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File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,dayshift.jpg)

8c19f8 No.20978461 [Last50 Posts]

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8c19f8 No.20978463

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8c19f8 No.20978464


#25728 >>20977565

>>20977593 Former President Donald Trump says Israel has lost its influence in Congress

>>20977599 First wave of D-Day assaults on Normandy Beach included E Company, 16th Regiment, 1st Infantry Division.

>>20977585 The Great Lawfare Backfire of 2024.

>>20977611 FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS!!!🇺🇸

>>20977653 Prayers for Bannon, he is one of Trump’s biggest supporters.

>>20977704 Delta 12 welcomes new commander

>>20977772 PF: RAF REDARROWs T-45 Goshawks departed north

>>20977859 Japan lawmakers probe UFO security ‘threat’

>>20977878 PDJT - Great Fighter, Sean Strickland

>>20977888 Potatoe arrives in Paris, France

>>20977970 China Property Stocks Tumble Into Bear Market As Beijing's Bailout Fades

>>20977975 Anon Q's D-day 80 and Nov 5th

>>20977989 Judge Orders Steve Bannon to Prison on July 1

>>20978045, >>20978056 Top-secret UFO research grips Washington: Here’s what they’re saying

>>20978092 Chris Wray Protects the Epstein~Kissinger Diplomatic Back-Channel. MP4

>>20978095 Steve Bannon Speaks After Being Ordered to Report to Prison

>>20978111, >>20978121 PDJT POTUS POLLS

>>20978158 TBT: Last June, President @BillClinton joined @questlove and Team Supreme on @QLS to celebrate Black Music Month

>>20978199 @BillClinton Today on the 80th anniversary of D-Day, I am thinking of the courageous members of our Armed Forces

>>20978213 @realDonaldTrump Khabib Nurmagomedov… …is probably the Greatest Fighter of All Time.

>>20978237 “WWII Hero James Weir Surprised With Street Designation In Miami”

>>20978290 @BarackObama Ten years ago, I had a chance to meet veterans of D-Day in Normandy.

>>20978331 Dr. Phil - President Donald J. Trump interview.

>>20978380 @realDonaldTrump A great honor to speak with four wonderful D-Day Heroes #4D

>>20978276 Ex-NASCAR driver Tighe Scott and 3 other Pennsylvania men were arrested Wednesday by the FBI - Jan 6th

>>20978332, >>20978418 PF Spotting about 100 Miles from Melania's birthplace

>>20978450 #25728

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8c19f8 No.20978466

#25727 >>20976659

>>20976644 Call for Memes #TrumpPersecution

>>20976721 Adopted IHR amendments strengthen surveillance and require countries to “address misinformation”

>>20976730 Supplemental addon for #25726

>>20976745, >>20977270 PlaneFaggin’:Europe-Zelensky,Potato and Ze Germans and Italians late to Caen

>>20976775, >>20976820 https://poweroutage.us/area/state/illinois

>>20976789 Ceremony Commemorating 80th Anniversary of D-Day in Washington, DC

>>20976822 @RepMattGaetz Coordinated Lawfare Against President Trump EXPOSED!

>>20976839 A group of shoppers in Nashville Tennessee took it upon themselves to stop shoplifter

>>20976846 Need Help Identifying this man. It seems ANTIFA has turned into Islamic terrorists

>>20976855 Why was Joe Biden whisked out by Jill MID CEREMONY in Normandy, while Macron stayed back to greet troops?

>>20976859, >>20976866 GOD BLESS OUR PATRIOTS NOW AND GONE

>>20976885 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Galaxy on Edge

>>20976892 Anon opines AI is the Enemy you need to keep eyes on. MP4 related

>>20976904 Today and every day we honor and salute those of the Greatest Generation

>>20976917 Patriots for Trump

>>20976918 NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test Rendezvous and Docking

>>20976921 We got French Plane Reports

>>20976932 @realDonaldTrump Today, we honor the immortal heroes who landed at Normandy 80 years ago

>>20976941 The Irish are on the brink of lynching their criminals in office

>>20976951 @DonaldJTrumpJr Is there ever a time when Americans realize just how much of an embarrassment this is on a world stage?

>>20976959, >>20977010 CALL FOR SHARE This footage claiming that children are being sacrificed in modern times by using new methods

>>20976961 @DanScavino 5 years ago today, I had the honor of my life to fly with Floyd Winfield to Normandy.

>>20976965 Arizona Republican Party has filed a lawsuit against Secretary of State Adrian Fontes

>>20976976 Do you think Melania Trump is the most beautiful First Lady?

>>20977019 Anon Qmaps SpaceX launch #OM


>>20977060 America's Most Dangerous Dad, kells himself?

>>20977078 Highlight from Tucker's interview with Nayeb Bukele in El Salvador.


>>20977110 Andrew McCabe claims certain FBI agents are worried about Trump throwing them in jail

>>20977117 June 2024 Open Commission Meeting Federal Communications Commission

>>20977135 Thank you, American Patriots.

>>20977155 Tens of thousands of Jews are at Jerusalem’s Western Wall!

>>20977179 For the 2nd time this week, an unarmed Minuteman III launched from @SLDelta30


>>20977265 Swamp Schedule

>>20977289 https://www.nasa.gov/nasatv/

>>20977363 NASA astronaut captures stunning view of Finger Lakes from space

>>20977531 #25727

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8c19f8 No.20978469

#25726 >>20975819

>>20975842, >>20975946, Cicadas being infected with STD that turns them into hyper-sexual "zombies" - twat noise bun

>>20975901 Palestinian fired over Gaza censorship sues Meta – Reuters (rt.com bun)

>>20975942, >>20975945, >>20976086, Q comms bun

>>20976230 LAST NIGHTS INTERVIEW WITH HANNITY - 5TH JUNE 2024 - youtube (with djt statements bun)

>>20976239 BIRD FLU BULLSH*T!!! WE WILL NOT COMPLY!! - djt video on next pandemic by il donald trumpo vid

>>20976250 Farage on alt platforms with massive reach, this with crowder from tues 5th - farage u.k bun and youtube.

>>20976000, >>20976066, >>20976090, >>20976218, current topics and status bun.

>>20976106 Where was your sloth self when we needed the truth on hunter bidens laptop before the election when you were AG - kash patel t.s post

>>20976162 Connecticut State Trooper Aaron Pelletier killed in the line of duty - twat

>>20976175 Ava Chen is back to discuss the CCP'S Grasps on American Universities - rumble (diamond and silk)

>>20976180 Fox News host John Roberts hits back at the Biden campaign after they accuse him of a ‘blatant lie’ over his reporting that Trump capped insulin at $35 a month - gwp

>>20976184, >>20976193, I’M IN THE SWAMP RIGHT NOW! - dan scavio t.s post

>>20976661 - HRC D-Day tweet: Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy.

>>20976658 - Tater D-Day tweet: The brave service members who fought on D-Day represent the Greatest Generation in our history.

>>20976622 Schumer D-Day Tweet: 80 years ago—the Allies stormed the beaches of Normandy to fight the Nazis

>>20976508 Voting company Smartmatic bribed foreign official $4 million, DOJ alleges, sanctions sought.

>>20977542 #25726 posted in #25727

Previously Collected

>>20974790 #25724-B, >>20975808 #25725

>>20973350 #25722, >>20974045 #25723, >>20974770 #25724-A

>>20970705 #25719, >>20971592 #25720, >>20972493 #25721

>>20967958 #25716, >>20968749 #25717, >>20969544 #25718

>>20965345 #25713, >>20966325 #25714, >>20967190 #25715

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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8c19f8 No.20978474

File: 176021c741846e2⋯.mp4 (9.89 MB,480x270,16:9,176021c741846e261bcda782b3….mp4)


#25729 https://fullchan.net/?dcf733f0157aac95#9sAdQmekCmH2eX6fd9oSpkY4tL33EemP2tcfcUkLWFeu

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8c19f8 No.20978484

3:00 PM EDT

LIVE: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump - 6/6/2024

Right Side Broadcasting Network



5:00 PM EDT

Join Chase The Vote - A Town Hall With President Trump

Real America's Voice



5:00 PM EDT

Chase the Vote - A Town Hall with Special Guest President Donald J. Trump Sponsored by Turning Point PAC & Turning Point Action

Doors Open: 10:00 AM (US/Mountain)



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c68192 No.20978497

File: 5693037dcbde8e2⋯.png (844.25 KB,710x731,710:731,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 339d30380a2cf78⋯.png (637.31 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f86be049cd49ec4⋯.png (849.12 KB,600x792,25:33,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15fedbc5a522837⋯.png (1.24 MB,600x897,200:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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69e41a No.20978501

File: 835dc4aa78bb6e6⋯.webm (13.76 MB,854x480,427:240,Jimmy_Castor_Bunch_Troglo….webm)

Bannon didn't defraud America.


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09d119 No.20978503

File: 1bcb1c279b1cf20⋯.png (150.5 KB,345x480,23:32,Ozias_M_Hatch.PNG)

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64b3a7 No.20978506

File: ce3ecee853917f8⋯.png (1.7 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5bd6e0 No.20978507

File: 795d66776de9e13⋯.png (1.65 MB,1080x1660,54:83,Screenshot_20240606_143053.png)




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959ce3 No.20978511

File: 707d935b8f1f358⋯.jpg (289.55 KB,1170x1441,1170:1441,FqaCoe2XwAEcIhS.jpg)

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17ebf0 No.20978513

File: 7e73e0f49dab058⋯.jpg (428.87 KB,471x475,471:475,200_000_years.jpg)

File: b8e12d806317c1c⋯.jpg (133.35 KB,484x421,484:421,CometCometh.jpg)

File: 5a0db511a5a4abc⋯.jpeg (294.15 KB,735x1111,735:1111,theSting.jpeg)

File: a7189d0f2238082⋯.jpg (126.65 KB,295x319,295:319,Rosetta_295BC.jpg)

File: 9c53e3a2d9a1910⋯.png (938.64 KB,1176x1074,196:179,CommieComet.png)

the comet comes in 2033

Ordo Ab Chao

Ordo Ab Chao (Order From Chaos)

Its big, so big it gave the planet its wobble, the comet, the precession, the tilt - its all related.

It wont hit us, instead pieces will come off, leaving a path of destruction, that the Earth Orbit will pass through.

We will get hit twice, once as it goes towards the sun, again as it exits.

the Pharaohs knew, they carved into stone.

the coils of the snake are the precession, the daggers comet strikes.

If we are going into Aquarius, the tail points to the place it comes from.

It will come out of Scorpio, the sting in the tail,

they have been tracking it for 7 x 26500 year periods, or about 200,000 years…..

Agenda 2030?

the New World Order, a satanic conspiracy to enslave the world, they know its coming, they built stonehenge to track its coming.

they want all their ducks in a row, the digital currency, the microchips, the total control, by 2030.

When the comet comes, they will make their move.

they will install the AntiChrist.

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f5f05e No.20978514

10 Reasons why me and other smart people are NOT voting for Trump

1. He lied about building the wall

2. He lied about locking her up

3. He lied about draining the swamp

4. He is unfaithful to Melania

5. He pushed the death vax onto everyone

6. All his appointees are deep state criminals

7. He is a convicted felon

8. He lied about releasing JFK files

9. He lies about declassifying everything

10. Mean tweets


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42b358 No.20978515

File: 872ac502f53868b⋯.jpg (46.18 KB,888x444,2:1,872ac502f53868b0e4e2accf34….jpg)

File: c5a35307e4b10d7⋯.jpg (81.39 KB,673x680,673:680,c5a35307e4b10d74d2a8245283….jpg)

File: df2c208d95f2d1b⋯.jpg (24.51 KB,333x403,333:403,df2c208d95f2d1b137ed3b1efe….jpg)

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5bd6e0 No.20978516

File: 4ee08e20323c420⋯.png (554.92 KB,1079x1673,1079:1673,Screenshot_20240606_143239.png)




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09d119 No.20978520


Captain Mason, who bribed Hatch into giving him so many passengers, died aboard his boat. Survivors reported seeing him doing what he could to help the people on board. Colonel Reuben Hatch, upon hearing the news, immediately quit the military and fled the state. As a civilian, military courts could no longer pursue legal action against him. Captain George Williams, who left his post at the docks, was a career military man and a graduate of West Point. The military courts refused to go after one of their own.

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29d573 No.20978522

File: 799f141e61c654e⋯.jpg (92.75 KB,750x487,750:487,fdasdfghjhgtfre3.jpg)

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09d119 No.20978524

File: 2f66c8ce95f4fa4⋯.png (447.4 KB,634x476,317:238,ClipboardImage.png)



What does that name mean, Ruby?

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4e010a No.20978527

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mike Davis Breaks Down President Trump’s Remedy To Fire Back Against Dems’ Weaponized Justice System. Later in the video, Davis talks about the Lincoln Project as the Pedophile Grift Project. Kek



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c68192 No.20978528

File: 7950996b96bad80⋯.png (986.73 KB,710x983,710:983,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 668858928bab7c1⋯.png (571.32 KB,680x574,340:287,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 390fab5e450ca98⋯.png (565.72 KB,600x527,600:527,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb5dbbd64366cd5⋯.png (485.68 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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69e41a No.20978529

File: 915bb4d5f64f2ab⋯.png (11.5 KB,317x216,317:216,ClipboardImage.png)

So there's a CHOICE this thread. 50+ posts of REPLYING to paid Israel Zionist Trolls


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5bd6e0 No.20978531

File: 9903aa5639f3f0f⋯.jpg (20.56 KB,213x163,213:163,9903aa5639f3f0f46ed1c0ecc9….jpg)


>me and other smart people

*with terrible grammar

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c68192 No.20978536

File: 3efcf11837b243e⋯.jpg (142.09 KB,600x790,60:79,1827975f9fdb28f0.jpg)


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8c19f8 No.20978537







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8c19f8 No.20978539



0. Hillary Clinton

1. Chuck Schummer

2. Bill Gates

3. Klaus Schwab

4. Barack Obama

5. George Bush Jnr

6. Joe Biden

7. Nancy Pelosi

8. Katie Hobbs

9. Andrew Coumo


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55cc62 No.20978540

File: e13cf50bf984d5b⋯.png (464.57 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pfb.png)

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0544b6 No.20978541


ty baker!



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0d06f4 No.20978544

File: 8e65b9e43681463⋯.png (343.84 KB,673x965,673:965,ClipboardImage.png)

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29d573 No.20978547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Stream from outside of the President Trump/Turning Point, 'Chase The Vote Town Hall' in Phoenix

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95b3fc No.20978549

File: 28d408447d01fa6⋯.png (914.42 KB,2355x1352,2355:1352,ClipboardImage.png)

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69e41a No.20978551

File: d0b9e1d71d8cb5d⋯.png (15.09 KB,301x231,43:33,ClipboardImage.png)

not having it.

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ad920d No.20978552

File: 8f9535d6da70614⋯.jpg (93.3 KB,550x1043,550:1043,Screenshot_20240606_134205….jpg)


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d5781c No.20978555


Got enough pens

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703cc0 No.20978556

File: c9841076f702f6f⋯.png (532.94 KB,710x500,71:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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07fc2d No.20978557

Oh you tiny pedos, you're so evil I almost feel sorry for you. Almost.

What if the entire super-secret blackmail database were laid bare to the world?

Even the smallest hacker can change the course of the future.

Won't stop the Sun, but at least the world could spend the remaining time in peace. And without pedophiles preying on our children.

Imagine the good karma that hacker would earn. And that's eternal.

God's will in all things. Maker of the Math.

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382033 No.20978558

File: 27d53d51414307a⋯.png (4.9 KB,46x342,23:171,ClipboardImage.png)


>me and other smart people

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9ef4fa No.20978562

File: 70675f23db13dfd⋯.jpg (50.97 KB,640x621,640:621,70675f23db13dfda4f00d8444c….jpg)

Butthurt anons and angry shills are kinda funny.

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acedef No.20978564

File: 91713c1b07bd7b6⋯.gif (3.9 MB,638x470,319:235,91713c1b07bd7b6edad87f8373….gif)



claiming dough

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4e010a No.20978566


One of the best interviews with Mike Davis

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c68192 No.20978567

File: 94d77fb3ed3bec9⋯.png (498.1 KB,710x809,710:809,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec0274203e5acaf⋯.png (369.02 KB,568x340,142:85,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce1fe3804b2fc5b⋯.png (304.92 KB,568x320,71:40,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8a79d1b064e6e7⋯.png (585.35 KB,592x600,74:75,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b420d No.20978568

File: 66f4e1abf3db296⋯.png (524.35 KB,916x698,458:349,IMG_2048.png)

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96b92d No.20978570

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69e41a No.20978571

File: 5aaa61acf0612cd⋯.png (981.81 KB,1744x912,109:57,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ef4fa No.20978576


Gotta enforce the normalization of the filter.

Top of each bread.

Then back to spamming what you're telling anons to filter.


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0544b6 No.20978577

File: 4931f248c509acb⋯.png (453.27 KB,461x581,461:581,BAKER_RED_HAT.png)



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95b3fc No.20978578

File: 0df85ed7ea6d49d⋯.png (906.63 KB,2355x1352,2355:1352,ClipboardImage.png)

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c9b706 No.20978580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

At the 50:32 mark of this video, Dr. Phil speaks NEGATIVELY about President Donald J. Trump, Trump supporters and MAGA.

At the 58:02 mark of this video, Dr. Phil says, “Think about this! I’m launching my show in January of 2024. Election year. I intend to have a major impact on what happens… and I do intend to have an impact on that election.”


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4e010a No.20978582

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Raheem Kassam Previews European Election, 400 Million Europeans Set To Vote And Decide Their Future


There’s going to be an upset in Europe, as much as we are fed up, they are fed up more. I hope they overturn the Globalist, most especially Ursula, to get this done!


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99df61 No.20978585

File: 586a04476fb6438⋯.jpeg (124.74 KB,1200x800,3:2,0E07350A_15A5_4EBE_93E3_C….jpeg)

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2f020c No.20978587

File: 5097e45db935d06⋯.png (323.27 KB,1912x1298,956:649,5097e45db935d0670ce7b0bb5f….png)

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36c87f No.20978588


Don't care, myself and many more are voting Trump.

Blacks For Trump

Latinos For Trump

Asians for Trump

(You) name it, they ALL are voting Trump 2024

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69e41a No.20978589


early bloomer posts zionist encounters in the neutral zone faster than you.

no need to get jealous and call it spam.

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99df61 No.20978591

File: 9207735ffc0e4e5⋯.jpeg (104.58 KB,828x534,138:89,68E5F348_B717_43F5_9C1B_3….jpeg)

File: 64ba6ac98eee22d⋯.jpeg (258.24 KB,828x561,276:187,BB292D65_4BCD_4588_8B03_B….jpeg)

File: 2a1f5144bb2db8e⋯.jpeg (127.83 KB,828x526,414:263,FADDC631_4D03_4093_AE89_9….jpeg)


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29d573 No.20978592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Police chase in Baltimore, Maryland

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9ef4fa No.20978595


>no need to get jealous and call it spam.

You called it spam.

Nice reading comprehension skills you got there.


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99df61 No.20978596

File: 622dded2e5a1ff1⋯.jpeg (426.9 KB,828x725,828:725,3EE45D04_DBAD_4070_8171_0….jpeg)

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c430a5 No.20978599

File: d5f65df5cb6d65a⋯.png (50.94 KB,384x384,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad920d No.20978600

File: 4da65bd895f6619⋯.jpg (147.13 KB,720x902,360:451,Ifcit.jpg)

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b953c0 No.20978601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Google's secret algorithm exposed via leak to GitHub


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69e41a No.20978602


- said Alex Soros while posting on 8Kun via VPN.

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c68192 No.20978604

File: 1fc9bccc0a03a0e⋯.png (676.18 KB,710x649,710:649,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80613455e543892⋯.png (281.65 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6f0afbce7dcec1⋯.png (929.29 KB,710x724,355:362,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c9263260a4f526⋯.png (233.82 KB,375x518,375:518,ClipboardImage.png)

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69e41a No.20978605


DR Phil is WEF. - check it.

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4e010a No.20978607

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FULL PRESS CONFERENCE: Steve Bannon Ordered to Report to Prison on Contempt of Congress Conviction



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b953c0 No.20978608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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43f467 No.20978609

File: 0ac924a1d05d548⋯.mp4 (15.62 MB,1280x720,16:9,Foxy_Lady_Melania_Steady_A….mp4)

steady as she goes..

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91eff5 No.20978610


so Biden or RFK?

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69e41a No.20978612


Okay. Anon fucked up.

It's that other doctor. Jesus tits Sorry Dr Phil

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aa16df No.20978617



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4e010a No.20978618


Finally the Judges reveal how corrupted US courts have become, since its been going on for a long time. Judges have NEVER been Non-Partisan!

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69e41a No.20978619

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c73b09 No.20978620

File: f7278f6f10706b4⋯.png (1.04 MB,1080x1356,90:113,Screenshot_20231020_194219….png)

File: 307f2f95b824d03⋯.jpg (98.1 KB,500x761,500:761,Crusades_1_.jpg)


People that have been targeting president Trump for the last eight are freaking doomed they are going to get what's coming to them, all of them and there is a long list.

No military or law enforcement will be involved it will be carried out by elite ex military private contractors.

PRESIDENTIAL authority will allow many to be executed without a trial for TREASON.

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5742ee No.20978622

File: e03c851b75ba48b⋯.png (768.3 KB,1137x755,1137:755,ClipboardImage.png)

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934849 No.20978623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump - 6/6/24

RSBN will have full coverage of this special event on Thursday, June 6, 2024, starting at approximately 3:00 p.m. ET. The event will begin at 5:00 p.m. ET.


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ad920d No.20978625


Two pervs fantasy island

It's June 2024…Dr oprah has zero impact.

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69e41a No.20978626


Has Pennsylvania State got another Senator Lined up besides Fetterman and the WEF infiltration?

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bf61d5 No.20978629


quite a lady, dat one.

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e68adf No.20978631

File: f30dafbe4d068cf⋯.jpg (71.12 KB,981x981,1:1,FxBW9fMWAAEYP7o.jpg)


That girl is pretty! Wearing Pepe green too.

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183b35 No.20978633

File: ab489a43ee90ec0⋯.jpg (112.95 KB,910x469,130:67,Untitledgme.jpg)

Gamestop is up 30 percent so far today

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814ffa No.20978634

File: 9c26840d724601d⋯.jpg (14.32 KB,255x132,85:44,2061281cdd13975b0f592da312….jpg)

Anon's I work inside the Washington state SOS, something is going on that has the correct people freaking out, It has to do with the new re districting and the ballots being counted without signatures, Also in this state Bing Ai is prohibited from trump republican or elections I don't know about other states thats all I can say I am a lurker but I thought this warrented a post my last one was skyking days WWG1WGA

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69e41a No.20978635

File: b8370957cee6dc5⋯.jpg (92.26 KB,640x400,8:5,two_moar_weeks_shitlist_10….jpg)



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69230f No.20978636

File: 307d4b7945d3d1c⋯.jpeg (827.01 KB,1248x617,1248:617,E6082A16_7E38_4B10_97EC_3….jpeg)

File: 4e281f5557240df⋯.jpeg (384.63 KB,750x615,50:41,D7E4E401_34FC_4CE3_90C7_3….jpeg)

File: 2e4bb9b4a4bcdc2⋯.jpeg (574.69 KB,1204x596,301:149,B59C8240_CF7A_497C_9F3E_E….jpeg)

File: 565ed03c2077e08⋯.png (474.66 KB,546x476,39:34,3F068BBB_1E38_484B_AD5E_23….png)

>>20976745 pb

Potato in 09-0018 C32A, SAM46 C32A (09-0017) went back to Paris

SHITBAGZelenskyin UKN1223 A319 heading east from Caen departand heading for Paris

Macron To Meet Zelensky In Paris Friday: Elysee Palace


>>20978029 lb

Saudi AF SVA7134 737Ministry of Financedid go to Paris as predicted

Love to be a fly on the wall with this

Italian AF IAM9001 A319PM Meliniback to Rome from Caen

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934849 No.20978637

File: b4af73058073140⋯.png (529.93 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Putin warns Russia could provide weapons to strike West

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that Moscow could arm countries with a view to attacking Western targets.

