricity/Energy … flowing through the entire system.

You know of 'Stone Henge and other connected stones placed long ago within the Earth's boundaries … in order for 'Star alignments' to work with them.

In these times, these 'StarBeams' are essentially in place to 'change the course' from that which has been so deeply buried in darkness, to that which brings in such magnificent Light in order to assist the transformation from the old to the new.

StarBeams? Do you mean the monoliths? Or the stars that are coming into alignment?

We mean the monoliths. For they shall indeed, appear as such when activated. Their Energy of Light will not be of your strongest lighting system … yet, beyond anything you have known.

So, are they acting as activators for much, as well as they themselves, are to BE activated?

Yes. The Energy that shall be produced from them, when combined with certain star/planetary alignments shall activate within the entire solar system … as a sort of 'all systems go'.

And yes, as you are thinking, Blossom, they shall activate the human Soul Light, also.

The envelopes … the thought just came into my head … will that be the opening of the envelopes*?

Indeed, it shall.

WOW! Can I make it clear though, as a personal choice, I am not going to ask when this may happen.

This we understand. There are many more to come over a short period of time.

One was found in the middle of a shopping mall?

The shopping mall was built long after positionings were set in place for this to take place.

You say they are connectors. Connectors to what?

Connectors to a number of things … that would roll off our tongue.

Connectors to Stars systems.

Connectors to Star families.

Connectors to that which is outside of your Planetary limitations, to open up to that which lies beyond.

The entire Energy of this occurrence connects the Soul Being with the Truth of who they are.

Yet, many will not be able to take the Energy and as we have said regarding other matters, choose to take their leave.

That would be a shame … to leave just before the party really gets started.

Not for those who could not 'manage' the Energy.

You say they are Receptors. Receptors to/for what?



Is this where the Pillars of Light take their cue?

They are indeed 'connected' very much with this 'encounter'.

You say they are reflectors. Reflecting what?

Reflecting Light and Power from Source!

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62028b No.21046677



Is he going to thieve their MRE's too?

Fucking blue falcon

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688b35 No.21046678


Sure is. Tick Tock…

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a22c0b No.21046679

File: bb1121dd8712565⋯.png (352.3 KB,595x728,85:104,rate.PNG)

File: 9faf5892e897c00⋯.png (261.47 KB,594x311,594:311,pm.PNG)




This right here. Nailed it, sir. I don't want my kids seeing it either. Keep it out of the movies or rate it so we can avoid it. 💯

4:11 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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a97afb No.21046680

File: ce6d3313fc36f05⋯.jpg (51.87 KB,502x497,502:497,8lbi6j.jpg)

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f24225 No.21046681


Go back and show the founders this. Actually, fuck that, show it to someone from 2010.

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000000 No.21046682

kinda sad have to play 'part of demo' but if the msg flies then its worth it i suppose

i think this will confuse your Audience/Followers so mayb keep them informed what you are doing every so often (once or twice a month mayb)

mayb post your 'demo' tactic for your Followers then delete the post so shills who are scanning your twtr won't find your tactic(s)

if you post your Followers will see, when you delete your Followers will remember but shills won't find nothing when scanning later on

>Custom Crafted Post IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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6bc0e2 No.21046683

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.

It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.

– William Pitt, 1783

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2dc2ce No.21046684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5afb76 No.21046685


Weekend at Chomsky's

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000000 No.21046686

uniparty = dem rino leaders = cause of chaos = open borders = tax monies to other countries = trillions dollars debt

the 2s who know are digging their own research and sharing

its the Normies who don't even know to dig

plan peaceful strategies/tactics understanding its for Normies to switch over to researching/sharing info.

Normeis need to learn; 'tell others to tell others, become exponential'

exponential powerful but slow growth and OUR deadline is election

mission success = every possible Normie becoming new researchers who share info = Newbies

>put on a SHOW for Normies that will inspire them to become Newbies

thank you Anons

we can win this game (that is not a game) w a small lead or blow [them] out of the fucking water, peacefully kek

'choice is yours'

>work together, share info, dig meme PRAY

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a22c0b No.21046687

File: 535f4e5f8495df5⋯.png (1.24 MB,701x875,701:875,ok.PNG)

File: 120a75061f9e997⋯.png (1.11 MB,700x876,175:219,wow.PNG)






Square profile picture

New York Magazine



Jun 16

For our latest cover story, @rtraister reports on the surprising evolution of the Republican woman — their wrath, sweetness, strength, and subservience to the MAGA right, observed. https://trib.al/ElT00uV


5:25 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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a9d4fc No.21046688


For Anons only one can confirm a new trip.

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a325f1 No.21046689



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bae9f1 No.21046690

File: e67608c2b17f5f5⋯.png (321.34 KB,984x920,123:115,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7c239c044e47e5⋯.png (299.06 KB,993x884,993:884,ClipboardImage.png)


Bloodline Family taken out?

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000000 No.21046691

if place is swamp?


vote procedure

people in Charge

fed funding

status of city

crime/drug level

pop ethnicity

media branding


remove the uniparty members

clean the voter rolls

get more repubs involved in vote process

get more repubs to go vote

show dems corruption

*takes an army…

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592fa8 No.21046692


This oath never expires.

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d6320d No.21046693

File: 92ba651b8664693⋯.png (1.18 MB,1226x893,1226:893,ClipboardImage.png)


GE Anons

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a06c47 No.21046694

File: 1fd66ad9b44869e⋯.png (5.43 KB,144x139,144:139,Screenshot_2024_06_14_0753….png)

File: d547b54ecc1a712⋯.png (527.34 KB,867x718,867:718,Screenshot_2024_03_17_1113….png)

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abc79c No.21046695

File: 86490f045e38586⋯.png (212.93 KB,1989x1095,663:365,143528eefa9090a369206d39bc….png)

File: d9d8ea1645b631d⋯.jpeg (919.83 KB,1900x2048,475:512,GP0KGRtWoAA1xIj.jpeg)

File: 17119ecaa2796d1⋯.jpeg (443.63 KB,1639x2048,1639:2048,GPhug2LWEAAeEJJ.jpeg)


this is a vibrator wand

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000000 No.21046696

>low on interaction on twitter

been a long information war, ppl's hands are tired from typing mayb

sometimes i feel like Socials can block results

wouldn't it be weird if you thought you had x followers when really you have y?

what if replies are blocked so it seems quiet?

idk so i jus keep firing the meme cannon either way; Nov deadline, our best chance is to finish strong i suppose

if we slow and stumble we don't get that time/opportunity back so jus stay focused 1 moar year kek

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688b35 No.21046697


We sure do. Have to finish cleaning the board first…

The compromised board team is going to fake Q (again).

The compromised board team will not give anons' Q's logs.

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000000 No.21046698

some followers have large followers who have large followers

if you poast valuable info/insight/etc it will be stollen

fear not, being stollen from is an honor esp when the msg goes far and wide kek

check for your followers with the most followers and try to post stuff w your msg but in their flavor (it rarely works but worth the effort sometimes; also you are using dif tactics where this method might not fit)

also have Faith about the Silent Listeners who use your info for their daily efforts

some can't retwt a 'conspiracy theorist' but they can listen and relay in their own terms

you will see success when you see your ideas/info flow thru the culture, only you will notice it cuz it was your ideas/info

other times when you notice its jus coincidence kek

imo ime fyi

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9d0f61 No.21046699

File: 4239912f37e90b1⋯.png (97.18 KB,1117x549,1117:549,ClipboardImage.png)


I think it will be either right before or right after the election. We look to 2025 by then we have to hear something.


>Thats a meme folder I don't have access to.


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a22c0b No.21046700

File: b3e89336e5332d8⋯.png (264.11 KB,590x809,590:809,jons.PNG)


Bad Hombre


Alex Jones destroys Brian Krassenstein after he LIES about never supporting Biden’s vaccine mandates.

Attached is an old Facebook post from Brian where he says the only excuse to not get vaccinated is “you’re a selfish prick”

8:25 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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28581a No.21046701


how many fag vets are DS or plain liberal?

answer: a fuckin lot

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a97afb No.21046702

File: a355984fc32362c⋯.jpg (88.41 KB,600x699,200:233,a355984fc32362caeeeb2299e7….jpg)

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a06c47 No.21046703

File: 24b468e53173c29⋯.png (138.07 KB,1036x359,1036:359,Screenshot_2024_06_18_2020….png)

Well, it still works on other boards. Blame that Pillow teh Faggot guy…

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4303f0 No.21046704

File: 4ac93ca909e22a7⋯.jpg (110.47 KB,500x666,250:333,Hell_sSchumer.jpg)

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000000 No.21046705

options are always good

ideas come from various places

info comes from various places

what is poasted can be shared

what is not poasted can't be shared thus i overpoast for better odds kek

>i overpoast

options and odds, not pressure, SEE?

i have not seen any1 play the game better than (You) so i would be silly not trust your choices re what tactics/strategies you utilize

use what i poast or don't use what i poast based on your best ideas

also what i poast is sometimes random jus to fill space

sometimes random gives me ideas so i use it where i can

anyways, small potatoes but the less pressure you have the better you play (unless you are opposite which is sometimes the case)

when it comes to Normies keep this in mind: 'Normies don't even know what a Normie is' kek

it SHOWs you far behind Normies are re knowledge

it SHOWs you how much patience will be required

it helps you know where to start and what to teach

use the easy and make it easier

'should we be sending other countries billions if we are in debt trillions; how many zeros in a trillion?'

thank you Anons


>Uniparty removal is utmost priority

we jus impeaced mayorkas so the fallout is still falling out

might re direct efforts for a short time to let mayorkas dust settle

mayb bring attention to mayorkas impeachment and its benefits which will prepare the People for the next impeachment

also who would you impeach next?


>leaning a bit more on the direct info war

ppl want direct info so they can be the 1s to share it first kek

use human nature to your benefit kek

keep it simple and they will seem to watch silently when really they prolly re-write and poast for their own credit (which still spreads the idea/info which was the goal anyway)

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688b35 No.21046706


Believe me when I tell you POTUS is not laughing about it.

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a325f1 No.21046707

File: 11dcc42abcb76a0⋯.png (298.07 KB,484x838,242:419,Screenshot_2024_06_18_at_2….png)





Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/26/2018 15:16:46 ID: 1f0a66

8chan/qresearch: 1197788

Anonymous 04/26/2018 15:02:01 ID:3de700

8chan/qresearch: 1197573

Image Name: maxresdefault.jpg

Filename: 9db22335f1d6a0898b34cc0e43ee7c11ff2ca3efd9f3097210ef0e43a84ba439.jpg

Just going to post pictures of a MOONCHILD to piss of the shills because WE KNOW.

John Legend


Our new love is here! Luna Simone Stephens, born on Thursday, the 14th. We couldn't be happier!


How many pics can you find of JL & HRC?

re: Haiti?

Marching into the Darkness - lyrics.

Follow the stars.

It’s everywhere.


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48d0b6 No.21046708

File: 03b1be7f30e2bc5⋯.png (364.68 KB,1196x682,598:341,y5n4w43h5354.PNG)

not only is she framing trump, she's helping to kill babies too.


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a22c0b No.21046709

File: 6842955525ef0de⋯.png (324.72 KB,602x635,602:635,odd.PNG)


Mostly Peaceful Memes


What an odd thing to say


7:45 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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9b4354 No.21046710


>. I don't want my kids seeing it either

That is wrong tink. HIDING perversity leaves your children and the vulnerable at the mercy or these deviants.

They must be called out and shamed, and NEVER celebrated! For humanity, shaming is not always a 'nice' thing to do, so ignore them; never give them a platform.

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47ae67 No.21046711


>right after the election

*inauguration (if not Biden or another demoncrat)

change in command structure

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28581a No.21046712


midget twin faggot

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000000 No.21046713

see how dems vote w hakeem

its rinos and dems who allow open borders and waste American Tax Payers' monies

Rs are trying to stop rinos and dems from hurting the Country; Normies need to understand this

fake news will never explain this

fake leaders will never explain this so we need to gain the help of Normies/Newbies to spread the word/info

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423188 No.21046714

File: 1603f3a044f624f⋯.jpg (58.42 KB,850x400,17:8,eisenhower_the_japanese_we….jpg)


not one of the field commander leaders were even consulted

Not MacArthur (pacific), not Eisenhower.

It was 100% political, and not driven by military need.

Rockefeller was the driver

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a97afb No.21046715

File: 45e8d8b43b78e39⋯.jpg (87.64 KB,695x500,139:100,45e8d8b43b78e393d72bb2d05a….jpg)


>Believe me

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6acb8b No.21046716






>>Disclaimer: this post a

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62028b No.21046717


Batten down the Hatches

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a22c0b No.21046718

File: a89a588861fced5⋯.png (203.75 KB,787x503,787:503,vest.PNG)


Study: ‘Divested’ From Reality! PBS

Cheers on Hamas-Supporting Campus Protests

Newsbusters, by Clay Waters

Posted By: Imright, 6/18/2024 2:33:25 PM

On Monday, police cleared the latest "pro-Palestinian" encampment at Cal State-Los Angeles, as Associated Press reported it came "just days after demonstrators occupied and trashed a building while the school’s president and other employees were still inside." The establishment media promoted these leftist tactics for weeks. How did taxpayer-funded media cover the anti-Jewish, pro-Hamas protests that dominated college campuses this spring? A new Media Research Center study analyzed the words used by Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) reporters, guests, and talking heads

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858eee No.21046719



Someone's a Pedophile

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592fa8 No.21046720


Are you trying to say that I’m a fag vet, DS liberal?

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000000 No.21046721

God bless and thank you anons for your never ceasing commitment to work To-Get-Her

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a97afb No.21046722

File: 1bb43c2a3167bc7⋯.png (1.18 MB,1221x808,1221:808,1bb43c2a3167bc719c541f7f61….png)


good comparison

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81378d No.21046723


They reproduce by sexual abusing kids.

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397f42 No.21046725

Where’s everyone at?

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d6320d No.21046726

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

i liked your gun salutes. here is the explanation for what you are seeing in this short clip… the gun salute s are explained near the end!

you are correct and i salute you sir / ma'am



Is Trump running a clandestine military operation? | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #52


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868912 No.21046727

File: aff9e536c5d69a4⋯.png (2.22 MB,1503x934,1503:934,monska.PNG)


mysterious monolith has appeared in the Nevada desert over the weekend, sparking speculation as to what it may be and who is behind it.

The structure was spotted by the Las Vegas Police Department, who said they saw it during a search and rescue mission north of the Las Vegas Valley.

“We see a lot of weird things … but check this out!” the police posted on social media.

The monolith is similar to other similarly puzzling ones that appeared around the globe in 2020.

The tall, rectangular, reflective structure was spotted near Gass Peak, a hiking area in the Nevada desert just about an hour north of Las Vegas.

In pictures released by police on social media, the monolith appeared to be nestled in slightly rugged terrain.

“HOW did it get up there??” the Las Vegas Police Department asked on social media.

The monolith bears some resemblance to those featured in 2001: A Space Odyssey, a 1968 film directed by Stanley Kubrick.

Imposing black monoliths created by an unseen alien species appear in the classic movie, which is based on the writing of novelist Arthur C Clarke.

Monoliths similar to the one in Nevada appeared in different locations around the world about four years ago, including one in the Utah desert.


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3eb549 No.21046728

File: fd686a8e81109b6⋯.png (314.96 KB,1080x605,216:121,Screenshot_202.png)

It's clear why AI technology hates black African negroid people they are full of shit like this White people hair wig wearing racist pile of trash.


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0c0133 No.21046729

File: 284ea16a65f11a5⋯.png (1.24 MB,1000x1500,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b82d89589d3f93e⋯.png (979 KB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dec5eb8e9d0ce12⋯.png (561.77 KB,960x720,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Anybody can lie with AI. Who has to lie?

Who killed the bank?


The phrase "Who killed the bank?" is often associated with the Great Depression. During this economic crisis in the 1930s, many banks failed, leading to widespread financial instability. Here are some key factors that contributed to the demise of banks during that time:

1. Bank Runs: Panicked depositors rushed to withdraw their money from banks, causing a bank run. When too many people withdrew funds simultaneously, banks couldn't meet the demand, leading to closures.

2. Stock Market Crash: The 1929 stock market crash triggered a chain reaction. As stock prices plummeted, investors lost confidence, and banks suffered losses due to their investments in stocks.

3. Lack of Regulation: The banking system lacked proper regulation and safeguards. Banks engaged in risky practices, such as speculative investments and lending without adequate collateral.

4. Overextension: Some banks overextended themselves by lending excessively, especially for real estate speculation. When property values declined, loans became uncollectible.

5. Depression-Era Challenges: The overall economic depression affected businesses and individuals. Unemployment rose, reducing people's ability to repay loans and causing loan defaults.

In summary, a combination of economic factors, lack of regulation, and public panic contributed to the collapse of many banks during the Great Depression.

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a06c47 No.21046730

File: 8506954a27d8747⋯.png (160.08 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Unbreakable_fagget.png)


That's probably fyne

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907f9a No.21046731

File: 17cea4bbe7d77f5⋯.jpg (45.24 KB,640x785,128:157,media_GQHpId9XYAIeG78.jpg)


we have a winner!


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a22c0b No.21046732

File: c771eabd27dc410⋯.png (252.81 KB,920x727,920:727,peace.PNG)


Peace Through Strength: The Stark Contrast Between Trump and Biden

A Trump Doctrine for the Middle East would reset U.S. foreign policy to a natural blend of America First, peace through strength, and the art of the deal.

