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101967 No.20974061 [Last50 Posts]

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101967 No.20974062

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#25723 >>20973284

>>20974022 @realDonaldTrump BIRD FLU BULLSHIT!!! WE WILL NOT COMPLY!!!

>>20973887, >>20973893, >>20973897 @realDonaldTrump WILL BE INTERVIEWED ON SEAN HANNITY TONIGHT. 9PM FOX

>>20973379, >>20973464 In a desperate move, Hunter Biden's legal team led by Abbe Lowell are spinning a wild conspiracy theory to the judge hearing the case

>>20973525 The FBI just admitted in court that Hunter Biden's laptop is real.

>>20973374, >>20973590 Georgia appeals court HALTS trial of Trump and codefendants so it can review 'conflict' challenge to Fani Willis based on her affair>>20973582 AG Nessel’s Lawfare Case Against GOP Alternate Electors IMPLODES: Judge Rebukes AG’s Criticism of Her Fairly Conducted Trial–Lead AG Investigator Fumbles—Can’t Answer Critical Questions

>>20973347 KTBS news director and anchor Bill Lunn has resigned after becoming a suspect in an ongoing child sex crime investigation by Shreveport police.

>>20973581, >>20973735 @GenFlynn I wonder if @HillaryClinton or her buddies have anything to say about pizzagate ???

>>20973340, >>20973390 Tommy Robinson presents 'SILENCED' podcast interview with Dr. David Martin

>>20973344 Scott Ritter describes how his passport was seized by US State Department on the way to Russia

>>20973387 Virginia’s republican governor launches idiotic culture war against CARB

>>20973395 City News Vegas Officially Endorses Republican Jeffrey Gunter for U.S. Senate: A Champion of the MAGA Movement

>>20973444, >>20973453 “Out of control” container ship prompts temporary closure of Ravenel Bridge; remains anchored outside Charleston Harbor

>>20973489 Scarf Lady is Back: Deborah Birx Proposes for Weekly Testing of Millions of U.S. Cows and Dairy Workers for ‘Asymptomatic’ Bird Flu

>>20973510, >>20973586 Judge Aileen Cannon rips up court schedule in Mar-a-Lago case in ways that benefit Trump

>>20973504 Disney World To Invest $17B In Development Plan

>>20973600 REPORTER: “How much should a candidate's cognitive function factor into that decision when someone votes?” BIDEN ADMIN: “I don't even know what that question means!”

>>20973607 Joe Rogan Loses It After Learning 37 Politicians Were Murdered in Mexico’s Last Election “We live next to a f*cking crack house that’s on fire.”

>>20973615 Ol' Tater Speaking event fills up another school auditorium to 50% capacity

>>20973621 “Very Few Fighters”: Kassam Calls Out GOP Congressmen’s Lack Of Fighting Against Weaponized Lawfare

>>20973628 Another Failed Dem Policy: NY Gov. Hochul Forced to Place ‘Indefinite Pause’ on New York City ‘Congestion Pricing’ via @gatewaypundit

>>20973640 TikTok says cyberattack targeted big names including CNN

>>20973648 'I feel really good' about election security, former NSA chief says | Paul Nakasone says the intelligence community has everything it needs to fight election interference.

>>20973672, >>20973317, >>20973412, >>20973397 BOLO Violent PANTIFA Islamic terrorists heckle MTG

>>20973685 ACTION PLAN: Mike Davis Reveals GOP’s Path To End Lawfare

>>20973715 ATF Agent Davis Martinez murdered while conducting a home visit on a convicted sex offender

>>20973722 DAG Monaco Delivers Remarks at ATF’s Third Annual Chiefs of Police Executive Forum on Crime Guns The Justice Department

>>20973736 Pray for Judge Cannon: After 1,000 complaints in one week, court no longer accepting ‘orchestrated’ complaints about judge in Trump’s Florida case

>>20973744, >>20973752 SWAMP THE VOTE! https://swampthevoteusa.com

>>20973797 what Biden is doing at the border is like owning a liquor store and only selling to the 1st 25 minors a day

>>20973827 German police discover Christian Brueckner emails linking him to Madeleine McCann

>>20973872, >>20973877 Two more Boeing whistleblowers go public over plane safety: ‘Like a ticking timebomb’ (Globohomos don't want us flying anymore)

>>20973894 Diamond industry ‘in trouble’ as lab-grown gemstones tank prices further

>>20973918 Election season flu got you locking down yet? What about the new homo-pox?

>>20973961 @jack panders about Free Speech vs Free Will. @elonmusk agrees.

>>20974045 #25723

#25722 >>20972516

>>20972787 BREAKING: World Health Organization warns a NEW strain of bird flu has jumped to humans

>>20972517 LARA LOGAN DESTROYS THE NEW WORLD ORDER IN ALEX JONES INTERVIEW >https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZjbskUJu5NhP

>>20972529 US, Israel Sign $3 Billion Deal for Israel To Receive 25 F-35 Fighter Jets

>>20972535 Dead Congressman Wins Democratic Primary

>>20972544 Lebanese Forces Fend Off Attack On U.S. Embassy In Beirut

>>20972550 The US House of Representatives on Tuesday voted to punish the ICC for seeking to charge Israeli leaders with war crimes in Gaza

>>20972558 US warns its dual citizens will be stuck in Ukraine amid mobilization drive

>>20972560 Biden's cognitive decline: Washington DC insiders reveal worrying new details Biden is incomprehensible and regularly freezing in meetings

>>20972578 Juror says someone left her bag with $120,000 cash and promise of more if she’ll acquit

>>20972588 Alex Jones' show will continue after a federal judge rejects a request to immediately shut down his media company

>>20972619, >>20973190 Planefag

>>20972655 DJT: Swamp The Vote

>>20972663, >>20972998 Hunter and James Biden referred for criminal prosecution after 'lying under oath' to 'shield' Joe Biden during impeachment inquiry

>>20972681 DJT: Crooked Joe Biden has totally surrendered our Southern Border

>>20972685 Are Biden And Netanyahu Orchestrating War In the United States?

>>20972692 DJT: UnConstitutional Raid of Mar-a-Lago

>>20972699 DJT: Joe Biden is not too old, he is too incompetent

>>20972706 Senator Whitehouse Accused of Supporting Legislation Beneficial to Wife’s Financial Interests

>>20972707 DJT: Victory on November 5th - Save America!!!

>>20972716 DJT: My Civil Rights have been totally violated with this highly political, unconstitutional, and election interfering Witch Hunt

>>20972755 Anniversary of the Pentagon Papers coming up on June 13th

>>20972823 Putin says US / Russia relations will not change after US elections regardless if winner

>>20972854 DJT Notable: Sean Hannity: "The White House is guilty of aiding and abetting illegal immigrants"

>>20972858, >>20972876 Georgia appeals court pauses Fani Willis prosecution of Trump

>>20972891 Former Detroit Riverfront Conservancy CFO Charged with Embezzling Tens of Millions of Dollars from Conservancy

>>20972945 Catherine Herridge has the scoop on criminal referrals for Hunter and James Biden, for lying under oath to Congress

>>20972957 Trump now leads by 20 pts on Polymarket Betting site

>>20972964 WEF announces that $104B was syphoned out of the pockets of taxpayers globally via carbon taxes last year to pay for environmental schemes

>>20972967 Cheyenne Substitute Teacher Says He Was Kicked Out For Not Using Trans Names

>>20972971, >>20973013 Oregon Police Officer says it is legal to walk around in public naked after man exposes himself to a 2 year old boy

>>20972995 Philippine government open to US request to become ‘processing centre’ for future Afghan refugees

>>20973002 Report: J6 Committee Delayed Secret Service Driver From Refuting False Limo Story

>>20973026 Sergio Gor Reveals Dr. Navarro’s Warning About Election Interference

>>20973029 Nvidia value surges past $3tn and overtakes Apple

>>20973044, >>20973050 The Democrat controlled City of Elkhart, Indiana has gone into full damage control

>>20973080 Stolen luggage is tracked to airport worker's house

>>20973136 The FBI just admitted the Hunter Biden laptop is real

>>20973147, >>20973188 Jack Smith has been impersonating as a Federal Court Officer

>>20973255 DJT Truth re: border

>>20972564, >>20972581, >>20972613, >>20973133 Memes

>>20973350 #25722 reposted in #25723

#25721 >>20971612

>>20971626 Slovak PM Fico eyes possible return to work this month

>>20971656 Minority Leader Jeffries Calls Out Florida Republican Byron Donalds

>>20971659, >>20971910, >>20971994, >>20972230, >>20972394 Events


>>20971675, >>20971723 Ziegler: Federal Prosecutors Enter ACTUAL Hunter Biden Laptop As Evidence In Gun Trial

>>20971679 France arrested Russian speaker in possession of explosives near Paris airport

>>20971706 Top House Republican says Dr. Anthony Fauci could be arrested for his actions during COVID-19 and for lying to Congress

>>20971770 Harnwell: Uncertainty Ahead Of European Elections — Will Ursula Von Der Leyen Get A Second Mandate?

baker change >>20971805, >>20971829, >>20971845

>>20971836, >>20971867 Jackshit Smith faked it until he made it

>>20971898 Precedents are set and such

>>20971962 Pentagon press briefing (20 min)

>>20972009 Ivan Raiklin: It's time for Elon Musk to release the #FauciFiles

>>20972026, >>20972242, >>20972337, >>20972439 Planefag

>>20972080 Meet The NGOs Facilitating Mass Immigration Under The Banner Of Religion

>>20972084, >>20972290, >>20972301 Animal comms

>>20972107 NIH Scientists Tried to Hide $710 Million in Royalty Payments from Drug Makers During ‘Pandemic’

>>20972114 What Did Biden Do Behind-the Scenes While Trump Was Convicted Last Week?

>>20972118, >>20972169 Deleted Juan Merchan biopage listed him as a fellow at the Biden DoJ funded Advanced Science and Technology Adjudication Resource and Center

>>20972122 EU NATO countries expect US troops to protect EU borders without helping the US with their border problem

>>20972126 Judge Cannon expands hearing on Trump’s request to declare special counsel’s appointment invalid

>>20972184 Congress fought over 8 months over a payout of $600 to everyone for the impact of Covid and Biden in this video claims everyone got $8000

>>20972204 DJT Notable: ‘No Sign Of A Backlash’: CNN Data Guru Says More Foreign-Born Voters Back Trump Over Biden

>>20972211 DJT Notable: DATA: Trump Surges With Black Voters, Up 15% Since Manhattan Conviction

>>20972221 DJT Notable: GLENN JACOBS and KENNY CODY: Why libertarians should vote for Trump

>>20972226 DJT Notable: Why Trump Personifies the Courage of Our Founding Fathers

>>20972233 DJT: Meg Weinberger is running to be a Big Voice in the Florida State House, in District 94

>>20972237 DJT: I built a Magnificent Business, which helped rebuild New York City and State, with Amazing, Unparalleled, Historic Properties

>>20972245, >>20972356 DJT Notable: Polls

>>20972255 Trump Force 47 is in Full Force in Philadelphia: office grand opening

>>20972274, >>20972324 Supreme Court Ruling: State sponsored Banks can Disband from The Federal Reserve System and Issue their Own Currency

>>20972323, >>20972431 Deborah Birx Proposes Weekly Testing for Millions of U.S. Cows and Dairy Workers for ‘Asymptomatic’ Bird Flu

>>20972332 Merchant Ship Off Saudi Coast Reports "Significant Explosion" A "Short Distance" From Port Side

>>20972348 Paoletta: Democrats Assault On SCOTUS Flopped And Fell Flat

>>20972366 Pentagon says it will cost $230m to re-anchor a pier

>>20972368 Last week, WHO’s Tedros Declares ‘It’s Time to be More Aggressive in Pushing Back on Anti-Vaxxers’

>>20972407 Congress Refers Hunter, James Biden to DoJ for Criminal Perjury Prosecution

>>20972411 FBI Witness Confirms in Court: No Tampering Occurred with Hunter Biden’s Laptop

>>20972426 UK Blames Russian Hackers for Attacks on London Hospitals

>>20972483 Hunter Biden's ex-GF just testified that he would give his banking information to drug dealers so they could directly take money out of his account

>>20971742, >>20971792, >>20972162, >>20972445 Memes / Hype

>>20972493 #25721

Previously Collected

>>20970705 #25719, >>20971592 #25720

>>20967958 #25716, >>20968749 #25717, >>20969544 #25718

>>20965345 #25713, >>20966325 #25714, >>20967190 #25715

>>20963745 #25711-B, >>20963676 #25711-A, >>20964578 #25712

>>20961244 #25708, >>20962058 #25709, >>20962844 #25710

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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101967 No.20974067

File: 7677ef73179a6f8⋯.jpg (166.36 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1710572318392153_079897867….jpg)



>baker is accepting handoffs

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e6e8b8 No.20974076

File: ac8e6cc149f53be⋯.png (1.09 MB,930x930,1:1,60ddf804ddec7770455ace61d4….png)

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a330ac No.20974078


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1b91c8 No.20974085

File: f3ab9c4bfaa2f59⋯.png (389 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0362b5 No.20974087

File: a929cc52ca6c54f⋯.png (2.66 MB,1642x1058,821:529,nocomply.png)

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101967 No.20974091

File: 08b1843b0c86bda⋯.png (530.47 KB,738x738,1:1,2024_05_27_16_24_15_7296.png)





I'll see you on the other side…

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587256 No.20974098

File: 8f51e819d01e0d2⋯.png (133.91 KB,271x386,271:386,8f51e819d01e0d22aa5ccb8f10….png)

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b0dad5 No.20974100

File: c363776318b982f⋯.gif (3.73 MB,480x272,30:17,chopper_ns.gif)

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b14b3f No.20974102

File: 7497178ca8f46a0⋯.png (553.91 KB,473x661,473:661,7kejyrejertyryer.PNG)


Thanks baker

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6973e8 No.20974103

File: 202caffb59155e2⋯.png (537.53 KB,600x450,4:3,46_cat_wth_bread.png)

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e2fb98 No.20974104

File: bf7af70e8b31409⋯.png (942.19 KB,1100x620,55:31,ClipboardImage.png)

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aff709 No.20974105



Anarchy is 1 bus ride away.

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a2b49e No.20974106

File: f886f91b8289287⋯.jpg (101.43 KB,615x549,205:183,HOTSIE_TOTSIE_CLOSE_QUARTE….jpg)

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f2e715 No.20974107

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Operator1 agreed to the mission.

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a330ac No.20974108

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de642b No.20974110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bird flu my ass.

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99c180 No.20974111

File: ca75e05835c9a49⋯.png (1.57 MB,750x1334,375:667,FFDBFA57_674B_47A6_A661_0F….png)

File: dee80d3fbfc7c85⋯.png (360.12 KB,750x1334,375:667,35067B29_1B00_49A9_B66C_E8….png)

File: fa44100c9a9676f⋯.png (313 KB,750x1334,375:667,DD4DC1D5_3BCC_4FB2_B2A4_7E….png)

File: e8874d16ebaef12⋯.png (429.42 KB,750x1334,375:667,CA5E2975_60D2_46CD_83BC_0C….png)

File: 9b8590c4b98c014⋯.png (431.28 KB,750x1334,375:667,8C6BB268_39FE_49C3_BEBF_60….png)

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e2fb98 No.20974112

File: 10c021b9d0948ae⋯.png (621.68 KB,850x655,170:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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db548e No.20974113

File: 5d1c9628bce0293⋯.mp4 (2.98 MB,1280x720,16:9,authority.mp4)

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9825e2 No.20974114

File: 0ac96ae34c00184⋯.png (309.77 KB,500x539,500:539,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab2f03 No.20974115

File: 65d9297ac06d82b⋯.jpg (105.7 KB,976x549,16:9,media_GPVRk_RWQAACUqH.jpg)

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aff709 No.20974116

File: dfe43e37df9226d⋯.png (489.03 KB,1069x878,1069:878,Pete_Buttigieg_Alpha.png)

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683fc5 No.20974117

File: e16a1f14e033eef⋯.jpg (38.29 KB,640x426,320:213,0r1s6WBjKGN_7lh1zJZNrZbqZv….jpg)

File: 4b9d206972b35d9⋯.jpg (80.04 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_6_.jpg)


tyb. say something obnoxious

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1b91c8 No.20974118

File: f843932c5023b31⋯.png (80.41 KB,636x900,53:75,dredd4.png)


In the filter, chuckles.

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e6e8b8 No.20974120

File: 7357b5c647860e6⋯.gif (6.46 MB,480x480,1:1,7357b5c647860e632889c3d6bf….gif)

File: 69d20c90c0ea8fe⋯.jpg (3.39 MB,3008x2000,188:125,Our_flag.jpg)

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b5cbf9 No.20974121

File: 4fc3c457af23e08⋯.jpg (68 KB,955x497,955:497,yatgshbdcxa.jpg)

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683fc5 No.20974122

File: c9c9a6789f34f11⋯.jpg (12.58 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_3_.jpg)

File: 34317e5d77ab551⋯.jpeg (222.19 KB,1396x1146,698:573,GPV39znWMAAPqZk.jpeg)

File: 8ae570033e1efc0⋯.jpeg (393.89 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GPReUUiWkAE6sqr.jpeg)

File: 328d6a6a89e4e1b⋯.jpg (209.56 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_05_18_1….jpg)

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de642b No.20974123

File: 8c674f5140e70ef⋯.jpeg (159.03 KB,460x547,460:547,8c674f5140e70eff7ca502b59….jpeg)

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aff709 No.20974124

File: e29d1b168ffebd5⋯.png (1.65 MB,1626x1820,813:910,ClipboardImage.png)

If you like that one.

Try this one.

Slovak PM points to forces behind assassination attempt

And those forces are…..

“I want to ask the anti-government media, especially those co-owned by the financial structure ofGeorge Soros, not to go down this path and to respect not only the gravity of reasons for the attempted murder, but also the consequences of this attempt,” Fico said.


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6973e8 No.20974125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Garrett Ziegler hanging out at Hunter's court appearances

The guy who released the Report On The Laptop in hard copy

The Biden Crime Family hate him

Go Garrett!


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101967 No.20974126

File: c8a0d525152340d⋯.png (1.73 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



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7e1306 No.20974128

File: 17d97d5fdc78a5d⋯.mp4 (6.59 MB,1024x576,16:9,boring_video_gone_viral.mp4)

This video is boring as hell, I wonder why it is going viral.

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aff709 No.20974129


kek Biden blacker than Barry

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f2e715 No.20974130


Amazing coincidence?

Always close after crumb drops.

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683fc5 No.20974131

File: 0647dd6d7f0cb14⋯.jpg (150.79 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_05_19_2….jpg)

File: 78bbc48ddeb4785⋯.jpg (191.66 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_05_18_2….jpg)

File: 479f22bc327ad39⋯.png (31.88 KB,640x408,80:51,1802_11_.png)

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e2fb98 No.20974133

File: c3a6c95d96c85e3⋯.png (442.03 KB,503x648,503:648,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2e715 No.20974134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a330ac No.20974135

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aff709 No.20974136

File: 98d5da9457660d8⋯.png (581.78 KB,680x807,680:807,ClipboardImage.png)


tell me moar about my car trouble

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9825e2 No.20974137

File: 8ae63aa9128d44c⋯.png (309.88 KB,500x539,500:539,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb8399 No.20974138

File: 705835bd341bbe3⋯.png (417.9 KB,599x482,599:482,bg.PNG)


Brigitte Gabriel


We need more of this! Rep Scott Perry RIPS this reporter to shreds on questions about Hunter Biden's corruption!

6:42 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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6973e8 No.20974140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Garrett Ziegler

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683fc5 No.20974141

File: 3ef1c6fdb2fb099⋯.jpg (89.96 KB,750x896,375:448,3ef1c6fdb2fb0996aa7c37c5d9….jpg)

File: 679b9c747cd496a⋯.png (1.09 MB,923x1222,71:94,679b9c747cd496a31e1b67204e….png)

File: 4241e41e0530369⋯.jpg (42.53 KB,401x612,401:612,gettyimages_460439236_612x….jpg)

File: 94d8732645da2e4⋯.png (996.39 KB,1100x733,1100:733,FOR_ARTICLES_17_41aa5091_4….png)

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d613a3 No.20974142

File: 4906617235a2f94⋯.png (370.38 KB,636x571,636:571,4906617235a2f94000c939f82e….png)

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e2fb98 No.20974143

File: f70bad27b2a9da8⋯.png (425.39 KB,401x552,401:552,ClipboardImage.png)

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6973e8 No.20974144

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Garrett Ziegler on the Hunter Biden LAPTOP

1.5 hours

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fb8399 No.20974145

File: 4753c8f98fd2372⋯.png (391.61 KB,601x503,601:503,heart.PNG)


End Wokeness


WWII hero Ronald Scharfe speaks out:

"I feel like a foreigner in my own country lots of times, and I don't like it."

9:50 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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de642b No.20974146


Keeping sharp and mission ready.

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e2fb98 No.20974147

File: fb0630196330d2b⋯.png (1.94 MB,2048x1365,2048:1365,ClipboardImage.png)

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aff709 No.20974148


Why is he permitted to continue his subversive actions?

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f00060 No.20974149

File: 7d82d87a6e4eafa⋯.mp4 (2.65 MB,640x360,16:9,twittervid_com_ACTBrigitte….mp4)



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6c892c No.20974150

File: a21135e26ee4fbb⋯.png (88.31 KB,357x500,357:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0c465 No.20974151

File: d670bd5fac5dcb2⋯.png (378.41 KB,558x549,62:61,ClipboardImage.png)


Producer Nick Cirone: "Sometimes the truth has a very clear slant in one direction."

Cirone admits the show selects stories and uses contributors to align with their bias. He adds needing to "watch out for" James O'Keefe taking footage "out of context," unaware he's speaking to O'Keefe's undercover journalist.









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237324 No.20974152

File: d097c5e89640269⋯.png (619.35 KB,790x443,790:443,ClipboardImage.png)


When Mocking Bird Media says it's Fake News

You -know- it's the Truth

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ab2f03 No.20974153

File: 94cd6635d20539e⋯.jpg (55.77 KB,628x451,628:451,18808cb3fe436357eea7df9e40….jpg)

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dc595b No.20974154

File: 2e53c988e660786⋯.jpeg (260.61 KB,720x840,6:7,D182C9C4_3EE4_488B_BF70_5….jpeg)

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fb8399 No.20974155

File: f8dbb33acff482c⋯.png (299.68 KB,593x553,593:553,fl.PNG)


Matt Gaetz


Did you know you were paying $20,730 per pound of food delivered through a floating barge in Gaza?

Seems high.


Simon Ateba

6:39 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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aff709 No.20974156


He should join us on here.


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6bf8b6 No.20974157

File: ca37b51888bafc3⋯.png (279.52 KB,1000x666,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)


firm it

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de642b No.20974158


This kills me. My grandparents didn't live to see it go to shit except one and he only saw Obama, not this current shit show.

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683fc5 No.20974159



the boys are in a wood shop. the girls shorts are too damn high.

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aff709 No.20974160


Why don't they use Uber Eats?

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6973e8 No.20974161

File: 63c3a02d58f7a68⋯.png (376.61 KB,572x572,1:1,Biden_Crimes_dot_com.png)

File: 998c549af44b27a⋯.png (405.64 KB,458x551,458:551,998c549af44b27ab09260426de….png)

File: 9c49d881ee053c3⋯.png (531.64 KB,1272x843,424:281,Marco_Polo_MarcoPolo501c3_….png)

File: 0ba75cd4000795e⋯.png (474.07 KB,720x693,80:77,0ba75cd4000795eca6b34f7eae….png)

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95f019 No.20974163


Inspect and test those high beams

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9825e2 No.20974164

File: 71b8a4806fb24da⋯.png (351.9 KB,630x435,42:29,ClipboardImage.png)


The people had to be shown.

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1df0d4 No.20974165

File: e10390b3cb8ac0c⋯.mp4 (789.98 KB,640x360,16:9,7n5webtenrwete.mp4)



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f2e715 No.20974166

File: 54533421ca8ab97⋯.png (659.55 KB,1024x768,4:3,warishell.png)

Jun 05, 2024, 7:52 PM


I hear Hanoi is educational.

Double meanings exist.

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1df0d4 No.20974167

File: 8b2fcca612dfb72⋯.mp4 (2.55 MB,640x360,16:9,8m6enyternte.mp4)



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237324 No.20974168

File: a4bc0df6dbaf61c⋯.png (365.8 KB,745x528,745:528,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb8399 No.20974169

File: 19912141acbbc3d⋯.png (550.76 KB,587x356,587:356,sud.PNG)

Died Suddenly

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aff709 No.20974170


Over and over for the past 20+ years? I say old chap, that's a fuckload of 'fucking around', for very little 'finding out'.

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22f19c No.20974171

File: 89625ff9f6f6f01⋯.jpg (360.4 KB,1077x1294,1077:1294,Screenshot_20240606_125835….jpg)

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e1ce60 No.20974172

File: 39a473e372e65d5⋯.png (443.82 KB,795x662,795:662,POTUShan6524_copy.png)

File: 54c83a80ad96648⋯.png (715.78 KB,878x873,878:873,hanGuilt1.png)

File: 588db219e287c8e⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,640x360,16:9,RUDYsaysburied.mp4)

File: bee198adff73a07⋯.png (565.02 KB,758x983,758:983,oan_cornyn.png)

POTUS Truthed hanniFraud earlier (pic1).https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112565844259522743

Funny how it's all about the ny post, isn't it. Invisible Chanel Rion on OAN still invisible, and entire Channel Deleted from ALL Communist cable "providers".

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fb8399 No.20974173

File: 2bad59aa6eb98bd⋯.png (258.5 KB,603x842,603:842,kb.PNG)




KTBS news director and anchor Bill Lunn has resigned after becoming a suspect in an ongoing child sex crime investigation by Shreveport police.

The married Louisiana TV anchor abruptly quit his media job after he was accused of sexting with someone he thought was a 15-year-old girl. But, when he set up a meet with the teen, “she” turned out to be a trio of vigilante “predator hunters,” according to reports.

KTBS is another mainstream media outlet that denied Pizzagate.

