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594c45 No.20977548 [Last50 Posts]

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594c45 No.20977549

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594c45 No.20977550


#25727 >>20976659

>>20976644 Call for Memes #TrumpPersecution

>>20976721 Adopted IHR amendments strengthen surveillance and require countries to “address misinformation”

>>20976730 Supplemental addon for #25726

>>20976745, >>20977270 PlaneFaggin’:Europe-Zelensky,Potato and Ze Germans and Italians late to Caen

>>20976775, >>20976820 https://poweroutage.us/area/state/illinois

>>20976789 Ceremony Commemorating 80th Anniversary of D-Day in Washington, DC

>>20976822 @RepMattGaetz Coordinated Lawfare Against President Trump EXPOSED!

>>20976839 A group of shoppers in Nashville Tennessee took it upon themselves to stop shoplifter

>>20976846 Need Help Identifying this man. It seems ANTIFA has turned into Islamic terrorists

>>20976855 Why was Joe Biden whisked out by Jill MID CEREMONY in Normandy, while Macron stayed back to greet troops?

>>20976859, >>20976866 GOD BLESS OUR PATRIOTS NOW AND GONE

>>20976885 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Galaxy on Edge

>>20976892 Anon opines AI is the Enemy you need to keep eyes on. MP4 related

>>20976904 Today and every day we honor and salute those of the Greatest Generation

>>20976917 Patriots for Trump

>>20976918 NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test Rendezvous and Docking

>>20976921 We got French Plane Reports

>>20976932 @realDonaldTrump Today, we honor the immortal heroes who landed at Normandy 80 years ago

>>20976941 The Irish are on the brink of lynching their criminals in office

>>20976951 @DonaldJTrumpJr Is there ever a time when Americans realize just how much of an embarrassment this is on a world stage?

>>20976959, >>20977010 CALL FOR SHARE This footage claiming that children are being sacrificed in modern times by using new methods

>>20976961 @DanScavino 5 years ago today, I had the honor of my life to fly with Floyd Winfield to Normandy.

>>20976965 Arizona Republican Party has filed a lawsuit against Secretary of State Adrian Fontes

>>20976976 Do you think Melania Trump is the most beautiful First Lady?

>>20977019 Anon Qmaps SpaceX launch #OM


>>20977060 America's Most Dangerous Dad, kells himself?

>>20977078 Highlight from Tucker's interview with Nayeb Bukele in El Salvador.


>>20977110 Andrew McCabe claims certain FBI agents are worried about Trump throwing them in jail

>>20977117 June 2024 Open Commission Meeting Federal Communications Commission

>>20977135 Thank you, American Patriots.

>>20977155 Tens of thousands of Jews are at Jerusalem’s Western Wall!

>>20977179 For the 2nd time this week, an unarmed Minuteman III launched from @SLDelta30


>>20977265 Swamp Schedule

>>20977289 https://www.nasa.gov/nasatv/

>>20977363 NASA astronaut captures stunning view of Finger Lakes from space

>>20977531 #25727

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594c45 No.20977551

#25726 >>20975819

>>20975842, >>20975946, Cicadas being infected with STD that turns them into hyper-sexual "zombies" - twat noise bun

>>20975901 Palestinian fired over Gaza censorship sues Meta – Reuters (rt.com bun)

>>20975942, >>20975945, >>20976086, Q comms bun

>>20976230 LAST NIGHTS INTERVIEW WITH HANNITY - 5TH JUNE 2024 - youtube (with djt statements bun)

>>20976239 BIRD FLU BULLSH*T!!! WE WILL NOT COMPLY!! - djt video on next pandemic by il donald trumpo vid

>>20976250 Farage on alt platforms with massive reach, this with crowder from tues 5th - farage u.k bun and youtube.

>>20976000, >>20976066, >>20976090, >>20976218, current topics and status bun.

>>20976106 Where was your sloth self when we needed the truth on hunter bidens laptop before the election when you were AG - kash patel t.s post

>>20976162 Connecticut State Trooper Aaron Pelletier killed in the line of duty - twat

>>20976175 Ava Chen is back to discuss the CCP'S Grasps on American Universities - rumble (diamond and silk)

>>20976180 Fox News host John Roberts hits back at the Biden campaign after they accuse him of a ‘blatant lie’ over his reporting that Trump capped insulin at $35 a month - gwp

>>20976184, >>20976193, I’M IN THE SWAMP RIGHT NOW! - dan scavio t.s post

>>20976661 - HRC D-Day tweet: Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy.

>>20976658 - Tater D-Day tweet: The brave service members who fought on D-Day represent the Greatest Generation in our history.

>>20976622 Schumer D-Day Tweet: 80 years ago—the Allies stormed the beaches of Normandy to fight the Nazis

>>20976508 Voting company Smartmatic bribed foreign official $4 million, DOJ alleges, sanctions sought.

>>20977542 #25726 posted in #25727

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594c45 No.20977553

#25725 >>20974803

>>20974877 trump interview with sean hannity 5th June 2024 - quotation

>>20974894 The True Story of the Bilderberg Group and the Men Who Rule the Planet

>>20974930 Reid letter to Comey Aug 27, 2016 / Trump - Russia, Russia, Russia

>>20974950 Former President Trump says Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has "become like a Palestinian."

>>20974993, >>20975100, >>20975181 NYPD will REVOKE Donald Trump's gun permit after conviction in hush money trial

>>20974995 Trump: The only global warming that matters to me is nuclear global warming because that's the real deal

>>20975028, >>20975040, >>20975050, >>20975061, >>20975072, >>20975084 Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York - Appellate Division, First Judicial Department

>>20975056, >>20975166 4 year Delta - Q 4427, 4426

>>20975068 TikTok confirms CNN, other high-profile accounts hijacked via zero-day vulnerability

>>20975080, >>20975217, >>20975224 President of El Salvador says M3-13 is performing Satanic child sacrifice rituals - Tucker interview

>>20975135 Fauci's cabal likely to destroy evidence crucial to social media censorship case, doctors warn

>>20975156 PF Report - Left Coast style-AWACS, Rivet Joint and tankers S from Nellis heading off shore

>>20975162 U.S. Indo Pacific Command repost of @DeptofDefense

>>20975297 GEOTUS now advocating vote by mail. Gee, I wonder why?

>>20975401 Avalon Ventures XI, L.P. Sold $82.125m of Janux Theraputics-June 5th - Mr. Kinsella is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

>>20975535 july 9th very important date - Q 3387

>>20975808 #25725

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594c45 No.20977556

#25724-B >>20974067

>>20974431 @realDonaldTrump Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott on Crooked Joe Biden's Border Executive Order: "This is all political theater. It's not going to change anything at the border…”

>>20974403, >>20974466 Sen. Tuberville Warns Of The U.S. Military Losing Its Tradition

>>20974406, >>20974751 BREAKING: The Trump campaign has opened their first Pennsylvania field office in Philadelphia because Trump wants to win the state in style by flipping Black & Hispanic voters.

>>20974439 "Russian disinformation" that was banned by Twitter in 2020 is now evidence for a federal criminal trial in 2024

>>20974451 Elon Musk’s X requests Supreme Court investigate how Jack Smith obtained Trump’s social media files

>>20974465 Biden is now working with Capitol police officers to campaign for him to go around saying they almost died on Jan 6th and they were scared for their lives and Trump is a threat to democracy 🤡

>>20974468 "Academic Publisher Retracts Over 11,300 Papers and Shuts 19 Journals As It Is Overwhelmed by Fraud"

>>20974472 Sen. Tuberville Reflects On Father’s Military Service And U.S. Current Military Capabilities

>>20974477 WATCH: 50 Cent was surrounded by Democrat congressmen and stunned all of them with his response to the reporter asking about the election

>>20974509 Exceptions to Biden's executive order on immigration raise concerns

>>20974513 5-foot snake tried to get into NYC apartment — and no one seems to know where it came from

>>20974519 Former Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn starts PAC after losing House run The PAC will back candidates running against pro-Trump Republicans.

>>20974524 Exclusive: Peter Navarro Speaks from Behind Bars in ‘Joe Biden Prison,’ Warns ‘Unrestrained Lawfare Designed to Interfere’ in Election

>>20974543 ICE officers given new instructions appearing to make it easier for migrants to claim asylum

>>20974556 Joey Diaz & Theo Von Discuss the New Normal "It's a different f*cking world. Try to make a doctor's appointment now.

>>20974567 PF: Elon Musk’s N628TS G650 heading back to Austin,TX after an extended stay at Gulfstream’s Appleton, WI maintenance facility

>>20974570 @elonmusk ESG is a corrupted lie. It needs to end.

>>20974602 Catherine Herridge "The Committee attach to this letter a referral for criminal charges against Hunter Biden and James Biden, under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 (false statements)

>>20974606 Sen. Tuberville Raises Alarm On Neocons Funneling Of U.S. Funds Abroad. And destroying the Military

>>20974617 @RepClayHiggins My sources advise that Cartel leaders are celebrating the “Biden deal” with huge parties. A “U.S. government guarantee of their business model”… that’s what the cartels are calling it.

>>20974623 @MAGAIncWarRoom Former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr: "The president, like anyone else, has the right to defend himself in the court of public opinion.

>>20974671 @DiamondandSilk Silk discusses Biden's Bogus Border EO, Gangsta Lean Maxine comments and Marjorie Taylor Greene stating how we all feel, FED UP?

>>20974673 Hero journalist Ben Bergquam gets harassed by Biden Regime GESTAPO for asking TRAITOR Adam Schiff questions

>>20974679 @WallStreetApes Welcome To Communism In Canada. Reporter Is Threatened With Arrest If He Makes “Rude Comments”

>>20974680 Trump campaign sends vetting paperwork to possible 2024 VPs — here are the notable names

>>20974683 @realDonaldTrump I love this Country. I don't want to see this Country get into a nuclear war

>>20974686 Burnett and Cobb ae seething, literally shaking. Ty Cobb says Judge Cannon delaying Florida case is ‘dangerous’

>>20974692 Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens

>>20974693 New Trump ad

>>20974675, >>20974700, >>20974749 (2020) California inmate kills convicted child molester after beating him over the head with cane

>>20974707, >>20974740 Harnwell: UK press carry exposé on secret NATO stealth plan to get 300k US troops into Ukraine

>>20974726 PF: Russia Federation RSD888(Chek’t) Ilyushin 96 Special Flight Detachment Sergey Lavrov left Cairo headline NE


>>20974748 @GenFlynn Calling all Vets for Trump. This is a new link below. Please check it out and sign up. Thank you and thanks for your service in uniform.

>>20974755 Senate Republicans kill legislation to protect access to contraceptives

>>20974784 BREAKING: Israeli settlers, under the protection of Israeli police, are rioting and attacking Palestinians in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem

>>20974785 Bensman: Called Shot On Biden's Phony Executive Order. Bidan lies again to block illegals. It’s the Republicans fault they prevented me from blocking aliens.

>>20974790 #25724-B

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594c45 No.20977560

#25724-A >>20974067

>>20974124 Slovak PM points to forces behind assassination attempt

>>20974125, >>20974144 Garrett Ziegler hanging out at Hunter's court appearances. The guy who released the Report On The Laptop in hard copy. The Biden Crime Family hate him Go Garrett!

>>20974138, >>20974149 We need more of this! Rep Scott Perry RIPS this reporter to shreds on questions about Hunter Biden's corruption!

>>20974145, >>20974165 WWII hero Ronald Scharfe speaks out: "I feel like a foreigner in my own country lots of times, and I don't like it."

>>20974151 Good Morning America's Producer Nick Cirone admits the show selects stories and uses contributors to align with their bias.

>>20974155, >>20974167 @mattgaetz Did you know you were paying $20,730 per pound of food delivered through a floating barge in Gaza?

>>20974171, >>20974235 @GenFlynn I wonder if @HillaryClinton or her buddies have anything to say about pizzagate ???

>>20974173 @LizCrokin KTBS news director and anchor Bill Lunn has resigned after becoming a suspect in an ongoing child sex crime investigation by Shreveport police.

>>20974181 Hunter Biden trial live: Gun is shown in court after his stripper ex Zoe Kestan testified

>>20974183, >>20974233, >>20974251, >>20974272, >>20974432, >>20974539, >>20974552 LIVE - President Donald Trump On Sean Hannity 6/5/24

>>20974191 @MTG Bob Good is a backstabber and a liar.

>>20974196 BREAKING: The Republican Oklahoma City Council just shook the nation by voting 8-1 to remove all building height restrictions to make way for the 1,907 foot "Legends Tower" which would be the tallest building in the country and 6th tallest in the world

>>20974206, >>20974253 PF: BOXERs arriving at Paris, Zelensky back to Lublin, Poland from Doha, Qatar 90m stop

>>20974219 Putin: We Could Supply Long-Range Missiles To Enemies Of West In Retaliation

>>20974245, >>20974267 🚨 #BREAKING: NYPD is preparing to revoke President Trump’s license to carry a firearm.

>>20974256 Matthew Colangelo, the scum prosecutor who was lead prosecutor in the so-called "Hush Money Trial" has quite a family.

>>20974268, >>20974298 Fauci testified the BOARD OF THE NIH approved the gain of function research not him.

>>20974289 RNC Making Backup Plans For Presidential Nomination If Trump Sentenced To Prison

>>20974297 Presidential Limo Driver Wanted to Quickly Debunk Cassidy Hutchinson’s Bogus Claim that Trump Grabbed Steering Wheel on Jan 6 – But Liz Cheney Blocked Him from Testifying

>>20974308 @thejimwatkins Remember the following text: There's a lot more happening at Kun than just the message board that always gets me in trouble.

>>20974319 Just in: @SecDef Lloyd Austin's chief of staff, Kelly Magsamen, set to step down the end of this month

>>20974325 @SpeakerJohnson has named Reps. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) and Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) to the House Intelligence Committee.

>>20974338 BREAKING: Hunter Biden's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle is testifying that he left his crack pipe in open view of their very young kids. She also found his drugs in the car on multiple occasions. Maisy Biden was 10-years-old and Finnegan Biden was 9-years-old at the time

>>20974348 @jsolomonReports Breaking: Rep. Rob Menendez Jr. wins House Democratic primary

>>20974356, >>20974387 🚨 @KatieHobbs caught in the middle of a massive corruption scandal: New investigation shows that Hobbs is running a pay-to-play scheme out of the Governor’s office, funneling taxpayer dollars to six-figure campaign donors.

>>20974363 Looking back now at 2020 riots Do you see what is happening?

>>20974368 @realDonaldTrump They are doing it for the purpose of hurting a political opponent of Biden (ME!), and trying to get him to win.

>>20974370, >>20974407, >>20974420, >>20974433 @DonaldJTrumpJr This is a huge revelation—that Chuck Schumer’s brother is a partner in the firm that gave three highly paid lawyers a paid leave of absence to prosecute Trump.

>>20974376 Gag order delta

>>20974379, >>20974395, >>20974452, >>20974460, >>20974484, >>20974540, >>20974648 POTUS bun

>>20974382 The Montana Libertarian Party has officially rejected Chase Oliver as our presidential candidate.

>>20974388, >>20974511 President Nayib Bukele Described how they Overcame the Impossible Gang Situation in El Salvador —— We Prayed 🙏

>>20974402 PF: AF2 C32A kneepads departed Oakland Intl after muh fundraiser

>>20974414, >>20974577 @elonmusk Somewhere between singing & improv

>>20974424 Elon Musk will bring video-only feed to X in bid to take on TikTok and Instagram Reels

>>20974770 #25724-A

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594c45 No.20977561

Previously Collected

>>20973350 #25722, >>20974045 #25723

>>20970705 #25719, >>20971592 #25720, >>20972493 #25721

>>20967958 #25716, >>20968749 #25717, >>20969544 #25718

>>20965345 #25713, >>20966325 #25714, >>20967190 #25715

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Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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594c45 No.20977565

File: 725cfef39acd24b⋯.png (1.11 MB,830x1024,415:512,725cfef39acd24b54e7c97f3c7….png)


#25728 https://fullchan.net/?392a82d5ed651078#4JQc6ujookU944gnCGxEjpSqd66hFTKWSYaPqLfe23tW

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2ee6e1 No.20977578


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57b059 No.20977582

File: 5e01e53c0a0dce7⋯.png (470.65 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)



U.S. military personnel at the Normandy American Cemetery above Omaha Beach

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60deb0 No.20977583

File: a2328af258ca462⋯.png (848.49 KB,750x855,50:57,pepe_naughty3.png)



Breadshitters filtered.



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2f925e No.20977585

File: 350530ca1981c7a⋯.mp4 (10.26 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17175785058….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


The Great Lawfare Backfire of 2024.

The historic miscalculation will go down in the history books.

This bright young woman knows the truth about Trump.



10:58 AM · Jun 6, 2024





She’s got a lot of good points! Kek

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bbf708 No.20977590

File: eeab9ba10eb3e08⋯.jpg (36.72 KB,360x360,1:1,home.jpg)

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0e2da2 No.20977591

File: 0bca47f57ba4af2⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB,360x270,4:3,0bca47f57ba4af2a95f42d150b….mp4)


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226373 No.20977593

File: 99d730757baf27a⋯.png (527.42 KB,910x831,910:831,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd067652138c69e⋯.mp4 (4.88 MB,1280x720,16:9,44avZptvnUG2zTrX_1_.mp4)


🇺🇸🇮🇱Former President Donald Trump says Israel has lost its influence in Congress, and will restore it if elected.

"Israel has to finish the job"

8:24 AM · Jun 6, 2024


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323c0c No.20977594

File: 65019e9f1158c1d⋯.png (75.31 KB,255x227,255:227,3943E2AD_29D5_4C4D_9776_8F….png)


Bad enough you spam this shit constantly and have to ip hop but shitting the bread.

You are a disgrace

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491560 No.20977595


The Business Plot part 2

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3928e4 No.20977597

File: bdd1337ddbb2bc0⋯.jpg (45.32 KB,498x478,249:239,hyefjhfdd.jpg)

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57b059 No.20977599

File: 527cecf3e849933⋯.png (494.93 KB,634x507,634:507,ClipboardImage.png)



First wave of D-Day assaults on Normandy Beach included E Company, 16th Regiment, 1st Infantry Division.

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027300 No.20977600

File: 6b40b5afbd2ae10⋯.jpeg (152.31 KB,1000x771,1000:771,GPZblinboAAhCO7.jpeg)

File: e3bd356617c0301⋯.jpeg (45.09 KB,680x453,680:453,AwTMm2yM.jpeg)

File: 3c43a9bfd8c3fba⋯.jpeg (270.43 KB,1157x871,89:67,GPZhLxoWQAE4yyD.jpeg)

File: 02f1bf49503e3c6⋯.jpeg (81.79 KB,960x700,48:35,GPZhLzBbUAAd9a5.jpeg)

File: b1601998f4633f2⋯.png (415.58 KB,500x500,1:1,b1601998f4633f2e65c5cf816c….png)

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4d2182 No.20977601

=A large cargo ship lost control of its engines and went nearly full throttle through a South Carolina harbor Wednesday, ==prompting the closure of the Ravenel Bridge, one of the busiest bridges in the state.

Harbor pilots helped the nearly 1,000-foot ship pass under the bridge safely and anchor several miles offshore while the Coast Guard investigates.

Police cleared the bridge of motorists and pedestrians until the cargo ship passed safely.

A large cargo ship lost control of its engines and went nearly full throttle through a South Carolina harbor Wednesday, prompting the closure of one of the busiest bridges in the state.

Harbor pilots were able to help the nearly 1,000-foot ship, which was going nearly 20 mph, get under the Ravenel Bridge safely and eventually anchor several miles offshore while the Coast Guard investigates, said Randy Preston, commander of the U.S. Coast Guard’s Charleston Section.

Police cleared traffic, cyclists and pedestrians from the eight-lane bridge before the ship arrived, keeping it closed for 10 minutes as the Michigan 7 steamed underneath, authorities said.


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f13086 No.20977605


>President Donald Trump says Israel has lost its influence in Congress, and will restore it if elected.

NOTHING gets done until he is re-elected. Vote harder Nov 5th. Blacks support Trump! BLM!

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f34c84 No.20977606

>>20977580 PB

>same place the hydrogen atom's electon density ends

What's on the other side?

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734167 No.20977607

File: 2f3670f0c08f453⋯.png (411.99 KB,820x959,820:959,1.png)

File: 451bb37317306f5⋯.jpg (200.22 KB,1785x1242,595:414,2.jpg)

File: 308e6d79bfa9cb6⋯.png (289.84 KB,1051x1152,1051:1152,3.png)

File: 3270c6a6e025ff5⋯.pdf (1.07 MB,Proximal_Origin_of_Epidemi….pdf)

File: 4b3978bca451d46⋯.png (135.58 KB,995x1148,995:1148,5.png)

Pay no attention to the South East Poultry Research Lab.

They were running serial passaging of H5Nx in Mallard Ducks and made more virulent viruses.

These are RNA viruses and have no history of traversing the world.

Just repeat fancy phrases you don’t understand like ‘quasi species swarm’.




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4d2182 No.20977609

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


oof RTF


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054870 No.20977610

Boeing Starliner Docking and Welcome Remarks

Boeing’s Starliner docks with the International Space Station. The spacecraft is carrying two astronauts, Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams. Ms. Williams is the first woman to pilot a new spacecraft on its first crewed flight to space.


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2f925e No.20977611

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Majestic for D Day


Posted 47 minutes ago


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f13086 No.20977612

This reality has WAY too many plot holes.

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f34c84 No.20977614


So you think that Jesus was just one of many Promised Messiahs?

Why does the world need more than one Messiah?

Does a person need more than one pardon?

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027300 No.20977615

File: 82d7d698e877097⋯.jpg (187.71 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_4….jpg)

File: fc39e29f8d6ad34⋯.png (41.16 KB,640x540,32:27,1037_2_.png)

File: 6b40b5afbd2ae10⋯.jpeg (152.31 KB,1000x771,1000:771,GPZblinboAAhCO7.jpeg)

File: 860edb8c314cecc⋯.png (210.41 KB,640x1754,320:877,299_1_.png)


Juno beach fuckers

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61b873 No.20977616

File: 9b9cd507d04c7ed⋯.png (1.36 MB,1280x800,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Blinken conspires with multinationals in torture, theft, genocide

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e4f7f5 No.20977617

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Goes into the mythological aspects of Mark and its ties to Homer's Odyssey, then talks about the Q gospel in relation because you can see what Q could have been once you remove some of the mythological overtones.

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781917 No.20977618

File: 40502bb8862d62d⋯.mp4 (2.79 MB,480x854,240:427,_Estee_has_got_to_be_one_o….mp4)

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2b4f23 No.20977619

File: d170ec26a8edaab⋯.jpeg (131.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,51d459a00168a6cc292e0ceee….jpeg)

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041145 No.20977620

>>20977529 (lb)

>Two more Weak

Ice is weak and slippery.

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47e28b No.20977621

File: 8b84a89abb9d64d⋯.png (582.56 KB,916x600,229:150,ClipboardImage.png)

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a9d524 No.20977622

File: 3151132f41a8e7c⋯.png (293.78 KB,500x352,125:88,ClipboardImage.png)


The left knows this too. That's why there will not be a 2024 election. They will start WW3, or civil unrest / riots, or whatever it takes so that they can suspend elections.

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7d653a No.20977625


Can't say thanks enough baker!!!


Spread it like wildfire

With love always,


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3ab61f No.20977626


Piss off shill.

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f13086 No.20977627


Freedom isn’t free

I prefer:

Oppression costs lives

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f5abcf No.20977628


kek and way too close to truthful

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f4d4d0 No.20977629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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56a536 No.20977632

Does anyone know anything about the planet Ceres between Mars and Jupiter?

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2f925e No.20977635

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


il Donaldo Trumpo

Ok this us funny



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a7622b No.20977636

File: 43daa736cf60ab0⋯.png (703.05 KB,579x565,579:565,ClipboardImage.png)

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918daa No.20977637

File: ec01b057c5f41e9⋯.png (889.38 KB,747x773,747:773,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a2e6562c0ec832⋯.png (711.03 KB,750x655,150:131,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c7575a86e0f32a⋯.png (443.35 KB,581x769,581:769,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46f959873af780c⋯.png (345.53 KB,573x323,573:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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f4d4d0 No.20977638

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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e53ec7 No.20977640



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631ce4 No.20977641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stacy's mom or Stacy?

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e4f7f5 No.20977643


you just watched rogan didnt you.

