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File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,000ccc.png)

0ba415 No.21047296 [View All]

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701 posts and 455 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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4c3e0b No.21048153

Trump, bye Don.

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d4242d No.21048154


always has been

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af51ea No.21048155

File: acc739ade75da61⋯.jpg (11.34 KB,234x255,78:85,acc739ade75da61e76e2359fcf….jpg)

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0b9777 No.21048156


[Freedom & food

Then people actually respect you

Not fake respect]

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2f8996 No.21048157

File: 61d8aaadc27ac8e⋯.png (1.63 MB,973x850,973:850,IMG_2546.png)



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ed84a2 No.21048158

File: 4e0114fc7df73ae⋯.jpg (21.49 KB,255x148,255:148,Night_Shift_Trump_Mugshot.jpg)

Howdy Night Shift.

Still cranking away here.

You're gonna love this.

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42b907 No.21048159

File: ae16e9d1afc07cc⋯.png (669.59 KB,686x621,686:621,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8149d No.21048160

File: 101d2bab4a8a187⋯.png (413.3 KB,780x439,780:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa0429 No.21048161

File: dd87dfaaa75edf7⋯.jpg (141.1 KB,945x1267,135:181,20240612_004746.jpg)



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6d5f03 No.21048162

File: ee31bae16587bc5⋯.png (229.1 KB,510x438,85:73,ee31bae16587bc53a4779317cc….png)

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b1c787 No.21048163


Depends on who else is above him that he may yet rat on. He feels pressure, he'll want to make a deal to avoid a federal pen. Knowing he'll try to save his own ass is what will get his ass arkancided

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e45472 No.21048164

First you cooks the meat, then you applies the cheese, you fucking Cuck.

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442b24 No.21048165



#25807 >>21047306

>>21047406, >>21047459, >>21047492 John Kerry used pseudonymous email while in office just like Biden, Hillary, whistleblower claims to senators


>>21047540 Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of 'Changing Men's Behavior'

>>21047419 POTUS Truth

>>21047560, >>21047693, >>21047702, >>21047703, >>21047711 Japan Banking Giant Norinchukin To Liquidate $63 Billion To Plug Massive Unrealized Losses

>>21047598 City of Seattle Now Recruiting Illegal Immigrants to Become Police Officers

>>21047663 Russia names main condition for BRICS membership

>>21047737 NYPD ‘super rookie’ awarded Medal of Honor for gunning down career criminal cop killer

>>21047758 Richard Boyle appeal fails. Another deep blow for whistlebower protections.

>>21047828 We are approaching 200,000 Chinese Illegals under Biden

>>21047905 audit of the DoD’s revaluation of support provided to #Ukraine

>>21047916 In our review of whether the DoD effectively managed Financial Improvement and Audit Remediation (FIAR) contracts

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ed84a2 No.21048166

File: 192bf1bc55f734c⋯.png (107.45 KB,358x626,179:313,QP_New_Word_for_TREASON.PNG)


So much treason.

A new word for treason will need to be invented.

There are so many.

We're making a list and checking it twice.

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4c3e0b No.21048168

File: 246ca8be7a67455⋯.jpg (99.34 KB,590x500,59:50,2x4happyface.jpg)

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01c72d No.21048169

File: 8ed90a588341edc⋯.png (333.37 KB,474x381,158:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ae957 No.21048170

Quick Q-

>>I was talking to a friend recently about the CIA and they were struggling to remember the pet name members of the agency used.

If that doesn't make sense, I'm asking what long-standing members of the agency call the place. I said it was "the agency" (which is true for some employees), but both of us knew that wasn't the correct answer.

It's something simple, I just can't remember. It would be much appreciated if some Anon would help us remember.

Help plz? ty in advance

(going to rp in nb if no answer)

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a8149d No.21048172

File: 8cdc53c676f954c⋯.png (1.43 MB,1280x853,1280:853,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b9777 No.21048173




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d4242d No.21048174


hopefully they'll miscalculate his weight and rope length

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ed84a2 No.21048175







Biden's not the only one who handed over the USA to the Chinks, you know. . . .

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4c3e0b No.21048177

File: 374e79641cc6959⋯.jpg (36.68 KB,474x316,3:2,desserts.jpg)


>First you cooks the meat, then you applies the cheese.

Some people eat ice cream before diner is served, decreases the appetite.

