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File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, GENERAL.QresearchGeneral.jpg)

943e48 No.2038526

Welcome To Q Research General

Happy Independence Day!

Our time is fast approaching for the corruption sweep of the biblical proportions.

Keep in mind what to say to those who are confused around you. Do you best, to let them TRUST THE PLAN.





Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 --------------------------------------------------- Independence Celebration

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 --------------------------------- Who do you see?

>>2022584 --------------------------------------------------- Plane Through Blinds (subject to change)

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 --------------------------------- Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981, >>2021248, >>2020544 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 ---------------------------------------------------- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ---------------------------------- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

>>2014318 ---------------------------------------------------- Add another to the list

>>2014158 rt >>2013625 --------------------------------- Matters of National Security

>>2012087 ---------------------------------------------------- The SWAMP is being DRAINED

>>2011888 rt >>2011499 ---------------------------------- Think NATIONAL SECURITY

>>2008390 ---------------------------------------------------- What happened to Stormy?

>>2008327 ---------------------------------------------------- Crumb #1238

>>2007973 rt >>2007869, >>2007911 ---------------- /patriotsfight/77

>>2007911 rt >>2007869 --------------------------------- The intelligence was passed through unofficial means

>>2007869 ---------------------------------------------------- We have the server

Sunday 07.01.18

>>1992408 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you, Ben

>>1991829 ---------------------------------------------------- There will be no civil war

>>1991107 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you USSS

>>1987414 ---------------------------------------------------- https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jul/1/us-really-did-have-manchurian-candidate-white-hous/

>>1986553 rt >>1986489 --------------------------------- Think stages. What role can MIL INTEL play? What role can NSA play? BANG!

>>1986443 rt >>1986153 --------------------------------- Ask yourself & the more you know

>>1986153 rt >>1986043 --------------------------------- Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments? Who has that kind of manpower?

>>1986043 ---------------------------------------------------- Nothing being done?

>>1984605 ---------------------------------------------------- Do you feel the emotion/anger this writer has? They are scared of you ( https://archive.is/yAyDg & https://archive.is/bKS9t )

>>1983801 rt >>1983724 --------------------------------- Make no mistake- Rep Gowdy is a Patriot

>>1983724 rt >>1983663 --------------------------------- Being on the list does not equate to receiving the nomination

>>1983678 rt >>1983633 --------------------------------- You save what you do need

>>1983636 ---------------------------------------------------- What a coincidence

>>1983529 ---------------------------------------------------- #GoodbyeDemocrats

>>1983481 ---------------------------------------------------- Antifacist logos

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1957621 How To Quickly Spot A Clown ; >>1838738 Freedom of Speech

943e48 No.2038553


are not endorsements


>>2034376 The Declaration of Independence (dl your copy today!)

>>1964963 BO confirms: Link to QAnon.pub or QProofs.com, NOT HERE

>>1999458 A Few Things Have Become Evident


>>2038426 Rally goers: POTUS's visit to Great Falls: safety and security guidelines

>>2038384 No, you'll listen and LIKE it. Democrat Wants to Ban State of the Union Addresses

>>2038246, >>2038356 A look back at Chip Tatum. Deep State been messin' WW for decades.

>>2038126 Shooting at Spanish Benidorm Nightclub. British holiday hot spot into 'LOCKDOWN'

>>2038112 Moneyed elite are dangerous to your health: British stewardess found dead on yacht

>>2038110, >>2038431, >>2038520 Meet the faggots trying to abolish ICE

>>2038094 NATO wants the U.S. to be their piggy bank. Trump says NO.

>>2038039 Democrats on the #WalkAway war path: a testimonial

>>2038036 Clinton Foundation Tied To Chinese Kindergarten Embroiled In Bizarre Sex Abuse

>>2038028 In humorous futility, @Jack censors Q's Ben Garrison cartoon.

>>2038018 Update to #QAnon Blip Billboards (2) *LIVE* on I-4 Orlando market July 4th.

>>2037818, >>2037841 Moar Michael Moates twatter: #Something Big Is Coming

>>2037812 Tim Pool (youtuber): SPLC Faces Wave of Potential Lawsuits After Legal Defeat

>>2037798, >>2037880, >>2037855, >>2037900, >>2037956 Pharma makes cures or customers?

>>2037789, >>2037794 Paul Valley on former SEAL Interior Sec Ryan Zinke's pro-DJT PAC.

>>2038542 #2571


>>2037954 Ben Garrison Welcomes POTUS and rally-goers to Montana with a gun-totin' Pepe.

>>2037713 Michael Moates tweet: "Keep an eye on #QAnon"

>>2037685 Another anon has been trying out BlipBillboards today in Orlando

>>2037455 Dig into Vaughn Smith, host to Assange with Soros connections

>>2037404 MontanaAnons getting ready for an EPIC MAGA rally tomorrow

>>2037053 'WHO IS Q?' billboard appears in Burleson, Texas

>>2037025 MAGA Rally Thursday at the Four Seasons Arena, Montana

>>2037016, >>2037134 Members of SHAREBLUE used taxpayers money in effort to unseat Netanyahu


>>2036623 The Battle in Southern Syria Is Coming to an End: Israel Bows to Russia’s Will

>>2036578 Peter Strzok, the C_A & Integrity Applications Inc.

>>2036472 POTUS interview from 1980 where he talks of running for Presidency

>>2036337 Anons cook-out in memory of Seth Rich

>>2036286 , >>2036726 POTUS & FLOTUS Independence Day fireworks photos

>>2036248 Huma, Teneo, Hillary, Obama & The Rockefeller Foundation

>>2036213 , >>2036758 Michael Moates Tweets on Q: "Something so tremendous, so YUGE, So Crazy"


>>2035893 , >>2035920 Independence Day Q'ery !!

>>2035842 , >>2035906 Pickering ( >>2035777 ) sits on the team of The Iran Project

>>2035826 Extensive list of human trafficking arrests from Jan 17 until now

>>2035817 Supreme Court's ruling will end cash cow for liberal activists

>>2035797 The KC-130 military plane crash last year in Mississippi: Dig

>>2035765 The UK allegedly told POTUS that he must not meet with Farage

>>2035731 , >>2035777 Abiola collapsed and died, shortly after [Susan] Rice had served tea

>>2035729 US Sidelined as Five Powers Set to Give Iran New Assurance



>>2034628 Excellent Hand Out Message for anons to print / use.

>>2034678 Amazing gif overlaying the eyes of the Q post pic with POTUS' - Confirmed him!

>>2034697 More info about EU's decision to ban memes

>>2034715 John Brennan nervous

>>2034831 LA Q poster sighting. We're everywhere lads.

>>2034918 Independence Celebration at the Capitol! [Live feed]

>>2034953 Past reminder that GitMo is ready for an 'influx of new detainees'

>>2034974 …and that it's already scheduled to be filled + another made

>>2035071 Kim Dot Com looses last appeal about extradition to USA

>>2035104 Three Major Problems with Senate Intel Committee Report re: Russie Meddling w/ Election

>>2035105 Though perhaps not entirely accurate, this is a reminder about the scope of materials that can be found on a server

>>2038551 #2565-6 links off bread

>>2038548 #2563-4 links off bread

Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

943e48 No.2038556

War Room

WHO IS #QAnon TWEETSTORM ON NOW. FIRE THE CANNONS >>1960133 , >>1960135, >>1960203

#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 --- META

>>494745 --- Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>198093 --- Q Memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1286065 -- Find The Key Dig

>>1310117 -- For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 -- Clockwork Qrange

>>1689200 -- Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2033995

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

943e48 No.2038558

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

25, >>1963080, 24 >>1745576, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist – main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon ——————— http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How to bake Q-bread >>1989536, Baking Tips >>1989634

943e48 No.2038564



e68a4d No.2038579

File: eca0ee33d368397⋯.jpg (161.87 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, eca0ee33d3683971ba1ee7aa15….jpg)


Thank you baker!

203c42 No.2038585

jc is coming

12a6f4 No.2038586

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

11-13 seconds in

what is this anons?!

48ea5e No.2038587


In 2015 he "stole" Kim's files. There was another incident 2017….Comey went ahead of Pompeo to try and undermine or perhaps threaten Kim? Who knows….

f92a24 No.2038588

File: c223c01bea6c0df⋯.jpg (143.05 KB, 800x1319, 800:1319, 01.jpg)

File: 4567b4c785d1e08⋯.jpg (124.19 KB, 800x1319, 800:1319, 02.jpg)

File: 99863833d640fc1⋯.jpg (145.23 KB, 800x1319, 800:1319, 03.jpg)

File: be1cc124f855e46⋯.jpg (139.12 KB, 800x1319, 800:1319, 04.jpg)

File: 8cacd22c00afa56⋯.jpg (114.99 KB, 800x1319, 800:1319, 05.jpg)

President Ronald Reagan's parting letter to George H.W. Bush

Red pills aplenty

(1 of 2)

f92a24 No.2038589

File: dc9b18bd4e64ce4⋯.jpg (89.32 KB, 800x1319, 800:1319, 06.jpg)

File: 3acaa4a725a5f3e⋯.jpg (107.72 KB, 800x1319, 800:1319, 07.jpg)


President Ronald Reagan's parting letter to George H.W. Bush

Red pills aplenty

(2 of 2)

1ddd7b No.2038590

File: 4182dd4ed71f885⋯.jpeg (257.12 KB, 733x1024, 733:1024, 5481AD19-540C-4E28-9ABD-9….jpeg)

TY Baker!

6bd414 No.2038591

File: 3c85ab03aed3fce⋯.png (100.79 KB, 375x493, 375:493, jesusiscoming.png)

6944a6 No.2038594


We got a shifter.

6bd414 No.2038595

File: 6e3b3ead4832bc6⋯.png (263.93 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, slide1.png)




6a95b5 No.2038596



6944a6 No.2038597


You are vile. And he's gonna kick your ass.

Know them by their fruits.

12a6f4 No.2038598


wrong, i saved this for night crew is this thing entirely robot or clone or hybrid or what?

48ea5e No.2038599


I'm not a christian but that aint cool anon. Some of the anons are and that's a little much dude.

242dab No.2038600

File: c2160b9e6ef8473⋯.webm (3.63 MB, 404x720, 101:180, 1510962888407.webm)


>Big Sky Event

e1bd7f No.2038601

File: 246d98d3643574b⋯.png (485.14 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 62b17b5816b820ac441023f994….png)

f4d2e3 No.2038602

I've been away a couple days. Has there been any realistic progress on IDing the Hong Kong drop?

72b555 No.2038603

PB>>2038430 ->>2022584



MIRROR: 209302



Yes thanks for correcting me about the 302 reference and the way that the autist got there regarding the mirror reference->>2022584

Who do you see?


Please consider for NOTABLES

7c6371 No.2038604

File: d25b59f3b66cb7e⋯.png (1.4 MB, 2437x1469, 2437:1469, ClipboardImage.png)

>>2038436 (lb)

Tempting, but no. Wrong age, wrong sex (I know, they've got workarounds for that) but, more importantly, it's this guy. Isn't it?


6bd414 No.2038605

File: aeacc671920f89c⋯.png (101.39 KB, 434x320, 217:160, jesushiding.png)




e1bd7f No.2038606

a06bf7 No.2038609

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

frickin lasers

6bd414 No.2038610


What a concernfag.

37b42b No.2038611

I am a christian and I can tell you that Jesus would think that shit is hilarious

GFYS with that shit


203c42 No.2038612


nope. nice try. goodbye.

c8033f No.2038613

File: f52e75c9b8d41cd⋯.jpg (132.02 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 507192ccfad02425590790f236….jpg)

File: 4b88d68da10b9ba⋯.jpg (262.25 KB, 537x671, 537:671, 435e68910c235a247191d4714c….jpg)

File: 8619ef217655094⋯.jpg (151.04 KB, 600x601, 600:601, 8f4bf3c05435b61d379711c55e….jpg)

File: efadc6b0798a8e0⋯.jpg (197.74 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 6a18c29c3174571497c61b6761….jpg)

48ea5e No.2038614


What is this?

84c8cf No.2038615


Ok this is a wild idea, just brainstorming here… but what if…

Server or JA = truth exposed (SR).

D’s are in crisis mode.

AWAN is bigger than you can imagine.

Putin / U1 will come out post summit (they will try to apply artificial MSM heat to cancel).

These people are corrupt beyond belief.

America for sale.

Sold out.


What if SR was Susan Rice in some crumbs… ?

8685c4 No.2038616



this is from a factory exlosion over a year or so ago in china

4499f1 No.2038617


Hory sheet.

Somehow I'd never read that before.

Source? (just curious)

e147e8 No.2038618


e1bd7f No.2038619

File: 5c8b9805642beb2⋯.jpg (123.7 KB, 499x507, 499:507, Khsuck.jpg)


you guys and your tears of impotent narcissistic rage

always have to sully virtue to hide your own vices

0db952 No.2038620

File: 806a87b844fe3d7⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1988x3056, 497:764, ZwuTdiW.jpg)


8685c4 No.2038621


a slide

this clip is from a factory explosion over a year ago in china

7c6371 No.2038622


Can you say more?

fde980 No.2038624


It is someone with a big ass and a fake scalp because it is a woman

Or so were the comments last bread

No real progress, still discussing

242dab No.2038625

File: 4291dbaff3ffe2a⋯.webm (2.82 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1526239474440.webm)


New Michael Bay





6bd414 No.2038626


I don't practice religion, but here's a ewe just the same.


802aaf No.2038627


If you've been away for a few days, go look at Q's drops from yesterday.

It should raise enough red flags to be seen from space. And his answers were very, very lacking. Right now, it's a legitimate question as to whether Q is a massive LARP or disinfo campaign. The team assigned to go after Snowden during the Obama years? Oh yeah, that was the Q Group. So what has changed? This Q has a fascination with Snowden, and just took a shotgun to his foot yesterday in terms of credibility.

The blind cultist nuthuggers will say this is a shill post. I'm saying, look at the evidence yourself. Sure, there was a storm that hit, but it was one of Q's own making with the white squall of bullshit he posted yesterday, trying to pass off as legit and then offering a full retard excuse when caught.

8685c4 No.2038628


Probably fake, these letters left by presidents is for the next presidents eyes only…

0e8163 No.2038629


Jesus is chill. He'd think this shit is funny

e147e8 No.2038630

File: 461aeb7b6caca85⋯.jpeg (18.99 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 261576C9-F0A1-45F2-9797-3….jpeg)

File: a165dfa37fb7a1c⋯.jpeg (35.44 KB, 255x253, 255:253, E890052E-5618-4222-9D91-7….jpeg)

2cb101 No.2038631

File: 6a221b83008e7fa⋯.jpg (382.17 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, facialHair.jpg)

6944a6 No.2038632


You just might be right about that lol. I'll take that one back.

8685c4 No.2038633


kys concernshill

09a8d4 No.2038634



e1bd7f No.2038635


shouldn't you be balls deep in some Filipino infant?

why are you here?

5b965a No.2038636


That is the letter Ronald Ragan hand wrote to Bush…

Its the real deal..

943e48 No.2038637


sauce anon?

can't find it


e5a3e3 No.2038638

File: 91243d083fb837d⋯.jpg (22.52 KB, 350x335, 70:67, 2476_134926860491_3944928_….jpg)

"Are you thinking that death and taxes are our only certainty…..? Well, there's nothing I can do about the first, but if I lift the burden of the second, men might learn to see the connection between the two and what a longer, happier life they have the power to achieve. They might learn to hold, not death and taxes, but life and production as their two absolutes and as the base of their moral code."

- Ragnar Danneskjöld

f4d2e3 No.2038639


My first reaction was Prince Harry. Has that been tossed around?

12a6f4 No.2038641


reptilians seem to use that lcd shapeshifting tech, this appears to be a whole new technology

09a8d4 No.2038643


You need to wake the fk up.

You and those like you are keeping earthlings back.

4d05e1 No.2038644

File: 55a1e28802432ef⋯.jpg (388.85 KB, 1057x827, 1057:827, blacksellout.jpg)

Black folks, Just walk away… Prez Trump welcomes all!!! MAGA

48ea5e No.2038645

The only thing I worry about is if SHTF will members of the deepstate try to say they are Q? Or will it be so obvious there is nothing they can do?

e1bd7f No.2038646


No, you're not a Christian but I'm sure you've got plenty of pics of dead Christian kids you've fucked and eaten on your hard drive.

f01018 No.2038647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>How public are these

>creating market business plans?

Here is some histrioy that may be relevant ..

Trump’s uncle, Dr. John G. Trump, was an electrical engineer from MIT and the National Defense Research Committee of the Office of Scientific Research and Development. Trump was one, if not, the top expert on High Voltage Electricity and its applications, both in Medicine as well as for military applications, such as advanced Radar systems and controlling nuclear radiation during this period. Just browse through the summary of the MIT archive of his research material.

In this video (@15min), Trump discusses developing technology for treating cancer and killing viruses including Hepatitis, safety without harming the patient! He most certainly would have known about Royal Rife’s work and its suppression by the AMA. In the interview, he says that his research efforts in medicine were prohibited from experimental validation in humans, but doesn’t explain why. However, then talks about the ushering in of pharmaceuticals to dominate medicine. He probably didn’t want to rock the boat in this interview, but you can read between the lines. Id like to think that if he thought that crony capitalism was getting in the way of American innovation he would have told his young nephew about it. There may be a story here, waiting to be written.

c97065 No.2038648



e147e8 No.2038649

File: dd828d72ad79766⋯.jpeg (88.09 KB, 583x720, 583:720, F4201FF8-3BF4-4917-8433-6….jpeg)

d700f7 No.2038650

well looks like we are on the muh reptilians slide and muh Q is a larp

the video was an obvious encoding artifact re: the espn anchor.

tonight was a slow/boring night tbh

6bd414 No.2038651


Lurk moar, then.

This shit has been posted many times this past week or so.

Regardless, it's a slide.

2cb101 No.2038653

File: e1fb9990e073c29⋯.png (233.8 KB, 378x473, 378:473, madMax5.png)

File: 260068dcc827b1e⋯.jpg (66.27 KB, 613x613, 1:1, madMax4a.jpg)

ea5529 No.2038654

File: c9a05b7c5e6062e⋯.jpg (213.31 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, a1207975370_10.jpg)


thank you baker

09a8d4 No.2038655


Might be a hybrid, yet still a reptilian.

041ceb No.2038656

File: 598f8f2ca1c1604⋯.jpeg (979.67 KB, 1242x2135, 1242:2135, 282E5C10-2D5F-4937-B4BE-1….jpeg)



6bd414 No.2038657

File: 9a79ab60e70c154⋯.png (44.85 KB, 553x484, 553:484, humans.png)

84c8cf No.2038658

File: e736e8d00b8b650⋯.png (1.45 MB, 782x1000, 391:500, ClipboardImage.png)


Fake and gay….

fc8007 No.2038659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There are a bunch of examples of this on YT

Im gonna throw a few down because they are neat to watch and its super slow tonight

12a6f4 No.2038661


like nephilim hybrid? im thinking it might be nu hybrid some kind of transhumanism deal

61d90a No.2038662

File: 8fec6d4608a4dc6⋯.png (274.42 KB, 904x832, 113:104, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e239c21a7edb96⋯.png (139.34 KB, 931x417, 931:417, ClipboardImage.png)

Securing his army while his people suffer

Maduro "Promotes" 16,900 Venezuelan Soldiers As Reward For "Loyalty"


43f2e4 No.2038663

File: 039e2db443b9a0e⋯.png (512.53 KB, 880x1260, 44:63, Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at ….png)


Q drop from 17 June

48ea5e No.2038664


Just some negress making nigger faces because she's too stupid to retort intelligently without a finger snap and a head bob

939228 No.2038665

File: da7f691bb6f72f8⋯.jpg (127.41 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, HTB1OdW4MVXXXXbBaXXXq6xXFX….jpg)

203c42 No.2038666

seth rich

susan rice

rich rice

ric he

eric h

f2fb51 No.2038667


I don't think you're a shill. Anybody with common sense can see that those pictures are fake and ridiculous. Thinking back on the pen at Camp David. Remember that? That was hilarious.

