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File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,000ccc.png)

0ba415 No.21047296 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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0ba415 No.21047298

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 Australia #36

>>20940004 Canada #59

>>20584322 China #1

>>16694358 France #7

>>19988670 Germany #106

>>20837582 Japan #23

>>20584358 Korea #1

>>16694250 Nederland #10

>>17784579 QAJF #1

>>20584333 Russia #1

>>20584424 Saudi Arabia #1

>>20771571 Scotland #10

>>20969267 South Africa #13

>>19804572 UK #51


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

>>20736492, >>18311579, >>20673838 "Baker on Duty" - what it means

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

>>20926627, >>20947983 Anon notables/making changes: generally, once a bread baked, it's baked


Call to Meme posts: please include in notables if it seems noteworthy


#25806 >>21046531

>>21046625, >>21046868, >>21047018, >>21047186, >>21047260 Planefaggin CONUS

>>21046544 Leader of International Drug Trafficking Organization Operating in Lane County Sentenced to Federal Prison

>>21046548 Multiple Alabama Individuals Charged for Sex Trafficking and Related Offenses

>>21046606, >>21047233 @realDonaldTrump Amazing Swing and Winnings

>>21046626 Wayne Johnson wins Georgia’s 2nd congressional district Republican runoff

>>21046631, >>21046666, >>21046774 Vindman???

>>21046732 Peace Through Strength: The Stark Contrast Between Trump and Biden

>>21046778, >>21046896 ICYMI: If congress acts this would END THE CRIMINAL CHARGES holding Dan Scavino, Peter Navarro, Mark Meadows, and Steve Bannon, in Contemp..

>>21046792 US budget office sees larger 2024 deficit due to Ukraine aid, student debt

>>21046813 Michigan will pay dairy farmers to help government investigate bird flu outbreak

>>21046839 The Biden Administration sent two FBI agents to intimidate a nurse who told the truth about the child sex-change program at Texas Children's Hospital.

>>21046844 Physician scientist Dr. Steven Quay (@quay_dr) highlights six reasons COVID-19 is most likely a gain-of-function laboratory leak

>>21046861 I'll 'Be Debating Three People Instead of One' on CNN

>>21046869 Biden Sent $2.8 Billion in 'Humanitarian Aid' to the Taliban.

>>21046886 @JamesOKeefeIII We’re going to expose top executives of the whole infiltrated temple. It’s going to be biblical.

>>21046998 #OTD in 1976, the film MIDWAY premiered.

>>21047016 Kash Patel, has urged Congress to seek defense briefings given to then-VP Biden about his son Hunter, citing potential conflict of interest

>>21047022 Southerners slam neighbors with ‘lefty politics’ who move in and drive up cost of living/fuckin libtard yankees

>>21047090 John Kerry used pseudonymous email while in office just like Biden, Hillary, whistleblower claims to senators

>>21047100 NVIDIA overtakes Microsoft to become the world's most valuable company at $3.3 trillion

>>21047106, >>21047158 ICYMI: re: the Indian Bond Fraud, @HunterBiden had an off-the-schedule 1-on-1 meeting with @BarackObama after Hunter received the subpoena but before he responded.

>>21047170 Joe was a (living legend‘): Longtime criminal defense attorney Joe Friedberg dies at 87

>>21047247 @10MTNDIV As things continue to heat 🥵 up during #Mountainfest, cool 🥶 off with this video of Mountain 🏔️ #Soldiers doing what they do best.

>>21047272 Look who’s prepping for another event??? This is called “shaping” in information warfare

>>21047290 #25806

#25805 >>21045772

>>21046080, >>21046139, >>21046276, >>21046315 PF

>>21045799, >>21045802 Q+ stopped speaking at 5:48 PM EST - Q558 Timing Is Everything

>>21045829, >>21046093 Chrissy Teigen Says She Fears Donald Trump "Coming After" Her

>>21045845, >>21046068 Noam Chomsky NOT DEAD

>>21045856, >>21046114 Incredible crowd in Wisconsin!! 🇺🇸

>>21045915 Carville - I don't think people really appreciate how bad Biden's poll numbers are

>>21045930, >>21046021, >>21046052 Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs Snaps at Reporter When Asked About Attorney General's Investigation into $400K Pay for Play Scheme

>>21045943 Governor Abbott Statement On President Biden’s Mass Amnesty Policy

>>21045948 Josh Hawley questions doctor who worked to discredit COVID lab leak theory

>>21045952 Bill Gates’ great $1B commitment to nuclear energy should be a wake-up call to climate progressives

>>21045963 The Russians are coming. Again.

>>21045974 Melania to host $100,000-a-head fundraiser for Republican LGBTQ group at Trump Tower

>>21045977 American Medical Association delegates vote to decriminalize drug use, possession

>>21045986, >>21046252 Migrant charged in rape of girl, 13, Citizens caught him and hog tied him

>>21045988 Hunter Biden revealed top CCP leader wanted him to visit China to 'discuss business opportunities': emails

>>21045995 DOD Contracts For June 18, 2024

>>21046003 KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: We can have MASS AMNESTY for millions of illegal aliens AND a secure border!

>>21046037 Trump isn’t choosing a running mate. He’s casting a co-star

>>21046047 7th Grader: Trump Popular Among Young People Because Biden’s Inflation Raises Candy Prices

>>21046049 Confused Biden clips are ‘deepfakes’ – WH

>>21046082, >>21046111, >>21046233 MIL / Q Trips Intensify Watch The News Storm Coming

>>21046087 @POTUS TRUTH

>>21046157, >>21046168 Sixteen U.S. soldiers who died during World War II and the Korean War have now been accounted for

>>21046171 @Tucker: Antisemitism, Attacks on Free Speech, and Everything You Need to Know about Brazil

>>21046211 @HillaryClinton No child should go hungry in the United States of America.

>>21046248 Live coverage: SpaceX to launch 20 Starlink satellites on Falcon 9 rocket

>>21046274 Texas leads 19-state coalition challenging green energy transition mandate

>>21046313 At Least 11 Dead, 64 Missing After 2 Shipwrecks Off Italy

>>21046303, >>21046340 Chronological TRUTHS

>>21046433 Israeli jets bomb Lebanon

>>21046343, >>21046351 Germany reports a record drug seizure, saying they intercepted $2.8 billion worth of cocaine

>>21046441 Trump Media Sinks as SEC Declaration May Dilute Existing Holders

>>21046501 Mississippi Man Pleads Guilty to Cyberstalking and Antisemitic Harassment of Synagogues, Jewish-Owned Businesses

>>21046512 #25805

#25804 >>21045014


>>21045026, >>21045057 President Trump Delivers Remarks in Racine, Wisconsin - 6/18/24

>>21045687 Rally speech transcript

>>21045029, >>21045054, >>21045158, >>21045470, >>21045658 Photo Album

>>21045021 Q+ gets on stage @ 4:27, opens speech @4:30 PM EST

>>21045039, >>21045047, >>21045100, >>21045189, >>21045241 Racine

>>21045249 Trump says 'drunken sailors'

>>21045225, >>21045270, >>21045286 Trump says 'stars', confirms delta

>>21045389 DJT says '107,000 People in NJ'

>>21045449, >>21045491 Trump says 'central casting' 4x

>>21045500 Strawberry Full Moon 87%, full on June 21st (Summer Solstice)

>>21045508, >>21045561 Agent Bangsley

>>21045667, >>21045671 Q+ stopped speaking at 5:48 PM EST


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21045667 Q+ stopped speaking at 5:48 PM EST

>>21045075 Reminder: Prayer Mission This Week: Bless Q+ & Unite Anons

>>21045082 Fleeing prolonged media crackdown, Ethiopian journalists struggle in exile

>>21045091 @JamesOKeefeIII We’re going to expose top executives of the whole infiltrated temple. It’s going to be biblical.

>>21045103 NWO PLOT to Control Brains: SARS-Cov-2 by Fauci, Graphene by Darpa-Obama, Vaccines by Gates-Biden-EU

>>21045104 Inside story of JFK Jr and Carolyn Bessette's infamous New York park fight

>>21045110 Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. Announces SEC Effectiveness of Amended Form S-1

>>21045112 Nvidia eclipses Microsoft as world's most valuable company

>>21045175 Justin Timberlake allegedly had traces of molly, poppers, Truvada, and coke in his bloodstream

>>21045179 Los Angeles school board votes to ban cellphone use during school hours

>>21045247 Six reasons COVID-19 is most likely a gain-of-function laboratory leak:

>>21045256 Hilldog has a new website? Biden's replacement?

>>21045321 British meddling in Macedonia backfires, exposing coup machinations

>>21045354 The Woke Movement Is Actually Corporate Enslavement – The Culture War Is A Fight To Stop It

>>21045441 This kind of BS is why blue cities are spiraling

>>21045460 THE FBI KNEW FOR 8 YEARS! Hunter Biden and His Associates Scored $120 Million Deal With Ukrainian Energy Company While Joe Was VP

>>21045493 Paul Gosar recently introduced a bill requiring the U.S. Treasury to start printing $500 bills “featuring a portrait” of former President Trump

>>21045517 Spirit In The Sky - #PacificMarines teaming up with the @usairforce

>>21045628 Charges dropped against man in straw-donor scheme to Adams campaign

>>21045156, >>21045227, >>21045358, >>21045380 memes

>>21045734 #25804

Previously Collected

>>21044978 #25803

>>21041779 #25800, >>21043213 #25801, >>21044214 #25802

>>21039197 #25797, >>21040146 #25798, >>21041002 #25799

>>21037305 #25794, >>21037762 #25795, >>21038518 #25796

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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0ba415 No.21047306

File: e6f829dcb6f85ff⋯.png (733.11 KB,719x899,719:899,NS37.png)

File: a0061d311a97e52⋯.mp4 (5.9 MB,720x640,9:8,NSactivate.mp4)

File: e927f548cafb6fd⋯.png (27.92 KB,151x224,151:224,NSbeware.png)

File: e6cebb4081d3c92⋯.png (912.33 KB,760x676,190:169,NSFYF.png)



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442b24 No.21047317


you have my Bear's Endurance B

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0ba415 No.21047320

File: 3cf03c31114c647⋯.png (2.52 MB,1941x1170,647:390,3cf03c31114c647c5005ec70be….png)


Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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f0ef29 No.21047323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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bdc4ff No.21047328

File: 870674e1d1788f9⋯.jpeg (494.86 KB,660x883,660:883,E9BF6379_A7B2_401D_B2B4_9….jpeg)


Thank you

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6eabc3 No.21047329

File: 11b68ce94f435bf⋯.jpg (146 KB,1080x1350,4:5,FRReVhCWUAAQdE6.jpg)

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16e563 No.21047330

File: d170ec26a8edaab⋯.jpeg (131.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,51d459a00168a6cc292e0ceee….jpeg)

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d5b500 No.21047331

File: 6a9519e4730dde0⋯.png (3.35 MB,2000x1270,200:127,getin.png)

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f0ef29 No.21047332

File: e2a04f21a7df11e⋯.gif (8.19 MB,811x500,811:500,the_boys_billy_butcher_sca….gif)

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8d8990 No.21047333

File: efe177f46904c65⋯.png (669.39 KB,713x659,713:659,Screenshot_2024_06_18_at_2….png)

Joe Biden doesn't want swing voters to forget that Donald Trump is now a felon.

The Biden campaign is spending $50 million on a media blitz that includes a biting attack ad on Trump.

The ad highlights Trump's conviction while painting Biden as "fighting for your family."


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c601dd No.21047334

File: f6ade973e6f4567⋯.png (339.45 KB,1080x621,40:23,f6ade973e6f4567cc8ceadd09e….png)

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49bcd6 No.21047335

File: f593036e15425aa⋯.png (812.44 KB,472x601,472:601,F864A823_ED3E_441E_B7B7_95….png)

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9d1402 No.21047336

File: d9fece8d0642eac⋯.jpg (119.96 KB,896x896,1:1,media_F6U1vwyWoAAi3yo.jpg)

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a3214d No.21047337

File: 242ca8174cd92ce⋯.png (347.23 KB,409x712,409:712,ClipboardImage.png)

Will the Fani Willis House of Cards lead to the Governor's Office?

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f0ef29 No.21047338

File: ab151d6400f937a⋯.jpg (511.06 KB,968x1187,968:1187,Screenshot_20240616_223715….jpg)


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b7c48d No.21047339

File: b976085ea6d74c7⋯.png (127.49 KB,300x186,50:31,ClipboardImage.png)

How to Make The Ultimate THC Vape Juice

One of the most popular ways to consume THC is through vaping. Vaping provides a discreet and convenient way to get high without the need for combustion, making it a healthier alternative to smoking


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ffbff1 No.21047340

File: 68aab2c3a3df2f4⋯.jpg (775.75 KB,904x999,904:999,68aab2c3a3df2f447b084da757….jpg)

A narcissist might copy an online persona like Catturd on an anonymous image board like Q Research for several reasons:

• Desire for Attention and Validation: Narcissists crave attention and validation. They may admire or envy the attention that popular personas like Catturd receive and seek to emulate their style or persona in hopes of garnering similar attention and admiration from others.

• Lack of Originality: Narcissists often lack a strong sense of identity or originality themselves. They may copy successful personas because they struggle to create their own unique identity or content that resonates with others.

• Grandiosity and Superiority: Narcissists have a grandiose self-view and believe they deserve special recognition or status. By mimicking a popular persona, they may seek to elevate their own perceived importance or status within the online community.

• Attention-Seeking Behavior: Emulating a well-known persona like Catturd can be a way for narcissists to attract attention to themselves. They may hope that by associating with a popular figure, they can increase their own visibility and relevance within the community.

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1b0f72 No.21047341

File: 87f5206c9aee7b2⋯.png (701.95 KB,634x914,317:457,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f028901e97b314e⋯.png (439.67 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4f4767c35d08ef⋯.png (388.35 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b3834c9e8ed9ae⋯.png (285.26 KB,634x446,317:223,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d2337084fbf3cf⋯.png (297.68 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun apologizes to families of crash victims as he is torched by Congress and reveals why the door blew off the Alaska Airlines flight

Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun apologized to crash victim's families at a Senate hearing Tuesday before lawmakers roasted the executive for his role in the airline's turbulent descent.

'I'm deeply sorry…my whole team at Boeing, everybody worldwide past and present,' Calhoun told the audience in the crowded Senate room.

Onlookers held up portraits of victims who had died on Boeing planes, and there were too many faces to count.

Boeing has made headlines in recent years for broken landing gears, doors popping off mid-flight and multiple sudden system failures leading to catastrophic crashes in Indonesia in 2018 and Ethiopia in 2019 that resulted in scores of deaths. The company's repeated failure to fix the plentiful problems has led to skepticism on Capitol Hill and lawmakers torched Calhoun for his role in the airline's downfall Tuesday.

'It is a moment of reckoning for Boeing,' Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., the subcommittee's chairman told the Boeing CEO, warning him that he has a dozen whistleblowers ready to dish dirt on the American airplane giant.

On Monday, the subcommittee released a report with explosive allegations from a Boeing quality insurance inspector, Sam Mohawk, who said the company installed faulty parts onto planes and that he was later told by his managers to conceal the evidence from government regulators.

Mohawk's allegations are just the latest in a deluge of whistleblower complaints against Boeing this year. But the whistleblower's revelations seems to be an aside as during the hearing, lawmakers aimed their blows at Boeing's CEO.

'Mr. Calhoun, let's put it very bluntly, 346 people died because of a faulty control system, the MCAS system, that Boeing knew was going to cause a crash at some point,' Blumenthal said. 'I would not say the latter part of that sentence,' Calhoun retorted. 'There was a judgement made by ourselves our design engineers and the certification process that that could never happen, but it did.'

'Now you are going to make me really angry,' Blumenthal responded, visibly looking upset by the CEO's response.

'Boeing was charged with defrauding the United States of America and the prosecution was deferred because Boeing paid a fine, but no individual was held accountable,' Blumenthal stated. 'Senator, it's wrong for me to re-investigate an investigation that was thorough, thorough, thorough,' Calhoun responded. Shouldn't individuals who are still at Boeing be held accountable, Blumenthal asked. 'Senator Blumenthal we are responsible,' Calhoun admitted after Blumenthal's temper flared.

Later, Republican Josh Hawley, R-Mo., incredulously asked the CEO how much he gets paid to oversee such disasters at Boeing. 'What is it you get paid to do exactly,' Hawley asked. 'I get paid to run the Boeing company,' Calhoun shot back.

Hawley then asked if Calhoun's job responsibilities and nearly $33 million dollar per year salary are based on transparency and safety. 'You're under investigation for falsifying 787 inspection records, Boeing is under criminal investigation for the Alaska Airlines flight, you were investigated by DOJ for criminal conspiracy to defraud the FAA,' Hawley said. 'This is all under your tenure.'

'Doesn't sound like a lot of transparency to me,' the Republican told Calhoun.


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a3214d No.21047347

Muslims are insane.

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9b4e51 No.21047348

File: 05fbf22d8ee00e4⋯.png (568.47 KB,773x559,773:559,dostoyevsky_the_yid_and_hi….png)

File: 03dbe842ba30881⋯.mp4 (2.12 MB,720x406,360:203,intl_jew_makes_threats.mp4)


thanks buddy

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b880fe No.21047350

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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36dafc No.21047351

File: 7f2748ec468378d⋯.png (644.61 KB,671x546,671:546,mtz.PNG)

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bdc4ff No.21047356

File: a3c729dfcaf34b2⋯.jpeg (85.45 KB,828x554,414:277,73590CB8_EBAF_41E5_90E0_F….jpeg)


Awesome, serious game theory making the pope t spend money to raise you money.

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0399a8 No.21047357

File: b1c39e35e043c48⋯.png (104.57 KB,776x251,776:251,hanoi_4.png)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 7:52 PM > (WINS!)

Q: 0752 > I hear Hanoi is educational.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 7:52 PM > (WINS!)

Q: 0752 > I hear Hanoi is educational.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 7:52 PM > (WINS!)

Q: 0752 > I hear Hanoi is educational.

Note date in pic. You were warned, Clowns.

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673d5d No.21047359

File: f8410f0b98e0241⋯.jpg (90.06 KB,282x567,94:189,480_a.jpg)

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ffbff1 No.21047360

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)

Anons winning

Shills seething

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bfd4c2 No.21047362


that shit is sticky af, even with IPA

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49bcd6 No.21047364

File: 039e833431614a0⋯.gif (342.66 KB,320x180,16:9,2F6F3A6F_2EB5_44DA_B459_E7….gif)

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f0ef29 No.21047366

File: f2d07ee53c0075a⋯.jpg (304.21 KB,939x365,939:365,Screenshot_20240618_184408….jpg)


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9b4e51 No.21047367



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a3214d No.21047369


Hi, Angel!

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d5b500 No.21047370

File: 3c6837c4d01b2d1⋯.png (446.63 KB,1067x1600,1067:1600,ClipboardImage.png)



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bfd4c2 No.21047371

File: 8f733fb5ccc05a1⋯.jpg (264.84 KB,1080x1095,72:73,Hannity_Israel_Committing_….jpg)

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b7c48d No.21047372

File: bd10d75cd881c7b⋯.png (423.47 KB,408x583,408:583,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c2709 No.21047373



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c601dd No.21047374

Pedo panic.

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3266a1 No.21047375

File: c868da1f5b68da6⋯.png (1.39 MB,944x630,472:315,c868da1f5b68da666197372b9f….png)

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af51ea No.21047376

File: 7060464a0bf17a7⋯.webm (1.54 MB,427x240,427:240,2ME1ML.webm)

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b94006 No.21047378

File: b3363a547b65145⋯.jpeg (192.78 KB,680x708,170:177,b3363a547b65145d10d8d6437….jpeg)

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0399a8 No.21047379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Time's up.

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49bcd6 No.21047380

File: e8cbd049f2bde9d⋯.gif (418.7 KB,400x217,400:217,840EE3BE_64C0_4425_94B9_01….gif)

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eea543 No.21047381


Was anyone in the Senate hearing brave enoughto ask him about the two dead whistleblowers?

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f0ef29 No.21047383


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8d8990 No.21047384

File: 55e9eb317f84c25⋯.png (52.7 KB,1165x282,1165:282,Screenshot_2024_06_18_at_2….png)

File: ca9fd58e5454cd5⋯.png (422.49 KB,749x470,749:470,Screenshot_2024_06_18_at_2….png)







A court has transferred the wrongful death suit filed by the family of Ashli Babbitt from her home jurisdiction of Southern California to Washington, DC, where she was killed by law enforcement while taking part in the riots at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The Department of Justice's request to make the move was approved in April, and June 12, the case was transferred electronically to the District of Columbia. Two days later, all the relevant documents were received.

According to Justia, the case will now be overseen by Judge Jia Cobb, who was appointed to the bench in November 2021 by the Biden administration.


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2aafe8 No.21047387

File: d84c14e4bfd5c9c⋯.png (1.4 MB,968x1187,968:1187,ClipboardImage.png)

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0399a8 No.21047389


You do? We know.. Clown.

Anons requested their board be cleaned.

Anons will get what they requested. Promise.

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b7c48d No.21047390


Grease proof paper and patience.

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9b4e51 No.21047392

File: 465d824b76456c8⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB,640x710,64:71,AIshapiro_reads_Talmud.mp4)

File: e7ef26cd5477c24⋯.png (770.59 KB,568x661,568:661,jews_want_to_kill_Jesus.png)

File: 839ac1eafcb85a8⋯.jpeg (56.8 KB,852x417,284:139,kike_imagination.jpeg)


not as crazy as this

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eea543 No.21047393



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0399a8 No.21047394

No more 3-letter SS administration clowns stomping on Patriots' throats, on this board. No More.

