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c216f3 No.20975811 [Last50 Posts]

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c216f3 No.20975815

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#25725 >>20974803

>>20974877 trump interview with sean hannity 5th June 2024 - quotation

>>20974894 The True Story of the Bilderberg Group and the Men Who Rule the Planet

>>20974930 Reid letter to Comey Aug 27, 2016 / Trump - Russia, Russia, Russia

>>20974950 Former President Trump says Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has "become like a Palestinian."

>>20974993, >>20975100, >>20975181 NYPD will REVOKE Donald Trump's gun permit after conviction in hush money trial

>>20974995 Trump: The only global warming that matters to me is nuclear global warming because that's the real deal

>>20975028, >>20975040, >>20975050, >>20975061, >>20975072, >>20975084 Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York - Appellate Division, First Judicial Department

>>20975056, >>20975166 4 year Delta - Q 4427, 4426

>>20975068 TikTok confirms CNN, other high-profile accounts hijacked via zero-day vulnerability

>>20975080, >>20975217, >>20975224 President of El Salvador says M3-13 is performing Satanic child sacrifice rituals - Tucker interview

>>20975135 Fauci's cabal likely to destroy evidence crucial to social media censorship case, doctors warn

>>20975156 PF Report - Left Coast style-AWACS, Rivet Joint and tankers S from Nellis heading off shore

>>20975162 U.S. Indo Pacific Command repost of @DeptofDefense

>>20975297 GEOTUS now advocating vote by mail. Gee, I wonder why?

>>20975401 Avalon Ventures XI, L.P. Sold $82.125m of Janux Theraputics-June 5th - Mr. Kinsella is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

>>20975535 july 9th very important date - Q 3387

>>20975808 #25725

#25724-B >>20974067

>>20974431 @realDonaldTrump Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott on Crooked Joe Biden's Border Executive Order: "This is all political theater. It's not going to change anything at the border…”

>>20974403, >>20974466 Sen. Tuberville Warns Of The U.S. Military Losing Its Tradition

>>20974406, >>20974751 BREAKING: The Trump campaign has opened their first Pennsylvania field office in Philadelphia because Trump wants to win the state in style by flipping Black & Hispanic voters.

>>20974439 "Russian disinformation" that was banned by Twitter in 2020 is now evidence for a federal criminal trial in 2024

>>20974451 Elon Musk’s X requests Supreme Court investigate how Jack Smith obtained Trump’s social media files

>>20974465 Biden is now working with Capitol police officers to campaign for him to go around saying they almost died on Jan 6th and they were scared for their lives and Trump is a threat to democracy 🤡

>>20974468 "Academic Publisher Retracts Over 11,300 Papers and Shuts 19 Journals As It Is Overwhelmed by Fraud"

>>20974472 Sen. Tuberville Reflects On Father’s Military Service And U.S. Current Military Capabilities

>>20974477 WATCH: 50 Cent was surrounded by Democrat congressmen and stunned all of them with his response to the reporter asking about the election

>>20974509 Exceptions to Biden's executive order on immigration raise concerns

>>20974513 5-foot snake tried to get into NYC apartment — and no one seems to know where it came from

>>20974519 Former Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn starts PAC after losing House run The PAC will back candidates running against pro-Trump Republicans.

>>20974524 Exclusive: Peter Navarro Speaks from Behind Bars in ‘Joe Biden Prison,’ Warns ‘Unrestrained Lawfare Designed to Interfere’ in Election

>>20974543 ICE officers given new instructions appearing to make it easier for migrants to claim asylum

>>20974556 Joey Diaz & Theo Von Discuss the New Normal "It's a different f*cking world. Try to make a doctor's appointment now.

>>20974567 PF: Elon Musk’s N628TS G650 heading back to Austin,TX after an extended stay at Gulfstream’s Appleton, WI maintenance facility

>>20974570 @elonmusk ESG is a corrupted lie. It needs to end.

>>20974602 Catherine Herridge "The Committee attach to this letter a referral for criminal charges against Hunter Biden and James Biden, under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 (false statements)

>>20974606 Sen. Tuberville Raises Alarm On Neocons Funneling Of U.S. Funds Abroad. And destroying the Military

>>20974617 @RepClayHiggins My sources advise that Cartel leaders are celebrating the “Biden deal” with huge parties. A “U.S. government guarantee of their business model”… that’s what the cartels are calling it.

>>20974623 @MAGAIncWarRoom Former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr: "The president, like anyone else, has the right to defend himself in the court of public opinion.

>>20974671 @DiamondandSilk Silk discusses Biden's Bogus Border EO, Gangsta Lean Maxine comments and Marjorie Taylor Greene stating how we all feel, FED UP?

>>20974673 Hero journalist Ben Bergquam gets harassed by Biden Regime GESTAPO for asking TRAITOR Adam Schiff questions

>>20974679 @WallStreetApes Welcome To Communism In Canada. Reporter Is Threatened With Arrest If He Makes “Rude Comments”

>>20974680 Trump campaign sends vetting paperwork to possible 2024 VPs --- here are the notable names

>>20974683 @realDonaldTrump I love this Country. I don't want to see this Country get into a nuclear war

>>20974686 Burnett and Cobb ae seething, literally shaking. Ty Cobb says Judge Cannon delaying Florida case is ‘dangerous’

>>20974692 Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens

>>20974693 New Trump ad

>>20974675, >>20974700, >>20974749 (2020) California inmate kills convicted child molester after beating him over the head with cane

>>20974707, >>20974740 Harnwell: UK press carry exposé on secret NATO stealth plan to get 300k US troops into Ukraine

>>20974726 PF: Russia Federation RSD888(Chek’t) Ilyushin 96 Special Flight Detachment Sergey Lavrov left Cairo headline NE


>>20974748 @GenFlynn Calling all Vets for Trump. This is a new link below. Please check it out and sign up. Thank you and thanks for your service in uniform.

>>20974755 Senate Republicans kill legislation to protect access to contraceptives

>>20974784 BREAKING: Israeli settlers, under the protection of Israeli police, are rioting and attacking Palestinians in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem

>>20974785 Bensman: Called Shot On Biden's Phony Executive Order. Bidan lies again to block illegals. It’s the Republicans fault they prevented me from blocking aliens.

>>20974790 #25724-B

#25724-A >>20974067

>>20974124 Slovak PM points to forces behind assassination attempt

>>20974125, >>20974144 Garrett Ziegler hanging out at Hunter's court appearances. The guy who released the Report On The Laptop in hard copy. The Biden Crime Family hate him Go Garrett!

>>20974138, >>20974149 We need more of this! Rep Scott Perry RIPS this reporter to shreds on questions about Hunter Biden's corruption!

>>20974145, >>20974165 WWII hero Ronald Scharfe speaks out: "I feel like a foreigner in my own country lots of times, and I don't like it."

>>20974151 Good Morning America's Producer Nick Cirone admits the show selects stories and uses contributors to align with their bias.

>>20974155, >>20974167 @mattgaetz Did you know you were paying $20,730 per pound of food delivered through a floating barge in Gaza?

>>20974171, >>20974235 @GenFlynn I wonder if @HillaryClinton or her buddies have anything to say about pizzagate ???

>>20974173 @LizCrokin KTBS news director and anchor Bill Lunn has resigned after becoming a suspect in an ongoing child sex crime investigation by Shreveport police.

>>20974181 Hunter Biden trial live: Gun is shown in court after his stripper ex Zoe Kestan testified

>>20974183, >>20974233, >>20974251, >>20974272, >>20974432, >>20974539, >>20974552 LIVE - President Donald Trump On Sean Hannity 6/5/24

>>20974191 @MTG Bob Good is a backstabber and a liar.

>>20974196 BREAKING: The Republican Oklahoma City Council just shook the nation by voting 8-1 to remove all building height restrictions to make way for the 1,907 foot "Legends Tower" which would be the tallest building in the country and 6th tallest in the world

>>20974206, >>20974253 PF: BOXERs arriving at Paris, Zelensky back to Lublin, Poland from Doha, Qatar 90m stop

>>20974219 Putin: We Could Supply Long-Range Missiles To Enemies Of West In Retaliation

>>20974245, >>20974267 🚨 #BREAKING: NYPD is preparing to revoke President Trump’s license to carry a firearm.

>>20974256 Matthew Colangelo, the scum prosecutor who was lead prosecutor in the so-called "Hush Money Trial" has quite a family.

>>20974268, >>20974298 Fauci testified the BOARD OF THE NIH approved the gain of function research not him.

>>20974289 RNC Making Backup Plans For Presidential Nomination If Trump Sentenced To Prison

>>20974297 Presidential Limo Driver Wanted to Quickly Debunk Cassidy Hutchinson’s Bogus Claim that Trump Grabbed Steering Wheel on Jan 6 -- But Liz Cheney Blocked Him from Testifying

>>20974308 @thejimwatkins Remember the following text: There's a lot more happening at Kun than just the message board that always gets me in trouble.

>>20974319 Just in: @SecDef Lloyd Austin's chief of staff, Kelly Magsamen, set to step down the end of this month

>>20974325 @SpeakerJohnson has named Reps. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) and Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) to the House Intelligence Committee.

>>20974338 BREAKING: Hunter Biden's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle is testifying that he left his crack pipe in open view of their very young kids. She also found his drugs in the car on multiple occasions. Maisy Biden was 10-years-old and Finnegan Biden was 9-years-old at the time

>>20974348 @jsolomonReports Breaking: Rep. Rob Menendez Jr. wins House Democratic primary

>>20974356, >>20974387 🚨 @KatieHobbs caught in the middle of a massive corruption scandal: New investigation shows that Hobbs is running a pay-to-play scheme out of the Governor’s office, funneling taxpayer dollars to six-figure campaign donors.

>>20974363 Looking back now at 2020 riots Do you see what is happening?

>>20974368 @realDonaldTrump They are doing it for the purpose of hurting a political opponent of Biden (ME!), and trying to get him to win.

>>20974370, >>20974407, >>20974420, >>20974433 @DonaldJTrumpJr This is a huge revelation—that Chuck Schumer’s brother is a partner in the firm that gave three highly paid lawyers a paid leave of absence to prosecute Trump.

>>20974376 Gag order delta

>>20974379, >>20974395, >>20974452, >>20974460, >>20974484, >>20974540, >>20974648 POTUS bun

>>20974382 The Montana Libertarian Party has officially rejected Chase Oliver as our presidential candidate.

>>20974388, >>20974511 President Nayib Bukele Described how they Overcame the Impossible Gang Situation in El Salvador —— We Prayed 🙏

>>20974402 PF: AF2 C32A kneepads departed Oakland Intl after muh fundraiser

>>20974414, >>20974577 @elonmusk Somewhere between singing & improv

>>20974424 Elon Musk will bring video-only feed to X in bid to take on TikTok and Instagram Reels

>>20974770 #25724-A

#25723 >>20973284

>>20974022 @realDonaldTrump BIRD FLU BULLSHIT!!! WE WILL NOT COMPLY!!!

>>20973887, >>20973893, >>20973897 @realDonaldTrump WILL BE INTERVIEWED ON SEAN HANNITY TONIGHT. 9PM FOX

>>20973379, >>20973464 In a desperate move, Hunter Biden's legal team led by Abbe Lowell are spinning a wild conspiracy theory to the judge hearing the case

>>20973525 The FBI just admitted in court that Hunter Biden's laptop is real.

>>20973374, >>20973590 Georgia appeals court HALTS trial of Trump and codefendants so it can review 'conflict' challenge to Fani Willis based on her affair>>20973582 AG Nessel’s Lawfare Case Against GOP Alternate Electors IMPLODES: Judge Rebukes AG’s Criticism of Her Fairly Conducted Trial–Lead AG Investigator Fumbles—Can’t Answer Critical Questions

>>20973347 KTBS news director and anchor Bill Lunn has resigned after becoming a suspect in an ongoing child sex crime investigation by Shreveport police.

>>20973581, >>20973735 @GenFlynn I wonder if @HillaryClinton or her buddies have anything to say about pizzagate ???

>>20973340, >>20973390 Tommy Robinson presents 'SILENCED' podcast interview with Dr. David Martin

>>20973344 Scott Ritter describes how his passport was seized by US State Department on the way to Russia

>>20973387 Virginia’s republican governor launches idiotic culture war against CARB

>>20973395 City News Vegas Officially Endorses Republican Jeffrey Gunter for U.S. Senate: A Champion of the MAGA Movement

>>20973444, >>20973453 “Out of control” container ship prompts temporary closure of Ravenel Bridge; remains anchored outside Charleston Harbor

>>20973489 Scarf Lady is Back: Deborah Birx Proposes for Weekly Testing of Millions of U.S. Cows and Dairy Workers for ‘Asymptomatic’ Bird Flu

>>20973510, >>20973586 Judge Aileen Cannon rips up court schedule in Mar-a-Lago case in ways that benefit Trump

>>20973504 Disney World To Invest $17B In Development Plan

>>20973600 REPORTER: “How much should a candidate's cognitive function factor into that decision when someone votes?” BIDEN ADMIN: “I don't even know what that question means!”

>>20973607 Joe Rogan Loses It After Learning 37 Politicians Were Murdered in Mexico’s Last Election “We live next to a f*cking crack house that’s on fire.”

>>20973615 Ol' Tater Speaking event fills up another school auditorium to 50% capacity

>>20973621 “Very Few Fighters”: Kassam Calls Out GOP Congressmen’s Lack Of Fighting Against Weaponized Lawfare

>>20973628 Another Failed Dem Policy: NY Gov. Hochul Forced to Place ‘Indefinite Pause’ on New York City ‘Congestion Pricing’ via @gatewaypundit

>>20973640 TikTok says cyberattack targeted big names including CNN

>>20973648 'I feel really good' about election security, former NSA chief says | Paul Nakasone says the intelligence community has everything it needs to fight election interference.

>>20973672, >>20973317, >>20973412, >>20973397 BOLO Violent PANTIFA Islamic terrorists heckle MTG

>>20973685 ACTION PLAN: Mike Davis Reveals GOP’s Path To End Lawfare

>>20973715 ATF Agent Davis Martinez murdered while conducting a home visit on a convicted sex offender

>>20973722 DAG Monaco Delivers Remarks at ATF’s Third Annual Chiefs of Police Executive Forum on Crime Guns The Justice Department

>>20973736 Pray for Judge Cannon: After 1,000 complaints in one week, court no longer accepting ‘orchestrated’ complaints about judge in Trump’s Florida case

>>20973744, >>20973752 SWAMP THE VOTE! https://swampthevoteusa.com

>>20973797 what Biden is doing at the border is like owning a liquor store and only selling to the 1st 25 minors a day

>>20973827 German police discover Christian Brueckner emails linking him to Madeleine McCann

>>20973872, >>20973877 Two more Boeing whistleblowers go public over plane safety: ‘Like a ticking timebomb’ (Globohomos don't want us flying anymore)

>>20973894 Diamond industry ‘in trouble’ as lab-grown gemstones tank prices further

>>20973918 Election season flu got you locking down yet? What about the new homo-pox?

>>20973961 @jack panders about Free Speech vs Free Will. @elonmusk agrees.

>>20974045 #25723

#25722 >>20972516

>>20972787 BREAKING: World Health Organization warns a NEW strain of bird flu has jumped to humans

>>20972517 LARA LOGAN DESTROYS THE NEW WORLD ORDER IN ALEX JONES INTERVIEW >https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZjbskUJu5NhP

>>20972529 US, Israel Sign $3 Billion Deal for Israel To Receive 25 F-35 Fighter Jets

>>20972535 Dead Congressman Wins Democratic Primary

>>20972544 Lebanese Forces Fend Off Attack On U.S. Embassy In Beirut

>>20972550 The US House of Representatives on Tuesday voted to punish the ICC for seeking to charge Israeli leaders with war crimes in Gaza

>>20972558 US warns its dual citizens will be stuck in Ukraine amid mobilization drive

>>20972560 Biden's cognitive decline: Washington DC insiders reveal worrying new details Biden is incomprehensible and regularly freezing in meetings

>>20972578 Juror says someone left her bag with $120,000 cash and promise of more if she’ll acquit

>>20972588 Alex Jones' show will continue after a federal judge rejects a request to immediately shut down his media company

>>20972619, >>20973190 Planefag

>>20972655 DJT: Swamp The Vote

>>20972663, >>20972998 Hunter and James Biden referred for criminal prosecution after 'lying under oath' to 'shield' Joe Biden during impeachment inquiry

>>20972681 DJT: Crooked Joe Biden has totally surrendered our Southern Border

>>20972685 Are Biden And Netanyahu Orchestrating War In the United States?

>>20972692 DJT: UnConstitutional Raid of Mar-a-Lago

>>20972699 DJT: Joe Biden is not too old, he is too incompetent

>>20972706 Senator Whitehouse Accused of Supporting Legislation Beneficial to Wife’s Financial Interests

>>20972707 DJT: Victory on November 5th - Save America!!!

>>20972716 DJT: My Civil Rights have been totally violated with this highly political, unconstitutional, and election interfering Witch Hunt

>>20972755 Anniversary of the Pentagon Papers coming up on June 13th

>>20972823 Putin says US / Russia relations will not change after US elections regardless if winner

>>20972854 DJT Notable: Sean Hannity: "The White House is guilty of aiding and abetting illegal immigrants"

>>20972858, >>20972876 Georgia appeals court pauses Fani Willis prosecution of Trump

>>20972891 Former Detroit Riverfront Conservancy CFO Charged with Embezzling Tens of Millions of Dollars from Conservancy

>>20972945 Catherine Herridge has the scoop on criminal referrals for Hunter and James Biden, for lying under oath to Congress

>>20972957 Trump now leads by 20 pts on Polymarket Betting site

>>20972964 WEF announces that $104B was syphoned out of the pockets of taxpayers globally via carbon taxes last year to pay for environmental schemes

>>20972967 Cheyenne Substitute Teacher Says He Was Kicked Out For Not Using Trans Names

>>20972971, >>20973013 Oregon Police Officer says it is legal to walk around in public naked after man exposes himself to a 2 year old boy

>>20972995 Philippine government open to US request to become ‘processing centre’ for future Afghan refugees

>>20973002 Report: J6 Committee Delayed Secret Service Driver From Refuting False Limo Story

>>20973026 Sergio Gor Reveals Dr. Navarro’s Warning About Election Interference

>>20973029 Nvidia value surges past $3tn and overtakes Apple

>>20973044, >>20973050 The Democrat controlled City of Elkhart, Indiana has gone into full damage control

>>20973080 Stolen luggage is tracked to airport worker's house

>>20973136 The FBI just admitted the Hunter Biden laptop is real

>>20973147, >>20973188 Jack Smith has been impersonating as a Federal Court Officer

>>20973255 DJT Truth re: border

>>20972564, >>20972581, >>20972613, >>20973133 Memes

>>20973350 #25722 reposted in #25723

#25721 >>20971612

>>20971626 Slovak PM Fico eyes possible return to work this month

>>20971656 Minority Leader Jeffries Calls Out Florida Republican Byron Donalds

>>20971659, >>20971910, >>20971994, >>20972230, >>20972394 Events


>>20971675, >>20971723 Ziegler: Federal Prosecutors Enter ACTUAL Hunter Biden Laptop As Evidence In Gun Trial

>>20971679 France arrested Russian speaker in possession of explosives near Paris airport

>>20971706 Top House Republican says Dr. Anthony Fauci could be arrested for his actions during COVID-19 and for lying to Congress

>>20971770 Harnwell: Uncertainty Ahead Of European Elections — Will Ursula Von Der Leyen Get A Second Mandate?

baker change >>20971805, >>20971829, >>20971845

>>20971836, >>20971867 Jackshit Smith faked it until he made it

>>20971898 Precedents are set and such

>>20971962 Pentagon press briefing (20 min)

>>20972009 Ivan Raiklin: It's time for Elon Musk to release the #FauciFiles

>>20972026, >>20972242, >>20972337, >>20972439 Planefag

>>20972080 Meet The NGOs Facilitating Mass Immigration Under The Banner Of Religion

>>20972084, >>20972290, >>20972301 Animal comms

>>20972107 NIH Scientists Tried to Hide $710 Million in Royalty Payments from Drug Makers During ‘Pandemic’

>>20972114 What Did Biden Do Behind-the Scenes While Trump Was Convicted Last Week?

>>20972118, >>20972169 Deleted Juan Merchan biopage listed him as a fellow at the Biden DoJ funded Advanced Science and Technology Adjudication Resource and Center

>>20972122 EU NATO countries expect US troops to protect EU borders without helping the US with their border problem

>>20972126 Judge Cannon expands hearing on Trump’s request to declare special counsel’s appointment invalid

>>20972184 Congress fought over 8 months over a payout of $600 to everyone for the impact of Covid and Biden in this video claims everyone got $8000

>>20972204 DJT Notable: ‘No Sign Of A Backlash’: CNN Data Guru Says More Foreign-Born Voters Back Trump Over Biden

>>20972211 DJT Notable: DATA: Trump Surges With Black Voters, Up 15% Since Manhattan Conviction

>>20972221 DJT Notable: GLENN JACOBS and KENNY CODY: Why libertarians should vote for Trump

>>20972226 DJT Notable: Why Trump Personifies the Courage of Our Founding Fathers

>>20972233 DJT: Meg Weinberger is running to be a Big Voice in the Florida State House, in District 94

>>20972237 DJT: I built a Magnificent Business, which helped rebuild New York City and State, with Amazing, Unparalleled, Historic Properties

>>20972245, >>20972356 DJT Notable: Polls

>>20972255 Trump Force 47 is in Full Force in Philadelphia: office grand opening

>>20972274, >>20972324 Supreme Court Ruling: State sponsored Banks can Disband from The Federal Reserve System and Issue their Own Currency

>>20972323, >>20972431 Deborah Birx Proposes Weekly Testing for Millions of U.S. Cows and Dairy Workers for ‘Asymptomatic’ Bird Flu

>>20972332 Merchant Ship Off Saudi Coast Reports "Significant Explosion" A "Short Distance" From Port Side

>>20972348 Paoletta: Democrats Assault On SCOTUS Flopped And Fell Flat

>>20972366 Pentagon says it will cost $230m to re-anchor a pier

>>20972368 Last week, WHO’s Tedros Declares ‘It’s Time to be More Aggressive in Pushing Back on Anti-Vaxxers’

>>20972407 Congress Refers Hunter, James Biden to DoJ for Criminal Perjury Prosecution

>>20972411 FBI Witness Confirms in Court: No Tampering Occurred with Hunter Biden’s Laptop

>>20972426 UK Blames Russian Hackers for Attacks on London Hospitals

>>20972483 Hunter Biden's ex-GF just testified that he would give his banking information to drug dealers so they could directly take money out of his account

>>20971742, >>20971792, >>20972162, >>20972445 Memes / Hype

>>20972493 #25721

Previously Collected

>>20970705 #25719, >>20971592 #25720

>>20967958 #25716, >>20968749 #25717, >>20969544 #25718

>>20965345 #25713, >>20966325 #25714, >>20967190 #25715

>>20963745 #25711-B, >>20963676 #25711-A, >>20964578 #25712

>>20961244 #25708, >>20962058 #25709, >>20962844 #25710

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Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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c216f3 No.20975819

File: 6fb65be0be5f79f⋯.png (714.31 KB,1600x900,16:9,0d598ae3a792302f42ecd7f026….png)




Next Baker Please Self Confirm

Godspeed Patriots


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5ca6aa No.20975826

File: 91e6e36759bf455⋯.png (336.84 KB,361x459,361:459,8d5934317502d8019de35100a7….png)

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477f48 No.20975829

File: a6284e86d2b0cb9⋯.png (339.88 KB,1474x834,737:417,313f108574a4fbc270f85acfd2….png)

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4e4659 No.20975842

File: 9eaa759e78931ba⋯.jpeg (335.93 KB,750x752,375:376,8AB8AF62_1040_47F5_984F_A….jpeg)

Cicadas being infected with STD that turns them into hyper-sexual "zombies"

Cicadas being infected with STD that turns them into hyper-sexual ‘zombies’

From thehill.com

10:56 PM · Jun 5, 2024


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5fc2f8 No.20975844


lets fuckin do this

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4fb05b No.20975854


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4fb05b No.20975856

Operator2 was dialed in for this specific mission - Anons need to know God answers prayers.

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79e0fc No.20975860

Fuckin roaches


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62e4a4 No.20975862

File: e3db7122f7286c4⋯.png (1.27 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks a lot faggot

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3cf3ed No.20975863




>>20975859 /lb

I must have that sign in my yard.

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79e0fc No.20975865

File: 1ee6bcc771d8c33⋯.jpg (158.96 KB,2560x2560,1:1,71P9zTlxt4L.jpg)

It's the time


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4fb05b No.20975866

Let my anons go.

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76fc15 No.20975867

Around July of 2021, I had a series of dreams in one night. One of those dreams I remember seeing a birds-eye view of a Walmart Supercenter, it a barbed wire prison fence surrounding it with military stationed and operating in and around it. The sky was no longer blue, it was orange along with black smoke everywhere. I saw a bunch of cars, most of them had their doors opened and they all looked abandoned.

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3cf3ed No.20975869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let my anons go!

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76fc15 No.20975870


correction: ..it “had” a barbed wire prison..