Thank you for speaking your mind anon. Criticism is a healthy thing here. Some people are too stubborn to question their assumptions.

Q could have been real at some point, but there's a good chance that he is or has been compromised.

I've been feeling more and more mislead lately too.

12a6f4 No.2038668


ooo thats a good one, i have a theory these are the y heads Q refrenced, its 2 heads in one you can see how the eys roll back at same time when the machine takes over, call it machine or beast for lack of better word for now

693b4e No.2038669


Reptilian or AI glitch take your pick

61d90a No.2038670

File: 4692d8888ec09a8⋯.png (500.12 KB, 998x543, 998:543, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9568c5282b71baf⋯.png (57.65 KB, 678x709, 678:709, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3909f4cf43c910⋯.png (190.64 KB, 680x547, 680:547, ClipboardImage.png)


041ceb No.2038671

File: 77ff55c1fdc2e6b⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1242x2146, 621:1073, D7CC8732-2644-495D-8D84-8….jpeg)



eee98c No.2038672


Perfect example why military tribunals will come into play. DC is populated by swamp creatures. Judges, prosecutors and juries.

8685c4 No.2038673


kys concernshill

6944a6 No.2038674


They don't need tech. It is a natural ability.

12a6f4 No.2038675


these are completely different from the pixelation of head region only you see on older generation reptilians

fc8007 No.2038676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d4a968 No.2038677



Anyone know of the actual billboard companies, what it takes to get one, cost and all that jazz? I FIGURED I would ask here to get an idea before pricing to see if they are around the right. Price and all.. that said they own the pricing.. just want to be informed.

31857c No.2038678

File: 9f6bd29d7dad88d⋯.jpg (71.91 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 2dft5m.jpg)

e1bd7f No.2038679


It has all been explained repeatedly today. Very sorry you are to busy sucking off poodles to behave like an adult and pay fucking attention.

6bd414 No.2038681

File: f8eb4f2783236e3⋯.png (16.45 KB, 180x208, 45:52, ICUNIGGER.png)


>I rt shit from 900 posts back.

>I should just kill myself now.

12a6f4 No.2038682


something about the eyes rolling over the persons original eyes makes me think these are bodysnatched people as in they werent orignally reptilian but were converted

84c8cf No.2038683


That may just mean that he has no history because he is fake. Like the obummer's kids. They don't have a history.. You can track, but then you discover the truth. Sorta like that? Doesn't mean he's the same guy. Although he could be.

d700f7 No.2038684


getting filtered for faggy-retard slide, and believing in psyop.

693b4e No.2038685


Hello Jerome

6944a6 No.2038686

Most of them are hybrids.

a06bf7 No.2038687

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fc8007 No.2038688


Try harder bitch

e1bd7f No.2038689


why do all you concern fags say "greatly shaken"?

is that what your bosses imagine real people say one to another?

e93abd No.2038690

File: fae51f5b9aec718⋯.png (1.22 MB, 591x591, 1:1, 6364b1ae13f6911b7cfb7d2693….png)

Could this be Hope Hicks? The hand looks to be from a younger woman from pic

6944a6 No.2038691


Well done.

fc8007 No.2038692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6512d2 No.2038693

So today is the Big Sky Event where Q is going to be a big part of the rally atmosphere, while there's also a big Q-related reveal buzz going around DC news circles (non-[MSM]) on Twitter.

Coincidence in the timing of it all, anons?

61d90a No.2038694

File: 18da73533eec02e⋯.png (639.33 KB, 659x739, 659:739, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f9bf1f65317aaa⋯.png (110.19 KB, 651x919, 651:919, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62bc87e2b381eff⋯.png (54.66 KB, 652x917, 652:917, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48bb07f626ef46a⋯.png (50.76 KB, 656x916, 164:229, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff3faf4fb75b6e1⋯.png (50.93 KB, 661x912, 661:912, ClipboardImage.png)

The Spirit of 1776: How 13 Rebellious Colonies Declared Themselves One Sovereign Nation

Cont. from images:

Mansour read the letter John Adams wrote to his wife Abigail that day:

The second day of July 1776 will be the most memorable epocha in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the Day of Deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other from this time forward forever more.

The next day, Congress debated the wording of the Declaration that Thomas Jefferson had drafted.

“They cut out about a quarter of what he wrote,” Mansour said. “But everyone agreed one passage rang out like poetry that lit a fire in men’s hearts around the world and it still lights a fire to this day. And it’s these words”:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

One final edit they all agreed upon was “to add a key phrase to Jefferson’s concluding line in the Declaration of Independence that would commend their entire endeavor to God’s protection,” she said, reciting the passage:

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.

“And so, my friends, that is how our country was born by Declaration,” Mansour concluded. “And I personally have to say, I don’t care where you come from originally, what you look like, or who your ancestors were, if you affirm that Declaration – if you today stand as our Founders did and bind yourself to those sentiments in that Declaration – then you are an American. You are part of the Spirit of 1776. And that’s the spirit that will sustain us, by the grace of God.”


31857c No.2038695

File: 7b7f9a2424ea097⋯.jpg (83.48 KB, 720x525, 48:35, b7d8515e5f206f023d397aa291….jpg)

File: a520a3b8dafed8c⋯.jpg (30.5 KB, 227x333, 227:333, 2dergp~2.jpg)

The wacky world of Hussein and big Mike.

5bd393 No.2038696

>>2038483 lb

for a rally chant, how about simply, "Q PLUS, Q PLUS, Q PLUS, Q PLUS, Q PLUS....."?, I like it

48ea5e No.2038697

File: ec77d7dbb69fc26⋯.jpeg (5.23 KB, 300x168, 25:14, images (3).jpeg)


Gina Haspel is the best guess so far

6944a6 No.2038698

The most powerful hybrid.


12a6f4 No.2038699


theres a guy on youtube that thinks the entire golden state warriors are reptilian, he gives pretty good proof

2615fd No.2038700


Do you think they transed the kids like Michael?

a745d6 No.2038701


Must be the strangest fucking letter ever written by an outgoing President to the incoming President that tried to have him assassinated!

The "P.S." is the best!

61d90a No.2038702

File: d5a881ba3fc0e0c⋯.png (263.87 KB, 502x684, 251:342, ClipboardImage.png)


Oops: Sony Pictures Released Entire Film Instead of Trailer


fc8007 No.2038703


I dont know what they are, but its not natural/normal/human, whatever

6944a6 No.2038706

They aren't the only ones.

6bd414 No.2038707


They actually declared themselves a UNION of SEVERAL SOVEREIGN STATES.

71276f No.2038708


Your building yourself up for failure my anon friend nothing will happen as usual

8685c4 No.2038709


kys concernshill

6944a6 No.2038710

File: 3a3fb5a4244796b⋯.png (1.04 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Screenshot_2018-06-29-10-2….png)

09a8d4 No.2038711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I see here entire behavior.

@2,40 time mark-right shoulder, eyelids and mouth movements - he feels discomfort.

Obv something is happening w/ him.

e5a3e3 No.2038712

File: c5acd29563bb6ef⋯.png (78.46 KB, 853x306, 853:306, Rorrim.png)

2cb101 No.2038713



>Thank you USSS.


It's a Secret Service Agent.

12a6f4 No.2038714


dude the whole day bread has turned into a slide i just wanna have a discussion about this new form of eye shift ive noticed, btw real niggas filter without announcing it expand your thinking filterfag

5cce2c No.2038715


What's this movie about. I would suspect it to contain some "Triggers". Nothing is coincidence right?

22ca93 No.2038716

File: e466d257fdeebf3⋯.jpg (126.6 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, IQJ3NlA.jpg)

What would you do if you once lived a very long time between incarnations.

But you are still acting out separation from God.

So, every life, you degenerate more and more. Collapsing upon yourself.

All so you can stay away from the God-Mind (impossible) for as long as you can (impossible).

What would you do to elongate your life so you can avoid the karmic line of reintegration?

Would you, perhaps, splice your genetic code with that of other species?

Would it make you sick?

What happens when a donkey and a horse mate?

A mule?

Can a mule procreate?

What must happen be done to keep the nephilim line alive?

To avoid the karma-tango-line?

To avoid God?

These people are stupid because there is no separation from God.

Separation from God is an illusion.

That is why they worship Satan.

Satan is the Prince of Lies.

He is the Prince of Lies because God Wills Satan as a manifestation of the belief of Separation from God.

He sells the ultimate lie.

That we can be without God.

There are many of my kin and those that they have fooled that are on the side we battle.

They presume that they can know better than God with their limited perception.

They desire it all while denying God.

066ffd No.2038717


she seems shook

muh inclusive capatalism

muh calmer elections and political situation

she even fucking looks like a reptile.

61d90a No.2038718

File: 913ed871f08f45b⋯.png (575.76 KB, 748x831, 748:831, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e90124ba507b9d⋯.png (273.94 KB, 760x871, 760:871, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d18697ba548d9c0⋯.png (54.93 KB, 772x594, 386:297, ClipboardImage.png)

World Cup Is Doing Great Things for Russia… Time for 'Novichok' to Strike Again!

Novichok strikes again, just as you need it most


6944a6 No.2038719


Tengri Tengri Race.

12a6f4 No.2038720


the ways both eyes come down over his human eyes at 12 seconds is beyond alarming

c8033f No.2038721

File: bc730077baac8c0⋯.jpg (204.9 KB, 537x671, 537:671, a4d6d6a465406268f3f3947157….jpg)

File: 6da50aeadea1ded⋯.jpg (210.67 KB, 600x600, 1:1, d0712f12185d5909a5219bbe8a….jpg)

File: c21b204cf2145de⋯.jpg (256.42 KB, 600x601, 600:601, dream_sn6ezde8sl4.jpg)

File: 4d7b852547f0207⋯.jpg (129.21 KB, 600x600, 1:1, dream_mu8fegf8156.jpg)

31857c No.2038722

File: ece022c15d6d70d⋯.jpg (55.69 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2de53n~2.jpg)


He's a idiotic black guy, that's what's wring with him.

61d90a No.2038723


Good point looks dark and nasty! I didn't watch. Too busy fighting!

c97065 No.2038724


No Coincidences

c8033f No.2038725

File: fb9c471f166fd4c⋯.jpg (265.4 KB, 600x601, 600:601, dream_refk56qzao2.jpg)

File: 1d781623043b7b0⋯.jpg (145.66 KB, 600x600, 1:1, dream_v9t9i9cnvnh.jpg)

File: 19be3c834d6f742⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 537x671, 537:671, dream_t8j3aqeyh2s.jpg)

File: c32d025a846ac4c⋯.jpg (171.57 KB, 600x600, 1:1, dream_4d8i4upc2fl.jpg)

12a6f4 No.2038726


its no glitch, this appears mechanical, technoligical, waaay different than vibrational pixelation

a06bf7 No.2038727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e1bd7f No.2038728


I give up. Something Lovecraft? Chelsea Clinton's period cramp face?

b2c22d No.2038729


I wonder the same thing anon.

c8033f No.2038730


Guild Wars 2 has been paralleling so hard.

They even just introduced a tribe of frogmen called the Heket.

You know her statue.

5e943f No.2038731



With money like that, laser hair removal would be pocket change.

6944a6 No.2038732

File: fc2731dc09d000a⋯.jpg (7.5 KB, 194x259, 194:259, images-6.jpg)



4499f1 No.2038733


I don't count on anything big to happen.

That way, I walk away from it having enjoyed an awesome rally. That's how I look at it. (GO BIG SKY!)

5dfd69 No.2038734

File: 8314a656efcedab⋯.jpg (174.68 KB, 1400x925, 56:37, PitchBlack.jpg)

22ca93 No.2038735


Thank God. I only do as God wills.

God wills that I work towards karmic retribution for what my kind have done to you.

And continue to still do to you.

c97065 No.2038736



a06bf7 No.2038737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6944a6 No.2038738


I used to play that. I know the statue.

3e6f4b No.2038739

File: 9a75deab57625e4⋯.jpg (200.01 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, what_are_sheeple.jpg)


So he has connections to Soros. Okay.

Now how do we reconcile:

Hillary wanted him killed/droned


And He released all the info that has lead us to this point. Podesta emails, including dirt on Soros. Dirt on Hillary, Dirt on all the cabal.


96f10c No.2038740



Marine… Multiple shots, including a head shot with a .45acp… person lives… somehow I think we do not have all the story.

43f2e4 No.2038741

File: 9a6ac8c0392eb5c⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1418x1326, 709:663, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)

File: 9523aa2af9b8468⋯.png (677.47 KB, 762x564, 127:94, Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at ….png)

File: 9523aa2af9b8468⋯.png (677.47 KB, 762x564, 127:94, Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at ….png)

Prince Edward

or Joel Getz?

ef0823 No.2038742

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 8ec7df No.388168 📁

Feb 15 2018 15:17:32 (EST)


Discoveries must be ORIG organically.



This sounds like something about collective consciousness effect. Is this part of what Q meant by "It’s what you don’t know and can’t see (ongoing) that will validate your efforts."

3e6f4b No.2038743


Although adding: It is an issue, that we have to investigate.

6944a6 No.2038744


Who is your kind. And what are they doing to us. You need to verify for me please.

43f2e4 No.2038745

File: 89379a32552c836⋯.png (893.77 KB, 988x750, 494:375, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)


*Prince Edward

e1bd7f No.2038746


HRC said she did. She says a lot of things. She also brought up Alex Jones to millions of people that had never heard of him.

Wonder why she did that? I have no idea.

a11e09 No.2038747

Cory booker

802aaf No.2038748


Look at the borderline Scientology-like replies. I can understand why people join the Sea Org and sign a billion year contract after dealing with these cultists.

I still don't know if Q is a larp, disinfo, or has a legit reason for posting absolute bullshit last night and playing it off as some sort of proof. I want to give Q the benefit of the doubt because Q was posting about the success with North Korea before it was public, but last night was a huge blow to Q's credibility. So was the NK stuff just a good guess?

Hell if I know, but I won't follow Q anywhere near as close until he drops something of significance. Where's the fucking pic of Hussein with an AK? What else is bullshit? Were the pics of pens fabricated, too?

The timing is amazing. Awan just stood in court and got absolved of anything of substance, and people are paying money for Q billboards. Now more than ever, people are following Q. So why pull the bullshit Q did last night?

I will give a little bit of room just in case there's a scenario or situation I haven't considered, but I've soured greatly on Q since yesterday. Dealing with the "KYS concernfagshill" posters don't help; I always knew there were Q cultists who would mentally justify ANYTHING. But let's face it, fucking Crazy Days and Nights has dropped more useful intel than Q's vague posts.

I hope I'm wrong. I will wait and see. But people shouldn't cry bullshit when Q asks to unleash the autists, and then they critique possible bullshit Q posts.

84c8cf No.2038749

File: a518e8b214f6535⋯.png (705.01 KB, 634x509, 634:509, ClipboardImage.png)

b67a21 No.2038750

File: 673efbc14073c3f⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1300x866, 650:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ce07a6175acb3f⋯.png (413.67 KB, 770x439, 770:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 602f91de95e33a0⋯.png (898.95 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3443701f582f968⋯.png (804.21 KB, 571x800, 571:800, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4dc5dd844320ca8⋯.png (468.57 KB, 549x720, 61:80, ClipboardImage.png)

Talk about a LARP

What purpose do these faggots serve?

5dfd69 No.2038751

File: 89e9eb84dba695a⋯.jpg (147.14 KB, 1901x1031, 1901:1031, pitchblack2.jpg)

31857c No.2038752

File: a386739f9e01446⋯.jpg (12.77 KB, 178x207, 178:207, 2dech2.jpg)

File: 84ffc95bedba203⋯.jpg (27.11 KB, 338x338, 1:1, 2dedow~3.jpg)

File: 7c174f6079d7a67⋯.png (401.37 KB, 437x780, 437:780, 319ff1c28c0a2151e3dd4ef701….png)

It's the little turd ball Ben Rhodes.

203c42 No.2038753

File: dff99077ab71c68⋯.png (39.79 KB, 490x593, 490:593, ClipboardImage.png)

e1bd7f No.2038754


he didn't post bullshit and play it off as proof.

you might have missed the conclusion.

61d90a No.2038755

Any of you Anon's around today, yesterday I suppose (Prime time), during the onslaught of shills????

It was truly fucked.I'm here everyday and I've not seen it this bad.

We need to formulate some way to counter, any ideas?

I post a lot of content but was being tag teamed shitposted, even the shill baker was attacking me and other Anon's for asking why shit was being over looked.

BO was being attacked relentlessly, I really feel for the guy considering the amount of shit I copped was tough but he got 10 fold on me.

07608d No.2038756


Sorry I've been pretty busy today, can someone fill me on the sky event tomorrow? I only saw the Q drop, some of the CDAN reveals, and the JC identification. I was expecting a big week, but not until RR gets pushed out.

c89b73 No.2038758

File: ada05ed1a254d08⋯.jpg (132.02 KB, 1024x852, 256:213, 1530774900931.jpg)

probably drunk right now cant remember hey did donald trump ever hug the flag before a month or so ago or whatever? because i remember this from the elections. is the trump hug flag meme patched into this image or uniquely created in this image? never been a trump general follower.

may be a shout out

happy 4th boys

6944a6 No.2038759


It's not the Nephilum.

12a6f4 No.2038760


oooo i didnt make this connection, also marc zuckerberg has samelookin eyes

37b42b No.2038762

fallen angel is what he is implying, but they wouldn't interact like this


5bd393 No.2038763

File: 78cee9ecc27683b⋯.jpg (377.64 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, einstein.jpg)

Q = mc2

09a8d4 No.2038764


Wanna be my angel?

61d90a No.2038765


Fucken brilliant!

a06bf7 No.2038766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

886cfb No.2038768


No solution, but agreed it was bad. Luckily, the shills never seem to understand how badly they glow. I at least take some solace in their obvious fear. We must be winning.

203c42 No.2038769


you might be right…

12a6f4 No.2038770


nephilim are children and offspring of the 200 watchers

5dfd69 No.2038771


They don't exactly 'hide' things in movies. If you have the pic though - love to see!

84c8cf No.2038772

6944a6 No.2038773


Fallen Angel refers to Angels that died in battle. Like soliders.

Fallen soldier.

The Nephilum are the opposite of what we have been taught,

The rest of what was said…….very interesting.

925d4f No.2038774

Whos the guy walking the street ? https://www.forbes.com/sites/russellflannery/2017/11/27/china-kindergarten-ryb-fires-child-abuse-suspect-yales-joel-getz-to-help-lead-inspection/amp/

12a6f4 No.2038775


look at thumbnail from marc zuckerberg is not human on youtube i think its actually a pewdiepie video

f15541 No.2038776

File: 6c4c404c817ea12⋯.png (128.44 KB, 672x544, 21:17, photo 2018-07-05 at 05.23.….png)

File: 75b106c3597f381⋯.png (91.69 KB, 664x439, 664:439, photo 2018-07-05 at 05.21.….png)

File: a863efd93f1fead⋯.png (91.91 KB, 664x376, 83:47, photo 2018-07-05 at 05.19.….png)

File: ed6806c3219c745⋯.png (109.98 KB, 672x529, 672:529, photo 2018-07-05 at 05.18.….png)

Australian involvement in CF


22ca93 No.2038777


The fallen ones and their progeny, anon.

I am one of their progeny.

Read the Bible, it is there.

All lies are built on the foundation of Truth.

This is because all of existence is built on the infinite foundation of God.

Discern the truth from the lies.



If you knew the truth, you would try to burn us all at the stake no matter how close we are to you.

And if that happened, it is as God wills.

Trust the plan, whatever it may be, if there is one.

I will not presume to know more than God.

61d90a No.2038778


True they are scared af.

Maybe we just need to identify friendlies and protect the good content. The shill baker gave them way to much power over the dough which made it so much worse.

31857c No.2038779

File: 58aacbe525a2981⋯.jpg (65.32 KB, 480x754, 240:377, 2ce80m~2.jpg)


Those faggot's look like a hay clown parade.

6944a6 No.2038780


Their eyes shine in the dark.