I’m starting to lose track of how many pedophile reporters — who debunked Pizzagate and/or worked for organizations that covered it up — have turned out to be pedophiles.

If it hasn’t clicked for you yet why the media has so hysterically lied about Pizzagate for 8 years, you’re a lost cause.


Shot👇🏻 Chaser👇🏻



8:12 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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940a06 No.20974174

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Night Owl News Archives - 06/05/2024



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0362b5 No.20974175

File: 033198ab7e46240⋯.png (1.4 MB,1200x631,1200:631,ClipboardImage.png)

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c29d64 No.20974176

File: 428f8630625fe5e⋯.png (88.58 KB,375x311,375:311,Putin.png)

Trump choosing Doug Bergum for vice president would be like choosing John Bolton for vice president.

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db548e No.20974177



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6973e8 No.20974178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Hunter is suing Garrett for releasing the LAPTOP REPORT


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aff709 No.20974179





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dc595b No.20974180

File: 03944ac29ee52e0⋯.gif (115.65 KB,220x192,55:48,2A7190C2_1597_4B1C_BB51_D4….gif)


And it just “floated” away

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fb8399 No.20974181

File: c480cc0da58a88a⋯.png (536.83 KB,975x478,975:478,frog.PNG)


Live: Hunter Biden trial live: Stripper

ex tells court president's son used frog

venom to get clean from crack

Daily Mail (UK), by Josh Boswell

Posted By: Imright, 6/5/2024 4:51:52 PM

Welcome to DailyMail.com's daily politics blog, with live coverage of the biggest stories on the people in power. Hunter Biden is back in a Delaware federal court for the second day of testimony in his gun trial, after his infamous laptop was dramatically revealed to the jury. His ex-wife Kathleen Buhle told the court when she first found a crack pipe in their home and how she would hide drugs in his car from their daughters. [Snip] Follow our coverage from our reporters in Wilmington, Washington and in Europe.

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87f715 No.20974182

File: c87ebfa33060667⋯.png (1.9 MB,950x1081,950:1081,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7f52c752378daa⋯.png (1.35 MB,1023x767,1023:767,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85de81e455a005b⋯.png (1.34 MB,841x640,841:640,ClipboardImage.png)



I'm back from irl

Only other pic I've seen (was sent to me in a reply) but it's of no help >>20973317 (lb)

Can't anon with software clean this photo up at all?

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807db1 No.20974183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a HANNITY link, please?

LIVE - Sean Hannity 6/5/24


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e2fb98 No.20974184

File: b2a340b1b4168a3⋯.png (1.1 MB,796x874,398:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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d613a3 No.20974185

File: d1ad15fdb574ab9⋯.jpg (14.1 KB,222x255,74:85,525bf27a1cb8183867f6593e87….jpg)

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9825e2 No.20974186


>the past 20

The past 80 less 6 years in secret.

The past 6 years in the open.

The past year laser focused.

2000 year old death cults aren't dismantled overnight anon.

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d40cc2 No.20974187

>repoast for reminder

Donald J. Trump





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f2e715 No.20974188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Special projection edition tonight we fight for those who have sacrificed at the ultimate price.

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aff709 No.20974189


kek Hannity is still a thing?

Tick Tock mofos

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de4263 No.20974190


You did just fine listening and following this non-doctor, why is Trumps felony that big a deal?

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d40cc2 No.20974191

>down with bob good, spread the word

Jun 05, 2024, 8:36 PM


Marjorie Taylor Greene




Bob Good is a backstabber and a liar.

He’s placing signs all over VA-05 to give the false impression that President @realDonaldTrump has endorsed him. That’s a LIE!

John McGuire is the ONLY Trump-endorsed candidate for Congress in VA-05!

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b14b3f No.20974192

File: 2d15d9d89e4233e⋯.png (799.89 KB,1333x1326,1333:1326,2d15d9d89e4233e24aa6390a74….png)

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3a3336 No.20974193

File: c44ba776e3d62cc⋯.gif (2.53 MB,304x300,76:75,c44ba776e3d62cca5606ba3e85….gif)


Thank you Anon!!! o7

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9825e2 No.20974194

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683fc5 No.20974195


gaza baby bust in concrete dust. DNA fooked. cemix special mix

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fb8399 No.20974196

File: 69f04bddd4b6c0f⋯.png (545.53 KB,597x815,597:815,tow.PNG)




BREAKING: The Republican Oklahoma City Council just shook the nation by voting 8-1 to remove all building height restrictions to make way for the 1,907 foot "Legends Tower" which would be the tallest building in the country and 6th tallest in the world

Legends Tower would surpass the One World Trade Center by 131 feet and is about 3 times longer than Oklahoma's current tallest building

The project is fully funded and PRIVATE, so no tax dollars are involved. Construction will immediately begin on the underground and below grade parking and will take a few years to complete the whole thing

My thoughts? I absolutely love this, Republicans are in construction mode while Democrats are trying to destroy their own states. If New York City wants to be woke, fine, we'll build bigger and better versions of it elsewhere. Cities aren't for everyone but having competition is great



7:02 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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101967 No.20974197

File: 1c299dcadcd6a6e⋯.jpg (95.5 KB,635x598,635:598,1710655388522930_screensho….jpg)




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ff2d12 No.20974198

File: a54c2cbbd2c20be⋯.jpg (19.6 KB,235x255,47:51,pg91649fc2c07d7cccf99dacab….jpg)

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de642b No.20974199

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aa05c8 No.20974200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NG : Prayer, The Art of Believing

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fb8399 No.20974201

File: b6359c8b5f9968f⋯.png (57.41 KB,682x353,682:353,pur.PNG)


Biden's cognitive decline: Washington DC insiders reveal worrying new details with 81-year-old president now often incomprehensible and regularly freezing in meetings - 'he's not the same person'

Dozens of Republican and Democratic lawmakers and staffers spoke to the WSJ

The report paints a picture of a president considerably slower than days' past

The White House, who kept tabs on who talked, maintains he is still a top leader

By Alex Hammer For Dailymail.Com

Published: 22:55 EDT, 4 June 2024 | Updated: 14:39 EDT, 5 June 2024

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db548e No.20974202

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9b9195 No.20974203


Ok George

Alex is a fag

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807db1 No.20974204

File: e04b7f900e9104e⋯.png (37.54 KB,810x246,135:41,ClipboardImage.png)


>kek Hannity is still a thing?

YES, and he's with DJT!


>LIVE - Sean Hannity 6/5/24


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237324 No.20974205

File: 994a3952275ffff⋯.png (163.72 KB,499x321,499:321,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc595b No.20974206

File: c3a1b19f3196433⋯.jpeg (627.8 KB,1247x627,1247:627,D108C607_37AA_4324_AA02_0….jpeg)

File: 605ba535ad16abb⋯.jpeg (643.35 KB,1218x619,1218:619,5A8463B3_C159_4F5A_AF02_7….jpeg)

PF: BOXERs arriving at Paris, Zelensky back to Lublin, Poland from Doha, Qatar 90m stop

>>20972337 pb

BOXER41/42 C40Cs inbound to Paris-Le Bourget from JBA depart earlier today

>>20972619 lb

Ukraine AF UKN1126 A319Zelenskylanded at Lublin, Poland from Doha, Qatar depart

“Saving the Children” was the reason given but was only there for 90m so you’d think a discussion about that would need moar than that amount of time.

This little shit is preparing his exit cuz he’s in deep shit nao as even a dead animal can see he’s fucked and cornered.

Why would the Qataris be so interdasted in “saving children”

>that’s a rhetorical question as Qatar is C_A spook town

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d613a3 No.20974207

File: 91317e4ccb39290⋯.png (14.61 KB,255x253,255:253,91317e4ccb392900723530332f….png)

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aff709 No.20974208

File: 9c33e096a086093⋯.png (68.54 KB,250x201,250:201,Pepe_Smoking_Bong.png)


> just shook the nation

these faggots…

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ff2d12 No.20974209

File: 0c5f77a0243cd1c⋯.png (17.54 KB,374x382,187:191,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9678c70bdce64f6⋯.png (18.03 KB,229x59,229:59,ClipboardImage.png)

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c29d64 No.20974210

File: 7b786eaa1557144⋯.png (1.23 MB,1080x1082,540:541,Screenshot_202_1.png)


Trish Regan is one of America's most recognized financial journalists and digital media hosts in America and she is endorsed and carefully vetted by the AI WARFARE SYSTEMS for White House Spokeswoman or press secretary for all the right reasons.

President Trump is a financial genius and must have the right people around that can fully understand his agenda to rebuild the American economy.

Trish Regan will compliment president Trump's agenda in ways nobody else can plus she will bring genuine class and prestige back to the White House something the executive branch so desperately needs.

All the top Bank CEOs and investment bankers plus fund managers on Wall Street all know and respect Trish Regan so it makes sense president Trump must have this kind of financial connections, knowledge and understanding around him from day one Trish Regan will help speed up the process to make America Great Again.

The Question Is:Can Trish Regan a dedicated caring mother and successful business woman make the huge sacrifices that are required to put America back on the map in 2025? that question is unknown at the moment.

ATTN:Trish Regan is 100% MAGA go watch her show on YouTube and other platforms.

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c0c7f3 No.20974211

File: 93c4ca2bdedd8af⋯.png (150.53 KB,400x399,400:399,93c4ca2bdedd8af3dc2c2259e5….png)

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db548e No.20974212

File: 35c6a898b6f365f⋯.jpeg (274.21 KB,1146x1212,191:202,teeth.jpeg)

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655782 No.20974213

File: 3b8f4d4151f2b77⋯.png (1.05 MB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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1e21c7 No.20974214


Come hither OAN

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343ac5 No.20974215


Who or what fills these buildings? Not a single thing is produced out of them.

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683fc5 No.20974216


retards think 6th place

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dc595b No.20974217

File: 0cd6eaef1b89b69⋯.jpeg (50.63 KB,1000x550,20:11,5108D5B6_67FF_45AA_AFC2_A….jpeg)

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b14b3f No.20974218

File: 8c737294541d17a⋯.png (426.32 KB,799x790,799:790,n576b7n64754b6745.png)

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a0c465 No.20974219

Putin: We Could Supply Long-Range Missiles To Enemies Of West In Retaliation

He suggested that he's mulling the option of providing adversaries of the West with Russian long-range missiles. Below is what he said:

“That would mark their direct involvement in the war against the Russian Federation, and we reserve the right to act the same way,” Mr Putin told a three-hour meeting with the senior editors of international news agencies.

Because using such Western weapons involves military personnel of those countries controlling the missiles and selecting targets, Mr Putin claimed Moscow could take “asymmetrical” steps elsewhere in the world.

“If they consider it possible to deliver such weapons to the combat zone to launch strikes on our territory and create problems for us, why don’t we have the right to supply weapons of the same type to some regions of the world where they can be used to launch strikes on sensitive facilities of the countries that do it to Russia?” he said.


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6bf8b6 No.20974220




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6973e8 No.20974221


better than off loading more tanks

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a1bc01 No.20974222

Sean Hannity is the fucking worst.

Literally won’t shut the fuck up.

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3a3336 No.20974223

File: 26c8b52f054e8f2⋯.gif (1.98 MB,500x250,2:1,26c8b52f054e8f2f62b5b1c382….gif)


Damn excellent catch Anon!

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e2fb98 No.20974224

File: daaaf989786d86d⋯.png (497.63 KB,852x480,71:40,ClipboardImage.png)

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a330ac No.20974225






kek. Never change, anons. (You) are priceless.

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237324 No.20974226


Putin Knows they want him to retaliate

But I don't think He will

& They Really -REALLY- Needs him to

So the Deep State are gonna have to fake it I Figure

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d613a3 No.20974227

File: 44e79349313a14d⋯.jpg (68.41 KB,914x960,457:480,44e79349313a14db50e601d654….jpg)

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ff2d12 No.20974228

File: 70fa8c23ca5836e⋯.png (17.73 KB,374x379,374:379,ClipboardImage.png)

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655782 No.20974229


Define that.

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e2fb98 No.20974230

File: 65c6ecbd15460a9⋯.png (408.87 KB,667x662,667:662,ClipboardImage.png)

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683fc5 No.20974231


fluid. cement. with blood & aborted tissue for flex.

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aff709 No.20974232

File: 8f733fb5ccc05a1⋯.jpg (264.84 KB,1080x1095,72:73,Hannity_Israel_Committing_….jpg)

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b5cbf9 No.20974233

President Trump [Hannity]: I'm very proud to fight for our Constitution, and if that's what it takes [going to jail]; everybody said this is such a minor thing. You don't go to jail for this, but you don't understand what we're dealing against, Sean. We're dealing against a system that's so corrupt; nobody's ever seen anything like it.

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807db1 No.20974234

File: 466c57aff99d26b⋯.png (1009.24 KB,1269x1003,1269:1003,ClipboardImage.png)



>[comb your hair].


We are going LIVE -24 ?

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101967 No.20974235

File: 8f6080e9bc6d9a4⋯.png (1.3 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)





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e2fb98 No.20974236

File: 703c07d3a98c0a9⋯.png (514.62 KB,836x766,418:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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c29d64 No.20974237

File: 8389f1f76c28f5d⋯.png (1.07 MB,1080x1077,360:359,Screenshot_20240603_152014….png)

Muh nigga's I won.

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1e21c7 No.20974238

File: 5a1462beab2b8f1⋯.png (81.22 KB,577x432,577:432,ClipboardImage.png)

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683fc5 No.20974239


do the CGI Trump harder

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6973e8 No.20974240

File: 2d75bbd5b148c4a⋯.jpg (52.73 KB,399x399,1:1,2d75bbd5b148c4ac57cedeb383….jpg)


Pig knew

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a0c465 No.20974241


>So the Deep State are gonna have to fake it I Figure


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aff709 No.20974242


This person, by their actions, have proven to be a fascist cunt.

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e2fb98 No.20974243

File: 8324a73058a6f9c⋯.png (331.34 KB,578x619,578:619,ClipboardImage.png)

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655782 No.20974244

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fb8399 No.20974245

File: c40f65fca50c8bc⋯.png (491.15 KB,594x638,27:29,fa.PNG)


Nick Sortor


🚨 #BREAKING: NYPD is preparing to revoke President Trump’s license to carry a firearm.

Meanwhile, ACTUAL criminals continue to run around armed and free.

Get out of New York.


10:13 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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f2e715 No.20974246

File: 54533421ca8ab97⋯.png (659.55 KB,1024x768,4:3,warishell.png)


Jun 05, 2024, 7:52 PM


I hear Hanoi is educational.

Double meanings exist.

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bd026b No.20974247

File: e70ee0369897a81⋯.png (424.61 KB,844x741,844:741,1676734171957779.png)









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e2fb98 No.20974248

File: 577694605d288b0⋯.png (455.08 KB,1024x664,128:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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87f715 No.20974249

File: 0088e85b153e4c8⋯.png (468.85 KB,502x497,502:497,0088e85b153e4c8a22626e9350….png)


Sean is pushing him to say he won't lock them up but POTUS won't, kek!

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c29d64 No.20974250

File: ffb1c88fc8db69e⋯.png (526.82 KB,1080x1256,135:157,Screenshot_20240604_112954….png)

File: b667a3896f3803c⋯.png (941 KB,1080x1412,270:353,Screenshot_20240603_080213….png)

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b5cbf9 No.20974251

President Trump: You take a look at what's happening with inflation. That's a banana republic inflation, what we have. I think it could be as high as fifty percent if you add everything in. When you start adding energy prices in, when you start adding interest rates, which have gone from two percent to nine and ten percent.

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db548e No.20974252

File: c80519a62bbc1c4⋯.png (352.97 KB,503x652,503:652,ClipboardImage.png)


>comb your hair

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dc595b No.20974253

File: 316d12a36fe99b1⋯.jpeg (513.86 KB,1135x621,1135:621,540B5EBD_C659_468E_97F4_F….jpeg)


>>20973190 pb

SAM753 JCOS related went to Glasgow Intl from Cherbourg, France depart after 1h on ground

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237324 No.20974254

File: 3a62196e7fb9251⋯.png (18.94 KB,433x228,433:228,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb8399 No.20974256

File: ebd1b9e86d27527⋯.png (269.58 KB,593x674,593:674,tn.PNG)


Truth Ninja



Matthew Colangelo, the scum prosecutor who was lead prosecutor in the so-called "Hush Money Trial" has quite a family. Not only has Matthew been involved in multiple Trump cases, his brother Aaron is a vehement anti-Trump activist Attorney. AND WAIT, THERE'S MORE…Matthew Colangelo's wife, Anne Small, was part of writing an Amicus Brief as a Board Member of LDF, to keep Donald Trump off the ballot for the 2024 election due to the 14th Amendment. Small sits on the board of LDF with Jonathan Soros.






10:05 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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1e21c7 No.20974257


You know the politicians and MSM spies faked taking the jab because they aren't dying. That's Intent.

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ab2f03 No.20974258

File: 1cda76fad0bdeb6⋯.jpg (176.89 KB,1290x1210,129:121,media_GHWGsHjXcAASlq_.jpg)


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aff709 No.20974259


He clicks his fingers and the secret service and 100 guns are locked n loaded. So about that licence.

The desperate coup plotters of NY makes themselves look even moar pathetic daily.

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8fa9d8 No.20974260


Mark Thompson is the one that needs to be exposed. He was at the BBC when Savile was there and also NY Times when they "debunked" pizzagate in 2016. Hes now Chief Executive Officer of CNN and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ancestry.

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e2fb98 No.20974261

File: 54d19707b1bda38⋯.png (281.63 KB,800x693,800:693,ClipboardImage.png)

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1df0d4 No.20974262

File: 4b5187bbc96c5d6⋯.jpg (91.49 KB,640x640,1:1,4b5187bbc96c5d6c75bf4141bb….jpg)



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ff2d12 No.20974263

"sometimes people don't understand sarcasm"

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fb8399 No.20974264

File: ff96434f6eb4ac4⋯.png (343.53 KB,666x775,666:775,wipe.PNG)


Kremlin politician reveals how Putin could

wipe out the Netherlands with one nuclear

missile that would flood the entire country

after Holland said its F-16s can be used

to hit targets in Russia

Daily Mail, by Will Stewart

Posted By: OhioNick, 6/5/2024 4:22:14 PM

A Russian MP and military veteran has revealed a plan to paralyse the European continent in one hit by striking the Netherlands with a nuclear bomb. The chilling threat was made on Russian state TV by Lt. Gen Andrey Gurulev - a hardline MP in Vladimir Putin's 'United Russia' party - in a discussion with leading propagandist Vladimir Solovyov. He told Russian state TV a nuclear strike would flood the country by destroying its dams and dykes. 'Somewhere between 50 to 60 per cent of Europe's hydrocarbon supply is in Holland,' Gurulev declared. 'Imagine, in Holland, on the coast. The military calls this a fat target."

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101967 No.20974265

File: 24a9e6f57faa0cc⋯.png (2.1 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Any meme requests?

My skill may have significantly increased since last time.

Assuming you're the baker anon who I think you is.

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683fc5 No.20974266

File: 86177eaace02193⋯.jpeg (521.58 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GPUFrctXEAA4kc0.jpeg)

File: a530ab8f01fa1d7⋯.jpeg (626.35 KB,2048x1583,2048:1583,GPU55vfXkAAonuV.jpeg)

File: b7f670c4f083751⋯.jpeg (448.02 KB,2048x1583,2048:1583,GPU55VRW0AA3yx2.jpeg)

File: 4ebd790ca9c2e1f⋯.png (14.01 KB,255x236,255:236,4be911c24ceefba821b4778eef….png)


donut fuck around Q tards the northern sect ion of North America is watching clocks.

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807db1 No.20974267

File: d8821d1273fd058⋯.png (396.43 KB,625x807,625:807,ClipboardImage.png)

NYPD to Revoke Donald Trump’s Concealed Carry Permit Because of Felony Convictions

The NYPD is preparing to revoke Donald Trump’s concealed carry permit following the numerous felony convictions handed down by the jury last week.

CNN reported the permit was actually suspended on April 1, 2023, following Trump’s indictment on various charges. The NYPD will now move beyond mere suspension, revoking the permit altogether.

The New York Times noted, “Under federal law and state law in New York and Florida, people with felony convictions are barred from possessing a firearm.”

A investigation into the matter is underway by the NYPD and it is anticipated that Trump’s permit will be revoked once it ends. However, Trump “has the right to file a challenge to the move.”

Trump is permitted to carry three specific handguns, two of which were surrendered to the NYPD on March 31, 2023. The third one was “was lawfully moved to Florida,” according to senior law enforcement official.

CBS News noted that Trump was convicted on 34 felony counts last week. Both his poll numbers and contributions to his campaign have risen since the convictions.


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fb8399 No.20974268

File: 3524e3535859978⋯.png (317.04 KB,589x633,589:633,wife.PNG)




Fauci testified the BOARD OF THE NIH approved the gain of function research not him.

He didn't mention his wife was on that board.

She is in charge of BIOETHICS.


8:50 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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237324 No.20974269

File: 7904fcbd45d96a0⋯.png (63.73 KB,491x649,491:649,ClipboardImage.png)


24 Months

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32eb71 No.20974270

File: abe5819af7621d5⋯.png (465.91 KB,1178x599,1178:599,Fox_News_Live_Stream_USA_H….png)


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ab2f03 No.20974271

File: 71a570a4717f18a⋯.jpg (124.16 KB,600x601,600:601,IMG_3308_Ozel_1_3564117714.jpg)

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b5cbf9 No.20974272

President Trump: This is a very, very, dangerous thing that's happening [lawfare]. We cant let this happen, and I will do everything in my power not to let- but there's tremendous criminality here.

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185323 No.20974273

File: 806566207bb0493⋯.png (118.52 KB,298x169,298:169,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 419e168967d4d44⋯.png (342.66 KB,464x279,464:279,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e38c80b194e6401⋯.png (757.54 KB,721x485,721:485,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fde041267bcae36⋯.png (366.12 KB,618x686,309:343,ClipboardImage.png)

File: faffb3b3a4cb208⋯.png (478.87 KB,531x597,177:199,ClipboardImage.png)


Demon witch spawn.

Sold something she needed….

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dc595b No.20974274

File: 8d224de6ac8e1e6⋯.gif (837.88 KB,499x300,499:300,2F6D2833_CDBC_43D1_AD47_36….gif)


Chek’t trips of troof

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94a4bf No.20974275

File: cdf924bc927f2c2⋯.png (589.35 KB,1024x846,512:423,IMG_2158.png)

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c29d64 No.20974276

File: 60c42f79ec76d5e⋯.png (937.92 KB,1080x1311,360:437,Scvxy.png)

Whoopie Goldberg is labeled by the AI WARFARE SYSTEMS as a societal monkey.

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7e1306 No.20974277

File: 477f6d05869107f⋯.jpg (70.95 KB,500x658,250:329,Biden_dictator.jpg)

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db548e No.20974278


>Somewhere between 50 to 60 per cent of Europe's hydrocarbon supply is in Holland

oh dam

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201795 No.20974280

File: 87467ba42fd2fd4⋯.png (160.29 KB,486x285,162:95,87467ba42fd2fd406e0cee5f18….png)

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fb8399 No.20974281

File: 8be88ec9dc4635d⋯.png (135.7 KB,599x703,599:703,jp.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸



BREAKING: In 2020, Twitter disclosed to the FEC they were warned of ‘a hack and leak operation involving Hunter Biden’ by federal law enforcement that led them to censor the laptop story

The disclosure was signed by Yoel Roth

The FBI just admitted the laptop is real



Rate proposed Community Notes

6:09 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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9b9195 No.20974282


She wants a pearl necklace

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7e1306 No.20974283

File: 838575aacc68631⋯.jpg (141.37 KB,437x430,437:430,Whoopi_shooting_herself.jpg)

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87f715 No.20974284

File: 00a4aa795867d44⋯.png (957.25 KB,1080x784,135:98,00a4aa795867d44a21f625bcac….png)


>but there's tremendous criminality here.

They should have listened to his words earlier in life & read his book.

He is going to fuck them up, righteously.

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e2fb98 No.20974286

File: ff80e98d8879488⋯.png (918.5 KB,828x670,414:335,ClipboardImage.png)

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b0dad5 No.20974287

File: 4e2f1d36df30548⋯.png (157.5 KB,638x876,319:438,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9793703a3247940⋯.png (1.68 MB,1139x802,1139:802,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b40c2b3b09c52b3⋯.png (608.89 KB,720x540,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


here is what needs to be done.

X and social media needs to be scoured for any photos of this event

1) identify this event, time and date.

2) look on social media of all video footage and photos of events. these people love selfies.

3) check out the others talking to this individual

4) find out who has connections and if this person is among their group

5) someone somewhere would have mentioned this individual by name or in some form.

6) look on crime data base for any convictions of anyone who looks like this.

7) there is open source facial recognition software out there.

8) need anons who geo locate mobiles in the area and pin point this one individual

9) Track connections via mobile. probably signal or some other obscure mobile set up.

10) track money transfers.


two people who were sent to prison ..

cannot remember their name but mtg needs to contact them and they will find the individual.

or contact mike lindel, he has contacts.

it is not what you know, it is who you know that matters.

almost 100% he or she is getting paid by soros and the whitehouse soros operation.


below archived post




HUGE UPDATE: Tech Giants Are Censoring, Blacklisting and Banning Posts on the “2000 Mules” Ballot Trafficking Documentary Across Social Media Platforms

By Jim Hoft

Published May 8, 2022 at 10:00am



The virtual premiere for the movie ‘2000 Mules’ was held last night live from Las Vegas.

In the film, Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote provide answers and evidence of the stolen 2020 Election. The explosive documentary was released on Tuesday at select theaters across the nation.

The movie “2000 Mules” proves through geo-tracking and video confirmation that Democrats used ballot trafficking to steal the 2020 election from President Donald Trump. The national conspiracy involved every battleground state.

THOUSANDS of Americans participated in the virtual premiere last night.

TRENDING: NOTE TO STACEY ABRAMS - FIND A GOOD LAWYER: True the Vote Announces They Are Releasing Addresses of ALL Ballot Trafficking Stash Houses

On Sunday Morning True the Vote published this alarming post on their Facebook account.