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79e0fc No.20975871


Their mam's love blaked

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f1878a No.20975872

File: d7cc9dc6931198c⋯.gif (1.31 MB,480x360,4:3,nope.gif)

>>20974289 pb

>RNC Making Backup Plans For Presidential Nomination If Trump Sentenced To Prison

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d40ad2 No.20975873

File: bc962fbb5eb0eae⋯.png (304.42 KB,465x545,93:109,yuvall.png)

you will not be comfy

you will eat the bug paste

you will take the drugs and play the video games

you will upload every thought you have to the cloud

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3cf3ed No.20975874


The implication is that the wives of southern men loved black men.

Is your last name Goldberg?

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76fc15 No.20975875


You’ll own nothing and be happy?

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79e0fc No.20975876



you love airpod

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79e0fc No.20975879

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76fc15 No.20975881

Why does it get worse everyday in this country? Under Trump this country was great, and I felt peace. Now I feel like it is getting worse everyday and we are at war already. How much longer do we have to wait for the criminals in the District of Columbia and the criminal swamp to be brought to justice? How much longer is the Federal Reserve going to be printing money? When will this nightmare end?

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7ea0ae No.20975882

File: 617402230946e3c⋯.mp4 (5.76 MB,436x242,218:121,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

File: 761139f2174b1e7⋯.png (165.47 KB,720x297,80:33,ClipboardImage.png)


thank you baker / ebaker

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61e1f9 No.20975886


> When will this nightmare end?

When 300 million people wake up.

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61ae7f No.20975887

upside down american flags, we at war

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7ea0ae No.20975888

File: 4ae08dc8c8580b3⋯.mp4 (5.29 MB,436x242,218:121,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

second attempt at video

pResident Crappy Pants

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79e0fc No.20975889


you'll which ends up like this

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5fc2f8 No.20975890

File: 2e2c990c6d30bd6⋯.jpg (676.31 KB,2476x1440,619:360,Picsart_24_06_05_16_05_29_….jpg)

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4fb05b No.20975891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e82342 No.20975892

>>20974196 pb

>BREAKING: The Republican Oklahoma City Council just shook the nation by voting 8-1 to remove all building height restrictions to make way for the 1,907 foot "Legends Tower" which would be the tallest building in the country and 6th tallest in the world

Kek. One well placed tornado and is will cost millions to repair.

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79e0fc No.20975893


are you black or your mom's love it

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0a06dc No.20975894

File: c9eb95008dcab31⋯.png (899.91 KB,1076x1043,1076:1043,2C258258_F4A3_4ED2_A1E6_D4….png)


Embrace the suck

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c05299 No.20975895

File: 3a0ea79dbc1203b⋯.jpeg (129.51 KB,1070x1026,535:513,3a0ea79dbc1203bfe264c821f….jpeg)

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5950f2 No.20975896

Looks like Matthew took a shit. huh?

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79e0fc No.20975897


His mom's love it

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76fc15 No.20975898


Even so, how do we give power back to the people when the enemy has Nukes?

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973d4f No.20975899

File: 0cf3674434b454e⋯.mp4 (1.43 MB,360x640,9:16,Dan_fb_6_6_2024.mp4)

Dan fb


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61e1f9 No.20975900


Who is the enemy?

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c05299 No.20975901

File: d8d7c16184022ff⋯.png (246.84 KB,616x544,77:68,ClipboardImage.png)




Palestinian fired over Gaza censorship sues Meta – Reuters

Ferras Hamad has accused Mark Zuckerberg’s company of bias and discrimination


Jun 6, 2024 · 3:40 AM UTC


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61ae7f No.20975902

File: cb0770998f97be0⋯.png (2.73 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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76fc15 No.20975903


Who do you think?

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62e4a4 No.20975904

File: e5937f2fef3bf2e⋯.png (294.45 KB,500x500,1:1,download.png)


The Alex Jones redemption arch really wasn't what I was expecting after what he said about Q but there's no question he flipped now.

>Practically admitted it yesterday in that Lara Logan interview by saying how many times he "didn't" sell out in the past.


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61ae7f No.20975905

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42ebcf No.20975906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dr, Fauci. How do You Feel?

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7ea0ae No.20975907

File: 67ae855348e2cae⋯.png (162.62 KB,720x297,80:33,ClipboardImage.png)


follow the money, who bought stock where? whose net worth just tripled?

the rich eight, that's who!

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62e4a4 No.20975908

File: e9a73e0ff348db1⋯.png (1.76 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1715309720.png)


Sheeit I replied to the wrong post

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61e1f9 No.20975909


It starts with a J and ends with an S and it's not Jesus.

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76fc15 No.20975910

In 1776, Nukes did not exist, therefore it was possible for the 3%ers to fight back against a tyrannical government and win. Could we the people effectively resist tyranny today?

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973d4f No.20975911


Dan fb



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7ea0ae No.20975912

File: 9eacc036d228ccd⋯.png (54.95 KB,463x208,463:208,ClipboardImage.png)

>Sheeit I replied to the wrong post

(You)'ve earned a (You)

here (you) go!

kek & o7

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973d4f No.20975913

File: 74befeec37c2e67⋯.mp4 (649.77 KB,360x640,9:16,Dan_fb_6_6_2024_2.mp4)

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87939b No.20975914


not typing hard enough.

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79e0fc No.20975915


Fuck to Dan ugly roach

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79e0fc No.20975916


See you later dandoni

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5fc2f8 No.20975917


we would have to deal with stupid fuckin yesmen cops

then the NG

and onto the final boss

thee US military tranny brigade

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973d4f No.20975918

File: a27f10caf527007⋯.png (36.82 KB,708x408,59:34,e7d1d1b0_e2d0_4d06_a6ac_5b….png)



Apr 21, 2018 11:33:06 AM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ

https:// wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/7524


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0bd15c No.20975919


the idiot opines.

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76fc15 No.20975920

What if the ones in control of Nukes just hid in their bunkers underground while they fire off nukes above ground in an all out nuclear war and then they come up from their bunkers after it is all over? Or they just live underground in their new institute and stay away from above?


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4fb05b No.20975921

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1f7abd No.20975922

File: f9bd30627270fe7⋯.pdf (9.95 MB,bookofenoch.pdf)


figure it out.

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5fc2f8 No.20975923

File: c19d2b24836bd7a⋯.jpg (29.91 KB,474x355,474:355,th_2688701470_2.jpg)

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76fc15 No.20975924


We should make our own underground bunkers.

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5950f2 No.20975925

No bred banner image (not complaining considering who baked it)

Not in catalog

Looks like Matthew took a shit alright.

What happened to make tranime fuck it up?

Did someone get under it's skin?

Gimme the cliffs notes.

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4fb05b No.20975926


It’s not a who, it’s a what. Wickedness which is sin which is evil, is the invisible enemy. Evil, sin, wickedness residing in fallen entities and in the hearts of Mankind.

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4fb05b No.20975927

We are not at war with flesh and blood.

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b82122 No.20975928

doesn't know.


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bef563 No.20975929


you should take theirs.

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c65b13 No.20975930

File: 4fdd094ac73a37c⋯.png (264.19 KB,630x448,45:32,ClipboardImage.png)

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f1878a No.20975931

File: f6db440ce5c7ec9⋯.png (292.66 KB,402x512,201:256,ClipboardImage.png)

The obviously corrupt black multimillionaires in the DOJ running the DNCCP plantation and going after Trump are the best arrative crashers yet.

If there were any whitehats in the FBI they would have outed lidde Bobby Biden's snitches in their ranks by now.

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89a94a No.20975932


You mean angel's?

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76fc15 No.20975933

File: 2a6aec0c16b0473⋯.png (561.54 KB,498x498,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



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5fc2f8 No.20975934


and miss all the action

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c05299 No.20975935

File: 81a4f46939ae79a⋯.jpg (673.88 KB,1920x1080,16:9,watch_desktop_hero_dday_in….jpg)

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5fc2f8 No.20975936

06/06/2+4 =6

good day for a satanic restaurants grand opening

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89a94a No.20975938


my car dashboard 666km

is Satan there

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5fc2f8 No.20975939


you betcha

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c05299 No.20975940

File: 3e5abb20b811836⋯.jpg (133.39 KB,866x866,1:1,d3dc5bed357b71bf791d3c3517….jpg)

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89a94a No.20975941


i run from the car

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911711 No.20975942

File: c24a5d78969843e⋯.png (3.26 MB,1974x2036,987:1018,US_Indo_DoD_FISA_6_5_2024.png)

>>20975162 (lb)

Every time, without fail, there be COMMS in these tweets!

Let's go over this one.

Starting with timestamp 8:20 AM EST 08:20 US MIL

(Won't copy/pasta every drop for sake of space. But please to do check out the dots connected)

First one I think ties everything together:

8:20 → Q 820

Feb 23 2018 18:55:08 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 3f8788 No.476325

Feb 23 2018 18:54:10 (EST)


No coincidences.

Expand your thinking.





What I'm getting from first connection:

>"No coincidences."

>"Expand your thinking."

The following connections are not mere "coincidences".

coincidences = COMMS. With that into context, "Expand your thinking".

makes me think the connections that can be made can be moar than merely timestamps.

For example, picture reference: Sub in DoD tweet. timestamp in US MIL 08:20 → 0820.

Link in Q 2341 contains "0820" in twitter link. Twitter poast in link is from a twitter

user that went by "]Red October[". Sub reference coincidence?

Q drop with a Sub pic reference containing "Red October" → Q 2348.

Q 2348 has picture of sub (REDOCTOBER2.jpg) with the message from Q saying "Double meanings exist". Coincidence?

These connections marked in blue boxes.

2of 5 connections that involve "0820" when searched throughout all drops that when put together paints a cohesive message (COMMS) include:

Q 1438

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 19d1cd No.1508206

May 22 2018 15:07:28 (EST)


v. 11.9


Attack[s] anticipated.


Why are they continuing [internal]?

Attacks will intensify [all sides].


Which also, by coincidence have more than one connection to

Q drop 2126:



Thanks & Godspeed.


How do you know when something VERY BIG is about to drop?




You have more than you know.




Both Q 1438 and Q 2126 → 0820 coincidence?

Attacks will intensify [all sides]. (Q 1438)


[FISA CORRUPTION] from Q 2126 when cross-referenced/contextualized with current news:

FISA Destroys the Rule of Law Published May 22nd 2024

Article is a good read, but moar importantly what did this connection to Q drop 2126 do?


Now here where other anons can come into play. Other connections put together were merely derived from the 0820 connection and should be analyzed for further meaning to overall message.

Do they belong? Is ther something missed? I want anons input.


P.S. I KNOW there be moar to this.

Do not let copy/pasta bullshit graphics that get poasted by bots desensitize you from anon made ones.

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62e4a4 No.20975943

File: d9191b0a54f0246⋯.png (2.63 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Reminder that we don't need reminders where we're going….

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c65b13 No.20975944

File: ddc42a8de5fa3a5⋯.png (288.4 KB,511x540,511:540,ClipboardImage.png)

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911711 No.20975945


Forgot link to FISA article:

(Might as well poast it all)


In the famous Greek myth, Pandora, the first woman on Earth, is given a box by the gods and told to keep it closed no matter what. However, overcome by curiosity, she eventually succumbs and opens the box, releasing all the evils and miseries of the world into the human realm.

Such has been the path of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), a Pandora’s box of nearly limitless surveillance capabilities opened in 1978, which has only grown in its abuse and was reauthorized by Congress last month.

FISA was created to strike a balance between national intelligence gathering on foreign actors and the constitutional rights of Americans. To achieve this, it established a new court called the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to review warrant applications for foreign surveillance that may involve the communications of American citizens. The court operates differently than others, however, as its evidence and decisions cannot be challenged by opposing counsel and are highly classified. Over time, this has resulted in the drone-like “rubber stamping” of warrants by the FISC and warrantless surveillance conducted without oversight or challenge.

As Robert Bork warned in a 1978 article:

The bill pretends to create a real set of courts that will bring ‘law’ to an area of discretion. In reality, it would set apart a group of judges who must operate largely in the dark and create rules known only to themselves. What ever that may be called, it debases an important idea to term it rule of law; it is more like the uninformed, unknown, and uncontrolled exercise of discretion.

While FISA is intended to capture communications between foreign-based non-Americans, the government admits that it incidentally collects communications on American citizens when such non-US citizens contact them. Because of the lack of accountability, the volume of abuse has grown over time. One source indicates that from 1979 to its peak in 2007, the number of surveillance orders increased from 250 to almost 2500, a nearly 10x increase. That same data indicates that few to zero orders were rejected by the court until 2014. Other reports estimate that in 2020 alone, over 200,000 American citizens had their communications monitored without a warrant, with potentially millions more being swept up and analyzed by intelligence agencies under questionable warrants and intelligence practices.

Through FISA, agencies deploy a “dragnet” intelligence method, where as much information as possible is collected with a wide net, even on innocent, unsuspecting Americans, in order to find the “needle” of bad actors in the haystack. This approach places greater importance on national security than personal freedom, yet there is no assurance that it will effectively safeguard us. Proper foreign intelligence may be needed for national security, but it must not come at the expense of the Constitution, or else there may be no private space in America left to defend.

This practice of secretive courts and abusive intelligence gathering blatantly violates the Fourth Amendment protection against warrantless searches. Congress should act immediately to bring an end to these warrantless searches and increase FISA transparency while preserving necessary intelligence operations.

Yet the ramifications of Section 702 extend beyond the erosion of individual privacy rights. Indeed, the compliance burdens imposed on companies forced to participate in these surveillance programs are staggering. Under the law, telecommunications and internet service providers are compelled to hand over vast quantities of user data to intelligence agencies, upon request and without judicial oversight. Companies must invest heavily in developing and maintaining infrastructure capable of intercepting and monitoring vast quantities of digital communications. This includes deploying sophisticated surveillance technologies and hiring specialized personnel trained in the intricacies of electronic eavesdropping, a costly endeavor that can quickly drain financial resources.

In 2013, in the only instance since FISA Section 702 was put into place in 2008, the government reimbursed several tech companies for costs they incurred running an illegal spying operation through a program called PRISM. But some companies say they never got the money or were never even offered. While the government claims it has shut down PRISM, the language in the recently reauthorized FISA allows for the exact same kind of behavior and likely places secretive burdens on tech companies, who are not authorized to disclose the information to the public.

Too long, moar in link:


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582f40 No.20975946

File: 45fd37ab00e590e⋯.png (254.82 KB,753x474,251:158,ClipboardImage.png)

Australian eKaren, the censorship queen of tarts, said the quiet part out loud.

"Let's face it, the WAR is going to be much longer", she says.

WAR, she's literally telling the people of Australia that she and the Government are at WAR against them.

Avi calls for her to be fired, in AUS called SACK or to be SACKED. (Like the sad sack she is)

Avi Yemini


📢 Sign the petition: SACK E-KAREN NOW! Australia's eSafety Commissioner has to go!

Following her embarrassing court loss to


's X, we are calling upon the government to immediately remove Julie Inman Grant from her position.

SIGN & SHARE: http://SackEKaren.com


Vid: https://x.com/i/status/1798597327843946688

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9ea7d3 No.20975947

File: 4bed295855baa6b⋯.png (554.78 KB,806x450,403:225,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76ad5850e2f7e20⋯.png (491.78 KB,814x443,814:443,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0696f8fe08c9e2e⋯.png (791.77 KB,957x412,957:412,ClipboardImage.png)


morning sunshine.

joining in the pride month again.

good to see.

think anon is going to have some fun with the clowns in the kitchen today.


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fc795d No.20975953


what are you, prepubescent??

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fc795d No.20975956


yep, prepubescent

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9ea7d3 No.20975962

File: 6dad2364eb9fcd1⋯.png (310.82 KB,571x280,571:280,ClipboardImage.png)


most have been exposed.

now all that needs to be done is to lift up the rocks and expose the rest of the cockroaches.

there are still some hiding..

Trump has not been wrong yet.

lTrust in God.

he has picked his best warriors for this mission.

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7ea0ae No.20975963

File: 01343af4c309f60⋯.png (169.65 KB,720x297,80:33,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0c59aa0b33fc7d⋯.png (248.74 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Behold muh mighty red txt asshole Plonker

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7ea0ae No.20975967

File: 5ab90b22444dc0a⋯.png (239.28 KB,710x631,710:631,ClipboardImage.png)

since red txt shill is here, the cp should be here already or very soon will be…

habitual faggot fedboi cp spammer

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b9f37d No.20975972

File: 384b003fda3dabf⋯.jpg (375.08 KB,2560x1516,640:379,TIPPY_TOP.jpg)

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80a445 No.20975973

File: 16dfb1de353b96c⋯.jpeg (602.6 KB,964x904,241:226,IMG_1621.jpeg)

File: 83cf6e7fde9730b⋯.jpeg (203.26 KB,1166x1321,1166:1321,IMG_1623.jpeg)

File: 88cb39fc1ef9843⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB,863x730,863:730,IMG_1624.jpeg)

File: dbb12315b542cbd⋯.jpg (408.53 KB,889x508,7:4,Biden_Obama_Fake_and_Gay_.jpg)

This image is fake and gay

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62e4a4 No.20975977

File: 21ee0698e59f79f⋯.png (754.99 KB,500x758,250:379,ClipboardImage.png)

At least you guys don't have to observe the shill chimpouts in /ptg/…


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80a445 No.20975978

File: 7279ba12e0c1554⋯.jpeg (325.02 KB,1088x1064,136:133,IMG_1533.jpeg)

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577ab9 No.20975979

File: 64d6d62fc2cda56⋯.jpg (12.06 KB,255x157,255:157,Pepewolf.jpg)

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911711 No.20975981

File: 9359d7be6c2aeac⋯.png (340.32 KB,658x679,94:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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80a445 No.20975982

File: 2574905a78dbc46⋯.jpg (123.48 KB,546x604,273:302,2A4A88C3_04F0_447C_B10E_42….jpg)

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7321bc No.20975983

File: 56144c44f6e622d⋯.png (75.28 KB,362x512,181:256,56144c44f6e622dd29af3098cc….png)

The LGBT movement is rather rapidly turning into a bunch of 40-somethings teaching teenagers things about sex which don't actually appeal to the vast majority.

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e82342 No.20975985

>>20974556 lb

>Try to make a heart appointment. Like if you call today, they'll go, 'Yeah f*cking July 8th.' Because that f*cking needle f*cked everybody's heart up."


Can confirm. Wife anon is a patient care coordinator for pediatric heart clinic at a major regional hospital. Wait times are huge. Like several months. Parents don't help the situation either because they fail to follow simple instructions designed to speed up the process then they call back demanding immediate service when they miss required testing appointments. The docs can't help without the tests completed.

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765f24 No.20975988

>>20972808 PB

>Why is the main focus of Notables, bullshit MSM articles?

Good q. And so why bake with notables at all? I never look at them now and barely ever did. All the good stuff's in the realanon posts scattered through the bread like golden crumbs (seemingly ignored by notables among all the bs-posts and distractions).

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70d7d2 No.20975989



[Large BUTT]

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b75c00 No.20975990

File: 6ff81dbae94a243⋯.png (265.41 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>[Large BUTT]

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4fb05b No.20975991


o7 Operator1. Yes this war has already been won.

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f1878a No.20975997

File: fab9f7a0bd3c6ea⋯.gif (334.66 KB,320x241,320:241,jcf.gif)

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9ea7d3 No.20976000

File: 4ff6dacac0b77a8⋯.png (105.09 KB,540x419,540:419,ClipboardImage.png)



A reminder for the actual anons here.

below is the list concentrate on today plus anything else which pops up today like false flags.

Anons are going to fight on multiple fronts.

but it is spiritual war and a digital information war.


#20972743 at 2024-06-05 20:25:28 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #25722: Jackshit Edition


well bakering is easy.

note taking is the hard part.

as stated many times.

but if the baker want to bake continuesly.

anon can circumnavigate it and still point to actualy topics.

All it takes is a daily list of topics which are relevant and the coming dangers .

Play the waiting game.

it is destroying its own health and mind.

use discernment and their own weapons against them.

Right now anon is doing that..whilst the rbreads keep rolling.

!) current topics are the u.k elections.

2) Trump conviction delayed until 11th july

3) new york elections on the 25th June

4) Mexico new tin hat swap leader sheboon.

5) pandemic treaty (stalled for now)

6) possible nato membership for ukraine in july.

if anon has missed anything, sure others can highlight.

in the mean time the worlds news comes here and the law of numbers proves that some idiot will do or say something stupid, the clowns will set of a false flag or some useful idiots will commit crimes and murder doe to the psyops on the masses for decades especially over the last 8 years being ramped up over the last 4 years.

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6d5d50 No.20976003


This is one reason they are bot-sliding this bread.

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6d5d50 No.20976009


Something else they don't want (you) to see.

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80a445 No.20976010

File: c07ed2da3f4804c⋯.jpeg (243.21 KB,1366x683,2:1,C369DB15_A484_4CF1_ACF6_D….jpeg)


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c65b13 No.20976012

File: 6f307fb72d635d3⋯.png (43.21 KB,252x255,84:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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80a445 No.20976013

File: c07ed2da3f4804c⋯.jpeg (243.21 KB,1366x683,2:1,C369DB15_A484_4CF1_ACF6_D….jpeg)

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051219 No.20976018

File: e12fb598ee76865⋯.jpg (84.83 KB,800x600,4:3,e12fb598ee7686562d2de4edb2….jpg)

File: 3d9ae32988ed65f⋯.png (754.9 KB,1000x735,200:147,3d9ae32988ed65fdb1b221adad….png)

File: b8a63c1c439d869⋯.mp4 (3.16 MB,640x592,40:37,b8a63c1c439d86985e305108af….mp4)

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80a445 No.20976022

File: a6073dce18503ab⋯.jpeg (117.19 KB,800x440,20:11,673828C4_AC9D_4F55_ACD6_D….JPEG)

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a30c83 No.20976025

Joe gets blamed for everything

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80a445 No.20976026

File: 9d73085eae43d6b⋯.jpg (179.77 KB,801x801,1:1,3069FD32_B888_4243_BEAE_EE….jpg)

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4fb05b No.20976027

Compare last year this time to tonight. Think of next year this time.

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f1878a No.20976029

File: beb06766afbf412⋯.png (432 KB,465x545,93:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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91607c No.20976031

File: 8e6fb3d43b44d67⋯.jpg (16.42 KB,577x150,577:150,shill_spammers.jpg)

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6d5d50 No.20976034


When you filter the 2 trash accounts, there are only a handful of (us) here.

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62e4a4 No.20976035

File: 28a5aee6b936c0b⋯.png (1.76 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


There you are, you sleepy bastard, don't think I forgot about what you said last night…

What did you call me, again? Fuzzy or something?

Oh that's right, you were chimping out about Alex Jones because you refuse to believe he flipped.

Carry on.



>How much longer do we have to wait

>A reminder for the actual anons here.






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6d5d50 No.20976036

Oh, and that other "person" who popped up…

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c65b13 No.20976037

File: 201c17c58152ded⋯.png (264.3 KB,450x588,75:98,ClipboardImage.png)

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051219 No.20976038

File: bafd15833d93983⋯.png (175.04 KB,483x483,1:1,bafd15833d93983c9caa573bf6….png)

>>20955096 [PB]

With the amount of cash being thrown at the shills , anon would expect a better quality of shill for the price Kek , its obvious that these shills never had siblings as none of them know how to make a decent insult , anon held the torch for a road side mechanic as a kid and expects a higher quality of shill to interact with

>>20955103 [PB] (You)

logically tho, if a shill is too intelligent, being deployed to the Kun would almost certainly result in a 'Shill to Anon' Flipperoo.

So in conclusion

8Kun Shills, inadvertently and by necessity, Are as stupid as hell.

Using the same logic we can also assume thatthe regular shills are 'perfectly' incapable of learning, and will never improve.


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80a445 No.20976039

File: d0f6935dd49b2cf⋯.png (659.78 KB,720x663,240:221,78FEC183_A825_4372_B232_CB….png)

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6d5d50 No.20976041


You forgot Comms… ugh.


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f1878a No.20976044

File: c074b31433620f3⋯.png (78.33 KB,400x310,40:31,ClipboardImage.png)


Netflix is post-MSM Mockingbird

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80a445 No.20976048

File: 87e95c1abb633be⋯.png (668.98 KB,720x663,240:221,3319D42C_69BB_4CB1_B764_C2….png)

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70d7d2 No.20976051


[Isbhe related to Podesta?]

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6d5d50 No.20976054


Using brackets to be a moron.

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6d5d50 No.20976056

These people are stupid.

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80a445 No.20976057

File: 414c9adfea57ee6⋯.jpg (269.87 KB,1130x1567,1130:1567,IMG_1498.JPG)

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e82342 No.20976058

File: 8fe841c991cbe90⋯.png (88.82 KB,577x432,577:432,ClipboardImage.png)

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051219 No.20976060

File: f1f0585a3e01808⋯.jpg (165.8 KB,2048x1536,4:3,f1f0585a3e01808c352ed5f288….jpg)




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6d5d50 No.20976061


Not easy to mobilefag those six personas is it BO?

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80a445 No.20976064

File: 05316a191aed327⋯.jpg (342.55 KB,1512x1617,72:77,IMG_1403.jpg)

File: 7ec68dbf875f873⋯.mp4 (544.62 KB,e86lu5lwX8JzDhjU.MOV)

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051219 No.20976065

File: 03a0a60c6d66d3a⋯.png (210.14 KB,409x409,1:1,03a0a60c6d66d3a649b38eb5d6….png)

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9ea7d3 No.20976066

File: 89f09d92edf883b⋯.mp4 (6.94 MB,640x360,16:9,rage.mp4)

File: 698b98ed1eab473⋯.png (570.08 KB,500x530,50:53,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96b97c22d972aca⋯.png (688.04 KB,500x522,250:261,ClipboardImage.png)



!) current topics are the u.k elections.