Mr Putin made the statement while criticising the West's delivery of long-range weapons to Ukraine.

Several countries including the United States have given Ukraine the green light to strike targets inside Russia.

Such action could lead to “very serious problems", Mr Putin told foreign reporters.

"If someone thinks it is possible to supply such weapons to a war zone to attack our territory and create problems for us, why don't we have the right to supply weapons of the same class to regions of the world where there will be strikes on sensitive facilities of those countries?" the Russian president said.

"That is, the response can be asymmetric. We will think about it."

He did not specify which countries Moscow could supply weapons to.

Mr Putin singled out Germany, which recently told Ukraine it was free to hit targets inside Russia with long-range German-made weapons.

"When they say that there will be more missiles which will hit targets on Russian territory, this definitively destroys Russian-German relations," Mr Putin said.

US President Joe Biden has given Ukraine permission to use American-supplied weapons to strike targets in Russia, but only near the Kharkiv region. The White House has said Ukraine cannot use long-range ATACMS missiles on Russian soil.

Ukraine has used US weapons to strike inside Russia in recent days, a US senator and a Western official told the Associated Press on Wednesday.

Fierce fighting has been raging north-east of Kharkiv since a new Russian push across Ukraine's northern border. Kharkiv, Ukraine's second city, is just 30km (18 miles) from the border.

UK Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron has said it is up to Ukraine to decide how to use British weapons and insisted it has the right to strike targets on Russian territory.

Ukraine says North Korean missiles are being used inside Ukrainian territory, and Western intelligence agencies say Russia has been using Iranian-made drones in the conflict.

Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Mr Putin was speaking to foreign journalists at the annual St Petersburg International Economic Forum.

He also warned that the West was wrong to assume that Moscow would never use nuclear weapons.

"For some reason, the West believes that Russia will never use it," Mr Putin said when asked by Reuters about the risk of nuclear escalation over Ukraine.

"We have a nuclear doctrine, look what it says. If someone's actions threaten our sovereignty and territorial integrity, we consider it possible for us to use all means at our disposal.

"This should not be taken lightly, superficially."

Mr Putin also dismissed the idea that Russia has plans to attack Nato territory.

"You should not make Russia out to be the enemy. You're only hurting yourself with this, you know?" Mr Putin said.

"They thought that Russia wanted to attack Nato. Have you gone completely crazy? That is as thick as this table.

Who came up with this? It is just complete nonsense, you know? Total rubbish."


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0edd23 No.20978638


whats with the 3 pens?

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b6d3c2 No.20978640



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d5781c No.20978641



Of Nograd


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1b6716 No.20978643


Sloppy Steve needs a lint roller. What a slob.

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0edd23 No.20978644




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bf61d5 No.20978645


sauce when avail. plz.

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b19561 No.20978647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Boxer Ryan Garcia predicts Earthquake on June 6, 2024

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95b3fc No.20978648

File: fd70f889b02eab1⋯.png (846.57 KB,2346x1074,391:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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69230f No.20978649


Good riddance

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6e3601 No.20978651


So, basically you're telling me to grow my own food, tell the electric companies and inet companies, including water and use my solar power/well/and my land to make me food so i do not have to rely on anyone.


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b6d3c2 No.20978652


>whats with the 3 pens?

Good Morning, anon.

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64b3a7 No.20978654

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)

So much effort for so little a result. Poor bastards.

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aaf863 No.20978655

File: ad2648203f75c5d⋯.png (1.01 MB,861x616,123:88,ClipboardImage.png)

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beab9a No.20978656

File: cca066b359bee0d⋯.jpeg (149.13 KB,1024x1024,1:1,a_quirky_captivating_phot….jpeg)



Thank you Bakers, please note that we've been having a lot of complaints about this particular shift where a certain faggot keeps ignoring nominations and trying to play games over what's notable.

As such I will be taking my own notes with anon in tandem whenever I can for the next 150 days, to minimize the scope pf any future 'incidents'

>in other words


also offering handoff, if desired

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b19561 No.20978658


and some dandruff shampoo

Bannon is disgusting

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446f86 No.20978659

File: c91d800f17db26d⋯.png (877.41 KB,1080x604,270:151,Dxy.png)

Attention: Trump is back in office.

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bdfdb0 No.20978660



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aa16df No.20978661


Snow storm birthday alias. I forgot to get bows for the presents.

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0edd23 No.20978663


did i miss sth?

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32afd3 No.20978664

File: 82eed41585139ab⋯.png (506.49 KB,468x826,234:413,Biden_shitting_keks.png)

File: fc2f177d5cbb574⋯.png (442.88 KB,716x499,716:499,Biden_pooped_.png)

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ad920d No.20978666


You have got to big a fool lacking any discernment to think two cellphones next to your heart is in any way healthy. Smh

People deserve the stupid they get

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cb568b No.20978668


you missed Satan


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69e41a No.20978669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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934849 No.20978670

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Awesome moment from Marjorie, in case you missed it: Dr. Fauci, you belong in prison.


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c430a5 No.20978672

File: 1e9145d092044bf⋯.png (406.93 KB,468x480,39:40,ClipboardImage.png)

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91eff5 No.20978673

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Adrien Broner vs Blair Cobbs final press conference was even more wild than expected: "My n***as got guns with them. All I've gotta do is point and they're gonna blow."

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b19561 No.20978674


>having a lot of complaints about this particular shift

your shift sucks

>150 days

countdown is on

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69e41a No.20978675


Birx, Redfield, Malone, Austin, Biden, Blinken

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cb568b No.20978676


he's live streaming in 3d for vr

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95b3fc No.20978677

File: 24599fb54727f15⋯.png (840.07 KB,2346x1066,1173:533,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6d3c2 No.20978678





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1b6716 No.20978679


Marjorie and Tony can share a cell.

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6e3601 No.20978681


satan doesn't look like that.

He's a beautiful angel covered in stones and gold.

so good luck with that.

i can't stand gold maybe that's why.

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571efe No.20978682

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

El Salvador’s President Reveals Shocking Details to Tucker Carlson: MS-13 Gang Involved in Satanic Child Sacrifice Rituals


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64b3a7 No.20978683

File: d2655d46ef0279d⋯.png (414.31 KB,500x643,500:643,ClipboardImage.png)

Always satisfying to finish a box.

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b7d099 No.20978684

File: 421ad0de467f11c⋯.png (255.05 KB,500x500,1:1,still_voting_trump.png)

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b19561 No.20978685



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5742ee No.20978686

File: 214a4784bf19f7e⋯.png (10.88 KB,550x151,550:151,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f4106 No.20978687

File: feea153ca050f20⋯.jpg (140.46 KB,1962x1070,981:535,Screenshot_2024_06_06_1404….jpg)

Speaking of Vice-Potato(e)s, what ever happened to Dan Quayle?

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4e010a No.20978688

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gershon: Launch Of American Jewish Conservatives in Texas. Jews for MAGA. Jews need to not be afraid to speak up!



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91eff5 No.20978690

File: ee451c776641f7c⋯.png (1.54 MB,1012x1024,253:256,ClipboardImage.png)


Don't forget these among others.

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ad920d No.20978691


Hunter bidan's childhood friend pretends to be shocked.

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28acdc No.20978692

File: 325691c0c33f2ee⋯.png (221.91 KB,517x713,517:713,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e2ce83be23def9⋯.png (35.03 KB,764x502,382:251,ron.png)

File: f4dd1ddb7107eb8⋯.png (20.19 KB,1311x243,437:81,azmcsos.png)

File: be6607ac61aa946⋯.jpg (224.75 KB,1920x1080,16:9,katiehobbs.jpg)

File: c594ae3250f4104⋯.png (255.42 KB,551x412,551:412,ClipboardImage.png)


Debbie Lesko has been an incredible Congresswoman for the State of Arizona! A great friend of MAGA, Debbie has been with us from the beginning, fighting hard through Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and understood many of the bad things going on better than most. Now Debbie is running for the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. She will work tirelessly to Safeguard our Elections, Protect our Communities, Secure our Border, Stop Migrant Crime, Grow the Economy, and Defend our always under siege Second Amendment. Debbie Lesko has my Complete and Total Endorsement — SHE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!

Jun 06, 2024, 2:21 PM (EST)

"Safeguard our Elections" > MCBOS corrupt

>reminder: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/ariz-sos-maricopa-county-censor-election-misinfo-view-first-amendment

"Protect our communities" > Hobbs connections with cartels and Soros

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df5d93 No.20978693

The Real Jews became Christians.

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69e41a No.20978694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MIL UPD *starts in 19min from now


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c430a5 No.20978695

File: 518b4d163cc871d⋯.png (214.78 KB,512x480,16:15,fauci_chair.png)

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c68192 No.20978697

File: 0cf2f9d11b0ffd4⋯.png (845.56 KB,710x679,710:679,ClipboardImage.png)

STUDY: Common Sugar Substitute Linked To Blood Clots…

CLEVELAND — You may have heard of xylitol, a popular sugar substitute found in everything from sugar-free gum to baked goods and even toothpaste. This low-calorie sweetener, part of a class of compounds called sugar alcohols, has been touted as a healthier alternative to sugar. However, new research from the Cleveland Clinic suggests that consuming high levels of xylitol may lead to the formation of blood clots, increasing your risk of serious cardiovascular events like heart attack and stroke.



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204ce3 No.20978698

Just got a trump text that says

“Is the FAKE NEWS MEDIA corrupt and stupid?”

Kek yep

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91eff5 No.20978699

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c1aace No.20978700


Fauci won't be going to prison. Their side doesn't get sent to prison, they SEND those that oppose them to prison.

Both Donald Trump, and MTG will be in prison, long before Fauci is even considered for prision.

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0edd23 No.20978701


slow cooking

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beab9a No.20978702

File: a1f76840bcbc81e⋯.jpg (374.46 KB,1200x1600,3:4,1717652641390492.jpg)


All shifts suck if there's too much salt in the loaf

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b7d099 No.20978703


If there is evidence to warrant all these covid-19 hearings,WHY ARE THEY STILL GIVING THE VAX?

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e9c2ce No.20978704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Biden claims he's known Putin for 40+ years…even when he was an UNDERCOVER KGB AGENT for the USSR

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24c8ac No.20978705


Let him burst into noice flames

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4e010a No.20978706

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tal: Iran-China-Russia Want To Take Down Israel And America



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ea6ac7 No.20978707

File: 853bb7442f303fd⋯.png (123.71 KB,192x238,96:119,ClipboardImage.png)


Ma'am, I'm afraid I must cite you for being too lovely for this place. Please take a seat in the cruiser's passenger seat so I can take you somewhere much nicer.

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99df61 No.20978708

File: 21612520c8d8b8f⋯.jpeg (50.4 KB,695x521,695:521,7B78F4E2_45CB_43AF_9500_B….jpeg)

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0edd23 No.20978709


some people want them

hope they are placebos

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b7d099 No.20978710


but only in the vaxxed, right?

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69e41a No.20978711

File: 367315371a3e099⋯.jpg (55.42 KB,640x400,8:5,4th_PSYOPS_sept_18_2021.jpg)


1/2 teaspoon per 1 1/2 cup

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74e6a0 No.20978712

File: 4584601b3612c55⋯.jpg (696.49 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Autist_Puzzle_Q_Alt.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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ad920d No.20978713


Ouchy is as doomed as the Iranian helicopter

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0d06f4 No.20978714

File: 699572e76e71ce2⋯.png (21.99 KB,649x390,649:390,ClipboardImage.png)

Apply to be a cop they said…

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5742ee No.20978715





Debbie Lesko is running for the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors

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99df61 No.20978716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

One of theM, theY.

Hears this.

Right now.

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c68192 No.20978717



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b7d099 No.20978718


Ok, but they have recalled other shots with less damage. They aren't even trying to look believable anymore.

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43f467 No.20978719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think wonderful >>20978609

X gonna

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0edd23 No.20978720



it's crazy!

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b6d3c2 No.20978721

File: 718db625db59354⋯.jpg (86.32 KB,749x914,749:914,b08259cb3d55469953de276c7f….jpg)


>Ma'am, I'm afraid I must cite you for being too lovely for this place. Please take a seat in the cruiser's passenger seat so I can take you somewhere much nicer.

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69e41a No.20978722


Not answering it.

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571efe No.20978723

File: 179953e57a3387e⋯.png (290.03 KB,511x484,511:484,ClipboardImage.png)

'Horrific Images': Over 40 Killed At UN Gaza School That IDF Says Was Used By Hamas

UN agency: "the school was sheltering 6,000 displaced people when it was hit."

There are reports of another mass casualty airstrike emerging from the Gaza Strip on Thursday. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) struck a school near the central Gaza city of Deir al-Balah, leaving at least 40 people dead and 74 injured.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) says those sheltering at the Al-Nusseirat Boys Preparatory were given no prior warning that the strike was coming. But the IDF has countered that it was a "precise strike on a Hamas compound" inside the school and that dozens of Hamas militants were using the compound.

"The terrorists directed terror from the area of the school while exploiting it and using it as a shelter," the IDF wrote on Telegram. "Several terrorists who planned to carry out terror attacks and promote terrorist activities against IDF troops in the immediate time frame were eliminated in the strike."

The UN agency is disputing this narrative, with Commissioner-general of UNRWA Philippe Lazzarini saying "the school was sheltering 6,000 displaced people when it was hit." The Gaza Health Ministry has said that among the dead are 14 children and nine women.

"Attacking, targeting or using UN buildings for military purposes are a blatant disregard of International humanitarian law," he added. He also explained that throughout the conflict many other UNRWA shelters and conflicts had been struck, and estimated that over 450 internally displaced civilians had been killed in total.

Israeli leaders have long charged Hamas fighters with hiding among civilians or using residential areas to launch missile attacks or store arms. Often IDF military commanders fire back on said militants even knowing it could result in mass civilian casualties.

In this new mass casualty event, Israel does not appear to be denying that its airstrike killed many civilians. It has offered this as defense of its actions:

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) accused Hamas of embedding inside the UNRWA school and claimed fighters who invaded southern Israel on Oct. 7, killing around 1,200 people and taking another roughly 250 hostages, were sheltering at the site.

"Before the strike, a number of steps were taken to reduce the risk of harming uninvolved civilians during the strike, including conducting aerial surveillance, and additional intelligence information," they added.


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99df61 No.20978724

File: 404c507a93200b4⋯.jpeg (127.57 KB,1600x900,16:9,74D0B9D0_A861_4722_9868_4….jpeg)

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32afd3 No.20978725

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


When have the ever attributed the vaxx to blood clots? It's always some other thing, like climate change, racism, etc..

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75aff7 No.20978727

Supreme Court unanimously rules in favor of gun rights.

Looks like SC members were put into check.

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64b3a7 No.20978728

File: ef889c35491d8cb⋯.jpg (346.69 KB,1043x584,1043:584,06ced463b4e13a8ff4f4009f8a….jpg)

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b953c0 No.20978729



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69e41a No.20978730

File: 53986acbfef4b89⋯.jpg (53.95 KB,562x617,562:617,CovidNurse.jpg)




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571efe No.20978731

NATO Kicks Off Massive Baltic Drills As Biden Affirms US Weapons 'Now Being Used Inside Russia'

In the shadow of the Russia-Ukraine war, and right next door, NATO has kicked off its massive annual military exercises in the Baltic Sea. "Baltic Operations 24" is about to be in full swing, kicking off formally on Friday, and involves over 9,000 personnel and more than 50 ships and 85 aircraft, comprising 20 countries.


Russian Warships Steam For Caribbean As Ukraine Tensions Go Global

In a show of force perhaps prompted by President Biden's authorization of Ukrainian strikes inside Russia using US weapons, a group of Russian warships is en route to the Caribbean, a senior US official has told McClatchy and the Miami Herald. White House officials alerted members of Congress to the Russian move on Wednesday.

The deployment signals Russia's capacity to operate globally while still fully engaged its third year of war in Ukraine. “This is about Russia showing they are still capable of some level of naval power projection,” the official said. “We should expect more of this activity going forward.” In March, Ukraine claimed it had either sunk or disabled a full third of Russia's ships in the Black Sea.


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1b6716 No.20978732

File: 1e894e21f78244b⋯.png (20.96 KB,515x237,515:237,Capture.PNG)


President Trump says exactly what he means.

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43f467 No.20978733


Its ok im getting fucked by Habba Habba beauty

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69e41a No.20978734


which Massonic Temple ws ths?

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650890 No.20978735

File: 8cf2a24f3dadccb⋯.jpeg (94.52 KB,400x400,1:1,8cf2a24f3dadccbc8f681db36….jpeg)


Donald J. Trump


It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon, and every other Republican, for that matter, for not SUBMITTING to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs, made up of all Democrats, and two CRAZED FORMER REPUBLICAN LUNATICS, Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger, and Liz “Out of Her Mind” Cheney. It has been irrefutably proven that it was the Unselects who committed actual crimes when they deleted and destroyed all material evidence, in a pathetic attempt to protect Crazy Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats from the TRUTH — THAT I DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG. The unAmerican Weaponization of our Law Enforcement has reached levels of Illegality never thought possible before. INDICT THE UNSELECT J6 COMMITTEE FOR ILLEGALLY DELETING AND DESTROYING ALL OF THEIR “FINDINGS!” MAGA2024





Jun 06, 2024, 3:15 PM


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91eff5 No.20978738

File: 3fe2cdc26e0a0d4⋯.mp4 (14.87 MB,854x480,427:240,3fe2cdc26e0a0d4356c5d492c5….mp4)

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43f467 No.20978740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

link would help >>20978733

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99df61 No.20978741

Stupid fuckin bitch.

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c1aace No.20978742


SCOTUS not longer matters. Biden has directly defied their ruling on student loan forgiveness, and no one did anything about it. Biden set a new precedent, placing the president as the final decision maker on all maters.


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69e41a No.20978743

File: b5da6e7a9218ba9⋯.jpg (210.82 KB,700x1188,175:297,number_86.jpg)



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0edd23 No.20978744


it's all a mass. forget about the fucking "vaccine" and remember all the other poisons people daily use or are almost forced to use

if it's not the cleaning products, it's the microplastic in clothes, food etc, if it's not this then it's the chemtrails, artificial fertilizers, gene modifications, pesticides etc, if it's not that then it's the microwaves see >>20978697

it's all fucked

now is actually the time for anons to discuss how Earthlings should shape their world after all those motherfuckers who ruined it all will be finally gone

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91eff5 No.20978745

File: 92e83ff248051c8⋯.jpg (67.06 KB,534x499,534:499,8sxb3a.jpg)

File: cd8016f0a6db722⋯.jpg (202.7 KB,1286x1202,643:601,cd8016f0a6db722a5a04fabbb1….jpg)

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c68192 No.20978747

File: 5ad64b913b75871⋯.png (1.47 MB,2230x1050,223:105,ClipboardImage.png)

Toyota has unveiled a groundbreaking engine that runs on ammonia.

Toyota has unveiled a groundbreaking engine that runs on ammonia, a fuel set to revolutionize the automotive industry. With a $6B investment, Toyota's ammonia engine boasts high energy density, making it ideal for heavy-duty applications and long-distance transport. Unlike EVs and hydrogen, ammonia can be synthesized from renewable sources, offering a green and sustainable alternative.

Despite America banning ammonia as a fuel in 2024, Japan has already developed a prototype, marking a significant shift from hydrogen and EV technologies. Toyota’s innovative approach could challenge current fuel paradigms and lead to a future where ammonia-powered engines dominate.



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5742ee No.20978748

File: 75ae410104e4abd⋯.png (56.44 KB,227x144,227:144,ClipboardImage.png)



(btw, Bannon with 3 pens is nothing new.)

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99df61 No.20978750

File: 9dc439e262e1702⋯.jpeg (710.98 KB,828x1030,414:515,E2B72ECE_030F_4AB5_88AD_7….jpeg)

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0edd23 No.20978751


>Bannon with 3 pens is nothing new

ty, didnt know

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69e41a No.20978752


I kind of hope DC gets nuked.

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0edd23 No.20978753


*it's all a mess

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b7d099 No.20978754


so then these hearings are a distraction, not just a stalling tactic.

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69e41a No.20978756

I don't see hope in salvaging this shit system

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99df61 No.20978757

File: 0496dcfc6b2e305⋯.jpeg (276.36 KB,828x1101,276:367,4FF486E8_F215_460E_AA49_E….jpeg)

File: 1edb60f30feb18f⋯.jpeg (837.58 KB,828x963,92:107,E0A53069_7BB3_431B_9926_2….jpeg)

File: 5c08bd23d280500⋯.jpeg (361.73 KB,828x968,207:242,29D15FED_A547_4D78_A9B7_6….jpeg)

What partY?!?

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5742ee No.20978758

File: d30a661abb6bfd0⋯.png (183.02 KB,876x705,292:235,ClipboardImage.png)



>nicole nogrady

Nicole nogrady media

Nicole Nogrady is a multi-talented individual with a presence in various fields, including acting, singing, music, social media management, massage therapy, and health and wellness. She is also a political activist.

Acting and Music

Nicole Nogrady has appeared in several films and TV shows, including “Tron: Legacy” (2010), “The College Life” (2020), and “CSI: NY” (2004). She has also debuted her new single “Modern Day Holy War” on War Room.

Social Media and Massage Therapy

Nicole Nogrady is active on social media platforms, where she shares her thoughts and updates with her followers. She is also a licensed massage therapist and wellness expert, offering her services to clients.

Political Activism

Nicole Nogrady is a political activist, using her platform to raise awareness about important issues and promote positive change.

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2f020c No.20978759

File: bc6644e54044001⋯.png (394.98 KB,827x813,827:813,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b228349cc859c88⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB,480x270,16:9,Fmr_CDC_Director_Robert_Re….mp4)

👀 Fmr. CDC Director Robert Redfield Says COVID Originated from Vaccine Research

"I think this [Wuhan] lab was trying to develop a vaccine vector…In order for the vector to be useful it needed certain characteristics. One, it would be a lot better if it could be spread by aerosol or droplets."


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b6d3c2 No.20978760

File: 58ae607c77129d9⋯.jpg (9.25 KB,255x174,85:58,b04356ba67eb5fad49d071523c….jpg)

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dc4426 No.20978761


That is from a year ago. Many people have woken up in the past few months alone. I'm much less retarded now than even a few years ago myself, and I still got a whiles to go to reach my final form.