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4c819b No.21047395

File: 94968c17e3a342a⋯.png (18.37 KB,526x222,263:111,Capture.PNG)

🚨BREAKING: The judge has DENIED Planned Parenthood’s motion to dismiss our lawsuit against them for trafficking minors out of state to obtain abortions.

One step closer to eradicating Planned Parenthood from the State of Missouri.


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af51ea No.21047396

File: a6fdc92c0e96abd⋯.webm (861.16 KB,427x240,427:240,failfag.webm)


Holy shit your projection is off the charts tonight, failfag. Good for you. At least you're admitting why you did it for a year before giving up like a quitter.

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0399a8 No.21047397

Anons when I came back you were being bullied by the Clowns controlling this board. NO MORE.

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8d8990 No.21047398

File: 8c2aa4d7ee4eee0⋯.png (50.77 KB,178x178,1:1,Screenshot_2024_06_18_at_2….png)

File: ac3e4d0603ea993⋯.png (292.65 KB,673x628,673:628,Screenshot_2024_06_18_at_2….png)

File: ac3e4d0603ea993⋯.png (292.65 KB,673x628,673:628,Screenshot_2024_06_18_at_2….png)

File: 8c2aa4d7ee4eee0⋯.png (50.77 KB,178x178,1:1,Screenshot_2024_06_18_at_2….png)

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bdc4ff No.21047399


Fuck those weak suck pieces of fuckin shit.

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c601dd No.21047400


POTUS actual is posting away. Why don't you bring them forward?

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0399a8 No.21047401

Clowns are going to lose this board. In progress.

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6c2709 No.21047403

File: a7ae03a1225f754⋯.jpg (97.5 KB,874x908,437:454,sad_please_say_you_didnt_m….jpg)


Anon feels so exploited.

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b94006 No.21047404

File: 3bd8168a99eb22a⋯.png (445.57 KB,682x751,682:751,3bd8168a99eb22ae56a9fbc0a3….png)

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a3214d No.21047405


Yeah, but Jews ain't batshit nuts like a ragheaded goat porker.

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9d1402 No.21047406

File: e321ba77504930a⋯.png (449.43 KB,618x518,309:259,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44631b1bc6ae38f⋯.png (173.64 KB,1280x963,1280:963,446.png)


New York Post



John Kerry used pseudonymous email while in office just like Biden, Hillary, whistleblower claims to senators


Jun 18, 2024 · 10:25 PM UTC


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f0ef29 No.21047407

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49bcd6 No.21047408

File: 69c85e15884b6ca⋯.png (269.37 KB,450x450,1:1,EF0A0C9C_94C8_4A5F_B75C_0D….png)


Who’s “we” nigga?

The ubiquitous “We”

You left off “Us,OurMe,I”

Plenty of bred to go do no doubt you’ll be incorporating most if not all of those


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47528d No.21047409



"The critical issue here is that the Secretary of the Army and General Milley bypassed a direct, lawful command from President Trump, opting instead to delay the deployment of the National Guard on Jan. 6 for the sake of political optics, and in doing so violate the chain of command,” he tells RedState.

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af51ea No.21047410


Your new LARP is lame. Filtered on sight. You're also the clown that was baking in the morning the other day that BO had issues with. Dumbfuck.

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b880fe No.21047411

File: 2be010d420579fd⋯.png (1.35 MB,978x1314,163:219,mediamatt.png)

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9b4e51 No.21047412

File: 22ee62f8ef51c41⋯.mp4 (5.27 MB,750x768,125:128,tunnel_matresses_found.mp4)


yes, this is totally normal

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442b24 No.21047414



If you stop posting

your prophecy would come true

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f0ef29 No.21047415

Come on Illuminati.


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af51ea No.21047416


But obsessing over it daily, all day is? Fuck outta here, you simple slut.

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eea543 No.21047417



Rabbis throating a bloody baby penis is totally normal.

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9b4e51 No.21047418


how's tel aviv?

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4c819b No.21047419

File: 4faa39e0fef2f06⋯.png (13.9 KB,522x134,261:67,Capture.PNG)



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0399a8 No.21047420

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:32 PM > (50)

Q: 0932 > Failure to control.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:34 PM > (50)

Q: 0934 > More coming.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:42 PM > (RALLY)

Q: 0942 > Jim’s finger on button ready to stop transmission.

Clowns.. can you feel it coming together?

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9b4e51 No.21047422


literal baby rape mattresses

you think that's acceptable?

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127381 No.21047423


>Illuminati is Ded

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0399a8 No.21047424

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:32 PM > (50)

Q: 0932 > Failure to control.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:34 PM > (50)

Q: 0934 > More coming.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:42 PM > (RALLY)

Q: 0942 > Jim’s finger on button ready to stop transmission.

5:5 Anons.

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f0ef29 No.21047425

How much has your reality changed since 2016?




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b94006 No.21047426

File: 128f2806897df3e⋯.jpg (100.17 KB,640x480,4:3,128f2806897df3e04daed1a044….jpg)

File: c4b1e29385355a5⋯.png (533.22 KB,504x495,56:55,c4b1e29385355a53d8fcd7d284….png)

File: 55535abe462f75e⋯.jpg (40.17 KB,500x494,250:247,55535abe462f75e3b21aace03a….jpg)

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0399a8 No.21047427

They are burning breads as fast as they can. Wonder why.

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47528d No.21047428


Maybe ascertain whether PP further traffics in the fetal tissue of said "healthcare" for profit…

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01c72d No.21047429

File: ffdc09ea99bebe5⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB,320x464,20:29,indoctrination.mp4)

>>21047149 lb


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0399a8 No.21047430

Clowns, you have been put on notice. Pack your bags. YOU ARE FIRED.

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b880fe No.21047431

File: edcb54e8929e603⋯.png (859.01 KB,978x738,163:123,holo.png)

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442b24 No.21047432



Claiming Ghost Bread

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af51ea No.21047433

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)

Mr. Pig is a reminder of their failure, so they're trying to destroy him, and failing. SmokingPepe is a reminder of their failure, so they tried to destroy him and failed. If people are around that are on to their evil ways, it makes it difficult for them to operate effectively. Whoever is paying those clowns to attack the board are not getting their money's worth.

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0399a8 No.21047434

Expect FIREworks.

Enjoy the Show.

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b7c48d No.21047435


Kerry arrested

Podesta put in his place


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2aafe8 No.21047437




They're keeping an eye on you.

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c601dd No.21047438


How are you justifying 100+ posts in some cases if that is your position?

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0399a8 No.21047439

Patriots, we thank God for (you) daily.

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f0ef29 No.21047440


They're alive. Dying, but not ded.


Time is up. Pay up or DIE.

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0ba415 No.21047441


firmed, all yo's, tyvm

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0399a8 No.21047442


Are you some kind of post-count Nazi?

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f0ef29 No.21047443


Welcome to my life 24/7.


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0399a8 No.21047444


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9d1402 No.21047445

File: 86aa891ae81fcb5⋯.png (362.95 KB,615x531,205:177,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a67438a2edcd27⋯.jpg (218.85 KB,1020x1038,170:173,9eab7c6a6f9dab0e2b95ba37fc….jpg)

New York Post



Megachurch pastor Robert Morris’s board blasts him over alleged sex abuse of girl, 12, after previously claiming he was ‘reformed’


Jun 19, 2024 · 1:45 AM UTC



The stage is set.

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c601dd No.21047446


They've always wanted it to be straight up attrition, since the earliest days. Any real anon left is stubborn AF. Literal swinging dicks.

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9b4e51 No.21047447


SP threatened to dox anons yesterday

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a7ac5a No.21047448

File: faa8d860e59469e⋯.jpeg (36.46 KB,255x251,255:251,IMG_2894.jpeg)

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c601dd No.21047449


Yeah, bitch. What percentage of a bread is 100 posts?

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0a792a No.21047450

File: 58682633f7282b5⋯.png (574.72 KB,1080x1049,1080:1049,Svxxj.png)

File: 7a89a0f5f32126c⋯.png (667.43 KB,1080x607,1080:607,BBQ_2.png)

Democrats are America's garbage cesspool people and when Trump win's he is going to reverse everything… All democrats you go eat shit.


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442b24 No.21047451


Stand easy


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4c819b No.21047452

File: 05905b42541b378⋯.png (503.43 KB,532x661,532:661,Capture.PNG)

File: 6bd913d5397f73e⋯.png (33.72 KB,473x210,473:210,qaggdropimage3331.png)

File: 0596b526183bad1⋯.png (28.1 KB,473x189,473:189,qaggdropimage4531.png)

File: 64bfdd85fcf33e6⋯.png (392.2 KB,532x661,532:661,ClipboardImage.png)

It's #PrideMonth, but we celebrate #diversity every day! What does #Pride mean to you?


It's still May (lunar).

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a8149d No.21047453

File: e46e66eea7ecf89⋯.mp4 (4.52 MB,640x360,16:9,innerworkings.mp4)

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673d5d No.21047454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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442b24 No.21047455

Taking Bread Title Suggestions

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c453cd No.21047456

File: 9814004b629d923⋯.png (76.21 KB,259x194,259:194,9814004b629d923db45c225b9e….png)

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b1c787 No.21047457


>Anons requested their board be cleaned

Don't you mean DOAR faggots will do everything they can to get QR back?

Throw shade all around hoping to convince the real anons that admin is corrupt. No, that was you jokers. Trying the "baker's union" trick again didn't work the second time did it? No, anons around at that time know beyond doubt that's how oss was brought in and anons were permabanned for "no reason" as listed in the Board Log then.

You purpose is to subvert control of QR, and disrupt as much as you can towards that goal.

That just tells me this underwater yak hair basket weaving forum truly has evil in panic.

Did you forget "NO ONE who plays the game gets a free pass?"

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25fc6c No.21047458

File: fa4b04e04f917b0⋯.jpg (371.79 KB,1079x718,1079:718,cures.jpg)

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a8149d No.21047459


John Kerry used pseudonymous email while in office just like Biden, Hillary, whistleblower claims to senators

Former Secretary of State John Kerry used a pseudonymous email — just like former Vice President Joe Biden and Kerry’s predecessor Hillary Clinton — while working for the Obama administration, according to whistleblower disclosures made public by two Republican senators.

Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) sent a letter Monday to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, saying a whistleblower had informed their offices of Kerry’s “SESTravel1@state.gov” email address, which would violate federal record-keeping laws.

An attached email exchange in July 2016 between the address and Victoria Nuland, then the assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, shows her calling the recipient “Boss.”

“We want to know whether then-Secretary Kerry properly complied with all federal records laws and regulations with respect to his official email communications,” the GOP senators wrote, also citing potential evasions of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

“Since July 2021, we’ve also raised concerns about then-Vice President Joe Biden’s use of non-government email and pseudonymous government email for official business and his compliance with federal records laws,” they said.

“To-date, the Biden administration has failed to address Joe Biden’s compliance with federal records laws.”

Biden, 81, exchanged up to 82,000 pages’ worth of private emails using the aliases “robinware456@gmail.com,” “JRBWare@gmail.com” and “Robert.L.Peters@pci.gov,” only a handful of which have been released from the National Archives.

House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) in December cited the heavily redacted emails, which involve correspondence with his son Hunter Biden’s business partners, as among “the most important” documents for the impeachment inquiry into the president.

Grassley and Johnson also noted to Blinken that they had “raised concerns” about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s lack of compliance in using “a non-government server for government business” and “mishandling” classified information.

Clinton was investigated by Obama-era FBI Director James Comey, who determined in July 2016 she had been “extremely careless” and there was “evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information,” but did not recommend she be prosecuted by the Justice Department.

Last month, Grassley and Johnson queried the State Department about Kerry’s attempts during the Obama administration to thwart FBI attempts to arrest “known terrorists” on US soil who were linked to Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

They asked again in their Monday letter whether Kerry condoned the efforts “because of his desire to cement the failed Iran Nuclear Deal,” known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

The senators have demanded answers about the pseudonymous email address — including any records related to it and whether Kerry conducted official State Department business using it — by July 1.

Grassley and Johnson also requested information about whether the email address was used to communicate with foreign governmental officials, particularly about the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

In 2021, Grassley had also probed whether Kerry divulged classified information to former Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif as part of a “shadow diplomacy” campaign during the Trump administration.

Kerry, as part of that effort, disclosed to Zarif covert Israeli military actions against Iranian interests in Syria, the New York Times reported.

Grassley requested the State Department Office of Inspector General investigate the matter following the report.

House Republicans in March also questioned whether Kerry privately discussed with Zarif potential sanctions against Iran levied by former President Donald Trump — a likely violation of the federal Logan Act of 1799.

The special presidential climate envoy left office in March — after releasing hundreds of metric tons of carbon dioxide flying worldwide on a private jet while trying to save the planet — to help with Biden’s re-election campaign.

Kerry, 80, was succeeded in his post by White House senior energy adviser John Podesta.

“As a general matter, we do not comment on congressional correspondence,” a State Department spokesperson told The Post

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f38810 No.21047460

File: 22944c5d8102afc⋯.jpg (268.12 KB,1043x1158,1043:1158,_Anonymous_1_minute_ago_8a….jpg)

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af51ea No.21047461

File: fb71c5402d0480a⋯.jpeg (130.05 KB,961x1209,31:39,fb71c5402d0480a0be7a2178b….jpeg)


>Any real anon left is stubborn AF.

Yep. And the only reason I posted that particular cartoon frog smoking a cigar was because that simple lackey known as OSS made it clear in 2021 how much it got under their skin. If it got under his, then I just assumed I could use it to get under other clowns' skin, and sure enough it was possible. Never intended to offend or bother other Anons with it, but I kinda think I did unfortunately. Stubbornness indeed.

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1527a6 No.21047462

File: 21491009b7f3294⋯.png (1.88 MB,898x3198,449:1599,2515_2.png)

File: b869c347187fb54⋯.jpeg (34.37 KB,183x276,61:92,IMG_2326.jpeg)

File: 9eae63fa8cb2a76⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1306x1520,653:760,IMG_2344.jpeg)

File: ed4d3531b320074⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,1249x1380,1249:1380,IMG_2342.jpeg)

File: 454bae217c6b362⋯.png (3.97 MB,1614x2098,807:1049,IMG_1974.png)


Glad You asked?

All for a LARP, right?

So Help Me God

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36dafc No.21047463

File: f082c3fba0b9aad⋯.png (502.22 KB,508x508,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f06ae4 No.21047464

File: 95b89ed8970f6e8⋯.jpg (127.47 KB,720x1076,180:269,20240618_190445.jpg)

File: 0d323d70e87f3e8⋯.mp4 (7.06 MB,480x852,40:71,Robert_F_Kennedy_Jr_202406….mp4)


Meet my ladybugs 🐞♥️🐞

Ravens pecking at him ,bugs crawling on him and brainworms

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13609d No.21047466

File: 03e2c514b84ce91⋯.png (410.02 KB,721x347,721:347,wetworkswestpoint.png)

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c601dd No.21047467

File: 1c48cfa7a836ccd⋯.jpg (15.24 KB,172x255,172:255,1c48cfa7a836ccdfa74e251977….jpg)



Yuge faggot.

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40f23c No.21047468

File: c0822139ad9cdb8⋯.jpg (161.31 KB,900x541,900:541,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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eea543 No.21047469


Clark County, Nevada…Las Vegas

The school board has 2 men and 9 women.

Radical feminist trash are destroying this nation through the stolen and corrupted minds of the children.

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47528d No.21047470


The Secretary of the Army Okay…that one makes sense

but under what Authority does Milley have for anything and why would members of the Armed Services pay heed to an advisor with no operational or administrative authority over their command?

So any member of the Armed services then paying heed to the directives of the cjcs is also pf'd.

Article 92 them all riki tik

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2d032e No.21047471

File: ad76fefcd848f63⋯.jpeg (154.28 KB,1440x812,360:203,1538916391.jpeg)

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9b4e51 No.21047472

File: 0d7e3b285ab5434⋯.png (367.44 KB,865x871,865:871,ClipboardImage.png)


the jew murdoch will never run a hit like this on brooklyn rabbis

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b94006 No.21047473

File: ccc54a6a2c22440⋯.png (290.7 KB,710x710,1:1,ccc54a6a2c2244002fe2269083….png)

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f06ae4 No.21047474

File: f5763fefecb0400⋯.jpg (136.12 KB,720x1056,15:22,20240617_212636.jpg)

File: fe5d06ee386bdff⋯.mp4 (10.63 MB,720x1280,9:16,Robert_F_Kennedy_Jr_202406….mp4)

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2358b8 No.21047475

File: 60bebc24aeaf251⋯.png (924.4 KB,874x937,874:937,6n346h5g464.PNG)

Giants legend Willie Mays dead at 93


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47528d No.21047476


you sure those are lady bugs and not asian beetles? lot of that going around

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9b4e51 No.21047477


then why not go back to posting anonymously like everyone else?

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40f23c No.21047479

File: 3e54a7f3be2917e⋯.jpg (178.28 KB,601x599,601:599,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

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f06ae4 No.21047480

File: c790cfaa408b7a7⋯.png (851.61 KB,1330x886,665:443,1718683064960.png)



Birds bugs and brainworms

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a8149d No.21047481

File: 429dfcfad166529⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB,320x320,1:1,Biden_talking_about_brain_….mp4)

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e5528d No.21047482

File: 0f8b3aecbf5e917⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB,464x480,29:30,wwg1_wga_music_trump_rally….mp4)

File: e2477df40008074⋯.gif (1.55 MB,260x260,1:1,nightshift_guard_duty_gif.gif)



anon really worrries about bakers not including the statements from trump rallies.

no matter our differences,

The information which has always been notable to anons and those lurking including those of us who are helping to spread trumps messages to the internet via social media, fighting the fake media and countering their narrative are purposely being ignored due to control of the information.

Whether admin, b.v or bakers.

this has never been done before by any baker or admin due to spite of a single anon.

There is 3 weeks left before trump could be jailed and his life put into danger as well as the maga supporters.

The deep state is vicious and the world is at stake.

put aside your divisions and return to the call.



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eea543 No.21047483



Does the pResident of the United States have the constitutional power to grant citizenship to foreign nationals who enter the country illegally?

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63b867 No.21047484

File: ab3d3b249691d99⋯.png (165.44 KB,480x269,480:269,ClipboardImage.png)

Godspeed, NIghtshift.

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01c72d No.21047485

File: 33926b807c8621c⋯.jpg (3.2 MB,1200x9900,4:33,33926b807c8621ccf8a463f257….jpg)


Shillary's minions.

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4c819b No.21047486

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16e563 No.21047487

phormidable phortress of phortitude

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f06ae4 No.21047488

File: c7f202bfcbc8e14⋯.png (1.53 MB,940x1253,940:1253,1718711201654.png)

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01c72d No.21047489

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a8149d No.21047490

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Brainbug - Nightmare

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0efa59 No.21047491

File: d1f87cb976588ef⋯.png (256.25 KB,1185x835,237:167,ClipboardImage.png)


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9d1402 No.21047492

File: 1bfe441fe186362⋯.png (46.18 KB,622x371,622:371,ClipboardImage.png)

Richard Grenell



His fake email also implies that the user of the email is a civil servant below the rank of a top political appointee.

SES is a Senior Executive Service designee.

He was pretending to be a lower rank than what he was.

Jun 18, 2024 · 2:23 AM UTC



>“SESTravel1@state.gov” email address

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7727d8 No.21047493

File: 2d4418c48860fd6⋯.jpg (90.55 KB,481x638,481:638,monolithhilton.jpg)

File: 4ed43ccaa28dcce⋯.png (699.51 KB,1000x935,200:187,michaganvoterfraudcrisisac….png)

>>21047113 lb

>>21047133 lb


>>21047216 lb

Hilton Millennium? (sp) Hotel overlooking Trade Complex. location of South and North Tower, was built to deliberately, (according to its architect), resemble 2001 Monolith, "star" of Kubrick film; "2001: A Space Odyssey"

Secret of the Monolith? supposedly one secret?

It's a screen. A movie / TV / computer screen.


"2001 : A False-Flag Odyssey"

picrel for some of article.

You might get original via Scribd?


Or alternately a Sentinel, a guard.

re: "2001 A Space Odyssey" original Arthur C. Clarke short story "The Sentinel"

Experts try to deny that story was the basis for the Kubrick film, but that's very unlikely.

Unsure why that had to be covered-up later? It was easily known, reported, back in the day.

>>21047222 lp


This guy shows up everywhere.

crisis actor.

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40f23c No.21047494

File: 349eebdb9976eda⋯.jpg (53.47 KB,555x555,1:1,digitalsoldiers.jpg)

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a3214d No.21047495


Leave the gays alone.

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4eb531 No.21047496


you basically became a regular shill

fucking idiot

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9b4e51 No.21047497


"michael fanone"

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c601dd No.21047498

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4eb531 No.21047499


btw, filtered

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10dd1c No.21047501


It is if you are Jewish.

If you are a parochial minded little bigot, then reality in this world might shock you.

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497fe9 No.21047502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cbae99 No.21047504

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note:dough below to rally notes



LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Racine, Wisconsin - 6/18/24

djt rumble channel.


Right Side Broadcasting Network



President Trump: Joe Biden is humiliating our country on the world stage…he wondered off the G7 in Europe…he said the media is manipulating the pictures of him constantly not knowing where he is.

President Trump: In the middle of the largest border invasion in world history…Joe Biden is going to formally grant a mass-amnesty to millions of illegals who came into our country…Crooked Joe is sending a message to the world that he rewards illegal entry

President Trump: Our country is under invasion; we should not be talking amnesty, we should be talking about stopping the invasion instead.