By Kristi Noem

June 18, 2024

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28581a No.21046733


>a slapped dog will holler

why would you think that

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0c0133 No.21046734

File: 4751ee5e8a1dc03⋯.png (106.9 KB,474x223,474:223,ClipboardImage.png)

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868912 No.21046735

File: 594297805827b67⋯.png (548.99 KB,827x606,827:606,monolith.PNG)



How about the monoliths, what's happening with them?

They are all in place.

This does not mean they are ready for 'action' … just yet. Although, it is necessary for them to 'route' themselves … into /through the … Earth's Magnetic Field and solidify their structures.

Through this method they are able then to connect with each other … would we say 'underground' … within 'pathways' of connection … which in turn allow them to connect and communicate with each other … in preparation for when they are 'Set.'



To … go off?

In a manner of speaking.

In a round about fashion. For there are to be a series of Events that are to take place, yet, it is necessary for their 'order' to be precise in calculation.

Imagine a device that one invents for fun. It is 'triggered' and perhaps a ball rolls down tubes and in turn … knocks something deliberately placed in its pathway … which in turn … allows something else … some other movement to begin etc … are we being clear?

Is the Announcement the trigger?

Yes. Yet, we would state that each 'movement' has necessary 'gaps' in between. It has to be this way and you will understand why as they 'fall into place'.

The STRONGEST OF THE STRONG does not just mean in ways of shining one's Light. One has to be strong in all aspects of this Game … including patience.

I know. Yet, many feel their patience has almost run out. Nothing to be done about that!

Yes. There is. Keep building up your Strength in Truth and Light and Determination and Wisdom and Trust and Purpose and … and … and …

Do you see, Dearest Ones? We feel you do, yet, perhaps are tiring.

NOW … whilst you feel there is nothing to be done … is the time when everything can be done … in ways of preparing … in ways of getting ready.

Yet, you have said we are, and we feel we are.


Your task in 'these days' is …

To remain vigilant …

To remain on top of your game …

To keep your Light shining brightly …

To keep repeating the Mantra …

To KNOW you are not alone when you say it /feel it …

To not let complacency absorb you through this wait …

If a marathon you had trained for was postponed … Would you sit back, eat, and 'blob'?

HaHa! Blob! I don't know why, yet, that word seems funny coming from you.

Yet, it is in 'your' vocabulary, Blossom. So, would you? Indeed not. You would keep training … keep running … keep on keeping on … for to 'let it go' … when you could hear word in any moment that it was 'back on' … would not bode well for you.

Yep. We understand. We are just flagging at the moment. Well, a lot are. Of course, I cannot speak for all. We will keep on, of course, we will! So, back to the monoliths, if we may? My thoughts, and we may have touched on this, is that they will be to do with 'THE EVENT'. Which 'Event' you may so rightly ask? The BIGGY! The One that may' involve a Solar Flash and a HUGE WAVE OF LOVE engulfing the entire Planet and raising the Vibration immensely. You know … that one!

This is correct. The actual 'flash' itself as it leaves the Sun … will trigger a few of them … would we say … the main circuits /switchboards … which in turn will Energetically connect with all the others, for they are all … ready … in place. All ready and interconnected through their routes.

Yet, what is their role? What happens when this happens?

They are of much Power … beyond your comprehension, or anyone of Earth. When 'ignited', when 'activated' … and 'at play/in play' … their ENERGY will enable a huge Magnetic, Energetic, Electrical Wave … of both Sound and Movement.

Dare I ask about the 'movement' part?

Taking your beloved Planet through to a Higher Dimension.

That's what I thought you were going to say.

This can only take place when ALL IS IN PLACE.

So, although we say the 'structures' are 'set' … they are not programmed for any particular date. They are programmed when all is in alignment.

So then, 'The Event' will only happen, i.e., the solar flash … whatever the whole shebang entails … when everything is in place, also?

Yes. We cannot begin to explain the enormity of this. It is imperative for Earthly strategies to be in place … along with certain Planetary/Star alignments … in order for EVERYTHING to come together in THIS DIVINE PLAN. In order for the END OF THE DARKNESS and the BEGINNING OF THE LIGHT WORLD to flow into position. As you can imagine, the complexity of this Plan is far from a 'walk in the park.'

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0ad624 No.21046736


It wasn’t necessary at all

They were beaten already and if we did not get the nuclear material from Hans Kammler we wouldn’t have even had those ready until December



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f92bae No.21046737



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d6320d No.21046739

File: d6a1e34b5773616⋯.png (93.43 KB,458x384,229:192,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d12a6c7b48544d⋯.png (197.24 KB,507x530,507:530,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c80b7b96b548bcb⋯.png (315.82 KB,565x629,565:629,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 388357b9903ecc0⋯.png (199.69 KB,720x412,180:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f3dae168e0ce2c⋯.png (1.39 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


why hasn't this been destroyed yet?

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d79dd7 No.21046740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a22c0b No.21046741

File: b94c9587c0a8f6f⋯.png (399.44 KB,600x531,200:177,bd.PNG)


Brenden Dilley


Holy shit!

This dude is GONE!


RNC Research

8:30 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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376e7b No.21046742


"Dropping atomic bombs = good". What a fucking freak.

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6bc0e2 No.21046743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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423188 No.21046744

File: b388145955b4bb6⋯.jpg (86.12 KB,636x382,318:191,dresden_rebuilt_by_zog.jpg)


Everything must be zogged

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b3bf27 No.21046745


removed ilpresidento multi-truth from bun

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858eee No.21046746


So then Israel wiping out Hamas is Good

Glad were on the same page

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9d0f61 No.21046747

File: 7f32281eaf53d0a⋯.png (1.2 MB,1050x610,105:61,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6ef0d78738c2ea⋯.png (1.52 MB,999x641,999:641,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28e48743f223727⋯.png (1.7 MB,1170x546,15:7,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5e4d4ca371ba76⋯.png (1.4 MB,988x648,247:162,ClipboardImage.png)


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3dd5b2 No.21046748

File: 08fecd00713d089⋯.mp4 (797.64 KB,1280x720,16:9,763m54634j6534.mp4)



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51b8c4 No.21046749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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28581a No.21046751


who's the dude with the medallion

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907f9a No.21046752

File: cd69ba58ed6000f⋯.jpg (87.13 KB,1200x630,40:21,donald_trump_basketball.jpg)


They steal and traffic other people's children. This makes it easier to sacrifice them to Moloch

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88b42c No.21046753

File: 9dd279464cda9e7⋯.png (1.1 MB,1080x1450,108:145,Scvffj.png)

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ddde02 No.21046754


During the 'Great Depresion' when Rosevelt was in power he had bankster friends and a bankster cabinet.

they would go to any and all banks and say 'by the way we notice an issue here. We're taking over.

and if the bank became even a little bit insolvent (because of a bank run) the theives at the Fed would say 'we are calling in all the loans. pay the full amount now'

but but but I can only pay so much a month as agreed.

'tough, pay it all now'

but no one will make me a new loan to pay it all back at once.'

'your bank went insolvent. We hold the note. pay us or loose your collatoral'

that's what happened.

over and over.

and that's why people hated Rosevelt because even though they could pay the loan as it was, they were unable to pay it all back at once. But continuing to make payments wasn't good enough for the bankster.

This is how I understand that the situation was.

PS: the federal reserve travalled the world and bought up debt all over the world and then monetized that debt to make even more money , then they would sell the debt to a high bidder (probably a friend of theirs).

gee, how did people come here broke from Vienna and then suddenly become millionaires.

could it be bankster frens?

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8486d2 No.21046755

File: 2ae399931de42fe⋯.png (2.27 MB,946x837,946:837,capture_1856_20012024_0312….png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)



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dcd541 No.21046756

File: e491009dfe77a5f⋯.png (1.04 MB,1180x1400,59:70,e491009dfe77a5fde0280bb949….png)

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54730b No.21046757




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fb6fe2 No.21046758

that's what I'm thinking


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0c0133 No.21046759


Dwight was sucking up to Monty in Europe at the time.

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423188 No.21046760

File: 36d5da4181cf5ae⋯.png (317.59 KB,582x426,97:71,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c9d8129f593a9e0⋯.png (318.99 KB,582x426,97:71,ClipboardImage.png)


>ose is the trans activist who flashed his prosthetic bare b*easts on the White House lawn and he’s been accused of s*xuaI ass*ult by 5 people.


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a97afb No.21046761

File: 4f9ff9b916ac3a1⋯.jpg (39.03 KB,598x608,299:304,4f9ff9b916ac3a164873631ea5….jpg)

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62028b No.21046762

File: 369be9d55080da4⋯.png (2.58 MB,1197x1536,399:512,ClipboardImage.png)


Within the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) the use of the atomic bomb was also cause for debate, in part, because the Foundation played a role in its creation. Indeed, distinguished physicist Dr. Ernest O. Lawrence would go so far as to tell RF President Raymond Fosdick “that if it hadn’t been for the RF, there would have been no atomic bomb.”Show Citation 22 Although he meant it as a statement of gratitude for RF support, the idea that they shared some responsibility for the bomb’s creation was deeply unsettling to many within the Foundation.

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b3bf27 No.21046763


in all fairness, the R/G test sauce is rather weak for "faking Q".

otherwise, carry on.

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a325f1 No.21046764

File: f3a89fdae4b37c1⋯.png (440.24 KB,481x1783,481:1783,Screenshot_2024_06_18_at_2….png)

all pb



Red Rabbit Bazaar

>NBC Regime media in Maine pushing normalization of Pride month "fashion show" featuring children.

>fukn pedos


>they getting ripped in twitter comments

>linked story:




>This is an all ages event.


>Pedo symbol on host website




Google reviews

Catherine Mardosa

"Super nice folks, fun to shop, pricing is really fair"

Alexis Bauer

"Killer vibe,would recommend stopping in and taking a look."

Alan J

"Very cool thrift store,lots of young people there."

View all Google reviews

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e9fcbb No.21046765


by all means, watch it

post it if you want

I'll notable

otherwise signed up as KYS 3 letter agency

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d79dd7 No.21046766



Max Q (Full Album) 1989 Michael Hutchence


Sometimes 0:00

Way of the World 5:30

Ghost of the Year 9:43

Everything 14:02

Concrete 18:59

Zero -2-0 24:15

Soul Engine 25:47

Buckethead 29:39

Monday Night by Satellite 33:40

Tight 37:15

Ot-Ven-Rot 40:52

Max Q is owned by WMG.

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54730b No.21046767

File: e6f829dcb6f85ff⋯.png (733.11 KB,719x899,719:899,e6f829dcb6f85ff79fd718e01b….png)


>Evenin’ Nightshift

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6bc0e2 No.21046768


manufacturing reality tends to backfire

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6723f3 No.21046769

File: f9123cbb5c200bf⋯.png (287.7 KB,735x642,245:214,7m5en6464.PNG)

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9d0f61 No.21046770

File: 52b607e06acebd3⋯.jpg (109.41 KB,940x627,940:627,52b607e06acebd307f9b5fe711….jpg)


>there would have been no atomic bomb

Is there such or is it just a fear tactic?

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54730b No.21046771


anon was told after we eliminate the ebil in the world there would be cookies?

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62028b No.21046772



and damnit Nigel

Keep the seatbelts fastened in autos

and harnesses locked in the aeroplanes

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0c0133 No.21046773


Dwight killed 1 million German civilians in Germany after the German surrender. If Monty didn't have jews assassinate Patton, Eisenhower would have been court martialled and Patton would have been President.

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423188 No.21046774

File: a33230147b9470f⋯.jpg (161.18 KB,1225x755,245:151,vindman.jpg)

File: cea12769095b834⋯.mp4 (15.66 MB,440x360,11:9,ABC_report_with_george_STE….mp4)

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9d0f61 No.21046775


& beer at a parade!

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47ae67 No.21046776

File: 6985e7fd125c820⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB,720x970,72:97,z_XV61L58P5j24Nc.mp4)



lesser of two evils

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b3bf27 No.21046777

>>21046709 pedo admits Trans=pedo


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a22c0b No.21046778

File: e8c2eb1e640386f⋯.png (1.09 MB,705x898,705:898,camo_eyes.PNG)

File: 732f61db576cfb4⋯.png (307.63 KB,591x486,197:162,cc.PNG)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,mirror_look.PNG)


Chuck Callesto


BREAKING REPORT: ⚠️ Pelosi’s J6 Select Committee deemed "ILLEGITIMATE" in new House resolution..


If congress acts this would END THE CRIMINAL CHARGES holding Dan Scavino, Peter Navarro, Mark Meadows, and Steve Bannon, in Contemp..


12:18 PM · Jun 18, 2024




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2dcb58 No.21046779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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abc79c No.21046780


lurking to get the first hi Q post. kek. the absolute state of this place. surrounded by fucking retards bots and unemployed journalist

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de60e4 No.21046781


>gee, how did people come here broke from Vienna and then suddenly become millionaires?

Rothschild was rich even before cheating the British nobility on the news of Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo.

Many of the other magnates are connected to them.

Read this to learn what the Rothchilds, Sassoons, and Rockefellers have done since then;


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423188 No.21046782

File: 50acdd7d91f75ee⋯.jpg (85.07 KB,500x431,500:431,potus_president_dwight_ike….jpg)

File: 014461532913c8d⋯.jpg (30.57 KB,560x234,280:117,WW2_Eisenhower_Camps_4.jpg)

File: 613bbd64b9ccfaf⋯.jpg (62.03 KB,500x403,500:403,WW2_Eisenhower_Camps_2.jpg)

File: 908c3d408bb4cc4⋯.jpg (182.56 KB,1200x917,1200:917,WW2_Eisenhower_Camps_1.jpg)

File: 12e010b5341c2c6⋯.jpg (95.28 KB,653x900,653:900,Prescott_Bush_Ike_eisenhow….JPG)

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62028b No.21046783


Sure does make for a good pretext for a war with Iran/NK over "nuclear" material and the fulfillment of that prophecy by that mason bum geezer

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e9fcbb No.21046784

File: a060966555860ca⋯.png (90.63 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)


iced toast to tide you over

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9b4354 No.21046785


Bunch of freaks who cannot THINK responding to thios post…I fear for our humanity…

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d6320d No.21046786



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0ad624 No.21046787


There are questions whether the ones dropped on Japan were massive fuel/air devices or atomic.

They are real though.

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81378d No.21046788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5d82cc No.21046789

>>21046313 LB

A good way to disappear some people to sell on the market.

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6bc0e2 No.21046790


trippy trips of truth…

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907f9a No.21046791

File: 48f01cd30e063aa⋯.jpg (85.92 KB,520x900,26:45,media_GQZEM04aIAE7Fm3.jpg)



And a real BBQ

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a22c0b No.21046792

File: 7299e25c5e8b63a⋯.png (476.93 KB,599x483,599:483,larg.PNG)


Insider Paper


NEW: US budget office sees larger 2024 deficit due to Ukraine aid, student debt

From insiderpaper.com

7:57 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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0c0133 No.21046793

File: c0a7a0898a91592⋯.png (480.02 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02ef90f0882beb4⋯.png (295.66 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ad624 No.21046794

File: b86b8369b1c1ecf⋯.png (424.57 KB,564x564,1:1,7D3D1EC1_5CE5_442E_96BC_76….png)


Apparently that crosses over to your spelling

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e5e87e No.21046795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Opera Diva Evgenia Laguna



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a97afb No.21046796

File: 6d45173ac05d79e⋯.jpeg (53.48 KB,653x665,653:665,6d45173ac05d79e22b5d8a828….jpeg)

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a22c0b No.21046797

File: 06a22ce8852d55e⋯.png (20.63 KB,593x328,593:328,jim.PNG)


Rep. Jim Jordan


The Biden administration isn’t checking the criminal status of unaccompanied alien children.

From newly released testimony:

“So the Office of Refugee Resettlement does not request the criminal record in the home country from the consulate?”

“We do not.” -Senior Biden Official

9:57 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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abc79c No.21046798


lurking to get the first hi Q post. kek. the absolute state of this place. surrounded by fucking retards bots and unemployed journalist

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28581a No.21046799


thats Dixon Weiner's Inn

Liquor in front

Poker in the back

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81378d No.21046800


Congress only tries to do the right thing when they know it can't pass.

They are all criminals.

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54730b No.21046801


not i anon, ask again during dayshift. thats when clock fags hang out a lot

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9d0f61 No.21046802

File: 7cc78ce10a60318⋯.jpg (49.39 KB,750x709,750:709,boom.jpg)


I'm not saying there wasn't great "amunitions" made & used but nuclear I just don't know. I always thought it was real but now I question things a bit moar, kek

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3cec01 No.21046804


They consume children

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ddde02 No.21046805


technically you're not 'surrounded' by anyone from here, are you.

but I know what you mean.

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868912 No.21046806

File: 655433b6eb54a34⋯.png (1.32 MB,1213x888,1213:888,mono3.PNG)

More monoliths appearing all over the world.

They shall be … activated/switched on … at a certain point in time and create … within themselves/yet, all together as one … an Energy as never before known.

Yes, the Sun is very much involved. We would say, that the Sun at a certain height and Power … at a certain given time … is 'Their Key'.

We would say, that all needs to be in place by then as they work together. They are designed to be a team, would we say.

When you said there shall be many, I was surprised to see others turn up so soon.

They shall 'arrive' in stages. Settling their Energy in, a few at a time … in order to get established and 'set in stone' in position.

Are they connected with the HUGE announcement?

Not directly. That is still ongoing … and all we have said about it shall come to pass.

Ok. You say they are activators. Activating what exactly?

