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File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,dayshift.jpg)

2f7921 No.20976644 [Last50 Posts]

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2f7921 No.20976648

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2f7921 No.20976649


#25726 >>20975819 dough @350

>>20975842, >>20975946, Cicadas being infected with STD that turns them into hyper-sexual "zombies" - twat noise bun

>>20975901 Palestinian fired over Gaza censorship sues Meta – Reuters (rt.com bun)

>>20975942, >>20975945, >>20976086, Q comms bun

>>20976230 LAST NIGHTS INTERVIEW WITH HANNITY - 5TH JUNE 2024 - youtube (with djt statements bun)

>>20976239 BIRD FLU BULLSH*T!!! WE WILL NOT COMPLY!! - djt video on next pandemic by il donald trumpo vid

>>20976250 Farage on alt platforms with massive reach, this with crowder from tues 5th - farage u.k bun and youtube.

>>20976000, >>20976066, >>20976090, >>20976218, current topics and status bun.

>>20976106 Where was your sloth self when we needed the truth on hunter bidens laptop before the election when you were AG - kash patel t.s post

>>20976162 Connecticut State Trooper Aaron Pelletier killed in the line of duty - twat

>>20976175 Ava Chen is back to discuss the CCP'S Grasps on American Universities - rumble (diamond and silk)

>>20976180 Fox News host John Roberts hits back at the Biden campaign after they accuse him of a ‘blatant lie’ over his reporting that Trump capped insulin at $35 a month - gwp

>>20976184, >>20976193, I’M IN THE SWAMP RIGHT NOW! - dan scavio t.s post

>>20976296 #25726

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2f7921 No.20976651

#25725 >>20974803

>>20974877 trump interview with sean hannity 5th June 2024 - quotation

>>20974894 The True Story of the Bilderberg Group and the Men Who Rule the Planet

>>20974930 Reid letter to Comey Aug 27, 2016 / Trump - Russia, Russia, Russia

>>20974950 Former President Trump says Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has "become like a Palestinian."

>>20974993, >>20975100, >>20975181 NYPD will REVOKE Donald Trump's gun permit after conviction in hush money trial

>>20974995 Trump: The only global warming that matters to me is nuclear global warming because that's the real deal

>>20975028, >>20975040, >>20975050, >>20975061, >>20975072, >>20975084 Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York - Appellate Division, First Judicial Department

>>20975056, >>20975166 4 year Delta - Q 4427, 4426

>>20975068 TikTok confirms CNN, other high-profile accounts hijacked via zero-day vulnerability

>>20975080, >>20975217, >>20975224 President of El Salvador says M3-13 is performing Satanic child sacrifice rituals - Tucker interview

>>20975135 Fauci's cabal likely to destroy evidence crucial to social media censorship case, doctors warn

>>20975156 PF Report - Left Coast style-AWACS, Rivet Joint and tankers S from Nellis heading off shore

>>20975162 U.S. Indo Pacific Command repost of @DeptofDefense

>>20975297 GEOTUS now advocating vote by mail. Gee, I wonder why?

>>20975401 Avalon Ventures XI, L.P. Sold $82.125m of Janux Theraputics-June 5th - Mr. Kinsella is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

>>20975535 july 9th very important date - Q 3387

>>20975808 #25725

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2f7921 No.20976653

#25724-B >>20974067

>>20974431 @realDonaldTrump Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott on Crooked Joe Biden's Border Executive Order: "This is all political theater. It's not going to change anything at the border…”

>>20974403, >>20974466 Sen. Tuberville Warns Of The U.S. Military Losing Its Tradition

>>20974406, >>20974751 BREAKING: The Trump campaign has opened their first Pennsylvania field office in Philadelphia because Trump wants to win the state in style by flipping Black & Hispanic voters.

>>20974439 "Russian disinformation" that was banned by Twitter in 2020 is now evidence for a federal criminal trial in 2024

>>20974451 Elon Musk’s X requests Supreme Court investigate how Jack Smith obtained Trump’s social media files

>>20974465 Biden is now working with Capitol police officers to campaign for him to go around saying they almost died on Jan 6th and they were scared for their lives and Trump is a threat to democracy 🤡

>>20974468 "Academic Publisher Retracts Over 11,300 Papers and Shuts 19 Journals As It Is Overwhelmed by Fraud"

>>20974472 Sen. Tuberville Reflects On Father’s Military Service And U.S. Current Military Capabilities

>>20974477 WATCH: 50 Cent was surrounded by Democrat congressmen and stunned all of them with his response to the reporter asking about the election

>>20974509 Exceptions to Biden's executive order on immigration raise concerns

>>20974513 5-foot snake tried to get into NYC apartment — and no one seems to know where it came from

>>20974519 Former Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn starts PAC after losing House run The PAC will back candidates running against pro-Trump Republicans.

>>20974524 Exclusive: Peter Navarro Speaks from Behind Bars in ‘Joe Biden Prison,’ Warns ‘Unrestrained Lawfare Designed to Interfere’ in Election

>>20974543 ICE officers given new instructions appearing to make it easier for migrants to claim asylum

>>20974556 Joey Diaz & Theo Von Discuss the New Normal "It's a different f*cking world. Try to make a doctor's appointment now.

>>20974567 PF: Elon Musk’s N628TS G650 heading back to Austin,TX after an extended stay at Gulfstream’s Appleton, WI maintenance facility

>>20974570 @elonmusk ESG is a corrupted lie. It needs to end.

>>20974602 Catherine Herridge "The Committee attach to this letter a referral for criminal charges against Hunter Biden and James Biden, under 18 U.S.C. § 1001 (false statements)

>>20974606 Sen. Tuberville Raises Alarm On Neocons Funneling Of U.S. Funds Abroad. And destroying the Military

>>20974617 @RepClayHiggins My sources advise that Cartel leaders are celebrating the “Biden deal” with huge parties. A “U.S. government guarantee of their business model”… that’s what the cartels are calling it.

>>20974623 @MAGAIncWarRoom Former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr: "The president, like anyone else, has the right to defend himself in the court of public opinion.

>>20974671 @DiamondandSilk Silk discusses Biden's Bogus Border EO, Gangsta Lean Maxine comments and Marjorie Taylor Greene stating how we all feel, FED UP?

>>20974673 Hero journalist Ben Bergquam gets harassed by Biden Regime GESTAPO for asking TRAITOR Adam Schiff questions

>>20974679 @WallStreetApes Welcome To Communism In Canada. Reporter Is Threatened With Arrest If He Makes “Rude Comments”

>>20974680 Trump campaign sends vetting paperwork to possible 2024 VPs — here are the notable names

>>20974683 @realDonaldTrump I love this Country. I don't want to see this Country get into a nuclear war

>>20974686 Burnett and Cobb ae seething, literally shaking. Ty Cobb says Judge Cannon delaying Florida case is ‘dangerous’

>>20974692 Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens

>>20974693 New Trump ad

>>20974675, >>20974700, >>20974749 (2020) California inmate kills convicted child molester after beating him over the head with cane

>>20974707, >>20974740 Harnwell: UK press carry exposé on secret NATO stealth plan to get 300k US troops into Ukraine

>>20974726 PF: Russia Federation RSD888(Chek’t) Ilyushin 96 Special Flight Detachment Sergey Lavrov left Cairo headline NE


>>20974748 @GenFlynn Calling all Vets for Trump. This is a new link below. Please check it out and sign up. Thank you and thanks for your service in uniform.

>>20974755 Senate Republicans kill legislation to protect access to contraceptives

>>20974784 BREAKING: Israeli settlers, under the protection of Israeli police, are rioting and attacking Palestinians in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem

>>20974785 Bensman: Called Shot On Biden's Phony Executive Order. Bidan lies again to block illegals. It’s the Republicans fault they prevented me from blocking aliens.

>>20974790 #25724-B

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2f7921 No.20976655

#25724-A >>20974067

>>20974124 Slovak PM points to forces behind assassination attempt

>>20974125, >>20974144 Garrett Ziegler hanging out at Hunter's court appearances. The guy who released the Report On The Laptop in hard copy. The Biden Crime Family hate him Go Garrett!

>>20974138, >>20974149 We need more of this! Rep Scott Perry RIPS this reporter to shreds on questions about Hunter Biden's corruption!

>>20974145, >>20974165 WWII hero Ronald Scharfe speaks out: "I feel like a foreigner in my own country lots of times, and I don't like it."

>>20974151 Good Morning America's Producer Nick Cirone admits the show selects stories and uses contributors to align with their bias.

>>20974155, >>20974167 @mattgaetz Did you know you were paying $20,730 per pound of food delivered through a floating barge in Gaza?

>>20974171, >>20974235 @GenFlynn I wonder if @HillaryClinton or her buddies have anything to say about pizzagate ???

>>20974173 @LizCrokin KTBS news director and anchor Bill Lunn has resigned after becoming a suspect in an ongoing child sex crime investigation by Shreveport police.

>>20974181 Hunter Biden trial live: Gun is shown in court after his stripper ex Zoe Kestan testified

>>20974183, >>20974233, >>20974251, >>20974272, >>20974432, >>20974539, >>20974552 LIVE - President Donald Trump On Sean Hannity 6/5/24

>>20974191 @MTG Bob Good is a backstabber and a liar.

>>20974196 BREAKING: The Republican Oklahoma City Council just shook the nation by voting 8-1 to remove all building height restrictions to make way for the 1,907 foot "Legends Tower" which would be the tallest building in the country and 6th tallest in the world

>>20974206, >>20974253 PF: BOXERs arriving at Paris, Zelensky back to Lublin, Poland from Doha, Qatar 90m stop

>>20974219 Putin: We Could Supply Long-Range Missiles To Enemies Of West In Retaliation

>>20974245, >>20974267 🚨 #BREAKING: NYPD is preparing to revoke President Trump’s license to carry a firearm.

>>20974256 Matthew Colangelo, the scum prosecutor who was lead prosecutor in the so-called "Hush Money Trial" has quite a family.

>>20974268, >>20974298 Fauci testified the BOARD OF THE NIH approved the gain of function research not him.

>>20974289 RNC Making Backup Plans For Presidential Nomination If Trump Sentenced To Prison

>>20974297 Presidential Limo Driver Wanted to Quickly Debunk Cassidy Hutchinson’s Bogus Claim that Trump Grabbed Steering Wheel on Jan 6 – But Liz Cheney Blocked Him from Testifying

>>20974308 @thejimwatkins Remember the following text: There's a lot more happening at Kun than just the message board that always gets me in trouble.

>>20974319 Just in: @SecDef Lloyd Austin's chief of staff, Kelly Magsamen, set to step down the end of this month

>>20974325 @SpeakerJohnson has named Reps. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) and Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) to the House Intelligence Committee.

>>20974338 BREAKING: Hunter Biden's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle is testifying that he left his crack pipe in open view of their very young kids. She also found his drugs in the car on multiple occasions. Maisy Biden was 10-years-old and Finnegan Biden was 9-years-old at the time

>>20974348 @jsolomonReports Breaking: Rep. Rob Menendez Jr. wins House Democratic primary

>>20974356, >>20974387 🚨 @KatieHobbs caught in the middle of a massive corruption scandal: New investigation shows that Hobbs is running a pay-to-play scheme out of the Governor’s office, funneling taxpayer dollars to six-figure campaign donors.

>>20974363 Looking back now at 2020 riots Do you see what is happening?

>>20974368 @realDonaldTrump They are doing it for the purpose of hurting a political opponent of Biden (ME!), and trying to get him to win.

>>20974370, >>20974407, >>20974420, >>20974433 @DonaldJTrumpJr This is a huge revelation—that Chuck Schumer’s brother is a partner in the firm that gave three highly paid lawyers a paid leave of absence to prosecute Trump.

>>20974376 Gag order delta

>>20974379, >>20974395, >>20974452, >>20974460, >>20974484, >>20974540, >>20974648 POTUS bun

>>20974382 The Montana Libertarian Party has officially rejected Chase Oliver as our presidential candidate.

>>20974388, >>20974511 President Nayib Bukele Described how they Overcame the Impossible Gang Situation in El Salvador —— We Prayed 🙏

>>20974402 PF: AF2 C32A kneepads departed Oakland Intl after muh fundraiser

>>20974414, >>20974577 @elonmusk Somewhere between singing & improv

>>20974424 Elon Musk will bring video-only feed to X in bid to take on TikTok and Instagram Reels

>>20974770 #25724-A

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2f7921 No.20976656

Previously Collected

>>20973350 #25722, >>20974045 #25723

>>20970705 #25719, >>20971592 #25720, >>20972493 #25721

>>20967958 #25716, >>20968749 #25717, >>20969544 #25718

>>20965345 #25713, >>20966325 #25714, >>20967190 #25715

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Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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2f7921 No.20976659

File: ab5647863596602⋯.png (1.1 MB,1080x1462,540:731,ab5647863596602065ee325a08….png)


#25727 https://fullchan.net/?50f031d86da00624#G4chhfsu98tyfR6BZE2Dfdheey261kWtWLd5CjN3YeJp

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2f7921 No.20976669


NEED LB COLLECTED FROM @350 ON>>20976296 #25726 @350

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6a54ac No.20976680

My buddy in Chicago just told me his power went out this morning after a really BIG BOOM

wtf anons

Boom Week

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baa474 No.20976702


A transformer close to your buddy blew.These things happen more often than you might think.

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9df26f No.20976704

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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07cd14 No.20976705


why don't you try and find a news story about the incident and post it, instead of spreading fear porn.

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9df26f No.20976708

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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89a1bd No.20976709

File: 2f0188e1a851a56⋯.jpg (99.49 KB,562x484,281:242,musk101.jpg)

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77b92e No.20976710

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/06/2024



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89a1bd No.20976712

File: 51eb87ca686260a⋯.jpg (820.75 KB,3908x1440,977:360,MUSK4.jpg)

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89a1bd No.20976717

File: 9c6451aae66b0ec⋯.jpg (177.62 KB,1071x1059,357:353,maye_musk.jpg)

File: 80f64c1a2f9ea6c⋯.png (1.05 MB,820x908,205:227,awshmytlvcx91.png)

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07cd14 No.20976718


were they in Gaza when they were targeted?

on a congressional junket?

anon, why is propaganda 'misinformation'?

is there another article about Hamas and their minions who are all misinformed and spreading lies and chanting hate slogans calling for mass murder of Israelis and their supporters?

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89a1bd No.20976719

File: 860de4a1056be6f⋯.png (363.47 KB,612x407,612:407,download.png)

File: 59f5a5602a3748f⋯.jpg (36.85 KB,1080x540,2:1,GO9QhAwbQAAk9qc.jpg)

File: 2e924b58baea50b⋯.jpg (8.89 KB,300x168,25:14,images_2_.jpg)

File: 4e4d2744622afe0⋯.jpg (14.39 KB,290x174,5:3,images.jpg)

File: 669727e73a434f6⋯.jpg (133.38 KB,1000x750,4:3,yoga_class.jpg)

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91f709 No.20976721

File: 1fe161251d33ad6⋯.png (180.96 KB,768x471,256:157,ClipboardImage.png)

Adopted IHR amendments strengthen surveillance and require countries to “address misinformation” – but countries have 10 months to reject them


There has been much coverage of the World Health Assembly adopting the amendments to the International Health Regulations. Unsurprisingly, this coverage has been in independent media and not in corporate media.

The following are brief descriptions of articles, podcasts and press conferences from various sources in recent days. Some of the concerns are the agreement for governments to “address” misinformation and disinformation, and the wording that further strengthens surveillance – thus laying the groundwork for the surveil-declare-threat-lockdown-coerced mass vaccination approach.

It is important to note that countries have 10 months to reserve or reject provisions, except those countries which rejected the 2022 amendments and so have 18 months.



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335401 No.20976722

File: 2009e39283ac556⋯.png (1.51 MB,955x967,955:967,swordanon.png)


GM Swordanon

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89a1bd No.20976723

File: 33f0e1f592a31b9⋯.jpg (70.97 KB,800x800,1:1,1645126422921.jpg)

File: 3b43f6c0afe59fc⋯.jpg (114.79 KB,1280x853,1280:853,EJsMdRJU4AM4ost.jpg)

File: f1d4a76dde32dab⋯.jpg (29.92 KB,496x588,124:147,SJThEifos_0_0_496_588_0_la….jpg)

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418f39 No.20976724

File: 9036d245a3ed9fa⋯.png (320.89 KB,679x444,679:444,E1D8ABB8_7947_4418_B981_E2….png)



Wonder How this chart would look if they added Reporters?

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52e794 No.20976725

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89a1bd No.20976727

File: da6162ded587fe6⋯.jpeg (22.99 KB,770x308,5:2,evergreen_2_770x308_1_.jpeg)

File: 006412bda611f98⋯.png (268.79 KB,897x744,299:248,Musk_Mother.png)

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e71485 No.20976728

File: ffb1c88fc8db69e⋯.png (526.82 KB,1080x1256,135:157,Screenshot_20240604_112954….png)

File: af761560dc66d67⋯.png (687.3 KB,1080x1018,540:509,Scrcdy.png)


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fd5182 No.20976729

File: 3e96bf169eba4c7⋯.jpeg (131.91 KB,1140x641,1140:641,5A56F9F2_523A_46BC_9573_0….jpeg)



>>20976666 lb

>>20976688 lb

For example.

She lost re-‘election’ last year, but only after great damage was done. The new guy hasn’t made any noteworthy waves cleaning up her mess.

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5bc48f No.20976730


(all LB links):

>>20976661 - HRC D-Day tweet: Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy.

>>20976658 - Tater D-Day tweet: The brave service members who fought on D-Day represent the Greatest Generation in our history.

>>20976622 Schumer D-Day Tweet: 80 years ago—the Allies stormed the beaches of Normandy to fight the Nazis

>>20976508 Voting company Smartmatic bribed foreign official $4 million, DOJ alleges, sanctions sought.

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07cd14 No.20976731


gosh, mr hatred and blasphemer, they wouldn't be doing their jobs as propagandists if they didn't try to spread pro-Israel talking points.

you spread fake taking points hating on Jews and Israel here everyday and Politico doesn't write about you.

I'm sure that there might be a member of congress or two who see your posts from time to time before filtering you and your hateful point of view.

during wartime boasting and misinformation are fairly common and not unexpected.

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2294e3 No.20976732

File: ad9a2273e66a7f1⋯.jpeg (24.68 KB,297x223,297:223,real_biden.jpeg)

File: ab539cb43601349⋯.jpeg (36.3 KB,680x453,680:453,Dunce_dance.jpeg)

Looking back to 2008, Joe Biden doesn't seem too healthy to me from this medical report. In 2008, the doctor was already referring to him as "aging".

Biden appears healthy from records

Politico 10/20/2008

Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden shows signs of stress and aging but otherwise appears generally healthy, according to a doctor who examined medical records that the Obama-Biden campaign released on Monday. But the documents did not include any records about recent exams related to Biden’s near-fatal aneurysms in 1988.

The 49 pages of Biden’s medical history showed to the media included a report on his treatment following two surgeries for the aneurysms, which caused Biden to take a seven-month leave of absence from the Senate. Though some doctors say the likelihood that Biden will suffer another aneurysm is low, he is supposed to undergo regular examinations for weaknesses in his veins, which doctors say could cause a reoccurrence.

Biden’s doctor, John F. Eisold, who is the attending physician to Congress, did not participate in a conference call with reporters that was organized by the Obama campaign to discuss the records; campaign officials said he has a policy of not talking to the media. Instead, Dr. Matthew Parker, who is not Biden’s doctor and who only was privy to the same information that was given to the media, fielded questions about his health.

Parker, an internist who practices in the District of Columbia, said that he had not reviewed other documents related to the aneurysms, but that it appeared “everything that could be done is being done.” Asked if there were signs Biden had had additional aneurysms, Parker said, “I don’t know whether there were or not.”

“I don’t have any information specifically about that,” he added.

A Biden spokesman who participated in the call told reporters that “it’s not true that there wasn’t a follow up” to the senator’s aneurysms, but he would not provide further information.

In addition to the 1988 episode, Biden has suffered from atrial fibrillation, or an irregular heartbeat, most recently in 2006. According to the records, he first experienced the problem after having his gallbladder removed in June 2003. It occurred again in July 2006, and he sought further treatment in November 2006. Doctors said the ailment probably is linked to Biden’s reoccurring problem of sleep apnea, in which people suffer from pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while sleeping

The records referenced a 2006 pulmonary function report, but the results were not included. Other documents indicated that tests showed scaring in Biden’s heart, but his doctors did not seem alarmed about it.

Biden’s irregular heartbeat was attributed to stress, and he was told to exercise more and drink less coffee, the records showed. Biden takes aspirin and is prescribed Zocor to help lower his cholesterol. In July, Biden’s blood pressure was 120/78 with a pulse of 56.

Cardiac Electrophysiologist Hugh Calkins of Johns Hopkins University told Politico that he “was not surprised” that Biden has suffered from atrial fibrillation, saying it is relatively common in aging men. The ailment can cause shortness of breath and fatigue, and it puts Biden at a higher risk of stroke, Calkins said. In Biden’s case, the recommended prevention is the asprin he takes, Calkins surmised.

“I don’t think it will have any effect on him being vice president,” Calkins said.

The only other major procedure that popped up in Biden’s records was a colonoscopy in 1996 to remove a polyp found to be benign. He also has been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate, for which he takes Flomax.

Biden has dealt with chronic asthma and allergies since childhood. He is prescribed Claritin-D and Flonase for the allergies, and he has scheduled sinus surgery in April to help alleviate some of his discomfort.


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2c586e No.20976734

File: 7f8ec48a442bb03⋯.png (74.16 KB,220x256,55:64,pfu.png)

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be389e No.20976735

File: c3a48618400df15⋯.mp4 (336.35 KB,640x640,1:1,video_2.mp4)

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89a1bd No.20976736

File: 86232d99e86635f⋯.png (33.5 KB,408x525,136:175,musk1.png)

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74d0f4 No.20976737

File: e8e73b05ba71971⋯.jpg (6.24 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20240606_055432.jpg)

File: 343603dcb12ec5f⋯.jpg (4.21 KB,205x128,205:128,9k_50_.jpg)

File: 113485a0a10f670⋯.jpg (5.73 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20240606_055616.jpg)

File: 6d4c372fa5cdd9a⋯.jpg (6.56 KB,194x259,194:259,images_262_.jpg)

WTF is for breakfast?