Developing, the tories in the u.k have until friday to jump ship to reform uk. in the meantime, the whole of the u.k and world controlled are attacking farage and those around him and losing. the spell is broken.

Watch for false flags and pray for farage and his family plus those around him. the u.k is a big part of their control including the city of london which is the corporate centre of control.

2) Trump conviction delayed until 11th july

on hold until 11th july (only the chimping out and panic from d.c) pray for trump and all who are around him and his family.

3) new york elections on the 25th June

get reports from new york to find out if they have recieved the message to register to vote on the 25th. details below.

Djt elections

>>20968470, >>20968501, >>20968610 djt t.s post and mp4 vid, new york election 25th june text 88022

plus election information and site link.

4) sheboon mexico leader.

see bun below.

>>20968857, >>20969043, >>20969059, >>20969074 Mexican Elections: 37 Assassinated, sheinbaum and b.i.s connection - anon bun and dig into mexico.

5) pandemic treaty (stalled for now)

djt put out video yesterday, we are not going to take it video. track video again and post around all over social media.

This will not happen again. big pharma was a big beast which was defeated by the pandemic.

6) possible nato membership for ukraine in july.

need moar info for a hot war in july cos of ukraine joining nato..


As for the clowns in the kitchen.

b.v is shill baker who is hogging the kitchen with the shill team 6 plus all the spammers.

This has been proven multiple times.

tracking b.v and baker same



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f1878a No.20976068

File: 2d82967a27153ca⋯.png (484.66 KB,802x500,401:250,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 73564652588ef1d⋯.gif (163.44 KB,1702x1384,851:692,winners.gif)

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80a445 No.20976069

File: dc38211f83d6124⋯.jpeg (103.56 KB,543x607,543:607,Elijah_Woods_Comfy.JPEG)

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4fb05b No.20976072

Operator1 is active. Thank you for your prayers Anons.

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973d4f No.20976073

File: 0ba90e7b140812b⋯.mp4 (2.36 MB,320x320,1:1,Massie_.mp4)

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70d7d2 No.20976075


[Communicating in fiction because most retards like yourself comprehend plain-english.]


[Are you blind and retarted or just retarted?]

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6d5d50 No.20976077

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good but don't leave out Comms because without them you would not be here. Comms are key.


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911711 No.20976078

File: 639f459e7a65421⋯.jpg (28.05 KB,419x404,419:404,WAT.jpg)

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692cf8 No.20976079


illiterate as fuck

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692cf8 No.20976080

you will be burned for this.

know that.

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f1878a No.20976081

File: fa677de83cc8a71⋯.gif (1.42 MB,400x310,40:31,pooftard.gif)


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4fb05b No.20976082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dancing in the rain.

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f1878a No.20976083

File: 53c682cddf0c95f⋯.png (90.81 KB,172x255,172:255,ClipboardImage.png)

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4494ee No.20976084

File: 2f0188e1a851a56⋯.jpg (99.49 KB,562x484,281:242,musk101.jpg)

Trump is also a slave.

Wake up.

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4fb05b No.20976085

Enjoy the show Anons. God answers prayers.

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911711 No.20976086

File: fcd300cf1fcc8fc⋯.png (491.29 KB,1200x1202,600:601,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e9b0a93435b274⋯.png (29.39 KB,580x213,580:213,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 174cf673b372cf9⋯.png (462.42 KB,737x578,737:578,pepe_wtffff.png)


There has BEEN A SHIFT.

Q 2341 USED to be Q 2340

So what's now in Q 2340?

Q 2340

Oct 4 2018 16:57:57 (EST)







qanon.pub has q drops all fucked up

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4494ee No.20976087

File: 51eb87ca686260a⋯.jpg (820.75 KB,3908x1440,977:360,MUSK4.jpg)


Musk's satanic mother.

Go verify your Twitter ID to Mossad.

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f1878a No.20976088

File: e6e65debe5ead86⋯.gif (874.18 KB,400x310,40:31,spot.gif)

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765f24 No.20976089

File: 22e6d79fee84748⋯.png (434.4 KB,520x520,1:1,MWDHMF.png)

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051219 No.20976090

File: 40c560056bc8d6b⋯.png (82.1 KB,250x243,250:243,40c560056bc8d6b6e437dafa8d….png)

File: 2ff709dca18b732⋯.jpg (37.78 KB,611x771,611:771,1ab66a20230794820e785a3f9c….jpg)



>>20972796 [LB]

SHAKE GATE OnlyFans model Victoria Thomas-Bowen, 25, charged after McDonald’s milkshake chucked over Nigel Farage

Holly Christodoulou, Julia Atherley

5 Jun 2024

A MODEL has been charged after a McDonald's milkshake was thrown over Nigel Farage.

Victoria Thomas-Bowen, 25, was arrested after the Reform leader launched his election campaign in Clacton-on-Sea yesterday.

The OnlyFans model has now been charged with assault by beating and criminal damage.

Thomas-Bowen is due to appear at Colchester Magistrates’ Court on July 2.

A 44-year-old man who was arrested on suspicion of assaulting an emergency worker has been released and will face no further action.

Farage had been out in the Essex seaside town addressing supporters after announcing he would stand for election in the constituency.

As he left the Moon and Starfish pub, he was doused in a thick yellow liquid.

He was seen with the banana milkshake splattered across his dark blue suit as he boarded his campaign bus.

The ex-UKIP leader, 60, later made light of the incident by posing with his own shake on X.

He joked: "My milkshake brings all the people to the rally.”

Farage later described the incident as "quite scary", adding: "No one goes out and does the old-style street campaigning the way that I do, and this is the risk that goes with it."

It was the second time the I'm a Celeb star has been targeted with milkshake.

In 2019, the Brexiteer was covered head-to-toe in liquid while out in Newcastle in 2019.

Essex Police said: "A woman is due to appear in court following an incident Clacton.

"Victoria Thomas Bowen, 25, will appear at Colchester Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday 2 July to answer charges of assault by beating and criminal damage.

"The charges relate to an incident in which a drink was thrown at a man in the area of Marine Parade East, Clacton, at around 2.10pm on Tuesday 4 June."

Thomas-Bowen is due to appear in court next month


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7ea0ae No.20976091

File: 54c65f12e2f37b1⋯.png (413.42 KB,1280x694,640:347,ClipboardImage.png)

i musta filtered six? seven? ip hops of shitty red txt shill by now!

Joe, Joe Biden is that you? Again!


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a02ab3 No.20976092


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ce285c No.20976093

Sounds are cool.

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ce285c No.20976094


Punishment and symbolic symbolism for creative brat.

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9ea7d3 No.20976095

File: f5054729d3de10b⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,day_shift_2nd_tester.mp4)

File: 01286e9f442a35b⋯.mp4 (2.93 MB,560x240,7:3,dayshift_crows.mp4)


doge you and your half mind 3 stooges of anime, pig and yourself are fucking useless

if you have not figured it out,

you are easily triggered and corp used you yesterday to flush out the b.v as baker for the second time ..

yes if you behave like a furry than you are a furry..

wear the badge proudly and go and fucked by mulple faggots .

grow up before anon starts treating you like and filters you on sight.

this is war, make your choice which side are you on

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c99db4 No.20976096

File: d6f953e370109d9⋯.jpeg (61.51 KB,474x355,474:355,IMG_0494.jpeg)

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c99db4 No.20976097

File: 7a052da902f7c0c⋯.jpeg (75.91 KB,401x355,401:355,IMG_0493.jpeg)

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c99db4 No.20976098

File: 3a3a6313b9c3fab⋯.jpeg (74.54 KB,401x355,401:355,IMG_0492.jpeg)

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70d7d2 No.20976099

[Fucking anime…]

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7ea0ae No.20976100

File: ca5088d629e9567⋯.png (1.64 MB,480x270,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


you just know he can't resist bait like that!

might as well poke the troll in the eye!

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f1878a No.20976101

File: 40853a5b1d08d0e⋯.png (855.01 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ca2861f1df0d65⋯.png (556.88 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b5bc41 No.20976102

File: be3f494259c916e⋯.jpeg (41.01 KB,474x469,474:469,IMG_0496.jpeg)


Get fucked faggot.

Call me a furry again and you'll get ass reamed.

Go on, chimp out again.

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ec2e96 No.20976104

File: 9d018dc7dffe826⋯.png (572.71 KB,1029x906,343:302,colorado_offer_in_person_v….png)

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c65b13 No.20976105

File: 0f881d61c38289c⋯.png (290.48 KB,640x526,320:263,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec2e96 No.20976106

Jun 06, 2024, 1:40 AM


Kash Patel




Where was your sloth self when we needed the truth on hunter bidens laptop before the election when you were AG? Swamp monster of the first order seeking relevance n mainstream media giving it to this cupcake


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9ea7d3 No.20976107

File: 757cfc336465176⋯.png (217.9 KB,565x648,565:648,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fccac7c45233398⋯.gif (3.4 MB,588x588,1:1,kek_gif.gif)



>Call me a furry again and you'll get ass reamed.

See even talking like a faggot.



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051219 No.20976108

File: 7baa46ae942be11⋯.png (106.31 KB,255x246,85:82,7baa46ae942be110c3b3bd7c85….png)

File: 2f5adebe6f21771⋯.png (1.71 MB,1247x936,1247:936,2f5adebe6f21771fce42dc8d8c….png)

File: 68f837290f9a31e⋯.png (967.4 KB,1014x754,39:29,68f837290f9a31ee7f5a3ab454….png)

Taking FLAK


Over The Target



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7ea0ae No.20976109


muh fav flower… marigolds!

they make a great anti fungal tea.

wife anon must have several hundred planted by now around the yard

saved btw


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ec2e96 No.20976110

Jun 06, 2024, 12:33 AM


Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅







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c8e4d4 No.20976111



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ec2e96 No.20976112

File: 002e389766ee386⋯.png (302.59 KB,652x970,326:485,dr_morens_top_fauci_aide_e….png)

File: a60692177e18ba5⋯.png (830.2 KB,800x1100,8:11,dingell_protects_fauci_060….png)

File: 4d8721d9f24b4b7⋯.png (785.43 KB,800x1100,8:11,castor_protects_fauci_0603….png)

File: 80189aa78dcad13⋯.png (764.34 KB,800x1086,400:543,robert_garcia_protects_fau….png)

File: 957079cf4c3403d⋯.png (250.04 KB,1100x800,11:8,judge_merchan_daughter_bra….png)

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62e4a4 No.20976113

File: 297b913d9c10f72⋯.png (479.8 KB,474x469,474:469,ClipboardImage.png)


>now BV is the marathon baker

>believable, albeit silly



>he can't even read an ID



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ec2e96 No.20976114

Jun 05, 2024, 11:59 PM


Donald J. Trump






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c65b13 No.20976115

File: a2d211826325630⋯.png (231.7 KB,524x540,131:135,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ea7d3 No.20976116

File: d1ae5b7f82e7624⋯.png (776.65 KB,860x570,86:57,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9dccd5afefdccf4⋯.png (508.27 KB,750x600,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7be1ea2517af949⋯.png (288.09 KB,604x453,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 997831a7bd9c887⋯.png (57.73 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ba0e5b0fb50683⋯.png (102.92 KB,563x601,563:601,ClipboardImage.png)




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ce285c No.20976117

Eggs and science have been at odds for a minute.

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4494ee No.20976118

File: 65c2f21d15e5cde⋯.jpg (12.41 MB,7136x4392,892:549,SouthAfricaSatanists5.jpg)

File: 006412bda611f98⋯.png (268.79 KB,897x744,299:248,Musk_Mother.png)

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ce285c No.20976119

Travel to goldfish bowl

Bring her to sea

Instructor just craves


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62e4a4 No.20976120

File: 875ac8c4ea9a1f2⋯.png (291.55 KB,800x805,160:161,ClipboardImage.png)


If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking MEME'D, kiddo.

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c61320 No.20976121

File: e7472e9678e59c9⋯.jpeg (3.71 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_2073.jpeg)

File: 0b133c93fa3e5b0⋯.jpeg (3.7 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_2072.jpeg)

Not being funny, watching bbc news.

D day rememberence or similar

This doesn’t seem like the king. N queen.

Maybe wrong, something seems off.

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693f10 No.20976122

File: 4441ef6b6b519c5⋯.png (386.46 KB,775x653,775:653,229867ec4710f92f23a6e19bfb….png)


Gimme a minute while I chuck this at her.

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4fb05b No.20976123

Let my anons go.

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ae80c9 No.20976124

File: fb4bd4ea28538e9⋯.gif (216.62 KB,326x52,163:26,a_wtf_did_you_say_to_me.gif)


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you fucking marxist? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Militarized Memetics, and I’ve been involved in numerous raids on normie channels, and I have over 300 social media suspensions.

I am trained in Meme warfare and I’m the top kek on all of boards. You are nothing to me but just another shill waiting to be BTFO. I will troll you with a precision and cutting force the likes of which has never been seen before by the Infamous Hacker 4Chan.

You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, nigger. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Q Researchers across the dark web and a very spiteful yelp review is being written about you right now so you better prepare for the lulz, faggot. The dankness that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your self-esteem. You’re fucking dead, glowtard. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can heckle you in ways you can't even begin to comprehend, and that’s with my unfettered, uncucked, extra-vaccinated brand of PURE, UNADULTERED, MIND-FUCKING AUTISM.

Not only am I extensively trained in verbal combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the meme vaults and I will use them to their fullest extent to wipe your miserable IP off the face of the bread, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking fingers.

But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn cunt. I will shit freedom all over your head and your eyes will finally be opened. You’re fucking asleep. Wake. Up.


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c8e4d4 No.20976125


pandemic treaty may have been stalled but discussions on international regulations on health were not - always watch out for the man behind the curtain.

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4494ee No.20976126

File: 2f0188e1a851a56⋯.jpg (99.49 KB,562x484,281:242,musk101.jpg)

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ce285c No.20976127


Anon lol

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765f24 No.20976128

File: d2501518e3d5822⋯.png (434.97 KB,612x612,1:1,NCSWCOMFY.png)

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4494ee No.20976129

File: c2982c9705c9918⋯.jpg (128.79 KB,1280x853,1280:853,BN_TN907_wester_M_20170522….jpg)

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ce285c No.20976130

Box stuff today was lighthearted Providence if I didn’t suspect easy to organize.

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c61320 No.20976131


Surely u could of baked a bit of pasta better than what u have used.

Although I do hear ya.

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7ea0ae No.20976133

so by now i've concluded anything "only fans" is like sluts anonymous, only they ain't anonymous and you pay for a hand job you give yourself!

what a waste of fiat currency and time!

find a good clean woman, one who loves God, one who can learn to love you, get married and raise kids! Be The Chad!

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4494ee No.20976134

File: 86232d99e86635f⋯.png (33.5 KB,408x525,136:175,musk1.png)

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ce285c No.20976135


Might be in the wrong town for that..

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7ea0ae No.20976136



and the wrong era too!

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765f24 No.20976137

File: e24b2c0520ee497⋯.png (635.64 KB,826x826,1:1,GodFather.png)

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7ea0ae No.20976138

more like

Thank you for the bank accounts!


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c8e4d4 No.20976139


i read notables all the time.

QR is best aggregator.

MSM reports tell me what public is aware of.

Anon comments enrich news stories.

Many bakes include in notables.

Dif bakers bring dif issues into focus.

Great place to follow global trends!

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de53be No.20976140

File: 726a9a9ea6f3807⋯.png (1.81 MB,960x856,120:107,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3528f70f345edc4⋯.png (625.22 KB,500x646,250:323,ClipboardImage.png)


actually it is nothing personal.

anon does not hate the shills

especially the ones with egos

they think they are special.

we are all worthless and not here for ourselves

it is about saving the souls of the children who are in real danger.

month of pride and every instuitions taken over.

Anon does not want to be here but this is ground central and one thing anon has never been is afraid.

seriously, if anon wanted to be a bad guy and would be very wealthy and leave a wake of destruction behind him. but anon is on a mission from God so

In God We Trust.

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25fea3 No.20976141

File: 0a4f706e967912e⋯.png (741.57 KB,768x768,1:1,sexy_sailor_moon_pepe_frog….png)

Night shift best shift

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051219 No.20976142

File: a5e336f6b2c86a2⋯.gif (562.88 KB,316x128,79:32,a5e336f6b2c86a286ddfa6b4b1….gif)



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765f24 No.20976143

File: f33ee388425b845⋯.png (585.59 KB,669x501,223:167,soundmind.png)

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c8e4d4 No.20976144


for more, see Noor Bin Laden on Quite Frankly a couple of nights ago.https://chartable.com/podcasts/quite-frankly-320593/episodes/170087026-who-update-klaus-retires-net-neutrality-ft-noor-bin-ladin-harrison-smith-6324

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f1878a No.20976145

File: 105ec85019fabd6⋯.png (155.15 KB,289x240,289:240,ClipboardImage.png)

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693f10 No.20976146

File: 6531c2eda3639b6⋯.jpg (48.17 KB,640x426,320:213,bedbd01b1b9acc0d6c18de87e5….jpg)


>Night shift best shift

We've seen some shit.

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4494ee No.20976147

File: 2f0188e1a851a56⋯.jpg (99.49 KB,562x484,281:242,musk101.jpg)

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25fea3 No.20976148

File: a3cc863e04eca84⋯.png (547.45 KB,768x768,1:1,pepe_frog_from_Qresearch_N….png)


Indeed, Psalm 23:2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside still waters.

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765f24 No.20976149

File: ad307c6e6ed3386⋯.png (298.53 KB,652x367,652:367,FCTMPL.png)


Mmmmm. Stilllnesss.

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c61320 No.20976150



> it is about saving the souls of the children who are in real dange

I did my best, save the children. In hospitals at the moment the news reported the other day it’s a blood bath. Yeh, vaxed babies coming out..

the prime minister has promised in 5 years the nhs waiting time will be cut from 7 million, yeh he’s correct according to deagle, population cut, hence reduce in waiting times.

Why are ppl so fucking stupid….

Ie, most of the uk population.

GM by the way.

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4494ee No.20976151

File: 51eb87ca686260a⋯.jpg (820.75 KB,3908x1440,977:360,MUSK4.jpg)

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62e4a4 No.20976152

File: a3b79ea55de93c3⋯.png (1.63 MB,1024x1024,1:1,a3b79ea55de93c3904f894f84b….png)


You're the only other "namefaggot" (as per nu-fag 2020 codex definition) even here beside us other shill bakers with "egos", FYI.

Do keep foaming at the mouth whenever someone posts a doge meme or anime though.


GM btw.

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df60a5 No.20976153


Wait, isn't that the plot to Planet of the Apes?

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91607c No.20976154

File: 1ffddaf89c3f233⋯.png (140.1 KB,577x371,577:371,ClipboardImage.png)

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765f24 No.20976155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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de53be No.20976156

File: 5e03f41840b32b0⋯.gif (15.93 MB,367x358,367:358,pepe_gm.gif)


good morning anon

never be afraid of those threatening you.

they would not dare do it to anons face.

anon has tried everything to be frens, guide, lead by example

but anon does not suffer fools easily.

there is still time for them to change their ways.

but if they do not, they will be treated with distain..


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c61320 No.20976157

File: a36ff8cd9212a20⋯.jpeg (2.36 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_2038.jpeg)

Week 3 of the mms protocol, seriously no shit. Fatty alcoholic lever disappearing to a normal liver. I’m sure my bald patch is growing back. My dick n ball size grew within a couple of daze. From 15stone to just under 11.

Like I’ve said previously, your body is 60% water so why the fuck not purify it.

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62e4a4 No.20976158

File: 5ff307b18b2cf14⋯.png (343.74 KB,1008x887,1008:887,ClipboardImage.png)


You think anonymous replies on an underground basket weaving forum are supposed to be scary?


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1cbad1 No.20976159

File: 8d577fb88dc43bf⋯.png (969.42 KB,717x1717,717:1717,8d577fb88dc43bf18841464cbd….png)

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9a5825 No.20976160


Climate change.

Solar storms



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c61320 No.20976161


Root level argument.

If u want to control, firmware is the key.

Have u unlocked it yet?

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d89598 No.20976162

File: 9ba59e3c3e56fcf⋯.jpg (185.85 KB,720x1209,240:403,20240606_025918.jpg)

File: 65d5e9f45ca6b11⋯.jpg (190.37 KB,720x1116,20:31,20240606_025950.jpg)

File: 7d7f06779ae37ae⋯.mp4 (2.36 MB,644x360,161:90,Libs_of_TikTok_20240606_1_….mp4)


SAY HIS NAME: Connecticut State Trooper Aaron Pelletier.

KiIIed in the line of duty while conducting a traffic stop. He leaves behind a wife and 2 young children.

Alex Oyola-Sanchez was arrested for the m*rder.

You didn’t hear about this story cuz it doesn’t fit the narrative.


Democrats in CT voted against flying the American blue line flag to honor fallen officer Aaron Pelletier who was kiIIed in the line of duty.

Instead they flew the pride flag at half staff to honor him. The pride flag. I have no words. This is disgraceful.

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de53be No.20976163

File: 561c3f7a8fbc20c⋯.png (688.76 KB,700x500,7:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81a9bb2a3dc79d7⋯.mp4 (10.08 MB,640x360,16:9,8kun_manual.mp4)


try to keep up. there are others who use tags like bu baker, it was just something a lot of bakers discussed when there was a conversation we had here.

it is just a tag baker uses when bakering.

also known as shades.


video editing anon


meme maker

kun runner.

all these are what anon is called here.

never bought the proto cos anon wants to stay anonymous.

but you carry on lol ing.

ffs normmie to kek which is the usual term here

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7ea0ae No.20976164


drop a clown blank svp!

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62e4a4 No.20976165

File: 5c20dfba3cc96df⋯.jpg (153 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1711058746851479_878845f0_….jpg)


>do I have backdoors into every computer in the world

No, I'm not the mossad.

The opposite, actually.

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4494ee No.20976166

File: c9ac070d88bf5b8⋯.jpg (9.95 KB,300x168,25:14,genocide.jpg)

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0666ad No.20976167


Cops are ghey.

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9a5825 No.20976168

Two Democrats walk into a bar.

One sets the fire alarm off

The other Reeeeeeeeee's for an hour.

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25fea3 No.20976169

File: bdd10cb896e8e72⋯.jpeg (117.42 KB,768x768,1:1,Bruce_Lee_pepe_frog_69136….jpeg)

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62e4a4 No.20976170

File: 5a11ed0fb373e13⋯.png (774.19 KB,500x759,500:759,ClipboardImage.png)


My sweet summerchild, why would I do that when I could teach you to go to


and search 'clown' then click the third or fourth page for it?

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5ed0f7 No.20976171

File: 1c15388c717f2e3⋯.jpg (530.32 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1717482907466600.jpg)

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7ea0ae No.20976172


saved and thank you

if you don't drop it in memes bread…


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1cbad1 No.20976173

File: 46532179e280162⋯.webp (57.77 KB,650x975,2:3,C_Batter.webp)


what he says:


if not, here's this one

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ec2e96 No.20976174

File: 200c0e560a5e11a⋯.png (308.59 KB,1104x999,368:333,wanda_dalian_china_amc_May….png)

File: 9d49a464da150bc⋯.png (420.7 KB,1085x993,1085:993,china_wanda_group_amc_0527….png)

File: a0285ede061f351⋯.png (607.52 KB,1101x1056,367:352,amc_china_wanda_group_0527….png)

File: f99a79eb2761d8c⋯.png (618.67 KB,1049x586,1049:586,illigal_aliens_from_china_….png)

File: 6ca0924529dcabb⋯.png (817.15 KB,1056x585,352:195,known_nationwide_got_aways….png)

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ec2e96 No.20976175


Ava Chen is back to discuss the CCP'S Grasps on American Universities

Diamond and Silk



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49fe3b No.20976176

File: 24a8e407bdf094a⋯.jpg (203.5 KB,720x720,1:1,1694099743733545.jpg)


And the funny part is that all of this is prelude to the storm. Enjoy the show kek.

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ad0e39 No.20976177

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)

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62e4a4 No.20976178

File: 8a2f2ccf5432a62⋯.png (494.88 KB,620x620,1:1,download_1_.png)


Look I'm up way passed my bedtime plus I forgot what the fagnamer was calling you.

All I know is you're the soyjak, and I'm the Chad in this situation.



Wait, what thread am I in?

Oh God, Oh fuck, I have to do it..



I just realized the one on imgflip is super low-res

so thanks!

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ec2e96 No.20976179

File: bab3d03ea0a86e8⋯.png (484.2 KB,1251x1242,139:138,who_is_Trump_following_052….png)

File: 641c6ad13e0ab8d⋯.png (1.44 MB,960x978,160:163,stormy_vs_Trump_kek_051520….png)

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8cfc98 No.20976180

File: 0f7d410d1c97d6d⋯.png (388.08 KB,842x863,842:863,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7ba6ebb0948abd⋯.png (409.81 KB,934x779,934:779,ClipboardImage.png)

Do you see how lies are not illegal… meaning you can fake what ever you want and never be held accountable, because there is no consequence in this realm

TV News Now


Fox News host John Roberts hits back at the Biden campaign after they accuse him of a ‘blatant lie’ over his reporting that Trump capped insulin at $35 a month

After providing the receipts showing it was Trump, not Biden, who capped insulin costs, John adds: "We invited a representative from the Biden campaign to come on the program with us to discuss… but thus far, they have made no one available."