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b19561 No.20978762


anon always knew that peeing into the gas tank would work someday

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64b3a7 No.20978763

File: 34629fc8f7be229⋯.gif (647.38 KB,480x385,96:77,dtkmi.gif)


>Toyota has unveiled a groundbreaking engine that runs on ammonia,

>that runs on ammonia,

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e07ab3 No.20978764


>Despite America banning ammonia as a fuel in 2024

Ge why would America ban this now? I remember working for a chemical etching plant in 197-2017 and before 9/11 we were making thousands of panels for GM and Hydrogen Fuelcells. 9/11 happens and the orders went away.

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a8b088 No.20978765

File: 0f799ea6ce6367e⋯.png (808.25 KB,1080x925,216:185,Long_Gone.png)

File: ba4e3db6d142e67⋯.png (823.21 KB,1080x1191,360:397,Disappeared.png)

File: 145bd5d48227869⋯.png (1.31 MB,1080x1088,135:136,Bcpiyy_1_.png)

The American people will applaud president Trump.

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1b6716 No.20978766



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e3c3ff No.20978767


>Steve Bannon Ordered to Report to Prison on Contempt of Congress Conviction

Tell them, I ain't reporting for shit. Come and find me faggots.

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1f35ab No.20978768

Andy McCabe knows. He must flee the USA is Trump wins. He told the guy named Caitlin that he's terrified (and he looked it). It's a short vid. Maybe a skilledanon can bring it to the board,


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69e41a No.20978769

File: 145f6af679b2487⋯.jpeg (150.54 KB,1200x1920,5:8,E4fymn1VcAIlLmp.jpeg)

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e3c3ff No.20978770



>I don't see hope in salvaging this shit system

It's complete dogshit.

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571efe No.20978771

File: 4a7902db4cdef36⋯.png (57.21 KB,762x316,381:158,ClipboardImage.png)

Funds Following Investment Patterns by Members of Congress Are Doing Suspiciously Well.

Despite the American public’s broad agreement on Congress’s worthlessness, investors have found that lawmakers magically excel at one task: picking stocks. This has led to a rise in financial products that aim to replicate the trades made by Congressmen.

Traders and market analysts monitor publicly available data to track lawmakers’ stock market gains. The STOCK Act, enacted to curtail questionable congressional trading, requires lawmakers to disclose transactions over $1,000.

The CEO of Unusual Whales, a financial technology startup, began analyzing these trades about five years ago, finding that academic literature underestimated Congress’s trading edge. He documented roughly $100 million in trades made by about 15 senators and 40 House members from February to April 2020.“I think KRUZ has outperformed the market over the last three months, both on an average and a risk-return basis, as NANC has done it since inception,” he said of two exchange-traded funds, based on trades by Republicans and Democrat former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, respectively.


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69e41a No.20978772

File: 23ecc16aab36c20⋯.png (78.74 KB,640x400,8:5,grey_plug_bad.png)


There's no GROUND to work with.

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c1aace No.20978773

>>20978742 (me)

They will also ignore SCOTUS and remove Trump from the ballot in blue states.

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43f467 No.20978774

If there was a color code would white be Time travel?

also know its real shills so don't bother (Grey)

Darkness I do fight off daily.. Matrix pricks NO CHANCE

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e07ab3 No.20978775

File: cc0322ac723dbf0⋯.jpg (16.34 KB,229x255,229:255,cc0322ac723dbf07b25ddd03b4….jpg)


They found out they can run cars on our piss, shut it down

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99df61 No.20978777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What to wear?

Huh bitch?

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91eff5 No.20978778

No, President Trump is Not a “Convicted Felon”


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beab9a No.20978779

File: ee60f27a31fdb9d⋯.webm (1.9 MB,720x1280,9:16,1716581691771568.webm)


The thing I want to know is why did the US ban it this year.

> just kidding we know why

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ffa056 No.20978780


#25729 >>20978474

>>20978623 LIVE: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump - 6/6/24 (event begings @ 5PM ET)

>>20978547 Livestream from outside of the President Trump/Turning Point, 'Chase The Vote Town Hall' in Phoenix

>>20978484 Press Events

>>20978507 Trump: Las Vegas, Nevada! See you this Sunday at Sunset Park

>>20978516 Trump: Debbie Lesko has been an incredible Congresswoman for the State of Arizona!

>>20978520 Tragedy on the Mississippi: Sultana

>>20978527 Mike Davis Breaks Down President Trump’s Remedy To Fire Back Against Dems’ Weaponized Justice System. Later in the video, Davis talks about the Lincoln Project as the Pedophile Grift Project.

>>20978601 Google's secret algorithm exposed via leak to GitHub

>>20978607 FULL PRESS CONFERENCE: Steve Bannon Ordered to Report to Prison on Contempt of Congress Conviction

>>20978636 PF: Potato / Zelensky

>>>20978637, >>20978669 Putin warns Russia could provide weapons to strike West

>>20978536, >>20978544, >>20978633 Misc.


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ad920d No.20978782

File: 0cc09c7d1d46ffd⋯.jpg (64.97 KB,569x634,569:634,Screenshot_20240606_152309….jpg)

Potato wants his blanket and wheelchair

C'mon man

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69e41a No.20978783


That's because the ENEMY listened to me.

The good guys refuse to remove commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity frauds off the ballot.

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91eff5 No.20978785

File: 0562e95266af62d⋯.png (45.43 KB,703x230,703:230,Screenshot_2024_06_05_at_1….png)

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a8b088 No.20978786

File: 50126fbfcd27fb2⋯.png (833.19 KB,1080x1092,90:91,Screenshot_20240606_142630….png)

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b6d3c2 No.20978788


>If there was a color code would white be Time travel?

Indeed a grey area going back in time.

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0edd23 No.20978789



everybody wants that this ww shit stops

but nobody talks about how to shape the world after this is accomplished

in short: people maybe already know what they don't want (this shit has to stop and that fuck has to stop)

but they do NOT know what they really want after that

if they don't make up their minds now, then another nigga faggot cult will take over..

rinse and repeat


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571efe No.20978790

File: a62af81dbde634e⋯.png (333.85 KB,556x517,556:517,ClipboardImage.png)

Second Right Wing Campaigner Stabbed in German City of Mannheim in Four Days

An election candidate in Germany was stabbed in the head and stomach on Tuesday night after confronting a gang of men tearing down election posters, the second stabbing of a right winger in a single German city in four days.

62-year-old Alternative for Germany (AfD) council election candidate Heinrich Koch was stabbed in Mannheim on Tuesday. German newspaper Die Welt reports the right-wing campaigner was cut on the ear and stomach by the assailant and was taken to the hospital.

The injuries are not life threatening but required stitches.

The 25-year-old perpetrator was allegedly part of a group of three who had been stealing election posters in the city, it is said, and the activist had given chase. Two managed to escape, but one of the gang is said to have slashed with a box-cutter type knife. He then fled, but was later arrested.


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e9c2ce No.20978791

Any anon watched this Civil War movie that came out recently? Worth the time or nah

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75aff7 No.20978793

Purposely destroy our entire food supply and blame another invisible virus.

These fuckers are sick

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69e41a No.20978794


There's no such thing as time-travel. Where ever you went the Earth wouldn't exist.

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4243da No.20978795

File: 6a370a7057e9c33⋯.jpg (409.15 KB,1024x1021,1024:1021,rare.jpg)

File: 3804a0e09e62394⋯.jpg (127.89 KB,1024x720,64:45,1717696383328139.jpg)


They need India or it wont work.

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b6d3c2 No.20978796

File: 4fc0f0267c993e4⋯.jpeg (66.53 KB,480x480,1:1,277c0a760e0b57f1f01bae492….jpeg)


>What to wear?

check em all sevens

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c68192 No.20978797

File: c478f69a904589d⋯.png (182.24 KB,350x330,35:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f3b86 No.20978798

File: 1ba4e8940628cba⋯.jpeg (571.44 KB,777x843,259:281,IMG_2727.jpeg)

File: 03404d149071f40⋯.jpeg (463.9 KB,828x553,828:553,IMG_9255.jpeg)

Donald J Trump, friend of the jews.

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7baaa4 No.20978799

File: 6e4b38c07a6ec29⋯.png (1.02 MB,1060x991,1060:991,ClipboardImage.png)

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99df61 No.20978800

File: e2d89a78ad7ee87⋯.jpeg (348.53 KB,743x1010,743:1010,F54C064B_DB23_4AF1_A477_8….jpeg)

File: 3807ad8dd96a61f⋯.jpeg (59.88 KB,512x273,512:273,C3ADFDB6_7BAA_4888_9D80_E….jpeg)

ALL of it bitch.


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69e41a No.20978801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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e3c3ff No.20978802


She seems nice. Maybe you have more pics?

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2f9ddc No.20978804

File: 802e1553862f686⋯.png (280.71 KB,666x375,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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c1aace No.20978805


GW Pundit is wrong. A criminal must be convicted before they can be sentenced.

Sentencing is simply handing down the punishment for the crime that the person convicted of.

Criminal proceedings go in the following order.

1. Indictment

2. Conviction or Acquittal

3. Sentencing if convicted.

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b19561 No.20978806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>they found out

way too much

>shut it down

should've done so ten years ago

The Nano Robots Inside You

Feb 4, 2014

Inside of you, at all times, there are trillions of natural nano robots walking around, taking out the trash, and packaging strands of DNA. Below the calm, ordered exterior of a living organism lies a complex collection of molecular machines working together to create something greater than themselves. Physicist and author of "Life's Ratchet" Peter Hoffmann shows us the tiny city beneath the surface.


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b6d3c2 No.20978807


>There's no such thing as time-travel. Where ever you went the Earth wouldn't exist.

It is a long story, I agree.

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382033 No.20978808


>SCOTUS not longer matters.

Scotus is in bad behavior and has violated the constitution for years. Screw Scotus.

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e07ab3 No.20978809

File: 39e1b3ff876cadc⋯.jpg (106.87 KB,1500x1000,3:2,Absorbent_cat_litter_with_….jpg)



I am going to be rich. Like it or not MR PIG will too, he gets the last laugh.

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ad920d No.20978810


Last bread had it

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99df61 No.20978811

File: ce5563354bf244c⋯.jpeg (426.86 KB,654x766,327:383,01848DF0_FE91_4034_9CD1_6….jpeg)

File: a7267142728dc61⋯.jpeg (118.76 KB,569x770,569:770,F0184059_D8F6_4AE6_8599_6….jpeg)

File: 6c9d962ec7708f5⋯.jpeg (41.79 KB,497x622,497:622,4801ACF3_200D_4E92_9894_D….jpeg)

File: eb079e86ec2d8ab⋯.jpeg (273.03 KB,828x468,23:13,5CFB3172_DCEB_4ED1_90AA_6….jpeg)

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96b92d No.20978812

File: 6c94b0c0a369fe5⋯.png (461.08 KB,1600x769,1600:769,ClipboardImage.png)

Gitmo express on route…

plus a coastguard Black Hawk from Gitmo on route..


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99df61 No.20978814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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382033 No.20978815


He was convicted, sentencing has nothing to do with it.

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a8b088 No.20978816

File: b00ad73806f0242⋯.png (409.53 KB,868x1043,124:149,Screenshot_20240606_143140….png)

File: ec5f0104f280fe1⋯.png (452.46 KB,890x1162,445:581,Screenshot_20240606_143136….png)

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64b3a7 No.20978817


I'm wondering what the exhaust would smell like, or the effects on the eyes when fueling up. Haven't looked anything up on it yet but I'm assuming it's liquid ammonia, which boil at, and it's been 2 decades since I was in a chemistry class, but ammonia boils at -28 or -29 F IIRC, could be mistaken on that though. I'd imagine it'd probably be a similar fueling process as propane vehicles.

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e3c3ff No.20978818

File: 9abe73a8d905d6b⋯.png (149.23 KB,444x295,444:295,bibesaysdisclosurenow.png)

File: 9dc02375e22fca7⋯.png (159.96 KB,340x445,68:89,clintondisclosurenow.png)

File: bf53031a910c4d9⋯.png (215.95 KB,446x298,223:149,clownsdisclosure.png)

File: 29f189fdb6cd7b3⋯.png (173.54 KB,447x335,447:335,diedwaitingfortheplan.png)

File: dcad6420ac2da21⋯.png (63.12 KB,445x252,445:252,disclosureclapping.png)

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f77e77 No.20978819

File: 77721fa508cc684⋯.png (7.42 KB,318x159,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Bossman Trump

found a good VP

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91eff5 No.20978820


SCOTUS may have already overturned this conviction.

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d5781c No.20978821


Sloppiest of sloppiest

Would've thought the Navy would've taught him some pride in appearance

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e3c3ff No.20978822

File: 423aeca5130cd27⋯.png (208.48 KB,416x167,416:167,lizardghiz.PNG)

File: 57c1c72a52d4360⋯.png (1.43 MB,574x834,287:417,lizardgizfarmer.PNG)

File: 27a057bbf106c80⋯.png (848.64 KB,1285x672,1285:672,lizardinsidejob.PNG)

File: 0b100df4a7dd4ca⋯.png (910.42 KB,1279x671,1279:671,lizardinsidejob2.PNG)

File: a8532ad9248b807⋯.png (164.14 KB,1064x865,1064:865,lizardpeoplewiki.PNG)

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4e010a No.20978824

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fritsch: Chechen Jihadis Caught Surveilling Special Forces Official In North Carolina, next to Fort BraggThey are surveilling high ranking Officers. The Military has been fucked and taking over by people like Milley.



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99df61 No.20978825

File: 1ff01daa32b4b07⋯.jpeg (9.64 KB,127x128,127:128,335A277A_6C39_444E_9F56_6….jpeg)

File: cb3e8dce61380ef⋯.jpeg (472.04 KB,828x459,92:51,A29741D4_9C31_42F0_9E67_A….jpeg)

File: 2fdc078b31c5192⋯.jpeg (115.23 KB,396x404,99:101,8209ED25_E7E1_46F8_9485_D….jpeg)

File: a81bcc70baf438f⋯.jpeg (341.47 KB,828x936,23:26,756A5C1B_3E88_4515_9C14_C….jpeg)

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a8b088 No.20978826

File: 2af1e089d4f16c5⋯.png (1.84 MB,1539x1077,513:359,downloadfile_2_1.png)

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b6d3c2 No.20978827


>He was convicted,


>sentencing has nothing to do with it.

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e07ab3 No.20978828

File: 0836eaa8ca17286⋯.jpg (66.5 KB,500x576,125:144,msnbcccp.jpg)

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c68192 No.20978829


Myself, have not heard it was banned or why but prolly cause big oil said NO.

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e3c3ff No.20978830

File: 5a1d7b807efa7b8⋯.png (360.24 KB,447x451,447:451,nukePepeDisclosure.png)

File: 1106dc914927cfb⋯.png (177.61 KB,446x356,223:178,pointingpepedisclosure.png)

File: 53eb5c95c4e5627⋯.png (121.43 KB,444x247,444:247,protesteagle.png)

File: c1d4bb36d706246⋯.png (242.21 KB,446x445,446:445,putinfolderdisclosurenow.png)

File: 84977e7cdc3666b⋯.png (248.56 KB,446x455,446:455,putintatdisclosurenow.png)

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382033 No.20978831

File: 77764107564e61e⋯.jpg (18.48 KB,253x233,253:233,Stormy.jpg)


You've been told.

Jesus replied “When evening comes, you say, ‘The weather will be fair, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but not the signs of the times. - Matthew 16:3

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73092e No.20978832

File: 5b740cfba6a2f8e⋯.jpeg (254.74 KB,2048x1320,256:165,IMG_5819.jpeg)

File: 5d99db3ad276036⋯.jpeg (141.85 KB,2048x875,2048:875,IMG_5816.jpeg)

File: 3fb1b60175a69ff⋯.jpeg (195.17 KB,2048x578,1024:289,IMG_5822.jpeg)

>>20977949 LB

>>That attempt was quite literally from Alinsky's rules book.

>>20978109 LB

>>20978126 LB

>>But look at it in the context of the other posts which have that word?

“word”, your quote is “Q said no filters”. 2 operative wordS: no & filters. Alinsky indeed.

“no filters” & “filters” searched for context. (picsrel)

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e3c3ff No.20978833

File: 729eb37ce2430a3⋯.png (210.06 KB,334x447,334:447,disclosurenowbook.png)

File: 951a625938eb2b5⋯.png (88.14 KB,493x434,493:434,disclosureNowPepefish.png)

File: d1e5e2d36c899e1⋯.png (71.97 KB,445x409,445:409,disclosurenowsamurai.png)

File: 7adb5aef9ecd5fb⋯.png (173.63 KB,445x446,445:446,disclosurenowtrump.png)

File: f84bb9b56a76b38⋯.png (119.1 KB,446x338,223:169,disclosurepotofwater.png)

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32afd3 No.20978834

File: 550684d7506b163⋯.jpg (14.88 KB,255x190,51:38,hesright.jpg)

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4e010a No.20978836


There were 21 Chechen Jihadis surveilling Fort Bragg and Special Forces.

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99df61 No.20978837

File: 8e5466eecc570fc⋯.jpeg (445.25 KB,828x976,207:244,7F920753_C25C_4BDB_BB5A_1….jpeg)


Fuckn amateurs

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d5781c No.20978838


Soros Funded Conviction

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571efe No.20978839

FOIA docs show FBI official 'colluded' with Democrat staffers on FBI whistleblowers: Judicial Watch

"We would love to meet in person next time you have the chance. Please let us know when you’re available for coffee or just to swing by the office. And don’t hesitate to reach out on any other matters!" a senior House Democrat staffer wrote to an FBI official whose name is redacted from the emails

Documents that Judicial Watch obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request show that an FBI official "colluded" with House Democrat staffers ahead of a hearing with FBI whistleblowers.

“These troubling records show how the FBI colluded with Democrats hostile to FBI whistleblowers who were set to testify to Congress,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in a statement.

Judicial Watch sued the Department of Justice after it failed to respond to its original request for the documents. After the lawsuit, the documents were provided. The request was for "all records of communication between any official or employee of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and any member of the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, any staff member for the subcommittee, or any staff member for any subcommittee member between April 1, 2023, and the present."

Just before a House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government with FBI whistleblowers took place, the FBI had revoked the security clearances of 3 agents who ultimately participated: Steve Friend, Garret O’Boyle, and Marcus Allen. Only Allen's clearance was reinstated, according to reports.

The documents provided to Judicial Watch include an email from Damon Marx, senior counsel in the office of Rep. Dan Goldman, D-N.Y., a member of the committee.

Marx writes to an unidentified FBI Office of Congressional Affairs (OCA) official.

"We spoke last week before the Weaponization hearing on Thursday. Thanks again for sending over those documents. They were very helpful to the Congressman. Francesco (my colleague cc’ed here) and I will be good points of contact for you going forward. Both of us broadly cover law enforcement; however, in terms of specifics, I cover cybersecurity, counterterrorism, and much of the Congressman’s committee work, while Francesco covers issues ranging from immigration to gun violence, the email read.

"We would love to meet in person next time you have the chance. Please let us know when you’re available for coffee or just to swing by the office. And don’t hesitate to reach out on any other matters!" it also read.


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50d95f No.20978841

File: e631614a9b2bbb9⋯.png (816.01 KB,1080x782,540:391,Fani_Willis.png)

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32afd3 No.20978842


We call them "Garden Spiders" around these parts.

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ab0117 No.20978843

File: 1450c6a5182787e⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,5499x3666,3:2,BidenHarris2024.jpg)

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d9b9f9 No.20978844

File: 17e8350f3802076⋯.png (774.46 KB,527x813,527:813,gcsregu435.png)

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f5f05e No.20978846


Have you tried crying about it????

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571efe No.20978847

Hamas Reiterates Call for Permanent Ceasefire and Israeli Withdrawal from Gaza for Hostage Deal

Israeli officials say Netanyahu is sabotaging the chances of a deal by rejecting the idea of a permanent ceasefire

The head of Hamas’s political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, reaffirmed on Wednesday the Palestinian group’s conditions of a permanent ceasefire and Israeli withdrawal from Gaza for any hostage deal with Israel.

“The movement and factions of the resistance will deal seriously and positively with any agreement that is based on a comprehensive ending of the aggression and the complete withdrawal and prisoners swap,” Haniyeh said.

The ceasefire proposal President Biden presented to the public involves a six-week truce and an initial hostage and prisoner exchange in the first phase. During that time, the two sides are supposed to negotiate a permanent ceasefire, and the Israeli withdrawal will begin in the second phase.

Israeli officials say the language is vague enough that Israel could agree to the deal without actually committing to a permanent ceasefire. But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to express his opposition to ending military operations in Gaza, which could sabotage the deal as it’s making Hamas more likely to ask for stronger guarantees.

Biden presented the potential ceasefire deal as an Israeli proposal, but Netanyahu said there were “gaps” in what Israel had agreed to and what Biden outlined. The US is still pushing for the deal, and CIA Director William Burns is expected to meet with Egyptian and Qatari officials about it this week.

Meanwhile, Israel continues to slaughter Palestinians across Gaza and has escalated operations in the central part of the Strip. Al Jazeera reported Wednesday that 75 Palestinians were killed in central Gaza over the previous 24 hours.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant reiterated on Wednesday that Israel would not halt its military operations to foster negotiations. “Any negotiations with Hamas would be conducted only under fire,” he said.


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64b3a7 No.20978848

File: fca8f3557723e49⋯.jpeg (53.06 KB,680x487,680:487,S6VKFHFsW1BV.jpeg)

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c8c674 No.20978849

File: 35508404f62c9ed⋯.jpg (201.32 KB,673x965,673:965,1717697730016872.jpg)

File: b24624e1422a524⋯.png (749.46 KB,1600x1343,1600:1343,1717695987709144.png)

File: 56fad73fd6326b1⋯.jpg (257.09 KB,1019x1018,1019:1018,aesthetics.jpg)

File: f8523a54c47c1d6⋯.jpg (254.59 KB,567x1536,189:512,tread.jpg)

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99df61 No.20978850

File: bf2e3362de37ef9⋯.jpeg (482.85 KB,515x1181,515:1181,C949325D_C9CF_48F5_A970_4….jpeg)

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b19561 No.20978851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

March of the microscopic robots

Aug 26, 2020

Building robots at the micron scale is tricky, particularly when it comes to designing small-scale ‘actuators’ – the motors that allow robots to move. Conventional actuators don’t work at such a small scale, and new actuators that do work use mechanisms like magnetism and are difficult to integrate with traditional silicon based micro-electronics.

Now a team of researchers have developed a new type of actuator that operates electronically and that can be layered directly onto the circuit that controls it. This opens the doors for the last 50 years of micro-electronics research to be incorporated into robots so small they can’t be seen by the human eye.


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ad920d No.20978852


It's gonna take a miracle to get to nov without an incident

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df5d93 No.20978853


Time - Space - Matter

All work in unison.

In the Beginning - God created

I-AM the Alpha and the Omega

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75aff7 No.20978854


>There were 21 Chechen C_A asset Jihadis surveilling Fort Bragg and Special Forces

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1f35ab No.20978855


Did it make the Notable list?

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91eff5 No.20978856


He must not have read the article. The GW Pundit piece does not even talk about "sentencing" at all.

>GW Pundit is wrong. A criminal must be convicted before they can be sentenced.

It is about how the specious Guilty verdict was arrived at.