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027300 No.20977645

File: ab1f09e5951747b⋯.jpg (207.1 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_12_0….jpg)

File: d43816e8024ae80⋯.png (34.11 KB,640x452,160:113,1131_4_.png)

File: f1fad2410a62c2a⋯.jpeg (312.42 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GPZn6OrbAAAetVR.jpeg)

stealth number


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041145 No.20977646

File: b7e05e22d43c151⋯.jpg (18.64 KB,376x134,188:67,success.jpg)


>The Business Plot part 2

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4d2182 No.20977648


IDGAF Mel Brooks is funny


>kek and way too close to truthful

It's funny cause it's true

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2f925e No.20977653

File: ada7e8ec1cdeb38⋯.jpeg (257.62 KB,1241x1216,1241:1216,IMG_2885.jpeg)

Say prayers for Bannon, he is one of Trump’s biggest supporters.

(No comments needed by assholes)


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041145 No.20977655


>Stacy's mom or Stacy?

youngest is silver, somewhere it said old is gold.

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f4d4d0 No.20977656


>"Israel has to finish the job"

"America first"

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e53ec7 No.20977657


Or….there will be an election, but Biden will not leave because ‘convicted felon’, ‘Russian collusion’ asset too dangerous to be president

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a9d524 No.20977658


They will do whatever it takes to ensure that they remain in power. That has been made very obvious.

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9d0b0c No.20977660

>>20976822 pb Gaetz

Why aren't they just issuing subpoenas instead of making theater about it?

If anon were sitting in that chair, it would have been done by now and they'd be discussing the documents instead of pretending to beg for them. This is intentionally poor project management.

obvious theater is obvious.


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f34c84 No.20977662


But wasn't the cocaine at the White House, not at the Capitol?

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2f925e No.20977664

File: ecbcf83ca463977⋯.jpeg (110.6 KB,1241x619,1241:619,IMG_2886.jpeg)



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226373 No.20977665

File: 03c48dffd484391⋯.png (209.13 KB,600x632,75:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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56a536 No.20977666

Step 1 create a war between the 2 nations you want to control.

Step 2 kill off their masculine boys so then no one will

Oppose you by making them kill each other in this war.

Step 3 once both nations have been decimated and their masculine boys are dead then move in with your satanist and change those countries now without any opposition.

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027300 No.20977667

File: 094d6a3da11a8f0⋯.jpg (198 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_12_1….jpg)

File: a8b1ce44311b958⋯.jpeg (30.85 KB,627x480,209:160,GPZiVTjWgAAMxwz.jpeg)

File: 4231ad0d2059572⋯.jpeg (416.79 KB,2048x1569,2048:1569,GPZlR_OWEAALCX8.jpeg)

File: c4af076a7e55aaf⋯.jpeg (1 MB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GPZlkmIW8AA2LtA.jpeg)

File: 4a5b2085c30ba54⋯.jpeg (303.93 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GPZlW4yXcAEpc9u.jpeg)

this day is freedom day in France. God bless all veterans

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f4d4d0 No.20977668


Congress is full-blown theater

with very bad freemason actors

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9f7a36 No.20977670

File: 3acd731a8ce41fc⋯.jpg (9.13 KB,275x183,275:183,9k_51_.jpg)

File: 8fe27cd1a5158cf⋯.jpg (13.03 KB,275x183,275:183,Z_49_.jpg)

File: 7d4d0029c9972bb⋯.png (6.35 KB,199x254,199:254,fxJxKCJYtQwAAAAASUVORK5CYI….png)

File: 7709d01bf6a9ebd⋯.jpg (9.36 KB,264x191,264:191,Z_51_.jpg)

File: 881e0f57ff4c192⋯.jpg (10.92 KB,259x194,259:194,images_274_.jpg)

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027300 No.20977672

File: 40f534b9737fb2d⋯.jpg (194 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_0….jpg)

File: 02f1bf49503e3c6⋯.jpeg (81.79 KB,960x700,48:35,GPZhLzBbUAAd9a5.jpeg)

File: cca9591311171ce⋯.jpeg (414.84 KB,2047x1552,2047:1552,GPZhLzrXMAAkwWa.jpeg)

File: 3c43a9bfd8c3fba⋯.jpeg (270.43 KB,1157x871,89:67,GPZhLxoWQAE4yyD.jpeg)

File: 2a2ed29236b0ed0⋯.jpeg (66.79 KB,1000x750,4:3,GPZhLwyW8AA35oW.jpeg)

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45e105 No.20977676


disgusting pervert porn mongers filtered.

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9d0b0c No.20977677



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631ce4 No.20977678

File: bbce13bdf7bcf14⋯.png (313.29 KB,863x546,863:546,Stacy_is_hot_1_.png)

File: 7483ef277c102c9⋯.png (2.47 MB,1080x1066,540:533,Stacy_is_hot_2_.png)

File: 0cd7535e23b26fd⋯.png (981.32 KB,768x576,4:3,74d3v7c_Stacy_Lawnmower_Ki….png)

File: e16d03ac03b8e82⋯.jpg (172.25 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,Kelleth_Cuthbert_beach_wea….jpg)

File: 7d7e657bb813bd8⋯.jpg (244.73 KB,1280x854,640:427,Rig_For_Red.jpg)


Rig for red frens.. Soo hot

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be3fec No.20977679


>Say prayers for Bannon, he is one of Trump’s biggest supporters.

Sloppy Steve is a subversive piece of shit and I hope he rots in prison.

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410b93 No.20977680

File: d4f0fa44d25aca3⋯.jpeg (182.57 KB,1200x1482,200:247,j70grrfdvnhc1.jpeg)

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2f925e No.20977684


Court hears arguments on whether Steve Bannon should begin prison sentence

The former Trump adviser was sentenced to four months in prison for refusing to comply with Jan. 6 Committee subpoenas, but it had been put on hold while he appealed.

June 6, 2024, 11:15 AM EDT

By Ryan J. Reilly and Victoria Ebner

WASHINGTON — A federal judge will hear arguments Thursday on whether former Trump adviser Steve Bannon should have to begin his four-month prison sentence for defying subpoenas from the Jan. 6 Committee after a higher court rejected his appeal.

Bannon was sentenced more than a year and a half ago, in October 2022, to four months behind bars, the same sentence currently being served by former Trump adviser Peter Navarro, who also refused to comply with a Jan. 6 Committee subpoena. Bannon was found guilty on two counts of contempt of Congress in July 2022 for defying the committee's subpoenas.

“The defendant chose allegiance to Donald Trump over compliance with the law," Assistant U.S. Attorney Molly Gaston, who now serves on special counsel Jack Smith's team, told jurors during closing arguments in 2022.

Bannon's sentence was put on hold pending appeal, and his lawyers made their case to a three-judge federal appeals court panel in November. The appeals court upheld Bannon's conviction in May, and federal prosecutors soon filed a motion asking U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols to order Bannon to report to prison. Federal prosecutors told Nichols there was "no legal basis" for the continued stay of the sentence after the federal appeals court rejected the appeal.

Bannon smiled as he went through security to enter the courthouse Thursday morning. A person nearby said “Trump '24!” to him and Bannon smiled and shook his hand.

Bannon’s lawyers have argued that the sentence should be stayed until they appeal it to the full appeals court and the Supreme Court. Any delay, of course, would benefit Bannon if Trump is elected president in November and decides — just as he did on the last day of his presidency on Jan. 20, 2021 — to pardon Bannon on federal criminal charges.

Nichols, a Trump appointee, has overseen a number of Jan. 6 cases. He's the judge who rejected the government's use of an obstruction of an official proceeding charge, which has been used against hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants, as well as Trump himself. That case ultimately bubbled up to the Supreme Court, which heard oral arguments on the use of the statute in April. On Wednesday, Nichols sentenced a Jan. 6 defendant who assaulted law enforcement officers with bear spray — and who was caught thanks to a sting operation that a woman launched on the dating app Bumble — to more than six years in federal prison.


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f34c84 No.20977686


Israel doesn't mean the same thing to everyone.

Israel is everyone who is saved.

It's a spiritual thing.

People who call themselves Jews nowadays don't seem to understand this.

Israel isn't a country, they just use that name to try to fool and confuse people.

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f4d4d0 No.20977688



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9f7a36 No.20977690

File: ce53029e3d5007c⋯.jpg (10.51 KB,273x185,273:185,Z_52_.jpg)

File: dba59a0a8f1746c⋯.jpg (505.87 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240606_091409….jpg)

File: 376ce8916a8104d⋯.jpg (10.51 KB,225x225,1:1,images_279_.jpg)

File: 9cbcea83bf9a8cb⋯.jpg (14.03 KB,225x225,1:1,images_278_.jpg)

File: ebd2940b719272a⋯.jpg (6.91 KB,264x191,264:191,2Q_48_.jpg)

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54fbb3 No.20977692

File: feb0744fb47a1ac⋯.jpeg (262.74 KB,1059x1200,353:400,Qthegreatawakening.jpeg)


Good morning and Thank you Baker!

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c1b85a No.20977695

File: 38d51aea3dedf47⋯.png (77.1 KB,677x369,677:369,TruthTsunami.png)

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a7637c No.20977696

File: 226b59b1bf21d24⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,1024x556,256:139,VID_20240604_202710_738.mp4)


It's all a show Anon.

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a7622b No.20977699

File: 77e8e450c25413f⋯.png (247.25 KB,888x915,296:305,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30ec11d237c6ecb⋯.png (313.54 KB,593x522,593:522,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73129852703143c⋯.png (96.33 KB,270x354,45:59,ClipboardImage.png)

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28d88a No.20977701

File: 93c2f10058741ab⋯.png (318.62 KB,602x338,301:169,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 524611ce1f057a6⋯.png (410.96 KB,930x781,930:781,ClipboardImage.png)

wtf is this and why does it keep showing in between every ad in this article?


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e6f768 No.20977703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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47e28b No.20977704

File: 9f0ae136f3daa24⋯.png (1.14 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8556ec52221bb54⋯.png (952.91 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 924ddf7aff22bb9⋯.png (885.78 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f29c12d9719274⋯.png (1.14 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47ca615926281f9⋯.png (1.01 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Delta 12 welcomes new commander

June 5, 2024

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Space Delta 12 welcomed its new commander during a change of command ceremony at Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado, on May 31, 2024.

U.S. Space Force Col. Sacha Tomlinson succeeded U.S. Space Force Col. E. Lincoln Bonner during the ceremony, which was officiated by Space Training and Readiness Command commander, Maj. Gen. Tim Sejba.

A 1992 graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Tomlinson enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in 1993, serving nearly six years as a Biomedical Equipment Technician.

She commissioned through Officer Training School and completed Undergraduate Space and Missile Training in 1999.

Throughout her more than 30-year career, Tomlinson has served in a variety of positions, including assignments as a space surveillance crew commander, instructor, operations group chief of training, test director, ballistic missile defense officer, and detachment and squadron commander.

Prior to assuming command of Delta 12, Tomlinson served as the Test Enterprise Division Chief for Space Training and Readiness Command.

As the commander of Delta 12, Tomlinson leads the integrated test and evaluation of U.S. Space Force capabilities to rapidly field combat-credible weapon systems and tactics.

Delta 12’s priorities include increasing test expertise for combat space systems and implementing integrated tests for combat space systems through Integrated Test Forces and their subordinate Capability Test Teams.

In her inaugural address as Delta 12 commander, Tomlinson expressed her enthusiasm for the new role.

“I am ready for the challenge of growing a test enterprise to arm our warfighters with relevant, credible, and timely tests, and the truth about our weapon systems to prevail in this era of great power competition,” Tomlinson said.

She concluded her remarks with a call to action for the men and women of Delta 12.

“Find someone else to raise them up, grow the next generation of leaders and innovators, share your knowledge and passion freely and enthusiastically,” she said.

“Hold us accountable, push us to excellence … this is the way we grow ourselves, our community, and our nation to be something worth defending and worth our sacrifices.”

In Bonner’s outgoing remarks, he emphasized the importance of the test and evaluation mission.

“Putting combat credibility into our weapon systems and the test mission is a visible demonstration to America’s adversaries that we have the capability to act, that we have the capability to thwart aggression,” Bonner said.

“But it is also foundational to our will to act because we have confidence in the combat effectiveness of our weapon systems, their lethality, their survivability, their ease of use, and it gives our senior leaders the confidence to act should the need arise.”

In his final remarks as the commander, Bonner reflected on the team’s accomplishments and the significance of their efforts.“What this team does every day is foundational to the nation’s security, both to avoid war and to fight and win should the need arise.

I am so proud of everything we have done. Test and evaluation is all about stepping into the unknown, learning what’s there, and figuring it out.

So, I just want to say thank you for bringing that spirit to our mission every day. I’m going to miss being a part of that, but I am so excited to see how you bring that forward to Colonel Tomlinson and what you do with that spirit and approach in the future.”


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76a084 No.20977705


You can see it from Uranus

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0045d5 No.20977707

File: bf20d8876113787⋯.mp4 (890.5 KB,320x378,160:189,NeverMentionedIsrael.mp4)

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9779e8 No.20977709


Banks run the sow

The International

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027300 No.20977710

File: 1f2c593c101e575⋯.jpg (194.13 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_12_1….jpg)

File: f8fdd2c8222fd6e⋯.png (666.88 KB,1354x800,677:400,GPZVJkdbkAA_5J5.png)

File: 2c8ad600834b89d⋯.png (467.38 KB,640x2754,320:1377,34_10_.png)

File: 6356be4dccb11f9⋯.jpeg (366.72 KB,2048x1527,2048:1527,GPZVMeFbAAIWldz.jpeg)


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323c0c No.20977712

File: 96b17579a64cde7⋯.jpeg (601.97 KB,828x824,207:206,48543108_2887_4670_9A9F_C….jpeg)

File: dbc8945fc1602c3⋯.jpeg (167.59 KB,902x499,902:499,35F07AD5_EB6B_4D62_BAFF_E….jpeg)

Banks Tap Complex Mortgage Product to Fight Deposit Flight Risk

(In the continuing story of this will end poorly for the buyers…..been here before and it ended poorly but don’t worry cuz the banksters say it’s different this time :I and when short term rates tank-via the coming NYFED reverse Operation Twist -they already said they’re going to do it-these will be piles of shit because of the way they are structured to offload liability from the banks as they reset rates each month instead of fixed….wait this takes time to play out)

Banks are ramping up investments in a complex part of the mortgage bond market that offers shorter-term securities, as they cope with the growing risk of their losing deposits amid high rates.

Demand from banks is fueling sales of floating-rate, collateralized mortgage obligations, which are constructed from simpler mortgage securities.Overall, there were $25 billion of new CMO sales in April, the highest monthly figure in nearly three years.

That represented as much as 30% of all MBS that month — the largest slice since 2014, according to Bloomberg Intelligence. Analysts and market participants say banks have been a major driver of the increase. “The CMO machine is revving up,” said Kirill Krylov, a strategist at Robert W Baird & Co. who focuses on mortgages.

Since the Federal Reserve started raising interest rates in 2022, banks have had a harder time hanging onto deposits. Higher rates translate to stronger returns on competing instruments, such as money market funds, and many depositors pulled money out of banks and plunged it into other higher-returning markets.

While banks have taken steps to retain deposits — primarily by paying higher rates — they are also reworking the asset side of their balance sheets by cutting holdings of longer-term bonds and boosting investments in shorter-term securities. The implosion of several regional lenders last year has also made banks acutely sensitive to the risks of owning longer-term debt.

There are around $800 billion of CMOs outstanding, according to Erica Adelberg, a strategist at Bloomberg Intelligence. The share of new CMOs that have floating rates and are backed by Ginnie Mae has been hovering around the highest level in years, according to Oppenheimer & Co. data. Banks tend to prefer CMOs tied to Ginnie Mae, a guarantor of mortgage bonds that is part of the US government. Bank regulators assign those products risk weights of zero, and that’s not expected to change under upcoming rules known as Basel III Endgame.

Mortgage-backed securities are a staple of bank balance sheets alongside Treasury bonds, and CMOs are just one type. But they differ from products that simply pass through income to investors, because CMOs can be customized to meet the needs of whoever is buying them. The securities are complicated,(No they aren’t but they want you to think that)but they are generally designed to lower risk for banks by, for example, cutting the maturities on the securities or carrying floating rates. Because they are built with government-backed mortgage bonds, investors don’t face the risk of losing principal if borrowers default. In that regard, they are very different from the kinds of securities that blew up bank balance sheets during the financial crisis.

The CMOs that banks have been gobbling up are often structured so that the rates reset each month, although there are limits as to how high or low the coupons can go. “Banks are trying to retain less sticky deposits, which are liabilities they treat as floating rate,” said Nick Maciunas, a strategist at JPMorgan. “They need to match that on the asset side, and one way to do that is with floating rate CMOs, which have relatively short durations.”(here’s the downside money portion at the end here)If rates go down significantly and mortgage borrowers start refinancing in large waves, the CMOs banks are investing in would become less attractive. But, for now, they offer an opportunity to minimize interest rate risk while also delivering attractive yields.


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61b873 No.20977713


They have timers and clocks on the walls and desks.

DING. Time's up.

They were not serious about discussing jack shit. There's no adults in the room.

Anon proposes the sheriff form a LAWFUL possy and clear out commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud from their offices.

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631ce4 No.20977717



What I mean is sicko's not young vs old

BUT what time in life Stacy and Mom in life.

thinking time and how its all at once,, kid even mowed Trumps lawn in 2018 ffs

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4fd974 No.20977718



"Admiral Crandall, known for witticisms and gallows humor, entertained Bellows’ request and stood beside her while she dialed the White House, identified herself to an operator, and said she needed Biden to parley for her freedom. “There’s no Joseph Biden here,” she was told and hung up on. The admiral broke the news to her: Biden had never set foot in the actual White House, but had he, he would’ve at once been arrested, tried, and executed as a war criminal."

latest post from RRN

i am blocked from providing a direct link on this "free speech" platform

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9f7a36 No.20977719

File: 84fdd60f89f5bc9⋯.jpg (10.62 KB,194x259,194:259,images_283_.jpg)

File: 7e44e1e01d9db48⋯.jpg (12.65 KB,272x185,272:185,images_282_.jpg)

File: 25c9386831cec24⋯.jpg (9.12 KB,259x194,259:194,Z_49_.jpg)

Ewe r in muh caha paak!

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297ad0 No.20977721

File: b345f2af59c7b10⋯.png (1.71 MB,998x1142,499:571,ClipboardImage.png)

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041145 No.20977725

File: 86c7580f02eafb8⋯.jpg (9.43 KB,225x225,1:1,funny_bank_jokes.jpg)

File: ce6a5ff970378c6⋯.jpg (9.23 KB,286x176,13:8,marriage_banks.jpg)


>Banks run the sow

>The International

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027300 No.20977727

File: 1f2c593c101e575⋯.jpg (194.13 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_12_1….jpg)

because never start a sentence off with.

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a9d524 No.20977730

File: 7f0b99dffd137dd⋯.png (384.89 KB,567x659,567:659,pepe_fu.png)

So many shills. No, they're not even shills anymore, they areassholes!

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27155b No.20977731

File: 77d2c76d7e3eea6⋯.png (637.63 KB,840x504,5:3,moojewshill.png)

>>20977405 lb

You 're working for deep State.

What else could it be?

>>20977405 lb

I mis-read "Semantic" for "Semetic"

>>20977492 lb

>>20977543 lb

i got a license to post

Fuck off spammer.

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9d0b0c No.20977732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2f925e No.20977735

Charlie Kirk



Our team requested updated numbers from the Secretary of State’s office and they’re strong!

In just one month, Republicans have increased their margins over Democrats to 243,000—a one month net gain of 7,000 voters.

Before, Republicans had 40,000 more registered voters than Independents and that lead has increased to nearly 65,000 in April—a net gain of nearly 25,000.

We are winning the voter registration war in Arizona! We need to keep the pressure on, keep registering neighbors and family and then Chase the Vote come October.

Get registered to vote here




Registered Voters: 1,434,982

Percentage: 35.36%


Registered Voters: 1,192,205

Percentage: 29.38%


Registered Voters: 31,164

Percentage: 0.77%


Registered Voters: 27,529

Percentage: 0.68%


Registered Voters: 2,796

Percentage: 0.07%


Registered Voters: 1,369,644

Percentage: 33.75%


"New data shows that Republicans now have a growing voter registration advantage in AZ. The latest figures show that Republicans are once again the largest voting bloc in Arizona, surpassing Independents by nearly 40,000!"

The Data Shows a Widening Gap Between Registered Republicans and Democrats

According to the Secretary of State’s recent report:

2024 - 5.77% or 236,000 more registered Republicans than Democrats.

2022 - 4.03% or 166,000 more registered Republicans than Democrats.

2020 - 3.04% or 130,000 more Republicans than Democrats.

In just four years, the registration advantage has nearly DOUBLED with most of the gains in the last two years.

Everyday @TPAction_

is registering voters, making contact with low propensity patriots, and preparing to chase the vote in November.

Get to work. We can win

Reporting by




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442588 No.20977736

File: a075943524eb4db⋯.jpg (67.4 KB,600x361,600:361,June21_first_day_of_summer….jpg)


Two Weeks

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55ae68 No.20977737

File: 41c704b2e96c14c⋯.jpg (61.56 KB,1100x824,275:206,000011bbb.jpg)

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534b64 No.20977738


You're right, all Jews are assholes!

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918daa No.20977739

File: a549d1f447ee4d8⋯.png (658.99 KB,554x773,554:773,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7b85dfbb51e905⋯.png (391.16 KB,772x684,193:171,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 535a5d3cdcf7af2⋯.png (164.36 KB,215x323,215:323,ClipboardImage.png)


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9779e8 No.20977740





Anon guess bankers run pigs too

Ain't that right coach?

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38222f No.20977741




will be back


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226373 No.20977742

File: fae1034fc422ef7⋯.png (298.44 KB,300x360,5:6,ClipboardImage.png)


Holy Digi's Chkkk't

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68e549 No.20977743

File: b9a3a49670d00d2⋯.webm (3.5 MB,1280x720,16:9,1717690487329697.webm)

Did Joe Biden just shit his pants on live television

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781917 No.20977744

File: 28685e203373acd⋯.png (375.37 KB,1366x768,683:384,ClipboardImage.png)



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bbf708 No.20977745


Then don't walk in the shoes of the enemy and claim you do not make mistakes.not questioning the faith, but don't be like them. some people need to be humbled sometimes.

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27155b No.20977746


moojoo shill are herer to disrupt not for Q research

BO saved the board from the likes of the NAZI Brownshirt. Biden-ass lickers, Black Boots who took us over one summer.


And they try to keep it clean of these scum. But they are back every day, like a bad rash.

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f5abcf No.20977747


Demon-crats have a bills active to erase USA history.

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f7c338 No.20977748

File: b723ea07e41505e⋯.png (15.18 KB,444x204,37:17,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20977547 lb me

>AI can read my mind and use it for ads.

It's much worse and I hope it's still possible to turn it off. I'm afraid even that's not enough…


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9d0b0c No.20977749


Anon wants a refund for lifetime of taxes paid for this horseshit.

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d27212 No.20977750

File: 2b5fb82d820d245⋯.jpg (79.12 KB,960x720,4:3,lose.jpg)


>Former President Donald Trump says Israel has lost its influence in Congress, and will restore it if elected.

uhhhh you're not leading with that, are ya?

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9f7a36 No.20977751

File: 25c9386831cec24⋯.jpg (9.12 KB,259x194,259:194,Z_49_.jpg)

File: a28dc9a90c44245⋯.jpg (11.44 KB,275x183,275:183,images_263_.jpg)

File: c4b9759e2ea4542⋯.jpg (19.5 KB,205x246,5:6,images_264_.jpg)

File: 4a8963f4fe22707⋯.jpg (8.7 KB,275x183,275:183,images_265_.jpg)

File: c81cd34e5b69d86⋯.jpg (12.28 KB,300x168,25:14,images_266_.jpg)


Interview: A Tech Engineer Who Lives In Their Car

www.refinery29.com › … › Money Diaries

tech workers living in cars from www.refinery29.com

Apr 13, 2018 · M. is an engineer making $122000 per year in the tech industry in Mountain View, CA. This is why they chose to live in their car instead of …

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2f925e No.20977752


Thats true!

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fad53c No.20977753


All talk.

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a7637c No.20977754

File: 9c63550b29bfece⋯.mp4 (14.82 MB,1280x720,16:9,YouCut_20240603_131414593.mp4)


It was over before it began.

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f5abcf No.20977755



(cue elite laughing as they spend our SS money)

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f93327 No.20977756


>Banks run the show

>The International

It's the FED and they are jews!

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e4356b No.20977757

A Marriage made in Heaven


The Reichskonkordat ("Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich"[1]) is a treaty negotiated between the Vatican and the emergent Nazi Germany.

It was signed on 20 July 1933 by Cardinal Secretary of State Eugenio Pacelli, who later became Pope Pius XII, on behalf of Pope Pius XI and Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen on behalf of President Paul von Hindenburg and the German government.

It was ratified 10 September 1933 and it has been in force from that date onward. The treaty guarantees the rights of the Catholic Church in Germany.