Extremely important update:

We’ve received numerous reports of widespread censorship of posts about 2000 Mules across major social media platforms.

Our website to help citizens engage in democracy and clean up the voter databases has been fully blacklisted on Facebook.

Instagram has reportedly been blacking out images from our premiere with POTUS 45 in Mar a Lago.

TikTok is flagging accounts distributing video clips of last night’s premiere in Vegas for “inciting violence”.

Twitter is shutting down accounts.

Rumble came under “unprecedented attacks” trying to prevent the stream of the video.

If this isn’t proof that big tech is absolutely terrified of America seeing the evidence we presented in this movie, we don’t know what is.

We don’t know about you – but that is making us double down and shout even louder.

Our country is on the line, friends. Are you going to stay quiet about it… or will you help us spread the truth? If you’re in… make sure everyone sees this and knows what’s happening

It should not be a surprise that the Tech Giants are censoring this movie. After all, it exposes once again that EVERYTHING the Tech Giants have been promoting about the 2020 election has been a complete lie.

“2000 Mules” virtual premiere: Eric Metaxas, Dinesh D’Souza, Deborah D’Souza, Catherine Engelbrecht, Gregg Phillips, Danielle D’Souza Gill, Brandon Gill, and unidentified couple.


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e42c92 No.20974288

File: 0b9d2c1c3fe1f3f⋯.png (98.21 KB,224x255,224:255,0b9d2c1c3fe1f3fad016cdcbea….png)


>Both his poll numbers and contributions to his campaign have risen since the convictions.

Well, yeah.

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a0c465 No.20974289

File: 975f162beff30bd⋯.png (48.54 KB,747x379,747:379,ClipboardImage.png)

RNC Making Backup Plans For Presidential Nomination If Trump Sentenced To Prison

“We'll be thinking about it, and we’re working on that right now,” RNC Chair Michael Whatley told Newsmax in an interview on June 4, when asked whether the Republican Party is preparing for the possibility that the former president can’t attend the convention because he’s behind bars.

The convention, which will take place in Milwaukee on July 15-18, is expected to draw thousands, but President Trump might not be one of them, given his recent felony conviction and the possibility that, on July 11, Justice Juan Merchan could sentence him to prison.


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9825e2 No.20974290


Shills post anti Hannity narrative because Q+ keeps giving him interviews.

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ff2d12 No.20974291

File: 886eeb6f702e1cd⋯.png (265.3 KB,490x354,245:177,emc7db5b0e03de9af78ce2bd39….png)

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1df0d4 No.20974292


Uses the magic carpet buzz word "retribution"

seman is just setting up the other sides dialog.

such a clown he is.

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807db1 No.20974293


in 24 days, if [They] push for "lock-downs" for "bird flu" = [D] party death spiral.

*anon can dream*

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d613a3 No.20974294

File: 28ea62f8614540d⋯.jpeg (149.32 KB,1009x688,1009:688,28ea62f8614540d73054a086c….jpeg)

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a330ac No.20974295


Anon heard nothing, only saw bewbs.

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683fc5 No.20974296

File: ba3411a84be79c5⋯.mp4 (596.01 KB,480x270,16:9,ba3411a84be79c54e8ef972a85….mp4)

File: ecf8c8eb079f165⋯.webm (5.85 MB,720x480,3:2,ecf8c8eb079f1654170bc3ac1….webm)



the shitshow breads make up for the retarded.

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fb8399 No.20974297

File: 955f7d8a0728944⋯.png (416.74 KB,588x498,98:83,bl.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Presidential Limo Driver Wanted to Quickly Debunk Cassidy Hutchinson’s Bogus Claim that Trump Grabbed Steering Wheel on Jan 6 – But Liz Cheney Blocked Him from Testifying via @gatewaypundit

From thegatewaypundit.com

6:44 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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db548e No.20974298

File: 04f02f963fb82be⋯.mp4 (8.91 MB,854x478,427:239,DavidMorens.mp4)



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ff2d12 No.20974299

File: a0c30bcfc4edf18⋯.jpg (14.8 KB,207x255,69:85,potusr89ce0e5e201d9ffae858….jpg)

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db548e No.20974300


>RIPS this reporter to shreds

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f2e715 No.20974301

Jun 05, 2024, 9:10 PM


Do not focus on the call details.

We knew it would leak.

We knew certain areas of the WH were bugged.

We knew certain people would leak.

Focus - why AUS?

Why did [RR] recommend the firing of [JC] to POTUS?


Did the firing of [JC] provide the 'necessary vehicle' to appoint Mueller?

Who appointed Mueller?



The plan [inter-organizational collaboration] [is] being carried out by highest level [former and current] positions [F + D].


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fb8399 No.20974302

File: 7c5c43f22519a49⋯.png (213.18 KB,601x831,601:831,fl.PNG)


Chief Nerd


🚩 Fmr. CDC Director Robert Redfield Makes a Series of Stunning Admissions That Were Once Deemed 'Misinformation'

"There was a decision not to do anything that made the vaccine sound like it didn't work."

"Two thirds of the people that I'm seeing infected in Maryland have been vaccinated."

"If you came down and visited me and interviewed my patients…you'd interview patient after patient after patient that did not have COVID but are very sick. You would say very sick, long COVID patients. And it's all from the vaccine."

"The spike protein is immunotoxic. You get infected, it's immunotoxic. But when you give the vaccine, we make the spike protein."

"When I give you an mRNA vaccine…I don't know how much spike protein you make because I give you mRNA and then your body goes and makes it…You may make it for a week…You may make it for a month."

"I use the protein vaccine so I know exactly how much spike protein you get. Your body's not becoming a [spike protein] manufacturing plant."

Rate proposed Community Notes

7:26 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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7aa008 No.20974303

File: 5992d3acd7050e3⋯.png (2.16 MB,2318x1271,2318:1271,10_2.png)

Check out the clock. Good interview on Youtube about gold and silver


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d4f776 No.20974304


The Netherlands is a cookoo country of people who escaped from Germany. They are a bunch of autists who said, "Fuck you, we ain't gonna do what you want us to do." And they basically made a country out of swamp land that no one else even ever considered livable. The whole country of Holland is basically built into the ocean via dikes.

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101967 No.20974305


So he's the worst of the best?

Or the best of the worst?

Gotta be one of the two.

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e29caa No.20974306

File: 8a22fbdba0544c5⋯.jpg (10.29 KB,300x168,25:14,images_259_.jpg)

File: 8a3db1781d77e76⋯.jpg (5.07 KB,205x246,5:6,images_258_.jpg)

"We will not comply"


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e2fb98 No.20974307

File: 32024ada6d91ca1⋯.png (628.81 KB,1100x798,550:399,ClipboardImage.png)


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fb8399 No.20974308

File: de49ce80931ba7f⋯.png (27.91 KB,596x321,596:321,po.PNG)


James Watkins


Remember the following text:

There's a lot more happening at Kun than just the message board that always gets me in trouble. Lately, I've been posting queries from the terminal as I train Kun's AI. There are many unused message boards. This particular one was never logged into by its creator, so I started using it. I'm working on improving the score. Codemonkey suggested training in Shakespeare. I did, but now I have to suffer the consequences.


7:38 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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db548e No.20974309

File: ee20883a86ab317⋯.gif (7.75 MB,480x407,480:407,crackhunter.gif)


>Seems high.

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ab2f03 No.20974310

Red Light

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3a3336 No.20974311

File: 8955dbbe658f83c⋯.jpg (37.72 KB,307x460,307:460,p4003_i_v8_ab.jpg)


Meme of a muscular pepe with punisher shirt with American flag backdrop. Similar to the Patton film. Picture for reference.

Make us proud.

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237324 No.20974312

Exceptionally Twinkly Star in the North West Tonight

Almost goes out then super bright

Like someone flashing Headlights at you

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9584eb No.20974313

Oh my goodness Hannity is a must watch tonight!

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655782 No.20974314

File: 887ee2c0730190d⋯.mp4 (2.16 MB,640x360,16:9,Russia_could_wipe_out_NL_w….mp4)

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c29d64 No.20974315

File: da7fec370cfec1b⋯.png (1.54 MB,1080x1075,216:215,Biden_handlers.png)


Dumb black African negroid people are being called out…. Ebonics retardation is dead.

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a2b49e No.20974316

File: aeee55dbcbc101d⋯.jpg (117.27 KB,651x470,651:470,MIND_MADE_UP.jpg)

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a9464b No.20974317

File: 00409f7ca9390df⋯.mp4 (14.52 MB,320x180,16:9,68.mp4)

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9584eb No.20974318

It is just soooo good! Is everyone watching?

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fb8399 No.20974319

File: e53dd0b06e4a6f7⋯.png (77.29 KB,589x490,589:490,ez.PNG)


Ezra A. Cohen


Hopefully Department can begin to recover from the unprecedented level of politicization and tyranny that was the hallmark of Magsamen’s tenure.


Jeff Seldin




Just in: @SecDef Lloyd Austin's chief of staff, Kelly Magsamen, set to step down the end of this month

Austin, in statement, praises Magsamen and says, "If there is a better example of exemplary public service at a challenging time, I do not know of it"


5:22 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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a0c465 No.20974320

File: a607cc75b906aba⋯.png (178.38 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

‘Bulls**t’ – Putin on ‘plans’ to attack NATO

The West is making up stories to deceive its own population, the Russian president has said

The idea that Moscow has some kind of plan to attack NATO is a stupid attempt to maintain the West’s global hegemony by fear, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

Putin was asked about NATO’s preparations to defend from a Russian “invasion” at the meeting with the heads of the world’s major news agencies on Wednesday, on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

“Look, someone has imagined that Russia wants to attack NATO. Have you gone completely insane? Are you as thick as this table? Who came up with this nonsense, this bulls**t?” Putin said.

The Russian president suggested that the “bulls**t” was in the service of deceiving the people at home in the West, urging them to arm themselves and send more weapons to Ukraine.

“Why is this being done, really? To maintain their own position of greatness, that’s why. There’s nothing to these scary stories, intended for the townsfolk in Germany and France and elsewhere in Europe,” Putin explained. “In Ukraine, we’re just protecting ourselves.”

“Don’t make up things and then form opinions about Russia on the basis of them,” he added. “You only hurt yourselves this way.”

During the session, which lasted more than three hours, Putin repeatedly addressed the root causes of Russia’s intervention in Ukraine, from the 2014 US-backed coup to the atrocities of the Kiev government in the Donbass and the failed Minsk peace process that Western leaders have admitted to being a sham.

The Russian president argued that the US hasn’t poured billions of dollars in cash, weapons, ammunition and equipment into Ukraine because it loves Ukrainians, but because of the belief that this will further American “greatness and global leadership.”

“Nobody in the US cares about Ukraine’s interests,” Putin told the agency heads.

While Moscow has no intention of “invading” Europe, it will consider retaliating against the US and its allies for providing Kiev with long-range missiles by supplying adversaries of the West with similar weapons in “sensitive” areas, he added.


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b720c1 No.20974321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Future Technologies Already Exist

Not sure about this bit interesting. It seems like the “cures” already exist

𝗕𝗲 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗗𝗿. 𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗿'𝘀 𝗳𝗶𝗹𝗺 "𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗟𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗖𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘂𝗿𝘆" - 𝗪𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗰𝗿𝗼𝘄𝗱𝗳𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗼𝗻 𝘀𝗼𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗺𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗮! https://thelostcenturyfilm.com/

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9584eb No.20974322

Turn it to Hannity right now you guys!

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aff709 No.20974323



No. Just anons that can think for themselves.

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9584eb No.20974324

Trump is going to announce his VP pick on Hannity tonight! Stay tuned!

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fb8399 No.20974325

File: 533e6f1726d3148⋯.png (23.22 KB,603x287,603:287,ot.PNG)


Jake Sherman


NEWS – @SpeakerJohnson

has named Reps. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) and Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) to the House Intelligence Committee.

The Intel Committee oversees the entire intelligence community and gets some of the most sensitive intelligence about the U.S. and its allies.

Rate proposed Community Notes

5:14 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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1b91c8 No.20974326

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)

Calm night.

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343ac5 No.20974327

It's starting to appear that Trump and every other politician are actors. Anyone else see this?

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8fa9d8 No.20974328


With all this global warming its still not under water.

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f2e715 No.20974329



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aceb86 No.20974330

File: d39a150e5ea1438⋯.jpeg (947.54 KB,2450x2450,1:1,IMG_0439.jpeg)


ooga booga!

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ff2d12 No.20974331

File: 3cb29a1be46d00a⋯.png (365.56 KB,364x486,182:243,ClipboardImage.png)

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87f715 No.20974332

File: 8d5a217c995d732⋯.jpg (19.87 KB,474x328,237:164,00a402690618cda4a0980a60a0….jpg)


Now we are talking death penalty

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603ffe No.20974333

File: 42ea0e1e1dd9702⋯.png (654.84 KB,1356x1392,113:116,16fdbecff2737c84ed1628db26….png)

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f2e715 No.20974334


Jim’s finger on button ready to stop transmission.

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903e05 No.20974335

File: 4ac0546368449c3⋯.png (576.26 KB,919x301,919:301,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8105dffce09ddf1⋯.png (163.72 KB,226x323,226:323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4330efc9a6d8085⋯.png (296.35 KB,1188x323,1188:323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad385a4715a29be⋯.png (213.55 KB,1002x426,167:71,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a2b0cdc3022f10⋯.png (239.79 KB,469x539,67:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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9584eb No.20974336


Absolutely been noticed it. Who is the producer though?

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e2fb98 No.20974337

File: 5410d1ad1856c44⋯.png (184.81 KB,360x358,180:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb8399 No.20974338

File: ff707bc3ed95126⋯.png (597 KB,594x744,99:124,tym.PNG)




BREAKING: Hunter Biden's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle is testifying that he left his crack pipe in open view of their very young kids. She also found his drugs in the car on multiple occasions. Maisy Biden was 10-years-old and Finnegan Biden was 9-years-old at the time

“I found a crack pipe … on an ashtray on the side porch of our home.” she said

And we wonder who left the coke at the White House? This guy is a disgusting individual just like his father


5:05 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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ff2d12 No.20974339

Why did I just hear an Airplane fly over the Trump / Hannity interview?

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a0c465 No.20974340

Nothing will change after US elections – Putin

Russia’s relations with Washington will not be impacted, no matter who is elected president

The upcoming presidential contest in the US will not fundamentally alter Russian-American relations, President Vladimir Putin has said.

Putin spoke with heads of international news agencies on Wednesday, on the sidelines of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

“We believe no serious changes will happen after the elections,” the Russian leader explained, in response to a question from Reuters.

Putin reminded reporters that he had already commented on this issue, describing the incumbent US president Joe Biden as “an old-school politician” and “more predictable” than his predecessor and challenger Donald Trump.

“Everyone took my statement about Biden as some kind of joke at his expense,” Putin noted, adding that the American president’s reaction – to attack and insult the Russian leader – just proved his point that Biden was predictable.

Putin pointed out that Russia “never had any special relations” with Trump, whom the Democrats in 2016 accused of being a kind of Russian agent. The Republican president had in fact introduced “massive sanctions” against Russia and exited the INF treaty.

By prosecuting Trump in court, however, the Americans are “burning themselves up from the inside, their state, their political system,” Putin told reporters. “They are burning it down to the ground.”

The entire world can see that the persecution of Trump is just abuse of the American judicial system for political purposes, the Russian president said. He pointed to a spike in Trump’s popularity and fundraising after the felony conviction in New York as proof that Americans don’t believe in the impartiality of their justice system anymore.

“The current administration is making one mistake after another,” Putin said.

Asked if a change in the White House might translate into a change of US policy on Ukraine, the Russian president said it would depend on the next administration’s goals.

If their objective is to make the US stronger and build better relations with the rest of the world instead, “then something might change,” Putin replied.

“Nobody in the US cares about Ukraine’s interests,” Putin said. Americans are “not fighting for Ukraine or the Ukrainian people, they are fighting for their own grandeur and global leadership.”


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343ac5 No.20974341


Didn't know there was more to 8kun than just QanonResearch

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d40cc2 No.20974342

File: 7b3e191874526c6⋯.png (3.77 MB,2046x1534,1023:767,photo_enhanced_software_06….png)

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101967 No.20974343

File: 61dcda1c50f74c8⋯.jpg (1.83 MB,2048x2048,1:1,1711680886264909_Universal….jpg)


All (non-gay) requests are welcome.

>unless it involves Obama…

Coming right up!

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d613a3 No.20974344

File: b638dda1388ea0f⋯.png (1.29 MB,941x758,941:758,b638dda1388ea0f5ed652af214….png)

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1e21c7 No.20974345

File: f19acf60ccd2edd⋯.png (427.16 KB,598x336,299:168,ClipboardImage.png)

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893a9b No.20974346

File: dc9c43af142ecbc⋯.jpeg (1.53 MB,2048x1396,512:349,IMG_5767.jpeg)

File: b536d31e1a6426c⋯.jpeg (324.16 KB,2048x1396,512:349,IMG_5768.jpeg)

File: 68fbc2c5e050932⋯.jpeg (345.4 KB,2048x1536,4:3,IMG_5766.jpeg)

File: f8a46b68c992bfb⋯.jpeg (283.1 KB,1536x1494,256:249,IMG_4059.jpeg)

File: 9fc2ca61b45ebaa⋯.jpeg (438.22 KB,1536x1841,1536:1841,IMG_4058.jpeg)

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f2e715 No.20974347

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fb8399 No.20974348

File: a4966a37190d613⋯.png (381.16 KB,591x456,197:152,sun.PNG)


John Solomon


Breaking: Rep. Rob Menendez Jr. wins House Democratic primary

Robert 'Bob' Menendez (D-NJ) walks to his car with his son Robert Jr., as he departs federal court, November 15, 2017 in Newark, New Jersey. The jury continues to deliberate in his corruption trial. | (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

From justthenews.com

1:51 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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e2fb98 No.20974349

File: 81463f4534f82be⋯.png (976.57 KB,1337x757,1337:757,ClipboardImage.png)


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87f715 No.20974350


WHOH well done anon


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c29d64 No.20974351

File: 03d3e27859834f4⋯.png (1.33 MB,1080x1160,27:29,Screenshot_20b.png)


Big Mike's Big dick armed my asshole.

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9825e2 No.20974352


"Why did I bypass legal channels?….uh…death threats from qAnOn"

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fa77e4 No.20974353

File: 56a5c8741dfb08b⋯.jpeg (28.65 KB,335x227,335:227,IMG_0480.jpeg)

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a2b49e No.20974354

File: bcb853fc01a27cc⋯.jpg (87.58 KB,546x617,546:617,BAG_RUB.jpg)

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d4f776 No.20974355


He has the Secret Service and probably his own private armed security, so who fucking cares? He probably doesn't carry anyways because it's bulky and a pain in the ass.

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fb8399 No.20974356

File: 59fe2cf54c04d15⋯.png (473.32 KB,590x532,295:266,dc.PNG)


Dan Coulson


🚨 @KatieHobbs

caught in the middle of a massive corruption scandal: New investigation shows that Hobbs is running a pay-to-play scheme out of the Governor’s office, funneling taxpayer dollars to six-figure campaign donors.

From azcentral.com

4:11 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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db548e No.20974357

File: 09b8feceb345b10⋯.png (2.8 MB,920x1091,920:1091,tunnel.png)

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ff2d12 No.20974358

File: d511eaf48376a2b⋯.jpg (48.02 KB,852x480,71:40,wejkdbuisgvcion.jpg)

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aff709 No.20974359


Pig confirms is faggot

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1e21c7 No.20974360



Wrong bread Madge

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e2fb98 No.20974361

File: cbed435c93272c5⋯.png (462.66 KB,826x771,826:771,ClipboardImage.png)

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db548e No.20974362

File: b19b9e2dc9ba458⋯.gif (2.88 MB,320x292,80:73,wigglestrzok.gif)


>weapons in “sensitive” areas

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fb8399 No.20974363

File: 46886f08a675f75⋯.png (23.6 KB,587x308,587:308,lux.PNG)


Pepe Deluxe 🐸


Looking back now at 2020 riots

Do you see what is happening?


Mike Lee



Jun 4, 2020

Just heard that Mayor Bowser is kicking the Utah National Guard out of all DC hotels tomorrow. More than 1200 troops from 10 states are being evicted. This is unacceptable. 1/2

3:10 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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9584eb No.20974364


Happy Pride Homo!

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587256 No.20974365


just a coincidence it's always the ones with cunt faces

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aff709 No.20974366


They're ALL doing it. it's ALL they do.

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f2e715 No.20974367

File: 1434b7f9a8f5199⋯.png (58.19 KB,1023x767,1023:767,6_5_24.png)


There isn't.

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d40cc2 No.20974368

Jun 05, 2024, 9:22 PM


Donald J. Trump




They are doing it for the purpose of hurting a political opponent of Biden (ME!), and trying to get him to win. He’s the WORST PRESIDENT in the HISTORY of our COUNTRY. I'm very proud to fight for our Constitution…we're dealing against a system that is so corrupt…I did nothing wrong! DonaldJTrump.com


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655782 No.20974369


I live on a dyke.

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fb8399 No.20974370

File: 497a5dbda75a91f⋯.png (30.06 KB,592x359,592:359,rev.PNG)


Donald Trump Jr.


This is a huge revelation—that Chuck Schumer’s brother is a partner in the firm that gave three highly paid lawyers a paid leave of absence to prosecute Trump.


Mike Lee



Jun 4

“Sen. Schumer’s brother, Robert Schumer, is a partner in that law firm, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton, and Garrison …. Paul, Weiss granted three highly paid attorneys leaves of absence to join the Manhattan district attorney’s office in its targeting of Donald Trump.”

Just like x.com/mzhemingway/st…

Show more

3:22 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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c29d64 No.20974371

File: 1402815610c292a⋯.jpg (57.35 KB,514x485,514:485,8sitd0.jpg)


North Korea



All their systems have been breached.

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fa77e4 No.20974372

File: 43de4ff3d2279eb⋯.jpeg (74.83 KB,789x316,789:316,IMG_9880.jpeg)

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db548e No.20974373

File: 1cf31752d05a30c⋯.jpg (119.33 KB,1080x720,3:2,Peter_Hotez.jpg)

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d4f776 No.20974374


Yeah, everyone knows she's a cheater and a crook and in bed with the cartels.

But what the fuck is to be done about it as long as the judicial system is just as corrupt?

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db548e No.20974375


Do you know how to surf yet?

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fb8399 No.20974376

File: d2fcacf477ad3b5⋯.png (386.69 KB,1115x831,1115:831,gag.PNG)


Kim Sax


Gag order delta



3:32 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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aff709 No.20974377

File: 486f8539f063f51⋯.png (9.74 KB,809x44,809:44,ClipboardImage.png)


Top Kek

What's going on over there?

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b720c1 No.20974378


Johnson is not intelligent enough to know he’s been played and invited those that can be allies, is my guess

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e42c92 No.20974379

File: 92e0ef789812c96⋯.png (768.99 KB,1080x1664,135:208,Screenshot_20240605_212852.png)

File: b6f8d710fa91f4f⋯.mp4 (4.8 MB,852x480,71:40,x2was_caa.mp4)



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d613a3 No.20974380

File: 89390cf5167b4c3⋯.png (692.46 KB,784x580,196:145,89390cf5167b4c32f9463c2a62….png)

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9825e2 No.20974381


Nah, you're just gay FOR Mr. Pig.

And everyone knows it.

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fb8399 No.20974382

File: b0132c7f5c786bb⋯.png (22.16 KB,591x300,197:100,mon.PNG)


Montana Libertarian Party


The Montana Libertarian Party has officially rejected Chase Oliver as our presidential candidate.

We have maintained that we will always prioritize Montana first, and we do not believe his campaign advances our goals in this state.

Similarly situated states should follow our lead, and we call upon the LNC to consider suspending and replacing him.

8:18 AM · Jun 4, 2024




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101967 No.20974383

File: b558e23185d1b02⋯.png (2.22 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Want a kiss?

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f2e715 No.20974384


Keep the resignation list updated.


Keep the graphics updated.


Knowledge is POWER.

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1b91c8 No.20974385

File: cbca18c8a5d15ce⋯.jpg (68.78 KB,830x530,83:53,bc03d14b08d42d5d5684f46a5a….jpg)


Either way, I'm not going to go after him like how I did originally, with the nicknames for him and his girlfriend, who my beef with her was for the EUkraine propaganda. Hindsight is always 20/20. Perhaps it's just guilt on the method I used with the nicknames and the focusing on trivialities? Can't say for sure. Can't even say for sure what brought on that change of opinion today either. o7

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87f715 No.20974386

File: 9e7fbabea6b6cad⋯.png (10.88 KB,255x225,17:15,DJT_Dan_Notable.png)


And ty anon, great work!

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db548e No.20974387

File: cd945b3d54a9341⋯.mp4 (415.83 KB,320x568,40:71,sinaloa.mp4)

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b9c067 No.20974388

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.






President Nayib Bukele Described how they Overcame the Impossible Gang Situation in El Salvador —— We Prayed 🙏

• There were 70,000 gang members, which essentially were objectives to take down

• if the state went after them, they would try to kill as many innocent civilians as possible

“I said we’re looking into an impossible mission here… so we pray. 🙏

We prayed for wisdom, sun the war, with the least amount of civilian casualties.

So we prayed… and we didn’t have any civilian casualties.”

President Nayib Bukele Described how they Overcame the Impossible Gang Situation in El Salvador


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6973e8 No.20974389


Why are the Utah National Guard in DC hotels?

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655782 No.20974390


haha don't think there is much to surf if that happens…

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6bf8b6 No.20974391

notes 285

#25724 >>20974067

>>20974124 Slovak PM points to forces behind assassination attempt

>>20974125, >>20974144 Garrett Ziegler hanging out at Hunter's court appearances. The guy who released the Report On The Laptop in hard copy. The Biden Crime Family hate him Go Garrett!

>>20974138, >>20974149 We need more of this! Rep Scott Perry RIPS this reporter to shreds on questions about Hunter Biden's corruption!

>>20974145, >>20974165 WWII hero Ronald Scharfe speaks out: "I feel like a foreigner in my own country lots of times, and I don't like it."

