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File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,dayshift.jpg)

2f7921 No.20976644 [View All]

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621 posts and 404 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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2f4e1a No.20977512


>Do you think Melania Trump is the most beautiful First Lady America WILL EVER have ?

"Predictions are difficult… especially about the future" – Niels Bohr

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570d52 No.20977513


So O1 said, “Don’t go upstairs.” Mr. New BO asked Why? “Hmm just shouldn’t.” Mr. New BO, “Is it up there?” Operator1, “Don’t be stupid.” But “Stupid went up the stairs” and O1 “heard a sound like a wood chipper and a lot of hollering.”

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9739b1 No.20977514


no ones does faggot.

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6c2970 No.20977515


she should start cooking rice and beans in that water

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bb6332 No.20977516


You are right!

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630797 No.20977517


>Nuremberg trials that they will face,


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5bd474 No.20977518

File: d207c8688b2b3e0⋯.jpg (102.1 KB,853x1067,853:1067,MAR21_1.JPG)

File: f37381233f279d7⋯.jpg (166.7 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,FEB14_1.JPG)

File: 1afc7abdb7d2214⋯.jpg (90.84 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,JAN31_3.JPG)

File: 526931945c03c6d⋯.jpg (143.66 KB,1080x1350,4:5,MAR16_2.JPG)

File: 4978e27ef10600d⋯.jpg (70.39 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,OCT19_1.JPG)

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6c2970 No.20977519


when the guitar has better curves

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5c0e40 No.20977520

Why hit Schatz portfolio


De port

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fb2287 No.20977521


Where does Outer Space end?

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002cd0 No.20977522


Does she avoid most sunlight?

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570d52 No.20977523


We dream their nightmares. God delivers. What happens in the CLOUD doesn’t stay in the CLOUD. Nice graveyard bread, Nice early morning. Anons will be free on this board.

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4b1bf3 No.20977524

File: f16c7535a5c1a65⋯.jpg (122.64 KB,510x680,3:4,photo_2024_06_06_00_38_37.jpg)

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007ac0 No.20977525

File: b78b1fd097f112c⋯.jpg (157.75 KB,607x846,607:846,12facts.jpg)


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5bd474 No.20977526

File: 1b88dbaa6e0bdb9⋯.jpg (248.1 KB,1080x1350,4:5,SEPT29_3.JPG)

File: c4389b02bfaf1e0⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,1080x1350,4:5,DEC29_1.JPG)

File: dfb790b107b7377⋯.jpg (71.85 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,MAR1_2_2.JPG)

File: f1f982ceb2e250a⋯.jpg (215.24 KB,1080x1350,4:5,NOV1_2_1.JPG)

File: a51e22626d9a9c2⋯.jpg (94.03 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,MAR29_1.JPG)


i did spend a day and archived the lot

she is smoking hot

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dd6d1e No.20977527

File: 82d7d698e877097⋯.jpg (187.71 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_06_11_4….jpg)

File: 6b40b5afbd2ae10⋯.jpeg (152.31 KB,1000x771,1000:771,GPZblinboAAhCO7.jpeg)

File: 860edb8c314cecc⋯.png (210.41 KB,640x1754,320:877,299_1_.png)

let that sink in. bombs away.

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446561 No.20977528

File: 88de477b22bcfcc⋯.jpg (36.01 KB,360x360,1:1,psyop_world_here.jpg)

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2f7921 No.20977529

File: 52fe7546ec7a602⋯.png (538.28 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Two more Weak

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5bd474 No.20977530


Thank you fren!!!! love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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2f7921 No.20977531

#25727 >>20976659

>>20976644 Call for Memes #TrumpPersecution

>>20976721 Adopted IHR amendments strengthen surveillance and require countries to “address misinformation”

>>20976730 Supplemental addon for #25726

>>20976745, >>20977270 PlaneFaggin’:Europe-Zelensky,Potato and Ze Germans and Italians late to Caen

>>20976775, >>20976820 https://poweroutage.us/area/state/illinois

>>20976789 Ceremony Commemorating 80th Anniversary of D-Day in Washington, DC

>>20976822 @RepMattGaetz Coordinated Lawfare Against President Trump EXPOSED!

>>20976839 A group of shoppers in Nashville Tennessee took it upon themselves to stop shoplifter

>>20976846 Need Help Identifying this man. It seems ANTIFA has turned into Islamic terrorists

>>20976855 Why was Joe Biden whisked out by Jill MID CEREMONY in Normandy, while Macron stayed back to greet troops?