We would say 'Everything' as a general answer. Yet, there are many targeted missions that these structures are to reboot.

Reboot? That is interesting. How so?

these monument (al) structures are to be set in certain lay lines and grid webs that can send their … 'Electricity/Energy … flowing through the entire system.

You know of 'Stone Henge and other connected stones placed long ago within the Earth's boundaries … in order for 'Star alignments' to work with them.

In these times, these 'StarBeams' are essentially in place to 'change the course' from that which has been so deeply buried in darkness, to that which brings in such magnificent Light in order to assist the transformation from the old to the new.

StarBeams? Do you mean the monoliths? Or the stars that are coming into alignment?

We mean the monoliths. For they shall indeed, appear as such when activated. Their Energy of Light will not be of your strongest lighting system … yet, beyond anything you have known.

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376e7b No.21046807


No. Not dropping atomic bombs is good. Dropping them is bad. There is no lesser evil here.

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f92bae No.21046808

File: 15e0e8cfd79c7ad⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB,1249x1194,1249:1194,IMG_2159.jpeg)




Indy 500

Penske Racing

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54730b No.21046809


>Monoliths appearing all over the world.



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54681e No.21046810

Fauci says ideology got more red state people killed.

I’d say check the batches of vaxxines to see if they were the bad batches.

Eyes on. Distributed kill shots or just ideological?

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9b4354 No.21046811


TYPOS do not depict SPELLING…

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278d9c No.21046812


>Is there such or is it just a fear tactic?

>It's more or less safe to live in Hiroshima and Nagasaki because the fallout from the bombs has long since dissipated to safe levels

>Wild animals in Chernobyl are flourishing within the contaminated region; puppies roaming the area are capturing the hearts of thousands

>Japan began pumping more than a million metric tons of treated radioactive water from the destroyed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant

maybe there's no free nuke energy yet because they still don't understand shit about what they are apparently splitting

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a22c0b No.21046813

File: 11cafe1417cb2ac⋯.png (27.92 KB,1014x306,169:51,mich.PNG)


Health Care

Michigan will pay dairy farmers to help government investigate bird flu outbreak

by Lauren Sforza - 06/18/24 4:33 PM ET

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ddde02 No.21046814


he'll make you a map.

that's what larpers do.

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28581a No.21046815


>splitting an atom


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423188 No.21046816


>unaccompanied alien children.



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de60e4 No.21046817



Eisenhower starved to death 3 million German PoWs (prisoners-of-war) in the Rhineland camps after the surrrender, May-June 1945.

That is the real Holocaust/burnt offering.

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688b35 No.21046818

Congratulations, Patriots.

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a325f1 No.21046819

File: e624e21e67fd147⋯.png (462.86 KB,464x629,464:629,Screenshot_2024_06_18_at_2….png)

File: f15a812463081c2⋯.png (834.37 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_2024_06_18_at_2….png)



>Red Rabbit Bazaar

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54730b No.21046820


>Normeis need to learn; 'tell others to tell others, become exponential'

How to teach normies to dig for themselves?

Fb has got a lot of normies there

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e5e87e No.21046821



maybe close

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6bc0e2 No.21046822


> surrounded by fucking retards bots and unemployed journalist

sounds like you are writing from a future timeline adjacent to ours

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ddde02 No.21046823


no he didn't

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0ad624 No.21046824



It’s still wrong no matter what

Just like your OG statement

Some dumb ones but not all

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b3bf27 No.21046825

File: d1854663ec89d12⋯.png (17.4 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 574dd98d2bfb566⋯.png (112.7 KB,464x821,464:821,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6bdfd42efd6666⋯.png (397.81 KB,464x1106,232:553,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2fb869c1eb8756⋯.png (188.43 KB,464x750,232:375,ClipboardImage.png)

>continuing where I left off for a pizza break

ilpresidento Truth



>Think nuclear stand-off.



>46s rumble

>where is BO

>deep wormhole

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e9fcbb No.21046826


#25806 >>21046531

>>21046625 Planefaggin CONUS

>>21046544 Leader of International Drug Trafficking Organization Operating in Lane County Sentenced to Federal Prison

>>21046548 Multiple Alabama Individuals Charged for Sex Trafficking and Related Offenses

>>21046606 @realDonaldTrump Amazing Swing and Winnings

>>21046626 Wayne Johnson wins Georgia’s 2nd congressional district Republican runoff

>>21046631, >>21046666, >>21046774 Vindman???

>>21046732 Peace Through Strength: The Stark Contrast Between Trump and Biden

>>21046778 ICYMI: If congress acts this would END THE CRIMINAL CHARGES holding Dan Scavino, Peter Navarro, Mark Meadows, and Steve Bannon, in Contemp..

>>21046792 US budget office sees larger 2024 deficit due to Ukraine aid, student debt

>>21046813 Michigan will pay dairy farmers to help government investigate bird flu outbreak

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9b4354 No.21046827

REMEMBER This is that LAST BASTION of TRUTH. Don't abuse it with YOUR ridiculous ideology and egos…. TRUTH is the only fruit to be picked here…do not poison it.

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a22c0b No.21046828

File: 61159b6a751dabb⋯.png (60.17 KB,1338x510,223:85,ask.PNG)


Jim Banks asks Merrick Garland why federal prosecutors didn’t press charges after death threats to his family


Annabella Rosciglione

June 18, 2024 3:47 pm

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6fe3a6 No.21046829

>Melania to host $100,000-a-head fundraiser for Republican LGBTQ group at Trump Tower

Why yall pandering to these perverts?

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688b35 No.21046830

File: 37279a24a810a66⋯.png (986.16 KB,957x500,957:500,FIGHT.png)

O1 - We went to the stable last night. The 2nd horse has grown up. The red one. Spirited. Biblical.

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54681e No.21046831





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e9ecba No.21046832


Good evening

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81378d No.21046833

File: 1d8b7b2a2c20c3f⋯.png (1.04 MB,1060x639,1060:639,Screenshot_2024_06_18_1842….png)


Penske received the medal for pedophiles and degenerates. Important to remember.

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54730b No.21046834



dahell man???

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f92bae No.21046835


Christmas In July!


Jul 25, 2018 7:27:00 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 77016b No. 2287057



You’ll soon know why.


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423188 No.21046836

File: 6101bcf4480de57⋯.png (110.47 KB,193x323,193:323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b9b52377603325⋯.png (90.34 KB,204x277,204:277,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e65117a81cfb2c6⋯.png (104.45 KB,194x322,97:161,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1576ee07dc2469⋯.png (93.02 KB,204x272,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


>starved to death 3 million German PoWs

They relabelled them so that they weren't called PoWs, is my understanding.

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376e7b No.21046837

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688b35 No.21046838


It's TOR.. could be any number of uses, will all display as zeroes.

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a22c0b No.21046839

File: 080cbddd4115f1a⋯.png (457.98 KB,602x594,301:297,ruff.PNG)


Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️


This is where we are now: The Biden Administration sent two FBI agents to intimidate a nurse who told the truth about the child sex-change program at Texas Children's Hospital. The regime is mobilizing to threaten and imprison anyone who opposes "transgender medicine."

Rate proposed Community Notes

8:16 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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868912 No.21046840

File: 396a4302f920efc⋯.png (849.63 KB,1080x706,540:353,monoliths2.PNG)


What's going on with all the Monoliths being found?

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688b35 No.21046841


It's bullshit.

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0c0133 No.21046842

File: 77d1c24a9677a6d⋯.png (327.21 KB,650x320,65:32,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b4354 No.21046843



NO such thing…

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a22c0b No.21046844

File: 9b0877919adf114⋯.png (370.27 KB,593x668,593:668,hap.PNG)




🚨Physician scientist Dr. Steven Quay (@quay_dr

) highlights six reasons COVID-19 is most likely a gain-of-function laboratory leak:

1. Hospital, antibody, and wastewater data indicates the virus was spreading in Wuhan and globally by the Fall of 2019.

"The virus was spreading in Wuhan and around the world in the fall of 2019, months before the first case in the Hunan seafood market. This is supported by 14 observations or evidence."

"The evidence includes the calculation of the time to the most recent common ancestor. Hospital overloads in Wuhan. Antibodies and patients from Italy, Spain, and the U.S. Wastewater samples from Brazil. Sick athletes at the October Wuhan military games. School closings in Wuhan, and dozens of documented patients. This dismisses out of hand the market as the origin."

2. Examination of human infections, animal samples, and environmental specimens from the market shows no infected animals or wildlife vendors.

"With SARS-1, literally 100% of the market animals were infected… None of these data are consistent with an infected animal passing SARS-2 to a human at the market."

3. Events from March 2019, including unusual activities by the Chinese Communist Party and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, suggest a lab-acquired infection had occurred.

"This timeline includes unusual attention from the Chinese Communist Party, leading to a PLA physician soldier being put in charge. Large tender request to repair biosafety equipment. A virus database disappearing in the middle of the night. Large tender requests for a lab security force to 'handle foreign personnel.' Patents for a device to prevent a lab-acquired infection… These events taken together are a classic example of closing the barn door after the horses left."

4. There is no zoonotic evidence, with 96,000 animals testing negative for SARS-CoV-2 and no evidence of posterior diversity in the virus genome. Historical comparisons with SARS-CoV-1 show multiple spillover events, which are absent in SARS-CoV-2.

5. The genome of SARS-CoV-2 has eight synthetic features not found in natural viruses.

"The probability that SARS came from nature based on these features is one in a billion. These features are the backbone, the receptor binding domain, the furin cleavage site, the genetics of the furin cleavage site, the number, location, and pattern of cloning sites that use the Baric cloning method, and the [inaudible] gene…"

6. "These same features were described in a 2018 DARPA grant by WIV and U.S. scientists. With respect to the grant, SARS-2 had the proposed backbone from the proposed reason in China. The proposed adaption to human killing. The proposed diversity from SARS-1. The proposed noseeum cleavage site number, location, and pattern. The proposed human cleavage site at the proposed S1-S2 junction."

What happens if we have these hearings and nothing happens?

"The Wuhan Institute of Virology is testing a NEPA virus in a synthetic clone. This is a U.S. CDC bioterrorism agent that kills three out of four people. A lab leak with an airborne NEPA virus would quickly within weeks disrupt food and energy distribution, fire and police services, and medical care."

"My analysis of this tipping point event is that it would set back civilization about 250 years. The work of this committee is critical. If we now fail to act with the knowledge we have, history, if it can still be recorded, will judge us poorly."

0:36 / 7:51

8:12 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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688b35 No.21046845

Do anons understand what is about to be unleashed?

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6f231e No.21046846

File: 058feca0958381e⋯.png (279.99 KB,1080x796,270:199,8Chan.png)

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423188 No.21046847

File: cacff64903af67c⋯.png (457.43 KB,792x607,792:607,brennan_clone_vindmann.png)

File: 85aabbc7edcd6ff⋯.png (34.44 KB,160x166,80:83,VA_mil_industrial_guy_posi….png)


>Who in the fuck installed vindman?

expensive character. shame to put it to waste


of course

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9d0f61 No.21046848

File: 8d2eb516d490cbb⋯.jpg (22.99 KB,253x253,1:1,Freedom_isnt_free.jpg)



DJT always talks about his Uncle Prof John Trump & him getting the Tesla papers so what gives? He needs to come clean, as in MOAR transparent Q, Dan, Whoever is taking notes.




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0c0133 No.21046849


We have 26 year old perves groping nurses & their staff in the special needs program in the USA

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de60e4 No.21046850


oh really?

yes he did.

see 'Other Losses' by James Bacque

it's suppressed

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9b4354 No.21046851


Do IDIOTS understand how laughable they are?

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a22c0b No.21046852

File: 027809e0dad9dcc⋯.png (452.1 KB,586x639,586:639,ed.PNG)


Edward Snowden


I'm sorry, but Biden going full "Genocide Joe"—torching his electoral chances and 80% of Gaza in order to cover for Bibi's war crimes—only to have Bibi (predictably) start running campaign ads for Trump is just so, so perfectly Scorpion-and-the-Frog. You couldn't write it better.


Barak Ravid




BREAKING: Netanyahu attacks the Biden administration in a new video: "I told Secretary Blinken it's inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel"

7:47 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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ddde02 No.21046853


from the wikipedia article about this book:


The New Orleans panel's book introduction concluded "[t]hat Bacque is wrong on nearly every major and nearly all his minor charges seem to us to be overwhelmingly obvious. To sum up: Eisenhower was not a Hitler, he did not run death camps, German prisoners did not die by the hundreds of thousands, there was indeed a severe world food shortage in 1945, there was nothing sinister or secret about DEF designation or about the Other Losses column. Bacque's "Missing Million" were old and young boys in the militia dismissed early from the American camps; they were escapees from camps and POWs/DEFs transferred from camp to camp in Germany and Europe for various reasons."[43]


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916bb0 No.21046854


2018 anon here.no

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376e7b No.21046855


Rather have some pervs in the mix than child molesters, human traffickers, and communazis any day.

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b3bf27 No.21046856

File: 0612bb21a929e78⋯.png (17.8 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdb1c3f961f734f⋯.png (75.43 KB,470x521,470:521,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a7796da30c1c45⋯.png (45.42 KB,470x286,235:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35253b615c4d469⋯.png (184.94 KB,464x722,232:361,ClipboardImage.png)


ilpresidento Truth



>1 min marker causes heart attack


>We are under HEAVY attack.

>AB[C] took control.

>Tripcode compromised.

>No. 131 Last.



>Wisconsin so hot right now

>15s rumble

>11.3, good speed

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c2e564 No.21046857

File: e9727594286ecc9⋯.jpg (118.95 KB,950x539,950:539,airforce1_studio.jpg)

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0c0133 No.21046858


The schools are illegally funding illegal aliens.

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de60e4 No.21046859


oh so it's ok to starve German 'tourists' then?

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f92bae No.21046860




Money laundering!

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993a98 No.21046861

File: 382845f96783829⋯.png (437.07 KB,858x854,429:427,ClipboardImage.png)

1.Joe Biden


3.(?)In-ear Handler - team Barack


I'll 'Be Debating Three People Instead of One' on CNN


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907f9a No.21046862

File: 7823dd48e135be2⋯.jpg (72.6 KB,1884x1144,471:286,42c.jpg)


>Liquor in front

>Poker in the back

Wait, that´s my house.

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ddde02 No.21046863



there is a large section of this article explain about the 'New Orleans Panel' who debunked this fiction writers claims.

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6bc0e2 No.21046864


steady on!

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de60e4 No.21046865


and who owns Wikipedia?

three guesses

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6fe3a6 No.21046866

>Biden’s Intelligence Agencies Lead Fingernail-Painting Sessions For ‘Pride Month

Anon thought it was the Babylon Bee til I opened it!


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abbbd0 No.21046867


When do we get to stop talking and thinking about this?

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0ad624 No.21046868

File: 0b60369e105757b⋯.jpeg (393.48 KB,1225x611,1225:611,9B0AD49A_C979_4E58_90AC_B….jpeg)

File: 2d7843f8b6c48a0⋯.jpeg (462.27 KB,1221x613,1221:613,CB68452F_8B13_4B61_B427_6….jpeg)

File: e00e42c8b1c2f2c⋯.jpeg (589.34 KB,791x570,791:570,2317D2CD_E32C_4547_A524_7….jpeg)

>>21044294 pb

45in N757AF 757 heading for Palm Beach Intl from Milwaukee depart

2 P8 Poseidons SE of Palm Beach-one bugged out AE68A4 back to NAS Jax the other still there AE67B5

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a22c0b No.21046869

File: 4c292d4003e7bea⋯.png (404.41 KB,598x580,299:290,heem.PNG)




NEW from @thenatpulse

: Biden Sent $2.8 Billion in 'Humanitarian Aid' to the Taliban.

The Biden regime's humanitarian aid to A……


From thenationalpulse.com

8:01 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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62028b No.21046870

File: cb4bc7df71a7615⋯.png (423.93 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)


There's always a market for the next best thing

What does the mic have in store next

Only happy when bombs are dropping

but if you don't have a population to drop them on due to a nukyular going off…how you going to do trick #2?

What sort of goodies are in store for the next round?

Ukraine? Precipice? stop the Russians at all costs? Have the Roths ever fully delivered on their promise to do away with the Romanovs? Are those funds still out there awaiting retrieval/liberation?

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a97afb No.21046871

File: 3155ed356eb1d39⋯.png (390.16 KB,817x333,817:333,3155ed356eb1d393c89bc1ca1c….png)


added kek

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688b35 No.21046872

File: da363419d97789b⋯.png (50.5 KB,1023x730,1023:730,RIGGED_BOARD.png)

Q+ (RT) Jun 18, 2024, 5:25 PM > (04:03) HORRIFIC CRIMES

Q: 0525 > 7/10.

Targeted Kills.

Power Out.

Flight re-routes.

Flight returns.


Public awakening.

Message spreading wide & far.

Goodbye @Jack.

Q: 0403 > (link - RIGGED BOARD)

Clowns.. DOA. Promises get kept.

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28581a No.21046873

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ddde02 No.21046874


anon, if it were true there wouldn't be just ONE book about it.

read the wikipedia article and then decide.