>>20974151 Good Morning America's Producer Nick Cirone admits the show selects stories and uses contributors to align with their bias.

>>20974155, >>20974167 @mattgaetz Did you know you were paying $20,730 per pound of food delivered through a floating barge in Gaza?

>>20974171, >>20974235 @GenFlynn I wonder if @HillaryClinton or her buddies have anything to say about pizzagate ???

>>20974173 @LizCrokin KTBS news director and anchor Bill Lunn has resigned after becoming a suspect in an ongoing child sex crime investigation by Shreveport police.

>>20974181 Hunter Biden trial live: Gun is shown in court after his stripper ex Zoe Kestan testified

>>20974183, >>20974233, >>20974251 LIVE - President Donald Trump On Sean Hannity 6/5/24

>>20974191 @MTG Bob Good is a backstabber and a liar.

>>20974196 BREAKING: The Republican Oklahoma City Council just shook the nation by voting 8-1 to remove all building height restrictions to make way for the 1,907 foot "Legends Tower" which would be the tallest building in the country and 6th tallest in the world

>>20974206, >>20974253 PF: BOXERs arriving at Paris, Zelensky back to Lublin, Poland from Doha, Qatar 90m stop

>>20974219 Putin: We Could Supply Long-Range Missiles To Enemies Of West In Retaliation

>>20974245, >>20974267 🚨 #BREAKING: NYPD is preparing to revoke President Trump’s license to carry a firearm.

>>20974256 Matthew Colangelo, the scum prosecutor who was lead prosecutor in the so-called "Hush Money Trial" has quite a family.

>>20974268, >>20974298 Fauci testified the BOARD OF THE NIH approved the gain of function research not him.

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fb8399 No.20974392

File: 2f3c310e963cc11⋯.png (1.5 MB,704x870,352:435,sa.PNG)

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1e21c7 No.20974393

File: 57a7cc37b21de9f⋯.png (365.86 KB,600x318,100:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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c0c7f3 No.20974394

File: e34e22f6b5f4fb7⋯.jpg (81.35 KB,501x499,501:499,7d9icc.jpg)

Anon found a cat mascot for the shills.

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e42c92 No.20974395

File: 26603aa7dfe5432⋯.mp4 (6.24 MB,852x480,71:40,Q9was_caa.mp4)

File: 7aeba1c23e5f608⋯.png (730.35 KB,1079x1382,1079:1382,Screenshot_20240605_213002.png)




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aff709 No.20974396


Johnson is a whore to the usual people. Another political hack.

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9584eb No.20974397


He gave candy man a spot to hear the most secret intelligence. Lord have mercy!

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237324 No.20974399



I couldn't find it either

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f2e715 No.20974400


10:22 AM EST.

We don’t say his name.


The protected flow into AZ is no more.

Under the cover of his health, he will not be seeking another term.

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343ac5 No.20974401

So if my vote doesn't count why is Trump always telling us to vote? Are elections rigged or not?

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dc595b No.20974402

File: ea8f56d2f8be76c⋯.jpeg (447.94 KB,1193x613,1193:613,6AAD02F0_D15B_468D_8E9A_7….jpeg)

File: a22970953a30748⋯.gif (613.96 KB,320x240,4:3,2F6A8B88_872D_4FA9_A9B4_66….gif)

File: 6783f268a4cd30a⋯.jpeg (454.4 KB,1151x621,1151:621,F599D112_4226_4200_B0FF_E….jpeg)

>>20972242 pb

AF2 C32A kneepads departed Oakland Intl after muh fundraiser

Kamala Harris’ quiet stops in Bay Area met with Gaza ceasefire protests


SAM837 G5 left Los Angeles Intl after arriving from Singapore on Friday

SAM067 C32A departed Wilmington-New Castle Cty Airport and heading across Atlantic

It arrived from JBA and picked up.

This has got to Flauxtusand if it is she doesn’t haveEXEC1Fas a call sign and that isn’t uncommon when she takes Intl trips as numerous examples less of this in the past

why dafuq couldn’t she just have taken the 747 last night w/ Potato-total tucking’ waste as there are 8 other ACs she could have taken but nope she needs her own

KECK217 C17 arrived at JBA from LAX depart with kneepads “load”

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b720c1 No.20974403

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3 videos with Tuberville, 1st one

Sen. Tuberville Warns Of The U.S. Military Losing Its TraditionLove this guy he knows how to win.



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6973e8 No.20974404


what's the dripping sound?

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d4f776 No.20974405




I know some Dutch people and they are tenacious.

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fb8399 No.20974406

File: 703ea0253ad150b⋯.png (538.89 KB,592x717,592:717,ph.PNG)




BREAKING: The Trump campaign has opened their first Pennsylvania field office in Philadelphia because Trump wants to win the state in style by flipping Black & Hispanic voters. Dozens of local volunteers are already on-board

"We are going bravely where no Republicans in the past 20-30 years have gone before. We are not playing catch up. We are actually fishing where the fish are."

"We know that we are making some very good strides in the Black community and among Hispanic men and Hispanic women," - Rep Wesley Hunt


4:31 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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b0dad5 No.20974407

File: c48de8132bf663c⋯.png (255.44 KB,1709x943,1709:943,ClipboardImage.png)




Robert B. Schumer is chair of the Corporate Department, a member of the firm’s Management Committee and is co-head of the firm’s Mergers and Acquisitions Group. Bob regularly provides strategic counsel to corporations and their boards of directors and special committees on corporate governance, fiduciary duty, M&A and other corporate matters affecting policy and strategy. Over the past 30 years, Bob has been engaged in many high-profile matters that include the negotiation and structuring of M&A, dispositions, joint ventures, leveraged buyouts and contested matters, including numerous unsolicited offers and proxy contests, on behalf of a diverse range of clients, including public and private companies, private equity funds, financial institutions and other entities. He is a member of the New York City Bar Association’s Committee on Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Control Contests and served as the committee’s Chair from 2012 through 2014. Bob also serves as a Director of New Alternatives for Children, Inc., on the Judicial Selection Committee of Senator Charles Schumer and on the Board of Trustees of The Paley Center for Media.


Recently, Bob has been the lead lawyer on numerous high-profile transactions, including:

Time Warner Cable in its $78.7 billion merger with Charter Communications (pending);

Time Warner Cable in its $45.2 billion stock-for-stock merger with Comcast Corporation (terminated) and in its response to unsolicited acquisition proposals by Charter Communications. As a result of his work on the proposed Comcast transaction, The American Lawyer named Bob "Dealmaker of the Week";

Warner Music Group in its $3.3 billion sale to Access Industries. The transaction was named 2011 "Transaction M&A Deal of the Year" by The Deal. As a result of his work on this transaction, The American Lawyer named Bob among its 2011 "Dealmakers of the Year";

Oak Hill Capital Partners in the $2.85 billion sale of Firth Rixson, a UK-based aerospace jet engine component provider, to Alcoa;

RSC Holdings in its $4.2 billion sale to United Rentals;

Emdeon Business Services in its $3 billion sale to Blackstone Group;

Time Warner Cable in its multi-billion dollar spin-off from Time Warner Inc. and in its $3 billion acquisition of Insight Communications;

Agrium Inc. in its successful proxy contest with JANA Partners LLC, whereby JANA Partners sought, but ultimately failed, to split Agrium's retail and wholesale businesses and replace five members of Agrium's Board of Directors with its own nominees. All of Jana's nominees were defeated;

Elliott Management in its proxy contest with Hess Corporation, and in the ultimate settlement of that contest, in which Hess agreed to add three of Elliott's nominees to the Hess Board in addition to six new independent directors nominated or appointed by Hess following the commencement of Elliott's campaign. In total, nine new directors joined the Hess board. As part of the settlement agreement, the company also agreed to split the roles of chairman and CEO and the Hess family pledged to vote its shares in support of a stockholder proposal to declassify the board;

Oak Hill Capital Partners in the $1.1 billion sale of Duane Reade Holdings, the iconic New York-based drugstore chain, to Walgreens;

The Lightstone Group in the $2.3 billion sale in 2010 of its portfolio company, Prime Outlets Acquisition Company, to Simon Property, the largest public real estate company in the United States;

Agrium Inc. in its $4.9 billion hostile bid for CF Industries Holdings and in its $2.65 billion acquisition of UAP, creating North America's largest agriculture retailer;

Elliott Management in its $1.8 billion unsolicited offer for Novell, a leader in intelligent workload management and in Elliott's participation as an equity sponsor in Attachmate's subsequent $2.2 billion acquisition of Novell in 2011;


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fdaeb9 No.20974408

File: def1d310462a717⋯.jpg (160.72 KB,888x499,888:499,clog.jpg)

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a2b49e No.20974409

File: 29ffc1069f356d1⋯.jpg (135.74 KB,510x556,255:278,CLICK_BANG.jpg)

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9584eb No.20974410

Is Trump on Hannity yet?

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d40cc2 No.20974411


np o7

i did a search on 'ai image enhancer' and picked a lucky one that let me have a sample fyi

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ff2d12 No.20974412

File: 02e435a3f13320c⋯.png (13.6 KB,360x270,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)



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f2e715 No.20974413


Jim’s finger on button ready to stop transmission.

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fb8399 No.20974414

File: 685c8269ab22c09⋯.png (405.91 KB,589x693,589:693,musk.PNG)


Elon Musk


Somewhere between singing & improv


Square profile picture




Jun 3


6:06 PM · Jun 4, 2024




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09cfc4 No.20974415

Evenin’ Nightshift

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1b91c8 No.20974416

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6293fa No.20974417

File: 56d406c70ef0112⋯.jpg (50.91 KB,720x499,720:499,1717596571494081.jpg)

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9584eb No.20974418


Ok thank you. I don’t own a tv to watch it.

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807db1 No.20974419

File: ba3da04598e35c8⋯.png (77.27 KB,539x766,539:766,ClipboardImage.png)


>NYPD to Revoke Donald Trump’s Concealed Carry Permit


>so who fucking cares?

They think you are stupid. Puppets w/o power. They want your guns. Why? No power left.

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b0dad5 No.20974420

File: 48ab7f159808627⋯.png (269.53 KB,1835x723,1835:723,ClipboardImage.png)



Western Coal in its 2010 arrangement agreement with Walter Energy, pursuant to which Walter Energy agreed to acquire Western Coal for approximately $3.2 billion; and

Universal American in connection with the $1.25 billion sale of its Medicare Part D business to CVS Caremark, making CVS one of the nation's largest providers of prescription drug services for Medicare Part D beneficiaries, and spin off of its remaining businesses to its public shareholders.

Additional high-profile transactions in which Bob has been the lead lawyer include:

Time Warner Inc. in its $17.9 billion acquisition of the cable properties of Adelphia Communications Corporation. As a result of his work on this complex transaction, The American Lawyer named him among its 2005 "Dealmakers of the Year";

the acquisition of Warner Communications by Time Inc.;

Endeavor Agency in its 2009 merger with William Morris Agency;

Farallon Capital Management in its $7.9 billion acquisition, along with Simon Property Group, of Mills Corporation, and its $1.84 billion bid for the manufactured home community business of Affordable Residential Communities;

Time Warner Inc.'s $2.8 billion acquisition of the cable television interests of the Newhouse family;

Wyndham in its $3.24 billion sale to Blackstone;

The Special Committee of Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc. in a merger between Winn-Dixie and BI-LO LLC in which BI-LO, a portfolio company of Lone Star Funds, will acquire Winn-Dixie in a transaction valued at approximately $560 million;

EnCana Corporation, Canada's largest oil and gas company, in its $2.7 billion successful tender offer for Tom Brown, Inc.;

Battle Mountain Gold Company in connection with its stock-for-stock acquisition by Newmont Mining Corporation;

Time Warner Inc. in its $58 billion bid for AT&T Broadband and in the $9 billion restructuring of Time Warner Entertainment, with Comcast and AT&T;

the consortium led by Edgar Bronfman, Jr. in its $15 billion bid for the entertainment assets of Vivendi S.A.;

the $725 million acquisition by Heinz of the pet food business of Quaker Oats;

the $1.3 billion hostile acquisition of Rockefeller Center Properties, Inc., by an investment group led by Goldman Sachs, Tishman Speyer and David Rockefeller;

W-Westmont's hostile acquisition of UniHost;

the $2 billion sale of Six Flags Entertainment Corporation to Premier Parks Inc.;

King World Productions, Inc.'s $2.5 billion merger with CBS;


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d40cc2 No.20974421

File: 02b47e7efec683d⋯.png (378.39 KB,800x600,4:3,News_1_day_ahead_05302020_….png)

File: 3d97fa1fe0b5f8a⋯.png (238.84 KB,800x600,4:3,News_1_day_ahead_05302020_….png)

File: b533f03e15b51e9⋯.png (70.38 KB,677x655,677:655,coats_and_sue_resigned_1_d….png)

File: 5b3745921ef4059⋯.png (488.29 KB,701x441,701:441,resignation_05242019.png)

File: ac3ea378ac3932c⋯.jpg (190.88 KB,662x848,331:424,HBO_CEO_richard_plepler_re….jpg)

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343ac5 No.20974422


Nobody knows since nobody can stand to watch that show.

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101967 No.20974423

File: c7955fe4fa25850⋯.png (2.1 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b65b23d9226180f⋯.png (1.91 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


I didn't even know there was a Patton film, I'll have to check that out.


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fb8399 No.20974424

File: fa4fd313bf7ff3c⋯.png (38.52 KB,785x363,785:363,feed.PNG)


Elon Musk will bring video-only feed to X in bid to take on TikTok and Instagram Reels: sources

By Social Links for Lydia Moynihan

Published June 5, 2024, 6:00 a.m. ET

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a330ac No.20974425

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237324 No.20974426



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ab2f03 No.20974427


She´s fighting.

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1e21c7 No.20974428


You know I'm a snake bitch.

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d613a3 No.20974429

File: 42d9275bf8dffe4⋯.png (1.41 MB,1152x1023,384:341,42d9275bf8dffe4e41c4d69891….png)

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192a02 No.20974430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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d40cc2 No.20974431

Jun 05, 2024, 9:28 PM


Donald J. Trump




Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott on Crooked Joe Biden's Border Executive Order: "This is all political theater. It's not going to change anything at the border…”


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b5cbf9 No.20974432

President Trump: It's meaningless [Biden Border Executive Order]. Millions of people are allowed to come in. It's a joke. Everyone knows it. It has nothing to do with border security.

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b0dad5 No.20974433

File: f1cbbc78ce4d95d⋯.png (270.38 KB,843x500,843:500,ClipboardImage.png)




USA Networks, Inc.'s acquisition of Styleclick.com Inc.;

Spear, Leeds & Kellogg's $7.5 billion sale to Goldman Sachs; and

the $2.7 billion merger between Telemundo and NBC.

In the joint venture area, his representations include Time Warner Inc. in the creation of Time Warner Entertainment, a $20 billion joint venture to which Time Warner contributed its Filmed Entertainment, HBO Programming and cable television assets and in which two Japanese companies, Itochu Corporation and Toshiba Corporation, invested an aggregate of $1 billion; Time Warner Inc. in connection with the $2.5 billion investment in Time Warner Entertainment by US WEST, a regional bell operating company, which was one of the first major alliances between companies in the cable and telephone industries; and Time Warner Inc. in its negotiations with Sony Corporation to form the Columbia House Record Club, a 50-50 joint venture between Sony Music Group and Warner Music Group, which is currently the largest direct marketer of music and video products.

Bob has also been involved in numerous other joint venture arrangements ranging from the formation of an international consortium that acquired the phosphate division of W.R. Grace, to the creation of Courtroom Television Network, the venture that owns the cable television channel known as "Court TV" and the $1.2 billion restructuring of the venture owning Six Flags Theme Parks.

He was named a "Dealmaker of the Year" (2011) by The American Lawyer for his representation of Warner Music in its $3.3 billion acquisition by Access Industries and for his representation of Time Warner Cable in its $3 billion acquisition of cable company Insight Communications Co. He was previously named "Dealmaker of the Year" (2005) for his representation of Time Warner Inc. in its joint bid with Comcast Corporation to acquire Adelphia Communications Corporation's cable systems. Bob's work on behalf of Time Warner Cable in its proposed merger with Comcast was commended by the Financial Times' "US Innovative Lawyers 2014." He was selected as one of only 40 New York-based lawyers listed in Law Business Research's International Who's Who of Merger and Acquisition Lawyers and has been recognized in the top band of the leading M&A lawyers in New York by the peer review organizations Legal 500 and Chambers USA and Best Lawyers in America. In both 2009 and 2011, Bob was selected by The Hollywood Reporter as one of its "Power Lawyers." He was featured in The American Lawyer's "Forty-Five under 45 - Forty-five young lawyers who are making their mark today and will lead the profession tomorrow" and in Crain's "40 under 40 - an annual list of New York City's young movers and shakers," both of which were published in 1995.



Corporate Governance

Media & Entertainment

Mergers & Acquisitions

Private Equity Transactions


J.D., Columbia Law School, 1982

B.A., University of Michigan, 1979

Phi Beta Kappa


New York

See Library Tab for articles, publications and presentations by Robert Schumer


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9584eb No.20974434

Does Israel or China own U.S.?

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87f715 No.20974435

File: a4f2eb0159df140⋯.png (2.38 MB,1123x1847,1123:1847,ClipboardImage.png)


dasting, I don't know how the actual software dose it, might be same.

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acd44b No.20974436





NightShift is Authorized

If you thought they were panicking now, wait.

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db548e No.20974437

File: 6db27a936cfd740⋯.png (751.06 KB,559x839,559:839,ClipboardImage.png)


>We are not playing catch up.

The sweet spot on the Heinz bottle is the 57 on the neck.

All you need to do is apply a firm tap.

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1e21c7 No.20974438


Good. They won't get nuked.

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fb8399 No.20974439

File: 6e34f6af63105e6⋯.png (392.5 KB,597x561,199:187,wild.PNG)




End Wokeness




"Russian disinformation" that was banned by Twitter in 2020 is now evidence for a federal criminal trial in 2024:



Elon Musk



2:07 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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b9c067 No.20974440


Theory, Johnson is a sting OP, gathering data on who the arm twisters in congress are and how even House Speakers are heavied into compromise.

How do you clean it up, without knowing where the threats are coming from?

Find out who is making the threat and follow on up the chain from there.

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a2b49e No.20974441

File: b673d2e71f1c43c⋯.jpg (140.65 KB,494x659,494:659,PIG_S_PIG.jpg)

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a0c465 No.20974442

File: a9890d8d609e40d⋯.png (740.31 KB,700x659,700:659,ClipboardImage.png)

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7b5461 No.20974443


Namefag gets the filter.

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e2fb98 No.20974444

File: 612b6e7dee243f1⋯.png (236.07 KB,500x578,250:289,ClipboardImage.png)

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6973e8 No.20974445

File: 11926306393e29d⋯.jpg (16.9 KB,228x250,114:125,0ef350cf7acfcaa05af3e5202e….jpg)

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db548e No.20974446

Holland dykes

safe search off

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b9c067 No.20974447


Israel do and they're pissed as fuck that Biden sold out to China behind their backs.

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e2fb98 No.20974448

File: 0094108f3d865c8⋯.png (410.52 KB,948x500,237:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b91c8 No.20974449

File: 9484204c2374d46⋯.jpg (105.06 KB,848x477,16:9,pepe_solo2.jpg)


Thought Eminem had a beard to offset the chest implants?

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101967 No.20974450

File: a42fff5c48ca879⋯.png (859.9 KB,1349x1309,1349:1309,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb8399 No.20974451

File: 15148910d6db6e3⋯.png (54.64 KB,1320x463,1320:463,asj.PNG)


Elon Musk’s X requests Supreme Court investigate how Jack Smith obtained Trump’s social media files


Ross O'Keefe

June 4, 2024 7:54 pm

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e42c92 No.20974452

File: de3ed484f93f601⋯.png (951.56 KB,1080x1210,108:121,Screenshot_20240605_213526.png)

File: dae77241a3fd7d2⋯.mp4 (7.24 MB,852x480,71:40,tmxas_caa_1_.mp4)




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d613a3 No.20974453

File: 48bbf42ea28a2cb⋯.png (12.88 KB,255x246,85:82,661db28944a961a15d314b9a3d….png)

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192a02 No.20974454

File: c962fada03b08dd⋯.png (279.54 KB,290x517,290:517,Screenshot_2022_08_31_at_1….png)

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f79718 No.20974455

File: cbc6183b8248b1a⋯.png (1.1 MB,1000x710,100:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab2f03 No.20974456

File: 5e53cc3db7f1c21⋯.png (150.66 KB,612x504,17:14,ClipboardImage.png)


Night Stalkers Never Quit.


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a8c9d4 No.20974457



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a2b49e No.20974458

File: b7c9e2508f1bd10⋯.jpg (95.03 KB,456x571,456:571,BESTFAGGING.jpg)





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e6e8b8 No.20974459

File: 71c0de715ab713a⋯.png (809.61 KB,1716x972,143:81,d2c8c395b8ea59965f2f623942….png)


Digits checked.

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e42c92 No.20974460

File: 889d3a80357d82d⋯.mp4 (4.39 MB,854x480,427:240,LPxas_caa.mp4)

File: 56732da79344d1d⋯.png (666.26 KB,1080x1306,540:653,Screenshot_20240605_213936.png)




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a330ac No.20974461


good evening.

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3b65d1 No.20974462

File: a47c892422785ef⋯.jpeg (98.04 KB,407x533,407:533,IMG_0482.jpeg)


pig fagit homo

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d40cc2 No.20974463



digits and kek, nice quads

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7b5461 No.20974464

File: 8a8586b4ab9e7cc⋯.png (17.27 KB,1298x103,1298:103,ClipboardImage.png)


Look at the cap retard. You might be talking to the board, but you are not talking to this anon. Because this anon has you filtered. Comprehend the word. Filtered. What it means.

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fb8399 No.20974465

File: 7368c504686a12d⋯.png (404.69 KB,588x551,588:551,ibs.PNG)


Libs of TikTok



Biden is now working with Capitol police officers to campaign for him to go around saying they almost died on Jan 6th and they were scared for their lives and Trump is a threat to democracy 🤡

8:20 PM · Jun 4, 2024




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b720c1 No.20974466


Tuberville said the leaders on Jan 6th, if the National Guard were asked if they were Trump Supporters, and if they were they sent them home. No NG allowed to be Trump supporters to guard or restore the Capitol. Pelosi was involved. Listen to it

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95742d No.20974467





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8de16b No.20974468

"Academic Publisher Retracts Over 11,300 Papers and Shuts 19 Journals As It Is Overwhelmed by Fraud"


you mean . . . it's fake science?

but but but

lawmakers depend on fake science! What will they do?

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3b65d1 No.20974469


fagit filtered

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fb8399 No.20974470

File: 2f6e6ac459ecd3c⋯.png (575.04 KB,887x575,887:575,win.PNG)



Deceased New Jersey congressman wins primary

by Jared Gans - 06/05/24 9:31 AM ET

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1b91c8 No.20974471


No, he wasn't talking to the board, he was talking to you, hence the (You) he gave you, sizzle tit. Think I'll filter your sad ass, seeing as he was your target with your first post, clown. Fuck off.

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b720c1 No.20974472

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sen. Tuberville Reflects On Father’s Military Service And U.S. Current Military CapabilitiesHe basically says our military are fucked right now



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939c87 No.20974473


What does that mean?

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9b9195 No.20974474


Time for that special place

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d613a3 No.20974475

File: 167211a89d42436⋯.png (455.65 KB,710x442,355:221,167211a89d424363e1f31f4312….png)

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f2e715 No.20974476


Keep the resignation list updated.


Keep the graphics updated.


Knowledge is POWER.

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fb8399 No.20974477

File: be9b27a76938e39⋯.png (421.05 KB,595x677,595:677,co.PNG)




WATCH: 50 Cent was surrounded by Democrat congressmen and stunned all of them with his response to the reporter asking about the election

“What do you see/think is the significance of African American men in this election?”

50 Cent: “I see them identifying with Trump.”


0:06 / 0:19

12:54 PM · Jun 5, 2024




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95742d No.20974478


Just another pedo being controlled by chyna.

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a2b49e No.20974479

File: 81e800006bbd8d0⋯.jpg (132.54 KB,499x558,499:558,3_MONTH_PRESCRIPTION.jpg)

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d40cc2 No.20974480

File: 224b1d6ec4dd899⋯.png (745.53 KB,1200x667,1200:667,abortion_states_04092024.png)

File: 4b0643e01c17701⋯.png (606.33 KB,900x506,450:253,poll_abortion_04092024.png)

File: 73428d564418139⋯.png (254.92 KB,800x1100,8:11,cali_dem_leaders_3.png)

File: 14595951ca4182c⋯.png (372.79 KB,800x1100,8:11,cali_dem_leaders_2.png)

File: 8ae5e168d924c90⋯.png (252.69 KB,965x782,965:782,new_york_city_council_dist….png)

idk where all his fear of quitting is coming from

thas like quitting at the foot of mt. mordor

those that have walked this far ain't going back

its not those that swamp should worry about, their path is set and unchanging

they should worry about all those Normies anxious to join our Quest to remove swamp leaders kek

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101967 No.20974481

File: b0f6aca76371457⋯.png (2.66 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Ay gurl

Whatchu doin over der

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8de16b No.20974482


they live for you, Mr. Pig.

if you weren't here what would they do?

they say they hate you but you are their bread and butter.

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e2fb98 No.20974483

File: 862093d74f63fed⋯.png (321.35 KB,596x500,149:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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e42c92 No.20974484

File: a7448be6010a5ff⋯.png (573.48 KB,1080x1070,108:107,Screenshot_20240605_214058.png)

File: 7c4ac84a0acee3e⋯.mp4 (7.83 MB,852x480,71:40,r0xas_caa_1_.mp4)




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7b5461 No.20974485


newfag is filtered too

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f2e715 No.20974486


They made many current/former enslaved children famous.

Hollywood is filled w/ them.


Find the loudest voices.


Who was adopted?

Who was born in?

They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS.

I love shills now at this point. Even when this is over some Mossad/Clown asshole will still be typing useless division tactics out of his frayed handbook on to an empty board. Some people just don't know when they have lost…


Last and final comment(s) re: AJ & Associates [attempts]

Logical thinking.



