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File: 2b78f8339aee97e⋯.png (289.63 KB,1057x608,1057:608,1e9539dfa07b89fdc7a515c37d….png)

1dda77 No.21045752 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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1dda77 No.21045754

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 Australia #36

>>20940004 Canada #59

>>20584322 China #1

>>16694358 France #7

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>>16694250 Nederland #10

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>>20771571 Scotland #10

>>20969267 South Africa #13

>>19804572 UK #51


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

>>20736492, >>18311579, >>20673838 "Baker on Duty" - what it means

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

>>20926627, >>20947983 Anon notables/making changes: generally, once a bread baked, it's baked


Call to Meme posts: please include in notables if it seems noteworthy


#25804 >>21045014


>>21045026, >>21045057 President Trump Delivers Remarks in Racine, Wisconsin - 6/18/24

>>21045687 Rally speech transcript

>>21045029, >>21045054, >>21045158, >>21045470, >>21045658 Photo Album

>>21045021 Q+ gets on stage @ 4:27, opens speech @4:30 PM EST

>>21045039, >>21045047, >>21045100, >>21045189, >>21045241 Racine

>>21045249 Trump says 'drunken sailors'

>>21045225, >>21045270, >>21045286 Trump says 'stars', confirms delta

>>21045389 DJT says '107,000 People in NJ'

>>21045449, >>21045491 Trump says 'central casting' 4x

>>21045500 Strawberry Full Moon 87%, full on June 21st (Summer Solstice)

>>21045508, >>21045561 Agent Bangsley

>>21045667, >>21045671 Q+ stopped speaking at 5:48 PM EST


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>21045667 Q+ stopped speaking at 5:48 PM EST

>>21045075 Reminder: Prayer Mission This Week: Bless Q+ & Unite Anons

>>21045082 Fleeing prolonged media crackdown, Ethiopian journalists struggle in exile

>>21045091 @JamesOKeefeIII We’re going to expose top executives of the whole infiltrated temple. It’s going to be biblical.

>>21045103 NWO PLOT to Control Brains: SARS-Cov-2 by Fauci, Graphene by Darpa-Obama, Vaccines by Gates-Biden-EU

>>21045104 Inside story of JFK Jr and Carolyn Bessette's infamous New York park fight

>>21045110 Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. Announces SEC Effectiveness of Amended Form S-1

>>21045112 Nvidia eclipses Microsoft as world's most valuable company

>>21045175 Justin Timberlake allegedly had traces of molly, poppers, Truvada, and coke in his bloodstream

>>21045179 Los Angeles school board votes to ban cellphone use during school hours

>>21045247 Six reasons COVID-19 is most likely a gain-of-function laboratory leak:

>>21045256 Hilldog has a new website? Biden's replacement?

>>21045321 British meddling in Macedonia backfires, exposing coup machinations

>>21045354 The Woke Movement Is Actually Corporate Enslavement – The Culture War Is A Fight To Stop It

>>21045441 This kind of BS is why blue cities are spiraling

>>21045460 THE FBI KNEW FOR 8 YEARS! Hunter Biden and His Associates Scored $120 Million Deal With Ukrainian Energy Company While Joe Was VP

>>21045493 Paul Gosar recently introduced a bill requiring the U.S. Treasury to start printing $500 bills “featuring a portrait” of former President Trump

>>21045517 Spirit In The Sky - #PacificMarines teaming up with the @usairforce

>>21045628 Charges dropped against man in straw-donor scheme to Adams campaign

>>21045156, >>21045227, >>21045358, >>21045380 memes

>>21045734 #25804

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1dda77 No.21045757

>>21044232 #25803

>>21044244, >>21044254, >>21044258 Swamp Happenins

>>21044282, >>21044294 POTUS, >>21044332, >>21044383, >>21044608, >>21044707, >>21044839 PF

>>21044266, >>21044295, >>21044291, >>21044304 911 service is down in MASSACHUSETTS & RHODE ISLAND

>>21044336 Minnesota's new automatic voter registration system is up and running. How does it work?

>>21044324, >>21044541, >>21044607, >>21044819, >>21044833, >>21044863, >>21044940 TRUMP TRUTHS ilpresidento Truths

>>21044348 Flight Test of Future Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Reentry Vehicle

>>21044368 Biden’s Intelligence Agencies Lead Fingernail-Painting Sessions For ‘Pride Month’

>>21044419 An election integrity group is suing Burlington, Vermont's largest city, for allowing non-citizens to vote in its elections

>>21044435, >>21044798, >>21044800 Putin touches down in Pyongyang, says 'heroic people' of North Korea will 'confront' West with Russia

>>21044443 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Racine, Wisconsin - 6/18/24

>>21044463 Biden Announces Deportation Protections For Some Illegal Immigrants

>>21044517 Fauci: More People in Red States Died from COVID Because of ‘Political Ideology’

>>21044530 Impeachment Inquiry: Hunter’s Lawyer Used Joe Biden’s Position to Discourage SEC Probe

>>21044564 Former OpenAI employees release “A Right to Warn” document warning about advanced AI risks

>>21044570 National Guard Member Executed In Culiacán: Sinaloa

>>21044584 BIS Asks Banks to Join China-Backed Digital Cash-Sending Project…Saudi Arabia joins mBridge as full participant

>>21044605 Israeli Lawmakers Push For Gaza Resettlement

>>21044621 Kamala Harris Will Host Screening Of Documentary On Hamas Sexual Violence

>>21044670 Steve Bannon Responds To Rachel Maddow, did we make Rachel cry?

>>21044684, >>21044728 Where is Hunter Biden's mugshot? Anyone seen it?

>>21044685 Scientists claim popular mouthwash could increase cancer risk and 'must not be used daily'

>>21044696 Secret Service says it ‘destroyed’ tape of Biden’s dog splattering agent’s blood at White House

>>21044721 Noam Chomsky Dies at Age 95

>>21044748 Fmr U.S. Ambassador David M. Friedman Demands Americans be Imprisoned for 'Antisemitism'

>>21044817 NY midwife pleads guilty to destroying 2,600 COVID-19 vaccines and issuing fraudulent cards

>>21044835 CAUTION: US population growth is a scary looking chart

>>21044890 Hunter Biden’s D.C. law license suspended following felony gun conviction

>>21044978 #25803

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1dda77 No.21045760

#25802 >>21043227

>>21043606 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Racine, Wisconsin, 4:00 p.m. ET.

>>21043362, >>21043419, >>21043479, >>21043577, >>21043611, >>21043628, >>21043671, >>21044132, >>21044135 Planefaggin Fool

>>21043269, >>21043493, >>21043632, >>21043658, >>21043739 Swamp Talk

>>21043294 Justice Department Files Statements of Interest in Two Voting Access Lawsuits

>>21043309, >>21043479 Fmr U.S. Ambassador David M. Friedman Demands Americans be Imprisoned for 'Antisemitism'

>>21043357 Florida Tax Preparer Sentenced for False Return Conspiracy

>>21043369 Hearings to examine origins of COVID-19, focusing on available evidence.

>>21043373, >>21043487, >>21043496, >>21043649, >>21043736 NASA


>>21043494 Today's deltas

>>21043512 @MCoEFortMoore Know how to flow.

>>21043517 Q moves

>>21043539 S&P 500 is little changed as investors attempt to shake off weak retail sales data (miss)

>>21043558 Newsome up???

>>21043562 SpaceX ASTRA 1P Mission

>>21043574, >>21043644 monolith back

>>21043599 🇿🇼 Zimbabwe announces it will formally apply to join BRICS.

>>21043639 @SurfaceWarriors 🌊USS St. Louis Departs for her Maiden Deployment⚓

>>21043681 Grassley: importance of representative govt, public service, ag policy, farming, running, my grandkids etc

>>21043698 NIH Spent Over $300 Million on Failed Study to Reduce Opioid Deaths

>>21043797, >>21043803 CNBC Analyst Arrested on Federal Charges After Disappearing and Being Declared a Fugitive

>>21043823 NZ: another sudden death

>>21043834 For the third time in just recent weeks, Joe Biden's "sex" agenda has crashed and burned when it has faced a federal judge

Baker change

>>21043856 Space Delta 7 welcomes new ISR commander

>>21043871, >>21043914, >>21044011 TIMMMM-BERRRR!!

>>21043873 Why There's a Single, Tiny Wire Encircling Manhattan

>>21043925, >>21043985 BRING BACK THE REAL FIRST LADY!!!

>>21043941 Cryptocurrency Earthquake at SEC - Head of Crypto Unit Resigns

>>21043958 Malaysia Prepares To Join BRICS

>>21043974 Black hole observed ‘awakening’ for the first time

>>21043975 Kentucky to receive $1.1 billion from federal program for high-speed internet

>>21043999 Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman calls for Netanyahu to be held accountable for Israeli crimes against Palestinians

>>21044014 President @realDonaldTrump departs for Racine, WI! Enjoy The Show!

>>21044016 HHS doesn't request background checks for juvenile illegal immigrants

>>21044024 Space Test Course integrates satellite operations into curriculum for first time

>>21044076 anons - Maybe nothing, just noticing

>>21044077 Viktor Orban trolls the EU with his choice of slogan for his country's presidency of the bloc: “Make Europe Great Again”

>>21044100 Spaceforce CSO visits Kirtland AFB

>>21044134 Dozens of House lawmakers got at least $30,000 each for D.C. living expenses w/NO RECEIPTS REQUIRED

>>21044144, >>21044151 TRUMP TRUTHS

>>21044200 Another Biden illegal immigrant monster ARRESTED for raping 13-yr-old in broad daylight by NYPD

>>21044214 #25802

Previously Collected

>>21041779 #25800, >>21043213 #25801

>>21039197 #25797, >>21040146 #25798, >>21041002 #25799

>>21037305 #25794, >>21037762 #25795, >>21038518 #25796

>>21033570 #25791, >>21034709 #25792, >>21036140 #25793

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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1dda77 No.21045772

File: 6af9effc9d5dcb4⋯.jpg (195.5 KB,1242x782,27:17,6af9effc9d5dcb44283986f772….jpg)



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4a149f No.21045782

File: 84c9d0db0dd5478⋯.png (111.95 KB,490x455,14:13,4392b40e532a5f345c9a3fbaaa….png)

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1dda77 No.21045783

File: 671562d6da977bc⋯.jpg (1.36 MB,2560x2560,1:1,671562d6da977bcc2075549ee8….jpg)

File: 6920d09f13b35e3⋯.png (1.15 MB,680x652,170:163,6920d09f13b35e3b31dcc0fe7a….png)

File: ab339900bfd80a3⋯.jpg (793.68 KB,1200x900,4:3,ab339900bfd80a3363e290d512….jpg)


Baker can continue or pass

TY Anons

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51601c No.21045784

it moves very fast but you could have focused threads on separate issues you could organize don't you want that?

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765274 No.21045785

File: 79eb1c7f28cc854⋯.mp4 (4.76 MB,528x398,264:199,boobyjigglyboobiesmuted.mp4)

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b4da68 No.21045786

File: 1e56a7521e128c3⋯.png (1.14 MB,662x666,331:333,1e56a7521e128c36c2fa3e4941….png)

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ced370 No.21045787

File: 2bd39516631cbe4⋯.png (313.06 KB,664x446,332:223,SSARV.PNG)


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e9d7bb No.21045788

File: 21f5ea212ef5756⋯.png (879.25 KB,650x770,65:77,21f5ea212ef57565309d953501….png)

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7b3a92 No.21045789




bills would be good


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ad1ae5 No.21045790

File: bcee742475002a5⋯.png (165.6 KB,1102x1374,551:687,bcee742475002a5fe137ad6ec1….png)

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2cb226 No.21045791

File: 444b045acaf02c6⋯.jpg (215.95 KB,833x911,833:911,DJT_Flashed.JPG)

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b62976 No.21045792

File: f1f91d9b2c4a760⋯.png (176.64 KB,326x398,163:199,ClipboardImage.png)

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7895cf No.21045793

File: a6bf12fdeb998e1⋯.png (310.04 KB,500x518,250:259,admiral_rogers_god_knows.png)

File: 7cbc0300b74a136⋯.jpg (64.54 KB,507x499,507:499,admiralrogersgreatfultohal….jpg)

File: 9a2c7caa20a3652⋯.png (328.73 KB,500x582,250:291,AdmiralRogersKNWOS.png)

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51601c No.21045794

If you can filter it so you don't scare normal people its good but if um if I can have Anal Girl i really need to

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2cb226 No.21045795

File: 901475262aabc43⋯.gif (1.69 MB,498x373,498:373,TB_America_03_Trump_Dance.GIF)

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8dc599 No.21045796

File: dc83dca35547133⋯.png (1.22 MB,974x1197,974:1197,dc83dca35547133b23af0546f9….png)

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51601c No.21045797

*one meme*

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013d17 No.21045798

>>21045768 /LB

Jesus Christ, I beg of you to bring your wrath upon this abomination to your humanity. Erase those torturing our children, make our children whole again and those perpetrating these crimes as if they never existed.

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e821c0 No.21045799

File: 1b34080e7599e28⋯.png (22.05 KB,380x204,95:51,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff5e208e1ee6ec5⋯.jpg (42.93 KB,404x433,404:433,Screenshot_2024_06_18_1701….jpg)


>Q+ stopped speaking at 5:48 PM EST


The Absolute State

>snarka aside, I tried to mentionin lb but got 751'd.

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e4c7c3 No.21045800

File: 6da02a061f46ed3⋯.png (1.25 MB,1024x1024,1:1,mirror.png)


TYB (picrel)


just dont freak out, anonz

(we) love you

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51601c No.21045801

Vermin's gonna make it

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72aad5 No.21045802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21045667 PB

>Q+ stopped speaking at 5:48 PM EST

>Timing is everything.


5:48 is length of OUR MOVEMENT vid….


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2cb226 No.21045803

File: 85843e0eaa49a65⋯.jpeg (227.75 KB,800x727,800:727,Trump_Red_Wave.JPEG)

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51601c No.21045804

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157ee3 No.21045805

File: c5501fd31a786a4⋯.png (12.39 KB,168x255,56:85,trump_stay_with_me.png)

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765274 No.21045806

File: 464f237980feab8⋯.png (1.67 MB,1733x772,1733:772,ClipboardImage.png)

Hot titts behind Muh POTUS.

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2cb226 No.21045807

File: d0f6935dd49b2cf⋯.png (659.78 KB,720x663,240:221,78FEC183_A825_4372_B232_CB….PNG)

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1dda77 No.21045808



yer in the notes anon

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51601c No.21045809

I do need Anal Girl let me know if she gets in I know a girl when I meet one if she's vulgar.

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b4da68 No.21045810

File: f5651e7ea569845⋯.png (391.84 KB,2251x2270,2251:2270,spacemarine_transparent.png)

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e4dc74 No.21045811

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c1178d No.21045812


please scowl

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89ebcc No.21045813

>>21045441 (lb)

Chicago has been democrat for about 100 years so whos he blaming ?

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e4c7c3 No.21045814

File: eb30cb57f41aaae⋯.png (427.86 KB,392x410,196:205,coinkidink.PNG)

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2cb226 No.21045815

File: 82d548dc37561fa⋯.jpg (87.19 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Trump_Batman_04.JPG)

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053c37 No.21045816

>>21045745 pb the water test

Other chemicals will not do this. I have to bring a mask with me because sometimes I need it immediately when I cut the lawn.

We starve look at one another

Short of breath, walking proudly

in our winter coats, wearing smells of laboratories, facing a dying nation

~ Flesh failure song

They knew 60 years ago, you cannot smell some of the lab toxins. The cyanide causes coldness down to the bones. You walk in ignorance of these tactics. It is always a dying nation of moving paper fantasies, listening for the new told lies (MSM).

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51601c No.21045817


I know honey.

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e8843b No.21045818

>>21045739 lb

This anon `members

There was an anon doing all kinds of distress calls thousands of breads ago about Racine, Wisconsin corruption

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e821c0 No.21045819


The wrong Drop was posted for Q548.

The OP's cap was for Q558.


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898ea9 No.21045820

File: 05f2842af79a9b7⋯.png (342.23 KB,1080x821,1080:821,Screenshot_20240618_170531….png)

Thanks 🍞 Bakes

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51601c No.21045821

that's her right?

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2cb226 No.21045822

File: 985ca1343bb75fb⋯.jpg (261.97 KB,800x1013,800:1013,DJT_SMILES_01.jpg)

File: d9d86e340b7d123⋯.gif (700.2 KB,480x270,16:9,DJT_Smiles_06.GIF)

File: 74e8ca95591c33b⋯.jpeg (141.02 KB,800x585,160:117,DJT_SMILES_04.JPEG)

File: a9dbbb92f8c9a00⋯.png (813.63 KB,800x593,800:593,DJT_SMILES_02.PNG)

File: 5ad8372dff4ade4⋯.jpg (113.81 KB,800x633,800:633,DJT_SMILES_03.jpg)

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74931c No.21045823


If they’re treasury certificates used as change to the American Gold Eagle bullion coins, maybe.

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6162c8 No.21045824

File: aed2ad15ea8e972⋯.png (20.28 KB,688x355,688:355,ClipboardImage.png)

what happened at 4.21 Eastern?

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765274 No.21045825

File: bcd1f6bb15bb6c3⋯.png (411.38 KB,398x677,398:677,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad1ae5 No.21045826


Someone got a second chance to buy?

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1dda77 No.21045827


that was the Rally Note Taker anon

his bad

I shall rectify

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2cb226 No.21045828

File: 900722edcabcd2c⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB,DJT_01_I_Hit_Him_On_That_F….mp4)

File: 63c1fb5e9955857⋯.jpg (259.07 KB,1194x1028,597:514,DJT_02_I_Hit_Him_On_That_F….jpg)

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4156e8 No.21045829

File: cb8e356cc1bed89⋯.jpg (145.29 KB,720x888,30:37,20240618_155628.jpg)

File: c7350e6553b7221⋯.jpg (257.44 KB,2048x1134,1024:567,20240618_155010.jpg)

File: b9c87c56ae6096c⋯.jpg (296.09 KB,1080x1265,216:253,20240617_205228.jpg)


Chrissy Teigen Says She Fears Donald Trump "Coming After" Her For Outspoken Remarks – Cannes Lions

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d28c87 No.21045830

File: 16556ef4230a68b⋯.png (42.33 KB,432x648,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21045764 LB

More then once, it go to big so they cut off some zeros and ran it up again. In their case there was a problem with physical but in the US physical is minor most of it is just a line on a spread sheet created with lending.

Link to book


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51601c No.21045831

if shes not online its ok but i need to talk to her

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157ee3 No.21045832



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51601c No.21045833


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51601c No.21045834

oh yeah the rising FUCK

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72608b No.21045835


I see now. You meant to type ‘548’ in red at the bottom but you typed ‘558’. I had to read it a coupla times.

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23c469 No.21045836

File: 6a0889fde9c7609⋯.jpg (81.38 KB,597x256,597:256,Richard_Russell_note_in_go….jpg)

10000 dollars in gold if it were 20 dollar gold coins would be worth . . .

(just as gold) . . . $1,127,705

a single 20 dollar bill would be worth

$2255.41 in todays money if it were still convertible to a 20 dollar gold coin.

so we can do with some currency reform.

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04deca No.21045837


the banksters fucked up the anons

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2cb226 No.21045838

File: e6fad67d589ebb6⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB,480x852,40:71,qbsiZhRBe_ufd_51.mp4)

File: fa128c75304af41⋯.mp4 (4.61 MB,mematicMeme.mp4)

File: 7544e3c3da3e3a9⋯.gif (265.79 KB,254x282,127:141,IMG_2497.gif)

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4156e8 No.21045839

File: e756dcb76ad5575⋯.jpg (171.76 KB,1232x956,308:239,20240616_040650.jpg)

File: 85f51d455ef9ae7⋯.jpg (151.64 KB,940x999,940:999,20240614_132528.jpg)

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fdf38d No.21045840

File: df78214ae1e7216⋯.png (1.18 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2279.png)

File: 60e1a37f323e171⋯.jpeg (892.15 KB,1620x1778,810:889,IMG_2280.jpeg)

File: f10739c9dbfa42d⋯.jpeg (1016.93 KB,1198x1476,599:738,IMG_2331.jpeg)

File: da16b2a0688b661⋯.jpeg (992.26 KB,1510x1380,151:138,IMG_2332.jpeg)

File: 024b1139960511a⋯.png (542.85 KB,898x2078,449:1039,495.png)

>>21045091 lb.

James and Lila Rose Exposed Planned Parenthood Trafficking



Live Action has advocated to deny federal and state funding to Planned Parenthood, claiming they cover up sexual abuse of children.[19][20]

Following Live Action's release of undercover videos in Planned Parenthood clinics, the U.S. House of Representatives approved in February 2011 an amendment by Republican Rep. Mike Pence to cut federal funding to Planned Parenthood.<<<<<<<<<


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51601c No.21045841

one 8 ball for if its worth saving the next for if shes in then you

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157ee3 No.21045842


What was that “pilots’ name?

Bill Russell?

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b62976 No.21045843


No you don't, read it another few times.

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ad1ae5 No.21045844


Doubtful she's even on the radar.

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40f802 No.21045845

File: 9fd0622289bf73d⋯.png (33.29 KB,752x128,47:8,ClipboardImage.png)



he aint dead

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898ea9 No.21045846



Famefag whore is just looking for attention she's not getting from her nigga.

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9136b9 No.21045847

File: 9fad9475c3b5101⋯.mp4 (122.07 KB,260x210,26:21,8hrc1c.mp4)

File: 56fb2483d8ba926⋯.gif (4.3 MB,498x280,249:140,flag_eagle.gif)

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04deca No.21045848

I need a Blowjob and a nice mumu….

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b62976 No.21045849

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077578 No.21045850


Tuesday’s sell-off coincided with a June 18 deadline that could see some of the company’s investors exercise stock warrants.

Late Tuesday, the company announced that the SEC had declared its registration effective “TMTG’s warrants covered by the Registration Statement have now become eligible for cash exercise,” the company announced.

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157ee3 No.21045851


Does anyone have a link to audio of the pilot watching orcas?

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765274 No.21045853

File: 75f6c320f68ac14⋯.png (142.36 KB,776x757,776:757,ClipboardImage.png)

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51601c No.21045854

me and didi do it then sour puss

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7895cf No.21045855

things are rumbling>>21045824

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46425c No.21045856

File: 82eed8f90ff77e0⋯.png (351.74 KB,615x421,615:421,ClipboardImage.png)

Margo Martin



Incredible crowd in Wisconsin!! 🇺🇸

Jun 18, 2024 · 10:03 PM UTC


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04deca No.21045857



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23c469 No.21045858


you're thinking of the guy who used to play for the Boston Celtics, I bet.

Richard Russell was the guy who wanted to see the orcas.

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d28c87 No.21045859

File: 91b31d9ff35e901⋯.png (37.73 KB,1362x762,227:127,ClipboardImage.png)


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082484 No.21045860


She's probably a riot when shes off duty

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51601c No.21045861


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013d17 No.21045862


Honestly, the transition doctor should be sued, beaten and dragged behind a million mile train for creating this 'thing'!

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e821c0 No.21045863


Gotcha o7

The correct drop was Hussein which ackshyually makes it spoopier.