When bishops take office Article 16 states they are required to take an oath of loyalty to the Governor or President of the German Reich established according to the constitution.

The treaty also requires all clergy to abstain from working in and for political parties.

Nazi breaches of the agreement began almost as soon as it had been signed and intensified afterwards leading to protest from the Church including in the 1937 Mit brennender Sorge encyclical of Pope Pius XI.

The Nazis planned to eliminate the Church's influence by restricting its organizations to purely religious activities.[2]

The Reichskonkordat is the most controversial of several concordats that the Vatican negotiated during the pontificate of Pius XI.

It is frequently discussed in works that deal with the rise of Hitler in the early 1930s and the Holocaust.

The concordat has been described by some as giving moral legitimacy to the Nazi regime soon after Hitler had acquired quasi-dictatorial powers through the Enabling Act of 1933, an Act itself facilitated through the support of the Catholic Centre Party.

The treaty places constraints on the political activity of German clergy of the Catholic Church. Following the passage of the 1935 Nuremberg Laws for example, a policy of nonintervention was followed.

The majority of the German church hierarchy regarded the treaty as a symbol of peace between church and state.[3]

From a Catholic church perspective it has been argued that the Concordat prevented even greater evils being unleashed against the Church.[4]

Though some German bishops were unenthusiastic, and the Allies at the end of World War II felt it inappropriate, Pope Pius XII successfully argued to keep the concordat in force.

It is still in force today.


Concordat Between the Holy See and the German Reich

July 20, 1933

His Holiness Pope Pius XI and the President of the German Reich, moved by a common desire to consolidate and enhance the friendly relations existing between the Holy See and the German Reich,

wish to regulate the relations between the Catholic Church and the State for the whole territory of the German Reich in a permanent manner and on a basis acceptable to both parties.

They have decided to conclude a solemn agreement, which will supplement the Concordats already concluded with certain individual German states, and will ensure for the remaining States fundamentally uniform treatment of their respective problems.

For this purpose:

His Holiness Pope Pius XI has appointed as his Plenipotentiary His Eminence the Most Reverend Lord Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, his Secretary of State.

The President of the German Reich has appointed as Plenipotentiary the Vice-Chancellor of the German Reich, Herr Franz von Papen.


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631ce4 No.20977758


I do love the space force babes prove me wrong on that..

wait a day or two seems right on comms. god bless beauty babes up top or you can also say TippyTop

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f4d4d0 No.20977759


anon wants the end to expedite

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57b059 No.20977760

File: a4c154d7a2278b3⋯.png (599.52 KB,797x916,797:916,ClipboardImage.png)

Richard Hanania @RichardHanania

50 Cent says black men identify with Trump “because they’ve got RICO charges.”

People in 2016 were in denial about how lower class whites actually liked Trump’s rhetoric on immigrants, etc.

2024 is going to end with them being shocked at what about Trump appeals to blacks.


5:57 PM · Jun 5, 2024·127.7K Views


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e6f768 No.20977761


Sow has the teet, runt

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9779e8 No.20977762


Very likely

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2f925e No.20977763


You are correct

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e4356b No.20977764

File: eef8144a7cc6cea⋯.png (496.5 KB,666x666,1:1,00000notccomin.png)

File: 34626c6ba4d4677⋯.png (439.52 KB,1856x996,464:249,00000notccominA.png)

File: ae415bdc5e22fd6⋯.png (373.69 KB,494x790,247:395,00000notccominb.png)

File: 571ac295083faca⋯.png (544.39 KB,2476x1192,619:298,00000notccominc.png)

File: 87f98877f8d5173⋯.png (447.44 KB,666x666,1:1,00000notccomind.png)


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781917 No.20977765

File: 5110bfe32205b34⋯.png (250.75 KB,1091x578,1091:578,Screenshot_1057_.png)



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f5abcf No.20977766


wid the quicknesssss

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61b873 No.20977767

File: 511287472a2fd48⋯.png (196.27 KB,390x315,26:21,ClipboardImage.png)


>from RRN


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45e105 No.20977768



7 suspects arrested in connection with shooting Springfield police officer "


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f8176b No.20977769

File: b2ef76d8a318bab⋯.jpeg (319.52 KB,828x491,828:491,7379B8B2_6C3C_41A0_8034_E….jpeg)

File: 78c9c9d876e0de2⋯.jpeg (414.17 KB,828x438,138:73,D13BF2AA_65BA_4FA3_B6F4_0….jpeg)

File: 3468c668c21dc93⋯.jpeg (416.55 KB,828x476,207:119,E5DDE65C_7397_40BF_B4B7_2….jpeg)

File: 8160ba84978c119⋯.jpeg (284.28 KB,828x441,92:49,3A78E780_735F_4A79_99F9_2….jpeg)

File: f9441085c4ec093⋯.jpeg (303.82 KB,828x429,276:143,51AB0841_279E_41F7_B908_0….jpeg)

New Moon?

First Thursday?

Bad night for travelers.

Really, really, fuckin bad.

There shall be no mercy nor quarter for these widows sons.



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57b059 No.20977770

File: c5349a2207aa5ca⋯.mp4 (464.65 KB,480x270,16:9,50cents_5JUN24.mp4)


>50 Cent says black men identify with Trump “because they’ve got RICO charges.”

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a9d524 No.20977771

File: 40eb0d8d12ba61e⋯.png (678.17 KB,765x500,153:100,ClipboardImage.png)

Depopulation attempt #2 incoming.

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323c0c No.20977772

File: 48b9350e2f2e848⋯.jpeg (685.47 KB,1255x627,1255:627,347C2BE4_6C7B_45EE_ACB6_3….jpeg)

PF: RAF REDARROWs T-45 Goshawks departed north

The Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team, the Red Arrows, is one of the world's premier aerobatic display teams. Representing the speed, agility and precision of the Royal Air Force, the team is the public face of the service. They assist in recruiting to the Armed Forces, act as ambassadors for the United Kingdom at home and overseas and promote the best of British.

Flying distinctive Hawk fast-jets, the team is made up of pilots, engineers and essential support staff with frontline, operational experience. Together, they demonstrate the excellence and capabilities of the Royal Air Force and the Service’s skilled, talented people. Often with their trademark Diamond Nine shape, and combination of close formations and precision flying, the Red Arrows have been displaying since 1965.


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027300 No.20977773


revolutionary thinking intensifies.

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f5abcf No.20977774

>>20977755 (me)

>>20977766 (me)

twice trip dubs self confirm (1st time)

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e4356b No.20977775

File: 8b6f5b4c2e4e176⋯.png (197.74 KB,540x786,90:131,jackkek1b.png)

File: 3627109298c7e01⋯.png (124.21 KB,1380x433,1380:433,3627109298c7e014141d26e0a4….png)

File: e5bc6fde61e7981⋯.png (457.1 KB,764x894,382:447,fuckjack2.png)

File: e4596a2c6e013e0⋯.jpeg (132.25 KB,790x1172,395:586,e4596a2c6e013e0f027cc1e25….jpeg)

File: fc2810c3f9bd361⋯.jpeg (43.08 KB,474x315,158:105,fc2810c3f9bd36182ec4ed9e0….jpeg)




sorry :D

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d27212 No.20977776


yes, anon. you who knows so deeply his intentions…

stops his momentum among younger voters.

the lesser of two evils, that's all he's become.

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929e49 No.20977777

File: 755447cd002e274⋯.jpeg (70.49 KB,977x652,977:652,73668569007_20240512_t_17….jpeg)

If calling other people stupid made you smarter, would you do it?

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9d0b0c No.20977778


Confiscate all their wealth, properties, cars, etc. Give back to the Treasury. Use the properties as decent hotels. Regular hotels have gone to shit lately.

Also make them walk naked down the street as we shout "SHAME!" like in GOT. They then board GITMO Air.

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60deb0 No.20977779

File: 526e93088da427a⋯.png (1.04 MB,654x613,654:613,GodWins_pepe.png)


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f5abcf No.20977780


Lyin Liz protects most, Boston Mayor the rest

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57b059 No.20977781

File: d1ad16c1a7eb2dd⋯.png (1.26 MB,1011x1229,1011:1229,ClipboardImage.png)

50 Cent: Black Men Are ‘Identifying With Trump’ Over Biden Amid Conviction

Rap mogul 50 Cent said black men are “identifying” with former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden in the aftermath of Trump’s conviction.

The Grammy-winner, also known as Curtis Jackson, met with House Republicans and Democrats on Wednesday in order to advocate for black entrepreneurs and business owners, and to call for more representation for black people working in the liquor industry, the Hill reported.

While meeting with lawmakers on Capitol Hill, a reporter asked 50 Cent what he saw “among African American men” in the upcoming 2024 presidential election in November.

“I see them identifying with Trump,” the rapper answered.

“Why do you say that?” the reporter asked.

The rapper responded by stating it was because they have “RICO charges.”

In August 2023, Trump was indicted on a racketeering charge.

Under the federal Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, which was passed in 1970, there are around 35 offenses that are defined as racketeering. Some examples of racketeering charges consist of gambling, murder, kidnapping, bribery, and drug dealing.

Most recently, Trump was found guilty of 34 charges of falsifying business records in the first degree related to payments made to adult entertainment star, Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential election.



This is not the first time that the famous rapper has seemingly come out in favor of Trump. In October 2020, 50 Cent criticized Biden’s proposed tax plan in a post on Instagram and seemed to endorse Trump for reelection, writing that people should vote for him.

In February, 50 Cent suggested that “maybe Trump is the answer,” after New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) came out with a plan to distribute $53 million on pre-paid credit cards to migrants in the city.

A Wall Street Journal poll from April found that 30 percent of black men and 11 percent of black women have intentions to vote for Trump in the upcoming election. This represented an increase from 2020 when only 12 percent of black men had voted for Trump. Six percent of black women stated they would vote for Trump in 2020.

Democrat officials have recently been sounding the alarm and warning Biden that “time is running out” for him to get his message across to black voters in America.

An I&I/TIPP Poll survey from the beginning of May showed that Biden was suffering from a 28 percent decline in support among black voters. In 2020, 87 percent of black voters supported Biden, while Trump had 12 percent of support from black voters. The poll found that Trump had gained three points among black voters, sitting at 15 percent, while Biden’s support with black voters had slipped to 59 percent.


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9f7a36 No.20977782


Roo bad someone like me will never know…nononono

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907951 No.20977783

File: ed21746f76e1513⋯.jpg (116.73 KB,1000x668,250:167,trump_schumer_pelosi_oval_….jpg)

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f4d4d0 No.20977784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2f925e No.20977785


And you were asked to keep your mouth shut asshole

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61b873 No.20977786

File: e7fec84d557f21b⋯.mp4 (7 MB,512x288,16:9,Damn_the_Bard_under_the_tr….mp4)


I'll give $100 to the person who tears down that shit Ukraine Flag on D-Day in Normandy.

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e4356b No.20977787

File: fcba79819c9cae3⋯.jpg (57.02 KB,680x639,680:639,fcba79819c9cae3f3059bc52df….jpg)

File: c7ffd76b8f113ad⋯.png (3.14 MB,1724x1912,431:478,flynnlynlila.png)


here is your traitor head back, jack

night shift is sorry!


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47e28b No.20977788

File: 1628d9e62a41605⋯.png (1.16 MB,1200x692,300:173,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d484f1dac8fe61f⋯.png (1.4 MB,1200x799,1200:799,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9db03c862461f20⋯.png (1.19 MB,1200x798,200:133,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9add4743221f57d⋯.png (854.85 KB,1200x798,200:133,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 335e8ab7d11fda9⋯.png (1.24 MB,1200x722,600:361,ClipboardImage.png)

CSO visits NSSI, 319th CTS students

Published June 5, 2024

PETERSON SPACE FORCE BASE, Colo. – U.S. Space Force Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman visited the National Security Space Institute and met with students attending the Enlisted Undergraduate Space Training course during an immersion at Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado, on May 31, 2024. Hosted by Space Delta 1, EUST lays the groundwork for a career in space operations, covering a broad spectrum of space topics to include military space history, space policy, orbital mechanics, and cyberspace operations.


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e4356b No.20977789


Nov 20, 2017 7:42:50 PM EST 173

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: S2g2/YEM No. 150257653

Good will always defeat evil.

No rigging / blackmail this time.

WIZARDS & Warlocks.


Dec 22, 2017 11:44:18 AM EST 435

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 42a0eb No. 148994

‘Yellow Brick Road'.

F-I speech - history.

WIZARDS & Warlocks.

Alice & Wonderland.



Jan 27, 2018 4:01:40 PM EST 636

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 71

Why would D's have MW conduct the follow up to the SOTU?

What is MW used for?

Re-read past drops.


Carefully crafted 'out there' statements w/ falsified/fake Mueller drops will be made that nobody else would dare say/suggest.


What do they expect is coming?

What must be said to provide a counter-narrative?

What might be said to attempt to discredit factual proofs coming?

How do you keep people BLIND?

What must you FEED them?









WIZARDS & [WAR]locks.

These people are really DUMB.


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781917 No.20977790

File: 145cce98afeff0a⋯.png (807.05 KB,888x499,888:499,gt42.png)

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f5abcf No.20977791


Anon thinks they would also be made to loudly exclaim the crimes they've committee and get tazed each time they leave something out.

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2f925e No.20977792



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9d0b0c No.20977795


kek. And apologize to the American People.

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226373 No.20977796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f5abcf No.20977798

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9f7a36 No.20977799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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918daa No.20977800

File: 5a401fa427e3e8f⋯.png (122.6 KB,483x323,483:323,ClipboardImage.png)




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f5abcf No.20977802

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226373 No.20977804

File: 0fcc9f0676c1091⋯.png (23.32 KB,604x171,604:171,ClipboardImage.png)

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27155b No.20977806

File: 6d590c294a0ad57⋯.jpg (502.54 KB,1200x1163,1200:1163,astroturf.jpg)


neti YAHOO is a bad stabber. Back-stabbed his own people with the plandemic and with the jump-starting for ww3 ; which wouldn't have happened but for the DeepState stolen election

MooJoo shill are Astroturf.

Un Natural.

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027300 No.20977807

File: cb3997367e05e05⋯.png (315.64 KB,640x2136,80:267,35_12_.png)


the absolute state of this place (you) fucking retard. noice. 35

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45e105 No.20977810


and spoil the Dictators Day gay-ball?

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f5abcf No.20977811


triggered much?

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a9d524 No.20977814


wasted digits

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2f925e No.20977815


Anon it would be appreciated if you put the title and length of the video when posting. Would you do that please?

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f8176b No.20977817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Covens and Masoncucks reduced to screaming piles of convulsing meat.

All identifying codes known, addresses, number tags.

All of it.

Nowhere to run, or hide.


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bbf708 No.20977818


that depends. do they know what stupid means?you could do wat some do and say it means you're smart. change the definition of sorts. lol

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2f925e No.20977819


Absolutely freakin right!

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323c0c No.20977820

File: 22591f75396cb83⋯.jpeg (229.92 KB,950x577,950:577,53BB2542_4AA6_4B46_BADD_D….jpeg)


If you haven’t listened to this you need to

Several years ago stumbled on this via different platform

Fo eeet

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450c99 No.20977822


Who`s doing the Black Lives Maga flag.

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af522c No.20977824


You don't have to bribe me to call you stupid. kek

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a9d524 No.20977825

File: 343b734bc175a17⋯.png (252.05 KB,559x480,559:480,pepe_bowl.png)

Fun Fact: Anons can filter shills much easier, and much quicker than they can IP hop, and repost their spam.

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468c55 No.20977826

File: 51c6e3899281a15⋯.jpg (119.39 KB,720x405,16:9,rrn.jpg)

File: f58e8cab269434d⋯.jpg (397.12 KB,1322x688,661:344,rrn_never_go_full_rrn.jpg)


>i am blocked from providing a direct link on this "free speech" platform

Because you homosexuals try to push your shit as if it were truth.

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f5abcf No.20977827

Anon thinkz close is a reality enough for shills to triple efforts….

well that's a positive!

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4d2182 No.20977828

File: 7fa4621b95f2b83⋯.jpg (79.37 KB,704x354,352:177,thebiglie.jpg)


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0c595b No.20977830

File: 229bd246e3e4cfe⋯.png (610.48 KB,1374x1194,229:199,ClipboardImage.png)

owned and operated by the Zionists

how do you guys word salad this bullshit away?


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918daa No.20977831

File: dde9461a9bcac1b⋯.png (281.46 KB,427x323,427:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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323c0c No.20977832



Anyone that leads or retorts an argument with that has none

Makes no difference

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45e105 No.20977833

on a lighter note . . .

"It's Good News

Tamandua pup born at Roger Williams Park Zoo "


ahh . . . .

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f8176b No.20977835

She told me enough.

Suck fucks are GONE!!

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631ce4 No.20977836

File: 90dea6b18a3b6ae⋯.png (70.8 KB,354x479,354:479,13787_Never_Forget_Those_B….png)

File: 2aaeb62aa1b416d⋯.jpg (207.56 KB,800x788,200:197,Door_of_Doors_.jpg)

File: 0aaff46166779f1⋯.png (418.63 KB,809x757,809:757,AF1_Never_Forget_those_in_….png)

File: 553af78b5e5bd76⋯.jpg (107.23 KB,1242x796,621:398,AF1_Never_Forget2_Fren_Tea….jpg)

File: 5805f276abd4568⋯.png (157.75 KB,444x600,37:50,25525_Special_People_Editi….png)


its a time travel video if people dont understand

I think so anyways.

Also digging on Airforce right now and TF1 also maiden 2017 tictac trip AF1 and Scavino hints.. interested always… some cool thing we can discover

but thats just me

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27155b No.20977837

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2f925e No.20977838


You are right, they are not aware of the plan

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907951 No.20977839


Memberberry when the sky promoted Ukraine colors ?

Now it's a trans sky

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45e105 No.20977840

history that you might not know

"D-Day Anniversary

Family shares story of late Navy Seabee who was at Normandy "


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60deb0 No.20977841

File: 955898103df0464⋯.png (150.72 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe_kek1.png)


It pisses them off too, whenever they get filtered.

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27155b No.20977843


Perps have to diminish our confidence. That's one of their goals.

Bottom line, they are jealous, and desperate for babies to fuck.

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4fd974 No.20977844


i merely quoted a third party source

trusting that anons can discern for themselves

(You) are the only one i see "pushing your shit"

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f34c84 No.20977845


Only a stupid person calls another person stupid.

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27155b No.20977847


not really.

They want to be filtered. So we can't see them or know what they say.

They are here for third parties anyway; the lurkers.

Not for us.

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57b059 No.20977848

File: 9a0992fe35f4279⋯.png (226.86 KB,565x779,565:779,ClipboardImage.png)

How AP covered the D-Day landings and lost photographer Bede Irvin in the battle for Normandy

When Associated Press correspondent Don Whitehead arrived with other journalists in southern England to cover the Allies’ imminent D-Day invasion of Normandy, a U.S. commander offered them a no-nonsense welcome.

“We’ll do everything we can to help you get your stories and to take care of you. If you’re wounded, we’ll put you in a hospital. If you’re killed, we’ll bury you. So don’t worry about anything,” said Maj. Gen. Clarence R. Heubner of the U.S. Army 1st Infantry Division.

It was early June 1944 — just before the long-anticipated Normandy landings that ultimately liberated France from Nazi occupation and helped precipitate Nazi Germany’s surrender 11 months later.


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631ce4 No.20977849

File: 36348dc15f2fa8b⋯.png (505.89 KB,714x534,119:89,AF1_Marine_One2_Marine_One….png)

File: 41560fd0f1c045c⋯.png (410.03 KB,711x607,711:607,AF1_Marine_One3_Flying_Hot….png)

File: e395d8078811e4a⋯.png (390.41 KB,706x551,706:551,AF1_Marine_One4_TicTac_Spe….png)

File: 5ef19354c19c082⋯.png (379.47 KB,712x574,356:287,AF1_Marine_One5_1_26_2017_….png)

File: b8c5930b24e8054⋯.png (409.87 KB,705x513,235:171,AF1_Marine_One6_Beautiful_….png)


tic tacs was maiden voyage early 2017.. if you want to know

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9f7a36 No.20977850

File: 68ca374d2fcbf14⋯.jpg (6.47 KB,281x179,281:179,images_204_.jpg)

File: ed3da8aa96605de⋯.png (420.53 KB,440x620,22:31,440px_Robert_Bennet_Forbes.png)

File: 7ffef64afb2d6cd⋯.png (5.25 KB,305x165,61:33,n7lQAAAAASUVORK5CYII_.png)

File: f6663ffd82f8cbd⋯.jpg (15.52 KB,198x255,66:85,images_256_.jpg)

File: 3258f90faec5f42⋯.jpg (724.22 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240605_080700….jpg)

Hostile Takeover Explained: What It Is, How It Works …

www.investopedia.com › … › M&A

Mar 2, 2024 · A hostile takeover is the acquisition of one company by another without approval from the target company's management.


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af522c No.20977851

File: 9e82cef9ff8b7bc⋯.png (277.88 KB,798x698,399:349,wtfPepe.png)


>It pisses them off too, whenever they get filtered.

Yes, they hate becoming aware that their shitposts gets under your skin.

It's not at all why they are here in the first place…

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907951 No.20977852

File: 149d45e05162a46⋯.jpg (59.43 KB,508x388,127:97,download_jpeg_g39.jpg)

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468c55 No.20977853


You Baxter boys just won't give up.

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27155b No.20977854


but you just did that.

Gotcha. U must be Fb1

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631ce4 No.20977857

File: 930f80924b23f62⋯.jpg (180.84 KB,960x632,120:79,AF1_Marine_One2b_Marine_On….jpg)

File: 457cc6378daa066⋯.jpg (124.33 KB,960x668,240:167,AF1_Marine_One3b_Flying_Ho….jpg)

File: 4e14e10f7b935aa⋯.jpg (118.32 KB,960x639,320:213,AF1_Marine_One4b_TicTac_Sp….jpg)

File: 04666c4089c5676⋯.jpg (129.8 KB,960x679,960:679,AF1_Marine_One5b_TicTac_Sp….jpg)

File: a7be94b183b10b7⋯.jpg (132.75 KB,960x623,960:623,AF1_Marine_One6b_Beautiful….jpg)

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226373 No.20977859

File: 7cd6f684cc26009⋯.png (334.22 KB,908x697,908:697,ClipboardImage.png)


Japan lawmakers probe UFO security ‘threat’

AFPJune 6, 2024 4:09 am

UFO sightings should not be dismissed out of hand because they could in fact be surveillance drones or weapons, say Japanese lawmakers who launched a group on Thursday to probe the matter.

The non-partisan group, which counts former defence ministers among its 80-plus members, will urge Japan to ramp up abilities to detect and analyse unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), more commonly known as UFOs.

Although the phenomenon is often associated with little green men in the popular imagination, it has become a hot political topic in the United States.

Washington said last year it was examining 510 UFO reports — more than triple the number in its 2021 file — and NASA in September said it wants to shift the conversation “from sensationalism to science”.

The Japanese parliamentarians hope to bring the domestic perception of UAP in line with its ally’s following several scares related to suspected surveillance operations.

“It is extremely irresponsible of us to be resigned to the fact that something is unknowable, and to keep turning a blind eye to the unidentified,” group member and former defence minister Yasukazu Hamada said before the launch.

In an embarrassment for Japan’s defence ministry, unauthorised footage of a docked helicopter destroyer recently spread on Chinese social media after an apparent drone intrusion into a military facility.

And last year the ministry said it “strongly presumes” that flying objects sighted in Japanese skies in recent years were surveillance balloons sent by China.

In Japan, UFOs have long been seen as “an occult matter that has nothing to do with politics”, opposition lawmaker Yoshiharu Asakawa, a pivotal member of the group, has said.

But if they turn out to be “cutting-edge secret weapons or spying drones in disguise, they can pose a significant threat to our nation’s security”.

– UFO ‘hotspot’ –

The US Defence Department in 2022 established the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) to investigate UAP.

An AARO report last year designated the region stretching from western Japan to China as a “hotspot” for UAP sightings, based on trends between 1996 and 2023.

It later concluded in a congressionally ordered 60-page review that there was no evidence of alien technology, or attempts by the US government to hide it from the public.

The Japanese lawmakers will push for the country to create an equivalent to the Pentagon’s AARO and to further boost intelligence cooperation with the United States.

Christopher Mellon, a UAP expert and former US intelligence official, hailed the group’s launch as “remarkable”.

From drones to hypersonic vehicles, the war in Ukraine has shown that “unmanned weapons and artificial intelligence are creating very serious new challenges”, Mellon told the Japanese MPs in an online speech.

In December, one US Air Force base was subjected to a weeks-long, mysterious intrusion by drones, but “we still don’t know where they were coming from”, he said.

