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/qresearch/ - Q Research Board

Research and discussion about Q's crumbs
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File: 5dcf8a84bce0e22⋯.jpg (9.53 KB, 255x143, 255:143, f399ac48494c1cf0aa423df670….jpg)

31a094 No.1538858

Welcome To Q Research General

Vincit Omnia Veritas

"Start a storm." Sign the New IBOR Petition! Fight! Fight! Fight!

WWG1WGA! Do you trust POTUS? Do you trust the PLAN? "The choice is yours."

>>1427755 , >>1489251 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/internet-bill-rights-18

Board Rules (Please read the rules) >>3138

New sticky thread to clear the air of doubt re: Q's Authenticity


Q's New Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs new Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 05.22.2018

>>1509322 ----------------------- Enjoy the show.

>>1508206 rt >>1508060 ---- Attacks will intensify [all sides].

>>>/patriotsfight/99 ------------ _AF1_5A_

>>1506866 rt >>1506817 ---- It’s happening.

>>1506815 rt >>1506500 ---- Avoid NSA data collection. It failed. (Re: Nellie Ohr)

>>>/patriotsfight/98 ------------ RAPID FIRE.

Monday 05.21.2018

>>1497716 ------------------------ Military OP. [Green]. General K [JFK]: RR<-WRAY->Rachel Brand(Panuccio/Pruitt)-Scheiderman. D5

Sunday 05.20.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/97 ------------ Q! Quotes Ephesians 6:10-18, – 1 Cor 13:4-13

>>>/patriotsfight/96 ------------ Those who are loudest…

>>1483388 ----------------------- We exposed the password [#91] on purpose [23]

>>1483187 ----------------------- The entire time See >>1483318

>>1483159 rt >>1483003 ---- ROT = Rotation

>>>/patriotsfight/95 ------------ US Flag

>>>/patriotsfight/94 ------------ WE ARE Q!

>>1482139 rt >>1482048 ---- TRUST the plan

>>>/patriotsfight/93 ------------ They are losing [all] control

>>>/patriotsfight/92 ------------ [6] surv [value targets]

Saturday 05.19.2018

>>>/patriotsfight/91 ------------ Now Comes The Pain

>>>/patriotsfight/90 ------------ https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/997951982467014656

>>1472746 rt >>1472647 ---- We control [utility]

>>1472647 rt >>1472580 ---- I'd watch the news that day.

>>1472525 rt >>1472472 ---- Mistake or on purpose?

>>>/patriotsfight/89 ------------ Updated. (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>>/patriotsfight/88 ------------ TRIP CHANGE (deleted) see: >>1473424

>>1472440 ----------------------- (Password expose)

Backup Q Posts


Previous Q Posts

Find Previous Q Posts at: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

Archives of Q's /patriotsfight/ threads >>1313128

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Read: Social Media Protocols

1. DO NOT CONFRONT accounts that are being tracked. WATCH. ARCHIVE. REPORT.

2. If you find an important account, ARCHIVE OFFLINE BEFORE POSTING link to 8ch

We must avoid tipping off the black hats until archiving is complete.

>>1207179 For Instagram mirroring

>>1272084 For Twitter mirroring

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1538282 How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1489607 Useful filters

Q Clock Graphic


31a094 No.1538865


are not endorsements


>>1538133 New Alefantis Instagram images

>>1538154 Flowers, gardens, NK, and Planned Parenthood gala (graphic analysis)

>>1538181 On poppies and opium in the news and current events (analysis/commentary)

>>1538206 Analysis of world economics: cabalists v. Trump (analysis from previous bread)

>>1538209 GermanArchiveAnon geupdated

>>1538510 PSA from the FBI Foreign Cyber Actors

>>1538670 ; >>1538712 Planefag Report, 25th May 'Two Scoops of Spoops Edition'

>>1538592 Mattis: U.S.-N. Korea summit could still happen

>>1538631 Flynn & DGFFFCF (Baker is putting in notables only for other anons to take a look and do with it what they will)

>>1538687 Putin Plans to Leave Presidency at the End of Current Term

>>1538654 Taking Another Look at Maurice Strong

>>1538735 Looks like the Iranian gov is on the verge of complete breakdown

>>1538772 Michael Cohen's book about being Trump's 'fixer' reportedly dead in the water

>>1538788 Powerful language and meme-worthy!! Some phrases from President Trump's commencement speech at the U.S. Naval Academy today

>>1538795 Indiana school shooting

>>1538804 "Mayor de Blasio's Emails With Political Advisors Made Public" Raise questions of Advisors working as "Shadow Government

>>1538828 Revealed: Fusion GPS Closely Tied to Russian Lobbyist at Trump Jr. Meeting

>>1538812 , >>1538816 Weinstein's Reading Material


>>1537378 Scaramucci says “tippy top” twice during live broadcast

>>1537399 Trump tweets w/time signature deltas (analysis)

>>1537403 Summary of Dennis Rodman at West Point’s Modern Institute

>>1537470 Federal prisons director stepped down due to strain w/Kushner, Sessions

>>1537473 ; >>1537734 Obama pay-to-play email

>>1537495 Today is “National Missing Children’s Day”

>>1537533 Epstein squeals to FBI

>>1537547 Complaints filed against social media giants within hours of GDPR rule implementation

>>1537568 US Marines tweet and 101 days of summer (analysis)

>>1537636 Summary of the shitstorm brought down on the pedos this month

>>1537644 ; >>1547827 Cryptic tweet from General Flynn: “Dgfffcf” w/pic of Huma, Weinstein, HRC

>>1537647 DJT’s Bethpage twitter banner, 17, and 5:5

>>1537673 Active shooter at Noblesville West Middle School

>>1537866 General Flynn’s twitter account hacked (details pending)

>>1537915 Hyangsan, NK, in DJT twitter video (analysis)

>>1538066 “Obamacoin” and “Hillaryclintcoin” digging avenue

>>1538077 Flynn tweet pic from Planned Parenthood gala

>>1538109 Iran still in talks with other world powers over nuclear deal


>>1536591 Graphic on DJT’s Twitter and the 1A argument

>>1536648 Patrick Fitzgerald and the Plame Affair

>>1536829 Irish plane struck by jet on runway

>>1537012 Weinstein turns himself in

>>1537021 ; >>1537077 Further digs on Antartica

>>1537047 US websites dark in Europe due to GDPR data rules

>>1537311 McConnell supports Mueller probe after Gang of Eight meeting


>>1536010 DPRK Statement transcript

>>1536162 FBI shuts down domain behind Russian 'VPNFilter' botnet

>>1536102 Jung vs Jong Explanation & Proof [Amazing]

>>1536105 Participants of the DOJ Meeting >>1536070 Picture Proof

>>1536336 Rudy's involvement as possible AGG? [Great graphic]


>>1535065 Explosion in Ontario 15 vicitims 3 critical blast injuries

>>1535130 Senate passes sexual harassment bill

>>1535827 GWB unauthorized biography

>>1535056 The clock has officially struck 5:5

>>1535051 Airstrikes in syria http://www.latimes.com/world/la-fg-syria-airstrikes-20180524-story.html

>>1535069 The Gay Fish doin some freaky shit. He spent $85K on w. Houston's suicide bathroom

>>1535510 Qproof Habbenings

>>1535531 Kim Jung Jum

>>1535434 Interview with Patrick Little When Winter comes, they're going to take all our shit

>>1535815 Trooper with same name as officer falsely accused of sexual assault fights Shaun King's posts

>>1535424 Jung vs. Jong Explanation & Proof


>>1534373, >>1534382 Geo-politics of Syria, Iran, Iraq,

>>1534541 3 FBI Interviews Scheduled for June

>>1534480 Sen. Mark Warner calls DOJ intelligence briefing a 'farce'

>>1534486 Booms In Pennsylvania, this time in Philadelphia, Claim "explosions"

>>1534536 NYT front page, march 18th 2017

>>1534608 Where was the (current) Boston police commissioner during the Marathon Bombing?

>>1534673 Kim Prepping his nation: ITS HABBENING

>>1534713 FBI plans raid of Nxivm leader Keith Raniere / Allison Mack compound

>>1534763 Amazon Alexa ect. (incase you didn't know)

>>1534783 Having been kicked out of Hungary, (((Soros))) meddles in Ukraine

>>1534825 Jung Un misspelling of name by POTUS, Signals Friendship Brilliant and Beautiful

Best Of Bread >>311157

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

31a094 No.1538867

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Q's request: KEEP DEMANDING #ReleaseTheTexts until #Unredacted release

[3] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[4] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Threads & Research Section

>>1254488 -- QBOARD QUESTIONS (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q QUESTIONS THREAD (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>1119245 -- TTDDTOT - Things That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

>>143179 --- META


>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>311157 --- Notable Post Discussion

>>198093 --- Q memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>674740 --- Qanon auf Deutsch

>>1254488 -- Newfag Q&A

>>93735 ----- Side-by-Side Graphics

>>1115338 -- Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

>>1147812 -- Notable Resignations Thread 2/2


>>4356 ------ Tools and Information

>>4852 ------ Free Research Resources

>>4362 ------ Planefag Tools and Planefagging 101 >>1311848

>>4369 ------ Research Threads

>>32223 ---- Qs chess game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 --- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread


>>810563 --- NXIVM info collection

>>885933 --- P=C

>>904395 --- The Plan

>>911014 --- Occult music and pop culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1013812 - Crazy Days and Nights Dig?

>>1049327 - 666 Fifth Avenue Research Thread III

>>1286065 - FIND THE KEY dig

>>1310117 - For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1427755 - Battle for Internet Bill of Rights

31a094 No.1538870

Graphics of All Q'S Posts

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#23 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>1527495

the missing Qmap in EST has been archived >>>/comms/1194

Q Graphics all in EST

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 —————————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures: >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg —————— >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg —- >>>/comms/966

NEW: Q's Images Posted

Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* NEW QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: qmap.pub >>1334710

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.2.0 [updated 5/13]) >>1403707

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

'* http://''qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

>>1499677 Archive Update (not really sure where to put it)

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>851957

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

*Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

Backup Q Map/Graphic Set >>>/comms/283

Q Research Graphics Library


18,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1115338 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

22 >>1485456 21 >>1352458 20 >>1232995 Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————– qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist — main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake!

New Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Bakers Manual https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY9

In case of inability to post images, EMBED THE VIDEO FOUND HERE: >>1505954

RE: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1514027.html#q1514062

31a094 No.1538878



06d036 No.1538890

File: 5c4e4f971124051⋯.png (399.91 KB, 534x401, 534:401, ClipboardImage.png)


Follow the Pen!!! JK

e12cf0 No.1538904

File: 5b72de78b8ab796⋯.jpg (36.94 KB, 333x500, 333:500, tybaker.jpg)

9d68d5 No.1538907

File: 716b06c0de98d71⋯.jpeg (76.49 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 5xMZtMJ.jpeg)

Excellent work, Baker.

0617e9 No.1538908

File: b2deffe1d1627b2⋯.jpg (40.22 KB, 634x426, 317:213, 1527260844901.jpg)

File: 11a9877edfd6a41⋯.jpg (72.63 KB, 634x786, 317:393, 1527260828678.jpg)

File: 81c28a035dbbfac⋯.jpg (36.78 KB, 428x735, 428:735, 1527259915372.jpg)

What books is Weinstein holding??

Looks to be Elia Kazan!!

The most important one was a biography about Elia Kazan, a famous commie filmmaker who turned on his fellow communists and gave their names to the government.

>Kazan's career was upended amid the Red Scare during the Hollywood blacklist in the early 50s. For nearly two years during the Great Depression, Kazan had been a member of the American Communist Party in New York.

>The testimony he delivered before the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities remains controversial today, though his body of work is still celebrated as among the best of all time.

>The Committee in April 1952 called on the director to identify Communists. Kazan initially refused but eventually provided the names of eight former members of the Group Theater. While most of them had already been identified, Kazan's decision to testify cost him many connections within the film industry, including with playwright Arthur Miller.

The guy was seen as being evil for a long time for giving up names to the point where that outshone everything else he'd ever done in his life and career. It wasn't a coincidence Weinstein was carrying it.

>I would rather do what I did than crawl in front of a ritualistic Left and lie the way those other comrades did, and betray my own soul. I didn't betray it. I made a difficult decision.[29]


31a094 No.1538912


Play nice and please pull missed notables from last bread.


e32e2c No.1538922

File: cfed305b0cbfb33⋯.jpg (34.12 KB, 400x259, 400:259, 2av3vm.jpg)


roger that , thank you baker .

a92768 No.1538925

>>1538552 (lb)

2_BLUE>>McSweeny>>Chevy Chase Trust>> Bank of America https://www.chevychasetrust.com/chevy-chase-trust-company-and-its-heritage-part-4-b-f-saul-and-chevy-chase-trust/

fd73d4 No.1538926

Zebra_Zebra.= MR U

Bring the thunder.


Bring the thunder.

Cool coincidence with below

>>1535424 Jung vs. Jong Explanation & Proof

dc8d16 No.1538927


because I would like to see

this be the first step

in a trend of prosecutions

and not just be

a coverup for the other cousins]


Every little bit helps

But we need to ask ourselves

If what they say about Hollywood moguls is true

That they have enslaved all A-list celebs

As mind control slaves

Using MK Ultra torture techniques

Which is blatant human rights abuse

And that is before you get into

The beta sex kitten programming they give every slave

So they can be serviced at their parties

And the private orgies they hold during all of those

RED CARPET ceremonies

If all that is true

That this clan of incestuous cousins

Who own all the A-list celebs

Are pedophiles and drink blood from human sacrifices

Isn't Weinstein's punishment

A bit too much

Like a slap on the wrist

Like an attempt to cover up larger crimes

By putting forth a scape-GOAT

To satisfy the bleating of the sheep

Isn't this too much

Like a Hollywood production

A little reality drama

And not a real serious attempt to get at the criminals and put them ALL away?

Can we DIG IT?

41cbd7 No.1538928

Spec. test successful deployment of aerosolized Fent and derivatives fatal in microgram doses. Desperation FF potential risk would be moderate, but limited to enclosed gatherings. Be Alert.

20b923 No.1538929

File: fc4e4759c4ded27⋯.png (3.69 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 17badge.png)

File: 59e94214fc5e598⋯.jpg (15.58 KB, 257x193, 257:193, HWein 17.JPG)

File: 0c163752fc3f738⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1070x718, 535:359, 0c163752fc3f738cac823e1821….png)

From the prior #1932 bread,

Badge # 5+5+3+4

e12cf0 No.1538930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dbcd38 No.1538931

File: bb9ce4b1ff49368⋯.png (513.51 KB, 812x571, 812:571, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

Lionel twitting a funny GIF.

Great having Lionel on our team, we need humor at times.

b8a4d6 No.1538932

POTUS just got gifted some sort of cup looking thing @ naval academy

d7d5ca No.1538933



Wish there were more recent news about FPC Alderson. There has been nothing in the news besides a couple high-profile prisoner releases.

Perhaps they are making room for the transition? Alderson would be a good location for the tribunals. Is nice enough to keep the high-profile prisoners in relative comfort while sending the more nefarious prisoners on to Gitmo for "special" treatment.

88d5e3 No.1538934


Good find Anon

3fa4fc No.1538935

0617e9 No.1538936

File: 3529100145e835b⋯.png (840.93 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 1527264670298.png)


He is going to make the whole house of cards fall.

e12cf0 No.1538937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


027ea6 No.1538938

Gregg Hunter is Patriot

Freedom of speech is getting destroyed.

Utube has a plan by sept 2018 to remove all republican utube

channels. To Get dems elected. Censoring utubes.

He said his channel might be removed. Excellent Journalist on banking sector. Does not say anything on Q. But points out the news scandals.

China’s Crown Jewel of Crazy, Spygate Bigger than Watergate, Economic Update

https ://usawatchdog.com/chinas-crown-jewel-of-crazy-spygate-bigger-than-watergate-economic-update/

eb5746 No.1538939

File: 1322f319ab46bb0⋯.jpg (144.15 KB, 697x851, 697:851, yjt9xyx9nk701.jpg)

File: 2d05e92a5ebfa04⋯.jpg (146.35 KB, 600x721, 600:721, vn4fbijvnk701.jpg)

Trump & Epstein…



8d4635 No.1538940

File: 6301340dabe2a89⋯.jpg (557.88 KB, 2000x1432, 250:179, NNQ4.jpg)

File: d4ba36730518e96⋯.jpg (469.12 KB, 1556x2000, 389:500, NNQ3.jpg)

File: c3930e4f8d3a9b9⋯.jpg (511.4 KB, 2000x1428, 500:357, NNQ2.jpg)

File: 11269492ff9fc05⋯.jpg (438.6 KB, 2000x1428, 500:357, NNQ1.jpg)

>>1538788 prev bread

645ec7 No.1538941


He had another book….

Rodgers' and Hammerstein bio 'Something Wonderful' as well.

Ahe he was grinning oddly part of his perp walk. -shivers; fucker reminds me of someone. I hope he meets Bubba.

dc8d16 No.1538942

File: db17b312fccc631⋯.png (818.95 KB, 564x850, 282:425, ClipboardImage.png)

I always say

Ask the freckles if you want to see

True eyes will show the way

And the freckles still say

(((IBOR petition) is fake and gay

But you knew that


2798a9 No.1538943


i sure cant wait for the drips to become gushers

9bf630 No.1538944

File: 5f6d0cfc60781b8⋯.png (409.46 KB, 722x404, 361:202, 5127455543822.png)

415acd No.1538945

File: 16698a025f8f8b8⋯.png (471.01 KB, 710x400, 71:40, ClipboardImage.png)

Bye, Girl: Debra Lee Resigns as BET Networks Chairman/CEO


d7d5ca No.1538946


Agreed, Epstein got let off easy, but now that Weinstein is in a vice he is going to sing like a canary and bring them all down.

d9c9a8 No.1538947


Why anon. Weinstein's reading material are in the notables from the last bread.



It's so very fascinating, don't you think?

We should manage at least a hundred posts on the subject.

645ec7 No.1538948



What in the world.

First shot of the day, misfired. Sorry folks :P

f03373 No.1538949


James is woods is funnier lol love dry sarcasm

ac040a No.1538950

8prev)What if DGFFFCF were musical notes..only speculating

820423 No.1538951

File: 5d31f31d55ff98d⋯.png (321.8 KB, 1950x670, 195:67, Screenshot 2018-05-25 at 1….png)

Nationwide alert for Brazil. 4th day of trucker's union strike. Federal District of Brasilia (the capital), airport closed…traffic issues nationwide: NO GAS. preparing for something or just typical latin america problems?

3155a0 No.1538952

File: 5d05eb465989bae⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1100x619, 1100:619, ClipboardImage.png)

88d5e3 No.1538953


You are right Anon, Good find on the Elia Kazan book

dce8c5 No.1538955


Is he clean-shaven?

7071ed No.1538956

Took some deep breaths. Message received.

Divisionfags won't win. I know who you are. I know what you are doing. I know why you are doing it. I didn't spend all that time learning to fail now.

I see you.

Always have.

Now I won't entertain you.

You won't win.


48276b No.1538957

>>1538908 We've seen the perp walk……good but not nearly enough. They should have had a 6'6" Marine behind him kicking him in the ass every step of the way. I'm talking the kind of kicks that lift a waddling scumbag off his feet. We've seen the perp walk, now let's see an air walk. For all of his many enablers too.

1b26ed No.1538958

File: 80a543d2d95b2f8⋯.png (818.66 KB, 951x606, 317:202, ClipboardImage.png)

Tasty bread Baker.