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0d06f4 No.20978857

File: 379ae00469979d0⋯.png (1.95 MB,969x1024,969:1024,ClipboardImage.png)


notice how much sympathy this gets around here. If it were not for the muh joo Israeli fan club here, I would say the reality is its not really our problem. However, fact that we are funding that shit with US tax dollars tells me I finally found something I agree with Biden on: Bibi is prolonging the war to stay in power. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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b19561 No.20978859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


USA gone by July 4

baked-in by Freemasons

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75aff7 No.20978860

Sad that the movie has to stoop to WWE levels of ridiculousness to wake the sheep up.

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50d95f No.20978861

File: 0eaf231aec04208⋯.png (763.4 KB,1080x588,90:49,Screenshot_20240603_125945….png)

File: 8389f1f76c28f5d⋯.png (1.07 MB,1080x1077,360:359,Screenshot_20240603_152014….png)

CornPop is a FULL-BLOWN retard.



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ad920d No.20978862

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659876 No.20978863

File: fb01fb633953c6a⋯.gif (10.91 MB,505x720,101:144,storm_shift.gif)

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571efe No.20978864

File: 2ca909305fab399⋯.png (1009.46 KB,946x631,946:631,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c5505f931d1d74⋯.png (156.51 KB,660x497,660:497,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ddabe9ebf43ee87⋯.png (55.61 KB,661x570,661:570,ClipboardImage.png)

Lebanon: Israel’s White Phosphorous Use Risks Civilian Harm

Airburst Munitions Used Unlawfully in Populated Areas

Israel’s widespread use of white phosphorus in south Lebanon is putting civilians at grave risk and contributing to civilian displacement, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch verified the use of white phosphorus munitions by Israeli forces in at least 17 municipalities across south Lebanon since October 2023, including 5 municipalities where airburst munitions were unlawfully used over populated residential areas.

White phosphorus is a chemical substance dispersed in artillery shells, bombs, and rockets that ignites when exposed to oxygen. Its incendiary effects inflict death or cruel injuries that result in lifelong suffering. It can set homes, agricultural areas, and other civilian objects on fire. Under international humanitarian law, the use of airburst white phosphorus is unlawfully indiscriminate in populated areas and otherwise does not meet the legal requirement to take all feasible precautions to avoid civilian harm.

“Israel’s use of airburst white phosphorus munitions in populated areas indiscriminately harms civilians and has led many to leave their homes,” said Ramzi Kaiss, Lebanon researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Israel forces should immediately stop using white phosphorus munitions in populated areas, especially when less-harmful alternatives are readily available.”


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99df61 No.20978865

File: 342b6ae141ef5bb⋯.jpeg (518.11 KB,828x625,828:625,C6708A6B_7C1F_4339_94C5_A….jpeg)

File: f48f71f368f5efa⋯.jpeg (192.68 KB,633x363,211:121,6C411474_3EF6_4305_9869_C….jpeg)

File: f3d3e6be4593633⋯.jpeg (157.45 KB,701x599,701:599,82FB63EB_CE64_4504_9C23_5….jpeg)

File: 0161e99bf307a54⋯.jpeg (302.49 KB,758x941,758:941,42C60C96_6A27_4300_9581_7….jpeg)

File: c88b817cac39ac9⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB,828x1251,92:139,204CCED6_BA8D_4408_84A2_3….jpeg)

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beab9a No.20978866


Propane is great aside from the fact that it's apparently non-renewable

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b1c4ac No.20978867



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874859 No.20978868

File: 00b069eece18ce8⋯.png (62.37 KB,720x1520,9:19,Screenshot_20240606_123708.png)



This is confirmed and notable Anon I tried the Co pilot and just like Anon said Trump republican shuts it down I even tried a new account and first post says limit reached this is odd

Ya we just redistricted here in 2022 but I know in 2024 that you have to have a ss to get a ballot mailed and they signature will be checked before it can count

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ad920d No.20978869

Uncle Joe the pedo


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ffa056 No.20978870


#25729 >>20978474

>>20978623 LIVE: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump - 6/6/24 (event begings @ 5PM ET)

>>20978547 Livestream from outside of the President Trump/Turning Point, 'Chase The Vote Town Hall' in Phoenix

>>20978484 Press Events

>>20978507 Trump: Las Vegas, Nevada! See you this Sunday at Sunset Park

>>20978516 Trump: Debbie Lesko has been an incredible Congresswoman for the State of Arizona!

>>20978520 Tragedy on the Mississippi: Sultana

>>20978527 Mike Davis Breaks Down President Trump’s Remedy To Fire Back Against Dems’ Weaponized Justice System

>>20978601 Google's secret algorithm exposed via leak to GitHub

>>20978607, >>20978717 FULL PRESS CONFERENCE: Steve Bannon Ordered to Report to Prison on Contempt of Congress Conviction

>>20978636 PF: Potato / Zelensky

>>20978637, >>20978669 Putin warns Russia could provide weapons to strike West

>>20978670 Awesome moment from Marjorie, in case you missed it: Dr. Fauci, you belong in prison

>>20978682 El Salvador’s President Reveals Shocking Details to Tucker Carlson: MS-13 Gang Involved in Satanic Child Sacrifice Rituals

>>20978688 Gershon: Launch Of American Jewish Conservatives in Texas

>>20978697 STUDY: Common Sugar Substitute Linked To Blood Clots

>>20978704 Biden claims he's known Putin for 40+ years…even when he was an UNDERCOVER KGB AGENT for the USSR

>>20978706 Tal: Iran-China-Russia Want To Take Down Israel And America

>>20978723 'Horrific Images': Over 40 Killed At UN Gaza School That IDF Says Was Used By Hamas

>>20978735 Trump: It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon

>>20978771 Funds Following Investment Patterns by Members of Congress Are Doing Suspiciously Well

>>20978812 PF: Gitmo express on route…

>>20978824 Fritsch: Chechen Jihadis Caught Surveilling Special Forces Official In North Carolina, next to Fort Bragg

>>20978839 FOIA docs show FBI official 'colluded' with Democrat staffers on FBI whistleblowers: Judicial Watch

>>20978851 March of the microscopic robots

>>20978536, >>20978544, >>20978633, >>20978672, >>20978677 Misc.


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ab0117 No.20978871

File: 0ae804fb6e09ae0⋯.jpg (198.29 KB,1280x720,16:9,Cleansing_DJT.jpg)

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e9c2ce No.20978872


Q has project looking glass technology, they have seen the plan before it started, explain the mathematically impossible coincidences over the years

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c8c674 No.20978873


its pretty obvious which side microsoft is supporting

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91eff5 No.20978874

File: 4a542e2890754df⋯.png (723.23 KB,995x550,199:110,ClipboardImage.png)

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282807 No.20978875


The vast majority on this board are sound asleep. The sheep aren’t even stirring yet. It’s hard to imagine what kind of absurdity we are going to have to live through to kick this awakening off.

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571efe No.20978876

File: a62f3b91ed9bf06⋯.png (55.64 KB,676x497,676:497,ClipboardImage.png)

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50d95f No.20978877

File: b51b25f448ed5d6⋯.png (571.3 KB,1080x1371,360:457,George_Conway_jk.png)

File: 6eabdb5139b4491⋯.png (577.57 KB,986x719,986:719,6eabdb5139b44918af651defad….png)

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382033 No.20978878


>project looking glass


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2b420d No.20978879


Hopefully they have the military on their side, if not, good luck.

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0edd23 No.20978880


i forgot drugs. this is a huge problem everywhere.

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c8c674 No.20978882

File: 8edb06202df7459⋯.png (172.36 KB,433x438,433:438,1717700784990487.png)

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ad920d No.20978883


Surprise surprise

Israel Netanyahu need to take Trump's advice and hurry up.

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75aff7 No.20978884


I want full disclosure.

All suppressed tech released

All suppressed medical cures released

All those guilty executed and removed from our environment.


All humans working as one collective consciousness to achieve greatness.

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f10289 No.20978885

File: a7aeed741af3cf2⋯.jpeg (988.91 KB,1620x2020,81:101,IMG_2192.jpeg)

File: 74bcb01e8a0dc65⋯.png (761.28 KB,898x2176,449:1088,3831.png)

File: ef44d3dca32b2d6⋯.png (60.64 KB,898x586,449:293,2745.png)


People actually believe those responsible for the attempted coup [coup attempt] of a duly elected sitting US President will go unpunished?

End to our Constitutional Republic?

No equal justice under the law?

No accountability?

Escape unscathed?




Feb 17, 2019 12:39:30 AM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62a42e No. 5217608


Information waterfall.




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b23f35 No.20978886

File: 2446961f960de95⋯.png (666.92 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN522.png)

File: 29dfaa39107c15e⋯.png (805.78 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN521.png)

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bf61d5 No.20978887

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32afd3 No.20978888

File: a3d12ea8ebd3e9f⋯.png (404.64 KB,590x423,590:423,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9a3a49670d00d2⋯.webm (3.5 MB,1280x720,16:9,biden_shitting_himself.webm)

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f16ed4 No.20978889

>>20978881 Dutch Bread

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b19561 No.20978890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'Can't Get There From Here'

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1f35ab No.20978891




I believe that TGP was talking about the future. The case was handled so wrong and Trump was denied his rights that it will surely be strucken down and his conviction will be expunged. Ergo: he's NOT a felon.

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09d119 No.20978892

File: edd21f632ec0c90⋯.png (642.77 KB,680x680,1:1,ohdang.png)

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99df61 No.20978893

A livestream by a shit poster more important than stAte of the union.


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571efe No.20978894

File: 7a26bdf72e6ff8d⋯.png (1.17 MB,822x537,274:179,ClipboardImage.png)

This is low grade propaganda - MAJOR FIND

In major discovery, IDF locate one of Hamas's last weapons factories in Rafah

The discovery of this latest factory could be the last such revelation or at least one of the few remaining such facilities which Hamas still had in operation until now.

The IDF on Thursday announced it had discovered a weapons factory in Rafah.

The Tzabar Battalion made the discovery while conducting targeted operations in the Rafah area.

Besides the factory serving Hamas as a way to continue to build and develop new weapons, from rockets to anti-tank missiles, to lighter weapons, the facility had dozens of weapons which were already ready for use.

In addition, nearby the IDF used a drone to find a boobytrapped house which contained dozens of mortars which likely have been part of the source of regular mortars fired on the IDF by Hamas from Rafah and other areas.


How tf is that a weapons factory??????????????????????????

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014c2a No.20978895

File: 9d60b9ddf3f0142⋯.png (177.45 KB,590x350,59:35,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8917111e86ed66f⋯.png (113.28 KB,590x350,59:35,ClipboardImage.png)




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d5781c No.20978896




Passed tense

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99df61 No.20978897

Draw out the DS Dumfucks all over at once and destroy them all

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e9c2ce No.20978898

File: 8559cf0d3860f00⋯.png (265.14 KB,487x487,1:1,OH_DANG.png)

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f10289 No.20978899

File: 618c89f91beb363⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB,2160x1347,720:449,IMG_2193.jpeg)

File: 5fbe4217c4b212c⋯.jpeg (992.73 KB,2160x1339,2160:1339,IMG_2194.jpeg)

File: ba6cba1fa08ed79⋯.jpeg (730.16 KB,2160x1510,216:151,IMG_2195.jpeg)

File: ad4d5c97bc61bfd⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB,2160x1538,1080:769,IMG_2196.jpeg)

In case you missed it!

PDJT has launched SWAMP THE VOTE USA!!


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b19561 No.20978900



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0d06f4 No.20978901

File: 5568aa6494fa96c⋯.png (3.89 MB,1439x2249,1439:2249,ClipboardImage.png)

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32afd3 No.20978902

File: ebc284c7a8da1e0⋯.png (348.42 KB,565x441,565:441,clickedthatshit.png)

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4e010a No.20978903

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ramaswamy: Nationalist PM Modi Won Three-Peat But Lost "Heartland"



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cb5d5e No.20978904

File: c9b8633623d4a77⋯.png (538.88 KB,521x640,521:640,ClipboardImage.png)

You already know, the thing.

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f16ed4 No.20978905

File: 64ed9fa8d99b4b9⋯.png (151.96 KB,971x905,971:905,ClipboardImage.png)

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50d95f No.20978906

File: c10bbbaaeaf2db3⋯.png (938.4 KB,1080x1115,216:223,Screenshot_20vfu.png)

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64b3a7 No.20978907

File: 187b13fba419b41⋯.png (235.54 KB,1126x534,563:267,ClipboardImage.png)

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1f35ab No.20978908


Thank you anon. I was in a hurry to catch up and missed it.

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4c7c83 No.20978909


Pancakes for breakfast?

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c1aace No.20978910


chk't and kekked. digits confirm, joe shit himself.

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659876 No.20978911

File: 2ca59e8b7ae93e8⋯.mp4 (3.32 MB,720x400,9:5,8kun2.mp4)


infinity quads witnessed

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50d95f No.20978912

File: 4d761363343befc⋯.png (1.57 MB,1080x1849,1080:1849,Scrvct.png)

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64b3a7 No.20978913




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6e3601 No.20978914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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934849 No.20978915

File: f49c45b89806069⋯.png (1.08 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Fauci’s Testimony Reveals The Inconsistencies And Deceit Behind U.S. Covid Response

Fauci’s testimony gave Americans further proof that many of his theories were based not on scientific research but on political expedience.

recommend reading from website for videos and it's long format:


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934849 No.20978916

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jill, Ed.D., escorts Joe Biden out as French President Macron stays behind to greet veterans


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867e9c No.20978917

File: 75a0d0b97a58515⋯.png (90.71 KB,923x874,923:874,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b6716 No.20978918


Shouldn't the TGP be celebrating pride month and be taking a break from the concern shilling?

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e07ab3 No.20978919

File: cf079267a1cd52f⋯.jpg (151.11 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,1696121766564312.jpg)

File: 9f1af00a59ffcf6⋯.jpg (192.01 KB,1200x1200,1:1,1694296923711976.jpg)

File: 49853ff71615e0d⋯.jpg (68.13 KB,768x768,1:1,1696027894282695.jpg)

File: 89b383da470fe45⋯.jpg (146.84 KB,640x800,4:5,1696205515556544.jpg)




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934849 No.20978920

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Biden tripping balls in France


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36c87f No.20978921

File: c10538864f6867c⋯.png (813 KB,820x539,820:539,Parts.png)

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64b3a7 No.20978922

File: 2b5071d7b8d26af⋯.png (774.69 KB,603x753,201:251,OgAlv8IXNcdD.png)

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32afd3 No.20978923

File: 216de71a8e7c30a⋯.png (87.13 KB,386x422,193:211,pepe_pump.png)


Those, plus

← this

equals this → >>20978912

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038584 No.20978924


Dindu nuffin link

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29dfe4 No.20978925


Not Hillary speaking to a not child actor.

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e07ab3 No.20978926

File: 01baae85b70a982⋯.jpg (124.1 KB,1242x1638,69:91,trailertrashtammy_nude_onl….jpg)

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934849 No.20978927

File: 8af72ef09e897a8⋯.png (911.81 KB,620x680,31:34,ClipboardImage.png)

Charlie Kirk:

I am honored to announce that Turning Point PAC with @TPAction will be hosting “Chase the Vote: A TOWN HALL with Special Guest President Donald J. Trump” this Thursday, June 6, in Phoenix, AZ.

President Trump will be taking questions directly from AZ voters in the heart of Maricopa County, one of the most critical in the entire country.


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c8c674 No.20978928

File: 89c39ae538c844d⋯.png (330.72 KB,1018x851,1018:851,1717702840598080.png)

File: 4287b786ca63bff⋯.jpg (1.79 MB,3204x2120,801:530,1717702776917099.jpg)

File: 48dace6f73b43fd⋯.jpg (83.4 KB,680x831,680:831,1717702989570097.jpg)


Full disclosure: Let the Gay Wars begin!

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0c8082 No.20978929

Trump pgoing to do a Q & A with Charlie Kirk after the Town Hall Speech


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571efe No.20978930

File: 4d1d7e85423fd56⋯.png (293.28 KB,546x504,13:12,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2adb0ccec8a131⋯.png (256.1 KB,563x422,563:422,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7906ae17ea02a9c⋯.png (303.52 KB,546x623,78:89,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9aff62d114e0f99⋯.png (254.03 KB,687x571,687:571,ClipboardImage.png)

Zion Don - those words are treason

Trump Says Israel Needs to 'Finish The Job' in Gaza, Pledges to Restore Israel Lobby's Power Over Congress

Former President Donald Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity on Wednesday that Israel needs to "finish the job" in Gaza and pledged to restore the Israel Lobby's power over Congress if elected.

He also said that unnamed people are telling him the October 7th attack "never happened" and compared them to "Holocaust deniers."


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934849 No.20978931

Charlie Kirk:


Our team requested updated numbers from the Secretary of State’s office and they’re strong!

In just one month, Republicans have increased their margins over Democrats to 243,000—a one month net gain of 7,000 voters.

Before, Republicans had 40,000 more registered voters than Independents and that lead has increased to nearly 65,000 in April—a net gain of nearly 25,000.

We are winning the voter registration war in Arizona! We need to keep the pressure on, keep registering neighbors and family and then Chase the Vote come October.

Get registered to vote here 👇




Registered Voters: 1,434,982

Percentage: 35.36%



Registered Voters: 1,192,205

Percentage: 29.38%



Registered Voters: 31,164

Percentage: 0.77%



Registered Voters: 27,529

Percentage: 0.68%



Registered Voters: 2,796

Percentage: 0.07%



Registered Voters: 1,369,644

Percentage: 33.75%


TOTAL: 4,058,320


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1f35ab No.20978932


MTG DID NOT call Fauchi Doctor. She said she never would, which caused quite the stir.

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37e4d8 No.20978933


What about two ratty ass phones?

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64b3a7 No.20978934

File: db1f79a12821297⋯.png (455.09 KB,500x666,250:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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934849 No.20978935

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bill Melugin:

NEW: Yesterday was the first full day of President Biden’s executive order barring asylum to most illegal crossers being in effect, & it had no impact on numbers.

Per CBP sources, Border Patrol apprehended just about 4,000 illegal immigrants yesterday, on par with the low 4,000s/mid to high 3,000s we’ve seen in recent weeks.

Tucson & San Diego sectors were the top two yesterday, with roughly 1,100 illegal crossings each, not counting gotaways.

We shot the video below yesterday afternoon in San Diego sector.

Overall, I’m told there were roughly 5,500 CBP encounters yesterday, about 4,000 of which were illegal crossings, and another 1,500 were encounters at CBP ports of entry, which are largely releases via the CBP One App.


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571efe No.20978936

US Ramps Up Rate Of Ukraine Arms Packages… What's Another $225 Million?

The United States is preparing to announce a new $225 million weapons package for Ukraine this week, coming two weeks after the last package, which was at $275 million and featured badly needed artillery rounds. And a few weeks prior to that, in early May, the US administration rolled out with $400 million in defense aid — thus it appears the White House is planning to apportion new packages about every two or three weeks, drawing from Biden's $60 billion in recently approved total funding for Ukraine.

Currently, Ukrainian soldiers are resorting to literally trying to find leftover, unexploded artillery shells scattered in the ground at prior battle sites. The Wall Street Journal recently underscored this severe lack of ammo along Ukraine's front lines in writing that "Kyiv’s ammunition shortage is so acute that a soldier who hunts for Russian shells—and makes his own bombs—has become an important supplier for some units."

The dangerous trend can be summarized as follows: the more desperation there is on the ground as Ukraine loses more and more ground along frontline positions, the greater the bellicose posturing on the part of NATO and the West. Western publications are even openly airing contingency plans for US troop movements in Europe in a WW3 scenario involving war with Russia in the heart of Europe. As another alarming and somewhat absurd example of this trend, look what European Commission chief is positively boasting about…


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934849 No.20978937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Reagan's Address at Pointe du Hoc, Normandy, France, June 6, 1984


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c8c674 No.20978938

File: f206695c70100f6⋯.jpg (81.48 KB,800x800,1:1,digs.jpg)

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8f219d No.20978939

File: fa1c92a1b961a30⋯.png (446.01 KB,948x518,474:259,fa1c92a1b961a3086e0a69dd78….png)

File: 2fd9bfeee61cbda⋯.jpg (28.07 KB,474x355,474:355,th.jpg)


Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens

For much of the past year we had been pounding the table on two very simple facts: not only has the US labor market been appallingly weak, with most of the jobs "gained" in 2023 and meant to signal how strong the Biden "recovery" has been, about to be revised away (as first the Philly Fed and now Bloomberg both admit), but more shockingly, all the job growth in the past few years has gone to illegal aliens.

We first pointed this out more than a year ago, and since then we have routinely repeated - again, again, and again - yet even though we made it abundantly clear what was happening…

Stunning statistic: there has been ZERO INCREASE in jobs for native-born workers in over five years, since July 2018! pic.twitter.com/mxdpmPHIbO

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) January 5, 2024

… going so far as to point out the specific immigration loophole illegals were using to work in the US for up to 5 years…

Why have all new jobs since 2018 gone to foreign-born workers (i.e. immigrants)? Because you can be an illegal immigrant in deportation proceedings (not to mention anyone seeking asylum) and get authorization to work in the US for up to 5 years, no questions asked. pic.twitter.com/VmhTBUM1I2

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) March 10, 2024

… and even fact-checking the senile, ballot-harvesting White House occupant on multiple occasions…


1. Prices have never been higher and are starting to accelerate to the upside again

2. All the jobs created in the past year have been part time.

3. There has been zero job growth for native-born Americans since 2018; all jobs have gone to immigrants (mostly illegal… https://t.co/MeX7KhbaHl pic.twitter.com/OJI79p9oLp

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) February 29, 2024

we were shocked that the topic of most if not all US jobs going to illegals was still not "the biggest political talking point" of all.

[snip - lots of great stuff here]

While the political reason behind the propaganda misrepresentation of the US jobs market is simple: after all, in an election year it is imperative that the Biden economy be portrayed as glowingly as possible, even if it means lying about everything, the cascading consequences from this fabrication are staggering.



Good read.

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c1aace No.20978940

File: f4d8d26877f0f0c⋯.png (398.17 KB,500x563,500:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad920d No.20978941


Trump pledge no such thing

Hannity did though

But hannity will prolly be busy in the next year with other matters

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e3c3ff No.20978942


>Q has project looking glass technology

The plan wouldn’t be this slow if they knew how to use it tho.

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2b0a99 No.20978943



Chiefs DL BJ Thompson in stable condition after suffering seizure, cardiac arrest during meeting; Kansas City cancels team activities

Kansas City Chiefs defensive lineman BJ Thompson suffered a seizure during a special teams meeting Thursday and went into cardiac arrest, NFL Network Insider Tom Pelissero reported.

Kansas City's medical staff worked quickly before an ambulance was called, and Thompson is currently in stable condition, Pelissero added.

The Chiefs cancelled all team activities scheduled for Thursday.

Thursday's media availability for head coach Andy Reid and select players has been re-scheduled for Friday.

Thompson, a 2023 fifth-round pick, appeared in one game during his rookie season.

The reigning Super Bowl champions are currently in Phase 3 of their voluntary offseason program. Mandatory minicamp is scheduled to begin on Tuesday.


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934849 No.20978944

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REPORTER: “What do you see among African American men in this election?”

50 CENT: “I see them identifying with Trump.”

REPORTER: “Why do you say that?”