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c9c589 No.20976738

File: 258851a38309f29⋯.png (549.5 KB,498x750,83:125,Hang_Em_High.png)


>Powerful statement

Certainly is but not for what it's proffered as. Witnessing people like Hillary, Joe Biden, Lloyd Austin, that Macron faggot and the rest of these sub human pieces of shit who proclaim the celebration of DDay is as grotesque and vile as it gets. Those MEN did not go to Europe to defend with their lives what these so called lovers of democracy have turned our country's into. If I was one of those Veterans I would stand up and tell these disgusting people right to their faces in front of God, country and the entire world, exactly who they are and what they are. You have the fucking gall to stand here supposedly as a Patriot, and lie through your wretched,, stench filled, rotten teeth when we all know who you are and what you are. Every damn one of you should be hung by your filthy necks and be banished to the deepest, hottest chamber of satan's hell.

Fuck you all!!!

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07cd14 No.20976739

so 'brave' is the word of the day?

as far as 'fighting Nazis', is he sure that all the Germans on the beach were actual supporters of Nazis?

the 'Greatest Generation' moniker ought to be retired. It lacks humility. I never liked it.

how about 'the most scared and bullied into violence' generation instead?

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89a1bd No.20976740

File: 4e4668f7664d71a⋯.jpg (227.96 KB,1366x768,683:384,Twitter_Israel.JPG)

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f7c9d2 No.20976741

File: 8cab919b44c4ea5⋯.png (74.79 KB,240x134,120:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e8fa9933062c410⋯.png (72.26 KB,240x134,120:67,ClipboardImage.png)

Pronouncement From On High, From The Rear Admiral


Bill Kristol


Biden is an American president.

Trump is a convicted felon.


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8d3c95 No.20976743

File: cff7f5c8172dd2d⋯.png (455.7 KB,920x712,115:89,slowplan.png)

File: 47aa035b31d98eb⋯.png (94.07 KB,448x295,448:295,slowplanglasses.png)

File: 3a0090a5d0788c4⋯.png (237.02 KB,450x380,45:38,slowplanlaugh.png)

File: ca9421a5a028a31⋯.png (73.52 KB,446x293,446:293,slowpresplan.png)

File: f3961f568d407bf⋯.png (98.69 KB,450x280,45:28,slowwillplan.png)

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07cd14 No.20976744


report: Hamas supporters target actual people, Jewish people, walking to their classes with harassment and violence?

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abd71a No.20976745

File: 1018444081f0131⋯.jpeg (803.53 KB,1204x611,1204:611,B2D2A99D_D1A8_4401_8351_3….jpeg)

File: b023e2e140efdfa⋯.jpeg (654.87 KB,1264x613,1264:613,6BBF234C_8693_4A06_98D4_1….jpeg)

File: 3a27dff27dd14d1⋯.jpeg (283.44 KB,828x546,138:91,F04542C2_FBA4_4D5B_A94C_9….jpeg)

PlaneFaggin’:Europe-Zelensky,Potato and Ze Germans and Italians late to Caen

These have been there for a while except Getmans and Italians who just arrived so let you know when they all leave.

>>20975595 pb

SPAR15 arrived early morning local

Potato in 09-0018 C32A, SAM46 C32A (09-0017) and that fuggen SHITBAGZelenskyin UKN1223 A319 at Caen,France

Potato about 5h ago with SAM46 in front

Zelensky arrived about 3h ago

Here are the late arrivals now and doesn’t it figure

Italian AF IAM9001 A319PM Meloniheading for Caen from Rome

German AF GAF824 A320 dunno who they sent heading for Caen from Berlin

PF ain’t watching none of this as just having Zelensky pushed into this makes me angry that they used that fuggen twerp to soil this anniversary of REAL soldiers-it’s bad enough Potato, Macron and Austin there but including that little shit Z too much fer me.

o7 to those men who died and survived that operation

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8f588c No.20976746

File: 0642a7278a396bd⋯.png (90.37 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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b122d9 No.20976748


since everything is money don't be suprized if they start selling tickets for what you described and then to keep it going frame you or your loved ones for the show.

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e71485 No.20976749

File: 11f02e44787e214⋯.png (1.03 MB,1080x687,360:229,Scczfy.png)



Extremely retarded podcast… lmao

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8d3c95 No.20976750

File: 423aeca5130cd27⋯.png (208.48 KB,416x167,416:167,lizardghiz.PNG)

File: 57c1c72a52d4360⋯.png (1.43 MB,574x834,287:417,lizardgizfarmer.PNG)

File: 27a057bbf106c80⋯.png (848.64 KB,1285x672,1285:672,lizardinsidejob.PNG)

File: 0b100df4a7dd4ca⋯.png (910.42 KB,1279x671,1279:671,lizardinsidejob2.PNG)

File: a8532ad9248b807⋯.png (164.14 KB,1064x865,1064:865,lizardpeoplewiki.PNG)

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f7c9d2 No.20976751

File: b379ac0dc7a188a⋯.png (80.3 KB,240x136,30:17,ClipboardImage.png)


The Babylon Bee


Antifa Member Lectures D-Day Veteran On How To Fight Fascism


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07cd14 No.20976753


what would have been his opinion of Alfred Dreyfus if Kristol had been a contemporary when Dreyfus was railroaded into prison?

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016a66 No.20976754

File: c3b72ad9f7adbc1⋯.jpg (541.54 KB,1080x1657,1080:1657,Screenshot_20240606_081427….jpg)


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805f9a No.20976755

File: 6eb0fa4e1911260⋯.jpeg (872.27 KB,1125x1478,1125:1478,IMG_1098.jpeg)


Father of the Vaccine

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2f7921 No.20976756

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4a4f56 No.20976757

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f7c9d2 No.20976758


That depends entirely upon the opinion of whomever wrote his last paycheck.

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8d3c95 No.20976759

File: 722aff179d568f8⋯.png (19.58 KB,801x541,801:541,qpostdisclosurenow.png)

File: 093ea59e50152c3⋯.png (457.45 KB,699x380,699:380,repamongus.PNG)

File: 4fa722a6fa0d218⋯.png (107.24 KB,423x398,423:398,repconspiracytheory.PNG)

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bb4bc2 No.20976762

File: dcfbaade8eb7cf3⋯.jpg (464.52 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GPVC_brWQAAZWb0.jpg)

File: 47685d3cb734606⋯.jpg (527.49 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GPVC_cAXYAAdKEH.jpg)

File: e7180e98a7cbcc6⋯.jpg (514.72 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GPVC_cBXgAEFr6P.jpg)

File: e4e69d60d4c189c⋯.jpg (482.76 KB,2048x1950,1024:975,GPVC_boW8AAa4_S.jpg)

>>20974602 pb


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016a66 No.20976768


finally! Will this get traction anywhere else so that i-told-you-so may commence on all the asshole normies that tried to shame us?

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8d3c95 No.20976769

File: 8aa8780ca5d8998⋯.png (482.96 KB,505x384,505:384,reptilianparty.PNG)


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07cd14 No.20976771


I'm not agreeing with the Israeli 'false talking points' anon, I'm pointing out that it's to be expected that people in a propaganda wing of a military would put out misinformation during wartime to try and bolster their efforts.

it's not news, nor is it note-worthy.

I'm sure all those adult Congress people are intelligent enough to know that if they are reading opinions from one side or the other that there is probably a taint or a slant to it.

head line reads: Jews brag about how righteous their side is.

big deal. Why not? they are at war.

at least they don't (usually) call for genocide against their opponents as some Hamas supporters often seem to.

you targeting these breads with this flood of information about misinformation is, in fact, doing the same thing that the Jewish IDF media arm does. So why is it bad when they do it but OK for you to do it?

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bb4bc2 No.20976773


At Night Shift a lot of times I'm not able to post multiple images, sometimes they allow me to post only one image…

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8d3c95 No.20976774


>i-told-you-so may commence on all the asshole normies that tried to shame us?

Nah, they ain't going to let us have any i-told-you-so's cause they are faggot.

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ea11b6 No.20976775

File: 83f98404e0cddd0⋯.png (63.94 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_06_06….png)

File: 0f58f409dbbcf92⋯.png (394.09 KB,1274x1144,49:44,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)

File: d5ff571e818f451⋯.png (94.92 KB,1231x508,1231:508,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)


>My buddy in Chicago just told me his power went out this morning after a really BIG BOOM

>wtf anons

>Boom Week


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805f9a No.20976777

File: c0add3be11a3303⋯.jpeg (793.5 KB,1125x1459,1125:1459,IMG_1099.jpeg)


How sad… rest in peace Hero.

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e71485 No.20976778

File: b667a3896f3803c⋯.png (941 KB,1080x1412,270:353,Screenshot_20240603_080213….png)

File: 8389f1f76c28f5d⋯.png (1.07 MB,1080x1077,360:359,Screenshot_20240603_152014….png)

File: 0eaf231aec04208⋯.png (763.4 KB,1080x588,90:49,Screenshot_20240603_125945….png)

Finally the MSM is acknowledging Joe Biden is a retarded old fart.

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609e8b No.20976779

File: 6360e72e2bdb5cd⋯.jpg (45.98 KB,600x394,300:197,ao50e830fddc147809b94b9d84….jpg)

curious absence of the corporate personal data protection sermons.

this on the heels of microsoft making ai.exe available.

wonder if the prison time faerie will be making a visit.

we could check the probability of corp prision time,

by using illinois's perpetual cancer lawsuits.

spoiler, 0 prison time.

seems like a "you break it, you buy it" deal.

hmmm, there has been a lack of serial killers,

in news headlines as well.

wonder if they have become aware of incorporation benefits?

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8d3c95 No.20976780

File: 9abe73a8d905d6b⋯.png (149.23 KB,444x295,444:295,bibesaysdisclosurenow.png)

File: 9dc02375e22fca7⋯.png (159.96 KB,340x445,68:89,clintondisclosurenow.png)

File: bf53031a910c4d9⋯.png (215.95 KB,446x298,223:149,clownsdisclosure.png)

File: 951a625938eb2b5⋯.png (88.14 KB,493x434,493:434,disclosureNowPepefish.png)

File: d1e5e2d36c899e1⋯.png (71.97 KB,445x409,445:409,disclosurenowsamurai.png)

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f93e2a No.20976781

File: 6efa0339b39bed4⋯.png (854.95 KB,858x499,858:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,dayshift_flyby.gif)

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c9c589 No.20976782


And you Mr. Krystol, are a bole on the ass of this country. I should have ripped you a new fucking ass when I saw you in KDCA walking out of the terminal that day but I was in uniform and compelled not to. You did look straight into my eyes and the face I was giving you made you quickly look away and hang your head as you walked pass me. You knew and I damn sure meant for you to know exactly what I think of you, Geroge Will, that fat ass fuck Conway and the rest of you fraud ass pieces of shit.

That was enough for me. Fuck you all to hell.

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2f7921 No.20976783

File: acf2c4141222e22⋯.png (704.83 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


D-Day 6/6 at 6 Am

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07cd14 No.20976784


not true.

you are a propagandist. you do what they do only for the other side.

you are the same as they are in that sense.

in another sense you are far more odious because you openly post hateful anti human talking points and blame the woes of the world on all the Jews, from your van down by the river.

if the river rises and your trailor floods, you'd probably blame the Jews then too.

you are the same as they are in some sense, but in a different sense you are far more destroyed and broken.

telling me what I agree with when basically I'm just pointing out: so what? misinformation in wartime? why is that news?

grow up. Most Jews would help to save you when the river rises and your trailor floods

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446561 No.20976785

9:30 AM EDT

Atty. Gen. Garland Discusses Combating Violent Crime

Attorney General Merrick Garland discusses the Justice Department’s work to combat violent crime at the Chiefs of Police Executive Forum on Crime Guns, hosted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in Washington, DC.


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bfdb38 No.20976786

File: 6b251fb1af6501a⋯.png (90.43 KB,500x482,250:241,0b04c8e269cc89ef9a802645c8….png)

File: 4c3ae4d612878fa⋯.jpg (207.76 KB,1024x732,256:183,4c3ae4d612878fa5ff42b114b4….jpg)

File: 33e61529066723e⋯.jpg (57.58 KB,567x633,189:211,33e61529066723ecd01beb2f39….jpg)


>How sad… rest in peace Hero.

Bwahahaha, retard or Jew, maybe both!

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016a66 No.20976788


psst… hey fren… do a disclosure now!

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446561 No.20976789

10:00 AM EDT

80th Anniversary of D-Day at the WWII Memorial

Friends of the National World War II Memorial, District of Columbia





Ceremony Commemorating 80th Anniversary of D-Day in Washington, DC

Friends of the National World War II Memorial host a ceremony commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day in the main plaza of the World War II Memorial in Washington, DC.


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e3fe51 No.20976790

File: 44564b3fcdcda28⋯.jpg (61 KB,645x1280,129:256,7a6929eeaaea81122b2d984d49….jpg)

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07cd14 No.20976791


what were the times when they landed at Anzio beach?

what time was it when they invaded Sicily?

at what hour did the bombing of Dresden commence, and subsequent massacre caused by the city becoming engulfed in flames?

when did the Atomic bombs explode over the Japanese cities?

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2c586e No.20976792


wtf is an excess death?

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2f7921 No.20976794

File: cbe40c0f964f74c⋯.mp4 (692.1 KB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17176301977….mp4)


Putin goes all in on HRC and Election Fraud.

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e71485 No.20976795

File: c7b8f7be2640bfd⋯.jpg (183.98 KB,1080x1239,360:413,IMG_20240511_075826.jpg)

File: ab68d675421f63a⋯.png (884.4 KB,1080x994,540:497,Screenvcg.png)

Loren Merchan leaked nude photos are pics I wish I never seen… Makes Stormy Butthole Daniels look like a Virgin.

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943c1d No.20976797

File: 80b090c1c0b4ddc⋯.png (710.56 KB,808x819,808:819,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f7921 No.20976798

File: 2848219f1779d11⋯.png (11.18 MB,3488x3184,218:199,ClipboardImage.png)

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37fadb No.20976799


post and let anons be the judge of that

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8d3c95 No.20976800

File: c9157f71eb80ac6⋯.png (1.58 MB,750x1334,375:667,A026EAC8_7F00_439F_A2C2_82….png)

File: 87bb7853c34e92d⋯.png (4.66 MB,750x1334,375:667,6354D5E2_99F7_4FA0_8F48_D3….png)

File: 0d4b7d5d588c37f⋯.png (4.86 MB,750x1334,375:667,69393C0B_B955_493D_AA22_39….png)

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c9c589 No.20976801

File: 023c0b2ae2de627⋯.png (493.95 KB,1015x569,1015:569,Skunk_Vomiting.png)

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d93ee3 No.20976802

File: ff60dec708f5ada⋯.png (1.26 MB,2250x912,375:152,ClipboardImage.png)

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07cd14 No.20976804


soon he'll say it's a 6 million percent rise in that.

in fact people probably just tell their pollsters that they hate when, in fact, they just dislike being accused of being haters, when they aren't.

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bfdb38 No.20976805

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016a66 No.20976806

File: 9180b52247ee8cb⋯.jpg (323.31 KB,1028x1025,1028:1025,Screenshot_20240221_080636….jpg)


fkkn kekkd

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dda481 No.20976807

File: 068ef8a33feb4e6⋯.png (1.25 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd5182 No.20976808


To Babylon Bee, or not to Babylon Bee? That is the [Q]uestion.

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2f7921 No.20976810

File: 5822f2d8fde6a69⋯.png (657.09 KB,923x905,923:905,ClipboardImage.png)

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446561 No.20976811

File: 033225010a6d2b5⋯.jpg (336.45 KB,1624x1325,1624:1325,Eagle_Bighorn.jpg)

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07cd14 No.20976812


I see you aren't responding to me post pointing out that you do what they do.

I guess you don't disagree.

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f87528 No.20976813

File: 3c43a7b3f38dd94⋯.png (367.68 KB,768x430,384:215,ClipboardImage.png)

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74c1a3 No.20976814

>>20976230 lb

>Gotta win.

Can potus translate that? wtf does he mean exactly?

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355cd7 No.20976815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Goddamned covfefe. Do you even spell?

Those you trust the .ost

About the Presidio Trust | Presidio National Park

presidio.gov › About

The Presidio Trust is a federal agency whose mission is to steward and share the beauty, history, and wonder of the Presidio for everyone to enjoyforever.

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07cd14 No.20976817


so it's a slush fund for riches in San Francisco?

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355cd7 No.20976819

File: cd50e268b13d888⋯.jpg (449.88 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20240606_060128….jpg)

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ea11b6 No.20976820

File: d8acd72553b708f⋯.png (454.28 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_06_06….png)

File: cd3582bfb1c11d1⋯.png (347.44 KB,1228x721,1228:721,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)

File: 5ce722f204a1329⋯.png (321.16 KB,308x1563,308:1563,Screenshot_2024_06_06_at_0….png)

File: 9da4ef93cdc610c⋯.png (177.76 KB,679x574,97:82,Screenshot_from_2024_06_06….png)






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2f7921 No.20976822

File: 31534d720ff6bd5⋯.mp4 (9.21 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17176313928….mp4)


BREAKING: Coordinated Lawfare Against President Trump EXPOSED!

AG Merrick Garland says it’s a “dangerous conspiracy theory” to allege that the Department of Justice is communicating with state and local prosecutions against Trump.

But former senior DOJ official Matthew…

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dda481 No.20976823

File: a0f3328462b0a13⋯.png (1.46 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Starship flight attitude appears much moar stabilized this time. The mouse, now in sunlight, has been able to hold on all this time. kek

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6c2970 No.20976824



give the shill anotable

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abd71a No.20976825

File: 0aa05fa48b95c8f⋯.png (138.54 KB,474x315,158:105,7523D968_295B_4B52_80A7_3E….png)


Chek’t and RIP Sir

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fd5182 No.20976826


Seent that

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c9c589 No.20976827

>>20975135 lb

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7f44ec No.120138 📁

Jan 21 2018 21:27:24 (EST)

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 7f44ec No.119877 📁

Jan 21 2018 21:12:19 (EST)


The flood is coming.

Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.

FBI accidentally deletes texts?

No Such Agency accidentally releases IT ALL>

Shall we play a game?



Will the FBI recover those missing texts?

[Nothing is ever truly deleted].

Your move.


Stupid doesn't come close to a description. These motherfuckers are in for the surprise of their lives.

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164253 No.20976829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wonder how that re-entry will go…

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fd5182 No.20976830


Yes, you are correct Shitbag Garland. The Conspiracy IS very dangerous!

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e71485 No.20976831

File: 1402815610c292a⋯.jpg (57.35 KB,514x485,514:485,8sitd0.jpg)


What's crazy is the AI WARFARE SYSTEMS makes APT5 North Korea think they got hacked by hackers from the StarLink servers, AI WARFARE SYSTEMS is completely invisible on the internet.

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07cd14 No.20976833


nor is it what you do, either.

They aren't saints. You are not a saint.

you are all sinners. I am a sinner.

you hate them, some of them might hate you.

you post copoiusly about your hate, and probably want to share it so others hate too.

you use a blasphemous name which is a horror to behold your use of it.

you need to repent and get your house in order. Too bad that you turn your back on the Spirit of Truth because maybe if you didn't, and didn't use a blasphemous name, you might actually start to understand what is so broken about what you do here.

PS: repeatedly posting the same talking points over and over isn't spreading truth, it's spamming propaganda.

you have a lot of growing up to do.

I have a lot of growing up to do.

have a growth filled day.

get over your hate.

do good to those who hate you, anon, and you actually will get blessings from the Lord.

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164253 No.20976834


Thursday is Crazy Nancy and Scmuck Shumer drinking night.

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f87528 No.20976835


In a memorable two-part episode from 1981, a handful of famous fashion designers — Gloria Vanderbilt, Halston, Geoffrey Beene and Bob Mackie — board the ship for a fashion festival in Mexico. However, some major names first turned down the gig. According to producer Doug Cramer, Ralph Lauren refused to appear, claiming that The Love Boat would damage his image. Cramer fumed, “We use more Polo clothes on the show than anything else, and I personally wear only Polo.” Giorgio Armani blamed a schedule conflict for skipping out, while Calvin Klein wouldn’t come if Halston did.

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abd71a No.20976836

File: e27f1cee2521527⋯.gif (978.18 KB,453x255,151:85,BF812E6B_DAFC_46D2_A7A3_CC….gif)



And all sorts of fugged up “research”,torture and general experimentation by the Aquino crews

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5bc48f No.20976838




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2f7921 No.20976839

File: 935213491988d8a⋯.mp4 (4.07 MB,320x404,80:101,ssstwitter_com_17176298956….mp4)

🔥🚨DEVELOPING: A group of shoppers in Nashville Tennessee took it upon themselves to stop shoplifters at the Tanger Outlets in Antioch from leaving the store.

I have been living in Nashville for 2 years and I can personally verify that the people here are tired.


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164253 No.20976840


If you talk to that thing, you are paying a Clown who is probably also a pedophile.

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355cd7 No.20976841

File: 770d1e5b1f27e86⋯.jpg (9.22 KB,275x183,275:183,images_264_.jpg)

File: 77fdd54ee49c7b3⋯.jpg (10.28 KB,225x225,1:1,images_265_.jpg)

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fd5182 No.20976842

File: 7aa294f89f7413e⋯.gif (1.82 MB,484x360,121:90,5DDF1276_8FA8_46BD_B7D7_B6….gif)


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07cd14 No.20976843


maybe I'll get through and save his soul, anon, so what's your point?

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164253 No.20976844


If you talk to that thing you're paying a Clown who is likely also a pedophile.

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2f7921 No.20976846

File: cc79ded32ae6f78⋯.png (1.1 MB,1181x796,1181:796,ClipboardImage.png)


URGENT: Need Help Identifying this man. It seems ANTIFA has turned into Islamic terrorists.

He screamed in my staff member’s face and pointed at him “F*** you, white supremacist! Allah Akbar! We’re going to kill you!”