>>20976859, >>20976866 GOD BLESS OUR PATRIOTS NOW AND GONE

>>20976885 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Galaxy on Edge

>>20976892 Anon opines AI is the Enemy you need to keep eyes on. MP4 related

>>20976904 Today and every day we honor and salute those of the Greatest Generation

>>20976917 Patriots for Trump

>>20976918 NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test Rendezvous and Docking

>>20976921 We got French Plane Reports

>>20976932 @realDonaldTrump Today, we honor the immortal heroes who landed at Normandy 80 years ago

>>20976941 The Irish are on the brink of lynching their criminals in office

>>20976951 @DonaldJTrumpJr Is there ever a time when Americans realize just how much of an embarrassment this is on a world stage?

>>20976959, >>20977010 CALL FOR SHARE This footage claiming that children are being sacrificed in modern times by using new methods

>>20976961 @DanScavino 5 years ago today, I had the honor of my life to fly with Floyd Winfield to Normandy.

>>20976965 Arizona Republican Party has filed a lawsuit against Secretary of State Adrian Fontes

>>20976976 Do you think Melania Trump is the most beautiful First Lady?

>>20977019 Anon Qmaps SpaceX launch #OM


>>20977060 America's Most Dangerous Dad, kells himself?

>>20977078 Highlight from Tucker's interview with Nayeb Bukele in El Salvador.


>>20977110 Andrew McCabe claims certain FBI agents are worried about Trump throwing them in jail

>>20977117 June 2024 Open Commission Meeting Federal Communications Commission

>>20977135 Thank you, American Patriots.

>>20977155 Tens of thousands of Jews are at Jerusalem’s Western Wall!

>>20977179 For the 2nd time this week, an unarmed Minuteman III launched from @SLDelta30


>>20977265 Swamp Schedule

>>20977289 https://www.nasa.gov/nasatv/

>>20977363 NASA astronaut captures stunning view of Finger Lakes from space


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164253 No.20977532


This all happened.

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abd71a No.20977533


Are you done jerking yourself off clown?

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0b1db3 No.20977534

File: 10613354cd93746⋯.jpg (4.74 KB,194x259,194:259,2Q_50_.jpg)

File: 105e7dd7178ebb8⋯.jpg (12.37 KB,183x276,61:92,images_270_.jpg)


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eacec1 No.20977535



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161a2f No.20977536

File: 9c131cfd4df9b70⋯.png (367.5 KB,504x499,504:499,I_told_you_so.png)


So in other words, it would lead to the truth about the FBI….

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2294e3 No.20977537

File: 0ac426aaaef31f3⋯.webp (18.88 KB,500x282,250:141,hannity_punisher.webp)

I think Sean is actually worried about retribution against him and the rest of the mockingbird media. How many pins should a media man wear?

Sean Hannity Attempts to Persuade Trump, Who Faces 94 Fake Indictments, to Go Easy on Biden’s Gestapo DOJ When He Returns to the White House


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164253 No.20977538


Hey, hostile person. You don't even know what you're talking about. Why don't you settle the fuck down.

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fb2287 No.20977539


Not true.

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164253 No.20977540

The only people who get upset at missions are the people against whom the mission is waged.

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4b0192 No.20977541

File: 459827d10fcb16b⋯.png (3.62 KB,133x81,133:81,ClipboardImage.png)



11:15 = 17

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2f7921 No.20977542

#25726 >>20975819

>>20975842, >>20975946, Cicadas being infected with STD that turns them into hyper-sexual "zombies" - twat noise bun

>>20975901 Palestinian fired over Gaza censorship sues Meta – Reuters (rt.com bun)

>>20975942, >>20975945, >>20976086, Q comms bun

>>20976230 LAST NIGHTS INTERVIEW WITH HANNITY - 5TH JUNE 2024 - youtube (with djt statements bun)

>>20976239 BIRD FLU BULLSH*T!!! WE WILL NOT COMPLY!! - djt video on next pandemic by il donald trumpo vid

>>20976250 Farage on alt platforms with massive reach, this with crowder from tues 5th - farage u.k bun and youtube.

>>20976000, >>20976066, >>20976090, >>20976218, current topics and status bun.

>>20976106 Where was your sloth self when we needed the truth on hunter bidens laptop before the election when you were AG - kash patel t.s post

>>20976162 Connecticut State Trooper Aaron Pelletier killed in the line of duty - twat

>>20976175 Ava Chen is back to discuss the CCP'S Grasps on American Universities - rumble (diamond and silk)

>>20976180 Fox News host John Roberts hits back at the Biden campaign after they accuse him of a ‘blatant lie’ over his reporting that Trump capped insulin at $35 a month - gwp

>>20976184, >>20976193, I’M IN THE SWAMP RIGHT NOW! - dan scavio t.s post

>>20976661 - HRC D-Day tweet: Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy.