7:38 PM · Jun 4, 2024



SMACKDOWN: FOX News Reporter John Roberts Catches Biden Campaign in a Lie and Brings ALL the Receipts (VIDEO)

By Mike LaChance Jun. 5, 2024 10:40 pm

The Biden campaign recently accused John Roberts of lying about a Trump era policy that Biden is trying to take credit for and they are now living to regret it.

Roberts took to the airwaves on Wednesday and disproved the Biden campaign’s accusation and he brought all of the receipts to back up his argument.

You can tell from the way Roberts addresses this that he is not cool with what Biden’s people tried to do here.

RedState reported:

The “Biden-Harris HQ,” which is an official arm of the Biden campaign, found itself facing pushback after it claimed Fox News’ John Roberts had told a “blatant lie” regarding Trump and insulin prices. Here’s what the post, which still hasn’t been deleted or corrected, looked like.

The problem? Their “fact-check” is factually untrue, and Roberts wasn’t willing to take the accusation lying down. Instead, he took the airwaves with a handful of receipts and delivered a takedown of the Biden campaign.

ROBERTS: Yesterday, coming out of a segment in which the $35 insulin co-pay under the Inflation Reduction Act was mentioned, I remarked that I recalled back in May of 2020, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that stated President Trump had a plan to lower insulin co-pays to $35. The Biden campaign’s rapid response issued a post on X saying the following: “Fox host tries to claim Trump, not President Biden capped insulin at $35 a month. Fact-check: This is a blatant lie.”

But there are receipts to dispute the Biden campaign’s claim about what I said.

This is the Biden team tweet that started this:

Fox host tries to claim Trump, not President Biden, capped insulin at $35/month

FACT CHECK: This is a blatant lie. Trump did not cap insulin costs, President Biden did for seniors through the Inflation Reduction Act. Trump’s Project 2025 wants to repeal it, which would raise… pic.twitter.com/iDrrBKEIhf

— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) June 3, 2024

And here is the absolutely brutal response from Roberts:

Fox News host John Roberts hits back at the Biden campaign after they accuse him of a ‘blatant lie’ over his reporting that Trump capped insulin at $35 a month

After providing the receipts showing it was Trump, not Biden, who capped insulin costs, John adds: "We invited a… pic.twitter.com/PV0Ma1Nnir

— TV News Now (@TVNewsNow) June 4, 2024

Imagine if all of the media was this vigilant about making sure people know the truth.


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4494ee No.20976181

File: 2f0188e1a851a56⋯.jpg (99.49 KB,562x484,281:242,musk101.jpg)


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0666ad No.20976182


Notice how the court artist draws Hunter Biden as an innocent little boy ?

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de53be No.20976183

File: 343cd0071f8c51a⋯.png (992.67 KB,860x870,86:87,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbb986b103f793c⋯.png (535.84 KB,510x470,51:47,ClipboardImage.png)


nerds and geeks.

never liked the tech faggots

think anon knows of a onlyfan model you may like to donate too.


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8cfc98 No.20976184

File: a12cd7b5905a3a8⋯.png (285.22 KB,885x609,295:203,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino







452 likes, 38 comments - danscavino on June 5, 2024: "GREAT VISITING WASHINGTON, DC TONIGHT! I’M SURE THEY’RE THRILLED TO HAVE ME!! 😂🤣 #TRUMP2024 #MAGA 🇺🇸🦅".

Jun 06, 2024, 12:33 AM


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209059 No.20976185

File: daed1572fa45f9e⋯.png (94.33 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

The new decentralized internet went live yesterday. Not promoting it. Plus, it's still just in beta, but looks like it might be interesting to play with if you're more technical. Works by bypassing data centers and connects p2p using everyone's spare memory. files all cut up and encrypted and the bits spread around. hell, if you remember HBO's silicon valley comedy and their pied piper software, these guys were the tech consultants. 18 years in development. Go time! fuck san francisco!

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58bec7 No.20976186

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8cfc98 No.20976187

File: 66b9c2c58b4efcf⋯.png (154.62 KB,500x312,125:78,66b9c2c58b4efcf25d29079010….png)

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c61320 No.20976188

File: 768839206efda71⋯.png (7.4 MB,1806x2281,1806:2281,IMG_0641.png)



I worked for a company rr&a it taught me a few things. Incl, the constant beep of the radiation store. So when anon got job, secrets act be told. Infrastructure boss, u know, super user / god mode

One funny story was nwa (was Novell netware) sent msg to meh. Mandy Mandy I want to smell your shaven candy. . Trouble is, he miss typed the addy. It went to a director. Poor kid who was a student and getting paid got the sack immediately. You got to know who u r fucking with.

DOG bless u and thank you.

Same…unfortunately things happen we have no choice..

Incl the power of 33

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62e4a4 No.20976189

File: 4be6a3508bdcee0⋯.jpg (1.24 MB,2048x2048,1:1,1711847383976311_Universal….jpg)


You funny, I shill you last tonight.

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8cfc98 No.20976190


Has anon got the details or photo progression, of when the swap for the actor and Joe biden happened?

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0666ad No.20976191

File: 81425abfb8bca28⋯.png (138.28 KB,202x253,202:253,ClipboardImage.png)

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62e4a4 No.20976192

File: a791321d3f520c3⋯.jpg (829.88 KB,1024x1024,1:1,OIG2.jpg)





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8cfc98 No.20976193

File: 98f85a22742a0df⋯.png (287.99 KB,916x621,916:621,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4dffdb9e91f33d6⋯.gif (365.42 KB,498x498,1:1,rocket.gif)

File: fe05a92b5b13a05⋯.jpg (89.57 KB,600x335,120:67,And_the_rocket_s_red_glare….jpg)

File: a87c028c340b77c⋯.png (648.03 KB,931x1103,931:1103,kid_rock.png)

File: 8996fcf84e41450⋯.png (246.29 KB,390x609,130:203,rock.png)

Dan Scavino







452 likes, 38 comments - danscavino on June 5, 2024: "GREAT VISITING WASHINGTON, DC TONIGHT! I’M SURE THEY’RE THRILLED TO HAVE ME!! 😂🤣 #TRUMP2024 #MAGA 🇺🇸🦅".

Jun 06, 2024,12:33 AM



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25fea3 No.20976194

File: 313fa14edb5f0e0⋯.png (895.81 KB,768x768,1:1,fighter_pilot_pepe_frog_39….png)


Figuring it out now, mostly.

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4494ee No.20976195

File: 2f0188e1a851a56⋯.jpg (99.49 KB,562x484,281:242,musk101.jpg)

Many X users were unhappy with the choice of the company to store user data, pointing out its employees’ links to Israeli intelligence. Others expressed their discomfort with giving a company their data when so many data breaches have been reported in the past.

AU10TIX helped to create the identity verification systems for airports and border controls in the 1980s and 90s before expanding, with the growth of the internet, into what it describes as “digital spaces” in 2002. It now boasts several high-profile clients such as Uber, PayPal and Google.

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0887ce No.20976196

File: 3e5d93c21cd731e⋯.jpg (143.1 KB,910x1024,455:512,1713951863709126m.jpg)


Always awoo, all the time

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c65b13 No.20976197

File: 9526cc12d844f28⋯.png (218.42 KB,679x468,679:468,ClipboardImage.png)

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1cbad1 No.20976198

File: d8502044635f9fd⋯.png (1.55 MB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_keyboard_warrior.png)


the frog army has all the best shit

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5a9949 No.20976199

File: 7cf8154b59cf071⋯.jpeg (63.52 KB,474x355,474:355,IMG_0491.jpeg)

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4494ee No.20976200

File: f1d4a76dde32dab⋯.jpg (29.92 KB,496x588,124:147,SJThEifos_0_0_496_588_0_la….jpg)

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5a9949 No.20976201

File: e872871e0626389⋯.jpeg (52.75 KB,410x296,205:148,IMG_0490.jpeg)

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d2aa1a No.20976202


>What I'm getting from first connection:

>"No coincidences."

>"Expand your thinking."

The following connections are not mere "coincidences".

>coincidences = COMMS. With that into context, "Expand your thinking".

We are dealin with hiveminds

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4494ee No.20976203

File: 6edb8cc70b37b5e⋯.png (4.45 KB,264x191,264:191,images.png)

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4494ee No.20976204

File: 669727e73a434f6⋯.jpg (133.38 KB,1000x750,4:3,yoga_class.jpg)

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684253 No.20976205

File: e95d86be2a88d6b⋯.jpeg (86.88 KB,474x355,474:355,IMG_0489.jpeg)

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4494ee No.20976206

File: 33f0e1f592a31b9⋯.jpg (70.97 KB,800x800,1:1,1645126422921.jpg)

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209059 No.20976207

File: 55076ce90fcc8c2⋯.png (152.81 KB,1831x1004,1831:1004,ClipboardImage.png)


>The new decentralized internet went live yesterday. Not promoting it. Plus, it's still just in beta, but looks like it might be interesting to play with if you're more technical. Works by bypassing data centers and connects p2p using everyone's spare memory. files all cut up and encrypted and the bits spread around. hell, if you remember HBO's silicon valley comedy and their pied piper software, these guys were the tech consultants. 18 years in development. Go time! fuck san francisco!>>20976185

>The new decentralized internet went live yesterday. Not promoting it. Plus, it's still just in beta, but looks like it might be interesting to play with if you're more technical. Works by bypassing data centers and connects p2p using everyone's spare memory. files all cut up and encrypted and the bits spread around. hell, if you remember HBO's silicon valley comedy and their pied piper software, these guys were the tech consultants. 18 years in development. Go time! fuck san francisco!

sorry forgot the link


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4494ee No.20976208

File: ab99c3fb387ee72⋯.jpg (324.37 KB,1230x2048,615:1024,GB1UPkSXMAA1J_G.jpg)

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684253 No.20976209

File: f8b1cf08ebd50ae⋯.jpeg (44.98 KB,474x355,474:355,IMG_0488.jpeg)

awoo everbody awoo

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4494ee No.20976210

File: f4b15a907ed2d8f⋯.jpg (141.41 KB,1290x1419,10:11,GB1UPkRWIAAr_xk.jpg)

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684253 No.20976211

File: 118a1eee15f5fe8⋯.jpeg (52.27 KB,460x355,92:71,IMG_0487.jpeg)

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1cbad1 No.20976212

File: 5dc991bb9765753⋯.jpg (86.17 KB,400x300,4:3,pepe_puter.jpg)


>18 years in development.

you sure that ain't cover for a darpa lead project under the guise of "tech consultants" like how fb was rolled out?

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209059 No.20976213


>Many X users were unhappy with the choice of the company to store user data, pointing out its employees’ links to Israeli intelligence. Others expressed their discomfort with giving a company their data when so many data breaches have been reported in the past.

>AU10TIX helped to create the identity verification systems for airports and border controls in the 1980s and 90s before expanding, with the growth of the internet, into what it describes as “digital spaces” in 2002. It now boasts several high-profile clients such as Uber, PayPal and Google.

never give your data away ever again

see below.



twat that shit at musk

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4494ee No.20976214

File: d24451fc8930e16⋯.jpg (148.65 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)

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209059 No.20976215


>you sure that ain't cover for a darpa lead project under the guise of "tech consultants" like how fb was rolled out?

it's 100% open source. learn to code…

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1cbad1 No.20976216

File: f44036d98bdc559⋯.png (1.33 MB,1769x890,1769:890,_qresearch.png)


hivemind requires 2 or moar.

wheres the hive?

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7ea0ae No.20976217

File: 189280063bbda63⋯.png (145.74 KB,336x510,56:85,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 982a9c77d883eaa⋯.png (143.94 KB,336x510,56:85,ClipboardImage.png)




i prefer to take what i can get and then modify it to suit the narrative

Thank You and o7 anons

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de53be No.20976218

File: 6f9f3fa2215be82⋯.png (470.94 KB,500x642,250:321,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd2d86a74daeac8⋯.png (615.42 KB,667x500,667:500,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20976000, >>20976066 current topics and status reports. 6th june

>>20976090 Only Fans model Victoria Thomas-Bowen, 25,

enough. back to research.

anon is archived. so unless it is deleted it will remain the current topics.

no moar distractions.

dangerous times, many souls in danger.

every soul saved is generations of souls to come if they are unvaxxed.


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4494ee No.20976219


AU10TIX's clients include some of the largest technology companies in the world, including Airbnb, Bird, PayPal, LinkedIn, and Fiverr. X has been among the company's clients for nearly four years and is one of its ten largest clients. At the end of May, X announced that as of July 1, any creator who wishes to monetize their activity on the platform is obligated to verify their identity through the AU10TIX system. This message ignited a storm of anti-Israel sentiment centered on AU10TIX.

This is not the first time that AU10TIX has been at the heart of this kind of storm. Last year, a similar storm arose, which, among other things, was also addressed on the website of the Qatari Al-Jazeera network. However, this time the rant against the Israeli company takes on a more threatening tone. In response to one of the posts on the subject, Elon Musk replied, "We investigate," he promised.

Related articles:

X under scrutiny for enabling Hezbollah, Houthi propaganda machine

X/Twitter down for users globally

AU10TIX cuts 9% of workforce

Musk's statement can be interpreted as an attempt to silence the discussion on the issue by appeasing the attackers, but in practice it gives validity to their claims and strengthens them. Musk is very familiar with the activities of AU10TIX, and was involved in the decision to keep the company as a supplier of X after purchasing the platform. His treatment of the claims, without rejecting them outright and making it clear that there is no truth in them, only strengthens them and raises the fear that Musk will act to satisfy the anti-Israel users and stop the engagement with AU10TIX.

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3aac2b No.20976220

File: fd76f5d0d8e8d22⋯.jpeg (65.43 KB,302x360,151:180,IMG_0486.jpeg)

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e44516 No.20976221


Fox news flipped ?

Or will this poor bastard and his crew become the next Tucker !

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209059 No.20976222

File: e97dd6ff7305eac⋯.png (266.64 KB,415x304,415:304,ClipboardImage.png)


>you sure that ain't cover for a darpa lead project under the guise of "tech consultants" like how fb was rolled out?

plus it's scottish and developed by some interesting lineages about 15 min from Trump's Robert the bruce golf club

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1cbad1 No.20976223

File: 6553dae47b6ab45⋯.jpeg (264.24 KB,991x672,991:672,A74EB030_0A3E_46C5_96E2_F….jpeg)


sir, this is the fpi

I heard your memes got stollen

we need to have a moment with you sir

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3aac2b No.20976224

File: 81a7e05ac9a545f⋯.jpeg (43.58 KB,230x360,23:36,IMG_0485.jpeg)

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209059 No.20976225


>plus it's scottish and developed by some interesting lineages about 15 min from Trump's Robert the bruce golf club

also the head was the lead network developer for saudi aramco's intranet in the 90s…so there's that connection to MBS too.

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4494ee No.20976226

File: 4e4d2744622afe0⋯.jpg (14.39 KB,290x174,5:3,images.jpg)


Unit 8200 (Hebrew: יחידה 8200, Yehida shmone matayim "Unit eight two-hundred") is an Israeli Intelligence Corps unit of the Israel Defense Forces responsible for clandestine operation, collecting signal intelligence (SIGINT) and code decryption, counterintelligence, cyberwarfare, military intelligence, and surveillance. Military publications include references to Unit 8200 as the Central Collection Unit of the Intelligence Corps, and it is sometimes referred to as Israeli SIGINT National Unit (ISNU).[3] It is subordinate to Aman, the military intelligence directorate.

The unit is composed primarily of 18–21 year olds. As a result of the youth of the soldiers in the unit, and the shortness of their service period, the unit relies on selecting recruits with the ability for rapid adaptation and speedy learning.[4] Afterschool programs for 16–18 year olds, teaching computer coding and hacking skills, also serve as feeder programs for the unit.[5] Former Unit 8200 soldiers have, after completing their military service, gone on to founding and occupying top positions in many international IT companies and in Silicon Valley.[5][6]

According to the Director of Military Sciences at the Royal United Services Institute, "Unit 8200 is probably the foremost technical intelligence agency in the world and stands on a par with the NSA in everything except scale."[7]


Unit 8200 is the largest unit in the Israel Defense Forces, comprising several thousand soldiers.[8] It is comparable in its function to the United States' National Security Agency and is a Ministry of Defense body just as the NSA is part of the United States Department of Defense.

Subordinate to Unit 8200 is Unit Hatzav (Hebrew name for Drimia (Hebrew: יחידת חצב)), responsible for collecting OSINT intelligence. The unit monitors and collects military intelligence–related information from television, radio, newspapers, and the internet. The translation of various items accounts for part of what is termed "basic intelligence", which is collected by the units.

The IDF's most important signal intelligence–gathering installation is the Urim SIGINT Base, a part of Unit 8200. Urim is located in the Negev desert approximately 30 km from Beersheba.[9] In March 2004, the Commission to investigate the intelligence network following the War in Iraq recommended turning the unit into a civilian national SIGINT agency, as is in other Western countries, but this proposal was not implemented.[citation needed]


Unit 8200 is staffed primarily by 18–21 year old conscripts. Selection and recruitment to the unit usually occurs at age 18 through the IDF screening process after high school. However, the unit also scouts potential younger recruits through after-school computer classes.[5] These after-school computer classes, teaching 16–18 year olds computer coding and hacking skills, sometimes act as feeder programs for the unit, with students receiving invitation letters from the IDF.[5]

The 18-year-olds selected for the unit are primarily chosen for their ability to teach themselves and to learn very quickly as the unit will only have access to their services for a short time before their military service period ends.[4]

Soldiers are not permitted to publicly disclose that they are part of the unit, or their role within it.[10]

Command structure

Brigadier General "Y" (later revealed to be Yossi Sariel) at the unit's change of command ceremony in February 2021

Unit 8200 is led by a commander and a deputy commander, the latter holding the rank of colonel.[11] The identities of both officers are kept secret.[1][2] An additional command role is that of the "Data Science and AI Commander".[12]

Known commanders

Brigadier General Yoel Ben-Porat (1970s)[13][14]

Reuven Yeredor (1980s)[15]

Lior Div (unknown period)[16]

Aharon Ze'evi-Farkash (unknown period)[17]

Brigadier General Nadav Zafrir (unknown period)[18]

Brigadier General Yair Cohen (2001 — 2005)[19][20]

Brigadier General Hanan Gefen (succeeding Cohen)[19]

Brigadier General "A" (anonymous, mid-2010s)[21]

Brigadier General Asaf Kochan (unknown period)[22][23]

Brigadier General Yossi Sariel (2021 or earlier — present)[24][1]


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23f56d No.20976227


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8de997 No.20976228

File: b61a722a458e1b5⋯.jpeg (67.6 KB,440x360,11:9,IMG_0484.jpeg)

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62e4a4 No.20976229

File: 23dcc6863614bec⋯.png (2.23 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah because it started being compromised after he bought it

not when globohomo first deployed it.

Lol, lmao.


bottom text is too small/too many words to be dank

needs the same uniformity of the top text

at least switch the outline with the fill colors




QUICK METHODS: (updated with short explanations for AI noobs)

> "mostly" uncensored with built in prompt assistance: https://ideogram.ai/

> very censored Dall-E, but easy Pepes (just don't literally type "the frog"): https://www.bing.com/images/create

> an additional Bing Dall-E generator which can run at the same time: https://designer.microsoft.com/image-creator

> something about an Austrian Painter: https://gab.ai/characters?f=h&tab=image-generators

> generator with a great upscaler: https://app.leonardo.ai/universal-upscaler

> generator with built in editing: https://playgroundai.com/

> LoRa filters for specific templates, or people: https://civitai.com/

> free editor: https://pixlr.com/express/

okay seriously now, goodbye

I am legally obligated to sleep

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de53be No.20976230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Trump warns Biden could lead US into WWIII



With collected statements below


trump interview with sean hannity 5th June 2024.

President Trump [Hannity]: I'm very proud to fight for our Constitution, and if that's what it takes [going to jail]; everybody said this is such a minor thing. You don't go to jail for this, but you don't understand what we're dealing against, Sean. We're dealing against a system that's so corrupt; nobody's ever seen anything like it.

President Trump: You take a look at what's happening with inflation. That's a banana republic inflation, what we have. I think it could be as high as fifty percent if you add everything in. When you start adding energy prices in, when you start adding interest rates, which have gone from two percent to nine and ten percent.

President Trump: This is a very, very, dangerous thing that's happening [lawfare]. We cant let this happen, and I will do everything in my power not to let- but there's tremendous criminality here.

President Trump: It's meaningless [Biden Border Executive Order]. Millions of people are allowed to come in. It's a joke. Everyone knows it. It has nothing to do with border security.

Hannity: I called him [Biden], the night after his State of The Union address, 'jacked-up Joe'. Maybe he had a lot of Red Bull, or Monster Energy Drink.

President Trump: Or something.

Hannity: Or something

President Trump: This [climate] is not the existential threat. Tomorrow, we could have a war that will be so devastating that you could never recover from it. Nobody can. The whole world won't be able to recover from it, and he's talking [Biden] about something, 'in four hundred years from now, the oceans will rise by a eighth of an inch'.

President Trump: Number one, they have to finish the job. Israel has to finish that job. They have to finish it quickly, strongly, and they have to get back to life again, because it's taking too long. They have to finish the job. Gotta win.

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1cbad1 No.20976231

File: bc18d4c05ab765e⋯.png (188.47 KB,957x621,319:207,pepe_faggit_booper_9000.png)



Good Morning Faggots.

Did you just call this board a buncha faggots?!

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62e4a4 No.20976232


>okay seriously now, goodbye

FUCK, I forgot the good stuff

LOCAL/OFFLINE SDXL (self-hosted applications with cloud support):








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0564e1 No.20976233

File: 6f06c980c55b3ce⋯.png (74.16 KB,1098x458,549:229,ClipboardImage.png)

time stamp

kiwi time

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c61320 No.20976234

File: 45d386de5d12147⋯.jpeg (32.05 KB,640x433,640:433,IMG_0745.jpeg)


Saved and Ty.

The weird thing is with the mms protocol my 6 pack seems to be re appearing along with my Adonis belt. From doing nothing…

Yeh, there was a couple of issues,….

When I was locked up, thinking of the children, plane flew over head and I took pic rel.

Chesterfield hospital.

Funnily enough, they have a drop zone, to which a bottle of red dropped to the ground. I left that shit at a Masonic no33. In fairness, the 8ish coppers who restrained me were ok. After calling the wide eyed mofo the devil, spit mask remover, why r u really here. Whistle blowing was my answer. Yes, that was on 4.10.20::DJT. The beauty about this place is u can tell the truth and no one gives a shit.

Fug me, my life since the. Has been incredible. Ieunknown entity drawing eye of Horus over left brow. Anetena over meddlie brow. Infinity sybmol on right chest which, inspcreased in power till ffectively it took off

Fug u all.

I love ya

Good thing is, next bread I’m gone..

Back to being a you.

That’s why I live this place.

Peace n love, meant in the upmost earnest. X

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8cfc98 No.20976235



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4494ee No.20976236

File: 860de4a1056be6f⋯.png (363.47 KB,612x407,612:407,download.png)

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4494ee No.20976237

File: b079f87e74e608a⋯.jpg (103.93 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_1_.jpg)

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b1539f No.20976238

File: 2384bf40431997d⋯.jpg (203.04 KB,1024x498,512:249,1623233595364m.jpg)


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de53be No.20976239

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Note: Below is from il donaldo trumpo a.c, the fact remains, we are not going to take it.




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4494ee No.20976240

File: 03186b628574cb9⋯.jpg (49 KB,416x900,104:225,GOYIM_ID.jpg)

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7ea0ae No.20976241


>bottom text is too small/too many words

agreed, i did change the lo res tp 600 ppi but it's still low res compared to the one you lot dropped! thanx frens



GN or GM to you anon fren! stay frosty eh

and for the clowns, it's GMC … kek

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8cfc98 No.20976242


good night'

thank you

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c61320 No.20976243

Met Jew, Mason and James Halliday.

Who else has got the balls to tell a blind man he doesn’t need glasses to see.

>they cost me 160 quid….

Yeh, can u c better? His eye were slit (pupils) more lizard like..funny guy.

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1cbad1 No.20976244

File: 848f151db0fddf2⋯.jpg (16.5 KB,400x400,1:1,D2AYjE5XQAAn_FN.jpg)


all require login except for civicai.com

local image generation is best if you have the hardware for it

but be careful, there are models that are being used maliciously

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54a7ee No.20976245


That…would be a really BAD idea.

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25fea3 No.20976246

File: 6d199af65fa101b⋯.jpeg (131.68 KB,768x768,1:1,nicola_tesla_NS.jpeg)


Memes haven't heard of them…

What's that?

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0c8424 No.20976247

Will Fauci be the keystone?

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25fea3 No.20976248

File: c423c953be4e9b4⋯.png (650.19 KB,768x768,1:1,Brandon_lee_the_crow_pepe_….png)


sleep well ok anon

siesta, ariba!!!

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8cfc98 No.20976249

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jun 05, 2024, 3:32 PM






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de53be No.20976250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



4th June 2024

>>20964708, >>20964990 Coming Soon - Dedicated bun for uk elections.