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c2e564 No.21046875

just realized something cool

if you want to type a link from scrolling over the notables pb links, on a desktop, you can right click the post link, then click in URL bar and the scrollover view stays open as you type

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b3bf27 No.21046876

File: fb6faf1cd8485c1⋯.png (18.71 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b0cbd922397204e⋯.png (191.05 KB,464x913,464:913,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b73f694df8c4a75⋯.png (31.09 KB,470x204,235:102,ClipboardImage.png)


ilpresidento Truth



>W&W see/hear all

>New Trip confirmed

>/PF/ safe

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abc79c No.21046877

File: 764097b472b4195⋯.png (937.23 KB,700x798,50:57,764097b472b41958dbfc46e76d….png)


it's HUGE

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278d9c No.21046878


or even just this @NAVY

>U.S. Navy Patents Compact Fusion Reactor


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688b35 No.21046879


Less than 10 will be given control of this board.

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423188 No.21046880

File: c7145fa398bb4f2⋯.jpg (39.5 KB,586x390,293:195,snopes_research_complete_w….jpg)


>literal wikipedia factcheck

>there is extreme pushback on this

Great now go check snopes and your research will be complete.

Also show me the wikipedia article for the 2020 election fraud

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c2e564 No.21046881

File: d74d329319f8d22⋯.png (472.85 KB,1214x1026,607:513,ClipboardImage.png)

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a97afb No.21046882

File: 9089c67397098f6⋯.jpg (69.75 KB,778x500,389:250,9089c67397098f6d4dd038c4c1….jpg)


perfectly worded and true

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62028b No.21046883


It was Paganini!

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de60e4 No.21046884


ok, will do. ty.

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b3bf27 No.21046885

File: a16ce032ecd9883⋯.png (125.69 KB,464x422,232:211,ClipboardImage.png)


>16 s vid

>get popcorn

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a22c0b No.21046886

File: 5e17c20df5857a0⋯.png (412.67 KB,592x523,592:523,ja.PNG)


James O'Keefe


We’re going to expose top executives of the whole infiltrated temple. It’s going to be biblical.

The enemies of my mission have one major dilemma; they’ve run out of arrows.


7:22 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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376e7b No.21046887


> Biden Sent $2.8 Billion in 'Humanitarian Aid' to the Taliban.

700,000 rifles and 70,000 trucks obviously didn't satisfy.

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9b4354 No.21046888


I pray you transfer your talent and curiosity into SAVING THE FUCKING WORLD…

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688b35 No.21046889

Clowns in a RUSH to mitigate the RISK of Less than 10 being given control of this board. Hence, fake-Qs, blocked Trips.. Not going to work, you know. Tick-tock…

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54730b No.21046890

File: dabf9880542d029⋯.png (171.02 KB,1140x500,57:25,ClipboardImage.png)





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0ad624 No.21046891

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7695f6 No.21046892


Obama will be in Joe's earpiece.

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ddde02 No.21046893


one book. Debunked by actual WWII scholars.

sorry, anon. you can't gas light me on this.

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688b35 No.21046894

COMMS will only confirm Less than 10.

Less than 10 will only confirm actual Q.

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916bb0 No.21046895


Nesson dorma

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a22c0b No.21046896

File: 7490eb71895817a⋯.png (391.55 KB,598x575,26:25,ck.PNG)


Charlie Kirk


CNN's Erin Burnett gloats that Steve Bannon will likely serve time next to violent criminals and "sex offenders" or even the infamous Rikers Island.

Steve Bannon is a nonviolent, first-time offender for a sham "crime."

They wants Bannon's time served to be a death sentence.

Last edited

5:34 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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688b35 No.21046897

Clowns… can you feel it coming together? Hell to pay.

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dcd541 No.21046898

File: 59b593457910504⋯.jpeg (142.17 KB,1080x1081,1080:1081,1601207620.jpeg)


>it's HUGE

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688b35 No.21046899

Less than 10 HATES EVIL.

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c2e564 No.21046900


same for you

meanwhile you can surf the notables better now

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abc79c No.21046901


the comms bot is kinda of annoying

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423188 No.21046902

File: f4c755b960ed08f⋯.png (312.78 KB,750x471,250:157,crushing_oppressive_darkne….png)


>actual WWII scholars.

you will believe what you want to believe. Just like you did after 9/11.

Eventually you came around on that.

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688b35 No.21046903


Things are going to change on this board.

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376e7b No.21046904


Actual Q will post with a trip. All else is crapola.

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ddde02 No.21046905


when do you post '2 weeks'?

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9b4354 No.21046906


Considering this was a board belonging to TWO entities, Jim Watkins and his son…how would/could you justify taking it over? FUCK YOU

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6bc0e2 No.21046907


when they all hang and are buried

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dcd541 No.21046908

File: 21d71c6f2ba6f02⋯.jpg (147.87 KB,648x796,162:199,20240617_091518.jpg)

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688b35 No.21046909


The board team is blocking Q's trip.. and faking as Q.

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a22c0b No.21046910

File: b2cdfcd805c8ede⋯.png (473.87 KB,600x537,200:179,fear.PNG)




Rachel Maddow and The View fearmongering about what Trump could do if he's reelected: "I'm worried about all of us. I think it's bad to have somebody saying, 'Give me power so I can go after subhuman internal enemies and I'll destroy them.' I don't think anybody is safe."

5:31 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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688b35 No.21046911


This mission has been several months in progress.

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6fe3a6 No.21046912


>what's about to be unleashed


As in, immediately, or in Qtime?

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917e3f No.21046913

File: 35aab074f6430e1⋯.jpeg (108.43 KB,777x758,777:758,IMG_0727.jpeg)



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5d82cc No.21046914

File: 11e87e623aea08a⋯.png (231.95 KB,1000x563,1000:563,ClipboardImage.png)


Katherine Maher approves of this message.

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423188 No.21046915


>We’re going to expose top executives of the whole infiltrated temple. It’s going to be biblical.

notable JO'K using Q lingo

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a97afb No.21046916

File: 4a7ba4686763347⋯.png (480.66 KB,669x480,223:160,4a7ba4686763347d90fe283292….png)


>meanwhile you can surf the notables better now


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54730b No.21046917


>I'll 'Be Debating Three People Instead of One' on CNN

3 TO 1

3 2 1 GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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868912 No.21046918


What we can tell you is that what you say is correct. They shall be … activated/switched on … at a certain point in time and create … within themselves/yet, all together as one … an Energy as never before known.

Yes, the Sun is very much involved. We would say, that the Sun at a certain height and Power … at a certain given time … is 'Their Key'.

We would say, that all needs to be in place by then as they work together. They are designed to be a team, would we say.

When you said there shall be many, I was surprised to see others turn up so soon.

They shall 'arrive' in stages. Settling their Energy in, a few at a time … in order to get established and 'set in stone' in position.

Are they connected with the HUGE announcement?

Not directly. That is still ongoing … and all we have said about it shall come to pass.

Ok. You say they are activators. Activating what exactly?

We would say 'Everything' as a general answer. Yet, there are many targeted missions that these structures are to reboot.

Reboot? That is interesting. How so?

Dearest Blossom, these monument (al) structures are to be set in certain lay lines and grid webs that can send their … 'Electricity/Energy … flowing through the entire system.

You know of 'Stone Henge and other connected stones placed long ago within the Earth's boundaries … in order for 'Star alignments' to work with them.

In these times, these 'StarBeams' are essentially in place to 'change the course' from that which has been so deeply buried in darkness, to that which brings in such magnificent Light in order to assist the transformation from the old to the new.

StarBeams? Do you mean the monoliths? Or the stars that are coming into alignment?

We mean the monoliths. For they shall indeed, appear as such when activated. Their Energy of Light will not be of your strongest lighting system … yet, beyond anything you have known.

Connectors to a number of things … that would roll off our tongue.

Connectors to Stars systems.

Connectors to Star families.

Connectors to that which is outside of your Planetary limitations, to open up to that which lies beyond.

The entire Energy of this occurrence connects the Soul Being with the Truth of who they are.

Yet, many will not be able to take the Energy and as we have said regarding other matters, choose to take their leave.

You say they are Receptors. Receptors to/for what?



Is this where the Pillars of Light take their cue?

They are indeed 'connected' very much with this 'encounter'.

You say they are reflectors. Reflecting what?

Reflecting Light and Power from Source!

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ddde02 No.21046919


they've been doing it for two weeks?

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b3bf27 No.21046920

File: bf7328a6181fc98⋯.png (17.37 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46e4c88f3712042⋯.png (316.87 KB,470x720,47:72,ClipboardImage.png)


ilpresidento Truth




>PACKET HDQ-7309217392

red folder?

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376e7b No.21046921


Jim would take a dump on that from on high if it was so.

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62028b No.21046922


>Dixon Weiner's Inn

anon sure about that?

Could've swore that was Big Dick's Halfway Inn

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917e3f No.21046923

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9b4354 No.21046924



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54730b No.21046925


>when they all hang and are buried

wait we got to bury them too?

ocean is pretty big anon

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0c0133 No.21046926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What did you expect, bitch? I'm a scorpion.

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b3bf27 No.21046927

File: 9d490f242935061⋯.png (70.18 KB,470x258,235:129,ClipboardImage.png)


24 s rumble

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a22c0b No.21046928

File: 0077c340fa0d9bb⋯.png (559.25 KB,598x621,26:27,yu.PNG)


I'll Be Seeing You

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7695f6 No.21046929


The last monolith ritual, coupled with the Gabby Petito murder psyop, was the cabal attempt to make La Palma volcano erupt.

Causing the island to slide into the ocean, creating a tsunami that would wipe out the eastern coast of America.

It was stopped.

Whatever this one is aiming for… will fail as well.

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688b35 No.21046930


Clown. Q approved the BO Ron/Jim.. RON approved the Reddit replacements. Q never approved this board team… Replacements.. Clowns… We will not stand for it.

The board will be given to Patriots, and COMMS will confirm.

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8486d2 No.21046931

File: 6cd451ac5ea6fbe⋯.jpg (7.82 MB,4000x9200,10:23,SymbolsInfographic.jpg)

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5d82cc No.21046932

File: 606f279d06432d6⋯.jpg (84.3 KB,666x500,333:250,1wtdvy.jpg)

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688b35 No.21046933

Everything you've been told here has been confirmed.

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5d5526 No.21046934

File: f19682633513bdb⋯.png (148.15 KB,611x566,611:566,65nwbtrwetrwe.PNG)

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917e3f No.21046935

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a22c0b No.21046939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6bc0e2 No.21046940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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54730b No.21046941


apology anon, sometimes i see shit.

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f92bae No.21046943


PDJT mentioned him after he went the Coca Cola 600…

PDJT Likes him

Calling bullshit

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688b35 No.21046945


Would not bet on that…

Jim’s finger on button ready to stop transmission.

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858eee No.21046947

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a757e4 No.21046949

File: 0ba34d47e17c1ef⋯.jpg (93.75 KB,483x619,483:619,WIN_BAKER.jpg)

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6bc0e2 No.21046950

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688b35 No.21046951

Q researchers, do you follow COMMS?

What was the reoccurring theme the past week in COMMS?

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a6760b No.21046953


no apologies, but sometimes i feel shit.

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8486d2 No.21046954

File: d97abc0e05e1530⋯.png (7.02 MB,2500x2500,1:1,Satanic_owl_moloch_illumin….png)

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1473e2 No.21046955


Finally, someone answers the call. Remember, the 6th Amendment gives defendants the right to a public trial, so Trump can make it as public as he wants. He has the right to call witnesses on his behalf, including himself, and he has the right to Free Speech; therefor all Gag orders are illegal because the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land and no state statute or judge can override these laws.

Give them hell President Trump, it is your right to defend yourself as publicly as you want. Plus I am always right about these things, always.

Godspeed, wrwy.

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7695f6 No.21046956



It's the small things in life that make a man happy.

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7e9ea5 No.21046957

File: 18ed89b58b27246⋯.jpeg (86.73 KB,550x550,1:1,IMG_0192.jpeg)


oy vey!

replacement goyim?

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e9fcbb No.21046958


evenin Mr.Pig


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688b35 No.21046960

Clowns want you to be quiet. Be loud.

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47ae67 No.21046962

File: 3af9e2774356d8b⋯.mp4 (10.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,The_B_52_Delivering_Nuclea….mp4)





Denial is a natural reaction to fear. And if anything is fearsome then the bomb damn sure is. It's ok. Just be honest with yourself about why (you) are thinking these things. And, seriously anons, at least consider keeping those thoughts to yourself. You'll look much less foolish to yourself, and everyone else, in the long run.

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62028b No.21046963

File: 0f031c068f69903⋯.png (12.92 KB,248x255,248:255,5775c0678e958e3c550d1b139c….png)


Still Winning


Donald Trump


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858eee No.21046965


Help us cull the Food Supply for some Pays

you can only Serve one master

God or mammon

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a97afb No.21046966

File: 1b4a8929df03427⋯.png (327.35 KB,492x635,492:635,1b4a8929df0342707e0764f329….png)

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a757e4 No.21046967

File: 6ae274bba053f42⋯.jpg (139.76 KB,628x628,1:1,WINNA_BLINGA_DING_DONG.jpg)

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3cec01 No.21046969


Since Byedumb has the flag flying at a perpetual half-staff perhaps everyone should just fly their flags at full-mast to celebrate the occasion.

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7e9ea5 No.21046970

File: 10a11bbe24c3f69⋯.png (194.72 KB,500x553,500:553,IMG_0336.png)


the goy cat is here again!

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51b8c4 No.21046971

File: 30b6e167b4ea1ce⋯.jpg (50 KB,504x600,21:25,30b6e167b4ea1cec8a1ed24d2c….jpg)

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dcd541 No.21046973

File: eadb9ba9e903c2e⋯.jpeg (112.56 KB,1080x927,120:103,1600904797.jpeg)

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688b35 No.21046974

File: 52396e203d5cf0b⋯.png (879.65 KB,740x892,185:223,my_name_is_ef8ae9228a.png)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 7:08 PM > (RALLY 4 PICS) It was great

Q: 0708 > (pic) What’s going on in Asia?

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9b4354 No.21046976


>We will not stand for it.


>The board will be given to Patriots, and COMMS will confirm.

You talk in circles and are not to be trusted…SAD you think and feel you have any rights over OUR beliefs…

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6fe3a6 No.21046977


There are STARS on QR?

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c2e564 No.21046978


actual holocaust starting in 2025

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abc79c No.21046979


bots are AI fuck your feelings

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688b35 No.21046981


No one needs you to understand, care, or believe.

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7e9ea5 No.21046982

File: 6bab33e9c4f8cc5⋯.jpeg (165.09 KB,826x871,826:871,IMG_0642.jpeg)

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a757e4 No.21046984

File: 247a1641d1231e8⋯.jpg (60.93 KB,596x437,596:437,WORLD_WIDE_WIN.jpg)

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0c0133 No.21046985

File: 02ba1758c051cef⋯.png (785.86 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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907f9a No.21046986

File: 3a88cd16219aead⋯.jpg (64.97 KB,750x740,75:74,media_GQCN5NyXIAAkSRD.jpg)




just a pair. That´s all I need.

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62028b No.21046987


pushing the boundaries there monte cristo

next thing you know

(you) will be saying the fbi and cia work for the benefit of the american people

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688b35 No.21046988


Yes.. the 3-letters running this board. They're evil. And they're being dismantled.

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d79dd7 No.21046989

File: d4afb00a386a094⋯.mp4 (14.08 MB,480x854,240:427,2024_01_18_15_37_40.mp4)



>They consume children

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376e7b No.21046990


CNN Jim. Don't cherry pick the fucking drops for your narrative.

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c2e564 No.21046991


tbh I dont

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0c0133 No.21046992

File: 160ebda679caacc⋯.png (778.96 KB,540x583,540:583,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc827d No.21046993

File: e6a031993ebdb97⋯.png (10.4 MB,7596x5066,3798:2533,IMG_2402.png)

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81378d No.21046994


If President Trump liked him he wouldn't have put him on stage.

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688b35 No.21046995


No, the repeated theme was SEC TEST and TRIP NOT WORKING.

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af8026 No.21046996

File: 7ae555875d69f47⋯.mp4 (2.23 MB,480x488,60:61,tank.mp4)

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7e9ea5 No.21046997


anudda shoah?

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7695f6 No.21046998

File: a8f7618a13eea03⋯.png (190.07 KB,531x490,531:490,Capture.PNG)

#OTD in 1976, the film MIDWAY premiered. While historians felt the movie was a fairly accurate portrayal of events, many film critics charged that it was full of clichés and relied too much on stock footage. Which was the better movie: MIDWAY (1976) or MIDWAY (2019)?


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b3e447 No.21046999

File: 2f66e689e60e758⋯.jpg (12.53 KB,255x203,255:203,dredd_pepe2.jpg)


The personality police say you're whining too much, so quit calling, ya l'il bitch.

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9b4354 No.21047000


All 36 posts proves you are an insurrectionist

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e51cfa No.21047001

File: 3e33800a70c6eb7⋯.png (2.32 MB,1024x1024,1:1,3e33800a70c6eb7012e9016bb7….png)



Guud evening fren

Anons winning bigly

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a97afb No.21047002


not sure if retarded or shill

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fd08c0 No.21047003

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

HARNWELL: Rod Stewart Bombarded With Boos And Jeers After Showing Zelensky Image At Concert


Back in April 2023, Monica Crowley calculated that the total cost of the Ukraine war was nearer to $200bn — significantly higher than the official fiction pushed by the Biden Admin at the time.

And that was before Zelensky was given his little gift of $61bn — courtesy of Speaker No-Johnson.

So let’s now put these eye-watering sums into perspective — the TOTAL 2023 US corporate income tax receipts were “only” $420bn!

Literally *over half* of every dollar paid in taxation by US companies last year has gone to President Tenpercentskyy’s New Yacht Fund.