A “UAP effort contributes to our understanding of these kinds of issues”.

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4fd974 No.20977860


the post asked a hypothetical question

no one cares about your politically correct pontifications

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27155b No.20977861


no need to be smarter, quite happy with the status quo.

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817143 No.20977863


Now.now mortimer

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145faf No.20977864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Crazy thing is, I didn't choose the thumbnail Pic for this video, THE AI DID.




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61b873 No.20977865


it doesn't need to be sauced, you need to LEARN TO SEARCH.

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787677 No.20977867


How could it make one smarter?

That said, somethink such as driving drunk, and killing someone, is pretty stupid, so it has it's place.

There is a time and place for everything, and we are all stupid at various moments of our life, and all of us are guilty of telling others that they are stupid.

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45e105 No.20977868


your post is a demonstration of that rule?

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027300 No.20977869

File: f8fdd2c8222fd6e⋯.png (666.88 KB,1354x800,677:400,GPZVJkdbkAA_5J5.png)

File: 6356be4dccb11f9⋯.jpeg (366.72 KB,2048x1527,2048:1527,GPZVMeFbAAIWldz.jpeg)

File: c4af076a7e55aaf⋯.jpeg (1 MB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GPZlkmIW8AA2LtA.jpeg)

File: a8b1ce44311b958⋯.jpeg (30.85 KB,627x480,209:160,GPZiVTjWgAAMxwz.jpeg)

File: 4231ad0d2059572⋯.jpeg (416.79 KB,2048x1569,2048:1569,GPZlR_OWEAALCX8.jpeg)


any slide possible to distract from 80 fucking year Delta

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323c0c No.20977870

File: dc820cd656c944f⋯.gif (499.02 KB,500x360,25:18,03CFADA7_4A82_47F1_ABA4_AE….gif)

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9f7a36 No.20977871

File: 8719301c4db20f3⋯.jpg (9.65 KB,278x181,278:181,images_267_.jpg)

File: c81cd34e5b69d86⋯.jpg (12.28 KB,300x168,25:14,images_266_.jpg)

Learn to code?

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4fd974 No.20977872


>You Baxter boys

thx for outing yourself

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b5ccbb No.20977874

File: 69390ea5d468f9a⋯.png (402.93 KB,538x909,538:909,Screenshot_2024_06_06_1138….png)

FB tacitly admits to Biden being a pedo. How else do you explain the 'adult sexual exploitation' objection here?

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97a536 No.20977875


this question is beyond stupid


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a9d524 No.20977876

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB,473x500,473:500,pepe_12.png)


>gets under your skin

Anon laughs at them, and their sheer stupidity. They only wish that they can get under this anon's skin. They are losers, and won't win no matter how much they post here. They're also likely going to be fucked in the end.No dealsmeans shills too.

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45e105 No.20977877


vainty, anon.

you are a good looking man but you have much better qualities than that.

don't let the vainity take over.

I do not like you new name

I think it is very lame.

PS: looks fade.

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ee96b5 No.20977878

File: 69debe370cd6200⋯.png (1.01 MB,1080x1346,540:673,Screenshot_20240606_124355.png)



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47e28b No.20977879

File: 9efadbecc008b1e⋯.png (1.44 MB,1200x749,1200:749,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5913c633719030f⋯.png (1.66 MB,1200x793,1200:793,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1f43c3e7f77028⋯.png (1.99 MB,1200x798,200:133,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83cd3bb6378a2df⋯.png (1.74 MB,1200x834,200:139,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 470fbb2296e1b4e⋯.png (1.36 MB,1200x822,200:137,ClipboardImage.png)

STARCOM commander kicks off Academy's annual Azimuth program

June 5, 2024

U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colo. – U.S. Space Force Maj. Gen. Tim Sejba, Commander of Space Training and Readiness Command, provides opening remarks during the first day of the Azimuth program at the U.S. Air Force Academy, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on June 3, 2024.

Azimuth is a unique summer program for U.S. Air Force Academy cadets as well as Navy and Army cadets, and ROTC students considering a commission in the U.S. Space Force.

Azimuth is a three-week joint undergraduate nationwide space education and training program. Azimuth’s overall goal is to inspire men and women to become officers of character, motivated to lead in the Space Force.



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4fd974 No.20977881



i got an idea….

let's start another stupid slide

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f34c84 No.20977882

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60deb0 No.20977884


FB is run by pedos, so no surprise really.

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57b059 No.20977886

File: 1e1866fe58fef9f⋯.png (1.19 MB,1825x975,73:39,ClipboardImage.png)

Updated 12:00 PM EDT, June 6, 2024

The ACLU is making plans to fight Trump’s promises of immigrant raids and mass deportations

The ACLU isn’t conceding that Trump will beat President Joe Biden this year. But it’s publishing a blueprint on how it plans to respond to a second Trump term given his promises to go much further on immigration, with calls for mass raids and the largest deportation operation in U.S. history.

Advocacy groups are making contingency plans to try and tie up Trump’s priorities in court or through the workings of government. Trump’s allies, mindful of the resistance he faced in the White House and anticipating the chance to remake huge swaths of government, have prepared policy books and staffing plans of their own, including one effort known as “Project 2025.”

The ACLU shared a memo offering possible responses on immigration policy with The Associated Press ahead of its formal release on Thursday.

“This is really kind of the sequel on the earlier work that we did fighting off the worst of the Trump abuses,” said Anthony Romero, the group’s president.


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054870 No.20977888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:50 PM EDT

The President and The First Lady arrives in Paris, France

Official Schedule


1:15 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State





State Department Daily Briefing

State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller briefs reporters and responds to questions on a range of foreign policy issues.


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45e105 No.20977889


I asked I didn't accuse him of anything.

But I have been known to do stupid things, and I admit I've made a lot of mistakes in my life.

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787677 No.20977890


May God rest their souls.

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61b873 No.20977893

File: 8210592c8a128d4⋯.png (629.37 KB,748x821,748:821,ClipboardImage.png)

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d66823 No.20977894

Man, are all you tiny pedos preying on children comedians as well?

25 F-35s to Israel? Kekekek. 3 billion? That the US taxpayers gave you to give back to the MIC? Kekekek.

Free jets, huh? Kekekekek.

Hangar queens that can't fly in the rain? Kekekekek

Figures we give you back some of your useless junk. And for free.


Yeah, go take on Russia. At least their weapons work. Watched those pesky Russians on radar drive that Reaper drone all over the southern black sea once they took control of the guidance system.

God's will in all things. And oh, isn't the Sun just the most wonderful thing to have breathing down your neck?

Sorry if I hurt your feewings. LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE, YOU FUCKS.

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781917 No.20977895

File: ef1691cdeee7d18⋯.jpg (134.58 KB,817x1268,817:1268,photo_2024_06_04_09_15_57.jpg)



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041145 No.20977897


father of lies, so that means he is NOT the father of truth, pick your daddy wisely.

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baa7d0 No.20977898



>May God rest their souls.

Fuck off Jew, may these retarded fuckwits rot in hell for eternity!


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27155b No.20977899


no wonder Trump didn't want him at the White House

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631ce4 No.20977900

File: ef6757e4c1b772e⋯.png (445.93 KB,711x554,711:554,AF1_Marine_One7_return_tri….png)

File: 2bfd29c1a46949a⋯.png (531.22 KB,711x590,711:590,AF1_Marine_One8_Tarmac_Sol….png)

File: aba66a841d39d90⋯.png (381.37 KB,706x529,706:529,AF1_Marine_One9_Wheels_Dow….png)

File: d3096f87ac78310⋯.png (431.83 KB,708x621,236:207,AF1_Marine_One10_Hello.png)

File: 91f87499f8341fd⋯.png (316.87 KB,711x517,711:517,AF1_Marine_One12_WRWY_Salu….png)


I think the motherfucking Airforce is a bunch of timetravellers/warp time and space bullshitters.

and TF1 is also involved. PROVE ME WRONG

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af522c No.20977901

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB,253x204,253:204,dafuqPepe.JPG)


Are you trying to say something?

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e53ec7 No.20977902

File: 7352e6c68020588⋯.jpeg (898.02 KB,2160x1545,144:103,IMG_0885.jpeg)

File: 5644a0f716f4fbe⋯.png (2.05 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_0886.png)


Former Trump aide Steve Bannon ordered to jail by July 1 to serve contempt of Congress sentence


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4cf11b No.20977904

File: 12c7c55279d4275⋯.png (507.08 KB,612x617,612:617,112c7c55279d4275515728a14b….png)

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27155b No.20977905


why is the photograph fuzzy?

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a7622b No.20977906

File: 87d830e87a04ea4⋯.png (3.96 MB,1814x1200,907:600,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09f12274419f95f⋯.png (145.68 KB,909x680,909:680,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d1bc0fe2a29b24⋯.png (138.35 KB,901x642,901:642,ClipboardImage.png)


if there ever a good time to deploy troops and special ops to europe under the guise of D-Day remembrance than tit would be today

If there is a plan to stop chaos across Europe and the u.k it has to be today.

there is no other window.

the u.n and nato will be present and would notice the arrival of any troops at any other time this year…

anon hopes this makes sense to anons who believe there is a global plan to stop the false flags from the deep state and its on the ground assets.



Trump spells it out for the dummies, Truth social is DJT's own EAS (emergency address system) along side a already tested on during his admin direct to mobiles, After being cancelled by dark vested interests. now they will either have to shut down the internet or power to stop him from exposing their plans. twitter, X and every other platform on clown systems can be shut down or restricted.

btw see below.

>They are all on TRUTH because the have to be.



Donald J. Trump @realdonaldtrump

All of the competitors to TRUTH SOCIAL, especially those in the Radical Left Democrats Party who are failing at every level, like to use their vaunted “disinformation machine” to try and convince people, and it is not easy to do, that TRUTH is not such a big deal and doesn’t “get the word out” as well as various others, which they know to be false. I THINK TRUTH IS AMAZING! First of all, it is very solid, having over $200,000,000 in CASH and ZERO DEBT. More importantly, it is the primary way I get the word out and, for better or worse, people want to hear what I have to say, perhaps, according to experts, more than anyone else in the World. My TV ratings are by far the highest, and my Rallies are not equaled, even close, anywhere or by anyone. Look, I had hundreds of millions of followers on various platforms, and could have them back again, but was cancelled for largely political reasons. Those platforms all want me back…They need me back! On Truth I have 7,000,000 followers……

Apr 04, 2024, 6:57 AM



Donald J. Trump @realdonaldtrump

Page 2: Very good for a startup, and growing fast. But when I put out a statement or message, it is SPREAD all over the place, fast and furious. EVERYBODY SEEMS TO GET WHATEVER I HAVE TO SAY, AND QUICKLY. At press conferences I will sometimes ask, “who is on TRUTH.” I have never had one reporter tell me they are not. They are all on TRUTH because the have to be. So don’t believe the FAKE NEWS. Until I came along and exposed them, they were respected and believed. Now they are the exact opposite. With the Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX. and all of the others, people get it. Look, using TRUTH, I became the Republican Nominee for President of the United States, and in record time! When I ENDORSE a politician on TRUTH, they almost ALWAYS WIN. If it didn’t work, or properly get the word out, I wouldn’t use it - But it does work, and work really well - And the fun is just getting started!!!

Apr 04, 2024, 7:21 AM


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2ad3a9 No.20977909

File: daaed5c0c04aae0⋯.jpg (10.73 KB,300x168,25:14,2Q_48_.jpg)

File: fa2c6e279c1a32a⋯.jpg (9.24 KB,252x200,63:50,images_268_.jpg)

File: b499311d7d418a8⋯.jpg (7.46 KB,197x256,197:256,images_269_.jpg)

File: a5f791f94e36629⋯.jpg (9.96 KB,259x194,259:194,images_270_.jpg)

File: 60024a625653b5d⋯.jpg (11.2 KB,225x225,1:1,images_271_.jpg)


Justices take up camping ban case - SCOTUSblog

www.scotusblog.com › Newsfeed

Jan 12, 2024 · The Supreme Court agreed on Friday to decide whether an Oregon city can enforce its ban on public camping against homeless people.

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a7622b No.20977910

File: 87d830e87a04ea4⋯.png (3.96 MB,1814x1200,907:600,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09f12274419f95f⋯.png (145.68 KB,909x680,909:680,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d1bc0fe2a29b24⋯.png (138.35 KB,901x642,901:642,ClipboardImage.png)


if there ever a good time to deploy troops and special ops to europe under the guise of D-Day remembrance than tit would be today

If there is a plan to stop chaos across Europe and the u.k it has to be today.

there is no other window.

the u.n and nato will be present and would notice the arrival of any troops at any other time this year…

anon hopes this makes sense to anons who believe there is a global plan to stop the false flags from the deep state and its on the ground assets.



Trump spells it out for the dummies, Truth social is DJT's own EAS (emergency address system) along side a already tested on during his admin direct to mobiles, After being cancelled by dark vested interests. now they will either have to shut down the internet or power to stop him from exposing their plans. twitter, X and every other platform on clown systems can be shut down or restricted.

btw see below.

>They are all on TRUTH because the have to be.



Donald J. Trump @realdonaldtrump

All of the competitors to TRUTH SOCIAL, especially those in the Radical Left Democrats Party who are failing at every level, like to use their vaunted “disinformation machine” to try and convince people, and it is not easy to do, that TRUTH is not such a big deal and doesn’t “get the word out” as well as various others, which they know to be false. I THINK TRUTH IS AMAZING! First of all, it is very solid, having over $200,000,000 in CASH and ZERO DEBT. More importantly, it is the primary way I get the word out and, for better or worse, people want to hear what I have to say, perhaps, according to experts, more than anyone else in the World. My TV ratings are by far the highest, and my Rallies are not equaled, even close, anywhere or by anyone. Look, I had hundreds of millions of followers on various platforms, and could have them back again, but was cancelled for largely political reasons. Those platforms all want me back…They need me back! On Truth I have 7,000,000 followers……

Apr 04, 2024, 6:57 AM



Donald J. Trump @realdonaldtrump

Page 2: Very good for a startup, and growing fast. But when I put out a statement or message, it is SPREAD all over the place, fast and furious. EVERYBODY SEEMS TO GET WHATEVER I HAVE TO SAY, AND QUICKLY. At press conferences I will sometimes ask, “who is on TRUTH.” I have never had one reporter tell me they are not. They are all on TRUTH because the have to be. So don’t believe the FAKE NEWS. Until I came along and exposed them, they were respected and believed. Now they are the exact opposite. With the Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX. and all of the others, people get it. Look, using TRUTH, I became the Republican Nominee for President of the United States, and in record time! When I ENDORSE a politician on TRUTH, they almost ALWAYS WIN. If it didn’t work, or properly get the word out, I wouldn’t use it - But it does work, and work really well - And the fun is just getting started!!!

Apr 04, 2024, 7:21 AM


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f34c84 No.20977911


The pedos object to the insinuation that they are pedos.

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61b873 No.20977912

File: ba3fed7d178eadb⋯.png (541.06 KB,1082x526,541:263,ClipboardImage.png)

These Fuckwits are killing themselves. kek

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27155b No.20977914


notice how the caption says something different than the body of the article.


Such cheating.

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f4d4d0 No.20977915


what about the wall, tho?

Bannon was supposedly indicted over the 'build the wall' moneypot

his friend with no legs is already serving time for it

Bannon should be on trial naow

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027300 No.20977917

File: 44bd3a85a58b409⋯.gif (76.4 KB,498x268,249:134,revenge_of_the_nerds_good_….gif)

File: a993b107932be79⋯.jpeg (241.41 KB,1080x1080,1:1,GPZFX_ya8AAutrF.jpeg)

File: fc39e29f8d6ad34⋯.png (41.16 KB,640x540,32:27,1037_2_.png)

File: c25b9e6fa4cc108⋯.png (577.73 KB,640x4704,20:147,229_9_.png)

File: 860edb8c314cecc⋯.png (210.41 KB,640x1754,320:877,299_1_.png)

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60deb0 No.20977918

File: 4503f898df9a9e8⋯.jpg (77.65 KB,300x290,30:29,pepe_quad_laugh.jpg)


Personally I don't usually filter, let alone announce filters. Announcing filters wastes bread. I do pay attention though, to how mad some of the shills get when others do announce that they filtered them.

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4cf11b No.20977920

File: 9a20050d09aa784⋯.jpg (173.22 KB,1000x765,200:153,a9a9c93b8cb2510b5ca05e8c0a….jpg)

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d72cef No.20977921

File: d592b2f6b60687c⋯.jpg (72.81 KB,474x797,474:797,th_2973525399.jpg)

Why do they hate this so much?

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1d762e No.20977922


The ACLU needs to fight for the constitution, not leftwing policies.

They have become enemies of we the people.

Go ahead tell this anon about their couple of free speech cases or civil rights. There are no civil rights when the government uses and drives policies that favor one group over another.

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631ce4 No.20977925

File: 8c9e7c012c93f0f⋯.jpg (137.03 KB,960x628,240:157,AF1_Marine_One7b_return_tr….jpg)

File: f8045372e91acc3⋯.jpg (179.01 KB,960x694,480:347,AF1_Marine_One8b_Tarmac_So….jpg)

File: 63d118b54fad1e3⋯.jpg (68.43 KB,620x413,620:413,AF1_Marine_One9b_Wheels_Do….jpg)

File: ff9e1166160a266⋯.jpg (139.79 KB,960x747,320:249,AF1_Marine_One10b_Hello.jpg)

File: 93f2847ccf7a03d⋯.jpg (110.61 KB,960x584,120:73,AF1_Marine_One12b_WRWY_Sal….jpg)


Caps for frens (think) were good


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61b873 No.20977927

File: a829c9792e7c244⋯.jpg (271.41 KB,721x1957,7:19,UN_chief_wants_a_tax_on_pr….jpg)

$100 to the Man or woman who tears down or removes that Ukraine flag from NORMANDY on D-DAY 2024..

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af522c No.20977928

File: 7a271fa0bcc2329⋯.gif (662.36 KB,498x373,498:373,matrixPepe.gif)


I've been here for 6+ years and I haven't filtered anyone once.

Much less announced that I intended to filter anyone.


It's obvious why they have normalized announcing anons filters.

It's so they can track their success rate.

It's hard to be situationally aware if half the bread gets hidden away because ones eyes are too snowflake.

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f8176b No.20977929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dark Mother DumbCunts,

Turn around.


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e53ec7 No.20977931


Who says he should be indicted and charged over the wall?

Oh….the Biden DoJ?


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787677 No.20977932

File: 1b3726c9ce05ffd⋯.jpg (126.7 KB,562x280,281:140,BobbyKennedy.jpg)

Not just Normandy invasion today:

June 6, 1968

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45e105 No.20977933


to each his own anon.

announcing the filter really bugs the shills.

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f4d4d0 No.20977934



>It's hard to be situationally aware if half the bread gets hidden away because ones eyes are too snowflake.

message for BO

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5c2d9f No.20977936

File: 32523504c71e881⋯.png (171.29 KB,402x515,402:515,ClipboardImage.png)

File: baad90775e71227⋯.png (202.97 KB,400x516,100:129,ClipboardImage.png)

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027300 No.20977937

File: 82d7d698e877097⋯.jpg (187.71 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_4….jpg)

File: fc39e29f8d6ad34⋯.png (41.16 KB,640x540,32:27,1037_2_.png)

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323c0c No.20977939

File: d96f9ce82aea95f⋯.jpeg (295.85 KB,840x971,840:971,8E89E3A8_390E_4845_8CB7_E….jpeg)

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e53ec7 No.20977940


You know that Trump’s DOJ will come after people like you….just like Garland went after J6 patriots.

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af522c No.20977941

File: 819213db58a5824⋯.png (1.01 MB,665x920,133:184,feelsGoodMan.png)


>announcing the filter really bugs the shills.

Keep telling yourself that



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f8176b No.20977943

File: e44c272fd71b19d⋯.jpeg (169.63 KB,745x681,745:681,A79BBCB8_FB38_49EB_BED1_4….jpeg)

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d72cef No.20977944


reincarnation is real

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041145 No.20977945



Smart a devils horns.

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a9d524 No.20977947


>announcing the filter really bugs the shills.

Some of them, yes. I watch them call people jews for filtering. It's still funny IMO.

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e53ec7 No.20977948


Who is it?

They both got great hair!

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4cf11b No.20977949

File: 7297cebc2021504⋯.png (416.76 KB,667x374,667:374,7297cebc2021504febca68f0bc….png)


So much so they make elaborate performances about not filtering or why anyone else shouldn't. Remember the "Q said no filters" push from the clowns? That attempt was quite literally from Alinsky's rules book.

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f8176b No.20977950

File: 9207735ffc0e4e5⋯.jpeg (104.58 KB,828x534,138:89,917A9900_E8C9_4E4B_AF0E_8….jpeg)

File: a81bcc70baf438f⋯.jpeg (341.47 KB,828x936,23:26,1BFDD513_A8C4_4B90_9963_5….jpeg)

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27155b No.20977952


oh I get it.

It's not even a real Garrison

It's somebody trying to frame him

You fooled me for about 10 seconds.





Thats a new one.

If you had sauce you'd post it like everybody else who 's an actual Qresearch anon




You don't post the sauce because it aint there.

It's bogus.

As you are.

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4d2182 No.20977953

File: 1d7524c470a5024⋯.jpg (18.23 KB,300x398,150:199,celebrity_kelleth_cuthbert….jpg)

File: 499f8360e3fb1ab⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,19.37 KB,300x449,300:449,amateur_kelleth_cuthbert_W….jpg)

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e53ec7 No.20977954


You better find out how Obama and Biden are able to claim Kenyan citizenship.

You have less than a year to get out

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781917 No.20977955

File: 631ea51ddf8bb0b⋯.png (636.89 KB,918x500,459:250,hjy654.png)

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2f925e No.20977956

>>20976822 @RepMattGaetz Coordinated Lawfare Against President Trump EXPOSED!PN

Everyone knows that Lisa Monico is running the DOJ, Garland is a figure head. Probably for legal and his reputation he refused to participate. But since he signs everything, he is directly responsible for the “Get Trump” mission of Joe Bidan.

Gaetz should have asked about Monico, was she involved?

Regardless, we always thought the DOJ was corrupt, but never seemed to have the definitive evidence. Bidan telling them who to prosecute and persecute means he intentionally hired and put in place the most corrupt to take America down.

I know people say there are still honest lawyers there, but unless rhey resign in mass, it will always be corrupt in Americans minds. They are allowing this, to keep their job.

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d72cef No.20977957


why does the left hate europe so much? Why are they doing everything they can to kill it?

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2ad3a9 No.20977959

File: dde046a0e0c6430⋯.jpg (12.54 KB,300x168,25:14,images_222_.jpg)

File: cd50e268b13d888⋯.jpg (449.88 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20240606_060128….jpg)

File: 6559dda1d588fe4⋯.jpg (13.67 KB,225x225,1:1,images_207_.jpg)

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f4d4d0 No.20977960



>Who says he should be indicted and charged over the wall?

Brian Kolfage, Andrew Badolato and Timothy Shea

Bannon's friends who are presently serving prison time

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61b873 No.20977961

File: 6e5dcf09486ca31⋯.jpg (579.76 KB,832x3472,52:217,One_third_of_American_Jews….jpg)


They tricked a lot of people - Have Patienc.

if you dare say something smart ass I will filter ya.

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5c2d9f No.20977962


Nikola Tesla & Barron Trump

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027300 No.20977963

File: e3a9a8df6b0d033⋯.png (319.14 KB,446x484,223:242,e3a9a8df6b0d03386ce76f352c….png)

File: a9f4694c4fdb288⋯.png (392.39 KB,737x660,67:60,a9f4694c4fdb2881a34e687d6d….png)

File: 679b9c747cd496a⋯.png (1.09 MB,923x1222,71:94,679b9c747cd496a31e1b67204e….png)

File: fb8f97398dfbcd5⋯.jpeg (12.3 KB,255x195,17:13,fb8f97398dfbcd5ec246a14dd….jpeg)

File: cca9591311171ce⋯.jpeg (414.84 KB,2047x1552,2047:1552,GPZhLzrXMAAkwWa.jpeg)


7 fucking years on the beach they said.

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45e105 No.20977964



anon, when the person has a post that is three pages long and posts it constantly for five minutes, over and over, you don't filter it?

when the copy paste haters post the same post over and over in a bread? you don't filter it?

you don't filter those who post to everyone who posts with a long list of posts, and then posts those over and over?

situational awareness isn't the factor.

It's usability of the bread, freeing my mind of noise and depravity, and being able to scroll through the bread without being accosted by subliminal nonsense and psyops.

as I said: to each his own. Each person has their own method of handling the shill spam.

I simply don't believe you when you say you never filter. but whatever.

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e53ec7 No.20977965


Yeah..so what?