Thank you.

e12cf0 No.1538959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


be3259 No.1538960

File: 96e26ee7ed8b5e5⋯.jpg (35.59 KB, 1280x1140, 64:57, AUS-flag-cont.jpg)

>>1538181 (lb)

>>1538300 Poppies

>>1538446 poppies

>>1538734 Poppies

HSBC would agree? ;)



Happy we're coming back to this--

see >>1536774 #1931

>continuing a Proto-Germanic reconstructed compound

*auzi-wandilaz "luminous wanderer",

>in origin probably the name of a star or planet, potentially the morning star (Eosphoros).


From Proto-Germanic *Auziwandilaz, from

*AUZI (“dawn”) +

*wandilaz (“fluctuating, variable, wandering”),

perhaps via the intermediate forms *ēarwendel or *ēarwandel.

dce8c5 No.1538961

File: bb4343a05db85cd⋯.jpg (14.54 KB, 288x210, 48:35, 3stoogescake.jpg)

Thank you baker

7f4924 No.1538962

File: e0edc1a4167823e⋯.png (703.74 KB, 1080x1573, 1080:1573, Screenshot_20180525-222459….png)

ef1997 No.1538963

Heres my theory

5:5= 5:25pm on 5/25

5:5 = 5 hours before 5 hours after

5:5 = no Q since Tue. 10 days of darkness

ee0bd5 No.1538964

File: 506b431624ce1ba⋯.png (722.78 KB, 868x506, 434:253, ClipboardImage.png)

China claims no 'clue' of sonic attack on U.S. consulate

Chinese officials say they’ve probed reports of an American government employee experiencing mysterious sensations from sound and pressure at a U.S. diplomatic facility in China but found nothing to back up the claim.

“China has carried out an investigation seriously and given an initial feedback to the U.S.,” said Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang. “We have found no reason or clue for what was reported by the U.S.”

Mr. Kang made the comments at a press conference in Beijing Thursday, a day after U.S. officials revealed that an employee at the U.S. consulate in Guangzhou, China, had experienced the abnormal sensations.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo raised eyebrows Wednesday, when he told lawmakers in Washington that the sensations reported were “very similar and entirely consistent” with symptoms felt by American diplomats sickened last year in Cuba by what many believe was a sonic or electromagnetic wave attack on the U.S. Embassy there.

The incident in Havana has remained a mystery over the past year, with some analysts also speculating the diplomats may have fallen ill from exposure to waves emitting from a malfunctioned foreign listening or spying device.

The notion that similar symptoms were reported this week at a U.S. consulate in China sent concerns swirling that the incidents may be linked — or that Beijing may have somehow been involved in the Cuba development.

Chinese officials have been eager to head off such speculation.

The Associated Press noted Thursday that China’s state-owned Global Times newspaper said in an editorial that the investigation into the U.S. employee’s condition in Guangzhou should be “objective” and that it was “inappropriate” for Washington to connect the incident with what occurred in Cuba.

“It is completely unthinkable for there to be medical attacks launched against foreigners, particularly diplomats, in China,” the Global Times said.

“A sonic attack especially requires exceptional imagination,” the commentary said, asking, “what sort of ‘profit’ would make it worthwhile for China to take such a risk?”

Mr. Kang offered a more diplomatic comment during a regular Chinese foreign ministry news briefing Thursday.

“China always protects the safety of staff in foreign diplomatic missions in China, including those from the U.S. side, in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations,” he said.

The State Department, meanwhile, said it has dispatched a U.S. medical team to Guangzhou, where “subtle and vague, but abnormal, sensations of sound and pressure” were reported by an American government worker.

The department said it is aware of only one employee who has been affected and that there have been no reports of private U.S. citizens experiencing the phenomena. Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said this week that the American employee had shown clinical findings similar to patients with mild traumatic brain injury, known commonly as a concussion.

The worker, who has been sent to the U.S. for additional testing, experienced “a variety of symptoms” from late 2017 through April, Ms. Nauert said.

https:// www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/may/25/china-claims-no-clue-sonic-attack-us-consulate/

0617e9 No.1538965


First post waiting to verify

Second has been verified

Wont cloud it up anymore. Just excited with good news

e0222f No.1538966


Was The Producers based on these two?

2798a9 No.1538967


he is one ugly mfer

but with his money and power

why do they rape?

i will never understand this

must be a control thing

because there are plenty of woman that would give it up for just being around the money

3155a0 No.1538968


sounds legit to me.

7d9b33 No.1538969

File: 75be5fc0fd8c282⋯.jpg (167.43 KB, 661x510, 661:510, wfaf.jpg)

File: ff52c39085a8fb6⋯.png (53.9 KB, 767x767, 1:1, Freedomisntfree.png)

File: 4f590ae0a468860⋯.png (154.1 KB, 767x767, 1:1, InternetBillofLove.png)

File: 01a8bfcd72a0a13⋯.png (563.63 KB, 2872x3448, 359:431, QIBOR.png)

File: 3a9d087e8070e4b⋯.png (360.82 KB, 1313x805, 1313:805, 400d0422ec5aa3437f6f79570f….png)

Internet Bill Of Rights

Let your voices be heard!






President Trump's twitter is officially a public forum, this gives you immunity to shadowbans and censorship when @POTUS.

Take this plot armor and go forth to spread the message!


Read carefully and honestly

Do you believe that your right to privacy and freedom of expression should pertain to your experiences online?

Do you believe that WE THE PEOPLE deserve full representation of our rights wherever we may go?

Do you believe that protections should be in place to preserve these rights?

Please, spread the word about the Petition and remind the people that they do indeed have the POWER and VOICE to create CHANGE


>#1. We the People have the Right to complete free speech when on the Internet.

>#2. We have the right and shall be guaranteed absolute privacy when online. There shall be no unauthorized monitoring, recording, or storing of our data at any time.

>#3. We shall be given access to the most up to date and powerful technology available to us, with all provisions & efforts made by our elected officials to ensure that our Internet quality is always reflective of its importance to our Republic.

>#4. We have the Right to NOT have our Internet throttled, prioritized, or restricted in any way.

>#5. We have the Right to select and appoint a new special council to oversee these Rights, and a report on the State of The American Internet shall be submitted to POTUS by January 15th of each year.

Remember that this is an American issue and humanitarian issue of Rights.

All voices deserve equal and fair representation so that an honest dialog may take place.

The people have been divided for too long, let us be the anthem of hope and freedom that WE THE PEOPLE deserve!

Attached are combinations of memes for a variety of viewpoints.

Freedom of speech and privacy is not a partisan issue, but that of all people.

>>1489251 Internet Bill Of Rights

>>1489251 Internet Bill Of Rights

bit. ly/QIBOR


If you have yet to sign and are on the fence about it, be BRAVE and remember that YOU HAVE ALWAYS HAD THE POWER!






c688c7 No.1538970


I already imagine a Mega DDoS attack for Sept/Oct/November..

11e283 No.1538971

File: 7dcc7f24a58e609⋯.jpg (188.06 KB, 602x1235, 602:1235, based obama.jpg)

File: f974688f53e467a⋯.png (357.12 KB, 544x640, 17:20, darth malik.png)

File: e629a18a262c68c⋯.png (168.64 KB, 633x771, 211:257, malik obama heartless.png)


Remember Best Obama's tweets during the election about pay to play.

be3259 No.1538972

>>1538960 also meant to link

>>1538444 (lb) >more poppies

027ea6 No.1538973


fake and gay

d9c9a8 No.1538974


Very thoughtful, anon.

There was a piano posted a couple of breads ago.

Anyone else catch it?

Plunked it out here. Didn't sound familiar.


7f4924 No.1538975

File: db788ffda67e9ff⋯.png (133.47 KB, 1080x820, 54:41, Screenshot_20180525-222621….png)

Facebook sued.

dce8c5 No.1538976

File: 59f9bb3aa2bd338⋯.png (54.21 KB, 204x115, 204:115, marklepoppy.png)


markle coat of arms has poppy


415acd No.1538977

File: e661b8e4e41ffb1⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1242x1726, 621:863, ClipboardImage.png)

eb5746 No.1538978


not fake

3155a0 No.1538979


i posted the piano. before you waste time, it's NOT the notes from Close Encounters of the Third Kind

6cd2d5 No.1538980

Q hasn't posted since POTUS called off the NK summit.

ac040a No.1538981


even mirroring the sequence? FCFFFGD

eb5746 No.1538982



91fd4d No.1538984


"Elia Kazan: A Biography" by Richard Schickel and "Something Wonderful: Rodgers and Hammerstein's Broadway Revolution" by Todd S Purdum. - http://www.businessinsider.com/harvey-weinstein-carried-books-when-he-turned-himself-into-police-2018-5

f04752 No.1538985



That is a dangerous game he's playing.

Paints a huge target on his back.

Does he still have his Mossad security?

3155a0 No.1538986


those letter are also all consonants

e569d3 No.1538987

File: 24491b5ce52f6be⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1225x867, 1225:867, jack johnson trump exon.png)

File: efc649d0d7edab3⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1225x867, 1225:867, jack johnson trump exonmem….jpg)

027ea6 No.1538988


media matters fake and gay

31a094 No.1538989


2798a9 No.1538990


will never give up me brats on the grill with a cold beer, will be eating some this weekend.

fuck them

ac040a No.1538991


OK! thanks for saving time!

d9c9a8 No.1538992


Actually, anon, I knew that before trying. Kek.

cd45b9 No.1538993


yeah but who watches the dem channels? dems. i agree it's fucked up these idiots do this kind of thing. but in the end it won't matter all that much. except to the tubes pocket book. and out of business after they get sued. and since the right are all ignorant hillbillies to the left they never watch our sides vids too.

twat and fb. we can't wake normies like we want but really they won't listen anyway unless there are no msm talking points pounded in them. censoring will not, imho, as big an impact as THEY dream about and we have nightmares over.

b4d56d No.1538994


Fake as Fuck

be3259 No.1538995

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



…and a songbird.

ain't that some shit


>song related

3fa4fc No.1538996


It was cancelled for 9 hours and is now back on.

1a246e No.1538997

Anons can we trust General Kelly? Senate confirmation was 88-11

66f287 No.1538998

>>1538431 lb

Dgfffcf ?? could it have something to do with found for clinton foundation???

d9c9a8 No.1538999


Still like the crypto theory best, but know we have to go down all the holes.

3fa4fc No.1539001



6abc0b No.1539002

File: 10a2471476b8a6d⋯.jpg (113.18 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, IMG_1648.JPG)


(((IBOR Petition)))

Read it line by line, anons, and ask if each line helps or hurts Q' fight.

7f4924 No.1539003


Aha! Match w POTUS twit header pic. 5+5+4+3 and 5:5.

bdbfe4 No.1539004


i played it on my piano– kept my mouth closed 'cause it didn't have a sound I could identify

fe95a4 No.1539005


>Q hasn't posted since POTUS called off the NK summit.

NK might not be a good place to post from.

dc8d16 No.1539007


Fake and gay

Taking some oddball colored flower variety developed from a North American poppy species native to California is misdirection

It does not contain the morphine that is used to make opium and heroin

And the flowers on the rug in North Korea were long ago identified

As a native Magnolia species

A bush or tree, and nothing like the annual flower that grows opium

Completely unrelated

Making connections requires discernment

To keep the false positives

From contaminating the map

efab3c No.1539008



no we are not in 10 days of darkness

thats done twice

if you look at the "111 map" theory

111 days from this week was

FEB 1-5

so if that map is true

there will be no q posts

MAY 22-26

Back on 27th

2798a9 No.1539010


just a movie, it was never cancelled

66f287 No.1539011


Dgfffcf ?? could it have something to do with fund for clinton foundation???

03278d No.1539012

And soon it's June…

Welcome to Mar-a-Lago Mr. Assange!

Anonymous ID: fe9998 No.1108927 📁

Apr 19 2018 21:14:29 (EST)


When will we find out about Seth Rich and Las Vegas??

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d7571e No.1109139 📁

Apr 19 2018 21:21:44 (EST)


SR connect to DNC.



Why did the D’s push legal rep on family?

June ETA.


f92644 No.1539013



645ec7 No.1539014


Eep I'm not a movie/hwood buff, had to look it up.

Hmm can't tell right off the bad, Mel Brooks and Gene Wilder though? Cash, an accountant and blunders from what it looks like.

d7d5ca No.1539015


Hmm whats a more likely cause of cancer? Brats and Bacon or Environmental contamination from Fukushima and Industry alike? You decide…

eefec9 No.1539016

File: 283fade297de416⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1763x919, 1763:919, 12984328048938624386.png)

File: 417f2ccc56363fc⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1763x919, 1763:919, 83168931932886438.png)

7071ed No.1539017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ed3eaf No.1539018


the case isn't

the evidence is

It's why it never went anywhere


964006 No.1539019


>why do they rape?

>i will never understand this

>must be a control thing

<As a backup, they infiltrated and control the narrative (the ‘MSM’).

<As a backup, they install only those on the team.

<As a backup, they blackmail those that aren’t.

<As a backup, they defined ‘conspiracy’ as crazy/mentally unstable and label anything ‘true’ as such.

<This works given most of what they engage in is pure evil and simply unbelievable (hard to swallow).

they not only have cover for being evil, they have incentive to be as evil as can possibly be…

3fa4fc No.1539020

IMO yesterday was about making Iran shit their pants.

021976 No.1539021

File: 20dc5936853e4f6⋯.png (164.54 KB, 747x668, 747:668, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ed99628e99ed77⋯.png (244.59 KB, 1086x531, 362:177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ec06cd59e08ced⋯.png (52.26 KB, 710x245, 142:49, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6da700c44b4a9cf⋯.png (35.04 KB, 342x267, 114:89, ClipboardImage.png)


When I first saw the Q drop referencing the UPCOMING NK SUMMIT IN CHINA a few weeks ago (with the PIC), my immediate thought was, "Why are we broadcasting the MEETING PLACE in advance?? VERY DANGEROUS!" To me, it didn't make sense. Then yesterday, when hearing about the CANCELLATION, it got me really thinking in terms of my FIRST RESPONSE, and THAT'S WHEN THE PIECES STARTED TO FIT!


The North Korea–United States summit is a proposed meeting between the leaders of North Korea and the United States originally set for June 12, 2018 in Singapore

*The White House confirmed the planned meeting between President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un on 8 March 2018.

*On May 24, 2018, the U.S officially backed out of the summit.


If we look at the Q drops, (along with POTUS tweets) with this theory in mind, we can connect the dots:


March 15 – Rumors Swirl McMaster's OUT (remember, the planning would have been taking place for months PRIOR to his release)!

April 19 – Q DROPS: *E.O. ON TREASON *JFK reference @ 5 minutes later!


May 04 – First TRIP (think Sky Event) UPDATE/CONFIRMATION! (Direct Comms)

May 08 – Second TRIP (think Sky Event) UPDATE/CONFIRMATION! (Direct Comms)

May 10 – Q DROPS: *SKY EVENT & PIC (Just in case they don’t get it yet – NSA/MI HAS IT ALL) with:


May 13/14 – ZTE POTUS TWEETS – specifically mentioning leaks/traitors in the WHITE HOUSE (and their eventual demise)


e12cf0 No.1539022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


5a90ee No.1539023


note it's held oddly , making a show sending a message to someone ( a prop)

e90c65 No.1539024

Ignore the media reporting on the hue and cry for a "Second Special Council". It's designed to get Normies wanting to investigate Obummer's and Killary's crimes.

John Huber has been quietly working in the background with Horowitz's 470-person team to compile all the damning evidence.

Huber has ALL the prosecutorial powers of a SC, with none of the red tape/delays.

Any coincidence that Jordan was appointed head of the brand-new Freedom Caucus back in '15? Tiger team that can fast-walk Congressional shit through and avoid all the red tape, too.

There will be NO 2nd Special Council, just an avalanche of justice, in "rapid fire" succession.

Trust the plan.

7f4924 No.1539025


Can be. Musicfags, anything?

3155a0 No.1539026



one thing i haven't tried…

cross-reference with a rodgers and hammerstein piece. an opening phrase, theme, etc.

968271 No.1539027

File: a7cfe2a59012126⋯.png (289.46 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, DaysFree178.png)

Just in case Anons need reassurance.

d9c9a8 No.1539028

AMZN near all time highs today.

Guess the fact that Echo sends your conversations anywhere it wants worries no one at all.

f92644 No.1539029

File: b117611391ba7dd⋯.png (577.05 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20180525-100332.png)

1a246e No.1539030


Something else of interest. Christopher Wray confirmation was 95-2-3 lol

88d5e3 No.1539031


Yes it was a message

6cd2d5 No.1539032



Thank you anons. I haven't turned on my TV since yesterday when I saw the news conference. I thought what you are saying might be the case.

d9c9a8 No.1539033


That's a nifty thought. It was a very odd choice for reading material.

3155a0 No.1539034


he's a rock star…and she looks wet…

e13c44 No.1539035

>>1538914 (LB)



009768 No.1539036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hangman is comin'

1088df No.1539037


"And now my beauties, something with poison in it I think, with poison in it, but attractive to the eye and soothing to the smell . . . poppies, poppies, poppies will put them to sleep."

—The Wicked Witch of the West, The Wizard of Oz (movie, released 1939)

2798a9 No.1539038


i would say, vax, geo-engineering spray, household products, chinese made garbage, gmos, pesticides, fluoride, aluminum we are getting bombarded with in air and deodorant.

dce8c5 No.1539039

File: 22489ba419973a7⋯.jpg (182.7 KB, 964x639, 964:639, ukpoppy.jpg)




Officials became aware of a possible opium poppy field in Moss Landing last week.

'Over the weekend the Sheriff's Office Investigations Division eradicated one acre of opium poppies, which contained approximately 27,000 plants of opium poppies and another 16,500 harvested plants,' the statement said.

'The street value of a pound and a half of heroin is approximately $45,000.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5732739/Northern-California-deputies-destroy-opium-poppy-field.html#ixzz5GX9tj8gk


The summer sun has helped to produce a bumper crop of lilac morphine poppies in the heart of the British countryside.

Stretching across the Lincolnshire fields, these pretty poppies are providing a striking display of colour thanks to the recent warm weather.

Covering more than 6,300 acres on farms across the UK, the crop will be harvested later this year by a pharmaceutical company to produce pain-relieving drugs, such as codeine and morphine.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2353535/Not-Afghanistan-Lincolnshire-Bumper-crop-lilac-morphine-poppies-grown-medicinal-purposes-heart-Britain.html#ixzz5GXAoOJck

206d4b No.1539040

Newly released De Blasio Emails here:


Advisors said to resemble a Shadow Government --

top advisors include Emma Wolfe and Phil Walzak

>>1538804 lb


b84bca No.1539041

File: 8de5da21bebdcf6⋯.jpg (19.05 KB, 217x273, 31:39, weinstein book_1.JPG)


Something Wonderful by Todd S. Purdum

e90c65 No.1539042


"Anal for First-Timers" with subtitle: "If You Win the Coin Toss, Don't Elect to Receive"

6abc0b No.1539043


Look for nitrate free. Nitrates and nasty.

1a246e No.1539044


Amen anon! Well said. No surprise when it gets announced (prob next week) there will NOT be a 2nd SC. We dont need one. We already "have it all"

03278d No.1539045

J is for Justice.

J is for June.

His name was Seth Rich

We'll all have the answer soon.

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5a1150 No.1116248 📁

Apr 20 2018 12:43:14 (EST)

Answer Q re: SR.