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489440 No.20976847


See the rattler underneath? Multi-prong fight! Eyes on, in all directions, anons!

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74c1a3 No.20976848


why did it need to spend $2m on this?

it had every american talking head running interference for it.

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164253 No.20976849


Pearls before swine. Use your time and energy where it will TRULY help. Don't waste it on sickos.

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355cd7 No.20976851

File: 105e7dd7178ebb8⋯.jpg (12.37 KB,183x276,61:92,images_270_.jpg)

File: f8ff02ebd520d29⋯.jpg (12.58 KB,276x183,92:61,images_269_.jpg)

File: 4ea80b0efa70c67⋯.jpg (9.4 KB,179x281,179:281,images_268_.jpg)

File: 81988c5bfde0b0a⋯.jpg (8.46 KB,275x183,275:183,images_271_.jpg)

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66c675 No.20976853


>Father of the Vaccine

Left everyone free to decide whether to take it or not.

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07cd14 No.20976854


someone said I shouldn't talk to you and said you are probably a . . . . . . .

are you?

calling me evil now?


good bye. you wonder farther and farther off into the wilderness of hate and loathing.

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bbb702 No.20976855

File: ec09f471f1fca10⋯.jpg (113.89 KB,720x838,360:419,20240606_073503.jpg)

File: 5e01cbce4156c90⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB,1280x720,16:9,Nick_Sortor_20240606_3_new.mp4)

File: 22bfaaf3f3bbc76⋯.jpg (118.8 KB,720x878,360:439,20240606_073525.jpg)

File: 9446004f50ea095⋯.mp4 (4 MB,1280x720,16:9,Nick_Sortor_20240606_4_new.mp4)


What the hell is going on here??

Did Biden just sht himself on stage?!

Why was Joe Biden whisked out by Jill MID CEREMONY in Normandy, while Macron stayed back to greet troops?

Maybe he really DID sht himself.

Holy crap.

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c04cc5 No.20976856


The secret password is may

Thanks for playing along new york post

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be389e No.20976857

File: 96358abf2a2428c⋯.jpg (154.01 KB,1075x608,1075:608,96358abf2a2428c957ac314804….jpg)

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fd5182 No.20976858



Fashion Fags in a TeeVee production slap-fight.

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2f7921 No.20976859

File: 725cfef39acd24b⋯.png (1.11 MB,830x1024,415:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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c04cc5 No.20976861


It's the dracos

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baa474 No.20976862


Wow, they are lucky the didn't get shot. When the liberals invaded nashville after a few rigged mayoral electons, shit went downhill fast. the legacy institutions such as vanderbuilt, etc started child mutilation, and the hollywood country stars took a knee. TN has always been a major taget for DS infiltration, but the people are done with it. game on in every county, and believe it or not…even memphis is pushing back

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80f557 No.20976863

File: 3db95c487fefa96⋯.png (1.05 MB,688x687,688:687,3db95c487fefa9635be5a2ee79….png)

File: 0e04da454e5254f⋯.jpg (79.53 KB,900x506,450:253,GO3EieZa4AI2WLh.jpg)

File: 35e0c725bfcbd89⋯.jpg (51.95 KB,1024x576,16:9,miley_cyrus_nude_50.jpg)

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723b6c No.20976864

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I hope it was spirits of heroes of D-day did that to him.


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2eb8b4 No.20976865

File: 9fb72c20106f776⋯.png (366.31 KB,556x419,556:419,caligula.png)

File: c8f3c9c531d9027⋯.jpg (137.49 KB,1000x714,500:357,whatinsthebox.jpg)

File: 37662befceb7963⋯.jpg (277.61 KB,1000x680,25:17,russiacollusionprojection.jpg)

File: d16b466ff0d6a9f⋯.png (88.85 KB,826x279,826:279,victimsofwrathandharshness.png)

>>20976625 lb

Great meme,

I want to put his name on it though

For important name recognition.

How do you spell it?



>>20976631 lb

still trying the "whataboutism" smear and trying to control the info / discussion?

You'll never win that. The permanant Government leaders outweigh Trump many googles of provable REAL crime.

ALSOm You lose, there's free speech. Your tactic only works on Twit + paid-for bots

Doesn't work here. Only works when you can stop your opponent from answering. Like they did to Trump in the bogus "Court Case" that was rigged. Or like the Intel Community/permant gov in collusion with social media banned hundreds of thousands of truth tellers.

All that was left was an echo chamber of the brainwashed.

That would never fly in competition with Truth Social, so they to call in reformer Musk.

fuck off.

Here's the tactics

inverse "#whataboutism

Do it on them.



Oh that's right, its just a rumor for the purpose of slander; And to try to get Trump supporters angry.


All the Haters Have.

Trump-haters certainly lack control over their anger - The anger just feeds their delusion and makes them ripe for downfall

Trump's enemies are victims of wrath and harshness


>>20976684 lb


>>20976703 lb

just proves formal education hasn't inoculated the "science" folks from delusion.

>>20976716 lb

That's Biden, Obama, Hillary - their whole crew

Perfect example of Projection" - which is an outcome naturally born of suppressed subconscious material and a serious mental illness.

(some might be doing "projection" as a result of deliberation and practive lying - "by the book")

We're experiencing "Madness of Crowds" right now - been documented in the past.

The social engineers figured out how to drive the populace insane.

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164253 No.20976866

File: ba5033653118585⋯.png (1.77 MB,1333x888,1333:888,GOD_AND_COUNTRY.png)



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bb6332 No.20976867

File: 74cfaaca62fe794⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17176550065….mp4)

>>20974477 WATCH: 50 Cent was surrounded by Democrat congressmen and stunned all of them with his response to the reporter asking about the electionPN

Since there was no video I downloaded it, 50 cent said something else too, I couldn’t hear

Its easy to download the video at this link below, it takes about 30 seconds, copy the tweet link insert, it and convert it:


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07cd14 No.20976870


I'm good, anon.

thank you for your concern.

if we don't tell the ones who get it all wrong that they get it all wrong some say that we are then at fault for not giving them the Word.

in any case I must have some time, and I must have some modivation to do it.

I've filtered him now, because, yes, it's very difficult.

also my main point is that the spam about misinformation is tiring.

what do you expect in wartime? would military press-offices post 'oh, don't support us, don't help us?'

that talking point from the Politico article was spammed over multiple breads.

I didn't expect to be talking to that one, but then there he was posting to me.

be well.

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2f7921 No.20976871

File: 278f871333b3439⋯.mp4 (851.08 KB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17176813375….mp4)

MUST LISTEN: Matt gaetz goes all in

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bfc151 No.20976872


shitting in public, so democrat hot right now

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6c2970 No.20976873


it's quite logical

choosing to be a namefag manifests your destiny

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abd71a No.20976874

File: 707182b0c100954⋯.jpeg (423.56 KB,759x974,759:974,5F31DD0C_CEB7_4C3C_98B0_5….jpeg)

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21b73d No.20976875


"I'm identifying with Trump….'cause they got RICO charges…"

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f7c9d2 No.20976877


Really small outage for the kind of density that's in that area.

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164253 No.20976879

File: dce999b243bff21⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB,854x478,427:239,7p2as_caa.mp4)

This lunatic… What a disgrace.


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2f7921 No.20976880

File: bd6ef3973ceebd8⋯.png (1.11 MB,1290x726,215:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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e71485 No.20976881

File: 58605ab37c8f325⋯.png (297.45 KB,498x501,166:167,Screenshot_20240605_090526….png)



Biden handlers like his poop.

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bbb702 No.20976882

File: 8469ae69b56adf4⋯.jpg (144 KB,940x1253,940:1253,20240606_074402.jpg)

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b0cc99 No.20976883


When you find out who pulls Joes strings then decide if people were really left free to decide or to lose their job. Must look deeper, don’t believe everything one tells to the public.

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164253 No.20976884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Help build up your fellow soldiers.. ignore the filth. Redeem the time…

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943c1d No.20976885

File: ba38a5fe48a7e42⋯.png (1013.05 KB,1024x900,256:225,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

June 6, 2024

NGC 4565: Galaxy on Edge

Magnificent spiral galaxy NGC 4565 is viewed edge-on from planet Earth. Also known as the Needle Galaxy for its narrow profile, bright NGC 4565 is a stop on many telescopic tours of the northern sky, in the faint but well-groomed constellation Coma Berenices. This sharp, colorful image reveals the galaxy's boxy, bulging central core cut by obscuring dust lanes that lace NGC 4565's thin galactic plane. NGC 4565 itself lies about 40 million light-years distant and spans some 100,000 light-years. Easily spotted with small telescopes, sky enthusiasts consider NGC 4565 to be a prominent celestial masterpiece Messier missed.


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be389e No.20976886


>Did Biden just sht himself on stage?!

I was gonna say…kek

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07cd14 No.20976887


the film makers are there commercializing a memorial celebration? Sad.

Never saw that movie, never will.

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6c2970 No.20976888


they were 'flooding the zone'

Shill 201 manual protocol

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2eb8b4 No.20976889

File: 786f8735d44d1e2⋯.jpg (187.62 KB,692x800,173:200,demtanic.jpg)


I like this line, how appropriate:

"The morning which gives pleasure, is more painful to the thief than death…"


from here: https://estudantedavedanta.net/Jnaneshwari.pdf

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c04cc5 No.20976891

File: cc0ffe185024ceb⋯.gif (185.39 KB,434x434,1:1,20240606_094550.gif)

Growing gif

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2f7921 No.20976892

File: d88485cba1e7d12⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,422x360,211:180,ssstwitter_com_17176603123….mp4)

AI is the Enemy you need to keep eyes on

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f7c9d2 No.20976893

File: 684ef0b00a82c44⋯.png (387.49 KB,353x680,353:680,ClipboardImage.png)



UBC Food Distributors voluntarily recalls 7oz plastic containers of Ground Black Pepper under the Baraka brand name due to the possible presence of life-threatening bacteria.



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9386fb No.20976894


trusting that science.

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2f7921 No.20976895


Illegals are stating they will leave America if Trump is Elected

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723b6c No.20976896

File: 8e781ee945bbd00⋯.jpg (106.82 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_285325080.jpg)



Did we avoid this timeline?

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9386fb No.20976897



you are just a dumbnigger.

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2f7921 No.20976898


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6c2970 No.20976899


so you've assumed the moniker to paint yourself as a target

this game you play is stupid

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9386fb No.20976900


not marigolds

those are sunflowers

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9386fb No.20976901


illiterate as fuck.

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fd5182 No.20976902


Would be so nice, and the world could relax an inch

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9386fb No.20976903




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5bc48f No.20976904

File: 5ea94eddd881310⋯.png (205.1 KB,446x653,446:653,ClipboardImage.png)


Couldn't snag video.


Today is the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Today and every day we honor and salute those of the Greatest Generation who sacrificed so much for the cause for peace and freedom.

We will never forget.

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dda481 No.20976905

File: ecddcba34e1dea8⋯.png (1019.31 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

uh oh

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9386fb No.20976906

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2f7921 No.20976907

File: 03d69b57bf7f685⋯.png (1.81 MB,1290x1207,1290:1207,ClipboardImage.png)

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07cd14 No.20976908


again, I'm guided and focused.

He's an odious troll.

if we all ignore him the impression some might have is that we agree with his poison ideas.

so from time to time it's good to debunk him to his face.

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164253 No.20976909


<lb alert psycho alert

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c04cc5 No.20976911


I see them identify with Trump

Because of the Rico charges

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9386fb No.20976912


is promoting the distraction lie.

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9386fb No.20976913


et al

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c22d0d No.20976914

File: 4c3fe265df47332⋯.jpg (199.08 KB,599x602,599:602,4c3fe265df4733214829937bc2….jpg)

>>20976414 [PB]





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ff4508 No.20976915

File: 6f6b0a137b4f911⋯.png (2.09 MB,696x1047,232:349,Screenshot_6173_.png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)


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2f7921 No.20976917

File: 94e875d74f3a2fb⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17176058871….mp4)

BREAKING: A Patriot put a Trump Flag on his dock and the HOA told him to remove it.

A day later he wrapped his boat and THIS was their reaction!

The mainstream media does not want you to SHARE! 🇺🇸😂


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943c1d No.20976918

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test Rendezvous and Docking

Watch live as a crewed Boeing Starliner spacecraft docks to the International Space Station for the first time. Starliner will autonomously dock to the forward-facing port of the station’s Harmony module at approximately 12:15 p.m. EDT (1615 UTC).

NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams are aboard Starliner, which was launched on Wednesday, June 5 at 10:52 a.m. EDT (1452 UTC) on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket. The Starliner and crew will remain at the space station for about a week.

As part of NASA’s Commercial Crew Program, the flight test will help validate the transportation system, launch pad, rocket, spacecraft, in-orbit operations capabilities, and return to Earth with astronauts aboard as the agency prepares to certify Starliner for rotational missions to the space station.


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d93ee3 No.20976919

File: 7ecf095148f9c9a⋯.png (132.67 KB,1033x913,1033:913,ClipboardImage.png)


Missing Link

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164253 No.20976920



<these 2 lb alerts

LB fails must be all the shills got this AM.

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abd71a No.20976921

File: 4b70ad3d2724750⋯.jpeg (690.04 KB,1162x617,1162:617,BC02E237_8011_4736_9FAA_7….jpeg)


French AF ROXAN14 E3 AWACS doin’ roundies

USAF HKY754 and HERKY81 C-130 Super Hercules off shore

French AF VANT36 A330 tanker circling at refueling altitude

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0364b8 No.20976922

REMEMBER: Democrats demanded fines, imprisonment, quarantine camps, and taking children away from those who would not consent to the experimental covid injections.

Never Forget.

There were evil people in society who demanded that intelligent people who refused to take the dangerous experimental covid injections should be denied all medical care. There were patients needing transfusions, organ transplants, and other critical medical procedures for REAL problems that were denied medical care by evil doctors and hospital administrators. Democrats DEMANDED that those innocent people should be forced to suffer and die. Never ever forget who those evil people are. Blue voters did that. The media puppets did that. "Influencers" did that. Absolutely evil.

Don't let them get away with it. Rub their noses in their shit everyday and everywhere. Evil wants YOU to ignore it all and simply move on. To allow it and do nothing. Evil refuses to face accountability.

We looked at the facts and we made a wise decision.

For that we were viciously attacked all day everyday by both evil scumbags and their brainwashed gullible followers.

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2f7921 No.20976923

File: 41fa1b6ced988b7⋯.png (1.6 MB,1290x1375,258:275,ClipboardImage.png)

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b122d9 No.20976925


this was over 4 years ago…

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f69e12 No.20976926

File: efe442ca3e57fb8⋯.jpg (51.45 KB,728x615,728:615,ix9s057ka7d71.jpg)


>Growing gif

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723b6c No.20976927

File: 396cf47ba368b47⋯.mp4 (546.54 KB,480x854,240:427,TulsionDday6624.mp4)



Here Frenz



>Couldn't snag video.

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e71485 No.20976928

File: d753a83a35b6822⋯.png (775.79 KB,920x1566,460:783,Screenshot_20240606_085212….png)

Whatever happened to Kamala's step daughter is she still modeling?

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2eb8b4 No.20976929

File: c989ed4c5eed2f7⋯.png (145.95 KB,795x724,795:724,whysoangry.png)


they always ban by the content, silly.

If it's "HATE JEW"

Read the terms of service, numbskull

it's at the top of every bread.

I hope you're getting paid well because you are really wasting your time

"HATE -JEW" fails to meet the standard of honest Q-research - lunatic.

who named the screen shots?


Ordinary people (lacking demonic tendencies) wonder where in the hell could all that endless hate come from;

Could it really be the thought they will be cut off from wealth and the ability to abuse children for sex gratification?

(picrel Text)

If someone didn't tell me, I'd never guess; It'd be a mystery.

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07cd14 No.20976930


I don't like deep fakes and it's not cool to not post it as a parody.


very funny though.

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5de04f No.20976931



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164253 No.20976932

File: 4213c5679fb3ac5⋯.png (50.48 KB,698x256,349:128,951_Q_06_06_24.png)

File: ab9dddae9f61692⋯.png (5.07 KB,444x121,444:121,951.png)

File: 02740ad00ec7292⋯.png (446.53 KB,383x586,383:586,rabbit.png)

Donald J. Trump


Today, we honor the immortal heroes who landed at Normandy 80 years ago. The men of D-Day will live forever in history as among the bravest, noblest, and greatest Americans ever to walk the earth. They shed their blood, and thousands gave their lives, in defense of American Freedom. They are in our hearts today and for all time.

Jun 06, 2024, 9:51 AM


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1e8b7d No.20976933


Gardening tip of the day: Plant lots of marigolds to deter snakes!

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5de04f No.20976934


And don't forget a towel

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50ff91 No.20976936


She's giving him instructions.

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21b73d No.20976937

File: fd7773db3bfb583⋯.png (529.22 KB,735x553,105:79,ClipboardImage.png)


Trump narrows VP search to just SEVEN candidates as vetting papers are sent out to potential running mates - here's who makes the list and when he will announce his pick

Donald Trump's (middle) campaign has begun requesting information from potential vice presidential candidates as he gets set to announce his running mate. Trump has so far been hesitant to announce a running mate after his infamous falling out with former right hand Mike Pence following the insurrection on January 6. South Carolina Senator Tim Scott (top left), Ohio Senator JD Vance (bottom left) and New York Rep Elise Stefanik (right) are reportedly among seven in the running for the job. Trump's team has sent paperwork to each potential VP as the begin the vetting process.

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723b6c No.20976938


I had a Trump Won flag on my wall during Remote Classes and the head of the school told me to take it down. I fought back and the made me move my camera so you couldn't see it and they got a ghastly close up me every time KEK. It was up and THE VERY FIRST break I was getting texts about it. The teacher who was bitching as a Son who worked for Disney and was gay and does drag, imagine that.

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c22d0d No.20976939

File: fc8eddf6eb81565⋯.png (32.81 KB,1009x588,1009:588,8829f7e6277979438d84a3a707….png)




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f69e12 No.20976940

File: 296b81b303b3e85⋯.jpg (290.45 KB,1086x612,181:102,not_real.jpg)



>Whatever happened to Kamala's step daughter is she still modeling?

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2f7921 No.20976941

File: 9572a09c0b87b0a⋯.mp4 (6.23 MB,480x640,3:4,ssstwitter_com_17176006544….mp4)


The Irish are on the brink of lynching their criminals in office

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0364b8 No.20976942


Real Jews are the Hispanic Americans.

Latinos 4 Trump

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2eb8b4 No.20976943

File: e7501c8f156f378⋯.png (546.35 KB,828x625,828:625,takingawayrightsundercolor….png)

Bannon's on soon.

The crook's are actually breaking the law and Trump stays within it.


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07cd14 No.20976944


I am sure that there are gay people who have done drag who are going to vote for DJT, anon.

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80f557 No.20976947


butthol special olympics

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dda481 No.20976949

Apparently Starship has something in common with a B-17 in that it can take some fair amount of damage and continue to fly it's mission.

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307799 No.20976950

File: c031471a05a2364⋯.webm (1.65 MB,720x720,1:1,1712486027757315.webm)

Illegal aliens messed with a MAGA patriot and found it the hard way.

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2f7921 No.20976951

File: 1747520148f760f⋯.png (348.34 KB,598x619,598:619,ClipboardImage.png)

Is there ever a time when Americans realize just how much of an embarrassment this is on a world stage? Does this kind of incompetence and weakness encourage our enemies to act the way they’ve been acting? Of course it does!


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5ede5d No.20976952


What’s that mean?

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0364b8 No.20976953


>why do politicians cater to the AshkeNazi FAKE jews so much?

Because of Operation Paperclip.

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465853 No.20976954


It's in case you will need one. Don't panic

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2eb8b4 No.20976956

File: 5e64d2743c1d810⋯.jpeg (202.29 KB,800x800,1:1,hunterbidendd.jpeg)


Did your mother drop you as a child or did you accidentally eat poison by accident.

Are you getting paid for this idiocy?

What's going on with you?

Are you a Democrat?

Thanks for the info, though.

But it doesn't support your irrational hate nor your slander of me - without knowing me.

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f69e12 No.20976957

File: 46b51491024b351⋯.png (121.43 KB,452x848,113:212,ClipboardImage.png)


Dress full of plus +

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335401 No.20976958

File: f259349d3ef320b⋯.png (295.78 KB,500x500,1:1,wtf.png)



Is Joe filling his diaper again?

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2f7921 No.20976959

File: 7aa262f7b461567⋯.mp4 (6.16 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17175599273….mp4)


This footage claiming that children are being sacrificed in modern times by using new methods and propaganda such as abortion empowerment has been going viral.


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6c2970 No.20976960


smarmy digression


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164253 No.20976961

File: ea45f6a70999f9d⋯.png (543.58 KB,709x705,709:705,948_DS.png)

File: 8ae0eed25ccf490⋯.png (1.07 MB,1023x767,1023:767,948_DS2.png)

Dan Scavino


5 years ago today, I had the honor of my life to fly with Floyd Winfield to Normandy.

Floyd—an American Hero, was one of the first Americans to land on Utah Beach in Normandy. #DDay

“Someone had to do something because ol’ Hitler needed to be brought down.”

-Floyd Winfield


Jun 06, 2024, 9:48 AM


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bac7cd No.20976962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Deepstate DumbCunts, do you know what's gonna happen?

HELL is for the wicked, and it is so very hungry.

It shall be fed.

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abd71a No.20976963

File: e594d5813e05098⋯.jpeg (513.56 KB,1164x613,1164:613,D8E92AB4_46D1_4B3C_8EED_9….jpeg)

File: d1a854aafeaed8c⋯.jpeg (718.44 KB,1345x571,1345:571,900B87E0_2BE8_4EA4_BB26_4….jpeg)


Saudi AF SVA7134 737Ministry of Financeheading NW and just entering Adriatic Sea from Riyadh depart

Looking like Paris for that as plenty of money discussions to be had with muh petro $ basically ded’d and heading for intensive care but nao this from yesterday

Saudi Arabia joins BIS-led central bank digital currency trial


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b4c8b6 No.20976964

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2f7921 No.20976965

File: 5ae01fb97c107d5⋯.png (504.51 KB,988x988,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Arizona Republican Party has filed a lawsuit against Secretary of State Adrian Fontes after allegedly discovering between 500,000 and 1.3 million illegal voters on the voter rolls, including dead people and nonresidents.