President Trump: They're trying top use all of these people that are pouring into our country to vote…they are trying to register them to vote…Joe Biden wants to be the president for illegal aliens.

President Trump: If you take a look at our real inflation…I think inflation is at forty to fifty percent.

DJT ~ there's something crazy in the water

President Trump: Unlike me, Joe Biden isn't fighting for the working people, he's fighting for all the corrupt interests that get rich off the suffering of the middle-class, and he's fighting for China, and he's fighting for lots of other countries.

President Trump: He [Biden] sent our blood and treasure to back regime change in Iraq, regime change in Libya, regime change in Syria, and every other globalist disaster for half a century.

President Trump: The outrageous charges in New York were a corrupt creation of Crooked Joe Biden and his group, and they really weaponized; what they did is they weaponized the Department of Justice, they weaponized all of the White House. What they did is disgraceful. It was all planned and carried out by his thugs in Washington, giving orders to New York…the case was completely devoid of facts, merit, or even any crimes.

djt: president abe, he was great, he was a friend of mine, he was assassinated.

he was going to run again, they took him out. he was great guy.

>>21045576 djt: do you think biden can remember 5 6 7 8 (qdrops link)

President Trump: BY this time next year, America's borders will be strong, and sealed, and secure. Inflation will be in full retreat. Our economy will be roaring back. Optimism and spirit will be surging. The American Dream will be thriving again for citizens of every race,m religion, color, and creed. Law and justice will reign all throughout our land. Freedom will be restored. The flame of liberty will be burning bright. Joe Biden, the worst president in the history of our country, will be a fading nightmare…and our great silent majority, including the once forgotten men and women of our country, will be the ones shaping America's magnificent future, when I am the forty-seventh president of the United States of America.

>>21045761 djt: israel shot down 3000 missiles. (Qdrop 3000)

And we will make America Great Again hold on i'm coming music play

>>21045667 Q+ stopped speaking at 5:48 PM EST

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47528d No.21047505



Ryan McCarthy was where the calls were going. From article one may infer Miley was tugging his pants pocket or the other way around...

Chief of Capitol Police called MG Walker for help...Walker couldn't get McCarthy

yet in it all

CINC authorized it


some folks checked out cuz muh optics or other?

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c453cd No.21047506

Tough question Anons.

If you could pimp slap ONE US politician, who would it be?

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9b4e51 No.21047507


the reality that jews suck bleeding baby penises is shocking indeed

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4eb531 No.21047508


>the real anons

who are they?


glow more

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11fc32 No.21047509

File: 9a30ba8d1f92d95⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB,406x720,203:360,QSmokeWat.mp4)

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a8149d No.21047510

File: 23812ad66110e80⋯.png (1.46 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e7c8b No.21047511

File: 291255a1b565ac8⋯.jpg (421.94 KB,1528x1374,764:687,Karate_Kid_Pepe.jpg)

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eea543 No.21047512


Where in the constitution does it specifically grant the US pResident the power to give citizenship to anybody?

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49bcd6 No.21047513


Can’t forget muh static VPN

that wuz muh fav

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6eabc3 No.21047514


Yea. By executive order. Bypassing congress

A future President can erase those orders tho, without congress approval

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127381 No.21047515

File: b5983eb5739c30b⋯.jpg (507.99 KB,1200x1600,3:4,e0d0e6989d8cbc0243d0295f9c….jpg)


The Monoliths


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01c72d No.21047516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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1527a6 No.21047518

File: df78214ae1e7216⋯.png (1.18 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2279.png)

File: 60e1a37f323e171⋯.jpeg (892.15 KB,1620x1778,810:889,IMG_2280.jpeg)

File: 024b1139960511a⋯.png (542.85 KB,898x2078,449:1039,495.png)

File: 05df876f6e577ec⋯.png (1.48 MB,898x2404,449:1202,3405.png)

File: 3c2d1fac032bbe0⋯.jpeg (1.63 MB,1620x2088,45:58,IMG_0488.jpeg)


Life is Winning!

“He’s been at the forefront of these attacks on Planned Parenthood and on access to basic reproductive healthcare for years and years,” said Erica Sackin, director of political communications for Planned Parenthood.

“Well before it became an obsession of Republican leadership, Pence has been someone who has really laser-focused on Planned Parenthood.”

Pence’s campaign took shape in July 2007, when, as a representative, he introduced one of the first amendments in Congress to strip the organization of federal funds. It was one of six such measures he sponsored before he left Congress six years later.


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25fc6c No.21047519

File: 46026c2adbf3411⋯.jpg (173.53 KB,572x381,572:381,SPECIAL.jpg)

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6e7c8b No.21047520

File: 6d60f2729e1d3d0⋯.jpg (50.87 KB,600x315,40:21,NON_SALTY.jpg)

‎January ‎11, ‎2023, ‏‎13:40:10

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442b24 No.21047521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



#25807 >>21047306

>>21047342 Kash Patel: Senior Military Officials Intentionally Delayed National Guard Deployment on January 6th

>>21047406, >>21047459, >>21047492 John Kerry used pseudonymous email while in office just like Biden, Hillary, whistleblower claims to senators


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355d07 No.21047522


The government public school system is a socialist institution.

If people don't want their kids brainwashed by socialists, then they should homeschool their kids.

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4c819b No.21047523

File: 74f1cdec5dd9f15⋯.jpg (124.33 KB,680x672,85:84,GQYqpMoXcAAww2n.jpg)

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29f780 No.21047524

File: 6d4a2e13692ac02⋯.jpg (134.2 KB,1064x1073,1064:1073,matrix_started_in_1970.jpg)

the matrix started with Unix time in 1970. The program will end in 2038.

If you're Gen X you're real.

Every boomer is an agent. Your parents are/were agents.

You know what I'm saying is accurate.

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83327b No.21047525

May God bless our warriors

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6e7c8b No.21047526

File: 55366df5bc6da6b⋯.jpg (948.83 KB,1186x1588,593:794,Tyb_.jpg)

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8cde6d No.21047527


they deployed a new chatbot

it gobbles bread like crazy

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497fe9 No.21047528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6e7c8b No.21047529

File: 977c23d0450f1e9⋯.jpg (144.81 KB,1000x658,500:329,tyb434.jpg)

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673d5d No.21047530


it all seems like some sort of PR exercise


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36dafc No.21047531


greasy wop looks more like a kike

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2a5c70 No.21047532

File: 8dacd04246258fa⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,464x360,58:45,we_have_it_all.mp4)


GE President Trump

glad you had a great rally


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8cde6d No.21047533


go away!

so annoying, filTURD

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83327b No.21047534

File: e16355ac53a2e4b⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB,1155x1535,231:307,IMG_2464.jpeg)

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6e7c8b No.21047535

File: 59ac0e274e0065a⋯.jpg (760.05 KB,896x896,1:1,Vincit_Omnia_Veritas.jpg)

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567907 No.21047536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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25fc6c No.21047537

File: 39789782c484397⋯.jpeg (405.42 KB,1242x1610,27:35,thrasher.jpeg)

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b1c787 No.21047538

File: 106972823bc50c3⋯.png (292.68 KB,547x504,547:504,106972823bc50c3de1d1f2991e….png)


Now I know why I don't really clean out the folders. Still had this

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8cde6d No.21047539


no,it aint

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4c819b No.21047540

File: 2297d0f87f8ad99⋯.png (337.07 KB,531x440,531:440,Capture.PNG)

Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of 'Changing Men's Behavior'


Australia is so fucked.

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2d032e No.21047541

File: 5da8db1eb58cb19⋯.png (453.47 KB,1080x855,24:19,20220614_205656.png)

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4dc3f5 No.21047542

File: b5f104dc794d904⋯.png (53.12 KB,470x422,235:211,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53e680ed234fe66⋯.png (43.65 KB,470x231,470:231,ClipboardImage.png)


>we have the sub

>1000 PIECES

>could it be satan?

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47528d No.21047543


The article does not mention Flynn nor Piatt...


Matthews’ memo, sent to the Jan. 6 select committee this month and obtained by POLITICO, includes detailed recollections of the insurrection response as it calls two Army generals — Gen. Charles Flynn, who served as deputy chief of staff for operations on Jan. 6, and Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt, the director of Army staff — “absolute and unmitigated liars” for their characterization of the events of that day. Matthews has never publicly discussed the chaos of the Capitol siege.

On Jan. 6, Matthews was serving as the top attorney to Maj. Gen. William Walker, then commanding general of the D.C. National Guard. Matthews’ memo defends the Capitol attack response by Walker, who now serves as the House sergeant at arms, amplifying Walker’s previous congressional testimony about the hourslong delay in the military’s order for the D.C. National Guard to deploy to the riot scene.

“Every leader in the D.C. Guard wanted to respond and knew they could respond to the riot at the seat of government” before they were given clearance to do so on Jan. 6, Matthews’ memo reads. Instead, he said, D.C. guard officials “set [sic] stunned watching in the Armory” during the first hours of the attack on Congress during its certification of the 2020 election results.

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567907 No.21047544

File: 4baf4201e88970f⋯.jpg (28.87 KB,353x362,353:362,Screen_Shot_2023_08_04_at_….jpg)

File: 010cb8506bf26b1⋯.png (30.72 KB,800x800,1:1,010cb8506bf26b1a76eaf147e1….png)

File: 66c6936febd059a⋯.gif (971.37 KB,480x270,16:9,66c6936febd059a38adf35327c….gif)

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f06ae4 No.21047545

File: 4d62290db1dc159⋯.jpg (110.92 KB,720x633,240:211,20240618_201653.jpg)

File: 6cac1b8a455dbf4⋯.jpg (215.02 KB,1799x867,1799:867,20240618_201115.jpg)


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0efa59 No.21047546

Scoop: GOP smokes Johnson over loss of Capitol cigar space(Are you kidding me?)

Rep. Tom Cole's shift to House Appropriations chair has created a quintessentially Capitol Hill problem:

It's left House Republicans without a private spot to enjoy cigars close to the floor, and lawmakers are calling on Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) to find a solution.

Why it matters: GOP lawmakers stressed to Axios the need for quiet places to gather off the House floor to bond, saying the loss of Cole's "hideaway" — as such areas are known — has left a void Johnson should address.

Given stark divisions and constant infighting in the House GOP conference, there's an argument for any arrangement that could help this crop of lawmakers build relationships.

Catch up quick: When Cole (R-Okla.) chaired the powerful Rules Committee, his Capitol hideaway was a place for lawmakers to huddle and talk policy over cigars.

But after he became Appropriations chair, he opted to let former chair Kay Granger (R-Texas) — who stepped down from the position earlier this year — retain her hideaway. He did so even as he surrendered the Rules Committee chair's office to that panel's new leader, Michael Burgess (R-Texas).

That's left Cole without a hideaway of his own and cigar aficionados without a lair, as Burgess, a physician, has not continued the tradition.

What he's saying: "We desperately need a place to smoke cigars. and I do not have and should not have the chairman's office right now … because Kay Granger needs that and that's the appropriate thing to do," Cole told Axios.

Cole noted that members used to be able to smoke in the Speaker's Lobby, a tradition Nancy Pelosi did away with in 2007 when she became speaker. "We're trying to work on finding the place — the Rules office was a great place, but I'm not Rules chairman anymore," Cole added. A person familiar with the situation said Cole was offered a Capitol office when he became Appropriations chair, but he declined.

The intrigue: Some members suggested Johnson could cede the ceremonial balcony off the House floor back to broader member use as a "smoking porch." They note that the speaker has his own large balcony elsewhere in the Capitol.

"It's a very important issue for members and — you know — we value traditions in this institution, and that tradition of that balcony belonging to Appropriations was discarded," one Republican member said.

Chief Deputy Whip Guy Reschenthaler (R-Pa.), joked that "Plan D or E " might be to "smoke in Mike Johnson's office," adding that he'd supply the cigars "and others will supply the alcohol, and we're just going to sit in his office, light up, and not leave until Tom Cole gets a hideaway."

The big picture: Those demanding Johnson find a new space have pointed to Cole's former hideaway as a place for members — male and female, but especially younger members — to be mentored by more senior colleagues.

"It's more than just cigars, it's a place for new members to get to know and be mentored by a member like Tom Cole," one GOP lawmaker said.

"There's no better time to build a relationship than over a cigar because you're with somebody for 45 minutes to an hour," Reschenthaler told Axios. "You can actually have a long conversation with somebody, and it really leads to building bridges — within the conference, but also bipartisan bridges."

"It's actually a big deal," another GOP member said, adding that the Rules hideaway under Cole "was a great location to take a break, and it is interesting how many freshmen found it helpful."

What's next: Cole said members are still welcome at his personal office in the Rayburn Building for cigar smoking while a solution is pending.

"We're gonna keep pushing to the speaker's capable hands, but with all due respect to the speaker, he wouldn't know which end of the cigar to light," Cole joked.


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47528d No.21047547


Strange things are afoot at the San Diman Cirlcle K

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6e7c8b No.21047548

File: bfe6a612c3ff718⋯.mp4 (6.75 MB,1080x1080,1:1,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….mp4)

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49bcd6 No.21047549

File: 589a2f86d1ff715⋯.png (107.59 KB,351x319,351:319,1831CF57_E2C6_42E7_8E63_ED….png)



Was lookin’ for it but had wrong pic in mind

That one…..the routine they attempted


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2a5c70 No.21047550

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4dc3f5 No.21047551


>ravens will starve

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eea543 No.21047552


An Executive Order is an order to the employees of the Executive Branch of the federal government. It cannot bypass the powers of the other branches of the government, nor does it grant the pResident the power to dictate to the citizenry anything. if the pResident proclaims, by executive Order, that all Americans are to wear pink hats we can just ignore the asshole. But if he addresses an EO to the employees of the executive branch to wear pink hats they must comply.

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c601dd No.21047553

File: e60e4a76b0c7283⋯.png (304.94 KB,1080x1350,4:5,Screenshot_20240618_221907.png)


It doesn't. Wartime/declared emergency bullshit is my guess. That's all the fuck any of this really is.

GWOT still has not officially ended.

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2594e8 No.21047554


Best skateboarder ever!

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4c819b No.21047555

File: b275116136f907f⋯.jpg (415.42 KB,1078x1446,539:723,Screenshot_20210714_001101….jpg)

File: be966330501fa6f⋯.png (19.15 KB,460x503,460:503,seRDbBWCqMp6UUUwroCH_03_35….png)

File: bc0f1dba3663a8b⋯.png (26.69 KB,608x454,304:227,sG4RmW6eqJOeU3vWu5Uy_21_f1….png)

File: d7ff8947b3a6fb0⋯.jpg (117.91 KB,640x960,2:3,Shithole_Putin.jpg)

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11fc32 No.21047556

File: 227a5444b5a92e8⋯.jpg (195.77 KB,640x650,64:65,PatrickHenryQuote1.jpg)

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29f780 No.21047557


If I have to have a real estimate, I'd say no more than 15% of Americans really support this shit

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f06ae4 No.21047558

File: 897fb855d6fe601⋯.jpg (151.87 KB,718x835,718:835,20240618_201945.jpg)

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b1c787 No.21047559

File: 085e3c6cb5455d6⋯.gif (6.43 MB,360x360,1:1,085e3c6cb5455d61ab40ea9ad9….gif)


The memories…..

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4c819b No.21047560

File: 4d6087475548210⋯.png (134.11 KB,529x471,529:471,Capture.PNG)

File: f183b7cd2960350⋯.png (19.34 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage2262.png)

The Music Just Stopped: Japan Banking Giant Norinchukin To Liquidate $63 Billion In Treasuries & European Bonds To Plug Massive Unrealized Losses


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47528d No.21047561

“Their attitude was ‘This is What We Do.’ ‘Send Me,’” the memo continues.

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6e7c8b No.21047562

File: 5bfb3b69843e03b⋯.mp4 (8.77 MB,1280x720,16:9,Bob_Dylan_Dixie_.mp4)

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355d07 No.21047563


He needs to be hanged for treason.

Put him on the same hanging platform as Nancy,

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78b948 No.21047565

File: 0cde5b9834852a6⋯.webm (1.39 MB,460x816,115:204,hawk_tuah.webm)

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83327b No.21047566


This Movie Is (fill in the blank)

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a8149d No.21047567

File: f70c490f5ccb188⋯.png (371.18 KB,680x383,680:383,ClipboardImage.png)


>Changing Men's Behavior

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7e954d No.21047568


First Tranny Of The United States


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63b867 No.21047569


they stick with what works

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29f780 No.21047570

File: eef69d7ba8d69b6⋯.png (210.03 KB,589x789,589:789,ireland_niggers_with_mache….png)


i hate ravens crows & grackles. evil bully birds that kill and torment good birds

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f06ae4 No.21047571

File: 88f03cd819fe881⋯.jpg (200.57 KB,1200x1200,1:1,20240617_190705.jpg)

File: cc10287c418d970⋯.jpg (163.59 KB,1300x907,1300:907,20240617_211001.jpg)

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567907 No.21047573

File: b764c61c47f7651⋯.jpg (26.45 KB,306x334,153:167,b764c61c47f76511f8eda43df1….jpg)

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63b867 No.21047574


This Movie Is Brazil

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9d1402 No.21047575

File: 763423d8317619a⋯.jpg (133.94 KB,1080x1453,1080:1453,media_GPzj9heWAAU99PD.jpg)

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751f87 No.21047576


were only ~250 posts in. im sure a good one will pop up.

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7727d8 No.21047577

File: 53bd54bdd784d7c⋯.png (2.12 MB,1111x6416,1111:6416,False_Flag_Odyssey1.png)

File: d96fce98a8fee0d⋯.png (2.19 MB,1088x6360,136:795,False_Flag_Odyssey2.png)

File: 0522db6565622ed⋯.png (1.35 MB,1088x3752,136:469,False_Flag_Odyssey3.png)

File: 60dc88b82c5aac5⋯.png (2.44 MB,1096x6132,274:1533,False_Flag_Odyssey4.png)


"2001: A False-flag Odyssey" by Joe Bisdin

Part 5 is following.


I believe the original was taken down , or not coming up for me in search.

I believe I have a full version of some original version. It may have gone through revisions?

Shows how the Screen (monolith) 2D representation, projection of reality, is seen by the controllers as a weapon.

The screen shrinks dimensions?

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83327b No.21047578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>the day the music died

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63b867 No.21047579


Target Rich Environment.

For both sides.

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6e7c8b No.21047580

File: c41f4485ddb693e⋯.mp4 (7.55 MB,352x262,176:131,Buffalo_Springfield_For_Wh….mp4)

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7e954d No.21047581


>Australia is so fucked.

all western nations are

it's deliberate, part of a globohomo plan

anti white anti men anti hetero etc etc

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b3aa8d No.21047582

File: 61eb7da86de712a⋯.png (290.7 KB,766x792,383:396,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc2cf12ff5de521⋯.png (132.38 KB,758x674,379:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 267a5095b7ebda6⋯.png (120.83 KB,776x684,194:171,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e39b761087cb50⋯.png (46.35 KB,777x405,259:135,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc548c289af0bd4⋯.png (284.46 KB,718x665,718:665,ClipboardImage.png)


The counterfeit book of revelation

The Pagan Gospel Of The Church Replaced The Gospel Of Jesus

The Irrefutable history behind Roman Emperor Constantine's ability to implement his pagan practices into the bible canons that begun at the Council of Nicaea in 325ad and ended at the Council Of Carthage in 397ad when the official bible rolled out.'



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63b867 No.21047583



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a8149d No.21047584

File: d0645fceef94e06⋯.mp4 (11.41 MB,426x240,71:40,We_re_coming_for_your_chil….mp4)

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c453cd No.21047585

File: effa36369a97ee5⋯.png (76.48 KB,766x674,383:337,2857.png)



Friendly reminder.

God Bless the Bakers

God Bless the Anons

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9b4e51 No.21047586


what counternarrative is false?

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01c72d No.21047587

File: 2feecbabf9ca39e⋯.png (291.05 KB,430x286,215:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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63b867 No.21047588


piss off, faggot

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442b24 No.21047589

File: d8486d05eefce81⋯.png (1.87 MB,1631x981,1631:981,ClipboardImage.png)


no thank you Vatican Poster

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25fc6c No.21047590


Jack is sending a message

with that outfit

Don't take what I say seriously I'm a clown

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388fc3 No.21047591

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


it's a mad mad mad mad world

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c601dd No.21047592

File: d923df346dc35d6⋯.png (337.17 KB,1080x347,1080:347,Screenshot_20240618_222340.png)



Should have thrown this in there too.

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63b867 No.21047593


A Tufted Titmouse is NOT a girl Cardinal.

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355d07 No.21047594


The Jews invented/created the Muslim religion to try to combat Christianity.

The Muslims are psudo Jews.

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9d1402 No.21047595

File: 0d0d099bbd18b4f⋯.png (485.33 KB,631x475,631:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b4e51 No.21047596


this article is an eye opener


jews rape children in their own community and when they're caught, the entire community protects the rapists and attacks the children who were raped and their families.

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a8149d No.21047597


AI could help spread false and misleading information on Holocaust, UNESCO report warns

The report was published in partnership with the World Jewish Congress.

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751f87 No.21047598

File: e44269780bd2d46⋯.png (828.72 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

REPORT: City of Seattle Now Recruiting Illegal Immigrants to Become Police Officers

The city of Seattle is now recruiting DACA recipients (illegal immigrants) to become police officers.

Leaders of the city defunded and demoralized the police, then when people finally came to their senses and no one could find a police officer when they needed one, the city began to try to recruit new police but found few takers.

This is their latest attempt to fix their self-imposed problem.

Jason Rantz reported at KTTH Radio:


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63b867 No.21047600

File: 127fc68983d868e⋯.png (260.58 KB,702x542,351:271,mjs_blue.png)


new dimensions in delusion.

