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File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,000ccc.png)

e9fcbb No.21046516 [View All]

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701 posts and 445 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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2b1a9f No.21047271

File: 6bce273a937333a⋯.jpeg (912.39 KB,1125x1610,225:322,IMG_1290.jpeg)

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a22c0b No.21047272

File: 44b57092bc19db1⋯.png (277.26 KB,601x710,601:710,war_game.PNG)




Lara Logan




Look who’s prepping for another event??? This is called “shaping” in information warfare - problem is millions now recognize these tactics. Is that the best they can do? You can smell the fear & desperation.

From thetac.tech

You reposted

General Mike Flynn


Does the guy speaking not realize that Peter Strock (yes, the “insurance policy” Strock) is sitting at the table and GEN (RET) Wesley Clark (also pictured), who ran as a DEM for POTUS…AND GEN Lloyd Austin (another partisan former senior military officer) is the SECDEF!!! Is this Jeff Buchanan that stupid!? Or are they prepping for another set up? This is all about politics!

2:43 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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858eee No.21047273



you think Notables Matter

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8486d2 No.21047274

File: a81edf5e62df901⋯.jpg (141.31 KB,1286x725,1286:725,Uranium_1_connections.jpg)

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376e7b No.21047275

File: 9fdafad430477d5⋯.jpg (32.83 KB,735x384,245:128,cb6cb96fe603c28a6e89757036….jpg)


It was 91° in the shade today, ya loveable psychos.


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cab423 No.21047277

Prayers up for niece stage 4 Adrenal Gland cancer.

5 years old.

Last year I've lost my dad and my fiancé .

Not comfy.

Adrenal gland cancer?

I'll rip Satans throat out.

I'll cut Faucis head off.

Burn down Harvard.

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8486d2 No.21047278

File: 0c08bb3a1dc44bc⋯.jpg (136.98 KB,983x774,983:774,Nestle.jpg)

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a22c0b No.21047279

File: d121eccf7fc53cf⋯.png (392.42 KB,591x854,591:854,jord.PNG)


Jordan Sather


That's one way to look at it.

If Warp Speed didn't happen, would we be able to fight these vaccines legally like we can now?


Larry Cook



Jun 17

Take a step back and look at the ENTIRE vaccine industry. Every state in the US *MANDATES* that children be vaccinated to attend school. The COVID vax was optional under Trump. DEMOCRATS removed exemptions. Are ANY vaccines “safe?” NO! How do we get around the 1986 law? Warp It!


2:46 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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e51cfa No.21047280

File: 06d4ed97988be9b⋯.png (211.02 KB,425x408,25:24,06d4ed97988be9b5c827d3c687….png)

The Narcissist(s) take the bait.




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75b500 No.21047281


Behold, the Highest Ranking Anon has graced us.

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a97afb No.21047282

File: ca6f4126e071997⋯.png (15.95 KB,253x255,253:255,07c85b9cdf122da1031a9c8b32….png)

File: af03e014f982422⋯.jpeg (96.04 KB,992x558,16:9,af03e014f982422168de3ca9f….jpeg)

File: 2449fe79d911176⋯.png (504.13 KB,751x707,751:707,a41b2665dc3446e1dadbb5ac49….png)

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e9b779 No.21047283

File: 6c1e150c98a8803⋯.png (13.6 KB,255x255,1:1,34ab63456a74311fefcd611134….png)

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cab423 No.21047284

Mansions on fire.

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c2e564 No.21047285



>the insufferable jew, OSS

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482b89 No.21047286

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8486d2 No.21047287

File: d6d361084c12a2f⋯.png (135.85 KB,662x591,662:591,McKinsey_Co_web_connection….png)

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907f9a No.21047288

File: 74b55b03a53e28a⋯.png (63.76 KB,746x674,373:337,221.png)


Expand your thinking… If you can.


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6c9b8b No.21047289

File: e366e1187a5b3d2⋯.jpeg (22.68 KB,238x255,14:15,4152AAD3_81C6_4B97_8288_0….jpeg)

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e9fcbb No.21047290


#25806 >>21046531

>>21046625, >>21046868, >>21047018, >>21047186, >>21047260 Planefaggin CONUS

>>21046544 Leader of International Drug Trafficking Organization Operating in Lane County Sentenced to Federal Prison

>>21046548 Multiple Alabama Individuals Charged for Sex Trafficking and Related Offenses

>>21046606, >>21047233 @realDonaldTrump Amazing Swing and Winnings

>>21046626 Wayne Johnson wins Georgia’s 2nd congressional district Republican runoff

>>21046631, >>21046666, >>21046774 Vindman???

>>21046732 Peace Through Strength: The Stark Contrast Between Trump and Biden

>>21046778, >>21046896 ICYMI: If congress acts this would END THE CRIMINAL CHARGES holding Dan Scavino, Peter Navarro, Mark Meadows, and Steve Bannon, in Contemp..

>>21046792 US budget office sees larger 2024 deficit due to Ukraine aid, student debt

>>21046813 Michigan will pay dairy farmers to help government investigate bird flu outbreak

>>21046839 The Biden Administration sent two FBI agents to intimidate a nurse who told the truth about the child sex-change program at Texas Children's Hospital.

>>21046844 Physician scientist Dr. Steven Quay (@quay_dr) highlights six reasons COVID-19 is most likely a gain-of-function laboratory leak

>>21046861 I'll 'Be Debating Three People Instead of One' on CNN

>>21046869 Biden Sent $2.8 Billion in 'Humanitarian Aid' to the Taliban.

>>21046886 @JamesOKeefeIII We’re going to expose top executives of the whole infiltrated temple. It’s going to be biblical.

>>21046998 #OTD in 1976, the film MIDWAY premiered.