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b62976 No.21045864

File: 2f4ba6d75784533⋯.mp4 (11.56 MB,640x360,16:9,bebo_russel.mp4)

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c4f21b No.21045865


She is probably one of those that will leave before a trial.

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b4da68 No.21045866

File: b77cd6c91053128⋯.png (222.73 KB,770x430,77:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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077578 No.21045867


Within minutes of the filing of the 8K announcement, Trump Media stock had fallen more than 15% in after hours trading.

The company also amended its registration statement Tuesday to warn investors that there was little it could do to stop former President Donald Trump from using other social media platforms, beyond the company’s signature Truth Social network.

“If TMTG disagrees with President Donald J. Trump about the scope of his obligation to use, or first post on, Truth Social, TMTG lacks any meaningful remedy with respect to such disagreement,” the amended lines read.

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898ea9 No.21045868



When dose this Trump rally start?

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8d6332 No.21045869


gay fags dancing in the kitchen aftur jews left kuntry

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d0cf44 No.21045870

File: 63d2f45ccb7f89b⋯.jpeg (13.28 KB,255x250,51:50,idontcare.jpeg)



Never heard of him.

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2cb226 No.21045871

File: 594bcb3c02e3790⋯.png (790.05 KB,540x720,3:4,00C1CFD1_C62D_4CA2_B907_D1….png)

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827372 No.21045872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21045705 lb





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49e319 No.21045873

File: d0c73df3b3b6ebf⋯.png (379.57 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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51601c No.21045874

good thanks hte help Q life saver

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140457 No.21045875



The article is as brutal as these photos. Worth a read: https://www.altheal.org/toxicity/house.htm

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e1d0ed No.21045876

File: fdc3df75bb5c8b9⋯.png (236.02 KB,490x470,49:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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2cb226 No.21045877

File: 7cc2c9196dad2ac⋯.png (551.97 KB,470x626,235:313,IMG_2474.png)

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fdf38d No.21045878

File: 288c3f0a50ec047⋯.jpeg (825.94 KB,750x1251,250:417,IMG_4816.jpeg)

File: f54033a36f5bb52⋯.jpeg (375.71 KB,750x1312,375:656,IMG_4815.jpeg)


Thank you Baker!

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6162c8 No.21045879


>TMTG’s warrants covered by the Registration Statement have now become eligible for cash exercise

That's it?

Then this is ridiculous.

That's only 14.375m shares on top of 176.7m outstanding (8% more)

And literally everyone already knew this would be happening

Total Mkt Cap is currently $6Bn, which is clearly cheap for DJT

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765274 No.21045880

File: 908089ef96e9fa4⋯.png (274.03 KB,587x439,587:439,ClipboardImage.png)


Chuck Schumer says Wisconsin is Not Kosher.

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72608b No.21045881


What’s she worried about? She has almost 5 MONTHS to apologize, say she is sorry and ask forgiveness. She’ll be fine.

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013d17 No.21045882


>When dose this Trump rally start?

does….what you just posted refers to a dosage…if you meant to dose yourself on the Trump Train, then you are forgiven.

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2cb226 No.21045883

File: 994f056f0315948⋯.jpeg (347.43 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_2499.jpeg)

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157ee3 No.21045884


Ty much

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5b676a No.21045885


needed noticing

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475263 No.21045886

File: e27c22f3922fab0⋯.jpg (139.27 KB,1240x1096,155:137,chandra.jpg)

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e43d75 No.21045888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9136b9 No.21045889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note:dough below to rally notes



LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Racine, Wisconsin - 6/18/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network



President Trump: Joe Biden is humiliating our country on the world stage…he wondered off the G7 in Europe…he said the media is manipulating the pictures of him constantly not knowing where he is.

President Trump: In the middle of the largest border invasion in world history…Joe Biden is going to formally grant a mass-amnesty to millions of illegals who came into our country…Crooked Joe is sending a message to the world that he rewards illegal entry

President Trump: Our country is under invasion; we should not be talking amnesty, we should be talking about stopping the invasion instead.

President Trump: They're trying top use all of these people that are pouring into our country to vote…they are trying to register them to vote…Joe Biden wants to be the president for illegal aliens.

President Trump: If you take a look at our real inflation…I think inflation is at forty to fifty percent.

DJT ~ there's something crazy in the water

President Trump: Unlike me, Joe Biden isn't fighting for the working people, he's fighting for all the corrupt interests that get rich off the suffering of the middle-class, and he's fighting for China, and he's fighting for lots of other countries.

President Trump: He [Biden] sent our blood and treasure to back regime change in Iraq, regime change in Libya, regime change in Syria, and every other globalist disaster for half a century.

President Trump: The outrageous charges in New York were a corrupt creation of Crooked Joe Biden and his group, and they really weaponized; what they did is they weaponized the Department of Justice, they weaponized all of the White House. What they did is disgraceful. It was all planned and carried out by his thugs in Washington, giving orders to New York…the case was completely devoid of facts, merit, or even any crimes.

djt: president abe, he was great, he was a friend of mine, he was assassinated.

he was going to run again, they took him out. he was great guy.

>>21045576 djt: do you think biden can remember 5 6 7 8 (qdrops link)

President Trump: BY this time next year, America's borders will be strong, and sealed, and secure. Inflation will be in full retreat. Our economy will be roaring back. Optimism and spirit will be surging. The American Dream will be thriving again for citizens of every race,m religion, color, and creed. Law and justice will reign all throughout our land. Freedom will be restored. The flame of liberty will be burning bright. Joe Biden, the worst president in the history of our country, will be a fading nightmare…and our great silent majority, including the once forgotten men and women of our country, will be the ones shaping America's magnificent future, when I am the forty-seventh president of the United States of America.

>>21045761 djt: israel shot down 3000 missiles. (Qdrop 3000)

And we will make America Great Again hold on i'm coming music play

>>21045667 Q+ stopped speaking at 5:48 PM EST

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e821c0 No.21045890


548 end time / 5+4+8 = 17 gets Noted.

But, the OP's cap of Q558 was used.

This shouldn't be that hard.

The wrong Q drop was referenced and now Obama is in "church" instead.

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51601c No.21045891


Idk her crime but nothing without reason

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21ea61 No.21045892

lb - im still catching up

Q+ stopped speaking at 5:48 PM EST




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b62976 No.21045893

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f54dca No.21045894

File: a8838fb92f302b0⋯.png (27.79 KB,444x286,222:143,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21045339, >>21045778 BLB

Lindell with the mypillow ad came through @5:15ET. Of course it could be that something went wrong, but just in case…

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51601c No.21045895

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6162c8 No.21045896


>so we can do with some currency reform.

the big shift was 1971 with the end of bretton woods convertability. until then inflation was manageable. Since then inflation has fucked us.

another big shift was in 1933 when they took everyone's gold, but it was manageable

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c4f21b No.21045897


DJT Jr. provided a response that indicated a behind the scenes awareness and offer to show him the basics.

A returned threat

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077578 No.21045898


People are cashing out.

It happens a lot after an IPO. First exercise window a lot of sales happen.

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e821c0 No.21045899


WTF am the Kitchen high rn?

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04deca No.21045900

Need a Solution now….

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2cb226 No.21045901

File: 8e86a8d9af4825b⋯.png (736.9 KB,540x720,3:4,0F2FEC5E_691C_4AD4_8105_57….png)

File: 7c343a858ed2a82⋯.jpeg (165.85 KB,607x800,607:800,44C70EA3_738B_4341_BA14_4….jpeg)

File: 840bb11560236d4⋯.jpeg (806.19 KB,904x999,904:999,IMG_2476.jpeg)

File: e3919221ec77f9f⋯.png (762.66 KB,540x720,3:4,IMG_2475.png)

File: f53140793c61e8d⋯.png (762.7 KB,540x720,3:4,B2354485_CFCB_4E9E_ACB7_61….png)

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e43d75 No.21045902


it's just semantics

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79e23b No.21045903

File: 03809c0e6746b18⋯.png (348.54 KB,430x580,43:58,03809c0e6746b18f5475aff258….png)

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51601c No.21045904

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013d17 No.21045905


It hurts my heart so, so bad. I know there are child torturers out there who haven't faced justice or the wrath of God yet, and I pray every day they do.

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601b93 No.21045906

File: a039bf64814747d⋯.png (3.63 MB,1576x1840,197:230,ClipboardImage.png)

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6162c8 No.21045907


> registration statement Tuesday to warn investors that there was little it could do to stop former President Donald Trump from using other social media platforms, beyond the company’s signature Truth Social network.

Again, that was totally expected.


OK looks like some BTFD tomorrow

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e3a554 No.21045908

File: b25004e34885715⋯.png (220 KB,793x1024,793:1024,ClipboardImage.png)


6 million is BS

about 260,000 prisoners of all nationalities died from typhus and other diseases according to the Red Cross.

Also the 6m figure is a magic number for the jews to 'return to Israel'.

see picrel of the warnings of 6m dead jews for 40+ years previous.

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23c469 No.21045909


work out great for the banksters.

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21ea61 No.21045910

File: 98f03c963fe3262⋯.png (164.18 KB,326x398,163:199,ClipboardImage.png)

File: adeeffc8a270f88⋯.png (1.47 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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04deca No.21045911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Continental Europeas go to sleep….

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6162c8 No.21045912


No that's not it. This anon knows: >>21045867

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898ea9 No.21045913

File: 8072b3e19f0cd0f⋯.png (875.17 KB,1080x1104,45:46,Screenshot_20240618_171929….png)

File: c26a7bf46b08a1b⋯.jpg (114.52 KB,500x810,50:81,c26a7bf46b08a1bd09bae33206….jpg)

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1dda77 No.21045914

File: 8f07e0846791ce9⋯.png (1.44 MB,1111x1299,1111:1299,8f07e0846791ce9f6c14752790….png)

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a5ee23 No.21045915

File: 3b051ebf1946188⋯.mp4 (2.71 MB,848x464,53:29,IMG_7099.MP4)

James Carville:

"I don't think people really appreciate how bad Biden's poll numbers are. When you look at em, it's like walking in on your grandmother naked. You can't unsee them, no matter how hard you try."


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e821c0 No.21045916


Timing apparently isn't everything after all.

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72608b No.21045917


Sorry anon. This nigga tired. Need some Zs. Carry on. o7

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46425c No.21045918

File: 64b25d34b3f2b74⋯.jpg (7.08 KB,222x225,74:75,laughing_hitler_meme.jpg)


Best I can do is a Final Solution.

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4e0b94 No.21045919

File: 922164ce3b30972⋯.jpeg (93.07 KB,424x391,424:391,922164ce3b30972c4cce03695….jpeg)

File: 06a6b32bd981ff2⋯.jpg (284.79 KB,3200x1801,3200:1801,8999a843_3044_41c5_a52b_48….jpg)

File: 9745e8688507721⋯.jpg (97.2 KB,1110x840,37:28,171106134240_02_melania_tr….jpg)

File: cb146e621b9889d⋯.jpeg (10.69 KB,197x256,197:256,download_31_.jpeg)

File: 1b894b2cbacb4c5⋯.png (290.89 KB,498x498,1:1,1b894b2cbacb4c519f7c9085d7….png)

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ad1ae5 No.21045920

Wiki says Noam Chomsky is croak.

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b4da68 No.21045921

File: d44f0f37a7ae76d⋯.png (471.47 KB,750x445,150:89,ClipboardImage.png)

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1dda77 No.21045922


so hard to tell

ty anon

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a5ee23 No.21045923

File: 32e87a1131fba9b⋯.jpg (112.37 KB,786x1280,393:640,photo_2024_06_18_11_52_59.jpg)

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3b5110 No.21045924


I think Chuckie likes his meat extra rare…

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157ee3 No.21045925



It’s her.

Actually, it’s them. Both Tiegen and Legend are involved in child trafficking…that’s why it’s notable.

It confirms a ‘conspiracy’ theory about them.

And Legend is involved in Obama’ RED RED child trafficking gift giving.

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51601c No.21045926


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013d17 No.21045927


OH MY GOSH I was so impressed with her image I tried everything to identify her! I think you've bloody done it! kek

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04deca No.21045928

We are so fucked by the propaganda….

…play with us as you like since ww2

(You) Ameriacan fuckers (with you Big Black )Dicks

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21ea61 No.21045929


>Timing apparently isn't everything after all.

multiple meanings im sure

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9a0437 No.21045930

File: 81833def69d5356⋯.png (451.31 KB,598x509,598:509,snap.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


WATCH: Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs Snaps at Reporter When Asked About Attorney General's Investigation into $400K Pay for Play Scheme

READ: https://tgpne.ws/iGbafg


9:24 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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2cb226 No.21045931

File: 53418483438779e⋯.mp4 (823.96 KB,480x852,40:71,N5r8bODwSPtTvEGk.mp4)

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51601c No.21045932



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e43d75 No.21045933


does art reflect life or life art?

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2cb226 No.21045934


With plenty of cheese

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827372 No.21045935

File: 4a4ad86f84cd5c2⋯.png (375.45 KB,474x585,158:195,ClipboardImage.png)

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51601c No.21045936


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ca379b No.21045937

File: a2a83a444e3816d⋯.png (77 KB,270x270,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6162c8 No.21045938

File: 171a95abef5bdbc⋯.gif (4.89 MB,376x282,4:3,struggles_free_from_body_b….gif)

File: e75a378b349c781⋯.png (360.19 KB,973x649,973:649,struggles_free_from_body_b….png)

File: 2a2e10a56b40d1c⋯.png (78.5 KB,749x522,749:522,struggles_free_from_body_b….png)


>Biden's poll numbers

It's not just Biden.

It's the new neocon Dem party. Dems are waking up to their new neocon warpig party

They wanted Bernie, they got neocons instead.

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04deca No.21045939

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23c469 No.21045940


seriously the theft of the gold in 1933 destroyed a lot of very viable communities.

the Federal Reserve cemented their legacy of being villains and the Roosevelt administration of being a criminal enterprise. They destoryed a lot of communities and invented the gethoes with that action.

so they had to invent the home mortgage so they could own all the property without having to pay the property tax for it . . .

The Fed theivery is very complex and even you are kind of fooled by it.

it let a certain class of people basically have to do nothing and get free everything.

the monetization of bogus assets furthered the theft.

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2cb226 No.21045941

File: 6e2607482b45a97⋯.mp4 (487.32 KB,386x360,193:180,JJIPxbsQkcIwEuCm.mp4)

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46425c No.21045942

File: 522ade132daa11e⋯.png (233.45 KB,696x487,696:487,ClipboardImage.png)


Chomsky + Epstein + CIA Director Burns.

The Three Stooges

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49e319 No.21045943

File: c1108e786d2c56a⋯.png (140.01 KB,1242x682,621:341,ClipboardImage.png)

Governor Abbott Statement On President Biden’s Mass Amnesty Policy

June 18, 2024 | Austin, Texas | Press Release

Governor Greg Abbott today issued a statement following President Joe Biden’s announcement of a new policy that will offer mass amnesty to half a million illegal immigrants who have already spent more than a decade violating our laws:

“President Biden's mass amnesty announcement is blatantly illegal and is a desperate pandering for votes in his failing reelection bid. President Biden’s amnesty proposal, just like President Obama’s DAPA and DACA proposals, will be stricken down by the courts for a simple reason: it is Congress, not the President, that has the authority to make or change immigration laws. Rather than solving the border crisis he caused, President Biden’s mass amnesty will be another magnet to attract migrants to flood across our border illegally. President Biden needs to stop rewriting immigration law and start enforcing it.

President Biden gaslighted the American people into thinking that he is taking real action to secure the border by issuing a hollow executive order that will instead invite thousands of unvetted illegal immigrants to continue crossing our southern border daily. He is now doubling down by offering mass amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants already in the country. President Biden’s reckless policies have already allowed over 11 million illegal immigrants—including dangerous criminals, gang members, and terrorists—into America. Our country can’t survive four more years of these dangerous open border policies.”


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04deca No.21045944

U.S.A left us years ago….

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04deca No.21045945

fuck you U.S.A.

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51601c No.21045946


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b4da68 No.21045947

File: f38dc5eb9815a37⋯.png (99.6 KB,330x254,165:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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e580c5 No.21045948

File: d230d8addb84820⋯.png (596.37 KB,811x776,811:776,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00d2e5da5cd0ecd⋯.mp4 (10.89 MB,640x360,16:9,Hawley_to_Robert_Garry_18J….mp4)

Sen. Josh Hawley questions doctor who worked to discredit COVID lab leak theory

~ Dr. Garry must have had a 'revelation from God' to change his view on Covid origins so quickly.

~ 'Dr. Garry, you are part of this propaganda effort,' Hawley continued. 'I mean, you are right at the center of it. It's astounding.'

A top doctor who helped fuel the Dr. Anthony Fauci-led 'propaganda effort' to discredit the Covid Wuhan lab leak theory was put on the spot by a top Republican. Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., ripped into Dr. Robert Garry during a Senate hearing on COVID origins about his March 2020 paper that threw cold water on the lab leak theory. The Republican put the doctor on the spot for publishing the piece - often touted by Fauci to discredit lab leak speculation - while he casted doubt in private about whether it was possible for the virus to have originated from a Chinese market.


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21ea61 No.21045949

File: a4c7bc28f394166⋯.png (12.79 MB,4343x2443,4343:2443,ClipboardImage.png)


All in a days work


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475263 No.21045950


different ear shape/angle

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c7038e No.21045951

File: a4716ac74b87d50⋯.png (6.59 MB,2048x2048,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


KMMFAO! That's my Mother-In-Law's ringtone.

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9a0437 No.21045952

File: 40330d11e1e0342⋯.png (297.65 KB,769x667,769:667,ake.PNG)


Bill Gates’ great $1B commitment to

nuclear energy should be a wake-up call

to climate progressives

New York Post, by Rikki Schlott

Posted By: Mercedes44, 6/18/2024 5:52:56 PM

Nuclear power could be America’s saving grace — if progressive activists would only stop kneecapping its spread. Although it’s both clean and abundant, nuclear power is often overlooked by a misinformed public and environmental activists alike.Bill Gates is championing nuclear power by committing $1 billion to the construction of a new next-generation plant. TerraPower But change makers like Bill Gates are championing the technology, and should be celebrated for doing so. The billionaire philanthropist has invested $1 billion in TerraPower, a brand new nuclear power plant which commenced construction in June in Kemmerer, Wyoming.With Gates’ investment, TerraPower has started construction on its first nuclear power plant in Wyoming.

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457eec No.21045953

File: ee7c792d91c8bfd⋯.jpeg (216.31 KB,1024x779,1024:779,ee7c792d91c8bfd7939e5f6f6….jpeg)


He'll be voting for trump real soon.

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3dc2fe No.21045954

File: a4cbd7e36f380bb⋯.webm (2.34 MB,460x816,115:204,aipac.webm)

Israel / AIPAC has owned Congress / America since at least 1981.

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04deca No.21045955





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e821c0 No.21045956


>watch asshole you all hate get big mad while we grab all those goodies from your cookie jar

GP is such a gossip rag.

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af4173 No.21045957

File: fc6dedf2c4e1e26⋯.mp4 (3.31 MB,640x480,4:3,Seems_Like_Old_Times.mp4)

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04deca No.21045958

(You) are the Nazis in this World

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74931c No.21045959


Ever notice how silver came out of the currency right about the same time the US ground forces started in the Vietnam war?

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51601c No.21045960


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8d6332 No.21045961

File: 9e70e18a76b3714⋯.png (125.73 KB,1240x1240,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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51601c No.21045962



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9a0437 No.21045963

File: 72dd5d1f843505a⋯.png (529.6 KB,651x688,651:688,ag.PNG)


The Russians Are Coming

Gatestone Institute, by Laurence Kadish

Posted By: Mercedes44, 6/18/2024 5:49:21 PM

The Russians are coming. Again. In a dramatic reminder that the Russians are seeking to intimidate the White House and launch a second chapter of the Cold War, a Russian nuclear-powered submarine, along with an accompanying flotilla of warships, recently spent five days visiting Cuba. In the event, the Oval Office missed the point; several of these vessels can deploy nuclear-tipped cruise missiles. Published reports suggest the Biden Administration's response is studied indifference, telling reporters that missile test firings off the Florida coast by the Russian vessels were routine. Hardly.

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2f51f9 No.21045964

File: 2cfb9e25c68e1f9⋯.webm (2.97 MB,460x816,115:204,CRAZY_cats.webm)

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fdf38d No.21045965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PDJT talked about CHINA



WORTH 43 Minutes of your time.


Oct 09, 2018 4:21:14 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 371

Sep 27, 2018 7:34:42 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 297





No. 297 - where was this picture taken?

Hanging of flags traditional/occurs in this part of the country for what holiday?


"Western intelligence contacts that the device was made at a Supermicro subcontractor factory in Guangzhou, a port city in southeastern China. Guangzhou is 90 miles upstream from Shenzhen, dubbed the `Silicon Valley of Hardware,’"

What state does [Feinstein] represent?








WORTH 43 minutes of your time.





Oct 05, 2018 8:50:46 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 346




WORTH 43 minutes of your time.


Important to understand going forward.



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8d6332 No.21045966



“Because that pipe doesn’t go to the marshmallow room, it goes to the fudge room!”

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2cb226 No.21045967

File: 80829ce5477960f⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB,674x360,337:180,11I50ysBB8Q3M_bn.mp4)

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82fc2c No.21045968


they keep the price low so china can buy it up.

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f90785 No.21045969

File: 98125db7fbad99a⋯.png (64.03 KB,195x195,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



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04deca No.21045970


(You) have no Idea ZZZZiger

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8d6332 No.21045971


“Now, don't get excited. Don't lose your head, Augustus. We don't want anybody to lose that.”


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23c469 No.21045972


half dollars were still partly silver till 1970

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013d17 No.21045973


I secretly hope she sees these messages and it makes her day!

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e580c5 No.21045974

File: 90f10b8453daaf5⋯.png (177.27 KB,609x437,609:437,ClipboardImage.png)

Melania to host $100,000-a-head fundraiser for Republican LGBTQ group at Trump Tower

Melania Trump will hold a fundraiser at Trump Tower in Manhattan on July 8 in a rare political appearance for her husband.

The former first lady has been largely absent from the 2024 campaign trail despite former President Donald Trump's de facto status as the Republican nominee in November.

But the $100,000 per-head event next month with the Log Cabin Republicans will be Melania's second fundraiser appearance with this group during this campaign cycle.

Former President Donald Trump's wife has remained out of the limelight after the 2020 election and has rarely been seen publicly – let alone participated in speaking events.

But just days before her husband's sentencing in the New York hush money trial, Melania is slated to headline the event for the largest conservative LGBTQ+ organization, according to a copy of an invitation for the event obtained by Politico.

Trump-era State Deparmtent Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus noted to DailyMail.com that the former first lady is opening up her home for the group to hold their fundraiser.

'While this is Mrs. Trump's second event in 2024 for Log Cabin, she's participated in many events for Log Cabin over the years,' Ortagus said. '[T]he event in NYC is in her home. So not only is she helping Log Cabin, she is opening her home to them.'

'As a longtime supporter of Log Cabin Republicans, it is encouraging to see the former President and former Firsy Lady setting the tone in our party to support an organization that is virtual to our grassroots efforts, to winning the youth vote, and to winning the general election in November,' she added.