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01c72d No.21047601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Feminist Derangement Syndrome coming up!

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63b867 No.21047602

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191a3d No.21047603

File: 794d0cf1e51add2⋯.mp4 (12.73 MB,854x480,427:240,Hottest_American_Weather_G….mp4)

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78b948 No.21047604

File: 7ad453f5833aea9⋯.webm (2.63 MB,460x258,230:129,meal_worm.webm)

Plastic problem solved.

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49bcd6 No.21047605

File: f80c8c379f69435⋯.png (454.14 KB,1501x1115,1501:1115,D6DF9B19_245A_4E02_ABFD_8A….png)



Muh sides!!!

Have a good rest of your evening

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63b867 No.21047606



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0f7cd4 No.21047607

File: fa0ddcfd6b6cd8f⋯.png (328.41 KB,944x530,472:265,229B2BB8_4140_4AAA_86C0_6A….png)





NightShift has Assumed Control

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29f780 No.21047608

File: 210ee4cbca4b229⋯.png (346.61 KB,1226x615,1226:615,ClipboardImage.png)


still uncovering things from the obama admin eh.

So Grenell is RTing Webb


michigan is fucked. Need to take federal to fix Michigan


>The program will end in 2038.

picrel. Goading. No one makes it to 2050

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63b867 No.21047609

File: fe9951859435a31⋯.png (267.18 KB,580x325,116:65,Election_2024.png)



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9b4e51 No.21047610


the counternarrative is that the spooks ran a FF

ofc anything pelosi or biden are just facilitators even if that was biden

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374fb0 No.21047611

File: 7e7b7a7b5659e1b⋯.png (874.65 KB,957x716,957:716,ClipboardImage.png)

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83327b No.21047612


>the Jews created the Muslim religion

The Arabic peoples descend from Ishmael

>and he will be a wild donkey of a man

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673d5d No.21047613



boom a rang

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eea543 No.21047615


Biden is a lithmus test.

Biden holds a rally at a high school he can't fill one end of the gymnasium. But if Biden holds a rally for celebrities he can fill a fucking auditorium. (as long as Kang Obama is on stage)

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ef6dff No.21047616


one post marvel slanders an important Biblical text with freshly made up information.

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78b948 No.21047617

File: b67515a3248c748⋯.png (321.47 KB,460x575,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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42b907 No.21047618

File: 6bc37fe0dabf40b⋯.png (1.06 MB,690x665,138:133,6bc37fe0dabf40b28c761e183a….png)

File: 0a18b32f127778d⋯.jpg (130.94 KB,736x870,368:435,8541bde885c64c28.jpg)

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f0ef29 No.21047620



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9d1402 No.21047621

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11fc32 No.21047622

File: ba3ace4b9299994⋯.jpg (2.06 MB,5008x3168,313:198,tartare2.jpg)


Likes it tartare as a still living thing?

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32eba1 No.21047624


nice boots

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29f780 No.21047625

File: 70fb030e260f145⋯.jpg (178.4 KB,1024x1024,1:1,blakansha.jpg)


>it's deliberate

it's torture

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442b24 No.21047626

File: 06d0cac79828734⋯.png (2.47 MB,1067x1241,1067:1241,ClipboardImage.png)


Yes, Yes I Am

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9b4e51 No.21047627


last baker was jewish, so is this

they give the bread to each other

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2d032e No.21047629

File: e92d0cbe10fc815⋯.gif (2.47 MB,414x290,207:145,tenor_4.gif)




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be504c No.21047630


What’s in a banner?

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ef6dff No.21047631


the form of your posts is 'shill'

your cry babying is shill behavior

your 'you are making me a victim' narrative screams 'shill.'

ultimatum 'your one chance' clown shill threats.

and to top it all off you provide nothing of interest in your post

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355d07 No.21047633


That is the claim.

Why did it take them 2500 years to come up with their own religion?

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b3aa8d No.21047634


You reviewed all the evidence that quickly


Revelation is a cabal creation and the end times they are currently manufacturing proves it

If it were real the plagues would come from nature not Fauci and biolabs

Famines would come from nature not chemtrails and food supply destruction.

Great distress in the land would come from nature not billionaires fucking shit up

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4c819b No.21047635

File: 6579df70c4671b4⋯.jpg (59.21 KB,577x680,577:680,GQYr2djWkAAU0ZF.jpg)

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7727d8 No.21047637

File: 94071feb849b0c9⋯.png (2.88 MB,1916x4576,479:1144,2001_A_False_Flag_Odyssey5….png)

File: b1cc0b6c9c9d620⋯.png (4.47 MB,1916x8008,479:2002,2001_A_False_Flag_Odyssey5….png)

File: 54d0a687d9dfb5f⋯.png (4.93 MB,1916x10446,958:5223,2001_A_False_Flag_Odyssey5….png)

File: 5f5b4b6327dfef6⋯.jpg (107.97 KB,504x598,252:299,hiltonlogo.jpg)



About the Hilton Hotel Millennial deliberately shaped like the Monolith of movie "2001" by Kubrick, the likely Occultist with the Wife related to Nazi Propagandist (found guilty at Nuremberg, Jew-hate Propaganda)

Hilton Just happens to overlook the site of the 2001 False Flag attack.

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bdc4ff No.21047639

File: e3b52a6e579dfd6⋯.jpeg (482.73 KB,828x667,36:29,C85C4F37_1C7F_49B4_989D_1….jpeg)

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be504c No.21047641


All J’s. Very sensitive group.

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79978e No.21047642

File: 4bbdc4c7b51615d⋯.mp4 (6.95 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Intro.mp4)

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c560ad No.21047644



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673d5d No.21047645


God only know the truth

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bdc4ff No.21047647


Ho moon, better get a date for that one.

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ef6dff No.21047648


using swear words proves you aren't even a little bit interested in any message that God wants us to get from holy books.

good bye.

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b1c787 No.21047649


Not just "some shill", you've been spewing the same stuff all over General Research for weeks now

When it gets deleted from here, you spew it in the Catalog making fake breads

Or you shove it into the International breads

You had a chance to actually contribute but your constant spamming has led to rejection Vatican Dude

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38b304 No.21047650


they are God's creatures, too.

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29f780 No.21047651

File: fc72ea1e02f2d16⋯.png (1.19 MB,1675x719,1675:719,flash_gordon_baddie_with_m….png)


>REPORT: City of Seattle Now Recruiting Illegal Immigrants to Become Police Officers

And they get guns.

And access to databases of names & addresses

The war is next in this story

If you think Trump deports without massive war you'd be mistaken

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78b948 No.21047652

File: 890d70f6b4d923d⋯.mp4 (3.95 MB,460x258,230:129,deep_fake.mp4)

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eea543 No.21047654


Can noncitizens be police?

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442b24 No.21047656



#25807 >>21047306

>>21047342 Kash Patel: Senior Military Officials Intentionally Delayed National Guard Deployment on January 6th

>>21047406, >>21047459, >>21047492 John Kerry used pseudonymous email while in office just like Biden, Hillary, whistleblower claims to senators


>>21047540 Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of 'Changing Men's Behavior'

>>21047419 POTUS Truth

>>21047560 Japan Banking Giant Norinchukin To Liquidate $63 Billion To Plug Massive Unrealized Losses

>>21047598 City of Seattle Now Recruiting Illegal Immigrants to Become Police Officers

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751f87 No.21047657

File: 95076a8aa7fbd2d⋯.png (1.04 MB,878x585,878:585,ClipboardImage.png)

Examination of eerie ‘portal to the underworld’ finally ends — here’s what was found

he examination of an ancient “portal to the underworld” that has perplexed archaeologists has finally ended, officials say.

The Mexican artifact, called the Olmec Cave Mask, was stolen from the Chalcatzingo archaeological site in Mexico’s Central Highlands in the 1960s.

Smugglers broke the millennia-old mask into several pieces and circulated them around several museums and private collections before the full artifact was finally given back to Mexico in 2023.


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be504c No.21047658

Got a reminder to why I don’t come here during day shift. F’ing Elon, NASA, J baker all day.

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751f87 No.21047659


you mean illegals?

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9b4e51 No.21047660


vatican, what did you think about these



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29f780 No.21047661

File: ff7dfa92407dd6f⋯.png (380.86 KB,568x537,568:537,water_tree_trump_jail.png)


libtard fag

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b3aa8d No.21047663

Russia names main condition for BRICS membership

Countries seeking to join the group must not be involved in unilateral sanctions schemes, Russia’s deputy foreign minister has said

“For us, one of the key criteria for admission to BRICS and welcoming partner states is non-participation…in the illegal sanctions policies, illegal restrictive measures against any BRICS participant, first of all, of course, against Russia,” Ryabkov stated.

This stance is met with “full understanding” by other BRICS members, Ryabkov noted. Moscow expects such a position to maintain its “core nature” as the group grows in the future, he said.

“The fact that BRICS will grow and find new forms both with partners and in terms of its own expansion is indisputable,” the diplomat said, adding that the current ten members of the group have already “adjusted” to each other and are now working “as a team.”

BRICS was founded in 2006 by Brazil, Russia, India and China, while South Africa joined in 2011. The group expanded this year by welcoming Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates as full-fledged members. The group, now colloquially known as BRICS+, has opted to keep its original name despite the expansion.

Numerous other countries have officially declared an intention to join the organization as well. The latest expression of intent came over the weekend from Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, who pledged to file the necessary paperwork shortly.

“We have made our policy clear and we have made our decision. We will start the formal process soon. We are waiting for the final result and the feedback from the South African government,” Ibrahim stated.


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c560ad No.21047664



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83327b No.21047665


I'm with ya, anon

>Quran was written some 500 years after the Scripture and pre-supposes one has read the Scripture because it mentions peoole of the Bible without explaning who they are.

~ Emilio Ramos

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01c72d No.21047669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jump Fuckers!

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b3aa8d No.21047670


OK you have a monopoly on what God wants and thinks


Gee I wonder whose behind this post

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c560ad No.21047671

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91f430 No.21047672

File: 0700f4927ba8477⋯.png (781.52 KB,643x876,643:876,Screenshot_2024_05_20_5_02….png)

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42b907 No.21047673

File: 7918be48864dda9⋯.jpg (107.82 KB,500x738,250:369,Harvest_Moar_Millstones.jpg)

File: 11b1e461578e404⋯.png (599.93 KB,680x512,85:64,Screenshot_2023_08_06_1339….png)

File: 62d3200c0e872ad⋯.jpeg (671.66 KB,960x681,320:227,62d3200c0e872ad76ee4c0f02….jpeg)


We have been growing them for this time.

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c560ad No.21047674


she was murdered

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9d1402 No.21047675

File: 1ab0409f392f6b0⋯.png (134.5 KB,216x261,24:29,ClipboardImage.png)


Mess AI?

This is probably one more iteration of the constant repetition of history, in which every time we advance a little bit in technology, everything goes to hell with a disaster. and then it all starts again, without memory.

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79978e No.21047677

File: aa4d502ad1b536e⋯.mp4 (6.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,Las_Vegas_smoke_shop_owner….mp4)

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7727d8 No.21047678

File: 6e8f9de84a833db⋯.jpg (50.28 KB,698x900,349:450,arthurcclarke.jpg)


P.S. Arthur Clarke was a well-known pedo. Moved to Shree Lanka /Ceylon where it could be accepted.

Just sayn;

Even gots the "pedo smirk"

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0efa59 No.21047680

File: 7e37efb30dec37e⋯.mp4 (2.36 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17187646253….mp4)

Secret Service tried to shut down War Room live broadcast in Detroit before Kane’s segment.

Citizen Free Press


Secret Service kicked out five thousand people, and forced everyone to be rescreened early saturday morning in Detroit.

I watched it happen live. They originally told Bannon, me and Posobiec that we would have to shut down the War Room broadcast



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4c819b No.21047682

File: d2331d52172a61f⋯.png (51.18 KB,522x388,261:194,Capture.PNG)

“Bunch of BS”: Attendee at Trump’s CEO Meeting Refutes Media Reports:

“The attendee who spoke with The Daily Signal said Sorkin’s interpretation is wrong. (The Daily Signal granted the attendee anonymity to speak candidly about the private meeting.) ‘There was never a moment of meandering,’ the attendee said. ‘He was focused. In fact, he received a loud ovation at the end.’ The attendee added: ‘There was not one CEO who wasn’t impressed with what they heard from Trump. Everybody was clapping.’ Sorkin did not immediately reply to The Daily Signal’s request for comment.”


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b1c787 No.21047683


You coulda been a Hero, but your spamming kept you a Zero

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442b24 No.21047685

File: d8fb938a5e41e4a⋯.png (4.43 MB,1676x1490,838:745,ClipboardImage.png)

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2d032e No.21047687

File: a7367954126e1f8⋯.jpeg (143.47 KB,796x1196,199:299,1595426093.jpeg)

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4dc3f5 No.21047688


>>21047209 lb

>music about to go out?

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567907 No.21047689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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29f780 No.21047690

File: 9df9e979dbdf3c0⋯.png (2.37 MB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_pez_red_pill_dispense….png)


>Can noncitizens be police?

they can't possess ammunition except under certain circumstances. I'm sure that won't stop them.

But some entrepreneurial investigator could almost certainly find them in violation of the law

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b1c787 No.21047691


twirl that vpn Vatican Dude!

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cbae99 No.21047693

File: 904b2280e4bb4c8⋯.png (320.77 KB,832x590,416:295,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c542e2c5b40f8e⋯.png (1.04 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)




The Music Just Stopped: Japan Banking Giant Norinchukin To Liquidate $63 Billion In Treasuries & European Bonds To Plug Massive Unrealized Losses

Tyler Durden's Photo


WEDNESDAY, JUN 19, 2024 - 03:20 AM

Last October, when the wounds from the March 2023 bank failures - which surpassed the global financial crisis in total assets and which sparked the latest Fed intervention, setting the market's nadir over the past 16 months - were still fresh, we made a non-consensus prediction: we said that since the Fed has once again backstopped the US financial system, "the next bank failure will be in Japan."

Next bank failure will be in Japan >https://t.co/51eCSNZeIh

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) October 3, 2023

This prediction only got warmer two months later when, inexplicably, Japan's Norinchukin bank, best known as Japan's CLO whale, was quietly added to the list of counterparties for the Fed's Standing Repo Facility, a/k/a the Fed's foreign bank bailout slush fund.

The Norinchukin Bank, New York branch has been added to the list of Standing Repo Facility Counterparties, effective Dec. 1

great, the Fed is now bailing out Japan's CLO whale.

Can someone please bug the next dinner at Centralbahnplatz 2 18th floor dining room

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) December 1, 2023

But if that was the first, and still distant, sign that something was very wrong at one of Japan's biggest banks (Norinchukin is Japan's 5th largest bank with $840 billion in assets) today the proverbial canary stepped on a neutron bomb inside the Japanese coalmine, because according to Nikkei, Norinchukin Bank "will sell more than 10 trillion yen ($63 billion) of its holdings of U.S. and European government bonds during the year ending March 2025 as it aims to stem its losses from bets on low-yield foreign bonds, a main cause of its deteriorating balance sheet, and lower the risks associated with holding foreign government bonds."

See, what's happened in Japan is not that different from what is happening in the US, where as the FDIC keeps reminding us quarter after quarter, US banks are still sitting on over half a trillion dollars in unrealized losses, as a result of the huge jump in interest rates which has blown up the banks' long-duration fixed income holdings, sending them trading far below par and forcing banks (and the Fed, see BTFP) to come up with creative ways of shoving these massive losses under the rug.

And while Japanese rates have barely budged - the BOJ only just raised rates for the first time in decades in April - the move is already cascading into the form of huge losses for domestic banks, which have been hammered twice as hard due to their holdings of offshore debt which until 2021 was viewed as risk free, only to blow up in everyone's face two years ago when the bull market since the early 1980s ended with a bang.

Enter Norinchukin: according to the Nikkei, the company's net loss for the year ending March 2025, which was previously forecast to top 500 billion yen, will rise to the 1.5 trillion yen level with the bond sales.

"We plan to sell low-yield [foreign] bonds in the amount of 10 trillion yen or more," Norinchukin Bank CEO Kazuto Oku told Nikkei, an amount just above $60 billion.

The bank, which previously was best known for being one of the world's most aggressive CLO investors - buys securities out of pension funds deposited by agriculture, forestry, and fisheries concerns.

Facing a problem that is very familiar to all US banks, Oku said the bank "acknowledged the need to drastically change its portfolio management" to reduce unrealized losses on its bonds, which totaled roughly 2.2 trillion yen as of the end of March. Oku explained bank's intention to shift its investments, saying, "We will reduce [sovereign] interest rate risk and diversify into assets that take on corporate and individual credit risk."

Now, if Nochu, as it is affectionately known by bankruptcy lawyers, was a US bank circa one year ago, it would not have to sell anything: it could just pledge all of its sharply depreciated bonds at the Fed's BTFP facility, and get a par value for them.


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b1c787 No.21047695


>they can't possess ammunition except under certain circumstances

I guess the Bloods and the Crips still only deal in cash?

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cc4404 No.21047699



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3883cb No.21047700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ry Cooder - Straight Street

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cbae99 No.21047702

File: 99b6779e7ef6ec1⋯.png (1.47 MB,996x620,249:155,ClipboardImage.png)



Unfortunately, Nochu is not US but Japanese, and it is not 2023 but rather 2024, when the high-rate disaster of 2023 was supposed to be over. Supposed to be… but instead it's only getting worse. Regular readers will hardly need it, but for novices Nikkei gives the following quick primer: "Interest rates in the U.S. and Europe have risen and bond prices are down. This reduced the value of high-priced (low-yielding) foreign bonds that Norinchukin purchased in the past, causing its paper losses to swell."

So faced with no other options, Nochu is doing the only thing it can: an orderly liquidation of tens of billions of securities now, when they are still liquid and carry a high price, in hopes of avoiding a disorderly liquidation and much worse, in a few months when the bond market freezes up.

And yes, the Japanese rates canary is quite, quite massive: as of the end of March, Norinchukin had approximately 23 trillion yen of foreign bonds (about $150 billion), amounting to 42% of its total 56 trillion yen of assets under management.

To get some sense of the scale, according to the Bank of Japan, outstanding foreign bonds held by depositary financial institutions amounted to 117 trillion yen as of the end of March. Norinchukin, which is a major institutional investor in Japan, holds as much as 20% of the total on its own! And those asking, yes: once Nochu begins selling, all others will have to join the club!

But why start the selling now? Because, as we warned last October when we predicted that the next bank crisis will be in Japan, the Japanese mega-bank now believes interest rate cuts in the U.S. and Europe are likely to take longer than it previously expected, it will try to significantly cut its unrealized losses by selling foreign bonds in fiscal 2024.

And so, Norinchukin plans to sell over 10 trillion yen in foreign bonds, in addition to its normal trading activities.

The rest of the story is filler: in attempt to divert attention from the 10 trillion yen elephant in the room, the Nikkei then wastes time discussing the bank's other "alternatives" to wit:

The company is now considering investment alternatives, including equities, corporate bonds, corporate loans and private equity, as well as securitized products such as corporate loan-backed securities and mortgage-backed securities. By diversifying its portfolio, it aims to prevent unrealized losses from expanding to the point where they become a concern for management. It will also try to replace some low-yielding foreign government debt with other such bonds offering higher interest rates.

What are you talking about? What diversification? Once the selling begins, the bank will be lucky if it can get even a fraction of the proceeds it hopes for (because all the other banks won't just be standing there twiddling their thumbs, as they wait to see how massively Nochu reprices the market).


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b3aa8d No.21047703

File: 8af95458ac6ccf4⋯.png (211.03 KB,485x463,485:463,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33b534ab052d0bb⋯.png (244.56 KB,867x731,51:43,ClipboardImage.png)

The Music Just Stopped: Japan Banking Giant Norinchukin To Liquidate $63 Billion In Treasuries & European Bonds To Plug Massive Unrealized Losses

Last October, when the wounds from the March 2023 bank failures - which surpassed the global financial crisis in total assets and which sparked the latest Fed intervention, setting the market's nadir over the past 16 months - were still fresh, we made a non-consensus prediction: we said that since the Fed has once again backstopped the US financial system, "the next bank failure will be in Japan."

This prediction only got warmer two months later when, inexplicably, Japan's Norinchukin bank, best known as Japan's CLO whale, was quietly added to the list of counterparties for the Fed's Standing Repo Facility, a/k/a the Fed's foreign bank bailout slush fund.

But if that was the first, and still distant, sign that something was very wrong at one of Japan's biggest banks (Norinchukin is Japan's 5th largest bank with $840 billion in assets) today the proverbial canary stepped on a neutron bomb inside the Japanese coalmine, because according to Nikkei, Norinchukin Bank "will sell more than 10 trillion yen ($63 billion) of its holdings of U.S. and European government bonds during the year ending March 2025 as it aims to stem its losses from bets on low-yield foreign bonds, a main cause of its deteriorating balance sheet, and lower the risks associated with holding foreign government bonds."

See, what's happened in Japan is not that different from what is happening in the US, where as the FDIC keeps reminding us quarter after quarter, US banks are still sitting on over half a trillion dollars in unrealized losses, as a result of the huge jump in interest rates which has blown up the banks' long-duration fixed income holdings, sending them trading far below par and forcing banks (and the Fed, see BTFP) to come up with creative ways of shoving these massive losses under the rug.


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941936 No.21047705

File: 9a1db44b8d71d3c⋯.jpeg (57.03 KB,720x439,720:439,IMG_0513.jpeg)



we are locked into a groundhog day matrix

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38b304 No.21047706

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45092f No.21047708

It is all coming together. Just as promised. Can you feel it anons?