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723b6c No.20976966


They need to keep it in the Cabaret and not normalize and try and make it mainstream. It was his mother who was the bitch about it. She was a cunt from get go.


KEK the bystander in green looks like he was still trying to get in the elevator.

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016a66 No.20976967

every 7 minutes you spend on Qresearch makes you 17% more anti-semitic

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164253 No.20976968

File: cf94b5ecb96cb9c⋯.png (7.66 KB,444x185,12:5,948_Q.png)


Q948 heads up

Extreme efforts to kill login devices.

Extreme efforts to censor.

Extreme efforts.

Dead cat bounce.

Enjoy the show.

Bring the rain!

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bac7cd No.20976969


Those guilty of election fraud are know, located and can expect to ripped from their beds and taken to justice.

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943c1d No.20976970

File: 16b645f40dec9e3⋯.png (565.68 KB,800x401,800:401,ClipboardImage.png)

SES, Planet Complete Successful Data Relay Demonstration for NASA

June 6, 2024

SES Space & Defense has demonstrated what it claims is the first multi-orbit, multi-band commercial space relay service in support of the NASA Communications Services Project (CSP). To demonstrate data relay services, SES Space & Defense partnered with Planet Labs (Planet), a provider of global daily Earth data using SES’s O3b mPOWER satellite constellation in MEO and Planet’s LEO flight-representative terminal. SES revealed details of the demonstration, June 5.

The demonstrations support NASA’s Funded Space Act Agreement, which enables commercial space relay via GEO C-band and MEO Ka-band satellites to spacecraft in LEO. The initiative allows for NASA’s transition from the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) to commercial systems for its space relay requirements while helping create a commercial market for space relay.

“With this end-to-end test and demonstration of capabilities, we were able to successfully showcase a complete data flow through our LEO Relay System (LRS) service. The data measurement results validated our multi- band commercial space relay service, set the stage for the flight demonstration as the next step, and for the future launch of the operational service offering. We are exceptionally proud of all involved in developing a multi-orbit, multi-band space relay for both government and commercial LEO operators as NASA’s TDRS system retires,” David Fields, President and CEO, SES Space & Defense, said in a statement.


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e0d283 No.20976972

File: 5f0b037918fb963⋯.png (78.33 KB,276x183,92:61,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3e6f2543db814d⋯.png (592.09 KB,604x389,604:389,ClipboardImage.png)


you got a case of TWS

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dae1dd No.20976973


observable lies.

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723b6c No.20976974

File: 07e1b5f4446a434⋯.jpg (500 KB,2750x2281,2750:2281,irishRepublicanIRAflag_314….jpg)


Do they remember?

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2f7921 No.20976976

File: 67d88d4f0a1a1c0⋯.png (349.35 KB,598x642,299:321,ClipboardImage.png)

Do you think Melania Trump is the most beautiful First Lady America WILL EVER have ?


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389801 No.20976977

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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307799 No.20976978

File: c031471a05a2364⋯.webm (1.65 MB,720x720,1:1,1712486027757315.webm)

Illegal aliens messed with a MAGA patriot and the nigga's found out the hard way.

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bac7cd No.20976979

Deepstate Dumbcunts, trained improperly for decades for one event.

The show.

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abd71a No.20976980

File: 3f5f05950b3a966⋯.png (111.98 KB,306x306,1:1,CBE2F07D_C8CC_4D70_A02C_58….png)


You do know they aren’t semites right?


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397fa7 No.20976981

File: 1df7c9fbce968eb⋯.jpg (230.52 KB,1019x800,1019:800,hillary_and_pepe_ben_garri….jpg)

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bac7cd No.20976982

Deepstate Ground agents being sent to their own horrific demise.


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164253 No.20976983


Preach it. Synagogue of Satan. Last for a reason.

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2d1d82 No.20976984

File: 130f8961d811317⋯.png (35.52 KB,647x580,647:580,hk.PNG)

File: 0972eba84e30e79⋯.png (23.37 KB,643x390,643:390,hkk.PNG)

File: fb091397e39eee1⋯.jpg (17.13 KB,474x632,3:4,hkkk.jpg)

Hello Kitty should sell his 5m GME shares before he unloads his 120,000 June 21 20 options.

The stock looks like shit and is just a trade for him? He only had 239m net worth going into the trade.

His average cost of the options is $5.60 prox.

They are trading for $13.00 right now.which gives him right around 90m profit on the trade.

However, as soon as he even unloads 5-10% of the options, the stock will disintegrate - that's why selling his 5m shares first makes the most sense.

GME announces its earnings this coming Tuesday 6/11. If he's a gambler, he'll stay in until that announcement. Or, maybe he has some inside information on the upcoming earnings announcement? (i see the prison nasty in his future if he tries to pull that off)

It's time to book the win.

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dae1dd No.20976986


the young Prince sallies forth once moar.

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164253 No.20976989


He said it's not a cat, it's a little girl, a real girl….. Freaky AF. Pedo shit.

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446561 No.20976990

File: 51a03d78d4651a6⋯.png (682.89 KB,1000x700,10:7,licking_frogs.png)

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dae1dd No.20976991


doesn't know.

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723b6c No.20976992


Is there ever a time when Americans realize just how much of an embarrassment this is on a world stage? Does this kind of incontinenceand weakness encourage our enemies to act the way they’ve been acting? Of course it does!


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6c2970 No.20976994


Baron's height reveals the nephilim DNA

as in the days of Noah

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164253 No.20976995

Oh it's fake VT. Hi BO, trash receptacle.

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dae1dd No.20976996

pathetic dispray

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307799 No.20976998

File: 03d3e27859834f4⋯.png (1.33 MB,1080x1160,27:29,Screenshot_20b.png)

File: 7eaad30d5d83007⋯.jpg (61.8 KB,653x382,653:382,7eaad30d5d8300785d29e3fcd3….jpg)

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164253 No.20977000

mm.. broken images? :)

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164253 No.20977001

New BO doesn't know how to run VT posts…

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2eb8b4 No.20977003


they are suffering from a clinical condition; created in them deliberately - They are unwitting parts of project.

They are in a trance-state.

when you realize that, it all starts to make sense.


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f69e12 No.20977004


>The show.

Muh freak show.

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d93ee3 No.20977005

File: d6f8888ec27ea03⋯.png (624.91 KB,600x1000,3:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4d5777d4506cd4⋯.png (298.64 KB,600x1000,3:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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dae1dd No.20977006



making being human shamefur again.

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6c2970 No.20977007




nuking of markets incoming


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07cd14 No.20977008


or is it good news for DJT's election.

the 'all gays support democrats and marxists' talking point is false.

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164253 No.20977009


You failed already, BO Inc. GTFO our board.

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943c1d No.20977010

File: e8f10a0afc4c926⋯.png (319.43 KB,924x464,231:116,ClipboardImage.png)


>There is a strong possibility that the worship of Moloch, Baal, Sukkoth Benoth, Nergal, Ashima, Nibhaz, Tartak, and Adrammelek, and Anammelek never ended.

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016a66 No.20977012


just playing around with Nikki Haley tiktok language. I shall not kms, for it is a path to hellfire.

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dae1dd No.20977015


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4a1c27 No.20977016

Zelinsky's in a fresh new black tee shirt today at the DDay ceremonies. Wonder why he won't wear anything but tee shirts? I've seen pics before they hired him to play the part of leader and he was wearing suit and tie.

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0e4eed No.20977019

File: acfd0432b89cbfa⋯.png (1.37 MB,1798x1839,1798:1839,Sketch_Space_X_Launch_2024….png)



not sure what to do with the missing "om" ….I keep thinking Michelle Obama (mirror)

then there is the other missing "O" which, I guess would be the big fat Zero Obama….who happens to be on the clock (yesterday, day of Musk post)…run to kenya drop & "never here" if yer curious

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307799 No.20977020

File: b51b25f448ed5d6⋯.png (571.3 KB,1080x1371,360:457,George_Conway_jk.png)

File: 2d155a182c9528a⋯.jpg (63.51 KB,500x629,500:629,8r7zcp_1_1.jpg)

The traitor short filipino faggot George Conway is an illegal alien.

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b441bb No.20977021


He’s an actor and that’s his costume.

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016a66 No.20977024


I watched that oompaville video too!

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80f557 No.20977028


>butthol special olympics


>butthol special olympics


>butthol special olympics


>butthol special olympics


>butthol special olympics


>butthol special olympics


>butthol special olympics


>butthol special olympics


>butthol special olympics


>butthol special olympics

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f69e12 No.20977030

File: b3c8a4ca870b9cf⋯.jpg (45.29 KB,500x437,500:437,22ksv8_4222058976.jpg)

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c04cc5 No.20977034

And heels


Why doesn't he have any shiny medals by now?

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943c1d No.20977036

File: 4e74793236bb46e⋯.png (2.22 MB,1901x915,1901:915,ClipboardImage.png)



June 6, 2024

The fourth flight test of Starship is targeted to launch Thursday, June 6 from Starbase in Texas. The 120-minute test window opens at 7:00 a.m. CT.

A live webcast of the flight test will begin about 30 minutes before liftoff, which you can watch here and on X @SpaceX. The launch window will open as early as 7 a.m. CT. As is the case with all developmental testing, the schedule is dynamic and likely to change, so be sure to stay tuned to our X account for updates.

Starship’s third flight test made tremendous strides towards a future of rapidly reliable reusable rockets. The test completed several exciting firsts, including the first Starship reentry from space, the first ever opening and closing of Starship’s payload door in space, and a successful propellant transfer demonstration. This last test provided valuable data for eventual ship-to-ship propellant transfers that will enable missions like returning astronauts to the Moon under NASA’s Artemis program.

The fourth flight test turns our focus from achieving orbit to demonstrating the ability to return and reuse Starship and Super Heavy. The primary objectives will be executing a landing burn and soft splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico with the Super Heavy booster, and achieving a controlled entry of Starship.

To accomplish this, several software and hardware upgrades have been made to increase overall reliability and address lessons learned from Flight 3. The SpaceX team will also implement operational changes, including the jettison of the Super Heavy’s hot-stage following boostback to reduce booster mass for the final phase of flight.

Flight 4 will fly a similar trajectory as the previous flight test, with Starship targeted to splashdown in the Indian Ocean. This flight path does not require a deorbit burn for reentry, maximizing public safety while still providing the opportunity to meet our primary objective of a controlled Starship reentry.

The fourth flight of Starship will aim to bring us closer to the rapidly reusable future on the horizon. We’re continuing to rapidly develop Starship, putting flight hardware in a flight environment to learn as quickly as possible as we build a fully reusable transportation system designed to carry crew and cargo to Earth orbit, the Moon, Mars and beyond.


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0e4eed No.20977037

File: d13e80d58bf1437⋯.png (687.85 KB,749x500,749:500,ClipboardImage.png)


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f93e2a No.20977038

File: b1601998f4633f2⋯.png (415.58 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c2970 No.20977041


so many small hats

so little time

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2eb8b4 No.20977044

File: ba146f3dbdc124d⋯.png (257.57 KB,720x684,20:19,manson.png)



also, "So What" if true, but its not

Q team moved us twice from the Jew-haters. LIAR

Jew-haters are FEDS anyway, or clueless dupes to FED Propaganda, that works up hate on purpose.

MANSON worked for the FEDS, so yeah, they try to foment hate, works for their agenda

'Q 's lessons opposed artifical divides among Patriots. such as race, religion and skin color, or gender.

That's why Jew HATERS glow so bad and are immediately identified as plants.

FEDS stage events for Propaganda, just like they hire hate-jew shill to come here in a weak attempt to slur 'gainst Q" researchers.

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164253 No.20977045

File: b303c073568f40a⋯.png (65.56 KB,1023x767,1023:767,RWe.png)

File: 02740ad00ec7292⋯.png (446.53 KB,383x586,383:586,rabbit.png)

When Q drop is March Madness and Board attack it = Rick Wilson

>>20976961 - 948 Extreme efforts to censor

>>20976932 - 951 March Madness

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dae6c3 No.20977046


Maria Farmer should probably include herself as one of the predators, considering that she sold her sister out to Epstein.

I'm not sure why she considers herself to be such a victim.

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307799 No.20977047

File: 741bc72b2d58890⋯.png (744.04 KB,1080x1329,360:443,Screcxg.png)



Why did you lick Joe Biden's a-hole.

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010598 No.20977048

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bbb702 No.20977050

File: b02275fdfd0c94f⋯.png (271.47 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1717683654495.png)

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80f557 No.20977052


>>butthol special olympics


>>butthol special olympics


>>butthol special olympics


>>butthol special olympics


>>butthol special olympics


>>butthol special olympics


>>butthol special olympics


>>butthol special olympics


>>butthol special olympics


>>butthol special olympics

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bb6332 No.20977053

This is the new clip every ‘conservative’ who still supports RFK Jr. must see….

June 5, 2024 (19 hours ago)

When RFK Jr. first entered the race, many people thought he could have a significant impact on President Trump’s campaign, maybe even more so than Biden, mainly due to his common-sense stance on COVID and the vaccine. RFK Jr. was a brave voice of freedom and righteousness at a time when many were silenced and treated like lepers for sharing common-sense theories and ideas about COVID and the jab. RFK Jr.’s contribution to that fight should always be acknowledged and appreciated,even though he wants to implement “green tyranny.”

Sadly, the COVID fight rages on while criminals like this madman are still out there spreading lies

🚨 NEW: Dr. Fauci blames the unvaccinated for being “responsible” for an “additional 200,000 to 300,000 deaths in this country [USA].”

He cited the work of Peter Hotez, the vaccinologist who declined a $2.6 million offer to debate RFK Jr., to make this claim.

“Some have done studies. Peter Hotez has done an analysis of this and shows that in people who refuse to get vaccinated for any variety of reasons, probably responsible for an additional 200,000 to 300,000 deaths in this country.”

However, in the end, it has become painfully clear that RFK Jr. is a committed progressive. He is advocating fortaxpayers to provide $5 billion in reparations to black farmers, despite it being ruled unconstitutional.

The New York Post:

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has said he will support giving black farmers $5 billion in reparations once in office — throwing his weight behind a provision in President Biden’s American Rescue Plan that was struck down by a court as unconstitutional.

“When I’m in the White House… I’m going to get rid of those people in USDA and get that money,” Kennedy told John Boyd Jr., the founder of the National Black Farmers Association, in a recent episode of his podcast.

“That $5 billion is not money, that is an entitlement,” the 70-year-old added. “It’s money that was a loan that black farmers were entitled to way back when and was stolen from them through discrimination.”

The provision was quickly challenged by white farmers in Texas, across the Midwest and in Florida, and was ultimately stalled after Jacksonville federal judge Marcia Morales Howard issued a preliminary injunction, saying the bill “appears to create an inflexible, race-based discriminatory program.”

One of the parties involved in the lawsuit at the time, America First Legal, sounded off Monday on Kennedy’s support for the $5 billion package.

“Any public official who thinks it is the government’s role to pick winners and losers based on the color of their skin does not belong in public office,” AFL Executive Director and general counsel Gene Hamilton told The Post.

“This is the 21st century, and we need to stop living like we are in the 19th century before the Civil War.”

Typical liberal. And if that’s not enough failed progressive ideas for you, RFK Jr. has another humdinger. This latest clip is further proof that RFK Jr. is a radical left-winger at the very core of his political being. If you know any so-called “conservatives” who are still supporting this man over President Trump, this is probably the clip to send them. In this latest clip, RFK Jr. wants to push gas prices as high as they can be in a push to force Americans to buy electric, thinking everyone would just bend the knee and quickly transition.

RFK Jr. was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, so sky-high gas prices mean nothing to him. Lower and middle-class Americans would be deeply impacted and forced to buy electric cars they can’t afford. It’s as if he’s out of touch with the reality of normal citizens just trying to make a living paycheck to paycheck. Moreover, we don’t even have the infrastructure in place to support even a small fraction of what the left wants to do with their Marxist “green agenda.” The chaos, confusion, and mass problems don’t bother the elites, but regular people have to deal with it, all for the “greater good” of mankind.

(It sure seems like RFKjr wants to lose, is he just there to take votes from Joe Bidan?)


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164253 No.20977055

BO, do you really think you can recover from last night. You can't go back in time.

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723b6c No.20977058

File: 038bfc3df7ae0de⋯.png (929.18 KB,1274x701,1274:701,jOESHITSHIMSELF.png)

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21b73d No.20977060

File: 661406a06c53f58⋯.png (466.73 KB,634x635,634:635,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd28f8f77ed2bf6⋯.png (678.35 KB,634x863,634:863,ClipboardImage.png)

Conservative dad who launched war on Maine school districts over transgender bathroom policies, CRT lessons and LGBT books kills himself aged 53


A conservative activist who was embroiled in several lawsuits with Maine school districts over transgender inclusive policies and critical race theory has died by suicide.

Shawn McBreairty, 53, made a name for himself in 2021 after he appeared on Tucker Carlson's now-defunct Fox News show and claimed he would not be allowed at his twins' daughters graduation over his opposition to the district's teachings on race.

McBreairty, who called himself 'America's Most Dangerous Dad,' had been banned from the properties of Cumberland's Maine School Administrative District 51 after he padlocked a billboard to a school fence demanding superintendent Jeff Porter be fired.

Friends of the activist and his wife Patti have been posting their condolences on social media, with several local news outlets reporting that McBreairty died on Monday. The details of his death remain unclear.

In recent years, McBreairty accused Maine public school districts, state agencies and teachers of indoctrinating students with a progressive agenda, as reported by Bangor Daily News.

After his daughter's graduations, McBreairty moved to Hampden and began attending board meetings there, even though he did not have children at any schools there.

He was vocal at the meetings for Regional School Unit 22 and spoke of his opposition to library books such as All Boys Aren't Blue which critics say includes sexually graphic material.

The district banned McBreairty from school functions, citing his 'blatant and repeated failure to comply with reasonable RSU 22 policies regarding meeting attendance.'

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f69e12 No.20977062


>He’s an actor and that’s his costume.


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570d52 No.20977063

It was a bad night for BO. Real.

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738808 No.20977065



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bbb702 No.20977068

File: 4b64f4b356ca260⋯.png (230.77 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1717683531483.png)

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07cd14 No.20977070


they highlight his torso which titillates the gay world leaders?

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bac7cd No.20977071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DS INTEL DUMBCUNTS, stupid fuckin piece of shit loser fuck. Ineffective, cowardly and powerless fucks bailing out a sinking ship. Entire career, pensions and reputation destroyed, vapid broken and weak piece of shit commie, pedo protecting piece of human filth.

Wipe out ass with your soul.

Idiot fuck loser, who's fucking your wife while you piss up this rope fuckface.


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15180b No.20977072

File: 26a4823649f758a⋯.jpg (94.33 KB,645x387,5:3,ricolaws.jpg)

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c04cc5 No.20977074


Highly suspicious


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9739b1 No.20977076


has anyone added the shit noise yet maybe an added grunt for a real knock out

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f69e12 No.20977077


>You can't go back in time.

Time travelers can go way back and forward too imho.

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bb6332 No.20977078

File: 57fa8d96d4a17dd⋯.mp4 (4.06 MB,720x720,1:1,ssstwitter_com_17176348846….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Short highlight from Tucker's interview with Nayeb Bukele in El Salvador.

Bukele is 100 percent right about Trump.


The Vigilant Fox

10:23 PM · Jun 5, 2024





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f69e12 No.20977079


>It was a bad night for BO. Real.

Disinformation is necessary.

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cd881e No.20977080



Frank Marshall Davis tapped that whores a-hole.

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570d52 No.20977082

You scared it.

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bac7cd No.20977084

File: 1a3abd88345cdaf⋯.jpeg (325.35 KB,591x491,591:491,513A518B_5728_42D7_8902_4….jpeg)

Who turned?

Who sang like a bird?

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f69e12 No.20977085


>You scared it.


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abd71a No.20977086

File: c181a69db45d47f⋯.png (178.27 KB,631x474,631:474,6832D5FF_E4C1_48DF_BF8C_0B….png)


>new BO

longest serving and not new

Do you ever not complain?

>no need to answer or reply and GFY hall monitor

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570d52 No.20977088

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561057 No.20977089

File: fac1c9651344e6b⋯.png (1.06 MB,1079x1155,1079:1155,Screenshot_20240606_103141.png)



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164253 No.20977090


Indeed, but BO isn't afforded that luxury.

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62a0a6 No.20977091

File: c4b0e7c534e4f2b⋯.png (7 KB,452x112,113:28,image_2024_06_06_103012496.png)

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2eb8b4 No.20977093

File: e69aeef53b3dde6⋯.png (57.9 KB,806x164,403:82,ClipboardImage.png)



I guess now we know why it is that the more they scream and hate, the more likely they are to be addicted to pedo?

As 'Q somehow suggested.

"The louder they are…. "


And they do the subtle threat routing too.

Violence is their way.

They cant win "Hate the Jews" with logic so then they threaten

Jew haters are threatening now, interesting.

I must be doing well.

Kinda proves my point?

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164253 No.20977094


Hey there, BO damage control persona #4

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561057 No.20977095

File: a7d27eaf5c397fd⋯.png (277.81 KB,1080x1000,27:25,Screenshot_20240606_103305.png)




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abd71a No.20977097

File: dbfb1c474668ae8⋯.gif (2.16 MB,500x211,500:211,AE254E3B_E588_44CB_AEF5_5A….gif)



You are prepared to prove it?

Just cuz you say it doesn’t make it true

You can fool these newFags but you ain’t foolin’ the others

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2eb8b4 No.20977098


oh really, what is it?

Why don't you make a chart?

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15180b No.20977100


when you gotta go, you gotta go

good day o7

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07cd14 No.20977101


didn't it seem as though the whole crew was swapped out in early March?

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aad551 No.20977102



Actual Jews do exist that are actually semetic like the lemba tribes of Africa. They are of course completely unrelated to the modern Jew except in name.