>>21047016 Kash Patel, has urged Congress to seek defense briefings given to then-VP Biden about his son Hunter, citing potential conflict of interest

>>21047022 Southerners slam neighbors with ‘lefty politics’ who move in and drive up cost of living/fuckin libtard yankees

>>21047090 John Kerry used pseudonymous email while in office just like Biden, Hillary, whistleblower claims to senators

>>21047100 NVIDIA overtakes Microsoft to become the world's most valuable company at $3.3 trillion

>>21047106, >>21047158 ICYMI: re: the Indian Bond Fraud, @HunterBiden had an off-the-schedule 1-on-1 meeting with @BarackObama after Hunter received the subpoena but before he responded.

>>21047170 Joe was a (living legend‘): Longtime criminal defense attorney Joe Friedberg dies at 87

>>21047247 @10MTNDIV As things continue to heat 🥵 up during #Mountainfest, cool 🥶 off with this video of Mountain 🏔️ #Soldiers doing what they do best.

>>21047272 Look who’s prepping for another event??? This is called “shaping” in information warfare


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7695f6 No.21047291


NYP trying to put the 33 hex on FLOTUS.

They are weak, their #'s magic will fail.

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8486d2 No.21047292

File: 652e0abc5ab5f12⋯.jpg (132.49 KB,700x525,4:3,Muslim_Brotherhood_in_Nort….jpg)

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e51cfa No.21047293

They are triggered, seething and choleric now

Anon did dat.

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a757e4 No.21047294

File: bc3f0546c8dc92d⋯.jpg (93.79 KB,664x499,664:499,PIECE_OF_CAKE_2.jpg)




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28581a No.21047295

File: 8b597494c94f62d⋯.png (85.31 KB,1200x534,200:89,chainfeet_2296639535.png)


this conforms my suspicions

slaves from Africa weren't kidnapped

and sent off

they were criminals sold off for cheap

to do cheap labor

hence the chains

africa didnt have to house n feed these criminals

save money, make a buck, and make africa great again in one fell swoop

>venezuala crime down 72%

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75b500 No.21047297

File: 4dd84c34d75e4f5⋯.png (172.77 KB,577x341,577:341,Apu_Superhero_Cape_Pepe.png)

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86cb05 No.21047299

File: a6dadaddc8dcb2e⋯.png (121.09 KB,973x700,139:100,1510792215577.png)

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0c0133 No.21047300

File: 7ec7dd6d0120427⋯.png (414.71 KB,544x499,544:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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a22c0b No.21047301

File: b84f694254065ac⋯.png (475.18 KB,594x621,22:23,box.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Poland is thinking outside the box!


Remix News & Views




🇵🇱🚜 Polish farmers dump pig manure along their land to deter Muslim migrants entering from Belarus.

“We hope that if we spread pig manure, illegal migrants will not pass through because their faith will not allow them to.”

2:00 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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e51cfa No.21047302

They are obsessed now

Anon did dat.

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482b89 No.21047303



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86cb05 No.21047304

File: e3d71ee4fe12ec0⋯.png (119.36 KB,973x700,139:100,Kissinger.png)

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c2e564 No.21047305

File: 438f03f0bead781⋯.png (164.09 KB,399x348,133:116,ClipboardImage.png)



this one looks like especially nefarious

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86cb05 No.21047307

File: 4290e361578fc53⋯.png (116.8 KB,949x689,73:53,TidesFoundationWeb.png)

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688b35 No.21047308

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 7:52 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 7:52 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 7:52 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 8:33 PM > (link - targets)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 8:33 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 8:34 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 8:34 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:00 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:00 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:01 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:01 PM > (WINS!)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:11 PM > (attack)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:20 PM > (encourages voters)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 9:21 PM > (WINS!)

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e9fcbb No.21047309

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3cec01 No.21047310


'Crooks importing crooks

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a757e4 No.21047311

File: 7d564eaff18f07b⋯.jpg (133.2 KB,785x441,785:441,TEMPER_TANTRUM.jpg)

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57629e No.21047312

File: a04bf405a55148e⋯.png (588.19 KB,974x492,487:246,wewill.png)

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e9b779 No.21047313

File: 232f4e8a81d8b55⋯.jpg (53 KB,750x494,375:247,232f4e8a81d8b5569637af9656….jpg)

File: 29df7b81be07ad2⋯.png (1.36 MB,874x934,437:467,29df7b81be07ad221c36d99161….png)

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86cb05 No.21047314

File: 0a8a8298331ddf9⋯.jpg (114.55 KB,600x600,1:1,VernonJordanWeb.jpg)

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688b35 No.21047315


Clown Show…

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fb6fe2 No.21047316

File: dc8e382423b0873⋯.gif (1.8 MB,427x240,427:240,DJBogs.gif)

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688b35 No.21047318

We're going to give anons the board they wanted. FREE AND CLEAR.

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86cb05 No.21047319

File: 3240b412ad80c36⋯.png (109.42 KB,952x655,952:655,SchmidtFamilyWeb.png)

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75b500 No.21047321

File: c82986b41a42a02⋯.jpg (168.23 KB,577x346,577:346,Live_By_The_Shitpost_Get_R….jpg)

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efb7e9 No.21047322

File: 4ed5bd322056e08⋯.png (1 MB,1285x722,1285:722,ClipboardImage.png)

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86cb05 No.21047324

File: 1200f8eda568e85⋯.png (100.96 KB,954x696,159:116,Rothschild_Munk_DeripaskaW….png)

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858eee No.21047325



when you stop posting well get exactly that

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86cb05 No.21047326

File: d1ac8c3ce14a3a3⋯.png (89.52 KB,658x600,329:300,Gannett_web_connections.png)

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62028b No.21047327



thank you

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