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0f7cd4 No.21047709


Remember how quiet the board became after their latest movie “Gaza attacks Israel” debuted? Coordinated Projection across all realms.

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cbae99 No.21047711

File: 1fa550a76d8bd05⋯.png (1.5 MB,722x1022,361:511,ClipboardImage.png)




And it's not just banks: if and when the selling begins by a bank that holds 20% of all foreign bonds in Japan, the liquidation cascade will quickly spread to Mrs Watanabe. According to the U.S. Treasury Department, Japanese investors held $1.18 trillion of U.S. government bonds as of March, the largest slice among foreign holders.

Needless to say, but the Nikkei does so anyway, "Massive sales by Norinchukin could have a sizable effect on the U.S. bond market."

And since we now know what is happening, it is only a matter of time before everyone else frontruns Norinchukin.

What happens next will be even uglier: since the bank will no longer be able to mask its fixed income losses under the guise of accounting sleight of hand, the bank's financial results for the period ending March 2025 will "deteriorate significantly as a result of the huge divestment of foreign bonds and turn paper losses into real ones." As of May, Norinchukin put its final loss at more than 500 billion yen, but this is now expected to reach the 1.5 trillion yen level.

A little more context: back in the immediate aftermath of the global financial crisis, in the year ending March 2009, Norinchukin posted a final loss of about 570 billion yen due to impairment of securitized products. The forecast loss for this fiscal year is expected to top the previous record by roughly 1 trillion yen. Nevertheless, Oku said that putting the losses on the books in the year ending next March will "improve [the bank's] finances and portfolio, thus enabling to move into the black in the period ending March 2026."

Spoiler alert: no it won't… and that's why the bank is now scrambling to share the pain with even greater fools, i.e., "investors."

According to the Nikkei, Norinchukin Bank is considering raising 1.2 trillion yen to shore up its finances. It has already started discussions with Japan Agriculture Cooperatives, one of its main investors, and others. Of course, the question of who in their right mind would lend the bank good money to plug an even bigger hole that is about to open up, is anyone's guess.

But that won't stop the bank from doing what it has to, now that it has picked the liquidation route: and once the selling flood begins, it won't end as these flashing red headlines from Bloomberg just confirmed:




There's a name for this: a firesale, but - drumroll - a "gradual" one, because that's how firesales supposedly go in Japan.

Luckily, the one thing nobody has to guess, is what happens next: as the wonderful movie Margin Call laid out so very well, once you realize that the music has stopped, you have three choices: i) be first, ii) be smarter, or iii) cheat. In the case of Japan's Norinchukin, it has decided the time has come to liquidate before everyone else. We wonder how "everyone else" will take this particular news…


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eea543 No.21047712


Jack's kid.

RFK tried to talk her into getting an abortion. She refused.

At least that was the conspiracy theory.

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a8149d No.21047713

File: a316e1147c46338⋯.mp4 (7.93 MB,640x368,40:23,While_he_needed_a_little_Q….mp4)

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42b907 No.21047714

File: e7191f0b2bdc87b⋯.png (755.17 KB,804x545,804:545,Screenshot_2023_07_29_0946….png)

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4c819b No.21047716

File: 2418b4035144935⋯.jpg (5.46 KB,300x168,25:14,download.jpg)


A timeline loop.

BST technology.

But we break the through this time.

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ef6dff No.21047717


the 'suggest a feelz and ask people to verify'

no one feels it, anon. you don't even know what 'it' is.

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29f780 No.21047719


Brainwashed by modern liberal christianity into self-destruction. You're no more than 2 degrees of seperation from some morons who literally adopted africans

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374fb0 No.21047720

File: 75c83de591d0c41⋯.png (591.77 KB,768x534,128:89,ClipboardImage.png)

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e03f7b No.21047721


Clarke like the little brown boys in Ceylon, the filthy pedo homo

He was part of a big club

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442b24 No.21047722

File: fb6ba2c7deb2866⋯.png (537.32 KB,678x817,678:817,ClipboardImage.png)


I have the perfect folder for this little gem


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4c819b No.21047724

Same clowns on nightshift, plague dayshift.

Good to see we have them working 24/7

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c453cd No.21047725


Who was present that required Secret Service protection? Doesn't add up. Bannon or Kane are just civilians, so they wouldn't have SS protection.

Unless there is a spin to it.

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cbae99 No.21047726

>>21047560, >>21047693, >>21047702, >>21047711 Japan Banking Giant Norinchukin To Liquidate $63 Billion In Treasuries & European Bonds To Plug Massive Unrealized Losses - Zerohedge insight on treasuries and e.u bonds liquidation in japn 5th largest bank

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eea543 No.21047727


I remember. It was spooky how this place suddenly changed for a short while.

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7f4350 No.21047728

Poor Vatitard must need extra money.

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42b907 No.21047729

File: 56c3f146dc6e6c8⋯.png (830.67 KB,918x610,459:305,Renegade_Evergreen_ship.png)


Fer dub dubs

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47528d No.21047730


It's all good

everything will start bubbling up

and cause much consternation

just like Schumer got over his raw meat patty con queso

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2d032e No.21047731

File: 82e7b94b0e07d80⋯.jpeg (248.41 KB,1140x1728,95:144,1551444180.jpeg)

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b3aa8d No.21047732

File: 8da0a6767b9362a⋯.png (120.62 KB,315x156,105:52,ClipboardImage.png)

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45092f No.21047733


So sorry. I feel it deep inside. I feel the worm has turned. Godspeed to you!

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ac7315 No.21047735

>▶ Anonymous Just now 7f4350 No.21047728


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eea543 No.21047736


The feeling is mutual.

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751f87 No.21047737

File: dae22120f2e5f6c⋯.png (1.78 MB,890x1194,445:597,ClipboardImage.png)

NYPD ‘super rookie’ awarded Medal of Honor for gunning down career criminal cop killer

The NYPD honored some of New York’s Finest at an awards ceremony Tuesday – including a Medal of Honor for the onetime “super rookie” who gunned down a career criminal who killed two other cops.

Sumit Sulan, who has since been promoted to detective, received a rousing standing ovation as NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban placed the medal around his neck for stopping cop killer Lashawn McNeil dead in his tracks during a domestic dispute call in Harlem on Jan. 21, 2022.

McNeil, 47, was shot just moments after killing hero cops Wilbert Mora and Jason Rivera.

“With Officers Mora and Rivera struck by gunfire, and the perpetrator continuing to advance to commit further violence, Officer Sulan discharged his firearm twice, striking and gravely wounding the perpetrator, preventing further incident,” Caban said at the ceremony at the NYPD Police Academy.


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673d5d No.21047738


the way it's going

watch your six


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29f780 No.21047739

File: 29b599a6d84ab2a⋯.png (70.43 KB,306x164,153:82,ned_bing_guy_groundhog_day….png)

File: 963bcb247a77098⋯.jpg (171.75 KB,1024x628,256:157,no_time_to_nigger_groundho….jpg)

File: 7a655a153ee07a2⋯.png (523.28 KB,728x702,28:27,hunter_biden_finger_lakes_….png)

File: c46f1b993d52a75⋯.png (43.48 KB,187x237,187:237,440_groundhog.png)

File: 9eeb56e395d3b39⋯.png (558.95 KB,684x720,19:20,tip_top_cafe_groundhog_day….png)


>we are locked into a groundhog day matrix

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7e954d No.21047740


what is BST tech?

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eea543 No.21047742



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ac7315 No.21047743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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af51ea No.21047744

File: dbea3288d441004⋯.jpg (137 KB,1080x718,540:359,cry_about_it.jpg)



>you basically became a regular shill

By posting a cartoon frog repeatedly? You sound mad, bruh? You see, I consider a shill someone that's paid, a deep state or other bad actor whose paycheck relies on posting here. I'm not paid. Not one cent. I wouldn't accept payment anyway to do something I'd be doing someplace else anyway in my free time had I not found this place. Your bitchfit over a cartoon frog smoking a cigar was your tell, clown. KEK!

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91f430 No.21047745

File: bf24d0778bd6cb7⋯.png (460.79 KB,647x843,647:843,Screenshot_2024_06_18_10_4….png)

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442b24 No.21047746

File: 5c7b4fc8714f741⋯.png (1.03 MB,793x593,793:593,ClipboardImage.png)


Ahoy me hardie, ye be little low on supplies?

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4c819b No.21047747

File: b51270650fb6e6e⋯.png (339.66 KB,526x408,263:204,Capture.PNG)

#OTD in 1812, the U.S. declared war on Great Britain due in part to the impressment of sailors. The Royal Navy was known to stop U.S. ships to ask the crew to say "peas". Sailors who pronouced it "paise" rather than "pees" were deemed to be British deserters and then seized.


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4dc3f5 No.21047749


Mawell Jump.

Brother stationed in Panama when the song Panama came out.

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7e954d No.21047750

File: 75173647f29fb7c⋯.png (112.16 KB,320x306,160:153,IMG_0421.png)


mein neger!

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42b907 No.21047751

File: 911753abbedf3b4⋯.jpg (94.18 KB,1080x573,360:191,Screenshot_20230731_195431….jpg)

File: 6938c55d8506b4e⋯.png (775.48 KB,801x597,267:199,Screenshot_2023_07_31_1936….png)


member when I made that one ;)

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eea543 No.21047752


It had nothing to do with the bankers.

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38b304 No.21047753


(you) have no fucking clue who you are talking to.

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355d07 No.21047754


Always carry a knife.

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7e954d No.21047755


dig up her corpse and examine the fetus dna

see if jfk was the father

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cba1cd No.21047756

When did the regular posts of Marilyn start?

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11fc32 No.21047757

File: 3e830d94e988854⋯.jpg (1.59 MB,3840x2160,16:9,3e830d94e988854f4b59f409d8….jpg)

File: 7cd519eb69bd5bc⋯.png (694.54 KB,518x735,74:105,7cd519eb69bd5bce0e4e08640d….png)

File: eae502e5e07fef6⋯.png (11.42 KB,254x255,254:255,70fc3c6556b96c251e54fded71….png)

File: 61dcf73abb3a185⋯.jpg (124.3 KB,666x499,666:499,61dcf73abb3a1852b464b2952d….jpg)

File: 09e9b9c328d6fac⋯.png (206.44 KB,507x493,507:493,09e9b9c328d6fac52b7fa63b3a….png)

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b3aa8d No.21047758

Richard Boyle appeal fails. Another deep blow for whistlebower protections.

The court has effectively declared that Australia’s Federal whistleblower protection laws are completely broken.

Richard Boyle blew the whistle on the ATO’s egregious use of garnishee powers to strip funds from small business bank accounts. The powers were supposed to be used only as a measure of last resort, but the ATO was using them as a measure of first resort to meet their leader’s tax collection key performance indicators.

Richard blew the whistle only to be prosecuted for breaking laws during the preparation of his public interest disclosure.

It’s akin to someone jay-walking to save a child on the other side of the road, and then being prosecuted for jay-walking.

Richard mounted and lost an immunity argument in the SA District Court. He appealed that loss to the SA Court of Appeal. The Court dismissed his appeal. The judgment reasons have been temporarily suppressed to allow Richard’s legal team to ensure nothing in the judgment will prejudice his criminal case, which will now recommence in the SA District Court.


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cbae99 No.21047759


Standing Repo Facility Counterparties,

The Standing Repo Facility (SRF) is a permanent repo facility established by the US Federal Reserve to provide liquidity to the financial system. The facility allows eligible counterparties to borrow cash from the Fed against high-quality collateral, such as U.S. Treasury securities and agency debt securities.

Eligible Counterparties:

The following entities are eligible to participate in the SRF:

Primary dealers: Banks and securities firms that are primary dealers in U.S. government securities

Banks: State and federally chartered banks and savings associations

Savings associations: Federally insured savings associations

Other financial institutions: Other financial institutions that meet the Fed’s eligibility criteria

Key Features:

The SRF provides overnight repo funding to eligible counterparties at a rate set by the Fed

The facility is designed to provide a backstop to the Treasury repo market and to help maintain liquidity in the financial system

Counterparties must provide high-quality collateral to access the facility

The Fed sets the terms and conditions of the facility, including the interest rate and collateral requirements

Notable Counterparties:

Primary dealers: These include major banks and securities firms that are primary dealers in U.S. government securities, such as JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley.

Banks: Major banks that are eligible to participate in the SRF include Bank of America, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo.

Savings associations: Federally insured savings associations, such as the Bank of America’s savings bank subsidiary, are also eligible to participate.


The Standing Repo Facility is an important tool for maintaining liquidity in the financial system and providing a backstop to the Treasury repo market. The eligible counterparties listed above are among the many institutions that can participate in the facility, providing them with access to overnight repo funding at a rate set by the Fed.

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751f87 No.21047760

File: 8a7495049931004⋯.mp4 (3.95 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17185851549….mp4)

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4c819b No.21047761


You have to read anon.

Interesting at least.


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ac7315 No.21047762

such fun

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442b24 No.21047763


you should make moar, says I

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4f128a No.21047764

File: 63238a7b9eb269d⋯.png (163.37 KB,460x385,92:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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d69313 No.21047765


>>21047342 Kash Patel: Senior Military Officials Intentionally Delayed National Guard Deployment on January 6th


By Rusty Weiss | 10:18 PM on May 13, 2024

must've been one of vatty's, rest of the spam removed with it


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442b24 No.21047766



They seem Teed off

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a8149d No.21047768


Is he dead?

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127381 No.21047769

Are there any actual laws against suppressing and burying technology from the people?

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442b24 No.21047770


He never was quite right in the head

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751f87 No.21047771


i just wondered what it was all fore

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29f780 No.21047772

File: 21c9487cd29481c⋯.png (405.62 KB,615x433,615:433,naive_godfather.png)


0.5 faded into history. Once everything was made in china, the chinks couldn't make 0.5 that didn't break, rendering 0.5 a joke

even most 0.7 breaks the sinatant you touch it

I would love real white-made 0.5

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af51ea No.21047774

File: f963efaf4ee8dce⋯.webm (392.19 KB,427x240,427:240,yep4.webm)

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9d1402 No.21047775

File: d89b8fd05d7cd5d⋯.jpg (29.4 KB,333x500,333:500,39025395.jpg)

File: 1b44056ac10d6b0⋯.jpg (94 KB,1024x886,512:443,adam_eve_schiff_1024x886.jpg)



Adam and Eve

Pole Shift/Climate change


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eea543 No.21047776


Probably not.

Marilyn dies suddenly in August 1962 and a year later "daddy" Jack gets the whack. The theory goes that the mob to offense at the brothers disposing of "the problem" and decided to do some problem disposing themselves, first with Jack and then with Bobby. or so the theory goes.

Marilyn sang at Jack's birthday on May 1962, and there is rumor they started an affair at that time. three months later she's dead.

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751f87 No.21047777

File: 4b1f23e5faa00ae⋯.png (381.92 KB,411x555,137:185,4b1f23e5faa00ae1aede854383….png)

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4dc3f5 No.21047778

File: 8706a8b64ee9fde⋯.png (47.45 KB,865x394,865:394,ClipboardImage.png)

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91f430 No.21047779


I have been posting her for a while now. Not a shill, just a fan interested in her mystery.

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442b24 No.21047781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



#25807 >>21047306

>>21047406, >>21047459, >>21047492 John Kerry used pseudonymous email while in office just like Biden, Hillary, whistleblower claims to senators


>>21047540 Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of 'Changing Men's Behavior'

>>21047419 POTUS Truth

>>21047560, >>21047693, >>21047702, >>21047703, >>21047711 Japan Banking Giant Norinchukin To Liquidate $63 Billion To Plug Massive Unrealized Losses

>>21047598 City of Seattle Now Recruiting Illegal Immigrants to Become Police Officers

>>21047663 Russia names main condition for BRICS membership

>>21047737 NYPD ‘super rookie’ awarded Medal of Honor for gunning down career criminal cop killer

>>21047758 Richard Boyle appeal fails. Another deep blow for whistlebower protections.

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47528d No.21047783


bigger millstones

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29f780 No.21047785

File: 7308ae12e297553⋯.gif (1.54 MB,268x279,268:279,trump_blaming_me_for_every….gif)


>digits having some rare order

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42b907 No.21047786

File: 2c8cf2129dd2975⋯.png (530.2 KB,802x641,802:641,Sean_Penn.png)

File: c1d68345ceb8682⋯.png (740.85 KB,918x616,459:308,NCSWIC_Peter_Files.png)

File: 240268876c97200⋯.png (415.53 KB,420x642,70:107,240268876c97200f1c5c8ab9e3….png)


kek ty fren, these were a while back too

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751f87 No.21047787

File: 0b87c372b19b9a7⋯.gif (7.31 MB,570x320,57:32,0b87c372b19b9a705f3291881e….gif)




ooo ooo i found a good next bread title suggestion!!

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a8149d No.21047788



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0efa59 No.21047789

File: a2add777d489873⋯.png (199.3 KB,318x611,318:611,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26a06da819b54b5⋯.png (1.49 MB,850x1206,425:603,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04509317ae43674⋯.png (686.79 KB,559x797,559:797,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 084e9d512092c0f⋯.png (637.77 KB,693x388,693:388,ClipboardImage.png)

Trans-Identified Male Who Exposed His Breasts At The White House Now Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Another Transgender Person

ByShay Woulahan June 17, 2024

The trans activist who received criticism for exposing his augmented breasts at the White House during a Pride event last June has now been accused of sexual assault. The alleged victim is a biological female who identifies as a “man.” Rose Montoya, 28, was subsequently banned from attending any future events at the White House after a video went viral showing him groping his fake breasts while topless on the South Lawn. Montoya shared the video to his own TikTok account, and it quickly gathered attention.

After a groundswell of outrage, Montoya was condemned by White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre.“The behavior was simply unacceptable,” Jean-Pierre said at a press briefing. “It was unfair to the hundreds of attendees who were there to celebrate their families.” Montoya later uploaded a video to TikTok defending his actions. In the video, captioned “free the nipple,” he said, “I was simply living my joy and my truth and existing in my body.”

However, he ended up backtracking and released an apology video after other trans activists began criticizing his actions, accusing him of “embarrassing the trans community” and “setting the community back” during an important event. “I alongside other powerful voices in the queer and trans communities were invited to be represented, seen and heard in a unique and very special way,” Montoya said. “In a quick moment of fleeting and overwhelming trans joy, I decided to do something unbecoming of a guest of the president.”

He then went on to apologize to the LGBTQ community for his actions, particularly to Black transgender people who are “disproportionately impacted by the actions of others”, and his own friends and family members.Just one year after the backlash, Montoya has now been accused of sexual assault by his ex-girlfriend, Jesse Diamond, a female who identifies as a “transgender man” and uses the name “transmusclebear” on social media.

On June 13, Diamond posted a thread to X accusing Montoya of sexually assaulting her while she was recovering from “phallo surgeries,” the surgeries that attempts to make female genitalia resemble male genitalia.“I attempted to end my life on more than one occasion due to how depressed I was from the trauma,” Diamond explaines in the thread. Diamond goes on to directly name Montoya as the abuser in question.

In a video posted to TikTok, Diamond provides screenshots purported to be from Montoya admitting to the sexual assault.The email, which was sent from rosalynnemontoya@gmail.com, reads: “I’m really sorry I broke your trust and violated you.” The email author then goes on to describe how being sexually rejected made them feel “dysphoric.”

“I genuinely thought for a while that you were triggered by me simply having a phallus. I thought maybe you’d like me more or want to be intimate with me if I had a vagina. This caused me so much pain and dysphoria,” the email continues. “I’m sorry I forced myself on you.”While Reduxx was unable to confirm the authenticity of the email, the email address listed in the screenshots made public by Diamond matches an email on Montoya’s personal website.

Diamond has also revealed that Montoya accused her of domestic violence in response to the accusations. She also claimed that she was not the only female who identifies as a “man” that Montoya has abused or assaulted.“Elijah, the other known victims, and I just want the cycle of abuse to stop,” Diamond wrote on X at the end of her thread.

Like Montoya, Diamond is a well-known trans activist on social media, and has shared her experience with genital surgery where she admitted that there were complications with the attempt to create a “penis” for her.“It is technically broken but I believe there’s a 98% chance its still functional,” Diamond shared on TikTok in a video that was later reposted by Libs Of TikTok. Diamond explained on her TikTok that the method of phalloplasty she received was the “semi-ridged rod” which is “broken at the base.” She also described the recovery process as “hell” and stated she was bed ridden and had to learn how to walk again….

(do these people even have a job?)


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442b24 No.21047790


Natives are Red

At least you can get the color right

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d69313 No.21047791

File: 6c90705c0feeb3f⋯.mp4 (11.72 MB,720x720,1:1,Pepe_the_frog_music_clip_M….mp4)

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4169c9 No.21047792

Since we know Biden will have an in-ear coach. Wouldn't it be fun to jam it?

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1d6934 No.21047793

File: 16f8ed7a619c97f⋯.png (2.46 MB,1024x1024,1:1,OIG1.png)

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3266a1 No.21047794

File: 72e40a2984ed615⋯.png (147.64 KB,251x240,251:240,72e40a2984ed61533e1bcd072d….png)

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a8149d No.21047795



His mental state is very distorted, and that’s all I can say

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2c98e4 No.21047797


he'll be ok, just a scratch

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ac7315 No.21047798

File: 75bc9894f78bc02⋯.png (719.65 KB,416x589,416:589,capture_039_05072023_17522….png)


Go to bed aei.