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a757e4 No.21047004

File: 4111d32180bda17⋯.jpg (63.46 KB,626x447,626:447,FREE_PASS.jpg)

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d79dd7 No.21047005

File: b9be29f9a8cadd6⋯.mp4 (14.6 MB,480x854,240:427,2024_01_18_15_37_32.mp4)




>They consume children

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7695f6 No.21047006


You tell him trips!

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a22c0b No.21047007

File: b43dd00ca45f580⋯.png (313.96 KB,595x449,595:449,org.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸



5:09 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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a22c0b No.21047008

Dear Christians: if you don't mind being forced to wear a mask while the government closed your churches, how are you going to resist the Mark of the Beast when it comes?

It's time to toughen up.

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3cec01 No.21047009

File: c5ce9b4440956d2⋯.jpg (99.62 KB,700x862,350:431,87366226.jpg)


PIG lives rent-free in the minds of the afflicted.

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28581a No.21047010


stern letter incoming

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688b35 No.21047011

File: 36268a1fc219aa1⋯.png (285.58 KB,640x360,16:9,GBJP.png)

Monoliths were proven art projects YEARS AGO. John Podesta would like you to not know that, and pretend Ayys are here to help. It's bullshit. Podesta… Brock… MM… THIS BOARD. Anons are aware.

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b3e447 No.21047012

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)


Silence, failfag. A year of mimicry, and what did it get you but moar exposed for what you really are…

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0c0133 No.21047013

File: 69539dc4d8f28f8⋯.png (391.35 KB,520x338,20:13,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad05c3 No.21047014

Q can't post?

(((who would do that?)))

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b3bf27 No.21047015

File: b8f05593e6afae0⋯.png (17.51 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6fbdf83d21e76a⋯.png (44.54 KB,470x286,235:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4aebbaac2148da1⋯.png (137.66 KB,464x504,58:63,ClipboardImage.png)


ilpresidento Truth



>Truth to power

>23 sec (pain)

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7695f6 No.21047016

File: c9027f7c0eb967e⋯.png (25.08 KB,528x281,528:281,Capture.PNG)

BREAKING: Former federal prosecutor and aide to President Trump, Kash Patel, has urged Congress to seek defense briefings given to then-Vice President Biden about his son Hunter, citing potential conflict of interest. Notably, high-level officials regularly receive such briefings from agencies like the FBI and intelligence community, especially regarding family members. Congress has oversight authority to obtain these briefings, particularly due to the ongoing concerns of alleged influence peddling by the Bidens.


Kash bringing some heat.

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47ae67 No.21047017


>pushing the boundaries

whose boundaries?


or mine?

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0ad624 No.21047018

File: 29b75bc74cbb9e5⋯.jpeg (499.72 KB,1197x619,1197:619,89FEE374_A283_4E0E_9650_7….jpeg)

File: 565ed03c2077e08⋯.png (474.66 KB,546x476,39:34,D75F98E0_4A33_4AC2_BC26_1C….png)


45 in N757AF 757 began descent for Palm Beach Intl from Milwaukee depart

P8 Poseidon still SE of Palm Beach and joined by….

RCAF C2B1ED P3 Orion out of NAS Jax

Ok Dan it’s time to start thinking about securing that stuff on the table.

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6fe3a6 No.21047019


>Rather have some pervs in the mix than child molesters, human traffickers, and communazis any day.

There's a difference?

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54730b No.21047020


>no apologies, but sometimes i feel shit.


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688b35 No.21047021


What faith are you?

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a22c0b No.21047022

File: 042a96e5d05e814⋯.png (660.04 KB,589x549,589:549,slam.PNG)


New York Post


Southerners slam neighbors with ‘lefty politics’ who move in and drive up cost of living: ‘Don’t California my Tennessee!’ https://trib.al/s1qAeJk


6:17 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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a757e4 No.21047023

File: 91a26f46834bb0c⋯.jpg (130.12 KB,484x594,22:27,CUDDLE_COMFY.jpg)

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1473e2 No.21047024


What is more important in life than saving lives?

Truth saves lives, lies will even cover up genocide.

For God and Country, at all costs.

Let My President Go!

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dcd541 No.21047025

File: 2b2c97d2620c593⋯.gif (946.31 KB,320x180,16:9,z6PKpC.gif)

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02eb27 No.21047026

File: a990e3f1acbfe7a⋯.jpeg (45.31 KB,413x395,413:395,IMG_0717.jpeg)


why not both?

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423188 No.21047027

File: 7c3b41c7c1f6bdc⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB,320x240,4:3,TRUMP_FIRST_SPEECH_ABOUT_2….mp4)

File: b3873ca5216c207⋯.jpg (133.65 KB,828x923,828:923,_election_2020_main_in_bal….jpg)

File: 31c503c71e30706⋯.mp4 (3.25 MB,568x320,71:40,Yuma_sheriff_reveals_the_H….mp4)


>Also show me the wikipedia article for the 2020 election fraud

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0dcb74 No.21047028

File: c56a494e3534806⋯.png (350.14 KB,946x483,946:483,c56a494e3534806810c8c3a8de….png)

Eternal now meeting later today.

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c2e564 No.21047029

File: ded4426691eada7⋯.jpeg (157.21 KB,806x1021,806:1021,zyklon_chamber_cyanide_le….jpeg)


the first shoah

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376e7b No.21047030

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6acb8b No.21047031






>>>Disclaimer: this post a

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b3e447 No.21047032


You make memes about him. Smells of an unhealthy obsession that will ultimately end badly for you.

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02eb27 No.21047033



the green glowie shill cat glows moar

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e51cfa No.21047034

File: 68aab2c3a3df2f4⋯.jpg (775.75 KB,904x999,904:999,68aab2c3a3df2f447b084da757….jpg)

Anons winning


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a07c5f No.21047035

File: b40e2e0b9bcc187⋯.mp4 (564.06 KB,640x624,40:39,b40e2e0b9bcc1876dc2b3be214….mp4)

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a22c0b No.21047036

File: 5f04ff8dfe98bdd⋯.png (439.12 KB,600x557,600:557,stand.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


BREAKING: John Parks, head track and field coach at a high school in @wearelosd

says he was fired after he wrote letters to a State Senator standing up for female sports and advocating to change policies allowing men to compete in women’s sports.


Crisis in the Classroom

5:43 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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54730b No.21047037



save for further inspection

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9b4354 No.21047038


Don't be stupid. Humanity, particularly the US citizens were hit with a BIO WEAPON! If you do not see aand believe that then you are just too stupid to live.

Be the CURE!

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02eb27 No.21047039


tasty, but needs more salt

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a757e4 No.21047040

File: 24648ea0396eb22⋯.jpg (122.06 KB,665x590,133:118,crychuck.jpg)

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abc79c No.21047041

File: 8d99e509bbb7ec6⋯.jpg (20.07 KB,399x519,133:173,muuugshot2b_thumb_400x519_….jpg)

File: 636641d55127d80⋯.jpg (18.99 KB,360x270,4:3,v1VYLx.jpg)

File: 4ed1bf89e18cadc⋯.png (189.33 KB,534x533,534:533,c3dbf3952de6613050b5a77c86….png)

File: 92feb28b8ef14c2⋯.jpg (47.16 KB,596x333,596:333,92feb28b8ef14c2429eaf9296c….jpg)

File: 1c7c8ad5b2e0819⋯.png (175.29 KB,541x450,541:450,1c7c8ad5b2e0819cf8b456956c….png)


irl soo. not a bot carry on meet here last thursday

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858eee No.21047042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


*cough* *cough*

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a97afb No.21047043

File: 84ad7374e03b720⋯.png (10.07 KB,250x243,250:243,07936bccbf49d40ea41a86eb44….png)

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a22c0b No.21047044

File: 04c69264867b11e⋯.png (250.04 KB,596x857,596:857,gret.PNG)


Tim Young


Happy 6 year anniversary to Greta Thunberg saying we'd all be dead in 5 years.


Rate proposed Community Notes

5:15 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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5d82cc No.21047045

File: f61d2eee039c0bc⋯.png (544.09 KB,1652x807,1652:807,ClipboardImage.png)


Need cope, Call 1-866-488-7386

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02eb27 No.21047046

File: c125a1bd04cedf9⋯.jpeg (47.86 KB,600x720,5:6,IMG_0627.jpeg)


new logo

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75b500 No.21047047

File: afb732a415481fe⋯.png (940 B,111x36,37:12,ClipboardImage.png)


can we not do this ID thing. Nobody can be fucked following along, plus I like to see who is being BTFO.

Just link it eh - who gives if they get their precious (you) makes no diff.

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a757e4 No.21047048

File: dcb2f87bd957458⋯.jpg (117.24 KB,635x444,635:444,SALTY_TEARS.jpg)

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47ae67 No.21047049

File: 4872e7de1ba3ab5⋯.mp4 (3.41 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_05_21_19_20_08.mp4)


>end badly for you

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484d14 No.21047050


he seems to bother you a lot more than you seem to bother him

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b3e447 No.21047051

File: a411347cde79196⋯.jpg (47.84 KB,735x685,147:137,crysoy.jpg)


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8486d2 No.21047052

File: 2eb90a9a90bd7af⋯.jpg (4.71 MB,7000x7000,1:1,PizzagateInfographic.jpg)

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a22c0b No.21047053

File: 54ab034d3be7377⋯.png (432 KB,590x851,590:851,loot.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


The Biden Admin Is Literally Looting America Before Our Very Eyes

“Joe Biden has been in office for 35 months and over the past 3 MONTHS, the US has added $10 BILLION PER DAY to the federal debt. Thats not turning around”

Reminder, there was no money for Trump’s $8b border wall

0:05 / 0:26

6:09 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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b3bf27 No.21047056

File: 35f68654546a7a1⋯.png (105.1 KB,325x573,325:573,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 38a487e43b1d30d⋯.png (34.49 KB,470x204,235:102,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4a6d7f04495920⋯.png (242.86 KB,464x815,464:815,ClipboardImage.png)





>Top 10 player

>notice pedo sh!t

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75b500 No.21047057


I did Nazi that coming, kek

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688b35 No.21047058

File: 98671d60af9c381⋯.png (963.64 KB,740x892,185:223,GBBO.png)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 7:10 PM > (00:16) WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Q: 0710 > Clown black op sites. Asia. Goodbye.

Q: 0016 > Get the popcorn, Friday & Saturday will deliver on the MAGA promise. POTUS knows he must clean house

Anons were promised a CLEAN HOUSE. Promise is being kept.


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b3e447 No.21047059


Not at all, one post. I call that clown out whenever he pops up, and 10 to 1 you're him, just on another device, or not. Doesn't matter, because if you're coming to his defense, trying to make it about me, then that's all I need to know to put you in the filter. KEK. Dumbfuck.

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6acb8b No.21047060

File: 9b376a6e9ed3cb6⋯.png (126.81 KB,1240x1240,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>Disclaimer: this post a

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a22c0b No.21047061

File: 1029a43d2ecb2ac⋯.png (475.1 KB,586x548,293:274,dev.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Smoking Gun Email: Burisma Owner Demanded Devon Archer Ask US Government to Stop Probe of Burisma - So Joe Biden Forced Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor

READ: https://tgpne.ws/4Taoi0


6:44 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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47ae67 No.21047063



ear mites

you wouldn't know the difference between the two

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c2e564 No.21047064


theyre both wrong, there was no atomic bomb

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54730b No.21047065


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a97afb No.21047066

File: 1aa89624a4047e0⋯.png (432.36 KB,700x474,350:237,1aa89624a4047e002ac5bbf006….png)

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0c0133 No.21047067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No Johnson blamed No Boehner

Boehner excuse for handing out bribes on the House floor - "It's been going on a long time"


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376e7b No.21047069


>Reminder, there was no money for Trump’s $8b border wall

And now people are starting to figure out why.

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22389a No.21047070

File: a99602cadd7ad54⋯.jpg (56.8 KB,600x320,15:8,hillary_jonestown.jpg)

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e51cfa No.21047071

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)



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3b2bcd No.21047072



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8486d2 No.21047074

File: fc800c696996cff⋯.jpg (4.17 MB,5429x7225,5429:7225,q5.jpg)

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28581a No.21047075

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917e3f No.21047076

File: cfa8464c008a1a3⋯.jpeg (83.51 KB,785x785,1:1,IMG_0386.jpeg)

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a22c0b No.21047077

File: 5c69d22fa148f51⋯.png (339.47 KB,598x516,299:258,ub.PNG)




A Washington state father caught an Uber driver raping his daughter.

He beat his ass.

6:32 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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75b500 No.21047078

File: d892e59f911b5d3⋯.png (8.66 KB,488x81,488:81,Nigger_With_AIDS_Cap.png)

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3b2bcd No.21047079


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a757e4 No.21047080

File: 745b3e15d7fcc84⋯.jpg (160.89 KB,891x496,891:496,RALLY_HIGHWAY.jpg)



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376e7b No.21047081

Global reported. Fuck you.

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a22c0b No.21047082

File: 362713c907db3a3⋯.png (339.17 KB,600x494,300:247,at.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Out of 68- 62 of them we’re convicted of sex crimes against children- do you want more of this vote for Biden

5:26 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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5d82cc No.21047083


die in the fire

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917e3f No.21047084

File: ac03cf98c6d9f8d⋯.jpeg (28.82 KB,152x267,152:267,IMG_0317.jpeg)


joe biden is here

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e9fcbb No.21047085

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a757e4 No.21047086

File: a0bfa914642ee13⋯.jpg (74.79 KB,522x551,18:19,NIGHT_MONOLITH_EARS.jpg)

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b3bf27 No.21047087

File: 85be7b004dc9a37⋯.png (124.89 KB,325x595,65:119,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8fd50f77e9729a6⋯.png (248.06 KB,464x1263,464:1263,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a24d11d2d0d4f06⋯.png (82.64 KB,470x603,470:603,ClipboardImage.png)






>Charms are important

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d79dd7 No.21047088

File: 1bd7d19357efd3f⋯.png (330.24 KB,643x567,643:567,1bd7d19357efd3fcbbeac3a490….png)

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54730b No.21047089

File: fe3c29b003bf907⋯.png (316.71 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



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907f9a No.21047090

File: 13aea69b7d006d3⋯.png (449.53 KB,620x508,155:127,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post



John Kerry used pseudonymous email while in office just like Biden, Hillary, whistleblower claims to senators


Jun 18, 2024 · 10:25 PM UTC


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e5e87e No.21047091

File: 6a088b358338421⋯.jpg (167.5 KB,1874x1431,1874:1431,nyt603995acdbb8b20a47b794e….jpg)

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688b35 No.21047092

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 7:14 PM (quote - pic) RALLY "Doug Mills" (DUG MILS)

Q: 0714 > Mess with the best, die like the rest.

[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

[44] remaining.

Wizards & Warlocks.

Save the best for last.


Clowns.. sound familiar? We know it does. MWTB/DLTR. Count on it.

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a22c0b No.21047093

File: 9d4568c84e6b2fa⋯.png (205.83 KB,595x533,595:533,oat.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Head of Chicago Teachers Union Tells Radio Host Conservatives Do Not Want Black Children to Read, It's "Part of the Oath They Take to be Right Wing"

READ: https://tgpne.ws/znagar


5:44 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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376e7b No.21047094


Yeah. Fuck these people, dude.

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917e3f No.21047095

File: eb6c1a67a610b41⋯.jpeg (204.17 KB,1130x1556,565:778,IMG_0647.jpeg)

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3cec01 No.21047096





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f92bae No.21047097


Who are you talking about anon?

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423188 No.21047098

File: 0a02f2e02961519⋯.png (473.87 KB,756x504,3:2,congress_swastikas.png)


Cool just like congress

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9b4354 No.21047099


No, you are not. There will never be time any human will subject themselves to subjection to tyrants….come fight me

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a22c0b No.21047100

File: 43db0fa53e0b5a0⋯.png (54.95 KB,590x405,118:81,oc.PNG)


BNO News


NVIDIA overtakes Microsoft to become the world's most valuable company at $3.3 trillion


6:07 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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7695f6 No.21047101

File: 376e30ad00396fe⋯.jpg (78.93 KB,510x680,3:4,GQZUrVgW0AEw5a_.jpg)

Tether Co-Founder and Childhood Disney star, Brock Pierce had a tight connection to Epstein. Come to find out, Mike Novogratz’s Chairman of the Board at Galaxy Digital and ex Goldman Sachs, Michael Daffey, actually bought Espstein’s NY mansion.

FTX crashed and burned… Tether will be next.

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a97afb No.21047102

File: ce4690c59b35700⋯.png (566.54 KB,1000x851,1000:851,ce4690c59b35700c8ce0eb6583….png)

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75b500 No.21047103


What a racist cunt

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b3bf27 No.21047104

File: d54b57caf3b1607⋯.png (113.58 KB,325x764,325:764,ClipboardImage.png)



@19:02 again


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a757e4 No.21047105

File: 22adee99784a395⋯.jpg (107.68 KB,409x618,409:618,FORESHADOWING.jpg)

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a22c0b No.21047106

File: f2b770cc2434388⋯.png (471.65 KB,592x836,148:209,js.PNG)


Marco Polo


In addition to this incredible story re: the Indian Bond Fraud, @HunterBiden

had an off-the-schedule 1-on-1 meeting with @BarackObama

after Hunter received the subpoena but before he responded.


was the first group in the world to make the connection between the two: https://bidenreport.com/#p=222



John Solomon




Hidden Truths: FBI knew since 2016 Hunter Biden’s team nearly scored $120 million Ukrainian deal while Joe was VP https://justthenews.com/accountability/political-ethics/hld-hunter-biden-was-proposed-board-member-120-million-burisma?utm_source=mux&utm_medium=social-media&utm_campaign=social-media-autopost

5:17 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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62028b No.21047107



you made an authoritative statement that saying x was making the lot of 4 look whatever

so quit being a wet blanket

sit down

have a taco and beverage with anon and loosen up the undergarments pierre

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54730b No.21047108

File: 8dac49a0c2e6d32⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17187595605….mp4)



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49fdc0 No.21047109

Listen I'm by myself, hotdog leg and pain. Give me a movie to watch, one that will best explain the situation I'm in. Why I'm sitting here like a mushroom, in the dark and being fed bullshit? I need a movie that will best describe my situation. How to I rid myself of the pain? My leg is infected once again, thanks to them not sterilizing their spikes before use. Damned dirty Romans.

