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File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,dayshift.jpg)

8c19f8 No.20978461 [View All]

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701 posts and 438 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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c4edc7 No.20979298

File: afc6e6554f94846⋯.png (2.15 MB,884x848,221:212,Screenshot_6183_.png)

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95b3fc No.20979299

File: 32a63ec5cd8a4b0⋯.png (495.49 KB,661x611,661:611,ClipboardImage.png)


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571efe No.20979300


>Why do you think moojoo are here 24/7 And blackperson haters trying to frame us as racist.

I agree but I also think the Muhjoo shilling is to get legitimate digs on Israel ignored as muhjoo shilling to hide it.

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47f4f3 No.20979301

File: 4be0ffada4277f0⋯.jpg (201.44 KB,751x1024,751:1024,immigrants_vs_gimmegrants.jpg)


>Everythign is fake.


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69e41a No.20979302


Heh. let's cross each line one step at a time logically. Burn bridge after checksums

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cb5d5e No.20979303

File: 59504ec90dd55ce⋯.jpg (109.3 KB,768x698,384:349,red_wave.jpg)



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dceb2c No.20979304

File: 96e17fdb1f433c8⋯.jpg (227.79 KB,1876x1302,134:93,TRUMPbullshit.JPG)

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dfadf4 No.20979305




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ac8579 No.20979306

File: f2e8afae7671f54⋯.jpeg (30.87 KB,369x136,369:136,IMG_2536.jpeg)

File: e2776d37072accb⋯.jpeg (73.28 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_2535.jpeg)

File: a79c0588b6f6865⋯.jpeg (69.92 KB,318x319,318:319,IMG_2534.jpeg)

No Bullshit Alt for the kids

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b19561 No.20979307


> legitimate digs on Israel ignored

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29d573 No.20979308

President Trump: Two days ago, Joe Biden signed an executive order to officially declare his formal approval and support for the largest border invasion in the history of the world. This has been the largest invasion in history. We are being invaded. This is not people coming in, these are people coming in totally unchecked…this allows millions of people into our country. Joe Biden's order is pro-invasion, pro-child trafficking, pro-women trafficking, pro-human trafficking, pro-drug dealers, and in all, they bring death and destruction into our country.

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47f4f3 No.20979309

File: a2ece29875eeb49⋯.jpg (31.79 KB,1080x735,72:49,faggot_hune_month.jpg)


>"qqauoopin" Camilla awkwardly snubs France’s First Lady Brigitte Macron’s attempt to hold her hand.

"qqauoopin" ffs

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69e41a No.20979310

File: b78b1fd097f112c⋯.jpg (157.75 KB,607x846,607:846,12facts.jpg)



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0d06f4 No.20979311

File: 04cf2cb273c61f9⋯.png (642.45 KB,721x640,721:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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954d3b No.20979312


The Judge has to ability to disregard the jury verdict, therefore until the judge confirms jury verdict at sentencing, the defendant is not considered guilty.

A Constitutional expert scholar laid all this out the day after the verdict, it was a notable on this site..

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ac8579 No.20979313


California Going Red…bet!

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f10289 No.20979314

File: c2417332b101704⋯.jpeg (28.3 KB,245x206,245:206,IMG_2201.jpeg)


That funny!

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c4edc7 No.20979315

File: af966f1ce446068⋯.png (1.24 MB,486x890,243:445,Screenshot_6171_.png)

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47f4f3 No.20979316


>I agree but I also think the Muhjoo shilling is to get legitimate digs on Israel ignored as muhjoo shilling to hide it.

i.e. "watcha doing rabbi" stuff

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9536b9 No.20979317


#25729 >>20978474

>>20978623, >>20978927, >>20979260, >>20979297, >>20979308 LIVE: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump - 6/6/24

>>20978547 Livestream from outside of the President Trump/Turning Point, 'Chase The Vote Town Hall' in Phoenix

>>20978484, >>20979122 Press Events

>>20978507 Trump: Las Vegas, Nevada! See you this Sunday at Sunset Park

>>20978516 Trump: Debbie Lesko has been an incredible Congresswoman for the State of Arizona!