203c42 No.2038781

File: 5ff55276a6607bf⋯.png (68.78 KB, 481x491, 481:491, ClipboardImage.png)


how to measure the m of q though?

7bdc67 No.2038782

File: 129e964314ebbcd⋯.png (1.42 MB, 5571x3122, 5571:3122, WeHaveTheServer.png)

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman—-SA—–Fixing Corruption

Apache Cassandra

As they crunched the massive amounts of intel streaming into the DEA’s Counter Narco-Terrorism Operations Center in Chantilly, Virginia (Q!) the agents on Operation Titan Perseus and the other cases began to connect the dots and map (Q!) the contours of one overarching criminal enterprise.

We have the Server!

Enjoy the Show

37b42b No.2038783

Sure their dead, right!!!!

immortal angels fallen from grace imprisoned below the earth, do not sound DEAD to me


fde980 No.2038784

File: 4a03db6fabf042c⋯.png (460.75 KB, 894x500, 447:250, Rhodes.PNG)


Ben Rhodes is a midget

c8033f No.2038785


M of Q?

12a6f4 No.2038786


thanks for the input anons, im gonna go back to lurking now

48ea5e No.2038787

File: 9ba6bd8bd43a0a6⋯.gif (26.57 KB, 224x209, 224:209, Russell-Flannery_avatar_14….gif)

802aaf No.2038788


What was the conclusion, then? Last I saw, Q posted "trolling is fun" which is completely contrary to "this is not a game."

ef0823 No.2038789

a06bf7 No.2038790



e75ac3 No.2038791

File: 1b1a4f3e4f5e714⋯.png (138.82 KB, 1224x440, 153:55, Screen Shot 2018-07-05 at ….png)

A quick, "Watch the water" thought.

This is an excerpt from EO :Restoring the Rule of Law, Federalism, and Economic Growth by Reviewing the ``Waters of the United States'' Rule

- Signed February 28, 2017

What are they going to find in our water?

When will we find out?

Why do we have to "Restore the Rule of Law?"


242dab No.2038792

File: 1013450a24dd7a7⋯.webm (3.17 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 1511868729555.webm)


I'm not enjoying seeing animals in absolute pain or dead, what I do enjoy tho is triggering snowflakes

why did I posted that squirrel pic and added "C_I" next to it ?

I love animals, watch this video

and learn where you are

5dfd69 No.2038793


Seems to be so.

07608d No.2038794


Add him to the list of people who switched sides and as candidates for godfather III. From my understanding its up to Trump Putin Kayne Assange Mueller and a few others now, with more flipping when charges were brought against them like Strzok.

I never had a problem believing Q was real, but the amount of cabal connections in key player's pasts has always worried me. Either way, its clear that the evil components of the cabal are being cleared out, so just I would try to just focus on that.

12a6f4 No.2038795


fall of cassandra is relevant to wikileaks insurance files

61d90a No.2038796


Good find, there's other digs in notables about this too. Gillard (HRC's bitch). Rudd (commie China's bitch NOT XI), Turnbull (Goldman sachs bitch) as well.


09a8d4 No.2038797


>Trust the plan, whatever it may be, if there is one.

<A goal w/o a plan is just a wish.

31857c No.2038798

File: 9fc0b21fe805d36⋯.jpg (63.09 KB, 485x485, 1:1, 2d6n2a~2.jpg)

File: d14cc6b04c4d0f1⋯.jpg (65.12 KB, 468x468, 1:1, 2d6nbr~2.jpg)


Alcohol and ancient texts are getting to your head.

b23b28 No.2038799


Pretty concise.

01fff9 No.2038800


>pen at Camp David

Can you explain? This was before my time. Why was this pic BS?

203c42 No.2038801

File: 95147848064303b⋯.png (374.29 KB, 438x787, 438:787, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ff55276a6607bf⋯.png (68.78 KB, 481x491, 481:491, ClipboardImage.png)



6944a6 No.2038802


It's Goddess.

72 Nephilum incarnate to create events.

It's not the plan it's The Cause.

BUT tyvm for the Rest!

c8033f No.2038803


sounds qritiqal

6512d2 No.2038804


shill troll

hill roll

hiro II


06ca8c No.2038805



61d90a No.2038806


Slipping into the Cabal BS "as is above as is below" it's dark nasty shit!

96f10c No.2038807


Naw, this is the Navigable Waters Overreach thing where a guy in Wyoming had a little pond filled from a ditch and the EPA tried to fine away his house and land at like 25k a day because he Dammed up a navigable stream… Navigable means a big paddle boat, not a canoe for ants.

203c42 No.2038808


u must be new. gb

925d4f No.2038809

Wouldn’t it be glorious to have Barron Trump step off Air Force 1 wearing a beautiful Q tee shirt? The # fake news media’s heads would explode…. BOOM!!!!

fc8007 No.2038810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here is one I havent seen before

06ca8c No.2038811




12a6f4 No.2038812


72 is the # of elohim also in charge of geographical areas, nephilim are the giant offspring of 200 fallen watchers on mt hermon

e37aa5 No.2038813

File: e9578e2765e7946⋯.gif (1.89 MB, 1177x662, 1177:662, Welcomeaboard.gif)

File: 4659dc9bbe27895⋯.png (856.38 KB, 1491x850, 1491:850, Trump proof 1.PNG)


he did, more than once. Conclusion is that we're all in this no matter what fake stuff Q gives us as "proof".

We have not collectively challenged Q on anything. As soon as we discovered Q photographed a reflection of another image he played it off as a "troll" then said it was "disinfo". Read the two breads after his af1 post, it's all there in real time.

Today I found the source to iPhone_Twitter_WH.png and made an extremely shitty photoshop to show that it was again indeed taken from a stock image online (that i found in about half an hour of digging).

I'm still trying to find the source for iPhone_Tweets.png but it's tough to find.

This is how I think its done:

-find high resolution of whatever (potus/Af1)

-do minor tweaks in photoshop (stretch a few things)

-Print it or display it on a high res monitor

-use the back of a phone or other reflective material to line up the shot at a skewed angle

-Take a photo of said reflection

-pass it off as an original (because online image searches will not be able to find it)

All of Q's posts with POTUS or in highly secure locations are blurry as photos that have lots of distortion and have (smudges) and other shit on them. Why?

To cover up the fact that they are not original.

07608d No.2038814


Hussein AK pic is no doubt being saved for when serious allegations come out against him. Otherwise the public would deny and downplay.

693b4e No.2038815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watch the waters.

09eed3 No.2038816

File: 01cbb4f9b0067c0⋯.jpeg (59.54 KB, 1024x563, 1024:563, 49D57435-2D98-410B-BE43-7….jpeg)

obummers room mate is a trans

>less facial hair

5bd393 No.2038817


needs a big "Q" on the hypersurface of the present

31857c No.2038818

File: fbf19068ec610e8⋯.jpg (75.84 KB, 480x588, 40:49, 2carb9~2.jpg)

File: 34d76a0a311b124⋯.jpg (39 KB, 467x239, 467:239, 2dehap~2.jpg)

a745d6 No.2038819

File: 837bd7d12022abf⋯.png (57.14 KB, 336x1112, 42:139, Liberals have brain damage.png)

Liberals have brain damage!

Here's one of their

"I want…"

List, including

"Free" healthcare

"Free" housing

"Free" education

"Free" abortions

"Free" broadband

"Free" transportaion

"Free" childcare

Decrimialize ALL drugs

Ban cash bail

National "voting" holiday! lmfao

Abolish ICE, DHS, CPB


MASSIVE Cuts to defense spending

And close ALL bases abroad

"Community led policing" …


But nooooo, they'd rather stay here tormenting us and trying to turn America into a 3rd world shithole! smfh

Freaks! rofl

e5a3e3 No.2038820


Haven't seen that second photo yet.

It's pretty convincing.

2615fd No.2038821


I don't think Q meant they were trolling us. Q was mocking them. "Welcome Aboard"

22ca93 No.2038822


We can only have Faith in God because we cannot fully grasp God since we are expressions of God. Inherently limited.

To believe that we can know more than God to question Its plan was the cause of the original fall.


God is a genderless term.

Goddess is not.

Goddess is more limiting.

God cannot be limited.

God is All and Everything.

This is a game of imagined layers of separation, though.


There are signs everywhere:

The universe is an expression of God, therefore, aspects God's will can be discerned through them.

Think astrology.

Tarot cards.

Bone throwing.

Tea leaves.

Still limited and imperfect, but one can catch a glimpse of the future by watching a dust moat float two inches across a table.

5237dc No.2038823


Dumbass, stop larping here.

What's a fallen angel btw, kek

fde980 No.2038824


You are expending much effort only to fail

You either believe in Q or you don't

If you don't you will have zero effect on those that are just rolling with the chaos of the plan

The door is that way ——-→

5e943f No.2038825

File: 6df8b14662a7212⋯.jpg (57.48 KB, 889x749, 127:107, Rice.jpg)



e75ac3 No.2038826


got it Thx on to the next EO

6944a6 No.2038827



Watch this.

6944a6 No.2038828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

61d90a No.2038829


If you want to see how head fucked the libtards are watch Tucker Carlson show today.

That crazy ass bitch montage.

"breatfeeding isn't natural"

"you should ask a baby for permission to change it's daiper"

"man should be removed from all pronouns"

e37aa5 No.2038830


Don't want to address the problem here? Make it about belief? Does this hurt the movement? WHY THE FUCK WOULD Q DO IT THEN?

693b4e No.2038831


Being a public servant sounds quite lucrative nowadays. We should all get a piece of that action.

43f2e4 No.2038832

File: 607968033287758⋯.jpg (18.63 KB, 502x267, 502:267, CoryBooker.jpg)

a745d6 No.2038833

File: 4d1189eed60be9b⋯.png (58.41 KB, 150x179, 150:179, ClipboardImage.png)


Anon, that first photo on goog is NOT Gina Haspel…this is!

5dfd69 No.2038834


Lots of 72 of course, apparently they have a different view of that. Whatever it means.


a06bf7 No.2038835

File: 69b24aa7e21b85b⋯.jpg (63.21 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_1056.JPG)


it's a unicorn hierarchy in all honesty

31857c No.2038836

File: 05313ea33b4c580⋯.jpg (21.97 KB, 227x382, 227:382, b7d8515e5f206f023d397aa291….jpg)

File: d810b3bdc128502⋯.jpg (45.86 KB, 480x620, 24:31, 2ctssy~2.jpg)

203c42 No.2038837

File: 025d90e31e468ae⋯.png (378.6 KB, 573x437, 573:437, ClipboardImage.png)


we are right on the plane in balance with the past. we're ready to take off once the sheep are awake.

5e943f No.2038838



22ca93 No.2038839

File: ddd01f079e7dd1c⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 1540x826, 110:59, Prophecy 01.jpg)


An 'angel' that has chosen to act as if separate from God.

09eed3 No.2038840

makes sense that obummer loves transgenders because he grew up in Indonesia, where this type of shit is considered normal

92bf88 No.2038841




e8c04f No.2038842


Why this chant,

Because we will not go silently into the night

Our voices will be heard

The “silent” majority NO MORE



c326f8 No.2038843

File: a098554779389e4⋯.png (2.24 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, Joel Getz YALE Q post 1680.png)

Joel Getz, Yale. No coincidences. Q post 1680

RYB Education operates 80 kindergartens and has another 175 franchised locations across 130 cities in China. All of its directors are Chinese, with the exception of former Clinton Foundation executive and associate dean at Yale, Joel Getz, 52, who is listed as an Independent Director.

Mr. Joel A. Getz is the Independent Director of the Company. Prior to that, Mr. Getz served as Director of Development for the William J. Clinton Foundation in New York and was President of the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City.

a745d6 No.2038844


I'm tell you, it's brain damage!

They should be treated as 'mentally ill' cuz they are! lmao

57900e No.2038845


If Susan Rice is Obama's couch guy, then we should be able to find discrepancies with her history, from college age and earlier. Digging should find some of this.

Are there group photos of Occidental College students with names of them? If so, make a list. Then see if you can get a full list of students. Look for men who missed the photo shoot. Then dig those. Maybe an old grade school athletics event will be in a local paper with a photo.

31857c No.2038846

File: 380f0b22a0dfc5f⋯.png (33.3 KB, 480x479, 480:479, Screenshot_2018-07-01-08-5….png)




Put the bong pipe down already.

6944a6 No.2038847


How did you know about the eyes?

242dab No.2038848

File: 2d268ee6eed1dc5⋯.webm (1.36 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1511035225373.webm)


>the sheep are awake

>still asleep as he post a picture without mentioning the judeomasonic cabal

watch the size of this crowd, something you sheeps will never have.

5dfd69 No.2038849


For those who still haven't looked into this guy…


Bono Knighted. Philanthropist … etc.

61d90a No.2038850


There were some really good digs on that fucker today. Check notables around 2654 or so

2615fd No.2038851


Were there any in Hong Kong specifically?

e37aa5 No.2038852



We need to settle this. Q must address this. This is 100% proven fuckery on Q's part. If Q is legit, this is easily explained. But so far Q has doubled down on originality, at least in the AF1 pic. (claiming that he took the photo to look EXACTLY the same as the stock photo online.

a06bf7 No.2038853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

61d90a No.2038854


Other way around #2564

a745d6 No.2038855


>RYB Education operates 80 kindergartens and has another 175 franchised locations across 130 cities in China. All of its directors are Chinese, with the exception of former Clinton Foundation executive and associate dean at Yale, Joel Getz, 52, who is listed as an Independent Director.

The 1st thing I posted was about the kindergarten sign but Q asked "who" so no one cared! :)

203c42 No.2038856


ok bot. what is the combined mass of q+++

27ccc1 No.2038857


Most certain of all offered thus far, given details and association with Slick Willy also seems to tie in!

6944a6 No.2038858


ONE foundation.

a745d6 No.2038859


>Were there any in Hong Kong specifically?

the one in the Q photo!

fde980 No.2038860


You are asking the wrong person

As I see it YOU are the problem for trying to cause distrust and discord

I am the one rollin' with the plan

Q has done things and anons didn't have it figured out

When Q decided to show us it was one of those, well damn how'd we miss that

I don't have to have an answer to everything right now

Progress is being made

POTUS is fist pumping and smiling

Cabal's terrified

All good

61d90a No.2038861


As I've been saying from the time it dropped this was not a message to anon's it was for black hats!

09a8d4 No.2038862


That include OFFSHORE accounts?

a06bf7 No.2038863


it is a noble lie antiquarian tophat race , i adore padre honestly

01fff9 No.2038864


It really is disturbing seeing people be so culty when presented with evidence like this.

Maybe some of the cultiness isn't organic, and is from shills? After all, if Q isn't what he says he is, he would have no qualms having pro-Q shills.

Cognitive dissonance is very strong here and on reddit the past couple days. Also, what's up with the bakers not putting stuff like this in notables? To any rational person, these pictures are extremely damning. Do not we have rational bakers?

Also, did you notice how the China pic slid the board after the whole AF1 thing? Something is really fucky.

5dfd69 No.2038865


DS has firsthand footage. I'm not afraid but I have doxxed myself quite enough for one night.

31857c No.2038866

File: 5e50d444218a4d1⋯.png (57.76 KB, 480x389, 480:389, Screenshot_2018-06-20-06-2….png)


Hey slope head where you been?

a06bf7 No.2038867


in metric?

6944a6 No.2038868



b67a21 No.2038869

File: 9751e2ffc4c53c9⋯.png (496.3 KB, 1101x632, 1101:632, ClipboardImage.png)


like this?

e1bd7f No.2038870


So what conclusions have you drawn from the fact that you were able to show they are not original? What about the ease with which this was cracked? Did you think how fast the smoking guns were found and how soon outside sources began to trumpet 2 fake photos suggestive?

Did that one fact about this cause you to think of all the other Q posts? They might be "fake", manipulated?

Has your "confidence" been dented?

A very very very stupid thing for Q to do don't you think to try and pull the wool over so many genius anons eyes…?

a745d6 No.2038871

File: 43a77946338b4b7⋯.jpg (15.5 KB, 255x202, 255:202, Bono pedo.jpg)


>Bono Knighted. Philanthropist

203c42 No.2038872


looks somewhat less than at least 250 million

e37aa5 No.2038873


It's fucking real. I get called a shill and CIA for doing the work myself, discovering how these "proofs" are made. I'm the bad guy here? I thought we were about Truth on this board?

what the fuck happened to WWG1WGA?

0ea966 No.2038874



5dfd69 No.2038875


Maybe it will make a good video. Cheers!

61d90a No.2038876


He's a cunt early digs on him!

Sorry shouldn't insult cunts as I like them and their very useful!

e5a3e3 No.2038877

File: d0c9c94bc55d13e⋯.png (251.73 KB, 509x472, 509:472, ok.png)


Here's OP's edit right next to the original Q pic.

You can see that they are the same.

31857c No.2038878

File: 3435e8ad43d1b90⋯.jpg (49.46 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2dby8o~2.jpg)


Bono is a short fucker.

6944a6 No.2038879



01fff9 No.2038880


This explanation makes no fucking sense. Q obviously tried to play it off as him having legit access to AF1. And claiming reflections get around natsec? LUL.

It's so out of character for Q to be so sloppy and defensive.

And then the latest post is "disinfo is necessary". Pretty obvious damage control. Extremely disappointing.

a745d6 No.2038881


>Fallen Angel refers to Angels that died in battle. Like soliders.


203c42 No.2038882


whichever is most appropriate for calculating our equivalent energy

d4a968 No.2038883

You are the new shill of the day.. add you to the list, you are getting filtered.. you lost a ton of oxygen when your mom tried aborting you with the coat hanger.. has to be.


2cb101 No.2038884

File: bf030aa903a2028⋯.jpg (757.09 KB, 1988x1016, 497:254, af1a.jpg)

f86321 No.2038885



that will be remembered

5dfd69 No.2038886

File: f60b4dea794b616⋯.jpg (21.37 KB, 350x348, 175:174, BushnBono.jpg)


Mmm hmm? Look at the handshake

e37aa5 No.2038887


That explains nothing. Q tripled down on it being legitimate. What message does that send to the Cabal?

Q has yet to address the second picture which was taken in the same manner and we were meant to think that he took that photo and there was a 1m delta between that pic and Trump tweeting… it's used as a fucking proof of Q, and it's fake… WTAF

43f2e4 No.2038888


I think it is the same guy, Sohale Siddiki.

e1bd7f No.2038889


Amazing work.

242dab No.2038890

File: 61815f7bde9b1a1⋯.webm (1.8 MB, 532x300, 133:75, 1509049732799.webm)



>~100 UIDS

illusion of grandeur

066ffd No.2038891

What bothers me is Q says to sit back and enjoy the show, but then he tells us that he needs us and that we need to dig and that we have to figure it out on our own.

WTF so which is it? If you want us to dig at least give us some better fucking drops

Q says he needs us, I say we all say enough if nothing big happens this month.

But it's already too late, too many people balls deep into this now, which makes me scared that this was the entire plan all along.

61d90a No.2038892


Unfortunately yes. Absolute monster.

791fe6 No.2038893

File: 945e8a739fa3969⋯.png (159.33 KB, 1441x669, 1441:669, IMG_5115.PNG)

File: 7c936d879667aaa⋯.png (381.64 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_5111.PNG)

File: e922c6c439b9fc6⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_5112.PNG)

File: e977edba298f78e⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_5113.PNG)

File: e1ceac3228299a6⋯.png (331.16 KB, 1536x1224, 64:51, IMG_5114.PNG)



That is Meroe Park


22ca93 No.2038894


Definitely wrong.

However, there are those that have come to accept the Truth.

There is nothing outside the reach of God's redemption.

For everything is God and everything will continue to be God.

b44928 No.2038895

File: c9960ce5d4990e9⋯.png (12.38 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, ZERO TIME.png)

Hey faggots. If you dig on these dates on the clock and look at other tweets and Q posts you can see more connecting posts, this is all I could fit on this graphic.