>>20965172, >>20965190 reform uk. nigel farage and gbnews channels news blackout by youtube.

>>20965323, >>20965362 Nigel farage has milkshake thrown at him in clacton. plus reports.

>>20968095 Nigel Farage speech At Clacton On Sea Essex


Farage on alt platforms with massive reach, this with crowder from tues 5th

"I Hate Big Government" | Ash Wednesday with Nigel Farage



48,254 views 5 Jun 2024 Louder With Crowder

Newly-crowned Reform UK leader Nigel Farage joined me for a spirited Ash Wednesday discussion not long before his momentous announcement. In this fascinating sit-down, we tackled the most important issues facing the western world today; illegal immigration, censoring & de-banking wrong-thinkers, media hit jobs, smoking crack in the free market, loathing corporatism, big politics, big banks, big business, and so much more!

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c61320 No.20976251

File: b38d09adc229ea7⋯.jpg (2.54 MB,4032x3024,4:3,image.jpg)

When u r granted the hidden hand and offered to join the Illuminati

>im above them, I want to remain anon.

Fug, that’s whphen shit happens.

Yes I’m still skint and working my day job. Should have taken the private planes n stuff.

Amazing though, when u complete the mission. 2 jets flew buy, leaving a strike..

The crows are loud at the time of this post..

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0564e1 No.20976252

File: 6d3b9c48a0fcce2⋯.png (420.39 KB,543x822,181:274,ClipboardImage.png)

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894bdf No.20976253

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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7ea0ae No.20976254

File: 56b3e1d30f5c8a3⋯.png (130.25 KB,372x332,93:83,ClipboardImage.png)




feral pepe inspector

faggot penis inspector

sorry anon but sometimes i'm just a tarded newfag

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c61320 No.20976255

Yeh, I’m actually proud to be a nutter *commited* best achievement of my life to date, where else are deals done. With the most highest ranking… u literally can’t make the shit up.

Been in twice., the shit thing u notice, a patient goes for a shower, gets lathered up, shower stops working. Patient comes out of said shower, help it doesn’t work, covered in bubbles.. it’s like a humiliation ritual. Anyways, they wouldn’t let me use the shower again, cause I worked the fucker out.. nothing like activating the root chackra, ie grounding the button.

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8cfc98 No.20976256

File: fe9da896baae179⋯.jpg (27.73 KB,388x258,194:129,couple_love_fingers_symbol….jpg)


love you boo

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1cbad1 No.20976257

File: a6dca1882ff4409⋯.png (241.9 KB,506x502,253:251,_Anons_piss.png)


you smell like piss sir

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5f1947 No.20976258


She's supposed to be reading from behind a bush.

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0564e1 No.20976259


2 more weeks?

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894bdf No.20976260


>2 more weeks?

2 more weeks till what?

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0f5996 No.20976261

File: 090d8c76d5645e0⋯.jpeg (80.83 KB,786x634,393:317,cofv.jpeg)

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25fea3 No.20976262

File: 07804084f1b6524⋯.jpeg (150.5 KB,768x768,1:1,nicola_tesla_with_blonde_….jpeg)

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ac8807 No.20976263

File: 428523e164c390d⋯.png (482.87 KB,736x499,736:499,aaayp3.PNG)

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9edc3e No.20976264

>>20976195 ← Clown using innuendo to cover for confirmed fact Meta is selling user data.

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0564e1 No.20976265

File: 9829b3e8020c221⋯.png (132.25 KB,871x310,871:310,ClipboardImage.png)

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209059 No.20976266

MS-13 Tattoos: Meaning and Symbolism

These tattoos are often intricate and complex, with multiple layers of symbolism. The tattoos mark the gang member as part of MS-13 and indicate rank and status. Some of the most common MS-13 tattoos include:

The MS-13 Hand Sign: This tattoo depicts the gang’s hand sign, which consists of the thumb, index, and little finger extended and the middle and ring fingers bent towards the palm. It is often found on the hand or wrist.

The MS-13 Logo: The MS-13 logo features a devil’s head with a halo and two horns. This tattoo is often found on the chest or back.

The Number 13: The number 13 is significant in MS-13, representing the gang’s origin in the 13th Street area of Los Angeles. This tattoo is often found on the face, hand, or arm.

The Three Dots: The three-dot tattoo is often associated with MS-13 and represents the phrase “mi vida loca” or “my crazy life.” It is usually found on the face, hand, or arm.

The Salvadoran Flag: Many MS-13 members are from El Salvador, so the Salvadoran flag is a common tattoo. This tattoo is often found on the chest or back.

The Aztec Sun: The Aztec sun is a common tattoo among MS-13 members, representing the gang’s connection to its Central American roots. It is often found on the chest or back.

MS-13 tattoos are often used to intimidate rival gangs and law enforcement. They are also used to show loyalty and commitment to the gang.


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c61320 No.20976267

Celebrating D day.

Fuck u n stop the warz.

End those ppl In Power.

Globalist ageda be gone.,

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1f1c4a No.20976268

File: fd3c0325a6e93fb⋯.jpeg (295.65 KB,1883x1101,1883:1101,4A63225B_BE32_480E_87D4_2….jpeg)

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1cbad1 No.20976269

File: 578e162c96ac5a2⋯.jpg (29.53 KB,480x483,160:161,zuck_nazi.jpg)


Meta is doing moar than selling user data.

They are using it with very bad intentions.

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c61320 No.20976270

File: b0f243f6f6c3f9f⋯.jpg (2.65 MB,4032x3024,4:3,image.jpg)

Cunt n context.

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25fea3 No.20976271

File: 11f632ea2041c1f⋯.png (644.96 KB,768x768,1:1,Brandon_lee_the_crow_pepe_….png)

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df73b4 No.20976272

File: f092841ab023d88⋯.jpg (107.43 KB,1125x830,225:166,GM_Thurday.jpg)



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ce6bf9 No.20976273

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1cbad1 No.20976274

File: ee3b0296997cb8e⋯.mp4 (13.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,QRESEARCH_DIG_MEME_PRAY.mp4)

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9edc3e No.20976275

File: 590e5fd52bce16c⋯.png (213.52 KB,500x532,125:133,ClipboardImage.png)

The psyop of Russia disinformation was to give themselves a public excuse not to prosecute Bidens over the 300+ crimes therein.

FBI admits in court laptop is real.

Psyop shield is gone, yet they still don't prosecute the Bidens for treason.

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4494ee No.20976276

File: 80f64c1a2f9ea6c⋯.png (1.05 MB,820x908,205:227,awshmytlvcx91.png)

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ce6bf9 No.20976277

''did the new and improved super BOT shut down

'EDIE' yet?''

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0f5996 No.20976278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c61320 No.20976279

It’s funny, the king was on, was about to take another pic and the bbc cut the feed.

Yeh, in my head maybe…

The look in her eyes was priceless..

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4494ee No.20976280

File: 62649dafb72e25a⋯.jpg (145.45 KB,1600x784,100:49,WhatsApp_Image_2023_11_27_….jpg)

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419012 No.20976281

File: d1a28800c292e29⋯.png (1.29 MB,750x1334,375:667,65002D41_42BC_4F7C_AB63_18….png)

File: f319cfe8c91e9c0⋯.jpeg (164.22 KB,1080x1080,1:1,D10C7D40_E3ED_469F_85BF_7….jpeg)

File: 7780851a4cd65a7⋯.png (67.73 KB,690x718,345:359,C825C8EC_297F_4C81_B14B_93….png)

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4494ee No.20976282

File: 4e4668f7664d71a⋯.jpg (227.96 KB,1366x768,683:384,Twitter_Israel.JPG)

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abbff2 No.20976283

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz14.gif)


>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.



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4494ee No.20976284

File: 59f5a5602a3748f⋯.jpg (36.85 KB,1080x540,2:1,GO9QhAwbQAAk9qc.jpg)



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f253db No.20976285

File: b0585283f96f911⋯.jpg (265.95 KB,949x1280,949:1280,b0585283f96f911a7ed40e2e31….jpg)

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ce6bf9 No.20976286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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419012 No.20976287

File: 947a53d6e6d124c⋯.png (1.61 MB,750x1334,375:667,8153EC6A_D6A8_4103_AEF6_8E….png)

File: 68d86ddfaad1d39⋯.jpeg (678.39 KB,1362x2048,681:1024,DE348438_A933_4C0D_B003_3….jpeg)

File: f4f4b3f0372aff9⋯.png (65.87 KB,690x762,115:127,E6251A8F_F9AE_4F5B_B6EE_02….png)

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894bdf No.20976288


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Dark Roast Covfefe.

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a54413 No.20976289

File: 5d1c9628bce0293⋯.mp4 (2.98 MB,1280x720,16:9,authority.mp4)

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7a0463 No.20976290


After all that’s been seen just the past three years. It’s still difficult for people to believe such a shitbag Government would start WW3 and coverup sedition and Treason

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1cbad1 No.20976291

File: a08ecbe80680582⋯.png (20.9 KB,272x708,68:177,Magic_Sword.png)


Elons "EDIE consciousness"?

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c818fb No.20976292


it's not a remembrance anymore.

it's a boasting of Dictators.

they are not concerned with Vetrans or the sacrifice of soldiers.

they conclave to scheme and celebrate their clans complete control of the West and plot their next war.

D-day is now Dictators Day.

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419012 No.20976293

File: 2ae5ddfb84ce0f1⋯.png (43.68 KB,690x586,345:293,E08F0F1D_DA1C_4873_BBF9_1E….png)


good morning Ralph.

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df73b4 No.20976294

File: 42452013b10033c⋯.png (1.02 MB,1085x1085,1:1,GMSunshine.png)

GM Frens

A Bright and Sunny Day

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7a0463 No.20976295


I wouldn’t be surprised if shitbag Garland claims non compos mentis to avoid hanging from a rope.

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de53be No.20976296

File: 8c689f451c4d810⋯.png (544.38 KB,831x467,831:467,ClipboardImage.png)

Q Research General #25726: Super Ultra Comfy Edition

>>20975819 dough

>>20975842, >>20975946, Cicadas being infected with STD that turns them into hyper-sexual "zombies" - twat noise bun

>>20975901 Palestinian fired over Gaza censorship sues Meta – Reuters (rt.com bun)

>>20975942, >>20975945, >>20976086, Q comms bun

>>20976230 LAST NIGHTS INTERVIEW WITH HANNITY - 5TH JUNE 2024 - youtube (with djt statements bun)

>>20976239 BIRD FLU BULLSH*T!!! WE WILL NOT COMPLY!! - djt video on next pandemic by il donald trumpo vid

>>20976250 Farage on alt platforms with massive reach, this with crowder from tues 5th - farage u.k bun and youtube.

>>20976000, >>20976066, >>20976090, >>20976218, current topics and status bun.

>>20976106 Where was your sloth self when we needed the truth on hunter bidens laptop before the election when you were AG - kash patel t.s post

>>20976162 Connecticut State Trooper Aaron Pelletier killed in the line of duty - twat

>>20976175 Ava Chen is back to discuss the CCP'S Grasps on American Universities - rumble (diamond and silk)

>>20976180 Fox News host John Roberts hits back at the Biden campaign after they accuse him of a ‘blatant lie’ over his reporting that Trump capped insulin at $35 a month - gwp

>>20976184, >>20976193, I’M IN THE SWAMP RIGHT NOW! - dan scavio t.s post

notables up to 350, not bakering, bread is still open for bread to claim

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11c87f No.20976297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Will Fauci be the keystone?

I’m pretty sure Epstein is. Listen for keystone.

Is Epstein Oprah? Is Epstein prince Andrew?

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1cbad1 No.20976298

Q 80 speaks to me with current /QR/

We need to get organized.

Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen.

Let's start w/ Alice & Wonderland.

Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland.

Snow White.

Wizards & Warlocks.


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0f5996 No.20976299

File: 59979dcb454e0fb⋯.png (455.87 KB,612x550,306:275,ClipboardImage.png)

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25fea3 No.20976300

File: 1db2b7561c97037⋯.jpeg (177.59 KB,768x768,1:1,JMQr.jpeg)

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4c6db7 No.20976301

File: 40bd15eb961eeb9⋯.jpg (88.67 KB,644x960,161:240,ComplicatedBong.jpg)

Did WW3 just start or did my neighbour just fart?

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419012 No.20976302

File: 85e50c68dca3f01⋯.png (1.27 MB,750x1334,375:667,20408CA0_7108_4DAE_9E55_C8….png)

File: 5a3401a1df5dd2e⋯.png (79.19 KB,690x1032,115:172,2657C9A4_BA2E_45BC_B8C7_31….png)

File: b354fb218f291da⋯.png (55.35 KB,690x768,115:128,D8B1B14D_3C97_472D_9B55_BE….png)

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ce6bf9 No.20976303


>>20972185 pb

>▶ Anonymous 06/05/24 (Wed) 12:29:42 d15d95

>EDIE is (was) their most advanced A.I. (nothing compared to ours, but EDIE was built in a different way. Polar Opposite (deeply flawed, however).

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5d3aed No.20976304

File: 6088002e5b199f9⋯.jpeg (71.96 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_5676.jpeg)

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a7d601 No.20976305

File: cc4669e1f98430a⋯.png (152.38 KB,394x327,394:327,ralph3dddr.png)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Dark Roast Covfefe.

Special blend Dark Roast

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c818fb No.20976306


you celebrate Dictator's Day?

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4494ee No.20976307

File: 33f0e1f592a31b9⋯.jpg (70.97 KB,800x800,1:1,1645126422921.jpg)

File: c9ac070d88bf5b8⋯.jpg (9.95 KB,300x168,25:14,genocide.jpg)

File: 2e924b58baea50b⋯.jpg (8.89 KB,300x168,25:14,images_2_.jpg)

File: 4e4d2744622afe0⋯.jpg (14.39 KB,290x174,5:3,images.jpg)

File: f1d4a76dde32dab⋯.jpg (29.92 KB,496x588,124:147,SJThEifos_0_0_496_588_0_la….jpg)

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ec2e96 No.20976308

File: 2a06daf9eb41300⋯.png (186.67 KB,1200x765,80:51,illegal_aliens_count_04242….png)

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5d3aed No.20976309

File: 77321ac1a310725⋯.jpeg (68.33 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_5677.jpeg)

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4494ee No.20976310

File: f4b15a907ed2d8f⋯.jpg (141.41 KB,1290x1419,10:11,GB1UPkRWIAAr_xk.jpg)

File: ab99c3fb387ee72⋯.jpg (324.37 KB,1230x2048,615:1024,GB1UPkSXMAA1J_G.jpg)

File: 59f5a5602a3748f⋯.jpg (36.85 KB,1080x540,2:1,GO9QhAwbQAAk9qc.jpg)

File: 6edb8cc70b37b5e⋯.png (4.45 KB,264x191,264:191,images.png)

File: b079f87e74e608a⋯.jpg (103.93 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_1_.jpg)

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419012 No.20976311

File: 7df8fd5ed3f6a6e⋯.png (1.52 MB,750x1334,375:667,4D19C728_256B_4343_B774_BA….png)

File: 503caa06fe27fb1⋯.png (42.87 KB,690x542,345:271,918820F1_4862_4823_9539_06….png)

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ed6a46 No.20976312

File: 1bfb44f09481401⋯.jpg (21.08 KB,466x263,466:263,GM_Crew.jpg)


There's the OG GM of the day.

Now it was kinda early, but considering GY is ded and its bread titles have Matthew Takeshiba (i.e. Tranime) in them, I don't think anyone could legit claim foul play here.

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d89598 No.20976313

File: a0464e9c294e1fd⋯.jpg (97.93 KB,720x720,1:1,20240606_044656.jpg)


Colorado GOP calls for burning of Pride flags

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419012 No.20976314

File: 1b6a0f81f1d7663⋯.png (703.43 KB,750x1334,375:667,F16A4512_29F8_4CD4_A4D1_E0….png)

File: b089d664d5295a4⋯.png (222.21 KB,690x1926,115:321,4136FF92_9A24_49AB_A21D_4E….png)

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d29f8e No.20976315


jesuits. Yeah I agree Catholics are faggots.

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c818fb No.20976316


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4494ee No.20976317

File: 51eb87ca686260a⋯.jpg (820.75 KB,3908x1440,977:360,MUSK4.jpg)



































































































































































































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ce6bf9 No.20976318



>>20972185 pb

>EDIE is (was)


>(i.e. Tranime)


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ac8807 No.20976319


…ever growing mountains of evidence that it is not the jews. ; l

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53c044 No.20976320

File: b755344e234a6e1⋯.png (325.76 KB,476x419,476:419,Devil_Dog_some_of_the_shit.png)

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ed6a46 No.20976321


It mattered then because Q was nowhere but /pol/ and hadn't forged an identity yet.

Now it doesn't really matter as much as Q is everywhere and the X-Twatters are on a roll when it comes to re_read drops.

So, no need for any anon to be uptight about the current state of QR.

It's still a fantastic newsbot feed with top notch shitpoasts-n-chat.

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dd2b40 No.20976322

don't read spoilers you fucking asshole - most of the time you only end up disappointed like now

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0f5996 No.20976323

File: 299778ad303c3be⋯.png (Spoiler Image,215.03 KB,460x359,460:359,ClipboardImage.png)

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c818fb No.20976324


everyone knows that many Jews, who are otherwise good people, are apologists for those Jews who it really IS.

when you make excuses for psychopathic behavior in defense of your tribe member you enable it.

everyone knows that many Jews will dismiss any crime committed by jews.

we know this.

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df73b4 No.20976325

File: fba2afe1f26c073⋯.jpg (160.39 KB,960x954,160:159,huntersfirstnightinWH59.jpg)

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4494ee No.20976326

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ad44f3 No.20976327

File: 4c3ae4d612878fa⋯.jpg (207.76 KB,1024x732,256:183,4c3ae4d612878fa5ff42b114b4….jpg)

File: 33e61529066723e⋯.jpg (57.58 KB,567x633,189:211,33e61529066723ecd01beb2f39….jpg)


>Celebrating D day.

Yeah look at Jewrope and the JewSa today, well done amerikike tards!

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4494ee No.20976328


Read the TALMUD.

We are GOYIM and its okay for them do steal from us and kill us.

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419012 No.20976329

File: eebd160f215c3ab⋯.png (987.85 KB,750x1334,375:667,C96B1C0E_4452_4CE0_A9B4_C4….png)

File: f9582ee5723d9cf⋯.png (451.61 KB,690x2134,345:1067,B208851A_96C5_45FE_80F3_4C….png)

File: 64d1179e1c0fb37⋯.png (45.41 KB,690x498,115:83,9AC29BCD_CC1A_4682_BE8A_CA….png)

File: f0f39c2b2cf3a34⋯.png (29.26 KB,647x889,647:889,13293E64_1488_40CE_BCBC_0B….png)

File: 3fb955f654df4cd⋯.png (1.2 MB,1063x696,1063:696,A539A547_6A3F_432E_9E9A_E8….png)


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d29f8e No.20976330


everyone know this?

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dd2b40 No.20976331

File: f1871b214416d9c⋯.png (90.61 KB,418x163,418:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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d29f8e No.20976332


read the other holy books and they say the same shit.

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c818fb No.20976333


it is not OK, it never was OK, and it never will be OK.

and the apologists for those who do that are one of the MAIN reasons for many people feeling animosity towards that group.

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b88d03 No.20976334

File: 92004aa7fa87c5e⋯.png (907.21 KB,1063x802,1063:802,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)

Gov. Katie Hobbs defied Arizona law when she circumvented the Senate and nominated directors of statewide agencies without legislative approval, a judge ruled on June 5.

After the Democrat struggled to get many of her director nominees through a newly created Republican-led Senate approval committee last year, Hobbs went around the chamber and instead appointed deputy directors that essentially served as directors. Agency directors are subject to Senate approval, but deputy directors are not.

Senate President Warren Petersen, a Queen Creek Republican, filed a suit in December, accusing Hobbs of violating state law by circumventing legislative hearings for her appointees and asking the Maricopa County Superior Court to restore the decades-long practice of requiring Senate approval for nominees.

In a January court filing in which he asked for the case to be dismissed, Andy Gaona, Hobbs’ attorney, blamed the Senate for essentially giving the governor no other choice than to sidestep the Senate’s Committee on Director Nominations, saying the panel was “designed to slow-walk nominees.”

But Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Scott Blaney, who was appointed in 2018 by Republican then-Gov. Doug Ducey, ruled that “the Governor has improperly, unilaterally appointed de facto directors for these 13 agencies, despite the actual job title she has assigned to each of them.”

Blaney conceded that Hobbs’ strategy to appoint deputy directors instead of directors “arguably” complied with some portions of state statutes regarding her duties as governor, but wrote in his decision that she “took those actions for an improper purpose, culminating in an improper result — one that violates Arizona law.”

“We do not … construe statutory phrases in isolation; we read statutes as a whole,” Blaney wrote.

The judge concluded that Hobbs must comply with state statutes that require her to nominate agency directors within a certain timeframe and that those nominees must be submitted for the approval of the Arizona Senate.


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52a30f No.20976335


It's an old quote, but it checks out as being legit.

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a2c7a5 No.20976336

Joe hasn’t mentioned being in France on X…I don’t think.

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0f5996 No.20976337

File: 259d27de9006c49⋯.jpeg (122.48 KB,1080x1058,540:529,clickit.jpeg)

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b88d03 No.20976338


cool, i going to walmart today with my dad

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c818fb No.20976339


I'm sure that they don't want his bumbling to be widely seen.

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5d3aed No.20976340


Just curious, why don’t you work? Are you that rich?

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ce6bf9 No.20976341



>Wait, isn't that the plot to Planet of the Apes?

Logan's Run?

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419012 No.20976342

File: 7ab2f0b1f3d3552⋯.png (1.07 MB,750x1334,375:667,79290687_A67E_4DEB_A2ED_1F….png)

File: a464c61e34cc2ad⋯.png (172.97 KB,690x1598,345:799,099D194B_88AA_44E7_83C9_ED….png)

File: 9ae5b5d9d366f99⋯.png (27.86 KB,690x410,69:41,F5D844F4_B8BB_42D2_BEB4_DD….png)

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53c044 No.20976343

File: 477f6d05869107f⋯.jpg (70.95 KB,500x658,250:329,Biden_dictator.jpg)

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5d3aed No.20976345


I thought there were no outside comms?

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6d5d50 No.20976346


Are you new?

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a2c7a5 No.20976347

File: ffe1a2f061af214⋯.jpeg (462.31 KB,1125x1573,1125:1573,IMG_1088.jpeg)


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1cbad1 No.20976348

File: cfba3661ad8deb0⋯.png (110.87 KB,254x255,254:255,patriots_dig.png)


I dunno, last time (few days ago) I poasted anything remotely Q related got immediately blackholed. X has changed but it's not any better for it coming from an

anon. Besides anons don't get their info from follower hungry infotainment agents.

We dig and put this shit together ourselves as Q have shown us.

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6d5d50 No.20976349

We have a live newfag…

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7a0463 No.20976350


Has a rhyme to Garland just making up Offices and Officers that have never been authentic. 90% of Gobernment

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d29f8e No.20976351


yes but it was really in Beneath the Planet of the Apes that story was told kinda, then look to shows like Fallout based on the game,

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5d3aed No.20976352


Yes I guess. I know it’s all bullshit.

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df60a5 No.20976353


I must be haf, my brain just went from thank goodness I've been deemed essential personnel by the State of Florida to what if the open borders is kinda like Noah's Ark, to was Noah's Ark really just a coordinated reset event orchestrated by man, not God…

OK, time to go to work now…

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6d5d50 No.20976354


How did you find your way here?

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419012 No.20976355

File: a6df068cb987941⋯.png (258.6 KB,750x1334,375:667,1DF55CD4_C90D_455C_AA23_5B….png)

File: fbdddf7b43230bd⋯.png (26.62 KB,690x410,69:41,33B81AD5_3568_4A86_8673_3A….png)

File: a9273425f8ec4a4⋯.png (425.43 KB,690x1632,115:272,BFC0A86F_C3E9_4EB2_9AA7_3F….png)

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ba8e42 No.20976356


No way! His handlers love to make him embarrass himself!

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0f5996 No.20976357

File: 1c20a86c7d4c822⋯.png (1.01 MB,1368x670,684:335,ClipboardImage.png)

WWII veteran who witnessed flag-raising at Iwo Jima dies on way to D-Day event


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b0ddc7 No.20976358

File: 52ede46f7c6b164⋯.png (1.34 MB,2944x1438,1472:719,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf515fda6b91512⋯.png (1.83 MB,2944x3900,736:975,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bcf124b8f281399⋯.png (299.95 KB,2944x1438,1472:719,ClipboardImage.png)


>formerly the technology arm of ICTS international….

nearly $27Million in "other non-reimbursable direct financial aid" through their US holding, Huntleigh USA.




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ed6a46 No.20976359


Anybody that can pull off the NEET lifestyle during the Peak Clown World Precipice is doing it right.

I also know there is at least 1 anon here living off the govt tit which is close altho some will say big daddy gibs don't count.

But, real daddy gibs do count according to them which is specious imo.

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6d5d50 No.20976360


HELL YES. Sick MFs. Bring the MOABS. DO IT Q!

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5d3aed No.20976361


I came from pol after the weiner laptop.

How about you? Did you invent it?