>>20978520 Tragedy on the Mississippi: Sultana

>>20978527 Mike Davis Breaks Down President Trump’s Remedy To Fire Back Against Dems’ Weaponized Justice System

>>20978601 Google's secret algorithm exposed via leak to GitHub

>>20978607, >>20978717 FULL PRESS CONFERENCE: Steve Bannon Ordered to Report to Prison on Contempt of Congress Conviction

>>20978636 PF: Potato / Zelensky

>>20978637, >>20978669 Putin warns Russia could provide weapons to strike West

>>20978670 Awesome moment from Marjorie, in case you missed it: Dr. Fauci, you belong in prison

>>20978682 El Salvador’s President Reveals Shocking Details to Tucker Carlson: MS-13 Gang Involved in Satanic Child Sacrifice Rituals

>>20978688 Gershon: Launch Of American Jewish Conservatives in Texas

>>20978697 STUDY: Common Sugar Substitute (Xylitol) Linked To Blood Clots

>>20978704 Biden claims he's known Putin for 40+ years…even when he was an UNDERCOVER KGB AGENT for the USSR

>>20978706 Tal: Iran-China-Russia Want To Take Down Israel And America

>>20978723 'Horrific Images': Over 40 Killed At UN Gaza School That IDF Says Was Used By Hamas

>>20978735, >>20979165 Trump: It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon

>>20978771 Funds Following Investment Patterns by Members of Congress Are Doing Suspiciously Well

>>20978812 PF: Gitmo express on route…

>>20978824 Fritsch: Chechen Jihadis Caught Surveilling Special Forces Official In North Carolina, next to Fort Bragg

>>20978839 FOIA docs show FBI official 'colluded' with Democrat staffers on FBI whistleblowers: Judicial Watch

>>20978851 March of the microscopic robots

>>20978915 Fauci’s Testimony Reveals The Inconsistencies And Deceit Behind U.S. Covid Response

>>20978916, >>20978920, >>20979091 Potata and Potato: Adventures in France


>>20978937 President Reagan's Address at Pointe du Hoc, Normandy, France, June 6, 1984

>>20978939, >>20978544 Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens

>>20978944 50 Cent: Black men identify with Trump

>>20978947 Kamala Harris Disrupted on Jimmy Kimmel Live over Support for Gaza Genocide

>>20978955, >>20979069 Russia deploying air and sea assets for 'military exercises' in Caribbean

>>20978958 Short highlight from Tucker's interview with Nayeb Bukele in El Salvador

>>20978961 Merrick Garland faces charges of criminal contempt for ignoring a congressional subpoena on the Biden Dementia Tapes

>>20978977 Former Director At New York City Mayor’s Office Arrested For Participating In Bank Fraud Scheme

>>20978979 H.R. 8620 Legislation Introduced Yesterday

>>20979007, >>20979019, >>20979037 Justice bun

>>20979096 Not All Peaceful Protests Constitutionally Protected, Police Chief Says Ahead Of DNC

>>20979110, >>20979160 Queen Camilla awkwardly snubs France’s First Lady Brigitte Macron’s attempt to hold her hand

>>20979113 FBI Told Nashville Police Release Of School Shooter Writings Would Lead To ‘Conspiracy Theories,’ ‘Inaccurate Info’

>>20979114, >>20978633 GME update

>>20979121 Jonathan Turley: Is Hunter Biden Pursuing a Jury Nullification Strategy?

>>20979124 Who's minding the stockpile of US weapons going to Israel?

>>20979129 Pentagon’s AI office awards Palantir a contract to create a data-sharing ecosystem

>>20979136 Top news app (NewsBreak) in US has Chinese origins and ‘writes fiction’ with the help of AI

>>20979151 Columbia University to Provide Special Police to Escort Every Jewish Student Around Campus

>>20979213 'Hunter Hasn't Met His Daughter' | Biden Baby Mother Bombshell Revelations

>>20979225 Taliban Gets Millions in U.S. Afghanistan Aid by Charging Taxes, Permit Fees, Import Duties

>>20979230 Sebastian Gorka: My Reaction To Liberal Judge Forcing Steve Bannon to Prison!

>>20978536, >>20978672, >>20978677, >>20978882, >>20979086, >>20979102, >>20979131, >>20979164, >>20979220, >>20979226, >>20979228, >>20979301 Misc.


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c8c674 No.20979318

File: 7148ccf09340694⋯.jpg (91.78 KB,729x729,1:1,1717706311198053.jpg)


Even democracy?