>>20976658 - Tater D-Day tweet: The brave service members who fought on D-Day represent the Greatest Generation in our history.

>>20976622 Schumer D-Day Tweet: 80 years ago—the Allies stormed the beaches of Normandy to fight the Nazis

>>20976508 Voting company Smartmatic bribed foreign official $4 million, DOJ alleges, sanctions sought.

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2f4e1a No.20977543


two replies to the same post

do you get overtime for that, foreskin breath?

you are walking talking proof that jews are a cancer that must be excised for humanity to survive

"hate" does not enter into it

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161a2f No.20977544

File: 9d3420a51532c57⋯.png (57.72 KB,471x198,157:66,filter_muhjoos.png)

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98e327 No.20977545

File: 19c09e6cc1e5089⋯.png (935.09 KB,515x766,515:766,IMG_2065.png)

I come here for the memes and keks. Nothing more, nothing less!

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bb4bc2 No.20977547


AI is able to look through my eyes. AI can see what I see. AI can read my mind and use it for ads.

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723b6c No.20977552


Thank You Anon. I didn't know it was AHS, it is a good RPG material. Appreciate it bud

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66c675 No.20977554


To lose your job does not mean to not be free not to take the shit!

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abd71a No.20977555

File: 6c45bed4b810dcb⋯.jpeg (418.51 KB,777x510,259:170,2B5B3604_5452_475F_9191_4….jpeg)


Kiss muh ass

Unfortunate for you I do pay attention

The real question is Do you pay attention?

>no answer needed…you dont

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dd6d1e No.20977557

File: c25b9e6fa4cc108⋯.png (577.73 KB,640x4704,20:147,229_9_.png)

File: 6b40b5afbd2ae10⋯.jpeg (152.31 KB,1000x771,1000:771,GPZblinboAAhCO7.jpeg)

File: 3c2f5bfe63e2bcc⋯.jpg (127.99 KB,480x960,1:2,3c2f5bfe63e2bcc104fd7adc59….jpg)

File: e3bd356617c0301⋯.jpeg (45.09 KB,680x453,680:453,AwTMm2yM.jpeg)

File: cca9591311171ce⋯.jpeg (414.84 KB,2047x1552,2047:1552,GPZhLzrXMAAkwWa.jpeg)

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97ba43 No.20977559


And POTUS gave him the classy answer.

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007ac0 No.20977562

File: 9942296634eab75⋯.png (878.51 KB,925x844,925:844,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d3c95 No.20977564

File: 6bc19d803b67e20⋯.png (292.19 KB,750x1334,375:667,90F762D4_F837_4373_BE1B_F3….png)

File: 13b17a02be41d8f⋯.png (473.5 KB,750x1334,375:667,1FAC980A_199F_4F5C_8100_65….png)

File: ca75e05835c9a49⋯.png (1.57 MB,750x1334,375:667,6EA308B8_1AEC_49F4_BDB1_EC….png)

File: c9157f71eb80ac6⋯.png (1.58 MB,750x1334,375:667,CFB0E64F_9B1B_4823_90BF_A3….png)

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fb2287 No.20977567


Only those who have rejected that the Promised Messiah is Jesus Christ.

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164253 No.20977569


Apparently, it "missed the magic moment". God's will. Elon should read the Bible.

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2f7921 No.20977570

#25727 >>20976659


Q Research General #25728: TODAY WE REMEMBER THOSE WHO FELL #D-Day Edition




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cb1d2c No.20977574

File: 74efc9d092e0b74⋯.mp4 (14.87 MB,640x360,16:9,I_AM_THE_INFINITE.mp4)


Is outer space physical or spiritual?

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007ac0 No.20977575

File: 889cc6f44c72ec0⋯.jpg (103.66 KB,1280x720,16:9,heretama_nui.jpg)


What if I told you the UFO shit is cover for dead US Soldiers in UNDECLARED WARS where they fucking don't belong, and the UFO stories are COVER-UP / Gaslighting.

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1d08d0 No.20977576

File: 3acd731a8ce41fc⋯.jpg (9.13 KB,275x183,275:183,9k_51_.jpg)

File: 5091118f9106a28⋯.jpg (14.66 KB,275x183,275:183,9k_52_.jpg)

File: 8fe27cd1a5158cf⋯.jpg (13.03 KB,275x183,275:183,Z_49_.jpg)

File: eec5c35cfd856e3⋯.jpg (14.9 KB,250x202,125:101,9k_53_.jpg)


But, muh portfolio!

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2f4e1a No.20977580


>Where does Outer Space end?

same place the hydrogen atom's electon density ends

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e1292c No.20977581


Fresh link….

Be careful

Little man

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