50 CENT: “Because they got RICO charges.”


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b19561 No.20978945


'Market Pancakes As Nvidia Gamma Squeeze Fizzles'


no pancakes for Kitty

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32afd3 No.20978946

File: 3a5efa03c919bc3⋯.jpg (178.2 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Greta_5.jpg)


Must be climate change that caused it…. KEK

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934849 No.20978947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kamala Harris Disrupted on Jimmy Kimmel Live over Support for Gaza Genocide


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b19561 No.20978948


sponsored by Pfizer

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c68192 No.20978949


yes it is, along with child trafficking. We are going down bit moar everyday. somedays being awake sux. Anon has friend he woke up during covid that still mad at me..says no way eyes will ever be closed again tho. kek

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ad920d No.20978950

The whole world is drowning in sauce.

Enuff with the sauce

Action is needed

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2b0a99 No.20978951



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e07ab3 No.20978952

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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571efe No.20978953

File: ddc60a0d249b33e⋯.png (42.86 KB,788x327,788:327,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49f5d788f84b823⋯.png (35.46 KB,793x301,793:301,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c5753aab6cb8bb⋯.png (26.28 KB,799x267,799:267,ClipboardImage.png)

Scientist Blows Whistle on Cover-Up of Study Showing Covid Shots Cause Cancer

Two scientists published a peer-reviewed study in 2021 showing that Covid mRNA shots cause cancer but their findings were covered up over fears it would fuel so-called “ant-vaccine propaganda.”

One of the Sweden-based scientists has blown the whistle to reveal that their bombshell findings were shut down by officials at the universities they worked for.

Newly unsealed emails have also backed up the allegations, revealing the peer-reviewed study was shut down and hidden from the public.

The study was conducted in October 2021 by Dr. Hui Jiang of Stockholm University and Dr. Ya-Fang Mei of Umeå University.

The paper for the study, titled “SARS-CoV-2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro,” was published in the peer-reviewed journal MDPI Viruses.

The scientists found that the spike protein from the Covid mRNA injections impairs DNA repair mechanisms, causing cancers to develop and rapidly spread.

However, shortly after the peer-reviewed study was published, the lead author, Dr. Hui Jiang was forced to retract the paper by officials at Stockholm University.

Newly published emails from university officials now call into question the motives behind the retraction.

They show vague reasons cited in the retraction request.


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97cbde No.20978954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Normandy Speech: Ceremony Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Normandy Invasion, D-Day 6/6/84

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934849 No.20978955

File: f3a026d334ffae2⋯.png (608.54 KB,960x640,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Russia deploying air and sea assets for military exercises in Caribbean, U.S. official says

Russia is preparing to deploy aircraft and combat naval vessels to the Caribbean to conduct military exercises in the coming weeks, its first exercises in the Western Hemisphere involving both air and sea activity in five years, a senior administration official told McClatchy and the Miami Herald.

The Biden administration is not expressing concern over the deployment, with the official stating it poses “no direct threat to the United States.” But the administration believes Moscow intends to use the exercises as a “messaging tactic” after President Joe Biden gave Ukraine permission last week to fire U.S.-made weapons across its border into Russia to defend its territory.

The official said the administration expects Moscow will “conduct heightened naval and air activity near the United States” that will likely include port calls by combat naval vessels in Cuba, and possibly Venezuela — two longstanding Russian allies that have seen occasional visits from Russian naval assets in the past two decades. The exercises may also include “aircraft deployments” and flights in the region, the official said.

Administration officials suspect that Cuba approved the Russian port call “at least in part” over an incident last year in which a U.S. nuclear submarine docked at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, angering the Cubans, a second U.S. official said.

Russia has sailed ships into the Western Hemisphere every year from 2013 to 2020, and has sent flights through the region that have violated the airspace of U.S. allies. But the anticipated activity would be the first coordinated air and sea exercise of its kind since 2019, during the Trump administration, the official noted.

“We expect that, as is predictable, the Russians will amp up the information space with this, both to make a point and to unsettle us,” the official said. “We’re not particularly concerned. It’s something that they’ve done before. It’s messaging for the Russians.

“This is about Russia showing they are still capable of some level of naval power projection,” the official added. “We should expect more of this activity going forward.”

Moscow did not inform the Biden administration of the maneuvers. “Ships, of course, are observable, so they kind of don’t have to,” the official said. Biden administration officials notified members of Congress of the Russian deployments earlier on Wednesday.

The U.S. Navy is tracking the Russian movements closely, the official added, and will adopt “whatever the necessary posture is to track and to monitor” their activity as the exercises unfold.

The administration anticipates the Russia’s maneuvers in the Caribbean will culminate in worldwide naval exercises in the fall that will include additional activity in the region, as well as throughout the Pacific.

“Their port calls in the Western Hemisphere are less frequent,” the official noted. “They’re less frequent, of course, because Russia has limited capacity for this kind of sustained power projection. And so that’s a factor. But this is something they’re doing, and clearly, they are unhappy — needless to say — with our support for Ukraine and support for our NATO allies.”

“We’re tracking this closely,” the official added. “We’re trying to get ahead of this.”


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c430a5 No.20978956

File: c1061ae21f71458⋯.png (189.05 KB,359x480,359:480,fauci_loss.png)

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2b0a99 No.20978957


>The whole world is drowning in sauce.

>Enuff with the sauce


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934849 No.20978958

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Short highlight from Tucker's interview with Nayeb Bukele in El Salvador


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c68192 No.20978959


Thats just a bunch o junk.

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b19561 No.20978960


late night cannibalism

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934849 No.20978961

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Merrick Garland faces charges of criminal contempt for ignoring a congressional subpoena on the Biden Dementia Tapes.

Peter Navarro is sitting in Miami prison on the same charge.

Steve Bannon is facing 4 months in jail for the same charge.


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2b0a99 No.20978962


he black

more likely a clear case of white supremacy

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6e3601 No.20978963



and what do you suggest?

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69e41a No.20978964


There's no such thing as time travel. Open your wrists.

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e3c3ff No.20978965



>Scientist Blows Whistle on Cover-Up of Study Showing Covid Shots Cause Cancer

Anon bows whistle on military conducting faggot PsyOps against humanity.

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c1aace No.20978966

File: b6400f9a4e5b66b⋯.png (449.18 KB,711x351,79:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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d43b48 No.20978967

I suppose one way would be to drop everything the day before your sentencing? I know this is thought as only a ref to planes. But drop 463 simply says 7/10. Drop 525 mentions 7/10. Let's also not forget 7/10 is 17.

7/11 is when they plan to sentence the Don.

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571efe No.20978968

File: 4ba82b5549e1fba⋯.png (66.87 KB,611x644,611:644,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f4c12c024d53fd⋯.png (10.97 KB,610x147,610:147,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d06f4 No.20978969

File: 696d0eaa1359f9a⋯.png (1003.38 KB,946x958,473:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab0117 No.20978970

File: ddef3201bf0094e⋯.jpg (227.29 KB,3840x2160,16:9,FauciPrison.jpg)

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69e41a No.20978971


>Steve Bannon is facing 4 months

just do the fucking four.

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29dfe4 No.20978972

The UK supplies Saudi Arabia with arms so they can bomb Yemen out of existence. But you know what they say, If life gives you Yemen make Yemenaid.

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dd6888 No.20978973

File: ac3a1dc3ef00905⋯.png (12.73 KB,598x159,598:159,ClipboardImage.png)

Do any anons remember Trump saying something about prices reverting back to 1950's levels? I vaguely recall it but have no idea when or where he said it. I'd love to know the context of the comment if he said it.

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64b3a7 No.20978974

File: efced2a838ae61c⋯.jpeg (65.25 KB,700x662,350:331,TndFE8F2Vrj8.jpeg)

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c8c674 No.20978975

File: 1a2cbd2babdc581⋯.jpg (127.92 KB,529x640,529:640,ab6761610000e5eb853eb1ef67….jpg)


"climate change is a good thing. It changes the coastlines and makes the world a more interesting place to live in"

- Based Occult Witch, Shanin Blake

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e3c3ff No.20978976


>REPORTER: “What do you see among African American men in this election?”

>50 CENT: “I see them identifying with Trump.”

TLDR: if you’re black you should support Trump because a rapper told you so. Or you ain’t black.

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571efe No.20978977

File: 04524584cf44507⋯.png (163.52 KB,995x638,995:638,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14cf1995db933c8⋯.png (136.11 KB,984x646,492:323,ClipboardImage.png)

Former Director At New York City Mayor’s Office Arrested For Participating In Bank Fraud Scheme

According to the allegations in the Superseding Indictment unsealed today in Manhattan federal court:[1]


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09d119 No.20978978


Isn’t it a crime to say you’re the police if you’re not?

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e68adf No.20978979

File: 52c4bee42206ea9⋯.png (281.16 KB,1080x1650,36:55,Screenshot_20240606_151144.png)

H.R. 8620 Legislation Introduced Yesterday

To amend the Federal Reserve Act to require the Secretary of the Treasury to print $500 Federal reserve notes featuring a portrait of the 45th President of the United States.

I hope this passes so Trump will be on a $500 bill!


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2b0a99 No.20978980


>and what do you suggest?

Q, Q+, whitehats, whoever is running this shitshow of a plan, GET THEIR THUMB OUT OF THEIR ASS and unleash a storm

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e3c3ff No.20978981


>Based Occult Witch, Shanin Blake

Those titties tho

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0d06f4 No.20978982

File: 2b7239ad426e9ce⋯.png (520.64 KB,646x460,323:230,ClipboardImage.png)

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571efe No.20978983

File: 3098516fe9425d3⋯.png (465.37 KB,488x600,61:75,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa16df No.20978984


That’s a the bird.

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32afd3 No.20978985

File: 61778643d25e865⋯.png (262.87 KB,521x479,521:479,pepe_i_would_pinch.png)

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c68192 No.20978986


Noice, it would be a great time for delass for sure. ty.

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c8c94d No.20978987


a few elements need to be checked off in order for a charge of impersonating an officer to stick

say you are one one isnt enough

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64b3a7 No.20978988

File: 80204be4a44a412⋯.png (485.95 KB,853x480,853:480,ClipboardImage.png)


Patience, anon. Timing is everything.

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382033 No.20978989


CIA disinfo

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cb5d5e No.20978990

File: c4b416cc953716c⋯.jpg (92.21 KB,500x750,2:3,Sauce_It.jpg)

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dfadf4 No.20978991

File: 2a02302c8e10be1⋯.png (5.92 KB,218x132,109:66,ClipboardImage.png)



14:21 = =17

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b19561 No.20978992


nasty dreads tho

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d43b48 No.20978993


Timing is everything and realistically it will take decades to correct what's been done.

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2b0a99 No.20978994


get an old hardbound dictionary

that's NOT a proper definition

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dd6888 No.20978995

File: 63f767b79b999f8⋯.png (76.39 KB,599x627,599:627,ClipboardImage.png)


>The whole world is drowning in sauce.


>Enuff with the sauce


Welcome to Psy War anon! That's the way it works. Enjoy the war because it never ends.

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e68adf No.20978996

File: 4d1d52ddfafb47c⋯.jpg (85.85 KB,500x1030,50:103,Rikku_Final_Fantasy_X_c.jpg)


Real life Rikku!

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95b3fc No.20978997

File: d3cee16094955c2⋯.png (898.2 KB,2355x1352,2355:1352,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9c2ce No.20978998


I was once a NowFag like you, then I spent 2 weeks here. That was 6 years ago now…

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29dfe4 No.20978999


Time is happening all at once. Each living thing on earth can only see the world in their frame rates balancing out to the same life span. Magical.

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9b8a0d No.20979000


Who posted this? When? Where? No good without sauce.

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c1aace No.20979001

File: e9b4551e3762866⋯.png (735.46 KB,500x667,500:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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d43b48 No.20979002


This will go underrated.

Based FFX fag.

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2b0a99 No.20979003


>timing is everything

in this case, it's turning into nothing(burgers)

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571efe No.20979007

File: 7e0d51fb2b60ae6⋯.png (148.68 KB,992x656,62:41,ClipboardImage.png)

Former Vice President and employee of Florida aircraft parts broker sentenced to prison for aircraft parts fraud


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1b6716 No.20979008


Take your complaint up with Merriam-Webster dictionary.

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2b0a99 No.20979010


take the time wasted on making cornrows and use it to learn calculus

see who gets a job first

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d43b48 No.20979012


Depends on perspective. I see a lot more people awake now than in 2016. Which shows me a plan IS in place and working.

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0c5e59 No.20979013

File: 16f78c5fb6e3126⋯.png (194.52 KB,1268x1022,634:511,00blood6.png)

File: fdddcf983cae36e⋯.png (511.75 KB,1242x1228,621:614,00blood5.png)

File: e6eb303d2d439d9⋯.jpg (193.58 KB,1013x1013,1:1,00blood3.jpg)

File: a4d45dc75962cbb⋯.png (613.22 KB,1924x1564,481:391,00blood.png)

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)



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32afd3 No.20979014

File: abdb9f98c79b1c5⋯.png (350.6 KB,500x499,500:499,can_we_fucks_it.png)

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97cbde No.20979015


Yep, Overton Window has been on the move, and in a good way!

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b19561 No.20979016


watch the Russian warships park off the beach at Guantanamo Bay


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c8c674 No.20979017


true, but both of us will kill ourselves due to a life full of misery before we reach 50. so its all for nothing anyway

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0c5e59 No.20979018

File: d7b4127e2fc6203⋯.jpg (115.39 KB,810x609,270:203,00KEK00.jpg)


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571efe No.20979019

File: 0ac333b5cd109e8⋯.png (88.21 KB,983x445,983:445,ClipboardImage.png)

File: abf5cdd7843729a⋯.png (128.1 KB,1000x566,500:283,ClipboardImage.png)

Former Sheriff's Deputy Pleads Guilty To Falsifying Records To Obstruct A Federal Investigation


Former Sanger Police Officer Charged with Additional Civil Rights Violation Involving Sexual Assault


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c8c94d No.20979020

File: 8c43339bce01773⋯.jpg (119.66 KB,1080x1619,1080:1619,997u5tJxh001G1i068pY1ZJ1Aq….jpg)

not credible

not believable

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29dfe4 No.20979021


If they don't see it now they're choosing to pretend it's not happening.

It won't be for everyone.

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69e41a No.20979022



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4e010a No.20979023


He looked like he was trying to pass gas or shit

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0c5e59 No.20979024

File: d609ad2233a58c2⋯.jpg (173.79 KB,906x1133,906:1133,43d75e99ac7f3257.jpg)

booger eaters

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c8c674 No.20979025


Is he referencing MS13?

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64b3a7 No.20979027

File: ed76164426e13c0⋯.png (200.16 KB,515x565,103:113,Mp3jmP1QR7hO.png)


Every person with dreads or a plait has smelled offensive. When the stench overpowers the hairstyle, that's when it becomes a problem.

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ea6ac7 No.20979028


Worth it.

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0c5e59 No.20979029

File: 2429f428776c5da⋯.png (296.37 KB,636x774,106:129,1.png)

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c6021f No.20979030





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c658b0 No.20979031


You'd be surprised how fast you can get things done when politicians get out of your way.

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1f35ab No.20979033


Anon doesn't give two shits about it.

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69e41a No.20979034

File: 7433dd1a0e9bfd7⋯.jpg (922.5 KB,3000x1699,3000:1699,cali_coast.jpg)

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0c5e59 No.20979036

File: 7c426780aac7276⋯.png (10.36 KB,255x182,255:182,zg.png)

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571efe No.20979037

File: d42da507244a93b⋯.png (115.66 KB,996x576,83:48,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2d348c804f1c37⋯.png (137.48 KB,984x607,984:607,ClipboardImage.png)

Forty-Seven Defendants Charged in Imperial Valley Takedown of Drug Trafficking Network Linked to Sinaloa Cartel


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64b3a7 No.20979038

Correction: Not every person. That's a logical fallacy. Every person I've ever come across with a plait or dreads, I should have said.

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2b0a99 No.20979039






if ya didn't have a bug up yer ass about sorcha

ya woulda found the link there

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d43b48 No.20979040

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cb5d5e No.20979041

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0c5e59 No.20979042

File: 88e4ba1077ecc8b⋯.jpg (27.06 KB,777x877,777:877,zzj.jpg)

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c1aace No.20979043


Cornrows are not the same as dreadlocks.

Cornrows are a style of braiding the hair, while dreads are sections of hair that have been matted or knotted together through backcombing, interlocking, crocheting, or even naturally.

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dceb2c No.20979044

File: 93f469ff64ba840⋯.jpg (23.08 KB,511x385,73:55,LICKcomputerSCREEN.jpg)

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29dfe4 No.20979045


When the dust settles the people will demand it.

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cb5d5e No.20979046

File: b9bc22e876a17c1⋯.png (2.47 KB,186x42,31:7,Notable_rt2.png)

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d1b555 No.20979047

Trump Donalds 2024.

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4e010a No.20979048


I didn’t hear any of that

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dceb2c No.20979049

File: 93f469ff64ba840⋯.jpg (23.08 KB,511x385,73:55,LICKcomputerSCREEN.jpg)

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beab9a No.20979050

File: 7d3baddff418646⋯.png (776.52 KB,500x758,250:379,ClipboardImage.png)

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0c5e59 No.20979051

File: b5ed47b10c8874d⋯.gif (227.84 KB,220x220,1:1,0000000000000000000006.gif)


stop making me look bad, faggot!

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69e41a No.20979052


dreadlocks are made from gordeon knots.

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c8c94d No.20979053


fuckin commas

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b19561 No.20979054

File: c22cc36426f46ad⋯.png (303.96 KB,386x492,193:246,Screen_Shot_2024_06_06_at_….png)

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32afd3 No.20979055

File: f831960329eb2dc⋯.jpg (22.83 KB,400x400,1:1,eww.jpg)


>that have been matted

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0d4a16 No.20979056


trip test

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f10289 No.20979057


Haha 🤣

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c8c674 No.20979058


who cares, the crazy witch brings some funny occult bantz which short circuts the npc's.

praise kek

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2b0a99 No.20979060

File: 4e268fadb733a45⋯.jpg (38.36 KB,480x360,4:3,1px0nr.jpg)

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95b3fc No.20979061

File: b6d0d2b62621be5⋯.png (1.58 MB,1139x895,1139:895,ClipboardImage.png)

Breakdown of "Satanic Deep State Pedophile Cult"


Deep State Confirmed theDEEP STATE

Epstein Pedo Island ConfirmedPEDOPHILE CULT

Since the 3 of them were working together The Theory has now become Reality

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659876 No.20979062

File: 32e0bb057f717db⋯.png (252.69 KB,400x332,100:83,ClipboardImage.png)


head hair is a woman outward look at her health.

if they do not keep their hair looking good, the rest of the body and mind will be a mess.

imagine the smell.

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32afd3 No.20979063

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB,236x207,236:207,pepe_keks.png)


>there's too much salt in the loaf

There's been a lot of salt lately.

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23f705 No.20979064

File: f4f658f817c2107⋯.png (719.85 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_msn_com_17177….png)




Russian warships to arrive in Havana next week but pose no threat, Cuba says


Russian naval ships, including nuclear-powered submarine, to visit Cuba

A group of Russian naval ships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, will visit Cuba next week as part of “historically friendly relations,” Cuba’s government said Friday.

The Russian “frigate Gorshkov, the nuclear-powered submarine Kazan, the fleet oil tanker Pashin, and the rescue tug Nikolai Chiker” will visit the port of Havana between June 12 and 17, according to the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces in a statement published by the Foreign Ministry.

Cuba says none of the ships carry nuclear weapons and insists that their stopover does not represent a threat to the region.

“Visits by naval units from other countries are a historical practice of the revolutionary government with nations that maintain relations of friendship and collaboration,” the statement added


The group of ships consists of one frigate, one submarine, a tanker, and a salvage tug. Hardly a main battle fleet

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e3c3ff No.20979065


>smelled offensive.

I smell on purpose. Fuck normies.

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cb5d5e No.20979066

File: e5fa22ab9f931c5⋯.png (449.85 KB,744x495,248:165,ClipboardImage.png)


>Trump Donalds 2024.

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f10289 No.20979067

File: bc184e432b76104⋯.jpeg (982.48 KB,1278x1163,1278:1163,IMG_2197.jpeg)





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a25b1a No.20979068

File: 6b7db0903a6d5b6⋯.jpg (88.45 KB,720x670,72:67,20240606_142052.jpg)

File: 41ccf224d698857⋯.jpg (162.63 KB,720x1134,40:63,20240606_142246.jpg)







What is this shit?

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c658b0 No.20979069

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Update: Russian fleet of warships are headed to Havana to conduct wargames in the Caribbean. Port calls across South America as Russia moves into the Western Hemisphere!!


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64b3a7 No.20979070


I don't. I bathe on purpose.

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c1aace No.20979071

File: cc1aa0c0fc04cc7⋯.jpg (75.64 KB,804x1200,67:100,Dafuq.jpg)


>imagine the smell.

Especially in the nether regions, if it is unkemp.

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d43b48 No.20979072


Fake and gay.

No outside comms.

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e3c3ff No.20979073


>What is this shit?


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146f6c No.20979074


Russia deploying air and sea assets for military exercises in Caribbean, U.S. official says

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cb5d5e No.20979075

File: 96d1f47ef3c433d⋯.png (5.25 MB,2048x1152,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



Has a nice ring to it.

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571efe No.20979076

File: ff3d4c8673cb3a9⋯.png (398.34 KB,507x361,507:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9c2ce No.20979077


Where is the oh shit oh shit oh shit red text shill?

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c8c94d No.20979078


dreads are matted unwashed hair

if you see someone tapping their dreads

theyre not keepin a beat

their hair is itchin like a mf'er

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e3c3ff No.20979079


I call it the stench red pill.

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29dfe4 No.20979080


U instead of You, pfft.

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32afd3 No.20979081

File: 2d5b65a2a5d5838⋯.png (162.14 KB,500x499,500:499,pepe_smart.png)


>What is this shit?

That's what is known as aLARP

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69e41a No.20979082

File: 29e53fceffc6394⋯.png (6.76 MB,3000x1699,3000:1699,ClipboardImage.png)

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0edd23 No.20979083



let's have a bbq party tonight

bring beer, steaks and burgers

lots of beer

and a guitar

or 2

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64b3a7 No.20979084

File: 979360b91248436⋯.jpg (18.58 KB,409x393,409:393,kek.jpg)


You can call it whatever you want, Stinky.

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b19561 No.20979085

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95b3fc No.20979086

File: f4f423e0eb2bd31⋯.png (899.45 KB,2355x1352,2355:1352,ClipboardImage.png)

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9536b9 No.20979087


#25729 >>20978474

>>20978623, >>20978927 LIVE: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump - 6/6/24 (event begins @ 5PM ET)

>>20978547 Livestream from outside of the President Trump/Turning Point, 'Chase The Vote Town Hall' in Phoenix

>>20978484 Press Events

>>20978507 Trump: Las Vegas, Nevada! See you this Sunday at Sunset Park

>>20978516 Trump: Debbie Lesko has been an incredible Congresswoman for the State of Arizona!