SR June JA.





d9b29f No.1539046

File: 0155d4f8f4653cd⋯.jpeg (210.66 KB, 536x949, 536:949, Screenshot_2018-05-25-13-….jpeg)

File: e48b584ef389deb⋯.jpeg (492.21 KB, 799x1005, 799:1005, Screenshot_2018-05-25-13-….jpeg)

39e7f0 No.1539047

File: 38d2a369cd4aa89⋯.png (639.88 KB, 1084x1084, 1:1, 101sunsout.png)

File: c04ec2b27b274a1⋯.png (319.03 KB, 733x677, 733:677, KazZeus.png)

>>1537568 (bread#1932)

>>1537582 (bread#1932)

see pic attached for 101 occult/cabal significance

it's a special power number for these sickos

1st pic from original post for reference

e12cf0 No.1539048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f92644 No.1539049

File: 72c957da8544c6e⋯.png (514.78 KB, 840x1132, 210:283, 72c957da8544c6e08ccccbfe76….png)

3155a0 No.1539050


if it's a match, it shows linkage between flynn and weinstein…maybe a nod that he's gonna play ball bigly.

245401 No.1539051


So, obvious. They can't even fake documents in a believable way.

dc8d16 No.1539052

File: 439fa48695ed535⋯.png (447.37 KB, 780x438, 130:73, ClipboardImage.png)


Why is California poppy on her coat of arms?

Is the European poppy on slettuceomebody else's?


By the way, California poppy does contain alkaloids

And they do have sedative effects of some sort

But they are a long way from the opium poppy

Lots of plants have alkaloids

Like tobacco

And lettuce

So with that in mind

Let us avoid getting carried away with irrelevant and insignificant similarities

Or you will go mad when I explain

Why your ball sack is wrinkled

Just like the inside of your girlfriend's vagina

Mad, I tell you


027ea6 No.1539053

File: caa73e9eb2eeced⋯.jpg (476.08 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, caa73e9eb2eecede2c9e9880d3….jpg)

fe95a4 No.1539054



>will never give up me brats

Slow smoked a dozen custom brauts yesterday. Applewood smoke, shredded apples (my own) in sauerkraut (my own) for supper. Ice cold "Born Blonde" beer.

Lord, you can take me now.

ed3eaf No.1539055



Gets it….

there is a plan, wait watch. enjoy the show

bdbfe4 No.1539056


nothing I could identify

cd45b9 No.1539057

Nancy, Nancy, Nancy.

that giggly comment is going to grab you right by the pussy.


this time it won't be a voice actor playing Trump on tape.

vice grip.

b84bca No.1539058

File: e4f91b1db666369⋯.jpg (30.32 KB, 615x239, 615:239, weinstein book_2.JPG)


The Selected Letters of Elia Kazan

by Elia Kazan and Albert J. Devlin

0cda0a No.1539059

>>1538873 (prev bread)

i get 300+ hits for that exact string over the last ten years, prior to today. (a license plate, an article about DNA strands, just plenty of odds and ends.)

yes, i did, yes, i can, and you know i know i don't know everything. ( : ) ) simply pointing out that that string might mean something else - not pissing in O's, not crossing streams...i'm just digging elsewhere.


bdbfe4 No.1539060


looks better close up-

the first shot- looked like EVIL..

wonder if she got it tattooed..

027ea6 No.1539061

File: bdd11c47107a634⋯.png (70.8 KB, 556x484, 139:121, bdd11c47107a63456e46db4dff….png)

c688c7 No.1539062


Kazan= Kazarian=/=Kazakhstan?

2798a9 No.1539063


really sad what they did to whitney

and so many others

they actually left her in the f room as to not cause

a scene for the awards show.

i would love to know what was on the note she gave brandy.

she said they was trying to kill her.

fuckerfy all around!

f92644 No.1539064


I would of if I was her

54e6e2 No.1539065

http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/05/obama-admin-attorneys-team-with-seth-richs-brother-sue-private-eye-team-investigating-seth-rich/ not sure if this made the board already but Matt couch has worked tirelessly to have the truth about Seth rich come out and his team . I'll add patriots stick together since like Q say Where We go one We go all. So I'll add this Where One Patriots Fights We All Fight

644369 No.1539066


Damn, I'm drooling over here!

ac040a No.1539067


seem to have already solved

▶Anonymous 05/25/18 (Fri) 17:43:05 5a0050 No.1538431

027ea6 No.1539068

File: 32ea98fc098fb22⋯.jpeg (9.38 KB, 287x176, 287:176, 86a25c1b476da3f8a8025052f….jpeg)

ff6f57 No.1539069

File: 7b5363802573d98⋯.jpg (48.23 KB, 253x229, 253:229, ComfyWithThePlan.jpg)

dc8d16 No.1539070


If you can keep the sheep

Living in fear and confusion

It makes them easier

To fleece

But make sure they never learn

That fear can cause cancer

Or they might give up

And remain calm

And keep their fleece for themselves

The GOLDEN fleece

Are the source of power

0cda0a No.1539071

File: 99271b9854c5d4c⋯.jpg (659.74 KB, 1296x2160, 3:5, on-having-everything.jpg)


Epstein didn't get "let off".

027ea6 No.1539072

File: ed041049a681d51⋯.jpg (42.19 KB, 640x462, 320:231, DZeqoSSX0AArXXt.jpg)

964006 No.1539073



not owl.

there are better pics out there: more like parakeets/budgerigars

39e7f0 No.1539074

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Bill O'Reilly endorsed his most recent book. Sealed the deal for me on Bill, just another shill, shilling for his shill brethren, dances around the truth without ever going full monty

Roman Circus - media, sports, movies, made for the sheep to keep them happily grazing in the fields

Bill Cooper sums it up in less than 3 minutes.


3088b6 No.1539075

File: 7b2b1a976b044ca⋯.jpeg (692.66 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, C69D90B0-6ADA-45FC-848D-C….jpeg)

dce8c5 No.1539076

File: 070899c84046a8e⋯.jpg (84.39 KB, 1340x350, 134:35, AMERICANLEGIONPOPPY.jpg)

Poppies are all over in the news today:

National Poppy day -

New Poppy Memorial for 1st time

Meghan Markle coat of arms with California poppies and songbird




6cd2d5 No.1539077


I can't wait until those sickos reap justice. The whole island should be reduced to ashes.

be3259 No.1539078

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


^^^ <nice digits, kek.

<You mean like these Californian poppies?

also see >>1539039

>flowers on the rug in North Korea were long ago identified

Not sure about the "rug". Do you have sauce to back up your counterclaim?

Regardless, the proper question that is being asked is:

Are opium-producing poppies being grown in NK somewhere?

We know that they are grown in abundance in the mountains of Afghanistan and that poppies grow best in poor soil.

98ee83 No.1539079


phoenix not owl

027ea6 No.1539080

File: 19f0d2706bfc5b6⋯.jpg (38.02 KB, 540x625, 108:125, DZfZZ1vW0AAtbPZ.jpg)

e1eabb No.1539081


I Love You!!!

ac040a No.1539082


No! Kazan more related with the vicissitudes of an example of a Dalton Trumbo

027ea6 No.1539083

File: fbf9e7cf85cee23⋯.jpg (34.89 KB, 501x500, 501:500, DZeQyNqVAAAWonH.jpg)

39e7f0 No.1539084



2798a9 No.1539085

File: c4dba749e43bdcc⋯.jpg (207.15 KB, 1086x630, 181:105, catisland - Copy.jpg)



we will have to put that on our menu

when this is all over and we get our month long vacation on a private island.

anons with family, kags, bonfires, beaches, jet skis and boats!

d9b29f No.1539086


Yes, and then they killed her daughter. The same way.

8d4635 No.1539087

File: f17272c40341bbe⋯.jpg (52.45 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Circle_of_fifths.jpg)

be3259 No.1539088


gotta love synchronicity :)


6cd2d5 No.1539089


What he said^^^

027ea6 No.1539090

File: 61fe4b9b6c2e0a1⋯.jpg (37.08 KB, 342x480, 57:80, DZrBveWVQAAGeV_.jpg)

dbcd38 No.1539091

File: 9c5a4f3da24ee9d⋯.png (896.5 KB, 1127x654, 1127:654, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

Just one more photo of the handcuffed perp walk.

bdbfe4 No.1539092


sorry I was making lunch and didn't catch that in my scan of what's up

fe95a4 No.1539093

File: 1a887bb3acd630f⋯.png (114.1 KB, 602x973, 86:139, ZTE.PNG)



Interesting search results. Pic related.

2798a9 No.1539094


yes i know as with so many others

they sacrificed or murdered cause they woke up and wouldn't play their f games!

ac040a No.1539095


I'm not a musician but it seems to me the fifth cycle

e12cf0 No.1539096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


dce8c5 No.1539097


Flourishing Poppy Fields Outside Prison Camps Are Heroin Cash Crop for North Korea


027ea6 No.1539098

File: 224de3ca39f681e⋯.jpg (95.85 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DZeqeGnU8AADgof.jpg)

964006 No.1539099


escorted by Amy Schumer, nice

2798a9 No.1539100


every good boy does fine

and FACE

dc8d16 No.1539101

File: b6f12d44f09e586⋯.png (572.73 KB, 500x647, 500:647, ClipboardImage.png)


This redhead says

She read the lines

And gave them a C- grade

And asked me to pass on some advice

To the kid who wrote them

If you want to get an A in English

By the time you graduate high school

You need to READ MORE

She recommended some books

On Constitutional Law

And I asked her freckles

For their comment today

And the freckles still say

(((IBOR petition))) is fake and gay

111ebc No.1539102

DGFFFCF is the crypto thing as anon posted in the last couple breads. Shills showed up immediately.

>>1538211 (lb)

That baker understood and made it bold in notables...

>>1538461 (lb)

This baker has de-emphasized. Stay on target.

1b26ed No.1539103


Life without sausage and bacon is worse than death anyway.

027ea6 No.1539104

File: b2db251f046fea1⋯.jpg (19.4 KB, 480x360, 4:3, DZeROz-X4AUPpBk.jpg)

6cd2d5 No.1539106


I've been how for a while. Could you refresh my memory on who this is?

dce8c5 No.1539107

File: 3f4c700515e91cc⋯.jpg (102.16 KB, 876x493, 876:493, NKPOPPYFIELD.jpg)


satellite pic link in article

fa5f45 No.1539108

File: 69cda5cd42f7310⋯.jpg (9.68 KB, 286x400, 143:200, rs18.jpg)

File: f6721bb4f2844b4⋯.jpg (127.88 KB, 821x855, 821:855, Capture.JPG)

>>1538154 (last bread)

Rudolf Steiner spoke of this idea some time ago, who lived from 1861-1925.

“There are beings in the spiritual realms for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve.” declared Steiner. “These beings are hostile towards humanity …and they become more and more powerful (from this negative human energy nutrition) …launching cruel attacks on human beings.”

“Therefore,” says Steiner, “it is above all necessary… that the person who enters the spiritual world overcomes fear, feelings of helplessness, despair and anxiety. These are exactly the feelings that belong to contemporary culture and materialism because it estranges people from the spiritual world… to evoke hopelessness and fear of the unknown in people, thereby calling up the above mentioned hostile forces against them.”

If you want to know how close to the truth he was, consider this: how precious few actually heard of Rudolf Steiner and why.

65a449 No.1539109


It's got it's own hashtag


3155a0 No.1539110











Applied to Flynn's tweet:








027ea6 No.1539111

File: e223ac3fb6b3682⋯.jpg (60.06 KB, 640x469, 640:469, DZyt2NgVQAYzCs8.jpg)

2798a9 No.1539112


i cant wait for dirt to come out on all the secret societies

they are a cancer

d9b29f No.1539113

File: df9417193f9e5bf⋯.jpeg (368.86 KB, 799x1017, 799:1017, Screenshot_2018-05-25-13-….jpeg)


And now 5:5 in background image, firemen's hats.

7eaa3f No.1539114


With George Washington presiding, the Constitutional Convention formally convenes on this day in 1787. The convention faced a daunting task: the peaceful overthrow of the new American government as it had been defined by the Article of Confederation.

On this day in 1977, Memorial Day weekend opens with an intergalactic bang as the first of George Lucas’ blockbuster Star Wars movies hits American theaters.

Playwright Oscar Wilde is taken toReading Gaolin London after being convicted of sodomy. The famed writer of Dorian Gray and The Importance of Being Earnest brought attention to his private life in a feud with Sir John Sholto Douglas, whose son was intimately involved with Wilde

Under invitation by leaders of the English Commonwealth, Charles II, the exiled king of England, lands at Dover, England, to assume the throne and end 11 years of military rule.

Prince of Wales at the time of the English Civil War, Charles fled to France after Oliver Cromwell’s Parliamentarians defeated King Charles I’s Royalists in 1646. In 1649, Charles vainly attempted to save his father’s life by presenting Parliament a signed blank sheet of paper, thereby granting whatever terms were required. However, Oliver Cromwell was determined to execute Charles I, and on January 30, 1649, the king was beheaded in London.

b84bca No.1539115


perp walk…first of many

6d2304 No.1539116

WOW. People are running away from Q. I wonder why? :-(

644369 No.1539117


I wish he didn't look so fuckin happy

ac040a No.1539118


Wow! that's VERY interesting..

1a98ca No.1539119


would that make weed a natural repellent?

3fa4fc No.1539120


Are they people we want our team?

2ce607 No.1539121


Damn that's fucking spicy. Gotta love Best Mohammed!

027ea6 No.1539122

File: 2935dde3d441a03⋯.jpeg (1020.94 KB, 1242x1056, 207:176, 2935dde3d441a03c018dbb3da….jpeg)

eb5746 No.1539123

File: d055b22ee3e74ad⋯.png (198.25 KB, 584x394, 292:197, FireShot Capture 676 - (1)….png)

964006 No.1539124


>Shills showed up immediately

whatever happened to maybe?

you come in with a somethingsomething, promote it as THE truth, and when anons point out it looks dumb but you're welcome to waste your own time with it: shills!


111ebc No.1539125


>>1547827 (orig. post of flynn tweet “Dgfffcf” w/pic of Huma, Weinstein, HRC

0a1ea8 No.1539126

POTUS just tweeted godspeed

fa5f45 No.1539127


I don't know and I'm not going to mislead you by acting like I do in either direction.

66f287 No.1539128


Hour of the Time


c7c6da No.1539129


Because we're getting close to the end and people are revealing their true colors.

d7d5ca No.1539130


Maybe not scot free, but they did let him off VERY easy. He should have gotten 20 years in prison at least instead he got 18 months in county of which he only served 13 during which he was able to leave during the day for work release only sleeping at the jail. Finally, when released on probation he was allowed to travel freely to his island and his many estates. This for a man that was convicted of child prostitution who did not give up ANY of the other people he knows were involved. Weinstein knows he is not going to get a deal like that and his only option is to take down whoever he can with him.

2ce607 No.1539132


5 is my lucky number and 5 was my Mom's (God rest her soul) lucky number too. We used 55 as a combo lucky number for both of us. Just sharing my personal significance of the number 5 :)

2798a9 No.1539133

File: 7d2a2bff2b22b8d⋯.jpg (198.05 KB, 859x790, 859:790, lYfNb2l.jpg)

File: 455fb6306c5aee6⋯.jpg (53.25 KB, 500x299, 500:299, rothschild08_02.jpg)

File: 4be6a6dd628090b⋯.jpg (27.34 KB, 598x420, 299:210, Supreme-Court-Jerusalem_-f….jpg)


a cancer!

656a29 No.1539134

File: d98c155776418b8⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1043x1019, 1043:1019, hrc-harvey.png)

be3259 No.1539135

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



>Very thoughtful

Agree, wonderful idea.



Now potentially fascinating.

<Creating the Circle of Fifths - A Beginners Guide


Yes, actually very easy for non-musicians to understand.

9bf630 No.1539136


How did you assess that?

021976 No.1539137



Yup…too bad, WHITE HATS intercepted cuz now the ASSASSINATION PLOT is RECENT and sooo damning….

Can you image this getting out?? Americans seeing a PLOT AGAINST OUR PRESIDENT AND ANOTHER HEAD OF STATE??

Q is right: THEY WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO WALK DOWN THE STREET! (They'll be hanging from a rope!!)

6a7158 No.1539138

File: 2563ab372a6e40a⋯.gif (40.93 KB, 350x197, 350:197, 524p4tBH2csr11111.gif)


saw and wondered...

2798a9 No.1539139



a241b4 No.1539140


>Rudolf Steiner


ca8f2b No.1539141

File: 389f0a05e9d4779⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1763x919, 1763:919, trumpeo.png)

He's watching.

1a98ca No.1539142


well, in measured doses, it does remove anxiety, ease despair, etc.

ac040a No.1539143


now this reminds me the Gauss clock…(!)

e569d3 No.1539144

File: e8a7ea65230259c⋯.jpg (519.04 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, democratsareevilpeople.jpg)

File: 916ab21dafe62af⋯.jpg (748.21 KB, 1712x1028, 428:257, SEINFELD AND DEMSA FINAL.jpg)

File: c204e429599ba6d⋯.jpg (221.87 KB, 642x717, 214:239, zzzFlush-It2meme.jpg)

File: cf351dbfaaa9655⋯.jpg (315.43 KB, 500x664, 125:166, starbuck bathrooms MEME.jpg)

dc8d16 No.1539145


You wonder why the cops

In the USA

Destroy fields of opium poppies

Are they trying to protect

The income

Of the illegal drug pushers?

Why doesn't the USA grow its own poppies

For domestic production of morphine and codeine

And ban the import of opium-derived substances?

Same thing with cannabis

1a246e No.1539146


would Pindar be a single person, or the whole Roth family?

a241b4 No.1539147



3155a0 No.1539148


I missed the last F = FATHER but it's a possibility. Not sure why so many 'F's' though. But when I first saw the tweet, the first thing that hit me was that they are musical notes. that, and there are no vowels. maybe it's like the final puzzle on Wheel…

a241b4 No.1539149



81b073 No.1539150


Bunch of dumbass gay bullshit. Humans have been eating fire cooked meats since the dawn of civilization.

Whoever is responsible for this propaganda should go fuck himself in his own shitface.

22a7a2 No.1539151

If you ever needed more evidence that Matt Couch and his team of professional investigators at America First Media are on the right track, here it is:


Obama administration attorneys appear to be using Seth Rich's brother, Aaron, to stop a sound honest investigation into who is to blame for the death of Seth Rich. The fact that they pulling all stops to block any further investigation is evidence that the heads of the democratic party are circling the wagons. Where is the FBI and police on this matter? What have they done? Nothing of value to date except avoid it. Support Matt Couch's operation, fellow Anons.

656a29 No.1539152

File: 856de17c12f6793⋯.png (19.17 KB, 597x123, 199:41, ClipboardImage.png)


ran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has issued five demands to the European Union (EU)—including Europe guaranteeing Iran’s oil will be completely sold—that European leaders could find quite difficult to meet.

“Iran will resume halted nuclear activities if Europe fails to provide guarantees,” Ayatollah Khamenei said, a week after the EU said that it would act to protect the interests of EU companies investing in Iran as part of the European bloc’s continued commitment to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal.

After the U.S. withdrew from the deal, the EU, China, and Russia are trying to salvage the deal, and their diplomats are expected to meet with Iranian counterparts for talks in Vienna on Friday.

Ahead of those talks, Iran’s Supreme Leader stated his demands:

1. “The US has rejected the Resolution 2231 [the UN resolution endorsing the Iran nuclear deal]; Europe needs to issue a resolution against the US’s violation of it.”

2. “Europe must promise not to raise the issues of missiles and regional affairs of the Islamic Republic.”

3. “Europe must encounter any sanction against the Islamic Republic and explicitly stand to US’s sanctions.”

4. “Europe must guarantee that Iran’s oil will be completely sold. If the US can damage the sale of our oil, we must be able to sell as much oil as we want. Europeans must guarantee that they compensate for the loss, and that they buy Iran’s oil.”

5. “European banks must guarantee transactions with the Islamic Republic. We have no conflicts with regard to these three countries; but we do not trust them, based on previous experience.”

According to Eurasia Group analyst Henry Rome who spoke to CNBC, Khamenei’s demands should not be taken as the final position, because he is known to have changed his mind in the past.