Garland puts innocent cripples and old ladies in prison.

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7a48a6 No.20977966

File: 74b8aad442320b0⋯.png (1.12 MB,2094x1482,349:247,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_1….png)

This is a big deal…


"Former US Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter will take part in a discussion panel hosted by RT at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) on Friday. He will join the event online after being barred by US authorities from traveling to Russia.

The RT session will be held under the title ‘The Empire of Evil: Has The West Successfully Demonized Russia?’ and will feature several guests, including former aide to US President Joe Biden Tara Reade, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria Karin Kneissl and great nephew of Otto von Bismarck, Alexander von Bismarck.

The panel will be moderated by RT host and correspondent Oksana Boyko. A live broadcast of the discussion will be available via RuTube, VK and OK.

Ritter was supposed to take part in the discussions in person. However, on Monday, upon attempting to board a Turkish Airlines flight to travel to St Petersburg, he was prevented from doing so by US border-security officers, who confiscated his passport and offloaded his luggage.

Moscow comments on Scott Ritter passport seizure

Read more Moscow comments on Scott Ritter passport seizure

According to Ritter, when he asked the officers why they’d taken his passport, they stated that they were following the “orders of the US State Department.” The political analyst and commenter has suggested that the move was a “deliberate ambush” orchestrated by the US government out of spite, and meant to “stick it to the Russians.”

“The disappointment I felt when my government denied me the opportunity to appear in person in Saint Petersburg was great. However, through the miracle of modern technology, my voice will not be silenced by those who disagree with the messages it carries,” Ritter said.

Meanwhile, Moscow has reacted to the incident by suggesting that Washington has once again demonstrated that it has “long become a police state” by denying its citizens rights to establish any kind of contacts with Russia."

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27155b No.20977967


no I just scroll by

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323c0c No.20977970

File: dab4feb67da8e71⋯.gif (1.09 MB,260x146,130:73,143D2BCD_E368_477E_9445_8A….gif)

File: 6de9748606ae7d0⋯.png (14.19 KB,727x381,727:381,0D24BA45_45FF_4604_8883_6D….png)

China Property Stocks Tumble Into Bear Market As Beijing's Bailout Fades

(It was ‘only’ about $41B directed at the buyers and said at time it’s not enough and they’ll have to keep doing it-pissing against the wind and the Goldman douche thinks 20%drop is “good time to go long”-good luck as this is just getting started and has a long way to go)

Three weeks after Beijing announced "historic" measures, including the central bank providing 1 trillion yuan in extra funding, easing mortgage rules, and local governments planning to purchase apartments to clear excess supply, all in a bid to stabilize the worsening downturn in residential property markets, faith in the housing recovery has faltered yet again, as property stocks have tumbled into a bear market. 

Between mid-April and mid-May, investors hoped that more decisive government intervention in the world's second-biggest economy to shore up the property market would slow the descent. New measures were announced on May 17, and since then, after a 73% surge in the Bloomberg Intelligence gauge of Chinese developers, the index has tumbled into a bear market. The property market downturn has been ongoing since 2021. A series of developers have defaulted on debt, a plethora of idled construction sites, sliding home sales, high inventory levels, and waning confidence in the Chinese population about an economic revival.  a recent note titled 'China Unveils A Housing Market Bailout: Here's What's In It, And Why It Is Still Not Enough,' we cited a Goldman note that underscores the need for more housing easing efforts. Judging by the index above, that's potentially what investors are selling property stocks, emphasizing the urgency for further government intervention.

Here's more from Goldman:

Expect more housing easing efforts down the road — especially on the demand side — with funding and implementation as key for the effectiveness of the property rescue plan. On the funding, a recent Goldman analysis suggests any game-changing housing easing measures (including those for housing destocking) would require significantly more funding than available thus far, while many inland local governments remain financially stretched after the three years of zero-Covid policy and amid the prolonged property downturn. This will require a larger top-down funding scheme from the central government, beyond the RMB300bn relending quota. Moreover, strengthened fiscal discipline and financial regulation may dampen some officials' incentives for more concerted and forceful policy efforts. Upcoming policy events — such as the July Politburo meeting, the Third Plenum, and ad hoc meetings/announcements by major authorities (e.g., the State Council, NDRC, MOF, MOHURD, PBOC, SASAC) — will be worth monitoring closely, especially on solutions to address funding and implementation bottlenecks.

In a separate note, Jeff Zhang, an analyst at Morningstar, wrote that the latest economic data in the country shows "there's not much improvement in property fundamentals," adding, "We may need to wait until the end of year to see a narrowing of declines or a rise in monthly sales as a result of the government's rescue package."

However, in a note, Goldman's Rich Privorotsky told clients Thursday morning, "China property has now dropped nearly 20% of its highs as stimulus/policy pivot hopes have faded (probably time to think about getting long again)." 


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ee96b5 No.20977971

File: ee31bae16587bc5⋯.png (229.1 KB,510x438,85:73,ee31bae16587bc53a4779317cc….png)


>I've been here for 6+ years and I haven't filtered anyone once.

Hardcore mode. Very nice. Couldn't do what you do. o7

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781917 No.20977972

File: 064b4772073bc19⋯.mp4 (1.32 MB,848x474,424:237,IMG_8609.MP4)

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4d2182 No.20977973


>June 6, 1968

1+9+6+8= 24



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a7622b No.20977975

File: 3ce7a95a2c7fd46⋯.png (35.64 KB,537x444,179:148,ClipboardImage.png)





Nov 05, 2017 12:44:18 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No. 148019575

We need to get organized.

Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen.

Let's start w/ Alice & Wonderland.

Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland.

Snow White.

Wizards & Warlocks.


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e53ec7 No.20977976


There aresimilarities.

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27155b No.20977977


it's the opposite, shill

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027300 No.20977978

File: 2b765f0b3da4d4e⋯.jpg (226.86 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_0….jpg)

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f4d4d0 No.20977979


test tubes are real

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61b873 No.20977980


Communications.. Making Zionist Travel Bans a Moot Point

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bbf708 No.20977981


i love the sun breathing on my neck….lol

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45e105 No.20977983



Maybe I guess I could set my mouse scroll to scroll quicker . . .

but then it becomes unusable in other applications.

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027300 No.20977984

File: 58f933f4ef09526⋯.jpg (227.38 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_0….jpg)

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d72cef No.20977986

We are going to annex Maldives next. You heard it here first.

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e53ec7 No.20977987


Biden was looking for his port-a-pot.

When he couldn’t find it, he just pooped his pants and that’s why Macron stood 6 feet away and Bridgette even further

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60deb0 No.20977988


>reincarnation is real

There's a lot of great evidence supporting it.

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4cda51 No.20977989

File: a069d4b523ddbda⋯.png (901.64 KB,1102x927,1102:927,ClipboardImage.png)

LIVE UPDATES: Judge Orders Steve Bannon to Prison on July 1 – Blocks Trump’s Greatest Media Voice from Broadcasting Live Show the LAST 4 MONTHS BEFORE ELECTION!

Bannon has been ordered to surrender to prison by July 1. This ruling comes after Bannon’s appeal was denied by a Washington, D.C. judge.

United States District Court Judge Carl Nichols issued the decision on Thursday, rejecting Bannon’s request to stay his sentence while he seeks to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

This ruling follows Bannon’s conviction on charges related to his refusal to comply with a subpoena from the House committee investigating the January 6th witch hunt.


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027300 No.20977990

File: 40f534b9737fb2d⋯.jpg (194 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_0….jpg)

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631ce4 No.20977991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Take the video.. Crazy bitch

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4d2182 No.20977992



>1+9+6+8= 24

> 2+4=6


1925 1+9+2+5= 17 that's weird

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918daa No.20977993

File: 093cb260bc9d9dc⋯.png (347.11 KB,573x323,573:323,ClipboardImage.png)


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0c595b No.20977994





I included the sauce in the original post so this anon is either gay or faggot or both

probably both

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4cf11b No.20977995

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)


I'm not a shill, idiot, and you're definitely a clown after examining your other posts. Go peddle your false narratives in the filter, you deep state paid posting piece of shit.

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041145 No.20977996

File: a5650297118b741⋯.png (353.54 KB,825x550,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1655fee1567d44⋯.jpg (562.83 KB,786x800,393:400,dollydotsp.jpg)

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45e105 No.20977997


no, you need to sauce stuff.

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d72cef No.20977998


who is reincarnation of hitler? Has he been reborn yet?

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027300 No.20977999

File: a625ddaa749bb84⋯.jpg (225.6 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_2….jpg)

File: 6879681a3fc6549⋯.jpg (229.44 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_2….jpg)

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27155b No.20978000


not at all

Half the time they are lying, so you can say whatever you want and they have to pretend they can't see you


It's a psy-op. Probably testing anything they can to get an edge for their Propaganda.

If you can't see their Propaganda you can't oppose it.

That's the purpose of free speech; to sort things out.

In public is a bonus.

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61b873 No.20978001

File: ace43bf08b1ab03⋯.jpg (648.08 KB,1280x800,8:5,mass_formation_cog_dissona….jpg)




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af522c No.20978002


>over and over, you don't filter it?

No, I am the owner of one of those fancy new mice with a little scroll wheel between the 2 main button. Neat right?

>It's usability of the bread

You can scroll, bakers can bake.

>subliminal nonsense and psyops.

Everything here is one or both of these things.

>to each his own

I'm not telling you what to do.

>I simply don't believe you when you say you never filter

I'll filter you for that. kek

Believe what you want.

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027300 No.20978003

File: bf1f8dc9c8c1e95⋯.jpg (151.04 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_2….jpg)

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e53ec7 No.20978004


Jill has snakeskin fabric suit

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4e9f57 No.20978005


Q said “no filter “

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4d2182 No.20978006

File: 7d1ce67b0560834⋯.png (513.87 KB,516x919,516:919,Screenshot_2023_10_29_at_1….png)

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a7622b No.20978007


Notable, the panic is off the charts

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631ce4 No.20978008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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27155b No.20978009


why give them the satisfaction.

No need to get riled; they are only loser shill

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45e105 No.20978010


I don't want to believe falsehood.

you've explained how you can do it.

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027300 No.20978011

File: 3c2f5bfe63e2bcc⋯.jpg (127.99 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_3….jpg)

File: b01d30ca48b912c⋯.png (137.46 KB,640x1596,160:399,1046_5_.png)

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041145 No.20978012

File: aba47554f1f3843⋯.png (87.66 KB,344x209,344:209,ClipboardImage.png)


Transforming into a navy blue (behind Biden).

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61b873 No.20978013

File: 9de069e35b016a6⋯.jpg (96.1 KB,1028x756,257:189,q_said.jpg)

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27155b No.20978014


Well , at least there's three weeks left for his broadcasts.

Unless they take down the Net?

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60deb0 No.20978015

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


[They] are throwing their political opponents in prison, while at the same time warning that Trump will do this if he wins.

Oh the hypocrisy…

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45e105 No.20978016


he was talking about a different kind of filter.

yours is a very old one-post slide.

we've been down this road before.

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27155b No.20978017


Sometimes "Q has the right idea.

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027300 No.20978018

File: 7f93ed41a72c278⋯.jpg (217.12 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_3….jpg)

File: d4f0fa44d25aca3⋯.jpeg (182.57 KB,1200x1482,200:247,d4f0fa44d25aca3bcbac08649….jpeg)

File: 0d9901249ff31d4⋯.jpeg (1.9 MB,2048x2048,1:1,GPZdfSlboAEkxsM.jpeg)

File: c25b9e6fa4cc108⋯.png (577.73 KB,640x4704,20:147,229_9_.png)

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27155b No.20978019

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2ad3a9 No.20978020

File: c8fdbfe831c210d⋯.jpg (440.83 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240606_100223….jpg)

File: 258be8cc4317fff⋯.jpg (524.25 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240606_100235….jpg)

File: ab59ccb3d0624e9⋯.jpg (13.69 KB,300x168,25:14,9k_51_.jpg)

File: 8b89286afa39b49⋯.jpg (12.64 KB,300x168,25:14,images_272_.jpg)

File: 4d722275473daf6⋯.jpg (12.82 KB,268x188,67:47,images_274_.jpg)
















United by the belief in the dignity and worth of all workers and dedicated to creating a more just and humane society

National Association of Government Employees / SEIU


Black Lives Matter - SEIU - Service Employees …

www.seiu.org › blacklivesmatter

SEIU stands in solidarity with the movement for Black lives and supports its demands for racial and economic justice. Below you will find more information on …

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61b873 No.20978021

File: d790b5c1209d28c⋯.png (95.92 KB,640x400,8:5,drug_test_govt_.png)


wht's he got three fucking months?

Someone else will run the show.

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781917 No.20978022

File: f6625fff9faf18b⋯.jpg (113.94 KB,731x1280,731:1280,photo_2024_06_06_06_38_40.jpg)

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027300 No.20978023

File: 82d7d698e877097⋯.jpg (187.71 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_4….jpg)

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be3fec No.20978024


Do you always fall for bull shit?

That is not a Garrison cartoon, you could have spent a few min researching before defaming.

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a9d524 No.20978025


>Unless they take down the Net?

Wouldn't put it past them at this point. They're shitting themselves.

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61b873 No.20978026


the "I" in SEIU stands for "international" kek

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2f925e No.20978027

File: f8ecc8a043d2af4⋯.mp4 (296.98 KB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17176933386….mp4)

>>20976904 Today and every day we honor and salute those of the Greatest GenerationPN

Video of tweet attached.

Instructions to anons on how to download videos attached to Twitter. It takes less than 30 seconds to download into mp4 to post on the bread. Its so easy to do there is no excuse not to do it.


1. Copy link to twitter post

2. Go to converter:


3. Put link space

4. Click download

5. When completed, you will get 2-3 size links. Note: the board will not take any video large than 17 mg, when downloading you’ll see the size of the video, so you’ll know if the board will take it.

6. When clicking the link it asks if you want to download, click download

7. On the address bar you’ll see a blue circle, that goes white. Click on the circle, then click on the link. Video will open and you can download and save video to your phone or Computer.

8. Posting: put the tweet info in dialogue box, then click the box below that “select/drop/paste files here” to choose video.

You can post the tweet and video, I copy the text from tweet, you can’t post the video and picture.

https://ssstwitter.com/en#google_vignette Is the easiest site to use

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45e105 No.20978028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Dovels

Bristol Stomp

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323c0c No.20978029

File: 98c06fc570809a9⋯.jpeg (785.63 KB,1197x611,1197:611,88649820_A6AA_4742_87DC_8….jpeg)

File: b870197f5209f9a⋯.png (610.07 KB,517x488,517:488,1EE7E0C5_FF97_48B3_9C54_56….png)

>>20976963 lb

Saudi AF SVA7134 737Ministry of Financedid go to Paris as predicted

Love to be a fly on the wall with this

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204a7d No.20978030

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Enjoy Nearly 20 Minutes of the Fake News Media Lying the Hunter Biden Laptop Was "Disinformation"

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027300 No.20978032

File: ab1f09e5951747b⋯.jpg (207.1 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_12_0….jpg)

File: f1fad2410a62c2a⋯.jpeg (312.42 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GPZn6OrbAAAetVR.jpeg)

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e53ec7 No.20978033

File: ad83602c396198a⋯.jpeg (411.03 KB,960x1157,960:1157,IMG_0888.jpeg)



Jill is sniffing her fingers now

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61b873 No.20978034


Anon proposes a new law and oath which protects against commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity frauds.

Just exactly where do you think SEIU and BLM fit on that list - kek

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4cf11b No.20978035

Tranimae isn't blending in very well right now. It's his need to gloat and flaunt superiority that outs him every fucking time. Almost like he's the owner of the very character flaw that was used to attack a specific anon with for close to a year, used to create entire personas around attacking one individual, whom the mimic claimed their target was the reason of the downfall of one of the shills, a particular shill. It's clowns all the way down.

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c1466c No.20978036


>reincarnation is real

“Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” - John 3:3

"And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins." - Luke 5:37-38

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323c0c No.20978037


Welcome NewFag

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f2cadb No.20978038

File: 0b21f1d0afe71fc⋯.png (703.67 KB,1440x960,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d26a2e7dc34569e⋯.png (687.32 KB,1440x960,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f877f51b21cb720⋯.png (1.34 MB,1440x960,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

The ACLU is making plans to fight Trump’s promises of immigrant raids and mass deportations

>so are [they] expecting him to win???


WASHINGTON (AP) — The American Civil Liberties Union filed legal challenges against former President Donald Trump ‘s administration more than 400 times during his time in the White House, helping to halt an array of policies, including separating immigrant children from their parents.

The ACLU isn’t conceding that Trump will beat President Joe Biden this year. But it’s publishing a blueprint on how it plans to respond to a second Trump term given his promises to go much further on immigration, with calls for mass raids and the largest deportation operation in U.S. history.

Advocacy groups are making contingency plans to try and tie up Trump’s priorities in court or through the workings of government. Trump’s allies, mindful of the resistance he faced in the White House and anticipating the chance to remake huge swaths of government, have prepared policy books and staffing plans of their own, including one effort known as “Project 2025.”

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734167 No.20978039

File: 4262a8f715506d0⋯.mp4 (13.45 MB,480x270,16:9,The_FBI_just_admitted_in_c….mp4)

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842b2e No.20978040

File: ef19c7154cdc7fd⋯.png (162.51 KB,375x372,125:124,really.png)


>Jill has snakeskin fabric suit

She shapeshifted to her original form.

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9da81c No.20978041

File: 8cdd99c8d171ea4⋯.jpeg (528.45 KB,950x581,950:581,IMG_1637.jpeg)

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f4d4d0 No.20978042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Unless they take down the Net?

and then some

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631ce4 No.20978043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


when all the fucking left wing nuts respond to their original video

Our girls are on TOP

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204a7d No.20978044

File: 56fa65740f03759⋯.png (572.73 KB,640x739,640:739,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_1….png)


FBI agent Erika Jensen confirmed Tuesday that Hunter Biden’s laptop was in fact real and authentic — meaning that every single one of the 51 “former intelligence officials” who called it Russian misinformation in 2020 should lose their security clearances.

Recall that Politico published their letter in October 2020, just days after the New York Post revealed the existence of the laptop — which in turn revealed evidence about the Biden family’s corruption and foreign deals.

The Biden campaign seized on the letter — with Joe Biden specifically citing it during the subsequent presidential debate — and the media and the Silicon Valley tech giants followed, censoring news about the laptop on that basis.

One of those 51 officials, former CIA director John Brennan, had already lost his security clearance in 2018, after abusing his “access to highly sensitive information to make a series of unfounded and outrageous allegations,” the Trump White House said at the time. Still, despite his track record, the “Russian disinformation” hoax was widely believed.

It was only Tuesday, on the witness stand, that the FBI finally admitted what it knew all along to be true.

All of the other 50 signatories on the letter — including several former CIA directors and acting directors — should lose their security clearances, just as Brennan did. None of them can ever be trusted with access to secrets again.


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47e28b No.20978045

File: e44806b2390d632⋯.png (385.78 KB,945x751,945:751,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e12dd318ee71ee⋯.png (653.9 KB,876x492,73:41,ClipboardImage.png)


Top-secret UFO research grips Washington: Here’s what they’re saying

JUN 5, 2024 / 07:05 PM CDT

Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are taking up a lot of space in the political arena, with a group of senators recently alleging the existence of a longstanding program that retrieves and reverse engineers “nonhuman” technology.

NewsNation’s extensive reporting on UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena) spurred congressional action, starting with an exclusive interview with retired Maj. David Grusch — a U.S. Air Force Veteran and UFO whistleblower — in June 2023 where he alleged the U.S. possesses “quite a number” of “nonhuman” vehicles.

Since then, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., lawmakers introduced provisions to look into this clandestine program and establish a government-wide UAP records collection.

The latter was ultimately signed into law by President Joe Biden last December as part of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act.

“Some of the most high-profile names in recent Senate history were involved in this effort,” Marik Von Rennenkampff, a former analyst at the Departments of State and Defense, told NewsNation. “They are cautious politicians.

They would not just put out 64 pages of legislation that mentions nonhuman intelligence. There it is, in black and white.”

The National Archives and Records Administration has presented precise instructions to federal agencies: reveal everything they know about UAPs by Oct. 20. The National Archives will have a legal mandate to release those records to the public if deemed appropriate.

So why are lawmakers convinced the U.S. government is concealing a top-secret UFO program?

What lawmakers are saying

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) — December 13, 2023

The top Democrat in the Senate has been a staunch advocate for more UAP transparency, noting that “multiple credible sources” have told him that information is being “withheld from Congress.”

“The United States government has gathered a great deal of information about UAP over many decades but has refused to share it with the American people. That is wrong and additionally breeds mistrust,” Schumer said.

The late Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.), former Senate majority leader — April 27, 2020

Reid, whose home state Nevada is the home of the famed Area 51, pushed to increase funding for any and all UFO-related activity.

In 2020, when the Pentagon released footage of an unidentified aerial phenomena, Reid responded that while he was glad the footage was released, “it only scratches the surface of research and materials available,” Reid wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“The U.S. needs to take a serious, scientific look at this and any potential national security implications. The American people deserve to be informed.”

Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) – December 13, 2023

Rounds — who led the amendment with Schumer — said the proposed legislation is modeled after the JFK Assassination Records Act.

Rounds said doing so has “successfully guided the release of records to the American public on another very sensitive matter of high interest to the American people.”

“And it does one more thing that we really need to recognize, and that is that there is, we believe, information and data that has been collected by more than just the Department of Defense, but by other agencies of the federal government as well, and by allowing for an outside, independent collection of these records we can make progress in terms of dispelling myths and providing accurate information to the American people.”


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a9d524 No.20978046

File: 99648c16b147a92⋯.jpg (77.74 KB,354x461,354:461,ewww.jpg)


As long as he doesn't post his benis again, anon doesn't care what he does.

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45e105 No.20978047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let's Twist Again

Chubby Checker

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f2cadb No.20978048

File: 037eb826bd75d07⋯.png (127.72 KB,353x482,353:482,ClipboardImage.png)


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42e6dc No.20978049

File: e68bfd370930892⋯.jpg (10.3 KB,255x251,255:251,5a1635a5c1158d3d25812fcd08….jpg)


Is there a longer vidya?

What happened after that?? Did he shit down, I mean sit down or what happened.

You can see Jill covering her mouth so no one could see her telling him, don't shit now Joe!! Kek!!

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bbf708 No.20978050


that's to be determined. :p

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9da81c No.20978051

File: 2574905a78dbc46⋯.jpg (123.48 KB,546x604,273:302,2A4A88C3_04F0_447C_B10E_42….jpg)

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2ad3a9 No.20978053

File: e9198333234f902⋯.jpg (5.43 KB,225x225,1:1,9k_46_.jpg)

File: 218fdcac93f6259⋯.jpg (4.96 KB,224x225,224:225,9k_45_.jpg)

File: ae3ae048c5a77a1⋯.jpg (6.64 KB,202x249,202:249,images_97_.jpg)

File: f1a28e05d254a54⋯.jpg (12.23 KB,225x225,1:1,images_83_.jpg)


Trump is not in the white house. Does he need rehousing? AFAF

How these cops are helping veterans get benefits …

www.police1.com › police-heroes › articles

Aug 12, 2021 · Cops are helping homeless veterans get benefits, housing and off the streets. For veterans who are homeless and among the nearly 50 percent …

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041145 No.20978054


Lost something?

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568d6d No.20978055


The filter of the clown-run mainstream media to be precise.

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47e28b No.20978056

File: 5efb507438c3ed8⋯.png (480.55 KB,729x516,243:172,ClipboardImage.png)


Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) — July 27, 2023

In an interview with NewsNation, Rubio said that the latest string of UAP whistleblower claims should be taken seriously.

“I will say I find most of these people — at some point, or maybe even currently — have held very high clearances and high positions within our government, so you do ask yourself: ‘What incentive would so many people with that kind of qualification… have to come forward and make something up?’” Rubio said.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) — December 9, 2021

Gillibrand has maintained over the years that understanding UAPs is critical to national security in the United States.

“Our national security efforts rely on aerial supremacy, and these phenomena present a challenge to our dominance over the air. Staying ahead of UAP sightings is critical to keeping our strategic edge and keeping our nation safe,” Gillibrand said in a statement.

What is the government saying?

The Pentagon has repeatedly denied that a top-secret UFO program exists. In March, it issued a report to Congress shutting down all theories, claiming any evidence of UAP was the result of “misidentification.”

“No verifiable evidence that any UAP setting represented extraterrestrial activity that the U.S. government or private industry has ever had access to extraterrestrial technology, or that any information was illegally or inappropriately withheld from Congress,” Pentagon press secretary Pat Ryder told reporters in a press briefing.