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dd2b40 No.20976362

File: 3aff24f1fa0345c⋯.png (11.16 KB,189x57,63:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d3aed No.20976363


I didn’t understand a word you said.

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b88d03 No.20976364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ce6bf9 No.20976365

File: 84a4ccbaaa1ad62⋯.mp4 (100.01 KB,384x282,64:47,animation.mp4)

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6d5d50 No.20976366


Gee. And um, no I did not invent the laptop in question… Good luck, Newfag.

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5d3aed No.20976367


I just don’t have an believe muscle

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48d482 No.20976368


Gain of function, anyone? Yall keep complaining about low birth rates.

Just sayin…

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5d3aed No.20976369


I didn’t ask if you invented the laptop you assuming prick I asked if you invented the the plan since you seem to have all foreseeable knowledge.

Tell us your a newfag without saying it.

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6d5d50 No.20976370


Have you looked at today's Delta…

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5d3aed No.20976371


I just puked. Deltas aren’t real.

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ed6a46 No.20976372


Digs is taking someone else's digg and copypasta'ing it here.

Many such cases on modern day QR and there's nothing wrong with that.

QR used to digg (which is gathering info from multiple sources and piecing it together), but no so much now.

That extra g is what separates old school QR from modern day QR.

The bottom line tho is QR just doesn't have the eyeballs like the SM platforms do.

They (especially X-Twat) are the ones in prime position to help with the Great Awakening the way Q described.

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419012 No.20976373


no shit. hang in there Q tard

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6d5d50 No.20976374


You could have saved 9 posts by saying you were a moron.

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c818fb No.20976375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dictators day live feed

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d29f8e No.20976376


are you using the q clock and just grabbing random things you find on the internet that you think connect

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b88d03 No.20976377

File: ee74d15f990646c⋯.png (942.67 KB,1200x800,3:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)

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6d5d50 No.20976378


No legitimate anon would do that.. Also, random is a fallacy in general; however, a Delta for the day is a post made on this day in the past… there are several for today… make sense?

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e3acd2 No.20976379

File: b5ac6914059b1fc⋯.jpg (697.61 KB,1200x1200,1:1,MuellerIsClosingIn22tzntgn….jpg)

File: 5a0de181ad128e2⋯.png (1.22 MB,1108x1928,277:482,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)

File: 5c5accd2dc74a39⋯.jpg (464.33 KB,3300x2550,22:17,qNunesProof.jpg)

File: 07f4eef753020c3⋯.png (1.6 MB,3948x2820,7:5,misspellings_and_correctio….png)


>good morning Ralph.

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df73b4 No.20976381

File: 72788a45bde2d87⋯.png (1.31 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Kek_Another_Two_Weeks.png)

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ed6a46 No.20976382

File: 0dc60a2c8797447⋯.jpg (1.88 MB,4000x2667,4000:2667,NigelFishBowlSlamming.jpg)


Hopefully PDJT gave Nige some good advice on how to avoid drinking the unwanted milkshake.

You know they've wanted to see that happen to PDJT all this time, but I guess his security is just too damn good to allow that to ever go down.

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6d5d50 No.20976383


They also arrested the dairy devil.

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d29f8e No.20976384


seems exactly what is happening though, to do so you must rely on the q clock because its not just sharing delttas for the date it sharing other dates. So unless you can prove that the clock is correct its all garbage.

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6d5d50 No.20976385


Newfag lol please listen. Anons do what Q instructed. Any other tool outside that is just a tool.. not some kind of oracle. Just do what Q said, which is what goes on. Got it?

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5bec56 No.20976386


That's powerful. Will share.

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20ef28 No.20976387

I fell asleep and woke up and this bread is still

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ce6bf9 No.20976388


>living off the govt tit

Pensioners who contributed for over 40yrs?

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d29f8e No.20976389


Oh I got that you are a retard. Q never confirmed the clock.

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ed6a46 No.20976390


>that is just a tool.. not some kind of oracle

I think that's been the big hang up for many.

They might be expecting it to be Looking Glass Lite.

When in reality it's Hey Look Q Predicted It.

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6d5d50 No.20976391


What did you dream?

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b88d03 No.20976392


i stopped working in early 2018, which coincided with the Q operation

i consider what i do here to be "work" in a sense and it is much more valuable use of my time

i also am quite physically active, hiking trails daily, swimming, free weights (trying to counteract health issues)

am i rich? no

apologize for rambling on about myself, but you showed an interest so my ego just kicked in

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df73b4 No.20976393

File: cf7ae482c3d93e0⋯.png (630.71 KB,900x675,4:3,We_ll_be_ready.png)

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ce6bf9 No.20976394

Bread is super BOTie

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5950f2 No.20976395

File: 56898dbedcc4888⋯.png (390.26 KB,601x674,601:674,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cef1f11be6068b0⋯.png (14.38 MB,4001x2999,4001:2999,ClipboardImage.png)

Square profile picture



Now targeting 7:50 a.m. CT for launch of Starship’s fourth flight test. Weather conditions are 95% favorable. The webcast will go live ~30 minutes ahead of liftoff → http://spacex.com/launches

6:07 AM · Jun 6, 2024 · 38.2K Views


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ce6bf9 No.20976396


>Bread is super BOTie

& Clownie

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6ebd4e No.20976397


Mission highly successful, still underway.

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ed6a46 No.20976398


I think it's the disability stuff that draws the ire of some, not the payback to Gramps & Grammy stuff.

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b88d03 No.20976399


j.d. and elise are my 2 preferred vp candidates, but i trust Trump's judgment on this

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20ef28 No.20976400


i can't remember my dreams

fast need time

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b88d03 No.20976401


yep, they just defy the laws knowing they will get away with it unless challenged in court, seems to be their m.o.

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c61320 No.20976402


That’s what they r pushing..


GY is dead, I missed somthing, was a bit of a haze, birthday was on 3. June.

Another anon mentioned bo had done one. Can’t fuggin clarify. Fast jack gone?

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6ebd4e No.20976403


And may the will of God Almighty only be done. In Jesus name, Amen.

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d29f8e No.20976404


being disabled is a problem?

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ce6bf9 No.20976405


>disability stuff

You know so much then perhaps you help them out?

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f253db No.20976406


It will probably be none of those 7

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c61320 No.20976407

It’s a hard life waiting for my “carer” to wake up n goto the shop to get some backy.

There was a reason I had a week off werk.

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20ef28 No.20976408


you keep losing your contract's for Amazon and Boeing

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c61320 No.20976409

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b264f6 No.20976410

File: 259fb6a2d1bed3b⋯.png (939.56 KB,1204x1350,602:675,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_6….png)

Morning anons…



Coca Cola company is implicated in the purchase of children from Ukraine.

Sex-trafficking (pedophile networks) and black market organ harvesting






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5bec56 No.20976411


For the sake of debate, let's assume that the letter is legit, unaltered and written by a person of pure intentions. Granted, these three assumptions are rarely true at the same time. Nevertheless, even IF all three assumptions are approximately true, the letter does not in any way give us information about EM's CURRENT mental, emotional or spiritual reality.

He's suffered the loss of a child through "gender identity" and has fathered several children, in contravention of the globalists' desire to control all new life through test-tube conceptions. I conclude that this is a distraction, rather than valid new information to form informed opinions.

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0f5996 No.20976412

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b264f6 No.20976413

File: 29d9e53cd97a197⋯.png (1010.11 KB,1224x1600,153:200,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_6….png)



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051219 No.20976414

File: 1f7cdfca0acbf66⋯.jpg (12.63 KB,255x210,17:14,0f8d66af00cc8cdbdd31fa6530….jpg)

File: fc8eddf6eb81565⋯.png (32.81 KB,1009x588,1009:588,8829f7e6277979438d84a3a707….png)


Reform @17%


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f253db No.20976415

File: 5d91c291e2e74e7⋯.png (379.27 KB,1208x735,1208:735,QNNnotahelicopter.png)

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ed6a46 No.20976416


Of course it's a problem.

It's hard enough as it is to function in today's world with all your faculties intact.


I will help by not stealing anyone's wheelchair or calling them tard irl.

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894bdf No.20976417


>Special blend Dark Roast

Thursdays are when all the hard work gets done.

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b88d03 No.20976418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6d5d50 No.20976419


Comfiest morning bread in a while.

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c61320 No.20976420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


U any good at ai? We could make a business doing space travel, they will fund you millions. All you need is some decent cgi. No escaping the fermanent.

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d29f8e No.20976421


no shit it is a problem seems as if you thought people getting paid on disability was also a problem and was just seeking clarification of your opinion.

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017429 No.20976423

File: 1067e814785986b⋯.webp (48.19 KB,613x746,613:746,pepe_stretch.webp)

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5bec56 No.20976424


Fewer people, fewer doctors, same waiting time. Check your math.

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ae5661 No.20976425

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald Trump: We need the 'death penalty' for drug dealers

Why does Trump do Interviews with this fucking snake?

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20ef28 No.20976426


and head chipchop

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b264f6 No.20976427

File: 1823d4fde2cee93⋯.png (1.18 MB,2466x1230,411:205,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_6….png)

File: 7b57660e5479648⋯.png (3.82 MB,2372x1732,593:433,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_6….png)

File: 0c350220bfec84e⋯.png (1.5 MB,1370x836,685:418,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_6….png)

File: cb924a8692bc972⋯.png (4.75 MB,2386x1518,1193:759,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_6….png)




KYIV, Ukraine — When Tanya, a 45-year-old woman living in Los Angeles, paid $10,000 and sent two embryos to a surrogacy firm in Ukraine hoping to build a family six years ago, she says she never expected the uncertainty and heartbreak the process would bring.

Tanya desperately wanted a child but found out she would be unable to conceive herself. After discovering how expensive surrogacy in the U.S. can be, she and her husband began pursuing options abroad — and came across the Kyiv-based company BioTexCom. Tanya’s parents were originally from Odesa, so she felt there was something fitting about her future child being born in Ukraine.

Once the process began with BioTexCom in fall 2017, however, Tanya had an uneasy feeling. After sending her embryos, she says, she was told they would be implanted in a surrogate almost immediately — a timeline that didn’t fit with all the research Tanya had done into the surrogacy process. When, a few days later, the firm told her the embryo transfer had been unsuccessful and provided minimal information about why, she says, she suspected something was off.

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6d5d50 No.20976428


When he said "if I may" omg… Pray for POTUS!

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051219 No.20976429

File: 3f28bd384292880⋯.jpeg (11.96 KB,255x192,85:64,3f28bd38429288029e9096f76….jpeg)

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ce6bf9 No.20976431

File: 945d7013c21d126⋯.jpg (6.86 KB,175x255,35:51,945d7013c21d12681c833479b6….jpg)

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d29f8e No.20976432


because people are still watching that trash so go where the people are.

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c9c2d9 No.20976433

File: 0eae7125a807b6d⋯.jpeg (888.18 KB,1125x1804,1125:1804,IMG_1090.jpeg)


He posted one from France

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6d5d50 No.20976434


POTUS is up for Every Challenge!

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20ef28 No.20976435

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b264f6 No.20976436

File: 819aa649f0d8832⋯.png (1023.36 KB,2374x1054,1187:527,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_6….png)




We need to dig on BioTexCon…


In 2011, an Italian couple returned home with a baby born from a Ukrainian surrogate in an arrangement facilitated by BioTexCom. After mandatory DNA testing by Italian officials, the baby was found to have no genetic link to the intended parents, preventing them from being officially recognized as the parents. (The child was eventually adopted by a different couple in Italy.)

Alleging that the 2011 case was not an isolated incident—and presumably informed by the 2012 revelations of a “baby-selling ring” in which Ukrainian fertility companies had taken part in creating “an inventory of unborn babies” for unsuspecting parents—Ukrainian authorities in 2018 initiated investigations into BioTexCom. Prosecutors requested permission to conduct genetic testing for more than 200 children throughout Europe and in China. They chargedBioTexCom’s owner Albert Tochilovsky and its head physician with human trafficking, document forgery, and tax evasion, and placed Tochilovsky temporarily under house arrest. It appears that the case has not gone to trial. Tochilovsky, who has owned BioTexCom since 2012, claimed that the 2011 case was “before his time” and, in any case, was a simple embryo mix-up that should only be subject to administrative penalties.

In 2019, an Australian reporter uncovered the case of Baby Bridget, whose American intended parents refused to take custody after she was born prematurely and required significant medical care. At the age of 3, she had spent most of her life in hospitals and had been placed in a children’s home in Ukraine. There she received care and therapy for a range of disabilities while awaiting Ukrainian citizenship, without which she could not be placed for adoption. Tochilovsky claims that Bridget’s intended parents were never clients at his clinic and that there must be another clinic impersonating BioTexCom to ruin its reputation.

The business model: “Cheapest surrogacy in Europe”

BioTexCom is the major player in Ukraine’s booming surrogacy market, which is fueled by poverty and instability in the country. It’s right there on the website: “The cheapest surrogacy in Europe is in Ukraine, the poorest country in Europe.” Tochilovsky claims that BioTexCom handles one quarter of the surrogacy market in the world and 70% of the market in Ukraine.

The company differentiates itself from other fertility clinics and surrogacy agencies by offering all-inclusive packages, including a “Guaranteed Success” package for IVF with a money-back guarantee if after five cycles there is no pregnancy that passes twelve weeks. Their surrogacy packages, starting at €34,900, offer unlimited IVF cycles for surrogates if using donor eggs (patients are limited to two egg retrievals using their own eggs).

BioTexCom offers prospective customers a luxury experience, with accommodations in “high-class hotels,” as well as meals, a driver, and even a local cell phone all provided by the clinic. Their “VIP Package” for €64,900 goes beyond the standard all-inclusive surrogacy deal (€34,900) by including sex selection, extra compensation for surrogates who carry twins, and a jump to the head of the line (less than four months wait versus up to a year in the standard surrogacy package).

A massive full-service operation supports these all-inclusive offerings. BioTexCom owns and operates not just the clinic space, but also apartments, hotels, a logistics team, and private cars and drivers. This kind of “vertical integration” is rarely seen in the fertility industry, even in cross-border surrogacy agencies that specialize in “reproductive tourism.” Tochilovsky has plans to extend his business empire horizontally too, hoping to eventually commercialize fringe biotechnologies that are ethically troubling and far from ready to move into the clinic, like artificial wombs and lab-grown human organs.

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1cbad1 No.20976437

File: 03d4c5356038a6d⋯.jpeg (487.8 KB,1200x1063,1200:1063,qresearch.jpeg)


here's one from an anon in this bread


it's not gone and it never should

but you have somewhat a point about current day /QR/.

but I don't think it will stay like that for too long

there is POWER in this board

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017429 No.20976438

File: 979360b91248436⋯.jpg (18.58 KB,409x393,409:393,kek.jpg)

So many filters…

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ed6a46 No.20976439



You must go to where the eyeballs are.

The only thing worse than preaching to the choir is preaching to the void.

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d89598 No.20976440

File: 28c409f9fbedad9⋯.jpg (73.3 KB,1024x682,512:341,20240606_010827.jpg)

File: ed6f6395c9bd698⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB,1280x720,16:9,Collin_Rugg_20240606_2_new.mp4)


NEW: 26-year-old crossing guard arrested in Pennsylvania for giving middle schoolers drugs.

Kiara Lee was seen being taken into custody for communicating and smoking with at least one child.

According to text messages obtained by the police, Lee messaged a student about ingesting mar*juana.

"While marijuana may not seem like a big deal to some folks in the community, I think we can all agree that crossing guards should not be providing narcotics, even if it is 'just' marijuana, to our kids," Darby Borough Chief Joseph Gabe said.

Lee was charged with possession of mar*juana with intent to deliver and corruption of minors.

WTF is dat thing ! Hell has released its demons and they are walking the earth

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5bec56 No.20976441


What I take from that is that aiBIOS is installing backdoors for 5eyes to fusion-center your every keystroke.

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017429 No.20976442

File: 7297cebc2021504⋯.png (416.76 KB,667x374,667:374,7297cebc2021504febca68f0bc….png)

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20ef28 No.20976444


Morning Ralph

it must be there Glow in the office seat

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ae5661 No.20976445


Trump not returning to post on X will be a huge mistake on his part, just look at Tik Tok, over 5 million followers in less than a few days. We now hold the narrative on X, go look at any Joe Biden post and you will see every single reply is someone calling him a fucking idiot, it's great to see the tides have turned.

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ce6bf9 No.20976446

File: 6070cd6f17db8c6⋯.jpg (80.44 KB,640x640,1:1,2023_07_21_10_31_17.jpg)

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ed6a46 No.20976447


Being done here again would be great, but it's not a show-stopper if not.

Q > QR.

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ed6a46 No.20976448


I think he just might.

Prolly a timing thing at this point.

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df953d No.20976449

File: ea83705d25d2bf4⋯.png (130.52 KB,408x409,408:409,ClipboardImage.png)

House Republicans file criminal referrals to Justice Department for Hunter, James Biden

The action comes after both Biden’s were accused by the impeachment inquiry committees of lying during their testimonies.

House Republicans have referred Hunter and James Biden to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution, accusing the pair of making false statements to Congress during the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

The criminal referrals was filed Monday and come nearly seven months after House Republicans first authorized the impeachment inquiry into the 46th president.

Since then, the three committees leading the probe have uncovered what they term an influence peddling scheme surrounding Joe Biden by his family members, which led to millions flowing into Hunter and James Biden’s coffers from business deals abroad connected to allegedly corrupt oligarchs and individuals with relationships to the Chinese Communist Party.

Hunter is Joe Biden's son and Jim is the president's brother.

“Our investigation has revealed President Biden knew about, participated in, and benefitted from his family cashing in on the Biden name around the world," says GOP Rep. James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, who is helping leading the criminal referral process.


Published: June 5, 2024 2:00pm

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20ef28 No.20976450


Spaek an English

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c61320 No.20976451

File: 134c5a849bf19ff⋯.jpeg (25.77 KB,236x271,236:271,IMG_0418.jpeg)


I c your logic.

But if the numbers go, 6gorillian reduced to a few thousand.

Win win..

Not for whitey though…

I’ve literally met 2 ppl that didn’t have the vax. One was a taxi driver the other was an equantance.

Meth is not good, but my math is ok..

I think.

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4c6db7 No.20976452

File: 346a548d3e6e0eb⋯.jpg (14.11 KB,244x255,244:255,552e16178069617e84e96d0ded….jpg)

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20ef28 No.20976453


those apps going down

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e3acd2 No.20976454

File: 090d8c76d5645e0⋯.jpeg (80.83 KB,786x634,393:317,covfefeNcswic.jpeg)

File: 4f204b6119a1a67⋯.png (36.8 KB,371x477,7:9,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)

File: 66d7e9803e3cc82⋯.png (411.07 KB,601x668,601:668,herridgeFollowThePenJun05.png)


>>20972945 pb

>Catherine Herridgehas the scoop on criminal referrals for Hunter and James Biden, for lying under oath to Congress

>>20974602 pb

>FULL letter here👇 https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Criminal-Referral-6.5.24.pdf





>7:11 AM ·Jun 5, 2024


Jun 05, 20202:28:16 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f72c77 No. 9488073

Jun 05, 20201:56:58 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 834d48 No. 9487886

>>9487818 (LB Q)


Are HERRIDGE's pen positions comms?


Follow the pen.

Have you not been following?


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017429 No.20976455

File: 2f78e23024de20c⋯.png (1.8 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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20ef28 No.20976456


is that tank


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ae5661 No.20976457

File: 7e35ff43310edd5⋯.jpg (2.97 MB,3464x3464,1:1,V2.jpg)

File: aa3c385ca1d67e4⋯.png (988.49 KB,1414x1016,707:508,v2graphic.png)


We need moar pen post deltas with Trump

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f253db No.20976458

File: d3081b6a5957547⋯.png (80.56 KB,524x652,131:163,ClipboardImage.png)


All the western leaders are in Normandy and making a huge deal outta D-Day this year. It's been all over the Fake News and there have been many specials shown this week.

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e3acd2 No.20976459

File: f1ebd6872f18ef0⋯.png (190.12 KB,371x722,371:722,Screenshot_from_2024_06_06….png)

File: e4e69d60d4c189c⋯.jpeg (482.76 KB,2048x1950,1024:975,GPVC_boW8AAa4_S.jpeg)

File: e7180e98a7cbcc6⋯.jpeg (514.72 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GPVC_cBXgAEFr6P.jpeg)

File: 47685d3cb734606⋯.jpeg (527.49 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GPVC_cAXYAAdKEH.jpeg)

File: dcfbaade8eb7cf3⋯.jpeg (464.52 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GPVC_brWQAAZWb0.jpeg)


>Follow the pen.

>Have you not been following?


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ce6bf9 No.20976460

File: a21cf8e5c339696⋯.mp4 (49.95 KB,320x268,80:67,ForTheQuantum_LeapOfTheThi….mp4)

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b264f6 No.20976461

File: aaf7091c0a915e4⋯.png (3.42 MB,2902x1660,1451:830,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_6….png)

File: 88839282b30b4ba⋯.png (2.12 MB,3164x1698,1582:849,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_6….png)







"Experience the joy of parenthood with BioTexCom, the leading medical centre specializing in IVF and surrogacy for over a decade. Reputable world media have recognized us as the largest and most trusted surrogacy agency and fertility clinic."

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d89598 No.20976462

File: b829b7da7c05701⋯.jpg (29.98 KB,576x432,4:3,scared.jpg)

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89a15f No.20976463


>Colorado GOP calls for burning of Pride flags

In a statement to The Hill, Williams said the Colorado Republican Party makes “no apologies for saying God hates pride or pride flags as it’s an agenda that harms children and undermines parental authority.”

“The only backlash we see is coming from radical Democrats, the fake news media, and weak Republicans who bow down at the feet of leftist cancel culture,” he said in an email.


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b5f8b0 No.20976464

File: b8288d45731c57a⋯.png (575.75 KB,540x540,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b264f6 No.20976465

File: a57371fd103e0ea⋯.png (741.61 KB,1910x1142,955:571,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_6….png)







Some are crying in their cots; others are being cradled or bottle-fed by nannies.These newborns are not in the nursery of a maternity hospital, they are lined up side by side in two large reception rooms of the improbably named Hotel Venice on the outskirts of Kyiv, protected by outer walls and barbed wire.

They are the children of foreign couples born to Ukrainian surrogate mothers at the Kyiv-based BioTexCom Centre for Human Reproduction, the largest surrogacy clinic in the world. They’re stranded in the hotel because their biological parents have not been able to travel in or out of Ukraine since borders closed in March because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Anxious parents check on the children they have not yet met via video calls, and others have sent audio recordings of their voices to soothe the children.

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017429 No.20976466

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d89598 No.20976467

File: 9c12b7a98a539d8⋯.jpg (108.86 KB,720x690,24:23,20240606_054708.jpg)

File: cd550835203efcb⋯.jpg (114.51 KB,1290x726,215:121,20240606_054618.jpg)


Hollywood Pedophiles attend D Day anniversary

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0fbdb6 No.20976468

File: 75522115d28d515⋯.png (417.46 KB,1080x673,1080:673,Memeto_1630249745711.png)

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b5f8b0 No.20976469


swamp gas reflected the light from Venus trapped in a thermal pocket?

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fd3697 No.20976470


you are still the fucking moran who posts a 16 mb image here every day you dipstick

ffs you are too illiterate to even spell words properly

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20ef28 No.20976471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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017429 No.20976472

The 6th. Two moar for fifty.

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fd3697 No.20976473


a medevac chopper going straight up!

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b5f8b0 No.20976474


When Trump is out of Dapper Dan he doesn't go Fop

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89a15f No.20976475

File: 7824f83587e4de8⋯.mp4 (906.87 KB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17176746565….mp4)


>Coca Cola company is implicated in the purchase of children from Ukraine.

LEARN HOW TO DOWNLOAD TWITTER VIDS: https://ssstwitter.com/

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227774 No.20976476

File: f89608e3637c00d⋯.png (89.19 KB,949x814,949:814,ClipboardImage.png)

US Market Open: US equity futures are mixed & EUR slightly higher ahead of the ECB policy announcement

Published Thu, 06 Jun 2024 10:20:00 GMT

European bourses extend gains; US futures are mixed, RTY underperforms

Dollar is flat and EUR incrementally gains ahead of today’s ECB policy announcement

Bonds are slightly softer, giving back some of this week’s advances

Crude is now around flat after trading higher for much of the morning, XAU/base metals continue recent strength

Looking ahead, US Challenger Layoffs, IJC, ECB Policy Announcement and Press Conference



European bourses, Stoxx 600 (+0.6%) began the session on a strong footing, taking impetus from a positive APAC session. As the morning progressed, stocks continued to climb higher, and currently reside just off session highs.

European sectors hold a strong positive bias; Tech is the clear outperformer, building on the prior day’s advances, with sentiment also lifted after Nvidia’s market cap surpassed USD 3tln. Optimised Personal Care is found at the foot of the pile.

US Equity Futures (ES U/C, NQ U/C%, RTY -0.4%) are mixed, taking a breather from recent strength in the last trading session; the RTY underperforms.


USD is showing varying performance vs. peers which has left the DXY flat. For now, DXY is capped by the 200 and 100DMAs at 104.40 and 104.42 respectively.

EUR is modestly firmer vs. the USD on ECB day which is set to see the ECB deliver its first rate cut since September 2019. With a cut so widely expected, focus will be on any hints over what comes next. For reference, the next 25bps cut is priced by October with 63bps of cuts seen by year-end. EUR/USD currently within a busy 1.0869-1.0895.