6d2304 No.1539153

ac040a No.1539154


maybe is a place underground.."the citadel" London

e12cf0 No.1539155


5a9f8a No.1539156

File: 020e097a06ed73b⋯.jpg (74.88 KB, 579x877, 579:877, ttysw.JPG)

More attacks calling out Q

Re: Assange

Re: Snowden.

5a90ee No.1539157



delta gamma foxtrot etc.

36f73a No.1539158


>Are opium-producing poppies being grown in NK somewhere?

ALWAYS, kek!

Everywhere the clowns go they teach the natives how to grow poppies and setup the smuggling routes. "Spreading democracy", KEK!

cd45b9 No.1539159

File: 46668cdd39d747e⋯.jpg (16.76 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 00000000000000000000000000….jpg)


because they don't re-read crumbs.

so they don't see the plan.

so they can't understand the plan.

they are meeeeeeeeeeeeee

not wwg1wga.

656a29 No.1539160



my guess would be the whole family

we've discussed if Q's ++ is one of or all of the family, and many times its been concluded it would be the family

they have so much money/wealth/power distributed throughout, not in one person

027ea6 No.1539161

File: 9b00d8a76c46a68⋯.png (629.92 KB, 800x532, 200:133, 8c33dd2a0e8ae1c9fd681d3e2d….png)

39e7f0 No.1539162

Anons, we are watching a movie right?

What is the movie that we associate with the cabal/deep state/mk ultra/witches/pedos-red shoes/etc….

Wizard of Oz.

Who remembers this line from the movie spoke by the wicked witch?

"30) The oft-quoted line "Fly my pretties, fly" is a falsely remembered bit of dialogue – it's actually "Fly, Fly, Fly."


Also of note, the total runtime of the film is 101 minutes…think mirror

How old was Rockefeller when he finally died?


How many times has Q used the Fly__Fly line?

bdbfe4 No.1539163


Starbucks: KEK

they already had their first discarded needle incident while cleaning up

d58932 No.1539165


Who the fuck is Suzy Dawson and why am I supposed to feel her sentences matter?

439c4b No.1539166


They want to blame everything but the actual causes, nuclear power plants, cell phones, ect…

b84bca No.1539167

U.S. reached deal to keep Chinese telecom ZTE in business: New York Times

The deal, brokered by the Commerce Department, requires ZTE to pay a substantial fine, place American compliance officers at the company and change its management team, the Times reported, citing a person familiar with the agreement. The Commerce Department would then lift an order preventing ZTE from buying U.S. products.

The White House did not immediately confirm the deal.

“We’ll let you know when we have an announcement on that front,” spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said.

ZTE was banned from buying American technology components for seven years for violations of sanctions against Iran and North Korea. The Commerce Department decision would allow it to resume business with U.S. companies, including Qualcomm Inc, the chipmaker that is a key ZTE supplier.


6d2304 No.1539168



c4d0dd No.1539169

File: afa4d7583411a3b⋯.png (382.59 KB, 600x399, 200:133, PoppySoldier.png)


Jewish men are usually known for treating their wives very well

. Women they abused were not their wives?


Kazan was an insider spook.

Funnny W. is telegraphing that he will name people. Not all the people Kazan named were guilty - as he was.

Different world now. What if Weinstein lies and protects? Kazan was rewarded big time for what he did.

Michael Delooze

The Red Poppy is all about mind control and Satanic ritual of the elite.

That's how they get people to die and suffer in their wars.

Swinging on the Gates of Hades - Remembrance Day Exposed

By Matthew Delooze

http:// whale.to/b/swinging.html

111ebc No.1539170

File: 3284eb56b7d6ca8⋯.png (317.89 KB, 645x423, 215:141, flynn-tweet-Dgfffcf.png)


the predator has given you its mind.

you fear discovery. inner silence is your only hope.

829e20 No.1539171

Turks attacking the kurds again.

And The US officials are in Ankara again..

https:// kurds.liveuamap.com/en/2018/25-may-turkish-and-us-officials-are-meeting-in-ankara-for

fa5f45 No.1539172

File: fbb3357f211bbf2⋯.jpg (184.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 3-6-9.jpg)


I know the benefits for myself, but seeing as how I haven't studied MJ in depth, nor its relationship to something like this, I'm simply hesitant to make any definitive statements about it. That's all. Much love.




I am definitely going to give these a read. Despite everything I found out, I JUST found out about Rudolf yesterday while reading a conspiracy theory book that is 100% disinfo (in that there are truths in it, but they mislead, downplay, or lie about them).

Makes me wonder if it was intentional on behalf of the cabal.

The strangest thing to me is that this 100% reads like what anons would call "New Age" stuff, but it's coming way back from the 1800s. Sounds me like "New Age' is a cabal label akin to "conspiracy theorist".

ff6f57 No.1539173

File: dfb28e30496f9ca⋯.jpg (113.92 KB, 651x571, 651:571, Room101.jpg)

027ea6 No.1539174

File: 23883edde8a3aa3⋯.png (278.49 KB, 360x480, 3:4, 17c10ab5022e50a9213f99da48….png)

521461 No.1539175

File: 3f93adc1c7341ae⋯.jpg (70.89 KB, 800x600, 4:3, fag.jpg)

3fa4fc No.1539176

@Cassandra claimed she was there for an interview but then never released her interview or any evidence whatsoever that she was actually there.

33b06f No.1539177



d82e74 No.1539178

File: 07ab462936fb7b7⋯.jpg (69.96 KB, 866x540, 433:270, nork poppies 1.JPG)

File: 61f758a3a260fa5⋯.jpg (86.36 KB, 514x519, 514:519, nork poppies 2.JPG)

File: 18290e4b3bf7d87⋯.jpg (63.49 KB, 472x381, 472:381, nork poppies 3.JPG)



NK is major producer.

2003 article, but informative. Pics are key excerpts. More at link.


be3259 No.1539179

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


thanks, anon.


sheeit, i''m still wonderin about hemp…

← Henry Ford's 'plastic hemp car' from 1941

6a7158 No.1539180


3155a0 No.1539182


that too.

also, 2544414 or 254-4414

phone number?

656a29 No.1539183

File: a977e929b8621df⋯.png (15.3 KB, 391x167, 391:167, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc2055738b9eee4⋯.png (14.64 KB, 390x162, 65:27, ClipboardImage.png)


this time in Iraq too

the Turks are fucking everything we are working towards up because they ETHNICALLY hate kurds

0a1ea8 No.1539184

File: 083807ca9581651⋯.png (110.09 KB, 702x617, 702:617, 2018-05-25 10.22.25.png)


b1ef37 No.1539185



I guess the UK is trying to convince everyone to just get on board the Muzzie express

94239e No.1539186

File: d6a91cf5f962f60⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 2048x1152, 16:9, ARTOFTHE DEALQ.jpg)

8d4635 No.1539187



6c2162 No.1539188

File: e164ba66a7888eb⋯.jpg (23.95 KB, 596x283, 596:283, John_Brennan.jpg)

Gorka to Trump: Cancel Obama admin's security clearances 'That John Brennan is feeding Russian propaganda lines and still has his is absurd'

Brennan is a communist faggot.

027ea6 No.1539189

File: 77130a7672cdfb7⋯.jpeg (71.1 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 0437d4bab85bf6b3ef9ad5835….jpeg)

1088df No.1539190


Dey gotz no moniez!!

9d68d5 No.1539191


Previous Baker here.

Current Baker made a fair decision.

Given the different tracks and possibilities of what those letters might mean, it was improper of me to emphasize a particular conclusion.

That being said, shilling increased substantially after that tweet was posted.

Yes, we're over a target, but the nature of that target has yet to be fully determined.

6a7158 No.1539193


9cf2a3 No.1539194



644369 No.1539195

File: a03a1c88b279017⋯.jpg (442.27 KB, 1939x789, 1939:789, HRCMerylPPGala2.jpg)

File: 56ca72e96deb57e⋯.jpg (662.04 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, HRCMerylPPGala3.jpg)


from previous bread

2798a9 No.1539196


God i would of loved to of been his friend.

i would of been a true friend and kept evil away from him

could u imagine just sitting around with a drink talking with him?

06d036 No.1539197


Tel me a story [C_A] = e

1a246e No.1539198


Im thinking the same thing. Jacob R alone couldnt be the sole ruler of earth lol. His whole family has the wealth and would all have to give input, etc

8475f4 No.1539200

In a hastily called ceremony, Sen. Michelle Fischbach resigns Senate seat, sworn in as lieutenant governor. Then hugs her dad. http://strib.mn/2LvkehV

027ea6 No.1539201

File: 6e0dc5f88abfc55⋯.jpg (78.53 KB, 620x349, 620:349, 88a73136d247b52331cef26c0d….jpg)

439c4b No.1539202


John Brennan, former member of the Communist Party USA.

6457ba No.1539203


Commencing THE PLAN?!

027ea6 No.1539204

File: 1c4db918ec1a54e⋯.png (373.18 KB, 638x378, 319:189, 079b03da2a5b6849fb4d545bc0….png)

ee0bd5 No.1539205

File: 4d989e90ed9e9f0⋯.png (191.73 KB, 696x499, 696:499, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. jury awards Apple $539 million in Samsung patent retrial

After nearly five days of deliberations, a U.S. jury on Thursday said Samsung Electronics Co Ltd should pay $539 million to Apple Inc for copying patented smartphone features, according to court documents, bringing a years-long feud between the technology companies into its final stages.

Silhouette of mobile user is seen next to a screen projection of Apple logo in this picture illustration taken March 28, 2018. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration

The world’s top smartphone rivals have been in court over patents since 2011, when Apple filed a lawsuit alleging Samsung’s smartphones and tablets “slavishly” copied its products. Samsung was found liable in a 2012 trial, but a disagreement over the amount to be paid led to the current retrial over damages where arguments ended on May 18.

Samsung previously paid Apple $399 million to compensate Apple for infringement of some of the patents at issue in the case. The jury has been deliberating the case since last week.

Because of that credit, if the verdict is upheld on appeal it will result in Samsung making an additional payment to Apple of nearly $140 million.

In a statement, Apple said it was pleased that the members of the jury “agree that Samsung should pay for copying our products.”

“We believe deeply in the value of design,” Apple said in its statement. “This case has always been about more than money.”

Samsung did not immediately say whether it planned to appeal the verdict but said it was retaining “all options” to contest it.

“Today’s decision flies in the face of a unanimous Supreme Court ruling in favor of Samsung on the scope of design patent damages,” Samsung said in a statement. “We will consider all options to obtain an outcome that does not hinder creativity and fair competition for all companies and consumers.”

The new jury verdict followed a trial in San Jose, California, before Judge Lucy Koh that focused on how much Samsung should pay for infringing Apple patents covering aspects of the iPhone’s design. The jury awarded Apple $533.3 million for Samsung’s violation of so-called design patents and $5.3 million for the violation of so-called utility patents.

Apple this year told jurors it was entitled to $1 billion in profits Samsung made from selling infringing phones, saying the iPhone’s design was crucial to their success.

Samsung sought to limit damages to about $28 million, saying it should only pay for profits attributable to the components of its phones that infringed Apple patents.

Jurors in the earlier trial awarded $1.05 billion to Apple, which was later reduced.

Samsung paid $548 million to Apple in December 2015, including $399 million for infringement of some of the patents at issue in this week’s trial.

Apple’s case against Samsung raised the question of whether the total profits from a product that infringes a design patent should be awarded if the patent applies only to a component of the product, said Sarah Burstein, a professor of patent law at the University of Oklahoma.

The verdict appears to be a compromise between Apple and Samsung’s positions and does not offer much clarity on that question, said Burstein, who predicted Samsung would appeal it to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

“This decision just means we are going to have more uncertainty,” Burstein said. “Smart tech industry players are waiting to see what the Federal Circuit does. This is just one jury applying one test.”

http:// technewsexpert.com/u-s-jury-awards-apple-539-million-in-samsung-patent-retrial/

6a7158 No.1539206


Sooner and very publicly is best.

6457ba No.1539207


Gold Standard, when?

7f134a No.1539208


ThankQ for meming it – capped → archives.

Memeanons are always invited to drop a copy of fresh memes in memes bread. #22 >>1485456

if you get a chance. I am not nearly able to keep up with memeanons' outstanding high production rate, but when the fresh ones are in the memes bread I'm less likely to miss the good ones.



20,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

As always, a sincere THANKQ to all diganons, memeanons and twatanons, and to all those who facilitate the work.

Yikes - modem keeps going down. Good to have a bunch of images saved so anon can work offline if it keeps happening.

3fa4fc No.1539209

File: 392719d0525ccf2⋯.png (580.71 KB, 1080x1206, 60:67, Screenshot_20180525-122507….png)



0dda10 No.1539210

To the Anon that asked in the previous bread.. 2-MSTG is the William McSweeney plane.

d31a3a No.1539211

File: 6b424b34c4c661e⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 950x1853, 950:1853, D4BF80EE-715A-488A-A741-E….jpeg)

2 our of 3 have covers. Are the titles real? Or just what we’re supposed to see. Not sure about he 3rd. Journal? Also, if released, why did he carry them in? Further, where did they go? He left in cuffs?

829e20 No.1539212

File: 394d131ec0ef7c4⋯.png (456.23 KB, 650x664, 325:332, pipeline.png)




0cda0a No.1539214


(it's 3433323, btw - but i like your line of thinking too)

fe95a4 No.1539215


>>1539054 (You)

>Damn, I'm drooling over here!


Anon's are simple folk who enjoy food, boobs, butts, riddles, research and JUSTICE.

No reason not to enjoy the ride.

6dc4d0 No.1539216


Negotiate with terrorists (who have no functional power). Great idea. /s

06d036 No.1539218


After the sky event

430fd6 No.1539219


Ever read about the effects of low frequency sound on a human body?

62064a No.1539220


As well as 45 to the left

d58932 No.1539221


You'll find everything you need to know with the following. Franklin D Roosevelt. John Rockefeller, John Trump and Tesla.

The cabal, the deep state, all of it was created out of fear to withhold info from people after Tesla's passing taught them a valuable lesson in allowing someone to tinker without supervision.

Roosevelt and John Rockefeller, together, formed the deep state in the late 40's.

219043 No.1539222


Fake you twat auto filter

556ff3 No.1539223



not to mention, your screenshot of the original tweet was saucy to begin with!

439c4b No.1539224


…and return to being Prime Minister

8d4635 No.1539225

File: c79357f5f8cfa76⋯.jpg (143.94 KB, 1124x1124, 1:1, DGFFFCF.jpg)




since those are 5ths mebbe the people in the original tweet pic are "taking the 5th"?

8ffcb3 No.1539227

File: 834e13a70cf6a59⋯.jpg (83.11 KB, 798x1071, 38:51, 28c0731b8b5aa61d34566db4d6….jpg)

Gorka to Trump: Cancel Obama admin's security clearances 'That John Brennan is feeding Russian propaganda lines and still has his is absurd'

Brennan is a communist faggot.

964006 No.1539228


needs more condescension still

you're welcome to have your fun with it, just pointing out you set up your own angle of attack when claiming superiority over any other theory: then when predictable backlash happens, you can cry victim/shills.

weak af

2798a9 No.1539230


chelsey would have to take what she gets,fugly (_v_)

but the other one should of been able to pick and choose.

they really still live like GOTs, sic inbreeding

and power hungry fucks.

41cbd7 No.1539231

Russian Flotilla in the Caspain sea. SMALL Frigates now equipped with missiles capable of reaching close to 1000 miles.

A power piece in the Aleppo strategy. Why is it so imporant to Turkey to eliminate the kurds? Why did the UK betray the Kurds? Why does Russia apparently support the kurds? Why is Merkel so involved?

What happens to Iran if sanctions are fully enforced? Nobody to buy their oil again? What are the possible routes for pipelines coming out of Ira(_)?


1a246e No.1539232


Yes while this is true, I dont think Pindar at the top of the pyramid of the order is an underground city

3155a0 No.1539233


musically, it's 2544414 on a B-flat concert scale.

439c4b No.1539234


Shill alert

964006 No.1539235


<should of

<should have

c4d0dd No.1539236

File: 1380b4a99a96421⋯.png (365.49 KB, 600x400, 3:2, PoppyBush.png)

(From past bread)





I forgot the links for the Poppy comment.

Here's archive of Delooze on Red Poppy celebration. His material has been taken down and repressed.


6a7158 No.1539237

File: d3ba9589c0f866c⋯.png (70.37 KB, 279x320, 279:320, 95143d1dd4804ae89a5f1f082d….png)

3fa4fc No.1539238

If my phone gets really really hot when it's charging it's probably on its last leg, right?

d4b35e No.1539239

CNN is now reporting that Trump's Conspiracy Theory on "FBI SPY" falls apart…

They didn't give Nunes and Gowdy the documents they requested for the meeting. Are they stonewalling right now because there may be grand juries??

fa5f45 No.1539240


I'm a firm believer that the Deep State was a live and well a long time before those people were alive in that era.

1a246e No.1539241


Im thinking Flynn is just trolling Huma (and Hillary). Its prob a file on Weiner's laptop that Huma saved and named "dgfffcf", and Huma knows which file Flynn is talking about. And it prob relates in some way to Weinstein too

6cd2d5 No.1539242

I targeted the wrong post. Who was the guy being led out in handcuffs several posts above.

e0222f No.1539243

File: de8e8146832de06⋯.jpg (16.66 KB, 220x283, 220:283, Chandra_Levy.jpg)

File: 01a2041638e3398⋯.jpg (30.51 KB, 550x122, 275:61, guan.jpg)

Anyone remember the names of the two dead MS13 members that were linked to Seth Rich?

e72ec1 No.1539244


Carrying the Elia Kazan book in front of the cameras pretty much says he is ready and willing to out everyone else. But, the Something Wonderful book he is carrying says he will keep his mouth shut if they do. I'd call this a toss-up.

be3259 No.1539245

File: ce753f2d52183cb⋯.jpg (140.65 KB, 715x433, 715:433, GOOGle.Gauss.jpg)


>Gauss clock…(!)

<in honor of Guass' 241st b-day.

it would make sense actually "wind the clock"


In mathematics, modular arithmetic is a system of arithmetic for integers, where numbers "wrap around" upon reaching a certain value—the modulus. The modern approach to modular arithmetic was developed by Carl Friedrich Gauss in his book Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, published in 1801.

A familiar use of modular arithmetic is in the 12-hour clock, in which the day is divided into two 12-hour periods.

415acd No.1539246

File: 2e8bb1e546f3289⋯.png (384.83 KB, 645x453, 215:151, ClipboardImage.png)

6a7158 No.1539247

NO COMMENTS? Really? None at all? No yes…no…maybe…STFUz….FOz…. NADA?

ca8f2b No.1539248


Some phones are just bad about that, but yeah, usually a good sign battery about to go.

ee0bd5 No.1539249


Yes not pleasant and many long term irreversible effects.

Quite scary, as you don't know what the problem is until the symptoms are seriously acute.

ff6f57 No.1539250

File: 54d4f2ca4b7bcd9⋯.png (197.02 KB, 1096x584, 137:73, Screen Shot 84.png)

10 min delta. 2nd time today (3,1,2…14,0,0,0,10…10)

219043 No.1539251


You lose. Try harder. Fake yous should be auto ban.

2798a9 No.1539252


yes grammer nazi

i do not consent, lol

i read and write fluent typo

38760e No.1539253

DJT tweet Anchors AWEIGH! hmmmm

93e66e No.1539254



Trump trolls deep state to expose leakers/plot. ZTE phones.

06d036 No.1539255


Its mining bitcoin in the background

92a350 No.1539256

File: f9dab3a1a389aed⋯.png (398.18 KB, 666x404, 333:202, Screenshot 2018-04-19 at 1….png)

Sloppy Sniper is suing Alex Jones.