Melania held a separate event for the Log Cabin Republican in April at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida. This time, the group is coming to the New York City residence in Manhattan.

In recent years, the former model has kept a low profile and has steered clear of political events. She has never spoken publicly about her husband's legal woes – something even when porn star Stormy Daniels 'commended'.

Days after Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies in the Manhattan hush money trial, Melania and son Barron Trump, 18, were seen departing Trump Tower after nearly two weeks holed-up inside of the residence.

Some of Melania's recent political appearances include attending a fundraiser at the home of investor John Paulson in South Florida in April and in March joining her husband during a meeting at Mar-a-Lago with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Attendees for the upcoming event with Melania are asked to contribute $100,000 with the aim of turning out voters for Trump and other Republicans in the fall.

The co-host for the Log Cabin Republicans event include Richard Grenell, who served as President Trump's acting Director of National Intelligence.

Others are Bryan Eure, Bill White and Nazee and Joseph Moinian.

The invitation also notes that investor Hannah Buchan is hosting a post-fundraiser reception with the former first lady.

'Melania Trump us a kind and graceful woman, and any Republican grassroots organization would welcome her appearance,' Ortagus told DailyMail.com. 'It speaks to her commitment to LGBT youth that she has been so dedicated to supporting Log Cabin Republicans ovr the years.'

'She sets an important example for all future Republican First Ladies (and maybe one day a first man!).'


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c7038e No.21045975

File: 462a47a9dea67c2⋯.png (562.17 KB,890x872,445:436,ClipboardImage.png)


>GP is such a gossip rag.

Hoft is either a (((Cabalist))) or blackmailed by one.

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2cb226 No.21045976

File: c50ad274dc46966⋯.mp4 (473.29 KB,420x480,7:8,Boob_Dance.mp4)

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9a0437 No.21045977

File: 186179e63882bcd⋯.png (661.71 KB,746x682,373:341,dpi.PNG)


American Medical Association delegates

vote to decriminalize drug use, possession

UPI, by Doug Cunningham

Posted By: Beardo, 6/18/2024 3:14:47 PM

The American Medical Association's House of Delegates Thursday voted 345-171 to decriminalize drug personal use and possession. (snip) The AMA report said decriminalization proponents cite several benefits of no longer criminalizing drug use and possession. Among them are saving money on incarceration, focusing resources on treatment and social services and reducing the stigma of drug use and having a substance abuse disorder.

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51601c No.21045978



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04deca No.21045979


(you) thought GROSNI

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89ebcc No.21045980


A corrupt AG investigating a corrupt Governor, jeez, what will the outcome be ?

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b62976 No.21045981

File: 8b2de656851339a⋯.png (48.55 KB,512x512,1:1,pepe_3d.png)

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827372 No.21045982

File: f9d499b5cba02dd⋯.png (719.39 KB,620x620,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


That's The Plan, governor.

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8d6332 No.21045983


“Well, fortunately, small boys are extremely springy and elastic. So I think we'll put him in my special taffy-pulling machine. That should do the trick.”

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ad1ae5 No.21045984


How many troops do you have in Texas, Governor? What a fucking joke. Keep bussing them to democrat states. That'll show them. Fucking idiots.

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51601c No.21045985



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f598cc No.21045986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Migrant charged in rape of girl, 13, in Queens park: NYPD. Citizens caught him and hog tied himKEK



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21ea61 No.21045987

File: 1b759940e71dfe4⋯.png (37.01 KB,160x144,10:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7563665e8f4777⋯.png (43.02 KB,153x172,153:172,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67cf31093909cc0⋯.png (47 KB,166x166,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6f145c89009989⋯.png (31.73 KB,136x146,68:73,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfa726583c912db⋯.png (54.31 KB,165x204,55:68,ClipboardImage.png)



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9a0437 No.21045988

File: 114b8a62f9d9300⋯.png (41.91 KB,1298x314,649:157,ccp.PNG)


Hunter Biden revealed top CCP leader wanted

him to visit China to 'discuss business

opportunities': emails

Fox News, by Cameron Cawthorne *

Posted By: Imright, 6/18/2024 2:42:53 PM

First On Fox..: Hunter Biden informed his business associates in late 2013 that a top Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader allegedly asked him to travel to China to talk about future "business opportunities," according to an email obtained and verified by Fox News Digital. In December 2013, Biden accompanied his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, on a six-day trip around Asia that included China, South Korea and Japan. While in Beijing, Biden introduced his father to one of his Chinese business associates, who was accompanied by another associate, in the lobby of the hotel they were staying in. During the China leg of the trip, Biden attended multiple events with his dad,

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c1178d No.21045989

agent bangsley is a dude

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51601c No.21045990


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394e4d No.21045991

File: 92fd53aa4302ef4⋯.png (741.26 KB,1376x1142,688:571,USC_student_accused_of_mur….png)

19 year-old University of Southern California student in custody on $2 million bond after stabbing a homeless man who was breaking into cars parked in front of the Frat House.

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2cb226 No.21045992

File: 6fa973c91b49eb1⋯.jpeg (130.32 KB,714x800,357:400,Ooo_What_a_Tasty_Pear.JPEG)

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23c469 No.21045993


after his family helped to turn Cuba Communist they carpet bagged to the USA so that this guy would help turn the USA communist.

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04deca No.21045994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let's go down with this ship….

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230b32 No.21045995

File: f9bf0700945e0b5⋯.png (755.93 KB,1243x4860,1243:4860,Screenshot_2024_06_18_at_1….png)

DOD Contracts For June 18, 2024


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23c469 No.21045996


I'm being unfair, I rescind my statement that his family helped turn Cuba communist. I have no proof of that.

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8d6332 No.21045997

File: 57a759b6d78dfc0⋯.png (106.77 KB,1240x1240,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c7038e No.21045998


>How many troops do you have in Texas, Governor? What a fucking joke. Keep bussing them to democrat states. That'll show them. Fucking idiots.

Wheels is part of the Bush dynasty. He was the simp for Perry, who was the simp for Bush. Texas has it's own (((Mafia))) run out of the DFW area by state rep, Craig Goldman. Wheels has always been part of the (((Cabal))).

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68b795 No.21045999

File: e274388b4a2d7c1⋯.jpeg (252.34 KB,756x507,252:169,e274388b4a2d7c18c0daf01b4….jpeg)


Thank you Baker!

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51601c No.21046000



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4e0b94 No.21046001

File: 56ae8eb03f006a9⋯.jpg (220.89 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_18_18_2….jpg)

File: 7f02cdf22116472⋯.png (30.62 KB,640x408,80:51,2019_5_.png)

File: 5a62b03a77f7f16⋯.jpeg (755.49 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GQYYnFxXMAEUwA4.jpeg)

File: ff9dcec162025f6⋯.jpeg (369.77 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GQYYoJuXEAAZSwb.jpeg)

File: a46e3731341b36e⋯.jpg (23.95 KB,220x224,55:56,Trashmen_Surfin_Bird_album….jpg)

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c4f21b No.21046002


The republic was supplanted in 1871, USA Inc was transitioned to over the next 7 years.

The Republic will be restored soon. USA Inc. is bankrupted.

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9a0437 No.21046003

File: aab94b396e666a7⋯.png (446.9 KB,597x490,597:490,cake.PNG)


RNC Research


KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: We can have MASS AMNESTY for millions of illegal aliens AND a secure border! 🤡

10:06 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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7eccb1 No.21046004


It's southeastern Wisconsin. Jeez.

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51601c No.21046005


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74931c No.21046006


While true, the point is they started removing the money from our every day currency, while starting up a US ground war.

They needed an “event” to change their system.

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51601c No.21046007


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23c469 No.21046008


I figure that too because that was around when the Justice Department was created and replaced whatever it was that they did before they allowed so much power in so few hands.

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51601c No.21046009


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e50ed9 No.21046010


Wasn't final enough/

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8039ac No.21046011

Is Rumble working?

All I get is a white screen that never loads.

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b558e3 No.21046012


why do none of them look thrilled to be there?

distraction blonde plants? kek

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51601c No.21046013



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e4c7c3 No.21046014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


and tyb again

play it

trust me

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54fba6 No.21046015

They were all my friends, and they died.

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9a0437 No.21046016

File: 5c9ce6b0ce69b65⋯.png (151.36 KB,589x469,589:469,trae.PNG)


John Walters


Deterring China is a dynamic and constant activity rather than a static one.

John and Lavina Lee explain how to condition China to recalculate the strategic usefulness of constant coercion and aggressive probing: https://hudson.org/foreign-policy/deterring-china-imposing-nonmilitary-costs-preserve-peace-taiwan-strait-john-lee-lavina-lee


3:31 AM · Jun 17, 2024




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197ded No.21046017

File: 581d75717181cd5⋯.png (105.23 KB,325x382,325:382,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e8d956cfc93321b⋯.png (53.8 KB,470x439,470:439,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa53075b6048d8b⋯.png (42.26 KB,470x231,470:231,ClipboardImage.png)


Papi Trumpo Xtwat


>funny, this updates on qagg.news AFTER the rally

>Trip test - not working on multiple devices

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c4f21b No.21046018


Just Make the Lie Bigger and repeat frequently. Which MSM outlet wants to commit suicide by repeating this Lie ?

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4b387f No.21046019

File: ee6e10a07a89080⋯.jpg (66.34 KB,500x547,500:547,ee6e10a07a89080c77a4416b3d….jpg)




rally bread

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194fa0 No.21046020


Obviously not hired for her brilliant intelligence.

Just another low IQ dumbass who follows any order.

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765274 No.21046021

File: 122c34d14c71acb⋯.png (1.18 MB,1174x910,587:455,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f760706737db92⋯.png (226.06 KB,1282x686,641:343,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 230cbf19ea5d62e⋯.png (17.78 KB,431x383,431:383,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90a66d0d095f9a1⋯.png (23.47 KB,562x412,281:206,ClipboardImage.png)


She was possibly helping out the Cartel's child traffickers out of that children's home. It was a children's home for troubled, abused, neglected children.

Also, the website has Jeremiah 29:11 on it.

I found that interesting.


Jeremiah 29:11

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2cb226 No.21046022


iOS app is working

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197ded No.21046023





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8d6332 No.21046024






“You really shouldn’t mumble. because I can’t understand a word you’re saying.”>>21046003

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ad1ae5 No.21046025


Biden= I don't have the power to close the border.

Abbot= I don't have the power to close the border.

Me = You're treasonous cunts of a feather.

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51601c No.21046026



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b62976 No.21046027


Working for anon…but ymmv


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e50ed9 No.21046028


I'll do 'em all, but #4 in the bum.

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23c469 No.21046030


The French demanded payment in hard currency and they basically broke the back on silver currency.

same kind of thing in 1971 (or was it 1970) with the gold.

The war was just another thing. I really doubt that the two things are related.

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8d6332 No.21046031

File: 3a2ebfb82229a3b⋯.png (315.13 KB,450x391,450:391,3a2ebfb82229a3babda3987a94….png)

“I don't understand it. The children are disappearing like rabbits. Well, we still have each other. Shall we press on?”

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9a0437 No.21046032

File: cf3e72cf2d4483d⋯.png (995.93 KB,1222x713,1222:713,nela.PNG)



Sinaloa drug cartel laundered millions through Chinese network in L.A., prosecutors say

By Matthew OrmsethStaff Writer

June 18, 2024 1:09 PM PT

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8039ac No.21046033


Okay thanks.

It started working again but that was weird

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c7038e No.21046034


Kek. I still raugh that she refused to be fired, 'cos she's a Black lesbian. Biden's Jewish cabinet was afraid to fire her, due to the DEI nonsense they created.

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51601c No.21046035



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46425c No.21046036

File: 7b3fd864ebbb3ce⋯.jpg (415.15 KB,1080x1077,360:359,media_GQKim4KXQAECRY7.jpg)


You know, the Russians cut off the gas.

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457eec No.21046037

Trump isn’t choosing a running mate. He’s casting a co-star


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488ba5 No.21046038

File: 6cfacb31bea2084⋯.png (134.43 KB,366x125,366:125,Screenshot_7077_.png)

File: 36af5a4ab83d2a2⋯.gif (672.25 KB,616x462,4:3,_Anonymous_5_minutes_ago_f….gif)


Go to bed aei.

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8039ac No.21046039


Forgot about that


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6162c8 No.21046040

File: e9e76dd2e459cc5⋯.jpg (94.17 KB,640x574,320:287,pepe_with_hot_chicks.jpg)


>Also the 6m figure is a magic number for the jews to 'return to Israel'.

This is historically proveable and anyone wishing to know the truth should know this.

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4e0b94 No.21046042

File: 2a83e47df210d21⋯.png (5.83 KB,225x225,1:1,2a83e47df210d213be2f11c5e1….png)

File: 245e3b048bc4d7b⋯.jpg (14.5 KB,255x219,85:73,245e3b048bc4d7b794e7e0a302….jpg)

File: a42b6b3e0c7a0e1⋯.jpeg (279.73 KB,1429x953,1429:953,GQMhUD1WIAAxcTo.jpeg)

File: 04882e59d4e0583⋯.jpg (567.81 KB,1280x1226,640:613,beebo_youtube_richardas_ru….jpg)

File: f88fc62203df606⋯.png (486.26 KB,596x623,596:623,f88fc62203df606469ef3fe2ee….png)

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827372 No.21046043

File: 0867098968272ff⋯.png (629.49 KB,600x891,200:297,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec19c0 No.21046044

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 11:27 AM > (POLLS)

Q: 1127 > (quote - "“A clean [H]ouse is very important.”) Our comms must be this way.

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2cb226 No.21046045

File: 48bc9dad96f27d7⋯.jpeg (36.83 KB,416x379,416:379,Obama_CIA.JPEG)

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7eccb1 No.21046046


Yes another attempt at a Squeaky eBot.

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e580c5 No.21046047

File: 34f375d01e9e82b⋯.png (453.06 KB,673x1042,673:1042,ClipboardImage.png)

7th Grader: Trump Popular Among Young People Because Biden’s Inflation Raises Candy Prices

DETROIT, Michigan — A seventh grader told Breitbart News on Friday that former President Donald Trump is popular among young people because the inflation suffered under President Joe Biden’s administration is causing candy, such as Airheads, to cost more.

“My friends love Trump,” Joshua Adler told Breitbart News of his classmates in Wisconsin while attending Turning Point Action’s “The People’s Convention” in Detroit, Michigan.

After being asked if he believes Trump has become more popular among young people in recent years, Adler said, “Definitely,” before giving an anecdote about how he and his classmates have been personally hit with inflation under the Biden administration.

“When I went to the sports center in Eau Claire, the Airheads, now they’re 50 cents,” he said. “They used to be 25 [cents], now it’s 50 [cents].”

Breitbart News replied by asking, “So, you guys are getting affected by the inflation, too, with the Airheads?” to which Adler nodded.

“So that makes Trump more appealing, then?” Breitbart News asked, to which the seventh grader replied, “Yeah.”

After being asked what he would say if he could speak directly to Trump, Adler said that he would tell the 45th president he is “GOATed,” adding, “Good luck in the election.”

Adler also told Breitbart News that he was excited to hear from Trump, who was set to deliver a speech to his supporters in Detroit the following day.

After being asked what he was looking forward to hearing from Trump, the seventh grader said he wanted to hear Trump talk about how “he can save this country, and it’s not too late.”

“It’s not too late to save my generation,” Adler said.


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51601c No.21046048



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e50ed9 No.21046049

File: 14707237d8b2e55⋯.png (1.12 MB,1563x1505,1563:1505,ClipboardImage.png)


Confused Biden clips are ‘deepfakes’ – White House

>Videos showing the US president freezing up on stage and wandering off are all “manipulated,” according to press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre


Nobody on Earth believes this shit, but she says it, the MSM plays it and everyone is A-OK til next time.

Let me off this crazy thing.

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157ee3 No.21046050


> GP is such a gossip rag.

Any you love it!1

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9a0437 No.21046051

File: 7f5856f66c47d07⋯.png (369.47 KB,602x847,86:121,point.PNG)


I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸


She makes a great point🔥🔥🔥

“You know what really interests me, when Democrats think the smartest campaign strategy to garner in more votes, besides bringing in an influx of illegals, is to bring big name celebrities in to in their corner.

It works a lot of the time for the left, but the most out of touch people telling the common folk who to vote for….

it's so nice for Hollywood to come down from their ivory towers and preached us poors about what to do, and how to think and even better how we should be voting.”

8:47 AM · Jun 18, 2024




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21ea61 No.21046052

File: 38e15f29f2ceda4⋯.mp4 (2.43 MB,854x470,427:235,0prqs_caa.mp4)






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82fc03 No.21046053

File: dad03a811467646⋯.jpg (801.32 KB,1006x1900,503:950,SchumerShowsFag.jpg)

File: be937626eb7df5c⋯.png (392.8 KB,720x540,4:3,DeepstateBang.png)


Thanks Bakes

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8d6332 No.21046054

File: e5e920b0a7084e8⋯.png (1.19 MB,750x1100,15:22,bladwinjuwWHAAAA.png)

File: 058c0866fb65cae⋯.png (605.93 KB,750x600,5:4,058c0866fb65cae83f0b9c777a….png)

File: 0b9ddf9245451fd⋯.png (170.36 KB,474x376,237:188,0b9ddf9245451fd6c706664b6a….png)

“Everything in this room is edible. Even I’m edible. But, that would be called cannibalism. It is looked down upon in most societies.”

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51601c No.21046055



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194fa0 No.21046056


They consume children

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6162c8 No.21046057

File: ea20b1a5929d15a⋯.jpg (204.45 KB,1024x1024,1:1,the_land_of_pepe.jpg)

File: 29d02cabb300830⋯.png (261.59 KB,661x586,661:586,simpsons_trump_2016_2028.png)


>He’s casting a co-star

Trump doesn't want a co-star. At least historically.

We need follow-ups though.

What's in 2028

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82fc2c No.21046058

File: c1105f4cd5103eb⋯.png (929.58 KB,854x569,854:569,65j4h63g5325234.PNG)

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74931c No.21046059


Disagree. Look at what’s happening now. The central bankers want to implement a CBDC system. Is the US becoming more and more involved in foreign wars?

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51601c No.21046060


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ec19c0 No.21046061

Q+ (RT) Jun 17, 2024, 09:24 PM > (RALLY)

Q: 0924 > (quote - "They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS.") Their weapon against the awakening.

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e50ed9 No.21046062

File: f82a6e3ae1898a3⋯.png (2.52 MB,1724x1024,431:256,ClipboardImage.png)


Nice pic btw

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51601c No.21046063


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b558e3 No.21046064


>Is the US becoming more and more involved in foreign wars?

is there a period of time to compare to when they the US wasn't involved in every single foreign war?

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23c469 No.21046065


I agree that the 6 million number is made up but I don't think that there weren't a lot of people killed.

that they were all Jewish is another fabrication.

the ones who harp on that ignore all the other things that were horrible about that period as if only Jews suffered.

It's really rather sick.

but I think a lot of Jews were killed.

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827372 No.21046066

File: 278ac8ce97e2bd9⋯.png (87.27 KB,474x339,158:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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488ba5 No.21046067

File: 604a9c1fa61b31c⋯.png (2.02 MB,1130x623,1130:623,Screenshot_7078_.png)

poppin jacks from a jeep fun

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230b32 No.21046068

Noam Chomsky’s wife says reports of famed linguist’s death are false


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3085f3 No.21046069

File: f18b805204817a7⋯.png (225.16 KB,707x1085,101:155,maricopa_printers_arizona_….png)

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ec19c0 No.21046070

Q+ (RT) Jun 18, 2024, 08:59 AM > (RALLY)

Q: 0859 > Combine all posts and analyze.

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e50ed9 No.21046071


That kid is 7th grade? Sheeit, looks like Bubba is 25 years old. Maybe cutting down on the candy isn't such a bad thing.

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51601c No.21046072


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21ea61 No.21046073


>I secretly hope she sees these messages and it makes her day!

we are the news, so who knows maybe

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8d6332 No.21046075

File: 7261f4d8f254895⋯.jpg (62.28 KB,600x577,600:577,work_memes_57_3.jpg)

“Don’t forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he wanted….He lived happily ever after.”

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6162c8 No.21046076

File: 7cde31f032dcf12⋯.jpg (56.77 KB,704x527,704:527,holocaust_tragedy_explaine….jpg)


Yes, elementary math shows the tragedy

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ad1ae5 No.21046077


The first 40 years. 1812 doesn't count. 'Twas defense.

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194fa0 No.21046078


She used her office as Sec of State to manipulate the election and steal the state governorship.

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827372 No.21046079



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e4dc74 No.21046080

File: fdab60fa2f7374c⋯.png (463.97 KB,1600x729,1600:729,ClipboardImage.png)

Both Gitmo planes returning to base…


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898ea9 No.21046081

File: c75bb28d9a56bd0⋯.png (1.09 MB,1080x1400,27:35,Bhh.png)

File: 7a89a0f5f32126c⋯.png (667.43 KB,1080x607,1080:607,BBQ_2.png)

File: 59e570ec70c06a6⋯.png (907.71 KB,1080x898,540:449,BBQ.png)

At skin Walker ranch the democrats are cooking up Goyim.

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4e0b94 No.21046082

File: 0d12bf05725bca5⋯.jpg (238.32 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_18_18_3….jpg)

File: 0011fa5ff328b55⋯.jpg (220.36 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_18_18_3….jpg)

File: 2770020c111f638⋯.png (81.09 KB,640x1006,320:503,635_1_.png)

File: f244af33bc0a19d⋯.png (59.01 KB,640x612,160:153,1835_1_.png)

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e50ed9 No.21046083


No BBQ can handle that much meat

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197ded No.21046084

File: 90022ce3be1bd58⋯.png (18.38 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff2d02b75ce40fd⋯.png (147.03 KB,470x546,235:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0961f027254e696⋯.png (572.82 KB,464x2291,16:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64a28d3dad1cc2d⋯.png (78.87 KB,464x367,464:367,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac33bb72cf02ec7⋯.png (55.94 KB,464x340,116:85,ClipboardImage.png)


ilpresidento Truth



>Wisconsin is MAGA

>Storm coming

>Buckle up

>1:05 (65 s) rumble

>Perhaps more posts to follow as expected imminent departure.

>Please pray ops in progress

>more to follow

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1dda77 No.21046085

File: 7da7c10c7d0845f⋯.jpg (51.43 KB,498x471,166:157,01_8.jpg)

File: c65dab1ed0ea17e⋯.png (128.62 KB,293x283,293:283,c65dab1ed0ea17e9233520c12a….png)

File: b595166c2742220⋯.jpg (161.62 KB,720x960,3:4,dlthty_2020_07_21_19_13_26….jpg)



#25805 >>21045772

>>21045799, >>21045802 Q+ stopped speaking at 5:48 PM EST - Q558 Timing Is Everything

>>21045829 Chrissy Teigen Says She Fears Donald Trump "Coming After" Her

>>21045845 Noam Chomsky NOT DEAD

>>21045856 Incredible crowd in Wisconsin!! 🇺🇸

>>21045915 Carville - I don't think people really appreciate how bad Biden's poll numbers are

>>21045930, >>21046021, >>21046052 Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs Snaps at Reporter When Asked About Attorney General's Investigation into $400K Pay for Play Scheme

>>21045943 Governor Abbott Statement On President Biden’s Mass Amnesty Policy

>>21045948 Josh Hawley questions doctor who worked to discredit COVID lab leak theory

>>21045952 Bill Gates’ great $1B commitment to nuclear energy should be a wake-up call to climate progressives

>>21045963 The Russians are coming. Again.