Cable briefly sat on a 1.28 handle overnight, though has since slipped lower and currently holds around 1.2785; UK-specific newsflow has been light today.

JPY is losing marginal ground vs. the USD following cautious comments from officials overnight. USD/JPY is attempting to close the gap on Monday and Tuesday's risk-induced selling which took the pair from circa 157.47 to a weekly low of 154.52.

Antipodeans are both a touch softer vs. the USD with AUD/USD continuing to pivot around the 0.6650 mark having been stuck on a 0.66 handle throughout the week.

PBoC set USD/CNY mid-point at 7.1108 vs exp. 7.2436 (prev. 7.1097)


USTs are consolidating between five and ten ticks from Wednesday's 110-12+ WTD peak. Specifics light thus far with the macro focus firmly on the ECB, with US Challenger Layoffs and Initial Jobless Claims also on the docket.

Bunds are a slightly softer and was unreactive to the miss in German Industrial Orders; Supply from Spain passed with no issue while the chunky French tap sparked some choppiness and an incremental new low for Bunds at 131.15.

Gilt price action is in-fitting with EGBs. However, the BoE DMP sparked a turnaround in fortunes for the UK benchmark lifting it by around 20 ticks to a 97.72 peak, driven by the moderation in wage growth expectations within the survey.

Spain sells EUR 5.865bln vs exp. EUR 5-6bln 2.50% 2027, 0.10% 2031, 4.00% 2054 Bono & EUR 0.51bln vs exp. EUR 0.25-0.75bln 2.05% 2039 I/L.

France sells EUR 12bln vs exp. EUR 10.5-12bln 3.00% 2034, 1.25% 2038, 3.25% 2055 OAT


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e3acd2 No.20976477

File: 39c0acbdfbd5fdf⋯.png (27.11 KB,413x308,59:44,q4423_followthepenHerridge.png)

File: 67250bc1c7ed7f8⋯.png (46.34 KB,826x224,59:16,q4422_followthepenHerridge.png)

File: f9f60ff3d2709d2⋯.png (1.52 MB,1028x5781,1028:5781,q4422_followthepenHerridge….png)


>We need moar pen post deltas with Trump

Could also use Catherine's new X account on Qagg…unless I'm just not seeing it


>>Catherine Herridge


>>Follow the pen.

>>Have you not been following?

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b4d9f2 No.20976478

File: e6470700785a611⋯.jpeg (51.31 KB,679x483,97:69,59C18F14_8D0B_491D_BBD0_5….jpeg)

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20ef28 No.20976479


Download porn?

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34ce9e No.20976480

File: 0e0498ed640296d⋯.png (933.34 KB,1080x1565,216:313,V.png)

File: ce4a567d01cc0a0⋯.png (785.75 KB,1080x1031,1080:1031,Scree.png)

Hunter's wife is with him every step of the but Melania Trump hasn't been in court with husband Donald Trump not even one time or helped him campaign… Melania Trump is lazy old lesbian hag in love with with her dildos.

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20ef28 No.20976481


is there something important coming

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89a15f No.20976482


>House Republicans have referred Hunter and James Biden to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution,


have you seen our DOJ

this will be another shoved under the carpet moment.



FIRE THE SWAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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b5f8b0 No.20976483


when you wake up in the morning

and the light has hurt your head

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227774 No.20976484

US Market Open: US equity futures are mixed & EUR slightly higher ahead of the ECB policy announcement [Cont'd]


Crude benchmarks were grinding higher throughout the European morning, though the upside has since dissipated (now flat), despite a lack of clear catalysts. Brent holding around USD 78.50/bbl.

Precious metals are contained after the strength seen in the prior session. Rangebound action which currently sees XAU hold around the lower-end of USD 2354-2374/oz bounds.

Base metals are firmer and continuing the turnaround in fortunes for the likes of copper that occurred yesterday alongside the broader risk-on trade.

OPEC SecGen says demand for oil is still good, fundamentals drove their decisions. Adds, as travel is picking up, demand for oil should be strong.

Qatar has set July Marine crude OSP at Oman/Dubai plus USD +1.10bbl; land crude OSP at Oman/Dubai plus USD +0.35bbl, according to a pricing document.

Goldman Sachs says US retail gasoline prices in October could rise to nearly USD 4/gal if the hurricane season is extreme and positioning normalises.

Canada Energy Regulator said it is updating an order that will allow Nova Gas to temporarily increase operating pressure by 5% in a section of the Grande Prairie mainline.

JP Morgan price outlook calls for Brent to average USD 75/bbl in 2025; sharply down from UD 83/bbl in 2024, with prices exiting the year at USD 64/bbl


Bitcoin holds around USD 71k in quiet trade, whilst Ethereum holds onto USD 3.8k.


German Industrial Orders MM (Apr) -0.2% vs. Exp. 0.5% (Prev. -0.4%, Rev. -0.8%)

Italian Retail Sales NSA YY (Apr) -1.9% (Prev. 2.0%); Retail Sales SA MM (Apr) -0.1% (Prev. 0.0%)

EU Retail Sales YY (Apr) 0.0% vs. Exp. 0.1% (Prev. 0.7%); Retail Sales MM (Apr) -0.5% vs. Exp. -0.3% (Prev. 0.8%, Rev. 0.7%)

German HCOB Construction PMI (May) 38.5 (Prev. 37.5)

Italian HCOB Construction PMI (May) 49.0 (Prev. 48.5)

EU HCOB Construction PMI (May) 42.9 (Prev. 41.9)

French HCOB Construction PMI (May) 43.4 (Prev. 41.5)

UK S&P Global Construction PMI (May) 54.7 vs. Exp. 52.5 (Prev. 53)


BoE Monthly Decision Maker Panel: 1-year ahead CPI inflation expectations remained unchanged at 2.9% in May. 3-year ahead CPI inflation expectations remained unchanged at 2.6% in May. Expected year-ahead wage growth fell by 0.3ppts to 4.5% on a three-month moving-average basis in May.

ISTAT lifts Italy's 2024 GDP growth forecast to 1.0% (prev. 0.7%)


Chinese battery firms which are linked with the likes of Ford (F) and Volkswagen (VOW3 GY) should be banned from shipping to the US, via WSJ citing a Republican lawmaker group

US FTC has reportedly opened a probe into Microsoft's (MSFT) AI deal with Inflection AI, according to WSJ; probe looks into whether MSFT structured the deal to avoid a government antitrust review of the transaction.

Mexico Health Ministry said a fatal case of bird flu was detected in a man in Mexico state with chronic kidney disease, type 2 diabetes; bird flu detected in humans in Mexico does not represent a risk to the population. So far no evidence of person-to-person transmission, according to Reuters.



Israel's cabinet has cancelled their planned meetings amid reports that Hamas has rejected the truce proposal, according to Israeli media cited by journalist Elster

Heavy Israeli bombardment of South Lebanon was reported, according to Al Monitor Senior Correspondent Karam.


Russian President Putin said he has no intention to attack NATO, according to Reuters.

US officials have notified relevant Congressional committees about expected Russian activity, according to a senior US official cited by Reuters. The temporary Russian deployment is likely to include combat vessels but is not seen by the US as a threatening move. The US is expecting Russian naval and air exercises in the Caribbean this summer with port calls likely in Cuba and possibly Venezuela.


US State Department has approved the possible sale of F-16 parts to Taiwan for USD 80mln, according to the Pentagon

Taiwan Defence Ministry said in the past 24 hours, 1 Chinese Air Force plane was detected operating around Taiwan.


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0a2146 No.20976485


learn to red text

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89a15f No.20976486

File: d061dac5f64ee07⋯.png (378.73 KB,512x768,2:3,d061dac5f64ee07dc19741f71e….png)

America atm

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ce6bf9 No.20976487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fda15b No.20976488

File: 2b4607aa71ffaa0⋯.png (99.14 KB,349x360,349:360,1704845721_2_.png)

Peace in Ukraine now!

Immediate ceasefire in Gaza now!

Spread the real truth about the Talmud and the Holocaust.

No censorship on QR!

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b4d9f2 No.20976489

File: 0412e4a7ba186ad⋯.jpeg (139.77 KB,1600x1200,4:3,18FAA604_E54D_48A3_9872_2….jpeg)


Not as long as Gov is full of shitbags destroying what little we have left of civilization

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ce6bf9 No.20976490

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5950f2 No.20976491




The Starship team is go for prop load

6:45 AM · Jun 6, 2024 · 218.3K Views


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61a7aa No.20976492


>No censorship on QR!

top kek

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a209a7 No.20976493


The Kike faggot behind bars, excellent.

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5bec56 No.20976494


That guy has "Ozempic Face"

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c61320 No.20976495

Not a date fag.

Today is 6.6.24



Not that anything will happen with the financial collapse of the $

Here’s hopeum that something will habben.

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227774 No.20976496

If EU banks don't get their rate cut, there will be hell to pay(and those donors won't be ponying up for the campaigns).

Europe rallies ahead of first ECB rate cut in nearly 5 years

Jun 6th, 06:32:01

By Marc Jones

LONDON (Reuters) - World stocks were on the brink of an all-time high and the euro rose on Thursday ahead of what was widely expected to be the European Central Bank's first interest rate cut in nearly five years.

With the long-awaited moment about to arrive, traders pushed the pan-European STOXX 600 up 0.8% and watched the MSCI 47-country main world index trade within a point of a seemingly inevitable new peak.

Sentiment was almost at frenzy stage again. Wall Street's S&P 500 and Nasdaq had both set records on Wednesday after a now $3-trillion AI juggernaut Nvidia swept past Apple to become the world's second-most valuable company, behind Microsoft.

The euro was on the rise again. It added another 0.1% to its 2% rise over the last month to reach just shy of $1.0880, although most traders were sitting on their hands, waiting to see what the ECB signals later.

All 82 economists polled by Reuters expect the Frankfurt-based central bank to trim its key rate to 3.75% from the record high 4.0% level it has been at since September, but what it does after that remains subject to much debate.

EU elections happen in the coming days but stronger-than-expected data over the last few weeks has raised doubts about how many more cuts will be justified this year.

Euro zone inflation rose more than predicted in May, fueled by price growth in the services sector, which some policymakers single out as especially relevant because it reflects domestic demand.

This was likely to mirror larger-than-expected increases in wages in the first quarter of the year, which boosted consumers' battered disposable income after years of below-inflation pay hikes.

Michael Metcalfe, head of global macro strategy at State Street Global Markets, said for this meeting though, it was hard to remember a central bank move more well flagged in advance.

"Maybe today is going to mark something of a watershed as they (ECB) are not going to be able to be as clear with their forward guidance," Metcalfe said

Considering the recent robust data, "what follows is now a much harder question for markets - and the ECB - to assess," he added. "It could be a classic buy-the-rumour-sell-the-fact and the euro get some support from here."

The Bank of Canada pipped the ECB to being the first G7 country to cut rates in this cycle on Wednesday. The U.S. Federal Reserve meets next week, although is not expected to move until September. By contrast, the debate at the Bank of Japan, which meets the week after, will be on if, and when, to raise rates.

Canada's dollar trimmed some of the losses from its post-cut dip on Thursday to leave it at C$1.3686 per U.S. dollar.

In the bond markets, Germany's 2-year government bond yield, which is sensitive to policy rate expectations, was down 1 bp at 2.987%. It hit 3.125% on Friday last week, its highest since mid-November.

Benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury yields were sitting near their lowest in two months, after data this week hinted that the U.S. labour market is finally cooling.

That included private U.S. payrolls on Wednesday and a report on Tuesday that showed job openings fell in April to the lowest in more than three years.

Markets are now pricing nearly two quarter-point Fed cuts again this year, with a September move seen as a 68% chance compared to 47.5% last week.

"We're still in the Goldilocks range, so bad economic news has been good for equities, as Fed rate cuts are back on the table," said Ben Bennett, Asia-Pacific investment strategist at Legal and General Investment Management.

Investor attention will soon turn to the U.S. nonfarm payroll report for May on Friday, with a Reuters poll of economists expecting it to have risen by 185,000 jobs.

"We need that to be around 100-150k to maintain the Goldilocks narrative," Bennett said. "Much higher than that and yields could move back up, but if we get zero or negative, then we could be talking about a hard landing again."

In commodities, Brent crude futures rose 0.5% to $74.75 a barrel, while U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude futures rose 0.4% to $78.74. [O/R]

Spot gold rose 0.25% to $2,360 per ounce after a 1% rise previously, while silver rose 1% to $30.31 per ounce. [GOL/]

(Additional reporting by Ankur Banerjee in Singapore; Editing by Christina Fincher and Angus MacSwan)


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ae5661 No.20976497

File: e5ee892fcd382f8⋯.png (735.24 KB,964x544,241:136,Screenshot.png)

Trump narrows VP search to just SEVEN candidates as vetting papers are sent out to potential running mates - here's who makes the list and when he will announce his pick


How about do a poll here and let anons decide, Sir?

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89a94a No.20976498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Did you just told him learn

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89a15f No.20976499

File: 6d41f60dee928e1⋯.png (390.32 KB,598x593,598:593,ClipboardImage.png)


Forty-Seven Defendants Charged in Imperial Valley Takedown of Drug Trafficking Network Linked to Sinaloa Cartel

>soemthing something katie hobbs… sinaloa


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2e38f6 No.20976500

File: ce4a567d01cc0a0⋯.png (785.75 KB,1080x1031,1080:1031,Scree.png)

File: b4d8cad19529d50⋯.png (800.05 KB,1080x1631,1080:1631,Screens.png)

File: 0e0498ed640296d⋯.png (933.34 KB,1080x1565,216:313,V.png)

Hunter's wife is with him every step of the way but Melania Trump hasn't been in court with her husband Donald Trump not even one time or helped him campaign… Melania Trump is lazy old lesbian hag in love with her dildos.

Melania Trump thinks she's back in her old modeling days back in France when all the photographer's were reeming her little pussy hole out big league.

Lazy Melania Trump SUCKS BALLS

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89a15f No.20976501

File: a9d66ab09c0eb2f⋯.png (30.96 KB,598x214,299:107,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm at the Starbase launch. Standing room only to watch a rocket bounce off the firmament and splash into the ocean.


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9edc3e No.20976502

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9edc3e No.20976503


Q+ isnt weak like Biden, he's protecting Melania you disgusting perverted creep.

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c61320 No.20976504

Oh one fact, I got a rejection letter from bucking palace. Was an IT job, shitly paid. In house though. I took a gamble. One rejection letter was nice to receive.

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1de528 No.20976505

File: c9dabf51e20eac5⋯.png (545.04 KB,465x700,93:140,ClipboardImage.png)

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ae5661 No.20976506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe Biden ISN'T going to like this one bit….

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b4d9f2 No.20976507

File: f073d5a16e86025⋯.jpeg (42.67 KB,500x637,500:637,67067118_F0DB_4F10_B803_D….jpeg)


Everyplace is two weeks from here?!?

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227774 No.20976508

File: 9a13dbaa2de21dc⋯.png (176.53 KB,600x500,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 242e8e1158789e9⋯.png (95.47 KB,240x240,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



Voting company Smartmatic bribed foreign official $4 million, DOJ alleges, sanctions sought. MORE: https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/newsmax-smartmatic-court/2024/06/04/id/1167386/


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df953d No.20976509


whew, CM. quite a statement there, eh.

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af6c85 No.20976510

File: 925b799f2fc8b11⋯.jpg (130.88 KB,639x704,639:704,redbull666advert.jpg)

File: 2fc25a36d38f18f⋯.jpg (81.29 KB,405x618,135:206,redbullgiveswings888.jpg)

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ac8807 No.20976511

File: d0de6d4ecba9cf2⋯.png (751.79 KB,834x532,417:266,cooc.PNG)

File: ea86506ad906a67⋯.png (610.38 KB,972x256,243:64,cooc4.PNG)

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89a15f No.20976512

File: 10ee8f9cbc0843d⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB,480x660,8:11,ssstwitter_com_17176755151….mp4)


please show some pride and share the FAWK out of this clip

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c818fb No.20976513


go back to your English class and study more.

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6ebd4e No.20976514

Dancing in the rain.

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3bca2c No.20976515

File: d137d9327e238fa⋯.png (444.47 KB,646x726,323:363,ok_then.png)


>but Melania Trump hasn't been in court with husband Donald Trump

Understandable if Melania is Q.

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9edc3e No.20976516


The game is to trap the DOJ into proving itself as criminal.


They're not criminals like the D's and RINOs

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9edc3e No.20976517

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af6c85 No.20976518


he must be joking

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5fc2f8 No.20976519

File: cd378d54477cdb6⋯.gif (1.92 MB,416x358,208:179,8f20eded99ea1b6e9bd30bce6e….gif)


my nigga

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ce6bf9 No.20976520

File: a3a0bbfdd34766e⋯.mp4 (486.14 KB,464x824,58:103,video.mp4)

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e81ce5 No.20976521


There is no need to prove to you faggot or any other of her loyalty. He is an Alpha…your approval isn't required. He absolutely knows what he is doing and so does she. Fuck off.

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5950f2 No.20976522



Live stream starting at ten after the hour.


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227774 No.20976523

David Sheppard @OilSheppard

The 1812 Project: US news outlets turn to Fleet Street veterans as their troubles mounthttps://ft.com/content/226af97d-aefe-4d1f-80b4-d211375a2845 via

"He joins the ranks of CNN chief Mark Thompson, Wall Street Journal editor Emma Tucker, Associated Press chief executive Daisy Veerasingham, Bloomberg News editor John Micklethwait and New York Post editor Keith Poole — all British-born. This week, The Daily Beast replaced editor Tracy Connor with another British import: Hugh Dougherty.

The trend has puzzled some US media observers.

“I do think that there’s something special about American journalism and democracy because we have this ethos that is formed in part by the First Amendment. The country has a very special relationship with the press,” said Margaret Sullivan, a former Washington Post columnist who runs a journalism ethics centre at Columbia University. “That’s not to say that individual people are not good choices. But the trend is hard to understand.”"


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2e38f6 No.20976524

File: 02337f5028ffa6c⋯.png (356.64 KB,382x804,191:402,Screencdg.png)

File: 2d6b481a962ff48⋯.png (1.52 MB,1080x1134,20:21,Screenshot_20240511_053243….png)

File: 8ba82e138f64d8e⋯.png (713.52 KB,1080x1722,180:287,Screenshot_20240511_051923….png)



Dumbo faggot, Melania Trump has sucked more cock than Stormy Daniels has… You don't know shit about modeling in France.

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0a3352 No.20976525



Looks like this ^^^ is what you are doing.


Might want to read this ^^^ b4 you get ded.

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d29f8e No.20976526


people do not understand that part of this yet. Its hard because anger runs hot and anons want to see action even though action is being taken just in real time. Knowing the future is not fun because you always have to wait for the rest of the world to catch up. Proof will be provided retroactively. Then people will start asking more interesting questions. Such as why were autistic retarded frogs right.

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a54413 No.20976527

File: cd945b3d54a9341⋯.mp4 (415.83 KB,320x568,40:71,sinaloa.mp4)

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1de528 No.20976528

File: 06e8793c03603a1⋯.png (380.83 KB,474x311,474:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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5950f2 No.20976529






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cad9f8 No.20976530

What a crap speech!


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9edc3e No.20976531


Jill Biden isnt a doctor.

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2e38f6 No.20976532

File: da7fec370cfec1b⋯.png (1.54 MB,1080x1075,216:215,Biden_handlers.png)


Dick breath around here it'sMuh Nigga

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0c686e No.20976533


They didn’t?

I thought at one point it was confirmed, one of the “graphic is correct” or maybe it was something else related

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c818fb No.20976534


nato 'greatest military alliance'

the dictator is speaking right now.

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fda15b No.20976535

File: 596513e4b61c7c2⋯.mp4 (12.02 MB,854x480,427:240,J_Epstein_Mossad_Paedophil….mp4)


Epstein, Ghislane Maxwell, Mossad operation, child sex trafficking, political blackmail

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ac8807 No.20976536

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


3 minute long clip

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d29f8e No.20976537


not that I recall, there was stuff about clocks and graphics, and such but no direct linking as to what anons created was correct. Maybe Q created it as anon because anons did not think of it but to be fair when this started there would not be enough posts to create a circle like that. So as far as I recall there was never a direct affirmation about if this was a correct way to be observing this phenomena

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5fc2f8 No.20976538


spacex live

couldnt emmbed even with removing ? blah blah

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c818fb No.20976539


how ironic the autocrat who acts like a dictator talks about 'enemies of Nato' being 'autocrats'

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cad9f8 No.20976540

This is a political war speech!

Not a remembrance speech

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227774 No.20976541

File: 4480d5fb8baeb9f⋯.mp4 (551.41 KB,320x568,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17176761432….mp4)



Are you awake yet or blind? 😎👌


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5fc2f8 No.20976542


only faggot jews say muh

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c818fb No.20976543


you just said it.

so that's what you are?

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cad9f8 No.20976544

‘Our hour of trial?’

What a fool

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4494ee No.20976545



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9edc3e No.20976546

File: 8a1ff08138f7328⋯.png (135.59 KB,564x500,141:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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9edc3e No.20976547


Only muhjoos whine about muh

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c818fb No.20976548

how were they heros? they had no choice.

they were sacrifice victims

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ad28e7 No.20976549

Allow me to vent On this D-Day about Chronic Pain & How tiring it is Dealing with it ! There is no running away from it & although when I am sitting or laying down there is no or very little pain, But I know as soon as I get up I know the pain to some degree will be there. & I know a lot of brave men went to their deaths to liberate France & defeat Nazism & they have by undying admiration

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5fc2f8 No.20976550


filtered for acting like a 12 year old

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227774 No.20976551

ECB cuts 25 bps. Breaks from Fed and gives banks relief at the pump.

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2e38f6 No.20976552

File: 0e0498ed640296d⋯.png (933.34 KB,1080x1565,216:313,V.png)

File: 2f61ae33b9fead8⋯.png (859.3 KB,1080x1697,1080:1697,Screenshot_20240511_052819….png)

File: ce4a567d01cc0a0⋯.png (785.75 KB,1080x1031,1080:1031,Scree.png)

File: ff879caf521afb9⋯.png (1.01 MB,1080x1305,24:29,Screensvx.png)


Hunter's wife is with him every step of the way but Melania Trump hasn't been in court with her husband Donald Trump not even one time or helped him campaign… Melania Trump is lazy old lesbian hag in love with her dildos.

Melania Trump thinks she's back in her old modeling days back in France when all the photographer's were reeming her little pussy hole out big league.

Lazy Melania Trump SUCKS BALLS

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5fc2f8 No.20976553


you too

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c818fb No.20976554


I'm not the one calling people names, anon.

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9edc3e No.20976555


You just whined again like muhjoo, muhjoo.

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5950f2 No.20976556

File: 7766848215ec9c9⋯.mp4 (7.01 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_06_06_07_18_10.mp4)

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7a24b7 No.20976557

Starship: Mission 4 Liftoff! Live Launch & Elon Musk Insights

Space X


What about it


The Launch Pad




Everyday Astronaut


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59bd75 No.20976558

File: e107f2dc59a9426⋯.jpg (59.52 KB,500x502,250:251,e107f2dc59a94263f1be590367….jpg)


He's always beating the war drum. He's always beating the race drum.

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ed6a46 No.20976559

File: 81b11607c375991⋯.jpg (80.69 KB,670x321,670:321,muh.jpg)


Muh was brought over here from across the street (the old country).

Pretty sure Muh Catalog was the first viral use of it here.

The funny part is Germans claim Muh is what cows sound like, not Moo.

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89a15f No.20976560


thats the one

ty anon 07

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af6c85 No.20976561

File: e50e707ddff0e23⋯.png (108.03 KB,913x392,913:392,refrainingfromaction.png)


You imply that the only thing that would work would be to do the illegal thing?

no, the Congress are cowards and bought; except for one or two.

Can you imagine if we were there, what we would be doing? The questions we would ask? The evidence/ documentation we would demand?

Just "staying within the law" is proper, of course, yet its no excuse from refraining from your duty.

Congress still have to do their job while staying within the law, which they most assuredly are not.

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4494ee No.20976562

File: 72e72df1f8b8709⋯.jpg (9.35 KB,180x280,9:14,musk.jpg)

File: 2f0188e1a851a56⋯.jpg (99.49 KB,562x484,281:242,musk101.jpg)





















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cad9f8 No.20976563

This girls is terrible at reading this!

Stupid selection

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af6c85 No.20976564



sauce for philosophy excerpt

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4c5f54 No.20976565


Gonna be hard to figure out who did this and motive.

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cad9f8 No.20976566

Jill Biden wearing snakeskin suit!!

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5fc2f8 No.20976567


ashkenazi jews are from germany

so i was correct

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8292c0 No.20976568

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Marc Zell: Half A Million American Citizens In Israel Eligible To Vote. GOP has to get out the vote in Jewish population abroad. There are 10 million jewish citizens abroad that vote 80%-90% Republican, but they are low propensity voters. So we have to get them out and vote



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c8466d No.20976569


But does she even come close to sucking as much dick as shills on the kun? Doubt it.

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b1532a No.20976570



Try that.

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227774 No.20976571

ECB may have"Cut Rates"but it, unexpectedly, sharply restricted the easy money trading at member banks at the end of the month.

First Squawk





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cad9f8 No.20976572

S was hat is Joe doing! Turned around?