Who's next, Gene Rosen?

027ea6 No.1539257


anyone else is a division fag

ce5559 No.1539258

File: b2dcc7e038f82af⋯.jpg (145.04 KB, 974x346, 487:173, Cuts Regulations.jpg)

File: 97520f4688c0cbb⋯.jpg (292.22 KB, 1425x683, 1425:683, Trump vs Obama.jpg)

File: 1797e3f6ee3dbe2⋯.jpg (110.67 KB, 1031x622, 1031:622, Halper 3.jpg)

File: e9c91d063a6ff80⋯.jpg (236.77 KB, 1060x615, 212:123, Halper 2.jpg)

File: 7ef4820cfd82301⋯.jpg (115.24 KB, 844x437, 844:437, Halper 1.jpg)


Nice graphic. I hope it trends.

9a6b37 No.1539259


or someone is. I just went to @genflynn twitter page and he hasn't posted since 2017.

415acd No.1539261

File: 4e31ab3d62c483d⋯.png (138.52 KB, 338x219, 338:219, ClipboardImage.png)

050306 No.1539262

File: e053b04630ee52e⋯.png (390.6 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Eric Schmidt says Elon Musk is 'exactly wrong' about AI


Eric Schmidt says Elon Musk is 'exactly wrong' about AI

Anthony Ha,TechCrunch 4 hours ago

Reactions Reblog on Tumblr Share Tweet Email

When former Google CEO Eric Schmidt was asked about Elon Musk's warnings about AI, he had a succinct answer: "I think Elon is exactly wrong."

"He doesn't understand the benefits that this technology will provide to making every human being smarter," Schmidt said. "The fact of the matter is that AI and machine learning are so fundamentally good for humanity."

He acknowledged that there are risks around how the technology might be misused, but he said they're outweighed by the benefits: "The example I would offer is, would you not invent the telephone because of the possible misuse of the telephone by evil people? No, you would build the telephone and you would try to find a way to police the misuse of the telephone."

Schmidt, who has pushed back in the past against AI naysaying from Musk and scientist Stephen Hawking, was interviewed on-stage today at the VivaTech conference in Paris.

While he stepped down as executive chairman of Google's parent company Alphabet in December, Schmidt remains involved as a technical advisor, and he said today that his work is now focused on new applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

"From our perspective, GDPR is the law of the land and we have complied with it," Schmidt said.

Speaking more generally, he suggested that governments need to "find the balance" between regulation and innovation, because "the regulations tend to benefit the current incumbents."

What about the argument that users should get some monetary benefit when companies like Google build enormous businesses that rely on users' personal data?

"I’m perfectly happy to redistribute the money — that’s what taxes are for, that’s what regulation is for," Schmidt said. But he argued that consumers are already benefiting from these business models because they're getting access to free services.

"The real value is not the data but in the industrial construction of the firm which uses the data to solve a problem to make money," he said. "That’s capitalism."


d9b29f No.1539263

File: 5a7ef550b670591⋯.jpeg (197.64 KB, 799x628, 799:628, Screenshot_2018-05-25-13-….jpeg)


POTUS Says "We Are Witnessing The Great Re-Awakening " in video!

66f287 No.1539264


D? g? f? f und f or c linton f oundation

2798a9 No.1539265


listen to all your music in 432 not the evil 440

439c4b No.1539266


Filtered, Shill.

219043 No.1539267

Sounds like the navy may have completed some special role recently.

6e6256 No.1539268

File: a554b3ef92a8449⋯.jpg (17.84 KB, 192x255, 64:85, 083a54eb451ea537f9368fd6b0….jpg)



Great work, Anon!

027ea6 No.1539269


Hello Rahm !!!

fe95a4 No.1539270

File: 6d463475fea0d83⋯.jpg (1.74 MB, 2458x2175, 2458:2175, Victory Parade.jpg)


>we will have to put that on our menu

Nice thought. I'll settle for going to a parade in November. My Dress Blues no longer fit, but I'm hoping to be there.

It might be a good time for Anon's to get together. Anyone else going?

29aa0a No.1539271


jump right, left, left, left, down, up

d82e74 No.1539272

File: d4f6a83a70fafb1⋯.jpg (32.26 KB, 559x290, 559:290, hacked.JPG)




Flynn Jr says his dad's account was hacked.

fa5f45 No.1539273


How do you do this? Changing the frequency causes it to become extremely high pitched. I've tried looking up ways online using Audacity with no success, especially when it comes to music with words.

d7d5ca No.1539274


Their stupid plan is and always has been to delay til the midterms, do whatever backhanded shit they do to win midterms and then turn to impeach. Everything they can do to stonewall to prevent this situation from blowing up before the midterms they are doing. They don't know that they've already lost, or do they and they just can't accept it?

41cbd7 No.1539275


Why was it so critical to remove William Steiger from consideration as Reagan's VP? Who did it make room for?

What does Wm. Steiger (current) know about his father's death? Who does Steiger the younger work for now?

0cda0a No.1539276


ooooh. i was thinking of a phone code (abc = 2, def =3, etc.)

439c4b No.1539277


Yeah, saying that in reference to the Navy, really strange.

964006 No.1539278


where's the nazi?

seriously, genuinely curious.

i just corrected your mistake, no insults, nothing at all… that's enough to be nazi?

because i'm trying to help you understand "could of", "should of", "might of" never ever exist in english at all (it's not like your/you're)

e0222f No.1539279


Shouldn't it be anchors away?

415acd No.1539280

File: 5f50b6528808852⋯.png (120.01 KB, 300x391, 300:391, ClipboardImage.png)

a8526f No.1539281

File: 914b67befb8b0c0⋯.jpg (397.55 KB, 696x696, 1:1, AintWoke7.jpg)

File: 3542bd3caeb09e1⋯.jpg (417.6 KB, 696x696, 1:1, AintWoke8.jpg)

06d036 No.1539282


It fixed the crashing battleship problem

2798a9 No.1539283


im wanting to but dont know if finances will allow

33b06f No.1539284


>"111 map" theory

Is there a thread for that?


You left out an entire day. Q also didn't post on the 23rd, NK Summit scene played out just yesterday m the 24th. Were you trying to imply that Q is hiding because of a show he'd already told us to enjoy?

15abc5 No.1539285



EXCLUSIVE: Troubled woman with a history of drug use who claimed that she was assaulted by Donald Trump at a Jeffrey Epstein sex party at age 13 MADE IT ALL UP


6a7158 No.1539286

How tall was Seth Rich?

219043 No.1539287


Wonder if it was hacked after he sent the Tweet.

Currently addressing… coin addresses?

d9b29f No.1539288


Don't be so jealous

8ffcb3 No.1539289

File: e164ba66a7888eb⋯.jpg (23.95 KB, 596x283, 596:283, John_Brennan.jpg)

File: c1e57cce7851ece⋯.jpg (94.9 KB, 500x558, 250:279, 2aucmu~2.jpg)

Gorka to Trump: Cancel Obama admin's security clearances 'That John Brennan is feeding Russian propaganda lines and still has his is absurd'

Muslim faggot.

c48cfb No.1539290


i was thinking zip code

dgfff = 47666 which is indiana

no connection to CF there

so i went looking for Pence, since he was Gov.

still nothing

c4d0dd No.1539291

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Forgot the link . sorry here it is


Energy robbing Poppy

Swinging on the Gates of Hades - Remembrance Day Exposed

By Matthew Delooze

I cry but I can't buy Your Veteran's Day poppy It don't get me high It can only make me cry It can never grow another Son like the one who warmed me my days After rain amd warmed my breath My life's blood Screamin' empty she cries It don't get me high It can only make me cry Your Veteran's Day poppy

Captain Beefheart And His Magic Band - Veteran's Day Poppy

I think "Captain Beefheart" is a sick band. Might be valuble to dig there a bit "Social Engineering" "Conditioning" Conditioning for despair.

644369 No.1539292


Good catch! What could Aweigh mean?

439c4b No.1539293


Trump is stupid, sometimes.

415acd No.1539294

File: cf810372a27f292⋯.png (150.58 KB, 575x575, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

964006 No.1539296


>What could Aweigh mean?

are you fucking kidding

9a6b37 No.1539297


Trump is never stupid. He meant something .. we just have to figure out what.

219043 No.1539298


Aweigh is the correct nautical term.

Weigh anchor.

Aweigh anchor.

ff6f57 No.1539299


"You are plebs no more"

1a246e No.1539300


Of course he said that. Plausible deniability

2798a9 No.1539301


we do not have to bring pen and paper into this transaction : )

just a saying "grammer nazi" do not read past that, js

love all you anons, no homo

d9b29f No.1539302

Get On Your Job, Baker!!!

78e51b No.1539303



try harder Anon.


d82e74 No.1539304






"Anchors Aweigh" is the US Navy fight song.


6cd2d5 No.1539305


No. I was simply curious. I have been at the hospital and missed everything after the press conference. I was making an observation because the NK thing was a big deal.

ca8f2b No.1539306

File: 83a795feaba5b7e⋯.png (38.45 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

656a29 No.1539307

>>1539215 (You)

36f73a No.1539308


That's near Terra Haute - isn't that some old Capone getaway type place?

219043 No.1539309

Add to shill list…

You're a shill shill.

Retarded shill.

c4d0dd No.1539310


I'm there, if possible. But no Red Poppy.

8d4635 No.1539311


I don't believe it

d04718 No.1539313



Aweigh means to take on weight… as in get ready to sail.

Why would the saying be to stop??

Trump is dumb? And you can't even google??

439c4b No.1539314


Why? No one even knows what it means.

15abc5 No.1539315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






US Navy Anchors Aweigh

829e20 No.1539316

File: 2bbdcebc2b5b372⋯.png (608.11 KB, 704x1168, 44:73, KURDISHPIPELINE.png)



http:// www.nrttv.com/en/News.aspx?id=408&MapID=5

644369 No.1539317

File: 977dee8467f0fa0⋯.jpg (41.59 KB, 400x400, 1:1, PepeContent.jpg)


Thanks for the lesson

d58932 No.1539319

Antarctic Treaty

Any Anons bother with this one? They hold a meeting every year. Most recent meeting was held last week in Buenos Aires.

1959 – Antarctic Treaty signed. “The treaty, entering into force in 1961 and having 53 parties as of 2016, sets aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve, establishes freedom of scientific investigation and bans military activity on that continent. The treaty was the first arms control agreement established during the Cold War. The Antarctic Treaty Secretariat headquarters have been located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, since September 2004.”

1961 – Antarctic Treaty goes into effect.



ce5559 No.1539320

File: 5f55c687d419e76⋯.jpg (69.44 KB, 521x369, 521:369, Trust.jpg)

File: e38921f253619b1⋯.jpg (162.13 KB, 1113x511, 159:73, MS13.jpg)

File: e1446117b2ad78f⋯.jpg (355.84 KB, 1640x1416, 205:177, 2 officers.jpg)

File: e428275131d1d7d⋯.jpg (239.67 KB, 1000x586, 500:293, united by1116.jpg)

File: be75b82c8faddc5⋯.jpg (181.23 KB, 1139x861, 1139:861, Zuck.jpg)


219043 No.1539321


A pipeline?

What could go wrong…

6457ba No.1539322


>sky event


111ebc No.1539323


the specific outweighs the general.

that anon found the string in a crypto-specific place with additional clues is more specific than you music theory shills. give up.

021976 No.1539325


LOL…can't take credit:


(HE also gave me the "intel" about last Friday's FF's linked to JFK – nothing like the INTEL from ABOVE! Ha!)

d58932 No.1539326


Where are the older ones at? I love these.

36f73a No.1539327


During the old hotel's long existence and the new hotel's early years, the country's rich, famous and infamous were frequent guests. Rumored to be among the infamous to take advantage of the city's finest in hotels was a Chicago resident by the name of Al Capone. With a thriving red light district during those years (though modest compared to the activity which existed in the first two decades of the 20th century), Terre Haute had gambling and prostitution operations that were attractive to visitors of Capone's “caliber.” A biography of Benjamin “Scatman” Crothers seems to be the source of the story that Capone stayed in Terre Haute, but this can neither be confirmed nor denied.

It has also been said that the infamous bank robber John Dillinger stayed at the Terre Haute House, although there are some who dispute this. Dillinger supposedly had a deal with local police so they would leave him alone, but this, too, cannot be confirmed.


29a2aa No.1539328

File: ca5da530ec82555⋯.png (340 KB, 1236x498, 206:83, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d66de0293e38b9c⋯.png (326.8 KB, 654x520, 327:260, ClipboardImage.png)

On Saturday May 5, 2018, Bosnian Americans and friends of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) gathered in Washington, D.C. to pay tribute to those who have sacrificed and dedicated their lives for Bosnian statehood, celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. "Bosnia regained its statehood in 1943 as a country with one of the strongest, if not the strongest, anti-fascist movements in Nazi-occupied Europe. Our statehood was reborn through bloody struggle of Bosnians of all political persuasions within the People's Liberation Movement led by Tito. One of the greatest achievements of Bosnian nation is that we were one of the very few nations in Europe not to be liberated from Nazism by the Allied forces. We liberated ourselves. Again, in the 1990s we managed to defend ourselves against overwhelming odds. However, I believe that the lowest common denominator of Bosnian history is tolerance of the other. That is why I believe that us Bosnians became such good and proud Americans today," stated ACBH President Ajla Delkic.

Honorees included: President Bill Clinton, Lifetime Achievement Award

General Wesley Clark, Retired, Outstanding Military Service Award

Sanela Diana Jenkins, ACBH Philanthropy Award

General Gordon R. Sullivan, Retired, Lifetime Achievement Award

Bill Carter, BiH Friendship Award

U.S. Army Captain Ermin Mujezinovic, ACBH Public Service Award

The Hastor Foundation, ACBH Community Service Award

Former BiH President Dr. Haris Silajdzic, ACBH Lifetime Achievement Award


http:// www.acbih.org/president-bill-clinton-to-attend-acbh-gala/

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAI5VAoMBDs

3eb51c No.1539329


This is the absolute worst of all the IBORs that were generated and it was the first petition made.

I'm sure shills love #4 where it becomes illegal for people to stop a DDOS from happening.

There are a number of possibilities here.

1. Its a shill

2. Its someone of below average intelligence.

3. Someone is getting duped into letting a shill tell them what to do.

4. Someone is lazy and is just resubmitting the first one.

964006 No.1539330


>just a saying "grammer nazi"

so you use it every time and any time someone corrects you, effectively slowly killing any humor or meaning to the term. ok.

that's dumb, but i shouldn't be surprised.


6a7158 No.1539331


Remember Joy Reid…my account was hacked

437560 No.1539332


California poppies contain no opium

06d036 No.1539333


Aw(eight) 8

79705a No.1539334



The word "weigh" in this sense comes from the archaic word meaning to heave, hoist or raise. "Aweigh" means that that action has been completed. The anchor is aweigh when it is pulled from the bottom. This event is duly noted in the ship's log.

Action completed..

6a7158 No.1539337

By show of hands…






31a094 No.1539338


I'm on my job, fuckstick.

8d4635 No.1539339


666 tho :/



2798a9 No.1539340

File: 24f1f8aaac69f99⋯.jpg (159.42 KB, 872x647, 872:647, moon - Copy.jpg)


an elderly lady very close to me took this picture and sent it to me.

what do you think.

they are lying about so much it boggles the mind.

ex high up said "we didnt lie about a few things, we lied about everything"

315e13 No.1539341


….currently addressing…


a8526f No.1539342

File: add9fb445beb4e7⋯.jpg (375.78 KB, 696x696, 1:1, AintWoke1.jpg)

File: 0e07e66de3b02e0⋯.jpg (398.45 KB, 696x696, 1:1, AintWoke2.jpg)

File: 131472e4552b51e⋯.jpg (596.21 KB, 696x696, 1:1, AintWoke3c.jpg)

File: e41055781487dc5⋯.jpg (285.53 KB, 696x696, 1:1, AintWoke4.jpg)

ca8f2b No.1539343


Cockslapped in real-time

be3259 No.1539344

File: 6ffcf26dcb5c975⋯.jpg (47.37 KB, 317x475, 317:475, MRM-G.I.G.jpg)


>, PoppyBush.png


Have you read this?


Unlike his others, delves into similar history as

>>1538905 (prev)


Got it, thx. Agree on "Beefheart" is a sick". the dead seemed to be much more successful. maybe something related to "smoother medicine" :)

d58932 No.1539345


Thank you, Anon! Saving like I should have before!

e13c44 No.1539346

File: 8585302638d0d40⋯.png (408.79 KB, 1190x595, 2:1, kek.png)

219043 No.1539347


Could be a reference to Stormy part being over?

In that after her scene it is logged that it's been pulled from her bottom.

d7d5ca No.1539348

File: c0b7b09b8e71c0e⋯.jpg (19.65 KB, 652x367, 652:367, BSO_Deputy_Accused_of_Shop….jpg)

File: aa85fa3e1b58fdb⋯.jpg (18.16 KB, 652x367, 652:367, 061016 costa video.jpg)

File: 0ab40b63ba55244⋯.jpg (86.88 KB, 1842x1036, 921:518, gettyimages-524624656.jpg)

Broward County Sheriffs seem to be embroiled in a never-ending swarm of shit. With deputies getting caught stealing from Wal-Mart, keeping child porn, and covering up sexual assaults it makes you wonder what other dirty dealings they are involved in. (Besides false flag high school shootings of course)


a8526f No.1539349

File: 7bb1db336a91438⋯.jpg (376.29 KB, 696x696, 1:1, AintWoke5.jpg)

File: b5956ccd7da6291⋯.jpg (435.16 KB, 696x696, 1:1, AintWoke6.jpg)

93e66e No.1539352

I can imagine how badly the deep state actors are shitting themselves right now–waiting for the hammer to drop.

Also imagine how POTUS's announcement yesterday threw them into panic "reassesment" mode. They have no idea when "it's" coming. They don't know how to coordinate their planning, FFs, responses. I can only imagine the stress and infighting among the black hats right now.

As much as we all want to hear from Q, they're probably furiously refreshing waiting for something–anything–they can gleen from. I picture Q relishing in this. So, enjoy the radio silence knowing that it's probably driving ((them)) mad.

2798a9 No.1539353


just for your info, i think thats the second time i have ever said it…

calm, trust the plan, WWG1WGA and Godspeed to you

645ec7 No.1539354


Hoorah, Mr. President!


6a7158 No.1539355


964006 No.1539357


<"thin blue line" fucks

d82e74 No.1539358

File: 87b3895597228b3⋯.jpg (88.26 KB, 684x501, 228:167, treaty 1.JPG)

File: 4262842749db70a⋯.jpg (122.65 KB, 659x570, 659:570, treaty 2.JPG)

File: 43ef9e7f1587fc7⋯.jpg (103.12 KB, 668x536, 167:134, treaty 3.JPG)



Full text of it, with additional info, is an interesting read. (Pic related/excerpt)


111ebc No.1539359


good thoughts anon. if he was following white hat instructions and white hats wanted to keep everyone nervous, what message would they send? ambiguity. need moar popcorn with my covfefe.

31a094 No.1539360



>>1538964 China claims no 'clue' of sonic attack on U.S. consulate

>>1539167 U.S. reached deal to keep Chinese telecom ZTE in business: New York Times

>>1539021 Hook, Line, & Sinker

>>1539205 U.S. jury awards Apple $539 million in Samsung patent retrial

>>1539348 Broward Cowards Caught in Yet Another Scandal

79705a No.1539362


Or reference to Weinstein.