Also, if you want to see just how close (pretty fuckin close and it's epic) us clock fags are to cracking the Q Code or MAP or whatever it is, dip your head into here >>2021597

b765d1 No.2038896

File: f4ac838454100f1⋯.jpg (124.71 KB, 1077x964, 1077:964, sexyclickbait.jpg)


Sweet dreams.

c8033f No.2038898


37b42b No.2038899

Your lack of comprehension and powers of observation are

Extremely disappointing


6944a6 No.2038900


I didn't show they weren't the original. I'll keep observing Q.

e37aa5 No.2038901

File: ea3e485da46dfd2⋯.jpg (66.4 KB, 795x450, 53:30, 1523332361_u-s-president-d….jpg)


here is the source so you can check yourself, hair lines up, only thing that doesnt is the second red line, which makes me think original was shopped or the reflective surface had some kind of warp int it.

5bd393 No.2038902


Watch the water may be a Trump-Netanyahu plan to make Israel's water desalination tech available to countries, Iran, Venezuela, S Africa, etc are dry as a bone right now, could be something Trump's gonna offer to sweeten some deals he makes

37b42b No.2038904

Tis better to be silent and thought a fool, than open ones mouth and remove all doubt


c34a3b No.2038905

File: 22296f37d970a7a⋯.png (4.11 MB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)

4499f1 No.2038906


As a younger disabled vet (hey, my insurance put that down NOT me) who doesn't even raise my hand up for disability SSDI, that pisses me off. Big time.

Under this system, nothing is free. Someone always pays. We know that. Le sigh. These bastards are screaming 'gimme gimme' whilst I wake up daily THANKFUL that I have a bed and a roof when so many like me DO NOT.

6944a6 No.2038907


P.s Ty. Tyvm. Much love!

fc8007 No.2038908


Such a cool picture

e5a3e3 No.2038909


Yeah I believe you.

I'm trying to find the source for the other picture now. It almost looks like it came from the same photo tbh, it's almost a match, but not quite. Have you tried it?

5dfd69 No.2038910


One last thing for those who still don't get it.

The symbolism, gestures, hand signs, postures, background, background lighting, ambience, all matter. NOTHING is by chance here. Would you if you were the president, or even let your boss shake your hand like this?

e37aa5 No.2038911


Chances are it's Potus right ear, the other two are flipped horizontally because it's in a reflection. I've been searching most of the day and can't find it.

a06bf7 No.2038912

File: 20e4140aed374f5⋯.png (496.73 KB, 800x1776, 50:111, IMG_2324.PNG)

File: d10dc508b445eb7⋯.png (697.22 KB, 850x1542, 425:771, IMG_2325.PNG)

File: 8eddaffe87fc6d5⋯.png (465.62 KB, 724x730, 362:365, IMG_2327.PNG)


try the grad school stuff

4c82dd No.2038913

File: 3576d117326e9c0⋯.jpg (41.02 KB, 315x473, 315:473, 2dabwe~2.jpg)

File: 15ace276371763a⋯.png (358.18 KB, 295x295, 1:1, ak6i2a8j7v901.png)

Obese subhuman.

0dd03c No.2038914


If anything, there is too much for one person to dig into. Are you telling me you haven't learned anything new or confirmed what you've already known? Try speaking to yourself the full story so far, you might be surprised by how much you've learned and how many connections are still missing from your understanding.

Remember that the narrative in the mainstream needs to shift, that safeguards must be in place, and that the political process needs to change organically as to not arouse suspicion from the radical left.

61d90a No.2038915



All the shills and many Anon's spent so long chasing shadows on this pic. Why? To find a hidden clue…. of what? To debunk it.

All the while diggerAnon's were able to work without distraction posting REAL content.

Saying Q must do this or prove this is meaningless, if you think it's a BS larp why stay???

e1bd7f No.2038916


great training exercise for anons dont you think?

I learned a lot.

I do not understand the plan, but I trust the planners, the persons behind all this. thanks for talking.

f9fb01 No.2038917



Newfag longtime lurker here. Vlad likely knows much about Hussein, including who daddy be. In 2005, as junior sen. from Illnoize, D’Won went on junket to Russia w/Repuke sen. Dick Lugar (cabal) and was detained 5 hrs by Russian authorities for being British Spy (Kenya still colony in 1961). Local paper in Illnoize mentioned detain and possible genetic test by Russians. All accounts now scrubbed of course. Perhaps intrepid diggers here can find more?

a06bf7 No.2038918

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

let there be scalped cia niggas

may the apashe sarlacc be fed well

e37aa5 No.2038919


I was there for it. there were 3-4 of us anons pushing for this to be addressed at the time. Q posted china pic but we kept pushing. on target for sure.

a745d6 No.2038920


>These bastards are screaming 'gimme gimme' whilst I wake up daily THANKFUL that I have a bed and a roof when so many like me DO NOT.

Bless you, VetAnon!

0ea966 No.2038921


Looks like Prince Edward

Connection to Joel Getz?


or the other guy that was mentioned earlier

5237dc No.2038922


So are you saying that you have been "activated"?

What triggered you, bro?

066ffd No.2038923


No you're right I have learned alot, I'm just panicking. Really feels like Q is gonna hang us out to dry…

b3a3b9 No.2038924


c0a061 No.2038925

>>2029255 (pb)

This recording of JFK reading the Declaration of Independence (Q's link) cuts off before the last two words.

"sacred honor"


It seems to be what Q and true Patriots have and what members of the cabal are missing.

Happy 4th of July, true Patriots.

693b4e No.2038926


Perhaps these images were a Q test. A test to see how objective we can be even if it came from Q and to call Q out. Just a thought.

40cb98 No.2038927

File: 9d3497201a23c69⋯.jpg (3.69 MB, 6880x5910, 688:591, 1510107905656.jpg)


041ceb No.2038928

File: 765e6bdea69a0c7⋯.jpeg (391.9 KB, 745x1123, 745:1123, 052DDEB5-F558-403D-81A4-F….jpeg)

The man in Kowloon does look like P. William except ( unless the photo’s blurred) the guy’s head looks more flattish.

How about Christopher Coons, Dem, Delaware ?

06ca8c No.2038930

e5a3e3 No.2038931


Yeah that's a possibility. I'll look for it too but it's going to be tough without any clues in the photo like the flag on the other one.

If I find anything I'll post it a few times in future breads.

57900e No.2038932

File: 28d594902e2b206⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1176x11034, 196:1839, TreatingDID.png)



This is utter nonsense about reptilians

The first one in this bread (not linked here)

Was a studio lighting problem, i.e. technical glitch

Something like a monitor with very bright image hanging from ceiling was switched on when it should not have been, and we saw it reflected in the announcer's eyes.

The two that are linked are more interesting

They are of a person with DID switching personas

DID is Dissociative Identity Disorder also called

Multiple Personality Syndrome. MK Ultra mind control slaves

Are created by Artificially Inducing DID

And the cabal make all kinds of spooky references to AI

When they really mean MK Ultra slaves.

When the person switches personas,

The one that comes to the front is disoriented

For a moment because they do not know

Where they are.

In the second one, you can see that it is a

Beta Sex Kitten persona that has stepped forward.

Please read the attached text fully to understand

What these DID people are like.

The members of Illuminati bloodlines are ALL

given AI DID although they use a different

Methodology than MK Ultra. The CIA researchers

That came up with MK Ultra were looking for a quicker

Way to artificially induce DID. In the Illuminati they use

childhood conditioning and abuse for many years

To create a bloodline member. Failures in this process

Are killed and sometimes eaten.

40cb98 No.2038933



e5a3e3 No.2038934


One comment: The left side of Trump's face is known for having a 'mark' on it. This photo shows a brown mole looking spot. Keep that in mind.

fc8007 No.2038935


There are quite a few of us DV's here

Dude, I have a messed up back and wake up thankful to roll out of bed and walk right

Totally know what you mean

Thanks for your service, anon

a06bf7 No.2038936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

got most of this done with a pencil

e1bd7f No.2038937



In essence.

I suppose FBI Anon was…General Flynn…essentially? Meh. I like to try and get to the nub of the gist.

If you think we've been led this far and you see all the work outside of Q and you believe POTUS et al to be good guys you know they would never leave us hanging cos they know were are mad for it


e37aa5 No.2038938


wrong. The image is an exact reflection taken from the exact same position as the source. Either Q lined up a shot being reflected off the back of an iphone set up in the exact same position as the source image (free standing mind you) OR Q took a snap of the reflection of the source image.

8ccfcb No.2038939


I was here and it was a shitstorm all right. Just kept scrolling through it and ignored the frustration and focusing on finding the target. It's more exciting when it's stormy here because I know the target is nearby.

e9fedb No.2038940

File: 241b908cd67f6bd⋯.jpg (140.79 KB, 801x535, 801:535, twoheadeddog.JPG)

I've been working in the Kremlin with a two headed dog..

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7aLXehSXAo

203c42 No.2038941


the cabal is not willing to risk everything. they are running scared because we are.

0dd03c No.2038942


Remember that the normalfaggots take a lot longer to digest this process and the information within. Try to show some patience for them, and remember that we didn't come to this frame of mind over night. It was a long process of reconditioning to even consider the topics here a logical viewpoint. Take a step back, give it some thought, and realize that this movement has only just begun to enter their world.

001b72 No.2038943

File: 499097042a1f25a⋯.png (47.5 KB, 640x138, 320:69, ClipboardImage.png)

Other countries make it look so easy

e37aa5 No.2038944


OK thank you anon.

61d90a No.2038945


SEVERAL SHILL BAKERS busted and removed last few days.

So many good digs missed. The cabal are shit scared of this site and are trying everything they can to stop it.


This is about US seeking truth and sharing that truth with the world. Q is merely our guide, the one who got the avalanche rolling D5.

WWG1WGA not the sheep version WQGWF

2cb101 No.2038946


The gaps in the curtain are different.

1d8f54 No.2038947

File: 57d105f68b94991⋯.jpg (624.42 KB, 2550x4200, 17:28, Rosenstein&MuellerNowAttac….jpg)

File: 344b45ec129efb2⋯.jpg (213.49 KB, 2400x3600, 2:3, Bad Actors Nice Suits.jpg)

BAKER BAKER!! "Jim Jordan: Anon OpEd"

Anons, this sjit of the Dumbass Black Hats now attacking patriot congressman Jim Jordan days after he had the ballz to thoroughly confront RR for ALL OF US has gotta stop - NO COINCIDENCES - it's like a bad game of telephone: Rosenstein/Mueller/Clapper/Brennan/MEDIA.

Let the Congressinal Patriots Know:







(Pic Related pass it around)

203c42 No.2038948


where's my answer faggot?

203c42 No.2038949


FBI Anon

Who was the head of the FBI at first post?

242dab No.2038950

File: c8298a097320a7d⋯.webm (6.63 MB, 427x240, 427:240, 1504934166.webm)


>national socialism is a left wing ideology

>antifas are nazis

>Hitler is evil incarnated

Haven't learned a single thing in /qresearch/ better yet you've been gaslighting anyone who dares to speak against the heebs and saying the same thing I could have heard over salon, reddit or the simon wiesenthal community center for hasbara shills

Thread theme

ethno-nationalism next

c34a3b No.2038951

File: a1d8cb12bc00547⋯.png (942.02 KB, 941x960, 941:960, ClipboardImage.png)

61d90a No.2038952


Dude your talking to a bot!

22ca93 No.2038953



God is behind all events large and small.

There is nothing that occurs without God doing it.

b44928 No.2038954


Baker baker


POTUS tweets in 2016 refer to Qlock

6944a6 No.2038955


That's what I was thinking. Teaching anons to observe. Since most just see.

5dfd69 No.2038956


Mostly true. I have a bit of firsthand experience. In most casts the eyes dip downward and the head slumps forward a bit. Then a new alter 'altar' is present. The body will assume a new posture based on the current alter, maybe even change their hair or other behaviors. DID is very real. I suspect there is more still behind this - just my observations from experience.

203c42 No.2038957


i know. took a chance it could calculate the mass of q+++ to plug into einstein's theory for calculating our energy. it was no help. which means it's not quantum.

a06bf7 No.2038958


restraininng oorder homo ?

4c82dd No.2038959


JayZ wrote the book on ugly.

4d3b27 No.2038960

File: 61cd2d7e913169d⋯.png (912.83 KB, 840x1120, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

True Patriot.

693b4e No.2038961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I love this Trump time line so far. Can't remember the last time I felt like that. All the truths that are finally coming out not just about our government but science as well. They are all caving it seems.

>Study CONFIRMS that the asteroid belt was created from destroyed planets. Mainstream scientists have debunked themselves once again, previously denying any possibility that the asteroid belt was made up of a planetary collision… sometimes called those who suggested it “pseudoscientists”.

The mainstream narrative is slowly crumbling and the Ancient (Sumerian) texts are proving right after all.

5237dc No.2038962


Looks like a punk ass bitch tranny.

57900e No.2038964


Your Illuminati friend is pointing out

That their Noetic World Order can summon

And control masses of people much larger

Than ordinary humans can

I would counter by saying that ordinary humans

Do not value uniformity so much

And are OK with a wild uncontrolled crowd

Like you see at a Trump rally

In a sense, Trump is using similar techniques

As the Noetic World Order

But without the secrets. In particular

Trump has made his goal, restoring the Republic

To the control of the American people

Quite clear and open. At any point a person

Who is at a rally, can see whether Trump's

Words and actions are consistent with that goal

203c42 No.2038965

File: 93a192381a3969f⋯.jpg (412.39 KB, 1000x1277, 1000:1277, 93a192381a3969f28e569fd246….jpg)

a06bf7 No.2038966


wow you spent real money on that huh

4d3b27 No.2038967


Pussy ass donkey douche.

242dab No.2038969

File: e07a683b564daa1⋯.webm (4.22 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1504678627-4.webm)


vlad is busy

615552 No.2038970


Some Renegade he is, eh

e37aa5 No.2038971


There are a couple dozen of us weathering the shitstorm from people that claim Q is infallible. Q posted these passing them off as legit, and we're just supposed to sit here and claim that there is no merit to this honest criticism? Where is your head at anon?

4c82dd No.2038972

File: a956a1e0a590706⋯.png (73.18 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-07-05-00-5….png)

Donald and Melania enjoying their kingships.

fc8007 No.2038973

File: b3a2d29ab5865ec⋯.jpg (285.07 KB, 1500x1489, 1500:1489, GAY Z.jpg)

c122f9 No.2038974


I hope he burns alive. Sick bastard.

b8814f No.2038975


72 spirits of the goethia (sp?)

http:// www.blogtalkradio.com/the-hermetic-hour/2018/04/20/lemulgeton-goetia-and-the-stellar-tradition-by-leo-holmes-2013

61d90a No.2038976

fde980 No.2038977

Discovery Channel is running a show on Freemasons on Direct TV right now

I have never seen that before

e589d8 No.2038978

File: 80c801f860d96ab⋯.png (2.26 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 80c801f860d96abe70d6e6697c….png)

File: 40ef945cbdc1b9a⋯.jpg (130 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 1530672956563_adobe.jpg)

File: c7bb0357c3cf4a9⋯.jpg (151.25 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 1530673521185_adobe.jpg)

0b8179 No.2038979

File: 77c20990b929d41⋯.png (237.32 KB, 496x638, 248:319, 94d221c1c15633106ab6070ef3….png)

File: 8fba87298976365⋯.png (320.83 KB, 517x613, 517:613, ELA.PNG)


Anons, i feel this is important to pay attention to. I have been following Q since early november and have always believed in him. this recent issue with the af1 picture has me a little concerned though. Q told us that the picture was taken off the reflection of an iphone cover. when you view the pic on this site and use the ELA function you can see something daunting, that the apple somehow starts in a larger radius than in the picture Q gave us. you can click on the pic too, this way you can line your mouse up with the ELA version of the apple and see that it ends outside of the apple in Q's pic. I seriously want to know what everyone thinks about this. I swear to god im not a shill by any standard and am just looking for the truth in all this. Is it possible for this to occur with a reflection or is there some other explanation or whats going on here?


5237dc No.2038980


>Mainstream scientists have debunked themselves once again, previously denying any possibility that the asteroid belt was made up of a planetary collision… sometimes called those who suggested it “pseudoscientists”.

Most scientists are low-testosterone bookworms who only achieved their given title via the perfection of the master of regurgitation of rote memorization.

Creativity is at nil in such creatures. How so many manage to sneak their way into the halls of Academia is beyond me.

e37aa5 No.2038981


whoever made this gif didn't warp it enough to fit, remember it was reflection off of the back of an iphone… how close do you need it anon? How HARD would it be to replicate if you were standing there… think about it

6944a6 No.2038982

File: 0d506f90fb6590c⋯.jpg (29.73 KB, 800x479, 800:479, d6f218a1b113c4997f73b7be16….jpg)


Best teaching I ever received. Tyvm.

09a8d4 No.2038983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

0dd03c No.2038984

File: a4112168213cece⋯.png (87.33 KB, 1600x829, 1600:829, a4112168213cecee29edb4fc96….png)



Kill yourself faggot

693b4e No.2038985

File: 122fb3d7d342542⋯.jpg (60.83 KB, 770x433, 770:433, SL-ProtestorJuly4-2018.jpg)

005bc9 No.2038986


We are taught in the military to never lock our knees while standing at attention. Locking your knees can off cut off blood flow to the brain and cause you to pass out. It is quite common. I have seen it a number of times while standing in formations.

0314d1 No.2038987

Quik checkin from nightworkerfag. No time to go through breads. Any habbings?

fde980 No.2038988

File: c92f7dd1678c613⋯.png (34.83 KB, 649x300, 649:300, Piro.PNG)

01fff9 No.2038989


I disagree. Q's authenticity and the true nature of what Q is is a huge deal.

I agree that the movement is good and wakes people up. WWG1WGA

My working optimistic theory is that the Q psyop got handed off to Trump-sympathizing media/journalists. I'm sure everyone noticed the change in tone of Q posts after the May-June hiatus.

These people get inside scoops which gives the Q psyop legitimacy and traction. However, these people got sloppy. Since the first pic of DJT's eyebrows fooled everyone and no one discovered the original photo, they thought they could get away with the AF1 hoax as well.

This theory would explain how Q could have access to insider information and coordinate with POTUS, but not necessarily be a WH insider… and also why Q would make such an amateurish mistake.

e37aa5 No.2038990


my guess is photo was taken through the bottom of a glass. need to find the original to overlay

6944a6 No.2038992


I don't watch Zohar. Ty though.

e431c2 No.2038993


Its light reflecting off the mirror finish of the apple logo and projecting onto the wall, isn't it?

5bd393 No.2038994


quantum Q theory?

c0a061 No.2038995


I believe they are risking everything… they just have no sacred honor.

09a8d4 No.2038996


What's that?

fc8007 No.2038997


I know, I'm a former service member myself, anon, and, there are a shit ton of videos like this with the eye malfunctions, fainting, blank stares, etc.

Locking the knees doesnt account for all of it

61d90a No.2038998


What if we use a safe word we devise now so tomorrow during prime time when the shit is crazy we can use to identify friendlies???

Say: Selaphiel

You can look that meaning up at your leisure. But when there's a problem we can use it to rally the troops to help each other???

Just an idea so no need to attack if your not for it!

431547 No.2038999

Fuck you motherfuckers, i'll love you to the end of this life/lie motherfuckerfuckers.. for freedom!

61d90a No.2039001


So why the fuck are you here?

5e4270 No.2039002

File: c2ac3f067746e50⋯.jpg (800.69 KB, 5248x2387, 5248:2387, 1.jpg)

File: 5dd29e562c7140f⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 4922x3765, 4922:3765, 2.jpg)

File: 87c2383f1aeff9c⋯.jpg (430.43 KB, 3328x2970, 1664:1485, 3.JPG)

File: 9c1e3267396a9fe⋯.jpg (749.33 KB, 3480x3472, 435:434, 4.JPG)

Get a sharpie and a T-shirt. Spread the word anons.