Breitbart article linked [2 days prior] to the article being published?


Note the time?



Note Apple’s stock image(s)?









Attempts to deceive AUTISTS/ANONS will FAIL.

We are a threat to their livelihood [+CLAS].

Do not let their attempts corrupt GOOD organizations.

Think OANN.

They want you DIVIDED.




“Division keeps them in power.”

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15a9b1 No.20974487

File: 8648fad73af6f2d⋯.png (7.56 KB,436x137,436:137,3626.png)

File: 9dc3973c01cfd8c⋯.png (345.53 KB,592x443,592:443,3626_.png)

File: ca7429be5ab9cd1⋯.png (443.9 KB,490x655,98:131,3626_.png)




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570e72 No.20974488

File: 356da2d7ecaf984⋯.png (1.01 MB,1152x872,144:109,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d058d689ab0bf3b⋯.png (3.25 MB,3000x1975,120:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02b25c3f782a94d⋯.png (666.25 KB,1050x863,1050:863,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f533530f379a1e⋯.png (1.15 MB,1000x1408,125:176,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e8b0882a427b05⋯.png (125 KB,751x563,751:563,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20973989 PB

>>20974024 PB

So a Book About Barron Trump thats a Time traveler.

>>20974060 PB

And Then Trumps uncle John George Trump an American electrical engineer, inventor and physicist that inspected and inventoried Tesla papers and Lab were many papers were reported missing….

And Melaina was born about 100 Miles From Tesla.


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db548e No.20974489

File: 6df94b54616eddd⋯.png (165.88 KB,404x718,202:359,fentanyl.png)

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7e1306 No.20974490

File: 27147ddd94032dc⋯.jpg (161.07 KB,872x1024,109:128,no_such_thing_as_racism.jpg)

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1b91c8 No.20974491

File: da4c9962835521c⋯.jpg (155.39 KB,1340x920,67:46,sabotage2.jpg)


It drives them batshit insane when there's something they can't control, can't destroy, or can't make comply. It short circuits their brians because they're so used to getting their own way by browbeating and brute-force bullying.

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fb8399 No.20974492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bad Waiter

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a2b49e No.20974493

File: a29069657af4060⋯.jpg (111.68 KB,547x556,547:556,RADAR_LOCK.jpg)

File: d5c67e7f17bbb5c⋯.jpg (106.11 KB,716x447,716:447,EXPEND_DS_RESOURCES.jpg)

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8de16b No.20974494


that would be you.

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d40cc2 No.20974495

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Many Men (Wish Death)

50 Cent

16M subscribers

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b5cbf9 No.20974496

Hannity: I called him [Biden], the night after his State of The Union address, 'jacked-up Joe'. Maybe he had a lot of Red Bull, or Monster Energy Drink.

President Trump: Or something.

Hannity: Or something

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a2b49e No.20974497

File: d441389792a1bc6⋯.jpg (90.58 KB,709x416,709:416,WORD_OF_THE_DAY.jpg)

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9b9195 No.20974498


I put the parmesan in muh head

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bf6f9a No.20974499

File: ec24a102849be37⋯.png (621.81 KB,700x480,35:24,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a007e No.20974500


I don’t know Whatchu heard about me..,but a bitch can’t get a dolla outta me

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2279f4 No.20974501

File: 1004c10b29a73bc⋯.png (55.53 KB,648x500,162:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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b720c1 No.20974502


Never heard of him before, was two minute video. Enlighten me, why do you dislike him?

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6bf8b6 No.20974503

notes 400

#25724 >>20974067

>>20974124 Slovak PM points to forces behind assassination attempt

>>20974125, >>20974144 Garrett Ziegler hanging out at Hunter's court appearances. The guy who released the Report On The Laptop in hard copy. The Biden Crime Family hate him Go Garrett!

>>20974138, >>20974149 We need more of this! Rep Scott Perry RIPS this reporter to shreds on questions about Hunter Biden's corruption!

>>20974145, >>20974165 WWII hero Ronald Scharfe speaks out: "I feel like a foreigner in my own country lots of times, and I don't like it."

>>20974151 Good Morning America's Producer Nick Cirone admits the show selects stories and uses contributors to align with their bias.

>>20974155, >>20974167 @mattgaetz Did you know you were paying $20,730 per pound of food delivered through a floating barge in Gaza?

>>20974171, >>20974235 @GenFlynn I wonder if @HillaryClinton or her buddies have anything to say about pizzagate ???

>>20974173 @LizCrokin KTBS news director and anchor Bill Lunn has resigned after becoming a suspect in an ongoing child sex crime investigation by Shreveport police.

>>20974181 Hunter Biden trial live: Gun is shown in court after his stripper ex Zoe Kestan testified

>>20974183, >>20974233, >>20974251, >>20974272 LIVE - President Donald Trump On Sean Hannity 6/5/24

>>20974191 @MTG Bob Good is a backstabber and a liar.

>>20974196 BREAKING: The Republican Oklahoma City Council just shook the nation by voting 8-1 to remove all building height restrictions to make way for the 1,907 foot "Legends Tower" which would be the tallest building in the country and 6th tallest in the world

>>20974206, >>20974253 PF: BOXERs arriving at Paris, Zelensky back to Lublin, Poland from Doha, Qatar 90m stop

>>20974219 Putin: We Could Supply Long-Range Missiles To Enemies Of West In Retaliation

>>20974245, >>20974267 🚨 #BREAKING: NYPD is preparing to revoke President Trump’s license to carry a firearm.

>>20974256 Matthew Colangelo, the scum prosecutor who was lead prosecutor in the so-called "Hush Money Trial" has quite a family.

>>20974268, >>20974298 Fauci testified the BOARD OF THE NIH approved the gain of function research not him.

>>20974289 RNC Making Backup Plans For Presidential Nomination If Trump Sentenced To Prison

>>20974297 Presidential Limo Driver Wanted to Quickly Debunk Cassidy Hutchinson’s Bogus Claim that Trump Grabbed Steering Wheel on Jan 6 – But Liz Cheney Blocked Him from Testifying

>>20974308 @thejimwatkins Remember the following text: There's a lot more happening at Kun than just the message board that always gets me in trouble.

>>20974319 Just in: @SecDef Lloyd Austin's chief of staff, Kelly Magsamen, set to step down the end of this month

>>20974325@SpeakerJohnson has named Reps. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) and Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) to the House Intelligence Committee.

>>20974338 BREAKING: Hunter Biden's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle is testifying that he left his crack pipe in open view of their very young kids. She also found his drugs in the car on multiple occasions. Maisy Biden was 10-years-old and Finnegan Biden was 9-years-old at the time

>>20974348 @jsolomonReports Breaking: Rep. Rob Menendez Jr. wins House Democratic primary

>>20974356, >>20974387 🚨 @KatieHobbs caught in the middle of a massive corruption scandal: New investigation shows that Hobbs is running a pay-to-play scheme out of the Governor’s office, funneling taxpayer dollars to six-figure campaign donors.

>>20974363 @SenMikeLee Just heard that Mayor Bowser is kicking the Utah National Guard out of all DC hotels tomorrow. More than 1200 troops from 10 states are being evicted. This is unacceptable.

>>20974368 @realDonaldTrump They are doing it for the purpose of hurting a political opponent of Biden (ME!), and trying to get him to win.

>>20974370, >>20974407, >>20974420, >>20974433 @DonaldJTrumpJr This is a huge revelation—that Chuck Schumer’s brother is a partner in the firm that gave three highly paid lawyers a paid leave of absence to prosecute Trump.

>>20974376 Gag order delta

>>20974379, >>20974395, >>20974452, >>20974460 POTUS bun

>>20974382 The Montana Libertarian Party has officially rejected Chase Oliver as our presidential candidate.

>>20974388 President Nayib Bukele Described how they Overcame the Impossible Gang Situation in El Salvador —— We Prayed 🙏

>>20974402 PF: AF2 C32A kneepads departed Oakland Intl after muh fundraiser


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d613a3 No.20974504

File: bd2d01be509d9dd⋯.jpg (3.77 MB,3831x2000,3831:2000,Philae_Temple_R03.jpg)

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aa05c8 No.20974505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fdaeb9 No.20974506


Israel has lost its support in anyone under 60. (how many dual citizens in congress are under 60?) No Dem will win a primary in the near future if he/she is blindly pro-Israel.

Israel will never have a fraction of the influence it did over the last 10-20 years.

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d40cc2 No.20974507

File: c0dd3a536ca4843⋯.png (331.17 KB,623x350,89:50,arizona_illegal_aliens_091….png)

File: 6099bb1b0f6b43f⋯.png (264.1 KB,689x406,689:406,august_migrant_encounters_….png)

File: f1a1b8f97581054⋯.png (145.91 KB,724x770,362:385,baltimore_city_council_dem….png)

File: 730d5034ddae4b8⋯.png (754.79 KB,800x788,200:197,biden_inflation.png)

File: c27536cebd3146e⋯.png (328.64 KB,621x345,9:5,got_aways_09142023.png)

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f2e715 No.20974508


They made many current/former enslaved children famous.

Hollywood is filled w/ them.


Find the loudest voices.


Who was adopted?

Who was born in?

They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS.

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6973e8 No.20974509

File: 1b4d08c1ca96c6b⋯.png (330.58 KB,590x831,590:831,1b4d08c1ca96c6b6c78fa9e70f….png)

File: c9e1f0952999ad5⋯.jpg (137.04 KB,1284x1275,428:425,c9e1f0952999ad58e1102c4b16….jpg)


Exceptions to Biden's executive order on immigration raise concerns

TUCSON, Ariz. (KVOA) – President Biden's executive order on the border has raised some alarm bells for some immigration advocates.

They sayit leaves an exception for unaccompanied minors that could have a drastic impact on children.

Biden's executive order places a cap on asylum requests when illegal crossings are over 2,500 a day. However, there are set exceptions even when periods of high encounters occur.

Those exceptions include lawful permanent residents,victims of trafficking,non-citizens with valid visas, orunaccompanied children.

That last exception creates concern for Chelsea Sachau, the managing attorney for the Florence Project. She works with asylum seekers daily.


biden has made sure the free flow of CHILDREN and TRAFFICKING VICTIMS will not be interrupted


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7b5461 No.20974510

File: 5e231677b6f9742⋯.png (103.32 KB,750x499,750:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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b9c067 No.20974511

File: f995ad7a1686340⋯.png (515.49 KB,638x478,319:239,ClipboardImage.png)


El Salvadore President vs Tucker Carlson

Full version on twat.


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f79718 No.20974512

File: 496eeed6d031d7b⋯.png (186.44 KB,531x309,177:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab2f03 No.20974513

File: 19275470a6966ca⋯.png (567.44 KB,623x476,89:68,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post



5-foot snake tried to get into NYC apartment — and no one seems to know where it came from


Jun 6, 2024 · 12:01 AM UTC


There is a poem that I know and I would like to share it with you. You may know it…

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f2e715 No.20974514


POTUS just talked about him in the interview 2m ago.

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d40cc2 No.20974515

File: f61d9a0999a10de⋯.png (98.55 KB,681x828,227:276,22_senate_rinos_ukraine_bi….png)

File: 2b03e0dcb3a65fd⋯.png (55.22 KB,474x774,79:129,ukraine_billions_list_0907….png)


kek, i wish our leaders would tell zelensky that

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a2b49e No.20974516

File: b2c16ea046d641b⋯.jpg (157.99 KB,586x569,586:569,BANGLE_POTUS_45_47.jpg)

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807db1 No.20974517

File: cd90218a3d4a82a⋯.mp4 (1.92 MB,854x478,427:239,Donald_Trump_on_25th_Amend….mp4)

Reminder: Donald Trump on 25th Amendment

is of Zero Risk to Me but Will Come Back to Haunt Joe Biden. Be Careful What You Wish For

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192a02 No.20974518


They didn't et the snake in, New York knows the poem.

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fb8399 No.20974519

File: 56c7467a8dc3a45⋯.png (945.83 KB,723x903,241:301,hub.PNG)

File: 6831191477ed5c8⋯.png (994.3 KB,1324x710,662:355,pac.PNG)


2024 Election

Former Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn starts PAC after losing House run

The PAC will back candidates running against pro-Trump Republicans.

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db548e No.20974520

File: 55d98d34e6d7775⋯.png (1.45 MB,712x882,356:441,stars.png)

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e42c92 No.20974521

File: 57c1609e86a9b98⋯.png (225.15 KB,551x626,551:626,4cis9f.png)


Drank over 9000 marijuanas.

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6bf8b6 No.20974522

notes 400

#25724-A >>20974067

>>20974124 Slovak PM points to forces behind assassination attempt

>>20974125, >>20974144 Garrett Ziegler hanging out at Hunter's court appearances. The guy who released the Report On The Laptop in hard copy. The Biden Crime Family hate him Go Garrett!

>>20974138, >>20974149 We need more of this! Rep Scott Perry RIPS this reporter to shreds on questions about Hunter Biden's corruption!

>>20974145, >>20974165 WWII hero Ronald Scharfe speaks out: "I feel like a foreigner in my own country lots of times, and I don't like it."

>>20974151 Good Morning America's Producer Nick Cirone admits the show selects stories and uses contributors to align with their bias.

>>20974155, >>20974167 @mattgaetz Did you know you were paying $20,730 per pound of food delivered through a floating barge in Gaza?

>>20974171, >>20974235 @GenFlynn I wonder if @HillaryClinton or her buddies have anything to say about pizzagate ???

>>20974173 @LizCrokin KTBS news director and anchor Bill Lunn has resigned after becoming a suspect in an ongoing child sex crime investigation by Shreveport police.

>>20974181 Hunter Biden trial live: Gun is shown in court after his stripper ex Zoe Kestan testified

>>20974183, >>20974233, >>20974251, >>20974272 LIVE - President Donald Trump On Sean Hannity 6/5/24

>>20974191 @MTG Bob Good is a backstabber and a liar.

>>20974196 BREAKING: The Republican Oklahoma City Council just shook the nation by voting 8-1 to remove all building height restrictions to make way for the 1,907 foot "Legends Tower" which would be the tallest building in the country and 6th tallest in the world

>>20974206, >>20974253 PF: BOXERs arriving at Paris, Zelensky back to Lublin, Poland from Doha, Qatar 90m stop

>>20974219 Putin: We Could Supply Long-Range Missiles To Enemies Of West In Retaliation

>>20974245, >>20974267 🚨 #BREAKING: NYPD is preparing to revoke President Trump’s license to carry a firearm.

>>20974256 Matthew Colangelo, the scum prosecutor who was lead prosecutor in the so-called "Hush Money Trial" has quite a family.

>>20974268, >>20974298 Fauci testified the BOARD OF THE NIH approved the gain of function research not him.

>>20974289 RNC Making Backup Plans For Presidential Nomination If Trump Sentenced To Prison

>>20974297 Presidential Limo Driver Wanted to Quickly Debunk Cassidy Hutchinson’s Bogus Claim that Trump Grabbed Steering Wheel on Jan 6 – But Liz Cheney Blocked Him from Testifying

>>20974308 @thejimwatkins Remember the following text: There's a lot more happening at Kun than just the message board that always gets me in trouble.

>>20974319 Just in: @SecDef Lloyd Austin's chief of staff, Kelly Magsamen, set to step down the end of this month

>>20974325 @SpeakerJohnson has named Reps. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) and Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) to the House Intelligence Committee.

>>20974338 BREAKING: Hunter Biden's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle is testifying that he left his crack pipe in open view of their very young kids. She also found his drugs in the car on multiple occasions. Maisy Biden was 10-years-old and Finnegan Biden was 9-years-old at the time

>>20974348 @jsolomonReports Breaking: Rep. Rob Menendez Jr. wins House Democratic primary

>>20974356, >>20974387 🚨 @KatieHobbs caught in the middle of a massive corruption scandal: New investigation shows that Hobbs is running a pay-to-play scheme out of the Governor’s office, funneling taxpayer dollars to six-figure campaign donors.

>>20974363 @SenMikeLee Just heard that Mayor Bowser is kicking the Utah National Guard out of all DC hotels tomorrow. More than 1200 troops from 10 states are being evicted. This is unacceptable.

>>20974368 @realDonaldTrump They are doing it for the purpose of hurting a political opponent of Biden (ME!), and trying to get him to win.

>>20974370, >>20974407, >>20974420, >>20974433 @DonaldJTrumpJr This is a huge revelation—that Chuck Schumer’s brother is a partner in the firm that gave three highly paid lawyers a paid leave of absence to prosecute Trump.

>>20974376 Gag order delta

>>20974379, >>20974395, >>20974452, >>20974460 POTUS bun

>>20974382 The Montana Libertarian Party has officially rejected Chase Oliver as our presidential candidate.

>>20974388 President Nayib Bukele Described how they Overcame the Impossible Gang Situation in El Salvador —— We Prayed 🙏

>>20974402 PF: AF2 C32A kneepads departed Oakland Intl after muh fundraiser

>>20974414 @elonmusk Somewhere between singing & improv

>>20974424 Elon Musk will bring video-only feed to X in bid to take on TikTok and Instagram Reels


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f2e715 No.20974523

File: f357e4aa57079db⋯.png (195.63 KB,437x407,437:407,ClipboardImage.png)



You cannot possibly imagine the size of this.

Trust the plan.

Trust there are more good than bad.

The WORLD is helping.

We are not alone.

We are all connected in this fight.


We are winning BIG.

Watch the speech.

God bless.

History will judge you well.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

fb8399 No.20974524

File: 90d455c0bcac64d⋯.png (514.4 KB,673x757,673:757,pet.PNG)


Exclusive: Peter Navarro Speaks from Behind Bars in ‘Joe Biden Prison,’ Warns ‘Unrestrained Lawfare Designed to Interfere’ in Election


White House trade adviser Peter Navarro, who will now serve as national defense production

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Matthew Boyle5 Jun 2024Washington, DC

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5a007e No.20974525


Zelensky has a real Adolf Hitler vibe to him to be frank. I have 21 questions, Q.

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52c25a No.20974526

File: 508a3926f5d6fda⋯.png (188.95 KB,588x538,294:269,JOHN_TRUMP_ARTICLE_ON_PHYS….png)

File: b752e41acffd609⋯.png (621.81 KB,699x1027,699:1027,JOHN_TRUMP_OBITUARY_ON_PHY….png)

File: ce0d7f4e63e8765⋯.png (829.82 KB,1863x2157,621:719,JOHN_TRUMP_ARTICLE_ON_PHYS….png)

>>20974073 PB



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1b91c8 No.20974527

File: e9bd3506542c50b⋯.jpg (36.95 KB,554x774,277:387,not_with_that_attitude.jpg)

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a2b49e No.20974528

File: c098f7fbf432c4c⋯.jpg (29.21 KB,242x350,121:175,ANGEL_DUST_LIFE.jpg)

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5a007e No.20974530


Hey sugar tits

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192a02 No.20974531

File: 904c9753b7eb26a⋯.png (220.92 KB,995x798,995:798,vannevarbush.png)


Who was john Trumps boss? Vanever Bush a cousin of George HW Bush


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db548e No.20974532

File: d2b5f40d16aefeb⋯.png (454.36 KB,670x670,1:1,assange.png)

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d40cc2 No.20974533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


21 Questions

50 Cent

16M subscribers

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f2e715 No.20974534

POTUS just repeated "Existential Threat" several times, which is what he says "our Movement" is, in this Video from Q602


from this post by PT at 6:02


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fb8399 No.20974535

File: badcb312e767afb⋯.png (163.83 KB,379x457,379:457,irx.PNG)


NEW - Deborah Birx now wants to test millions of cows in the U.S. weekly and detect "asymptomatic" bird flu cases in humans.


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77ffff No.20974536

File: 977e3eadfdaf28c⋯.jpeg (4.51 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_2331.jpeg)

Has anyone else noticed the nasdaQ has been at 17 lately?

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837be7 No.20974537



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d40cc2 No.20974538

File: f7623639fa5dfcd⋯.png (135.29 KB,578x913,578:913,hitler_nazi_regional_party.png)


is hitler left or right?

do Normies know?

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b5cbf9 No.20974539

President Trump: This [climate] is not the existential threat. Tomorrow, we could have a war that will be so devastating that you could never recover from it. Nobody can. The whole world won't be able to recover from it, and he's talking [Biden] about something, 'in four hundred years from now, the oceans will rise by a eighth of an inch'.

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e42c92 No.20974540

File: 3f464b276fea49f⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB,852x480,71:40,AOyas_caa.mp4)

File: 8b1901f84e09273⋯.png (671.08 KB,1079x1438,1079:1438,Screenshot_20240605_215248.png)




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f2e715 No.20974541


Doesn't really matter when John was the one who collected Tesla's papers… Only one. Foreknowledge.

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5a007e No.20974542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fb8399 No.20974543

File: 5153919c04359f4⋯.png (29.23 KB,802x303,802:303,ice.PNG)


ICE officers given new instructions appearing to make it easier for migrants to claim asylum: sources

By Social Links for Jennie Taer

Published June 5, 2024, 5:59 a.m. ET

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d40cc2 No.20974544

File: 8e9b18ce42fe02e⋯.png (421.66 KB,900x489,300:163,Know_History_dem_party.png)


is kkk left or right?

do Normies know?

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6973e8 No.20974545

File: c4b285fd4585fab⋯.png (383.88 KB,570x385,114:77,lotscats.png)


Cats be intuitive on people

and fake news

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f2e715 No.20974546


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237324 No.20974547

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d613a3 No.20974548

File: bb9b6f9bcd4a6ba⋯.jpg (606.17 KB,2048x1536,4:3,bb9b6f9bcd4a6baa359746c2ff….jpg)


beat me to it

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52c25a No.20974549

File: dc4339ed490b63a⋯.png (1.28 MB,1311x1431,437:477,FBI_wray_mouth_with_nakaso….png)

File: c97dea343d9807f⋯.png (857.7 KB,1164x1020,97:85,nsa_nakasone_with_comey_wr….png)


>NEW - Deborah Birx now wants to test millions of cows in the U.S. weekly and detect "asymptomatic" bird flu cases in humans.

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192a02 No.20974550


His Boss being a member of the Bush family did matter.

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6973e8 No.20974551

File: 404850424698e26⋯.jpeg (18.74 KB,441x434,63:62,404850424698e261632bb27e2….jpeg)

Schumer has become like a Palestinian


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b5cbf9 No.20974552

President Trump: Number one, they have to finish the job. Israel has to finish that job. They have to finish it quickly, strongly, and they have to get back to life again, because it's taking too long. They have to finish the job. Gotta win.

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db548e No.20974553

File: 365423d282b7140⋯.mp4 (7.67 MB,640x480,4:3,ScaliaPodesta.mp4)

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d40cc2 No.20974554

File: 70aecbef58d1987⋯.png (266.23 KB,1100x691,1100:691,atlanta_police_antifa_pics….png)

File: da080cddc4caca4⋯.png (1.91 MB,1125x1118,1125:1118,antifa_pics.png)

File: 7524c5d8f04568a⋯.png (853.27 KB,1014x629,1014:629,antifa_training_syria.png)

File: 8183e27249a5cd1⋯.png (612.95 KB,800x534,400:267,antifa_wants_revenge_not_b….png)

File: 3b8d949f202a586⋯.png (332.37 KB,914x796,457:398,antifa_ellison_and_son.png)

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f2e715 No.20974555


Only in that John knew why he was collecting the papers, to prevent them. Tell me why you think it's important tho?

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fb8399 No.20974556

File: 098efd233cae2ec⋯.png (590.2 KB,593x763,593:763,kme.PNG)


Chief Nerd


Joey Diaz & Theo Von Discuss the New Normal

"It's a different f*cking world. Try to make a doctor's appointment now. Try to make a heart appointment. Like if you call today, they'll go, 'Yeah f*cking July 8th.' Because that f*cking needle f*cked everybody's heart up."



1:05 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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d40cc2 No.20974557

if Q+ was watching the Bread what would you say/ask?

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683fc5 No.20974558

this place is a crash truck in the granny lane. smoked by an 28 wheeler


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1b91c8 No.20974559

File: 6f154fde395096b⋯.gif (3.69 MB,332x450,166:225,uhhh2.gif)


Yeah… they're pretty nice, huh?

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f2e715 No.20974560


He's watching now, ask. Q is watching…

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8de16b No.20974561


Thank you for being there and doing what you are doing, Sir!

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a2b49e No.20974562

File: 5c2fd14fdcbda93⋯.jpg (131.37 KB,809x452,809:452,USUAL_SUSPECTS.jpg)

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52c25a No.20974563

File: 7c1c042faadc8da⋯.jpg (25.2 KB,255x255,1:1,illusion_of_choice_msm_med….jpg)

File: e67391af3c42a35⋯.png (1.35 MB,768x958,384:479,flynn_being_endorsed_by_ci….png)

File: 0485e5a884ae0f7⋯.jpg (17.1 KB,640x480,4:3,barron_trump.jpg)

File: f8db99e9ca87cbb⋯.png (371.17 KB,996x500,249:125,independance_day_they_re_k….png)

File: 4e504e29d8385ff⋯.jpg (31.9 KB,474x288,79:48,whitehouse_pentagram_star.jpg)

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e42c92 No.20974564

File: ee2e3d3c3450a3c⋯.jpeg (75.93 KB,616x680,77:85,ee2e3d3c3450a3cca4dbfb3ee….jpeg)

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fb8399 No.20974565

File: cc4c55e93ab5a79⋯.png (30.77 KB,868x394,434:197,abc.PNG)


Should people eat insects instead of meat? Experts explain the benefits of bugs

There are 2,100 insects species consumed as food in over 110 countries.

ByLeah Sarnoff

June 4, 2024, 10:02 PM

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f2e715 No.20974566


This place is functioning because Q keeps it functioning. Be part of the solution.