>>21045974 Melania to host $100,000-a-head fundraiser for Republican LGBTQ group at Trump Tower

>>21045977 American Medical Association delegates vote to decriminalize drug use, possession

>>21045986 Migrant charged in rape of girl, 13, Citizens caught him and hog tied him

>>21045988 Hunter Biden revealed top CCP leader wanted him to visit China to 'discuss business opportunities': emails

>>21045995 DOD Contracts For June 18, 2024

>>21046003 KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: We can have MASS AMNESTY for millions of illegal aliens AND a secure border!

>>21046017, >>21046023 Papi Trumpo Trip Test Xtwat

>>21046037 Trump isn’t choosing a running mate. He’s casting a co-star

>>21046047 7th Grader: Trump Popular Among Young People Because Biden’s Inflation Raises Candy Prices

>>21046049 Confused Biden clips are ‘deepfakes’ – WH

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51601c No.21046086

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fdf38d No.21046087

File: b12a413d2dcd447⋯.jpeg (267.99 KB,856x685,856:685,IMG_2335.jpeg)

File: 5a61e621f8b66a0⋯.jpeg (519.09 KB,854x1032,427:516,IMG_2334.jpeg)

File: 94fef40527de01a⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB,1344x1600,21:25,IMG_2327.jpeg)

File: 7e005a9e2e035b6⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB,1406x1529,1406:1529,IMG_2333.jpeg)



Business Executives and Shareholder Representatives should be 100% behind Donald Trump! Anybody that’s not should be FIRED for incompetence!


THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: “Corporate Tax Rate Spurs Political Battle: Biden wants to raise current rate to 28%, while some in GOP weigh a cut to 15%: WASHINGTON—The 21% U.S. corporate tax rate is the biggest single variable in the sprawling 2025 tax debate, and the two parties are trying to turn that dial in opposite directions with major consequences for companies’ profits and federal revenue. The rate could climb as high as 28% if Democrats sweep November’s elections and move as low as 15% if Republicans gain full power. President Biden’s plan for a 28% rate would reverse half of Republicans’ 2017 rate cut, pushing the U.S. corporate rate back near the highest among major economies. A 15% rate would match the lowest level since 1935, boosting profits and rewarding shareholders.”

VPPence Replied with OPEN The Books!

With $34 trillion in national debt, Check out the largest private database on federal spending in America! Time to get runaway federal spending under control! Thank you @open_the_books!🇺🇸


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ec19c0 No.21046088

Q+ (RT) Jun 18, 2024, 11:21 AM > (pics - ROCK WATER WATCHERS)

Q: 1121 > Actions today [raid] will be met w/ swift action. FBI burning midnight oil.

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765274 No.21046089

File: af6001d80d576c0⋯.png (308.9 KB,373x376,373:376,ClipboardImage.png)



Is this Hobbs?

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23c469 No.21046090


As soon as the banksters were able to monetize assets and make money from nothing the goose was cooked on the banking system being based on hard currency.

it didn't matter if they had wars or not, there simply isn't enough gold and silver and copper to cover all the currency that was printed monetizing all the assets that the banksters were suddenly able to monetize.

they even monetized debt.

they would buy debt, monetize it, and then still get paid back for that basically doubling their money for doing nothing.

It was perverse.

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3085f3 No.21046091

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6162c8 No.21046092

File: 121232bd21f4ea8⋯.jpg (873.59 KB,3000x2040,25:17,ron_paul_kek.jpg)


>is there a period of time to compare to when they the US wasn't involved in every single foreign war?


>The first 40 years.

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e580c5 No.21046093

File: 85dfe34a404e962⋯.png (373.71 KB,537x742,537:742,ClipboardImage.png)


17 Jun 2024

Chrissy Teigen Fears Trump Will ‘Come After’ Her If He Wins Election

Hollywood star Chrissy Teigen is afraid that former President Donald Trump will “come after” her if he re-takes the White House in November, making her the latest left-wing figure to publicly express a fear of potential Trump retribution.

Chrissy Teignen said she is scared Trump still resents her for calling him a “pussy ass bitch” on social media several years ago.

“It’s also kind of scary, because it’s, ‘Oh, he’s aware of me’,” Teigen said during an interview with the podcast “On with Kara Swisher,” according to a Deadline report. “What could really happen because of that? We obviously know he’s unhinged but could he actually come after you in other ways? It’s a weird feeling.”

Teigen’s husband John Legend was also present for the interview, saying he is endorsing President Joe Biden’s bid for re-election.

“We’re going to be active. We’re going to the White House on the way home from here and we’re going to support President Biden,” Legend said.

Teigen acknowledged her outspoken political activism could hurt her consumer brands/

“When you’re a name attached to your own thing, anything you say or do can affect the company or take it down for who knows how long,” she reportedly said. “[Grocery] stores aren’t used to the world of celebrity partnerships. Paul Newman [with his salad dressing] isn’t going to get in trouble anymore… but if they’ve been saturated with phone calls because I spoke up about health care or women’s rights… it puts a lot of fear into them.”

Chrissy Teigen is the latest left-wing figure to publicly express fear that Trump will seek revenge on them.

In March, Robert De Niro predicted that Trump “will come looking for me” if he wins in November.

Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe told CNN this month that people in the intelligence community are wondering if they should leave the country if Trump wins, with some expressing fear they are headed for jail.

Many intelligence officials were implicated in the Russia collusion hoax. Others publicly lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop, falsely claiming just prior to the 2020 election that the laptop story was Russian disinformation.


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827372 No.21046094


22 million )))civilians((( died in Europe in WW2

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8d6332 No.21046095

File: 6d4ecee0e09d0ad⋯.png (2.38 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

three input gay fag

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b558e3 No.21046096



so basically as soon after becoming a nation as possible

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51601c No.21046097


>fake gold and sensitive shit


>sort of an embarrassment

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ded983 No.21046098

File: 975810d2cc07df6⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,320x568,40:71,_Y6aaWbo8igWfakd.mp4)

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e50ed9 No.21046099


How's that sit with QAnon?

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ec19c0 No.21046100

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 12:25 PM > Join me LIVE

Q: 1225 > Yesterday. Today. Confirmation? Coincidence? Learn our comms.

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51601c No.21046101



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e50ed9 No.21046102


Whore needs attention. Breitbart gave it to her.

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8d6332 No.21046103

File: be5b08788c5e08c⋯.png (273.87 KB,455x525,13:15,ClipboardImage.png)


>halayna celebrates juw hoax buttstuff for bladwins chitty chuutur church of island barge wrong named

did buttstuff anyways >>21044929

>boatfags panic


>waxxed kuhlo fire real


>duba FF bubbles fightin off bunghol laser maui fire


>halayna combines durh powa of FF bubbles


>halayna stops to chit in the bushes

>gits magazine cover



>>yappin canuck flappin cukhols still serious bout missing buttpluggur


>>$1,000s in lawyur fees tryin to not call baldwin a chitty chuutur fichtl

>halayna on her way to uck up ickey ouse castl kenedy tranny

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51601c No.21046105



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194fa0 No.21046106


I think Hobbs was replaced when she suddenly went on that hiatus. She looked kinda different when she returned.

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827372 No.21046107


Add it to the list f DNCCP crimes against humanity.

Next time lynch it.

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c64964 No.21046108

File: 5d23524cd21aef3⋯.jpg (61.37 KB,746x512,373:256,inkekistan.jpg)


why is it that now it "requires a file" to post. help!

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51601c No.21046109

I couldn't get it to look this good with all the editing in the world

Bat man raises his hands when I take the picture to cover his face

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6162c8 No.21046110

File: 7b2633cb7d8059c⋯.png (1.72 MB,1024x1024,1:1,insane_image_AI_bush_war_i….png)

File: 7ad080adabab93a⋯.jpg (17.72 KB,600x450,4:3,urban_moving_systems_truck….jpg)

File: 15ac41a2ef25488⋯.png (470.1 KB,796x760,199:190,911_sirius_coptic_new_year….png)

File: 2cb10cfee3fa8a6⋯.png (498.09 KB,938x896,67:64,TRUMP_911_BOMBS_ON_IMPACT.png)



a cunning one.

Anyone remember when 9/11 truth was more on the left side, and they went to Chomsky thinking he'd believe them and he was like no no, that's bullshit

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4e0b94 No.21046111

File: 27a12c84ba09947⋯.jpg (188.85 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_18_18_4….jpg)

File: 2f448fcdab13694⋯.jpeg (295.19 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GQTneN0a4AELPYX.jpeg)

File: b30c0fa291c7f07⋯.jpeg (418.62 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GQTnfHtbkAAVsAi.jpeg)

File: 9b57a7625622af7⋯.png (125.94 KB,640x1396,160:349,1059_4_.png)

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51601c No.21046112

and what was your WHAT

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21ea61 No.21046113


Your Pepe has now been archived offline.

Your Confirmation number is 452317

Please keep your receipt for your records

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46425c No.21046114

File: 6231cadb2af6499⋯.png (325.36 KB,567x583,567:583,ClipboardImage.png)


Margo Martin



President @realDonaldTrump shakes hands with supporters after speaking in Wisconsin! 🇺🇸

Jun 18, 2024 · 10:13 PM UTC


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e50ed9 No.21046115


She is smart n pretty.

What's the sammich status tho.

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fdf38d No.21046116

File: d2333d2598a3da5⋯.jpeg (157.86 KB,1293x433,1293:433,IMG_1781.jpeg)

File: 4bd17df4f487c36⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB,1620x1865,324:373,IMG_0546.jpeg)


88 MPH

Back To The Future

FIJI - Watch The Water

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ee2ac6 No.21046117

7:00 PM EDT

Climate Justice Symposium




Town Hall on Climate Change & Racial Equity

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass (D), media personalities Van Jones and Tavis Smiley, and others discuss climate change and racial equity at an event hosted by KBLA broadcast radio station in Los Angeles.


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ded983 No.21046118


it's all about the shekels for the jews

Germany is still paying billions of euros to Israel for 'survivors', whose number goes up each year instead of down.

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ee2ac6 No.21046119

6:15 PM EDT

The President and The First Lady participate in a campaign reception

Private Residence of Dorothy and Terry McAuliffe, McLean, VA


9:15 PM EDT

The President and The First Lady depart McLean, Virginia en route Fort Lesley J. McNair

Private Residence of Dorothy and Terry McAuliffe, McLean, VA


9:45 PM EDT

The President and The First Lady arrive at Fort Lesley J. McNair

Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington


9:55 PM EDT

The President and The First Lady depart Fort Lesley J. McNair en route to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington


10:50 PM EDT

The President and The First Lady arrive in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

Gordons Pond State Park, Rehoboth Beach, DE


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827372 No.21046120


Bragg will charges these locals for beating the criminal.

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6162c8 No.21046121

File: 0a0c9f0aa05219e⋯.png (711.93 KB,600x533,600:533,rare_pepe_painting.png)


>Melania to host $100,000-a-head fundraiser for Republican LGBTQ group at Trump Tower

Imagine the worms

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ab10e5 No.21046122

File: 4aede0cb291a0a8⋯.png (285.9 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

rare burger please

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898ea9 No.21046123

File: 811a4f755877015⋯.jpg (185.65 KB,1080x616,135:77,IMG_20240616_114036.jpg)

File: e5e00d9fa25fa8a⋯.png (455.13 KB,1080x601,1080:601,Scvff_1.png)


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2cb226 No.21046124

File: 2ceb196507132f4⋯.gif (1.86 MB,500x300,5:3,IMG_2507.gif)

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ad1ae5 No.21046125


After Washington's passing. Read his farewell speech.

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51601c No.21046126

but did he right crime and punishment?

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e580c5 No.21046127

File: 17ff912703251c4⋯.png (2.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)





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ec19c0 No.21046128

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 12:31 PM > (RALLY) (00:15) Join me LIVE

Q: 1231 > What will next week hold? MOAB.

Q: 0015 > There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country.

DO you understand, Clowns? You are finished here.

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197ded No.21046129

File: 2f1ae89db1a61c1⋯.png (17.84 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 03302d52ef200e3⋯.png (50.17 KB,470x286,235:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e3382e90cc1c1e⋯.png (364.49 KB,464x1290,232:645,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa3d8d10e06ce86⋯.png (252.77 KB,464x1732,116:433,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6db47284e996683⋯.png (308.26 KB,464x1378,232:689,ClipboardImage.png)


ilpresidento Truth



>Clowns failed

>rumble 1:40 (100s)


>The Great Awakening

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e50ed9 No.21046130


How's that Pier off Gaza?

Fucking poofters playing war.

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23c469 No.21046131


The make memorials but have no names on them.

they demand payments from all types of projects to go to 'haulocaust memorial' trust funds for a local monument.

when there was a problem with a project in one major city the local 'activasts' sued under environmental law and settled for a slush fund to fund a memorial with no names on it.

lavishly funded someone is living large off of it.

it's perverse.

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fdf38d No.21046132


These ELITEs are REALLY afraid of PDJT


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827372 No.21046133


learn to read

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6162c8 No.21046134


>Ever notice how silver came out of the currency right about the same time the US ground forces started in the Vietnam war?

Yes Vietnam was also the driver of ending Bretton Woods. It cost a fuckload of money and debased the currency.

Hence smart people just started converting dollars for gold, hence then ended the convertability

Fucking CIA wars were the end of America

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194fa0 No.21046135


Biden is a lithmus test.

You either see it, or you don't.

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51601c No.21046136

miracles abound

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39d06b No.21046137

File: 3c59e76e99b603a⋯.jpeg (45.75 KB,225x225,1:1,IMG_1027.jpeg)

File: 5e3adc23d2f1b98⋯.jpeg (141.89 KB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_1028.jpeg)


Chuck E Cheese Burger

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e50ed9 No.21046138


We are the news now.

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e4dc74 No.21046139

File: 7d263a25099775c⋯.png (735.99 KB,1600x729,1600:729,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d272a06fcea5ff⋯.png (666.08 KB,837x494,837:494,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a50380e2d7313e⋯.png (550.33 KB,766x485,766:485,ClipboardImage.png)

Two nightwatch E-4B doomsday up out of Offutt AF base


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51601c No.21046140

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4e0b94 No.21046141


hungry & fuckin' tired & thirsty

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e50ed9 No.21046142

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74931c No.21046143


Not sure if you’re just arguing or truly don’t understand.

If they start the draft, and the reality of war hits home across the country, maybe then you’ll see the relationship of what they’re willing to do for money and power.

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c7038e No.21046144

File: 94939c403a43549⋯.png (147.44 KB,1803x271,1803:271,ClipboardImage.png)


>but I think a lot of Jews were killed.

It doesn't matter, Anon. Theylied.

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3901a9 No.21046145

File: d3862beb7a4aa60⋯.png (514.51 KB,700x287,100:41,ClipboardImage.png)



>>21045719 (lb)

They had a $10,000 bill too.

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827372 No.21046146

File: 816ee5eb84e3735⋯.png (52.3 KB,891x419,891:419,ClipboardImage.png)

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ded983 No.21046147

File: 6e0425a8a66217a⋯.png (485.54 KB,512x365,512:365,D_Biden_4_5.png)

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c64964 No.21046148

File: b0cef206dd90ac8⋯.jpg (137.06 KB,960x936,40:39,IMG_6994.JPG)


yeah, they're both will face charges for crimes against children. fucking pedos

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51601c No.21046149


but how and why

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488ba5 No.21046150

File: 23747c6fb85c1a2⋯.png (602.91 KB,564x555,188:185,Jim_has_consistently_prove….png)

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194fa0 No.21046151


Looks like preformed mystery meat patties.

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e50ed9 No.21046152

File: e18be3bd4606501⋯.png (22.76 KB,95x92,95:92,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8573eb26e14e34b⋯.png (18.24 KB,89x86,89:86,ClipboardImage.png)

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51601c No.21046153


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8d6332 No.21046154

File: fce31773d92fe78⋯.png (302.94 KB,419x512,419:512,oompa_loompas_still_mad_bo….png)


>did buttstuff anyways


>gay fag


> lived happily ever after.”


>“Everything in this room is edible. Even I’m edible. But, that would be called cannibalism. It is looked down upon in most societies.”


>“I don't understand it. The children are disappearing like rabbits. Well, we still have each other. Shall we press on?”


>“I don't understand it. The children are disappearing like rabbits. Well, we still have each other. Shall we press on?”


>“I don't understand it. The children are disappearing like rabbits. Well, we still have each other. Shall we press on?”

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197ded No.21046155

File: 8e32063d123dd5e⋯.png (17.86 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f9a9403e2fef0e⋯.png (80.45 KB,470x494,235:247,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a5f46fd5551cb5⋯.png (181.71 KB,464x967,464:967,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a5f46fd5551cb5⋯.png (181.71 KB,464x967,464:967,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bb6dd33ff5450b⋯.png (121.17 KB,464x504,58:63,ClipboardImage.png)


ilpresidento Truth



>Crooked Joe is FIRED

>Cure will spread, have FAITH

>2 min Delta … MSM

>18s rumble

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ec19c0 No.21046156

File: f06516a6317081d⋯.png (1.48 MB,1440x960,3:2,WeAreQ.png)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 12:39 PM > (01:44) Potato FAIL

Q: 1239 > Did you forget? DO you feel safe?

Q: 0144 > Patriots don’t sleep. Who has clearance to full picture? Important.

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457eec No.21046157

File: b2a6a3fac14ef29⋯.png (281.39 KB,616x695,616:695,75n465h3634.PNG)

Sixteen U.S. soldiers who died during World War II and the Korean War have been accounted for, according to the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA).

Seven prisoners of war from WWII were accounted for, according to a series of press releases issued Monday by the DPAA. The servicemen were identified as Sgt. Jack H. Hohlfeld, Corporal Raymond N. DeCloss, Sgt. Sam A. Prince, Tech. Sgt. Charles E. Young Jr, Private Robert W. Cash, Private Jacob Gutterman, and Pfc. Joseph C. Murphy. The newly accounted for service members were among thousands of prisoners taken by Japanese forces in the Philippines,

The DPAA also recently accounted for nine fallen servicemen who perished in the Korean War. They were identified as Sgt. Clayton M. Pierce, Corporal William Colby, Sgt. Charles E. Beaty, Corporal Jesse L. Mitchell, Sgt. John P. Ryhter, Corporal Edward J. Smith, Sgt. 1st Class Israel Ramos, Pfc. Charles A. Vorel Jr. and Sgt. Kester B. Hardman, according to the press releases issued Monday.

Almost half a million U.S. military personnel died throughout WWII. The National WWII museum states that about 416,800 service members perished during the war.

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4b387f No.21046158


lgbtq that is against the lgbtq that is pushing "their" kinks onto children, demand reconition of themselves, and all other fuckery

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ee2ac6 No.21046159

File: f626fa06280ccca⋯.jpg (265.35 KB,1280x1958,640:979,10000_federal_reserve_note.jpg)

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898ea9 No.21046160

File: ce74bdbb5252da8⋯.jpg (53.29 KB,500x815,100:163,MAGA_Black_Ops_1_.jpg)

File: 3d19f3408b8a9c6⋯.jpg (36.49 KB,500x402,250:201,8d88o4_1_1_.jpg)

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ded983 No.21046161



it's all about the shekels, and the prophesized retrun to Israel post-WW2

see >>21045908

see >>21046118

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765274 No.21046162

File: 8ebb28f8bd2af0b⋯.png (51.78 KB,305x273,305:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ddcc977384965ce⋯.png (975.14 KB,1243x887,1243:887,ClipboardImage.png)


They are kind of sneaky with their symbols, but I found it…

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51601c No.21046163

If you're not focused on the most important stuff….

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6162c8 No.21046164

File: 5ef91e3927d73d8⋯.gif (6.34 MB,800x450,16:9,pretty_blonde_boobies_firi….gif)


>Gates is championing nuclear power by committing $1 billion to the construction of a new next-generation plant


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ad1ae5 No.21046165

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51601c No.21046166



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157ee3 No.21046167


Why did Obama tell Biden “joe, you don’t have to do this “?

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457eec No.21046168



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ded983 No.21046169

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e50ed9 No.21046170


"Any last requests?"

Me; "Get naked"

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e580c5 No.21046171

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Glenn Greenwald: Antisemitism, Attacks on Free Speech, and Everything You Need to Know about Brazil

@Snowden topic at start and again at 0:48

Tucker Carlson




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23c469 No.21046172


the better one was the gold certificate version of that same design, which I turned into a Beebo Russell meme and posted earlier in the bread here:


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194fa0 No.21046173


ZyklonB was an incecticide back then. It was being used against the lice infestation in the camps that was spreading typhus. If you have ever seen the prisoner picture from Andersonville prison during the US Civil War you will see a sickly, emaciated individual. Just like what was occuring in the late stages of WWII in the German camps that ere having their supply routes bombed and disease and starvation was rampant.

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c7038e No.21046174

File: 3d707878411414a⋯.png (1.51 MB,1547x1040,119:80,ClipboardImage.png)


>but how

The "how" part is the easiest to answer. They controlled the media. That's why we got bullshit stories about rollercoaster ovens, electrified floors, skeet shooting babies, masturbation death machines, bicycle-powered brian bashers. How can you expose it if the people who control the media are from the same group who spread the lies and you, by religious ideology areforbiddento betray your tribesman (tm), even if they commit an actual crime.

The why? Well, only the "Chosen Ones" (tm) can answer that.

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2afb5d No.21046175

File: 32fa68552975cc4⋯.png (191.68 KB,657x527,657:527,pepe_cofeveve.png)


We are going LIVE -24 [comb your hair].

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51601c No.21046176

Oh Yeah what If Musilims we JEWS TOO

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ec19c0 No.21046177

File: a315c7763690888⋯.png (27.46 KB,541x274,541:274,_legally_.png)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 01:21 PM > (RALLY)

Q: 0121 > What did BO encourage? Was this illegal?

Clown BO… Goodbye.

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e50ed9 No.21046178


I don't know, do you know?

If you do know why not just say it?

Riddles are so 2018.

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c64964 No.21046179

File: a2373a574967462⋯.mp4 (192.27 KB,640x1130,64:113,DJTSignal.mp4)

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6162c8 No.21046180

File: 92cec5aed5eef7e⋯.jpg (610.39 KB,1330x1914,665:957,wilson_Fed_Reserve.JPG)

File: 5e295067c7a0155⋯.jpg (109.1 KB,742x313,742:313,FINANCE_US100000dollarsbil….jpg)


100k was wilson

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74931c No.21046181


Personally witnessed people piggy banking the coins that still contained silver, and using the non and reduced silver coins. Piggy banks were very popular in the mid 1960s.

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e50ed9 No.21046182



Let's see if this truth is allowed to remain up.

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827372 No.21046183


Biden is an Asian exercise in humiliation, "face".

Diversion from the total technofeudal takeover.

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39d06b No.21046184

File: 9b7b72b3d012c7f⋯.jpeg (930.75 KB,4030x629,4030:629,IMG_1011.jpeg)


> We are the news now

Any news on the shipping containers being dropped off / stored?