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e76d3c No.20979319

File: ae8f91878f7b1dc⋯.jpg (167.53 KB,849x500,849:500,Screenshot_2024_06_06_1625….jpg)


It was already Noted by Gerbil lb.

Just got here and seen't it in there.

The kekilicious part is this is yet moar proof nobody reads the damn things.

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261863 No.20979320


and gay

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47f4f3 No.20979325

File: ff7dfa92407dd6f⋯.png (380.86 KB,568x537,568:537,water_tree_trump_jail.png)


>California Going Red…bet!

do NOT bet that.


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73092e No.20979327





>>What's your justification for filtering?

I don’t filter, poor assumption by an ignorant asshat that appears to believe word salad that lacks substance carries weight.

>>Accused me of "Alinsky" tactics - I wonder why that came to mind?

Words v. word.

>>Give your logic as to why you need to lead anons here to filter?

Provide an example of one or more of my posts that suggest anons filter any content.

You appear to be confused regarding which anon posted “Remember the "Q said no filters" push from the clowns?”.


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c8c674 No.20979329

File: b194a0582cf399c⋯.jpg (117.95 KB,500x666,250:333,1717706760726331.jpg)


Did you know you can get aids by simply sitting on a seat that was infected by someone with aids?

Your local bus can infect you with aids. Enjoy.

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69e41a No.20979330


if you want some questions/ammo to throw at the foreign affairs office in regards to Israel/Gaza you can some here


I also recommend +972 Magazine


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e9c2ce No.20979332

Q returns when Trump re-takes the oval office

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e3c3ff No.20979333

File: 04f3967536c0d50⋯.png (46.36 KB,449x240,449:240,hypocricytrump.png)

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9536b9 No.20979334

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571efe No.20979335


not the same article

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c4edc7 No.20979336

File: a73fe88ef5a4207⋯.png (1.26 MB,802x548,401:274,Screenshot_6152_.png)

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95b3fc No.20979337


you have my Bless B

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69e41a No.20979338

Hey sheriff why does FBI, NSA, CIA, USDA, FBI CDC exist when they aren't in the constitution?

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ac8579 No.20979339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c78a6d No.20979340

File: 86a80ea91449e37⋯.png (574.03 KB,905x1024,905:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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dfadf4 No.20979341

File: e40bdc639877632⋯.png (257.76 KB,571x280,571:280,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f63e2 No.20979342

I don't kiss men, but I kissed him.

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e76d3c No.20979343

File: c3090ea34e6207b⋯.jpg (78.03 KB,666x375,222:125,OprahBaker.jpg)


Not that I blame anyone for not reading them.

>MTG called someone out for the 113th straight day rah rah

Fucking Oprah Bakers tsk tsk.

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7baaa4 No.20979344

File: df1b656c5b8dc6c⋯.png (165.07 KB,595x312,595:312,ClipboardImage.png)

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95b3fc No.20979346

God Bless the Sheriffs


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69e41a No.20979347

DHS, FCC, Dept of Education,

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cb5d5e No.20979348

File: 3aba597ea727d9e⋯.png (449.11 KB,845x471,845:471,ClipboardImage.png)

Sheriff Joe come up here!

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ac8579 No.20979353

File: ed477dce686feda⋯.png (105.72 KB,190x237,190:237,IMG_2431.png)

File: e6e65344baa188e⋯.jpeg (70.16 KB,432x600,18:25,IMG_2432.jpeg)


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e76d3c No.20979355



Ok, let's have 20 diff sauces saying the same thing.

Muh Notables Fuck Yeah!

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a9642a No.20979356

File: 1b6f3c66181d1de⋯.png (19.27 KB,1046x211,1046:211,ClipboardImage.png)




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aee75b No.20979357


Yes, Israel does need to finish the job. Sooner is always better than later.

No, Hamas isn't going to survive - hopefully they bring Hezbollah down with them.

And yes, this board and it's predecessors have always had a pro-Trump slant.

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4f63e2 No.20979358

not once but seven times

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aaf863 No.20979360

File: ed848030c3eb02f⋯.png (51.7 KB,435x118,435:118,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bf3f7418da2b05⋯.png (27.7 KB,990x624,165:104,ClipboardImage.png)

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69e41a No.20979361


and they aren't in the constution how can you call your self constitutional when you do nothing about this shit

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