>>20978520 Tragedy on the Mississippi: Sultana

>>20978527 Mike Davis Breaks Down President Trump’s Remedy To Fire Back Against Dems’ Weaponized Justice System

>>20978601 Google's secret algorithm exposed via leak to GitHub

>>20978607, >>20978717 FULL PRESS CONFERENCE: Steve Bannon Ordered to Report to Prison on Contempt of Congress Conviction

>>20978636 PF: Potato / Zelensky

>>20978637, >>20978669 Putin warns Russia could provide weapons to strike West

>>20978670 Awesome moment from Marjorie, in case you missed it: Dr. Fauci, you belong in prison

>>20978682 El Salvador’s President Reveals Shocking Details to Tucker Carlson: MS-13 Gang Involved in Satanic Child Sacrifice Rituals

>>20978688 Gershon: Launch Of American Jewish Conservatives in Texas

>>20978697 STUDY: Common Sugar Substitute (Xylitol) Linked To Blood Clots

>>20978704 Biden claims he's known Putin for 40+ years…even when he was an UNDERCOVER KGB AGENT for the USSR

>>20978706 Tal: Iran-China-Russia Want To Take Down Israel And America

>>20978723 'Horrific Images': Over 40 Killed At UN Gaza School That IDF Says Was Used By Hamas

>>20978735 Trump: It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon

>>20978771 Funds Following Investment Patterns by Members of Congress Are Doing Suspiciously Well

>>20978812 PF: Gitmo express on route…

>>20978824 Fritsch: Chechen Jihadis Caught Surveilling Special Forces Official In North Carolina, next to Fort Bragg

>>20978839 FOIA docs show FBI official 'colluded' with Democrat staffers on FBI whistleblowers: Judicial Watch

>>20978851 March of the microscopic robots

>>20978915 Fauci’s Testimony Reveals The Inconsistencies And Deceit Behind U.S. Covid Response

>>20978916, >>20978920 Potata escorts Potato out as French President Macron stays behind to greet veterans


>>20978937 President Reagan's Address at Pointe du Hoc, Normandy, France, June 6, 1984

>>20978939 Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens

>>20978944 50 Cent: Black men identify with Trump

>>20978947 Kamala Harris Disrupted on Jimmy Kimmel Live over Support for Gaza Genocide

>>20978955, >>20979069 Russia deploying air and sea assets for 'military exercises' in Caribbean

>>20978958 Short highlight from Tucker's interview with Nayeb Bukele in El Salvador

>>20978961 Merrick Garland faces charges of criminal contempt for ignoring a congressional subpoena on the Biden Dementia Tapes

>>20978977 Former Director At New York City Mayor’s Office Arrested For Participating In Bank Fraud Scheme

>>20978979 H.R. 8620 Legislation Introduced Yesterday

>>20979007, >>20979019, >>20979037 Justice bun

>>20978536, >>20978544, >>20978633, >>20978672, >>20978677, >>20978882, >>20978917 Misc.


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64b3a7 No.20979088

The fuck is with the 53's today? Too many times now to be coincidence.

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b2c329 No.20979089


>How tf is that a weapons factory?

anon heard usa anons also have "weapons factories" / "collections" . Any anons want to post pics of their 'factory' ? just to compare. Any pics of israil 'factories'?

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32afd3 No.20979090

File: fb2f7f7be0e5a9c⋯.png (338.35 KB,878x873,878:873,pepe_watch_Qclock.png)


Happens approximately 7 times per bread.

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91eff5 No.20979091

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BIDEN: "My advance team said I gotta be the first one to leave"

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f10289 No.20979092

File: bc184e432b76104⋯.jpeg (982.48 KB,1278x1163,1278:1163,IMG_2197.jpeg)


Also notable,

VPPence posted less than 30 seconds before this post on X


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95b3fc No.20979093


Oh No


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183b35 No.20979094

File: fa69c8c635ef795⋯.webm (779.39 KB,960x640,3:2,446980.webm)


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908674 No.20979095

File: 12b1e8d1d89871f⋯.jpg (264.25 KB,1200x692,300:173,iamasnowflakemelt.jpg)

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571efe No.20979096

Police Supt. Larry Snelling warned organizers that not all protests are protected by the First Amendment ahead of August’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago, drawing immediate criticism from local civil liberties groups.


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ad920d No.20979097


If only liberal women cared about the millions of children killed in the womb

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53a738 No.20979098

File: 9ee851bc6317845⋯.jpg (157.65 KB,1126x912,563:456,9ee851bc63178455b7a476aa91….jpg)


omg you are so right, random fucktard stranger on the internet!

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c8c674 No.20979099

File: 21d1506997cd75d⋯.jpg (11.81 KB,201x251,201:251,1717701313963126.jpg)

File: 9f7861a90014cab⋯.jpg (186.7 KB,810x1080,3:4,1717700598183364.jpg)

pick your champion anons.

The witch or the mutt?

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b1c4ac No.20979100

Marla was quiet

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91eff5 No.20979101

File: cd14ce69585321e⋯.png (6.28 MB,2560x1440,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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659876 No.20979102

File: fae31a5bd968219⋯.png (710.24 KB,710x508,355:254,ClipboardImage.png)

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32afd3 No.20979103


Only left-wing (mostly peaceful) protests are protected. Ones by the right-wing areinsurrections!

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64b3a7 No.20979104


My choice is not on that list.

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ac8579 No.20979105


I was going to ask if any familiars around…kek

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571efe No.20979106


Is this QR or Trump fan club?

Cause this is notable regardless of what side you stand on

>>20978930 Trump Says Israel Needs to 'Finish The Job' in Gaza, Pledges to Restore Israel Lobby's Power Over Congress

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69e41a No.20979107

File: 44b49d7243fa3b2⋯.jpg (252.31 KB,712x1549,712:1549,What_caused_the_massive_la….jpg)

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b45d9f No.20979108



Weird location too

Anon thinking protecting his heart or maybe something else or simply pens


Who knows these days

Way too many anomalies in the matrix

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6e3601 No.20979109


i'll bring margaritas, and a guitar. Not playing tho, cause i wanna get drunk till i can't think.

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a25b1a No.20979110

File: fba13f100a72c4f⋯.mp4 (8.06 MB,1080x1920,9:16,New_York_Post_20240606_6_n….mp4)


Queen Camilla awkwardly snubs France’s First Lady Brigitte Macron’s attempt to hold her hand.

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64b3a7 No.20979111

File: 517fd70444634d0⋯.png (331.18 KB,666x375,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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91eff5 No.20979112


because she knows that's a man.

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934849 No.20979113

File: c7c8bd4f60ceca5⋯.png (940.39 KB,1080x608,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

FBI Told Nashville Police Release Of School Shooter Writings Would Lead To ‘Conspiracy Theories,’ ‘Inaccurate Info’

A newly revealed memo shows that the FBI told the Metro Nashville Police Department that the release of a school shooter’s writings could lead to “conspiracy theories” and “inaccurate information” in the weeks following fatal shootings at a Christian school in Nashville, according to a report from The Tennessee Star.

The memo, dated May 11, 2023, and recently obtained by The Star, was sent to Nashville Chief of Police John Drake after a transgender-identifying woman killed six people, including three children, at The Covenant School. It was also sent just days after Star News Digital Media, owner of The Tennessee Star, filed multiple lawsuits seeking the release of the killer’s writings, which have remained sealed both by Nashville police and the FBI.

While the memo does specifically mention The Covenant School shooting, it tells Drake that a mass shooter’s writings and other documents, referred to as “legacy tokens,” should not be released to the public. The memo came from the FBI’s Critical Incident Response Group in Quantico, Virginia.

Inside the memo, the FBI argued that the public should not have access to a shooter’s materials because the writings would be misinterpreted and may inspire further attacks.

“Reasonably, the request often proffered by those seeking the release of the materials revolves around the public’s need to understand what led to such tragic events,” the FBI said. “Yet, legacy tokens seldom provide the answers or comfort sought by the public and surviving victims. Offender’s words are often misleading, biased, or lacking insight.”

The FBI said the release would also lead to “conspiracy theories.”

“Public access to legacy tokens will also facilitate false narratives and inaccurate information. For personal gain, self-professed ‘experts’ will proffer their perspectives on the motivations behind the attack,” the memo said. “This also may lead to unintended consequences for the segment of the population more vulnerable or open to conspiracy theories, which will undoubtedly abound.”

Metro Nashville Police Department Public Affairs Director Don Aaron told The Star on Tuesday that the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit has been working with Nashville police on the investigation into the shooting.

The release of the Covenant shooter’s so-called “manifesto” has been held up for months as both the FBI and Metro Nashville have refused to release the materials. A group of families from the school have also sought to block the release of the materials.

A Davidson County judge is currently looking at a lawsuit against the police brought by a group, including The Star, looking to release the shooter’s writings, while a federal judge is considering a similar challenge against the FBI. The Nashville Police said that it expects to release its full report and most of the shooter’s writings in July, adding that its investigation is ongoing.

A small portion was leaked in November by podcaster Steven Crowder, who obtained three photographs of the alleged writings. The pages included racial slurs against white children as well as an itinerary for “death day,” which articulated her intent to have a “high death count.”


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72946f No.20979114

File: 35ae151bd8b7491⋯.jpeg (123.17 KB,828x315,92:35,F30BFC61_50BE_4232_BBBE_3….jpeg)


Fuck [Y]ou ups, takes the money.

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91eff5 No.20979115


The conspirators project again.

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ad920d No.20979116


That looks like a 10 lb toupee on the guy's head.

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908674 No.20979117


SCOTUS will not lift a finger.

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c8c674 No.20979118


i know, but you must pick one now.

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32afd3 No.20979119

File: 57a46487f2f4b33⋯.png (143.44 KB,500x491,500:491,conspiracy_theory_friend_w….png)

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69e41a No.20979120


The zionist protecting FBI will never release the TRANNYFESTO


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934849 No.20979121

Jonathan Turley: Is Hunter Biden Pursuing a Jury Nullification Strategy?


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51049b No.20979122

5:00 PM EDT

NASA Holds Boeing Starliner Post-Docking Briefing

NASA officials hold a news conference after the Boeing Starliner docks with the International Space Station.


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a9642a No.20979123

File: 81425abfb8bca28⋯.png (138.28 KB,202x253,202:253,ClipboardImage.png)

Leave Hunter alone.

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571efe No.20979124

File: 61002efd3788e08⋯.png (118.99 KB,694x593,694:593,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10c4bbb7fc37f01⋯.png (102.35 KB,701x544,701:544,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e694c2d310efaa⋯.png (106.43 KB,692x581,692:581,ClipboardImage.png)

Who's minding the stockpile of US weapons going to Israel?

Congress has further weakened constraints on a special DOD arms reserve, which is spread over multiple warehouses and lacks a public inventory

A weapons stockpile reserve that the U.S. Defense Department uses to transfer military equipment to Israel lacks the necessary checks and balances, rigorous oversight, and transparency mechanisms needed to ensure responsible use.

Initially established after the 1973 Arab-Israeli War for emergency use, the reserve — officially referred to as the War Reserve Stockpile Allies-Israel (WRSA-I) — has evolved to include dual-use materials accessible by both U.S. and Israeli forces.

Despite this evolution, the stockpile, dispersed across multiple warehouses, lacks a public inventory and a legal framework to ensure transparent and accountable transfers of materiel. Bilateral agreements require Israel to cover storage and maintenance costs, but there’s no public policy guidance on transfers.

Significant withdrawals have been made for Israeli conflicts and U.S. military aid to Ukraine, often without public documentation. The legal basis for these transfers — Section 514 of the Foreign Assistance Act, the Arms Export Control Act, and various congressional transfer authorities — does not mandate comprehensive reporting to Congress, limiting oversight and accountability.

Recent changes erode accountability and oversight

Recent legislative changes have further weakened constraints on the transfer of U.S. weapons to the WRSA-I, reducing already limited oversight.

On October 20, 2023, the White House sent the Senate a supplemental request that sought to eliminate constraints on the transportation of U.S. weapons to WRSA-I and the subsequent transfer of arms from the stockpile to Israel. By April 2024, this supplemental request became law, effectively reducing congressional oversight and facilitating increased weapon transfers to WRSA-I with significantly fewer restrictions and diminished public scrutiny.

Congress imposes limits on the value of assets that can be transferred into WRSA-I stockpiles during any fiscal year through the authorization of legislation. Section 514 of the Foreign Assistance Act limits the value of defense articles deposited into WRSA-I to $200 million annually. The United States retains ownership of the WRSA stocks, and the title must be transferred to the foreign country before they can use the assets.


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64b3a7 No.20979125

File: 67b787f5dc406f1⋯.png (266.07 KB,600x328,75:41,ClipboardImage.png)

Well, not always. Just mostly. Back and forth from the keyboard throughout the day, truth be told.

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91eff5 No.20979126


Big Sur, CA

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c68192 No.20979127

File: 8095a291b33250e⋯.png (720.62 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Cant get vid to transfer over, sorry

this is pretty good.


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69e41a No.20979128


YES and because every piece or shit wearing a badge protects this ZIONIST LUNATIC SYSTEM, SOON THE WORLD WILL GET NUKED

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934849 No.20979129

File: 3dad26b3a17a16e⋯.png (334.79 KB,860x394,430:197,ClipboardImage.png)

Pentagon’s AI office awards Palantir a contract to create a data-sharing ecosystem

The Department of Defense’s Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office, or CDAO, leveraged its marketplace for fast-tracking the acquisition of innovative technologies to award Palantir a contract to develop a data-sharing ecosystem — a tool that will help the Pentagon with its connect-everything initiative.

CDAO announced last Thursday that the ecosystem — known as Open Data and Applications Government-owned Interoperable Repositories, or Open DAGIR — will enable the Department of Defense to scale its use of data, analytics and artificial intelligence capabilities through greater collaboration with private sector partners.

Palantir said it received a $33 million prototype Other Transaction award from CDAO “to rapidly and securely onboard third-party vendor and government capabilities into the government-owned, Palantir-operated data environment to meet priority combatant command digital needs.”

The contract was awarded through CDAO’s Tradewinds Solution Marketplace, which allows private firms of all sizes to pitch DOD their AI, machine learning and data capabilities through five minute infomercial-style videos. Once companies are accepted into the marketplace, Pentagon components can search the platform to view videos of solutions from industry partners. Companies, in turn, are able to access post-competition, readily awardable contracts.

Bonnie Evangelista, CDAO’s acting deputy for acquisition directorate, told Nextgov/FCW earlier this year that the platform can significantly shorten the time it takes for companies to receive DOD contracts.

During a NetApp conference on Tuesday, CDAO Director of Procurement Quentin McCoy said Palantir’s use of the Tradewinds marketplace allowed it to receive the award for Open DAGIR in 30 days.

“It’s a sort of healthy prototype,” McCoy said about the Open DAGIR solution Palantir will provide, noting that “it's going to allow industry and government to ingest data together and share and bring in third-party vendors to do this action.”

DOD said it will initially use Open DAGIR to support its Combined Joint All Domain Command and Control — or CJADC2 — initiative that is designed to promote interoperability across disparate military environments. Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks announced in February that CDAO had achieved “the minimum viable capability” of the information-sharing network.

CDAO is also planning to use its ongoing Global Information Dominance Experiments, or GIDE, to determine whether any additional capabilities should be added to the Open DAGIR ecosystem. GIDE is designed, in part, to help inform the Pentagon’s use of emerging technologies to support its CJADC2 initiative.

The GIDE series — created by U.S. Northern Command and relaunched by CDAO last year — tests out AI and data analytics tools to determine how they can be used for military decisionmaking. The department finished its GIDE 9 iteration in March.

McCoy said CDAO is planning to hold several industry days in the next few months, including one scheduled for mid-July, in preparation for the office’s next GIDE iteration.

The Open DAGIR contract announcement came a day after DOD awarded Palantir a $480 million contract for its Maven Smart System prototype. Palantir said the award will allow it “to make licenses of their AI-enabled operating system available across the Department of Defense.”


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d1b555 No.20979130

File: d1e10c78a8cd3bc⋯.jpeg (98.22 KB,600x499,600:499,1BEBC49B_33D8_49A8_B8E0_A….jpeg)

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64b3a7 No.20979131

File: 2e277f73fdb1cac⋯.jpeg (137.76 KB,874x1024,437:512,3bukdfQg0pT5.jpeg)


>but you must pick one now.

No I don't. I made my choice. And she's not on your list.

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51049b No.20979132

File: e9a2b8d13372291⋯.jpg (156.66 KB,901x1140,901:1140,conspiracy_theories.jpg)

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69e41a No.20979133


ONLY ROAD "California"

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ee7544 No.20979134


you're going to a strangers house who you just met on the internet and you're going to get drunk so you can't think?

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571efe No.20979135

Israeli Ministers Call for Escalation in Gaza and Invasion of Lebanon at Provocative Flag Day March

Participants in the march chanted 'death to Arabs' and attacked Palestinians

On Wednesday, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir both called for Israel to escalate in Gaza and to invade southern Lebanon, The Times of Israel reported.

The two ministers made the remarks in speeches during the provocative flag march in the Old City of Jerusalem that commemorates Jerusalem Day, a celebration of the Israeli capture of East Jerusalem during the 1967 war.

Thousands of ultra-nationalist Israelis took part in the march, which involved chants of “Death to Arabs” and attacks on Palestinians. The crowd also attacked a journalist for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

During his speech, Ben Gvir led the crowd in a chant of “victory” and said Israel could only win once it “enters all of Gaza and fights until victory.” He also said Israel needs to “go into the north and fight Hezbollah and destroy them.”

Smotrich called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to “give the order” to go to “war” with Hezbollah. “Let our heroic warriors win, restore our national honor, national pride, and security, and allow the heroic residents to return home safely,” he said.

Netanyahu on Wednesday signaled he was considering an invasion of Lebanon, saying that Israel was “prepared for a very intense operation” along the northern border.

Ben Gvir also declared on Wednesday that “his policy” was that Jews could pray at the al-Aqsa Mosque, known as Temple Mount to the Israelis, whenever they want, going against the status quo at the compound.

According to Haaretz, it marked the first time the Israeli minister in charge of security at al-Aqsa deviated from the status quo. In a radio interview, Ben Gvir said he was “pleased that Jews went to the Temple Mount and prayed there today. This is very important. My policy is very clear on this matter – Jews can go everywhere in Jerusalem and pray anywhere, and not silently. Jews prayed on the Temple Mount, that is the minister’s policy. Jews prayed on the Temple Mount, and that is good.”

Later in the day, Ben Gvir reiterated his position. “I came back here to send a message to Hamas and every house in Gaza and the north … Jerusalem is ours. Damascus Gate is ours. The Temple Mount is ours. Today, per my policy, Jews freely entered the Old City, and Jews freely prayed on the Temple Mount. We say this as simply as we can: it’s ours,” he said, according to Haaretz.

Netanyahu pushed back on Ben Gvir’s comments, saying that “the status quo regarding the Temple Mount has not and will not change.”


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934849 No.20979136

File: 53fc55c7df021dc⋯.png (627.65 KB,800x534,400:267,ClipboardImage.png)

Top news app in US has Chinese origins and ‘writes fiction’ with the help of AI


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95b3fc No.20979137

File: 4e038b48fb75974⋯.png (519.92 KB,500x458,250:229,ClipboardImage.png)

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69e41a No.20979138



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dfadf4 No.20979139

File: 3ac8a8d03699d56⋯.png (251.06 KB,490x265,98:53,hba6be74599de74.png)



And Judges

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968ee2 No.20979140



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9997ec No.20979141


Ammonia does not have the energy density of gasoline. It's just yet ANOTHER alternative to make money at a level WAYYYYY above our paygrade. You know whats better than modern gasoline and ICEs? Nuclear. So yea, we dont have that scaled down yet.

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0edd23 No.20979142


the way she can't handle those flowers is much moar interesting

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3152e2 No.20979143

File: 554e926d1adc9d7⋯.png (384.38 KB,474x355,474:355,ClipboardImage.png)


Reporting on Biden gaffes is like screaming, "The sky is blue!"


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6e3601 No.20979144


why not? gonna die anyways

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69e41a No.20979145


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377ef0 No.20979146


illiterate as Fuck.

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72946f No.20979147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d1b555 No.20979148

File: f3441f3615c982b⋯.jpeg (156.94 KB,785x812,785:812,DF39E81D_FFD8_43DF_946D_9….jpeg)

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69e41a No.20979149


Pretending I didn't just call Q a piece of shit. = PRICELESS

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0edd23 No.20979150

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571efe No.20979151

Columbia University to Provide Special Police to Escort Every Jew Student Around Campus

Jews are are the richest and most powerful people on earth by a virtually unbelievable margin. However, we can’t let that distract us from the fact that they are also somehow the most oppressed people on earth.

In a shocking and confounding twist, the degree to which they are oppressed is equal to the degree of their overwhelming wealth and influence.

We need to give them all kinds of special rights to prevent them from being oppressed even further. For example, we all have to chip in and pay for special police to protect them everywhere they go. Because they are so extraordinarily wealthy, they could simply pay for their own special police protection, but it would be an atrocity to make oppressed people pay for their own protection from oppression.

If any of this confuses you, I refer you to the Jewish-owned media for further information.


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e9c2ce No.20979152

Saving Private Ryan was such a good film, then you found out that Tom Hanks and Speilberg are Hollywood satanic pedophile pieces of shit, and now you can't watch movies like that anymore

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c8c674 No.20979153

File: 351e9eb93ffa68a⋯.jpg (97.66 KB,1276x731,1276:731,1717705368240518.jpg)


Nigga. You are more disappointing than this waterfall. Just pick a slut. I need you to pick one or I will start crying. A or B!

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377ef0 No.20979154



that is funny.

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64b3a7 No.20979155


Fuck off.

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72946f No.20979156

File: 8160ba84978c119⋯.jpeg (284.28 KB,828x441,92:49,39CB38B1_958C_489D_9194_A….jpeg)

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91eff5 No.20979157

File: e2864701e26b219⋯.png (346.03 KB,564x376,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>ONLY ROAD "California"

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72946f No.20979158

Where's the fire traveler?

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ee7544 No.20979159


I always looked at that film as 'stolen valor'

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ab0117 No.20979160

File: a5e51ccb0c86a01⋯.jpg (78.1 KB,1050x552,175:92,MO_Man.jpg)

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72946f No.20979161

File: 2a326c947411176⋯.jpeg (112.13 KB,828x511,828:511,181120EA_98C1_4A62_8C74_3….jpeg)

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c8c674 No.20979162

File: f7acf6346fa1c4c⋯.webm (2 MB,1000x1126,500:563,ukros_support_russia.webm)

I wonder what the people of Ukraine wants..

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ac8579 No.20979163

File: c88e34aabd40993⋯.jpeg (58.24 KB,355x280,71:56,IMG_2493.jpeg)

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571efe No.20979164

File: ce3a40efcb92bf7⋯.png (122.08 KB,558x475,558:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9c2ce No.20979165

File: 7fd948c041c4bfe⋯.png (27.34 KB,590x222,295:111,Truth_Social.png)

It would not have mattered whether Steve Bannon, and others, went in front of the Unselect Committee of Criminal Hacks and Thugs, BECAUSE ALL OF THE INFORMATION ENDED UP BEING ILLEGALLY DELETED AND DESTROYED BY THESE CORRUPT RADICALS!