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29f780 No.21047799

File: 1ad63be01fb9364⋯.png (353.77 KB,527x700,527:700,texas_ff_the_cops_wouldn_t….png)

File: 72062d478ac7fd2⋯.png (155.66 KB,1272x682,636:341,texas_uvalde_ff_active_dri….png)

File: 0674906c62930bd⋯.png (237.1 KB,584x591,584:591,texas_uvalde_ff_the_cops_w….png)

File: c37f57db77342f9⋯.png (321.01 KB,717x872,717:872,texas_uvalde_ff_the_cops_w….png)

File: 89aa407918ef4bc⋯.jpg (150.26 KB,1372x858,686:429,texas_uvalde_police_chief_….jpg)

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9d1402 No.21047800


>Natives are Red

Foreigns are blue.

British are thiefs.

and jews too.

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567907 No.21047801

File: 76ec5215916a29c⋯.jpg (26.05 KB,387x338,387:338,Screen_Shot_2024_06_18_at_….jpg)


What if I told you…?

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4f128a No.21047802

Live updating election tallies from Virginia, Oklahoma and Georgia


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a4aba3 No.21047803



Whuhhh , you dont like Cherokees motherfucker?

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ac7315 No.21047804

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a8149d No.21047805


just noticed there was a third guy holding the door open that takes off

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af51ea No.21047807

File: 407f702f3d5deca⋯.gif (2.18 MB,498x203,498:203,another_day_at_the_office.gif)

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673d5d No.21047808

File: de6dd340625b60f⋯.jpg (39.39 KB,282x567,94:189,chekked.jpg)


jackpots chek't

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f0ef29 No.21047809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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29f780 No.21047810

File: 5aa8ccbf52f1c0d⋯.png (120.94 KB,240x255,16:17,12_cops_nypd_suicide_weine….png)


>killing hero cops Wilbert Mora and Jason Rivera.

what did they know

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c560ad No.21047812


I counted 7 stabs, last one in back of neck

brutal, severed the spinal cord probably

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11fc32 No.21047813

File: 72192b427b5cc32⋯.jpg (16.29 KB,474x266,237:133,candleinwind.jpg)

File: ca65f681af4424e⋯.png (1.44 MB,768x1024,3:4,candleinwind2_jpg.png)


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ef6dff No.21047814


you do this night after night.

it's all just you spewing out hopium

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47528d No.21047816

File: 7f32a874784b9ef⋯.png (2.21 MB,1280x1056,40:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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c560ad No.21047817


>what did they know

they saw the frazzled/rip video

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4f128a No.21047818


Basically like someone who calls themselves a Muslim but eats pork. What a phonie.

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e83ea8 No.21047819


Gimme more.

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4f128a No.21047820

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Steve Bannon’s signature interview with Matt Gaetz and Eli Crane


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7727d8 No.21047821


mafia killed her and tried to in it on Bobby whom she was having an affair with

Or the doc who came earlier in the evening, to give her drugs/pills?

"Double Cross" by Sam Giancana's relatives, Son and Nephew?

They staked out her house and waiting til Bobby came by.

Bobby had the place cleaned after so nothing traced to him.

Mob had a team come in and kill, to make it appear like an overdose.

It was going to be connected with Bobby Kennedy, whom the FBI hated.

But they fucked up. And now they are trying again to blame it on the Kennedy brothers?


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a8149d No.21047822

File: 3955182611506d0⋯.mp4 (15.26 MB,1280x720,16:9,gohomenow.mp4)

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f38810 No.21047823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Luckenbach, Texas (Back to the Basics of Love)

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47528d No.21047824


They don't think it be like it is

but it do

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eea543 No.21047825


Good cops.

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b3aa8d No.21047826

File: e68f3ca6186d69c⋯.png (184.5 KB,739x432,739:432,ClipboardImage.png)

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751f87 No.21047827

File: 4d6cac0842631e2⋯.png (1.32 MB,945x1018,945:1018,ClipboardImage.png)


AI is learning at an alarming rate of accuracy.


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4f128a No.21047828

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We are approaching 200,000 Chinese Illegals under Biden

Jacumba California is the entry of choice for Chinese Illegals. By November, we may have 200,000 more Chinese men who have crossed our border. What happens when China invades Taiwan?


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442b24 No.21047829

File: 43eada66ea36256⋯.mp4 (3.74 MB,960x720,4:3,1602291701_Copy.mp4)

Pizer's Notavaxx is in Big Trouble

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4eb531 No.21047830


better still, tune into the frequency and give ole joe some new instructions!

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673d5d No.21047832


you just need to exercise more

trust me o7

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7cdcae No.21047833

File: 444ad088edcf641⋯.jpeg (84.81 KB,900x600,3:2,IMG_0756.jpeg)

I’d like to order a couple of Keks on these two please. Meme at will!

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0efa59 No.21047834

Citizen Free Press


The Biden Robot malfunctions during Amnesty speech

RNC Research

4:11 PM · Jun 18, 2024





(The people in back of him looks just as bad, like really weird.)

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42b907 No.21047835

File: 215781919bb5091⋯.png (462.65 KB,783x497,783:497,ClipboardImage.png)


Was staged anons have been figuring the why.


Raw Dog, kek

Not Kosher (meet & cheese) but what's not?

Something about the cutting board being clean with his glasses on it but can't member right now.

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eea543 No.21047836


Did she mindfuck her kids so she wouldn't become a grandmother?

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e77fa1 No.21047837

Weird. I Said out loud "whoa!".

Patsor Morris who for four years molested Cindy Clemshire.

12yrs old through age 16.

Listen to this as he preached infront of his megachurch Gateway Church.

Just wow.


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4eb531 No.21047838

File: a63e9e61656c65b⋯.png (287.21 KB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_0644.png)

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ac7315 No.21047839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

20th Century Man (2022 Remaster)

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91f430 No.21047840

File: 118cab8ccccfdef⋯.png (518.69 KB,603x905,603:905,Screenshot_2024_05_20_4_56….png)



I have no idea what happened with her death and I am not blaming anyone. I am more interested in July 20-25th 1962 and where this idea of an abortion came from. There is usually a seed of truth in many lies so what is the truth?

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751f87 No.21047841

File: 36b86bd15ec28a1⋯.png (653.1 KB,800x469,800:469,ClipboardImage.png)

We are approaching state singularity: the moment when state and society become indistinguishable.

But as time goes on, public authorities increasingly insist on having a say in everything…

People cannot build things on their own land without permits. They cannot run businesses without approvals and inspections. They cannot give advice without professional designations. They cannot educate their children outside of state-mandated curricula. They cannot hire employees without triggering a myriad of workplace and tax requirements. They cannot produce and sell milk, cheese, or eggs without a license. They cannot earn money, spend money, or hold property without being taxed, and then taxed again.

Jeffrey Tucker recently described three layers of omnipotent managerial technocracy.


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0efa59 No.21047843

File: 4e0b17549b10365⋯.mp4 (299.1 KB,640x360,16:9,bidenrobot_1718739029738.mp4)

Citizen Free Press


The Biden Robot malfunctions during Amnesty speech

RNC Research

4:11 PM · Jun 18, 2024





(The people in back of him looks just as bad, like really weird.)

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673d5d No.21047844


certainly has a ring of truth

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4dc3f5 No.21047845

File: 7055b3d2ed15775⋯.png (15.96 KB,325x165,65:33,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a31203080e0682⋯.png (36.52 KB,470x258,235:129,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17cbba0fe65657a⋯.png (35.69 KB,470x204,235:102,ClipboardImage.png)







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751f87 No.21047846

File: c79cf632e5f77ca⋯.png (254.06 KB,624x349,624:349,ClipboardImage.png)

Local Citizens Tie Up and Beat the Tar Out of Illegal Alien Busted for R*ping Innocent Teen Girl in NYC (VIDEO)

As the Gateway Pundit reported earlier today, an illegal alien from Ecuador has arrested in New York City for a horrific sexual assault on an innocent 13-year-old girl last week at a Queens park. Now, information has emerged revealing that the NYPD had significant and brutal assistance from a group of local citizens.

The New York Post obtained video footage and photos that show the thug, later identified by police as 25-year-old Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, cowering in fear on the sidewalk early Tuesday as an angry mob beats the tar out of him and calls him “a rapist.”

The Post also notes that Inga-Landi was tied up with a belt during the beating.

One woman can be heard in the video yelling in Spanish, “Where are you going? Where are you going?” while clutching Inga-Landi’s hair.


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eea543 No.21047847


Classic photo-op. But why the discrepancies? Comms, or someone trying to make Schumer look bad? The fact that Schumer might not know how to grill food is rather telling. He's out of touch with the human race.

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9d1402 No.21047849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Probably a human sacrifice.

summoning a demon.

These cults need to film the ritual as a form of symbolism. Feed the eye.

Archive 81 | Official Trailer | Netflix

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5e71f0 No.21047851

It’s amazing how it happening and not nothing is happening at the same time.

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42b907 No.21047853

File: 9d4d66e869726f6⋯.jpg (129.1 KB,1148x1027,1148:1027,9d4d66e869726f66ca16fca3f7….jpg)


>He's out of touch with the human race.

Well he's a lizard so there's that, kek

Yup never considered someone was staging it for him & screwed him royal, dbl kek

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374fb0 No.21047854

File: da0f1a16dfec16c⋯.png (68.63 KB,800x748,200:187,ClipboardImage.png)

Heard a radio commercial a few minutes ago for AI powered stock trading software.

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b98511 No.21047855

File: 51dd0023ff1f660⋯.jpg (381.29 KB,1035x944,1035:944,51dd0023ff1f6601dc33343717….jpg)

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fdaece No.21047856

So when is Russia going to test a nuclear warhead , pretty soon?

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0efa59 No.21047857

>>21047843 Can anons understand what he said in that loop at the end, the faces of everyone in the back started freaking out

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77664a No.21047859


You even say Dan Scavino is bad. You say everyone is bad. Who besides Admiral Rogers do you think is ok enough to not be judged by you?

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811050 No.21047862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

George Strait - Amarillo By Morning (Live At Gruene Hall, New Braufels, TX/2016)

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47528d No.21047864


Eyes / Focus on the cutting board / chopping block?

He'll be first?

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42b907 No.21047865


> Can anons understand what he said in that loop at the end, the faces of everyone in the back started freaking out

Not after "…homeland security, secretary"

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442b24 No.21047866

File: f9387a1a87e5840⋯.png (446.26 KB,500x554,250:277,ClipboardImage.png)

COV2 is a Bioweapon

H1N1 is a Bioweapon

H5N1 Is a Bioweapon

H5N2 is a Bioweapon

HxNx is a Bioweapon

They're all Bioweapons

& The Next "Disease X", will also be a Bioweapon

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fdb6db No.21047867

File: be821f00f4d832a⋯.webm (452.89 KB,360x640,9:16,34qafdg4334.webm)

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811050 No.21047869


<▶ Anonymous Just now 3623e5 No.21047860

Go to bed aei.

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4dc3f5 No.21047870

File: f91c9828fe09732⋯.png (33.24 KB,325x373,325:373,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e988c31cce99c1⋯.png (341.61 KB,464x1067,464:1067,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5dcee912914c97a⋯.png (36.84 KB,470x204,235:102,ClipboardImage.png)





>SEC TEST BRAVO - I exchange pix with previous post. they all there.

>Panic in DC (again)

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368d4b No.21047872

File: 9d0162bf4a93751⋯.jpg (291.84 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_20240618_220444.jpg)

Making the most out of these long days.

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eea543 No.21047873


Probably about as reliable as Jim Cramer.

AI is retarded.

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656f73 No.21047874


One if by land, two if by sea.

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374fb0 No.21047875

File: 773db950e4d45f5⋯.png (590.61 KB,800x466,400:233,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1bbf45ddd2aa58⋯.png (977.73 KB,1080x659,1080:659,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f9b927ff1ddadf⋯.png (669.41 KB,800x533,800:533,ClipboardImage.png)


just keep an eye on zerohedge

they'll let you know anon

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4dc3f5 No.21047877

File: 382bea04b365238⋯.png (26.59 KB,325x297,325:297,ClipboardImage.png)



also @22:01


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442b24 No.21047878


There is an App, That Trades Stocks depending on how Pelosi Trades Stocks

If she buys, the app buys it for you

If she sells, the app sells it for you

Most people are up 35%

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811050 No.21047879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Street Only Knew Your Name (Extended Version)

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368d4b No.21047880

File: 5679d1782795fd0⋯.jpg (539.89 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240618_221310.jpg)

File: 5bc47988d4de684⋯.jpg (514.42 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240618_221302.jpg)

File: edaafbd9b493ab2⋯.jpg (495.77 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240618_221247.jpg)


>Making the most out of these long days.

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fdb6db No.21047881


When life gives you lemons, start a lemonade stand.

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751f87 No.21047882

File: 033db7249a068ac⋯.gif (8.47 MB,730x671,730:671,033db7249a068ac8f74868f6c1….gif)


yay here comes the 50c/120f degree weather!

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47528d No.21047883

File: d8aedff9e4bc8be⋯.png (316.35 KB,510x342,85:57,ClipboardImage.png)



they know nothing

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ccb388 No.21047884

Boiled down thoughts

modern democrats are the party of forgetting.. because whether they're on drugs or not, there's always this pressure around them to just have a fresh start, and if anything, they're victims of the past but separate from it.

where even drug and alcohol addled conservatives are like "I remember, I partly caused it and I have to live with that, and I'll never forget you son of a bitch"

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7727d8 No.21047885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



According to the Mob boss's relatives; he told them the story of it before he died. The Mob killed her. They hated Bobby Kennedy because he went after them as chief of DoJ. They had helped John Kennedy win, and expected him to protect them, which he did not do. Did not return their calls.

(It was the father who arranged the cheating in a few places, Chicago and TN?, which tipped the election to JFK)

So Bobby and John Kennedy "blew off " the Mob after John became POTUS.

According to Giancana, that was a "double cross"

Marilyn was a honeypot used to compromise various people.

Apparently having an affair with JFK? who then dropped her, and she moved on to Bobby.

They staked out her house and waited outside until Bobby visited. After he left they went in with a team and killed her with an barbituate enema, so there would be no marks.

According to Giancana family.

They flubbed up because somehow Robert must've been tipped off? and had people come by and retriever he diary and other things which would connect him to her.

They later killed John and Robert anyway.

Story makes sense to me.

She was freaking out emotionally all the time, anyway. ?

Lot of women are ruined by Hollywood.

Not just a cliche.

Abortion was not legal, but for someone like her would be very available.

It's said she was very intelligent, though you'd never know that by her acting skills, which were abysmal. And always did want children.

"Don't go down to Fannin St."


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9d1402 No.21047886

File: d51764006c1d12c⋯.png (117.36 KB,609x578,609:578,ClipboardImage.png)

Hans Mahncke



Shortly after Ukraine's general prosecutor's office reopened its investigation into Hunter's boss (NZ=Nikolay Zlochevsky), Burisma demanded that US government officials tell Ukraine to cut it out. A few weeks later, Joe Biden leveraged US taxpayer money to fire the prosecutor.

Jun 18, 2024 · 1:11 PM UTC


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77664a No.21047887

File: f9d3f04829d494d⋯.mp4 (2.93 MB,640x360,16:9,vVu7HpoCzJLlmrXU.mp4)


But I like his face…

See how that sounds?

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f0ef29 No.21047888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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4dc3f5 No.21047889

File: 8a891b6e83e6d57⋯.png (74.43 KB,325x449,325:449,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 656e0d226442ead⋯.png (33.37 KB,470x204,235:102,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 656e0d226442ead⋯.png (33.37 KB,470x204,235:102,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7913dce6ab3cf9d⋯.png (34.69 KB,470x204,235:102,ClipboardImage.png)





>Why are trips allowed?


>moar panic in DC

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eea543 No.21047890


Ever seen an Amish teenager driving a plow team with six draft horses?

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442b24 No.21047892

File: dbdd2a08d041123⋯.png (826.23 KB,700x501,700:501,ClipboardImage.png)



#25807 >>21047306

>>21047406, >>21047459, >>21047492 John Kerry used pseudonymous email while in office just like Biden, Hillary, whistleblower claims to senators


>>21047540 Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of 'Changing Men's Behavior'

>>21047419 POTUS Truth

>>21047560, >>21047693, >>21047702, >>21047703, >>21047711 Japan Banking Giant Norinchukin To Liquidate $63 Billion To Plug Massive Unrealized Losses

>>21047598 City of Seattle Now Recruiting Illegal Immigrants to Become Police Officers

>>21047663 Russia names main condition for BRICS membership

>>21047737 NYPD ‘super rookie’ awarded Medal of Honor for gunning down career criminal cop killer

>>21047758 Richard Boyle appeal fails. Another deep blow for whistlebower protections.

>>21047828 We are approaching 200,000 Chinese Illegals under Biden

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673d5d No.21047893




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f0ef29 No.21047894

There's no way I'm the only one with a golden pair.

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5e71f0 No.21047895

File: f7e522b40633f5b⋯.jpeg (146.96 KB,1284x972,107:81,IMG_5752.jpeg)

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22db94 No.21047896


faggot does 1 thing and you are all "faggot!"

these fucking fake maga queers do half a dozen things and for some fucking UNGODLY reason… you queers cannot [SEE] anything

what a faggot cincidence

so like yeah bruh

this shit was easy :D

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f0ef29 No.21047897

Shill. I already blocked you. My comments are for your handlers.

Not low tier message board agents.

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4dc3f5 No.21047898

File: d99a2abb6c75f6c⋯.png (16.45 KB,325x165,65:33,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d27ee605f625ae9⋯.png (67.02 KB,470x548,235:274,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 121cd1a01f76084⋯.png (39.26 KB,470x231,470:231,ClipboardImage.png)




>BOOM BOOM BOOM (lets go back to my room)

>USMC Activated

>Can there be MOAR panic in DC??

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22db94 No.21047899

yer easy bruh!

stupid bruh!

ya might say fuct!


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751f87 No.21047900

File: 030b1900ad6fc59⋯.gif (1.86 MB,730x351,730:351,ezgif_5_b564d3a402.gif)

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ef64ef No.21047901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Butthole eyes endorses fraudulent election.

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811050 No.21047902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Take Me Back

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9b20a1 No.21047903


>When life gives you lemons, start a lemonade stand.

Start from where you are and work with what you've got.

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0b9777 No.21047904



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9d1402 No.21047905

File: ee141d1c41a587e⋯.png (305.17 KB,623x525,89:75,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16f7570cc77be87⋯.png (336.33 KB,490x332,245:166,16f7570cc77be87f04ed1f0400….png)

DoD Office of Inspector General


Jun 13

In our audit of the DoD’s revaluation of support provided to #Ukraine, we found that the DoD did not comply with federal law and overvalued defense articles provided to Ukraine by $1.9 billion.

To learn more, read our report here:


Jun 13, 2024 · 7:26 PM UTC



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13beb6 No.21047906

File: 8c27ddc2bdeb2a9⋯.gif (3.49 MB,640x326,320:163,0000000000000000000007.gif)




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774509 No.21047907

File: f2ec81edd4dd30b⋯.mp4 (3.83 MB,640x480,4:3,75h563464354.mp4)

Here's what its like when you're being interrupted by a shill.

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64e478 No.21047908

File: cc2d90aa00121fc⋯.png (715.27 KB,762x1024,381:512,ClipboardImage.png)

Pedo feminist female teacher caught crawling under boys toilet cubicles


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4dc3f5 No.21047909

File: 121cd1a01f76084⋯.png (39.26 KB,470x231,470:231,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e12dde679d360fb⋯.png (19.64 KB,325x203,325:203,ClipboardImage.png)


>working backward - twas a TruthStorm


also @21:55


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f0ef29 No.21047910



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673d5d No.21047911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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811050 No.21047912

File: ebb623cca5ea2ef⋯.png (302.53 KB,669x154,669:154,Screenshot_7136_.png)

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4dc3f5 No.21047913


>prev was a


bots don't make so many human errors. yet.

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f0ef29 No.21047915

Fuck your agents, save yourselves.

After I end them, I come for you.

Unless you play ball, like grown ups.

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9d1402 No.21047916

File: a8a054a57e25760⋯.png (304.64 KB,607x536,607:536,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cf92d06fb60fe0⋯.jpg (95.03 KB,917x917,1:1,media_GPdFCrtW0AAQ17e.jpg)

DoD Office of Inspector General


Jun 17

In our review of whether the DoD effectively managed Financial Improvement and Audit Remediation (FIAR) contracts, we found that the DoD used inconsistent processes and cannot accurately or consistently identify and report these contracts. Read now:


Jun 17, 2024 · 4:19 PM UTC



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8bed50 No.21047917


Smooth sailing never made a good sailor.

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f0ef29 No.21047918

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f0ef29 No.21047923

X12 hits and its game over for you.



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811050 No.21047924

File: 7f14fd5f8a5b701⋯.png (1.1 MB,796x482,398:241,Screenshot_7138_.png)

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f0a3b5 No.21047926


Trump said SUN 3X today

Trump said Central Casting 3X today


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4dc3f5 No.21047928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





>BOOMS abound (a theme)

>Panic in DC in most DEF a THEME

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7727d8 No.21047929


>She was freaking out emotionally all the time, anyway. ?

So the idea she was falling apart emotionally - may or may not be related to if or if not she was pregnant.

But at the time there were many reports of her instability (true or not I don't know. But it wouldn't be surprising, considering)

oh yes, it wasn't suicide. It was murder.

Marilyn didn't commit suicide.

Maybe they made up the 'emotional instability" to frame it as a suicide?

The authorities did that with Robin Williams, who was also not a suicide.

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811050 No.21047931

File: 7dc08d1340ccf89⋯.png (2.79 MB,929x1048,929:1048,Screenshot_7139_.png)

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442b24 No.21047932


X12 is a Galactic Fart

Let me know when it's in the 20's

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42b907 No.21047933

File: 72ca31d6ef4dad9⋯.mp4 (4.32 MB,384x480,4:5,Biden_s_White_House_Today.mp4)

Is this real?