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23c469 No.21046185


it doesn't matter?

they killed millions of people, many of them Jews. Of course it matters.

also: the Jews who were killed didn't lie.

how could they? They are dead!

get a clue.

There really were millions of people killed in WWII and many of them were Jews.

after someone is dead they neither tell the truth nor liebecause they are dead!


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21ea61 No.21046186

>>21046044 A: 17:37:16 > Q Time Confirmed

>>21046061 A: 17:39:13 > Q The SHEEP

>>21046070 A: 17:40:25 > Q Combine

>>21046088 A: 17:41:59 > Q Actions today

>>21046100 A: 17:43:51 > Q Learn our comms

>>21046128 A: 17:47:25 > Q Clown

>>21046156 A: 17:51:45 > Q Important

Thank you for confirming your "Clown Membership". Your membership card will arrive within 2 Weeks.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter and please direct all inquiries to the highest ranking anon and Use Verification code #GFU

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4e0b94 No.21046187

File: 6fc5c8e5dcdaf95⋯.jpg (191.7 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_18_18_5….jpg)

File: e4668fb5b416e0a⋯.png (353.28 KB,640x2516,160:629,135_8_.png)

File: 0268babb105f9e4⋯.jpeg (271.27 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,GQVOvWBXUAAzM1b.jpeg)

File: 756906b19f09af0⋯.jpeg (176.75 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GQVOuHwXkAAdbfa.jpeg)

File: 3c6f0f18d4db1e2⋯.jpeg (249.7 KB,2047x1365,2047:1365,GQVOwdmXkAAm5_h.jpeg)

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e580c5 No.21046188


There is 'Q'.

There are 'Anons'.

There is no


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197ded No.21046189

File: a10cae6030cc409⋯.png (17.49 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb9a84e1016bb16⋯.png (32.53 KB,470x204,235:102,ClipboardImage.png)

File: caeb50dd03c4e41⋯.png (177.38 KB,464x904,58:113,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a16ce032ecd9883⋯.png (125.69 KB,464x422,232:211,ClipboardImage.png)


moar ilpresidento Truth



>America FIRST

>Timing is everything

>NOT a game

>16 s rumble


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c7038e No.21046190


>ZyklonB was an incecticide back then.

And highly combustible, but don't worry, those wooden doors with glass windows could handle it, even though they were not hermetically sealed.

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51601c No.21046191


ancestor worship and hexing from beyond the grave and Q predates Abraham obviously so as an elder

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488ba5 No.21046192

File: c4a00a29de9b8e1⋯.png (1.77 MB,836x740,209:185,Dark_To_Light.png)

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d28c87 No.21046193

File: 63cda14e9a5c06b⋯.png (1.35 MB,910x1006,455:503,hedidtheterror.png)

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ded983 No.21046194


Zyklon B was used by the US Government on the Mexico border from 1916 to control typhus.

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23c469 No.21046195


that bill was only used for inter-bank transfers.

It didn't circulate.

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ec19c0 No.21046196

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 02:02 PM > (link - monster ARRESTED)

Q: 0202 > Bad bread not updated.

Clown BO.. FAILED.

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ee2ac6 No.21046197

File: 607229c52d6c154⋯.jpg (45.08 KB,612x372,51:31,gettyimages_178348466_Wils….jpg)

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194fa0 No.21046198


Wilson sold the country to the bankers to get reelected. He spent the last year of his pResidency sitting in a wheelchair in a corner drooling on himself while his wife and his Chief of Staff secretly ran the country.

He got what he deserved.

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51601c No.21046199

fuck get some re right it to be that the word actually means "born of" not "believeing " make it sons of Abraham and anchor it that should be easy after what you did with Vermin just need an older copy cause "older is honest" and no new prophet wants to be of this earth.

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ec19c0 No.21046200

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 02:03 PM > (link - monster ARRESTED)

Q: 0203 > Bad bread.

Clown BO.. FAILED!

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e50ed9 No.21046201

File: 7ca234dd25f334f⋯.jpg (229.19 KB,764x422,382:211,Ukraine_CNN_false_op_Acost….jpg)


Stand by. We're trying to reach Apu.

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194fa0 No.21046202


Peg-toothed freaks

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ec19c0 No.21046203

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 11:27 AM > (POLLS)

Q: 1127 > (quote - “A clean [H]ouse is very important.”) Our comms must be this way.

Q+ (RT) Jun 18, 2024, 11:21 AM > (pics - ROCK WATER WATCHERS)

Q: 1121 > Actions today [raid] will be met w/ swift action. FBI burning midnight oil.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 12:25 PM > (RALLY) Join me LIVE

Q: 1225 > Yesterday. Today. Confirmation? Coincidence? Learn our comms.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 12:31 PM > (RALLY) (00:15) Join me LIVE

Q: 1231 > What will next week hold? MOAB.

Q: 0015 > There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 12:39 PM > (01:44) Potato FAIL

Q: 1239 > Did you forget? DO you feel safe?

Q: 0144 > Patriots don’t sleep.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 01:21 PM > (RALLY)

Q: 0121 > What did BO encourage? Was this illegal?

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 02:02 PM > (link - monster ARRESTED)

Q: 0202 > Bad bread not updated.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 02:03 PM > (link - monster ARRESTED)

Q: 0203 > Bad bread.

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e580c5 No.21046204

File: f4cf76eb77f5737⋯.png (327.34 KB,543x738,181:246,ClipboardImage.png)

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84c15b No.21046205

File: 26e5e7f2c7d69c7⋯.jpeg (122.8 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Designer.jpeg)

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ee2ac6 No.21046206

File: 9b5623d5ab5f203⋯.jpg (38.59 KB,612x491,612:491,gettyimages_640455909_Wils….jpg)

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1975e7 No.21046207


Kek. Here we are in 2024 and still the worship of the Jew and his words reign.

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4e0b94 No.21046208

File: 6eac04eb4cf06d7⋯.jpg (150.39 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_18_18_5….jpg)

File: e8d2c62f2a853d4⋯.jpg (150.9 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_18_18_5….jpg)

File: cacb43628b8ee4c⋯.png (35.8 KB,640x496,40:31,505_6_.png)

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51601c No.21046209

Do a prophecy retroactive for Ishmael that he returns and shove that in there some where and unites their nations or something you think of it youre the geniuses I'm just simple

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e50ed9 No.21046210


but there was, bigtime. Back in the day. We had fucking hashtags.

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46425c No.21046211

File: 0e4de72cf49e38c⋯.png (193.91 KB,614x508,307:254,ClipboardImage.png)

Hillary Clinton



No child should go hungry in the United States of America.

Jun 18, 2024 · 2:00 PM UTC

Hillary Clinton



No child should go hungry in the United States of America.

Jun 18, 2024 · 2:00 PM UTC





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51601c No.21046212

utterly devastate and return to those who can grow up now

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b558e3 No.21046213


not sure how you're interpreting the post to view it as an argument so can't really respond

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827372 No.21046214

File: 6fe79c0f718ddbb⋯.png (901.27 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


You're a moron.

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ec19c0 No.21046215


Yesterday (last night) one of them started demanding confirmation. Advised ask for it in COMMS.

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ded983 No.21046216


millions of jews weren't gassed by the Nazis.

the camps were work camps for political unreliables.

look up the Havaara Agreement (prewar migration to Palestine up until 1942), and the plan to ship them to Madagascar

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6162c8 No.21046217


> Chief of Staff

british agent Colonel House was the big force behind the scenes I believe

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f54dca No.21046218

File: 90534b68b23f785⋯.png (25.05 KB,444x270,74:45,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7098c723eef4224⋯.png (8.52 KB,444x105,148:35,ClipboardImage.png)



I went back, it already started @5:14ET.

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2cb226 No.21046219

File: 65f6b69acb393d5⋯.mp4 (163.76 KB,540x540,1:1,C0mk1XKT9jxJIHIO.mp4)

Al Jolson the Minstrel Cat

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ec19c0 No.21046220

Update on CLAS +relay Test3 (Moab Monday - last night) coming from Operator1 in the next couple of hours.

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e50ed9 No.21046221


oh shit. Hildawg about to eat moar kids.

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7eccb1 No.21046222

>>51601c <<



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488ba5 No.21046223

File: f4733c272367875⋯.png (2.47 MB,951x907,951:907,Screenshot_7083_.png)




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1975e7 No.21046224


Weak leaders because you have weak citizens

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c1178d No.21046225


dns via https and

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973963 No.21046226

File: 0e74b245f1985a1⋯.png (420.7 KB,1080x891,40:33,Scvvch_1.png)


Faggot stfu.

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827372 No.21046227


Half the German jews were NAZIs. The other half were commies. The crackers could have sat this one out and it would have ended with the same stalmate, as the owners wanted.

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197ded No.21046228

File: aaddb8c74b65e1c⋯.png (17.16 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7a11ac80a19c30⋯.png (119.3 KB,464x1236,116:309,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32357201a0f2c9a⋯.png (61.26 KB,470x313,470:313,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ae96bc1df35853⋯.png (374.29 KB,464x1184,29:74,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3caac7c122e214⋯.png (156.97 KB,464x559,464:559,ClipboardImage.png)




>So help me GOD

>news unlocks

>Threat received.

>USSS acted appropriately.

>This is not a game.


something happen at the rally with VIPs?

>rumble 1:09 (69s)

>Swordy Mike

>Pray for ops in harms way, anon

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194fa0 No.21046229

He's sure got a perty mouth. Does he work for the FBI?

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b4da68 No.21046230

File: ecb65ab7e757c2c⋯.webm (182.7 KB,427x240,427:240,gentlemen.webm)

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c1178d No.21046231


serious issues being discussed

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2cb226 No.21046232

File: 2cbe8a245200acc⋯.jpeg (278.41 KB,1200x822,200:137,IMG_2509.jpeg)

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4e0b94 No.21046233

File: 18eb420e9f4aa5b⋯.jpg (220.37 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_18_18_5….jpg)

File: 61bd6f7269e6fb7⋯.jpeg (387.89 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GQYmWkyWIAAPYOy.jpeg)

File: 453802c88c7fee4⋯.png (252.7 KB,640x1802,320:901,52_6_.png)

File: 2e0c4f5ec42d8f0⋯.png (242.29 KB,640x734,320:367,552_2_.png)

File: 0ab957a2eba7520⋯.jpeg (342.64 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GQYmbXvXgAATskG.jpeg)

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ec19c0 No.21046234

File: f21f3c5f0e72777⋯.png (166.86 KB,374x285,374:285,GBEM.png)

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 02:11 PM > P.2 2017

Q: 0211 > NK _ SpaceX.

Q+: Jun 18, 2024, 02:11 PM > 100% behind Donald Trump! Anybody that’s not should be FIRED for incompetence!

Q: 0211 > NK _ SpaceX.

Goodbye.. Elon. Pump millions into MM/8K? Not enough.

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4b387f No.21046235



we need to hang the rinos too

after trial and conviction

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6162c8 No.21046236



That's Uganda I believe.

On August 26, 1903, the founding father of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, proposed British East Africa

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51601c No.21046237


I"ll do you a three part prophecy about some shit and it will fix it and go directly against revelations

the essense thing is the fourth seal is broken first and the four angles get realeased titans whatever then something happens to the water but the ai finds a way to fix it and then after that a 'man of peace' returns from somewhere and he unites Islam and Judiasm make it jesus says he's a prophet not god itself he'll agree to that you want the fancey words?

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e821c0 No.21046238


>We had fucking hashtags.

That's really what is was all about.

Q was always called Q but when promoting the Great Awakening the movement had the QAnon label.

Which of course also translated to the memes where #QAnon was frequently displayed off to the side/bottom/whatever.

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ee2ac6 No.21046239

File: 3a895e509c09a8d⋯.jpg (236.23 KB,920x963,920:963,woodrow_wilson_skeered.jpg)

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488ba5 No.21046240

File: 38a92d0fac41688⋯.jpg (122.79 KB,751x498,751:498,02_September_2018.jpg)

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e580c5 No.21046241

File: d10f016c85b9f37⋯.png (21.06 KB,549x274,549:274,ClipboardImage.png)






>Whore needs attention. Breitbart gave it to her.

They made many current/former enslaved children famous.

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ee2ac6 No.21046242

File: feb1edf095d5865⋯.jpg (225.08 KB,1500x966,250:161,us_dollar_100_years_federa….jpg)

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ded983 No.21046243


No, Madagascar, I'm fairly sure.

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488ba5 No.21046244

File: d65ca33111ae257⋯.jpg (60.97 KB,604x340,151:85,8kun.jpg)

File: 5df92a552928ec9⋯.jpg (15.43 KB,253x255,253:255,8kun_site_the_most_DD0S_si….jpg)

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194fa0 No.21046245


Runway models trying to look hard?

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bd8084 No.21046246

File: 91620922d88c285⋯.jpg (102.6 KB,720x1234,360:617,a37f6c6dcba155a70137629d73….jpg)

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ec19c0 No.21046247

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 03:17 PM > (link - DATA)

Q: 0317 > Don't mistake journalists invited to parties as 'insiders'.

COMMS will not confirm Unauthorized Operators.

COMMS will always confirm Less than 10.

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424a66 No.21046248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live coverage: SpaceX to launch 20 Starlink satellites on Falcon 9 rocket from Vandenberg Space Force Station

SpaceX is set to conduct its second Falcon 9 launch of the day, following a planned missions for satellite communications company, SES, from Florida. SpaceX aims to launch another batch of its Starlink satellites, which include another 13 with direct to cell (DTC) capabilities.

Liftoff from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California is set for 8:40 p.m. PDT (11:40 p.m. EDT, 0340 UTC). This will mark the 20th orbital launch from California in 2024 so far.

Spaceflight Now will have live coverage beginning about 30 minutes prior to liftoff.

he Falcon 9 first stage booster supporting this mission, tail number B1082 in the SpaceX fleet, will be launching for a fifth time. It previously supported the launches of the United States Space Force-62 (USSF-62) mission and three Starlink flights.


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51601c No.21046249

first the forth will come first

next the waters of blood will stop their cleansing motion in favor of a less hastey choice

lastely a man of peace returns less a god more a prophet

[she'll know what it means]

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488ba5 No.21046250

File: 42a131eb06144f7⋯.jpg (36.98 KB,679x417,679:417,BlackTomThePyr8.jpg)

File: 9a9ab77bbb61941⋯.jpg (20.55 KB,600x300,2:1,BlackTomThePyr8b.jpg)

File: e1e6938840f5a5e⋯.jpg (6.38 KB,239x135,239:135,BlackTomThePyr8c.jpg)

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2cb226 No.21046251

File: eacf2de8a2b504b⋯.jpeg (33.23 KB,474x360,79:60,IMG_2510.jpeg)

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f598cc No.21046252

File: 2d196dd9146f3e9⋯.png (1.07 MB,735x541,735:541,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a882fdcb2cbf83⋯.png (1.44 MB,998x636,499:318,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86f0d92d0b26845⋯.png (443.86 KB,364x665,52:95,ClipboardImage.png)


Good Samaritans beat, tied up Ecuadorean migrant busted in rape of 13-year-old girl at Kissena Park

Desheania Andrews andJorge Fitz-Gibbon

Published June 18, 2024, 10:45 a.m. ET

A group of good Samaritans helped nab the 25-year-old Ecuadorean migrant wanted for the brutal sexual assault of a 13-year-old girl at a Queens park — smacking him around and tying him up with a belt.

Dramatic video and photos obtained by The Post shows the shirtless creep – later identified by police as Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi – cowering on the sidewalk early Tuesday as the angry mob pounds him and calls him out as “a rapist.”

“Where are you going? Where are you going?” a woman is heard screaming in Spanish while clutching his hair. “He’s a rapist. He don’t care.”

Inga-Landi faces charges, including rape, kidnapping and sex abuse.Paul Martinka

Inga-Landi faces a slew of charges, including rape, kidnapping and sex abuse, after cops arrested him thanks to a flood of help from the public, including the good Samaritans who lassoed him on the street, NYPD brass said later Tuesday.

Footage shows the suspected abuser crawling under a parked car to get away from the angry vigilante mob, as bystanders keep screaming.“He’s under the car. He’s hiding under the car because we beat the s–t out of him,” the woman yells as cops show up. “Beat his ass,” she adds.

Inga-Landi could be seen cowering on the sidewalk as the bystanders beat him. He tried to fight back,” Flores said. “He tried to run for his life but he couldn’t.”CitizenApp “I saw what he was trying to do, he looked back at me. I waited for him to come out the store and dragged him to the floor. A couple people helped me,” Jeffrey Flores told The Post.Obtained by NY Post

One man is heard asking in the background,“Where my 10,000 at?” — a reference to the reward offered by cops for the sicko’s arrest. grant busted in rape of 13-year-old girl at Kisse P

One of the civilian heroes said he waited for Inga-Landi to come out of a deli on 108th Street — a few blocks from the park — after recognizing him from police wanted posters and surveillance video released by the NYPD.

“I seen him a few times — he comes to this store to buy stuff,” Jeffrey Flores, who pounced on the creep. “I waited for him. I waited the whole day to see if he would come up. He came at night.

Footage shows the suspected abuser crawling under a parked car to get away from the angry vigilante mob, as bystanders keep screaming. CitizenApp. A 25-year-old Ecuadorean migrant was arrested for the brutal sexual assault of a 13-year-old girl at a Queens park.Obtained by the NY Post

“He came in, we went to buy something,” Flores, 24, told The Post. “I saw what he was trying to do, he looked back at me. I waited for him to come out the store and dragged him to the floor. A couple people helped me.”

Jeers greeted Inga-Landi as he was walked handcuffed from a Queens police precinct Tuesday afternoon on his way to be arraigned on a slew of felonies, including rape and kidnapping. “Piece of s–t,” one onlooker shouted.

The accused molester has been the subject of a massive NYPD manhunt since he used a “machete-style knife” to force the young victim and her friend into a secluded area in Kissena Park on Thursday, then tied them up with shoelaces and sexually assaulted the girl.

The cowardly crime mobilized New Yorkers, with police releasing images of the suspect and posting wanted posters throughout Flushing.

The accused molester has been the subject of a massive NYPD manhunt since he used a “machete-style knife” to force the young victim and her friend into a secluded area in Kissena Park.Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

“He tried to fight back,” Flores said of the good Samaritans’ encounter with the suspect. “He tried to run for his life but he couldn’t. Yeah, he admitted to it. He was saying, ‘Alright, alright, alright. Don’t hit me, don’t hit me.’

Police sources said the suspect, who has not yet been officially charged or identified by cops, has been living at a shelter at Waldron and 108th Street.Stephen Yang

“I got two little sisters and I’m about to have a daughter on the way,” Flores said of the park assault. “I don’t like that. That’s abusive. That’s not right.” A 22-year-old pal had shown Flores a photo of the accused attacker from Instagram and was there to help take the creep down.


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197ded No.21046253

File: 15614161d095e3d⋯.png (143.67 KB,325x385,65:77,ClipboardImage.png)

File: de8566aeace3543⋯.png (148.3 KB,470x618,235:309,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51a9bf5c296e756⋯.png (126.63 KB,464x958,232:479,ClipboardImage.png)


ilpresidento Truth



>VIPs and threats again

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51601c No.21046254

up to you.

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8039ac No.21046255


After looking at Down Detector looks like their was a lot of people that had trouble.

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51601c No.21046256

prophecy is a plan and plans change if you don't like it disregaurd

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46425c No.21046257

File: 193ecbd7c4d3e0e⋯.png (7.11 KB,92x79,92:79,ClipboardImage.png)



frazledrip is not filmed yet…

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ec19c0 No.21046258


Maybe it will blow up again. Anons prayed God's will only be done, more than once? Spaceships go BOOM. I do pray the will of God Almighty only be done, in Jesus' name.

ELON.. Enemy of Mankind. ENEMY OF GOD.

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e50ed9 No.21046259

File: 9638a36899bb23e⋯.jpg (58.8 KB,383x376,383:376,Black_Cat_Chyna_Lips.jpg)

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194fa0 No.21046260

File: 7d325c8bed63d6d⋯.png (86.54 KB,947x651,947:651,Screenshot_2024_06_18_at_1….png)



Have fun.

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488ba5 No.21046261

File: f687336eaa0e2ae⋯.jpg (275.99 KB,820x593,820:593,capture_1453_23012023_1124….jpg)


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c7038e No.21046262

File: 8d6eb0cfb63dab8⋯.mp4 (7.32 MB,720x1280,9:16,jews_lied_about_the_loloca….mp4)


>they killed millions of people, many of them Jews.

Who is they, Anon? Are you talking about the Communist Soviet regime, which was created by Jews? Are you talking about the Germans who were defending themselves, after several western countries attacked them due to lobbying from Jewish bankers? There's ample evidence thatmultipletimes Hitler sued for peace and it was rejected every time. Kinda similar to what's going on between NATO and Russia over that shit state, Ukraine.

>also: the Jews who were killed didn't lie.

No, the ones who "survived" the labor camps did and they did it to makemoneyoff of gullible westerners. They shamed and desecrated the memory of people who did, indeed perish in a War that was started by Jews, the same Jews who seem to be behind every major war in humanity's history.

>how could they? They are dead!

>get a clue.

I'm not the one making shekels off their deaths, now am I? You're bitching to the wrong audience, "Anon."

>There really were millions of people killed in WWII and many of them were Jews.

Yeah, Faggot. 70-85 million people died in that bullshit war. All so a sub-group of our species, less than 0.2% could guilt trip the rest of humanity over a crime theydidn'tcommit based on a lie about the deaths of "6 million people." A lie that was pushedWAYbefore Hitler came into power.

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68177e No.21046263


Making him a traitor, violater of the US Constitution, and every bit the piece of shit that my great grandfather said he was.

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2cb226 No.21046264

File: e491cd445eb10f0⋯.jpeg (87.36 KB,720x822,120:137,IMG_2511.jpeg)

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ec19c0 No.21046265

You remember don't you Elon?

God answers prayers. BOOM!

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bd8084 No.21046266


Can confirm had some 911 systems outages reported by E.M.S in a few New England states today.

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7eccb1 No.21046267



Delta Airlines has their own refinery.

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6162c8 No.21046268

File: fef2e65b244528e⋯.jpg (116.59 KB,635x477,635:477,michelin_boy_fat_kits_eati….jpg)


>No child should go hungry in the United States of America.

Every child needs to get a bit hungry in the United States of America

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4e0b94 No.21046269

File: 937b3da5831b3c2⋯.jpg (198.42 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_18_19_0….jpg)

File: 3ddfafa4d52513a⋯.jpeg (72.57 KB,680x443,680:443,GmOZW0P4.jpeg)

File: e101a6aafc61409⋯.png (169.66 KB,640x1462,320:731,94.png)

File: c098c8e8cfc4485⋯.png (125.86 KB,640x1040,8:13,25_6_.png)

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ded983 No.21046270





The poster has written the truth.

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68177e No.21046271

File: 24b03e8b8dc2486⋯.png (1.13 MB,1080x281,1080:281,Screenshot_20240618_190533.png)

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58b2ba No.21046272

I think it's time we took a good look at our anti-trust laws. Kroger foods among other are getting too big for their britches and driving out competition.

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e50ed9 No.21046273

File: cb291e947455ca6⋯.gif (217.42 KB,360x209,360:209,Nazi_Cat_Gas_Button.gif)



do they ban for this now-a-days?