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2e38f6 No.20976573

File: 7834855a2f0f1f0⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,1284x1350,214:225,1717188709228177.jpg)

File: 9dd52414f655720⋯.png (1.29 MB,1080x1537,1080:1537,Screenshot_20240511_044146….png)

File: 5cd2c2ed9af1ede⋯.png (1.99 MB,963x1831,963:1831,Screenshot_20240511_052808….png)

File: ce4a567d01cc0a0⋯.png (785.75 KB,1080x1031,1080:1031,Scree.png)

Hunter's wife is with him every step of the way but Melania Trump hasn't been in court with her husband Donald Trump not even one time or helped him campaign… Old slut Melania Trump is a lazy old lesbian hag in love with her dildos.

Melania Trump thinks she's back in her old modeling days in France when all the photographer's were reeming her little pussy hole out big league.

Lazy Melania Trump SUCKS BALLS

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c61320 No.20976574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Anon pasted this, some time ago.

Followed the protocol 3weeks in now.

I didn’t even realise I needed healing more than before.

I did EDTA long time ago, this has helped no end..

A cheap purifier. Trump mentioned bleach.

Purify your body.

The electrolides? I can feal flowing through.

> Might want to read this ^^^ b4 you get ded.

Yeh, I’ll try anything once. But I won’t inject, never have never will.

When I explained to a mate, he fuggin kekd.

So does your coke have a health warning?

Yeh, fuggin ignore the science. Trust yourself..

3weeks and am still here

Gramma kitty hasn’t been about.


Laterz and god bless


Weird would not let me share link in embed.


Took out the crap c what happens.

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5fc2f8 No.20976575


didnt go

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cd0b3a No.20976576


Why? That’s what happens on a typical rocket launch.

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227774 No.20976577

File: 63cad0903a6979e⋯.mp4 (193.44 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17176763135….mp4)

Hans Mahncke


The invisible chair strikes again.


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ed6a46 No.20976578


I dunno, N_T.

You might have gone too far this time.

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b4d9f2 No.20976579


After reporting the ATTEMPTED bribe, the Juror should have NOT have been ‘relieved’ of duty. AmI wrong in someway about that?!?!

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07786c No.20976580

File: 66d7e9803e3cc82⋯.png (411.07 KB,601x668,601:668,IMG_0948.png)

File: 4727398b0c70b56⋯.jpeg (494.09 KB,1290x1071,430:357,IMG_0947.jpeg)


L, stop vessel immediately

International Meaning- This code flag denotes the letter "L" & communicates the message "You should stop your vessel immediately."

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5bec56 No.20976581


Trips of truth!

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9edc3e No.20976582


>Melania thinks

Projection, psycho schizo.

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cad9f8 No.20976583


Jill eating snakeskin

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d2ac7c No.20976584

File: 61b6a56e1c23dea⋯.png (611.69 KB,723x624,241:208,biote1.PNG)

File: 4f1c063dee5bb91⋯.png (18.13 KB,711x443,711:443,biote2.PNG)

File: 6ee3e42b211d48a⋯.png (331.28 KB,918x603,102:67,biote3.PNG)

File: 4dabd0078d126d1⋯.png (199.75 KB,649x579,649:579,biote4.PNG)




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d29f8e No.20976585


please please please add wet farts please

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227774 No.20976586


No longer an impartial member of jury. Must be removed due to said influence attempt. Should be set up in long standing court rules.

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9edc3e No.20976587


>You imply that the only thing that would work would be to do the illegal thing?

You imply the only thing happening is failure?

You're clueless.

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cad9f8 No.20976588

Tom hanks and Steven Spielberg there in France too.

Did Spielberg write that crappy speech?

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ae5661 No.20976589

File: 3fe2f378ba8f885⋯.png (1.03 MB,1264x657,1264:657,President_Biden_Delivers_R….png)

Top kek.

Biden shit his pants AGAIN, and Macron had to stand there and smell it for 5 minutes. Jill took him by the hand and led him off to get his diaper changed.

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ce6bf9 No.20976590

File: 798920203497ffb⋯.jpg (178.43 KB,1280x852,320:213,IMAGE_2024_06_06_06_31_04.jpg)

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cad9f8 No.20976591

Joe Manchin over there sucking balls

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227774 No.20976592


I can grab, but no beneficial edit. Some anon smarter than dis one can provide needed enhancement.

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4c5f54 No.20976593


I remember as a child all the way into adulthood how NASA had to time it right because there is a window to space. That still does not make sense to me but I'm also not very smart.

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5fc2f8 No.20976594


have you ever seen one go into darkness and surrounded by stars, leaving a blue marble behind

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9edc3e No.20976595


Look at the shills try to cover for confirmation of Meta selling use data, by innuendo against same org the fake news, adl, and deep state are all attacking.

Kek, the morons dont seem to grasp the fact that they are just echoing the deep state's narrative.

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cad9f8 No.20976596


Look at all of the face behind him

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1a2569 No.20976597

God bless Israel 🇮🇱

God bless Netanyahu 🇮🇱

God bless Israel 🇮🇱

God bless in Jesus name


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2e38f6 No.20976598

File: 0eaf231aec04208⋯.png (763.4 KB,1080x588,90:49,Screenshot_20240603_125945….png)


Reality is a bitch, that's why you can't handle it you democrat ShitLicker.

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ae5661 No.20976599

File: 04209cf1b9164d1⋯.png (223.28 KB,490x254,245:127,code_borwn.png)

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a94f0a No.20976600



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227774 No.20976601

File: 81a5e5bc25a1d59⋯.png (425.66 KB,700x350,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Canada Free Press


GROOMER: Gay Lawmaker Says LGBT Kids Belong to Him, Not Parents



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d2ac7c No.20976602




Albert Tochilovsky, the founder of BioTexCom, in a written statement to WELT and POLITICO, said Tanya’s concerns about her embryos being implanted for another couple are “completely false”: “The quality of the material was absolutely poor — it makes no sense for us to use the embryos for another couple.”

In the case of the German twins, Tochilovsky blamed it on Kyiv’s public maternity hospital. “Two couples had their twins born at the same time, and, unfortunately, the staff mixed the children. It was the only case, and we carefully control all the processes,” he said.

Similarly, Tochilovsky dismissed concerns about a German woman’s embryos being misplaced or used for another family.

“We always release the material of our patients upon their request, and we even assist with transportation,” he said. “We do not need donor eggs/embryos — we have a large bank of donor oocytes (more than 10,000) that were retrieved from young, healthy donors.”

But the concerns resonate because of the extent of the surrogacy business in Ukraine — which produces hundreds of babies per year — and the anxiety and desperation of the people involved. There’s also the not insignificant factor that the entire process is being carried out amid an epic military clash in which the fate of the country hangs in the balance.

Indeed, the Ukrainian economy may have suffered a desperate series of blows through Russia’s invasion, but the country’s surrogacy industry, fueled by a permissive legal environment, remains open for business.

A booming industry

Over the past decade, surrogacy, or the “rent-a-womb” industry, as critics sometimes call it, has become a booming global industry. In 2016, the Swiss NGO International Social Service estimated that 20,000 babies annually were born via surrogacy. Promoted by celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Elton John and Paris Hilton, this reproductive process was worth an estimated $14 billion in 2022 and may reach $129 billion by 2032, according to the research and consulting company Global Market Insights.

Although surrogacy is legal in most U.S. states, and an increasingly mainstream option, it is banned across much of Europe and in many other parts of the world, meaning those interested in pursuing it must look outside their home countries to find surrogates. Even in places such as California, where surrogacy is common, it is often prohibitively expensive — leading women like Tanya to seek more affordable options abroad.

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4494ee No.20976603


Answer the Question…

Not Whataboutism.

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5fc2f8 No.20976604


time to get off the milk

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d29f8e No.20976605


I figured its just damn it needs to happen just wet sloppy kind the ones where you know you should check just in case. It's juvenile and childish I know but him just squatting there fuck. its comedy gold.

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2e38f6 No.20976606


Jews killed Jesus Christ.


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b4d9f2 No.20976607


Yet the Juror should then immediately become a part of the case in being a material witness to SOMEONE TRYING to bribe the Jury to acquit the defendants.

(I understand your ‘impartiality’ concerns… but holy flicking shoot! The tampering and bribery behind the scene is vastly more DIRECTLY damaging to the ‘purity’ of impartiality. No?!?)

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a4a5a6 No.20976608

File: b19cce486f9da27⋯.jpg (6.34 KB,250x250,1:1,b19cce486f9da27e5f49894d90….jpg)

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4494ee No.20976609


Dont use Meta either. lol

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c818fb No.20976610


blessed be the peacemakers, anon, not the war makers.

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4c5f54 No.20976611


Amen. As a gay protestant I endorse the tribe of Jacob.

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5bec56 No.20976612


>Who do you like?

None of the above.

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5950f2 No.20976613

File: ff472413407f181⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_03_17_13_38_42.mp4)

Wonder if they will have Shuttle Columbia like ice strikes on ascent today.

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227774 No.20976614


New case, because new crime. Related, but new. Up to prosecution and judge whether it can be "piled on".

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f506f2 No.20976615


Pedo moved to Greece. He won't come back to the US. See John Kerry there too.

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89a15f No.20976616

File: 8bfe247bb268f13⋯.mp4 (3.16 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17176774325….mp4)

Not sure who needs to see this


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2e38f6 No.20976617

File: 2c8ccf4b164fc43⋯.png (1.75 MB,1080x1090,108:109,Screenshonbb.png)



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a54413 No.20976618

File: 31566b2e00d3cef⋯.png (51.58 KB,164x218,82:109,captain.png)


>You should stop your vessel immediately

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ce6bf9 No.20976619

"Watch the Water''

Emergency Alert in anon's territory.

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af6c85 No.20976620

File: 788a0e9680693c6⋯.png (489.16 KB,906x976,453:488,cialogsatanistb.png)

File: 02553d751802f98⋯.jpeg (83.06 KB,607x411,607:411,twitterjail6.jpeg)


hoes mad.


AND? even if true.


your arguments are pathetic.


What about Pedo Joe and his son abusing children all documented on the laptop?

SADO PEDOPHILESall documented n the laptop


Trump ignored the faults and crimes of HRC during his term for the good of the country

"Fooled me once, shame on you.

Fooled me twice, won't get fooled again"

Poet's commentary:

"To those who have become addicted to despicable deeds, owing to ignorance, heedlessness or as a result of their past actions a good physician imparts

his goodness and makes them forget the misery which afflicts them. He purges the deficiencies of those around him, then looks at them with favor. Just as one

offers worship to God and then fixes his mind upon Him, or one sows the seed and goes to the field to protect the crop, or as one satisfies the guest and seeks his blessings, so he looks at others after making their deficiencies good, by his meritorious conduct, remedies and example. Not only this, but he does not taunt others for their foibles,

nor does he point his finger at their short-comings. He uplifts the persons who

are depraved, without taunting them for their weak points and he does not belittle them, by comparing them with noble men. This is the true sign of absence of slander"

Trump didn't do slander until he was forced to. But the weak egos still cried "mean tweets"

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d2ac7c No.20976621


it can't bounce off the firmament. We cannot even reach it. Pretty protected to hold water above. Water is heavy. but I'm stupid to.

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89a15f No.20976622

File: 0dfaaac6d3aa07f⋯.png (40.18 KB,598x238,299:119,ClipboardImage.png)




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596a4b No.20976623


Melania didn't call anybody a Nazi in court either.

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af6c85 No.20976624

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8f9117 No.20976625

File: f6d027af71a5644⋯.png (360.24 KB,768x430,384:215,ClipboardImage.png)

Secret DOJent Man

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b4d9f2 No.20976626


Ya… i know the bump, set[up], spike[not] of the Common Practice. Yet We are being ground to dust by a System enjoying itself having crafted such an intractable labyrinth where Truth and Justice are pushed ahead into eternity of never arriving…. “two [more] weeks”. Ugh!

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1cbad1 No.20976627

File: 38eb01899aa2873⋯.png (3.01 MB,1316x2605,1316:2605,USSS_FISA_COMMS_6_6_2024.png)



Inderesting tweet w these COMMS


During #WWII, 41% of the Secret Service joined the military.

Today's #ThrowbackThursday honors Officer Ned Rosenthal, who jumped into France on #DDay with the 508th Parachute Regiment as Pvt. Rosenthal. He was reported missing that day and declared KIA July 11, 1944.

6:30 EST → 06:30 US MIL

Since I'm running low on energy, a quick gist (which isn't the best tbh)

Points to drops with relevancy with re to Trump communicating with us.

"unbelievable timing" Q 41

"the timing between tweets" Q 508

"the missing/replaced letters" Q 508

"this isn't a game, Trump himself is speaking to us."

"i mean we are the autistic fueled engine the world needs right now."

Q 630 maaaybe/possibly might not belong as I don't see anything?

but all the 0630 stuff is dasting.

Anons take the time to look at graphic

there are reoccurring themes that I keep seeing

needs further analysis for proper contextualization to current habbenings

Details with FISA for example

We need our autists.

Good night

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a54413 No.20976628


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5fc2f8 No.20976630

File: 60583fc9ace4838⋯.jpg (57.1 KB,1440x766,720:383,Screenshot_20240606_074025….jpg)


some anons egos wont allow this to be true

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4494ee No.20976631

File: c2982c9705c9918⋯.jpg (128.79 KB,1280x853,1280:853,BN_TN907_wester_M_20170522….jpg)


Stay on topic Bro.

We talking about Mossad having your home address and ID info, as well as biometric selfie data.

And Trump loves Israel.

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227774 No.20976632


Just need Two [moar] Weeks of glaringly corrupt courts for the Military is the only way Overton Window to be in position.

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596a4b No.20976633


Theatre for the gullible.

You think Starlink is space internet?

What wold be the benefit of a chain of satellites in a row?

Do they still need relay towers?

Just another way to take billions from cictizens.

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227774 No.20976634



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5bec56 No.20976635


>being disabled is a problem?

Are you an ESL tard? It's in the very definition of the word - if it wasn't a problem the label would not apply.

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8f9117 No.20976636


A big Choo choo train in the sky

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5950f2 No.20976637

rocket envy is real

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50520a No.20976638


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89a15f No.20976639

>>20975819 dough @350

>>20975842, >>20975946, Cicadas being infected with STD that turns them into hyper-sexual "zombies" - twat noise bun

>>20975901 Palestinian fired over Gaza censorship sues Meta – Reuters (rt.com bun)

>>20975942, >>20975945, >>20976086, Q comms bun

>>20976230 LAST NIGHTS INTERVIEW WITH HANNITY - 5TH JUNE 2024 - youtube (with djt statements bun)

>>20976239 BIRD FLU BULLSH*T!!! WE WILL NOT COMPLY!! - djt video on next pandemic by il donald trumpo vid

>>20976250 Farage on alt platforms with massive reach, this with crowder from tues 5th - farage u.k bun and youtube.

>>20976000, >>20976066, >>20976090, >>20976218, current topics and status bun.

>>20976106 Where was your sloth self when we needed the truth on hunter bidens laptop before the election when you were AG - kash patel t.s post

>>20976162 Connecticut State Trooper Aaron Pelletier killed in the line of duty - twat

>>20976175 Ava Chen is back to discuss the CCP'S Grasps on American Universities - rumble (diamond and silk)

>>20976180 Fox News host John Roberts hits back at the Biden campaign after they accuse him of a ‘blatant lie’ over his reporting that Trump capped insulin at $35 a month - gwp

>>20976184, >>20976193, I’M IN THE SWAMP RIGHT NOW! - dan scavio t.s post

>>20976296 #25726


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533328 No.20976640

File: ce4a567d01cc0a0⋯.png (785.75 KB,1080x1031,1080:1031,Scree.png)

File: 0e0498ed640296d⋯.png (933.34 KB,1080x1565,216:313,V.png)

File: 5ae439d7612c33b⋯.png (568.41 KB,828x725,828:725,Screenshot_20240511_044242….png)



Melanie Trump just renegotiated her prenuptial agreement with Trump, it was pay me more money or I'm out of here.

Hunter's wife is with him every step of the way but Melania Trump hasn't been in court with her husband Donald Trump not even one time or helped him campaign… Old slut Melania Trump is a lazy old lesbian hag in love with her dildos.

Melania Trump thinks she's back in her old modeling days in France when all the photographer's were reeming her little pussy hole out big league.

Lazy Melania Trump SUCKS BALLS

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4494ee No.20976641

File: 2f0188e1a851a56⋯.jpg (99.49 KB,562x484,281:242,musk101.jpg)

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11c87f No.20976642


That’s a lot of Karens.

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b4d9f2 No.20976643


I kno it might sound defeatist, but ima soooo ready for smod

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44a6f5 No.20976645

File: b5bd494c24d430b⋯.jpg (51.72 KB,516x483,172:161,Keebler.jpg)

File: 13e03acdf87a1bc⋯.jpg (67.03 KB,688x362,344:181,KeeblerII.jpg)

File: e604535733be34d⋯.jpg (65.12 KB,606x412,303:206,KeeblerIII.jpg)

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c61320 No.20976646


No replies…

Anons need to watch this shit.

Non pharmacist cheap n easy repair..

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d29f8e No.20976647


are you a fucking retard because I was asking for clarification and considering the answer you provided I can determine you are a cunt and a fucking god damn loser that I pray kills them selves. How is that english fuck head.

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1cbad1 No.20976650

File: b949fa386521005⋯.png (455.06 KB,1200x1202,600:601,ClipboardImage.png)

I do think this needs further looking into

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4494ee No.20976652

File: f1d4a76dde32dab⋯.jpg (29.92 KB,496x588,124:147,SJThEifos_0_0_496_588_0_la….jpg)

File: 33f0e1f592a31b9⋯.jpg (70.97 KB,800x800,1:1,1645126422921.jpg)

File: 860de4a1056be6f⋯.png (363.47 KB,612x407,612:407,download.png)

File: 3b43f6c0afe59fc⋯.jpg (114.79 KB,1280x853,1280:853,EJsMdRJU4AM4ost.jpg)

File: 4e4668f7664d71a⋯.jpg (227.96 KB,1366x768,683:384,Twitter_Israel.JPG)

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0f5996 No.20976654

File: 427236e874df2da⋯.png (416.29 KB,680x567,680:567,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2ac7c No.20976657


“And God said, ‘Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.’ And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.”

Characteristics of the Firmament

The Bible describes the firmament as a solid, dome-shaped structure that separates the waters above from the waters below. It is also referred to as a “vault” or “canopy”. The firmament is not a physical barrier, but rather a conceptual division between the celestial and terrestrial realms.


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ccacf8 No.20976658

File: 67355989a3d5cea⋯.jpeg (597.58 KB,1125x1620,25:36,IMG_1091.jpeg)

File: fae53b36f64adba⋯.jpeg (700.54 KB,1125x1563,375:521,IMG_1092.jpeg)

Unable to get vid right now if sm1 could it’s good


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533328 No.20976660

File: 78360d15649f718⋯.png (815.69 KB,1080x821,1080:821,Screchi.png)

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ccacf8 No.20976661

File: 27486e0daf3668a⋯.jpeg (321.02 KB,1125x1049,1125:1049,IMG_1093.jpeg)

Powerful statement


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44a6f5 No.20976663

File: f5cf4cfe5280954⋯.png (1.03 MB,1060x750,106:75,EpsteinIsrael.PNG)

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b4d9f2 No.20976664


“Karens” have been around throughout all know history by a thousand other names. They are the natural “Partner” of Big [deadly] Government for eva

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5dfb37 No.20976665


STFU you Beta cock sucker.

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596a4b No.20976666

File: c07a88eb84bf0bc⋯.png (601.9 KB,666x500,333:250,ClipboardImage.png)


How can a DA be funded by Soros?

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44a6f5 No.20976667

Thousands fought to protect the pussy ass kikes who got themselves in a jam when the German realizes they were a bunch of fucking leacking cockroaches.

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b1532a No.20976668

File: 8773ef9b24e3d51⋯.png (62.2 KB,236x277,236:277,ClipboardImage.png)

32/33 engines firing

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44a6f5 No.20976670

File: 38c2964155c555b⋯.png (83.76 KB,500x739,500:739,SMII.png)

File: 31987b639f146a8⋯.png (69.81 KB,500x668,125:167,SMIIII.png)

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44a6f5 No.20976671


Melania doesn't lick balls?

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5fc2f8 No.20976672



you are correct

i rarely read your comments

but you're still getting filtered for being a namefag

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3441da No.20976673

File: 6d27ee902c611cf⋯.jpg (16.59 KB,400x471,400:471,downloadfile_2_1_.jpg)

File: 65d9545fe1b4efa⋯.png (1014.63 KB,1080x719,1080:719,Screvh.png)

File: b81836ff87b5f4b⋯.png (1.16 MB,668x1798,334:899,Scrcduj.png)

File: e1b75211a3b7a6c⋯.png (664.72 KB,1080x1107,40:41,Screenshot_202.png)


Bill Clinton should have checked out with Hillary when he had the chance.

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b4d9f2 No.20976674

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1a2569 No.20976675



God bless Israel 🇮🇱

God bless Netanyahu 🇮🇱

God bless Israel 🇮🇱

God bless in Jesus name


And all the angry demons seethed amen

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302df3 No.20976676

File: a9d27a931d6ae6f⋯.png (39.22 KB,399x322,57:46,1572662705099.png)



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227774 No.20976677


The Plan is someone else's design, and another's execution. So my only tools are smack, read everything, and be patient. "Cause someone's gotta be around to splain shit when the dust finally goes up, and then settles.

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44a6f5 No.20976679

File: 978a6c0de07f8e7⋯.jpg (47.24 KB,524x499,524:499,FilterJewOffRamp.jpg)


We all know why you pretend to filter me.

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d2ac7c No.20976681


…..Some women feel their men has control. He is suppose to be the protector and equal. She doesn't need to be front and center. She supports him or she wouldn't be married to him.

Leave her alone she not feel well.

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5bec56 No.20976682


Speaking from deep Trumpland, I've met many younger couples who've accepted they must reproduce to preserve pureblood and their own ethnicities (different ethnicities; same conclusion).

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ce6bf9 No.20976683


>We all know why

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c818fb No.20976684


a dictator wanna-be squawking about 'protect democracy' is more ironic mocking.

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44a6f5 No.20976685


>couples who've accepted they must reproduce to preserve pureblood and their own ethnicities

Nobody thinks like that you absolute moron.

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af6c85 No.20976686

File: 794b4b4c0322710⋯.jpg (405.04 KB,1200x1560,10:13,NXIVM_HillaryKnewSchumerGi….jpg)

File: 9cd6687fab2c507⋯.jpg (152.9 KB,1024x512,2:1,ObamaGate6ways2SundaySchum….jpg)

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b4d9f2 No.20976688


They are promoted in their run for Office and ‘elected’ into position by ‘Sorosian’ Activists in their local neighborhoods.

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f77afd No.20976689


Hypocritical statement

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5bec56 No.20976690


>making a huge deal outta D-Day

Seems like comms

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44a6f5 No.20976691


>died for the Jews

Comms read.

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ce6bf9 No.20976692


>We all know why

Handlers announcefilteringto keep their team from learning of the Quantum-Grammar-Construct.

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596a4b No.20976693

January 6th was over in hours. (Americans waving the star spangled banner)

Antifa and BLM actual riots lasted weeks (Burning the American flag)

Anti Israel college protests are still ongoing. (Waving the Palestinian flag)

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89a15f No.20976694

>>20975819 dough @350


Q Research General #25727: Call for Memes #TrumpPersecution





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cd0b3a No.20976695


When nothing happens today I’ll have to resign my self that it will be another year of the nothing stopping what is happening.

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44a6f5 No.20976696


>Anti Israel college protests are still ongoing

Everyone is supposed to love what Israel is doing?

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c818fb No.20976697



they don't celebrate any of the other battles.

what they are doing is plotting to try and prevent their eventual demise.

it's dictator's day, anon, and all the dictators have gathered at Normandy in a fete of ironic mocking of the war dead.

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012afb No.20976698

File: 67a4c40a0abbaba⋯.jpg (1.76 MB,4032x3024,4:3,I_II.JPG)

File: 480f90fd00842ff⋯.png (102.71 KB,500x612,125:153,Q154.png)

FAux Nooz pic

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3bca2c No.20976700

File: 449b8c73b6939de⋯.png (1.59 MB,858x1200,143:200,2024_03_12_07_13_35.png)

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b43bd5 No.20976701


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6cf290 No.20976703

File: d2d18e3023e7ebc⋯.jpeg (397.56 KB,1125x1082,1125:1082,IMG_1095.jpeg)

File: 77ad21e4f02b332⋯.jpeg (593.76 KB,1125x1205,225:241,IMG_1096.jpeg)


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b43bd5 No.20976706

File: 8d2804643fd4d7c⋯.jpeg (56.95 KB,680x550,68:55,DB24F830_2948_4FDA_8F0B_0….jpeg)

Let’s get it On

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596a4b No.20976711

Did I say that?

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207470 No.20976713

File: aac66b07e587ff4⋯.jpg (44.54 KB,500x426,250:213,8fzja9_1.jpg)

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ce6bf9 No.20976714


>We all know why

for you its: completely different reasons'

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6cf290 No.20976716

File: acb5a4b7874a7b8⋯.jpeg (425.72 KB,1125x1244,1125:1244,IMG_1097.jpeg)


Had to look that one up

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