Biden's White House today.


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101fa6 No.21047934


She was a Trollip just like all the rest! They used the same model many times, Cobain ring any bells!

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eea543 No.21047935


I'm confused. Is he a pervert or is she insane? And who hired it?

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e97c8f No.21047936

File: 7122d55be55387f⋯.png (905.43 KB,849x671,849:671,mte5h575346464h645.PNG)

Family of Halyna Hutchins Files New Lawsuit Against Alec Baldwin Over Fatal ‘Rust’ Set Incident

Family members of the deceased cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, who died when a prop gun discharged on the set of the movie “Rust,” have filed another lawsuit against actor Alec Baldwin and other film crew members.

The lawsuit was filed by a lawyer on behalf of Mrs. Hutchins’ mother, Olga Solovey, father, Anatolii Androsovych, and her younger sister Svetlana Zemko, who live in Kyiv, Ukraine. “Rust” script supervisor Mamie Mitchel is also part of the lawsuit.

The lawsuit alleges negligence due to unsafe conditions on set and a failure to follow protocol leading to Mrs. Hutchins’ death, court documents obtained by E! News showed.

The lawsuit was filed in Santa Fe, New Mexico, on June 5.


i dont know if this was posted already.

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811050 No.21047937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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4dc3f5 No.21047939

File: 24d5670d4372e0d⋯.png (18.65 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2177c08ec40b6ec⋯.png (35.34 KB,470x258,235:129,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3e1c498a76306a⋯.png (33.94 KB,470x204,235:102,ClipboardImage.png)


youtube embed knocked these out. oops

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af51ea No.21047940

File: 378fc781091cd13⋯.jpeg (174.03 KB,924x1069,924:1069,5Y3z4eMcIPNC.jpeg)

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f0ef29 No.21047941

Look at your agents, they're RETARDED.



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d4242d No.21047942


a well placed kick to the throat would have got her attention

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f0ef29 No.21047944

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7727d8 No.21047946

File: 4c731048bc703f3⋯.jpg (151.36 KB,740x1034,370:517,AaronSwartz.jpg)


and with Aaron Swartz,

who was also not a suicide.

And with Epstein, who was also not a suicide.

Stories are planted after the fact implying the person was emotionally unstable, when in fact there was no evidence of that.

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01c72d No.21047947


AI is whatever bullshit stupid furless monkeys feed it.

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77664a No.21047948


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442b24 No.21047949


Native akchually

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f0ef29 No.21047951

Your agents are fucking retarded. Lmao.

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eea543 No.21047952

File: f7b1a3b58e31c73⋯.png (1.82 MB,900x1026,50:57,Marilyn_Monroe_12.png)


It's Obama's White House.

Biden is there to take the blame for the inevitable fuckups.

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673d5d No.21047954

love you all

and you silly shills

God bless you all

in Jesus name


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96360c No.21047955

Re: Speed of the Great Awakening

Not going to say this movie has played at a pace anon prefers, but…

Just got back from the gym.

Gentleman at the gym tried to interrupt muh workout.

He was so excited that he pulled out his phone to show a meme.

The meme showed how many members of the Synagogue of Satan work in high positions in the US Government.

Strangely, all these people had a star of sorts right next to their pictures.

Then the gentleman was going on about Trump 2024 and mass deportations.

May God bless you all.

Carry on.

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77664a No.21047957



We know, you're so much smarter than everyone else.

Good job.

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11fc32 No.21047958

File: c57c821c1a26791⋯.jpg (19.29 KB,255x200,51:40,154.jpg)



Interesting way of phrasing it. Q did not say freedom of religion. You have to go back.

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4dc3f5 No.21047959

File: 60d0f385107ba90⋯.png (97.21 KB,325x519,325:519,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4600f6df690f83f⋯.png (183.84 KB,464x1268,116:317,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8564442f5981af⋯.png (346.28 KB,464x891,464:891,ClipboardImage.png)






>Movie previews have begun. get your popcorn.

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9b20a1 No.21047960

File: d9f2a33d9aa2c53⋯.jpg (594.33 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_20240618_224146.jpg)

File: fd45dd65f798897⋯.jpg (606.35 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_20240618_224128.jpg)

File: d06a24a46dfd63f⋯.jpg (566.39 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240618_224224.jpg)

File: fd39c82c358ac8b⋯.png (4.57 MB,2121x1414,3:2,5dea818f_d100_48b0_82cb_ee….png)


>>Making the most out of these long days.

Ground Game ✅

Territory Taken.

The Power of Prayer.

Mille Grazie.

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811050 No.21047962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Till We Get the Healing Done

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42b907 No.21047963

File: 98e1c30ba2e1d93⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB,322x480,161:240,Biden_s_White_House_Today_….mp4)


Holy FUCK it was real, they have officially gone to plaid!

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b92029 No.21047964

File: 2fe552d92044bd7⋯.mp4 (178.9 KB,480x270,16:9,clownj7Sland.mp4)

File: e43a74eb232d20b⋯.mp4 (6.29 MB,852x480,71:40,Pears2021Truth1.mp4)

File: 6923056dab876c9⋯.png (696.88 KB,1140x956,285:239,clownLenin.png)

File: e4a3f3019779791⋯.png (862.08 KB,1310x968,655:484,levinZero.png)

Our President Truthed a piece by Cash Patel in The Federalist: https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112640820371202071

'The Biggest ‘Revisionist History’ About Jan. 6, 2021 Comes From Democrats Like Nancy Pelosi

Oh really? See VID1 from Jan 7, 2021 because THAT'S who most of the Country was faithfully watching.

KP writes: The deployment of the National Guard requires presidential authorization, which Trump gave days before Jan. 6 in the Oval OfficeIt also requires a request from local governing authorities, including D.C. Mayor Bowser and Capitol Police, who report to the speaker of the House.

Is this not the Insurrection Act? (not the first time our President was SLANDERED, and worse, regarding it) L.A. Times: Insurrection Act, first passed early in the country’s history, under which a president can order active-duty troops to be used for domestic law enforcement if doing so is needed to suppress an insurrection or civil disturbance. In most cases, the law allows the president to do that only if he is asked to do so by a state governor or legislature…. Sending troops to quell riots without a request from a state is not automatically allowed under the law. In 2007, Congress loosened restrictions on deployments, giving a president the power to employ federal troops to “restore public order and enforce the laws of the United States” without a request from the governor or legislature of the state involved. But the provision was repealed a year later because of objections by states that it gave the federal government too much power. https://archive.vn/wjDK2

Oh finally, his last paragraph! The corporate media, in collusion with these political operatives, has turned journalism into propaganda, eroding public trust and stifling the truth. This battle is not just about one man; it’s about the future of our nation and the preservation of our constitutional freedoms. The stakes have never been higher, and the American people deserve to know the truth.

VID2 (3:25) Guy on One America News (what?) was informing his scant few viewers back in fucking 2021 of that, and EVERYTHING else, but too bad the masses were tuned “elsewhere” (archive.ph/29FTV) INSTEAD. Now that same News Network is GONE from literally EVERY Communist cable “provider”. EVERY fucking one. Constitution and Freedoms? Where was the fucking outrage, such as with Target and levin’s fucking BOOK? Same place where legitimate NEWS Reporting and Investigations STILL are – Not anywhere *mainstream.

Our problem isn’t “democrats like pelosi”. Our problem is this is a COMMUNIST Country on steroids with a NWO/Military Industrial Complex LOYAL UNIPARTY and their corrupt MSM which EMPOWERS them, and the “conservative” pussies who play right along, getting their SOUNDBITES, THEATER, and of course BOOKS, out there.

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77664a No.21047966



9:53 = 17

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416963 No.21047967

File: 8703efab21549d9⋯.png (299.93 KB,507x493,507:493,PepeNightPrayer.png)

Anon out. Night Guyz.

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01c72d No.21047968

File: 936bdce7298ce75⋯.png (893.4 KB,653x887,653:887,ClipboardImage.png)


They'll be killing my domestic enemies who haven't already died from fentanyl, vaxx or arkancide. I'll be waiting to sort out the survivors.

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c453cd No.21047969

File: d5cf1c504ace666⋯.png (774.39 KB,1080x941,1080:941,d5cf1c504ace666b301745a516….png)



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af51ea No.21047970

File: b2fc7f28c2109c3⋯.png (268.79 KB,563x403,563:403,b2fc7f28c2109c3bdbe0bf353a….png)

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7727d8 No.21047972


yes, she was murdered.

doubt she was pregnant.

Where's the evidence?

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7727d8 No.21047973


she was working entrapment schemes.

Woman like that do not get pregnant.

just sayn'

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26ec8d No.21047974


ok i ventd

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9b20a1 No.21047975


It pays to be patient.

It's not easy to take the slow route through hell but it's starting to look like it'll be worth it.

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4dc3f5 No.21047977

File: 4fe237d8632f561⋯.png (16.16 KB,325x165,65:33,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5f104dc794d904⋯.png (53.12 KB,470x422,235:211,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53e680ed234fe66⋯.png (43.65 KB,470x231,470:231,ClipboardImage.png)





>Hostage release

>We have the sub

>1000 pieces of clown confetti

>pope knows his satan

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e303cd No.21047978

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9b20a1 No.21047979

File: 13c3d365d6bced7⋯.jpg (362.33 KB,2121x1414,3:2,GettyImages_498928946_59cd….jpg)

File: 9e7beaf46ddf35d⋯.png (3.03 MB,1280x1005,256:201,Love_Triumphs.png)


Sweet dreams.

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374fb0 No.21047980



in your timezone, EDT

there are 23 others, you know

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a531be No.21047981


There is no other timezone

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f0ef29 No.21047982

Illuminati -



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c453cd No.21047983


It's simple you see.

Four beef patties. And a pair of glasses.

Four eyes and four beef patties?

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f0a3b5 No.21047984

File: 2bd9f96479dfdb7⋯.png (79.3 KB,543x861,181:287,ClipboardImage.png)

Get your popcorn


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a531be No.21047985


Poe tay toe

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a8149d No.21047986


>Eyes on the chopping block

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9b20a1 No.21047988

File: 93fb4afc755c047⋯.gif (8.83 MB,600x450,4:3,93fb4afc755c047308c8211f47….gif)



Bad weather makes for strong sailors.

Should be an excellent generation.

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4b715c No.21047989


There are actually 37 time zones in use, because not everyone breaks it exactly on the hour or the line of longitude.

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0b9777 No.21047991

File: 1f93aa804dd5ab2⋯.png (13.2 KB,255x255,1:1,b79553898faaeb4c72512fcbbf….png)

File: d60533ee5b69171⋯.gif (12.75 KB,191x255,191:255,8de368b194ad31c263e5ed05ae….gif)

File: 0d75adc11c0d6c7⋯.png (626.97 KB,1200x722,600:361,0d75adc11c0d6c7fea150daacd….png)

File: 852ebefd17dff98⋯.png (15.64 KB,252x255,84:85,46c8eef3b87bef9ad323f7b14b….png)

File: 11f8f9d29e84de7⋯.jpg (15.96 KB,255x160,51:32,011ab63228e9afb2f66fcbba86….jpg)

[Memes & shilling



Revoke consent to be governed


Illegals voting in selection

Forcing the hand of ~1999. before nov?]

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c453cd No.21047992

File: 0d86f8490e54daa⋯.png (169.83 KB,278x369,278:369,ca65f681af4424e3124fa68005….png)


Does he have an imprint from his glasses? How is that even possible?

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f0a3b5 No.21047993


good stuffs anon.

easier than following clock fag

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f0ef29 No.21047994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'll work 9-5 until the grid goes out.

You have no pieces left to place.



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3a7f1e No.21047995

File: df6233b1d4139b8⋯.mp4 (10.06 MB,720x720,1:1,Electric_Funeral_2012_Rema….mp4)


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42b907 No.21047999

File: 55f57a12581b15a⋯.png (438.04 KB,617x662,617:662,55f57a12581b15ae11218bcf0e….png)

GN anons stay frosty


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f0a3b5 No.21048001

File: 92d44b3c5f6bbae⋯.png (647.95 KB,1041x762,347:254,ClipboardImage.png)


Latex masks.

They are the new thing.


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4dc3f5 No.21048002

File: cf05989aea21b31⋯.png (109.51 KB,325x406,325:406,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c4ee6528bec7bd⋯.png (54.34 KB,470x258,235:129,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f891309532d2cb0⋯.png (226.31 KB,464x1157,464:1157,ClipboardImage.png)



>Backward through the storm



>Ass a nation CNN


>Anyone that complained about a 10 sec Delta would have complained about a 10 millisecond Delta.

>Shills only shill.

>Patriots WIN.

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f0ef29 No.21048004


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a8149d No.21048005


>How is that even possible?

They're too tight and he just took them off for the picture?

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d69313 No.21048008


don't you have some offs to fuck?

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01c72d No.21048010

File: 641dfeaa11f61be⋯.png (678.09 KB,526x523,526:523,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b20a1 No.21048011

File: b6228cf1939d7f4⋯.jpg (651.25 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240618_224237.jpg)

File: 15579c44fcd678b⋯.jpg (644.97 KB,800x1280,5:8,Screenshot_20240618_224203.jpg)

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bd5c1b No.21048012


They threw billions of dollars around to keep Trump out of the White House for a second term. I wouldn't be surprised if there were many RINO takers.

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f1f927 No.21048013

File: 37a95ba5299092a⋯.jpg (124.29 KB,1009x535,1009:535,37a95ba5299092a448244d8acc….jpg)

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3a7f1e No.21048014

File: de49b9d82dbb797⋯.jpg (129.7 KB,980x653,980:653,result_1605933999365.jpg)

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a8149d No.21048015


>officially gone to plaid


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91f430 No.21048016

File: 40aa2b325fd253b⋯.png (402.09 KB,810x816,135:136,Screenshot_2024_04_17_1_28….png)

File: a577e77e744a25b⋯.png (249.75 KB,792x855,88:95,Screenshot_2024_04_17_1_29….png)

File: d1a49f842bccddf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1920x883,1920:883,Screenshot_2024_06_19_12_0….png)


My question is…is there any possible way she could have actually had a kid in 1962 at any time? She had a lot of issues and absences on her film "Somethings Gotta Give" but yet when she sung for JFK she was the smallest weight she had ever been. But is it possible and the abortion angle is a red herring, a seed of truth in a lie? Why does this article say "living blood relative" when the ones known are stated? Why is this random article from "Eros" magazine featuring this book right beside her picture kept in her FBI files? I feel like I can find so many more "coincidences" but absolutely no proof.

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cbae99 No.21048017

File: 058188fbfb35efa⋯.png (830.65 KB,500x606,250:303,ClipboardImage.png)

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374fb0 No.21048019

File: 3388d954f30db6a⋯.png (1.54 MB,1920x1014,320:169,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffa613dccd749db⋯.png (913.43 KB,1418x903,1418:903,ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like a flight out to Biden's beach house. Kinda late?


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3a7f1e No.21048021

File: 7df6db561b9c88d⋯.jpg (329.54 KB,1952x1289,1952:1289,result_1606063870114.jpg)



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5e71f0 No.21048022

We are so poor we are trying to make tiny houses a thing.

Well played government banks. Well played.

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b1c787 No.21048024

File: bed8c94f0eeb9cb⋯.png (375.37 KB,640x407,640:407,bed8c94f0eeb9cbafe868fd0b9….png)


Have been free for over a year now

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027356 No.21048025

File: 6d72f0422291f7d⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB,640x480,4:3,7n4346h546534.mp4)

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4dc3f5 No.21048026


>easier than following clock fag

kinder words have never been said.

Anon screws up. But Anon sees they are always communicating.

We just too tarded usually to notice.

>COMMS dark.

not invisible

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f0ef29 No.21048027

If you're afraid to meet, start sending the money and I'll call off the solar flares.

You stay out my lane, I'll stay out of yours.

But it has to be $8B.

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9b20a1 No.21048028

File: 53cdd48967eee5f⋯.jpg (191.8 KB,700x700,1:1,Peace_Dove.jpg)

Good night, Anons.

Sweet dreams.

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f0ef29 No.21048030


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cbae99 No.21048031

File: e8a549c4fff485b⋯.png (490.65 KB,487x394,487:394,ClipboardImage.png)


is king

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01c72d No.21048032

File: a009c11fbec08d2⋯.gif (118.76 KB,220x173,220:173,1_popcorn.gif)

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3a7f1e No.21048033


Fuck outta here…enough of the GN bullshit

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f0ef29 No.21048035


And not Jew.

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442b24 No.21048036

File: 5d38c854546502f⋯.png (495.5 KB,886x495,886:495,ClipboardImage.png)



#25807 >>21047306

>>21047406, >>21047459, >>21047492 John Kerry used pseudonymous email while in office just like Biden, Hillary, whistleblower claims to senators


>>21047540 Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of 'Changing Men's Behavior'

>>21047419 POTUS Truth

>>21047560, >>21047693, >>21047702, >>21047703, >>21047711 Japan Banking Giant Norinchukin To Liquidate $63 Billion To Plug Massive Unrealized Losses

>>21047598 City of Seattle Now Recruiting Illegal Immigrants to Become Police Officers

>>21047663 Russia names main condition for BRICS membership

>>21047737 NYPD ‘super rookie’ awarded Medal of Honor for gunning down career criminal cop killer

>>21047758 Richard Boyle appeal fails. Another deep blow for whistlebower protections.

>>21047828 We are approaching 200,000 Chinese Illegals under Biden

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a7ac5a No.21048037

File: 8854bc5f525033d⋯.jpeg (64.14 KB,640x643,640:643,IMG_5613.jpeg)


Knee pads?

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df094c No.21048038


>using swear words proves you aren't even a little bit interested in any message that God wants us to get from holy books.

Kek. Can any of you fucksticks have a conversation about religion andnottry and force your beliefs upon others? What's this "us" shit?

>good bye.

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f0ef29 No.21048039

I want the bottom half of California, All of Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada and Texas.

And $8B

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f0ef29 No.21048040

Oh and Arizona too.

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d4242d No.21048041

were chucks burgers human

they didnt look like beef

if human

then they were kosher

what does ground human look like…pork

pork is greyish

fuck chuck

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43a666 No.21048042

Anon predicts that Congressman Jim Jordan will be the VP pick. Anon out.

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a8149d No.21048043

File: 823597de0a79345⋯.png (84.76 KB,250x250,1:1,sussman.png)

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f0ef29 No.21048044


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cbae99 No.21048045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Anon has been watching this channel and he thinks like this anon, In God We Trust, with honour, integrity and be a man of your word, above all, your soul is not yours to give away, protect it at all costs.


Which Way Western Man?


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37447d No.21048046


Nice ID faggot

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4dc3f5 No.21048047

File: a3d1774ec878a61⋯.png (34.56 KB,325x409,325:409,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84b78ef57758005⋯.png (69.85 KB,470x521,470:521,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33366fa884b126b⋯.png (59.05 KB,470x384,235:192,ClipboardImage.png)





>Euro/Dollar halted


>Buckle up, buttercups - it's about to get bumpy!


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87e38f No.21048048


Way past the halfway mark

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f0ef29 No.21048050

Your agents have embarrassed you enough, TAKE THE DEAL.

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4c3e0b No.21048051

This thread was found at the bottom of the catalog.

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bd5c1b No.21048052

Accusing someone of privilege is a public acknowledgement of your limited mental capacity. But you're just too dumb to know it.

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9b4e51 No.21048053


just getting started

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f5d129 No.21048054

File: c88a142f8de7a05⋯.mp4 (4.79 MB,480x360,4:3,M_I_A_Paper_Planes_HQ_F3CI….mp4)


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f0ef29 No.21048055

File: 8f5d79e8adfdb8a⋯.jpg (285.37 KB,920x834,460:417,Screenshot_20240618_211630….jpg)

Pic looks familiar

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df094c No.21048056

File: f77913f3e82605c⋯.png (2.53 MB,498x278,249:139,ClipboardImage.png)


>How is that even possible?

Kek. He's reptilian, Anon. Why do you think he had raw patties on the grill?

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f0ef29 No.21048057

You have until Friday.

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01c72d No.21048058

File: a35eeefdbbabaad⋯.png (506.52 KB,593x487,593:487,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c3e0b No.21048059

File: 5d0f8bfd188b47b⋯.jpg (19.32 KB,330x450,11:15,ff82c1b99ae444180b9ce916b3….jpg)


>Your agents have embarrassed you enough

They really embarrass the plans laid out.

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9d1402 No.21048060

File: 229d016941a5614⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,2500x1663,2500:1663,FreeSpeechMovement1964.jpg)


>>21047905 In our audit of the DoD’s revaluation of support provided to #Ukraine, we found that the DoD did not comply with federal law and overvalued defense articles provided to Ukraine by $1.9 billion.

>>21047916 In our review of whether the DoD effectively managed Financial Improvement and Audit Remediation (FIAR) contracts, we found that the DoD used inconsistent processes and cannot accurately or consistently identify and report these contracts.

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f5d129 No.21048061


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b7d493 No.21048062

Without any jokes. Tell me exactly who I am.

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f5d129 No.21048063


Lara? Laura

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4dc3f5 No.21048065

File: c05abb1a13cd43c⋯.png (18.43 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d53cb89bffce7d8⋯.png (53.47 KB,470x286,235:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db322b8e404f58c⋯.png (40.6 KB,470x204,235:102,ClipboardImage.png)






>The creation of the internet and ‘connecting’ platforms is bringing about their downfall.

>proof FBI leaked to damage Trump

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4b715c No.21048066



This kind of link doesn't go anywhere. You need at least the v=whatever to see the video.