Movie now. It's a command.

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fd08c0 No.21047110

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cleta Mitchell: We Have A Deep State In Election Offices All Over The Country



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75b500 No.21047111


I'm sure this will make my life better and more comfy.

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5d82cc No.21047112

File: e0aa3cf1fa822f6⋯.png (1.6 MB,349x248,349:248,ClipboardImage.png)

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423188 No.21047113

File: 71bd663bc3271cf⋯.png (450.68 KB,500x500,1:1,the_who_album_pissing_on_t….png)

File: 4c95e2a3bea7cbe⋯.png (1.07 MB,1245x1027,1245:1027,911_predictions_in_media_m….png)

File: 6796be40f285cfd⋯.png (1.55 MB,1358x1028,679:514,911_predictions_in_media_w….png)

File: 12d3e3b5d6208b7⋯.png (713.76 KB,985x770,197:154,2001_hilton_space_monolith.png)

File: 2c70fc8d3e0c915⋯.jpg (94.99 KB,500x338,250:169,john_f_kennedy_we_are_oppo….jpg)



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a97afb No.21047114

File: 2eb36badb53dc71⋯.jpeg (57.8 KB,613x407,613:407,7ctr2w.jpeg)

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482b89 No.21047115

File: 8f3f131fe74a8ab⋯.mp4 (131.59 KB,640x256,5:2,itsgonnabebiblical1.mp4)

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a22c0b No.21047116

File: 30063ab2e9f64d7⋯.png (23.89 KB,597x346,597:346,fox.PNG)


Emerald Robinson ✝️


Paul Ryan complained about Trump, disappeared from Congress & now works for @FoxNews


Trey Gowdy complained about Trump, disappeared from Congress & now works for @FoxNews


Bill Barr complained about Trump, disappeared from gov't & now works for @FoxNews


See how this works?

5:24 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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3cec01 No.21047117


Imagine the restraint necessary to not kill that asshole on the spot.

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0dcb74 No.21047118

File: 1cba852a640917d⋯.mp4 (801.79 KB,320x240,4:3,1cba852a640917d3ab4cc825ce….mp4)

This Islamic God botherer was laying down the law when a slappin' djinn jumped him and he started slappin' the Shiite out of himself.

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e51cfa No.21047119

File: 31884ebecdeef5a⋯.jpg (56.54 KB,520x480,13:12,8rszzz.jpg)


The moar triggered, seething and choleric the narcissist filter fags get the moar comfy Anon gets


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688b35 No.21047120


Note the dates……..

#21013075 at 2024-06-12 23:53:26 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #25768: Dig Meme Pray > Repeat Edition


>Less than 10

>>21008746 - 06/12/24 (Wed) 04:22:46

You have 24 hours to restore Q's trip code. Failure to comply will result in immediate regret and lasting sorrow. MWTB/DLTR.

Time's up. They failed.

#21008746 at 2024-06-12 08:22:46 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #25764: Dividers Will Fail ~ WWG1WGA Edition

You have 24 hours to restore Q's trip code. Failure to comply will result in immediate regret and lasting sorrow. MWTB/DLTR.

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47ae67 No.21047121



don't presume to know my boundaries anon

and stop displaying yours please

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75b500 No.21047122


None of your useless piss was needed on that perfectly good image.

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688b35 No.21047123

Can you feel it coming together… Clowns? You lost EVERYTHING.

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97cd9b No.21047124

Yes the "greatest generation" won WW2. Then they came home and produced the Boomers. If you ask me they break even.

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a22c0b No.21047125

File: d00b7ca4d7c289c⋯.png (147.26 KB,594x626,297:313,pa.PNG)


Paul Ingrassia




Mark Paoletta




Justice Jackson failed to disclose husband’s medical malpractice consulting fees for years. She knew she was required to as she disclosed his fees in first report in 2012. Then she failed to disclose these fees for a decade, as she admitted in 2022 filing. Paging @SenWhitehouse. x.com/RepDonaldsPres…


3:45 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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f92bae No.21047126

File: 9eae63fa8cb2a76⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1306x1520,653:760,IMG_2344.jpeg)

File: ed4d3531b320074⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,1249x1380,1249:1380,IMG_2342.jpeg)

File: b869c347187fb54⋯.jpeg (34.37 KB,183x276,61:92,IMG_2326.jpeg)


Only time PDJT has said So Help Me God, was when he Took the OATH of Office, check the archives…

PRESIDENT TRUMP: As President, I will fight for AMERICAN SENIORS, not the Biden illegals.

I will fight for AMERICAN WORKERS, not the human traffickers.

I will fight for the AMERICAN DREAMERS, not the child smugglers.

And I will restore the sovereign borders of the United States of America so help me God.


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b3bf27 No.21047127

File: 29b2ac3036dae62⋯.png (106.19 KB,325x558,325:558,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29b2ac3036dae62⋯.png (106.19 KB,325x558,325:558,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83d472d3026ee62⋯.png (112.03 KB,325x577,325:577,ClipboardImage.png)



@19:02 again



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0ad624 No.21047128


>Tether will be next.


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a757e4 No.21047129

File: 31ecea0f24cfde3⋯.jpg (91.97 KB,666x519,222:173,DONT_CARE_MEME_2_0.jpg)

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6191ec No.21047130


faggot cat pigshill

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688b35 No.21047131

Board Clowns were given [24] to restore Q's trip. They FAILED.

Instant regret.. lasting sorrow? THEY LOSE EVERYTHING > This Board.

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54730b No.21047132

4.35 Clean Fake

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6bc0e2 No.21047133

File: 806d06fcc92054b⋯.jpg (147.77 KB,846x1050,141:175,mono.jpg)

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060c6b No.21047134

File: 3040b15178d9a20⋯.webp (147.31 KB,768x768,1:1,IMG_0289.WEBP)

File: 8e864919615f1cf⋯.jpg (122.31 KB,836x741,44:39,IMG_0290.JPG)

File: 8a9dddba2d83f80⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,1920x2560,3:4,IMG_20240610_180312_786.jpg)

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6191ec No.21047135

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e9fcbb No.21047136


#25806 >>21046531

>>21046625, >>21046868, >>21047018 Planefaggin CONUS

>>21046544 Leader of International Drug Trafficking Organization Operating in Lane County Sentenced to Federal Prison

>>21046548 Multiple Alabama Individuals Charged for Sex Trafficking and Related Offenses

>>21046606 @realDonaldTrump Amazing Swing and Winnings

>>21046626 Wayne Johnson wins Georgia’s 2nd congressional district Republican runoff

>>21046631, >>21046666, >>21046774 Vindman???

>>21046732 Peace Through Strength: The Stark Contrast Between Trump and Biden

>>21046778, >>21046896 ICYMI: If congress acts this would END THE CRIMINAL CHARGES holding Dan Scavino, Peter Navarro, Mark Meadows, and Steve Bannon, in Contemp..

>>21046792 US budget office sees larger 2024 deficit due to Ukraine aid, student debt

>>21046813 Michigan will pay dairy farmers to help government investigate bird flu outbreak

>>21046839 The Biden Administration sent two FBI agents to intimidate a nurse who told the truth about the child sex-change program at Texas Children's Hospital.

>>21046844 Physician scientist Dr. Steven Quay (@quay_dr) highlights six reasons COVID-19 is most likely a gain-of-function laboratory leak

>>21046861 I'll 'Be Debating Three People Instead of One' on CNN

>>21046869 Biden Sent $2.8 Billion in 'Humanitarian Aid' to the Taliban.

>>21046886 @JamesOKeefeIII We’re going to expose top executives of the whole infiltrated temple. It’s going to be biblical.

>>21046998 #OTD in 1976, the film MIDWAY premiered.

>>21047016 Kash Patel, has urged Congress to seek defense briefings given to then-VP Biden about his son Hunter, citing potential conflict of interest

>>21047022 Southerners slam neighbors with ‘lefty politics’ who move in and drive up cost of living/fuckin libtard yankees

>>21047044 Happy 6 year anniversary to Greta Thunberg saying we'd all be dead in 5 years

>>21047090 John Kerry used pseudonymous email while in office just like Biden, Hillary, whistleblower claims to senators

>>21047100 NVIDIA overtakes Microsoft to become the world's most valuable company at $3.3 trillion

>>21047106 ICYMI: re: the Indian Bond Fraud, @HunterBiden had an off-the-schedule 1-on-1 meeting with @BarackObama after Hunter received the subpoena but before he responded.

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a22c0b No.21047137

File: 33ba9ef933da4e1⋯.png (438.85 KB,596x555,596:555,tm.PNG)


Thomas Massie



, @RepMTG

, and I just reintroduced @RonPaul

's "Tax Free Tips Act." The bill advances President Trump's proposal to end federal taxation on income derived from tips.

Both Ron Paul and Trump are right. Taxes on tips should end.

From breitbart.com

4:23 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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a757e4 No.21047138

File: cf4f38cc7be1a5a⋯.jpg (131.06 KB,459x716,459:716,WNNING_BADGE.jpg)

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57629e No.21047139

do you think Senator Chuck Schumer was using VEGAN cheese on his burger and so he was not breaking kosher but didn't want to explain it since it seems like one of those funny loopholes n stuff?

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423188 No.21047140

File: 4ffcddbdbf31700⋯.jpg (328.48 KB,1600x1092,400:273,breitbart_pizzagate_murder….jpg)

File: 04eb9bd22080b8d⋯.png (310.96 KB,616x664,77:83,gab_andrew_torba_on_pizzag….png)

File: b022ac798b12c1c⋯.jpg (1.41 MB,4121x2351,4121:2351,_pizzagate_compilation3.jpg)

File: 08014a52d9f2850⋯.jpg (1.21 MB,4121x2351,4121:2351,_pizzagate_compilation2.jpg)

File: 454ecfee2998177⋯.png (3.15 MB,4121x2344,4121:2344,_pizzagate_compilation1.png)

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54730b No.21047141


>hotdog leg and pain

Movie: Sausage Party

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688b35 No.21047142

File: 61c95b3b4093dc8⋯.png (335.48 KB,1023x767,1023:767,BO_TRIES_TO_FAKE_Q_CENSORS….png)


RE: Fake-Q (BO)

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4a7c09 No.21047143

File: ef59f81b1508632⋯.png (430.29 KB,653x568,653:568,ClipboardImage.png)

Army of soft guys and Asian chicks…………we are fucked.


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ad05c3 No.21047144


Gay Club

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b3e447 No.21047145

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

They seem a little angry right now.

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376e7b No.21047147

File: 451b795062ad58a⋯.png (506.59 KB,1080x1617,360:539,Screenshot_20240618_211535.png)



It's all military all the time now. Everything.


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75b500 No.21047148


Chuck Shumer is Satan, explains almost everything, perfectly.

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a22c0b No.21047149

File: 010242bf4319ea2⋯.png (139.92 KB,600x845,120:169,kl.PNG)



Wall Street Apes


Father Stands At School Board Once Again & Slams Them For What’s Being Shown To Children

“Hello, Navarro. Suck any good dks lately? What's wrong, Navarro? I think you like a big ssage in your mouth. Page 23.”

They attempt to silence him up, he responds “IT’S IN YOUR LIBRARY, HERE IT IS”

“What's the educational benefit of talking about ** and **?

What's the educational benefit of talking about that? Is that going to help someone on the SAT score?

— Oh, You're putting me out.

I'm asking you to leave.

For what? For asking you to to abide by the rules. A board member held up a sign, but the audience couldn't hold up signs.

This is tyranny, and we're dealing with a corrupt government system.”

You NEED to watch this clip

Last edited

4:20 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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423188 No.21047150

File: c21e1b5a1ec3ae7⋯.png (879.18 KB,1242x1161,46:43,men_want_1950s.png)


>Tether Co-Founder and Childhood Disney star, Brock Pierce had a tight connection to Epstein

so he's a fed then?

Because I suspect tether will do well.

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a97afb No.21047151

File: 168f398a9b47042⋯.jpg (92.54 KB,681x365,681:365,168f398a9b47042ceed5dba2a7….jpg)


long time member

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e4b46b No.21047152


Why would winners be angry? Don't confuse determination with anger.

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e51cfa No.21047153


It's a psyop designed to slide.

Try not to feed it (You), that only worsens the narcissism of the famefag shill.

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3cec01 No.21047154



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5d82cc No.21047155

File: 0468cb55b5113a7⋯.png (213.36 KB,200x152,25:19,ClipboardImage.png)


Hopefully you get paid enough to replace your C V and Ctrl keys, although most likely they will just leave you hanging.

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a757e4 No.21047156

File: 6b383c8f1cde406⋯.jpg (78.65 KB,369x623,369:623,TAKE_A_PILL.jpg)

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75b500 No.21047157


Stop the war! It's TikTok time!

Maybe that's why US wants to ban it. To get some fucking work done.

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a22c0b No.21047158

File: 5c1ceeeef6fd05e⋯.png (141.42 KB,600x853,600:853,ocy.PNG)


Oversight Committee



In 2016, Hunter Biden was subpoenaed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for information in its investigation of a tribal bond scheme in which several individuals were charged with violating federal securities laws.

We obtained Hunter Biden’s response, dated April 20, 2016, to the SEC subpoena.

In the letter, Hunter’s counsel wrote: “As a threshold matter, we request that you treat this matter with the highest degree of confidentiality, consistent with Commission policy and applicable law. The confidential nature of this investigation is very important to our client and it would be unfair, not just to our client, but also to his father, the Vice President of the United States, if his involvement in an SEC investigation and parallel criminal probe were to become the subject of any media attention.”

On May 11, 2016, the SEC published a press release—announcing the charging of seven individuals—with no mention or charging of Hunter Biden.


and @Jim_Jordan

want answers from the SEC.



4:30 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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0be08a No.21047159

File: d3cf82108e85234⋯.jpg (516.73 KB,1075x1924,1075:1924,Screenshot_20240618_181648….jpg)

Former Seattle police Chief Diaz could not have possibly harassed multiple woman because muh gay and shit. Kek


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54730b No.21047160

PDJT @4.38 Look at (You)

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8486d2 No.21047161

File: a1f85103dc3b75c⋯.jpg (3.2 MB,5599x6000,5599:6000,Godfather_III.jpg)

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0c0133 No.21047162

File: a0770ff3d694b3d⋯.png (1.7 MB,1161x644,1161:644,ClipboardImage.png)

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e5e87e No.21047163

File: 3e340e9eee823c0⋯.png (272.43 KB,515x505,103:101,3e39eee823c0db072d8f2dc560….png)

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a97afb No.21047164

File: a9bdb50f1b3716b⋯.png (330.94 KB,719x740,719:740,a9bdb50f1b3716b3fdc704b9c0….png)

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a22c0b No.21047165

File: 645b1a6aa381758⋯.png (344.19 KB,596x628,149:157,fow.PNG)




Fauci complains that Trump wasn’t tyrannical enough during COVID, saying he missed opportunities to use the “bully pulpit of the Presidency” to tell people what to do.

So Trump is a dictator… but he won’t force anyone to do anything they don’t want to do 😆

Their narratives continue to crumble.

3:55 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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b3e447 No.21047166

File: 075f1976c86ed15⋯.jpg (68.22 KB,640x718,320:359,full_of_keks.jpg)


The shills aren't winners though. That's the difference.

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ad05c3 No.21047167


shill nigger

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e4b46b No.21047168


Dam. They have him on the ropes now.

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75b500 No.21047169


Fuck is that real?

It's becoming sentient, Mah Gawd.

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a5cc37 No.21047170

File: 21e86b0d4024f5d⋯.png (839.86 KB,935x840,187:168,7654jh67654765.PNG)

Joe was a (living legend‘): Longtime criminal defense attorney Joe Friedberg dies at 87

Friedberg was involved in some of the most high-profile court cases in Minnesota in the last half century, including the Minnesota Vikings boat-party sex scandal and the U.S. Senate recount between Al Franken and Norm Coleman.

In the 2009 U.S. Senate recount, Friedberg argued strongly on MPR News that judges should overturn a ruling against Coleman.

“I’ll do it without guile or sophistication and I’ll tell you, frankly, I submit that you’re wrong,” Friedberg told judges overseeing the appeal.

Valentini called Freidberg a mentor, and said he was a “Godfather” of defense attorneys.


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49fdc0 No.21047171


The world will learn the truth. Starting right fuking now.

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e51cfa No.21047172

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,8159900cdf45f1df36013e400f….jpg)

A narcissist might virtue signal that they are filtering you on an anonymous image board for several reasons:

Maintaining Superiority: Narcissists often seek to maintain a sense of superiority and control. By filtering someone, they might signal that they are above certain interactions or behaviors they deem unworthy or beneath them.