And Happy Birthday America!

c0a061 No.2039003

File: 905cefae8b49adb⋯.jpg (80.92 KB, 654x460, 327:230, JFK Codes.JPG)


Forgot the sauce.

b3a3b9 No.2039004

File: 58e03f11a1b4793⋯.png (606.07 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20180705-100503.png)


Was fired from Beijing kindergarden China and was former CF executives Joel Getz.

943e48 No.2039006


What a smarmy, condescending voice. And I thought her face was evil.


Your concernfaggotry is duly noted.

We'll try to carry on without you.

>We need to settle this.

See? Settled.


>>2038843 Moar thoughts on RYB Education, China, and Joel Getz

>>2038776 Australian involvement in Clinton Foundation

>>2038731 What price treason? Susan Rice's net worth $50 mil at $172,000/yr salary

>>2038718 World Cup Doing Great Things for Russia… Time for 'Novichok' to Strike Again!

>>2038717 Word salad straight from the horseface's mouth: Lynn De Rothschild i'view

>>2038670 Merkel calls a waaambulance as Trump Mulls Hitting EU Car Exports

>>2038662 Securing his army while his people suffer: Maduro and Venezuela update

>>2038647 In-depth interview w/POTUS's MIT engineer Uncle: Energy/Healthcare implications?

6944a6 No.2039007


The company that produce it. It's at the beginning.

61d90a No.2039008


Extensive digs in notables

001b72 No.2039009


There it is. Some anon last night claimed it would only take 10 seconds to replicate a reflected picture of the exact same shot as a separate picture. Bull. And what would be the point of doing it?

066ffd No.2039010


Dude idea, plenty of regulars and Patriots sleeping right now.

b44928 No.2039011



This is cool

066ffd No.2039012


Dumb idea***

09a8d4 No.2039013




-Alien Contactee Discloses how Jinn, Shadow People and Men in Black are Connected -

0dd03c No.2039014


Just ask them if they have heard about Q anon..

There is no need to be so cryptic.

And if they say no and they ask you to explain.

Explain honestly and if you are unsure about certain details admit to it.

Truth, transparency, and unity these will reflect if you speak honestly from what information you have internalized.

01fff9 No.2039015


I think you are approaching this from the wrong angle. The picture is indeed a reflection, but it's simply a reflection of a printed out photograph. You can actually see in Q's pic slight image doubling, indicating it is a bona fide reflection.

The thing is fake >>2038813, the matter in which Q faked it certainly less relevant than the fact that it's faked.

79be33 No.2039016


not even remotely funny.

e37aa5 No.2039017


Do we consider Q an anon? Because that is what he was saying just "minor differences"

61d90a No.2039018


I know, but some will be on in say about 10-12 hours time when it gets crazy again

4c82dd No.2039019

File: b6087797898e5ee⋯.jpg (54.88 KB, 580x587, 580:587, DhQJksYX0AAliiW.jpg)

0b8179 No.2039020


im not familiar enough with how photos work to know for sure if thats whats causing this. what it might be is that the apple logo itself is just actually causing this to happen.

fc8007 No.2039021


We tried something similar, in fact we tried many different things, in the very beginning and at first it worked, but they eventually co opted our tactic

a06bf7 No.2039022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

memefagging in the synagoge of satan

b44928 No.2039023


Me thinks this is notable.


ef0823 No.2039024

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Listen to this guy's intro!!

e37aa5 No.2039025


I have to explain to anons how i think it was done, just posting it and saying look just gets all the "muh shill" fags out.

1d8f54 No.2039026


Sjit - too big bad crop - will tweakSorry llooooong day~

Godspeed Anons!

693b4e No.2039027


The swamp is not just the government

4c82dd No.2039028

File: 23e0a2e4ce183b6⋯.jpg (41.03 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 583309f535fcfcafa045c33257….jpg)


Sorry but only you got time to be a faggot.

a04d20 No.2039029

Look, a shiny thing? No coincidences?


Chinese HNA Group chairman falls to his death after posing for photo in France

The chairman of the embattled Chinese HNA Group, that owns big stakes in Hilton hotels and Deutsche Bank has died in France. Wang Jian suffered 15 meters fall, while posing for a photograph, the police said.

The tragedy occurred on Tuesday in the popular tourist village of Bonnieux, near Avignon in the French south-east. Wang’s death appeared to be accidental lieutenant-colonel Hubert Meriaux at the Vaucluse gendarmerie told Reuters


Police in full riot gear floods Nantes following violent clashes

Hundreds of riot police officers have been deployed to the streets of the western French city of Nantes following violent clashes that erupted in the city earlier after a young man was gunned down by police

01fff9 No.2039030


Q isn't simply a LARP. Q's either the real deal or some sort of black hat or white hat psyop. Q is an important cultural force, so it is prudent to learn as much about Q as possible, whatever the truth may be.

Also, I was 100% on board with Q until the AF1 pic. I've spent a lot of time on Q. So I'm pissed.

7bdc67 No.2039031

File: 03898ec4bb09c7b⋯.png (441.32 KB, 1358x574, 97:41, awan.png)




61d90a No.2039032


Bloody kikes infiltrate subvert!

a745d6 No.2039033

0b8179 No.2039034


this actually makes sense now that im looking at the picture again. would this cause apple logo in the ELA version to be bigger than the one in Q's picture though?

18e0a1 No.2039035

File: 0733a71300f0893⋯.jpg (143.03 KB, 1070x843, 1070:843, 3.JPG)

File: 054a89ad1650b0c⋯.jpg (190.97 KB, 1012x747, 1012:747, 4.JPG)

Two nuns from Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity detained for human trafficking, one staff arrested


6944a6 No.2039036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5237dc No.2039037


I keep saying that if you want to make these people deport themselves just start cutting welfare and enforcing tougher background / residency checks for welfare applicants.

No more "Give us a scan of your internet bill at your address" bullshit as a valid proof of residency in the USA.

242dab No.2039038

File: aef35feeab7bf98⋯.webm (11.64 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 1504657771.webm)


haven't learned a single thing in here

what did you learned, to bend over ZOG ?

fuck off with that shit, this been known for ages that the jews are parasites, why do you care so much about (((them))), did they cut your penis ? booo-fuckin-hooo cry me a river

It's either removing jews from earth or die slowly like cattles

your choice, faggot

01fff9 No.2039039


I understand that. This is how it was done tho:

-find high resolution of whatever (potus/Af1)

-do minor tweaks in photoshop (stretch a few things)

-Print it or display it on a high res monitor

-use the back of a phone or other reflective material to line up the shot at a skewed angle

-Take a photo of said reflection

-pass it off as an original (because online image searches will not be able to find it)

22ca93 No.2039040

All these questions about Q's authenticity can be solved by asking God.

4c82dd No.2039041



Fag go back to Reddit.

e5a3e3 No.2039042


Pointing out alterations?

I'll keep that in mind.

e37aa5 No.2039043


Thats copypasta from my post KEK

0dd03c No.2039045

File: 55d9ff2bfcbe2f0⋯.jpg (68.82 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 55d9ff2bfcbe2f02578723f823….jpg)


Still parroting the whole unironically "from" /pol/ meme? Listen Moshe you're fucked, accept it.

01fff9 No.2039046


Not sure what the ELA version is tbh. You're more knowledgeable than me. The image doubling wasn't my observation, it was another anon's.

0b8179 No.2039047


ok wtf is going on here… Q actually needs to adress this shit now.

57f195 No.2039048


He's Ben Rhodes hard by Barry and Michael

e5a3e3 No.2039049

File: c5aebfe35d9b4af⋯.gif (3.78 MB, 2300x1533, 2300:1533, face.gif)


This one is pretty close, but not quite.

e9fedb No.2039050

File: 9f40a96a5a30021⋯.jpg (188.77 KB, 1016x622, 508:311, firedemon.JPG)

Stand for the Fire Demon!

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xui3sWxT-6k

61d90a No.2039051


I hear you brother but you have to move past it being about Q.

It's about US and the work WE do, this thing is huge because of US and OUR work.

Q has posted 1600 + times I've posted way more than that as have so many Anon's.

We have to step up and drive this thing, there's no question we are making a difference right?

ee396e No.2039052


>To cover up the fact that they are not original.

That much is clear, so this part is disinformation.


Would publishing a clear picture of the president or his office (in AF1) lead to any security clearance problems?

e5a3e3 No.2039053


Might even be a good example of how convincing a decent photoshop fade can be even if the images aren't a match.

e37aa5 No.2039054


not quite. we'll find it, keep digging

0b8179 No.2039055


use this link, on the left hand side click ela and you will see what im talking about Anons, i feel this is important to pay attention to. I have been following Q since early november and have always believed in him. this recent issue with the af1 picture has me a little concerned though. Q told us that the picture was taken off the reflection of an iphone cover. when you view the pic on this site and use the ELA function you can see something daunting, that the apple somehow starts in a larger radius than in the picture Q gave us. you can click on the pic too, this way you can line your mouse up with the ELA version of the apple and see that it ends outside of the apple in Q's pic. I seriously want to know what everyone thinks about this. I swear to god im not a shill by any standard and am just looking for the truth in all this. Is it possible for this to occur with a reflection or is there some other explanation or whats going on here?


a06bf7 No.2039056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

how does itunes connect and communicate with the death star ???

e37aa5 No.2039057


That's what I expected from Q when we first called him out, he instead doubled down on it being real, then tripled down on it.

0b8179 No.2039058


oh lol i fucking forgot that i copied my response, rip. well the link is on the bottom sorry for the spam there

01fff9 No.2039059


Lmao ik. I'm a newfag re: post formatting and I didn't feel like referencing your post number again.

242dab No.2039060

File: 8deb6f487714592⋯.webm (8.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1504658171.webm)


Ah so now you're posting uncle addi pictures and also a Qultist

way to out yourself

It's either removing jews from the earth or die slowly like cattles

deal with it

4c82dd No.2039061

File: a386739f9e01446⋯.jpg (12.77 KB, 178x207, 178:207, 2dech2.jpg)

File: 34d76a0a311b124⋯.jpg (39 KB, 467x239, 467:239, 2dehap~2.jpg)

001b72 No.2039062


Those are George Webb's butt buddies calling you a shill, or twitterfaggots

6944a6 No.2039063

The France handshake.

The dandruff wipe .


a06bf7 No.2039064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

01fff9 No.2039065


okay wow i get it now… lmao didn't realize you were the same guy from that original post………………………….

5237dc No.2039066

Q is posting pictures of pictures with the Apple logo overlayed or visible or some sort of digital signature stating that Apple iphone was used.

Taking picture of a picture with a reflection.


2cb101 No.2039067

File: 125547876af4d16⋯.jpg (311.03 KB, 1200x608, 75:38, TrustThePlan.jpg)


>v. 11.9


>Attack[s] anticipated.


<Why are they continuing [internal]?

<Attacks will intensify [all sides].


e37aa5 No.2039068


Need to pressure baker.

fa80ec No.2039069

File: 4f455747deb1fa1⋯.jpg (161.41 KB, 400x560, 5:7, realobama3498204867675.jpg)


Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to bring people from the Congo into the US?? Its like they picked the most barbaric shitholes ravaged by civil war and started shipping people from there into US.

6512d2 No.2039070



Objectively I have to admit most photos have been a distraction from more targeted digging.

Q seems to like them for assorted reasons. So are these unforced pointless errors revealing a LARP or is it a calculated troll that's for us to see, like the tripcode password reveals were?

01fff9 No.2039071


Yep. We are making a difference. I just don't want us to follow a pied piper. All anons need to be vigilant at all times. Even if it means taking the Q movement forward while abandoning Q (somehow)

431547 No.2039072

Everything seems to be in reverse now, love for everyone now.

0dd03c No.2039073


Not sure if you're just one of the lower IQ people who understand the JQ or one of the higher IQ shills that pretends he is a low IQ person that understands the JQ.

Probably a low IQ shill reading off a script of how to sound like someone who understands the JQ.

Either way, you need to go read crumbs on who controls MSM and specific reason we do not bring up Israel, and MOSSAD failed.

6944a6 No.2039074

File: 06a2f6bd721325d⋯.jpg (104.88 KB, 474x317, 474:317, sHmu3RW.jpg)


People on the same team.

311614 No.2039075

File: 5ee4bbe4840549c⋯.jpg (131.95 KB, 1096x616, 137:77, skynews-amesbury-incident-….jpg)


LIVE: Amesbury could be contamination, says minister

Sajid Javid is to chair a Cobra meeting after a couple were poisoned by novichok, the nerve agent used against the Skripals.

Several areas of Wiltshire have been cordoned off, including:

Queen Elizabeth Gardens in Salisbury

A property at John Baker House, Rolleston Street, Salisbury

A property on Muggleton Rd, Amesbury

Boots the Chemist, Stonehenge Walk, Amesbury

Amesbury Baptist Centre, Butterfield Drive

Wiltshire Police have said the public can expect to see an increased police presence at these locations and in and around the Amesbury and Salisbury areas.

b23b28 No.2039076


I drift in and out. I think a possibility could also be that both are true, Q is the real deal and this is a psyop. Q said disinformation is necessary, I assume this also applies to us, some messages are meant for others. I'm sure things aren't as rosy and certain as he likes to make us believe. Much harder to convince us to do things if we saw how rocky and fragile the road really is. And I'm sure he does make mistakes from time to time

61d90a No.2039078



The UN went into these countries to "help" destroyed infrastructure killed millions, bought in their muslim rape gangs and ran amuck. Then bought them to the west!

These people are Cabal victims Anon's !

4c82dd No.2039079

File: 8d72074953a78fa⋯.png (35.53 KB, 480x438, 80:73, Screenshot_2018-06-27-15-3….png)


Lincoln was going to deport all blacks, that's why he was murdered.

001b72 No.2039080


The thing is, we don't need pics aboard AF1 for a solid proof. It could be a pic of Trump behind the scenes at a rally or something. It doesn't have to be in the fallout bunker.

95fd5a No.2039081


Try and estimate just how many man hours got invested in the pallet picture, the pickle fiasco, the airplane, the window drapes and the fuzzy picture of a bald guy.

You will soon be in the thousands.

fc8007 No.2039082

92fef0 No.2039083

File: e8de45dca787dd6⋯.png (249.31 KB, 569x654, 569:654, rice 1.png)

File: 9725b5a85435d59⋯.png (317.31 KB, 580x640, 29:32, rice 2.png)

File: 63e44761feba8ad⋯.png (219.98 KB, 594x500, 297:250, rice 4.png)

File: 014e31b625daa0c⋯.png (559 KB, 603x895, 603:895, rice 5.png)

File: 195e6dbc797f8c5⋯.png (376.49 KB, 577x656, 577:656, rice3.png)

Info on Rice that I had collected some time ago.

5b8a00 No.2039084

File: f8e36c400922c12⋯.jpg (285.85 KB, 726x709, 726:709, Courtesy-Call.jpg)

To All Anons and Those Seeking Truth, This is Your Courtesy Call from God

We are living in an amazing time to be alive. The truth is finally being revealed about all the knowledge which has been so desperately kept from us. All the lies, all the evil, all the hate and corruption, all the hidden knowledge, it's all being exposed in droves. Every day we're flooded with more and more. How awesome is this?

People always say, "well where is God with all the horrible things going on?" There's no doubt God is pouring truth into the world right now. If you're looking for God, seek truth and you'll find him. If you refuse to seek truth, you'll be without excuse. The truth is out there, you just have to look. The more and more you wake up, you realize there's no such thing as coincidence and happenstance, and the truth really does set you free.

If you lose you keys or cell phone, you look & look & always find it in the last place you look. You've found it so there's no need to continue looking. That's what's so beautiful about finding the truth. Once you start finding out the truth about this world, you don't have to spend another second looking for what you've found.

The truth will enter you in all levels. It will enter your mind, your heart, your behavior, how you react with others. The truth will remove those who should have never been there in the first place. And the truth brings you way closer to God than you've ever thought imaginable. Jesus Christ shared the truth with others and God wants you to share and enjoy what he is offering in abundance. The truth is not to be feared, being kept in the dark is.

5237dc No.2039085


I think it must be symbolism of some sort, definitely a message that we aren't enlightened about yet.

Future proves past. Probably some Apple news in the future will explain these weird pictures that Q has been posting.

iPhones do have very glossy and reflective back covers. Hmmm…if you were a turbo nerd scientists and want to repurpose every iphone as a remotely activated spycam and make the best use of every situation this would be one of them.

61d90a No.2039086


It may have been done for that reason, to make us independent of a MASTER who we must follow!

I think your getting my point now Anon!

We are re-writing history, exposing the corrupt and seeking a new way to live!

Free thinking is kind of scary but really rewarding!

a06bf7 No.2039087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

free candy in the oval

6944a6 No.2039088

File: d97af6e18c7a29a⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, resident-evil-the-final-ch….jpg)

ee396e No.2039089


It seems "plausible deniability" is part of the operation at this time.

e5a3e3 No.2039090


I see what you're pointing out now.

I don't know what tool specifically PE is, or if PET refers to a tool, but yes I see the cloning.

e5a3e3 No.2039091


If that's what it is.

e37aa5 No.2039092


If Q isn't legit, then it's possible that the CABAL isn't going down… stick with me… We haven't got ANY proof of crimes, nothing that would stick in any court. We have connections between people/businesses/flights/etc.

NSA just deleted most of their recorded data (good? bad?). Awan got off (Good? bad?). People are still walking free. MSM still controls everything. Potus has been gaining ground, but only because of the online activity partly due to this board and Q's work.

Question remains, without Q's confirmations is POTUS /ourguy/? Can we see Cabal movements in his actions? Iran? We don't know enough, we're kept in the dark on everything.

4c82dd No.2039093

File: 326205341b21bfc⋯.png (371.32 KB, 480x854, 240:427, Screenshot_2018-07-01-08-5….png)

It's ironic that when Lincoln gave freedom to the blacks he said he didn't want any blacks to live in Illinois…..

Chicago…. Lmao

18e0a1 No.2039094

File: 04ffcd40c4a6cb8⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 739x427, 739:427, 3.JPG)

File: 7c814989b250dc8⋯.jpg (94.89 KB, 731x765, 43:45, 4.JPG)

File: 326a634d523848e⋯.jpg (91.4 KB, 731x748, 43:44, 5.JPG)

File: bcb5a4f0115b85f⋯.jpg (81.61 KB, 726x583, 66:53, 6.JPG)

File: 6f5e1f69bae0aaa⋯.jpg (113.13 KB, 716x857, 716:857, 7.JPG)


c122f9 No.2039095


5/4/18 should be 5:58pm not 6:58am. Something tells me that is going to matter. Perfect exhibit, btw, impressive.

242dab No.2039096

File: 374f7406bbf07ad⋯.webm (10.15 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1504682569.webm)


>read the crumbs

the fuck does that mean I read it and there's nothing of substance. I haven't learned nothing here, how's that hard for you to understand ? keep deflecting and projecting..Have you at least watched the vids I posted you faggot ? how would a shill have so many material regarding the yids ?

I'm done with you

e37aa5 No.2039097


why? when "the world will know" this month? If it's going to be confirmed, why fuckery?

001b72 No.2039098


Then why post misleading proofs at all?

37b42b No.2039099

Anons and Shills

Who knows what the game is?

43f2e4 No.2039100


but the locals called her the ghoul of calcutta

693b4e No.2039101


Just another idiot dying over sports. When will they learn.

e5a3e3 No.2039102


I just lost it.

the game

0db952 No.2039103


The ones who play it

7686d7 No.2039104


This is not a game

6944a6 No.2039105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It does set you free.

Everything you said is true.

7bdc67 No.2039106


Awan unnecessarily writes AS before his sentence on police report!

Adam Schiff


001b72 No.2039107


I've thought a possible purpose of this Q movement was to samethink 1984 the population so that we'll worship the state, making it easier for the state to control us.

0b8179 No.2039108


can i have the original stock photo for the one with trumps face?

a06bf7 No.2039109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

wtf is narnia really

e37aa5 No.2039110


Well shit, if the Q movement goes mainstream now, with how many thousands of "followers" and gets proven to be a larp and a "national security threat" bye bye internet freedom.