“Alleged hidden UAP reverse engineering programs either do not exist or were misidentified authentic National Security Programs unrelated to extraterrestrial activity or technology exploitation.”

Ryder added: “What we found is that claims of hidden programs are largely the result of circular reporting by a small group, repeating what they heard from others, and that many people have sincerely misinterpreted real events or mistaken sensitive U.S. programs as UAP or being extraterrestrial exploitation.”

NASA also released its own investigation — which involved 16 scientists and other experts, including retired astronaut Scott Kelly — that stated, “At this point, there is no reason to conclude that existing UAP reports have an extraterrestrial source.”

More legislation has been presented in recent weeks

Despite the Pentagon and NASA’s findings, Schumer is expected to once again introduce sweeping legislation to further look into UAP programs within the next couple of months, a source familiar says.

At the House level, Republican Rep. Tim Burchett — one of the leading advocates in the Capitol advocating for UAP transparency — recently launched a new bill requiring Biden to direct the heads of each federal agency to declassify all documents related to UAPs.

“This bill isn’t all about finding little green men or flying saucers,” Rep. Burchett said. “It’s about forcing the Pentagon and federal agencies to be transparent with the American people. I’m sick of hearing bureaucrats telling me these things don’t exist while we’ve spent millions of taxpayer dollars on studying them for decades.”


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027300 No.20978057

File: 9b18cbd0275f9be⋯.png (523.79 KB,640x4120,16:103,2097_1_.png)

File: 719e13d546f4b96⋯.png (365.64 KB,640x3182,320:1591,97_5_.png)

File: 066463016c558f5⋯.png (109.34 KB,640x1412,160:353,978.png)

File: 258e669171db2e2⋯.png (271.93 KB,640x1898,320:949,8_3_.png)

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61b873 No.20978058

File: f14369659fc8093⋯.jpg (30.16 KB,640x400,8:5,Michael_Cohen_stealing_60_….jpg)


>it's clowns all the way down


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e53ec7 No.20978059


After Jill scolded him, he stood back up

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f4d4d0 No.20978060



sauce: https://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/jews.htm

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631ce4 No.20978061

>>20978043 too sexy for my hat possible haha


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e53ec7 No.20978062


Would a Star of David be on a cross?

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a1985c No.20978063


notable if not already noted

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61b873 No.20978064




No. you dolt. you don't recognize sarcasm because your a fucking BOT.

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45e105 No.20978065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




in Rio De Janeiro

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9da81c No.20978066

File: 7ec68dbf875f873⋯.mp4 (544.62 KB,e86lu5lwX8JzDhjU.MOV)

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2af256 No.20978067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

World Champion John Ward has Breaking News


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6f7b1d No.20978069


Trump will when he's back

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e53ec7 No.20978070


Is this for real?

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9da81c No.20978071

File: a5427960b6f6a86⋯.png (911.48 KB,607x800,607:800,8BC012D0_92B7_4923_B988_4B….PNG)

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f2db26 No.20978072

Kansas City Chiefs player suffers cardiac arrest after seizure as team cancels activities

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027300 No.20978073

File: 6d7d3539acc9917⋯.png (259.31 KB,640x1090,64:109,1302_2_.png)

File: 08f614b77111250⋯.png (70.72 KB,640x660,32:33,245_2_.png)

File: 0d781b12cb599f3⋯.jpeg (47.71 KB,680x445,136:89,GPXvExbacAAhHoH.jpeg)

File: 6879681a3fc6549⋯.jpg (229.44 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_2….jpg)


2/2. top KEK.

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e53ec7 No.20978074



I never see what you ask if I see.

What do you see?

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97a536 No.20978075


seems like he's hallucinating he's seeing something like a dog or something

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842b2e No.20978076

File: a5a4bce181cdd14⋯.png (308.14 KB,932x791,932:791,2024_06_06_13_15_12.png)

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60deb0 No.20978077


He is accusing Trump of saying that.

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9da81c No.20978078

File: 05316a191aed327⋯.jpg (342.55 KB,1512x1617,72:77,IMG_1403.jpg)



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145faf No.20978079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Suns getting low…

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568d6d No.20978080

File: fc01d90eb752e26⋯.jpg (49.96 KB,731x747,731:747,48a1f6d89e3d36fd955e14af1f….jpg)


I don't even want to say it.

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4cf11b No.20978081


Then you're not paying attention to what else he does.

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6f7b1d No.20978082

MSM Fake News doesn't have much Credit Left

After all their Hoaxes

It's a Laptop From Hell that comes back to haunt them

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27155b No.20978083

File: 2bfc4e03fc8ac76⋯.jpg (584.47 KB,1200x1089,400:363,owl.jpg)

File: 5727349c394e1e5⋯.png (22.16 KB,346x271,346:271,filtering.png)


I made a mistake and said, It took me a few seconds to catch on

The cartoon 's been deleated anyway.


see what I mean?




Apparently in reviewing the posts where 'Q team has included the word "filter"?


Yet we don't filter.

we can answer their question and stand up to them, and show the sauce;


It's a "feather in our cap" What makes us authentic researchers / scientists (if you will)

It's a point of pride.

We have no need to stuff our fingers in our ears to drown out what we're afraid to hear.

That's their (the crooks) game.

They are the snowflakes.


Should we be like the enemy?

Why throw away what gives us cache.

Anytime I see someone announce "filtered" I know they are a lightweight


Owls who's eyes can't stand the light of whatever the day offers.. They have to close their eyes.

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2af256 No.20978084


Linky, linky

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027300 No.20978085

File: 094d6a3da11a8f0⋯.jpg (198 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_12_1….jpg)

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be3fec No.20978086

File: 982c327e472f120⋯.png (1.08 MB,897x801,299:267,Capture.PNG)


Charleston is having issues.


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9da81c No.20978087

File: 2111c833d3518e1⋯.jpg (169.04 KB,960x737,960:737,IMG_1285.jpg)

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027300 No.20978088

File: 1f2c593c101e575⋯.jpg (194.13 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_12_1….jpg)

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45e105 No.20978089

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dancing in the Street

The Grateful Dead

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6f7b1d No.20978090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It is a Good Day to be Anon

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9da81c No.20978091

File: f67223b5e677b3a⋯.jpg (139.63 KB,1032x991,1032:991,IMG_1553.jpg)

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61b873 No.20978092

File: e5b22e7308ac68d⋯.mp4 (13.79 MB,854x480,427:240,chris_wray_protects_the_ep….mp4)

Chris Wray Protects the Epstein~Kissinger Diplomatic Back-Channel.

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145faf No.20978094

File: f61e91638aa9392⋯.jpg (850.75 KB,970x1719,970:1719,Screenshot_20240606_101937….jpg)


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054870 No.20978095

File: 176021c741846e2⋯.mp4 (9.89 MB,480x270,16:9,2024_06_06_Steve_Bannon_Sp….mp4)

JUNE 6, 2024

Steve Bannon Speaks After Being Ordered to Report to Prison

Steve Bannon speaks to reporters in Washington, after being ordered by a federal judge to reporter to prison by July 1.


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9da81c No.20978096

File: 89127f726f4769e⋯.jpeg (431.72 KB,872x528,109:66,IMG_1641.jpeg)

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aa4d15 No.20978097



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072551 No.20978098

File: e78ec66175196d7⋯.png (67.95 KB,304x164,76:41,aclu.PNG)

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e53ec7 No.20978099


The MSM has been willing accomplices to the evil left, because they think they are smarter than the people and know what is good for us.

They are like little Epstein, but trafficking in lies rather than children. And just like Jeffrey, they are narcissistic and therefore easy to manipulate.

Trump is manipulating them now….but they are too dumb to know it.

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58b9f5 No.20978100



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781917 No.20978101

File: f154c76a214cc75⋯.jpg (36.37 KB,634x423,634:423,photo_2024_06_06_07_40_28.jpg)



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45e105 No.20978103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dancing with Myself

Billy Idol

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4e9f57 No.20978104

File: 75236a0164998d7⋯.jpeg (37.35 KB,230x255,46:51,IMG_4599.jpeg)



Seems (((someone ))) wants that port shut down.


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61b873 No.20978105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2ad3a9 No.20978106

File: dc9806edf75bc6b⋯.jpg (5.98 KB,341x148,341:148,images_278_.jpg)

Lip pursing is when the lips push or mash together in a hard line. This is an indication of tension and may indicate frustration or disapproval. Pursed lips are a classic sign of anger, including when it is suppressed. Pursed lips can also indicate a person who is thinking and deciding between possible options.

Aug 15, 2022

5 Body Language Cues that You Should Know

www.teamtravelsource.com › 2022/08/15

About Featured Snippets

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027300 No.20978107


lotta replies to the first. the teleprompter is ai. did he puke?

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f5abcf No.20978108

Seems anon patriots need to show up at MTG events, protests against 45, etc and start demasking and exposing these disrupters.

Not sure why no one has followed the patriot front feds and expose those tools.

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fad799 No.20978109

File: 385ef638f8bab7d⋯.jpeg (284.81 KB,2048x779,2048:779,IMG_5808.jpeg)


>>"Q said no filters" push from the clowns?

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568d6d No.20978111

File: 7ce77f254c6f121⋯.png (535.7 KB,1080x1148,270:287,Screenshot_20240606_132124.png)

File: 56d2cce278b389c⋯.jpg (68.93 KB,790x674,395:337,69d912d09d05e178.jpg)



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34d72e No.20978112

In commemoration of DDay, God rolled my ankle yesterday to remind me what appreciation feels like. Nothing like a lame foot to make you appreciate your legs.

o7 soldiers.

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45e105 No.20978113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Men without Hats

Safety Dance

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27155b No.20978114

File: f049e50bb0a6924⋯.jpg (42.67 KB,284x508,71:127,twitler.jpg)



What sets us apart.

What gives us distinction.

As opposed to Twitface and the rest.

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4cf11b No.20978115

File: 92ba2faa128b929⋯.png (728.62 KB,1659x1902,553:634,surfer_silver_pepe4.png)

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06cb53 No.20978116

File: 38bd8b5d8b41bf4⋯.jpg (59.32 KB,600x490,60:49,tumblr_oqsdtjiEX41wqafwpo6….jpg)

Fire at will!

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f2cadb No.20978117

File: d0ebb36e88d9d8a⋯.png (911.87 KB,1440x960,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48ee64f83069748⋯.png (1.19 MB,1440x960,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8c90b1eb5d8f75⋯.png (1.41 MB,1440x960,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Election certification disputes in a handful of states spark concerns over 2024 presidential contest

In Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, two Republican members of a county canvassing board last month refused to sign off on the results of an election that led to the recall of three GOP members of the county commission. They did so only after state officials warned them it was their legal duty to record the final vote tally.

In Georgia’s Fulton County, which includes the Democratic-voting city of Atlanta, a group run by members of former President Donald Trump’s administration last week sued so a Republican member of the local elections board could refuse to certify the results of the primary election.

And in Arizona, GOP lawmakers sued to reverse the state’s top Democratic officials’ requirement that local boards automatically validate their election results.

The past four years have been filled with battles over all sorts of election arcana, including one that had long been regarded as an administrative afterthought — little-known state and local boards certifying the results. With the presidential election looming in November, attorneys are gearing up for yet more fights over election certification, especially in the swing states where the victory margins are expected to be tight. Even if those efforts ultimately fail, election officials worry they’ll become a vehicle for promoting bogus election claims.

Trump and his allies have tried to use the tactic to stop election results from being made final if they lose. In 2020, two Republicans on Michigan’s state board of canvassers, which must certify ballot totals before state officials can declare a winner, briefly balked at signing off before one relented and became the decisive vote. Trump had cheered the delay as part of his push to overturn his loss that ultimately culminated in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

During the 2022 midterms, some conservative, rural counties tried to hold up their state election results, citing the same debunked claims of voter fraud that Trump has made.

In New Mexico, rural county supervisors refused to certify the state’s primary vote until they were threatened with prosecution. In Cochise County in southeastern Arizona, two Republican supervisors who refused to certify the local vote totals said they had no doubt their own county’s tally was accurate but were protesting the counts in other counties that gave Democratic candidates for governor, attorney general and secretary of state their victories.

Responding to the certification controversies, Michigan’s Democratic legislature passed a law making clear that state and local canvassing boards must certify election totals. The two Arizona county supervisors are currently facing criminal charges filed by the state’s Democratic attorney general.

Democrats and nonpartisan groups say the thousands of local election oversight boards across the country aren’t the place to contest ballot counts, and that state laws make clear they have no leeway on whether to sign off on their staff’s final tallies.

“Election authorities don’t have the discretion to reject the results of an election because of their vibes,” said Jonathan Diaz of the Campaign Legal Center, adding that lawsuits and recounts are the proper recourse. “They’re there to perform a function. They’re there to certify.” But some Republicans argue that’s going too far. Kory Langhofer, the attorney suing to overturn the election procedures manual’s directive in Arizona that was issued by the Democratic attorney general and secretary of state, said he didn’t support the effort to block certification in Cochise County in 2022. But, he argued, locally elected boards of supervisors have to have some discretion to police elections.

“It seems to me the system is stronger when you have multiple eyes on it,” Langhofer said. Of the efforts to block certification in 2020 and 2022, he added, “I hope that’s behind us.”

Democrats doubt that’s the case. They note that the America First Policy Institute, a pro-Trump organization run by former officials from his administration, filed the lawsuit in Georgia to let Fulton County Elections Board member Julie Adams vote against certifying elections. Adams’ four other board members voted to certify last month’s primary but Adams abstained last week, contending she couldn’t accept the results given prior election administration problems in the county.

>Fulton County is the heart of the Democratic vote in Georgia, and anything that holds up its totals in November could help make it look like Trump has a large lead in the state.


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5c2d9f No.20978118

File: ac081e6f2e92ea5⋯.png (830.08 KB,1007x878,1007:878,ClipboardImage.png)



Reaching kek

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30f4d5 No.20978119


Kek, the only problem, her sentences make sense

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041145 No.20978120




There are so many airports today, some even hide secrets.

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568d6d No.20978121

File: 0e386c812e67185⋯.png (565.86 KB,1080x1135,216:227,Screenshot_20240606_132237.png)

File: 468a7e8954f6153⋯.jpg (83.2 KB,890x730,89:73,d532de5629be8de6.jpg)




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9da81c No.20978122

File: 8dcaa5200f62913⋯.jpeg (118.17 KB,638x800,319:400,Biden_Gaffes_01_Jobs_is_a….JPEG)

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781917 No.20978124

File: 9efa1eed8c4f878⋯.jpg (67.65 KB,1280x592,80:37,photo_2024_06_06_07_37_34.jpg)

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d66823 No.20978125

By the way, you tiny pedos thinking children are your toys:

Watched that United States of Israel ICBM test launch and wondered how that big slow thing would fare against hypersonics…

God's will in all things. And yes, the Sun is like a clock, and these are the days of your lives…

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27155b No.20978126


You're free to interpret it as you please.

But look at it in the context of the other posts which have that word?

The meaning is very straightforward.

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6f7b1d No.20978127

File: 329e157d516858b⋯.gif (3.04 MB,480x480,1:1,1629251812_Copy.gif)

Trump won

2020 was rigged & Stollen

SCOTUS to Give Trump Bonus 4 Year Terms for Fuckery

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45e105 No.20978128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bee Gees

Stayin' Alive

(this really does have a dance theme too . . .)

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2af256 No.20978129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

80 years ago today.

Day of the Eagle….(and the dove)

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f34c84 No.20978130

File: d500cd5e6cd4aa4⋯.png (54.91 KB,666x500,333:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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f55648 No.20978131


Did PotatoJoe just load-up his assbag?

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61b873 No.20978132


is it just me or this won't play (unless downloaded first?)

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aa4d15 No.20978133


Seizure leading to cardiac arrest

Sounds like suddenlies

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45e105 No.20978134


386 million views!

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027300 No.20978135

File: 6b40b5afbd2ae10⋯.jpeg (152.31 KB,1000x771,1000:771,GPZblinboAAhCO7.jpeg)

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9da81c No.20978136

File: 4ec17b1581327a1⋯.jpeg (125.83 KB,638x800,319:400,Biden_Gaffes_04_Hairy_Leg….JPEG)

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61b873 No.20978137

File: ea1a3f1ec61ea7d⋯.png (1.1 MB,1753x1027,1753:1027,ClipboardImage.png)


no sound too..

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568d6d No.20978138

File: df762b9d97ffbf1⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB,540x540,1:1,df762b9d97ffbf147af575d00d….mp4)




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f4d4d0 No.20978141


plays fine for me

with audio

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47e28b No.20978142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Boeing Starliner mission encounters new issues (helium leaks) en route to ISS

6 June 2024

Key Issues Encountered:

Thruster Failures:

Four of the reaction control system thrusters failed during a planned test of the spacecraft’s manual flight control capability.

The crew managed to get two of the thrusters operational again.

These thrusters, located on the service module, are crucial for fine-tuned trajectory adjustments.

Helium Leaks:

Three helium leaks have been identified. One was known before launch and deemed manageable.

Two additional leaks were discovered after reaching orbit.

Helium is used to fire the spacecraft thrusters and is non-combustible and non-toxic.

Despite these issues, mission managers have confirmed that Starliner maintains sufficient helium reserves, and the leaks are not a safety concern for the crew, vehicle, or mission.

Adjusted Docking Schedule:

Initially expected to dock at 12:15 ET, Starliner’s docking was rescheduled to a window between 13:33 and 14:19 ET (UTC-4).

The spacecraft maintained a safe distance of about 250 metres from the ISS until it was deemed “orbit-safe.”

Crew’s Response and Safety:

Astronauts Butch Willmore and Suni Williams were instructed to close two valves due to the helium leaks.

The crew was assured of their safety and told to rest while ground teams continued troubleshooting.

Timeline and Impact:

The astronauts are expected to spend about eight days aboard the ISS, though this may change depending on the resolution of the helium leaks.

The earliest potential landing date is June 14, with mission objectives taking precedence over the timeline.

This mission represents a significant step for Boeing and NASA in expanding crewed spaceflight capabilities and demonstrates resilience and problem-solving in addressing unexpected challenges during space missions.



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072551 No.20978143


….just the daily installment of the jewish humiliation of America ritual

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be3fec No.20978144

File: dedae0ef9c9f5ee⋯.png (414.54 KB,522x596,261:298,Capture.PNG)

Why is Ivanka so comfortable around Satanists?


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2f925e No.20978145

File: e965ccea1ffd34d⋯.jpeg (402.16 KB,1241x2100,1241:2100,IMG_2891.jpeg)

File: 4ecaa47dce142a9⋯.jpeg (342.43 KB,1242x1815,414:605,IMG_2892.jpeg)

File: 4ab97338d9ff56a⋯.jpeg (340.85 KB,1242x1721,1242:1721,IMG_2893.jpeg)


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aa4d15 No.20978147


Too rolling stoned

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226373 No.20978148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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9da81c No.20978149

File: 0571392135e8b72⋯.jpg (555.69 KB,962x1311,962:1311,IMG_0469.jpg)

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f34c84 No.20978150


works for me

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61b873 No.20978151


Make A sentence

"The Temple of Airport Jesus Protest. "

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6f7b1d No.20978152

File: c44845575d63be6⋯.png (871.44 KB,2355x1352,2355:1352,ClipboardImage.png)

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f4d4d0 No.20978154


>the jewish humiliation of America ritual

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781917 No.20978155

File: 7c72f180eda8a8a⋯.jpg (91.92 KB,1280x853,1280:853,photo_2024_06_06_07_45_10.jpg)

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61b873 No.20978156

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah my copy can use some FOUNDERING background music kek.


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041145 No.20978157

File: 47c40d863f9bfe7⋯.png (595.79 KB,685x900,137:180,47c40d863f9bfe76dc6cf51d50….png)

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06cb53 No.20978158

File: a5d8369b3dca21f⋯.png (286.94 KB,618x585,206:195,ClipboardImage.png)

Clinton Foundation



🎶 #TBT: Last June, President @BillClinton joined @questlove and Team Supreme on @QLS to celebrate Black Music Month.

🎷 He recalls the actions he took in the White House to support his passion for music, revisits his saxophone playing on Arsenio Hall, and offers advice for those looking to make a difference.

🎧 Listen here (or wherever you get your podcasts) for the full episode: podpage.com/questlove-suprem…

Jun 6, 2024 · 5:16 PM UTC



>Fire at will!

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c1466c No.20978159

File: e7e8d54ec507075⋯.png (586.33 KB,600x398,300:199,ClipboardImage.png)


They're not satanists.

These are satanists (pic)

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9da81c No.20978160

File: 7ec68dbf875f873⋯.mp4 (544.62 KB,e86lu5lwX8JzDhjU.MOV)

File: 697f54b679318a7⋯.jpeg (325.26 KB,1366x1366,1:1,20137EE6_056C_43B5_B86C_B….JPEG)

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4d2182 No.20978161

File: 5b146b31335019f⋯.jpg (53.88 KB,600x500,6:5,8t0sy9.jpg)


>Charleston is having issues.


>Charleston is having issues.

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027300 No.20978162

File: 5721ca083fc2534⋯.png (28.25 KB,640x408,80:51,1322_2_.png)

File: 386e63859222eab⋯.png (112.89 KB,640x946,320:473,53_6_.png)

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2af256 No.20978163


If you need assistance with the human response to your lived experience, professional nurse ays.

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fad799 No.20978164

File: 3089b38f2cb24a4⋯.jpeg (188.67 KB,749x1074,749:1074,IMG_2398.jpeg)

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d72cef No.20978165


blacks seem pretty conservative if you ask me

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d3ee6a No.20978166

File: 63d961c72b558a8⋯.png (2.68 KB,310x163,310:163,63d961c72b558a800982302500….png)


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2f925e No.20978167

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Steve Bannon Reflects On American Heroes: “One Lesson We Should Take Away Is American Sacrifice”(He was sentenced to jail this am for 4 months by Judge Nichols)


(One hour ago)


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be3fec No.20978168


They are Satanists and trannys.

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50b699 No.20978169

>>20974388, >>20974511 (both pb) President Nayib Bukele Described how they Overcame the Impossible Gang Situation in El Salvador —— We Prayed 🙏

did u guys watch until the end though? he many of the el salvadorians who america spent so much resources on to train and feed are now moving back to el salvador and also many americans in general are moving there too. how is this a good thing? stop being happy for other countries success. your country needs your support the most.

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594c45 No.20978170




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c1466c No.20978171


You don't know what a satanist is.

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45e105 No.20978172


the timing of it is clear election tampering and political persecution

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f4d4d0 No.20978173


"You're not going to shut up MAGA!"

"There's not a prison built that can shut me up!"

Bannon is such a larper.

He's been assigned a bunker.

End of America incoming.


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4d2182 No.20978174


Cant spell Dracula without an A C L U

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d66823 No.20978175

One more things, you sick tiny pedos:

I just heard that you desire to codify your mental-illness, pedophilia, into law so that anyone who calls you a pedo to your face or kicks your ass can be charged with a hate crime.

You must know the largest majority of the world still hates pedos, don't you? Sick bastards.

Here's looking at you, all you Congressional steers. Especially those who do not partake, but don't mind looking the other way.

God's will in all things.

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d72cef No.20978176


seems like the law is just arresting random conservatives at this point

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2af256 No.20978178


The signifier, Ive been seeing it everywhere lately…but its upside down…

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027300 No.20978179

File: 3501abba035f81c⋯.mp4 (7.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,3501abba035f81c081ef1786a8….mp4)


the vaxxxx is safe and effective overtime allowances bonuses covid rules

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9d0b0c No.20978180

File: e7e5a29546155c1⋯.jpg (38.75 KB,604x404,151:101,Wat8.jpg)

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9da81c No.20978181

File: 07073577a4a21e0⋯.png (1.42 MB,1200x798,200:133,6E9EE80E_DCFC_4A33_B594_ED….png)

File: 0a03277a1c373e6⋯.png (4.65 MB,1890x1890,1:1,2FAC8707_FF57_4A5C_8EBC_B9….png)

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4e9f57 No.20978182


Should be one sentence, not two.

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6f7b1d No.20978184

File: 0e5efad3f0220ca⋯.png (905.13 KB,2355x1352,2355:1352,ClipboardImage.png)

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45e105 No.20978186

File: 9f0b3d21b9dd1d8⋯.jpg (111.86 KB,966x611,966:611,illfated_Sultana_April_27_….jpg)

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2af256 No.20978187





January 7?

Why now?

Why not then?

