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File: 9cb4fb82a1aeb43⋯.gif (6.99 KB,255x143,255:143,00000000000000000000000000….gif)

c216f3 No.20975811 [View All]

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701 posts and 455 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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44a6f5 No.20976645

File: b5bd494c24d430b⋯.jpg (51.72 KB,516x483,172:161,Keebler.jpg)

File: 13e03acdf87a1bc⋯.jpg (67.03 KB,688x362,344:181,KeeblerII.jpg)

File: e604535733be34d⋯.jpg (65.12 KB,606x412,303:206,KeeblerIII.jpg)

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c61320 No.20976646


No replies…

Anons need to watch this shit.

Non pharmacist cheap n easy repair..

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d29f8e No.20976647


are you a fucking retard because I was asking for clarification and considering the answer you provided I can determine you are a cunt and a fucking god damn loser that I pray kills them selves. How is that english fuck head.

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1cbad1 No.20976650

File: b949fa386521005⋯.png (455.06 KB,1200x1202,600:601,ClipboardImage.png)

I do think this needs further looking into

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4494ee No.20976652

File: f1d4a76dde32dab⋯.jpg (29.92 KB,496x588,124:147,SJThEifos_0_0_496_588_0_la….jpg)

File: 33f0e1f592a31b9⋯.jpg (70.97 KB,800x800,1:1,1645126422921.jpg)

File: 860de4a1056be6f⋯.png (363.47 KB,612x407,612:407,download.png)

File: 3b43f6c0afe59fc⋯.jpg (114.79 KB,1280x853,1280:853,EJsMdRJU4AM4ost.jpg)

File: 4e4668f7664d71a⋯.jpg (227.96 KB,1366x768,683:384,Twitter_Israel.JPG)

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0f5996 No.20976654

File: 427236e874df2da⋯.png (416.29 KB,680x567,680:567,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2ac7c No.20976657


“And God said, ‘Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.’ And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.”

Characteristics of the Firmament

The Bible describes the firmament as a solid, dome-shaped structure that separates the waters above from the waters below. It is also referred to as a “vault” or “canopy”. The firmament is not a physical barrier, but rather a conceptual division between the celestial and terrestrial realms.


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ccacf8 No.20976658

File: 67355989a3d5cea⋯.jpeg (597.58 KB,1125x1620,25:36,IMG_1091.jpeg)

File: fae53b36f64adba⋯.jpeg (700.54 KB,1125x1563,375:521,IMG_1092.jpeg)

Unable to get vid right now if sm1 could it’s good


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533328 No.20976660

File: 78360d15649f718⋯.png (815.69 KB,1080x821,1080:821,Screchi.png)

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ccacf8 No.20976661

File: 27486e0daf3668a⋯.jpeg (321.02 KB,1125x1049,1125:1049,IMG_1093.jpeg)

Powerful statement


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44a6f5 No.20976663

File: f5cf4cfe5280954⋯.png (1.03 MB,1060x750,106:75,EpsteinIsrael.PNG)

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b4d9f2 No.20976664


“Karens” have been around throughout all know history by a thousand other names. They are the natural “Partner” of Big [deadly] Government for eva

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5dfb37 No.20976665


STFU you Beta cock sucker.

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596a4b No.20976666

File: c07a88eb84bf0bc⋯.png (601.9 KB,666x500,333:250,ClipboardImage.png)


How can a DA be funded by Soros?

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44a6f5 No.20976667

Thousands fought to protect the pussy ass kikes who got themselves in a jam when the German realizes they were a bunch of fucking leacking cockroaches.

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b1532a No.20976668

File: 8773ef9b24e3d51⋯.png (62.2 KB,236x277,236:277,ClipboardImage.png)

32/33 engines firing

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44a6f5 No.20976670

File: 38c2964155c555b⋯.png (83.76 KB,500x739,500:739,SMII.png)

File: 31987b639f146a8⋯.png (69.81 KB,500x668,125:167,SMIIII.png)

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44a6f5 No.20976671


Melania doesn't lick balls?

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5fc2f8 No.20976672



you are correct

i rarely read your comments

but you're still getting filtered for being a namefag

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3441da No.20976673

File: 6d27ee902c611cf⋯.jpg (16.59 KB,400x471,400:471,downloadfile_2_1_.jpg)

File: 65d9545fe1b4efa⋯.png (1014.63 KB,1080x719,1080:719,Screvh.png)

File: b81836ff87b5f4b⋯.png (1.16 MB,668x1798,334:899,Scrcduj.png)

File: e1b75211a3b7a6c⋯.png (664.72 KB,1080x1107,40:41,Screenshot_202.png)


Bill Clinton should have checked out with Hillary when he had the chance.