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a9642a No.20979166

File: dd5ef45cea09f15⋯.png (87.78 KB,1000x563,1000:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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571efe No.20979167

File: 73170c5014b5169⋯.png (420.09 KB,572x552,143:138,ClipboardImage.png)

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c68192 No.20979168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So the niggers are pissed cause all the white people moved out. KEK

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9536b9 No.20979169


#25729 >>20978474

>>20978623, >>20978927 LIVE: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump - 6/6/24 (event begins @ 5PM ET)

>>20978547 Livestream from outside of the President Trump/Turning Point, 'Chase The Vote Town Hall' in Phoenix

>>20978484, >>20979122 Press Events

>>20978507 Trump: Las Vegas, Nevada! See you this Sunday at Sunset Park

>>20978516 Trump: Debbie Lesko has been an incredible Congresswoman for the State of Arizona!

>>20978520 Tragedy on the Mississippi: Sultana

>>20978527 Mike Davis Breaks Down President Trump’s Remedy To Fire Back Against Dems’ Weaponized Justice System

>>20978601 Google's secret algorithm exposed via leak to GitHub

>>20978607, >>20978717 FULL PRESS CONFERENCE: Steve Bannon Ordered to Report to Prison on Contempt of Congress Conviction

>>20978636 PF: Potato / Zelensky

>>20978637, >>20978669 Putin warns Russia could provide weapons to strike West

>>20978670 Awesome moment from Marjorie, in case you missed it: Dr. Fauci, you belong in prison

>>20978682 El Salvador’s President Reveals Shocking Details to Tucker Carlson: MS-13 Gang Involved in Satanic Child Sacrifice Rituals

>>20978688 Gershon: Launch Of American Jewish Conservatives in Texas

>>20978697 STUDY: Common Sugar Substitute (Xylitol) Linked To Blood Clots

>>20978704 Biden claims he's known Putin for 40+ years…even when he was an UNDERCOVER KGB AGENT for the USSR

>>20978706 Tal: Iran-China-Russia Want To Take Down Israel And America

>>20978723 'Horrific Images': Over 40 Killed At UN Gaza School That IDF Says Was Used By Hamas

>>20978735, >>20979165 Trump: It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon

>>20978771 Funds Following Investment Patterns by Members of Congress Are Doing Suspiciously Well

>>20978812 PF: Gitmo express on route…

>>20978824 Fritsch: Chechen Jihadis Caught Surveilling Special Forces Official In North Carolina, next to Fort Bragg

>>20978839 FOIA docs show FBI official 'colluded' with Democrat staffers on FBI whistleblowers: Judicial Watch

>>20978851 March of the microscopic robots

>>20978915 Fauci’s Testimony Reveals The Inconsistencies And Deceit Behind U.S. Covid Response

>>20978916, >>20978920, >>20979091 Potata and Potato: Adventures in France


>>20978937 President Reagan's Address at Pointe du Hoc, Normandy, France, June 6, 1984

>>20978939, >>20978544 Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens

>>20978944 50 Cent: Black men identify with Trump

>>20978947 Kamala Harris Disrupted on Jimmy Kimmel Live over Support for Gaza Genocide

>>20978955, >>20979069 Russia deploying air and sea assets for 'military exercises' in Caribbean

>>20978958 Short highlight from Tucker's interview with Nayeb Bukele in El Salvador

>>20978961 Merrick Garland faces charges of criminal contempt for ignoring a congressional subpoena on the Biden Dementia Tapes

>>20978977 Former Director At New York City Mayor’s Office Arrested For Participating In Bank Fraud Scheme

>>20978979 H.R. 8620 Legislation Introduced Yesterday

>>20979007, >>20979019, >>20979037 Justice bun

>>20979096 Not All Peaceful Protests Constitutionally Protected, Police Chief Says Ahead Of DNC

>>20979110, >>20979160 Queen Camilla awkwardly snubs France’s First Lady Brigitte Macron’s attempt to hold her hand

>>20979113 FBI Told Nashville Police Release Of School Shooter Writings Would Lead To ‘Conspiracy Theories,’ ‘Inaccurate Info’

>>20979114, >>20978633 GME update

>>20979121 Jonathan Turley: Is Hunter Biden Pursuing a Jury Nullification Strategy?

>>20979124 Who's minding the stockpile of US weapons going to Israel?

>>20979129 Pentagon’s AI office awards Palantir a contract to create a data-sharing ecosystem

>>20979136 Top news app (NewsBreak) in US has Chinese origins and ‘writes fiction’ with the help of AI

>>20979151 Columbia University to Provide Special Police to Escort Every Jew Student Around Campus

>>20978536, >>20978672, >>20978677, >>20978882, >>20978917, >>20979086, >>20979102, >>20979131, >>20979164 Misc.


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69e41a No.20979170


stop calling it a school

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ac8579 No.20979171

File: 62654f4a687ed4d⋯.jpeg (45.58 KB,480x270,16:9,IMG_1309.jpeg)

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95b3fc No.20979172

File: 167a092a87d6221⋯.png (1.52 MB,900x818,450:409,ClipboardImage.png)


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3f7112 No.20979173



That's not a Mexican, fool. That's a full-on nigger.

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a9642a No.20979174



In your dreams, Adolf!

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0edd23 No.20979175


unfortunately sometimes you are not able to drink as much as you would like to throw up

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a25b1a No.20979176

File: cb1e0469895c683⋯.jpg (57.91 KB,1024x622,512:311,20240606_145348.jpg)


Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy.

This November, all we have to do is vote

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e07ab3 No.20979177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe "Nobody is above the law" Biden


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69e41a No.20979178



flashback to the 80's.

sorry sir, the computer says you owe us $27.53, Computers don't make mistakes.

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c1886f No.20979179


Just need more practice.

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c1aace No.20979180

Steve Bannon doesn't get freedom of the press, because the left has determined that he isn't the press.

Quite frankly, I am getting very tired of them rigging everything without consequence. When is enough, enough?

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1b6716 No.20979181


Just like 2018, 2020, 2022.

Nothing has changed, the pain will continue until masses wake up. Prepare yourself for the most absurd steal yet.

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b19561 No.20979182


dead narrative

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c8c674 No.20979183

File: ac981cab1bdef7e⋯.jpg (128.9 KB,1568x1033,1568:1033,1717704530619985.jpg)

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e9c2ce No.20979184


This cunt is still big mad Trump/Q rigged and stole the 2016 election from her.

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dfadf4 No.20979185



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91eff5 No.20979186

File: e86a7f1b3abf2a2⋯.png (2.47 MB,1500x1125,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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b45d9f No.20979187


Everything is a uuuge distraction these days

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6e3601 No.20979188


i dont drink so yeah youre right.

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f6d2e1 No.20979189

File: 548372ab39d2604⋯.png (2.07 MB,1879x1072,1879:1072,ClipboardImage.png)

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c1aace No.20979190

File: 3b7a8033ed204d3⋯.png (156.64 KB,326x400,163:200,redneckpepe.png)


It's a fucking republicyou dumb cunt

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d1b555 No.20979191

File: d0d84c40c923f16⋯.jpeg (74.52 KB,785x812,785:812,F7AD40C6_D065_4CD9_A40D_E….jpeg)

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908674 No.20979192

File: fad5a89098fa628⋯.png (26.18 KB,440x159,440:159,influence.png)


false shill

it's very simple.

We are filtered by the crooks

"Q knows that our power is looking at all the evidence and refusing to censor what we don't like

It's very plain

The other Q posts which contain 'Filter" all are list of Media locations where we are derided and smeared.

Go ahead and filter if you want, idiot. Obvious you want to keep the others filtering the likes of yourself.

What else would be the motive

You claim I work with Alinsky

fucking liar

I learned this the first few months of 2018. Same argument back then. Same shill team pressing to influence anons to filter.

What is the advantage to filtering.


Twisting my words,

It very plain you are a lying fukface, one-post wonder.

I was very clear as to my position as to why we should not filter.

But for your part all you can do is smear me for being 'Alinsky' follower?

Is that your total case?

What's your justification for filtering?

That's it?

Getting very "legalistic"

Why not just look at the plain language.?

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659876 No.20979193

File: af30b2c541ef8fa⋯.png (307.81 KB,860x541,860:541,ClipboardImage.png)


or else.

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183b35 No.20979194

File: 17bd8fc2487d8e8⋯.png (363.73 KB,411x480,137:160,17bd8fc2487d8e80b91dc5e3db….png)


The salt must flow


KEK. A leftist normie in the house who still believes the politic opponent is muh Nazi pandering


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95b3fc No.20979195

File: decd4f2e85651cf⋯.png (698.88 KB,724x480,181:120,ClipboardImage.png)






-Drill Baby Drill

-Indemnify the Police Nation Wide

-End Russia Ukraine war

-stop Marxist prosecutors

-overhaul DOJ

-Investigate DA's

-Terminate Open Borders

-Domestic Deportation operation

-invoke Alien Enemies Act

-End Automatic Citizenship for Illegal Aliens

-Tax Cuts, Energy Cuts

-Cut Federal funding for CRT, ABC Schools

-Kick Men out of Women's Sports

-Prohibit Child Sexual Mutilation in all 50 States

-End Funding for Vax or Mask Mandated Schools

-Special Presidential Commission Investigation in all the Medical Problems

-Uphold & Protect the 2nd amendment

-Defend Innocent Life

-Bring Back Free Speech

-Death Sentence for Drug Dealers

-Death Sentence for Pedophiles

-Death Sentence for Cop Killers

-Task force to Fight Anti-Christian Bias

-cut off funding for the United Nations organizations that are funneling billions of tax payer dollars to Hamas

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51049b No.20979196

File: bb1bf5bd510ae41⋯.png (500.52 KB,525x680,105:136,abrams_hillary.png)

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c78a6d No.20979197

File: b6bd69530ad3017⋯.png (1.2 MB,1004x1167,1004:1167,ClipboardImage.png)

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dfadf4 No.20979198



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ac8579 No.20979199

File: fa367d2c4454241⋯.png (2.38 MB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_2522.png)

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a25b1a No.20979200

File: 77ff5f54cb6bb54⋯.jpg (1.26 MB,715x898,715:898,20240606_145844.jpg)


Is this a warning or an announcement?

"Takeover," "Twerk Contest," "BYOE," "Boxing Contest."

What could possibly go wrong here?

This won't end well….

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b19561 No.20979201


all of those narratives are tits-up dead

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c8c674 No.20979202

File: a8ffd7289afd92c⋯.jpg (55.41 KB,307x766,307:766,1717706705505411.jpg)


Didn't the Clintons fight on the side of the Royalty during the liberation war?

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9e8ef6 No.20979203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

greeced jelly donut city coupons fightin cokd war wiff emp resistance

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261863 No.20979204


i bring the pots

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e9c2ce No.20979205


Screenshot & saved.

Will re-post this in 2025 and see…

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b19561 No.20979206


the boxing and twerking should be a combined event

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e07ab3 No.20979207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ben and Candace debate Israel

"A bunch of Isracells"


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f28ac1 No.20979208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'M DONE - Mar Mari Emmanuel

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f6d2e1 No.20979209

File: 05e2f01a1900924⋯.png (310.56 KB,624x562,312:281,ClipboardImage.png)

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51049b No.20979210

File: 244f6e15c4034bc⋯.png (216.83 KB,499x338,499:338,communist_candle.png)

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0d4a16 No.20979211

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69e41a No.20979212

File: d96b6de1981c060⋯.png (2.42 MB,1600x1079,1600:1079,ClipboardImage.png)


No. don't call it a Republic anymore.

It isn't.

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d536e0 No.20979213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'Hunter Hasn't Met His Daughter' | Biden Baby Mother Bombshell Revelations

Piers Morgan Uncensored

6 Jun 2024 #hunterbiden #joebiden #piersmorgan

Hunter Biden’s trial for buying a firearm illegally has only just begun, but bombshells are already dropping about his past and even his present. Lunden Roberts, Hunter’s ex and mother of his five-year-old daughter Navy, joins Piers Morgan to discuss her new book ‘Out of the Shadows’, wherein she reveals the truth about life with Hunter. She says she felt like a ‘scandal and a burden’ simply for having Hunter Biden’s child, but also shows commendable grace in her empathy for his struggle with addiction. Lunden makes it clear that he’s not the villain so many think he is, but she is still waiting for him to meet their daughter in person; and also says that door is open to Navy’s grandfather; President Joe Biden. She reveals that she will testify in Hunter Biden's tax trial.

00:00 - Introduction

00:30 - Piers reflects on the Hunter Biden trial

01:20 - Lunden on meeting Hunter Biden and life afterwards

02:40 - Lunden: Hunter was suffering from addiction when I met him

04:40 - Hunter and Lunden’s relationship

07:25 - Did Lunden ever meet Joe Biden?

08:00 - Lunden discusses pregnancy and what followed

12:20 - 'I considered taking my own life'

14:10 - Her relationship with Hunter since Navy was born

22:20 -Hunter's relationship with his daughter

23:19 - President Joe Biden’s reaction to Navy

30:40 - Will Lunden be a witness at Hunter’s trial?

31:30 - Hunter’s affair with his late brother's ex-wife Hallie

34:00 - Does Lunden want Hunter to go to prison?

36:10 - Hunter Biden’s laptop

38:30 - Piers asks Lunden who she will vote for in the election

39:50 - Lunden’s new book and how it feels to tell her story


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deb852 No.20979214

File: 13b75465b4c8d02⋯.png (215.63 KB,328x337,328:337,4a6a35b2_118e_417a_8b22_7b….png)


Why did she have a designated parking spot?

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c8c94d No.20979215



shenequa montoya vontez jenkins del rio

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32afd3 No.20979216

File: e19d301868f3045⋯.jpg (29.94 KB,1013x360,1013:360,HRC_2.jpg)


You can't delete this one. kek.

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0edd23 No.20979217


and some wood for the camp fire

pots is ok

but no drugs!

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91eff5 No.20979218

File: 58793db35a77a32⋯.png (347 KB,680x478,340:239,ClipboardImage.png)


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fc4d91 No.20979219

File: b16caddd0264a6f⋯.png (395.01 KB,634x423,634:423,juut343.png)

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51049b No.20979220

File: 83e0bd4af0ecb3c⋯.jpg (162.95 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Biden_Helmet.jpg)

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908674 No.20979221

File: 3702fd42612f157⋯.png (215.9 KB,652x1009,652:1009,reconcilemasinstreamstreat….png)



Reconcile Mainstreams treating of Qresearch with the push for us to do the same back?

They need to be invisible here to work their "magick"

Accused me of "Alinsky" tactics - I wonder why that came to mind?

Name the Alinsky tactic you claim was following?

or better yet, Give your logic as to why you need to lead anons here to filter?

Or both, if you can.

I doubt it.

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0d4a16 No.20979222

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c78a6d No.20979223

File: 67ff6e6e2563575⋯.png (1.21 MB,1004x1167,1004:1167,ClipboardImage.png)

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404795 No.20979224




>Got enough pens

Or Phones?

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571efe No.20979225

File: 33c9165aa33ec6f⋯.png (72.21 KB,720x583,720:583,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2bef1b03e50907⋯.png (9.42 KB,686x93,686:93,ClipboardImage.png)

Taliban Gets Millions in U.S. Afghanistan Aid by Charging Taxes, Permit Fees, Import Duties

Of the nearly $3 billion in humanitarian aid that the United States has given Afghanistan since the 2021 military withdraw at least $11 million—and likely a lot more—has gone to the Taliban, according to a new federal audit that reveals the U.S. “has continued to be the largest international donor supporting the Afghan people since the former Afghan government collapsed and the Taliban returned to power in August 2021.” The terrorist group has taken the millions in humanitarian and development assistance intended to help the people of Afghanistan in the form of taxes, fees, import duties, permit charges, licenses, or public utility services. The Taliban has probably received a much bigger chunk of the humanitarian assistance because the parties involved in the cash giveaway, including federal agencies, the famously corrupt United Nations and handpicked nonprofits, do not bother keeping track.

“SIGAR also found that the $10.9 million paid by 38 U.S. Department of State (State), U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM) implementing partners is likely only a fraction of the total amount of U.S. assistance funds provided to the Taliban in taxes, fees, duties, and utilities because UN agencies receiving U.S. funds did not collect data or provide relevant information about their subawardees’ payments,” the watchdog writes in its latest report. “From October 2021 through September 2023, the UN received $1.6 billion in U.S. funding for programming in Afghanistan, approximately 63 percent of all U.S. assistance funding for Afghanistan during that period.” The U.S. government does not require the leftist world body to report on taxes, fees, duties or utilities incurred on American funds for activities in Afghanistan, the probe found.

Aid to Afghanistan predates President Biden’s abrupt troop withdraw but since the fall of the U.S.-backed Afghan government in August 2021, Uncle Sam has dedicated significant resources to fulfill the basic needs of the Afghan people with little oversight. “These efforts include addressing food security, agriculture, health, and education, as well as undertaking programs designed to improve economic conditions and human rights in Afghanistan, particularly the rights of women, girls, and minority communities,” the SIGAR report states. The Taliban has disrupted activities required to disburse the aid in a variety of ways, including attempts to divert funds or infiltrate nonprofits on the ground. Investigators found that more than a dozen partner organizations reported direct pressure from the Taliban when distributing American aid, including diverting food and other aid to populations chosen by the terrorist group and its forced approval of program design and implementation.


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51049b No.20979226

File: a292cbe868e13df⋯.jpg (31.73 KB,460x276,5:3,mao_2a_commies.jpg)

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69e41a No.20979227

File: 83afa4bb88e8268⋯.jpg (306.01 KB,670x1522,335:761,Welcome_UPDATED_BUCKETLIST….jpg)

File: 3fda32d71c294ea⋯.png (1.01 MB,3268x2181,3268:2181,3fda32d71c294ea404643b30f6….png)

File: 668db5afc7deb18⋯.jpg (26.39 KB,238x188,119:94,Fv6h9H4XoAMLihA.jpg)


I like Lists too!

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c78a6d No.20979228

File: 3917d22ec31c0b6⋯.png (269.95 KB,460x419,460:419,ClipboardImage.png)

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32afd3 No.20979229


Work phone, and personal phone?

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91eff5 No.20979230

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

My Reaction To Liberal Judge Forcing Steve Bannon to Prison!

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c78a6d No.20979231

File: 22955d5e7a7122b⋯.png (694.74 KB,718x892,359:446,ClipboardImage.png)

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c8c94d No.20979232


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95b3fc No.20979233

File: 149bc4868d9abb5⋯.png (4.58 MB,2048x2048,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

100+Million Votes for Trump

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51049b No.20979234

File: 611c1f0772d3c4e⋯.jpg (130.99 KB,750x845,150:169,fuck_you_debbie_2a.jpg)

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c78a6d No.20979235

File: 1dd6fb6f25dda9c⋯.png (471.83 KB,751x744,751:744,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9c2ce No.20979236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

President Trump in Phoenix, AZ


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deb852 No.20979237


trump live

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c8c94d No.20979238

trump with the yellow tie

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0edd23 No.20979239

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beab9a No.20979240


Here we go again

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2264ac No.20979241

File: 7c64dd4dc06b9e3⋯.png (398.19 KB,1079x1401,1079:1401,Screenshot_20240606_170915.png)




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7baaa4 No.20979242

File: f9da31bbf11f2a2⋯.png (164.25 KB,402x515,402:515,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 379107b6341f451⋯.png (173.2 KB,400x516,100:129,ClipboardImage.png)

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2f020c No.20979243

File: d7ab52f50c6af80⋯.mp4 (1.27 MB,320x584,40:73,d7ab52f50c6af80ba400427dff….mp4)

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9ac768 No.20979244


thanks anon!

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f16ed4 No.20979245

File: 74c58f984636981⋯.png (1.05 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd913f No.20979246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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51049b No.20979247

File: 0e1ec5a29c70414⋯.png (215.93 KB,768x768,1:1,pepe_flag.png)

Q tie

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95b3fc No.20979248

File: 266c33292a5f464⋯.png (804.62 KB,594x594,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Nothing can Stop Trump from Coming

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69e41a No.20979249

File: 6398b88e6a665dc⋯.png (331.11 KB,1114x499,1114:499,ClipboardImage.png)

Youtube comments are shit

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cb5d5e No.20979250


Isn't that grill on backwards?

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69e41a No.20979251


solution: rename Q research to /ptg/

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0c8082 No.20979252

File: e1f1a5a087682ac⋯.png (237.66 KB,621x350,621:350,ClipboardImage.png)


golden tier


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9ac768 No.20979253

Should Trump just hand over his guns w/o a fight?

"From my cold dead hands"

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c8c674 No.20979254

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9ac768 No.20979255

President Trump knows there are light warriors incarnated here.

hat tip to all the "warriors"

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b19561 No.20979256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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e3c3ff No.20979257

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95b3fc No.20979258

File: 77dd8c08d2c6d26⋯.png (2.24 MB,1012x940,253:235,ClipboardImage.png)


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51049b No.20979259

File: 72270924f98348a⋯.mp4 (4.96 MB,1280x720,16:9,Never_Gonna.mp4)

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29d573 No.20979260

President Trump: If we could have honest elections in this country, I would have stopped campaigning two weeks ago. We would have had it made. But we don't have that, so we're watching it very carefully, and I'm, working my ass off to make sure we get Too Big To Rig.

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cb5d5e No.20979261

File: 4e7c80628223329⋯.png (383.57 KB,847x435,847:435,ClipboardImage.png)

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b19561 No.20979262


too nig to jig

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91eff5 No.20979263


He can simply send them to Florida.

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69e41a No.20979264


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c78a6d No.20979265

File: b06b75298c2744f⋯.png (829.91 KB,770x960,77:96,ClipboardImage.png)

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47f4f3 No.20979266

File: c8b673c0a100cc3⋯.png (754.38 KB,1050x1076,525:538,wray_face_w_nakasone_mouth.png)

File: f4d39741a582f50⋯.png (818.61 KB,1149x1164,383:388,nakasone_face.png)


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f10289 No.20979267


ICYMI AAF was created for PDJT policy enforcement.


Mike Pence Launches Advancing American Freedom

April 7, 2021

Former Vice President Mike Pence today launched Advancing American Freedom, a policy and advocacy organization established to promote the pro-freedom policies of the last four years that created unprecedented prosperity at home and restored respect for America abroad, to defend those policies from liberal attacks and media distortions, and to prevent the radical Left from enacting its policy agenda that would threaten America’s freedoms.

“Advancing American Freedom plans to build on the success of the last four years by promoting traditional Conservative values and promoting the successful policies of the Trump Administration,” said former Vice President Mike Pence. “Conservatives will not stand idly by as the radical Left and the new administration attempt to threaten America’s standing as the greatest Nation in the world with their destructive policies.”

“Under the leadership of President Trump and Vice President Pence, Americans experienced unprecedented prosperity. The policies that led to those accomplishments are now under attack by the radical Left and the Biden Administration, and the foundation of our Nation is under siege,” said Advancing American Freedom Executive Director Paul Teller. “Advancing American Freedom will push back against the Left’s agenda and champion policies across the country that advance American liberties, American strength and security, and American prosperity.”

Advancing American Freedom will be advised by political and policy leaders from the Trump Administration and the Conservative movement.