37b42b No.2039111

then go away and kys


09a8d4 No.2039112


“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”

e37aa5 No.2039113


Posted here>>2038901

37b42b No.2039114

to out you


5e4270 No.2039115

Damn, the Q's a larp shills are thick tonight….

0dd03c No.2039116


I've seen all the videos you have posted, they are the same ones posted in /pol/

And naturally you are "done" with me, as you have nothing but subversive speak.

However, I suggest you read those crumbs that were previously specified. You know how to word search and think for yourself, so do so.

Qresearch is a lot to deal with in terms of self-education. If you did so before while on chan websites or further into the web and around, this should be another walk in the park for you.

You might enjoy some of the connections these "crumbs" lead into. Remember that context is provided by your perception of the information. Correlation is validated by evidence discovered.

6944a6 No.2039117



Wow! I have goosebumps. I often think if the show. It is one of my favourites. And you just shattered my mind………again.

693b4e No.2039118


Wonder which ones are AJ and JC

79be33 No.2039119

b44928 No.2039120


Ahh fuck I’ll fix and repost when I wake up just waiting to make sure people notice this sucker. You’re right though that will matter soon. And it’s PM not AM. Thank you.

37b42b No.2039121

do you want to play a game?


fc8007 No.2039123


Is it just me, or did they start coming out at the beginning of this bread when we brought up angels/reptilians/clones?

001b72 No.2039124


out me for what? For outing misleading proofs?

b23b28 No.2039125


I don't know why people think this month is the month everything will be revealed, people have such a short term mindset. Part of the reason I left around the start of the year is I got swept up with other people believing it was gonna come like really soon when he doesn't even mention specific dates. I think this month is significant but it's gonna be a slow as fuck reveal, curtains will only be fully opened by the end of the year, maybe even into next year, but we should be seeing some stuff(small beginnings) happen out in the open by next month, might be very underwhelming to us who allegedly know so much that has occurred hidden, but normies will begin to smell the smelling salt, just slightly

81f060 No.2039126

>>2039037This is insanity.

As the iditot from washinton statw that wants to do away with ICE AND the state of the union address.

He doesn't want Trump being able to tell us all how well the country is doing!

They have nothing but hate, fear and loathing and the cab; is pushing to craziness. They can't seem to think rationally anymore.

This to me is the most frightening thing to witness.

311614 No.2039127

File: 9718018d29d6553⋯.jpg (100.01 KB, 756x508, 189:127, july-4-2018c.jpg)

Anyone know if this was debunked last night?

I seen a tweet about it here but didn't see the article discussed.



e37aa5 No.2039128

File: 1e5cd00ffd7bb96⋯.png (34.58 KB, 464x244, 116:61, ClipboardImage.png)

6944a6 No.2039129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b44928 No.2039130

When Qlock is fully worked through, the world will know the truth. It’s a fuckin code embedded in all the posts.

95fd5a No.2039131



Like the government doesn't already know who I am and what I think about all of it's fuckery.

I can guarantee you that I am on every list of subversives they have.

Maybe they are fishing for new faces but I know, they know me.

001b72 No.2039132


That's what people said about pizzagate a year later.

ee396e No.2039133


It seems to me confirmation cannot come before the unsealing of the indictments and mass arrests have been made.

So, until those events have passed, the enemy cannot be informed/awakened and therefore confirmation by DJT is out of the question at this time.

61d90a No.2039135


Has anyone opened it up and had a look?

81f060 No.2039136


sorry for the typos. I need covfefe and more light

b23b28 No.2039137


Right but what's the context? TRUTH of what, exactly?I doubt he means everything

37b42b No.2039138



baker notable


Rebecca Boyle, 32, was discovered dead in her cabin aboard the La Polonia

Mystery as British stewardess, 32, is found dead aboard £6million luxury yacht after a night of drinking celebrating England's victory over Colombia


09a8d4 No.2039139



Author—Now I want your honest opinion. Tell me what faults you see in my book.

Friend—Well, for one thing, I think the covers are too close

311614 No.2039140


Not sure. Only awake!

2cb101 No.2039141

File: bc3d234cf45536f⋯.jpg (138.99 KB, 600x900, 2:3, gonna-get-worse.jpg)


Q did warn us.


been going on all day [C.T.A.] showed up this afternoon (yesterday) than Fungus (banhammer BV) got ban from making.

54267b No.2039142

File: 11cdb63a285096e⋯.png (33.56 KB, 501x585, 167:195, totheright.png)



2cb101 No.2039143


*Baking, not making

311614 No.2039144


Thank you :)

09a8d4 No.2039145

70e689 No.2039146

@PeterSweden7 on twitter:

A dental hygenist in Sweden named Bern Herlitz has just been sentenced to pay 60.000$,

because he tried to expose migrants who lied about their real age, by using dental measurements.

Welcome to Stasi Sweden

81f060 No.2039147


These are just private people, right? Like you and me. I don't think we would want the cabal players doing that to us.

61d90a No.2039148


Shit stirrer

95fd5a No.2039149


Ahh yes, the Fungus Amungus.

I caught part of that clustefuck yesterday.

37b42b No.2039150

Ms Boyle had only begun working on the yacht last week after she was hired by a Monaco crewing company as chief stewardess


ef7bf2 No.2039151


- My kingdom is not of THIS world

- My Kingdom is neither lo here nor lo there…it is WITHIN

- Seek FIRST the kingdom and all these “ things “ shall be added unto you

- Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done on Earth…..

6944a6 No.2039152


fa80ec No.2039153



This isnt about race or what the UN did. Im saying why not bring people from Kenya, Uganda, Botswana, Tanzania instead of animals from Congo, Somalia, Sudan?

Its like they bring Chechens and Uzbeks and then they wonder why the poor darlings went and did some dumbshit. State Dept is either morons or they do this on purpose.

61d90a No.2039154


Just wondering as it may have been dropped to soil the evidence to attempt to make it inadmissible

487e12 No.2039155

Regarding the alleged Assange, Soros connection.

From my brief research it seems that at one point in December of 2010 shortly after Assange was put in jail after the U.K. acknowledged Sweden's European Arrest Warrent regarding the rape allegations against Julian Assange there was one point where Assange was quoted saying

>(It is common) in the US to allege George Soros is behind everything. To be fair, the only vaguely conspiratorial things that George Soros has been behind is some of the 'Colour Revolutions' in Eastern Europe about five or six years ago that I know about.

Julian Assange's political history of hacktivism and somewhat extreme pushes for transparency in government including the founding of Wikileaks makes him seem like a very hardcore Libertarian and so for someone whose limited knowledge of George Soros leads him to believe that George Soros is a freedom fighter like himself it wouldn't seem too crazy to be close friends with him.

But the whole Julian Assange timeline shows that the United States under Obama brought the full power of the U.S. government to investigate him. Everything from the FBI and DOJ to No Such Agency and the C_A

If Julian Assange was working for the Soros team then why would they go after him?

It is my opinion that Wikileaks was intended to serve the black hats in the efforts to destroy America by leaking data that is detrimental to U.S. national security (this is a known tactic of the deep state) but while the Soros team wanted to push for Anarchy, Julian Assange wanted to push for liberty and so they attempted to go after Julian Assange

Note: The primary target of the spooks was Julian Assange himself as indicated by the obviously fake rape allegations followed by Swedish authorities confiscating encryped laptops which were presumably turned over to the U.S. government

Over the years it seems as though Wikileaks under Julian Assange has become more of a tool for the White Hats than for the Black Hats as information detrimental to the cabal has taken the forefront and Julian Assange at some point between January 2011 and now has even began speaking out against Soros controlled people and organizations and published leaks regarding them.

Even 1 particular Q post may indicate that Julian Assange has been receiving leaks from white hats such as those who make up Q team

> #499

> >>20603

> Do you believe in coincidences?

> [2] Q Chapters.

> Q

This refers to Julian Assange's twitter (not wikileaks twitter) tweeting a leaked pdf of the anti-Trump book titled "Fire and Fury" in which 2 of the chapter titles were replaced by the letter Q.

Did Julian Assange put the Qs in the chapter titles?

Did the copy of "Fire and Fury" get leaked to him with the 2 Q chapters without him knowing?

Who leaked the PDF?

Regardless of the answers it seems as though Assange is definitively on our side.

In addition it was only some time after Julian Assange had his internet access cut off that Wikileaks twitter started posting anti-Q tweets.

It seems to me that any connection between Julian Assange and George Soros was more like George Soros trying to use Julian Assange as a puppet and use Wikileaks for his own nefarious plans rather than Julian Assange colluding intentionally with George Soros

Wikileaks is certainly comped, how long it has been is anyone's guess. In all likelihood Soros had at least a few plants in from the beginning but Julian Assange doesn't seem to have intentionally done anything wrong and has much rather been one of the greatest forces for good on our side in the past several years.

81f060 No.2039156


yesterday was ridiculous.

ded50a No.2039157



Anon, I have questions.

Is a descendant marked by Rh-?

If so, why do the gifts come and go?

5b8a00 No.2039158


We are all sons and daughters of God.

That makes us all brothers and sisters.

Thank you Anon

United We Stand - In God We Trust.

001b72 No.2039159


Q forgot to mention that he'd be the instigator of anons calling into question his legitimacy.

937fc6 No.2039160

The Q Post, "Who do you see?" has an interesting 3rd image.

The street scene at the intersection of Portland and Hamilton streets in Hong Kong includes what look like signs doctored into the image. These are hung across Portland but in Google View are not so. Not in the imagery at street level nor in the aerial imagery.

Certain signs point to the street addresses of Western Pacific Kindergarten and of SFALO Soccer Shop.

The kindergarten school address is old and provides a lead that takes us on a route in Google streetview to the new address.

The soccer shop address leads to a local Hong Kong news story about a possible instance of fake news having been debunked by images captured by a multitude of CCTV cameras around the area of that shop and intersection.

There appear to be a few more cameras aimed at that spot in the world than just the individual's camera who captured the image in Q's post. That image was taken from within a vehicle in the middle of the one-way street. Perhaps one camera caught another camera taking a picture of something, someone, or another camera?

There are several individuals within the frame of Q's posted image but if we were to "expand" our thinking, look beyond the frame, we'd see security cameras over the door of the church on the northeast corner of the intersection.

Interestingly, again, the bigger picture is about how much surveillance is to be taken for granted.

Who do you see, indeed.

fc8007 No.2039161


Ive been here most of today. CTA was retarded, Glowleafbread was the same as always, but we had a few moments of comfy until this bread, it seemed like anyways.

Then we started talking about the clones or whatever and Joel Getz and they all came out of the woodworks.

09e1f8 No.2039162

File: 8d4f62dfc91a803⋯.png (213.58 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 8605AF7A-347D-482E-AFEF-D4….png)

Jared fogle is the guy that uncovered hwood pedo ring?!

a06bf7 No.2039163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


09a8d4 No.2039164


Tommy in jail.

EU want to punish Poland & Italy for refusing migrants.

Globalism - destroyers of the planet - ROTH/SOROS -CHAOS =CONTROL

6512d2 No.2039165


Whatever anon test is going on at the moment, we're past the 4th of July now, counting on fresh famefag Michael Moates to drop his Q moab on the concernfags and shills.

a06bf7 No.2039166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

81f060 No.2039167

>>203915 I just don't think lay people should be doing the investigating is all.A Q member , would be ok. I'm sure some people have been looking if they can be opened.

79be33 No.2039168


things have to pop off before 11 11… before midterms

when the opposition is making mistakes let them

things have to get bad enough to where response is obviously required. they are screaming civil war inciting violence. dumb move. soy boys with face masks against Patriots with guns.

things will get worse before they get better.. because they have to.

if alliance starts popping off, black bagging bad actors too soon it justifies the left calling POTUS hitler.

the left is digging their own graves. they lose numbers daily which is why illegal immigration is such a hot topic. gotta bring in more voters… more people wake up every day.

we are beyond critical mass but the pieces aren't in place yet. even though checkmate is only moves away.

trust the plan


1e30de No.2039169


Q's pix is older, taken BEFORE the block was remodeled…

Might even be an intercepted black hat photo…

cc1ec0 No.2039170

File: 8b49e7cf0e2d01b⋯.pdf (255.6 KB, Migration and the rise of ….pdf)

File: bd02b80a81c6b4a⋯.png (841.13 KB, 1866x915, 622:305, Migration_and_the_rise_of_….png)

12a6f4 No.2039171

whats under the ice?

i smell the blood of an englishman

70e689 No.2039172


Don't worry. They can't refuse to acknowledge that Soros fled the US because of the Exec. Order for freezing money of Traffickers. Someone in the EU will stand up and charge him with their systems (Interpol, or similar systems). They can't hide something of that size.

I believe, that Soros only went to Berlin (actually right next to Merkel's Bundestag) for symbolic reasons. That Germany's Govt will protect him. Berlin has a crazy high of local taxes, he'd rather go to Munich, Dusseldorf or Frankfurt. They all know, that we know.

They FEAR the awakening.

37b42b No.2039173

excellent work anon

The Church

The Kindergarten

the Ugandan website of teh kindergartern

The man looks familiar but who is he? Other cameras also know whats been through there and who. Think war games,god's eye,minority report, and that one with shia lebutthead where his twin was killed by the computre


431547 No.2039174

File: f2f7ad0049cfa04⋯.jpg (210.38 KB, 859x970, 859:970, WhoAre Q.jpg)

File: c7b66b98e89490e⋯.jpg (78.21 KB, 350x483, 50:69, weird shit.jpg)

Now, my patriot friends, tonight is a curious night- for many come upon your favorite vices- myself included. You are all of love, and for love regardless of the mirror. For rime force will bring us all together in the long run independent of the opposite image,. This may not make sense now, but in the long run- We will win.

242dab No.2039175

File: ed44e13d530ec93⋯.webm (2.33 MB, 512x288, 16:9, 1509956171924.webm)


geez I wonder why the far-right is rising ???

e5a3e3 No.2039176

File: 03e5d06dd8e1cad⋯.png (701.83 KB, 1103x366, 1103:366, eyelines.png)

Probably right as said.

Left has many more lines.

fc8007 No.2039177


Crazy right? He had a raging 12 inch cold cut combo hard on for all those fucks, according to that reveal

dc65dc No.2039178

File: 6eec22d8cd1545b⋯.png (1.01 MB, 999x562, 999:562, 9e17c8feaa19e65991f7b5da46….png)

e37aa5 No.2039179

>>2038813 Anon calls into question Q's proofs


I won't ask again, but i'll be back to share my findings again and I'm certain I will find more. This needs to be addressed. It needs to get into notables if not global. We deserve an explanation.

61d90a No.2039180


So the Cabal representing the countries we live in go and destroy these peoples lives families for decades and we are none the wiser to it even happening until they arrive on our shores. Then we call them animals!!!!

These people are victims, once we take the cabal down we can help fix their shit up and get them back to their homeland!

If the ANIMALS as you refer to them, which I find offensive but I'm no bitch and this is 8chan ffs,were shown a way to restore what they once had they would turn to that instead of open hatred for those they have been brainwashed to think are their enemies, you and me! They would also seek truth as we have.

The great awakening isn't an exclusive club for the west Anon!


001b72 No.2039181

File: 165f4e5b3b4b2ff⋯.png (554.06 KB, 807x541, 807:541, you.png)

e1bd7f No.2039182


this is from the fall of 2016:

DNC 94,000 DONOR LIST / https://www.softwar.net/November.html


DNC INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE / https://www.softwar.net/whlist.html


Nearly 50,000 DNC DONORS / https://www.softwar.net/near50.html


DNC 100,000 DONOR CELL PHONE NAME ADDRESS 14 meg TEXT FILE / https://www.softwar.net/iusa_cellphone_eval.out.txt


87,000 DNC DONOR NAME ADDRESS PHONE EMAIL / https://www.softwar.net/GDSA11A.html


93,000 DNC NAME EMAIL DNC RECORDS / https://www.softwar.net/93000.html

22ca93 No.2039183


They (and you) only THINK it's the blood because they believe the lies that I and others have taught you with our "science" and "mathematics" (both mere expressions and thus incomplete).

It is a method of control, ultimately; a statement of disbelief in the true nature of God. Separation.

All attempts at science are just attempts at fully explaining and replicating the Infinite Creator, which is why when any scientific claim is explored further and further, more and more keeps manifesting as if there is an endless train of things.

As if there is Something endlessly expressing.

But, back to your question:

>Is a descendant marked by Rh-?

No. It can be, but it is not definitive. Remember, anons: DNA is an expression of the Creator, it can be changed.

I have passed through many different lives in many different lineages.

The only connection is that it was still me and the lives were chosen by God after I "chose" separation each time.

Remember, anons:

Separation is not inherently bad.

Do not presume to have the complete knowledge of God.

Do not presume, therefore, to have a complete understanding of Good and Evil.

61d90a No.2039184

1e30de No.2039185


This is NOT notable…

If you STILL need proof, you have no business even posting here.


fc8007 No.2039186


Precisely my point clown

dc65dc No.2039187


Then Fuck off back to Twatter and hang out with your fellow SorosStooges Oliver Willis and Talcum X.

f2fb51 No.2039188













It's really impressing me that so many anons are willing to be honest about how fake these look. I believe in a lot of things Q says, but these two pictures, and even the photo of the executive order, is just too sketchy.

There has to be a time where we acknowledge red flags and start to embrace the potential chaos that will ensue when anons realize that Q either has always been, or has more recently been not genuine with us.

We have to have faith, not in Q, but in God and ourselves. We have to be forgiving to ourselves for potentially being duped, and forgiving to others who may not realize it yet, but hopefully will.

There are people who have invested so much time and so much preemptive trauma thinking that it was for a good cause. And it's gone on for so long, our brains have wired it into a reality.

The enemy may be foot, maybe not always, but maybe now. And right now, the enemy is controlling the conspiracy theories that we have. Thus the enemy could potentially be controlling us.

That's why, we should not wait for disclosure. But should DEMAND from the president, from the government, whomever, to come clean about Q. POTUS and staff could settle this. POTUS family could settle this.

But to have faith and trust the plan is a cop out, especially when deception has been uncovered like it is now. Our president would want us to do that I'd hope. He'd want us to be our best and get to the bottom of it.

Q, if this is not a game, then stop fucking playing with us.

e1bd7f No.2039189


crack pipe. away from it step.

dc65dc No.2039190

File: ffc7da49a16c323⋯.jpg (13.72 KB, 255x191, 255:191, aecb1f80f65feba52b0010f38a….jpg)

e37aa5 No.2039191


Proof of fuckery isn't notable? Because it calls Q out? we're not supposed to challenge? No free thinking? Sweet jesus.

311614 No.2039192


While it could not have been for us I do believe the question should be asked of Q.Im sure q can handle a question, right?

1e30de No.2039193


It's a shame that Q predicted all you concernfags would appear…

That's why he asked us to gather the proofs…

Not for the normies, but for YOU!


f2fb51 No.2039194

File: cbea95932110f29⋯.jpeg (194.93 KB, 1086x1152, 181:192, sorosspot.jpeg)


It's Soros. Q said it was Trump to confuse us even more.

0b8179 No.2039195


alright, the only explanation that i can come up with that doesnt implicate Q as a larp here is if that stock photo was released after Q gave us his version of the pic. where did you get the stock photo from and is there any way to know what date that photo was taken? the reason why this is very concerning is because we know for sure he was trying to pass it off as proof. for one he tried saying that it was a picture taken in the oval office, then theres also the fact that there is a phone obfuscating trumps face which heavily implicates it is supposed to be taken as proof that Q is close to potus. either way, we really need to know when this source photo was released.

dc65dc No.2039196

File: e53390a4cab1ca5⋯.jpg (41.8 KB, 665x900, 133:180, 82b1fac792f7d4a3aebd9e6c48….jpg)

e37aa5 No.2039197


Hairline doesn't match up, I don't think so but I couldn't find Trump. Worth a shot if you want to give it time.