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457eec No.21046274

File: 2ff813dd901555b⋯.png (32.99 KB,854x394,427:197,m75465426542.PNG)

Texas leads 19-state coalition challenging green energy transition mandate

WI senator says Biden border order is trying to get migrants in US before 2024 elections

"Democrats want an open border," Sen. Ron Johnson said.

Texas is leading a 19-state coalition challenging a federal agency requiring states to implement a “green energy” transition.

The states filed a complaint with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in response to a rule it passed to advance unprecedented federal control over the U.S. electric grid. Currently, state regulatory bodies determine the most efficient mix of energy sources for their states. FERC’s new rule appears to be an unfunded mandate, requiring states to implement “green energy” electricity generation and cover the costs to transition to it.

Texas, which maintains its own electric grid, filed the complaint, leading a 19-state coalition. It argues FERC’s rule exceeds its authority, is arbitrary and capricious and creates an “unjust, unreasonable, and/or unduly discriminatory rates” that violate the Federal Power Act.

The rule is “not supported by reasoned decision-making or explanation and runs counter to the evidence,” the 48-page brief states. FERC issued the rule “attempting to do indirectly what it cannot do directly: usurp the States’ exclusive authority over generation choices by adopting planning rules designed to benefit remote renewable generation and renewable developers, and shift billions or trillions of dollars in transmission costs from those developers onto electric consumers,” the coalition argues.


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157ee3 No.21046275



I don’t kbow

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9622c3 No.21046276

File: 0b7ea89d3584d15⋯.jpeg (514.94 KB,1193x617,1193:617,DCF5F299_1C24_4CF0_9589_1….jpeg)

File: 3cb56b23958b602⋯.jpeg (889.21 KB,772x1048,193:262,A0824C1C_11C1_4647_A964_C….jpeg)

>>21044294 pb

45in N757AF 757 departed Milwaukee-Mitchell Intl back to PBI

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1dda77 No.21046277

File: b67de40c719d3e9⋯.jpeg (76.75 KB,1080x1070,108:107,b67de40c719d3e90b131db003….jpeg)

notes @500


#25805 >>21045772

>>21045799, >>21045802 Q+ stopped speaking at 5:48 PM EST - Q558 Timing Is Everything

>>21045829, >>21046093 Chrissy Teigen Says She Fears Donald Trump "Coming After" Her

>>21045845, >>21046068 Noam Chomsky NOT DEAD

>>21045856, >>21046114 Incredible crowd in Wisconsin!! 🇺🇸

>>21045915 Carville - I don't think people really appreciate how bad Biden's poll numbers are

>>21045930, >>21046021, >>21046052 Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs Snaps at Reporter When Asked About Attorney General's Investigation into $400K Pay for Play Scheme

>>21045943 Governor Abbott Statement On President Biden’s Mass Amnesty Policy

>>21045948 Josh Hawley questions doctor who worked to discredit COVID lab leak theory

>>21045952 Bill Gates’ great $1B commitment to nuclear energy should be a wake-up call to climate progressives

>>21045963 The Russians are coming. Again.

>>21045974 Melania to host $100,000-a-head fundraiser for Republican LGBTQ group at Trump Tower

>>21045977 American Medical Association delegates vote to decriminalize drug use, possession

>>21045986, >>21046252 Migrant charged in rape of girl, 13, Citizens caught him and hog tied him

>>21045988 Hunter Biden revealed top CCP leader wanted him to visit China to 'discuss business opportunities': emails

>>21045995 DOD Contracts For June 18, 2024

>>21046003 KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: We can have MASS AMNESTY for millions of illegal aliens AND a secure border!

>>21046017, >>21046023, >>21046084, >>21046129, >>21046155, >>21046189, >>21046228, >>21046253 Papi Trumpo Truths

>>21046037 Trump isn’t choosing a running mate. He’s casting a co-star

>>21046047 7th Grader: Trump Popular Among Young People Because Biden’s Inflation Raises Candy Prices

>>21046049 Confused Biden clips are ‘deepfakes’ – WH

>>21046080, >>21046139 PF

>>21046082, >>21046111, >>21046233 MIL / Q Trips Intensify Watch The News Storm Coming

>>21046087 @POTUS TRUTH

>>21046157, >>21046168 Sixteen U.S. soldiers who died during World War II and the Korean War have now been accounted for

>>21046171 @Tucker: Antisemitism, Attacks on Free Speech, and Everything You Need to Know about Brazil

>>21046211 @HillaryClinton No child should go hungry in the United States of America.

>>21046248 Live coverage: SpaceX to launch 20 Starlink satellites on Falcon 9 rocket

baker seeks handoff

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d6bd64 No.21046278

File: 2f37910e7211669⋯.jpg (37.64 KB,300x200,3:2,2f37910e7211669ed2e82dfa2c….jpg)

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6162c8 No.21046279

File: 3676f620e87cf77⋯.png (99.96 KB,394x212,197:106,ClipboardImage.png)


there's that country again

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488ba5 No.21046280

File: 69fa08490afdd43⋯.jpg (125.19 KB,472x518,236:259,ComfyHydrate.jpg)

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197ded No.21046281

File: 05eaadd644784f2⋯.png (16.93 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5da58003f210fdd⋯.png (96.37 KB,470x575,94:115,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 382653aa4b8b551⋯.png (562.07 KB,464x2584,58:323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d63b26fab34282⋯.png (41.45 KB,470x176,235:88,ClipboardImage.png)


ilpresidento Truth



>crumb drops

>biggest cover up

>13 s rumble


>On Day One…

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b558e3 No.21046282



>(op) US involvement in foreign wars

>response: read farewell address

>re: foreign war in europe

After deliberate examination with the aid of the best lights I could obtain,

I was well satisfied that our country, under all the circumstances of the case,

had a right to take—and was bound in duty and interest,

to take—a neutral position


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e50ed9 No.21046283


But those that are there to regulate the laws are compromised by cash, hookers and drugs.

So don't expect anything but moar profits, higher taxes and smaller servings.

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51601c No.21046284


refine what?

creative licence to Q and D

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e821c0 No.21046285


This admin is moar delete happy than banhammer.

The last banhammer I seen't was for 1 minute.

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ec19c0 No.21046286


Q+ (RT) Jun 18, 2024, 12:31 PM > (RALLY) (00:15) Join me LIVE

Q: 1231 > What will next week hold? MOAB.

Q: 0015 > There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 01:21 PM > (RALLY)

Q: 0121 > What did BO encourage? Was this illegal?

Q+ (RT) Jun 18, 2024, 12:25 PM > (RALLY) Join me LIVE

Q: 1225 > Yesterday. Today. Confirmation? Coincidence? Learn our comms.

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4e0b94 No.21046287

File: ec0ba6bb13c0c43⋯.jpg (169.52 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_18_19_0….jpg)

File: 423b76f56afe1f5⋯.png (97.68 KB,640x850,64:85,426.png)

File: b90707afb3196ad⋯.png (108.66 KB,640x850,64:85,2025_1_.png)

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2cb226 No.21046288

File: 9075c2b3444de92⋯.png (809.47 KB,1034x852,517:426,881250C9_5F92_486E_862A_16….png)

File: 70ebac70a16e32f⋯.png (812.65 KB,1034x852,517:426,17610EE6_8956_41E8_B735_38….png)

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ded983 No.21046289


the video is by SaiveYurselves, posted to YouTube in 2016 and deleted off every platform ever since, understandably.

It is completely damning to the Holocaust 6 million jews lie.

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d0953a No.21046290

Joe are practicing for the debate?

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51601c No.21046291

all jesus has to do is say he's not god but a phophet thats it

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68177e No.21046292

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ec19c0 No.21046293

Clowns, you demanded confirmation.. What was your plan once you got that confirmation?

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58b2ba No.21046294


What can happen if one or two companies are the sole providers of groceries to this country without any real competition? Nothing good.

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d6bd64 No.21046295

File: 2e5c00d8f4cffb6⋯.jpg (216.67 KB,794x975,794:975,2e5c00d8f4cffb611b59a6f70d….jpg)


firm it

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ec19c0 No.21046296

Because the confirmations will only increase.

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4da3c3 No.21046297


You couldn't confirm a sunny day.

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488ba5 No.21046298

File: 55366df5bc6da6b⋯.jpg (948.83 KB,1186x1588,593:794,Tyb_.jpg)

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ec19c0 No.21046299


Look, it's a CLOWN who wants to burn bread.

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58b2ba No.21046300


True, but that can change, if people get wise to what's happening and call bullshit.

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1975e7 No.21046301





None of these groups use reason.

None have proofs

None can have a conversation

All are the victims

All want to rule with their ideology

All have a lot of money to support them

All use war

It’s not hard to see what the problem is.

All 4 of those religions have spent a long time killing and erasing “mystics” for a reason.

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1dda77 No.21046302




notes so far


#25805 >>21045772

>>21045799, >>21045802 Q+ stopped speaking at 5:48 PM EST - Q558 Timing Is Everything

>>21045829, >>21046093 Chrissy Teigen Says She Fears Donald Trump "Coming After" Her

>>21045845, >>21046068 Noam Chomsky NOT DEAD

>>21045856, >>21046114 Incredible crowd in Wisconsin!! 🇺🇸

>>21045915 Carville - I don't think people really appreciate how bad Biden's poll numbers are

>>21045930, >>21046021, >>21046052 Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs Snaps at Reporter When Asked About Attorney General's Investigation into $400K Pay for Play Scheme

>>21045943 Governor Abbott Statement On President Biden’s Mass Amnesty Policy

>>21045948 Josh Hawley questions doctor who worked to discredit COVID lab leak theory

>>21045952 Bill Gates’ great $1B commitment to nuclear energy should be a wake-up call to climate progressives

>>21045963 The Russians are coming. Again.

>>21045974 Melania to host $100,000-a-head fundraiser for Republican LGBTQ group at Trump Tower

>>21045977 American Medical Association delegates vote to decriminalize drug use, possession

>>21045986, >>21046252 Migrant charged in rape of girl, 13, Citizens caught him and hog tied him

>>21045988 Hunter Biden revealed top CCP leader wanted him to visit China to 'discuss business opportunities': emails

>>21045995 DOD Contracts For June 18, 2024

>>21046003 KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: We can have MASS AMNESTY for millions of illegal aliens AND a secure border!

>>21046017, >>21046023, >>21046084, >>21046129, >>21046155, >>21046189, >>21046228, >>21046253, >>21046281 Papi Trumpo Multi-Truths

>>21046037 Trump isn’t choosing a running mate. He’s casting a co-star

>>21046047 7th Grader: Trump Popular Among Young People Because Biden’s Inflation Raises Candy Prices

>>21046049 Confused Biden clips are ‘deepfakes’ – WH

>>21046080, >>21046139, >>21046276 PF

>>21046082, >>21046111, >>21046233 MIL / Q Trips Intensify Watch The News Storm Coming

>>21046087 @POTUS TRUTH

>>21046157, >>21046168 Sixteen U.S. soldiers who died during World War II and the Korean War have now been accounted for

>>21046171 @Tucker: Antisemitism, Attacks on Free Speech, and Everything You Need to Know about Brazil

>>21046211 @HillaryClinton No child should go hungry in the United States of America.

>>21046248 Live coverage: SpaceX to launch 20 Starlink satellites on Falcon 9 rocket

>>21046274 Texas leads 19-state coalition challenging green energy transition mandate

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ec19c0 No.21046303

COMMS 6-18

Chronological TRUTHS

Q+ (RT) Jun 18, 2024, 08:59 AM > (RALLY)

Q: 0859 > Combine all posts and analyze. Alice & Wonderland.

Q+ (RT) Jun 17, 2024, 09:24 PM > (RALLY)

Q: 0924 > (quote - "They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS.") Their weapon against the awakening.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 11:27 AM > (POLLS)

Q: 1127 > (quote - “A clean [H]ouse is very important.”) Our comms must be this way.

Q+ (RT) Jun 18, 2024, 11:21 AM > (pics - ROCK WATER WATCHERS)

Q: 1121 > Actions today [raid] will be met w/ swift action. FBI burning midnight oil.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 12:25 PM > (RALLY) Join me LIVE

Q: 1225 > Yesterday. Today. Confirmation? Coincidence? Learn our comms.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 12:31 PM > (RALLY) (00:15) Join me LIVE

Q: 1231 > What will next week hold? MOAB.

Q: 0015 > There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 12:39 PM > (01:44) Potato FAIL

Q: 1239 > Did you forget? DO you feel safe?

Q: 0144 > Patriots don’t sleep.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 01:21 PM > (RALLY)

Q: 0121 > What did BO encourage? Was this illegal?

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 02:02 PM > (link - monster ARRESTED)

Q: 0202 > Bad bread not updated.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 02:03 PM > (link - monster ARRESTED)

Q: 0203 > Bad bread.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 02:11 PM > P.2 2017

Q: 0211 > NK _ SpaceX.

Q+: Jun 18, 2024, 02:11 PM > 100% behind Donald Trump! Anybody that’s not should be FIRED for incompetence!

Q: 0211 > NK _ SpaceX.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 03:17 PM > (link - DATA)

Q: 0317 > Don't mistake journalists invited to parties as 'insiders'.

Q+ (RT) Jun 18, 2024, 12:31 PM > (RALLY) (00:15) Join me LIVE

Q: 1231 > What will next week hold? MOAB.

Q: 0015 > There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country.

Q+ Jun 18, 2024, 01:21 PM > (RALLY)

Q: 0121 > What did BO encourage? Was this illegal?

Q+ (RT) Jun 18, 2024, 12:25 PM > (RALLY) Join me LIVE

Q: 1225 > Yesterday. Today. Confirmation? Coincidence? Learn our comms.

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4e0b94 No.21046304

File: 7dadf70bb2dac83⋯.jpeg (47.2 KB,680x453,680:453,DFnU732T.jpeg)

File: da0a4669258a5fa⋯.png (335.49 KB,640x1978,320:989,1626.png)

correction 4:26

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bd8084 No.21046305



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e50ed9 No.21046306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm calling bullshit then.

Right here. Right now.

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f54dca No.21046307

File: 88c79d0e7a3c1b9⋯.png (11.76 KB,444x121,444:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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9330a4 No.21046308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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194fa0 No.21046309

File: 985b3c21d7cfec7⋯.jpg (44.32 KB,720x470,72:47,Greenman_and_the_Cat.jpg)

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ec19c0 No.21046310

Clown Board Team.. You're Fired.

The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country.

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5b676a No.21046311

File: 6fc76f23e4410ca⋯.png (339.5 KB,474x362,237:181,ClipboardImage.png)


"free meals" aren't free

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d6bd64 No.21046312

File: f57cddef6b00b3d⋯.png (910 KB,1043x677,1043:677,f57cddef6b00b3d617deaa6c80….png)



ty for your service baker


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49e319 No.21046313

File: e3de05d15a6eb6d⋯.png (362.78 KB,800x533,800:533,ClipboardImage.png)

At Least 11 Dead, 64 Missing After 2 Shipwrecks Off Italy

1:23 PM – Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Following a shipwreck off the southern coast of Italy on Monday, a statement from United Nations agencies stated that 64 individuals were also reported missing in the Mediterranean Sea.

The German assistance agency RESQSHIP posted on the social media website X (Twitter) on Monday, stating that while rescue crews in another shipwreck managed to save scores of suspected illegal immigrants, they discovered 10 bodies submerged beneath the deck of a wooden boat near the small Italian island of Lampedusa.

According to survivors cited by U.N. agencies, the boat that capsized some 200 kilometers (125 miles) off the coast of Calabria had set out from Turkey eight days prior. However, it later caught fire and capsized.

The Italian coast guard released a statement announcing that the search and rescue effort had begun in response to a mayday call made by a French boat. The vessel was traveling across a border region where search and rescue missions are conducted by Greece and Italy.

According to U.N. officials, survivors and those who are still missing at sea are from the countries Iran, Syria, and Iraq.

Two neighboring merchant vessels were quickly diverted to the rescue area by the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Center. Resources from Frontex, a European border and coast guard organization, were also beneficial in the rescue efforts.

The survivors were transported to the port of Roccella Jonica in Calabria, where they disembarked and received care from medical staff. As per the Coast Guard, one of the eleven rescued migrants passed away shortly after.

“In the second shipwreck, the crew aboard RESQSHIP’s boat, the Nadir, found 61 people on the wooden boat, which was full of water,” AP News reported.


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ec19c0 No.21046314

Do you understand, Clown? Patriots do.

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9622c3 No.21046315

File: cf07dba998b6cb4⋯.jpeg (817.23 KB,1192x623,1192:623,E907FB3F_CDE5_4A13_84BB_B….jpeg)

>>21044707 pb

SAM080 G5 departed Miami Intl back to JBA

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6162c8 No.21046316

File: fcee7b02052de19⋯.png (136.78 KB,640x469,640:469,REVERSE_PSYCHOLOGY.png)

Did Q post yet?

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e50ed9 No.21046317


We need to ban boats and seas to stay safe.

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ec19c0 No.21046318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Patriots will not follow [you], CLOWN.

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c4f21b No.21046319


The mad hatter

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e9d7bb No.21046320

entertaining, requesting time off in lieu of over time pay due to the low value of the dollar.

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4e0b94 No.21046321

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e50ed9 No.21046322

File: aa448f829945838⋯.jpg (255.77 KB,998x746,499:373,Soon_Cow_Comey_Hunter.jpg)

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ec19c0 No.21046323


Jim’s finger on button ready to stop transmission.

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d6bd64 No.21046325


these are all EDT?

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51601c No.21046326

hole in one is a joke get it

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ded983 No.21046327


love it Q Team

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9330a4 No.21046328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No more boats and Hoes?

Prestige Worldwide

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042ecb No.21046329

Global unrest Financial uncertainty, who would have thought the death of just one person, that Seth Rich, would cause all of this…

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f598cc No.21046330

Spiritual meaning of the number 47

Spiritual meaning of the number 47

The number 47 is a significant number that holds spiritual significance in various cultures and belief systems. Based on the search results, here are some common themes and interpretations associated with the number 47:

Synchronicity and Timing: The number 47 is often seen as a symbol of synchronicity, indicating that the universe is guiding you towards a specific path or outcome. It may represent the perfect timing for a new beginning, a significant change, or a turning point in your life.

Spiritual Growth and Awakening: The combination of the numbers 4 and 7 in 47 is believed to represent spiritual growth, awakening, and enlightenment. It may indicate that you are on a path of spiritual discovery, and the universe is supporting your journey towards higher consciousness.

Message from the Angels: In many spiritual traditions, the number 47 is seen as a message from the angels or the universe, urging you to take action, make a change, or pay attention to your thoughts and emotions. It may be a sign that you are being guided towards a specific goal or outcome.

Master Number 11: When reduced to its root number, 47 can be seen as a Master Number 11, which is associated with spiritual awakening, enlightenment, and higher consciousness. This may indicate that you are on a path of spiritual evolution and growth.

Numerology: In numerology, the number 47 is seen as a combination of the energies of the numbers 4 and 7. The number 4 is associated with stability, hard work, and practicality, while the number 7 is associated with spiritual growth, intuition, and wisdom. Together, these energies may indicate a balance between practicality and spirituality in your life.

Personal Growth and Self-Discovery: The number 47 may also represent personal growth, self-discovery, and the need to focus on your inner wisdom and intuition. It may be a sign that you are being called to explore your inner world, trust your instincts, and tap into your inner strength and resilience.

Conclusion: The spiritual meaning of the number 47 is multifaceted and can vary depending on individual perspectives and beliefs.However, common themes include synchronicity, spiritual growth, awakening, and guidance from the universe or angels


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ec19c0 No.21046331

Less than 10 on_board.

Clowns.. next time you demand confirmation, try to be prepared.

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58b2ba No.21046332


==May 8, 2024, 8:00 AM PDT

Unions, Advocates Urge DOJ Criminal Probe of Kroger, Albertsons==

Colorado, FTC lawsuits revealed potentially illegal collusion

Letter to DOJ urges criminal investigation of grocery giants

The US Justice Department should investigate whether Kroger Co. and Albertsons Cos. engaged in illegal collusion, unions and advocates say, citing evidence unearthed in recent lawsuits seeking to block the grocery giants’ proposed merger.

The US Federal Trade Commission and a group of states sued the companies in federal court in February to thwart their $24.6 billion tie-up, on the heels of a similar lawsuit filed by Colorado’s attorney general in state court. Both complaints cite communications indicating that the two grocers have relied on non-solicitation agreements and pacts not to poach each other’s workers and customers—evidence that advocates and labor groups argue warrants a criminal investigation by federal antitrust enforcers.

“Crucially, overt violations like price-fixing via non-solicitation agreements, as well as wage-fixing via no-poach agreements, carry potential criminal penalties,” anti-monopoly group the American Economic Liberties Project and a coalition of seven United Food and Commercial Workers local unions said in their letter to the DOJ on Wednesday.

In its suit to block what would be the biggest US grocery deal in history, Colorado alleged Kroger and Albertsons agreed not to poach each other’s workers during a 2022 strike by Kroger employees. Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser also said the companies entered into a non-solicitation agreement to avoid persuading pharmacy customers to switch between the two.

UFCW Local 7, which represents workers at grocery stores in Colorado and signed onto the letter to the DOJ, filed an unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board one day after Weiser’s lawsuit revealed the alleged agreement between the companies not to hire each other’s employees.

A Kroger spokesperson denied allegations of no-poach and non-solicitation agreements with Albertsons, adding that employees “regularly” move between the two companies as well as other competing retailers.

The DOJ brought its first criminal trials on alleged labor market violations in 2022 as part of a broader push by federal enforcers to increase scrutiny of antitrust violations that harm workers. The Antitrust Division under the Biden administration has ramped up enforcement actions related to no-hire or no-poach agreements, which the DOJ has argued are inherently illegal.

The no-poach allegations brought forth in the FTC and Colorado lawsuits over the Kroger-Albertons merger would, if true, represent per se violations of Section 1 of the Sherman Act, the groups argued in their letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and DOJ antitrust chief Jonathan Kanter.

A preliminary injunction hearing in the Colorado lawsuit is scheduled for mid-August in Colorado court, just before the FTC’s suit goes to trial in Oregon federal court.


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c7038e No.21046333


Dasting, isn't it? /s

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424a66 No.21046334

File: 54a5486670645a9⋯.png (222.43 KB,400x400,1:1,54a5486670645a94c81f0185c0….png)

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ec19c0 No.21046335




Patriots are here to serve Anons.

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72e2ca No.21046336

I see now @russia disinfo@

Is about associations in the mind about things that are necessari for life

for example hijacking the desire for health and injecting thoughts like carbs cause inflammation and cancer

thus causing inner conflict between food as a good thing and carbs as a bad thing. designed to make one hate life. literal devil

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ec19c0 No.21046337

Can you feel it coming together, CLOWNS?

Patriots do.

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c7038e No.21046338


>Did Q post yet?

Yes. You just missed.

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79e23b No.21046339

File: 34b118049b8b7ee⋯.mp4 (8.8 MB,886x486,443:243,If.mp4)

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d6bd64 No.21046340


the afternoon posts should be in military time

just sayin


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ec19c0 No.21046341

Operator1 update on MOAB Monday weekly CLAS +relay Test3, in about an hour.