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dc595b No.20974567

File: d0b5e14e43b650d⋯.jpeg (385.17 KB,1175x555,235:111,4A825623_9AFF_41EE_871E_B….jpeg)

File: bca2140b61dc42e⋯.jpeg (309.89 KB,828x791,828:791,2711265D_DB82_4E50_9DEA_E….jpeg)


Elon Musk’s N628TS G650 heading back to Austin,TX after an extended stay at Gulfstream’s Appleton, WI maintenance facility

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32eb71 No.20974568

File: 24dc32d21a0e4a7⋯.jpg (54.07 KB,680x570,68:57,science.jpg)

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fee329 No.20974569

File: 173f7d4718c1ea0⋯.jpeg (664.85 KB,2108x577,2108:577,IMG_2525.jpeg)

File: fa367d2c4454241⋯.png (2.38 MB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_2522.png)

File: fc50c3de9b32d63⋯.jpeg (775.22 KB,1388x1428,347:357,IMG_2384.jpeg)

I just want to say I appreciate this anon niggahz…


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fb8399 No.20974570

File: 83af4e4b9393b9f⋯.png (150.12 KB,589x730,589:730,phil.PNG)


Elon Musk


ESG is a corrupted lie.

It needs to end.


Brett Winton




Replying to @wintonARK

Tesla scores very poorly on this metric.

Their cars are *way* too safe.

Clearly don’t take emissions reduction seriously.

Makes sense that ESG portfolios avoid them.



Rate proposed Community Notes

6:09 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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6293fa No.20974571


Love (you)

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52c25a No.20974572

File: af0a726368e390f⋯.png (920.99 KB,1232x1146,616:573,student_loans.png)


>if Q+ was watching the Bread what would you say/ask?


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e2fb98 No.20974573

File: 7e05e79468a546f⋯.png (1.34 MB,1149x1123,1149:1123,ClipboardImage.png)

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570e72 No.20974574

File: 9c63f53ff4ca82f⋯.png (21.36 KB,919x124,919:124,ClipboardImage.png)


His Daughter looks to have been from Los Alamos

Strange palce to choose to live back then

for a scientist daughter.

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f4cce7 No.20974575

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fee329 No.20974576

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15a9b1 No.20974577

File: 025e4917e0f02a3⋯.png (4.53 KB,435x103,435:103,200.png)

File: b3013a91fdab126⋯.png (4.19 KB,442x109,442:109,208.png)

File: 2ba4845c0559bef⋯.png (1.17 MB,946x819,946:819,rizvi2.png)



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f2e715 No.20974578



Enjoy the show, anons.

Do Anons understand what is about to be unleashed?

We are ready to unleash hell.

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683fc5 No.20974579


every teat likes attention

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a6e729 No.20974580


Sounds familiar like sm1 else

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f2e715 No.20974581

Goodbye BO

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52c25a No.20974582

File: c9e3d9c07d564a8⋯.png (372.66 KB,1024x682,512:341,that_fox_news_anchor_guy_c….png)

File: ac83ed7a933d46f⋯.png (276.92 KB,790x530,79:53,that_fox_news_anchor_guy_c….png)


>Experts explain the benefits of bugs


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fb8399 No.20974583

File: 0b249a51de1d8ab⋯.png (24.18 KB,592x277,592:277,ir.PNG)




Take your bird flu tests and shove them up your ass, Birx.


Square profile picture

The Hill




Deborah Birx, a physician and former President Trump’s coronavirus response coordinator, says the U.S. is making the same mistakes with bird flu as COVID by not "testing to really see how many people have been exposed and got asymptomatically infected." https://trib.al/w71Gryy

12:49 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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8de16b No.20974584


how so? New Mexico was flooded with secret defense dollars and scientists profiteered off of that.

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dc595b No.20974585

File: fc40e79269a8636⋯.jpeg (60.75 KB,720x589,720:589,90964077_2ECB_4987_BB8B_6….jpeg)


The BO/BVs/Bakers have nothing to do with it though

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d40cc2 No.20974586

what is the best way for Normies to help Q+?

what is the best way for Normies to help Anons?

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0aba96 No.20974587


We're about to unleash another night of shitposting. Then we'll hand off to gay day shift and meet back tomorrow night for more.

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a2b49e No.20974588

File: 655722b7e2ff3e7⋯.jpg (122.13 KB,619x551,619:551,UNKNOWN_PEOPLE.jpg)

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fb8399 No.20974589

File: fb6646772aa55db⋯.png (389.84 KB,615x769,615:769,cord.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


Donald Trump Was Convicted Of 34 Felonies By Democrats For A Filing Error

I’d like to remind you what they IGNORE:

US Attorney Joshua Levy Confirming A Commercial Sex Ring For The Ultra Wealthy

Clients Include US Elected Officials, Politicians, Accountants, Lawyers, Professors & Also “Executives at high-tech companies and pharmaceutical companies. They're military officers, government contractors, professors, scientists. Pick a profession. They're probably represented in this case.”

Unsealed Court Affidavit Shows Highly Organized System

This commercial sex ring was built on secrecy and exclusivity, catering to a wealthy and well connected clientele, and business was booming until today. It's alleged that the prospective sex buyers in this scheme first had to respond to a survey and provide information online, including their driver's license photos, their employer information, credit card information, and they often paid a monthly fee to be part of this illicit club.

The affidavit that's unsealed in court today alleges that once the buyers were verified, they were then texted and allowed to place orders for with commercial sex workers. They would choose a duration of this encounter they wanted, the types of services they wanted, and they also would receive a menu of different options and different women that they could purchase, sometimes at rates between $360-$600 an hour.

The menu included photographs of the various women who were available that day, and the defendants, um, then directed the sex buyers to various apartments in Watertown and Cambridge in Virginia, where they engage in commercial sex.

According to the charging documents, the buyers who made up this ring hail from an array of professions. They are doctors. They are lawyers. They're accountants. They're elected officials.

They are executives at high-tech companies and pharmaceutical companies. They're military officers, government contractors, professors, scientists. Pick a profession. They're probably represented in this case. They are the man who fueled this commercial sex ring, and the government alleges that there are potentially hundreds of individuals who took these services as commercial sex buyers.

The buyers in this case are not charged today. They're not named in the affidavit. But I wanna emphasize, this is an investigation that's just getting going, and we're in the very early stages.”

0:32 / 2:00

Rate proposed Community Notes

2:00 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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e42c92 No.20974591

File: c95ec4ad26b1726⋯.png (63.19 KB,256x191,256:191,c95ec4ad26b17264d619bf5a5f….png)


Smoother than an angel's titty considering how bad [they] want this place gone.

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6bf8b6 No.20974592

notes 485

#25724-B >>20974067

>>20974431 @realDonaldTrump Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott on Crooked Joe Biden's Border Executive Order: "This is all political theater. It's not going to change anything at the border…”

>>20974403, >>20974466 Sen. Tuberville Warns Of The U.S. Military Losing Its Tradition

>>20974406 BREAKING: The Trump campaign has opened their first Pennsylvania field office in Philadelphia because Trump wants to win the state in style by flipping Black & Hispanic voters.

>>20974439 "Russian disinformation" that was banned by Twitter in 2020 is now evidence for a federal criminal trial in 2024

>>20974451 Elon Musk’s X requests Supreme Court investigate how Jack Smith obtained Trump’s social media files

>>20974465 Biden is now working with Capitol police officers to campaign for him to go around saying they almost died on Jan 6th and they were scared for their lives and Trump is a threat to democracy 🤡

>>20974468 "Academic Publisher Retracts Over 11,300 Papers and Shuts 19 Journals As It Is Overwhelmed by Fraud"

>>20974472 Sen. Tuberville Reflects On Father’s Military Service And U.S. Current Military Capabilities

>>20974477 WATCH: 50 Cent was surrounded by Democrat congressmen and stunned all of them with his response to the reporter asking about the election

>>20974509 Exceptions to Biden's executive order on immigration raise concerns

>>20974513 5-foot snake tried to get into NYC apartment — and no one seems to know where it came from

>>20974519 Former Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn starts PAC after losing House run The PAC will back candidates running against pro-Trump Republicans.

>>20974524 Exclusive: Peter Navarro Speaks from Behind Bars in ‘Joe Biden Prison,’ Warns ‘Unrestrained Lawfare Designed to Interfere’ in Election

>>20974543 ICE officers given new instructions appearing to make it easier for migrants to claim asylum

>>20974556 Joey Diaz & Theo Von Discuss the New Normal "It's a different f*cking world. Try to make a doctor's appointment now. Try to make a heart appointment. Like if you call today, they'll go, 'Yeah f*cking July 8th.' Because that f*cking needle f*cked everybody's heart up."

>>20974567 PF: Elon Musk’s N628TS G650 heading back to Austin,TX after an extended stay at Gulfstream’s Appleton, WI maintenance facility

>>20974570 @elonmusk ESG is a corrupted lie. It needs to end.


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578570 No.20974593


what are you…12

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32eb71 No.20974594

File: ebd40037b6b63e5⋯.jpg (29.47 KB,399x299,399:299,vannevar_bush_differential.jpg)

File: ec01aa0b4baf182⋯.jpg (112.33 KB,960x960,1:1,vannevar_bush_mason.jpg)

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87f715 No.20974595

File: 1a465f911dd7485⋯.png (489.16 KB,910x510,91:51,DIG_MEME_PRAY.png)

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a2b49e No.20974596

File: 26f1647052d6de3⋯.jpg (133.29 KB,449x555,449:555,YUGE_2024.jpg)

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6973e8 No.20974597


same thing I always say


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8de16b No.20974598


what would you say, Mr. Pig, to Q+?

you can post to this :


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683fc5 No.20974599


goodnight Q tards and bots. nobody real comes here

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e42c92 No.20974600


>Patton film

Def check that out.

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fee329 No.20974601

File: 0c26ddab68b2732⋯.png (2.97 MB,2388x1668,199:139,IMG_2005.png)

File: b3065aa087f3ecf⋯.jpeg (711.88 KB,1668x652,417:163,IMG_2478.jpeg)

File: 20f7fcee88a49e8⋯.jpeg (161.06 KB,540x532,135:133,IMG_2479.jpeg)

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fb8399 No.20974602

File: 66d7e9803e3cc82⋯.png (411.07 KB,601x668,601:668,st.PNG)


Catherine Herridge


NEW Criminal Referrals from leadership @JudiciaryGOP



"The Committee attach to this letter a referral for criminal charges against Hunter Biden and James Biden, under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 (false statements), and, additionally, for Hunter Biden under 18 U.S.C. § 1621 (perjury)."

" As the attached referral shows, Hunter Biden and James Biden made provably false statements to the Oversight Committee and the Judiciary Committee about key aspects of the impeachment inquiry, in what appears to be a conscious effort to hinder the investigation’s focus on President Joe Biden."

NOTING: Pages 56 and 57 include transcript excerpts from Hunter and James Biden's congressional testimony about May 2017 meeting with Tony Bobulinski. Seeking comment from legal teams.

"With respect to James Biden, he stated unequivocally during his transcribed interview that Joe Biden did not meet with Mr. Tony Bobulinski, a business associate of James and Hunter Biden, in 2017 while pursuing a deal with a Chinese entity, CEFC China Energy. Specifically, James Biden stated he did not attend a meeting with Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Tony Bobulinski on May 2, 2017 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.10 These statements were contradicted not only by Mr. Bobulinski, but Hunter Biden. Mr. Bobulinski also produced text messages that establish the events leading up to and immediately following his meeting with Joe Biden on May 2, 2017. "

FULL letter here👇 https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Criminal-Referral-6.5.24.pdf





7:11 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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101967 No.20974603

File: c7baeb1bca6f0c2⋯.png (1.69 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


We iz trying to stoke the flames of the meme bread in preparation for the election season, if you're interested..

>>20974162 lb

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fdaeb9 No.20974604

File: 62270dc9fa1c114⋯.jpg (79.25 KB,720x360,2:1,21.jpg)

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dc595b No.20974605

File: 8f2393040b599d3⋯.jpeg (497.52 KB,1399x608,1399:608,841AD7AA_3F58_42B8_A3DE_9….jpeg)

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b720c1 No.20974606

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3rd video

Sen. Tuberville Raises Alarm On Neocons Funneling Of U.S. Funds Abroad. And destroying the Military



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8d8273 No.20974607

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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237324 No.20974608

File: 0f9931e5f706242⋯.mp4 (15.79 MB,1280x720,16:9,1624316797_Copy.mp4)

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587256 No.20974609

File: 2fcec381efb2b60⋯.png (537.02 KB,704x1860,176:465,2fcec381efb2b60723b808a478….png)

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101967 No.20974610

File: b0c3285862a3832⋯.png (287.15 KB,380x385,76:77,1706331506_2.png)


>if Q+ was watching the Bread what would you say/ask?

Could you do an interview with Alex Jones and have Alex ask about Q?

That would be funny, I think.

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b0dad5 No.20974611

File: e3ac22dabd3753b⋯.png (57.58 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fccac7c45233398⋯.gif (3.4 MB,588x588,1:1,kek_gif.gif)


>Tesla scores very poorly on this metric.

>Their cars are *way* too safe.

Baahaaa ha ha

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95f019 No.20974612


Got a pass for being a jew

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192a02 No.20974613

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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a6e729 No.20974614


Why do so many people in government talk about how they are our ally and bow down to them almost more than they would for our country? What do they do for us, help me understand their importance.

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e1d888 No.20974615

File: 610317fb8a22a44⋯.jpg (90.94 KB,896x1142,448:571,610317fb8a22a44be5e622c852….jpg)

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dc595b No.20974616

File: 49fd13069d1acf6⋯.jpeg (64.75 KB,1080x772,270:193,A5EFCF71_3B5C_4F28_AD2A_0….jpeg)

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fb8399 No.20974617

File: 6e96d160b2422ee⋯.png (486.47 KB,600x659,600:659,claty.PNG)


Rep. Clay Higgins


My sources advise that Cartel leaders are celebrating the “Biden deal” with huge parties. A “U.S. government guarantee of their business model”… that’s what the cartels are calling it.

The numbers work out to about $2B per month protected profit on human trafficking. Their drug traffic money is gravy, which means fentanyl will almost be pretty much be given away to your children.

Wake up America.


8:12 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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1b91c8 No.20974618

File: 717193db3c9ce68⋯.png (123.17 KB,403x216,403:216,ClipboardImage.png)


That's where you're wrong.

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655782 No.20974619

File: 88e902adcfacc31⋯.png (311.79 KB,521x387,521:387,ClipboardImage.png)

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6973e8 No.20974620

File: af18edca3324787⋯.png (270.36 KB,764x432,191:108,mike_lindell.png)


anon loves the bloatables


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e42c92 No.20974621

File: bb0d85b2a630097⋯.png (254.7 KB,800x1040,10:13,bb0d85b2a630097833691fdf18….png)

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d1a845 No.20974622

File: 9c69e5dec8611ce⋯.png (639.68 KB,898x680,449:340,ClipboardImage.png)

"and they are satanic also"


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fb8399 No.20974623

File: 243bbade589efeb⋯.png (433.84 KB,592x537,592:537,ba.PNG)


MAGA War Room


Former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr: "The president, like anyone else, has the right to defend himself in the court of public opinion. Especially when he's running for the Presidency of the United States. He has to be able to attack the charges…point out all of the flaws…"

8:34 AM · Jun 5, 2024




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6dc874 No.20974624

File: 69715f35524bab9⋯.png (1.22 MB,1080x1349,1080:1349,DJT.png)

Anyone listening to Bill O'Reilly is a moron MAGA patriots don't accept anything from Bill O'Reilly the guy is old moron.

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a2b49e No.20974625

File: fed9a3f45d1df85⋯.jpg (119.81 KB,522x636,87:106,SO_MANY.jpg)

File: e38530f8fc8b3f0⋯.jpg (97.26 KB,441x537,147:179,JERSEY_RALLY.jpg)

File: e1ce31e23e23493⋯.jpg (94.85 KB,783x368,783:368,FLY_OVER_JERSEY.jpg)

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e3ef8e No.20974627


Nice digits

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e2fb98 No.20974628

File: 015a0690f8102a1⋯.png (378.77 KB,666x500,333:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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570e72 No.20974629

File: b8b6e9fb6072036⋯.png (534.18 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77c2e1374bdf9dc⋯.png (41.78 KB,875x215,175:43,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf39137a588c92f⋯.png (32.86 KB,839x163,839:163,ClipboardImage.png)



Los Alamos

The Manhattan Project etc etc…

Who was smart enought to work on such things back in 43'

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101967 No.20974630

File: 9ca412283c60a2b⋯.png (1.74 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)




You guys know you can make these, right?

There is an anon from the meme bread on /pol/ who is exceptionally good at it

But it's not too hard…

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a6e729 No.20974631

Do democrats get their money from China and Republicans get money from Israel?

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8de16b No.20974632

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fee329 No.20974633

It is time…waiting on getting a new rig…within 2 weeks fits your lb proposal.

No matter…we got some good memes over the years to definitely tweek into MOABS…give the normies a 2017 experience


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ef1aec No.20974634


T-[5.5], or 7:30 AM in London tomorrow. Could it have anything to do with the headline I saw earlier about German police finding an e-mail that links their suspect to Madelaine McCann? I thought it was interesting that the story did not mention who was on the other end of the e-mail. Maybe those two in the police sketches that looked like the Podesta brothers.

Maybe that is why General Flynn posted on X about pizzagate earlier today, too.

Being the anniversary of D-Day, I hope there will be more than one beachhead opened. Many fronts at once please.

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a27690 No.20974635

File: c2f437761867faf⋯.jpg (54.91 KB,636x499,636:499,8rt0qu.jpg)

GE Frens

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52c25a No.20974637

File: 19feaf5c57d9ae9⋯.jpg (44.54 KB,843x900,281:300,tranny_read_library_little….jpg)



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a6e729 No.20974638

Q get in here. We a need teacher.

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1b91c8 No.20974639


There are anons here that are exceptionally skilled at it as well. Why drive people to a "bread on /pol/" on another fucking platform?

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a1bc01 No.20974640

Just watched the Hannity interview w Donald Trump, and I gotta be honest, it was pretty flat.

Even to the casual viewer, Trump is more cautious about what he’s saying this time around. This is not the same kind of battling campaign we saw in 2016 or 2020. At least not yet anyway. One thing that jumped out was the way he positioned going after political enemies is bad for the country and the American people don’t want that, etc. To that, I strenuously object. Those in power are directly and singularly responsible for death and destruction and suffering the likes of which few have ever seen before in history. I want a constitutionally-abiding USAG to prosecute every last one of them.

Bottom line, I’m obviously voting for him again. But I don’t like this recent turn where all of a sudden he doesn’t want to hold people accountable because the nation is tired. These people are clearly evil and will not stop until they’re dead or the United States is conquered. He has a constitutional obligation to enforce the law - something he didn’t do during his first time around and it cost him dearly. And based on the past couple days/interviews, it doesn’t seem like he learned his lesson.

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101967 No.20974642

File: 163b36a5cfd7f0d⋯.png (2.03 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)





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0362b5 No.20974643


lookin guud baker

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dc595b No.20974644

File: e7f172d4ba8815a⋯.gif (687.96 KB,498x352,249:176,118EBA60_BCDA_4528_803F_5F….gif)


You niggas do a far better job plus a bit difficult on a phone

But will check it out either way


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2827be No.20974645


I like this theory.

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e6e8b8 No.20974646

File: 4190592cae3f13a⋯.png (10.31 KB,255x186,85:62,7921b75d632b440881501d3f0f….png)

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52c25a No.20974647

File: 85a4e9d28b00b76⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,5760x3840,3:2,hollow_crust_pizza.jpg)


>Do democrats get their money from China and Republicans get money from Israel?


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8a08ca No.20974648

File: 0355255f7877d46⋯.mp4 (10.41 MB,852x480,71:40,eKzas_caa.mp4)

File: a5e9eb4b4e3ec37⋯.png (760.22 KB,1080x1683,120:187,Screenshot_20240605_220922.png)



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81dcec No.20974649


Then tits up too

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f79718 No.20974650

File: 6c3abb4b9c54370⋯.png (413.13 KB,570x385,114:77,ClipboardImage.png)


It had to be done.

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fee329 No.20974651

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101967 No.20974652

File: 13a501595ec44b0⋯.png (2.13 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Why drive people to a "bread on /pol/" on another fucking platform?

You mean the platform most of us came from?

The front lines you retreated from?

Idk, maybe time will tell.

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6973e8 No.20974653


expect no less

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52c25a No.20974654



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237324 No.20974655

File: ae8ab3494d41a01⋯.png (356.35 KB,572x495,52:45,ClipboardImage.png)



Deep State✔

Pedophile Cult✔

The Trifecta is Complete

The Prophecy Fulfilled

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1e21c7 No.20974656

File: 14b45d1db5c37e6⋯.png (38.67 KB,679x443,679:443,ClipboardImage.png)

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8de16b No.20974657


anyone who was connected.

and friends with the right people.

they went around to the colleges and told professors that they wanted them.

I knew someone who told me that they came to her office at the college where she was a professor and told her they needed her.

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a27690 No.20974658

File: 31884ebecdeef5a⋯.jpg (56.54 KB,520x480,13:12,8rszzz.jpg)


GE BV Fren

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e1d888 No.20974659

File: 14cfb4f117c7e0a⋯.jpeg (203.77 KB,1080x1095,72:73,1553366826.jpeg)

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7b5461 No.20974660


>It had to be done.

You had to be filtered.

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af59c1 No.20974661

File: c90df58ac583eb8⋯.gif (1.99 MB,500x279,500:279,c90df58ac583eb8c445ad576e6….gif)

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a0c465 No.20974662

File: ca7a24cd4a8183f⋯.png (738.59 KB,675x686,675:686,ClipboardImage.png)

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b0dad5 No.20974663

File: dbd6a541429f312⋯.png (272.9 KB,661x834,661:834,ClipboardImage.png)


he still has a gag order.

with a conviction coming on july the 11th.

terrible state of affairs for the president who had his election stolen in 2020 and attacked from all directions.

but others can speak for him…

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192a02 No.20974664


Top Kek!

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903e05 No.20974665

File: e8dcad2261fb7f4⋯.png (96.73 KB,675x728,675:728,ClipboardImage.png)


> Vanever Bush a cousin of George HW Bush


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a27690 No.20974666

File: 03376bf80a2cc16⋯.png (583.8 KB,714x500,357:250,03376bf80a2cc16d22d1a77f80….png)


GE cat Fren

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192a02 No.20974667

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Trump Trial Was Held In New York For A Reason. It’s Totally Fraudulent

“I'm gonna go ahead and give you liberals a fact about the Donald Trump case that completely clears him that you can't refute. I challenge any liberal, Democrat, or Biden supporter to tell me I'm wrong:

So the basis of this entire case against Trump is falsifying business records. Like, that's what he was charged and convicted with. Now the reason Alvin Bragg gave for bringing these charges against president Trump was that Trump falsified these business records in order to deceive the American public during the 2016 presidential election.

Here's the direct quote from Alvin Bragg in the affidavit. The defendant, Donald j Trump, repeatedly and fraudulently falsified New York business records to conceal criminal conduct that hid damaging information from the voting public in the 2016 presidential election. Simply put, that didn't happen. It couldn't have possibly happened. Because while the payment to Stormy Daniels was before the presidential election, an act by itself that is not illegal.

There is no law against paying people to shut the fuck up. So he didn't break any law when he paid Stormy Daniels. They're not even accusing him of breaking any law when he paid her. Now what they are charging him with is falsifying business records, and Alvin Bragg said he was charging him with that because it was deceiving the American public during the 2016 election. Except the records that he's charged with were generated somewhere between February 2017 December of 2017.

And if you're unaware how a f*cking calendar works, that's at a minimum 3 months after the election. So, yeah, he paid Stormy Daniels before the election, but that's not illegal. He's not charged with a crime for doing that. He's charged with the crimes for the business records, and they're saying he did it to change people's mind during the election. But if he did falsify those records, he did it after the election.

So how the f*ck could business records falsified 3 months after the election affect how people voted? Go ahead, liberals. Tell me where I'm wrong.”


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e6e8b8 No.20974668

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,1276x720,319:180,2af17d7756dc4000090b18b0ae….mp4)

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fdaeb9 No.20974669


What is your fascination with labeling all Palestinians as terrorists and slaughtering them? (asking for fren)

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a1bc01 No.20974670


oh, I don’t care what anybody here thinks about what I said. Roll your eyes all you want. I stand by my analysis.

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d40cc2 No.20974671

Jun 05, 2024, 8:37 PM


Diamond and Silk




Silk discusses Biden's Bogus Border EO, Gangsta Lean Maxine comments and Marjorie Taylor Greene stating how we all feel, FED UP? Tonight at 10pm ET. #DiamondandSilk


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fee329 No.20974672

File: e42f2d57be5d945⋯.png (932.35 KB,508x625,508:625,IMG_2438.png)

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87f715 No.20974673

File: 6842be3cbaf0b55⋯.mp4 (10.09 MB,480x480,1:1,Hero_journalist_Ben_Bergqu….mp4)

Hero journalist Ben Bergquam gets harassed by Biden Regime GESTAPO for asking TRAITOR Adam Schiff questions


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0362b5 No.20974674

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1e21c7 No.20974675

File: 63106135d911ffd⋯.png (490.76 KB,1086x1019,1086:1019,ClipboardImage.png)

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8de16b No.20974676

"U.S. Warns: Dual Citizens May Be Stuck in Ukraine Under Mobilization Law"


The Vindmans?

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578570 No.20974677



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f79718 No.20974678

File: 85ab808a2dbe399⋯.png (402.58 KB,570x385,114:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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192a02 No.20974679

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wall Street Apes


Welcome To Communism In Canada. Reporter Is Threatened With Arrest If He Makes “Rude Comments”

After questioning if making “rude comments” is something you can be charged with, he is then arrested on camera by police.

America, this is our future if Liberals keep gaining power


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ab2f03 No.20974680

File: 383b4919cc6343c⋯.png (455.38 KB,619x499,619:499,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post



Trump campaign sends vetting paperwork to possible 2024 VPs — here are the notable names


Jun 6, 2024 · 2:14 AM UTC





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101967 No.20974681

File: b4530f7f1c6e5b3⋯.png (1.79 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


For rapid firing prompts phonefagging is actually the way to go because you can set up an entire page of browsers and editors kind of like an assembly line.

Between now and November I'll probably be doing it that way if we get any really subject matter or anything.


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343ac5 No.20974682


He paid her to go along with the story and play a good act. The whore quickly accepted the offer. He has all of them by the balls.