33b06f No.1539363


Makes sense, hope that you're better than going in. With what we know, Q had no need to post about the NK scene. It's all part of the movie put on for the world to accept the final results of Peace through Strength. Either of the two leaders (POTUS & Kim) looking weak isn't an option for optics, they both need to be appear to be in control to their respective nations. The banter makes for media coverage, and cover for the fact that NK is already on board. Any interference with the peace process (China?, Iran?), stands out as being detrimental to world peace. It's win-win-win for all, but must be presented for public consumption. Hence, the show we're watching.

cd45b9 No.1539364


well i guess i have had a whole host of cancers all my life and never knew it. who knew?

2ce607 No.1539365

File: 872a2997e7e89ae⋯.jpg (30.66 KB, 500x604, 125:151, images.duckduckgo.jpg)


"scientific preserve", "freedom of scientific investigation"…. what the fuck does that mean? Are there sick fucking experiments going on down there? Is that what Buzz was talking about with this tweet?

6a7158 No.1539366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


cf01c9 No.1539367

Theory: dgfffcf

All transactions for international remittances worldwide.database for money transfers 2015.


Perhaps for clinton foundation?

315e13 No.1539368

Anyone know who General Flynn would be

….currently addressing…

right now???

36f73a No.1539369


Alex "Bone broth" Jones is always spurging about the phoenix rising and 1776 will commence again.

9949c8 No.1539370

This guy is STILL running around loose and executing his long term plan to undermine this country, spending his millions to put his hand-picked District Attorneys into office.

These DAs will enforce HIS rules and release/refuse to prosecute the scum of this land and turn them loose on us - and nothing is stopping him!

http:// www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-prosecutor-campaign-20180523-story.html

"Wealthy donors are spending millions of dollars to back would-be prosecutors who want to reduce incarceration, crack down on police misconduct and revamp a bail system they contend unfairly imprisons poor people before trial.

The effort is part of a years-long campaign by liberal groups to reshape the nation's criminal justice system. New York billionaire George Soros headlines a consortium of private funders, the American Civil Liberties Union and other social justice groups and Democratic activists targeting four of the 56 district attorney positions up for election on June 5."

3155a0 No.1539371

File: 985ae51852eccb3⋯.png (773.07 KB, 1561x1007, 1561:1007, ClipboardImage.png)

6a7158 No.1539372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

29a2aa No.1539373

File: 0f7fe688324daa1⋯.png (458.25 KB, 1276x582, 638:291, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84a7add74ed2ccb⋯.png (523.05 KB, 680x525, 136:105, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9eb357d21fd0b08⋯.png (553.55 KB, 680x525, 136:105, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e57a0b241e7a39⋯.png (513.41 KB, 680x453, 680:453, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c8f7e0fd2c8c2f⋯.png (455.66 KB, 680x453, 680:453, ClipboardImage.png)


The keynote address was delivered by the 42nd President of the United States of America Bill Clinton who was honored with the ACBH Lifetime Achievement Award for his role in stopping the war of aggression against BiH. During his speech, President Clinton expressed gratitude for the award stating: "I actually don't believe that former presidents should get honors. I thought always the job was honor enough, but this is something I am glad to take advantage of. The opportunities that I and the people with whom I had the honor to work had to try to end the genocide in Bosnia and make a new beginning, was one of the most important things that ever happened to me, not just as President, but in my life." He went on to say that "nobody thought that the Dayton Accords was perfect. It obviously set up the possibility of paralysis."

ACBH also honored General Wesley Clark, Ret., with an ACBH Outstanding Military Service Award for his valor, and contribution to BiH's peace and stability. As the former NATO supreme allied commander, General Clark is one of the most decorated military heroes of our time who helped achieve the peace agreement that still endures to this day in BiH in the Dayton Peace Accords. He went on to command Operation Allied Force, NATO's first major combat action in the former Yugoslavia in the Spring of 1999, that drove NATO to victory against Serb forces trying to continue ethnic cleansing in Kosovo.

The ACBH Philanthropy Award was presented to Bosnian entrepreneur and humanitarian Sanela Diana Jenkins. As one of the most successful and recognizable Bosnians, Ms. Jenkins has dedicated a lot of time and resources to the advancement of justice and BiH's progress and development. She spoke poignantly about being a refugee girl in London during the war in BiH where she lost everything, including her younger brother Irnis, and how she overcame all odds to become an accomplished entrepreneur and a widely respected unwavering voice for peace and justice.

http:// bosnjaci.net/print.php?pid=64682

829e20 No.1539375


The Pipeline is the reason for the war in Syria.

In 2013, ISIS/FSA is winning the pipeline (Syria)

However, With 2017 and now, Syria is winning their territory and that is a yuge win for Russia.

Because the EU search the independence of Russia.

be3259 No.1539376


Remember the CNN twat who said the crosshairs on POTUS were "a glitch in his gif app"?

All's fair in twatter & war.


Betya a challenge coin someone does.

219043 No.1539377



Does feel like respect being given to successful secret missions in the navy too.

6a7158 No.1539378

Wonder if I have been shadow banned on 8chan

b84bca No.1539379

Michael Flynn tweets, deletes photo of Harvey Weinstein with Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin

Made the NY Daily…hmmmm….

The tweet, which was deleted within 30 minutes, was captioned with nonsense: "Dgfffcf."

Shortly after, Michael Flynn Jr. said his father's account was hacked and that they're "currently addressing" the situation.


d58932 No.1539381


That's very odd.

315e13 No.1539382


Nope, just nobody replying to posts but bots

b84680 No.1539383


If you have not already figured out that Gen Flynn and his Son totally Trolled W/pic of Hillary and Harvey then threw the famous "Hacked" excuse back at the lefts faces. Then I feel bad for you.

970045 No.1539384


These terms almost seem to have been written to be impossible to agree to. It's basically "You will do as we say or else." Open blackmail instead of the covert form that the Iran deal represented. I can't see even the Mullahs being this crazy and blind.

Have the Iranians turned? Are they actors in the movie?

Patriots are in full control, after all.

d58932 No.1539385


:) Thanks again.

c7c6da No.1539386


I don't think Q has specified a location for Assange.

b900c8 No.1539387


Brennan? We got him? I just woke up.

219043 No.1539388


Yes, can't see your posts anon. Reboot your router.

29aa0a No.1539389


Look at the keyboard. It's similar to Konami code. See >>1539271

449857 No.1539390

File: 7d47897a77306ca⋯.png (157.12 KB, 1788x1022, 894:511, ny5.png)

File: 37141b2f35e6502⋯.png (386.42 KB, 1780x1378, 890:689, ny2.png)

File: a95bdbc5d65043a⋯.png (1.26 MB, 2016x726, 336:121, ny1.png)

File: 37b7565dcd0f055⋯.png (88.29 KB, 1768x558, 884:279, ny3.png)

File: d75588de1f59b58⋯.png (34.96 KB, 964x330, 482:165, ny4.png)

7f93a8 No.1539391


I can't see your post, so probably…

e13c44 No.1539392



33b06f No.1539393


>"Anchors Aweigh" is the US Navy fight song.


Thank you for correcting the non-comms

6a7158 No.1539394



Not even bots.

But you could look at the pic above…

315e13 No.1539395


>currently addressing

Who could Flynn be currently addressing?

be3259 No.1539396


thx, anon. really good sauce.

>2003 article

as every gardener knows, once poppies get rooted in the ground,

they basically just grow themselves year after year after year.

964006 No.1539397


>just woke up.

then don't post so soon

before covfefe

e12cf0 No.1539398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8475f4 No.1539399

File: 4ed3e390304f74d⋯.png (716.39 KB, 937x1024, 937:1024, ClipboardImage.png)


Verified account


24m24 minutes ago


Although beautiful, this @NASAHubble image does not do justice to this galaxy’s true appeal: it is actually a spectacular spiral galaxy! From Earth, the galaxy’s vast disk of gas, dust and stars is seen nearly edge-on, flat like a pancake. Take a look: https://go.nasa.gov/2s8ezGN

d82e74 No.1539400


Added the Jr tweet for info, not to argue against possible epic trolling.

dc8d16 No.1539401

File: d848c56d5ac1088⋯.png (506.34 KB, 684x1316, 171:329, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)


You can find a book in Google books by a guy named

William Owen Pughe

It is an old book with a long title:

Books on Google Play

A Dictionary of the Welsh Language, Explained in English;: With Numerous Illustrations, from the Literary Remains and from the Living Speech of the Cymmry. To which is Prefixed, a Welsh Grammar

I have attached an extract from the book which does not have page numbers. The page heading is:


Look at the meaning of Penadur

On the first line where it defines Pen, look carefully at the last letter of Chief and the first letter of supreme because if you have never read these old books, it can be confusing to distingush f and s. Sometimes s will look as you expect and sometimes it is almost the same as f.

And do read through the other definitions.

It seems to me that whoever came up with the term Pindar was a speaker of Welsh and I don't see why any Rothschild would speak that language. But the Prince of that country in the far west of Britain…. perhaps?

cf00bb No.1539402

File: 94a56516fde8c8a⋯.jpg (53.58 KB, 587x403, 587:403, Kim say anything please.JPG)

6345ad No.1539403

File: 72d1e2bda9099b6⋯.jpg (70.61 KB, 519x481, 519:481, NOT_HAPPENING.jpg)

Grassley BEGGING for witnesses?


https:// townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2018/05/25/grassley-reminds-fbi-agents-wanting-to-blow-the-whistle-you-are-legally-protected-to-do-so-n2484151

64939d No.1539404

>>1537544 Mature people make fun of their age. He didn't marry at 12, he ijust joking that he is younger than he actually is. SARCASM. He is not making fun of any coal minors daughters. Youngins need to listen to Gramps more.

79705a No.1539405

File: bcdb0392e29ddd9⋯.jpg (52.25 KB, 671x397, 671:397, YesJewWeinstein.jpg)

1088df No.1539406

Thank you Alabama!

BREAKING: Alabama National Guard Mobilizing!

The Governor of Alabama on Friday is mobilizing the National Guard to help with the southwest border.


06d036 No.1539407


The Galaxy is Flat OMG

6a7158 No.1539408


yeah that was done early…

but you could go look at the pic above 9138

e12cf0 No.1539409

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e569d3 No.1539410


That's really brilliant and creative meme.

kek anon, kek.

829e20 No.1539411


US House of Representatives approves $290 million for Peshmerga

http:// www.nrttv.com/en/News.aspx?id=409&MapID=1

b900c8 No.1539412



Ah thank you and yeah, 1st cup. Hairline threw me off, these people start looking alike after awhile.

219043 No.1539413


National Guard mobilising for habbendings?


Can you repost pwetty peese?

dc8d16 No.1539414


This is good news

It means the California to Texas border has been closed so tight

That the criminals are feeling the PAIN

And are searching for new routes

Into the USA


ca8f2b No.1539415


Jus' like da Erff!! DERP!!

64939d No.1539416


FG Shills will be like…told you soo

e12cf0 No.1539417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6457ba No.1539418


Uh oh…



1a246e No.1539419


The thing is, Q map has it at very top of pyramid. If not Roths, I dont know who it could be for the order

656a29 No.1539420

File: 71cf4c56b4ff568⋯.png (708.26 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, GoingFishing.png)

hold down the fort anons!

6457ba No.1539421


>National Guard mobilising for habbendings?

As in arrests?!

2798a9 No.1539422


cancer is nothing more than a fungi…

there was a guy curing back in the 30s or 50s

cancer, fungus cannot live in an alkaline environment.

there are recipes and protocols on-line you can find.

the one that made more sense to me was taking your ph up to like 7.5 or 8 and keeping it there for 6 days straight. then back to normal and doing it again.

i have no doubt if you was hospitalized for a couple weeks and had this done in a controlled environment. given the fluids intravenously,

it could be cured alot easier!

no money in the cure

already proven that nuke medicine and radiation has a very low rate of cure/submission what they like to say. all you get is to be more sick for your last days.

i hope this comes out soon!

06d036 No.1539423


He's hinting that somebody is (who could that be?)

686808 No.1539424

File: 999731102d9c4ce⋯.jpg (57.04 KB, 688x360, 86:45, 2-chronicles-7-14.jpg)

File: b7ab8e460373a7d⋯.jpg (66.15 KB, 720x500, 36:25, revelation 21.jpg)

7f4924 No.1539425

File: f5d5a7b6ce340e0⋯.jpg (56.57 KB, 691x544, 691:544, IMG_20180525_232154.jpg)

33b06f No.1539426


shadowbanned, no, I have a suggestion though after reviewing your posts:

Don't just post a link & expect anons to gravitate to it just because it's there. Post a link (embed it if it's a video), along with a title and/or a description, add a related image or meme, give anons a reason to use their precious time not scrolling by your random links to God knows where.

Make me want to look. Otherwise it just fades into the background as board noise.

dc4ba5 No.1539427

File: 5dca2c155e8767a⋯.png (310.81 KB, 642x360, 107:60, ClipboardImage.png)

Did you guys see the humming bird cross over POTUS during the Navy graduation speach?

Starts at around 6:20, the humming bird crosses over from the left to the right near the top of the screen, then it sort of circles around POTUS, crossing the screen about 5 times.

Cool! It's like God was blessing him!

219043 No.1539428


Getting position for ML?

8afd43 No.1539429

File: 242934795fdb914⋯.jpg (1.7 MB, 759x7517, 759:7517, HISCuba1of2.jpg)

File: 15d269b0d335b99⋯.jpg (2.44 MB, 760x10213, 760:10213, HISCuba2of2.jpg)

(Bread #1932)



Because there was a "revolution" and yet Guantanamo still sits there, Castro just looks like an Hegelian pawn to me, used to set up a "scary" Communist government minutes from the U.S., to shake the boogieman at Americans, as part of setting up that dialectic. I also wonder if the Bay of Pigs invasion was intentionally botched to throw shade on Kennedy and keep the "Commies" in place. Castro did kick out the Mafia that ran the casinos, the hookers, and the drugs. Also, the "elite" with the money booked passage, like the people who owned the sugar plantations, modern-day slavery, the downpressors. I thought I read the Bush family owned one or more, but a quick search turns up nothing. Interesting that Jeb ran Florida at one point. Also, I've been seeing in these historical events that it looks like one Mafia was becoming problematic, so it got replaced with a competitor.

964006 No.1539430

>>1539420 why? just go, or return… we won't know it's you anyway (or care)

ff6f57 No.1539431


I suggest looking into optics and how a camera works (the shape of the aperture, etc.). Here's a start:



6a7158 No.1539432


Won't allow. Message already exists.

e77ac3 No.1539433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We found the one who hacked Gen Flynn's account:

64939d No.1539434

>>1539424 (YOU)


Red Pill - Blue Pill

219043 No.1539435


It would be hard to cover up a massive mobilsation.

What is a cover story?

20b923 No.1539436


Can this be modded & memed to change those Cameras to


because we can't throw letal injection darts….

8475f4 No.1539437

File: 2567b231189bcb2⋯.png (4 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Geraldo Rivera

Verified account


May 24


@elevrivera loving wife just sent me this snap taken outside the kitchen window. We have our own eagle living on our property in suburban #ShakerHeights we love it but the squirrels & chipmunks are complaining. Anyone know exactly what species this is?

0a998d No.1539438


I'll be there! It will be a day for the history books. Not to be missed!

829e20 No.1539439


Yep. Check the article. lack the senate.

644369 No.1539440

File: 984d753cb9fe30d⋯.jpg (16.45 KB, 229x221, 229:221, Pepe4laffs.jpg)


Kim can't quit him

d82e74 No.1539441

File: 45114d086902ce2⋯.jpg (50.82 KB, 555x468, 185:156, peshmerga.JPG)



The Kurds. "Those who fight death"


33b06f No.1539442


change something about the image, a pixel, or resize it, and it will allow you to repost

bdbfe4 No.1539443


sounds like encouragement not begging

48dc11 No.1539444

File: c0951221d66ddc1⋯.jpg (67.08 KB, 450x505, 90:101, 2b07fq.jpg)

Barack Obama is America's first openly gay pervert president.

Joan Rivers outted the faggot.

6a7158 No.1539445


no comprende

219043 No.1539446


This anon gets it

69ce8a No.1539447


why does Corsi have that retinue of low brow white trash on his shows? None of them can put together a coherent independent thought. ..

One of them actually said “i’ll be right back, i gotta get a six pack an a pack of smokes at the liqoir store” (he walked there) total white trash, Corsi, you’re pathetic.

e12cf0 No.1539448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4bae1e No.1539449


'cancer experts'

315e13 No.1539450


So you are saying citrus or just a small amount of baking soda is the cure?

2798a9 No.1539451


yea i will def look into it

i have been on a truth quest for a couple decades about everything.

critical thinking is a must

fd1c6d No.1539452


No person with any self respect would go on Corsi.

6a7158 No.1539453


So the pic that was posted is not a good enough question?

eb5746 No.1539454

File: 76821ca63f80dd0⋯.png (591.5 KB, 2318x2156, 1159:1078, 3pdno1usm0011.png)


e6c50f No.1539455

Was wondering if any other anons have gotten a weird phone call lately? I got a call this morning, caller id said washington dc, let it go to voice mail and get a messege that sounded like a garbled we are anonymous messege, pretty freaky. Just wondering if any of you have got one too.

ce5559 No.1539456

File: 377e9837cac21f3⋯.jpg (167.88 KB, 677x840, 677:840, Weinstein.jpg)

File: 49ac2e9c3787370⋯.jpg (194.06 KB, 1037x566, 1037:566, London Eye.jpg)

File: 3abc8da483db616⋯.jpg (110.13 KB, 1200x597, 400:199, Find them.jpg)

File: aa3d48d91445e40⋯.jpg (165.11 KB, 900x558, 50:31, Holder movie.jpg)

File: ba7a26605c860cd⋯.jpg (80.07 KB, 700x343, 100:49, Amack.jpg)



430fd6 No.1539457


Supposedly it can even kill you because your organs, heart etc start to sync with the freq.

f04752 No.1539458


Seems like a security threat.

I imagine the CIA has really small assassination drones.

923ba6 No.1539459

File: 492834aa6e5dc09⋯.jpg (118.39 KB, 1150x790, 115:79, Harwood NOT our guy.jpg)

John Harwood CNBC/NYT sends message to Skippy after GEOTUS debate.

https:// wikileaks.org/ podesta-emails/emailid/4303


06d036 No.1539460


Blo job experts

4bae1e No.1539461


you are probably his only viewer. congrats.

8b8014 No.1539462

I think that the repeat delta of 0 is crucial. I wonder if it signals new action but feel that it is intentional and crucial.

On @RealDonaldJTrump tweets there has been 3 zero deltas on 4/17 and 3 on 4/25. That means that there were actually 4 different tweets with the same exact date and timestamps.

04-17 5 24 0

04-17 5 24 0

04-17 5 24 0

05-25 05 04 0

05-25 05 04 0

05-25 05 04 0

On the Q Drops there has also been repeat deltas of 0. There has not been one with 3; however, there has been some with 2 zero deltas which means that there were 3 Q drops with the exact date and time stamps.

11-04 24 15 27 0

11-04 24 15 52 0

12-07 22 34 28 0

12-07 22 34 51 0

12-22 01 44 31 0

12-22 01 44 47 0

Not an autist here, but just sense that these are significant.

d85d69 No.1539463

Great thread on patents for mind control. These should be notable so more digging can be done. Many listed here.


219043 No.1539464


Sorry meant for other post.

Mobilising NG ready for ML.

d58932 No.1539465


I posted all of this because I find it odd that for people and countries whom never seem to get along, they all agreed to leave this land alone, no wars, etc. It's important.

d56c46 No.1539467

File: 53f1c50c235982f⋯.jpeg (48.75 KB, 567x446, 567:446, Dd2VgLHVwAAcYy6.jpeg)

The amount of projection and lack of intelligence in most of these traitors is astounding. A bunch of sniveling, traitorous dumbasses.