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194fa0 No.21046342


I suspect Q is shitposting anonymously now.

Look for thought-provoking shitposts.

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46425c No.21046343

File: dc31d87e2f04827⋯.png (346.75 KB,616x544,77:68,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a580027ab4afc5a⋯.jpg (239.02 KB,620x536,155:134,putin_popcorn.jpg)

File: 8b62523fde69526⋯.jpg (100.66 KB,1280x775,256:155,6lpi5b_905415194.jpg)




Germany reports a record drug seizure, saying they intercepted $2.8 billion worth of cocaine

Details: on.rt.com/cujc

Jun 18, 2024 · 6:20 PM UTC


The War is Over!

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6162c8 No.21046344

File: b412d908e68c534⋯.png (63.37 KB,120x183,40:61,ClipboardImage.png)


"I wanna"

"live forever"

"I wanna"

motivation in post-religious societies


just post-70s

Pushed in the most atheistic societies - france, israel, sweden, uk

Deep issues of how to motivate the cattle




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1dda77 No.21046345

File: 898bd08754f2ced⋯.jpg (497.51 KB,864x864,1:1,898bd08754f2ced362fb14c650….jpg)


ty baker


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e580c5 No.21046346

File: 883c74b42b16448⋯.png (731.35 KB,850x480,85:48,ClipboardImage.png)

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c3924e No.21046347

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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d6bd64 No.21046348

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e50ed9 No.21046349

File: 5b11873536b4e46⋯.jpg (264.76 KB,691x810,691:810,Baldwin_Out_Of_Shitposts.jpg)

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c4f21b No.21046350


Gently, Gently, into that good night. Now who is the court Jester

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b0713d No.21046351


CIA is going to be pissed.

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3f3087 No.21046352


Faux News

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72e2ca No.21046353


cocaine is overrated. obnoxious losers do cocaine.

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6162c8 No.21046354

File: cf9d3bff415ac77⋯.png (93.42 KB,238x180,119:90,ClipboardImage.png)


>Look for thought-provoking shitposts.

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f598cc No.21046355


He's been warning for a year and no one is listening. Bill Clinton wants Trump back in is my guess. KEK

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e50ed9 No.21046356

File: 2427282e89500cc⋯.png (780.37 KB,980x551,980:551,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec19c0 No.21046357


The Board Clowns are blocking Q's trip code.

The Board Clowns have been asked to show logs.

The Board Clowns have been SILENT and refused.

The Board Clowns have been trying to FAKE as Q.

The Board Clowns have been DELETING evidence.

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c7038e No.21046358


Kek. I'm getting so excited about the bait and switch the Democrats are going to pull. I really do hope that they pick Killary. Seeing her get a curb stomping by Trump in the Electoral and Popular would just be the cherry on top.

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c67988 No.21046359

File: 89e8d75f035e27d⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,fauciprocecute.mp4)

>>21044685 pb

they are warning against since frontline docs encouraged its use, before and after potentially being exposed in public to their bioweapon - to prevent bird flu / covid. Transmissible lung illnesses.

Sucks for them to go to all that work plotting for and spreading a bioweapon when a cheap over-the -counter cure, prevents or saves lives?

Like they warned everybody off aspirin and famatadin, and invermectin and Quinine for the Covid-19

clearing nasal passages also prevents. x-clear with eucalyptus

Bug is in system 5 days incubating before disease manifests.

Docs recommend you gargle with listerine or providone iodine, take vitimin C , Zinc, clear nasal passages with the first sign of tickle in the throat.

The people who tried to kill us? And were successful in killing millions?

How will their medical recommendations ever be taken seriously again?

One needs to get info from the research docs who called out the medical establishment's eugenics program and who tried to get real meds and remedies to those in the cross-hairs of the NWO?

Doncha think?

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72e2ca No.21046360


wow bro these verses straight up suck.

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301c23 No.21046361

File: 57024394fb5f378⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Presidential_USA_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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e50ed9 No.21046362

File: 9ec1ed471b9578e⋯.mp4 (4.24 MB,720x1280,9:16,Ukraine_Zelensky_Coke_Nose.mp4)


exactly correct on both counts.

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2cb226 No.21046363

File: 28210fc15a8f70d⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,1291x1347,1291:1347,IMG_2517.jpeg)


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21ea61 No.21046364

File: 103135550764e89⋯.png (1.29 MB,1171x1110,1171:1110,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec19c0 No.21046365

File: b73f2b56aa6f984⋯.png (1.03 MB,1028x1050,514:525,335_221.png)

File: 6baa0dac86a8369⋯.png (871.31 KB,720x1600,9:20,10_31.png)


Q has posted without his trip. Confirmed.

Q has posted and Board Clowns DELETED those.

Look at dates/times/drop.

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23c469 No.21046366


you don't use reason.

you have no proofs

you can't have a conversation

you think of yourself as a victim

you want to rule with your ideology

you have a lot of money to support you

you use war

it's not hard to see what the problem is.

all of humanity has people of your ilk

people who blame other religions for all the problems of the world, offer no solutions, and try to start arguments.

you are the problem.

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d8be88 No.21046367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e50ed9 No.21046368


We can't both be Q, nigga

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b4da68 No.21046369

File: a495fb4763866f1⋯.webm (1.09 MB,640x360,16:9,silly_clown.webm)


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488ba5 No.21046370

File: c29ceedeb21c8ca⋯.png (388.2 KB,868x605,868:605,_Anonymous_Just_now_038739….png)

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6162c8 No.21046371

File: 98e6411dbe135dc⋯.jpg (27.19 KB,599x448,599:448,Two_bullets_that_collided_….jpg)


>The Board Clowns are blocking Q's trip code.

That doesn't make sense.

Q is more than capable of making presence known by many means

The idea that little BO and/or Jim could single handedly stimey the plan is silly beyond belief

You may want to reconsider

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72e2ca No.21046372


cocaine is expensive for the sake of it. cocaine is primarili a tool to gather intelligence about people n drugs and sex and stuff

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1dda77 No.21046373

File: 5d2c80a05ebbb4e⋯.jpg (85.29 KB,566x612,283:306,5d2c80a05ebbb4ee20da5f81ba….jpg)

File: 7ada2cba0b01074⋯.jpg (93.12 KB,492x700,123:175,7ada2cba0b01074ffb7cabf9a3….jpg)

File: 527075d7ce2e0bd⋯.jpg (108.66 KB,955x804,955:804,527075d7ce2e0bd3b11b76e1ea….jpg)


something burger

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c7038e No.21046374



Kek. I hope you don't start an "I am Q" thing like Spartacus.

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ec19c0 No.21046375



Look at Q's ID in this thread.. then ask why all those posts were deleted. FUNNY - they couldn't delete them from the archive… Wonder Why.

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4e0b94 No.21046376

File: d8143db22262d21⋯.gif (2.88 MB,320x240,4:3,eIlq_n.gif)

File: 71641fc870b8b92⋯.jpg (118.93 KB,960x720,4:3,s614n620to531.jpg)

File: 45149c3de7e7417⋯.jpg (469.8 KB,1021x681,1021:681,45149c3de7e7417b59b36c2d9a….jpg)

File: 1d04c85dd1de401⋯.jpg (71.76 KB,1000x750,4:3,gFqhpdJNva5dXxXIMHUX66pxhL….jpg)

File: eb2b20e6dcb8f00⋯.jpg (17.58 KB,480x358,240:179,c051d70235d56ba5c1940e6a07….jpg)

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ded983 No.21046377


I want to see the triplogs for Q.

One vote.

It shouldn't be a problem if everthing is above board.


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72e2ca No.21046378


this just in> old man looks old

more at 11

cheers geoff

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5b676a No.21046379

>>21046311 (me)

I've seen parents protesting in news articles and on television because schools were cutting back of free breakfast at school for children.

The parents were saying that their child or children would not be able to have breakfast without this program.

Parents complained that the children would be malnourished and unhealthy without free breakfast at school

This sounds like the parents are either unwilling or unable to feed their own children.

It sounds like an admission of child neglect.

There was no shame, only outrage at the school for taking away a freebie.

It is not the responsibility of the school or the taxpayers.

Of course there may be occasional exceptions in special circumstances but not a blanket responsibility for schools to feed children breakfast.

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e50ed9 No.21046380


muh wedding song

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21ea61 No.21046381



what a fucktard you seem to be turning into

BO = B OBAMA ffs

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194fa0 No.21046382


Jon Voights turn to play pResident Biden?

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c7038e No.21046383

File: d0c19bd66341dc9⋯.png (150.88 KB,800x1000,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)


>something burger

boiled cabbage and urine, apparently.

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ec19c0 No.21046384


No.. they are the time stamps ON TRUTH.

You can pull the MIL, Mirror, ETC. if you want.

But the first stop is always the REGULAR EDT.

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827372 No.21046385

>>21044748 pb

Why do loxists lie? Because they have to. And this is what causes anti-semitism.

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488ba5 No.21046386

File: 54a9de945b20d78⋯.png (112.27 KB,1533x1767,511:589,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

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c7038e No.21046387


>cocaine is primarili a tool to gather intelligence about people n drugs and sex and stuff


Makes sense. Cocaine does lead to other drugs, sex and stuff.

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72e2ca No.21046388


imagine waking up in the morning and @posting obscene pics on internet being a genuine possibilitz for what zour daz might entail. the horror

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ec19c0 No.21046389

We bring up Confirmation… POTUS starts TRUTH posting? What a coincidence.

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82fc03 No.21046390

File: ec432ecb21ea158⋯.jpg (52.4 KB,604x500,151:125,HillEatEdit.jpg)

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f598cc No.21046391


that sounds right

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ec19c0 No.21046392

Clowns.. pack your bags. Trash gets taken out.

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9330a4 No.21046393


So when the clowns fuck up a delivery or payment who gets visited by Rocco and Biff

you know

helping the judge find his wallet


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23c469 No.21046394


cocaine is a highly addictive drug that makes people think that they are being intimate but actually they are living in a narcisscistic bubble.

they use it for sex to avoid real intimacy.

when they get to the height of addiction they date the drug. They call it the 'white lady'

they with draw from real social contact.

they wither and die but

if they have a lot of money their dealers keep them alive to drain them of all their assets.

sad drug really.

Plus it's used to make people who aren't used to it to be in the mood for promiscuous sex.

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21ea61 No.21046395


>No child should go TO THE hungry in the United States of America.


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ec19c0 No.21046396

Anons were promised a CLEAN HOUSE.

Anons will get a Clean House. God provides.

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4e0b94 No.21046397


kek BO search double meanings exist Q tards

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1dda77 No.21046398

File: e85b47e6fa476b2⋯.png (18.79 KB,163x66,163:66,COPPERPOT.png)

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72e2ca No.21046399


mz kezboard is all kinds of wonkz. i use it for professional purposes so it sees a lot of use.

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4b387f No.21046400

File: 67b60b5c43c75a7⋯.jpg (130.6 KB,745x572,745:572,67b60b5c43c75a77af0cebd7e1….jpg)


sure hope she takes half the town with her like she said she would if she were taken down

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8252ac No.21046401

File: 75d6bcfa5501d64⋯.jpg (17.48 KB,210x255,14:17,76ad12c91f77b5683f3470a275….jpg)

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e821c0 No.21046402


The schizo could have been a Baker, but couldn't make it halfway through their first bread without having a full on spergout.

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e50ed9 No.21046403


>Cocaine does lead to other drugs, sex and stuff.

If there's Cocaine in the room, most other stuff is also in the room at that point. Including whores who like free drugs.

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194fa0 No.21046404


Wait, Phil Collins did a duet with The Ultimate Warrior? I was so high back then that I completely missed that.

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b558e3 No.21046405


lotta folks rip lines while crushing beers on the golf course too

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ded983 No.21046406

File: e897fb8910ade82⋯.png (25.32 KB,766x181,766:181,Q_Team_deleted_21046357.png)




BO's have already deleted the Q Team post?


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8d6332 No.21046407

File: 5ee55cd7e85506b⋯.png (7.27 KB,900x506,450:253,5ee55cd7e85506b5130509893c….png)

File: 0857e71fb2b363f⋯.png (7.77 KB,178x283,178:283,0857e71fb2b363fe779697e601….png)

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23c469 No.21046408


what I see at the markets is that the Welfare children are usually very very fat.


that's not an argument and it's not true either.


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79e23b No.21046409

File: 6e493ff1eee5a93⋯.png (3.05 KB,279x27,31:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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50c842 No.21046410


>How will their medical recommendations ever be taken seriously again?

One can almost infer that this was the plan.

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d6bd64 No.21046411


as long as EDT it's correct


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72e2ca No.21046412


well it takes a literal pain medicine to not get sick of these lame ass hoes lmao

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488ba5 No.21046413

File: 113f9caaddf097d⋯.png (1.65 MB,676x849,676:849,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_84….png)

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21ea61 No.21046414

File: 6a20c8985766c76⋯.png (33.84 KB,824x376,103:47,ClipboardImage.png)


>No child should go hungry in the United States of America.


Actor Hillary knows her roll well

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d8be88 No.21046415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>muh wedding song

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46425c No.21046416

File: 8241244a5bb47de⋯.jpeg (53.11 KB,711x660,237:220,rpf9qJe.jpeg)


>Cocaine does lead to other drugs, sex and stuff.

Like memes?

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712a12 No.21046417


whoring for votes for babylon

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809729 No.21046418


What the fuck. Dumbest shit I ever seen.

Fuck your Armageddon.

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ec19c0 No.21046419

File: d16b5aec4e630e0⋯.png (115.61 KB,422x319,422:319,GBMA.png)


Old nickname for Witches.

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e9d7bb No.21046420


>real social contact

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6162c8 No.21046421

File: b448d992fe9399f⋯.png (134.01 KB,923x826,923:826,ClipboardImage.png)


>Look at Q's ID in this thread.. then ask why all those posts were deleted. FUNNY - they couldn't delete them from the archive… Wonder Why.

#25757 was interesting

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72e2ca No.21046422


lmao nice

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4e0b94 No.21046423

File: 923160d6eba8c68⋯.jpg (109.76 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_7_.jpg)

File: f6a9d4e396718f4⋯.jpg (28.44 KB,507x356,507:356,b87a8d06f12882bb062627ce11….jpg)

File: 03bb43385c8c95b⋯.png (358.94 KB,640x1258,320:629,1054_7_.png)

File: 5b9e04404ab084e⋯.png (396.65 KB,348x531,116:177,5b9e04404ab084ee2fff1b0e58….png)

File: 2f23c8d6e5d4726⋯.png (1.84 MB,1509x2957,1509:2957,2f23c8d6e5d4726bc1d06f11c0….png)

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488ba5 No.21046424

File: 0a2d0b265f73bb4⋯.png (1.09 MB,622x610,311:305,_Anonymous_You_Just_now48c….png)

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ec19c0 No.21046425


Cabbage emits a SULFUR aroma you know.

Fire and Brimstone. WITCHES

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fdf38d No.21046426

File: b869c347187fb54⋯.jpeg (34.37 KB,183x276,61:92,IMG_2326.jpeg)

File: 439fdb787e071fd⋯.jpeg (877.73 KB,1576x2100,394:525,IMG_6908.jpeg)

File: a6ee8c9e1730ad3⋯.jpeg (758.42 KB,1576x2100,394:525,IMG_6907.jpeg)

File: 79aaf5486a52038⋯.jpeg (3.01 MB,2043x3526,2043:3526,IMG_6849.jpeg)

File: 7d8a46a6855f3ca⋯.jpeg (1.68 MB,1170x1607,1170:1607,IMG_6628.jpeg)


PDJT said SO HELP ME GOD! Today during the rally


Q Drops: 5 X Posts: 119

5 - Q posts containing So Help Me God


>>>>For Pence’s part, many of his public comments about his conversations with Trump in the days before and after the insurrection he disclosed in his memoir.<<<<

In the book, Pence wrote that Trump told him in the days before the attack that he would inspire the hatred of hundreds of thousands of people because he was “too honest” to attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

The former vice president also said in the book that he asked his general counsel for a briefing on the procedures of the Electoral Count Act after Trump in a December 5 phone call “mentioned challenging the election results in the House of Representatives for the first time.”

Over lunch on December 21, Pence wrote, he tried to steer Trump to listen to the White House counsel’s team’s advice, rather than outside lawyers, a suggestion the then-president shot down.

And Pence wrote that Trump told him in a New Year’s Day phone call: “You’re too honest,” predicting that “hundreds of thousands are gonna hate your guts” and “people are gonna think you’re stupid.”

“Mr. President, I don’t question there were irregularities and fraud,” Pence wrote that he told Trump. “It’s just a question of who decides, and under the law that is Congress.”


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c67988 No.21046427

File: 89e8d75f035e27d⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,fauciprocecute.mp4)

>>21044685 pb

they are warning against since frontline docs encouraged its use, before and after potentially being exposed in public to their bio-weapon - to prevent bird flu / covid. Transmissible lung illnesses.

Sucks for them to go to all that work plotting for and spreading a bioweapon when a cheap over-the -counter cure, prevents or saves lives?

Like they warned everybody off aspirin and famatadin, and invermectin and Quinine for the Covid-19

clearing nasal passages also prevents. x-clear with eucalyptus

Bug is in system 5 days incubating before disease manifests.

Docs recommend you gargle with listerine or providone iodine, take vitimin C , Zinc, clear nasal passages with the first sign of tickle in the throat.

The people who tried to kill us? And were successful in killing millions?

How will their medical recommendations ever be taken seriously again?

One needs to get info from the research docs who called out the medical establishment's eugenics program and who tried to get real meds and remedies to those in the cross-hairs of the NWO?

Doncha think?

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72e2ca No.21046428


memes are infiniteli better than cocaine

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4da3c3 No.21046429


That post was not made by Q Team, or anyone even remotely connected to Q.

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ec19c0 No.21046430


Operator1 did a number on Pence after he showed himself as a Traitor. Mike Pence is all washed up.

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e50ed9 No.21046431

File: df70ba1f50663d5⋯.png (174.39 KB,265x1255,53:251,ClipboardImage.png)


I thought I would be ok saving 1 or 2.


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f598cc No.21046432


Schumer is never going to live this down, just like everything he's done. Would you go to a party with this guy? he looks a lot like satan or one of his minions

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cf67f2 No.21046433

File: 3bdf151bc0827f3⋯.png (129.28 KB,619x633,619:633,ClipboardImage.png)

Israeli jets bomb Lebanon

The IDF has reportedly approved plans for a ground operation against Hezbollah

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) jets have bombed several Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon, West Jerusalem announced on Tuesday evening.

Earlier in the day, Hezbollah released a video of what it says are its spy drones flying over northern Israel and filming the port of Haifa, apparently untouched by air defenses or interceptors.

The IDF announced it had “successfully intercepted a suspicious aerial target in the coastal area of Gesher HaZiv,” a kibbutz near the Lebanese border.

“[Israeli Air Force] fighter jets struck a number of Hezbollah terror targets in southern Lebanon, including several terror infrastructure sites in the areas of Taybeh, Odaisseh, and Jibbain, as well as a military structure in the area of Ayta Ash Shab,” the IDF said on Telegram, alongside two videos of the airstrikes.

Since the Israeli attack on Gaza triggered by the October 7 Hamas raid, Hezbollah and the IDF have exchanged intermittent rocket fire across the Lebanese border, displacing more than 53,000 Israelis and 95,000 Lebanese.

Earlier this month, Israeli President Isaac Herzog warned that his country would soon have to do something about what he termed “terrorist aggression.”

On Tuesday, the IDF announced that it had finalized “operational plans for an offensive in Lebanon,” citing Northern Command head Major-General Ori Gordin and head of the Operations Directorate, Major-General Oded Basiuk.

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Israel Katz said Israel was “very close to the moment when we will decide to change the rules of the game against Hezbollah and Lebanon.”

“In a total war, Hezbollah will be destroyed and Lebanon will be hit hard,” Katz said in a statement, responding to US calls for restraint and diplomacy.

Israel and Hezbollah fought a 34-day war in 2006, triggered by a cross-border raid into Galilee by the Shia militia. After weeks of inconclusive artillery exchanges, the IDF launched a ground offensive into Lebanon that “did not result in military gains and was not completed,” according to the Israeli commission that later compiled a report on the conflict.

The Winograd Commission criticized the government for “serious failures of the decision making process” and for not setting realistic objectives or an exit strategy. Though West Jerusalem claimed victory on that occasion, the conflict has since been widely understood as a triumph for Hezbollah.


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ded983 No.21046434


Are YOU sure?


Because I think it was.

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8d6332 No.21046435

File: dc538fb23467d87⋯.png (2.42 MB,1920x1200,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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9330a4 No.21046436


There's so much on Hillary

there could be an episode a day until election 2024

A festivus miracle

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488ba5 No.21046437

File: 7178af85dcdaad4⋯.png (82.68 KB,351x384,117:128,8kun_premium.png)

File: 8ea94354605eccd⋯.png (1.53 MB,674x901,674:901,40k_44.PNG)

File: dbfe392968f8bbd⋯.png (75.79 KB,245x248,245:248,8kun_11_.png)

File: dd7e24e5b777ae8⋯.png (289.68 KB,503x541,503:541,8kun_beautiful.png)

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b0713d No.21046438

File: 6bf05fafc6adbb7⋯.png (557.33 KB,583x640,583:640,Screenshot_2024_06_18_1732….png)

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23c469 No.21046439

another use of cocaine was in the early seventies, they'd strap down a muscular guy, inject him with it, and then use him until he liked it, turning him into a raving gay bottom from probably before having been a ladies man.

I heard that story too.

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9330a4 No.21046440


Sacre Bleu

Pootine in the wild

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9622c3 No.21046441

File: bbedaa95f75030a⋯.gif (3.1 MB,498x280,249:140,3C04F35D_A205_45A9_A908_84….gif)

File: 3de1269f53da1e5⋯.jpeg (253.07 KB,828x879,276:293,D5199ED6_E2F0_4502_BAC0_0….jpeg)

Trump Media Sinks as SEC Declaration May Dilute Existing Holders

(Just remember if you buy this understand that this is nothing moar than a tool for the market makers as he has literally no day-to-day control what this does-Nunes? well he is the CEO and much closer to it-don’t just own it because it’s got 45’s name on it…..please have better reasons as it’s a young Company and has growth but needs cash to operate/expand and that has to come from somewhereknow what you are buying/investing in as a product and it’s share price are two totally different things)

Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. sank in late trading after the US Securities and Exchange Commission declared effective a regulatory filing that could dilute shareholders. The long-awaited clearance lets investors in the firm’s derivatives, known as warrants, swap their holdings for shares in the company which can dilute long-time investors. The social media company that’s mostly owned by former president Donald Trump fell roughly 15% to around $26 in late trading, adding to a 36% slide this month through Tuesday’s close. “With our S-1 declared effective, we’re expecting to be well positioned to energetically pursue TV streaming, other enhancements to the platform, and potential mergers and acquisitions,” said Trump Media Chief Executive Officer Devin Nunes. Nunes in recent weeks has written letters to Congress and other regulators to pursue claims of an illegal form of short selling.The warrants could be exercised adding up to $247 million to Trump Media’s balance sheet, but also adding millions of shares to the pool of stock available for trading, a Tuesday filing shows.Historically, a portion of investors that exercise the warrants will in turn sell the shares they generate which in turn creates selling pressure. The warrants fell 32% to $14 a piece in late trading after closing at the lowest level since early May. Also known as sweeteners, they’re a common part of special purpose acquisition company deals and are designed to reward investors, while diluting the value of ordinary shareholders’ stakes through the issuance of millions of extra shares.