001b72 No.2039198

File: db3b2e86dda9435⋯.png (324.05 KB, 700x700, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

37b42b No.2039200

My opinion:

Q say Q&A fourthcoming

Q started asking Q's and is seeing how we answer and if we are still legit or not. It is a fair readiness test. For two days you have been trying to answer the question


242dab No.2039201

File: f4697fe2b52e61d⋯.png (193.89 KB, 640x855, 128:171, openbordersforisrael.png)


>asia for the asians, africa for the africans, europe and the us for everybody

That's what you're saying.

wakanda's borders are open, israel too.

fa80ec No.2039202

File: 1a82b28974a280b⋯.jpg (44.37 KB, 403x403, 1:1, 4b9695ca26cfe9344ec84ae849….jpg)


Cabal didnt destroy Congo or Somalia you dumb leftist faggot. Learn a bit about the world.

An Iraqi migrant from Saddams era is a whole lot different than one from today. A Vietnamese catholic from the 70s is nothing like a Viet commie from today. People bring their problems with them. Mexico is fast becoming a place where you want 0 people from.

f2fb51 No.2039203


It's because of the angle. And the haircut has changed. But it's Soros

POTUS skin doesn't look that bad

442b7b No.2039204


Any info on what's up with net service, AT&T thx anons

6944a6 No.2039205

e5a3e3 No.2039206


My intial thought was Soros.

But Soros has eyebags.

I can give that a shot too.

Maybe it's a blend of both of them.

Maybe not.

Anons need to think: is Q testing us?

f2fb51 No.2039207

>>2039197 It's because of the angle. And the haircut has changed. But it's Soros

POTUS skin doesn't look that bad

e37aa5 No.2039208


AF1 photo is 2015 as far as I can remember.

second is here http://time.com/5110480/donald-trump-planned-parenthood-protections/

6944a6 No.2039209


Whoo hoo!!! Anon and I were right!

09a8d4 No.2039210



At least 5-6 times that I know.

ded50a No.2039211


I agree on both my place relative to God and scientific advancement as being, well, not fully informed. That said, can you offer any advice regarding the second question?

8b8679 No.2039212


Tuff guy gangsta huh! LMFAO douchnozzle

dc65dc No.2039213

File: f2038a817e109dc⋯.png (17.68 KB, 229x255, 229:255, a4af6067affb90b4f2fd1cef10….png)


Tell your bosses at Shareblue your bullshit isn't working.

A reminder that aiding and abetting treason carries the same penalty as treason. As a SorosStooge shill that I course you. I look forward to watching you do the rope dance.

f4d2e3 No.2039214

File: 66acd08a8530ec0⋯.jpg (77.61 KB, 315x451, 315:451, HK-2.jpg)

6944a6 No.2039215

On that note.

Be safe. Good night.

61d90a No.2039216

File: 886d44c340fbfe1⋯.png (70.18 KB, 746x875, 746:875, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4752b44ead82925⋯.png (60.83 KB, 731x873, 731:873, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc5320a0159f289⋯.png (69.48 KB, 744x871, 744:871, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 402a94fbaca819e⋯.png (66.64 KB, 737x867, 737:867, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37f781b02ad25a3⋯.png (71.5 KB, 760x870, 76:87, ClipboardImage.png)

With Helsinki Summit Trump Confirms He Is an Existential Threat to the Empire

"Rapprochement – to say nothing of peace – with Russia is an existential threat to the Deep State; it would necessarily pull the fiscal pins right out from under the hideous $800 billion per year defense, intelligence and foreign aid apparatus"



f2fb51 No.2039217


Why is it a shame? Isn't it good to be thorough?

And if not, then why? Is it a shame to listen to your intuition and to communicate? Why is that bad? If you want an echo chamber, go to /r/politics

5b8a00 No.2039218

File: 7587cfbee458a9f⋯.jpg (131.79 KB, 600x977, 600:977, Bewbs.jpg)

File: b59f98e35633885⋯.jpg (70.97 KB, 843x843, 1:1, cute dog.jpg)

File: 12844df3e8d3de9⋯.jpg (38.61 KB, 507x507, 1:1, Al Bundy.jpg)

bewbs, oh boy!

dc65dc No.2039219

File: 279c79b14f44f1e⋯.jpg (4.97 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 0926db8441e37348a4f5cedabf….jpg)


Yawn…another SorosStooge shill.I

001b72 No.2039221


Q said it was 45

cc1ec0 No.2039222



Reading the pdf:


gives us an inkling in how the smartest libs are reacting to the emerging counter currents.

It is always wise to know the ways of thinking of ones opponents.

It colors us in on how the narrative should be steered to counter the wishes of the people by discrediting our work and vision (tarnishing by labeling with despicable terminology for one).

5237dc No.2039223


Bullshit bro,this whole thing was a set up. Line hook n sinker to see how many of us dumb, uneducated rednecks would fall for this larp.

I ain buyin it. Grabin my guns, muh knives, my moist nuggets and glocknades and headin out inna woods. Fuck you assholes

0b8179 No.2039224


well…. thats many months before Q posted his version of the pic. honestly im really confused right now because we really have seen so many insane coincidences, some of which have been extremely specific. this though really doesnt sit well with me… its clear to me that something is going on here, we are being lied to. if trump still publicly recognizes Q as legit then il 100% believe but this really fucked my brain up. its the fact that there really isnt any explanation he can give us that makes this look good for him.

cc14dd No.2039225

File: ffaa599b8d30bd9⋯.jpg (70.55 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 4DEF909D00000578-5919637-i….jpg)

I was looking through the pictures on daily mail, of Trump and Melania and 4th of July celebrations.

They got a picture of POTUS & FLOTUS ACTIVATED, KEK

it's the flash, like when you get red or white eyes, but still it was funny to see it( was not expecting it, kek)

a06bf7 No.2039226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dc65dc No.2039228


They're here because they, like their globalist totalitarian bosses, are desperately trying to avoid being hanged for treason.

61d90a No.2039229

File: 87cc997991a2afa⋯.png (67.99 KB, 745x886, 745:886, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2a5c47330ccc77⋯.png (63.55 KB, 757x876, 757:876, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9dc0aec6f3d3c03⋯.png (70.01 KB, 741x866, 741:866, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70631df524c0ce1⋯.png (64.57 KB, 748x872, 187:218, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce96db0ae4db847⋯.png (68.58 KB, 742x867, 742:867, ClipboardImage.png)



cc14dd No.2039230


Here is the link.

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5919691/President-Trump-Melania-look-fireworks-light-DC-sky.html

242dab No.2039231


reddit is already there tbh

see >>2039219

>soros the evil nazi

>the ultimate boogeyman

>everyone I don't like is [insert new buzzword]

e37aa5 No.2039232


Thats why he tripled down on it in his posts, he said he was trolling, then said the af1 pic was different than the source.

Something wrong here. I was 100% on board before this dropped.

61d90a No.2039233

File: d5609009aa086ef⋯.png (70.64 KB, 752x867, 752:867, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09ffae33d328bb6⋯.png (70.2 KB, 747x874, 747:874, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4882508c2f9b5ae⋯.png (44.82 KB, 745x602, 745:602, ClipboardImage.png)


Sorry longer than I thought!

Part 3

22ca93 No.2039234


Gifts come and go according to God's will.

Attempting to explain it further would be like trying to pull out a random part of Shambala and offering it to you as an explanation.

God is Beautiful in Its simplicity.


Trying to explain why something happens other than "God Wills it" is manifesting another layer of deceit and separation between God-As-You and God.

Truly, it has been said that most are not ready for this sort of message, but night crew is night crew.

62bb2b No.2039235

File: f1e653cce3af06f⋯.jpg (50.56 KB, 460x286, 230:143, bank-of-england[1].jpg)


A pervasive piece of propaganda.

There is no death - your higher self lives.

Most takes are unnecessary if a nation's currency is issued debt free and not by a privately owned central bank: markcocking.com/index.php/writings/bank-of-england

09eed3 No.2039236

Soros wanted Gadaffhi, Hussein out.

Soros wanted Merkel IN.

cc14dd No.2039237

File: 90194dd83a8a48d⋯.jpg (47.77 KB, 962x598, 37:23, 4DEF8E6F00000578-5919691-i….jpg)

File: 21e52dd7fbd1fb9⋯.jpg (52.08 KB, 962x582, 481:291, 4DEFA32900000578-5919691-i….jpg)

File: 0f758ec80328a1c⋯.jpg (43.03 KB, 470x626, 235:313, 4DEF8FDD00000578-5919691-P….jpg)

File: 5689ecce8ae9d01⋯.jpg (95.4 KB, 962x640, 481:320, 4DEFA32D00000578-5919691-i….jpg)



Heres a few more pictures from that story.

I really like the silouette ones.

ee397d No.2039238

File: cb481bd7c26a5ac⋯.png (415.19 KB, 629x451, 629:451, ClipboardImage.png)

The men pictured in this article. I know one of them and am still in contact with him.

With how corrupt every law enforcement agency still feels, who should I get in contact with to report this information to? Safely?


1e30de No.2039239


Damn straight he did…

Fucking concernshills, why are you even here?

e5a3e3 No.2039240

File: fa709dfca5966c5⋯.png (80.73 KB, 718x665, 718:665, TheTurn.png)

I always knew this day would come.

1888cd No.2039241


It’s Kim Jong-Un escorted by body guard. Kim is enjoying freedom for the first time in his life. Trade deals now with China

f2fb51 No.2039242


I don't care. Q hasn't been honest with us.

At the moment this is an experiment in tribalism and indoctrination.

Remember in 1984, Winston has to bypass his own reasoning to utter "2+2=5", because that's what Big Brother says.

You have to humble yourself into knowing that you are vulnerable just as much as the next guy to fall prey to mass hysteria and deception. We live in a time of isolation caused by an abundance of information. We are being loaded into variables and pockets of ideology to be played. That's why it's good to probe and listen to your gut.

Fuckery is a foot. Keep Q'ing if you want to, but do yourself a favor, and don't take it too seriously.

e5a3e3 No.2039243


Anons, this is text from the screenplay of 'White Squall' where the boys turn against the captain of the boat (Q).

Nice coincidence.

37b42b No.2039244

you are getting noticed and you are not able to hide.it is a big risk for you and your family, we can see all traffic on site and where it originates whether you use a vpn or not


ded50a No.2039245


Thank you then, anon.

62bb2b No.2039246


A pervasive piece of propaganda.

There is no death - your higher self lives.

Most taxes are unnecessary if a nation's currency is issued debt free and not by a privately owned central bank: markcocking.com/index.php/writings/bank-of-england

a06bf7 No.2039247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

895fa8 No.2039248


I'm with you, anon.

Critical thinking has gone out the window.

2f95f7 No.2039249


Definitely repost this later today, mid-day for solid advice, anon

Wow man

e37aa5 No.2039250


Are you scared to take the heat? is that it? Afraid everyone is going to call you a shill? Truth will reveal. If this is all on the level then there is no reason that Q would flee from it.

943e48 No.2039251


>All your truth are belong to us

sauce other than this twat so I can note it?


937fc6 No.2039252

File: 09d7bd931be3761⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1360x768, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca6d22b8cd45c02⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1360x768, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4f0fb9eed3a2b3⋯.png (936.54 KB, 960x715, 192:143, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes, the area has undergone renovations, for sure, at least since 2014.

Certain signs remain in place. Including, coincidentally, two for the school and at least one for the soccer shop.

Perhaps it is plausible that very long signs once hung from building to building (like laundry lines) across Portland Street in just such a layout that each could be read – particularly the school and the soccer shop's – in a photo shot at street level from the front street of a vehicle in the middle of traffic? Dunno. Maybe.

There may be images of the construction work undertaken during the street's face-lift.

In the meantime, here are some images of the area in 2017-18 and which are compared with the 3rd image in Q's post.

The one with the gray van in bottom left includes an enlargement I added (on the top right) to illustrate how the signs blend in just so with very little technical effort.

3386c1 No.2039253

File: 167a41e44da258d⋯.jpg (99.48 KB, 960x960, 1:1, Empath.jpg)

File: 538d334bb8699fb⋯.png (747.93 KB, 800x800, 1:1, SpaceForce.png)

File: 4d5b0b584ebcb12⋯.png (7.8 KB, 489x178, 489:178, Q1662.PNG)

Morning all.

Many slides, many fakes, but we keep on going on.

Ship's on course.

From L. Todd Wood pages and articles we find new digs!!!

09a8d4 No.2039254


>My working optimistic theory is that the Q psyop got handed off to Trump-sympathizing media/journalists.

I'll repost this.

Ets are involved and the good ones are on Q's side!!!

Sigma Project

Project Sigma is the name of the project that deals with contact and communication with alien civilizations. It is believed that it started under Pres. Eisenhower.

Bill Cooper claimed SIGMA is the project which first established communications with the aliens and is still responsible for communications.

This first official contact would have been made in 1953. Like in the movie "independance day," huge ships were detected in orbit, and contact was made. This would lead to project Plato and to project Serpo (the exchange of ambassadors).


1e30de No.2039255


It's like your not even watching what's happening.

▶Q !CbboFOtcZs  ‪06/30/18 (Sat) 15:37:47‬ 317346 (4) No.1973514>>

"Focus only on the FBI [for now].

Jim Rybicki, chief of staff and senior counselor - FIRED.

James Baker, general counsel - FIRED.

Andrew McCabe, deputy director - FIRED.

James Comey, director - FIRED.

Bill Priestap, Head of Counterintelligence and Strzok’s boss - Cooperating witness [power removed].

Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence - cooperating witness [power removed].

Lisa Page, attorney with the FBI's Office of the General Counsel - cooperating witness [power removed].


Think about the above.

Only the above.

Get the picture?"


"James Baker - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]] / removed Jan/FIRED 4.21

Lisa Page - FIRED [reported today - resigned [false]]

Testimony received.



Mike Kortan, FBI Assistant Director for Public Affairs - FIRED [cooperating under 'resigned' title]

Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to James Comey - FIRED


David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE

John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE

Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED

Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCE

Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed]

Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCE

Cross against House/Senate resignations/final term announcements + CEO departures.







Mass exodus in DC?

Mass exodus - corporate CEOs?


Who has the POWER?

Who has the CONTROL?

If POTUS was NOT IN CONTROL would they be retreating?

Who is the AG?

Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of DOJ officials?

Re_read DOJ org change (open source - more in pipe)

Who is the FBI director?

Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of FBI agents?

Re_read FBI org change (open source - more in pipe)

If SESSIONS & WRAY are DC SWAMP/DEEP STATE why are they cleaning their respective houses?


Why are they slow walking unredacted data?

Why are they slow walking doc disclosures?

Why is the WH backing up DOJ?

What if the same data is being used by other investigators?

What does it mean if a grand jury is impanelled?

Why are confusing questions asked as to outcome re: Mueller?

What would be the purpose of creating confusion?

What was Sessions' Senate confirmation vote?

What was RR's Senate confirmation vote?

If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.

Common denominator.

Why did Sessions pick RR?

Everyone has an opinion.

Few have the facts.

Few know the plan.

Midterms [save & push]?

Swing voters to retake House/Senate?

Impeachment proceedings (open source) initiated?

Power at all costs?

Blue wave?


Why must the DOJ & FBI be cleaned FIRST?

What is the DOJ responsible for?

What is the FBI responsible for?

Why did HRC get a free pass?


Define single shooter.

Who is HUBER?

Define IG.

When does SESSIONS step back in?

Already is?

Why did SESSIONS secretly engage HUBER?

Why did SESSIONS reveal HUBER?

Timing is everything.

Department of Justice does not discuss ongoing investigations or confirm specific matters,

What about the active investigation into leaks?

"Horowitz oversees a nationwide workforce of more than 450 special agents, auditors, inspectors, attorneys, and support staff whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in DOJ programs and personnel, and to promote economy and efficiency in Department operations."

Why did MP step into the C_A prior to Sec of State?

They are deeply connected.

Think Offshore.

MIL INTEL providing support during this time?

Why are select EO's aggressively being written and put into law?

State/C_A next?

Think logically.

No outside comms.


Think logically.

Ask yourself - is this normal?



▶Q !CbboFOtcZs  ‪06/30/18 (Sat) 15:46:19‬317346(4) No.1973688>>


Think SC vote to confirm (coming).

No Name action.

Every dog has its day.

Enjoy the show.


▶Q !CbboFOtcZs  ‪06/30/18 (Sat) 15:53:08‬317346(4) No.1973815>>

"GO GOWDY!!!!!"



It will not be Gowdy.


e5a3e3 No.2039256


Sorry anon but Soros' eyelines don't match the photo at all. The hearing aid and the mole do though.

Show a match between the photos if you want me to believe. Otherwise I'll just keep digging until I find a solid match myself (Trump or Soros)/

37b42b No.2039257

we are hovering your county right now, shall we interrupt your service? stop, or else


0b8179 No.2039258


what the fuck are you talking about, Q literally posted a picture of potus and tried to pass it off as proof that hes close to the president, when in reality he took it from a stock photo that has already existed for many months. look i was 100% in on this, and i acknowlege that very insane coincidences have occured that only someone with inside knowlege would be able to produce, however this is just very off putting to me. it doesnt make sense and we all should be asking questions now.

e37aa5 No.2039259


We are playing in the realm of espionage. These fuckers do this shit for a living. We have to be extremely critical as to not walk into traps. If that means questioning Q and POTUS we must. We cannot be slaves to our desires for a better world, we have to keep thinking.

242dab No.2039260


You can't say that here

you're a soros stooge and now the reddit mafia >>2039244

will traceback your ip


a06bf7 No.2039261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f2fb51 No.2039262


Dox his ass. LOL we'll get the police department on his ass in no time.

In prison, they'll be able to live out being the teen sisters receiving the raping.

Just kidding, kinda

937fc6 No.2039263

File: 1d17422f525ba83⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1360x768, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)


Hmf. Glitch? Try again:

e5a3e3 No.2039264

File: fa709dfca5966c5⋯.png (80.73 KB, 718x665, 718:665, TheTurn.png)

File: b284a239c7b8eaf⋯.jpeg (936 B, 10x10, 1:1, BypassSpurdo.jpeg)

e37aa5 No.2039265


My county, nice try shill. No counties here.

f2fb51 No.2039266


Dox his ass. LOL we'll get the police department on his ass in no time.

In prison, they'll be able to live out being the teen sisters receiving the raping.

Just kidding, kinda

37b42b No.2039267

Think of your mother, and your sister, stop this now


5237dc No.2039268


what about the USSS pic from inside the vehicle with a United jet in front of it?

37b42b No.2039270

last warning


5e7927 No.2039271

>>2037238 OLD BREAD

I'm not an expert on


collection, but

is it even possible

to collect


from a tanned leather



e37aa5 No.2039272


you got the wrong guy faggot, bombs away.

cc14dd No.2039273

File: b90f5e7490915e3⋯.jpg (100 KB, 751x500, 751:500, 2dfxpn.jpg)

File: cb07ab60875ca45⋯.png (10.86 KB, 197x255, 197:255, a858298091bee92fc17d245956….png)

File: aeb64002b1100c7⋯.jpeg (134.47 KB, 1129x1417, 1129:1417, 111cf1f4a0bade7ebd28c84a5….jpeg)


almost forgot, i saw something spoopy in this picture.

The media/ sound/light tower/ stand in the back looks like that evil brand mark.

37b42b No.2039274

and across the st'reee't frm the kindergarten?


0b8179 No.2039275


i really dont know anymore anon, im at the point where im gonna need a confirmation from trump on Q's legitimacy to continue taking this whole thing seriously. Im still going to pay attention to Q's posts, but i wont be doing so religiously anymore.

fa80ec No.2039276

File: e46af5bb87777f0⋯.png (58.71 KB, 960x819, 320:273, congo7853268357652399743.png)

For the pro open borders leftist with 40 posts. Article is from 2 days ago. Beautiful Congo. By the way this isnt part of the old civil wars i was thinking about.

943e48 No.2039277


Put proofs in anonymous envelopes.

Deliver to multiple agencies.