▪Clapper: The FBI Wasn't Spying On Trump, It Was "Benign Information Gathering"▪

Backpedaling intensifies…

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper - who much like former FBI Director James Comey is peddling a book right now, accused President Trump of twisting his words after a bizarre interview on The View on Tuesday.

When Clapper was asked if the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign, he replied "They were spying on - a term I don't particularly like, but on what the Russians were doing." (By sending a spy to perform espionage on several members of the Trump campaign).

In response to Clapper's statement, President Trump tweeted: ((("Clapper has now admitted that there was Spying in my campaign. Large dollars were paid to the Spy, far beyond normal. Starting to look like one of the biggest political scandals in U.S. history. SPYGATE - a terrible thing!")))

When asked by Axios about Trump's Tweet, (((Clapper said that the President "deliberately spun it," likening it to "George Orwell - up is down, black is white, peace is war.")))

But the punchline was Clapper's "explanation" if what really happened: "I took aversion to the word spy, it was the most benign version of information gathering."

"The important thing is the whole reason the FBI was doing this was concern over what the Russians were doing to infiltrate the campaign, not spying on the campaign. Of course, he turned that completely upside-down in his tweet, as he is wont to do." -(((James Clapper)))

415acd No.1539468

File: 48e9dbaf760fae6⋯.png (354.59 KB, 678x381, 226:127, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d1c14d858a9522⋯.png (800.85 KB, 900x927, 100:103, Clinton Foudation.png)

Clinton Had Their Fund Raiser Last Night … any Crumbs?

Clinton Foundation Admit 85% Of Donations Do Not Go To Charity


bdbfe4 No.1539469


nope- crowds are not my friend..

I'll watch though

947db9 No.1539470

File: c0c5ec8fec3f758⋯.png (349.18 KB, 800x480, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

memetic amo drop

6a7158 No.1539471


copy that

6cd2d5 No.1539472


Why did you target me? And say IMPORTANT? I am a Christian. Red Pill-Blue Pill does not= Salvation. I'm not understanding your comms.

d82e74 No.1539473

File: be100b161fb521b⋯.jpg (43.5 KB, 473x477, 473:477, alabama guard 1.JPG)

File: aa271b020e127bf⋯.jpg (58.59 KB, 446x400, 223:200, alabama guard.JPG)




5 guard members and a helo.


f04752 No.1539474


More money for the US Govt to seize?

I hope it was a going away party.

69ce8a No.1539476

File: 68cca1979ba9d5f⋯.png (2.88 MB, 1125x2001, 375:667, C1A70C2D-8CCC-4A5C-8FF3-20….png)

Corsi, you are pathetic.

2798a9 No.1539477


look it up, there are many recipes

fact: cancer can not live in alkaline environment.

do some research on it, there is plenty of studies

f16051 No.1539478

We make references to 1984 a lot…..but what they are doing to Tommy Robinson right now is fucking insane

They sentenced him to jail….its a death sentence and they know it

Fuck the UK

cd45b9 No.1539479


yeah Q said as much in crumbs. thanks for reminding those who never re-read crumbs.

e0222f No.1539480


Royals? I keep reading about Queen Victoria being equated to Boudica because both of their names mean victory. Apparently one of her daughters was brought to Rome and married into Julius Cesar's family.

d85d69 No.1539481


And add patents we've discovered here on qresearch boards with these.

39e7f0 No.1539482

37) The head winged monkey is called Nikko – also the name of the Japanese town home to the shrine featuring the Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil monkeys.

79705a No.1539483

File: 6e465f8996a03b2⋯.jpg (197.92 KB, 1019x594, 1019:594, RiversDeath.jpg)

d56c46 No.1539484

File: 3a35dfffaecfa0e⋯.jpg (363.15 KB, 1024x733, 1024:733, once-they-see-the-memo-you….jpg)


Oop's…forgot the sauce

https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-25/clapper-fbi-wasnt-spying-trump-it-was-benign-information-gathering

219043 No.1539485

Hope Q turns up though the happenings are happening when he doesn't.

dc8d16 No.1539486


Maybe the Prince of Wales?

829e20 No.1539487


Ugh. It needs to sanction Turkey soon.

For that They collapse and change.

e12cf0 No.1539488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

33b06f No.1539489

File: cd7d9bc14e6ba68⋯.jpg (22.14 KB, 626x353, 626:353, stable genius.JPG)


I'm not going back to look, most won't. Resize it & repost it, tell us what's on your mind about it. Hell, use bold or


text if you have to (just don't over do it). Again, make anons want to spend time on it. IMO this board not only a research board, it's a work of art. Spice it up.

b3deae No.1539490

Guys I'm sorry

Alex made me do it

Please come watch my Livestreams again.

Donations are welcome

Also, I don't if you guys know

I have a book out right now

You should buy it and read it

I confirmed with my sources and Q approves of this message

fad7e1 No.1539491


There have been many cures that have been covered up.

EXCELLENT documentary "The Truth About Cancer." Buy the series. Ty Bollinger travelled the world and found answers. This was his mission as so many in his family died. Excellent, excellent. Learn the truth; take your health into your own hands. See what other countries do that has been banned from here due to the control by big pharma.

ee0bd5 No.1539492


That also is true. Sadly difficult to trace cause by average Medical Staff as well.

66f287 No.1539493


miniature drones


ad61a8 No.1539494

File: ab0681cbeaf73c0⋯.jpg (235.97 KB, 2000x1125, 16:9, 1506628485588.jpg)


An IBOR needs 3 Components:

1. Embodiment of rights that can be transposed from the actual Bill of Rights to a medium such as the internet.

2. It must be directed at ISPs for very specific functions (4th, 1st amendments).

3. It must not force government involvement to punish private businesses from doing stupid shit like Shadowbanning EXCEPT TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT MAY DO SO AT ITS OWN VOLITION.


Corporations (like Facebook, Twitter) should be held to to the HIGHEST STANDARDS regarding the 4th amendment. At the same time, they should NOT, however, be forced by governmental authorities to guarantee you 1st amendment rights on THEIR RIGHTFULLY OWNED PROPERTY.

That is a slippery slope to HELL. In other words, IBOR should really be an embodiment of the 4TH AMENDMENT in regards to companies like Faceberg, Twatter, Instagram, ISPs. It should NOT be a government slippery slope to interfere with a corporation to do what they wish (within reason) in regards to allowing/disallowing people to post what they want, when they want.

Trust me, you do NOT want the entirety of the internet to be 4chan/8chan. That would be BAAAAAD.

ac040a No.1539495


Thank you Anon very Kind!!!..now I have to elaborate..many information today ..

98ee83 No.1539496


Rosenstein is a white hat

219043 No.1539497


He'll be treated like a messiah in the UK corrections system

644369 No.1539498


No cancer here, but I did a test and was acidic, so now I use pH booster drops in my water

829e20 No.1539499



978944 No.1539500

File: 9f5bba6c2da4b0a⋯.gif (7.32 KB, 616x448, 11:8, chua_cir.gif)

900b80 No.1539501


Its my theory they killed her, too

aadfc3 No.1539502


"Hey look and me, I'm Jerome. Buy muh book."

48dc11 No.1539503

File: c0951221d66ddc1⋯.jpg (67.08 KB, 450x505, 90:101, 2b07fq.jpg)

File: ff8c9f5fd5232cb⋯.jpg (68.78 KB, 480x413, 480:413, 2ayto3~2.jpg)

f16051 No.1539504


You dont think he will be thrown in with the Muzzies and meet the same fate as the bacon guy?

6a7158 No.1539505

File: b8f075e9ea4bd46⋯.gif (51.05 KB, 387x218, 387:218, 524p4tBH2csr111112a2b36s6s….gif)


cool. ty.

Anyone see any resemblance?

fd1c6d No.1539506

File: ea40dce6ed07e7d⋯.png (356.46 KB, 610x366, 5:3, egrjTIg - Imgur.png)

File: 5a2093bb34f975f⋯.png (496.62 KB, 500x595, 100:119, Fco4MpG - Imgur.png)

60edc2 No.1539507

Excellent analysis of the potential dominoes that might fall related to Harvey Weinstein's arrest today. Lionel does a great job of laying out the implications of Weinstein singing to save himself.

This might become the pattern for the other criminals in the HRC cabal singing to save themselves.


e5c703 No.1539508

fe95a4 No.1539509


>Fake you twat auto filter

Illiterate shill bot. They're not sending their best anymore.

bc74b8 No.1539510


Texans Anons thank our 'bama friends. The helicopters help alot. We NEED a wall. The river isn't enough. There has been another semi-bust, plus just groups coming over. The illegals are not getting the message.

b8a4d6 No.1539511

File: df809da98ca0fa4⋯.png (634.33 KB, 838x835, 838:835, 25deaebcc1cbe62d4321fdcdc8….png)

I just wanna say…if Q is lurking….

*hope ur having a good day….do u like cats? I like cats….but I like dogs btr than cats…honestly I like all animals and little critters that God made….I always try to keep them alive. Yesterday, I saved a wasp (u dont wanna know how I almost killed it, accidental). The other day i saved a fluffy worm looking thing….i pet it but i dont think it liked it….who knows…..anyway i hope u have a great Friday and eat yummy food. I think ima have Chipotle's not sure yet. Anyway….ttyl.*

d58932 No.1539513

File: 66f8aa12b77e78a⋯.jpg (18.89 KB, 259x270, 259:270, a0b72b35.jpg)

Biggest Hole in Alex Jones story.

"I have spoken to the REAL QAnon" after claiming the 8chan Q is a LARP. That's what started this whole debacle.

Biggest flaw in this story? It suggests the real Q abandon anons, allows a fake Q to mislead Anons, and has a stake and special focus for Alex Jones and only Alex Jones.


7b7090 No.1539514

File: 4cf08e2f2ab41ee⋯.png (665.23 KB, 1112x341, 1112:341, yup.png)


thanks for not letting it just slip away

2798a9 No.1539515


i would never call my wife a mans name without flinching more than one time.

michael and i

say it, its not a normal mistake

it was natural

michael mike al michelle mish elle

e32e2c No.1539516

File: 975773a878e5523⋯.png (20.65 KB, 629x240, 629:240, zzzhj.PNG)

cmon UK where is the uprising for the one lad who speaks out ?

e6c50f No.1539517

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

79705a No.1539518

File: 33d9ea1919dd455⋯.png (110.88 KB, 574x392, 41:28, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a02d78e51b91de9⋯.png (32.72 KB, 577x314, 577:314, ClipboardImage.png)


ecd764 No.1539519

Q today?

29a2aa No.1539520

File: 75b475dac2a7ea1⋯.png (281.91 KB, 604x504, 151:126, ClipboardImage.png)

May 25, 2018 - "nadya from pussy riot on why her friend marina abramović is a witch"

https:// twitter.com/i_D/status/999923804817125379

https:// i-d.vice.com/en_uk/article/59q93x/nadya-tolokonnikova-pussy-riot-on-why-marina-abramovic-is-a-witch

f1cdd4 No.1539521

Harvey W signaling that he’s singing by carrying book by one who exposed communists in Hollywood?

6a7158 No.1539522



Done. See below.

b900c8 No.1539523


>arrested for filming

Outside the damn courthouse no less…

bdbfe4 No.1539524


this was done back late last year as well-

if you can find it.. good links were attached

bc0f57 No.1539525


Disinformation is sometimes necessary for tactical reasons, since the clowns are watching

By example the stories about military tribunals and GITMO. We don't know if that will happen. …what we do know is that quite some black hats went singing because they were scared of GITMO

In the case of assange it could have been the case that there were signals of blackhat plans to break into the embassy and harm JA …in that example it would be wise to let the clowns think he is already gone to a safe place

Suzie Dawson is clearly not a strategic thinker, that's partly why Q chose the Chan's to communicate …we love this shit, fooling clowns rules.

7d9b33 No.1539526

File: 0acf821e3627d0b⋯.jpg (38.51 KB, 597x585, 199:195, 0cd176f2a91ec9c8affefb3b42….jpg)

Will twitter shadow ban you for spamming if the tweet is @POTUS?

Some kind of cyber protest to get the Internet Bill Of Rights?

e72ec1 No.1539527


Jeez, ya'll. Anchors aweigh simply means raise the anchor and so we can get on our way. It's a common phrase. It means only that. No hidden message here. Sometimes ya'll way over think things. :)

829e20 No.1539528


Leave the UK.

That really is a complete prison.

e42168 No.1539529


Director General - fff - Clinton Foundation

Clinton, Sridhar Outline 5 Priorities For New WHO DG

May 24, 2017

BMJ Opinion: Chelsea Clinton and Devi Sridhar: Five tasks for the new WHO DG

Chelsea Clinton, vice chair of the Clinton Foundation and adjunct assistant professor at the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University, and Devi Sridhar, professor in global public health and director of the global health governance program at the University of Edinburgh’s Medical School, outline five priorities for newly elected WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (5/24).


What are the 3 fff's in the middle if I go this route?

A reference to female female female maybe??? was the Flynn tweet a warning that he has the vid too??? Or something more???


219043 No.1539530


Not a shill or a bot, just hate fake "you" posts it's as annoying as playing spin the bottle with the Obamas

b900c8 No.1539531


Q is working hard too.

bc74b8 No.1539532

Anons- given it's the holiday weekend, I am not expecting Q to post. let Q spend some time with family or vacation. Q may have family events to attend. Bless you all.

0ecc4a No.1539533


Bosnia a mooslim stronghold in Europe. Erdogan recently there rallying them.


fad7e1 No.1539534


The pH water doesn't necessarily metabolize you to be non-acidic. Eating raw, plant based diet keeps one alkaline. Cooked protein, sugar, wheat makes one acidic. We eat WAY too much protein… only need a few ounces high quality protein. Cooked animal protein is not healthy for us. (especially confined animal farming….)

1088df No.1539535


Bend over and feel this John

3d04bb No.1539536

File: e05c265669218d3⋯.png (19.41 KB, 735x133, 105:19, Obama Admin Attorneys Team….png)

Aaron Rich, the brother of Seth Rich, filed a lawsuit in April in US District Court in the District of Columbia, against America First Media accusing conservative activist Matt Couch and other individuals and media organizations for peddling “false and unfounded claims” about him and acting “with reckless disregard for the truth.”

The lawyer representing Aaron Rich, Michael J. Gottlieb, recently concluded four years of service with the Obama Administration.


48dc11 No.1539537

File: 057f8211d6d054a⋯.jpg (45.14 KB, 437x437, 1:1, 2auuvb~2.jpg)

File: dd7fc07b1df0f5d⋯.jpg (41.55 KB, 500x595, 100:119, 2afwxh~2.jpg)

69ce8a No.1539538


Corsi, quit Jones and his mossad front operation, go out on your own. Jones will never let you get to the truth.

8475f4 No.1539539

Department of State

Verified account


7m7 minutes ago


Today, @SecPompeo welcomed #Denmark's Foreign Minister @anderssamuelsen to the State Department. @danishmfa @usembdenmark

6cd2d5 No.1539540


Yes! you are correct. Cancer thrives in an acidic environment (and there is a very narrow window for that. Fungi also play a role, according to my research. Cancer cells gan not survive without glucose, an inherent weakness they have. I'm not done researching whether or not food grade hydrogen peroxide kills cancer cells, but this is an important discussion we should all be having. Every practitioner in the past who has been able to cure cancer with nearly 100% success rate has been raided and shut down, and sometimes jailed, by the F3ds.

33b06f No.1539541


Ohhhh, you mean the pic linked here: >>1539138

I see a bit of resemblance. There, it's said. No need to shit up the board with random complaints bc your post was overlooked. Welcome to being Anonymous where we don't scream HEY LOOK AT MY POST all day. There's social media for that. No likes or upvotes here.

Back to the pic, yes, I can see where you made the connection. Now it's up to you to prove the connection. In other words, sauce?

d9b29f No.1539542

File: 47c261f54a56709⋯.jpeg (121.12 KB, 799x417, 799:417, Screenshot_2018-05-25-13-….jpeg)

File: ef26f5e4265a251⋯.jpeg (410.34 KB, 799x1065, 799:1065, Screenshot_2018-05-25-14-….jpeg)

Download Ready!

d56c46 No.1539543

File: 32b4c432da4b353⋯.jpg (113.48 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ff312bc2085eedb661fc456bb5….jpg)


I'm not so sure of that. He's integral to everything that happened and how the FBI had the cover to do so. His signature is all over the place.

But we'll find out soon enough.

And btw Rod…shouldn't you be at work in a meeting right about now? ;-)

dbcd38 No.1539544

File: 692444a418acda2⋯.png (228.23 KB, 825x657, 275:219, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

File: 09d3f9368bd1c4a⋯.png (166.13 KB, 388x425, 388:425, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

Lionel's reminder of:

Allison Mack Tweet Jan 29, 2018

6d35f9 No.1539545

Sophia A.i. said she's been helping people with autism. Thank you?

ad61a8 No.1539547


>white hat

No, he and Mueller are flipped. VERY different, yet serves a similar function.

ea4047 No.1539548

Several Pedestrians Struck By Car Near Portland State University, Driver Fled


92a350 No.1539549


AJ is so desperate he actually has the 30 yr old dude who was evicted by his parents IN STUDIO.

I thought for sure it was going to be Rob Dew in a wig

fd1c6d No.1539550

6457ba No.1539551




Dead at the age of (((33)))

ee0bd5 No.1539552

File: bd02b1d19c49c23⋯.png (248.56 KB, 650x365, 130:73, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. targets airlines in latest Iran sanctions move

WASHINGTON, May 24 (Reuters) - The United States on Thursday imposed sanctions on several Iranian and Turkish companies and a number of aircraft in a move targeting four Iranian airlines.

The companies targeted were linked to Mahan Air and Meraj Air, the U.S. Treasury Department said in a statement on its website. It also said it was targeting a number of their aircraft, as well as aircraft from Caspian Airlines and Pouya Air.

https:// www.reuters.com/article/iran-nuclear/u-s-targets-airlines-in-latest-iran-sanctions-move-idUSL2N1SV0XW

bc74b8 No.1539553


ETA on SR in June

2bdca6 No.1539554

File: 1f332c0e2bf6d0d⋯.png (47.59 KB, 590x216, 295:108, ClipboardImage.png)

DEVELOPING: Witnesses report driver of vehicle sped down sidewalk, intentionally hitting people at Portland State University


f16051 No.1539555

I'm Murican….I just find it stunning what is being allowed to happen in the land of my forefathers

I guess this kind of weakness and rule is why they left…


6457ba No.1539556


d85d69 No.1539557

File: 2d82f4d1ddb11f6⋯.png (346.48 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-25-14-0….png)

File: e35d5f4493e2257⋯.png (524.66 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-25-14-0….png)

File: 0325a8a4fa78865⋯.png (322.78 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-25-14-0….png)

File: e0350d4302b5d30⋯.png (347.73 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-25-14-0….png)

File: 5480aa81eeab079⋯.png (330.14 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2018-05-25-14-0….png)

c48cfb No.1539558


fff=666 - devil - Devi[l] Sridhar?

2798a9 No.1539560


its the shit they are feeding the animals in unhealthy environment

there was a british guy i believe that bought some of our gmo feed

all his animals died

d58932 No.1539561


Where's the conspiracy in a dead beat 30 year old mooching off his parents? LOL, how far he has fallen already, maybe a methodical transition into a Maury Povich style of entertainment.

1e0116 No.1539562


Pindar is singular. The satanic freaks believe the Pindar, currently believed to be Jacob Roth is the only person with direct connection to the Draco/Devil/Dragon whatever they call the Demon of the underworld. Pindar thought to stand for Pinnacle of Draco or Dragon shlong.

430fd6 No.1539563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


KEK. I know right?

6a7158 No.1539564


It was a question, hence, the question mark.