The former president is Trump Media’s largest stakeholder, with nearly 115 million shares worth nearly $3 billion on paper. However, he and other insiders are restricted from selling stock until September due to a lock-up provision. That restriction could be moved up if the company’s board waives or pulls forward the expiration of the terms.

Trump Media, which owns Truth Social, has been volatile since going public earlier this year with the stock soaring as high as $79.38 in the days after its debut before sinking as low as $22.55 in the weeks after.


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c7038e No.21046442

File: 94240ca8facff55⋯.png (19.75 KB,255x255,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)




I think the most difficult truth all of us Anons have to face about Killary Clinton is the simple fact that Wild Bill went down on that clit.


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488ba5 No.21046443

File: 617f2a3afb2489c⋯.png (2.27 MB,763x1038,763:1038,capture_008_17052018_13171….png)

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d6bd64 No.21046444


he didn't

she's a lesbo

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23c469 No.21046445

the most difficult truth: people claiming to speak sensibly about 'the most difficult truth' just really want to show a depraved meme.

easy filter.

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8d6332 No.21046446

File: d45a8cf4d6324bc⋯.png (909.77 KB,736x920,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)


preach it heifur

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e50ed9 No.21046447

File: db5e44235b4fef2⋯.png (215.65 KB,343x453,343:453,Trump_Really_Nigga.png)


You can think what you want. And we can provide feedback.

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b558e3 No.21046448


>Trump Media Sinks as SEC Declaration May Dilute Existing Holders

nice, buying more

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488ba5 No.21046449

File: 3c26833dcbbda97⋯.png (582.26 KB,533x372,533:372,capture_126_26092022_02314….png)

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d6bd64 No.21046450


needs fox tail

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fdf38d No.21046451

File: 5d200d460647688⋯.png (57.63 KB,898x586,449:293,791.png)

File: 21491009b7f3294⋯.png (1.88 MB,898x3198,449:1599,2515_2.png)

File: 00e67c5f7434d02⋯.png (55.92 KB,898x498,449:249,3408.png)

File: 17a9e324c305d3a⋯.png (442.74 KB,898x2152,449:1076,2520.png)

File: b4b0acdbdc89cb1⋯.jpeg (134.55 KB,846x451,846:451,IMG_2148.jpeg)


Explain these? Do you even do Q? Or listen to PDJT?

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1dda77 No.21046452

File: 4ad4e94898720dc⋯.jpg (14.44 KB,195x255,13:17,4ad4e94898720dcc8fb97757e3….jpg)

File: 8e7b2c70f909497⋯.png (2.27 MB,875x1127,125:161,8e7b2c70f909497e01627ce96a….png)

File: 102ec7d6aa61cc5⋯.png (96.71 KB,331x188,331:188,102ec7d6aa61cc5f480320351e….png)

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9330a4 No.21046453


Haven't even got to Hillary yet and the implosions are starting…

what if she's the last one standing

the final boss but no supporting cast….

wait a tick…

she got bounced like 10lbs of shit in a 5lb bag

a sack of chips

boil 'em mash 'em stick 'em in a stew

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d6bd64 No.21046454



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e50ed9 No.21046455


you sound awfully familiar with the details.

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448807 No.21046456

File: c57be544b97ff5c⋯.jpeg (109.53 KB,1205x1284,1205:1284,c57be544b97ff5c395ba9ef00….jpeg)

Hola cheegs !

Le snek ferriere de l'enfer mange le trans gay twift


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6162c8 No.21046457


>adding millions of shares to the pool of stock available for trading

8% more shares, that's all.

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1dda77 No.21046458

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51601c No.21046459

anyone can watch you no one can write for you

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8d6332 No.21046460


take his wife please

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e50ed9 No.21046461

File: bbc781222a3c116⋯.png (288.37 KB,538x538,1:1,Joe_Biden_Alpha_Cmon.png)

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ded983 No.21046462


Fair comment.

And what is the reasoning behind your feedback?

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72e2ca No.21046463


what a stupid fucking picture.

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488ba5 No.21046464

File: 9d4fc1692625a7a⋯.png (1.01 MB,844x557,844:557,GEOTUS_JOY_CHQ.png)

File: bf6a10ca30ab662⋯.png (1.38 MB,898x657,898:657,GEOTUS.png)

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23c469 No.21046465


I was a lambkins guy.

people would tell me stuff, confess stuff.

I didn't do any of that.

I felt very sad for the man.

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74931c No.21046466



Don’t have any, but yeah, might help me get in.

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194fa0 No.21046467


Will the UN grow a set and declare "Israel" a rogue nation. Not likely.

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f598cc No.21046468


she is a nobody, why on earth is she afraid, since she has sex with her own children?

If there is a reason for him to come after to her, then she should be scared. She's a pretty sick and disgusting creature. She 's like on the 1,000th rung of who's important to receive Justice.

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488ba5 No.21046469

File: c743d01bf300529⋯.png (181.69 KB,450x450,1:1,NS_light.png)

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b4da68 No.21046470

File: f5f1e328120a038⋯.jpg (64.1 KB,960x960,1:1,swifty.jpg)


She's not trapped. Its ribcage is her wings…

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1b397d No.21046471

File: 0cf2984103f8a99⋯.png (1.24 MB,889x937,889:937,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6bd64 No.21046472

Last Call

#25805 >>21045772

>>21046080, >>21046139, >>21046276, >>21046315 PF

>>21045799, >>21045802 Q+ stopped speaking at 5:48 PM EST - Q558 Timing Is Everything

>>21045829, >>21046093 Chrissy Teigen Says She Fears Donald Trump "Coming After" Her

>>21045845, >>21046068 Noam Chomsky NOT DEAD

>>21045856, >>21046114 Incredible crowd in Wisconsin!! 🇺🇸

>>21045915 Carville - I don't think people really appreciate how bad Biden's poll numbers are

>>21045930, >>21046021, >>21046052 Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs Snaps at Reporter When Asked About Attorney General's Investigation into $400K Pay for Play Scheme

>>21045943 Governor Abbott Statement On President Biden’s Mass Amnesty Policy

>>21045948 Josh Hawley questions doctor who worked to discredit COVID lab leak theory

>>21045952 Bill Gates’ great $1B commitment to nuclear energy should be a wake-up call to climate progressives

>>21045963 The Russians are coming. Again.

>>21045974 Melania to host $100,000-a-head fundraiser for Republican LGBTQ group at Trump Tower

>>21045977 American Medical Association delegates vote to decriminalize drug use, possession

>>21045986, >>21046252 Migrant charged in rape of girl, 13, Citizens caught him and hog tied him

>>21045988 Hunter Biden revealed top CCP leader wanted him to visit China to 'discuss business opportunities': emails

>>21045995 DOD Contracts For June 18, 2024

>>21046003 KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: We can have MASS AMNESTY for millions of illegal aliens AND a secure border!

>>21046037 Trump isn’t choosing a running mate. He’s casting a co-star

>>21046047 7th Grader: Trump Popular Among Young People Because Biden’s Inflation Raises Candy Prices

>>21046049 Confused Biden clips are ‘deepfakes’ – WH

>>21046082, >>21046111, >>21046233 MIL / Q Trips Intensify Watch The News Storm Coming

>>21046087 @POTUS TRUTH

>>21046157, >>21046168 Sixteen U.S. soldiers who died during World War II and the Korean War have now been accounted for

>>21046171 @Tucker: Antisemitism, Attacks on Free Speech, and Everything You Need to Know about Brazil

>>21046211 @HillaryClinton No child should go hungry in the United States of America.

>>21046248 Live coverage: SpaceX to launch 20 Starlink satellites on Falcon 9 rocket

>>21046274 Texas leads 19-state coalition challenging green energy transition mandate

>>21046313 At Least 11 Dead, 64 Missing After 2 Shipwrecks Off Italy

>>21046303, >>21046340 Chronological TRUTHS

>>21046343, >>21046351 Germany reports a record drug seizure, saying they intercepted $2.8 billion worth of cocaine

>>21046441 Trump Media Sinks as SEC Declaration May Dilute Existing Holders

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6162c8 No.21046473

File: f168eb35f1cb183⋯.jpeg (96.62 KB,634x615,634:615,hillary_looks_exactly_lik….jpeg)


>Wild Bill went down

there's no relationship like that.

that's not how it works

the kid is not even hers

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4e0b94 No.21046474


smells like a beaver

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72e2ca No.21046475

i wonder if trumps ever hit that ancient u know that aiahuasca sheit

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8d6332 No.21046476






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cf67f2 No.21046477

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f87956 No.21046478


Should not be that hard anon. Hasn’t gone above 60$ and that was opening day.

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9330a4 No.21046479


If only Nick Deak was around to kick his feet up by the barbie…

Chuckie, how's them burgers?

Two minutes Nick

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488ba5 No.21046480

File: 90458c3c27f17e6⋯.jpg (244.22 KB,467x700,467:700,_Patterns_.jpg)

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827372 No.21046481

Why does the US tax payer pay reparations to "holocaust survivors"?


Holocaust survivors, their heirs, or estates receive restitution payments from governments or industry as compensation for the forced labor or property confiscation during World War II. These payments are excluded from federal taxes and should not be listed as income on federal tax returns(1)(2). Additionally, all Holocaust compensation and restitution payments do not affect eligibility for federally funded benefits(3). Germany, too, continues to allocate funds for Holocaust reparations, including direct payments, support for elderly survivors, and Holocaust education(4).

1 https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-news/at-02-38.pdf

2 https://www.investopedia.com/terms/h/holocaust-restitution-payments.asp

3 https://www.claimscon.org/our-work/compensation/payments-benefits/

4 https://www.jta.org/2024/06/05/global/german-holocaust-reparations-increase-again-this-year-but-plateau-expected-as-survivors-perish

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194fa0 No.21046482


Is she on the Epstein flight list?

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e9d7bb No.21046483

File: 2b9e1d7291e858e⋯.jpg (43.51 KB,636x463,636:463,1f7915c95d513669467216db12….jpg)

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9330a4 No.21046484


Eau de Winona's Big Brown?

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488ba5 No.21046485

File: de922b4aeabb963⋯.jpg (124.46 KB,600x510,20:17,20220111_183418.jpg)

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e50ed9 No.21046486


It must be tough at the top seeking new ways to stay at the top, to do "new" and "edgy".

Give TayTay 20 years and she'll be a plastic surgery horror-show from top to toe.

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8d6332 No.21046487






>Disclaimer: this post a

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c3924e No.21046488

File: f5f83ae987d90a5⋯.jpg (189.91 KB,1205x1284,1205:1284,TBBBTBI.jpg)

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72e2ca No.21046489


dont u see people

the snake is ribacage which is simbol of dead

so snake dead means is bad

so tailer swift is evil >>

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c67988 No.21046490

File: 603ccc4fcfdc092⋯.jpg (34.34 KB,501x287,501:287,hubbleclinton.jpg)



marriage of convenience

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4da3c3 No.21046491


Yes, I am sure, and I think you know damn well that was post was made by the shill that has been vomiting all over the breads for several weeks.

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3f3087 No.21046492


Trump is

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e50ed9 No.21046493


No trip for starters. Poor language choices for 2nd's.

3rd - I've been here long enough to know nothing ever turns out good.

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488ba5 No.21046494

File: 2b92b0f036c6e1b⋯.jpg (479.31 KB,664x960,83:120,AirBattle.jpg)

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51601c No.21046495


you want to know how I got that from that?

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194fa0 No.21046496


It's not reparations, it's tribute.

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827372 No.21046497

File: ca6e5331a6b4c69⋯.png (712.09 KB,650x488,325:244,ClipboardImage.png)

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fdf38d No.21046498

File: e1dc7e4170b8b90⋯.jpeg (1.63 MB,1620x2069,1620:2069,IMG_2340.jpeg)

File: 1dc8463f1b8a603⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1279x1139,1279:1139,IMG_2149.jpeg)

File: b4b0acdbdc89cb1⋯.jpeg (134.55 KB,846x451,846:451,IMG_2148.jpeg)


Oops missed this one….

VPPENCE posted before PDJT on Memorial Day!

Same Scripture

So Help Me God!

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74931c No.21046499


Already had most funds tied up in other investments. Not all of them as liquid as cash and precious metals.

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4e0b94 No.21046500

File: 975383914c192c9⋯.webm (3.24 MB,454x476,227:238,975383914c192c9d0822fbe75….webm)

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cf67f2 No.21046501

File: 1c3d95b93949274⋯.png (187.07 KB,992x693,992:693,ClipboardImage.png)

Mississippi Man Pleads Guilty to Cyberstalking and Antisemitic Harassment of Synagogues, Jewish-Owned Businesses


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51601c No.21046502

don't get bittar but it means the end .. +

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46425c No.21046503

File: ee0fd0630d980ed⋯.jpg (81.94 KB,600x743,600:743,FvjFDOPWIAE1pp8.jpg)


I didn't even want to, but a friend put a meme in my drink…

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488ba5 No.21046505

File: 6ad972d67c7b8b6⋯.jpg (145.76 KB,682x579,682:579,capture_105_06042019_18553….jpg)

File: 2e1af9c57d27796⋯.jpg (136.71 KB,677x633,677:633,capture_070_06042019_06482….jpg)

File: c893759c97cf6fd⋯.jpg (326.58 KB,993x717,331:239,capture_076_07022019_13142….jpg)

File: ccdaa491da0396b⋯.jpg (89.4 KB,530x617,530:617,capture_078_06042019_09063….jpg)

File: 6ae82f4a6276a99⋯.jpg (137.2 KB,583x572,53:52,capture_080_05042019_11372….jpg)

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1b397d No.21046506

File: 5b4a458d4d0959f⋯.png (429.08 KB,680x553,680:553,ClipboardImage.png)

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f87956 No.21046507


Yeah. The internet. We are all rich and handsome.

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9622c3 No.21046508

File: 6d0133513df91b9⋯.gif (485.94 KB,245x170,49:34,593E5A8F_EA8C_4B12_87D8_6C….gif)


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c67988 No.21046509


maybe she's done things we are unaware of; but she knows it.

She was very open about wanting to rape children and being a MAP, minor-attracted person.

Her tweets, etc. are all on record.

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827372 No.21046510

Why does the United States of America support reparations to jews and african-americans but not to Irish-americans who were enslaved and their descendants?


The United States' approach to reparations is complex and multifaceted, influenced by historical context, social dynamics, and political considerations. Here are some key points:

1. Historical Context:

- African-Americans: The legacy of slavery and systemic racism against African-Americans is deeply ingrained in U.S. history. Slavery persisted for centuries, followed by segregation, discriminatory laws, and ongoing racial disparities.

- Jewish Holocaust Survivors: The Holocaust was a unique and unprecedented tragedy, resulting in the genocide of six million Jews. The U.S. played a significant role in seeking justice and compensation for Holocaust victims and their heirs.

2. Specificity of Injustice:

- African-Americans: Slavery was a state-sanctioned system that forcibly enslaved millions of African-Americans, denying them basic human rights, dignity, and generational wealth. The impact of slavery continues to affect African-Americans today.

- Jewish Holocaust Survivors: The Holocaust involved mass extermination, confiscation of property, and immense suffering. The urgency to address this specific historical injustice led to reparations efforts.

3. Irish-Americans and Slavery:

- Irish-Americans: While Irish immigrants faced discrimination and hardship, they were not enslaved in the same way as African-Americans. Irish immigrants eventually gained acceptance and assimilated into American society.

- Slavery: The transatlantic slave trade disproportionately affected Africans, with centuries of forced labor, violence, and dehumanization. The legacy of slavery persists through systemic racism.

4. Political Considerations:

- Public Discourse: Reparations discussions often focus on African-Americans due to the visibility of their struggle and the ongoing fight for racial justice.

- Complexity: Determining reparations for any group involves intricate legal, economic, and social considerations. The Irish-American experience, while significant, differs from the African-American experience.

In summary, the U.S. prioritizes reparations based on the severity and specificity of historical injustices. While acknowledging the struggles of various communities, the focus remains on addressing the most egregious and enduring forms of oppression.

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29cfac No.21046511

Me: "You ever get the feeling?"

You: "Yep."

Me: "And then?"

You: "Poof."

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d6bd64 No.21046512


#25805 >>21045772

>>21046080, >>21046139, >>21046276, >>21046315 PF

>>21045799, >>21045802 Q+ stopped speaking at 5:48 PM EST - Q558 Timing Is Everything

>>21045829, >>21046093 Chrissy Teigen Says She Fears Donald Trump "Coming After" Her

>>21045845, >>21046068 Noam Chomsky NOT DEAD

>>21045856, >>21046114 Incredible crowd in Wisconsin!! 🇺🇸

>>21045915 Carville - I don't think people really appreciate how bad Biden's poll numbers are

>>21045930, >>21046021, >>21046052 Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs Snaps at Reporter When Asked About Attorney General's Investigation into $400K Pay for Play Scheme

>>21045943 Governor Abbott Statement On President Biden’s Mass Amnesty Policy

>>21045948 Josh Hawley questions doctor who worked to discredit COVID lab leak theory

>>21045952 Bill Gates’ great $1B commitment to nuclear energy should be a wake-up call to climate progressives

>>21045963 The Russians are coming. Again.

>>21045974 Melania to host $100,000-a-head fundraiser for Republican LGBTQ group at Trump Tower

>>21045977 American Medical Association delegates vote to decriminalize drug use, possession

>>21045986, >>21046252 Migrant charged in rape of girl, 13, Citizens caught him and hog tied him

>>21045988 Hunter Biden revealed top CCP leader wanted him to visit China to 'discuss business opportunities': emails

>>21045995 DOD Contracts For June 18, 2024

>>21046003 KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: We can have MASS AMNESTY for millions of illegal aliens AND a secure border!

>>21046037 Trump isn’t choosing a running mate. He’s casting a co-star

>>21046047 7th Grader: Trump Popular Among Young People Because Biden’s Inflation Raises Candy Prices

>>21046049 Confused Biden clips are ‘deepfakes’ – WH

>>21046082, >>21046111, >>21046233 MIL / Q Trips Intensify Watch The News Storm Coming

>>21046087 @POTUS TRUTH

>>21046157, >>21046168 Sixteen U.S. soldiers who died during World War II and the Korean War have now been accounted for

>>21046171 @Tucker: Antisemitism, Attacks on Free Speech, and Everything You Need to Know about Brazil

>>21046211 @HillaryClinton No child should go hungry in the United States of America.

>>21046248 Live coverage: SpaceX to launch 20 Starlink satellites on Falcon 9 rocket

>>21046274 Texas leads 19-state coalition challenging green energy transition mandate

>>21046313 At Least 11 Dead, 64 Missing After 2 Shipwrecks Off Italy

>>21046303, >>21046340 Chronological TRUTHS

>>21046433 Israeli jets bomb Lebanon

>>21046343, >>21046351 Germany reports a record drug seizure, saying they intercepted $2.8 billion worth of cocaine

>>21046441 Trump Media Sinks as SEC Declaration May Dilute Existing Holders

>>21046501 Mississippi Man Pleads Guilty to Cyberstalking and Antisemitic Harassment of Synagogues, Jewish-Owned Businesses


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b4da68 No.21046513

File: 4927140d109b2c2⋯.png (1.64 MB,1600x835,320:167,ClipboardImage.png)


>dont u see people


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488ba5 No.21046514

File: 29dea25941a8e80⋯.jpg (107.98 KB,563x463,563:463,capture_118_08042019_06091….jpg)

File: e968ea3d3a2a270⋯.jpg (473.56 KB,1234x1004,617:502,capture_189_28092018_08220….jpg)

File: 4ff400de4c76827⋯.jpg (160.1 KB,723x577,723:577,capture_300_21052019_07340….jpg)

File: f8b111fa5a41453⋯.jpg (335.44 KB,1000x524,250:131,capture_450_27092018_08002….jpg)

File: 4ceda035c82981c⋯.jpg (226.51 KB,940x491,940:491,capture_459_09062019_19180….jpg)

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e50ed9 No.21046515

File: ad43fd24df6a2f5⋯.jpg (85.56 KB,750x876,125:146,Obamas_Daughters_Real_Pare….jpg)


All the bad people do it.

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c67988 No.21046517


What's the statute of limitations for child rape?

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194fa0 No.21046518


Hillary married a bastard Rockefeller.

What genetic skeletons are in Hillary's ancestry?

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488ba5 No.21046519

File: 11e66abd0a98a73⋯.jpg (173.02 KB,650x365,130:73,capture_1118_21082021_1752….jpg)

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4e0b94 No.21046521

File: a909bbe43652526⋯.mp4 (867.67 KB,720x720,1:1,a909bbe436525266843ece36a6….mp4)

File: 964fdaab7c95189⋯.mp4 (12.65 MB,640x360,16:9,964fdaab7c9518965fa0c02f4b….mp4)

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e50ed9 No.21046522


I'm getting pretty fuckin tired of YouTube muhself actually.

That dude reminded me

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72e2ca No.21046523


movies are also evil btw, food and water are evil as well because GMO and microplastics

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488ba5 No.21046524

File: 379987fadd3522e⋯.jpg (210.19 KB,650x389,650:389,capture_1303_21082021_2106….jpg)

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74931c No.21046525



Not rich. Not by a long shot. Just thrifty.

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e9d7bb No.21046526

people is just clones of human beings

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3901a9 No.21046527

File: bce427b222ca42d⋯.png (419.87 KB,597x256,597:256,ClipboardImage.png)



>the better one was the gold certificate version of that same design, which I turned into a Beebo Russell meme and posted earlier in the bread

saved it too ;)

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23c469 No.21046528


he's not?

and there is no fence around the supreme court building either.

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ded983 No.21046529


well it's a possibility.

I think I'll leave it at that for a while.

Thanks for the response.


Only Q has flashing trips.

Q team posts incognito.

But I'm listening.

As I've said, I'll leave it alone for a while.

Thanks for the response.

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72e2ca No.21046530


what skeletons are in ur sad ancestri that u think about hillaris ancestri

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488ba5 No.21046532

File: 07a2af695ef77dc⋯.jpg (563.57 KB,1224x1632,3:4,Disney_DC.jpg)

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e50ed9 No.21046533

>>21046503 kek

Saved that shit ty

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c67988 No.21046534


The Dad supposedly her Dad?

No. Looks nothing like her.

Looks like the brother, who she also does not resemble.

She's another offspring of a CooCoo bird, CUCK … Put the baby in another families nest.

Bill Too. the supposed Dad was out of town for his conception.


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d6bd64 No.21046535

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b4da68 No.21046536


I disagree. I also have a special place for anyone that says that water is evil.

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72e2ca No.21046537


dont talk to strangers

dont dream of women

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d8be88 No.21046538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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827372 No.21046539


Irish led 10 revolutions and uprisings between 1638 and 1776. The 10th was the American Revolution.

I'm not going to defend this shithole and these shitheads.

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488ba5 No.21046540

File: 6a22e8055f969e5⋯.jpg (460.77 KB,672x903,32:43,EnlistmentOath.jpg)

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