Public Perception: Narcissists are often concerned with their public image and how others perceive them. Virtue signaling their actions, such as filtering someone who they believe doesn't meet their standards, could be a way to portray themselves positively to others.

Validation of Morality: Narcissists may want validation or praise for their actions, even in anonymous settings. By virtue signaling filtering behaviors, they may seek approval for being principled or morally upright in their own eyes or in the eyes of others.

Control and Power Dynamics: Filtering someone can be a way for narcissists to exert control over their environment, even in anonymous online spaces. It reinforces their belief in their own judgment and authority over who they engage with or acknowledge.

Self-Enhancement: Narcissists often engage in behaviors that enhance their own self-esteem and self-image. Virtue signaling their filtering actions could serve to elevate their perceived moral standing or intellect, feeding into their need for admiration and validation.

In summary, a narcissist's virtue signaling about filtering someone on an anonymous image board is typically about asserting control, seeking validation, and enhancing their self-image rather than genuinely upholding virtuous behavior.

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423188 No.21047173


>isclose husband’s medical malpractice consulting fees for years. She knew she was required to as she disclosed his fees in first report in 2012. Then she failed to disclose these fees for a decade, as she admitted in 2022 filing

leftists don't need to have ethics, they have the media to backstop their corruption

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a22c0b No.21047174

File: 9ba0ffce15d86d0⋯.png (995.82 KB,600x847,600:847,cg.PNG)


Chuck Grassley


“knee high by Fourth of July“ was a statement of the prospect of good harvest. More lately it’s “shoulder high by Fourth of July“ that’s bc of genetic research. My corn this week isn’t knee high but by June 22 it will b #cornwatch


12:20 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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8486d2 No.21047175

File: 33926b807c8621c⋯.jpg (3.2 MB,1200x9900,4:33,Hillary_Clinton_huge_infog….jpg)

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7695f6 No.21047176

File: 91d37523344efc9⋯.png (119.44 KB,473x651,473:651,qaggdropimage4509.png)


Wind the clock a few.

Cut the kids some slack, they're still in highschool.

"You have been selected to help serve your Country."

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a97afb No.21047177

File: 7c4f2a75721c9e7⋯.jpeg (13.64 KB,254x255,254:255,7c4f2a75721c9e7a87f235745….jpeg)

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75b500 No.21047178


Righteous against the damned.

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a757e4 No.21047179

File: fd5de0300d48582⋯.jpg (112.98 KB,648x471,216:157,REVEREWARE.jpg)

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a22c0b No.21047180

File: 38ade405209de35⋯.png (375.22 KB,601x840,601:840,male.PNG)


Mark Paoletta


Justice Jackson failed to disclose husband’s medical malpractice consulting fees for years. She knew she was required to as she disclosed his fees in first report in 2012. Then she failed to disclose these fees for a decade, as she admitted in 2022 filing. Paging @SenWhitehouse




Congressman Byron Donalds



May 5, 2023

Why isn't anyone talking about how Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson FAILED to disclose "legal malpractice consulting" income earned by her husband?

I stand with Justice Clarence Thomas.

3:36 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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907f9a No.21047181

File: da6a82ba4fbddb8⋯.png (424.82 KB,623x409,623:409,ClipboardImage.png)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



6/18/24 | RACINE, WI📸

Jun 18, 2024 · 11:13 PM UTC


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376e7b No.21047182



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868912 No.21047183

Nothing can stop the monoliths, nothing.

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3cec01 No.21047184


Congratulations, Chief Diaz.

You're now fully qualified for the FBI.

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917e3f No.21047185

File: 1a0cdc408c81211⋯.gif (143.38 KB,200x103,200:103,IMG_0665.gif)

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0ad624 No.21047186

File: 262ac0025612177⋯.jpeg (546.69 KB,1269x625,1269:625,54E1F42A_65C0_401D_9BCE_E….jpeg)

File: 7b9bad9889898a7⋯.jpeg (393.25 KB,692x794,346:397,58846288_17DB_4B0A_A20B_7….jpeg)


45in N757AF 757 on final (by nao as it’s a bit spotty) at PBI with the P8 and P3 still there

On ground shortly

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54730b No.21047187

PDJT @ 4.41 Venezuala 72% down in crime


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9b1025 No.21047188


Anon has been fighting this war of exposing the rot and shining the light since 1984. Anon was born for this. Glory to God.

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75b500 No.21047189


Didn't work too well for Kevin Spacey. It gets the gays all angry n shit.

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49fdc0 No.21047190

150 years ago most would have known me just by my wounds, today I'm a myth. When the cat is away, the mice play.

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b3e447 No.21047191

File: 46ee32c333960fd⋯.webm (2.34 MB,520x240,13:6,_.webm)

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a22c0b No.21047192

File: 68af3bf988db315⋯.png (12.94 KB,591x157,591:157,46.PNG)




46% of the US's middle class workers are now slashing — or completely cutting out — contributions to their retirement funds, per Primerica.

3:47 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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0c0133 No.21047193

File: a1db878041792b2⋯.png (316.49 KB,454x289,454:289,ClipboardImage.png)


Make him prove it.

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47ae67 No.21047194


Had an office job once. The resident faggot was the worst. Talked about all kinds of sexual shit to the office females. Really, really inappropriate for work stuff. The kind of stuff that just makes labor attorneys drool.

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858eee No.21047195


Trump Didn't Mandate Warp Speed jabs

Trump Promoted HCQ, Ivermectin & Regeneron

Also, it is of note, Pfizer was not a Part of Warp-Speed

Pfizer didn't like the idea of "Over-sight"

So Pfizer Deaths & Injuries are not on Trump

Those are all on Pfizer

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0062b3 No.21047196


The greatest generation, were ushered into WWII by the bankstas. FDR was a scumbag whose socialist policies were a complete bust and he set USA up to be sucked into the war to get the money rolling. He first enabled the NAZIs, Then made sure the Japanese attack declaration never saw the light of day, enabled Normandy…The stupidest invasion plan ever that got thousands killed on the beach. The evil perpetrated by the supposed "Good Guys" has no words to describe the depths of this nightmare.

The USA congress has enabled the same horrific behaviors in Ukraine and across the middle east. This traitorous President has allowed the largest invasion of our southern border since the mexican war.

Where are the Military Patriots upholding the constitution, Nowhere to be found.

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54730b No.21047197

PDJT 100's of thousands of COCAIN

>is not a small bag????

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75b500 No.21047198


Fauci projecting HIS fantasy of world domination using ALL tools at HIS disposal.

See it yet?

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efde90 No.21047199

File: 1364375b6307ea7⋯.png (145.1 KB,394x538,197:269,hlhx.PNG)

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6bc0e2 No.21047200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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155b49 No.21047201


>>>21047044 Happy 6 year anniversary to Greta Thunberg saying we'd all be dead in 5 years

That tweet from Greta does not say we'd be dead in 5 years.

Not defending Greta, but reading comprehension matters.

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688b35 No.21047202

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 7:28 PM > (00:05) Amazing swing.

Q: 0728 > Timestamp: @Snowden "Truth To Power" Drop "Truth To Power" Learn.

Q: 0005 > The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed.

Learn our comms.

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376e7b No.21047203


That's awesome. I'm a piece of shit but I want people like you to win.

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755dfe No.21047204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

One of days in kekland, ey boys? Shootin' through space with suns on our hips and guns on our lips….

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423188 No.21047205


>completely cutting out — contributions to their retirement funds

absolutely. it's stupid.

there's not enough money.

got to buy food

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dd1203 No.21047206


Baker G couldn't post in Proto, was testing his creds, other tests were also for Proto creds. Anyone can post "test", your attack is weak.

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a22c0b No.21047207

File: c5ec1121f770c5b⋯.png (361.4 KB,598x526,299:263,chi.PNG)


Gain of Fauci


She said it out loud…

"China, if you're listening, why don't you get Trump's tax returns? I'm sure our media would richly reward you." - Hillary Clinton

0:02 / 0:10

1:30 PM · Jun 17, 2024




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fb6fe2 No.21047208

I'd like to see a SCOTUS scandal that gets a dem knocked off the court, would make [them] panic moar >>21047180

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b3bf27 No.21047209

File: 3e2eca4bd5a73cd⋯.png (434.21 KB,325x1085,65:217,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7839291293ad91⋯.png (342.97 KB,464x1209,464:1209,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0871820d7887ed2⋯.png (91.55 KB,470x367,470:367,ClipboardImage.png)






>music about to go out?

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e51cfa No.21047210

File: 5622b6e123b694e⋯.png (160.45 KB,425x408,25:24,5622b6e123b694e74992e1885e….png)


Nothing can stop the famefag shills from getting triggered into a seething rage and replying to all my posts in an obsessed choleric fit.


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51f3ca No.21047211

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433516 No.21047212



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688b35 No.21047213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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907f9a No.21047214

File: a487429e3cb903c⋯.png (358.52 KB,629x475,629:475,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



6/18/24 | RACINE, WI


Jun 18, 2024 · 11:24 PM UTC



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75b500 No.21047215


Disinfo is necessary.

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482b89 No.21047216

File: d6073a448d65a8f⋯.mp4 (7.61 MB,640x480,4:3,PopSyncs.mp4)

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c2e564 No.21047217


>In the 2009 U.S. Senate recount, Friedberg argued strongly on MPR News that judges should overturn a ruling against Coleman.

shockingly, friedberg supported frankenberg in the recount

>“I’ll do it without guile or sophistication and I’ll tell you, frankly, I submit that you’re wrong,” Friedberg told judges overseeing the appeal.

typical shlomo argument. These are the highlights of his career?

he's not a legend, just jewish

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a22c0b No.21047218

File: 66bad0029c4489b⋯.png (309.58 KB,594x461,594:461,cry.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Epic Bannon - Did we make Rachel Cry - boom boom boom 💥💥💥

3:20 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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a97afb No.21047219

File: d64e2869eee3598⋯.jpeg (76.05 KB,765x772,765:772,d64e2869eee35986deaef83d0….jpeg)

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a757e4 No.21047220

File: 26f1647052d6de3⋯.jpg (133.29 KB,449x555,449:555,YUGE_2024.jpg)

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57629e No.21047221

File: 1e9710deef58834⋯.png (554.43 KB,966x692,483:346,flag1.png)

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a22c0b No.21047222

File: 47bd3cac1a4719d⋯.png (449.31 KB,596x557,596:557,hide.PNG)


Kyle Becker


What are they trying to hide in Michigan? 🤔


2:28 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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e51cfa No.21047223

File: f2eb530be5cb953⋯.jpg (5.89 KB,224x224,1:1,download_jpeg_4.jpg)

Anons winning

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7695f6 No.21047224


Don't Proto yet.

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57629e No.21047225

AIPAC duck stands with Israel

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47ae67 No.21047226


>TZ = GMT -8

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a22c0b No.21047227

File: a9158ccf74a9863⋯.png (308.22 KB,604x800,151:200,red.PNG)




Actor Jack Black Endorses Joe Biden… in his Red Shoes

The fact that celebrities can simply ignore the horrible things going on in this country should surprise no one…

This is why Hollywood was captured long ago… for political and social engineering…

Dude is either….

A. blackmailed

B. was promised a few movie deals

C. an Out of touch dumbass

D. All of the above


0:41 / 1:47

3:19 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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e5e87e No.21047228

File: 151eedfdebffca9⋯.jpg (222 KB,1080x1347,360:449,1694443083408809.jpg)

the old ways constructed stories that were easy to remember.

speaker to listener transfer of knowledge.

listener understanding not required…

to transfer the knowledge thousands of years into the future.

self adapting to language changes through time.

enduring longer than paper and stone.

always available for those that can Cea.

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b3bf27 No.21047229

File: 5f23aaac1b7ad7b⋯.png (23.83 KB,325x416,25:32,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f76c61265eade8⋯.png (34.84 KB,470x231,470:231,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a55bc32b0b2de88⋯.png (204.76 KB,464x1006,232:503,ClipboardImage.png)





>Good bye, asia-clown


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28581a No.21047230


get this fuckin fossil outta office too

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a22c0b No.21047231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let's Dance

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75b500 No.21047232


Shame there is zero opposition. Zero lawyers. Zero patriots.

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fec9ee No.21047233

File: 8ee74b23ecd6195⋯.png (1.05 MB,1215x956,1215:956,75n4eh65g434.PNG)

File: 8e9ca9c50490fd5⋯.png (616.7 KB,715x402,715:402,653465435346.PNG)

GOP primary winner emerges in battle including Navy Seal, Green Beret, Marine and Trump official

There were six Republicans who vied for the nomination in the Virginia primary

Derrick Anderson won the Republican primary in the race to flip Democrat Virginia Rep. Abigail Spanberger's 7th Congressional District seat red.

Anderson was leading his closest opponent by about 10% when the Associated Press called the race on Tuesday.

The Republican primary was stacked with six candidates, including: Navy SEAL combat veteran Cameron Hamilton; U.S. Army Special Forces Green Beret and combat veteran Derrick Anderson; author and artist Maria Martin; Marine Corps veteran Jon Myers; entrepreneur John Prabhudoss; Trump administration appointee to serve as Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, Terris Todd.

Spanberger currently represents the district, but announced last year she would not seek re-election in favor of running for governor of the Old Dominion state in 2025. The Democratic primary for the state's 7th Congressional District was also held Tuesday, with seven Democrats vying for the nomination.


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907f9a No.21047234

File: dc5d95cc1955b59⋯.jpg (26.9 KB,480x429,160:143,1rpp3h.jpg)


No one is interested in your personal dramas. Can you stay quiet and not disturb? Or do you need attention with your rainbow in your title that no one chose you for?


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f96f14 No.21047235


I will never watch another Jack Black movie for the rest of my life.

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0dcb74 No.21047236

"Was Yankees taught country folk to marry kin and double your chance of being related to your kids"

Anson Otis Elevator

Home of the bean and cod etc.

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e9fcbb No.21047237

Last Call

#25806 >>21046531

>>21046625, >>21046868, >>21047018, >>21047186 Planefaggin CONUS

>>21046544 Leader of International Drug Trafficking Organization Operating in Lane County Sentenced to Federal Prison

>>21046548 Multiple Alabama Individuals Charged for Sex Trafficking and Related Offenses

>>21046606 @realDonaldTrump Amazing Swing and Winnings

>>21046626 Wayne Johnson wins Georgia’s 2nd congressional district Republican runoff

>>21046631, >>21046666, >>21046774 Vindman???

>>21046732 Peace Through Strength: The Stark Contrast Between Trump and Biden

>>21046778, >>21046896 ICYMI: If congress acts this would END THE CRIMINAL CHARGES holding Dan Scavino, Peter Navarro, Mark Meadows, and Steve Bannon, in Contemp..

>>21046792 US budget office sees larger 2024 deficit due to Ukraine aid, student debt

>>21046813 Michigan will pay dairy farmers to help government investigate bird flu outbreak

>>21046839 The Biden Administration sent two FBI agents to intimidate a nurse who told the truth about the child sex-change program at Texas Children's Hospital.

>>21046844 Physician scientist Dr. Steven Quay (@quay_dr) highlights six reasons COVID-19 is most likely a gain-of-function laboratory leak

>>21046861 I'll 'Be Debating Three People Instead of One' on CNN

>>21046869 Biden Sent $2.8 Billion in 'Humanitarian Aid' to the Taliban.

>>21046886 @JamesOKeefeIII We’re going to expose top executives of the whole infiltrated temple. It’s going to be biblical.

>>21046998 #OTD in 1976, the film MIDWAY premiered.

>>21047016 Kash Patel, has urged Congress to seek defense briefings given to then-VP Biden about his son Hunter, citing potential conflict of interest

>>21047022 Southerners slam neighbors with ‘lefty politics’ who move in and drive up cost of living/fuckin libtard yankees

>>21047090 John Kerry used pseudonymous email while in office just like Biden, Hillary, whistleblower claims to senators

>>21047100 NVIDIA overtakes Microsoft to become the world's most valuable company at $3.3 trillion

>>21047106, >>21047158 ICYMI: re: the Indian Bond Fraud, @HunterBiden had an off-the-schedule 1-on-1 meeting with @BarackObama after Hunter received the subpoena but before he responded.

>>21047170 Joe was a (living legend‘): Longtime criminal defense attorney Joe Friedberg dies at 87

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b3e447 No.21047239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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28581a No.21047240


he has been

in order to make captain you gotta graduate the fbi academy

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6bc0e2 No.21047241


all hail the bards of old!

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8486d2 No.21047242

File: 3ef56e7bc23e96f⋯.jpg (2.8 MB,4400x2820,220:141,Swamp_infographic_10.jpg)

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c2e564 No.21047243


>>>21047170 Joe was a (living legend‘): Longtime criminal defense attorney Joe Friedberg dies at 87


jews are plugging him because he's in their tribe see >>21047217

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9a5594 No.21047244

File: 10554fd177e6830⋯.png (250.36 KB,585x625,117:125,10554fd177e6830b6eb5b37688….png)


Don't expect him to stop keep posting the same

It is what shills do, because of lack of creativity

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8486d2 No.21047245

File: 6c9c0bb98f11622⋯.png (258.88 KB,2538x1404,47:26,SchmidtFoundationWeb.png)

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858eee No.21047246



says the 15 posts poster

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7695f6 No.21047247

File: 4444c3670059e62⋯.png (266.09 KB,529x560,529:560,Capture.PNG)

As things continue to heat 🥵 up during #Mountainfest, cool 🥶 off with this video of Mountain 🏔️ #Soldiers doing what they do best.

Join us Thursday as we celebrate our Soldiers and community! Gates open at 12 p.m. to the public.