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9da81c No.20978188

File: 6b0265ebc4b7be4⋯.png (456.82 KB,589x536,589:536,C3B954AF_4ACD_4A44_9051_66….png)

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226373 No.20978189

File: a98d90f47d6b27c⋯.png (215.3 KB,924x511,132:73,ClipboardImage.png)



12:13 PM · Jun 6, 2024


@jack bein' cryptic

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027300 No.20978191

File: 3013f10a61a7369⋯.mp4 (8.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,3013f10a61a7369f8df003ade7….mp4)

File: ecf8c8eb079f165⋯.webm (5.85 MB,720x480,3:2,ecf8c8eb079f1654170bc3ac1….webm)

File: 5ef37736d75f1b7⋯.mp4 (919.86 KB,720x720,1:1,5ef37736d75f1b7752ce41f5ab….mp4)

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61b873 No.20978192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Clinton Fraudation <sp


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8c6da8 No.20978193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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04333d No.20978194




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b2c9aa No.20978195

File: 0d576c74dc5b15e⋯.png (399.13 KB,459x571,459:571,biden_legs.png)

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45e105 No.20978196

File: ede6329ff4eb3d3⋯.jpg (236.17 KB,602x392,43:28,Sultana_Disaster_0006.jpg)

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d72cef No.20978197


$1000/liter unvaxxed blood ?

Is this why the black organ trade is blooming?

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a1985c No.20978198


>twit videos

added this to Dough Resources thread, linked in Globals under downloading videos


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06cb53 No.20978199

File: e6512173b29741b⋯.png (267.68 KB,518x575,518:575,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13c31a0198be91d⋯.jpg (340.93 KB,2048x1494,1024:747,media_GPZHeIkaoAEaONS.jpg)

Bill Clinton



Today on the 80th anniversary of D-Day, I am thinking of the courageous members of our Armed Forces, and our Allies, who served and sacrificed to save the world.

(Photos courtesy of The National WWII Museum @WWIImuseum)

Jun 6, 2024 · 1:09 PM UTC




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60deb0 No.20978200

File: e75d21408f7ebde⋯.jpg (8.24 KB,240x210,8:7,id_hit_that_bc.jpg)

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34d72e No.20978201


Should make sideways boats for land invasions by sea so enemy can't just fire in a straight line to wipe out everyone on the boat btw.

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c309fa No.20978202


Hebrews 9:27

King James Version

27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

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7ac248 No.20978203

File: 67fd53fa1190e42⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB,270x480,9:16,HHkbs_caa.mp4)

File: 8e5c33833047e1c⋯.png (603.25 KB,1080x1664,135:208,Screenshot_20240606_133922.png)



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2af256 No.20978204


Real professional nurses didnt get vaxxed…

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91d42e No.20978205

Did any justice occur today that I need to know about?

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61b873 No.20978206

File: f7a3cdd96bc263f⋯.mp4 (12.62 MB,848x464,53:29,2f2aaa20d5740748.mp4)


MS-13 is on 8kun Premium I see.

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027300 No.20978207


rap -17 is for the retired with no witnesses

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9da81c No.20978208

File: ed4d240fc7e1f30⋯.mp4 (288.25 KB,640x360,16:9,VHLiJ5_V5zf4GE2j.mp4)


Jill Biden Cooper

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04333d No.20978209




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2af256 No.20978210


Want to hear about the deaths over the last 2 years in a department with only 13 employees?

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f34c84 No.20978211


>Why is Ivanka so comfortable around Satanists?

Because she is a spy, like her mother Ivana.

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9da81c No.20978212

File: 6f9d1b67e736709⋯.jpg (165.26 KB,687x620,687:620,Hunter_Likes_Your_Post.jpg)

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7ac248 No.20978213

File: 85672560df0c3a1⋯.jpg (298.4 KB,877x1170,877:1170,a5707b4af4c67a8c.jpg)



Donald J. Trump


Khabib Nurmagomedov, who retired after a RECORD of 29-0, never having lost even a single round, is probably the Greatest Fighter of All Time. I met him at the UFC event on Saturday night in New Jersey. A really smart guy - Big things in the future for Khabib! DJT

Jun 06, 2024, 1:33 PM


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f4d4d0 No.20978214





Clinton Kunstamps

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61b873 No.20978215

File: 58607c4a05add9d⋯.mp4 (6.01 MB,434x412,217:206,UTz_wsWAZIqO_4Ia.mp4)


stop amplifying that shit family of multinational terrorists.

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04333d No.20978216

File: 5403d5984bbb9ed⋯.png (340.48 KB,531x531,1:1,5403d5984bbb9edf3be0cef1ae….png)



omfg do it, DAN!

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041145 No.20978217

File: 2c2c3955171edfb⋯.jpg (97.5 KB,728x880,91:110,2c2c3955171edfb74bb6166cb5….jpg)

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c1466c No.20978218


Correct, but what you call death is not death.

When Jesus entered the synagogue leader’s house and saw the noisy crowd and people playing pipes, he said, “Go away. The girl is not dead but asleep.” But they laughed at him.

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9da81c No.20978220

File: 9fe9c78f36416de⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB,640x360,16:9,4gXgsEBEyegQd9q4.mp4)

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c1466c No.20978221

>>20978218 (Me)


Oops, Matthew 9:23-24

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7ac248 No.20978222

File: 69bdec93ecd9912⋯.png (289.98 KB,1080x1292,270:323,Screenshot_20240606_134255.png)


POTUS retruth Dan Bongino



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631ce4 No.20978223

File: 6ec7f983ab74154⋯.jpg (134.5 KB,1080x1350,4:5,dec_3_2015_Kelleth_Cuthber….jpg)

File: b46e8343381751c⋯.jpg (94.41 KB,1080x1350,4:5,dec_17_2015_Kelleth_Cuthbe….jpg)

File: 9b6025555fc5b50⋯.jpg (162.01 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,dec_20_2016_Kelleth_Cuthbe….jpg)

File: d026dd87d18395c⋯.jpg (93.81 KB,1080x809,1080:809,apr_30_2023_Kelleth_Cuthbe….jpg)

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4d2182 No.20978224


KEK Nice! Looks so natural

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027300 No.20978227



fucking justice does

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5aa018 No.20978228

File: 40ec9e716f173e0⋯.png (110.17 KB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)

testing a gif

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61b873 No.20978229


"Blessed post" will be viciously and wrongly attacked by that Vatican Spammer.

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a1985c No.20978230


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60deb0 No.20978231

File: 67a6bde7c429b42⋯.png (584.77 KB,752x499,752:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d0b0c No.20978232

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34d72e No.20978234

File: df8ff3545b0b8ad⋯.png (23.9 KB,415x380,83:76,ClipboardImage.png)


4414 confirmed Allied soldiers dead in Normandy invasion. June 4th delta.

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5aa018 No.20978235


well that didnt work like i had planned.

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9da81c No.20978236

File: 8ee582689a6b9c8⋯.mp4 (898.3 KB,480x852,40:71,agaijyE6c_aVWm1e.mp4)

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7ac248 No.20978237

File: ba6d37cc751da09⋯.png (904.54 KB,1080x1703,1080:1703,Screenshot_20240606_134540.png)

File: 73909b195208a6b⋯.png (214.38 KB,1080x557,1080:557,Screenshot_20240606_134454.png)





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6f7b1d No.20978239

File: ecde7285ab95ece⋯.png (911.14 KB,2355x1352,2355:1352,ClipboardImage.png)

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f4d4d0 No.20978240


we share in your disappointment

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d3ee6a No.20978241

File: a3bbafb631b34e1⋯.jpg (57.28 KB,600x900,2:3,f7LUTC2sAP3dMmiiC880NGUYYg….jpg)


wish it was the other one tho

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041145 No.20978242

File: 002ea5205ab73d4⋯.jpg (18.2 KB,255x253,255:253,002ea5205ab73d4bded245fc68….jpg)

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2350cb No.20978244

File: fd3c0325a6e93fb⋯.jpeg (295.65 KB,1883x1101,1883:1101,BEA68AAD_1029_4029_A8E4_1….jpeg)

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027300 No.20978245


fucking nurses justice. correction. gotta be Military in the mix in all hospitals.

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b2c9aa No.20978246

File: 9f7521d7fea4c3b⋯.png (512.94 KB,608x480,19:15,ClipboardImage.png)

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a1985c No.20978248


bought you some time, baker

shill removal op ongoing, mostly VS.

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d79c81 No.20978249


>13 minutes till 1800

Or 6

6pm on 6/6

Your three sixes

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61b873 No.20978250


where did you get the "DONATE TO ICJW" poor puppy dog background music emotional sound track from?

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45e105 No.20978251


"Sultana was a commercial side-wheel steamboat which exploded and sank on the Mississippi River on April 27, 1865, killing 1,167 people in what remains the worst maritime disaster in United States history. "


most of whom were soldiers returned from prison camps in the South to the North right around the time Abe was murdered.

and yet it was buried into obscurity, and clearly the dictators don't celebrate it publicly like they do D-Day.

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bbf708 No.20978252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4d9a01 No.20978253

File: ba54b7011857387⋯.png (2.81 MB,2032x1896,254:237,0f.png)





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781917 No.20978254

File: 8b2e8dc8fb77498⋯.png (370.59 KB,634x423,634:423,427u.png)

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c1466c No.20978256


Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (This was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and had said, “Lord, who is going to betray you?”) When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?”

Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.” Because of this, the rumor spread among the believers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?” John 21:20-23

What did you think it meant that John was in the Spirit? Stop listening to the teachers Jesus warned you about. The pastors and priests.

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781917 No.20978257

File: aeb19d38b8d81db⋯.png (370.64 KB,634x423,634:423,kuy588.png)

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027300 No.20978260


do it smell like parmesan cheese

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9da81c No.20978261

File: 304b661a608f5aa⋯.mp4 (15.93 MB,agaijyE6c_aVWm1e.mp4)

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bf69bc No.20978262

File: 5404fe405aa6669⋯.mp4 (6.57 MB,862x480,431:240,What_Are_You_Fighting_For_.mp4)




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054870 No.20978263

2:00 PM EDT

Toward a New Supply-Side: The Future of Free Enterprise in the United States

Manhattan Institute



House Financial Svcs. Chair & Others Speak at Free Markets Conference

House Financial Services Chair Patrick McHenry (R-NC) and others speak at a free market conference hosted by the Manhattan Institute.


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06cb53 No.20978264

File: 9fed29b5e9ebb4d⋯.png (599.95 KB,615x574,15:14,ClipboardImage.png)


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594c45 No.20978266

#25728 >>20977565

>>20977593 Former President Donald Trump says Israel has lost its influence in Congress

>>20977599 First wave of D-Day assaults on Normandy Beach included E Company, 16th Regiment, 1st Infantry Division.

>>20977585 The Great Lawfare Backfire of 2024.

>>20977611 FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS!!!🇺🇸

>>20977653 Prayers for Bannon, he is one of Trump’s biggest supporters.

>>20977704 Delta 12 welcomes new commander

>>20977772 PF: RAF REDARROWs T-45 Goshawks departed north

>>20977859 Japan lawmakers probe UFO security ‘threat’

>>20977878 PDJT - Great Fighter, Sean Strickland

>>20977888 Potatoe arrives in Paris, France

>>20977970 China Property Stocks Tumble Into Bear Market As Beijing's Bailout Fades

>>20977975 Anon Q's D-day 80 and Nov 5th

>>20977989 Judge Orders Steve Bannon to Prison on July 1

>>20978045, >>20978056 Top-secret UFO research grips Washington: Here’s what they’re saying

>>20978092 Chris Wray Protects the Epstein~Kissinger Diplomatic Back-Channel. MP4

>>20978095 Steve Bannon Speaks After Being Ordered to Report to Prison

>>20978111, >>20978121 PDJT POTUS POLLS

>>20978158 TBT: Last June, President @BillClinton joined @questlove and Team Supreme on @QLS to celebrate Black Music Month

>>20978199 @BillClinton Today on the 80th anniversary of D-Day, I am thinking of the courageous members of our Armed Forces

>>20978213 @realDonaldTrump Khabib Nurmagomedov… …is probably the Greatest Fighter of All Time.

>>20978237 “WWII Hero James Weir Surprised With Street Designation In Miami”




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34d72e No.20978268


Titanic type sabotage. Those soldiers knew the truth to something.

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76a084 No.20978269


Does he clap em or spread em anon has to know

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0a39b3 No.20978270

File: 245adfba0ba524c⋯.gif (33.27 KB,271x403,271:403,pepeDICKswing.gif)

need some help with the link (or webm) of Potato Joe at D-day taking a crap and being whisked away by "Dr." Jill

thanks in advance

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45e105 No.20978272


stop interpreting Jesus falsely and telling others who to listen to and who to care about.

each pastor and each priest is an individual.

you have to decide individually how much heed to pay them.

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027300 No.20978273


oldfag detected

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a1985c No.20978274


Interested in being situationally aware of the latest posts from Vatican Shill?

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61b873 No.20978275

File: 8fecd39bf0644c8⋯.png (16.06 KB,115x100,23:20,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 936cc1d7d200bc5⋯.png (7.84 KB,327x70,327:70,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2cadb No.20978276

File: ceb8b2575d9d0a8⋯.png (758.38 KB,980x653,980:653,ClipboardImage.png)

Ex-NASCAR driver Tighe Scott and 3 other Pennsylvania men face charges stemming from Capitol riot

Retired NASCAR driver Tighe Scott, his adult son and two other Pennsylvania men are facing felony charges stemming from confrontations with police during the Jan. 6, 2021, siege on the U.S. Capitol.

Scott, 75, of Pen Argyl, and three Saylorsburg residents — Jarret Scott, 48; Scott Slater Sr., 56, and his son Scott Alex Slater Jr., 26 — were arrested Wednesday by the FBI. Court records did not list attorneys for any of the men, and prosecutors did not respond Thursday to a question about whether any of the men had retained attorneys.

Tipsters helped identify the men after authorities posted photos and videos of the riot online, including one who recognized Tighe Scott from his racing days.

The four men entered the restricted grounds of the Capitol during the insurrection and physically engaged with police attempting to hold the line of protesters, according to the release. During this time, Tighe Scott struck police riot shields and attempted to rip one out of an officer’s hands while the two Slaters — both holding golf clubs — pushed and resisted against police shields, authorities said.


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6f7b1d No.20978277


How Media can raise awareness…

Problem is…

Nobody is watching MSM Media

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5c2d9f No.20978278

File: fd8c17b836a8f26⋯.png (757.21 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa12996357dab05⋯.png (299.71 KB,600x319,600:319,ClipboardImage.png)


>>20974709 PB

Nikola Tesla’s Involvement in the Philadelphia Experiment & Time Travel


Too many coincidences

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2f925e No.20978279

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“America Needed These Brave Men”: Patrick K O’Donnell On Heroism Of D-Day SoldiersExcellent Historian



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b2c9aa No.20978280

File: c1bc10a1729096f⋯.png (578.73 KB,853x480,853:480,ClipboardImage.png)

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c1466c No.20978281


What do you accuse me of falsely interpreting.

Every pastor and priest is a false teacher.

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9da81c No.20978282


No, idea. It was downloaded of X.

However, it sounds like a looping sample of music.

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8c6da8 No.20978283

File: 8f455197a1e5f8c⋯.png (484.15 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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34d72e No.20978284


There is only present, future, and futurepast.

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61b873 No.20978285



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45e105 No.20978286


your pointlessness is gaslighting.

When you meet Him discuss it with Him yourself. I'm sure you know what I am telling you put you feign ignorance.

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8c6da8 No.20978287

File: 5b40d893fd1e6bf⋯.png (835.88 KB,1011x500,1011:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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61b873 No.20978289

EVERYONE on JANUARY 6TH forgot to bring a gun though..



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06cb53 No.20978290

File: ed7ebfb736d6b80⋯.png (511.48 KB,630x563,630:563,ClipboardImage.png)

Barack Obama



Ten years ago, I had a chance to meet veterans of D-Day in Normandy. On this 80th anniversary, let’s remember the brave service members who stormed those beaches despite long odds, and whose example continues to show us the way.

Jun 6, 2024 · 5:47 PM UTC



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027300 No.20978291


soldier shots his pants in memeory of a shitstorm code_name_shit_tornado_ kek

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c1466c No.20978292


Seek Truth, not what you want to be true.

What do you accuse me of mis-interpreting. What do you accuse me of lying about?

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f34c84 No.20978293



remember when this pic was stuck on 8chan?

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c309fa No.20978294


if reincarnation is a real thing

than the work at the cross was all for naught

because your "works" would get you in

reincarnation is not real

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61b873 No.20978295

EVERYONE on JANUARY 6TH forgot to bring a gun though..






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d0aa9f No.20978296


Alex Jones predicted this

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0a39b3 No.20978297

File: 4d009ab7a90ac9e⋯.webm (1.34 MB,480x270,16:9,BIDENshitHIMSELFdDAYfranc….webm)


i snagged one from half, but low quality

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f4d4d0 No.20978298


>Titanic type sabotage


June 18, 2023

11 months, 19 days ago

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05a27d No.20978299


>testing a gif

They tend to work better when you post as a gif rather than as a PNG.

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d72cef No.20978300


looks real to me, trumps kid looks just like tesla

reincarnation is real

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61b873 No.20978301

EVERYONE on JANUARY 6TH forgot to bring a gun though..








CLEAR OUT commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud IF YOU EVER WANT TO SEE FREEDOM AND PEACE AGAIN.

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f4d4d0 No.20978302


transhumanism and cloning are real

reincarnation is bullshit made up by transhumanist cloners

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a1985c No.20978303

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c1466c No.20978304


Nonsense, why do you think that?

It is real, Jesus told you so. The priests told you it means something else.

He knew you before He formed you in the womb. There's nothing new under the sun.

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5aa018 No.20978305

File: d5b1873cf827a62⋯.jpg (195.81 KB,600x797,600:797,c68585d56fd507d9.jpg)

File: 3efcf11837b243e⋯.jpg (142.09 KB,600x790,60:79,1827975f9fdb28f0.jpg)

File: 0bcbdd7a2a86dba⋯.jpg (147.52 KB,600x750,4:5,20625bf1d55fa6d7.jpg)

File: 491dd652a1fddcf⋯.jpg (266.42 KB,600x865,120:173,64bd21b47e0b49ac.jpg)


I understand completely, it pastes as a image instead. hmm. anyway,

have some others i just found while I try to get this that play.

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c309fa No.20978306


im sure not gonna listen to you take scripture out of context and twist it so it tickles your own ears

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4a5096 No.20978307

File: 4e69de9f92daa79⋯.png (332.09 KB,444x440,111:110,3989_Q.png)

File: faf9158a56a712f⋯.jpg (320.63 KB,960x606,160:101,ad4a8c874026807fc224d6d6bf….jpg)

File: c59ae62f19240fa⋯.jpg (15.75 KB,255x184,255:184,c59ae62f19240fad9fd18ddc2a….jpg)

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34d72e No.20978308


Prob they were getting too close to the truth on what happened to the Titanic.

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45e105 No.20978309


by their fruits, anon.

you are asking people to distrust people who they love and respect based upon false ideas that you claim are 'truth'

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d72cef No.20978310


some people are basically just reborn. Looks and acts the same. Might as well call it reincarnation

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c1466c No.20978311


I'm not twisting anything, you beliefs are what's twisted by the priests.

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9da81c No.20978312

File: 37ed81f9a3d9dac⋯.gif (317.01 KB,450x359,450:359,Pepe_Eye_Bulge.GIF)

File: 44de7f9f901eae1⋯.jpeg (217.93 KB,600x797,600:797,IMG_1650.jpeg)

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61b873 No.20978313


if you must ask you have no discernment, and with no discernment I don't really feel a need to answer you.

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5aa018 No.20978314


so it needs to be converted?

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45e105 No.20978315


you should discuss this with Jesus, himself, and stop preaching your hatreds here.

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deba79 No.20978316

D Day

From past year

Frens graphic won't post

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cc665c No.20978317

Dicks out for not needing to apologize to the marooned pants enforcer.

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8c6da8 No.20978318

File: 190fbc96cf9d22a⋯.png (409.85 KB,500x635,100:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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c309fa No.20978320




stop assuming for starters

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cc665c No.20978321

She’ll be more annoying than you once she matures.

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027300 No.20978322



the teleprompter is CGI

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c31e57 No.20978323

File: 5ccba787383809d⋯.jpg (30.89 KB,512x512,1:1,20240606164924_na_1666_lit.jpg)


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a0d2c7 No.20978324


>Trump says Israel has lost its influence in Congress, and will restore it if elected.


"saving for last…"

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c1466c No.20978325

File: f27ab931c78ea7d⋯.png (26.07 KB,400x415,80:83,ClipboardImage.png)


He warned many would come in His name and deceive many. Do you believe Him, or those who put themselves above you as your teacher?

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d72cef No.20978326


Isn't the titanic just nazi propaganda?

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05a27d No.20978327


It needs to be saved created as an animated gif.

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4d2182 No.20978328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Navy allowed Cher to use their ship for this video. If I could Turn Back Time they know they could really do this and their ships could phase through time like The Philadelphia Experiment .or The Final Countdown


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9da81c No.20978329

File: 7ec3cbbdece7560⋯.jpg (241.15 KB,1181x988,1181:988,Macron_s_Wife_Is_A_Tranny_….jpg)

File: 2228ad7fbe18072⋯.jpg (236.26 KB,1366x683,2:1,Brigitte_Macron_Trans_02.jpg)

File: 587d0efe2c70b2f⋯.jpg (317.62 KB,1088x944,68:59,Brigitte_Macron_Trans_03.jpg)

File: 5b6af0d00eb8299⋯.jpeg (321.81 KB,1366x1025,1366:1025,Brigitte_Macron_Trans_01.JPEG)

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5421ad No.20978330

File: 63cad0903a6979e⋯.mp4 (193.44 KB,480x270,16:9,63cad0903a6979ecb5017427ee….mp4)

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a45933 No.20978331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dr. Phil intends to have a major impact on the 2024 election… and he doesn’t like Trump.

At the 49:34 mark of this video, Bill Maher talks about Trump, explains why Trump was elected, says Trump's a moron and a complete narcissist etc.

At the 50:32 mark of this video, Dr. Phil speaks on President Donald J. Trump, Trump supporters and MAGA negatively.

At the 58:02 mark of this video, Dr. Phil says, “Think about this! I’m launching my show in January of 2024. Election year. I intend to have a major impact on what happens… and I do intend to have an impact on that election.”


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5c2d9f No.20978332

File: 356da2d7ecaf984⋯.png (1.01 MB,1152x872,144:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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c1466c No.20978333


I didn't say you had a priest, I didn't assume anything, but you keep assuming. Beware of the yeast of the pharisees. That yeast is mixed throughout the dough over many many years.

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61b873 No.20978334

File: 7ec089327838430⋯.png (431.71 KB,1140x677,1140:677,ClipboardImage.png)

Filtering EVERY Q thing forever until I die.

don't put Q on your shit if you want me to take it serious.

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631ce4 No.20978335

File: f303deedf5c3804⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Red_Baron_Q.jpg)

archive is going well.. may 2018 & 2019 done (maybe)

Kelleth ❤️ Cuthbert archive just under 500 slides

Instant hard with that one. Good night frens :)

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c60856 No.20978336

File: 636091e33d8a10c⋯.png (737.48 KB,720x1204,180:301,ClipboardImage.png)

Got a side profile for anons.

The backpack insures a quick costume change.

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2af256 No.20978337


I dont work for a hospital or the military….

But there are 13 nurses in my department. The dean retired, dead 6 months later. My MIL, I found her when I got home from work one evening 6 weeks later my dad died, 1 year later my 9y/o granddaughter gets dx with heart arrhythmias. Another one of us went out on medical leave, dead. Another of us, MIL dead. Another of us, 2 different kinds of cancer within 6 months of each other, not technically dead yet). Another of us retired after her son got reassigned to VA, then died. Another of us delivered a baby that spent weeks in PICU and still has multiple medical problems. Another of us dad died. Another of us son died. As far as I know, everyone got vaxxed except for me…

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aa195a No.20978338



Although designed with a capacity of only 376 passengers, she was carrying 2,128 when three of the boat's four boilers exploded and caused it to sink near Memphis, Tennessee. The disaster was overshadowed in the press by events surrounding the end of the Civil War, including the killing of President Abraham Lincoln's assassin John Wilkes Booth just the day before. No one was ever held accountable for the disaster.



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f4d4d0 No.20978339


not just a friend

a relative

whose birthday is on Pentecost

surely a coincidence

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d72cef No.20978340


and you thought someone would care?

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9da81c No.20978341

File: 4ff3f405300f9b8⋯.jpg (339.98 KB,1090x1179,1090:1179,Macron_s_Wife_Is_A_Tranny_….jpg)

File: fac78a87420cb3e⋯.jpeg (102.82 KB,800x450,16:9,Macron_s_Wife_Is_A_Tranny….JPEG)

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c309fa No.20978342


away from satan

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f5abcf No.20978343


So many people playing along

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6f7b1d No.20978344

File: 7d4911ca321ba8e⋯.png (909.78 KB,2355x1352,2355:1352,ClipboardImage.png)

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61b873 No.20978345


Filtering - say goodbye jueish Mafia bot

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631ce4 No.20978346



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0a39b3 No.20978347

File: af8efa55f8ffcf0⋯.png (277.33 KB,512x660,128:165,Screenshot_from_2024_06_06….png)

Safe and effective


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c1466c No.20978348


Yes rebuke the lies you believe. Ask For Truth, then humble yourself enough for Him to show you Truth. Truth will set you free.