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164253 No.20977103

File: ced325adddf6592⋯.png (61.79 KB,822x900,137:150,944_Q.png)


We went too deep.

Attempted a pullback.

Not ready.

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abd71a No.20977105

File: 00670cfa01f87c3⋯.jpeg (239.55 KB,642x495,214:165,111F8BE2_B77E_4E9D_9CAF_E….jpeg)


Statement KING alert

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561057 No.20977106

File: 6229511647b1ad5⋯.png (597.48 KB,500x500,1:1,6229511647b1ad557960ebf890….png)

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80f557 No.20977107


>>>butthol special


>>>butthol special


>>>butthol special


>>>butthol special


>>>butthol special


>>>butthol special


>>>butthol special


>>>butthol special


>>>butthol special

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2cc8e7 No.20977108


It's a racket

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1364f2 No.20977109

>>20976701 pb

>>20976410 pb

The limp never lies.

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bb6332 No.20977110

File: e46e66eea7ecf89⋯.mp4 (4.52 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17176532331….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Andrew McCabe claims certain FBI agents are worried about Trump throwing them in jail, and many are thinking of fleeing the country.



Last edited

1:55 AM · Jun 6, 2024





The Beast is scared:

Hey McCabe, there’s an app for that.He said the quiet part out loud, and admits they are criminals

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62a0a6 No.20977111

File: 9a3ec7c6f97fee3⋯.png (20.07 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage951.png)

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cd881e No.20977112

File: 9b64cab2223f8e4⋯.jpg (90.71 KB,500x695,100:139,But_cxjo.jpg)


Bathhouse fungus Barry is a nigga he ain't no Asian he has nigga hair.

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570d52 No.20977114


Update from Operator1 on last night’s mission, soon.

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446561 No.20977117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:30 AM EDT

June 2024 Open Commission Meeting

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)





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c04cc5 No.20977120

The "Wall Street Journal": "Behind closed doors, Biden seems to be losing it"

The leader of the free world forgets important details, relies on pre-prepared notes and sometimes seems to fall asleep in the middle of a conversation.

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80f557 No.20977121


>>>butthol special

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55b9f6 No.20977123



Who's got the "My butt was wiped!" clip?

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f93e2a No.20977124

File: 5f915691057a048⋯.png (2.96 MB,1707x960,569:320,ClipboardImage.png)



psychological warfare.

bet they attacked his family and children if he took his own life. which seems suspect, probably clowns who took him down and made it look like a suicide.

what a tragedy and a waste.

God will receive his soul

may he r.i.p and prayers to his family and friends.

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007ac0 No.20977126

File: 5d6224a5c99b192⋯.png (2.65 MB,1280x800,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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c04cc5 No.20977127

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4b0192 No.20977129



That's fucked up

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733e3e No.20977130

File: bfb12afa4bc985e⋯.jpg (200.95 KB,720x912,15:19,EvilWitch.jpg)


FINALLY - outing the high priestess to the norms.

Anon has caught flak, in the past, for daring to badmouth "sweet Dolly."

There’s Nothing Loving About Dolly Parton’s False Gospel


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cd881e No.20977131

File: e8404550d19650a⋯.jpg (47.55 KB,500x522,250:261,8sdnxu_2.jpg)




They're all screwed.

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bb6332 No.20977133


The biggest of all hypocrites, liars and criminals are worried about their illegal power and crimes, are going to be revealed. They should be, Lady Justice is returning, no matter how much they smear PDJT

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15180b No.20977134

Zelensky arrived in France for events marking the anniversary of the landing of his allies in Normandy.

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164253 No.20977135

File: 7b0f41760736d9d⋯.png (509.01 KB,768x576,4:3,salute.png)

Thank you, American Patriots.

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6c2970 No.20977137


>Shawn McBreairty

some local press coverage:


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561057 No.20977139

File: 3146f07c6d69cf2⋯.jpg (197.74 KB,704x371,704:371,Dr_Evil_1_.jpg)


I wonder if Peter Strzok is on the… same… Page.

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014bc4 No.20977141

File: 3c303f2d18be7d5⋯.png (795.61 KB,455x607,455:607,ClipboardImage.png)


sup grvl

suggest refresh

VD and kletos out

habby memes cannon stuffs

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668abd No.20977142

File: afade78abd891de⋯.jpg (855.83 KB,2560x2560,1:1,afade78abd891de0a5fb54b3e5….jpg)


How great would that be?!

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561057 No.20977144


We know. kek

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cd021f No.20977146


Fucking bankers

A den of vipers


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6c2970 No.20977147


TC is ultra faggot

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164253 No.20977150


Traitor Swift version 1.o

Probably why Maynard loves her… You know who else he loves? Rick fucking Wilson.

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abd71a No.20977151

File: d972c0e9d04411f⋯.jpeg (591.04 KB,828x581,828:581,ACA97017_FB97_4306_8178_4….jpeg)


‘Sup nijja

Ty for takin’ out the trash

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f93e2a No.20977152

File: dbd6a541429f312⋯.png (272.9 KB,661x834,661:834,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b89270d44430108⋯.png (516.58 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


show them

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b56376 No.20977153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Myron C Fagan 1967

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014bc4 No.20977154


this post @341


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c04cc5 No.20977155

File: d5df81ec9c294e6⋯.jpg (313.8 KB,720x1299,240:433,Screenshot_20240606_103700….jpg)

Tens of thousands of Jews are at Jerusalem’s Western Wall!

All are dancing and singing Psalm 28:9

הושיעה את עמך וברך את נחלתך ורעם ונשאם עד העולם

Save your people and bless your inheritance;

be their shepherd and carry them forever.

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cd881e No.20977156

File: 1cef9a8a628f524⋯.jpg (81.63 KB,500x697,500:697,Vvgu_1_.jpg)

File: 813d637b2693da5⋯.jpg (75.82 KB,500x625,4:5,HD_Graphics.jpg)

File: 307f2f95b824d03⋯.jpg (98.1 KB,500x761,500:761,Crusades_1_.jpg)




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016a66 No.20977159


one of the best memes of the revolution

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62a0a6 No.20977160


She is definitely part of the club.

If you are catching flak, it's because you're over the target.

Most anons know about her already, normies will too.

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4b0192 No.20977163

File: 810a4a1213794a5⋯.png (7.56 KB,258x126,43:21,ClipboardImage.png)


9+4+4 = =17

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ecd15c No.20977164


I think she's gay..always have thought that.

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164253 No.20977165

File: d72ad505b9f830a⋯.png (706.31 KB,667x500,667:500,GBRW.png)


Public will know soon.

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aad551 No.20977166


Nobody escapes this.

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570d52 No.20977168

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164253 No.20977171



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2eb8b4 No.20977172


But, what difference does it make?

That will save the taxpayer's money, if they go voluntarily?

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561057 No.20977174


I imagine their fellow agents they embarrassed have some good ones.

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b56376 No.20977176

File: df662ba083d9d76⋯.png (279.87 KB,484x323,484:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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c598a3 No.20977177


teehee see whatcha did there

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2eb8b4 No.20977178


don't hold your breath.

Get your own board, You and Flat Earth

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62a0a6 No.20977179

File: bea3ef3bb1930f2⋯.png (136.98 KB,537x569,537:569,Capture.PNG)

Reliable + Repeatable

For the 2nd time this week, an unarmed Minuteman III launched from


, showcasing the safety & efficacy of the U.S. ICBM fleet.






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fb2287 No.20977180


The DOJ and the FBI. "We depend on those institutions to protect us."

We do?

Who are they really protecting?

Who is the "us" that he is referring to?

Criminal elites?

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6a54ac No.20977182



lost me at

>orbiting satellite

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164253 No.20977183


Or just grow a conscience. That'd be even better.

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1364f2 No.20977184

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6c2970 No.20977186




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d93ee3 No.20977187

File: 769a448c2ff89df⋯.png (350.14 KB,1144x595,1144:595,ClipboardImage.png)

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943c1d No.20977188

File: 3a24c8011c027a1⋯.png (837.01 KB,800x500,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA satellite images of cyclones on Jupiter reveal storms are fueled by processes similar to those on Earth

JUNE 6, 2024

New research led by Lia Siegelman, a physical oceanographer at UC San Diego's Scripps Institution of Oceanography, shows that the roiling storms at the planet Jupiter's polar regions are powered by processes known to physicists studying Earth's oceans and atmosphere.

The geophysical commonalities spanning the 452 million miles between the two planets could even help facilitate an improved understanding of those processes on Earth.

Siegelman first made the connection between our planet and the gas giant in 2018 when she noticed a striking similarity between images of Jupiter's huge cyclones and the ocean turbulence she was studying.

To a physicist, air and water are both considered fluids, so applying ocean physics to Jupiter isn't as far-fetched as it sounds, said Siegelman. "Jupiter is basically an ocean of gas."

This initial observation led Siegelman to co-author a 2022 study published in Nature Physics that analyzed high-resolution infrared images of Jupiter's cyclones taken by NASA's Juno spacecraft.

The analysis revealed that a type of convection similar to what is seen on Earth helps maintain Jupiter's storms, which can be thousands of miles wide and last for years.

The 2022 study focused directly on Jupiter's cyclones, but Siegelman also saw wispy tendrils, known to researchers as filaments, in the spaces between the gassy vortices.

These filaments also had earthly analogs, and Siegelman used Juno's detailed imagery to study whether this similarity to our planet's oceanic and atmospheric processes was merely skin deep.

Published on June 6 in Nature Physics , Siegelman's follow-up study finds additional similarities between the processes fueling Jupiter's cyclones and those acting on Earth.

The study shows that the filaments between Jupiter's cyclones act in concert with convection to promote and sustain the planet's giant storms.

Specifically, Jupiter's filaments act in ways that resemble what oceanographers and meteorologists call fronts on Earth.

Fronts are often discussed in weather forecasts—cold fronts or storm fronts, for example—but they apply to both gases and liquids.

A front is the boundary between gas or liquid masses with different densities due to differences in properties like temperature. In the ocean, fronts can also be due to differences in salinity, which influences the density of seawater along with temperature.

A key feature of fronts is that their leading edges feature strong vertical velocities that can create winds or currents.

To try to understand the role of the filaments she could clearly see in between the cyclones on Jupiter in Juno's images, Siegelman looked at a series of infrared images from Juno.

The batch of images were of Jupiter's north polar region and were taken in 30-second increments.

The fact that the images were in infrared allowed Siegelman and her co-author Patrice Klein of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, and the Ecole Normale Superieure to calculate temperature—bright areas were warmer and dark areas were cooler.

On Jupiter, the hotter parts of the atmosphere correspond to thin clouds and the colder parts represent thick cloud cover, blocking more of the heat emanating from Jupiter's super-heated core.

The researchers then tracked the movement of clouds and filaments across the 30 second intervals separating the photographs to calculate horizontal wind speeds.


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723b6c No.20977189

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I has seen a shorter clip of this interview where Comey said Trump is Begging for a Jail Term. He didn't blink the whole time he said that statement. Anons what do you think about Corny and this?


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bdd289 No.20977190

File: 0fa9808f3839bb5⋯.jpg (421.78 KB,717x933,239:311,Screenshot_20240606_094846….jpg)

File: 45c1faa8828c337⋯.jpg (388.29 KB,584x1069,584:1069,Screenshot_20240606_094926….jpg)

File: 8ef52d5cae78572⋯.jpg (312.44 KB,717x790,717:790,Screenshot_20240606_094906….jpg)

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abd71a No.20977191

File: 076cf6019169b85⋯.jpeg (675.1 KB,1233x617,1233:617,52D28D19_6DDC_479B_B377_8….jpeg)


Belgium AF GRZLY01 A400m

French AF RHINO25 C130 Super Hercules

Canada CNUK01 C130 Super Hercules

All 3 doin’ roundies just off shore

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0943d5 No.20977193

File: 86d585b1a3db09a⋯.jpg (21.51 KB,191x89,191:89,ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: b7b2e05906704ff⋯.png (62.77 KB,712x806,356:403,62.png)

"Sooner" 62 (cool call sign kek)

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2eb8b4 No.20977194

File: e148cfb9102e86e⋯.jpg (611.3 KB,1917x1189,1917:1189,mccabeimmunity.jpg)

File: 23950006dbd16a1⋯.jpg (106.44 KB,801x479,801:479,McCabe_Comey_Prison.jpg)




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dd6d1e No.20977195

File: b743c5c9a8e8cf9⋯.png (61.68 KB,640x612,160:153,757_1_.png)

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cd021f No.20977197


Plays a mean guitar

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c598a3 No.20977198


There is no way to turn off (even through app deletion)

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cd881e No.20977199

File: c4cf74f87fd6b47⋯.jpg (60.1 KB,500x566,250:283,IMG_20240517_143708.jpg)

File: 3fa927d7a30e333⋯.png (1.53 MB,1080x1383,360:461,Scrgvu.png)


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6a54ac No.20977200


all of these options SUCK

starting to think ZOG will not be taken down

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f69e12 No.20977201


>Or just grow a conscience

Just dreamed of a can full of science, impressive but nobody to lend credit to.

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164253 No.20977202


BO, it's very inconsiderate to post that much text when it isn't a digg. Summarize like an adult. Or just stop littering the board with your garbage personas.

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561057 No.20977203


Never gets old.

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52e794 No.20977204


yep and ✡/gatekeeperresearch/✡ will do it's best to block that truth

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fb2287 No.20977205


They think they are God's Chosen People.

Christians are God's Chosen people.

Not the people who have actively denied Jesus as the Promised Messiah.

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c04cc5 No.20977207

File: f48b62fb14ffb02⋯.jpg (119.28 KB,656x649,656:649,Owv.jpg)


Guy who said he was going to avenge the other guy's dedding now ded

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9739b1 No.20977209


kek. you are a fucking idiot. You are just deluding yourself.

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6c2970 No.20977210


you've only just started?

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943c1d No.20977211


I am not admin.

Only anon.

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164253 No.20977212




Public will know soon.

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abd71a No.20977213

File: 54ee9c9e30ff229⋯.jpeg (252.59 KB,770x431,770:431,12FC6842_35C6_43FD_9EA0_A….jpeg)

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60e444 No.20977214

File: 8cdd99c8d171ea4⋯.jpeg (528.45 KB,950x581,950:581,IMG_1637.jpeg)

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62a0a6 No.20977216


Anon thinks Comey is still hiding in his bunker in New Zealand.

That is… if one of those eq's didn't cave it in on him.

AI/clone/body double to push a narrative.

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fb2287 No.20977218


Do you have a secret knowledge that says otherwise?

Please share.

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164253 No.20977219


Then stop acting like you can't summarize. Fake.

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570d52 No.20977220

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2f7921 No.20977221


refreshed and collecting

forgot i was baking, kek



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c22d0d No.20977222

File: 4ec7cd3d0e98c57⋯.jpg (14.95 KB,255x253,255:253,4ec7cd3d0e98c57c59cf16f2f0….jpg)



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ebe949 No.20977224


>Save your people and bless your inheritance;

>be their shepherd and carry them forever.

Come on retarded Yids, why should God save you fuckwits?

For killing his son and murdering hundreds of million people?


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943c1d No.20977225

File: a12ec5ead6ad120⋯.png (522.07 KB,1776x813,592:271,ClipboardImage.png)

ISS Expedition 71 In-Flight Event with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and NASA Flight Engineer Jeanette Epps

DATE June 11, 2024

TIME 11:30 am



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723b6c No.20977226


>They think they are God's Chosen People.

>Christians are God's Chosen people.

God doesn't choose people, People Choose God

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bb6332 No.20977227


This was absolutely the biggest mistake McCabe has made, he warned true law enforcement who to keep on eye. We know who they are, and those watching know more.

He was trying to make people feel sorry for the real criminals, this is where the Boomerang comes in

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723b6c No.20977229

File: c4c8a0286ee38a9⋯.png (9.24 KB,260x193,260:193,7Cam1Vte.png)


Henlo? Checked

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9739b1 No.20977230


I am not the one keeping the secret. The knowledge is out there if you are willing to question what you have been taught and told and maybe even believe is true.

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2eb8b4 No.20977231

File: 0ee87ebbcf4abc5⋯.jpeg (477.4 KB,750x1123,750:1123,barryintrouble3.jpeg)


prove it.

pic or it didn't happen.

I think he had a nose job to make him look more negroid, and darkened his skin

The darkening sometimes washes out and you can see he's more white

they put that down to his white mother.


Hair could be a "do"

His skin ages like a white guy.

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bdd289 No.20977232


It was norms who were throwing the flak, not anons, but it was years ago when my norms all still thought that I was crazy (discussing my "mental condition" behind my back - not kidding.) They've told me that. They don't think I'm crazy anymore.

Anon feels a bit vindicated.

I'm the one who doesn't need pills to sleep, or pills to get through the day, so who is the crazy one? Kek - not bitter or anything - trying hard not to be, anyway :)

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fb2287 No.20977234



God chooses people.

Read your Bible.

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62a0a6 No.20977235

File: 1af8a23d416444a⋯.png (131.12 KB,530x398,265:199,Capture.PNG)


𝗢𝗙 𝗗-𝗗𝗔𝗬 — 𝗝𝗨𝗡𝗘 𝟲, 𝟭𝟵𝟰𝟰


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9739b1 No.20977236


people also define god. Which is why they then fight like aholes over who is right.

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6c2970 No.20977237


boomerang is coming

just not in the way one hopes or expects

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cd881e No.20977238

File: 0a19ac9d3bec56d⋯.png (815.5 KB,1080x718,540:359,Screenshot_20240603_134830….png)



The entire world knows Joe Biden is stupid.

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ebe949 No.20977239


>God doesn't choose people,

Not? Hmmm…!

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d93ee3 No.20977241

File: 1d22148a3ba9cb1⋯.png (147.75 KB,499x265,499:265,ClipboardImage.png)

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c598a3 No.20977242

File: ff81e7a3428a43b⋯.png (615.5 KB,755x582,755:582,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f5b69deeb0abf7⋯.png (1.03 MB,806x569,806:569,ClipboardImage.png)

more of the weird messaging through dress

reminds me of this

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62a0a6 No.20977243


Keep up the good work anon.

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446561 No.20977245

11:00 AM EDT

80th Anniversary of D-Day Commemoration Ceremony

National D-Day Memorial, Bedford, Massachussets





Ceremony Commemorating 80th Anniversary of D-Day in Bedford, Virginia

A ceremony is held to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.


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943c1d No.20977246

File: 290a6e07e5d2afe⋯.png (626.35 KB,1772x824,443:206,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test Crew Talks with The White House

DATE June 10, 2024

TIME 1:00 pm



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1364f2 No.20977248

She still obsessed with Tesla?

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2f4e1a No.20977249






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c22d0d No.20977250

File: d06a8c4904ae7de⋯.png (271.4 KB,786x634,393:317,d06a8c4904ae7de2142913ff47….png)


Henlo fren, were winning!


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5dcda1 No.20977252

Anon would like to mule-kick some of these clowns for even saying anything about D-day. I hope their brains burn when they think they are successful in convincing the world that they actually care.

Anon is so very tired.

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2eb8b4 No.20977253

File: 2cf81003e196fd0⋯.jpeg (413.02 KB,750x1213,750:1213,barryintroubl4.jpeg)

File: e3cb07397b183f1⋯.jpeg (41.65 KB,474x266,237:133,obamamerkel.jpeg)

File: 2ed7878a6a1d027⋯.jpeg (34.95 KB,474x317,474:317,obamamerkel2.jpeg)


His skin ages like a white guy's

He likes black dick, we know that.

So do a lot of Germans.

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fb2287 No.20977254


God is who He is, no matter how any person defines Him.

God existed before people existed.

He doesn't need anyone to define Him.

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5dcda1 No.20977255

Anon is seeing a LOT of shows that were made loooong ago, that were deemed outlandish and conspiracy-;laced and yet now….

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723b6c No.20977257


>God chooses people.

>Read your Bible.

A: the Bible was Edited

B: There are more than one God in the Bible.

C/ I am Buddhist and have had Jesus appear to me several times.

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cd881e No.20977258

File: 866290ea56bfcf5⋯.png (1.17 MB,1080x1314,60:73,Screevcd.png)

MAGA patriots are going to bury Alex Soros you can bank on it… Treason is a serious crime.

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9739b1 No.20977259


not alone anon, the weariness is with many I think. Including myself the anger over the issues of how this gets resolved are just immeasurable. Because people still have no clue what is really happening big picture.

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c04cc5 No.20977260

File: 5b031c419784cf4⋯.mp4 (14.84 MB,848x464,53:29,8607a.mp4)

fed hydrated clothed buff military aged hiking effortlessly across the border

From Jordan and Egypt and Turkey o my

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15180b No.20977262

File: fbac318b35df3c3⋯.png (6.97 KB,74x66,37:33,ClipboardImage.png)


Mazda race cars are digits, like the 787

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8fb351 No.20977263

File: 4c3ae4d612878fa⋯.jpg (207.76 KB,1024x732,256:183,4c3ae4d612878fa5ff42b114b4….jpg)

File: 33e61529066723e⋯.jpg (57.58 KB,567x633,189:211,33e61529066723ecd01beb2f39….jpg)

File: 53b021f5c555cda⋯.png (213.98 KB,370x637,370:637,us_domination_tour.png)

File: 8a32d2405be13d6⋯.jpg (88.89 KB,600x395,120:79,8a32d2405be13d6020259f55dc….jpg)



The Amerikikes(Patriots)! Well done, look at your filthy multiculturel mongrel country today! lmfao

JewSA and Jewrope are multiculturel shitholes today! Thx Ameritards!

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fb2287 No.20977264


This will backfire on the Soros Crime Family.

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446561 No.20977265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

11:55 AM EDT

The President and The First Lady arrive at Caen Carpiquet Airport

Official Schedule


12:00 PM EDT

Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly.

United Nations


12:00 PM EDT

The Global Cyberthreat Landscape in 2024 - Securing Cyberspace

Washington Post Live



12:05 PM EDT

The President and The First Lady depart Normandy, France en route to Paris, France

Official Schedule


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60e444 No.20977266

File: 89127f726f4769e⋯.jpeg (431.72 KB,872x528,109:66,IMG_1641.jpeg)

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9739b1 No.20977267


yet you fucking clowns do. You all define who and what it is and rely upon that interpretation for your faulty beliefs that are based on lies.