Include local sheriff.

a06bf7 No.2039278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


cc1ec0 No.2039279

File: 91a68a8f342e00a⋯.gif (3.01 MB, 360x203, 360:203, sotsji.gif)

937fc6 No.2039280

File: c650028903b423f⋯.png (894.36 KB, 1360x768, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)

Here's one with a bit of humor for AnonPhotoSnoops (I count me with thee).

e1bd7f No.2039281


thanks for your concern

473348 No.2039282

File: b437c5c3e351075⋯.jpg (138.75 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 1930es-gallery-silo.jpg)


Those are scissor lifts (or similar type support structures).

943e48 No.2039283


>>2037713 Michael Moates tweet: "Keep an eye on #QAnon"

>>2037685 Another anon has been trying out BlipBillboards today in Orlando

>>2037455 Dig into Vaughn Smith, host to Assange with Soros connections

>>2037404 MontanaAnons getting ready for an EPIC MAGA rally tomorrow

>>2037053 'WHO IS Q?' billboard appears in Burleson, Texas

>>2037025 MAGA Rally Thursday at the Four Seasons Arena, Montana

>>2037016, >>2037134 Members of SHAREBLUE used taxpayers money in effort to unseat Netanyahu


>>2036623 The Battle in Southern Syria Is Coming to an End: Israel Bows to Russia’s Will

>>2036578 Peter Strzok, the C_A & Integrity Applications Inc.

>>2036472 POTUS interview from 1980 where he talks of running for Presidency

>>2036337 Anons cook-out in memory of Seth Rich

>>2036286 , >>2036726 POTUS & FLOTUS Independence Day fireworks photos

>>2036248 Huma, Teneo, Hillary, Obama & The Rockefeller Foundation

>>2036213 , >>2036758 Michael Moates Tweets on Q: "Something so tremendous, so YUGE, So Crazy"

001b72 No.2039284


I was just trying to add to the fire, not being a qfag.

37b42b No.2039285

Trump is going to force the issue soon. Every issue the Democrats have cried about so far has been forced, to be honest. Trump has been controlling the narrative all along. We just help fill in some blanks and create the data points. Keep up the good work ANONS!

Drink more red bull autists!

001b72 No.2039286


The news said they were fired, just like the said bin laden knocked down the towers and we landed on the moon

e5a3e3 No.2039287

File: 4b8de50730c4974⋯.png (2.26 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 80c801f860d96abe70d6e6697c….png)

It could be Trump in the upper part of the photo, and Soros in the part of the photo inside the glass circle thing.

I'll work on it more tomorrow.

Should have been in bed hours ago.

There's obviously something with these images.

Q knew where he was when he posted them.

We are the anons that used airplane flight paths, star patterns, and car horns to find the flag.

We are the anons that called a raid on ISIS using vague photos.

He knows this.

To all anons losing hope: you're failing the test.

Q is fake? No.

The photos are fake? Yes.



1d8f54 No.2039288

File: 396f09295cc13b6⋯.jpg (625.48 KB, 3000x4200, 5:7, Rosenstein&MuellerNowAttac….jpg)

File: cd606e848b0aed5⋯.jpg (27.01 KB, 530x298, 265:149, RosensteinBarsoomianCONFLI….jpg)

BAKER BAKER!! >>2038947

"Jim Jordan Character Assasination attempt: THINK ROSENSTEIN/MUELLER"

(PIC Related / corrected)

>>2038947 (Repost)

Anons, this sjit of the Dumbass Black Hats now attacking patriot congressman Jim Jordan days after he had the ballz to thoroughly confront RR for ALL OF US has gotta stop - NO COINCIDENCES - it's like a bad game of telephone: Rosenstein/Mueller/Clapper/Brennan/MEDIA.




WWG1WGA (Pic Related pass it around)

a06bf7 No.2039289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

let us learn of that thing we do not talk of

242dab No.2039290

File: 7a2903980d1a9aa⋯.jpg (128.66 KB, 1360x768, 85:48, 1530782366.jpg)

e37aa5 No.2039291


And if Q says "congrats you fags passed the test" everything is fine?

Goodnight. Thanks for using your head in this mess.

cc14dd No.2039292


I believe they can anon.

http:// www.leathermag.com/features/featureidentification-of-chamois-through-dna-analysis/

google it, several links.

001b72 No.2039293


>We are the anons that used airplane flight paths, star patterns, and car horns to find the flag.

I like working toward a concrete, known objective, unlike this q ship without a rudder

ee396e No.2039294


I guess the point is that Q is not only talking to us, but also to the enemy. This is not a game, there is a war going on and that involves planting misinformation in order to confuse the enemy:


89c0ca No.2039295


This IS NOTABLE. Anons have genuine questions arising from genuine research. We need a response from Q.

Meanwhile, has anyone considered the possibility that Q started off, not as a LARP, but as a genuine attempt by a group of patriots - say, ex or retired FBI - to alert the public to what was really going on behind the scenes and that they never expected the Q phenomenon to take off in such a big way and are now struggling to keep the momentum going with new material for Q drops, since the Q movement actually IS awakening the people and causing them to get involved in their government as they should always have been - but we fell asleep. It has succeeded way beyond anyone's wildest dreams, imo, and whatever or whoever Q turns out to be, it/they have done the people of the US and the world an invaluable service.

e37aa5 No.2039296


help find the source to that picture, we need the original pic, the one Q used to take his picture of POTUS.

cc14dd No.2039297


I know, ( forgot the proper name, kek thank you)

just thought it wierd you could see them in view from whitehouse, behind crowd, and they do look like that brand mark.

001b72 No.2039298


Yea Q plants pics lamps and ears whenever the cabal fucks us. Keeps us busy.

fa80ec No.2039299

File: 44e91ae6dea0a8f⋯.jpg (91.41 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 43706876ufdytofdsisfdu7534….jpg)


Good to see you disgusting shills are subverting the US even on the 4th of July.

937fc6 No.2039300



For sheer audacity. All of this oft feels stranger than friction.

e5a3e3 No.2039301


>if Q says


The test might be to stop relying on Q/believing everything that is said here.

I'm just guessing here - I don't know what's going on.

If Q drops incriminating photos - deep state will drop fake ones to match.

How to sort through that mess?

Q can't help.

Have to help ourselves.

Need to be independent.


Your concrete objective is to spread the GA to normies.

Even in the absolute worst cast scenario where Q is a larp, normal people are still using his past drops as a way to unbrainwash themselves and release themselves from cabal's grip.

That right there is proof enough, almost.




e37aa5 No.2039304


Baker will not budge on it. Need to just keep posting it until another Baker does.

92fef0 No.2039305



Not notable.

It has been the topic of discussion for many threads now, and I anticipate it will continue.

5237dc No.2039306

The person who "climbed" the Statue of Liberty on the 4th of July is why we need tougher immigration laws!

pic related. Yes I know about generalizations but do you know the government and FBI statistics?

95fd5a No.2039307



I can only speak for myself but I have a much clearer understanding of just how much fuckery has been going on all these years and by whom.

This is now out in the public domain.

I am one of millions now.

09a8d4 No.2039308


Question everything, that is good.

But I can help w/ something.

Look the sky:

"When the night has come

And the land is dark

And the Moon,

Is the only light you see."

5237dc No.2039309

File: cfc813dc4f1285b⋯.jpeg (652.9 KB, 1125x1136, 1125:1136, 1530764816762.jpeg)

e5a3e3 No.2039310


I'll check back tomorrow on this thread,

really have to sleep now.

001b72 No.2039311


sure, I'm on board

e37aa5 No.2039312


Yet every time it gets posted and brought up, many people are seeing it for the first time and demand question.

This is probably one of the biggest notables thus far.

a06bf7 No.2039313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

311614 No.2039314



937fc6 No.2039315


Cheers for that image correction. Almost does not need redaction anymore?

cc1ec0 No.2039316

File: d006f406d8ac8d5⋯.png (187.26 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Scottish-Island-Of-Bute-We….png)


e37aa5 No.2039317


Godspeed anon!

cc14dd No.2039318


Yesterday i got in a couple more red pills. This one lady, told her a little bit of everything, ( she was blown away, had not heard about it before)

I gave her one of the american flag deals i have, with Qanon .pub and who is Q and wwg1wga written on the back.

:) She was quite interested.

92fef0 No.2039319


If it is actively being discussed people can read and come to their own conclusion or they will research it themselves and contribute.

Until it is settled it is not notable. It is a concern.

473348 No.2039320



You can extract limited amounts of DNA from tanned leather. You could determine what species of animal it was made from. But the tanning process, by design, does massive chemical damage to the material. Basically, tanning is intentionally causing every chemically reactive site to react in a favorable way so that it doesn't react in a unfavorable way later.The kind of precise DNA matching that they commonly do for criminal cases to match a sample to a particular individual would be very very difficult, if not impossible, for even the best DNA labs.

e37aa5 No.2039322


And the people that only come to look at notables? This will only be seen by few Anons that are active.

How does this get resolved by sweeping it under the rug?

37b42b No.2039323

I hit all 228 of my fb friends and the most liberal are seeing the light. Its working anons, we are winning


89c0ca No.2039324


Exactly - me too. I don't really care too much what or who Q is because it has woken millions of us and caused us to re-engage with our governments instead of just allowing them to dictate and sheepishly following their orders and allowing them to reshape our societies in a way we never wanted or acceded to. Not to mention the corruption and criminality thhey have established on a global scale. For that alone I will forever bless Q.

c10bc2 No.2039325


Yeah it's been pretty shilly lately, and it will only get worse as time progresses. Baker issues, tag-team shills, sperg-fests, unbanananons… It can be very discouraging to have everything you do and say be completely shit on or ignored, while seeing breads fall in to chaos at the same time. There's always one issue after another and the shills will find a way to cause division when they can.

That being said, I'm always faithful that the good anons of this board can stay the course in high-spirits, and work together to make the magic that is our research happen here on this board. Seeing the frustration in anons is a reminder of how passionate we truly are to the Great Awakening. We're not being paid to do what we do, as this isn't anyone's actual day-job. These traitors of humanity are paid to mentally wear us down, and create a divide between us where there is none. Look at us though. None of us have to be here to create memes, side-by-sides, graphics, books, websites, videos, etc but we still do, and we do a damn good job of it. There has never been such a large and passionate collaboration of people who have come together for the sake of our future. It's amazing to see how much has happened in the past year, and how much we've all grown (Or not, some of you are still shitheads, kek). Needless to say, I remain confident in all of you to utilize your minds and hearts to the best of your ability, despite what has happened or will happen. We have these shills scared shitless.

You know, outside of QResearch, I don't have friends IRL, no one I talk to really. My life consists solely of you anons, and this board. I woudn't have it any other way. From what I've seen between all the shill-posts and retardation, you are some truly fucking amazing people. I'm proud that so many of you stuck it out here on this board for so long to make this all happen. Here's to you guys, the nameless, faceless army that brought the truth to the masses for the greatest awakening of our history.


Fuck the shills, and keep your chins up. We got this, anons.

5bd393 No.2039326

from q post 11/1/17,

Q team was prepared to do the "unthinkable", wonder what they were going to do if Trump lost?

"These are crumbs and you cannot imagine the full and complete picture.

If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).", Q

242dab No.2039327

File: 996ac07976e5a2a⋯.jpg (193.46 KB, 1800x768, 75:32, 1530782366.jpg)


Not much to do with it I was bored

glad you liked it

09a8d4 No.2039328


Now how happy you are under the queen?

You had a chance to go away. You declined…..


e37aa5 No.2039329


So you're going to cover it up? The images posted above are somehow "nothing"?

a2368e No.2039330

File: 81b8fa49d90dde8⋯.jpg (127.42 KB, 484x300, 121:75, my-first-babysitter.jpg)


Thanks for babysitting the shills tonight.

'They dont realize they're glowing'

There are some real anons here actually researching. If things go like they did yesterday AM, it's gonna turn into a circus in here any minute. Heads up, friend.

92fef0 No.2039331


Then they are not actively involved in the discussion and are not contributing to whether or not it is accurate.

Again, until there is a resolution then it will continue to be discussed. It is not a notable. It is one of numerous concerns encountered over many months.

37b42b No.2039332

are you ready. —–?

yes we are


62bb2b No.2039333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There is no shape-shifting. "David Icke & Shapeshifting". An interesting video https://www.richplanet.net/rp_genre.php?ref=231&part=1&gen=99

943e48 No.2039334


ef7bf2 No.2039335

I think of this board as a Kong Toy for autists.

Palatable, engaging, increases + vibes…BUT, while autists are chewing away, the REAL work is being done regardless.

I’m grateful for the entertainment, I red-pill as often as possible, but the script has already been written, and the LIGHT always dissipates darkness.

3386c1 No.2039336


Amen BO.

This is testing of the souls.

Keep up the good job!

943e48 No.2039337


>>2039325 BO reminds us why we do what we do despite the obstacles: Chins up lads.

>>2039316 UK: Home Office Told to Expand Programme Importing Refugees to Every Town, Village

>>2039146 Welcome to Stasi Sweden. Dental hygeniest fined $60,000 for exposing migrants' age

>>2039216, >>2039229, >>2039233 Helsinki Summit = Trump Is Existential Threat to (((Empire)))

>>2039175 And they wonder why the right is rising: Visual of migration from Africa to Italy

>>2039112 We're here because we've been tried by fire. Kübler-Ross of 5 stages of grief.

>>2039083 2012: Do Susan Rice’s Canadian connections disqualify her as US Sec State?

>>2039075 Fear porn: UK/Salisbury ppl now told to avoid picking up unknown objects.

>>2039035,,>>2039100 The Ghoul of Calcutta: The NUNS are in on it? Is nothing sacred?

>>2039029 Melee en Francais: Police in full riot gear over shooting of gud boi

>>2038925, >>2039003 "Sacred Honor": What Patriots have that (((they))) don't.

>>2038988 Todd Piro Twat roasts the Statue of Liberty climber good

>>2038843 Moar thoughts on RYB Education, China, and Joel Getz

>>2038776 Australian involvement in Clinton Foundation

>>2038731 What price treason? Susan Rice's net worth $50 mil at $172,000/yr salary

>>2038718 World Cup Doing Great Things for Russia… Time for 'Novichok' to Strike Again!

>>2038717 Word salad straight from the horseface's mouth: Lynn De Rothschild i'view

>>2038670 Merkel calls a waaambulance as Trump Mulls Hitting EU Car Exports

>>2038662 Securing his army while his people suffer: Maduro and Venezuela update

>>2038647 In-depth interview w/POTUS's MIT engineer Uncle: Energy/Healthcare implications?

f2fb51 No.2039338

File: f9dc6aedf5bf490⋯.jpg (65.75 KB, 980x551, 980:551, soroslarge.jpg)

File: ab388f3ab46a459⋯.jpeg (11.63 KB, 188x210, 94:105, sorosangle.jpeg)

File: cbea95932110f29⋯.jpeg (194.93 KB, 1086x1152, 181:192, sorosspot.jpeg)

Found a comparable angle

2cb101 No.2039339

File: 22825f330e56b5a⋯.jpg (102.17 KB, 667x1000, 667:1000, sessions-006.jpg)

fc8007 No.2039340

File: 24711986eee46eb⋯.jpg (51.52 KB, 992x558, 16:9, trump point 3.jpg)


Very well said indeed, brother

245324 No.2039342

File: 47719e65fccbcd6⋯.png (82.96 KB, 1139x329, 1139:329, Screenshot 2018-07-05 00.3….png)

Interesting CDAN about Anthony Weiner ready to rat on "names a whole lot bigger than him."

95fd5a No.2039343


>There is no shape-shifting.

You obviously hadn't met my wife before we got married compared to now.

a06bf7 No.2039344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5ea320 No.2039347


"There has never been such a large and passionate collaboration of people who have come together for the sake of our future. "

Beautifully stated, BO.

5237dc No.2039348

File: 4130d65e96df555⋯.jpeg (13.64 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 4130d65e96df555e1268a95c8….jpeg)


hahaha, oh boy, funny!

8d875c No.2039349


That's Mr. Shithead thank you very much.. have some fucking respect…


e7b07e No.2039350


Prince Edward too thin?

Needs someone ginger, bald with a stocky figure.

Joel Getz is not bald on top, according to any pics I can find

81f060 No.2039351


that is good!

37b42b No.2039352

File: 913f3eb48158154⋯.jpg (41.16 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 0be74d8ce9b43db8816f652041….jpg)



8d875c No.2039353


And if she reads that comment you have been hacked.. shills held you down.. wrote that and vanished theough the open window..

These shills are sneaky fucking bastards..

a06bf7 No.2039354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

release the kraken

245324 No.2039355

Chris Cornell CDAN. Apparently tied to Monica Peterson (Haiti trafficking investigator). All suicided.

78a6d4 No.2039356

File: 9c831b52f9d1128⋯.jpg (644.6 KB, 830x1262, 415:631, 1509755532363.jpg)


>You know, outside of QResearch, I don't have friends IRL, no one I talk to really. My life consists solely of you anons, and this board.

you where made for this anon, you are achieving your destiny. we all are here for a special reason and that reason is to kick some ass.

Golden Age of humanity is upon us, keep your spirits up and pray for a better tomorrow

cc1ec0 No.2039357

File: f0632d15cff41bc⋯.png (938.51 KB, 712x2693, 712:2693, Woman_in_cafe_defended_19_….png)

Woman in cafe defended: 19 year old Belgian of knife "refugee" murdered:


81f060 No.2039358


This is beautiful.

Pray that it works.

245324 No.2039359

File: 38af4c2946e0509⋯.png (426.04 KB, 1169x1377, 1169:1377, Screenshot 2018-07-05 00.2….png)


Oops forgot pic

62bb2b No.2039360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I laughed ty

a2368e No.2039362

File: f0c229264a60806⋯.gif (46.03 KB, 262x338, 131:169, beer-toast.gif)


Hear Hear

bacb82 No.2039363

File: b16b899a5a52399⋯.png (246.41 KB, 947x422, 947:422, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43fc9262ab3ed3c⋯.png (429.21 KB, 739x318, 739:318, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad1e82907530f60⋯.png (48.95 KB, 2933x207, 2933:207, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f732d439ceaee13⋯.png (384.83 KB, 777x535, 777:535, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 612705aa603ab06⋯.png (5.65 KB, 795x53, 15:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Here's my Project Cassandra links, anon.

I have thought for a long time that Project Cassandra = Q.


EO signed 12/21 and next day Sessions announces looking into Project Cassandra


Used car lot used in Project Cassandra. The cars just keep accumulating.

By following the money, though, Asher had become convinced that the task force wasn’t overhyping the threat posed by Hezbollah’s criminal activities, it was significantly underestimating it. Because Hezbollah’s drug trafficking was bankrolling its Islamic Jihad military wing and joint ventures with Iran, as Asher would later testify before Congress, it represented “the largest material support scheme for terrorism operations” the world had ever seen.


“There were ways of getting these guys if they’d let us,” Kelly said.

Frustrated, he wrote another of his emails to DEA leaders in July 2014, asking for help.

The email stated that the used-car money-laundering scheme was flourishing in the United States and Africa. The number of vehicles being shipped to Benin had more than doubled from December 2011 to 2014, he wrote, with one dealership alone receiving more than $4 million.

And despite the DEA’s creation of a multi-agency “Iran-Hezbollah Super Facilitator Initiative” in 2013, Kelly said, only the Department of Homeland Security’s Customs and Border Protection was sharing information and resources.



Project Cassandra connection to Roth Banks



943e48 No.2039364

File: d96ceaa16a2130e⋯.jpg (70.56 KB, 458x563, 458:563, CheetahBaker.JPG)

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

245324 No.2039365

File: 51e03d89dd12ddd⋯.png (110.22 KB, 1172x420, 293:105, Screenshot 2018-07-05 00.2….png)

Porn stars and Epstein Island!

09a8d4 No.2039366

File: e36e817cbcbef00⋯.jpeg (9.99 KB, 194x259, 194:259, clown babysitter.jpeg)


You lie people in here.

This is your first babysitter.

Since then….well, you know better.

245324 No.2039367

File: 9da9f6a9f1cd97a⋯.png (2.09 MB, 2159x1482, 2159:1482, Screenshot 2018-07-05 02.3….png)

5 C-130s heading out of UK in formation.

37b42b No.2039368

notable baker


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