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d72cef No.20978349


so what nigger, this aint reddit lmao. nobody cares about what you do

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c309fa No.20978350


im talking to you

you twisted freak

away from me

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9da81c No.20978351

File: 83d2c6a5041b0f3⋯.jpg (224.07 KB,1189x994,1189:994,Macron_s_Wife_Is_A_Tranny_….jpg)

File: a3a4be482327cec⋯.jpg (165.86 KB,1162x667,1162:667,Macron_Crocodile_Dundee.jpg)

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4a5096 No.20978352

File: 9c4b31eb504c9f3⋯.mp4 (2.84 MB,1280x720,16:9,9c4b31eb504c9f3abbb4e02777….mp4)


the Nadler effect

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a1985c No.20978353



there's a reason for asking - - to disambiguate anything to do with violence.

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631ce4 No.20978355


Fuck i seen some nothing in years.. NOW its !7!

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f4d4d0 No.20978356

File: 87c58ee7ab4e3c7⋯.png (1.19 MB,728x1148,26:41,Screen_Shot_2024_03_14_at_….png)

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f5abcf No.20978357

So busy with shills.

Do they get paid to try and waste anons time?

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34d72e No.20978358


Titanic was a double-whammy. [They] killed the 4 major opposition of the Federal Reserve and gained shekels via insurance fraud.

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cc665c No.20978359

Pie hands? Sounds so yummy. Right now.

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f34c84 No.20978360


Jill is his babysitter.

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c309fa No.20978361

File: 175d57c2368cb8a⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,1440x1900,72:95,Picsart_24_06_04_00_12_14_….jpg)

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60deb0 No.20978362

File: 82eed41585139ab⋯.png (506.49 KB,468x826,234:413,ClipboardImage.png)

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c1466c No.20978363


No you think you are, but I tell you the Truth, you just don't like to hear it.-

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594c45 No.20978365



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0a39b3 No.20978367

File: 91713c1b07bd7b6⋯.gif (3.9 MB,638x470,319:235,pepeROWDY.gif)


thanks anon

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f34c84 No.20978368


Just like 9/11

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af522c No.20978369

File: 271e4e3d613392d⋯.gif (27.53 KB,198x188,99:94,muppets.gif)

In the bread where real anons (again) explained why filters are redundant and detrimental.

Our benevolent overlords took it upon themselves to delete ~100 posts, so far.

Gotta get rid of that"SPAM"

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c309fa No.20978370

File: f9f0a1f140a8487⋯.jpg (61.52 KB,580x875,116:175,bloody_halloween_hand_pies….jpg)

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aa195a No.20978372


>designed with a capacity of only 376 passengers, she was carrying 2,128

Although Hatch had suggested that Mason might get as many as 1,400 released Union prisoners, a mix-up with the parole camp books and suspicion of bribery from other steamboat captains caused the Union officer in charge of the loading, Captain George Augustus Williams, to place every man at the parole camp on board Sultana, believing the number to be less than 1,500.  Although Sultana had a legal capacity of only 376, by the time she backed away from Vicksburg on the night of April 24, she was severely overcrowded with over 1,951 paroled prisoners, 22 guards from the 58th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, over 70 fare-paying cabin passengers, and 85 crew members, for a total of 2,128 people. Many of the paroled prisoners had been weakened by their incarceration and associated illnesses but had managed to gain some strength while waiting at the parole camp to be officially released.

The massive steam explosion came from the top rear of the boilers. It went upward at a 45-degree angle, tearing through the crowded decks above and completely destroying the pilothouse. Without a pilot to steer the boat, Sultana became a drifting, burning hulk. The violent explosion flung some deck passengers into the water and blew a gaping 25–30 foot hole in the steamer. With the boilers blown to pieces, the twin smokestacks fell; the starboard smokestack fell backward into the blasted hole, and the port smokestack fell forward onto the crowded forward section of the upper deck, hitting the steamboat's bell as it fell. The forward part of the upper deck collapsed onto the middle deck, killing and trapping many in the wreckage. Fortunately, the sturdy railings around the twin openings of the main stairway prevented the upper deck from crushing down completely onto the middle deck. The men located around the twin openings quickly crawled under the wreckage and down the main stairs. Further back, the collapsing decks formed a slope that led down into the exposed furnace boxes. The broken wood caught fire and turned the remaining superstructure into a raging inferno. Survivors panicked and raced for the safety of the water, but in their weakened condition, they soon ran out of strength and began to cling to each other. Whole groups went down together.

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61b873 No.20978373


filtered time wasting JUE..

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cc665c No.20978374

To D or not to D

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34d72e No.20978376


Hmm. Did any important political rivals opposing [them] die on 9/11?

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a1985c No.20978377


keep it up, friend.

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f4d4d0 No.20978378


>The Trial is set for the Spring of 2024.

update your copypasta

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f548ca No.20978379


DRUMPFS whole administration gonna be in jail


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7ac248 No.20978380

File: fba39f02e329127⋯.mp4 (5.41 MB,270x480,9:16,yHnbs_caa.mp4)


Donald J. Trump


A great honor to speak with four wonderful D-Day Heroes — Donald Cobb, Steve Melnikoff, George Cross, and Harold Radish, from my plane going to Arizona. I LOVE YOU ALL, see you in the White House! - DJT

Jun 06, 2024, 2:05 PM


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3dc7bd No.20978381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How the CCP Makes Chinese Migrants Do Its Bidding

China Unscripted

205K subscribers


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39874c No.20978382


Y'all think they will let us live?

They are going to kill us with the compulsory shot, we all gonna die from "Bird Flu".

They ain't gonna let us live.

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f34c84 No.20978384


How many of them were Jewish?

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8c6da8 No.20978385




You goat fucking retard.

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61b873 No.20978386

time wasting JEWS are PAID by the US GOVERNMENT to FUCK with 8Kun.

this is a FACT.

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f4d4d0 No.20978388


they've likely already sprayed us with it from the skies

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027300 No.20978390


pension threatened & travel. 1% mortgages. bad times good on the take

.cities. towns. mayors.up the bribe channels. media clowns. vaxxxx is safe and effective. this is a paid advertisement.

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594c45 No.20978391

#25728 >>20977565

>>20977593 Former President Donald Trump says Israel has lost its influence in Congress

>>20977599 First wave of D-Day assaults on Normandy Beach included E Company, 16th Regiment, 1st Infantry Division.

>>20977585 The Great Lawfare Backfire of 2024.

>>20977611 FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS!!!🇺🇸

>>20977653 Prayers for Bannon, he is one of Trump’s biggest supporters.

>>20977704 Delta 12 welcomes new commander

>>20977772 PF: RAF REDARROWs T-45 Goshawks departed north

>>20977859 Japan lawmakers probe UFO security ‘threat’

>>20977878 PDJT - Great Fighter, Sean Strickland

>>20977888 Potatoe arrives in Paris, France

>>20977970 China Property Stocks Tumble Into Bear Market As Beijing's Bailout Fades

>>20977975 Anon Q's D-day 80 and Nov 5th

>>20977989 Judge Orders Steve Bannon to Prison on July 1

>>20978045, >>20978056 Top-secret UFO research grips Washington: Here’s what they’re saying

>>20978092 Chris Wray Protects the Epstein~Kissinger Diplomatic Back-Channel. MP4

>>20978095 Steve Bannon Speaks After Being Ordered to Report to Prison

>>20978111, >>20978121 PDJT POTUS POLLS

>>20978158 TBT: Last June, President @BillClinton joined @questlove and Team Supreme on @QLS to celebrate Black Music Month

>>20978199 @BillClinton Today on the 80th anniversary of D-Day, I am thinking of the courageous members of our Armed Forces

>>20978213 @realDonaldTrump Khabib Nurmagomedov… …is probably the Greatest Fighter of All Time.

>>20978237 “WWII Hero James Weir Surprised With Street Designation In Miami”

>>20978290 @BarackObama Ten years ago, I had a chance to meet veterans of D-Day in Normandy.

>>20978331 Dr. Phil - President Donald J. Trump interview.

>>20978380 @realDonaldTrump A great honor to speak with four wonderful D-Day Heroes #4D



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4a5096 No.20978395



Ex-NASCAR driver Tighe Scott and 3 other Pennsylvania men were arrested Wednesday by the FBI - Jan 6th

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a1985c No.20978398

File: f38be38aad1f220⋯.png (96.96 KB,290x174,5:3,2024_06_06_11_13_46.png)



how do you like your Vatican spam, baked or fried?

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594c45 No.20978399

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97a536 No.20978401

File: 5f3640833400b0d⋯.png (13.02 KB,235x255,47:51,kingpepe.png)



i think he's seeing king pepe like chuck schumer did that one time

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2f925e No.20978403

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mike Davis Breaks Down President Trump’s Remedy To Fire Back Against Dems’ Weaponized Justice System



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af522c No.20978404


>baked or fried?


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d72cef No.20978406





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a1985c No.20978409


not on the menu


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2af256 No.20978410


Now I kinda wonder if Ivermectin works on bird flu…

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594c45 No.20978411


dont be so hard on yourselves.

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61b873 No.20978413

ua mau ka ea o ka aina e ke pono

fuck Israel

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594c45 No.20978414


> bird flu


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af522c No.20978415


I know. It would require integrity to let information stand on its merits.

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918daa No.20978417

File: a31224a9276a329⋯.png (227.83 KB,561x228,187:76,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 681909c2f8866ee⋯.png (141.14 KB,213x323,213:323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f78306fe587ab53⋯.png (286.22 KB,439x297,439:297,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b26d6d04f2c314⋯.png (331.89 KB,439x288,439:288,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c2d9f No.20978418

File: f640f2d06c9385c⋯.png (1.06 MB,1475x1011,1475:1011,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06676edbf72becc⋯.png (37.73 KB,828x173,828:173,ClipboardImage.png)


Again about 100 Miles from Melania's birthplace

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61b873 No.20978421



toning it down.

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61b873 No.20978422



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97a536 No.20978423

who has that video of chuck schumer shooing king pepe out of his chair

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4a5096 No.20978425

File: 943636e1ce0ffe4⋯.png (335.44 KB,721x499,721:499,943636e1ce0ffe4587caae4a7e….png)

File: 59af21ff1c07bcf⋯.jpg (131.17 KB,629x850,37:50,jacko_2020_07_22_02_12_08_….jpg)

File: 74711d5cd524e8c⋯.jpg (149.68 KB,1024x710,512:355,kereee.jpg)

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aa195a No.20978426



April 15, she was tied up at Cairo, Illinois, when word reached the city that Abraham Lincoln had been shot. Immediately, Captain Mason grabbed an armload of Cairo newspapers and headed south to spread the news, knowing that telegraphic communication with the southern states had been almost totally cut off because of the recently-ended American Civil War.

Upon reaching Vicksburg, Mississippi, Mason was approached by Captain Reuben Hatch, the chief quartermaster at Vicksburg, with a proposal. Thousands of recently released Union prisoners of war who had been held in the Confederate prison camps at Cahaba and Andersonville had been brought to a small parole camp outside of Vicksburg to await release to the northern states. The U.S. government would pay US$2.75 per enlisted man and US$8 per officer to any steamboat captain who would take a group north. Knowing that Mason needed money, Hatch suggested that he could guarantee Mason a full load of about 1,400 prisoners if Mason would agree to give him a kickback. Mason quickly agreed to Hatch's offer, hoping to gain much money through this deal.

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a1985c No.20978427


spam is not information.

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d72cef No.20978428


Is that why your "democracy" pushes for pedophilia so hard? Because its standing on its own merits?

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61b873 No.20978431


so the m705 speed scroll isn't enough to fight spam.

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af522c No.20978432


>spam is not information.

It can be. The frequency of the words doesn't impact the validity of them.

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c309fa No.20978433

File: 53ede3c7b0e3b9f⋯.jpg (421.53 KB,2160x1440,3:2,KingPepe.jpg)

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34d72e No.20978435


Should the Jews be the most grateful on DDay?

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918daa No.20978436


[C}onservatives before [D]emocrats

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594c45 No.20978437


>How many Jews are thanking Allied soldiers today for saving them from Hitler?

the ones still alive?

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aa195a No.20978438


>Captain Reuben Hatch


This story’s Public Enemy No. 1 still lurks in the shadows. Experts know who he is, but they don’t know what he looked like. While photos have been found for every other major Sultana character, images of Col. Reuben Hatch remain missing.

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d5bdb9 No.20978439


I fart in your general direction

What's that Jill?

Never trust a farther?

Too latr

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594c45 No.20978440


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61b873 No.20978441


Q said

Q said

Q said

Threes the charm

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34d72e No.20978442


Literally deleted in less than a minute. Wow.

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bc2fc3 No.20978443

File: b667a3896f3803c⋯.png (941 KB,1080x1412,270:353,Screenshot_20240603_080213….png)

File: 5d5f9485c525a22⋯.png (802.52 KB,1080x1012,270:253,Shit.png)

File: 8d23385a74765e7⋯.jpg (91.24 KB,775x468,775:468,8noezw.jpg)

Joe Biden's declining health and job fitness are a very serious National Security concerns.

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39874c No.20978445


Of course it will, if such a thing actually existed.

Its just an excuse to kill the unvaccinated.

open thine eyes, and see.

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5aa018 No.20978446

File: 58897335129a7ad⋯.png (154.57 KB,300x533,300:533,ClipboardImage.png)


ty fren. trying again

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a1985c No.20978448




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594c45 No.20978450

#25728 >>20977565

>>20977593 Former President Donald Trump says Israel has lost its influence in Congress

>>20977599 First wave of D-Day assaults on Normandy Beach included E Company, 16th Regiment, 1st Infantry Division.

>>20977585 The Great Lawfare Backfire of 2024.

>>20977611 FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS!!!🇺🇸

>>20977653 Prayers for Bannon, he is one of Trump’s biggest supporters.

>>20977704 Delta 12 welcomes new commander

>>20977772 PF: RAF REDARROWs T-45 Goshawks departed north

>>20977859 Japan lawmakers probe UFO security ‘threat’

>>20977878 PDJT - Great Fighter, Sean Strickland

>>20977888 Potatoe arrives in Paris, France

>>20977970 China Property Stocks Tumble Into Bear Market As Beijing's Bailout Fades

>>20977975 Anon Q's D-day 80 and Nov 5th

>>20977989 Judge Orders Steve Bannon to Prison on July 1

>>20978045, >>20978056 Top-secret UFO research grips Washington: Here’s what they’re saying

>>20978092 Chris Wray Protects the Epstein~Kissinger Diplomatic Back-Channel. MP4

>>20978095 Steve Bannon Speaks After Being Ordered to Report to Prison

>>20978111, >>20978121 PDJT POTUS POLLS

>>20978158 TBT: Last June, President @BillClinton joined @questlove and Team Supreme on @QLS to celebrate Black Music Month

>>20978199 @BillClinton Today on the 80th anniversary of D-Day, I am thinking of the courageous members of our Armed Forces

>>20978213 @realDonaldTrump Khabib Nurmagomedov… …is probably the Greatest Fighter of All Time.

>>20978237 “WWII Hero James Weir Surprised With Street Designation In Miami”

>>20978290 @BarackObama Ten years ago, I had a chance to meet veterans of D-Day in Normandy.

>>20978331 Dr. Phil - President Donald J. Trump interview.

>>20978380 @realDonaldTrump A great honor to speak with four wonderful D-Day Heroes #4D

>>20978276 Ex-NASCAR driver Tighe Scott and 3 other Pennsylvania men were arrested Wednesday by the FBI - Jan 6th

>>20978332, >>20978418 PF Spotting about 100 Miles from Melania's birthplace


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2af256 No.20978452

File: c2ee5cc971ca0db⋯.jpg (400.94 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_2024_06_06_14_1….jpg)



Well that didn't take long…

Thats a hard NO according to the NIH…kek


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5c2d9f No.20978453

File: cf1fbb9144e9245⋯.png (131.83 KB,1014x910,39:35,ClipboardImage.png)



My gut… Yeah I kno… Says Tesla and Melinia are Blood relitives.

No diggers?

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f4d4d0 No.20978454


imagine the life of someone who deletes QR posts for a living

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f34c84 No.20978456


I was more so talking about multiple benefits.

They got their Patriot Act

and Silverstein got his ins. money

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af522c No.20978457

File: c4ae660283120c6⋯.png (390.05 KB,500x498,250:249,wat.png)


"My "Democracy"" ?

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56a536 No.20978458

Does anyone receive a monthly interest check on their social security?

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450c99 No.20978460


Great, I'll keep an eye out for it at the next Rally.

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aa195a No.20978462


>Reuben Hatch

Evidence had started pouring in years before, when Hatch was an assistant quartermaster in his home state of Illinois. Reportedly, he indulged in graft there, involving government lumber purchases, the selling of army supplies, and steamboat charter fraud. According to The Sultana Tragedy, as investigations began, Hatch apparently tried to destroy the evidence by dumping it into the Ohio River. But the doctored ledgers washed ashore and were found shortly thereafter.

In this situation, most other officials would be toast. And indeed, it appeared a court-martial for Hatch was imminent. But he had very powerful connections to save him. His brother Ozias Hatch, for starters, was Illinois’ secretary of state and one of Abraham Lincoln’s closest friends and political campaign benefactors.

Ozias Hatch asked Lincoln to vouch for his brother’s character to a judge advocate general, and he did. Lincoln also recommended a few people for the three-person commission that would decide Reuben Hatch’s fate. Ultimately, two Lincoln cronies were appointed and Hatch was cleared of all charges.

Mishaps mark the entirety of Hatch’s military career during the Civil War, yet improbably he kept getting promoted. Experts agree that as he ascended the ranks, he almost certainly would have had his photo taken. Not only did his powerful brother and contacts help shield him from “from his own ineptitude and ethical lapses,” Marshall says, but it’s possible he might have received help in his later years covering his own material tracks.


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631ce4 No.20978465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Banging my head a few times

Love this song

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c309fa No.20978468


ofc its no

they'll update it to yes

after reptilian flu hits

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054870 No.20978471

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3:00 PM EDT

LIVE: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump - 6/6/2024

Right Side Broadcasting Network



5:00 PM EDT

Join Chase The Vote - A Town Hall With President Trump

Real America's Voice



5:00 PM EDT

Chase the Vote - A Town Hall with Special Guest President Donald J. Trump Sponsored by Turning Point PAC & Turning Point Action

Doors Open: 10:00 AM (US/Mountain)



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61b873 No.20978472

So might there be confusion. I say JEW. but I have jewish friends that got exactly nothing to do with this fucking bloodlust and spam.


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d72cef No.20978473


ive met jack. He's pretty chill. He said he hates twitter and what its become and "most of all I hate libshits - more than anything. They think I'm on their side but I hate them all" is what he said to me personally last time we did drugs. He also seems schizophrenic around crypto currencies. Yaps alot about resiliency and shit.


Say that to advertisers and PR firms that push for brainrot.

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aa195a No.20978476


>His brother Ozias Hatch was Illinois’ secretary of state and one of Abraham Lincoln’s closest friends and political campaign benefactors.


born to Dr. Reuben and Ann Hatch

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34d72e No.20978477

File: f97a593bf1814e4⋯.png (530.22 KB,710x500,71:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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bc2fc3 No.20978479

File: 4fae13d1edaca79⋯.png (816.57 KB,1080x1024,135:128,Codemonkey.png)

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61b873 No.20978480


and if it's not a DISCERNMENT problem, then you are the actual ENEMY.

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4a5096 No.20978481

File: ee1dc233469dd9a⋯.png (2.07 MB,1117x854,1117:854,ee1dc233469dd9af5df06fb074….png)

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f8176b No.20978482

File: b85a64059f31829⋯.jpeg (424.28 KB,828x459,92:51,CABB5CEF_05D3_4BA9_9D2B_6….jpeg)

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56a536 No.20978483

Full bird colonel walks past a E1

E1 has 1 badge on his chest

Full bird asked E1 how did you get that badge?

E1 looks at all 25 of the colonels badges and doesn’t see that badge.

What badge could it be?

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3dc7bd No.20978485


that's an oldie but a goodie

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c309fa No.20978487

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594c45 No.20978488

#25728 >>20977565


Q Research General #25729: Political Persecusion #Bannon Edition




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4a5096 No.20978490

File: 2e61eefa8b79c17⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,640x360,16:9,2e61eefa8b79c17cc1e2f5dd31….mp4)

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aa195a No.20978492

File: fff0f4aa2243fb5⋯.png (143.75 KB,345x480,23:32,ClipboardImage.png)

After Lincoln was assassinated, Hatch traveled along the East Coast to procure funding for the Lincoln Tomb in Springfield.


Constructed of granite, the tomb has a tall, story-and-a-half base in trapezoidal form, surmounted by an obelisk, with a semicircular receiving room entranceway on one end and a semicircular crypt or burial room opposite. The balustrade extends around the terrace to form a parapet, and there are several bronze statues, reliefs, and stone carvings located at the base of the obelisk. The obelisk rises 117 feet (36m) high.

Constructed of granite from Biddeford, Maine, dressed at Quincy, Massachusetts, it has a rectangular base surmounted by a 117-foot (36 m)-high obelisk and a semicircular entranceway.

In the center of the terrace, a large and ornate base supports the obelisk.

In front of the obelisk and above the entrance stands a full-length statue of Lincoln.

Infantry and Cavalry statues at the corners of the obelisk.

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3dc7bd No.20978493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

China's Hidden Misery


1.54M subscribers


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a1985c No.20978495


good idea.

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a88b9d No.20978496

File: 694fcab41fd09de⋯.png (276.58 KB,720x692,180:173,ClipboardImage.png)


If the Jews aren't grateful for DDay, then maybe the US actually defeated the Jews by defeating Hitler.

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f34c84 No.20978499

File: a45bca04c7cbfea⋯.png (88.79 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a1985c No.20978502

File: da7c263fb37c88d⋯.png (1.34 MB,1008x876,84:73,19th_century_pepe.png)

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a1985c No.20978508

File: ca4364f32a429dc⋯.png (994.43 KB,1248x905,1248:905,2.png)

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631ce4 No.20978509

File: c3ff7a4e20b3a83⋯.png (415.45 KB,917x576,917:576,Foxes_on_the_run_Keys_Open….png)

File: be5337a6ded8401⋯.png (510.52 KB,1024x576,16:9,Yellow_is_so_soo_sexy.png)


Key is info.. yellow I need a tug

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d72cef No.20978510


Great reply - thought provoking and original! You must truly be proud! I can't believe I even dared think I could live without a reply as profoundly important as that! Amazing! Thank you so much!

(ai generated generic/ironic reply paste)

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a1985c No.20978518

File: dd7e24e5b777ae8⋯.png (289.68 KB,503x541,503:541,8kun_beautiful.png)

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3dc7bd No.20978519

File: 338927a5482ac04⋯.mp4 (9.68 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_06_06_13_33_22.mp4)

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a1985c No.20978526

File: c50d1818a529a0e⋯.png (121.01 KB,510x335,102:67,_45_with_flag.png)

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a1985c No.20978530

File: f2b7dd0dbfecb24⋯.png (92.42 KB,257x276,257:276,wwg1wga_patriotic.png)

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d4b349 No.20978534

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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c6a35f No.20978535


It won’t work anon

We are the untouchables in this matrix

Nothing affect us

Nothing harms us

Anons are their biggest glitch Kek

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af522c No.20978538


Your AI failed to explain what makes it my "Democracy" and not yours.

But hey, that's the state of AI I guess.

(anon generated reply paste)

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d4b349 No.20978543

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB,415x496,415:496,_1.png)

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d4b349 No.20978546

File: 0e0eb7dba711af3⋯.jpg (66.86 KB,480x425,96:85,0e0.jpg)

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f34c84 No.20978548

File: ed3a6ad5f16dd67⋯.png (151.11 KB,888x500,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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d4b349 No.20978550

File: 8f0b0b6ab29eae0⋯.png (302.33 KB,5764x3456,1441:864,2nd_Revolution_Q_Flag_3x5.png)

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d4b349 No.20978554

File: 17fdf4627e30e43⋯.jpg (104.57 KB,760x427,760:427,3a3d7eb0be68cc51d769086348….jpg)

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d4b349 No.20978559

File: 40a3fb26a0cbba2⋯.png (416.55 KB,720x540,4:3,3E2765AD_0E7A_4776_86AA_D8….png)

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d4b349 No.20978560

such fun

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