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388fc3 No.21048178

File: 231b9b51610be2b⋯.jpeg (620.27 KB,828x990,46:55,IMG_9799.jpeg)

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01c72d No.21048179



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2f8996 No.21048180

File: 071a9f547aaa8e1⋯.png (3.23 MB,3000x2000,3:2,IMG_1088.png)

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a0c99b No.21048181

File: 93eadd0c0eaf4d8⋯.jpeg (373.46 KB,2048x1536,4:3,IMG_6450.jpeg)

File: 37fd35139d6d453⋯.jpeg (281.55 KB,1237x1577,1237:1577,IMG_6449.jpeg)

File: 832516ee34d3af9⋯.jpeg (527.87 KB,1536x2048,3:4,IMG_9678.jpeg)

File: 7a6ccf9d7620488⋯.jpeg (138.21 KB,1024x683,1024:683,IMG_3820.jpeg)

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01c72d No.21048183

File: 272ed3010f8aa26⋯.png (389.91 KB,975x499,975:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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6eb5da No.21048184



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a0c99b No.21048185

File: 7c0423ac8c4f799⋯.jpeg (140.48 KB,1652x870,826:435,IMG_8810.jpeg)

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4ae957 No.21048188


ty but its not that. it's a term they use themselves. esp higher ups

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2c98e4 No.21048190

File: 6bdb434dd788dcc⋯.jpeg (56.8 KB,474x338,237:169,IMG_0745.jpeg)

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cbae99 No.21048191

File: 1221dfee22f2240⋯.mp4 (14.57 MB,720x720,1:1,5ft_5_its_happening_vid_.mp4)


> 05:55:55

timestamp and ebil dubs chek'ed 5:5

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4ae957 No.21048192



it's like when gay people who have AIDS say they have "the shit".

It's something really short n sweet

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4c3e0b No.21048193

File: 8a63fdc46c11149⋯.jpeg (117.63 KB,960x960,1:1,download_now.jpeg)


>Official negotiations between Kim and Putin have begun.

Put and Cum.

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01c72d No.21048194

File: 17e464e58d80687⋯.png (461.75 KB,629x500,629:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a5c70 No.21048195

File: de9fd98052743ca⋯.mp4 (6.54 MB,720x720,1:1,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

File: 82f98c88016c5e5⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB,640x360,16:9,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)


they are busy leaving stay behind networks in place. do not sleep on your laurels. hold the line and keep digging, meming, and praying!

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442b24 No.21048197

File: 2b24732bc941ac8⋯.png (308.59 KB,736x975,736:975,ClipboardImage.png)

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c601dd No.21048198

File: 7d92419eac59800⋯.jpg (53.19 KB,736x733,736:733,1129dbf1740b3bc2a94afaa397….jpg)

Why doesn't Biden pardon Hunter? Even if he is a douche, that's his son. Obviously political suicide but wouldn't you expect that no matter what? If you won't get your own son out of some shit then the rest of us are pieces of trash anyway. Any way you slice it, these people are fucked up like in no other period in history. May President Trump live 9,000 years and maintain an interest in politics throughout. MAGA AF.

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250eba No.21048199


Ohhh you mean what glowies call glowcorp?

Yeah, i dunno.

Any 🤡🤡🤡's in here wanna answer??

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01c72d No.21048200

File: 329539bfa00e89e⋯.png (618.75 KB,602x420,43:30,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f8996 No.21048201

File: ea6a55c71260a68⋯.png (758.67 KB,567x685,567:685,IMG_2155.png)

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b92029 No.21048202

File: cab5d9db200103f⋯.mp4 (5.7 MB,480x270,16:9,PSTreasjune2021_1.mp4)

File: c8861d99208fa23⋯.png (1.63 MB,1567x950,1567:950,Rbergs232.png)


Love the meme work!


Overthrowing Election and our PRESIDENT in plain sight (no thanks to Communist mass media) just tip on iceberg…

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4ae957 No.21048203


We've said it 1000 times in here over the years but I can't for the life of me remember

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2a5c70 No.21048204

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


track down this and watch it! answers anon, answers

Is Trump running a clandestine military operation? | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #52


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ed84a2 No.21048205


[List Where?]

Last I heard the list is in D.C., Fort Eisenhower, Georgia, Canada, and a few other states.

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eea543 No.21048206


The Congress, or was it the Senate, gave him a standing ovation and cheer for murder. They really are the most detestable creatures to infest the federal district of Columbia.

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ed84a2 No.21048208


I like the way you think.

Yup, we got a list going, for sure.

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2f8996 No.21048210

God bless all of you…

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ed84a2 No.21048211


We're on it, General Flynn.

Delivering the truth here.


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4f8d30 No.21048215

Black Lives MAGA…its a vibe


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