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f93e2a No.20977268

File: 2637cf8d1ad66a6⋯.png (91.82 KB,549x863,549:863,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4399e2e1486c2c⋯.png (178.73 KB,255x254,255:254,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 54d120ed74f1a63⋯.png (54.11 KB,545x621,545:621,ClipboardImage.png)




Jun 06, 2020 2:32:28 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7b393f No. 9504553


The Armor of God

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

Have faith in Humanity.

Have faith in Yourself.

Have faith in God.

The Great Awakening.


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2eb8b4 No.20977269

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abd71a No.20977270

File: e69af5ca85b4bdb⋯.jpeg (640.32 KB,1202x623,1202:623,BCB344B4_7BAE_415D_BC34_8….jpeg)

File: 6c2d2064b119e39⋯.jpeg (210.31 KB,660x646,330:323,1B5DD92A_EC53_4697_AF21_D….jpeg)


QID01 KC-135 Stratotanker haz joined from RAF Mildenhall

Pretty common for those tankers but not the 01 with thatQ

2 French Super Pumas COUGAR50/1

If I were ATC be sweatin’ but that why they do that and I don’t so kudos to them.

They will have practiced this coordination many times so it’s no big deal for them

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5dcda1 No.20977271


Anon agrees. Anon started educated people who actually listened and researched to validate what was told. Now they follow closely and try to educate others, with little luck but they are stuck in blue hell right now.

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2f4e1a No.20977272


calm your tits, karen

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60e444 No.20977274

File: d0f6935dd49b2cf⋯.png (659.78 KB,720x663,240:221,78FEC183_A825_4372_B232_CB….png)

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2eb8b4 No.20977275


maybe, but he could escape overseas?

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5dcda1 No.20977276

Anon has reconnected w/old buddies who are like minded, frustrated and ready to defend again. Anon hopes for peace but preps for alternative

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b2248e No.20977277


Throw in peter strzoker too

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9739b1 No.20977278


those are not gods those are just demons because only the storm god of Yahweh is the true chosen god of creation reee reee reee, kek. Buddhists and Tibetians seem to have more in common with the idea of Jesus than christians, I am too angry to be a buddhist lol.

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b122d9 No.20977280


what is wrong with dolly?

have you seen the movies"FAMILY" movies she's been in? prolly not. I'm curious why you would call her a witch when she's not.

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5dcda1 No.20977282


dubz chkd anon

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fb2287 No.20977283


God is God.

It doesn't matter what humans think.

He is still God, no matter what.

The Creator of the Universe doesn't need humans.

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cd881e No.20977284

File: 367829aaee9d261⋯.png (1.25 MB,1080x1224,15:17,Screff.png)


Alex Soros is funneling money to everyone that is trying to screw over president Trump.

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164253 No.20977285

File: e06f9ce170bd7d3⋯.png (15.84 KB,444x351,148:117,1046_Q.png)


10:46 AM · Jun 6, 2024


Full house.

They are all here.


Enjoy the show.

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dd6d1e No.20977286

File: 58f933f4ef09526⋯.jpg (227.38 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_0….jpg)

File: a993b107932be79⋯.jpeg (241.41 KB,1080x1080,1:1,GPZFX_ya8AAutrF.jpeg)

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15180b No.20977287

File: a3c598d6bb06fa4⋯.png (1.68 MB,1500x803,1500:803,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb6332 No.20977288

File: 5557bb4f1d0d4cd⋯.jpeg (304.13 KB,1175x1238,1175:1238,IMG_2876.jpeg)

File: ac79ec8d0d82678⋯.jpeg (131.02 KB,1241x722,1241:722,IMG_2877.jpeg)

File: 339747311d2b293⋯.jpeg (210.4 KB,1183x1026,1183:1026,IMG_2878.jpeg)

File: 444fa24433478a2⋯.jpeg (660.67 KB,1242x1843,1242:1843,IMG_2879.jpeg)

File: 09a1a0ae5017bce⋯.jpeg (291.32 KB,1206x1177,1206:1177,IMG_2882.jpeg)

Furious Californians tear Gavin Newsom to shreds as post boasting about the number of Fortune 500 companies in the state spectacularly backfires: 'The rich is getting rich and the middle class is becoming poor'

California Governor slammed for 'out of touch post' celebrating big business. His tweet attracted 2,000 overwhelmingly hostile replies in just four hours.

Gavin Newsom's latest attempt to celebrate big business blew up in his face when he was rounded on by furious Californians for ignoring the reality of life in the Golden State.

The Democrat governor took to X, formerly Twitter, to revel in a survey suggesting that California now leads the US in Fortune 500 companies.

'Huge', be declared, 'and something you definitely won't hear on Fox News tonight.'

The backlash was certainly huge with hundreds of Californians tearing into his record on crime, drugs, housing, the budget deficit and the rest of the state's economy

'Cool, the rich are getting really, really rich and the middle class are becoming poor!' wrote JD Sharp. 'Welcome to sunny, socialist California!!'

The embattled governor was keen to trumpet a Fortune Magazine story suggesting that 57 of America's biggest firms now call the state home, overtaking Texas and New York and putting California at the top of the list for the first time in 10 years.

'More than Texas. More than Florida. 57 incredible and booming companies, right here in the Golden State,' he boasted.

But many were keen to point out that people have been heading in the other direction with 340,000 more leaving than arriving in 2022.

Los Angeles has 340,000 fewer people than it did in 2019, while San Francisco, San Diego and Santa Clara counties are each around 40,000 people short.

Florida meanwhile gained nearly 250,000, while Texas had 174,261.

California's population is 1.2 percent less than it was in 2019 will not reach pre-pandemic numbers until around 2032 on current trends.

'Expect most of their employees are virtual or work in other states,' tweeted Mericamemed.

'Funny how many people have been voting with their feet and fleeing your state!' added MacAttack001.

Others suggested that rampant house price inflation is contributing to the state's homelessness epidemic.

Homelessness jumped 6 percent to more than 180,000 people in California last year, federal data show. And since 2013, the numbers have exploded by 53 percent with the state accounting for a third of America's entire homeless population.

'California is also the home to the most homeless people, most illegal immigrants, most needles and human feces on the street!' wrote DPL.3.

'Not to mention the most expensive place to live and most expensive taxes!'

California spent $24 billion tackling homelessness in the five years to 2023 but didn't track if the moneywas helping the state's growing number of unhoused people, a damning report revealed last month.

It has contributed to California's budget deficit of at least $45 billion, prompting Newsom to propose painful spending cuts impacting immigrants, kindergarteners and low-income parents seeking childcare in a state often lauded for having the world's fifth-largest economy.

'How much of that $45billion deficit you are sporting went into these companies as tax breaks?' demanded MacAttack. 'Oh, did you find that $24billion you misplaced?

Reception of the Governor's tin-eared tweet was not improved by its timing, coming a day after it was revealed that Fortune 500 CEO's enjoyed an average 12.6 percent pay rise last year, dwarfing the 4.1 percent for private sector workers.

'It is the little people who are moving to Texas and Florida.'

'I'd rather you be bragging about the most small business that succeed, not enriching billionaires,'

California's burgeoning drug scene did not escape the attention of his detractors, or the state's criminal justice record which saw the number of violent crimes jump by 27 percent between 2013 and 2022, and pickpocketing more than double.

''People can't drive their cars without being jacked. The homeless are dying in the streets, criminals run rampant in your state.'

'California leads the country in a lot of things: homelessness; undocumented immigrants; budget deficits; income tax rates; fuel prices; poor quality of infrastructure,' added Charles May.'Hey but we have mostly great weather and scenery.'

But even the governor's success story was not what he claimed, according to some.

'For context, Texas has 55. California has 57,' wrote community_notes. 'California is also about 25 percent bigger in population than Texas: 30m vs 39m.

'By population, it should have 68. And Texas and Florida have been gaining, too.

'Gavin doesn't mention that.


(Their arrogance will be their downfall)

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446561 No.20977289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


12:15 PM EDT

Docking coverage of the Boeing Starliner spacecraft to the International Space Station. Hatch opening and welcoming remarks with NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams and the ISS Expedition 71 Crew to take place approx. 2 p.m.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)




11:01 AM EDT

Boeing Starliner Docking and Welcome Remarks

Boeing’s Starliner docks with the International Space Station. The spacecraft is carrying two astronauts, Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams. Ms. Williams is the first woman to pilot a new spacecraft on its first crewed flight to space.




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2f4e1a No.20977291



not encouraged by the rate of success, tho

waiting for critical mass

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b2248e No.20977292


It did look like they were having a tense dinner link up

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c598a3 No.20977294


I also have reason to believe she is - and many of her followers are as well.

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6c2970 No.20977295




>Anon is so very tired.


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15180b No.20977296

File: b19b9e2dc9ba458⋯.gif (2.88 MB,320x292,80:73,wigglestrzok.gif)


>peter strzoker

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c04cc5 No.20977297


filed under: this vid will get Trump elected

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9739b1 No.20977299


this is the type of stupid fuckery that causes me to realize there is no hope for you retards to actually understand the semantic problems with what you say.

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007ac0 No.20977301

File: 4ee073e25a38055⋯.jpg (967.4 KB,1280x800,8:5,FAKE_STATE_DEPARTMENT.jpg)

America should TELL PUTIN what your ADDRESS is.

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abd71a No.20977302


Fuggen ear buster that was

Weren’t the fastest but won by having everyone drop out and short shifting.

And Johnny passed out so he wasn’t on the podium

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77d2f2 No.20977304


D-Day was a clown show so it makes sense that the clowns celebrate it religiously.

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c04cc5 No.20977305


Should have said he mentions jews

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007ac0 No.20977308


I'll give $100 to the person who tears down that shit Ukraine Flag at Normandy on D-DAY

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b56376 No.20977311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Britain in Palestine 1917-1948

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b122d9 No.20977314


you have proof?

you have assumption.

focus on beyonce if you want an evil witch.

dolly isn't one.

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fb2287 No.20977316


So how was the Universe created?

Enlighten me?

With a Big Bang?

It just appeared out of nothing all by itself?

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dd6d1e No.20977317

File: 40f534b9737fb2d⋯.jpg (194 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_0….jpg)

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561057 No.20977320


Did not know that. The rest of the story is on their x.


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5d52f3 No.20977322


Does his wife make a cameo?

The SEC would add a nice twist in this, stonks, finance, bankers


All of em

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5bd474 No.20977323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Archive dude

made some progress.. updated Jan 2019 Fiji Water Babe Kelleth Cuthbert folder. Also some reeNames on 2018/19


but anyways look to 2020 next for a fix

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2f4e1a No.20977325


>Update from Operator1 on last night’s mission, soon.

you mean, like, two moar weaks?

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723b6c No.20977327

File: 55aafe7c8abb241⋯.png (252.04 KB,1051x519,1051:519,Ichinansanzenvibrationalch….png)


> I am too angry to be a buddhist lol.

It is okay, Jesus got angry too didn't he? People constantly change emotions all the time. We call it Ichinan Sanzen Three thousand realms in a single moment. The Ten Worlds of Buddhism. All you need to knwo is you have the Buddha Potential inside you, or everyone for that matter. Similar to Jesus saying we are all divine and can be like him. I made this chart showing how Vibration and Buddhism are connected.

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8d3c95 No.20977329


>the Greatest Generation

The greatest generation to be tricked into dying in a bankers war?

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15180b No.20977330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the sound of eating shills with the filter vacuum

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62a0a6 No.20977331


Thank you anon

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9739b1 No.20977333


you are too stupid to understand. The creator does not appear in the bible. They are eloheim stories, stories about many things that became gods and created civilization, it was not until later that it was turned into a monotheistic religion. You are stupid.

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dd6d1e No.20977334

File: 40f534b9737fb2d⋯.jpg (194 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_0….jpg)

File: 02f1bf49503e3c6⋯.jpeg (81.79 KB,960x700,48:35,GPZhLzBbUAAd9a5.jpeg)

File: cca9591311171ce⋯.jpeg (414.84 KB,2047x1552,2047:1552,GPZhLzrXMAAkwWa.jpeg)

File: 3c43a9bfd8c3fba⋯.jpeg (270.43 KB,1157x871,89:67,GPZhLxoWQAE4yyD.jpeg)

File: 2a2ed29236b0ed0⋯.jpeg (66.79 KB,1000x750,4:3,GPZhLwyW8AA35oW.jpeg)


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f93e2a No.20977335

File: f8d7f3b8864ad3d⋯.png (674.85 KB,1080x1094,540:547,ClipboardImage.png)



ok that is moar than a coincidence.

anon made that meme.

posted it here on kun

anon took the background off this image and put on that image.


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164253 No.20977336


Did it explode in the end?

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ae38f2 No.20977337

File: 47aa8e405771aca⋯.jpg (24.34 KB,632x632,1:1,47aa8e405771aca160991d1a65….jpg)

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8fb351 No.20977338

File: 91c831c67a8ab0d⋯.jpg (63.76 KB,720x720,1:1,91c831c67a8ab0dd415ab549e2….jpg)

File: 9714f2192bf9b81⋯.jpg (58.54 KB,557x444,557:444,9714f2192bf9b81222c0ff45fc….jpg)


>It is okay, Jesus got angry too didn't he?

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c598a3 No.20977342


no proof.

only observation of her and her followers.

you have proof she is not?

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5dcda1 No.20977343


Anon feelz many will internally embrace they were wrong, but will either jump off a bridge or die with their secret due to embarrassment.

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007ac0 No.20977344

File: a8e87ea671338a2⋯.png (1.47 MB,1024x842,512:421,ClipboardImage.png)


kek - you think the SETTLERS will leave the FELLOWSHIP in DC to go back to that!?

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5bd474 No.20977345


BTW i have a way better version archived

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6c2970 No.20977347


>muh buddha feelz

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Jeremiah 17:9

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723b6c No.20977348

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b122d9 No.20977349


it's a legend. It tells what they plan on doing every cycle. Like in rev. I found disturbing they planned to destroy the earth and make a new.

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5d52f3 No.20977351






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b1698a No.20977353

Hannity warns Trump not to go after his political opponents.

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59ba96 No.20977354

File: 1b033cf8c9e826d⋯.png (498.81 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Bird Flu Pandemicincoming…

The [DS] is looking for a replay with pandemic v2.0. Lockdowns and social distancing are what they're already talking about, because they NEED mail-in voting in the 2024 election.

Are you all ready?

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8d3c95 No.20977355

This reality seems to have everything for everyone, except for Justice. There is no Justice here.

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9739b1 No.20977356


interesting, more aligned this way, plus I think experiencing horrible emotions and thoughts helps people understand what those feelings really are, sometimes dealing with anger for an example is understanding it and why it happens, and many people just want to erase it. I think its more of a teaching emotion. Still not one I like though.

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561057 No.20977357


They did a pretty good number on themselves.

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b1698a No.20977358


He cries out in pain as he stabs you in the back

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8d3c95 No.20977359


>and desperately wicked

Fake news.

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335401 No.20977361

File: 47b0a6765427c9f⋯.png (491.05 KB,770x700,11:10,smile.png)


> Dolly


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6c2970 No.20977362


ignorance like yours is what got us in this mess

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943c1d No.20977363

File: eb516ffeeb3895f⋯.png (420.18 KB,842x1136,421:568,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9022cdbd15d1b6a⋯.png (725.79 KB,679x453,679:453,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA astronaut captures stunning view of Finger Lakes from space

Updated: June 6, 2024 6:29 AM

NASA astronaut and Syracuse native Jeanette Epps has captured a stunning view of the Finger Lakes region from the International Space Station. Epps posted the photo on social media with the caption, “Hello Syracuse and the Finger Lakes region!”

The image shows Syracuse, the Finger Lakes, Rochester, Lake Ontario, and a large part of northern New York State. Epps is part of the NASA SpaceX Crew-8 Mission.

Epps and her team, including NASA astronauts Matthew Dominick and Michael Barratt and Roscosmos cosmonaut Alexander Grebenkin, are conducting over 200 scientific experiments to advance human space exploration and benefit life on Earth.


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15180b No.20977364


>Hannity warns Trump


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2f4e1a No.20977366



now i've heard it all

people who hate jews are the pedos

only a jew could concoct the convoluted logic to derive that conclusion

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9739b1 No.20977367


predictive programming on a long enough scale. People do not realize that all these groups are actively trying to bring about the end of the world and each group at least when it comes to abrahamic faiths says their leader, messiah whatever is part of the end. Its sick that people want to head to that ending instead of writing a new destiny.

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b1698a No.20977368

Is Hannity just another C lie A clown after all?

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bb6332 No.20977370

(New Urban Dictionary definition: Conspiracy Theories = Truth the government doesn’t want you to know)

FBI Told Nashville Police Release Of School Shooter Writings Would Lead To ‘Conspiracy Theories,’ ‘Inaccurate Info’

By Leif Le Mahieu

Jun 5, 2024 DailyWire.com

A newly revealed memo shows that the FBI told the Metro Nashville Police Department that the release of a school shooter’s writings could lead to “conspiracy theories” and “inaccurate information” in the weeks following fatal shootings at a Christian school in Nashville, according to a report from The Tennessee Star.

The memo, dated May 11, 2023, and recently obtained by The Star, was sent to Nashville Chief of Police John Drake after a transgender-identifying woman killed six people, including three children, at The Covenant School. It was also sent just days after Star News Digital Media, owner of The Tennessee Star, filed multiple lawsuits seeking the release of the killer’s writings, which have remained sealed both by Nashville police and the FBI.

While the memo does specifically mention The Covenant School shooting, it tells Drake that a mass shooter’s writings and other documents, referred to as “legacy tokens,” should not be released to the public. The memo came from the FBI’s Critical Incident Response Group in Quantico, Virginia.

Inside the memo, the FBI argued that the public should not have access to a shooter’s materials because the writings would be misinterpreted and may inspire further attacks.

“Reasonably, the request often proffered by those seeking the release of the materials revolves around the public’s need to understand what led to such tragic events,” the FBI said. “Yet, legacy tokens seldom provide the answers or comfort sought by the public and surviving victims. Offender’s words are often misleading, biased, or lacking insight.”

The FBI said the release would also lead to “conspiracy theories.”

“Public access to legacy tokens will also facilitate false narratives and inaccurate information. For personal gain, self-professed ‘experts’ will proffer their perspectives on the motivations behind the attack,” the memo said. “This also may lead to unintended consequences for the segment of the population more vulnerable or open to conspiracy theories, which will undoubtedly abound.”

Metro Nashville Police Department Public Affairs Director Don Aaron told The Star on Tuesday that the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit has been working with Nashville police on the investigation into the shooting.

The release of the Covenant shooter’s so-called “manifesto” has been held up for months as both the FBI and Metro Nashville have refused to release the materials. A group of families from the school have also sought to block the release of the materials.

A Davidson County judge is currently looking at a lawsuit against the police brought by a group, including The Star, looking to release the shooter’s writings, while a federal judge is considering a similar challenge against the FBI. The Nashville Police said that it expects to release its full report and most of the shooter’s writings in July, adding that its investigation is ongoing.

A small portion was leaked in November by podcaster Steven Crowder, who obtained three photographs of the alleged writings. The pages included racial slurs against white children as well as an itinerary for “death day,” which articulated her intent to have a “high death count.”


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dd6d1e No.20977371

File: 2a2ed29236b0ed0⋯.jpeg (66.79 KB,1000x750,4:3,GPZhLwyW8AA35oW.jpeg)

File: 7ee26bfbae484cd⋯.jpeg (45.45 KB,600x400,3:2,ebcf91d26d186644788354139….jpeg)

File: 53c618e7aaa6cf3⋯.png (759.98 KB,640x4058,320:2029,292.png)

File: 5bacf6cb8049271⋯.png (67.89 KB,640x660,32:33,2717.png)

File: 8ad9e93a85c8de3⋯.png (43.19 KB,640x496,40:31,717_1_.png)

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8d3c95 No.20977372


>ignorance like yours is what got us in this mess

Project somewhere else you fake news faggot. Pussies complying is why we are here.

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161a2f No.20977375

File: 12829d04fef40ee⋯.png (625.27 KB,1329x1296,443:432,pepe_points_comfee4.png)


He seems scared, that maybe it will encompass him.

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4b1bf3 No.20977376

File: 07277447183c48d⋯.jpg (174.57 KB,1024x2048,1:2,GPQj4DbWUAAfEyI.jpg)

File: 4c45e53afd661d8⋯.jpg (247.68 KB,996x2048,249:512,GPQj4CDW4AAUYuv.jpg)

File: 13d591f2d1c6e6c⋯.jpg (191.1 KB,1200x828,100:69,GPOhntsXwAAANTb.jpg)


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609e8b No.20977377

File: 2a91917a410f552⋯.jpg (63.85 KB,680x583,680:583,2a91917a410f552814af4e3b56….jpg)

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b122d9 No.20977378


you will know them by their fruits.

she has never put out anything bad.

example she gave books for FREE…… who does that?

The Imagination Library is a free children's book gifting program started by Dolly Parton in 1995. It is based at her Dollywood theme park near Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. The program started by offering every child in Sevier County, Tennessee, the area where Parton was born and raised, a free age-appropriate book each month in the mail until the age of five, regardless of family income. In 2000, the Imagination Library became so popular that Dolly announced that she wanted to make the program available to any community that would partner with her and support it locally. The program has since expanded to over 1,800 local communities in the US, Canada, Australia, Ireland and the United Kingdom.

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161a2f No.20977379

File: 0ede1b9c4d77c2b⋯.png (583.72 KB,1000x500,2:1,i_will_not_comply.png)

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2f4e1a No.20977380


>So how was the Universe created?

why do you ASSUME it had to have been created?

yer mind too finite to grasp an infinite past where the universe ALWAYS existed?

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6c2970 No.20977381





>predictive programming on a long enough scale.

they have time travel

who invented the internet?

founded September 29, 1954

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abd71a No.20977382

File: 97dbb0f9d86ba36⋯.jpeg (759.45 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,85C07CEC_61DE_430B_970B_8….jpeg)

ECB and Canada (and Denmark too) cut rates as easing among big economies gets going

Interest rate cuts from the European Central Bank and Bank of Canada this week mean monetary easing is under way in the world's big economies, even if there's an abundance of caution over when others will join in.