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d40cc2 No.20974683

Jun 05, 2024, 10:05 PM


Donald J. Trump




I love this Country. I don't want to see this Country get into a nuclear war and be so badly damaged. What we say won't matter. This won't matter. This place won't matter, because practically nothing is going to be here anymore…The only global warming that matters to me is nuclear global warming… DonaldJTrump.com


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a2b49e No.20974684

File: 6d779f422c7cc7b⋯.jpg (113.17 KB,657x468,73:52,STOLE_THAT_1_2.jpg)




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5b1583 No.20974685



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8fa9d8 No.20974686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Burnett and Cobb ae seething, literally shaking.

Ty Cobb says Judge Cannon delaying Florida case is ‘dangerous’

For anyone interested, 10 min vid.


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8de16b No.20974687



Dictators Day!

where the Dictators celebrate the human sacrifice of WWII where millions were slaughtered and which cemented them and their war-mongering friends who enable them into perpetual power.

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5a007e No.20974688

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587256 No.20974689


meme thievery is preferred method


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237324 No.20974691


God works in Mysterious ways

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a0c465 No.20974692

File: 12518a839b7b35f⋯.png (131.64 KB,496x397,496:397,ClipboardImage.png)

Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens

For much of the past year we had been pounding the table on two very simple facts: not only has the US labor market been appallingly weak, with most of the jobs "gained" in 2023 and meant to signal how strong the Biden "recovery" has been, about to be revised away (as first the Philly Fed and now Bloomberg both admit), but more shockingly, all the job growth in the past few years has gone to illegal aliens.

We first pointed this out more than a year ago, and since then we have routinely repeated - again, again, and again - yet even though we made it abundantly clear what was happening…


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87f715 No.20974693

File: 4b90e0d8c235b44⋯.mp4 (5.59 MB,854x478,427:239,Trump_ad.mp4)

New Trump ad

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8a08ca No.20974694


Gets 40,000 care packages. All canes.

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343ac5 No.20974696

File: 202f53fd87e82eb⋯.png (776.17 KB,1598x863,1598:863,ClipboardImage.png)


Anyone know who this guy is? I will fill his card with a few shekels.


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5a007e No.20974698

File: cb44cf8913dbd46⋯.jpeg (101.7 KB,1400x700,2:1,IMG_1512.jpeg)


I came out of the womb phone faggin

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1e21c7 No.20974699


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94c328 No.20974700

File: 512ec46924beaff⋯.png (479.04 KB,931x523,931:523,ClipboardImage.png)


California inmate kills convicted child molester after beating him over the head with cane

An inmate in a central California prison bashed a convicted child molester over the head with a cane last week, inflicting an injury so severe that it later killed him – cutting the man’s life-sentence short, officials said Monday.


David Bobb, 48, was serving a life sentence with the possibility of parole at the California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison in Corcoran. He was convicted in San Diego County for aggravated sexual assault of a child under 14 years old.

He and another unidentified inmate were rushed to the hospital with multiple head wounds Thursday after a third prisoner – Jonathan Watson, 41, attacked them both with a walking cane, Fresno’s KSEE/KGPE reported.


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0362b5 No.20974701

File: 6bd010fb409497d⋯.jpg (114.25 KB,800x646,400:323,f5fa17276a1048f1e6c3b97f57….jpg)


mabbe he likes cake

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192a02 No.20974702


Their main argument is it wasn't listed or was just a legal expense. I can't wait to hear all the code words coming from hunters trial. Egg McMuffins and such

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a2b49e No.20974703

File: 18a8e16e066ffeb⋯.jpg (117.7 KB,542x554,271:277,GREEN_STOLLEN.jpg)




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fdaeb9 No.20974704


dirt on every pol

5b yearly in u.s. aid to funnel back into this country's elections and pacs (35-40b this year)

ability to destroy careers of any media person whom does not cheerlead for it


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87f715 No.20974705

File: d5a4beb44ea492a⋯.jpeg (158.2 KB,1303x1100,1303:1100,Trump_golf_cart.jpeg)

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101967 No.20974706

File: 1c4469ff0bb1c52⋯.jpg (136.76 KB,1024x1024,1:1,document_1_.jpg)


What are you, scared?

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b720c1 No.20974707

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Listen Up

Harnwell: UK press carry exposé on secret NATO stealth plan to get 300k US troops into Ukraine


The US Embassy in Kiev instructs American-Ukrainian dual citizens *not* to travel to Ukraine.

Clearly — the optics of Americans being drafted and killed in the meat grinder would be suicidal for what remains of Biden’s re-election hopes.

Politico — aiming an article like an Exocet missile at Democrat strategists — warns that theUS public is *not* buying into Biden’s war of choice. (So status quo until Nov, and afterwards WW3).

Post-November, Armageddon is in the works. The UK press have explosive reportNATO is preparing for US troops to be sent to Ukraine.


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237324 No.20974708


Now do Canada

The Gov is Importing Replacements

Then the Gov Subsidizes the Wages of those replacements, With Taxpayers money

Then the Gov gives those Replacements Housing, Money, Food & Medical, With Taxpayers money

& They Don't Pay Taxes

The Punch line of the Joke

We are Paying for & Training our own Replacements

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570e72 No.20974709

File: 8b9f66fa5144a17⋯.png (20.83 KB,586x113,586:113,ClipboardImage.png)




Where did the tech for the Philadelphia Experiment come from in 43' ?

Some time bending shit. Guys fused to the ships deck n shit.

Makes ya think…

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7b5461 No.20974710


Russia has done more than just test nuclear bombs. They have actually used them. A lot of people don't know that.

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5a007e No.20974711


1) Ivanka

2) Carson

3) Stefanik

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a330ac No.20974712


Anons need RedBull?

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b0dad5 No.20974713

File: 4bed295855baa6b⋯.png (554.78 KB,806x450,403:225,ClipboardImage.png)



same thing is happening all around the western world.

indians mainly, chinks, muzzies and blacks who are the worst cos they are corrupt and love to flaunt their wealth.

do not forget old sad women and the brainwashed feminists.

human resources was captured years ago and now has been weaponized.

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1b91c8 No.20974714


>You mean the platform most of us came from?

Yeah, and I came from my mom's puss too and I'm in no hurry to crawl back up it.

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5b1583 No.20974715

File: 444f601127ffbed⋯.jpg (370.78 KB,720x842,360:421,Walken.jpg)

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a330ac No.20974716

>>20974712 (me)


image didn't stick

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6bf8b6 No.20974717

notes 600

#25724-B >>20974067

>>20974431 @realDonaldTrump Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott on Crooked Joe Biden's Border Executive Order: "This is all political theater. It's not going to change anything at the border…”

>>20974403, >>20974466 Sen. Tuberville Warns Of The U.S. Military Losing Its Tradition

>>20974406 BREAKING: The Trump campaign has opened their first Pennsylvania field office in Philadelphia because Trump wants to win the state in style by flipping Black & Hispanic voters.

>>20974439 "Russian disinformation" that was banned by Twitter in 2020 is now evidence for a federal criminal trial in 2024

>>20974451 Elon Musk’s X requests Supreme Court investigate how Jack Smith obtained Trump’s social media files

>>20974465 Biden is now working with Capitol police officers to campaign for him to go around saying they almost died on Jan 6th and they were scared for their lives and Trump is a threat to democracy 🤡

>>20974468 "Academic Publisher Retracts Over 11,300 Papers and Shuts 19 Journals As It Is Overwhelmed by Fraud"

>>20974472 Sen. Tuberville Reflects On Father’s Military Service And U.S. Current Military Capabilities

>>20974477 WATCH: 50 Cent was surrounded by Democrat congressmen and stunned all of them with his response to the reporter asking about the election

>>20974509 Exceptions to Biden's executive order on immigration raise concerns

>>20974513 5-foot snake tried to get into NYC apartment — and no one seems to know where it came from

>>20974519 Former Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn starts PAC after losing House run The PAC will back candidates running against pro-Trump Republicans.

>>20974524 Exclusive: Peter Navarro Speaks from Behind Bars in ‘Joe Biden Prison,’ Warns ‘Unrestrained Lawfare Designed to Interfere’ in Election

>>20974543 ICE officers given new instructions appearing to make it easier for migrants to claim asylum

>>20974556 Joey Diaz & Theo Von Discuss the New Normal "It's a different f*cking world. Try to make a doctor's appointment now. Try to make a heart appointment. Like if you call today, they'll go, 'Yeah f*cking July 8th.' Because that f*cking needle f*cked everybody's heart up."

>>20974567 PF: Elon Musk’s N628TS G650 heading back to Austin,TX after an extended stay at Gulfstream’s Appleton, WI maintenance facility

>>20974570 @elonmusk ESG is a corrupted lie. It needs to end.

>>20974602 Catherine Herridge "The Committee attach to this letter a referral for criminal charges against Hunter Biden and James Biden, under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 (false statements), and, additionally, for Hunter Biden under 18 U.S.C. § 1621 (perjury)."

>>20974606 Sen. Tuberville Raises Alarm On Neocons Funneling Of U.S. Funds Abroad. And destroying the Military

>>20974617 @RepClayHiggins My sources advise that Cartel leaders are celebrating the “Biden deal” with huge parties. A “U.S. government guarantee of their business model”… that’s what the cartels are calling it.

>>20974623 @MAGAIncWarRoom Former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr: "The president, like anyone else, has the right to defend himself in the court of public opinion.

>>20974671 @DiamondandSilk Silk discusses Biden's Bogus Border EO, Gangsta Lean Maxine comments and Marjorie Taylor Greene stating how we all feel, FED UP?

>>20974673 Hero journalist Ben Bergquam gets harassed by Biden Regime GESTAPO for asking TRAITOR Adam Schiff questions

>>20974679 @WallStreetApes Welcome To Communism In Canada. Reporter Is Threatened With Arrest If He Makes “Rude Comments”

>>20974680 Trump campaign sends vetting paperwork to possible 2024 VPs — here are the notable names

>>20974683 @realDonaldTrump I love this Country. I don't want to see this Country get into a nuclear war and be so badly damaged. What we say won't matter. This won't matter. This place won't matter, because practically nothing is going to be here anymore…

>>20974686 Burnett and Cobb ae seething, literally shaking. Ty Cobb says Judge Cannon delaying Florida case is ‘dangerous’

>>20974692 Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens

>>20974693 New Trump ad

>>20974675, >>20974700 California inmate kills convicted child molester after beating him over the head with cane

>>20974707 Harnwell: UK press carry exposé on secret NATO stealth plan to get 300k US troops into Ukraine


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a0c465 No.20974718


Same headline but put Eh at the end

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dc595b No.20974719


Thanks for advice..helpful for an older former techFag

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343ac5 No.20974720


Hope they died or else their soul is trapped.

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87f715 No.20974721

File: b1d12a2d9b6d106⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB,270x480,9:16,Top_Kek.mp4)

Top kek


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5a007e No.20974722

File: 8f3971b9d4e195e⋯.jpeg (25.62 KB,252x200,63:50,IMG_1483.jpeg)


The hard hat on this dick head unbelievable

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94c328 No.20974723


Hey, baker, could you note that this article is from 2020, please?

>>20974675, >>20974700 (You) California inmate kills convicted child molester after beating him over the head with cane

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c62089 No.20974724

File: 346af740c5d8e5b⋯.png (644.85 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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06ab3e No.20974725


Interesting, thank you!

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dc595b No.20974726

File: d1d58ac9479df47⋯.jpeg (471.87 KB,1243x619,1243:619,5F0A1638_0467_4D36_B472_F….jpeg)

File: d46baa81f33a18b⋯.jpeg (277.65 KB,684x708,57:59,4C4F6F0E_FE61_4946_B35F_8….jpeg)

Russia Federation RSD888(Chek’t) Ilyushin 96 Special Flight DetachmentSergey Lavrovleft Cairo headline NE

Chad, Sahel states receive Russia's foreign and defense ministers


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a330ac No.20974727



image is Q1290.

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1b91c8 No.20974728

File: 5b77a449c33ef0c⋯.png (362.53 KB,800x500,8:5,be_best_in_life.png)

Obvious when someone is trying to drive anons away from the board to "learn how to meme" in "one bread on /pol/" from one guy that's good at it. Such fucking bullshit.

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8de16b No.20974729


Blossom and Mila Kunis . . .

inducted and sent to the meat grinder . . .

how horrible.

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a2b49e No.20974730

File: 4f6fcb40153d1ea⋯.jpg (118.32 KB,510x561,10:11,BUT_U_NO_RITE.jpg)

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6bf8b6 No.20974731




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ab2f03 No.20974732

File: 41723eed69506a5⋯.png (545.01 KB,371x559,371:559,ClipboardImage.png)


It's hard to get close to the Don without getting burned.

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1b91c8 No.20974733

File: b3063a384f9bbb6⋯.jpg (101.87 KB,668x800,167:200,1f6e2515890e5ef007115e9115….jpg)

Wait… was that? Nah… Couldn't have been.

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7b5461 No.20974734

File: f98bdce3b70bf90⋯.png (21.04 KB,1298x102,649:51,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8269114532ae3b⋯.mp4 (3.04 MB,360x640,9:16,videoplayback.mp4)


Sorry Sparky. Got ya filtered so can't read your reply. But here. Have a look where Russia used the bomb. The moar you know.

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95f019 No.20974735

File: ac588dd534aaa26⋯.png (68.96 KB,253x161,11:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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6973e8 No.20974736

File: a7fcdb2735752c5⋯.png (352.19 KB,555x425,111:85,86881cc4776b6b4f3bb4a5c4d4….png)


when you filter the Pig

(you) purify the Pig

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6e55f4 No.20974737


It's like Boxxy but with big boobs.

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af59c1 No.20974738

File: 84d921c9ee2491c⋯.png (559.67 KB,865x883,865:883,1666476484942004.png)

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101967 No.20974739

File: 7df5cf7ac03f1b1⋯.png (1.2 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1700617116751931.png)


>popular screenshot

>from 2020

>pasted on the end of two pages of notables

I'm a little confused by your tactics, but tyb

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b720c1 No.20974740


They are literally insane. Bidan will kill 300,000 US soldiers to pretend they can or will win. Ukraine can’t win, they’ve already lost.But the interesting thing is we have no video to prove a war actually existed

Did Bidan, Putin and Zelensky put this whole war to the public, to make us believe a complete lie?

Putin really has not said one word about how corrupt Bidan is

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a2b49e No.20974741

File: 81e800006bbd8d0⋯.jpg (132.54 KB,499x558,499:558,3_MONTH_PRESCRIPTION.jpg)



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9825e2 No.20974742


Here are 20 minutes of Joe Biden, U.S. intelligence officials, and the American media claiming that Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation."



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be065f No.20974743


Dan the Man Scavino for VP!!!!!!

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7b5461 No.20974744


you're an idiot

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a2b49e No.20974745

File: 73570b9f6687929⋯.jpg (117.31 KB,665x480,133:96,PURE_WINNING.jpg)

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81dcec No.20974746


gay as you

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8c787b No.20974747

O1 active in T-[5].

Thank you for your prayers anons.

If you would like to view the mission, ask God to show you while you are sleeping. Patriots only.

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b9c067 No.20974748

File: 0cafb7960ee603f⋯.png (71.26 KB,767x592,767:592,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eaf9a7be21f680e⋯.png (45.88 KB,805x391,35:17,ClipboardImage.png)

General Mike Flynn




Calling all Vets for Trump. This is a new link below. Please check it out and sign up. Thank you and thanks for your service in uniform.


🇺🇸🎙Chad “ThugZilla”Caton🎙🇺🇸


🚨It’s game time Veterans!!!

Your President


needs you to join the Ranks below.

We need veterans to put their name in solidarity with Donald J Trump.

We are building the largest group of veterans in US history in support of a President!

Let’s send a message to the left and the country. Our oath has no expiration!!

Please share with any veteran you know!!











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6973e8 No.20974749

File: efcda55de4b4785⋯.mp4 (4.18 MB,400x400,1:1,efcda55de4b4785c5aed6923e2….mp4)

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ab2f03 No.20974750

File: 16576cd8f9a9f2e⋯.png (118.75 KB,461x260,461:260,16576cd8f9a9f2e2048231a24e….png)


>Dan the Man Scavino for VP!!!!!!


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5b1583 No.20974751

>BREAKING: The Trump campaign has opened their first Pennsylvania field office in Philadelphia because Trump wants to win the state in style by flipping Black & Hispanic voters.

Philadelphia quickly grew into an important colonial city and during the American Revolution was the site of the First and Second Continental Congresses. After the Revolution the city was chosen to be the temporary capital of the United States.

After the American Revolutionary War began in April 1775 following the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the Second Continental Congress met in May at the Pennsylvania State House. There, they also met a year later to write and sign the Declaration of Independence in July 1776. Philadelphia was important to the war effort; Robert Morris said,

You will consider Philadelphia, from its centrical situation, the extent of its commerce, the number of its artificers, manufactures and other circumstances, to be to the United States what the heart is to the human body in circulating the blood.


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9bc55d No.20974752

File: 5bb4e302cc81288⋯.jpeg (192.15 KB,1170x1711,1170:1711,GMW5EOxXYAA286g.jpeg)

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dd9fc3 No.20974753

File: ece7e465b545ad5⋯.png (399.25 KB,710x892,355:446,ClipboardImage.png)

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b0dad5 No.20974754

File: f3fdfc989b6a600⋯.png (45.85 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c05629f1992009⋯.png (811.42 KB,860x430,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


but it is russian misinformation

the mullah bungitin told me..

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94c328 No.20974755

File: f32a8c0339dc268⋯.png (520.02 KB,680x356,170:89,ClipboardImage.png)

Senate Republicans kill legislation to protect access to contraceptives

Agroup of Senate Republicans successfully blocked a Democrat-led bill on Wednesday that attempted to protect access to contraceptives in a 51-39 vote that fell far short of the 60 votes needed to advance the legislation.

The bill was introduced by Democratic Sens. Ed Markey from Massachusetts and Mazie Hirono of Hawaii. It would have protected an individual's right to “obtain contraceptives and to voluntarily engage in contraception” on the federal level, and defines contraceptives as “any drug, device, or biological product intended for use in the prevention of pregnancy."



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87f715 No.20974756

File: b9e0c2ad94ef062⋯.jpg (38.93 KB,494x574,247:287,Chef_Q_.jpg)


>Dan the Man Scavino for VP!!!!!!

The VP has to intricately work with the house & senate to get the President's nominations through. They have to understand the calendar in detail & have knowledge on how to make shit move in the Congress.

Now rethink who he will pick, Trump is a fucking genius fren.

Dan can be head of personnel or some other role close to DJT or just be an adviser again.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6bf8b6 No.20974757

notes 650

#25724-B >>20974067

>>20974431 @realDonaldTrump Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott on Crooked Joe Biden's Border Executive Order: "This is all political theater. It's not going to change anything at the border…”

>>20974403, >>20974466 Sen. Tuberville Warns Of The U.S. Military Losing Its Tradition

>>20974406, >>20974751 BREAKING: The Trump campaign has opened their first Pennsylvania field office in Philadelphia because Trump wants to win the state in style by flipping Black & Hispanic voters.

>>20974439 "Russian disinformation" that was banned by Twitter in 2020 is now evidence for a federal criminal trial in 2024

>>20974451 Elon Musk’s X requests Supreme Court investigate how Jack Smith obtained Trump’s social media files

>>20974465 Biden is now working with Capitol police officers to campaign for him to go around saying they almost died on Jan 6th and they were scared for their lives and Trump is a threat to democracy 🤡

>>20974468 "Academic Publisher Retracts Over 11,300 Papers and Shuts 19 Journals As It Is Overwhelmed by Fraud"

>>20974472 Sen. Tuberville Reflects On Father’s Military Service And U.S. Current Military Capabilities

>>20974477 WATCH: 50 Cent was surrounded by Democrat congressmen and stunned all of them with his response to the reporter asking about the election

>>20974509 Exceptions to Biden's executive order on immigration raise concerns

>>20974513 5-foot snake tried to get into NYC apartment — and no one seems to know where it came from

>>20974519 Former Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn starts PAC after losing House run The PAC will back candidates running against pro-Trump Republicans.

>>20974524 Exclusive: Peter Navarro Speaks from Behind Bars in ‘Joe Biden Prison,’ Warns ‘Unrestrained Lawfare Designed to Interfere’ in Election

>>20974543 ICE officers given new instructions appearing to make it easier for migrants to claim asylum

>>20974556 Joey Diaz & Theo Von Discuss the New Normal "It's a different f*cking world. Try to make a doctor's appointment now. Try to make a heart appointment. Like if you call today, they'll go, 'Yeah f*cking July 8th.' Because that f*cking needle f*cked everybody's heart up."

>>20974567 PF: Elon Musk’s N628TS G650 heading back to Austin,TX after an extended stay at Gulfstream’s Appleton, WI maintenance facility

>>20974570 @elonmusk ESG is a corrupted lie. It needs to end.

>>20974602 Catherine Herridge "The Committee attach to this letter a referral for criminal charges against Hunter Biden and James Biden, under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 (false statements), and, additionally, for Hunter Biden under 18 U.S.C. § 1621 (perjury)."

>>20974606 Sen. Tuberville Raises Alarm On Neocons Funneling Of U.S. Funds Abroad. And destroying the Military

>>20974617 @RepClayHiggins My sources advise that Cartel leaders are celebrating the “Biden deal” with huge parties. A “U.S. government guarantee of their business model”… that’s what the cartels are calling it.

>>20974623 @MAGAIncWarRoom Former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr: "The president, like anyone else, has the right to defend himself in the court of public opinion.

>>20974671 @DiamondandSilk Silk discusses Biden's Bogus Border EO, Gangsta Lean Maxine comments and Marjorie Taylor Greene stating how we all feel, FED UP?

>>20974673 Hero journalist Ben Bergquam gets harassed by Biden Regime GESTAPO for asking TRAITOR Adam Schiff questions

>>20974679 @WallStreetApes Welcome To Communism In Canada. Reporter Is Threatened With Arrest If He Makes “Rude Comments”

>>20974680 Trump campaign sends vetting paperwork to possible 2024 VPs — here are the notable names

>>20974683 @realDonaldTrump I love this Country. I don't want to see this Country get into a nuclear war and be so badly damaged. What we say won't matter. This won't matter. This place won't matter, because practically nothing is going to be here anymore…

>>20974686 Burnett and Cobb ae seething, literally shaking. Ty Cobb says Judge Cannon delaying Florida case is ‘dangerous’

>>20974692 Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens

>>20974693 New Trump ad

>>20974675, >>20974700, >>20974749 (2020) California inmate kills convicted child molester after beating him over the head with cane

>>20974707, >>20974740 Harnwell: UK press carry exposé on secret NATO stealth plan to get 300k US troops into Ukraine

>>20974726 PF: Russia Federation RSD888(Chek’t) Ilyushin 96 Special Flight Detachment Sergey Lavrov left Cairo headline NE


>>20974748 @GenFlynn Calling all Vets for Trump. This is a new link below. Please check it out and sign up. Thank you and thanks for your service in uniform.

>>20974755 Senate Republicans kill legislation to protect access to contraceptives


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1b91c8 No.20974758

File: 51fe5c9a4628cfb⋯.png (70.63 KB,275x183,275:183,51fe5c9a4628cfb377185cd5dd….png)

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94c328 No.20974759


Bloomberg reported Thursday that the former president had narrowed his choices to four top contenders: North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and Republican Sens. JD Vance of Ohio, Marco Rubio of Florida and Tim Scott of South Carolina.

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87f715 No.20974760


>head of personnel

Cheif of Staff, kek

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81dcec No.20974761


Penetrating the ozone hole

it's good tactic

You have to try it

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f79718 No.20974762


I don't filter, it's a sign of weakness. Plus, you miss the tears.

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94c328 No.20974763

File: fd2e6efcd4029c0⋯.png (336 KB,540x420,9:7,you2.png)


Of course you're confused, you're a retard.

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1b91c8 No.20974764

File: ddcdf9548c4df32⋯.png (776.68 KB,875x583,875:583,ddcdf9548c4df326631287257b….png)

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be1814 No.20974765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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dc595b No.20974766

File: 31d7e1a0aa1c5eb⋯.gif (405.1 KB,220x165,4:3,67D9A44E_586B_4F38_81B2_43….gif)


First of all it ain’t “learn how to meme” as you’ve erroneously characterized it

Most here are rather good at it but judging by your inability to put a highlight on your text with a too dark batterthat isn’t you

And second just shut the fuck up

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6973e8 No.20974767

File: 652ac839bdd1e15⋯.png (1019.76 KB,1024x682,512:341,652ac839bdd1e15e89bd10ddb3….png)


15 minute justice - imagine how this cleanses the family


Laken Riley's parents suffering thru fake trauma trials

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096030 No.20974768


wtf. cant he pick from nonsitting reps.? i wouldnt want to see my gov/rep/sen drop their role to serve as neutered figurehead.

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992454 No.20974769


Or your ozone hole is breached. We have a welding machine

we have it all


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6bf8b6 No.20974770


#25724-A >>20974067

>>20974124 Slovak PM points to forces behind assassination attempt

>>20974125, >>20974144 Garrett Ziegler hanging out at Hunter's court appearances. The guy who released the Report On The Laptop in hard copy. The Biden Crime Family hate him Go Garrett!

>>20974138, >>20974149 We need more of this! Rep Scott Perry RIPS this reporter to shreds on questions about Hunter Biden's corruption!

>>20974145, >>20974165 WWII hero Ronald Scharfe speaks out: "I feel like a foreigner in my own country lots of times, and I don't like it."

>>20974151 Good Morning America's Producer Nick Cirone admits the show selects stories and uses contributors to align with their bias.

>>20974155, >>20974167 @mattgaetz Did you know you were paying $20,730 per pound of food delivered through a floating barge in Gaza?

>>20974171, >>20974235 @GenFlynn I wonder if @HillaryClinton or her buddies have anything to say about pizzagate ???

>>20974173 @LizCrokin KTBS news director and anchor Bill Lunn has resigned after becoming a suspect in an ongoing child sex crime investigation by Shreveport police.