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b4d9f2 No.20976674

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1a2569 No.20976675



God bless Israel 🇮🇱

God bless Netanyahu 🇮🇱

God bless Israel 🇮🇱

God bless in Jesus name


And all the angry demons seethed amen

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302df3 No.20976676

File: a9d27a931d6ae6f⋯.png (39.22 KB,399x322,57:46,1572662705099.png)



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227774 No.20976677


The Plan is someone else's design, and another's execution. So my only tools are smack, read everything, and be patient. "Cause someone's gotta be around to splain shit when the dust finally goes up, and then settles.

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44a6f5 No.20976679

File: 978a6c0de07f8e7⋯.jpg (47.24 KB,524x499,524:499,FilterJewOffRamp.jpg)


We all know why you pretend to filter me.

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d2ac7c No.20976681


…..Some women feel their men has control. He is suppose to be the protector and equal. She doesn't need to be front and center. She supports him or she wouldn't be married to him.

Leave her alone she not feel well.

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5bec56 No.20976682


Speaking from deep Trumpland, I've met many younger couples who've accepted they must reproduce to preserve pureblood and their own ethnicities (different ethnicities; same conclusion).

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ce6bf9 No.20976683


>We all know why

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c818fb No.20976684


a dictator wanna-be squawking about 'protect democracy' is more ironic mocking.

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44a6f5 No.20976685


>couples who've accepted they must reproduce to preserve pureblood and their own ethnicities

Nobody thinks like that you absolute moron.

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af6c85 No.20976686

File: 794b4b4c0322710⋯.jpg (405.04 KB,1200x1560,10:13,NXIVM_HillaryKnewSchumerGi….jpg)

File: 9cd6687fab2c507⋯.jpg (152.9 KB,1024x512,2:1,ObamaGate6ways2SundaySchum….jpg)

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b4d9f2 No.20976688


They are promoted in their run for Office and ‘elected’ into position by ‘Sorosian’ Activists in their local neighborhoods.

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f77afd No.20976689


Hypocritical statement

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5bec56 No.20976690


>making a huge deal outta D-Day

Seems like comms

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44a6f5 No.20976691


>died for the Jews

Comms read.

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ce6bf9 No.20976692


>We all know why

Handlers announcefilteringto keep their team from learning of the Quantum-Grammar-Construct.

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596a4b No.20976693

January 6th was over in hours. (Americans waving the star spangled banner)

Antifa and BLM actual riots lasted weeks (Burning the American flag)

Anti Israel college protests are still ongoing. (Waving the Palestinian flag)

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89a15f No.20976694

>>20975819 dough @350


Q Research General #25727: Call for Memes #TrumpPersecution





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cd0b3a No.20976695


When nothing happens today I’ll have to resign my self that it will be another year of the nothing stopping what is happening.

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44a6f5 No.20976696


>Anti Israel college protests are still ongoing

Everyone is supposed to love what Israel is doing?

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c818fb No.20976697



they don't celebrate any of the other battles.

what they are doing is plotting to try and prevent their eventual demise.

it's dictator's day, anon, and all the dictators have gathered at Normandy in a fete of ironic mocking of the war dead.

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012afb No.20976698

File: 67a4c40a0abbaba⋯.jpg (1.76 MB,4032x3024,4:3,I_II.JPG)

File: 480f90fd00842ff⋯.png (102.71 KB,500x612,125:153,Q154.png)

FAux Nooz pic

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3bca2c No.20976700

File: 449b8c73b6939de⋯.png (1.59 MB,858x1200,143:200,2024_03_12_07_13_35.png)

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b43bd5 No.20976701


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6cf290 No.20976703

File: d2d18e3023e7ebc⋯.jpeg (397.56 KB,1125x1082,1125:1082,IMG_1095.jpeg)

File: 77ad21e4f02b332⋯.jpeg (593.76 KB,1125x1205,225:241,IMG_1096.jpeg)


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b43bd5 No.20976706

File: 8d2804643fd4d7c⋯.jpeg (56.95 KB,680x550,68:55,DB24F830_2948_4FDA_8F0B_0….jpeg)

Let’s get it On

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596a4b No.20976711

Did I say that?

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207470 No.20976713

File: aac66b07e587ff4⋯.jpg (44.54 KB,500x426,250:213,8fzja9_1.jpg)

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ce6bf9 No.20976714


>We all know why

for you its: completely different reasons'

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6cf290 No.20976716

File: acb5a4b7874a7b8⋯.jpeg (425.72 KB,1125x1244,1125:1244,IMG_1097.jpeg)


Had to look that one up

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