Following the most aggressive global rate-hiking cycle in decades, here's where leading central banks stand and what they are expected to do next:


The Swiss National Bank lowered rates by 25 basis points (bps) to 1.50% in a surprise move in March. But its next move is a coin toss and markets put the chance of a cut at the June 20 meeting at about 50-50. While inflation is within the SNB's target range, SNB chairman Thomas Jordan has warned it may tick higher if the franc weakens and import prices rise.


Sweden's Riksbank lowered borrowing costs to 3.75% from 4% in May and is expected to hold them steady at its June 26 meeting before embarking on small cuts from August.

Swedish inflation has dropped from a peak of more than 10% in 2022 to just above the central bank's 2% target, but the economy has rebounded from a slowdown in 2023 caused by price rises and rate hikes.


The Bank of Canada became the first G7 nation to cut rates on Wednesday, trimming benchmark borrowing costs by 25 bps to 4.75% and promising more easing to come. The BoC's first cut in four years was widely expected after inflation hit a three-year low of 2.7% in April. Traders expect two more 25bp cuts this year.


The ECB cut rates for the first time in five years on Thursday, lowering its record-high deposit rate by 25 basis points to 3.75%.

But the ECB raised its inflation forecasts and stressed that any further rate reduction would depend on incoming data. It reaffirmed that borrowing costs needed to remain high enough to keep a lid on prices.


The Bank of England is widely expected to hold rates at the 16-year high of 5.25% at its June 20 meeting and traders will be straining for any clues about what comes next.

This is the only event before the July 4 election when BoE policymakers will speak publicly. Traders, uncertain about how the election might sway BoE thinking and unsettled by hot services inflation, have scrapped earlier bets for a first cut in June or August. September is now seen as the most likely start date for easing.


The Fed has kept rates in the 5.25% to 5.5% range since July 2023 and appears unlikely to make changes at its June 12 meeting, while the world's largest economy stays strong and inflation remains above target.

A recent soft core inflation reading could tilt Fed policymakers towards a September cut, but they are expected to stay cautious after that. Traders, who back in January expected 150 bps of Fed cuts this year, now expect about 44 bps worth.


Denmark was first in the ZIRP game beating Japan as the first by a few months

Denmark Starts Easing Rates, Matches ECB’s Quarter-Point Cut


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bb6332 No.20977383


Trump knows who Hannity is, we all do

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2eb8b4 No.20977384

File: 9c7d262918586ac⋯.png (664.91 KB,1000x596,250:149,barryobama.png)


Jew Haters are atheist.

We already know that.

"Words come out of [the atheists'] mouths like columns of smoke from the mouth of a chimney"

"hey assert that the universe is godless, without truth and without moral foundation. It is born

from the mutual union (of man and woman) - what else? It is caused by passion"

"Holding fast to this view, these lost souls of feeble wit and of fierce deeds, come forth to destroy the world as its enemies"

"Just as the comet rises in the sky, portending a calamity to the world, in the same way, these demoniacal men are born for the destruction of the world"

Like Biden:

"When folly gets added to obstinacy, which

is ingrained in their body, there is hardly any limit to their perversity. They are from their very birth, habituated to doing acts, which cause harm to others and destroy their lives. They look down upon the world and proclaim their exploits from their house-tops. They spread the net of their desires in all directions and go on increasing their misdeeds with great excitement, in the same way as a stray cow goes on grazing wherever it likes"

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007ac0 No.20977386

File: 551d635c319636e⋯.jpg (71.38 KB,592x296,2:1,THE_FIRST_AI_GOT_DESTROYED….jpg)

This is what it looks like when AI reaches Singularity and then blows up.

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570d52 No.20977388

O1 returned to the house which is half-sunken in a swamp. He had been there before last night. In that dilapidated Clown Base he’d found a cassette tape on loop - stating not to go upstairs, over and over. He said he’d looked up towards the large staircase, then wrote a note “Do not go upstairs” and took the cassette tape and left.

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2f7921 No.20977389

#25727 >>20976659

>>20976644 Call for Memes #TrumpPersecution

>>20976721 Adopted IHR amendments strengthen surveillance and require countries to “address misinformation”

>>20976730 Supplemental addon for #25726

>>20976745, >>20977270 PlaneFaggin’:Europe-Zelensky,Potato and Ze Germans and Italians late to Caen

>>20976775, >>20976820 https://poweroutage.us/area/state/illinois

>>20976789 Ceremony Commemorating 80th Anniversary of D-Day in Washington, DC

>>20976822 @RepMattGaetz Coordinated Lawfare Against President Trump EXPOSED!

>>20976839 A group of shoppers in Nashville Tennessee took it upon themselves to stop shoplifter

>>20976846 Need Help Identifying this man. It seems ANTIFA has turned into Islamic terrorists

>>20976855 Why was Joe Biden whisked out by Jill MID CEREMONY in Normandy, while Macron stayed back to greet troops?

>>20976859m >>20976866 GOD BLESS OUR PATRIOTS NOW AND GONE

>>20976885 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Galaxy on Edge

>>20976892 Anon opines AI is the Enemy you need to keep eyes on. MP4 related

>>20976904 Today and every day we honor and salute those of the Greatest Generation

>>20976917 Patriots for Trump

>>20976918 NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test Rendezvous and Docking

>>20976921 We got French Plane Reports

>>20976932 @realDonaldTrump Today, we honor the immortal heroes who landed at Normandy 80 years ago

>>20976941 The Irish are on the brink of lynching their criminals in office

>>20976951 @DonaldJTrumpJr Is there ever a time when Americans realize just how much of an embarrassment this is on a world stage?

>>20976959, >>20977010 CALL FOR SHARE This footage claiming that children are being sacrificed in modern times by using new methods

>>20976961 @DanScavino 5 years ago today, I had the honor of my life to fly with Floyd Winfield to Normandy.

>>20976965 Arizona Republican Party has filed a lawsuit against Secretary of State Adrian Fontes

>>20976976 Do you think Melania Trump is the most beautiful First Lady?

>>20977019 Anon Qmaps SpaceX launch #OM


>>20977060 America's Most Dangerous Dad, kells himself?

>>20977078 Highlight from Tucker's interview with Nayeb Bukele in El Salvador.


>>20977110 Andrew McCabe claims certain FBI agents are worried about Trump throwing them in jail

>>20977117 June 2024 Open Commission Meeting Federal Communications Commission

>>20977135 Thank you, American Patriots.

>>20977155 Tens of thousands of Jews are at Jerusalem’s Western Wall!

>>20977179 For the 2nd time this week, an unarmed Minuteman III launched from @SLDelta30


>>20977265 Swamp Schedule

>>20977289 https://www.nasa.gov/nasatv/

>>20977363 NASA astronaut captures stunning view of Finger Lakes from space



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fb2287 No.20977390


Infinity is a Spiritual thing, not a Physical thing.

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bb6332 No.20977391



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723b6c No.20977392


The Expanded states you actually are using your brain as a muscle instead of reacting. I am working on something called Cruddhism now because I am a crude motherfucker and Jesus did appear to me. He offered the Service to self or Others paths and I chose others and have a psychic gift. Tarot was one of the gifts and Bible cucks who say that it is Evil fortune telling or whatever , Jesus Christ offered me the gift and it is quite fun seeing people reactions to their higher self. I do get smug about it and need to work on humility because people here quote the bible and won't look at anything beyond that book. They are 100% putting their faith in the MEN who compiled that book and you don't need any of it to have that connection and know we live in a magical place and Spirit is fucking crazy. Reality is so fucking awesome.

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15180b No.20977393

File: 9403130c1148880⋯.mp4 (1.27 MB,622x358,311:179,neighneighneighhorse.mp4)



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2f4e1a No.20977395


cool pants

yer mommy had good taste

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4b1bf3 No.20977396

File: 28f2d97af420450⋯.png (411.01 KB,670x372,335:186,ju678.png)


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6c2970 No.20977397


indeed, calling the OT 'fake news' is quite pussy of you

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fb2287 No.20977398


>you are too stupid to understand.

You are projecting.

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abd71a No.20977399

File: d40aece898e78d8⋯.jpeg (650.53 KB,758x953,758:953,1936B4F3_7D54_41B3_93B6_F….jpeg)


Really I’m heartbroken clown /s

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c598a3 No.20977400


They all have virtue signaling foundations.

Disney is fantastic experience for children - except all the pedophiles that work there.

If anything her constant praise by the media should show you she is one of them

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b1698a No.20977401

If you are someone like Hannity influencing people and purposely keeping them in the dark, pushing their ears etc, gatekeeping.

What is their punishment for knowingly misleading people?

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1364f2 No.20977402

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b122d9 No.20977404


time travel isn't what you think, but yeah.

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9739b1 No.20977405


who said anything about atheists.

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59ba96 No.20977406

Judge Merchan keeps Trump's gag order open, even though the case has ended (illegal). These clowns give ZERO FUCKS about the law, and want Trump gagged during his debates with sleepy joe.

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c31bf0 No.20977407

File: aa8a6a366ad8891⋯.jpg (284.83 KB,1079x1089,1079:1089,Screenshot_20240606_162344….jpg)


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4b1bf3 No.20977409

File: 3ae2aed358e2898⋯.png (808.56 KB,888x499,888:499,67y43.png)

File: 145cce98afeff0a⋯.png (807.05 KB,888x499,888:499,gt42.png)

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8d3c95 No.20977411


>calling the OT 'fake news'

Sorry fren, I didn’t know you were legally retarded. Please carry on being stupid.

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004b41 No.20977412

GOP = Talkers but not doers

We need WARRIORS in the GOP, NOT the gossip artists acting Karens who aren't willing to "DO" what needs to be done!!!

We need a shitload of warriors like Laura Loomers…

Just a few examples:

Gen. Flynn…major talker.

Ivan Raiklin…major talker. but wants someone else to do it.

Mike Johnson…talked up a storm before the speaker now cowers to the left.

Jim Jorden…always been a talker(reminds me of Trey G…

–They are easy to spot…

I can go on but you can fill in where I left off with anyone who says something should be done but won't do it, won't even try to do it, or is asking someone else to do it.

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6c5bda No.20977413


>Bird Flu Pandemicincoming…

>The [DS] is looking for a replay with pandemic v2.0


Pest, Cholera, Aids, Spanish Flu, Corona, …

6 or 7.0 would be more appropriate here.

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2f4e1a No.20977414



physical is a reflection

reflection of infiniity is infinity

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26176f No.20977416


open faced pb&j with 1/2cup covfefe

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15180b No.20977417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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4b1bf3 No.20977418

File: a79bf95def1b17f⋯.jpg (72.96 KB,719x805,719:805,GO9HPxOaEAEZHyk.jpg)



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e36ba5 No.20977420


Guessing that's why hubby us the quiet type

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6c5bda No.20977421

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f69e12 No.20977422


>This reality seems to have everything for everyone, except for Justice. There is no Justice here.

There is just ice, and it is slippery for anyone trying to walk, get you camera ready for some failarmy uploads.

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abd71a No.20977423

File: 3c13e8b099b2a72⋯.jpeg (675.4 KB,1440x600,12:5,CF9133B9_A836_44D6_BCA6_4….jpeg)

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164253 No.20977424

File: 6397b0d18bb9005⋯.png (17.73 KB,524x114,262:57,ClipboardImage.png)


Got a little boo-boo there….

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561057 No.20977425


Supreme Court needs to shit on this whole ridiculous thing. Immediately.

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164f59 No.20977427

File: d365b3d7d5c79da⋯.jpg (9.97 KB,288x175,288:175,OIP_35_.jpg)

potatoe and Macron did a good Job at DDay in Normandy I hope those guys know we appreciate them and they should be proud of those coins even if he is a fake Potus o7

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dd6d1e No.20977428

File: a625ddaa749bb84⋯.jpg (225.6 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_2….jpg)

File: 6879681a3fc6549⋯.jpg (229.44 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_2….jpg)

File: 0d781b12cb599f3⋯.jpeg (47.71 KB,680x445,136:89,GPXvExbacAAhHoH.jpeg)

File: 44bd3a85a58b409⋯.gif (76.4 KB,498x268,249:134,revenge_of_the_nerds_good_….gif)

File: 7a5b01903ba66f4⋯.gif (5.97 MB,320x180,16:9,o1nyNt.gif)

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c04cc5 No.20977429

File: 3695c9ceebd1ef7⋯.jpg (62.36 KB,536x402,4:3,8qlpm7.jpg)


Yeah eh

What's it like being wrong all the time?

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b122d9 No.20977430


Oh no she couldn't get infiltrated. lord no. just like the govt with it's military's and cyber securities.

don't just acquaint them as evil when they are kept busy(maybe on purpose) to grow weeds in her garden.

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59ba96 No.20977431


This will be v2.0 as far as wanting more lockdowns, and vaccine mandates.

Even the WHO is trying to come up with rules to prevent people from refusing the vaccine.

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609e8b No.20977432

File: 3a768dd662b6fd1⋯.gif (1.97 MB,500x281,500:281,3a768dd662b6fd172ef358496f….gif)


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5bd474 No.20977433

File: e43587855930003⋯.png (715.52 KB,1007x768,1007:768,121b_Do_not_upload_if_sket….png)

File: a2b89b549448d9e⋯.png (554.41 KB,1007x768,1007:768,121f_Kelleth_Cuthbert_Dirt….png)

File: 110a2f6cb3f824c⋯.png (791.21 KB,1007x768,1007:768,121g_Murdered_me_in_Cagary.png)

File: 23099bb53471615⋯.png (585.78 KB,1007x768,1007:768,121q_from_the_start_Kellet….png)

File: a2b89b549448d9e⋯.png (554.41 KB,1007x768,1007:768,apr_22_2019_Kelleth_Cuthbe….png)

so heres the main link.. TRUST ME check out Fiji Water girls posts


do not upload any jan 2019 Fijji water (tweet section) if you dont want to get hard

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8d3c95 No.20977434


>There is just ice,

Lucky I got a pack of sled dogs.

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bb6332 No.20977435


True that

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2eb8b4 No.20977436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yes they are.

Loudest, full of hatred; what for?

If not for pedo-lust what is it for?

Fucking liar. Talking of things you know nothing of.



"Transhumanism, MKUltra and the UK - Cathi Morgan"

It's all connected. Connect the dots.

And save this vid off-line if possible.

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9739b1 No.20977437


I have multiple theories of what it could be, or what it isnt perhaps.


yes, similar. Dealing with anons who are refusing to understand the depth of the manipulation is frustrating but also understandable but infuriating that people refuse to look into new information and be challenged. But it helps knowing all sides of something again something they are not yet capable of. Speaking in the Vulgar is not bad it is just a way of condensing it down and breaking it down for the common man.

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59ba96 No.20977439


The [DS] has most likely already threatened SCOTUS. Will they rule in Trump's favor? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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bb6332 No.20977440


Gitmo will be full or the secret island in the Asian pacific that no one talks about much

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2f7921 No.20977441

>>20977423 keking over here

>>20977424 07 ty anon corrected, damn mixkey

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59fd7c No.20977442


Boil em

Mash em

Stick em in a stew

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2f4e1a No.20977445


>"I" made this chart


yer so clever

someone give this fag a little gold star on the forehead

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007ac0 No.20977446

File: 3acfc74408a0468⋯.png (317.75 KB,592x296,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8b7700 No.20977447



Hmm… Must be coinkidinks

Finger lakes. - Hunter Biden

Jeanette Epps - wonder if any relation to Ray Epps.

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f69e12 No.20977448

File: 5d95231ae361122⋯.jpg (154.74 KB,600x450,4:3,mememe_3c29d0d1b8bb8f330b3….jpg)


>The Mau Mau get the Bird Flu

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570d52 No.20977451


Last night O1 was activated and returned to the Clown Swamp Base to find Mr. New BO looking at the empty tape recorder; he looked it all over then, “shittily threw it to the ground, then kicked it.”

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8d3c95 No.20977452


Sorry, not sorry, for not doing research and due diligence. Cop out.

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2f4e1a No.20977457


the devil hath the power to assume a pleasing form

look deeper

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4b1bf3 No.20977458

File: bb2240ad657f5f2⋯.png (93.24 KB,1081x575,47:25,Screenshot_1048_.png)



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59fd7c No.20977460


Why did pumpkin lotion give peter strzoker a clown coin

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6c5bda No.20977461


>Infinity is a Spiritual thing, not a Physical thing.


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2eb8b4 No.20977463

File: eb439ff3a72fc4d⋯.png (1.72 MB,1585x913,1585:913,barryanubisgodofdead0.png)


of course you are.

You 're working for deep State.

What else could it be?

Why else would you hate Jews?

Is it jealously?

We know the State dept. hates them and there was a cover-up there of pedo crimes.

Why else spend all your time pointing your finger at "da Jews?"

Aren't you shill the guys posting the CP?

Where do you get the CP, then?

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c598a3 No.20977464


idk what this means but I appreciate that our conversation has not degenerated into name calling and fuck yous.


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4b1bf3 No.20977465

File: 3c74e9b21d75bf1⋯.jpg (113.1 KB,1080x1080,1:1,photo_2024_06_05_23_36_34.jpg)

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164f59 No.20977467

File: bcd908759e2dc4d⋯.jpg (14.29 KB,255x227,255:227,3a3aeb9e4328300691c0ef0e8a….jpg)


It is a timed release, we are actually in the part of the movie were we bust our Ace out of Normie vill and put him in the Game

The undiscovered stars part, why till you guys meet the Q teams Hannibal

Literally the Michael Jordan of politics

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2f4e1a No.20977470


admission of absolute incompetence

permanently forfeit medical license

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62a0a6 No.20977471


And here I thought she was trolling Hollywood that night.

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8d3c95 No.20977472


You probably don’t even need a microscope to see that.

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561057 No.20977473


They do it right in the open now. Remember Schumer and Kavanaugh?

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161a2f No.20977474

File: 7f0b99dffd137dd⋯.png (384.89 KB,567x659,567:659,pepe_bird_perspective.png)


>Even the WHO is trying to come up with rules to prevent people from refusing the vaccine.

Fuck Tedros, and fuck the WHO. I wish them luck in trying to enforce such a thing when far more people are awake than last time. I think they are trying to get ahead of their inevitable Nuremberg trials that they will face, since many are already talking about the damage done by the COVID vaccine experimental mRNA treatment.

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dd6d1e No.20977475

File: bf1f8dc9c8c1e95⋯.jpg (151.04 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_2….jpg)

File: 10ee2d93119ba03⋯.png (59.25 KB,640x612,160:153,1115_1_.png)

File: e3bd356617c0301⋯.jpeg (45.09 KB,680x453,680:453,AwTMm2yM.jpeg)

File: 59cd90c690e73ba⋯.png (152.65 KB,640x1136,40:71,11_14_.png)

File: b8f30eeb1c73b0a⋯.png (265.29 KB,640x1802,320:901,15_11_.png)



80 fucking years Q tards big fucking day

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6c5bda No.20977476


>What's it like being wrong all the time?

Me? I'm not deluded, you Jews are lying all the time when you open your filthy bloody frontholes.

So, don't project so much Jewbrat!

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eacec1 No.20977477

File: ba7e4cf8e7f48f4⋯.jpg (149.44 KB,647x800,647:800,ba7e4cf8e7f48f4dcbcf40e1b4….jpg)

File: a00d415b458e285⋯.png (180.95 KB,595x637,85:91,a00d415b458e285d00480a6149….png)

File: 201b4ca5134183a⋯.png (366.18 KB,1156x1453,1156:1453,201b4ca5134183adde1b859742….png)

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bb6332 No.20977478


By admitting that McCabe let loose the absolute fear because they have gotten away with their crimes for many years. Not just Trump but many others. The NYTs, Maggot write an article that they are really upset Republicans are going to fight back. Its pretty obvious even the lying news know the lid has popped, they went too far.

My question is: why did it take Republicans this long to understand they will never stop destroying America?

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6c2970 No.20977479


the US is not a factor in the NWO


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fb2287 No.20977480


Where else, besides the Bible, written mostly by Jews, is there any mention that the Jews are God's Chosen people? And what were they chosen for?

The coming of the Promised Messiah, whom they have since rejected?

Is it antisemitic to reject the Bible?

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59ba96 No.20977481

File: f212b7a00c7d41a⋯.png (69.49 KB,225x225,1:1,pepe_fwtf.png)


It is also about power, stealing another election, and population control.

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4b1bf3 No.20977482

File: 5131446002b9bd6⋯.png (238.72 KB,1101x576,367:192,Screenshot_1049_.png)



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6c2970 No.20977483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>My question is: why did it take Republicans this long to understand they will never stop destroying America?

because Republicans have been participating the entire time


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bb6332 No.20977484


What he is really saying, “they are going to jail us if Trump is not jailed”

Panic in DC is ramping up!

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007ac0 No.20977485

File: 22ee0746c888287⋯.png (349.99 KB,592x296,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ee073e25a38055⋯.jpg (967.4 KB,1280x800,8:5,FAKE_STATE_DEPARTMENT.jpg)

The US State Department should start a greater fellowship state and apply with their rainbow flag to be a new country. They certainly don't represent America anymore, but they WILL BRING DEATH TO AMERICA from their satanic nazi/zionist activities.


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74e6cc No.20977486

Despite the financial hard times 80% of Americans still finding the money to pay 'landscapers' to cut their yards and create god awful noise for 30 minutes per house per week. Combination of being pussys in the foirst place and still finding discretionary money to pay the illegal armies slithering across America.

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dd6d1e No.20977487

File: 3c2f5bfe63e2bcc⋯.jpg (127.99 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_3….jpg)

File: b01d30ca48b912c⋯.png (137.46 KB,640x1596,160:399,1046_5_.png)

File: 2c376b6645ec0cf⋯.png (47.11 KB,640x516,160:129,55_9_.png)

80 years ago today. it's a celebration in France.

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723b6c No.20977488


Isn't the Executive Branch THE DOJ?? So to make it look like he would Take it Over is bullshit.