>>20974181 Hunter Biden trial live: Gun is shown in court after his stripper ex Zoe Kestan testified

>>20974183, >>20974233, >>20974251, >>20974272, >>20974432, >>20974539, >>20974552 LIVE - President Donald Trump On Sean Hannity 6/5/24

>>20974191 @MTG Bob Good is a backstabber and a liar.

>>20974196 BREAKING: The Republican Oklahoma City Council just shook the nation by voting 8-1 to remove all building height restrictions to make way for the 1,907 foot "Legends Tower" which would be the tallest building in the country and 6th tallest in the world

>>20974206, >>20974253 PF: BOXERs arriving at Paris, Zelensky back to Lublin, Poland from Doha, Qatar 90m stop

>>20974219 Putin: We Could Supply Long-Range Missiles To Enemies Of West In Retaliation

>>20974245, >>20974267 🚨 #BREAKING: NYPD is preparing to revoke President Trump’s license to carry a firearm.

>>20974256 Matthew Colangelo, the scum prosecutor who was lead prosecutor in the so-called "Hush Money Trial" has quite a family.

>>20974268, >>20974298 Fauci testified the BOARD OF THE NIH approved the gain of function research not him.

>>20974289 RNC Making Backup Plans For Presidential Nomination If Trump Sentenced To Prison

>>20974297 Presidential Limo Driver Wanted to Quickly Debunk Cassidy Hutchinson’s Bogus Claim that Trump Grabbed Steering Wheel on Jan 6 – But Liz Cheney Blocked Him from Testifying

>>20974308 @thejimwatkins Remember the following text: There's a lot more happening at Kun than just the message board that always gets me in trouble.

>>20974319 Just in: @SecDef Lloyd Austin's chief of staff, Kelly Magsamen, set to step down the end of this month

>>20974325 @SpeakerJohnson has named Reps. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) and Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) to the House Intelligence Committee.

>>20974338 BREAKING: Hunter Biden's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle is testifying that he left his crack pipe in open view of their very young kids. She also found his drugs in the car on multiple occasions. Maisy Biden was 10-years-old and Finnegan Biden was 9-years-old at the time

>>20974348 @jsolomonReports Breaking: Rep. Rob Menendez Jr. wins House Democratic primary

>>20974356, >>20974387 🚨 @KatieHobbs caught in the middle of a massive corruption scandal: New investigation shows that Hobbs is running a pay-to-play scheme out of the Governor’s office, funneling taxpayer dollars to six-figure campaign donors.

>>20974363 Looking back now at 2020 riots Do you see what is happening?

>>20974368 @realDonaldTrump They are doing it for the purpose of hurting a political opponent of Biden (ME!), and trying to get him to win.

>>20974370, >>20974407, >>20974420, >>20974433 @DonaldJTrumpJr This is a huge revelation—that Chuck Schumer’s brother is a partner in the firm that gave three highly paid lawyers a paid leave of absence to prosecute Trump.

>>20974376 Gag order delta

>>20974379, >>20974395, >>20974452, >>20974460, >>20974484, >>20974540, >>20974648 POTUS bun

>>20974382 The Montana Libertarian Party has officially rejected Chase Oliver as our presidential candidate.

>>20974388, >>20974511 President Nayib Bukele Described how they Overcame the Impossible Gang Situation in El Salvador —— We Prayed 🙏

>>20974402 PF: AF2 C32A kneepads departed Oakland Intl after muh fundraiser

>>20974414, >>20974577 @elonmusk Somewhere between singing & improv

>>20974424 Elon Musk will bring video-only feed to X in bid to take on TikTok and Instagram Reels


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1b91c8 No.20974771

File: d6dd477fb75066e⋯.jpg (271.03 KB,1242x1449,6:7,oh_no.jpg)


>your inability to put a highlight on your text with a too dark batter

Am I supposed to care that you don't like a highlight on the text, faggot? Go suck a rope, clown. Filtered.

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343ac5 No.20974772

Q. What are you going to do about the bird flu? You cannot ignore what's about to happen.

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87f715 No.20974773


Vance is the pick I think he will make, he could also be President imo

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a2b49e No.20974774

File: e2c95274cb4db3e⋯.jpg (119.6 KB,642x482,321:241,PIGALORE_TORPEDO.jpg)

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570e72 No.20974775

File: 5dc4ef542dbb14e⋯.gif (471.84 KB,697x464,697:464,Nikola_Tesla_Night_shift.gif)


>I dug on that more than most.

>The publishing co was out of Boston & >published a lot of socialist material

Who was connected to a lot of socialists

and especially at Los Alamos and Places like MIT etc? scientist physicist and the like..

Back to Time Travaler Barron Trupm. Kek




And John G Trump was surrounded by it.

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be065f No.20974776


Dan is a master of communications, and the most loyal to President Trump out of everyone. If you look at Kamala Harris, Biden, Dan Quayle, and others, Dan Scavino is far superior.

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a9d5c6 No.20974777

>>20970185 pb

>Eisenhower carrier strike group deployment extended


we need more time to make repairs in secret, so we can continue to deny the massive damage done by houthi rocket attacks

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d1a845 No.20974778


>pick from nonsitting reps.



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237324 No.20974779



No no no no no

What are (you) going to do?

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570e72 No.20974780


Sorry first link is PB

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6973e8 No.20974781

File: a6017e90fd87ea2⋯.jpeg (142.99 KB,861x645,287:215,a6017e90fd87ea271dabbbc5f….jpeg)

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6bf8b6 No.20974782


#25724-B >>20974067

>>20974431 @realDonaldTrump Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott on Crooked Joe Biden's Border Executive Order: "This is all political theater. It's not going to change anything at the border…”

>>20974403, >>20974466 Sen. Tuberville Warns Of The U.S. Military Losing Its Tradition

>>20974406, >>20974751 BREAKING: The Trump campaign has opened their first Pennsylvania field office in Philadelphia because Trump wants to win the state in style by flipping Black & Hispanic voters.

>>20974439 "Russian disinformation" that was banned by Twitter in 2020 is now evidence for a federal criminal trial in 2024

>>20974451 Elon Musk’s X requests Supreme Court investigate how Jack Smith obtained Trump’s social media files

>>20974465 Biden is now working with Capitol police officers to campaign for him to go around saying they almost died on Jan 6th and they were scared for their lives and Trump is a threat to democracy 🤡

>>20974468 "Academic Publisher Retracts Over 11,300 Papers and Shuts 19 Journals As It Is Overwhelmed by Fraud"

>>20974472 Sen. Tuberville Reflects On Father’s Military Service And U.S. Current Military Capabilities

>>20974477 WATCH: 50 Cent was surrounded by Democrat congressmen and stunned all of them with his response to the reporter asking about the election

>>20974509 Exceptions to Biden's executive order on immigration raise concerns

>>20974513 5-foot snake tried to get into NYC apartment — and no one seems to know where it came from

>>20974519 Former Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn starts PAC after losing House run The PAC will back candidates running against pro-Trump Republicans.

>>20974524 Exclusive: Peter Navarro Speaks from Behind Bars in ‘Joe Biden Prison,’ Warns ‘Unrestrained Lawfare Designed to Interfere’ in Election

>>20974543 ICE officers given new instructions appearing to make it easier for migrants to claim asylum

>>20974556 Joey Diaz & Theo Von Discuss the New Normal "It's a different f*cking world. Try to make a doctor's appointment now. Try to make a heart appointment. Like if you call today, they'll go, 'Yeah f*cking July 8th.' Because that f*cking needle f*cked everybody's heart up."

>>20974567 PF: Elon Musk’s N628TS G650 heading back to Austin,TX after an extended stay at Gulfstream’s Appleton, WI maintenance facility

>>20974570 @elonmusk ESG is a corrupted lie. It needs to end.

>>20974602 Catherine Herridge "The Committee attach to this letter a referral for criminal charges against Hunter Biden and James Biden, under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 (false statements), and, additionally, for Hunter Biden under 18 U.S.C. § 1621 (perjury)."

>>20974606 Sen. Tuberville Raises Alarm On Neocons Funneling Of U.S. Funds Abroad. And destroying the Military

>>20974617 @RepClayHiggins My sources advise that Cartel leaders are celebrating the “Biden deal” with huge parties. A “U.S. government guarantee of their business model”… that’s what the cartels are calling it.

>>20974623 @MAGAIncWarRoom Former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr: "The president, like anyone else, has the right to defend himself in the court of public opinion.

>>20974671 @DiamondandSilk Silk discusses Biden's Bogus Border EO, Gangsta Lean Maxine comments and Marjorie Taylor Greene stating how we all feel, FED UP?

>>20974673 Hero journalist Ben Bergquam gets harassed by Biden Regime GESTAPO for asking TRAITOR Adam Schiff questions

>>20974679 @WallStreetApes Welcome To Communism In Canada. Reporter Is Threatened With Arrest If He Makes “Rude Comments”

>>20974680 Trump campaign sends vetting paperwork to possible 2024 VPs — here are the notable names

>>20974683 @realDonaldTrump I love this Country. I don't want to see this Country get into a nuclear war and be so badly damaged. What we say won't matter. This won't matter. This place won't matter, because practically nothing is going to be here anymore…

>>20974686 Burnett and Cobb ae seething, literally shaking. Ty Cobb says Judge Cannon delaying Florida case is ‘dangerous’

>>20974692 Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens

>>20974693 New Trump ad

>>20974675, >>20974700, >>20974749 (2020) California inmate kills convicted child molester after beating him over the head with cane

>>20974707, >>20974740 Harnwell: UK press carry exposé on secret NATO stealth plan to get 300k US troops into Ukraine

>>20974726 PF: Russia Federation RSD888(Chek’t) Ilyushin 96 Special Flight Detachment Sergey Lavrov left Cairo headline NE


>>20974748 @GenFlynn Calling all Vets for Trump. This is a new link below. Please check it out and sign up. Thank you and thanks for your service in uniform.

>>20974755 Senate Republicans kill legislation to protect access to contraceptives


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343ac5 No.20974783


If Trump was legit and not doing the Q plan to spotlight everyone this would be the only way.

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b9c067 No.20974784

File: 56ef057ea3c12ad⋯.png (397.4 KB,781x826,781:826,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5fecfb9d41602ec⋯.png (496.89 KB,729x729,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like the jews are losing their shit in Israel.

They're trying to over throw Al Aqsa mosque too.

BREAKING: Israeli settlers, under the protection of Israeli police, are rioting and attacking Palestinians in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem.

They are using glass bottles, breaking them, and throwing the shards to cause harm.

VID: https://x.com/i/status/1798327310241984720

BREAKING: 1,119 settlers are attempting to enter Al-Aqsa Mosque since the morning hours.

These imbeciles have been performing Talmudic rituals since the morning in the grounds of Al Aqsa.

VID: https://x.com/i/status/1798274352611500312

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b720c1 No.20974785

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bensman: Called Shot On Biden's Phony Executive Order. Bidan lies again to block illegals. It’s the Republicans fault they prevented me from blocking aliens.



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ab2f03 No.20974786

File: ab9ae69fe9636d8⋯.png (222.84 KB,531x599,531:599,ClipboardImage.png)


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8de16b No.20974787


Any device? So a handgun would thus be considered a contraceptive?

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94c328 No.20974788



I'll wait til next bread to post more notables then 🤣

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b0dad5 No.20974789

File: f651ec0d18a16b3⋯.gif (1.5 MB,500x207,500:207,gladitor.gif)

>>20974770, >>20974782 bloatable bun

there you go.

now you do not need to have the wall of death


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6bf8b6 No.20974790


#25724-B >>20974067

>>20974431 @realDonaldTrump Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott on Crooked Joe Biden's Border Executive Order: "This is all political theater. It's not going to change anything at the border…”

>>20974403, >>20974466 Sen. Tuberville Warns Of The U.S. Military Losing Its Tradition

>>20974406, >>20974751 BREAKING: The Trump campaign has opened their first Pennsylvania field office in Philadelphia because Trump wants to win the state in style by flipping Black & Hispanic voters.

>>20974439 "Russian disinformation" that was banned by Twitter in 2020 is now evidence for a federal criminal trial in 2024

>>20974451 Elon Musk’s X requests Supreme Court investigate how Jack Smith obtained Trump’s social media files

>>20974465 Biden is now working with Capitol police officers to campaign for him to go around saying they almost died on Jan 6th and they were scared for their lives and Trump is a threat to democracy 🤡

>>20974468 "Academic Publisher Retracts Over 11,300 Papers and Shuts 19 Journals As It Is Overwhelmed by Fraud"

>>20974472 Sen. Tuberville Reflects On Father’s Military Service And U.S. Current Military Capabilities

>>20974477 WATCH: 50 Cent was surrounded by Democrat congressmen and stunned all of them with his response to the reporter asking about the election

>>20974509 Exceptions to Biden's executive order on immigration raise concerns

>>20974513 5-foot snake tried to get into NYC apartment — and no one seems to know where it came from

>>20974519 Former Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn starts PAC after losing House run The PAC will back candidates running against pro-Trump Republicans.

>>20974524 Exclusive: Peter Navarro Speaks from Behind Bars in ‘Joe Biden Prison,’ Warns ‘Unrestrained Lawfare Designed to Interfere’ in Election

>>20974543 ICE officers given new instructions appearing to make it easier for migrants to claim asylum

>>20974556 Joey Diaz & Theo Von Discuss the New Normal "It's a different f*cking world. Try to make a doctor's appointment now.

>>20974567 PF: Elon Musk’s N628TS G650 heading back to Austin,TX after an extended stay at Gulfstream’s Appleton, WI maintenance facility

>>20974570 @elonmusk ESG is a corrupted lie. It needs to end.

>>20974602 Catherine Herridge "The Committee attach to this letter a referral for criminal charges against Hunter Biden and James Biden, under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 (false statements)

>>20974606 Sen. Tuberville Raises Alarm On Neocons Funneling Of U.S. Funds Abroad. And destroying the Military

>>20974617 @RepClayHiggins My sources advise that Cartel leaders are celebrating the “Biden deal” with huge parties. A “U.S. government guarantee of their business model”… that’s what the cartels are calling it.

>>20974623 @MAGAIncWarRoom Former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr: "The president, like anyone else, has the right to defend himself in the court of public opinion.

>>20974671 @DiamondandSilk Silk discusses Biden's Bogus Border EO, Gangsta Lean Maxine comments and Marjorie Taylor Greene stating how we all feel, FED UP?

>>20974673 Hero journalist Ben Bergquam gets harassed by Biden Regime GESTAPO for asking TRAITOR Adam Schiff questions

>>20974679 @WallStreetApes Welcome To Communism In Canada. Reporter Is Threatened With Arrest If He Makes “Rude Comments”

>>20974680 Trump campaign sends vetting paperwork to possible 2024 VPs — here are the notable names

>>20974683 @realDonaldTrump I love this Country. I don't want to see this Country get into a nuclear war

>>20974686 Burnett and Cobb ae seething, literally shaking. Ty Cobb says Judge Cannon delaying Florida case is ‘dangerous’

>>20974692 Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens

>>20974693 New Trump ad

>>20974675, >>20974700, >>20974749 (2020) California inmate kills convicted child molester after beating him over the head with cane

>>20974707, >>20974740 Harnwell: UK press carry exposé on secret NATO stealth plan to get 300k US troops into Ukraine

>>20974726 PF: Russia Federation RSD888(Chek’t) Ilyushin 96 Special Flight Detachment Sergey Lavrov left Cairo headline NE


>>20974748 @GenFlynn Calling all Vets for Trump. This is a new link below. Please check it out and sign up. Thank you and thanks for your service in uniform.

>>20974755 Senate Republicans kill legislation to protect access to contraceptives

>>20974784 BREAKING: Israeli settlers, under the protection of Israeli police, are rioting and attacking Palestinians in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem

>>20974785 Bensman: Called Shot On Biden's Phony Executive Order. Bidan lies again to block illegals. It’s the Republicans fault they prevented me from blocking aliens.


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8de16b No.20974791



such a bogus term to use.

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903e05 No.20974796

File: ac31d1f730fa8c2⋯.png (844.75 KB,728x557,728:557,ClipboardImage.png)

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6973e8 No.20974797

File: 9759becf9cd633c⋯.png (248.23 KB,444x552,37:46,ClipboardImage.png)


1,119 settlers

Q Post 1119

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192a02 No.20974802


D Day 6/6/24 = 6-6-6 (2+4)

The Frankist Jews and their Redemption through SIn 1666. I feel like something is brewing. Pray Anons. Peace is the Prize

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192a02 No.20974804

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6bf8b6 No.20974805

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aa05c8 No.20974806


>686 replies

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1b91c8 No.20974808


Salaiman Ahmed has been caught before spreading misinformation about the conflict between Israel and Hamas. His posts are as reliable as RRN and the personal addendum from the poster paints the person posting that post in a certain light. And notabled in less than two minutes from it being possted. Smells off.

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94c328 No.20974809


fill er up bitches

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d7d081 No.20974810

File: 3a7f5476c8ddd14⋯.jpg (49.06 KB,640x809,640:809,925963.jpg)

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8de16b No.20974811


D Day is now Dictator's Day, anon.

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94c328 No.20974813

File: 7dfc0d9d3cac626⋯.jpg (16.77 KB,700x402,350:201,1dfc0d9d3cac626f43a962616c….jpg)

File: b4c16c05a0b94e6⋯.jpeg (73.47 KB,712x960,89:120,1dog.jpeg)

File: 9e4a4a3dfaf810b⋯.png (651.72 KB,426x960,71:160,9e4a4a3dfaf810bf382d64ae7b….png)

File: bf7439498863165⋯.png (408.85 KB,750x1000,3:4,ificantshitpost.png)

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b0dad5 No.20974814


dick tasters day..

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587256 No.20974816

File: 64de6f01626f926⋯.jpg (40.62 KB,494x299,38:23,6be25d47fb7cf7fffc56b7a375….jpg)

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aa05c8 No.20974819


>694 replies

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587256 No.20974820

File: 6b05dc73b4f6294⋯.png (673.88 KB,797x768,797:768,6b05dc73b4f6294d3ba9b2c95d….png)

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e6e8b8 No.20974823

File: 34a0ee49e3e61de⋯.jpg (68.59 KB,1025x1138,1025:1138,34a0ee49e3e61de88474c49712….jpg)

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ab2f03 No.20974825

File: 5f62822604bd584⋯.jpg (106.03 KB,1024x934,512:467,media_GKY6rJHXYAAfV0i.jpg)


A meme of your mom should fill in what's missing.

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0362b5 No.20974826

File: e199bef1e3e0d4d⋯.png (65.42 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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101967 No.20974828

File: 662e07141a22093⋯.jpeg (19.96 KB,360x320,9:8,1707276072.jpeg)


No, I retardpost.

Pretty big difference…

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587256 No.20974829

File: 61d8aaadc27ac8e⋯.png (1.63 MB,973x850,973:850,61d8aaadc27ac8e6f37de94bc0….png)

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1b91c8 No.20974830

File: 7fe2ef059075335⋯.jpg (136.02 KB,956x808,239:202,kek7.jpg)

I actually think it was who I think it was. Very cool. Sugar tits, huh? KEK!

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b9c067 No.20974831

File: 781e98907da4623⋯.png (496.01 KB,778x535,778:535,ClipboardImage.png)


Two cars explode in Telavi.


EV's? Just kidding. Obviously a settlers own goal FF.

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0362b5 No.20974834

File: 0aac03e73b06199⋯.webp (24.68 KB,600x337,600:337,great_reset_.webp)

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b720c1 No.20974835

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fritsch: Chechen Jihadis Caught Surveilling Special Forces Official In North Carolina




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8de16b No.20974838



such a bogus use of language.

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6973e8 No.20974841


nothing is exploded there

couple of flares

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cb9337 No.20974843

File: b9565eaac6a1aba⋯.mp4 (11.71 MB,640x360,16:9,dr_hotez.mp4)



Hotez is a paid shill

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b9c067 No.20974846


Yes, I agree, most of his poasts are CNN/Stria style mock ups. I suspect the vids of jews losing their shite are likely more realistic.

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587256 No.20974847

File: 6a7622187fabbb9⋯.jpg (296.5 KB,594x605,54:55,6a7622187fabbb947b1991f22d….jpg)

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b9c067 No.20974848

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101967 No.20974850

File: 7a4fdd2b467c986⋯.png (1.94 MB,720x1280,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)


We need wanted posters Trump

Easy AI methods:

>use ideogram.ai for a template

>upscale the face with stable diffusion


<use Bing to generate a dummy template

<paint over or edit it with SD or PS

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6973e8 No.20974852

File: 998f044d791fdbc⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,2560x2560,1:1,998f044d791fdbc586ff62dfa6….jpg)

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aa05c8 No.20974853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you won't eat of the PIG… well then…

@ ~30:30mm.

Feed your Pig.

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343ac5 No.20974854

Is sneezing a symptom of Bird Flu?

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237324 No.20974857


Having No Symptoms is a Symptom of Bird Flu

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a2b49e No.20974858

File: 4111d32180bda17⋯.jpg (63.46 KB,626x447,626:447,FREE_PASS.jpg)

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201795 No.20974859

File: 9f99cbee4f70f0b⋯.jpg (129.09 KB,620x400,31:20,9f99cbee4f70f0bed68309ed0c….jpg)

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aa05c8 No.20974861


black pepper… usually.

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5e48e1 No.20974862



and the families of the US soldiers killed by one of these should direct their anger at bidan and nato

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1b91c8 No.20974865

File: 0bbc8f7296b374f⋯.jpeg (305.44 KB,1024x1024,1:1,afff43935797e8384bad243ae….jpeg)


I think there's no coincidence to ANTIFA masquerading as pro-Palestinian protestors invading an Israeli embassy today and that display. It's their war and there are moar pressing matters closer to home to care about.

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1b91c8 No.20974868

>>20974865 (me; edit: correction)


the other day

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5dce02 No.20974869

It works like this.

Answered prayers are deadly weapons.


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94c328 No.20974871

File: 4b1f23e5faa00ae⋯.png (381.92 KB,411x555,137:185,4b1f23e5faa00ae1aede854383….png)


oh ok. my apologies.

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587256 No.20974872

File: 000aeb8a5f62a66⋯.gif (3.51 MB,273x153,91:51,000aeb8a5f62a6630342bd6524….gif)

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8c7f83 No.20974876


could be jack black… what a fool. he will burn in hell.

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0362b5 No.20974880

File: d4f9c2237bc06e0⋯.png (641.77 KB,919x612,919:612,ree.png)

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5dce02 No.20974881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8ffe75 No.20974882


Revelation 13:15, 16





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6973e8 No.20974884


need some blanks

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0362b5 No.20974888

File: d0297e31e1510cb⋯.png (60.69 KB,181x138,181:138,ClipboardImage.png)

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571429 No.20974889

File: fc60f862914cd6d⋯.jpg (199.29 KB,811x1155,811:1155,20240605_170624.jpg)

File: c8d0666baf3d392⋯.jpg (36.85 KB,251x289,251:289,z21z03.jpg)

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d7d081 No.20974890

File: 83810f94479980e⋯.jpg (110.53 KB,900x899,900:899,GMUItFxXYAAS3_7.jpg)

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aa05c8 No.20974891

File: 3f2b2fdaab8895a⋯.png (611.57 KB,880x483,880:483,3f2b2fdaab8895a031b3a72d93….png)

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b720c1 No.20974895

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kelly: Critical Lawfare Cases Against Trump Hitting Snags In GA, FL (they are revealed, the District Court doesn’t believe the lies, that Cannon is not doing her Job.) Fani got fucked but not in the way she likes



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0362b5 No.20974896

File: 50a85a52286af93⋯.png (218.77 KB,411x291,137:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a3577 No.20974898


Yeah, that one never had a parent wearing a "That's My Boy!" button

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aa05c8 No.20974899

File: ef88eb5c712b65f⋯.jpg (43.47 KB,1138x148,569:74,ef88eb5c712b65ffafee6a2a63….jpg)

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587256 No.20974901

File: 5ea95f8e920613d⋯.jpg (51.83 KB,751x500,751:500,5ea95f8e920613d1f02bcb5888….jpg)

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0362b5 No.20974902

File: f0065fbf7350eeb⋯.png (147.32 KB,1020x1024,255:256,ClipboardImage.png)

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d7d081 No.20974905

File: f54b07c7bd998d7⋯.jpg (111.17 KB,1078x962,539:481,2ahq7e.jpg)

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aa05c8 No.20974907

File: d54daa9306fb5c5⋯.gif (3.59 MB,540x540,1:1,d54daa9306fb5c5d2d24936730….gif)

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0362b5 No.20974909

File: f65b78c97f332ee⋯.png (238.45 KB,1000x784,125:98,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa05c8 No.20974910

File: 96d306735fb2c17⋯.jpg (181.67 KB,932x1166,466:583,Screen_Shot_2024_04_24_at_….jpg)

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d7d081 No.20974912

File: 1d60d74d84ecc0f⋯.jpg (151.43 KB,960x907,960:907,GMDjuaYWkAA1ffs.jpg)

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d40cc2 No.20974913

Jun 05, 2024, 10:53 PM


ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter


Whoa. The President of El Salvador just told Tucker that MS 13 participates in Satanic child sacrifice rituals after he saved the country from the gang takeover that infected the nation.

But the mainstream media told me that this was supposed to be a conspiracy theory?

This is a battle between good vs evil.

If you're not awake yet, then its time to start realizing that we are in a spiritual war.


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e2fb98 No.20974915

File: b125ce0af954433⋯.png (300.24 KB,557x451,557:451,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa05c8 No.20974916

File: b28aa437aebeba0⋯.gif (7.47 MB,600x519,200:173,b28aa437aebeba06823c691705….gif)

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aa05c8 No.20974920

File: 7706868382b2647⋯.jpg (120.21 KB,1024x1024,1:1,7706868382b26477f2d6bfc4df….jpg)

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c69f64 No.20974921

File: 48237794baa7ff5⋯.png (348.6 KB,500x568,125:142,kju89.png)

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101967 No.20974922

File: f59d00e12a3b8aa⋯.png (2.05 MB,995x1592,5:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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0362b5 No.20974924

File: b053c57db9a83e6⋯.png (171.8 KB,494x679,494:679,ClipboardImage.png)

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