Members of the Advancing American Freedom Advisory Board include:

David Bernhardt

Kirk Cameron

Kellyanne Conway

Kelly Craft

Ken Cribb

Jim Daly

Marjorie Dannenfelser

Jim DeMint

Doug Ducey

Ed Feulner

David Friedman

Callista Gingrich

Newt Gingrich

Rebecca Hagelin

Kay James

Robert Jeffress

Larry Kudlow

Robert Lighthizer

Jenny Beth Martin

David McIntosh

Ed Meese

Penny Nance

Lisa Nelson

Star Parker

Rick Santorum

Scott Turner

Seema Verma

Russ Vought

Scott Walker

Andrew Wheeler

Vice President Mike Pence and Advancing American Freedom’s Advisory Board place the organization in a unique position to merge traditional Conservative values with the Make America Great Again policy agenda that propelled the Nation to new economic heights, and unprecedented strength and prosperity.

Advancing American Freedom will engage in policy discussions and issue advocacy at both the State and Federal level by proposing conservative policy solutions to the economic (American Prosperity), foreign policy (American Strength & Security), and Constitutional issues that confront Americans today (American Liberties).

In addition to articulating and advancing a policy agenda, Advancing American Freedom will oppose the expansion of government under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ radical Left policy agenda from Washington, D.C., into communities across the country.

Contact: devin@advancingamericanfreedom.com


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95b3fc No.20979268

File: 5094cf9822c6e06⋯.png (1.88 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

It's Over $400,000,000

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47f4f3 No.20979269


>Youtube comments are shit

It must be easier to Bot the chat feeds.

The real comments are much better than the chat feed comments

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fc5a87 No.20979270

File: 14e26b7b5d82b8d⋯.jpeg (137.67 KB,1862x1048,931:524,7E25A82E_2DB5_49CF_92D0_A….jpeg)


The time we are living in…..

When the truth will start conspiracy theories.

Welcome to clown world.

Honk honk

The FBI has been exposed for all to see.

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b19561 No.20979271


Mossad is running TS

the MAGA database

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47f4f3 No.20979272

GME up like crazy today.

Disgusting creatures BTFO

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c78a6d No.20979273

File: 7f9e9f095b518c3⋯.gif (5.17 MB,512x288,16:9,happening.gif)

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69e41a No.20979274

File: 1bf954f32476edb⋯.png (1.22 MB,1149x1164,383:388,ClipboardImage.png)

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571efe No.20979275



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e9c2ce No.20979276

Trump on fire as usual, one of the funniest guys to ever walk on a stage

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69e41a No.20979277


Pence belongs in Supermax for breaking his oath to protect this country against all enemies Foreign and Domestic.

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beab9a No.20979278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Or we could just kick faggots out of the kitchen when they get possessive like this

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3f7112 No.20979279



They didn't rig or steal anything from her. They just prevented her from rigging and stealing so much.

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c78a6d No.20979280

File: aadf5a71694405c⋯.png (322.76 KB,448x450,224:225,ClipboardImage.png)

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69e41a No.20979281


I thought the Current Batch of Q tards think Trump is Q.

so my solution is PERFECT

change QResearch to /ptg/

et voila!

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f10289 No.20979282

File: 90e91fbf5aca545⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,1620x1901,1620:1901,IMG_2198.jpeg)

File: 5e48d1f1c3818a6⋯.jpeg (487.49 KB,1620x1912,405:478,IMG_2199.jpeg)

File: 1ac618dd0369416⋯.jpeg (659.43 KB,1620x1227,540:409,IMG_2200.jpeg)


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95b3fc No.20979283

File: 0afef55540fb186⋯.png (1.18 MB,896x518,64:37,ClipboardImage.png)

Bigger than People Think

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fec316 No.20979284

Why do some people get a date to report to prison and some people don’t?

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9536b9 No.20979285


#25729 >>20978474

>>20978623, >>20978927, >>20979260 LIVE: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump - 6/6/24

>>20978547 Livestream from outside of the President Trump/Turning Point, 'Chase The Vote Town Hall' in Phoenix

>>20978484, >>20979122 Press Events

>>20978507 Trump: Las Vegas, Nevada! See you this Sunday at Sunset Park

>>20978516 Trump: Debbie Lesko has been an incredible Congresswoman for the State of Arizona!

>>20978520 Tragedy on the Mississippi: Sultana

>>20978527 Mike Davis Breaks Down President Trump’s Remedy To Fire Back Against Dems’ Weaponized Justice System

>>20978601 Google's secret algorithm exposed via leak to GitHub

>>20978607, >>20978717 FULL PRESS CONFERENCE: Steve Bannon Ordered to Report to Prison on Contempt of Congress Conviction

>>20978636 PF: Potato / Zelensky

>>20978637, >>20978669 Putin warns Russia could provide weapons to strike West

>>20978670 Awesome moment from Marjorie, in case you missed it: Dr. Fauci, you belong in prison

>>20978682 El Salvador’s President Reveals Shocking Details to Tucker Carlson: MS-13 Gang Involved in Satanic Child Sacrifice Rituals

>>20978688 Gershon: Launch Of American Jewish Conservatives in Texas

>>20978697 STUDY: Common Sugar Substitute (Xylitol) Linked To Blood Clots

>>20978704 Biden claims he's known Putin for 40+ years…even when he was an UNDERCOVER KGB AGENT for the USSR

>>20978706 Tal: Iran-China-Russia Want To Take Down Israel And America

>>20978723 'Horrific Images': Over 40 Killed At UN Gaza School That IDF Says Was Used By Hamas

>>20978735, >>20979165 Trump: It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon

>>20978771 Funds Following Investment Patterns by Members of Congress Are Doing Suspiciously Well

>>20978812 PF: Gitmo express on route…

>>20978824 Fritsch: Chechen Jihadis Caught Surveilling Special Forces Official In North Carolina, next to Fort Bragg

>>20978839 FOIA docs show FBI official 'colluded' with Democrat staffers on FBI whistleblowers: Judicial Watch

>>20978851 March of the microscopic robots

>>20978915 Fauci’s Testimony Reveals The Inconsistencies And Deceit Behind U.S. Covid Response

>>20978916, >>20978920, >>20979091 Potata and Potato: Adventures in France


>>20978937 President Reagan's Address at Pointe du Hoc, Normandy, France, June 6, 1984

>>20978939, >>20978544 Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens

>>20978944 50 Cent: Black men identify with Trump

>>20978947 Kamala Harris Disrupted on Jimmy Kimmel Live over Support for Gaza Genocide

>>20978955, >>20979069 Russia deploying air and sea assets for 'military exercises' in Caribbean

>>20978958 Short highlight from Tucker's interview with Nayeb Bukele in El Salvador

>>20978961 Merrick Garland faces charges of criminal contempt for ignoring a congressional subpoena on the Biden Dementia Tapes

>>20978977 Former Director At New York City Mayor’s Office Arrested For Participating In Bank Fraud Scheme

>>20978979 H.R. 8620 Legislation Introduced Yesterday

>>20979007, >>20979019, >>20979037 Justice bun

>>20979096 Not All Peaceful Protests Constitutionally Protected, Police Chief Says Ahead Of DNC

>>20979110, >>20979160 Queen Camilla awkwardly snubs France’s First Lady Brigitte Macron’s attempt to hold her hand

>>20979113 FBI Told Nashville Police Release Of School Shooter Writings Would Lead To ‘Conspiracy Theories,’ ‘Inaccurate Info’

>>20979114, >>20978633 GME update

>>20979121 Jonathan Turley: Is Hunter Biden Pursuing a Jury Nullification Strategy?

>>20979124 Who's minding the stockpile of US weapons going to Israel?

>>20979129 Pentagon’s AI office awards Palantir a contract to create a data-sharing ecosystem

>>20979136 Top news app (NewsBreak) in US has Chinese origins and ‘writes fiction’ with the help of AI

>>20979151 Columbia University to Provide Special Police to Escort Every Jewish Student Around Campus

>>20979213 'Hunter Hasn't Met His Daughter' | Biden Baby Mother Bombshell Revelations

>>20979225 Taliban Gets Millions in U.S. Afghanistan Aid by Charging Taxes, Permit Fees, Import Duties

>>20979230 Sebastian Gorka: My Reaction To Liberal Judge Forcing Steve Bannon to Prison!

>>20978536, >>20978672, >>20978677, >>20978882, >>20978917, >>20979086, >>20979102, >>20979131, >>20979164, >>20979220, >>20979226, >>20979228 Misc.


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81bb1e No.20979286

is there any evidence that Indian scammers are working for Israel? thank you!

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908674 No.20979287

File: 5727349c394e1e5⋯.png (22.16 KB,346x271,346:271,filtering.png)

File: f7e9ee8ea0d2d45⋯.png (1.46 MB,1292x2000,323:500,shillstryingtogetuslabeled….png)



Those re your lists?

Are you pretending to be "Q

or just mocking us / me / 'Q

Another post included in the set which hosts "filter" explains how the mainstream needs to associate us with racism.

Why do you think moojoo are here 24/7 And blackperson haters trying to frame us as racist.

Could the push for anons to filter be related to the need for the shills to have zero push-back; so it looks like we all agree?

That's why BlackBoot / Brown Shirt was always on about consensus? Pretending we were the ones trying to force a consensus

Same with the shill "famefag" accusers; trying to pretend we are "in it" to make a false group or concesus around the alleged heroes of the anon board.

They are projecting their need for concensus about us, for the masses.

So they, "by the Book" accuse us of their motive.

Same with the shill attacking me for pointing out filtering works against us, He's projecting his own nefarious motives.

And then for example does have a Q post, but just his own lists which he has already endlessly spamed

So the spammer is actually FOR filtering.

I wonder why.

If I filtered I'd never know what an asshole this guy is.

They're trying to get us labeled racist.

If we call them out on it; (a simple 'no' will do) they can't get away with it.

So instead they push for filtering.

'Q's list, not mind SHILL

Oh that's right. Shills fail to read 'Q messages/ because they oppose the meaning of them

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c78a6d No.20979288

File: d0a6b9578f31c67⋯.png (415.62 KB,593x1078,593:1078,ClipboardImage.png)

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bef8a2 No.20979289

What a fantastic suit,

Blue suit, yellow tie


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ac8579 No.20979290


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f10289 No.20979291

File: b4b0acdbdc89cb1⋯.jpeg (134.55 KB,846x451,846:451,IMG_2148.jpeg)

File: 1dc8463f1b8a603⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1279x1139,1279:1139,IMG_2149.jpeg)


IF… that’s true explain this…

VPPence posted first!

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e07ab3 No.20979292

File: 22e0a41d3976bed⋯.jpg (64.03 KB,620x446,310:223,8t1p66.jpg)

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959ce3 No.20979293

File: 0df07adfb77873e⋯.jpg (250.38 KB,1024x1024,1:1,0df07adfb77873e942a15dabcf….jpg)

Everythign is fake.

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4f63e2 No.20979294


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dfadf4 No.20979295



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69e41a No.20979296

File: d81236ee34024ca⋯.png (380.7 KB,688x579,688:579,ClipboardImage.png)


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29d573 No.20979297

President Trump: I just went through a rigged trial in New York, with a highly conflicted, and I mean highly conflicted, judge. Where there was no crime. It was made-up, fabricated stuff. They didn't want to bring the case. They could have brought the case seven years ago; it's only when you run for office they bring cases.

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c4edc7 No.20979298

File: afc6e6554f94846⋯.png (2.15 MB,884x848,221:212,Screenshot_6183_.png)

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95b3fc No.20979299

File: 32a63ec5cd8a4b0⋯.png (495.49 KB,661x611,661:611,ClipboardImage.png)


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571efe No.20979300


>Why do you think moojoo are here 24/7 And blackperson haters trying to frame us as racist.

I agree but I also think the Muhjoo shilling is to get legitimate digs on Israel ignored as muhjoo shilling to hide it.

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47f4f3 No.20979301

File: 4be0ffada4277f0⋯.jpg (201.44 KB,751x1024,751:1024,immigrants_vs_gimmegrants.jpg)


>Everythign is fake.


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69e41a No.20979302


Heh. let's cross each line one step at a time logically. Burn bridge after checksums

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cb5d5e No.20979303

File: 59504ec90dd55ce⋯.jpg (109.3 KB,768x698,384:349,red_wave.jpg)



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dceb2c No.20979304

File: 96e17fdb1f433c8⋯.jpg (227.79 KB,1876x1302,134:93,TRUMPbullshit.JPG)

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dfadf4 No.20979305




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ac8579 No.20979306

File: f2e8afae7671f54⋯.jpeg (30.87 KB,369x136,369:136,IMG_2536.jpeg)

File: e2776d37072accb⋯.jpeg (73.28 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_2535.jpeg)

File: a79c0588b6f6865⋯.jpeg (69.92 KB,318x319,318:319,IMG_2534.jpeg)

No Bullshit Alt for the kids

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b19561 No.20979307


> legitimate digs on Israel ignored

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29d573 No.20979308

President Trump: Two days ago, Joe Biden signed an executive order to officially declare his formal approval and support for the largest border invasion in the history of the world. This has been the largest invasion in history. We are being invaded. This is not people coming in, these are people coming in totally unchecked…this allows millions of people into our country. Joe Biden's order is pro-invasion, pro-child trafficking, pro-women trafficking, pro-human trafficking, pro-drug dealers, and in all, they bring death and destruction into our country.

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47f4f3 No.20979309

File: a2ece29875eeb49⋯.jpg (31.79 KB,1080x735,72:49,faggot_hune_month.jpg)


>"qqauoopin" Camilla awkwardly snubs France’s First Lady Brigitte Macron’s attempt to hold her hand.

"qqauoopin" ffs

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69e41a No.20979310

File: b78b1fd097f112c⋯.jpg (157.75 KB,607x846,607:846,12facts.jpg)



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0d06f4 No.20979311

File: 04cf2cb273c61f9⋯.png (642.45 KB,721x640,721:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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954d3b No.20979312


The Judge has to ability to disregard the jury verdict, therefore until the judge confirms jury verdict at sentencing, the defendant is not considered guilty.

A Constitutional expert scholar laid all this out the day after the verdict, it was a notable on this site..

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ac8579 No.20979313


California Going Red…bet!

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f10289 No.20979314

File: c2417332b101704⋯.jpeg (28.3 KB,245x206,245:206,IMG_2201.jpeg)


That funny!

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c4edc7 No.20979315

File: af966f1ce446068⋯.png (1.24 MB,486x890,243:445,Screenshot_6171_.png)

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47f4f3 No.20979316


>I agree but I also think the Muhjoo shilling is to get legitimate digs on Israel ignored as muhjoo shilling to hide it.

i.e. "watcha doing rabbi" stuff

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9536b9 No.20979317


#25729 >>20978474

>>20978623, >>20978927, >>20979260, >>20979297, >>20979308 LIVE: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump - 6/6/24

>>20978547 Livestream from outside of the President Trump/Turning Point, 'Chase The Vote Town Hall' in Phoenix

>>20978484, >>20979122 Press Events

>>20978507 Trump: Las Vegas, Nevada! See you this Sunday at Sunset Park

>>20978516 Trump: Debbie Lesko has been an incredible Congresswoman for the State of Arizona!

>>20978520 Tragedy on the Mississippi: Sultana

>>20978527 Mike Davis Breaks Down President Trump’s Remedy To Fire Back Against Dems’ Weaponized Justice System

>>20978601 Google's secret algorithm exposed via leak to GitHub

>>20978607, >>20978717 FULL PRESS CONFERENCE: Steve Bannon Ordered to Report to Prison on Contempt of Congress Conviction

>>20978636 PF: Potato / Zelensky

>>20978637, >>20978669 Putin warns Russia could provide weapons to strike West

>>20978670 Awesome moment from Marjorie, in case you missed it: Dr. Fauci, you belong in prison

>>20978682 El Salvador’s President Reveals Shocking Details to Tucker Carlson: MS-13 Gang Involved in Satanic Child Sacrifice Rituals

>>20978688 Gershon: Launch Of American Jewish Conservatives in Texas

>>20978697 STUDY: Common Sugar Substitute (Xylitol) Linked To Blood Clots

>>20978704 Biden claims he's known Putin for 40+ years…even when he was an UNDERCOVER KGB AGENT for the USSR

>>20978706 Tal: Iran-China-Russia Want To Take Down Israel And America

>>20978723 'Horrific Images': Over 40 Killed At UN Gaza School That IDF Says Was Used By Hamas

>>20978735, >>20979165 Trump: It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon

>>20978771 Funds Following Investment Patterns by Members of Congress Are Doing Suspiciously Well

>>20978812 PF: Gitmo express on route…

>>20978824 Fritsch: Chechen Jihadis Caught Surveilling Special Forces Official In North Carolina, next to Fort Bragg

>>20978839 FOIA docs show FBI official 'colluded' with Democrat staffers on FBI whistleblowers: Judicial Watch

>>20978851 March of the microscopic robots

>>20978915 Fauci’s Testimony Reveals The Inconsistencies And Deceit Behind U.S. Covid Response

>>20978916, >>20978920, >>20979091 Potata and Potato: Adventures in France


>>20978937 President Reagan's Address at Pointe du Hoc, Normandy, France, June 6, 1984

>>20978939, >>20978544 Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens

>>20978944 50 Cent: Black men identify with Trump

>>20978947 Kamala Harris Disrupted on Jimmy Kimmel Live over Support for Gaza Genocide

>>20978955, >>20979069 Russia deploying air and sea assets for 'military exercises' in Caribbean

>>20978958 Short highlight from Tucker's interview with Nayeb Bukele in El Salvador

>>20978961 Merrick Garland faces charges of criminal contempt for ignoring a congressional subpoena on the Biden Dementia Tapes

>>20978977 Former Director At New York City Mayor’s Office Arrested For Participating In Bank Fraud Scheme

>>20978979 H.R. 8620 Legislation Introduced Yesterday

>>20979007, >>20979019, >>20979037 Justice bun

>>20979096 Not All Peaceful Protests Constitutionally Protected, Police Chief Says Ahead Of DNC

>>20979110, >>20979160 Queen Camilla awkwardly snubs France’s First Lady Brigitte Macron’s attempt to hold her hand

>>20979113 FBI Told Nashville Police Release Of School Shooter Writings Would Lead To ‘Conspiracy Theories,’ ‘Inaccurate Info’

>>20979114, >>20978633 GME update

>>20979121 Jonathan Turley: Is Hunter Biden Pursuing a Jury Nullification Strategy?

>>20979124 Who's minding the stockpile of US weapons going to Israel?

>>20979129 Pentagon’s AI office awards Palantir a contract to create a data-sharing ecosystem

>>20979136 Top news app (NewsBreak) in US has Chinese origins and ‘writes fiction’ with the help of AI

>>20979151 Columbia University to Provide Special Police to Escort Every Jewish Student Around Campus

>>20979213 'Hunter Hasn't Met His Daughter' | Biden Baby Mother Bombshell Revelations

>>20979225 Taliban Gets Millions in U.S. Afghanistan Aid by Charging Taxes, Permit Fees, Import Duties

>>20979230 Sebastian Gorka: My Reaction To Liberal Judge Forcing Steve Bannon to Prison!

>>20978536, >>20978672, >>20978677, >>20978882, >>20979086, >>20979102, >>20979131, >>20979164, >>20979220, >>20979226, >>20979228, >>20979301 Misc.


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c8c674 No.20979318

File: 7148ccf09340694⋯.jpg (91.78 KB,729x729,1:1,1717706311198053.jpg)


Even democracy?

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e76d3c No.20979319

File: ae8f91878f7b1dc⋯.jpg (167.53 KB,849x500,849:500,Screenshot_2024_06_06_1625….jpg)


It was already Noted by Gerbil lb.

Just got here and seen't it in there.

The kekilicious part is this is yet moar proof nobody reads the damn things.

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261863 No.20979320


and gay

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47f4f3 No.20979325

File: ff7dfa92407dd6f⋯.png (380.86 KB,568x537,568:537,water_tree_trump_jail.png)


>California Going Red…bet!

do NOT bet that.


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73092e No.20979327





>>What's your justification for filtering?

I don’t filter, poor assumption by an ignorant asshat that appears to believe word salad that lacks substance carries weight.

>>Accused me of "Alinsky" tactics - I wonder why that came to mind?

Words v. word.

>>Give your logic as to why you need to lead anons here to filter?

Provide an example of one or more of my posts that suggest anons filter any content.

You appear to be confused regarding which anon posted “Remember the "Q said no filters" push from the clowns?”.


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c8c674 No.20979329

File: b194a0582cf399c⋯.jpg (117.95 KB,500x666,250:333,1717706760726331.jpg)


Did you know you can get aids by simply sitting on a seat that was infected by someone with aids?

Your local bus can infect you with aids. Enjoy.

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69e41a No.20979330


if you want some questions/ammo to throw at the foreign affairs office in regards to Israel/Gaza you can some here


I also recommend +972 Magazine


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e9c2ce No.20979332

Q returns when Trump re-takes the oval office

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e3c3ff No.20979333

File: 04f3967536c0d50⋯.png (46.36 KB,449x240,449:240,hypocricytrump.png)

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9536b9 No.20979334

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571efe No.20979335


not the same article

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c4edc7 No.20979336

File: a73fe88ef5a4207⋯.png (1.26 MB,802x548,401:274,Screenshot_6152_.png)

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95b3fc No.20979337


you have my Bless B

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69e41a No.20979338

Hey sheriff why does FBI, NSA, CIA, USDA, FBI CDC exist when they aren't in the constitution?

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ac8579 No.20979339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c78a6d No.20979340

File: 86a80ea91449e37⋯.png (574.03 KB,905x1024,905:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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dfadf4 No.20979341

File: e40bdc639877632⋯.png (257.76 KB,571x280,571:280,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f63e2 No.20979342

I don't kiss men, but I kissed him.

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e76d3c No.20979343

File: c3090ea34e6207b⋯.jpg (78.03 KB,666x375,222:125,OprahBaker.jpg)


Not that I blame anyone for not reading them.

>MTG called someone out for the 113th straight day rah rah

Fucking Oprah Bakers tsk tsk.

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7baaa4 No.20979344

File: df1b656c5b8dc6c⋯.png (165.07 KB,595x312,595:312,ClipboardImage.png)

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95b3fc No.20979346

God Bless the Sheriffs


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69e41a No.20979347

DHS, FCC, Dept of Education,

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cb5d5e No.20979348

File: 3aba597ea727d9e⋯.png (449.11 KB,845x471,845:471,ClipboardImage.png)

Sheriff Joe come up here!

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ac8579 No.20979353

File: ed477dce686feda⋯.png (105.72 KB,190x237,190:237,IMG_2431.png)

File: e6e65344baa188e⋯.jpeg (70.16 KB,432x600,18:25,IMG_2432.jpeg)


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e76d3c No.20979355



Ok, let's have 20 diff sauces saying the same thing.

Muh Notables Fuck Yeah!

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a9642a No.20979356

File: 1b6f3c66181d1de⋯.png (19.27 KB,1046x211,1046:211,ClipboardImage.png)




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aee75b No.20979357


Yes, Israel does need to finish the job. Sooner is always better than later.

No, Hamas isn't going to survive - hopefully they bring Hezbollah down with them.

And yes, this board and it's predecessors have always had a pro-Trump slant.

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4f63e2 No.20979358

not once but seven times

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aaf863 No.20979360

File: ed848030c3eb02f⋯.png (51.7 KB,435x118,435:118,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bf3f7418da2b05⋯.png (27.7 KB,990x624,165:104,ClipboardImage.png)

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69e41a No.20979361


and they aren't in the constution how can you call your self constitutional when you do nothing about this shit

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