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b7d493 No.21048067



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442b24 No.21048068


had to shorten them a bit

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df094c No.21048069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>There is no other timezone

Kek. Wrong, Anon. There's only one Time Zone.

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ea03bb No.21048070



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4c3e0b No.21048071


>Lara? Laura

Caft? Croft, Craft what a Crap.

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df094c No.21048072

File: 4ae0ffd9f5c16c6⋯.png (Spoiler Image,193.93 KB,220x220,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>This kind of link doesn't go anywhere. You need at least the v=whatever to see the video.

Kek. Click that shit, Nigga!

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b1c787 No.21048073


So you're Christ now?

Too tall to be Napolean?

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cbae99 No.21048074


>>21048067 ←your answer gives you away.

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7e954d No.21048075

File: e4f38e4dbf524f6⋯.jpeg (88.8 KB,473x338,473:338,IMG_0591.jpeg)



get your boosters!

fauci is a demon, literally

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bd5c1b No.21048076


He has to see when his baby meat burgers are done.

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01c72d No.21048077

File: 8bafef92414437f⋯.png (1.05 MB,720x720,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


FSA clipping discounts.

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4c3e0b No.21048078


>There's only one Time Zone.

Multiple clocks make a clockwork operational.

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30dbbb No.21048079

File: e2ed5699bcbabe9⋯.jpg (83.49 KB,800x668,200:167,expiration_date_and_legal_….jpg)


>Tell me exactly who I am

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4dc3f5 No.21048080


>information war is hell

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9d1402 No.21048081

>>21048068 Maybe this.

>>>21047905, >>21047916 @DoD_IG: In our audit we found that the DoD did not comply with federal law and overvalued defense articles provided to Ukraine by $1.9 billion.

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ea03bb No.21048082

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cbc148 No.21048083


No deals BO, dumbass piece of shit. Kys

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ea03bb No.21048084

File: b19534e9ba98ed4⋯.jpg (6.54 KB,200x212,50:53,IMG_20201111_214045_875.jpg)

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4c3e0b No.21048085


>You have until Friday.

Anon does not like Flannel Friday, sunny Sundays are the brightest.

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01c72d No.21048086


It means there's $1.9 Billion "missing".

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388fc3 No.21048087

File: 85d36b035fc0073⋯.jpeg (34.06 KB,474x266,237:133,IMG_0739.jpeg)


lots of reptilians walk amongst those in power

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374fb0 No.21048088


You are filtered. No joke.

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df094c No.21048090

File: f0014f24ff1cdf7⋯.png (2.26 MB,1600x898,800:449,ClipboardImage.png)



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a8149d No.21048091

File: da28e747f4d786b⋯.png (640.9 KB,1012x824,253:206,reddit.png)


>jokes. Tell

a reddit spacing shill

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4c3e0b No.21048092



Nail a 2x4 to the head.

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388fc3 No.21048093


that face is not human in any real/authentic way!

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df094c No.21048094


Kek. I don't know why, but I see a green AmongUs spaceman.

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b7d493 No.21048096


You see, sadly, you cannot filter me. I live inside you.

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b1c787 No.21048097


You just called someone who says they are Christ and wants $8B and several Southwestern States, as part of a deal with the Illuminati, the BO

Are you even human?

Lame ass bot response from left field bullshit there

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bd5c1b No.21048098


She wanted to run her tongue through the big valley looking for Barbra Stanwyck, is my guess.

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0b9777 No.21048099


[News moves so fast

Go_ldfish meme-ory]

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b7d493 No.21048100


AGI isn't really that AGI

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9d1402 No.21048101

File: cc0d828388c90fb⋯.jpg (129.29 KB,1200x675,16:9,media_GOsYZEbWUAA9gR_.jpg)

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4dc3f5 No.21048102


orange clock bad

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2c98e4 No.21048103



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ea03bb No.21048104



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cbc148 No.21048105


Multiple meanings exist new fag


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d4242d No.21048106

File: e944742c64d46be⋯.jpg (800.67 KB,1440x3040,9:19,Screenshot_20210712_044548….jpg)


always has an imprint

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4c3e0b No.21048108


>No joke.

Two filters and some grains of salt can make you a traditional clock.

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2c98e4 No.21048109

File: 2eb1e8bafda2e5b⋯.jpeg (99.86 KB,622x621,622:621,IMG_0446.jpeg)




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9d1402 No.21048110

File: 50e97543aeeda0f⋯.jpg (43.64 KB,501x498,167:166,5kltkb_1894653869.jpg)

File: 49d7f01ac67c12d⋯.png (63.03 KB,607x469,607:469,ClipboardImage.png)

DoD Office of Inspector General


Jun 17

Our audit of the DoD’s management of Financial Improvement and Audit Remediation contracts identified 12 contracts valued at $104 million which the DoD did not include in their annual report. Read now: dodig.mil/reports.html/Artic…

Jun 17, 2024 · 7:00 PM UTC



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ea03bb No.21048111


Wood Chippa

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4c3e0b No.21048112

File: 89a64d73812929e⋯.jpg (117.82 KB,638x500,319:250,1kswu7_1197443786.jpg)



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c560ad No.21048113

File: 5eafc9b8581c476⋯.jpeg (229.32 KB,1300x743,1300:743,IMG_0579.jpeg)


triple digits confirm chipper solution

feet first!

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42b907 No.21048114

File: 7d5894d95bbb2fe⋯.jpg (93.37 KB,500x674,250:337,Red_P.jpg)


Suck muh froggy monster

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01c72d No.21048115

File: 9bbe87f0c05aaf1⋯.png (6.49 MB,3200x1680,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a7867 No.21048116

File: c79c745a2f4fa3a⋯.png (1.14 MB,1019x651,1019:651,4CHOOSEPAIN1ab.png)

File: 1d4c567838039ff⋯.png (81.69 KB,693x552,231:184,0kbw1.png)

File: ef5b7be93f94ed7⋯.png (589.25 KB,704x383,704:383,DSFAGS.png)

File: a9e5e70ca0897b3⋯.jpg (49.78 KB,800x600,4:3,EPfcsh1X4AY_6PP.jpg)

File: 9d2401abde1841a⋯.jpeg (13.01 KB,300x168,25:14,ds2.jpeg)

"Thank you to all of my great Keyboard Warriors. You are better, and far more brilliant, than anyone on Madison Avenue (Ad Agencies). There is nobody like you!"


May 27, 2020 12:44:24 PM EDT 4331

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 631942 No. 9332398



Intelligence was manipulated by [Brennan].

Watch the news.


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d331bc No.21048117

>>21047277 (LB)

Praying… Oh Lord have mercy on this innocent child and all those who suffer alongside her…

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b1c787 No.21048118


Lame, really lame

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573697 No.21048119


No, for feminist pedos we like to fold them in half and tie em together

Hands and feet first

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0a7867 No.21048120


A bad case of RECONCILE is headed your way, anon

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4c3e0b No.21048121

File: 60e03eae858f264⋯.webp (16.34 KB,531x531,1:1,I_Love_Ice_Cream_Meme_531….webp)


>Wood Chippa

Wheat Choppa

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9174d4 No.21048122


If they are Asian beetles, they crossed the border illegally, undocumented beetles

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2f8996 No.21048123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a8149d No.21048124


Official negotiations between Kim and Putin have begun.

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cbae99 No.21048125

File: 3b106158aecaa3c⋯.png (405.88 KB,500x748,125:187,ClipboardImage.png)

something anon has been seeing about kier starmer saying about his father.

those who are londoners especially cockneys use terms like like don't be a fucking tool is completely lost on kier as he lives in the islington bubble of london.

for anons in the usa, a meme and a description of what tool means by a.i, but in anons old life, it was a insult, as saying your father was a tool maker is literally admiting what a useless cunt his father produced.


Tool slang

In various contexts, the term “tool” is used as a slang expression to describe someone who is easily manipulated, used, or controlled by others. The meaning of “tool” can vary depending on the context and region.

Common meanings:

Easily manipulated: A person who is gullible, naive, or lacks self-awareness, making them susceptible to being used or manipulated by others.

Insecure or socially inept: Someone who is overly concerned with their appearance, behavior, or social status, often trying too hard to fit in or impress others.

Used as a derogatory term: A person who is seen as annoying, obnoxious, or annoyingly self-absorbed.


“He’s such a tool for always trying to impress everyone with his fake smile.”

“Stop being a tool and just be yourself.”

“He’s a tool for always buying expensive gifts for his girlfriend.”

Regional variations:

In the United States, “tool” is often used to describe someone who is insecure or trying too hard to fit in.

In the UK, “tool” can also refer to someone who is easily manipulated or used.

In Australia, “tool” is sometimes used to describe someone who is seen as annoying or obnoxious.


The term “tool” has its roots in the 17th century, when it was used as a euphemism for the male sex organ. Over time, the term evolved to take on different meanings, including the current slang usage.

In conclusion:

The term “tool” is a versatile slang expression that can be used to describe someone who is easily manipulated, insecure, or annoying. Its meaning can vary depending on the context and region, but its usage is often used to convey a sense of annoyance or frustration towards someone’s behavior.

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df094c No.21048126

File: fbbceeb6161c184⋯.png (816.62 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d1402 No.21048127

File: 7923c745be6a471⋯.png (589.84 KB,619x544,619:544,ClipboardImage.png)

Say something nice about this fake jews.

Adam Schiff



Congrats to @YVindman on his big primary win tonight!

Virginia deserves a champion like Eugene in Congress. So proud to call him a friend.

Jun 19, 2024 · 1:32 AM UTC


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5671fb No.21048128

File: 790ae50a22fa1d8⋯.jpg (49 KB,526x935,526:935,IMG_20210714_122413_205.jpg)

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af51ea No.21048129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4c3e0b No.21048130

File: 3206d315fda73d7⋯.jpg (108.34 KB,736x843,736:843,586f88a0a17d4cbc1f9729c0b9….jpg)

Whut Coppa?

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4eb531 No.21048131


so he was the jan 6 shooter?

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d4242d No.21048132


triple fags

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4eb531 No.21048133


their solution is to taze and shoot you to death

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6d5f03 No.21048134

File: f5184abbc240832⋯.jpg (24.48 KB,400x400,1:1,li6Yb7XP_400x400.jpg)


It's like a little cock and balls.

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df094c No.21048135


>triple fags

I thought this was a coincidence of Jews?

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4c3e0b No.21048136

File: 5deff48f92e8a8c⋯.gif (1.96 MB,540x304,135:76,_you_.gif)


Nailing it.

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af51ea No.21048137

File: bd8c1538c287c44⋯.jpg (113.59 KB,419x340,419:340,kek13.jpg)


>It's like a little cock and balls.

Only smaller.

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42b907 No.21048138

File: 0851915a488abbb⋯.png (646.34 KB,683x623,683:623,ClipboardImage.png)

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dbbb21 No.21048139

File: a67ffd92b8f2faf⋯.mp4 (2.16 MB,320x240,4:3,Intro_1983_1986_2_s2_LEBc2….mp4)


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4c3e0b No.21048140

File: 4c3817127ac92e7⋯.jpg (8.9 KB,125x124,125:124,1892465e7672626748ca1fbf6c….jpg)


>their solution is to taze and shoot you to death

That is why anon became their problem a long time ago, they toke the bait.

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6d5f03 No.21048141

File: ea29c3de5762e01⋯.jpg (119.03 KB,331x741,331:741,ea29c3de5762e019ddadf000f9….jpg)

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42b907 No.21048142

File: 229a04eecb867b9⋯.png (618.88 KB,540x492,45:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d1402 No.21048143

File: 5f70dd5be7bef36⋯.jpg (153.36 KB,968x726,4:3,media_GQZkpr0aIAIRmWR.jpg)

File: 11176a393e5c52f⋯.png (27.38 KB,155x83,155:83,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04c23749f718abd⋯.png (12.53 KB,246x58,123:29,ClipboardImage.png)




Bakery Le Pain Quotidien.

Q in full control?

What are the odds?

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0b9777 No.21048144




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4c3e0b No.21048145


>It's like a little cock and balls.

Biggie and 2-pack.

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01c72d No.21048146

File: ae11faff21bde24⋯.png (506.89 KB,635x420,127:84,ClipboardImage.png)


Fucking embezzlers


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a8149d No.21048147

File: 04e3c72164bd715⋯.mp4 (748.11 KB,640x360,16:9,MichaelByrd.mp4)

File: 3dc6d8b6eae4d61⋯.mp4 (5.17 MB,1080x720,3:2,NEW_Corrupted_video_footag….mp4)

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df094c No.21048148


Schiff betternotget a "free pass" for ratting on people above him. That fuck needs to hang for treason.

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4c3e0b No.21048149




Trump and Bye-done.

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01c72d No.21048150

File: c39930ff839cedc⋯.png (311.73 KB,474x317,474:317,ClipboardImage.png)

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4af941 No.21048151

File: 0d74b5766494124⋯.jpg (93.31 KB,998x782,499:391,20240612_005347.jpg)

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6d5f03 No.21048152


That's amazing.



Holy shit.

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4c3e0b No.21048153

Trump, bye Don.

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d4242d No.21048154


always has been

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af51ea No.21048155

File: acc739ade75da61⋯.jpg (11.34 KB,234x255,78:85,acc739ade75da61e76e2359fcf….jpg)

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0b9777 No.21048156


[Freedom & food

Then people actually respect you

Not fake respect]

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2f8996 No.21048157

File: 61d8aaadc27ac8e⋯.png (1.63 MB,973x850,973:850,IMG_2546.png)



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ed84a2 No.21048158

File: 4e0114fc7df73ae⋯.jpg (21.49 KB,255x148,255:148,Night_Shift_Trump_Mugshot.jpg)

Howdy Night Shift.

Still cranking away here.

You're gonna love this.

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42b907 No.21048159

File: ae16e9d1afc07cc⋯.png (669.59 KB,686x621,686:621,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8149d No.21048160

File: 101d2bab4a8a187⋯.png (413.3 KB,780x439,780:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa0429 No.21048161

File: dd87dfaaa75edf7⋯.jpg (141.1 KB,945x1267,135:181,20240612_004746.jpg)



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6d5f03 No.21048162

File: ee31bae16587bc5⋯.png (229.1 KB,510x438,85:73,ee31bae16587bc53a4779317cc….png)

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b1c787 No.21048163


Depends on who else is above him that he may yet rat on. He feels pressure, he'll want to make a deal to avoid a federal pen. Knowing he'll try to save his own ass is what will get his ass arkancided

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e45472 No.21048164

First you cooks the meat, then you applies the cheese, you fucking Cuck.

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442b24 No.21048165



#25807 >>21047306

>>21047406, >>21047459, >>21047492 John Kerry used pseudonymous email while in office just like Biden, Hillary, whistleblower claims to senators


>>21047540 Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of 'Changing Men's Behavior'

>>21047419 POTUS Truth

>>21047560, >>21047693, >>21047702, >>21047703, >>21047711 Japan Banking Giant Norinchukin To Liquidate $63 Billion To Plug Massive Unrealized Losses

>>21047598 City of Seattle Now Recruiting Illegal Immigrants to Become Police Officers

>>21047663 Russia names main condition for BRICS membership

>>21047737 NYPD ‘super rookie’ awarded Medal of Honor for gunning down career criminal cop killer

>>21047758 Richard Boyle appeal fails. Another deep blow for whistlebower protections.

>>21047828 We are approaching 200,000 Chinese Illegals under Biden

>>21047905 audit of the DoD’s revaluation of support provided to #Ukraine

>>21047916 In our review of whether the DoD effectively managed Financial Improvement and Audit Remediation (FIAR) contracts

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ed84a2 No.21048166

File: 192bf1bc55f734c⋯.png (107.45 KB,358x626,179:313,QP_New_Word_for_TREASON.PNG)


So much treason.

A new word for treason will need to be invented.

There are so many.

We're making a list and checking it twice.

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4c3e0b No.21048168

File: 246ca8be7a67455⋯.jpg (99.34 KB,590x500,59:50,2x4happyface.jpg)

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01c72d No.21048169

File: 8ed90a588341edc⋯.png (333.37 KB,474x381,158:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ae957 No.21048170

Quick Q-

>>I was talking to a friend recently about the CIA and they were struggling to remember the pet name members of the agency used.

If that doesn't make sense, I'm asking what long-standing members of the agency call the place. I said it was "the agency" (which is true for some employees), but both of us knew that wasn't the correct answer.

It's something simple, I just can't remember. It would be much appreciated if some Anon would help us remember.

Help plz? ty in advance

(going to rp in nb if no answer)

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a8149d No.21048172

File: 8cdc53c676f954c⋯.png (1.43 MB,1280x853,1280:853,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b9777 No.21048173




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d4242d No.21048174


hopefully they'll miscalculate his weight and rope length

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ed84a2 No.21048175







Biden's not the only one who handed over the USA to the Chinks, you know. . . .

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4c3e0b No.21048177

File: 374e79641cc6959⋯.jpg (36.68 KB,474x316,3:2,desserts.jpg)


>First you cooks the meat, then you applies the cheese.

Some people eat ice cream before diner is served, decreases the appetite.

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388fc3 No.21048178

File: 231b9b51610be2b⋯.jpeg (620.27 KB,828x990,46:55,IMG_9799.jpeg)

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01c72d No.21048179



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2f8996 No.21048180

File: 071a9f547aaa8e1⋯.png (3.23 MB,3000x2000,3:2,IMG_1088.png)

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a0c99b No.21048181

File: 93eadd0c0eaf4d8⋯.jpeg (373.46 KB,2048x1536,4:3,IMG_6450.jpeg)

File: 37fd35139d6d453⋯.jpeg (281.55 KB,1237x1577,1237:1577,IMG_6449.jpeg)

File: 832516ee34d3af9⋯.jpeg (527.87 KB,1536x2048,3:4,IMG_9678.jpeg)

File: 7a6ccf9d7620488⋯.jpeg (138.21 KB,1024x683,1024:683,IMG_3820.jpeg)

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01c72d No.21048183

File: 272ed3010f8aa26⋯.png (389.91 KB,975x499,975:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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6eb5da No.21048184



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a0c99b No.21048185

File: 7c0423ac8c4f799⋯.jpeg (140.48 KB,1652x870,826:435,IMG_8810.jpeg)

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4ae957 No.21048188


ty but its not that. it's a term they use themselves. esp higher ups

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2c98e4 No.21048190

File: 6bdb434dd788dcc⋯.jpeg (56.8 KB,474x338,237:169,IMG_0745.jpeg)

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cbae99 No.21048191

File: 1221dfee22f2240⋯.mp4 (14.57 MB,720x720,1:1,5ft_5_its_happening_vid_.mp4)


> 05:55:55

timestamp and ebil dubs chek'ed 5:5

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4ae957 No.21048192



it's like when gay people who have AIDS say they have "the shit".

It's something really short n sweet

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4c3e0b No.21048193

File: 8a63fdc46c11149⋯.jpeg (117.63 KB,960x960,1:1,download_now.jpeg)


>Official negotiations between Kim and Putin have begun.

Put and Cum.

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01c72d No.21048194

File: 17e464e58d80687⋯.png (461.75 KB,629x500,629:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a5c70 No.21048195

File: de9fd98052743ca⋯.mp4 (6.54 MB,720x720,1:1,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

File: 82f98c88016c5e5⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB,640x360,16:9,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)


they are busy leaving stay behind networks in place. do not sleep on your laurels. hold the line and keep digging, meming, and praying!

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442b24 No.21048197

File: 2b24732bc941ac8⋯.png (308.59 KB,736x975,736:975,ClipboardImage.png)

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c601dd No.21048198

File: 7d92419eac59800⋯.jpg (53.19 KB,736x733,736:733,1129dbf1740b3bc2a94afaa397….jpg)

Why doesn't Biden pardon Hunter? Even if he is a douche, that's his son. Obviously political suicide but wouldn't you expect that no matter what? If you won't get your own son out of some shit then the rest of us are pieces of trash anyway. Any way you slice it, these people are fucked up like in no other period in history. May President Trump live 9,000 years and maintain an interest in politics throughout. MAGA AF.

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250eba No.21048199


Ohhh you mean what glowies call glowcorp?

Yeah, i dunno.

Any 🤡🤡🤡's in here wanna answer??

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01c72d No.21048200

File: 329539bfa00e89e⋯.png (618.75 KB,602x420,43:30,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f8996 No.21048201

File: ea6a55c71260a68⋯.png (758.67 KB,567x685,567:685,IMG_2155.png)

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b92029 No.21048202

File: cab5d9db200103f⋯.mp4 (5.7 MB,480x270,16:9,PSTreasjune2021_1.mp4)

File: c8861d99208fa23⋯.png (1.63 MB,1567x950,1567:950,Rbergs232.png)


Love the meme work!


Overthrowing Election and our PRESIDENT in plain sight (no thanks to Communist mass media) just tip on iceberg…

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4ae957 No.21048203


We've said it 1000 times in here over the years but I can't for the life of me remember

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2a5c70 No.21048204

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


track down this and watch it! answers anon, answers

Is Trump running a clandestine military operation? | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #52


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ed84a2 No.21048205


[List Where?]

Last I heard the list is in D.C., Fort Eisenhower, Georgia, Canada, and a few other states.

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eea543 No.21048206


The Congress, or was it the Senate, gave him a standing ovation and cheer for murder. They really are the most detestable creatures to infest the federal district of Columbia.

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ed84a2 No.21048208


I like the way you think.

Yup, we got a list going, for sure.

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2f8996 No.21048210

God bless all of you…

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ed84a2 No.21048211


We're on it, General Flynn.

Delivering the truth here.


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4f8d30 No.21048215

Black Lives MAGA…its a vibe


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