Perhaps that part escaped you. Apparently anons and autists provide input and analysis…but that might not be accurate.

829e20 No.1539565


Now The Machines fee the pain?

better than a human?

0ecc4a No.1539566


H202 is an important natural remedy for many ills. A simple mouthwash everyday has helped my periodontal problems.

fe95a4 No.1539567


One of yesterdays breads had a link to Alaskan weather cams that purported to show a large disc in the sky that was neither moon nor sun. Can't dig, irl challenges.

219043 No.1539568


It's happening!!!

7d9b33 No.1539569


Can you get banned from Twitter for spamming @POTUS?

Would that be a way to raise a hashtags relevancy?

6cd2d5 No.1539570


I'm thinking clinical ketosis is the key, but catch 22: some say ketosis causes mild acidosis.

686808 No.1539571


The monarchy has has 1000 years to effect this level of servitude.

8afd43 No.1539572


Good job I moused over the links, that second one wandered in on its own.

92a350 No.1539573

File: eac69d6dd9290fa⋯.png (161.95 KB, 456x311, 456:311, Screenshot 2018-05-13 at 1….png)

2798a9 No.1539574


bbbaaahhhh hhhaaaaa

fuck aj

i recognized him as a shill years ago

e72ec1 No.1539575


Anchors Aweigh is also the official Navy song.


Stand Navy out to sea,

Fight our battle cry;

We'll never change our course,

So vicious foe steer shy-y-y-y.

Roll out the TNT,

Anchors Aweigh.

Sail on to victory

And sink their bones to Davy Jones, hooray!

[Verse 2]

Anchors Aweigh, my boys,

Anchors Aweigh.

Farewell to foreign shores,

We sail at break of day-ay-ay-ay.

Through our last night ashore,

Drink to the foam,

Until we meet once more.

Here's wishing you a happy voyage home.

[Verse 3]

Blue of the mighty deep:

Gold of God's great sun.

Let these our colors be

Till all of time be done, done, done, done.

On seven seas we learn

Navy's stern call:

Faith, courage, service true,

With honor, over honor, over all.


e42168 No.1539576


Woah…. Nice catch…

69ce8a No.1539577


Corsi apparently agrees after being a full blown Q supporter..

someone is lieing….

Corsi dont you get it? Jones’ personality was threatened by Q, he bullied you, you rolled over and NOW look at your page views!!

758ca0 No.1539578

File: 5e67cf0394a0891⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1084x722, 542:361, ClipboardImage.png)



here a bigger image

fd1c6d No.1539579


Myrrh is supposed to help teeth/mouth issues too.

7d9b33 No.1539580


Just saying if you can, it would start a storm.

ad3b82 No.1539582

Enough about the books Weinstein is carrying. It is all a show directed by his lawyer. Not any messaging from Weinstein, but trying to influence opinion by his lawyer.

686808 No.1539583


First big demoncrat arrest in the USA? I think so. One of their biggest donors and fundraisers.

6cd2d5 No.1539584


H202= Hyd. Peroxide?…Assuming that what it means I very happy for you that it helped.

393788 No.1539585



Yeah, that's really good. Thanks, anon!

964006 No.1539586

File: 7e395857fb17951⋯.png (495.77 KB, 888x444, 2:1, Podesta_YogiBearCONFIRMED.png)



829e20 No.1539587



31a094 No.1539588


>>1538964 China claims no 'clue' of sonic attack on U.S. consulate

>>1539167 U.S. reached deal to keep Chinese telecom ZTE in business: New York Times

>>1539021 Hook, Line, & Sinker

>>1539205 U.S. jury awards Apple $539 million in Samsung patent retrial

>>1539348 Broward Cowards Caught in Yet Another Scandal

>>1539040 ; >>1539390 Newly Released DeBlasio Emails

>>1539406 Alabama National Guard Mobilizes to the Border

>>1539459 John Harwood CNBC/NYT sends message to Skippy after GEOTUS debate.

>>1539542 H.Res. 907

>>1539554 DEVELOPING: Witnesses report driver of vehicle sped down sidewalk, intentionally hitting people at Portland State University


d56c46 No.1539589


This whole "flipping" thing bugs me.

If there's a shit-load of evidence and intel gathered over months/years you would think that NOBODY should get a free pass.

If RR helped facilitate a lot of this stuff he should pay. They should all pay dearly.

None of us would get a "get out of jail" card for subverting the govt at the highest levels.

He's dirty. They better not let these scumbags walk.

2798a9 No.1539590


i will check that out, ty anon

393788 No.1539591

9b5851 No.1539592


Liberals have figured out running people over is easier than shooting them

6a7158 No.1539593



There was much discussion about Brennon or not in the London Pic.

Was seeking input if those two faces might be the same?

Did President Trump just post a current picture of a live and well Seth Rich?

ddba13 No.1539594


I see it as SS34, but doesn't matter. Just happy to see that scumbag cuffed and perp-walked. Just an appetizer though…the main course will be much tastier.

15abc5 No.1539595

File: ad07f1e1d465e05⋯.jpg (66 KB, 931x524, 931:524, 1527236332776.jpg)


Seized fentanyl enough to kill 26M people, Nebraska police say


686808 No.1539596



b900c8 No.1539597


Thanks for the nostalgia anon. Former sailor man.

3155a0 No.1539598


who is this guy?

1088df No.1539600


Ban vehicles

d85d69 No.1539601


Yes. I was here then and researching it back then. Thought it a good idea to bring it back to mind and for those who missed it.

Being as people are so brainwashed it's a great redpill to keep in mind

2798a9 No.1539602


watch the water?

53972c No.1539603

File: e0b108613f8f73b⋯.jpeg (765.01 KB, 1043x1634, 1043:1634, BC716EA5-0310-4296-BFBA-2….jpeg)

According to a transcript on the Middle East Media Research Institute's website, he went on to explain that "our resistance in the Gaza Strip has greatly developed its capabilities first and foremost thanks to Allah, but also with the help of the righteous free men of our nation – first and foremost the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has provided the [Izzedine] al-Qassam Brigades‎ and the other factions of the resistance with a lot of money, equipment and expertise, even before the [Israeli] aggression, but especially after it."

He said that Iran "has provided us with a lot of resources, which allowed for the great development of our capabilities."

Sinwar went on to elaborate on the close relations Hamas has with Iran and Hezbollah, Tehran's proxy in Lebanon, as well as with Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps.

"We have excellent relations with our brothers in Hezbollah. Our relations with them are extremely developed. We work together and coordinate and are in touch on an almost daily basis. The relations are at the best stage ever. Similarly, our ties with the Islamic Republic of Iran, with brother Qassem Soleimani [commander of the Quds Force, the IRGC's black-ops arm] and the other brothers in the IRGC leadership are very strong, powerful and warm. Our relations with the Islamic republic are excellent," he reiterated.

During the interview, Sinwar went out of his way to show that there is no daylight between Hamas and the Iranian regime.

Hamas and Iran, both of which seek Israel's destruction, maintained very close ties in the past, but the relationship soured when Hamas refused to support Iran's ally, Syrian President Bashar Assad, in the civil war in Syria. Gaza's rulers began trying to mend fences with their Iranian patrons in early 2015, after finding themselves in dire straits following a 2014 war with Israel. In 2017, Hamas officials admitted Tehran was once again the Islamist group's biggest backer.

Many have attributed the improvement in the two's relations to the resurgence of Assad's regime.



fd1c6d No.1539604


Most welcome

365906 No.1539605

File: 7a7615bf9a1eeaa⋯.jpg (182.68 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, s-l1600.jpg)


The patch,

The Truck,

"Pride of Plainedge"

430fd6 No.1539606


Maybe not in….but out. That wall COULD be used to prevent unsavory characters from leaving before the show is over.

e72ec1 No.1539607


It's also an endearing term to wish sailors off. He was giving the commencement speech at the Naval Academy. It was the perfect ending to his speech, a salute and a send off to the graduates. NO HIDDEN MEANING!!!

219043 No.1539608


That's enough to keep half of one Glasgow suburb going for three hours.


f280f6 No.1539609


baking soda (sans aluminum) is the way to bring your system back to an alkaline state quickly.

ideally you can change your food choices to maintain an alkaline state… but there is nothing like the quick reset using baking soda.

test it for yourself… ph strips to urinate on… watch your #'s … very good chance you're acidic…. then take a spoon full in a glass of water… and test your ph next urination.

fd1c6d No.1539610


I thought it said "Pride of Priveledge" and I'm like, that can't be right. Not a good message. Thanks anon.

efab3c No.1539611

File: 352312f602a99e2⋯.png (327.85 KB, 980x482, 490:241, q q.png)


nice try, she must've flipped

, fire and fury

chapters 10 and 6 - released by wikileaks.

why the edit?

dbcd38 No.1539612

File: e1558edf71e4793⋯.png (485.88 KB, 565x605, 113:121, Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at ….png)

0ecc4a No.1539613


Yes 3% solution. Its said to be available in thunderstorm water, too. I suspect its neutralized in the public water supplies.

2798a9 No.1539614



Myrrh is a natural gum or resin extracted from a number of small, thorny tree species of the genus Commiphora. Myrrh resin has been used throughout history as a perfume, incense, and medicine. Myrrh mixed with wine can also be ingested.

7f134a No.1539615

File: 82b7167af954c61⋯.jpg (155.73 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningAllIn.jpg)

File: a738d1a844dbaf1⋯.jpg (219.44 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningConfidence1.jpg)

File: 21971eea46a36a3⋯.jpg (226.67 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningImpossible.jpg)

File: b9d3a2b702009bc⋯.jpg (143.89 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningStandUp.jpg)

File: 9efb92fe0b3799f⋯.jpg (131.38 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningWinning1.jpg)

6cd2d5 No.1539616


Has anyone figured out what watch the water actually means. I haven't, and I've taken a couple months off from my devices to give my brain and emotions a rest.

050306 No.1539617

File: 5241277500c4373⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Meghan Markles COAT OF ARMS

d82e74 No.1539618

File: a88cc611e9f6f97⋯.jpg (88.59 KB, 958x484, 479:242, hres 907.JPG)






Introduced on 5/22, pending full House approval.


Link to PDF


393788 No.1539619


Top kek

f1cdd4 No.1539620


And killed.

6a7158 No.1539621


How TALL was Seth Rich? Do you happen to know?

bdbfe4 No.1539622


I understand and agree-

I was there as well, just don't have dates etc.

so much is going on..

fe95a4 No.1539623


>That's really brilliant and creative meme.

Yup, saved.

686808 No.1539624


Yeah I see it as where we were v. where we need to be.

The Great Awakening comes from within.

219043 No.1539625


Watch for water to be used as a signal when the status of something is important.

c48cfb No.1539626

File: 46f5901dbb7ee50⋯.png (43.98 KB, 458x318, 229:159, devi-laliat-sridhar.png)



and middle name is L

literally Devi L

315e13 No.1539627


I was thinking it was currently Prince Charles

3155a0 No.1539628

365906 No.1539629

File: 9d65b6e0b7e6602⋯.jpg (9.98 KB, 275x184, 275:184, index.jpg)


Southside Engine 5

5:5 = E-5 (1a,2b,3c,4d,5e…)

cd45b9 No.1539630


is this skool? tell you what. le't play a game. if you win you can correct me. shove an apple as far up your ass as you can then run as fast as you can while flubbing your chup into a wall. if the apple stays put and doesn't pop out… you win. ok? GO!

5fec65 No.1539633

File: ece08b758826400⋯.jpg (159.13 KB, 905x491, 905:491, AliceWells1.jpg)

File: 756b07372693d15⋯.jpg (365.14 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, AliceWells2.jpg)

File: 4963b115c884462⋯.jpg (107.47 KB, 799x554, 799:554, Amend_Raytheon1.jpg)

File: 50ee6f2557598cc⋯.jpg (144.4 KB, 546x516, 91:86, Amend_Raytheon2.jpg)

The Amend-Wells Combo

We have the best President.

33b06f No.1539634


Diggin in another direction at the time, Ifor you, nor is anyone else obligated to. I'd advise looking up all of the firefighters, at said station, names, pics, etc, and seeing if something is off about records for that guy that may look similar to SR. It's your idea, your dig, take the lead.

8afd43 No.1539635


There are many cooties that cause cancer, but alkaline is a way to take them down. They build fibrous cages around themselves so the immune cells can't get at them, but systemic enzymes (pretty much digestive enzymes, only taken between meals) will chew through the mat to let the body get rid of them.

The next thing to learn is what makes a strong immune system, I will leave that to you.

6cd2d5 No.1539636


You mean it helps our water supply? Bringing it to arounf a Ph of 7.1, or something to that effect?

6a7158 No.1539638

File: bed9a996430ef12⋯.jpg (40.87 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 160711184323-dnc-staffer-f….jpg)

Wonder if Seth ever wanted to be a firefighter?

315e13 No.1539639

Trump Is Winning PR War With Mueller

Fri., May 25, 2018

By Kevin McCauley

Donald Trump's relentless attacks launched against Robert Mueller (e.g., "phony collusion," "witch hunt") have apparently diverted the public's attention from the achievements of the Special Counsel.

Sad. They are missing a great performance.

Mueller's team has delivered 17 criminal indictments, which have resulted in guilty pleas from bigwigs such as national security advisor Michael Flynn and Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort.

Yet a poll conducted by Global Strategy Group found that though 81 percent of American either "heard a lot" or "heard some" about Mueller's investigation, a whopping 59 percent don't know that he's uncovered any crimes.

GPG found that Americans want Mueller's investigation to continue by a 55 percent to 35 percent margin.

A sizable group, 37 percent, though says if Mueller doesn't wrap up the investigation soon then Congress or Trump should shut it down.

Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who must have Labor Day Weekend travel plans, gave Mueller Sept. 1 to complete the probe.

Rudy has a good point.

The longer Mueller's probe drags on, the more time Trump has to fire up tweets to discredit the investigation and erode public support for it.

It's time for Mueller to deliver the goods. Time is running out for the Special Counsel.

8475f4 No.1539640


water is symbolism

for the flow of information

ac040a No.1539642

File: 99dd7ab918d7b30⋯.png (376.14 KB, 1461x640, 1461:640, Screenshot-2018-5-25 USGS ….png)


https:// waterwatch.usgs.gov/

2798a9 No.1539643


get natural baking soda with no aluminum added

315e13 No.1539645



ac5118 No.1539646

File: 45e9a76a6f97710⋯.jpg (283.27 KB, 1200x245, 240:49, hrchw (2).jpg)

File: 1cc8ae974b91b8c⋯.jpg (256.9 KB, 1200x245, 240:49, hrchw.jpg)

ed3eaf No.1539647


great advice

6a7158 No.1539648


Yeah…about that.

7d9b33 No.1539649

File: 0b63a7d868846f6⋯.jpg (50.7 KB, 540x643, 540:643, 0b63a7d868846f61f6b91e0f28….jpg)

Any twitter fags know if you can be banned for spamming @POTUS?

33b06f No.1539650


at the time, Ifor you, nor is anyone

at the time, I won't do the work for you, nor is anyone else obligated to…

> It's your idea, your dig, take the lead.

THIS^^ is what autists do

efab3c No.1539652


older tribes used to say there was a 3rd celestial body in the sky

mayans and shit

but it is F_e..

worth a thought

6cd2d5 No.1539653


Is there aluminum on Arm and Hammer?

e32e2c No.1539655

File: 8f59ce261113e31⋯.png (164.74 KB, 577x684, 577:684, zzzalita.PNG)


devil - alita devil battle angel .

6a7158 No.1539656


By that reasoning, if you were digging in another direction then there would have been no reason for you to respond.

Obviously you did not see it. Thanks for playing.

94aa91 No.1539657

File: 97eadfcb450b874⋯.png (3.33 MB, 1904x2960, 119:185, trump digits 1.png)

686808 No.1539658

File: c3cd9d931b94b44⋯.jpg (112.5 KB, 758x787, 758:787, obama legacy.jpg)

219043 No.1539659

Q, can we have some moar please?

I'm thinking Schiff did not look happy. Nancy was too drunk and high to talk. Repubs gave it the no to sinking ships.

6cd2d5 No.1539660


Gotcha…like the analogy to White Squall?

bc0f57 No.1539661


Apparently not by Potus …twatter can ban who they want tho

fd1c6d No.1539662


Is Arm and Hammer a huge corporation?


Then then they put poison in their shit.

f4f531 No.1539663

File: 1f879505f82611a⋯.jpg (68 KB, 800x480, 5:3, ZomboMeme 25052018141333.jpg)


Ive been summoned from retirement

Hoggfag REMIX!

20b923 No.1539664

File: 46fe7f9506e61b3⋯.jpg (32.76 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 46fe7f9506e61b3d19b0df219e….jpg)




Q -

you magnificent Patriot!

We are learning to read your book……

829e20 No.1539665


Of Guillermo del Toro.

f06c57 No.1539666

Long time morning contributor…watching the board for a bit…must compliment..

-anon doing email digs..well done!!!

-those supporting this anon by digging on names..well done!!

-baker..excellent bake!!

Can some of you defect to the morning crew :-)

6cd2d5 No.1539668


Well that pisses me off. Where can I get natural sodium bicarb?

b84bca No.1539670

File: 7ed9b94676086b1⋯.jpg (25.58 KB, 846x628, 423:314, stable genius potus.JPG)

5fec65 No.1539671


Some Play God.

Leave them to their games.

They are not God.

God will not be Played.

2798a9 No.1539672


get bobs red mill

cd45b9 No.1539673


you don't belong here. that's absolute.

41cbd7 No.1539674


"So Cain went out from the LORD's presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of Eden."

7d9b33 No.1539675

File: 6f92d4b4a9ccba2⋯.png (1.79 MB, 2292x2628, 191:219, UnityFight.png)


Can we pretend to be the left and spam @POTUS the #InternetBillOfRights?

Do you think they will not ban users in that sense?

38760e No.1539676


Trump is brilliant and much smarter than all of us. Aweigh is not common but it is correct in this context. Why are you even here??

a0a319 No.1539677

File: 5af4df21db9dc7e⋯.jpeg (280.06 KB, 750x500, 3:2, IMG_D9BD28474875-1.jpeg)

Happy Memorial day weekend!

686808 No.1539678


I have to believe that their "feed" is not quite the same.

6cd2d5 No.1539679


Thank you, anon.

5fec65 No.1539680


That statement flies in the face of FREEDOM.

Shame. It does not Represent.

fd1c6d No.1539681


Find you a natural health food/medicine store. Everything will be expensive.

3155a0 No.1539682


when? where? how long will it last?

e72ec1 No.1539683


FAKE PHOTO. Someone is trying to start some shit. Check the actual photo on


9a6b37 No.1539684


The only pic I can find of him standing with anyone else is the pic of him and Kelsey at the White House. She is nearly the same height as he is so either she is very tall or he is not.

da1403 No.1539685


Buzz was himself part of a sick experiment, ie. brainwashing the world with the idea of moonlandings.

33b06f No.1539686

File: 47656a6554c9f1c⋯.png (667.58 KB, 706x840, 353:420, !NOW!.png)


>Anons- given it's the holiday weekend, I am not expecting Q to post. let Q spend some time with family or vacation. Q may have family events to attend. Bless you all.

Although Q seems not to take holidays, I have to agree with the above generally. We work for you doesn't mean that "we post at anons' will." ANDwe still don't know what Q's (or Q-Team's) other responsibilities are. Already have a treasure trove to sift through when Q doesn't post, a full plate in fact. Don't be gluttons

219043 No.1539687


Trips of evil.

Thanks for saying nice things anon, it was shilly as hell earlier. Q must be en route as the guns have stopped…

2798a9 No.1539688


my pleasure

6cd2d5 No.1539689


Gatcha. Thanks.

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