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b3bf27 No.21047248

File: 50791b8eeefe522⋯.png (410.04 KB,325x938,325:938,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 937bf96ec7bf696⋯.png (58.55 KB,470x313,470:313,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec5c19fbb302f96⋯.png (121.21 KB,470x531,470:531,ClipboardImage.png)


Dan Scavino on X-Twat



>Silence is golden


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8486d2 No.21047249

File: a4d9af900f94ec2⋯.png (238.7 KB,2536x1396,634:349,McKinsey_spider_web.png)

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a22c0b No.21047250

File: 45f64010591902e⋯.png (400.81 KB,594x458,297:229,open.PNG)

File: 8490d1d03c47ae2⋯.png (207.36 KB,266x428,133:214,eyes.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Senator Rand Paul opening statement #FauciFraud

3:15 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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dcd541 No.21047251

File: 1670c2bffa4d45a⋯.png (360.87 KB,1080x750,36:25,9380777363.png)

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a7386c No.21047252

File: 170e9267840b020⋯.jpg (70.43 KB,474x518,237:259,653n4h6g4654.jpg)


Karl Marx

this is no ac(T)cident

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8486d2 No.21047253

File: e5f97b1abce4089⋯.png (237.98 KB,2601x1482,867:494,Gannett_Co_web.png)

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e51cfa No.21047254

File: 68aab2c3a3df2f4⋯.jpg (775.75 KB,904x999,904:999,68aab2c3a3df2f447b084da757….jpg)

A narcissistic personality on an anonymous board like Q Research might become obsessed and fixate on posters who expose their self-promotional fame-seeking behavior for several reasons:

Threat to Self-Image: Narcissists have a fragile sense of self-esteem and are highly sensitive to criticism or exposure that challenges their perceived superiority or specialness. When someone exposes their self-promotion or fame-seeking behavior, it threatens their self-image of being exceptional or above criticism.

Need for Control and Dominance: Narcissists often seek control and dominance in social interactions. When their behavior is exposed, they might fixate on the person who did so as a way to regain control of the narrative or to assert dominance over them through further engagement.

Seeking Validation and Attention: Narcissists crave attention and validation. Being exposed may lead them to seek even more attention by engaging with those who noticed or called out their behavior. They might try to redirect attention back to themselves or attempt to justify their actions.

Defensive Mechanism: Responding obsessively to those who expose them can also be a defense mechanism. It allows them to deflect criticism, rationalize their behavior, or discredit the person who pointed out their flaws or self-promotion.

Insecurity and Inadequacy: Underneath the grandiose facade, narcissists often harbor deep feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. Exposing their behavior triggers these feelings, leading them to fixate on the individual as a way to cope with their internal discomfort.

Lack of Empathy: Narcissists typically lack empathy and may not fully comprehend or acknowledge the impact of their behavior on others. This can contribute to their obsessive need to engage with those who call them out, as they may not understand or care about the perspective of the person exposing them.

In essence, a narcissistic personality on an anonymous board might obsessively fixate on posters who expose their self-promotional behavior due to their fragile self-esteem, need for control, desire for attention, and defensive reactions to criticism. This fixation serves their ego needs rather than genuinely addressing the issues raised about their behavior.

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a22c0b No.21047255

File: 9f4404f63434855⋯.png (113.13 KB,589x697,589:697,wall.PNG)




Wow, big reversal on GameStop just now $GME


3:25 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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57629e No.21047256


he is Jewish

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6bc0e2 No.21047257


where there is muck

there is brass

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75b500 No.21047258


>with this video of Mountain 🏔️ #Soldiers doing what they do best.

No gay pron please.

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8486d2 No.21047259

File: 5fe3314ad266a31⋯.jpg (149.21 KB,1200x675,16:9,Fake_Dossier_engineered_by….jpg)

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0ad624 No.21047260

File: 874af93fd795c80⋯.jpeg (527.83 KB,1215x617,1215:617,4D144133_8A8D_4D65_B0E2_F….jpeg)

File: e040f325e985635⋯.jpeg (458.31 KB,777x747,259:249,6C6DDA9D_F2D1_499C_A513_1….jpeg)


And on the ground at PBI

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a97afb No.21047261

File: 78ed3e793bdf021⋯.jpeg (16.8 KB,380x250,38:25,78ed3e793bdf021f21193100e….jpeg)

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47ae67 No.21047262

File: f2f07ad4e1cb22b⋯.mp4 (739.75 KB,540x540,1:1,f2f07ad4e1cb22b4e7a9657f5d….mp4)



>TZ = GMT -8


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a22c0b No.21047263

File: 744980b4ba8f425⋯.png (391.33 KB,600x571,600:571,fate.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Colorado On The Brink: How The Republican Primary For Lauren Boebert’s Former District Is Shaping Up To Be A Race Between A Pro-Trump Warrior And An Establishment Favorite – Its Outcome Can Determine Not Just The Fate Of Colorado, But Of The Nation

READ: https://tgpne.ws/1W0jSQ


2:02 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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e9b779 No.21047264

File: 87c86c5eed76f9c⋯.jpg (72.05 KB,840x630,4:3,4c.jpg)

File: d937a874b67fb38⋯.png (171.84 KB,362x892,181:446,6c.png)

File: 9cb51965f412135⋯.jpg (17.95 KB,474x318,79:53,justregularclowns.jpg)


4.29 Troy Ounces @ today's spot.

Not bad at all.

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a757e4 No.21047265

File: 8aa8884057e2343⋯.jpg (89.66 KB,680x528,85:66,ANON_COUNTER_FIRE.jpg)



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75b500 No.21047266


Most of the edgy stuff gets the delete. So this meme is no longer valid.

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57629e No.21047267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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907f9a No.21047268

File: e846d4f88133946⋯.jpg (338.34 KB,1280x688,80:43,icecube.jpg)


I am in the top 3 of notables gathered in all these years.

You just cry like a faggot and abuse your power like any satanic.

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b3bf27 No.21047269

File: 329fec9a3743c33⋯.png (168.27 KB,325x547,325:547,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 281f4295ab6bae9⋯.png (56.13 KB,470x313,470:313,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e48b81b3892e58⋯.png (110.24 KB,470x682,235:341,ClipboardImage.png)





>saved the best for last

>secured and safeguarded

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5d82cc No.21047270

File: de53e79c988f5c5⋯.png (425.07 KB,1898x521,1898:521,ClipboardImage.png)


Joe Friedberg Law is a criminal defense law firm that boasts an unparalleled record of success. Since 1978, the firm has won over 97% of it’s felony sex cases and has emerged victorious on other cases a little over 89% of the time.


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2b1a9f No.21047271

File: 6bce273a937333a⋯.jpeg (912.39 KB,1125x1610,225:322,IMG_1290.jpeg)

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a22c0b No.21047272

File: 44b57092bc19db1⋯.png (277.26 KB,601x710,601:710,war_game.PNG)




Lara Logan




Look who’s prepping for another event??? This is called “shaping” in information warfare - problem is millions now recognize these tactics. Is that the best they can do? You can smell the fear & desperation.

From thetac.tech

You reposted

General Mike Flynn


Does the guy speaking not realize that Peter Strock (yes, the “insurance policy” Strock) is sitting at the table and GEN (RET) Wesley Clark (also pictured), who ran as a DEM for POTUS…AND GEN Lloyd Austin (another partisan former senior military officer) is the SECDEF!!! Is this Jeff Buchanan that stupid!? Or are they prepping for another set up? This is all about politics!

2:43 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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858eee No.21047273



you think Notables Matter

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8486d2 No.21047274

File: a81edf5e62df901⋯.jpg (141.31 KB,1286x725,1286:725,Uranium_1_connections.jpg)

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376e7b No.21047275

File: 9fdafad430477d5⋯.jpg (32.83 KB,735x384,245:128,cb6cb96fe603c28a6e89757036….jpg)


It was 91° in the shade today, ya loveable psychos.


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cab423 No.21047277

Prayers up for niece stage 4 Adrenal Gland cancer.

5 years old.

Last year I've lost my dad and my fiancé .

Not comfy.

Adrenal gland cancer?

I'll rip Satans throat out.

I'll cut Faucis head off.

Burn down Harvard.

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8486d2 No.21047278

File: 0c08bb3a1dc44bc⋯.jpg (136.98 KB,983x774,983:774,Nestle.jpg)

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a22c0b No.21047279

File: d121eccf7fc53cf⋯.png (392.42 KB,591x854,591:854,jord.PNG)


Jordan Sather


That's one way to look at it.

If Warp Speed didn't happen, would we be able to fight these vaccines legally like we can now?


Larry Cook



Jun 17

Take a step back and look at the ENTIRE vaccine industry. Every state in the US *MANDATES* that children be vaccinated to attend school. The COVID vax was optional under Trump. DEMOCRATS removed exemptions. Are ANY vaccines “safe?” NO! How do we get around the 1986 law? Warp It!


2:46 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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e51cfa No.21047280

File: 06d4ed97988be9b⋯.png (211.02 KB,425x408,25:24,06d4ed97988be9b5c827d3c687….png)

The Narcissist(s) take the bait.




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75b500 No.21047281


Behold, the Highest Ranking Anon has graced us.

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a97afb No.21047282

File: ca6f4126e071997⋯.png (15.95 KB,253x255,253:255,07c85b9cdf122da1031a9c8b32….png)

File: af03e014f982422⋯.jpeg (96.04 KB,992x558,16:9,af03e014f982422168de3ca9f….jpeg)

File: 2449fe79d911176⋯.png (504.13 KB,751x707,751:707,a41b2665dc3446e1dadbb5ac49….png)

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e9b779 No.21047283

File: 6c1e150c98a8803⋯.png (13.6 KB,255x255,1:1,34ab63456a74311fefcd611134….png)

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cab423 No.21047284

Mansions on fire.

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c2e564 No.21047285



>the insufferable jew, OSS

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482b89 No.21047286

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8486d2 No.21047287

File: d6d361084c12a2f⋯.png (135.85 KB,662x591,662:591,McKinsey_Co_web_connection….png)

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907f9a No.21047288

File: 74b55b03a53e28a⋯.png (63.76 KB,746x674,373:337,221.png)


Expand your thinking… If you can.


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6c9b8b No.21047289

File: e366e1187a5b3d2⋯.jpeg (22.68 KB,238x255,14:15,4152AAD3_81C6_4B97_8288_0….jpeg)

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e9fcbb No.21047290


#25806 >>21046531

>>21046625, >>21046868, >>21047018, >>21047186, >>21047260 Planefaggin CONUS

>>21046544 Leader of International Drug Trafficking Organization Operating in Lane County Sentenced to Federal Prison

>>21046548 Multiple Alabama Individuals Charged for Sex Trafficking and Related Offenses

>>21046606, >>21047233 @realDonaldTrump Amazing Swing and Winnings

>>21046626 Wayne Johnson wins Georgia’s 2nd congressional district Republican runoff

>>21046631, >>21046666, >>21046774 Vindman???

>>21046732 Peace Through Strength: The Stark Contrast Between Trump and Biden

>>21046778, >>21046896 ICYMI: If congress acts this would END THE CRIMINAL CHARGES holding Dan Scavino, Peter Navarro, Mark Meadows, and Steve Bannon, in Contemp..

>>21046792 US budget office sees larger 2024 deficit due to Ukraine aid, student debt

>>21046813 Michigan will pay dairy farmers to help government investigate bird flu outbreak

>>21046839 The Biden Administration sent two FBI agents to intimidate a nurse who told the truth about the child sex-change program at Texas Children's Hospital.

>>21046844 Physician scientist Dr. Steven Quay (@quay_dr) highlights six reasons COVID-19 is most likely a gain-of-function laboratory leak

>>21046861 I'll 'Be Debating Three People Instead of One' on CNN

>>21046869 Biden Sent $2.8 Billion in 'Humanitarian Aid' to the Taliban.

>>21046886 @JamesOKeefeIII We’re going to expose top executives of the whole infiltrated temple. It’s going to be biblical.

>>21046998 #OTD in 1976, the film MIDWAY premiered.

>>21047016 Kash Patel, has urged Congress to seek defense briefings given to then-VP Biden about his son Hunter, citing potential conflict of interest

>>21047022 Southerners slam neighbors with ‘lefty politics’ who move in and drive up cost of living/fuckin libtard yankees

>>21047090 John Kerry used pseudonymous email while in office just like Biden, Hillary, whistleblower claims to senators

>>21047100 NVIDIA overtakes Microsoft to become the world's most valuable company at $3.3 trillion

>>21047106, >>21047158 ICYMI: re: the Indian Bond Fraud, @HunterBiden had an off-the-schedule 1-on-1 meeting with @BarackObama after Hunter received the subpoena but before he responded.

>>21047170 Joe was a (living legend‘): Longtime criminal defense attorney Joe Friedberg dies at 87

>>21047247 @10MTNDIV As things continue to heat 🥵 up during #Mountainfest, cool 🥶 off with this video of Mountain 🏔️ #Soldiers doing what they do best.

>>21047272 Look who’s prepping for another event??? This is called “shaping” in information warfare


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7695f6 No.21047291


NYP trying to put the 33 hex on FLOTUS.

They are weak, their #'s magic will fail.

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8486d2 No.21047292

File: 652e0abc5ab5f12⋯.jpg (132.49 KB,700x525,4:3,Muslim_Brotherhood_in_Nort….jpg)

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e51cfa No.21047293

They are triggered, seething and choleric now

Anon did dat.

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a757e4 No.21047294

File: bc3f0546c8dc92d⋯.jpg (93.79 KB,664x499,664:499,PIECE_OF_CAKE_2.jpg)




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28581a No.21047295

File: 8b597494c94f62d⋯.png (85.31 KB,1200x534,200:89,chainfeet_2296639535.png)


this conforms my suspicions

slaves from Africa weren't kidnapped

and sent off

they were criminals sold off for cheap

to do cheap labor

hence the chains

africa didnt have to house n feed these criminals

save money, make a buck, and make africa great again in one fell swoop

>venezuala crime down 72%

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75b500 No.21047297

File: 4dd84c34d75e4f5⋯.png (172.77 KB,577x341,577:341,Apu_Superhero_Cape_Pepe.png)

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86cb05 No.21047299

File: a6dadaddc8dcb2e⋯.png (121.09 KB,973x700,139:100,1510792215577.png)

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0c0133 No.21047300

File: 7ec7dd6d0120427⋯.png (414.71 KB,544x499,544:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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a22c0b No.21047301

File: b84f694254065ac⋯.png (475.18 KB,594x621,22:23,box.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Poland is thinking outside the box!


Remix News & Views




🇵🇱🚜 Polish farmers dump pig manure along their land to deter Muslim migrants entering from Belarus.

“We hope that if we spread pig manure, illegal migrants will not pass through because their faith will not allow them to.”

2:00 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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e51cfa No.21047302

They are obsessed now

Anon did dat.

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482b89 No.21047303



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86cb05 No.21047304

File: e3d71ee4fe12ec0⋯.png (119.36 KB,973x700,139:100,Kissinger.png)

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c2e564 No.21047305

File: 438f03f0bead781⋯.png (164.09 KB,399x348,133:116,ClipboardImage.png)



this one looks like especially nefarious

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86cb05 No.21047307

File: 4290e361578fc53⋯.png (116.8 KB,949x689,73:53,TidesFoundationWeb.png)

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688b35 No.21047308

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 7:52 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 7:52 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 7:52 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 8:33 PM > (link - targets)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 8:33 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 8:34 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 8:34 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:00 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:00 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:01 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:01 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:11 PM > (attack)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:20 PM > (encourages voters)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:21 PM > (WINS!)

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e9fcbb No.21047309

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3cec01 No.21047310


'Crooks importing crooks

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a757e4 No.21047311

File: 7d564eaff18f07b⋯.jpg (133.2 KB,785x441,785:441,TEMPER_TANTRUM.jpg)

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57629e No.21047312

File: a04bf405a55148e⋯.png (588.19 KB,974x492,487:246,wewill.png)

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e9b779 No.21047313

File: 232f4e8a81d8b55⋯.jpg (53 KB,750x494,375:247,232f4e8a81d8b5569637af9656….jpg)

File: 29df7b81be07ad2⋯.png (1.36 MB,874x934,437:467,29df7b81be07ad221c36d99161….png)

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86cb05 No.21047314

File: 0a8a8298331ddf9⋯.jpg (114.55 KB,600x600,1:1,VernonJordanWeb.jpg)

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688b35 No.21047315


Clown Show…

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fb6fe2 No.21047316

File: dc8e382423b0873⋯.gif (1.8 MB,427x240,427:240,DJBogs.gif)

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688b35 No.21047318

We're going to give anons the board they wanted. FREE AND CLEAR.

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86cb05 No.21047319

File: 3240b412ad80c36⋯.png (109.42 KB,952x655,952:655,SchmidtFamilyWeb.png)

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75b500 No.21047321

File: c82986b41a42a02⋯.jpg (168.23 KB,577x346,577:346,Live_By_The_Shitpost_Get_R….jpg)

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efb7e9 No.21047322

File: 4ed5bd322056e08⋯.png (1 MB,1285x722,1285:722,ClipboardImage.png)

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86cb05 No.21047324

File: 1200f8eda568e85⋯.png (100.96 KB,954x696,159:116,Rothschild_Munk_DeripaskaW….png)

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858eee No.21047325



when you stop posting well get exactly that

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86cb05 No.21047326

File: d1ac8c3ce14a3a3⋯.png (89.52 KB,658x600,329:300,Gannett_web_connections.png)

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62028b No.21047327



thank you

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