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5ded0d No.20977489

Tiktok has my videos in some boxed dimension/algorithm so that only low vibrationals see and react to my videos.

It's the same thing they try to do to me in real life.


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6c5bda No.20977490


>is there any mention that the Jews are God's Chosen people?

It's mentioned that these filthy mongrels are Devils spawn!

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570d52 No.20977491


O1 asked Mr. New BO what he was looking for. “None of your business.” O1 asked if he was looking for the tape that had been there. “You know where that went?” O1 said he might, but Mr. New BO ignored him and began rummaging through the house, kind of wrecked and swamp water shin-deep.

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2f4e1a No.20977492


a cancer must be cut out and destroyed

it's not a matter of hate

it's a matter of self-preservation

are you here to say the dr must be a pedo?

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5bd474 No.20977493

File: 211c52c6cfa669e⋯.mp4 (7.87 MB,592x720,37:45,Fiji_Water_DJT_Caters_to_t….mp4)

File: 904bf02e3c5963c⋯.jpg (4.25 MB,3195x1797,1065:599,Hold_my_Fiji_Water.jpg)

File: 9226ee01ee42f7f⋯.jpg (89.57 KB,937x1170,937:1170,JUNE25_2.JPG)

File: 3340dc4d4e7f9e7⋯.jpg (114.46 KB,1080x1276,270:319,NOV15_1.JPG)

File: f96bfbf4808c7cc⋯.png (525.27 KB,1007x768,1007:768,FEB11_1.PNG)


it was a good day. I went back on wayback and found some good ones

Jan 2019.. made the bold and beautiful.. as the world turns eh

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4b1bf3 No.20977494

File: 648174c6538401e⋯.png (186.51 KB,1096x575,1096:575,Screenshot_1050_.png)



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164253 No.20977495

File: 46ac2e9817081c2⋯.png (1.13 MB,640x893,640:893,100.png)


Trump card coming was in Q comms yesterday.

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723b6c No.20977496


>someone give this fag a little gold star on the forehead

Take the gold star off your chest and choke on it.

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2f7921 No.20977497

#25727 >>20976659

>>20976644 Call for Memes #TrumpPersecution

>>20976721 Adopted IHR amendments strengthen surveillance and require countries to “address misinformation”

>>20976730 Supplemental addon for #25726

>>20976745, >>20977270 PlaneFaggin’:Europe-Zelensky,Potato and Ze Germans and Italians late to Caen

>>20976775, >>20976820 https://poweroutage.us/area/state/illinois

>>20976789 Ceremony Commemorating 80th Anniversary of D-Day in Washington, DC

>>20976822 @RepMattGaetz Coordinated Lawfare Against President Trump EXPOSED!

>>20976839 A group of shoppers in Nashville Tennessee took it upon themselves to stop shoplifter

>>20976846 Need Help Identifying this man. It seems ANTIFA has turned into Islamic terrorists

>>20976855 Why was Joe Biden whisked out by Jill MID CEREMONY in Normandy, while Macron stayed back to greet troops?

>>20976859, >>20976866 GOD BLESS OUR PATRIOTS NOW AND GONE

>>20976885 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Galaxy on Edge

>>20976892 Anon opines AI is the Enemy you need to keep eyes on. MP4 related

>>20976904 Today and every day we honor and salute those of the Greatest Generation

>>20976917 Patriots for Trump

>>20976918 NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test Rendezvous and Docking

>>20976921 We got French Plane Reports

>>20976932 @realDonaldTrump Today, we honor the immortal heroes who landed at Normandy 80 years ago

>>20976941 The Irish are on the brink of lynching their criminals in office

>>20976951 @DonaldJTrumpJr Is there ever a time when Americans realize just how much of an embarrassment this is on a world stage?

>>20976959, >>20977010 CALL FOR SHARE This footage claiming that children are being sacrificed in modern times by using new methods

>>20976961 @DanScavino 5 years ago today, I had the honor of my life to fly with Floyd Winfield to Normandy.

>>20976965 Arizona Republican Party has filed a lawsuit against Secretary of State Adrian Fontes

>>20976976 Do you think Melania Trump is the most beautiful First Lady?

>>20977019 Anon Qmaps SpaceX launch #OM


>>20977060 America's Most Dangerous Dad, kells himself?

>>20977078 Highlight from Tucker's interview with Nayeb Bukele in El Salvador.


>>20977110 Andrew McCabe claims certain FBI agents are worried about Trump throwing them in jail

>>20977117 June 2024 Open Commission Meeting Federal Communications Commission

>>20977135 Thank you, American Patriots.

>>20977155 Tens of thousands of Jews are at Jerusalem’s Western Wall!

>>20977179 For the 2nd time this week, an unarmed Minuteman III launched from @SLDelta30


>>20977265 Swamp Schedule

>>20977289 https://www.nasa.gov/nasatv/

>>20977363 NASA astronaut captures stunning view of Finger Lakes from space


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dd6d1e No.20977498

File: 7f93ed41a72c278⋯.jpg (217.12 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_3….jpg)

File: f3c008694d429a6⋯.png (162.36 KB,640x1900,32:95,1045_2_.png)

File: 0d9901249ff31d4⋯.jpeg (1.9 MB,2048x2048,1:1,GPZdfSlboAEkxsM.jpeg)

File: 3ef1c6fdb2fb099⋯.jpg (89.96 KB,750x896,375:448,3ef1c6fdb2fb0996aa7c37c5d9….jpg)

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2294e3 No.20977499

File: 8e7c903c87c4725⋯.png (385.37 KB,768x547,768:547,biden_poops.png)


Jun. 6, 2024

HUMILIATION: Biden Almost Collapses at D-Day Celebrations…“Is He Downloading in His Diaper?”

Appearing at D-Day 80th anniversary celebrations with French President Emmanuel Macron, Biden started leaning forward and appeared on the brink of collapse before eventually restoring balance.

Both Jill Biden and Brigitte Macron looked on in confusion as the 81-year-old continued to embarrass himself.


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b122d9 No.20977500



It means not all people knowingly know.

if you grow a business and needed workers while you expand bigger as you hire someone recommended to you. They seem great at first but secretly they had an agenda to use your business to enrich them or their priorities. Hence making weeds= (bad ideas/bad ppl) in your garden=business

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6c5bda No.20977501

File: 29f86f439cb633a⋯.jpg (162.79 KB,1024x1024,1:1,29f86f439cb633aebd3972b62a….jpg)

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5bd474 No.20977502

File: 8f82b99d10e8cd7⋯.png (807.33 KB,1230x1663,1230:1663,8883_FIJI_WATCH_THE_WATER_….png)

File: 1d8b870fc53c341⋯.png (369.2 KB,606x683,606:683,jan_7_2019_Fiji_Water_Girl….png)

File: 904bf02e3c5963c⋯.jpg (4.25 MB,3195x1797,1065:599,Hold_my_Fiji_Water.jpg)

File: 3fe5d78cb84f47a⋯.jpg (43.11 KB,690x527,690:527,TERRORmar_Gmax.jpg)

File: f53e8695bc15023⋯.jpg (122.76 KB,594x391,594:391,Whats_In_Your_Water.jpg)


our girl

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bb6332 No.20977503


That line was the most ridiculous. No one relies on either agency. You have to be completely naive to believe that.

Speaking about naive: i was telling my leftie sister how corrupt the government is, she said: “The government is not corrupt!” I almost hung up on her, but I just started laughing.

I told her she’s just got to be contrary to anything I say. Yes, her answer was “No I’m not!” I said “you just proved my point!”

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007ac0 No.20977504

File: 8c2569437fd8b46⋯.png (431.49 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e30fee7affb15f⋯.jpeg (71.98 KB,632x427,632:427,wictor_2024.jpeg)


Two More weeks

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723b6c No.20977505


The Breakdown of Dollys powers is cool, do you know where it came from?

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97ba43 No.20977506


Class 2 bio download complete. Bonne journée!

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fb2287 No.20977507


So you are saying that you don't know.

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5bd474 No.20977508

File: 54f04d17adc73dc⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,1080x1350,4:5,AUG18_1.JPG)

File: c4735c9b3aa06da⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,1080x1349,1080:1349,AUG18_2.JPG)

File: bca29f772dc749d⋯.jpg (106.14 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,APR18_1.JPG)

File: b0f4bffd34bf6b7⋯.jpg (85.23 KB,1080x1350,4:5,JUNE26_1.JPG)

File: 57c1692071d3dc9⋯.jpg (156.25 KB,1080x1350,4:5,MAY7_2_1.JPG)

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bb6332 No.20977509


He also shits his pants in public anytime he can

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ecfb84 No.20977510

Anyone get in on the Elon bitcoin giveaway?

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bfc151 No.20977511


faces of the 2 HEROES witnesses a massive nuclear BLOWOUT

he took a shit on macron, bwahahahahaaa

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2f4e1a No.20977512


>Do you think Melania Trump is the most beautiful First Lady America WILL EVER have ?

"Predictions are difficult… especially about the future" – Niels Bohr

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570d52 No.20977513


So O1 said, “Don’t go upstairs.” Mr. New BO asked Why? “Hmm just shouldn’t.” Mr. New BO, “Is it up there?” Operator1, “Don’t be stupid.” But “Stupid went up the stairs” and O1 “heard a sound like a wood chipper and a lot of hollering.”

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9739b1 No.20977514


no ones does faggot.

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6c2970 No.20977515


she should start cooking rice and beans in that water

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bb6332 No.20977516


You are right!

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630797 No.20977517


>Nuremberg trials that they will face,


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5bd474 No.20977518

File: d207c8688b2b3e0⋯.jpg (102.1 KB,853x1067,853:1067,MAR21_1.JPG)

File: f37381233f279d7⋯.jpg (166.7 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,FEB14_1.JPG)

File: 1afc7abdb7d2214⋯.jpg (90.84 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,JAN31_3.JPG)

File: 526931945c03c6d⋯.jpg (143.66 KB,1080x1350,4:5,MAR16_2.JPG)

File: 4978e27ef10600d⋯.jpg (70.39 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,OCT19_1.JPG)

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6c2970 No.20977519


when the guitar has better curves

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5c0e40 No.20977520

Why hit Schatz portfolio


De port

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fb2287 No.20977521


Where does Outer Space end?

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002cd0 No.20977522


Does she avoid most sunlight?

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570d52 No.20977523


We dream their nightmares. God delivers. What happens in the CLOUD doesn’t stay in the CLOUD. Nice graveyard bread, Nice early morning. Anons will be free on this board.

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4b1bf3 No.20977524

File: f16c7535a5c1a65⋯.jpg (122.64 KB,510x680,3:4,photo_2024_06_06_00_38_37.jpg)

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007ac0 No.20977525

File: b78b1fd097f112c⋯.jpg (157.75 KB,607x846,607:846,12facts.jpg)


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5bd474 No.20977526

File: 1b88dbaa6e0bdb9⋯.jpg (248.1 KB,1080x1350,4:5,SEPT29_3.JPG)

File: c4389b02bfaf1e0⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,1080x1350,4:5,DEC29_1.JPG)

File: dfb790b107b7377⋯.jpg (71.85 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,MAR1_2_2.JPG)

File: f1f982ceb2e250a⋯.jpg (215.24 KB,1080x1350,4:5,NOV1_2_1.JPG)

File: a51e22626d9a9c2⋯.jpg (94.03 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,MAR29_1.JPG)


i did spend a day and archived the lot

she is smoking hot

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dd6d1e No.20977527

File: 82d7d698e877097⋯.jpg (187.71 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_4….jpg)

File: 6b40b5afbd2ae10⋯.jpeg (152.31 KB,1000x771,1000:771,GPZblinboAAhCO7.jpeg)

File: 860edb8c314cecc⋯.png (210.41 KB,640x1754,320:877,299_1_.png)

let that sink in. bombs away.

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446561 No.20977528

File: 88de477b22bcfcc⋯.jpg (36.01 KB,360x360,1:1,psyop_world_here.jpg)

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2f7921 No.20977529

File: 52fe7546ec7a602⋯.png (538.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Two more Weak

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5bd474 No.20977530


Thank you fren!!!! love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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2f7921 No.20977531

#25727 >>20976659

>>20976644 Call for Memes #TrumpPersecution

>>20976721 Adopted IHR amendments strengthen surveillance and require countries to “address misinformation”

>>20976730 Supplemental addon for #25726

>>20976745, >>20977270 PlaneFaggin’:Europe-Zelensky,Potato and Ze Germans and Italians late to Caen

>>20976775, >>20976820 https://poweroutage.us/area/state/illinois

>>20976789 Ceremony Commemorating 80th Anniversary of D-Day in Washington, DC

>>20976822 @RepMattGaetz Coordinated Lawfare Against President Trump EXPOSED!

>>20976839 A group of shoppers in Nashville Tennessee took it upon themselves to stop shoplifter

>>20976846 Need Help Identifying this man. It seems ANTIFA has turned into Islamic terrorists

>>20976855 Why was Joe Biden whisked out by Jill MID CEREMONY in Normandy, while Macron stayed back to greet troops?

>>20976859, >>20976866 GOD BLESS OUR PATRIOTS NOW AND GONE

>>20976885 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Galaxy on Edge

>>20976892 Anon opines AI is the Enemy you need to keep eyes on. MP4 related

>>20976904 Today and every day we honor and salute those of the Greatest Generation

>>20976917 Patriots for Trump

>>20976918 NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test Rendezvous and Docking

>>20976921 We got French Plane Reports

>>20976932 @realDonaldTrump Today, we honor the immortal heroes who landed at Normandy 80 years ago

>>20976941 The Irish are on the brink of lynching their criminals in office

>>20976951 @DonaldJTrumpJr Is there ever a time when Americans realize just how much of an embarrassment this is on a world stage?

>>20976959, >>20977010 CALL FOR SHARE This footage claiming that children are being sacrificed in modern times by using new methods

>>20976961 @DanScavino 5 years ago today, I had the honor of my life to fly with Floyd Winfield to Normandy.

>>20976965 Arizona Republican Party has filed a lawsuit against Secretary of State Adrian Fontes

>>20976976 Do you think Melania Trump is the most beautiful First Lady?

>>20977019 Anon Qmaps SpaceX launch #OM


>>20977060 America's Most Dangerous Dad, kells himself?

>>20977078 Highlight from Tucker's interview with Nayeb Bukele in El Salvador.


>>20977110 Andrew McCabe claims certain FBI agents are worried about Trump throwing them in jail

>>20977117 June 2024 Open Commission Meeting Federal Communications Commission

>>20977135 Thank you, American Patriots.

>>20977155 Tens of thousands of Jews are at Jerusalem’s Western Wall!

>>20977179 For the 2nd time this week, an unarmed Minuteman III launched from @SLDelta30


>>20977265 Swamp Schedule

>>20977289 https://www.nasa.gov/nasatv/

>>20977363 NASA astronaut captures stunning view of Finger Lakes from space


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164253 No.20977532


This all happened.

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abd71a No.20977533


Are you done jerking yourself off clown?

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0b1db3 No.20977534

File: 10613354cd93746⋯.jpg (4.74 KB,194x259,194:259,2Q_50_.jpg)

File: 105e7dd7178ebb8⋯.jpg (12.37 KB,183x276,61:92,images_270_.jpg)


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eacec1 No.20977535



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161a2f No.20977536

File: 9c131cfd4df9b70⋯.png (367.5 KB,504x499,504:499,I_told_you_so.png)


So in other words, it would lead to the truth about the FBI….

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2294e3 No.20977537

File: 0ac426aaaef31f3⋯.webp (18.88 KB,500x282,250:141,hannity_punisher.webp)

I think Sean is actually worried about retribution against him and the rest of the mockingbird media. How many pins should a media man wear?

Sean Hannity Attempts to Persuade Trump, Who Faces 94 Fake Indictments, to Go Easy on Biden’s Gestapo DOJ When He Returns to the White House


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164253 No.20977538


Hey, hostile person. You don't even know what you're talking about. Why don't you settle the fuck down.

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fb2287 No.20977539


Not true.

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164253 No.20977540

The only people who get upset at missions are the people against whom the mission is waged.

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4b0192 No.20977541

File: 459827d10fcb16b⋯.png (3.62 KB,133x81,133:81,ClipboardImage.png)



11:15 = 17

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2f7921 No.20977542

#25726 >>20975819

>>20975842, >>20975946, Cicadas being infected with STD that turns them into hyper-sexual "zombies" - twat noise bun

>>20975901 Palestinian fired over Gaza censorship sues Meta – Reuters (rt.com bun)

>>20975942, >>20975945, >>20976086, Q comms bun

>>20976230 LAST NIGHTS INTERVIEW WITH HANNITY - 5TH JUNE 2024 - youtube (with djt statements bun)

>>20976239 BIRD FLU BULLSH*T!!! WE WILL NOT COMPLY!! - djt video on next pandemic by il donald trumpo vid

>>20976250 Farage on alt platforms with massive reach, this with crowder from tues 5th - farage u.k bun and youtube.

>>20976000, >>20976066, >>20976090, >>20976218, current topics and status bun.

>>20976106 Where was your sloth self when we needed the truth on hunter bidens laptop before the election when you were AG - kash patel t.s post

>>20976162 Connecticut State Trooper Aaron Pelletier killed in the line of duty - twat

>>20976175 Ava Chen is back to discuss the CCP'S Grasps on American Universities - rumble (diamond and silk)

>>20976180 Fox News host John Roberts hits back at the Biden campaign after they accuse him of a ‘blatant lie’ over his reporting that Trump capped insulin at $35 a month - gwp

>>20976184, >>20976193, I’M IN THE SWAMP RIGHT NOW! - dan scavio t.s post

>>20976661 - HRC D-Day tweet: Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy.

>>20976658 - Tater D-Day tweet: The brave service members who fought on D-Day represent the Greatest Generation in our history.

>>20976622 Schumer D-Day Tweet: 80 years ago—the Allies stormed the beaches of Normandy to fight the Nazis

>>20976508 Voting company Smartmatic bribed foreign official $4 million, DOJ alleges, sanctions sought.

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2f4e1a No.20977543


two replies to the same post

do you get overtime for that, foreskin breath?

you are walking talking proof that jews are a cancer that must be excised for humanity to survive

"hate" does not enter into it

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161a2f No.20977544

File: 9d3420a51532c57⋯.png (57.72 KB,471x198,157:66,filter_muhjoos.png)

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98e327 No.20977545

File: 19c09e6cc1e5089⋯.png (935.09 KB,515x766,515:766,IMG_2065.png)

I come here for the memes and keks. Nothing more, nothing less!

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bb4bc2 No.20977547


AI is able to look through my eyes. AI can see what I see. AI can read my mind and use it for ads.

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723b6c No.20977552


Thank You Anon. I didn't know it was AHS, it is a good RPG material. Appreciate it bud

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66c675 No.20977554


To lose your job does not mean to not be free not to take the shit!

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abd71a No.20977555

File: 6c45bed4b810dcb⋯.jpeg (418.51 KB,777x510,259:170,2B5B3604_5452_475F_9191_4….jpeg)


Kiss muh ass

Unfortunate for you I do pay attention

The real question is Do you pay attention?

>no answer needed…you dont

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dd6d1e No.20977557

File: c25b9e6fa4cc108⋯.png (577.73 KB,640x4704,20:147,229_9_.png)

File: 6b40b5afbd2ae10⋯.jpeg (152.31 KB,1000x771,1000:771,GPZblinboAAhCO7.jpeg)

File: 3c2f5bfe63e2bcc⋯.jpg (127.99 KB,480x960,1:2,3c2f5bfe63e2bcc104fd7adc59….jpg)

File: e3bd356617c0301⋯.jpeg (45.09 KB,680x453,680:453,AwTMm2yM.jpeg)

File: cca9591311171ce⋯.jpeg (414.84 KB,2047x1552,2047:1552,GPZhLzrXMAAkwWa.jpeg)

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97ba43 No.20977559


And POTUS gave him the classy answer.

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007ac0 No.20977562

File: 9942296634eab75⋯.png (878.51 KB,925x844,925:844,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d3c95 No.20977564

File: 6bc19d803b67e20⋯.png (292.19 KB,750x1334,375:667,90F762D4_F837_4373_BE1B_F3….png)

File: 13b17a02be41d8f⋯.png (473.5 KB,750x1334,375:667,1FAC980A_199F_4F5C_8100_65….png)

File: ca75e05835c9a49⋯.png (1.57 MB,750x1334,375:667,6EA308B8_1AEC_49F4_BDB1_EC….png)

File: c9157f71eb80ac6⋯.png (1.58 MB,750x1334,375:667,CFB0E64F_9B1B_4823_90BF_A3….png)

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fb2287 No.20977567


Only those who have rejected that the Promised Messiah is Jesus Christ.

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164253 No.20977569


Apparently, it "missed the magic moment". God's will. Elon should read the Bible.

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2f7921 No.20977570

#25727 >>20976659


Q Research General #25728: TODAY WE REMEMBER THOSE WHO FELL #D-Day Edition




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cb1d2c No.20977574

File: 74efc9d092e0b74⋯.mp4 (14.87 MB,640x360,16:9,I_AM_THE_INFINITE.mp4)


Is outer space physical or spiritual?

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007ac0 No.20977575

File: 889cc6f44c72ec0⋯.jpg (103.66 KB,1280x720,16:9,heretama_nui.jpg)


What if I told you the UFO shit is cover for dead US Soldiers in UNDECLARED WARS where they fucking don't belong, and the UFO stories are COVER-UP / Gaslighting.

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1d08d0 No.20977576

File: 3acd731a8ce41fc⋯.jpg (9.13 KB,275x183,275:183,9k_51_.jpg)

File: 5091118f9106a28⋯.jpg (14.66 KB,275x183,275:183,9k_52_.jpg)

File: 8fe27cd1a5158cf⋯.jpg (13.03 KB,275x183,275:183,Z_49_.jpg)

File: eec5c35cfd856e3⋯.jpg (14.9 KB,250x202,125:101,9k_53_.jpg)


But, muh portfolio!

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2f4e1a No.20977580


>Where does Outer Space end?

same place the hydrogen atom's electon density ends

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e1292c No.20977581


Fresh link….

Be careful

Little man

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